#motivational blog post
themanirealityshifter · 2 months
“my child is fine” your child shifts realities to live in and experience supposedly fictional worlds with better parents in them
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thediaryblog · 1 month
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motivation the key ⊹ ࣪ ˖
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to success in life 𓍯𓂃
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thatgirlie-diaries · 7 months
How I get out of a slump
Hello girlies! Welcome to another blog of mine. This topic was very spontaneous for me to write about. I'm having a writers block since last week because I have been stuck in a rut, that's my reason bts. I'm going to tell you my personal tips to get out of this state and regain your consistency on a healthy lifestyle!
My tips
Journaling: You may do this step whenever you feel it's right, but I think it's important to be concious about why are you in a rut in the first place and what you can do for you to feel better and get back stronger. You may let yourself just dump and feelings or go to Pinterest and look out for prompts.
Tidy up my space & take a shower: I truly believe that our space is a reflection of our own mind, as so I think that I reflect my state in how much I take care of my appearance and hygiene. So, this is the first thing I do to step into a state in which I feel clean and calm and able to focus on my mind after taking care of my physical space. Take your time to cleanse yourself!
Listen to high vibe music: I know my ruts happen in first place because I am in a low vibrational state and with a negative mindset. Even if it's not your case, I reccomend you to listen to songs that motivates you and empowers you up to again make an effort for yourself , rather than listening to low mood lyrics.
Revisit your goals: it's time to think again about what are the things you want to accomplish. Ask yourself what do you need to get back on track: Are there any goals that don't align with you no more or you need to change to be accomplished? What are the habits or steps you need to take?
Take it slow: We are just getting out of a rut, so it has been hard for us this days to keep track on habits and goals, even to do simple things. Girl, take it easy and at your own peace, no one is chasing you and your wellness it's first before other matters. If you need to, break down your habits or steps into small ones. One of my favorite reminders is "something is better than nothing". Examples: You don't feel with the energy to clean your room? Use a timer of 10 minutes. Can't read? Just read one page. What matters is that you are making an effort to be in a better place.
Take care of your health: First things first. Related to other points of the blog, take care fo your health and then focus on heavier effort or alongside doing small but significant actions. Health is something we start neglecting when we are in a slump (alongside keeping our space clean, our goals & habits and our mind). Make sure you are sleeping well, having a healthy diet, doing exercise, take some sun, whatever you need to do to have a healthy body.
Be consistent!: Consistency will be an important point in this one. For me, the hardest thing is taking the decision to take the first steps, after it keep them on track until you feel better. Rather than seeing it as discipline, see it as devotion. Think that "you are being devoted in taking care of yourself and giving you the best present and future", it sounds lovely, isn't it?
Health + Clean space → Reflection → Revisit your goals → Take small steps →Consistency
Let's get out of this one together! 𑄽𑄺ྀ
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caramelcuppaccino · 1 year
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08.01.2023 • sunday
spent the day writing my reports. i was studying in my dorm but then my friend invited me to her place so we spent hours together baking, studying, talking and just chilling. it was very nice<3. she gave me my new year’s gift and i gave her hers!!
p.s. i’m really loving this doodling on the pics thing, can you tell?
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mirlvshft · 3 months
guys. its really been hitting me now that i shifted. man i literally shifted. yes, it may have been for a few seconds BUT I FUCKING SHIFTED STOP IT RN
a shift is a shift. we did it y’all!! ◝(ᵔᗜᵔ)◜
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biiistre · 13 days
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Old comic stuff I never posted
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princessofangiemania · 10 months
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑳𝒂𝒘 𝒄𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝒇𝒂𝒊𝒍 𝒚𝒐𝒖
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Once you decide something, once you decide you want something, that's it. It can't fail you. The only thing that can 'fail' you is you. Not the law. You're not going into this blind, you should know that it's just something that's supposed to happen. Instead of asking, "What if it fails?" ask yourself, "Why would it fail? It's the Law of Assumption."
Rest easy and just know that you'll succeed. Because that's literally it. There's no room for failure in the law. Failure doesn't exist. It's literally just you deciding what you want and deciding that you have it. That's it. Stop trying to change the mirror. I was lying awake the other night, the night before my high school graduation. I was hoping how I wanted to be one of the top students in my class. But I was worried that my grades weren't enough. I felt that my efforts weren't enough. But you know what I did? I brushed those off. I said, "Oh, what am I doing? Why am I worrying? This is me we're talking about. Of course, I'm gonna be an honour student." The following day? My mother tapped my shoulder from behind me and told me that the graduation program had my name on it. There were two words underneath, underlined "With honours" I trusted the Law. I trusted myself. And I advise you to do the same.
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learnelle · 5 months
I would LOVE to hear from anyone who went through university studies in a language that isn't their native one! Share your experiences! How did you manage ? What was the most difficult part ? What language learning level were you at before you started the course ? I am so curious about all of the details !!
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blueprint-9376 · 2 months
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05.04.2024 [🤔]
🌛: 우선순위를 정하자/ Let's prioritize things to do
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lovesickbeetle24694 · 6 months
Currently using the idea of "he will be proud of me" to study
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thelailasblog · 2 months
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thatgirlie-diaries · 7 months
My weekly reset routine
Hello girlies! After some days offline I come back with this blog, I will be telling you quickly my every Sunday "Weekly reset routine" which is popular among girlies like us, isn't it? For me, this is the first day of my weeks and probably the most important one, since I get relaxed, taken care of and I reflect on what to focus next. I hope it inspires you in case that you don't have a routine like this, and if you do I hope that it's working well for you!
My routine
Tidy up and clean all my space: Includes the kicthen (that's my assigned section between my family), my bedroom and my bathroom. While cleaning downstairs I listen to a podcast and in my room I listen lo-fi playlist.
Begin the laundry: Every week I do my laundry, every two weeks I also add my bedsheets.
Do my full shower routine: I use shampoo, hair mask and conditioner. After, I use my cleanser and face exfoliant. To finish I use my soap, body exfoliant and shave my legs and armpits. I listen to new albums every time while showering.
Post-shower routine: I do the rest of my skincare routine, dry my hair, apply cream on my body, get comfy clothes and check my nail polish.
Tidy up my clothes
Plan and reflect: 1.How was last week? 2. I plan next week goals and tasks 3.Add calendar events 4. Revise my routines and schedule 5. Check my budget
Digital detox: Eliminate any unnecessary data on my laptop and cellphone, mostly.
My post-routine
Light a candle and listen to frequency music: I listen mostly to heal my feminine energy and positive vibes
Practice journaling: I look out for prompts or I express my feelings, I have a new journal book and I prefer now to do it by hand.
Say positive affirmations in the mirror: I get them from pinterest! I have cried twice by now, it has helped me with my inner dialoge, concept and steem.
Practice meditation and yoga: I normally practice between 20-30 minutes, for me is more than enough and actually helps me relax and maintain my mental health. I recommend you Jessica Richburg in Youtube.
Watch a movie: I really love to watch movies! So now every Sunday I make some popcorn and get cozy in my sofa to watch one. Right now I'm into chick films, they are really funny and inspire me alot.
See you girlies, time to enjoy my sunday! 𑄽𑄺ྀ
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astragatwo · 2 months
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I liked her a lot, actually
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caramelcuppaccino · 1 year
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05.01.2023 • thursday
i actually didn’t get much done today. i just read my prof’s notes and tried to figure out how to write the reports but still, progress is still progress :].
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thediaryblog · 19 days
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life lately <3
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lalac3nty · 12 days
I owe my cousin my WHOLE LIFE for telling me about shifting and manifestation, I would have taken my live a long time ago if she didn’t
Remeber, you’re lucky just to know about it, and the universe let u know for a reason, U CAN DO IT
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