#muddy shoes. on the nice couch.
americiumam · 1 year
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(complaining in the tags)
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danistartt · 1 year
Gentleman- Jamie Tartt
pairings: jamie tartt x reader, richmond team warnings: language. i think i read this one too many times. about: request! secret dating because reader works for Richmond (as like pr or physio or something) but when they win a match one day Jamie is so overcome with joy he just has to kiss her
“Don’t you think someone is bound to get worried you’re coming in here every day?” you wonder, pinching away individual blades of grass stuck among the fuzzy dandelions of Jamie’s socks.
“Nah,” he says, watching your careful attention from his place on the pillow. He’s feeling bad about putting his muddy shoes over your clean lap, but you haven’t complained once, only appreciating the easy access to touch him. “They don’t know I come up here.”
You look perplexed. “Where do they think you go?”
Jamie shrugs. “The loo?”
“The one not in the locker room? Six times a day for ten minutes?”
“I keep myself hydrated,” he tells you, lifting up his water bottle to wag it at you. “Y’know, to keep up appearances.”
You chuckle, pushing the web of your thumb around his ankle and trying to touch your pointer. Your phone blinks up at you, the time precarious. Your hand slackens. “You need to get back soon.”
Jamie gets that sticky feeling he does whenever he has to leave something, gross and pleading at the pit of his stomach, his every cell calling out for him to use his time better. He wants to touch you like you’re touching him. He shifts onto his elbows and stares at you. “I can be a little late.”
You frown at the idea, your hands still and warm on his calves. “No, Jamie.”
“Yes, Jamie,” he murmurs, his arms making quick succession in tugging you to him. He’s strong, he’s always been strong, but you don’t tend to notice until he’s pulling you out from beneath his legs and hugging you in a single movement.
You don’t want to encourage him but you want even less to not make your delight shown at being pressed against his chest.
The minute changes. Your care for it begins to dwindle.
“Jamie!” you squeal, not moving. 
He says your name in the same tone, as condescending as he used to be but sweetened by the kiss he presses against your hair. “C’mon, love,” he encourages, a horrid influence working.
“No,” you insist weakly. “Ted’s waiting for you. The team’s waiting for you.”
“But I’ve been waitin’ for this all day,” he complains pointedly. “Maybe I should trip o’er the ball or somethin’. Make a nice excuse to spend hours here with ya.”
“Jamie Tartt? Not believable.”
He makes a pleased noise, pressing another kiss to your forehead. “You’re right.”
Another minute. Ted’s brown eyes bore into your subconscious.
Painfully, you peel yourself off of Jamie, slotting his thighs between your own. You watch his pupils dilate from above him.
“No,” you start, gently holding his face in your hands in a plea and causing the opposite effect you’d meant to. “No time. Later.”
He grasps your coat tightly.
“I promise. Just go to practice.” You spy the time and scramble off of him. “Now.”
He groans, catching your wrist when you hurry to collect the loose strands of his hair. He holds up a hand, pinky finger outstretched, and stares in question.
You roll your eyes but hook your own through his, a grin making its way to his face. “Y’know these’re binding, right?” he asks pragmatically.
You’d taught him that. The prick. “Yes,” you say exasperatedly, trying to pull him off the couch.
“‘M goin’,” he mutters, letting you. “I’ll see you in half an hour.”
“No you will not,” you gasp. “They’re going to think you have a bladder infection.”
“I’ll make somethin’ up,” he shrugs, looking around. He picks up your keys off your desk and wags them. “Maybe you dropped your keys when you were headin’ in.”
“Jamie,” you warn. “You can’t leave the team so much because, beside the fact that they’ll notice something is up, you actually like being with them and—”
“I like you better. A lot prettier.” He closes his fingers around the keys.
You inch closer slowly,  but he’s undeterred and blows you a kiss, leaving your office with only muddy tracks left in his place before you can catch up. “Do not come by in half an hour!”
He listens to you. Kind of.
You see him a few hours later, a cocky glaze on his features, keys clicking against one another. “Hey, doc, I think ya dropped somethin’.”
You snatch them from him. “What a gentleman.”
“Right? Had to fight for it, too. Coach must really like returning keys.”
“How’d you get him to give them up?”
“I jus’ left,” he shrugs.
You gape at him. “What?”
“I told ‘im I found your keys, he said he’d give ‘em to you after practice. I said you might need ‘em now and then I just went inside ‘fore he could call Will over. I should actually be gettin’ back now, our screaming break’s probably over.” He slinks over to you and kisses your forehead, smelling like grass and sweat and lavender detergent.
“What?” you echo.
“I’ll see you later. Can you pick up some food before you get home? Kent don’t really like it when I leave the screamin’. Says it’s most effective on me.”
He smiles at you, waves, and leaves you perplexed.
You put down what he stole from you and notice vibrant pink peeking beneath metal, a green stem’s end through the ring. When you pull it out, you recognize it as one of the flowers that keep growing at the far right edge of the field. You melt into your seat, pouting at the crumpled petals.
“So, what’s the verdict, Doc?” Ted asks when you come out of your room, dipping a finger behind your right glove.
��He’ll be okay. He can play this week’s game as long as he doesn’t put too much pressure on his foot. I told him to ice it periodically for two days and then just make sure it isn’t swelling.”
“No permanent damage, then?”
You laugh. “No permanent damage.”
Sam pushes your door open, leaning on a crutch.
“How you feelin’, champ?” Ted asks.
Sam shrugs. “I’ve been better. At least Doctor Y/n gave me the all clear for this week.” He looks pointedly at you, as if Ted might need confirmation from you.
“Under what conditions?” you pry.
“Rest, ice, compress, and elevate,” he lists off his fingers.
“The most important for you, Mr. Obisanya, being…”
“Not being on it for two days,” he answers, ever the great student.
“I wish all my patients listened as well as you do,” you commend, letting him go with a smile.
Ted watches him go, turning back to you with a cheery expression. “Well, thank you, Doc.”
“It’s what I’m here for.” You toy with your gloves, listening to the team erupt in noise once Sam assumedly gets back.
“And also to bring a smile to all our faces. Not to say that’s a purpose. Just a nice bonus.”
You laugh. “Thank you, Ted. Is there anything else you need from me?”
He shakes his head. “Oh, no, no. Just wanted to ask if you were interested in goin’ out with the team and I tonight.”
“Where are you going?”
“Oh, just the Crown and Anchor. We haven’t officially asked ‘em yet, but one thing that doesn’t change no matter where we are is that athletes always appreciate a good drink with good company.”
“Very true,” you murmur, contemplating. You hadn’t gone out with the boys in a while and you were beginning to miss their antics. You could sit around the house for the evening, or you could spend that same evening a little drunk with your friends. “You know what? Sure. I’d love to.”
“Alrighty then!” Ted cheers, pleasantly genuine in the way no one else is. “I’ll let ‘em know. We’ll see ya later, Doc!” 
“You too, Ted!” you call after him, slumping into your chair once you’re alone. Your phone vibrates from the table, lighting up with a picture of Jamie that he’d insisted you set as his profile picture. “Hello?”
“Coach says yer coming with us tonight?”
You stare at your door. “He just left. How could he have possibly already told you that?”
“Team groupchat. He was very insistent about it an' m'honestly not that upset about it anymore.”
You laugh. “I am going. Are you?”
“Course. D’you want me to pick you up?”
“How do we explain that?”
“I’m a gentleman?”
“To this degree? Do you think they’d believe that?”
“I’ll go before. Help ya pick out your clothes, put ‘em on?”
“You’ll see me when I get there.”
“C’mon, love. I want to be the first.”
“You always are!”
“Do you really wanna risk that streak?”
“Yes.” Other voices begin to filter in, still far away but getting closer. “I’ll see you there, Jamie. I love you.”
Jamie pauses, a soft shuffling noise preceding what is clearly Jamie’s palm curving around his phone’s speaker. “I love ya, too,” he whispers. You hang up, leaning into your seat. Your phone zzpts in your hand.
send a picture. Three dots, blinking in and out. please.
Humming, you debate it before: i’ll think about it. 
Jamie, of course, is the first to see you.
He looks for you in every creak of the pub door, slyly craning his neck to check for the color of your hair or the burgundy coat you tend to wear on these outings. When he finally catches sight of you, he looks away, satisfied to have been the owner of the first glance.
The others spot you quickly, raising their beers in your direction. Zoereaux puts your drink in your hand, cold bubbles splashing the curve of your thumb.
You thank him, kissing his cheek in greeting as the others crowd you. “Maybe I should be worried you all know my order.”
“Absolutely not,” Ted chimes in from your other side. “Knowledge is love.” He hugs you too. “Glad you could make it, Doc.”
You push yourself onto a seat next to Jan Maas, tipping your glass at him. “You look nice,” he says.
“Thank you,” you respond. “You too.”
“Doc?” Isaac asks.
“You can call me by my name, Isaac.”
He wrinkles his nose and shakes his head. “Nah. Feels weird now.”
“Alright. What’s up?”
“My sister says thank you for the advice. Her leg’s all better now and she told me to invite you over for dinner.”
“She doesn’t have to do that.”
“She insists.”
“You should just accept,” Colin says. “She makes a good Shepherd’s pie and won’t give up.”
Isaac nods, jutting a finger in his direction.
“Of course, then. Can’t wait.”
The conversation continues, and you indulge a glance at Jamie to find him looking back at you, an inquisitive pull to his brows. Your eyebrows jump, trying to ask a question with only your features.
You pull your phone from your pocket and begin typing out a message for him when the topic somehow heads back to you.
“Hey, d’you end up going on that date?” Bumberbatch asks suddenly.
You blink. Jamie turns to him curiously. “What?”
“With the prick. You know. Coiffed hair, All puffed up.”
“Um.” You try very hard to not look at Jamie, who’s surely staring at you with wide, amused eyes. “Yes. Yes I did.”
“How’d it go?” Isaac urges. Your mouth is open with no certain words to comfort.
“Yeah. How’d the date with the prick go?” Jamie pipes up, sliced brow up. He’s awful. Truly, truly awful and he knows it.
You force a smile at him. “Not as bad as I thought.” The team mumbles in satisfaction but Jamie doesn’t give.
“Not as bad, huh?” Jamie repeats, lips thinning in thought. “I dunno.” He does a little shake of his head and licks his lips, meeting your eyes again. “Maybe it went a little better than that?”
You clear your throat, heat rising to your face though you try desperately to keep it down. 
Colin raises a brow. “Why would you say that?”
Jamie shrugs, unfairly unphased. “Just askin’.”
The attention moves off of you. You glare at him.
He smiles and, in the wake of a controversial argument between cartoons, winks at you. Your legs go weak.
You’re supposed to sit with the coaches during matches. Keeley had been upset at first and Rebecca sorry, offering a replacement medical professional for a game if you were so inclined to observe a game from the box seats, but you’d refused. Your place, although precarious with flying balls and the grandest source of stress, is kind to you. 
You sit behind Ted during matches. The back of his head is surprisingly comforting in the tensest points of a match, and you find you can catch the preliminary movements of his fingers when you’re nearby.
There isn’t much contorting you have to do to sprint into the field if you’re needed, and the seat itself isn’t too bad when you’re not. Also, you have a great view.
You’re close enough to feel the strength with which the players kick the ball, you’re part of the very exclusive audience to the coaches’ hope, and when he gets close enough, Jamie can hear your cheers for him very clearly.
You’re completely sure he can hear you now, shouting at the top of your lungs up front with the coaches, fists tight enough to shake. He speeds up with renewed energy, the ball a blur between fast legs and fake passes. You grasp Roy’s arm with everything in you and let your eyes move to the timer. Less than fifteen seconds to go and a tie glares in blocky red numbers.
Your fingers spark with something hot, curling tighter around Roy’s wrist when the ball is passed to Jamie.
The time goes by too slowly and the ball flies too fast, a defender slamming to the ground with his hands up as Jamie’s kick sends the ball into the net. The clock ticks for the last time. The arena erupts in sound and a combination of red and blue.
You scream, finally letting go of Roy to drag your hands to your face. Isaac and Dani embrace on the field, most of the others running toward Jamie but Jamie is sprinting toward you.
You realize too late what’s going on, too proud of Jamie, too dizzy on adrenaline and excitement to realize what’s about to happen and why it shouldn’t.
He comes up to you beaming, picking you up easily and spinning you around. You respond immediately, palms against his warm cheeks, lips pressing repeatedly against his forehead and then finally his lips. “You did so good,” you praise, hoping he can hear you even through the overwhelming noise. “I’m so proud of you.”
He grins, finally catching your lips and lowering you to the floor. It takes only two seconds for what happened to settle in. You can see it on his face, the exhilaration contorting into recognition. He finally looks away from you and gulps.
The stadium is still loud, but most of the team is looking at you, caught in differing positions of celebration. Ted stares at the both of you, jaw dropped.
“What do we do?” he whispers to you. “Do you think they’ll believe it if we say it was an accident?”
“No,” you respond just as quietly. “No, I don’t think so.”
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haakaan00502 · 10 months
Old habits and new
Ghost treads carefully, one foot in front of the other, a handgun up and close to his chest as if it was protecting his heart. He stays near the wall, almost gliding through it, slow and fluid movements as his eyes dart from one corner to another, checking every angle his view allows him to.
He looks at the mirror, checking the reflection of the kitchen to see if there was anyone-
“Si?” a familiar voice asks.
Ghost feels like he was caught red handed, a feeling close to shame settles in his chest.
“Sorry,” he says with a sigh.
He releases the tension his back was holding before setting his bag on the side of their couch.
Ghost opens the pantry, checking for supplies, sufficient water and food. He checks some of the canned goods sell-by date, or if they still have enough detergents below the sink. He opens the fridge and counts the frozen meat and vegetables they still had, checking if the eggs are still fresh.
Soap eyes him from the side while he was sipping water, giving a concerned look.
“Simon,” Soap says, to which Ghost grumbled in response before reluctantly closing the fridge.
He throws his body to the couch while Soap busies himself in the other room.
He takes out a handgun, flicking the lights on and off before checking if the mag is empty. He pulls the slides and back before pulling the trigger, removing the slide off the gun revealing its innards.
He polishes the gun with a rag, barely smudging the towel.
With a quick spray of gun oil, he reassembles the gun back, placing the trigger and the spring where it belongs. Putting the slide back in its frame in one smooth fashion, nearly beating his personal speed record
Having done so hundreds of times, the glock looked like it shined, even more pristine than the day he first got it.
He taps his left leg as he clasps his hands together, feeling anxious for seemingly no reason at all, Ghost slightly grows irritated. He leans back to the couch, placing his head on top of the backrest as he closes his eyes.
He hates it whenever they go on leave, so much so they had to force Ghost on taking one. Only ever agreeing when Soap asked, three times. Though he was sure all it took was one for him to cave in.
Ghost never learned how to leave his shoes on the front door, always bringing his work even inside their home, muddying up the floors. He’s not opposed to learning how to “relax” or get a “day off,” it’s just that he was conditioned not to. He learned to live without doing so.
“You aight?” Soap asks, standing behind Ghost.
His eyes greeted by another pair owned by one dear to him, Soap looks down on Ghost giving a soft concerning look.
“Sorry,” Ghost sighs.
Soap replies with a hum through pieced lips, a habit he recently picked up and one that Ghost loves. Soap sits next to Ghost, placing a hand on Ghost’s tapping leg in an attempt to stop it.
Soap is patient, he understands it’s hard to adjust to a normal civilian life and he’s mentally prepared himself to guide Ghost through all of it, afterall he himself knows old habits die hard.
So it comes as a surprise to both of them when Ghost holds his hand out for Soap to grab, Ghost realizing that this is now ingrained to his very being, something he would be doing for years to come.
That thought felt nice.
When Soap took it, they held tight until every nook and corner touched, until no light could ever see the palms of their hand. The two held with the intention of never letting go, afraid that the love inside would slip out.
For now Ghost doubts his mind, his eyes, trusting only Soap’s hands.
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heavenlyraindrops · 3 months
Change With the Seasons| Stardew Valley| Sebastian x Reader
Chapter Summary:
After befriending Abigail, she invites you to hang out with her friends at the Stardrop Saloon. You agree, deciding that socializing would be a good idea.
You did not expect Sebastian to be there.
Chapter Two: the Stardrop Saloon.
Here is the Masterlist. This is also available on Quotev and AO3. I’d appreciate it if you guys could follow me on there!
You were browsing in Pierre’s store when you had first met Abigail. The purple hair interested you enough to consider her worthy of conversation, and upon speaking to her you realized that the impression that the purple hair had given you did not disappoint.
“Right… I heard someone new had moved into the old farm.” She tilted her head, tapping a painted nail against her cheek. “Shame, really. Not that you moved in. I just liked exploring those overgrown fields by myself.”
You smiled and shrugged. “Well, you can still come over and explore. I doubt I’ll be able to clean up all of it before the end of the season.” At your words, her eyes lit up and she smiled her gratitude.
“Thanks. You know, you’re actually pretty cool.”
“Am I?” You asked nervously, picking up a bag of parsnip seeds and bringing it to the counter, where Pierre was waiting.
“Yeah. Say, today’s Friday right? Me and my friends usually go to the Saloon and hang out. You should come with!”
You looked up. “Really?”
You shrugged. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to meet some new people.” Abigail grinned, flashing finger guns at you as you exited the store, her words trailing after you:
“See you this evening!”
You were hanging around outside the Stardrop Saloon, waiting for Abigail to arrive. You had done your best to look nice, exchanging your dirty overalls and muddy boots for a sweater and shoes that actually looked clean.
You recognised her wavy purple hair from a distance, and waved at her. She waved back, enthusiastically, and met you at the door before leading you in.
“Seb and Sam usually play pool, and I just sit on the couch, but it’ll be fun to not be third wheeling this time,” she said.
“Seb and Sam?”
Abigail looked at her. “Haven’t you met them?”
You tilted your head. “I don’t think so?”
“Well, I guess you will now.”
The first one to enter was Sam. He had his blond hair pushed back and upwards, and grinned at you. “Whoa, are you the new farmer?”
“Uh, yeah.”
“Cool.” He turned to Abigail. “Where’s Seb?”
Abigail shrugged.
Sam sighed. “I’m not so good,” he muttered. Then perked up at your confused look. “At pool, I mean. Maybe if I…”
He proceeded to try some strange trick on the pool table and sent a ball flying.
“Just admit it,” Abigail said. “Seb’s gonna kick your ass. Again.”
Sam gestured at a stick and jerked his head towards you. “Wanna play?”
“Nah… I’m no good.”
“Try it!”
“Just do it,” Abigail cajoled you. You rolled your eyes, lifting up your stick.
“Okay Nike representative,” you muttered, before positioning yourself, and jerking the stick forward.
It missed the ball completely.
You heard a snicker. A new voice. You shot up. “I told you I’m no… what are you doing here?”
Sebastian flicked a strand of hair out of his eyes, quirking an eyebrow. “I could ask you the same thing.”
You scoffed, tossing the stick at him, much to Sam’s disappointment, and went to join Abigail on the couch. Seb was short for Sebastian. How could you not think of that?
“Have you two met?” Abigail asked, looking in between Sebastian and you.
“Yeah, he told me to fuck off at the docks.”
“Objection,” he said in a bored voice, positioning himself at the pool table. “I said no such thing.”
Your hand flew to your chest. “Surely you jest?” You said, mocking his- only slight- use of old man dialect. You watched his brow furrow. About three balls went into their respective holes. Sam squawked with terror as his turn came around.
Abigail watched you both with a strange expression, then turned to you. “Let’s get some food or something.”
“Yeah, sure,” you said, getting up and walking over to the counter. Abigail turned to you, with a weird look on her face that you couldn’t decipher.
“Hey, what did Seb really say at the docks?”
You scoffed. “Nothing. Just said “tHe oCeAn iS bEtTeR enJoYeD aLoNe” after I tried to introduce myself, which pretty much implies he wants me gone, right? And we’d just met. So rude.” You paid for a pizza, balancing it on your hand as you walked back to the arcade area. Abigail trailed after you.
“Hey… he’s just… not very sociable. Like, he’s just like that. You shouldn’t really take him seriously or anything.”
“Sure, whatever,” You said, placing the pizza on a corner table. It had two red plush stools, one of which you flopped down on, with Abigail following suit.
“Whoa,” Sam said. “I love this.”
“Y/N chose it,” Abigail said.
“How’d you know?” Sam asked, picking up a slice.
“Sam, get back over here. You’re just looking for an excuse to not play against me ‘cause you’re losing.”
Sam scurried back, denying Sebastain’s accusations after promptly losing the game about five minutes later. You balanced your chin on your palm, and your elbow on the table, watching them in silence while Abigail took a shot at an arcade game.
More specifically, you intensely stared at Sebastian.
You couldn’t help it. You found him pretty, although if asked you would go to great lengths to deny it. Even to yourself. Yet you still stared, so there was that.
Sebastian caught you staring, and raised an eyebrow, smirking. You scowled, face burning, and turned back to your food. You could still feel his stare burning into you, so you went and joined Abigail at the arcade game to distract yourself.
For an asshole, he was pretty.
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just-wrting · 1 year
The Babysitter (Part 2)
Title: The Babysitter Part 2
Summary: It's your first day with the Hotchner boys and you already know that if you're not careful, you'll be unable to leave.
Word Count: 2368
Master List Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
A/N: It's 3:30 am for me, but I promised I'd get this out. I've been exhausted lately for no good reason so it's gotten pushed back due to wanting to sleep. Here it is in all its glory though! Perhaps I will write something for my other current fixation.
It’s six in the morning and you’re knocking on Aaron’s door. It’s your first day getting to babysit the well behaved Jack. As nervous as you are, you’re also excited. It’ll be a nice change of pace from the Smiths’ kids who were sweet but still rambunctious.
“Good morning. I didn’t think you’d actually be here this early,” Aaron says as he opens the door.
You step into the home. Shoes line the wall as flakes of dirt hang off the soles. A muddy soccer ball rests in the corner surrounded by scuff marks. You can see that the carpet is clean from dirt and mud however.
“Why wouldn’t I be? I said six am.”
He takes your bag from you, filled with a laptop and various things kids need on excursions, and steps back to let you in. His arm brushes against yours as he shuts the door behind you, momentarily trapping you against it. You take a brief moment to study Aaron.
There’s bags under his eyes and you know he doesn’t get much sleep. His eyes are soft and deep and you know that if you look into them too long you could get lost. He’s taller than average and smartly dressed, clearly an important person. Overall he’s very handsome and take note of the fact that you’ll have to tread carefully around him.
“Is Jack still sleeping? Since it’s summer vacation I can let him sleep in I hope,” you ask as you follow Aaron.
“Yes. He has soccer practice at four this afternoon but besides that, he doesn’t have any other commitments.” He sets your bag on the couch. “His room is just down the hall, to the right. The bathroom is on the left. He’s free to go where he wants in the house, just not in my office.”
You nod and take mental notes of things you want to inspect. You may be the nosiest person to ever walk the earth, but at least you’ll save it for later. It’s mainly just pictures you’d like to look at. 
“So I don’t remember you saying what you do for work, Aaron.”
He pauses in front of the couch and rubs his jaw. “I work in the Behavioral Analysis Unit at the FBI. If I’m not at the office, I’ll be out of state. If you ever need something, don’t hesitate to call.”
“Are you headed to work this early? Did you eat breakfast? And by breakfast I mean more than coffee.”
He glances at you before looking away, a telltale sign that he’s most likely only had coffee. You stifle a laugh by turning it into a cough. The cough doesn’t hide your grin however and Aaron raises an eyebrow.
“I’ll make you something. It’s best for me to scope out the kitchen anyway so by making you breakfast I can find out how to make Jack’s food perfect cause some kids are picky.”
Aaron hesitates. You can tell that he wants to go to the office early, it’s probably going to be a bad habit if you let him. There’s a struggle going on in his brain and you get to watch it happen. You’ve only known him for a little over twelve hours, but you’re already worried about him.
“I don’t mind cooking you food as well,” you reassure while giving his arm a gentle squeeze. “You need to be taken care of too. I won’t do Jack any good if you’re not healthy.”
He caves and makes his way to the kitchen. “If you insist, though, you don’t have to.”
“Aaron, the only thing I have to do in life is live it. Making you breakfast can be added to today's list of stuff to do.”
You open the fridge and pull out a carton of eggs. You watch as Aaron pulls a pan out of a cabinet, and try to make note of which one it is. The faster you memorize things, the easier it’ll be. In the case of having to rush, it’s best to know where the essentials are in the house.
“Did you eat breakfast? And by breakfast, more than coffee?” Aaron asks with a slight smile. “Because if you haven’t you can help yourself.”
You chuckle. “I’ll eat when I make Jack breakfast. I’m not in a rush to do anything today.”
Silence falls over the two of you, as Aaron sets up a lot of coffee and you start to cook. It’s nothing fancy, hard boiled eggs on toast, but you’re happy he’s going to eat. It would be nice to have Jack join, but you aren’t sure how often that’ll happen. After all, Aaron seems to be a workaholic.
“How often do you go out of state? Every week? Every other week? Should I try to pack you lunch?”
He shakes his head. “It varies by case and urgency. Sometimes it’s back to back. Other times I’m lucky to mainly be in the office. Not to mention some cases take longer than others.”
You pull open a couple of cabinets before finding the mugs. “Ah. You’ll have to keep me up to date then.”
“I promise I will. And just text if you need me.”
You give him a smile as he puts his dishes in the sink. He’s quick to grab a briefcase and a duffle bag. It’s like he feels like he has to go right at this minute. He’s fast paced. You can understand why, but you hope that you’ll be able to help him slow down a bit for Jack.
“I’ll text you when he gets up, Aaron. Drive safe.”
He flashes you a soft and tired smile before walking out the door. You stare at where he was sitting, trying to commit his mannerisms to memory. Jack adores his dad, so in an effort to be able to be there for Jack, you’d like to know why. Reading kids was easy, reading an adult man was going to be a little bit harder.
After Jack has woken up, devoured breakfast, and changed, you aren’t sure what to do. He’s quiet and attentive but clearly likes sports. You opt to sit on the floor with him and a deck of cards.
“Hey Jack. You know how to play go fish right? Wanna play?” you ask, patting the ground next to you. “It’s a good time to ask me anything you want to know.”
“Can we get ice cream later?” Jack asks as he sits across from you. “Dad sometimes buys me ice cream after soccer.”
You deal out the cards. “Sure I don’t know why we couldn’t. Maybe after dinner instead of right after soccer so we don’t ruin our want for dinner.”
He gives a nod. “That sounds good. There’s a place right by the soccer field that has really good ice cream. I really like the chocolate one with sprinkles on top. That’s probably my favorite.”
“Well I really like raspberry swirl ice cream. There was this place that had the best that I’ve ever had. Does your dad help out with soccer?”
The two of you go back and forth. You mainly ask Jack questions, finding out things like his favorite color and best friend. He is content to ramble on about things he wants to do or stuff he’s done. He’s eager to share stories and you pay close attention. It’s adorable how his eyes light up when he talks about his dad.
“You really love your dad, huh Jack.”
“Of course I do! He’s like a superhero and he catches the bad guys to make sure the whole world is safe and he loves me very much.”
You try not to fawn over how cute his answer is. Despite his job requiring him to be away, his son loves him so much. You know that Jack’s positive attitude about his dad is going to be your downfall, but you ignore that feeling.
“I know you didn’t get to see your dad this morning so how about I text him and see if he can video call with us during lunch. That way you can see him.”
Jack nods enthusiastically. “That’s a good idea. I really wish I could see him every day like some of my friends talk about their dads.”
You reach over and ruffle his hair. “It’ll be okay. I’ll try to set up a time to video chat with him every day he’s gone. I promise okay.”
Jack looks at you skeptically. “Do you pinky promise?”
You hold out a pinky. He quickly latches his own with yours and gives it a firm shake. He looks determined, and you’re sure if you spent enough time around his father you’d see the same face.
“I pinky promise, Jack.”
That seems to be all he needs from you. He breaks into a toothy grin and wraps his arms around you. You gently pat his back as he holds you tight and you wonder how often he gets to be held like this.
“Can you promise me something Jack?” you ask and you hear him hum in your ear. “If you ever need a hug, you don’t have to ask me. Just give me a hug when you need one.”
You hear a slight sniffle but when Jack pulls away, he’s not crying. You pause on the floor, waiting to see if he cries, but the waterworks don’t start. He’s definitely hiding some emotions, but you know you’ll get there eventually. After all, Rome wasn’t built in a day.
“Alright, what do you want to do for lunch? I should prep it now.”
Jack bounces to the kitchen, eagerly looking into the fridge. You shoot Aaron a text asking if he can video call on his lunch. His answer is a simple ‘yes’ and you turn up your phone volume so you won’t miss it.
“Can we have grilled cheese? There’s also a bag of chips we can have.”
“That sounds like a good idea. Are you gonna want me to cut yours?”
Jack nods and you hear your phone go off. It’s still a little early for lunch, only about twenty or so minutes, but you can read Aaron’s name on the screen.
“Hey! Can we turn this into a video call?”
Aaron doesn’t respond, instead switching it to a video call. Jack puts his hands on the table as you prop the phone up.
“Since Jack didn’t get to see you this morning, I figured when you got the chance it would be good to see him.”
You watch as Aaron smiles wide. The two boys are happy to be able to talk, and you leave them to it as you make lunch. You hear snippets of course, something about ice cream, but opt to let them be.
Overall, Jack seems happy that he got to see his dad. You slice the sandwich in half and slide the plate towards him. You observe the two of them from the counter. They’re adorable together and you think about how much you would want a family. A kid like Jack would be ideal.
“Well Jack, I have to go back to work. I should be able to meet you and (Y/N) for ice cream later.”
“Okay, Dad. I’ll tell (Y/N) to order you ice cream too. I love you.”
“I love you too, Jack. Good luck at practice.”
For a seven year old, Jack is good at soccer. He’s fast, and able to make over half of the goals he shoots. You sit in a lawn chair at the field, slowly sipping on some water. It was still early June, but the heat has started to creep in.
You watch as a few moms chat near the parking lot, laughing amid themselves. Soccer moms could be awful, so you just hope that you won’t have to deal with them. Jack mentioned that his dad would coach sometimes, and you know that the closer you get to Jack, the more soccer stuff you’ll go to.
The kid has already perfected those puppy dog eyes. You’ll struggle to say no to anything that is in your power to do. If that boy asked you to take him to get a giant teddy bear, you would. You’re well aware of things you should and shouldn’t do, but you don’t know how careful you’ll have to be around the Hotchner boys.
As the coach blows the whistle, the kids circle around him. They have their end of practice meeting, if you can call it a meeting, before the kids run off to their parents. Jack runs straight into your arms.
“You did good out there buddy! I’m so proud of you. In fact, how about we go find a place to eat.”
Jack’s eyes light up and he nods. “I want french fries!”
You chuckle. “I’m sure I can arrange that.”
By now, it’s almost 7:30. You and Jack sit at a table outside in front of the ice cream parlor. Aaron had texted you saying he was on his way. Despite your reassurance, Jack looks worried.
It doesn’t take much longer before Aaron steps out of his vehicle and Jack runs to him. You step inside the parlor and wait in line. It’s best to let them have their moment. No sense in all three of you waiting in line.
Thankfully the line moves quickly, and you balance three different ice cream cones in your hands. Another customer is kind enough to hold the door open for you as you step back outside. Jack is quick to bounce over to you and take his share of the sweets.
“Thank you.” Aaron’s voice is soft and his eyes are gentle.
“It’s not a big deal. He’s been a great kid today. In fact if I’m not careful, I’ll never be able to say no to him.”
You and Aaron share a look. You can tell he knows the feeling.
“You’re free to go home now, (Y/N). I can’t thank you enough.”
You give his arm a quick squeeze. “You don’t have to. I look forward to seeing the two of you more often.”
Tags: @ash-whimsicalfanfic
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soctherapy · 27 days
Every Word
A hurt/comfort Keith “Two-Bit” Mathews fanfic
(set 10 months before Curtis parents died)
“Alright! Alright, catch ya later, Steve! Wha- yeah, yeah, you’re one to talk with your big ugly mug! Haha!” Two-Bit called out as he closed the door to his house, and all was quiet. He had just spent a long afternoon with Steve while Soda was working. It was filled with catcalling random broads that either Two or Steve fancied, sneaking into the back of the diner and stealing most of their fries, and ending it with a Mickey Mouse marathon at the Curtis’s. Two-Bit definitely had the time of his life and was smiling ear to ear.
The redhead’s footsteps echoed through the small, quiet house. His mother was working late, and his sister was sleeping over at a friend’s house, so Keith had the place all to himself. He excitedly jumped onto the red couch in the living room while it squealed and groaned in protest. Careful not to lay on the exposed springs, Two-bit leaned over to turn the knob on the TV.
The screen flickered to life and began displaying a re-run of one of Two-Bit’s favorite episodes; the christmas special. Seeing as December was steadily approaching, it didn’t seem out of the ordinary to the greaser. He kicked his muddy shoes up on the peeling coffee table and sighed contently. This was nice.
“Good golly, Minnie! You shouldn’t have!” Mickey Mouse’s voice came from the TV as Minnie offered him a present under the tree. Everyone was there, laughing and joking and drinking hot cocoa. Two-Bit frowned and switched off the TV.
An empty, lost feeling began to form in his chest as he stared at the blank screen. This feeling wasn’t new, but it definitely wasn’t welcome either. It was weird; he hadn’t had a problem with this episode before. But now, seeing the scene of everyone sitting together as a family and sharing kind words flashed in his mind and only deepened the pit in his stomach. He wanted to feel loved like that.
What was he talking about?? He was loved! Steve wouldn’t spend time with him for nothing! The Curtis brothers wouldn’t keep letting Two-Bit in the house because they hated him! Dallas wouldn’t be swiping cigarettes and beer for him because he wanted him dead!
But still.
Keith stood up from the couch and walked over to his room. It was a complete mess in there; clothes strewn all over the place, trash cluttering the corners of his room, and a weird smell that nobody could seem to identify. And yet the redhead still knew where to look.
He crouched down to peer under his bed, brushing out some crumpled wrappers and bottle caps in the process until he found what he was looking for. An old, cobweb-covered shoe box. The redhead pulled the box out from under the bed and gently ran his calloused fingers across the uneven cardboard before opening it.
Inside were hundreds of pieces of paper, ranging from birthday cards to homework sheets from years ago. Two-Bit rummaged around at random before pulling one out. It was an old test from the third grade which he, surprisingly, got a C+ on. The greaser’s fingers gently touched the fading red pen of his old teacher’s calligraphy.
“Great job, Keith! :) Keep up the good work!
  -Mrs. C.”
It was the first time Keith had ever gotten a good grade on a test, let alone a C+. His mom was ecstatic when she got home; Two-Bit even stayed up past his bedtime to show her. He giggled softly at the memory before rummaging around in the box again and taking out another sheet of paper. This time, it was a note his mother left taped to the door one day after he walked home. 
“Hey sweetpea!
I just wanted to let you know that I’m gonna be working very late tonight and I won’t be home by 12. There’s some lasagna in the fridge if you’re hungry. 
Love ya bunches!
   -Mom. ♡”
The redhead slowly traced his mother’s handwriting; the loops on the J’s and the Y’s, the ovals on every dotted letter, and the little heart at the end. That was a great lasagna, Two-Bit thought with a soft smile that grazed his expression. He was already feeling a lot better, but a small patch of need was still nagging at him.
He once again placed his hand in the shoe box and pulled out a post-it note. This one was creased and torn in different places, aging quite horribly, but when the greaser boy saw it he felt his breathing pause.
“Hey kid. Happy 6th 8th birthday. Sorry I can’t make it. See you soon.”
Keith didn’t even notice he was crying until a tear dropped and fell onto a note inside of the box. He wiped his eyes and murmured softly; “Thanks, love you too.”
The redhead placed the notes back into the shoebox, shoved it back under his mattress and crawled onto his messy, unmade bed. Even still, thoughts swarmed around Two-Bit’s head like flies.
Why couldn’t he make it to Keith’s birthday party?? He was his dad’s son, after all!! Why’d his dad wish him a happy birthday if he was gone anyways? How come his dad signed off with “love” even though he left?? Why can’t there be a spot next to his mom’s bed that’s a little bigger than hers and smells like cologne that Two-Bit could hop into and cuddle up into the scent like Pony or Soda could??
Two-Bit finally closed his eyes and let hot, salty tears stream down his face and into the fabric of his bedsheets.
He knew his dad wasn’t coming back, but he could dream.
you said this was hurt/comfort in dms you LIAR!!!!!(/silly)
“An empty, lost feeling began to form in his chest as he stared at the blank screen. This feeling wasn’t new, but it definitely wasn’t welcome either. It was weird; he hadn’t had a problem with this episode before. But now, seeing the scene of everyone sitting together as a family and sharing kind words flashed in his mind and only deepened the pit in his stomach. He wanted to feel loved like that.
What was he talking about?? He was loved! Steve wouldn’t spend time with him for nothing! The Curtis brothers wouldn’t keep letting Two-Bit in the house because they hated him! Dallas wouldn’t be swiping cigarettes and beer for him because he wanted him dead!”
where’s that one imagewait
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“The redhead slowly traced his mother’s handwriting; the loops on the J’s and the Y’s, the ovals on every dotted letter, and the little heart at the end. That was a great lasagna, Two-Bit thought with a soft smile that grazed his expression. He was already feeling a lot better, but a small patch of need was still nagging at him.” I LOVE THE DMALL ADDITION OF HIS MOTHERS HANDWIRITNG OUHMY GASH…… i’m sorry i love this sm it’s just a nice detail ykyk??
“ “Hey kid. Happy 6th 8th birthday. Sorry I can’t make it. See you soon.”
  -Dad.” “
DUDE IF THE GREASER PARENTS (besides curtis and ms mathews) HAVE NO HATERS IM DEAD . this is gen so sad the crossed out 6th is so AUGHUAUEBWOWBEUAHBEIWHEJWJEIWIE 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 this hurts so bad idk just AUGHHHH of course your useless ass can’t make it 😒😒😒
“Keith didn’t even notice he was crying until a tear dropped and fell onto a note inside of the box. He wiped his eyes and murmured softly; “Thanks, love you too.”” two-bit…. two-bit no….. his ass does not deserve that!!!!!!!!!!!
Why couldn’t he make it to Keith’s birthday party?? He was his dad’s son, after all!! Why’d his dad wish him a happy birthday if he was gone anyways? How come his dad signed off with “love” even though he left?? Why can’t there be a spot next to his mom’s bed that’s a little bigger than hers and smells like cologne that Two-Bit could hop into and cuddle up into the scent like Pony or Soda could??
Two-Bit finally closed his eyes and let hot, salty tears stream down his face and into the fabric of his bedsheets.
He knew his dad wasn’t coming back, but he could dream.”
chat… chat you said this was hurt/comfort… CHAT…… dude this makes me so fuckign SAD PLLLSSSSS THE DETAIL ABT PONY AND SODA?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?????! reminder that two-bit has a sister cought cough FUCKING HSELESS ASS FATHER!!!!!!!!! BUT SERIOUSLY J LOVE YOUR WRITING WHENS YOUR AO3 ACCOUNT COMING BBABYGIRL 😞😞
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quickiesgirl · 2 years
Cannabis and Cuddles - Eddie Munson
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Paring: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Warning: Drug Use (Specifically Marijuana), and Sexual Situations.
A/n: Please beware my fluff is super rusty right now, hopefully, it's okay!
Hawkins was hit with their yearly June storms. The afternoon was dark and gloomy, and the rain poured like rapid-fire as thunder rumbled in the distance. You always loved these days when you could curl up with Eddie and listen to the soothing sound of the water hitting the windows. That was exactly what the two of you were going to do. 
You were heading to his trailer to hang out. Luckily you lived right across from him in the Forest Hills Trailer Park. 
Eddie Munson was the “Freak” of Hawkins High, leader of the Hellfire Club, and your wonderful stoner boyfriend. The two of you grew up together in the trailer park and stuck by each other through thick and thin. When you hit your teenage years was when your relationship started to develop into something more. You were completely smitten by the metal head, and on the night of your first date, he finally admitted how long he had a crush on you and how much he loved you. 
You pulled out an old bright yellow raincoat you found hanging in your closet and quickly threw it on. It was a little tight on you, probably because you hadn't worn it since you were 15. 
You walked over to your front door and opened it widely, staring out at the pouring rain, listening to the sound of the building droplets splashing on the flooding roads. You pulled the hood of your raincoat over your head before sprinting across the street, straight to Eddie's trailer. 
You hurried up the stairs and hid under the little roof that covered you from the rain. 
You slid the wet rubber raincoat off your body and laid it over the porch railing as you slipped off your muddy pair of converse shoes outside before stepping into the Munson’s trailer that was basically your second home. 
A warmth overcame you from the small space heater that was on. You looked around the living room before feeling a pair of arms snake around your torso and hold you close. 
 You smiled, recognizing the comforting scent of your lover. His chest pressed against your back, and his arms tightened around you as his hands held your hips. “Guess who?” 
“Mmhm… Is it the sexist, most handsome metalhead in the world?” 
“That’s right, princess.” Eddie said with a happy little grin across his face as he buried his head into the crevice of your neck and explored with sweet, little kisses, “You really think that way of me?” 
“Of course I do, Ed’s.” 
A smile curled upon your lips as you held his arms, warming up from his body against you. 
“I missed you,” Eddie murmured, gently kissing behind your ear. 
You twirled yourself around in his arms and draped your arms around the back of his neck, running your fingers through his long fluffy, dark brown hair. 
“I missed you too, Ed’s.” You leaned in slowly, eyes fluttering shut as you captured those curvy, plump lips for a tender kiss that stole your breath away. 
You slowly detached your lips from his and looked up, admiring those dark brown eyes that you could get lost in. His arms held you in a comforting embrace as he gazed right back, noticing the slight exhaustion in your eyes. “You okay, sweetheart?” 
“I’m okay, just a little tired… I was up all night finishing a report.” 
Eddie frowned, despising how much you put school before your own sake.
 “Why didn't you come over? I would have tried to help.”
“Because your lights were off, and I didn’t want to wake you up.” 
He looked into your y/e/c eyes and slowly pushed a strand of hair behind your ear, “How about you relax. I’ll roll up a joint, and we can watch your favorite movie?” 
“Yeah, that sounds nice.” You nodded before Eddie led you over to the couch to get comfy.  
 “Here you go, m’lady. I’ll be right back!” He said, giving you the cleanest blanket he could find so you could warm up while he disappeared into his room. It took a few minutes, but he eventually walked back into the living room, holding his metal lunch box and your favorite movie. 
Eddie popped the VHS in and came over, sitting beside you as he opened the lunch box that he always carried on him. He pulled out a bag of weed and some rolling paper as the movie began, giving both of you background noise along with the rain. 
You watched as Eddie licked the wrap wide open with a swipe before filling it. You scooted closer to his side, subtly moving your bent legs closer to his. He smiled to himself. Finding it cute how badly you wanted to cuddle with him. 
“Come here, sweetheart.” He sat back against the couch and patted his legs, allowing you to rest your thighs on his lap as he positioned his elbows on top of them and gave a little smirk.
You glazed at him for a few moments before glancing at the large window beside the two of you that had rain pouring down the glass. “It's really raining out there,” 
Eddie passed you the freshly lit joint, and you took it between your thumb and pointer finger, taking in an almost impressive amount of smoke, feeling it swell in your chest.
You caught a glimpse of Eddie eyeing you and gazing at your lips that wrapped around the joint. The sight of you smoking was always a massive turn-on for him.
You blew the smoke out and watched it float into the air.
 “Y-you remember a few years back when we put on our bathing suits and ran out in the rain.” 
You lightly gasped as the memories flooded back to you, “Oh my god, how could I forget!” 
“And remember we pissed off that old man next door.” He grinned almost proudly, knowing how much he hated that douchebag. 
“Yeah, old man herbs came out and yelled at us to be quiet.”  
The two of you laughed your asses off from the memory and chilled out on the couch, continuously passing the rolled cannabis cigarette back and forth.
You gave the joint back to your boyfriend, watching him take an inhale of smoke and hold it in deeply before blowing it out. The tips of fingers slowly grazed across the soft skin of your thigh as you curled into his shoulder. 
“You know, babe, that was the year you… developed.”
You twisted your body and furrowed your brows questionably, “How do you know that?”
“Because that was the first time I’d seen your body in a while and… After that day, I was a changed man.”Eddie gently squeezed your thigh as he spoke, “I'm surprised you never caught me staring, you were so beautiful.”
You couldn't help but giggle as smoke exited your mouth. Maybe it was the weed making you all giggly, but that was the cutest thing you’ve heard. You could feel your cheeks burning up while you leaned in and gave Eddie's lips a little kiss, “Your so fucking cute, Munson.” 
Eddie grinned, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his chest for a warm embrace as the two of you watched the movie. 
Your eyes fluttered shut, taking in the adorable moment. You felt so comfortable and safe, cuddled in Eddie's tender arms. It was everything you needed. But, before you knew it, you drifted to sleep on his shoulder. 
Eddie handed the joint and looked away from the television at you, realizing you had fallen asleep on his arm. His cheeks dimpled as he watched you sleep so peacefully, listening to the thunder crashing and rain falling hard against the roof. 
 He wasn't going to make his baby walk home in that, so he slowly sat up and picked you up, bridal style, from the couch into his chest. He carried you to his bedroom and shut the door behind him with the back of his foot to give the two of you some privacy for when his uncle comes back home in the morning. 
You woke up as he gently laid you down on his mattress. His bed has always been missing a bottom sheet and coated in questionable stains. Most of them were there because of split bong water, but the others were from the nights slept between you and Eddie.
 “Thank you,” You tell him quietly, making a smile spread across Eddie's face. “Of course, princess. I’ll take care of you tonight.” 
He glanced down at the jeans that you had on and grabbed onto the rough fabric of the waistband. 
“May I?” Eddie whispered, not wanting you to sleep in an uncomfortable pair of jeans all night. You nodded and watched him from below as he undid the button of your jeans and slid them off for you. 
You sluggishly slipped your legs under his comforter as he pulled it up your body, giving you a little smile and tucking your hips in. Ever since the two of you were little, Eddie’s loved taking you whenever you were sick or having a difficult time. He was there to keep you company and look after you no matter what. It was his instinct when it came to you because he loved you so much.  
He sat on the side of the bed beside you and pulled his jeans off, tossing them to the floor, leaving him only in his hellfire baseball tee and boxers. While he was doing that, you pulled your shirt over your head to expose your naked chest to Eddie's sight. 
“W-what are you doing, babe?” He gulped, immediately feeling like a teenage boy as he stared at your breasts that were slightly covered by his bedsheets, outlining them perfectly. 
“I only sleep with my panties on… Is that okay, Eddie?” You asked with a slight smirk, watching those brown eyes widen lustfully as his adam's apple bobbed in his throat and nodded quickly. 
“Yeah, that's totally cool with me, you know, I love seeing you naked.” He crawled into bed with you before stopping as he realized what he'd just blurted out, “Not to sound like a perv or anything.” 
“Eddie, it's fine.” You grinned, scooting into his side, feeling him wrap an arm around you, “I love cuddling you naked.” 
A smile curled on Eddie’s lips as he felt you rest your head against his chest, skin caressing him as he held you so tenderly, listening to the soothing sound of your lover's heartbeat and the large drops of rain that were tapping away at his bedroom window.
Taglist: @de4ds0up @raincoffeeandfandoms @writinginpeace @sunflowerharrington @spider-starry @josephines-simps-fics
Message if you want to be added or removed.
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misasimagines · 2 years
you’re the new roommate at the hayakawa residence
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included characters: Aki, Denji, and Power! rating: sfw, no romance warnings: none, gn reader
You have to move in with Aki, Denji, and Power for some time. How does everyone feel about this?
He’s so tired, he doesn’t have room to put you! He already has to buy like 4 times the amount of food a normal family of three needs for Denji ALONE, and now he has another mouth to feed?
He’s grumpy about it. He has no choice but to put you up on the couch and warn you about potentially being sat on in the morning when Power needs the couch to watch whatever she wants on tv (this definitely will happen)
He assumes that this means he’s going to have even more messes to pick up, more noises to try to sleep through, and more arguments to poorly mediate-
and then you pick up after yourself and wash the dishes and he’s like..... is this person a saint?? Am I dreaming? And you get along with Denji and Power and you offer to help cook and he’s like wow, this is my favorite roommate, do you want Denji and Power’s room? They can sleep on the balcony from now on.
You are definitely his favorite. He doesn’t say this out loud though, because if he did, Power and Denji would lose it and there would be mutiny on your hands. But you know it because he saves the best parts of dinner for you or he brings you home takeout from your favorite place, claiming that Power’s favorite place was closed/out of the way/burned down/etc.
He’s grateful when you deal with Denji and Power’s energy when he’s just too tired to do much more than lean over the counter and glare at them.
You guys have plenty of time to chat and commiserate over whatever is bothering you while cleaning, grocery shopping, sitting in the hallway and waiting for maintenance to come fix the overflowing sink- He ends up getting more attached than he’d like to admit.
When you eventually leave to your own place, he’s sorry to see you go and manages to tell you that you can come back whenever you want, but he says this out of earshot of the menaces lest he suffer their relentless teasing.
Invite him over for a break every once in a while, you don’t even know how much he needs it.
he’s not so sure about another person living with them, does this mean he has to give up his room? Power already took over the majority of the space, he doesn’t want to have to share more. And he doesn’t want to have to change the way he does things to make room for you, and he is Not going to be listening to another authority figure so you better not tell him what to do!
But you end up being nice and funny! And you take his side sometimes when he and Power are arguing. You talk Aki out of punishing them by refusing to buy the name brand soda that’s more expensive but they SWEAR they taste a difference and the store version isn’t as good. That secures you a place of respect in Denji’s brain.
When Aki is scolding him for something,  Denji hides behind you. He just sneaks behind you and make faces at Aki because he knows that he’s safe as long as you’re his human shield. Aki hates this so you might end up the center piece of them both circling around you, Aki trying to maul Denji for putting a hole through the tv, Denji trying to avoid being mauled.
You also end up helping Power out at times which means he doesn’t have to! Even if all you do is convince her to take her muddy shoes off before she tracks them around the house and probably jumps up onto Denji’s bed, that’s a weight off his shoulders and he’s thankful for it.
If you play video games with him or watch movies/shows with him, he’s happy to let you stay. Better if you beat him at video games, he’s impressed and now has a goal to get better until he can beat you!
When you eventually have to go he doesn’t want to be all lame and sad about it, but you catch him sniffling a little. Give the boy a hug and promise to visit, or even tell him he’s welcome to visit you whenever he wants! He will take you up on this offer, probably within the first week of you being gone, and he will eat through any snacks you might have...
You end up with partial custody of Denji.
She doesn’t like it! She doesn’t want another human moving in to HER house (yes, her house, she’s on the deed, she owns it, no Aki is not renting, she owns the entire building. Impressive, right?)
She doesn’t like that you get the attention for being New, so she will just start lying and be like what? They’ve been here for months, I just moved in. Pay attention to me, I’m new and I don’t know the rules so I can put my feet up on the coffee table right?
She might even just pretend you don’t exist sometimes because she’s frustrated. All you have to do to get on her good side is bring her some treats, go along with one or two of her flights of fancy, and/or agree that Meowy is the best cat and obviously loves her way more than it loves Denji. Now she’s like, this is the better human in the house, you two should start being more like them.
She will start putting vegetables from her meals on your plate when you eat together. Sometimes she’s sneaky, sometimes she just catapults them across the table to you. It’s very important that you pretend you don’t notice she’s doing it and instead act pleasantly surprised that you now have twice the amount of veggies than you did before. She finds this hilarious and proof of her deception skills.
And yes, she does end up launching herself onto the couch where you’re sleeping and waking you up by giving you new bruises and knocking the air out of your lungs. Good morning! She didn’t know you were sleeping there, really, she had no way of knowing. Now stop groaning, she has a show to watch. You like this one too, right? It’s your favorite show, right?
Also, yeah, she might end up falling asleep on the couch you sleep on so you either have to share with her or sleep on the floor or pray Denji or Aki are willing to share their bed with you that night. She wants you to stay with her, but she won’t say it, she’ll just be huffy about it in the morning if you went elsewhere.
When you eventually have to leave, she’s upset. She tries to convince you that you have to live with them. She might even threaten to hold Denji hostage until you come back. You just have to promise to visit often, and that you have to leave because how else are you going to get gifts to bring back for her?
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theunnieteume · 1 year
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Asahi- Breakup pt. 1
ding dong
The bell rings from the door as the sound echoes throughout the hall. Laying slumped out on the couch I wonder who it is at this ungodly hour. Plus it’s raining pretty badly. The loud rumble of the sky and heavy drops of rain are visibly heard and so it gives me more reason to be weirded out if someone really is at my door at this time.
Ding dong
Huh…”who is it?” I yell out loudly enough yet there was still no answer. Finally, I sit up from my couch and check the time 6:34 p.m.
ding dong
“Geez alright alright” Mumbling as I stood up from the couch and walk out from the room wearing a simple hoodie, my hair in a top knot, some sweat shorts and a pair of worn out socks.
Not thinking much about what I was wearing as I open the door a little aggressively. “Wha-“ He doesn’t say anything but instead pushes past me, walking inside the house in his wet clothes and muddy shoes…how nice…as if I didn’t just clean the floor. “Oh sure yea come on in” Sarcasm fills my tone but Asahi still pays no heed to it. I follow him into the living room but didn’t find him anywhere only to hear the water run upstairs and figured he was taking a shower. After a while he walks in with fresh clothes and dries his hair with a towel. “Now can you talk?” I ask sitting upright from a chair beside the couch. He still doesn’t say anything. He lazily walks into my kitchen, grabbing a can of beer from the fridge. And as he walks back to the living room I grew tired of waiting and stood up too eager to find out, grabbing his shoulders and confront him more seriously “Hamada Asahi. What the hell happened??” He sighs in defeat. His head droops downward as he fiddles with the can of beer in his hand. “I broke up with Eunha.” His voice hoarse and filled with guilt. I froze for a second and processed his words in my head. Hesitating before I spoke “You’re telling me Eunha, the girl you’ve been dating for almost three years. The person who supported you in your music career. Who is absolutely adored by your family and little sister. We’re talking about that Eunha?” He doesn’t utter a word but nods in response. Putting his head up he faces not me but the wall on the left “yep. That Eunha.” A tear threatened to escape but he quickly wiped it away. Walking back to the couch, I slump down on it. Asahi follows and does the same beside me. Sniffling as he opens and takes a sip from his drink. None of us say a word. Only the sound of the rain and thunder rumbling was left and amidst the silence was the gloomy aura coming from Asahi. Didn’t think Asahi would even think about breaking up with her. She’s so…perfect for him. Still sipping on his drink, I stare into my ceiling. Thoughts wandering off as I decide to give him time to open up as how he usually does. He takes another sip of his drink and finally decides to talk “she cheated on me..” oh shi- ok maybe she wasn’t that perfect for him. And as I realized something I shift in my seat to face him
“Then why are you the one crying?”
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I'm Sorry but you're Patton is so feral I love him
Not to sound like Janus but Aaah literally never apologize for interacting with my fics!!! It makes me so happy!! And honestly I am SO GLAD you like Patton, I wasn't sure what people would think of him
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klitzcore · 2 years
sleeping w klitz? not sexual just like the reader is having a bad day and just wants to take a nap with him
Character: Klitz / Klitzy
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Prompt: Coming to Klitz for comfort after a bad day.
You'd just had such a shit day. Klitz wasn't at school, none of the boys were. You trudged through your classes, and instead of going to the bus, you found yourself going the opposite direction.
The cold winter wind graced your skin as soon as you left the school, and then you started walking. It was only.. maybe 3 miles away from his house? And it was only 30 degrees Fahrenheit / -1.11 degrees Celsius outside.
It wasn't anything you couldn't handle!
Despite anything, it was a 1 hour walk, and it was cold out.
So, when you arrived at his house, you were freezing your ass off. You knock on his door, and you hear a soft "coming, one second!" From inside.
The red door opens, and Klitz is looking down at you.
"Hi, I walked here." You say, smiling at him. But your mood was still muddy from school, but seeing him did make it a lot better.
All that he was wearing was a robe and some sweatpants, he was lounging.
"You walked here? It's... It's snowing!" He exclaims, pulling you inside of his house quickly.
"Yeah, it is. So, what have you-" you start to say, then he pulls you closer to him. He uses his foot to kick the door shut.
"Don't worry about it, Eli is here. Why did you walk here? You know I have no trouble picking you up." He says, worriedly looking down at you.
"I'm not the smartest of people, I just.. I really didn't have a good day, and I needed to see someone." You say, leaning further into him.
You felt another pair of arms wrap around you from behind, and a face press into your back.
You guys stood there for probably a good 3 minutes until you all broke away from eachother.
"I'm kinda not feeling good, is it cool if I just like.. chill on your couch?" You ask klitz.
"Actually, we could nap together if you wanted to? I was about to lay down anyways, Eli was gonna do his homework while I slept."
Your face heats up and all that could be heard in the room was "sure, that'd be nice."
Klitz leads you to his room, Eli following close behind.
You still weren't sure why they'd taken the day off school.
But eventually, you found yourself Klitz's bed. You wrangled yourself out of your jacket, pants and shoes, then you flopped on his bed.
It was comfortable, he had clean, white, soft sheets. Klitz settles down on his bed with you.
He pulls you into his arms, resting his head on top of yours. It's almost like he cages you in, keeping you inside of his radius of warmth.
Just as you got comfortable, you heard Eli say "Goodnight love birds, see you tomorrow." As he stepped out from Klitz's room.
You and Klitz laid there for probably about an hour, just chatting about what happened. It made you feel better, being with him always did.
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aphroditedahlias · 2 years
the big game
toji x reader
a bit of dub con kissing, neglectful husband but nothing super dark. ( whatt grave not posting dc?!?!)
rose divider from @firefly-graphics😁
honestly this was supposed to be finished and posted yesterday but oops
enjoy !⭐️💚
if you’re feeling nice, support my kofi💚💚
You’re not sure when it started, but for as long as you could remember sex with your husband has always felt the same.
he comes home from work leaving a trail of muddy footprints before kicking off his shoes to grab a beer and leaving his dirty clothes lying around. he doesn’t say hi to the kids, and he doesn’t acknowledge you. He cracks open the same glass bottle of Budweiser he’s downed a million times since the cycle began and grabs his plate of food gently wrapped in foil with a note from you detailing the love you put into the meal, hoping he enjoys it.
he sits on the couch with a loud groan cursing to himself as he squashes the remote and presses all sorts of buttons that change the tv to a Chanel he’s never seen before.
he switches it to wrestling, it’s loud. Before you hear the extra bass roaring from the crowd as muscular guys pound each other into oblivion you didn’t even know he was home. just like always he didn’t bother to come to check and see how your day was, he didn’t come to thank you for the meal.
You’re used to it by now, you no longer waste hours crying in bed wondering where things went wrong.
a week ago, your son's football coach asked to have a conference with you but what you didn’t expect was for him to tower over you the way he did. it wasn’t a scary kind of tower but the kind that made you feel safe and protected. the kind that Encompasses you in the softest of hugs. the kind that makes you feel loved the way you’ve been searching for all your life.
standing at 6’6 ft tall black hair shadowing over his eyes, flashes you his million-dollar smile as he waves you over to the spot where all the moms came to meet him.
“ hey ms. y/n “ glad you could make it, it’s nothing bad I just wanted to talk about a big game coming up and was hoping you all could support the team as a group?”
he goes on and on about charity funding, themes, outfits, food ideas, etc but you’re lost in your head watching the way his built arms pulse, and stretch as he maneuvers his hands to make gestures adding to his big ideas.
it’s no shock the way you’re looking at him, he can’t remember a time where women weren’t fawning over his existence but something about the way you dumbly nodded your head knowing you aren’t listening caught his attention. the other moms tried to get closer, placing their hands on his biceps while making comments about how hard he must work out but he only laughed off the compliments and turned to you.
“ you have anything to wear that matches our colors?” he asked, pushing his hair out of his eyes and lightly leaning his head to the side to show his peak in interest
your neck perks at the sudden attention and you silently nod your head.
his eyes are kind as he looks down at you, “ how’s h/n (husband name)” he asks in an effort to strike a conversation.
you think to yourself how to respond. what could you possibly say? your husband is terrible. he’s letting his health decline and neglecting his family, how do you explain that to a stranger?
you choke out the word “good” but your eyes dart around looking to focus on anything but him and he takes that as a sign to talk about something else.
“ have you- “
“ thank you for inviting me I have to go now my son has a doctor's appointment, “ you say, hurriedly swinging your purse that you’d been clutching to your side over your arm.
you’re snapped back to the reality of lying in your bed as your husband barges into the room, letting out a loud belch as his potbelly rumbles from overstuffing himself.
you sigh to yourself, knowing what’s coming next.
“ Hey, sweets c’mere,” he says, half-drunk sitting close to you on the bed.
you can smell the beer on his breath as he leans in to steal a kiss. your skin crawls and bile fills in your throat. this is what life has come to? to where you’re repaulsed by the very man you married?
it’s not like it’s your fault. him taking long shifts, not bothering to care for you. He thinks paying bills means he’s the perfect man but anyone with a stable job could do that. why is it that you couldn’t have been gifted with a man who cares and loves you, not loves that he can say he pays your bills?
you can’t do it.
you pull away faking a yawn and you watch as his face scrunches up in annoyance.
“ Hey I’m really tired and tomorrow s/n (son's name) has a game we’ve got an early start.”
you’re lucky he doesn’t fight, instead, he rolls his eyes and scoffs before murmuring to himself about needing a new bitch.
You don’t care if he’s trying to make you feel bad, besides you know good and well he’s been cheating on you. His coworker made it very clear she doesn’t like that you two are married and makes an attempt to threaten you. you ignore her, she can have him if she wants him.
You fall asleep to the thought of having the kind of love where you lay on blankets at picnics and try to make out shapes of clouds, laughing to yourself about how silly you sound.
you think about how life could’ve been if you hadn’t believed so hard in marrying your high school sweetheart. it’s too late to go back but the thought comforts you and lulls you into sleep.
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When you wake up the sheets have an all too familiar musk in the spot where your husband had slept. you’re grateful for the empty spot next to you as you stretch and sit up, glancing at the game colors of your outfit before heading off to the bathroom.
you brush your teeth, wash your face take down your hair, and pick a strawberry-scented edge control to do your edges before quickly throwing on your outfit and calling out to say good morning to your kids.
( uh the taking off the bonnet and styling the edges is for my bw reading if ur not a bw u can just ignore that part 😭💚)
The air outside your room is cold, causing a shiver down your arms and you hope the warmth of the stove heating up as you make breakfast will warm you up.
“ what are you making ma?” your son asks, sitting on the stools across the counter from you.
“ just some bacon eggs and pancakes. you’ll need some fruit too I want you to have lots of energy for today I know you’ll win” you say smiling at him.
he rolls his eyes and begins peeling an orange sitting in the glass bowl you'd set out and decorated with a combo of real and fake fruits.
Breakfast goes quick and before you know it you’re at the game carrying snacks, sandwiches, and drinks along with donation money for the event being held at his game.
Toji spots you after seeing your son run into the field to talk to his friends.
“ ms y/n glad you could make it let me give you a hand,” he says, easily lifting the pound's worth of things your carrying from your hands, only leaving the envelope full of money and bag of fruits in your hands.
“ you can just call me y/n” you smile following him to the spread table and setting your things down.
You both chat for a while and the stand starts to fill up as guests and parents fill the seats ready for the game to start. Soon enough toji is waving you goodbye telling you it’s time for him to get the boys ready.
you watch from your seat on the bench, legs crossed uncomfortably as the wetness from your panties sticks to your cunt.
Did he do that on purpose? the brushes against your sensitive body, leaning down all too close so you could hear him more, the way his eyes drifted from your face down your body? You couldn’t tell if you imagined it or if he was trying to send a sign?
It feels pathetic the way you’re fawning over a simple gesture like a teenage girl in high school having her first big crush but you couldn’t help it. Toji is a natural flirt and maybe you’ve fallen victim to it.
The crowd roars bringing you out of your thoughts as you bite your lip staring hard at toji, quickly snapping your eyes away from him and onto your son when you see him look back at you with a wink.
After the game your son quickly runs up to you asking to spend the night at a friend's house, telling you she’s making dinner and he has stuff at his house already.
you say yes knowing that he’s been there multiple times and if anything happens he can just call you.
“ Hey, you enjoy the game?” Toji asks as you turn around
The sound of his voice sends shivers down your back and your eyes scan his body until they inevitably land on his eyes.
“ yeah I’m just a bit tired, glad we won,” you say, laughing to soothe your discomfort
“I didn’t see your husband in the stans, did he leave early?”
“ oh uh, he couldn’t make it he has some business stuff to do.”
“ too busy for his son's big game?”
your husband didn’t even know there was a big game until last night when you turned down his sexual advances. even then, he didn’t make an effort to come or to wish his son good luck. You think about his lack of effort and the embarrassment of it all shows on your face.
Toji sees, and clicks his tongue in amusement murmuring to himself the word “ bastard” which was loud enough for you to hear.
“ well what are you doing after this?” he asks
“I was going to take s/n out but he’s going with his friends to spend the night I think I’ll just order take out and head to sleep,” you say, fake yawning hoping that you can make him think you’re tired and not thinking about how it would feel to have him cum all over your stomach after fucking you in the car your husband bought for you.
“I was going to order take out too…” he says trying to catch your eye.
You don’t have a response instead you nod your head and look around as if the air has suddenly become something of interest.
Toji knows what he wants, he won’t hide or deny it and he knows you want it too but he’ll play along for the time being.
“ Well did you wanna come over ?” he asks
“I can’t I have animals, “ you say, hoping thats enough for him.
you don’t want to scare him off but you can’t take the pressure of being around him not knowing if you could control yourself in a private environment with him.
“I mean, you could come over?” you say meekly and embarrassed.
he smiles and nods his head
“ lead the way”
Your feet are heavy as you drag your way in front of him to walk to your car. Is this a mistake? should you just tell him you actually have plans and should leave alone?
it’s too late now that you’ve started the engine but the anticipation and fear of regret doesn’t stop even when you pull up in front of your house.
you silently unlock your door and stand by inviting him inside by holding out your arm and letting a deep sigh escape you after holding your breath the entire walk to your door.
you sit on the couch and talk while watching movies with snacks from your kitchen for at least 4 hours, the sun has set before you realize it started to get dark.
“ Soooo what were you gunna order?” you ask, pulling out your phone
“ just some pho? you?”
“ i could go for pho “
he pulls out his phone and orders faster then you can get to the website, knowing its late and might take a while you invite him up to your room.
he looks around seeing pictures of you and husband from your wedding, candles, and small souvenirs.
you excuse yourself to the bathroom to chnage into more comfortable clothes while telling him he can get more comfortable.
he turns to sit on your bed after throwing his jacket on a near by chair, kicking his shoes in front of it.
“ fuck “ he breathes
a lacy pair of panties you’d probably worn the night before were left lying on the bed and he can barley hold himself back.
he resists the urge to hold them up to his nose and take a deep inhale but you quickly return from the bathroom and his face burns red as he’s caught staring.
“ oh my gosh i’m so sorry i was in a hurry this morning i left my laundry everywhere”
you throw the panties along with an old shirt into the basket in the corner of the room and sit near him.
“ so how long have you been a coach “ you ask, trying to get rid of the gut wrenching silence.
“ maybe about 15 years? I’ve got a boy myself who’s into sports I used to coach him too before he got into other things “ he says.
you try to focus on his words as he goes on about how he got interested in coaching but your eyes drift to his lips and you unconsciously lick your own, imagining what it would feel like to have his against yours.
“ y/n?”
he says, waving his hand infront of your face.
your eyes widen and you internally cringe knowing you were caught staring
“ i’m so sorry like i said i’m really tired “ you lie, once again.
“ is that why you’re staring at my lips and rubbing your legs together.”
your face drops and you immediately break eye contact, opening and closing your mouth as you search every corner of your brain trying to come up with an excuse.
“ no! i wasn’t i promise i wasn’t “ you lie through your teeth.
your voice cracks mid sentence and you twirl your finger hoping he buys your act.
he doesn’t.
Instead he places a hand on your exposed thigh and leans in making you hold your breath. his breath is warm against your face and his eyes are fixated on the small gap between your lips.
Before you know it he’s pressing his mouth to yours swiping his tongue across your lips asking for permission to go inside before slipping his tongue into your mouth to fight for dominance against yours.
his hands move to cup your tits playing with the weight in his hands.
Soon after the kiss gets more intense as he pushes you down desperate to rip off your shirt and night shorts.
once you’re left completely bare for him he starts to kiss down your body stops to pay special attention to your nipples.
he undressed himself as he sucks one of them into his mouth while fondling the other, extorting a moan from you that makes him thob in his pants
he continues kissing down your body until he reaches between your legs sucking and leaving marks to show he was there, you didn’t know it but this was his way of claiming you regardless of your marriage
he placed a singular kiss on the outside of your cunt before prying your legs further apart, gently placing them over his shoulders.
Once your lips are parted he licks a singular strip starting at your hole which is twitching in need, going up to your buzzing clit.
“ fuck you taste so good “
he sucks on your clit , reaching his arm up to caress your sides as he slowly fucks his tongue inside of you, taking his time tasting you wanting you to feel everything he’s doing.
he brings his free hand to push one finger inside, feeling how easy it is he pushes another, setting a slow and steady pace looking up to catch your eye.
“ that feel good pretty girl? ” he asks, sucking your clit and letting go with a lewd pop making you bite your lip at the sensation.
you try to respond but he curls his fingers, going faster then before and starts a new pattern licking up down, side ways and going over and over before feeling you clench.
your back arches, he slows down but sucks your clit back into his mouth trying to push you as close to the edge as possible.
“ come on fuck you look so good i know you can do it, i know you can be good for me “ he says, sucking and letting go of your clit over and over.
he feels your insides pulse once, twice then again before abruptly pulling his fingers out and letting go, gently blowing on your cunt to soothe aching feeling of your orgasm being torn from you.
you cry out bucking your hips trying to get him to help you reach your high before you fall back down but he only kisses around your dripping pussy letting out a low laugh.
“ i know i know it hurts i’m sorry “ he says, standing to his feet.
He begins to remove the rest of his clothes before settling between your legs once again but this time letting his hardened dick lay on your stomach, leaking pre cum before he reaches down and strokes himself.
he shifts his hips to lightly bump your entrance, sliding from your hole to your clit collecting your wetness to help lubricate himself.
“ please “ you whine sucking in air as you feel yourself get more sensitive from the heat radiating off his body
“ shh shh “ he responds, leaning down to capture your lips once more.
without warning he begins to slide himself inside of you with little to no resistance from how wet you are.
you gasp into his mouth but he continues going deeper before leaning down to kiss your neck.
“ fuck you feel so good how could your husband let you go like this ?” he whispers, gently rocking his hips and pushing your legs so that they’re closer to touching your shoulders.
You almost feel guilty being reminded of your husband but the way Toji pulls out and begins stroking you, using one hand to hold your side while the other keeps your legs pinned down leaves you gasping for air, focusing on your breathing as he hits deeper and deeper.
His head is spinning as he feels you clench around him, leaving your wetness at his base and dripping down your ass onto the sheets.
Your tight and warm. Your soft moans as you try to catch your breath makes him look up at you.
“ Look at me baby “ he says, taking his hand from your leg and placing your arm there instead.
he uses his now free hand to gently rub circles into your clit getting you used to the combination of sensations before changing the speed of his hips.
before you know it, he’s snapping his hips into yours and alternating between fixing your head to keep your eyes on him, rubbing your sides and up your stomach to soothe the overwhelming feeling of him pounding into you.
“ i told you to look at me, look at me or i’ll stop” he says, slowing down his motions but quickly starting at a fast pace again once he sees your eyes snap back to his.
He grabs a pillow from beside your head placing it under your hips to get a better angle before sliding himself back in feeling welcomed by your warmth.
“ you like that? you like me fucking you in the bed your husband sleeps in?” he says rubbing at your clit faster and faster, leaning down to press kisses all over your body in between words.
You can’t respond but using your free hand you grip the sheets trying to ground yourself.
your mouth shoots open, your eye brows scrunch and your throat burns from the scream youre holding in
“ let go baby it’s ok let go “ toji says, placing a final kiss on your head.
He feels you tighten, he feels your walls pulse with need before your legs try to straighten from the overwhelming pleasure as you reach your end.
He follows close behind, going hard and fast trying to reach his high before his eyes roll back
“. ugh- nghh fuck fuck fuck “ he moans, pulling out fast and spilling his hot seed all over your stomach.
You both sit there for a momment unmoving, basking in the moment while trying to catch your breath.
You’re startled by the front door slamming shut closely followed by the sound of your husband grumbling about dinner not being made.
Toji freezes on top of you.
“ come with me?” he asks, looking between you and the window.
your heart pounds in your chest as you nod your head at him.
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𝑨 𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒚 𝒔𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒅𝒂𝒚
Little one needing an emergency bath.
Watching a movie together and little one hold both of your hands
Little one jumping in puddles wearing rain boots.
Going on a walk together with little one.
—genre: fluff
—warning: a little implied smut at the end, but nothing crazy
—pairing: Chris Evans x wife reader, dad! Chris
Comment and reblog please
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It was Saturday afternoon around 2pm. Chris was currently home and has been home for a weeks now. That was very nice to you, but not your excitement didn't compare to your son's excitement. He loved his daddy so much especially after Chris has been away for a few months. He would follow Chris around the house, wake up and immediately get some cuddles from him, and spend the whole day with his daddy. You were a little jealous, but you knew he would come running back to you after a month of Chris being home.
"time to go for a walk." You announced to Chris and your son. They were both sitting on the couch currently watching college football. They both turned their heads to you at the same time making you snicker. "Do we have to?" Chris whined.
"yes, we always go on a walk right, Aries?" Aries looked over at you, he looked confused, but you knew it was because his daddy was there. "Ok, come on, put your shoes on buddy. We need to get some fresh air before it starts raining." Aries sighed and crawled off of the couch. Chris did the same, going to help him put his boots on while you got dodger.
After 5 minutes you all were out of door. Aries held your hand and Chris' as you walked down the sidewalk. Lucky for you, Chris had found a nice house in a private neighborhood. It was nice to go on walks as a family without being seen by fans over paparazzi.
As you reached the end of the street and were about to turn around you felt a droplet of water on your face. You looked up at the grey sky knowing what was about to come next. "Uh oh, it's about ran." You looked over at Chris. "We need to get home before it starts pouring." "No we stay in the rain." Aries squealed out. As he pulled yours and Chris' hands.
The little guy skipped around as it started to pour. The ground started to get soaked and as much as you and Chris wanted to go in, Aries wanted to stay out. There were a few puddles outside the front of your house and Aries made it his mission to step in every single one of them.
You watched as Chris helped the little guy hop around in them. He was smiling so widely as he did right along with his daddy. Aries was Chris' mini me. He had his dad's attitude, Chris' smile, Chris' lashes, and Chris' kindness. Chris always says he looks like you more, but it seemed like a lie.
"ok you two, it's getting a little late. We should go inside and take a bath, what do you say." Chris looked down at Aries. They both shared a few words and giggles before they walked over to you.
You went through the side door through the mudroom so you don't track any mud on the floor. You quickly ridded Aries from his muddy clothes before you walked into the guest bathroom and turned on the shower. It took a few minutes before the bath was full and warm enough for Aries to get in.
"mommy, we had fun in the puddles." Aries said as he flapped his arms around splashing around water. "Yeah I saw, you and daddy were having so much fun." Aries giggled. "Yeah. Where's daddy?"
"well daddy is ordering us some pizza and we're going to eat while watching a movie."
"yay!! Pizza." You laughed as Aries cheered. No matter how small something was, Aries was always so happy about it. He was a little light.
After the shower you got Aries dressed, he picked out his pajamas which he always Loved to do. When he was dressed you went into the living room finding Chris with the pizza already on the table. "Ah, there you two are." Chris said as he got up. Aries jumped on the couch, awaiting his pizza. Chris walked into the kitchen getting plates for you three right after he landed a smack on your ass.
You sat on the couch with Aries clicking on the TV. Chris had put on Shrek which was his and Aries favorite movie. Chris returned and gave Aries his pizza. He went to town trying his best to eat all the pizza.
The movie started and the Three of you watched, Aries held onto Yours and Chris' hands as the movie played. It's something he's been doing ever since he was small. Holding your hands seemed to bring him comfort and neither you nor Chris were complaining.
Towards the end of the movie Aries had fell asleep. Chris took him and placed him into bed while you cleaned up the living room. Chris returned a few minutes later. "Alright, he's in bed." Chris took the empty pizza box and placed into the trash. He walked over to you and wrapped his arms around your waist as you ran the dirty plates under water. "So what do you wanna do for the rest of the night?" Chris kissed your neck making you smile. "I don't know, but I think I know what you want to do." You turned around looking at him. "And I'm so down to do it."
You leaned over and kissed his lips. As you were going to pull away Chris grabbed your face deepening the kiss. When you pulled away, his lips were swollen. "Let's go, I got a lot I want to do to you."
Chris smiled as he took your hand, pulling you to the bedroom where he made love to you, possibly making another little Evans.
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
Clowning Around:
For: @joelsgeetar because I love him with ever fibre of my physical being 🥺
“Tyler wake up!” I shouted.
I frowned when he didn’t stir. This summer heat had everyone sleeping like the dogs. I got a running jump start and leapt on top of him on the couch.
“This is a robbery, give me all your money!” I pointed a finger gun at him.
He startled awake and nearly pushed me off of him in panic. But at the last moment he caught me before I could hit the ground.
“What the hell was that for.”
I shrugged.
“I was bored.”
If looks could kill, the glare his sent em would have me six feet under. I wasn’t expecting him to retaliate so quickly, considering he should still be groggy with sleep.
“I’ll show you bored.” He said.
I stumbled back as he tickled my sides. The pain was almost unbearable from how hard I was laughing.
“Ok! Uncle! Uncle!” I shouted.
He helped me up off the floor after I plead with him to show me mercy.
“We’ll you got me up, what now?”
“Ummmm, I didn’t think that far ahead. How about a hike?”
“You wanna walk through the woods at this hour?”
“What are you, chicken?”
“You take that back!”
“Sorry, I don’t speak poultry.”
“Fine, we’ll go on a hike. First person to get scared and turn back has to buy dinner!”
Before I could even respond he took of running outside. It wasn’t fair, he had longer legs than me. I glared at the empty space he left and grumbled. What kind of weirdo takes a nap with his converse on anyways? I quickly pulled on my shoes, not really caring to tie the laces and sprinted after him. Just as I was about to catch up I tripped, scraping my knee.
“Shit!” I yelled.
Tyler turned to me looking startled and ran over.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, just a small cut.”
I brushed myself off.
“Maybe if you tied your shoes-“
“Maybe if you minded your damn business!” I snapped back.
He held his hands up in mock surrender while I dealt with my shoe issue. But I had a plan in mind, I’d give him a taste of his own medicine.
“First person to make it to the sewer gets a piggy back ride home!”
Despite my short stature, I could run very fast when determined to do so. And I knew where I was going, so I just let my legs carry me. It seemed like I had been running for miles, but it was really only like one. As I reached the mouth of the sewer, I caught my breath. I thought for a moment about waiting for Ty to catch up, but something was pulling me forward. I couldn’t stop myself from walking into the cold dark space.
It was a nice relief from the heat of the sun. I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard foot steps behind me.
“You totally cheated!” Tyler declared.
“What can I say, I learned from the best!”
I went to say something else witty, but Ty cut me off, placing a hand over my mouth suddenly.
“Do you hear that?” He asked.
I shook my head. But strained my ears to listen. It sounded like… circus music. Odd. I felt awkward as we stood there for far to long in that potion. So I did the only logical thing.
“Ow! Did you just fucking bite me?” Tyler exclaimed, dropping his hand.
“Guess that’s why they call me Fang”
He rolled his eyes, inspecting his hand for a second.
“Don’t be such a baby, it didn’t hurt.” I said.
He shot me another glare. I grabbed his injured hand and gave it a kiss.
“There, all better.”
Before he could protest, I dragged him toward the noise.
“You know, usually when you hear a strange noise coming from a dark place, you don’t go towards it.”
“I don’t know what gave you the impression that I’m “normal” but I’m on a mission to have fun tonight. Creepy circus music, that sounds fun!”
He couldn’t argue with that logic, so he let me drag him further through the muddy water. It was so dark we were squinting.
Ty held his thumb down on his lighter, allowing a very minimal amount of light to shine through the tunnel. I thought quickly and ripped the pant leg off my injured leg, grabbing a glass bottle from the sewer water and shoving it into it.
“Light this” I instructed.
He gave me a skeptical look.
“What, I saw it in a movie once. Besides, the bottles wet and it’s mad of glass, it shouldn’t catch fire. I’ll be fine.”
He shrugged, lighting the make shift torch. As the flame illuminated the passage, a shiver ran down my spine. A faint laughter could be heard. But I pushed the feeling aside. We came to far to turn back now. We walked a little farther until we made it to an opening. My eyes widened.
“Did someone drug the water supply, or are you also seeing this?”
In the centre of the open space was one of those giant circus monkeys with the cymbals.
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“I dont think I like this very much.” Tyler voiced his concern.
“Yeah, I’m gonna have to agree with you on this one. We should leave.”
Suddenly the toy stopped playing the music, the head of it turning to us. Like a scene out of the exorcist.
“Fuck this!” I shouted.
When I turned to grab Tyler, he was gone. I felt a hand over my mouth again and stiffened. ‘Not funny Tyler’ I thought.
“Hiya!” I voice called.
It was pitched in a weird way. Almost as if two people were speaking at once. One voice stylised and funny, while the other was deep and demonic. I tried to use the torch to see who it was, but it was quickly knocked out of my hand.
“Silly human, don’t you know fire can hurt?” The voice scolded.
I stomped my foot down on the creatures and backed up quickly when it released me. It’s eyes turned to me, being bright orange and fully of fury.
“Well that wasn’t very nice.”
“Who the fuck are you and what have you done with my friend?” I demanded.
“Me? Well I’m Pennywise, The Dancing Clown.”
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He did a slight bow.
“If you hurt him-“
“Relax human, your tasty looking friend is fine. For now. I took him back into my lair!”
“What do you want with Tyler?”
“So that his name? Kinda cute don’t you think?”
I couldn’t fight the blush that crept onto my cheeks. But that wasn’t important right now. I mean I was talking to a demonic clown, now alone in the sewers. That’s the last thing I needed to be thinking about right now.
“What do you want with him?” I repeated.
“What? Is it a crime to want a new friend? You could be my friend too y’a know? Penny loves a good friend!”
“If I say I’ll be your friend, will you bring me to him?”
“You want to see Penny’s lair?” His eyes light up.
I nodded my head slowly. Suddenly I was being thrown over it’s shoulder and everything was so disorienting. When we finally stopped, we were in a well light part of the sewer, the sunlight creeping in through the grate above. I looked around and noticed the multitude of stolen objects littered around. But I nearly lost my cool when I noticed the body parts strewn all over the place. Penny dropped me onto a couch.
I backed away from him, hitting something else on the couch.
“Tyler?” I asked.
His eyes weren’t open. But I didn’t notice any injuries on him. He was just sleeping.
“What did you do to him?”
Pennywise shrugged.
“He just passed out when I grabbed him.”
Odd. Tyler only passes out when he’s scared or… no that couldn’t be it. I shook his shoulder trying to wake him. God why was this man so hard to wake up. I took a deep breath and slapped him across this face. An odd hissing noise came from the clown as a reaction.
“Ow, what was that for?”
Tyler’s eyes looked passed me and at Pennywise. I saw that look in his eye and I hated it. This fucker was turned on. Idiot. I could feel Penny glaring daggers at the back of my head, but I didn’t care.
“You scared the shit out of me!” I scolded.
Tyler scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.
“Sorry Fang.”
“Fang?” Penny repeated. “What an odd name for a human.”
“Says the crazy clown living in the sewer.” I sassed.
Tyler punched my arm lightly as a warning. He knew I was the type to get myself killed in situations like this, just cause I couldn’t shut my mouth. I scowled, crossing my arms over my chest and plopping myself down on the couch next to him.
“So what now?” I asked.
I now noticed Pennywise was drooling, I must have reopened the cut on my knee. Shit. Tyler seemed to notice too, because he shot up from the couch, moving closer to the clown.
“Is your hair naturally that colour?” He asked.
What a stupid question. But it seemed to be working.
“Why? Do you like it?” Penny asked, excited.
Tyler nodded.
“It looks nice.” He ran a hand through his hair.
“Penny thinks your hair looks nice too. Can Penny touch?”
Tyler nodded once more. I just starred in horror. What in the fan fic fuck was going on here. Who the hell did I piss off that I had to witness this. I think I’d rather the clown just eat me.
“Could you maybe n-not?” I stuttered out.
Why the hell was I so flustered. Stupid emotions. Tyler shot me a knowing smirk and I glared at him. I got up from the couch and began to look around. That’s when I found an arm. I picked it up and waved it around, gaining the pairs attention.
“So do you like, eat people?”
I already knew the answer to this question, but I couldn’t bring my brain to think of any coherent questions.
“Children taste best” Penny answered honestly.
“Uh huh, and you just wasted this perfectly good arm because?”
I found myself inspecting the arm. Now that me mentioned it, it did look kinda small. I wonder how old this kid was? We’re they own of the missing student from our class? Is this what happened to Billy’s brother? Oh the poor kid must have been so scared. I was brought out of my trance when Penny snatched the arm from me, accidentally cutting my hand with his claws in the process.
“The human cannot have my food.” He said possessively.
“They weren’t trying to steal your food Penny.” Tyler tried to help.
I held my hand in pain. Why the hell did this hurt so bad. Maybe his claws where poisoned. I mean it would make sense. It would give him an advantage when hunting. Tyler finally seemed to notice my discomfort and came over to check my room.
“You scratched them Penny!” He reprimanded.
Surprisingly the clown seemed to shrink at this, like he actually cared what Ty thought. Like he felt bad. How odd. I couldn’t help the tear that fell from my eye.
“Ty, it hurts. Like a lot.”
He frowned.
“I know, I’m sorry.”
Whatever was in its claws functioned like some sort of blood thinner. Because I was bleeding a lot more than I should. Penny took a step forward reaching out to me, but I flinched back.
“Don’t touch me!”
“But Fang is friend?”
“Friends don’t hurt friends!”
“Penny sorry, Penny can help!”
I looked at him sceptically because turning to Ty for advise. Tyler seemed to trust the entity for some reason, so I let him approach. Pennywise grabbed my hand, and before I could stop him, he brought it towards his mouth.
“Woah! What the hell are you doing?” Tyler asked, bewildered.
“Penny’s saliva will clot the blood. Stop the bleeding.”
It felt weird, having a six foot clown lick my hand. It tingled a little, but it did start to feel better. But then I noticed Penny began to drool again.
“Friend tasty.” It said.
“Friends don’t eat friends” Tyler reminded him.
Penny frowned before snapping out of it.
“Even if the friend taste like cotton Candy?”
“Yes Penny, even then.”
I could already tell this was going to be a long night.
An: I should be writing my requests rn but I got this idea and I just had to write it. I’m so glad you love Pennywise now! Cause I have an excuse to write about him. I love my little weirdo clown buddy ❤️
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neoheros · 3 years
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osamu isn’t good with the firsts — someone always has to show him the right way before he gets it done — but when he does, he does it right.
first date, first time he asked to walk you home, first time he got lost because your house was on the other side of the city and he didn’t really think about that when he offered to walk you, first awkward prom, first awkward date, and first awkward kiss.
the special firsts that came to him as an awkward and sweaty teenage boy, now coming to him again as things the two of you would laugh at.
but even after all that awkwardness for firsts, he still wants to be the first person in the relationship to say “i love you”, and he’s not sure how he’ll do it or how long he has left, but he makes it a point to be the first person out of the both of you who do.
“it’s here!” you beam, a package in your hand as you come from the back door, and with it, the muddied shoes you’re too excited to remember.
osamu sits up from his seat, “what is?”
“the book!” you answer, taking the spot next to him as you plop down on the couch.
“the book of what?” he leans over to you, grabbing at the package you held in your hands, and once it’s in his, he makes sure to take a good look at the pretty details and designs engraving the cover.
you smile, “oh, look at it.”
and he looks over to you for a second, and thinks about how he’d rather look at you.
“what does it say?” he asks instead of saying anything else, his fingers trailing over the cover as the title of the book glimmers.
you look at him, “it was then sadly i learned that osamu miya could not read.”
(he rolls his eyes, but he lets you sink back against his chest instead of the couch cushions.)
you focus on the book, and it’s nice seeing you so concentrated, but osamu would rather you look up at him, listen to what he has to tell you, and maybe even after a while, he can finally say what he’s been dying to say for a long time now.
he’d like to tell you he loves you now, because he really really does.
“what?” you look up, noticing the unusual stare he’s been giving you, “what is it?”
and osamu shakes his head, “it’s nothing.”
this — with you in his arms, stars in your eyes and a fluttery feeling in his stomach, this is way too perfect to be ruined.
he’ll tell you he loves you first, but he won’t tell you today.
osamu kisses your cheek, “i’ll tell you some other time.”
if he loved you less maybe he’d been able to say it sooner. if he loved you less maybe this would be easier to get over with.
but with the mixture of nervousness and anxiety and the fear of you not saying it back, osamu is a poor man with a poor inability to speak words.
you laugh, getting up from the couch with a grin, “you gonna brush up on learning how to read before then?”
and he laughs, throwing one of the couch pillows from his side and to your direction, the small cased fluff barely missing you as it hits just above your shoulder.
you gape, “don’t throw pillows around the house!”
“they’re called throw pillows, you’re supposed to throw them.” osamu tells you, a sly grin sitting on his face, and his smile is wider as you eye another pillow in his grasp.
“if we break anything, i’m gon—” you’re cut off by another pillow thrown to you, blinking for a second or two.
you calm yourself, letting a breath go, “are you five years old?”
and he throws another pillow your way, this one directly hitting you on the face, and you swear you’ve never osamu laugh that loud before.
you walk over to his direction, a scowl on your face as you match his smug grin, and when you’re close enough to touch him, your expression softens.
there’s a hint of pink settling on osamu’s ears as you get so close to him, and he hopes that you don’t notice it.
you grab the pillow by his side, laughing as you hit him with it, “i’m so going to destroy you.”
and osamu knows you meant that jokingly, but he’s sure, even then, he’d most likely probably let you.
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littlelioncub43 · 3 years
A Grumpy Gymnastics Guy
Pairing: Lance Tucker x Reader
Word Count: 902
Warnings: None, tis all fluff
A/N: This is based on an ask I submitted to the lovely @slothspaghettiwrites (hey bestie!!) a while ago. I didn’t expect to write this but here we are! I’m thinking about writing a small series for Lance... but I’ll see how I feel about it.... I’m probably gonna do it. Do people read these author’s notes??? 
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Today just wasn’t his day. As soon as he lifted his head from his pillow, he could tell that today wasn’t going to be sunshine and lollipops. Lance had woken up, with a stiff neck might I add,  a whole hour later than he was supposed to. When he looked to check the time he was met with a dead phone. The charger wasn’t plugged in. 
“Fuck me,” he groaned, already annoyed at everything. 
He was quick to get back on schedule, getting dressed and out the door in less than 5 minutes. “Oh Christ,” he spat in a whisper to himself. 
It was cold and raining all day; bone-freezing gusts of wind shot bullets of sharp, cold droplets everywhere. He hadn’t grabbed his raincoat, and the water was quick to soak through the layers of his coat and track suit, but he pushed on and made it to the gym. Having arrived well over an hour late looking like a wet dog, Lance was in no mood to be made fun of, but that didn’t stop the other coaches and gymnasts from snickering as he walked by. 
He wishes he could say that training went on like normal, but no. When he was warming up, his stiff neck made it hard to tuck his chin in. Then, one of the new guys accidentally knocked over the chalk basin all over him. Then he couldn’t stick a clean landing on any of his routines. And to top it all off, on the way to the locker room he stubbed his toe. He had had it. 
He shoots you a quick text.
Lance: Are you at home?? 
A few minutes go by as he waits for your reply. 
Y/N: Yeah, it’s my day off.
Lance quickly packs his things and makes a beeline for his car, thankful that the rain had decided to take a break.
Y/N: Why??
Lance: Can I come over?
Y/N: Sure, just use your key when you get here
Lance drove almost on instinct to your apartment. The usually quick route was clogged by Sunday drivers who seemed to be scheming against him. It took him 20 minutes longer than normal to finally arrive at your apartment. Putting his car in park, he quickly makes the climb up the 3 flights of stairs to your door. 
“God, why the fuck does she have to live so high up,” he mutters, simply angry at everything at this point. 
He pulls out his key chain to find the key you had given him months ago. Finding the key with the little gold metal painted on it (you did it as a joke, you thought it was hilarious), he unlocked your door. The second the lock turned, he was met with a wall of comforting scents. You loved scented candles, your current favorite being cranberry and mandarin. There was the smell of herbal tea; of course you made tea, you always did when it was cold and rainy like this. Then there was the smell of you. A mix of your shampoo, your body wash, and the natural loveliness that was just you. 
Lance took a deep breath, filling his lungs with the calming aromas. You had heard him come in, the heavy sigh he released after kicking off his muddy shoes. Lance all but threw himself on your couch, his head resting in his hands. The dull throbbing pain in his temples pulsed in time with his heartbeat. You smiled softly from your spot in the kitchen, automatically knowing it was one of those days. 
You quietly made your way over to your grumpy boyfriend. You kneel in front of him, gently pulling his hands from his face to hold in your own, you have him look at you. His eyes are red, irritation that built up during the day evident in his baby blue eyes. The bags under his eyes show just how tired he is, how the day seemed to have kicked his ass. 
“Do you wanna sleepover? We could order some food, you can shower, maybe watch a movie or just go to bed. Does that sound nice?" you offer in a soft voice that doesn't add to his headache and a comforting gaze. He nods after a moment, offering a weak smile. “Alright,” you whisper and press a feather-light kiss to his forehead. 
Before you can get up to order the food, Lance pulls you into his lap effortlessly. His arms wrapped tightly around your waist, his head resting on your shoulder. He draws in another deep breath and shuts his eyes. You hug him back without a second thought, your own arms around him, rubbing soothingly up and down his spine. The tense muscles in his back finally start to reluctantly relax. You press a few kisses to the top of his hair and cradle him into you. 
"You ok, baby?" you ask against his hair, your free hand holding his head gently.
"Just wanted to hug you, is all," he answers in a croaky voice. 
You smile and hum, hugging him tighter. Lance holds you in his lap, relishing the way your warmth radiates through him. Running your fingers through his hair softly, you let him hold you as long as he needs. His day might have kicked his ass, but nothing beats the way you feel in his arms.
Tag list: @slothspaghettiwrites , @aquahogcodes
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