#like what happened w some uh. other movies lmao
aihoshiino · 2 months
chapter 145 thoughts!
what even was this chapter, y'all. i'm getting a migraine.
While it certainly wasn't actively bad, it basically hits on enough of the issues I've been having with the Movie Arc that if you've been reading my chapter reviews lately, you could probably write this one yourself. Weird pacing, skipping over interesting parts of the movie, continued framing of AQRB as a shallow gag and failing to follow on any of the implied development from or literally any referenced fallout of the kiss in 143? It's all here, babes. It would ultimately just be boring and redundant for me to go over all that at length again, so I won't.
I will however say that I'm pretty disappointed we're blasting through what had the potential to be some really interesting bits of postmortem characterization for Ai, even filtered through 15YL. I don't mind the manga breezing past scenes we saw firsthand but like… how did Ai react when she realized she was pregnant? How did she feel, especially given that Spica once again emphasized her longing for a family of her own? IDK. The way the story is suddenly jolting forwards in these last few chapters and skipping such huge chunks of Ai's life ultimately feels very strange and I don't know what to make of it yet.
Everyone reacting to Crow Girl's acting was pretty funny though I'm kind of exhausted with Ruby's Gaga-For-Oniichansensei Gag Character flanderization. IDK if my tolerance for it is just decreasing or if it really is amping up, but at least in the 125-137 stretch I at least got the sense that they could be in the same room and have a normal conversation but ever since 139, it feels that bit more relentless. I imagine this would be less irritating if we knew how the aftermath of 143 had played out but it really seems like the manga is going to drag this out until we're all old and grey.
THAT SAID, this chapter does confirm that Aqua's hoshigan stayed white after that chapter and… eh. Who even knows what that means lol. It does at least imply that his talk with Ruby has brought him back to Baseline Aqua but Baseline Aqua is still a guy with every single mental illness on planet earth so I don't know if that's the world's biggest W quite yet. It certainly implies an improvement over double black hoshigan but… again, with Aqua being so totally cut off from the readers this whole arc and no idea of what happened in the aftermath of 143, it's impossible to make a meaningful guess as to wtf is going on with Aqua right now.
Oh yeah, uh. This chapter also I guess constitutes the reveal of how the AQRB reincarnation happened. I guess LMAO. Honestly, I don't have much to say about it other than it feels like a bit of an anticlimax for me? The idea works fine, the execution just left me… idk. Whelmed at best, underwhelmed at most. I feel like this backstory and the implied deep fondness for GRSR -> AQRB it implies doesn't really like up with the personality she displays in the Private arc but like, I kind of feel like she was tossed into the story without Akasaka having a clear idea as to what her role was even going to turn into so maybe that's not a surprise LOL
I will say I'm glad this seems to quash the theory that Aqua and Ruby were secretly capital-G Gods, instead framing it as a Tsuru no Ongaeshi type return of kindness to two otherwise mundane people. There was some fun fan theorizing around the idea, but for me personally, Oshi no Ko is most interesting when it focuses on that aspect of the story Akasaka highlighted in an interview recently, of human relationships being warped by the entertainment industry and I think an explosion of the emotional stakes to the cosmic scale of AQRB (or tbh any of the characters) being Secretly Gods All Along would be a bit of a shark jump for me and would really shift away from what I like about the series most.
That's kind of it for this one…! Not really a lot to say about this chapter, which is why most of this review was me explaining why I didn't have a lot to say about it.
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satoru-is-the-way · 1 year
Kang × Reader
(PAST)Loki Laufeyson x Reader
Master List For more fanfics!
 A/N: So! I will say I loved this movie!! Im in love with Kang! He is daddy ngl!! Hope you enjoy. I am writing more Kang x Readers!! I am taking requests for Kang at the moment as well!!
Warnings: Angst, Mentions death, SMUT SMUT SMUT MINORS DO NOT READ. Im horrible at smut. Lmao.
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Evil, I've come to tell you that *he's evil, most definitely
Evil, ornery, scandalous and evil, most definitely
(Y/n) stood in the quantum real prison. On the opposite cell Scott Lang, Ant-Man, looked in her direction. "So this the first time you've been to jail?" He attempts to make small talk unsure of what fate held. (Y/n) (L/n) had been a long-time friend of Hope Van Dyne thus also a friend of Scott. She happened to be over for dinner when Cassie brought up researching the quantum realm. The six went down to the lab where Cassie made a device sending a signal down into this unknown realm. One thing lead to another and now here (Y/n) was caught up in this mess. Held prisoner in a castle of some conqueror.
"No, definitely not my frist time in prison." She replied before hearing footsteps in the distance. The man who approach the cells had a great deal of power (Y/n) could feel it. A power that no one should have. He far exceeded every foe she previously face. A man that would have Thanos trimble in fear.
"You two are very interesting. Scott Lang. (Y/n) (L/n)." He spoke glancing at each hero individually.
"Uh, I don't know who you are. But you have made a big mistake. We are avengers. We called the other avengers." Scott crossed his arms. (Y/n) knits her brows watching Kang's reaction. But this man did not care. In some aspects, she could see amusement in Kang's dark eyes.
"You are an avenger. Have I killed you before?" The conquerer asked.
"W-What?" Scott asked puzzled.
"They all bend together after a while. But you..." Kang turned around taking a few steps closer to (Y/n). "I remember ." A smile graced his lips. The blue shield that kept you imprisoned dropped.
"I do not know you." (Y/n) replied. Kang chuckled as he kept moving towards (Y/n) who stood her ground. That is what he loved about her. In every universe, she held powers that could far exceed his own. Yet this woman never understood how to use them.
"I know. But in time you will. Trust me I know." He sighed," In every universe, you are always the last one standing. Strong but useless. I was going to make a deal with Scott. However, my dear, are far more desirable." Kang's gloved hand cup (Y/n)'s cheek.
She leaned into his touch knowing what men like him wanted, love. "What deal are you offering?" (Y/n) whispers.
"You are desperate for him. The man you lost. It's irony. In every universe I have conquered, there is a trace of him in you. Call it destiny. The path other Kangs have written to make you vulnerable. Your one true weakness. The youngest prince of Asgard." He smirked. (Y/n) gulped heart beating fast as this man came into mind. The man she watched die in front of her. She was pathetic, ridden with fear, and helpless as Thanos murdrred him. Loki Laufeyson
"This deal involves him? Without the stones it's impossible to bring him back!" (Y/n) snaps.
"My dear, I am the all powerful Kang. I control space and time. If you help me start my ship. I can give you what you need. More time. I can create it where he never died. Would you like that?" He whispered.
"Don't do it. He is lying!" Scott's voice rang reminding you he was there.
"This does not involve you, Scott Lang. Need I remind you I have your daughter in a few cells down...Do not worry you are not entirely useless." He glanced back from the corner of his eyes.
"And if I say no?" (Y/n) asked.
Kang leaned closer his lips mere inches away from hers. "We both know you will agree. The greed inside of you leads you down the wrong path every time. Trust me I know you better than you do. I have seen you in many lives, in thousands of universes and timelines." He looked at her lips. "You desire more than just love. Security, loyal, trust....power." The last is barely audible. It was meant for only her ears. (Y/n) breathes in heavily knowing all he said was true. She walked the fine line between good and evil. The dark and light battled for her soul. Here in front of her stood temptation, the apple god placed in the garden. One bit would mean devastation.
"(Y/n) don't do this you are-" With a flick of his finger Scott is flying into the wall knocking him out.
"Come with me." Kang extends his hand without hesitation (Y/n) takes it following Kang up to his throne room. "You could have him back. It can be arranged. In your time, an alternate ending, or something better. I can create your own world. As you see fit. You can be happy with him and have everything you wanted. In a snap of my fingers, it will all be yours." He walked around (Y/n) stopping behind her. "And the best part is I can erase your memories so you never have to remember. Isn't that what your tortured soul requires? Peace." Kang brushed her (h/c) behind (Y/n)'s ear. She never felt scared like this before. Her body went cold. All her needs, darkest desires, and dreams can be made into reality. This man held power far beyond her imagination. Loki could be hers again. "I am Kang. Anything is possible with me."
"I want the deal...I want more than just that Kang. I need revenge. I want to kill Thanos. Slaughter every variant of him until he is erased from the multiverse no matter how long it takes." Her words brought joy to Kang's heart. He missed how dark (Y/n) could be. The evil that corrupted her inside. Kang hums and walked over to his golden throne.
"Is that all you want?" He asked innocently beckoning (Y/n) to come closer. The female took one step at a time until standing in front of him. "Sit." Kang pats his lap. (Y/n) straddles his lap sitting down. Large hands gripped her waist. "Your beauty never ceases to amaze me. In every universe. You still are the same." He pulled her into a kiss. She left uncertain about this. Why did she crave this man? Maybe Kang was right power attracts her. It engulfs her entire being. She craves it, yearns for it, and now power sits in this golden throne.
"I want you." Her silk voice lets a whine out as the conqueror trails his lips down her neck. (Y/n) grinds herself onto his bulge. He could not wait any longer. The way her (e/c) eyes tease him. "I need you." She gaped as Kang ripped her shirt off.
"You are so beautiful," Kang whispered unclipping her bra. "Fuck." He licked over (Y/n)'s hard nipples. The way she grinds onto his erection had Kang seeing stars. She pulled at his robes and in a quick snap of his fingers they are off.
"Damn." She whispered unable to pull her eyes from his chest. The Conqueror had abs. She traced them with her fingers. His arms had large muscles. (Y/n) left her cunt clench around nothing. His physique was perfect.
"Do you like what you see?" He purred roughly drawing her closer so their bare chests are pressed together. "I am all yours." He pulled (Y/n)'s skin-tight bottoms down along with her panties. "So wet already. We have just met and you are so fucking horny. How long has it been?... Since you have been pleasured by a real man?" Kang whispered pressing two large fingers into her wet pussy. A sigh of relief escaped her cherry-red lips. He moved them in and out slowly. This allowed (Y/n) to adjust to large fingers than her own small digits. Soon Kang's fingers thrust faster, rougher, and deep causing her to moan loudly.
"Ah- Fuck! Ngh~ Oh Kang." She cried tossing her head back. Kang his every spot just right. As if he knew her body already. Where to kiss her neck and how to rub (Y/n)'s spot deep inside her wet cunt. "I need you. Inside of mem" Her words are straight to the point. Kang chuckled and pulled his large cock out.
"Are you ready my dear? I won't hold back." He asked rubbing the tip against her entrance.
"Yes, Kang. Fucking use me." (Y/n) moaned loudly sliding down onto his erection. "So thick." She pants as his cool stretched her out. Kang did not wait any longer. He began thrusting up into her tight cunt. She took him so well.
"Mmm~ Fuck you are so tight." Kang pants watching his cock thrust in and out. She kissed him deeply moving up and down to match his thrusts up. The sounds of their sex filled his throne room.
"Im gonna cum." She whispers.
"Then come for me, goddess." He bites down on her neck. (Y/n) cried out softly clenching his cock as she orgasmed. Kang soon followed filling her cunt with his seed.
"Damn." He sighed rubbing her sides. "You are perfect."
"You are so evil. But I love it." (Y/n) leans down kissing him.
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audie430 · 1 year
BSD guys comfort you when you feel down
ft. dazai, chuuya, ranpo, atsushi
Hello beautiful! I hope you're doing well :) in honor of bungou stray dogs season 4, here are some new headcanons. I'm writing some hurt-comfort/fluff once more bc I'm a sucker for it and I'm ready for the year to be over already (only 10 days in haha💀).
Chuuya Nakahara
lmao fiesty boi
more spicy than takis
this shawty is a busy man, he has lots of work to always do so it would take him a few days to realize you're in a funk
I think he would figure out when he comes home for dinner and you arent as expressive as you usually are
he fell in love w you for how pure and adorable you areeee😭😭💕
he would ask what youre preparing for dinner and you'd answer w smth like "sigh, whatever you want. Or take out."
This boy loves your food, even if you suck at cooking
He sees you on the couch scrolling through your phone, seeing your unhappy expression
"Hey y/n.. whats wrong?"
"Hm? oh nothing, Im fine"
hehe jkjk unless..
he would obviously not break you bc youre like invinsible and like the biggest stone walls protect your heart from being vulnerable :/
He'll tell you he's getting chinese or smth and grab his keys to leave
but in reality he goes out to the store and buys all your fav things and the things that remind him of you
this guy is rich, he will buy you everything
Imagine him coming home w ingredients for your fav meal and an extra bag w a new teddy bear and maybe even a face mask, perfume, and a new nail polish color, or maybe matching hoodiessss
"uh chuuya, what are you doing? what's that?"
"I dont know whats burdening your sweet lil head, but darling whatever it is, just acknowledge those bad feelings and set them aside. You're so strong, but I want you to rest now. I bought you something and Im gonna be cooking your favorite tonight. Go open your gift, I'll tell you when food is done."
cue your tears
"..thank you bub"
he'll wrap you in his arms, rubbing your head, and drawing shapes on your back
"shhh sh sh, I'm here now"
he'll grab a chair so you can hang out w him in the kitchen while he cooks
he'll softly smile everytime your face lights up while you are opening your gifts
then you'll get to the bottom of your present
a rock?
"rocks always remind me of you, silly girl"
he was your penguin, giving you the smoothest part of earth he could find
after dinner, he'll get a bath running and join you
just innocent touches on your body to help you relax and sweet nothings to help your tired mind.
you practically become jelly in his hold
he'll carry you to bed, rub your back some more
all the head kisses in the world from chuuya ofc
"sleep well, little lamb"
Osamu Dazai
im simping all over again, pls let me drown w him
i wanna cuddle and watch disney movies pls😩
depression who
this man knows the dark side, he has always had to protect himself from others
until he met you anyways
Lets say yall have been together for about 8-9 ish months. You both have opened up about your lives, but ofc not everything
Your past rises to the surface, whatever it is: its a bad memory and you break down
Im gonna say you found smth triggering while you scrolled through your cell phone
You were taking a sip of water when it happened and it caused your hand to slip
glass broken everywhere; the sound was loud and made your mind fuzzy
You couldnt move
"Dearest, i'm homeeeee🕺🏻🕺🏻🕺🏻"
literally not rn dazai-
anyway, his eyes widen. there you are on the brink of collapse
your knees are physically trembling, eyes watering and foggy
you couldnt even process dazai being there, did you even know he was there?
"y/n.. dont. move. I'll pick up the glass"
he needs to make your surroundings are safe before he can assess what the hell actually happened here
you answer him with a whimper, still trembling
he quickly sweeps the glass closest to you so he can grab your hand. you flinch but allow the touch otherwise so he can set you down
youre sitting on the floor while he picks up the rest of the glass
once he tosses the glass out into the bin, you couldnt hold it in as you started bawling
dazai quickly comes to you, he kneels in front of you trying to get your attention
thankfully you look at him and reach for him
he gently manuvers you onto his lap and allows you to curl into him
"o-osamu, I cant anymore, it.. it hurts"
the detecrive wont say anything more than a few short comforting whisperings and shushing you while he plays with your hair and gives your head a few kisses
he'll wait to move from the floor when you can breathe, and if you need a little guidance, he will see to it
"y/n, look at the palm of my hand. When we breathe in, you're gonna slowly trace all my fingers starting with my thumb, okay? You're gonna do the same thing when we breathe out. Go from the middle of my palm to the thumb, alllll the way to my pinky, can my lovely do that? here, lets do it together."
And slowly you inhale, you tickle his fingers when you trace the base of each of them up to his fingertips, then go back down to meet the following finger. You make your way back to his thumb and you exhale as you repeat the action all over again.
he'll pick your body up against his and he'll cuddle you in bed until you fall asleep
"my sweet girl, you did so well. I love you, have sweet dreams. I'll join you soon."
And when you wake up, you'll be met with your fav take out and a new spft blanket that was just in the dryer
Ranpo Edogawa
how did this man realize his feelings for you? or do you just taste like chocolate?
you knew coming into this relationship would be difficult
he's a literal child at 26
You or someone else will have to tell ranpo that you arent doing so great
in this scenario, we're gonna say someone else
kunikida: "hey ranpo, whats going on with y/n lately?"
"its probably their time of the month"
he's clueless until he puts on those glasses istg
he'll give you a glance and realize you're basically sulking
your shoulders look stiff, you have bags under your eyes, you look shaky, but not sick?
he put on his glasses and it all literally clicked
"ohh so thats what it is"
"uh ranpo who are you talking to?"
"not right now astushi, youll understand when youre older"
if yall are still at work when he gets the time to start a conversation with you, he will give you a snack of your choosing
and yes he will pout
"huh you want that one?! ahh, okay.."
and then youll quickly excuse yourself to do more work to rid yourself of your negative thoughts
youll drive ranpo and yourself home. you slump on the couch, your eyes watering. You are so tired
Ranpo will sit next to you and harshly pull you into his side to kiss your head before laying your head on his lap
"I dont like it when your sad, and I'm not good with nice words, but I can listen so spit it out so I can make you feel better."
he'll hold you all night, however you'd like
and if you rant thats up to you
just know that he is right there and you're in this together♥︎
Atsushi Nakajima
he's a sweet lil angel and will do ANYTHING to make you smile
"uhm y/n, i'll turn into a tiger for you"
"hey y/n just wanted to let you know that I did the dishes!"
"hey sweetie! do you wanna cuddle, maybe?"
^his love language is def shown through actions so he will either hold you or help you through most of your chores
it all started at the beginningnof the week, you were not feeling it
it was rainy and you were exhausted: it was only monday
you both had off work and it was pouring out, so you were stuck at home
atsushi said he would start w the chores but you didnt think he meant yours too
the whole apartment was tidy and he was even making you your fav sandwhich
he even turned on your fav show before giving you lunch
he sat next to you and pulled your feet into his lap
when he was done your sandwich, he massaged your feet and ankles and even kissed your toes to make you laugh
dw, you were wearing socks
affer eating and your episode finished, atsushi decided to pull out your record player and play your fav songs
*imagine enchanted by ts playing while he spun you in the living room🥺
"ahh, atsu! hahah"
it was.. enchanting to meet you
"oh princess, you make me wonder what I did just to have you in my life"
"I love you so much, let me take care of you today, and everyday after that."
"I want to watch you walk down the aisle in a pretty white dress"
he rlly simps for you, hard
astushi will spoil you the rest of the day with lingering soft touches, give you an early present that he was saving for your birthday, make dinner too
he would run you a bath and let you borrow his favorite hoodie and blush when you smell him on it
youre so tiny in his hoodies😭😭 he absolutely adores it
and he hopes that he can forever make you smile
"I never want to be the reason to make you cry, rest now. I'll protect you tonight. Every night, I promise" *kiss
oml look yall I did it, i wrote fanfiction. I hope yall have a great new year! dont forget to give me some ideas for work in the future, I will love yout input! have a lovely day, gorgeous :)
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tickle-bugs · 1 year
For the warmup prompts can you do Beetlejuice and Lydia (platonic! I do not ship them romantically in any way whatsoever) with the dialogue of “I bet I can get you to say my name.” If not, I totally understand!
So for people who haven’t seen/listened to the musical the vibe is completely different from the movie LMAO less “this is our weird uncle beetlejuice the family won’t talk to him he’s wanted by the feds and can’t come within 500 feet of the house” and more “cool but still weird cousin beetlejuice who collects strange rocks, is always in danger of being actively actively on fire, and is wayyy too into dark humor”. It’s a good show! If you like comedy musicals with a rock lean to the soundtrack, you’ll probably like it. It’s got a Little Shop of Horrors sensibility to it, I think. 
If anyone tags this as ship w/ Lydia and Beetlejuice I will crawl out of your screen like the girl from the ring and gnaw on your bones I’m so serious
AU where the plot of this show doesn’t take like. A week LMAO. Basically Lydia hasn’t said BJ’s name yet but she also hasn’t decided what to do with her dad yet. So they’re at an impasse. Lydia regularly goes to hang out in her haunted attic and lament because Delia won’t go up there, thus making it safe. Beetlejuice keeps doing Say My Name-style ad pitches to get Lydia to summon him properly but he’s not very good at it. 
EDIT: FORGOT THE BODY HORROR WARNING OOPS!! It’s very mild but just in case anyone needs it <;3
Full-Time Spectres
Lydia’s life is far from conventional, perfectly so, but she’s started to adapt to the strangeness in the walls of her house. She doesn’t have the one ghost she wants most of all, but she’s got three that do just fine for entertainment and scheming purposes. She’s gotten used to the cold spots, the occasional flicker of the lights, and Adam’s habit of walking through walls rather than doors--he figured out that he could and never wanted to stop. 
Some things she’ll never adjust to, though, like her attic being strewn with scraps of brutalized board games.
Monopoly’s been pinned to the wall with a knife, Ludo sits perfectly still on a shelf with suspicious-looking green liquid in the shot glasses, and a chess board hovers in the air, eternally aflame. It’s a massacre and she doesn’t know where half of these things came from. 
“What’s, uh…what’s happening here?” Lydia kicks the door shut behind her. The door creaks open. She kicks it closed again with a frown.
Adam looks up and squints at the door. His eyes dart around as if he can see the schematics of it and diagnose the problem from halfway across the room. Lydia allows herself a tiny smile. 
“Adam’s teaching me to play checkers.” Beetlejuice beams, which is unsettling in itself. 
“Well, I tried to reach him to play chess, then a few other things…it didn’t go well.” Adam pushes his glasses up his nose and surveys the board in front of them. He captures one of Beetlejuice’s pieces with a triumphant little ‘aha!’.
Beetlejuice takes a long, pensive look at the board. Very thin tendrils of smoke curl out of his ears as he tries to decide which piece to play. Adam, sweet Adam, goes to help him make an advantageous move, but Beetlejuice shushes him. 
“What are you doing?” Lydia sidles over to Barbara, who fumbles with an old lamp. She sets it down before she can shatter it. 
“Well, it was going to be a surprise but…” Barbara gestures excitedly to a small nook in the attic. She’s rearranged various boxes of her former belongings to build a shoddy sort of booth. A heavy, ugly floral curtain hangs precariously over the doorway. 
“It’s a dark corner!” Lydia gasps sarcastically. 
“No—well, yes, but it’s supposed to be a kind of mini dark room? I don’t know much about them but I know you’re always taking pictures.” Barbara shifts awkwardly.
Oh. Oh. 
Lydia cradles her camera in her hands, running her thumb along the outside. The pebbled texture is a kiss to her fingertips. If she concentrated hard enough, she can remember the feeling of her mom’s warm hands over her own, showing her how to hold the camera. 
“If you don’t like it—“ 
“You made this for me?” She whispers. She tries to swallow the lump in her throat. 
“Still workin’ on it, but yes.” Barbara gestures lamely. 
“You…didn’t have to do that.”
“Yeah, well, I’ve got nothing but time. Might as well use it right.” Barbara shrugs. Lydia bounces on her toes.
“I’ve still, um, gotta clear out all of our junk. Adam and I don’t need it anymore, not really, and you need room to breathe. I know it’s not much, but--”
Lydia crashes into Barbara for a hug. She’s icy to the touch, but her touch is the most comforting thing Lydia can imagine. Barbara pulls her in close, cradling the back of her head with her cool hands. There is no heartbeat in her chest, but Lydia can feel that it’s not empty.  
A memory of her mother prickles at the back of her mind. She pushes it down. 
“Do you want help?” Lydia pulls away and looks towards the dark room, ignoring the twinge of grief in her gut. She can see its potential around the edges.
“It’s your surprise! You can’t help with that!” Barbara gasps, affronted. 
The curtain falls heavily from the hooks and thumps into the ground. A plume of dust kicks up and Lydia coughs. 
“Okay. Maybe you can.” Barbara scratches her head. Together, she and Lydia hoist the heavy curtain back into precarious-looking hooks embedded in the wall. As they back away from it, silently begging it to stay in place, Beetlejuice sits up ramrod straight. 
“Adam, Barbara’s throwing away your coin collection,” Beetlejuice gasps and points over Adam’s shoulder.
“What? They’re vintage!” Adam whirls around. Beetlejuice moves a bunch of pieces around, making a bunch of captures, and eats a piece for good measure. He winks at Lydia. She fondly rolls her eyes. 
“You know I would never.” Barbara says. Adam deflates. She kisses his forehead. He grumbles a little but accepts it.
When Adam turns back to the board, Lydia has the express joy of watching him go through the five stages of grief in real time. He looks from Beetlejuice to the board in sheer despair. 
“Why do you keep eating the pieces?” Adam puts his head in his hands. 
“Because, Adam dearest, it makes you mad.” Beetlejuice pats his shoulder solemnly. Lydia snorts.
“Well, I’m officially out of games.” Adam pats his thighs and stands. He ambles over to Barbara and appraises the curtain. He puts his hands on his hips and starts muttering about supports and tracks. Lydia tries to follow along but her eyes near-instantly glaze over. 
“Sooooo, Lydia.” Beetlejuice slides over to her. “Have you given my offer any more thought?”
“You still haven’t given me a convincing argument. Calling yourself ‘the worst of the best’ isn’t exactly a glowing review.” Lydia wrinkles her nose. 
“These two like me!” Beetlejuice points at the Maitlands. Barbara gives a teasing ‘meh’ gesture just to see him splutter in offense. She laughs softly. 
“I’ll admit, I’m coming around on him.” Adam chuckles. 
“Thank you, Adam. Mwah.” Beetlejuice blows a kiss in his direction. Adam turns a little pink and goes back to working on the curtain. Barbara whispers something in his ear that makes him turn even pinker. 
“They like anyone. I’ve met cardboard with stronger opinions than them.” Lydia scoffs, then turns. “No offense.” 
Adam and Barbara both shrug. 
“Fair point. Counteroffer: you hate your dad, I hate your dad, let’s kill him.” Beetlejuice gives his most enthusiastic jazz hands. Lydia stares at him blankly. 
“Denied.” She pushes his hands out of the way. 
“On what grounds?”
“On the grounds that you suck. Your fate hinges on me and you can’t even get me to say your name. You spend all your time cheating at board games because you need me more than I need you. That’s pretty lame for a big, scary demon,” Lydia says mockingly, curling her fingers into claws. When Beetlejuice gives her the finger, she gives two right back with a smirk. 
“Lydia, be nice,” Barbara chides, goosing Lydia’s side. She yelps and smacks her hand away. 
Beetlejuice gasps. Lydia slowly meets his sparkling eyes. 
“No.” Lydia points at him. Beetlejuice smiles slowly, wicked and full of mischief. 
“I’ll kill you. I’ll bring you back to life just to kill you--”
Lydia steps back, Beetlejuice steps forward, and all hell breaks loose. Lydia springs over a pile of Maitland junk and ducks under Adam’s arm. She shoves him into Beetlejuice’s path.
Beetlejuice simply picks Adam up and deposits him elsewhere like a Maitland mannequin. He squeaks and leaps out of the way of their chase.  
The two of them circle each other around an unbuilt dining room table kit, Lydia just barely keeping out of arm’s reach. She bolts past a dilapidated spin-your-own-yarn kit and dives through Barbara’s legs to hide behind her. 
Beetlejuice stops and visibly considers the consequences of doing the same. Barbara gives him a withering look. He tries to circle around her, but Lydia’s excellent at moving her around like a meat shield. Beetlejuice visibly starts scheming. 
Barbara looks at Lydia, looks back at him, and slides out of the way. 
“Barbara!” Lydia screeches in outrage but there’s not enough time to screech and run. He grabs her and pulls her into a bear hug. 
“Thank youuuu, Babs!” Beetlejuice grins at her. She shakes her head fondly and honorably discharges herself from the battlefield. 
“Hey Lydia…I bet I can get you to say my name.” He cackles evilly. Lydia hisses at him, but damn it, she’s already giggling nervously. He swoops his hands over her stomach, wiggling his fingers but not quite touching. 
“B-Beetlejuice!” She squeaks and rocks up onto her toes in lieu of running. 
“That’s one!” He singsongs, finally touching down on her stomach. She folds into his hands—unwise, really—and curses Beetlejuice to the high heavens and below. 
“Think we should help her?” Adam leans over to Barbara. They both watch Lydia worm around in Beetlejuice’s arms, not making much of an escape attempt despite the volume of her threats. 
“Nah.” Barbara moves a crate of nearly-unused embroidery hoops out of the way with tender care. The curtain collapses again. Both Maitlands sigh. 
“Beetlejuice, you fucker!” Lydia growls, but quickly loses it to laughter. He’s doing this infuriating little pinchy-thing to her sides, one that makes her leap clear off the ground each time. She tosses her head back and cackles, her whole face scrunched with the force of it. 
God, she hasn’t laughed like this since…well, it’s been a while. She’d forgotten that she could. 
“Eh, that probably counts. One more!” Beetlejuice finds a deathly spot on her lower ribs and decides not to leave it alone. 
“Hm, yeah. See, now we’re gonna have to start over.” Beetlejuice tasers her sides, right at that spot, and feigns disapproval. Lydia makes a noise at a pitch audible only to dogs and demons. 
Lydia’s foot connects directly with his face in a frankly-stunning high kick. He drops her roughly. Something goes flying across the room and hits the wall with a quiet thump. Barbara gasps sharply and covers her mouth in shock. 
Beetlejuice touches his nose—or rather, the space where it used to be, and a thick hush falls over the attic. Everyone’s eyes drift to the nose, now fallen among jars of the most rancid-looking kombucha on the face of the earth. It twitches plaintively. 
He laughs, loud and boisterous. His lack-of-nose whistles as he does. Adam picks up the fallen nose and gags before tossing it to Lydia and wiping his hands on his shirt. 
“Got your nose,” Lydia giggles weakly, depositing it into Beetlejuice’s hand. 
“Nice shot.” Beetlejuice chuckles, uncomfortably nasally, and shoves his nose back into place with an awful crack. He takes a long, wheezing inhale and gives her a thumbs up. 
“So…” He sidles close to her, bringing back the jazz hands. 
“Yeah, that’s fair.” He sighs. 
“Lydia, are you alright?” Delia’s voice curls faintly up the rickety staircase. She climbs up, but not all the way—Lydia can tell by the shuffling of her awful shoes. 
Everyone freezes.
She opens her mouth to answer Delia and Beetlejuice squeezes her sides. She yelps and whirls around, but he doesn’t even have the decency to feign innocence. He just does it again, waiting for the precise moment she goes to speak. 
“Y-Yeah, I’m o-okay.” Lydia wrestles with Beetlejuice’s hands, her voice shaking with barely-restrained giggles. 
“Oh god, please don’t make me come up there.” Delia’s ‘whisper’ is anything but. Beetlejuice snorts. 
“I’m fine! Just, uhm, doing spring cleaning.” Lydia calls back, stomping on Beetlejuice’s foot. He doesn’t even flinch. 
“Okay.” A long, heavy pause from Delia. 
“You can go now!” Lydia yells. Delia’s heels click quickly down the stairs, back towards the dreary living. 
“You’re insufferable,” Lydia hisses at Beetlejuice, punching his shoulder. He holds his hand over his heart and gives a grand, sweeping bow. When he stands up, he smacks his head against the dagger in the wall. Lydia snickers at him.
He turns around like a penguin, never one to do things normally, and makes a delighted noise at the pierced Monopoly board. He pulls the knife out of the wall and pokes his finger with it a few too many times, fascinated with the sharpness of it. 
He stretches, makes a bunch of vague measurement and aiming gestures, then lobs the knife straight upwards. It lodges into the ceiling with an enthusiastic ping! The blade warbles with the force of it.
Beetlejuice slaps the Monopoly board down on the floor and plops down in front of it. Adam bemoans the state of the attic ceiling as Barbara consoles him. 
“Wanna play?” Beetlejuice snaps his fingers and the board changes, shifting into black, whites, purples, and greens. Graveyard moss creeps along the edges of the board. Monopoly components spawn into existence on the board, appearing in puffs of fog and comically-quiet wails of the damned. 
“Sure.” Lydia sits opposite him. She pokes at some of the moss. It sprouts to meet her touch. 
“If you get stabbed, you lose?” Beetlejuice casts a cursory glance to the still-wobbling knife. The blade shifts slightly out of the ceiling. 
“Deal.” Lydia sticks her hand out to shake. Beetlejuice takes it with gusto. 
“You guys wanna play?” Lydia turns to the Maitlands. Barbara and Adam look at each other, communicating in that telepathic way of theirs. Barbara grins and leads Adam over to the board to sit. 
“I call thimble!” Adam reaches for it. Beetlejuice swats his hand. Adam reaches again. Beetlejuice swats him a little harder. 
“You can’t have the thimble. I’m the thimble.” Beetlejuice pinches it between his fingers. 
“Can I have the thimble?” Barbara leans close to Beetlejuice and looks up at him through her lashes. Lydia never would’ve guessed that a demon could blush, but sure enough, Beetlejuice’s face takes on the slightest bit of color. 
“I sense that I’m being manipulated.” He narrows his eyes. 
“Is it working?” Barbara smiles. 
“Yep.” He slaps the thimble into her hand. She passes it to Adam. He beams. Beetlejuice rolls his eyes but his gaze lingers on them for just a bit too long. 
“Well played, Babs. Well played.” Beetlejuice scoops up the racecar piece and frowns at it. Its tiny metal form melts and reconfigures into a small hearse. Satisfied, he places it right next to the cat piece—Lydia’s, of course. Barbara takes the top hat with pride. 
When Beetlejuice jumps Adam for his extra get out of jail free card—of which there are a suspicious amount in Beetlejuice’s version of the game—Lydia laughs and swipes a bit of Beetlejuice’s money. Adam’s hiccupy cackles are the backdrop for Barbara robbing the bank in broad daylight, taking as many bills from the tray as her heart desires. 
Lydia’s life is certainly very strange and painfully unusual, but she wouldn’t trade it for the world. She can only hope that her mom will love being part of the attic’s menagerie of ghosts and ghouls as much as she does. 
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johnnys-breastmilk · 5 months
Wally anon: Uh oh @ some eps to skip outright. But that's good that 6 hasn't started the downturn yet. 👍
Another kink perhaps? 😳 Imagine all the things he uses when you aren't around & him eagerly waiting for you to touch/use/eat/etc. w/e it is & how much it turns him on. Freaky ass behavior fr (in a good way).
Do we think he ever gets satisfied, even if briefly, or is just like...forever horny dfndn. 🥴
omgggg true. Like knowing where exactly to kiss or touch or press you to make what kind of noise/reaction & him studying every part of you like you're a subject in school. 🫣
We're not, unfortunately. I have a Samsung rn, but do recall ™ being in the emotes on iPhones, just can't remember where. E x ac t l y. He's just perfected getting the right underwear/pants to not make it super obvious, but then you hear them chairs squeaking & creaking & you're like 🤔 (Oh, the bed frame mention gives me suchhhh a good idea. Have you ever seen Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter? fdkdh)
While still making sure he's getting a litte forceful to fulfill the entire roleplay aspect too (he just can't help but break a little cause he's so eager to try everything).
Every couple has their own unique struggles. This just happens to be particularly exceptional, but as long as you're reassuring him, he's able to brush it off. 🥰
(fjdkdkd the snow day analogy. Very apt.) But yupyupyup. He's gotta make up for ALL the lost time & will convince you to pull as many all nighters as your body can sustain. 👍
Well you should have several more in your inbox as we speak. Hope they inspire you just as much with your writing. 🙌
Yeah it’s not bad yet… but some of the episodes are sooooo boooriinggggggg at least Jared Padelecki is keeping them entertaining😛
Definitely in a good way. Other vegetables and fruits like zucchini (cucumber wannabe) and grape fruiting ends with eat the sour fruit after he’s been pumping it on his dick. It all depends on what’s in the lunch room or Home Ec. room (they cook in that class right?)
Forever horny sounds hot, like maybe he died after not having relieved himself for a good week or two, so he’s just eternally pent up. But also… the poor guy deserves a little rest. Maybe he’s still horny but he gets better at self control… so he’ll pop and boner and not immediately stick his hand in his pants skskdjfjro
Lmao Reader 101, introduction to the nervous system. Wally always took his classes on an average seriousness level, earning a C+ or solid B, but he’s getting an A in the class every time. His first test is to get you all worked up with noises to prove that he knows what he’s doing 😮‍💨
Yeah Im not sure how to do it on iphone maybe i’ll just copy paste it😭 the chairs are on life support and he’s crushing that last bit of life they have left sksjsksk. I haven’t seen The Final Chapter unfortunately, the only F13 movie i’ve seen is the reboot from 2009 or w/e it was with Jared Padalecki😮‍💨
I love him trying to be dedicated to a role, but he never did theater and never did well in the class he took for an art credit, so he’s just constantly breaking character to remind you how much he loves you sksjssk but yeah, he gets forceful with it a lot🫣
The amount of times you stayed overnight at that school is staring to look like a felony but he’s got you pulling all nighters like he’s your bunk mate it prison sksjskso (i hope that made sense)
Loved all of them! They’re so good and I will be cracking down on them when I’m finished typing this! I love that Milo’s characters are Jewish (or at least non-denominational) to respect his religion!!
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toytulini · 10 months
I saw Barbie last night, I dont think i have a long film review of it for yall but idk I'll put some thoughts under a readmore I guess?
-Right off the bat, I enjoyed it, it was fun. It was a fun pink poppy romp. Thats about what I expected of it, and thats pretty much what I got
-Its not particularly radical in its gender/feminism takes, its very basic, which, I saw a number of ppl mention that before I saw it so I wasnt expecting anything radical. It couldve done better. it was. fine. im shrug about it i guess.
-My mom enjoyed it and was apparently not expecting any sort of emotional depth or story at all so it caught her off guard. I heard her crying. she cries easy at movies. I'm glad my mom liked it. Maybe she'll absorb some of the very basic feminism it drops idk.
-I knew the Kens adopted patriarchy and introduced it to Barbieland but it felt lile that happened very fast, idk.
-The ending....I. is her going to a gynecologist supposed to be like. shes gotten a vagina by deciding to be human?? or is she trying to schedule a surgery or something? that felt pretty weird to me if im honest, i thought it was gonna be a job interview or smth... Especially with how everyone was like "Barbie is ace (heheeh i agree) cos she has no genitals! (sorry what. excuse me. wanna run that by me again?)" like okay that makes that headcanon reasoning even more dewply uncomfortable that it already was?
-I enjoyed weird Barbie. i wish theyd cast someone else cos iirc ka/te mckin/non was a transmisogynist? unless she apologized or said she changed her mind on the topic since like 2017?? but i havent seen anything? idk. just. annoying to keep platforming these ppl. i guess theres probably other actors involved that have shit views of trans ppl. whatever i guess.
-I did dress up a little. i feel like my outfit had Weird Barbie Vibes. maybe ill post a pic.
-I did enjoy it and it had a number of shots and or transitions i liked, i think the one with the disco ball to the moon or whatever was enjoyable.
-god we really are so weird about barbie
-it just feels factually incorrect that all dolls pre barbie were baby dolls? idk. im sure it was the most common kind. but idk. not to be weird about The History Of Dolls but like. the porcelain dolls from the Victorian era. idk if those count as baby dolls. iirc those were to help young girls practice prepping dead bodies of loved ones for funerals or smth??? but i guess porcelain dolls have a sort of babyish look about them. and are fragile so you cant play rough with them.
-Like i Know its a 2hr long toy commercial for mattel but also god that cant be right. even if they werent filling the same niche as barbie as idk basically a fashion doll? there had to be other dolls right?
-I know the flat foot thing is Supposed to be over the top and silly for them all to get upset about but also tbh. as a bitch with falling arches the way some of yall make jokes about flat feet still is uh. well. rude. but also lmao man. the day my arches started hurting for no reason while i was barefoot did sorta feel emotionally like her feet falling to the ground lol.
-i want to introduce barbie to margot robbie's harley quinn owo. i think that would be Fun :3
-i want Ken's job. how do i do Beach as an occupation.
-I actually liked how they handled Ken and Barbie's rship til the end. i feel weird about that ending overall and also it feels weak wrt her dynamic as Ken. they make him grapple w her not reciprocating his feelings the same way but then she just leaves barbieland anyway?? and ig they dont get to explore a friendship or qpr dynamic. ok. its fine i guess.
-her saying she has no genitalia felt so transgender in a way im not sure it was intended to. ken saying he has all of the genitalia felt even more transgender. headcanoning them both as extremely transgender in fun weird new ways and no one can stop me.
-Allan is my favorite character i think. bro me too
-bibbleless movie. add bibble.
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#toy txt post#barbie spoilers#barbie movie#everyone kept trying to get my dad to come see it and like.i get it.but genuinely he would hate it even if not for his conservative bullshit#he hates goofy fun movies. OR. he wouldve actually enjoyed it a little bit and been REALLY ANNOYING ABOUT IT bc he would never admit it#and insist he hated it#and hed enjoy the ken patriarchy thing too much#basically im very glad we didnt drag my dad along cos i have to live with him and i think he would be insufferable about it#he has no appreciation for any kind of whimsy or fun! he would hate this silly movie#also this was the first time id been in a movie theater since pre2020.#i enjoyed dressing up in a silly little outfit. but i think i wouldve been happier to wait for it to be out of theaters tbh. theaters teste#tested my patience even before covid like oh im gonna sit uncomfortably in this chair and crane my neck up at this screen and i cant pause#it and theres no captions and people are Eating all around me and now i go and its all the same but im the only one wearing a mask so i dont#get to have a lil snack either and i still have to hear ppl eating around me and part way thru the movie someone across the aisle was making#some kind of horrible very wet and loud gulping noise with their drink or Something?? and i did feel violent about it#i would never be violent about it but my god do i feel like biting. you know. anyway. not sure if ill bother seeing any more movies#in theater now. i just would like them at home. idk#i will give props to barbie. it was like kovie theater loud but at least it wasnt giant major booms and inaudible ass dialogue
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What was miura in?
like for toku? kamen rider ooo and chousei kantai sazer-x and 2 seconds of kamen rider decade (and the difference between ANKH and KANE is INSANE. good lord. 5 years and PHEW)
other things this man has been in that i've seen because i could find them or parts of them:
-alldays nichome no asahi: apparently a gay parody of some other franchise. don't ask me exactly what happens because i couldn't find subs. but he kissed another dude and that was like 2008.
-the chasing world: where it's okay to be gay (like him) but not named sato in the alternate universe lmao
-bokura no houteishiki: also no subs that i could find but him and 3 other toku dudes (kamen rider w-left, shinkenblue, and kamen rider zeronos) get stuck in a hostage situation at their school. look up futaridakeno happy birthday to hear them sing with honey l days.
-beck: he's in this for 2 seconds, but kamen rider kabuto speaks a lot of english and kamen rider den-o gets in fights with his grandson
-piece fragments of memory: the toei made movie where he has DID
-2 rurouni kenshin movies: one where he's got insane hair and one where he's hot. either way he fights with kamen rider den-o and loses.
-shanao les garcons-bonbons 3: only found parts of it. seemed gay but no idea what was happening.
-the brand new legend of the stardust brothers: this one i could only find parts of, and uh. no clue what was happening. but he was having fun with kamen rider ixa ('86)/kamen rider grease (aka the same dude lmao)
-tsuma to tonda tokkouhei: a wwii special. he has a shaved head and it looks really bad.
-gokusen 2: he's in the delinquent class with a shit ton of other tokus. very background.
-delicious gaikun: oh my god. this show. hilarious. this dude gets kidnapped with some of his bokura no houteishiki buddies for a cooking school. fourze principal is one of his teachers.
-tokyo ghost trip: he's only in one episode and gets hella bullied. but kamen rider w-left helps him
-shibatora: same thing as gokusen honestly but where he has a slightly bigger role where he gets to be in more scenes.
-mairunovich: he plays a trans woman while lupinred attempts to date his niece. it's very standard makeover drama but holy bajeezus NEVER read that manga. forget the 2010 language around trans people, which is now changed, the whole thing has just really weird ideas around lots of things.
kao dake sensei: i haven't finished it because for the longest time only 4 eps were out and now i'm waiting for subs, if they ever come. but he plays an openly(?) gay teacher.
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sylvctica · 1 year
✿ NAME:   aid! what i’m most known as, shorthand for Asuraid which is just my online handle in most places.
✿ PRONOUNS:   she / her!
✿ PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION:   mmm, mostly thru tumblr IMs / post replies? obvs discord is the best, but because i’m so low spoons for social energy i am a lot more picky with adding people there. :[
✿ NAME OF MUSE(S):   sylvie and my gaymer boy oc! tho i’m not very active on him, i do still have access to his account.
✿ EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?):   uhh, overall i started roleplaying when i was around 12-13 on devART, moving onto tumblr circa 2013 ( so i was around uh ... 14ish? ). so i’ve been writing on here for almost a decade at this rate LMAO ...
✿ PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED:   skype, discord, tumblr, devART, iphone messages, msn for like one person ... never tried my hand at forums, or rather i did early on and dropped it because the format was odd for me w/multiple people going on at once.
✿ BEST EXPERIENCE:   honestly getting to meet the people i talk to now, esp @afacere since we’ve been at the hip for years now; a lot of Hideki has been influenced by her, and we’ve been each other’s friend support pillars for years. honestly, taking the plunge to bring sylvie to tumblr ( since i had been in a heavy hiatus at that point off hideki ) also counts here.
✿ RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS:   tiny fonts, tiny themes / docs / carrds ... thankfully it’s not terribly prevalent but sometimes i do come across some of them where you either can’t read the text well because it’s too small, or it’s too blended into the background / too contrasting, so it hurts to look at, or the background is misaligned to the text box because other resolutions werent taken into account and i wanna bite my own arm off because it’s like ... pls. this is what ppl see first and where your primary info is. thankfully, dash view mitigates it for themes, but it makes me take -10 hp of damage.
✿ FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT:   mmm, i guess fluff? mostly just due to sylvie’s personality, i do tend to lean more into silly light-hearted stuff. angst i do enjoy but it’s harder for me to write just cause i’m slow and for angst i really need to do it in the moment of it happening to feel it. smut ... i dont write on here ueueueue. sylvie does fucc tho.
✿ PLOTS OR MEMES:   memes, mostly because over the years i feel like i’ve lost my brain for generating plots. not that im not up for it!!! im just ... very, very very slow and work off spontaneous stuff better ( and discussing stuff more in depth ooc ). i bounce better off an existing base rather than no base.
✿ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES:   mostly short since im often pretty tired, so dash commentary is pretty prevalent. that’s not to say im not open to long replies!!! i enjoy writing them, they just take a lot of spoons for me the longer they are ... though sometimes stuff unintentionally gets long because sylvie rambles.
✿ BEST TIME TO WRITE:   whenever my brain doesn’t feel like death ... it really is sporadic, though most of my writing time ends up being at night because that’s when it’s the quietest and i’m free ( ... almost, my parents are playing a loudass movie rn even at 1am ). otherwise i do just write when i feel the muse for it.
✿ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S):   to a degree? it’s hard not to put aspects of yourself in an oc, even if subconsciously. sylvie is more-so what i aspire to be in confidence, but we do have some overlap ... especially in our humour. their unfiltered thoughts are my unfiltered thoughts, but i just have a filter to keep them in LMAOOO. we also deviate off topics very easily and ramble about things.
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coredrill · 2 years
the audacity of neon gelatin 3.0+1.0 to say it “broke the loop” when promare actually did that a hundred times better and two years prior:
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a goofy movie (1995)
#a goofy FILM(tm)#flashing gif#i said i'd do it!!! (i did not say that i would actually make my own gifset but i love Exercises lmfao)...#forgot i drafted this & oh well that it's 10:30pm est....content at all hours babeyyy#since i'm a Connoisseur about this now like catch me brawling w/a lion king fan all ''that 1 was more the peak execution of Spectacle!!''#and like it's not just me i'm far from the only person On This or else i would probably never have checked it out at all#seeing as i was 1 when it came out & just never happened to see it at any point afterwards...but ppl talk about it now & then lmfao#but like i'm with team ''by 'underrated' i don't even mean it Should Be Checked Out or Is Pretty Good'' lol like Underrated = Understated...#beyond the context of ''it's underrated'' or even ''the best disney movie'' it's just That Good on its own#like i say....just entirely succeeds at doing what it's trying to...this stuff never faltering like wrow start to finish it's Chef's Kiss#as a Movie as Animation as a Musical as a Story as an Exploration / Commentary Re: Parent / Child Relationships. & more!#as i was making these i was like ''OH this 1 moment is another Parallel For Circular Structure!! they did it again lmao'' like love it lol#heroically used Restraint to think through what even to gif...b/c yknow you can only represent So Much via the visuals of a few shots#like what works best Out Of Context & is more than just ''i espesh like this visual'' coz there's plenty of that...but also consider visuals#using some consideration & discretion?? in my me??? i mean i guess i do that a lot actually lmfao. i never x except when i always do. etc#well another shoutout to comrademaxgoof lol i see & appreciate your return shoutout & respect it all vm#and to all other aficionados who uh check the tag? or ever might:#a goofy movie#OH and i knew there was something else lmfao just a little Fun Fact for all us gamers!!#when i went ''boy it'd be handy if allll the scenes i happened to want to gif (also there's plenty of scenes i Really Extra went Wow for but#did not gif lol. again the discretion re what i felt would be Best Gif'd when Considering It All...) were posted on youtube passably hi res'#then i ended up going ''wow Youtube User zan zun has a Lot of the scenes posted'' to the degree that i just went to their vids section#then added up the Time of every scene they had posted; then when adding in the length of the Credits; it turns out that when compared to the#official Total Runtime of the film(tm) there's only a 5 to 15 sec discrepancy b/w that & the combination of all their clips lmaoooo ty hero#so......write that down for academic research purposes if you want lmfao. that's youtube user zan zun#and it occurs to me part of that ''extra'' 5 to 15 sec might just be the disney production logo thing...prob part of the Official Runtime#they have it all in a playlist too....ingenious
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incendiobrock · 3 years
Pranked You ;) {Colby Brock}
Request: Hello sweetie! I was wondering if you could do a story where the reader and Colby aren't dating YET but there is yah know, chemistry and tension. But one day sam decided to pull a prank on Colby and it involved EVERYONE. So basically he makes it seem like he woke up in a different world or something where stuff is different. For example: him and reader are dating (you can choose whatever other stuff happens, lol) but once Colby figures out the prank, he pulls reader aside. They have a small argument before reader blows off on him, in which he says "I've never wanted to kiss you as badly as I do know" and that's how they admit their feelings! Thank you! And can't wait to see what you write love
A/N: Hi! Thank you so much for your request, sorry for the wait, I have been very busy with school and work. I hope the wait is worth it though! Get ready for a long imagine, I’m pretty sure this is about 3,000 words. I hope you love it! I just realized that I tried to keep this imagine gender neutral but I forgot that I accidentally put some she/her pronouns in it, I’m so sorry!
Warnings: Angsty, Cussing, Mentions of alcohol, implied smut
It was just like any other day for you. You woke up around noon because you were exhausted from the day before. Between working, going to college, and trying to keep somewhat of a social life, everyone could see just how worn out you would get day to day. So today you decided to treat yourself with a few extra hours of this beautiful thing called sleep.
Your phone rest on the bedside table and of course checking it and replying to the unread messages was the first step of your morning routine. The first messages you saw were from the group chat that consisted of you, Kat, and Tara. Apparently, while you were sleeping, Tara and Kat had a whole conversation about a girl’s day that they wanted to plan for you three. The last text sent was from Kat and it read, “I can’t wait for y/n to see all these messages in the morning. We planned the best girl’s day while she was probably passed the fuck out in her bed lmao”.
You smiled sending them a text back alerting them that you are indeed alive and down for all the plans they had created. In fact, you would be seeing them later at Sam and Colby’s place for a couple’s dinner/pool/movie date night. Jake would be there as well, and although you were tragically single, you loved all of them to death and hanging out over there was like the most elite sleepovers you would have with your best friends as a child.
A new text appeared on your screen just as you began to emerge from the comfort of your bed sheets, “God finally you’re awake. I’ve been waiting for Kat to tell me you answered her message all morning. I need your help tonight with a prank. Colby is never going to see it coming”
“A prank? I thought you guys didn’t do that anymore...? But I’m in ;)” You sent back. Out of all the trap girls and all the boys, Colby and you got along the best. Ever since you first met, which was years ago at this point, Colby and you have been inseparable. You tried so hard to avoid your feelings for him, in hopes to not develop a crush that ended up ruining your friendship, but Kat picked up on it right away. She told you constantly that she could easily set you up with the beautiful blue-eyed boy, but you insisted that things would happen naturally if there was truly something there between the two of you. And so, you went on, day by day, falling helplessly in love with the sweetest boy you have ever come to know.
Sam sent a message telling you to head over to their place as soon as possible. You swore that you basically lived there already. You were at their house way more than you were at your own. You couldn’t imagine living further than 15 minutes from them. After what felt like a century to Sam, you arrived at the house. Your hand loudly knocking on the big wooden door.
“Hey y/n! How are you?” Kat asked, pulling you into a big hug as she opened the door. You smiled and hugged back at her kind gesture, “I’m good! How are you? Do you know anything about this prank on you know who?” You questioned her. She glared at you, silently telling you to lower your volume. “Y/n! Colby is right upstairs be quiet!” She whispers, laughing at you almost blowing their cover immediately upon arrival.
Kat was quick to take you by the arm and drag you to the theater room where Sam was already sitting on one of the opulent red couches. He greeted you, telling you that he wanted to film your reaction to him telling you what prank you were going to pull. You agreed and sat down on the sofa facing the blonde. “Colby’s taking a nap right now upstairs because he was up super late last night editing one of our Sam and Colby videos. I figured we could use his exhaustion to our advantage and try and prank him that he woke up in some sort of alternate universe. I figured you could go into his room and set up a couple cameras, and I’ll keep two hidden in the living room where me, Kat, Jake, and Tara will be, so we hopefully get his full reaction. I want you to sneak into his bed and like cuddle him or something and when he wakes up, I want you to pretend that you’ve been dating him for a long time now. He is going to be super confused but just try and convince him that it’s true. If he ends up downstairs, we will go along with it too. I really want to see if he will think that it’s real after a while.” Sam explained.
You felt your face burning as your cheeks became a deep shade of red. He couldn’t be serious right? He wanted you to pretend that you were dating Colby? “I- Uh… I don’t know Sam won’t that be a really mean prank?” You tried to play it off, hoping that you didn’t just annihilate all your efforts to keep your feelings hidden. “You guys are like best friends, I don’t think he could be mad at you for such an innocent prank.” Sam replied. You began to feel incredibly flustered at the thought of having to be so affectionate with Colby. The room started to feel like a sauna as the sweat began accumulating all over your body.
Sure, you and Colby had cuddled before, but it was extremely platonic… Plus, it only happened in very specific moments, like last Wednesday after you had a couple of drinks, and everyone was sat watching a movie where he wrapped his arm around you so you could rest your head since it could barely hold itself up. You snapped out of your thoughts quickly realizing that Sam had been waiting on a response from you. You knew Sam was stubborn, he wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer. Your eyes met back with his and the only thing you could get yourself to do was slightly nod your head ‘yes’.
“Perfect.” Sam smirked, getting up to turn off the camera and hand it to you so you could set it up in Colby’s room. You already knew that he was thinking about how many points this would score him for a Sam and Colby prank war if it turns out the way he is wanting.
Before you knew it you had made it all the way up into Colby’s room where you had strategically hidden the camera, facing it towards the sleeping boy in his bed. You let out a deep sigh, trying to prepare yourself for what was about to go down. “If this ruins everything for me, I am going to kill you Golbach.” You whispered, knowing the deep sleeper wouldn’t hear a single thing. And so, the prank began.
You took a gentle hold of the silky black sheets and quietly slipped into bed right next to Colby. There was no game plan in your mind, you didn’t even think up a storyline about your fake relationship for once he woke up. You squeezed your eyes shut in fear as you quickly wrapped your body around his, resting your head under his chin as he slept on his back. He twitched slightly, bringing his arm up, lazily holding you back. The breath caught in your throat, this was already hard enough for you and now he is cuddling you back? You glanced up to see his face, his eyelashes were slightly fluttering, and his soft lips had a slight part in them. He was still fast asleep. You decided to try and wake him up by moving around in his arm slightly, hoping the movement would pull him out of his dreams.
“Y/n?” His voice rung through the room, deep and raspy. He sat up slightly, glancing around the dark lair that he called a bedroom, but his arm still remained around your frame. “W-what are you doing here?” He stuttered, visibly confused by the sight of you in his arms.
“What? I can’t cuddle my boyfriend?” You answered, shocked that you could even get those words to come out of your mouth. His eyes widened at your response, pure shock etched into his face. “Boyfriend?” You felt his heart start to race as he replied.
His arm dropped from your body as he delicately pushed himself out of bed. He was now hovering over you as he stood by the bedside table. There was a clear glass with some water sitting on a coaster on the table. His strong hand wrapped around it as he brought it up to his mouth, downing the rest of the water that was in it. You could tell by his body language that he was beyond confused. The glass clinked as he practically dropped it back onto the nightstand.
“Am I dreaming or something? Since when was I your boyfriend?” His eyebrows furrowed as he continued to look at you for some answers. Your heart sunk thinking about how mean of a prank this truly was, at least from your point of view. “Baby… Are you serious? We’ve been together for years now, are you feeling okay?” You said as you threw your legs over the side of the bed, pulling his hand into your own.
Your thumb gently rubbed circles onto the back of his hand, but only for a couple seconds before he pulled it away. “Is this a fucking prank or something?” He asked, irritation evident from his tone. You shook your head ‘no’, it was becoming hard to process words. You knew this was upsetting him, but Sam had you promise to make the prank last for as long as you could.
“I’m sorry- I have to get out of here really quick.” Colby said, making his way out the bedroom door. You said nothing back, hoping that Sam would end the prank for you as Colby made his way down the stairs.
“Hey brother! You’re finally up. Where’s y/n? I thought we were all doing a couples movie night?” Jake interrogated as Colby glanced to see Sam, Kat, and Tara standing over in the kitchen. Colby brought his hand up to his face rubbing his eyes, there’s no way that Jake is saying this too. Colby began to think that he was seriously going crazy. And then everyone else joined in on the conversation. You could hear them loudly as you stayed glued to Colby’s bed.
Sam began to ask if Colby was feeling alright, and you heard Kat say that maybe we should take Colby to the hospital in case he was losing his memory. You felt the panic in Colby rise as he was deflecting everyone’s concern insisting that he wasn’t losing his memory, and that he definitely wasn’t going crazy. He knew for a fact that you two weren’t dating, and none of them could convince him otherwise. “Dude, she’s gonna hear you up there. You’re going to break her heart. You really don’t remember?” Sam pushed.
You finally had enough. You raced out of Colby’s room and rushed down the stairs. You stopped immediately upon entering the kitchen, seeing everybody else still standing there surrounding Colby. The energy switched as they all looked to you, Sam pleading with his eyes for you to keep going. “I’m so sorry Colby, it was just a prank, please don’t be upset.” You couldn’t handle it any longer, the pain on his face was too much for you to bear. You watched as he scoffed back, “I knew it. Fuck you, guys. I’m going back upstairs.”
You felt horrible as you watched him stomp back up to his room, slamming the door shut behind him. Tears stung the back of your eyes, this was all your fault. You excused yourself from the group and somberly made it to Colby’s door. You preceded to place a faint knock on the wood, “Colby? I’m so sorry, can you please open up?” Your voice was so soft, it would’ve been hard for him to hear if he hadn’t already anticipated your arrival. The door swung open as Colby quickly made his way back over to where he previously sat on the couch.
You stayed frozen at the door for a couple seconds, hoping to brace yourself for the angry boy inside. You took hold of the cold metal doorknob, pulling the door shut behind you. You tip-toed your way over to the sofa and took a seat far from Colby. Your mind was running a hundred miles an hour as you tried to concoct a coherent sentence. “What the hell were you thinking? Did you seriously think that I would find this funny?” He spat in your direction.
“It wasn’t my prank, Sam just wanted me to help him out.” You said back, desperately trying to reason with him. He sarcastically laughed, running a hand through his dark hair. “I didn’t ask who’s prank it was y/n.”
You gulped, it felt suffocating in his room. The dark ambiance that normally felt inviting suddenly seemed like your own personal hell. “Colby, I didn’t want to hurt you I swear. I was trying my best to keep everything lighthearted. I could never hurt you.” Your voice was so delicate, it was so hard to speak. The tears were still threating to make an appearance, and that was the last thing you wanted.
“But you did, y/n. That’s the thing. Whether or not you ‘meant’ to hurt me, you did. And everyone else was in on it to. Did you even try and tell Sam that this prank wasn’t a good idea? Did you even think, for a split second, that this was incredibly immature? You were all treating me like I was losing my damn mind, trying to convince me that we were dating when we clearly never were.”
His words hurt, but they were all true. You had never been together, what were you thinking pretending like you were? All to satisfy Sam? To help him get a head start on the prank wars by completely crushing Colby’s heart? He is your best friend for crying out loud. “Look Colby. I never wanted to do this, okay? Did you ever stop and think that maybe I didn’t want to be doing this either? You mean everything to me. Why would I ever purposely hurt you? Especially after everything we have been through. All the ups and downs, the messy breakups, all the fights. I love you so god damn much and I hope you know that I would never, ever, hurt you like that.” By this point the tears were streaming down your face. Your previous spot on the couch was long discarded as you now stood right in front of Colby, praying that he knew you were being serious about not hurting him.
Your eyes searched his for any glimpse of a sign showing that he believed you. His bright blue eyes looked a lot more intimidating than usual. You couldn’t tell what he was thinking, his expression not giving you any clues. Finally, he responded, “Is it wrong that I’ve never wanted to kiss you as badly as I do right now?”
And finally, there was your sign. His eyes no longer looked intimidating. In fact, they had completely changed into something much different, lust. You quickly took a step closer to him as he took a stand right in front of you, placing his strong hands on either side of your face. He roughly pulled you in, causing your lips to crash together with loads of passion. They fit perfectly together, better than you ever imagined them. They worked in sync as the feeling inside of you was igniting a fire. He was so rough, but surprisingly still gentle. Acting as if one wrong move would completely break you. Your lips remained locked as he pushed you backwards, surprising you as your back made contact with his plush bed. He was on top of you, hungrily continuing the kiss.
You both pulled apart abruptly, gasping for air after your heavy make out session. “I guess now’s a good time to let you know that I am absolutely, one hundred percent, in love with you.” You stated, starring deep into his eyes. “Then I guess now’s a good time to tell you that I feel the same.” He responded, bringing you back in for another passionate kiss. You pulled back again, “So, does this mean I can finally see those handcuffs I keep hearing about in action?” You asked him, slightly laughing. “Only if you promise to keep quiet.” He winked back. And that was the start of your amazing, long awaited relationship.
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fangurk · 3 years
She’s Always There (Paul Lahote x Reader)
Y/n: Your Name
Y/l/n: Your Last Name
Y/n/n: Your Nickname
Y/e/c: Your Eye Color
Y/h/c: Your Hair Color
Prompt Given To Me By @ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhghhhh.tumblr.com: hey!! so the reason I'm messaging is because I wanted to request something but can't fit it all into an ask lmao. anyways could i please request a Paul Lahote x reader where the reader has been super close to the whole pack for years and has been Paul's imprint but doesn't know it (bc Sam thought it would be best to keep u away from it all) and they decide to finally tell you about being shapeshifters and being Paul's imprint and you're so mad about them not telling u earlier and there's a huge argument and they and Paul tries to calm you down but you say stuff like 'leave me alone' and things like that and it sounds like you're rejecting him/the bond in ur angry breakdown. anyways Paul is heartbroken and can't get out of bed or eat or anything so the guys finally convince you to come back bc they and Paul need you and it's just the reader cuddling with him and getting him out of bed to take a shower and eat and he realizes that you're not going anywhere and it's just like healing the imprint bond? sorry for this WALL of text, I've just had this idea stuck in my head for a while lol. if you don't want to do it, that's completely fine!! thank you for your time ♡
ok so my guy,, bc this fic has been stuck in my head for a bit, some scenes have developed? so idk i hope this isn't too much, but if u do write it, would u be willing to add like some angst to it, obvi, and maybe a scene/part lol where when the reader tries to get him to shower (bc the misinterpreted rejection made him like super depressed and he just felt low about himself) he won't shower, because he doesn't want to come out and the reader is gone. so either they shower together (not smutty just angst&fluff) or she sits like in the bathroom while he showers LOL. and when he feels a bit better, they go down to eat and he's touching some part of her at all times. if this is too much to like,, include then that's a-okay. i just need to get this OUT of my MIND ugh lmao!/!
Reader Gender: Female
Summary: The Reader has been friends with most of the pack members for her whole life. Which is why, after months of silence and strange changes, she was willing to let them back into her life— until she finds out she’s been told lies that leave her in danger, of course. After a big freak out and two weeks of avoiding them, the boys come begging for her help; it turns out that Paul has some wolf-y claim on her, and whatever she said to him has left him worse for wear...
Warnings: Mentions of Depression, Nudity, Angst, and Cursing.
A/n: this is literally like a whole novel I’m so sorry I got carried away. this is kinda based on a lot of fics I read where the imprint has the potential to really hurt people and I named Paul’s dad.
Word Count: 2.9k+
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“The legends are real!?”
Y/n Y/l/n hasn’t ever been so disturbed in her entire life.
After weeks of radio silence, Sam Uley’s little ‘gang’, mostly consisting of people she’d known since childhood, had slowly trickled back into her life. What started as a grocery run with Paul or a movie with Jared had turned into big bonfire parties including Jacob Black and his gaggle.
But that was months ago. Months. And now, as she sits by a fire, surrounded on either side by them, they decide to tell her their little secret?
“Y/n.” Sam says as she abruptly stands, eyes stern and hand raised placatingly.
His actions only served to upset her more and her skin bristles with irritation. Sam was acting as if she, a human surrounded by shape shifters, was the unstable one. As if she could do any damage to things built to kill vampires.
“Don’t you dare, Sam.” She clenches her fists, glaring right back at him. “It’s been months- months- and you’re telling me now?”
“It’s not exactly an easy thing to bring up.” He reasons, voice a little less demanding. “We all wanted to be sure that you were ready to know.”
“Ready?!” Y/n laughs mirthlessly, y/e/c eyes wide with disbelief, “When was I supposed to be ready Sam? W-when one of you gored me? When a cold one ripped me apart?”
Her hands shake as she puts them on her forehead, blinking back tears. Growing up all she’d ever heard were stories of humans getting dragged into fights between wolf and vampire, and she couldn’t bring herself to look Emily in the eye because it was suddenly apparent that wolves alone could hurt people too.
It was so bad, whatever happened to Emily, that they said a bear mauled her— Y/n didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.
“It’s not like that, Y/n/n.” Embry chimes in, reaching out to grab his friend's arm.
She yanks her body out of the way and gathers her belongings quickly.
“What is it like then, Call?” She holds her bag to her heaving chest, “because it seems to me that you all have the ability to turn into giant, slobbery freaks that are built for killing vampires and, after completely dropping me for weeks, you decided to keep it secret from me for months. Did it even occur to you that I would’ve been better off knowing right off the bat?!”
No one says anything. Eight shifters and two of their girlfriends sit there, just staring at her like she was speaking a different language.
“You know,” Y/n has to clear her throat to steady her wavering voice, “had you guys really been souped-up on drugs like everyone says, maybe I could’ve handled the lying. But my life was clearly potentially in danger, and you let me hang around without saying anything. I- God I don’t want to see you people right now.”
She leaves with that, stepping over logs and storming back down the beach with determination. Faintly over the roar of her heartbeat, she can hear someone scrambling to stand behind her.
“Wait!— shit, sorry-” Paul grunts, jogging to catch up with her- “Y/n-“
With an unusual gentleness, his warm hand wrapped around her forearm. For a moment, deep in the back of her mind, a foreign feeling tells her to stop, to listen; but that small voice is quickly smothered by the rational part of her brain, and she wrenches her arm from his grip.
“Don’t touch me!” She snaps, lowering her voice, “Leave me alone- I need to be alone.”
Paul stands there, dumbstruck, an unreadable look in his eyes as she walks away. And he’d continue to stand there, looking like a kicked puppy long after her retreating form became a blur amongst the darkness of the beach.
“Paul?” Sam is hesitant, hand hovering over the younger boy’s shoulder a minute before he touches him, “You okay?”
Shrugging his leader’s arm off his shoulder, Paul sighs. “No...I...I’m just gonna head home.”
Instead of going in the directions of the cars, the wolf stalks off toward the woods; Emily stands from her seat, wrapping her sweater more around herself as she watches Paul leave. Concern is written all over her features.
“He’ll be fine, Em,” He pulls her in for a hug, “it’ll all work out eventually.”
Y/n does a good job of avoiding them for a while.
She turns her phone off a few days in and avoids going to First Beach, even when Washington gets a rare, warm summer feel. Books that have sat long forgotten on her shelves get read and TV shows she’s always meant to catch up on get watched; it’s boring and she runs out of options, at one point thinking of dying her hair y/f/c just to spice things up, but it allows her to think. (Or at least it allows this strange little voice in the back of her head to tell her that she needs to go back to them.)
The next time she sees any of the boys is exactly two weeks after the bonfire incident.
She’s curled up on her couch, picking at some of the Clearwaters’ fish fry and barely watching an episode of ANTM, when a fist comes banging down on her door. Turning off the TV, she tiptoes to the window, peeking under the curtain as carefully as she can.
As she expected, Jared Cameron and Embry Call are on her porch, the former standing in front of her door with his hip cocked, the other rooting around in her mother’s plants for something. Cringing, she hopes if she’s quiet enough that they’ll just go away.
Her front door opens within minutes, however, and she realizes her hoping is fruitless.
Should’ve known you can’t hide from wolves, she can’t help but think bitterly.
“Y/n?” Jared calls out through the house, “we know you’re here.”
“Yeah, and you guys should probably move your spare key,” Embry tacks on, flicking the light switch to the living room up, “I've known you forever and it’s still in the same place.”
From her spot by the window, the y/h/c haired girl glares at the two boys, arms crossed over her chest. Embry gives her a lopsided grin and holds the key out to her, his bud plopping down on the couch and pulling her abandoned plate into his lap.
Y/n extends a hand to take the key.
“Has it really been in the same place?” She sounds a little more defeated than she’d like.
“Yeah, it’s always been in your mother’s cornflower pot.”
“That’s...kinda sad.” She wrinkles her nose, pocketing the key with the intention to hide it better later, “but uh, I’ve been ignoring you for two weeks for a reason. Peacefully breaking into my house kinda furthers my need for space.”
Embry scratches the back of his neck.
“Well,” He says, “we need you to come back, man. Paul won’t talk to anyone- Sam doesn’t know if he’s eating, and he won’t even get out of bed for patrol! He needs his imprint-”
“His what?” She cocks her head to the side and Jared snorts from the couch.
“She left before we got there, nimrod,” Jared mocks through a mouthful of food, “she doesn’t know what an imprint is.”
He lets out an indignant “Hey!” as Y/n walks by, snatching her plate back from him on her way to the kitchen. Embry chases after her, a grumpy Jared jumping up from the couch to follow.
“You’re his imprint— you’re basically his soulmate!”
“Really?” She says warily, sealing the fish and putting it back in the fridge.
Both boys nod clumsily.
“You remember a few weeks ago when you saw each other for the first time again and he kinda just stood there like an idiot while you talked?”
“Yeah? Oh!-” She brings her hands up to her mouth, brows furrowed as she recalls.
It was exactly Jared had said. She and Paul had seen one another for the first time in a long time and the minute her y/e/c eyes looked into his, it was like he’d been struck dumb.
Embry gives her an encouraging look, “An imprint is...It's not like love at first sight, really. It's more like… gravity moves… suddenly. It's not the earth holding you here anymore, she does… You become whatever she needs you to be, whether that's a protector, or a lover, or a friend. When you snapped at him last week he thought you were rejecting him….”
A part of her thought about how absurd it was that he knew that whole speech. But the bigger part of her came to a realization that made her stomach churn.
“So he's all depressed… because… of me?” She whispers, leaning back on the counter.
Embry, always a rather sympathetic person, opens his mouth to comfort her, but Jared cuts him off.
“Basically. So are you going to come with us so we can help Paul or are you going to continue being petty?”
In any other circumstance, Y/n probably would’ve thrown something at her for calling her petty. She felt she was completely justified in her actions. A part of her wonders if she can really believe them— they’d spent months lying to her after all. But a larger part thinks about Paul, curled up in his bed, slowly desecrating because he thinks she rejected him.
If it were really all some ploy to get her to listen to them, then she’d at least be the person who chose the well-being of her friend over a petty disagreement.
“I’m coming.” She affirms, pushing herself off the counter, and letting the boys lead her to the car.
Jared and Embry drop her off in front of the Lahote household. They tell her something but she can’t really hear them over her heartbeat, she doesn’t even know they’re gone until it’s too late to turn back.
Getting into the house wasn’t the hard part. Paul’s father, Cyrus, had been leaving as she arrived, and, after he watched her stare at the house with a fearful expression for a few minutes, he happily let her in. The hard part was willing her legs to take her up the stairs to Paul’s room, and then it was opening his bedroom door.
Y/n has known Paul since they were eight, but she was afraid of him until they were eleven. He wasn’t mean, per se, but his anger made him do mean things; she wasn’t entirely happy with puberty and it’s monthly gifts, but whatever it did to make her suddenly un-afraid of him she was grateful for. But now, standing in front of his bedroom door, she had a nagging fear that Paul would revert to that eight year old boy who threw lunch boxes and twisted arms behind backs until people cried.
The door creaks slightly as she struggles to push it open.
His room is almost completely dark except for the light coming from the hallway behind her. Trash and dirty clothes have formed a compact layer on his bedroom floor, foot sized holes leading up to the twin sized bed in the corner. On the bed, amongst the blankets she’s sure he doesn’t need, is Paul— or at least, a Paul sized lump.
As gross as it is, she’s kind of relieved he’s been eating.
“Paul?” She whispers tentatively, stepping toward the bed.
The lump flinches and turns toward her.
If the room and the description of his state weren’t heartbreaking enough, his voice definitely was. Hollow, rough, and small, everything it never was, everything Paul wasn’t.
“Is that you?”
“Yeah...it’s me..”
She carefully steps over to the bed, and Paul slowly sits up, pushing his blankets to the side. There’s a beat of silence as she stands between his legs, his reluctant hands coming to rest on her waist after a minute. Y/n let’s him have another to gather his thoughts.
“You really came…” Tears well up in his eyes and loops his arms around her back.
She runs a hand through his hair. “I did, and I’m so sorry, if I had known—”
Paul nuzzles her stomach, “S’fine, you didn’t know, and you’re here now.”
There’s a sort of cute, euphoria lacing his voice and he’s visibly much more relaxed.
“Just don’t ever say that again…”
“I won’t, I promise.”
She’s surprised when he manhandles her into his lap, but she doesn’t really mind. He’s warm and strangely familiar and something about it just— clicks.
“When was the last time you spent, I dunno, a minute or two out of your room?” Y/n asks softly, y/e/c eyes glancing about the room.
The shifter’s only response is a shrug, too busy nosing around her neck with vigor. When he finds a certain spot, it makes her squeak, and this seems to excite him like a puppy finding out its favorite toy makes noise.
“You need to bathe, eat something substantial,” She intertwines their fingers, “and the...pack...they’re really worried about you— are you even listening to me?”
He looks up at her then and flashes her a sheepish smile, answering her question. Pursing her lips, she pulls his arms from around her.
“C’mon, Paul.” She stands up and takes his hand. “We’re gonna get you cleaned up.”
She moves toward the door, urging him forward, only to be jerked to a stop as he stays put. He looks a little distressed when she turns back to him, brows furrowed, almost like he’s in pain.
He grunts, jaw clenched as the cogs turn in his head. Y/n cocks her head and reaches out for his other hand. It felt like some sort of supernatural intuition, one she’ll blame on the imprint and ask Emily about later.
“Paul, hon, why won’t you come shower?”
“I’m afraid you'll leave,” He says bashfully, “it’s stupid, I know, but part of me is afraid you’ll leave while I’m in the shower.”
Y/n couldn’t help but feel a little heartbroken at his confession. Paul was part wolf, and part of being part wolf was imprinting— she almost wishes she’d have stayed long enough to listen, or been able to focus as the boys debriefed her on the ride over because only being able to speculate how much she’d actually hurt him was eating her alive. He wouldn’t even shower, something he desperately needed to do, because of what she’d said.
Taking a deep breath, she barely registers the words she’s about to say.
“I’ll wait with you, I’ll sit on the toilet, you’ll see me there.”
And true to her word, Y/n does sit on the toilet while Paul showers, reading the information on soap bottles to distract herself from the fact that he was there next to her, very naked. Occasionally he asks her what she’s doing, and she reads the ingredients out loud to the best of her ability, and he laughs a little— she tries to hide her smile, but she was too happy he was laughing.
She closes her eyes when he gets out, letting him dry himself off and pull on some clean shorts. He throws the wet towel at her when he’s done, eliciting a “Hey!” that makes him laugh again.
Now that he’s clean, the two of them descend into his quiet house. Y/n navigates the kitchen, her wolf attached to her hip and being less than helpful, and makes them both something to eat— he doesn’t do much more than stand behind her, wrapped around her, making her life more difficult.
“I’m so happy you came back.” He says, watching her work.
“I was always going to.” Y/n responds, her voice sure and steady.
They talk as they eat, sitting across from one another at the too big table in the Lahote household. Talk about how this was going to work, admitting feelings that always lingered, and everything in between; she hooks her leg around his, watching him scarf down his meal with a wrinkled nose and fondness glittering in her y/e/c eyes.
He’s...gross...but he’s hers, she’s kind of stuck with him.
A date is planned. An actual date.
Paul promises to take her to the local diner (and to wear a shirt, for once.)
“I’ve been saving up for something like this.”
“Yeah, and you can get that dessert you like.”
Y/n laughs softly, but heat spreads up her neck and settles in her ears and cheeks. It’d been a long time since that had been her favorite food, but it was the thought that counted...
When Cyrus Lahote returns from work later that night his son and the Y/l/n girl are awkwardly situated on his couch— him on his back, snoring, her lying on top of him, face tucked into his neck, also fast asleep. The older man turns off the TV and tosses a blanket over the pair, ascending up the stairs with a smile on his face.
Y/n Y/l/n was trustworthy. She’s always there when Paul is in a rut too big for him to handle...
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datleggy · 3 years
Dunno about you but I love those lawsuit AU stories where Buck goes down to join the 126 in the wake of the animosity and neglect he faces from the 118, but like, angsty mpreg twist; Buck is pregnant when he leaves (basically the only reason he leaves is bc of the baby, had he not been pregnant he would have stuck it out for as long as he needed to, bc he loves his family so much) and either doesn't tell the team, or they don't give him the chance/time of day. So he goes down to join the 126 and has the baby, and fast forward however long (could be a few months, could be a few years) and who does Buck run into? Christopher! He was visiting family over in Palo Alto and they were taking a detour in Austin on their way. But Chris would be SO excited to see that Buck is either pregnant or has a little baby with him, he would ask all kinds of questions about the baby. Please excuse the blurb I'm about to throw up.
"is it a boy, or a girl?" Chris' eyes are alight in wonder as he presses a careful hand to Buck's belly. Buck chuckles. God he missed this kid so damn much.
"A boy," he responds, and he was so close to just telling Chris he was going to have a little brother, but Buck doesn't want to make this impromptu reunion any harder then it already is.
Somehow, Chris lights up even further, almost blinding with how brightly he smiles. Buck finds he has to fight back tears at the sight, and curses the pregnancy hormones (even if he knows that he would react this way, hormones or not).
"Can I name him?" Buck chuckles again and ruffles the curly hair. He hopes his son looks like Chris, at least a little bit. Curly hair, big doe eyes, a beautiful smile that lights up every room he walks into. Buck feels selfish for wanting to have a reminder of his oldest son (does he even have a right to call Chris that? It's not like he and Eddie were ever officially together, let alone Buck being important enough to be viewed as Chris' other father) through his youngest, but he's convinced himself already that the likelyhood of seeing Christopher again after today is slim to none.
"I think I already have a name that I like." Chris pouts when he hears this, frowning at Buck's belly as though the baby within betrayed him, but Buck smiles and taps the boy on the forehead gently until he looks up at him.
"You know what, though? I don't have a middle name. Think you can help me out?" Truthfully, Buck was planning on giving the baby the middle name Christopher, maybe Edmundo if it doesn't fit him once he's born, but the look on Chris' face makes dashing those plans more than worth it.
Chris opens his mouth to speak when he's cut off by someone calling his name.
"Chris? Christopher?! Dios mio, there you are mijo!" Like something out of a bad romance movie, Eddie comes careening around the corner, booking it towards his son as soon as he sees him. He gets down to his knees and starts looking his son over for injuries, chastising the boy as he does so for running off like that.
"Christopher Diaz, you know better than to run off like that. What's gotten into you?" Chris grins at his father now and gestures behind him.
"I found Buck, dad!" Eddie looks at the man standing behind Chris and, lo and behold, that is indeed Evan Buckley, looking stunning, practically glowing, really, and looking very awkward. He gives a stiff wave and a weird smile when he and Eddie lock eyes.
"Hi, Eddie. Uh, long time no see?" He puts his hands into his pants pockets, a nervous habit Eddie knows Buck picked up for when he's in an awkward position. And this /is/ an awkward position they're in, Eddie realizes. It's been almost half a year since the last time he saw Buck, and even longer since they were together on good terms. He almost can't remember the last time they laid together, like equals, like lovers. It's been--
Eddie finally notices Buck's very clearly pregnant stomach, and when he does the math, well, it's been about long enough for /that/ to have happened.
Buck notices Eddie staring at his bump and his hands come up to cover it, some protective instinct coming over him. When Eddie finally drags his gaze from Buck's belly up to meet his eyes, Buck swallows against the lump forming in his throat. His eyes are wide in disbelief, and Buck knows Eddie, knows him well. Once upon a time he would have argued that he knows him better than anyone. So he knows what the other man is thinking. Clearing his throat, Buck resigns himself to his fate.
"We uh, we should talk."
Omg this got so long and out of hand I'm so sorry chshjsbdjsj I hope you enjoy the little drabble-ish thing I wrote??? I don't even know what this is tbh but I hope it brought you joy to read 😭😭😭
It is 7 in the morning!!! Being late for work be damned lmao I say here and read this like three times---where's the rest of it?!?
Lol but foreal this was such a good drabble and made me so sad 😭😭😭
Also the most in Canon thing is Eddie losing sight of Christopher w his sneaky lil self 😊
I love this 💖
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cinemasenpai · 3 years
cameron frye x gn!reader
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𝐀/𝐍 — i rewatched ferris bueller just for this, but honestly i forgot how good it was oml 🥺 also, u didn’t specify a gender for the reader so i made it gender neutral , i hope that’s okay !
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 — [y/n] goes on a first date with cameron, only to have ferris bueller and sloane peterson crash their date.
𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 — @pelvicthrustingmonkeys ( ty for requesting ! + lmao i love ur username )
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“nothing’s gonna go wrong, cameron!” [y/n] told their date, who of course was becoming a nervous wreck, even before the actual date started.
“you don’t know that!” cameron’s frown dropped down even further. “i-i just want it to be perfect.”
both of them were riding in cameron’s car, [y/n] riding shotgun as he drove them to their destination, a little restaurant that cameron was sure [y/n] would love. originally, he preferred going to a movie theater, but unfortunately, cameron overheard that ferris and sloane were going to see a movie. [y/n] didn’t mind though, they just wanted to spend time with him.
“well, we’re here...” cameron felt his anxiety increase until he felt a couple of fingers softly gripping onto his hand.
[y/n] entwined their fingers with his tightly, a lopsided smile appearing on their face. “hey, we don’t have to go here if you don’t want to. we could go to some other theater!”
“no, it’s alright. w-what’s the worst that could happen?” cameron grinned, squeezing their hand even tighter than before as they entered the cute little cafe.
“hey, i didn’t know you guys would be here!”
[y/n] and cameron whipped their heads around to see the infamous ferris bueller and his girlfriend, who’s table was near the enterance. ferris wore a smug smile which cameron didn’t take too kindly. he spoke through gritted teeth, not phasing ferris in the slightest. “i thought you were going to a see a movie, ferris.”
“we were, but sloane and i got hungry. and besides, i didn’t even know that you and [y/n] would be here.” ferris explained to cameron, sending a wink towards [y/n].
[y/n] sighed. they definitely shouldn’t have told him that they were going to the little cafe. cameron glanced at them, his lips parted just a bit.
“... sorry?” [y/n] scratched the back of their neck as they looked at him.
cameron let out a frustrated sigh, shaking his head as he grabbed [y/n]’s hand once again. “let’s just go somewhere else.”
“cameron, could i speak to you for a sec?” ferris put his hand up, stopping cameron and [y/n] from leaving.
cameron looked at [y/n] for a split second before scowling at ferris. “... fine.”
[y/n] shrugged, sitting down with sloane as cameron and ferris spoke to each other near the restrooms.
“if you don’t have your date here, who’s gonna be your wingman?”
“wingman? i don’t need a wingman!”
“are you sure?”
“... no. okay, fine! i’ll have the stupid date here.”
[y/n] beamed contently as cameron and ferris made their way back to their dates.
“so, what now?” [y/n] inquired to cameron.
“we’re gonna have our date here.” cameron told them, a bit disappointed in himself for needing a wingman.
as they both took a seat at a table right across from ferris and sloane’s table, [y/n] didn’t notice the little comments ferris whispered to cameron when they were turned away.
“ask them questions!”
“uh, so, you like shrimp?” [y/n] raised an eyebrow with a slight smile at cameron’s question.
they then heard a tiny scowl, before they excused themself to go use the restroom for a couple minutes.
“and don’t be weird when asking them!”
cameron’s head was filled with orders. honestly, his head was overflowing with all the suggestions ferris told him. sloane was becoming saddened, ferris seemingly paying to cameron’s date more than his own. [y/n] couldn’t tell what was up with cameron.
“offer them some ketchup for the fries!” ferris whisper-yelled.
“u-uh, you want some ketchup?” cameron wondered.
[y/n] nodded. “yeah, thanks.”
cameron grabbed the bottle, accidentally squirted some onto [y/n]’s clothes. their eye’s widened. the cap was unscrewed a bit, and the angle in which the bottle was in didn’t help the situation either.
“shit, sorry!” cameron exclaimed. “i’m really sorry, really!”
the boy expected them to be completely pissed, and he would understand if they didn’t want to continue having any more dates. though their response was surprisingly calm.
“it’s fine! it’s alright. could i talk to you outside?”
“uh, yeah.”
[y/n] grabbed his hand, dragging him to the front of the cafe.
“what’s wrong?”
“what do you mean?”
“you’re not acting like yourself, y’know. so what happened? where’s the usual cameron i love?”
cameron ran a couple fingers through his hair. he chuckled faintly, causing [y/n] to giggle a bit as well.
“i was trying to give you the perfect first date. ferris was helping. he didn’t do to good, did he?”
“well, no, but i think that the thought of it was cute!”
“yeah! it’s cute how you wanted the date to be perfect.”
[y/n] found themself on their tippy toes, pressing their lips to cameron’s delicately. it was as if cameron and [y/n] were handling glass or fine china. the moment only lasted a little while, but a spark flew through both teenagers.
“hey, [y/n]?”
“i think i love you.”
“i think i love you too, cam.”
ferris’ cheering could be heard. he was at the door, clapping. “i knew you two kids would get together! now come finish your food!”
cameron and [y/n] shook their heads, laughing and snorting with embarrassment as they headed back inside to continue the date.
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ssa-babygirl · 3 years
Out of my League [Part 5]
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Single mom!Reader
Word count: 4.1k
Summary: A night out with the team leaves you and Spencer with so much unsaid, despite how much he spills to you while you’re drunk and half asleep. 
Warning(s): Mentions of past addiction, alcohol consumption, some swear words, mentions of past bullying, EXTREME PINING
Author’s Note: I told yall this chapter wouldn’t take 10 years. just like... a week and a half. I promise I’ll do better lmao also enjoy the fluff cuz uh,, yall are gonna hate me next chapter oops
[Previous Part] [Series Masterlist]
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Washington D.C., 2009
(Reader POV)
Rossi’s dinner party would not be the last time Spencer had to drive your drunk ass home. It happened two or three in the two years since that night. Dave meant it when he said you were one of them. Whenever they went out for drinks after a case, you would get a text from one of the girls asking if you wanted to come. Your mom living a few blocks away from you was helpful because you just needed to drop Jamie off and head over to O’Keefe’s. You very rarely went overboard because you normally had to drive home, but tonight was not one of those nights.
The team had just gotten back from a local case in Bethesda, so Emily offered to pick you up on her way back. Hotch gave them all the rest of the night off after they made the arrest, but Spencer, always the workaholic, still wanted to finish up his paperwork before going out. 
Your mom came to get Jamie and take him back to her house, so you were free to get all dressed up for a night on the town with your friends. You didn’t want to look too formal since most of them were still going to be in their work clothes, so you got out a cute green button-down blouse and tucked it into some high-waisted jeans. You put on your favorite locket and let your hair down. You went with a light makeup look, just brows, cheeks, and lashes. You were all set by the time Emily pulled up in front of your place. You strapped up your wedges and grabbed your purse, heading out the door, excited to see everyone after they’d been so busy.
“Hey! You look nice!”
“And you’re not so bad for fresh off a crime scene.”
“Should’ve seen me catch the guy, I looked amazing.”
“I’m sure you did, Em.”
Emily told you about the case, or rather just the ending. You only liked to hear her stories when they had happy endings. This one was pleasant enough, but you had a feeling that she was leaving some details out since it was apparently so bad that even Spencer would be tagging along for drinks.
When you got to the bar, Derek and Penelope were already sitting at a booth in the back with Aaron and Dave. Penelope hopped up from her seat to give you a hug as soon as you approached the table. 
“Hey, there she is,” Morgan smiled over his beer.
“Reid’s not driving tonight?” Aaron asked.
“He texted me, he’s on his way, he wanted to finish his paperwork back at the precinct.” 
“So what I’m hearing is you finally have time to tell us stories about Reid in high school,” Dave said with a smirk.
“No, come on, he’ll kill me,” you settled into the booth.
Emily snorted, “I’d be surprised if he even found it in him to be mad at you.”
“Oh, it’s happened before.” Your face scrunched up at the memory of what happened that day on the football field.
“Really?” Penelope seemed shocked.
“Yeah I’d… Rather not talk about it.” You didn’t know if Spencer had told the team about the Alexa Lisbon incident, so you didn’t want to talk about how he had been so angry with you for babying him. 
“Oh, come on, the kid was in love with you,” Derek prodded, “What’d you do?”
You elected to ignore his comment, “No, it was just stupid.” You could still talk about Kyle, though. The team knew the story of how you’d met Spencer, they just didn’t know about how upset he was when he found out you got back together with Kyle just a few months after you dumped him.
“We love hearing about the stupid things you did!” Garcia squealed.
You stared at the table and fiddled with a napkin to avoid eye contact as you said, “I dated one of his bullies.”
Dave was the first to break the silence, “But Reid said you broke up with him when you found out.”
You bit your lip and hesitated before owning up to it, “Did he tell you that Kyle is Jamie’s dad?”
Emily gasped, “No way!”
“We barely spoke outside of tutoring after that between him being scared of Kyle and basketball season. We were both busy with our teams.”
“Reid played basketball?” Aaron asked, amused.
“He was the coach.” You managed to crack a slight smile, “Budget cuts. But, hey, it was for the best, that was our best season in years.”
“Hard to believe he could focus on strategy with you cheering from the sidelines.” Derek wiggled his eyebrows and took another sip of his beer.
You were quick to change the subject, “So is JJ coming?”
Emily shook her head, “She went home after the case cuz she missed Henry.”
“Oh that boy is the sweetest little thing, I miss when Jamie was that little.”
Aaron sipped his whiskey, “How old is he again?”
“Ten. I’m old, don’t remind me, it’s fucking me up.”
“Ah! Language, bella.”
“Sorry Dave. But speaking of getting effed up, I’ll go get the next round.” You stood and took everyone’s drink orders: Dave and Aaron were sharing an expensive bottle that Dave had already paid for, Emily wanted a martini, Derek just asked for another beer, while Penelope ordered the most elaborate cocktail on the menu, but luckily it was her usual, so you had it pretty much memorized by now. 
You strolled up to the bar and gave the bartender the order, which he got right on. He started with giving you Derek’s beer, then Em’s martini, then your rum and coke, before getting to work on Penelope’s ridiculously fruity drink. An older man stalked into your field of view with a beer in his hand, grinning dumbly. 
“What’s a girl like you doing in a place like this?”
You snorted, “Has that line ever worked?”
“Truth be told, I’ve never used it.”
“Well you don’t have a great success rate right now, bud.” You looked over the man’s shoulder and made eye contact with Penelope, who turned to Derek and gave him a heads up.
“Well let me buy you a drink, maybe it’ll work better the second time around.”
“Oh, no, thank y—”
“No, come on, what’s one drink?”
You grabbed the tray with everyone’s drinks and started to pass him, “I should really get back to my friends.”
“Hey, I won’t keep you long,” He caught you by the arm and the last thing you saw before he turned you to face him again was Penelope leaping up from her seat to let Derek through, “what are you drinking?”
“Babygirl, how long does a beer take?” Derek stepped up behind you and placed a delicate hand on the small of your back, “This guy bothering you, doll?”
The man dropped his hand from your arm, “We were just talking.”
“Really? ‘Cuz to me it seems like you were trying to put the moves on my girl.”
“Babe, it’s fine,” you caught on quickly, placing a hand on Derek’s chest to keep up the ruse of holding him back, “I’m just waiting for Pen’s drink.”
“Get the hell out of here, man.” Derek glares and the other man leaves reluctantly. “You okay?”
You nodded, “Thank you.”
“Hey, no problem, sweetheart.” He withdrew his hand from the small of your back, “Wouldn’t want Pretty Boy to get jealous.”
You felt your face heat up as your eyebrows knit together, feigning confusion.
“Oh, come on, Y/N, you can’t seriously tell me you don’t see it.”
You played dumb, “See what?”
He sips his beer, “You don’t need to be a profiler to see the way he looks at you, Y/N.”
“Oh, god, first my mother, now you too?”
“I’m serious, I’ve only seen him like this one other time.”
“On a case a few years ago. There was this actress we were helping out, Lila Archer.”
“Lila Archer? The Lila Archer?”
“Yeah, she had a little crush on Reid for a bit. They made out once.”
“They what?”
He laughed, “What’re ya jealous?”
“No!” Maybe? “It just seems so unprofessional, I wouldn’t have pegged him for a guy who would--”
“Hook up with a movie star? Yeah, I didn’t think so either. It didn’t work out with them, obviously, he said she only felt that way about him because he saved her life.”
“What does this have to do with me?”
“Ever thought about how you protecting him his whole life may have had a similar effect?”
“Showing him basic human decency didn’t make him fall in love with me, Derek.”
“No, but saving his life did.”
“What do you mean?”
“I think that’s more of a question for Pretty Boy himself.” Derek nodded his chin over your shoulder. You followed his gaze and saw Spencer coming up behind you, grinning as he neared the bar.
“Hey, haircut! Lookin’ good!” Your fingers laced through his shaggy locks and messed up his new boy band-esque style.
 A faint blush spread across his cheeks as he fixed his hair, “T-Thanks.”
“When you lovebirds feel like talking to the rest of us, I’ll be at the table with the rest of the team.”
You roll your eyes and turn back to the lanky boy next to you, “Lemme buy you a drink, Spence.” 
“Oh, no thank you. I’m driving. And also did you know--”
“You can just say you don’t want it.”
“No, I do. That’s the problem.”
Your face contorted with confusion until it suddenly clicked, “Oh… Has that ever been a problem for you before?”
“Not anymore, and not alcohol, but yeah.”
“Wait, Spence, why didn’t you tell me? I-I’m not mad, it’s your choice, obviously, but I could have helped.”
“You did.”
“I did?”
“Remember that one time I was too sick to talk on our Saturday call?”
“I had just gotten back from a case in New Orleans. Remember Ethan from school?”
You nodded, holding onto every word.
“He’s in a jazz band down there now. He talked me into getting help. When you called, I was at the lowest point of withdrawals, shaking so hard I couldn’t sleep, and completely alone. I almost didn’t pick up, but I knew you wouldn’t accept that,” he laughed nervously, “and when I heard your voice…”
He trailed off, finally meeting your eyes.
“When I said I wasn’t feeling well, you said ‘I’m putting Jamie down for the night, wanna hear his bedtime story?’”
You both found yourselves smiling slightly at the memory. 
“Not once, during any book I’ve read, had I fallen asleep so easily as I did when you read me The Very Hungry Caterpillar.”
He took a deep breath, almost shuddering, “It was the first time I slept without nightmares since Tobias Hankle.”
You remembered that name. He’d come up in conversations from time to time but you never heard anything about his case. He was always a touchy subject for the team, and now you knew why.
“How long ago was this?”
“Almost three years ago.” He didn’t even have to think about it.
“Spence, you could have told me. You can tell me anything.”
“Anything?” He gulped.
You reached for his hand on the bar and felt it tense under your touch. You’d think after how long you’d known him his touch aversion wouldn’t be an issue with you anymore, but apparently not. Feeling your cheeks heat up, you withdrew your hand as if you burnt your hand on a hot stove and let out an awkward scoff, turning away to look back at your friends, who tried and failed miserably at making it look like they weren’t watching you and Spencer. 
“We should…”
“Yeah… w-we should.” Spencer passed you and sat down next to Derek in the booth, leaving you in your usual spot next to Emily with your first of many drinks that night.
            3 Hours Later
(Spencer’s POV)
I helped her into my car and buckled her up after she couldn’t find the seatbelt. When I got into the driver’s seat, I glanced at her to see if she was still conscious, only to see her dopey smile directed at me.
“What?” I laughed nervously.
“Nothing,” she slurred, dragging out the ‘ing’ and turning her head towards the window.
“You okay?”
She nodded and leaned her head against the glass as I pulled out of the parking lot. She was quiet for the most part during the drive, so I assumed she was asleep, so imagine my shock when she piped up as soon as I parked in front of her place.
“Can you walk me in?” she asked as if I could say no to her.
“Of course.” I was going to regardless. I helped her out of the car and she stood on wobbly legs. She groaned and looked at her feet. 
“Hold this.” She shoved her purse into my arms and placed a hand on my shoulder and hopped up to take off one of her heels, tossing it onto her seat before repeating her actions on her other shoe. She grabbed the pair and marched up the path to her front door. I trailed close behind, just in case she stumbled, which she did. 
She fumbled for her key when she suddenly remembered that I had her purse. I dug through the pockets and fished it out, tossing it to her once I got close enough. She instantly giggled as soon as I met her eyes.
“What’s so funny now?”
“Nothing, Spence,” she failed to stifle a smile as she tried to open the door, “You have nothing to worry about.”
I stepped in beside her, “Well you’ve been awfully quiet since we left and now you’re laughing at me!”
“I’m just thinking!”
“That can’t be good,” I joked, prompting her to lightly slap my arm, “Kidding! What are you thinking about?”
“Don’t worry about it!”
“No, now I’m curious!”
“Just something stupid Derek said before you came tonight.”
“Oh jeez, now I have to know.” She climbed up the staircase and down the hallway in front of her bedroom. She twisted the knob and pushed open the door. I stepped in after her and placed her purse down on the dresser. She flopped down on the bed, shuffling under the covers, not even bothering to change out of the clothes she wore to the bar. I grinned down at her. She looked like an angel snuggled up in the sheets.
“Good. Call me if you need anything, Y/N,” I started to walk towards the door.
“Did you have a crush on me in high school?”
I paused.
“W-Where’d you get that from?” Nice job, genius, that doesn’t sound guilty at all.
“That’s what Derek said.” She was now sitting up in bed.
Okay, but how did he know that?
“How did this come up exactly?”
She explained how the team was trying to get her to tell them embarrassing stories about me as a kid (sidenote: not cool, guys) and my dear old friend Kyle came up. She said that Morgan brought up transference, where a person experiences something traumatic and associates their “hero” with safety and feelings of relief after being helped.
“He said one girl you helped in a case had feelings for you and the way you explained transference to Derek sounded like you were speaking from experience.”
Great. This is what I get for only having friends on the team. My best guy friend is also a profiler who can read me like a book. Awesome.
I let out a deep sigh and sat down in the chair next to her bed, “I was.”
“Speaking from experience?”
“Yeah. Because that’s where it all started for me. A pretty girl told off one of my bullies and showed me basic human decency--”
“Aw, Spence, you thought I was pretty?” She teased, eliciting a chuckle from me.
“Of course I did. Y/N, you were the head cheerleader that came to me for help with chemistry and tousled my hair and bought me McDonald’s whenever our study sessions ran late. To twelve-year-old Spencer you were this perfect, unattainable princess--”
“Princess?” She giggled and it was the most beautiful sound I’d ever heard, “I like that.”
“Yep.” I laughed with her, “A princess who lived in a beautiful castle with posters on the walls and sparkly beads on the curtains and Doctor Who playing on the TV and a mom that always invited me to stay for dinner and I’m rambling again but that’s perfectly fine with you because you actually cared about what I had to say, especially when I would talk about Shakespeare because A Midsummer Night’s Dream was your favorite assigned reading and--” I stopped myself before it slipped out. 
I love you. I’ve said it a million times to her in a million different ways but I knew at that moment that if I said the actual words that I wouldn’t be able to take them back, not that I would ever want to, I just want her to be present when I told her the first time. If I said it now it would be the first time she’d hear it from me and she wouldn’t even remember it when she woke up.
“And what?” She still smiled at me so brightly that the dimly lit room was lit up by the gleam in her eyes.
I smiled back, “You’re my best friend.”
Her grin somehow grew wider, her eyes scrunching up, but the sparkle was still there, “You’re my best friend too.”
If I hadn’t already decided against it, I would have said it then. I would have repeated those words over and over again until the words lost all meaning, only they never would because they felt like they meant the world to me. But I wouldn’t let myself start. Instead, I just looked at her like she was the moon and stars and all the space in between and said, “Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Spence, wait,” she murmured, further burying herself in her covers.
“What now?” I whined, the smile still present on my face.
“I think you’re pretty too.” 
It had never been harder for me to resist the urge to kiss her than in that moment. Every fiber of my being screamed to sit back down, lean over her pillow, take her face in my hands, and crash my lips to hers. And for a split second, I thought I would. I almost did. I almost gave myself everything I had ever wanted for sixteen years, four months, and eleven days, but I couldn’t.
“And I think you’re drunk.”
“Spencer Reid!” She squealed, “Just cuz I’m drunk does not mean that you aren’t pretty!”
“Oh really?”
“Yep! ‘Cuz guess what, genius?”
“I think you’re pretty when I’m sober, too.”
If I didn’t know any better I’d say she was trying to drive me insane. And you know what?
It was working.
While I was lost in my thoughts, no doubt staring at her, she let out a tiny yawn and snuggled deeper into her pillow. A piece of hair fell in front of her eyes, hooded yet still shining. I brushed the hair out of her face and told her to get some rest.
“Good idea. I’m sleepy,” she dragged out the e and yawned again, “Goodnight, Pretty Boy.”
“Goodnight, princess.” I chuckled softly. My fingers still lingered just behind her ear, so I stroked her hair once more and pressed a small kiss to her forehead once I was sure she was asleep. Her cheeks twitched in a barely conscious smile, making me grateful for my eidetic memory again. I went to the kitchen and took a glass from the cabinet, filling it up in the sink and placing it on the nightstand with some aspirin.
I took a sheet of some stationery and scrawled out a note for her in the morning:
Make sure you stay hydrated. There’s more aspirin in your cabinet but wait a few hours to take it. Call me if you need anything. -S.R.
            The Next Morning
(Reader’s POV)
The coffee machine made too much noise. Your head was pounding despite the fact you took an aspirin a few minutes ago. Now you played the waiting game, hoping it would kick in soon. When the pot was finally done, you poured yourself a cup, hoping it would help wake you up. You normally wouldn’t drink coffee this late, but you needed it. Just as you took your first sip, your mom came through the front door with Jamie in tow carrying his pajamas in a shopping bag. He said good morning to you and ran upstairs to his room.
“Did you just wake up?” 
“Y/N, it’s almost noon.” You could hear the judgment in her voice.
You took a sip of coffee, “It’s 11:05.”
“I take it you had fun at O’Keefe’s last night?”
“Yeah,” you grumbled, rubbing your eyes.
“How’d you get home?”
“Spence drove me.”
Her eyes widened, excited. She lowered her voice to ask, “Is he still here?”
“Mom!” You whisper-yelled.
“I was just checking!”
“No, he’s not, he dropped me off and went home.” You decided to leave out the whole “putting you to bed” part.
“How’s your hangover?”
“Better with aspirin.”
“Have you been drinking water?”
“A little,” you lied.
“No more coffee until you finish a glass.” She took your mug and dumped its contents down the drain.
“Wh—” You start, “Mom, I’m not a kid.”
“Just drink your damn water.”
“Jesus,” you groan, still making your way to the stairs and heading up to your room, where your water had been put on your nightstand the night before. Under the glass was a note that you didn’t notice when you first woke up. You recognized the chicken scratch handwriting immediately: Spencer.
“Make sure you stay hydrated. There’s more aspirin in your cabinet but wait a few hours to take it. Call me if you need anything. -S.R.”
You smiled as you read the words over and over. You put the note down and took a sip from the glass. You reached over to your phone on the nightstand and dialed his number. It rang twice before Spencer’s voice crackled over the speaker, “Hey, how’re you feeling?”
“Better, thank you.”
“Of course. Did you drink the water I gave you last night?”
“Some of it.”
“Good, did you eat?”
“I’m going on my lunch break in a bit, wanna meet up?”
Your heart fluttered at the offer, a small grin tugging at your lips. You nodded, unable to find words enthusiastic enough to express how much you’d like that, before settling on “Yeah! Sounds good!”
“Perfect! There’s a new thai place downtown I’ve been meaning to check out, how about there?”
“Sure! I’ll meet you at Quantico?”
“See you then!”
“Bye,” you all but sighed into the receiver before snapping out of it. You always tried to keep that part of you beneath the surface, but it wasn’t as easy as it used to be. You didn’t remember much from last night, but you did remember calling him pretty boy and making him blush. You remember him tucking you in and calling you princess and brushing your hair out of your eyes. You remembered how your chest swelled with light as he pressed his lips to your forehead, and the soft chuckle he let out seeing you smile against your pillow. 
You hopped in the shower and got dressed, fixing yourself just enough to pass for a functioning adult who did not get sloppy drunk in front of her best friend’s coworkers last night. You told your mom you were going out for lunch, and she happily agreed to babysit for a few hours while you were with Spencer. 
“Have fun on your date!”
“Not a date!” You almost couldn’t tell who you were talking to, her or you.
You got to Quantico about a half-hour later and were met by Dave in the bullpen.
“Oh, look who’s joined the land of the living!”
“Oh, come on, I wasn’t that bad last night. I could have been Penelope.”
“That is true, bella, but it was still a Thursday,” Dave chuckled, “The kid’s in Aaron’s office, he’ll be out in a sec.”
“Thank you,” you said and walked over to Spencer’s desk, sitting down in his chair and making small talk with Emily while you waited. A few minutes later, you saw him walk out of the office, eyes immediately landing on you.
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cryptidfumikage · 3 years
tokoyami comfort headcanons (1/?)
having a rough time atm, thought i would share some personal hcs for my comfort character ✨
gender neutral (y/n); all sfw hcs; he/they pronouns for dark shadow (note: i'm not used to using these in full sentences and paragraphs, so if you have any recommendations for using he/they pronouns more naturally, i will gladly take advice!) if you have any requests just let me know and i'll get to them as soon as i can
TW: brief food mentions
if you and tokoyami are friends, he will pick up on your emotions pretty easily. even if you’re not as vocal about what’s going on, he will sense a change in your body language, the way you talk, etc. he may not pry but dark shadow has no shame and will (politely) ask if everything’s okay. they will both give you time and space but if you’re open to talking about it, they’ll be there and will be super supportive.
if you’re in a relationship with each other, there’s definitely no fooling him 💀 he will be a little more direct and might actually sit you down and properly ask what’s wrong. he will still respect ur privacy but if something really bad is going on, he will pick up on it and be very protective of you. he doesn’t want to smother you but he worries… since dark shadow is a manifestation of some of his deeper rooted emotions, they might reach out more than tokoyami will. both of them will be there to support you, though.
“fumikage, something’s going on with (y/n)…”
*sigh* “i know, dark shadow… but there’s not much i can do. i’m here if they need someone to talk to, but i respect their privacy too much to pry.”
*taking tokoyami’s phone* “uh huh….”
“w- dark shadow what are you doing?”
“i’m texting (y/n) to see if they wanna come over and watch (your comfort movie/show) together!”
“that’s not… please don’t bother them. they might need their space-”
“they said yes and they’re coming over in an hour. let’s go to the store and buy (your favorite food/snack/drink), it’s their favorite!”
“…” *grabs wallet and keys* “alright then, let’s go.”
yeah whether you’re in a romantic relationship or not, they both know you like the back of their hand.
if you’re comfortable with it, tokoyami would love to cuddle! he may be a little awkward at first but i think deep down, he is sort of touch starved 😭 his hands are strong and cool, and they will hold you just tightly enough to make you feel secure
dark shadow may come out to cuddle you too! they will feel like a cool breeze (like casper the friendly ghost! if anybody remembers that movie lmao). during the summertime it’s really nice, but in the winter/colder seasons it could help to have a couple blankets. they're basically like a cat and will cuddle in between you and tokoyami. sometimes he might hog you, and tokoyami can’t help but get a little jealous. they both just wanna spoil you.
they also both HATE when you cry. dark shadow will coo and whisper sweet nothings to soothe you. tokoyami will hold you until you stop crying, and even then letting you go will take him a while. don’t be surprised if one of you falls asleep after a while.
if it’s you, he will stroke you gently with the pad of his thumb and might even hum to you. the sound of his voice is deep and rumbly and just 🥺🤧
if HE falls asleep, his grip on you might tighten subconsciously. if it gets too tight, don’t be afraid to wake him up!! he wouldn’t want you to be uncomfortable. he doesn't mind readjusting so that you're comfy.
when you’re ready to talk about what’s bothering you, tokoyami will listen intently. dark shadow might make comments in between, but will try not to be rude - they just get defensive over you. if you ask for advice, tokoyami is rational and will try to be as comforting but realistic as possible. he doesn’t mind just listening to you vent, though. in fact, he appreciates that you trust him so much! he lets you know it, too.
“i admire your ability to vocalize all this. you know how difficult it is for me to express my emotions, so i deeply admire your ability to express your own… i especially appreciate you expressing them to me.”
“i mean us, of course.”
more fun stuff! tokoyami loves to play cards and other table top games, a couple of his favorites are chess and mancala. he might recommend playing for a bit to take your mind off things! he might kick ur ass because he’s gotten really good playing with dark shadow, but don’t think he won’t let you win a round or two. if you happen to be as good as him or better, he’ll be so excited!! loves a good challenge, and really loves you, so you challenging him makes him really happy. tokoyami also doesn’t mind teaching you a thing or two, he’s extremely patient and is grateful you’re willing to learn from him.
what’s your favorite movie? get ready for dark shadow to quote it with you randomly. your favorite series? tokoyami will buy you merch whenever he finds it online or while out shopping. they both love to have marathons with you where you all get cozy, grab some snacks, and just chill.
tokoyami is a bit old-fashioned and will occasionally buy you flowers/chocolates, but if you’re feeling low he will go all out. do you have a favorite food? he will stay up learning how to cook it with the perfect recipe to the way you like it. dark shadow will hand you tokoyami’s phone with a shopping app opened and basically tell you to go nuts and buy whatever you want. tokoyami might give you a reasonable budget, but not without dark shadow protesting. they both want to spoil you, but dark shadow wants to spoil you a little too much sometimes.
depending on how close you are, tokoyami might share a song he wrote for you on his guitar…. he’ll say it’s the first one but he’s written over a dozen songs for you that he’s been too nervous to share. baby steps, okay? as an artist, he’s a bit fragile 🥲 he will also sing your favorite song to you, and if you’re willing he would LOVE for you to sing with him!!! he thinks your voice is beautiful.
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