#okay actually there was that jacobs guy for two issues but out of the main writers Chuck dixon clears them so easily
katmaatui · 1 month
How is Chuck fucking Dixon the best and least racist writer on guy Gardner warrior
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inafieldofdaisies · 8 months
3, 6, 17, 18 for john and sabrina?
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Questions from this post.
3. Jealousy issues? From the two, John is the one that deals with jealousy more (a reason why he looks at Calahan weird, when he should be more worried about Leslie as competition and his feelings, if we're being honest), Sabrina isn't really about holding onto the past and who he has dated, etc. He could go as far as name dropping a person and she'd look at him and go: "Okay, and your point?" then crack a joke about him sinnin'.
Between her main wip and the au, I'd say AU Sabrina is more jealous, but even then it's not something extreme.
6. Double Date? Thoughts? Who?
Doable, but very prone to end in chaos:
Mercedes and Jacob: While the girls would absolutely get along, the Seeds would probably be delivering a dose of awkwardness. I feel like John would keep saying the wrong thing while Jacob just side eyes him and grunts out a response when it gets absolutely necessary to do so. Mer would roast the shit out of John, for sure, she kind of thrives on making people uncomfortable for kicks. Sabrina would try her hardest to stop the double date from ending in disaster.
Cal and Mary May: John would be on the verge of either getting killed or killing one or both of them, while Sabrina is regretting her choices. 😂The other ships aren't much better as option, either.
17. Morning rituals? Those two definitely compete in who would wake up first; snuggles until it's time for them to get up and start their day, coffee on his bedroom balcony (esp when it's chilly but not too cold, Sabrina loves the fresh air early in the mornings), breakfast (he's attempted to make it one time and it ended in disaster).
AU: if he's out of town or not sleeping over at her place, he'd call her so they can have a few minutes to themselves before going to work, otherwise they have a regular morning together, end up dropping Savannah at school before Sabrina heads to work and he sets on dealing with stuff regarding the impending trial.
18. Evening rituals?
Making dinner (John would mostly help around, making her and Savannah laugh), hanging by the fireplace (while Sabrina shoots daggers at Joseph’s portrait… one day she’d get actual darts and throw them, or straight up use her throwing knives and watch for his reaction) or outside while Sabrina plays her guitar, shower (with John butting in everytime, “We’re saving water, Deputy” -> “I though you were rich, Jonathan.”).
In the AU, she’d also probably force him to watch a TV show and he’d complain how she keeps guessing the bad guys (“You must have seen it before, Detective.”), dining out whenever they could.
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giuls233 · 2 years
okay, so I saw you give someone relationship advice on your page, so I figured this was worth a shot. I like this guy and everyone of my friends thinks he likes me and that we should just get together or something, but I can’t figure out how. I have 2 issues:
1- if things don’t work out, he sits next to me in most classes
2- I’m worried he might just like me cause I look a lot like his ex gf but me and her have totally different personalities and me and him or friends so he has to know that…right?
so yeah, any ideas on what I should actually do? I don’t normally see him when there isn’t a crowd nearby, so it’d be hard to get him alone too
Alrighty anon, I’ll try my best to help you here.
For your first issue; yeah, that’s a tricky one. Don’t wanna be stuck in awkward situations. But I think that this is just going to be unavoidable if things do go south, and it depends on if you’re willing to still take a chance and accept the awkwardness that can follow.
I had this creepy dude in my math class I sat next to who I rejected, and it was kinda awkward, but didn’t feel like the end of the world. However, we weren’t friends beforehand, so that might make things more complicated in your case. But again, I think that’s just something that can be a risk and we just gotta get through it.
For your second issue; yeeesh, that’s a tricky one. I think the best thing we can do here is try and see what he likes about you that has your friends convinced that he does have a crush on you. For example, let’s say you’re really funny but his ex wasn’t (not trying to be rude), but this man always laughs at your jokes and is all like “dang, you’re funny!!” And shows his interest in your sense of humor, then obviously that’s all you baby💅💗
Or, you’re passionate about something and he shows  admiration to that, then that’s still something specific about you, so it can’t be related to is ex.
If all he shows interest in is your looks, then one: he ain’t it bud. And two: he probs likes you cause of his ex.
Which yeah, bummer, but also good to know since in my opinion, I would recommend to not pursue the man.
Have you ever read ‘Miss peregrines home for peculiar children?’ Well, the main dude, Jacob, looks just like his dead grandpa, and this chick from “the past” had a thing with him back in the day, but now she fell in love with Jacob, even though he acts completely different than his granddad (which is also emphasized). Thus, shows us readers that she’s in it for his ✨personality✨
Anyway, if you think he’s into you for you, then I say just take the chance!!
Maybe exchange numbers if you can, so you can talk in private or meet up with each other just one on one. You can even make it a subtle hangout and talk to him about this there, or teat it like a “lil date”.
Am I a relationship guru? No, but maybe my ideas will help you clear your head and think of something better.
Or who knows, maybe my advice actually sounds good!!
And just a side note: from what I’m hearing (or “reading”), I think he’s into you without the influence of his ex. Like you said, your friends with him, so he should know you pretty well.
I wish you luck bud, and keep me updated if you want :D)💗🍀🍀🍀
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prettytoxicrevolver · 4 years
Bless The Broken Road | Woodland Demars
Warnings? broken past, mentions of abusive ex, mentions of a hospital trip, little bit of angst 
Requested? Yes indeed! I’m sorry it took so long! 
Summary: You had been set out on a narrow path to hopefully find your one true love for years now. However, after an ex makes it so you don’t want to live in your hometown anymore, you move to LA where you meet Woods. And he helps you pick up the pieces. 
Word Count: 2,078
“Are you ready to go?” Woods asks and you look over your outfit once more. He comes up behind you in the mirror and wraps his arms around your waist. You smile and lean your head against his. 
“You look, marvelous darling,” he says and your smile widens. “Are you nervous?” 
“Very, but it’s gonna be fine.” 
“They’re gonna love you.” 
Today you were meeting the rest of Woods' coworkers and awaiting a big surprise from him. You had met most of the Hi5 crew previously through visits to the studio and hangouts with them and Woods, but not everyone. Woods wanted to take this party as an opportunity for you to meet his work family. Naturally, you were scared they wouldn’t like you all that much. 
You had met Woods three years ago when you moved to LA. Sam was actually your childhood best friend and she had been talking about LA and Hi5 for ages now. She knew about your situation back home and offered for you to move in with her. After settling in a bit, you two met one night when she and a few more Hi5 people were hanging out at the apartment. 
You had just gotten home from a shift at the library you were working at at the time and honestly you were exhausted. You found Woods sitting in your living room at home and instantly became a little worried. 
“Hi!” He greeted and when you still gave him a confused look he remembered that he’s the stranger in your home and not the other way around. 
“Oh yeah! I’m Woods. I'm one of Sam’s friends from work,” he continued before standing and walking over to shake your hand. 
“I’m (y/n),” you said and he awkwardly smiled and walked back over to the couch. 
You were intrigued by him from the start but you never really knew why. That night you said a couple of more words towards the older boy but your past kept up with you and you couldn’t do much to keep the thoughts away. 
One of the main reasons you moved from home was to escape your past. Everything that happened there felt like it lurked around every corner and being surrounded by that constantly did a number on you every day. When you moved, as cheesy as it was, everything was new and it helped. 
Back home you went through a series of rough breakups and tough family problems that eventually would take a toll on you. The worst was Jacob. 
You two were madly in love for months. You spent every second possible with Jacob and thought he loved you just as much in return. Until things started changing. He'd make comments on your weight, ask you to change clothes if he didn't like the outfit, keep you away from friends. The list went on and on and on.
You tried to convince yourself that he did it out of love. That he wanted what was best for you but you couldn't see the issue. However, one night you came home from work a little late after consoling a friend and Jacob snapped.
You fought for what felt like hours, Jacob accused you of cheating and plotting against him. You stepped towards him and with one shove you were sent tumbling along with a glass vase that would end up slicing your hands and the side of your face so deep you had to go to the hospital. Jacob was left behind from that day on.
While the physical wounds healed in a couple of weeks, to this day you were still recovering emotionally. You stayed in your hometown for as long as you could bear but it quickly became too much. You knew that moving was the right choice and it had been for a long time now.
Moving to LA would eventually help you start to refocus on yourself and get back on track as you healed. Therapy, your new friends, and a new job all helped tremendously with that. Woods was a blessing through it all. 
After that first night, Woods was around a lot more. He’d come to visit Sam or you’d seen him for a friends night out. You tried to talk to him for a bit but it never worked as your anxiety often got the best of you, until one night after your shift at work.
You loved your job at the library but after this shift you had spent the day dealing with a couple of frustrating parents, getting snapped at by your boss for not getting all of your work done, and overall frustration at the mistreatment of beautiful novels.
Woods was sitting just where you found him the night you met when you walked into the apartment. At this time, you had become comfortable enough to collapse onto the couch near him and relax until you got enough motivation to get up and change.
“You okay?” He asked when you looked like you practically could cry the minute you sat down. 
“Yes,” you responded instantly, as your instincts told you too. However, a steady stream of tears betrayed your words and made their way down your cheeks.
“Okay no. I’m sorry,” you apologize. You’ve always hated other people seeing you cry even when it was your family. It was something built into you and while it certainly wasn’t your best trait you couldn’t help it.
As more tears rolled down your face you tried to frantically wipe them away as you apologized through a thick voice.
“It’s okay,” He said coming over and taking your hands from your face. You’re shocked by the action and everything in you ceases for a moment.
“Bad day at work?” He asked slowly letting go of your hands and you find yourself wishing he didn’t.
“Yes, very. I’m sorry it was all just building up and so many things went wrong today and I-” 
“(y/n) it’s okay,” he reassures you once more before placing his hand over yours and rubbing circles on the back of your thumb. 
You both sat up talking for a while, you explained the events of what felt like a nightmare day from the worst of your imagination and he told you about his day and how it actually wasn’t too bad. The conversation developed and before you knew it you were both just talking. Talking about nothing and everything and about if aliens are real and why the sky is blue and where we came from and why we are the person we are today. 
It was the best conversation you had had in a while. 
Every time after Woods would come to the house, you and he would end up in a long conversation. It was always easy going and started off about something and you never know where or how you got to the next topic but you did and it just flowed. 
And one day, he ended up asking you out. You were beyond nervous at first, expecting things to change or to even end up like things between you and Jacob had but it was the same just in fancier clothes and with food. Everything with Woods was easy. He made you feel free and easy. He was safe and comfortable. 
He was there when you still fought with nightmares about Jacob and those insecurities. 
You had decided to spend the night at Woods house as you had stayed much later than you expected and he didn’t want you driving so late at night alone. You woke up in a cold sweat from a horrendous nightmare about Jacob finding you here in LA and ruining the happiness you found. 
You rose from Woods bed and carefully tiptoed out into the kitchen to grab something to drink before settling into the familiar couch cushions. Your eyes wandered around the room to try and focus on something else instead of the nightmare but you couldn’t help it. 
“(y/n)?” Woods called quietly as he entered the living room and you looked up to him standing in the doorway. You smiled at him half-heartedly and he met you on the couch, wrapping you up in his arm instantly. 
“What’s wrong my darling?” 
“Just a bad nightmare is all,” You insisted but he only half-believed you. 
“Like a Jacob nightmare?” He asked. One of the nights you spent talking, you had told him the reason, the real reason, why you moved here. He had been a light through it all. 
You nodded and he pulled you even closer till you were sitting in his lap. He reached a hand up to push your hair back behind your ears before leaning and pressing a kiss to your nose and then one to your lips. When he leaned back to look at you he searched your eyes for some kind of answer. 
“I just wish I was able to give that time to you my dear,” You admit and he smiles that smile that reminds you that he already knew that. He knows you inside and out and that everything is okay. 
“I know. But we’re here now and that’s all that matters.” 
You look across the car at that man now, the one who loved all of your broken pieces till you picked them back up and you’re thankful. You take his hand in yours and press a kiss to the back of it and Woods smiles widely at you. 
“We’re here,” he announces when we pull into the studio parking lot. He turns off the car and runs around to open your door and extends a hand to you. 
You take it and together the two of you walk into the warehouse together where everyone is waiting. With Woods by your side, you quickly realize your nerves have fallen away. At the end of the day, all that matters was you and him. 
After making your rounds and meeting everyone in the studio you hadn’t met before, you take your seats as Domarina begins to speak. Woods takes your hand in his underneath the table and squeezes it lightly, a silent communication between the two of you. 
“And now our very own Woodland Demars has a few words he wants to say,” she says and gestures to your boyfriend. You look over to him as he stands and offers you a wink in which you give him a confused smile. 
“Hey guys, as you know my lovely girlfriend (y/n) has joined us tonight,” he says pointing to you and you wave shyly.  “And I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to talk about her for a bit so darling can you come here?” 
You make your way up to the makeshift stage with suspicion running through your mind. Woods is practically beaming at you when you reach him and he takes your hand and faces you as he continues talking. 
“(y/n) always likes to say that I am her true love and over the course of every long lost dream, and broken heart, it was a northern star pointing to me,” he continues practically reciting the two of yours song God Bless The Broken Road by Rascall Flatts. 
“And while the road to finding each other hasn’t been easy, I thank God every day for blessing it because I found you, my love,” he says now talking directly to you. 
At this point he’s let go of your hand and he reaches into his pocket and your mind is going a million miles an hour. You freeze as he slowly moves so he’s kneeling down in front of you and you’re rendered speechless as he keeps talking. 
“You’re the light of my life and I’m so thankful that I met you on this broken road. And I want you here for the rest of my life. I love you so much and I want to ask if you would do me the honor of marrying me?” 
“Yes, of course.” 
Woods stands and you dive straight into his arms as he wraps his around your waist tightly. You lean back only for a second to meet in a chaste kiss. When he lets go he slips the most beautiful but simple ring on your finger and you feel like you’re floating on air. 
“I will love you to the end of time,” he says pressing another kiss to your lips.
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hwallout · 4 years
our little secret (ii) - csy
summary: as a CEO of one of the country’s most powerful companies, you had your secrets to success. no one ever gained power without ruthless, filthy and unfair play, it’s all okay if no one knows right? well, what happens when your little secrets fall into the hands of someone you can’t get rid of that easily?
words: 4,8k
genre: angst, drama, future smut
warnings: language
early an: hi im sorry for the wait, it’s been a tough ride these last two weeks. hopefully, this was worth it <3 also our company now has a name yay! feedback is appreciated again, thank you for reading! 
[part one]
[part three]
[part four]
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You thought about the whole situation in the upcoming days. Hayoon was right; Seungyoun wasn’t someone you could simply have killed and then bribe the police to throw the case under the mat. You thought that it could be an easy job, something that demanded just a little bit of planning and a lot more money to get done – only if wasn’t for one other factor.
The actual problem wasn’t Seungyoun, he was just one link in an endless chain. What you were most worried about was his father. Mr.Cho was a man who played the same game and used similar tactics to yours. It was his alliances, connections (that you knew the number of was way bigger than yours) that actually held you back from actively acting upon the issue.
No matter how much money you put into the country’s best hitmen, Mr. Cho would have you found out – it was just the fact that he could always be a step ahead of you. Experience played a big part in this game of monopoly. There were only so many of the best assassins in this country that it often happened two opposing sides hired the same person. The only matter was just how much money was offered to keep a secret hidden.
What you were thankful for though, was the fact that Seungyoun and his father never had the strongest of trust bonds. For years now, you’ve been listening to media exaggerating Seungyoun’s wishes of pursuing music instead of business. They would skyrocket every type of misbehavior from the younger, often saying how he wanted to sabotage his father by not showing up on important meetings or being rude to the representatives from other companies.  
On the other hand, many articles wrote about the fact that the deals Seungyoun agreed to ended up being the most profitable for the Cho enterprise. His father, though, would never admit to Seungyoun’s involvement, usually saying that he was there to learn, not to make decisions.
Mr. Cho was always hesitant about leaving work to Seungyoun, despite all of his positive attributes, purely because of the other’s undying wish to pursue music. The CEO was so unsure, even though his son wasn’t a child anymore, that he was anywhere near ready to take over the main position. He doubted everything, nitpicked every little mistake and often deemed him unprofessional.  
Seungyoun probably thought that with this information, he has secured the most legitimate and safe deal for his father. Maybe Seungyoun thought that it was his role to somewhat guard the whole situation, to prevent you from screwing Mr.Cho over and favoring yourself too much in the whole project. You couldn’t blame the younger, for he wanted to for once do satisfactory work for the older.  
Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately?), due to the bumpy history, it was easy to conclude that his daddy would never believe him so easily. Although pitiful, that was the strongest knot you could hold onto to still have a chance in this fight.
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Although it always happened, you hoped that somehow this time it wouldn’t. Celebration parties were something INVICTA planned whenever an important deal was signed. Considering that you’d always invite the employees and the CEO of the other corporation, there would consistently be a lot to do and talk about. The workers found it a way to meet new people and have a night out in a formal setting – while you thought it was a great time to discuss any important matters or just get to know your associates better.
This time though, you were very iffy about it. The planning and invitations were prolonged up until Hayoon confidently came up to the office and (respectfully) ushered you to hurry up. The employees are looking forward to the celebration, she’d say. Oh, how you wished to brush the smaller off with a who cares, but truthfully, it was you. The staff in this company were very important and respected. You grew up with the mindset that lower in position didn’t mean lower as a person, therefore such replies weren't anywhere near moral.
Not long after, you got to work, reserving a beautiful and fancy restaurant for Friday night, hiring a great soloist to sing live and sending invitations to everyone in the company as well as to Mr. Cho.  
Consequently, there you were, walking up the stairs to the entrance, looking like a princess. Dark blue high heels hit the marble surface in an even rhythm, a beautiful dress of the same shade falling graciously behind you. It was a perfect fit, not too tight, but still deliciously hugging every part of your body. The dress was shorter at the front, with lace covering its hem. Your back was exposed, the V cut dipping as low, while the front exposed just enough cleavage to run one’s imagination wild.
Interestingly enough, you weren’t alone tonight.
The one holding your hand carefully and leading you up the stairs was a guy named Seungwoo. His suit of choice matched yours, a completely dark blue suit paired up with a black shirt underneath and black dress shoes. The first couple of buttons were unbuttoned, showcasing just the smallest glimpse of his chest tattoo.  
You’ve known Seungwoo for quite a while now, the male being one of your dearest friends. It wasn’t a surprise when he was asked to be your +1 for tonight, not only but mostly because you needed someone close to be there.
It was expected that the guests would notice your entrance, but it wasn't quite anticipated that every single pair of eyes would be locked on you. Most females ogled Seungwoo’s appearance, tall, with his slicked-back black hair, broad shoulders and tiny waist, while men drank your own appearance up. And of course, so did Seungyoun.
The male somehow managed to spot Mr. Cho before you did, leading the way towards the elder confidently. When only a few steps away, Seungwoo made sure you were okay alone, before excusing himself for a quick minute. You looked after as he walked away, noticing all the stares he was getting while being so effortlessly breathtaking.  
“Your boyfriend seems to be the life of the party too,” Mr. Cho said, his tone warm and welcoming. The other seemed to approach you quietly, for his presence went by unnoticed before he spoke. You bowed politely, bidding a polite greeting, before taking a second to process said words. A look of confusion washed over your features, for you weren’t sure what to reply with. Did it even matter?
Suddenly, Seungyoun stepped forwards from behind his father, making his presence known with a fake cough and slight bow. Seungyoun looked you up and down, but the emotion in his beautiful features didn’t change – blank, unmoved, much like always.
“Yeah, he really does” You smiled, choosing to once again look in the direction Seungwoo disappeared in, purely for a more convincing effect. At that moment, explaining that the mentioned male wasn’t your boyfriend appeared to be way too much effort; white lies never hurt anyone, right?
Except, you missed the way Seungyoun frowned at the reply, his tongue prodding at the left cheek right after.  
“It’s very nice of You to honor Your achievements with a celebration for everyone. This is a very enjoyable event, thank You for inviting us” Mr. Cho continued, taking a sip of white wine from his glass. He watched all of the employees from the Cho enterprise having fun, talking and dancing with both their coworkers but also your own people. Smiles were evident on their faces and everyone seemed to be enjoying their time.
“We should look up to this” Unfortunately, Seungyoun wasn’t paying any attention, nodding along but not really hearing what the elder had said. What he focused on were your eyes that skimmed over everyone, a small smile of satisfaction playing on your lips. Maybe there were moments when your strictness surfaced, but you loved when employees were content. That is exactly why this company was one of the strongest.
The words died out, awkward silence filled the small space. Investments, projects, plans, expectations, hesitations, so, so many topics, but no one made any effort to begin the conversation. Maybe for once, you needed to take a break from such routines and go have fun.
Fortunately, as if ordered, the doors to the restaurant opened again, revealing yet another beautiful pair. It was your assistant Eunha and her fiancée Jacob. Both of them were dressed in matching colors, looking like the most alluring people on Earth. It wouldn’t be a lie to say that Eunha was the most charming female tonight.
Using the instance to escape the building awkwardness, you excused yourself and hurried towards the two. Eunha’s face lit up immediately upon noticing a breathtaking princess approaching, beaming at just how astonishing her boss looked.  
Jacob was the first one to bow, with you following quickly after, happy to finally see the fiancé Eunha constantly blabbered about. She only ever talked highly about the man and was always extremely happy to hear the news of a +1 for any event. Unfortunately, the other seemed to be a busy man, for he has never been able to accompany his fiancée – up until today.
“Miss! You look absolutely prepossessing tonight” Eunha said, eyes roaming over your body quick. She spoke with a wide smile and stars in her eyes, a clear indicator that the words were a hundred percent sincere. The assistant was never hard to read, emotions always showing on her features without any filter. Maybe that’s exactly why she has been chosen for the job.
You offered an honest smile in return and complimented the female back with equally as warm words, before turning towards the other. Jacob looked at you with expectant but also excited eyes as you offered one hand out for a handshake.
“Ah, I suppose You’re Jacob, right?” The male nodded along, accepting the handshake with a tight grip, “I’ve heard a lot of nice things about You, it’s a pleasure to finally be able to meet You”. Jacob listened to the words carefully, immediately turning towards his fiancée upon processing what you have said. Eunha only shied away, hands coming up to cup her cheeks that were turning the same shade as her red dress.
“I’ve also heard a lot of nice things about You too, Miss. Thank You for inviting us” Jacob spoke and you smirked at the formal tone the man was trying to use. Nodding along, you patted him on the shoulder, having to slightly lift up your arm to reach the height. Telling the pair to go and have some fun, enjoy the night, you distanced away from them and found purchase on one of the empty chairs in the corner.
With a wine glass in hand, you once again scanned over the huge room. Instantly, a familiar tall man dressed in dark blue caught your attention. Seungwoo was talking to one of your employees, a girl who you couldn’t quite remember the name of, but knew quite well as a hardworking and persistent person. They were pretty close, both smiling at each other while taking sips of their own drinks.
“He’s not your boyfriend” You suddenly heard someone’s voice from close proximity. Startled and suddenly shaken out of daze, you jumped in place, almost spilling the blood-red liquid. On your right, maybe about one step away, Seungyoun stood leaned on the wall. The male held his chin high, not really looking at you as he spoke. Seungyoun’s lips formed a frown as he locked eyes at one point, but from your position, it wasn’t possible to conclude what exactly caused it.
“Why does it matter if he is or isn’t?” The answer came out harsher than intended.
“It doesn’t. I’m just saying you’re horrible at lying” What is one supposed to reply to such a statement? The other was obviously wrong, for lying was a skill one has to master before becoming a powerful businessman. Negotiations were always a balance between lies and truths. Everyone is trying to protect their own interests, it’s only normal.
“Keep that in mind” Seungyoun whispered, although this time much quieter than last.
Remaining silent, your eyes fell down to look at the finger that traced the rim of thin glass. You understood quite well what the other was trying to do, how he was approaching the topic. Seungyoun was trying to keep you on a leash, using his knowledge to actively threaten you to be a good girl. On the other side, Seungyoun probably wasn’t aware of how big the consequences of his actions could be, and you blamed it on inexperience.
“Don’t you think that you’re putting your nose into the whole thing way too much?” You bit back, still not glancing up at the male. Currently, the attention was dedicated to the perfect little bows on your heels, the diamonds in their center shining under the light. It went by unnoticed, but Seungyoun’s frown deepened and he glanced at you from the corners of his eyes.
“And don’t you think you’re being too daring?” Seungyoun’s voice became deeper and the man swiftly moved, suddenly standing turned towards you. As if some sense was finally knocked into your mind, it instantly processed the way his frame towered over yours. The other wasn’t doing anything, but it felt as if you were taken back to the same scenario from a few days ago – captured and unable to move.
“I don’t” Remembering just how important it is to hold the steady ground, you dared to look the other in the eyes. Usually, one can observe the feelings of the other through their irises, but at this instance, it wasn’t possible. Seungyoun was a hard book to read, his eyes a burning fire, thousand emotions filling the tight space. Without any restraint, they moved downwards to lock on your shining lips.
“I could ruin you” The male whispered, his fingers coming up to take a hold of your chin, lifting it up. Seungyoun’s grasp wasn’t anywhere near rough or strong, you barely even felt it. He was allowing you to move, look away, stand up and walk away – but you never did. Maybe the goal was to show the other you were fully aware and in control of the situation. Maybe, as one would never admit, it was the feeling of Seungyoun’s fingers on your soft skin that prevented any kind of movement.
He dared to lick his lips and run his thumb over your lower lip.
“And I could quite literally end you, Cho Seungyoun. Don’t let your guard down” With that, you stood up from the now uncomfortable chair, taking long but quick steps away from the other. It was only then that the blood rushed towards your cheeks, stripping you of the previously unbothered façade. Seungyoun on the other hand, was wholeheartedly smirking, watching the lengthy back of the blue dress drag over the marble floor.  
Your frame hurried between groups of people, hand still holding onto the wine glass. Trying not to attract attention was deemed impossible because a familiar tall figured appeared by your side in a matter of seconds.
“What happened there?” A delicate hand took hold of your wrist as the male questioned. Seungwoo’s expression was worried, his eyes searching yours for any sign of discomfort. Fortunately, instead of any form of unsettlement, he found a rather flushed expression.
“Nothing. Can we just sit there for a little while?” Your answer was concise, therefore Seungwoo was already able to only suspect a few things. Still, he chose not to question anymore, knowing that if you wanted to talk, you’d do so when ready.
Seungwoo nodded as a reply, and he allowed you to drag him up the stairs and towards a secluded table right beside them. A bottle of red wine was already placed on the top and you hurried to tear the seal open, pouring the both of you a glass of said liquid. Seungwoo watched you down the whole glass, amusement written all over his face.  
Although there was a generous amount of people on the upper ground too, it didn’t feel as crowded as it was downstairs. There was a small fence that allowed you to overlook the situation down there, seeing everyone while not being in their center of attention. It was unusual but also refreshing to for once not be the life of the party.
Seungwoo stopped you after the third glass, remembering you that there was still some dignity to uphold, to which you agreed. Ordering a jar of water, you spent the rest of the night talking with your partner and occasionally standing up to dance to the live music. You learned that the female he talked to, used to be his classmate a while ago, negligible weight falling off your chest for no apparent reason.
What you hadn’t noticed though, seemed to be Seungyoun, who has never once looked away from you throughout the whole night.
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On Monday, you decided to start the week off differently. Usually, you’d appear in the office before the first employees to work on the week’s goals for every department. A cup of coffee you hurriedly picked up would often be a bit too bitter, but you wouldn’t mind, for it did its job properly.
Today though, you decided to pick up a strawberry latte and take a calm seat in the corner of the café. You, for the first time, felt no hurry, choosing to rather sit down and breathe for once on a busy Monday morning.
In such a small space, quite a few pairs of eyes were focused on you. It wasn’t to be unexpected, for being a CEO of such a powerful company proclaimed you some kind of a celebrity. The attention didn’t feel right in such an informal setting, it was awkward and made you want to hide away.
Then, as if things couldn’t get any more awkward and tense, the chime above the door sounded, and inside walked no one else but Cho Seungyoun.
Cursing the absolute lack of luck that keeps striking for the past two weeks, you looked out the window, trying to seem deep in thought. You tried to hide behind the broad shoulders of the customer in front of you, shimmying awkwardly on the leather seat. Taking an occasional sip of the sweet latte, you tried to control the eyes from straying away towards the absolute beauty that was leaning on the counter and smiling at the waitress.  
Unfortunately, even with all the effort, the world played its game against you again. An almost black liquid appeared right beside the pink one, and you had to hold back the urge to roll eyes and sigh out loud.
The male wore a black shirt with the first two buttons unbuttoned, allowing evident collarbones to come into view. Seungyoun’s hair was parted to the side and styled quite messily this time – the soft strands of hair were sticking here and there, some even falling over to cover his eyebrows. The smirk on his lips and hooded eyes were pretty enticing, but even with such a distracting appearance, you managed to keep steady ground.
You thought about it, the way how everything could’ve happened differently. Maybe Seungyoun wasn’t such a bad person, maybe if you hadn’t pulled the wrong string of faith, the guy would be a tolerable associate. If the first impression wasn’t such a bad one, who knows what could’ve happened? Then really, whose fault was it this time?
“What a pleasant surprise” Seungyoun stated, his voice jumping up at the last vowel. The irritating tone made you frown, the previous state of calm suddenly ruined by uncomfortable noise. You sent the other a nod of acknowledgment, deciding to continue staring out the window and test just how long you’ll be able to endure before its deemed enough.
“Didn’t quite expect to find Miss CEO wasting her time in a café this early” It was a sudden conclusion that the useless remarks were a personality trait of the male. You thought that it might just hurt less if he let the information leak.
“There’s a first for everything” You replied curtly, still not looking at the other.
Silence enrolled quickly after, but it wasn’t as pleasant as you expected, for the man was moving his hand and grabbing the strawberry latte. Your eyes followed the pink drink and transparent straw that were closing the distance to his lips, not believing what they were seeing. Seungyoun dared to take a long sip out of the strawberry latte, immediately frowning at the taste. A pure look of disgust mixed with disbelief overtook your features.
“Too sweet, too creamy” Seungyoun whispered, pushing the drink away with a pointer finger. A hand was quick to come up to your lips as an expression of shock, while the other harshly grabbed a hold of the plastic cup. It somehow didn’t feel the same in your hand and the glistening tip of the straw made you gag. At that moment, it took every bit of self-restraint not to make a scene.
“Not too talkative today miss CEO?” The male added and you audibly sighed. Seungyoun leaned over and took a hold of a stray strand of your hair, twirling it in his fingers for only a second. Visibly uncomfortable and confused, you grasped his hand and lowered it down on the table. The warmth of his palm was unusually comforting, for it contrasted your cold skin perfectly.  
“Exactly mister heir” Although unintentional, the tone was one of a mocking kind. The other caught onto it fast.
“Stop using it in a degrading way” Seungyoun rolled his eyes and relaxed back into the seat. Only then were you able to feel the air clear up, the distance between the two of you finally appropriate. Just as a remark was about to fly his way, your phone began vibrating on the table. Immediately picking the device up and accepting the call from one of the polite receptionists, you were ready to use the new situation to escape the current one.
“Miss, I’m sorry to be interrupting, but we’ll need yo-”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be there in a minute” And with that, the call ended, your phone was put back into the leather bag and you were putting on a thin coat. Without any more words, you distanced away from the table, bidding the other a weak and pitiful ‘goodbye’. Seungyoun could only watch the smaller form walk away and enter a cab that was parked right outside the café.
Once again, he smirked, although this time it was directed towards someone else.
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Just what horrible crime did you commit in the past life to deserve this?
One could only imagine how it felt when the first person noticed at the reception next day appeared to be Seungyoun. The tall, broad man dressed in formal attire, black suit, and pants paired up with black dress shoes. As if the alert senses tingled from the very entrance, you spotted the intruder almost immediately and instead of heading to the reception as per usual, you speed-walked towards the elevator. A phone in one hand and coffee in the other, you pretended to already be busy, trying to avoid any kind of pre-planned contact with the heir.
Thankfully, the elevator was already waiting and able to take you to the top in just a few seconds. Eunha's greeting was the usual short bow, but her expression wasn’t as calm or composed as always. It looked as if the assistant had something to tell you but didn’t know how, for she began reading today’s schedule and progress in a troubled manner. You were tuning in only for the most important parts of it – generally stopping once she began with the percentages.
What occupied your mind was the fact that Cho Seungyoun was in the company before the CEO herself, which could only mean one thing – he was waiting for you. But why? There was absolutely no reason – did someone call him?
“Eunha” You suddenly interrupted the other, forcing her to stop with the reading and lift her gaze up to meet yours.  
“Yes, Miss?” She replied, lowering the big tablet and straightening the slightly hunched posture. The assistant fixed the hem of her tight dress while trying to keep up with your steps.
“Were any visits planned for today?” While questioning back, you fiddled with the silver keys in your hands, trying to find the right one that fit the lock of the office. Eunha excused herself for a moment to look through the schedule again, only to sigh and shake her head a few seconds later.
“No, I’m afraid I can’t find any” The female replied, following after you and closing the door behind once inside the office. You scanned the room quickly, nodding after noticing that everything was where you had left it yesterday. There was no rational reason to be anxious, but could anyone really blame you at this moment?
Taking a seat on the comfortable leather chair, you crossed your legs and motioned for Eunha to sit on the other side of the table. The assistant did as told, resuming to read whatever more was left off the screen.
Not even five minutes later, as Eunha was reciting the daily spending on media advertisements, a series of hurried knocks sounded throughout the room. It was obvious who the person was, therefore you silently debated was it worth letting them in. Yet, before anyone could react appropriately, the heavy entrance opened and a composed Seungyoun walked in. As if the male had no manners, he closed the door behind him with one foot and walked over to your desk in a few slow, but long strides.
Eunha’s eyes were as big as avocados, and she hurriedly gazed between the two. The assistant was about to stand up for a bow, but upon hearing your whisper of ‘stay seated’, she decided not to.
“I heard that people usually knock before entering,” You said, leaning back into the chair and crossing arms under your chest. The action made your cleavage more evident, and although unintentional, it managed to grab the attention of the male.
“And I heard people don’t pass by their acquaintances without saying hello” Seungyoun replied with a calm and calculated tone. It was possible to catch onto the slightest bit of passive-aggressiveness, but it went by without any mention. Finally, he closed the leftover distance and leaned against the desk, both hands firmly pressed against the surface. Somehow, this version intimidated you more than the one through which Seungyoun was actively trying to scare you.
“Why are you here?”  
“Am I not allowed?” Seungyoun asked, a palm coming up to press at his chest as he turned to look at Eunha. It seemed as if the disapproval wasn’t expected from you, rather Eunha, who only shook her head with a panicked expression. Of course, the assistant can’t do much in this situation. “I was just passing by and thought that I might visit and see how the preparations for the first stage of the project are going”. He turned to face you again.  
“They’re doing great. You may leave” Your expression was one of annoyance and you waved at the other, showing that there was nothing else to talk about.  
“Well, well, is that the proper way to treat your boyfriend?”  
Seungyoun’s lips were a thin line, but one could notice that the corners were desperately trying not to jump up into a smile. The words took a second too long to process, huge amount of shock and confusion hitting like a powerful wave. You were at a loss for words, not quite sure how to appropriately dismiss what the other said.  
“Excuse me?” The incoming gulp was a tad bit too loud, for the other was obviously able to hear it. Seungyoun remained indifferent, but he turned to look at Eunha again, who had her head hung low, eyes focused on the fingers that nervously shuffled.
“Has your little assistant not told you?” The male said in a slightly mocking tone. Seungyoun took a moment to step back and retrieve a huge phone from his back pocket, speaking without looking up from its display. “Let me enlighten you then, darling”
Seungyoun tapped a few times onto the bright screen, before turning it around and carelessly throwing it onto the desk. You didn’t dare touch the device, for it was thrown as if you were a dog to catch it. Anyway, with a straightened back, you threw a glance on the display, managing to swiftly read the big, bolded letters of a Naver article.
[New business couple? The heir of Cho enterprise and CEO of INVICTA seen together on a date]
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feuilly-cakes · 4 years
Breaking Dawn - 3* review
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Oh boy was this a long one. Okay, I really don't know how to feel about this book, because on one hand I had lots of fun revisiting my old favourite and picking it apart but on the other hand I had a very big issue with a major part of the plot. If I were rating based on each book within this book, I would give book one 4*and book two and three 3*. It starts out strong, then gets progressively harder to keep track of, but then maybe my short attention span is the problem here. I learned many interesting facts and character traits in this book, and I also figured out something important to do with imprinting that's been vaguely introduced in the previous book but is explored in-depth here. Stick around if you want to see what that discovery is. As usual, I'll be putting interesting and relevant facts and things I found particularly offensive under sub-headings, but I'll be saying a lot about each book as if it's separate before then, because Breaking Dawn as a whole is too long to talk about with any coherency. So without further ado: There are only spoilers ahead. Book 1: Bella First let me just say that these books have such amazing prologues/prefaces that immediately grab your attention. If you didn't know she was going to get pregnant, it would probably seem like she's talking about Edward being the one killing her. Anyway, this book was shorter than I expected, but far more enjoyable. This one seems to be more family oriented in the language used than previous in the series; while before any of the Cullens would be described as 'Edward's adopted -' , in this they are simply his mother, his brothers, his sisters. Even Jasper, who always seemed to me to be the outsider of the bunch, uses the term "We Cullens" and it just feels more like a family than a vampire coven pretending to be a family. This is helped along by Bella suddenly knowing so much more about the history of the Cullens and their extended family the Denalis. She's ready to fit right on in there. This book deals with the wedding and the honeymoon. Bella reflects on how she told her parents, freaks out about getting married, has her wedding, abruptly changes her stance on said wedding, then they shoot off to the honeymoon and things occur. Basically, she gets pregnant. It's a huge commotion. Backtracking, both Charlie and Renee were weirdly supportive about the engagement and handled it super well, with Renee and Bella having such a lovely conversation I nearly teared up. She's a great mother even when she's not physically there for Bella. Bella, on the other hand, is doing that thing again where she's selfish and a bit mean without realising she's being that way. Poor Edward is stressed to his eyeballs about the honeymoon and the very real possibility of hurting and even killing Bella, and she just brushes him right off. More on that later, but that's not the responsible way to do things, Bella. Fast forward to the honeymoon, and Edward is now the one being dramatic, refusing to sleep with her again because he bruised her and not listening to her when she says she's perfectly fine. The way it happens is very funny. Then we get to see random things happening that oh so subtly turn out to be pregnancy symptoms, like strange dreams about vampire babies who look human, oversleeping, mood swings, strange eating habits, and last but not least, morning sickness. It wasn't subtle. When they figure it out Edward loses it and says he's going to arrange for her to have an abortion. Bella asks Rosalie for help, and screen fades to black. The big theme here is that Bella changes her mind. She doesn't want to be married until she suddenly does at her wedding, she doesn't want to stay human until she decides she can afford a few extra years, and she doesn't want kids until she's already pregnant. Even with Rosalie, their slowly evolving relationship wasn't going to be proper friendship until Bella asks her for help. She's changing so quickly it's like getting whiplash, but it's not unrealistic. That's how I make most of my big decisions too, like it simmers away unnoticed until it's ready to be addressed. Relatable, really. Book 2: Jacob Book 2 takes us through Bella's pregnancy from Jacob's perspective, as he goes from planning to kill the Cullens to becoming their biggest protector and an Alpha of his own pack. As much as I love multiple POVs in books this is one I couldn't get behind, and here's why. One of the main themes in this book is imprinting. I don't like it. While I adore soulmates as a concept, and even more so platonic soulmates, it's made clear that this isn't what that is, and it's icky. We get 4 pages of Quil interacting with his imprint Claire, who is 3. The whole time Jacob has a running commentary on how Quil is more devoted than a parent would ever be, how he wants to make her so very happy, how it's so very different from that of a parent, and how Quil has to wait like a "monk" for "a good fourteen years" until Claire was his age. This was never platonic, it was a waiting game. It's also grooming. This was also around the time it became apparent just why Quil imprinted on Claire in the first place: it was all a set up for Jacob's eventual imprint. It had to be a part of the story before it happened so people wouldn't question it, and for the most part it worked. Both Quil's story and Jacob's interactions with a pregnant Bella prove this: "the hold she had on me only got harder to break. Almost like it was related to her expanding belly" and "It feels... complete when you're here, Jacob. Like all my family is together." I hated reading that. He should've imprinted on that nice girl Lizzie, from the park. Surely Stephenie Meyer could've come up with something else to keep Nessie alive? Onto similarly disturbing things but less revolting in the long run, Bella's story here seems to be an attempt at pro-life propaganda that backfired. The reason? Bella makes a choice about her body, and though most of them don't like it, they don't force her to do otherwise. People seem to forget that being pro-choice also means the choice to stay pregnant even when it's best not to. Bella makes that decision and she's absolutely sure of it, at the expense of her life and health, but it's hers to make. She is pitted against Edward, who would absolutely force her to have an abortion if he had backup, and who is also losing his damn mind. He insists to Jacob that Carlisle would help him if not for Esme, and that Rosalie doesn't care about Bella's life, only the baby's. Carlisle himself tells Jacob he would never take the choice away from Bella, and context shows that Rosalie is protecting Bella's choices and bodily autonomy, and carrying out her last wishes to ensure the baby is brought into the world healthy. Remember that Rosalie had all her choices taken from her, and all she wanted for Bella was for her to make the right ones. Edward doesn't change his stance until he discovers the baby has thoughts that can be read, and loves Bella. Once again, this seems to have been an attempt at showing that babies have thoughts and feelings in the womb, but it does almost the opposite as Bella is a day away from full term and not once has anything been picked up by either him or Jasper before that point. It's safe to assume there was nothing to pick up on. The pregnancy ends with a truly horrifying birth scene that made my hands go numb and my ears ring from the violence of it all. Bella dies, Jacob imprints on a minutes-old baby and begins his journey as a child groomer, and then Bella comes back and begins her transformation. Book 3: Bella. Or as I like to call it: It all goes downhill from here. Bella has the most unrealistic yet brutal experience ever, and is now a super sexy, super perfect, super powerful, super smart vampire. She has a perfect baby, perfect control of her bloodlust, and somehow the perfect life. But oh no! The Volturi are threatening that peace! Who could have predicted that the last remaining villains would appear in the last book? Now Bella and the rest of the Cullens have to find their friends to stop the Volturi in their track, but peacefully of course, because they are the good guys really! Just a misunderstanding! I'm so glad that was addressed in story, because I would not have been able to deal with a pro-police/pro-dictator story in this political climate. The most unrealistic part of this is when the Volturi don't simply assert their vampire dominance over them by killing them all without taking their own witnesses. I didn't like how Bella suddenly became perfect and good at everything in this book. It's so unrealistic. Less than a month to become the strongest shield ever and be able to scare the ancient Volturi? Perfect control on her first hunt? I think not thank you. There was also a missed opportunity to have Bella be a psychic of some kind since she dreamt of the future accurately many times. Renesmee was very sweet though, and that's all I'll say on that. Now onto my lists! Differences between book and film This was mostly pretty accurate in terms of plot. - Edward's backstory that we see pre-wedding isn't a thing in the book. It actually isn't a thing in any of the main books, but I can't speak for the others. - Bella knows about the immortal children before the book even starts, and she's the one to realise that Irina thought Renesmee was one herself. - The wedding is inside. The film had it outside I'm pretty sure. - The whole part where Jacob freaks out and borrows a very fancy sports car to go and try to find his imprint was never in the films, and I think that's a tragedy. Vampires - The appearance of the nicknames Em and Jazz for Emmett and Jasper. It's not at all important I just thought it was cute. - Half vampire babies use their teeth to escape the womb. Also, Renesmee was trying to be careful to not hurt Bella while she was still inside her. She started reading when she was under 3 months. If I saw a baby read aloud in full sentences I'd never sleep again. - Edward called Jacob "Jake" in book 3. It's weird how their relationship changes throughout the book. - Poor Renesmee knows it's because of her that the Volturi are coming, and says "This is my fault." She's just a few months old at this point, and she's already going through a whole lot. - The volturi look like someone threw baby powder on them because they sat still for so long they started "petrifying". - There are 32 Volturi members, considering they took the whole coven with them to Forks. - Fun Bella fact: she was going to let Charlie assume what was up with her because she thinks he will never decide on vampire. Red Flags Most of these have been discussed in depth so I'll just mention them briefly. - Edward, pre wedding, is described as having a "panic attack" by Bella at the thought of hurting her, and instead of reassuring him she brushes him off and thinks "He wasn't getting out of this deal. Not after insisting I marry him first." This is beyond selfish and even cruel, because he has a point and genuine concerns that should have been discussed properly. - "We're going to get that thing out before it can hurt any part of you." Edward has decided this for himself, without Bella's input. - Jacob contemplates suicide over the thought of having to see Leah. This is absolutely not something that should be talked about like it's nothing. - The imprinting of Quil and Claire. - Every bit of foreshadowing about Jacob imprinting on Renesmee, and the act itself. - Rosalie calls the place in South America where the half vampire myths originated "a disease-infested swamp with a medicine man smearing sloth spit across your face" in relation to giving birth there, and it's more than a little racist. How would she even know what it's like? - "the Egyptians all looked so alike, with their midnight hair and olive-toned pallor, that they could have easily passed for a biological family" The white, blonde Denali sisters were never ever described this way, so why are the non-white people described as such? - Bella had "never met any vampires less civilized" than the Amazons. They have long black braids, so we can assume they aren't white. Why are only the non-white vampires being described these ways? - Bella describes the rough area where she met 1 person, who was working for J Jenks and happened to be Black, but was well dressed in rich clothes, as the "ghetto address". Upon googling, I learnt that this refers to low income areas of a city that are occupied by minorities. She met one person. How could she possibly know if it was the "ghetto"? It was described as the "downtown office" by Max, the man in question, so why wouldn't she just use that term? - Jacob gives Renesmee the Quileute equivalent of a promise ring. I want to throw up, because we all know what a promise ring symbolises. - Lastly but certainly not leastly, when learning Renesmee will be full grown at age 7, Bella feels a "shudder" from Jacob. I hate it, it's gross, it needs to burn. Disgusting. And that's that, sorry it's so long, I had a lot to say. If you have any opinions on this review, feel free to discuss with me!
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chriscdcase95 · 4 years
How not to debate Ships and Shipping
I am writing this from personal experience, and from noticing bad cases of Ship Policing going on in the Hazbin Hotel and Star Wars fandom as of late. I figured a bunch of kids got too much computer time from their parents and are in need of education, because this is a more extreme throwback to the shipping wars that occurred in the Twilight and iCarly fanbase from way back when. 
Since 2010, I have found myself a little immersed into the practice of shipping. At the start of this decade, I was Team Edward/Team Jacob levels of ship crazy, and here I am now with a new perspective on things. 
I've even devolved into multi shipping, but I apply that when it comes to compartmentalizing fanfiction and canon. I have my share of OTP's and NOTP's (although Jemma of Every Witch Way is personally my top NOTP for multiple reasons).
Anyways, welcome to my TedTalk where I will educate you ten to fifteen year old's about how not to debate ships. Take it from an old geezer with ten years of experience, I was there in the middle of ship wars at the start of the decade.
I said in previous posts that ships are a funny thing. They should be small in the grand scheme of things, and fans put them on this great and grand pedestals. Some to the extent where people become downright psychotic bullies about the ships they like or don't like, going as far as to police ships to other fans, and sometimes creators. I think we can agree Ship Policing should be seen as toxic behaviour, right ? Well, no. I'll admit that is a complex issue, even for a multi shipper like me. I brought this up in two Facebook groups I'm in, and the basic consensus is that Ship Policing is toxic behaviour -  except when they romanticize domestic violence, rape, pedophilia, etc.
But what is Ship Policing ?  Simply put, telling people who they are or are not allowed to ship; bullying and shaming others over their ships; and in the biggest extreme, sending death threats and rape threats to other fans over these pairings. The Jemma fans of Every Witch Way for example, are probably the biggest example of Ship Policing, seeing as they literally got the showrunners to rewrite the show to fit their ships fanfiction AU image. But that's neither here nor there, but the point is, AU's are best left to fanfiction or It's A Wonderful Life plots.
Similarly, the Hazbin Hotel fandom had this (hopefully/mercifully one) really bad apple coming the Chalastor fandom, who went on homophobic speeches and demanding that the showrunners make Chalastor canon over Chaggie because and RadioDust- in their own words - "Gays are gross" and went as far as to send death threats to the creators. Because that will certainly make your ship canon, and not make you and yours look like the Jemma fandom.
A less malicious and more hilariously petty example comes from The Loud House fandom, where Luanny fans tend to get butthurt over fans, fics and art of the Luaggie ship, despite the Luanny already being canon and Luaggie only ever existing in fanworks. It was such a one sided non-issue, that it was the Spec Ops the Line of ship wars.
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Also within the Loud House fandom there is an artist who made OC's based off of his ships AU. I'm not into the ship or AU, but I saw him getting death threats not just to himself, but his OC's as well. I may not be fully aware of the situation (like I just said, I don't follow the ship or AU), but even I can call this a toxic and illogical way of thinking.
To make a primary and personal example for this lecture, I am going to bring up the most outlandish ship discussion I was part of the past year. Some time ago, I ended up in a debate regarding Kim Possible ships in a Facebook group I posted on. In it I said I wasn't into non canon but popular ship called Kigo. When I re-watched the series, the Drakgo and Kim x Ron (the latter of which I just realized didn't have a ship name) just kind of grew on, and I felt that there were some problems with Kigo as a romantic relationship.
Now I want to make sure to point out that if you like Kigo, that is 100% okay, it is just in my opinion that it would be problematic. It's my personal opinion that if you apply their canon characterization, you'll run into the same problems Anti Reylos have with Rey and Ben. Anyways, when I said my peace, most of the Kigo's didn't make a big deal about it; they took it in stride; calmly disagreed with me and stated their stance. This is what a proper ship discussion should be. It would have been one of the most stable, non toxic discussions I was a part of. Nothing memorable was supposed to happen.
Then she came along.
Since she isn't internet famous on this site or others as far as I know, I am not going to use real names because I don't want this person to be doxxed, stalked or cyberbullied, but I will us LP as a substitute. She will be our example of what a toxic anti will look like, and our example of how not to debate or discuss a ship. Simply put, if she had the fame, she would be the TrueLoveHeart94 of the Kigo fandom (look up Dumbsville's videos on him YouTube, and you'll get a good idea of what I'm talking about).
One of the first things to use is a simple explanation for your stance. When I was explaining my stance, I explained how I came to my conclusions simply by watching the show, putting some thought into it, and making my own opinion based on what I observed. Like I said these were my opinions, observations, and at no point do I claim it to be some objective fact. At no point to attack Kigo's, at no point did I call them toxic. The most I did was explain why I find it problematic. Like I said, if you like Kigo that is 100% fine and dandy, you'll get not hate or bullying from me.
LP on the other hand, well she just couldn't accept that someone didn't like Kigo. How dare I prefer two canonically heterosexual characters in a canon het ship. How dare I commit the crime of having an unpopular, differing opinion. Even worse how dare I try to explain my reasoning. 
It was one of those fan discussions. Now when I thought this was going to be a civil discussion, I asked her just why I was wrong not to ship Kigo. Why is Kim x Ron or Drakgo so toxic ? She didn't really give me a real answer; the closest she got to a coherent response was a borderline Darwinist rant about how "strong women shouldn't date weakling men".
That was what should have made me think "is this discussion worth having ?" (For the record, some of my favourite ship dynamics is with a tough or strong woman with a meek, even nerdish man so the whole "the strong shouldn't be paired up with weaklings" is a non argument to me).
Pretty soon she began breaking the following steps one should take in a debate
. Don't use double standards or Non Sequiturs - First thing you should be aware of in any debate is to actually listen too and answer you're opponents points. The talking points of dodging questions, or ignoring answers - a well as using those same answer to support your points - is an inherently dishonest tactic. If you have a point or counterpoint, it'll do you good not to use dishonest tactics to try to "win" your debates.
One of the things I had issues with regarding Kigo was one of the same points (if not the main) LP raised for the ship. As I said above one of my problems was some of the same talking points Anti-Reylo's raise. I pointed out how Kim and Shego have tried to kill each other a few times in the series, something LP both acknowledges and ignores in the exact same sentence. LP's own talking points for their relationship was their romantic/sexual chemistry could be seen in their fight scenes. This is an example of a Double Standard.
When I pointed out the abusive implications of this thought process, rather than directly answer this, LP went on to equate my point as accusing professional wrestlers of being abusive to their wives. This is an example of a Non Sequitur. She doesn't answer or address my points, and my points don't count unless they support her argument.
Double standards and Non Sequiturs in general should be avoided in any kind of debate. If a talking point is raised against you, it has to be addressed. Not doing so is a less dignified admission that you don't really have an answer.
Another example of this can be seen in the Team Edward vs Team Jacob noise; a Team Jacob fan could say that Edward was a stalker towards Bella, ignoring and dodging a counter argument of Jacob's "Nice Guy" attitude towards Bella and how he forcibly kissed her (also there's Charlie's non reaction to this, but that's beside the point). The same goes vice versa; both are problematic.
Use canon evidence to make your point - Admittedly this one can only really apply if you are making a case for a non canon ship, or pointing out problems with a canon one.
Now the reason LP was so impassioned about her arguments was her insistence that Kigo had to be canon. As she said, it wasn't enough that it was popular enough as a fanfic ship; it wasn't enough that I had to ship it; but she was trying to make the case that Kigo had to be the canon ship of the show, and she was trying to make the case for it.
TrueLoveHeart94 thought process aside, if  you want to make a canon case for your ship, it'll do you good in ship debates is use canon evidence. What I am saying is there are some ships that work in canon, others in fanfiction. If you were to make a point to prove your ship would work in canon, use canon examples.
For example, I mentioned above someone in the Hazbin Hotel fandom tried to make the canon case for Chalastor....by citing their personal homophobia and making death threats towards Ashley and Vivziepop.
In the debate, I used the show to explain why I wasn't into Kigo (as well as my above mentioned reasons) and I mentioned how I didn't see much in canon to see a romantic relationship. Now I want to be clear, I saw Kigo as a fanfic based ship and I am aware that Drakken and Shego seemingly reform at the end of the series, but with canon at best I see Kim and Shego as having a sisterly relationship. I also want to be clear I am not a canon purist. There are many non canon couples I like, I am a multi-shipper after all and I can compartmentalize fanfic couples with my canon OTP's. And I am a supporter of AU's. Hell, there's even Hero x Villain ships I am into...it's just Kigo isn't one of them. I am not an anti; I don't hate the Kigo relationship or it's fan; I just wasn't into it and the canon ships just grew on me when I revisited the series.
When I asked for canon examples that Kigo could work as a romantic pairing, LP's response was to cite fanfiction and fan art as proof.
Let me repeat; I asked for canon examples to prove her point, and why my stance was wrong....and she used fanworks.
I don't think I need to explain the problem here.
To my knowledge, not even TrueLoveHeart94 uses fanfiction/art to make a canon case for Sonamy. This is the kind of straw grasping I can see Chris Weston Chandler making. I don't even know what else to say about this. I still get slacked thinking about it.
Anyway, when I said the fanfiction isn't considered canon, LP responded thusly...
Avoid Ad Hominems and slander
Okay, this one should be a no brainer; when you are in a debate of any kind, there is one thing you can do that means you immediately loose your debate. Your points no longer become valid, you surrender any argument you may have, and you prove that you are not worth debating.
Ad Hominems, personal insults, death/rape threats, racist/homophobic ranting, slander, etc.
Let's just say the nicer things LP said was calling me retarded. I am not sure if that was a coincidence since I mentioned that I was autistic earlier in the discussion.
Keep in mind, all I did throughout the discussion was answer LP's questions, and explain my stance. I even said that it was just my opinion and at no point did I claim it to be objective fact.  At no point did I accuse LP of being racist; a nazi; biphobe; rape/abuse apologist; self-misogynist or misandrist; I never called her abelist (despite some of what she said above).
As for what she said to me ? Like I said, being called a retard was one of the more tame things she said of me. She kept sending me notifications that included angry, barely coherent rants, TrIgGeReD tExT, the whole nine yards.
See, this isn't how you win debates, this is how you rage quit these debates. To give you an idea of the way she was saying, I refer you to Dumbsville's videos on TrueLoveHeart94; the resemblance between LP and TrueLoveHearts comments are rather uncanny. Now for context, the discussion started approx. 6:00 to 7:00 PM...these notifications have been ongoing well into 1:30 AM.
And all this because I said I wasn't into a ship she liked.
That is when I put a stop to the discussion. I blocked LP and deleted the discussion just to be safe.
So as we start the new decade, I look back at how much I've seen making mountains out of molehills (shipping wars). I have seen, heard, even been part of these ship wars and discussions since  2010. My disastrous "debate" with LP is a recent example.
I do believe there is nothing wrong with discussing ships, but it has ben ten years and ship wars are just as bad as they were when Twilight hit the scene. I have heard stories of people getting threats of rape, doxing, threats to people families; people pushing others to self harm for liking "the wrong ship".
I wrote this to educate the young and impressionable in the 2020's not to repeat the same mistakes both I and others made in 2010. The fact the LP incidents is from 2019 and the incident with the Hazbin Hotel fandom are from December 2019 alone, shows that you good folks need some learning to do. Something that should be considered fun shouldn't be something worth hurting yourself or others over.
If you ever find yourself in such a debate, always remember to actually address points raised against you; don't dodge questions; if asked to provide canon reasons for why something should be a canonical OTP or NOTP, please remember that fanfiction are not considered canon examples; if you ever find yourself throwing nasty accusations, insults or threats to people's safety in a debate, then that means you lost the debate.
Hopefully you can follow this advise, and help make shipping fun again, and not something to start World War III over.
This had been my Ted Talk.
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daisycandothings · 4 years
A twilight movie review, yes I know I am a decade late.
Hello, this is a review of the twilight movies. 
Okay now that nobody is reading this anymore, I have a note on how this will be formatted. Basically, I will have five sections where I go through and review each movie, and then I will have another section at the end where I look at the series as a whole.
I would also like to say that these are not good movies. Everyone here knows that. There is a lot of negative criticism out there and chances are, I agree with basically all of it. However, I do not want to say the same shit that everybody already says, that would be boring. People do not watch these movies because they are masterpieces of cinema, we watch them because it is fun to sit down with your family/friends and laugh when Jacob says “I am hotter than you” with a straight face. What I’m trying to say is I will not be analysing these academically so much as talking about what I enjoyed/didn’t enjoy about the surface level experience of watching them. Comparing these films to actually good masterful movies is like comparing kids playing floor hockey in gym class to olympic figure skaters. Like they just do not belong on the same scale
I really do want to take a look at these films on their own without the influence of the books messing with my opinion of them. 
Also, there will be spelling AND grammatical errors, I promise. 
Twilight the First One:
Good things:
This might be my favorite on its own. I just think the plot is probably the most exciting and it has the best split of drama, vampire bullshit, and fighting. I like the vampire family, I think they’re funny, and I actually genuinely think the baseball scene is a clever concept that is executed well. That scene, Anna Kendrick, and the dad are the high points of this movie, but Anna Kendrick and the dad are basically the high points of every movie they’re in, so I think I’ll speak on them later. 
Also I really like the soundtrack of this movie. To be fair I only remember two songs (what do you think, I was taking notes? I’m not a nerd) but those two songs were cool. The pieces in question were the electric guitar thing during the baseball scene and the lovely piano song™ . God do I fucking love that piano piece, I think there will definitely be a paragraph dedicated to that one song, you’re welcome. 
I like the hinting at the werewolf stuff in this movie.
The color saturation/tone (I don’t know movie words) were different in this movie. It’s like bluer. I don’t really know how I feel about it, its just kind of jarring to have this really blue movie and then move on to the next on and it’s normal idk.
My biggest criticism is with the main characters. Like Bella and Edward have no chemistry, dude, I cannot name a thing that they bond over. Really their relationship only works because they are both hot, and the movie is relying on that in order to get the viewer to feel compelled by it, and I mean I guess it worked? I mean, I spent way more time wondering what Robert Pattinson’s hair product budget was than considering the fact that neither character had a substantial personality. 
I also have this weird issue with the pacing, maybe I’m an idiot and this is wrong, but it really seemed like Bella transferred at the beginning of the year. Then she meets everyone and like 30 minutes later we’re talking about prom? A spring event? And then the rest seems to take place over the span of like 2 weeks. Its just hard to tell how much time is passing at some points and I’m not a huge fan of that. 
“I like watching you sleep”
The effects are not good, but I don’t give that much of a shit, I just wish they’d been more obnoxious with the glitter. I’m not entirely sure I would have noticed if I lived in that world
I think that’s all I have to say here
Twilight New Moon
Jacob is the best main character in this movie. He has personality traits, and his wolf transformation plot would be good if he weren’t such an asshole about it all the time. To be fair though, I have never been through such a transformation, so I can’t really judge. That said, I do like the scene where he freaks out at Mikey (that one blonde kid who decides to be a part of the series every once in a while).
Also there is some genuinely funny shit in here? Like, even moments that the movie actually intended to be funny. That guy, Harry, who hangs out with Charlie? He has some really great moments. Also the theater scene where Bella is sitting between Jake and Mike, and they both have their hand out hoping that Bella will hold it? That is just really funny. There’s obv more, but these are some highlights
Yes Jacob, please take off your shirt in order to dab the blood off Bella’s face. That seems like the best course of action to me. God the weird shit he does is really funny.
Charlie’s friends keep dying, and his daughter is shitty and that makes me sad
The characters continue to have very little...well… character, not to mention actual development. I shouldn’t have to explain why that is a huge issue, especially for a movie that is primarily character driven. 
THIS MOVIE IS SO LONG. there were moments when I would just take a sec and be like. What is happening? What is this movie? What story is even being told here? God when is this going to be oveeeerrrrrrrrrr?
I’ve said a lot less here, but this is undoubtedly worse than the last one. 
Twilight Eclipse
The plot is built up a lot better in this one compared to the last two. In the last two, the main conflict wouldn’t even be fully introduced until like half an hour before the end of the movie. There was just a bunch of time that went by very slowly where basically nothing happened, and then all of a sudden there has to be a climax so the actual rising action takes place over a ten minute period, That's just weak writing, and this movie does not have that problem. 
I like the depth that we are given to the other members of the vampire family members. That said, Jasper was a confederate soldier, and you can not convince me that he isn’t racist.  
I think the scene where Edward and Jacob see eye to eye for a bit is pretty good if you disregard the fact that they really talk about Bella like an object. Like they spend so much time in this series just being NEEDLESSLY rude and mean; like you guys couldn’t even pretend not to hate each other for half a second? For real? Anyway, this scene kind of has them getting along and having a constructive conversation and I liked that. 
“Let’s face it. I am hotter than you” 
The plot is definitely more exciting in this one, but Victoria’s plan seems needlessly complex.
Are there other werewolves, or are the ones in forks just all of them? Like there seems to be this giant vampire government that spans the whole world, but the werewolves just have like ten kids in forks?
I get that you all are natural enemies, and you are in love with the same girl, but god you guys don’t have to be such assholes to each other. 
Viewers are CONSTANTLY reminded that Edward just wants to protect Bella and that Jacob might be a better fit because she wouldn’t have to change. Like really hon? You’ve said this shit twelve times, but please go ahead and tell me again.
I know I was laughing about it before, but Jacob, can you please put a shirt on, it’s snowing.
The ring that Edward gives Bella is terrible, I would not wear it. 
Why did the cullens just let the volturi kill that girl? They shouldn’t have. 
*Sigh* and now we are at the really bad thing that I really didn’t like. TW for sexual assault. There is a scene where Jacob basically tells Bella that he kNoWS she likes him. She actively says that she DOES NOT, and then Jacob kisses her. THAT WASN’T CONSENSUAL. THAT WAS SEXUAL ASSAULT, BUDDY. Some people might say that she did actually want it, but if you look at her face during that kiss, she really doesn’t seem okay with it; in addition, she punches him after. BUT WHETHER OR NOT SHE WANTED IT DOESN’T MATTER!!!! SHE SAID NO!!!!
Then this yucky shit happens again, when Jacob finds out Edward and Bella are engaged, and Bella feels the need to kiss Jacob so he doesn’t do anything stupid. That is bad for obvious reasons. It is very frustrating because if it weren’t for these events, I would totally be team Jacob. 
Also I get you guys both love her, but I challenge you to tell me exactly what you love about her. 
Twilight Breaking Dawn Part One
This movie is fucking hilarious and amazing. I have watched all of the movies up until this point, and maybe it’s just the fact that this is my first time watching it, but this might overtake the first one. It’s great, I love it. 
As I mentioned, this movie is very funny, there are a lot of really good moments, Charlie and Anna Kendrick’s wedding speeches are amazing and I love them. There are a bunch of other ones that I cannot remember at the moment, but I promise it is great. 
 I also loved when Rosili (I’m sure I spelled that wrong) had to cut Bella open, and then she really wants to eat her blood. Very fun and also amazing for raising tension. 
I like that this movie is not pretending to be an action film. All of the other ones are mostly drama with a pretty shitty action plotline grafted over it. That does not happen here. It is literally just a romance movie that uses vampirism and werewolfery as an added layer of drama. The other movies do this, but they also have those bad action plotlines, so it feels like they are lying to me about being monster fighting movies when they are really just romance dramas. This movie KNOWS that it is just a romance drama and it owns it and I think that is cool.
I really liked the thing where we got those close up shots of bella’s blood vessels becoming vampire-y and stuff, I thought it was fun. Also when bella is having that dream about her wedding and everything is white and red and they end up on a pile of bodies? I cannot explain why, but I thought that looked really cool and it was kind of chilling which was the desired effect.
Seth and Leah, need I say more?
Lovely piano song ™ is BACK!!!
*sigh* Jacob. I have a strange relationship with Jacob. He constantly goes from being very cool to being very terrible. I will talk about this more later, but in this movie it was especially prevalent. He would say unnecessary, mean shit about the Cullens, and I would be like “god when did you become such an asshole?” and then he would leave because he didn't want to watch Bella destroy herself and I would be like “when did you get coOL?” and then he would tell Edward how much he wanted to kill him and I would be like “jesus, when did you become such an asshole?” and then he would distract the wolves so the Cullens could hunt and then I would be like “Yo dude, when did you get coooool again?” and then I would remember that he kissed Bella without consent and just……
There was a similar thing with Sam because at the beginning he was like, “the Cullens are fine,stop being such a little bitch about it, Jacob.” And then later on, he’s like “nvm we gonna kill this baby”
I know these are actually just character inconsistencies, but I’m not putting them in the bad section, no I will not be taking criticism.
I wish they had told us more about stuff. Like they didn’t really explain why Jacob was so obnoxiously against them fucking. And Bella says it’s impossible for Edward to get her pregnant but umm how? Why? If that is the case, please explain to me why he is able to get her pregnant. Like this was the entire plot of the movie, and there was very little actual explanation which is annoying. I would like to understand the crux of your story, thanks. 
There was that thing where that woman from Argentina like, knew that Bella was carrying a demon baby. I feel like that is kind of painting woc as being mystical, and hey, that’s not great.
Jacob imprinting on a literal baby yes I know it is more complex than that, but still, come on stephanie. 
“Reneesme if it’s a girl” that’s good by comparison, but you set a super fucking low bar, my guy 
The wolf talking was uhh, pretty terrible. No thank you, sir. 
Twilight Breaking Dawn Part Two
this movie is also a lot of fun. I liked meeting all the vampires from across the world, and I did like the plot more or less. I thought that it was exciting enough, and I have no issue with them splitting it into two movies, I actually liked it. There were two distinct plots with distinct tones, so I thought they were justified in the split.
I liked the opening montage. I thought their use of white and red (just as they did in part one) was very cool and chilling. In addition, the shot where Bella opens her eyes and adjusts to seeing in a vampire-y way is really cool. Like it makes me get why people like this franchise, like it’s cool!
Jacob is fucking awesome in this movie; basically because he isn’t attracted to Bella anymore, and so he is no longer attracted to Bella, so he isn’t constantly whiny and mean. I liked that he made up with Sam, and I do think the movie did a good job making the imprinting thing not weird. Jacob is just cool here. I REALLY liked that everyone was like “we gotta pretend Bella is dead” and he was like “no fuck that, charlie knows I’m a werewolf, and he’s on his way over to see her.” He is just constantly doing the right thing, and I love it. 
Lovely piano song™  
The fight scene at the end was fun to watch. It was by no means a masterful spectacle of choreography, but I liked it anyway. 
There were some moments where things were not explained all the way like there was this part where Jacob comments that more wolves are turning than before, and I was kinda like “wait what why” and then it is just not mentioned again. And I feel like there were a couple other moments like this that just felt like they were trying to say something from the book and then just didn’t have time to expand on it. Maybe I just missed something.
What made Alice think that only Bella would be smart enough to go to the book that the page is from? That was my first thought when she left that note.
The movie made it seem like the volturi really just wanted a reason to fight with them, and only Aro seeing himself get killed was able to deter him. But um… why? Why do the volturi give a shit about fighting the Cullens? Also I was a little annoyed with the final battle like for real dude? The ‘it was all in his head’ trope? Fuck that, if you are going to kill a bunch of good characters, at least commit to it yaknow?
I’m also not a fan of what they did with Alice. She just became a device to solve all of the problems. Like she leaves for the whole movie, comes back and fixes everything? That’s not good writing, mate. 
As a series
Yes, watching these movies is so much fun despite all the dumb shit. In fact, it might even be because of the dumb shit. I would just like to make it very clear that I legitimately loved watching them, and I really liked writing about them as well. I say this because there have been (and there will be more) harsh criticisms.
This part will mostly be me venting.
Edward and Bella are both very bland, and Jacob is for sure, the most interesting of the main cast. 
Okay I don’t wanna spend too much time on this one, but Edward is 109 and Bella is like 17 when they meet. I don’t have to explain why that is kinda messed up. 
I really really wish that there had been more Carlysl (another spelling mistake I am sure), Emmet, and Alice. I liked them both a lot, and we don’t really get to learn about their backstories. There is also supposed to be this friendship between Bella and Alice, but I wish that had been fleshed out a lot more. I would have liked to see more bro time between them. 
I also wish there was more Seth and Leah. And let's throw in Charlie and Anna Kendrick for that matter. 
Not a fan of the way that threat of sexual violence is used with Bella in the first two, TW for minor discussion of that here. In the first one Bella runs into some guys who harass her, and Edward saves her. The thing is, he only knew it was happening because he was following her, and I’m not a fan of the narrative that perpetuates. In the next one, she actively seeks out a dangerous situation with a man, so that Edward might come save her, no thanks.
Green screens are used, and they are not always very good.
There are moments throughout the series where you are like “oh yeah, that is definitely a direct quote from the books” like when Jacob says “stop looking at me like that” “like what” “like I’m your favorite person in the world” like okay bro turn down the emo.
 Okay and now the most important thing, the lovely piano song ™. This is going to be the longest paragraph about it because this is possibly the most missed opportunity in the entire franchise (yes this is the type of person that I am). If you aren’t sure, the song in question is the one from the Ed/Bella relationship montage in the first movie, where Edward actually plays it on the piano. As I’m sure I’ve said, this piece of music is FUCKING AMAZING. Like it makes me actually quite emotional, and its association with the movies makes me feel more strongly about them. That is where the missed opportunity comes in because IT IS NOT IN NEW MOON OR ECLIPSE. Perhaps I just missed it, but I was making an active attempt to find it. It would have been ridiculously cool if they had used this song as Bella and Edward’s love theme. It would have been super cool if they had gradually added instruments throughout the series, making the piece grow and change, just like their love. It would have been so cool if they had added a counter-melody when Reneesme was born to symbolize the addition to their family. It would have been so cool if the closing shot was Bella and Edward in the field, and the original piano solo plays to remind us of the foundation of their love (and the series); cut to black and then the song plays through the credits for the main cast. God that would have been so cool, I get emotional just thinking about it. Instead, it is just a song they play sometimes when they want us to feel something. It works like that, but it isn’t as cool as it really could have been, which makes me sad. 
Alright that’s it everyone, holy shit that was a lot. I am going to give you two ratings. On a scale of 1-10, how good is the series? not better than a three. But MUCH MORE IMPORTANTLY, on a scale of 1-10, how enjoyable are they to watch? At least a seven. 
If you read all of this you are great, thank you for dealing with me for this long, I did spend hours on this. 
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btsrmono · 4 years
Trial & Error | chapter 2
Tumblr media
Main Pairing: (jimin): student/idol x (main): foreign student
Side Pairs: main x taehyung,, main x (nct) jaehyun
Part 1
A good few weeks had passed and you only made a small group of friends. They didn't seem to be anyone you’d ever grow close to though they were nice people. You mainly stuck to having Jinsoul as your best friend in Korea. You guys hung out all the time and she helped you study Korean, boosting your skills in communication. You were really grateful and thanks to her, you seemed to meet a lot of new people outside of your school. Based off of what you’ve observed, Jinsoul was very popular.
 "What are you doing tomorrow?" she had asked.
 You looked up from your notebook to her lying at the foot of your bed. "I don't know, probably nothing or hanging out with you, as usual. Why?"
 "Well, I was invited somewhere and I don't want to go by myself." Jinsoul was always doing something crazy like auditioning to become a trainee or going to a party and there you were, always getting dragged to places you didn't want to go because of her. 
  "Um, maybe I'll take a rain check this week," you replied, not really feeling in the mood.
  She laughed while slightly rolling her eyes. "It's not what you think," she informed you. "I actually have a date." 
  You completely stopped focusing on your literature homework and wondered what she'd possibly want you to go on a date with her for. "You're... asking me to .... be a third wheel? Are you really that nervous?"
  "No, I'm not asking you to be a third wheel, but yes, I am very nervous."
  "If you're not asking me to be a third wheel then what would you consider someone tagging along on a date?"
  "You're not a third wheel because you're a forth wheel," she answered quickly.
  You wasn't exactly sure what that was supposed to mean but you wasn't really up to questioning her. 
 "Please?" she begged.
 ".... I don't know, Jinsoul."
 She sucked her teeth. "Jimin is going to be there," she uttered, making you completely freeze. A sly grin showed on her face. "You can't lie, I know you like him, it's written all over your face whenever you see him."
  "I-I don't like him, I barely- I don't even know him," you stuttered. And it was true, you didn't like him. Did you think he was cute? Yeah. But you saw the way he flirted with other girls at the bus stop or at parties so you instantly was never attracted to him in that sense. 
  "Y/n," she pleaded. "I'll never ask you for a favor like this again. You said you owe me, remember?" 
  You sighed, considering it. "Well whose the guy that has you so hooked?"
  She smiled, biting her lip shyly. "Jacob."
  "Jacob?" you asked, shocked but not shocked. You could always tell she had a little something for him but from what you knew, he wasn’t single.
  "Yeah." She sighed, the smile quickly fading. “I already know what you’re gonna say--”
  "Doesn’t he have a whole girlfriend?" you cut her off.
  Her shoulders slightly dropped. "That was a long time ago.”
  “They were just making out at the bus stop after school last week.”
  “Exactly. A long time ago!” You looked at her skeptically as she sighed heavily. “They just broke up, y/n. He's a really sweet guy, believe me. And I like him a lot. You'd find out for yourself if you go on this double date. And who knows," she added, "maybe you and Jimin might have a connection you never knew was there. You both lowkey have a thing for each other, if it's not obvious to you, you're blind." She then laid back down into a comfortable position on my bed. "Think about it, he's always staring at you."
 You wasn't going to deny that but you always thought that maybe the boy just had staring issues. "If I say I'll go can we make a deal that you'll shut up about this for the rest of the day?"
 Her eyes widened. "Of course! A million times, of course," she exclaimed. "Thank you, y/n!!"
Only 20 minutes into the date and everything was just completely awkward. At least between you and Jimin. Jinsoul and Jacob were hitting it off just great. A little too great. You and Jimin were both completely ignored and all you two really did at that point was watch the two flirt and giggle, completely immersed into their own conversation.
 You looked out the booths window on the left side of you, watching people walk on by as your thoughts began to wonder, one hundred percent bored out of your mind. At that moment, you thought about home and how much you missed it. Those days, you were so caught up in your new life that you tended to neglect your past, not even caring to call back your friends due to your busy schedule and the time zone differences surely didn't help. It was hectic and even if they didn't think so, you felt sorry.
 But alas, your thinking was interrupted when you heard Jacob suggest for him and Jinsoul to go play in the restaurants arcade. She then giggled, agreeing as they both stood up, not even caring to look back at you and Jimin. You guys were practically invisible to them and you were starting to get nervous. You had never been alone with Jimin, not that it was a big deal but there was just something about it that made you sweat.
 You looked over at him just to find his eyes already glued to you with a smile on his face. But then he slowly turned away. And just like that, you guys sat in an awkward silence for a good solid minute or two, neither one of you saying anything or even checking your phones when, suddenly, he spoke up.
 "I... sorry if this sounds weird but I just wanted to let you know that you look really pretty today."
  This caught you off guard , causing you to hesitate and only sweat a little more. "Um... thank you," you said shyly. You had no idea what was wrong with you, you’re not usually like this with boys but something was different about Jimin-- not in a good way but not in a bad way either. It was just that he seemed intimidating.
  He let out a chuckle. "Are you okay, y/n? You're not usually like this. This isn't the you I'm used to seeing."
 You shrugged your shoulders, unsure of what to say. "I'm sorry," you apologized. "I just find this all to be a little awkward, you'd be lying if you said you didn't too."
 "Yes, it's true," he admitted. "This is very awkward. The things we do for our friends, huh?” he chuckled. “But breaking the ice is the way to make this a little more natural, no?"
  Nodding your head, you agreed. But the only problem was that you didn't know how to break the ice. 
 “What state are you from by the way? I wanna hear all about it.”
 You kind of laughed. “It’s funny this hasn’t really come up in most of my conversations with people here. They just hear ‘America’ and it’s all they need.”
 He shook his head, giggling a bit. “My love, haven’t they told you I’m not most people?”
  “Well,” you sighed, clasping your hands together. “I’m from New York City.”
  Jimin’s eyes lit up upon hearing this. “Whoa, the Big Apple. Very nice place, I’ve been a few times.”
  “Oh, have you?”
  “Eh, not to brag or anything. But let’s just say I’m well travelled.”
  You laughed at his obvious cockiness. “It sucks I’m not from some place a bit smaller, I wish I could tell you about places you don’t know much about.”
  “Are you kidding me?” he asked you, surprised by this statement. “Do you know how many people would kill to live in New York?”
  You knew he was right but you couldn’t help but to feel this way. “I know,” you sighed. “But when you grow up there it just feels so... I don’t know.” You tried to think of the right words to describe your experience but you just couldn’t. “While I appreciate the diversity of people, everyone there is kind of the same in a sense.” He looked at you, truly interested in what you were saying. “We all strive to do our best in school to get into a top University and get a good job just to impress our peers and family... Nothing is authentic and we’re all miserable, really.”
  He shook his head, showing that you had his full attention. 
 “You would think living in a place like New York would allow you to freely show your creativity and do what you want but, no. That’s what people move to New York but for people that live there, we don’t see the big dream when it’s been our whole life.” You began to think about all of the missed opportunities you had while trying to live for your parents instead of yourself. You began to think that maybe it was just you.
  “I don’t know,” you continued. “I just feel like everyone is shallow and I’m living a cliche.”
  He nodded. “Funny enough, I know what you’re talking about. It’s the same here. Luckily, I was able to pick my career path but it’s still pressure.”
  You somehow knew what he meant. You saw the way everyone around you acted. It didn’t seem any easier to you than New York. Mayhap's the pressure in Korea was even worse. “I see,” you said. “Everyone here are such hard workers. I know it must be tough.”
  He shook his head, agreeing with you, somber thoughts seeming to fill his mind as his eyes wandered off. “You okay?” you asked.
  His eyes snapped back to yours. He paused before taking a good look at you, a smiling creeping back up on his face. “Of course I am, y/n.”
  Luckily, Jimin was a talkative person who knew how to easily lighten the mood as he went on to tell you horror stories of what went on in his dorm. You got really comfortable around him pretty quickly. He was a fun person who was really chill and easy to get along with.
  ".... and that, my friend, is why you must always fill your ramen cup up to the indicated line." You laughed after hearing his story on how he almost blew up the dorms microwave. "I mean, I'll tell you," he continued, "Jin hyung was so mad, it was almost scary."
  Eventually, time started going by slow and Jimin began to run out of stories. You both had finished your food and neither Jinsoul or Jacob bothered to come back. You guys had officially been sitting there for a little over 2 hours, the waiters even asking if you guys were ready to pay the bill--more than once--to which, Jimin ended up paying for.
  You sighed, finally pulling your phone out for the first time in which felt like forever. Your cell lit up with multiple notifications that you didn't even feel like checking. You just wanted to occupy yourself with something. 
  As you scrolled through your Instagram timeline, you could feel Jimin's eyes on you. "What?" you asked him nonchalantly, still scanning your phone.
 "It's funny," he started, "us two being here."
  You quietly chuckled, finally looking at him. "What?"
 "Were you dragged here?" he curiously wondered. 
 "'Dragged' is an overstatement, but yeah, she did kind of beg," you admitted. "Why? Weren't we both?"
  "No. When he said you’d be here, I didn’t have a problem with coming."
  You awkwardly paused before making a small "tsk" sound, scolding yourself mentally. He turned around to survey the area to which you found yourself staring at him in quiet awe. You wasn't going to lie to yourself by saying that Jimin wasn't your type but you had to remember why you were there to begin with. It sure as hell wasn't because he asked you to. 
  At that moment, you took a second to check the time. It was currently 9:31pm. You looked back up at Jimin whom was already looking at you. "It's getting late," you stated. "My parents will start to worry. I should get home soon."
  He nodded his head, quickly agreeing. "Yeah, that's totally understandable. I should walk you."
 You paused, unsure of what to say. You weren't exactly expecting him to offer something like that so it took you off guard a bit. "Um... that's okay, Jimin. I can walk alone, the bus stop is only a short block from here."
 He sighed as he slowly began to make his way out of the booth standing. "Can you at least allow me to pay for a taxi home?"
 You then proceed to stand as well, smirking slightly. "A taxi? If you insist... But please let Jinsoul know where I went. I will text her as well but I'm sure she's not checking her phone anytime soon."
 He smiles, tilting his head a bit. "Totally. And you know something, I really had a good time with you." 
 You surprisingly had a good time too. And it was then that you felt that maybe, just maybe, Jimin and you would become friends.
A/N: Yayyy so we got a little more of Jimin! Next chapter, a small (kind of big) shock comes to this small group of friends. Stay tuned!
(p.s. Jacob is below! Him and Jinsoul would make such a cute couple haha)
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tbzhours · 5 years
don’t walk away
jacob x you, badboy au, college au, angst  
[summary] you’re confused ever since you met jacob and maybe walking away was the right choice  [warning] mild language, implied smut, physical aggression (not part of the smut)  [word] 4.7k  [a/n] feat. tbz but mostly hyunjae, kevin & younghoon; ok i know we all have been waiting for this so here you go uwu 
part 2 ⇒
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It’s only the third week of the semester and you were late to class for the first time. That meant you would be rushing out without coffee or checking whether you had the right materials in your bag. You shoved everything into your bag and ran out, heading to your afternoon class. Maybe an attempt to pull an all-nighter was a bad choice. 
You reached the building, checking your watch for the time. You had about 3 minutes until your class starts. You nodded at yourself, knowing you’d have at least a minute to prepare for class when you reach it. After a relieved sigh blew from your lips while you were still running on the first floor, you bumped into Jacob. 
Jelly beans were everywhere, scattered all over the floor as your eyes widened at their sounds tapping in front of you. You were also on the floor on your knees and palms. You quickly picked some of them up, rushing because of where you needed to be right now. 
“Shit! I’m so sorry!” You cried, still collecting more beans from the floor. This was the worse case scenario you had in your mind, other than slipping on some wet floor. You turned around, standing up as you took the person’s hand, slipping them onto his palm. “I’m running late to class right now so please I’ll get you some later. Deal?” 
You saw Jacob’s smirk but it felt like he had been doing that all this time when you were picking them up. “Deal.” 
“Okay, thanks!” You smiled with gratitude before you ran off to class. Now you would only have one minute to run to class and a rushed 10 seconds of taking your things out. 
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Class ended quickly. It always felt like that when you’re so focused. You walked out feeling relieved for understanding the materials and being able to help another classmate about what was going on. You were walking through the hallway where you had bumped onto a person and saw a few jelly beans still hidden on the edges of the floor. You recalled that boy with a smirk and leather jacket as you ran through the hall again and out of the building. 
You quickly stopped when saw Jacob outside of the building where he was leaning onto a motorcycle, you assumed it was his. 
“Hey!” He called out, a hand waving at you as it caught a few’s attention around. 
“Oh.” You walked over to him, trying to smile since his appearance felt a little intimidating. You noticed his bag of jelly beans. It looked a new one as you looked up at him. “You’re from before and you got your jelly beans already.” 
Jacob nodded before he threw a jelly bean at you. You caught it after it rolled over your shirt and into your palm. You had never felt so annoyed suddenly. You would have cursed if you knew him but you tried to tolerate, hoping this would end soon. 
“So this issue is resolved then?” You asked, picking up the jelly bean that was stuck on your shirt and threw it into your mouth with a glare at him. It shouldn’t have been an issue in the first place. Why was he dragging this? Why was he making this so hard? 
“You think it’s that easy?” Jacob chuckled as you stopped chewing. He turned around, sitting correctly on the motorcycle, setting the jelly bean bag into his pockets and turned his head to you. His head bopped back as he demanded, “Get on.” 
“Why should I?” 
“Because our deal isn’t over yet.” His smirk was stuck on his face as you followed his direction, rolling your eyes as you sat behind him. All you could think of was how did you get into this much trouble already. 
He stopped his motorcycle in front of a bar after a 20 minute drive. You were looking up, slowly taking your steps as Jacob turned around. 
“Come on.” He demanded again as you followed behind him, remembering the deal. It was stupid, yes, but still wondered who this guy was. 
Upon entering the place, you were met by his friends, who were all sitting around a table in white comfy seats. Behind them was the bar, all bright with a white counter and black rounded seats. There were a few crystalized lights in the ceiling but you stayed focused at the large crowd in front of you. As if all of them were all waiting for the main person of the day, they all greeted Jacob by hollering his appearance and cheering like he just won something. 
You thought it must happen often as you stayed back. You learned that this jelly bean guy’s name was Jacob but you noticed a few eyes looking at you. Jacob pulled you over when one of his friends asked about you. 
“This is…” Jacob looked at you, his eyes obviously asking for you to give your name to him. 
“(Y/N).” You finished his sentence but wondered why they needed to know. It wasn’t like you were going to keep knowing them. Actually, you wondered why you needed to be here in the first place. What was going on that Jacob had to bring you over, that he needed you here? 
“I met them because they spilled my jelly beans. Of course, that would come with consequences.” His friends laughed when he continued. He had his hand in the air then he shrugged, “But we made a deal and this is what we decided with.” 
His arm suddenly flew behind you, resting over your shoulders as he pulled you close to him. Your eyes widened at the floor as his friends shrieked, all shocked at his smooth move. 
“We did not agree on this.” You looked at Jacob with that smile still on his damn face. 
“We’re something now, sweetie.” He whispered when he moved his face closer to yours. You could feel his breath heating your cheeks. You were furious. You understood this now. They were all bad boys who decide everything on their own by twisting your words. You weren’t going to let it happen as you took a step back, making sure he wasn’t touching you anymore. 
“I get it now. You’re just some jerk who thinks everything you do is right so I’m just going to leave because I fucking have better things to do than fuck around, like you all.” Your voice lingered in the quiet room before you took another step back and turned around, walking away. 
Some of them got up, ready to follow you but Jacob held another hand up. 
“Leave them alone.” Jacob demanded. He turned around, watching your mad steps as he smirked. This wasn’t going to be the last time he’d see you. He just knows it. 
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The next few days, you didn’t meet them ever again and you hoped it stayed like that until you graduate because you didn’t have time to mess around like them. That didn’t seem likely when you were on your way to your favorite library on campus on a regular Friday night. It was always quiet and barely anyone was ever there. It was like your own secret hideout because it was hidden within a small department. The only problem was the way on how to get there. There were a few doorways and hallways you had to follow, cutting through a huge space where a stage could be set over for some fashion shows or performances. Right before you could go through a doorway to pass it, you were met by a familiar face. 
“Who are you?” You asked when he blocked your way. He was one of the guys you saw when Jacob dragged you out that night. You wondered how you could even recognized him but it must be his well-defined looks. Anyone would fall for him but for you, you wouldn’t. He’s just another bad boy who wants to mess around. 
He was blocking the doorway and by the look on his lips, it seemed he was waiting for you. He walked slowly to you, making you take a few steps back until you were met by a wall. His smirk was still there when his breath almost touched your lips. 
“Hyunjae, the baddest you’re ever know.” Well, now it seemed like he was the most handsome to easily steal people’s hearts away with an imitate touch like this. Personal space, you thought. He knew what he was doing as all you could do was hold in your breath, snapping a small sound from your lips with your eyes slightly rolling. He tilted his head, a tease filled in his quiet voice when he continued. “Say, you were the one Jacob brought over to our hangout. That walk out was quite… amusing.” 
“Okay???” You pushed him away. It was a light touch but he moved back with that hurtful mouth of his as if he had gotten pushed really hard. You didn’t care and asked annoyingly, “What the hell do you want?” 
“What?” He rolled his eyes, chuckling to the side and his tongue played in his mouth like he was about to fight you. That eye rolled back at you, his hands on his hips and a foot stepping in front of him. 
“What? Am I supposed to be scared or something? Just tell me whatever shit you’re onto so I can go study.” It seemed like you were shouting but it’s only because you’re in a closed room with two doorways on opposite sides. 
Your voice echoed as he huffed out a speechless sighed. “Wow, you’re really something. I guess this is what you get for messing with Jacob.” 
“What does this have to do with him?” Your heart started to race. You could feel your head burning when Hyunjae sneaked another smirk, moving closer again. 
“Because if you mess with him, then you’re messing with us too, the whole crowd.” His lips moved next to your ear, whispering sounds of threat. “Because that’s what bad boys do.” 
He could sense the fear in your eyes when he looked at you. All you could think of was running away every time you see them. Who knows what they could do to you. You sighed, letting that go as you pushed him away again. You were definitely done. 
“I don’t know why you guys are even here for.” You whispered, walking pass him and through the door as you could hear Hyunjae calling for you. 
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Studying, you couldn’t stay focused. You couldn’t understand why people like them would even be in this school if they were that “bad.” Money wasted, relationships faked, mind twisted. You knew you were the third one when you looked up and recognized another boy from that night sitting far from the library. Your eyes widened, wondering how that dark brown haired boy would even be here. No matter how curious you were, you would never talk to him, or Hyunjae or Jacob again. Not another chance that you would end up talking nonsense or even get your time wasted. 
You got up after collecting your things and walked out of the library with the restful weekend arriving for you. 
When you headed out of the building and into the night sky, you met Jacob. You halted in your steps, watching him admire the sky while he was sitting on his motorcycle. Somehow, that look felt different, you couldn’t explain it as it looked as if he was waiting for someone, perhaps the boy back in the library. You shouldn’t be thinking that when he suddenly turned to you, noticing a presence there. Your eyes jotted up and you turned away, trying to walk away before he called you. 
It was too late when Jacob followed you, taking your arm so you could turn to look at him. 
“You didn’t hear me?” He asked, but you didn’t glance at him. You didn’t want to. It would only hurt you if he tried to take you away again. 
“Yeah.” It was a quiet reply, almost nonchalant. 
He smiled, pulling your arm slightly as he offered, “How about another nice ride?” 
“No thanks.” 
“Don’t you like the breeze? It’ll be refreshing this time.” His voice sounded sweet, almost seductive but you didn’t like it. It was annoying you that you didn’t realize you would burst. 
“I said no!” You finally looked at him, your face angered at the way he was holding you. You pulled it away, seeing how his eyes were still. No change whatsoever that you couldn’t see a true feeling coming from them. Your voice began to shake into a whisper, “You can never respect me so why should I?” 
Your eyes became teary, filled with hurt that Jacob didn’t seem to notice. As you took another breath, your fingers curled into a fist. 
“Don’t you ever appear in front of me again.”
You walked away, wondering if this was what all bad boys do. At least this would be the last as you wished to never find yourself talking to one for the rest of your life. 
While you walked away, Jacob turned his head to the voice that was calling his name. He smiled a small one, walking back to his motorcycle with his hands in his pockets. 
“Hey, Kevin. Ready to go?” He leaned onto his motorcycle, a playful eyebrow wiggling at him. 
“Yeah? Didn’t know you would come get me.” Kevin smiled widely with his hand at the strap of his bag. 
Jacob shrugged and got onto his motorcycle and joked, “Well, I was gonna ditch you.” 
“Yeah? Now you can’t anymore.” Kevin laughed and jumped behind Jacob, fixing himself onto the seat. He slapped Jacob’s arm as he laughed again. “Come on. We gotta get to the boys before things go crazy.” 
“More like my heart will go crazy.” Jacob laughed as he turned the engine on, Kevin not hearing his words as they drove away through the dark street. 
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A few days went by and you wouldn’t leave Jacob’s mind for some reason. He didn’t know why he found himself walking into a library, hoping to see you. Maybe he felt bad for hurting you he wanted to apologize. He honestly didn’t know how to do that as he saw you in a study room all alone. His lips beamed as he walked up to the room. 
Of course, you’d notice him approaching in that leather jacket. You wondered if that was what all bad boys wear because it was stylist and shouldn’t be labelled. You didn’t realize your eyes were locked at him until he came into the room. You stood up quickly, eyes widened at his sudden appearance. 
“What are you doing here?” You were confused on how he found you when you’re at a popular library site. Having to reserve a room, it would take at least one week to do so. You were only testing to see how it would be like since your shared dorm was usually loud because of the next door rooms. You saw Jacob’s smirk as you took a step back. 
“I’m just here to see you.” He was being truthful but you didn’t want it. 
“What. No.” You were running to the door but he locked it, his body covering it so you wouldn’t go out. You glared at him with your eyes, fearing of what he would do next. He was still smiling as he tilted his head. 
“You weren’t listening.” Jacob frowned then he crossed his arms, leaning onto the door with a shrug. Every move felt like a joke. You were breathing heavily as he smiled. “I’ll just sit. I won’t do anything to you.” 
You squinted your eyes at him and whispered loudly close to him. “How can I trust you?” 
“Don’t scream. We don’t want the others wondering what we’re doing by the door.” His smirk irked you so much that you wanted to lay a hand on him, especially his annoying face. You huffed as he continued, “Just keep doing what you’re doing.” 
It took you five seconds before you walked back to your seat, staring at him as he sat down across the table from you. He caught your eyes and smiled with his hand gesturing you to keep studying. You sighed deeply but quietly and tried to get back to work. It didn’t work as you could feel his eyes staring into you. It felt uncomfortable as you wondered why he would even come to a library empty-handed. Oh right, he’s a bad boy. 
That’s when you collected your things, putting them into your bag then you stood up and walked toward the door. Jacob stood up too, his shocked eyes looking your way. “Where are you going?” 
“I said to never appear in front of me again.” You stated without looking at him, your voice sounding rough as you were holding your breath. You quickly unlocked the door and walked away as Jacob didn’t run after you. He could only wonder what he did that was so wrong for you to disappear from his sight. 
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Things went back to the way they were for a few weeks. You were glad that there wasn't anyone to annoy you or distract you from your work anymore, just as you liked it. You had been studying in the most crowded libraries too recently, just so you wouldn’t bump into them all alone like before. 
It's been peaceful on most days but on some days, you’d be reminded of Jacob when you hear the sound of a motorcycle. Even when you were in class looking out the window, you'd hope to see him there. 
Tonight, you were reviewing some notes while your friend, Younghoon, was trying to start the final project of his business class but it was meant to be with another partner. You were glad about choosing a major that didn't require much group work because relying on others could make things worse if they didn't do their parts. It was happening to Younghoon. 
His professor had chosen them to be a pair but Jacob never showed up to the meetings Younghoon set up for. 
You watched him sulk into his seat in your shared dorm. The fact that this project was going to affect his grades effectively, you really wanted to help, especially when he had helped you a lot before about writing good essays because it was always a struggle for you. 
"Why don't you let the professor know so maybe you could join another group." You suggested with a shrug. 
"I did. Let me show you." He got up and quickly searched his email inbox as you leaned over the table. The turned his laptop around and rephrased what he got back from the professor. "He asked me to get his phone number when he literally never show to class other than the first day." 
He does well in his classes. Perhaps getting his phone number would be a better idea. 
You read that part then your eyes found Jacob's name above it where Younghoon had mentioned it in the previous email. It couldn't be him, right? The Bae Jacob, the bad boy you had met a few times before? You never thought you would ever hear his name again since walking away that night. 
"I don't know what to do, (Y/N). It's stressing me out already." Younghoon sulked again, sighing as his hand brushed his hair. 
As much as you didn't want to see him again, you took the chance to help Younghoon, the courage you'd never have when it came to Jacob. You smiled surely at him, "I've got an idea." 
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You showed up at Jacob"s place, (you heard about these bad boys around campus to even know where they could reside too). It was a fact when the door opened with Jacob standing there. “Well, look who’s here.” 
“Cut the greeting. I need to talk to you.” You crossed your arms. 
“Of course, seeing you might have a reason to.” He stretched an arm, letting the door open wider as his other arm curled against the edge of the doorway. 
You ignored his words, shaking your head before you explained, “Shocking to know you’re my friend’s partner for your business class. You need to get your shit together.” 
“Oh, it looks like you’re worried.” He was teasing, you could tell. You didn't let that get you. 
“Yes, for them and for not you.” You snapped but Jacob shrugged, trying to provoke you. You glared at him as you continued, “Just tell me you’ll do it then I can stay out of your face.” 
“Oooo, spicy.” Jacob commented with that seductive voice, a wink and a bite at the side of his lower lip. 
“I’m done here.” You turned away, trying to run away again when his voice stopped you in your short track. 
“I’m not. You're the one who said to not show up in front of you, but not in front of me.” Jacob smirked, watching how your eyes roamed at the floor, seeing your side profile turning a little red. His voice became softer but slow enough that turned back to look at him. “Why don’t you stay for some… I don’t know, snacks?” 
“No thanks. You’re still a complete jerk.” 
“That’s who I am.” He held onto your wrist, lighter this time. He was smiling when he tried to pull you to him. “Come on in.” 
You pulled your arm until you both stopped. He noticed your angry eyes but they were different from the night you walked away. There was perhaps a charm in them when you negotiated. “If you let go.” 
When you walked in, Jacob was closing the door. He followed you from behind, a smile staying at his lips as you noticed his work on the table, papers scattered all over with his laptop being the center of them all. He walked over to the kitchen and came back to you, who was still looking around. 
It was true that he actually does his work as it didn’t make sense to you. How could the way he was differ from the unlikely things you were seeing? You turned around, hearing his voice. 
“Such a surprise, huh?” Jacob was right behind you with the kitchen just a few feet behind him. 
You hadn’t noticed how skinny he was with his leather jacket off because he had a white shirt on or how small his apartment was. It seemed perfectly fitting for him because he had a small heart anyway. You ignored those thoughts as you glanced at his work again, your lips leaning on one side. 
In his hand was a cup of juice. He handed it to you with a sneaky smile. 
“A surprise yes... I wouldn’t be surprised if you did something to this drink too.” You smiled, making such a point that he seemed a little taken back, an expression you never knew he could have. He took a step back, an approving frown painted on his face before he took a sip from it, setting the cup down on the kitchen counter behind him afterwards. 
“So you’re really in for more surprises.” He shrugged and crossed his arms with his signature smile, a smirk to the side. He leaned onto the counter, his smoky voice filling the air as if you found yourself hard to breathe. “And it looks like you came here for another reason too.” 
He caught you red-handed as your eyes slightly widened. You tried to think of something quickly, an excuse that didn’t make you want to stay. Looking at his opened laptop, you looked back at him, your voice panicking. “Well, I just wanted to make sure you sent a reply back that you’ll meet my friend for the project. Could you just let them know before you fail their grade up?” 
You pointed to his laptop but he never looked away from you. As you looked back at him, you suddenly noticed the softness in them, ones you never once seen before. Those eyes had always looked intimidating, alarmed that you should run away before you fall into them. It was already too late to get out when Jacob chuckled quietly. 
“What makes you think I’ll do that?” He was a bad boy anyway but you somehow could feel a trust in him that he could do it, for you. 
“Our deal?” You helped him recalled your reason of appearing in front of him suddenly. Instead, he brought up the reason how you both met. 
“Our deal has been dragging this far because you keep running away.” He chuckled, eyes looking at your feet. 
“Am not.” 
“Then don’t do it again.” Jacob came closer as you stood still, your feet straighten under the table where your bottom hit the edge of it. Your hands gripped on the edges of the table at your side. You held your breath again when his face was only centimeters from yours. He continued, setting his hands onto the surface of the table to lock you in between his arms. "Then…"
His eyes were falling from your eyes and down to your lips as you tried to move back. It was impossible because the last thing you wanted from him was to have him stepping over you. As bold as your words, you whispered to him with a irking smirk. “Then what? You think I’m scared of what you’re gonna do to me?” 
“Of course not…” He slightly turned his head, seeming to find the perfect way to match yours with his eyes gliding all over your lips. His eyes slowly headed up to yours, meeting your eyes for the last time when his breath brushed your lips. “When it’s all over your face.” 
Then he kissed you, his lips engulfing yours when he pushed you against the table with his own body where you couldn’t escape. A hand was pressed at your back and the other at the back of your neck where his fingers tangled with your hair to keep your body up with his. 
You found your arms setting over his shoulders when you pushed your dancing lips against his, intensifying the lustful greeting with both of his arms doing the same when they came together, holding you close to him. 
Jacob suddenly lifted you up with his arms as your legs wrapped around his waist, his hands gripping over your back pockets tightly so you wouldn't fall. Slowly, he carefully walked you over to his bed on the opposite side of the room, his legs didn't wobble off like a turbulence on a plane. Your lips never left each other as your heads twisted, leaving no time for air. A sweet sensation rolled at your stomach, your heart racing at his every kiss until you fell onto the bed where he was now over you. His lips escaped yours as you stared into his eyes, wondering what this touch could mean. 
It was a breathless moment, losing in each other for a second when the back of his finger softly marked a trail down your cheek. There was softness in his eyes when they followed his touch as you began to realize, maybe you were falling for him. It was a dangerous game when the session deepened as he slowly moved closer to you, connecting your lips again. His hand began to crawl under your shirt as your hands slipped through his hair, gripping them as if they held your heart. His fingers tickled from your side to your back as he helped pull your shirt off. His lips touched your jaw to every inch of your neck and collarbone where his kisses made a sweet path to your stomach where all of your butterflies flew away. Slowly, he did the same with your pants, pulling them off before he did his too. 
For a second in that room, giving your all to him, you felt as if you were meant to be with him. Your heart ached for more yet another ached for less. You mind was lost in moments when you couldn't tell which held more purpose to you, but you wanted this to last. You wanted him to love you like no other. You wanted him to only think of you until it ends. That was your only wish if Jacob didn't love you like he did now. 
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When you woke up in a few hours, locked in his arms, you could only leave a light kiss on his lips. You quietly slipped away from him, finding your clothes and his on the floor, and a few that weren't either yours. Of course, it was predictable that you weren't the only one. 
It was only reasonable to walk away again and to hope that you'd never see him again, just like how you had for the past few weeks. 
It would be hard but you must stay true to your instincts because Jacob was just a bad boy that you should've never met. 
You quickly put your clothes on, taking one last glance at his soft sleeping face as you try to look away so the picture wouldn't stay in your mind forever. You walked to the door and let it close as you hoped that you had left with no traces behind. 
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trashcatsnark · 4 years
6, 8 - Dahlia 10, 13 - Tsuneko and Mamoru
You didn’t specify SFW or NSFW. So, I do Both
SFW Dahlia and Seeds
6. Going out to eat: Who pays? Who orders the most food? And who has dessert?
answered here
8. Who knows how to swim? Who doesn’t?
I feel like Dahlia and all the Seeds know how to swim. Dahlia grew up in very southern Louisiana, like heel of the boot, so she wasn’t ever far from a beach. She doesn’t remember clearly, unfortunately, but in her little jewelry box of memories and mementos is a photo of her at the beach with her dad and mom when she was a toddler in little floaty wings. 
The brothers learned how to swim early, I feel like Jacob and Joseph were probably taught by Old Man Seed in the throw the kid and the lake and see if they come back up for air kind of way, unfortunately. But they made sure to be the ones to teach John properly. During their time with the farm foster home, Jacob found a creek he’d found and sneak his two brother away to spend the day playing in the water. There was always hell to catch when they came back, but it’s good memories of the few moments they got to be kids. So, each of the brothers still have fond memories of swimming. John when he was with the Duncans also got to enjoy bougie indoor pools, but he’d take a dirty creek swimming with his brothers over that any day. 
Growing up in Hope County, Faith/Rachel also learned how to swim early on. There’s not exactly a lot to do in Hope County as a kid and there’s lots of water, so fishing and swimming were both pretty big and she doesn’t like fishing. As she got older her and Tracey would often go swimming in the lakes late at night to just kind of get away from everything. 
SFW Tsuneko and Mamoru
10. Any pets? Or plants?
Yes! Tsuneko has a pet ferret named Kiyohito, Kiyo to his friends which is everyone. The little guy is always getting into trouble, but he loves cuddling with Mamo when he moves in, Kiyo basically sees Mamoru as a giant bed. They do not have plants though, unless they’re the plastic kind. While Tsuneko is a fantastic pet mom, she cannot take care of plants to save her life. She doesn’t know what it is, but it’s just not worth it. Mamoru is...well Mamoru, he can’t take care of himself let alone a plant. 
13. Who stays up late? Who sleeps the most? Does the other have to force them to sleep/wake up?
Tsuneko stays up way later than Mamoru, she generally before him has a lot of issues sleeping. Though, he has his own issues. Because she doesn’t get much sleep and has nightmares. Mamoru sleeps a lot, but it’s rarely quality sleep, he wakes up and he just still feels tired. This lessens more when they actually live together, because Mamo and Tsun find that they both get better sleep when they’re together. So, he starts dragging her to bed even when she’s trying to stay up to do one of the bazillion things she claims she needs to do. So, eventually their schedules sync up more and more. He forces her to go to sleep and she forces him to wake up, both act annoyed but love it. 
NSFW Dahlia & Seeds
6. Dom/top? Sub/bottom? Any switches?
Dahlia is a technical switch with a heavy lean towards sub/bottom. She can get pleasure and satisfaction from either, she likes to do what makes her partner happy. However, her lack of experience, tends to slot her in the sub/bottom role because well, she’d like to do what makes them happy but doesn’t know what would do that. She also...just kinda likes being manhandled a lot. But, she’d be lying if she said being able to dom one of the bros who’re physically bigger and stronger than her isn’t kind of a rush. As a bottom/sub she also tends to be the uh, bratty variety, mouthy, generally has to be a pain in the ass. 
Jacob is dom and top, 99.9% of the time, he just likes feeling in control, feeling powerful. That being said, he doesn’t like an easy win, so to speak. He likes that back and forth sort of power struggle/battle for dominance during sex. He likes to feel like he’s more than earned being the one in control, so, he’s more than okay with Dahlia’s more bratty tendencies. He also like feeling his partner is strong and capable in their own right, even if he’s taking control in the end. When he does let Dahlia do any kind of domming/topping, it’s usually offered almost condescendingly or like a challenge, like oh, i’d like to see you even try, pup
John is described in game as a sadomasochist, meaning he can find pleasure in both giving and receiving pain. So, I’d say that places him in the switch category, he definitely can and does get pleasure from being dommed and topped, with Dahlia it makes him feel wanted and desired. But, I will say i feel he still goes more into top/dom territory, he leans that direction a bit more. Again, due to Dahlia’s inexperience, the Seeds taking control is just kind of natural, but also he’s really clingy and needy, so he tends to initiate and steer the direction of it more. 
Of the Seeds, I feel like Joseph leans the most towards bottom/sub as any other of them. Though, I would still classify him as kind of a service top, I guess. His main focus is on making Dahlia feel good, he wants his partner to feel loved and cared for. He’s the one in control, but it’s all focused on servicing her and making her feel good. He also is very interested in bottoming in traditional ways, Joseph wants to be pegged, you can’t change my mind because it makes him feel loved and wanted as well, he wants to give his absolute all to her, in any, way, shape, or form she’ll take him
Faith is dom/top, most dominant of the Seeds after Jacob. She’s dealt with a lot of feelings of powerlessness over her life, struggling with being underestimated due to her appearance. So, sex is a really nice place for her to be dominant and feel that control. She likes being able to lead things and see the effect she has on Dahlia, whether that’s more soft version of it, massages that lead to pinning Dahlia’s hips down while she plays with her, or more rough, sitting on Dahlia’s face type stuff. 
8. Favourite erogenous zones?
As I’ve said a lot, Dahlia doesn’t have much (any) experience before the Seeds in any universe so, I would say, i thinks she’s genuinely surprised by how much she likes having her ass groped. Like I said, she very much finds out that she likes being groped and manhandled. Like, just one of them reaching over and grabbing a handful of her ass sends her reeling. On a softer note, she also really is into having her hair played with, not pulled, but stroked, ruffled, petted. It just makes her melt and become putty in their arms. 
As weird as it may sound, I think Jacob really likes when Dahlia strokes over his scars and kisses them. She doesn’t ever really point out or talk about his scarring, for a long time it’s always genuinely felt like she just didn’t notice or care. The only time she ever really has said anything is once asking if they still hurt and it was clear she was just concerned for him. He doesn’t consider himself insecure, but he knows the effect his scars have on how some people see him. So when she kisses and strokes them like she would any other part of him, it makes him happy. Other than that, Dahlia likes to tease him about his ears, calling them dumbo ears and wiggling them while telling him to fly away. He glares and calls her a nuisance, but it’s cute and maybe he kisses her a little harder than necessary right after. 
John’s found he really likes having his throat/neck kissed and bitten. Dahlia has kinda prominent canines, so when she gets into sucking and biting at his neck, she leaves a lot of marks. And he loves it. He could just lounge back, with his head tilted back and baring his throat to her for hours as she sat in his lap and covered him in marks. Otherwise, he really likes having his fingers in her mouth too, something about it just gets him riled up when she licks and sucks around the digits. Not only the suggestion of something dirtier, but having her love and desire him enough to worship even small parts of him. 
Joseph, kinda like Dahlia, has his hair as an erogenous zone for him in a way. But, not only does he like the gentler aspect, of having his hair stroked and played with. But unlike Dahlia he is completely okay with her pulling his hair. He likes her taking her pleasure from him, as he puts it. He likes her wanting him and being needed, that harsh pull of his hair just shows how much she needs him. Also gonna make you go bald quicker Joseph, but whatever His other erogenous zone that he loves, that he feels dirty admitting is when she kisses around his hips/belt line, just beneath his LUST scar. There’s just something about her looking up at him, as she kisses him there, with that sin plastered just above her lips. 
Faith has very sensitive breasts, she loves when Dahlia laves attention there, kissing and sucking, leaving marks across them. Even little things like when Dahlia just wants to nuzzle her face against Faith’s chest, deciding she prefer the plush of Faith’s breast to the brother’s more muscled chests. She just help but excited and wanna hold Dahlia there forever. Another slightly more innocent erogenous zone she has is her back. She likes giving and receiving massages a lot. The first time Dahlia gave her a back massage, it was meh, inexperience making a difference. But Dahlia is a quick and eager learner, the more she learns about Faith’s body, where to rub and press, the more those massages take a dirty turn. 
NSFW Tsuneko and Mamoru
10. First to orgasm? Last to orgasm? Who comes the most? Does someone ever end up unfinished?
Assuming it’s sex in which they’re both being stimulated, Tsuneko will cum first. Counting foreplay, technically Mamo cums first usually from her blowing him, stroking him off, etc. Because she knows she’s on the more uh sensitive side, so she likes to make sure he cums before so they’re at least a little more close to even. Last to cum usually depends on if he cums inside of her, if he cums inside of her that’s usually enough to force her into another orgasm. If he’s using a condom or pulls out, he’s the last to cum. Not really, they both wouldn’t be happy leaving the other unsatisfied. The closest to that they ever get is if Mamoru did something to piss her off and then tries to initiate sex before apologizing, than he gets the no, you sit there with your blue balls and think about what you did, treatment. 
13. Who’s loud? Who’s quiet? Does one try to make the other louder/quieter? How?
Tsuneko is a whimpery, whining, squealing mess. Mamoru is more of a dirty talk and grunter, getting a bit more loud and cursing as he gets closer to his end. Mamoru is an asshole who loves hearing the noises she makes so when they’re in a nice private place, his apartment, hers, or eventually their shared home. He’s excited to make her extra noisy. This can be just by doing things he knows she loves as he learns more and more of what makes her tick. This could also be him maneuvering her in ways where she can’t cover her mouth or bite down on his shoulder to suppress her noises, something she usually tries to do. But, if he’s trying to get a little handsy in a riskier spot, he’s instead trying to keep her quiet, cause while he likes a bit of risk. He does not want anyone hearing those noises but him. 
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jacoblyons · 4 years
Jacob Rhett Lyons was born January 5th, 1996 to parents Joseph and Katherine Lyons. The couple already had one son, Gavin, whom they loved dearly, and the three of them could not wait for Jacob to arrive. When Jacob was born the Lyons family was complete, and many years of happiness and love were in their future.
Mr. Lyons is the pastor of the main church in Springhill, which brought on a lot of expectations for the Lyons family. Mrs. Lyons is a doctor at Springhill General.
Jacob and Gavin were as close as two brothers could get. They did just about everything together. Where you saw Gavin, you also found Jacob. Having his brother in his corner meant everything to him, and would become even more important in Jacob’s teenage years. 
When Jacob was 16 a new family moved in next door who had three kids, two girls, Bailey and Briana, and a boy, Jack. The girls were a few years older than Jacob so he didn’t really have any interest in them, but the boy..well he found himself incredibly attracted to him. Jacob had been taught by his father and their church his whole life that being gay was a sin. This caused a lot of internalized homophobia on Jacob’s part at first, but once he started hanging out with Jack that started to slowly melt away. He realized that being attracted to women and men was okay and it didn’t make him any less of a man, a Christian, or most importantly-a human. Jacob and Jack started “seeing” each other on the down-low, disguising their dates as them “hanging out with friends” or just “doing teenage guy things”. 
Rumors started to whirl around Springhill that the pastor’s son was of all things...gay. Jacob’s father confronted him about it and told him that people around town were calling his son a “fag” and a “fruit” and that it was not acceptable. Being a scared teenager, Jacob denied everything. He told his father that none of the rumors were true, and him and Jack were simply just best friends. It wasn’t until about a month later that Jacob’s father caught the two of them fooling around in his son’s bedroom. Mr. Lyons was furious not only that his son was gay (actually bisexual but he didn’t know the difference), but he had lied to him. He accused Jacob of making a fool out of him in front of the whole town, and that people would no longer respect him as a pastor because of his son’s homosexuality. Jacob promised his dad that he wouldn’t see Jack anymore in order to maintain some sort of peace not only in the church community, but also his family. 
The revelation that Jacob was not straight created waves in the Lyons’ household. His father was beyond disappointed, disgusted (ew), embarrassed, and disapproving. Mrs. Lyons was indifferent about her son’s identity. She felt that they had raised him to be strong enough to be his own person and if this is who he was, then she was proud of him and would love him no matter what. Jacob’s number one fan through it all was his brother. He took the time to listen to Jacob and understand how he felt about everything, how his brother identified in terms of his sexuality, and vowed to defend him until his last breath. Remember, the two of them always have been inseparable and despite their small age difference, no one was going to hurt his baby brother.
Jacob did not hang out with or see Jack more than just in passing at school for a few weeks, but ultimately couldn’t stay away from him. The two hung out in secrecy, making it a point to keep their interactions private and as low-key as possible. This went on for quite some time before Jack’s family announced that they were moving away from Springhill. The family was not embarrassed or ashamed of their son and the bond that he shared with Jacob, and thought it was foolish that Mr. Lyons reacted the way he did. The reason for their move was solely due to Jack’s father getting a new job in NYC. The two said goodbye and still keep in contact on occasion but not on a romantic level. Jacob has had mainly girlfriends since this whirlwind year, but is very interested in seeing where things could go with another boy again. 
Despite the shit he received from his father, Jacob is proud of who he is. It took him a very long time to get here, and it took a lot of inner strength and love from the rest of his immediate family, but he is finally in a place where he is at peace with his sexuality. Jacob has grown a bit secretive over the years, not really wanting all of his business to get out all over Springhill as it had many years ago. Jacob works with a therapist to combat some emotional issues that he has, including anxiety and slight depression, and is very open about the struggles that he has had/has. 
He is a loyal friend, who will go to the ends of the Earth for someone he cares about. He wears his heart on his sleeve, and sometimes gets burned for it but that’s life, right?
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Talking Christ #1
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The Talking Christ by Squared Circle Confidential signature plays until the scene transitions over to Kiersten Fraust and Logan Fenix sitting on opposite sides of the large glass table. A backdrop of the Talking Christ logo behind them ready to start the show.
Kiersten Fraust: Hey everybody and welcome to Talking Christ! I'm Kiersten Fraust and to my right is my very outspoken co-host Logan Fenix joining me tonight! Wooo! What a show Wrestling with Christ in Saudi Arabia was, right? 
Logan Fenix: It was a complete catastrophe, Kiersten, but it was the kind of catastrophe I could not look away from like a child falling down an escalator.  I laughed, I cried, I threw up in my mouth in sheer disgust and much much more.
Kiersten Fraust: I was very surprised how they got away with so much of the stuff that happened. Being Saudi Arabia and how strict things are over there. I'm just thankful that everybody who made the trip came back to the United States and their homes safely.
Logan Fenix: Got away with it?  Hercule Giles was over there forever, according to Brennan Devlin they’re still picking apart Bun Bun to this very day.  They all left pieces of themselves behind, quite literally, and none of them will ever be the same.  Do you know how much the therapy is going to cost them all?
Kiersten Fraust: Well, you know sometimes people tend to exaggerate things online and really... my mind is still trying to process everything that happened. The whole golden ticket championship madness throughout both nights of the show. Everyone thinking that Marty Kovacs was dead but shows up on night two very much alive. I mean there is a ton more which will require therapy for the viewers.
Logan Fenix: And what about say for instance, C.J. Sweet turning her back on everything she’d ever known in this business.  From the start of her career, she’d been the good girl, the fan favorite…  one big win and suddenly her personality shifted and she turned her back on Angel and the fans.  Somehow, that paid off and you know what?  I’m actually happy to see that side of her.
Kiersten Fraust: Seeing her in that light is kinda disturbing to me. It's honestly sad because she had so many fans rooting for her, rooting for Angel, rooting for this match but then she turns her back on them? I don't get it.
Logan Fenix: That’s what you do when you are trying to make that next step, to turn that next corner.  This CJ has a lot more stock in her than the last and I am happy to see it.  But then, we had on Night One, Jacob Kuntz taking on Winter Drell.  This one had a lot of potential to change the very outlook of Night Two.  Because if Kuntz won, it changed our main event from winner take all…  If Winter won, well, the chances of Winner Take All weren’t just chances anymore, they were happening.  Boy what a fight that was too.
Kiersten Fraust: Ever since Winter Drell won the CCW heavyweight championship she has done everything in her power to keep it. Like when she ate the light tube in her match against Jacob Kuntz. That match was very, very, very brutal thing to witness and I was just sitting at home watching. I can't imagine what it was like seeing it in person. Then Kuntz? Oh my lord, he was just taking the blunt of every light tube that came in contact with his... Uhh.. private area. 
Logan Fenix: But in the end, Winter Drell hung on…  somehow, the Queen of the Double Dragons ensured that she had her chance for Winter Take All.  Get it?  Winter take all.  But before we get to that..  Chang had an eventful weekend, he killed Allah!
Kiersten Fraust: While you're all celebrating it, I just don't know how to process it all. Were we all tripping on something we didn't know we took before this match or what? Like Chang killed this invisible presence. It's like...
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Kiersten Fraust: My words have failed me.
Logan Fenix: Love it, love everything about it, and let’s not forget what he did to Prince Salman.  You saw what he did, right?  It was like something out of the Avengers.  I kept waiting for Samuel L. Jackson to show up at the end and recruit him.
Kiersten Fraust: Throughout this match I was thinking how we were watching a collaboration between Avengers and Terminator movies in wrestling. But yeah, I saw what Chang did to Prince Salman. I wish I didn't but I did.
Logan Fenix: It was the most captivating, enthralling, some would even say erotic thing I’ve ever seen, Kiersten. 
Kiersten Fraust: Don't you mean exotic? Like Joe Exotic.
Logan Fenix: No, erotic.  As in I experienced confusing emotions in my brain, and in my nether regions.  My girlfriend Taylour and I had the best lovemaking experience of our lives after watching Chang’s matches.
Kiersten Fraust: Uhmmm... Okay. How about that Winter take all? It was one of the best things you've said tonight. And she really showed up in that match. The champ was kicking butt and much more.
Logan Fenix: Everything I say is good things, Frausty.  But you’re right!  What about when Redd Thunder and Duke Andrews hurled themselves into the Double Dragons, all of them went off the Heaven in a Cell to the floor.  Thank goodness for Wendy Wynne’s magic toilet paper maze…  it was magic right?  Actually, let’s not get into the mysticism of an enchanted toilet paper maze, we’ll be here all day.  What a move from Thunder and Andrews though, but it did not pay off in the end.
Kiersten Fraust: Constantine was about to win it for his team but then the freakin' devil shows up? The Saudi Arabia crowd definitely got more than what they bargained for. It was hellish with little sprinkles of good thrown in here and there.
Logan Fenix: It seemed like Satan may have been making an offer to Constantine too, but Winter took the deal instead…  and then the end, when the building was finally overrun?  And did you see the post-credits?!
Kiersten Fraust: Where Chang was holding Prince  Salman's heart and declaring he was going after Jesus next? Yeah, I saw it. I wonder how that match will go down, if it will be a match at all.
Logan Fenix: We did see a logo at the end for Wrestling With Christ: Satanic Service, maybe?  But let’s not get ahead, we have some guests!
Kiersten Fraust: Oh yes! Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our very first guests to the show Conor Machina and Mitch McMaster.
Both men walk on to the set, Mitch acting like he had a few extra shots of hard liquor and Conor his cool and collected self. They sit at each end of the table as they are given microphones.
Kiersten Fraust: Guys! It's so great to have you here. Thanks for coming tonight.
Conor Machina: It's a pleasure to be here.
Mitch McMaster: Wow look at you honey.
Mitch scooting closer to Kiersten, obviously very inebriated and thirsty for a drink of that Frausty root beer.
Kiersten Fraust: Wow, and look at you too. But I wanted to ask how your client Barry is doing after the loss to Axel at Wrestling with Christ?
Mitch McMaster: Oh you like what I’ve got goin’ on don’t you honey?  Who?  Oh, Barry!  Barry, I love Barry, that kids been family for ages.  We’ll get Axel, don’t you worry.  My baby girl Angel made a bad choice in a man, and I have to protect her.
Kiersten Fraust: How did this match come about? 
Mitch McMaster: It all comes about at Wrestling With Christ 2.  He asked her to marry him, it was brief, but I caught it.  Now, I always dreamt of better for my girl, she’s so many generations ahead of wrestler that she deserves the best.  Instead, she has to deal with that wrestling equivalent of a mutt?  Nuh uh!  I thought maybe Barry would whoop some sense into this guy but, apparently, I need to look deeper because he cheated Badass Barry Saban.  You saw it right?!
Logan Fenix: The world saw it, Mitch.  Several closed fists, which should be banned but the referee just lets it go.
Conor Machina: I know the thought of your daughter marrying Axel gets you extremely hot under the collar and it's natural for you to disapprove of him and want better for Angel. But I have known Axel for a really long time and the guy's a good dude. Nobody would mess with her with him around.
Kiersten Fraust: I totally agree. 
Conor Machina: Now as far as the closed fists are concerned... What about that low blow Barry gave to Axel when you distracted the referee? Are you guys just selectively blind during the match? Barry had it coming.
Kiersten Fraust: Yes. Excellent point.
Mitch McMaster: You have a problem or something boy?  Your line of questioning is starting to get me hot under the collar, I did what I had to do and I’ll do it again.  But right now it seems to me you’re trying to rabble rouse and cause issue.  You’ve been looking at me cross-eyed this whole show and I might be an old man but this old man still got a lot of bullets left in his gun.
Conor chuckles into his microphone.
Conor Machina: I mean this with the utmost respect but come get your ass kicking, playboy. Pull the trigger.
Mitch McMaster: Oh it’s on, boy, I’m going to slap you around like your mama should have before she went out and let me put my thing in her way back in the day.
He jumped up as security rushed in to keep the two men separated.
Mitch McMaster: Better watch your ass big boy, me and the homies are coming for you.  Better sleep with one eye open cause froggy’s about to leap!  RIBBIT MOTHERFUCKER.
Conor Machina: Tell me... was there a secret stipulation to that match if Axel won, Angel had to call him daddy? 
Mitch McMaster: Watch yourself because McMaster spells disaster for you, kid!  And my daughter would never be into DDLG fetishism!  That tears it!
McMaster threw a shoe across the room at Conor, nearly taking his head off as he was drug out of the room.
Kiersten Fraust: Well, this is an interesting way to sign off. See everyone next time.
Mitch continues to shout out of camera view and the show finally comes to an end.
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sidekickjoey · 6 years
My (Very) Spoiler Filled Review of Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindlewald
That movie was so much better than I was expecting considering all the reviews I’ve seen knocking it hard for the past week. Here’s my recap of my experience with it character-by-character, as well as some of my responses to reviews/criticism I read beforehand-- let me know what you think! 
Read at your own risk, there’s a lot of spoilers here. Scroll REALLY fast until you see the gif I put at the end, mobile users! I’m sorry read mores don’t work for you! 
1. Newt Scamander, never change. I found myself going ‘awwww’ way too much over this man in this movie. He’s so quirky and so true to himself the whole way through, and I absolutely am in awe of it. He’s seriously a dream of a man. The gentleness he gives toward his creatures and his utter playfulness with the ZouWu (look me in the eye and tell me that didn’t make you feel all warm inside) was breathtaking. Eddie Redmayne once again outdid himself with his portrayal of Newt. His expressions this movie too were phenomenal, especially since we didn’t always hear Newt speaking. A+ to him all across the board.
2. Let’s talk about Queenie. I see a lot of people upset at what Queenie became in this movie, but in all reality, I don’t think it’s as out of character as everyone is saying. Think about it: Queenie experienced something traumatic. She found the one man she loves more than anything, and then suddenly he’s ripped away from her because of a rule the main four all acknowledged in some way was super ancient and not right. She gets him back, but yet again, she is hounded with society being like “Hey, we see your love, but it’s not right and we will send you to prison if you try marrying each other.” That stuff gets to you. It makes you think irrationally. Someone mentioned “But Queenie was so smart last time and now she’s acting like an idiot.” Well, yeah. That’s kind of what Jacob was saying. It’s because she feels threatened, and that pressure has gotten to her so much that she is desperate to find a fix for it. Was it a lot to use a love potion on Jacob? Yes. Was it a lot to jump the gun and follow Grindlewald? Yes. But she felt she had no choice. She was backed into a corner, and Grindlewald held out his hand and said he can make all her dreams come true. When you are desperate, you’re going to take whatever chances you can get. 
3. By the way, let’s talk about Grindlewald. I walked into this expecting Hitler 2.0 to be honest, but what we got is kind of scarier in a way. Grindlewald is, as we saw in the first movie with his “Won’t we die just a little” comment to Newt, not exactly wrong. He’s fighting for things that should be fixed. He wants freedom and he wants truth. He wants wizards to have to not live in shame, and he wants them to be able to marry muggles and even interact with them without shame. However, he’s a bad guy fighting behind these causes. His methods and means of going about things are all wrong. With the WWII vision he saw, he pandered to fear to gain support. He took the message and said “Hey, this is the future if we don’t act” without informing them that, sorry to break it to you, that’s the future regardless. And that my friends is dangerous. He’s so sly and he’s so manipulative, and he gets away with what he does with his supporters because he’s not fighting for a bad cause. It sends chills up and down my spine thinking of it. Also, I’m not too fond of Depp, but his delivery of Grindlewald, especially during the speech, was fantastic. If anything, his role of the villain offers you a chance to hate him all you want. I really enjoyed his portrayal this time around.
4. Oh my goodness, Newtina. I’ll admit, I wasn’t the biggest Newtina fan coming into this film. I liked them, but idk, the chemistry wasn’t really there for me and it seemed a bit forced. This film, however, changed my mind. My heart freakin broke hearing Newt call out to Tina in his home. He looked so utterly devastated. And Tina reacting so hurt to him, calling him Mr. Scamander? Rip out my heart and serve it on a plate, will you? Newt is freakin precious around her, and you could actually feel he was crazy about her this time. His cute little fawning over her eyes and her stance was precious. It reminded me of when Harry talks about Ginny having nice skin. Tina’s admiration for Newt also was precious. The way she finished his sentence, the way she understood his methods with the ZouWu? Idk, I could feel she really is starting to understand him and become attached. My heart melts for them this time around, and even though the kiss didn’t come, I think it’ll be there next time and beautiful as ever.
5. Dumbledore. Jude Law can freakin slay. I absolutely was in love with everything about his portrayal of Dumbledore. I literally have no complaints, he was perfection.
6. Credence, or whoever you are. This was a bit of whirlwind. If there was ever a part where I got tripped up, it was probably at this reveal. One moment he’s the son of that nanny of his, then he’s a Lestrange, and the next moment he’s some random? I really feel for his frustration because how do you even comprehend all that. I full out shouted though when his big ending cliffhanger thing happened. A lot of people are tripped up because “in the canon verse Dumbledore only had one brother and one sister, JKR is ruining everything, doom and gloom forever.” However, let’s look at what JKR said: not everything we think we know at the end is true. This could be another one of Grindlewald’s mind games. Remember, Queenie told Grindlewald Credence was unsure of his choice. What if this is a ploy to retain his trust? And, if it is true, what if there is a lot more to the story that we will find out that explains why Credence went absolutely unknown and unspoken of in the original Harry Potter books? We are only two movies in to a five part series, everyone. There’s time to figure things out. Don’t let that stop you from enjoying the movie and ones to come.
7. My dear Leta & Theseus. Theseus was what I thought he would be. The kind of outgoing, stiff, Percy-like character who plays a near opposite of his brother. I liked though the moments when Theseus let his guard down and took care toward Newt. His hug was one of those times, and at the end when Newt hugs him back? Magic, right there. I wish we knew a bit more about how he came to be with Leta, but that’s okay. I loved getting to know her a bit and see her past with Newt. She seemed like someone who would give it all to protect those she felt she wronged or cared about, so I do not see her passing as all that out of the blue. Someone needed to do it, and it did two really important things. One, it gave Theseus something other than his boring ministry job’s orders to fight for. Two, it made Newt finally choose a side. Though our time was short with her, I adored her being around.
8. And then there’s Nagini. I feel like we will get way more time with her toward the end of the series. I loved her being there as Credence’s support and friend. I’m still wildly intrigued as to how she ends up in Voldemort’s company, especially after seeing her so pointedly choose against Grindlewald. 
9. The Troublemakers: Nicolas Flamel and McGonagall. Flamel was honestly really funny here, and I know some people have said he was pointless, but I really enjoyed him being there. He provided a good moment of comic relief, and in the end he helped save the day. Not every character has to be some dark, deep character. As for Minerva, I know the timeline is wrong. I get it. I think that was a bit of fan service so people who are HP fans but aren’t as into FB see a familiar face. Not everyone is reading up on HP lore and timelines. To some people, there is no problem with it. It sucks for those who know about the issue, but I don’t think it’s enough to start a riot against JKR for. There’s loads that doesn’t always make sense in the HP universe, and frankly, this will go down with that. Take a deep breath and move forward, everyone.
10. Lastly, Jacob. My sweet summer child. He’s really put through the ringer with this movie. One second he’s engaged, the next second he’s lost in London, then his girlfriend suddenly isn’t with him and he finds her at some villain rally? One man can only take so much. I feel for him at the end when he’s so incredibly lost and looking ready to die. Bless Tina for keeping an eye on him. I’m really glad he has Newt around. His moments with Newt were adorable, and I love that he, much like Tina, is starting to accept that Newt’s just a quirky guy. He’s starting to read and understand him more, which I loved the expression of when he stops going on about Queenie to talk about Tina for the very depressed Newt. He’s really coming around. I hope there’s a happy ending in the ropes for him. He’s more than just a character used for comic relief. I think he has something destined in the future. I just want it to be good.
Thanks for reading this incredibly long review! As reward, enjoy a Newt.
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ts-2020-olympics · 4 years
EPISODE 1 - “My Legs Were Not Qwoperating” - Kathy (Part 1)
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One world ! 24 other players ! I 
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I'm too old to be here but... it's happening! I made it on Tumblr Survivor mom! Determined to not be first boot!
Also I'm aligning with Jordan Pines because I love chaos and these newbies won't know what hit them
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Well this is certainly something. I'm going to try out seeing who pms me without me saying anything. I'll pick up the activity tomorrow, so it doesn't really affect me, let's see if anyone takes the initiative so I don't have to. If I get dragged into a majority alliance then that's cool. I don't think that this group is great in terms of teamwork as of yet, but we'll see. There's so many tribes our chances of going to tribal are pretty slim, even if we suck. We're kindof underdogs, so sucking might not be excusable. 
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First day of surviving the Survivor survivorship...survivor. These forms are going to take some time to get used to, but I'll manage. Got conversations from Beck and Sammy so far - might scope the field, see what's out there. Or, I can lay low and do what I need to do for my team until merge hits. 
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i actually really like the people on my tribe and i'm excited because i have hopes for us. i've also made some nice friends so far and i'm hoping that pays off later but even if it doesn't i'm glad my first day in a skype survivor org has been positive! woo!
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Fuck this complicated ass first challenge 
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Hello! Guess whose back? It me! Anyway, it’s been a fun first night. Things are going okay. I am worried a little bit about the One World mess, I don’t want to come off too social right now but at the same time I need to secure a good place. So here is the breakdown analysis of my tribe: Chris Stoner: hello ???? I didn’t know they let stoners into the Olympics, didn’t we drug test? I haven’t spoken to him much but we did play Crossroads together although not really together. Anyway, fun to see him. Don’t know if I’d work with him but I guess that’s to be determined. Karen: KARENNNNN! I wasn’t expecting to see them here but now that it’s happening I am very glad to have someone who I have worked with before around, and a solid foundation of working together. Right away I felt like I had someone who had my back and I hope I’m not misreading that, because Karen and I always seem to work together until a certain point. Hopefully we can work together longer than usual this time! Kevin: uhhh soooooo love Kevin but we don’t have the best track record? He was in Circle with me we had a little fight where I may have called him a racist for being mad at Asya anyway it SEEMS as though that’s not an issue anymore and I think we might be able to work something out. I don’t wanna have to vote Kevin out before Stoner or Tommy. Tommy: ok no offense to this man but he is so hard to talk to so far. Every conversation feels flat and even though we are talking about subjects I could go on about for a while, it feels like the convos are going nowhere. I feel like there’s a sort of slight bond between Karen, Kevin and I but then Tommy and Stoner are kind of...hopefully who they’d want to kill off first, I’m probably wildly misreading every situation rn. Outside of my tribe I’ve talked to Juls who I am going to take under my wing as my daughter and she will win this season if I don’t get to! I love her so much she reminds me of my old school Skype babies and I feel like a cool mom when I talk to her I’ve also talked to beck briefly, KING love him bc he’s dating Asya and I don’t necessarily want to bond based on that. I also know beck is a good as game player bc I’ve watched him play so......I’m gonna be nice and observant and maybe we can establish a threat/threat symbiotic relationship. I also talked to Jacob C. who I love so much and he and I have been comparing some notes. He’s already told me Sammy has an idol that he can only use for three rounds so heh heh heh. OH SPEAKING OF SAMMY I love that man he’s such a doll and I really hope we can work together if I get far. At this point I love this cast but I really feel like I am not gonna vibe with the newbies, they’re like very....quiet in the PM’s but loud in the one world chat? I find that backwards. I’m hoping the newbies I do like will be able to  get rid of the newbies I don’t like so that when we merge the newbies I do like will help me get rid of the returnees I don’t wanna work with. That’s what we are manifesting, 2020 vision yeehaw. 
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Showmance, eh? I might play dumb, surprise them all later? I could play the role of disposable pawn while possibly orchestrating things behind the shadows. Could be a long, long shot, but it could work. 
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omg okay this is all so crazy i love it i can’t stop shaking AAAAHHH dhdkshHSJDHEVSJbokayOKAY so like i LOOOVE my tribe we’re the fuckin best tribe here cus we’re all so cool like we’re the FRIENDSHIP tribe and being able to make friends is a useful skill in this game like no offense but being the “dominant” tribe or “champions” tribe or whatever tbh it’s pretty unskinny bc that’s a target on you forever whereas my tribe we’re all friendly and trusting!! 💖💞 xoxo lets hold hands all the way to finale and have fun! 🌈✨
okay i forgot to talk about strategy lol anyways yeah I looOOOVve everyone on my tribe and that’s great but also sucks because there’s only 5 of us, it just takes 3 votes to send you out so I wish there was some oblivious cocky dick on our tribe we all could hate so we’d have an easy first vote like that guy Billy.. why is he on the respect tribe¿? anyways i love everyone but I think Will and I are becoming the closest we talked for a lil while last night yknow things got a little steamy 🥰😩 (you’ll have to pay for ts all access for that footage 😘) we bonded really well and I think for this first vote if we lose, Will and I are definitely gonna be voting together.
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Alright, so here we are at the 2020 Olympics.   I came in as a last minute replacement, so I feel like I have to prove myself more than some others who applied weeks before hand and made the cut.   As well, got some past players, and past winners, which makes the competition stakes that much greater this season.   Then, to top it all off, at the One World style camp, so can talk to everyone which is definitely a nice touch.   Now, regards to my tribe, I honestly like the people on my tribe, and find that we're going to be a solid crew.   Here is my actual impressions on my tribe mates thus far though: Beck - Probably one I recognize most, just due to being in a discord org vl with her, definitely seems like a friendly gal, and when time is right, I feel she could end up being my closest ally on the tribe Ben - Probably one so far who I have talked the most too, and I feel like we're connecting alright thus far, so going to keep building up a bond with him and his route could end up being as my first ally of these Olympics. Kathy - Haven't spoken one on one with her yet, just in the tribe chat somewhat and main chat, which she definitely seems like a cool person, and hoping to get to know her a bit better, but terms of this game, hard to say if we'll be on same side or not. Bailey - Speaking with her a little, but kind of same lines as Kathy currently with her, just not sure if Bailey will end up being an ally who will be with me, or someone who will be against me. Overall, time will tell how this game goes, but hopefully it goes well for me and I come out with at least something worth while.
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HOLY SHIT I FOUND AN ADVANTAGE OH MY GOD!!!!! I GOT AN ADVANTAGE ON DAY FUCKIN TWO OF MY FIRST SURVIVOR EVERR HOLY SHIT!!!! okay so it says i can get an extra vote IF at the next tribal i decide to NOT vote and save that vote for later so i’d have an extra vote. Now the hard part is making my first tribal an easy vote so i can save my own.. hopefully i’ll be able to do this! i’m so scared ohmygod
okay i’m in a serious predicament... so I may not vote at the next tribal meaning there’s only 4 votes. While looking at the cast reveal i discovered something.. Nik is a drag queen, Eve also does drag as well... what if they applied together from some drag community or are bonding because of that. That’s 2 votes together already on a tribe of five.. that’s dangerous especially when I’m not allied with either of them! If they vote together and i don’t vote... they’d have half the votes already and may get rid of my ally Will! I’m hoping to god they don’t know each other but if they are aligned then Will or I could be out! I want this advantage but i don’t know if i can take it.... fuuUUUUCK
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I’m really enjoying my tribe and I think that the people in this game are super awesome! However with that being said, I can definitely see who could potentially be an issue down the line and I’m keeping my eyes peeled for them!
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whoa. this game is a lot. I managed to message everyone on day one because I just rely on my social abilities. I tried to be as relatable as possible to everyone but literally some people were dead fish. Some newbies have asked me for advice already and they said returners are intimidating so I said "I mean only the returners that won" hahah and they were like "oh yeah so true" sorry I threw y'all under the bus. But ummm kathy is playing and we are from the same hometown so I am hoping we end up on same tribe sometime soon. I love juls too!! OH AND JACOB IS MY RIDE OR DIE. we had a tribe call and I was so uncomfortable because I felt like I had nothing to add to the conversation. my fav 2 on my tribe are Jacob and Caeleb tho! umm okay last thing I searched for the idol....AND BIH ON DA FIRST TRY I GOT ONE BLSFSI only good for next three tribals I attend tho. I told Jacob. it was in a yellow condom. okay sorry this was very choppy I just wanted to get it all out.
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This tribe seems to be working fine together, while I'm still terrified of losing, I think we stand a fighting shot. This cool little band of misfits would be a cool sight. I've kept my quiet for the first day, time to ramp things up just a tad. I've talked to Landen and I feel pretty alright about him, and given this tribe is as small as my will to life after playing QWOP, we only need one more! Landen's probably talking to everyone, so I just need to seal the deal with him. I think my challenge performance will suffice for being enough to keep me around, but I need a bit of a backup just in case. If we go to tribal, there's not a "stay UTR" option. It's either I'm in an alliance and I'm calling some shots, or I'm being (in)directly blindsided. But, I picked my strong suit in flash games for a reason fellas. The one world chat has quite a bit of activity. I'm quite and that's fine, if we swap I can readjust. If we go to tribal I'm sure I'll become just a tad more popular along with the other 9 that go. tldr:I'm winning duh
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Ayo, tribe energy looking DOPE AS HELL BAY BAY! We all seem to be getting along pretty well, seeing as our communication during this challenge is pretty dope! No bad personalities in sight. I gotta wonder though, how nervous do I have to be? I know for a damn fact if I start talking more to these people they gon' be fallin' as hard as underage kids seeing the hottest girl in school enter their club. Thing is though, I'm fresh meat coming into this, so any pre existing relationships in this game are like dust mites to me. Can't see em' but GOD DAMN they annoy me. Nonetheless, I gotta work my magic in case we go to Tribal. I ain't letting anybody take out a rookie, especially a rookie who has somethin' to prove, and someone who at his best is the damn king of the world. See me work bay bay!
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rose-lighters · 5 years
Time to rank every MCU film
Yes I am doing that oh so original thing of ranking every marvel film from worst to best. Criticisms and debates are welcome. (Disclaimer: I like all these films unless stated otherwise)
X. Incredible Hulk - I haven’t seen it. Sorry.
21. Guardians Of the Galaxy Vol. 2 - I can honestly say I hated this film. The only likeable part of the whole film was the soundtrack and the first few minutes with Groot dancing. Beyond that it was dull, cringy and oh so predictable. The second that Ego (???) appeared and said he was Quill’s dad I was just like ���Oh so this guy’s the villain then” and noped out of there. I never saw past that point and don’t intend to.
20. Captain America: The Winter Soldier - People praise this film till kingdom come and I for one do not get it at all. Many say that it is unique in moving away from the typical superhero film and towards the spy genre. Maybe I just don’t like spy films but it is in no means a great Marvel film. I liked it enough but it’s so forgettable I had to google the plot for this review. I liked the characters and all but it just never stuck with me as anything special.
19. Guardians Of the Galaxy -  Maybe I just don’t like the guardians??? I don’t know but this was another film that just didn’t stick with me. I like Rocket and Groot but beyond that the Guardians themselves hold no interest with me. I don’t care for the humor particularly and whilst the music is great that really shouldn’t be the best part of a film unless it’s a musical.
18. Avengers: Age of Ultron - People hate this film, I however do not. It’s an okay Marvel film, I don’t care for it enough to hate it. I like that scene where they’re all trying to lift mjolnir and I think I liked the ending (I watched it like two years ago so I don’t remember that well) but I have to agree with a lot of the criticism of white washing the Maximoffs (despite how much I love Elizabeth Olsen and Aaron Taylor Johnson, it was still shady). I didn’t hate the ‘giving Hawkeye a family’ like a lot of people did because the already made it clear he wasn’t like comic Clint.
17. Thor: The Dark World - Now we’re moving into films I do like (I love Marvel films more than I dislike them, it's literally just GOTG2 that I don’t like). This was a good film from what I can remember (as I said it's been a while since I’ve seen a lot of these films). I liked the story arcs, I liked that it was set in places other than America and space (ok, so I’m from England, sue me), I loved Tom Hiddleston in this film and I like Darcy. All in all it was an enjoyable viewing, a little dull at times but generally harmless.
16. Doctor Strange - This would be further up if it wasn’t for how dull the first half hour or so is. I had to go back and watch this months after I had first tried just because the start was so boring. Once I moved past it however it was a great origin film. I liked the humour in it and I have always had a soft spot for magic so it was a brilliant film. The effects were absolutely stunning and on aesthetics alone it would place as the second or third best marvel film. I loved the good guys and was genuinely rooting for them despite Strange being a bit of a snarky arsehole.
15. Iron Man - Is this a very important film? Yes. Is it a great film? Also yes. Do I remember it? Not at all. Okay, so I remember some stuff and what I do remember was great but to say its a film that sticks out would be a lie. It’s THE origin story in as much as it’s a formulaic one: flawed character is traumatised and realises their flaws in the process, is influenced by important person, becomes a hero and is betrayed. It works though. That’s the thing, it works so damn well that its almost not in the formula. It's a great watch and honestly RDJ looks great in it (so not the point but I digress). That bit with Stane ripping out the arc reactor made me feel betrayed and I kinda knew it was coming. ( https://tonynatashas.tumblr.com/post/184375713429/that-scene-in-iron-man-where-obadiah-stane-is this post explains why this scene is so great important)
14. Captain America: The First Avenger - Another (enjoyable) origin story. If Sebastian Stan wasn’t in it it would probably be three places down but hey I have a type. No but seriously this was a great film because not only did it show off the brilliance of Roger’s transformation and gave us an idea of who he was and what motivates him but it also then gives us details of his waking in the 21st century and begins to expose his issues with this time travel (for want of a better phrase). This film shows you what you’re gonna get whilst still having pretty good effects, a good, solid storyline and a pretty badass comic book villain. The serum guy creeps me out though and there are so many ethical issues of that level of human experimentation on a person whose only friend went off to war, had Steve died they chose someone no one would really miss which is so concerning.
13. Captain Marvel - A lot of people may have a criticism of this film being so far down but for me it needs to be. I like superhero films where the main character overcomes a flaw and amnesia is not a character flaw. This is a good origin story but it is not a great marvel film. I like Carol but I don’t love her. I love the fact that we have a superhero film with a female main character and i liked that scene where she talks with biker guy but it felt like Samuel L Jackson was a more interesting character at times. I often rate characters on humor so there’s that. It was a good film but I’m mostly looking forward to what will be done with the character as she has so much potential. 
12. Spiderman: Homecoming - This is a weird one for me. It’s the only marvel film I own on DVD and it’s the only one I like where I skip scenes. I can not deal with cringy humour so I skip 80% of the jokes and awkward moments in this film however it’s a really good film. It’s funny and the music is great, I love Zendaya and Jacob Batalon probably more than Tom Holland, their roles are great and the film’s emphasis on friendship is one of the elements from the Iron Man and Captain America films that I love just further amplified. The references to Ferris Bueller and the fact that it is, at its core, a teen flick makes it a brilliant film. The vulture twist was also amazing. 
11. Ant-man and the Wasp - I feel like it isn’t talked about enough but I really bloody love Scott Lang. He is one superhero that I can really get behind because above all else he is just the nicest guy. He is probably one of the most human seeming characters in the MCU and it always makes for such an enjoyable viewing. This could probably draw with ant-man in terms of great films. I loved Ava Starr so much and my heart really went out to her and that FBI guy was a total joy to watch. The Ant man films are so funny and light hearted that they don’t have that sort of weariness that other MCU films have. If only Luis told more stories in the MCU.
10. Ant-man - Honestly just look above. Also I love Hank Pym and Hope Van Dyne so much. The villain was kind of eh but I loved the heist aspect.
9. Black Panther - I watched this film for Shuri and to an extent because I felt obligated to so I had low expectations. People were talking about it for the significance of fighting for equality (which I am all for, don’t worry) so I was expecting it to not live up to the hype and it didn’t. That being said it was a bloody great movie. The movie was beautiful, the use of colour and the CGI tech was so damn pretty. The plot was brilliant and for a while I wanted Erik Killmonger to win, he put forward a good argument and I like a ‘baddy’ so to speak. The fights were great and I was so here for their version of going under cover finally not being a hoodie and cap. Was it over hyped? Hell yeah. Was it still a great film? 100%
8. Iron Man 3 - This gets a hell of a load more crap than it deserves, mostly from comic book fans who can’t stand that their precious mandarin was a hoax but honestly I respect the fuck out of marvel for that. Rather than having a stereotypically asian terrorist they turned that stereotype on its head and made the white guy the actual terrorist. Ben Kingsley is one of my favourite actors and he was amazing. I, obviously, also loved the representation of PTSD as a serious issue and how it was displayed in all of its real ugliness. For once it didn’t just show a damaged person who was fixed with romance. So yeah, this film was a masterpiece.
7. Captain America: Civil War - Zemo may just be my favourite MCU villain to date, why? Because he fucking won. This was a film about a man who knew his victims and rather than stupidly trying to attack the big scary strong guys he exposed them and made the best of circumstance. He got under Captain America’s skin and played him like a puppet. This was more than just a villain, this was finally a smart villain. Not to mention that this film had some of the best action sequences and heart breaking moments whilst still having time for a laugh. It’s also the first film (in my opinion) that called out Steve’s morals and his obsession with the past. Bucky was hot used against him and it showed that above all else, even the little people, Steve’s loyalties are with his past.
6. Thor - Most people would disagree and rate this film far lower however for me this was the start. I didn’t grow up watching superhero films because I didn’t like watching TV as a kid so it wasn’t till I was 13 that I saw a superhero film and this was it. I honestly watched it because my friend had it on DVD and I thought Tom Hiddleston looked hot but from what I can remember this was one of the best films I ever saw. I wasn’t too bothered by Jane Foster but I absolutely loved Darcy, Loki and Thor. Whilst I’m not adopted I do know what it is like to be the younger and smarter sibling with an older thuggish brother who is still the favourite so I loved Loki with a passion and was so upset when he fell.
5. Iron Man 2 - This was the film that made me realise that I liked girls, Scarlet Johansson in a black cat suit and red ringlets was an amazing thing to little 13 year old me. Beyond that it was just a solid film, it had spies and daddy issues and sass and Samuel L Jackson. What more can you want?
4. Thor: Ragnarok - This is the peak of Thor, I’m calling it now. Never had a director before been able to capture the absolute chaos of Loki and the sweetheart-ness of Thor so brilliantly. As far as representations of characters this, Captain Marvel and Iron Man 3 may just be the best of all the MCU. This is the full completion of Thor’s arc, this is the film that the first Thor set up. Finally Thor is ready to be King. This film had so much humour but still set it all up so perfectly that it was more than just a comedy. Jeff Goldblum was amazing and honestly Taika Waititi should direct the whole of the MCU. He knows the characters better than anybody.
3. Avengers: Endgame - I cried three times. That scene with the portals was the most beautiful thing I have ever witnessed and whilst many criticize much of the plot I don’t have too much I’d change, though in fairness I did like the cursed child so maybe I just have a soft spot for all things time travel. Dynamic timelines are not used in cinema enough and the three alternate timelines create have all sorts of implications for future films in the MCU. If Thor is not fat in the next film this may go down to 20th though.
2. Avengers Assemble - This is the film that I believe best represents what the MCU has to offer. It’s a light hearted superhero film with all the characters that were needed at this point in time. For its time it was ambitious and honestly it shows. I loved the dynamics between the characters, the plot was engaging and not overly complex and even if you haven’t seen any other MCU films it makes perfect sense. In some respects it probably is the best the MCU has to offer.
1. Avengers: Infinity War - Oh boy do I love this film. This isn’t just a film, this is the film. Did it have the same emotional impact as Endgame? Fuck no but it didn’t need to. It was serious. It was funny. It had just the right amount of just the right characters and may I just say that is the best that Captain America has ever looked in the MCU. I (controversially) really loved Gamora dying and most of the Guardians being dusted. The memes were great.This was the most ambitious cross over event since Wizards of deck with Hannah Montana. One thing that I can’t get out of my head though is Bruce’s comment of “broke up like the beatles?”. Does that make Bucky Yoko Ono?
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