#mention of oikawa but hes not actually in the fic
msphattt · 5 months
the only one for me
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iwaizumi x fem!reader
tags — vaginal sex, cunnilingus (barely), vaginal fingering
3744 words
Today was the day, he was coming back. It’s all anyone had been talking about but I couldn’t understand why, he was only gone for five months, so the welcome back seemed…over the top, to me.
His arrival had no effect on me, rather, I carried on with my day as I usually would, why would I care that Iwaizumi was coming back? The last time we spoke, he made it clear that it would be the last time, so, why care?
“So…what are you saying?” I asked, “Do you not care to speak at all? What are you saying?”
It was all so confusing, the fact that Iwaizumi had just said we needed to “separate for a while,” seeing as he would be gone for five months, across the country, for a volleyball tournament.
“I just don’t want to leave with strings attached,” he explained. Bullshit. I had never said anything about a relationship, not even that we were exclusive, so I couldn’t understand where this was coming from, I at the very least, thought he and I were friends under whatever we had, but it seems I thought wrong.
The surprise of the situation was too much and my thoughts were running wild, why now? When he didn’t leave for two more weeks? I wasn’t going to make it hard for him though, after all, he wasn’t my boyfriend.
His eyes met mine and for a second, I thought I saw that he was ashamed, like he was ashamed of his reasoning, but I wasn’t thinking that deep into it, if he wanted to leave me, then that was that.
“I understand, that’s what you want, I’ll go,” I said, confusion clear in my tone but I wasn’t staying somewhere I wasn’t wanted.
I gathered my bag, my belongings and my car keys without saying a word and simply, left.
Of course, the five months weren’t the easiest but it wasn’t like Iwaizumi and I were in a relationship, we made sure to place boundaries. Though, in the end, it seemed like he had gotten under your skin, and it was difficult to deny the pull toward him.
But, that was five months ago, and I have spent the last four of those months making sure to keep my head up and keep going. The piercing heat of the sun pulled me out of my thoughts as I began to prepare my body for my morning jog around the park. Jogging was one of the things I did to keep me from overthinking, and today was as good a day as any.
I tucked my phone into my gray yoga pants and did my last few stretches, reaching up to the sky and lifting my heels off of the ground, leaning on the tips of my toes and inhaling deeply, the exhale melting some of the tension away.
I began stepping off with my right foot, moving slowly with one foot in front of the other. It was the same type of people, the early birds who would sit to gather on the grass ether studying or listening to music, the athletes who were leaving from morning practices, and others who grumbled for being up too early on a Friday.
As my music blasted in my ears, the world was gone to me. The rush of the wind flying past my ears as my legs moved to carry me where they may. I had gone my usual route, around the center of the park, through the garden and around the open field, where I often made contact with the athletes.
My legs began to grow weak, a response I was used to as I jogged through the garden, indicating that I was two-thirds of the way through my jog. Faint sounds of instruments floated through my, already extremely loud, headphones that I used to tune out the rest of the people occupying the park. Confusion covered my face until I remembered, his welcome back celebration. The athletes had taken over the field with a mass amount of themselves, it almost seemed like a parade.
I continued jogging, making sure to keep my chin up and my form tight, pushing through the last leg of my workout. I made my way around the baseball field and continued on toward the trees, where most of the athletes would gather their trucks. Still, I didn’t move, the wind continued to fly by as I felt the euphoric feeling begin to creep under my skin, the wind blowing right over my shoulders, which were now covered in sweat.
The welcome back hadn’t seemed to just be starting but was in full effect. I wish I could say, what is it about him? But I knew the answer to that question. As I made my way around the outskirts of the trees, his eyes bore into mine.
And time stopped.
He had changed so much in the months that he was away; his shoulders were broader, and his muscles were outlined perfectly, under his shirt. My breath stopped momentarily, it felt as if my I would lose my voice instantly if I was to speak to anybody in that moment.
The connection broke instantly, when I returned my eyes to my path in front of me, pushing my legs to finish my jog, and after turning the last corner of the field, I began jogging back to my apartment, only five minutes from the park.
As I finished my jog and entered my home, the euphoric feeling and coolness of my body after hitting the cool air made my head feel dizzy. My chest heaved after just jogging and I took a gulp of water to try and calm my nerves.
Four days went by, I jogged for three of those days and made the mental note that I had not seen Iwaizumi since his arrival. I shook my head, why did I care so much? I continued to say I didn’t, but my feelings knew otherwise. No matter, it was time for me to get ready for the Art Expression Gala, my favorite event of the year.
The Art Expression Gala gave a platform to anyone within the city who needed to express themselves, no matter how, and the formality of it all felt elegant.
My hair fell down my back, pulled back from my face where I focused on a sultry makeup look, which always seemed to include warmer shades of gloss, eyeshadow and even blush, going for orange rather than pink. I always liked looking seductive, it was part of my character, I liked to assume as such. I wore a black dress that ran past my ankles and left my left leg bare, the split stopping just underneath the hilt of my thigh. The straps of the dress were thin, my shoulders covered by my hair and its’ loose curls.
The honking of the horn outside my door let me know that my friends were at my apartment ready to pick me up. I grabbed my purse and phone, locking my door before entering the car where my friends were more than ready to get to the venue.
“I’m so excited for you guys to see my piece at the gala, I worked really hard on it,” my friend Ellie beamed. I responded, telling her that we couldn’t wait to see and how proud we were of her. Of all my friends, Ellie was the most passionate about her life and her love for dance, which anyone with eyes could see. “I heard the entire athletic department’s there, even Iwa,” Ellie said, a mischievous glint in her eye. I rolled mine, “Iwa and I have nothing going on, we’re not even friends,” I explained. Ellie laughed and mocked me, “oh please, ‘we’re not even friends,’ when have you ever been friends? When he was-”
“STOP,” I yelled, Ellie’s laughter only grew as much embarrassment became more and more apparent on my face. I brought my hands to my face and let out a little giggle as I remembered the memory Ellie was about to blurt out.
I giggled as he continued kissing my neck, his hands squeezing the flesh of my ass and back. “Iwa, stop,” I breathed out, my voice nearly at a whisper from the way his hands touched my body. We were currently laying on the big cushion, under the canopy by the pool, correction, by Oikawa’s pool.
My slightly damp towel covered my legs, draping under my belly button and hanging off of my waist as Iwaizumi used his hands and mouth to try and make me cave.
“Oh, c’mon baby, nobody is out here but you and me, I just wanna taste you,” he whispered, kissing my shoulders and squeezing my thighs. A shuddered breath left my lips, as I fought my inner thoughts, this man had consumed every one of my senses, how could I say no to him?
“I’ll make you feel so good, just let me taste you,” he whispered again, and my resolve completely melted away. The raw desperation in his voice was enough to have my legs spreading and head leaning back and he explored every inch of what I had to offer.
He kissed me slowly, making sure to let me know how much he appreciated my body and my back arched against the cushions as the first feel of his soft tongue met my clit, the warmth of his tongue on my sensitive clit that he had played with relentlessly. The feeling began to build, my eyes immediately closing and my hand moving through his hair in an attempt to push him further against me.
His two fingers pushed, slowly into my pussy, filling my stomach with a feeling of fullness that has me moaning softly and bucking my hips against his mouth. The feeling of my thighs being held tightly and I was spread out before his tongue that ravaged my pussy so sweetly, it all became hazy as my vision failed to focus after my eyes fluttered open.
His fingers continued to work into my pussy, hitting that place so deep as he continued to suck on the head of my clit without slowing down, the pace building the pleasure in the pit of my stomach.
As he continued to punish my pussy, sucking my clit and thrusting his fingers simultaneously, everything began to blur together as the knot in the pit of stomach began to tighten by the second. At the sound of his groan, my thighs clenched, and my toes curled as my back arched off the cushions, moaning and squeezing whatever my hands could find at the moment, the wave of pleasure washing over my body.
I was pulled out of my flashback when the car came to a stop, the jolt shaking me out of thought. The night was warm, but I still found myself with goosebumps running down my arms, I rubbed them slightly as we began to walk toward entrance of the building.
Time went on fairly quickly and it was time to watch Ellie’s performance. The soft music began as Ellie’s body began to move in the way she had trained, the soft raise of her leg and the sharp point of her feet. As entranced as I was in the performance, I felt as though somebody was staring, causing my eyes to shift around. My neck turned left, only slightly as my eyes scanned through the crowd. Turning from the left, now looking toward my right is when I saw him, staring at me, unashamed. The darkness of his eyes bore into mine, his cup lifting to his lips as he took a sip of his drink and brought it back down, all while looking at me, never taking his eyes off of me. I looked away with a quickness, making sure to turn as softly as I did before, I would act like he was nothing to me even though the burn of his gaze was making me feel exposed.
After Ellie’s performance, I decided that I needed to go into the bathroom and make sure I didn’t look as flushed as I felt. I began walking toward the back in the direction of the bathroom, my short and skinny heels clacking slightly as I fidgeted in my purse looking for my wipes and powder. My attention was on my purse as I grew agitated at not being able to find what I was looking for, that I did not see when a strong hand gripped my arm, pulling me into the men’s bathroom on the right side of the hall.
Fear took over for a second before I was face to face with the man who had been staring all night long.
“You’ve been avoiding me, you know I don’t like to be ignored,” he said. His voice instantly making my thighs rub together, I had forgotten how deep and intoxicating he could be, not to mention his cologne, and the fact that his face was only four inches away from mine.
I took in a breath, looking at this face before choosing to respond, his eyebrows knitted and lips pursed, as though he was actually upset.
“I have, we’re not friends,” I answered, making sure to pout slightly and turn my head to the left, as though I cared about our divide, I did.
Iwaizumi let out a dry chuckle, clearly not amused by my act.
“Excuse me now,” I said sweetly, as I moved to lean off the wall and move toward the restroom door, a single stall restroom that anybody could have been waiting for. Before I could move, his left arm stretched out to hit the wall, blocking me from moving where he put me against it. He touched my chin, cupping my face softly as his thumb ran across my cheek as I looked at him, fury suddenly taking over my body.
“You can’t be serious right now, are you kidding me?!” My voice was laced with anger and annoyance, frustration beginning to peak out as I continued. “You said you didn’t want strings, so there ARE no strings, move,” I spat, pushing his chest and swinging the door open before anything could escalate further. It didn’t take me long to find my friends and express that I was going to go home, suddenly feeling under the weather.
I took a cab home, sitting on the couch and listening to music after a hot shower to help bring me back down. It was hard for me to stay somewhere and act like I wasn’t upset, when I so clearly was. I couldn’t understand why I was affected as much as I was, but that being our first encounter after not speaking for so long, I let out a rush and heavy breath after thinking about it again. It was then my door rang, drawing curiosity and confusion from me.
As I opened the door, there he stood with a white dress shirt to show every ridge of his abs and muscles, his dress pants showing the muscles in his thighs. My eyes narrowed and rolled as he walked toward me, past me, and into my kitchen.
“Get out, what are you doing here? Get out.” My voice was calm now, my weight shifting to my left leg as I crossed my arms looking at him from across the island. There was no denying the effect he had on my body, his appearance making my nipples hard under my cropped cami.
He said nothing, rather than leaving, Iwaizumi set his phone and car keys on the counter behind him and began walking to me, my neck slightly pulling back at his height. He touched my face again, holding my right cheek as he now faced me and looked at me with a stoic face, yet solemn eyes. His right hand in his pocket, his left on my cheek. “I listened to what you said,” he started, “but you know there’s nobody else for me.”
My eyes met his and darted back toward the floor momentarily before meeting his gaze once again. “That’s not enough, you left me,” I whispered, my true feelings had surfaced that quick. “I know, I’m sorry baby, forgive me.” His kisses on my cheek soon traveled downward, my neck feeling the warmth and strangeness of his lips. He pulled back, looking at me before glancing at my lips and back to my eyes, “you’re the only one for me,” he whispered.
My eyes searched his for a moment, giving into what my body had been craving, “the only one?” I whispered softly, whimpering slightly at the heat that began crawling over my skin as a result of his kisses. He groaned as he whispered, “the only one,” and his lips softly touched mine.
The quickness and delicacy of the kiss made me wonder if it actually happened, but my hardened nipple and throbbing of my clit had assured me it was true. My hands traveled up his arms, gripping his biceps as I closed my eyes, the kiss consuming me. With a swiftness, Iwaizumi grabbed my thighs, lifting me onto the island in the center of the kitchen. His large hands moved across my thighs and up my stomach until reaching my chest, my back arching instantly at the feeling. He began to rub my nipples, kissing my neck as the slight pleasure only added to my arousal.
A soft moan left my lips, short breaths accompanied by the occasional moan that would slip out of from between my lips. Traitor. My body reacted truthfully while my mind still fought rationality, but the movement of his hands against my breasts reminded me of just how good he made me feel.
His fingers wrapped around my neck, my eyes glossy as they meet his. His hips rolled into me, his erection pressing against my clit as his tongue ran down my neck and over my breast. His lips wrapped around my left nipple, the pleasure immediately letting a moan through my lips. His tongue flicked and sucked my nipple, carefully pinching the right, twisting and ghosting over it ever so softly with his middle finger.
The jingle of his belt felt like music to my ears, suddenly heating my ears up as my tips of my toes touched my island, my legs bared open to him. He groaned as he freed his erection, the tip leaking of precum as he began to stroke himself. Anticipation ran through me and left as quickly as it came. He lips left my chest as his hand remained around my neck. “Look at me, baby,” he whispered, wetting my panties even further. My eyes fluttered open, licking my lips and taking a breath, I moved my eyes to meet his.
And time stopped.
My shorts were pulled down, flung somewhere neither he, nor I, cared about. My breath quickened as he lined himself against my hole, grinding against my clit slightly and working my legs even farther apart. His forehead met mine as I clutched his biceps through his thin, white dress shirt. His eyes focused on mine as he pushed in, the feeling of intrusion hitting so deep within me that I couldn’t help but to close my eyes, the pleasure immediately making me arch my back and curl my toes against his waist.
He began his thrusts slow, breathing me in and out as his hips worked against mine. Moans flew from my mouth as he gripped my thighs, removing his hand from my neck and holding my legs open so that I was spread bare in front of him.
“Fuck, I missed you baby, did you miss me?” He groaned as he continued to thrust into me, his pace keeping steady and hitting every inch within me, making my mind go blank. My moans became uncontrollable as he continued to thrust upward, hitting my spot over and over again, my fingers gripping the edge of the island and his biceps.
His pace grew relentless, pounding into my pussy over and over again causing me to throw my head back, “answer me.” Iwaizumi loved to have his way. He continued his rough pace, my head thrown back and mouth open, moans flying out as though it was the only noise I could make. His thumb found my clit, rubbing slow circles as he slammed into me, unforgiving as though he was punishing me for not responding how he wanted during out first encounter.
My defiance showed, I refused to answer him and his assault on my clit only grew, fast pace meeting rapid circles, all making my head dizzy at the pleasure coming from how deep he was hitting my spot. My moans grew louder, “too much, Iwa,” I whined, not being able to say anything else, or even remember anything else. “You can take it, tell me, did you miss me?” He was relentless.
I shook my head as the pleasure continued to build, the strain of my nipples against my cami while my back continued to arch into his chest, the bucking of my hips into his own. His hands lifted my hips, slightly, changing the feel of everything. It was sudden, Iwa was now hitting my spot over and over, sucking on my neck while continuing to groan against my skin.
My moans were loud and heavy as my grip tightened on his biceps, “oh, yes I missed you, fuck, I missed you so much, Iwa,” I moaned, but eyes closing as my stomach knotted tightly. My toes curled against the counter, my breathing quickened and my eyebrows furrowed as my hole began clenching around him.
“I missed you so much baby,” Iwa groaned as he kissed my neck, “cum for me baby, let me feel how much you missed me.” His talk into your ears did nothing to quench the fire in the pit of my stomach. The eyes squeezed even tighter as the knot in my stomach began to tighten, my back arching and my breasts feeling the warmth of his chest. My breath hitched in my chest as I came undone under his sweet nothings, his grip on my body becoming so tight as he filled me with all of him.
“I wont hurt your feelings again, I promise.” And His kiss would seal his promise to me.
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theyluvkarolina · 1 month
can i request lando x volleyball girlie who did vb for two years but has to quit because of a knee injury please? feel free to ignore if this doesn't spark anything!!
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· . ୨୧⭒๋࣭ ⭑ ` ` it’s giving oikawa from haikyuu ` ` ⊹ ‧₊˚
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 ୨୧ Volleyball was all you ever known, and everything was looking up in your career, until an injury. Luckily, your boyfriend is there to hope you cope and get better.
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ୨୧ Lando Norris x Volleyball!Fem!Reader
𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌: Maddie Madayag (for volleyball photos)
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ୨୧ mentions of a injury but nothing severe.
𝐀/𝐍 ୨୧ tysm for the request! I decided to do my own little spin on this with making this a bit more of a crack fic but definitely kept the volleyball and knee injury! Also, this is pretty short! I’m so sorry with the length of this, but i really liked this request and wanted to do it! I hope you enjoy it 🩶 I’ve had my fair share of injuries that led me to quit what i loved, so the fic kinda hits hard for me 🥹 i used to play football/soccer growing up until i pulled my back muscle in my 9th year of school and wasn’t able to play the same ever again, injuries suck 👎
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(PS: Date on photo does not matter, fic happens between Aus and Japan GP!)
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y/n_volleys posted a story 3 minutes ago!
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username, landonorris, username and other replied to your story!
username1 MISS GIRL.
username2 OMG 😭😭
username3 HELLO??? NOT THE ACL
username4 we’re cooked 😞😞
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y/n_volleys ✔︎
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liked by landonorris, lilymunihe, alexalbon, and others
y/n_volleys success!! surgery went well. heartbroken to be going out like this especially before the olympics but i will be coming back stronger 💪 time to take some time to myself 🫶
landonorris ✔︎ whatever you do don’t move out of bed before i get home
landonorris ✔︎ drink water
landonorris ✔︎ get sleep
landonorris ✔︎ enjoy your cookie ice cream thing
landonorris ✔︎ don’t exercise too much
→ y/n_volleys ✔︎ lando are you my bf or my mom? → landonorris ✔︎ right now i’m being a caring boyfriend 🤨🤨 im sorry i love you 😒 → username5 i want to have love like this. → username6 google, how do i find a bf that cares about me, has a good job, is funny, kind, and loves me more than the world? 🧑‍💻 → lilymunihe ✔︎ @ alexalbon why aren’t you like this with me → alexalbon ✔︎ i literally already am 😕😕 → lilymunihe ✔︎ i don’t see my cookies and ice cream in a mug.
username7 the leg injury is giving oikawa from haikyu
→ y/n_volleys ✔︎ …no… no.. NO DON’T TAKE ME BACK TO 2020 → username8 Y/N IS GETTING WAR FLASHBACKS
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y/n_volleys posted a story 24 minutes ago!
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lilymunihe, username, username and other replied to your story!
username9 ZOO WEE MAMA 😍 → y/n_volleys that’s my bf 😍😍
lilymunihe ✔︎ GIRL WHAT ABOUT THE KIDS HERE → y/n_volleys ✔︎ girl fuck them kids 🗣️ ‼️
y/n_volleys ✔︎
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liked by landonorris, bsf_username, lailahasanovic and others
y/n_volleys get yourself a bf who takes care of you after tearing you leg apart 🩷
tagged ; landonorris
username11 they are actually so cute
username12 dumping my bf if he doesn’t do this more me.
oscarpiastri ✔︎what a caption!
→ y/n_volleys ✔︎ do you want it in full detail → oscarpiastri ✔︎ no.
carlosainz55 ✔︎ did lando ever finish that puzzle?
→ y/n_volleys ✔︎ he did finish it → carlosainz55 ✔︎ …did? → y/n_volleys ✔︎ yeah it was finished BEFORE HE DROPPED IT ON THE FLOOR TRYING TO MOVE IT → landonorris ✔︎ I SAID I WAS SORRY. → y/n_volleys ✔︎ you left your injured gf to clean up the mess 😞😞 → maxfewtrell ✔︎ wooowww lando… @ landonorris → oscarpiastri ✔︎ what a gentleman @ landonorris → carlosainz55 ✔︎ntsk tsk… @ landonorris → maxverstappen1 ✔︎ some boyfriend you are @ landonorris → landonorris ✔︎ LEAVE ME ALONE I WENT TO GO GET THE BROOM → username13 it’s not a good day if y/n and lando fight with each other (lovingly)
lando.jpeg ✔︎
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liked by y/n_volleys, carlosainz55, oscarpisatri and others
lando.jpeg gf appreciation post (pre injury photo included 😱)
y/n_volleys ✔︎ last photo makes this feel like a facebook mom post
y/n_volleys ✔︎ i want to kiss you rn 🥹 i love you so much 🧡
→ lando.jpeg you are literally in the bed next to me rn turn over and kiss me on my hot mouth. i’m feeling romantical → oscarpiastri ✔︎ what did i just read. → y/n_volleys ✔︎ shakespeare 😍
username14 not them playing minecraft together :((
→ username15 but the real question is… did they put their beds next to each other? → y/n_volleys ✔︎ wooooahhhh what kind of unholy person do you think i am??? → lando.jpeg ✔︎ we aren’t insane 🙄 🙄
username16 i wish i was y/n
→ username17 fuck being y/n i want to be lando he has a amzing woman as his gf.
y/n_volleys ✔︎
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liked by landonorris, usavwnt and others
y/n_volleys different from my other posts… but I wanted to give a big thank you to all the fans, my family, and friends for the nonstop support for me and overcoming thi injury. I can’t wait to be back in rehab training for you all to see me back on the court 🩷 lots of love!! 🥹
usavwnt ✔︎ glad to see you improve and get better! see you back on the court!! 💪
Liked by y/n_volleys!
username18 not the free feet pics 😣😣
username19 y/n and lando are such cutie
username20 i’m so happy to see her get the support she needs ❤️‍🩹
landnorris ✔︎ and where is my shout out and tag???
→ y/n_volleys ✔︎ i’d also love to give a big shout out to my amazing, brunet, curly haired, British, born in Bristol boyfriend, who lives in Monaco and treats me like a princess, and is the kindest, sweetest, funniest man I’ve ever met in my life who also happens to be a f1 driver ❤️ → landnorris ✔︎ much better 😋😋 → oscarpiastri ✔︎ aw (i’m going to throw up if you keep kissing in the garage) → y/n_volleys ✔︎ ..oscar… I thought we agreed to keep that between us three… → oscarpiastri ✔︎ whoops → username21 bro outed them and said “whoops” 💀💀
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893 notes · View notes
cr4yolaas · 3 months
second best (pt 2) — iwaizumi hajime
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notes: at last, the heavily requested part 2 to this fic !! i really hope it met a lot of your guys’ standards — i tried my best to take as much of your requests into account ^_^ i rlly dislike m the flow of this … but hopefully u guys still enjoy LOL
tags: angst → (bittersweet?) fluff, depressive episode (reader), swearing (once), a longgg process of grief and healing and whatnot, alcoholism (only briefly), roommate! tsukishima, best friend! oikawa, tsukishima does NOT have feelings for you, not proofread and quite long
taglist (incl. everyone who asked for a pt 2 !!): @altumsomnum @gennaray @romanticandupsetting @multi-fandom-fanfic
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it was tuesday.
a frigid air pierced your limbs and left you to rot away, with the windows shut tight and the door locked. there was no mistakening the dark bags hanging beneath your eyes or the flakes of skin peeling from your bottom lip, nor the soft pleas of your stomach or the iciness of your fingertips. you basked in eternal slumber and silence and darkness and whatnot, save for the ticks of a clock that was 14 minutes behind and the hum of the air conditioning.
you were not frightened in the slightest. the warning signs plastered on your flesh were no great concern, and you could not fathom the idea of having to function again. it was horribly consuming.
with a groan, you released yourself from bed, your legs trembling under the mere weight of the air. you avoided the collections of trash and clothes splayed across the floor, being careful not to disturb the peace that had formed over the past handful of weeks. the sight of the kitchen was much more refreshing.
you were locked in stasis. contrary to the comfort these walls once provided, they now served as a a form of imprisonment, designed to allow the grief and the sorrow and the anger and the guilt to coalesce and spill over. it was terribly suffocating — you wished to escape.
gently, you poured a cup of water (not that you drank more than a sip, anyways). a thought passed your mind.
you needed to leave.
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sendai was a home you could not find solace in anymore. gone was the youth encapsulated in the mountaintops and the hidden pathways and the convenience stores, and no longer could you feel at ease when faced with the neighborhoods you familiarized yourself with as a child.
your new apartment was shared with an old face — one you had only seen glances of in high school, notorious for his glasses and upfront attitude. he bore no hesitance when taking you in. instead, he was grateful for your presence, as if splitting the rent with him had taken off his life’s burden off of his shoulders.
he was quick to set ground rules — laundry days were on saturdays, trash needed to be taken out on sundays, the dish washer had to be clear at the end of the day, all groceries were shared, so on and so forth. you weren’t sure if you could keep up.
it took one week for him to actually conversate.
“why did you come back here?” he questioned, with a tone that implied he knew of you for years upon years (which would be false).
you picked at the skin of your lip. “why do you ask?”
“no reason. just curious.”
in a burst of energy, you recounted the tales of your past life, one of love and youth and joy; of the old apartment, of your past hobbies, of hajime. his gaze was so distant that you weren’t sure if he was listening at all.
in return, he expressed brief apologies and turned the story to himself — he discussed his volleyball career, his teammates, how he felt somewhat disconnected from his high school friends. he did not care to mention the exhaustion riddled into the pores on your face nor the weakness of your voice. that was all you needed. a conversation, not comfort.
only an hour later did he remind you of his name — tsukishima kei — and it was only then that you realized you had moved into an apartment without taking any precautions whatsoever. he laughed when you informed him of the situation.
this was not yet a home, but it was a house. and that was sufficient.
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a month had passed before tsukishima forced you to get a job. he was clearly not a fool — at some point (you couldn’t tell when), he realized you were paying off your share of the rent with your life savings, which irked him ever so slightly.
“do you plan on moving out and dying on the streets when you run out?” he complained, despite the concern laced in the fluctuations of his voice.
you began working at his former high school coach’s family store. the owner himself was welcoming — he didn’t question your circumstances nor your physical state, and merely mentioned in passing that he was “given a token of appreciation from a prized student.”
and so began the cycle. on weekday mornings, you would depart for work and tsukishima would leave for practice. occasionally, he would pack you lunch (“only because i had leftovers,” he’d say) or leave a can of coffee on the counter for you. you would work at the register until the amalgamation of students died down, and once you were left with an empty store, you would take a break and go on a walk (as requested by your boss). then, you would return in the afternoon to serve the same population of children, handing them their ice cream and their sandwiches and whatnot. when they all disappeared, the coach would let you free and dismiss you with a “good work today, let’s do it again tomorrow.”
returning home was your favorite part of the schedule. a majority of the time, tsukishima arrived later than you, leaving you to your own time until he came home with dinner and a drink.
it was a monotonous cycle, but enjoyable nonetheless.
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“i’m cutting off the beer for a month,” tsukishima exclaimed one warm summer night. you left your room to see him collecting unopened bottles and discarding them in a trash bag with little regard. you could only frown.
“those are all going to waste, we haven’t even opened them,” you groaned.
there was no response from the man as he continued to clear the apartment of any alcohol, akin to a parent cleansing their child’s home. before you could protest any further, he shut the door behind him and the crashing of bottles against one another could be heard beside the building.
tsukishima re-entered the apartment with empty hands and furrowed brows. “what’s up with the shitty face?” you asked from the couch.
he clicked his tongue at your comment and bore no response, instead letting his eyes wander to the screen in front of you. the morning news was playing, as usual. and yet, it was so wrong.
the screen flashed to a familiar face, one clad with a slight grin and sweat spread over his skin. his hair had grown slightly and his complexion had darkened, evidence of his labor. but most of all, he looked happy. his eyes screamed with a passion you hadn’t seen before, and despite his haggard appearance, he seemed to be content.
you did not see tsukishima rushing to turn off the television. you did not see the screen turn black, and you did not hear the noise diminish. you did not see tsukishima’s face adjacent to yours.
“hey. let’s go outside,” he muttered before moving to pull you up and out of the house
a delicate breeze washed over you both. the sun began to kiss you goodbye, and the noon crept up in its wake, leaving both of you in the dark.
“he looked so happy,” you whispered. “i don’t know what i’m doing wrong.”
you watched tsukishima light a cigarette in your peripherals, his lighter evidently battered and marred from heavy use. he made no move to offer one to you. “you’re not doing anything wrong,” he spoke firmly, although you could tell he was struggling to formulate the right combination of words in his head. “he’s just… going along a different path.”
“it should’ve been us on the same path. i feel so stupid. he’s gone on to do such great things, and i… what am i doing?”
tsukishima didn’t push the conversation any further. you were grateful.
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a week had passed before tsukishima told you he had gotten you a new job, one deeper in the city. on an early sunday morning, he presented a uniform and badge to you, your name imprinted on both. the effort made you smile.
at some point, a new cycle formed. the museum was a far cry from the run down family store, and tsukishima taught you how to welcome it with an open mind and open arms. he never did mention the exact reason for the new occupation, nor did he tell you why he was so adamant on enforcing routine in your life. nonetheless, you appreciated it.
the mundanity that your new job encapsulated was slightly more enjoyable than that of your former job. exploring the concrete rooms filled with statues and paintings and whatnot was a sufficient way to pass the time. every now and then, you’d catch your roommate detailing a specific sculpture to a curious visitor, the scene contrasting his typical behavior. not that you would ever mention it to him, though.
a new routine was not unwelcome, but it did not feel impactful anymore. you still burned blue in the night, your bones aching with reminiscence over a lost life. your hands and legs still knew tokyo; they still knew the morning commutes and the bustling cafés and the chirping crosswalks and your own home, one that had been so devastatingly haunted by grief. your heart still knew the morning calls and the evening texts and the handfuls upon handfuls of promises made on once solid territory, and yet, you knew to return to it was to betray yourself.
you missed iwaizumi hajime.
rather, you missed the life that you formulated in his presence, opposed to the shambles you had grown comfortable in now that you were back home. tsukishima had carved a clay pot for your worn soul, and yet you could not help but yearn for the comfort and stability and routine you established in a past life.
the soft padding of feet echoed outside your door. soft strings of light streamed under your door as your roommate entered the kitchen, his actions indiscernible as he maneuvered about carefully. you decided to step out to greet him.
a startled tsukishima turned around to face you. “what are you still doing up?” he interrogated, albeit not in offense. “it’s late. we have work tomorrow.”
“but i don’t want to go to work. i want to go home,” you protested. you felt childish all over again — the thirst for selfishness was one that could not escape you, even now. an overwhelming desire to be in control of your own life.
tsukishima furrowed his brows. “to tokyo?” you nodded. “okay… then let’s go to tokyo.” he paid no mind to the slanted smile that transformed your lips, instead opting to turn away and fill up his bottle. “but why?”
“i need to escape,” you sighed, as if releasing a burden that had been lingering for a moment too long. “i need change. i just- i feel so stuck. i need to live.”
he merely hummed in agreement before uttering a comment about your poor sleeping schedule and ushering you back to bed.
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tokyo was a city of hopes and dreams and noise. the shift from sendai’s cicada lullabies and whispers in the wind to the incessant chatter and obnoxious roads of the city was significant — any pedestrian would notice the irritation on you and tsukishima’s faces.
the inn he picked was small, yet slightly more comfortable than your current abode. the owners were kind and your neighbors were quiet, save for the occasional drunk couple. it was a life you remembering living, but not one you yearned for any longer.
in the night, you would both visit various attractions and markets and restaurants, with tsukishima insisting on paying for your meals (“as thanks for getting a life,” he argued). for that handful of days, you bore a smile that you weren’t sure would grace your lips ever again, for there was an adolescence in the evening activities that mended the remnants of your spirit. you felt whole.
on the last day, you brought tsukishima to a ramen house nearby the inn and promised to pay for the meal. it was a tuesday, again.
for reasons you could not discover, that appeared to be one of the busiest nights for the establishment — moments after you had settled, a line began to form, and the tables were crowded with families and friend groups and dates alike.
amidst the composition of metropolitans stood a man you wished you didn’t have to see. as if it were punishment, he locked his eyes with yours, the shock in his complimenting your dread.
you watched as he excused himself from his group while ignoring the cheers and shouts about him “shooting his shot.” tsukishima observed in tandem, seemingly reading the situation from a distance despite sitting right across from you.
you noticed the bold athletic trainer embroidered onto his chest, and the fitted red shirt he wore that matched those of his team. beads of sweat compiled on his forehead — you weren’t sure if it was from the density of the room or his exhaustion or anxiety. a small part of you hoped it was the second option.
“hey,” he began. “can- can we speak outside?”
you could not help but oblige.
hajime seemed to have developed an obsession with fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. you noticed the frayed strands on a spot that aligned perfectly with his hand, and you nearly laughed.
he coughed into his fist before rambling. “i’m sorry. i know you definitely don’t want to see me, and it’s not wrong of you at all to feel that way, but i just- i’ve thought about you- no, i think about you every day up until now. i know i don’t deserve you at all, and me being here is probably super upsetting, but-“
the way you called his name seemed to deteriorate him and his principles. you finally felt otherwise.
“i really, really, didn’t want to see you at all. i don’t even want the thought of you to pass my mind. i’ve built a life outside of you and i’m tired of you interrupting it.” you witnessed his heart, mind, and body freeze simultaneously.
“i- i understand that, i know, i’m sorry. i’ve been- i’ve been reflecting a lot recently and i’ve known i was horribly in the wrong and i’m ashamed to have done nothing about it, and i know this sounds really, really dumb but i wish i had just stayed with you for that extra day because- because i don’t think i can go any longer without you now that i have you here, in front of me. could we- can we at least… keep in touch?” he seemed to speak without limitations, akin to a leaking clay pot. he was distressed, evidently. but you no longer saw his face and thought of guilt and love and yearning; you held no space for him.
you shook your head gently. “hajime, i don’t want you in my life anymore. you achieved your dreams, and i’m working on finding mine. that’s how it was meant to be.”
if not for the small lamp above the two of you, you would not have noticed the tears spilling onto his face. you bore no sympathy — with a goodbye and a small wave, you left him in the alley with a heavy heart and saline tears.
to witness him before you had awakened the truth riddled in your sinew and bloodstream: iwaizumi hajime was no longer a necessity. a truth that had cowered away beneath guilt and fragility and shame had uncovered itself, and for once, you breathed a full breath.
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oikawa seemed so vibrant on the other side of your screen, the argentinian sun kissing his skin almost perfectly. “…i miss you lots!! i’ll visit soon, maybe, and we can catch up and maybe go get coffee and then debrief and then…” he trailed off with an aloof grin, his words spilling out from your phone and reverberating around the living room. tsukishima stood in the kitchen, the sound of his deliberate chopping and washing contesting oikawa’s voice. “but anyways, i’ll see you soon! byebye!!”
you waved goodbye and hung up, leaving only the noise of your roommate’s cooking. a loud groan left his lips in the midst of his mixing, followed by a complaint about how irritable your friend’s voice was. you could only laugh.
gentle strings of moonlight spilled into the apartment through the kitchen window, the songs of the evening falling upon both of you and your shared comfort. tomorrow was your off day, granting you both an opportunity for an actual meal. tsukishima (begrudgingly) agreed to make your favorite dish, with the request that you’d make his favorite dessert next week.
“thank you for the meal,” you whispered. tonight would consist of good food and a relaxing night, and tomorrow would entail a day of rest and a weekly reset, along with another call with oikawa. with marred hands and a porcelain heart, you had managed at last to craft a solid life — steady health, steady friends, and a steady routine.
you would no longer be second best to anything, and that was sufficient enough.
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dolliestfairy · 11 months
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TW : Noncon/dubcon, Baby Trapping, Knife play, unprep & unprotected sex, Mentions of blood, Breeding/Impregnate, Virginity-Take, manipulations(?), Cheating, This is a Dark Content. Chubby Reader fics with no Skintone Mentioned.
I've Already Warned You, If This Isnt Your Cup Of Tea -- Leave As Soon As Possible. Do Not Click The 'keep Reading' If This Isnt Your Taste.
✰ W/C ; 1,4k
thinking about Men ; who crazy enough to go to your House at Midnight while wearing a Ski mask with a knife on his hands after he find out that you have been in a relationship with someone. Men who have been keeping his jealousy in his cold heart for long enough, long enough until he cant hold it anymore as he wasting no time but ripped your pajamas off your body with his knife while ignoring your whines and protest. and instead, he answering your protest with an admits that he had some dark fantasy in his mind about you for a long time, and that right now, in that dark of the night, he's actually going to make it happen. as his Cock entering your cunt with no protections or even preparations at all. he's a Man who is crazy enough to be thrilled while seeing the small pair of blood coming out of your cunt, as he hold his knife at your thicc thighs, while saying that he would take care of you after. he's a Man who really took all your first. you are his and his only to have and loved, no one would be capable enough to give the tons of love that he's always gived to you everday as he say it to you while his cock pounding your cunt in a Mating press position. a Man who is about to die from giving all his thick sperm and cum into your pussy, saying how your pussy was all his and later on that his beloved pussy will gave birth to a wonderful and beautiful child. and at the end of the Night, where both of your conditions are exhausted and limp, and how your body are filled with cums, his and your cums, and ohh.. he cant even describe with words how Excited he is about the fact that he has planted maybe Tons of his Seeds into you, theres no way you wont be having a baby after this! oh and i'm telling you, This type of Man are going to plant some tons of it more, and i'm sure you'll be ready. Aww.. you dont have to be so sad about it.. you guys are going to be a happy family... Right?
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[Updated] the Men that i'm talking about are ; EREN, Tsukishima Kei, Kuroo Tetsuro, Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Obito, BOKUTO KOUTARO, Miguel O'hara, Sukuna, TOJI FUSHIGURO, Megumi fushiguro, JASON TODD, Itoshi Rin, GOJO SATORU, Steve Rogers, SUNA RINTARO, MIYA ATSUMU, Miya Osamu, BACHIRA, DOUMA, Rengoku, TENGEN, CHUUYA NAKAHARA, CHILDE, DILUC, Kaeya, ITTO, Kazuha, Neji, kyoutani, TENDOU, SUGAWARA, lev haiba, OIKAWA, Malleus, DEKU, QIN SHI HUANG, Shiva, HADES, Beelzebub, Buddha, ALEC, Sebastian, Poseidon, Kaigaku, JACK THE RIPPER, ENMU, SAKAMAKI AYATO, Sakamaki Laito, KOU MUKAMI, Yuma Mukami, Ruki Mukami, HATAKE KAKASHI.
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minnieminshi · 4 months
Sporteen Masterlist
Welcome to what I call my chronic brainrot and where I start to accept the fact that I might actually like watching sports even tho I spent most of my childhood saying I hate sports lol 
This is the first series I’ve done and I’m also a first year uni student so I make no promises on how frequent I can update this but I do wanna try to get them done at least by when my semester ends in like April
Also some of the stories are linked as since some of the guys are on the same team/sport
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Choi Seungcheol: Pucking Chemistry
Summary: You never should’ve agreed to tutor the captain of the hockey team. Who shows up a full hour after the agreed meeting time? Choi Seungcheol, apparently as you’ve come to learn. And now you’re stuck tutoring him because for some reason, you're his last hope to pass chemistry so he’s eligible to play in an upcoming tournament. 
Warnings: cursing because I can’t help myself lol, mentions of your father abandoning the family 
Extra info: high school setting, Cheol uses the term "princess" a lot and I'm a sucker for calling people by their last name, mentions of Monsta X’s I.M (aka Changkyun) and Kard’s Somin (but she gets mentioned like once lol), your little brother’s name never gets mentioned but you do call him Frosty lol, and my knowledge of hockey is limited to watching Dr. Mike on yt talk about hockey injuries so there’s not a whole lot of hockey action in this fic lmao. On a personal note, this fic made my realize my little brother is turning 13 this year and I can’t handle that because what do you mean he’s a teen now he literally turned one the other day and I think that shows in this fic lol
Release: 2/24 Read Here
Word count: 9.9K
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Yoon Jeonghan:  Maybe Romeo and Juliet Were Onto Something
Summary: When you agreed to help your dad with coaching his soccer team, you expected to help with writing down prs and handing out water bottles in return for free tickets and an excuse to be out of your dorm. What you didn’t expect to happen was falling for the charming co-captain of his soccer team. So do you take your shot with co-captain or do you heed your dad’s one and only rule of absolutely no dating his players? 
Warnings: cursing since that’s gonna be pretty much a staple in my writing lol, arguments with a parent 
Extra info: uni setting, so originally Jeonghan was gonna be a basketball player but then I remembered I hate basketball due to getting hit in the face and breaking my glasses on my birthday during practice… Plus I saw a tiktok of svt playing sports and Jeonghan was playing soccer and the gears started turning in my head lol 
Release: TBA
Word count: TBA
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Hong (Jisoo) Joshua:  It’s a Win-Win! Right?
Summary: Agreeing to fake date your best friend definitely wasn’t on your schedule when you dropped by after Joshua’s swim practice after your student council meeting had ended. But with his oddly passionate fangirls, you suppose this was more for his comfort than anything else. And hey, you could also use this to get your vice president to stop hitting on you as well, so it's a win-win for everyone. Plus it’s not like you’d be met with the realization that you might be in love with your best friend, that’s crazy…
Warnings: cursing because I can’t help myself lol, and crazy fangirls 
Extra info: high school setting, I got a confession… I don’t actually know how to swim lmaoo I just never learned so I apologize for the lack of actual swimming lol and Joshua is definitely inspired by Oikawa from Haikyuu in the sense of his fangirls lol and I guarantee there’s at least 50 fake dating Oikawa fics so here’s my spin on that with Joshua lol. I was also half tempted to make Joshua like one of my friends, who, for some reason decided our senior year to join our school’s swim team that I didn’t even know we had lol while he was on the varsity soccer team but I decided against it for simplicity lmao 
Release: TBA
Word count: TBA
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Wen Junhui: Racing Hearts and Skating to Love
Summary: Getting the chance to perform at an end of year celebration? Amazing! Having to perform a paired performance with Wen Junhui? Not amazing! Don’t get it twisted! You don’t hate Junhui, in fact it’s the opposite. You’ve been silently crushing on your fellow skater for months, and now you’re going to have to create and perform a paired program with him. Which of course meant having to spend weeks with him, and getting close to him to actually practice. But you can do this, it’s only for a few weeks, your heart can handle it. Hopefully it can, at least.
Warnings: cursing because I can’t help myself lol
Extra info: it’s never mentioned but it’s a uni au lol, reader wears contacts and glasses because I do too and I love Wen Junhui so next question lol and literally all my knowledge of ice skating comes from the time I was obsessed with Yuzuru Hanyu like a year or two ago so I apologize for the inaccuracies of the sport lol
Release: TBA
Word count: TBA
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Kwon Soonyoung:  Goal- Wait Watch Out!
Summary: Meet cute except it’s not cute and you probably have a concussion from the rogue soccer ball to the head. All you were trying to do was drop off your roommate's lunch since she forgot in the morning and now you’re being carried by a concerned goalie and your roommate treating you like one of her athletes. At least the goalie carrying you is cute? 
Warnings: cursing since I can’t help myself, and of course injuries (a concussion) since that’s the plot lol 
Extra info: uni setting, my knowledge is very limited on soccer and all that I do know comes from when my librarian would let me stay in the library while the cup was going on last year instead of making me go do errands for the teachers during my student aide period lol and putting Hoshi as goalie is most definitely brought on by Jeonghan’s monthly meeting pics of him as the goalie lol
Release: TBA
Word count: TBA
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Jeon Wonwoo: Scheming Love 
Summary: When your coach told your team that you guys would play a skirmish against the boys volleyball team for fun, you felt your heart freeze. Now you weren’t scared of the boys team, you believe your team is fully capable of beating them in a game. No, what scares you is the fact that it means you have to play against Jeon Wonwoo, one of the middle blockers on the team. And your longtime crush. Normally you’re confident as a libero, doing your best to make sure your team’s defense’s on top and making sure the ball doesn’t touch the ground, but with Wonwoo on the court at the same time? Maybe you should start apologizing to your team now. Wait, why did they have a team huddle while you were helping the manager bring the water bottles? And why are they smiling at you like they’ve just made the greatest plan in the history of the world? 
Warnings: cursing as usual, and threatening to strangle someone (as a joke lol) 
Extra info: high school setting, reader wears glasses because I do too and I love Wonwoo lol. One of two fics that are fueled by my Haikyuu brainrot that’s coming back thanks to the movies and the new content that’s been coming out recently. Wonwoo as a middle blocker is brought on by this twitter artist that’s drawn Tsukishima in some Wonwoo stage outfits and that has caused me great pain I eat it up every time and reader being a libero is because that’s my favorite position lol 
Release: TBA
Word count: TBA
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Lee Jihoon: Wait Where Are You Going? Come Back!
Summary: You really didn’t plan to watch your university’s baseball team play today, especially since it was so hot out and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky to provide some shade to hide under. But alas, your best friend insisted on dragging you along, wanting to watch her boyfriend play. Sure that’s fine and dandy, but why drag you along? At least the catcher’s cute, or what you can see of him on account of his mask. Wow, he's really muscular and is he giving Seokmin signs on how to pitch- wait why is your best friend and her boyfriend pushing the two of you after the game is over? And why are they running away? Oh, she’s gonna pay for this once you get through his conversation with the cute catcher. 
Warnings: cursing as usual, and betrayal from your best friend and Seokmin lol 
Extra info: uni setting, I’m like 85% sure Woozi said he used to play as catcher when he played baseball so that’s why he has this position. I don’t know anything about baseball besides one man named Shohei Ohtani and that getting hit with the ball hurts like hell (and all the injuries Dr. Mike on yt covered lol) 
Release: TBA
Word count: TBA
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Lee Seokmin: Breaking News! Falling in Love is Scary!  
Summary: Being part of your university’s blog and radio show is great, until you’re being forced out of the studio/office and out in the open to go interview the baseball team after a recent winning streak. Normally this job would get assigned to another team member, but after a recent bout of frat flu ravaging your crew, the interview is left up to you. Whatever, just get the answers to the prewritten questions you have and the sooner you can go back to the studio/office to work on other things. Or that was the plan before the pitcher, Lee Seokmin, took an interest in you and suddenly seemed to pop up everywhere around campus. Or aka, grumpy reporter x sunshine baseball player. 
Warnings: cursing as per usual, and you being a hater for no reason lol 
Extra info: uni setting, I don’t know much about baseball other than the fact that I would kill to see DK in a baseball uniform 
Release: TBA
Word count: TBA
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Kim Mingyu: Red Bandage of Fate  
Summary: When you joined the athletic team as a student trainer and got assigned to the university’s soccer team, you wondered if the team’s number 06, Kim Mingyu, the ace of the team and top scorer, was the same Kim Mingyu who basically lived in the training center, constantly in need of treatment for his never ending list of injuries. And please, slow down with the injuries, the center’s almost out of athletic tape and bandages, you’re begging him to please be more careful out on the field. 
Warnings: cursing because I can’t help myself, and very obviously injuries (I’ll come back to be more specific with the injuries lol) 
Extra info: uni setting, I’m taking an intro to athletic training class this sem so I know some stuff about treating athletes but again it’s intro class so beware if some things aren’t super accurate lol 
Release: TBA
Word count: TBA
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Xu Minghao: Filmed Lovestory  
Summary: When you agreed to help film your friend’s practice for an upcoming competition, you didn’t think much of it. You’ve done it thousands of times. Put on your skates, a couple of extra layers so you won’t freeze, use her phone to record her, and follow her out on the ice. It’s simple, really, and a great way to spend Saturdays while also getting some exercise in between your tiring uni life. What you didn’t expect is somehow to agree to film the practices of one of her skating friends. Her very handsome skating friend, you might add. So now your weekends are fully booked for the ice, but watching Minghao skate on the ice, it’s not so bad. 
Warnings: cursing as per usual 
Extra info: uni setting, as I mentioned with my Jun fic, all of my figure skating knowledge comes from the time I was obsessed with Yuzuru Hanyu like a year or two ago so again I apologize for the inaccuracies of the sport
Release: TBA
Word count: TBA
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Boo Seungkwan: Tangerines, Confessions and a Supply Closet  
Summary: When you agreed to be the boys volleyball team’s manager, you didn’t think you’d spend your high school career taking care of the team. Yet, here you are, in your senior year and the only reason some of your players are even here (and why some of them are passing their classes, seriously signing up as a manager became a lot more than just handing out water bottles!). The only reason you’ve been able to stick around as long as you have is because of the team’s setter, Boo Seungkwan, who makes your job of wrangling the team a little easier. Now if only you could get the team off your back about confessing to him before the two of you graduate, that really would be great. 
Warnings: cursing as per usual, threats to kill an entire volleyball team (all jokes), and getting locked in a supply closet 
Extra info: high school setting, this is the second fic that is 100% fueled by my Haikyuu phase that is slowly coming back due to the movies and the new content that’s been coming out recently. And out of all the sports, this is the one I’m most knowledgeable in since I actually watch matches (shout out to Lim Sungjin and Heo Subong). Also I had such a hard time giving Seungkwan a sport since he does so much I decided on volleyball because the thought of him playing makes me want to bark so there’s that 
Release: TBA
Word count: TBA
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Chwe (Vernon) Hansol: Quick, He’s Not Watching! 
Summary: When your older brother told you to wait for him in the bleachers, promising to give you a ride after your night class, you didn’t think much of it. If you’re lucky, you’d be able to take a nap in the bleachers waiting for him. What you didn’t expect was to somehow catch the attention of one of the midfielders, Vernon. As you come around more and more often, you find the midfielder always making an effort to say hey to you, and even stealing some of the team’s snacks for you. Now you just wonder if he’ll make a move before your brother notices the two of you getting closer with each other.
Warnings: uni setting, cursing as per usual, and older protective brother that means well but doesn’t go about it the right way 
Extra info: I deadass looked up what the positions in soccer are because I have no idea what goes on in the sport even though one of my friend’s played our entire high school career 
Release: TBA
Word count: TBA
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Lee Chan: You’re Not Too Bad 
Summary: You didn’t think that showing up to your best friend’s, Seokmin’s, baseball practices would make one of the players hate you, but here you are and apparently Lee Chan hates you. Or so you think at least. The rest of the team loves you, especially since you always bring them plenty of food to feed them throughout practice (it pays to be a nutrition major) and always try to help out even though you’re not an official manager. But it’s no biggie, it’s not like Chan hating you bothers you, nope, not at all. But maybe you’d skip out on stopping by Seokmin’s practice for the week… Yeah that sounds like a good idea. 
Warnings: cursing as per usual, Chan being a bit of an asshole but it gets resolved don’t worry 
Extra info: uni setting, Dino being assigned baseball is all because of the 231105 fansign where he was given a baseball jersey and glove, and I still don’t know how baseball works
Release: TBA
Word count: TBA
121 notes · View notes
knmaskitten · 28 days
Nonsense ˚⊹♡
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Pairing: Oikawa Tooru/ afab!reader.
Summary: Based on Sabrina Carpenter's espresso and nonsense. You met Oikawa Tooru at a bar in Argentina, Oikawa has always been the type of guy to have hundrends of women thrown at him but this encounter was different because this time he wanted to throw himself at you.
warnings/tags: afab!fem reader. A lot of slapping. Oral f and m recieving. Fingering. Very badly written smut. Use of spanish. Hair pulling. not pulling out. Mentions of the pill. Unprotected P in V. Not rough but also not vanilla?. No use of y/n. No physical descriptions of reader. Lots of badly written banter. CRINGE.
notes: I love writing about oikawa he is a little piece of shit and I love him! this fic was not proof read as I would fucking cringe doing so. English is not my main language so I apologize for any bad grammar. As always my AO3 is here.
wc: 3,240.
minors DNI. +18 only
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You were sitting alone on a stool at a very crowded bar. You could hear the different chatter intertwine as you were waiting for your friend Luciana to arrive. Today it was girls’ night, so, of course, you decided to dress up a little more nicely than you usually do. Your pick for today was a very tight bodycon black dress with a squared neckline that, well, did wonders for your entire body. You decided not to mess with your hair, as it naturally framed your face beautifully and gave your face a sort of brightness.
You felt your phone buzz; it was a text from your friend: “Lo siento, nena. Voy algo tarde” (I’m sorry, baby. I’m a little bit late) you read on the screen of your phone. You sighed. Part of you knew how tardy Luciana liked to be and, moreso, allowed herself to be. This wasn’t really a surprise to you, nor did it anger you; you just limited yourself to resigning to this. Today was going to be a good day, you told yourself, and no tardiness was going to disturb your mindset today.
When the bartender passed you your mojito (which you ordered extra sweet), you drank up, dark red lipstick staining the glass as it left your lips.  You swirled the ice around and left it at the table as you saw a dark brown-haired guy approach the seat next to yours. This made you skeptical, as you saw through his real intentions.
“No sé si vos sabés, pero ese asiento está ocupado” (I don’t know if you know, but that seat is taken), you said with parsimony, waiting for him to move. He looked foreign to you, and something in his aura made you feel weirdly interested in him. You analyzed his eyes, which were brown, seductive, and had a playful hint behind them.
“¿Por quién? No veo a nadie, pretty lady.” (By who? I don't see anyone), he said playfully, the last part forcefully in his home language, like he was challenging you. And you were so not having his shit, who does he think he was?
"Look, pretty boy, I’m not really playing around here.” You said it in a low tone, matching his language, which you knew, and you were glad that you took those extra classes in college all for this weird moment.
“Do you want to share a drink or something?” He put both hands up, tacitly asking for a truce between you and him.
You actually thought about his offer; he was good-looking, very good-looking, like the type of guy you could be pining for, and he could never be interested in you. And you could not believe he was hitting on you, of all people. You were having a hard time deciding between girls’ night or going home with this stranger, but you had a strong resolve. You promised Luciana this.
And well, it wasn’t like guys didn’t hit on you, but not these types of guys, not guys that looked toned and heaven-like. And you didn’t want anything to do with him; it was too weird for you. But also, it was sweet to think that he was flirting with you (in a very weird manner).
“Do I look like I want a drink?” You spat, arching your brow. “And you look very young. ¿Qué edad tienes cielito? ¿Seguro que puedes venir a estos lugares?” (How old are you, honey? Are you sure you can come to these places?)
He looked annoyed at this, like you touched a very sensitive fiber on him. He replied, gritting his teeth:
“Tengo 24 querida” (I’m 24, dear) 
“I could swear you were younger.”You laughed at this clearly mocking him. You know, you might as well have some fun while Luciana arrived, you do love the idea of men wrapped around your finger. So you did what you thought was best; you moved you hair out of the way and leaned in, cleary with intentions of showing your cleavage. You gave him a half-lidded look:
“You shouldn’t get lost in these kind of places, you might get a very unpleasant surprise.” You shrugged then took a sip of your drink.
“Like you?” He sarcastically replied, getting closer as well. He should not be getting any ideas, you were the one leading this conversation not him. You had power, he had his looks only.
“Believe me I’m not the unpleasant one here” 
The vanilla perfume you wore today had him on a whirl, he felt like never before. You were one of the first girls that did not want to throw themselves at him and it was killing his ego. You looked wonderfull in your dress and he could be drooling over it. You looked like someone who might turn him down and that was so exciting for him, a kind of feeling at the pit of his stomach bubbled at the thought.
“I’m Oikawa Tooru” he stated, almost fiercely, as if he wanted you to tattoo this information on your head.
“Mmm…Oikawa…Tooru…Ah! you play on the San Juan don’t you?” You loved volleyball, since you were little. You nevere pursued a career on it but you practiced often and you had muscles thanks to it.
“You…know me? And you don’t want me?” He bluntly said in disbielef. You knew him, and you didn’t drool over him. That was a stabbing right to his ego, it hurted like hell.
“Why would I? You’re just a guy”
“Eh! Just a guy?” You were definitely killing him, tearing his ego one by one.
“Why, can’t stand rejection?” You giggled, clearly mocking him.
“Is that your way or rejecting me?”
“Well I don’t really think so, cielito.”
Before you could reply your phone rang, and Luciana’s number was shown on the screen alongside a picture of the two of you together. You were sticking out your tongue while she gave you bunny ears with two of her fingers. You thought the worst; you knew something was up.
“Pelotuda, no me jodas que te pasó algo.” (Motherfucker, don’t tell me something happened to you.) You said it rapidly as you picked up the phone, omitting the hello.
“Mira, nena, la verdad es que estoy acá y no te veo en ningún lado.” (Look, babe, the truth is, im here and I don’t see you anywhere.)
“Boluda…No me digas que te equivocaste de bar.” (Idiot, don’t tell me you got the bar wrong.)
“Era el bar María, ¿No?” (It was the María bar, right?)
“¡No!, era el Alfredo’s” (No! it was Alfredo's.) You hissed angrily.
You had it sometimes with Luciana; she was your best friend but that didnt mean you had to agree to everything she did. This was one of those days, and honestly? fuck it. You stood up, furiously placing some argentinian pesos on top of the table and standing from your stool. You were hearing a series of apologetic words on the other line that came like a current towards your ear. You were not having it.
“Luciana, silencio. No quiero escuchar más; dejamos la salida para otro día, boluda.” (Luciana, silence. I don’t want to hear it anymore; we will leave it for another day, idiot.)
And with that, you hung up, not really wanting to hear Luciana’s response. You picked up your black purse and fixed your hair. As you were walking out, you turned on your heels. Filled with determination, you walked towards a very confused Oikawa. You placed your hand on top of his and led him out of the bar with you, and he happily obliged without saying a word.
Oikawa and you did not exchange words on the way to your apartment. It was a very comfortable silence. He had his hand on top of your thigh, applying a little bit of pressure every so often. You liked it; you liked how he felt all mushy for you and how he was trembling so slightly with desire. You could feel how he bubbled with the same intensity as you did.
When you arrive at your apartment, both of you stay quiet and still on the doorway, first admiring your dimly lit living room and secondly thinking of what the hell to do. Oikawa knew this routine very well; he was a girls’ boy at the end of the day, and he had his fun often. But you clouded his judgment, and he wasn’t really able to dictate what to do as he usually did.
You grew tired of the indecision on his part and rolled your eyes. You clearly didn’t give a fuck about anything right now (and perhaps usually), and this brief moment of silence was appeasing the feeling in your lower belly, and you didn’t want that. So, you did what every girl in your place would do: you took him by the collar and crashed your lips together. 
It started as a clumsy kiss, and it evolved into something more complicated, intense, and hungry. Your hands were exploring his hair as he hugged you by your hips. You knew he was tall, and you thanked your shoes for giving you a lot more height than you had because it would have been harder to do this if it weren’t for it. He stopped kissing you for a moment, breathing heavily.
“Can I touch you?”
“Do it.” You demanded.
He resumed the kiss, now guiding it. He started by grabbing your ass and squishing it hard, then slapping it, to which you let out a small whimper in between kisses. He definitely liked your ass because he groped it several times. His hands then wandered towards your hips, where he squished your sides. You liked it—how strong his hands were, how extremely feral you knew he could be.
“Do not restrain yourself. Don’t you dare, Oikawa.” 
And so he didn’t. He turned you around and bent you on top of your kitchen counter, giving you a hard, dull slap on your ass. Your tits sprung out of your dress, getting hard when they hit the cold surface, and you shut your eyes, biting your lip. He started generating friction between his crotch and your ass, and you could feel him. You felt how big he was and how much he needed to eat you up. 
His hands went to your hair, pulling you up; your back was arched, and your ass was glued in place to his erection. You allowed yourself to be; you really needed to blow some stress out, and this looked like the perfect opportunity, so you did what you needed to do and what you knew was going to feel freeing. You moaned loudly and clearly. He seemed to briefly stop what he was about to do when he heard you, spellbound. 
“You’re such a good girl when you want to, huh?” He said it in your neck, his warm breath hitting your cold skin. The hairs on your skin sprung up.
It was May, and the coldness could be felt throughout the region already, so it was so comforting how he held you because he exuded a certain kind of dangerous warmth, the intoxicating kind. You wanted to be filled with it. And tacitly obliging to your wishes, he took both your breasts in his hands and started playing with them.
“How dare you. Driving me crazy with this little black dress of yours”
He pinched one of your nipples, erecting a moan out of your throat. He also started biting your neck, leaving hard hickeys (that were definitely going to leave a mark), licks and bites, hard bites, praising you for your noises. His other hand found the hem of your dress, impatiently playing with it as his head grew lighter with lust.
“Undress me.” 
You always were one to demand, and you loved how he followed your orders without hesitation. He turned you around and lifted you up; you were facing him, and your core was against his crotch, creating a blissfully good friction. You were growing wetter by the minute, and you knew you were going to start to get extremely needy if he didn’t hurry.
“Shit, sorry. Which one is the door to your room?”
“The one to the right.” you giggled, out of breath.
He placed you gently on the bed, then, without hesitation, took out your dress, leaving you in your underwear. You definitely felt exposed, but you were not going to allow yourself to cower in this moment.
“Enjoying the view?”
Oikawa was never a guy to stick with someone for a long period of time; he would rather be alone but have fun and, in all of his conquests, he was never this head over heels for someone. He saw you at the bar, and some kind of dream came true for him. You were beautiful; you made him want to keep looking, keep digging, and know as much about you as possible. And he met you an hour ago! 
“I’m going to make you learn my name tonight.” he bluntly stated.
“Moan it.”
And as he said that, he pushed himself on top of you and started sucking on one of your nipples, nibbling and licking as well. You were on extasis; it felt so incredibly good to have an experienced mouth working so intensely on your pleasure. And while doing so, one of his hands travelled down to your panties, feeling the wet spot you were leaving.
“You’re such a brat with me, while your pussy fucking cries for me.”
Oh, my god.
He started to rub slow circles on the spot where your clit should be.  You let out small crying whimpers. You felt so impatient; you wanted him to rip your underwear and fucking touch you, to end this misery and let you have what you needed the right way. You could feel how experienced he was, looking at you half-lidded with his hazel brown eyes. He started to slide down your panties, painfully slow, until your core was fully exposed to him.
What he did then surprised you: he slapped you directly on your clit and you arched your back at this, moaning. He seemed cocky as he watched you squirm under his touch, he wanted more of this, so much more. So he did what he knew you were going to love. He spread you out (until your legs felt that muscular pain of stretching) and buried his face between your legs. 
His tongue was the first thing you felt, eating you like you were this man’s last meal on earth. He sucked on your clit and applied preassure to it while also fucking you with his tongue. He helped by introducing one finger inside you and pumping it in and out. You were a loud mess; you could feel how he touched you as every nerve in your body was alert and crisped up. His sole finger made you feel like you were so freaking close to your orgasm, and then he flicked on your clitoris, the overstimulation filling you up.
He introduced a second finger, increasing his pace as he tried to reach your g spot (which he succeeded in). 
“Tooru.” You moaned loudly, feeling overwhelmed by ecstasy.
His pace only went up by this, as if you were chanting his name in a volleyball game. And this is how he was going to win. He was going to make you feel so good that you could never forget his fingers and his dick. You were going to be his and his only.
“Don’t shut up; be fucking loud, hermosa.”
He didn’t stop and, with the right amount of pressure of his fingers, you came undone with his fingers, covering them with slick.
“You're such a good girl when you’re filled up. Not very commanding now, are you?”
“Put your fucking dick inside me, Tooru.”
“Watch that tone, preciosa. You’re going to make me punish you if you behave badly.”
“Tooru, please.” You pleaded.
You sat up as you said this, looking up at him with your mouth slightly parted and huffing as you were recovering from your orgasm. Your hand approached his belt, and he knew this was game over as he allowed you to unbuckle his pants and push them down. You stayed still, admiring his length through his boxers, before cupping it with your hand. You stood up, not breaking eye contact for one second, kneeling down in front of him.
You placed both of your hands on the hem of his boxers and pushed it down, exposing his length. You were mesmerized by how big he was; you couldn’t wait to be filled to the brim with him.
Oh, god, please.
You grabbed his length and put it in your mouth and you started bobbing your head in an almost rhythmic succession. It was ever so slightly, but you could hear Oikawa whimper and blush because of your ministrations, and you felt incredible because of it. You decided to deep-throat him. As you sucked and masturbated him with your hand as well, you slowly saw Oikawa get more and more flustered, as if this were his Achilles talon.
“Baby, don’t you dare stop.”
He said this as he grabbed your head with one of his hands and started moving it at a higher pace. This was difficult for you as you were in need of air and you were choking at times but he didn't really care; he just wanted to come in your face. And when that moment came, you were a panting mess with cum coating your face. He admired you, looking at you as if you were a trophy to admire and take care of.
He didn’t wait for both of you to calm down; he made you stand up and bent you over the bed. Once again, he slapped your ass, this time leaving various red marks on it. He pumped his length twice; that was all he needed.
“You’re on the pill?”
And with that, he aligned himself with your entrance and started to thrust. Oikawa loved the view, how your ass bounced every time he thrust into you, how your tits were a fucking mess, and your muffled moans. Oh, your moans—those were music to his ears; he couldn’t describe it otherwise than an angelic cry. You were being stretched out by his dick; it was big for you, and he did not give you space to adapt; you had to adapt to him. Every thrust felt like a piece of heaven given to you.
He placed one hand at your hip and the other one in your clit, stimulating you. He wanted you to come; that was clear, and there was something you wanted from him as well. When you felt his first moan, you knew he was going to get close, so you asked what you wanted.
“Don’t pull out.”
“I’m on the pill, It will be fine, I swear.”
And when you came, he came afterwards inside you. You felt happy as you plopped down into bed with him beside you. He kissed your forehead and helped you clean up, and as you were both feeling tired, you decided to sleep.
This surely was nonsense, but at least you now have someone to rely on when you need to blow stress off.
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Thank you for reading <3
masterlist and more.
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85 notes · View notes
kodaiki · 2 years
the broken hearts club.
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summary: who knew a mere crush on your high school best friend could be so destructive in the end?
pairing: iwaizumi hajime x fem!reader
wc: 3.6k
genre/cw: pining (seriously, severe one side pining), best friend!iwa, angst (no fluff), naive!reader, reader who doesn’t set boundaries, memory-style fic (lots of flashbacks n past tense), college!au, (mentioned)high school!au, ft. oikawa, mentions of makki & mattsun.
a/n: dedicated to bby @apricunts bc this has been in my drafts forever </3333
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knock, knock, knock.
you rub at your eyes, whether it was to push the fatigue or still festering sadness, it’s not clear, as you tread from your bedroom in the direction of your apartment's front door. your feet pad quietly against the hardwood floors as your arms wrap around yourself from the chill summer night air coming in from the open window of your living room that you forgot to shut before heading to bed.
approaching the door with a perplexed expression, you raise slightly on your tiptoes to look through the peephole but it's too dark in the hall – you really need to talk to your landlord about that broken automatic light – to see who's there.
you pray it's not some sort of stalker or murderer knocking on your door, and decide to pull it open with a tired, “hello?”
it's after midnight, though, so who the hell is knocking on my door at this time?
maybe it's ms. kim from the apartment above yours who lost her cat again and she's wondering if she'd snuck into your place through the fire escape, an event that never actually happened but she claims to have.
it was an annoying instance at best, having the woman appear at the strangest hours of the day, whether it be midnight or at the crack of dawn, worrying about her cat. although, you did understand on a certain level, caring for an animal companion and being worried of their safety, ultimately you were usually bothered.
“y/n.” the deep, gravelly, familiar voice is what makes your eyes spring open and you snap your neck up to meet the eyes of the subject on the other side of the doorframe.
“what’re you doing here?” you ask coldly, demeanor immediately shifting as you bring your hand up to clasp the door and begin shutting it. “go home.”
“wait, no, y/n.” the man on the other side of the door, iwaizumi hajime, easily braces the impact of the door shutting on him by holding out his arm, one much stronger than yours, and preventing it from closing. “will you please hear me out?”
curse his strength, really, you can't help but think with an eye roll.
“what on earth makes you think i should?” your eyebrows furrow in frustration and the tiredness your mind and body feel don’t help your mood as you stare daggers at the frowning man.
you’re broken, you believe.
and you blame the man in front of you for it.
“i... i-” he’s at a loss for words, evident by his stammering. the flush of his cheeks – wait, did he run here? nevermind, that doesn’t matter– deepens as he struggles to find the words.
but you don’t let him.
“how many times are you going to put me through this, huh?” you ask, humorless chuckle bubbling in your throat. “you want me one day, the next i’m a friend and and until now, i’m a stranger you couldn’t care less about. pick a damn dynamic and stop playing with me, iwaizumi.”
you’re exhausted at this point. tired of the game iwaizumi has you playing. though, it not very fair when he’s the one playing you.
it's a cat and wand game, you think. iwaizumi’s the one holding wand, dangling the fun colored stick with feather and beads hanging off it in front of you as you try to grasp at it; but you’re never able to, since iwaizumi pulls the wand out of sight before you have the chance.
that’s how your … relationship? friendship? that’s how whatever the hell you had was.
it wasn’t a secret that you had a thing for the guy — your mutual friend, oikawa liked to call it a lot more than a thing, sometimes chanting that you were indeed in love with his best friend to which you'd quickly yelp for him to shut up in case he heard him.
but the truth is, you could never have iwaizumi.
that much he made obvious.
you started off as friends, you recall, meeting in high school and living on the same block. when your mother met his, as embarrassing as it is to say, he was coerced into walking to you home in fear for your safety when you had after school clubs that ended rather late.
and iwaizumi always obliged. because he was a good guy.
fast forward to your last year of high school, and meanwhile your friendship developed into a best friendship, you’d also developed quite the crush on the guy. and ... well, it was sorta obvious; your cheeks were always flushed around him and you smiled more than anyone ever saw at school.
he never voiced it if he noticed, though. sometimes during high school, you wondered if iwaizumi himself were so oblivious to your feelings but where you stand now, you believe he simply ignored your feelings.
that didn’t stop him from indulging it though, did it?
he bought you lunch, invited you over to his house with oikawa or his other friends from the volleyball team that were in your year. he made you part of his group; it was out of mere convenience: the formation of a friendship solely because it was so easy to.
"hey doofus," he'd greeted, approaching you at lunch, while you picked at the jello cup you'd bought from a vending machine since you inconveniently forgot your bento at home. "have some of mine."
he plops half a sandwich onto a napkin in front of you before sliding into the cafeteria seat across from yours.
"thanks," you'd murmured, hiding the flush of your cheeks as you stared down at his offering.
"do i need to start packing an extra bento for you now?" iwaizumi asked, amused tone filling his voice, and he leaned forward to ruffle the hair atop your head. "i think this is the second time this month."
"shut up!" you fired back as he laughed at your forgetfulness. still, the gesture warmed your heart, evident by the darkness of your cheeks.
it meant much more to you than it meant to him, you conclude, looking back at the smiles you shared in those hangouts with a bitter taste in your mouth.
things started to change when your friends, other girls from your class or clubs, became involved. iwaizumi – and oikawa, since he was sort of a celebrity at your school – were suddenly in your own personal friendships. you believed it was for the latter’s sake and your friends, who had an utter crush on the man as every other girl at your school did. but now thinking back at it, the former had a hand in that, too.
iwaizumi dated your closest friend at the time. funnily enough, she was the only friend you'd blatantly told about your crush on iwaizumi, something she claimed to have supported and shipped with her whole heart.
so to hear about their relationship maybe a month later? stung to say the least.
she'd said he confessed to her, something iwaizumi later confirmed, and admitted that amidst your own rambling about the spiker, she'd developed a crush as well and couldn't say no.
you think that was the first time iwaizumi unknowingly broke your heart. of course, your close friend did, too, and you chose to break off the friendship, something which she unsurprisingly didn't mind since she got what she wanted in the end. so why couldn't you let go of iwaizumi? well, it wasn't his fault he had feelings for someone else.
you blamed yourself for your own sadness, however, scolding yourself that you never came clean about your feelings for him so how was he supposed to know? additionally, you were the one who didn't want to tell him in the first place in fear of ruining your friendship if your feelings weren't reciprocated.
when they began dating, you were no longer prominent in his mind. to put it bluntly, he forgot about you. you were left at the school doors receiving texts that he’d already left to walk your friend home, apologizing with some sad emoticon as if he truly cared. no longer were you invited to hang out like you used to, maybe seeing him in passing in the hallways at school and greeting each other with distant waves.
when he did see you in school for more than a few seconds though, maybe in between classes on a break that he wasn't spending with her or when she was busy, all he could do was talk about her.
"y/n, you don't even get it, she's like, the best," he'd gushed one day as he scribbled down notes for your upcoming anatomy exam.
"yeah?" you muse rather dryly, attempting to zone out during these sorts of comments. it's not exactly easy hearing the guy you like talk about the girl he's dating, so ignoring it was the next best option.
"definitely, she made me brownies last week? i think i finished them in a day. god, she's a great baker. did i mention her parents own a bakery? we go there after school all the time and ..."
and he went on and on, unaware of the frown on your face when he's not looking, nor the forced smile when he happened to meet your gaze with his.
but they eventually broke up ... and dynamics changed again.
suddenly, iwaizumi was back in your life, sitting next to you at lunch, exchanging words as if no time had passed.
and stupidly, you forgave whatever feelings he’d caused you. because he was a good guy! he didn’t actually mean to hurt you, he probably didn’t even know!
he was more forward than ever before, even breaching the line of flirting with you. your hangouts weren’t explicitly called dates but they sure as hell felt like it: the charming smiles your way, the smooth words about how pretty you were, the brushing of hands when walking beside each other, it was too much to debate…
"your hair is up today," iwaizumi'd observed, looking over at you for more than a glance as you walked down the familiar streets leading to your neighborhood.
"yeah, the weather's too warm to keep it down."
"it's nice, i like it."
five simple words, just five words, and they made your stomach do somersaults. you started wearing your hair up more often, with the mere hope that your friend may have commented (maybe complimented) again about it.
soon enough, he was initiating the skinship with you, tucking hair behind your ear when it fell while you did homework together. he grasped your hand when you were walking too slow for him on your way to or back from school. it became so normal that before you knew it, you didn't realize it was almost couple behavior. well, not until that talk.
"you haven't kissed anyone?" iwaizumi had gaped, sitting up from his relaxed position on your bed as he scrolled on his phone.
you'd been sitting at your desk, working on a project while iwaizumi kept you company, throwing off ideas for suggestions.
"nope," you answered embarrassedly, cheeks flaring at the fact. you were in your last year of high school, surely it should've happened by now. well, it's tough when the guy you want to kiss is only your closest guy friend and you're too afraid to ruin the friendship. "you must know that, what other guys do i hang out with?"
"my teammates," he said bluntly with a shrug.
"you think i'm snogging with oikawa or something?" you couldn't help but laugh at the disgusted expression of his face.
"no! i dunno ... maybe makki or mattsun."
"no way." your laughter fell to a giggle. "it is sorta embarrassing though."
"not really."
"is, too!" you spun on your chair to face him. "imagine how embarrassing it'll be in college and someone asks me about my first kiss and i'll have to say it hasn't happened yet!"
"doesn't matter," iwaizumi shakes his head. "first kisses don't really mean much."
"really?" you murmur, frown forming on your face. "i want my first kiss to mean something."
"you're so sappy." he rolls his eyes. "but i mean nobody cares about first kisses. you can lie if anything and just say you kissed someone in high school.
"haji, you know i'm a bad liar."
"fair enough." he takes a long sigh and glances around your room. "kiss me then."
you did a double-take at that, first instinct saying you misheard him and you sputter, "w-what did you say?"
he shrugs, ignoring your horrified expression. "kiss me then, get it over with so you can tell your future boyfriend that you did have your first kiss and it won't be so embarrassing."
"that's not funny," you huff, looking away from him as a pout forms on your face.
"i'm not joking!" he laughs. "it's just an offer, you can reject it if you want."
you pause at that, peeking over at him through your periphery, and noticing his truthful, yet all the same nonchalant expression, you seriously think about it.
oh, how wrong of a choice this was.
having your first kiss be your best friend friend you have feelings for meanwhile he believes he'd just do you a favor saving you from embarrassment.
"you'd do that?"
"i'm your best friend, ain't i?"
you should've say no, you really should've.
you remember his lips were soft, melding against yours and guiding you through most of it due to your lack of experience. and damn, was he a good kisser. you expected a mere peck, something that lasted maybe a few seconds, not the make out session it turned out to be that lasted minutes. by the time you separated, you'd both had flushed cheeks and swollen lips, laughing afterward about the bizarreness of it all.
alas, you fell harder than before. the crush grew into a deeper emotion, maybe grazing the concept of love, but you never got to explore that feeling further with him.
iwaizumi got another girlfriend.
the second heartbreak, all by the doing from the same man as the first. surely, you looked too deeply into things? you were reaching for signs that he liked you back and it was actually truly platonic everything he was doing and saying before?
you felt like an idiot.
once more, your lunch table was left with you at it, maybe some friends from your classes, but no iwaizumi. your walks were lonely again as were the shared chat messages with him, having days or weeks pass before a new text chain.
you remember calling yourself stupid while hot, angry tears rolled down your cheeks. yourself! you blamed yourself for the heartache you felt.
you barely remember their relationship, facing iwaizumi's avoidance once again, but this time ten-fold. maybe you also played a role in avoiding him, too, far too afraid to face him while he looked so lovesick; too afraid you'd simply burst into tears.
you all soon graduate. iwaizumi decided to go abroad to the united states, a decision not agreed with by his girlfriend, leading to their inevitable breakup.
a few days into the first semester of your college experiences, iwaizumi texted you.
9:12 A.M. [hajime :3] hey y/n 9:12 A.M. [you] why aren't u asleep? isn't it like 1am there? 9:14 A.M. [hajime :3] couldn't sleep 9:15 A.M. [hajime :3] i miss u :(
here we go again …
you struggle with the long distance friendship only slightly, your biggest enemy being the time difference. but voice memos and scheduled texts are a best friend in those times of need. you wake to sweet morning messages from your former friend, recalling his day and wishing you a better one.
you don’t remember how you were so willingly open to begin a friendship with iwaizumi again, let alone while he’s in another country.
maybe he’d come to his senses?
iwaizumi hajime was afraid of being alone. he’d keep anyone around to just to keep that from happening. so when he went abroad to a new place with no one he knew, it’s only obvious he’d reach out to you, the girl too naive to say no to him.
in november, he ghosts you.
you receive no messages, no facetime calls, nothing. it was as if he disappeared. you were worried for him at first, unsure if he lost or broke his phone. until you see his instagram story as see he’s been hanging out with a new group of people.
oh, so once again, he found his new home of a friend group, becoming comfortable in the new country he was a adjusting to.
it was that moment when you realized you were a filler person. the buffer between his phases, his friends, his girlfriends. his team was his core, he couldn't take them for granted and return when he wanted to, he simply couldn't do that. you though, someone who looked at him like he hand placed all the stars in the galaxy, he could.
during his times of loneliness, needing any distraction, you were it. the distraction; the temporary fix while he healed or was in search for someone new.
no tears spill over your cheeks when you come to the realization. your eyes, brimmed with tears as you stare in fury at that damn group picture with him and strangers you decide you loathe for no good reason, redden as you suck it up and refuse to let them fall.
iwaizumi returns to japan for summer break, expecting to reunite with his old best friends and have the summer of his life before returning back to school for the fall semester.
just a few weeks earlier, oikawa had texted you about a group dinner they (they being him with the addition of matsukawa and hanamaki) were going to in reuniting with their old teammate and friend.
given all that’s happened, you pass on the offer.
“huh?” oikawa had sounded into the phone when he calls you in confusion at your response. if anything, he’d think you’d be the most excited for iwaizumi to come home.
“tell him welcome home from me,” you mumbled out, promptly ending the call with no explanation. no 'i'm busy,' no 'aw i'm sorry i can't make it!'
just 'no thanks.'
oikawa isn’t stupid, though. he quickly pieced your past the best he could from being a third person party looking in on you and iwaizumi's friendship, in addition to your tired tone. you’d gone through enough, so he really doesn't blame you. therefore, he doesn't beg or try to talk you into going, that'd just be unfair to you.
that dinner was tonight, the night you had no plans filling your evening, deciding to stay home at your college apartment, enjoying your own independence away from your family's home.
you saw the posts your friends, his fellow old teammates, had made, welcoming iwaizumi back home on their instagram stories, so the reminder just made you sad all over again; so sad that a man, a boy, could throw your heart for such a whirlwind, shredding your idea of love in your own mind.
iwaizumi, who's staring at his shoes quietly, finally breaks the silence with a small, "i'm sorry."
you can't help but scoff at that. "sorry? you're sorry?" you laugh again. "iwaizumi, go home." the name still feels foreign on your tongue, having been used to calling him by his first name for most of your friendship.
he looks up, panicked eyes boring into yours. "i didn't mean to hurt you! i swear, i was dumb and stupid a-and-"
"but you did," you cut him off and your tone has dropped considerably. you're exhausted. "goodbye, now. enjoy your summer."
"y/n, please!" he pleads exasperatedly, lurching forward in attempt to enter your apartment but your hand across the doorframe gives him a sign he's better off not.
you've never confronted him like this about your feelings. and maybe that was your fault for allowing yourself to be strung along this far. but at least you're holding your ground now.
"i tried going home, but god, the feeling of not seeing you at dinner. i just, i need you to-"
"to what?" your brows furrow deeper, anger seeping back into your body. "you need me to what? forgive you? call you hajime and pretend like you didn't break my heart countless times? get over it, iwaizumi. it's over. whatever this is, it's done."
"y/n," he trails off, shoulders falling into a slouch as his eyes widen in fear.
"you hurt me." your words cut through him like a knife, nothing but defensiveness and hurt lacing your tone. you ignore the wobble of your lower lip as you speak and push back the burning behind your eyes. "i loved you and you hurt me."
iwaizumi's face pales and he opened his mouth, though nothing comes out. you nod to yourself, reading his guilty expression.
"so go home and forget about me. it shouldn't be so hard since you've done it a few times already. good night." you take advantage of iwaizumi's frozen state, caught up in his own mind as he wracks his head for something to say, closing the door in front of him with a satisfying the thud. it'd be more satisfying if you were to slam it, but given you're a respectful tenant, aware of your neighbors and what time it is, a polite door shut is enough.
and as you walk back to your bedroom, shoulders shaking from the sobs you've kept in all night, all you can think is:
you wish it were ms. kim nagging about her damn cat that was at the other side of the door.
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kitashousewife · 1 year
home for christmas
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an: i know im going out of order but inspiration struck for these AND i want to get the christmas fics written cause i am IN THE SPIRIT!! i hope i wrote him okay it's my first time heehee
pairings: timeskip!oikawa x fem!reader
warnings: reader is going home from japan but it is not specified as to where, airports and flying, very flirty oikawa, food and drink mentions, alcohol mentions, very fluffy, strangers (sort of) to lovers
besides the click of luggage wheels on the tile floor and the occasional intercom message, the airport is quite calm. checked bag long whisked away to join the others, everything back in place after the rush of security. now it's just you and a few others settling into the gate.
but you can't quite relax.
not with the feeling of someone staring at you.
you sat down in your seat about 30 minutes ago, and oikawa sat down shortly after, right in front of you. you glanced his way, before looking back at your phone. you tried to sneak glances every chance you could. soft brown hair waving perfectly, pretty fingers scrolling on his phone, and you could tell he was tall. he didn't have much with him, with the exception of a light blue duffle bag that he was using as a footrest. everything about him was pretty.
you stopped looking at the handsome stranger when your eyes met. rich, golden brown hues staring right into yours, with a confident smirk gracing his lips. after that, you quit looking up from the book you attempted to distract yourself with, forcing your heartbeat to slow down.
oikawa, however, hasn't stopped. the second he locked eyes with you he couldn't stop. the wide-eyed look you gave him before averting your eyes back to your lap was so cute.
he can't help it, really. after a few more minutes of stolen glances, he clears his throat.
"excuse me, do you know where the drinking fountain is?"
you hum and look up, startled a bit when you realize the stranger is standing right in front of you.
"sorry, are you talking to me?"
he chuckles. adorable.
"yes, so sorry. i didn't mean to distract you from your book," he gives you a dazzling smile. he shakes his water bottle in his hand, before looking around. "i just noticed that yours was full, and i'm a little thirsty."
your heart is racing. sure, this was probably the most attractive person you'd seen in your life, but you didn't think he would even talk to you. your mouth is dry.
"the one i went to is right around the corner," you point and he nods. "i could watch your stuff?"
"would you mind?" you shake your head. "hmm, fine. i trust ya," oikawa winks before walking away with a wave. "i'll be right back!"
once he rounds the corner you grab your phone, frantically pulling up instagram. scrolling through your dm's until you reach a conversation between friends, you select it and scroll until you reach the post. your friend had sent a photo a few days back of a volleyball player, gushing about how attractive he was, to which the rest of your friends agreed.
the photo is of oikawa, reclined on one of the bench chairs during a time-out. water bottle to his upturned lips as he smiles at the photographer with those big brown eyes sparkling in the light. that's definitely him. you thought you had recognized him, but it seemed too good to be true. wouldn't he be staying home with his family?
"whatchya lookin' at?" oikawa says from right behind you, and you jump.
"nothing, just-"
"aw, it's okay. at least that's a pretty good photo of me," he says with a chuckle before sitting down in front of you once more.
"what's your name? i would tell you mine, but it looks like you already know," he smirks. you answer, squeaking out your name. "so, where are you headed to?"
your head is spinning. "im actually headed home for the holidays, how about you?"
he takes a sip of his water, grimacing as he swallows. "did you drink any of this? gross," he shakes his head, setting his water bottle on the ground with a clink. "i can't drink this. do you want to get a drink, on me?" he gestures to the hotel bar. you think for a second, before nodding.
"great. i would love the company. oh, let me get that for you!" he takes your carry-on, whisking it away with his own before walking over to the bar. he sets your things down before pulling out the stool for you.
"you didn't need to do that, it was only a few steps," you laugh before sitting down, feeling almost nervous when he joins by your side.
"i don't mind. pretty girls like you shouldn't need to carry luggage all around."
your cheeks heat up, but thankfully the bartender arrives just in time. the two of you order and are given your drinks rather quickly, thanks to the bar being almost empty.
"so," you take a sip. "where are you headed?"
"oh right. im meeting my team for a few games. they arrived a couple days ago, but my coach said it was okay to spend a few more days here with my family and friends," he runs his fingers through his hair. "and you? are you excited to be home for christmas?"
you can't help but smile. "actually, yes. im excited to sleep in my own bed," you laugh, and oikawa smiles.
"i know how that feels."
"that's nice of your coach to let you spend time at home."
he sips his drink, nodding. "i'm really thankful. it was nice to celebrate christmas with those i love, even if it's a little bit early," he looks at you, and he's happy to see that you're looking right back.
"you have-here, let me get it," oikawa leans in, reaching his thumb up to your cheek. at this proximity, you can see it all. every tanned freckle dusting his cheeks, every tiny gold fleck flickering in his eyes. your attention is drawn away when his tongue pokes out in concentration.
"got it. sorry, you had an eyelash. make a wish!"
you look down, and on his finger tip is an eyelash. you blink up at him.
he laughs. "growing up, if we ever had an eyelash fall off, we would make a wish before blowing it off of our finger. so, make a wish, beautiful."
you look at him before blowing the eyelash, watching it flutter into the air. he finishes his drink, completely unphased before setting it down and digging i his wallet for his card. after he pays, the two of you get to know each other a bit more. sharing stories, interests, likes and dislikes.
meanwhile, you are stirring in your seat. the thoughts going through your mind are dizzying, images of his face up close, how intoxicating his cologne is, how he touched you. so soft and delicate, like you were made of porcelain.
"-and i forgot them at my apartment. what do you think?"
you snap up, confusion playing at your features and he laughs. he signs the receipt, nodding at the bar tended with a smile before picking up your carry on once more.
"i'm sorry, i didn't-what did you say?" he chuckles before placing his free hand on your shoulder.
"after one drink? what on earth did you order?" oikawa pushes a strand of your hair aside effortlessly like he's known you for years. "i was saying, i forgot my snacks at my place and was wondering if you wanted to come with me to get some."
"sure. only if you let me carry my own bag."
he laughs, a real laugh before sliding it over to you.
"fine, fine. but if anyone asks, you have to say that i'm a gentleman."
the two of you walk together, sharing favorite snacks and treats as you mosey through the airport convenience store. he gets what he needs, insisting he gets something for you despite your assurance that you're fine.
the different decorations and lights sparkle through the airport at this hour, coating everything in a cheery glow. everything is making you anxious to go home, see everyone important to you and finally participate in traditions and activities.
"y'know, you are really quite beautiful."
the two of you stop walking, standing in front of your gate.
"that's just the alcohol talking," you shake your head, setting your things down in front of a couple seats. he grabs your hand.
"no! not at all. i mean it. why do you think i talked to you in the first place?"
"because you were thirsty?"
oikawa laughs, running his fingers through is hair once more. he thinks for a moment of his friends. iwa, makki, and mattsun would be laughing at him right now. playing with his hair is one of his nervous ticks. thankfully, you don't know that.
"can i tell you a secret?"
he's close right now. so close. you can see the details, just like before, but this time it's different. the low light of the airport makes his eyes almost golden as they stare at you, full of nerves and worry even though the smirk on his lips says otherwise.
"of course,"
he leans to your ear, tucking a strand of hair behind it.
"i knew where the water fountain was the entire time."
you gasp, part because of the goosebumps that now dance across your skin, and at his confession.
"you liar!" you smack him playfully, and you swear he blushes.
"i wanted to talk to you, but i needed a reason. and it worked, didn't it?" his tongue pokes the inside of his cheek, and you shake your head.
"you're quite pretty yourself, oikawa."
you look up at him, the same nervousness swimming around in your irises. his fingers reach through his hair once more.
"you don't mean that,"
"i wouldn't lie about that."
he stares at you, your eyes, and then your lips. his tongue wets his, and he seriously considers kissing you right now. a complete stranger, someone he's met by complete chance, but feels like he's known his entire life.
"you know oikawa, my friends are completely in love with you."
"oh yeah?" he smiles again, a complete 180 from how he was only seconds ago. covering up his nerves with faux confidence, something he's gotten quite used to.
"mhm. they talk about you all the time. they would kill to be here right now,"
he hums, sitting next to you like before.
"well you should show them!"
his hand falls to your forearm, the one in which holds your phone. he gestures down to it, and you finally understand what he means.
you hold up your camera and snap a photo of the two of you; one silly, and one smiling. you send it into the group chat and lock your phone.
with a sigh, you sink back into your seat. it's close to midnight at this point, meaning you should be boarding shortly.
"thanks for the drink tonight, oikawa,"
"tooru please," he corrects, a playful tone in his voice. "and it's no problem. i really enjoyed meeting you." he feels a blush creeping onto his cheeks. clearing his throat, he looks out towards the windows as he watches the plane be taxied in.
"do you think i could get your number?"
"of course! u-um, here. just put in your information," you unlock your phone and gasp.
3 missed calls, around 15 texts, and a missed group facetime. oikawa snickers. you hand him the phone, and he puts in his contact quickly and sends a text to himself to get yours as well.
hot airport stranger now lives in your phone, oikawa hopes forever.
the two of you board, and you're a little sad that your seats aren't as close. you can't be too upset, though. luck has shown on you more than enough tonight. once in the air and comfortable, you settle in for the next few hours. the seatbelt light above you turns off, followed by a message of clearance to move about the cabin.
"hey you," a quiet voice cuts through the buzz of the flight. oikawa slips next to you, making himself comfortable in the seat right next to you. "we have a few more hours together, so i figured we should make the most of it." he sets his laptop up on the tray and hands you an earbud with a smile. you accept, stomach full of butterflies.
as the movie starts, a bittersweet feeling sinks in both of your chests. worried about never seeing each other again, wishing this flight would last forever, but wanting to get home to christmas and volleyball has both of you torn.
for the next few hours at least, the two of you live in your own world, snacking and watching movie after movie together. when you finally close your eyes and lean into his shoulder, oikawa feels his like he is going to explode. he snaps a quick photo of the two of you on your phone, then his, before shutting his laptop.
while you sleep, oikawa analyzes his schedule while he's in town, as well as for the next few months. he looks at plane to japan as well as your hometown before coming to a final decision.
nothing is going to stop him from seeing you again.
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I would love see that! Tho I imagine some of the more dangerous ones are more far away. Tho like is villain organization also a part of this? Because I think it be interesting to see how some of them will reaction to how the other run. For example Shigaraki actually give the League of Villains more freedom and does treat them with respect. But someone like Muzan who is a control freak over Twelve Kizuki and willing to kill them off.
It would be interesting to see different teams of antagonists interact with each other. From arguing over their ideologies to trying to defend themselves (if they do at all) with their motives/backstory(s). Not the mentions the fights, like the Twelve Kizuki vs the League of Villains. (i.e. Toga vs Daiki or Dabi vs Doma)
However I, at first, tried to bring more than one villain from the same show since not all of these here are real antagonists, but then it would make watching these other shows pointless. And there will end up being more characters to keep track of. So I, and Entity, apologize in advance to all the normal people in this list.
(But whoever picks this up, it's up to them to do just 40 antagonists or pick just a few or more.)
(And remember, ALL of this is also subject to change since this just a bunch of ideas FUNINTHEEYEOFMADNESS and I came up together on the spot.)
The Antagonist’s Role (Some Conventional)
or something else (In the title I’m trying to convey that these people are the antagonist to the protagonist, but some only fill in that role because of convention).
Spin-off fic, (non-canon), where the Entity is feeling vindictive against the antagonists of the 40's stories, so it makes another dimension kidnaps the antagonists of the 40. It doesn’t want to take those who are innocent, but there will be an imbalance to the universes if it tries to take more than one from the same dimension, (excluding the 40).
Just like MCS (WE), it will be a reaction fic to their respective stories. However, since Entity wants to rub salt into the wound, the antagonist will also be reacting to what is happening with the 40 cast, showing that they are growing, healing, and all around just doing better than they are.
Now some characters are obvious, but others are just antagonists by convention:
Cowboy Bebop: Vicious
Avatar: The Last Airbender: Ozai
Legend of Korra: Amon OR Unalaq OR Zaheer OR Kuvira
Ouran Highschool Host Club: Benio "Benibara" Amakusa (Everything about this woman wants to make me pull out my own hair!)
Death Note: Light Yagami
Black Butler: The Undertaker
Hetalia: Belarus (Listen… if RUSSIA is scared of her, then you need to run for the hills!)
Fullmetal Alchemist: Father
Blue Exorcist: Satan
Hunter x Hunter: Hisoka Morrow OR Chrollo Lucilfer OR Meruem
Kuroko’s Basketball: Daiki Aomine OR Seijūrō Akashi OR Makoto Hanamiya
Attack on Titan: Zeke Yeager
Danganronpa: Junko Enoshima
Free!: Rin Matsuoka (I know I shouldn’t do this to him, but he was an antagonist during the beginning.) OR Hiyori Tono (I still hate him for what he said to Haru!)
Kill la Kill: Ragyō Kiryūin
Haikyuu: Oikawa Tooru (I am not dissing him, I love his character! But he was the antagonist to beat.)
Assassination Classroom: The Reaper
Food Wars!: Azami Nakiri
One Punch Man: Garou
Erased: Gaku Yashiro
My Hero Academia: All for One OR Shigaraki
Mob Psycho 100: Toichiro Suzuki
Yuri on Ice: Jean-Jacques Leroy (I don’t hate him, but like some of the others, he is pretty much antagonistic to the cast of YOI.)
Kiss Him, Not Me: Takeru Mitsuboshi
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K: Kusuke Saiki
Miss Kobayashi Dragon Maid: Jida/Jii
The Royal Tutor: Ernst Rosenberg
Kakegurui: Kirari Momobami
Cells at Work: Cancer Cell
The Promised Neverland: Isabella OR Peter Ratri
Love is War: Oko Shinomiya
Fruits Basket: Akito Sohma
Demon Slayer: Muzan
Dr. Stone: The Whyman
Given: Ayano Kasai (I know she is not an antagonist, but she was a little antagonistic.)
Beastars: Melon
Welcome to Demon School Iruma Kun: Ami Kirio OR Baal
Toilet Bound Hanako-kun: Yugi Tsukasa
Jujutsu Kaisen: Sukuna OR Geto
SK8 the Infinity: Ainosuke Shindo/ADAM
Instead of a mansion, the Entity makes a prison for them to stay in. There are three levels of the prison:
Level 1: Misplaced
These are characters where they go up against one of the 40/interact with them, but it doesn’t mean they are evil or mean, they just happened to be the antagonists of one of the 40’s stories. They are given actual rooms, their own bathrooms, good meals plus desserts, good clothes, and misc. items to entertain themselves. (Plus their own kitchen, gym, craft room, etc.)
(This will house:
Oikawa Tooru
Jean-Jacques Leroy
Ayano Kasai)
Level 2: Disciplined
It’s almost the same as Level 1 except they are the bad guys of their stories but they actually have shot at redemption. They will have their own room, but only with the bare necessities. They are still served food, but any desserts, misc. items, or any kind of reward will only be given if they actually work to redeem themselves.
(This will house:
Benio "Benibara" Amakusa
Daiki Aomine OR Seijūrō Akashi OR Makoto Hanamiya
Rin Matsuoka OR Hiyori Tono
Takeru Mitsuboshi
Kusuke Saiki
Ernst Rosenberg
Kirari Momobami
Cancer Cell
Isabella (If you choose her)
Oko Shinomiya
The Whyman)
Level 3: DETAIN
There are the worst of the worse, monsters, villains, you name it. They will basically be treated like prisoners for their stay. All of them wear collars that not only block their powers but will shock them if they attempt to do anything remotely evil, violent, etc.
(This will house:
Amon OR Unalaq OR Zaheer OR Kuvira
Light Yagami
The Undertaker
Hisoka Morrow OR Chrollo Lucilfer OR Meruem
Zeke Yeager
Junko Enoshima
Ragyō Kiryūin
The Reaper
Azami Nakiri
Gaku Yashiro
All for One OR Shigaraki
Toichiro Suzuki
Peter Ratri (If you choose him)
Akito Sohma
Ami Kirio OR Baal
Yugi Tsukasa
Sukuna OR Geto
Ainosuke Shindo/ADAM)
All levels are separated by another floor, with Level 3 in the basement to Level 1 at the top. There is around the clock monitoring thanks to Indigo and they are allowed outside, but Level 3 are the only ones who are scheduled with times and such.
The ground level is where they’ll be viewing what is going on with the 40. And the Entity is much more involved. FUNINTHEEYEOFMADNESS came up with the idea that to the people in Level 1 it would talk to the occupants like an empathic therapist. Level 2 is a no nonsense tough love overseer with the same empathy. And Level 3 is where the Entity will be the jail guard/jester/tormenter, pointing out their flaws, the pyrrhic victories and just rubbing it in. And, for the more arrogant of the prisoners, it will showcase their reality warping abilities to prove a point.
To quote FUNINTHEEYEOFMADNESS, "I would also imagine that for level's 2 and three the entity would make the prisoners do prison chores, but only to prove a point and make them build character. As any real chore can be solved by their reality warping effects."
The prison island would even be surrounded by an Eldritch Abomination to replace the ocean and act as a deterrent to kept them from trying to escape, (not that they could).
Something like this:
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The Eldritch surrounding the island is obviously alive, but it reacts differently to the people coming outside. For Level 1, it will act similar to a puppy and all round just be playful and helpful to them. With Level 2 it will act indifferent, not choosing to intervene but will do so if necessary. But if someone from Level 3 steps outside without permission, it will go into berserk mode.
Since this non-canon, it's kind of opened ended, but this what FUNINTHEEYEOFMADNESS and I came up with:
They will all have their memories erased OR only Level 3 will have their memories erased, (to which they will get back when they 💀) while Level 1 and those who redeemed themselves from Level 2 will keep their memories.
As to their connection to the 40, there are two scenarios:
1. Those who kept their memories while contact them when they get the chance and apologizes/helps the MCS (WE) cast with their adventures.
2. Somehow, someway, the 40 finds out what the Cloaked Figure is doing, those who have the unredeemable villains would see this a fitting punishment while those who have antagonists who are still redeemable or who are just antagonists by convention would ask if the Entity is insane. (And might even ask Entity to allow those of Level 1 to come back with them to the mansion and Level 2 once they’ve redeemed themselves.)
Reaction/Interaction Excerpts:
And of course, how can a can this be a reaction fic with some reactions?
To their stories/the 40:
To quote FUNINTHEEYEOFMADNESS again, "I would imagine they would either be downtrodden, guilty or seething in jealously. Another good point, since the 40 story is about hurt and comfort, the characters learning from each other and making themselves feel better, the villainous 40 would be judged by their peers and criticized. This can range from insults, being appalled by each other's actions or just rubbing it in each other in a sense of hypocritical moral superiority."
To each other:
Level 3 would have those arguing who had the better plan, motive, who had the harder protagonist to deal with etc. Basically an ego measuring contest. And the other levels would want to stay far away from them.
Level 2 would have them defending their case on why they did such actions, even though most of them won’t buy it, and some would actually engage in nice conversations. Level 3 would just call them pathetic while Level 1 would attempt to be friendly, as long as Level 2 cooperates.
Level 1 are just confused about why they are there and want to go home. Reactions to each other may vary, but they would be nice and comfort each other while allowing themselves to relax slightly since they are living much more luxuriously then they had been before. Level 3 and the stubborn half of Level 2 would be glaring at them while the redeemable half of Level 2 would be glad that they are in good living conditions.
How they would interact:
Level 3:
Ozai, Satan, Ragyō Kiryūin, Azami Nakiri, Toichiro Suzuki, and Akito Sohma would all be complaining to each other of how their bloodline/family members are such failures and how they would want to exact their revenge for going against them. They still don't get along, but they bond over that.
Light Yagami would keep trying to argue that he is not a villain, that he is a god, and all that nonsense, and it's usually Sukuna OR Geto, who yells at him to shut up and threatens to strangle him, shock collars be damn.
Yugi Tsukasa and Junko, somehow, bond over how much joy it bring them to see others in despair.
ADAM and Hisoka (if you chose him) would share in how they are looking for the most skilled/strongest, but when ADAM learn that Hisoka is a... ADAM would request a restraining order against him.
Amon OR Unalaq OR Zaheer OR Kuvira and Zeke Yeager would indulge in their own ideas of equality and freedom along with their radical methods of how to achieve such goals, (Light wouldn't be in this since he sees them as criminals and not himself, talk about hypocrite.)
With every interaction and banter Undertaker would just be shaking and crying with laughter as he finds all of this to be hilarious.
Level 2:
Benibara, Seijūrō Akashi (if you chose him), Kusuke Saiki, Kirari Momobami, and Oko Shinomiya would all be fighting for the leadership role in the group, and some of them are willing to draw blood to get it. (But it's Isabella, again if you chose her, who assumes the leadership role.)
Kusuke would actually try to study Cancer Cell while Garou would also be demanding to fight him to determine who is the strongest. This resulted in the two being threaten by Cancer Cell on a weekly, to daily, basis to stop.
The Whyman would just watch the humans being stupid.
Level 1:
All three of them get along, even though both Oikawa and JJ has egos the size of a house, (though these two would share in their woes of how they are the best and yet always fall short to someone else), and the three would comfort each other if need be. And JJ, who is the oldest in the group, would unconsciously take up the parental role.
It the same premise as MCS (WE) except that this centered around the antagonists of the stories and most of them are either getting treated like the scumbags they are or are getting redeemed.
I'm not sure if FUNINTHEEYEOFMADNESS or if anyone else is going to actually write this, but if anyone does, or if they just what to keep bouncing around ideas, I'll happily lend a hand and or ear!
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seijorhi · 5 months
dear rhi,
i’m back and i’m in shambles. actually in tears. i have so many emotions and i’m so happy but so sad but so </333
i’m actually so shocked by invidia ii that i just might not be able to talk about it, other than to say that i think i love shin more than anything and i’m so thankful for him (not trying to spoil for the people who haven’t had the chance to read yet!), but i also am so devastated because you have made me such a paranoid person when it comes to your fics, especially multi part ones, that i fear kuroo isn’t done with reader yet, even if invidia ii is the last one we get 😭
also, i saw someone mention 907 when i was re-scrolling to invidia ii and i got so excited because oh my gosh, i think thats quite possibly my favorite fic of yours. suna?? suna being the most menacing, possibly most horrific man ever in one of your fics to date???? sign me up <3
this also sparks a question (i’m SO sorry rhi, i’m rambling on 2 very long asks that i should have merged into 1)- out of your fics, who do you think the most awful/scary/terrible ones are? you don’t have to answer since i’ve already drawn this long enough, but i was curious 😞🫶
i think i need to sleep and recover from invidia ii, so this is all for now. love you rhi, once again <3
with love,
🦢 anon
hearing y'all love shin (even tho there's one or two slight red flags which may or may not prove to be a problem later down the line) means the fucking world to me. he's my boy <33
and actually it's interesting you ask about which is the 'worst' yandere i've ever written cuz like... i've had this debate before and i don't know the answer. 907 suna's a strong contender, but then there's final girl bo, kuroo and akaashi who hack campers up for fun, undertow kaku & izana who brutalise and terrorise the reader's friends/boyfriend before murdering them and kidnapping her, and shelter from the storm oikawa (he killed a kid out of jealousy!)
so.... idk pick ur baddie ghfjdkjhvfjds
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kiwanopie · 1 year
You get the things you deserve is seriously so so good!! I loved the way you dropped subtle hints throughout about the names/girls, I seriously could read this fic over and over it’s just such a smooth and easy read if that makes sense? Like the pacing and change of mood felt so seamless!
I’m kinda curious about oikawa’s character.. he seemed so genuinely interested but then it was revealed at the end that he’s done this with several different girls, and it suddenly got me questioning all of him and the y/n character’s past interactions!! Were his feelings for her “real” this time? (Real in the sense of like he really wanted to be with her long term and wasn’t going to just drop her after a few weeks like he did with his previous flings) cause at the beginning he had this inner dialogue about how he has never had a similar sexual experience with anyone before and that he felt like this was the first time he truly connected with another person. I couldn’t really tell if what he was thinking was true and he really did feel differently about y/n compared to every past fling, or if that was just the way his mind worked when he was really infatuated with someone, like thinking every fling is better and more special than the last and every girl is the one for him since he’s forgotten the rest of the girls? I’m so sorry hahaha I know you intended for the ending to be open to interpretation but it’s really got me thinking and theorizing!! Like I can’t tell what is a more sad scenario, it turning out that y/n was never all that special or unique to him or y/n actually being special and ~the one~ but he blew any chance he might have had because of his past behaviour. Both are pretty sad now that I’m thinking about it 😭
Oh man I honestly want to go back right now and read it again to see if I missed any other hints!! Thank you for the excellent read!!!
Oh man, so many things were going on in the background.
I’ve reread that one shot a few times and there’s a lot of things I took out that I felt were over explained but in hindsight should’ve stayed in. But I’m saying all that to say that Oikawa really felt for the reader.
In the beginning, after mentioning how he felt about the one night stand he gets into all the nervous feelings he’s experiencing by being in the presence of the reader. He mentions that “He thinks he may have liked you even before that rager last night.” And that’s because he did. Maybe not to such the degree he did post one night stand, but he knew you were the transfer and he knew you shared his morning lecture with him. And like the conversation among his friends referenced, you definitely came up a few times at some point - all very positive things. So, you’re new and beautiful and already well received among his group of peers, there’s probably been a few times that you caught his eye during your first lecture and he ogled at you a bit. You know, blushing cheeks, lingering glances, the usual signs of budding interest.
Mai and Ayumi, scorned women that they are, notice that shit straight from the jump. It’s a similar routine, leading to disaster like a ticking time bomb and at first they want to cut it at the bud. Like you said, they look at you like a little sister, if what happened to them happened to you they wouldn’t know what to do with themselves. And of course you saw what his behavior did to them when he got what he wanted last time. Mai still hasn’t recovered and Ayumi locks up like a deer in headlights whenever they’re in the same room anymore. When you first hear about him you fucking hate this guy.
But here’s the thing, Oikawa never initiates these honey traps when they go down. He’s attracted to these women, sure, but they come to him. Ayumi, Mai, Yūka, Chihiro, they were all fans of him at some point. They approached him. And of course he egged them on when he realized there was something to gain from being with them. Mai was probably the most time he’s spent chasing but, there are differences in the way he interacts with the reader as opposed to everyone else.
It’s easy to miss but reader says: “Walk you home when it got too late.”
Oikawa is blatantly interested in the reader before they meet at that house party. Even at the house party he’s nervous, he has to drink himself into a coma just to make a move. Ayumi and Mai notice that difference, that this time he might have something to lose, so obviously they decide to take advantage of that.
Not to confuse, reader did accidentally fuck him at the beginning. Reader’s natural allure was already being weaponized before the story began, she just naively underestimated his ability to talk his way into somebody’s pants. But thankfully it works out in their favor. It confirms the fact that Oikawa really did like the reader and it makes it all the more easy to string him along like she did. The deal was to wait until he wanted to make something serious out of it and break his heart.
There’s also little things. Oikawa texted the girls during class and let them sit with his stuff during practice. Most of them were resorted to “The girl oikawa’s probably fucking right now ig.” And were all mostly limited to school time - they came to him. You, on the other hand, he walks to class and bites into his practice time for. He doesn’t just text you during class, he gets there early just to sit next to you. He texts you first thing in the morning. Changes his coffee order cause he knows when you’re done he’ll want you to sip on his and he wants you to enjoy it. He sends you heart eyes across the cafe, holds your hand when he walks you home in the chilly weather, hugs you tightly before he leaves. He even calls you in his free time and lets you talk through his earbuds while he studies. When you said “People look at me like I’m your girlfriend.” You really meant it.
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loveephia · 1 year
anime crushes i've had, why, and if i still like him or not:
neito monoma (bnha)
listen, he can be really handsome. 😭 and the fact that he's canonically handsome (WITH GOOD FASHION TASTE) makes so much sense. i don't like him as much as i used to, but i definitely still giggle whenever he comes up on screen.
keigo takami | hawks (my hero acadamia)
his new haircut in the later seasons had me screaming. 10/10. i made my mha oc have a canon celebrity crush on him, because yes.
shoto todoroki (my hero acadamia)
when i first started watching my hero acadamia, i actually had a crush on katsuki bakugo (which.. i will not explain, nor will i discuss why on this list), but eventually, i came to realize that i loved boys who were more responsible and aloof. todoroki is actually one of the love interests i've been contemplating to introduce to my mha oc.
tōru oikawa (haikyū!!)
i swear, he was like every haikyū!! girls' first love (it was either him, kageyama, tsukishima, or kenma), and no, i do not like him anymore. >:p
ushijima wakatoshi (haikyū!!)
honestly, he has moments that make my heart pound. the "my cute fiancé" work i did make me like him a little bit more. he was the first haikyū!! character i thought of when asked the question, "who would think their s/o's stomach chub is cute?" [next to that would be bokuto kōtarō and osamu miya, of course. (kita shinsuke and keiji akaashi, too!!)]. i still like ushijima, but just below kita and iwaizumi.
kita shinsuke (haikyū!!)
i don't think i have to explain, but i will anyway. something that wins me over is a man who would definitely win my family's heart after the first meeting and is God-fearing. gracefully enough, i have a headcanon where kita is both. also, i think my entire brand speaks for itself as to whether or not i still like kita. HIS NOM-NOMABLE CHEEKS.
iwaizumi hajime (haikyū!!)
i've always sympathized with iwaizumi since his best friend was someone so popular with the girls, while he kinda just idly stands by. i gradually grew more attracted to him because the thought of him being jokingly aggressive with his friends, but kind and soft to me, was so heart-melting. so yes, i most definitely still like him.
atsumu miya + osamu miya (haikyū!!)
right off the bat, i disliked atsumu. his personality irked me a bit, and.. his ha aai ii iiir rrr.. but i eventually grew to like him because i found this trope cute: whereas atsumu would have a lot of fans, but only pay attention to your cheers. also, may i just mention his TIMESKIP HAIR. THE SIDE SWEEP. I SCREAMED.
i started liking osamu after this one scene of him looking unintentionally cute, then when i saw his timeskip job, i thought about him cooking food for me. AAAAAAA domestic fluff >>>!! and the fact that i wanted to study culinary to become a baker furthermore had me tripping over /the/ osamu miya. i'd love it if while osamu owned a restaurant, i could own a bakery, and our shops would be close to each other. (,,> ꇴ <,,)—!!
toge inumaki (jujutsu kaisen)
i'm ignoring the fact that i literally reblogged a "missing inumaki hours" post a few hours ago. yes, i still like him!! he's just so super adorable, and the headcanon of him learning sign language makes me so soft and AAAAAA!! i'd feed him all the tuna mayo onigiris i could make.
xiao (genshin impact)
if oikawa was haikyū!! girls' first love, then xiao would be genshin girls' candidate for the "first love" position (it'd be either him, kaeya, or diluc). i don't like him as much as i did back then, but his fluff-fics are always cute. ^^
childe (genshin impact)
y'know, i actually was in the midst of editing my list, then i went, "genshin has so many characters, why did i only like three?" then i remembered my freakin' childe phase. >:(
shikanoin heizou (genshin impact)
i find his moles (?) so charming, and his personality is just very playful. the hangout event was what made me like him so much, and i very much still do.
albedo (genshin impact)
special mentions:
ranpo edogawa (bungo stray dogs)
noé archviste (the case study of vanitas)
kurapika (hunter x hunter)
shirabu kenjirō (haikyū!!)
levi ackerman (attack on titan) by the way, i saw this levi ackerman cosplayer in the convention i went to a couple days ago, and he was shorter than me!! (HE WAS ALSO REALLY FREAKING HANDSOME)
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mooifyourecows · 11 months
hi moo! i saw a tweet about creators of online works (like fox writers, web comic artists, etc.) wanting to get feedback since it’s not very often they can go online and look for it outside of their platform so i just wanted to hop on and let you know how much i love your stuff!
you are the reason i even started reading fics! (technically it was my friend who was reading it that got me to but shh) i think i’ve actually told you the story before but it’s silly so i’ll say it again anyways! my friend was reading a lot of haikyuu stuff and i think this was before season 4 finished but like there had been a few episodes probably since you wrote about atsumu at that point but idk if you’ve read the manga so maybe i’m completely wrong about the timeline. ANYWAY, my friend had sent me a bunch of screenshots of different fics she was reading but she was telling me about this one where daichi was a bartender and him and oikawa were best friends (sound familiar?) so of course when she sent screenshots of that one i had to look for it. now at this point i had NO idea how ao3 worked and more specifically the searching (i have no idea how i managed to actually find it😭😭 i still can’t use the searching for anything but very broad stuff) but i spent HOURS typing in the same quote from that screenshot (pretty sure it was the homemade chocolate for valentine’s day scene) and narrowing down the word count to maybe like 500,000-600,000 words because she mentioned it was 500 something thousand and then with enough effort i found it!! i was so excited i read all of it in like two weeks in the middle of packing to move across the country😭😭(thinking back, definitely not the best use of my time but for the best🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️).
it’s kind of a stupid silly story, but without that amazing story i would’ve never found your work, let alone anyone else’s unless one of her silly screenshots caught my eye like that one and who knows if that would’ve happened🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ now i get so excited just thinking about what might happen next in your other stories and i’m your #1 biggest fan❤️❤️❤️
can’t wait for the next post you make, and maybe if you update open tab in the future i’ll have to make myself a mint julep🤔🤔 i hope you’re having the best time writing and doing whatever it is that you do in your free time and that you’re taking care of yourself!!!! sending so much love your way this summer!!!
thanks for sharing babe, it really does make me happy to hear details and specifics about how people found my stories or what they like about them. i'm glad that you were able to find joy in my writing! it means a lot to me
i actually started writing Open Tab shortly after Atsumu's first appearance in the manga at that training camp with Kageyama, and had to base his personality off of those tiny itty bitty scenes we got of him, so when nationals rolled around and we got to see more of him (like that he is an identical twin, wowzas what a shock) i got to see how my interpretation of him was a little off. I wrote him more as a smooth asshole when in reality he's way more prickly and childish and goofy. In my big Open Tab edit, I'm trying to subtly alter his character to better suit that without completely changing him. in fact, i originally planned Atsumu to be this kinda... antagonist type character? but then i decided that i couldn't actually make any haikyuu characters be real bad guys and i had to make him sympathetic instead. rip
anyway, thanks for the message, it's very sweet and touching and makes me happy 😊🖤
there WILL be an update for open tab in the near future. i just want to completely edit it first. but i'll for sure make announcements when that time comes 🌈💪
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eurydicees · 11 months
YOU WROTE 18K BY HAND?? i am so impressed i need to ask what you are writing about. holy shit u are like a god
oh my god ok THANK YOU for asking !!! also in the time since you asked this, i have written another 1,400 words by hand. Anyways. under the cut bc this got. too long.
so this was originally for the 50k big bang project, but it was cancelled so i'm gonna go ahead and talk about it publicly now. SO.
the sparknotes summary: it is an iwaoi post-canon coming of age relationship study !! it's about iwaizumi in california and oikawa in argentina and how they navigate their friendship while long distance. it quite literally walks through every step of their journey from graduation aoba johsai to meeting again at the 2020 olympics....the sheer amount of time i'm covering is why its currently ~88,000 words LMAO.
this fic is literally my little monster. it was supposed to be 30k. then it was supposed to be 50k MAX. it is now 88 thousand words long. anyways though i'm enjoying it.
it's a slow burn get together, but it's also a break up & make up fic. the idea is that they dated in high school and then had to break up bc of the distance--but i think they're probably going to get together in the end. the middle is a whole lot of them growing up and figuring out how they can have a healthy friendship even as adults and dealing with loneliness and adulthood on their own and really coming into themselves as people by the time that they get to the olympics.
i just finished parts two and three, which is iwaizumi's years at university. here are some BANGER lines, if i do say so myself:
after oikawa's visit to california, when he has to leave again:
Oikawa smiles at him, and with that, he takes the handle of his suitcase and walks into the airport. Farther and farther and farther away, until he’s disappeared from sight and Iwaizumi is standing alone again, next to the blinking red hazard lights and the sound of other cars’ wheels on cracked concrete.  He gets back into the car. He doesn’t really want to talk to Rich right now, or any one of his other friends or teammates. He kind of just wants to be alone.  So he turns off the hazard lights and puts the car in drive and then he takes the long way home.
when iwaizumi is talking to his friends about oikawa:
“It’s not a big deal,” he tries. “We’ve both moved on. It wouldn’t have lasted while we’re in different countries anyway.”  He does not mention that Oikawa had asked him to wait. He does not mention that he is—he is waiting, and he doesn’t plan on stopping. He doesn’t plan on breaking that promise to come home.  “Ah,” Em says, subdued.
during a drunken NYE call:
Iwaizumi can hear the flinch in Oikawa’s voice. “You miss me?”  “I’m not saying it again,” Iwaizumi says, and it sounds like it’s supposed to be angry, but it just comes out tired and sad. “Of fucking course I do. You’re—” “I’m what?”  Iwaizumi takes a shuddering breath. “You’re so far away, Tooru. You’re so far away and it makes me—fuck, fuck! I shouldn’t have called. I should—” “No!” Oikawa says it instantly, desperately, cutting off any idea that Iwaizumi should go. Which is good because as much as Iwaizumi wants to escape the embarrassment of this phone call, he doesn’t actually want to hang up. He doesn’t actually want to leave Oikawa now. “Stay. Please. Stay with me.”  Iwaizumi pauses for a moment, swallowing down Oikawa’s words and turning them over in his head before saying anything else. “Okay. I’ll stay.” 
anywayssssssss!!! it's been REALLY fun to write, but it's also like. an insane labor of love. this fic was my project for nanowrimo july of LAST YEAR, and it's my project again this year. isn't that crazy. so so so much has gone into this fic its literally driving me up the wall. it haunts my every waking moment and also my dreams.
but yeah i don't have wifi where i'm living for the summer, so i've been writing everything by hand and then typing it all up when i can use a hotspot on my phone. i also have the most amount of free time in my life than i have , like, EVER had in my non-child life. so i get to spend so much time writing, which has been sooooo fun. i am begging the universe to keep me from being burnt out bc i'm genuinely having the time of my life working on this.
ok phone's about to die gotta go. thank you for asking i want to talk about this SO bad. please feel free to ask me. please enable me i'm begging you
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lightbulb-warning · 9 months
I don't know if you've even entered the haikyuu fandom but it had me in a vice grip for years. I loved the polyamory ship bokuakakuroken and i also love oisuga. Oikawa and sugawara very rarely even interact but tbh I came to love them through a 700k+ fic called Yugen. Absolute work of art, the slowest slow burn you will ever read but by god is it so good. I mention the polyamory ship from earlier bc theres a series I love involving them and in the second fic it's a spinoff of a side character (yuuji) in the actual anime, he's a side character(one of the teams they face off of) but this fic centers on him and learning how to love someone and it's so. It's explicit but it's such a good fic that i literally think helps me heal my idea of what healthy sex should be every time i read it. Absolutely adore that fic writers can make me fall in love with rarepairs through their works
You asked for this, i hope you enjoy hearing about my haikyuu rant(even though I haven't even been involved in it for a year, I love that fandom.)
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Good for them!!
i know absolutely NOTHING about haikyuu or these guys however i am incredibly happy about you going off about this fic so enthusiastically- its really sweet!!
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teataglia · 2 years
Tea!! Ship your moots with characters they normally don't self-ship themselves with!!
ooo yay!! i like dis idea A LOT hehe i hope you all like it toooo < 3 srry this took so long oopsies i am v sloww
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@anime-fanfics-i-write + dwight sugawara ;; i actually think you guys wuld be so so sooo cute, like he would indulge your every whim and treat you like the princess you are!! he wuld always have your fav dish cooked up n ready every time you come home!
@stygianoir + diluc ;; diluc is the SWEETEST lover and, unlike dain, he is not immortal so you guys could actually grow old together and yall wuld be the cutest old couple I M O
@lexstacy-fics + bokuto ;; HE'S BIG N KIND w very few thoughts floating around in his dome piece n he wuld love your bright pink theme, he wuld be so into supporting yu n your writing it's the cutest thing (or your irl choso <3 hehe)
@im-a-loser-fight-me + osamu ;; ok hear me out, he is not your usual gentle giant type BUT he is STRONG and wuld be very gentle w yu..... but also wuld not be afraid to toss you around a bit if you catch my drift ;)
@hotlinetakami + aizawa ;; he's daddy. lololol, he def gives the best hugs and when yu 2 are just cuddling on the couch, moving seems impossible
@21-06-1996 + TSUKISHIMA KEI ;; another bean pole that likes to read! lmaoo he's so annoying but in the best way and would looove taking you out on lil cafe dates no matter how much he denies it
@b-achiras + itachi uchiha ;; GAWD him, he he he wuld absolutely love you forever, till the end of time, he's like THE ultimate sweetheart. he would also be so overprotective of you bc hes scared to lose you :(( but that just means more quality time!
@kazuwhora + hange ;; looking into my crystal ball n seeing a lot of late night tired cuddles, hange coming home late from work and just collapsing into your arms and you hold them soooo tight, promising to never let go, delivering lil cups of water to each other to make sure you're both hydrating < 3
@festive + kaeya ;; thinkin about romantic candle lit dinners, him being a gentleman and holding the door for you, pulling your chair out for you to sit, kissin the back of your hand n everything, all that cute stuff >:3
@twbachira + shinichiro sano ;; the sweetest baby, this guy knows sacrifice and he would do absolutely anything for you, loves you as deep as the sea and as tall as the heavens, also takes gr8 pics of yu, like 100% best photographer and hypeman
@haithanist + childe ;; he'd be such a lil obnoxious tease! and so cute! he would spoil you rotten! ahhh im just thinkin about him wrapping you up in a big scarf in the winter!! and throwing layers of blankets on you!! so cute!!
@dark-mnjiro + draken ;; he wuld take such good care of you, he just loves you so so so much < 3 hes very protective and will be by your side in minutes, just say the word, love physical touch of any kind (his fav is keeping his hand on the small of your back when you're in public, subtle but makes a statement :D)
@rczc + akaashi keiji ;; hes my baby boy but i just KNOW you would cherish each other, and youd be the prettiest couple, like youre stunning n hes beautiful?? i am not wrong (nothing but the best for BOTH my angels)
@oomiya + oikawa ;; he acts like such a flirt but in reality he'd be the biggest nerd 4 YU!! he would be so enthralled, utterly head over heels n theres nothing you can do to stop him, he wuld love to show you off, but like subtly and tastefully ofc
@kentoangel + gojo ;; hot, hot stuff. you both are sizzling n steaming, n he knows how to treat you right. he would learn all your likes n dislikes so quick, he wouldnt ever want to fuck it up w you, like ever ever, so he's constantly checking in, v considerate of him mhm
@garoujo + mitsuya ;; YOU ARE BOTH THE SWEETEST, i personally think its a match made in heaven, like he’d actually worship you, you are his angel - his deity, he's so observant it's scary, if yu mention smth once in passing he will remember it for the rest of his life
@bbiemilk + kazuha ;; he wuld love to take it nice n slow w yu, stopping to enjoy the smaller things in life, like how the flowers change colors in the fall, reassuring yu that b4 yu know it, it’ll be spring again!
@iitoshi + seishu inui ;; i for one think you two would hit it off, hes so straight forward, but around you hed get a lil shy its so sweetttt <33 like he wuldve had to work up the courage to ask you out ^.^ and then he’d treat you like the royalty you are
@sleepy3 + yuta okkotsu ;; sweet angels, the love radiates from your entangled bodies as you lie together in the sun, only a simple cat nap, but neither of yu wuld want to be anywhere else :3
@shcyc + jean kirstein ;; he's my hubby but you deserve each other (nothing but the best), n like he's just a lil sweetheart and i think yu guys wuld fall madly in luv, he's like funny n everything too ehehe
@munsonsins + issei matsukawa ;; he's hot and i will say it, just going off vibes alone you guys wuld be a very smexy couple, he's tall n nice n knows how to take a joke so don't go easy on him ;)
@thetempleofnyx + kakucho ;; THIS MF SWEETHEART ugh, he might be a lil rough around the edges but i promise he is the kindest most gentle baby there is < 3 n he wuld be so loyal, major heart eyes 4 yu 2
@satorhime + reiner braun ;; he is a lil cray cray in the beginning but like, he is literally just a big teddy bear, buuuut that's not found out until later, but like just trust me on dis one, he wuld cherish yu so so so much
@touyyes + choso ;; he is big n beefy n he will luv yu till the end of time, he's a large guy w a large heart n large eyes that are only 4 yuuu, im thinkin like slow dancing in the living room or him making your fav food for dinner mmmm yummy
@maginxlia + nanami ;; he's a gentleman thru n thru, will spoil yu and spend every free waking moment he has simply doting on yu, checking, double checking, n triple checking that you're safe and happy < 3
@dear-itto + thoma ;; even tho he accidentally fed your hubby beans, thoma means nothing but the best, he wuld wait on yu hand and foot, if you even think about wanting smth, boom he already got it for yu, he's that guud :3
@soshiina + kita ;; HIM < 3 he is so sweet and cute and husband material!! just thinkin about him comin home after a long day of FARMING, all tired n you're there! waiting for him w open arms! n he receives the biggest, warmest hug, n maybe a nice massage if youre feeling up to it !
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