#nearly forgot her bow guys
sobashahzadi · 17 days
my girl
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Can I make a request for an S/O who has a pet that is extremely gruesome and scary, but is very cuddly and protective when interacting with its owner? Like, like the animal was something similar to the Demongorgon or something.
If you can, do it for Sarah, Shenhen, Dehya, Candance and Navia.
(Genshin Impact) Sara, Shenhe, Dehya, Candace, and Navia's S/O with a terrifying pet
I was bouncing between a Tyranid from 40k or a terrifying bug from a user created horror story called Mystery Flesh Pit National Park, but I'll just settle on some non particular bug abomination.
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Sara was barely able to hold back from immediately drawing her bow when she walked into S/O's house the first time and saw a massive insect inside.
It nearly stood up to the ceiling as it straightened its back, before relaxing from seeing its owner.
(Sara) "What is that?!"
(S/O) "OH! S-Sorry, I forgot to mention it to you beforehand! This is my pet!"
Sara stared at S/O before her eyes slowly glanced over to the "pet" they kept.
It resembled some kind of centipede with massive antennas, but had arms resembling a...human?!
Sara still kept her battle stance, wearily looking at it before turning to S/O, noticing their relatively happy expression.
(Sara) "...And, this will pose no threat to the people of Inazuma?"
(S/O) "Of course not, he doesn't eat people!"
(Sara) sigh "Thank the Almighty Sho-"
(S/O) "He eats corpses! It's a scavenger bug, not a predator!"
(Sara) "..."
Sara is uneasy around S/O's pet, putting it mildly.
The only place she doesn't allow S/O to cuddle her is at their house.
The one time she allowed them to rest their head on her shoulder, the romantic mood was immediately halted by S/O's pet resting its head on their lap.
Despite how much it unsettled her, she could at least complement its intelligence and loyalty.
When S/O was threatened, it would immediately attack whenever they commanded it to.
It even enjoyed getting pet, though Sara politely declined from doing so herself.
As long as it didn't cause a public disturbance, it was fine to remain.
But Archons help S/O if she gets a report of that...thing threatening a citizen, not even its terrifying and gross legs would skitter away from her wrath.
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Shenhe reached for her polearm before realizing the bug was relaxing near S/O.
She had seen all kinds of fantastical sights thanks to her Master, so it didn't really take long for her to adjust.
(Shenhe) "...Is that a pet, S/O?"
(S/O) "Sure is! This little guy has been with me for a long time!"
(Shenhe) "I see. It is good you have a companion."
The bug's head, or at least what she assumed was the head, seemed to lean into S/O's hand as they scratched under the chin.
Shenhe is used to nature, but she had never seen a creature like this before.
But then again, being with S/O taught her all kinds of new things, maybe this was another she should take heed of.
Seeing other people react to the bug, she moves to protect it like she would S/O.
Something that even it recognized, and protected Shenhe like its owner.
The only thing Shenhe dislikes about the bug is how clingy it got whenever she was wanting to spend time with S/O.
Other than that, the bug and Shenhe have a strange silent respect for each other.
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(Dehya) "S/O, GET BACK!-"
Dehya suddenly leaps into action when a giant bug-like creature emerged from the sand behind S/O.
Before S/O got in the way, trying (and failing) to keep her arm down.
(S/O) "WAIT, DEHYA! I-It's with me!"
Dehya's expression was something between confusion and anger, quickly looking back at S/O and the bug.
Just as they said, it was just staring at her before turning its attention to its owner.
(Dehya) "Jeez, ya never thought to bring this up to me before?! It looks like it could eat us!"
(S/O) "I-If it makes you feel any better, it's like a vulture! A scavenger eater, only corpses!"
(Dehya) "It really doesn't..."
Dehya is honestly creeped the hell out by S/O's pet.
She's seen a lot of desert fauna, but nothing like what S/O had.
It especially didn't help matters that it liked to hide under the sand until S/O spent time with it.
She especially didn't like that it butted its head in whenever she wanted to hold S/O.
More than one occasion she was ready to tell it off before S/O did so gently, letting it gently comply.
The other mercs are completely freaked out by it, which she doesn't blame them for in the slightest.
But, it did help during their contracts by scaring the hell out of rival clients, other eremites, and animals in general.
Begrudgingly, she let S/O keep it, but then again maybe it's best it remains with them and doesn't wander off in the desert to potentially reproduce.
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Candace notices something shifting in the sands near S/O, which she immediately raises her spear to throw at-
Before S/O frantically waved their hands, signaling to her not to attack.
Candace sees the bug emerge from the sand as it gives S/O a lift, riding towards her.
She takes a step back from unease, sizing the bug up and down before turning to S/O.
(Candace) "Have you...tamed this creature?"
(S/O) "K-Kinda? I didn't really tame it per se, more like we became friends!"
Candace did acknowledge it had some kind of intelligence in its eyes, as it responded perfectly to S/O's commands.
Being reassured by S/O that it would not attack the people of Aaru village, or eat the children, she allowed it to stay.
It took a bit for her to get used to it, but she no longer flinches seeing the bug.
It helped that it didn't seem to be naturally part of the desert, since she had never seen anything like it before.
Eventually, it became as much of a guardian of the town as Candace, much to her shock.
When S/O was threatened, the bug leapt from the sands and dragged them under, and the same went for any of the townsfolk.
The only thing she asks is that it sleeps outside, mostly just cause it'd drag sand all over the floor.
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S/O immediately aims her umbrella-shotgun before S/O stopped her from pulling the trigger.
(Navia) "Your pet?! That thing could eat one of the Clockwork Meka whole!"
She shuddered in terror as it skittered towards S/O, seemingly lax by their mere presence.
This sure as hell wasn't a man's best friend situation, and every cell in her body wanted to shoot it.
But seeing as it was with S/O, she very reluctantly let S/O keep it.
The only thing is that it HAD to stay outside the city and only in S/O's home.
Every single Meka and Guard would be trying to kill it, not that she wouldn't blame them either.
Navia screams in terror everytime she opens the door to find it turn its head towards her.
Why couldn't S/O just have a cat or something...?
Her urge to stomp the bug grows bigger when she moves to hug or kiss S/O, only to watch it approach from seeming jealousy.
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sanguineterrain · 9 months
For the drabbles!!
Can you walk? I need you to walk for me! With Dick, if that sounds interesting to you!!
Loved the Drabble you posted, you’re a talented writer!
thanks very much nonnie 🥺❤️ wanted to switch it up and whump dickie boy >:)
"can you walk? i need you to walk." - dick grayson x gn!reader. tw: injured dick, bullet wound, reader tasers a bad guy. dick's not dead i prommy!! Loosely based on the Nightwing 2021 comics.
prompt lists are here! i reblog all fics to @sanguinelibrary
You wake up to the beeping of the distress signal. Instantly, you're awake, fumbling for the comm bud to put in your ear.
"—in, do you copy? Nightwing needs help, he's—"
"Where is he, Babs?" you ask, flinging the sheet off of your legs and jumping into your suit.
"Blüdhaven City Hall."
"What the hell? Alone?"
Barbara sighs. "Yes. I didn't know until the mayor texted."
Anger flares. You tamp it down because Barbara hasn't done anything wrong, and it's not fair to snap at her for Dick's stupid choices.
Besides, the anger is only to mask the chilling fear that bubbles up.
You stick to the rooftops like Dick himself had taught you when you were first getting the hang of the vigilante thing. You're more like Barbara in that you prefer to stay on the sidelines and help.
But if Dick is in trouble, you're there.
Your heart pounds; you can barely hear the instructions Barbara's giving you as you approach City Hall.
"Is he conscious?" you ask, interrupting her.
She doesn't answer at first.
"Oracle," you press, gritting your teeth as you descend down the roof access stairs. "Is he awake?"
"I don't know. I lost his comm link."
The fear sharpens. Your heart beats so fast, you're afraid you might collapse.
"He's alive, though. His suit vitals are still elevated."
You run faster, flying down the stairwell. It takes some searching to find Dick since his mask camera is also destroyed, according to Barbara. But you manage to track him down relatively fast.
Dick is bound to a chair, puddles of blood at his feet. You rush over and pull at the knots without thinking, growing frustrated when they don't turn loose.
"Blade on your left side."
You startle hard at Dick's voice. He lifts his head slowly and you stifle a gasp at his face. One of the lenses of his mask is cracked. His cheek is bloody and nearly black with bruises. His suit is torn and dirty.
They'd left him for dead.
"I found him, Babs."
You hear her sigh of relief. She starts to organize your exit route. You're only half listening as you slice through the ropes with the blade you forgot you had in your left pocket.
Dick's arms hang at his sides even after you free them. They'd done a number on him.
He watches you as you free his legs next.
"Suit looks good on you," he says, head lolling. "Peak design, if y'ask me."
"You're so stupid," you say, bowing your head so he can't see the tears that sting your eyes. "This was an idiotic thing you did, Dick."
"Alias names only in the field," he reminds you.
You yank the rope harder than you mean to and free his legs.
Dick has to use his whole body to push himself off of the chair. Even so, he stumbles, and you rush to catch him. Your heart jumps to your throat. Of course he'd hide how bad his injuries are.
"Oracle, call Batman."
"No," Dick grits, shaking his head. "Don't call him."
"You can barely move. I can't carry you myself."
You wish you could. As furious as you are, you'd carry him home.
"Am I calling him?" Barbara asks in your ear.
A door slams somewhere upstairs. Cold sweat erupts all over your body. Dick looks at you, and you know he heard it too.
"Guys, am I calling Batman or not?"
"No, we can do it," you say against your better judgment. "Can you move?"
Dick nods rapidly, though you don't totally believe him. You sling an arm under his arm, then wrap your other arm around his waist. He puts nearly all of his weight on you, though you can tell he's using what little strength he has left to try and shift his weight.
The two of you go like that, Dick half limping. You try not to think about how his blood stains your suit.
You move slowly, which unfortunately means that the goon upstairs catches up to you. He pulls out a gun, and Dick shoves you aside before you can advance. He pays the price for it when the goon shoots his leg.
Dick screams.
Quick as Flash, you grab an escrima stick and charge the taser to two thousand volts. Then you ram it into the goon's gut.
He drops like a sack of potatoes. You don't check if he's breathing.
"We don't kill," Dick says as you return the stick to his back holster.
You harshly cut the goon's shirt with your blade and tourniquet Dick's bullet wound. He hisses in pain.
"I didn't kill him," you snap.
"You could've. What the hell was that?"
"That was me stopping him before he blew your brains out!" you shout. "That was me making sure the commissioner doesn't have to fish your body out of the river!"
Dick's head thumps against the wall. His suit is slick with blood. "That wouldn't have happened."
"You could've died tonight, Dick! Why can't you get that through your head?"
His eyes close for too long on the next blink. You kneel in front of him immediately, shaking his shoulder. He grunts.
"Dick, no. Wake up. Don't do this, you gotta stay awake for me."
"'M awake," he says groggily. "I'm..."
"Oracle," you say, panicked. "Vitals."
"His heart rate is sluggish; he's lost a lot of blood. You have to—"
"Dick," you say, shaking his shoulder again. "Dickie, you gotta get up. Can you walk? I need you to walk for me."
"'Kay," he whispers, barely lifting his arm.
"Okay, I've got you. Ready? One, two—"
You lift him and stagger under his full weight.
"Sorry," he murmurs, and you feel sick.
"It's okay. You don't have to apologize. I shouldn't have yelled, I'm sorry. Stay awake, okay?"
He hums. You manage to establish a decent gait between the two of you. Dick stumbles along, trying his best to walk independently.
You're almost out of City Hall when Dick collapses. This time, he doesn't get up.
"No, no. Wake up, Dick, wake up. Come on, come on!"
You shake him as hard as you'll let yourself. Dick doesn't stir.
"There's so much blood," you say, your hands sticky with it. "B-Babs..."
"I'm sending help right now. B's on his way, okay?" She sounds just as wrecked as you feel. "Just hold on."
You cradle Dick's head and suck in gasping breaths, keeping pressure on his thigh.
That's how Batman finds you, shaking and hunched over his son.
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unfriedough · 11 months
Hello! Fem reader and Zuko?
- Reader had a scary experience during the day and when night reaches she asks Zuko to spend the night with her
- Zuko says something like “Alright, i’ll stay with you” he’s all awkward standing watching her
- Reader is something like “I can’t feel safe if you’re not close to me, Zuko, please”
- His knees nearly give way and he feels a blush creep up his neck slowly
- He finally gives into his temptation and snuggles up to reader, wrapping his entire arms around reader waist and neck
- Reader sighs in comfort, whispers a quick thank you, places a soft kiss on Zuko’s wrist and they just sleep (No devils tango!)
‘Bandits’- Zuko x female!reader
Masterlist <3
An: Summer is already almost over?? WHY??? Anyways, THIS REQUEST WAS LIKE SUPER DUPER CUTE AND the brackets u added at the end were so cute idek why 😭
You get attacked whilst out and about, but maybe it was for the better.
Warnings: half of this is Zuko admiring you LOL, violence.
Zuko was the best fire lord, you think. Perhaps you were a little bias, but letting you stay in the palace rocked. Apart from visiting your hometown, you didn’t exactly have a plan for after the war. You bounced around a little, and then, a golden offer came. Zuko wanted your assistance with royal matters, you’d be the royal advisor. The title was already enough for you to be on board, but it also offered you a place to stay for a while. You just couldn’t pass that up, and hey, maybe since he’s been at this for a few months, the workload would lessen.
You were none the wiser.
You see, his life was nothing but a dumpster fire. From meetings to paperwork to arguments to rebellions to assassins to training and so on so forth, his life was a mess of schedules and poorly planned breaks.
The fire lord confided to you a lot about this, the absolute look of despair on his face as he entered another meeting, or the slow steps from the weight of his armour. He would rest his head on your lap in the library, and whilst you read the latest addition of your favourite book, he dozed off into a 15 minute nap. It was the perfect crime. They couldn’t yell at you, he was asleep right there, and they couldn’t yell at him, he was the ruler.
On a particular day, Zuko suddenly opened the door of your room, which he intentionally planted right by his.
“Uh-“ he flushed immediately, “Sorry, I wasn’t thinking straight,”
“What brings you to my quarters, your majesty,” you rolled your eyes, adjusting yourself in the mirror on your vanity.
The boy stuck his tongue out at you, “I don’t have anything to do today let’s go out,”
“In this weather? Are you insane?” It was the prime of summer in the fire nation, death by heat stroke at the mere thought of going outside.
“You’ll live,” he mumbled, walking out.
Begrudgingly, you got up, stretching as you picked out the lightest outfit.
The sun burned the top of your head, you groaned, realising you forgot your hat. Zuko offered you his. He was always like that with you. So chivalrous, and yet, so childish.
“M’lady,” he bowed as he passed the large hat to you, moving to grab his spare. He kept it loosely around his belt.
“That seems excessive, but thanks,” intrigued were you, why was there another hat there?
“Maybe, but you literally always forget yours,”
“Cute,” he blushed, “But what kinda belt just has a hat hook?”
“I had it tailor made,” he played with his fingers, this clearly embarrassed him.
You were stunned to silence. Zuko tailor made a belt for me.
You heaved heavily as you finally reached the market. See, the former prince had no intention of visiting the popularised shops, he opted for the small town one west of the castle. He tipped his hat lower, and you pushed your sunglasses up higher on the bridge of your nose.
“Wow you’re so different and not like other guys,” you mumbled.
“What do you mean?”
“This place looks abandoned,”
“Give it a shot, the stuff they sell is actually nice,”
“You’re so close minded, trust me for once,” he looked off to the side, where a few suspicious men were grinning at you two, he grinned to mask his worry, “Just stick close to me and we’ll be fine,”
“If I die I’ll kill you,”
“I’ll take you up on that,”
Despite your ‘friends that work together’ relationship, sometimes you felt he was being a little touchy. Especially around another man, he’d make sure there was distance between you two and him. You chalked it up to this place being shady.
“Just go I’ll be fine,” just as humans do, Zuko really needed the bathroom. Of course, you couldn’t exactly join him, gendered bathrooms are a thing, so you told him you'll just wait in the nearby stores.
“Don’t talk to anyone don’t look at anyone don’t buy anything-“
“You’re not my dad Zuko, chill,” you pushed him lightly, he rolled his eyes and left to do his business.
You were humming quietly when a woman tapped your shoulder. She wore a mask which concealed most of her features, and had a hat almost as big as yours on.
‘Don’t talk to strangers’ you replayed. You pretended not to understand. You tilted your head to the side, shrugging animatedly.
“Are you a foreigner?” You continued the ‘deer in headlights’ act, and that’s when your eyes finally landed on her left arm. It rested in her pocket, and seemed to be flexed. A funny feeling rose in your stomach.
“Guys, she’s a foreigner,” she yelled out behind her, a few men and women coming up. There were about 4 or 5.
Your eyes kept snapping to the bathroom, willing Zuko to sense the situation. You were severely outnumbered, and judging by the looks of the people in the back, there were for sure a few benders. You thought to use your own powers, but due to the extensive work you perform, you rarely had time to train.
“Just give me your money and we’ll let you go princess,” one of the boys mumbled, coming up to threaten you.
You furrowed your brows, still pretending to be confused. You thought to pretend you were oblivious might actually help. You smiled brightly, turning around and buying a small souvenir for the man. You grinned as you passed it to him, a weirded-out look crossing his barely showing features.
“Is she stupid?” He peered forward into your open wallet, showcasing no money. Zuko was the fire lord. Why would you need anything aside from loose change?
“Probably, look at her, she’s dressed like a tourist,”
“That necklace looks expensive,” a woman remarked, nearing you inquisitively.
“Ah you’re right,” the leader smiled, leaning closer to you, she signed with her hand a necklace around her neck, pointing at yours afterwards, “Nice necklace, where buy?” She dumbed her words down.
You took it off, silently panicking as you removed Zuko’s handmade pendant. It was a gold encrusted heart locket, and inside was a tiny mix of your nation and his’ shades, making a gorgeous concoction. It was a thank you for joining him. The metal that crafted it seemed dainty, but was strong and durable.
You used it to your advantage.
As the mystery lady’s eyes lit up at the sight of it, you spun her around, placing the jewellery on her neck, restricting her airway.
“Nobody move,” you scowled, looking around.
The woman signalled with her hand for them to stay still. She then turned around quickly, using her pocket knife to gnaw at the metal. It didn’t work, but it did leave a few nasty scratches on it. She used the same blade to attempt to cut you, but you dodged, pushing her to the ground under you. You stood in a standstill.
“You’re not a foreigner,” she mumbled.
“You’re trying to rob me,” you narrated.
“Doesn’t take a genius,” some guy yelled. Most tellers hid at this point.
“Just give me the necklace, and all will be good,”
She pounced, pushing you into a pole. Another woman restricted your arms behind it. She walked up to you again, grabbing the jewellery harshly. Using her knife, she guided your chin to look at her.
“Tell me, how much did you buy this for,”
“It’s handmade,” you frowned, wincing as she dug the knife further into your neck, not quite breaking skin.
“It’ll pawn for a pretty penny,” a man rasped, getting closer. Both the bandits were now right in your face.
Thankfully, legs are good for kicking. You sent them both back flying, twisting around to free yourself from the other lady. During the process, your hat fell and sunglasses followed.
“She works with the fire lord, RUN!” As you tried to locate the lady, they scrambled away. You were left without a necklace, and with hurried steps.
You ran up to the stalls, talking to the nearest man.
“Women’s bathrooms are over there,”
“Cool I need the men’s,”
“You’re not allowed in there,” he looked concerned.
“I know, I’m looking for a man about this tall, wearing a ridiculous hat.”
“Oh, is that him?”
“Hey YN, where’d your hat go?”
“Let’s go home,” you tugged on his hand.
“But you said you wanted to get food?”
“I’m not hungry anymore,”
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.”
“Whatever you say…”
He continued to try to probe for more information, and you continued to shut him right back down.
When you finally got home and got changed, you were dunked right into another meeting. You sat next to Zuko, resting your head on your palm. Your non dominant hand rose to fidget with the necklace, only to be faced with the intense heartache that its absence brought forth. You sighed.
After what felt like an eternity and a half, the general- admiral(?), whoever, finished his speech and let you all excuse yourself. You matched your friend’s pace.
“Where’d your necklace go?”
You frowned, “probably at some pawn shop by now,”
“Okay ouch,” he furrowed his brows.
“I didn’t sell it,”
“Huh?” You reached your quarters, the moon dominating the dark sky. You pushed your door open.
“I was robbed earlier- at the market,” your feet guided you in, and towards your closet.
“Wait what? Is that why you wanted to leave? Why didn’t you tell me-“
“Zuko there was nothing you could do.” Pyjamas placed on the bed, you flopped on the mattress next to them.
“I could’ve had them imprisoned. I could’ve protected you,” he seemed hurt.
That angered you. You got up suddenly.
“I’m not some damsel in distress Zuko,”
“That’s not what I meant!” He stuttered.
“Oh yeah? Then what did you mean?”
“I just-“
“Forget it.” You pushed him out of the room, locking the door.
He knocked harshly. “Hey! You can’t just do that!”
“Why not?”
The soldiers and staff in the hallway tried to conceal their laughs, they really did, but seeing the fire lord begging his advisor who he’s totally not in love with to open the door was the funniest thing ever. Especially since he was so flustered.
“Yn please,”
“I’m changing don’t be weird,”
“When you’re done,” he rolled his eyes, resting his head against the door.
He practically fell on top of you when you opened it again.
His breath caught in his throat. Seeing you look so peaceful made him feel things. The way your face was illuminated by the dull- almost dead- candle you refused to replace. And how it made your eyes sparkle. And how yo-
“Sorry, lost in thought,” he flustered.
“It's okay,”
You stepped back, and he entered your room. It was decorated beautifully, much better than his room, Zuko never quite had the eye for design. And oh, it reeked of you. How the sheets were slightly dishevelled, the curtains weren’t quite closed all the way, the carpet had imprints of where your slippers were, and how all the decorative pillows were strung around the floor, your favourite ones still finding home on your bed.
“Sorry it’s kind of a mess,”
A mess? Surely this was an art piece. A painting of your room should be displayed in a museum.
Maybe you were a little more than his adviser. Just a little though. You sunk into the sheets, covering yourself in the warmth of a weighted blanket.
“Sooooo,” he dragged.
“Yeah Zuko, I got jumped.”
“I don’t understand,”
“What don’t you understand, I was attacked, and since I had basically no money, they took my necklace,”
He paused. “Well are you okay?” He’d notice you looking out of your window frequently, and paranoidly checking your room and halls before entering.
“I’m fine,” you lied, for you were scared. Scared of being pinned with a knife to your neck, with the wrong move being the invitation to your funeral.
He tilted his head.
“Fine I lied. I'm not Fine Zuko,”
He smiled softly, a look of pity on his face. You got up out of bed, going near the window. The boy followed.
Again, your hand went up to play with your necklace.
Zuko kissed his lips. “What happened to you really sucks,”
“I really liked that necklace,”
“I’m not talking about the necklace Yn,” he wrapped an arm around you, pulling you into an embrace, “You were attacked, why're you trying to brush that away?”
You resisted tears, reluctantly replying, “If I think about it too much, it’s like I’m there all over again.” You refused to meet his eyes, until a gentle hand guided your face back to his.
“Yeah, but you can’t just suppress it. You’re safe here, I’m with you,” despite the words being just that, words, they comforted you.
Your eyes were locked with him, bodies intertwined. He hardly clocked in what he was doing, until you pulled away. You crossed your arms, putting distance between you and him.
“I should probably get going- it’s late,”
“Do you have to?” And all his resolve faded, how could he say no?
“I-I mean. I-“
“If you don’t want to it’s okay I just-“
“No I get it it’s j-“ you continued to cut eachother off.
“It’s up to you,” you concluded.
“I’ll stay if it helps you,”
“It does,”
“Alright, I’ll stay here. I’ll be here.” He stayed next to the window while you sunk into the bed.
You hummed as the cool pillow kissed your skin.
Still, you couldn’t shake off the uneasy feeling in your stomach. You put a hand on your chest, eyes snapping to where Zuko is to both make sure he was there and that he was asleep. The fire lord was slumped on your desk chair, head falling back.
“You okay?” He asked.
You gasped, not aware he was awake in the first place.
“I’m fine,”
“Then why are you breathing so heavily?”
“Is a girl not allowed to breathe anymore?” He laughed, not because it was funny. Well, everything’s funny when it’s past 12.
“No seriously what’s up?”
“I just don’t feel safe, even if you’re in the room,” you sat up, pulling the other side of the blanket away to show the empty bed.
If your light was burning, you’d see the bright red that burned Zuko’s face, and no, it wasn’t his scar. The thought of being in a bed with you, that close. It shocked him to his core. He knew he was kind of an idiot in the love department, if it was a job, he’d be fired. But what he did know is that he’d stumble on his words and forget how to speak if he got into the bed.
“Please?” You gave him that smile, and how his knees almost buckled below him just at the sight of it, how could he resist?
A different colour of blush gnawed carefully at his neck, tinting the already present one a darker shade of red.
“Yeah okay,” stiffly, he joined you under the sheets. Engraving the image of you next to him, nightwear making you look like a movie he’d spend eternity watching. He clenched his jaw, trying to stay focused.
Again, all efforts simply ditched him as you laid your head on his chest. You used your arms to guide his around your waist, the other your lips. You gave him the gentle-est of pecks, almost just a touch, on his wrist, resting it against your cheeks. The spot burned with warmth, a trail of goosebumps exploring the rest of his arms.
“Thank you Zuko,” but it wasn’t just a thank you Zuko. See, maybe he was delusional, but something was different.
Maybe it was the way you were looking at him, if you gave him those eyes more frequently, he’d bend to your every will. The sweet smile you dawned pushing against his arm, he wished it would leave a mould, a mark, anything, to remember this moment.
Gently, you put his hand onto your neck, and sighed. As you drifted off into a safe, sound slumber, Zuko wondered what it would take for it to all happen again.
An: I love him sm ydu
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ok, ok
I’m pretty sure I requested this to someone else but i forgot if they wrote it so can you do frank zhang x daughter of Apollo!reader but she acts more like an ares/mars kid
ty covey ily covey
⋆⭒˚.⋆ frank zhang x daughter of apollo! reader hcs
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𝜗𝜚 content…frank zhang x daughter of apollo! reader hcs 𝜗𝜚 warning…language 𝜗𝜚 letters from the author…hi hun!! so, i know this was most likely a request for a fic or blurb but i figured it would be better as hcs. sorry if that's not what you were looking for!!
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°˖➴ you guys are just godly parental expectations flip flopped lmao
°˖➴ soft son of mars meets rough daughter of apollo...and they do not hit it off
°˖➴ naturally, you two met in the archery arena
°˖➴ archery power couple frfr
°˖➴ frank had just been practicing peacefully when an arrow flew a little too close to his shoulder (though, it still hit a bullseye and split his arrow in half)
°˖➴ "could you watch where you're shooting, please?" frank asked, turning to the direction that the arrow had come from and frowning at the girl who stood with a glare and her bow
°˖➴ "that's my target."
°˖➴ "it doesn't have your name on it," frank stated, calmly but with a slightly deadpan tone.
°˖➴ the girl simply huffed out a breath of anger and marched up to him, shoving an arrow into his chest to put pressure and surely leave a little nick
°˖➴ "fine! shoot off for the target, winner takes all."
°˖➴ "alright, you're on!"
°˖➴ frank told everyone he let her win, but he never stood a chance
°˖➴ she shot with a passion, a fiery emotion that seemingly made the arrows bend to her will
°˖➴frank was intrigued by it...and, admittedly, her
°˖➴ he started challenging the girl to trick shot competitions or moving target (courtesy of leo) shoot offs
°˖➴ the daughter of apollo was never one to back down from a challenge
°˖➴ plus, the son of mars was rapidly growing on her, the girl finding herself even missing him when he had to return to camp jupiter
°˖➴ in the middle of one of your (not so) friendly competitions, you said something that made frank's arrow go flying off in the completely wrong direction, nearly hitting one of the nymphs
°˖➴ "if i win, i want a kiss."
°˖➴ this time, he actually didn't need to let you win
°˖➴ something about have such a desired prize had you hitting your mark every time
°˖➴ naturally, from that point on, archery dates were a must
°˖➴ frank also is just really good at reading people, you especially, which is helpful on rough days.
°˖➴ which also means he's good at helping you calm down and such
°˖➴ "wanna come do archery with me-"
°˖➴ "no."
°˖➴"just come watch...please?"
°˖➴"...fine. but im only watching, okay???"
°˖➴ within ten minutes, you'd be outshooting frank once more
°˖➴ also, you are now the president of the 'protect frank zhang at all costs fan club.'
°˖➴ congrats
°˖➴ everyone knows not to mess with the son of mars because his mean daughter of apollo girlfriend WILL fuck you up
°˖➴ just a sunburn type girl and her teddy bear (real bear) type bf frfr
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shawnxstyles · 1 year
prom with nerd peter!!! reader asks him to prom and he’s literally shitting himself while doing it😭 every one in school is confused as to how tf this nerd dude bagged that finest gyal in school lmao
prom alert!
song: dream a little dream of me (cover)- the mamas & the papas
warnings: major fluff!! mentions of anxiety and nerves. but overall, a sappy prom experience that will make you feel so single.
note: in honor of prom season approaching… this is a nerd!peter blurb, the same peter and y/n from my (ongoing) nerd alert! series.
“oh my god. oh my god. oh god!” peter hyperventilates while looking at himself in the mirror. he’s sporting a perfectly fitting black tux with a bow tie. his pouch in the front was empty, awaiting for a flower. he couldn’t look at himself for more than a few seconds without freaking out. “i can’t do this.”
“peter,” aunt may called, stopping him from walking out of the room by clutching onto his shoulders. “what’s going on? you’ve been so excited since she asked you.”
that’s right. you asked peter to prom. ever since you guys started dating, peter has been in too much disbelief to even be present sometimes. how did someone so incredibly smart, gorgeous, and overall way out-of-his-league like him? every time he saw you his heart went haywire and nearly brought him into cardiac arrest. you were perfect in his eyes, and probably everyone else’s too. peter wanted—no needed—everything to be perfect.
“i can’t go.”
“that’s silly talk, peter. you’ve liked her for years and now you’re going to prom with her. what’s really going on?”
“i…” so many things were going on in his head. “what if she realizes i’m not good enough? what if i make a fool out of her? what if people laugh at us? what if—”
“stop, stop, stop,” may interrupts, staring at peter through the full length mirror. she dusts of his shoulders. “you’re going to kill yourself what all of these what if’s. there is only one thing you need to think about. how do you feel about her?”
peter scrunches his eyebrows, but doesn’t hesitate.
“i love being around her. she always makes me feel special. oh, and i can listen to her for hours, she has such a soothing voice. i really like her. like really really. i lo…” his wandering eyes landed on may’s soft smile.
“look at you. all grown up.”
it is then when he realizes what she was doing. she was making peter talk about you because he knows that you make him feel comfortable. she doesn’t want him to worry about the outside opinions. “thanks, may.”
“of course, peter. now, what are you waiting for! go, get!” may hurriedly rushed peter out of the room. as they pass the dining table, she snatches the red corsage in the clear container. “wait!”
before peter reaches the front door, he turns to look at may worryingly.
“you forgot this,” she stuffs the corsage into his trembling hands.
“right. thank you. uh, i guess have to go now. love you,” he leans over to hug her.
“oh, you know i love you more. now go!”
peter has fought many dangerous people in the past. people that could kill him at any moment. however, he thinks he might die while he stands trembling on your doorstep.
the sun behind him is beginning to set while his heart bangs against his rib cage aggressively. after ringing the doorbell and waiting god knows how long (it felt like hours), your mom opens the door with a welcoming smile on her face.
“don’t you look handsome? y/n! come down!” she shouts up the stairs. she widens the door and beckons peter inside. with a shaky smile, peter shuffles inside and waits terrified on the bottom of the stairs.
your mom makes light conversation, and you two have already met, so it should’ve been easy. but peter’s nerves made everything ten times harder than it needed to be. peter could barely process any of her words and compliments, especially when he heard the click of your heels.
on instinct, peter’s neck cranes toward your figure as you stroll elegantly down the staircase. instead of racing, his heart stops completely. he feels the world around him freeze as his eyes lock onto your body. colored maroon, a long, silk dress adorns you along with black laced heels wrapped around your legs. your hair was curled romantically with the front pieces being pinned back precisely. he’s so caught up in how show-stopping you are he doesn’t catch the soft words that come out of your mouth once you’re in front of him.
“you look…wow. you look…there isn’t a word to describe how you look,” he rambled, eyes still in a daze. he strongly believed your name should be in a dictionary and be considered as a synonym for ethereal.
“how about amazing?”
“you’re way more than amazing. inside and out,” a warm wave of heat flushed over your skin causing your lips to lift into a smile.
“well, you don’t look too bad yourself, bug,” your hands press against his chest while he blushes profusely at your compliment. his wandering eyes finally find your face, glowing brighter than the sun and stars.
oh god. would it be bad if he cried? would it be bad if he kissed you and never let you go?
“let me get a picture of you two! i’ll make sure to send them to may!” your mom scurries into the kitchen for a moment to grab her camera.
“oh and um, here,” peter opens the dark red corsage that matches your dress. he places the plastic container on a stair before delicately wrapping the flower bundle around your wrist.
you pull another matching flower from behind you and tuck it into his empty pocket in the front. peter suggested doing it this way so you both had something to give each other. you thought it was the sweetest thing in the world. you thought he was the sweetest thing in the world, and you don’t know how you got so lucky to find someone like him.
when your mom comes back, you and peter pose cutely for a few pictures. you even do a few silly ones that you found online, like posing with finger guns while being back to back. when you’re done, peter and you finally leave for the dance, which is about a half an hour away.
“ready, bug?” you asked, squeezing peter hand’s reassuringly. he takes a few deep breaths, beyond nervous to walk through those fancy glass doors. anxiety is laced through his veins, pumping in his blood. you’ve already signed in, neon bracelets on your wrists. now, all you two had to do was walk into the room filled with your entire high school class.
it was a big deal for you both because no one really knew you two were together.
it was definitely one of the fancier events you’ve been to, but you weren’t nervous. if anything, you were comfortable because peter was by your side. however, it was very obvious that peter was on the brink of a panic attack. small spots of sweat could be seen on his forehead and nose while his teeth gnawed on his lip repeatedly.
“yeah. yeah, i can do this,” peter answers as if he’s trying to convince himself while his eyes focus heavily on the other side of the door.
“look at me,” your hands cup his cheeks and direct his face to look at yours. his eyes gaze into yours, muscles instantly relaxing into your touch. you were his kryptonite. “don’t think about anyone else. this isn’t about them. this about us. this is for us, not them.”
peter nods understandingly and takes another deep breath. holding your hand with newfound confidence, he pulls open the door and you both waltz inside.
the scenery was gorgeous. it was a huge ballroom with white ribbons hanging everywhere. lights flickered as upbeat music echoed throughout the room. as if you were in a movie, everyone’s heads turn towards the newest people to arrive: you.
peter’s grip on your hand tightens as everyone gossips. their expressions are priceless to you, jaws falling to the floor as they see you next to peter’s side. couples turn to each other as they bad-mouth your pairing.
“y/n came with peter?”
“someone has got to be paying her.”
“poor y/n.”
“god, she’s so hot. why peter?”
“if this is real, anything is possible.”
it’s hard for peter to ignore what everyone is saying when his senses are immediately heightened. every little whisper is shot straight into his eardrum, but he tries not to let them affect him.
“let’s go get a drink,” you shout to peter and tug him towards the food area. peter can barely shake off the staring eyes that burn into your backs. he shudders out a breath, hating that there was so much attention on you.
to distract himself, peter gets you both drinks. smiling, you take a sip and try to relax for a moment.
“that wasn’t as bad as i thought.”
“‘cause you didn’t hear what they said.”
“and you did?”
“yes,” peter points to his ear and you nod in understanding. of course, peter’s superhuman abilities still worked even at a regular high school event.
“well, just forget them. remember, it’s about us,” you smile and peter practically melts into a puddle on the ground.
“did you bring it?” you ask.
“bring what?”
you waddle closer to peter and set your drink down on the table. you lean towards his ear on your tiptoes.
“the suit,” you whisper, very, very secretly. peter chuckles, blushing at your proximity.
“of course. i know how much you like it,” discreetly, peter adjusts his collar and shows you a small peek of the red suit on his neckline. you gasp with a smile and quickly go to fix it for him.
“you’re so cute. i…” you stop yourself. you didn’t know if you were ready to say those three powerful words yet. so you peck a gentle kiss on peter’s cheek, hoping he didn’t notice. before you say anything else, you hear a song that you know all too well. gasping again, you force peter to put his drink down as you drag him onto the dance floor. “i love this song!”
when the song comes to an end, a slower, more romantic song begins. naturally, you find yourself slotted in front of peter, his hand resting on your waist politely while your arms wrap around his neck. your bodies sway leisurely to the sweet melody that pours throughout the speakers.
“stars shining bright above you,” the soft voice floats majestically in the air. peter gazes at your beauty in disbelief as the music continues to enhance the moment. you both stare into each other’s sparkling eyes as you mouth the lyrics with enchanting smiles upon your lips.
“night breezes seem to whisper “i love you”,” in that moment, your bodies stop moving as your eyes burn into one another’s. saying i love you was something you two hadn’t done yet, and even though it wasn’t direct or literal, it felt real. it felt right. it felt like that was a sign, your sign, that the time was finally right.
your hands drift into the hair on his nape, caressing him softly. peter’s breath is staggered, an overwhelming amount of emotions cascading through him.
“i love you, peter,” you lean into him, meeting his lips before he could say it back. if he said it back.
his rough hands press gently into your lower back as he deepens the kiss. peter could smell your rosy perfume better than ever when you guys kissed, so now every time he thought of kissing, he thought of roses and you. your noses brushed and your lips locked together as if you were the perfect combination. and to you both, you were.
“still craving your kiss,” the music hummed sweetly.
when you finally pull away, peter doesn’t let you go more than an inch from his face.
“i love you so much, y/n. thank you,” he tucks a strand of curled hair behind your ear. his heart thumps rapidly in his chest, but he doesn’t care. his complete and utter attention is on the graceful human being bundled in his arms.
“thank you? for what?” your grin is dopey.
“for giving me a chance.”
with a never ending smile, you crash your lips to peter’s once again, pushing him as close to you as possible. you never want to leave from his touch, needing to be consumed by his presence for eternity. as your hands caress his heated cheeks, the song nears its end.
“but in your dreams, whatever they be,”
“dream a little dream of me.”
this is so cute OMG. but can we talk about HOW Y/N DEFINITELY CALLS HIM BUG??? also, i’m in love with how they said i love you 😭😭
taglist: @invisibletrolleyson-jeremy @lnmp89 @crybabyddl @pretty-npeach @marine-mayday @aerangi @justanotherpasserby-blog @tinafuentes @moniffazictress11 @eywaheardyou @alwaysclassyeagle @mrstealuregirl @bisexual-desi @sherlockstrangewolf @madsttx @graywrites20 @bradtomlovesya @princesspannnn @raajali3
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lovestaysblogs · 5 months
where the hell is the rest of my egg?!
pairing: college au!seungmin x reader word count: 899 genre: college au, fluff warnings: mention of accidentally skipping meals.
network: @skzstarnet
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It was a hard day for you. You had classes from 8 till 5, giving you no chance to rest, leaving you with barely any chance to eat. Not to mention, you immediately had to go to the library to do some assignments because for some reason you got no work done at your shared dorm. 
As a foreign student living in Korea, you came to realize that this, though strange to you at first, was the norm here. It adapted to you easily. Now, it’s a part of your everyday life. Plus with your heavy workload, it made sense you would skip meals. Your roommate however hates how much you overwork yourself.
A text message from her comes in ‘have u eaten?’
Your eyes rolled playfully, before you responded to her, ‘no mother, i have not,’
She texts back immediately, ‘go eat. now. or im locking u out of the dorm!!’
You were going to text back that isn’t actually possible but you looked at the time to realize it was in fact way too late for you not to have eaten. It was nearly ten pm and you forgot to eat yet again.
You decided to listen to Lily for once, and packed up your stuff and to find a random restaurant still open at this time. 
As you stepped outside your university’s library, the cold air engulfed you. It was early January and winter was still in session. You reached in your bag for your jacket only to realize you left in the library. Cold and hungry, you started to walk looking for a warm meal, preferably simple ramen.
Walking into a small ramen restaurant, grateful you found it as it’s the only place that’s open this late, somewhat near your university. The yellow lights gave the warmth you so desperately craved after being in the cold for so long. The restaurant in itself was empty except for one student at a table in the corner, waiting for his food.
You gave a kind smile to the owner of the restaurant as you ordered your ramen. You took a seat near the cash register. As you waited you texted Lily that you were in fact getting food and she shouldn’t lock you out tonight.
The owner came out with two bowls of ramen on a tray, placing one on your table you smiled gratefully as you thanked him.
Before you could even take a bite, you heard commotion in the back of the restaurant.
“Are you serious? Half an egg? Where’s the other half?”
Looking at your bowl you realize, he did only give you half an egg. 
“You both are late customers. And I only had one egg. Unless you want to share I can’t do anything else,”
The egg guy hesitant looked over to you, making eye contact. He rolled his eyes and mumbled something to the owner, while shaking his head. You sure as hell were not going to ‘share’ with a random stranger. You were grateful to even find the restaurant open this late. 
You tucked your curls behind your hair and began eating. Soon thereafter a bottle of milk got placed on your table, you looked up at the owner to tell him you didn’t order it but he pointed at the egg guy in the corner that looked terribly interested in his phone at the moment.
He again hesitantly looked over at you and you shyly smiled, gave the slightest bow of your head, which he repeated.
Now that you look at him properly, the egg guy was kinda cute. His jet black hair slightly covered his glasses which he tried to fix every time he went to take a bite of the ramen.
After eating your meal, it was nearing 11pm. You dreaded going out in the cold, but Lily was waiting up on you and it would be wicked to let her wait any longer. Before bracing yourself and exiting the restaurant you heard a soft but firm voice from behind you.
“Are you alright over there?”
When you turned around it was egg guy. You were now face to face and can confirm, egg guy is extremely attractive.
“I don’t mean to be a bother but you seemed to be thinking long before you left,” He said with a shy smile on his face.
“Oh, no it’s fine,” You started to say but the quip of his eyebrow made you tell him exactly what’s wrong, “Actually, I left my jacket in the library and it’s so cold out and my dorm is a good walk away. I was just enjoying the warmth for a bit longer,” You shyly laughed, hoping to make it seem like it’s not a big deal.
“You can borrow mines,” He said casually while shrugging off his black jacket.
Your mouth slightly parted in shock, “No it’s fine. It’s so cold out, you need your jacket,”
He shook his head, “It’s fine as well. I do well in the cold. Plus, we already shared an egg, what’s the harm in letting you borrow my jacket?” He said with a slight smile on his face.
You softly giggled before finally accepting the jacket, “I guess you’re right? But I owe you,”
He softly sighed and nodded his head dejectedly, “Sure, but only if I could maybe get your name?”
“It’s Y/N”
“I’m Seungmin,”.
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a/n: eeeee my first fic!!! i have so many ideas in my head but i decided to start off with a simple seungmin fic 🫶 i hope u like it ^-^
please be gentle on me i haven’t written fanfic or posted my writing publicly in years!
please reblog if u like 🥹 i will reblog back! and if u wanna comment on anything or ask me any questions send me an ask 🥹🫶
okay bye <3
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ladythornofrivia · 1 year
The Imperfection of Sound
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In a world of sound, reader is deaf. Until she meets Ran Haitani, who shows her that life is more than just hoping for a miracle.
Parts: Three part series
Pair: Ran x Reader
Warning: Language and Mature Content
(If you’re under 18, I’m sorry you can’t read this)
Author’s Note: Please report if anyone decides to steal my story. And notify me. Thank you.
Chapter 1: Fate Between Two Worlds
Next Chapter
There hasn’t been a day when you wished to hear what people are saying. Or their emotions convey through monologue. All you had is smartphone to type in with messages. It's both your advantage and disadvantage. You hoped that one day you could hear the sounds of every life--every animal and people--hearing their emotions, hearing their ups and downs, it was never easy.
The last visit you had with your doctor, with your sister accompanying you, the chances of your hearing ability to heal are chances to none.
You cried and despaired the whole night in silence, unsure of your upcoming days on how to deal with communication through phone, sometimes with paper and pen, scribbling furiously before continuing to the next conversation.
Isolated, even written or typed, you've been forsaken to daily conversations. Everyone moved on, and you are stuck, infuriated infused with suppressing melancholy.
Writing and typing is one thing, but sensing every vibration from music and sounds upon walls is another. You're at your disadvantage. Faithless and stumbled upon every small and mundane obstacle felt impossible at this point.
One day, outside at the doctor's office, your impossible life seemed to spark anew.
New beginning with new purpose.
You never watched where you're going, accidentally bumping into someone with a bag plopped down on the floor street.
With his mouth moving, he said, "I'm so sorry." The two-braided tall guy was picking up the pursed and handed it to you with a graceful smile.
Your mouth opened for a second, wanting to thank him back, but you nearly forgot you can't hear anything, not a voice pronounced from a beautiful, tall man. You never met this guy, but your heart was beating fast it reached to your ears.
You wrote down on your thoughts on a paper.
Thank you for picking my bag up. I'll watch where I'm going next time.
"Why are you writing on a paper," he said, still wondering what his voice sounds like if you don't have the disadvantage.
You pointed your ears, implying you can't hear.
With the young man's lithe fingers took your notebook and wrote down his thoughts, it took longer than a minute--around almost 2 minutes.
He returned the notebook and pen to you as you rotated the notebook right side up, reading.
I didn't watch where I was going, either. Maybe I was so distracted by your beauty, I didn't fully pull myself together.
Quite a charmer, you thought. You're a hundred percent sure that chances are he has a girlfriend. You don't want to condone on involving an affair.
You wrote down on a notebook paper with, 'I'm sure your girlfriend wouldn't mind if you're talking to a stranger like me.'
As he read your reply, his tiny smile appeared. Then he wrote down with, "I don't mind talking to a beautiful girl like you. Besides, my only love life is the Roppongi."
"My name is (y/n), by the way," you wrote, and you slight bowed.
The young man smirked down at you, as you're unsure what to think of him before he suddenly reached your hand with his lithe fingers intertwined yours, enclosed his touch.
In unison, you and Ran retrieved your hands back.
"By the way, what's in Roppongi?" you wrote. "I've never been into Roppongi before."
The heart in your chest rapidly increased as the tall young man stand closer to you and gave you his phone. On his phone screen, there's an empty space for you to fill in with your phone number. You typed in yours and returned the phone back to him. With a pure grin on his serene face, his thumbs clicked on the keys.
The phone in your pocket vibrated, unveiling a number from him.
Approaching closer, he leaned his back forward and gave a deep peck onto your cheek. His lips are cold and smooth like a snowdrop.
You froze in spot, not realizing he already left but with two messages imprinted on your phone.
"Meet me at the club, I'll let the security guards know that I know you. I can show you around Roppongi, even Harajuku, if you like."
"Name's Ran Haitani, cutie pie. Don’t worry about you not hearing anything. It’s not your fault. Text me when you can. I'll be waiting. <3 :D"
Your heart lurched onto your throat. For all your years as a young woman, you never met a guy who is so sure about himself, that he's unafraid to meet your eyes, and treats you as if you're equal. You never met a guy who is willing enough to take a good interest on a sole individual like you, in a world full of noise and commotion.
On that day, you were sure that Ran Haitani would be the sound of your life's purpose.
Ran's reddened face hasn't been subsided ever since he meet up with Tenjiku. Izana has been discussing about how to ambush the rival gang and to gain more supporters.
Each time Izana speaks, Ran shuffled in his seat, sometimes dazing with a prolonged daydreamed that everyone thought he's getting high.
"What the hell is wrong with you? Are you taking drugs before coming here or what” Shion asked, as everyone, even Tenjiku’s leader, watched Ran with close inspection.
For a moment, Ran's lips quivered anxiously, eyes and posture wavered before their eyes, unsure what to explain to his newfound group at their hideout.
"I just met someone...who made me feel a thousand things that I can't describe."
Then found himself smiling at the thought of you, of your sheepish yet silent and strong enthusiasm coming from you during the first encounter. A little bow with your head, your twinkling eyes and your sheepish form before his tall stature.
He'll definitely try his best to involve in your soundless world and make into a better one.
Taglist: @galactict3a @colored-tr-panels @f1yh1gh @mrssano04 @onyx-blossom @glamourkills18
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neverchecking · 5 months
Can you please make a part 2, maybe even a part 3 for your recent post?
Your ‘Does it count as a marriage if only one of them is aware?’
Like the chains reaction to there being another Link married and asking Sage how it happened and who the lucky girl is.
Maybe them meeting the girl and how she really is and her telling the story in a quick version of the long version on how they got married. Maybe she plays a trick/prank on them before revealing herself as Sage’s Wife?
Just some ideas I thought could go well after reading the post that I love a lot!
Yes i ABSOLUTELY can. Im not gonna say when, but I DID start it. I saw this a while back and got so excited because i write Aaliyah yeah but i never actually expect people to like her bc i barely like her ngvigbng Thats a lie i love that bastard.
Here I'll give some spitballed ideas for now.
So, Aaliyah has never met the chain. Period. Like even right now? Never. I think even in constellations she's only met a few in passing and in the smut shots they were simply there. but in her Canon timeline? Has not met them.
Sage wants to keep it this way. I've mentioned it to Bailey, but Sage, even if he whores out, is a loyal bitch. He picks his person and that's his person until they die. And he'll do anything to keep it that way. However, because of his personality they have to be...special? I guess? Like it can't just be someone who rolls over and expects every one to just love them bc oh look at me! Im a helpless lil doll <3 UwU /Ref (Thats a very niche ref guys dw i love you all and your lil ocs <3)
Which is kind of why Aaliyah is the way she is? Sage needs someone whose gonna challenge him. Not necessarily bow down, or someone who will demand him to do this or that, but someone who takes what he says, challenges his ideals and will fight to prove theirs are better. Like Aaliyah will fight him, but if Sage can prove he's right, she'll fall in line. Unlike some dragons princess'.
Sorry sorry anyway, that being said, Sage doesn't share. He doesn't play well with others either. Neither does Aaliyah and Sage knows that.
So obviously the chain is SHOCKED bc how tf? Did Sage get married? BEFORE THEM???
Either way, a few of them are pretty invested, bc lets be honest. Traveling that long, with men? Not entertaining. they have zero tea. At all. So this is new and exciting to them. They want to KNOW okay? they are all secretly tea hungry housewives.
He refuses to tell them anything tho. Absolutely anything. Well okay thats a lie. He'll tell stories but only the WORST ones.
"She blew me up once. I think that's when i fell in love."
"Fuck no."
"Thank Hy-"
"I knew i was in love with her when she stabbed me and left me in the desert. Petty bitch. Just because I forgot dinner that night."
They're in love i swear
My point earlier with Aaliyah never meeting the chain is just to say that i have total freedom here. I can do this however I want.
And my all time favorite way of doing it? in my head with my lil tiktoks that I use to maladaptive daydream?
The Hunters being Hunted.
Aaliyah would find them long before they found her. She'd watch them and stake them out.
She's stay out of sight for a while, but eventually she'd do something small that would let Sage know she was there.
Probably drops a bomb flower in the middle of camp <3
it's the thought that counts <3
The others think their under attack but Sage knows. He's cackling and throwing his head back going "You crazy son of a bitch!" because that's his girl.
and you're probably going, "Aaliyah appears after that right?"
She fucks around with them until she grows bored then probably even then only sits in a tree until one night Sage goes "Isn't that right, cupcake? You're a fucking barrel of sunshine."
And she nearly decks him. "Oh a ray of absolute shits and giggles."
Scares the piss out of Sky for sure,
I just nvogng
I need the chain to meet one of the wives and then being terrified of them. Not even in a 'damn am i attracted to this?' way. No no no, I need them to be terrified for their lives <3
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archer-fb · 11 months
I promise to be there through thick and thin
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Bakugou hurt/comfort fic
A/N - sorry guys if this is bad I haven't written in a while, but in a bad headspace so here we are
tw - please read the warnings <3 - suicidal thoughts, self-conscious, self-harm, negative thoughts, tons of crying, depression, self-hatred, body issues, self-doubt, the feeling of never being good enough/useless/hopeless, I think that's it? but please proceed with some caution. also established relationship with Bakugou
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You don't know if this day can get any worse, you missed your alarm, you were late to class, you did horrible in training, and your grades were dropping.
"Y/n", Aizawa said, "your grades are slipping. I know you can do better, is there something happening with your home life? You know you can talk to me. Whatever is going on, try and get it together."
"Yes, sensei," you said. You bowed and left to head back to the dorms. It's been like this for the past month, no one really notices. It hurts. You don't know what to do anymore. You just feel so hopeless and useless, like you're doing enough for the people around you.
Once you reach the dorms Mina greets, "Hey Y/n! You want some of the soba the Todoroki made? I can warm you up-" You cut her off and say, "No thanks, I'm feeling really tired. I think I'm just gonna head to my room. You dashed to the elevator before you could say anything.
Bakugou saw you running to the elevator nearly in tears, he could tell you were breaking during your conversation with Pinky. He makes a mental note to check on you before he goes to bed.
By the time you get to your room you're already in tears and on the verge of breaking down. "Why can't I just be good enough!" you say to yourself. "Why am I so useless, I'm not doing nearly enough anymore. My grades are slipping, I'm on the verge of relapsing, and you can't do anything right!"
You stare at yourself in the mirror feeling disgusted with yourself, you say your thighs are too fat, you have a muffin top, you're fully of ugly acne, and think you'll never be as pretty as the other girls in your class. The more you look at yourself, the bigger the urge you're starting to get to cut yourself. You swore you would never go back to this, but you can't do it anymore.
You sit on the floor leaning against your bed crying so much, you found your old razor. It still has some dried blood on it from long ago. You look at your thighs seeing your old scars. You somehow start to cry even more as you start to make light cuts on your inner thighs, not enough to cause severe harm, but enough to bleed quite a bit.
Just as you're about to make another cut you hear Katsuki knocking on your door. "Sparks? You on there? You didn't eat dinner and came back late. Are you okay?" You stay silent, you then realize you forgot to lock your door, before you have the time to panic you hear Katsuki shout, "Y/n! I'm coming in there, I'm worried about you, Sparks."
He barges in seeing you on the floor crying as you cut your thighs, you break down even more as you start to see Katsuki tear up. "Y/n... Little Spark, what happened? Are you okay? Please talk to me," he says.
"I- I-it's so hard Katsuki, I can barely make it out of bed in the morning. My grades are slipping, I'm getting worse in a training, I look so ugly, and I'm not a good enough partner," you say through tears and hiccups.
He dashes over to you and holds you saying, "Little Spark, you're more than enough in my eyes, you're prettiest person I have ever laid eyes on. You are better than any partner I could hope for, you're so strong and smart, you are such a kind person always helping when you can. It's another reason I fell in love you, Y/n. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me." As he says this he starts crying and petting your head and rocking you.
"Suki, I don't know if I can do this anymore, it's so hard and beginning to be too much. Everyday I'm hurting and dreading the next day, I feel like everyone would be better off if I was never hear," you say through broken sobs.
"Little Spark," he starts to say, "I know I speak for everyone in our class when I say we'd be miserable without you. You're always there for me and everyone else. I'm always here for you always, all of class 1a is."
"You mean that?" I say as I finally stop crying. "Of course I mean that, with my whole heart. And you already know I don't say things I don't mean," he says staring into my eyes like we're we're the only two people to exist.
"I'm sorry I'm like this, and I'm sorry I'm broken..." You saying staring at the floor. "Spark," he says grabbing your chin so you are looking at him, "You don't need to apologize for any of that, no matter what you're like I will always love you and be here for you. Now why don't we bandage you up and snuggle together.
You sigh and say, "Okay, I'd like that, I love you so much suki." I know you do Little Spark, I love you more though," with a big smirk plastered on his face.
after Katsuki helps you clean up and bandages up your thighs
While cuddling Katsuki starts saying, "I promise to be there through thick and thin for you, Little Spark. Forever and always." "You really mean that?" I say looking up at it. "Of course I mean I promise with my whole heart, he says staring back at you.
"Pinky promise?" you ask him.
"I pinky promise. Now sleep, Little Spark, I'll stay with you all night. You asleep in his arms with a smile on your face feeling so much better.
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I hope you guys liked this! and if not I'm sorry <3 But thanks for reading everyone!
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leo-gold-hotchner · 2 years
Bloody mess
Really short, and unlike the title, it’s humourous
Thank you, everyone, for staying with me even though I haven’t uploaded for a while. Without your moral support, I wouldn’t have been here
Aaron Hotchner X BAU Reader
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Sleepy. As I doze off, my head bowed repeatedly. Shouldn’t doze off while writing a report, but then everyone was tired. Morgan was already sleeping on his chair, not caring who saw him. Prentiss was chatting with JJ, not doing her report. Reid was nowhere to be seen but probably went to get another coffee. 
Wanna sleep.
My eyes just shut, and my head dived into my pen, which I accidentally held upside down. I couldn’t even scream in pain as the tip of the pen pierced my nostril. Tiredness, sleepiness, all of ‘em were gone due to pain. It was hurt. Bloody hurt, but I pulled out the pen and covered the lower part of my face.
“F/N?” Whoever said my name echoed the bullpen.
I kept pressing my nose, but blood was gushing out through my fingers.
“L/N’s coughing blood!” Morgan yelled.
When did he wake up, was a question I asked in my head, even if the pain was killing me. Besides, I wasn’t coughing blood! The loud commotion happened as JJ came next to me to help me with the blood. Prentiss said something about the abundance and stuff, which I totally forgot. Breathing was difficult due to blood, and I started to breathe through my mouth, which came out breathlessly. To my friends, I probably looked like I was suffering because of that.
“F/N!” Aaron rushed next to me as he held my shoulders. “You can’t die on me! I haven’t proposed yet!” From the voice, I could hear he was on the verge of crying. Like, the Chief of BAU was about to cry because he thought I was coughing blood. Bloody hell. Even with the pain, and the situation, I couldn’t help but laugh, which ended up only gruesomely with my blood sputtering.
Despite my embarrassment of causing the commotion, in the end, I could make them understand it wasn’t serious. Just a nose bleed. Knowing what happened to me, Aaron glared at me a little with red-rimmed eyes—embarrassed from nearly crying in front of his team.
“We’re still going to see your nose,” Aaron frowned as he packed my stuff. My nose was blocked with cloth, but the blood hadn’t stopped completely.
“Sowwy,” I apologised.
“At least, now we know you guys are serious,” Rossi smiled smugly, supporting his chin.
Before I could respond to my mentor, Aaron pushed my back gently towards the exit.
“You’ve known that already,” Aaron muttered, and Rossi only winked at me.
It was much after Aaron, and I got married. And all of the team could laugh at that commotion during the ceremony. Though Aaron still gave me a halfhearted glare for scaring him to death.
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Daemon Targaryen x OC (Oneshot)
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A/N: Guys I got inspired once again. But his time is a little sadder than before. I nearly cried at the end so be careful. Anyways. Have a great day/night/evening. Hope ya enjoy it!
Spoiler for Hosue of the Dragon!
Warnings: fluff (so much fluff I couldn´t believ I made this), mentions of smut
Words: 669
She sipped at her wine as she watched him. His blue eyes were everywhere but not where they should have been. His gaze met hers, and she raised her cup to toast with him.
He smiled and did the same. Back next to her, her brother still spoke with her. She nodded so it seems she understood everything. Her gaze was still on this attractive man. His hair has straightened since they last met and his gaze was more intensive than before.
Once again she nodded at her brother's words. Rhaenyra interrupted her thoughts.
"My dear friend. What the hell happened between you and my uncle?"
She blushed and sipped once again at her wine.
"You wouldn´t believe me."
"Try it."
She explained what happened a few nights ago. Rhaenyras jaw dropped.
"My dear friend, you can´t tell me that´s true. He wouldn´t do this with the best friend of his niece."
"Never say never."
"How dare you. You haven´t told me."
She sipped once again at her wine and crunched her eyebrows.
"What should I have said? I´ve just fucked your uncle, and it felt like heaven."
She got interrupted by her brother.
"If it´s possible whisper a little louder. The men from the night watch couldn´t understand it."
She blushed. Her brother smiled.
"It is time for us now. Your Highness, please pardon my sister she always gets a little furious when she had someone in bed the night before. If you excuse us."
He took her hand and bowed in front of Rhaenyra. Rhaenyra tried not to laugh. She ran after her brother.
"What was that?"
"I saved you all those high and rich people were already looking at you."
"It was my best friend's wedding. How dare you. I promised her to be there with her."
"It doesn´t matter. I got a letter from my father, we have to go home. The enemies attack our country. You have to protect your people not celebrate a wedding while half of your people die."
She swallowed. The enemy country attacked again.
"Give me ten minutes I´ll be outside."
Her brother nodded and she ran upstairs toward her chambers.
As she packed her stuff the door behind her opened.
"I thought you left because of me, but your guards told me a war is started in your country."
A dark voice behind her said. A pair of hands found their way to her waist and stopped her in her movements.
"I´m sorry, Daemon. But I have to go. As you said right it is my country."
Daemon chuckled.
"As always when we move closer together."
"I promise when I come back I will be with you till the end. We will marry and have children and all that kind of stuff. But please let me save my country."
He leaned his forehead against hers.
"You know I love you. Promise me something: Don´t die."
She swallowed and silently started to cry. As he saw that she cried he wiped away her tears with his thumb. He pressed his lips softly at hers. She could feel the desire in this kiss. She could feel her tears and how her heart broke.
"I can´t, you know that."
"I know my dear. But please come back."
She nodded.
"I give my best."
He stroke through her hair and gave her one last kiss.
Now she had to go.
"I love you Daemon. Please pray for me."
He nodded.
She left the room with one last view at him.
As he stood there alone in the dark chamber he knew she wouldn´t come back.
That was the last time he saw her.
The last time she had felt his lips on hers.
The last time she was there.
Three days later the message of the death of her and her brother arrived in Kingslanding.
They´ve lost the war but won the hearts of all Targaryen, especially of one Targaryen.
He never forgot her.
She was always with him.
Till the end.
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starryevermore · 2 years
not so hard ✧ steven grant, marc spector, & jake lockley
angst city™ library | send in a request (consult request faqs first)
request: Steven/Marc having a huge crush on the reader - Marcs more calm about it and stevens like nope can’t talk to them - and then Jake just gets fed up like … “hi reader, I just wanted to let you know, Steven and Marc have a huge crush on you - and so do I - and we were wondering if you’d like to go on a date because these two cowards have been annoying for months” fluff? - anon
pairing: steven grant x fem!reader x marc spector x jake lockley
summary: jake finally asks you out after marc and steven keep skirting around the issue. 
word count: 1,021
warnings?: kinda bad but oh well, pet name (princess), not proofread
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Jake Lockley was really getting sick of their shit. For the most part, Jake didn’t mind taking the back seat. He was fine with only coming out and fronting when he was needed. And, truthfully, his skillset wasn’t needed very often. Marc by and large was able to handle things himself and, now that Steven had grown a bit more confident in his fighting abilities, Steven didn’t really need someone stepping in. So, Jake didn’t need to front unless there was the rare moment when either Steven or Marc couldn’t go all the way. 
And this, it seemed, was one of those moments. 
Except, Steven and Marc weren’t fighting a bad guy. They were acting as Khonshu’s fist of vengeance. They weren’t having to defend themselves. Nope. This was something completely, and utterly, normal, and it almost made Jake feel like he was in middle school, only recently finding out that girls don’t have cooties and that, actually, it might be kinda nice to have a girlfriend. Because that was exactly how Marc and Steven were acting. 
Truthfully, Jake could understand it. Because, well, he liked you, too. You were, to put it simply, the most amazing woman any one of them had ever met before. You were kind, you were crazy intelligent, you were witty, you were funny. It was like someone had taken everything all three of them could ever want in a partner and wrapped it all up nice and neatly with a bow in you. But every. single. time. he tried to make a move, Steven or Marc would suddenly front and stop Jake from asking you out. Which was beyond frustrating! Because all three of them liked you! So rarely were they all on the same page and yet Steven and Marc refused to ask you out?! God, it made Jake want to fucking scream. 
Especially now, as Marc was talking to you at the supermarket. 
“So, uh,” Marc coughed awkwardly, leaning against a shelf but nearly falling over as he miscalculated the distance between him and the shelf. 
“Shit, you okay, Marc?” you asked, reaching out to steady him. 
Marc’s face burned, ducking his head down so you couldn’t see his pink-tinted cheeks. He coughed again. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. They must’ve been rearranging things in here again. Could’ve sworn that shelf was two inches closer.”
You let a quiet laugh. Oh, Jake loved your laugh. He wanted to make you laugh all the time. “Or maybe you just have bad depth perception.”
Before Marc could even respond, Steven fronted, blinking owlishly, before saying, “Sorry, love, err—I mean, Y/N, ‘cause that’s your name, not love, but, uhhh, we gotta head out now, yeah? Forgot that I had a shift this weekend! But we’ll see ya ‘round, yeah?”
But Steven was gone, practically sprinting out of the store. And as the man ran off from the woman all three of them adored, Jake heard you mutter, “The museum’s closed today.”
What the hell was that!? Jake snapped as Steven ducked into an alley, trying to steady his breathing. 
“What was that? That was me trying to avoid us being humiliated!” Steven said. “Look, I like what we’ve got going with Y/N right now. She’s a good friend. I don’t want to lose that when we inevitably make things awkward by asking her out when she’s not interested! When she rejects us, nothing will ever be the same again. And I can’t lose her. I just can’t.”
You have to try.
“No, I don’t. I don’t have to do anything. I don’t want things to change—”
Marc jumped in, Jake, look. Steven and I are fine just being friends with her—
Well, I’m not! We all love her. And I know she loves us too. She’s been waiting for one of us to make a move, and it’s not fair that we’ve been making her wait so long, Jake said. Look, how are you two going to feel when she moves on and dates someone else? When she marries someone else? Are you guys really going to be okay with it? Or are you going to wallow in self-pity and kick yourselves for missing out on something great?
Neither of them answered. 
I can you right now, I’m not waiting. I’m going to make the move. And neither one of you can stop me. 
Jake fronted, taking a moment to calm his nerves. While he may have had more confidence about this entire thing than Marc and Steven, he still worried a little bit that this could ruin everything. But, dammit, he needed to try. He had to. 
He walked back to the store, hoping that you were still there. And, thankfully, you were, still browsing the cereal aisle that Steven had left you in. Jake walked up to you, clearing his throat when he was a few feet away.
You jumped slightly, whipping around to look at him. “Hey! I thought Steven had to go to work?”
“He was lying, princess,” Jake said. “You make him a bit nervous.”
Your brows furrowed together. “Oh. I don’t mean to. If, if there’s anything I can do to make him more comfortable—”
“You make him nervous because he has a massive crush on you,” Jake said, ignoring Steven’s grumblings. “So does Marc. And so do I.”
“Oh.” You titled your head, blinking slowly. “All three of you like me?”
“And…and what are you going to do about it?”
“I’m going to take you out to dinner tonight. I’ll get us a reservation at that restaurant you were talking about the other day. I’ll tell you the time as soon I book the reservation.”
You smiled slightly. “You’re more forward than Marc and Steven.”
“Only ‘cause I can’t wait any longer for them to get their shit together. So, what do you say? Will you go to dinner with me?”
You took a step towards him, pressing a kiss to his cheek. You leaned towards his ear, whispering, “I would love to.”
Now, see, that wasn’t so hard, now was it? 
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staceymcgillicuddy · 1 year
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Day 6: Sunrise, Sunset
One more day! Thanks again @amandaashplease--couldn't let this prompt go by without reflecting on all the "Eddie's a tech guy" headcanons out there.
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As far as Friday night activities are concerned, Eddie doesn’t do school shit, and Hellfire doesn’t count. But he had to take an elective, and he’d already done art and music, so drama was what remained. Since he sure as shit wasn’t acting, he’d joined the crew for the musical and blah blah blah, sets were built, lighting rigs were hung, and sue him: he’d like to see the finished result with an audience. 
Plus, for a musical, Fiddler on the Roof isn’t half-bad. He’s not saying he wants to go see Cats or anything—God, does he fucking hate Cats, and the cast recording Tammy Thompson plays all the goddamn time backstage—but he can get down with some poor people hoping for, like, a better future, or whatever.
So, yeah. He has his spot in the auditorium, near the back, where he can put his feet on the seat in front of him and ignore his classmates.
Until, that is, five minutes before the show’s about to start when someone shuffles into the row next to him and says, “is anyone sitting here?” 
It’s Chrissy Cunningham, and Eddie nearly falls out of his hard wooden seat as he scrambles to sit upright. “Uh. Hey. No, it's cool.” 
“Thanks.” She sits, and Eddie has a million questions. Like, where’s her dumb boyfriend? Why’s she here alone? Does she know how good she smells? Why is her ponytail so high? 
He doesn’t dare to ask any of them, though, so he just tries to look like he’s not looking at her, except for how he is. Mercifully, the lights go down a few minutes later, putting him out of his misery.
The thing is, though, he can’t focus on the show with Chrissy sitting right next to him. Can’t, like, get annoyed with the chick playing Hodel when she misses her mark and sings a whole fucking line in complete darkness. Can’t even appreciate the fact that Samuel Schlesinger is a pretty good Tevye. Way better than Tammy Thompson as Golde. 
But then, during Sunrise, Sunset, he hears some sniffles beside him and realizes Chrissy’s all teary-eyed over what is, objectively, a pretty sad song. But also, what the fuck is he supposed to do about it? His hands are frozen to the armrests, and he wishes he was the kind of dude with a handkerchief in his pocket. 
“You okay?” he whispers in the few spare seconds of silence between the song ending and the wedding beginning. 
Chrissy nods. Compresses her lips into a tight line and wipes her eyes so fiercely that some mascara drags across her temple.
Intermission is soon after, and she turns to him with an apologetic smile when the house lights come on. “I’m sorry. It was just… pretty.” 
“No, uh. You’re fine. You’re uh… yeah. It’s a good song.”
“Mmm.” She twists her mouth into a bow, lower lip jutting into a pout. “Do you ever… it’s so stupid. I forgot about an English assignment, and I have to watch this and write an essay to make it up.” 
That’s surprising in that Chrissy has always struck him as perfect academically and socially, but it explains why she’s not here with friends. “Uh, sorry. I’m only here because I’m in drama, and like… yeah. I worked on it.” 
“Oh.” Another pause and she offers him a smile. “It’s really good.” 
“Thanks. Sorry about your English grade.” 
“At least she’s giving me a chance to make it up. This semester’s been… just. I don’t know.” She smooths down her skirt, then cuts her eyes at him. “Do you… do you ever feel like you’re losing your mind?” 
It’s a loaded question with a simple answer, and Eddie smiles.
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Technically, Tammy already graduated, but given that the Duffers don't care, neither do I, so she's Golde. Suck it, nerds!
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thepaintedlady00 · 10 months
Nightshade Chapter 20 Sneak Peek
So sorry for the long wait y'all! I've just been getting back on track with everything and also just got Balder's Gate 3 so I've been playing that obsessively as well 😅 BUT, here's the sneak peek at last! Enjoy!
Note: these are a bit smaller since there's 2 of em!
I bowed my head and bid Mr. Hiragana farewell, pulling my phone out of my pocket to check the messages that had been coming in during the meeting. My heart nearly stopped at the sight of four missed calls from Peter. One from Patrick and one from Jake.
Please answer the phone, Lee.
You know he didn't mean it.
Just… Be safe. Call someone, please?
Peter's messages made my throat clench. Guilt and pain and that stupid bitter sting of anger still sitting in my chest.
The next message was from Jake. Short and simple and surprisingly not dripping with frustration or anger, which only made the guilt burn hotter. Hey, I just wanted to check up on you. Didn't seem like yourself this morning. Sorry if I said something or… You know. Call me if you need anything.
I leaned against the chain link fence in front of the hotel, pressing my hand to my still-aching head and desperately trying not to cry. The phone buzzed in my hand.
How was the meeting? Scott.
Pull yourself together, I told myself quickly, replying to the cook's message. Good. He approved all the plans and is contacting his guys to get it started.
Before he could reply, I shoved the phone in my pocket and started walking. Among the crowds of people and their constant idle noise, I could think clearly. My feet carried me, familiar with every path and, deep down, knowing exactly where to go even when I didn't. I wanted to go home. Wanted to curl up in that old, lumpy bed and disappear. But Patrick's voice still harshly rang in the back of my mind. 
I wiped the wetness from my eyes and shook my head. Home wasn't an option right now. So, I kept walking. Walking and listening and avoiding… All the things I used to be so good at.
The orange hues of the setting sun painted Nana's diner in a golden glow. The tiny little building looked almost heaven-sent as I made my way across the street and through the front door. It was busy tonight. Tables full of bodies happily conversing and enjoying their meals as the old Arabic woman looked up over the counter and sadly smiled at me.
Nana opened her arms wide and swept me up into her embrace, kissing my head and lovingly smoothing her hands over my hair. "Oh, Habibi, how are you feeling?"
"I'm okay," I answered, though I knew she'd hear the crack in my voice.
Pulling me back, she stroked my cheeks and swept me into a seat. "Sit, beautiful girl. Abdul and I will make you dinner."
As I sat in the noise of Nana's diner, I watched the people that came and went. Families, friends, lovers… There was no shortage of deep, forged bonds staring back at me tonight. A great joke that made it impossible for me to forget what I'd missed and the angry words Patrick and I had exchanged. Nana served my food, setting the various plates down around me. "Have you seen Ozzy?"
She shook her head, then suddenly asked, "How was your night? I know it's a difficult day for all of you, but hopefully, your visit made it better. "I changed my jaw, tears stinging in my eyes. Salt in the wound. I knew Nana didn't mean to remind me of my monumental fuck up. I knew she asked because she cared, but what was I supposed to say? It was amazing. I spent the whole night with Jake and completely forgot that it was the anniversary of Dad's death, so I missed the family visit to his grave, and now everyone hates me. So I just shrugged. "It was okay."
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Rabbit brings her furry buddy to hang out with the Young Girl. 053 makes a new feline friend, and gets her own fluffy pal.
It's Friday afternoon, and I'm on my way to see 053. I've got Liam, my cat with me in a pet carrier. I'm halfway there when I run into a familiar face. I missed Watch, he's a funny guy, but can still get things done.
"Hey, Rabbit... what's with the pet bag?"
"Taking Liam for a visit. Thought 053 might like to meet my fluffy little nutter. She'll love him, how could she not? He's a sweet goofball."
"Kind of like you, huh? Evelyn is gonna be thrilled. Oh, speaking of, I have to go tend to 035 being his typical ceramic drama queen self, it's not likely I'll be able to see her. Would you kindly give her this? It's a plush cat toy. Which kinda looks like Liam now that I've gotten a look at him. He is a handsome boy, I'll admit." He hands me a medium sized box, wrapped in pink paper, topped with a purple bow.
"You know, you don't need to pull the Bioshock trick on me when it comes to Young Evelyn, I'm happy to visit her. And I'll let her know. Hey, who knows? Maybe you're lucky and 035 might just need a nap or something."
"Unlikely, but weirder things have happened. Thanks, Rabbit. Tell Evie I'll make it up to her with an ice cream party tomorrow. I'll even invite 682, heard he's fond of Rocky road."
"Gotta admit, discount Godzilla knows good ice cream. And Evie will love you for it."
"Dunno, Liam's pretty cute, keep bringing him for visits you may become her favorite Auntie, even take my place as her favorite staffer."
"Come on, Watch. Ice cream sundaes AND 682 back rides? No way I can top that. Besides, it's not a competition, I just want her to have some kind of normal here."
"Normal? You realize where we work, right?"
"You know what I mean. You'd better go, 035 hates waiting. Unless we're waiting on him. Also, would you kindly remind him he needs to keep his clothes on? Ain't nobody want to see him letting it all hang out." Watch laughs at this.
"Using my own tricks on me, huh? Alright. Give Evie a big hug from me."
"The biggest, Watch. I love Evie like she's my own niece. Yes, I know technically I'm an only child, but she's my niece nonetheless." We depart, and I head off to see Evie. I walk into her room, and nearly drop Liam when 053 hugged the stuffing out of me.
"Auntie Rabbit! I missed you." More hugs.
"Hiya Evie! I brought you a new friend to hang out with. Meet my buddy Liam. He's a bit daft, but adorable." I open the carrier, and take out my fluffy little knock-off Turkish Van. Evie squeals.
"He's so fluffy! Is he your cat?"
"Yeah, met my little buddy not long after I transferred here. I found him in one of the site dumpsters, stealing a slice of pizza. Took the little guy in, gave him a bath, and he's been with me since. He likes having his chin rubbed like that, keep going and he'll purr like a jet engine."
"He keeps bumping his head into my hand."
"Yeah, that's him hugging you." I take out the box. "Almost forgot, Watch sent this up with me. He's sorry he can't drop in, he's a bit overloaded with work. It's all boring grown-up stuff, so it's going to be a while. He's got a nice surprise for you tomorrow, though." I hand Evie the box, watching as Liam swats the bow. She opens the gift, and giggles.
"He got me my own Liam! I love him. He really does look like your kitty. He even has the black tail, just like the real Liam."
"Only this Liam won't steal your cheese."
"He steals cheese?"
"Don't most people? He thinks he's a person. And yes, cheese, the odd chip, blue freeze bars but only the blue ones, chicken, he's a food thief. He's not all fluff in the middle."
"He is a little chubby. But really sweet and funny."
"Yeah. He's a good boy."
Evie plays with both Liams, the live cat curling up in her lap. After a few minutes, my Liam starts snoring. He's happy, Evie is happy... mission accomplished.
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