#like when u do the love me or love me not thing with flower petals but now it landed on lovestay
hyunpic · 1 month
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hyunpics with stay 🥹
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ladybirdswritings · 24 days
sweet thing - dbf!joel miller x reader
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Summary: Your life is in disarray. Your father is overbearing, your boyfriend is unkind— and blooming into adulthood is just about the most difficult season you’ve braved. Things only become more complex when feelings begin to develop between you and an old friend of your fathers. DBF!Joel Miller (dad’s best friend). Alternate universe as well, there is NO APOCALYPSE.
Notes: Girl I have been radio silent but this picture awoke me from my slumber because oh my God??? Look at this beautiful, haunted man. Pls enjoy the ideas that came from this still. Idk how well this will do but if u guys enjoy, lmk (I LOVE comments / interactions) and I will add to it <3
A03 | masterlist
sweet thing…
Your father did the best he could. You knew that very well. Charlie was a man respected and adored by his humble community. A hard working father turned single parent when your mom fell ill and god— you were his little flower. His sweet thing. His angel.
Flowers are fragile, though. Gentle, moldable petals and stiff, snappable stems.
It is why he kept you so close to him, so prized like painted porcelain just ready to crack.
It is why you were here. Here at Jackson’s golden hued dance with more powdered, jam-filled pastries and red, roasted meats then you could count on one hand. Here. Instead of the alternative option which was the party your boyfriend decided to attend without you.
You got the invite, sure, yet even as a legal adult— what daddy says? Goes. So long as you remain under his roof, at least. It was infuriating, though. The freedom of all your dear friends, the spontaneity. If only that could be you…
Your eyes drifted to the moustached sponge of all fun and joy in the world, wrapped in a flannel with bourbon in hand. Your dad was seated next to Joel, as he often was. His presence was a newfound thing for these recent years and though Joel would never say it, you had an inkling that he wanted to stand by his friend’s side after your mother… well.
You didn’t know Joel well. No, not at all. His visits were always the occasional dinner or drop in for fishing or some awfully manly thing. You knew well that your mother adored him, though— so that was enough to make him alright in your book.
Neighbor Betsy told you once that Joel had lost his wife and daughter too, and that maybe he was trying to keep your father from going through what he went through alone.
You only laughed at that.
Joel Miller was gruff and cold. Could he have such a warm heart beneath his sherpa coat?
You dazed out, the fingers snapping in front of your eyes made you blink back into the golden hues and roasted sausages on pointy little sticks.
“You alright, honeybee?” Your father asked, laying a heavy arm upon your shoulders. Joel was slower in his approach, eyeing you up and down with confusion and something else in his eyes.
“Peachy.” You only muttered, taking a sip of your freshly squeezed lemonade. Jackson’s finest.
“Oh come on now angel… now you know I can’t have you runnin’ off with that boyfriend of yours. I always told you he was trouble. Member’ when he ditched you down by Church Road during mosquito season? Well you were ripe as a red tomater and who had to pick you up?”
You were riper, redder now. Your cheeks an embarrassed hue not even on the color wheel, not even identifiable. You bowed your head, huffing out your frustrations before simply muttering: “you did, dad.”
He nodded proud, squeezing your shoulder. “That’s right, I did… what?”
Your eyes drifted up to see your father’s oldest friend with an odd kind of expression on his face. Brows pinched and raised, wrinkles plaguing his forehead deeper now.
Joel only cleared his throat, shifting on his boots and taking a sip of his bourbon in preparation. Then? He spoke.
“You ain’t lettin’ her be.” He gruffly offered, eyes set and sure. Your father only stilled for a moment, wondering if it was even Joel’s place to have an opinion… maybe it was.
“Why’s that?” He asked Joel, and the rough looking man only took another swig.
“Mm. We were both young once. We both made mistakes, y’gotta let her make her own— can’t hide her from em’. Just ain’t how it works.”
Poppies blossomed like springtime had finally begun in your eyes. Finally— someone understood. You didn’t expect him to be so… wise?
Your father only huffed, taking a long glance your way as he mused.
“Even if I wanted to loosen the leash tonight, Joel, I can’t. Maria needs me here to keep an eye on crazy old Arthur.”
Joel’s brows relaxed at that, a purpled hand running along the zipper of his flannel coat. His eyes were a chocolate kind of brown, dark and quietly encasing his thoughts within them.
He hummed, gaze drifting back to you.
You wanted to shrink. Perhaps it was because you were on the spot, perhaps it was because the way he stared would make anyone feel small.
It seemed like centuries before he cleared his throat again.
“I’ll take her.”
You didn’t understand it, not one bit. Why was he kind enough to offer you an out here? Kind enough to test your father’s words.
Discomfort radiated through your father’s coat, tension molding its way into his already stiff bones. A long sigh, a glance back and forth as he truly considered. His expression was far too plagued with worry, and you knew well that it was now or never.
You had to slam down the last nail in the oak wood coffin.
“Please, daddy? I’ll check in every half hour, I promise.”
Tension eased, slightly but— still. Your eyes were doe-like and sweet, and he gazed into them for a moment far too long before allowing his arm to drop.
“Every fifteen minutes and you’ve got a deal. Miller, you make sure my daughter gets in and out of that bastard’s house safely.”
Joel only nodded once, jaw tense and expression stoic. Your grin was wider than a field of flowers, and you immediately wrapped your father in a hug. Your thank yous seemed endless, and it made him laugh.
When you parted, Joel had keys grasped in his rough hands. You realized for a moment that you had no idea why he was doing this. What did he owe you? Maybe it was pity. You were half an orphan, after all.
With a cautious glance, your eyes met his own. He nodded once as if to urge you closer, and you stumbled his way. Before you knew it? You were out the door, trailing behind him like his shadow.
Of all the people who cared enough to convince your father to let you go to this party tonight? Joel Miller was the last person you expected it to be…
¿to be continued?
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a-hazbin-reader · 3 months
Soooo I was wondering if u could maybe possibly write an alastor x reader where reader has a secrets admirer and alastor is super jealous but he can't show it bc they're technically only friends and acting protective would be weird.
Bonus points if the read is completely oblivious to his jealousy and eats the snacks from the gift baskets all the time, right in front of him, and wonders why his eyes is twitching so much.
👀 I don't have time for this but-
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Alastor being a red flag fr
Description: ☝️⬆️
What does Alastor care if someone wants you? He has no interest in taking you for himself. Nope. Not. At. All.
Would laugh if anybody tried to claim he felt something for you other than mild fondness
It's just been a particularly annoying few weeks because of all the gifts being sent to the hotel with your name on them, from some persistent admirer
So he does his best to convince you that they aren't good enough for you
Alastor feels his mood sour when he hands you a bouquet of flowers, your face lighting up at the sight of them as you hold them like they're precious
He misses the way your smile falters a bit when you read the tag, a small part of you hoping they were from the demon in front of you instead
"Another lackluster gift from what must surely be the most lackluster admirer on this side of the pentagram. Just look at how wilted those flowers are already!"
You shake your head and toy with the petals on the flowers, picking off the dying ones delicately
He loves me... he loves me not...
"Oh hush, it's rather darling that someone took time out of their day to give me something so thoughtful.."
You walk away to put the bouquet into a vase so you miss the twitch in Alastor's eye, the tight clenching of teeth and fierce grip on his staff
"Thoughtful? Those are yellow roses! Yellow roses stand for friendship, not romance! You can do so much better!"
Or another time, you offered him a chocolate, munching away on sweets while holding a heart-shaped box
"Are you confessing to me? You shouldn't, I'm quite the heartbreaker just so you know~"
He regrets saying the words the moment they leave his mouth, but they're the only thing keeping a blush off his face, taking a chocolate to shut himself up
You only hum and roll your eyes, putting a hand on your hip as you shake the box at him, mostly all an attempt to get his eyes on the candies instead of your blushing face
"No, my secret little lover dropped off a bunch of these and I can't possibly be expected to eat all of this myself, now can I?"
The sweet treat suddenly feels bitter in his mouth and he wants to rip up the box in your hand
"Oh, so that's why these taste so uninspired! Most likely store bought instead of homemade, such a shame."
You only snort and shake your head, popping another chocolate into your pretty mouth
"Who makes homemade chocolates anymore? Let alone take time out of their day to have them delivered to me?"
Alastor is embarrassed by the warmth and genuine emotion in his voice, his smile softening as he looks you over
"Someone who cares about you enough to recognize you're worth the effort, my dear."
He leaves quickly to avoid any further embarrassment, blushing deeply and sliding the rest of the candy boxes into the trash on his way out
"I'm simply doing you a favor, my dear!"
He doesn't see your sputtering and blushing as you try to comprehend what just happened
Alastor can handle the flowers, chocolates and all other sorts of gifts but when the letters start pouring in?? He's about to lose his mind
It's been at least three letters a week, and he's sick of finding them outside the hotel. He actually rips up the ones he gets to first
He finds Charlie and Angel leaning over your shoulder and reading a letter in your hands, a soft blush on your face
Charlie was cooing over how sweet the letter was while Angel was obviously teasing you, making your blush deepen
"And just what is that in your hands, my dear?"
You jump and try to hide the letter but Angel quickly snatches it away to keep reading it, laughing as he does
"Toots here got another love letter from her secret admirer~ They think she's just the most precious babe around~"
Charlie is squealing and fanning herself with her hands as she jumps up and down, making you groan and hide your face in your hands
"Isn't it just so romantic? They're really head over heels in love with her!"
Alastor feels his eye twitch as he snatches the letter from Angel to read it over himself, ignoring the noise of protest that comes from you
Finally, he glances over at you, crumpling the letter up and ripping it into pieces in front of everyone
"Well now! That was about the worst thing I've read all day!"
It felt good to rip it up, picturing it to be your admirer instead
You stand there in shock, eyeing the bits of paper then Alastor, Angel and Charlie slowly backing out of the room only to peek their heads back in
"They... they said I was beautiful."
Well... now he feels a little bad...
He recovers quickly though and wraps a casual arm around you, guiding you away from the mess as Niffty runs in to clean it up
"That's exactly what they wrote in the last one! It's nothing new, I'm afraid! Truly, you deserve better than that!"
You pout and lean your head on him a little, trying not to look disappointed about the letter
"Yeah? And just what do I deserve?"
He grins at you and leans in, pulling you closer to him
"Let me show you, my dear~"
You simply roll your eyes as you let him lead you out of the hotel on a walk, enjoying the weight of his arm around you
There's no more secret admirer after that, which suits you both just fine
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4ngel-inc · 4 months
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notes — i'm not much into valentine's day but i had to make this (probably v cliche, lol) post for my valentine's-loving babies !! also this is my first time writing for jouno, tecchou+ like 3 others so bear w / me pls :')) i just wanted to write something special for everyone's favs !!
warnings — fluff, suggestive, some dirty talk.
𝐀𝐊𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐖𝐀 has never spent valentine's day with anyone, he isn't even aware of the holiday until you ask him to pick up your favorite snack on the way home from work one night and he notices there's a pink and red theme to the aisles—a quick google search tells him it's a "love" holiday, coming up quite soon actually, so he asks you what you'd like to do for it. you insist on brushing it off, saying it's a stupid holiday and a waste of money, but money certainly isn't an issue for him, and he was actually finding himself getting quite excited at the idea of doing something romantic for you, so he pulls through on the day of anyways and you come home to an apartment full of white roses. "umm, aku? what's this?" "hm?" he's sitting on the couch, surrounded by literally hundreds of roses as if it's just another tuesday, his head barely peeking over them, "oh, i thought you'd like them, is it alright? i can throw them away. . ." he nervously moves to grab some of the roses before you stop him, "no- no! i love them, actually." your voice softens, fingers tracing over one of the petals, "no one's ever done anything like this for me." he smiles at that, "so, you're pleased?" you pull him in for a kiss by his shirt lapel, and he blushes, "actually, i have little present for you, as well, why don't you relax on the couch and i'll show you?" as soon as your delicate fingers pop open the button of his pants, pulling them down around his ankles, aku realizes he definitely made the right choice in color—white roses symbolize purity, and there's nothing more pure than his love for you.
𝐃𝐀𝐙𝐀𝐈 has gone on plenty of dates, had plenty of casual relationships—but being in a serious one makes him realize it's a privilege to make someone else happy, and he now jumps at the chance whenever he can. he's always been a romantic, but he goes all out on holidays, relishing the excuse to buy you pretty things and dote on you even more than usual. he's so silly, he always frowns when he realizes you aren't surprised he got you something—even though he always spoils you on holidays. "aww, you got me something, too? you didn't have to, princess, i thought we weren't celebrating this year!" he whines upon seeing the little gift bag hooked under your arm when you walk into your apartment, meanwhile there's a frilly pink apron tied around his waist, a spatula raised in his hand that's dripping red cake batter. "uh, you're one to talk, 'samu?" he looks around, "hm? this? i just wanted to do something nice for you, angel- i only decided this morning!" dazai knew he'd break the promise you two made to not celebrate, he was just excited to surprise you! but now you've gone and bought him a present too, and you don't even look surprised, he's so sad! "so, you're telling me the balloons, candy, roses, heart-shaped cake . . . weren't pre-planned?" you pull him in for a kiss, "it does smell good, though." he whines again, bringing a hand to his forehead for dramatic effect, "you know i'd never betray you like that, my darling angel! but is it really wrong to want to spoil my favorite person?" he's fake crying now, and you pepper kisses on his face until he stops, "mwah, no, not at all, 'samu- i can't wait to show you what i got for you!"
𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐔𝐘𝐀 defaults to buying you expensive things, like flowers and jewelry—it's your first valentine's day together, and he wants nothing more than to make you feel special, to convey how much light you've brought into his life. all throughout the day, he's surprising you with gifts. you wake up to a shiny diamond necklace hidden under your pillow, "y'like it, doll? almost as pretty as you, my sweet girl." you exit the bathroom after brushing your teeth to a bouquet of red roses on your vanity table. he makes you dinner (ranked 6 out of 10 but he tried so hard), breaks out an expensive bottle of red wine to have with dessert (your favorite gourmet chocolate cake that he practically tries to hand feed to you), he rubs your feet, gives you kisses all throughout the day. after a while, you practically have to push him off of you, "chu, don't you think this is all a little, much?" he looks confused at that, "huh? i just wanted to make you feel special, you don't like it?" you frown before taking his hand, "it's just, i'd rather spend time with you just talking, or cuddling. . . i want to hear about your week and catch up like we always do. i don't need all the bells and whistles, i like our normal life." something clicks in his mind, and chuuya thinks he finally gets the whole valentine's day thing—it's a chance to spend time with the person he loves most in the world, it isn't about the material things. however, that doesn't stop you two from enjoying the countless boxes of chocolates he bought you that night, your feet kicked up on the coffee table as you two laugh and rant about work and whatever else comes to mind—it's the perfect way to end the night.
𝐅𝐔𝐊𝐔𝐙𝐀𝐖𝐀 isn't really into the frills or outward displays of affection that often come with valentine's day—he's a very private person, so he prefers something intimate just between you two. even though you assure him he doesn't have to do anything special, he finds a reason to celebrate anyways—because, as he puts it, "each day with you is a blessing, i'll take any opportunity to celebrate that, my love." he decides to take you on a walk that night as the sun is setting, and it's truly perfect the way you two just stroll along in a peaceful silence, eventually revisiting the place he'd first told you he loved you. "do you remember this place, dear?" "of course, yukichi, how could i forget?" you turn to him with tears in your eyes, and he smiles, pulling you close as he wraps his arms around you and buries his face in your hair—it's the first physical display of affection he's ever shown in public, but he's so overwhelmed by his emotions at that moment, he simply can't bear to not have his hands on you. "every day since then has been so wonderful, i'm lucky to wander through this journey of life with you." fukuzawa knows life with him isn't always easy, he's often busy, and you've told him sometimes you feel a little left out from that part of his life, but he tries his best to reassure you in moments like this—"i apologize for being distant at times, for being consumed with work, but please understand, i could never express how much you've changed my life for the better." fukuzawa isn't always the best with words, but there are times when his feelings just flow from his heart naturally, and almost always, those times are when he's with you.
𝐅𝐘𝐎𝐃𝐎𝐑 has so much on his mind, he forgets about valentine's day completely—it just isn't even on his radar. he doesn't go out in public much, so naturally, he doesn't have anything to remind him, otherwise he would've done something for you, really! fyodor doesn't understand the significance of such holidays, or why people would celebrate something trivial and made-up, but he always tries to make you feel special, nonetheless. he knows holidays mean a lot to you, and though he can be distant, he truly cares about your happiness. however, this year, he simply had other things to focus on, and it slipped his mind entirely. he's usually quiet when working, and you didn't expect him to take the whole day off for you, but you're hurt when he hardly steps away from his desk at all that day, only visiting the kitchen to fetch his tea a few times and place a quick kiss to your forehead, "i'll be done soon, is that alright, my love?" "um, sure," you realize as the day goes on he isn't going to celebrate with you, so you decide to go out and have a nice dinner for yourself—a solo date. when you return, he looks a little confused, "where did you go, darling? i wanted to spend time together before bed." you roll your eyes, "it's valentine's, fyo, i took myself out to dinner." you feel bad for the attitude, but you can't deny you feel forgotten. his eyes widen before quickly softening again, "come here, please?" he kisses you, stroking your hair afterward as he gazes into your eyes apologetically, "it is my fault, i was focused on other things. but we can still make the night special, yes? let's go out, you look so beautiful, my one and only."
𝐓𝐄𝐂𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐔 values honesty, so he counts on you to tell him what you want, rather than guessing. he doesn't have time for games, and one thing he loves about you is how direct you are. however, the first year you're together, you make the unfortunate mistake of brushing it off when he asks you about valentine's day—you'd told him it was a stupid holiday, that you didn't want anything, but you were only being polite, you didn't want him to think he had to get you something, but you'd been eyeing the balloons and boxes of chocolates wrapped up with pretty velvet bows. you really wanted tecchou to do something for you, even if it was just something little, but when the day comes, hours go by and nothing happens. you wait all day for him to pull out a bouquet of roses or a box of chocolates, pretending that he'd forgotten just to trick you, but he never does. when he kisses you that night and falls asleep only minutes later, you slip quietly out of bed, sneaking out to the couch and burying your head in your hands—you feel lonely and unwanted, and you aren't even sure why. it's a stupid holiday, but you at least wanted something. "babe?" tecchou sounds sleepy and confused as he flicks the light on, "why are you out here?" "ah! sorry-" you quickly wipe the tears from your eyes, "it's nothing, i'm just being silly." he comes closer, sitting next to you and stroking your hair, "what is it? tell me, please." his eyes show nothing but kindness, and you exhale. "i was just hoping you'd do something for me for valentine's day, i know it's stupid, i told you i didn't want anything, it's just-" he interrupts you, "no- no, i should've known, it's my fault." it isn't, but you appreciate his apology—he's always been so patient with you. "tomorrow, babe, i'll make it up to you, k?" you smile at that, and he kisses you. "come back to bed, i miss you."
𝐉𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐎 was intent on buying you something expensive, but you'd insisted you didn't want that—after everything he does for you, the way he protects you and cares for you, you wanted to be the one to show him how valuable he is. you decide to stay in and make him a fancy dinner, instead of wasting money on a crowded restaurant where you'd probably get slow service anyways. you know everything jouno loves to eat, and you've worked so hard to perfect the recipes over the past few weeks, but after trying everything at least a few times, nothing is turning out right. "my love," he slides a hand around your waist, kissing your neck, "hmm, why don't we just order in? we're running out of time, i wanted to spend the night with you." you sigh, "ugh, 'm sorry, babe, i guess i'm not a good cook, after all. nothing is coming out right." he smiles, and you can't understand why he would be happy about this, but you soon understand when he places a hand on your chest, "i know you're anxious, dear, your heart is telling me so, but you don't need to do all of this for me, i just want you-" his last word is punctuated by a hand gently squeezing your hip. you know him well, and you can feel the way his body calls to you, "ha- is that all you want for valentine's day, babe?" he moves his hand further down, slender fingers toying with the waistband of your jeans. he nods before placing a gentle kiss on your skin, "let's order in, love- i'm sure we can make something happen before the pizza guy gets here, yeah?" you laugh and push him away playfully, "jouno! stop it, you're so silly."
𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐌𝐀 is so sad when you walk into his office with a little heart-printed gift bag tucked under your arm. "huh? o-oh," he practically jumps from his desk and rushes over to you, "u-um, i was gonna get you something, sweetheart, i just haven't had time yet, i thought- m-maybe i'd give it to you tonight at dinner? it'll be bigger than that one, too, much bigger!" he's frantic, and you look a little confused, though he doesn't understand why. "wait, what?" sigma hates the feeling settling in his stomach, he hates the thought of losing you—it's unbearable, even. "it's just-" he responds, "someone gave you that present . . i'm a little disappointed, i wanted to give you something, but now you've already received a gift." his voice lowers in volume, gaze dropping to his hands, "i should've given you something sooner, i'm truly sorry." you're probably going to break up with him since he utterly failed at his first valentine's day with you, someone else has gone and swept you off your feet before he could! he braces himself for the words he's always dreaded most, the moment you tell him you're no longer interested in a relationship with him, but they never come. "babe, no-" your thumb brushes his cheek, soothing the burning heat on them, "i got this for you! for our first holiday together." your smile is so bright as you hand him the bag, but sigma can't even think of opening it as he places it on his desk wordlessly, grabbing your face and pulling you into a deep, messy kiss, "i-i thought i'd lost you, you're still mine?" you nod, wrapping your arms around his neck as his hands roam your body now, "i'm yours, sigma, and 'm so lucky that you're mine."
𝐀𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐒𝐇𝐈 pulls out all the stops—he does all of the cliché stuff he's seen in romance movies, plus asks a few of the ADA members what he should do for you. you're the first person he's ever dated—the first person he's even opened up to since starting his new life away from the orphanage, and he just wants everything to be absolutely perfect for you. after receiving so much advice from dazai, yosano, and even ranpo, he decides he can't make up his mind—so he does a little of everything! he buys you flowers, tons of chocolates, balloons, stuffed animals (one of them so big he can barely fit it through the door of your apartment), and even tries to make you dinner. he burns the steaks and the "baked" potatoes come out of the oven still raw, but even so—the fact he tried so hard makes you melt into a puddle, though you're not sure where you're going to put all of this. "atsushi?! this is all for me?" you look bewildered, and he scratches the back of his head, "ah- is it that bad? i wasn't sure what to do, so i kiiiinda went a little overboard. maybe i missed the mark, though." you stop him before he can continue, "no! i love it, really. i just wasn't expecting. . so much." he's starting to feel a little self-conscious, but your lips on his soothe his doubts. "i really love it, babe. you didn't have to do all of this. i would've been happy just to fall asleep next to you. how was your day?" you brush your fingers against his cheek, and he relaxes a little, "ugh- stressful, honestly. i could hardly get that one through the door," he points to the massive stuffed bear towering over you two, and you both laugh.
𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐏𝐎 loves candy and sweets, so naturally, he loves valentine's day. you were expecting him to completely ignore your first valentine's day together, saying something like, "meh- i can eat chocolate any time i want, why's it have to be out of a heart-shaped box today?" however, he surprises you with an apartment full of sweets and baked goods on the day of. "ta da!" he pops up from behind the kitchen island when you stroll out of your bedroom that morning, rubbing your eyes as you realize what's before you. "ranpo? what's all this?" there are trays of pink, red, and white cookies and candy and pastries laid out on the marble countertops. "huh?" he pouts, "did you actually forget it's valentine's day today?" he laughs a little, "ah- it's no problem. i've got us covered!" as the day goes on, you start to wonder if ranpo is celebrating your love today, or just celebrating for himself. "uh- honey?" "yeah?" he looks away from the bowl of popcorn in front of him to glance over at you, and you smile a little—though you were hoping for a little more affection today, you can't deny how handsome he looks when he's enjoying one of his favorite treats. "hmm- nothing, d'you like the movie so far?" "eh- it's a little boring, i already figured out who the villain is, of course." you giggle, "of course, should we watch something else then?" he grabs the remote and flicks the tv off, putting the bowl down and turning to you, "actually, i wanted to tell you something." you aren't sure what to expect, but he continues before your mind wanders too far. "you know i'm not good at things like this, but. . ." he takes your hands in his, "i've very grateful to spend today with you, i hope it's made you happy as well."
𝐍𝐈𝐊𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐈 never thought he'd feel enlightened from a relationship, rather than feeling tied down by it. as someone who values nothing more than freedom, he was quite wary of getting into a relationship—most he'd seen didn't seem all that fulfilling at all, nothing but arguments and tears and maybe a few sporadic moments of happiness here and there. however, you quickly teach him that that isn't the case at all—we're designed to love, and he gets that now, as his arms are wrapped tightly around you, the two of you lying on a blanket on the soft grass and looking up at the twinkling stars. "are you sure this is all you want to do today, my dear? it's valentine's day, after all." "mhmm," you snuggle into him, "this is where we had our f-" he cuts you off, "our first date, i remember it well, though it was daytime then." you laugh, "yes, it was summer and hot as hell—and you had me running all around this park trying to figure out your stupid scavenger hunt, i almost died!" he pouts at that, "aww, you never did figure out what was waiting for you at the end." you glance at him, finally tearing your eyes away from the beautiful night sky above you, "i love you, nikolai." he looks a little taken aback at the change in subject, but there's nothing he'd rather hear more than that coming from your lips. he sits up, and tugs on your arm for you to follow. you sit facing each other with your legs crossed, your face cradled in his hands, "i love you, too, my shining star. you're my love, my angel, my everything. thank you for showing me that love can be freeing." you start to cry, but he wipes your tears away quickly before jumping to his feet, "now then! shall we finish that scavenger hunt? i'm sure your prize is still out here somewhere!"
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lazycats-stuff · 4 months
(Kind of self projecting sorry lol) SO! BabyBat has an upset stomach but Bruce's too anxious about giving him medicine because can his baby stomach handle those chemicals? Insert Alfred rolling up his sleeves "give him here master Bruce" a tired Bruce just hands him over without question and watches as alfred and baby head to the kitchen and suddenly...baby stopped crying? Bruce walks into the kitchen seeing flower stems on the counter and Alfred standing there with a sleeping baby "...How?" "Rosewater master Bruce, i made and fed him Rosewater" Not sure how to end this but basically BabyBat would only drink Rosewater from now on and Bruce has to upgrade his gardening game ,Alfred always has already-made Rosewater so his Grandson is always hydrated and the rest of batbros are just like "hell yeah my brother's too fancy for regular water" I hope you except my request and thank u! I love u
Oh no, I hope you are doing better now. Either way, this is an Alfred thing to do. Thank you for the love too.❤️
Summary: Alfred knows what to do.
Warnings: Alfred knows what to do, Bruce is tired, boys love their brother, but they want peace, fluff all in all.
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Taking care of a baby is difficult, even for Alfred. Bruce and him had joined forces for (Y/N). The boys have also agreed to help whenever they could. It was exhausting to take care of a little baby. Bruce and Alfred were sleep deprived at this point and the boys took care of their little brother while the two recovered slightly.
It felt nice to have a presence of a baby here, despite the chaos that a baby brings. (Y/N) was an easy baby as long there was a routine for him. Feed him on time, change his diaper regularly, put him down for a nap on time...
All of the basics essentially.
Oh, not to forget, (Y/N) was often held in someone's arms. Whether it be Damian's, Dick's, Jason's or Tim's, (Y/N) was happy to be in their arms. Bruce was (Y/N)'s favorite none the less. Who wouldn't love being held by their father?
But, it seems that (Y/N) had medical problems. Bruce took him to the pediatrician to see what's going on. It seems that it was (Y/N)'s stomach and Bruce got some medication for it, but he was worried. Bruce believed in medicine, don't get me wrong, but... Will (Y/N)'s poor tummy will be able to handle it?
Bruce has tried everything he could to soothe his son, his anxiety preventing him from giving him the meds. How can he know that the chemicals won't make it worst? Again, he believes in modern medicine, but his baby is...
He doesn't want to hurt his son more. Alfred and everyone else tried to help, but (Y/N) was just in too much pain to even think about calming down for a single second. Jason was sure that (Y/N)'s voice will be lost in a few more hours and Damian wanted to die.
Dick and Tim tried, but nothing worked. At all. Nothing. Tim was exhausted and Dick was going to snap soon. Very much soon. Damian and Titus were out of the manor for these couple of hours and Jason went to the Batcave.
Alfred, all of a sudden got an idea. Going to the garden, he got some roses and has decided to make some rosewater for (Y/N). He cleaned the flowers in the kitchen and then put the in a pot before submerging the petals underneath the water. He put it on low heat and let it simmer for now. He put a lid over it and sighed as he heard (Y/N) crying.
He waited and checked on the petals and smiled when he saw that the petals lost color. He turned the heat off and moved the pot away, allowing it to cool down completely. (Y/N) can't drink hot water. And it would be a nice alternative to the medicine that Bruce is so anxious about giving to (Y/N). The worry is understandable, babies are more fragile than toddlers and older kids so giving them harsh medicine is not a good idea.
Alfred turned on the radio and removed the lid from the pot. He could hear Bruce's voice trying to shush his son, but (Y/N) was still crying from the pain. Alfred waited patiently as he poured himself some whiskey.
Did he love his grandson more than life? Yes, but sometimes, alcohol was important to soothe the headache the crying might have caused. He slowly sipped his whiskey as he waited for the water to cool down. Jason and Damian came down to eat something and Alfred pointed at the leftovers in the fridge.
" What's in the pot Alfred? " Damian asked as the took a container of food to heat it up.
" You'll see soon. I'm just waiting for it to cool down. "
" Is it for (Y/N)? " Jason asked as he looked at the food in the fridge. " Please tell me it's for him.
" It is. " Alfred said and took another sip of his whiskey. Damian and Jason sighed in relief.
" Thank God. " Damian said as he started heating up his food. Jason smiled as he waited for his turn.
" What's in the pot though? " Jason asked as he peered over to look at the pot.
" Some rose water. It's great for the stomach. " Alfred explained and Jason nodded as he looked down to look at the water more intently.
" Since when do we have roses in the garden? " Jason asked as he started heating his own food up and Damian sat down and started eating his food.
" Since forever master Jason. " Alfred said as he finished his whiskey.
Jason nodded and took his food out of the microwave and started eating.
After 20 minutes, the water has cooled down and Jason and Damian have left the kitchen. Alfred rolled up his sleeves and went to the living room, with Bruce still soothing his son. Bruce was tired and Alfred was sure that Bruce's ears were going to start bleeding in a few minutes.
" Hand him over master Bruce. " Alfred said and Bruce gladly gave (Y/N) to Alfred and he just closed his eyes and relaxed, the sound of (Y/N) crying moving further away from him. He kept them closed until there was silence.
Why was there silence?
Bruce opened his eyes and went into the kitchen where he found Alfred, with a sleeping (Y/N) in his arms. How the hell was (Y/N) sleeping?
" Alfred? What did you do? " Bruce asked as he looked around. Why were on the counter stems... Were those rose stems? Alfred chuckled at the confusion that Bruce was exhibiting.
" Rosewater master Bruce. " Alfred said, giving him a very short answer.
Bruce was still confused and Alfred chuckled once more. " I fed him some rosewater. " Alfred explained and Bruce nodded. Whatever it was, it helped (Y/N) out and Bruce wasn't going to question it at all.
" Huh. Thank God for the rosewater I guess. "
" Yes, it's a more natural remedy. I know you were anxious about giving the medicine to master (Y/N), so I remembered this recipe. "
" Alfred, did I ever tell you that you are the most important member of the family? " Bruce asked as he walked closer to his beloved son, caressing his little cheek.
" All the time master Bruce. "
" Good. " Bruce said as he leaned down to kiss (Y/N)'s head and the little boy slowly reached for his father. Bruce took him into his arms and allowed him to rest in his arms.
Dick and Tim popped their hands in happy and relieved that their brother was not in pain anymore. And that he wasn't ruining their hearing anymore.
" Is he okay? " Tim asked quietly and Alfred nodded. Dick sighed in relief and put a hand over his heart.
" Thank God. It's nice to have a silent manor for once. " Dick joked and everyone chuckled. That much was true.
" Well, it's great that our brother is not in pain anymore. " Tim said and walked closer to his baby brother, just observing him.
" Thank you Alfred. " Dick said and Alfre laughed. Bruce rolled his eyes with a fond smile.
After the discovery of rose water, (Y/N) refused to drink anything else. Thankfully, Alfred started feeding him some solid foods so he wasn't going to be hungry. But it was funny the first time (Y/N) refused to drink anything that wasn't rosewater.
Bruce was confused, but Alfred already had batches of water prepared for his grandson. (Y/N) needs to be hydrated. Bruce sighed as he drank his coffee, looking at the garden outside. He needed to call a gardener to plant more roses in the garden...
He glanced back at his son who was happily drinking his water, with Alfred holding the bottle.
The four older brothers walked in for breakfast and they all laughed.
" (Y/N) is so fancy. " Tim said laughing as he made his way to the coffee pot and the cereal cabinet.
" More than you B. " Dick joked and Bruce rolled his eyes with a smile.
" Yes, (Y/N) is a true Wayne. All Waynes are fancy in their own right. " Damian confirmed and Bruce just kept smiling at the banter that was going on here.
" You do know that you have up your gardening skills, right old man? " Jason teased and laughed behind his coffee mug. (Y/N) really did bring everyone together.
" I'll call the gardener the moment I'm in office. " Bruce declared and everyone nodded and started eating in peace. This is a very nice and calm morning for their standards.
" Is it just me or (Y/N) brought us all together? " Jason asked and everyone paused for a moment.
" You are right. " Dick said first and everyone followed with either nods or soft murmurs of agreement.
Jason walked up to Alfred and (Y/N) who finished his bottle of rosewater and picked his brother up in his arms. " My little brother is so fancy. " Jason said as he rocked his little brother, who in turn was shrieking with laughter.
Everyone smiled even more. This morning is really nice. And (Y/N) is a glue that keeps this family close and together.
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jasonsmirrorball · 9 months
↳ you surprise jason with flowers
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You come home with a bouquet of irises tucked into the crook of your elbow and the smile you reserve only for him. Jason pauses at the door, confused, even as he lowers his head for you to kiss him hello.
“Hi, handsome,” you say sweetly, lips brushing against his cheek. You turn your cheek expectantly, and Jason returns the gesture, hands brushing against your waist. “How was your day?”
“Better now,” he says, distracted. The purple is a splash of colour against your black shirt, violet and yellow, bright and pretty. “Those are pretty.”
Your smile widens as you toe off your shoes. “You think so?”
He can’t help but grin down at you, taking your bag from your other shoulder. “Yeah, baby. Who got you those?”
He can’t help it, the small flame burning low in his gut. He’s a little jealous at the thought, but buries it under the feel of you close. It’s him you’ve returned to, after all, your hand in his as he leads you to the couch. 
You let out a little laugh when he sits, standing between his legs still. “Nobody got them for me. I saw them when I was walking to the subway, thought they looked pretty. Do you like them?”
First comes selfish relief, and a silent promise to fill the vase in your bedroom. And then, Jason’s forehead creases when he registers the latter half of your statement. He leans forward, still clutching your hand. 
“I do, but hold on. You walked?” he asks, frowning. “Why didn’t you tell me? I could’ve picked you up, pretty.”
“It’s only a few minutes, don’t be silly,” you murmur and his lips turn down at the corners but you pay his pout no mind. “Anyway, I wanted to surprise you.”
You press the bouquet into his arms then, almost shyly, gauging his reaction with bated breath. He stills. 
“The girl at the stall said they meant a bunch of things,” you say quietly, a finger reaching up to stroke one of the petals, darting up to look at him bashfully. “I liked the idea of trust, though. And hope. I mostly got them because they were pretty, and I thought of you…is that okay?”
His heart, battle-worn and slashed, beats lamely in his chest. Affection warms him overwhelmingly, and he smiles down at the flowers, blushing. 
“You got these for me?” he tries to tease, but it comes out a little breathless, and you nod, biting your lip. He looks at them a little longer, pretty things nestled in his arms, before he sets them aside gently and replaces their weight with yours. “Come here, you.”
He doesn’t mention the clouds that had gathered today, or the hurt that had bled into his every movement in the morning. You don’t know that his heart had spent his waking hours squeezing painfully in his chest, or that he’d woken gasping for breath in air that had felt to him like murky water. 
And yet, you come to him in the darkest hour, bearing flowers just because. He noses at your temple, kisses you sweet and slow. 
“Angel,” he mutters into your mouth, hands cradling you close. “Bringing me flowers, asking if it’s okay.”
You laugh when his fingers skim your sides, and he grins into the kiss. Your hands make a home on his neck, and shoulder, knees pressing into the couch as he hauls you into his lap. 
“Love you,” you murmur and he swallows it, pressing them back into the roof of your mouth. 
“Thank you,” he whispers. For the flowers, for coming home to me. 
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thank u for this request anon !!
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carakook · 2 months
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Bloom. °˖✧✿✧˖°
“Sorry, I assumed he was your boyfriend because of the way you were tongue fucking outside. My bad.”
→ Chapters list ←
⚘7. Two Petals on the Same Flower
🔞For Mature Audiences Only🔞
⚘Pairings: Jeon Jungkook x fem!reader ⚘Synopsis: After your unexpected reunion with Jungkook, you must go on with the night and act completely normal... but shit just keeps going wrong. Surely Jeon Jungkook is a demon. ⚘Genre:Forbidden love ⚘Word count: 11.5k+ ⚘Warnings: 18+ for mature audiences only, MDNI, emotional, mentions of anxiety, mentions of sex, angst, conflict, religious metaphors (the story is not religious but makes references to a higher power, karma, fate, etc.), cigarette use, alcohol use, subtle arguing, jealousy, bullying? (fucking Sena), heavy tension, cheating, mentions of cheating, mentions of falling out of love/breaking up. Let me know if I miss anything! ⚘Disclaimer: This story in no way reflects the characters of those who are mentioned. It is pure fiction and for entertainment purposes only. Please don’t take it seriously. Nothing is real in this story. ⚘A/N: WOW OK SORRY I AM A DAY LATE BUT I HAD ISSUES WITH THE 4096 ERROR, I FIGURED OUT A LOOPHOLE WHICH CONSISTED OF ME COPYING AND PASTING THIS INTO A WORD DOCUMENT, OPENING IT ON MY PHONE, AND THEN COPYING AND PASTING IT AGAIN IN THE APP. ANYWAYS. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and I am sorry for the lack of uploads. Please forgive me if there are any typos. Already working on chapter 8! Things are picking up, how do you think things will go? LOVE YOU!
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ :
♪ Secrets - The Weeknd
♪ Guilty - TaeMin
♪ Agora Hills - Doja Cat
♪ Pacify Her - Melanie Martinez
♪ if u think i’m pretty - Artemas
❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 It’s incredibly rare for you to smoke, as it isn’t exactly a healthy habit to form… Seojoon hates it, and you grew up watching adults do it all around you, swearing you would never pick up the same habit…
And although it isn’t a habit for you… sometimes you just need a fucking cigarette.
You never used to smoke, but Jungkook introduced you to it. Of course he did. On one of the nights you spent with him a long time ago, he went for a smoke outside. You remember scolding him for the nasty habit, telling him you don’t want to kiss him and taste burnt tobacco rather than his own pretty taste. But then he explained how relaxing it can be, how it’s ok to do things like this in moderation. Bad habits don’t make you a bad person, he said. It’s a quick fix for anxiety in some cases. So, you tried you it… and you realized that maybe he was right. You’re an adult, you’re allowed to indulge sometimes, even if it isn’t the best for you. And as much as you hate admitting it, Jungkook was fucking sexy when he smoked.
So, you started smoking too. Not often of course, only socially or when you needed to calm your nerves. An occasional indulgence, if you will…
Much like the kiss you shared with Jungkook moments ago.
You stayed behind after he went back inside, because there was no fucking way you could keep composed in front of everyone after that. Your lips were fucking swollen from the way he kissed you anyway, he left them pink and glossy with traces of him all over you. You remembered you kept an emergency pack of cigs in your bag, one that you haven’t touched in months, and you indulged.
You needed to get your shit together before facing everyone again. Needed to calm the fuck down and put your mask back on; that pretty, pretty mask, decorated in flowers and glitter, hiding the wilting flower growing underneath it. The flower you didn’t even realize was still there. The flower that you swore died when he left.
A cigarette was really the only way you could cope in the moment, and little did you know, Jungkook stepped out back to indulge just like you. Two peas in a fucking pod; or maybe two petals on the same flower.
You weren’t the only one holding on by a thread thanks to this little reunion. He was just better at pretending… fuck, has been pretending for months now. And tonight, he fears he may have a hard time keeping up the façade. Seeing you has awoken something inside of him that was long dormant, a slew of emotions he has no idea how to process. He needs to get his shit together just as much as you do, or he fears he may do something impulsive and stupid… if he knew his reaction to you would have been this strong, he probably would not have come tonight. But he just needed to see you again; his lilac aster, who isn’t much of an aster anymore…
His beautiful flower. Your biggest nightmare.
After smoking, you re-applied your lip stain for the second time, doused a bit more perfume on yourself, and practiced smiling in the car mirror like an idiot. Realized you have been gone far longer than you should have been considering you were only supposed to be grabbing your purse, so you try to act cool and nonchalant as you walk back inside. As if it was totally normal for you to spend 20 minutes outside when you were just doing a simple task.
You’ll just blame it on the anxiety, which isn’t a full on lie…
And as you glance across to the living room while removing your shoes… Seojoon isn’t there.
Neither is Sena or Jungkook.
Fuck. Shit. Fuck.
This reminds you precisely as to why you called things off with Jungkook. You fucking kissed him out there, and now you’re paranoid someone saw. Was it Yoongi? Did he fucking tattle tell like a rat? You know he saw something, there is no way he didn’t with the way he stared at you when coming to get Jungkook.
“In the kitchen.”
You flinch hard when you here the deep voice address you, turn to the side to see Yoongi leaning on the door frame in the hallway. Looks like the fucking Chesire Cat, the way he’s smiling with an almost mischievous look in his eyes.
You respond stupidly, because he caught you by surprise, and you were wondering where three people were, not one. You should only be wondering where one of those people are, that is, if your conscious was clean. But it isn’t. ‘Guilty’ may as well be written across your forehead.
Yoongi knows better.
He shakes his head as he huffs out a little laugh, a laugh that doesn’t sound humorous at all, but almost sarcastic. “Your friend, he’s in the kitchen. Sena too. Said they were talking about some work shit.”
The way he refers to Seojoon as your friend is intentional. He could see the discomfort on your face when he called himself your boyfriend, just as much as he can see the guilt right now.
“Ahh, ok.” You mumble, nodding your head as you shuffle to your feet. You give him the most awkward smile, and then move to make your way to the kitchen. If you weren’t so guilty, you would probably feel incredibly uncomfortable at the thought of Seojoon being alone in the kitchen with Sena. But as of right now, it’s the human fucking cat making you uncomfortable.
“Your boyfriend went for a smoke, if you were wondering. He’s grilling the pork belly outside too. Looked pretty fucked when he came back inside.”
You freeze, because… boyfriend? Who the fuck does this guy think he is? Now he decides to throw the word around?
Does he know?
“Sorry?” You say again, turning to look at him with what was supposed to be a confused expression, but your eyes say it all. Guilt. Caught with your hand in the cookie jar. Bad, bad, bad.
He snickers at this, because he can tell your mind is reeling with thoughts about who might know. No one knows… other than him. See, Yoongi and Jungkook are close. Yoongi is who Jungkook goes to when he needs advice from someone who won’t be biased, someone who will tell him like it is, call him out on his bullshit. Yoongi is the only other soul who knows about the sins committed between you and Jungkook. He is well acquainted with the secret garden built between you two, much like Sohee is.
Everyone needs someone to tell their secrets to, after all.
Yoongi knew what was happening tonight. Jungkook told him, and Yoongi tried really hard to talk him out of coming. Tried to talk some sense into the idiot’s head, but he knew damn well Jungkook wouldn’t listen. Once Jungkook sets his mind to something, he can’t be stopped. So, Yoongi vowed he would at least attempt to keep the peace tonight, keep Jungkook in check.
Yoongi is also just really fucking good at reading people. Can tell easily when someone is lying. Can look at someone and guess what their trauma is. Always has been a perceptive man… but he’s also great at keeping secrets. A blessing and a curse.
Never one to judge, but always one to tell you when you’re being a shitty person.
And… Yoongi really likes fucking with people.
“Sorry, I assumed he was your boyfriend because of the way you were tongue fucking outside. My bad.”
You flinch again because, holy fuck, he did see. Why was he even watching? Is he about to blow your cover? Blackmail you? Scream to the top of lungs ‘they’re dirty cheaters!’
“He is not my boyfriend. Never has been.”
Not a lie, for once. Never was your boyfriend. Was… fuck. You don’t even know what he was.
Lover. Soulmate. Flower boy. Florist. Garden keeper. Guilty pleasure. A fucking demon who you cant escape, apparently.
Yoongi scoffs at you, because he hates this game. Sure, he wants to fuck with you, make you squirm a bit. Doesn’t like the fact that you showed up here for the first time to meet everyone and end up outside making out with someone you acted like you didn’t know. Thinks if you’re going to fuck up, do something that fucking risky, you may as well grow balls and admit to it when confronted.
He clearly knows, so he sees no reason for you to be defending yourself and deflecting. He gets it, he does, and he isn’t judging either of you. But fuck, don’t make him say it out loud.
He will if he has to. But he doesn’t want to throw that awful ‘M’ word around. Calling him your boyfriend is far less heavy than him voicing what he really was to you, or what you were to him.
“Right… well, I’m not here to start shit. I’m not here to tell everyone either, no one else is aware of your… situation. I’m just here to make sure Kook doesn’t act fucking stupid… so please, do us both a favor, and just… don’t.”
You feel your heartrate pickup and that familiar heat all over your body that comes with being called out. Like a scolded child. You’re getting both irritated and nervous. The only reassuring thing he just said was that he isn’t going to tell anyone… but why is he putting the blame on you?
If you knew Jungkook was going to be here, you wouldn’t have come. And you tried to avoid him, fuck, you went outside specifically to get away from him and get your head straight. But he followed you, of course he did, the love sick stray dog he’s become couldn’t help it.
“Scold him. Not me. If you’ll excuse me…”
Yoongi knows he’s coming off a bit harsh, but he can’t help it. He doesn’t know the details of your fucked up affair with him, he just knows the basics. One drunken night recently is when Jungkook confessed, after he found out you were dating Seojoon. Told Yoongi the basics of what happened and how it ended, and how fucked he still is. Yoongi always knew something was eating Jungkook up that went beyond his rocky marriage, and finding out exactly what it was… it made sense.
He doesn’t ever want to see Jungkook in such a bad spot again. So anguished and full of regret and yearning… he’s only trying to protect him, because even if he is the one being stupid, he’s still one of Yoongi’s dearest friends.
Biased? No. But he will do whatever it takes to lessen the messes Jungkook makes of himself, even if that means being a bit harsh towards you.
And you, you’re reeling. You want to ask Yoongi so many questions, such as how he knows, why he knows, if he hates you automatically after knowing who you are and what you’ve done. It definitely strikes you as odd that Yoongi is aware of who you are, because even if he knew about what happened between you and Jungkook, how would he automatically catch on to the fact it was you? Was it the kiss? Did that give it away..?
Or was this all pre-meditated?
So many questions, but now is not the time for answers. Maybe eventually you can ask, but as of now, you have a role to play; Seojoons perfect girlfriend, apparently.
So you once again, begin walking towards the kitchen.
“One more thing Y/N…”
Can he please just shut the fuck up and disappear?
“Be so fucking careful around Sena. And I’m not talking about with Jungkook.”
Before you can even ask, he’s gone. You turn to question him, ask him why the fuck he’s being so cryptic, demand he just say what he means… but he’s gone. Chesire fucking cat.
You really don’t like what he said or how it made you feel, because… if not with Jungkook, then what? Why would you possibly need to be careful around that snake?
You huff. Run your fingers through your hair as you feel a migraine start to come on. Fuck, you need a drink, because the nicotine is already wearing off.
You finally end up making your way into the kitchen, but pause once you reach the entryway. See Sena and Seojoon… whispering.
You don’t like that either. What the fuck are they whispering about?
Sena looks irritated as fuck, waving her hands around animatedly as she speaks. Seojoon is looking down at her with an expression that mimics worry, and you try really hard to decipher what they’re saying before you’re noticed.
Fuck you wish tonight was over already. Too much shit is going wrong.
“They’re conspiring against us.”
You jump a little when you feel hot breath in your ear, hear the deep whisper of the man who’s been haunting your dreams for the last six months. You hate how the simple act of him whispering in your ear brings back several memories… all of them incredibly inappropriate.
You look up at him as you ask, and he has a shit eating grin on his face. His pupils are still blown to shit, you wonder if its because he’s looking at you again or if they jus haven’t calmed down since the kiss. He smells heavily of smoke, cigarette smoke and charcoal, but fuck the way it mixes with his cologne…
Nope. Stop.
“Oh—I—Y/N. Sorry, I didn’t notice you. How long have you been standing there?”
Seojoon addresses you almost robotically, looking between you and Jungkook as you both stand awkwardly in the doorway of the kitchen. Immediately, alarm bells ring in your ear. You wonder why he’s even asking that, what they were talking about to warrant a question like that.
But you cant decipher whether this is a gut feeling, or guilt making you project your wrongdoings onto him. That’s what fucks you up the most; a woman’s intuition is rarely wrong, but how can you tell when you’re the guilty one?
You clear your throat, step to the side a bit to gain some distance from Jungkook. Can’t think straight when he’s all warm and smelling like a fucking lumberjack next to you.
“Uh… I just came in a bit ago, sorry I took so long, just really needed some air… what were you talking about?”
The entire time you speak, everyone’s eyes are on you. You can’t read the emotion on Seojoon’s face, it’s almost like he’s purposely masking it. Jungkook doesn’t even fucking try to hide how intensely he’s looking at you. And Sena… well, her look of disdain just grows.
Seojoon chuckles, shakes his head as he walks towards you, drapes his arm around your shoulder and pulls you in as he nods towards Sena.
“We were just talking about work, me and Sena are working on a project together but I haven’t had time to visit her at the office, so I thought it was great timing. Right Sena?”
He looks at Sena with the same expressionless look, and she doesn’t look at him at all. Her eyes are on you.
“Right.” She replies flatly before making her way beside Jungkook, who barely reacts to her linking their arms together.
Odd, in the way she seems so territorial… not just of him, but everything surrounding her. Including Seojoon.
Don’t like that. Not at all.
Seojoon nods awkwardly and then begins dragging you along towards the dining table, but stops when he moves to kiss your temple… looks at you, scrunches his nose up as he leans in to sniff you.
Fuck. Does he smell Jungkook?
You tense up a bit, wait for him to ask you why you smell like another man all of a sudden. Start praying that you will simply drop dead before you can even answer.
“Did you smoke or something? You smell like smoke, I hate it.”
Fuck… the smoke. Not the cologne, but the smoke.
You hate how relieved you feel knowing you haven’t been caught, although you are a bit offended. Hate how he addresses you like some unruly child in the moment.
You’re about to answer, say something snarky, but of course—
“Sorry man, that must be me. Was smoking and grilling the pork belly outside, must’ve rubbed off on your girl.”
Could he have worded it any worse?
Seojoon nods at Jungkook, regards him casually. He squeezes your shoulder before letting go and arching a playful brow at Jungkook.
“Ah, ok. But please, don’t rub off on my girlfriend, yeah?”
He chuckles before nodding towards the dining room, signaling for you to come with. In any other situation, you would have laughed at the dirty joke. But obviously, not right now, not when you still taste him on your lips, not while you’re remembering the several instances where Jungkook actually rubbed off on you, not while he’s standing right beside you.
If only he—
“If only he knew.”
Jungkook whispers as he passes you, turns around and walks backwards with his tongue sticking out and eyebrows wiggling up and down. Fuck, like he read your fucking mind. You have no idea how he can fucking say that right now, what if someone hears him? He’s being stupid, just as Yoongi said, and you aren’t even provoking him. You’re worried he’s going to get you both caught.
It's at that moment that Sena brushes past you, bumps your shoulder, which you are sure is intentional. She enters the dining room, doesn’t even say sorry, and quite frankly, you don’t care. You don’t have the energy for her petty shit, or for trying to dissect why she’s so weird with you and Seojoon. You have bigger problems, problems decorated in piercings and tattoos.
You grunt at him and roll your eyes, move to brush past him as you mumble simply, “Fucking stop.”
He playfully pouts at you, follows you into the dining room and says low enough for your ears only, “Fiiine I swear I’ll behave the rest of the night.”
You ignore him once you get into the dining room, put your mask back on quickly. Smile at everyone as they greet you warmly. Urge you to take a seat and join them for food. The smell of freshly grilled pork belly and many sides wafts through the air, and even then your appetite isn’t present. The only thing swirling in your stomach are fucking butterflies; or worms and flies, you don’t know anymore.
But you don’t make it obvious, instead you take a seat next to Seojoon, who has already made you a hefty plate of food. You thank him, and begin picking at it as you try to decipher what everyone is chatting about.
Until you feel a familiar warmth beside you again… and you swear to god, you are about to whack him with your fucking purse.
You immediately glare at Jungkook for taking a seat directly beside you, his big ass is so close that his thigh presses against yours. He holds his hand up in surrender, makes a pouty face at you.
“Hey! I didn’t do it on purpose, I swear, it’s the only open seat.”
You scoff at him, look around the table because you are fully prepared to call him out on his bullshit… but he’s actually telling the truth. You realize the table isn’t exactly the biggest, and every seat is taken except for the one he’s at. Sena is on his other side, so it makes sense for him to be sitting there… he isn’t lying.
Ah, ok, you just have absolute shit luck. Right. Got it.
You glare at him a second longer before averting your eyes, staring directly in front of you now… where Yoongi sits. Oh, how lovely. His eyebrow is raised as if to silently say ‘You’re both being stupidly obvious.’
You look away quickly, shoveling a bite of food into your mouth to try and distract yourself from how wrong everything is going. You’re thankful that only three people in the room are aware of it, but also… fuck. You really hate having to pretend when all you want to do is fucking scream.
Thank god for alcohol.
Because as the night goes on, you shamelessly drink as if it’ll be your last. You know how to handle your liquor, so you don’t overdue it, but you drink enough to silent your overthinking brain. In your tipsy state, it’s much easier to laugh along with the jokes being told or to join in on the conversation… it’s also much easier to ignore the thorn in your side.
Easy to ignore the way his eyes are constantly on you. Easy to ignore how every time you laugh, he mimics you. Easy to ignore how every time you speak, he pays such close attention that his mouth traces the words coming from your own. Easy to ignore how he’s subtly shifted closer to you throughout the little potluck dinner.
Easy for you to ignore, but impossible for him.
See, he’s torn. He hasn’t felt so fucking happy in such a long time, simply just being in the same room as you has him on cloud nine. But, fuck, he wishes you would acknowledge him. The fact that you’re ignoring him as if he doesn’t exist has made him grow a bit antsy… maybe even irritable underneath the euphoria he feels from being so close to you again.
So, so close… but still so far away.
Everyone is done eating now, most of the food is gone. Of course, your mac and cheese was a hit, and the pork belly went great with it. Everyone else had dishes just as delicious… with the exception of Sena, who brought a fucking salad full of spinach and kale.
You fight the urge to laugh at the fact the bowl is still full.
Now, everyone is enjoying dessert, the vibe is mellow. Of course you’re still on edge, but it’s easier to manage, because Jungkook really has been behaving. Other than the occasional ‘accidental’ touch, he hasn’t provoked you.
Taehyung, being the gracious host that he is, brewed a fresh pot of English tea to go with dessert. He was hell-bent on dipping the cookies you made in tea, said it was the perfect combo, and nothing is more soothing than a hot cup of tea. Everyone is so kind, with the exception of Sena, and they’ve all been very open and loving towards you. Even Yoongi has talked to you some, didn’t make it weird at all. Maybe he isn’t as bad as you thought… You are silently thankful for how much things have calmed down since the earlier shit show.
But of course, the calm always comes before the storm.
Jungkook was full of euphoria, even if he was irritable at the fact he couldn’t openly adore you… until he saw Seojoon’s hand gripping your thigh. If you’re being honest, you haven’t even noticed, alcohol always makes you a bit oblivious to things like that especially when you’re engaging in conversation with others. But Jungkook, oh, Jungkook noticed… and he cannot fucking stand it.
He is well aware that he has no fucking right to feel possessive or irritated with Seojoon’s hands on you; you aren’t his girl, you haven’t seen each other in months, and he knew you were coming here with him as your date. He knows.
But even though he knows, he can’t control how he feels in this moment. How he just wants to rip Seojoon’s hands right off of you, maybe even rip his arms off completely so he can’t touch you again. He feels like he’s gonna turn into the fucking Hulk.
The ugly green monster, big, bad, scary, out of control: Jealousy, an emotion he has never been good at controlling.
He bounces his leg up and down, feeling like he’s gonna crawl out of his skin the more he stares at Seojoon caressing your thigh. Feels like he needs to make him stop, but he can’t just tell him to stop, that would be weird. That would give it all away, and although Jungkook is near the point of not giving a fuck who knows about your shared past… he’s also well aware of how reckless he has been all night.
He knows damn well how reckless it would be to make things so obvious. It’s your secret, too, and he has no right to make it known unless you choose to; and he knows you wouldn’t ever choose that willingly. He wouldn’t either, not here anyway, even if he thinks about it.
But then he sees Seojoon laugh, pick up his cup of luke-warm tea, take a sip, and put it back down.
Gets an idea. An extremely petty one.
Before he can talk himself out of it, he says casually, “Mmm this tea could use some sugar, ‘scuse me…”
He reaches over you towards the sugar cubes, even though there’s a cup of them right in front if him, and he makes a move to grab them. But after grabbing the little cup full of sugar cubes, he ‘accidentally’ knocks Seojoon’s cup of tea off of the table…
Right into your lap, spilling all over you and all over Seojoon’s hand.
Seojoon hisses, yanks his hand away from your thigh. You let out a little squeak, although the tea isn’t piping hot anymore, it’s warm and uncomfortable as it covers your thighs and a portion of your dress.
“What the fuck, man?” Seojoon asks irritably, and honestly is being a little dramatic. He’s cradling his hand as if it burns or hurts, but you know it doesn’t considering it didn’t burn you at all, wasn’t even hot.
You also know this was no accident, judging by that look in Jungkook’s eyes that you’ve seen in the past; the look of satisfaction blended with fake innocence… the same look he used to give you when he would edge the fuck out of you even though you begged him to just let you finish.
You immediately move to grab a napkin, which you half expected Seojoon to do for you, but he’s too busy cradling his hand. Drama king. You begin dabbing at your dress and thighs, shooting Jungkook a glare similar to the one earlier.
He flashes the most innocent, apologetic, fake-ass smile you’ve ever seen, grabs a napkin and starts assisting you in cleaning up the mess on your thighs.
“Ah, I’m so sorry, I’m so clumsy sometimes. Let me help…”
Two things go through your mind; why is Jungkook helping you, but not Seojoon, and holy fuck, he is touching your thighs.
To the rest of the table, who are stuck between scolding Jungkook and checking on you and Seojoon, his touches probably seem clinical; an attempt to help fix his mess… but to you, it feels as if the tea sticking to your skin is suddenly piping hot. His fingers fucking burn when they touch your skin, and it causes goose bumps to raise all over your body.
You shoot him a look, although you aren’t sure of your expression. He makes eye contact, doesn’t dare look away as he slowly wipes the napkin over your skin, dabbing away the liquid until your skin is dry.
That same needy look he used to get when you were on top. Those fucking eyes that beg you for anything, everything, suck you in. It’s as if he’s silently saying, ‘please let me touch, I’ll do anything.’
You hate yourself at this moment, the alcohol somehow doesn’t dim down the sensations of his fingers in your skin. You wonder why when Seojoon was caressing your thigh, you barely noticed… yet this small touch from Jugkook is setting you alight in a way you haven’t been in so fucking long.
Why are you even thinking about these things? Why are you remembering these things about him? They’re all supposed to be buried in the soil along with your dead flower. Is the flower still alive? Has it somehow survived these months of anguish and healing?
Did you ever heal at all? Did you ever truly get over him, or did you just get better at not thinking about him every second of the day?
Fuck. This is a mess. The way he’s looking at you doesn’t help, and what's worse is you cannot look away. Your thighs are dry now, and he dabs uselessly at the wet spot on your dress as his other hand boldly reaches up and skims the side of your leg… what the fuck is he doing? At a table full of people?!
You don’t even realize that Seojoon is now arguing petulantly with Taehyung. Oh, sweet Taehyung, who is being just as dramatic as Seojoon, fretting over his hand as if it’s the end of the fucking world that Jungkook spilled luke-warm tea on him.
“Jungkook-ah, say you’re sorry! You could’ve hurt him, him and his pretty hands!”
That snaps Jungkook out of it, the needy look leaving his face quickly as he snatches both hands away from you as if you are the one burning him now. He won’t even look at you.
Because he just almost lost control. Genuinley, he was not paying attention to those around you both. He got fucking sucked into another dimension, full of flashbacks, pictures of flowers and your face, and all he fucking wanted was to touch.
As much of a little shit as he is being, he doesn’t want that. He feels crazy. Just scared himself a little bit.
He glares at Taehyung and then addresses Seojoon, “My apologies hyung, was an honest accident. Is your hand ok?”
Seojoon nearly wants to scoff at the use of the honorific because something feels so fake about it… because it is fake. Meant to butter him up and make him believe Jungkook didn’t just purposely spill some tea all over him out of jealousy.
Luckily, Seojoon is none the wiser. He’s just irritated with Jungkook in general… for other reasons that don’t exactly involve you or Jungkook directly at all.
“It’s fine, I’m fine. Just didn’t expect it…”
Seojoon mumbles as he realizes you also got drenched in tea. He looks down, notices you’re already as clean as you can be, and is thankful he doesn’t have to fret over you too. His mood is a bit soured now, but even then he nudges you and gives you a small smile.
“You good baby? Didn’t ruin your dress, did you?”
You nod at him, try to hide how shaky your hands are as you straighten the hem of your dress to cover your thighs. You feel a bit too exposed, your skin still burning from the intensity of Jungkook’s touch… begin to wonder if he has turned into poison ivy, rather than a flower.
You can’t recall him being quite this intense in the past. Lot’s of unanswered questions go through your head again.
You nod at Seojoon and smile, “I’m good, it’ll come out if I wash it. No worries.”
You let out a deep breathe, and Seojoon goes back to talking to Tae about some work thing. You look up through your lashes, make eye contact with the Chesire cat.
His expression is unreadable, which is unsettling for reasons you don’t understand. You wish you knew how much he knew… did he see Jungkook touching you again?
“You should be more careful, you’re really like a child sometimes, it’s exhausting.”
Your head snaps up to the sound of that grating female voice, and you feel another surge of irritation. Sena, speaking to Jungkook like that… oh, it pisses you off almost as he does.
What he did was childish, and you’ll pull him aside to scold him later probably, but why is she saying something like that in front of everyone? Isn’t that embarrassing? It is, it’s fucking humiliating. If Seojoon said some shit like that to you, you’d walk out.
Jungkook’s friends don’t know the exact issues in his marriage, but they’re used to this kind of thing. They know it is far from perfect, and have become accustomed to Sena’s behavior. They always make sure to check on him when she’s not around, but he always tells them to mind their business.
It doesn’t change the fact that it’s always a bit awkward when they overhear it.
Jungkook just rolls his eyes, because he doesn’t care anymore. Nods at her. Agrees with her, even. If he doesn’t, she’ll just argue, and he doesn’t really have the energy for that right now. Not when he still has the lingering feeling of your skin on the tips of his fingers, or the satisfaction he feels at the fact Seojoon hasn’t even attempted to touch your thigh again.
Messy, but… Mission accomplished.
You, however, it isn’t so easy for you to let go. You aren’t accustomed to her behavior like him and his friends, and you don’t plan to be.
“It’s fine, really, accidents happen.”
You shoot her a tight smile, try to be polite and reassuring… and she scoffs, rolls her eyes, and then waves a fucking hand at you.
“See? That’s something a mom would say to their kid if they spilled something. Even our new friend is talking to you like a child Jungkook, do better.”
You swear you feel your eye start to twitch.
“Sena, enough. I get it. My bad.”
Jungkook tries to get her to shut up, can tell you’re getting irritated. Part of him secretly likes it, the fact that you hate his guts right now but still try to defend his honor. But he’s also embarrassed because you’re finally seeing what his wife is like.
He wishes he was proud of his wife, but when shit like this happens? He’s anything but.
You try really hard not to start seething at her. You nearly want to jump across the table and pull her blonde fucking hair.
“No, I’m not speaking to him like a child, I’m stating the fact that accidents do happen and it’s nothing to get bitchy over. You’re the only one addressing a grown man as if he’s a child over something so small, Sena.”
“Excuse me???”
You know that scene in Mean Girls when the cafeteria turns into a jungle, and everyone starts fighting? It feels like that’s about to happen.
“Alright! Who wants more margaritas?! I do!”
Hoseoks voice carries across the table, clapping his hands with the brightest smile on his face, sounding a lot cheerier than he should in your opinion. But thankfully, it works. Clearly everyone heard you, and now you’re embarrassed. You just inadvertently called this woman a bitch over a man everyone presumes you met tonight for the very first time. You’re certain you’ve just made yourself look bad, could have handled yourself a lot better. But, fuck, you couldn’t help it. You hated hearing her speak to him that way and then try to make it as if you agreed with her! You tried to be nice, but she fucking pushed it.
“No thanks. My apologies.”
You bow your head slightly, and Hoseok just keeps that smile on his face. Rushes over to Sena’s side, badgering her to go in the kitchen and help him make more drinks. She groans at him, but gets up with an eyeroll and follows him.
You have a feeling that he did that specifically to get her away from you, and you’re unsure if that’s in your favor or hers. Fuck. Way too much shit has happened tonight.
You glance around the table, notice Jin and Namjoon are gone, must gave gone outside or maybe in the living room. Seojoon and Taehyung are in their own little world, you wonder if they even heard the little argument… and if they did, why hasn’t Seojoon said anything? God, you hope he isn’t mad now, although you wouldn’t blame him if he were.
That’s when you look straight ahead. Yoongi again. And he has the littlest smirk on his face… except this time, it almost seems genuine, not sarcastic or misplaced.
It's full of respect, because you just did the one thing everyone else around you refuses to fucking do for Jungkooks sake, which is speak up against Sena and her shitty attitude.
That’s the moment that you decide that you don’t regret it, and you don’t care if Seojoon is mad. If Yoongi, the man who apparently knows bits and pieces of your deepest darkest secret, is looking at you like that? Then you know you did the right thing. You’re a little proud, even.
You nod to Yoongi, a silent exchange between you two. Then you look beside you, and see Jungkook, with that needy expression on his face again. He’s sitting with his elbow propped on the table, his chin resting in his palm. Looks like he’s drunk, cheeks red, eyes heavy, lips a bit pouty… but he only had one beer.
He is drunk. Drunk on you, on the way you just defended him in front of everyone against his fucking wife. Nearly got hard because of it, which is why his cheeks are so flushed. He never expects the guys to defend him, in fact, makes it clear that they stay out of it when her attitude flares up. But you, oh you… You met her for the first time tonight, met everyone here for the first time tonight, and even in a room full of people you’re trying to impress… you defended him.
You still love him, he just knows it. He knows deep down inside, you must fucking love him. If you really hated him, you wouldn’t have done that.
He almost feels giddy at the knowledge.
You have a hard time looking away once again, you’re amazed that no one has noticed how intensely you both have locked eyes several times tonight. Jungkook just has that effect on you, he’s fucking beautiful, and the way he looks at you is enough to make you weak to this fucking day. Drives you mad with conflict.
And as you stare at him, you finally notice the little purple star patches on his face. Looks just like the ones you use… you wonder where the fuck yours even went, now that you think about it. Haven’t seem them in months.
You point to his cheek and mumble almost stupidly, “Those look exactly like the ones I used to use.”
He hums in response, sticks his tongue in cheek. Fights a grin, because if only you knew he fucking stole these from you the night he left.
Maybe he’ll confess one day.
“Weird,” is all he says in response.
He stares at you some more, like you he can’t look away. Looking at you, being near you, is the equivalent to a thirsty man finally getting a few sips of water. He was fucking thirsty, and his eyes drink you in as if you’re water straight from the spring.
He mouths the word ‘pretty,’ at you, uses a finger to point at your face and then your dress. Whispers, “So pretty.”
Fuck. You are going to die. You are going to have a heart attack.
“Jungkook, I’m ready to go home.”
Ok, maybe you won’t die, because you’re interrupted again… or maybe you will fucking die for that very reason.
Butterflies again. Not worms and flies. Butterflies.
Sena is staring at Jungkook with an irritated expression, her arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed grumpily. Seems Hoseok’s margaritas didn’t sway her or improve her mood, seems you ruined her mood for the rest of the night, seems she’s the fucking child after all…
You just hope your little outburst doesn’t cause problems for Jungkook at home.
“Alright.” Jungkook says flatly, eyes still never leaving you.
You wonder if she notices. That thought alone makes you finally look away.
Seojoon eyes Sena almost wearily, but his gaze shifts to you once he realizes you’re staring back. He gives you a tight lipped smiled.
“We should get going too, you ready?”
You nod at him, because as much as you really would enjoy staying to chat, or making love with your eyes at Jungkook, you are fucking exhausted. Emotionally, anyway. Tonight has been so unnecessarily dramatic and you just want to go to sleep. You want to be able to take a shower, sit in there until the water runs cold, maybe cry a little, and process all of the shit that has happened tonight.
“Yeah, getting a little tired. Must be the alcohol.”
Or maybe it’s the headache staring at you like a sad dog right now.
You get up, force yourself to not look at Jungkook as he gets up as well. He nearly pouts, but he also thinks right now is a good time to wrap it up… although a sense of dread fills him at the thought of not seeing you again.
He won’t let that be an option. Nope.
You make your way to the living room where most of the guys have gathered, say your goodbyes. Each of them insist on hugging you, thanking you for coming. Taehyung especially, gives you the biggest fucking bear hug and makes you agree to hangout again, says he adores you, begs you to make him more cookies.
Seojoon is less than pleased with this, but tries not to show it. Tries not to feel threatened or jealous… tries not to feel guilty about the fact his own head was a bit all over the place tonight. Was barely paying attention to you after the whole girlfriend fiasco, if he’s being honest. Was worried Sena may start shit…
You don’t need to know that, though.
Yoongi is the only one who doesn’t hug you, which you don’t mind. Would feel far too awkward giving this mysterious man a hug. But he does offer you a head nod and a lip purse, so that’s something, right?
You don’t say goodbye to Sena, although Seojoon did say goodbye in both of your behaves.
You don’t say goodbye to Jungkook either. Don’t know if you can stomach uttering the words ‘goodbye’ again. Makes you feel all kinds of fucked up, so you just… don’t.
But of course, he won’t have that. Absolutely not.
Because right as you are following Seojoon out the door after putting on your ‘thrifted’ coat and shoes, he grabs your arm, pulls you back in. You let out a huff of air and yank your arm away. Not that the touch makes you uncomfortable, but… him touching you at all is causing some very confusing feelings, just like when he ‘accidentally’ spilled Seojoon’s tea and then cleaned you up after.
“You didn’t say bye. And you forgot your purse at the table.”
He states simply, handing you your purse and then sticking his hands in his pocket politely as he rocks back and forth on his heels.
Giving you that same fucking look. It’s so subtle, but his eyes practically beg you to at least say goodbye to him.
He's gonna make this hard, isn’t he?
You nod at him awkwardly and sling your purse over your shoulder. Fail to realize that it’s a bit lighter than it was when you originally brought it.
Because Jungkook, being the thief that he apparently is, impulsively took something from it. This time, he doesn’t intend to keep it, quite the opposite actually. See, he knew you would probably refuse to see him after this. He can’t take that. He needed an excuse to see you again, anything, something that you wouldn’t be able to say no to since he is certain you probably won’t even unblock his number after this.
He isn’t even sure what he plans to do when seeing you again. His intentions aren’t necessarily to start things up again, he isn’t that stupid, but… just to be in your life again. He would do anything to be in your life again.
Will do his fucking best to control himself if you do come around and show him mercy.
So… he took your wallet. Yeah, probably a very shitty thing to do. But you need your wallet, and he needs to see you… he can just say you dropped it and he picked it up for you. Maybe you’ll meet him for coffee, take it back, and then he can get on his knees and beg again for you to please, please, please give him another spot in your life.
Maybe it’s reckless, but he has been reckless all night. Maybe he will regret this tomorrow morning.
You don’t know this though, have no clue, completely just done with this shit tonight. Don’t even think to double check and make sure you have all of your belongings before leaving.
So you mutter, “Thanks… see ya.”
And you turn to walk off. Try to ignore how fucking terrible it feels to act so indifferent with him, but you don’t know how else to act after the past, and after the shit he pulled tonight. Reckless is an understatement in your opinion.
He's actually satisfied with this… because ‘see ya,’ implies that you will see him again. Whether it’s a subconscious choice of words, or intentional, he isn’t sure; but it still implies you are at least considering seeing him again.
It makes him smile to himself as he watches you walk off.
“See ya.” He echoes in response.
Now he just needs to figure out a way to contact you when you aren’t face to face, since you’ve blocked his number…
The drive home was fairly quiet, other than Seojoon thanking you for coming. He seemed a bit on edge, didn’t really say much after the vague praise of how well you did with his friends… but you chalked it up to him just being tired. You aren’t sure what the fuck the deal is between him and Sena, but you assume maybe she’s just someone who is very hard to be around. Seojoon works with her, so of course he would be a bit awkward with the way she acted, you wouldn’t want things to be awkward for him at work just because you don’t get along with her.
But also… you find it incredibly odd that he didn’t say anything when you stood up to her. He didn’t scold you, didn’t defend you, didn’t even tell you to watch your mouth. He didn’t bring it up at all… you swore he would. If it were you in his position, you would have stood by him and supported him in speaking up.
But he just said… nothing. Maybe he just doesn’t want to argue, or maybe he didn’t notice it; it’s been a long night, and you’re both full and tired. You’re more tired than him considering you drank a bit heavily, thank god he didn’t drink more than a beer.
Regardless, he takes you back to your place, decides he’s going to sleep over because he’s way too tired to drive back. You sometimes forget the fact that he’s older than you, and nearly make a joke about him being an old man… but decide against it. He seems a little grumpy.
You really just wanted to come home and wallow in your own self pity, but you suppose you will have to put that off.
Besides, this will be a good chance to bring up the fact that he called you his fucking girlfriend. Labeled you without giving you a heads up. And after you deal with that, he can fall asleep, and you can cry into your pillow about fucking flower boy and his antics.
You do take a shower first, although it isn’t two hours long like you wished it was. You stay in there for about 45 minutes before getting out, let the warm water wash over your body as you decompress. Tried not to think too much about those needy eyes or fiery hands.
Key word: tried. And you fucking failed. The moment you started to get aroused at a bunch of unwelcome memories, you turned the water to the coldest setting. Then you got out, dried yourself off, did all the girly thinks like skincare and lotion, and then got dressed. Pretended it didn’t happen.
As you make your way out of the bathroom, you see Seojoon has already made himself comfortable in your bed. He’s dressed down into his boxers, laying on his stomach with his cheek pressed into the pillow. His eyes are closed, but you know he’s not asleep because you can see the stress lining his brows.
Normally such a sight would be comforting… you don’t like sleeping alone. But tonight, you almost wish he went home so that you could have a few moments of peace.
Or maybe so you could have a complete mental breakdown without him being near.
You sigh and make your way to lay beside him on the bed, plug your phone into the charger and then look down at him. Cross your arms as you lean against the headboard, and he can feel you staring at the back of his head, so he turns to face you.
He knows what you’re about to say. Doesn’t want to deal with it, really, but he knows he needs to. So he keeps his mouth shut and waits for you to say it.
“So I’m your girlfriend now?”
There it is.
He shrugs, keeps his eyes closed. Says simply, “Yeah.”
What more is there to say? Do you expect him to apologize for putting that label on your relationship finally, after several months of basically being boyfriend-girlfriend? It’s essentially what you are to begin with, he doesn’t see the big deal. It’s just a stupid label.
And it protects him from losing you. He didn’t like the way Taehyung doted on you, or how Hoseok called you pretty. He needed everyone there to know you were taken… especially that Jungkook guy. He swears he saw him looking at your ass.
(He did, by the way.)
If Seojoon knew the truth behind Jungkook’s little glances, he would probably have had a heart attack. Thank god he doesn’t know, even though you are unaware of the jealousy festering inside of Seojoon.
But that isn’t the only reason he claimed you as his girlfriend, Sena was a huge reason. The guys doting on you was just a bit of a push to get the words out, but he needed Sena to know he was exclusive with you considering she was far too comfortable when she greeted him.
Exclusive for now, anyway. Things between him and Sena are… complicated.
Just like things between you and Jungkook.
And neither of you have a fucking clue.
“Well, we never talked about it so it was pretty off putting to hear you just blurt it out like that. I didn’t like it Seojoon.”
You keep your voice leveled when speaking to him, calm, because you don’t want him to think you’re trying to argue with him… but you also want him to know how you feel. Boundaries and all that.
“Ugh, Y/N, it isn’t that serious. We are basically in a relationship as it is, you’re my girlfriend even without the label. You know it’s true, babe.”
You huff at him, because he doesn’t get it. He isn’t wrong exactly, but… you feel pressured now. The label isn’t the issue, it’s the fact that yesterday you were comfortable with whatever you and Seojoon are; now you’re unsure. A bit nervous, even.
“I get that Seojoon, I do, but you know how I am… I told you I wanted to move slow.”
“Yeah, you wanted to move slow, yet I have a key to your apartment and basically live here. Don’t be so stubborn, just let it be…”
You’re conflicted… because he’s right. You did say you wanted to move slow, yet you contradicted yourself in several ways. You don’t think you lead him on, because you do want to be serious with him… but also, pressure. Pressure, pressure, pressure, and you do not like it.
You begin to speak up, but he cuts you off.
“Baby, just stop overthinking. We just needed a little push, that’s all, and I pushed. Now you’re my girlfriend. As simple as that, yeah?”
He reaches up and pats your cheek lazily before turning on his back and grabbing his phone. You’re speechless momentarily, have no fucking idea how to respond to that. Start to question whether you’re being too uptight or not, because he’s making it sound as if you are. Again, he isn’t wrong… but you feel a bit manipulated. He literally silenced you.
Fuck, you hate this. You don’t hate the idea of being his girlfriend, but the way he’s handling it all is throwing you off completely.
You begin to wonder whether or not seeing Jungkook has anything to do with how fucked you’re feeling about it all. If you hadn’t seen him tonight, would you be more accepting of the new label? More willing to hear Seojoon out? Is this all just you being unreasonable?
Or is Seojoon being a fucking dick?
“I leave at six in the morning tomorrow, quite a few coworkers are joining on the trip. You sure you don’t wanna come? I can buy your ticket and everything.”
Seojoon breaks you out of your silent thought, speaking of some trip you don’t remember discussing. You’re all over the place really, can’t seem to focus on a single thought at a time, and you kind of hate how he just brushed over the topic expecting you to accept what he said…
… even though you kinda did.
“Work trip to New York? For the fashion convention? It’s only for the weekend, I told you about it last month. You really should come.”
You blink at him, start to vaguely recall him telling you about a trip at some point. He invited you, and you declined because you thought you would be working. Also, you didn’t know how you felt about traveling with him at the time so you thought it was best he went on his own.
Funny how he so easily made you forget the problem at hand, isn’t it?
You realize you actually don’t work this weekend, which is rare. Weekends are normally busiest, all the couples and families come in on the weekends to get in their quality time. But you switched your shifts this weekend to Sohee, because she needed Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday off to visit her parents unexpectedly.
Speaking of Sohee, you need to call her and fucking tell her what a mess you’re in. Later, though.
A trip to New York doesn’t sound terrible… you could use the mini vacation, especially after tonight. He wouldn’t offer if he didn’t want you there, and maybe this can warm you up to being his girlfriend, since that’s apparently a thing now. You’ve never really been one for impulsive decisions, but you decide this could be good for both of you. Maybe fate is throwing you a bone, freeing up your schedule like this.
Or maybe fate is fucking with you. You can never be too sure…
Going to New York would mean no chance of seeing flower boy, no reminders of him, just a complete distraction. That’s something you really need right now…
“And you’re sure it isn’t too much trouble? I mean, I don’t work like I thought I did, so I could come… but only if it isn’t too much trouble.”
You nibble your lower lip as you look down at him, and he side eyes you. Gives you the most sheepish look.
“Uh, well… no, no trouble at all considering I already bought a plane ticket for the seat next to mine… Don’t look at me like that! I did it just in case, and I don’t like sitting next to strangers so even if you didn’t come, I had a reason. I swear I didn’t do it on purpose. Anyway, yes, please come.”
He gives you a sweet look, fights a laugh. He’s lying, of course. He always intended on you joining him, which is why he bought that second plane ticket… he would have convinced you last minute even if you said no.
You roll your eyes at him, not as irritated as you should be at the gesture because the more you think of a little weekend trip to New York, the more you get excited to get the fuck away for a while.
You reach over and tug his hair playfully, “Ugh, you’re ridiculous… but I’ll come, since you so kindly offered.”
He grins at you, locks his phone and gets more comfortable in the bed. Knowing you’re coming along, and actually seem to be excited about it, is relieving for him. He doesn’t need to do any extra work to coerce you into coming. He gets his way and you remain happy.
“That’s my girl. I’m gonna leave your place at like four, go home to grab my luggage. Taehyung is watching Simba for me. You can pack while I do that, you only need to pack enough to last until Monday.”
You nod at him, “Ok, that sounds good, but you should really take a nap… it’s late and you’ll be tired.”
“Mmm, yeah, guess I should… but I’ll just sleep on the plane. I’ll be fine, long flight.”
You’re thankful that you stay organized because it won’t take you long to pack. Your makeup is already in a bag, and you can just stuff your girly things in your toiletry travel bag… your room is still sort of messy from earlier, but that’s fine. You can pack some clothes quickly in the morning. You feel lighter at the thought that you’re getting to go away for a while, clear your head, so you can’t really find yourself too bothered or stressed at the moment.
As far as sleep, well… you’ve had many sleepless nights the last few months anyway, you’ll be fine as long as you nap on the plane. You’ll deal with the jet lag fine as long as Seojoon supplies you with caffeine.
He falls asleep quickly after that, seems to be at peace… because after you dropped the girlfriend issue, and agreed to go with him so easily, he felt he has no problems worth losing sleep over.
Must be real nice.
You lay back against your pillow and grab your phone, you’re about to search up things to do in New York… when you see a slew of Instagram notifications.
Your stomach fucking drops when you see the name of who has flooded your inbox with DM’s.
Jeon Photography… in other words, fucking Jungkook.
You reluctantly open the DM’s, fully prepared to block his work account.
But it doesn’t work out that way.
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Ok, so… you didn’t block him. You messaged him back. And he has your wallet.
You can argue that you messaged him back for that reason alone, you need your wallet to go to NY. And it seems to have worked out, you’ll get it in the morning.
But now, rather than being excited about your little trip, you are full of fucking conflict again. Because one, you have to see Jungkook. Two, Sena is apparently coming and you are pissed that Seojoon didn’t mention that to you. And three… you were fucking smiling at your phone while you messaged him. You liked it far too much.
While Seojoon is right beside you.
You know you shouldn’t be getting involved with Jungkook more than necessary, it isn’t right for several reasons. But, ugh, it was cute how he was acting all sweet and desperate for your attention. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to laugh at him purposely misspelling Seojoon’s name.
But, you gave none of that away. You need to put distance. You don’t want to let Sena ruin this trip for you, and you hope you don’t have to see her much. You need to try and calm down once again, can’t let this ruin yet another occasion you are supposed to be spending with Seojoon. Besides, you won’t have to see Jungkook long, you’ll grab your wallet and go.
And you swear you won’t message him again… even though you make no effort to block his Instagram. You don’t unblock his cell number either, though… so there’s that.
Although a bit giddy at his messages, you’re upset with him. Replay tonight’s events in your head as you try to sleep. The fucking shock of him being there, the passive aggressive comments made, the kiss, the declaration that he isn’t done with you, fucking Yoongi, the tea incident, fuck… all of it. And when you finally got it all off your mind, swept it under the rug, he messages you. Puts himself back in your head.
You need to sleep, not fret over Jeon Jungkook or the guilt that is now resurfacing with Seojoon sleeping soundly beside you.
You can worry about it another time. You can ignore how good it felt to be casually messaging him. You can pretend the kiss didn’t happen. You can refuse to see him after tomorrow.
Sweep it under the rug. Bury it in the dirt. He has no say in whether you’re done or not, and you are done. You swear you are done with him. Have been for a while…
That’s what you repeat to yourself, anyway, all the way until you fall asleep.
Silly girl… you never should have told him you were going on that work trip.
You wake up the next morning to Seojoon nudging you, mumbling something about leaving and packing quickly. Kisses you on the forehead before saying he will be back in 45 minutes to pick you up. You regret staying up late, because fuck, it is hard to get out of bed.
But you do. You don’t want to be late or miss this trip, not after last night. You barely think about the fact that that you must see Jungkook briefly today, you just wake up robotically. Coffee will help.
You go through the motions of taking out your dusty suitcase, throw in a bunch of clothes without really paying attention to what you’re packing. You’re sure it’s fine, you see underwear and bras, the clothes surrounding it looks fine enough. You grab your makeup bag, stuff it in, and then grab your travel toiletry bag and put all of the girly things inside before stuffing it in with the rest of your stuff.
You impulsively grab the polaroid camera you have and pack it with your stuff, think it’ll be nice to grab some photos of New York while you’re there. A little activity to create some memories.
After packing a few other mundane things, you get dressed. Decide to go comfy, put on an oversized sweater and some leggings, some sandals to go with it. You put your hair in a messy bun, and don’t bother to put on makeup because you’ll most likely be sleeping the entire way there anyway.
Time flies, of course. You’re tired as fuck, and judging by Seojoon’s grumpy face he is too when he arrives to get you. He helps you pack your luggage into his trunk and pats you on the back for being able to pack so quickly. He may look grumpy, but it seems he isn’t actually. He’s usually pretty sweet when in the mornings.
He stops to get you both a quick cup of coffee on the way to the airport, and you feel lighter already. You have a lot of shit to unpack mentally, but you are thankful that you said yes to this impromptu trip. You’ve never been to New York before, although you have been to the states a few times, New York was always one place you wanted to experience. Who better to experience it with than your new ‘boyfriend?’
When you arrive to the airport, Seojoon drops you off at the terminal with the luggage while he makes arrangements for the car. You wait patiently while sipping your coffee, sitting on one of the empty benches. People watching, seeing the plethora of strangers who all look different, you wonder where they’re coming from or going to. Its fascinating, really, knowing you’ll never see these people again, you like to imagine what they’re like anyway…
And then you see him.
No, not Seojoon, but Jungkook. And Sena. Sena looks fucking mean as she walks through the glass doors, and Jungkook looks far too chipper considering it is 5:15 in the fucking morning.
…why are they carrying so much luggage?
Its funny, how Jungkook immediately starts looking around, surely looking for you. He spots you quickly, and you swear you can see his invisible tail wag when his eyes land on you. He starts sprinting over carrying two big bags of luggage, while Sena pouts and trudges behind him while she drags another large bag. When he finally gets closer, he lowers his face mask and smiles so big that his eyes crinkle up and dimples pop out prominently.
You try to stay neutral, give them both a friendly smile as they approach.
“Hey. Good morning.”
Jungkook fucking grins, “Good morning sunshine.”
For fucks sake, it is too early for this.
You get up, set your coffee down next to the bags and awkwardly ask, “Umm, my wallet? Kinda need it to board the plane.”
He nods at you, digs into his pocket and pulls it out, his deep ass pockets in those comfy sweats you recognize far too well.
He also pulls out a passport… no, two passports… why two…?
He hands you the wallet, “Here, I kept it safe for you.”
He winks playfully, and Sena just rolls her eyes. Barely even looks at you as she mumbles, “So Seojoon brought you? Guess it’s a fucking couples trip now.”
You blink at her confusedly. Her rude tone doesn’t really phase you, you were a bitch to her last night (although it was well deserved,) so you don’t expect her to be happy to see you. But what the fuck does she mean by couples trip? Is someone else bringing their significant other?
God, Jungkook has that shit eating grin again, and if you weren’t so tired you would have probably put two and two together by now.
“Oh, I decided to tag along. There’s a photography expo coincidentally, and I wanted to check it out.”
No fucking way.
You don’t say anything at first as you put the pieces together. Two passports, the large amount of luggage, Sena’s grumpy face, Jungkook’s happy fucking mood.
Did he do this on purpose?
He won’t admit it to you, but yeah, he absolutely did. The moment you said you were going to New York, he decided he would too. He didn’t lie completely, there really is a Photography expo being held, but that isn’t the reason he’s coming; that’s just his excuse. The reason he’s coming is… well, you. To be near you. To coax you into letting him back in.
This actually started a lot of shit with Sena. She was in a bitchy mood last night after leaving Taehyung’s house, tried arguing with Jungkook about so many different things. And this morning, he invited himself, which she fucking hated. To her, he was a burden, almost embarrassing to bring along. This was her fucking job, she didn’t need her manchild husband tagging along.
She tried to tell him no, but he also wasn’t having that. He didn’t fucking care. He told her he was coming and she could get the fuck over it, she didn’t even have to share a room with him if it was that big of a deal.
She latched onto that quickly, said she refused to share a room with him because she was planning on having colleagues over to discuss the fashion expo over drinks. Rented a fancy pent house like room just for that. He knows damn well that’s not normal, she shouldn’t be so hesitant to share a room with her own husband.
But again, he stopped caring a while ago. They don’t even sleep in the same bed anymore, so it’s not that big of a deal to him. He has one goal in mind…
Be with his Aster. Even if it’s just as friends. He is determined to earn a place in your life again, and he hopes this trip will give him a chance to convince you to give him a chance.
You? Oh, you are in shambles, because this trip was literally supposed to get your mind off of him. Turns out, fate isn’t on your fucking side, fate really is just fucking with you.
Or maybe Jeon Jungkook is fucking with fate.
You nearly want to slap him, demand that he leaves. But you can’t. You have no proof that he did this in purpose, but your gut tells you that he did. He’s acting crazy, after a single night of seeing each other again, and he suddenly keeps popping up? Pushing you to communicate again?
He wasn’t lying when he said he isn’t done. He fucking meant that. In his perspective, this is a chance at redemption. He doesn’t know in what context, but fuck, you’re dating his wife’s coworker, who is also close friends with one of his best friends… it’s all connected.
It can’t be coincidence. He see’s it as a tragic gift, a fucked up second chance. He isn’t going to pass it up. Not until you explicitly say, ‘fuck off, I never want to see you or talk to you again.’
And you haven’t said that. You’ve told him to go away, but you’ve yet to seriously set the boundary.
Contradicting yourself, yet again…
It's at that moment that Seojoon shows up, places a hand on your back. Greets Sena politely, and then she informs him that Jungkook is joining as well. He makes some joke, too tired to feel some type of way about Jungkook coming along. But you aren’t paying attention, not really.
Because Jungkook is giving you those needy eyes again. Smile soft, eyes glittering with stars you were once so find off, skin almost glowing as if he just got laid.
He mouths at you ‘Unblock my number.’ And then fucking giggles.
Holy fuck. It is going to be a long weekend. You can’t catch a break, can you? Karma really is a bitch.
Karma or fate. Both you have grown to sincerely despise within the last 24 hours.
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all4seth · 2 months
can u write something with seth being more touchy than usual nd ppl noticing nd teasing him about it, nd like u can write the rest😔❤️IDK IF U TAKE REQUESTS ND ITS FINE IF U DON'T DO U, LOVE UR WRITING💞
seth clearwater x reader
summary: you and seth attend edward and bella’s wedding that takes place in the evening (unlike in the movies where it's noon or something)
i barely ever write anymore, i’m so sorry you had to wait this long for this 😔
i clumsily entered the living room and as i did, two pairs of eyes measured me up and down before my parents jumped up and hugged me.
“you look stunning sweetheart” my mom said, tucking strands of my hair behind my ear. “i knew this shade of purple would look incredible on you”
“thanks, mom”
“i thought you weren’t supposed to show up looking prettier than the bride” my dad joked.
i rolled my eyes and hugged him, just as the doorbell rang. i followed behind my parents, nervously fidgeting with my dress. as soon as they opened the door, they stepped aside, revealing my boyfriend.
my handsome boy.
he was holding two bouqutes of flowers, one of which he handed to my mom, who accepted it happily.
as his gaze met mine, his eyes widened and the world stood still, like it did the first time we ever saw each other.
“you are so beautiful”
my parents made us pose for a picture and they watched us in awe as we headed towards the car.
seth wrapped his arm around my waist and i gently let my head fall onto his shoulder.
“whose car is this?”
“billy lend me jacob’s since he’s… you know”
he started the engine and drove slowly, since it was still quite early.
“i still can’t believe edward and bella are getting married! i mean, everyone knows how in love they are, but still, this is huge! and they’re both just 18” i blurted out.
“it is kind of mind blowing"
seth placed his right hand on my thigh and my heart skipped a beat.
“is this alright?”
“yes” i answered and gave him a huge smile, which he must’ve seen, even though his eyes were glued to the road, because a shy smile quickly grew on his face.
"do you think they’re too young though?" seth asked, after taking a few moments to compose himself. "bella and edward, i mean”
“they are, they’re just about to graduate. on the other hand, they love each other and love drives us all crazy” i giggled.
“do i make you crazy?” seth asked jokingly.
“soo insane, but i bet it’s nothing compared to the other way around”
“i’m crazy about you” seth looked at me for a slight moment and my heart jumped again.
“i’m crazy about you too, seth, you have no idea”
after a little while, he pulled into the cullens’ driveway and reached for my hand as he opened the door for me.
i placed my palm in his and kissed him briefly. his face lit up and he kept me close, his arm around my waist.
we were warmly welcomed by esme, who led us to the garden.
fairy lights hung from the trees, resembling fireflies. a few rows of wooden seats were placed before the altar that stood covered in white, dainty flowers, much like the rest of the place. some of their petals had fallen on the ground, giving the scene a fairytale-like air.
seth placed his warm hand on my lower back and kissed my cheek.
“are you alright, sweetheart?”
“it’s beautiful” i stated, still in awe of the remarcable scenery.
“so beautiful” he whispered.
i turned to him, but he was already looking at me.
we sat down and people started showing up.
finally, bella walked down the aisle, holding tightly onto her father’s arm. edward stood patiently, looking at her as if it was only the two of them, nothing else mattered. tears streamed down my face, overwhelmed by the beauty of it all.
they vowed and kissed and it hit me - there’s no such thing as ‘too early’ when it comes to love. it’s all about taking risks and putting your pride aside, because once you find the one person you know was made for you, you must hold tightly onto them.
“i love you so much” i whispered to seth.
“i love you too, beautiful” he gently placed his right hand on my hair and kissed my forehead.
his left hand stayed on my thigh, while the other fell onto my shoulder.
once the party started, seth and i were separted by the crowd, when bella pulled me aside.
“congratulations, sweet girl, you did it!”
i embraced her into a hug, and when i tried pulling away, she held me a bit tighter and whispered "not yet, i just need a moment"
"wow, you're a mess!" i laughed, referring to her makeup, which was mostly gone, due to her crying multiple times. "but you're a pretty mess and i don't blame you; God knows how many times i cried during the ceremony and it's not even my wedding!"
"it's so not safe for me to cry here, alice yells at me and emmett makes fun of me"
“where’s he taking you for the honeymoon?” i asked, excitedly.
“i really don’t know, he won’t tell me” bella laughed.
suddenly, i felt a hand on my waist and felt seth’s lips on my shoulder.
“well, hello to you too” i laughed and pecked his lips.
bella giggled awkwardly and looked around for her groom, who was at her side in an instant.
“you better slow it down, seth, these people seem too tired to handle another wedding tonight” edward joked and we all burst out laughing, but seth’s hands remained glued to my hips.
after a few moments, they both laughed as if one of them had cracked some joke bella and i couldn't hear, so she and i simply exchanged a suspicious look.
the newly wed couple was quickly stolen away from us by the other guests, and seth and i found ourselves wandering towards the quiet forest.
we got to a dimly lit opening; “a thousand years” could still be heard from the speakers.
“how can i love when i’m afraid to fall?”
seth tenderly let his hands fall onto my hips and looked me in my eyes and the same feeling came right back into my chest.
“all of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow”
i let my head rest somewhere between his chest and his shoulder, while we slow danced.
"i have died everyday waiting for you/ darling don't be afraid, i have loved you for a thousand years"
seth and i hummed along and mumbled the lyric "i'll love you for a thousand more"
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twiixr4kidz · 10 months
Hii I was wondering if you could make Seven evil exes x reader and it's like their first anniversary hehe thanks!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
matthew patel
he's been preparing for MONTHS
he wants everything to be absolutely perfect
you're gonna come home to the house being covered in rose petals and balloons
the smell of a fresh, homemade meal wafting through the halls
the sound of a hot bath being drawn, filled to the brim with the most delicious-smelling bubble bath
and matthew, with a small gift in hand
in that box may or may not be a specific piece of jewelry you'd been eyeing for like, ever :3
matthew LISTENS
lucas lee
he invites you over and hands you a fancy outfit, perfect for a night out
he tells you to take all the time you need to get ready while he does the same
once you're ready, he will not shut up about how fucking incredible he thinks you look
and then, it's time for the bougiest dinner you've ever eaten
the sky is the limit, and lucas is more than willing to pay for whatever you want
he even gets the most expensive champagne
todd ingram
spoiler alert, he's been writing a song about you since he first began having feelings for you
definitely sits you down beforehand to plan something, except he doesn't tell you that it's for your anniversary
he wakes you up with breakfast in bed and a fresh pitcher of your favorite flowers on your bedside table
he lets you sleep in, but not TOO late - you have a very busy day ahead, full of the most stomach-churningly sweet romantic activities ever (todd's a little bit of a cornball but in the best way possible)
roxie richter
roxie gets so excited the night before that she literally keeps you up until midnight just so she can scream "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY" and pop confetti canons that somehow?? spawned into her hands??
she does let you sleep eventually, but she wakes you up as soon as she sees fit
the entire house is fucking COVERED in the tackiest party city decorations
for breakfast? a cake. that she made. at 3am. (she didn't sleep)
she also wanted to do something fun for your anniversary... by fun i mean a nerf gun fight
plus side, if you win, you get to pick dinner!!
kyle katayanagi
at first, kyle sort of brushes off your anniversary
trust me, he cares. he cares A LOT. but he literally has no idea what to do for an anniversary so him brushing it off is his way of saying "WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO"
the day of, he'll invite you over without saying much
when you get to his house, he (nervously) greets you with some hand-picked flowers and your favorite drink
he's the kind of guy to get you one of those little gift baskets that has things like your favorite snacks, a movie, a comfy pair of pj pants, a stuffed animal, and a little giftcard
at the very bottom, tucked into the folds of the pj pants, is a letter where he expresses how lucky he is to have you in his life
ken katayanagi
ken's a big planner but a bad celebrator
similarly to his brother, he also isn't really sure about what to do for your anniversary
he's probably going to keep it on the simpler side because he doesn't want to overwhelm you
he pays attention to the things you say you like and you want, and he'll pick out a couple that he knew you really wanted
and of course, he's going to treat you to dinner because what kind of gentleman would he be if he didn't??
gideon graves
i've said it once and i'll say it again, gideon LOVES to spoil you
he gives you gifts all the time, and your anniversary is no different
the gifts that he gives on your anniversary are one the more expensive side
he either makes or buys all of your favorite foods for you
AND, when you thought he already did the most, he surprises you with two tickets for a trip to a dream location of your choice, including plenty of fun activities, lots of sight seeing, and LOTS of rest n relaxation
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eldritch-nightmare · 3 months
slashers with hanahaki.
a/n: icb this took me like 2 months to finish omg anyways hanahaki is not a trope i personally enjoy but i like writing angst and i think it's an interesting concept and this is. honestly just an excuse to write amanda angst, actually. uhm. first post about slashers :thumbs up: might take time for me to get used to writing them tbh, so this might be short but!! i hope you enjoy it all nonetheless. ignore how long ethan's is. amanda comes with her own special bot so <3 enjoy tht if u use it.
includes: amanda young, quinn bailey, tiffany valentine, billy loomis, bo sinclair, and ethan landry.
warnings: gn!reader, angst, many mentions of vomit and coughing, blood, implied unrequited love (esp in bo's), randomly assigned flowers plucked out of my flower book.
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If there's one thing about Amanda that isn't hard to miss, it's the fact that she gets very jealous, very easily. It was obvious in the way she almost constantly glared at Lynn whenever the woman was in her line of sight, the way she held no kindness in her voice whenever the two were forced to speak to each other.
Well... it was obvious to John, at least. Even in the state that he was in, the man was nothing if not observant, and he certainly didn't miss the way Amanda's gaze would linger on you and Lynn. He didn't miss the way she would come up with random things for you to do, things that involved you keeping a distance from Lynn.
What John isn't aware of, however, is the fact that each time Amanda goes off alone, it's to cough and vomit up the flowers blooming inside of her. She loves you so much that she can't even be angry when she stares down at the bloodied petals of lavender in her hand as she gasps for breath.
This is her punishment, she thinks. It's her curse, one she'll keep to herself. She loves you, but she doesn't deserve you. If you get too close to her, if she shows that she cares for you, you'll die. They always do, and you're the one person she can't stand to lose.
So she'll keep this to herself. She'll diligently wash the blood off the petals in her hand and she'll put them with the rest, tucked away safely for no one but her to see. She'll let her love be a secret, even if her jealousy boils over.
Romance isn't something Quinn cares for. She's not interested in falling in love since it doesn't align with her goals of wanting to get revenge for her brother's murder. And you, the best friend of Samantha Carpenter, were meant to be another victim. The plan was to kill you in front of Sam, just to inflict a little extra trauma on her.
But that's not how things were turning out. The more time she spent with you, pretending to be friends with people she planned on killing, the more attached she was starting to become. It was small at first, something she could push aside at any given moment. But you just had to be nice to her.
With everything going on, everyone was always worrying over Sam or Tara, but during it all, you had pulled her to the side to ask how she was handling everything, asking if she was okay. And suddenly, it became harder to push those feelings aside, and camellia petals started forcing their way out of her throat whenever she coughed.
This didn't go unnoticed either, by her family or her 'friends', but she always brushed their concerns off. It's just a little cough, no big deal. But it wasn't. Your time to die was coming up, and Quinn was the one who was supposed to kill you. But now she's hesitating, her mind working a mile a minute to come up with a way for you to get out of this alive without risking everything else.
She loves you, as much as she loathes to admit it. She doesn't want to be in love, especially knowing you'll never love her back once you find out who she truly is.
Pretty much everyone who knows Tiffany knows about her feelings for you. It's not something she bothers to hide, and even she's surprised that you aren't aware of the love that she has for you. Or maybe you're just pretending like you're oblivious? She certainly hopes not.
Either way, the first time she coughs a flower up, she feels... well... she wasn't upset. In her eyes, it was further proof of how much she truly adored you. The petals of pansies that she coughed up were always tucked away in a jar. She probably has like... 4-5 jars full of petals by this point.
She doesn't blame you for any of this either. It's not your fault that she fell in love with you! How could she not? You're you. Anyone could love you. She'd kill them if they did, of course, but her point still stands.
Of course, she's not an idiot. She knows what this means. The constant pain in her throat and the feeling of vomiting up blood and flowers is nothing compared to the pain of knowing you more than likely don't love her back. But it's a pain she's willing to bear if it means having you in her life.
And Tiffany is just... fairly confident that given enough time and patience, you'll love her back, one day. She could (and probably should) give up on you, she knows that, but she doesn't want to. Not yet.
Love is not something that comes easily for Billy. He's damn good at faking it, but he tends to disappear the moment he starts feeling like he actually might be growing to love someone. But loving you? It was as easy as breathing, he didn't even notice he had fallen until the roses started falling from his lips. How cliché.
He's really... torn, to be honest, for many reasons. This little illness of flowers could potentially get in the way of his plans, first and foremost. It makes it a lot harder pretending to love Sydney when he starts hacking up stupid fucking rose petals whenever he thinks about you. And god forbid if he has a coughing fit when he's doing Ghostface business.
It's a pain to hide, but Billy is nothing if not determined. Not even Stu knows, that's how badly he wants to keep this a secret. It's not something he plans on hiding forever, of course. Once he's killed Sydney, he'll... probably get around to doing something about the roses piling up in a random shoebox in his room.
The thought of killing you certainly crossed his mind, don't get him wrong. It would probably be much easier having you dead than leaving you alive and dealing with this, but the moment he even processed the thought, he was falling out of bed from the sheer force of the coughing fit that hit him. It's the most roses he's ever thrown up at once, so. He threw that thought out almost immediately.
But he'll definitely play it off and act as if he isn't painfully pining for you if you ever find out about this little predicament. He's too prideful, too hesitant to ever fully commit to a person. The roses bloodied roses in the beat-up box are the closest he'll ever get to confessing his love to you.
Bo knew letting you live would bite him in the ass one of these days, he just wasn't expecting it to be like this. He knew he had a bit of a soft spot for you, though he loathed to admit it, even when his brothers give him knowing looks.
You just looked so damn perfect, all scared with tears streaming down your face. How could he not want to keep you around a little longer? He just didn't actually expect himself to grow attached. It was supposed to be a sadistic game, a way for him to torture you. Instead, he was the one being tortured.
Tortured by these damn flowers he keeps coughing up. He had to ask Lester what they were, though he obviously didn't mention why. Nobody was going to know about this, not Lester, not Vincent, and certainly not you. This was going to stay between him, and the bloodied petals of honeysuckle that he keeps hidden in the gas station.
He knew well enough that this little problem wasn't just going to go away so easily. Don't get him wrong, if he could kill you, he would. The thought alone is enough to keep him locked in a room, throwing up flowers until he sees dots in his vision. So clearly, he can't. He's undeniably stuck with you now, whether he likes it or not.
What's worse is he'll never have your love. Why would he? You'd be a fool to ever fall in love with him after everything he has put you through. He'll only ever have your fear.
He wholeheartedly did not expect to fall in love, especially with someone inside Tara and Sam's friend group. What's worse is that it wasn't a 'normal' way of falling in love either. No, you stole his heart the moment you stabbed him while he was under the mask, growling out a threat so cruel, so gruesome, he was definitely going to steal it in the future.
The wild look in your eyes was a stark contrast to how you usually behaved, and that excited him. Honestly, how could he not fall in love with you after that? With Ghostface, you were aggressive, almost animalistic in the way you would fight for your life. With Ethan, you were concerned for his safety, even if you did eye him with suspicion like everyone else.
The flowers were annoying though, he can't lie. It's not fun coughing up tulips, especially when he's under the mask. It also makes it harder to hide his identity. Ethan honestly doesn't seem like he'd hide his coughing fits from you because he'd probably thrive under your concern. That means that if he slips up and has one when assuming the Ghostface persona, his identity is basically revealed and it ruins everything he and his family have been working for.
He'll make up excuses as to why you can't be killed. You're not even that close to Tara or Sam. Honestly, he wouldn't consider you to be part of the friend group, so your death wouldn't have any impact on them. You've unintentionally helped them with their plans by being Ethan's alibi whenever it wasn't him under the mask, so killing you just wouldn't make sense. He's not exactly the best at hiding his feelings for you.
And Ethan is well aware that given his second identity, he'll never have a chance with you. The moment the inevitable unmasking happens, he'll lose any kindness you may hold for him. That thought alone is enough to make the tulips force their way out of his throat, but he won't lie... it's exciting to think about how you might react once it's revealed that he's Ghostface.
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dwindlinghaze · 11 months
language of flowers
summary: the five times remus gave you flowers secretly and the one time you gave him not so secretly (plus extra)
contents: fluff, angst, bad writing bcs it's 1 am in ly country and i can't sleep.
a/n: my fav writing prompt so i just have to do it :) i hope u enjoy ☁️☁️☁️☁️
  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
you walked with your arms linked with mary as you two made your way to enter the charms' classroom. it was quite sunny outside, seeing as the flowers in the meadows were blossoming prettily.
"don't you just love spring?" the girl sighed, gazing at the scenery outside the stoney windowsill miles below. "look how colourful those flowers are!"
"they sure do look unreal! like that poppy field in wizard of oz!" you replied, matching her energy.
"mhm but this one's not poisonous, i assure you!" she grinned before you two separate ways to your own assigned desks.
you made a bee line towards your table, furrowing your brows at the peculiar light pink object on your desk. you reached close enough to see that it was a carnation you had thought was a rose.
a single stem with pale pink petals. over it, sat a small folded parchment that was tied with similar coloured ribbon as the flower.
you opened it curiously, tilting your head to the side. it said:
I don't want to look at anything else now that I saw you. I don't want to think of anything else now that I thought of you. I've been sleeping so long in years of dark night and now I see daylight, I only see daylight
your heart fluttered at the messy scribbles in the palm of your hand. cheeks growing maroon as you try to hide your face behind nothing.
"watcha have there?" a blooming voice came from beside you, catching you off guard.
you jumped back a little, causing the person next to you laugh. "oh hey rem," you said in trembling words.
"hey," he replied to the greeting as he sat down beside your desk. "you've got a flower!" he smirked teasingly.
remus saw the severe blush in your cheeks, him applauding for himself inside. he was the one that gave them to you- the flower and the note. it was a giddy feeling to see how you react in such a happy way.
"someone left me a flower!" you grinned at him, showing your bright smile. "uh but i'm not sure if it's meant for me i- maybe they just put it in the wrong desk," you felt yourself deflated at the thought.
it was logical though. nobody ever seems to be interested in seeing you. let alone giving you a handwritten love letter with a carnation.
seeing the excitement fading off from you, remus spoke up abruptly, "i don't think it's in the wrong desk. this specific desk has always been your since first year. c'mon smile for me yeah? the flower is meant for you. and only for you."
you smiled at him, feeling your cheeks reddened again. a small part of you hoped that it was from remus. you liked him since god knows when but you never spoke of it. afraid of what might be as the outcome.
"thanks rem, you really know how to make people feel better," you said to him, eyes glimmered with adoration for the boy.
"what does the letter say?" he spoke softly, looking at you in curiosity.
you unfold the piece of parchment that was on your palm before reading the heartwarming words to him. "not gonna lie- i had a hard time reading it the first time," you chuckled.
remus laughed nervously, fingers gripping on his chair. he scribbled it messily on purpose in hopes of making you not know that he is the one writing it for you as for he knew you will recognise his usual handwriting in the back of you head.
you put the flower and the note inside your robe's pocket, making sure that no damage will be done.
you went to bed that night with the words repeating inside your head like a mantra. nobody has ever said such thing to you. with the carnation placed on your night table, you toss and turn in your bedsheets. hoping a certain boy who loves chocolate and books and sweaters and libraries and teas and blankets and-
saturday afternoons are the best time to spend in the library. nobody ever cares to even steal a glance at the large wooden doors- their minds are full of weekend spirits.
that's exactly why you went to the desolated place. reading one of your favourite muggle fiction beside the windowsill as the rain pattered on the glass, its sound calming your ears.
you finished your book in the quiet until you were completely done, getting up to get a new once since you really have nothing to do today.
mary was still sleeping. she dedicated saturdays as her 'stay in bed the whole day', therefore now you're alone. you weren't exactly close friends with lily and her friends though you talk to them once every while; your friendship was kept small.
your pointer finger ran through the spine of the books, stopping once you saw one that catches your interest. you head back to your secluded desk, only to find another flower on top of it.
your heart beat twice faster now, glancing around to see if anyone's there or not. you couldn't seem to spot anyone though.
the flower this time is not a carnation. it was a white tulip. a paper was also attached within the stem just like last time.
you read it, it was shorter than the last one:
you're a mansion with a view.
it took you an embarrassing amount of time to fully understand what it meant.
mansion with a view- beautiful inside and out.
if you had a mirror in hand right now, the reflection it shows will be you and your crimson red cheeks.
after reading that, you find it hard to avert your focus to the book in front of you. the words were like splutter of inks and has no meanings.
at last, you decided to go back to the common room, seeing what the others were doing. you bumped into someone on the way there. someone tall and smells nice and familiar. with the impact of the crash, the things inside his bag are now on the floor, scattering everywhere.
"oh i'm so sorry i wasn't looking!" you sent an apologetic glance at the person, only to find out that he's remus lupin.
"s'fine," the boy smiled, kneeling down to collect his things.
"here, let me help you," you said, picking up the ones that were more far away from him, now all of his belongings are in his bag again.
"hey, s'this yours?" he held up a small parchment.
"uh yeah," you chuckled. "funny. you remember when someone gave me a flower a few days ago? they gave me one again."
"you think it's funny?" remus furrowed his brows, secretly eager for your answer.
"well- no. it's just not typical for me to receive these stuff. i like them though. it's very sweet," you blushed.
remus adored the faint pinks in your cheeks. he was the reason for that- technically. he didn't know what to reply, afraid if he said something, his stealthiness will be exposed.
"i'm going to the common room, you comin'?" he spoke.
"yeah. i was going there too," you nodded and began walking with him to the gryffindor tower.
remus is a mansion with a view.
you felt bad for the person that wrote you the letter because you were thinking of someone else with those exact words that they wrote for you. you couldn't help but wonder who it is though. maybe by then you'd fall for them too with all the sweet compliments they give.
a pretty and small bundle of blue flowers was propped on your desk one morning, like it's waiting for you. a small note was also attached to it, like the usual.
your smile grew larger, trying to hide your blush with your hair as you strode to your table.
you can't lie- you've been looking forward to it. it's almost like the only thing that's been keeping you excited lately.
"ooh, you've still got a secret admirer huh?" mary snickered, pushing your side teasingly.
"mhm," you agreed mindlessly, smiling in a joking manner her way, not caring about how much you will be poked fun at.
"don't you wonder who it is?" she raised her brows.
"i do," you admitted. "if they confess to me in real life, i'm sure i will give it a try," you shrugged as you opened the small paper.
"read it aloud. i want to know how much of a hopeless romantic some people are," mary giggled.
"if all my flowers grew back as thorns, windows boarded up after the storm. i'd built a fire just to keep you warm..." you said slowly, comprehending the words.
"aw that's sweet although i've no idea what it means except the last line," mary said.
"oh shut it mary," you nudged her side, cheeks flushing in embarrassment.
you hoped whoever this is, knows how much you appreciate them and should not be afraid to confess to you openly. you would be upset if this person didn't make the move because you feel like the person behind this is sweet and hopeful.
you've got a slender vase in your dorm filled with water half way up to put the flower in them to keep them alive as long as it can. these pretty blue forget-me-nots are a perfect addition to your collection.
"moony, when are you going to actually confess to her? are you going to wait until earth slipped off its axis and fell into jupiter?" sirius flopped down on remus' bed face first, groaning.
"what are you talking about. i already have," remus replied nonchalantly.
"no- pads meant like actually! not in some handwritten note that doesn't even have your name in it- let alone your initials!" james chimed in.
"that's the whole point y'know. so she doesn't find out," remus rolled his eyes.
"don't get sassy moony," sirius slapped his arm. "what if she found out that it was you all along?"
"she wouldn't."
"she would," james retorted.
"she wouldn't."
"she definitely is going to."
"your head is as thick as the hogwarts wall," sirius scoffed. "one way or another- she's going to find out about it- or at least try to."
"say, if she did find out it was you, will you two be like- i don't know- together?" james thought out loud.
"i doubt i can."
remus. remus lupin with his complicated head. he sends you flowers and love letter daily but he doesn't want to be with you? pathetic.
"why not? it's y/n we're talking about. she fancies you," james said.
"i don't know," remus said, burying himself under his blanket while also pushing sirius off of his mattress.
truth be told- it would be his biggest regret if he never spoke of his love. he would love to be loved by you or even just loving you.
somewhere in the haze, he has grown some strong feelings for you. he didn't know how it happened or when or maybe it had always been there since you two got paired up in care of magical creatures.
he grew fond of you. the little things that you do make him fall for you even more. the way he wants to be the highlight of your day, the moon in your twilight, the sunrise in your mornings. he wants it all.
he wants to know the feeling of being mutually in love. though he believed no one will ever love a monster like himself.
that part of him is slowly breaking his own heart. how could anyone ever be in love with a hybrid? how will anyone ever live with the curse of their beloved one?
even with all the reassurances in the world, he would never accept himself. it was a blessing for him to even have friends. he wondered if some miracle could be strong enough and kill the wolf inside him so he can love openly.
so he can love you without any doubt and afterthoughts.
monday sun rises, meaning classes are back to normal again. you were getting ready for the day, sitting on your vanity when a common barn owl dropped a stem of flower right at your lap.
a pretty pink hydrangea was there, a note slipped in between the delicate petals.
all these people think love's for show, but i would die for you in secret
your smile reached your eyes as you put the pink flower along with the other bundle of flowers from your admirer.
you were kind of in a funny situation. you wanted to always keep getting these flowers for as long as possible but you also wanted to know who this person is but also you wanted remus to give you these.
it's all silly, you know.
"rem! i got another flower!" you said giddily as you stood beside him for the first class. it was a very heart-fluffing thing to see for him. you look flushed and happy.
"yeah? this person must love you very much!" remus replied with a sly smile. it was quite a nice feeling; talking about his love for you in a third person.
"yeah..." you trailed off. a part of you had a small hope of remus being your secret admirer but he seemed to be so cool about it. he doesn't show any signs or hints. maybe he's just a good actor. "do you have any idea who might that be?"
"mmm, no," he shook his head, turning his focus on the professor ahead. "but this person better be so proud of themselves because they made you giddy. look at you! you look like a puppy in a park," he chuckled.
"oh shush," you kicked his feet softly.
you made a mental note to yourself to be cautious of your surroundings at all costs next time, especially when you're alone. you were curious to find out who the person behind this is.
many many thoughts swam through the head of yours. a certain person popping here and there too.
you walk with your head down.
it hasn't been a pleasant day. firstly, your shoes got stuck on the mud when you're on the way to attend care of magical creatures. secondly, you dropped your bowl of soup during lunch, ending up with you having to deal with the stickiness in your uniform skirt until class has ended because there's zero time in between each.
it wasn't a big thing really, but it was big enough to bother you for the rest of the day.
your daily flower hasn't been sent too.
that was a silly thing to think of.
you decided to have an evening stroll around the castle grounds, just to clear your head a bit. you haven't had nature walks in quite a long time.
what you didn't expect was to see a certain gryffindor boy, holding a book while scheming through the field of wild plants.
you couldn't quite catch what the book was, but you caught how calm he was. how stunning he looks under the warm orange sun.
remus looks so peaceful. like a painting. like he has no single worry in the world. (as he should)
he bent down, reaching for a pink flower. he held it with such tenderness, afraid it will be damaged.
you hid behind a tree, heart beating in anticipation.
you knew this was wrong. say if you were the one who's giving out flower to your crush secretly, you wouldn't want anyone to see.
thank god it was getting dark because now you were able to run back to the castle. breathless.
when you arrived at your dorm minutes later, you saw that same identical flower remus picked earlier on your bed.
it was a pink chrysanthemum. smells beautiful.
this one looked the prettiest compared to the rest somehow. maybe because you saw that beautiful sight of remus picking them fresh from the soil.
the note read;
i'm captivated by you, like a firework show. i see sparks fly whenever you smile.
every word now and then seemed to melt your heart a little more, knowing the person behind this.
it has been a few days since. the last class you were supposed to be having right now was dismissed, meaning the students have extra time before dinner.
you decided to go outside, to the field of wild plants.
you now felt somewhat guilty for dragging this- although you shouldn't really. it was remus' idea and whatever is the outcome, it will be on him but since you found out about it, you can't help but feel like you have to face remus.
tell him so he doesn't have to be a lover from afar. so he doesn't have to be hopeless and pining for god knows how long.
well, how bad can it be? you two have the same feelings to each other. nothing bad will happen right?
you don't know much about flowers but a red rose seems like the most common type of flower to give to your significant other.
you decided to pick them up, stupidly not realising that there were thorns on them.
"aah!" you hissed, dropping it on the ground. you looked at your finger, a red scratch painfully visible on your skin.
"are you okay? what happened? why are you bleeding?" a familiar voice appeared from behind you. "oh [y/n]..." remus frowned sympathetically as he grabbed your fingers. he grabbed it with such tenderness that it reminds you of how he hold that pink flower.
"m'fine, rem." you pulled your fingers but he was much stronger than you are.
remus took out his handkerchief from his pocket for him to wrap them around your scar in order to stop the bleeding. "what are you doing here?" he asked, gently caressing your hand.
"i-," you paused, taking a deep steady breath. "i wanted to give you a rose," you replied, unable to look at his face.
he dropped your hand, his mouth agape.
you can't be. there's no way....
he waited for your explanation. "i know i shouldn't but i saw you. three days ago, you were here. um, i wanted to give you a note with a flower too. uh- here," you put the folded parchment to his palms. cheeks red from embarrassment.
remus was afraid of what the note contained. it could be you rejecting his feeling or something else he couldn't quite make himself to believe.
he put the parchment inside his pocket, "let's go back."
and that was the last thing you heard from remus.
it has been two days. two whole days of remus being afraid to open your note.
it was propped on his desk. untouched.
he didn't even know why he's being this complicated. of course james and sirius were right. you would find out sooner or later. you are not dumb. never.
so today, he man-ed up himself.
he reached for the parchment that was tied with a pale yellow ribbon, slowly unfolding it. he saw small doddles of yours around the edges and corners.
this sure is not a rejection letter.
he felt so ashamed. he must be putting you through a tough time right now and it's all because of his fear of being rejected.
don't you worry your pretty little mind. people throw rocks at things that shine. and life makes love looks hard. the stakes are high, the water's rough. but this love is ours.
that is the sweetest thing remus has ever read. he quickly got up from his bed. done sulking around and absolutely done with being scolded by james and sirius every hour of the day.
he will make it up to you. he will.
you on the other hand was sad, confused, and lonely at the same time. it's miserable and not magical.
you thought it would be good to give remus a rose? bad decision.
for god's sake, you didn't even know for sure that the flower he picked was for you! it could be for someone or something else. maybe that flower you received was from someone who is not remus.
maybe just the colour of the flower was the same as the one remus picked. that's it.
your thought were quickly interrupted when remus entered your space.
his eyes looked tired and hopeful at the same time. in front of him was a giant bouquet of different kinds of pink and white flowers.
"forgive me please?" he said slowly, stretching his arms forward.
"i'm sorry. sorry for not responding to you sooner. for keeping you in a difficult situation. i'm going to make it up, i promise."
"it's okay, you're here," you smiled at him, that sunken feeling went away.
"i am. these are for you, there's roses."
"rem- they're so pretty," you took it from him.
"like how you are-" he said, cringing at his own words. somehow when you're around, his brain seemed to lag.
you shook your head, laughing, "i love them."
"i was wondering; if you're free on saturday, would you want to go on like- a date? with... me?" he bounced his legs.
"at six?"
"a date then."
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alexisomnias · 6 months
— "OXEYE DAISY!" . .
⤷ azul discovers a game, maybe he will choose to play?
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A Z U L doesn't know how he ended up here, in fact it seemed quite pathetic... The land dwellers myths and games with these stupid flowers. How could simply a petal tell if someone likes you? he wonders. In spite of all the slandering he's doing, he's still the one who's grabbed the flower and starting picking off the petals.
"They love me..." one petal off, "they love me not," off goes another, "They love me."
Azul's gaze narrows in on the flower, he can't believe he's here sitting on the field on campus picking off petals like a lovesick school girl. He hates it, its dumb. All of this just because you happen to be lucky to say the phrase on the right petal? Its stupid. He still continues to pick off till it narrows down to a select number.
"They love me... they love me not... they.. Love me!" he whispers, eyes gazed afar. Seeing something far past the empty flower, picking off the last petal while laughing. "They love me!" he repeats before realizing he's still in public and cowering back to the ground slightly, gazing at the flower. Pathetic, he sighs, getting so excited over a flower?
Opposite to his thoughts, he feels his heart start to speed up and a small grin reach to his face. Believing a flower... how silly. The petals are a pure, clean white. One which makes it a daisy, like the ones in the tales, seeking out your feelings using a flower of which you've probably never passed. He doesn't need any myth to tell that he adores you past a platonic affection, yet he looks for the confirmation of yours. Confidence is a silly thing, and he wonders if he ever had any for himself.
The white petals lay on the ground as he holds the lasting stem, he sits up from the grass floor. That was it. It took not even pass five minutes to finish, and yet his chest felt as if he succeeded, or won a great prize at a circus fair. 
He takes a deep breath, dropping the stem to the ground, along with the rest of the petals. He wondered if you would come and it would rebuild itself into another beautiful flower, he wondered if you felt the same as he when he came here to seek if his affections would be answered. 
Of course not, this is immature.
Azul turns around, his silver hair flowing along his movements. He turns around and he lets out a squeak of surprise. "[Name]?!" he calls awkwardly.
"Hey Azul." you say, and he suddenly feels like he was going to pass out, and drown in the air.
"H..how much did you see?"
"Since the beginning."
"Ah.... I..... I see."
Your smile grows from being flat to twitch upwards more, "I never thought I'd ever see the Head of Octavinelle playing, 'He loves me, he loves me not', very fun to watch though."
"Are... are you going to tell everyone and point at laugh? Laugh at how juvenile of me it is to play such a game?"
"No! I'm not that mean Azul." you laugh, leaning down and picking up your own daisy. He watches you curiously unmoving, not walking closer or farther from you. He watches you glance up to him before you pick off a petal. "He loves me... he loves me not..." you continue picking off the petals, the yellow eye in the middle of the flower staring up into the sun.
You mix the phrases, leaving each imprinted on the petal before it falls to the ground below you. There was exactly three left, "he loves me... He loves me not.." you say before smiling, "Ah, I guess he loves me!" you cheer, and Azul's eyes stay focused on the last petal that fell to the ground. The white shining bright in the scenery of green.
"I see... well I'm pleased to hear that." he says, a sense of bitterness dripping off his tongue. So you did have someone to think of while playing this game. He doesn't understand well of why you decided to do it in front of him, or even why he decided to stay.
You make him do confusing things, he realizes.
"It seems the flower welcomed both of us rightfully. I hope it never lies." you laugh, looking at him. "After all, I hope I was the one you were playing the game for." you stop before chuckling, "because I played my daisy for your heart."
It takes him approximately 10 seconds to realize what you were entailing. You were... playing for him? Azul let's out a small huh, blinking softly.
"That's all my confession of love gets? Ah, how embarrassing." you groan, why did you try using one of those cliche love confessions from fanfiction?! of course it wouldn't work!
"No!" he calls, before realizing it sounded dumb in the context. "I... I played for your heart too..." he mutters before fixing his tie. He glances over to you, seeing your figure on the corner of his eye. Your smile of relief and happiness in his view, there he remembers on why he played.
He wants destiny to be with you both through the rest of his life, he wants everyone of his fates to include your love.
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koolades-world · 5 months
Helloooo it's me again back with another obey me request :)
Could I get the Demon bros with a depressed MC? I'm having a rough time rn and I just need some comfort but ofc feel free to ignore if u don't do requests like these!!
Have a nice day/night!! ♡☆♡☆♡
hi! of course! sorry I'm so late on this!!! also love your pfp (huge pjsekai fan)
Part of the reason I took so long is because I just didn’t know where to start
I love the demon bro I wanna squeeze them like a squishmellow and they’ve gotten me thorough some tough stuff
it's hard for me to articulate anything relating to depression just because I struggle to open up about it especially after my diagnosis. I don’t think anyone except my mom knows only because she was in the room at the time, and all you guys now of course haha
sorry if that was worded so weird and if anything below is worded weird but it’s just hard for me to find words to put together how I’m feeling but writing is my therapy so thank you for this request :)
Brothers with a depressed Mc
would def notice something was up right away from the first meeting, not because of how you acted, but just because it's Luci
once he officially found out, he made all arrangements needed right away
you need a few days off school? you got it, he's already talking to diavolo
you need a break from chores? you got it, he distributed the work among the rest of the family
there's only one thing you feel like eating? you got it, it's what everyone is eating for dinner
supportive in a quiet way, and does all sorts of little things to lighten the load
as your first and best man, he acts as your knight and is willing to do anything to help you out
he tries his best to correct his own bad habits so you can work together on yourself
like, for example, if you struggle to get out of bed in the morning, he will get up and moving earlier so you can be up at the same time
nobody is perfect! he tells you this all the time because he knows how dark everything might seem sometimes
he partially understands how you feel since being the family punching bag for hundreds of years takes a toll on someone
he’s with you in every step of your journey, ups and downs, no matter what
he often has his own self deprecating thoughts, so he knows what you’re dealing with
everyone copes in their own ways but he hopes by sharing all the things he loves, he can bring some happiness
he shared everything with you, both his physical possessions and his thoughts
if you prefer to just sit together, he can do that, but if you want to talk about it, he will do his best to also share how he’s feeling
he wants you to be able to use him as a support system and as someone to fall back on
he always tries to bring a smile to your face and to be someone you trust, despite his own flaws
he shows you the little joys in life, the ones you might struggle or forget to see like sunsets and how the clouds change color with the sky, or how soft flower petals can be, or how a smile can change someone’s entire day
often he invites you out to places, for no reason at all so you can enjoy everything, especially the sun
he takes you on trips to the human world to visit your favorite places and occasionally see your favorite people if he’s allowed
he helps you with school work and takes the load when ever he can
if you asked him, he would do anything for you <3
he always helps you out with your personal hygiene since often, that's what goes first
it's much easier to keep a routine if someone is doing it with you, and Asmo would never forget, so he help keep you on track
but, he's also not pushy about it. if you'll let him, he'll do some of the tasks for you, no strings attached
he's with you at your worst and best. he's not going anywhere
he's determined to be your personal cheerleader and will celebrate all the small things with you
at first, he's a little shocked at the changes in eating patterns, but supports you when ever and where ever you need it
if he knows there's only one food you will eat, he will physically restrain himself from eating it because he knows how much it means to you
exercise helps but he knows it's probably the last thing you want to do, so he helps you though little bits at a time and takes you out to get a reward afterwards
spending time with you makes him happy, so he figures it must be the same the other way around so he makes an effort to just be with you, even if its just sitting together while you do different things
often finds himself seeking you out just to ask how you are by instinct, proving what a sweetheart he is
an interrupted or strange sleep cycle is something he would for sure notice
he becomes the biggest cuddle bug and will often give you sleepy kisses
when you're resting, he'll give you sweet dreams that will leave you feeling warm and fuzzy afterwards
he makes an effort to make the bed just how you like it, and before long makes it a habit to join you in your room for naps and bedtime
he doesn't mind if you wake up at weird time and will wait with you as long as you need to get up
thank you again for such the long wait! hope you enjoyed and hope you're feeling better now <333
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queenie-avenue · 4 months
Ok hear me out👉👈
Katie finding out (in this case she got friendzoned LOL) that Reader is in a relationship with someone else?? How do u think she takes it??
I've been such a lurker for quite some time and i love ur content sm 🥺🥺🥺🥺 *sending kisses*
Rejection is never the End.
—> she won't ever give up on you.
⤻ reader is gender neutral, reader has a girlfriend, no cheating, manipulation, possessiveness, obsession, typical yandere behaviour, gaslighting, reader gets drunk and katie takes advantage of her
notes: thank you so much for the ask, I'm so sorry it's taken so long for me to get to this!! no proof-reading, we die.
🦋⤻ archives.
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If you have a significant other, Katie will no doubt be furious, especially if you reveal it to her just when she decided to confess to you, of all things. She will be pissed off, but will just smile at you and pretend that everything is a-okay. You wouldn't even suspect a thing.
Sure, at first it'd be awkward with you and her drifting just a bit — which causes her to almost have a meltdown and abandon her cheer captain duties for a while — but eventually after a month of two, you both would go back to normal.
The difference would be that now she had access to your relationship status.
And boy, would she make use of it.
Out of consideration for her feelings, you'd of course not talk much about your significant other but Katie, Katie wanted to know.
It started small, she liked to visit your dorm normally so it was a usual day of her coming to see you after cheer practice in her short shorts and pink t-shirts.
“Oh, those flowers are so cute, did your girlfriend get them for you?” Katie asked, lounging on your desk as she stroked the petals of the bouquet filled with your favourite flowers. “They are so pretty!” She squealed, grinning at you as you sat on your bed.
“Yeah, my girlfriend came over just the other day. It was fun.” You smiled back, wanting to keep details of your beau brief out of respect and love for Katie.
“Does she get you flowers often?” Katie inquired, eyes fixated on the flowers, back turned to you now.
“Not really. It was just a special occasion yesterday, our one year anniversary.” You exclaimed, clearly giddy about the fact you had been together with your girlfriend for a year.
“Fun.” She replied, tutting her plump lips. “So, why didn't I know about her? I mean, you showed me pictures once but you don't really tall about her that much.” Katie commented as she leaned towards you.
“We don't talk about our relationship much…” You mumbled. “I mean- she's like secretive about it. So not a lot of people know.” You shrugged your shoulders awkwardly. Oh, [y/n], you really were such a horrible liar. Katie could tell in an instant that the idea of you relationship being kept secret made you antsy, uncomfortable. If it were *her* that was your girlfriend, she'd be parading you around proudly. Why couldn't you see that?
“Huh.” She huffed, eyeing you up and down.
That was how it started.
She made use of your insecurities about your relationship with your girlfriend and weaponised them against you. Slowly, you grew more worried about whether the reason your girlfriend didn't want to reveal your relationship was because she wasn't proud to be with you, or she wasn't committed to being with you or worst, that she was being unfaithful towards you. Katie didn't help matters, subtly showing you those stupid YouTube shorts with reddit stories that talked about how people who didn't make their relationships known typically cheated on their partners.
You slowly spiralled into madness, growing resentful of your girlfriend and more appreciative of Katie. Eventually, you would break it off with your girlfriend when things became too hard for the both of you.
You kept starting arguments with your girlfriend over why she wanted to keep the relationship a secret, you became too needy for her validation and she was annoyed with you constantly picking fights with her and also your budding relationship with Katie who seemed to find a way to antagonise your girlfriend every single time. Katie egged you on, overanalysing each word your girlfriend said or texted to you and reporting what she thought back to you. Most of which just made you view your girlfriend in a horrible light.
Eventually, you broke up with your girlfriend.
Just like Katie wanted.
She would soon swoop in to comfort you, tell you that it wasn't your fault that the relationship didn't work. Your girlfriend was the red flag, you didn't do anything wrong!
“Come on, pom-pom. Cheer up, you'll find someone much better than her. You were too good for her ass anyway.” Smiled Katie as she dragged you for a night of partying at a fraternity.
You got wasted, of course; attempting to drown out the sorrow of your freshly opened wounds.
Katie's hand snaked around your waist as you danced to the beat of the music, the loud thumps banging loudly in your ear as you drunkenly relied on the cheerleader for support. Before you knew it, the dancing morphed into Katie pulling you into the bathroom, your legs wrapped around her waist as she leaned closer into you, both sat on the counter of the toilet. The vague sounds of people banging the door outside as you both gazed into each others’ eyes. “You feeling better?” She asked, dark eyes looking into yours intensely.
“I… I still miss her.” You slurred, slumping your body into Katie's neck, letting out a dry sob. The cheerleader hummed as she placed a hand on your waist, another under your chin.
“You don't need to think about her anymore, okay? I'm here for you.” She pressed a chaste kiss to your lips.
Katie knew that you loved her, everyone did. It's just that your girlfriend was in the way. Now that she's not, you can be devoted to loving her, and only her.
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amakumos · 1 year
haru yo, koi — yang jungwon (teaser)
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full fic is out now! read here.
synopsis. Life is fragile. You’ve known this ever since you got diagnosed with a rare disease that gives you only 10 years to live. You tell yourself to not fall in love, but then you meet Yang Jungwon in the middle of a park surrounded by cherry blossom trees. But just like the fleetingness of the cherry blossoms, your romance with Jungwon is short lived. You can only hope that the universe will be kind enough to offer you a second chance.
genre. angst, fluff, friends to lovers to ?, inspired by the movie the last 10 years.
pairing. non-idol! jungwon x fem! reader
warnings. swearing, reader and jungwon are 22 at the beginning of the fic, mentions of death, hospital, illness & disease, scenes where drinking is involved
word count. est around 30k+ (teaser is approx 1.4k)
author's note. hellohello : ) this is the teaser for the longest every fic i have ever written!!! that’s so crazy!!!! the title is of course inspired by yuzuru hanyu’s program “haru yo, koi” :) i hope u guys enjoy this small little teaser of the full thing & if you’d like to be added to the taglist, just send in an ask !!
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Cherry blossoms are known for their existence to be short-lived. They symbolise transience, ephemerality. They fall to the pavement as quickly as they bloom.
Just like the cherry blossoms, your existence will be short-lived. You’re running on borrowed time, and you don’t know when that time will run out. 
Every breath you take could be your last. 
There is a peaceful quietness as you wander around the park, admiring the vibrant pink hues of the flowers in full bloom. The faint smell of the cherry blossoms waft through the air, and you watch as some of the petals fall to the pavement. 
The quietness is interrupted by a dog bark. A white dog runs up to you, and you look at it, startled and confused. Suddenly, a boy who looks around your age runs up to you. 
“I am so sorry about Maeumi,” he says, attaching the leash back onto his dog. “He’s a little energetic sometimes.” 
You look at the boy, and something about him feels familiar. Those eyes – you’d recognise them anywhere. 
It’s Yang Jungwon, an old classmate of yours. He was the head of the student council during your time at the school, and you remember him even though you weren’t exactly there much due to your illness. But Jungwon was always a kind person, helping out anyone in need. He was friendly, and popular. You knew that many people had a crush on him, including your friend Minji.
“Wait a minute,” Jungwon’s eyes narrow suddenly. Something seems to click, and he gasps. “You’re (Name), right? We were in the same class in high school.” 
You’re surprised that even with all his busy duties in high school and with you constantly being away at the hospital, Yang Jungwon still remembers you.
“Yeah, I am,” you say, a small smile on your lips. “I’m surprised you remember who I am.”
“Of course I’d remember you!” Jungwon’s eyes seem to twinkle as he says the words. “We worked together on a project for biology once. Do you remember me?” 
You chuckle. “Of course. Yang Jungwon. Head of the student council.” 
Jungwon smiles. “Yeah. That’s me.” 
There’s a brief moment of silence where you and Jungwon just look at each other, small smiles on both of your faces. Maeumi sits patiently as a few of the cherry blossom petals land on his fur. 
“So… what have you been up to?” Jungwon asks you, looking genuinely interested. How are you supposed to respond to that? Because really, you’re not going to just tell him that what you’ve been up to is… hospital. 
“Um… work. Got a job,” you lie, nodding. “What about you?” 
“I’m a lawyer now,” Jungwon replies, and you smile. “Law. It suits you.” 
“Huh. Everyone tells me that,” Jungwon runs his fingers through his hair to make it a little neater. “So… what do you do at work?” 
“Writing. I… write.” Well, that wasn’t a complete lie. You do write, just… not for work. You’ve only been working on one thing ever since you got your diagnosis — it’s something akin to a diary, recounting your journey through the last 10 years of your life.
Maybe you’ll get to see it published before you’re gone.
“Oh, that’s so cool!” Jungwon beams. “I know your writing’s great. You wrote for the school newspaper, right?” 
It seems like Yang Jungwon remembers a lot about you. You wrote occasionally for the school newspaper when you were well enough to actually write. You’re surprised he remembers that, and you’re quite surprised that he actually read the school newspaper — you thought that with his busy schedule, he wouldn’t have had the time to.
“I did. You have a good memory.” 
“Thank you.” Jungwon cracks a smile. The boy looks at the cherry blossom trees, before returning his focus onto you. “They’re pretty, aren’t they?” he asks, and you nod.
“I like the colours.” you say, quietly.
“Me too.” 
“(Name), Soobin just got an emergency at the hospital, so he’s had to leave– oh!” Chaewon suddenly appears out of nowhere, startling both you and Jungwon. “Sorry, I didn’t know that you were talking to someone.” 
“Oh, it’s okay.” you tell your sister, who looks at you, then looks at Jungwon, then looks at you again. “Was I interrupting something?” she asks, with a small smile on her lips. 
“We were just looking at the cherry blossoms.” Jungwon pipes up. “I’m Jungwon. It’s nice to meet you.” 
“Chaewon,” your sister says. “Do you know my sister?”
“We went to high school together,” you tell her. “Jungwon was the head of the student council. I’m actually quite surprised he still remembers me, considering how… you know.” 
“Yes. I know.” 
Jungwon doesn’t know exactly what you and Chaewon are talking about, but it seems personal — and he wouldn’t want to pry. And, you keep mentioning how you’re extremely shocked at the fact that Jungwon seems to remember you.
But, why wouldn’t Jungwon remember his first crush? 
Something about you intrigued Jungwon the moment you stepped into the classroom for the first time. It was seventh grade, and you had walked into the room with a small smile on your lips. Jungwon remembers you catching his attention instantly. 
You two were partnered together for a project, and you both had quite a few pleasant conversations while working on the assignment. Jungwon remembers walking home with a giddy smile on his lips after he had gone to your house. 
But gradually, you started to disappear. 
Throughout high school, Jungwon tried to talk to you as much as he could. Problem was, you were almost never at school, and when you were at school, Jungwon always seemed to be busy.
So Jungwon was never able to get closer to you. He couldn’t get to know you better, or find out why he found himself gravitating towards you. 
You didn’t even show up for graduation. 
The last time Jungwon remembers seeing you was in class one day. You were wrapped in a puffer jacket, a hand warmer in your hands. You looked pale. Jungwon assumed that you might’ve gotten a cold.
He didn’t know that you were sick. He still doesn’t know that you’re sick. Nobody from high school knows, with the exception of Minji and Wonyoung. 
He just assumed you were always busy with out of school activities. But he never forgot about you. 
“Oh, that reminds me. Ricky’s hosting a reunion party next week for our year? We’d love for you to come.” Jungwon says, and Chaewon nudges you gently. “You should go,” your sister whispers to you.
“Oh, I… I don’t know. I don’t think people there will really remember me.” you murmur, and Jungwon shakes his head. “No, they will! Just come along. Here, I’ll give you my number, since Ricky’s still making decisions on which restaurant he’s booking. I’ll text you the details.” 
You type in Jungwon’s number into your phone slowly, saving his contact. “It was really nice seeing you again. What a coincidence, right?” he beams.
“It was nice seeing you again too, Jungwon. I’ll… let you know if I go.” 
“I’ve got to run along now, a friend of mine’s waiting for me.” Jungwon says, a small pout on his lips. “But yeah, text me! I’ll talk to you soon.” 
“See you around, Jungwon.” you say softly, and the boy gives you one last big smile before turning around to leave. Chaewon looks at you with a wide grin on her lips. “Come on, you should go!” 
“I don’t know,” you say hesitantly. You’re not even sure if people remember you. Or know you at all. You attended school less than 20 times in your last year — to be completely honest, even you found it strange that you graduated. “What if people are like ‘who are you?’ It would make things really awkward.” 
“So? Jungwon knows you. Invite Minji and Wonyoung. There, you know four people. Come on, (Name). You should live your life to the fullest.” 
As you’re nearing the end of the 10 years that the doctor has given you, you decide that perhaps Chaewon is right. You’ve spent years wallowing in self-pity, spending all your days at home when you could’ve been spending time doing things that you’ve always wanted to do. See people you never thought you’d see again. Go to places that you’ve always wanted to go to.
You take a deep breath. “Okay. I’ll go.” 
And as a pink cherry blossom petal brushes against your cheek, you return home with Chaewon by your side, and the thought of Yang Jungwon in the back of your mind.
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f10werfae · 2 years
The Summer I Met You
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pairing: Chris Evans x Shy!Reader
Summary:Chris meets Shy Reader. The reader is traveling with girlfriends and is mostly ignored and turned on. Such as eating less or talking more. Chris can't look at it more and goes there and says that the reader is beautiful (Req by Anon)
Requests are open/ Likes, Comments and Re-blogs are appreciated♥️
Chris Evans Masterlist Full Masterlist Taglist Form
It was the summer of 2018, a time where Y/n found herself on holiday with some of her friends from high school, granted they weren’t as close before but Y/n couldn’t find it in her heart to say no. Thing is though, a group of guys were coming with them. Stephanie's older brother and his friends, which only made Y/n's social battery already start to sputter.
Arriving at their beach resort on Hawaii, the group of girls and guys got all their luggage, hotel room keys and headed to get settled in. Y/n carried in her small suitcase for the 7 day vacation, the smell of the salt water nearby already heightening her sense in a good way, she always loved being close to nature.
“Ya need any help?” She heard a deep Bostonian accent ask, looking up to see one of the guys on the trip with them, Chris Evans.
Before Y/n could even reply Grace had already spoken for her, “Nah don’t bother with her Chris, she won’t speak to you, that girl’s basically mute”
‘Here it all starts’ Y/n thought to herself, deciding to ignore them all and head on up to her room, if we was going to be on holiday then she was going to enjoy herself.
Her room was beautifully decorated, flower petals all over the place, courtesy of the hotel staff. Y/n has begun unpacking her phone buzzed,
Vacray GC 2022!!
Stephanie: Ok yall meet at 7pm for the dinner downstairs? Until then do what your heart desires :)
Everyone had replied with ‘okays’ so throwing her phone, Y/n got out the tiny notebook she brought with her, there she had written down all the things she wanted to do in Hawaii. Things the others didn’t want to do.
1. Snorkelling
With her bathing suit already on under her tshirt and shorts, all she had to do was gather her valuables and off Y/n went.
(Y/n’s P.O.V)
Closing my hotel room behind me, I bumped into one solid mass, only to hear it grunt right back at me.
“Y/n right?” Rubbing my forehead I looked up to see Chris from earlier, a charming smile on his face, a backwards cap pulling his hair back.
“U-uh yeah, you’re Chris?” I said avoiding eye contact, seemingly finding the floor more interesting than his intimidating dark blue eyes.
“Are you joinin us with the spa massages Stephanie booked?” He asked crossing his arms over his chest, see somehow only us two were put onto this floor, making it that more awkward knowing no one could interrupt this.
“Spa massages?”
“Yeah the one she sent us? She sent the invites separately”
I knew this was going to happen. I was only brought along to be the butt of their jokes, something I expected but was used to. I was not going to waste this vacation
“Uh no. No i’m not. I have my own list” I smiled holding up the tiny blue notepad in my hand, letting him read it when he reached up for it, his eyes concentrating on every single word.
“So you’re going snorkelling then first yeah?”
“Mhm I wanna see turtles” I smiled remembering the documentary I watched a while back about how they are endangered and how amazing it is to see them out in the wild where they belong.
“Can I join?” Chris asked cocking his head to the side, his thumbs now tucked into the front pockets of his swim shorts, a small smile on his face.
“I-I mean yeah of course, don’t you wanna go to the spa though?”
“I mean sure but i’d rather see some adventure, plus I dont want ya to be alone” He explains starting to walk down the hallway, causing me to run up a little to catch up to his massive steps.
(Chris’ P.O.V)
Y/n and I got into the boat we were using for the snorkelling trip we were doing, my phone was switched off because of all the spammed texts I was receiving from the others. Straight from the get go I could already see they were trying to alienate Y/n, for no other reason than them thinking she was too shy to actually be fun.
“Look Chris! It’s a baby turtle!” Y/n shouted once she got into the water, pointing towards a spot where a tiny guy was floating towards the boat, even deciding to boop Y/n's finger with its head before swimming away rapidly.
“Alright alright m'comin sugar” I laughed getting into the water beside her, both our hands interlocked as we floated over the water, both our heads submerged looking at the wildlife underneath. I had even decided to buy an underwater camera at the lobby of the place, Y/n and I deciding it’d be a good idea to have ways to remember it.
Looking over at her under the water, her face was lit up by her gorgeous smile, her hair flowing freely in the water almost as if she was some siren.
(Time Skip)
“Omg that was amazing! I’m so glad we got to do that” She squealed jumping up and down once we got changed back into our clothes and showered off, both of us choosing to have a sneak peek around the gift shop.
When something small and blue caught my eye, a turtle stuffie on a keyring, perfect for her.
So while she was busy looking at some other things, I bought ut and stuffed it into my back pocket, waiting on her by the front door. The taxi waiting to bring us back to the hotel for dinner, I could tell both of us were sleepy from the activities with the way our eye lids lidded.
Y/n's shoulder had landed onto my head,
“Hey Y/n? Thanks for today, I had a lot of fun” I whispered pushing back some of her wet hair away from her face
“No problem, I had a ton of fun too! Maybe you can join me for mountain tubing tomorrow? I understand if the others-“
“I’d love to go mountain tubing with you, and between you and me, the others’ plans seem boring. All just therapeutic bullshit, which don’t get me wrong I totally get, but for the whole week? Really?” I scoffed feeling her giggle onto my bicep, my chest feeling that bit tighter, and my cheeks feeling that bit more redder.
“Also I-uh got you this earlier, reminded me of ya” I said fishing for the turtle keychain in my pocket, her fingers immediately reaching for it and squishing it like crazy. Without seeing her face, I could already tell that her eyes were probably wide and doe.
“T-thank you so much Chris, it’s so cute. I may just name it after you” She smiled looking up at me, then putting it straight onto the bag she carried around with her
(Y/n's P.O.V)
“Ah so there you guys are” I heard Chloe groan, the rest of the groups already sat down for dinner, stephanie at the head of the table looking grumpy.
“Didn’t we say 7 for dinner?” Grace grumbled throwing me a shady look, the other guys choosing to just remain silent and engage in their own conversations.
“Yeah sorry our boat took a bit to get back, there was just so much to see with the turtles-“ Chris explained before he was interrupted
“Y’all went snorkelling without us? Was it Y/n’s idea? God Y/n you’re so fucking rude, where was our invite?”
“W-well I thought you guys had massages, so I went to do my own thing and Chris wanted to come along” I explained, feeling my cheeks heat up at all of their glares, my fingers starting to fidget under the table when I felt Chris' hand grip onto mine under the table
“Uh she wasn’t rude, I know you guys purposefully didn’t send her an invite today. Frankly I’d prefer to spend my vacation with her than a bunch of assholes. Oh and Grace? She isn’t fucking mute, maybe if you took the time to talk to her like a person you’d understand that she does have a mind of her own and can speak for herself”
By the end I could see a vein throbbing at the base of Chris' neck, his face flushed because of his rant, the girls’ face red with embarrassment for being told off.
“Come on Y/n, I read up about a good restaurant a few minutes away”
(Chris’ P.O.V)
“Thank you so much for treating me to dinner, standing up for me and just being there” Y/n said as we walked towards our respective hotel rooms, our pinkies linked, which somehow happened on our way home. I definitely wasn’t against it.
“It’s no problem, honestly. Thank you for making my first day here absolutely amazing, and I know I might sound stupid straight off the bat, but I think I like you? Of course I know you said during dinner you prefer to take things slow so-“
I could barely even finish my statement when U felt her lips kiss my cheek, a small squeak leaving her as she rushed to close her bedroom door and rush inside; not even letting me process what the fuck just happened.
“You dropped Chris out here by the way” I laughed seeing the poor tiny turtle stuffie had been cut off the rashness of the door. I heard her door unlock slowly before her hand slowly reached out with the palm open, a cute gesture.
“Alright here’s Chris, and my spare room key. I-I saw that it’s due to thunder tonight and I remember you saying earlier you were scared of storms so..”
Closing her hand around both items her hand retreated into her room again, a few seconds I just stood there standing for some reason, when I saw her hand hold out something to me. Her notebook.
“I-incase you wanna add anything else you wanna do, l-like for future trips I dunno” She whispered now shutting the door for definite, a bashful smile on my face as my heart started to race a tiny bit.
“See ya tomorrow bright n' early for mountain tubing then!” I shouted to her door before walking off to my room. Lowkey awaiting her presence at some point during the night, hopefully.
Taglist Tags (Form is up there^^): @cevansgurl @imboredat2am @adoreyouusugar @fdl305 @stormcloudss @patzammit @pandaxnienke @thereisa8ella @chrisevansangel @evanstanwhore @seren-a-ity @chrisevansdaughter @bxdbxtxh15 @madebylilly @vrittivsanghavi @uwiuwi @jackslover12 @marvelgurl @caps-shield1918 @xoxokiaraaxoxo @mirikusashes @taramaria @mysticfalls01 @royalwriteroftheuniverse @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @sairsei @dumb-fawkin-bitch @kimhtoo17 @itsaylayay1213 @mrspeacem1nusone
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