#no fr this book SPOKE to me
griefveyard · 2 years
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this book punched me in the gut, drilled a hole both in my chest and skull, and told me i will never know true peace
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fabulousblackunicorn2 · 11 months
sorry to overshare and i know its probably tmi but damn i need to rant
so i just had the worst fucking gynecology visit like im in legit disbelief over this doctor. he was SO rude and absolutely tactless, if i had met this man in any other circumstance i wouldve jumped his ass fr. my dad has bullied me over literally everything my entire life so im not. upset or offended by his remarks (tho a normal person would) but i am baffled
but the kicker is. turns out i have PCOS and THIS MAN DIDNT EVEN MENTION IT DURING THE VISIT. like AT ALL. he just kept telling me im fine i just need to lose weight, the entire visit was him going. you need to lose weight, you need to lose weight, why do u think ur not losing weight, ur eating too much.
i had to read i have pcos from the fucking report file, he didnt tell me i have it in person, he didn't explain what it is just that "u have some small problems but theyll go away if u lose weight" LIKE WHAT?????
i didnt feel safe at all so i didnt even mention i have a gf and i am sexually active bc like. this is a man who BTW started insulting me and pretty much calling me stupid for using an app to keep track of my period. IMAGINE TELLING THIS MAN IM GAY. so i lied which i know i shouldnt have but i was rlly uncomfortable so i just said "i havent had relations with men" and he started making some WEIRD AND GROSS AND UNCOMFORTABLE comments like how i am """ready""" for a man. im. i cant fucking believe this
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dwindlinghaze · 6 months
lover in the foyer
(remus lupin x reader)
summary: remus lupin loves you, but his best friend 'likes' you too. so you both ended up fake dating.
contents: fluff, hurt/comfort, protective remus, r and remus are totally in love fr.
  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
it was a secret that you have a little crush on remus lupin. you kept that information to yourself 'cause you couldn't let the others know- it would be too embarrassing if they do. for years you've been hiding your feelings. burying it deep inside your heart.
well, that was until one day on the marauder's dormitory, a conversation was spoken.
"i've got something to tell," james started, sitting up right on his bed.
"what is it?" remus replied.
"promise you won't call me crazy?" he asked.
"we promise!" the other three said in unison.
"i'm starting to like a girl... and it's not lily," said the boy.
"what?" sirius asked, not believing what his mate just said. it was globally known that james potter loves lily evans. no one else. it has been six years since.
"yeah... it's y/n,"
a ringing silence filled the room.
you weren't super close with them four. although you are kind of friends with remus. you two talked occasionally when passing through the hallways or in the great hall.
during those small little encounters, remus might've caught some feelings. something different bloomed in his heart. hearing james saying this made his heart burn.
"i feel like she'd be a good distraction- i mean from lily. maybe that way i can make lily jealous and then she'll confess to me. even if lily-flower didn't, y/n would still be decent as a girlfriend i guess. no harm," james continued.
remus frowned, his skin burning. how could someone do that? having you as a second option? total bullshit. he wouldn't let you get treated like that. he wouldn't let james pick on your self esteem like that.
you're too good for anyone. he knows. being a substitute for someone because their crush doesn't like them back is not morally right. your soft heart is too precious to be crushed that way.
"prongs- i think that's a good idea! by then you can get lily to confess to you! you'd be everything!" sirius encouraged james, much to remus' dismay.
"moony has been real quiet-"
"i don't think that's a good idea," remus said sternly. he would be flaring laser beams from his eyes at james if he were a cartoon character.
james' mouth dropped, "why?"
"because- cause she's my girlfriend!" remus spoke abruptly, not knowing what he had actually said.
"your what?" all three of them screamed in shock. remus never said anything about a girl.
"how long?"
"how did that happen?"
"why didn't you tell us?"
"stop!" remus yelled, making them shut their mouth. he was panicking now. you are not his girlfriend. you'll never be. not now. not even tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.
"i started to date her like... two weeks ago," remus said before standing up, grabbing his bag before he headed out of the room. "i have to go, she said something about wanting to meet me in the library."
he fumbled with the hem of his sweater. it was cold, but he was sweating heavily. he has to find you.
thank god the marauder's map was on his bag or he would be caught lying. he saw your name- beautifully written- you were on the clocktower field, sitting alone.
remus ran to where you are, panting when he arrived.
"oh y/n!" he said, taking heavy breaths.
"yeah? remus?" you looked up from your book, gazing at him with the softest yet confused pretty eyes.
"i made a big mistake- i'm so so sorry!" remus said hurriedly. his sweat trickling down his forehead.
"calm down rem, i'm sure it wasn't that horrible! sit beside me, we can talk," you sent him a comforting smile, patting the empty seat beside you.
remus sat down, wiping his palms on his trousers. how does he say it? when does he start?
"you okay?" you asked.
"say that again?" you laughed, pulling out a napkin to hand it to the poor nervous boy before you.
"i may or may not have said that you are my girlfriend in front of my friends."
"why would you say that?" your heart skipped a beat, taking in the words remus has spoken. you'd be lying if you said that you've never dreamed of this- being called remus lupin's girl.
"because- it's kind of stupid really. i got it out before i even know what i was talking about that moment," he scrambled with his words, finding it hard to form a sentence right now.
"basically, james told me that he likes you but i know he does not like you. he said he wanted to go out with you just so lily can realise that she is in love with him. and i would never let him do that to you. putting you second, you deserve so much better than that. and long story short, i said that you are my girlfriend... yeah."
remus lupin was doing this for you. so that you don't get played. how sweet.
"uhm," you looked down, playing with the hem of your skirt.
"uhm- would you be in for- y'know fake dating... me..?" remus said awkwardly. "it's alright if you don't want to, i'll make some excuses. but please don't agree on going out with james. i don't want you hurt," he whispered the last words. it was half self-indulgent in his part. seeing his the girl he's been pining for years dating his best friend is not a good feeling. but he also doesn't want you to be a second choice. it feels horrible to be. knowing that feeling all to well.
"okay- i guess i can date you," you said shyly. cheeks turning crimson.
"okay- great. we can stop if you don't feel comfortable. don't wanna pressure- just for a few weeks," he said once more.
"it's fine rem, or should i call you honey? or darling? or-" you laughed, seeing his flushed face. he is so adorable. how lucky you are to have him as your 'boyfriend'.
"how can i be a girlfriend?" you asked as you two walked back from the field.
holding hands.
it wasn't in his mind that you would ever hold his hand but you are now. dreams really do come true huh.
"we just keep it normal- i mean like we hold hands, and maybe i will hug you more often, those pda stuffs. remember, only if you're comfortable." such a gentleman he is. he always makes sure that you are comfortable everytime. gosh that gave you the fluttery butterflies.
"okay, i can manage," you giggled.
"y/n- darlin'', can i sit with you during breakfast tomorrow?" remus whispered. you both were sitting on the common room in the corner, the other marauders sprawled a few feet away.
"sure, you can," you smiled softly at him.
he squeezed your hands, resting his cheek on your shoulder. this small action gave you butterflies, the pretty sparks. his face was pressed against the fabric of your soft cardigan, with one of his arm around you.
it's just been three days and you have fallen more in love.
remus on the other hand is trying not to get this too much in his head or he'd go feral. being this close to you and basically cuddling on the couch felt like a fever dream. one that he doesn't want to wake up from.
your silky skin, that periwinkle smile, those wonderstruck lips, angelic face, your incandescent touch, those misty eyes. he loves them all. how could one not? he felt the luckiest in the school for having this. having you with him on a cold friday night under the same fluffy blanket of yours. the smell of you intoxicating his nose. he isn't bothered by it. he enjoyed it.
the most obvious thing in a relationship is display of affection. though it wasn't hard for any of you to do that. remus held your bag, your books, your papers, even the things you can do yourself. he insisted that he had to help you bring them.
and that goes for days. you and remus fake dating.
james was still skeptical about remus sudden relationship. remus was never the one to look for love in his life. well- at least that's what sirius observed.
he couldn't help but look more into details of remus' 'relationship'. he noticed how remus never kissed you in public. or at least when he's in the same room as you and remus are.
"if you've been dating for three weeks now, why haven't you two got in the next step yet?" james squinted his eyes at the both of you. holding hands while studying.
"whatever do you mean by that?" remus questioned.
"like- i don't know kissing..?"
"i do kiss her often," remus replied, shrugging before he squeezed your knuckles, rubbing soft circles.
"how come i've never seen it?" james asked childishly.
"well here. maybe because you don't have to see or know or hear everything about my personal life," remus replied rather coldly.
"i'm starting to think you two are f-"
james' words were cut short as remus' lips locked to yours, wrapping them in a deep kiss.
james let out an "o" sound, walking outside the common room because the tension would be awkward for the three of you.
the moment he stepped out of the room, remus pulled away. eyes brimmed with fear and embarrassment. "sweetheart, i'm so sorry," remus said.
"it's okay remus..." you still haven't processed what had just happened but you sure did kind of enjoyed it.
"um we- we should do that more often. i mean- to make it more real y'know..." he said stiffly. it's not actually about 'making it more real'. he just wanted to kiss you, feel you. he really liked kissing you.
you didn't know what you're getting yourself into. you thought whatever this thing is would only last for two days and then you'll be back in your daydreaming days. but it wasn't. remus is still there.
that goes on for months. the both of you went from holding hands, to kissing, to lean on each other, to more boyfriend and girlfriend things. if you didn't know better, you'd think he's not faking all of this.
hogsmeade trip is coming up, that's the only thing the students are talking about right now. visiting new shops and doing early holiday shoppings. you'd be lying if you said you weren't excited. not only will the village be like a winter wonderland with the snow all over the ground and the roof, but also since remus is going with you for the day.
"you excited, dove?" remus smiled when he met you halfway on the walk to the carriage. he pulls out his gloved hand from his pocket to place it around your back.
you pressed yourself against his warmth, giggling in content. you didn't really have to speak, remus knows.
he kissed the top of your forehead, then guide you to the carriage with some random students.
as the thestrals pulled, you beamed when the snow starts falling down. perfect. everything is so perfect right now. snowflakes fall down your lashes and hair, a sight remus wanted to tattoo in his mind forever.
you had worn make up today, he can visibly see the pinkish shadow in your eyelids. remus couldn't help but admire how pretty your make up looks. how you're so good at doing anything.
your lips were a pink shade close to your natural ones, he wanted to kiss them- give your lips warmth. he was staring at you for so long to the point where he didn't realise that the carriage had arrived.
"it's pretty here! i always love seeing snow on the roof," you smiled brightly at the snow-covered roofs, inhaling the smell of fresh snow falling from the sky.
"they sure are," he agreed, "do you want to go to the cafe for a bit? the ride was cold," he blew his palms.
"of course!"
smell of fresh baked goods filled your nose, contrast to the outside. you two chose a spot near the fireplace, ordering a cup of hot cocoa.
there was a comfortable silence between the both of you. neither really have to talk. you just smiled at each other occasionally, looking around the room after. times like these make your fake relationship feels real.
when you finished your cups of hot cocoa, you two went to honeydukes, buying lots of sweets for the holiday stocks.
remus paid for your chocolates. you insisted on paying them yourself but he refused. dumping his handful of sweets over yours so they were mixed, making it impossible for you to pick yours up.
"rem, you know you can't do this right?"
"why not?" he pouted, "i want to be a good boyfriend after all."
he gave butterflies to your stomach, you hide your visibly burning cheeks on his shoulder, hugging his arm.
he loved that, so much. it feels so real, like you actually love being with him.
then you walked in a bookstore, choosing your read for the month. this time you were paying for him. "you're being so kind, and i love that but let me reciprocate that too!"
remus just nodded in defeat, kissing the crown of your head.
you and remus had a wonderful trip, one that will always be remembered. just before you part your ways, you said, "i've enjoyed the trip a lot. thank you remus for spending the day with me." you yawned, rubbing your eyes. then you kissed him. it was remus who initiates the kisses first, but this time it's you.
he cant help but feel those butterflies inside him again, holding your figure securely. "i'm getting tired, i'll see you tomorrow, love." you kissed him once more before climbing up to the girl's dormitory. leaving remus in utter shock.
maybe you guys aren't fake dating after all. maybe this is real all along. the last time the two of you ever said 'fake' was so long ago. that made him realise that this is real.
oh he can't sleep that night.
the next morning remus was skipping down to the great hall for breakfast with an uncontrolled smile on his face. this morning he woke up earlier, took a warm shower, brushed his hair, and do all things that james potter does.
"you look extra happy today hm?" james questioned, quirking one of his eyebrows up.
"just had a really good date yesterday, so good," remus replied, grabbing a plate of waffles with yoghurt and a bunch of other fruits.
"i didn't know you like kiwis," sirius snorted.
remus rolled his eyes, scoffing, "it's for my girl, look she's coming!" he said shyly, waving his hand for you.
you sat beside him greeting the students around a good morning. "you look- different, did you cut your hair?"
remus laughed, shaking his head.
"oh," you giggled, scrunching your face. remus loves that sight. you look so pretty and adorable every single day, he was so lucky. "you're handsome, y'know," you opted, making his cheeks redder.
"ugh lovebirds," sirius gagged, stuffing his mouth with potatoes.
remus smiled to himself, then he grabbed your fingers, intertwining them together. "here, your breakfast, i cut the waffles so you can eat easier. not that i think you'll have a hard time cutting waffles- you are perfectly capable of doing anything by yourself."
your heart fluttered at his words.
how much of a gentleman he is being! you wished he is your actual boyfriend. the girl that ends up with him must be so lucky.
"thank you so much," you said.
christmas is coming, and there was a party thrown at the gryffindor's common room.
"it's not even christmas yet padfoot," remus stated.
"i know, that's why it's called a pre-christmas celebration party!" sirius cheered as he wrote a letter to one of the firewhiskey store at hogsmeade, ordering boxes of the drink. he also ordered some butterbeer for those who don't drink.
"well you better celebrate cause this is the day where i'm asking lily flower out!" james said happily.
"sure prongs," remus nodded unconvincingly.
"are you enjoying the party?" he came up to you right after your friend was leaving to the bathroom.
"i am! loving the option of butterbeer," you replied.
"you haven't got any drinks?" remus asked.
"nope, i just had a chocolate cake and a butterbeer," you said.
"good good, you don't want to be like sirius or james," he pointed to the both of them. they were dancing on the sofa, jumping like rockstars, holding nonexistent guitars.
you laughed at them before grabbing his hand. "hope you don't mind, getting crowded here."
remus squeezed your knuckles, "i don't mind, you can hold me whenever you'd like."
the the two of your heard a joyous yell from james potter. "lily said yes!" he said to everyone. you can already sense lily's eye roll from there.
"finally!" remus laughed.
but you didn't. what happens now? are you and remus going to stop dating because james will not pick on you anymore or will this be continued.
that night ended with you staring at the ceiling, frowning of whatever's coming.
remus was still his lovely self, he still gives you kisses, hugs you, gets your breakfast ready, and all that sweet things he does.
you on the other hand was sceptical. maybe he just forgot or maybe he didn't know how to tell you. so you did the only thing in your mind. avoiding him little by little as days passed. it's the only way to get this over with as soon as possible before you completely fall for him more and more. like people say 'you've got to leave before you get left'.
remus noticed as days passed. you don't kiss him back anymore. you don't hug his arm. you rarely touch his hand. it was frustrating.
did you really stopped liking him? or was everything just in his head. he couldn't get those thoughts out of his mind. he was feeling less joyful as he usually does.
one evening you saw him alone in front of the fire place, a book open but he was staring at the burning fire. you couldn't help but saw how his beautiful face was forming frown, forehead crinkling and sorrow eyes.
you approached the boy, placing your hand on his shoulder gently.
remus flinched, turning around, "i didn't know you're there." his voice was croaky.
"it's okay, i just got here. are you feeling alright?" you sat beside him, knees touching.
"um i- don't know..?" he replied, his eyes averted back to the fire.
your heart sunk, a part of you knew that this is maybe your fault. you were doing this to him.
"rem, talk to me. maybe i can help."
"you've been distant," he replied. he cringed at how stupid those words sounded.
"i uh-"
"did i do something? i'm sorry, i'm sorry for making you feel that way. if you don't want to be together that's fine and-"
"what are you talking about? remus you didn't do anything wrong!"
"well why are you avoiding me as if our relationship means nothing."
"remus-," you paused, trying to find the words. "we are faking all of this remember?"
"what?" remus asked. you could see the pure shock in his face also a tint of sadness . "i thought we were dating- not fake dating."
"huh? since when?"
"after our hogsmeade date... i'm so sorry for jumping on to conclusions way too fast. i just thought we were together because it felt so real. like just- you and me- we-"
your heart clenched, "what if i told you that it felt real too?" you whispered.
"what do you mean?" he avoided eye contact.
"i love spending time with you. you made that hogsmeade trip so memorable for me. no one has made me feel so- so content. it felt like you- you like me."
"i like you," he replied.
"i like you too," you replied.
he relaxed, a soft smile on his lips. "so you thought we were faking all of this while i'm over here thinking that we are mutually in love?"
you giggled, trying to ignore the part where he said love. "you never asked me to be your girlfriend, how was i supposed to know?"
"okay yes that was my fault, so would you like to be my absolutely-real-not-fake-long-time girlfriend?" remus asked with a cheeky smile.
"i accept your offer as your absolutely-real-not-fake-long-time girlfriend," you replied.
you both laughed, and remus pulled you to his chest as he rest his chin over your shoulder. "remember earlier when i said i like you? scratch that- i love you."
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mariasont · 2 months
hi !!!!! i love your hotch x oc x reid fic so much, literally got to work late because you updated and i just HAD to read it when the notif came in !
can i request a kinda fluff-y turning to smut fic about maybe reader's small hands compared to spencer's large hands (his hands are so INTOXICATING).
maybe the fluff part can be kinda cute with their first time holding hands starting from that "oh lets compare hand sizes" and then intertwining fingers?? one of the best spencer fic tropes/hcs is when he's usually not enthusiastic abt touching but when its You he loves it and hes been so touched starved DHSKDHHD // and then the smut can kinda be like how reader's hands make his dick look huge (or smth! im sorry this is my first time requesting a fic!!)
i hope im not coming out as being too demanding !! you can have all the freedom w this !!!! sorry sorry for the long request 🙈🙈🙈
love your work !!! 😙
HANDS, HANDS, and HANDS-------------
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A/N: AHHHH your mind!!!!! I LOVE IT <3
we need a whole episode just dedicated to his hands fr!
thank you so much for requesting and the kind words, I hope I did it justice <3 xoxo
‧₊˚ ✩°。⋆♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡⋆。°✩˚₊‧
pairings: spencer reid x fem!reader
warnings: 18+ minors dni, hand kink, praise, size kink, m receiving oral, take a shot every time someone says sorry
wc: 1.9k
Your infatuation with Dr. Spencer Reid was an open book to everyone--damn profilers--well, everyone except the man of the hour, Dr. Reid himself. It was hard to say when it all started. Subtle changes crept in--the extra care you took in choosing your outfits to work; the way words suddenly became hurdles in conversations with him; the sensation of your heart nearly leaping out of your chest anytime he was in the vicinity. 
Despite your skills as a profiler, deciphering Dr. Reid was like trying to read braille through gloves. So, you pushed those feelings down, crushing them beneath a metaphorical heel to maintain professionalism. It wasn't exactly a successful strategy, but that wasn't the point. You reassured yourself that even if romance wasn't in the cards, friendship was the next best thing. And what a friend he was--remarkable in every way, which is why you found yourself here, in his apartment, dissecting case files together. It was a friendly gesture, surely, to escape the office when it becomes a little too suffocating. 
You felt your pulse race as he brought his fingers to his lips, preparing to sift through the stack of papers. A dryness clutched at your throat, fingers nervously fidgeting with the hem of your skirt, while you're sure your eyes betrayed a cartoonish adoration, practically orbiting with hearts. Forgotten was your own paperwork that now served as a makeshift blanket for your thighs, as he spoke. Your arm claimed the territory along the back of the couch, with your own hand gently propping up your check, a picture of relaxed attentiveness.
In the midst of his lecture about the golden ratio and its prevalence in nature, Spencer suddenly grabs a nearby book, flips to a diagram of a human hand, and says, "Did you realize that our hands are a prime example of this phenomenon? Give me your hand."
Your eyebrows knit together, your head angling subtly towards the boy genius. "Sorry, what?"
Without a word, Spencer lays your hand upon the diagram's expanse. Amidst the book, your hand seems smaller, delicate, a stark contrast the bold lines drawn on paper. 
He looks at you with a soft smile. "See, the size of one's hand doesn't really correlate with the golden ratio--it's more about the proportions within the hand itself. For instance, the length of your fingers compared to your palm, or the distance between the tip of your thumb and the tip of your pinky stretched out."
His hand leads yours across the pages, but you're barely registering the words. Instead, you're acutely aware of the warmth of his touch, causing your thighs to clench on their own accord, your mind tumbling over itself.
"Your hands are actually significantly smaller than the average," he comments, almost to himself. The statement is harmless, yet he finds his imagination wandering. He quickly refocuses, saying, "The range of hand sizes is quite broad, which is interesting biologically. Here--"
He extends his hand, palm open, beside yours--a natural extension of your conversation, yet he shifts slightly against the couch. Spencer was taken aback by his own actions. Physical touch was something he generally recoiled from, but here he was, seeking yours out. He realized this had become a habit, finding reasons to be near you, to feel your touch. Anytime there was something to be handed to you at work, he was quick to volunteer, all for the fleeting possibility of a brush of fingers.
He watched, captivated, as you aligned your palm with his, matching up the bottom of your palms. His attention was drawn to the stark difference between your hands; his, significantly larger, seemed to engulf yours entirely. He found the sight unexpectedly compelling. The disparity in size stirred his curiosity, leading him to wonder how your hand would look clasped around his cock.
His thumb grazed the back of your hand in a subconscious motion as he pondered out loud. "Did you know," he began, his voice sinking an octave, "that the ratio of the lengths of our second to fourth fingers is believed to correlate with various hormones, affecting the way we interact with others."
You found yourself holding your breath as you mapped the shape of your hands together, a subtle dampness beginning to form between your legs. This is what got you worked up? Clearly, you mused, getting laid was overdue. 
As if guided by a force beyond your control, your fingers gradually intertwined, each finger fingers its perfect counterpart. Recoiling as if from a burn, you realized the intimacy of the gesture, a rush of apologies escaping your lips. "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to-"
A blush crept up Spencer's neck as he hastened to interject. "No, no, it's completely fine, really."
The moment passed, and you both redirected your focus to the paperwork. Yet, the routine task did little to dispel the residual thoughts of his touch. The size difference, the feeling of his larger hand wrapping around yours, and how ideally his fingers would look pumping inside of you or wrapping around your throat. It all kept playing on your mind, a silent movie that you can't stop watching.
Spencer too, seems lost in thought, his gaze drifting from the files to your hands--manicured and delicate. He watches, seemingly without awareness, as those same hands idly toy with the hem of your skirt, or the way they spin your earring when deep in thought. To him, these minor actions have suddenly become fascinating.
Spencer's voice cuts through the stillness as he resumes his concentration on the work before him. "How do you interpret this?" he probes, touching a finger to a page of the file perched on his lap.
You lean in, curiosity leading you to reach for the file. Your actions freeze momentarily as your knuckles brush against his crouch. You pause, blinking deliberately, as you second-guess what you felt. He was hard as a rock.
You could feel the heat rushing to your cheeks, eyes growing wide with surprise. "Oh, um, sorry," you muttered. 
In a rapid movement, Spencer combed his fingers through his hair, causing the curls to obstruct his view. He snatched a pillow and tossed it in his lap, tilting his head back against the couch with a look of embarrassment. "No, I'm sorry, I, uh--"
Anticipating a scholarly lecture on the male hormones, you quickly interject. "Do you want help?"
Spencer's eyes grew wide as he regarded your face. Your lashes fluttered with a slow blink, your demeanor completely serious. His traced the flush of your cheeks, the gentle parting of your lips, the accelerated rise and fall of your chest. His head tilted slightly, expecting the punchline to follow.
He let out a puff of air. "Do I want what?"
He noted your head tilting to the side, mirroring his own actions. Your hand reached forward, poised to replace the pillow on his lap. Your pinky dragged across the material of his jeans, moving with excruciating slowness. 
"That seems painful," you comment quickly, before your sudden courage fades. "Let can help."
You moved swiftly to his belt, and you could hear his breath hitch in short bursts. He murmured your name, his hand threading through your hair to grasp gently at the nape of your neck.
You shot him an innocent smile as you edged his pants down, just enough to access his boxers. Your smile made him believe he could come on the spot--the way you looked so eager, like you had been waiting for this. He let out a shaky breath as you released his length from his boxers.
You were engulfed in a dizzying feeling, your eyes widened to saucers as you seized his massive cock. "Holy shit, Spencer, you're huge."
You were barely aware of the words tumbling from your lips as you gawked. The impact on him was immediate, the intensity of your graze was maddening. Your small hands encircled his base, accentuating his size. His grasp on your neck grew firmer as he coaxed your head down. 
"Don't play," came his growl, so out of character. Warmth bloomed in your face, excitement bubbling in your chest as your thighs clasped together.
You flashed him a gentle, unassuming smile as you hastily took him in your mouth. You felt like a new person, an unprecedented need flowing through you.
Spencer let out a sharp hiss as your lips met his cock, taking him as far as you could. He mentally thanked whatever gods existed, unsure of what he had done to deserve this. His hands deftly collected your hair in his grasp, aiding you in guiding him even deeper. His breaths hastened as he praised, "Good god, baby."
His words only egged you on, your movements turning sloppy as you bobbed up and down, working every inch of his cock. You never knew sucking a man off could be so enjoyable. You wanted to savor the moment, to savor him. You encircled the based with your other hand, granting yourself reach to what had been inaccessible to your mouth as you started to synchronize your movements.
"Look at you," Spencer muttered hoarsely, his gaze flickering to your hands. Those damn hands, they looked so perfect around him, even better than he imagined. "You look like you were made for this."
You moaned around him in response, the slickness between your legs starting to drop down your thighs upon his praise. This elicited a hiss from him, tightening his grip in your hair as he drew you away from his throbbing cock, spit trailing from your mouth as you separated. 
"Wha-?" Your question hung in the air, marked by the crease of your confusion on your forehead. 
He didn't let you finish, simply stating. "On your knees."
Without hesitation, you followed his direction, your hands clasped in anticipation as you moved from the couch to the floor, your balance settling back into your heels as he towered over you. "Open."
You complied with his command, easing your jaw as he guided himself onto your tongue. A soft moan escaped you, enveloping his cock. He coaxed his length into your mouth, your hands steadying on his thighs as he all but used your face.
Spencer's hands cradled your face, fully encompassing your cheeks as he thrusted into your mouth. His pulse thundered at a pace he hadn't thought possible, and fuck, he wouldn't mind if this was how death welcomed him. There you were, on your knees, so compliant around his cock. His breaths grew rapid as your nails trailed up his thighs. 
"You're so good," he muttered, eyes casting down upon you, your glazed expression, the drool peeking out from the corners of your lips. "So good. 'M so close."
He moves to withdraw from your mouth, but your hands find their way to the back of his thighs, holding him in place, denying his escape. He exhales a deep, unrestrained moan, thrusting into your mouth once more, shallowing moving as the warm liquid fills your mouth. 
He gazes, spellbound, as you swallow his come completely, your head lolling back in total bliss. In that instant, he realizes his willingness to do anything to keep you close, to see you like this--spent, disheveled, and content.
Breaking the silence, you ask, "Did that help?" His laughter, soft and subdued, fills the air as he reaches out, cupping your cheeks once more. He descends to meet you, his kiss messy and desperate, finding the taste of himself lingering on your lips as his hands untangle your knotted hair. 
"You're amazing," he exhaled, their lips parting. "Now, let me return the favor."
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selfishdoll · 6 months
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━━ ❛c’mon baby, let the camera see how pretty you are for me...❜ ⁺ 𓂋 𓈒
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୨୧ SUMMARY ━━ your lovely significant other bought some fun glasses & can not wait to try it out with you!
୨୧ CONTENT WARNING(S) ━━ hange has a dick & is referred by they/them. | recorded sex (consensual) | multiple orgasms | hange wanting eye contact fr fr | pet names (pretty girl, baby, beautiful, etc.) | hange talks a lot | pussy drunk hange | praise kink | body worship | oral sex (hange receiving) | reader is chubby/curvy & black of course | slight breeding kink | hand on throat (not choking) | porn w/o plot | etc. if i forgot something let me know.
୨୧ AUTHOR’S NOTE ━━ hange with a dick has been on my mind for a HOT MINUTE. and they just seem like the type to record sex for.. scientific purposes. as always please excuse any typos & grammar mistakes <3
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The cold air circulated the room, emitting a shiver from you each time it licked at your barely covered skin. Your hand grasped the blanket strewn across you lazily, pulling it up higher whilst your eyes were glued to your phone. You were mindlessly scrolling, enjoying the random book a friend of your’s recommended.
That was until you heard hurried footsteps heading in your direction.
The familiar sound caused a sweet smile to pull your lips, shutting off your phone and placing it to the side. You looked up in time to spot your partner rushing into the living room, cloaked in a simple black t-shirt and sweats. The smile on their face was breath taking, eyes gleaming under the glasses perfectly perched on their broad nose.
“[Name]!” The excitement wasn’t only clear on their features but voice as well, pitch rising as they approached you. Without a second thought they were climbing onto the couch, resting in your lap with their hands settling on your shoulders. You weren’t given a moment to complain about the sudden weight since Hange leaned closer, “Notice anything different about me?”
You blinked slowly, gaze dancing about their form in search of something different. You’ve been with Hange for about two years now, so you were sure you would have noticed just about anything.
Except.. you didn’t. Not a thing looked different, out of place,— nothing.
You slowly shook your head, lips pursed just a tad. “No baby, I don’t see anything different.” You watched as their eyebrows pushed together, a subtle pout even forming. Wordlessly, they obnoxiously tapped the stem of their glasses— causing your gaze to click to them. Your eyes slowly widened, finally noticing what was different.
The usual color of their glasses was a chocolate brown, which you believed reflected perfectly off their olive colored skin. But now, they were black; sleek with curly white writing on the right stem.
You smiled, reaching over and playfully poking the edge of the rim. “They’re very nice, where’d you get these?— also can you get up?” You huffed softly, hips rising just a bit to hopefully elevate the pressure. Hange unfortunately didn’t move, even getting a bit closer. You complained softly, hands falling to their waist in an attempt to push them off— only for their much larger hands to grab your wrists.
“These are special glasses..” Hange drawled, cold nose brushing your own the closer they got. You huffed softly, eyebrows pushing together as you gave your best attempt at an annoyed glare.
“How so?”
Their grin deepened, releasing a hand of yours to shove into their pocket. You watched as they snatched their phone out, showcasing the screen to you. You pulled back a bit and squinted, confusion settling in your form. That was until you quickly realized you weren’t just looking at your face, but instead your face— from Hange’s point of view.
You blinked wildly, eyes tearing away to glance at them. “The glasses have a camera in them?”
“Yep!” They spoke, excitement hugging their words. Hange pulled back to straddle your waist properly, eyes tracing down your form not so subtly. “Everything I see, the camera catches..” They spoke slowly, tapping their finger against the glasses before directing your attention back to the phone
“—which I can then, save on my phone. Cool, isn’t it?”
“Very cool..” You breathed softly the moment your eyes flicked back to their face, catching the far too familiar look they were giving you. So that’s why they were so excited, you thought— shivering the moment their hips rolled. The growing bulge inside their sweats brushed across your thin blanket, the friction causing you to feel incredibly warm beneath your skin.
“How about we test them out? I wanna see how long they last,” They rose from your form while grabbing you by the thighs, lifting you before sitting down onto the couch— manually wrapping your legs around their waist. “—if the glasses can pick up every angle,” Hange then peeled the blanket from your body, hands gliding across your form covered by a thin tank top and black Juicy Couture shorts. “— every shiver, every twitch..” They crawled over your body, now hovering with their hands sinking into the pillow under your head.
“—every sound.. You’ll indulge in my little experiment, right my love?”
How could you say no? With those dark eyes drawing you in, clear excitement and want glittering inside them. Your tongue brushed your bottom lip, hands rising to place onto their strong arms. “Mmhm.. I would love to.”
The smile they flashed you was far too sweet, leaning down to capture your lips in a deep kiss. Lips locked, moving slow as your gentle commingled breaths entered the other’s mouth. Your breathing hitched however the moment their hips rolled forward, allowing you to fully feel their bulge brush across your barely clothed cunt.
Hange pulled away for a split moment to breathe before devouring you in another kiss, tongue slinking into your mouth and coating the cavern in their saliva. Your tongues tangled and played, your lover gently sucking on your wet muscle to hear your breath quicken once again.
Keeping you focused with their kisses for a moment, a hand lowered to your neck, thumb brushing across your throat whilst holding the side in their palm. Hange pulled away, blinking and slowly licking away the string that connected the two of you. “Oh, I can’t wait to look back on this.” They breathed heavily, so, so excited.
Their hand rose from your neck to adjust the glasses, assuring they got your perfect form laid out on the couch. Hange’s hands ghosted your body, finally finding purchase on your hips just below your shirt. Carefully they plucked the thin fabric from your body, revealing your chest.
You were all too aware of the focused eyes on you, and even more so of the camera. Your hands spread and gripped the cushions the moment Hange leaned down, gasping as their wet lips caressed your breasts. “Hange..” You spoke softly, feeling their hand grab one of your boobs; thumb rising to roll against your hardening bud.
At the mention of their name Hange’s face was pulling away from your chest, head tilted as their eyes bored into your own. An intense stare you couldn’t return, eyes fluttering shut as they continued the gentle ministrations upon your chest. Such an act caused a sound of disapproval to leave your lover’s throat.
“C’mon [Name], don’t be shy..” They pulled back to sit in between your legs, a hand still remaining on your chest whilst the other carried down the plane of your stomach, fingers hooking on your shorts and panties to tug down. Your soft, wet cunt was soon on display— Hange pushing at your thighs to assure they — the glasses — got a clear view.
“Look at that..I’ve barely touched you.” Clear adoration and amazement circulated their words, fingers carrying along your wet slit gently. Two digits parted your folds, another finger pressing against your hardening nub. Hange watched carefully as your legs twitched, hips rising up to feel more of their finger. They flicked at your sensitive bud delicately, all while continuing to grope your chest; tweaking your nipple between their digits.
The pleasure danced up your spine, feeling their pace quicken as melodic moans thrummed against your lips. Escaping the moment their fingers moved to push inside your wet entrance, curling to brush against that gummy spot inside you. Soft squelches entered the room with each push of their thick digits inside you, and as Hange’s thumb brushed against your clit— your eyes finally opened once again, lips parted as the sweet moan of their name escaped you.
“There she is..” Hange spoke so sweetly, far too gentle compared to the pace of their fingers. Muscles moving, fingers thrusting and scissoring inside you to brush against your velvety walls. “So perfect, so perfect and beautiful— I wish you could see yourself in my eyes..” A soft snort escaped them after their rambling all while the movement of their fingers never skipped a beat.
“— well.. technically you’ll be able to.”
Hange was such a talker, even during sex. Words of praise and encouragement spilling from their bruised lips, looking down at you with clear worship in their eyes. They were completely smitten by you, a sentiment that was undeniably mutual.
Your hips rose into Hange’s hand, hand lowering to their wrist to feel the muscles pulse against your palm with each thrust. Honeyed gasps escaped you, eyes squinted and barely being able to see their form above you. “Fuck—! Hange please..!”
“Hm?.. Please what, what’s wrong? Is it too much— want me to stop?” Your lover spoke slowly, mock-concern clear in their voice. The moment their fingers even threatened to stop, you were shaking your head back and both;
“N—no, no! Please, keep going.. ‘m so close!” Tears threatened to spill over your curly eyelashes, hips rising and practically fucking yourself on their fingers. The band inside your stomach was tightening even more, walls pulsing around their digits as hurried breaths escaped you.
Hange’s other hand fell from your breast, taking your thigh and pushing it up, all while their face grew closer to your cunt. They watched intently; camera catching it all. The arousal that coated their fingers which each thrust, how your walls fluttered around the digits, and how your essence leaked from your pussy the moment you came— a sharp moan following the action.
You panted softly as the high ran through your body, head sinking into the pillow and whimpering as their fingers slipped from inside you. You felt them come to hover over your body, hissing as their broad thigh brushed against your sensitive center. A soft whine escaped you as strong fingers grabbed your cheeks, directing your attention to their face. Their eyebrows were furrowed, thumb coming to brush against your lips as a soft hum escaped them.
“It’s unfortunate I didn’t get to see your face..” Hange spoke softly, leaning down and placing a firm kiss to your messy lips. “It’s no big deal.. I’ll just see it this time.” Their words came out in a whisper, causing a shiver to run down your spine all the way to your toes. Hange was enjoying this far too much, as if further stirred by the camera resting in their glasses.
However.. you couldn’t fault them. Since, truth be told— you felt the exact same way.
Your body went hot as their hand rose to your cheek again, a thumb swiping right under their thigh and slowly getting off the couch— leading you to sit on the cushions. You watched intently as their free hand fiddled with their sweats for a moment, lazily pulling at the strings just to watch your perfect eyebrows furrow in impatience.
A languorous grin painted your partner’s features, fingers gliding to your chin and lifting your face to meet their eyes— all while tugging their sweats and undergarments to their thighs. Hange leaned down, thumb pressed against your chin to open your mouth; delivering a heated kiss to your lips. Their hand slowly stroked themself, precum beading at their pretty red tip.
Hange pulled away slowly, licking away the string of spit whilst rubbing your commingled saliva across your lips. “Gonna get it all nice and wet for me, right baby?” Their breath fanned across your skin, watching that pretty head of yours bob back and forth quickly. Hange grinned far too wide, rising to their full height whilst moving closer. Their eyes— the glasses— were focused intently as the tip of their cock brushed your lip, making an even glossier mess.
Your lips parted slowly, eyes fluttering shut as they fed you inch by inch of their cock all while a soft praise of being such a good girl, fell from Hange’s lips. Your hands rose to their thighs, nails gliding across their skin as you breathed through your nose— struggling not to gag. Finally they were fully inside your wet mouth, tip brushing against your uvula for a moment before they were pulling their hips back; slowly thrusting back inside.
Hange watched you carefully for a moment, searching for discomfort— but found nothing. So, their thrusts continuined; the wet sounds of your mouth echoing the room as well as their pleased groans each time your tongue glided across their dick. Your cheeks were hallowed at this point, little tears forming in your eyes as they fucked your mouth— spit mixed with cum creating a sticky ring around the base of their dick, tainting their trimmed hairs.
Their hand rose from your cheek up to your hair, grabbing a gentle handful as their strained words entered your ears; “C’mon beautiful.. let the camera see— fuck. Good girl, look at you; sucking me off so well.. shit—!” They struggled not to throw their head back in ecstasy, other hand rising to pushing at the glasses to catch everything. The sweet expression on your face had their cock twitching in your mouth, soft, soaked claps following the strained sounds escaping their bruised lips.
Hange was so close, grip unintentionally tightening as their release approached. Except they didn’t allow themselves to tip over the edge, quickly pulling out of your mouth before they could finish. Heavy pants escaped them, grip loosening in your hair a bit whilst they hunched over.
“You di—“
“Only inside you, princess— do I wanna come. You know that.” Hange spoke through bated breath, taking you into a gentle kiss while pushing at your shoulder to lead you to lay on the couch again. You sunk into the cushions, breathing heavily into their mouth the moment they crawled over your form. Their hands treaded to your thighs, hitching them to their waist whilst their drenched cock brushed against your folds.
Teasingly so, bumping against your clit before leading down to your hole; resting there for a moment, before leading back to your swollen bud. Your hands rose to their messy ponytail, fingers curling into the brown tresses and tugging. Hange groaned into your mouth, pulling back when you gently tugged again; “So impatient, baby..” They grinned, leaning over to rest their forehead against yours.
You simply whined in response, watching as they rose to rest on their haunches. A hand lowered to grab the base of their dick, slowly pushing inside your awaiting entrance. The camera took in everything, from how your body twitched from the stretch to how your walls clung to their length far too greedily. Hange’s hips moved back a smidge before pushing all the way down to the base, teeth caught on their lip to suppress their moan.
You attempted to wrap your legs around them, only for their strong hands to travel underneath your thighs, pushing you up and open; knees brushing your chest. You weren’t given a moment to complain seeing as they were pulling their hips back and driving them forward in one go. The spark of pleasure eliminated any pain you felt from the stretch, nails clinging to the cushions as a languid pace begun.
Hange always started off slow, as if being introduced to your body for the first time, every single time the two of you fucked. The thrusts long and deep, drawing little moans from your bruised lips as your walls clung to their length. Soon enough you were begging for more, clit throbbing with need each time their pelvis brushed against it.
Squeezing your legs tight, Hange wasted no time in obeying your wish; trading their slow pace for something much faster— hips slamming against your skin as their cock drove into you. The moans that escaped you were heavenly, their eyes finally tearing away from your pussy stretching on their length to your face — and fuck was it a sight.
Hange moved to let your legs lay on their shoulders, slamming deeper inside; brushing against that special spot that caused stars to interrupt your vision. They got close, hand laying your throat and tilting to take you in fully. Their lips were parted, sharp sounds of pleasure escaping their throat as the pace of Hange’s hips never ceased. “You’re a mess, baby.. such a— pretty fucking me—mess..” Their words were strained as your walls clung to their length.
Your toes were curling the moment they went deeper, pressing up against your cervix and fucking you harshly. The pain and pleasure fought for dominance as cries escaped you, hand moving to their waist to drag your nails along their heated skin. Hange groaned softly above you, relishing in the way you gulped under their thumb.
“Feels good, baby?.. Yeah, keep clenchin’ my dick like that— don’t wanna let go do you?” Hange drawled, thrusts switching back to long and deep strokes; assuring you felt every single inch that was currently ruining you. Your hands rose to their back, nails dragging across their skin as the prettiest moans escaped you. You were pretty all over, really. Simply perfect, someone Hange could never get enough of looking at.. or watching cry all over their cock.
“Ha—hange..!” You whined out, eyes flying open the moment their thumb nudged your clit. The little nub throbbed under their digit, soon being rolled into tight circles by your lover. You felt your stomach tightening as the pleasure contained, arousal dripping down their length— making a mess under you.
Hange pulled back just to capture your pussy again, their cock twitching just from the sight. They hummed softly, free hand pushing at your thigh even move just to get a better look of their dick disappearing inside you. “Shit..” They groaned heavily, steady thrusts turning sloppier as they felt their own end approaching. It didn’t help your walls were spasming around them, clear you were close as well.
“— mm.. don’t close your legs, baby, keep ‘em wide and open for me.” Hange hissed, hips rocking into you as their head slackened, assuring their eyes were focused on your pussy. “Let the camera see you milking my dick..”
Tears dribbled down your cheeks, hips rising uselessly before creaming all over Hange’s length all while a drawn out whine of their name escaped you. Your walls clenched around them tightly, emitting a groan from your lover— struggling to move their hips. But they managed; rutting into you desperately before painting your insides white, thrusts stuffing the cum that threatened to spill out of you.
You whimpered softly, gripping their arms as you twitched from the sensitivity. Finally Hange let up, slowly pulling out of you and watching ever intently as your mixed essence dropped out down to your ass.
Hange’s eyes flicked to you, a sweet smile on their features as they crawled to hover above you; placing a feverish kiss in-between your eyes. “Did so good for me, [Name]. Can’t wait to see how the video turned out.” Their hand went for their sweats tossed to the side, grabbing about for a moment before snatching their phone from the pocket.
They opened the device, rising to lean on their knees and looking at the screen. Eyebrows furrowing slowly..
You blinked up at your lover, rising up from your laying position. “What’s wrong, baby?”
A nervous, maybe even playful chuckle escaped Hange; gaze switching to your form. “I never pressed record.”
“Hange!” You huffed, watching as they tapped something on their screen before leaning to place it on the table beside you. You opened your mouth to speak again, only for them to swallow your words; leading you back to the couch all while sinking back into your soaked entrance— ignoring your whines.
“Looks like we’ll just have to do another trial for our.. experiment.”
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suugarbabe · 8 months
okokokok lorenzo berkshire idea??? your writing is so so good you def do him justice 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼☺️
enzo really likes you and all his friends know (maybe reader is in another house .. personally i’m hufflepuff but it really could be any) and they all flirt w you bc his friends know it gets to him and while reader is polite they don’t really encourage(??) the boys’ jokes/flirting bc they only have eyes for enzo too
possibly ending up together !!
i’m turning into such an enzo girly fr 😭💕💕💕 ilhsm
ugh, i have fallen in love with enzo so much, my little lanky broad boy 🥺 also, my requests are closed right now but I wrote it anyway because it was the last thing in my ask before i can get started on my other projects so no worries love x
You weren't really sure what happened, what changed and started making people act differently toward you, but it seemed like for the past two weeks a certain group of boys were paying you more attention.
So here you sat at lunch, deep in conversation with Luna when she suddenly cut you off, "You're being approached again." Her soft tone made it seem nonchalant, but when Mattheo Riddle sat down on the bench next to you the redness in your cheeks was apparent.
"Good morning, Princess. You look absolutely gorgeous this morning," Mattheo grabbed a piece of toast from the pile in front of him before picking up a knife to spread jam over it.
"Thank you, Mattheo, that's very kind of you," You cheeks burned further when he placed the toast on your plate for you before placing a few sausages on it as well.
Mattheo smiled at you, "I know you've got a big test this morning, you should eat well. Though I know you're brilliant so you don't really need any extra help."
You smiled shyly as you took a bite of toast. "Can I walk you to class, beautiful?" You nodded, not seeing a reason to tell him no. He was a gentleman, carrying your books for you, telling you to have a good class before seeing you off through the doorway.
During lunch you were approached again, however by a different member of the same friend group. Theo Nott approached you on your way to the Great Hall for lunch.
"Ciao, bella," Theo's eyes were definitely captivating. A light sea blue that often spoke all of the emotion he never let his face really tell.
"Hello, Theo," you smiled lightly as the tall boy slowed to your pace. "Could I sit with you at lunch?" His tone was gentle and sweet, so you nodded, giving him permission.
He wrapped an arm around your shoulders as you two entered the hall. If you were more aware of your surroundings, you'd notice Theo chance a side glance toward his own house's table. However you were too in shock that a second boy, a second handsome boy, was not only paying you mind but also eating another meal with you.
Theo was a lot funnier than you expected, making you truly belly, head thrown back laugh. You were surprised that you got along with him, but your humor seemed to be so similar and building off each other.
He asked if he could walk you to your afternoon classes and you accepted. He kept his arms around your shoulders again, continuing to make you laugh the whole way.
After classes were finished and dinner was over with, you and Luna went to the library. You tried your hardest to focus but you couldn't take your mind off of everything the happened earlier today.
"Luna," you called your friends name causing her to look at you, "did you think today was weird?"
Luna smiled happily, "Every day is weird if you look hard enough." You huffed out a sigh, "No, Lunes, I mean, wasn't it weird how nice Mattheo and Theo were to me today. Like, why today? They see me all the time. What's different now. I didn't do my hair differently, what did I do to make them so nice to me?"
Luna sat for a moment, seemingly thinking about her answer, "Are you asking because you think they should be mean to you, or because you wished it was another one of their friends being so nice to you?"
You felt your face pinken for the umpteenth time that day, "Who do you mean? I don't know what you mean..." You knew you sounded unconvincing, but you didn't think you had made it that obvious.
"Lorenzo is actually sitting over there if you want to talk to him," Luna's statement gave you the answer you needed, and also made your stomach fill with butterflies.
But after today, you couldn't hold back any longer. When you got up you saw Enzo a few tables away, his back facing you. You left your belongings at the table with Luna, walking quickly but quietly to where the real boy of your desires resided.
You pulled out the chair across from Enzo, causing him to jump slightly at the sudden movement. When you sat your started immediately speaking, barely giving him time to even register that the girl of his year long affection was finally in front of him.
"Why didn't you come up to me today?" Your question kind of stunned him, Enzo continuing to look at you with a dumbfounded expression.
You let out an exasperated sigh, "Why were two of your closest friends so nice to me today, why did they make me breakfast and walk me to class and put their arms around me?"
The more you spoke of his friends doing, the tighter Enzo's grip was on his quill, tighter and tighter until it finally snapped in his grasp. You let out a small gasp.
"I-I'm sorry. They were doing it to upset me. T-to make me, man up, as they put it," Enzo was playing with the two pieces of his quill, doing anything and everything but looking at you.
You reached across the table, doing your best to cover both his large hands with one of your smaller ones to stop the action. Enzo looked up, meeting your gaze, "Why were they trying to upset you, Enzo?"
Still looking you in the eyes, Enzo took a deep breath, "Well, because I, erm, I fancy you, Y/n. Have for some time. But you're just...Merlin, you're so pretty and whenever I get near you I forget how to speak properly and I lose my train of thought."
You looked at him with a goofy grin, "You think I'm pretty? You...fancy me?"
Enzo mirrored your smile, "Well, yeah. How could I not?" He laced his fingers with yours now.
"Well, then I guess their juvenile plan worked," you traced the top of Enzo's hand with your thumb. When he tilted his head in slight confusion, you gave him a further explanation, "I fancy you too, silly."
Enzo's face made a small 'o' before a huge grin broke over his face, "Do you think that, erm, may then, ehm, you would like to go to Hogsmead with me this weekend?"
You nodded enthusiastically, "I would love to."
"Great, wonderful, fantastic. Okay well, erm, I'm going to, just, go tell the guys if that's okay?" He stood abruptly, making his chair squeak slightly and a few other students look your way.
He was much taller than you now, him standing and you sitting. You had to crane your neck to look up at him properly but you smiled, nodding your head to tell him it was okay to tell his friends.
"Okay, well I guess I'll see you tomorrow? Breakfast together?" he asked, you nodded again, then Enzo did something neither of you expected him to do. He leaned down, placing a chaste kiss to your cheek.
You knew your face turned red instantly, Enzo's turning a similar shade. As he walked out of the library, you made your way back to your friend.
"So are you and Enzo accompanying Blaise and I these weekend?" Luna asked without looking up from her studies.
"Yeah, yeah we are," you smiled to yourself, still unable to get your work done, but now for a perfectly acceptable reason.
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aiiviiloo · 2 months
A Bandaid of Love
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summary: theseus always shows up to y/n when he gets a cut, since she always has a bandaid. some say he's there for help but others know that it's not just because of that. word count: 2k warnings: mostly fluff and pining for each other, reader is kinda oblivious to the flirting, i imagine theseus to be like a flirty person when he really likes someone masterlist
"hey, y/n?"
"a bandaid? again? what did you do this tim-" y/n looked up from her parchment and got eye contact with the famous newt scamander
"oh! newt! sorry i thought it was theseus." she chuckled and watched how newt sat down in front of her.
newt slammed his head onto her desk and groaned, his fluffy hair laying down onto the table gently.
"what's wrong?" y/n asked the poor boy in front of her while leaning back in her cushioned seat.
"i have that meeting about my permit and i'm nervous. it hasn't gone well in a while." newt explained, looking up from his demise.
y/n only patted his shoulder, smiling empathetically while continuing on her work on her parchment.
"if you think more openly, it will go much better, i think. you just have to... listen maybe to what they want to say?" she tried to comfort newt who only looked at her with a sigh.
"theseus already said that, that i should be less me."
y/n smiled for herself and a door opened into her office, theseus scamander walking inside with his finger slightly in his mouth.
"sorry for interrupting, darling, but i cut myself again." theseus began, not noticing newt by the desk.
y/n didn't say anything and slid her drawer open, pulling out one of her pink bandaids and handing it to theseus who smiled at her softly at the sight of the baby pink bandaid.
"thank you." theseus thanked her and plastered it onto his bleeding finger while looking to the side, now noticing his brother.
"oh, hello, brother." he greeted newt with a smile, newt only exchanging a small smile to his older brother before leaning his chin on his hand, staring at y/n who continued on her work.
theseus patted newt on the shoulder and left the office with a smile on his face.
"you know, he's been getting cuts a lot lately." y/n spoke outloud, not really thinking about what she was actually saying and newt rolled his eyes.
"can't you see it?" newt said to y/n who put down her quill, eyebrows furrowed while she looked at newt who had an "are you fr?" expression.
newt only shook his head while standing up, leaving y/n confused while trying to continue her work.
what did newt mean by that?
another two hours went by with no disruptions and y/n finished her work, now reading a book about dangerous charms for smart wizards 101.
it was quiet, too quiet for y/n to even be able to focus on the book she was reading.
all of her thoughts were on the thing newt had said to her.
what did he mean by how she couldn't see it? see what? theseus only needed bandaids because he got hurt so much, what's special about that?
a knock on the door was heard and y/n called out for the person to step in and in stepped theseus with a small smile on his face.
"hi, theseus!" y/n greeted the man, sliding her bookmark between the pages before closing the book, putting her attention to theseus who leaned against the desk while watching her movements.
"need another bandaid?" she joked and theseus chuckled and shook his head, fiddling with a paperclip on the desk.
"no, just wanted to see what my favourite auror was doing." he said, his smile brightening as they start to converse, about anything really.
y/n looked at the clock and saw that her shift was over, lifting her feet off of her desk, making theseus stand straight.
"going somewhere tonight?" he asked, y/n shaking her head with a smile.
"probably just continue working on my book, maybe eat a good dinner, nothing too exciting." she answered while pulling her arms through the coat with a simple movement.
theseus saw this as an open door for him. time to actually get her on a date with him so that he could express his longing feelings for the girl in front of him.
they went to hogwarts together, the same house too and year. hufflepuff is a comfort for the both of them and the memories they have together are memorable for sure.
but it started for theseus in year three. y/n had just changed her hair and something with it just pulled theseus closer to her.
every lesson he sneaked glances at her, watching her write on her parchment, her small focused face while working on a potion while he accidentally dropped in too much gillyweed into his own cauldron.
a small explosion was beneath theseus and a cloud of ash exploded into his face, his hair sticking up by the sudden force of air.
the classroom began giggling while the professor walked up to him with a sigh, shaking his head while helping him clean up his desk by the flick of his wand.
a small chuckle was heard and theseus looked up from his failed potion, making eye contact with y/n who was hiding her chuckle behind her hand.
theseus felt a grin on his lips while his professor told him to just sit down and wait until the rest of the class finished, walking away to continue help other students.
theseus sat down in his stool, his head down and looking into his lap with a smile because even if he ruined his potion, he got a reaction from the girl of his dreams.
it was in the sixth year he finally got to be close to her. the yule ball.
they went together as friends. just friends.
but theseus loved every second of the night, his hands on her waist as they danced to the jazz from the live orchestra who were playing about some witch with bad teeth or something, theseus didn't care.
his eyes were on y/n's while they danced, her smile making the room brighter than it was before. it was a scene, for sure.
the night had continued until the head master had told everyone that it was now over, y/n and theseus walking out from the hall with massive grins on their faces.
"that was fun" y/n had mentioned while they walked up to their common room, theseus muttering the password to the fat lady who was woken up by the studenst returning.
"never knew you could dance like that, theseus." she continued with a snicker, theseus only rolling his eyes while smiling.
"you're just jealous, n/n." he had answered, now noticing how y/n's head was leaning against his shoulder.
y/n chuckled quietly as they stood in front of the two staircases that divided them for the night.
she turned to theseus, standing up onto her toes to leave a short kiss on his cheek before bidding him goodnight and leaving to go to bed.
theseus stood still with a small smile as he put his hand where y/n had kissed him. it was magical.
one of his friends wentby him with a laugh, punching him lightly in the shoulder as an encouragment as they walked up to their own dorm.
theseus slept well that night, a grin on his face.
but now they were older, adults in work.
"hey, n/n?" he asked y/n who was grabbing her bag. she looked up and nodded.
"since you're not doing anything special tonight how about we go eat dinner together? we can go to jessie's, we haven't been there in a long time." theseus suggested to y/n who felt a small smile creep onto her face.
"are you asking me onto a date, theseus scamander?" she asked with a smirk on her face as she walked closer to him, making his heart beat faster.
"maybe, is that wrong to do, darling?" theseus smugly said, looking down at the woman in front of him with a smirk.
"not at all."
theseus handed his elbow out with a chuckle, y/n only grinning and curtsying dramatically before taking his elbow, walking with him out from her office and out from the ministry, their bodies close as they walked around in london.
the pair arrived at jessie's, the calm jazzy mood inside comforting them both as they got sat down at a table, facing each other.
"i recognise this song." y/n said while opening the menu in front of her.
it was one of the songs that had been at the yule ball that night, it was one of y/n's favourites.
"it brings you back, doesn't it?" theseus asked while reading the menu, his eyes flicking up toward y/n who nodded.
"remember that clevens guy who vomitted all over professor burke?" y/n chuckled as she remembered the scene of the poor kid vomiting over the professor who wasn't entirely happy with him.
theseus chuckled with her before a waiter came and asked for their orders.
soon enough the waiter came back with the food and the pair began eating, keeping a small chatter between them.
the night softly came to a close and the pair walked out from the restaurant, theseus stuffing his hands into his coat pockets.
they walked on the streets, not ready to end the night between them.
while they walked, some shouting was heard and a group of men where walkign towards the pair on the streets.
theseus felt a signal through his spine and hurriedly slid his arm around y/n's waist, looking down at his feet as they walked past the men.
one of the men stared at y/n with an ugly grin, his teeth crooked in his mouth as he wiped his lips like a hungry dog, it was quite disgusting, y/n thought.
theseus hand held y/n's waist tightly, almost scared that one of the men would snatch her away and as they became alone again on the street, he didn't let go.
"theseus, you're pinching me a little." y/n giggled and looked up at theseus who's eyes darted down and he realised what he was doing and loosened his grip.
"sorry, didn't mean to." he muttered, looking back at the men who were walking into an alley.
"my flat is just right there, if you want to you can stay over the night at mine's?" y/n suggested, trying to hint that she would like him to stay as she played a little with her heel against the concrete.
theseus looked down with a grin, his eyebrows lifted in slight surprise.
"sure, darling, i'm guessing you need someone to warm your bed for you?" he joked, following with y/n to her flat.
right as they walked inside, an old woman's voice was hear.
"is that you y/n?" she called out.
y/n put a hand over theseus' mouth and sighed.
"yes, ms. burrow."
"is it just you?"
"always, ms. burrow."
theseus tilted his head like a confused puppy but y/n ignored him and walked up the stairs with theseus behind her.
she opened the door to her flat and walked inside but theseus stood there kinda nervously, not really knowing if he should be there or not.
"should i really or-?" his whisper got interrupted by y/n pulling in him by the tie into the flat while theseus closed the door with his foot.
"so excited of being with me, huh?" he smirked, looking down at y/n who rolled her eyes and pulled her low heels off of her feet, waddling into her room.
theseus pulled his coat and shoes off, following after her and getting greeted by y/n sitting on her bed criss-cross, fiddling with her watch.
"are the walls thin here?" theseus asked, standing in front of y/n and her bed while y/n shook her head.
"good." he muttered and crashed his lips onto hers, y/n's hands letting her watch go and putting her hands behind her, steadying herself into the kiss.
theseus slowly crawled over her, his body between her legs as they began making out.
theseus' hand played with y/n's stockings and slid up under her skirt, his fingers softly teasing the cotton underwear, a moan escaping y/n.
"oh let me hear you, let ms. burrow hear you, my darling." theseus muttered into y/n's ear and his hand continued beneath the cotton.
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thursdaygxrls · 1 year
Seeing Her
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summary - george might (maybe) have a small crush.
pairing - george weasley x fem!bookworm!reader
disclaimer - i don't own any harry potter property. this is unedited because i wasn't in the mood. i don’t own the gif fr.
warnings - just fluff. maybe a little ooc??
He never gave much thought to how full his mind had grown of her until McGonagall struck her desk with her palms. That noise - the searing slap of flesh meeting oak - knocked a sudden realization into the bubbling pot of his mind.
"I do hope you boys are satisfied with yourselves," the older woman chastised through permanently pursed lips, "Professor Flitwick's hair is green!"
"Not purple?" Fred spoke up from next to him.
"This is no laughing matter. You boys are lucky the Professor has a sense of humor. If it were Snape or me in his position, I hope you realize the consequences would be more drastic than detention." She replied. This conversation had fallen upon George's deaf ears, though; his thoughts were much more full of things other than detention:
It was like a dream the first time he saw her - and not just because he had a black eye. He'd just left quidditch practice (or rather, was removed after he and Fred had gotten into a small tussle with the Slytherin bludgers who didn't understand Gryffindor booked the field for practice) when he passed the courtyard. Eye swelling with the beginnings of a bruise, he noticed a hazy glint coming from a line of trees. He could see her; she was only a few meters away, rolling some sort of ring or watch around in a way that caught the light of the fading sun. There was a book in her hands, something with a bright, poppy color, that hinted at it being a pulpy mystery or romance. What caught him the most, though, was her expression; her brows were creased, eyes set in concentration, lips downturned into a frown. Whatever she was reading was pissing her off, and for some reason, the sight of this unknown girl becoming increasingly annoyed at her imaginary tale made his mouth curl into a smile.
George returned to his dorm with that same smile. Of course, though, he'd forgotten about the girl within the hour and found himself following the rinse-and-repeat routine of a mischief-less night. He'd still forgotten when he woke. And when he brushed his teeth. And when he messily knotted his tie.
The funny thing about her was her persistence. He had not even taken a step down the ever-shifting staircase when he saw her. She was far below him and growing farther with every second, but there she was, pulpy fiction novel tucked under her arm. This time, her face was adorned with a grin as she followed (who George could only assume was) her friend towards the Great Hall. This sight caught the boy off guard for long enough that he nearly tripped over his feet when the steps relocated to the right.
George was even more aghast to learn that she was in his potions class. He'd just set down his books next to Fred when an invisible force compelled him to turn around. Following its lead, he found the mystery he'd yet to even consider mysterious seated only three tables away. His eyebrows raised in small bout of surprise as he noticed the the cover of her novel had changed to reveal a more gothic image of a knotted tree: Wuthering Heights. He hadn't cared much to track her progress on the pulp book, but it was still a small shock to see her ready to take on another story. Again, he smiled, noting the title of the new book.
"What'cha looking at?" Fred asked him, interrupting his gaze.
"Nothing," he replied, turning away, "Trying to view things from my purple perspective." Fred let out a low chuckle, his bruised cheek raising as he matched his brother's grin.
It wasn't as if George was seeking her out or anything - actually, it was as though she were seeking him. He saw her everywhere, from breakfast, to the halls, to classes, to the courtyard. He even dreamed of her a few times - nothing special, just the image of her resting along the hazy vignettes of his mind. Throughout all this, he had taken a subconscious interest. She ate away at muggle books faster than he'd ever seen anyone do; she loved cheesy and classic romance alike, and no title was safe from her grasp; it was painful to watch her brows knot and furrow as she became increasingly frustrated with what she was reading; when she was around her friends, her eyes lit up like her ring hitting the sunlight. These were easy things to notice, though. It wasn't hard to see how her hands moved wildly as she explained some sort of crazy story to those at her table in the Great Hall. It was so easy, in fact, that George's studies moved from potions to her every time the class began.
Though George had given plenty of thought to her, he hadn't realized just how much thought he'd donated. At least, not while he and Fred were plotting revenge. Though the bruises on the twins' faces healed over a month or so, their egos had yet to heal. They'd planned their revenge perfectly. The Slytherins who'd given them the shiners left dinner around the same time each night. The twins concocted an elixir that, with just one small drop on a person's head, would dye their hair for days. They'd positioned themselves on a balcony above the route which the Slytherins normally took. It was perfect - but, it wasn't. George took in the hall below him, scanning for the unsuspecting students, when his eyes caught something else. Her.
She was in the hall alone, book in hand, but unopened. It was odd. Normally, if she was by herself, she'd be focused intently on a book. But she wasn't. She was gently thumbing the pages of the novel, looking around the hall inquisitively. Was she waiting for someone? Or maybe she was-
Her eyes met his. His eyes met hers.
Not once in the weeks he'd taken up his sudden interest had she actually looked at him. And now she was. No - she wasn't just looking at him, she was seeing him, and with those eyes. They were so much brighter when they met you head-on - deeper, too. They held indescribable emotions. Curiosity? Maybe - he didn't know, nor did he really care to, because for five seconds, they saw each other. Then, George dropped his vile of elixir right onto Flitwick's head.
"Anything interesting going on up there?" Fred poked George's head. He hadn't even realized they'd already left McGonagall's office.
"Huh?" He mumbled, flicking his eyes around at his surroundings.
"She's got you bloody whipped, eh?" Fred showed off a toothy grin.
"What? Who?" George nearly scoffed at this sudden accusation.
"The girl you've been ogling at in potions. Your neck is gonna get stuck if you keep turning to look at her." He laughed. George scoffed, shoving into his brother.
"Just ask her to go to Hogsmeade with you. Take her to the Leaky Cauldron, get in a quick snog, and get over it already." At Fred's words, George let out a dry laugh and shook his head.
"Fred, you're mental." He let out a breathy chuckle.
"Nothing else? That's all?" Fred cocked his head, "She must've got'cha good. Maybe a couple quick snogs'll do it."
It was going to take more than a snog or two to get this off his mind now. He didn't even know her name - it was nothing. Just a couple stolen glances. But Fred noticed. When the hell did Fred notice anything? Maybe more people noticed. Maybe she noticed. George squeezed his eyes tight as he lay in bed that night - this strange, twisting anxiety had overtaken him and was turning his entire body inside out. Did he want her to notice?
George decided, as he woke up, that whatever it was he was dealing with, he had to get it over with. Before he did that, though, he would have to start his day. Pushing his toothbrush past his lips, all he could think about was her smile, or the way she frowned, or her lips pressed into a line every time she concentrated. When he tied his tie, his thoughts traveled to her wide eyes, full of laughter. He didn't even know her name.
He had a plan. He was going to talk to her - actually talk to her. He'd show up to potions early, ask her about her book, finally figure out her name. He was so focused on his preparations that when he began to descend the stairs, he didn't notice the oncoming pedestrian traffic, and - boom.
George stumbled back, quickly recovering from whoever he'd knocked into. The recipient of his force, though, wasn't as lucky: they ended up straight on their arse.
"Sorry!" He spoke quickly, "Didn't realize the stairs move." His smile (which had formed only a moment ago) faded entirely when he realized who he bumped into. Her. It was her, and she was early for breakfast.
"They tend to that," she replied, picking herself up. If he were a bit more suave, he might've helped her to her feet. Instead, he watched her stand, almost awe-struck by her movements. His gaze moved bashfully, eventually landing on the book that fallen to the floor along with her.
"Your book." He motioned to it quickly. In an attempt to make up for his lack of courtesy in helping her to her feet, he dove for the novel. And so did she. Their foreheads met with another smack, and they separated themselves before either could retrieve the object.
"Two for two, huh?" She let out a small laugh as she rubbed her head.
"Sorry," he repeated with sincerity as he successfully acquired her book from the floor. Once again, they were looking at each other. Seeing each other. George's lips parted.
"I'm George," he spoke, losing every ounce of confidence he normally possessed.
"I'm Y/N," she replied, "Could I have my book back?" George acquiesced almost immediately. He flashed a small smile that she quickly returned. Then, as the steps shifted once more, she began to walk away.
"See you in potions, George!" She called in an earnest tone. George grinned to himself. It was, after all, somewhat of a success. Even if he did - did she just say 'see you in potions'?
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elizais · 4 months
okok may i request headcanons/drabbles on bsd boys (pref dazai, chuuya, jouno, tecchou, fyodor, tachihara, sigma, nikolai??) with a gf who has glasses but is almost blind without them? like velma in scooby doo, she needs her glasses and panics when she fr can't find them? thank you so much with glitters and sparkles!!
ofc! i'll split this into 2/3 parts though for the boys u asked for if any1 wants more!!
when their gf needs glasses (and they get lost)
like the request!! drabbles for each. featuring: dazai, chuuya, fyodor!! more parts will come warnings: dazai being a shit (lovingly),, drabbles dividers by @cafekitsune мышь = mouse (google translate so idk)
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"osamu?" she called out, concern slightly tinting her voice. "yes, bella? everything alright?" he responded, on the other side of the bathroom door.
"yes, well, no but-" she stumbled over her words, opening the door as she was covered in a fluffy towel. he waited for her to catch her breath, knowing what she was missing. taking in a deep breath, "i can't find my glasses."
she didn't tend to lose her glasses, only taking them off for sleeping, showering and getting changed. very rarely having any other reason to do so. osamu chuckled at her, squinting her eyes to make out his facial expression. "have you seen them?" she asked him, walking towards her bedroom to put on clothes.
"i'll look now, dear." he smiled, knowing he placed them on a shelf she cannot reach. in his defence, he wanted her to ask him for help! she was so self sufficient after all..
she walked out of the bedroom, hitting her hip on the corner of a table slightly. "my, my.. you really need those glasses!" he teased as he ruffled her hair. an unimpressed look was plastered over her face, replacing her glasses. "yes, i do, osamu!". she ran a hand through her hair, trying to calm herself down.
"do you know where you last took them off?" he asked, of course he knew that she left them on the end table outside the bathroom. thats where he picked them up. she nodded her head, pointing to the end table that did not have the glasses.
he took her hand in his, suddenly feeling bad for what he had done. it was not worth seeing her so stressed out over some glasses. he walked her into the office room.
she didn't seem to realise it was osamu who had moved her glasses, so, to stay in her good books he looked around with her. when her back was turned, he took the glasses off of the shelf and put them on the desk beneath it.
"oh, darling! here they are!" he smiled as you turned around. he handed them to her and was pleased to see her smile back. "was it you, 'samu?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.
he nodded slowly. she clicked her tongue before pressing a kiss to his cheek.
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chuuya walked into the apartment, usually being greeted with a hug and a kiss but not today. it was too early for her to be asleep, he wandered where she was before he heard a frustrated groan.
"doll?" he spoke, wondering what was wrong. he heard her gasp as she ran into the front room to him. she greeted him with a hug quickly, throwing herself against him - chuuya having to catch her.
"hey chuu.." she kissed his cheek. she didn't want to have her worries affect him but she needed help. he gently placed her down and immediately notice the absence of her glasses.
"well you don't have to look at me like that." he sarcastically remarked as he pretended to be annoyed. he laughed at her squinting eyes. "did you lose your specs?" he asked.
"don't call them that, you geek!" she smacked him on the bicep gently before sighing, "yeah."
he pretended to wince in pain, holding the spot she hit.
"well i was going to help you, but i don't think you deserve to see now!" he joked. "where did you last have them, princess?" he kissed her forehead before adding in his pet name for her.
"i was taking a nap on the couch, and i think i put them either on the armrest by my head or on the coffee table." she exasperatedly exclaimed, throwing an arm in the direction of the living room.
chuuya instantly put together a theory, he walked over, hearing her footsteps behind him. she must have knocked them off from wherever they were in her sleep.
he activated his ability and touched the couch, letting it float up a metre or so. he crouched down and grabbed the glasses and slowly lowered the couch. she wasn't able to see the specifics of what happened but saw him walk towards her with a smug look on his face.
"here you go, doll." he held out the glasses, but before she could grab them he let them float to the ceiling. "costs a kiss to get them back!" he flicked her forehead.
she sighed, "i suppose i'll have to pay for another pair then.." she joked, earning an exaggerated shocked look from chuuya. she kissed his lips softly and caught the glasses as he lowered them.
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fyodor was sat in his office, typing away on his computer in serious concentration.
in another room, he heard objects being moved around. last he checked, his partner was asleep. he heard her footsteps near before the door to his office opened.
spinning around in his chair, "мышь, is something troubling you?" he asked, receiving a small nod in response. "i can't find my glasses, my head hurts because i'm squinting, i feel gross, and i'm cold." she rattled off.
"where did you take them off, dear?" he queried. she shrugged. "i fell asleep on you when you were researching and woke up in our bed. thank you for taking me to the bed but i don't know where i put them!!" she gestured wildly, nervously cracking her fingers before he stood up.
he held her hands so she would stop with her nervous tic, "go take a shower love, and stop squinting. i will find them if it stresses you out so much." he hummed, softly rubbing his thumbs over her knuckles.
she went to the bathroom, fyodor was racking his brain for when she took them off. he thought she possibly left them in the car, he shuddered at the thought of going out in the cold weather to check the car. but, he put on his shoes and grabbed his coat.
before touching the door handle, he thought he is better to put his ushanka on. not wanting his head to be cold either.
walking towards the office she fell asleep in his arms on top of the chair in, he lifted up his ushanka. a pair of glasses with a few traces of fluff on them from the hat sat on the table.
letting out a sigh of relief as he didn't have to go out in the cold, he opted not to tell you it was his fault you couldn't spot your glasses.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 10 months
Ruin requests??? Anything w/ ruined Roxy x reader please I need to clean her up and make her feel better my wife is so sad :(((
NAH FR I'm devastated for her </33
You don't know how you did it.
You don't know how you managed to reach Cassie and Roxanne deep within the bowels of the Mega Pizzaplex and destroy...whatever mechanical abomination was lying there.
But none of that mattered right now, as there's only one important thing sitting in front of you at this very moment:
The heavily damaged wolf animatronic, currently in a deactivated state as she was recharging power.
You did your best to clean off whatever grease, charcoal, or dirt you can find on the remnants of her suit. However given her lack of any exterior shelling, you focused mainly on her endoskeleton.
A dozen rags and special cleaners later...she was already looking better than before.
You took extra care when cleaning her hair--the part of herself she valued the most aside from her eyes. The last thing you wanted was for her to go into a frenzy in your own garage.
At first you were afraid for Cassie's safety, thinking Roxy was going to attack her like Monty, Chica, and some older Freddy model. But instead the young girl actually led you to her, begging you to save her as she was too scared to lose her "only friend".
That was surprising to hear, though you trusted her and took them both hope, escaping through a tunnel leading to the outside world.
You drove Cassie to the hospital, where she would be staying for a few nights, while you went back home to repair Roxy to the best of your abilities.
Being a former technician had its perks, but even so...you couldn't 100% restore her to her original state. You had no idea how she was even capable of functioning at all, even apparently fighting an animatronic that mimicked Cassie's friend.
Still, you had to try.
For both of their sakes.
Once Roxy was charged fully, you smiled and got up, going to your monitor to complete the process and reactivate her.
You huffed in annoyance, going ahead and selecting "yes". There was nothing you could do about those right now. But you hoped she would recognize you before she made any sudden movements.
As soon as you made your choice, the wolf jerked to life, already fighting against the restraints of her chair as she growled and shouted.
"Where am I?! Cassie?! CASSIE?!!" She cried out desperately. "Let me go-!!"
"Roxy! It's me." You spoke up, trying to calm her down as you cautiously approached. "Do you remember me?"
Closing her endo jaws, she fell silent for a moment, trying to recognize your voice. "[Y/n]? My...personal repair technician..? Where are we? Is Cassie okay?"
"You're at my house, far away from the Pizzaplex. Cassie's staying at the hospital for a few nights. She's safe." Relieved, you smiled when her gaze met yours, and you could see her relax in the chair. "I can't believe it...you were down there all this time. I thought you guys were goners. What happened..?"
"It's..all a blur." She muttered, tensing as she felt a cable being removed from the back of her head. "What are you..??"
"It's okay. I had to recharge you and run some diagnostics, so I'm taking the cables out. Keep talking to me, Roxy."
"Did Cassie book her party?"
"...come again?"
"Her birthday.." She looked up at you, ears twitching and rotating. "She didn't have the best time, I tried cheering her up...did you know she's my number one fan?"
"Yes." You nodded as you detached the final cable. Then you helped her stand up and regain her footing. "You've only told me about her a dozen times while I was repairing you."
"I did...? Huh...can we go back to the Pizzaplex when she recovers? We'll throw her the best birthday party ever!" Her tone sounded so hopeful, yet your silence made her frown. "[Y/n]?"
"I'm sorry, Roxy. But the whole mall's condemned. It's not safe anymore" You regrettably reminded her. "I don't know what the hell happened there in the time I was gone, but...it's in ruins. Even if it was somehow magically restored..I don't think Cassie would want to go back there."
Of course, you knew that's not what she wanted to hear, but it was the reality. And you could see her growing more and more distraught.
"..right, I..remember now..but that's it? No more parties or...o-or races to win..? No more sharing carrot cake? No one to tell me I'm beautiful..?" Her voice wavered, but you couldn't tell if it was due to the glitches or genuine emotion.
The robotic sniffle you heard confirmed the latter, and you stepped forward to take her hands into yours. "You're still beautiful, and..I promise when she gets out, we'll go buy all the carrot cake she wants. We'll throw her a party here. One she deserves." You could feel tears pricking your eyes, despite your attempts to smile.
Although you wish it didn't take a tragedy of this scale to change Roxy's personality, you were glad to see this softer side coming out. Her sassiness to other kids and staff members was always there--even towards you--but Cassie is the only one she ever looked out for.
Maybe..they had more in common than they realized.
'She's the reason Roxy didn't go rogue like all the others...she's been fighting tooth and nail to protect this girl..'
"Y-You mean that?"
"Every word." Nodding, you embraced her as she began to cry, oil leaking from her sockets. Her arms eventually found their way around you, and while constricting...you didn't dare to let her go.
Not anytime soon.
Now it's gonna be your turn to protect her.
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lulumilkshake · 1 year
Could I request megumi headcanons when he’s horny but is to shy to ask you for sex or for head?
a/n: OFC SORRY THIS TOOK WAY TOO LONG TO RESPOND TO. i was spending time with friends and family. but here u go! (i also made a small fic to go with it)
pairings: aged up!megumi x reader
warnings: readers an idiot, megumis a bit of a pervert here, and basic mentions of sex idk i suck at warnings
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poor baby :(( he’s always so stressed with missions etc to the point where he gets sexually pent up
whenever he’s away from you, he can’t help but jerk off 24/7 at the thought of you
but when he is with you, he still can’t seem to be blunt enough to ask for sex
sometimes he gets bold enough to drop subtle hints, but they never seem to work out for him
you just think he’s being silly😭
a portion of the time, you can tell if he wants sex though because he’s more irritable and rude to people then usual
as soon as pussy is put in his face though he’s all happy go lucky!!💁‍♀️💁‍♀️
even yuuji sometimes teases him about being scared to ask for sex, telling him he should just be bold because most girls prefer dominant guys💀
this makes him feel even worse about himself because what if you think that way about him, is he letting you down sexually?:((
it’s the complete opposite fr though, please reassure him about that
but at the same time, you’d be lying if you said you weren’t sexually frustrated either
you and megumi were finishing up some assignments that you both put aside earlier to watch a movie since you both have been so busy lately.
you noted megumis odd behavior. he was a lot more quiet, even more then usual.
“is everything okay. ‘gumi? you haven’t been talking since the movie finished.” you ask him, a bit concerned. you try to rethink if you said or did anything wrong.
now that you remember, he became more quiet after he went to the bathroom. did he get hurt on a mission before he came over to your dorm?
megumi just responded with a simple nod and a mumble you couldn’t make out. you signed in response. you’re a bit upset that he isn’t sharing what’s wrong with you.
you closed up your book and placed your finished work in a binder, surprised that you finished before megumi. something is really bothering him, and you were gonna figure out what it was.
deciding you wanted to clear your mind, you told megumi you were gonna take a shower and moved into the bathroom to think about what’s going on.
after your shower, you wrapped a towel around your body and brushed your hair. as you walked out of the bathroom, you noticed megumi dead asleep on the bed.
you smiled to yourself; he was probably just extremely tired. you kissed his forehead and pulled the blanket up to cuddle him.
as you pulled the blanket up you noticed a large tent in his pants.
so that’s what it was. you mentally face palmed yourself for not realizing sooner. he was sexually pent up.
it has been awhile since you both properly had sex, only being able to dry hump each other before he had a mission he had to finish.
it also explains why he became so quiet and distant after he went to the bathroom, a bit upset he would rather jerk off then just ask you.
you crawled down to his crotch, dropping your towel on the floor. as you pulled down his pants, his long cock sprinted out and slapped against his abdomen.
before continuing, you shook him awake.
“gumi bear.. wake up.” you spoke, as you admired his cock right in front of your face.
when his eyes slightly opened, he shot right up.
“w-what are you doing??” he spoke shakily, blush covering all parts of his face up to his ears.
“shhh…” you whispered slowly, putting a finger on his lips, bringing him back down to his spot on the pillow.
“why didn’t tell me you were sexually frustrated? would’ve dealt with this awhile ago” you frowned as you kissed the tip of his cock, causing him to jerk up.
“i-i didn’t want to burden you. i know you’ve been busy with missions as well, i didn’t know how to bring it up.” he explained as he whimpered when you gripped the base of his dick.
“you’re never a burden to me, you know. next time to you feel this way, just let me know baby.” you reassured him.
“now let’s take care of this, hmm?”
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a/n: thx for requesting xoxo, again sorry it took so long.
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ohsostarryeyed · 5 months
guys i just watched episode 5 of the pjo show (ik i'm late, my brother and i watch it together and we've both been busy)
and i think it's my favorite episode so far so here's an incomplete list of things i loved about it
the percabeth hug. obviously. and grover just awkwardly breaking the silence when it went on a LIIITTLE too long? an icon fr. 🫡
the FBI looking for them. i was kinda worried they weren't gonna include that part cuz it wasn't super plot relevant but i'm so glad they did. hoping percy calls out gabe on live tv like he did in the books. that was funny as hell.
the way they just...walked down the highway? how long had they been walking when ares showed up? were they just gonna walk all the way from st. louis to LA? i have so many questions 🤨🤨
along that same vein, they way they hid behind the barrier and popped their heads up to talk to ares? peak comedy. i mean, stranger danger who? never heard of it.
skipping way ahead. annabeth geeking out at the amusement park cuz of the architecture and technology was so in character. that's my girl. 🥲🥹🙏
hephaestus's life story being told on the walls in lights was so fucking pretty. and how percy knew it all from the stories his mom told him?? 💔 breaking my heart as he spoke.
"maybe she was preparing you. so when you got to us, you'd be different than this." i'm so happy that annabeth is also a member of the stan sally jackson club. i welcome her with open arms 🫶
percy once again sacrificing himself for his friends. the way they're building up his fatal flaw is so effortless and wonderful. and then how hephaestus tries to manipulate annabeth into leaving him there by promising her glory. i really love the writers' commitment to fatal flaws as a motif in the story.
just...annabeth trying to save percy in general. got me crying fr. 😭😩 they're soulmates your honor.
"he isn't that way. he's better than that." need i say more? 🥲
also grover girlbossing ares that whole time, getting info out of him? what an icon. 💀 i feel like grover is slept on in this fandom and i won't stand for it anymore. and aryan is doing such a brilliant job. a hero among men. 🫡
also i was not expecting to actually see hephaestus but i kinda love how they're including more gods? idk i just think it's fun seeing the interactions and all their personalities.🙃
anyway, there's so much more i could write but that's what i could think of off the top of my head.
i can't way for next tuesday. i'm gonna be so insufferable after the lotus episode. if we get a subtle nico and bianca cameo i'm gonna lose it.
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callofdudes · 1 year
could you do some hcs for platonic 141 and a techie/hacker reader? i’d love to see your take on their friendship with someone like that :) also love your work, thanks for making so many cool hcs and scenarios 🥰❤️❤️
I like this. This is good. 😄 Also thank you! I hope you enjoy your headcanons.
141 with a hacker/tech oriented teammate
Ghost 💀
Ghost is somewhat of a hacker himself. In the 09 game Ghost is the 141's hacker. Simon is in love with computers and codes. It's something of a hobby.
So when he meets you and discovers you are also a whizz with computers he's thrilled.
You two are both set up to work together and this is what brings you closer, bonding over your your shared skill set.
Sometimes you'll go to Ghost if you are having a particularly difficult problem, and him vice versa.
And despite Simon knowing everything there is to know about a computer from it's chip, to it's processing hardware, to the INS and outs of connecting wirelessly to and encrypted computer- he cannot figure out his own fucking phone.
Yeah yeah, laugh it up. He knows how to use it but sometimes he's socially inept.
"Sergeant. Johnny just sent me a link to this site... He put a smiley face emoji, and a... Heart?? Is this a threat?"
You take one took at the url and cringe. "Just ignore it. Don't click on it. I'm going to restrict Johnny's network access right now!"
Simon nods, not questioning it. Though he is curious what this site it. Knowing Johnny it can't be something innocent.
Simon also loves to spend his free time making complicated encrypted codes for you to puzzle through. If you're feeling bored he'll flip you a USB and tell you to clear the malware in an hour.
It's always fun.
And it's really what got the two of you close in the first place.
Simon always reaches out for your help in missions first.
"Y/n, can you open the door, it's blocked?"
"Is it online?"
"Bloody- yes it's online."
"Is there a key card for it??"
"Yeah... But I don't want to go look for it."
You chuckle. "Alright big guy, give me 2 seconds."
Johnny is scared of you two.
He came into the kitchen one morning and heard you using foreign 16 letter words and strange alien language while reading a book on computer engineering with Ghost. Worst part was, he spoke the strange language back!
Johnny thinks your aliens for a half minute until you define the words for him and he's good to go.
Simon knows you're a hacker, but he also tried to figure out your other hobbies. Like, maybe you take long walks around the neighborhood in the morning?? Or you play volleyball. Something like that.
He spends most of his time with you. He just likes hanging out with you in general. And after you rigged up a PS5 to the old ass TV in the common room it's been nonstop fun off duty.
He takes it upon himself to train you. You're both skilled but if there is something you aren't sure of or haven't faced before in your military training you'll go to him. And he's always willing to help.
Overall, Ghost really likes you. And he admires your skill. One day you might be as good a hacker as him 😉
Soap 🧼
You and Johnny are much more similar than you might think. Johnny does a bit of his own hacking when it comes to delaying a bomb, rewiring them or defusing them all together. So he knows a good thing or two.
He does a little bit of hacking, nothing spectacular like you or Ghost though.
Definitely asks you to hack the PS store so he can get more game points.
Asks you about video games in general. Yes, sure, your hacking is very professional and you use it for the missions but what about videogames!?
You find that jimmy rigging things for Johnny is just the best way to show your love. He came to you one afternoon asking if you could make one of his headphones play music and the other receive comms. From the others.
Silly Johnny.
Will ask you to somehow get the Christmas lights in his room connected to the main power. He is very disappointed when you tell him that electrician is a very different job from technician.
Will probably ask you to teach him some more advanced hacky stuff when he can. Definitely doesn't ask you for help pranking the recruits when it's tech involved. And you definitely don't occasionally help him.
Johnny is a bit scared by all the computer books on your shelf and all the big words inside. Your equally as scared by his quantum mechanics books and all his explosives manuals.
It's equal honestly.
He is like Ghost in the sense that when he could just ask you to do something for him instead of looking everywhere for something.
"Y/nnnnnnnn" he whines.
"What's up Johnny? Are you in the building yet??"
"No, it's locked and I don't know the code."
"Is it written down somewhere??"
"Y/n, could you just.... Open it??"
You chuckle. "Give me a minute buddy."
The door clicks and turns green. "Yippee! 😁" And in he goes.
You've found you need to wipe his phone every other month and set him up with an antivirus you need to remind him to pay for. Because he connects to any and all networks without a care.
MacDonald?? Connected. Ghost's hotspot?? Connected. Some random printer with one bar?? Definitely connected.
He's just kinda dumb like that.
You set up a little class for him about malware just to remind him.
You've started restricting his phone time so he can only use it for 4 hours a day before it completely shuts off. Just to tease him. Until he goes to Price and tattles ☹️
Johnny just thinks it's cool as shit. He didn't know it was an actual job for you? Like that's dope!
He likes to find different computer kits for you. The type of guy to dig old computers from the garbage and unpack it to get to the mother board.
If he finds a chip in there or a hard drive obviously he's gonna ask you to open it so he can snoop.
Johnny thinks your talent is really cool. He thinks you're really cool. And when you sit down and play video games with him even without all the hackers skill he still has fun.
Occasionally you are surprised when Johnny pulls out a super smash bros move so insane no one would ever attempt it in their right mind and wins.
So you both surprise each other with your different skills. You teach Johnny about computers, he teaches you about science and big things that go boom.
It's a nice partnership. Johnny would give this relationship 5 whole stars!!
Gaz 🧢
It immediately interests him. He's no hacker by trade, he has as much skill in the concept as Johnny does. But it really does catch his attention.
Wanting to spend a lot of his time alone, sometimes he enjoys just sitting there and watching you click away on your computer.
You even teach him a few things. Sometimes he'll feel like pointing out a code he's unfamiliar with or something else you do, and you're always happy to teach him.
Gaz is much quieter than the others, so you decide to make up some better headphones for him when on base so he can get the full quiet atmosphere experience.
He really like the glowing keyboard you have. (You know the one) he really likes it.
He isn't one to use you as a cheat code but sometimes you just like to spoil him. He doesn't want to ask you for unnecessary help when you are helping Captain Price across the building.
"Bloody hell, where is that stupid passcode!?" He looks around the desk, scattering papers in a hurry. If he doesn't get in this computer he would definitely be caught.
"Having some trouble Gaz??"
"I'm fine. Where is Captain Price at??"
You hum. Suddenly the computer in front of him flickers onto a loading screen and freezes. Several lines of code flash over the screen.
"Don't worry, using the wireless connection you set up earlier..."
The computer flashed on, past the passcode screen. "All clear sergeant."
He can't help chuckling. "Thanks."
He's 100% in the know of where to find all the best books and will often scan your shelves to see if your missing a volume of anything or if there is a new book he could get you.
He tries to make stuff for you. Like little computer decorations. It's a hobby of his making little decals and stickers, so your computer is glamorized in all of Gaz's little gifts.
Gaz isn't as interested in your computer sciences as Johnny, but he's also the only one you'll find lounging in your office at 2 in the morning reading one of your coding books because he couldn't sleep.
You flick on the lights in your office, startled when you see someone sitting in your chair. You sigh in relief when you see it's on Gaz, passed out with your heavy textbook open on his chest.
"Aw, buddy." You come over and gently tip his hat down, pulling the book from his arms. You slip a bookmark in it and place it on your desk for later.
He's much too heavy to lift him, so you drape a throw blanket over him and turn the lights off. You can do your stuff later.
Gaz thinks you're really cool. He likes to hang out with you and learn more about you. And you like learning more about him.
You're the type of friends to lay on his bed for hours saying nothing but happy in each other's presence. You could be on your computer and he can be reading. But each other's presence is what makes the interaction special, even if you don't talk.
Gaz is glad you came to the team. Your a good asset and a good friend.
Price 🥃
Your skills were what attracted Price to you first. He wanted you on his team once he heard of your level of skill. It would be nice to have two techies at his disposal.
But he didn't expect how well you'd get along with his soldiers. You were a tight knit group almost immediately, he couldn't ask for it differently.
He admires how much you care for the others, and how you're willing to use your skills to do seemingly silly things for the boys.
You're very smart, and he loves when you info dump on him. He's old enough that most of the topics you bring up he is familiar with. Maybe not a genius but you get used to certain terms and trades when you've been serving as long as he has.
And you're always surprised when he has a little tidbit of information to add to the conversation.
Now don't get me wrong, Price is very technologically aware. He can set off a missile by the flick of his wrist and shut down enemy hardware within an inch of his skin. But he doesn't know what to do when Facebook crashes.
Whether he overthinks it or he's just kinda stupid, you'll never know.
You might just be the hacker but he's always asking your opinion things. "These are electric doors, what would be the best way to get them open without attracting attention??"
Always gets your opinion.
He is the dad who will get you everything you need to further your hobby/job in the task force.
He always gets you new books and cool looking hardware.
"Knock knock."
You close your laptop halfway and pull off your headphones. "Come in."
Price smiles when he comes in, seeing you all set up on your bed. "Hey kiddo."
"Hey captain, need something?"
Price sat down and looked at what you were working on. "is that the new game Johnny has been ranting about you making him??"
"Yeah, it's just a simple code like the Google dinosaur game, I don't know why he's so excited 😅"
"Well, maybe these will help?" He pulls up a bag full of a couple books you'd been talking about buying of they weren't almost 50$ each.
"Price??" You pulled out the books. "Oh thank you."
"Any time." He ruffles your hair.
Literally the most supportive dad.
Sorry but you are his child now. He has adopted you into his little found family.
Again, he really likes letting you talk to him about what you're doing when you're on your computer.
And you've saved his butt more than once with your quick skills.
"I've got the wires set up y/n, it's your turn."
"I'm on, give me two seconds."
"Good, we don't want them to get alerted, Johnny and Gaz are near the west hall."
"Aaaaalright..." You are quiet for a moment. "Ok, cameras are blocked, you're free to move around."
"Copy that sergeant."
Like I said, supportive and protective dad.
You've been amazing support for the team both as a teammate and a friend. Overall he's really glad that you're a part of the team. Very valued, very loved.
He's glad he met you.
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itsohh · 1 year
The Morning After
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A/N: G/N reader, so I've been playing as Soap for a bit (I normally play as Farah) and ho boy Soap kinda got me fucked up fr. Like that voice of his? Shiiitt before I was like lowkey down for him but now I'm like HO BOY down bad
Summary: After confessing to Soap how you feel he spends the night showing you exactly how he feels. Now he continues that the morning after.
Word count: 2094
Warnings: Smut
AO3 Masterlist
Waking up felt like one of the hardest things you had ever done. Your eyes had been practically sealed shut and you could feel the dehydration start to set in. Throat completely dry, your body attempted to make up saliva as you groaned about. The blankets on top of your body were barely in place. Rather straw all over the bed exposing bits of flesh to the morning sun. 
After you pushed off a rather particularly heavy blanket you stretched your toes out and started to get out. "Oh no you don't." A thick accented voice gave you little warning before his arm wrapped around your waist and pulled you back in. His warm bare chest met with your equally naked back and he pressed a kiss against your shoulder. "If you think I'm letting you get away after that you're sorely mistaken." Johnny's voice was huskier than usual due to him waking up. 
Memories of the previous night played before your eyes. Bumping into him just outside of his bedroom. The wide eyes he gave you when you told him you needed to tell him something in private. Soap hadn't hesitated for a moment to bring you back into his room, concern in his eyes. 
Concern that had relaxed and wiped from his body when you spoke those words. "I want you." Not the most graceful confession you had to admit but he took it in stride.
"How much of me?" His need for clarification came without hesitation. Was it just sexually? A casual thing, did you just want his body. It wasn't the first time he had heard that. He had jumped up from the bed, impossibly close to you, his chest pressed against yours as a hand brushed your check. 
"All of you." You could remember the way he didn't hesitate after your whisper, lips on yours practically tearing your clothes off. 
Back down in reality, he lightly bit down on the shoulder that he had been kissing moments earlier. "Ah!" You whined out, much to his amusement.
"Had to bring you out of your daydream somehow." He chuckled and pressed a kiss just under your ear. "What's got your head all up in the clouds?" Soap knew. Without a doubt, he knew exactly where your head was. 
"Thinking of last night."
"Good thoughts I hope."
"You could say something like that." 
"Mmm, was not what I expected when I left my room. Certainly not complaining though." He placed a few more wet kisses against your neck. "What was your favourite part hmm?" John whispered and pushed his body flush against yours. His cock announced itself, hard and firm against your ass. 
"I think mine was when those pretty eyes of yours were screwed shut and you were just blabbering out my name. Fuck you looked good bouncing on my cock." 
"Johnny." You whimpered out his name. 
"Mmm yeah it sounded just like that." 
"Fuck, I need some water. You're going to be the death of me." You gasped and he chuckled but let you go. 
"Suppose I did drain you dry of liquids last night didn't I?" With a stretch, he got out of the bed and made his way over to his shelf. Behind a book he exposed a few glasses and what looked to be a bottle of liquor. His eye caught yours and his face turned into a grin. "Don't worry, it's a bit early to be drinking this. Just borrowing the glasses." 
You followed him into a bathroom where he filled it up with water and passed it to you. The cool water was insane. It hydrated the desert of a throat you had and you finally felt like you weren't going to die from dehydration. 
"Does anyone else know you keep hard liquor in your room? Isn't that like contraband or something?" 
"What are we? In basic training or something? No one gives a shit. Besides, I actually got the idea from the LT." 
"Ghost keeps liquor in his room?" You stood in front of the sink and poured yourself another glass of water, this time sipping on it like Johnny was compared to your chugging of the previous glass. 
"Yup. Price keeps his in his office. Feeling better?" He put down his glass. 
"You have no idea. How good is your shower McTavish?" 
"Unless you secretly got a special shower installed, as good as yours." He winked over your shoulder through the mirror and walked over to the shower to turn it on. In the reflection you could really see how he did a number on you. Little bruises around your hips had started to form. Similar to the bite marks on your thighs. Soap really hadn't held back yesterday. 
"Little surprised you can still walk." He hummed and stood next to the shower door for you. 
"I think my legs are a little numb at this point." You admitted and headed over to the shower where he chuckled. You stuck a hand under the water and ripped it away impossible fast. Soaps eyes widened and you hissed at him.
"Why the fuck is it so hot?"
"What do you mean? That's how I normally have it?" 
"Your fucking crazy, that's boiling water Soap." You leaned in and increased the cold water. 
"I like my showers hot." He shrugged. 
"How the fuck do you have any skin left?" 
"Not my fault your skins so thin." You slapped him on the chest in response and he laughed.
"Ow you wound me, yah bastard." He continued to laugh and you tested the water. This time it was at a far more reasonable temperature and you slipped in. A loud moan left your lips as the water kissed your body. 
"Better?" He grinned and stepped into the shower behind you. "Fuck that's cold." He grinned when you turned and gave him a good. He laughed out, a meaty laugh that had his entire body shake. "Relax, relax." He continued to laugh and wrapped his arms around your body. His lips pressed against your neck. "You're adorable when you're mad you know that?" 
"Har har Mctavish." 
"Mmm like it when you say my name." His hands ran down your shoulders and arms. "Fucking loved it when you were screaming it last night." His cock pressed against your ass and with a step he pressed you against the tilted wall of the shower. 
"You know how hot that is? Only you can make my name sound so perfect." His teeth nipped at the crook of your neck and one hand got a thorough grab of your ass. "Think you can handle some more?" 
"Soap." You moaned, your hand found his hair on your shoulder and gave it a decent tug. A throaty groan rumbled from him and a wet slap of your ass echoed out. A light sting that had you pressing yourself against his hand. 
"Fucked this tight hole of yours nice and good last night but do you think you can handle some more?" He pressed a surprisingly gentle kiss on your shoulder. "It's okay if you can't. I know I can be a bit much." 
"You're gonna have to try harder than that." You managed to groan out. 
"Oh, you're in for it now." He slapped your ass again and leaned for a bottle on a rather high shelf. You frowned for a second and gasped slightly when his slick two fingers started to press into your entrance. It felt like they were lubricated but you could have sworn that he left that in his bedroom. Did it smell… of strawberries?
"You better not have used conditioner to lubricate those fingers." He laughed at your growl but continued to scissor you open. 
"Nah it's lube. Silicone base to be exact, this is the flavored one. You already got a taste of my normal stuff last night." 
"Who the fuck keeps their lube in the shower?" You hissed out when he pulled out his fingers. 
"I do, look no one thinks twice when you see a million bottles in the shower now do they?" 
"And if someone asks why you have lube in the shower?" He pressed the head of his cock at your entrance. 
"Then I say 'why the fuck you rummaging through my shower?'" He slotted himself into you with one long push. Your walls hugging him tight but still remembering your previous nights activities.
Your hand balled into a fist against the shower and you rolled your hips back against his. "Shit, ohh fuck, you were made for me huh?" He pulled out almost completely before he thrust back into you. That curved cock of his hitting that sweet spot so perfectly. 
"Do you have any idea how long I've wanted to do this?" He started a steady pace of fucking you against the wall. 
"Uhhh? How long?" You managed to slur out. 
"The second I saw you walk into that meeting room."
"When the pair of us got teamed up on that mission in Nepal?" 
"That's the one, fuck." He groaned as he buried himself into you. 
"We had just met!" 
"Oh so you couldn't tell I was undressing you with my eyes, thank god."
"You were?- Shittt right there." He lifted up your leg to emphasize the angle.
"Right here?" He grunted and you let out a long blabbed moan in affirmation.
"You were undressing me with your eyes?" You breathed out. 
"God yes, unprofessional of me I know. Liked to imagine that you had a nice lacy set on under all that gear. Maybe something dark green. Sometimes something black."
"Sometimes? This happen a lot?" You whimpered out which didn't do great things for your voice when you were trying to sound outraged. 
"Surprised you didn't notice it. Ghost certainly did." 
"Ghost- what?" 
"Keep it in your pants Johnny." He gave you a shitty fake over the top British accent which had you laugh out and clench around him. 
"Fuck." He drew out the moan and slapped a hand on the tile next to you. "Feel like I'm a wee lad again when I'm with you." 
"What?" Your laugh turned into a moan and a grin spread across your face.
"Been inside you what? Five, ten minutes? Won't be much longer with the way you squeeze around me, fuck." He buried his face into your neck. The hand on the tiles slipped down in front of you and started to touch you. "But I'll be damned if I'm cuming before you are. Want to feel you squeeze down around me. Like you did last night, fuck!" 
You let out a long moan as he continued to pleasure you, not stopping with his hard pace. "Can you do that for me? Can you cum for me?" He panted in your ear and you let out a small whine. "Yes or no, pretty thing." 
"Fuck, yes, John. I can- oh fuck I'm so close." You whined out all at once and you could feel his lips grin against your neck. 
"Yeah? Then do it for me. Please, cum for me. Cum down on this cock, fucking give me everything you have left. I wanna feel you- I want-"
"Fuck! Soap!" In a spasm of gaspy moans you clenched down around him. 
"Thank you, oh fuck, shit you don't know how good that feels. Fuck." Soap slammed himself into you and came with you. His cock pumped as much cum as it possibly could inside of you as he let out long low groans in your ear. "So fucking perfect aren't you? Shit." His cock throbbed inside of you to the point you swore you could feel his heartbeat. It raced in time with your own heartbeat that thrummed in your ear. 
Slowly he lowered your shaky leg back onto the ground and made sure you didn't collapse under your own weight. "So fucking glad we have today off." He let out through pants and allowed you to slowly turn around and face him. His dick slipped from you and the pair of you both let out a sound in unison. 
Soaps eyes widened for a moment and he let out a breath. Satisfaction and a slight amount of disbelief in his face. "Shit I just… still can't believe you here huh."
"You have no idea, this is like some really good wet dream I'm having." You wrapped your arms around his neck as he spoke and pulled him in for a kiss. 
"Well, we better hope you don't wake up then."
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taelme · 2 years
genre: regency!au (with some tweaks ofc), (not so)enemies-to-lovers!au, viscount!Jaehyun (kind of slowburn, hurt/comfort elements?, angst? mutual pining, reader is an oldest daughter guys)  pairing/s: Jaehyun / Reader (ft Yuta, Johnny & other ocs) 
word count: 23k+ (guys. be fr its me we’re talking abt here)  tw: reader and jh both have a tense rs w their parents? brief mentions of a parent’s death (not reader/jh’s), reader doesn’t exactly look after herself very well, lmk if I missed out on anything! summary: in a world where marriage is nothing more than an economic proposition, and where a person is no more than what they can offer, you and Jaehyun rediscover what it means to be with each other, in the very essence of the word
a/n: this is really funny cause... so far the fics i have for my ‘tswift for the neos’ discourse are all johnjae.... life is like that, i guess. anyway. 3rd installment! this was a LONG time coming and i rly hope u guys enjoy it! took me a while to get back into the rhythm of writing so thank u all for bearing w my radio silence HAHHA this is based off of enchanted and gold rush (and any other easter eggs you find hehe- i’d love to hear if it reminds u of other tswift songs), reblogs are VERY appreciated!! happy reading loveys~  read this on ao3
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You ached for rest. Not the kind that sleep guaranteed, no. This rest you ached for felt much deeper, much further from reach. Much like a stranger you wished to know. 
“Do you remember what we discussed?” 
Each inhale of yours didn’t seem to satisfy the ache in your chest, feeling as though your ribs were caving in, unsure if it was anxiety or the carriage or your clothing that was making you taste your last meal, and even that seemed like it was ages ago. 
“Your posture,” the whisper of your mother brought some of your awareness back to the question she’d asked.
What did you discuss? 
You tried to dismiss the impending feeling of doom that grew stronger as you noticed your surroundings, the carriage all of a sudden seeming to be moving too quickly, your grip on your gloves tightening as you tried to recall what your mother was trying to remind you of. 
Be obedient. The carriage rounded the corner, jolting you from the familiar bump in the road. Don’t immediately launch into literary discourses out of panic. Your mother took your gloves out of your weak grip, slipping them onto your hands with an assertiveness that shoved you further into your seat, resisting the urge to shiver at the feeling of her cold hands on your skin. Have good manners. You could now recognise the music echoing from the building, a piece you were sure you’d heard your sister play before. Mind your facial expression. Along with the sound of music, the chatter and giggles intensified. Don’t scribble funny names onto your dance card. You thought about your little sister at home, probably sitting by the window reading a book from your father’s library as she waited for you to return home. You thought about your father who was in his study doing God knows what. As if like a trigger, a wave of clarity washed over you; you’d suddenly felt unfortunately sober. 
Find a marriage partner. 
“There will be many eligible suitors present. After all, it’s the first ball of the season,” she spoke, more for herself than for you. 
You were treating this like a game of sorts, anything to make the process feel more distant from you. You needed to go in, find someone who had status, money and could offer protection to your family, and play your part to see it through for the rest of your life. Sure, it could be seen as a game. A very long, tedious game.  
“Right,” you swallowed, still feeling as though you could hurl at any given moment, though your mother would’ve never sensed your inner turmoil. You’d become somewhat of an expert at masking it. Perhaps it was all the times you heard your parents telling you to ‘use your words’; you’d become all-too-familiar with manipulating them as you pleased. 
The carriage came to an abrupt halt, your mother already preparing to alight as you followed behind her. Taking in a deep breath of (rather fresh smelling) air, you wondered momentarily if that was all you needed, feeling much better than you did in the carriage as you followed your mother up to the entrance of the ball. 
You’d barely paid attention to your name and your mother’s being announced to the room upon your entrance, hyper aware of the attendees and trying your best to suppress your discomfort, hoping you could somehow mentally dissuade them from approaching you for a dance, though you knew you would never let yourself allow that. You had more pressing issues at hand. 
Your relief from the fresh air was short lived. A stocky middle aged man who, according to your mother, owned an extravagant amount of land and had just gotten out of his second marriage, actively looking for a third. 
Masking your discomfort, once again, you’d complied when the man had asked for a dance (though it wasn’t like you had a choice, your dance card bare as ever). Though you didn’t remember what you talked about as you danced, you were too focused on counting your steps to distract from his lack of teeth and the damp warmth that sank into your clothes where his hand was placed. 
“Do you do much sewing?”
“A fair amount,” you grunted, feeling out of breath from supporting his weight with how much he was leaning into you while dancing. Sewing surely didn’t give you enough strength for this. 
“That is good. It would help to dedicate yourself to such productive activities. You could contribute much more to the household with that, compared to all the folly of reading or academic learning. Unnecessary, in my opinion, when I am more than sufficiently equipped in that area.”
You couldn’t help your blank stare, hoping your tired sigh wasn’t obvious as you nodded with a hum. 
“Is that so?” 
The man let out a grunt, seeming to think you were speaking sarcastically, “A woman like you should use your beauty to your advantage. It is your crowning glory.” 
You forced out a smile, telling yourself to take his words as flattery even though you were desperate for this dance to end. 
The truth of the matter was this: you were made to do all sorts of things at the start of your day, things that were considered ‘productive’ and would aid in attracting a husband. Needlework, dancing, singing, drawing… but when the afternoon came around you were free to do your other ‘less productive’ activities. 
You chose reading, naps and the occasional letter writing. These pastimes were the only form of rest you were accustomed to, though you would always end up somewhat unsatisfied, feeling as though these forms of resting didn’t satisfy the desire for rest. Perhaps it was like a writer trying to find the right word for a situation and ending up settling for one with the most similarity—it still wasn’t the right word, but there was always a thought that perhaps you were looking for one with an entirely different meaning. 
Sewing? You found it all too troublesome and required all the patience that you didn’t have, leaving it for those few hours in the morning that were dedicated to building up your ‘accomplishments’. But were you proficient at it? To answer simply, you were proficient to the extent that you felt it was necessary to attract a marriage partner. 
Your promise to your mother not to write random names on your dance card was growing less and less serious with each forced smile you let out to acknowledge the man’s strong beliefs. 
It was by your (you weren’t sure, actually, it seemed as though you’d danced more this night than in your entire lifetime) dance that you were starting to feel lightheaded, stepping aside to find your mother for a drink. It was as your dance partner led you back to your mother that your eyes couldn’t seem to help themselves, constantly glancing at the dance card hanging from your wrist, the empty spaces and the little pencil dangling from it simply calling out to you to put them to good use. 
You only had about four spaces left on your card— thank goodness for that, you didn’t think you’d be able to last any longer. Your fingers fiddled with the little pencil as you walked, careful to keep your fidgeting out of sight, overhearing giggles and murmurs about a certain viscount that was rumoured to be attending tonight’s ball. 
Viscount Jung? You almost scoffed at the way they seemed as if they were talking about the Queen. Whoever he was, it was absolutely tempting you, the offer of his name that was as easily tossed around as it could be written down on your silly card. 
“He’s gorgeous , you’ll have to take my word for it. Beautiful features and physique. I saw him once when he came to my estate for a meeting with my husband. He’s an architect, and a very skilled one at that.” 
You purse your lips, already concocting various images in your head of what he looked like. Tall? Amicable? Perhaps he had a nice smile, you always found that to be rather charming. Perhaps his movements were slow yet precise, his moves carrying the same kind of regal elegance of the buildings he designed.  
“Well, I would think he has potential marriage partners lining up for him if that’s the case, hmm?” you heard, almost nodding in agreement. 
As you scanned the room, you pursed your lips at the mental image you got of how any of these girls would behave if the tall, handsome architect you pictured in your brain were to show any attempt of courting them. Maybe not even to the extent of courting… perhaps just a passing glance, a brush of his hand against yours, to feel his imposing presence just like a Midas touch as he walked past. 
You let yourself wonder, just for a moment, if he would ask to be introduced to you, if you would find his personality charming while you danced, if he would take a liking to you and engage in more than just superficial conversation on your accomplishments, how you would feel to be at the receiving end of attention that was not unwanted for once. 
Though it was short lived, your mind had taken the liberty of playing the rest of the sequence of events—your mother’s meddling, heightened tension between you and her because of said meddling—you cut the daydream-turned-nightmare off before you made yourself bitter for no good reason. 
You were already getting too invested in this conversation, the image and elaborate backstory you’d created for him in your head. But it wasn’t exactly your fault, there was hardly any real entertainment to be found here. You held your dance card open as much as you could without going noticed, beginning to write the usual names you fell-back on when you grew tired of dancing.   
“It’s near impossible to catch his attention, though,” you tuned-in to the conversation between the two mothers from before, “he wouldn’t even spare a glance at anything other than his sketches when he was visiting my home. I’d assume one would have to be nothing short of perfect to even get noticed by someone of his calibre. I can’t imagine he would settle for anything less.” 
“Do you think he's coming tonight?”
“I heard he responded with his attendance, but Lord, have mercy on our daughters… I doubt he’d even cast a passing sigh their way,” you heard one of the chaperones sigh, shaking her head. 
“What’s his name again?” 
You tapped your pencil against the inside of your fingers absently, frustrated at the way your mind was blanking as you tried to recall another name you could use to fill the last empty space in your dance card. 
“Viscount Jung Jaehyun.” 
You hummed. Jung Jaehyun . You figured it was a safe bet, it wasn’t as if he’d actually ask you to dance. 
You worked quickly in scribbling his name, along with many others you usually fell back on, onto the paper. The feeling of pencil against paper had never been as satisfying as it did now as your feet ached, clothes felt uncomfortable against your skin and throat feeling dry as sand. 
Unfortunately for you, that victory didn’t seem to last very long. 
“My dear, where have you been? I’ve been looking for you,” your mother cooed once you’d reached her, her tone making you feel as though you’d just been cued to say your next line. 
You shot her a look, putting on a friendly smile as you greeted the people she was with, a few women you definitely did not recognise and a man with a very charming smile, clothes and jewellery that looked like he definitely lived… comfortably . 
You were introduced to this man, addressed as Mr Nakamoto, a young-looking man who was supposedly from a reputable family from overseas, back from his travels around Europe. All of which was unimportant to your mother, of course, who simply hinted that he had money and was looking for a wife, the only things she claimed you should be caring about. 
Perhaps that was true. Contrary to how it seemed, you were a lot more targeted in your search for a marriage partner. If you sifted through your mental list of men you’d danced with thus far into the night, your best potential marriage partner was either Mr Nakamoto (from what you were hearing), or the widower Baron who told you your silence was pleasing to him. 
“Would you do me the honour of a dance?” He smiled, already extending a hand to reach for your dance card. In your panic, you withdrew your hand just slightly, only having it snatched away again by your mother, whose eyes zeroed in on the newly-added names. 
You didn’t have time to react before the woman standing next to her had peered over as well, practically exclaiming with delight, “Oh! The viscount has asked you to dance? How fortunate! You must not dawdle, then.” 
Your eyes widened, about to protest with some reason you hadn’t quite thought up yet, using that split second to contemplate the repercussions and how willing you were to deal with them if you were to confess that it was a fake name. That is, until your gaze landed on the man currently being led (or pushed) towards you. 
Barely being able to protest before the both of you had been abandoned on the dance floor, the man looking nothing but irritable as he glared at you. You were assuming this was the man who was the centre of all the hushed giggles and gossip of tonight. 
The image you had in your head of the mysterious Viscount Jung was almost instantly shattered and made new again, as if the previous image had never existed and this was the only one that could ever exist. How, for some reason, it made sense . 
“This would all make sense if you let me explain,” you blurted out, seeing him quirk an eyebrow at you. Even his eyebrows were pretty. 
He let out a huff at your expression, wondering how you could still seem so unremorseful after causing him such inconvenience . The last thing Jaehyun wanted here was for people to assume he was actually interested in somebody. 
“You owe me an explanation, regardless,” the man’s voice had shocked you. 
Deep and smooth, capable of lulling you into a trance if you weren’t already so on edge, even if his tone was curt and dripping with annoyance, “You’ve somehow managed to get the whole room staring at us.” 
He let his gaze flicker briefly over the necklace you were wearing, back to your mother who was standing at the side looking on with evident disdain. Delicate looking Amethysts decorating your neck made Jaehyun wonder where you’d gotten them from. He only recalled Rubies to be quite popular among the girls in the other towns, according to his closest friend Johnny. 
As if reminded of where you were, you tried to ignore the stares as you reached a hand up to his shoulder, swallowing the gasp that almost escaped at the feeling of his hand going to your back, tensing up visibly as your brain processed the music playing. 
He let out a sigh as the both of you began to dance. It would’ve been an amusing sight if you were someone else looking on, both of you clearly not wishing to dance yet being whisked along to the upbeat tempo of the music, executing the dizzying choreography with what could only be described as trained movements. 
A hint of a smile graced his features, though it definitely wasn’t directed at you. 
“Anytime before my death, please,” he spoke, seeming to find his little joke amusing from the little huff of laughter he struggled to contain. 
You scoffed, for some reason not feeling as inclined to offer him the same grace you would your other dance partners. Rolling your shoulders back, you kept your stare steady and refused to look down, lest he think he succeeded in making you feel small. 
“That’s not a lot of time,” you quipped back, “Besides, your sour attitude is what will earn you an early death, if anything,” you muttered, audible enough for him to hear. 
“Yours isn’t any better, in case you haven’t realised,” he huffed, eyebrows furrowing slightly in disdain. 
“You don’t know me,” you huffed. 
“And neither do you,” he was quick to reply, earning a sigh from you. 
“Look, I wouldn’t be dancing with you if I had a choice,” you scoffed, figuring he was at least mildly offended from the way his eyes seemed to widen just momentarily. 
“Oh, but you had a choice in writing my name on your dance card, didn’t you?” He bit back with a sarcastic smile, making you suck in a breath. That was definitely caused by your annoyance, not the dimples on his cheeks that you noticed with his smile.  
“Just so we’re clear, I wouldn’t be dancing with someone as ill-mannered and arrogant as you either. Or dancing at all, for that matter. You’ve somehow seemed to spoil both of those outcomes,” he drawled, a wistful sigh that he masked with a soft smile. 
Almost like a child, you’d wanted to mutter something about how you weren’t ill-mannered, but you figured what you’d shown him thus far wouldn’t exactly help your case in proving that. 
You could hear girls swooning as you passed them. 
“And you had the choice to show up to the ball, did you not? What did you think was going to happen here if not dancing? Did you think we’d have a canvas laid out for you to do some drawing?” 
You struggled to maintain your gently pleased expression, finding your words to be quite amusing. Judging from the genuine huff of laughter you’d let out, to anyone else you two would’ve seemed to be really hitting it off. 
“We could spend the entire night airing out our… grievances ,” he sighed, “but you still haven’t explained how we have ended up like this.” 
You closed your eyes just briefly enough to roll them, opening them to see his jaw clenched as he glared at you. 
The sigh he breathed out in annoyance succeeded in drawing your attention to your proximity. Only then noticing how differently you felt dancing with him than you did with your previous dance partners who felt as though they would collapse on you at any given moment. Somehow, the viscount felt steadier, making you unconsciously lean into him as you danced. Almost like your body recognised its ability to be dependent in this moment, no matter how minuscule the moment was. Like muscle memory. 
Lifting your gaze up to his face, you tried not to let it linger for too long on his lips, their colour reminding you of a rose and hinted at the softness of a rose petal. Feeling the tap of his fingers against your back was what nudged your gaze to his eyes, understanding a little better why the gossip about him usually involved the word ‘beautiful’. 
“I might be able to die and resurrect before you start explaining—” 
“If I must explain,” you cut him off, earning a huff from him, “I usually write fake names on my dance card because eighteen dances are simply eighteen-too-many bouts of dancing with strange old men. Your name just happened to grace my ears when I was doing so.” 
Jaehyun huffed, “And what did you think was going to happen here if not dancing?” He repeated your words back to you with an all-too-smug tone. 
You let out a deep sigh, funnily enough, almost stumbling but feeling his hand on your back keep you standing upright. 
He did have a point (as annoying as his execution was) but you weren’t going to admit it, of course. It was much more than just ‘dancing’. What happened in these balls could very well determine the future of yourself, your family and your unborn children, as you’ve been so generously reminded time and time again. 
It was as if your mother was in your head, telepathically communicating these reminders to you whenever you were on the brink of letting yourself enjoy what you were doing. You had a responsibility to fulfil as the oldest daughter of your family. Him, however? To be able to waltz in here and expect to leave without dancing and know no one would bat an eye? 
You huffed, fixing your gaze on the space between his eyebrows just so you could look as though you were deeply attentive. 
“Must be nice not having to worry about your future,” you rolled your eyes. 
That seemed to have struck a nerve with the Viscount, who frowned slightly at your words, an uncomfortable silence falling between the both of you. 
“Was that the real reason you wrote my name down?” he finally spoke. His gaze seemed to truly hold offence now, feeling even more distant from him even though you were standing so close to him. The realisation that he truly was a stranger sinking in deeply, filling you with discomfort. 
You didn’t seem to catch on to his implication at first, only realising after you’d recalled what you said to warrant such a reaction from him.  
“I’m not after your money,” you told him plainly, seeing his frown grow deeper. 
“You expect me to believe you?” 
You glared at him, frowning slightly, his expression only mirroring yours. 
“It seems I would be better off not expecting anything from you,” you huffed, “but you cannot expect anyone in this room not to be after you for your money. You’re surely smart enough to know that when you step into this room...” 
You shook your head, each word seeming more for yourself than for the Viscount, a reminder that even now you were still meant to be playing your long, tedious game. 
“...  you are no longer viewed as yourself, only your eligibility, how well you’re able to act out your role. And if we were to go by that, I would be dancing with Mr Nakamoto there instead.” 
The viscount followed the direction you had gestured in with your head, spotting the man standing next to your mother and chaperone. 
“That’s Mr Nakamoto?” The viscount murmured, something almost akin to recognition in the man’s eyes as they met his own. The name seemed to ring a bell with him, though there was still a sense of unfamiliarity in his thoughtful expression. He didn’t think it was the kind of familiarity he would feel from a recent memory. Perhaps he would ask Johnny. 
“Yes. Do you know him?” 
There was no reply. A part of you was curious, wondering why his silence irked you so much. 
At the viscount’s silence, you had only then realised the song was coming to an end. He let go of you as quickly as the song allowed, bowing out of courtesy and leading you to where your mother and Mr Nakamoto were, a certain discomfort in his expression that you could not seem to place, “By all means.” 
And just as you said, he’d left the ball right after, no one batting an eye (but almost everyone running their mouths). 
Still recovering from your exchange, you fixed your gloves, huffing at no one in particular, seeing Mr Nakamoto direct a rather amused smile towards you. 
“Are you feeling alright? I hope dancing with the viscount wasn’t as dizzying as it looked.” 
Your eyebrows raised, mustering a polite smile as you shook your head, determined to leave thoughts of the Viscount behind. 
“Oh, no. Not at all. Yes, I’m perfectly fine.” Or you hoped to be in a while, at least.  
Mr Nakamoto, you discovered over the rest of the evening, was nothing short of a perfect gentleman (going by your sister’s manuals). You struggled to find a flaw (and trust me, you were searching hard for it). 
Beneath his extravagant clothes, confident demeanour, good dancing and how well-read he was about topics you could definitely see your father being eager to discuss over meals, you found that he was everything your mother was looking for. But other than the boxes he ticked off of her ‘Ideal son-in-law checklist’, there was nothing that compelled you to grow more acquainted with him. There wasn’t that… spark of attraction you would imagine was a non-negotiable aspect of the romance novels you read and plays you watched. The closest you’d gotten to feeling that tonight was in your sheer annoyance towards the viscount. 
Unfortunately for you, there was much longer left for you to endure before you would be able to return home, but Mr Nakamoto’s company proved to be… sufficient. 
Mr Nakamoto (whose first name you later heard from your mother was Yuta), kept you busy for the rest of the ball, occupied and mildly entertained with many stories about his travels (most of which you couldn’t differentiate between truth or lie). You would’ve even considered it a plus with how much he was talking, you were free to eat your supper in peace, undisturbed by other men due to Yuta’s riveting tales. 
“I haven’t travelled much myself, but whatever you described does sound very lovely,” you would comment once in a while, feeling as though you were talking to the little children you would see at the market. You would smile, nod and coo at their stories without much care if they were reality or fiction. It was almost like an escape from reality, one you welcomed with open arms tonight. 
“Do you have any siblings?” he asked suddenly, making you straighten up after a while of quietly enjoying your supper. 
“Yes, a younger sister,” you murmured, “she’s not out yet, though.” 
Yuta hummed over a mouthful of food, swallowing it with a wince before continuing, “Are you two close?” 
You smiled, a small huff leaving you as you shrugged, “Well, yes, I suppose that is one way you could describe it.” 
Yuta huffed, smiling as if recalling something (a story you assumed). 
“Did I say something amusing?” 
Yuta smiled, shaking his head, “No, it just reminded me of these siblings I met while I was in America…” setting off into yet another story about his travels. 
Though you really didn’t mind, he was just giving you more stories to tell your sister once you got home. 
You were at your wits end when it was time for the ball to be over, feeling as though you’d used up all your energy for the season from just dancing and listening to Yuta’s stories. You’d wanted nothing more than to simply curl into bed and sleep the rest of the week away. 
Exchanging greetings as you parted ways, you tried hard to ignore the way your mother was looking at you as you returned to your carriage, head feeling heavy yet still feeling tension in your limbs, unable to fully relax with your mother in the carriage with you. 
“He’s a very pleasant man,” she murmured, gaze trained outside the window as if she could see anything other than trees and empty road. 
“Who?” you frowned. 
“Who else? Mr Nakamoto.” 
You let out a deep sigh, the breath you took in not satisfying the breathlessness you felt, nodding. 
“He is,” your reply was curt, leaving no room for elaboration, though that didn’t seem to stop your mother. 
“I heard from one of the ladies that he’s planning on staying here for a while. Planning to buy the estate near the park. You know, the one with the balcony that overlooks the lake. It’s an expensive property.” 
You hummed. 
You wanted to be interested, you really did. But the movement of the carriage was starting to make your head pound and you didn’t think you had any energy left in you to pretend to be bothered about whether Yuta’s potential estate overlooked anything . 
Deeming your fatigue as a sort of defiance, your mother’s tongue clicked sharply as she shook her head at you.
“How can you be so… “ she scoffed, shaking her head, “need I remind you that you are doing this for the family? You need to start taking ownership of your responsibility in this whole affair.” 
You sighed, shifting in your seat and directing your gaze towards her, “I know.” 
Though you tried your best to remain respectful with your tone, your irritation got the better of you, “I am taking ownership. Am I not allowed to be tired after a whole night of dancing and socialising?” 
“This is not just ‘ dancing and socialising ’. You need to realise the gravity of what just one dance could affect, for your family’s sake.” 
Of course you knew that, but it wasn’t as if you could get her to see things from your perspective. She was your mother, and the last time she’d seen from any perspective other than that was before you were born. 
You huffed, suppressing the many words you’d wished to have her hear, trying to remind yourself that words were unlikely to get you anywhere near an understanding with her. That would suffice for the night until you slept off your anger.
Nodding in hopes that it would appease her, you focused on your breathing, hoping it would somehow ease your headache that was coming on stronger than you’d wished. Unfortunately for you, you’ve come to learn that your mothers worries were only ever vented through such exchanges with you, though they weren't much of an exchange to begin with.  
“Think of your father,” you couldn’t help the wave of discomfort that washed over you at the mention of him, as if you could feel his presence in the carriage at the mere mention of him, domineering and tense. 
“He slaved away for his whole life to ensure his daughters could be viewed as respectable ladies in society. It is a privilege to even attend a ball like you just did. And yet you act as if we’re putting you through torture!” 
Torture was one label for it; your long, tedious game. 
“You are the oldest, you are to set an example for your sister. I do not wish for you to taint her innocence with your… your insolence .” 
You nodded, almost wanting to laugh at the absurdity of the situation. With how much they fed her those manuals on what a respectable man and woman should be, how they kept her in the house as much as possible, allowed not even for her to paint because of how it would dirty her clothing, it was a wonder how they thought anything could possibly ‘ taint’ her at all. 
Though at the same time, you would be lying if you said you didn’t wish to live as quiet and simple a life as she did, out of the loop of all the burdens and worries that seemed to follow your family for generations, growing more complex with each cycle it made. 
“I know,” you stifled your sigh lest she use that as another example of your ‘insolence’, “I’m sorry,” you murmured, a foolproof way of appeasing her you’d come to learn after a lifetime of experience. Whether you meant it was an entirely separate matter.  
Your words seemed to have their intended effect, allowing you to sit in the quiet tension of the carriage ride until you felt it come to a stop, hearing the rustling of the footman moving to open the carriage door, exiting with haste that only came with the feeling of a successful escape. 
Your sister was quick to meet you in your bedroom as you reached your bedroom, timed with a precision you both knew came with too much time spent at home. 
“I didn’t expect you to be awake,” you huffed, earning a shrug from her, a book you recognised to be from your father’s library in her hands, her finger tucked between the pages she stopped at. 
“Couldn’t sleep,” she sighed, a dreamy look in her eyes that you supposed held all sorts of hope to hear stories of love and romance, “I suppose I was too excited for you.” 
You sighed. 
“I hope that was a good sigh,” she inched closer, dog-earing the page she was on and tossing it aside, the book thumping softly on your stool. 
She shifted on your bed, making herself comfortable as you changed out of your clothes leaving just your nightgown, glancing at her through her reflection in your standing mirror. 
“I hope it was too,” you huffed, allowing yourself to be amused at your own joke, even though you didn’t very well feel like making light of your horrible night.
“How was it? Did anybody catch your eye?” 
Your thoughts ran first to the Viscount (and his rosy lips—this wasn’t your fault, really.) It upset you, how he of all people had left a lasting impression on you even though you’d spent hours and hours talking to Mr Nakamoto. It upset you how you just knew that even if you did tell others about his lousy manners or his condescending demeanour, no one would have wanted to believe you, everyone already believed he was what they wanted him to be; a gentleman straight out of one of your sister’s manuals. 
“There were… some , I suppose,” you spoke as vaguely as you could, hoping that would be enough to satisfy her (even though you knew it wouldn’t).
“Handsome?” The lilt in her tone was awfully hopeful.
You sighed, turning to her with a knowing look, “Handsomely rich .” 
Her mouth fell open, features pulling into a frown, “You know for a fact I didn’t mean money. Were they charming? Attractive?” 
“I suppose one of them was… not ugly,” you felt embarrassed saying it, for some reason, as if you could anticipate the viscount’s reaction if he’d heard your words. The way the corner of his lips would curl up in a smirk, tilting his chin up at you with all the arrogance and cockiness in his being. 
For some reason, you were afraid to voice out your thoughts on him. Perhaps it was the fault of the little nagging voice that persisted in your head, telling you that it truly didn’t matter if you thought he was physically attractive, because you didn’t stand a chance to begin with. Voicing it out almost seemed like a jinx, a nail in the coffin that forced you to face this reality instead of living in the hope that he could have harboured good feelings towards you too; simply for the pleasure that came with being perceived by someone like him. 
You figured now wasn’t the time for you to start getting comfortable with hoping. 
Turning to your sister with a shrug, you spoke, “But he had the worst demeanour.” 
“I heard a Viscount asked you to dance. It couldn’t have been him, could it?” 
Perhaps it was those very manuals that led her to this assumption. 
Though it was for her own good, you found yourself not wanting to burst her bubble. She needed to know that it wasn’t about whether they were a Viscount or not, but that the men she would encounter in the marriage market in general weren’t as fairytale-like as they were written out to be. The likelihood of marrying someone you found even mildly attractive was rare. Yet the hope she held was important, precious almost. 
Although the growing desire to find a love match was gaining popularity these days, you didn’t consider yourself to have that luxury. It seemed all too indulgent, saved for people who could afford to worry about things like love. Not a lady like you, the eldest daughter of her family carrying her parents’ burden on her weary shoulders. 
“Do you think all viscounts are handsome and kind?” you laughed, beginning to undo your hair. 
“Don’t know. Never met one before,” she sighed, “which is precisely why I’m asking you. ” 
You hummed, “Well, the other man I spent most of the night with wasn’t exactly better. He spent most of the time talking about himself, but I suppose it was good entertainment.” 
“So he wasn’t the handsome one?” 
“The viscount?” you frowned. 
Your sister’s eyes lit up, her smile growing, “So, you think the viscount’s handsome?” 
Realising your mistake, you narrowed your eyes at her, “I think it’s best you forget about him.” 
Somehow, the words left a bitter taste on your tongue, your sister’s expression of confusion making you feel almost frustrated, “I’m only saying this because I don’t think we’ll be seeing much of him after tonight.” 
You made your way over to your bed, getting into bed and shifting to find a comfortable position, your sister still sitting next to you and looking at you with that same thoughtful expression. 
“Are you that upset about it?” you huffed, trying to read into her emotions, “It’s nothing to worry about, really. Mother seems to have found a man that’s to her liking, you know, finances, property, intelligence and manners all included.” 
She shook her head, mustering a small smile, “No, It’s not that. I was just wondering… how difficult it’s probably going to be for me to find a husband.” 
You frowned. 
“You have loads of accomplishments. You’re going to be fine,” you assured her, choosing gentle words that paved a way for a peaceful conclusion as always, though your words seemed to have weighed heavier on her, a small sigh leaving her as she toyed with your bedsheet under her hand. You would be lying if you said it didn’t spark some sort of competitive urge to prove that you could find better words to dissipate her worry. 
She sighed, briefly glancing at you before looking away, mumbling in a way that was almost reluctant to be heard, “Love is important too, you know.” 
You fell silent at her words, the ache in you growing obvious again. That ache for the kind of rest that went beyond physical things. One that seemed natural for you to forego, for everyone’s sake but yours. 
You nodded, swallowing the dryness in your throat. You sifted through your archive of neutral, concluding words, words that you didn’t necessarily believe for yourself, but words that would suffice for now. 
“I’m sure it will find you,” you murmured. 
There was nothing but silence in the room afterwards. feeling yourself starting to get drowsy as your sister got up, walking over to your bedside stool to retrieve her book. 
“What’s his name?” she murmured. 
At your silence, she continued, “you know, maybe I can keep my ears open for any gossip when I go to the flower market,” she insisted, eager to have a little bit of adventure in her otherwise mundane days, clearly. 
You thought about it just for a moment, wondering if your pride overpowered your curiosity on what kind of gossip she would hear. You figured that in this moment, you couldn’t deny your curiosity. 
“Jung Jaehyun.” 
Only after she left, you realised she hadn’t specified who she was referring to. 
The ache did not disappear when you woke up near the afternoon, as much as you wished it did. Frankly, you didn’t manage to get much sleep at all, the sound of your door bursting open being what jolted you awake. 
No words were exchanged, simply your mother rummaging through your drawers she used for storage for something she couldn’t seem to find, returning empty-handed to wherever she came from. 
Figuring you could have something to eat before returning to bed, you got dressed, heading to the dining room. You saw your sister and your mother there eating breakfast, the staff clearing what you assumed to be your father’s used plates and utensils. It was almost strange how you felt yourself relax at the knowledge of not having to sit through a meal with him. 
“Good morning,” your sister’s grin was on full display as you sat next to her, “there’s a surprise for you in the drawing room.” 
“Surprise?” you frowned, taking a bite of your food even though you weren’t all that hungry, knowing it would set your mother off if you weren’t eating. 
As if it were orchestrated by some divine power, you heard the low vibrations of what could only be a man’s voice in your otherwise female-occupied household. 
Men, as in, plural? 
You stared at the doorway of the dining room, a strange feeling in your gut as you heard the voices grow louder, your sister seeming to catch on as she grabbed your hand, forcing you to abandon your breakfast as she led you to the drawing room. 
“A fresh one,” she smiled, her clues not giving you any idea of what awaited you in the drawing room. 
“Living and breathing?” You weren’t sure why you were breathless, but you became sure when you saw the man standing next to your father, whose gaze had met yours with a certain finality and hadn’t bothered tearing itself away. 
Living and breathing, right in front of your eyes. 
“Roses!” your sister chipped in, “pink ones. And white clovers too.”  
Viscount Jung Jaehyun, standing just a few paces away from you and your sister in your drawing room as your father talked his ear off about the renovations he wanted to make to the estate. 
It irked you how your thoughts had almost instantly shifted to the rosy lips of the viscount, allowing yourself to wonder just for a moment if the flowers were from him. It gave you whiplash to think of him gifting you such romantic flowers after the exchange you both shared just hours before. 
Perhaps they were meant as some sort of an apology? Perhaps the viscount had dug deep within himself to find that his behaviour was far from pleasant. Yes , if that was the case, maybe you were right to think he wasn’t as horrible as he seemed, maybe the viscount had some decency in him after all. 
“The name on the card didn’t sound familiar, but I figured you would know once you see it!” 
That seemed to have caught Jaehyun’s attention (as much as he tried to hide it), though he masked his curiosity well as he pretended to be fascinated with the interior of your drawing room. 
Rolling your shoulders back, you fixed your posture, reaching a hand out to the little card that was perched delicately in the midst of the flowers, a simple handwritten card that read: 
- To thank you for the pleasure of your company -  Nakamoto Yuta 
“Are they from the viscount?” your sister asked loudly, earning a sharp nudge from you that sent her stumbling, your gaze darting to the viscount and missing the smirk that had graced his lips. 
You shook your head, murmuring, “The other man.” 
Your sister wasn’t doing a very good job in saving your face in front of the viscount, making no move to hide her dismay as her lips parted with a sigh of disappointment, “The boring one?” 
Grabbing her hand quickly, you led her back to the dining room, making sure your voice was more than audible as you walked past the viscount. 
“The only man from the evening who was worth remembering,” you commented, suppressing your satisfaction when you heard the viscount clear his throat, suggesting to move to your father’s office for a more conducive discussion. 
Just as you’d settled back into your seat at the dining table, feeling more of an appetite to eat now after your little success in irking the viscount, your mother spoke from where she stood by the doorway, glancing out of the window briefly as she fixed her gloves. 
“Get dressed, we should be ready to entertain callers soon.” 
“Callers?” you couldn’t help but frown, hearing your sister grunt from where she was beside you. 
“I’ve invited Mr Nakamoto for some tea, perhaps the two of you could go for a stroll in the late afternoon.”  You inhaled deeply, something about the proposal not seeming to entice you as much as your curiosity as to what was going on in your father’s office with the viscount. It was a shame even boring estate talk could seem more appealing to you than conversation and a stroll with an attractive, eligible suitor. 
“Well that’s my cue to leave, then. Wouldn’t want to be caught in the crossfire of mindless talk,” amusement left your sister in hushed giggles, her chair screeching against the wooden floor loudly as she got up, making you cringe at the sound she was otherwise unaffected by. 
Your mother hadn’t bothered acknowledging her departure, though you heard your sister’s footsteps bounding up the stairs, the sound of her bidding your father goodbye before the same thumping down the stairs echoed till the front door was shut. 
You sighed, looking out of the window at the cloud cover that kept the sun from gracing anything beneath it, choosing once again to push your feelings behind you for the sake of your mother who wanted to ensure security for your future. For the sake of your father who longed to retire. For the sake of your sister who was still trusting that there was love and hope in her world. 
You would receive Mr Nakamoto and you would do so gracefully. Another step towards the end goal in your long, tedious game. 
The afternoon went perfectly. A little too perfectly, if you were being honest. 
It was almost frustrating, how there was barely anything to complain about when it came to Yuta. He was on his best behaviour today, even managing to start and sustain a very well-developed conversation with your father when he had come down with the viscount briefly while they made their way to the other part of your estate. 
And there you sat, like a jilted lover during the whole exchange, frustrated at the fact that Yuta had somehow managed to have everybody smitten for him, except yourself. A little nagging in your gut had tried to convince you that perhaps that was how Yuta wanted to go about this; winning over your family so he wouldn’t have to try so hard to win you over, as if this was his strategy in his own long, tedious game. 
Even as you went out to promenade by the lake, you struggled to be present to the man next to you. 
“Did you like the flowers?” he asked, earning a blank stare from you till you managed to register his question. 
“Oh, yes I did. They’re lovely flowers.” 
“Do you happen to have a liking for them? I saw many arrangements in your house when your mother was showing me around.” 
You shook your head, the sudden recollection of your sister’s words about mindless small talk coming to mind as you dismissed them with a huff, “Not particularly. I mean, I do like them, but I wouldn’t go as far as making arrangements and whatnot. That is more of my sister’s hobby.” 
Yuta hummed, “Do you have a favourite?” 
Glancing up at Yuta, the way his smile was relaxed, his attention seemed to be solely focused on you. Something about it threw you off guard, wondering why he’d taken a liking to you when you were sure his smile and his charm would have any girl in your neighbourhood begging for his attention (perhaps just not yourself included).
Yuta’s smile grew, looking somewhat pleased with your answer.
“Is first love something you hold dear to yourself?” 
You let out a huff at that, impressed that he was familiar with the language of flowers, the thought of his pink roses from the morning making you feel somewhat uncomfortable at his pursuit. 
You shook your head, “I’ve never actually… experienced it before.” 
Yuta’s next words had stilled your fingers over your umbrella, wondering if he’d taken the words straight out of one of the romance novels in your bookshelf. 
“I’d like to think it feels like this,” he sighed, a serene expression on his face as you walked together, “being able to share this with you.” 
You were holding your breath, you were sure of it. But why wasn’t this feeling as heart-fluttering as you were expecting? Sure, his words were nice to hear, but was it because you were too distracted at the moment? 
Now, you were frustrated. It wasn’t as if you could go back in time to ask him to repeat himself in the hope that you would feel something. Perhaps you were just tired, you told yourself (even if you knew that really wasn’t the reason behind your apathy). 
“Shall we head back?” 
Even as you were walking back, Yuta didn’t seem to let up as easily. His demeanour was vastly different from how it was at the ball. This time, he was asking you more questions about yourself, as if he were specifically orchestrating dialogue sequences that would allow him to insert romantic one-liners like the one before. Though they were flowery, and by the nature of the word you figured flowery would mean they were pleasant, but you were at a loss with the way they left you feeling well… not exactly pleased . You were hearing him, definitely, but you were stuck feeling like he wasn’t really hearing you. 
As you were walking back, you reached your house just as the viscount’s carriage was leaving, tensing up as you saw your father standing next to the little flower garden behind the gates of your house as he saw the viscount off. 
You avoided his gaze, hoping you would be able to walk past him without being stopped, but it seemed that wasn’t the case with how Yuta greeted your father with much more enthusiasm than you’d seen him bear all day. 
You’d taken that as your queue to enter the house first, the sound of the piano echoing from the walls indicating your sister was home and that made you all the more eager to be in the company of someone you actually wanted to see today. Your father and Yuta followed behind you, not seeming to be affected by your absence as you drew closer to your sister, finally feeling as though you could relax slightly more in her presence. 
“How was it?” she whispered, glancing not-so-subtly at Yuta, earning a small mustered smile from yourself. 
“He was lovely,” you told her, (which in fact, wasn’t a lie). 
She grinned. 
“He’s handsome too, I must say. But even so, he can’t be compared to the man father was talking to this morning. They each have a different… air,” her shoulders lifted as she spoke, arms moving in the way your old piano tutor called ‘with emotion’ as she played, “you know, in the way they carry themselves.” 
You let out a deep sigh, nodding slowly, “You do know that man is the viscount I mentioned the night before, don’t you?” 
Her playing faltered abruptly (though your father and Yuta were too distracted to notice), slowly picking up where she’d left off, “ The viscount? The one named Jung Jaehyun? He was the man father was talking to?” 
Her amazement was obvious, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t understand why she was so shocked. 
You nodded, “The ill-mannered one.” 
She frowned, “That’s unfortunate, then. He really did live up to what the townspeople were saying about him. Beauty and grace and elegance… a man that looks like everything he touches turns to gold.” 
You rolled your eyes, amusement hinted in your smile, “Not everything gold is worth wanting.” 
“Would you say Mr Nakamoto is the exception, then? More worth wanting than the Midas-touch-viscount himself?” She scoffed.
You didn’t have an answer for that, maybe because you weren’t convinced of the one you were going to offer her.  
“We’ll see. He just might have to be.” 
She giggled, seemingly satisfied with your answer as she resumed playing the piano, the lilting melody carrying you elsewhere for the moment until Yuta was done with the conversation he was having with your father, bidding you goodbye as he left. 
As your father made his way over to you, you forced yourself to meet his gaze, resisting the urge to look away and fidget in your discomfort. “I’m going to be away in the afternoons for business over the next few days, so you’ll be handling the meetings with the viscount on the estate. I trust that you’re already well versed on what needs to be taken care of.” 
“Will mother be joining—” 
“What good will that do?” he huffed, “Do not waste your time with these silly questions. There is no need to get her or your sister involved and cause them unnecessary stress. You are capable enough of handling it on your own.” 
You sighed, watching him leave in the direction of his office, leaving you to slump onto the sofa next to where your sister was, curling into a comfortable position for a nap as the gentle melody worked on lulling you to a place where your worries were far away and rest seemed within reach. 
If Jaehyun was surprised to see you the next day, he didn’t show it, simply glancing at you as he entered the house, nodding his head as if he’d expected you to be there (even if he really didn’t). 
“I trust my father has briefed you that I'll be handling the estate matters while he’s away?” you were first to break the silence, watching as one of his hands moved to touch the pads of his fingertips, looking somewhat preoccupied. Or perhaps, he was recalling his exchange with your father, looking at you curiously. Though that curiosity had left as soon as it came, replaced with a playful glint in his eyes. 
“My apologies,” his tone was anything but remorseful, punctuated by the little smirk that was playing at his lips, “I figure you’d much rather be… well, handling Mr Nakamoto.” 
You narrowed your eyes at him, “D’you fancy yourself a comedian, my lord?” 
Jaehyun had simply shrugged, showing some modesty in the small shake of his head. 
“Good. Because you’d be a very poor one.” 
You began to lead him to your father’s office, Jaehyun noticing the way your steps had slowed as you grew nearer to the door, the deep breath you’d taken in before your hands had met the doorknob, turning it and pushing only to be met with a smell that was unmistakably like your father. 
Hints of a pipe smoked hours ago, the smell of his library books, ink on his desk, the musk and citrus and alcohol that blended together to form the imposing presence of your father even when he wasn’t here. Your posture had straightened and your steps became quiet and wary almost instinctively. 
You stayed far from his desk, as you had always done, surprising Jaehyun with the way you’d simply taken the documents you needed and sat yourself on one of the chairs in the office, legs crossing uncomfortably as you gripped the papers in your hands.
Eyeing you carefully, Jaehyun made his way to the chair nearest to you, pulling out his own blueprints that he and your father had discussed the day before. 
“Did my…” you began, throat feeling dry all of a sudden at the sight of the documents before you, “did my father tell you what I had to go over on his behalf?” 
Jaehyun simply tilted his head at you. 
“We’ve gone over it actually, he… just told me to ask you for the stamp and to clear the financial documents. He mentioned that you took care of the family’s accounts.” 
You figured you shouldn’t have been surprised that your father didn’t actually want your opinion on his decisions. You’d just let yourself get carried away thinking he wanted to know what you thought about the things he made you responsible for. 
“Oh, so my business here is simply for the seal, am I correct to say that—?”
“No, actually, I would appreciate it if I could go over these plans with you once before you approve them. It’s only sensible if—” 
You shook your head firmly, Jaehyun stopping himself at your gesture, eyebrows furrowing as if the situation was upsetting to him. 
“That won’t be necessary. I would rather not impose on his… plans,” you sighed, averting your gaze from his as you stood up, making your way over to your father’s desk for his seal. 
“Impose?” he quirked an eyebrow, wondering why it was that you seemed to withdraw so easily when it came to your father, “You had no problem imposing on my plans at the ball.” 
Rolling your eyes, you struggled to keep your hands steady as they sifted past the papers on your father’s desk. 
“I would be sorry if your initial plans were any good to begin with,” you murmured distractedly.
It was strange, how you felt as if you were doing something you weren’t supposed to. As if you were secretly rummaging around in his desk while your heart was thrumming wildly at the thought of him walking in and catching you red-handed, feeling the disappointment that would meet you in his gaze, rendering you a little child again who had more familiarity with these belongings than she did her father. 
“If you’re not sorry about that, you could be sorry about the fact that people seem to think I’m courting you now.” 
You debated ignoring his statement, glancing at him only briefly as you arranged the papers in your hand. 
Humming, it seemed your urge to cover up your nerves had shown up in snappy retorts aimed towards Jaehyun, strangely unfiltered with him even though you figured you should’ve been. 
“Of course, because a man like you should be able to show up to a ball simply for the music and drink.” 
Clenching and unclenching your fists, you went about the process as calmly as you could, Jaehyun’s watchful, curious eyes unnerving you even as you made the seal. 
“Are you alright?” he spoke suddenly, earning a sharp inhale and a glare from you in return, your grip tightening around the seal. Whether it was because the question felt out of place, or whether it was the fact that he had caught on to your discomfort, you would rather not admit. 
You shut your father’s desk drawer with a quiet click, habitual movements from many instances of sneaking in here as a child for writing materials. 
“What does it matter to you?” 
“No, just… does my presence here make you uncomfortable?” his eyebrows furrowed, what seemed like genuine curiosity taking over his features once again. 
Trust you to be defensive, though. 
A scoff left you, the thud of the beaten book that you used to keep track of your family’s accounts dropping against your father’s desk echoing through the room as if that were your form of exerting your dominance over the room and everything it represented. 
“Has the thought only crossed your mind now? Besides, don’t flatter yourself,” you scoffed, “your presence doesn't have that much of an effect on me.” 
That would’ve done it , you figured. You could imagine the way his lips would curl into a sarcastic smile, or how he would simply scoff and announce that it was about time for him to leave. Anything but what followed next. 
“Maybe not mine, but your father’s seems to.” 
Somehow, you almost wished your sister was here to defuse the tension in the room, or to crack a joke to save you from having to face such an observation. But she wasn’t, and the truth of the matter was that you were sitting here facing a stranger who seemed confident that they could read you like an open book.
And maybe, his confidence wasn’t completely unfounded. 
A silence fell between the both of you, tense and ridden with an understanding both of you were aware of but neither were willing to put down their pride first to admit. 
You scoffed, waving him off in dismissal as naturally as you could, “You’ve never seen us interact.” 
“I don’t have to,” he huffed, speaking matter-of-factly, “you’ve been… tense ever since I suggested having our meeting in his office.” 
“I just don’t like being in stuffy offices,” you shrugged again, pretending to be busy with your notebook. 
Jaehyun rolled his eyes, confidence in his stare as he leaned back in his seat, crossing his legs, “ Or the person the stuffy office belongs to.” 
Your sharp gaze met his almost instantly, letting out a small huff of air through your nose. You were at a loss of a witty retort, though somehow that didn’t feel as damning as you thought it would; the viscount didn’t seem to be attacking today in the same way he was before at the ball. 
“It’s not a crime, you know,” he murmured, cutting you some slack from the way he averted his gaze to fiddle with his sleeve, “you’re not expected to be amiable with him all the time. At least not in my book.” 
You attempted to swallow in the hopes that it would make the lump in your throat feel less suffocating, to no avail. 
“Amiable,” you echoed, huffing at his choice of words. Even on good days, you don’t think you could use a word like that to describe your interactions with your father. 
Jaehyun searched your expression, reading into your silence, shaking his head dismissively, “Sorry if I overstepped, I don’t usually have the habit of voicing out my observations so… carelessly.” 
You didn’t believe him, strangely. Everything about what had just transpired between the both of you seemed anything but careless. Instead, it came with all the intentionality of trying to understand someone. Somehow, that knowledge made you less inclined to hold back in front of him. 
When you finally felt like your voice wouldn’t give, you spoke, “Are you speaking from experience?” 
His eyebrows raised in question, “My father?” 
You nodded, earning a huff from him. Now it was your turn to watch him shift in his discomfort, averting his gaze and swallowing thickly.  “Never really had much of a relationship with him or my mother… I uh… I lived with my aunt and uncle since I was a child.” 
“Did you have much of a relationship with them, then?” 
Jaehyun shrugged. 
“Not as much as I did with my tutors,” he huffed, perhaps in some attempt to lighten the mood, “they were the ones I spent most of my time with.” 
You hummed, hands stilling around the papers you had yet to hand over to him. 
At your lack of an immediate response, he looked up, continuing, “It’s nothing to pity me for. They raised me as best as they could.” 
“I don’t pity you,” you spoke. 
Sure, it wasn’t exactly pity that you felt, but you weren’t sure what exactly the feeling that stirred in your chest even was. Perhaps it was a desire to be as grateful for your parents as he was? Perhaps it was an understanding of the little insistence that he didn’t want to be pitied. Perhaps it was the breathlessness that came with the way he was looking at you now, expectant for your reply. 
Whatever it was, you found yourself recalling your conversation with your sister, feeling almost embarrassed at how even now, you still thought he was capable of turning things to gold. 
“You don’t?” he questioned, his tone uncharacteristically gentle, unlike anything you’ve heard before. 
“Do you want me to?” you weren’t sure why you were asking, simply curious how he would reply. 
Jaehyun let out a huff through his nose, shaking his head. He wasn’t quite sure what he wanted to elicit from you. Although it was definitely something , he could say certainly that pity definitely wasn’t what it was. 
“No, I don’t.” 
You held his gaze, nodding. “Good, I don’t want you to pity me either.” 
Before he could reply, you straightened up, handing the documents back to him with your father’s seal already in its rightful place. Taking in a deep breath, he stood up, taking you back almost immediately to what it felt like to dance with him at the ball, your proximity to him now allowing you to feel him towering over you, though strangely without the condescension that was present before. 
“A lady like you shouldn’t care for my pity,” he murmured, the faintest of smiles playing at his lips. 
And just like that, it was as if the exchange never happened, as if you both didn’t just bare a part of your souls to each other. Jaehyun straightened out his clothes, averting his gaze to the floor as you both allowed the façade of banter to mask the windedness that came from suddenly feeling all-too exposed. 
“You won’t need to tell me twice.” 
“You wouldn’t believe what I heard at the flower market,” your sister barged into your room as you were getting ready to attend a soiree that evening.
Your eyebrows raised, smoothing down your dress before sitting on your bed, giving her an expectant look. 
“It appears Lord Jung is an anti-social man,” she began, “a few of the ladies at the flower market were talking about him, they said he’s rarely seen with people other than those he does business with. I interpreted that as the man having no friends, but that’s quite sad, isn’t it?” 
You shrugged, “I figure something like that is subjective.” 
Your sister didn’t seem convinced, “I think it’s lonely. Not having anyone to talk to about your life, about your struggles, about your joys… only being able to talk about your business wherever you go. I find that an awfully lonely way to live.” 
Huffing, you got up from your bed, “He doesn’t seem keen on finding a marriage partner either so perhaps he’s more comfortable in this loneliness than you think.” 
“I don’t believe it,” she grunted, “but it does make some sense. Maybe that’s why his manners aren’t the best, because he’s used to talking to cunning old businessmen.” 
You let out a huff of laughter, “You sound like you’re defending him.” 
Giving you a shrug, she hummed, “Maybe if you see him at the soirée later you can find out for yourself if he’s worth defending,” she smiled. 
You could only sigh at that, glancing out the door when you heard your mother calling for you. 
“That is, if Mr Nakamoto doesn’t talk my ears off before that.” 
One thing about soirées, or these public events during the season in general, was that they didn’t allow for much privacy at all. It wasn’t like you were in the confines of your father’s study with the viscount’s full attention on you, no. You were in someone else’s house, with many many different eyes on you, at the receiving end of everybody’s attention except the very person who wouldn’t seem to leave your mind. 
It was as if you were being shadowed by Yuta, your mother looking on with delight as your chaperone while the both of you conversed and you nursed your glass of whatever drink he’d handed to you. In such a setting, you couldn’t help but be hyper-aware of your posture, your manners, your tone of voice, the way you held your fan, even the way you would time your glances towards Yuta. All part of your tedious game, you supposed— to win the affections of a man you felt no real desire towards. 
What did you desire, then? You wondered. His attention? His approval? You continued with the knowledge that even if you didn’t desire him, you wanted to feel worthy of his desire. It was messy, and it felt manipulative. But you figured those were things you’d signed up for the moment you started playing this game (however unwillingly). 
You could see Jaehyun standing at the corner of the room next to the grand piano, looking intently at the multitude of sheet music next to the piano. The sight was almost amusing when you recalled your sister’s words, because indeed as you looked at him now, the sheer intent of his glare on the sheet music would be enough to intimidate anyone from initiating a conversation with him. 
“Do you know how to play?” Yuta’s words had caught your attention, and you’d almost grimaced at the realisation that you’d been walking towards the piano. Stopping just a few paces away from the piano, you cast a brief glance at Jaehyun who was still glaring at the sheet music in his hands. 
“No, no. I don’t, actually.” 
Yuta smiled, “I would offer to play something for you, but it seems viscount Jung has beat me to it,” he murmured as you heard the melody start to sound from the piano. You knew this piece, it was the one your sister was playing when Jaehyun had visited your house the other day. 
For some reason, the piece held much more melancholy than you realised, or maybe it was the way he was playing it, holding you (and all the other women in the room, you guessed) captive, unable to look elsewhere. 
You weren’t even paying attention to what you were talking to Yuta about, feeling the words come out of your mouth but paying no attention to what you were actually saying. Little did you know that as focused as Jaehyun seemed on his playing, every word of yours was flitting into his mind and refusing to leave. 
“I was always envious of people who could play the piano,” you sighed almost wistfully, earning a hum from Yuta. 
“Were you not tutored for it?” 
You shook your head, “It wasn’t something I was interested in when I was younger, but I suppose as I grew older, the music started to feel comforting to an extent. Only I was simply a listener, not the one who conveyed such comfort,” you huffed, attempting to make light of your feelings. 
Yuta, as always, replied with his flowery lines, not being able to pick up on how you were really feeling and taking your words at surface level with a smile.
“Well, you certainly are an excellent conversationalist, so I would still consider myself accomplished if I were you.” 
You hummed, brushing off your discomfort and mustering a smile, “Thank you.” 
Jaehyun had to withhold his amusement, wondering again why it was that you were so willing to withdraw to men like Yuta, men who were all-too-familiar with manipulating their words to their advantage. If you’d simply bit back with half the amount of snark that you generously gave him, he was sure Yuta would be at a loss for words. 
How frustrating. Surely, you could tell that Yuta was not a good match for you, couldn’t you? 
Coming to the end of his piano piece, Jaehyun stood up, simply picking up his glass of wine that he had set on top of the piano, acting as if he wasn’t the one at the receiving end of the room’s applause. 
Perhaps it was a stroke of divine timing, but one of the servants had approached Yuta, murmuring into his ear something you couldn’t quite catch. Yuta straightened up in response, casting an apologetic glance your way. 
“Forgive me, I need to excuse myself for a moment,” he muttered, rushing off to somewhere you couldn’t truly be bothered to wonder about. 
Jaehyun did not waste the opportunity presented to him, taking just the tiniest of steps closer to you and murmuring behind his glass, “Evening… are you alright?” 
He noticed the way your shoulders were tense, your fidgety gaze around the room, the way you’d kept bringing your glass to your lips but the level of liquid in your glass was barely going down. 
“Please, spare me. I am in no mood for needless bickering tonight,” you huffed, bringing your glass to your lips again to take a small sip. 
Truthfully enough, the ache was back again as you stood in the room filled with chatter and music. The ache of longing for the ability to rid yourself of the façade of the perfect marriage partner that was growing more tiring to uphold. The ache that grew stronger when you conversed with Yuta, feeling as though if you were to enter a marriage with this man, the ache would only intensify. It was dangerous to entertain him in a place like this, because Jaehyun’s presence always seemed to draw you out of this façade. 
“Bickering?” he scoffed, a faint smirk appearing on his lips. 
“Was that not what you approached me for?” you turned to him with a frown, “I suppose the soirée was getting boring for you if you felt the need to take such a drastic measure as to approach me of all people.” 
There you were , he mused. 
Jaehyun shifted another step closer to you, something about his proximity making the conversation between the both of you more obvious, and you could tell from the way your mother was looking at you that it was indeed obvious that you had his attention.
“Oh, not at all. I was hoping I could be reminded what an excellent conversationalist you were,” he drawled, clearly proud of himself judging from the smile playing on his lips. 
You rolled your eyes. “And you suppose you’re any better?” 
“Of course, I am. Anyway, you didn’t answer my question.” 
“You asked me a question? Must not have been worth remembering,” you sighed. 
As much as you felt he annoyed you, you had to admit that it was somewhat relieving not having to be on your ‘best behaviour’ around him. You were sure any chance of marriage would be tossed out of the window if you were to speak in such a manner to Yuta (or any other suitor). 
Jaehyun’s expression grew more serious, eyebrows lifting slightly in concern, “I asked if you were alright.” 
You narrowed your eyes at him, suddenly feeling as exposed as you did that day in the study. It was strange how easily he managed to read into your feelings. You figured you’d been doing a good job at masking it. 
“What does it matter? It’s not like you to be so concerned,” you huffed. 
“So, you’re not alright?” he prompted, earning a shrug from you, looking into your glass as though it held the answer you were both looking for. 
“It doesn’t matter if I’m feeling alright or not, the soirée is not going to end anytime soon,” you danced around his question, hoping the mention of the soirée would redirect his line of questioning. 
He noticed the Rubies that were draped around your neck, something about it feeling off. He much preferred the look of the Amethysts you were wearing before, the first time he’d met you. 
“New necklace?” he quirked an eyebrow at you, earning a grunt in response. 
“A gift,” you muttered, “from Mr Nakamoto.” 
“I see. You still haven’t answered my question,” his tone remained firm, eyebrows furrowed and gaze intent on you. 
You clenched and unclenched your fist, turning to him with your eyebrows furrowed, throat feeling dry as you tried to wrangle your voice awake when you met his gaze, uncomfortable at the way his attentiveness tempted you to pour out your feelings to him. 
“Is this really the reason you approached me? Look, I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. What does it matter? ” 
Jaehyun was undeterred, meeting you with the same amount of stubbornness and challenge, “It matters because you’re… different. You behaved… differently when you were talking to Mr Nakamoto.” 
“Compared to what? When I’m talking to you?” the words left you quicker than you could process them. 
“Do you not think so?” he retorted just as quickly, tilting his head at you with the confidence that came from knowing the answer without you having to verbalise it. 
You let out a breath you didn’t realise you were holding. 
“Well… there’s no reason for me to act as though I’m trying to impress you.” 
Jaehyun simply huffed in amusement, tilting his glass slightly as he contemplated uttering the thought that came to mind, going for it anyway. 
“Somehow, that impresses me enough.” 
Unsure what to make of his words, you shifted your gaze elsewhere, adjusting your grip on your glass because your palms had started to feel clammy. You remembered wondering what it would’ve been like at the receiving end of his attention, and now that you had it you were finding that even his words seemed capable of sprinkling gold dust on your heart. 
“I didn’t know you could play the piano,” you changed the subject, your body starting to feel warm under your clothes, burning under the intensity of his gaze, wondering if this was how the sheet music must have felt under his gaze. 
“I picked it up when I was younger. Out of all the instruments I've touched, I would say the piano is the one I tend to return to more.” 
“It’s your favourite?” 
He shook his head. 
“What is your favourite, then?” You found yourself asking, genuinely curious this time instead of just a small-talk formality that you usually followed at such events. 
You wouldn’t have known it, but Jaehyun was feeling the same unfamiliarity as you, feeling as though his body was moving before he could process it. He wasn’t used to holding a conversation like this with someone he barely knew, especially when it wasn’t about business or architecture. And for some reason, he couldn’t find it in himself to care about the stares he was receiving as a result of such conversation. 
“The violin,” he admitted almost sheepishly, as if he was embarrassed that he could play an instrument you could only dream of playing. 
Your eyebrows lifted in surprise, gaze wandering to the violin that was perched nearby the piano, after being played by one of the guests when you’d first arrived.
“Why is it your favourite?” 
He hummed, and by now you’d forgotten that Yuta had even promised to return, something in you not being able to find it in yourself to pretend that you were annoyed at Jaehyun’s attention, you truthfully weren’t. For someone as ‘antisocial’ as he was deemed, you found it was comfortable feeling like you didn’t have to present ‘textbook perfect wife’ answers for him. If only your sister could see you now.  
“It was the first instrument I learned as a child… but I moved on to different instruments when I was older because my aunt insisted on me learning other instruments. You know, the more skills, the better. Somehow it’s…” he huffed, amused at his own willingness to share with you, the only person aside from his best friend Johnny that wasn’t keeling over begging to polish the ground he walks on.
It was refreshing, he was realising, to not be treated like he was perfect. 
“It makes me very nostalgic. For that time in my life when there were no worries, you know? When all I had on my mind was the next piece I was eager to ask my tutor to teach me, waiting each day for her to retrieve the sheet music so I could play it until I knew it by heart.” 
Jaehyun continued, “It’s strange, sometimes when I find myself picking up the violin again, it’s like the music just flows out naturally… and I realise I really did know it by heart.” 
You hummed, nodding. 
“Like muscle memory,” you offered, earning a soft smile from him unlike anything you’ve seen before. This one made you feel as though you were catching glimpses of Jaehyun as a child, the little boy whose only worry was for the day the calluses on his fingers would start to disappear.
“Can you play something now?” you weren’t sure what compelled you to ask, but the answer you were met with had surprised you even more. 
“Oh, no no. It’s not… like that,” he huffed, still a hint of sheepishness in the smile that lingered on his features, “I don’t play it that often… rarely. Only when I'm really stressed, if there's too much on my mind.” 
Nodding, you took a fuller sip of your drink, slightly more liberated now that your stomach wasn’t churning like how it was before. 
“Your aunt must’ve really invested a lot of her fortune in your tuition, considering you were tutored for multiple instruments,” you hummed, earning a grunt from him. 
“I suppose she had to, they received too much from my parents each month to not do anything with it,” he sighed, leaning against the bookshelf behind him, turning his head to look at you with tired eyes, “I still remember the way I would look forward to the letters they would send every now and then just to praise me for whatever competition I had won, or whatever certificate I'd achieved.” 
“Do you think it was worth it? All the effort you put in?” you murmured, curious to how he would answer even though you knew you’d be at a loss if the same question was asked to you. Somehow, you felt like his answer would tell you more about him than small talk at balls or promenades would. 
Jaehyun hummed thoughtfully, lips pursing slightly, “That was what love felt like to me back then, the love I felt for music and… their letters, so… do I think it was worth it?” he shrugged, a smile that bordered on bitterness had graced his features, “Do you?” 
Perhaps it was the way you felt like you couldn’t hide under his gaze, or maybe it was the way you felt like he wouldn’t hold your grievances against you. Whatever it was, you found yourself wanting to share with him. And strangely enough, the idea of it had started to scare you less as time went by. 
“My parents were like that too. You know, as the oldest daughter… no news was good news. My duty was to… to not cause worry, to be strong for the family, to take care of my sister, to perform well in all that I did for the family’s sake. For me, it was… like an instruction manual,” you huffed, finding yourself looking to him for affirmation that he understood what you meant, and the knowing smile and nod you received in return made your heart jump in your chest. 
“Do all of this well and you’ll receive your parents’ love. Don’t do it and…” you trailed off, earning a hum from him. 
“Tire yourself out trying and trying again,” he murmured, earning a deep sigh from you. 
Did you think it was worth it? You weren’t sure, but you still found yourself trying nonetheless. 
Jaehyun had succeeded in unlocking a part of you you’d never spoken to anyone about before, and like you said, something about it felt liberating, the solution to your ache starting to feel a little more within reach even if you still weren’t sure what it was. 
“One of my friends, Johnny, has a pretty strong view about this… he says that people are fickle… that we can change based on the slightest of factors…” 
“Your friend sounds a little bitter.” 
The viscount laughed, “Quite the contrary, actually, I think he’s quite the romantic… just overly managing his expectations.” 
“Is that so? What made him have such views, then?” 
The viscount hummed, pressing his lips in a firm line before parting them to speak, “Money, I suppose. How people react to money, how he’s seen it change the way people treat a person. Sometimes, it’s difficult to tell whether a person is enamoured with you or the security your wealth provides. Though, with the way things are, it leaves a woman with no choice but to seek out security first, love being secondary to everything else.” 
You hummed, nodding slowly as you processed his words. 
“Sorry, I interrupted. You were saying?” 
Jaehyun wasn’t sure why that made him smile, choosing to dismiss it and continue anyway, “anyway, his view is that when we’re constantly trying and trying to follow these instruction manuals on ‘How to earn love’... at the end of the day they can hold it over our heads and decide that there are more instructions, more requirements we haven’t met yet… he thinks it isn’t possible.” 
You frowned, “What? To find love?” 
Jaehyun nodded, “Genuine love, I suppose. I guess I understand what he means. Even though more people have been talking about a love match these days, it feels out of reach somehow. People still end up looking at you like a list of instructions, a list of qualifications, weighing who has a list that is easier to meet and going with that.” 
“Do you think yours is difficult to meet?” you found yourself asking, earning a blank look from the viscount. 
“That’s the thing,” he huffed, “People like us… who try and try and are tired of trying… we wish we didn’t have one.” 
Somehow, you felt a certain conviction in your heart, shaking your head at him. 
“Maybe we don’t, and we just haven’t realised that yet.” 
You hadn’t seen Jaehyun at the next ball, or the next, and he didn’t return to your house for meetings with your father. You figured he was busy, so you tried not to wait. Though the ache persisted, coming and going like waves. With how often you felt it, you assumed you would have grown familiar with it. But in cases like these, the familiarity was unsettling, as if your body was crying out for help that you weren’t able to provide.  
Yuta kept you relatively occupied, sending you flowers regularly, light and bright coloured blooms attached to meanings of affection and purity and fondness, accompanied with letters containing equally flowery words. Though it didn’t keep you occupied enough. 
Time seemed to pass without much of your awareness, the only thing you were aware of being the way the flowers Yuta sent would slowly wither and your sister would replace them with the new bouquets he sent over. You were growing frustrated at Yuta’s perfection, because that demanded perfection from you as well. You would be lying if you said you didn’t miss the liberation that came with your conversations with the viscount. Those were different, demanding honesty instead of perfection, and perhaps, perfection was found in that honesty.  
“I think we can start thinking about discussing marriage with Mr Nakamoto,” your mother turned to murmur as you were having tea with Yuta in the drawing room, the man busy talking to your father about whatever literary piece they found they both enjoyed. 
“Marriage?” you weren’t sure why the prospect seemed so daunting now that your mother had mentioned it, something about her words making you realise that her plans were solidifying and you couldn’t simply continue to play ‘tea party’ with Yuta much longer. 
Your attention was diverted when your sister had entered with a stack of letters in her hand (presumably taken from the staff), her excited gaze meeting yours as she waved a single letter in your direction. 
“Are those my letters?” your mother asked, earning a grunt from your sister. 
“They’re father’s letters,” she informed tersely, making her way over to you and dropping a single letter into your lap, shoving the rest towards your mother in an attempt to distract her. 
The dismayed expression on your mother showed it was somewhat successful, “You know, you really have to fix your manners when it’s your turn to debut,” she began, seeming ready to launch into a tirade of nit-picking towards your sister but you knew nothing could very well escape her watchful eyes when it came to you, eyeing the letter in your hands curiously. 
“What’s that?” 
“Sister’s letter.” 
Your mother’s hand reached out quickly, grasping the letter in your hand and peering over your shoulder to look at it, seeing no indication of a sender other than an elaborate letter ‘J’ imprinted on the seal. 
“J? Do we know anyone with that initial?” 
Your thoughts ran first to Jaehyun, and the look you exchanged with your sister only proved your suspicions correct, though she was quick to cover for you. 
“Johnson, remember? Betty Johnson? Sister’s old friend that moved overseas,” it almost surprised you how smoothly she lied through her teeth when she was never a good liar. You never had a friend with the surname Johnson. 
“Yeah, you wouldn’t have remembered her. I used to play with her and sister outside the church grounds when we were younger,” you added, pleased with how your mother had bought your lie, shrugging as she turned her attention back to her cup of tea. 
“If you’re going to start exchanging letters, don’t expect the money to come from your father and I. We’re already putting more than we can into your dowry,” she muttered, earning a sigh from you as Yuta and your father returned from his study. 
“Shall we promenade?” he offered, and you glanced at your sister before looking back at him, rolled your shoulders back and gave him your sweetest smile. 
Your sister leaned over, pretending to fix your hair so she could lean in to murmur softly, “I’ll put the letter in your notebook.” 
And so you left to promenade with Yuta. 
“Lovely weather, isn’t it?” he smiled, squinting his eyes as he looked up at the sky, with you holding your parasol above your head, simply giving him a small hum. 
“Have any other suitors declared their pursuit of you?” Yuta spoke abruptly, earning a frown from you. 
Shaking your head, you couldn’t find it in yourself to speak, something about your anxiousness swallowing your words. You could almost hear your mother’s voice in your head now, telling you once again to ‘ use your words ’. 
“No, they haven’t,” you managed to force out, earning a solemn nod from Yuta. 
“Really? Not even viscount Jung?” 
Your frown deepened, “What makes you say that?” 
“Nothing in particular… just figured he was the only other person that could have caught your attention this season.” 
You huffed, even Yuta thought of Jaehyun highly. You, on the other hand, couldn’t seem to get the image of the little boy playing the violin out of your mind when you thought of him, something about it was endearing. 
“I hope you don’t mind me asking this, but… do you know the viscount personally by any chance?” 
Somehow your words seemed to have struck a chord with Yuta, his expression turning stoic and his gaze shifting elsewhere. He shook his head, “No, I don’t.” 
“Are you sure? He seemed to find you familiar at the ball—” 
“He must be mistaking me for someone else,” Yuta turned to you with a smile, though the firmness of his tone contrasted the gentleness of his smile. It was enough to deter you from asking any further. With Yuta, you needed to be careful, knowing something as simple as behaving in an ill-mannered way would be enough to make your family’s plans for security and stability fall through. It wasn’t as simple as it seemed with Jaehyun, who was always game for whatever you threw his way.
The mood had turned sour afterwards, the both of you remaining in relative silence (well, other than Yuta’s occasional utterances of praise for your parents) until you were both back at your house, the servant who chaperoned behind the both of you helping to take the parasol from your hands as Yuta got ready to bid you goodbye. 
After he left, it was like your body moved faster than you could process. It was embarrassing , the way you felt like an excited child running up to your room and grabbing the book sitting on your desk, flipping it open and letting Jaehyun’s letter drop out onto your bed. 
Tearing the little envelope open with your finger, you unfolded the letter, catching a whiff of something so unmistakably like Jaehyun that it almost felt like he was in the same room. 
‘Ms Y/N Y/L/N, 
My apologies for disappearing without a word. I needed to leave urgently because of my friend, the one we talked about the other day. His father passed and I’m aiding him with the handover of his father’s business and some of the family property to him, since I was previously closely working with his father for their family’s winery. Perhaps I should be more apologetic for the fact that now social events are sure to be dreadful for you without my presence.’ 
You scoffed, you could almost picture the smirk on his face as he wrote that. 
‘I am unsure when I am to return, but I am sure it will be before the season ends. I suppose now that my friend’s father has passed, he is to be looking for a wife as well, though I doubt it would be easy to convince him to come back with me. With his status now as a Marquess, I suppose many would be eager to coerce him into marrying their daughters if he were to arrive in town. Something he seems very opposed to. 
Again, I hope I have not needlessly worried you with my sudden absence. Though, I suppose my absence would be something that gains rejoicing from you rather than disappointment. Nonetheless, things are rather hectic here. I hoped that in writing to you I could gain some form of entertainment hearing about the progress in the marriage mart that I am unfortunately missing out on. You can write to me, but it will be addressed to my friend’s estate as I am staying here until I leave. I look forward to hearing from you. Do keep safe and in good health. 
“I’d keep that locked up, if I were you,” you jumped at the sound of your sister’s voice behind you, a mischievous smile on her face as she shut the door behind her, crawling onto your bed and making herself comfortable there. 
“So is it official? That he’s courting you seriously?” she asked, and you could see the way her smile fell as you pursed your lips, shaking your head at her. 
Now that you heard her words for yourself, it made you wonder. You expected Jaehyun to be someone meticulous, someone careful, someone who knew exactly what the implications of sending a lady a letter was in this day and age. It made you wonder about the intimacy hidden behind his otherwise mundane updates, and for some reason, it made you long for more. 
“I’m going to write back,” you spoke, more for yourself than for her. 
Her smile grew, “This is a dangerous game you’re playing, sister. I suppose you found he’s worth defending after all?” 
You hummed absently, already pulling out your writing materials to begin writing your response to him. 
“Not quite yet, but something tells me this will be worth it.” 
‘Dear J, 
My condolences for your friend’s father, I can only imagine how overwhelming it is to have all sorts of responsibility thrown at you before you can even process your own grief. Truthfully, I hadn’t noticed your absence’ (you were lying, obviously)
‘Perhaps because things have been hectic here as well. Each day seems to be filled with entertaining Mr Nakamoto and going for promenades. I’m quite tired of all the walking, to be very honest. 
The mention of your friend made me think of what you said that day at the soirée, about finding genuine love in a world where marriage is an economic proposition. I find myself searching sometimes, even though I know my efforts are probably in vain. I know the reason I have been entertaining Mr Nakamoto is not because I’m attracted to him. It is like what you said, I find myself seeing him more as his list of instructions, and what that demands of mine. Then, I find myself drawn back to my duty as the first daughter of my family, drawn back to the need to secure some sort of relief or security for my family. By then, there is no thought of finding love in a marriage partner, only the transaction of it all. Still, there is a part of me that wonders how different the whole process would be if I truly loved my partner, how much less it would feel like a game and more like life. 
I am only asking because I have not seen you dance with anyone at the events so far. I suppose you are either picky or disinterested. But just out of curiosity, do you think it’s possible? For you, I mean, to find genuine love this season? 
I hope this proves as entertaining as you wished for it to be, I won’t apologise even if it ends up disappointing you. 
From, me’ 
‘Ms Y/N Y/L/N,
Thank you for your concern. My friend is doing much better now, and I hope this means the chances of him returning with me have increased. I would like for you to meet him, something tells me he would get along well with your sister, they both seem to have a penchant for the arts. 
To answer your question, I believe it is possible. Whether it is wise of me to think so, or whether it is wishful thinking… that remains undecided. But I cannot be sure. Personally, I have not come across such love where you are seen for all that you are and still loved, but I would like to believe it exists. Whether I am able to find it this season or not, believing it exists makes it feel more like life, like you said. 
With that being said, I do wish the same for you, as much as you may not believe me. More than just promenades, answers from manuals, accomplishments and duties, but life. Sure, duties are important, family is important. But in my honest opinion, I don’t think fulfilling your duties should mean sacrificing your happiness, especially when it isn’t very well your duty at all, but that of others projected onto you. Perhaps I would get stoned by your mother if I said so, but I mean it.
I have to be going now, but I can guarantee that I will be back soon. Perhaps in less than a month’s time you will find yourself bickering with me at the corner of a rich woman’s house again. Do keep safe and in good health. 
You should’ve trusted the nauseous feeling in your gut when you saw Yuta arrive at your house that morning, having arranged a private meeting with your parents and leaving promptly after. There could have only been one reason behind it, and it worried you. Again, the ache intensified, feeling as though it would only solidify if your suspicions were proved correct. 
It was during teatime when your mother finally addressed the elephant in the room. 
“Your father and I are keen on you proceeding with Mr Nakamoto,” she spoke plainly, your hand halting around the handle of your teacup.
“Huh?” as pathetic as it was, was all you could muster. 
“Weighing your potential suitors, Mr Nakamoto brings the most stability. He has property, he is of a suitable age, he has wealth, he is personable. He seems prudent,” she lifted her gaze from her teacup to glance at you, just the slightest of frowns as she met your wide-eyed expression. 
You knew this, yet you weren’t sure why it shocked you to hear it verbalised so forwardly. 
“I’m sure you have no complaints,” it came more as a warning instead of an assumption, enough to make your throat feel dry and your voice start to retreat, “you can expect him to propose soon, so I expect you to be on your best behaviour. The family’s reputation depends on your response.” 
You thought back to Jaehyun’s words. If you were to reject Yuta’s proposal, would that make you wise or foolish? You knew what was riding on this decision. If you were to reject him, you would retain a little bit of your freedom, but you would damage your reputation. It wasn’t exactly ideal to be regarded as a jilt, much less to a man like Mr Nakamoto, who had many women in your town lining up for him. Weighing your other potential suitors, you weren’t sure if being married to a man older than your father was a better option. 
Almost unconsciously, your thoughts wandered to Jaehyun, the feelings you associated with him— or more accurately, how different these feelings were from the ones you associated with Yuta. 
It was starting to make you anxious, you realised that as you exchanged letters with him for a while now, he had grown on you more than you realised. The way you felt at the receiving end of his attentiveness. The way he seemed to read into your signals and cues and meet you where you were without expecting you to be perfect. The way he made you hopeful that you could find love… and perhaps wishful that you could find it in him. 
You were anxious, because when you thought of Jaehyun, what was coming to mind wasn’t his credentials, his wealth, his family, or his status. But rather, it was him , the blunt yet gentle, aloof yet attentive, hardened yet tender-hearted person that he was. 
You were anxious, because even as you were being told about your perfect prospect of marriage, you found that you only ached for him ; the man who was maybe a stranger to your textbook gentleman, but not a stranger to you. 
You took in a deep breath, setting your teacup down with shaky hands, standing up and letting out the breath you were holding. 
Use your words.
“I’m not feeling too well,” you murmured softly enough that you knew your voice wouldn’t give way, “please, excuse me.” 
You struggled up the stairs, finding it difficult to focus on anything other than the way your heart was pounding and your head was starting to spin. Eventually, you found yourself at your desk, writing materials ready and already finding yourself addressing the only person you could think of at this moment. 
‘Dear J, 
My parents have been talking to me about pursuing a marriage with Mr Nakamoto, and in the position that I am, I am inclined to accept.’ 
This time, you didn’t receive a reply from Jaehyun. Previous times, you could always be sure that his reply would not take longer than a week. But this time was different, as the flowers Yuta continued to send withered and were replaced, there was no news of any mail for you. Even your sister was starting to grow concerned at the way things were going, starting to display Yuta’s flowers in places you wouldn’t pass as often when you were going about your daily routine. But you noticed, the flowers Yuta gave you were always light, bright colours in delicate blooms; nothing like the bigger blooms your sister tended to get. 
The waiting was the worst this time, and you knew why. It was different this time, knowing you were anticipating his reply for different reasons. You couldn’t hide behind boredom, or curiosity as to how he would respond to your questions and words. This time your anticipation lay in hope, in your ache, and that was the worst kind of anticipation for you. Girls like you couldn’t hope, you had far too many responsibilities. You needed to be pragmatic, realistic, practical. There was no room for hope in your heart, yet you found that it was all you were doing these days. 
Hoping that wherever he was, he was safe. Hoping that wherever he was, there wasn’t a perfect girl who was discovering if his touch could turn her worries into gold. Hoping that wherever he was, he was thinking of you. 
You hoped it wasn’t too late. 
The longer you waited, the more foolish you felt. Pouring your heart out to him in your letters like that when there was no real guarantee that he would feel the same way, when there was no real guarantee that he would take Yuta’s place. 
As conversations about responsibilities, about being a good wife to Yuta had started to intensify, you gave yourself no choice but to bottle up the anxiety you felt, directing it inwards till you felt it start to take a toll on your mind.
There was a knock at your door before the door opened with a soft click, seeing your sister walk in carrying a vase containing new flowers, white lilies that filled your room with a scent that comforted you just slightly in your fatigue.
Setting the vase down carefully, your sister turned, stopping in her tracks when she realised you were awake, the slightest of frowns on her features, “Sorry, I hope I didn’t wake you.” 
You shook your head, a sigh leaving you as you stretched your arms over your head, “I was already awake a long time ago, don’t worry.”  
Padding over to your bed to take a seat next to your legs, her body angled towards you and her hand smoothing over the blanket that covered you, her gaze scanned your appearance. 
“Still nothing?” You asked, earning a small sigh from her. 
“Nothing,” she shook her head. Pausing, she shook her head, “maybe the letters just got lost in the mail?” 
You let out a sigh through your nose, shifting your gaze to the Lilies perched next to your window, the light seeping through the glass making you almost dread the day that was to come. Another day spent waiting. 
“I would like to believe that, but I've sent far too many letters to him to believe that,” you murmured, “perhaps it was foolish of me, you know?” 
Her frown deepened, “What was?” 
“Thinking that I could actually find a love match. Thinking that I could develop an affection for the viscount and remain unscathed,” you huffed, bitterness laced in your words that left an unpleasant aftertaste in your mouth.   
Your sister hummed, “Do you think it is the affection you feel for him that is what is hurting you? Or the absence of this affection for Mr Nakamoto?” 
There it was again, the wave that washed over you and forced you into sobriety, the ache for the rest that went beyond physical things that you were starting to give up trying to satisfy. You supposed when push comes to shove, you would find something to love in Yuta, you would simply have to. 
“It’s been more than a month, sister. I cannot… I cannot afford to wait for him much longer. I cannot afford to keep avoiding Mr Nakamoto.” 
She sighed, “I know. Father has been meeting him to discuss your marriage arrangement for a while now.” 
Somehow, that was enough to solidify your decision for you, as reluctant as you were. Saying yes to Yuta’s proposal… perhaps it would be a wise decision in your trying and trying to earn the affections of your father. It would be wise for you to do what is pleasing to your family. It would be wise for you to be obedient, to continue to be dependable for them. 
You heard the click of the lock, the door opening to reveal your mother, “Mr Nakamoto is here, dear. He has requested a private audience with you.” 
Exchanging a knowing look with your sister, you nodded. 
“Give me a moment to make myself presentable. I shall be down shortly,” you murmured, seeing your sister still wearing that same look of concern as you got out of bed, your mother leaving and shutting the door. 
Getting ready, you stared yourself down in the mirror, glancing between yourself and the sight of your sister behind you on your bed, a now unreadable expression on her face. 
“I’m not going to refuse when he asks,” you murmured, more for yourself than for her. 
Perhaps she knew this, because the nod she gave you was all you needed to give you the little bit of conviction that you would go through with this, for your family’s sake. 
Perfection was subjective, you knew this now. You knew it for a fact as you lay in bed, your head spinning and your heart feeling heavy, a week since Yuta had left town for business after your engagement. 
The stress of it all was getting to you, the ache in your heart for rest, the ache to not have to be ‘on’ and be present to all the people and things that demanded your attention, the pressure you were putting on yourself to be the person your parents expected you to be, or maybe who you expected yourself to be, the ache to be able to depend on someone other than yourself. 
You couldn’t even shake the fact that you were still wondering about Jaehyun, the last bit of desperation in you used to hope that he would return soon. It was amusing, considering that his return would probably be worse because you were already betrothed to another man. Somehow, you were still eager to write to him, asking your sister to help to pen down your messages because you were too weak to get out of bed. At least when you did this, you could say you still tried at the end of the day, because trying was what you were familiar with. 
You could barely get yourself out of bed, wanting nothing more than to sleep away your days as you waited for Yuta to return, for him to seal your fate with your marriage. Each day, your sister would come in and attempt to get you to eat, but you couldn’t find it in you to have an appetite, simply eating a few bites to appease her before you were allowed to sleep the time away before your next meal. 
Little did you know that your waiting for Yuta was in vain. 
Jaehyun almost thought he was hallucinating when he heard the sound of a familiar laughter echoing a few tables away from him at the bar he was at with Johnny.  “Do you recognise him?” Johnny asked, evident disdain in his tone and the pointedness of his glare, earning a confused look from Jaehyun. 
“That man over there, the conman, Nakamoto Yuta? was his name if i recall correctly,” Johnny gestured with his head to the source of the laughter, Jaehyun’s eyes narrowing when he realised that the man sitting at that table was very much familiar, and very much Yuta. 
“Conman?” Jaehyun murmured, a sinking feeling in his stomach as he observed the woman next to him, the Rubies she adorned on her neck identical to the ones he saw you wearing at the soirée. 
Johnny nodded, using his finger to trace the mouth of his glass, “I recognise him from my time in Paris. You see the woman next to him? Remember how I told you Rubies were popular among the women there?” Johnny gestured to his neck, “It took me a while, but I realised it was only because that was his trademark. Like a branding for the women he was set on cheating for their money in exchange for his affection.” 
Jaehyun frowned. Did that make you one of Yuta’s targets, then?
“Are you familiar with his methods?” 
“Too familiar, I wish I wasn’t,” Johnny sighed, “He tried the same thing on my cousin. You know, all these young girls looking for the perfect husband. He paints himself out to be little less than a saint, and they eat it up. The prince charming that came to sweep them off their feet when in actual fact his occupation is never revealed, his life is a series of carefully constructed lies that differ depending on who he’s talking to… he strung my cousin along for ages, doing ‘business dealings’ with my uncle that landed him in debt that my father had to pay off.” 
“And your cousin?” 
Johnny knocked back the rest of the alcohol in his glass, “Heartbroken, obviously. Once he had his fill of her and her family’s money he left without a single warning.” 
“Couldn’t you file a suit against him for that?” Jaehyun’s mind was racing with questions, with a growing worry for you, especially since the last letter he’d received from you was talking about your likely marriage to Yuta.
“And what about the women? Wouldn’t they have warned each other by now? Isn’t it obvious when everyone’s receiving the same thing—the Rubies and flowers and all—from him?” Jaehyun continued, earning a deep sigh from Johnny. 
“That’s the thing. She was too in love with him by then, she insisted that we couldn’t go after him. Plus, by the time he was done with them, they didn’t have enough money to file a suit even if they wanted to.”
“I mean, who wouldn’t want to be the centre of attention of a doting, romantic, young , attractive young man?” Johnny let out a bitter laugh, “You of all people should know it’s all business. When someone like Yuta comes along, he brings the fantasy of a desirable love match with him. It was never about what they were receiving, but who they were receiving it from. The perfect prince charming he made himself out to be.” 
Johnny glanced over at Yuta with a sigh before raising his hand to catch the server’s attention to order another drink. 
At Jaehyun’s lack of a response, Johnny noticed his friend’s face paling, his gaze fixed on the table looking deep in thought, “What’s wrong? Are you feeling sick?” 
“The girl,” Jaehyun rasped, clearing his throat and blinking his eyes harshly, “the one I sent the letter to…” 
“Yeah? Didn’t you say she was getting engaged?” Johnny hummed, earning a grim nod from Jaehyun. 
“It was supposed to be to him .” 
Johnny’s lips parted, exchanging a knowing look with Jaehyun. He wasn’t daft, he knew Jaehyun’s affections for this girl ran deep, deeper than he let on. 
“I… I need to go back,” he said finally, “I hope you can understand.” 
At this, Johnny let out a laugh, an incredulous look on his face. 
“Finally! I was wondering when you’d come to your senses.”
“Huh?” Jaehyun’s stare was blank, confusion written all over his face. 
“ I’m not the one keeping you here… I think we both know that,” Johnny spoke slowly, nodding at Jaehyun, the latter who was already trying to form a mental estimate of how long it would take him to get to you. 
“God, I feel so…”
“Foolish?” Johnny offered with a smile, earning a glare from Jaehyun. 
“I can’t believe I was going to sit here and do nothing while she gets cheated by that man,” Jaehyun brought a hand up to wipe his face harshly. 
Taking a sip of his drink, Johnny huffed, “Want me to hit him for you?” 
Jaehyun scoffed, “Not if I get to him first.”
“I’ll tell them to prepare your carriage for tomorrow morning, you’ll be back in three days at most,” Johnny spoke calmly, amusement still lingering in his smile as he observed Jaehyun’s lost expression, the viscount seeming too blinded by the rage he felt towards Yuta to think clearly. 
Johnny grunted, waving his hands in dismissal, “Don’t waste your time with him, go to your girl first.”  
Jaehyun wasn’t sure what he was picturing when he imagined returning to you. He got your letters, every single one of them. He read every word to the point where he was sure he knew them by heart. Your letters told him about the town, about who had gotten engaged, gossip from the flower market, about the weather, the balls you attended. From the letters alone, he would have figured you were doing perfectly fine. 
What he hadn’t expected was to have your sister answer the door and look at him as though he’d grown a second head. 
“My parents aren’t here,” you informed before he could greet you, earning a huff from him. 
“Sorry for uh… for paying such an unexpected visit, but… I was wondering if I could see your sister?” 
Your sister thought to you, lying in bed grieving the loss of a future she dreamed of, wondering if the viscount’s presence here would put an end to that grief. 
“She’s… sick.” 
Jaehyun’s eyebrows furrowed, “Sick? With what?” 
“Heartbreak, I suppose,” your sister replied tersely, giving him a pointed stare, unsure what to make of Jaehyun’s intentions. 
Jaehyun’s eyebrows lifted, his thoughts immediately going to Yuta and feeling himself start to bubble with the same rage and concern that brought him here. Most of all, love. 
“You can stay here, I’ll check if she’s willing to see you,” she spoke, still eyeing him cautiously as she led Jaehyun into the house, stopping him at the stairwell as she made her way to your room. 
“Sister,” she knocked on the door, opening it and peeping her head in, whispering harshly with wild eyes, “The viscount is here!” 
Your head snapped up from your pillow abruptly, only to fall back onto your pillow in immediate regret as it throbbed and pounded. Your headache was torturing you, but for Jaehyun, you supposed you were willing to brave through it. 
“Okay. He can come up, but you have to stay in the room with us,” you said as firmly as you could. 
Your sister hummed, turning to leave the room. 
“Not unless he requests a private audience…” she murmured lowly, earning a glare from you (futile as it was, since she’d already left the room). 
Jaehyun was more than impatient to see you, but the sight of you tucked under the covers of your bed, a cloth and small basin next to your bedside and the cold sweat on your face made his heart ache. 
He wasn’t sure how to place himself as he entered the room, choosing to stand in front of the side of your bed you were facing, his lips curling ever so slightly in amusement when you had turned your body to face away from him. 
“What happened to you?” his voice came out almost breathless, with traces of exasperation. 
You didn’t want to open your eyes and look at him, you didn’t think your resolve would last if you could see the look of concern and frustration on his face he held now. 
“Nothing,” you murmured. So much for ‘using your words’. 
“Stress,” your sister cut in, earning a sigh from Jaehyun. 
“I came because… I wanted to warn you,” Jaehyun almost winced, his words not coming out how he’d planned. 
“ To warn me? ” your tone was strong even in your weakness, “not because you promised you would come back?” 
Jaehyun shook his head, “I… look, you can’t go ahead with the engagement with Mr Nakamoto.” 
You frowned. 
“And what makes you think you can tell me what to do about my future?” 
Jaehyun was growing frustrated now, “I’m not, but even if I was, I wouldn’t be the first one telling you what to do with your future,” he said pointedly. 
“Why are you meddling? I never asked you to get involved,” you felt like a stubborn child, but you were more upset at the fact that it was him of all people, advising you not to marry Yuta. 
You supposed that was what you wanted when you’d sent him that letter, but a very belated form of it, showing up in front of you now. 
“My apologies, I did not ask for your permission,” he scoffed, “that isn’t the issue here, Ms Y/L/N, you cannot proceed with this engagement.” 
“Perhaps your warning would be of more use if you’d sent it sooner in a letter,” you huffed. 
You knew this was the sulky side of you speaking now, but it was the truth. Did he think he could simply waltz into your bedroom after months of silence, tell you not to marry the man you were engaged to and expect you to comply graciously? 
“I don’t need your help with my marriage.” 
Your sister wanted to avert her gaze, the tension in the room growing thicker by the minute, but it was impossible to look away, with the viscount looking unlike she could ever imagine seeing him. Desperate, frustrated, emotional . Nothing like anyone knew him to be. 
“We’re already engaged,” you murmured, as if reluctant to solidify the truth by speaking it into existence. 
“Besides, like I said. If I needed your… interference—”
“Help,” he corrected, earning an eye roll from you (not that he could see it, your eyes still being closed). 
“Fine, help. If I needed it, I would have asked.” 
“Is help only given when it is needed?” 
You huffed, the bubbling of frustration within your chest growing stronger as you called to mind your emotions for the past few months. 
“It definitely seems to be otherwise when it’s coming from you. Needed or not, I’d rather not have your help at all,” you forced your eyes open, immediately regretting it when you turned your head to meet his gaze. 
Desperate, frustrated, emotional. 
“You don’t mean that, I’m trying to warn you. You don’t know what kind of man he truly is.” 
"Consider me warned,” your gaze was as firm as you could muster, not finding any reason to withdraw when it came to Jaehyun. This was yourself, in all that you were feeling. 
“Don't patronise me. You don’t know what he’s capable of.” You almost faltered, almost . A small nagging fear started to creep up on you, telling you that you’ve made a grave mistake with Yuta. 
“And you do?” you asked, slowly shifting yourself so you could see him better, unsure if you were being spiteful or curious now, maybe both. 
“Better than you, it seems,” he huffed, taking a step closer to your bed, your sister pressing herself against the wall as if that would help the tension in the room, shifting her weight from foot to foot as she watched the dynamic between you and Jaehyun unfold. 
It was nothing compared to how she saw you and Yuta interact, but something about this was interesting. It was like the both of you were simply hiding behind your true feelings, masking it with frustration and beating around the bush, focusing on unimportant details because you were both too afraid to be the first one to reveal your heart. 
“And where is this understanding coming from?"
Jaehyun visibly hesitated, sighing before he told you the truth, "Johnny and I saw him when we were travelling." 
“Johnny?” you frowned, “Oh, you mean the marquess that dares not show his face in this town?” 
Again, the focus on unnecessary details to prolong the time before you had to finally face up to what you really wanted to hear and say. 
“His title is not who he is,” was all Jaehyun could muster, feeling the tension in the room as he continued to hold your gaze. 
“And by that same logic, I can say you don’t know my partner any better than I do,” you shrugged, the words sounding unfamiliar even as you said it. 
That seemed to strike a nerve with Jaehyun, his tone rising slightly in his urgency and frustration. 
“Would you stop calling him that? He’s not going to come back! You know why—?” 
“What would you rather me call him then? My husband-to-be ?” 
“—he’s too busy conning and cheating people like your parents in other towns for money now. Your family is going to be left in debt because of that man.” Though Jaehyun wasn’t shouting, his tone was filled with such urgency, such firmness, that he might as well have been. The implication of his words echoed louder than anything, louder than the sound of your heart picking up speed. 
Your silence spoke for you, feeling as though a large wave had just washed over you and pulled you under. Your heart continued to thump quickly as you struggled to regain your bearings, as you struggled to gain control over yourself. Only one thought rang in your head, your mother had already given Yuta your dowry before he disappeared. 
You glanced at your sister, her debut would need to be delayed now. Your family couldn’t afford to muster up another dowry so soon, not when you hadn’t gotten married yet. 
“Now do you understand why I needed to come and warn you?” his tone softened, and without realising he began to make his way closer to you, daring himself to look closely at you in your shock, processing what he was feeling at the sight of it. Which, at the moment, could only be described as wanting to pull you out from under the waves, to dive in and look for you so he could bring you to the surface. 
“I cannot—” he stopped himself, shaking his head, “I will not watch you let yourself be humiliated, waiting for that… that liar ." 
Something in your gaze was hurt, vulnerable as you looked at him, wondering how he could say such words with such confidence when he was the one you were waiting for this whole time. 
“I am not a stranger to waiting, you of all people should know that very well,” you said. 
Jaehyun’s expression softened, still brushing aside what he wanted to say to you, his thoughts focused on how you must be feeling to find out you’ve just been conned by your fiancé. 
“Why do you think I came here?” he asked, and the reminder that his purpose here was to warn you and not for other reasons was a bitter pill to swallow, so this bitterness showed in your response. 
“In hopes to annoy me to death, perhaps.” 
At his lack of a response, you frowned, “…. Why aren’t you saying anything? I expected a witty remark by now.”
What you didn’t expect was for Jaehyun to sigh, something in his expression akin to tenderness, which didn’t make sense to you at the moment. But it was a very tenderness that you always wondered about, what he reserved it for, how it would show, how it would feel. It seems all of those questions were answered now as you looked at him. 
“Where do you think that man is? Right now, while you’re in this condition. Where do you think this man that you’re set on marrying will be after hearing of your sickness?” His tongue peeked out to wet his lips, though even if your attention was momentarily diverted, nothing could tear it away from his gaze. As though he had a million things to say to you, hidden inside of him, and you were only catching glimpses of it through his eyes. Yet they still managed to be gleaming, twinkling, pulling you out from under the waves. 
“Yet here you are… destroying yourself for somebody who is incapable of loving you in the way you deserve,” he spoke almost bitterly, and the (not so) little hope within you had begun to surface again. Courage to make your feelings known, and hope that they would be received. 
Jaehyun let his gaze shift to the way your hand lay on top of your covers, holding the fabric close to yourself for some sense of comfort. It surprised him, the way he wished he could hold you, to embrace you in his own comfort. The thought came naturally to him, as if that was his body’s natural response, to want you to be able to receive that from him and for him to give his love and affection freely to you. 
“I’m sorry, I know it must be a lot to process. He had me believing his act too, I… should’ve asked Johnny sooner, if I did then you would not have to face such grief now—” 
“It’s not about him,” you spoke, hoping your voice wasn’t quivering with how you were on the brink of tears, frustrated that you couldn’t tell what he felt for you even now, but filled with hope that you were sure you couldn’t hold your feelings within you much longer, “it was never about waiting for him, or… grieving for the loss of him .” 
Jaehyun fell silent, lips parted slightly in shock as he held your gaze, your pleading eyes meeting his. 
“Do you really think all these months have been for that man?” 
“I wrote to you endlessly ,” your frown deepened, the ache in your heart worsening when you saw the way Jaehyun’s gaze softened, moving closer to you but stopping himself with evident restraint before he could get too close, “even when I could barely move myself out of my room the only thought on my mind was that I needed my words to reach you somehow, I needed some part of me to reach you… somehow.” 
Your vision blurred, making you blink harshly. The fact that you couldn’t see him clearly behind your tears disconcerted you, “What else was I supposed to think when I didn’t hear back? What other choice did I have?”
Jaehyun paused, remembering your sister’s presence in the room, deciding that now would be the time where he stops dancing around the reason why he truly came back to see you. 
“May I…” he turned to face your sister, “have the honour of a private audience with your sister?” 
Her eyes widened, fighting the smile that threatened to show on her face as she gave you a knowing look, averting her gaze as her hand came up to cover her mouth, nodding. Gesturing a hand to you, she already began leaving the room, “Of course, of course. By all means.” 
“As much as you may think I hate you, or…  am here to meddle in your life or annoy you… I don’t like seeing you like this. I do not wish to see you in pain,” he let out a sigh through his nose, taking another step closer to your bed, daring himself to take a seat next to your legs, his body moving naturally as though this was what it meant to simply allow himself to be. Like muscle memory. 
You huffed, “I’ve always been good at masking it, I suppose.” 
He shook his head, displeased, “Or nobody has bothered asking if you needed to be relieved.” 
“I’m sorry I did not write back to you. I just… in retrospect now I realise it was foolish of me but…  from all your letters I just assumed,” he brought a hand up to run through his hair in frustration, “I assumed you were perfectly fine with Yuta. I had no right coming back and disrupting that, as much as I wanted to.” 
“Believe me, I wanted to,” he huffed, “and it surprised me because, well, it was strange. It felt like you were seeing me for who I was… as if I was known for more than my wealth, my appearance, for everything in myself that was not perfect. But with you, it wasn't a matter of having to try to earn love, but to re-learn what love is, what it feels like.” 
Your throat felt dry, something about his honesty making the ache in your heart grow, feeling as though what you sought to satisfy this ache was within reach, yet still at a loss for what it was that you desired.
"I did not know how to convey that in my letters. No words were enough, nothing... nothing was quite satisfying enough in expressing what I wanted to say to you. The thought of hiding what I felt beneath enquiries about the weather or about Mr Nakamoto made me sick to my stomach. That kind of intimacy that I felt when I was with you... It scared me because it only made me wish for more. I didn't think it was what you wanted."
“I thought that I could just separate myself from the situation, to resolve it that way before it could hurt me, but it was only when I saw that man when I was with Johnny that I realised,” his gaze flickered between your eyes and his hands, returning to your eyes and meeting you with that same hope. 
Hope that gleamed, twinkled, that was not rooted in fear but in love. 
“You deserved more than him, the love that you allowed me to discover was very much possible… the love you deserve. It would hurt me more if I had to watch you forgo that for the sake of others.” 
Use your words. 
“What do you suppose is this love that I deserve?” you dared to ask, somehow the use of your words did not feel as manipulative as it always did, it did not feel like you were trying to hide behind them this time, but to let your heart be known through them. 
Jaehyun remained firm, and this conviction was enough to make you feel like you were slowly being lifted up to the surface of the water, the light seeping through the water making your surroundings feel brighter. 
“... a love that remains forever.” 
You weren’t sure if you were breathing, feeling the water get lighter as you followed the light from his eyes. 
“And you suppose that is within reach for me?” your voice was barely above a murmur. 
Jaehyun nodded, the hint of desperation lingering in his tone, “I promise you, it is within reach.” 
“You cannot promise me a forever and not give it to me.” 
There was a hint of amusement in Jaehyun’s gaze, the slightest of smiles on his face at your response. He wished you would remain this way, unafraid to use your voice with him, unafraid to assert yourself, to allow him to see, know and love you for who you are. 
“I would not have mentioned it if I were not ready to give it to you at this very moment.” 
Your lips parted slightly, “How do you suppose you will do that?” 
Jaehyun wore the tell-tale expression that let you know he thought of something that either pleased or amused him, as if waiting for the right timing to say his smart line with a smug tone. 
“By… asking you to marry me.” 
If you thought his eyes gleamed and twinkled before, the smile that he wore when he saw the sheer relief grace your features. The feeling of being pulled above the surface of the water. 
“It’s not too much to ask, just… be with me. Depend on someone other than yourself for a change.” 
“My Lord, you know—” you began, turning your head abruptly and immediately regretting your sudden movements, your head beginning to throb even more. Jaehyun shocked you with the way he adjusted your pillow, helping you to lower your head back down onto the pillow carefully, smoothing your hair away from where it stuck to your face from your cold sweat. 
“I want you to,” he nodded. 
It was strange, being told that someone wanted you to depend on them when you were always used to being the one who was depended on. Instead of promising you gold, he was promising you the warmth of it, the value of it. Not the ‘Midas touch’ that took life away from things, but one that brought light and hope. 
You wanted this . Not your long, tedious game, but the life he was offering you, a life of love, love even in imperfection, love that brought with it rest, love that was a state and not something to earn. 
You nodded, “I want to…” your body felt warm under his touch, your gaze following his movements as he picked up the cloth draped over the small basin next to your bedside, wringing the cloth after wetting it and using it to dab the sweat from your face and neck. 
You felt as though you weren’t breathing, a wave of emotion rushing through you at the feeling of being under his care. It was as though he was removing the little bandage you used to cover the ache that you felt, replacing it with a bandage that fit, one that wrapped around the ache instead of just trying to suppress it. 
“I want to marry you,” was all you could muster, Jaehyun letting out a huff of amusement as he set the cloth aside, his left hand moving to your face, letting the pads of his fingertips trace the side of your face before letting his thumb smooth over your cheek gently. It was unmistakable, the feel of the calluses on his fingertips from what you assumed was his recent playing of the violin. 
“Does my presence have that much of an effect on you?” he drawled, smugness laced in his tone as he brought you back to your exchange in your father’s study. His gaze flickering to your lips just briefly, making your heart skip in a way you’d never experienced before.  
You rolled your eyes with affection, this time not feeling the need to ‘use your words’ to hide once again. 
“Perhaps it does.” 
‘My forever only, Time and time again, I am reminded that I was foolish to think I could live the rest of my life without you when a day that passes by when I am not with you is filled with a longing I cannot imagine I could ever grow comfortable with, much less befriend. 
Back then, I was used to being all alone. I found this solitude to be a companion, though loneliness is never a good lover. The sky gets ethereal for the things no longer living in chains. You allowed me to come to know what that truly meant, what it truly felt like. Love given freely is all I have to offer you, so I hope you’ll have me. 
My love, I have not stopped thinking of the way you look at me, and each time I awake I find myself waiting for when I may be under your gaze again. The thought lingers before I am with you, filling me with an inexplicable feeling of love that refuses to leave even when we part. Forever sounds daunting but when I envision a forever of this love that you meet me with in your eyes, your smile, your presence, it becomes a boundless sea I wish to swim in for as long as my spirit exists. 
All I ask of you, all I want is having you in my day. To keep you in safety, health, and love.
- J, your forever only.’ 
“Do you remember what was discussed?” 
You were drawn from your thoughts, your sister handing you the bouquet of dark red roses as you started walking. 
What did you discuss? 
Be yourself. You felt the crunch of cobblestone beneath your feet as you made your way with your sister to the church. You are allowed to launch into unrelated discourses out of panic. You fixed your gloves so they fit comfortably around your hands and arms. Have good manners, unless provoked. You could hear your sister humming to the piano piece she’d been practising that morning. You are safe to express yourself. With the sound of her humming, the rustling of the big trees overhead and the wind caressing your face gently comforted you. 
Reaching the doors of the chapel, you spotted your father who awaited you, though you couldn’t focus on anything else once the doors opened, your gaze immediately finding the man who stood at the altar, a smile adorning his face once he met your gaze. A wave of clarity washed over you; you felt peaceful. 
There he was, not a marriage partner, not an economic proposer . 
Jaehyun, your love match. 
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viiiiiiiiiin · 3 months
Sanji with bff reader who's trying to be his wingman and failing pls (either because sanji is really bad at picking up ladies or the reader is horrendous at wingmanning, heck maybe even both, you decide)
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Next Time: Sanji and Wingman Reader
Includes: Sanji , Male Reader , Strawhats
A / N: STOP I LOVE THIS. LOSERS BEING BESTIES FR !!! I hope u don't mind that I chose male reader. I don't write much of them and I want a variety :) enjoy ! Sorry it's short @@
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"Cmon Sanji ! You got this ! Do what we rehearsed !" You gave him a thumbs up and a toothy grin. The blonde haired gentleman nodded in return as you took your place behind the door.
Another failed attempt , you assumed by the way his head was hung downwards. You walked over to him and patted his back gently. "It's okay , Ji. You'll get 'er next time !" You laughed and threw your arm around his muscular shoulder.
"Maybe I should try a different pickup line. What do ya got , Reader ?" He asked , grabbing a notepad from seemingly nowhere.
"Ooh ! Ooh ! How about this ! Pretend to spill a drink and be like 'I tripped over my feelings for you . . .' That's gotta win Nami over for sure !" You spun around and grabbed out a poster board.
"What about something about tangerines ? 'You heart is as sweet and sour as a Tangerine' as you kiss her hand. That's gotta make her swoon !" The fact that both of you were so bad at picking up women honestly made the crew feel a bit bad. Why Sanji listened to your advice , the world will never know.
"How about for Robin - Chwan !" He said , spinning as he spoke of the dark haired diva. You placed a finger to your chin , deep in thought. Maybe a dark pun ? Maybe a history pun ? Before you could think , you spoke.
"Ooh ! How about 'you stole my heart like Doflamingo stole Dressrosa . . .' Thats gotta woo her !" You jumped up and down and smiled widely. "What if I gave her something as I said that ?? Or you could help me trip for the pick up line with Nami - Swan !" Sanji rambled as he swirled around , a love tornado of lust was what he was.
"Ooh ! Great idea !! You're so smart !!" Sanji closed his notepad and you both walked over to the ginger. She raised an eyebrow and you pushed Sanji , fake acting like you did it by accident. "Oh no ! I'm sooo sorry Sanji !" You snickered , watching as he fell to his strong knees.
"I tripped over my love for you , mademoiselle . . ~" He spoke smoothly , a perverted grin on his pale face. Nami picked up the book she was reading and smacked both of you in the head.
"That one sucked ! At least be mote creative !" With that , she stomped away and left the both of you with massive bumps on your heads. You both groaned and sat up.
"Fuck , another failure. I'm sorry , Ji. I'll figure somethin' out." You scratched your aching head snd looked sadly at the devastated cook. "Maybe you just haven't met the right girl ! Try flirting when we get to the next island !"
Your suggestion didn't go unheard. As you approached an island to restock supplies , you snd Sanji ran out to the nearest bar. "Try buying her a drink and saying she's as sweet as it ! Or I could spill it on you and you could say your love for her spilled over you !" You suggested as the both of you dashed to the nearest bar.
"Yeahh !! I got this !!"
He does not got it. You spilled the drink and it got ALL over his slacks and the ground. You both ended up being kicked out for causing a disturbance and made all the women laugh at yalls failed attempt at seducing a possible suitor.
You both walked out , dejected at the last failed attempt. You sighed dramatically and fell to the ground. "I'm sorry , Ji ! Next time !"
Next time. How many more 'next time's can he take ? You both were seemingly made to be best friends. One horrendous at flirting and the other horrendous at wingmanning. Next time , next time , next time. Would there be a next time ?
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