#Neo Chaos Sonic
lilmysshadowxion · 4 months
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Bow before your new goddess.
Neo Chaos Sonic demands you to repent for your crimes against him.
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phantom-fleetways · 4 months
Since so many of you guys ADORED this design of Neo Chaos Sonic, I made more stuff for him!
I hath decided that they have a sorta... Complex relationship with Nine.
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And I already sort of knew what vibe I wanted for her powers. Idk if I'm going to make a proper AU for this design. I really just did it cuz I wanted to see Chaos Sonic having a Neo form. Also here's a Super design I half promised in the tags of that post.
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nerospaceart · 10 months
I know we'll never get Neo Chaos Sonic but here it is my take on his desing
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9474s0ul · 6 months
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Hello hi it’s been a while.
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rechicken-and-waffles · 5 months
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Select a Story 💙❤️🩷💚🖤
Happy 20th Anniversary Sonic Heroes!!!
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iasminomarata · 4 months
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sonic and friends! this is everybody that i drew in 2023 -- let's go for even more in 2024 💙
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ratrrriot · 1 year
Neo team rose designs!
because i can't stop thinking about the roadtrip Amy mentioned in Frontiers!!
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Do i have a whole storyline for a non-existing Amy game in my head? yes. Do i know what to do with it? nope. Maybe an AU? idk,At the moment i'm working on some fake “screenshots” for fun (? (they do not pass as screenshots at all but i wouldn't know what to call them) so at least there's that.
also here's the first drawing i did of these designs ,not too proud of it but i'm sharing it anyways!
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jorgogo · 9 months
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pyrabluearts · 1 month
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Neo Metal Sonic Omochao!
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Robot gender europhia yipeeeeee
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terrific-twist · 9 months
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I'm telling you, crack ships are my fav
Also shitpost ig
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phantom-fleetways · 2 months
I loved your neo chaos sonic au
If it's okay to ask could you tell us more about it👀👀
Oh! Of course!
Frankly I haven't done much world building for it, since I have other AUs who are utter attention whores and life just LOVES to make me unable to draw for some stupid reason or another. But I do have some simple concepts I would love to share! If you feel like you can bare my aimless rambling, feel free to read the rest under the cut.
First off, setting. Generally speaking, Neo Chaos Sonic's timeline takes place after the events of Season 2's finale and the early portion of season 3's episode one.
But instead of Building Alpha Grim Sonic after a lot of dilly dallying on Nine's part, he decides to fight fire with fire. (And maybe he's a little scared of being alone, although he would never admit it.)
So he rebuilds Chaos Sonic instead. And to insure that he'll be able to beat Sonic, Nine decided to give him untethered access to the Paradox Prism.
This of course leads to Chaos Sonic deeming his normal build being to... Easy to deal with. And he is allowed a modicum of freewill by Nine. So who is he if he does not ascend to godhood to ensure the plan's execution? It's gonna be a temporary upgrade. And Nine did give him full access to the Paradox Prism.
Leading to this beautiful outcome!
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It's a MAJOR upgrade. And it comes with a hip skirt! And who is she to go against a hip skirt?
After choosing a new form of befitting of his newly born Goddess status, NCS decides to make the Grim their perfect little paradise. Their powers are simple, as she is all powerful but not all knowing or anything.
NCS can change their appearance however she sees fit. Although due to his vanity, he mostly stays hedgehog robot shaped. And generally before war is brought to her doorstep, she just stands about as tall as NMS would. So they definitely Tower over Sonic and Nine easily. They also can pool liquid metal off of them and when the liquid metal touches the ground, they become Grim Sonic Troopers. All of which seem to reflect different small aspects of her personality. Also she has glitter beams and shit. He's a magical girl, they gotta have their glitter attacks.
After a while of their new arrangement, NCS stops referring to Nine as either "Best bud" or "Sir". And starts calling him Martyr or Prophet. Treating Nine as a prized possession and less like a friend or even someone they wish to protect and keep happy.
Nine isn't initially concerned about this though. Since he's certain that they are still loyal to him. Which is true, he is. But ultimately that loyalty does not outweigh her natural selfishness.
I believe that inevitably, there will come to pass a point where Neo Chaos Sonic decides to "sacrifice" Nine to herself. If only to make Sonic run a fool's errand. If you know ANYTHING about the ending of KH3 and the whole "Save the 7" segment with Riku? Like that. (For those who don't know, imagine Nine floating above an altar of some sort with his body partially transparent blue.)
I don't really know if Sonic and Co from prime would succeed, since I really just designed Neo Chaos Sonic for the sake of designing him. But I would say that in order to take down Neo, Sonic would need to brace the abyss™️ to find Shadow's missing Chaos Emerald. Since I'm a wedger a bet that Shadow would be logically able to use Chaos Control in the prism that Neo Chaos is using to power themselves. Buuut in order to do that, Shadow would have to get close enough.
There is the possiblity that allowing Sonic to shatter himself would fix everything too. But ultimately I have no clue cuz I just haven't thought far yet.
Overall, the AU is very shallow at the moment. And seeing as I have other far more complex AUs I'm working on, it might be this way for a while. So, I'm sorry about that! But I did enjoy rambling a bit, albeit a bit aimlessly.
I just really love this design and I really love how pretty they came out! Neo Chaos Sonic is a treat of a concept to me, since I adore Neo Metal Sonic. Favorite flavor of Mets to be honest. And I figured a Neo form for Chaos Sonic would do them good!
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pastry3 · 9 months
robotnik prism + nine
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viliantropy-art · 8 months
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Unnecessarily Complex Fit
Cringetober 2023
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bugcitrus · 10 months
If I had a nickel for every time a Metal Sonic kicked Sonic and Kunckles ass then they got saved by someone else I'd have 2 nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's weird it happend twice.
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blahpanblah · 2 months
Y’know, I haven’t seen anyone try to make this connection, or at least a bullshit enough of a headcannon for people to forever think it is cannon.
But Metal Sonic and Chaos Sonic could make a nice reverse of each other or some sort of bizarro type as well.
I don’t know, there’s Metal who seems like more of an introverted, metal, goth. While Chaos is more of an Extroverted, pop, pastel goth. One keeps the feelings to themselves while the other puts their feelings on their sleeve, proudly.
I’d like to think if they ever interacted with each other Chaos would just be himself in the most annoying way possible, while Metal is silently thinking of ways to kill him.
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