#no of course you aren't! you're going to drink the water first! and then run! because that's what you've been conditioned to do
nientedal · 1 year
god that post made me mad. "humans just CAN'T be persistence hunters, because persistence hunting doesn't make any sense to me personally! no i'm not going to cite any sources, just trust me, i read about it in school!"
okay, mmhm, sure...except it does work. it does work, and we know it does because it was still in practice by modern humans in the central Kalahari until AT LEAST 1990. some of those people have even explained some of the challenges and nuances of the practice as well as the knowledge they use to make it easier. it's not the only method of hunting humans have used over the years, but it is definitely one of the methods in our repertoire.
"humans can't run for multiple days without food and water (which is how i assume persistence hunting works, for some reason)! and they're not fast enough to chase an antelope without losing it! and tracking is a stupid concept that doesn't work, and i'm going to scoff and ignore it!"
you don't have to run for days. you don't have to be super fast. you just have to be fast enough to not let your quarry rest long enough to recover, and you do have to be able to track-- which is absolutely a real thing that people can and do learn how to do.
(i suspect the OP ignored tracking as a possibility for the same reason they tried to discredit any information about the indigenous peoples of the Kalahari as basically being (1) all noble savage bullshit from the 60s or (2) irrelevant because it's not what their forefathers were doing-- their anthropology course probably taught them about the challenges these bands are facing with colonialism, and probably also taught about the rampant misinformation about them, but it did not teach any actual respect for their cultures or knowledge. or for them as, you know, people. whose grandparents remember the way their grandparents hunted, and can talk about it, even if they are no longer able to continue the practice.)
(knowing the noble savage stereotype is bad doesn't make it less racist when you still talk about people from a stance of "but my modern ways are better than their hungry primitive ways and i'm going to talk as if they're already extinct and have no expertise worth discussing.")
"there's no POINT to it! we have tools! and weapons!" the point is not getting gored and kicked to death by a wounded animal four times your size that didn't die when you hit it the first time. the point is that an exhausted kill is an easy kill where you don't die. it's a decent point. it's fucking reasonable. also, afaik there's decent odds we learned hunting before we learned tools.
and yeah, i get that the OP was just upset and yelling in the initial post. i do understand that. and I understand their frustration at hearing a theory misrepresented as fact. but their subsequent reblogs and responses are equally thoughtless pseudointellectual posturing, and i'm sorry, it's garbage. someone pointed out modern pursuit hunters exist, and they basically went "mmmmyeah, all of that is just outdated, cherry-picked misinformation and you're very stupid and i'm very smart, look at me i know lots of tribe names and i'm going to link some articles about why these people no longer matter, isn't that sad and TOTALLY relevant to this conversation." someone else mentioned tracking, and they ONCE AGAIN basically said if you lose your line of sight, that's it, you're done, you've lost your quarry. tracking isn't real, don't even bring it up. hoofprints in wet ground in the rainy season? those are fake. doesn't happen. broken brush where a panicking animal has run? lol, that's not real. you can invent tools, but learning to follow an animal? bullshit. total malarkey. it's all just guesswork. you can GUESS where the antelope went but that's the best you can do.
anyway, i don't know enough about human evolution to guess why we're shaped the way we are, and i'm not going to speculate on it today. but what i DO know is that i am willing to believe the G/wi and the !Xo when they say, hey, if you drink a lot of water and then chase a large ungulate through the hottest part of the day in the fucking Kalahari at a steady jog, it will probably overheat and collapse before you will. because one, i kinda figure they know what they're talking about, and two, it does actually make sense when you stop and think for thirty fucking seconds. sure, you need to be physically conditioned to run distances in extreme heat, and you need to be able to find your quarry again if you lose sight of it. but conditioning and tracking are both things you can learn, no matter how badly certain clowns wish it wasn't because it doesn't support their bias. 🙃
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a-hazbin-reader · 3 months
Just had a fun idea but like, what about hcs on how the others would react upon realizing s/o has feelings for Alastor? Like out of everyone they could've fallen for of it HAD to be him kjbgbkjs
Thanks for the consideration and take care of yourself op! Drink water, eat food, and know ur favs adore you!
Everyone finding out that wifey is married to Alastor??? 👀 That's what I heard-
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: A little suggestive in the middle bit? Angel helps wifey buy lingerie
Description: ☝️⬆️
You meet everyone at the hotel separately from your husband, so they never make the connection until they actually see you two together
Except Niffty, Alastor just had her trailing behind him one day
"Niffty! This is my darling wife! She is the lady of the house!"
"Neat! I'm gonna go find some bugs!"
"...she's cute, Alastor."
"She's a menace in disguise, my dear~"
When you first met Husker, you were playing cards when he suddenly saddled himself next to you with the kind of confidence that only an overlord has
Luckily, the game was only for fun, the two of you competing against each other in friendly competition
It's a good time between the two of you, you're charming and witty, Husk just eats it up and keeps asking you to play another game
"You're pretty good at this aren't you, beautiful? Do you gamble often?"
You simply hum and politely sip your drink, carefully thinking about how you're going to turn down the overlord
"I don't tend to frequent these sorts of places but my darling husband and I are celebrating so it's a special occasion~"
"Oh, he's harmless! A real romantic...~"
He deflates a little at the mention of your husband but moves on like nothing happened and that's the last you see of him for a couple of months
That is until Alastor comes home one day looking exceptionally pleased with himself as he sweeps you up into an impromptu dance
"Alastor~! What's gotten into you~?"
"Another victory under my belt, my dear~! You know how you've been saying you always wanted a cat?"
"Well, I went out and got you one!"
You barely have time to ask him what he means when suddenly Husk is standing in front of you, looking shocked
"Oh Alastor...tell me you didn't go after him just because he flirted with me a little.."
"Of course not, darling~! I did it beca-he did what now?"
Husk looks around in bewilderment before his eyes land on you wrapped in your husband's arms, pointing at you accusingly
"HE'S YOUR HUSBAND!? You need to look up the definition of HARMLESS cause he ain't harmless!"
You meet Charlie because she quite literally runs into you, tears in her eyes and obviously upset
"I'm so so SO sorry! I-"
"Hey hey...what are you sorry for? Are you okay, my dear?"
You can't help but mother her, wiping away her tears as she tries to excuse her tears as nothing serious
"Would you like to talk about it? I can't just leave you crying out in the street like a lost baby, now can I?"
She sniffles pathetically and nods, letting you guide her somewhere more private
"Y-yes please..."
"Come now, we'll make some hot tea and you can tell me what's got you so worked up..."
You two grow attached to each other after that and make time to meet with each other at least a few times a month
She gets anxious when she hasn't heard from you in a while and calls you whenever she's upset about something, seeking your opinion
You listen to Charlie's problems and try to offer her advice or do what you can to help her feel better, sometimes she just needs a motherly hug
She tells you about her hotel and whether you believe in her dream or not, you support her because she obviously needs it
Other times, you two talk about your respective partners and gossip
"Your husband sounds so sweet! I've got to meet him one day! When he comes back, of course..."
You laugh at her enthusiasm, gently patting her hand to calm the excitable young woman down a little and trying to quell the sadness of his absence
"And this girlfriend of yours sounds like she really cares about you, I'd love to meet her."
You feel compelled to look after her, and Charlie sees you as a source of comfort if not a mother figure to her
So she eventually introduces Vaggie to you because you've been asking to meet her, Vaggie is just excited to meet the famous Y/N
She's heard so much about you from Charlie that she had to see if you were genuine, she had to make sure you weren't using her girlfriend
Only to be taken aback by just how much she ends up liking you, looking to you for advice just as Charlie does
She's geared up, ready to fight, when one day you two are suddenly cornered by thugs out on the street, only to be baffled when you take them out with ease
Just how powerful are you?
"Wait wait wait-how did you pull off that move? I've been trying to learn how to do that for months!"
You're casually fixing your clothes and rubbing your wrist, completely unfazed by the ambush
"It's just a little something I learned from my husband~ Would you like me to teach you?"
"Y-yes! Please!"
She readily accepts, and soon she's just as attached to you as Charlie is, looking forward to the times you agree to spar with her
Her and Charlie talk about how much they love you one night before they go to bed
"So....she's great right?"
"Charlie, I fucking love her."
You meet Angel at a clothing store, the two of you shopping in the same section when you catch him staring hard at the gloves
"You should try this one, the color compliments you really well, and they're made from a good material."
He jumps in surprise, obviously startled by your sudden arrival, but does genuinely seem to look at the pair of gloves you're pointing out
Angel picks them up and tries them on, seemingly more than pleased with your picks, whatever thoughts that were weighing on his mind momentarily forgotten
"Thanks..! Uh, maybe I can help you pick something out?"
He gestures to the many different lingerie in your basket, you're obviously having a hard time deciding which one to get
You have the decency to at least look a little embarrassed, a soft blush taking over your features and making you look innocent
"Would you? My husband is back, and I just want to show him how much I've missed him..."
Angel guides you to the fitting rooms, obviously excited to be of help, he could be saving a marriage for all he knows!
"Sure thing, doll! You put on each one, and Angel Dust here will tell you which one will knock your man off his feet! If I know anything! It's how to turn a man on!"
Normally, you wouldn't even THINK about showing another man your body in lingerie, but hearing that and having an inkling of who Angel is, you trust him
And it's surprisingly fun! Angel helps you narrow it down to three favorites that are sexy and comfortable, it never once feels creepy or uncomfortable
"Now pose like this when he comes in! Yes! Just like that! Your hubby is gonna lose his mind when he sees you!"
You can't help but laugh, not at all feeling ridiculous but enjoying Angel's antics and enthusiasm
"Thank you, Angel. We should go clothes shopping together again sometime, I had a good time today."
He winks and holds out his phone to get your number before walking away, no longer seeming so...depressed
"And you'll have an even better time tonight! See you later, doll~!"
You two shop together on the regular after that, greeting each other with air kisses and judging people together
"Ugh, do you see the hair on that gal? What an absolute wreck!"
"That hairstyle wasn't even popular when my husband and I were alive...ugh..."
"When am I gonna meet this man of yours anyways?"
"When he stops going to a tailor and agrees to come shopping with me~"
You're laying in bed with Alastor one night, nuzzled under his chin and cuddling in his arms when he suddenly speaks
"You know that little...project I've been working on?"
You're nearly asleep, the feeling of his thumb rubbing your arm soothing you more than he realizes
"Well, I was thinking maybe I could take you with me tomorrow...everyone there has been dying to meet you."
You open your eyes to look at your husband, smiling at him as you lean up to kiss him softly
"More people who don't believe that you have a wife? I'll be happy to set the record straight~"
He chuckles and rolls you two over so that he's on top of you, kissing down your neck as his hands push up your nightgown
"I can't wait to show you off to everyone~"
The next day, Alastor takes your arm in his and leads you inside, you're more than a little surprised to see that his project is a hotel
You're a bit shocked to see so many familiar faces in front of you, Niffty running up to hug your leg and Husk giving you a lazy wave
Charlie, Vaggie and Angel are all staring you like you're a ghost, eyes slowly moving from Alastor to you over and over again
Charlie drops her tray of snacks in surprise, rushing up to give you a bone crushing hug while Vaggie stands in front of Alastor as if to protect you
"Y/N! What are you doing here!? Are you here to give redemption a try? Oh, I knew you would come around!!"
You laugh and hug her back while patting her head, gently prying her arms off of you so you can pet Niffty
"It's good to see you too, my dear princess, though I'm here with my husband."
Vaggie's jaw drops, and she whips around to look at you, jabbing a finger at Alastor as you see her trying to digest the truth in front of her
"You! A-and him!? The Radio Demon?!"
Alastor takes the opportunity to pull you back to his side, a loving arm around your waist as you happily lean on him, hand on his chest
"Everyone! This is Y/N, my lovely wife~! Y/N, please tell them all that you're here of your own volition and that you are happily married to the most wonderful demon in all of hell!"
You hear Angel trying to hold in his laughter, obviously flashing back to the many conversations he's had with you about your mysterious husband
"Yes yes, I'm happily married to him and I'm not under any mind control or deal or anything else like that~"
You can hear Vaggie's soul leave her body, Charlie's delighted squeal and Angel's uncontrollable laughter at the sight of you and Alastor rubbing noses in an obnoxiously cute manner
"This is the guy you've been buyin' all those sexy clothes for!? Oh my fuck!! This is too good!"
"I can't believe Alastor was your husband this whole time!! I knew he was secretly a big softie! Oh my gosh! You should hear how he talks about you it's so cute!!"
"...I don't get what you see in him..."
"I don't either, you know that when I first met her, she called him HARMLESS? She's delusional."
"He's a bad boy and she LIKES IT~!"
Your husband looks at you in confusion, gently stroking your cheek
"All this time I spent singing your praises to earn you a decent reputation around here was for nothing? I should've known you'd have stolen their hearts already~"
You smile and kiss Alastor's palm sweetly, earning a chorus of cooing and disgusted noises from your audience
"Actually, I've met everyone here before, darling... it seems we've been unintentionally been keeping our a marriage a secret from everyone!"
Charlie is just so enamored with the way you two interact as a couple, her eyes sparkling whenever she watches you two together
Vaggie is just disappointed in your taste in men and shakes her head whenever you two are affectionate, secretly she thinks it's cute
Angel gets a kick out bugging Alastor about the clothes he helped you pick out, always asking him if he liked the lingerie
Husk is just thankful for the distraction you prove to be for Alastor because then he has more time to himself, encourages you two to go on a lot of dates
Niffty is just crazy as always 😜 She likes you two together though and will stab anyone who tries to separate you two
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This one took so long!! I hope you like it!!
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cinnasweetss · 19 days
rickenbacker (p.sh)
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synopsis: sunghoon wants to get his hands on the popular indie band's guitarist at his uni. might come with some sacrifices though.
or the one where sunghoon betrays his friend for pussy (deserved!)
genre: smut, pw minimal plot.
characters: guitarist!reader, loser!sunghoon, mean!hyung line
wc: 3.6k
(content under cut)
content: bullying, homie hopping, betrayal, slight voyerism if u squint, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex, sunghoon doesn’t believe in pulling out, dirty talking, minimal plot, etc etc
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sunghoon first sees you at your university's summer festival. 
he meets you three weeks later when youre accompanied by heeseung. not exactly on his arm, but its rare to see him with a girl he hasn't slept with. 
sunghoon develops his newfound attraction to you then. when he sees you off stage, away from the big lights and loud music played by your guitar. sure you were pretty up there too, but up close, god. he can feel his heart thump in his chest the moment you step inside the room with your bandmates. 
he's heard the rumours, that the all-woman band in his university has a knack for attaching themselves to one male friend group a month. thanks to heeseung, he guesses, it's their turn now. 
there's four of them, and only one of you. plus the two other girls you came in with, who seem to have drifted right over to Jay and Jake. it doesn't bother him, really. he can pay way more attention to you without having to entertain some girls. he's quickly pulled from it though, when heeseung nudges him with his foot, "Dude, get the beers." 
It's embarrassing when you snicker, vampishly nudging his shoulder with an overly drawn out "Don't be so mean, hee." after sunghoon finally makes himself useful. 
He sets the cans on the table, watching as multiple hands reach out to grab them until the table is cleared. "You don't drink?" Your voice rings in his ears, coated with disappointment as you watch him shake his head. "He's always been like that, don't mind him."
Sunghoon knows he shouldn't be letting the six of you treat him like this. making him store-run with his own money, ordering him around, expecting him to buy dinner everytime the seven of you go out. 
he only does it so he can glimpse at you every now and again. wants to get the most out of these last two weeks he probably has with you before you run off with another group of guys. even when he catches you talking about exactly who that next group is. 
You sent him out to buy you a pack of cigarettes just down the block as the other five bullshit around at the bar. He finds you outside, cigarette tucked between two fingers adorned with white nails. "Thanks, hoon" you really have to admit, this is a new dynamic. whenever you and your bandmates attach to a group of guys that outnumber you, the ones who aren't picked seem to fuck off. 
sunghoon either doesnt care, or enjoys being the groups water boy. either way, it's fucking weird having him constantly hovering around. "Sit next to me." You invite, scooting over and patting the area beside you. Of course he listens, sitting without a word.
you have to admit, you haven't heard him say anything other then small phrases. you don't even know if he's able to hold a conversation if you tried. 
"you're pretty quiet...are you always like this?"
That feels like a knife in the chest. he so badly wants to say no, that it's only like this because the six of you are too busy obsessing over each other to know he's even there. but he knows that's not true. he knows he's heard that too many times for it to not be true. "Yeah, kinda." It leaves him in a mumble, prompting you to shift your body to his to hear him better. over the sound of music from the bar and the sound of cars zooming by. 
"I've got another friend, do you want to meet her?" 
you don't mean harm by it, you're just curious if this is actually how he is, or if he's only acting this way because his friends are excluding him. which, you are too, but you can only handle one guy at a time. based off experience. 
"I'm fine, thanks." it's another mumble you can barely make out, but you know he's declining by the way he doesnt even look at you. 
he'd have a greater chance at being picked if he took those glasses off, put some bass in his voice and told his friends "no" once in awhile. 
you quickly decide it isn't your job to fix this man, and decide to leave to the next girl who comes around. hopefully she comes quickly enough for him to enjoy his youth. "I'll see you inside."
that leaves sunghoon with his thoughts. with the realisation that his first and likely last conversation with you went to shit just because he can't communicate properly. 
he can't help that you intimidate him. maybe its the fact that he knows that youre unreachable despite almost always being a few feet away from him. you're the same on and off stage, too high for him to reach. too pretty to even think of him the same way you think of heeseung. 
"Fuck!" it all settles into anger, resulting in an outburst louder than he'd like. it takes him a few minutes before he decides to join the group, eyes settling on you and heeseung tucked away in a booth together. 
youre not sure what exactly made you change your mind. 
Maybe the fact that heeseung is boring the shit out of you, his head sucks, he doesn't really care about getting you off, or maybe sunghoon is just that much more interesting because of heeseungs recent performance. 
maybe its the fact that sunghoon isn't one of the men screaming and shouting so loud you can barely hear the notes from your own guitar. the fact that he's tucked behind heeseung in the crowd, though his eyes are still seemingly stuck on you. doesnt even seem like he's listening, he's just staring. observing from afar. 
two nights ago is what really solidified it for you. when heeseung rolled over after cumming once. without even thinking about trying to get you off, even when you pulled the "im gonna cum" line to get him to keep going. it wasn't hard to begin thinking about someone else. thinking about the boy who doesnt say much, barely says anything at all. is completely unreadable, and has no people skills whatsoever.
you haven't said much to heeseung. short texts since then. instead you've made plans to see sunghoon. away from his friend group. 
sunghoon is too thrilled to receive a text from you that Friday night almost immediately after your performance.he's supposed to be running to the store for heeseung, grabbing beers and shit for the guys- what the fuck ever. they're gonna turn into a beer if they keep drinking like that.
he doesnt even think twice. you don't even think twice, sending the location of your studio before he can even respond. 
it takes him virtually no time to wander off, shoving away Jay when he tells him he's going in the absolute wrong direction. that the store is that way, not that way. his eyes darting around to find the building your studio is inside of. 
its not hard for him to find a door with the name of your band plastered right in-front of it. unlocked. 
you're tucked against the wall when he comes in, those same prettily manicured hands that often hold a cigarette, strumming at the strings of your blue guitar that sits on your lap. still in the same outfit you wore onstage, making this all the more surreal. 
the soft click of the door is what pulls you from it. "Lock it, yeah?" Sunghoon can barely hear you over the loud thumping in his chest, still he manages to do just that. awaiting another order from you. "You can sit. There." the way he moves is awkward, eyes moving around the room, looking at anything but you once he finally sits. 
you move your guitar from your lap, joining sunghoon on the leather couch. so close your shoulder brushes against his. "Did you like it? the song, I mean..."
sunghoon only nods, eyes still avoiding yours. "You can talk to me, you know. I don't bite..." he doesn't shy away when you reach out to touch his arm. 
usually a guy would gush about how sexy you look on stage, ask to touch your guitar, ask you to teach them a few chords. you don't expect him to fall for the bait, nor notice your attempts at flirting. 
your only other option is to not beat around the bush, tell him exactly what you what from him. "I called you here 'cause I wanted to tell you liked you, hoonie." wasn't at all what he was expecting to hear from you next, not when its well known that you're with heeseung. 
"You like me too, right? that's why you stick around even though you don't have to." you have no evidence to back this up, might even be super far fetched, but its worth a try. "Yeah, but, you've got heeseung." not too far fetched it seems, "But I want you, hoon." you quickly shake your head,   leaning your upper body against his shoulder. 
sunghoons got a million things going through his head at once. the fact that if he does anything with you he'd be betraying a long time friend, him being so incredibly turned on beyond belief just because you've got your tits in his hands, almost. the visual of you leaning in to kiss him right now, not knowing whether or not to kiss you back or push you away when you finally do. 
you think he's going to. going to push you away and take the side of his friend that wouldnt think twice about doing this with you if the roles were reversed. he's continuously proved you wrong though, wrapping his arms right around your waist. 
he'd be absolutely stupid to not kiss you back. he can't believe he even thought about rejecting you. cant believe he thought about sparing heeseungs feelings. 
the incessant ringing in his pocket forces you two away, a soft "Sorry..." leaving him as he pulls his phone out of his pocket. 
speak of the devil. 
"What the fuck, you left thirty minutes ago dude!", "hurry the fuck up, seriously." 
you can't stand to hear that asshole yelling at him over the phone. he thinks he's hot shit just because he's the oldest and they all listen to whatever he asks. "Don't let him talk to you like that, hoonie..." It's low enough for sunghoon to hear only, "stick up for yourself, hm?"
Sunghoon would rather shoot himself in the foot than look like a fucking loser infront of you. your hand rubs encouraging circles against his chest, head resting on his shoulder. "Get it yourself. I'm busy." he makes sure it's firm, just so you know that he is standing up for himself. "What?! No, I told you to do it. that means do it now. not when you feel like it." 
"You didnt fucking hear me? I said I'm busy. Tell Jay to get off his ass and do it for you." you can't lie, that sounds so hot coming from him. it puts a smile on your face, only because you knew he had it in him. even if it did take a little encouragement from you. "Hang up." this time you make sure your words are loud enough to go through that speaker, making sure heeseung hears you. 
"Who are you with?"
With heeseung in his ear, and you practically on his lap and pressing kisses against his cheek, it's clear he needs to get off the phone. "Don't worry about it. It's not your fucking business." it's just as harsh as his words before, and yet all heeseung can say is "Who the fuck are you with, sunghoon?!" 
he knows exactly who he's with. that goes without saying, especially when you whine a "Pay attention to me, hoon..." right. into. the mic. 
you both can hear heeseung go absolutely ballistic as you push the phone away from sunghoon's ear, cupping his face so you can finally get back to kissing him. you're sure heeseung got a earful of heavy breaths and kisses before you finally make sure the call disconnects. 
Sunghoons new found confidence comes with a bit of dominance to it seems, leading the kiss even when you straddle him and immediately grind against him. his hands instinctively move to hold your hips, only cause he wants to seriously focus on kissing you for awhile. wants to enjoy the taste of your lipgloss after he pushes his tongue past your lips. 
neither of you can really do that though, not when you're both pulling at each others clothing at the same time. you want his pants off to see what he's working with, and he wants a tit in his mouth. your hands are constantly fumbling around each other, so much that you pull away with a laugh. you quickly pull your shirt off, tossing it to the side. 
he's got an eyeful of your tits in your cheetah print bra, and an even bigger one when you reach behind your back to take it off. he's practically drooling, mouth hung open, focused right on the metal that runs through each nipple. 
"holy shit." 
he nearly cums right then and there. maybe he does, he's not too sure, wouldnt be surprised if he did. especially because when he does get a tit in his mouth, its absolutely euphoric. coldness of the metal pressed right against his tongue, grazing his teeth. your other tit sits perfectly in his hand that's switching between groping, and tugging right on your sensitive nipple.
your hands are fumbling under his shirt, trying to unbuckle his belt so you can stick hand in his pants just to cop a feel. a soft "Can I eat you out?" stops you. how can you ever say no to such a request?
You nearly fall trying to get off of him quickly so he can find a spot between your legs. suddenly the size of his dick doesnt matter, as long as he's good at this. which, he quickly proves that he is. doesnt even bother taking off your panties, nor your skirt for that matter. he just flips it up and pushes your panties to the side.
your jaw falls open, hands immediately reaching for the head between your legs. the feeling his tongue brings is pure bliss. he knows exactly where the clit is, when to switch from licking to sucking, when to push two fingers inside and- "Fuck!" he's just barely started, yet you're already this much of a mess. 
its not his fault he can't stop mouthing away at your cunt, moaning each time his tongue flicks against your clit. you just taste so good, no matter how much he licks away at you, it isn't nearly enough to satiate him. he has to pull away, take those damned glasses off his face so he can bury himself deeper between your legs. 
His fingers plunging in and out of you to match the rhythm and speed of his tongue only tighten that coil in your stomach. if he manages to make you cum from this, you'll be keeping him a lot longer than usual. especially because he seems to be enjoying this just as much as you do. moaning each time your hands tug on his hair and you grind against his lips. 
You're unable to stop the plethora of sounds that leave you with each flick of his tongue and movement of his fingers. it's no surprise that you're just minutes away from succumbing to your orgasm."Don't stop!" Sunghoon doesn't dare think of stopping, keeps his pace steady as he eases that orgasm right from you. his eyes lock right on your face, watching as your brows furrow and your face contorts beautifully after your "I'm cumming!" he eats you through it and then some, until you stop squirming, and your grip loosens on his hair. 
You genuinely believe you've seen god, that he told you to never ever settle for anything other than this. Sunghoon emerging from your legs with the same fingers that were previously inside of you now tucked between his lips, makes you wonder if he's god with the way he just sucked your soul right out of you.
you watch as he undresses himself. unveiling a surprisingly built figure you didn't know he had. and the fact that he's hung on top of all that. can't deny, you can't wait to figure out of he's as good with his dick as he is his mouth. 
neither of you think twice about a condom, not when he climbs on top of you and kisses you again. you'd be fine with just this, honestly. just kissing him all night. "Ready?"
you think its really cute that he asks, not saying the bar is in hell, but its still a nice gesture. you smile up at him, a soft "yeah" and a head nod is all it takes. he shoves a hand between your bodies, lining himself up with your entrance.
you wince as he slides in, sunghoon watching intensely for any other obvious signs of discomfort. his jaw falls open, forehead pressed against yours once he finally bottoms out. he gives you a second before his hips retract and slow meet yours once again. you're relieved he doesnt immediately begin to pounce on you, as this is enough to have you clawing at his forearms. 
youre just so tight, sucking him right back in anytime he pulls away. the constant clenching and trembling of your walls around him is enough to have him cum just from these very soft and cautious movements of his.
his lips find yours again, kissing through the next few thrusts in which he goes impossibly deeper, and quicker. "Fuck, you're so wet..." those words force a moan out of you that you didnt know you were holding. "Pussy's creamin' already." so not only does he know exactly what he's doing, he's talking you through it too. 
you'd be satisfied if today was your last day on earth. if you died right here, right after hearing those words leave his mouth. you had no idea he had all this in him. that he was even the type, honestly. you know what they say about the quiet ones though.
you don't even have to tell him faster, its like he's reading your fucking mind. like he's became one with you so he knows exactly what to do and when to do it. its the first time you haven't had to coach a man through the entire thing. that is, if you want to get off. you'll be damned if you let this one get away. 
"holy shit" he moans above you, forcing your legs over his shoulders so he can fuck deeper. you cant squirm like this either, forcing you to lay and take every single inch he's giving you. it doesnt matter how hard you push at his hips so he can take maybe an inch or two out of you, he's unrelenting. 
"Hoon!" you shout, hands grabbing at the soft leather below you one you realize he's not stopping anytime soon. his thrusts are quick and short, sharp. the sound of skin slapping, moans, and the like fill the studio. more vulgar words and praises leave him, only adding to the overwhelming pleasure youre receiving from him. "Gonna keep fucking this pussy open till you stop squirming." 
to be loved is to be heard. to be loved is to be seen. to be loved is to be fucked. hard. 
"Sunghoon!" your breath quickens, heart thumps in your chest when you realise he's almost fucked you into another orgasm. there's no need to say it, he knows after observing you just once. 
" 's so big, 's too big!" you're either gonna cum so hard you pass out, or he's gonna split you right in half. either one. you'll be fine with both, really. 
the fine details are irrelevant, what matters is the absolute euphoria your walls give. his balls are so heavy and full, aching to finally release a load. he's almost there, right with you. insisting, telling you that you're gonna keep taking him until you finish. not before. 
"Hoon, i'm-" it's incredible when you finally do. your walls contract so hard, your body convulses, a string of loudly drawn out sounds of ecstasy leave you before you're even able to tell him. 
you swear you're ascending, cumming so hard you can't even hear sunghoon coax you through it. it's the first time you ever have tap out. having to beg him to stop for just a second. you're just so overwhelmed. 
he does, kissing your chest soothingly, though not for long. he does give you a second. one second and then he's back at it again. chasing his own high. "I'm gonna cum. Holy shit." 
his hips come to a hard halt. slamming into your hips one more time as he fucks his cum right into you. "Fuck!" it vocalizes in a jumble of moans, heavy breaths, and one tight grip on your hips. 
he collapses ontop of you thereafter, pulling himself out of you with a hiss. his face nuzzles in your neck, leaving soft kisses there. it's almost no surprise that he's ready for round two minutes after.  lifting himself off of you with a big dorky smile, and "Can we go again?" 
heeseung hyung i'm gonna fuck you up for this.  11:42pm
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irisintheafterglow · 6 days
Hey there!
Saw your requests were open (if it isnt,just ignore this)
But i just love your satoru x reader and co parenting megumi????and i would KILL to see like, something bad happening to reader (like a mission going wrong,she passing out or getting sick or all) and boys just panicking cause satoru loves reader,and megumi sees her as his mother???
Sorry,im a sucker for hurt/comfort trope
Lots of love!!! you're amazing!
aww this is so cute, thank you for the request anon <3 wrote it as sick fic instead of injury since i,,,, have written like 3 things with that trope recently so let's do a fluffy sick fic instead lol. hope you like it :))
cw/tags: established relationship (pet names babe, baby, sweetheart), gn!reader, some explicit language, mention of eating
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"the kid thinks you're gonna die," your boyfriend says as he enters your room, setting a grocery bag on your desk and digging around for the bottle of orange juice. "you're starting to worry me too, honestly."
"i'm not gonna die, babe; i think it's just the flu," you groan, propping yourself on an elbow and attempting to sit up. you're unsuccessful, the throbbing in your head and the chills in your arms too overwhelming. you fall back against the pillow with a less-than-ceremonial thump. satoru crouches in front of you, eyebrows drawn and forehead wrinkled in concern. he pulls down his blindfold and you're met with the bright blue eyes you loved so much.
"yep. looks like you're dying soon," he declares with a curt nod and you scoff, a chuckle turning into an aggressive fit of coughing. satoru is lightning-quick, grabbing a new bottle of water and snapping off the cap before holding it up to your lips. "here, drink." you push his hands away, wordlessly insisting that you can drink on your own while still hacking relentlessly. "nuh-uh, just let me help you." with a frown, you let him tilt the bottle toward you and take a few careful sips. "you are frustratingly stubborn," he sighs.
"i have to be if i need to deal with you all the time," you joke hoarsely, sips of water becoming gulps.
"yeah, but you love me for it," he finishes and you agree with a shrug. "easy, there," he warns as you keep downing the water. "don't want you choking again."
"i'm fine, satoru."
"you've been working yourself too much, you know."
"hypocrite," you counter and he frowns, taking a seat on the edge of your bed. you were right, even though he didn't want to admit it. satoru was always the first one to say that someone was working too hard, just to take the burden for himself. it was a red flag, you said a few weeks ago over convenience store sushi; you also noted his 'concerningly inflated ego, lack of spatial awareness, and general disinterest in things that could be momentarily unpleasant.' you'd finished it, though, with a long-winded comment about how his red flags, in all their scarlet glory, made satoru himself. maybe it was just his melodrama, but he'd cut off his hand if it meant you were able to joke like that again.
"i'm serious. i think your body's shutting down because-"
"because i've been away too long, i know. i don't need a lecture right now, satoru." you swallow the last of the water and settle back onto your pillow, grumbling when you feel the side of your bed sink with your boyfriend's weight. "baby, you're gonna get sick, too."
"that means i get to take a day or two off," he points out, fitting his face into the divot between your shoulder and neck. despite your complaints, he throws off the comforter and replaces the blankets with his arms. "don't grrrr me, babe. you need to burn off your fever and i run warmer than any of these sheets."
"aren't i sweaty and stinky and yucky? how can you be touching me when i'm all gross?"
"you mean, how can i love on you right now when you're just being a human?"
"mhmm. you don't find it gross?"
"of course not, sweetheart," he reassures you with a kiss to your shoulder. "i'd be a real dickhead if i only loved you when you were feeling 100%."
"yeah, you're only half a dickhead for other reasons," you murmur into the pillowcase and he laughs, the sound reverberating against your back. before your eyes settle shut, you catch the door of your room opening and vaguely make out a messy head of black hair peeking around the corner. "megs?"
"oi, adults only," the other occupant of the bed threatens, pulling you closer and attempting to flip you to your other side to face him. you unbuckle satoru from around you, though, and manage to sit up. megumi pads carefully into the room, like you'd crumble into sand if his steps were too loud. "come in, i guess," your boyfriend says dramatically with a wave of his hand.
"satoru, i swear-"
"sorry, baby. shutting up." satoru flops back onto your bed and you reach out to megumi, who stares at your hand for a moment before rushing into your arms. "hey, megs. since you're here, you mind grabbing me a soda from the breakroom?"
"i thought you were shutting up, satoru," you remind him, voice poisonously sweet. he echoes your reminder in a mockingly high-pitched voice. "i'm gonna kick you out of my room if you don't stop, mister."
"you wouldn't dare," he gasps.
"oh, i would."
"yeah," he concedes. "you definitely would, but i love you for it." with satoru temporarily placated, you return your attention to the small child in your arms.
"you doing okay, megs?" he nods, eyes shut against your chest and holding you tight. "i'm not gonna die, buddy. i promise." you rub your hand up and down his back, combing your fingers through his hair when you're abruptly swung backward onto the bed. "jeez, satoru, what are you-"
"get the kid, it's nap time," he mumbles with finality, resecuring his body around yours and motioning for megumi to climb in. he does, and you drift off sandwiched between your boys, feeling a little lighter for the first time in days.
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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1-ker0sene-1 · 3 months
God your blog is fucking SCRUMPTIOUS. If you’re willing could you do something with a reader who has POTS? Much love ❤️
{Thank you so much ♥️ Apologies this took so long! Requests are starting to come out again! I lost all my drafts due to my laptop breaking and had to rewrite 🥹}
Honest to god. This man would probably be the absolute best partner for someone with POTS. Whether he was there for your diagnosis or you already had it when you started dating, he wants to help and accommodate the best he can. Kyle would hate for you to feel isolated, trying to match and normalize your routine so you're not alone.
Definitely got you both massive water bottles, the ones that have at the very least sixty ounces. So you can keep drinking and sipping all day and stay hydrated. If you don't feel comfortable going out to a physical therapist? Kyle is researching ALL night how to do gentle therapy at home with you.
Taking care of you is second nature to him. He's constantly thinking about you. When he leaves for deployment he has small meals already prepped in the fridge for you, cleaned the whole house.. leaves sweet notes all over the place reminding you to drink water, get some electrolytes, cool off and get plenty of rest.
"I'll be home soon baby ~K"
"Don't forget to drink your water! Love you pretty girl ~K"
"Rest for me lovie, we'll be doing plenty of 'exercise' when I get back ;) ~K"
Prepared. That is what John is. He wants to be ready if you have a bad day, so he can pamper you as much as he physically can if he cannot immediately whisk away your pain. John definitely moves fast in a relationship, especially if he feels an immediate connection. You're telling him he can take care of you? Of course it's not that he likes that you struggle with the condition, but his love language is definitely acts of service.
" 's no trouble love, house feels empty when you aren't in it anyways. Might as well just stay full time."
You're moving in. He's installing a nice and sturdy shower bench, he's got snacks all around the house for you, he's mixing electrolyte powder in your water. John wants you to thrive more than anything, you're his girl, going to be his wife one day. He still wants you to feel and be independent, if you need he'll go with you to get a mobility aid so you can comfortably go out more.
He's set in his military ways so.. He's somewhat blunt with scheduling. Little reminders all day to drink your water with a kiss to your forehead. When you go out together, he's stashed some instant cold packs and little salt packets in your bag. John often lifts your hand to check your BPM tracker, once he's done he'll kiss your knuckles.
"Look at that darlin' .. Takin' care of yourself so well for me."
Johnny had quite the habit of being a bit lazy when home from deployment. But then you wandered into his life, he didn't know about your POTS at first. Just figured you also had a busy life and preferred nights in for dates. Then you got more serious in your relationship and opened up to him about your condition. It was an immediate flip of a switch, Johnny became your Johnny.
He wants you to be able to spend your energy doing the things you love, not the simple tasks, especially when he can take care of it. You practically gained a Scottish housewife. He'll shoo you softly away from the dishes, insisting you enjoy your hobbies or rest up so you two can have a nice day out. Laundry, cleaning, making the bed. Bathing you even though you're perfectly capable, definitely not to touch you and get a little handsy-
"I can take care of ye bonnie.. believe me tha more I do the more I fall for ye."
Would say the only somewhat struggle, is overheating at night. Cause you cannot tell me this man doesn't run hot like a heater. And he loves to love you, hold you, touch and feel you. But there's work arounds, a nice AC, and cooling blankets. Besides he sleeps like a rock so once he's out, if you get too hot you can give him a little push off you. Rarely he'll wake up and drawl out whines.
"..miss ye lass.. my arms are useless without ye in them.."
Simon never thought of himself as a worrier. He's been through hell and back and not much phases him. But the first time he saw you faint nearly sent him to an early grave, threw whatever was in his hands to dart over to catch you. This was definitely before he really started to understand the seriousness of POTS. Now it's constantly on his mind, especially the moments in the day when he's not right there with you.
He doesn't want you to feel guilty about his panic, so he's pretty stoic and calm when face to face with you. Definitely goes in with you to every doctor's appointment now, asks questions, how he can help, what to do during your flare ups. You best believe he is taking everything your doctor suggests to heart. Buying you a BPM monitor, knowing Simon he'll probably figure a way to connect it to his phone. So even when he's not with you he knows a little about how you're doing. Statistically it's his most used app now. Once in a while you get a blunt-
"Go rest."
-text from Simon as soon as it gets too high for his liking.
Simon is very adamant that you take plenty of breaks throughout the day, if you're overexerting yourself he's right there with you. An arm winding around you, kissing the nape of your neck after gently brushing your hair aside.
"How you feelin' doll? Let's get you some water and we'll take a break for a while yeah? Put on that show you like and I'll take care of this.."
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sebsbarnes · 6 months
apologizes || tangerine
tangerine x f!reader
summary: you voice your concerns about tangerine's profession, to which he doesn't take kindly
warnings: mentions of injury, swearing, drinking, nothing bad at all
word count: 1.5k+ ; angst(?), comfort(?)
tangerine masterlist
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"c'mon c'mon," you harshly whispered gesturing them inside.
tangerine and lemon bustled inside, accidently bumping into your shoulder, breathing out heavily holding themselves against the beige wall.
"we owe you big time," lemon huffed sliding off his stained coat and folding it haphazardly on his arm.
"it's fine. you both know i don't mind."
"well, that can be the problem, love. it's not exactly safe," tangerine tutted wiping blood off his forehead with his palm.
"then i'll pay the price eventually but until then i don't care as long as you two are safe," you peered out the door before bolting it and herding them to the living room.
about twenty minutes ago you got a text from lemon saying him and tangerine were on a job nearby that went bad and they needed somewhere to hide. it was supposed to be a simple in-and-out at a software company but unfortunately, they were ambushed and they were running through the city trying to lose the men trailing behind them. lemon texted that they were close enough to make it to your house while also making sure the men would be gone before they got there. you didn't even hesitate when you texted lemon to come straight here. you wandered back into the living room with two glasses of water in hand and a bottle of whiskey tucked under your arm. tangerine leaned over to the bottle and winced in pain which he tried to hide, horribly.
"you're hurt," you stated.
"it's nothing, just a scratch," he waved off opting to chug the whiskey. when he lifted his arm you noticed the large blood patch on his shirt.
"you're bleeding you idiot. get up," you demanded giving him a knowing look.
tangerine grumbled under his breath like a child but still followed you to the bathroom. he sat down on the sink and you pulled out the first aid kit. he unbuttoned his shirt tossing it to the side. desperately you tried stopping the heat flooding your face. tangerine leaned back on the mirror to expose his bare torso more. you refused to look him in the eyes while he was half-naked in front of you, all you could do was chew at your lip until you tasted metallic. tangerine dabbed hydrogen peroxide on the wound while you disinfected a small needle.
"why do you do it," you asked softly.
"what this job? makes good money. only thing i'm good at," tangerine said looking down his nose at you cleaning the area below his chest.
you sighed, "well i'm sure there's other things you are good at tangerine. besides, you can make good money at a different job."
"i like what i do. why would i leave it?"
"it's not safe," briefly looking up at him, "aren't you afraid at all. like tonight, things could have gone differently."
this is something you've been thinking a lot lately. there's been an influx in how often the twins get sent on, more than usual, dangerous jobs. today they were lucky with only minor injuries but recently they've sustained quite serious injuries, some even resulting in them going to emergency rooms. you couldn't help the feeling of impending doom each time they told you they were setting off somewhere new. since bolivia and the bullet train in tokyo, the twins have piqued many international eyes for their services. of course, you were proud of them, this is what they wanted but it didn't stop your reservations about their career.
tangerine's tone shifted to irritation and his eyebrows pulled together, "obviously i know the risk. if i had an issue with it i couldn't be in this line of work now would i?"
you shrugged, "i don't know. it just seems like sometimes it's not worth it."
"i don't think lemon and i really asked for your opinion, love. besides, can you really talk when you're associated with two killers?"
before your face was flushed due to tangerine's exposed torso, now your face was flushed in anger. your nostrils were flared out and your once gentle hand stitching him together was now tugging roughly at the skin. you weren't sure exactly what to say to tangerine. yes, you helped the twins out when they needed it because you were their friend. what, were you supposed to let them bleed out every night or let them walk miles and miles to their desired location? no. and the fact tangerine was trying to paint you as a hypocrite made your blood boil. yes you were associated but you never knew any important info besides where they are in the world, they kept everything a secret from you for safety reasons and because it's confidential.
you let out a small laugh in disbelief, "personally, i think there is actually a big difference between ending a person's life and helping those injured. but you didn't ask for my fucking opinion did you?"
the last stitch was shoved roughly into his skin. you shoved a small gauze pad and tape onto his thigh before ripping the door open and leaving the bathroom fuming. you stalked down the hallway and into the living room where you snatched the bottle of whiskey off the table and exited the front door. lemon watched with confusion from the moment you left the bathroom to the moment you left the house. he sighed standing up from the couch and headed towards the bathroom where tangerine was still on the sink leaning back onto the mirror with closed eyes.
"i don't want to hear it," tangerine grumbled.
"well you're gunna fuckin' hear it you idiot. what did you do?"
"i made her mad. said i didn't need her opinion on how dangerous the job is and that we should get new ones," he said peering over at lemon who was stood against the frame of the door with a disapproving look.
"sometimes you really are dense aren't ya?" lemon said matter-of-factly.
tangerine sighed sitting up before covering the stitches, "i'm just tired."
"so that gives you an excuse to be a dickhead?" lemon said pointedly.
all tangerine could do was shake his head.
"you realize not once has she ever cast judgment on us right? the day she found out what we did she could've turned us in yanno? she's there for us all the time, when we need help, when we need a place to stay, when we need money, and on top of all that she's a good friend but you're too arrogant to acknowledge any of it. also, maybe if you opened your fuckin' eyes you'd notice that she's practically in love with your stupid ass," lemon ranted, wacking tangerine on the head.
"i'm a shit person aren't i?" tangerine said aloud but he already knew the answer.
tangerine exhaled heavily, ripping at the gauze and covering his wound. lemon had left the bathroom after his rhetorical question leaving tangerine to his thoughts. he knew he was in the wrong. he took his frustration out at the one person who never deserved it. tangerine walked to the closet in your house where left spare clothes for the twins. pulling on a grey sweater and headed to the front door. you were sitting on the stone steps leading up to the door, arms wrapped tightly around you, the bottle of whiskey now abandoned by your side. tangerine replaced the bottle with himself, eyes shifting to your unmoving figure. he took a swig out of the bottle, the liquor burning at his throat.
"something i've been learning recently," tangerine cleared his throat, "is that i'm a prick a lot of the time."
you hummed and grabbed the bottle that was dangling in his left hand.
"i shouldn't have spoken to you like that darlin'."
"oh you think so?" you joked in agitation.
tangerine scrunched his nose, "look i- i really am sorry. i had no right to speak to you like that especially when you were sat there stitching me up. i know i can be a dick but that doesn't make it okay to be a dick to the one person who has always been there for me. for everything you have done, i don't think i'd ever be able to repay you in this lifetime, but i'll try my best."
in a poor attempt you tried hiding the glossiness of your eyes looking at tangerine. you placed your hand on his knee giving it a light squeeze, "it's okay."
there was moments of silence between you two. the air was slightly chilly, the sky now a midnight blue with flecks of light, the occasional car drove past the house, the people in the front seats singing gleefully to the radio, there was an aroma dancing it's way through the doorframe of your house, lemon must be cooking dinner, all the while your hand continues to bring a sense of comfort to tangerine.
"i am afraid," tangerine finally whispered almost as if it wasn't meant to leave his mouth, a true confession to the question from earlier.
"you know no matter what i am here for you, no matter how much of a dickhead you can be," you joked softly at the end.
tangerine cracked the tiniest of smiles and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you in to lean on him. the thick sweater he wore bringing you comfort against the chill of the night. your fingertips dancing across his knee. it all felt right. and it felt good knowing tangerine was slowly breaking down his walls.
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rogersideup · 11 months
Nice to be Kneaded
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Chapter twelve
Series Masterlist
Previous Part: Courage Next Part: Cardboard Castle
Word Count: 7,220
Warnings: My blog is 18+ only. All minors or blogs without an age in bio will be blocked. Minors DNI. Mentions of medical equipment, loss, abuse, PTSD, anxiety and depression.
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"Alright, just a small pinch." Bruce explained to you before inserting an IV catheter into a vein in the ditch of your arm.
This moment felt a little unreal. Sitting criss-crossed in an armchair in the Avengers living room in their own compound somewhere in upstate New York. Bruce Banner, the fucking hulk, on your left giving you medical attention, and Steve on your right, holding your hand giving you emotional support.
After a whole night of Steve trying his hardest to nurse you back to health with lots of love, cuddles, and bribery in the form of your favorite Chinese food, you just couldn't keep anything down.
Even though you wanted to drink and you desperately wanted to shove Crab Rangoons down your throat, you just couldn't. Half a glass of water and two bites of fried rice had you feeling nauseous and uncomfortable. This time, the discomfort wasn't from trying to out eat a super soldier.
Steve was such a sweetheart, he didn't push it too hard, but he did push for exactly what was happening right now. Some fluid and parental nutrition through an IV to get you right on track for a smooth recovery from what the agents put you through. He could tell that although settling more and more by the minute, your nerves were still off the chart. Your lack of eating made perfect psychological sense, but he still wanted you to feel better.
So he convinced you to let Bruce do this, and you agreed without hesitation. The lack of medical environment and the never ending warmth you've felt from every Avenger you've met thus far made you feel comfortable and brave enough for something like this. Really, it was no biggy.
The IV went in without a hitch, and you barely even felt it.
"Okay, I'm going to flush this out with a little bit of saline. It might taste kind've metallic in your mouth for a few moments. That's normal." He told you while inserting a syringe looking thing into the end of the line going straight to your vein.
Just like he said, you tasted metal. "Ooh" Your eyebrows pinched together. "Weird."
"I think it tastes like expo markers" Steve commented.
"How do you know what expo markers taste like?" Natasha asked, head leaning to the side with a grin.
"I don't know... it just tastes how they smell." He shrugged.
"You're so weird, Rogers." She commented before looking back down at her laptop.
You giggled at her comment before biting your tongue considering he was right next to you.
"Come on, back me up, Sweetie." He asked.
"I wish I could" You laughed. "But I have no idea what you're talking about."
He pouted, Bruce didn't even give him a chance to rebuttal. "You're all set and ready to go. The bag should be done in about an hour then I'll come take the IV out."
"Thank you, Bruce, I appreciate it." You grinned.
"Of course, I'll be back in a bit." He gave you a polite nod before leaving again.
As Bruce left, Nat sprung up from her spot on the couch and approached you and Steve before knocking his hand off of yours.
"Let me have her" Nat said, walking around the back of your chair.
"What the f- Nat!" Steve complained.
"Stealing his girl and he still won't drop the f bomb" She teased, running her fingers through your hair that you washed yesterday but had yet to do anything with.
You had no idea what was going on, but you remembered the first warning Steve gave you about being around the Avengers, there would always be chaos. So you sat there with an uncontrollable smile as Nat played with your hair, and Steve argued with her like a child.
"You aren't stealing anyone from me." Steve whined. "What are you doing? Did you even ask?"
"She has such beautiful hair, I want to braid it." Nat answered Steve, then leaned over to see your face. "Is that alright, Cupcake?"
"That's more than alright" You grinned.
"Cupcake?!" Steve puffed playfully. "I know you're not calling my girl Cupcake."
"How is it any different than sugar cookie?" Nat asked as your cheeks blushed at Steve calling you his girl.
"I don't know, it just sounds patronizing." He complained.
"Do you feel patronized, Cupcake?" Nat asked you, parting your hair from behind the armchair you were sitting in.
"This feels like a trap." You giggled, reaching out to hold Steve's hand again. He accepted it quickly, then gave it a little squeeze.
"Smart girl" Nat smiled.
The three of you chatted away while she sectioned your hair down the middle, and worked on the first of the two french braids she was putting into your hair.
Once it was finished she tied off the end with a hair tie, then worked on the next one on the other side. You guys were so preoccupied I'm the easy flowing conversation that the opening door, and approaching footsteps went unnoticed.
"What is this?" An iconic voice asked, immediately sending a shiver down your spine.
You looked from Steve's laughing face over to the source, none other than Tony Stark. Steve's face fell into an expression that was much more guarded, and you immediately felt uncomfortable.
He warned you about everything. Talking raccoons, blue Cyborgs, bickering, weapons you might see, emergency codes you might hear. You felt prepared for every situation but this one.
You didn't know what terms Steve and Tony were on, but you did know he was one of the most powerful people in the country. Quite honestly, you didn't even know if you were allowed to make eye contact, or speak unless spoken to. So you sat respectfully quiet, and tried to keep your cool.
No one responded to Tony as he pointed to you, a measly little thing sitting criss cross in a chair wearing Steve's clothes that were far too big for you, with an IV in your arm, all while Natasha braided your hair.
"Make a wish foundation?" Tony asked again.
"Oh god, Tony-" Steve scuffed, shaking his head.
"Okay? Another super-person I need to worry about?" Tony's eyes went from Steve's to Natasha's, everyone but your own.
"Well, she's certainly super, that's for sure" Natasha smiled.
"So, no one's going to tell me who you are?" Tony finally asked you, looking at you directly.
You opened your mouth to say something, but nothing came out, so you looked at Steve to help guide you through this. He could see the worried look in your eye, so he took over.
"This is my-" Steve stared fully confident before realizing that you didn't even really have a title in his life.
Girlfriend. No? He never officially asked you to be his considering you both knew he had to leave.
Friend? Kind've, but not really?
Neighbor was an absolute no, you were way more than just a friendly face next door.
He looked at you, and you were thinking the same thing he was. The confused look on his face made you bite the insides of your cheeks to hold back laughter.
"Well I'm certainly a girl, and I'm definitely his friend." You took the pressure off of him. If the two of you were doing down, you would go down together.
"Wait a second," Tony started. "You're sugar cookie?"
"Didn't know I had a reputation around here, but I guess so." You confirmed.
"No way." Tony shook his head. "Let me see your hands"
With reluctance and no confidence whatsoever, your put your hands out to him. He walked closer and saw the scar on your palm.
"Well no shit!" He enthused. "A baker who caught a falling knife, you're real! That's incredibly stupid by the way, you should always let the knife drop."
"Why are you here, Tony." Steve redirected him, you could hear the annoyance in his voice and feel the tension in the room.
"Just here to grab some stuff then I'll be out of your hair." Tony addressed him, then immediately started pestering you again. "So, what's wrong with you?"
"Oh, I just- I was arrested and it's bee-"
"No" Tony cut you off. "I mean which wires are loose in your head that makes you want to play stuffin' the muffin with Rogers?"
"Enough." Steve put his foot down.
"Leave her alone, Stark." Nat sounded from behind you.
"Damn, tough crowd. Reminds me of exactly why I'm leaving for the woods and never coming back." Tony quipped. "Peace out."
You watched as Tony left, and Steve let out a breath of annoyance. You didn't need to see Nat's face to know she was holding back a smile.
Silence fell over the three of you for a little while, it seemed as though Steve was steaming in a lump of his own negative emotions over the billionaire while Nat kept her mouth shut as to not fuel the fire.
In attempts to calm him down without even needing to use your words, while simultaneously comforting yourself, you pulled his forearm onto the arm of the chair you were sitting in. You played with his fingers and rubbed his soft skin.
When the second braid was done, Nat tied off the end then hugged you from behind while excusing herself to get some work done.
Still feeling emotionally and physically exhausted from the past few days, you readjusted with your IV arm out where it should be, but curled your legs beneath you and rested your head on Steve's arm.
You could feel him relax under your touch, and his hand moved up to gently cup the side of your head before placing a kiss to your temple.
"M'sorry about that" Steve apologized quietly. "Really wasn't expecting him to be around today... or ever."
"Don't apologize, it's not your fault." You reminded him. "Never thought I'd be here, but this is definitely a story I'll tell my grandkids one day."
Steve giggled at your comment, the thought of you old and grey with grand kids running around with endless cookies in their hands made him smile. "I never really thought you'd be here either but I'm glad you are."
"As cool as this is though, I can't wait to get back to Greenwood." You explained, feeling homesick. You barely ever left the small town, so being away combined with the three most terrifying days of your life, you were longing for your own house.
"I can't even tell you how much I miss it." Steve shook his head in disbelief. "I miss the bakery."
"The bakery misses you too, she told me every day." You joked.
"I wonder if Bruce can make this IV drip faster so we can leave sooner" Steve pondered.
Unfortunately for Steve, he had to wait the full hour before he could take you home. But luckily, getting you home was a breeze.
You were a rockstar in the Jet, to Steve's surprise, you found in interesting. Tiny bits of your personality were starting to shine back through as you asked him a million and one questions about what everything did on board. He was more than happy to answer every single question, and let you push every single button so long as it didn't interfere with a smooth flight.
Sometimes he found it really easy to normalize these aspects of his life that were completely out of the ordinary to the average civilian. He didn't know if it was because it was a survival tactic of his own, or because he so desperately craved to feel normal even when most of his life was everything but average, but he found so much happiness and beauty in sharing moments like this with you.
You quickly brought him back to earth, and your childlike curiosity and amazement for even something as simple as transportation that was a normal part of life as a superhero reminded him of all the ways his life was enriched.
This time bringing the Jet to Greenwood was a lot more welcomed with a lot more accommodations. The police department cleared Steve to land in their private runway and store it in their hangars. Immediately upon exiting, you were met with the chief and a few officers who came to check in on you and make sure you were okay. And for the first time ever, you saw Steve hold himself high and be greeted with respect by anyone in Greenwood.
The police escorted you two home, which lead to more fascination by you because you had never been in a police car before. Steve reminded you more than once that it was a really great thing that this was a whole new experience for you, but once again he couldn't stop smiling.
Both of you had never felt more relief than when he opened the car door and helped you out. Waiting for you in your driveway was a handful of your friends and neighbors who were worried sick about you, and had heard about your arrival back home.
While each one greeted you with long, tight hugs, hair pets, back rubs, and cheek kisses, Steve watched from a slight distance while he sorted out the rest of the information the police needed to make sure you were as safe as could be.
His heart was happy knowing you were so loved by your community, and when he caught a glimpse of all the flowers and letters and pictures in his own driveway that you had told him about, he couldn't help but to feel loved as well.
After Steve introduced himself to everyone at your homecoming, he got you back in your house safe and sound. Right back where the journey started, you picked your phone up from underneath the couch and plugged it in.
He could see it on your face that you were still drained regardless of the excitement of getting back home. Some of your employees and friends had promised they'd be over at your place tonight with dinner and good company to try and ease up the hardship of the past few days, so now was a good time to leave you alone.
You were thankful to have someone like him who understood your needs without even having to express them, someone who understood the value of processing your thoughts by yourself without being offended.
So he tucked you into your bed, then sat next to your hip before giving you a series of sweet kisses.
"Are you doing okay?" He questioned genuinely.
You grinned and nodded, feeling relaxed and relieved. "thank you for rescuing me, Stevie."
"That's what I'm here for, Sunflower." He rubbed your cheek with his thumb. "I'll be back here in a few hours, but if you need me before then you know where I live."
A smile took over your face, then a thought occurred. "Hey, can I have your real phone number now?"
"Are you hitting on me?" Steve questioned cheekily.
"Of course I am" You confirmed. "What's a pretty boy like you doing all alone in this part of town?"
He shook his head at your antics, before giving you another kiss. "Yes, you can have my real phone number now."
"I'm really moving on up in this world." You celebrated.
"I'll put it in your phone on my way out." He assured you. "I'll see you later, okay?"
"Okay" You agreed as he tucked you in tighter.
"I love you" He reminded you sincerely.
"I love you too" You happily wrapped your arms around him in a goodbye hug, this time you kissed him. "So so much."
He said goodbye then put his real personal phone number in your contacts just as promised before making his way to his house. Checking the inside before dealing with the fanfare in the front, he found something he suspected, the loss of some of his clothes.
But, everything else was just as he left it but tidier. He could tell you had gone in there a few times to clean up and make sure everything was as it should be.
After checking upstairs he made his way back down to the garage to open up the big door to make clearing out the front of his house a lot easier. The pile of broken down cardboard boxes neatly stacked against the wall reminded him that he still owed you a cardboard castle.
Steve opened up the door and spent hours picking up each letter and reading every word, looking at every picture, saving every little shield and stuffed animal that was left for him. Some of the kind words brought tears to his eyes, most of them were words of thanks for what he and the Avengers did and how they continued to be a beacon of hope during uncertain times.
It reminded him of how much had changed since he was in Greenwood last, it looked a little different, felt a little different, but now it was a little different. Because as neighbors walked by they finally made it a point to introduce themselves and apologize that they had never come by before now.
The a few of the neighbors kids even came out to talk to him, their parents pulling them away after asking for a picture. This time around, the eyes on him felt starstruck rather than judgmental.
Although some of it felt hypocritical, he was happy to be back and involved in a community rather than having to isolate himself and hide from the world. Every word, every picture, every dead flower and passing neighbor felt bitter sweet.
That was until he was in the middle of reading another letter he had picked up from the ground and he could hear footsteps approaching behind him. He stopped what he was doing and looked back with a friendly smile, only for it to drop when he was met with Georgia rather than another new friendly face.
She wasn't worth his time, he didn't even want to hear her out after what she did to you. Yes he heard all the awful things she had said about him. Terrorist, war criminal, out of control, selfish, manipulator, but he didn't care. He could let all of that go, in fact, sometimes the avengers needed to be criticized by civilians. But what she did to his love was unforgivable.
So, he ignored her and proceeded to read the letter right where he left off. This one was from a 17 year old named Jack, currently telling him all about how his plans for the future. He wanted to go to school to become a fire fighter and a paramedic as the avengers inspired him to save lives ever since he was just a little ki-
"You killed my husband." Georgia's voice sounded from behind him.
Ah yes, another thing Steve has had to come to terms with. People directly blaming him for the loss of people he had no control over. Guilt ate him alive over the blip every single day, but he was working on it and this simply wasn't helping.
"I'm sorry?" Steve turned around, eyebrows furrowed.
"Michael is gone. He was blipped." Georgia explained.
"I'm very sorry for your loss." Steve monotoned, turning around as to end the conversation before it got out of hand. His heart was beating out of his chest.
"You don't even have remorse." She practically spat. "Do you even care? Look what you've done."
Steve took a big deep breath before he bit his tongue and turned back around to face her. "Last time I checked, I was trying my absolute hardest to make sure nobody had to go through this. My hand isn't the one that snapped."
"How hard could you have possibly been trying? I have to live everyday without the love of my life because the Avengers can never get their act together."
"Well if it's any consolation I lost a lot of people that I loved too." Steve scoffed, heart beating even faster, trying so hard to push down the guilt.  "People I loved died trying to keep this from happening. So I'm sorry for your loss, but we really did all we could."
Georgia rendered silent for a few moments as she could unexpectedly see the pain of what he had gone through in his eyes, and the faded scar on his forehead. But it wasn't enough to appease her anger and hatred. Nothing was. "You took my sweet baby away from me." All he did was cock an eyebrow and tilt his head to the side, not understanding who she was referring to. "She was nothing but kind, all she did was mind her own business and run the bakery but you swooped in here and you changed her."
"I didn't take her away from you" Steve shook his head. "You pushed her away. That was your own choice."
"I pushed her away because I already knew what was going to happen and I was trying to spare her." Georgia explained. "Has she even told you anything about what the last men like you did to her?"
"I have an idea, yes." Steve nodded. "I understand and appreciate that you're trying to look out for her, but I would never hurt her. She's a grown woman, she makes good choices, and you went about it all wrong."
"Oh? Really? You'd never hurt her?" Georgia scoffed.
"Do you understand how traumatic the passed few days have been for her because you reported her to the government?" Steve questioned. "They hurt her, you hurt her, and now she has to pick up the pieces all over again. I don't want to hear anything else about how much you care about her, because someone who cares wouldn't cause her even more pain."
"Had you never been here, I would've never had to report her." Georgia pointed out. "And you know what? If I put the pieces of this stupid little puzzle together and I didn't report her, then I would be a criminal too. So guess what? That's also your fault."
"Her criminal record is completely clean by the way, but I did notice that assault charge on yours from a few years back." Steve chirped. "Spitting on an officer is not a good look."
"You killed her mother." She barked. That statement took Steve down a notch... or two. "She just lost her dad not too long ago, and now her Mom is gone. Of course she didn't tell me that, I found out on a Facebook post she was tagged in. Did you know about that?"
"We haven't talked abo-"
"Of course you didn't, and guess what? She's never going to tell you that. You know why? Because she's incapable of healthy relationships."  Georgia ranted. "She's going to love you so hard but emotionally shut you out whenever things get hard in her head so much so that it'll suffocate you. I'm the only one who knows what really happened between her and her ex, she didn't even tell her Mom. Wherever her Mom fell flat in the emotional support department, I picked up that slack. And guess what? She doesn't have either of us now. And that's your fault."
Once again, Steve was speechless. He wasn't sure if it was from her words or her audacity, but either way he wanted to throw up.
"I don't care who you are or what you've done. I see past the whole superhero facade. You say you'd never hurt her and she believes it, but I don't because you've already hurt her in the worst way imaginable."
"But you've done nothing wrong, right?" Steve questioned. "You're just this perfect person who's done nothing but improve her life?"
"I know what I did wrong, the difference between you and I is that I can admit that while you sit here and act like you're better than everyone else because you wear stars and stripes."
"Georgia, I've felt unimaginable guilt every single day of my life since I became Captain America." Steve admitted. "Survivors guilt. Guilt that I haven't done enough. Guilt every single time I try to relax. Guilt that I put the kindest person I know in a tough situation. And though I don't need to explain myself to you, you have to understand that I'm human too. I try my hardest to be the best that I can be and make good choices, but sometimes I mess up. Should I have just left her alone at the start? Yeah, probably. But she was the only person I could connect with after almost a whole year on my own. She made me feel like I could keep going when I was about to give up. Yes, she knew who I was, but she chose to stay by my side. Do I regret letting her do that? Absolutely not. Do I feel guilty about everything I've put her through? Every waking moment."
"So why do you continue to be in her life when you could so easily just let her go?" Georgia questioned.
"Because I love her, and the one thing I will never allow myself to feel guilty about is staying with someone I love." Steve explained. "She was loyal to me at my lowest and I intend on being there for her whenever she needs me. So I'm sorry that Thano's blipped Michael, and I'm sorry for unintentionally driving a wedge between you and her, but her and I have enough on our plate at the moment so please just give her some space."
"I don't hate you, Captain Rogers, but I will continue to be your harshest critic."
"I don't need you to like me, and I am my own harshest critic." Steve stood his ground.
"Take care of her, treat her well." She lectured. "By all means, you've got to do better than this."
"I'm not interested in continuing this conversation."
"I'll be praying that she tells you the whole truth about what happened with her last boyfriend, and that her love doesn't suffocate you into insanity like it did to him."
"I know gods, ma'am. Your prayers don't mean anything to me." Steve sassed, throughly annoyed by Georgia's comments. "The only person I feel suffocated by is you."
"So be it."
She walked off back to her own house, Steve let out a puffed breath, trying his hardest to remain composed regardless of the nausea and anger settling into the pit of his stomach.
Luckily, reading the rest of the letters and clearing off the rest of the driveway did wonders to improve his mood. Though he still felt awful for the reality of what he did to you, he felt better nonetheless.
Even better after a shower, a change of clothes, and the promise of you behind your front door when he made his way back to your house half an hour before everyone else said they were going to arrive.
"Stevieeeee!" You cheered enthusiastically, opening your arms wide for him.
"Baby! It's been so long!" Steve cheered with your same enthusiasm, accepting the hug after stepping into your house.
"It should be illegal for a man to look this handsome in a t-shirt and jeans, you heathen!" Your smiley face did wonders for his mood.
"Says you, pretty girl." Steve said before kissing you. "Ooh, you smell so nice."
"Thanks, I tried." You shrugged. "How's it feel to be back?"
You started walking further into your living room, Steve trailed behind you like the big dog he was.
"Feels great" You could hear the smile in his voice. "I cleared out my driveway. Surprisingly, a lot of people are actually happy to have me here."
"I could've told you that, you should see how insane the bakery has been since everyone found out you were hanging out there."
"What?" Steve questioned, wanting you to elaborate.
"A line wrapped around the building every morning" You nodded proudly, gracefully plopping down on the couch. "Everyone from every surrounding town wants to try the same treats Captain America has been eating. We usually sell out around noon, but haven't had the hands or kitchen capacity to keep up with the demands."
"Oh gosh" Steve sat next to you, welcoming your legs being thrown over his thighs as he threw his arm around your shoulder. "I'm glad business is going well, but you and your poor employees must be exhausted"
"I was pretty worried about it when I was in custody, but I talked to the head baker not too long ago. She held down the fort perfectly."
"Has there been press?" Steve asked. "I haven't been checking local news at all, it's been a little overwhelming."
"I understand" You placed your hand on his chest to feel the comforting thumps of his heart against your palm. "Yeah, there has been. A lot of people try shoving cameras in my face or try asking me about you. I try my hardest to just be polite while not saying anything about you. Which is really hard by the way, you're my favorite person and I could talk about you for hours."
"I'm sorry that's happening" Steve sighed, gently running his knuckles down the side of your cheek.
"Don't be sorry" You grinned, reaching up and grabbing his hand. Guiding it to your mouth, you kissed the back of it. "If anything, you've brought in a ton of business and new customers. The store has never been so busy even with the other half of the population still around, so thank you."
"Nope, uh-uh." Steve denied. "The line is wrapped around the building because you're amazing at what you do. You're not allowed to accredit your success on anything other than that."
"I'd be ignorant, and it would be a disservice to not acknowledge everyone who's helped me get to where I am, I certainly didn't do this on my own." You grinned, both of your connected hands now resting in your lap as you squeezed and massaged his lovingly yet absentmindedly. "I think that's a beautiful thing, by the way. I really cherish the love and effort it takes to keep the bakery running. Every person who adds to its success story makes me love it even more."
Steve squeezed your hand and let out a sigh. "You're heart is too good for this world."
"You say that like it's a bad thing." You raised an eyebrow.
"No, it's definitely not." Steve grinned even though the residual guilt was pounding at the forefront of his brain, "Sometimes I just have a hard time believing that I deserve so much grace for everything that I've put you through."
"You're far too hard on yourself, Honey." You told him sympathetically. "You know what you've put me through?"
"Hmm?" He questioned.
"You've put me through one of the best friendships I've ever had. You've put me through facing my fear of being trusting and vulnerable to new people in my life, less lonely hours by myself in the kitchen, more time smiling and laughing, so much more time loving." You reminded him. "But you also did put me through that five mile run that one time and I'll never forgive you for that."
A real laugh escaped his throat, and you smiled in accomplishment. "That was your idea."
"I don't care." You denied with a giggle. "I didn't even know who you were yet, and I signed myself up for a run with Captain America. I deserved a warning... or an Advil... or like, a gallon of caffeine first."
"Well now you know for next time!" His cheeky smile poked through.
"Yeah... next time!" You said super sarcastically. "My point is, I can tell you feel guilty, but I don't blame you for any of it. I love you, I love that you care so much, but I just want you to relax."
Steve closed his eyes for a moment to try and get your reassurance really sink into his brain.
"We both deserve to enjoy each other without all the weird emotional strings and heavy baggage we've had with us before, and now we have a whole month together."
He leaned closer to you and laid a loving kiss on his lips. They were as sweet as him, it lasted a while, but you were perfectly happy to kiss his brain noise away.
"You always know how to make me feel better." He stated, your two foreheads pressed together.
"I'm my happiest when I'm with you." You smiled against his lips.
"I love you, baby" He stated before reconnecting your lips for a little while. The two of you stayed like that for a while, holding each other close and exchanging slow, romantic kisses. But it wouldn't be Steve if his mind wasn't always one step ahead of himself, so he pulled away when a piece of information came to the forefront of his mind. "Would this be a good time to tell you tha-"
He was cut off by the doorbell.
"No, actually, now is a terrible time to tell me." You joked with a giggle as you slowly got up off of him and the couch. "You should hold onto that thought for a few hours while we socialize then just hope you remember it later."
"Yep, I'll just live with this information for a few more hours, no problem." Steve laughed, getting up to follow you, hoping it didn't look like the two of you had been making out for ten minutes.
Company filled your house and warmed the inside of the walls alongside the parts of your soul that had felt so cold and dark for months. Friends, neighbors, and coworkers alike, you all ate dinner together while exchanging stories and laughs.
After dinner everyone squeezed in the living room around the coffee table. Uno cards and wine glasses occupied its surface while everyone sat shoulder to shoulder on the couches and on the fluffy rug. Occasional competitive shouting sounded from the area while a few of the bakers in the group had snuck into your fully stocked pantry to provide a tray of brownies and a batch of warm chocolate chip cookies.
Steve was almost overwhelmed by the sense of comfort and familiarity he hadn't felt in a long time. It was this small town magic he had always heard about. A group of people, most of whom had never met each other before, coming together and truly enjoying each other.
Just for you, there were strangers sitting together on your living room floor, a shared blanket across their laps, and giggling together after a glass of wine. Your sweet employees in the kitchen teaching your neighbor the secret to the perfect chocolate chip cookie with a gooey center and a crispy edge. You snuggled on the couch with your head resting on one of your best friend's shoulder, while Steve made his rounds and got to know everyone as much as he could.
Each one was kinder than the last, and each one asked him questions about himself. They weren't about the Sokovia accords, or what Thanos had ripped away from everyone, they were about his interests and hobbies, what he did to occupy his time, and how long the two of you had been together.
Through a mixed group of people, the one thing they all had in common was their love for you, and that was more than enough for them. Strangers became friends, and Steve finally felt like he might've been part of the small town community.
Steve's mind ran back to that same night you suggested a cardboard castle. You invited him to the neighborhood game night at Georgia and Michael's place, but rather than attending, he watched the lively get together through a double pained glass window and open sheer curtains from across the street. He remembered how isolated he felt after all that time on his own, how badly he craved to be surrounded by people who cared.
And now here he was, inside the four walls, surrounded by people who cared, and right on track to getting all he's ever wanted since his mom passed leaving him on his own at 18 years old. A family.
The Avengers were a little less than put together at the moment, and that wasn't their fault as a collective, but he was happy to have some real, normal people in his life to keep him grounded. The only thing that could've made him feel complete was if Nat, Sam, and Bucky were here.
But he had you, and you were more than enough.
Committed to forcing you to relax and enjoy yourself after all you had been through, he helped the girls clean up the kitchen, refilled wine glasses, and did all the dishes.
Then when the time come and the grip was dropping like flies, he offered rides home just in case anyone was too sleepy or had one glass to much, and stood in the driveway to make sure everyone got to their cars safely in the dark.
Of course it was a safe neighborhood and everyone lived on the block or just a few minutes away, but who would Steve Rogers be if not a protector.
As he leaned over the porch railing watching the cars drive away and enjoying the fresh, crisp air, you came out to join him. You wrapped the blanket around your shoulders around his too, and your arms snaked around his waist in a side hug.
His arm was quick to sling around your shoulders and pull you in closer before pressing a kiss on your forehead. You couldn't help the invasive smile tugging on the corners of your lips. He was happy, you could tell he was, and you were happy too.
An easy, simple, small town life with Steve was something you could imagine for yourself. Blanket covered snuggles on the porch under the stars, a house full of people you cared for, the man you loved dearly in your arms.
"How are you doing, my love?" He questioned above you, both of you looking out into the neighborhood.
"Good; happy." You said confidently. "You?"
"Good and happy." He copied your answer.
"Even better now that you finally got a homemade cookie?" You questioned knowing it was one of the things he had missed the most in his time away.
"I think I ate five, no joke." Steve smiled.
"You deserve them all." You squeezed him tight. "Will you stay over tonight?"
"Of course."
"Or we can go to your house? Whichever one you want." You threw out there. "Fist night back, we can be wherever you missed the most."
"Well I missed you the most, so I'll sleep whenever you want to sleep."
"Well we're already here, so might as well." You shrugged. "Hey, what we're you going to tell me earlier?!"
"Oh! Right!" Steve perked up. "So, remember how you like... hid me away for all that time and like... made me so happy and took good care of me and then you were abducted by the government and I yelled at them really bad?"
"Yeah," You laughed at his means of explanation. "I think I remember that."
"Okay good." He smiled. "So I thought the government owed you for A, doing super illegal stuff to you and B, doing them a favor by keeping me safe and sound so I bargained a deal with them as reparations of sorts."
"What was the deal?" You asked, eyebrows furrowing together.
"Well for all the time you spent with me and kept me from losing me mind, I made them pay off your mortgage. So, your house is completely taken care of." He smiled.
You turned to him, shock smeared across your face. "What?!"
"It's done." He reassured you. "No more home loan, you owe nothing else. It's all yours."
"Steve-" tears welled in your eyes, feeling the weight of the world slip off your shoulders.
"And for the time they took you away for the bakery, your business rent was payed off for the rest of the five year contract." He explained the kicker.
"No way." You shook your head.
"Yes way." He nodded in assurance.
"That's too much, you didn't have to do that." A tear slipped off your cheek.
Thought business was doing well again, those few months of being closed were weighing on you. Once again, this was a huge relief.
"I didn't do anything other than get you want you deserved." He reminded you. "All it took was some glaring and some yelling."
"Damnit, Baby. I didn't want to cry anymore!" You playfully yelled at him, very gently hitting his chest before he pulled you against him and you hurried your face in it.
Gently swaying you from side to side, he continued to explain. "I can't imagine life has been easy for you since we met or even before then, but any chance I have to make it better I'm going to take no questions asked."
"But this? This is a lot Steve, that's a lot of money. And the business?"
"Use the rent money to give yourself and your employees a raise. You all work hard, you deserve it." He suggested. "I told you, the Avengers are yours now and you'd get everything you deserve because of what you did. You were here exactly when I needed you. You took good care of me, so now I get to take good care of you."
"I'm so grateful, thank you so much."
"No, thank you." He kissed your forehead before you looked up to kiss his lips.
"Wow, I'm going to sleep so well tonight" You laughed, wiping the tears off your cheeks. "I'm back home, I'm feeling better, I get to sleep in a completely paid off house, and my favorite person is back here with me alive and well. That's all I could ever want."
"What if we throw in a bag of spicy Doritos?" Steve questioned playfully, raising an eyebrow.
"That's too much, that would be an embarrassment of riches." You laughed, a yawn taking over.
"Alright, let's get you to bed, Honey." Steve giggled before kissing you and sweeping you off your feet like a groom carrying his bride through the doorway.
You shrieked before laughing and tightly wrapping your arms behind his neck, peppering kisses all over his face.
Right before bringing you inside and closing the door, Steve caught a glimpse of Georgia staring at them through her window.
Now she was the one watching game night through the windows, watching love after her lover was gone, and living an isolated life away from the people she once loved.
Maybe now she'd understand Steve a little better, everything he had to go through, all the choices he had to make, the extreme isolation through the hardest part of his life.
He made eye contact and gave her a friendly grin, empathizing with the feeling of loneliness. But now he knew better, and now he felt better than he did before.
He would never feel guilty for loving you.
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Next Part: Cardboard Castle
Tag list: @patzammit @bemysugarbean @buckymydarlingangel @happinessinthebeing @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @differenttyphoonwerewolf @themotherof10 @lokislady82 @talesofadragon @spikeluv84 @xxxalicerogersxx @avid-fic-reader-05 @royalwriteroftheuniverse @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @bitchy-bi-trash @crazyunsexycool @openup-yourmind @selella @kattreffic @benedict-squirtle @magnificentsaladllama @natashassandwich @theroyalmanatee @calwitch @avengersinitiative2012
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scoonsalicious · 15 days
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Reminder: I am on a posting break for new content until May 23rd so that I can focus on writing WFLT...
In the meantime, please enjoy this third installment of Unwanted: Unusables, or, chapters from the original story that never made it to the final draft. Today, we're looking at an alternate Chapter 7: (what would become) Unburdened. This draft immediately follows the events of yesterday's Unusable.
I ended up scrapping this entire version of the chapter, because I decided to go in a different direction in Chapter 5, so everything had to be redone. But, it has one of my favorite scenes-- Girls' Night, so I'm glad that I could eventually share it with you, besties!
When you woke up the following morning, you felt lighter than you could remember feeling in a long, long time. It was as if the maelstrom of agitation that had been coursing through you since Bucky first saw Jade's profile had finally abated, and you were waking to the calm following the storm, everything feeling newly cleansed by the rain.
Granted, your head was killing you with a tremendous hangover, but your soul felt lighter, and that's what should count the most, right?
You stretched, reaching out for Bucky, but finding only empty sheets where his body had been the night before. With a frown, you craned your head to see if he was in the bathroom, but no-- the door was open and the room beyond it dark. Against your will, you felt the weight of your insecurities begin to hover over you once again. Perhaps it was time to talk to Tony to see if you could borrow his Dr. FRIDAY therapy program for yourself. You were definitely in need of some kind of professional help.
Drawing your knees up to your chest, you contemplated whether or not you should change out of Bucky's shirt before you trekked back across the hall to your own room so you could mope. The odds of anyone seeing you were slim, since you were still the only two people living on this floor, but there was no guarantee someone wouldn't be around looking for either one of you. You wondered what would have people talking more-- the sight of you in only Bucky's shirt, or you leaving his room in the clothes you'd worn the night before. Not that it really mattered, you supposed. You were fairly confident from the team's reactions at dinner last night that the majority of them knew the two of you were having sex, or at the very least suspected it, anyway.
Before you could make your decision, however, Bucky's door opened and he walked in, carrying a breakfast tray laden with bacon and eggs and an overly-large water bottle.
"You're up," he said, smiling as he closed the door behind him. "I was hoping I'd be back before you woke, but I figured you could use some sustenance for what's probably a major hangover." He slid the tray onto the bed before crawling back in next to you.
"Did you seriously bring me breakfast in bed, Barnes?" you asked, a smile tugging at the corners of your mouth. That was beyond adorable of him.
"'course I did," he said, picking up a slice of bacon and taking a bite. "Figure your head's got to be killing you, since you never drink that much. Here." He unscrewed the cap from the water bottle and passed it to you. "Electrolytes. Drink up." You took a swig of the lemony-lime flavored Liquid IV he'd prepared for you.
"Thank you," you said. "This is incredibly sweet, but I could have gotten up to get breakfast myself; you didn't have to go to all the trouble."
"I confess, my motives aren't that altruistic," he said, running his tongue over his bottom lip. "I have no intention of letting you get out of this bed at all today, and I figured you should have at least something in your stomach before I launch my nefarious plan." His eyes twinkled with mischievous intent, making your heart flutter in anticipation.
"Your nefarious plan, huh?" Your eyebrow arched in curiosity as you took another bite of bacon, cooked extra crispy, exactly the way you liked. "And what might that be?"
"Well," he started, his voice dropping to a seductive whisper as he leaned closer to you, his breath tickling your ear.
"Since I was an absolute ass and made you feel like shit yesterday, I had hoped I could spend today making you feel good. I could lie and say I planed a day spent snuggled up together watching movies, but in reality I was thinking we could explore the possibility of other more... intimate activities."
A blush crept over your cheeks as you met his gaze. The promise lingering in his icy blue eyes sent a thrill down your spine, making you momentarily forget about the pounding headache. "That sounds...enticing," you admitted. "You have my attention."
"Good," he grinned, his thumb gently brushing against your lower lip. "Because I also remember a promise made to fuck you until you couldn't remember your own name."
The heat that instantaneously flooded your cheeks at his words made you glad you hadn't bothered changing out of his shirt, after all. You tried to play it cool, to match his relaxed nonchalance, even as your heart pounded like a drum within your chest.
"I do seem to recall you saying something to that effect last night, now that you mention it," you said, trying to sound casually thoughtful in spite of the tidal wave of arousal that was rushing throughout your body.
Bucky nodded, the smile on his face growing wider by the second. "Let it never be said that I'm not a man of my word." You turned, leaning in to kiss him, but he pulled away from you. "Nu-uh, doll," he tsked. "You need to hydrate and protein-load first, then I'll ruin you."
"I dunno, Buck," you contemplated as you dug into a forkful of scrambled eggs. "You may have already ruined me. I could get used to this kind of treatment real fast."
"Sweetheart, if one breakfast in bed has ruined you, you've been spending all your time with the wrong kind of man," he drawled.
"Well, I think we both know that's the understatement of the year," you laughed.
Bucky chuckled, a hearty sound that reverberated through the room and eased any lingering insecurities that had arisen when you woke up alone. He was right; you were spending time with the right kind of man now. You turned to find him watching you with an intensity that made your breath hitch.
"God, you're beautiful," he murmured, reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. His touch was gentle, sweet, causing goosebumps to rise on your skin.
You found yourself blushing again, quickly turning your attention back to the breakfast tray in an attempt to hide it. "Says the man who looks like he fell straight off a GQ cover," you teased lightly.
Even though his smile never wavered, there was a depth to his gaze that made your heart race. "Noticed that, did you?" He asked, his tone teasing as he took another bite of his bacon.
It was your turn to chuckle now, the sound soft and full of warmth. "Maybe once or twice," you said with a shrug.
"I ever tell you you make make grateful I fell off that train?"
Your heart momentarily stopped at his words. You looked at him, really looked, and saw the sincerity in his eyes. His tone was so casual, as if he were commenting on the weather, but the weight of his words were monumental.
"What?" you managed to gasp out, completely thrown off balance, breakfast momentarily forgotten.
He chuckled softly at your bewilderment, his fingers reaching out to gently caress your face. "I shoulda been dead long before you were ever even born, doll. Fallin' off that train, becoming the Winter Soldier, it was hell, but if it'd hadn't happened, I never would of gotten to meet you. That's made it all worth it."
You stammered, trying to find words that could match the intensity of the moment. "Bucky... That's..."
"True," he finished for you, his gaze steady on yours. "You are my silver lining, sweetheart. The best thing this twisted life has given me."
Your eyes filled with tears at his heartfelt admission. This was Bucky - raw and open-hearted - sharing something profoundly personal with you.
"Bucky... I..." You struggled to form a sentence that could properly encapsulate how you felt in the moment, so instead, you took the breakfast tray and put it up on the bedside table. Turning back to face him, his expression curious, you cupped his cheek in the palm of your hand. If you couldn't tell him what his words meant to you, you'd show him.
"I think I'm done with breakfast," you whispered, pulling him in for a kiss.
His lips moved against yours with devastating slowness. There was nothing rushed or fevered about the kiss, but it was no less all-consuming.
He responded immediately, drawing you closer and wrapping his arms around your waist and maneuvering you until you straddled his lap. His large hands roamed along the curve of your lower back, pulling you against him until there was no space left. The contact made your head spin and your body heat up in places that made you shudder with anticipation.
His taste was as delicious as his touch; a combination of coffee, bacon, and something distinctly Bucky that made your senses reel. His tongue slipped into your mouth, tangling with yours in an intimate dance that left you breathless and wanting more.
As the kiss deepened, you could feel every hard line and muscle of Bucky's torso pressed against your own. His heart pounded in sync with yours, the rhythm picking up as the kiss escalated from sweet to passionate. The sensation made you dizzy with longing.
You reached up to tangle your fingers in his hair, tugging lightly at the strands. A low growl rumbled from Bucky's chest at the action, sending a thrill of lust coursing through you. His response was immediate, his lips leaving yours to trail hot, wet kisses down your neck. His teeth grazed your skin, making you gasp in pleasure.
"You're mine," he said, his voice a primal growl that echoed in the otherwise silent room. His possessiveness was as thrilling as it was unexpected. You nodded, unable to form words as desire clouded your mind.
"Yours," you managed to gasp out, the word coming out as a half-sigh, half-moan as Bucky's fingers danced down the length of your back, causing goosebumps to rise in their wake.
His hands moved with a purpose, tracing paths of fire along your skin. Every touch was measured and precise - he knew exactly what he was doing and how it affected you.
It was almost too much to bear - this closeness, the intimacy of his words. It was overwhelming and wonderful all at once. Bucky's touch was like an incantation, a spell that had you completely entranced.
The world narrowed down to just the two of you. The crisp sheets beneath you, the cool morning air filling the room, everything felt insignificant compared to the heat radiating from Bucky's touch, from his gaze. You were lost in him, and it was a sensation you never wanted to quit.
His fingers dipped lower, trailing up the hem of the shirt you wore. A shiver coursed through your body as his cold metal digits met the warm bare skin of your stomach. You gasped audibly, your back arching slightly.
"Sensitive?" Bucky teased, a smirk playing on his lips. His fingers continued their tantalizing exploration, circling around your navel before moving upward.
"You have no idea," you managed to breathe out between gasps. Every nerve ending was on fire, your senses heightened by Bucky's seductive touch. His fingers traced a path up your body, fingertips lightly grazing the underside of your breasts. You bit your lower lip, stifling a moan. Bucky noticed, his ocean blue eyes darkening with a hunger that mirrored your own.
"Good," he murmured, leaning down to press his lips to yours once more. This kiss was different, though - more demanding, more intense. He claimed your mouth with a burning passion that left you breathless and craving more.
His metal hand moved from your stomach to cup your breast through the thin fabric of the shirt. His touch was electrifying; every stroke sent shock waves coursing through you straight to your core. You moaned into his mouth, arching into his touch.
Bucky pulled away slightly, his gaze sliding down to where his hand was on you. "You like this?" he asked in a low, husky voice.
"So fucking much," you admitted, reaching up to grasp the back of his neck and pull him back down to your lips. You kissed him with abandon, pouring all the pent-up desire you had been feeling into the action. His groan of pleasure was muffled by your mouth, further stoking the flames of your desire.
His hand kept up its unhurried exploration, fingers finding a hard nipple through the shirt, brushing over it in slow circles. The sensation made you whimper, pulling away from his lips to gasp for breath.
His eyes were filled with a wicked gleam as he took you in, his gaze heated and full of desire. It made your heart beat faster and your body ache with need. In that moment, you wanted nothing more than to melt into him completely.
"Bucky," you whispered, the sound coming out as a high-pitched plea. His touch was driving you wild, making it difficult for you to think straight.
"Hmm?" His voice was rough with desire, his breath fanning across your face.
"I... I need..." you trailed off, unsure of how to put your needs into words. You've never wanted someone this much; it was disorienting.
His lips curled up into a smirk again, understanding flashing in his blue eyes. "I know what you need, doll," he murmured against your ear, sending shivers down your spine. His hand slipped underneath your shirt, skin on skin contact causing you to gasp out loud. His touch was demanding, taking and giving pleasure in equal measure.
His fingers traced the contours of your body, causing your nerves to sing with exhilaration. Playing your body like an instrument he'd long ago mastered. He skillfully made his way to the apex of your legs, his fingers just ghosting over the sensitive skin there.
"Does this feel good?" he asked in a low growl, his voice rough with need. His fingers dipped lower, hooking into the waistband of your panties and pulling them down slightly.
Your heart pounded in anticipation as you nodded, not trusting yourself to speak as desire coursed through your veins. His eyes never left yours - an intense gaze filled with passion and unspoken promises.
His hand moved lower still, slipping beneath your waistband. A breathy moan slipped past your lips as his fingers touched you where you wanted him most.
His fingers were cool against your heated skin, and the contrast sent sparks through your body. You couldn't help but shift against his touch, seeking more.
"Bucky," you whispered again, this time in a desperate plea. His smirk widened at your response to his touch as he rubbed slow circles around your most sensitive area. You reached down to wrap your fingers around his wrist as he teased you. He watched you carefully, taking in your every reaction and using it to heighten your pleasure.
"You're so beautiful like this," he said in a low murmur, his voice filled with raw need that caused your pulse to flutter. He continued his slow exploration, dipping a single metal digit into your heat, causing you to gasp at the intrusion.
"Yes... Bucky," you stammered out, your voice barely above a whisper. The slow stretch of his finger inside of you sent fire shooting through every nerve ending. Each stroke of his hand was perfectly orchestrated as if to bring you the greatest amount of pleasure possible.
"Shh, I got you, doll," he reassured you, his voice low and thick with wanting. His pace didn’t quicken; instead he kept a slow, torturous rhythm that had you squirming.
You could feel the tension building within you, spiraling up from the pit of your stomach. The pressure increased with every skilled stroke of Bucky’s fingers until you felt like you were on the edge of something monumental. Your breath hitched, and your grip on his shoulders tightened to the point where you were sure it would leave marks.
You wanted to look at him, wanted to see his face as he watched you unravel under his touch, but your eyes were squeezed shut, the tension mounting within you too intense to bear otherwise.
"Look at me," Bucky commanded huskily, his voice sending shivers down your spine. You obeyed instantly, forcing your eyes open to meet his dark blue gaze. The raw desire there took your breath away. "That's it," he murmured approvingly, his fingers continued their exploration, every touch igniting a flame that threatened to consume you completely.
"I want you to come for me," he growled, pressing harder against the sensitive bundle of nerves at your core. You whimpered at his words, the knot in your stomach tightening further. His command added another layer of intensity to the already building climax.
Your body tensed and you gasped audibly as waves of euphoria crashed over you. Your mind went blank and your vision blurred as the orgasm hit you with full force. All you were aware of was Bucky; his intense gaze, his fingers relentlessly driving you through your climax, and his voice murmuring words of encouragement.
"Good girl... that's it. Let go," he coaxed, his rough voice a thread anchoring you in the storm. As the tremors began to recede, he slowed his movements, easing you through the aftershocks.
Your senses slowly returned, and you were left gasping for breath, your heart pounding wildly. You were still clutching his arm, your grip loose now but no less desperate. His touch was intoxicating, a heady mix of pleasure and need that left you craving more.
Bucky eased his hand away from your core. His gaze was steady on your face, watching as you tried to regain your bearings. His eyes softened as he took in your flushed face and disheveled hair.
He pulled you closer, wrapping his arm securely around your trembling form as he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. There was a tenderness in this gesture that moved you deeply, causing tears to pool in your eyes.
"Bucky..." you murmured, turning your face further into his chest. He hummed a quiet acknowledgement in response, his fingers beginning to draw soothing patterns on your back.
"Yes, doll?" His voice was still rough, but the edge of raw need had smoothed out. Now it was gentle and filled with warmth and affection that had not been so evident before.
"You...you're..." You found it difficult to articulate what you were feeling right then. It was overwhelming - the intense euphoria from the pleasure he'd given you combined with the burgeoning emotions that threatened to spill over.
He seemed to understand regardless. "I know," he whispered, his lips brushing against your temple. "I know."
There was an unspoken agreement between you both then; an agreement that this casual arrangement you had entered into all those months ago had transcended into something far deeper, far more meaningful, than either one of you had ever anticipated.
You sat together in silence for a while, foreheads pressed against each other as you regained your composure, breathing in each other's breath. When your limbs had finally stopped shaking and your pulse had evened out, you met his gaze.
"Buck, we have a problem," you murmured, sliding your cheek against his, the rough stubble tantalizing against your skin.
He nuzzled into your face. "What's that, doll?"
You pulled back to look him in the eye, a wicked glint in your gaze. "I seem to still be able to remember my name."
He reached for the hem of the shirt you'd borrowed and pulled it up over your head and tossed it to the floor. "Honey, I haven't even begun to fuck you yet." With a wolfish grin, Bucky picked you up and maneuvered you so that you were lying on your back, his form hovering above you. His drew his head down to your breast, taking it into his mouth and sucking long and hard on your nipple.
"Oh, fuck, Bucky," you moaned, arching your back and pressing your chest further into his eager mouth. He devoured you like a man starving.
You lost yourself to the sensation as he continued his ministrations, and it wasn't long before he had once again reduced you to a whimpering mess. Time itself lost all meaning as he brought you over the edge over and over and over again. Finally, after what seemed like hours, you were sobbing with over-stimulation and the sheer intensity of what you felt for him.
After he'd finished inside of you for the second time, Bucky leaned over you, planting feather-light kisses along the planes of your face. "What's your name, doll?" he asked, voice husky.
You tried to answer, but no coherent thought would come to you; all you could do was pant as you tried to focus and re-center yourself.
He had done it. The man had fucked you until you'd forgotten your own name.
And you absolutely loved him for it.
The days that followed were some of the very best of your entire life. If you weren't training or working (well, okay, plenty of times when you were working), Bucky had you on your back. Or bent over a desk, or up against a wall, or down on all fours. Several times, he had sat you on his face, your hands gripping on to the headboard for dear life as his tongued probed as deeply into your cunt as he could get it. You had fucked in so many positions, in so many places, you were sure the entire Tower knew what you were doing. Not that you cared; you were head over heals in love with the man, and you were fairly confident he felt the same about you.
It was just that neither one of you had actually spoken the words.
So secure were you in this new connection with Bucky that it didn't even phase you when Tony announced one afternoon that Jade Carthage had officially accepted a three-month probationary appointment with the Avengers, and would be moving into the Tower in just a few days time.
"Okay, Pocket, what gives?" Nat asked you. Girls' Night had come around again, and the two of you, along Wanda, were set up in the common room, working your way through two large pizzas and a couple of orders of mozzarella sticks. Pepper was unfortunately on the West Coast, away on some official Stark Industries CEO business. "Tony announces Jade's imminent arrival and you don't even blink."
You shrugged your shoulders as you popped half a mozzarella stick into your mouth. "I'm not worried about her anymore," you told them. "I mean, I still don't like her, and we're not going to be best friends, but Bucky and I are in a good place." You paused and gave them a knowing look. "A really good place."
"So you are sleeping together!" Wanda leaned back, lifting her feet off the floor and kicking them in delight. You ducked your head, trying to stifle the smile and hide the blush that bloomed across your face. "Okay, I have so many questions! First of all, how long has this been going on? Second, what' it like? You know, his..." she tiled her eyes down. "Third, how is it? It's got to be so good, right? I mean, look at him!"
"Slow down!" you laughed. "God, Wands, should we change your name from Scarlet Witch to the Sokovian Horndog? Cause damn, girl!"
It was Wanda's turn to blush. "I'm sorry; I've just wanted this for you for so long, I can't stand it!" She stood up and threw herself at you, wrapping her arms around you in a tight hug, which you gladly reciprocated.
"Thanks, sweetie," you said with a laugh.
"Thanks later, answers now," she told you, pulling back from you to lean against the arm of the couch.
"Oh, I got this," Nat said, grin plastered across her face. "Let's see... One: four months, since the night he got back from his first mission. Two: She's called him Magic Dick, to his face. And three: Sometimes, when they're done, she can't even walk." She turned to you. "That about cover it?" You laughed, nodding your head.
"Yeah, that basically covers it," you said with a grin.
"I cannot believe this has been going on for four months and you both kept it from me," Wanda said with a pout. "I have been shipping the two of you for over a year, and this is how you repay me?"
"We weren't telling anyone, Wands," you said, trying to placate your friend.
"Oh, I'm too excited for you to be actually mad at you," she confessed. "So, you two a legitimate couple now, or what?"
You paused, biting your lip in consideration. "Well, no? I mean, it started as this completely no-strings-attached, casual sex, friends-with-benefits thing, but the morning after the dinner disaster, he told me that I made him grateful he fell off the train and--"
"I'm sorry, he said what?!" Nat interrupted at the same time Wanda grabbed a throw pillow and screamed into with with excitement, kicking her feet once more.
"Pocket," Nat continued grabbing your arms and shaking you, "for Barnes, that's practically a declaration of undying love!"
You scrunched your shoulders in glee. "I know!" you squealed, not being able to help how exhilarated the idea made you feel.
"And then what did you say?" Wanda asked.
You dropped your shoulders. "Um... well, I didn't actually say anything."
Wanda's eyes went wide. "So you just left him hanging there after he said that?" she asked, incredulous.
"No! I absolutely replied!" you insisted. "Just... not with words. It was more of a... physical response."
Wanda and Nat shared a look. "Okaaaay," they both said in unison before the three of you burst into laughter.
"Pepper is going to be so pissed she missed this," Wanda said, pulling out her phone to text your missing friend. "Though she'll probably be more angry about losing the bet."
"The bet?" you asked, confused.
"Oh, I bet her $100 that you two would end up together before your birthday," Wanda said with a grin as she texted away. "Pepper thought it wouldn't happen until night of, or after."
You tossed a pillow at her, knocking her phone from her hands. "Hey!" she cried out.
"That's what you get for betting on your friends' love lives," you told her, though your voice held no heat. If anything, it was weirdly sweet. Except... "Wait, is it super bizarre that Pepper's making bets on my sex life when she's technically my boss?" you asked.
"Yeah, you going to HR with that complaint?" Nat asked, laughing at the face you made. Her laughing set Wanda off, which set you off in turn, and soon the three of you were in hysterics.
"Damn, we too early for the panty pillow fight?" a voice from across the room caught your attention, and you looked up to see Sam, Steve, and Bucky standing in the doorway.
God, Bucky looked so good. He was wearing a Henley and a pair of jeans, but damn it if it wasn't doing things to you. You flashed him a giant smile. "Hey, Buckaroo," you said, your voice coming out far huskier than you intended it to.
"Don't engage, Pocket," Nat murmured. "They'll think think it's an invitation to come join us." But it was too late; the boys had already begun walking over to where you sat, Sam immediately grabbing a slice of pizza and digging in.
"Hey, doll," Bucky said, leaning over you and placing a kiss to your lips. He quickly pulled back as though he'd been burned, realizing what he'd done of your friends, and the two of you started at each other in surprise and shock over his actions.
"You know what, fuck it," you said, fisting his shirt and pulling him down, slotting your lips over his like your life depended on it. He responded instantly, practically crawling onto the couch to deepen the kiss, pulling you into his lap. You barely registered the sounds of your friends whooping and cheering around you. After what felt like several heady minutes, when you eventually came up for air, you were both smiling, red embarrassment creeping up your faces.
"It's about damned time!" Sam shouted, throwing a mozzarella stick a the two of you. With lighting reflexes, Bucky caught it midair, bit half of it and fed you the rest.
"All this fanfare over a simple kiss?" he asked rhetorically, ignoring the pointed looks. "Stop making it a big deal."
"I have literally wanted nothing more in my entire life," Wanda said, fiddling with her phone. "And I may have taken a picture to send to Pepper to prove she lost."
Bucky gave you a questioning look.
"The Sokovian Horndog over there has been placing bets on us," you sighed. "We just won her $100." A corner of his mouth tipped up in a smile.
"Best buy my girl something pretty with your winnings then, Red," he teased. Leaning your head against his shoulder, you watched in amusement as Wanda's cheeks flushed at Bucky's words.
Your friends continued to playfully give you both shit for a few more moments when you realized someone was missing from your little group.
"Hey, where did Steve go?" You were sure the blond super soldier had entered the room with Bucky and Sam, but now he was nowhere to be seen.
"Um, he sort of ran out when you two started to play tonsil hockey," Sam said between bites of pizza.
"Bathroom, maybe?" Nat suggested, her eyes glancing towards the hallway, but you could tell there was a note of uncertainty in her voice.
Bucky, however, seemed to have a better grasp on what might have occurred and his eyes scanned the room with a more discerning look. A sigh escaped him before he gently nudged you off his lap, rising from the couch. "I'll go find him," he said, turning down to give you a quick kiss goodbye. "Come on, Sam. We've disturbed Girls' Night long enough."
The Falcon began protesting, unfinished pizza slice still in hand, but Bucky grabbed him by the arm, dragging him off toward the hallway. Once they reached the doorway, Bucky turned around and gave you a quick wink.
"I'll see you at bedtime, Babydoll," he said, before dragging Sam off with him.
You waited a beat, giving the boys time to get out of earshot before the three of you began squealing like pre-teens.
"He's never called me that before," you gushed, the happiness coursing through you so intense you were afraid you'd launch into orbit.
"You are going to get such a good dicking down tonight!" Nat declared, coming around to playfully punch you on the shoulder.
And you absolutely did.
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cutedice · 2 years
Hi!!! Can you do ASL and Sanji reactung to an S/O who can cook? Just really fluffy feeding them and their reactions to how good it is an stuff
((this one was really sweet! thanks for requesting!))
When the S/O Can Cook
Characters: Ace, Sabo, Luffy, Sanji Warnings: None, fluff!
Everything is GN!
- He was ecstatic to be invited to dinner while the rest of the crew was running around.
- Really! You both tended to just hit up restaurants on different islands if you weren’t eating on a ship, so he was excited for a home-cooked meal this time around. Not to say eating a chef’s food wasn’t home-cooked, but there was something special about you offering to do it.
- He also felt bad about not helping with the food despite you insisting upon it. He bought drinks for you both to make up for that fact.
- It smelled amazing though once he stepped onto the ship. He walked to the kitchen and the small spread you had going on got his mouth-watering.
- "(Y/N), it looks amazing!"
- He gave you the drinks and a very appreciative kiss before you led him to sit down.
- He watched you serve the food up, finding it genuinely impressive how considerate you were with his serving size and what you were giving him. You knew his likes and dislikes (which was hard for some people to figure out since he generally ate anything).
- He watched as you set his plate down in front of him and he poured your drink to make up for it. Of course, he had to insist to do it. "You cooked and served, let me take care of the drinks!"
- Once everything was settled you both began to eat.
- Ace took a bite and instantly he regretted never having asked you to cook before. It was like a new flavor but it was familiar in every way and that made him addicted.
- Seriously, heaven on earth in his mouth and he could die then and be happy.
- "How come you never told me you could cook!"
- You told him he never asked. He looked flustered after that but politely excused his accusatory tone.
- Seriously though, he was dying in heaven-blessed flavor and he couldn't have enough.
- His plate was cleaned and he was eager for seconds. "Please, can I have another?"
- He fell asleep mid-meal and you swore he was still shoveling food in.
- From that point forward, he was insistent that you'd cook more often. He offered to help too! Whatever it took to get that sensation back.
- Listen, he's very aware that you like to cook. From the moment you two met he's known that.
- Plus, Koala kept bragging about you’re food, which did nothing but want him to try it more.
- So he has been patiently awaiting the day he actually gets to try some of your cooking. It just had never been a good or convenient time until now.
- Revolutionary duties aside, he was finally free for a while on a much-deserved break, so he swung by for a visit.
- It smelled wonderful in the kitchen and he noticed you hadn’t noticed him yet. A mischievous grin filled his face and he was extra quiet approaching you.
- "You finally gonna let me try some?"
- Scare successful because you nearly dropped your pan.
- After a light scolding and a few apologies from him, he moved to sit and watch you finish. Now prepping for both of you, you took a little longer but eventually, the food was done and you presented the bowl to him with a grin.
- Sabo eyed the serving, taking in what it was and what was in it. “Thank you!” he told you with a small grin, before grabbing his silverware and beginning to eat.
- The first bite he thought he imagined things. How could something so, for lack of better terms, simple looking be this good?
- But then he was downing bite after bite until he had nothing else to scrape up. "(Y/N), how on earth did you make that?" he asked, taking your hand that was originally reaching for his bowl and examining it. "You're hands have got to be magic. There's no way they aren't."
- He kissed your knuckles, smiling. "I'd be honored if they performed again."
- You told him if he wanted more he just had to ask.
- He laughed and happily agreed, asking for more with a bright smile.
- Sanji was very particular about his kitchen; more importantly, who was cooking in it.
- But, with a bit of persistence and charm (and lots and lots of begging and promising not to start fires), he reluctantly agreed to let you use it. That, and the chef was a sucker for romantics and he didn't mind a break feeding the bottomless pit of the captain.
- Said captain was sitting in the kitchen with you, watching from the table as you moved around. He was focused on trying to pick of any hint that the food may be ready soon, but he was also just enjoying watching you. 
- However, that didn’t stop him from being a bit of a baby over how long it was taking.
-  "Is it done yet?" He would whine, but he'd sit patiently and you rewarded that with small samples. He never seemed impressed with them though.
- It was almost demoralizing, the bland expression. You blamed it on the fact his sense of taste was wacky.
-But, you continued on! You were determined to make it good for him, so you put your best effort Into the small meal.
- Really, it wasn't huge. It'd probably barely tide him over until the actual dinner Sanji would make, but that was enough. As long as he ate it!
- You finished and served everything, marching to the table with confidence as you set his plate down and then yours.
- "Woah! It looks really tasty, (Y/N)!" he looked over the dish before he snickered and began to eat.
- You watched, studied his reaction.
- He paused for a moment, gripping his silverware and gaining a rather contemplative look. "This is... Really good," he said. But, he looked confused. "How come you don't cook more often? If you could make yummy food you should've said so!"
- He grinned wide, any and all traces of him savoring his food vanished and he began to shovel the rest into his mouth, speaking through and between bites about how you should cook snacks for him more often.
- With a small sigh of relief you began to eat, suggesting you’d try to cook for him again sometime. 
- You hadn’t cooked since you joined the crew. Frankly, Sanji was quite intimidating at first with his reign over his area and it was too much of a hassle to deal with him peaking over your shoulder whenever you went in there for something. 
- But, it's been a while now, and you and he were together, so you managed to learn about him and his habits enough to sneak into the kitchen super early to start on breakfast for him. 
- You did have the permission, of course, he mentioned offhandedly a couple of nights prior that you were the only one he’d allow using the stove as long as he was available. On the off chance, that he isn’t able to cook because he’s not on board or dead, then anyone is allowed to cook except for Luffy.
- Regardless, you were in the kitchen and you were going to make the best breakfast you could.
- After it was almost done and you were finishing cleaning up the mess you made to make it, you heard the kitchen door swing open. 
- “Ah, it’s just you,” Sanji mumbled, sighing and relaxing as he gently shut the door and walked in. 
- He could tell what you were making without having to look, but he came in and inspected everything anyway, smiling and kissing the top of your head after. “Looks great. What’s the occasion?”
- You told him you just wanted him to have a morning off. Part of you also wanted to maybe show off, but that was a story for another day. Right now you were intent on watching his face as it softened. 
- “You’re too kind to me, (Y/N),” he wrapped his arms around you and kissed your temple before you gently pushed him away to get everything finished, shooing him to the table.
- He laughed and went to sit down, watching you intently before you approached him with a small plate of samples. You gave it to him without much of a hesitation; there wasn’t a need when he was giving you such a fond look. 
- He soon took a bite, his smile widening more. “Wonderful,” he stated, “I give full compliments to the chef.” He snickered and then gestured. “Will you write the recipe you used down for me? I’d like to use it sometime-- or, better yet, why don’t you teach me it?” he asked, taking another bite after.
- So from then on you and Sanji had dates once a week where you would cook him a meal and then teach him how to make it.
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fateisfiction · 21 days
Well, That Bites ...
Vampire!Shouta, (temporary)Werewolf!Hizashi, Human!Reader
Part 1 of ???
Hizashi is bitten by a werewolf and undergoing treatment to reverse the transformation, but in the meantime, Shouta needs a reliable blood source. You're a friend from school and aware of Shouta's condition and volunteer yourself as a temporary solution. It's decided you'll move in with them to make everything easier.
Eventual smut (but not in this part)
Part 2
Shouta isn't the stereotypical posh Victorian vampire people expect when they find out he's a vampire. Sure, he’s a quiet night owl and fairly reclusive, but the ruffled collars and red velvet-lined coffins just aren't his vibe. He sleeps in a bed. He can absolutely walk in sunlight, he just needs extra SPF protection or else he’ll break out in an allergic reaction. (Not to mention the bright sunlight is absolutely exhausting.) And yes, he does drink blood.
And that's part of the problem. Ever since the incident with that one villain in the park, Hizashi's blood has tasted … bad. And that's where you come in.
A friend of theirs since highschool, you’ve been aware of Shouta's condition for a while. You know from experience that a starving vampire is a danger to the very people you’ve all sworn to protect. So you offer your own neck (or wrist) for Shouta, at least until they can figure out what's going on with Hizashi.
It's only a matter of days until the tests come back revealing that Hizashi has contracted lycanthropy. It's curable, but the treatment is a year-long regimen, and it's expected that it will take even longer for the taste to fully leave his system. The important thing is that it was caught early and he's already receiving treatment.
After some discussion, and a rather complicated trial period, it's decided that you’ll move in with them for the time being. The guest room has been made up and repainted in a color of your choice, your furniture and belongings moved to storage, and you're settling into your new home, getting used to the new routine of living with the boys.
Things are fine the first week or so. You have the run of the house with Hizashi busy juggling his many jobs and Shouta spending most evenings grading papers while you watch TV. It's easy enough to tell when Shouta is getting hungry. He lingers in doorways, staring, and you can feel the hair on the back of your neck stand on end.
He hesitates, not wanting to ask, to trouble you for a bite. But he's hungry, and you taste so good. In the beginning he offered to use a butterfly needle and looked horrified when you joked that it wouldn’t do anything for your public image to turn you into a literal walking juice box.
Eventually you settle into a pattern. Whenever you feel his hungry eyes on you, your arm raises almost involuntary offering your wrist to him. You still wince every time his fangs sink in. The sharp sting quickly soothed by the mild numbing effects of his venom.
He often winds up sitting on the couch with you during his feedings. Limbs curled around you protectively while you watch a show or movie together. Letting out a satisfied hum, he’s careful not to waste a drop of your precious blood. He licks away a stray rivulet before placing a kiss on the already healing bite.
The process is draining, in more ways than one. On more than one occasion, he’s had to carry you off to bed afterward, tucking you in and letting you sleep. He always leaves a glass of water and a snack pack of cookies for when you wake up.
Hizashi's first full moon is unpleasant, but he's grateful that he doesn't have to go through it alone. Thankfully the medications prevent any physical transformation, but he gets really clingy. Leading up to the full moon, he goes into full den mother mode. The fridge is overstocked with snacks and drinks. He hovers, constantly checking in on you and Shouta. Piles of blankets and pillows are amassed in designated cuddle areas, each of the bedrooms, his basement studio, and of course the living room.
An entire corner of the living room has become a permanent pillow fort. The cozy space is filled with bean bags and fluffy blankets. He designated the space as his your “nest,” and every night, like clockwork, he herds you and Shouta into the fort just in time for a late night snack. Sprawling his lanky body across the two of you as he enforces mandatory cuddle time, taking care to ply you with snacks and drinks while Shouta snags a bite for himself. You have to hold back a giggle when he starts kicking his leg whenever Shouta runs his fingers through Hizashi's hair.
You’ve taken it upon yourself to wash the blankets weekly, letting in fresh air to air out the house while the boys are busy at work. Hizashi can't help it, but there's a distinctly dog-like smell filling the space now. You can't help but notice he looks sad whenever you ask him to help you put the fort back together once they're all clean.
It's not until Shouta drops a few tactful mentions about how the sweater you're wearing smells like Hizashi as he snuggles into you, or how Hizashi would love to see the two of you like this, all wrapped up in his favorite blanket, that it dawns on you. It's Hizashi's way of marking out his territory while trying to still give you space of your own. When Hizashi's comes home on laundry day the following week to find everything just where he left it, he’s all smiles as he sweeps you up into a big hug, absolutely spoiling you with attention.
Over time, the two of them become increasingly protective of you. For Shouta, there's a level of intimacy that comes with regular feedings. A bond that grows stronger the longer you’re with them, until the idea of you leaving when Hizashi is back to normal fills him with an irrational anger. To Hizashi, you're a part of his pack. You've even started to wear his clothes around the house.
On the rare occasion that the three of you all have a day off together, you find yourself sandwiched between them as they preen over you. Hizashi checking to make sure that Shouta's bites are healing nicely and not leaving any noticeable scarring, and Shouta massaging anywhere he can reach. He subtly takes note of your muscle tone, mentally creating a training plan to keep you in shape since you’ve had to cut back, your body still getting used to these new arrangements.
You have a close call responding to a villain attack one day and when Shouta and Hizashi get the call, they're rushing to the hospital. You wake up to Shouta hunched over, head resting next to yours on the pillow as the machines beeping around you track your vitals. You can tell from the darker-than-usual circles under his eyes that he was worried. Hizashi comes in carrying two paper coffee cups, perking up when he sees your eyes are open. You motion for him to stay quiet, wanting Shou to get some much-needed sleep.
You're discharged from the hospital later that evening with instructions to start taking an iron supplement. Shouta curses under his breath. Your iron levels are fine. He should know. He’s been carefully managing your diet since you moved in, making sure you're getting all the nutrients you need. All the nutrients he needs.
You spend the next week assuring the boys that you're fine. Hizashi's cuddle pile moves from the living room to your bedroom, the entire room turned into a comfortable nest. You noticed that they’ve started sleeping on the floor, almost as if they can't bear to be away from you. Shouta pulls you into his lap while he's grading, propping his chin on your shoulder as he looks over the assignments. When you get a bit restless, he wraps his arms around you, shoving his face into the crook of your neck. The sensation of his cool fangs against the sensitive skin of your neck send a shudder through your body, but you know he won't bite you.
You can't stand seeing them sleep on your floor. The morning brings a symphony of pops and cracks as they stand up, so when you realize they're not going to be giving up this new habit, you ask if they would rather sleep in the bed. When you move to sleep on the floor they're horrified. Where are you going? There's more than enough room for the three of you.
It doesn't take long to get used to the new sleeping arrangements. At first you were worried that you were coming between them, but Shouta assures you that there's nothing to worry about. Compared to him, Hizashi’s almost unnaturally warm, and while that can be an issue in the heat of summer, it also means you’ll never have to worry about the cold, and of course he's a cuddler. They can just set the AC a few degrees cooler to compensate anyway.
As for coming between them, Shouta and Hizashi had a few ideas, but they're gentlemen. They would never force you into anything you weren't comfortable with. Granted, after waking up on more than a few occasions with Hizashi's morning wood pressed firm to your back, only for the two of them to quickly excuse themselves off to their own bedroom, it was pretty clear that your presence wasn't detrimental to their relationship. In fact, judging by the sounds you pretended not to hear coming from the next room, thing were pretty damn great between them.
There's a chance I'll rewrite this and it'll become a full fic and if I do, it'll be super slow burn.
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harrysmimi · 2 years
New Student
Synopsis: One where YN bumps into a handsome dude at the party to only know how popular he is later
More of my work | Part Two is up
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"Belle, you're coming with me or I'm going to this party myself!" YN told her roommate, who's also become her friend as she unpacked her stuff. She moved her flat with her friend.
"Why do you want to go to this party so bad? Let's stay in," Isabelle said.
"I haven't made any friends here and we don't even have any classes together, hell we aren't even in the same course!" YN whined plopping on her unmade bed face down.
"You're so dramatic," Isabelle laughed.
"You're so not a good friend. Please?"
"Fine we're going to the party, but I have a few errands to run I'll meet you there, send me the location." Isabelle grabbed her phone.
"Okay," YN nodded.
Everything was louder than YN thought it would be, it was nothing like frat parties she's seen on TV or in movies. It was her first time to a place like this, but it was the best way to make friends she thought.
As soon as she entered the house, her eardrums were brought to edge of bursting, further down the hall was filled with people. A table was surrounded in the corner with screaming and cheering people, other corners were filled with couples making out, or getting to do something which should be usually something private, some heading upstairs for privacy. The backyard seemed pretty chilled so she made her way through sweaty, drunk frats out. There she found two girls from her Accounting class.
Something of nervousness washed over her to even go and talk to them, she have only spoke to them a couple of times in class that was related to studies. YN decided to chicken out and turned out to leave and call Isabelle but she bumped into someone.
"I'm, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry," she stuttered and tried to leave but that person grabbed a hold of her wrist.
"Hey you alright?" His was deep and was carried with a thick accent, his words were laced with nothing but concern.
"Yeah, yeah I am, I am." YN nodded, scared of everything worse to happen to her, her only friend wasn't there too.
"You're all flustered and sweaty, come with me." He pointed out and dragged her to aside where there were barely any people which allowed fresh air to cool her down. She hadn't even realise jer face was all sweaty and her cheeks were damp with her tears. "Is something wrong?"
"No, no, I'm fine." She looked down all nervous, "Just, just that I'm not, I'm not fond of crowds. I, I, I just want to go."
"Hey, relax okay?" He handed her his solo cup.
"No, I, I don't drink."
"It's just water," he assured her but she has ready way too many articles and seen way too many documentaries where girls are offered drinks with some or many sorts of drugs and sold off.
"No, I, I don't want it." YN freed her hand from his grip and finally looked up at him, she thought her neck would have a sprain as to how tall he really stood in front of her. Think locks of long brown curls were free around his shoulders, the frown in between his brows made his green eyes look a ten times more intimidating. Her heart started palpitating in her chest making it even harder for her to breath.
"Look you're clearly about to have a full blown episode of panic attack," he set his cup down on the grass, "it's okay, it's okay."
"Eve — everything is, is closing on me, I can't, I can't breathe," she managed to sob out in between her gasps.
"Look at me," he grabbed her hand, "I want you point out everything you around yourself, okay, can y'do that for me?"
She looked at him again, he was now stood at a distance from her, "I, I see tree, there, there are people around me, no, no there are people around me!"
"Hey, hey focus on things around you mot people okay?" He assured her. "A tree, what else? C'mon love, I know you can do it."
"I, I see the house, fairy, fairy lights on, on the bushes," her breathing slowly started to steady out.
"You good now, love?" He asked.
"Yeah, yeah," she stuttered, "don't, don't call me that."
"I'm Harry by the way," he introduced himself, "you're alone here?"
"No, no I'm here with my friend," YN said, which wasn't a lie but her friend wasn't there yet, and it was better to say she is not alone than to be taken advantage of.
"Okay, call them up to come and get you." He stood next to her with his arms folded over his chest. She just glanced at him as she pulled out her phone from her dress pocket and called her friends number with stuttering hands.
Harry just couldn't help but notice how pretty she is. He haven't gotten her name yet, but that's okay. He tried to remember where he have seen her mean while he couldn't over her eyes, yes she was crying, but she's got the prettiest eyes even with mascara marks cascading down her full of her cheeks. A pair of big glasses with a dainty frame perched up on the bridge of her nose. A baby pink summer dress with embroidered strawberries covered her small (well, in compare to him) frame, spaghetti straps of her dress did not help covering up her black bra straps.
Now, now Harry try and keep your mind out of the gutter!
She had her hair gathered up into a braid in the back with few pieces of her hair falling on her face. It's still a bit warm.
"No, no please come and get me here," she cried on the phone to her friend which caught his attention, "no, nothing happened. please?" She waited for a beat, "okay, okay." And which that she hung up.
"Is your friend coming to get you?" He asked.
"Yes," she nodded stealing a few glances at him. "I, I need to go."
Before he can say anything further she fled the place.
"Hey it's okay," Isabelle tried to console her friend who was sobbing in her pillow. "I didn't know you would panic like that."
"I know," she just sobbed, "this is why I can't make friends."
"Hey, come on, you have me." Belle said, "now stop crying, I was going to get pizza. You wanna join?"
"I'm not hungry," her voice was muffled by her pillow.
"Come on, love you haven't had your dinner yet. Let's go get something to eat, it's on me." She tried to convince her, "wherever you want to go, we can go to subway. You wanted to try right?"
"I can't order." YN sniffled turning onto her back.
"I can order for you, now come on, wash your face and come out I need to get my things."
"Okay," YN nodded and got out of her bed, washed up her face and took off her makeup which was left after her crying session. Isabelle took her to a pizza place and ordered for her like she said.
"By the way, who was that guy?" She asked.
"I don't know," YN shrugged taking a sip of her coke.
"You didn't even looked at him?" Her friend gasped.
"I was trying to breathe," YN defended herself.
"Mhmm, I'm sure he took your breath away. Was he that beautiful?" Isabelle said but YN just shook her head, "dude you gay something?"
YN giggled, "what? No, I did not look at him but he said his name is Harry."
"Yeah, what's there to be so shocked about?" YN picked up her first pizza slice.
"Lemme ask the follow up questions." Isabelle gulped down her pizza, "was he tall?"
"I'm short so everyone is tall for me, so yeah."
"Did he hand long hair?"
"I'm pretty sure, yeah," YN nodded.
"Bitch you bumped into Harry Styles, and helped you through your panic attack? Amd offered you water?" YN knew her friend is dramatic, but she didn't know she was that dramatic. "Oh my god, I would have happily accepted poison from him."
"That's not right Belle!" YN smacked her arm, "what's with him?"
"He is our senior, most popular one on the campus." Isabelle said, "I cliche playboy, but he's so fucking genius, he is in your course but two years ahead of you."
"That's nice, he will get out of the campus this year." YN sighed of relief.
"What? That's rude to say, and he plays soccer, or I should say Football, he's from Manchester close by to where your dad lives."
"My dad lives in London." YN corrected her. "You know that,you lived next door to him."
"Yeah it's like five hour drive from there, but hear me out, he does not go around talking to anyone unless he wants to sleep with them." Isabelle ended her rant.
"But I bumped into him," YN said, "he did mot approach me, but he did pulled me to a side and helped me whilst I was having a panic attack, as you label it."
"Oh my god, he's got a crush on you. Definitely!" Isabelle gasped in her own concluded assumption, "if didn't had boyfriend, I would be so jealous of you."
YN scoffed, "I don't want that, I'm just here to study."
"Right," Isabelle rolled her eyes.
It was Monday morning, YN was waiting for her accounting professor to dismiss the class as she was getting late for work. She worked on campus at the college canteen and to be fair her boss was a bitch. She always sat closest to the door so she can flee the place as fast as she could. Amd that's what she did. Speed walking she bumped into someone again, dropped her book and pencil pouch.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she bent down to pick up her stuff.
"You always keep bumping into people?" She heard very familiar voice which caught her attention making her look up at him.
"No," she shook her head and started walking down the hallway towards canteen.
"Then I'm just going to assume you don't look where you're going." He said earning a panicked death glare from her. "Just want you to be safe, love."
"Don't call me that, and, and leave me alone." She speed walked away from him. Her shift was just three hours a day, which went by very fast. Just when she was about to go to the back and head for her last class she was approached by another customer which was Isabelle.
"Hiya love," she said, "I need a coffee so bad!"
"One coffee coming right up," YN smiled, got her friend her coffee and her friend cookie. "It's on me."
"No lemme pay," Isabelle fished out her card.
"You got me pizza last night," YN stopped her.
"Okay, you done for the day?" She asked.
"Yeah, I've got another lecture to attend then I'm done." YN said.
"Okay, I'll wait for you in the library, I have to get this report done by midnight."
"Yeah," YN nodded and watched her friend just to be approached by another customer. It was that Harry guy.
"Hi, what can I get for you?" She asked. Usually she would introduce herself and make a sma talk but she did mot wanted to talk to him.
"Hiya, darling," he smiled. "I'll get a plain black coffee please," he said.
"Anything else?"
"The cookie you gave your friend." He shrugged and handed his card to her.
"Okay," she nodded and made his order real quick, she watched him put a five dollar bill in the tip jar before leaving.
After her last class, YN went to library to see her friend.
"I will take an hour more to complete this YN, but you can go back if you want." Isabelle said.
"No, I, I need to use one of the computer here too, I'll be done by the time you are." YN assured her friend.
She sat down at one of the library computer and did her work for one of her assignment and submitted it, printed one out to submit it the next day. It all took her not more than half and hour and her friend was still not done so she waited.
"Why don't you ask your dad to get you a computer?" Isabelle asked, "he pays for your tuition anyway."
"He does not, I got scholarship." YN corrected her, "he just paid for three months of my rent."
"Again, he should at least get you laptop. It wouldn't cost him much of what he spends on your half siblings." She rolled her eyes.
"I, I did ask him, he said he will send me some money to buy one." YN shrugged, "I don't like to bother him much."
"Come on, I've lived next door to your dad my whole life, his kids are little monsters. Like real demons, have you seen your fifteen year old half sister? She doesn't go out without anything Gucci?"
"It's okay with me," YN said, "they bother him doesn't mean I should too, you know?"
"Uh-huh, I do," Isabelle shook her head.
"I can get my work done just fine with the library computer." YN shrugged making an excuse, knowing very well that those computers are like four year old and need an upgrade real bad. And she is saving up to get one herself, it's nust that most her salary is eaten up by rent and food costs. "You want pasta for dinner?"
"If you're making, then I'm never going to turn down your desi version of pasta." Isabelle agreed.
YN laughed, "okay then I'll make my desi version of pasta."
"Hello love," Harry greeted his unnamed friend who was coming out of her class all happy and bubbly looking in her phone. Her happiness quickly washed away looking up at him. "Good morning to you too," he smiled looking at her now grumpy face.
It's been about a month, Harry have figured she have her third lecture the same time as his. She would be the first, or at least few of the firsts to leave the lecture hall. He finds her very intriguing as she tried her best to avoid him. Today he headed to his next class.
"So, where are you with that girl?" Kacy asked.
"Which girl?" Harry said, eating his lunch.
"That girl you talk to every other day on the after your third lecture." Kacy helped his point out what she was actually talking about.
"Yeah, is she hard to get or something? You've never tried to talk anyone up like that," Niall said, stole from his girlfriend's lunch.
"Why would talk about her like that?" Harry shot him a deadpan look.
"Oh come on, she hardly talks to anyone, she's no one, she isn't even that great with studies." Beatrice said who was sat next to Harry. "She's in my accounting class, she never talks to anyone."
"She is very pretty I'm not going to lie," Kacy commented, Harry was trying hard not let his smile reach up to his face thinking right about what his friend said.
"Why don't you go talk to her then? Maybe she's gay too and would want to go out with someone like you?" Beatrice rolled her eyes.
"That's rude, Trice," Louis deadpanned, "you're talking about my sister here."
"Whatever," she rolled her wyes again.
"I'm done," Harry grabbed his things and stood up to leave. Beatrice found the opportunity and followed after him leaving her half eaten lunch on the table there. He wasn't feeling to attend his last lecture which wasn't that important either so he decided to head back to his flat.
"But, Belle, I was thinking to go today, I needed it to complete my assignment it's due midnight." He heard soft voice from the corner of the exit, "okay, I'll go to the library then, you take care of him, and call me if you, you need anything. No it's okay, it's okay we can go tomorrow yeah."
"Careful," Harry said when she almost bumped into him, yet again on her way to library like she said. His heart melted seeing her teary eyes, "you alright?"
"Yeah, yeah," she nodded and tried to leave from the other side but he stopped her. "I have to go, can, can you please move?"
"Harry, wait!"
Harry sighed hearing his friend, "you're going to library right? Come with me then." He grabbed her hand lacing his fingers through hers and started walking out, on way to the longer route to library.
"I, I want to go to the library." She said, trying to free her hand from his gentle grip.
"We're going to library." He said and kept walking.
YN was quite surprised to learn another route to library but it was from back and all the computers were up front. Library was quite crowded today.
"You want to sit here?" Harry asked.
"No, I, I want to use computer." She answered, "I, I'll go there."
"You don't computer?" He asked, confused how she doesn't have her own computer. She just nodded in no. "Come on, have a seat you can use mine." He dropped her hand pulled out a chair for her.
"No, it's fine, thank you." She shook her head taking advantage of his hand not having a hold of her she stepped back.
"Those computers are like century old, this will be faster," he tried to convince her. He was right, that computer takes about a minute and half to load every little action and she needed to make a twenty five slide presentation in detail because she doesn't have to present it in class as it was a last minute thing assigned by her professor. Even Isabelle would have offered her, her laptop.
"Okay, thank you," she nodded and took up on his offer. Harry pulled out his MacBook and sat next to her.
"What you want to do?" He asked.
"I, I want to make a presentation." She shared, "I, I don't know how to use this." She have never used MacBook and the computers on campus run on windows.
"It's the same as the other computers." Harry said. "I'll help you if you need any."
"Oh, okay." She nodded again. She realised it was name thing it just looked a bit different with dark mode turned on. Harry watched as she pulled out her book with her entire assignment planned out, slide by slide, all she needed to do was type it out.
"I never got to ask your name by the way," Harry spoke his voice hushed, his elbow rested on the desk with his chin planted on the heel of his palm.
"YN," she said.
Finally, he's got a name to put to those pretty eyes of her.
"Why have you been avoiding me YN?" He asked, tried to keep up a conversation because he's got nothing to do, but all he got was just a simple shrug of her shoulders from YN. Harry sat there in silence and watched her complete her assignment, he didn't know what else to say.
His friends are right when they say he's bad at this stuff. Harry found relationships pretty distracting, all it was that he didn't know how to go through with stuff and be with someone. So he just always stuck to participating in hookup cultures where his friends were all in long term relationships. He'd hate to admit it but he really left out.
Through his two years of flirting and sleeping around with people, he's quite polished his flirting skill, but he didn't wanted to flirt with her. He doubts she would even know what flirting is, but never judge a book by it's cover, right? He would somehow try and figure out how to go ask someone on a proper date, or even try to take up many of offers from people who ask him out but with his playboy persona (who he have no one to blame but himself) it was a bit difficult. Not a bit, but really difficult.
"You're in first year right?" He asked, finally being proud of himself for thinking of something to talk about.
"Mhmm," she glanced at him once before she got to her work. "Thank you for helping me the other day."
"Mhmm," he nodded, happy that she's finally talking.
"Thank you for letting me use your laptop," she said after a beat.
"Have you got a list of thank yous?" He chuckled softly, she looked at him again and shook her head. "Aren't you friends with Beatrice?"
"I haven't got any friends yet." YN shrugged, "I just know Isabelle, that too because she lived next door to by dad before her and I moved here."
"Mhmm, I see," he sighed, "if you need any help you can ask me, yeah?"
"Thank you." She smiled, "I'm done with my assignment, can you please email it to me?"
"Sure," he emailed the file to him. "You should have submitted it as well."
"I will do that when I get back home with my phone." She said, "thank you again, you let me use your laptop even though you don't know me."
"Now I do." He smiled, his dimples denting deep in his cheeks. She just smiled and looked back her her notes tucking her loose hair behind her ear and packed her things back in her bag. He walked offered her out to the campus gate.
"Thank you again for letting me use your laptop," YN said, trying to keep up with his fast pace of walking, "I, I was going to get one today but my friend, she, she got to go see her boyfriend last minute as he got into accident."
"Really? Is he fine now?"
"I don't know," she shrugged clutching onto her tote tightly, "I really needed to complete that project today itself, thank you so much."
"You're so welcome, love, now stop thanking me." He chuckled.
"Yeah, okay," she nodded and looked down, "I, I should go now."
"Yeah, see ya around." He said. YN headed to the same direction he was going towards which caught him off guard, "you following me?" She paused and looked at him, a little scared and taken back.
"No, my flat is this way," she defended himself.
"I'm just playing," he chuckled, "want to walk together?" She just nodded.
Harry noticed she was out of breath, clutching onto her bag like her life depends on it trying to keep up with him so he slowed down his pace.
"I really like your bag by the way, where did you get it from?"
"My Dadi, I mean my grandma crocheted it for me." She shared, happily and proud. It was just a simple being tote bag with her initial on it, a teddy bear charm hung on one of the handles.
"I want one too, if she can make it for me." He requested, and watched her smile fade away in instance, "I'm sorry if that was too forward of me."
"No, no it's okay, you don't know." She shook her head, "she passed. Not to long ago."
"I'm sorry," he left bad.
"But she would have made one for you too," she assured him sniffling onto her tears which were coward enough to not leave her eyes this time.
"Yeah?" He smiled, "tell me about her."
Harry wouldn't lie he really enjoyed hearing her talk—or rant one can say—about how amazing her grandma was. He couldn't help but notice her flinch on every small noise distrubance on the street, especially fast cars and motorcycles passing by on the road. He subtly moved closer to the side closest to the street, she looked anxious of every little thing around her and that made his heart hurt. She stopped by building.
"Thank you walking me home," she said.
"You live here?" He asked.
"Yeah, why?"
"I live here too," he couldn't believe it, "I never saw you leaving or coming back."
"Isabelle and I moved here not even a month and half ago." YN shared. "Maybe that's why you didn't see us around."
"Mhmm I see, you live on the fourth floor?" He pushed the lift button.
"How do you know?" She seemed genuinely confused and shocked.
"Just a wild lil' guess," he shrugged, trying to hold back his laugh seeing her amusement, he stepped on the entrance of the lift so it won't shut and waited for YN to get in, he followed her right after. Watched her press number four he just stood there seeing her realise how his wild lil' guess was so accurate, she just chose to not acknowledge it.
"You want to go get coffee sometime?" He asked, finally, though it took everything in him to gather every mili gram of courage. She glanced up at him, a tiny bit confused.
"I don't drink coffee," she shook her head and looked ahead, watching the number on the digital screen go from two to three. "But thank you for offering."
He chuckled, "my pleasure," is all he could say.
He'd never found a rejection that adorable though.
It's been a good couple of weeks, or even a little couple of weeks. YN was seeing herself improve in her weak subjects really, her assignments were being submitted on time, she did not had to waste twice of time now on library computers. Like Isabelle had promised, she had gone to get a laptop with YN.
As for Harry, Isabelle have been on YN's nerves as she saw him walk her home the other day, asking all sorts of questions. She was enjoying it because she's got a personal beef with Beatrice who is trying her best to get with Harry from day one.
Isabelle was hanging out with YN in her balcony as both of them had their study session together, whilst her best friend gossiped about her family drama and she just listened. It was a secret that balcony next to hers was Harry's to her friend, well it was until Isabelle gasped her soul out, started slapping her friends knee.
"What?" YN whined looking up from her notes.
"Hello Harry," Isabelle smiled.
"Hello Isabelle," Harry smiled back, he rested his coffee mug on the small table on his balcony, he walked over to the closest side to YN's to lean over the railing. "Hello love." He greeted YN.
"Hi," YN looked at him over her shoulder. Just as Harry was about to start a conversation his phone started ringing in his room so he had to excuse himself.
"'Ello love," Isabelle teased, "he likes you, doesn't he? Have he asked you out yet? Have you two made out yet?"
"Oh my god, calm down Belle!" YN exclaimed, "no, no, that's not happening."
"Why? He's good looking, isn't like we thought he is, in fact he's very sweet and humble, you know how many girls would die to date him?" Isabelle laid out all the reason, "he walks home with you everyday, lives next door, if I were you I'd shoot my shot."
"No, no, I can't do that." YN shook her head and picked up her pen she just dropped.
"What's wrong with that?" Her friend pushed, "it's okay to date, you said he asked if you wanted to get coffee with him and you said you don't drink coffee? Yeah, he was asking you out."
"He was just being nice," YN sighed in denial and continued her work. "It's looked down upon where I'm from if a girl is going out with a guy, and he's white. My aunty would bury me alive."
"Babe, she kicked you out, you grandma was trying to marry you to your cousin, that's not normal." Isabelle said.
"I know, but I don't find it is right."
"You're gonna die single." Her friend rolled her eyes.
"I won't, I'll marry someone my dad chooses."
"It's not 1850s, arrange marriages isn't a thing anymore," Isabelle exclaimed, "you cannot marry a guy blindly your dad chooses for you!"
"Not blindly," YN shrugged confusedly.
Winter was coming closer, which meant Christmas holiday was coming closer and she was so excited to spend that time back home with her dad. She was getting her work as fast as she could so she could leave the day her vacation starts.
Now she was just four when her dad had taken her back to India so she can live with her grandma and uncles as her step mother met every stereotypes of a step mother and did not wanted her there. It's not like her dad did not love her, he called her everyday and talked to her for however long she wanted, but that however long became an hour a day, and that hour a day became every other day, that every other day became once a week and that once a week become once a month to once every other month.
Her aunties were abusive of her, she never got to go to nice schools like all her cousins did, she never got to wear nice clothes like other kids even though her dad never wanted her to feel that way, he sent her many, many presents but her cousins were to hog all of that, when she started highschool her dad sent her two phones which was also hogged by her cousins. She never got to go out and play with the kids in her neighbourhood her aunties made her help them in house. All she did was tried her best to study without anyone's help and spend her time with her grandma who was the only person nice to her.
Yeah, it was sap story, she knows that. That's why she doesn't like to talk about it, especially when her dad had got her out of that house, now she's going to college in one of the most prestigious university.
Though her dad never believed her and thought she was lying just for him to take her back to London with him when she'd cry over phone to him, it was never too late to realise she wasn't.
Today she was alone at home, getting last of assignment sorted and looking for cheapest flights to London when she got a call from her dad she was waiting for.
"Hello, Baba?" She answered, and talked to him for long time. Her step mother never let him talk to her so he was calling her whilst he was on his night walk alone.
She shared really special bond with her father from the very first day, maybe because that's all she knew? She never knew her mum though. Up until she was four, it was her and her dad, but he met his now wife and everything did 180 for her. But she still loves her dad.
"No, I'm did eat my dinner yet," she shared with her dad when he enquired that.
"Why not beta, you have to eat so you have energy to study, right? Are you taking care of yourself right?" He said.
"I know, I know, I'm taking care of myself. I, I was just getting my work done before I come and see you for holidays?" She finally brought up the topic which made her forget she's a human and she needs to eat. The line on the other side went deal silent, "Hello, Baba you there?"
"Yes, uhhh, you, you don't have to come see me." Her dad stuttered, "I will come there to see you myself."
"When? Are you coming this holiday? I have my days off from two days!" She got excited.
"Not this time, but next time, yeah?" He tried to be as convincing as he could but she wasn't convinced, not even a tiny bit, "I'm, I'm going on a vacation with my family and as soon as I'm done there I'll straight be heading to States to come see you, okay?"
She tried to hold back her tears as they'd show through her voice, taking a deep breath a long pause, "okay. I, I need to go now, I'll talk to you later." With that she hung up on him.
Isn't she his family too? Why wouldn't he take her with him?
She's going to be all alone for whole month, Isabelle is going to her Boyfriend's parents' home this time. She has got to friends here except of her. Though she doesn't celebrate Christmas but she really looked forward to the holidays, her dad got her many presents just so she doesn't felt left out with all her friends who celebrated the holiday, they went out to have dinner to her choice of restaurant. She was just four but she remembered it all, that's what she got something happy to remember. She remembered they watched Matilda the year before he took her to live with her grandma. YN didn't realise she was sobbing, loudly with her head in her palm of her hands until she heard a familiar voice call for her.
"Hey YN, what's wrong love?" She looked up to find a concerned Harry stood in his balcony, he was in his Payjama still, grey sweats and a loose black Tshirt covered his form.
"I, I am good," she mumbled standing up and rushing inside her room, she forgot to close the door to her balcony as she wanted her room to be dark so she turned back around go shut it but she was shocked to see Harry there. "How—how did you get here?" She asked, scared thinking all the possibilities of how he might've got in.
"Doesn't matter," he dismissed her question, "what's wrong lovie, why are you crying so badly?"
"What—what's wrong? Nothing's wrong. I'm, I'm mot crying." She wiped her face with the sleeves of her jumper. Harry just sighed at her failed attempt of lying. He grabbed a gentle hold of her hand and made her sit ok the edge of her bed whilst he crouched in front of her.
"I know we aren't that good of friends. Yet. That doesn't mean you can't share anything with me, yeah?" His tone was soft yet there was usual rasp to his voice, he hand both their hands clasped together in her lap, "you want to talk about it?" She just looked down at their hands in her lap sniffling and shook her head in no. He'd never push her to her limits so he stopped there.
Few strands of hair fell onto her face, he carefully reached out to tuck those pieces of hair behind her ear, she flinched, tilting her head to her shoulder. "What's wrong love? It's just me." He assured her taking his hand back. "You want to talk about something else?" He suggested.
In about five months of knowing her it wasn't hard for Harry to come to terms that every little thing made her cry, it might be something happy or something sad, which isn't wrong. Especially if she's upset or sad. He hated to see tears in her eyes. He have no idea how to make her stop crying either, he just sat there watching her cry and sniffle.
"You did mot just climbed into my balcony from yours!" She panicked all of a sudden. "You could have hurt yourself or, or worse, you could have fallen down, for gods sake we-we live on fourth floor Harry!" She scolded once it hit her how he must have gotten in, again.
"Yeah, that was bad decision I made, but nothing happened." He made an excuse after admitting. He took a pause, "Mitch and I were going out to get dinner, come with us."
"I'm not, I'm mot hungry. Thank you." She shook her head.
"I'm not asking," he stood up to leave, "leaving by the main door." He padded down to the door of her bedroom, but stopped, "fifteen minutes." With that he walked out barefoot back to his flat, through the door this time not the balcony.
The rest of the evening was pretty nice. Mitch was a good friend of Harry's who got along with her very good. She wasn't expecting to go out of her room let alone go get dinner with her neighbour dudes, one of who is her college mate. Mitch had to go get his girlfriend from the airport so he left earlier than he planned to leave, Harry took the full advantage of the time and drove YN to a nice cafe so they have hot chocolate— he remembered she doesn't drink coffee.
"I'm sorry about getting into your flat— I mean appartment like that earlier." He spoke, setting her cup of hot chocolate right in front of her.
"I'm just glad you didn't hurt yourself though." She said, "and you don't need to correct yourself, I'm technically British."
"I see," he smiled, dimples denting deep in his cheeks, "we've become really good friends recently, haven't we?" He pondered, looking at her sip her cup full of warm chocolaty goodness. It was quite an adorable sight seeing her glasses fog up when she blew at her hot drink.
"I know," she smiled and took off her fogged up glasses and set her cup down, "I thought I would never be able to make any friends here, given I've already finished my first term. And I don't know..."
"Why did you think that? You made friends with me." He was quite surprised.
"I didn't, you did." She corrected him, "I just don't know, I don't like to go up to people and start a conversation. I'm not very good at it. I know Isabelle from London she lived next door to my dad with her parents, we applied at same colleges and we got accepted here so I moved with her."
He nodded acknowledging everything she said, "I'm surprised you haven't picked up on accent if you're from London."
"I Never got to, I lived my grandmother from when I was four." She shared, just a tiny bit, "so I haven't got the chance to. How did you and Mitch meet?"
"He works at my dad's company here in New York." Harry shared, "been living with him for about three years now."
"Oh, that's nice." YN nodded. "He's very nice person."
"Isn't he?" Harry exclaimed, "you know what he's even an excellent guitar player, and I've been telling him that..." and he went on and on about one of his best friend.
By the end of his rant, they had two empty cups of which earlier contained hot chocolate he was quite surprised how patient she was with his slow talking, most people found him annoying, hell even his own sister found him annoying sometimes. But she looked tired and it was quarter past ten, the cafe was about to be closed anyway. He paid for the drink and they headed out.
"You look tired, sorry for keeping you out this late." Harry said.
"It's okay, it's just a little later than my bed time." She shrugged, stuffing her hands in her coat pockets to keep herself warm and probably tried her best not to yawn.
"Why were you crying earlier?" He asked just because it had been bugging him all evening okay!
"It was nothing. I thought I'd go back to my dad this vacation but he's going somewhere with his family, I mean my step mother and siblings." She shared, "I was a little upset but it's okay. He said he'll come see me next vacation," she said that more to herself than saying with the purpose of sharing with Harry.
"So you're not going home either?" Is what he enquired.
"Nope," she shook her head, "why?"
"I'm not either, I have my mum and dad come over this time. It's actually with my dad having some work here and mum is just coming to see me for two days then she'll be off with her own friends to New York City." He explained, " even Mitch is going to see Sarah's parents this time around. He's been shitting his pants thinking about it." YN just laughed at that.
"Sarah doesn't live here?" She enquired.
"Oh no, she's from Brighton, she's a drummer so she travels quite alot she's got a gig tomorrow after that she'll be taking my best friend with her." Harry explained. "Anyway, what do you think about ice skating?"
"I— I don't know, I've never been ice skating." She said, and he just nodded. They walked in silence for a quite a bit, Mitch had taken his car so they had no other option than to walk twenty minutes.
Just when he was about to comment something on the conversation, a drunk bastard who was coming down the pavement bumped into YN.
"Oi, look where you are walking twat!" Harry pulled YN closer to him and kept walking. "It's Christmas eve tomorrow, what are your plans?"
"Nothing," she said. "I have to go to work tomorrow in morning. Why?"
"I was going to bake my mum's ginger bread cookies, thought you'd want to join." He shared.
"You know how to bake?" YN was surprised.
"I worked at a bakery for two years." He bragged, proudly. "What you don't believe me? I'm actually an excellent Baker, if I weren't to take over after my dad in his business I'd start my own bakery."
"Mhmm," YN chuckled.
"You still don't believe me?" He squinted his eyes at her, "you're coming over tomorrow and watch me bake, maybe get the best ginger bread cookies in the world to eat."
"Okay," she nodded still mot believing him.
Harry had gotten out all the ingredients to make his cookies, he was really adamant to prove he can make best cookies, he wanted to bake with her. He'd already gotten to make some when his mum came over but left in evening to go out with her friends. He just couldn't deny his mum when she offered to assist him.
This morning Isabelle had invited him and Mitch over to give them presents she got both of them and have morning tea and coffee before she had to leave. Harry had really made two more good friends apart from Mitch over past few months he is very grateful for.
But he found their Christmas tree set up very adorable, it was a small fake tree which he was sure isn't taller than a half a foot with with dainty lights all around it and some DIY fake presents underneath it is to make it appear like a real deal was kept on their coffee table. It was creative and adorable he found, of course because it was YN's idea as her and her best friend couldn't afford to get a decent sized tree. It was a fake tree Isabelle found at wallmart for very cheap and YN made mini fake presents to keep under it with some things she had laying around.
He was just waiting around when he heard some noise from next door, it was definitely YN but he was curious to see what she was doing and he's nosy he went out check on her to find her struggling to get a butt ton of delivery boxes inside.
"Oh god!" She mumbled falling down on her bum trying to lift a box which was half her size.
"Hey, you alright?" Harry chuckled.
"Not funny," she huffed getting up.
"You went ham on online shopping, huh?" He picked up the box she was struggling to get inside. She picked up the few smaller boxes.
"I did not order these," she was out of breath carrying what looked like a TV inside and keeping it on the sofa when her phone chimed in her bag, she dug it out after she was done getting all the stuff in. It was a text from her dad apologising for being able to go see her and promise of doing just that the first thing after New year's, these were just presents and stuff she had casually mentioned to him that he'd sent her.
"A mini fucking fridge!" She exclaimed taking Harry by surprise, he never expected her to be kind one to cuss.
She remembered that Isabelle and YN are getting another roommate, they have an extra room so they need both need their separate mini fridges to keep their food in because the mew girl is a nightmare but she pays her bills and rent on time. It was going to be very new getting groceries for only herself as her and her best friend got groceries together every week and shared with no problems at all.
"You've really gotten jnto Christmas spirit here, huh?" Harry chuckled seeing her so happy all of a sudden. After a short break of breather and removing every item from it's brown box, Harry helped her carry everything to her room. Luckily he haven't got the cookies in the oven yet. He watched as she placed every thing as she wants on it's place so she take her time to arrange everything whenever she wants. She placed the TV on her dresser, to set it up later.
"You want me to help you set that up?" He asked.
"It's fine, I'll do that later." She declined politely.
"You were struggling to lift that box up," he shook his head, "lemme help ya." He picked up the box with his one bare hand which she was struggling to lift up with both hands, given the fact LED TVs are fairly very lightweight. She looked at him embarrassedly as he set up her new TV.
"Oh, you want to watch The Office? I found it on Netflix last night and it's hilarious!" She shared excitedly.
"Never heard of that show, yeah I'll watch it with you," he nodded, lying, he knows the entire series from first word to the last. He was just surprised to see she had just found that show. "I'll bring the cookies."
"You baked them already?" Her eyes rounded out immediately, the emotion of upset laced with her voice.
"Oh, I'm sorry love, mum came over so we baked together." He explained, "I'll bring them anyway, yeah? We can bake some sugar cookies tomorrow." With that he rushed over to his flat and brought all the cookies (red velvet, chocolate chip and ginger bread) he's made with his mum. By the time he was over she had put on the show on the TV. She was already on season 2, Episode 13 where Jim let's Michael take him on an very uncomfortable lunch at Hooters just so he doesn't tell his crush about his feelings.
"You did not make these," she loomed at him with squinty suspicious eyes looking at the cooking.
"I told you we're baking more cookies darlin'," he kept the Tupperware containers on her bed and made himself comfy by the headboard of her large twin sized bed.
Her room really screamed her personality to him, quiet and pretty. There was nothing much in her room, excluding the stuff she received today, a dark study table with a desk book shelf with her stuff arranged nicely on it, above it was a cork board witch jute strings tied around the width of it, few film pictures hung there with helf of coloured baby clips and a couple of certificates pined on it. On the left was an empty area where her laundry basket sat and next to that was her beige dresser. Her bed was soft, with cotton sheets printed with 3D looking flowers, and her chocolate brown duvet, twi bed side tables with ransoms jewellery kept in a dish, her closet with mirror doors.
Right in front of him she sat in her very worn out looking blue zip up jerkin which would literally gobble up her small form if it was a living object, especially with the hood on, he's seen her wear it around all the house (or mainly when he'd meet her on their respective balconies) all the time since it has started getting cold.
"You like 'em?" He asked watching her take a bite of the chocolate chip cookie.
"They're good," she nodded. "You're mum is amazing."
"Oh for god's sake," he breathed out a laugh, "I'll tell her about you praising her cookies."
They both finished the entire rest of the season in next three and half hours. It was nearly midnight and Harry was feeling jittery wanting to blurt out his feelings to her so bad.
"Hey YN?" He started, cleared his throat.
"Hmm?" She turned to him.
"I wanted to tell you something," he started. Her looking at him with all her attention made him a bit nervous.
"What?" She giggled finding his nervous fave funny.
"I'd probably ruin our friendship with this but urmm," he took a short moment, "I really like you, a lot actually. Like more than a friend. Just wanted to get this out of my chest, it's okay and I hope it doesn't change anything between us if you don't feel the same."
If Isabelle would be present there that moment, she'd be laughing her butt off bragging how right she was. That's that, but YN's been especially taken back by him really confessing his feelings for her like that. He's nice to her. Like very nice to her unlike other people who are in her life other than her dad and Isabelle.
She knew she'd got this issue—which she doesn't know jf it's good or bad—of attachment with every person who's nice to her. All of them have betrayed her, especially her friends growing up. Hell even her own father betrayed her leaving her back with her cruel aunties and uncles who'd abuse her mentally and emotionally, but he'd made up for it or at least trying to make up to her. It scared her to get to know people around her, even the thought of loosing her best friend, Isabelle scares her and Harry talking about having romantic feelings for her.
It was so new to her to feel that way. She did enjoyed every moment with him, he'd stay with her at the library after classes and wait for her finish up her projects or help her out in subjects she's not confident in. The other day he even stood upto her when Beatrice was talking shit about her. He'd taken her to see his other friends for the first time that day, whilst everyone was nice Beatrice wasn't having a good time around her. These were just two of many examples why he's third person (other being her dad and Isabelle) she feels safe to be around.
He is special to her, like how she remembers her grandma telling her about different relationships she's have with people around her. Her grandma was special to her in a different way, her dad is special one to her in a different way, Isabelle is special to her in a different way now so is Harry. But quite more specific than Isabelle is. She's had a fare shares of staring at him when he's speaking noticing the way his mouth moved with every syllable he spoke, or randomly giving him a coffee for free at the college canteen even though it would maybe get her in trouble. She'd even given deep thoughts to Isabelle's fire round of questions the first time Harry walked her home. He'd flirt with her subtly all chances he got but he knows his limits of course, even if he's in from of his friends or even her own best friend. Isabelle was kind enough to let the oblivious YN know he's flirting with her all the chances he get, since then his remarks haven't failed to make blood rush through her veins to her face. Did she really imagined going out with him, and maybe, just a tiny maybe kissing him, being with him like other people are with their person? Well, maybe...
It was so overwhelming that her vision started to blur up, tears pooled up in her eyes, which scared Harry.
"Hey, hey I'm really sorry if I said something that made you upset. Please don't cry love!" He cooed, his voice soft as he scooted closer to her and reached for her sweater paw, for the first time she did not flinched by his gesture of holding her hand like that. "I'm so, so sorry."
"No, no, it's—" she sucked in a breath before admitting, "—it's just overwhelming." He opted to wait for her speak up on her own without him having to dig out what was going on in her mind.
"I'm sorry, I just, I don't know." She shrugged, "no one's every said that to me."
He didn't meant to shame her but he couldn't help the soft giggle which escape his lips, "you're crying 'cause I said I like you a lot? Well, that's the truth, you don't have to 'cause I don't mind saying it for however many times. only if you want me to."
She nodded and proceeded to boldly say, "I, I like you too." Her sniffles made him crack another smile.
"Yeah? Then why did you turn down me asking you out on date the first time?" He enquired, just to tease her in attempt to make her smile at least. Her eyes welled up with tears again.
"You were really asking me out on a date?" She mumbled in hushed voice, feeling guilty.
"Yeah," he said, "you want to still go out with me?"
"Mhmm," she jerkingly nodded her head.
"You're cute," he giggled and booped the tip of her nose before he proceeded to wipe her tears, "no more crying okay?"
"Okay," she nodded again.
"Think you should go to sleep then, yeah?" He suggested, "we'll bake more cookies tomorrow and go out, how does that sound, hm?"
"Good," she nodded in agreement and walked him to the door.
"Lock the door okay?" He said, "no actually shut the door and lock it, I'm not leaving until then."
The other day Isabelle was coming home late and YN had forgotten to lock the door, luckily nothing bad happened but it terrified Isabelle and even Harry when YN ranted to him all upset that her best friend was mad at her for such a small thing.
"No that's rude!" She exclaimed in a hushed tone.
"No that's not!" He mocked her tone jokingly.
And she shut the door on his face, there you go Harry got what you fucking wanted!
He sighed and knocked on her door, "hey YN, open the door." He didn't hear anything, "please open the door love?"
"What do you want?" She opened the door back up annoyed clearly.
"What got you upset lile that?" He asked.
She shrugged, "I don't like it when someone mocks the way I talk, I—I have been made feel bad about it growing up. Sorry, I didn't meant to lash out like that."
"Can you delete the word sorry from you vocabulary for once? I'm sorry for making you upset, okay? That won't ever happen again." He cooed, "you want to talk about it?"
"Not now," she shook her head, grabbing onto the door knob.
"You know I was trying to get to stay for longer, but okay," he let out a long sad breath, his shoulders deflated. He is being dramatic and she knows.
"YN," he leaned in closer, his eyes set on her.
"You're mocking me again," she pointed out.
"I'm not, I'm just admiring this pretty little face in front of me so I can dream of it tonight," Harry whispered. He noticed how her cheeks flushed in instant, how she licked her lips in nervousness and pushed her glasses back on the bridge of her nose.
God no!
He tries his best to just not kiss her oh-so-kissable lips, because that's extremely very wrong if she's not consenting and also he didn't wanted to come out at creepy.
"You want anything, Harry?" She asked grabbing his attention back.
"I dunno if I should ask jist yet," he said, a slight pout to his lips as he stared at her with puppy eyes. How can he look intimidating yet so adorable at the same time?
"Why so?" She asked confusedly, releasing the grip on the door knob just a bit to open the door slightly wider.
"I'll ask tomorrow, maybe, good night YN."
"Good night." She smiled. He took a step back and she closed the door and locked it knowing he won't budge from his place.
Guess he'll just to wait longer for the kiss after all.
N O T E :
1. I'm sorry for a very late off schedule update, I've had my exams going on plus a very bad writers block.
2. Please do leave a feedback of how you like this one.
3. Sorry if this one sucked, it was written in semi hurry and had to cut it short so if you want to see more of this couple please do let me know. Also requests for any other troops are open, you can request for anything.
4. I'm so excited to see My Policeman!!!
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Pairing: Geralt of Rivia X Reader
Word count: 1.8 K
Summary: You were on your way to Blaviken when you stumble upon a Witcher in the woods.
{The Witcher Masterlist}
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The miles you walked in these woods are long. These cold, terribly silent woods... Until they're not silent anymore.
A voice reaches your ears, low, deep, being carried by the wind. You're not sure exactly what makes you follow it, despite that old man's advice. Go straight to Blaviken, he said, don't stop. A pretty girl like you should avoid talking to strangers.
But you've always been a little naive, something your parents always told you while they were alive. So here you go, following the sound of his voice – because you know it's a man, another red light you ignore –, until the sound is gone. He was talking to someone, but it seems like that someone is gone.
It takes some minutes until you see a horse, and soon after you catch a glimpse of a man. With... White hair. “You're not as silent as you think you are.” He says, startling you a little.
The man has a bowl in his hand, crushing something in it. “I wasn't trying to be silent. Where's your friend?” You ask, looking around for anyone, fixing the strap of your bag over your shoulder.
He looks up at you. “No friend.”
“Then who were you talking to?” Making your way over him, you sit on the trunk, keeping some space in between the two of you.
The man has an eyebrow raised when he turns to set his gaze on you. He seems confused. “Are you some kind of creature?”
Ouch. “Uhm... No, not since the last time I checked. Why?”
“Because you're a small, beautiful young woman and you shouldn't be this easygoing. Might get you in trouble.” And he goes back to crushing herbs.
It's not the first time someone commented on your height. “I'm not sure if that was a compliment but...”
“It's an advice.”
Nodding, you look forward, sighing and fixing the skirts of your dress. The thick fabric has been keeping the cold away when it gets chilly, but you hope to find some new clothes in Blaviken. “I'm (Y/N), by the way. And I have bread and cheese. Some fruits as well to exchange for the warmth of the fire.”
“Hm.” He mutters. “Geralt.”
“You're not... Entirely human, are you?” You say, gesturing at his eyes. “Eye colors, hair... A very nice but curious medallion.”
“You're very perceptive.”
“I am.”
“I'm a Witcher.”
“Oh.” Of course, you know what a Witcher is, you heard awful tales about them. But standing right next to this one, you can tell Geralt isn't like those from the tales. “Interesting.”
“Why aren't you running or throwing something at me?” He sounds genuinely confused.
“Why would I do that? You're like... One out of a thousand men because trust me, I know how stupid it is of a woman to approach a random man in the woods. But... It doesn't look like you'll hurt me so...” Shrugging your shoulders, you put the bag down, searching for it and reaching for a smaller one, in which you keep the food.
“I talk to my horse.” Geralt suddenly says, and it takes a while for you to understand he's answering the question you made a while ago. And you understand why. People don't really like Witchers. “And don't do that anymore.”
“Do what?”
“Go on and start chatting with the next man you find in the woods. Be careful.” At that, you only nod. “I have rabbit. Going to roast it. Would be nice with some fruits.”
Smiling, you show him what you have. Grapes, blackberries, and raspberries, more than enough for both of you.
Geralt goes to fill both your canteens as you take care of the rabbit. Once it's ready, the two of you eat in silence. After, you put a blanket on the ground and lie down, looking at the top of the trees.
“Why are you going about all by yourself?” He asks, seated on the trunk and drinking more water.
“I used to live with my aunt but she suddenly decided I should marry a very cruel, disgusting man. I said no and she said I was welcome to leave if I didn't accept the marriage. And here I am.”
“Was it a smart choice?”
“Yes. The plan is to see if there's anything good for me in Blaviken. Some kind of job, a place to live... Not sure if I'll find it though, but I can manage some more traveling.”
“I hope you find a place for yourself. You're a good girl.”
“More like a woman.” You smile to correct him, and he does the same. “It's getting dark. Can I share camp with you tonight?”
“Well, you already made your bed.” Geralt gets up, takes his stuff, and sets his bed near yours. Emphasis on near. Geralt lies down ten inches away from you. “Nights are usually boring.”
“I guess you're quite used to boredom. Since, well... You did say you talk to your horse.” He chuckles, and you like the sound. “You can talk to me now. Maybe it'll be a good change.”
“It sure is.” When you feel his stare on you, you turn your head to look at him. Geralt's eyes are beautiful, and the unnatural color only adds to it. “What are you looking at?”
"I like your eyes, that's all.” And you look up again.
“Yours are nice too.”
Giggling, you roll your eyes. “Thanks.”
From that moment on, you start talking. About many things, great, small, unimportant. He's very talkative after a while, and he makes you laugh every now and then. You tell him about your life, and about the small family you were traveling with until earlier today, when you took separate ways. He's more reserved about his past but opens up about some of the monsters he killed.
At some point, you both fall asleep, and in the morning, you have to say goodbye. It makes you a little sad, so you make it quick, shaking his hand with a smile as you start walking away.
When you reach Blaviken, you visit some places, at first just checking them out, seeing if there's anything you could work with. After, you go to the market to buy some new clothes.
You're walking around town, already looking for a place to spend the night when you hear a commotion. Angry voices and yelling. You're wondering if you should satiate your curiosity, mostly after you were told something happened on the market a short time after you left. But when a louder voice says something that sounds like we don't want your kind here, you have a quick guess at what kind they're talking about.
Then you're moving, walking fast, and following the voices. You quickly find a mass of people, and you have no choice but to push your way through it.
All air escapes your lungs when you see Geralt, on one knee on the ground and sword in his hand, head lowered, trying to get some protection from the rocks people are throwing at him.
“Stop!” You shout, not thinking twice before stepping inside the circle. It takes less than a second for a rock to hit you, on the left shoulder. “Stop it! What the hell are you doing? Stop!” Turning to face the crowd, you raise your hands in front of your body.
But these people are as rude as they seem, because not even a newcomer, a girl, makes them stop. Two more rocks hit you, on the thigh and your left side.
“Go away! The two of you!” A man yells, and you see a rock aimed at your head.
Before you can even think of moving away, you feel an arm embracing you from behind, lifting you, and spinning you to the other side. You hear a rock hitting the back of Geralt's shoulder.
“Let's get out of here.” He says, his chest pressed against your back.
As you move, people get out of the way, but Geralt keeps you close, protecting you. The angry faces follow as you move, and the crowd comes behind you until the gate.
Once you're out of town, the people making a human gate to keep you from coming back, Geralt's grip loosens, his hand now resting on your stomach, under the ribs.
“Why did you do that?” He asks, deep voice right on your ear. “That was very stupid.” You almost trip on a rock, because walking like that, pressed against him, is very difficult. But Geralt lifts you, quickly, setting you down soon after.
“What did you expect me to do?” You say, and he finally let go of you. But you both stop, now far enough from the town entrance, standing face to face. “I couldn't just watch and do nothing.”
“That's exactly what you should have done. Those stones were meant for me, not for you.”
“Those stones were being thrown by a bunch of assholes who misjudged you. I knew better, so I'd do it again it I have to.” Crossing your arms, you sustain his stare.
He's about to say something else when his expression changes. And you know what that is. Pain. Witchers can feel it as much as the rest of the non-mutated folk. Geralt softens, looking down before his eye meets yours again. “I was just trying to-”
“You don't have to explain it, Geralt. I've only seen a tiny, little part of you, but it's enough to know you're not the man those people think you are.”
A low, heavy sigh comes from him, eyebrows furrowing slightly above the yellow eyes. “Nobody ever did that for me. I'm not saying it wasn't stupid but-”
“No need to thank me.” Smiling, you hook your arm with his, pulling him back to where he had his camp set because you know he left his horse there. “And since I can't stay in Blaviken anymore, I might just follow you for a bit, maybe defend you from another angry mob.”
“I'll pick you up and get the hell away next time.” He says, a hint of a smile in his voice.
“You did that already. But maybe next time make sure to sweep me off my feet?” Chuckling, you look at him, finding those beautiful eyes already set on you.
“I'll make sure of it, princess.”
The name makes you blush, quickly looking away from him and suddenly having to focus a bit more on putting one foot in front of the other. “Oh, I'm not a princess, I assure you.”
“You are in this kingdom.”
“What kingdom?”
“Mine.” He simply says, and you bite your lip, heat spreading through your skin. “I'll keep you safe for as long as you need until you find a place you'd like to live.”
“...What if it takes some time?” You decide to ask because the idea of parting ways with Geralt doesn't feel very appealing.
“For as long as you need.” With that, you reach his small camp. You both get on Roach, and so the journey begins.
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firstsprinces · 20 days
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Happy Wednesday! Thank you @priincebutt and @onthewaytosomewhere for tagging me. I feel unworthy today of reading what you've written because the talent is immaculate! The reblog tags just aren't enough to both rave about and cheer on you and your work!
Still working on the first chapter edits of Outlaw Alex and since Lumberjack Alex seemed to be a hit, here's some more! Here's Henry being out of breath, and not because of how Godly attractive Alex is...and he's so thirsty....
Once Alex seems to veer off the course Henry thinks he's taking them by walking onto a level surface, he's suddenly shaded by the towering pine trees he had admired on their walk up the side of the mountain. While Alex stands closer to the ledge with his back turned towards him, Henry sinks onto his hands and knees, the cooler rock gives his sweaty skin some relief with the change of temperature, but he's sure smaller stones are stabbing his palms. He finds a spot to rest, turns himself to rest there, and then places his forearms onto his knees. He closes his eyes as a breeze snakes through the open range, inhaling the freshest air and shakily exhaling it as he does his best not to show Alex any signs that he's been struggling for nearly the last mile. He even puts two fingers to the pulse point on his neck to make sure it's not racing, even though he can hear and feel his heartbeat pounding against his chest. At least if he's going to pass out in the mountains, he has a wickedly attractive lumberjack to save him from the threats of the wilderness. His eyes are quick to open when he hears a charming laugh coming from Alex's direction. Henry's not sure if he's hallucinating the amber sun flares that both illuminate and shadow Alex's silhouette, or if Mother Nature also knows that Alex is a perfect specimen to give a radiating glow to, but either way he's the view that's taking Henry's breath away. Alex uncaps his water canteen and offers it to Henry, "here, it looks like you might need this more than I do." Just like with the glass of lemonade Henry gave to Alex earlier in the day, their fingers touch when Henry reaches for the water. He hopes that this time Alex is letting Henry's touch linger on purpose because Henry doesn't want to pull away; needing to hydrate or not, any sort of contact with Alex feels like the only lifeline keeping Henry alive. At first, Henry is hesitant to drink from Alex's canteen, which he shouldn't be because he's only been ogling and having very vivid dreams - both day and night - about him for days. The moment he brings the top of the canteen to his lips and the cold water touches his parched lips, he can't help but tip his head back and audibly gulp as he replenishes his thirst. When he leans back forward, Alex is watching him intently again, and Henry's sure that his already pink cheeks are flushing an even brighter red. "You do this every single day?" Henry asks, clearing his throat and handing the canteen back over to Alex. "I do. Sometimes twice, but only if I get lucky with the weather." Alex says with a grin before he takes the open spot next to Henry. Another breeze comes at a thankful moment and Henry catches the scent of Alex's rugged sweat and he can't help but wonder if he also smells just like this after sex. A bead of sweat streams from his damp curls and runs down the side of his face, and then trails along his jawline until it falls somewhere between them. Henry's eyes tracking it the entire time. "You're downright insane." Henry grumbles, not only because he's annoyed with how he wants to scream out into the open 'just bloody take me now' and have it echo through the valleys, but because how the fuck is Alex even real?
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OK, a kinda angsty but maybe a bit funny/touching ghost AU for the Fruity Four (so Steddie + Ronance). Warning: character death, thoughts of self-harm. 
Imagine Steve being the last one of the Fruity Four standing. He survived against all the odds, but now his soulmate, the man he loves, his first love are dead. And it doesn't make sense because they were all so much more valuable than he is, smarter, more resourceful, so how come he is alive and they aren't? He wishes he died with them, but he knows he can't do this to the kids, he needs to be there for them. So he tries to fill the void as much as he can, lets them talk, drives them to the graves, to therapy (not for himself. Only for them). He grits his teeth and perseveres. It's not like he wants to live, he feels indifferent about living at best. He thinks that he might end things when the kids don't need him, but that's a long road ahead. 
He's grieving, feels like nothing is real anymore, so he doesn't fully trust his mind when the first signs appear. He's boiling his fifth cup of coffee that afternoon so he doesn't fall asleep, doesn't have to dream about them. His hands are already shaking and his head pulses in pain, but he goes for it anyway - but then the kettle jumps up on the counter and spills water everywhere.  Some droplets even land on his fingers and burn him. And like an echo, he hears a panicked "sorry!". But there's no one in the house with him. 
It doesn't end there. When he falls asleep behind the wheel, he feels a sudden slap on his cheek, it wakes him up just in time to evade a street light. When he tries to drink himself into oblivion, he swears the vodka bottle (courtesy of Murray) keeps moving further and further away from him, and it definitely is because he has to get up, he can't reach it at all and when he does, the bottle moves again and rolls under the nearest wardrobe. When he sobs in the shower and takes a longing look at his razor just inviting him to end the pain, the water suddenly turns freezing cold and he jumps out of the shower. He thinks he's going crazy, especially when letters start appearing on the foggy mirror. DON'T YOU DARE, DINGUS, they read. 
Maybe he's going mad, but he doesn't mind. He often leaves the shower running for longer to see more messages, some strict (NO DRINKING, YOU'RE DRIVING MIKE TODAY), some caring (REMEMBER TO EAT SOME BREAKFAST, LOVE), some just plain ridiculous (GET A HAIRCUT!). He becomes calmer which probably isn't a good idea for someone who's being haunted, but he can't bring himself to care. He has a silly idea one day, he leans towards a mirror in his car and breathes on it. Just as he moves his lips away, a simple heart appears on the foggy surface, as if someone shaped it with fingertips. 
He's in the bathroom again, running hot water and waiting for the next message, when his vision slightly blurs. It's as if something was materializing in front of him, still barely visible, but he can also hear faint voices now. They sound as if they were coming from far away, but he'd recognize them anywhere. 
There  are three figures in his bathroom, shoving each other and arguing. "...you'd leave something sappy again, so no, Eddie. He needs to get his shit together, I'd rather use it this time to get him to see a doctor for those sleeping problems!" he hears and he sobs loudly, doesn't mean to, but it's Robin, a bit transparent, maybe blurry, but he doesn't care, doesn't mind. She's there. And Eddie and Nancy too.
The three go quiet when they notice he's crying and Robin is muttering to Eddie "okay, go go go, something sappy, I can't see him like this again, I really can't," but it's Nancy - of course it is Nancy! -  who shushes them and narrows her eyes, confused.
She takes several steps towards him, enough for him to feel her presence like a cool breeze. "Steve?" she asks, her voice barely a whisper. "Can you see us?" 
"Yes," he sobs out. "Yes, Nance." He wants to hug them, wants to feel their warmth and he knows he's never getting that back, but hearing their voices, seeing them much sooner than he thought, it's enough. It has to be enough. "Am I...am I dying now? Is that why you're here? God, Dustin's going to be so pissed." 
Eddie barks out a laugh. "Your priorities, Stevie. Never change."
Robin shakes her head and leans on the wall next to him. "Nope, Dingus. Not this time. I mean, we're here for you, but not like that. Turns out we have some...unfinished business." 
Steve stares at them and hopes that if this is a dream, he never wakes up. "What...is that?" His voice is dry and raspy and he thinks for a moment, selfishly, if he could sabotage their attempts to move on, to keep them here for a bit longer. He hates himself for the thought. 
"Stevie," Eddie smiles and hovers his hand next to Steve's cheek. "Do you even need to ask? It's you. You're our unfinished business." 
Steve isn't alone anymore. Eddie's voice gets him out of the bed and gently guides him to the shower, forces him to take care of his appearance again. Robin's transparent form is pacing downstairs, relentlessly practicing telekinesis or whatever ghostly equivalent she has to prepare at least a basic breakfast for him. She manages to open the fridge, but then the door starts closing and she is shrieking at Nancy to keep it open, just a second, she'll get the milk out! Nancy manages to drop a tissue into the spilled milk, that's about as much as she can do now. Therefore cooking is still up to Steve, but he doesn't mind, not now that there is chatter and laughter in his house again. They keep giving him unnecessary advice on the spices, the ingredients, anything they can, and Steve finds himself eating again, at least enough to be healthy. Sleep still doesn't come easily, but Eddie stays with him and sings him songs Steve hasn't heard before.
They don't know exactly what this unfinished business entails. Is it making sure Steve moves on? Is it keeping him healthy and alive? Is it just keeping him company until they have to reunite? They don't know and for now, it doesn't matter. Steve Harrington is a haunted man and he can't think of a better thing that's ever happened to him.
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skylarsblue · 2 years
i saw this on tiktok but could you do headcanons when asking to put a “lipgloss” on the sinclair brothers but its actually a lip plumper and how they react 😭
(I'm gonna speedrun this cause it's hilarious)
Bo Sinclair -Good luck convincing him to put it on in the first place. Bo actually has a pretty decent routine when it comes to hygiene, but he's also grown up fearing expression. He's got that internalized toxic masculinity going on. -That being said, if you've been with him long enough, he might allow you to have little spa days with him. Just don't call them spa days. He'll trust your judgment. Tell him it's basically the same thing as chapstick, cause Bo HATES when his lips start cracking, especially in the cold. -When it starts tingling, he'll mention it with a bit of confusion. He'll calm back down if you say something like "Oh it's just the little bit of mint in it." And then when it gets worse, and you start laughing, he's gonna start cursing like a sailor. -He'll glare at you when he looks in the mirror and starts ranting about how you've "ruined his face". How long he stays pissed depends on how long you've been with him. It's likely he'll be pouty for a while but as long as he comes up with a way to get back at you soon enough, he'll be fine.
Vincent Sinclair
-This would probably have to happen by accident since he doesn't really like removing his mask, even if he's been with you for a long time. -Vincent's a bit guilty of kinda stealing his brother's things, limited to stuff like lotion, conditioner(if theirs runs out), and chapstick. He'd likely see you applying it semi-frequently when getting ready for the day, so they'd assume it's just a normal product. -When it starts burning? They won't react much, but you may spot him sneakily raising his mask just enough to rub his mouth with his sleeve. Since half of his mouth is kinda scarred and sensitive, if it's powerful enough, his eyes might water at the sting. -When you notice what happened and(kindly) confront them, they won't hesitate to fess up. You're allowed to laugh a little but please comfort him. They really do NOT like the sensation. He'll also now be hesitant to kiss you without the mask if he's just seen you put it on. They aren't risking that mistake again.
Lester Sinclair
-Lester's pretty easy breezy. He'll try most anything you suggest. He trusts you with full confidence. You want him to try your favorite lip gloss? Sure! He certainly likes when you wear it and he's admittedly a little curious. -When he first puts it on and it starts tingling, he hums and asks you if it's supposed to. Honestly, he's worried he might be allergic to it or something. Then when it gets worse he acts super dramatic. Acting like he's dying. -It's even funnier when he sees what it's done to his lips. He'll start rambling about how it was evil sorcery or something. -He'll never be mad that you played a harmless little prank on him. He'll find the humor in it very quickly, vowing to get you back at some point. He probably will. Maybe by adding something spicy to your non-spicy drink, or scaring you with a roadkill skull(which he cleans, of course).
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apompkwrites · 2 years
Hey! I love your writing, and I sort of made an idea for part 2 for the "one of the asims (black sheep series)" because it's been on my mind the whole DAY!
Y/N ends up deciding to run away from home so they can find who they truly are, but right before they're about to leave a younger sibling sees them and asks what they're doing. Y/N freezes in shock and tells them that they're leaving to go travel to distant lands, and they would be back home some day. Next morning everyone has breakfast, but they soon realizes that Y/N isn't there and then the younger sibling (that saw Y/N leave) starts bawling their eyes out and rambling on how they left.
Cue to the absolute chaos that's happening at the Lands of Hot Sands while Y/N is just chilling on a boat.
Of course if you want to do a different idea, that's completely up to you since you're the author! Make sure to take a break and drink some water! -📦 anon
waaah wait okay imagine lil asim tries to sneak out with one of the magic carpets from home :OO and one of their lil siblings comes hobbling out because they thought it was time for kalim to sneak them out for a magic carpet ride.
but its not kalim. its (name). not like they're disappointed with that. they just now think that its their turn to sneak them out :D
"where are we gonna go, (name)?" they ask with sparkling eyes, hopping on their feet as if they're anticipating (name) to swoop them up into their arms.
"ah..." (name) merely adjusts their bag and grabs on of the carpet tassles. "i... need to check something out, first... why don't you wait in your room and i'll come pick you up?"
"mm... okay!" and just like that, they hobble back into their room, leaving you alone with nothing but your thoughts.
and for them, it isn't until breakfast the next day when your seat, which just so happened to be directly across the table from them, that they realize that you aren't coming back. the moment someone else says your name, they start bawling. full tears fall down their round cheeks, babbling on about seeing you in the middle of the night on top of a magic carpet.
i dont really have a clear view on the next chapter for one of the asims but we'll see what idea pops up :)) maybe i'll go with this? maybe not :D
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