#n e ways i do plan to rewatch the whole thing now that i know what the heck is happening for the most part alksjfsdhl
fvkedupgirl · 1 year
jeremy: jay- doesn’t get the squip to end up w nya, but instead bc he’s sick of feeling like a loser and thinks it’s be good for both him and cole if he was “cooler” bc to him cole is the coolest guy he knows and he feels like he’s holding him back socially
michael: cole- end love interest, obv obv
christine: nya- kind of plays a similar role to chloe or brooke in the sense that jay only tries to date her bc the squip tells him it’ll make him seem cool, rather than genuine feelings; has a little gossip trio w/ morro and pixal
rich: kai- got a squip a year prior, pretty much same character/purpose as rich
jenna: morro- idk i just rlly love the idea of morro being the queen of gossip @ their school
jake: lloyd- bros the green ninja ofc he’s the most popular guy @ school in this au, but also not jock popular guy like jake, more like the popular guy who’s popular bc he’s attractive but ALSO he’s just the sweetest guy. ever. and rlly oblivious to the point where u want to hate him bc of the way the ppl who are nice to him/like him are but you can’t bc he’s so sweet
chloe: pixal- listen okay she’s just a gossip girl ik im pushing it w chloe and christine here but let me LIVE okay let me have my nya pixal + morro gossip trio
brooke: zane- zane is the innocent guy that is besties w the gossip trio bc he follows pixal like a puppy and she would protect him w her life
endgame ships: bruise, bg pixane + maybe samuraishipping
would also include focuses on the dynamics between: kai + lloyd, rgb siblings, nya pixal + morro, kai + jay, + probably more if i fleshed out the whole plot a little more
thinking abt unagami squip?? or maybe some version of superstar rockin’ jay???? probably the latter tbh
so like on the one hand we have the obvious: replace nya w cole. which. i want to do obv bc it’s perfect and i have been planning out the details of the scene where he dies in jays arms and they turn back time and then we finally get our bruise kiss since FOREVER so im not letting my baby go even if other ppl have already written the concept b4.
any ways uh if i did this im kinda thinking like. nadakhans all “i wanna marry nya” and jays like “dude wtf u can’t just. marry nya ill fite u /p coles my real bbg ofc” and nadakhan says “shit u rite. too much work. plus i got me a captive rite here like it don’t matter who i marry cuz once i got my powers i can bring back that shitty girlypop of mine n e ways. damn bluey ur so smart” and jays like “wha.” so our guy writes a fun explanation of the whole marriage thing to the rest of the squad and he’s like “YOO so im bouta get married but that would not be great for me or anyone else in the whole world so maybe we should do something abt that like just so y’all know” and coles like “bitch not my MANS” and we’ll see where it goes from there bc the timeline would be V different and things would have to get done faster meaning they’d get done differently and id have to actually rewatch the season to figure out the kinks but as i continue to write this the urge to make this a reality grows every more tempting i am foaming at the mouth rn
dumped all of this into my notes and decided to share to gauge ppls interests (pls excuse any rambling my notes are full of so much rambling it’s not even funny)
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coredrill · 2 years
the audacity of neon gelatin 3.0+1.0 to say it “broke the loop” when promare actually did that a hundred times better and two years prior:
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taeyamayang · 3 years
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PAIRING: Kenma Kozume x Reader | Bokuto Kotaurou x Reader | Tsukishima Kei x Reader | Akaashi Keiji x Reader
GENRE: fluff! | comfort! | mutual pining but yall are too coward to admit feelings for e/o
a/n: got this idea from a sleepy kenma fanart i saw and im so soft,, a short one bc this is an impulsive idea lmao
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kenma, bokuto, tsukki, & akaashi
kozume kenma
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the three of you: you, kuroo, and kenma were supposed to hangout after school
BUT someone ditched it the moment you all reached kenma's house
he said he forgot to do something important so he has to go
ofc kenma isn't buying that lame excuse and kuroo knows that too
probably with the way the scowl on the other's face deepens
and his eyes shooting laser beams at kuroo's smug face
the older has been teasing kenma ever since he gushed about how the younger's facial expression instantly softens when he sees you
kenma denied that
of course
but as the teasing goes on the tint on his cheeks becomes more apparent thus fueling the fire
kuroo loves seeing kenma lose his calmness over his growing feelings for you
so since kuroo is goneㅡthe parent in the room
you both decided to play games
because there's no one to scold you both about spending too much time on videogames
it's a teamplayer game and the two of you have to go through each level with at least one of you alive to continue the quest
you thought you have a pretty good knack on games until you're playing with him
your character died not even half of the level done yet
was the game too hard or he's just too good at it?
so you are left to watch him continue the game alone
you have no idea up how many hours you both have been playing but with the way your eyes flutter close
you know it's been a couple of hours
the side of your head rests on the inner portion of your left arm
as the said arm stretches across the coffee table
the two of you sat on the floor of the living room
kenma's eyes are fixated at the tv, his eyebrows crosses as he focus on keeping his character alive
he is your only hope to get through this level
however, your battle against the surge of melatonin in your body is a much harder quest
soon, you drift off to sleep
the tv blares its mechanic voice,
"level cleared!"
"____, i did it." kenma says turning his head to you but to his surprise he sees you dozed off over the table
he keenly keeps his orbs to you
lips slightly parted, eyelids gently pulled down, and your breath lightly rolling out of your mouth
one side of his lips pulls up
he has never seen you sleep before and oddly he finds it more interesting than the current videogame
he twists his body to face you so he gets a better view of your sleeping state
slowly he slides his arm across the coffee table, mirroring your position
with his head turned to you
he takes his time as he stares at you for a bit longer
he raises one hand in the air to bring it inches away from your face
but he immediately stops when he realizes what he was about to do
he didn't want to wake you up
so he settles his hand mid-air as he studies every curve of your face
his fingers bend as he looks through it, imagining how your face would feel around his touch
his mouth pulls into a tender smile
bokuto koutarou
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hanging out with him is pretty normal
it's been an on going thing whether you spend time outside or within the four corners of your houses
today, you both planned on watching a movie
you insisted on a horror film while he opted for a rom-com
because that boy can't handle spooky stuff ngl
knowing how stubborn you two can get bokuto decided to let rock-papers-scissors do the decision making
and he won
and now you're stuck with his favorite rom-com movie that you both had seen multiple times in the past
honestly, you enjoy rewatching the whole thing because you love seeing bokuto's reaction like it's his first time seeing the show
but tonight just feels a little different
maybe because you had tons of other things to do before the said movie date
so you're drained and tired
and with bokuto's attention glued to the show you are left to keep your eyelids open
sitting next to him on the sofa, you pull your legs up
looping your arms around your legs as your vision starts to blurry
bokuto turns skittish when the leads share a kiss
"ooohhh, and now they kiss i love this part." he squeals, his hands cupping his cheeks as his stomach twists and turns in a funny way
and when he gets silence for a reply
he whips his head to you
your head is on top of your knees and you are fast asleep
he didn't bother pausing the movie as he thinks of a way to tend to you
at first he tries to wake you up, whispering words to your ears
but you won't budge
all he could think of is how bad your position is for your body
it doesn't take an expert in human biology to know that you are prone to back aches, stiff neck, and cramped muscle when the morning comes
so he knew he had to do something
he places his arm under the back of your knees and the other supporting your back
thank god you're a heavy sleeper
he carries you to his room bridal style and sets you down on his bed
he pulls the covers up before tucking you in
he peers at you with his hands on his waist, proud of what he did
he sits on the bedside to watch you but soon after he falls asleep
the morning comes and you jolt awake when you realize you have fallen asleep
you scan the room and see a jersey shirt hanging on a chair
it's bokuto's shirt
a loud huff of air catches your attention
you follow the sound and it leads you to a curled up boy sleeping on the floor of his room
tsukishima kei
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ah, the same old cliché but we all love this shit you were partners in a project
tho you weren't strangers to each other to begin with
actually you're more than acquaintances but less than a friend
more like a bickering partner
but none of you would admit how much you enjoy each other's company
of course you and tsukki's pride would never
so here you are in his room trying to figure out the task assigned to the both of you
your stomach grumbles
"im hungry." you tell the blonde sitting next to you
"looks like it's your problem." he shrugs
"you are the worst host. feed me, asshole, or im telling your mom."
oh did i mention that your parents are good friends? and you are his mom's favorite? the cliché trope has a twist ;)
your threat seem to work as he pushes himself off the floor to head to the kitchen
"thank you, tsukki." you raise your tone up to intentionally annoy him
"shut up." he snaps at you making you chuckle out loud
tsukki struggles finding a decent snack for you since he never spends time around the kitchen
while you start to feel the works of gravity on your lids
tsukki busts in holding a tray with both hands
"i don't know what food you eat so i picked out a bit of everything. don't you dare whine at me."
confusion flashes on his face when he sees your head down on the shared study table
he places the tray on the bedside table then squats next to you
"what are you-" he leaves his sentence unfinished when he sees you sleeping
he arches an eyebrow up
"you came here to sleep when we have tons to do."
your soft heaves make his lips curl
he looks around his room as if to see if anyone is looking before crossing his legs to sit on the floor
your hair slowly glides down to your face and he notices
he gently push the stray hair off your face then looks away, feeling embarrassed of what he did
"you can't even look out for yourself." he mutters to himself
he fails to fight the urge to look at you again as his orbs shifts back to you
his adams apple bobs up and down as he swallows saliva
he keeps his gaze at you
"you should have told me you're tired, stupid." he whispers
akaashi keiji
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the first thing that caught your eyes when you enter the bus is the boy wearing your school's volleyball jacket
the bus is unexpectedly full with the only seat left is the one next to him
akaashi keiji
you share the same class so obviously you know each other
"is this seat taken?" you ask and he shakes his head to a no
he then scoots further to the window side so he can give you more space
every gentle bump of the vehicle on the cracked road lures you into dreamland
like an infant dozing off from the steady rocking of the crib
akaashi sees your bobbing head from his peripheral vision as you let drowsiness take over you
your arms which are embraced around your school bag begin to unravel as you lose consciousness
the boy turns his head to you and notices you wearing a skirt
your sleeping state hinders you from keeping your legs close
and with the amount of strangers getting off and on the bus he became aware of your posture
he removes his jacket before placing it on top of your thighs
making sure you can rest without people taking advantage of you
you murmur
a habit you do in your sleep when you are physically tired
"what?" he asks
you murmur again
"i don't understand, ____." he gives you a gentle tap on your cheek
your murmur gets louder as you shift your body into comfort
letting your head fall on his shoulder
akaashi startles at the sudden contact
"im tired." you mutter in your sleep
"my shoulder is free for you to rest. take your time." he lowers his head near you as he tells you
his free hand holds your head as the bus bounces on the crooked road
he makes sure to keep the jacket secured on your thighs while your head steady on his shoulder
he softly pats your head from time to time when he hears you mumbling incoherent words to yourself
albeit, he finds it endearing
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a/n: short... SHORT??? THIS IS NO WAY SHORT i have once again fooled myself (fyi: i write my first a/n before i write the whole thing lol) anyway, why is tsukki so fun to write?? any writers or readers out there with a tsukki obsession too? i can't be the only one here 😩 anyway, thanks for reading! i hope you like this one and as always likes and rbs are very much welcome! that's all,, take care and drink your water bi- :D
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hnychn · 3 years
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summary : tsuki had always been the rational one between the two of you, but sometimes even he needs his other half to knock him back to earth
warnings : twin!reader, fem!reader, cursing, physically hurt/comfort, generally fluff, PLATONIC, tsuki & reader get into a fight, not edited at all
word count : 1600+
a/n : i was rewatching karasuno's match against shiratorizawa last night, and i thought about this so :) it's just general headcanons about being tsuki's twin and it gets specific when i bring up the match :) enjoy ( ´∀`)
karasuno masterlist ~ haikyuu masterlist
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-          contrary to popular belief, tsukishima is actually a really good sibling and an even better twin 
-          he’ll definitely make sure you’re taking care of yourself and eating and drinking often, especially if you have you’re involved in your own club 
-          he and yamaguchi wait after school for you too so you don’t have to walk home alone. tsuki says it’s because he doesn’t want your mom or akiteru to stress out over you if you get lost or something, but deep down you know it’s because he cares for you and doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you 
-          but, if you manage for the volleyball club, it makes his life a lot easier 
-          you definitely joined before yachi, right at the beginning of the year when tsuki and yamaguchi signed up for the team. you and kiyoko were quick to become friends, along with the third years (the only ones tsuki really trusted you around alone. pls tanaka nearly tackled you to the ground when you said you wanted to be manager had it not been for daichi grabbing his collar and tsuki pusing you behind him) 
-          tanaka apologised
-          do i really need to tell you why tsuki didn’t trust hinata and kageyama around you? 
-          you were the one to recruit yachi to be another manager as well. she was in some of your classes and you knew her to be a kind and work-driven person, so you asked if she wanted to sign up 
-         pls babes never stood a chance saying no to you
-         she was a blushing mess
-          (she highkey has a crush on you and tsuki knows it, but that’s none of his business) 
-          just like tsuki, you’re able to quickly analyze players and their movements and you also are able to think ahead and plan out attacks or defences with the information you’ve gathered 
-          so the coaches really like you :) 
-          during the training camp, you and tsuki got into a fight, y’know, as siblings do. and you’ve gotten into arguments and fights with each other in front of the others, so they weren’t all too worried and assured everyone else that it was normal . . . but then y’all started getting physical 
-          hurtful words were thrown without thinking, it’s normal, but tsuki went a bit too far with his words and you aren’t the type to cry and run away, so what did you do? 
-          you tackled that bitch :D 
-          so there you two were, fighting like kids over the last popsicle in the freezer, while everyone just stood there in shock at what the hell was going on in front of them 
-          the others were quick to pull you away from each other, and the managers led you away from your brother while the two of you calmed down. it definitely took you a while to calm down from the adrenalin high from tackling your 6’3 brother, but you eventually did and went back into the gym where tsuki was sitting on the bench.
-          the others tensed up when you walked over to him and sat next to him, thinking you were gonna start fighting again, but instead the two of you sat in silence for a while 
-         the other managers, who you’ve become great friends with, eventually got everyone to mind their business to give the two of you privacy to apologise or whatever 
-          and you did, because he’s your brother, and no matter how many petty fights (verbal or physical) you get into with him, he’ll always be your twin. your other half 
-          but that doesn't mean you'll never take his ass down again if he doesn't watch his words
-          bcs you will ˙ ͜ʟ˙
-          the two of you like to tease each other, i mean, this is tsukishima we’re talking about, if he’s going to tease someone it’s most definitely going to be you
-          now onto what spurred this whole headcanon >:) 
-          everyone was nervous leading up to the match with shiratorizawa and, despite him not showing it, you knew tsuki was too. you could tell in the way he got dressed a bit slower that morning and the way he ate less and drank more water. plus it’s just twin intuition, you could just look at him and know what’s up 
-          n e ways, the match is going on and you would have fallen over the railing of the stands had it not been for akiteru’s grip on the back of your jacket (who scared the hell out of you when he first showed up. “kei’s not gonna like you being here, nii-chan.”) 
-          so it’s getting intense 
-          you’re sure this single match has taken 50 years off your life
-          you’ll give tsuki a good slap when the match is over for it 
-          you cried a little when tsuki blocked ushy gushy’s spike, but you made akiteru and yachi swear not to tell anyone especially tsuki since he would tease the fuck outta you and you don't need that. 
-         and then (y’know where i’m going with this) tsuki just goes and fucks up his hand 
-       it was like you became the flash because you were down in the court in literal seconds (akiteru swore you jumped over the rails down onto the court, but . . . i guess we’ll never know ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ)   
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The walk to the medical room was silent. 
You could hear the cheers and screaming from the main gym form where you were, the shrill sounds echoing down the hallway almost hauntingly. You cursed a bit when you felt chills run down your spine, because despite being wrapped in your karasuno jacket and an extra jacket akiteru brought, the short length of your skirt provided barely any warmth for your legs. 
From beside you, Tsukishima was silent, simply clutching onto his bleeding hand while burning holes into the polished linoleum floor. You had expected him to tease you about the glare you sent Ushijima when you jumped onto the court (said boy would later confess to his teammate that that had been the only moment he truly felt fear), or make fun of the way akiteru’s jacket seemed to drown you and made you look like a wet cat; but he didn’t. And his silence was more unnerving than anything. 
But you knew Kei. You knew the looks he was giving, the way his face seemed to relax and become more expressive when it was only the two of you, you could see his thoughts and worries as plain as day on his face. 
You were twins after all. You knew Kei better than he knew himself, you knew his attitude was nothing short of a direct result of your brother's lies and his worry was because he had finally gotten a taste of what volleyball was really like, and he was craving more. 
So, as the eldest twin, you did what you did best. 
You teased him. 
“Stop making that face, you look constipated.” 
Tsuki snapped his head over to you and scowled, “Shut up.” 
“No, you shut up, and listen well, Kei.” Your strict and monotone voice surprised him a little, he hadn’t heard you use that voice in a while, let alone with him; you were known as the nicer twin after all, “You need to trust that the others will hold their own. Have trust in your team to keep Shiratorizawa on their toes. You know them, you know they can hold their own and take some points. You’ve trained and practiced with them for a while now, Kei. You’ve seen their improvements and you’ve seen their hard times, have a little more trust in them. So stop worrying about what could happen while you’re not there and start thinking about what you’ll do when you get back, big head.” 
There was a silence between the two of you as the medic room sign came into view. You sighed a little as you shrugged in your mind, perhaps Kei was too deep in his thoughts to care about your words, but there was only so much you could do to convince him to relax a little. But before you could slide open the door to the medic room, you felt a little tug on the back of your (akiteru’s) jacket. 
Tsuki still looked down to the ground, but you could just about make out a small dust of pink on his cheeks, “thanks for that . . . y/n” 
Your eyes widened a bit and you nearly made a move to pinch yourself because on the way to the medic room you must have died and went to heaven or aliens must have burst through the window and taken you to an alternate universe where your brother, Tsukishima fucking Kei, was thanking you. 
You hands shook a little as you pulled Tsuki’s face down, pressing the back of your hand to his forehead and checking his body for other injuries, “What the fuck, are you sure it’s only your hand that’s injured? Did one of Ushiwaka’s spikes hit you in the head? I think you’re dying . . . yeah, that’s what it is. Maybe you should sit this game out Kei, you might start doing crazier things like tell me you love me or that I’m the best sister you could have asked for or-” 
You laughed as Tsuki pushed you into the medic room and ignored you as his hand was being bandaged up. Tsuki glared at you over his shoulder as you poked and prodded the back of his head and teased him further, but when he turned back around his glare softened. 
Tsuki was grateful for your presence. He was thankful you were there to keep his head on his shoulders and make sure he stayed focused on what really mattered. And out of everyone in the world, Tsuki was glad you were his twin - his better half. 
Not that’d he ever tell you.
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-         so yeah :) 
-          tl;dr tsukishima is a tsundere and secretly loves you ˙ ͜ʟ˙
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heezoneie · 3 years
Hi, can I request a SKZ and Enhypen legal line reaction to you doing WAP or twerking out of nowhere?
i though this one was fun to write 😆, thank you for the request! <3
group: enhypen & stray kids
member: enhypen legal line & all of stray kids
genre: crack(?), fluff, possibly suggestive at times
Enhypen Legal Line
• you guys had been just chilling on the couch at the dorms, the other boys no where to be found.
• your head rested on heeseung’s lap as he scrolled through his phone. “hee, i’m bored” he looked down at your face upon hearing your statement.
• “well there’s not much we can do right now, maybe when the boys get back.” he stated playing with your hair.
• growing impatient, a mischievous idea popped in your head. sitting up from his lap, you go to set your phone on the tv stand directly in font of the couch.
• you were about to do a challenge that has been going around tiktok for quite a while. you were not one to do tiktok challenges very often, so this would come as a surprise for heeseung.
• seeing you stand up got heeseung curious. he watched your every move as you setup your video.
• when the familiar “WAP” began to play through your phone speakers, heeseung’s eyes widened.
• as soon as you started actually doing the dance, he would be so flustered. face beet red, but bby would not be able to take his eyes off you.
• he thought you did such a good job, even if the dance was a bit “pRoVOcAtIve” so after you finished the dance and walked over you him, he immediately buried his head in your neck.
• “that was so good baby, but try a less inappropriate dance next time? okay?”
• you and jay were in the practice room at the company because he decided to stay back to get some extra work in.
• he asked you to come keep him company, since he didn’t want to be alone. ofc you showed up, bc who wouldn’t want to watch their boyfriend dance.
• after a while of practicing, you and jay decided to just listen to music over the speakers, until a rather seductive song came on.
• feeling bold, you decided to dance a little to it. swaying your hips side to side, twerking, anything to match the mood of the song.
• jay’s eyes darkened at the sight of you dancing like that. he didn’t know you could possibly be any sexier.
• jay watched the way your hips moved, your face, your legs. he made sure to take in every little move you were doing.
• after the song ended, he came up behind you and grabbed your hips. he pushed you against the wall and turned you to face him.
• “my pretty baby. that was rather bold to dance like that when anybody could walk in and see you.” he leaned in to your ear, “i think you should dance for me like that back home....but with less clothing.”
• jake had just got finished with a long day of practice, and wanted nothing more than to come home to his amazing s/o.
• you however, had been lounging around the house all day. you were scrolling through your phone, when you decided you would past the time by making some tiktoks.
• you had been midway through doing the “WAP” challenge, when your boyfriend (with amazing timing) walked in.
• jake kinda just stood there flustered, not knowing what to do. he really said some “🧍‍♂️”
•getting up from the ground, you grabbed your phone and rewatched the tiktok. seeing jake’s reacting made you laugh.
• you turned around to him, where he still stood just staring at you. (bby malfunctioned)
• “jake? you good?” blinking a couple times, he finally snapped out of his daze, “OH, uh yeah i just- uhm. you were good, i just didn’t know you could dance like that.”
• smiling you went to give him a hug, “i could dance like that more if you want 😉”
•this boy d r a g g e d you back to your room with the biggest smirk on his face.
• okay, so this boy is a little 🤏 a w k w a r d
• when you stated twerking in the middle of the kitchen he didn’t know what to do
• it’s not that he didn’t like it, cause he most definitely did (possibly got a little turned on)
• it’s just he didn’t know what to do or what to say, so he kinda just...walked out?
• you followed him into the living room where he just sat on the couch thinking about what to say.
• “ you okay hoon?” he looked up from the couch, “ i need a second to process what happened.”
• after a couple of minutes of silence he grabbed you and pulled you onto his lap, with each of your legs on either side of him.
• “how about you do it again, but this time i want to feel you.”
Stray Kids
• you guys were in his studio, while he was working you decided to tease him a little bit ;)
• you got off the couch and slowly walked up behind his chair. you proceeded you slowly turn his chair around to face you.
• you stared to dance/twerk very sensually in front of him. his eyes said “👀”
• he thought you looked so good, like his baby dancing for him? pure bliss.
• he watched you so closely, just admiring the way you moved your body. you put him a whole trance.
• bby chan did not know how to control himself after seeing you dance like that.
• he took of his headphones, and took you to the couch, let’s just say your teasing worked very well ;)
• this was actually a dare you had gotten from felix. being the tiktok king he is, he dared you to do the WAP in front of minho.
• you obviously couldn’t turn down a dare, so you agreed. felix helped you plan how to make it seem less forward.
• you were gonna go into the practice room while minho was in there, and ask him if he wanted to do some tiktoks with you (you knew he was gonna say no, cause he was most likely going to be tired)
• minho enjoyed watching you do tiktoks, bc he thought you were the cutest little thing, even if he would never say it.
• he thought you were gonna do some innocent dance like the renegade or another challenge.
• when he saw you start getting on the floor and twerking his mind went completely blank.
• that was until he remembered you were filming. he immediately ran to turn off the camera.
• “that’s only for me to see baby, but could you send that video to me? for research purposes😇”
• changbin had called you to come hang out with him at the dorms, cause why not?
• when you got to dorms you noticed none of the other boys besides changbin himself were there.
• “where are the other boys binnie?” you asked while going to give him a hug. “i think they are all at the company, they still had some work to do.”
• after releasing from the hug, the both of you went to cuddle in bed. curling up into changbins side, you got an idea.
• “hey binnie?” he looked at you, “do you want to see a dance i learned?” surprised, he quickly nodded his head and sat up against the headboard.
• you got off the bed and began to slowly walk up to changbins side of the bed. he looked you up and down while licking his lips.
• you began to dance a special dance you made just for him. he closely watched the way you moved against the floor, and eventually the way you moved against him.
• once you finished he grabbed your hips and pulled you closer, “your lucky we are the only ones home.”
• we all know this man would be so vv shocked when you started slowly twerking on him the middle of the dance room.
• ofc he loved it, but he was so surprised he pushed you off 😔
• you kinda just stood there embarrassed, like you took a bold move and failed (r.i.p y/n)
• but he eventually he pulled back by the hips, and started to move against you as well.
• he guided your hips against his, and you both were lowkey just grinding against each other in the private dance room.
• mans got super turned on, and immediately took you home where you both could have some more fun ;)
• bby would hype you up, he’s your personal hype man for sure.
• as soon as you started dancing for him he would be cheering you on, dancing with you, you name it.
• he would be so excited bc he just lives to match your vibe :(((
• would 100% video tape you so he can watch it later when he’s feeling sad.
• would definitely admire the way you move, and be so shocked, like he never knew his bub could dance like this???
• he would ask you to teach him the dance, and probably end up having a dance party with you.
• this babe would join you, as soon he saw you setting up the phone. he jumped from his place on the couch.
• “Oooooo, what tiktok are we doing???” he would be so eager to make every tiktok with you, cause he love bonding with you :((
• when y’all started doing the “WAP” he got excited cause he knew the dance already. he was also excited to see you dance to it.
• probably had small naughty thoughts going through his mind while watching you, but for the most part he was happy seeing you enjoy yourself.
• when it came down to actually filming the tiktok, yall would be goofing off so much to the point you had to film it multiple times.
• just saying, the final product? y’all slayed.
• okay, so i feel seungmin would act like he didn’t care, but hear me out.
• he would definitely be eyeing you the whole time your dancing, and be lowkey jamming in the background.
• but the second you look at him he’s this “😐”
• he doesn’t want you to know how much he’s actually enjoying watching you move your hips in that way.
• he would probably act annoyed, and tell you to hurry up, but would 100% love watching to dance.
• definitely sent himself the video of you dancing when you weren’t looking :)
• he would, with no doubt, act disgusted. is he actually? no way.
• would absolutely NEVER let you know he really enjoyed watching you dance in a sexy form.
• would probably get embarrassed, and tell you to stop (he doesn’t actually want you to tho, he just doesn’t want anyone else to see you dancing so seductively)
• lowkey possessive, but in a cute pouty way, which is why he used the being disgusted as and excuse to get you to stop.
• would probably end up still getting turned on, and his face would turn so so red when you figured out the effect you were having on him.
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jaeminscoffee · 4 years
Morosis- The stupidest of stupidities.
Pairing- Lee Haechan x reader
Genre- Fluff, Crack.
Word count- 1.81k
Warning- None but it's super random XD also note that i called Haechan a brat only for the purpose of carrying the storyline forward, irl i really want the 'Haechan annoying' agenda to come to an end :)
Summary- Haechan being his own kind of species the entire night.
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Haechan is.. well Haechan. 
He's his own different kind of species. Don't take it the wrong way, he's extremely talented, down to earth, a really sweet human, and a mood maker. 
But on the other hand, he's a brat. A sassy, funny kind of brat.You need a whole lot of patience to deal with him. And you didn't have that.
 You loved him a whole lot though, the same for him with you, it's just, he makes you question your purpose of life from time to time. He loved making you angry, he found it cute, apparently. And together, the pair of you made everyone around you go crazy. 
Take for example this one time, you and Haechan along with his friends decided to have a movie night back at your place as your parents decided to go on a tiny vacation and your brother would stay over at his friends.
It was breaktime when you guys decided that it'd be fun if you all had a gathering at one spot kind of thing. So you stated that they could come over for a movie night, but made them promise not to break anything. 
You'd warned them about having a pet as Jeno was allergic to cats, or cat fur, or something along the line. And you'd recently gotten her along with your brother. 
All of you walk down the corridor towards your lockers, placing in unwanted books, taking the ones needed after the last bell rang. 
Once you are all done packing up, you meet up by the entrance of your school building, planning what you all want to watch at night. 
"So, how to train your dragon? Good choice, good choice" Haechan said, after you and Chenle decided on what movie you'd watch, it's a classic,but everyone loves it so rewatching it won't do any harm. 
"Be there, sharp at 7pm or I'm starting it without you" you exclaim looking at each one of them, double looking at Jaemin with your eyebrows raised. "Especially you." Jaemin did a solute gesture as the others laughed at the two of you.
"Okay losers, see you at Y/n's. Try coming earlier if possible" Haechan said, pulling you out the gates and onto the streets once you all said your goodbyes for then. 
Having a brother meant running out of snacks to munch on more than quarter of the time. So you and Haechan walked down the streets, talking along about how the day was and other random talking, coming across a convenience store.
You enter after playing rock, paper and scissors to see who'd pay for all the snacks. "Literally, no backing away, don't even try acting cute to get the other person to pay along with you" you said, narrowing your eyes knowing what move Haechan would pull if he'd lose. "Alright, cool with me baby just stick to your words hm?" he said, with a smug look on his face. 
Having to spend half of your allowance isn't the best feeling ever. It sucks. Especially having your own boyfriend call you boomer and walk out of the store after you'd lost, waiting beside it where there was an ice cream stand, eating when you were struggling to select which you wanted the most. 
After getting enough snacks to last throughout the night, you walk out of the store with a huge bag in your hand, the bill in the other and a grumpy look on your face. At least Haechan was kind enough to take the bag out of your hand and even brought you an ice cream after laughing at you for five solid minutes. 
"So, how's your piano lessons going?" Haechan asked you as the two of you took a turn towards the street leading to your house, it was past 6:15 pm when you actually started heading home, stopping here and then to eat from each street food stalls you'd come across, this time around, Haechan paying for it. 
"It's going good, isn't the easiest when my fingers just won't cooperate" you let out an exaggerated sigh, leaning your head against Haechan's shoulder while you walked up to the door to unlock it as he slightly nudged your head away so that you could open the door faster. 
"You'll master it, baby. It just needs time and talent" he said to which he earned a smack at the back of his head. "Shut it, dimwit" you reply, hanging the keys on the hook beside the door. 
Upon hearing the sound of the key, your cat, more precisely your four week old kitten, jumped off the tiny makeshift bed you'd made for her with comforters, making your way towards you, meowing in her tiny voice. 
Once she reached you she started rubbing herself against the material of your legging, you pick her up, "Hey bubbles! Did you miss mommy?" you speak as though you were talking to a baby. Not getting any reply, obviously you turn towards your boyfriend, who stood beside you, looking at your cat with nothing but love and affection. 
"Can I carry her..?" he asked in a cautious tone, not wanting to scare the cat. 
"Of course!" you reply, handing over bubbles to Haechan. He carried her, looking all over her before lifting her high up in the air like they did to Simba in the Lion King. 
"Babe.. Y/n..she oof-" he started, looking at the cat and then at you, "bro, your dragon looks dope" he said in an amused voice, nuzzling into bubbles' tiny fur coat. You had so much expectation for what he'd say when he started, but he's Haechan, what were you expecting. 
"Haechan.. She's literally, oh my god that's my cat. Not a dragon" you say, face palming, trying to get bubbles out of his grip, him turning away, shielding the feline from your reach. 
"I know, I'm not blind" Haechan said in an obvious tone, making his way towards the couch, settling in to play with the fur ball as you make your way towards the kitchen to place all the snacks away. 
"Then why would you call her a-..actually nevermind don't answer that question" you sigh.
Not even five minutes later you hear the doorbell ring, you look at Haechan to see if he'd open the door, to which he merely glared at the door and returned back to the cat. You make your way towards the front, opening the door to find three of your friends. "Hey guys, you're earlier than expected so come help me set the snacks" you said, not bothering to greet any of them individually, dragging Jaemin with his hands because you know he'd actually help you. 
"Babe! Who's it-oh hey Renjun" you ignore him and turn around to take a bowl to put the popcorn in, turning towards Jaemin to ask him to get the soda's "Jaem?" you call out, finding not a soul with you in the kitchen. 
You walk out of the kitchen towards the front as you hear loud noises from there. "Jaem you are supposed to be helping me-" you say with your hands over your face, rubbing it.
"You named your cat bubblebutt? That's genius!" Jeno exclaimed from beside Renjun, sneezing momentarily as the latter nodded along, all three looking at you, expecting an explanation. 
"I.. What?" you asked, confused as you could ever be. 
"You! Named your kitten bubblebutt! It suits her though" Renjun said. You look at Haechan stolidly, as he laughs at your expression. 
"Her name's bubbles" you look at them one by one "B U B B L E S, get it? Now come on Jaemin we need to get started with the movie" you look at him, he nodded and got up from the couch, making his way towards you. 
Fifteen minutes in setting up the floor, the TV, the couch, everyone had already come in and made themselves comfortable. Having Haechan introduce your feline to the rest of the boys, you having to tell them what her real name is.
"Everyone quiet down, let's do a check before we start the movie" Mark said, standing up.
"Alright all eight of us are here. Now for the snacks. Chips?" "Got it" Jisung replied.
"sodas" "check" Chenle said.
"Candies?" "Gotchu" Jaemin replied.
"Bagel bites?" Renjun did a finger gun,
"Popcorn?" "I have them!" you answer.
"Who's going to prepare ramen once we run out of pizza?" "I thought we already decided that would be me" Haechan replied from beside you, cat still in his hand.
"And me, Jeno and Jaemin are the one's paying for the pizza! Okay we're all set" Mark ended, passing the remote to you, pressing the start button. 
The movie started, everyone was indulged in the movie, the only sounds made being from speakers and that of pop cans, and other snacks..and Haechan's murmuring. 
He'd been the only one not paying attention to the screen, rubbing bubbles' stomach, scratching her fur, and even cuddling up to her to keep her warm. His excuse 'I've already watched the movie five times, and bubblebutt is way cuter than toothless'
Alright then so be it, play with the cat but he could've done it quieter. But no. 
"bubble bubble bubblebuttt"
"bubble bath, bubblebutt-" "Haechan shush" you hush him in a low voice, not wanting to disturb the others.
"What? OH LOOK HICCUP'S WINNING" Haechan exclaimed as the others cheered along. It went on quiet for a while. But Haechan and quiet can never belong in the same sentence. 
"bubbles. Bubblebutt, definitely cuter"
"It even rolls out the tongue smoother, bubblebutt"
"bubblebutt, bubblebutt, don't worry, your butt will be bubblier once you grow bigger" he poked the poor cat's butt, to which she snarled, settling back in calmly as Haechan gave her scratches. 
"Bubblebuttttttt~" he sang out. 
"Haechan stop it" you whine, not being able to concentrate on the movie due to the constant buzzing sound coming from your boyfriends end
"Oh this? Bubblebutt, bubble bubble bubblebut, does this annoy you, princess?" he said, carrying the cat in his arms and hitting you softly with her. 
"Babe, i mean it, just. Stop. " you say trying not to scream. But he kept going, that's Lee Haechan. 
"Lee Haechan."
"bubbleee.. Butt?"
"Haechan I mean it, quit it. Now"
"How about a bubble. Bubble bubble bubble bubble bubble bubble but-"
"Jesus can you quit it?!" you scream out, finally losing your shit, as the boy beside you burst into a fit of laughter. 
The movie was paused, god bless, Jisung's soul. You take the cat gently from Haechan's hold, handing it over to Jaemin, who sat beside you, snickering the entire time.
"Lee Haechan you asked for it" you jump at him with your fist up in the air as the boy screeched out loud. 
"Ah shit, there they go again"
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foxie-roxie · 4 years
why rayllum is a MASTERPIECE part 3
i even rewatched it for this!
this time i’ll try to have SOME order, and go by episode. this will however still include unintelligible screaming
first off, affectionate eye rolling, nose boop, and head bonk is the best thing.
third, their teamwork and decision making is excellent. they agree to try and sneak past sol regem, and when that fails try talking to him and then decide to simply trick his senses with the scarf. and instead of rayla shooting down callum’s “smelltriloquism” idea, she simply adds onto it! LOVE HEALTHY FRIENDSHIPS
“i think it’s good luck!” YES IT IS RAY THAT’S UR BOYFRIENDS SCARF
also, here you go. you’re welcome.
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first, CALLUM BEING SO EXCITED BY ALL THE MAGIC IN XADIA IS S O CUTE! MY SON. this might turn into an overrall review of s3. o well
third, THE ADORABURR FIELD! their smiles were so fond and soft and A. they make me cry of joy. 
an overall look on it, i like how this episode really shows their feelings clearly. no “will they won’t they”, at least for rayla. it’s clear she has feelings.
first i love how when rayla mentions that she’s excited and happy but also terrified, callum tries to comfort her. good boi. best boi.
second, elf callum. i love that scene so much even if the second-hand embarrassment kills me, and rayla is j like “why the fuck do i love you. im gonna kill him.”
third, DANCE! callum not being rude and saying her home is “modest” before rayla explains it’s an illusion, his BLUSH WHEN SHE HELPS HIM, and the softness in general. rayla’s excitement that she’s home and talks abt that she can show callum where she went to school, the best moonberry surprise place, until...
fourth, AH FUCK. A N G S T T I M E. rayla being crest-fallen before callum says that it must’ve been a mistake, and she realizes that ethari would probably understand!
rayla realizing ethari ghosted her too and then callum GOING O F F. he angy and when rayla runs out callum IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWS (like in a later episode) and comforts her again.
when ethari comes down and breaks the spell and says to callum “trees to meet you too” and rayla’s like “don’t encourage him”
also callum trying to get on the shadowpaw and ethari being Concerned is AMAZING. concerned dad content
i’ll talk more about ezran/ruthari/the dark magic trio in a later ted talk
4. H E R E W E G O
first, rayla clearly being sad and callum picking up on that quickly (he even seems to be almost falling on purpose, perhaps to make her smile?) and asking if she’s ok before being shot down by rayla insisting she is fine. GOD DAMN. THAT HURTS.
second, their interaction with nyx is so amazing. rayla being protective of zym and callum being a DORK is awesome, but also their decision making.
after rayla reluctantly decides that they can go see how nyx could get them across the desert so quickly, they see the ambler and then their reasoning is amazing.
“what do you think?”
“the dragon queen is dying.” and then i forget the rest of the exact quote but they give a subtle nod to eachother. they make their decisions TOGETHER. AS A TEAM. AND THAT’S ON HEALTHY FRIENDSHIPS X2!
third, callum continuing to gently press for rayla to express her emotions. he doesn’t pressure her, but seems to simply let her know that if she needs to talk (when she insists she’s fine), he is there. 
four, MORE FLUSTERED RAYLLUM. YES. TY NYX but also fuck u for taking zym but also ur hot- A N Y W A Y
rayla’s crying and callum tries to reassure her. nyx is plotting, while rayla runs away and callum follows. Y E S.
rayla talks about how there’s nobody left that cares about her and she lost everything.. and then the SPEECH. i have this speech memorized i’ve watched this scene so many times
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and then rayla kisses him and that’s all that happened. callum was not a dumbass. right? RIGHT???
first, rayla saving callum from the soulfang serpents and callum helping her get up is AMAZING, LOVE THAT.
second, callum tryna get a good position and rayla j saying to hold onto her and callum GETTING FLUSTERED. BOY IS PINING also he didn’t have to hold her that close.
also here you go again
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what can i say except YOU’RE WELCOME
once again won’t b talking abt ezran specifically but there’s some passing mentions of him from now on
first, rayla and callum reaching the stone thunder and callum asking “is it... a statue?” and rayla sadly saying “no. it’s not a statue” A. I CRI.
1.5 ayla and callum best dragon parents
i’ll get to an actual analysis later
second, THIS MOMENT IS UNDERRATED EVEN THO IT’S ONE OF MY FAVS why has nobody mentioned the lil tender moment where ezran is by phoe-phoe and rayla puts her hand on callum’s shoulder AND CALLUM PUTS HIS HAND ON HERS. SO SWEET.
callum is upset because of thunder and rayla sympathizes immediately. this is similar to how callum lets rayla let out her own emotions, and rayla is doing the same. he explains how he feels angry, upset, confused, sad, and rayla quickly empathizes. he keeps on venting, not knowing whether to feel regretful, or glad, and how he’s confused because that’s sarai’s spear. he feels sorry that all this happened, but rayla reassures him that zym and ezran are going to break the cycle! that’s hope! and then they hold hands and i screech
AND THAT’S SO FUCKING HEALTHY AND I LOVE IT. THEY RLLY BREAK ALL BAD HET RELATIONSHIP STEREOTYPES (coughbutistillheadcanonthembothasbiandcallumistransilldieonthishillcough)
7. angst but not rayllum angst so its ok
first, they begin to go up the storm spire and i really love their banter. “and i’m guessing the dragon queen didn’t make her den at a nice, halfway kinda place?” “nope. tiptop!”
four, AHSDHGDHFG THEY DEADASS FORGOT EZRAN WAS THERE. more flustered rayllum i love that
one, ibis is j a good boi. back to rayla and callum
two, rayla going in to see the dragon queen and when she runs out callum QUICKLY FOLLOWS to see if she’s ok. asks her if she’s ok, and she OPENS UP!! CHARACTER GROWTH BABY!!! and then they hold hands and i once again shriek
before we go to the actual angst, can i say that THE LAUGH AFTER RAYLA SAID “STORM SNEEZE” IS SO CUTE. CALLUMS IN LOVE. MY SON.
oh no.
*bonks rayla on the head* nO SELF SACRIFICING!!
although their fight is super angsty and i hate it, it does provide some conflict and more plot because it gives callum a reason to want to find out the truth about rayla’s parents. and then he does! people argue that this fight was unnecessary or that callum was a jerk, but this was needed i think. he did let his worry become a bit of anger, and that was not a nice move, but he knows he fucked up and fixes it!
and then we get soft rayllum this is fine
there’s not much rayllum featured in this ep, but the amount we do get is 80 PERCENT ANGST AND I WASN’T OK WITH IT
first, the fluff! callum trying to do the wing spell and rayla teasing “did you pull a muscle in the middle of a jumping jack?” is so cute. i LOVE THEM. also they hold hands and i SH RIEK again. 
also soren how dare you interrupt callum he was abt to confess
second, callum when he’s explaining the battle plan and his ZAP HAND. rayla is j watching him like “yep. that is my dork.”
skipping forward in time a bit for the angst oh no
third, callum going up to the storm spire after ez encouraging him to go to rayla. love that soft brotherly relationship. and we think “oh, soft rayllum, right?”
fourth, THEY DIDN’T NEED ME TO BE ROLLING ON THE FLOOR WTF. the fact that rayla’s blade went right in front of callum and he looks up and sees zym in danger, viren is there, and RAYLA is there, p a n i k.
and then rayla jumps and the entire rayllum fandom SC REAMS after callum’s “no!” before she jumps and “no, no, no, RAYLA!”
fifth, CALLUM NO WHY ARE YOU JUMPING TOO- oh wait its ok he did the wings and im still crying fuck
THAT CONFESSION THO- i cri tears of joy now. they’re in love
sixth, I J WANNA KNOW WHAT THEY WERE TALKING ABOUT BEFORE EZRAN SHOWED UP. like it’s clear that they’re talking or something, but abt what is the question. also yes they hug and raylas fond
seventh, THEY HOLD HANDS!! soft bbs,,,
AAAND IM DONE! this is. quite long so if you read all of this i hope u have a good day and thnx for listening to me ramble with some coherent thoughts
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demonicintegrity · 4 years
Under a read more for length and potential spoilers/theories
you’ve been warned
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- Multiple mutes with the TimberCats in the first(?) HMUFA meeting. I see the cats, umlat snakes, ratland rats, and fitness raccoons.
- I’m assuming being friends with Kipo encouraged them to be here, but I wonder if they knew that coming here would involve talking about what Emilia is doing
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- Scarlemange is still wearing his get up
- He also got out! Only to be captured again. I wonder if he escaped because he wanted to deal with Emilia himself or if he just wanted to be out of naught monkey jail.
- We Wolf use this rope like weapon either, so either this is Wolf capturing him (likely motivated by Kipo in some way) or this is a new character that will teach Wolf how to use this weapon. I don’t think we’ve seen her use ropes for anything other than traps before. Stalky and those fight sticks were blundering weapons.
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-Return of the dragonflies!
- Now did Dave convince them to help (since he speaks dragonfly) or did a frog lend them? If it’s a frog it could be Jamack since he knows his way around them, or it could be a mod frog.
-Also, Kipo and Wolf look some degree of pissed with determination. I’m not use to seeing Kipo be outright mad like this.
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- When I was curious of seeing if we’d see more mutes like Dave, I didn’t mean it like this.
- The concept of multiple Daves, all be immortal/immune to dying by age is not only fuckin something, but it could also mean they have the key of filling in the history we’re not aware of.
- I wonder if they were an underground society just Vibin all this time and the only reason Dave’s not with them is because he got bored and curious.
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- J A M A C K
-Would you believe me when I said I didn’t notice Jamack the first two times I watched this? because I didn’t. I was focused on the hummingbomber and the whole zoomed out frame is shown only briefly.
- Also??? Jamack pressing his hands against Kipo’s through the glass??? GOD that’s such an emotional move, wanting to touch Kipo because it’s been heavily implied that was never a thing in mod frog society on the whole “no friends” basis. He really has grown and learned to be in touch with emotions ;-;
-The fact that Emilia and her crew were able to capture multiple different mutes in what we can assume is in a short time after the coronation is startling. She had a plan and it’s being executed well. She also has a lot more humans working with/for her which can’t be well.
-There’s an empty cage, next to said hummingbomber.
-Jamack was traveling with TheOtters, Rad confirmed this. I don’t like that we don’t know where they besides that Jamack was with them and combined with fact that theres the empty cage...
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 ... and combined with the fact that we see what could be a mega mute otter beside Jamack. It could be a beaver or groundhog since the coloring appears to be a bit different, but seeing the empty cage doesn’t sit well.
- Idk if Emilia would make a mega mute. She enjoyed having Song in her control because such a large creature is useful in a fight, so she easily couldve tried to make a mega mute she could control or it was an accidental side effect of trying to take away the sentience of an otter. Depending on where we are when this scene happens, Emilia could be still working out the kinks in the “cure”
- There also other figures sitting on top of the dog, BeakBeak, and otter/beaver/groundhog, so this is likely one of many coordinated attacks on Emilia. And Jamack seems to be leading it!!! and that makes me so happy cuz 1) it means he’s finally working alongside Kipo now and 2) he’s pushing down his fear of mega bunnies to help!! Go Jamack!
- Rad,,,, please,,,,, give us Jamack content,,,,we’re starving,,,,
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- S O N G
-Now there’s debate on if this is a flashback or not. It shouldn’t be because she turned into a Mega Monkey right after Lio was escaping with Kipo and Lio has the clover patch of the burrow he raised Kipo in.
-But it makes me wonder where did Song get those clothes then??? Because correct me if im wrong, but those look really similar/the same as the clothes we see in the flashbacks??? And i get Kipo kept her clothes after coming back from being a Mega Jaguar because y e a this is a PG show but if Song came back wouldn’t they give her new clothes??? idk idk maybe im not suspending my belief where I should.
-Maybe it’s in the dreamscape?? Mullohand is with her, and he can make people “dream” together like Dave and Benson did if I recall correctly.
Other thoughts w/o screenshots:
- we see a scene where humans attack the Timbercats home and I do NOT feel well about it. Scooter Skunks were present there too so Idk if theyre helping Kipo or Emilia is forcing them to be on her side.
- Emilia and her gang are fuckin armed to the nines. Not only crossbows, but darts filled with chemicals, and fire and a boat!? Not only does this woman not care that she’s going to kill a child but she does not care about collateral damage.
- Overall, it’s a much more serious and intense feel. Just about every scene implies danger which is such a turn from the first two seasons where there was danger, but Kipo and Co were trying to enjoy themselves to a degree.
- Still holding out on seeing Jamack in different clothes/ at least ditching the tie as he hopefully gets over the Mod Frogs. I don’t think he’s gonna return to them, even if Sartori is out of the picture and especially since Kwat and Harris are also gone. Please, where is Jamack’s reaction to their deaths????
- Speaking of, how the hell are the Mod Frogs doing now that Ms. Sartori is dead? Is there a new leader and are they gonna help/be on screen at all?
-I keep rewatching and I know there are so many things im missing but I’m still just REELING from it all holy s h i t. There’s a LOT going on for being 1:30min teaser.
- Someone pointed out Emilia is in formal wear a couple of scenes, and she is, which makes me wonder if she’s making a celebration of this whole thing. And if she is, does that mean she feels she’s the one that should be celebrated for “curing” the mutes and putting them in their place?? If so, that’s a pretty fucked parallel to how Scarlemange was putting humans in their place and how he wanted to be celebrated for it.
-Bruh I’m hyped because this season is gonna be one huge curveball and rollercoaster of emotion i just know it.
- Im also v scared about how Rad is gonna rip out our hearts this time. First it was Wolf’s backstory, then Hugo’s backstory, then gilding the mod frogs, this show is brutal and i am in f e a r.
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tthhhbt thbt tbt glimmadora meta headcanon thing & languages of love thbbbbbbth 
 rewatching spop agaaaaiiin some things stick out
Like how Glimmer is super tactile, and Adora’s a lot more careful / guarded / stiff with how she touches people 
Glimmer does hugs, hand holds, lots of casual touching, getting so close faces smoosh together. She kisses her mom on the cheek in public and literally leaps on Adora while the whole throne room is watching. Her mom, aunt, and Bow are all kinda like this so it makes sense Glimmer’d be very hands on in her affection too
Adora? She lets people hug her but mostly just stands there while it happens (with ONE exception~), she does the casual arm-slung around neck, she does maybe a shoulder pat. Even in Theymore she held onto Catra’s wrist instead of her hand. She probably hasn’t held hands properly with anyone since she was a kid
Super Scientific Conclusion: When it comes to giving or getting comfort, Glimmer is touch and words of affirmation, Adora is quality time and acts of service
ok what does that mean. well it means that-
When Bow wants to cheer Glimmer up he squishes her cheeks and reminds her she’s amazing and he believes her. And it works. Later how does Glimmer try to calm down Adora after she left the Horde? By putting her hands on Adora’s shoulders and telling her it’ll be okay
That’s how Glimmer knows to get and give affection, with a touch and some reassuring words.
She does it again with Adora in ep 3, in bed and later in Plumaria- but Plumaria showed how uncertain and scared Adora really was despite all of that. She felt out of place, wrong, and Glimmer’s touches and words weren’t enough to change that
And this is just a wishful head canon, still, I like to think Glimmer realized that by the end of ep 4
Because at the end of the episode she does something different
We know, from seeing how Adora cheers up Catra in ep 1 and the flashback when they were kids, we know Adora’s way of showing affection is to spend time with someone and to do things for / with them
Borrowing a skiff so she could take Catra for a ride on it. Going out of her way to piss off someone (Octavia) bigger and older than them after Catra got hurt in a scuffle with them...
Glimmer never saw any other that
But she did wake up to Adora curled up at the foot of her bed, after Adora’s run in with Glimmer’s very intimidating mom. She did see Adora get on the exact wrong side of Angella, then stand up to her anyway to help Glimmer get the mission to Plumaria. She’s seen Adora stand stiff as a board whenever hugged and how she never (in the beginning) leans in or reaches out when she’s clearly worried. She more likely to walk off and brood, or pull inward
So after Plumaria, when they get back to Bright Moon, what does Glimmer do?
She gets Adora a bed she’s comfortable with- she sets up a sleepover so Adora won’t be alone- She uses Adora’s way of showing affection to make Adora feel better  
Acts and quality time. She comforts Adora in a way Adora understands.
It works. Adora flops over blissfully onto her hard flat bed and ends the episode laughing as the BFS have a pillow fight
In the ep 5 Glimmer is the one who is stressed and needs comfort 
What’s fun is how Bow kicks back and has fun fanboying over sailors and Seahawk, while Adora is the one taking action whenever something starts frustrating Glimmer
Glimmer goes to Seaworthy to find a ship + captain? Bow enjoys the sights, Adora takes the tavern visit v e r y  seriously and is clearly sizing up everyone in it
Glimmer tries to get Seahawk to take them to Salineas and Seahawk is Seahawk? Bow squees. Adora scowls
Glimmer’s bargaining attempt fails? Bow watches. Adora wins Glimmer a ship and captain via arm wrestling (which Glimmer cannot believe worked. this is the ep where poor glimmer is the lone brain cell for once and she’s Not Enjoying It)
Seahawk annoying Glimmer on the trip- Adora beats him in arm wrestling again. Sea monster blocks their path- Adora goes She-Ra on it’s tail and gets rid of it in a flash. Glimmer needs a way to get Mermista on their side and asks if Adora can fix the Sea Gate- Adora barely can even read the instruction manual and did NOT have a good experience last time she tried fixing something magical, but is 100% ready to try again anyway
She doesn’t go about it in the perfect way, but Adora spends the whole trip trying to help Glimmer
See, I think Bow picked up on something in ep 4 when Adora spoke up for Glimmer. I think he had an ah-ha moment, and after years of being the only person Glimmer had that was completely on her side no matter what, he saw that maybe that didn’t have to be true anymore
Maybe Glimmer could have two supporters- him, AND Adora. For the rest of season 1 it feels like Bow is stepping back a little and letting Adora step in when Glimmer needs a boost
Of course Adora doesn’t do support the way Bow and Glimmer do
So even though she is there for Glimmer in ep 5, just like before when it was Glimmer trying help her in ep 4, it doesn’t sink in because it’s not happening the way Glimmer is used to. It’s a miss. Which, again, I think Adora noticed
I think she noticed because in ep 6 there is a blink and you’ll miss it moment
Tiny. Teeny. Buuut it is animated so i’ll efing take it
Ep 6 starts out carefree (well, maybe not for Bow) Glimmer has had two successful missions and Adora doesn’t have to worry about She-Ra stuff because Dryl has no runestone. Both of them are playing around, teasing Bow, having fun and enjoying the perks of She-Ra for once
(side note: it’s cuuuute how Adora is showing off, plainly just for Glimmer bc Bow is busy going nooo, and Glimmer is so totally into it <3)
Then things get tense. There’s a second, a moment, when Glimmer is standing next to She-Ra and they’re both like uh-oh as Entrapta’s castle fills with Ominous Noises, and then Adora just… reaches out. 
she puts her hand on Glimmer’s shoulder. Just for a moment
They were already standing and no one was staggering, so it’s not as if Adora was steadying herself or Glimmer. It looks like she just made contact? 
Like she was going, Yes Glimmer is there. Hey Glimmer don’t worry I’m right here too
And that stands out because Adora really doesn’t DO touching (other than the casual arm over shoulder thing). But she did it there. After an episode of not managing to make Glimmer feel supported, she does something more like what Glimmer would do for her
Yes I AM digging too much into this I’ve watched this season dozens of times ok I’m allowed 
Anyway, throughout the rest of ep 6 Glimmer is the one who scared and needs comfort again, but Adora’s on cloud nine for most of it. So when Glimmer holds Adora, cradles her, smooshes their faces together and hugs her, she’s mainly doing it for herself
Adora isn’t stressed. Snuggling Adora might not work even if Adora needed comfort- But it works for Glimmer and she really needs it right then
Later when Adora is back to normal she DOES have a moment of worry, and what does Glimmer do? A hug? Tell her it’ll be okay? Bow does that, and Adora smiles like she did when Glimmer did it in ep 4.
Glimmer knows better now, though. So as soon as she can she finds something to distract Adora, something Adora can do well and have fun with (smash moar rocks!!), and then she gleefully joins in
She uses Adora’s love language again. Spending time with her, doing something for and with her. Doing something together
And as Bow watches his two reckless idiot friends run off together, first he go -_- but then he can’t help :)
He went from Glimmer’s First And Only Friend to Guys Please Don’t Die because now Glimmer has both him AND Adora to support her
Ep 7 ..... sad. And also sweet
A bad night’s sleep leaves Glimmer groggy and short tempered and too busy waking up to notice stuff
There was something like this in the very start of ep 4 too, Glimmer tired and rushing to go to bed, flying through Adora’s tour of her new room and laughing when Adora asks if the decorative waterfall is for washing in. It wasn’t a joke and Glimmer also doesn’t see how nervous Adora is to be left alone 
Second Super Scientific Conclusion: Glimmer needs her sleep
Re: ep 7 as a groggy Glimmer teases Adora about being kept awake by woodland creatures.
But then Adora looks away from her and…. There’s a pause, and then you can just see Glimmer go Oh No. The click moment of wait something is really wrong
She tries reaching out, on instinct, like she’s used to. It only ends up freaking Adora out again 
Groggy Glimmer instinctively tries reassuring Adora with words, thinking it’s the whole hacked She-Ra thing that’s stressing Adora because most of Adora’s stress so fair has come from She-Ra and Glimmer knows how it feels to have and important job you’re not perfect at
Glimmer knows Adora isn’t super physical. She can’t help touching Adora’s arm though, she doesn’t want to spook her, but she also doesn’t know what else to do
So she decides in a flash (Bow’s reaction shows this wasn’t planned or discussed before) that they need to go to Mystacor! STAT!!!
Why? Because Adora needs a vacation. And Glimmer does not hesitate a second to give her one, a nice relaxing thing for all of them to do together. Exactly the kind of thing that DOES help Adora feel better
That’s Glimmer whole reason for going to Mystacor, figuring out what will help Adora
Pretty sure Glimmer spent most of that time tense because she does do several small touches with Adora even though by now she knows those won’t really work. Like in ep 6, I think they were less to reassure Adora and more mainly to help Glimmer deal with her own worry over Adora
The steam grotto scene was the moment when both of them  f i n a l l y  got to relax
It also showed that while Adora isn’t used to the whole physical affection thing, she does seem to like-  it once she feels Safe
How she starts out hesitate as Glimmer leads her into the water and helps her ease slowly down, how she glances from there hands to Glimmer, then leans back with her and smiles
How she wakes up still smiling, look down at Glimmer snuggling against her chest and just settles back ready to bliss out again
darn sweet. SO earned
She’s not just letting the contact happen. She’s enjoying it 
So later when Adora thinks Glimmer is pissed at her (eff u shadow weaver) she tries to reach out. She tries to do what Glimmer always does, she tries to connect in Glimmer’s style, the one she’s beginning to get comfortable with 
……. Aaaaaand the stupid not-Glimmer shoots her down. Feh
At the end of the ep Adora tries again but doesn’t complete the motion
Glimmer, the REAL Glimmer, is there when she wakes up from a nightmare, strokes Adora’s hair and reassures her she’s right here. And Adora’s hand does this little move likes she wants to reach out again. But, she doesn’t
It IS nice though, how she settles down right away. I love how S1 Adora can sleep so easily as long as she has Glimmer there with her
8 is the prom and here the thing with Bow’s new role pops back up
Glimmer assumed he’d go with her and Adora. ‘m pretty sure he would have gone with Glimmer, Perfuma or no Perfuma, if Adora wasn’t there
BUT Adora is, Bow isn’t the only one propping up Glimmer anymore, he felt safe enough to go do his own thing for a bit
It was a big change. A big unhealed of Glimmer’s world and everything she’s been counting on. I think Bow was counting on Adora to be there and help Glimmer come to terms with the change
And Adora was. Kinda. She was trying
She was also a fish out of water and made a mess of meeting Frosta, which she could tell didn’t help Glimmer reform the Alliance plan, and so Adora spent part of the first half of the ep doing her best to patch things up with the pre-teen ruler 
But when she wasn’t doing that she was steering Glimmer over to their friends (quality time), not just leading Glimmer over but actually doing the touch thing
Even so she was making the same panicky mistake as Glimmer- Doing what would make HER happy instead of figuring out what would work for Glimmer. When Glimmer acts happy for Bow and Perfuma, Adora smiles and wanders off, cheer-up mission accomplished!
Adora’s not… really very good at getting into other people’s heads. At all.
(could say the only thing straight about her is her hair and her way of thinking)
BUT!  BUT!!!!!
She does seek out Glimmer
When her plan to make help out by winning over Frosta fails, she goes back to Glimmer 
After three successes in a row Glimmer has relaxed into the whole princess alliance thing and Frosta joining or not joining immediately is not anywhere on the same level as the crisis of her and Bow- Bow her first and for a VERY long time ONLY friend, who is busy hanging out with his other new friends…. without her
Glimmer grew up pretty isolated in some ways. She had her mom (tense), her aunt (smother), and Bow, the only one she was sure liked her for who she was and trusted her to not be a complete screw up
Adora on the other hand, Adora grew up popular
She had a whole squad full of friends and everyone said she was the best of them all. They cheered her on when she did good, had her back during training- Lonnie especially, who might have hated Catra in part because she got some special treatment from Adora (and knew how to leverage it). Maybe because Adora wasn’t a jerk even though being Shadow Weaver’s favorite would have given her plenty of power to be one, maybe that cut down on any resentment the others might have had for her 
Point is, even though Catra was special for Adora back in the Fright Zone, she wouldn’t have been alone if Catra left to hang out with someone else. And Catra wasn’t Bow- Catra was always doing her own thing anyway, sometimes without Adora, grabbing any scrap of independence she could, but always coming back again when she was ready 
That’s the kind of dynamic Adora is used to. So she can’t quite get why Glimmer is so worried about Bow
Bow’s not abandoning Glimmer, he’s just doing his own thing for a bit. And now with the princess alliance Glimmer has her own ‘squad’. Why is Glimmer still stressed?
Adora doesn’t get it. So what does she do? 
She stays and listens as Glimmer explains it to her
And then she does the thing Glimmer’s been doing, she comforts Glimmer the way GLIMMER would want to be comforted. A soft touch, words reassuring her that everything will be okay-
-cue interruption-
If the whole Catra bombing prom thing hadn’t happened I’m pretty sure Adora would have gotten through to Glimmer
Glimmer would have realized what Bow already knew- That Adora is here for her too now- They would have danced, maybe during the dance Bow and Glimmer would make up, and back-to-normal Glimmer would’ve gotten Frosta into the Alliance before the night was over
But I guess the plot had to happen so *shrug*
For the last few episodes we see Adora regress a bit in terms of the whole physical intimacy thing
Probably thanks to everything that happened at prom and later in the fright zone and LATER with Light Hope making her feel like she hurts everyone around her (Thank You For That Light Hope How Very Helpful)
We do get one nice thing though
Remember how Adora doesn’t do hugs very much? 
Well, guess what she does right after choosing her friends over Light Hope? After coming there to try to heal Glimmer, spending half Light Hope’s talk interrupting Big Destiny Monologues with a “Hah, yeah! But what about GLIMMER”  
Glimmer hugs her, relieved that she’s woken up for the second time after having her mind magically messed with- 
and Adora hugs her back 
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queen-rogah · 4 years
Hold Me Close Before I Go (Roger Taylor x Reader)
Summary: In 1982, you are invited to his wedding. He was the love of your life before, but now you're just watching him showing his love with another woman, that is supposed to be you. You can't stop but to remember the things that had happened between the both of you that really struck your heart...
Warnings: THIS IS SOME PURE ANGST HERE, mild fluff, language
Word Count: 6.6k+ words
Note: I have rewatched Enchanted last night and I heard the song again,"So Close" by John McLaughlin and it really touched my angsty heart again with those freaking lyrics! So, I was inspired to make this angsty fic. Enjoy reading and try not to cry.
Ps. Btw, the other woman will be an OC :) aaaand there will be lots of flashbacks
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A normal day. The sun is high and bright. Today is going to be one of the best days, you guessed...
Until the mailman stepped foot in your small porch, shouting you have mail as he put the letters and other envelopes in your mailbox and walk away to do his work to the other houses here. You have been living in this small house for almost 5 years, after your sudden breakup with Roger. You and him are sharing a wonderful apartment before, but when everything was a tragedy. You can't help but to do the right thing and leave the house and leave all the memories. He left the apartment behind too and that place have imprinted the memorable things you both did.
Now, you heard he bought a large mansion together with his new girl.
A better one. Better than you. A model slash actress.
You saw them in several paparazzi pictures together and in the newspaper. Ever since those pictures came out, you never set your eyes on the news page of a newspaper. Even on the television, when you hear their names, you immediately shut it off. It's so ridiculous to feel that it's been years and it's obvious he moved on about you, but you...there's still a part of your heart that really belongs to him.
And you still wear the golden heart necklace he gave to you in your first anniversary before. This is the only piece of memento left with you that holds a lot of memories.
You finished your cup of coffee and stepped outside your house, breathing in the summer breeze of London. You took all your mail from the box and put it on your coffee table. Some are letters from your parents, some are flyers from restaurants with coupons, some are letters from your boss at work and a gold envelope.
Wait, a gold envelope?
You set aside the other letters and hold the golden envelope and look at the back view of it with your full name in a beautiful handwriting. Your brows are furrowed, still staring at this paper in confusion.
Now, you snapped out of your confusion and opened the envelope wherein you smell a very nostalgic scent. And that made you stop and remember what that smell is...
You heard the front door opened to see him walking inside with a tired look of his face. He finally came back on tour and he went straight home to you, just like he promised.
"Hi love." He rasps, smiling at you as he sets his thing down the floor and open his arms for you to enter in.
Enjoying his warm welcome embrace and indulging his scent you truly love so much.
"God, I miss you so much Roger. I always love your perfume..." You grin at him as he caressed your hair. Then he suddenly hoist you up, carrying you by your thighs and you immediately wrapped your legs around his torso.
"I miss you too my love." He smiles and pulls you in a passionate kiss, now walking his way in your bedroom to continue his action.
You're gripping the necklace as the flashback ended in your mind. The scent coming from this envelope is helping you remember him, after all those years that you want to forget him, but with just this simple scent. It goes right back to you.
You soon pull out the letter inside the envelope, reading the contents and slammed it on the table. Your hands covered your face as you try to forget that you read that.
You're just thinking of him. You're just remembering your good times with him.
And now you just read the letter coming from the golden envelope saying, You are cordially invited to the wedding of Roger Meddows Taylor and Loreleigh Charlotte Jameson...
They will also held the wedding at Southwark Cathedral, where Roger promised you where he will marry you. And the reception will be at The Decorium. A very well-known reception venue.
After all the years of no contact from him, no calls, letters, whatsoever and now he have the nerve to invite you in his upcoming wedding--that is happening next saturday already.
But you're going to do this, for him and his bride. And after that, you will officially move on about him and even plan to give back the necklace to him. Your hands again held the necklace as a single tear fell down to your cheeks.
You're going to give back the necklace to finally forget him.
"He invited me ma," Your words came out as a whisper through the phone with your mother listening to you. She's been the only person that you share everything with and she knows how much you loved Roger since the beginning of your relationship with him. She's the first one who knew that you liked him, she's the first one who knew that he finally became your boyfriend, she's the first one who knew that you're moving in with him and she's the first one who knew that he broke your heart into a million pieces.
"Y/N, if he invited you, he wanted to see you there, maybe wants a support that that is his choice, to marry that woman..." Your mother replied and the word support coming out of her mouth made your choke in your tears.
"I don't think he'll receive get a single support from me ma, but he'll receive a proper goodbye from me," You responded, wiping away your tears. "I actually think he'll be the one for me, that we will also get married someday, turns out everything was just a joke to him. He just...he threw away my love and that love I gave was one of my best...and he just wasted it..."
He won't answer your calls. The phone was just ringing...constantly.
You gave up as you put down the phone, leaving this telephone booth and finally stepped inside the bus to go back home. You came from your parent's house for almost a whole month to spend time with them. Roger was left busy with all those interviews and different invites of television shows to perform on, but he's been telling you that he misses you always and it's sad that you're not with him in the house.
He's lonely without you.
After an hour from Canterbury to London, you took the cab back home to him. The cab came to a halt as it reached your destination. You handed him the fare and took your things, walking towards the front door of your shared apartment. You took your keys out and unlocked the door, seeing that no one is around.
That's why the phone is just constantly ringing to you earlier.
And it's already 8 in the evening, he's not home.
The scent of Roger circulates around the bedroom as you throw yourself on the mattress. Blankly staring at the ceiling. Your bags are still in the living room, you still have your winter clothes on.
He didn't say to you that he's going out, maybe with the other boys or some friends.
You took off your jacket and your scarf, soon standing up from the bed and made your way towards the kitchen to get a glass of water or something to drink. Then you found a beer inside the fridge as you opened and drink it.
Then suddenly you heard the door creak open from the living room as a smile appeared on your lips. You set the beer down on the counter and step out of the kitchen, only to be greeted by Roger, holding another woman--maybe a drunk woman--in his arms where you saw those marks around his neck, even though it's so dark in this room.
You saw it.
And your heart breaks.
"Fucking save it Roger, I don't want your excuses." You shut him off and turn your heel away as you march your way back to the bedroom to take your jacket and your scarf on the bed.
Roger followed you behind, leaving the dumbfounded young girl in the living room. You heard his footsteps approaching towards the door to see him out of breath.
"Y/N, I thought you'll come home by next week, I--"
"--Yeah Roger, you thought! You didn't answer my calls today because you're not home, and if you just answer my calls, you could know that I'm coming home early to you. Or if you answered my calls and knowing that I will come home early, maybe I'll just ruin your plans with that girl in our living room." You argued and walk by past him, but he caught your wrists, "What--Roger, let go of me!."
"Y/N, please...I'll make it up to you, just...don't go. You're the love of my life..." He cried and you hate seeing him cry.
"I gave all myself to you Roger. All my love and my life, but you just throw it all away in just one night."
Then you left him.
"I understand dear, it's just...give that man another chance, only for one day. If he wants to see you there, let him see you, and if he wants to talk to you, let him talk to you. Only for that day dear, his special day." She said and that made you fell into a silence.
"Okay ma. And by the way, can I borrow a dress from you? I don't have a proper dress for the ceremony." You dryly chuckled.
"Sure dear. What time will you come over?." She asked. You look over to the clock hanging on your wall to see it's already 2 in the afternoon.
"I'll come over right now." You said, hanging up on her as you jog your way up to your room to change your clothes. You took your car and house keys and finally left the house, driving towards your parent's house.
Your mother handed you the sixth dress from her closet to try on if it's decent for the ceremony. The others are just boring, too revealing and too overdressed to look but this dress that you're now trying on feels like it's the one you'll be wearing now. Your father was also watching you both from the door frame of the room, him reminiscing like it's your homecoming night before when you're in highschool back in the days.
"I like this one! This is the one!." You said inside the bathroom as you stepped out and show them the dress.
"You look perfect my dear, you can pair that with silver heels and diamond earrings," she said while smoothing out the dress on you, like she always do when you're wearing a dress and suddenly stare down on the golden heart necklace, "That can be the perfect necklace for the dress." She slightly smiled.
You sighed and looked down on the ground, "I plan on giving it back to him on the day of his wedding. I don't deserve this thing anymore, and...he should give it to her, maybe she'll look beautiful with it." You painfully smiled at the thought. Hearing his voice and imagining him giving this necklace to her and complimenting her looking so beautiful, like he did when he gave it to you before.
By the time you heard his car pulled up by your place, because you invited him to stay the night with you and just watch movies and cuddle with him, your giddy self jump up from the couch and opened the door, seeing him walking up to your door. You welcomed him with an embrace and a sweet kiss, your hands came to his long blonde hair as you pull away from each other, inviting him in.
"I'm sorry I'm late, me and the boys just had this emergency meeting with John Reid, about the upcoming third album. We'll have a meeting too with the EMI producer by the last week of this month too. Everything is just going insane love..." He sighs and you cupped his face, looking into his tired eyes.
"Then you should rest my love, I promise I'll make you breakfast next morning, I have to give everything back from what you did last week to me." You grin at him as he wrap his hands around you.
"Thank you Y/N, you're the best." He smiles and pull you in a kiss again.
But you pull away from him, "By the way, do you know what today is?." You put your hands around his neck as he think about it for a couple of minutes.
And it's making you feel sad.
He forgot it.
"Is it already September...?." He said with doubt as you huff out the air from your lungs and took a step back from him.
"Yes, you're right it's already September but...do you know what happened this day?." You gave him a hint again as he furrowed his brows at you. "Seriously Roger? You've forgotten it?."
You gave up and made your way inside the kitchen to take out your disappointment, but then you heard his footsteps closer to you and stood before you, looking at his hand now holding something.
"I'm just playing with you love, of course I remember everything this day. I remember you in that pub, wearing that beautiful red dress and your favorite fur coat. It's our third date and we go to the same pub where I first saw you. I complimented you in your dress, you teased me throughout the dinner and you ended up in my bed, like you always do after every of our dates," he said and you blushed when he mentions about you sleeping with him every after the dates with him, which is true, "And then I asked you to be mine while we're both in bed after sharing that intimate time with you. Of course I remember our anniversary and it's the most memorable day of my life."
You didn't said anything and just pull him in a passionate kiss again, "Just don't do that again Roger. It almost made me hate you." You pout your lips.
"I promise." He chuckles and soon showed you the red box in his hands as you gazed on it.
"What is it Roger?." You excitedly asked.
"Well open it."
You slowly open it and reveal a beautiful golden heart necklace before you.
"It's beautiful Roger." You beam, getting the necklace out of it's box and look at the heart. It's simple but it's so beautiful.
"Just remember that it's my heart that you stole it from me," he smiles.
"You cheeky bastard." You laughed.
He laughs with you too, "Well, it'll look more beautiful when you wear it." He said.
"Will you...?." You gave him the necklace, asking to put it on you.
"...Of course love." He mumbles as you turn your back on him, letting him wear the necklace on you. Locking it and also kissing your neck before you turn around for him.
"So? How do I look?." You grinned.
"Beautiful..." He replied.
The flashback made your heart even hurt you more. So you made your way back inside the bathroom and change up to your ordinary clothes earlier. You fold the dress and put it in a bag as you stayed with your parents until dinner and drive home safely with doubts in your head.
Asking yourself while looking at the dress inside it's bag, Am I really going to face him after all those years? Am I ready to talk to him again?
Those words are in your head until you fell asleep in your bed.
The day of the wedding came. The day was perfect. The sun is up and bright. The sky clear.
You lastly put on the diamond earrings before looking at yourself in the mirror. Wearing this powder blue dress of your mother's to go to your ex-boyfriend's wedding. You took a deep breathe before plastering a smile, practicing on what you'll look like if you'll see him later. But the smile really shows something, it's not genuine happiness.
It's genuine sadness.
That's why you lost that smile again and look away from the mirror. You took your bag with your car keys, house key, and your wallet inside as you took your favorite fur coat, that Roger knows, and finally stepped out of the house. The drive to the cathedral wasn't bad at all and there was no heavy traffic. When you arrived there, you saw different people coming out from their cars and going inside the cathedral while wearing those fashionable dresses and suits. You awkwardly followed the other people inside the cathedral and saw the venue.
The pews are decorated with white roses, the red carpet on the aisle has little petals of white roses too and the altar was also decorated with white roses, scented candles and other beautiful flowers you can't really name. You are surprisingly early as you sat on the pew far behind so that nobody would ever see you or talk to you. You just have to watch.
But you failed until, "Y/N?." A voice came from behind you.
You turn around to see John Deacon standing before with his own family. His facial expression changed into pure happiness when he finally saw you again in the flesh and waste no time hugging you tightly. You hugged him back as you missed this person who's been your friend since college. You can't believe you abandoned him for years too, just because of the breakup.
"Bloody hell, I can't believe it's you Y/N...you're here...in Roger's wedding." His voice lowered down when he said those words as you just gave him a small smile.
"Gotta show him my support." You murmured, saying a complete lie to him.
"If you say so. The boys are coming too and I heard Roger is finally on his way. Freddie is his best man though..." He chuckles.
"Yeah, I knew..." Your voice cracked a bit, hoping he didn't noticed that.
"By the way, come join us with Brian up front. You're too far back Y/N..." Deacy held out his hand to you but you shake your head.
"No thank you Deacy, I can handle myself here. I'm still going to see you again in the reception." You put up a smile, the same smile you saw on your face through the mirror and he nod in reply.
"Okay Y/N, see you there." He said, coming close again as he pulls you in a hug again, planting a soft kiss on your temple before making his way to the front pew with his family and Brian.
You took a deep breath, trying not to break down and cry here. You felt his sympathy and it really bores you. Everyone does that. Even to yourself.
You saw the pity in his eyes. And you hated it.
The guests came in one by one until the cathedral is fully packed. You hide yourself in this pew with the other guests you didn't know, maybe they are the bride's family or friends and you're drowning in their different stories of the bride and Roger being perfect with each other. You also heard rumors about them only doing this to feed the media, but you didn't listen to those things. Roger would never do any of this effort with just a fake one. You knew he loves that woman.
And why would they gossip those things in their wedding day? And in a goddamn cathedral?
Two-faced people.
Their obnoxious sounds stopped when you heard the soft melodic sound of the organ played in the background. The people stood up, you also followed suit as you finally saw him. His arms around his mother while they walk down the aisle. He's wearing that white suit and white pants, and he have a white rose attached on his suit. This is the first time you ever saw his newly cut hair in person, since the last time you saw him is he still have a long blonde hair that you loved you twirl and pull.
Your stare at him lasted for a couple of minutes until he was now in front of the altar. They closed the doors once again as you ready yourself to see his bride. Closing your eyes to compose and try to calm down.
But then you suddenly imagined yourself, standing behind those closed doors. Your bridesmaids fixing the train of your wedding gown as they also fixed your hair. You can feel your heartbeat getting a little bit faster in so much excitement and a bit of fear. You watch the bridesmaids march inside the cathedral with their flowers and your maid of honor. And then you're left behind here, breathing in and out. You heard the bridal march music played as the doors finally opened for you, seeing him by the distance, enjoying himself seeing you walking down the aisle, steps away in becoming his girl, forever.
Then you open your eyes.
The imagination stops.
The doors are opened and you saw her walking down the aisle with that beautiful dress and a beautiful bouquet of flowers. You gaze at her, almost thinking like she's an angel. That's why Roger picked her. She's really beautiful.
She's really beautiful
The reception looked also familiar like in the cathedral. Multiple tables are around the place as you found your table with some new faces again, thankful that you're not sharing the table with those people in the cathedral earlier. The newly wed couple entered the place as you see her wearing a different kind of dress, a white body con dress that really hugged her curves so well and Roger also wore a different looking white suit and his shirt underneath has it's few buttons undone.
The people clapped for them.
You did it too.
"Um hi," the woman across you wants your attention as you looked at her, giving her a questioning look, "You know, I almost know everyone in this room except for you, whom are you here for...?."
You mentally rolled your eyes at her nonsense question. This is why you hated in sharing tables with someone you barely even know.
And Roger kept the relationship private before. Only the boys and your families knew you're both dating.
You didn't want the spotlight always following you as the legendary Roger Taylor's girlfriend before.
"Groom." You replied to her then shoots her a small smile before looking away again while drinking on your wine silently.
"Cousin? Friend? Ex-girlfriend?." She still goes on. A smirk appeared on her lips after mentioning about the ex-girlfriend thing.
Now you're officially uncomfortable.
"Just a friend," You replied back as you finished your drink before standing up from your chair, "Would you excuse me, I will go to the bathrooms." You pose a fake smile and walk away from the table.
You didn't actually go to the bathrooms, you just stood by the corner and lean against the wall while watching the people enjoy the whole evening. You took a champagne flute again from a roaming waiter and consume the drink in just one gulp. You heard the host saying that the speeches for the newly wed couple will be up next after all these dancing. You sighed deeply and immediately regretted that you came here, after that nosey woman in your table and now you have to listen to their speeches. Your heart's been so broken ever since their vows earlier.
You think it's finally the end of your night here.
You turn your heel around, ready to go, until you bump on someone that came from the direction of the bathrooms. You quickly apologized and looked up at the person as your eyes widened in surprise.
"Y/N?." He eyed you from head to toe with a huge smile on his face.
"Hi...Freddie." You responds as he lets out a chuckle before hugging you tightly in his arms. You have missed his embrace everytime that he'll see you before. Now years have passed, you are still enjoying his hugs.
"Oh darling, where have you been? I fucking missed you!." He happily exclaims while still keeping you in his arms.
You pull away from him to see him in the eyes, "I still live here in London, and I will never ever abandon this city. How about you? I heard you're now called as a rock legend." You smirked at him.
"Oh that's nothing dear, I know everyone calls Freddie Mercury a goddamn rock legend." His confidence went up again as you chuckled in his remark, "By the way, Roger...really invited you? Are you and him are already in good terms?." He asked.
You took an intake of breath, "Honestly, I don't know if we're actually good or not...but yeah, he invited me. He send the invitation to my mailbox Fred, so that means he also knows where I live right now." You replied to him.
"Roger has it's own ways, especially a way to you." Freddie answered you back and his words froze you.
"It's been 5 whole years Freddie, why would he still be thinking about me? And he have that beautiful woman already..." You look over to them having fun in front.
"Leigh is beautiful, we know that, but for me you're still the best Y/N. You're far more better than Leigh." Freddie said. His words sent you to the state of either happiness or sadness because your tears are building up again as you silently cried to him, letting out your weight off your shoulders.
Freddie comforted you until you've come down. He asked if you want to sit with them in the front table, which you don't want you happen, but he still wants to push you with him. So you did go with him.
Sitting just in front of them.
You're on full view just for him.
Freddie hold your hand tightly while walking towards their table. You see Brian and his wife, Deacy and his family, and other people who's close to Roger in the table. You're shy to come close, but Freddie surely doesn't notice you wanting to back out.
"I'm back darlings, and look who I found." Freddie announced in their table as they all looked at you, seeing their reactions.
Deacy already saw you in the cathedral, that's why he's just smiling widely at you now exposing yourself tonight. And Brian, he quickly stood up and pull you in his arms. You and Brian were friends ever since college and because of him you've met Roger.
"Where have you been Y/N? It's been years..." Brian whispered in my ear as you pull away from his hug.
"I'm always here in London Bri, I just...I just have to lay-low for all those years, after what happened..." You mumbled. They soon gave you a vacant seat before asking more questions about you and your life without Roger. It's sincere that they haven't brought out about your sadness without him, they just looked and asked you on the bright side.
Your chatters died down when the speeches are now starting. You gulped and just looked on your hands resting on your lap, not wanting to look in front.
You always heard the same words from each of their family and friends.
Congratulations to the both of you!
You both are going to have a wonderful time together!
You will have such beautiful babies!
After those people speaking through the microphone, they called up on Freddie who's sitting beside you as they all looked at him. That's the time you lift up your head and saw him looking directly at you in this very table. His look towards you was full of relief and a hint of genuine happiness. He finally saw you. Roger finally saw you.
You tear your eyes away from him and looked at Freddie who's now holding the mic to give out his speech, "Roger has been my friend ever since my college years. He's born to be a rockstar, the best drummer and has the best falsetto..."
The people laughed.
You also laughed.
Roger saw that. His heart swells.
"...but underneath that wild blonde hair and personality on stage, like me, I knew Roger as a very loving person. A compassionate and caring person, and I can see that to every person he truly loves," Freddie said as he turn his look to you, referring about his love to you instead of his love to his bride.
And that made you inhale deeply and looked down on your hands again, stopping your tears to fall down.
"And I can already really see it right in front of me, see?." Freddie saves himself as he chuckles. You looked up again to see her leaning on his shoulder and suddenly pull him in a soft kiss.
They look very in love. Like you both did before.
"Anyways, I am now to congratulate to this couple, don't forget to get me as your children's godfather because I'm going to spoil the bloody hell out of them. Roger and Leigh, I love you both, wishing you all the very best." Freddie smiles at them and finally gave back the microphone before going back to his seat beside you.
You felt Freddie's hand intertwined to your hand as you pressed your lips in a hard line and lean your head on his shoulder. You really missed him being your listener and your comforter.
"Y/N?." Freddie spoke amidst of your silence.
He looked at you, "You deserve anything and you deserve a proper love someday."
After all those messages, the dancing continues. A disco song was playing in the speakers and see the people having fun and dancing to the rhythm of the music. Roger and his bride were also dancing along, remembering Roger couldn't dance, so he's just holding her while she's letting herself loose in the music. You looked at the time and see it's already approaching to midnight.
You really want to go home and sleep and eat yogurt already.
But, "Y/N, will you dance with me?." Brian asks and he stood up from his chair and offers his hand to you.
"I'm not in the proper mood Bri..." You apologized to him as you showed him a tired smile.
But he didn't listen to your excuse.
"I'll set up the mood for you. Maybe this will be our last meeting and you'll be gone again..." He pouts his lips as you groaned, giving in for him.
You held his hand as he lead you in the dancefloor, just in time a slow song played as he showed you a small smile before pulling you close to him. Your hand resting on his shoulder, his hand on your waist as he slowly sway you around the slow beat of the music.
"Is Chrissy totally okay with this...position?." You awkwardly asked him as he lets out a dry chuckle.
"Chrissy trusts you too. She knows you're one of my closest friends." Brian explains.
"Okay," You smiled and looked up on him, "I really appreciate you all tonight, of how you welcomed me in your group again, of how you welcomed me in your arms and your comforts. I know it's been years after that incident and knowing that you guys panicked about me going missing for days..."
"It's been a week Brian! No one ever saw her anywhere! Even her own bloody mother doesn't know where she is!." Roger shouts at the guitarist who's as concern as him. He slammed the phone back to it's box after just speaking to your mother wherein she's also panicking over her daughter's vanishing.
"If it wasn't for what you did to her, she won't be running away and be missing for a couple of days!." Brian argued back to him. Freddie and Deacy are only sitting on the couch. Silent.
Roger fell in silent after what Brian just said.
"I can't apologize for what you did to her Roger. She's one of the most important people for me and I trusted you to take care of her heart before when I brought you two together. I thought you changed for her, turns out you actually didn't..." Brian hissed at the drummer before walking out of the room.
You disappeared for a week and three days without anyone knowing where you are. You didn't informed them that you went to Munich and stayed there to have a silent life but after those days, you went back home to your mother and eventually found a house in London. Only your mother knew you have the house.
You stopped in front of the house you bought with all your savings and some of your mother's help. You have your things inside the car and brought them in one-by-one, the furnitures will come by shortly too. You stood inside and fell into a deep silence, your eyes looking around.
"I deserve this fresh start..."
"...and I'm sorry that I let you guys worry so much about me. I ran away to bring out the sorrow in me and for what he did to me." You finished your sentence as you felt his heartbeat became a bit erratic.
He sighed, "Enough with this dramatic thing, I saw you laugh earlier and I'm going to keep that smile on your face...by doing this..." Brian said as he suddenly spins you around and did some simple waltz with him.
Until you heard someone cleared their throat and you both stopped dancing around to see Roger, finally standing before you with his hands behind him. He does that when he's nervous.
"Hey Rog, can we help you with something?." Brian asked, still has his hands around you. You're just quiet in front of him, not knowing how to greet him or else.
"Can I...dance with Y/N?." He politely asked and that your heart skipped a beat as Brian slowly let go of his touch to you and looked down on you.
"Y/N? Is it oka--"
"--yes Bri, it's okay. I'll let Roger dance with me." You cut him off as he nod his head before walking away from him and you. You can't look into his eyes as you just waited for his next move. The next song finally came in and it's still a slow one. (imagine "So Close" playing) You're breathless, shaking, nervous as your eyes look around the room, looking for the bride.
"She knows." Roger said.
"Knows...what?." Your eyes slightly widened.
That you have history with him?
"That I'm dancing with you," He soon took your hand on your side and put it on his shoulder as he slowly pull you close. The nostalgic scent of his hit you the wave of reminiscence and longing. After almost 5 whole years, this is the first time you'll stand so close to him again. You tried to stop your tears but some already fell down but you automatically wipe it away.
"Did she know?..." You asked him.
"No, she doesn't." Roger replied to you.
You didn't replied to anything but just continue swaying you around in this dancefloor. When the music suddenly reached to it's instrumental part, you saw his smile that you missed so much as he twirls you around. You let out small giggles here and there that's why he have the biggest smile right now.
"I miss that laugh. I miss that smile. I miss all of you..." Roger whispered in your ear as he continues swaying you with him in the music.
You really want to tell him that you missed him so much too but what if someone will hear you both. That will surely ruin his wedding day.
"You are one of the people who completes my life but when you betrayed me, a part of me really have a hole. A hole that you left me after what you did. I didn't take a revenge on you and did some horrible things because you don't deserve that," You muttered and you finally reached on the nape of your neck to unlock your necklace then slide it off you.
"Y/N, what are you--"
"--give me your hand Roger." You said. He was hesitant at first, but he knows that you're serious already.
He showed out his palm as you lay the golden heart necklace on it, "This is what you deserved. I'll let you remember what you did to me when you gave me this necklace and do the same thing for her. Give the necklace to her...for me." Tears soon ran down your cheeks as you wipe it away again.
"But this is your's Y/N. I gave this for you and only for you." He said while trying to give back the necklace to you, but you're stopping him.
"I don't deserve that necklace anymore. No one will ever say that the necklace will look beautiful on me anymore, at least if you give that to her, you'll compliment her everyday with that beautiful necklace." You replied, your hand playing along the thin chains of the necklace laying on his hand. Then your fingers ran through his palm, so calloused and rough from all the years of drumming for Queen.
"Now hold me close before I go." You whispered in his ear as he held you again, swaying with the music. You have your head resting upon his chest to hear his heartbeat.
"I love you always Y/N." He whispers to you. You remember those words making you happy and contented, but when you heard it right now, you just felt your heart break and feel that pain that never goes away.
You lift your head to him and look into his eyes that is dried from his tears, "I love you too always Roger," You choked on your tears and took a step back from him.
"...and goodbye." You mumbled before you walk away from him. Away from the crowd and away of this venue. You didn't said your goodbyes to the others, you just walk past straight the people who's also dancing and out in the parking lot. You got inside your car and turn the ignition on before you drive away from this place, crying and still hoping if everything will be okay for you.
Hoping you'll be okay.
Hoping your heart to be stitched up into whole again.
_____________________________ this is the reader's dress in the wedding:
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This fic turned out to be a long one and a very very angsty one because I only planned the fic to only have the scenes in the wedding ceremony and the reception area.
Hope you liked this fic!
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haro-whumps · 4 years
Box Boy Bedding
(CW: DUBIOUS consent, drugging, slavery, brainwashing, creepy + intimate whumper *very intimate*, videorecording)
Tag list: @thatsthewhump @whump-it @ashintheairlikesnow @fairybean101 @finder-of-rings @comfortforthepain @shameless-whumper @that-one-thespian @burtlederp @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @raigash @im-not-rare-im-rarr @spiffythespook
Adults only below cut
Ren trailed their fingers through Soren’s hair, watching the golden strands slip off their fingers and fan back down to Soren’s back. Soren delighted in the touch, as he always did, and Ren kissed his nose.
“Finish up,” they said, and went to their room, where the cameras were already set up. The dildo they’d purchased--not actually from Whumpees-R-Us, this was far too pleasurable for that lot--was no wider than their finger, at first. It had an internal chamber that one could snap a premade container of lube into, specially sized for the toy, and would then secrete the lubrication from designated pores over the duration of its use. But plenty of toys did that, the reason Ren had bought this one specifically was because the owner could plug in measurements, and the toy would slowly expand to that size. No need to prepare sweet Soren when they could just have a machine do it for them, at a steady and calculated pace. 
And the lube they’d filled the container with was a special little something they’d picked specifically for today, too.
“Exalted, I—“
“Position 23,” Ren cut him off, turning to see him in the doorway. He was on the ground in a moment, obedient and unquestioning, though his face, what Ren could see of it, looked confused. “Pretty boy,” Ren praised, crossing over to him. “You’re always so good for me.”
“Thank you Exal—eep!” Soren squeaked as they pulled his pants down, flowing eggshell white cloth they’d picked themself for the day. 
“You’re very welcome, Soren,” they said, voice smooth and low, as they pushed the dildo in. “Relax, baby, let it happen,” they purred. 
“Y-Yes,” Soren said shakily, forcing his body to receive it, “Yes, Ren, ah!”
Ren held down the button that would power the toy on, and smiled when it beeped once. They pulled Soren’s pants back up and gave his rump a friendly little pat. “Good boy, Soren. Now we wait. I’m going to catch up on some shows on my laptop, come cuddle with me in bed.”
“Y-Yes, Exalted,” Soren said, rising slowly. He stood bow-legged for a moment, before stumbling after Ren, the intrusion leaving his gait strange and awkward. Ren laughed at him, then kissed him before shoving him into bed. He gasped and jerked on impact, the toy undoubtedly jarred by the movement. 
“Such a pretty boy,” Ren said smugly, pulling out their laptop and making themself comfortable on the bed. 
“Thank you,” Soren whimpered, shifting minutely, then again, more visibly, like he couldn’t get comfortable. He pressed himself up against Ren, face pushed into their hip. “E-Exalted?”
“Yes, angel?”
“Wh-what’s, um, why is, what’s happening?”
“I’m preparing you, sweetheart,” Ren said easily, petting his hair. “You’re going to be nice and loose and slicked up for me, and then when you’re all stretched out, I’m going to fuck you.”
“I-I see, Exalted, th-thank you for--AH!”
“You’ll feel it expand at different intervals,” Ren informed him with a carefully casual voice, like they couldn’t care one way or another. Inwardly, they were delighted. “It won’t hurt, baby, but you’ll feel it.”
“Y-yes, Honored One, I do, it, ah, it’s…”
“Yes, Exalted.”
“That’s okay, baby, you go ahead and just focus on it. I won’t need you to do anything for me until it beeps, you can go out of focus for a little while,” Ren said, stroking his hair, hoping he would focus entirely on it, on the sensation inside him. They hoped it would leave him desperate.
They rewatched old videos, mostly just eyeing Soren. The aphrodisiac in the lube worked faster than Ren had expected, but supposed that it made sense, given the location of absorption. 
Soren quickly devolved into a flushed and shivery mess, body twitching involuntarily and his pretty cock pitching one hell of a tent in his loose pants. His wriggling grew increasingly pronounced, and his body jerked each time the toy expanded in size.
Ren got to watch, thrilled, every movement, every sudden twitch, every time he squirmed, every shudder that coursed through him. Ren got to listen, delighted, to every gasp, every whimper, every rustle the sheets made when he repositioned himself, desperate for some kind of relief. He alternated between pressing his face into their thigh so hard it had to hurt his nose, and prying himself away from Ren to struggle against the sheets, keyed up with a need so bad it looked painful.
“Ren,” he whined, high pitched and voice so full of that special need Ren nearly called it quits and pounced on him right there. But no, no, this had to be perfect.
“Mm? You say something baby?” Ren asked, pretending they didn’t hear, taking out an earbud. 
“P-Please, please, I, I need, I n-need--”
“You need to be patient, precious Soren,” Ren purred, stroking his hair back from his sweaty forehead. He looked up at them with cloudy vision, the drug absolutely overwhelming his little brain, and they smiled, which prompted a shaky, mindless smile back.
“You’re so beautiful like this, Soren,” Ren commented, “I like how you look when you’re redfaced and desperate.”
“Please,” Soren gasped, hardly more than a whimper, “please.”
“I can feel your hand shaking against my thigh, pretty bird,” Ren murmured, shutting their laptop and putting it aside.
“Please, Ren, ple-ase,” Soren begged, voice so small, so shivery. He tried to slide his hand up, up their thigh, coax them into action, but they stilled him easily with two fingers against the back of his wrist.
“Patience, my pet.” Their voice was low and quiet. “Patience, my lovely little Soren.”
“I need--” his breath caught, fingers squeezing into Ren’s thigh, and then his whole body jerked, curling in on itself, his breath ripped out of him with a small cry. 
“I know,” Ren soothed, petting down his spine, “You need me so badly, don’t you? Soren, you need me to take care of you.”
“You know what’s coming and you’re desperate for it.”
“Yes, Ren, I want it, I want, I want it so bad,” Soren said deliriously, squirming on the blanket.
“You want me, Soren, word choice. You don’t want to be fucked, you want to be fucked by me.”
“Yes! Yes, sorry, you, I want you, I want you, Exalted, I want you, please, please!”
“You want me inside you,” Ren murmured, sliding their palm up under his shirt, feeling how inflamed the skin was there, feeling his skin twitch and shiver beneath their hand. “You want me over you, like this,” they said as they crawled on top, forcing his legs open.
“YES!” Soren cried, arching up, pressing into them with feverish urgency.
“You need me to take care of you,” Ren murmured, arms wrapping tightly around him and pulling him in flush against their body. “I’m the only one who can give you what it is that you’re aching so badly for.”
“Please, please, please, please!” Soren begged, before another spasm cut him off.
“You were trained for this, weren’t you Soren?”
“Yes!” he gasped, panting hard. And they hadn’t even started.
“But did you know? Soren, my Soren, you were born for this.” They tightened a fist in his hair, earning a cute little yelp. “You were made to be my angelic little whore. All your life, destiny has had a plan for you, and it ends with you here, wearing my collar, under me, realizing just how much you need me.”
“I need you!” Soren echoed, head thrown back and collar glinting faintly. 
“That’s right,” Ren purred against his ear, “That’s right, my precious Soren.” They pushed their hips against him slow and heavy and Soren keened. “What you want, what you need, everything, it’s all me, and I’ll give it to you.” Ren pulled their fingers through his hair, gold catching the light. “The only thing you’ll ever need is me.”
The toy beeped three times, charming and cute, almost a little tune of its own, and Ren sat up, loving the way Soren cried out in despair, arms outstretched, his body following after them.
“Good boy, Soren, you were patient, and now it’s time. Get your clothes off,” Ren ordered as they took off their own shirt, and beamed at how Soren’s eyes, out of focus, dragged over their torso before he lept to obey them. He was flushed all over, cockhead leaking, and the moment his clothes were off he was back down in position twenty three, face pressed into a pillow and slender chest heaving with his breath. 
“What a beautiful sight,” Ren murmured, stroking their hands over his skin. They tugged at the dildo teasingly, grinning when Soren gasped and whined, and then they gave it a sharper jerk, which made him cry out.
“You’re so gorgeous, Soren,” Ren said, turning it off and pulling it out slowly, admiring how it was now full sized, admiring how still he managed to keep himself relatively still despite how wound up he was.
“Please, please, please,” Soren begged into the pillow.
“Tell me,” Ren ordered, voice going harder than they’d planned as they flipped him onto his back. “Tell me what you need.”
“You!” Soren cried, digging his heels into the bed and arching up. He was trying, trying so hard, to get to them, and Ren smiled down at him.
“That’s right. Don’t ever forget it.” Ren settled between his legs and he whined, hands desperately grabbing at them, gaze glazed over but eyes on them, only them. “You need me, Soren. I’m the one who can give you what you need.”
They pressed their cock inside him, and it was a perfect fit. “Ah, Soren!” Ren praised, sliding in to the base in a single go. Soren’s whole body locked and shuddered, but he didn’t come, not quite. Not yet. There was something else he needed, something Ren had yet to give him.
“Please please please please please please, Exalted, please, pl-hgk, plea, please, nnnnnn,” Soren begged, his body squirming and pushing up against Ren’s.
“That’s right,” Ren purred. “Beg.”
They fucked him hard. They fucked him deep and breathless and fast, delighted by each needy noise and desperate gasp that tumbled out of him. He started off begging, then devolved into unintelligible babbling, and then devolved into wordless nonsense, utterly lost underneath Ren’s palms and cock.
“I’m going to come in you, angel,” Ren gasped, their own voice coming out wrecked, “And then you’ll have what you need.”
The only response Soren gave was a high keen, but it was enough for Ren. Sure enough, they came shortly after, and as they did they reached down and squeezed his cock with one hand. He clenched around them as he spilled, making the most delicious noise, and Ren knew they’d be playing and replaying that audio clip many, many times.
“Perfect, Soren,” Ren praised, slipping out of him and settling on the bed slowly, oozing down onto it and tugging their precious boy into their embrace. Soren clung to them blearily, unfocused and needy and wanting in the most perfect way. Perfect. Perfect. Finally, Ren was getting everything they deserved, and it was all just the way they wanted. The last two weeks were like a blissful dream, only Ren would never, ever need to wake up, not from this. “You were wonderful, my pet. Are you taken care of?”
“Thhh--” Soren slurred, “Thank you, Ren, thnnnk, oo.”
“Oh baby,” Ren said with a delighted laugh. They kissed his face and pet his hair, smiling fondly at him. “Go ahead and go to sleep now. We’ll have you bathe in the morning.”
“Here?” Soren asked, voice quiet and tremulous.
“Yes, angel, here, sleep in my bed tonight. I’ll keep you warm and taken care of, sweetheart, don’t worry.”
Soren gave them an unfocused, but utterly adoring smile, then slumped, exhausted, and Ren chuckled again. They got him tucked under the sheet and blanket, just accepting that they would need to make Soren do laundry the next day, and curled up around him, pulling out their phone until they, too, were tired enough to sleep.
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macybeckham7 · 5 years
Fluffy Alphabet- Mason Mount
A- Attractive
Ofcourse he finds you breathtaking and every time he looks at you he cannot believe that someone can be that attractive. But if he was being honest he cannot just pick one, whenever he looks at you he finds something new about you.
B- Baby
He definitely sees having a family with you, you have both joked about having a tribe of your own to make your own Chelsea team in the future.
C- Cuddle
He loves hugging you from behind, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and hiding his face in your neck, his nostrils being filled with your scent.
D- Dates
Dates with Mason were always romantic, he loves packing a picnic and going to a stables and going for a ride into the woods and finding a cute place to stop and eating, neither of you seeing another person making you feel you are the only people.
E- Everything
You are my drug, feeling giddy when he is around you and completely obsessed with and when has been away from you too long he feels the effects, of his ‘drug’ addiction.
F- Feelings
When you went to the city of love, Paris together, when he couldn’t help but not take his eyes off you. You were so endearing to him and he knew how out of the world you were.
G- Gentle
Mason is rather boyish and doesn’t really know how to be gently. He treats you like one of the boys, always jumping out at you making you jump or rugby tackling you on the sofa.
H- Hand
Neither of you are the biggest fans of hand holding, but whenever you are sat opposite sides of table you are always playing with eachothers hands as a little signs of affection.
I- Impression
When he first meets you he finds himself just smiling at you everytime a small smile appears on your face. Declan goes over to you and introduces himself and becomes Mason’s wingman. When you first locked eyes with him, he couldn’t help but notice the cheeky look on his face, knowing he’ll be a lot of work.
J- Joker
Mason is a cheeky little shit and is always planning something. He is always jumping out at you making you jump and let out a scream, always keeping you on your toes. He records it and rewatches and is always in tears watching your reaction over and over again
K- Kisses
Mason is always up for kissing you, he engulfs you and kisses you all over your face, but once he locks lips with you he is always cheekily slipping his tongue in your mouth. Making you laugh as you push him away giving him a ‘behave’ look.
L- Love
You both say it at the same time, it was after one of your dates and you were just smiling at each other and you both just blurted out those three words.
M- Memories
When he surprised you with a trip to Bora Bora, and you stayed in a little hut in the ocean. That full week was just you two in your own little bubble, enjoying the sun and getting to know eachother better.
N- Nickel
You both usually treat eachother with holidays or adventures which you can look back on with fond memories. You both have a large list places to visit on your bucket list and you are each other’s travel buddies, and it’s the best way to enjoy your time together when the season is over.
O- Orange
Purple, he loves how elegant the flowers look which always reminds him of you, whatever you are doing you hold yourself with dignity. Whenever you wear the colour purple, he cannot help but look at you with heart eyes, enjoying the colour against your complexion.
P- Pet Names
Neither of you have loving pet names for you, you usually call eachother ‘chipmunks’ he calls you ‘dopey’ while you call him ‘bashful’ as whatever you say to him he smirks at you and becomes shy.
Q- Quaint
A trusty old map, whenever you are on a road trip and are slightly lost instead of looking on your phone he is whipping out the large map nearly blinding you as he tries to work out what road you currently on and trying to help you.
R - Rainy Day
If neither of you have to leave the house you both easily call the day off, the first half the day you both be grown ups and tidy up the house. Then in the middle of the day you start baking together, to help with both of your sweet tooth’s.
S- Sad
You know when he is in a mood as soon as you walk into your house, he is usually in the garden with your little doggo and teaching him new skills. Which never fails to make him feel more happy than he was when he returned home.
T- Talking
You both can talk to each other about anything, whether it’s you explaining something to him, or he wants your unbiased opinion. Or simply putting the world to rights early in the morning.
U- Unencumbered
When he find things getting on top of him, he finds himself just wanting to be at home, with you in your comfy clothes and ordering something greasy and sat on the floor watching a cute Disney film and cuddling up to each other. With Mason instantly forgetting what had him so worked up.
V- Vaunt
He is the most proud of being able to give back to his family, they have gave up a lot for him and travelled with him to allow him to do something he loved. And now he is pro and playing for his childhood club he brought his parents a nice house and gave them holidays they have always dreamed of going to.
W - Wedding
It was a spur of a moment thing, he was speaking to his mum and she was gushing about how he has found the one with you. That week he drags Tammy and Declan to a jewellers and gets a ring. He then cooks you your favourite meals and is in full suit and tie when you arrive home. You can tell something is up with him and he is nervous and then he bends down on one knee expressing how much he loves you.
X- Xylophone
You both being big Eminem fans and you are always randomly rapping to your favourite songs throughout the day, or blasting it out when you are cooking and trying to out rap eachother. Your favourite rap to sing together is ‘Berzerk’ and ‘Real Slim Shady’
Y- You
He would always tell you that you are ‘the Gwen Stacy to my Spiderman’ always telling you that you are his best sidekick.
Z- Zebra
You both being the biggest pet lovers, you start of with Mason’s family dog but end up buying him a little friend and then getting a little kitten. The only reason you have stopped is because you need a bigger house. But once you do, you’ll both end up having a whole farm.
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crazyfreckledginger · 5 years
Rido Kuran x Reader - “Dating Rido Kuran Would Include...”
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Requested by anon: “This may be a little weird but would it be okay to request how dating Rido Kuran would be if he wasn’t so obsessed with Juri?”
A/N: I’m a little rusty on this series, I hope it’s accurate, I do plan on rewatching the anime though, also, the beginning is a little obscure but I fell in love with this character, thank you for requesting anon!
Warning: light smut and smut at the end.
You met him and hit it off nicely.
You were a human and he found you when he was seeking pleasure.
And had absolutely no idea he was a vampire until you were making out, sitting in his lap until he grasped your wrist a little painfully.
Trying to pull away because he had a scary look in his eyes as soon as you met his gaze.
He slid his arm around your waist to pull you closer and dug his fangs in your neck.
Being overwhelmed and wincing because of the pain, completely ignoring his praises about how delicious your blood is.
After that was when the endless torture started.
You started feeling the urge of drinking blood.
It disgusted you, staring at people’s neck when you were walking or not getting the thought of it out of your head absolutely broke you.
It didn’t occur to you that Rido had started to become intrigued and thoroughly enjoyed watching the torture you were going through, until he showed up on your doorstep.
You threw him the first thing you could find but he dodged it with ease and forced himself into your house, slamming the door shut.
And he pinned you against your wall given you were doing nothing but struggling.
Until you started to cry and finally gave in.
He teasingly licked your cheek but you managed to kick him in between the legs which thankfully made him fall to the floor and groan.
Trying to make a run for it but he managed to grasp your waist and pull you flush against his chest.
He chuckled softly in your ear as you struggled again.
Until you snapped at him and asking what he was even doing in your proximity.
For some reason, he promised to help you control your urges if you submitted to him.
You absolutely denied it and spat harsh words in his face.
Surprisingly, he wasn’t pissed -- but unsurprisingly, he laughed, finding your feistiness so cute and attractive.
He accepted your denial, knowing fully well that you would not be able to control it, no one could before telling you were to go if you changed your mind and disappeared.
For the next few days, the thought really pondered in your brain, but simply remembering the man you nearly slept with was more than enough to remember why your initial decision was the best.
As anticipated from him however, you finally went to the place he informed you on when you nearly killed someone.
The whole time, he had such a curious and amused gaze you couldn’t help but feel extremely nervous and uncomfortable.
Your jaw nearly fell to the floor when he told you you needed to drink his blood.
Rido took advantage of your lack of knowledge about vampires to make you entirely reliant on him.
Yes if would have prevented you from becoming an E vampire but why have you being a strong independent vampire when you could be stuck with him whenever he wants you.
He ordered you to sit in his lap, which you obliged even though the thought disgusted you and took a hold of his wrist.
Rido helped you get used to your fangs and tell you how much blood you should drink.
He groaned in satisfaction the first time you drank his blood because you couldn’t stop drinking it until he pulled away.
You went home and did your own research very thoroughly and extensively because hell before you trusted that man.
And you discovered blood tablets and ways to control your bloodlust.
Hating the fact that you went to him before doing research even though you were desperate.
But he helped you control your newly formed powers so I guess that helped.
Confronting him about his lies and promising him that you will not become reliant on him and you will start taking blood tablets even though they are terrible compared to his blood.
Him voicing his certainty of you returning to him to drink his blood and him becoming even more fond of you when you manage to keep your promise.
You never thought this happened but over time he was getting less sadistic with you, almost like you grew on him.
He loved to tease you though.
You started growing confident again in your body so you both started bickering playfully together.
The Kuran would let you tag along because you were amusing (in his words).
It became strange when he didn’t want you to leave his side and he became snappy to everyone when you started talking to other men.
He would threaten anyone who seemed too friendly with you.
Rido even started to hold you, arm around your waist, hand around your arm under the claim that you were walking too slowly.
Until one time he became utterly jealous and pulled you to a secluded area and drank your blood eagerly.
Openly expressing your concerns to him, not understanding why he was acting out so much until he interrupted you and kissing you hungrily.
You didn’t push him away under the influence of surprise and shock.
When he finally pulled away, there were so many raw emotions in his heterochromia eyes but quickly disappeared behind his usual expression.
He grumbled under his breath before turning away, claiming ‘you wouldn’t understand’.
Despite everything he put you through, despite how harsh he had been with you, you couldn’t deny what you were feeling either as you grasped his sleeve to stop him in his tracks.
He glanced back at you with a confused frown before watching you slowly walk up to him and reaching up to grasp his neck and kiss him deeply, not caring about tasting your own blood.
Rido didn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around your waist and pull you closer.
It was such a different kiss from the first time, before it was attraction and lust, this one was filled with hungry passion.
And you two started dating, you never officially announced it but given how different his behaviour was, it was easy to tell the kiss changed everything between the two of you.
He is still as possessive as before, even more so now that he knew his unfamiliar feelings were returned by you.
You like holding his hand or hugging his arm, he acts like it helps you -- which it does but he also finds a certain comfort because of it
A lot of cuddling on your part and a lot of not pushing you away on his part.
A lot of hickeys on you.
And groping your ass when he wants.
Always, always teasing you to see the blush and embarrassment on your face.
Loving to hide in his chest.
He is so tall which really helps you feel protected when you cuddle.
Him never really admitting anything sweet except if it’s for teasing because he sincerely doesn’t know how to deal with his feelings.
But understanding him and finding it so cute when he doesn’t push you away or grumbles reluctantly.
A lot of making out and drinking each other’s blood.
Being the sensible one, making sure he doesn’t do anything reckless or cruel even if it doesn’t always work.
Playing with his hair and letting him nap in your lap.
Peppering his face with light kisses and him not knowing what to do with himself.
For someone who constantly flirts with you to get you all mushy for him, he really seems to do anything in his power not to reflect on his own feelings.
A lot of PDA in public because his possessiveness is much greater than anything else.
Spanking your ass when he can despite your protests.
Wearing his clothes and him blushing slightly because his clothes drag on the floor because of the height difference and it’s so adorable.
Hogging the blanket because he’s so tall he takes most of the bed so it’s only fair.
A lot of spooning.
Sometimes when things tend to get too much because of the crap he puts himself into, it can turn to a love hate relationship but it’s very brief.
A lot of sex because he has a very high sex drive.
Angry sex, possessive sex, dominant sex, experimenting, all kinds of sex.
Passionate sex when you take the lead and it’s usually when you’re riding him, but that doesn’t happen often.
A lot of different positions in all kinds of places.
Especially public for him because it’s so thrilling to see you being on edge about it when he couldn’t care less how many people can hear you.
A lot of going down on you and blowjobs.
He is definitely very dominant so I’m sure that leaves that to your imagination.
Comments, votes and feedback improve motivation, writing and publishing, so it is in your best interest to leave some! :)  
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holidaywishes · 5 years
Baby Boy
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  Summary: You find out you’re pregnant and you don’t know how to tell Auston
  Warnings: Swearing? Angst, talk of abortion
  Author’s Note: I honestly have no idea where this came from. Probably, after rewatching Auston and Freddie in that Bauer Hockey video playing with Nerf Guns from before Christmas. My guess is there’s probably going to be another one with Freddie up soon -- same summary, different result… Hope you enjoy it anyway!
  P.S. (Y/E/C) is your eye colour just in case you get confused
  P.P.S. apparently I’m into making series now… This one may be a series but I’m not sure yet. HMU -- let me know 😉
 “Shit” you let slip from your lips as you looked down at the small screen in front of you
  “pregnant” it read and you furiously tried to shake it away as if it were an etch-a-sketch image. You stood in your bathroom for about 10 minutes before wandering over to your couch to crash your head into the cushions. This is not what you wanted. You were 26 years old and were in no way prepared to raise a child and your boyfriend was practically a child himself. God this was a disaster! How could you let this happen? You muffle a scream in one of the couch pillows when your phone rings and you reluctantly look to see who it is -- hoping it’s not Auston.
  “Hey Tammy,” you answered the call, a sigh of relief when you saw it was your best friend and not your boyfriend, “what’s up?”
  “Tried calling you a bunch but you never answered. Everything okay?”
  “No…” you sighed, “I need your help.”
  “Uh oh… what’s wrong?”
  “I was late.. so I freaked out a little. Took a test, you know, as one does. Fuck, Tam I’m pregnant…”
  “Absolutely not!”
  “Well I don’t know. I mean you don’t sound happy but I didn’t want to overstep or anything…”
  “I can’t have a kid. Not with Auston. Not Now. What do I do?”
  “Does he know?”
  “Okay well that’s step 1”
  “Tell him the truth?” she asked, clearly confused at your question
  “Oh. Yeah. Sure. Of course. ‘Hey babe, guess what? I’m pregnant. You’re gonna be a dad at 21 YEARS OLD!”
  “Don’t say it like that obviously,” she joked, “maybe he’ll be okay with it?”
  “Tammy, he’s 21... If I was him, I’d run away so fast, you’d see that smoke coming off my heels like Wile E Coyote or Roadrunner. He’s not going to be okay with it.”
  “Well what do you want me to say?”
  “I need you to take me to a clinic”
  “Excuse me?”
  “No. I’m not taking you to get an abortion. I’m not doing it. Not until you talk to the father of your baby! I can’t allow that…”
  “NO (Y/N)! You know how I feel about that. I can’t, I won’t”
  “You’re my best friend. I’m not going to make you stay. I’ll call for a ride from someone else but I thought maybe you’d want to su--”
  “Don’t! I am your best friend and you’re mine. Of course. I love you and I don’t want you to go through anything traumatic. But we’ve talked about abortions before. You know I’m pro-life.”
  “This isn’t about pro-life or pro-choice right now. It’s not a political debate. It’s about your best friend who is terrified about losing everything because of an unwanted pregnancy. I never thought I’d ever be in this position and I never thought that I’d ever get an abortion but it needs to be done this time…”
  “How dare you!”
  “Tammy, please.”
  “Talk to your boyfriend (Y/N)” you heard the line go blank and you stared at your phone in disbelief. Yes, you knew how she felt about this but you thought, as your best friend, she would support you and put aside her political views for a second. You wanted to cry and scream and destroy your apartment but you also just wanted to apologize to your best friend and tell her you were just scared. Because you were. You picked up your phone to dial her back when Auston texted you.
  “What happened?”
  “What do you mean?”
  “Tammy called me. Told me you two got into a fight and that you needed to tell me something…”
  “She shouldn’t have done that”
  “(Y/N) what’s wrong? What happened?”
  “I love you, we’ll talk about it when you get here.”
  You and Auston had only been dating a year. You met him two months before his 21st birthday and three months after your 25th. You weren’t expecting it to go anywhere because of the age gap but here you were, a year later with a new set of problems. You had no idea what Auston would say and, as nice as they were, you knew his parents were going to blame you for this. You were stressing about what would happen when he came home, how he would react, what he would say; maybe he’d go with you? God, no that’s not what you want! You just wanted not to have to deal with the situation anymore. Two hours later, you found yourself researching clinic’s in the area to see what you had to do when Auston walked in the door
  “(Y/N)?” he called out and you slammed your laptop closed so he wouldn’t see, “where are you?”
  “Hey..” you crept out from behind the corner, nervous about getting too close but he brought you in for a hug
  “What’s wrong?” he asked, keeping you close to his body, “why are you fighting with your best friend?”
  “We had a disagreement. We couldn’t see eye to eye on it…” you tried to evade his question but he persisted
  “What was the disagreement?”
  “It’s just something I believe in, she doesn’t. That’s all. She got sensitive about it” you turned your body away from Auston and squeezed your eyes shut at your response
  “Baby, just tell me…” you almost cringed at the nickname as you kept your secret hidden while trying to come up with a story to tell him
  “We have a friend. She’s pregnant. She asked our opinions on what she should do. I said she should weigh her options, but consider terminating the pregnancy,” you stopped to gauge his reaction but he was stone faced as you spoke, trying to take in all the information, “Tammy said that abortion wasn’t an option and that it wasn’t just up to her. That our friend should tell the father…”
  “You don’t agree with that? That your friend should tell the father that she’s pregnant with his child?”
  “Of course I do, that wasn’t the argument…”
  “You think she should have an abortion and Tammy doesn’t?”
  “Why do you think she should have an abortion? Is the father abusive? Is she or the baby unsafe?”
  “No… Auston there’s more reasons than that for someone to terminate a pregnancy. She’s not ready. That kid would be a huge pill to swallow; a huge responsibility she’s not ready for. And neither is the father”
  “That’s it? She’s not ready for a kid so she should just get an abortion?” his face contorted into anger from confusion and you stepped back, realizing you had gotten your answer and you needed to tell him the truth, “she’ll get ready. They both will. Maybe the timing sucks but in the end, they’ll be so happy and so --”
  “Auston, Auston, honey…” you shook your head and told him to sit on the couch, “we don’t have -- I mean we -- It’s me…”
  “What’s you?” you looked at him, trying desperately to get him to find the answer in your face but, when he didn’t, you looked down at your lap and took his hand in yours
  “I’m pregnant…” he was silent and still, so much so that you had to peel your eyes from his hands to his face, where you saw his jaw clench and unclench a few times, “Auston?”
  “You want an abortion?” he choked out, trying not to look at you, making your heart break
  “The timing isn’t right. We’re too young. You’re 21. I’m 26. We’ve got our own lives that are constantly on the move right now. You with hockey. Me with this new start up. A pregnancy would just complicate things…” he still wasn’t looking at you, so you got to pace around the room, “We’ve only been together a year. We don’t even live together. This is just a mistake that can be fixed. I can fix this.”
  “Stop.” he said quietly but firmly and you waited silently until he spoke again, “It doesn’t need to be fixed, it’s not a broken T.V. or a busted pipe. It’s a baby” his voice was soft and sincere which scared you because you didn’t know if that meant he wanted a baby or he was just going to be okay with having one now.
  “Auston, sweetie, I love you. But I can’t have a baby. This is not me saying that you won’t be a good father or that I never want kids. But we both have to think about our careers. And I have to be selfish about this. Because you won’t be here…” you let the sentence hang in the air to let him swallow it for a second, “with your career the way it is, you will be so busy that I’ll have to leave work to become a full time Mom. I respect those women who do that but it’s not me, not at 26. I’m sorry…”
  “You were going to do it and just not tell me weren’t you?” he stood up and walked to where you were, anger on his face
  “I don’t know...”
  “You don’t know?!”
  “I thought if I did it, and you didn’t know, then there would be no harm. It’s my body and my choice right? So I wouldn’t need to bother you with the stress that comes with finding out your girlfriend is pregnant”
  “Bother me?” he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, “(Y/N) what kind of person do you think I am?”
  “Do you think I’m gonna be the guy that tells you he’ll help you take care of it by giving you money for the procedure? Am I the guy who doesn’t care enough about you to sit down and have a conversation about whether or not you’re ready to start a family? Have I done something to make you believe that I have more say than you about what decisions you make?”
  “No bu--”
  “Yes, I’m 21. Yes, you’re 26. We’re young. We’re busy. This wasn’t planned but are pregnancies ever really planned? I would never leave you to drop everything and take care of our child and I’m not going to pay you to get rid of it either. I love you, we’ll figure this out together.” You didn’t know what to say. You couldn’t say you were shocked by this reaction but you didn’t know where to go from here.
  “I have to lie down” you walked to your bedroom, shaken by the whole conversation, thinking Auston would give you space but you heard his heavy footsteps come down the hallway shortly after you slipped under the covers; his large arms wrapped around you as soon as he laid down behind you, kissing your shoulder softly
  “I’m sorry if I upset you. I didn’t mean to yell” he whispered. God, he was so gentle with you, you knew he would be with your child too; you brought your hands to his, drawing circles on his skin before finally speaking
  “I’m scared, Auston…” you felt a single tear fall from your eye and Auston kissed your cheek when he noticed, “I can barely take care of myself. How am I supposed to take care of a baby?”
  “You have me. That’s how…” you turned your body enough that your eyes met his and smiled, “we’ll take it one step at a time. My family loves babies, they can help. You’re family… they might?”
  “Yeah.. right” you lifted your eyebrows and rolled your eyes. You hadn’t really talked to your parents since your Graduation and this was not the icebreaker you wanted.
  “It’s okay. We’ve got each other. And a huge family on the ice. We’ll be okay,” he smiled but it quickly faded as he continued, “but only if you’re sure…”
  “I could get used to the idea of having a little one running around, a baby boy who looks just like his Papì” you laughed and he kissed your forehead
  “I think I want a baby girl with the beautiful (Y/E/C) eyes like her mother” he pulled you closer to him, kissing your shoulder again and you started to drift asleep before his next words jolted you back, “or we could have one of each…”
  “Slow down, Matthews. One is fine for now…” he laughed and agreed, whispering a small I love you before you drifted off to sleep.
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olderjustneverwiser · 5 years
Tell Me All the Ways to Love You (Sam Winchester)
Well, I finally finished my first Supernatural fic. I’m season 11 into my Supernatural rewatch, and watching ten seasons of Sammy Winchester has made me fall in love with him again, and this is the product of that. This is based off of this list, ‘100 Ways to Love You.’ As always, huge thanks to @moresvuheadcanons for all of her help!
Word count: 5016 (go big or go home, am I right?)
Warning: So much fluff, angst, probable overuse of commas, some canon divergence.
Happy reading and enjoy!
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o n e
You shivered as you, Sam, and Dean made your way through the old cemetery on the outskirts of some small town, looking for the grave of a man whose ghost had been wreaking havoc for the past few days.
With every step you took, you cursed yourself and your choice of clothing for the day. It had been a beautiful day; sunny and breezy, just like you like it. So you decided to dress light, opting for only jeans, boots, and a tee while you spent the better part of the day posing as beat reporters with Dean; Sam opting to go to the local library and do research. You had forgotten that the temperature tends to drop once the sun starts to set in this particular part of the country, though. Which left you shaking in your leather boots, salt and gasoline in hand, searching for a stupid old grave. Your teeth chattered as you walked, something that did not go unnoticed by one Dean Winchester.
“You alright there, Princess?” he joked.
You rolled your eyes at the nickname he had given you years ago, “Just cold. Ready to get this over with and go back to the motel.”
“Well, you’re in luck,” Sam spoke up, stopping at a headstone a few feet ahead of you. “Just found our guy.”
It was Dean’s turn to dig, so you and Sam leaned against a large headstone while you watched Dean. Sam couldn’t help but laugh at the sight of you shivering. You were clearly miserable.
“Why didn’t you wear a jacket?” He asked.
You let out a huff. “Well, the weather was just so nice today, so I didn’t think about it. And since we haven’t been back to the motel since this morning, I’m left freezing my ass off.”
“Oh come on, it’s not that cold out here.”
“Says the human space heater.”
You felt Sam’s eyes on you for a moment longer before he shrugged his jacket off, uncovering not one but two more layers of clothing underneath. Before you could ask him what he was doing, he was placing the jacket around your shoulders. You instantly felt warm and safe, the smell of his shampoo and soap surrounding you.
His hand lingered on your shoulder just a moment longer than what was probably necessary, but you didn’t think anything of it. “Here. Take my jacket.”
t w o
Your head hurt. That was the first thought you had when you woke up, for once thankful that the bunker didn’t have windows to let any light into your bedroom. Not yet wanting to move out of your warm spot in the bed, you rested your eyes a bit more, mentally kicking yourself for drinking so much with the Winchester brothers.
After years of living with them, you think you would have learned that you couldn’t keep up with them when they were on a binge. The three of you were having a great time last night, though; laughing and joking around like you hadn’t in a very long time. One drink turned into quite a few, and after a long while you had forgotten just how many times you had filled your glass with whiskey. So you stumbled off to bed, leaving the brothers to drink the night away by themselves. Though it was obvious by the pounding in your skull and the severe case of cotton mouth that you hadn’t cut yourself off soon enough.
Slowly turning your body to check your phone on your bedside table, you noticed a glass of water and a banana, no doubt left there for you by the younger Winchester. Sam was good to you like that; always looking out for you and helping you whenever he could. It was one of the many things you loved about him.
You drank the water quickly and nibbled on the banana, not particularly wanting to eat, but knowing that you should. As you ate, the smell of freshly brewed coffee came through from the kitchen of the bunker, making your mouth water and tempting you to leave your cocoon.
You slowly got out of bed and made your way down to the kitchen, barely acknowledging Sam leaning against a counter as you made a beeline for the coffee pot. A groan left you when you noticed it already empty.
“Rough morning?” Sam asked with a knowing smile.
“You could say that,” you replied dryly as you searched the pantry for the canister of coffee you kept. “Where’s the coffee?”
Sam didn’t answer right away. “Oh, um, I kind of just took the last of it. Dean left to get more. Sorry.”
You turned to look at him, noticing the sheepish smile gracing his face and the coffee mug in his hands.
“Seriously? Since when do we not keep this place stocked with coffee?” you dropped dramatically onto one of the chairs at the table, resigned to waiting until Dean came back. Sam sat next to you at the table, placing the near full mug in front of you. He looked at you, the kind smile he always wore when he was with you on his face.
“You’re lucky I’m such a nice guy,” he said. “We can share.”
t h r e e
“It’s not up for discussion anymore, Sam.”
“Do you not realize how dangerous this is?”
“This whole life is dangerous! I’m. Doing. This.” You turned your back to Sam before he could get another word in and stomped off to the grimy motel bathroom. You were just wasting time arguing with him and you needed to get yourself ready for the night.
The three of you were down in New Orleans hunting a group of vamps. Two women had been found totally drained of blood within the past week, and they were both last seen at a bar near Canal. Thanks to Sam’s keen eye for detail, he was able to spot a suspect in the security footage from both nights, even when the police hadn’t noticed him lurking in the crowd. You suspected that the vamp who picked up these women was low on the totem pole, probably only being used to bring them to the alpha of the group, because both women shared very similar physical characteristics.
It appeared that the alpha had a type, and it just so happened that you fit that type perfectly.
When you brought this up to the guys, Dean considered it, but Sam immediately refused to let you go into the bar as bait. He reasoned that it was too risky, that too many things could go wrong. After a quick reminder that last time you checked he was not your father, husband, or keeper, and you could do whatever the hell you wanted, his refusal turned into a plea for you to reconsider. He insisted that you could think of a better plan. However since Dean thought that this was the best thing to do, Sam reluctantly agreed, still trying to talk you out of it while you got dressed. You squeezed into your tightest jeans and put on way more makeup than your normal ‘foundation and mascara’ look, and exited the bathroom, eliciting a low whistle from Dean.
“How do I look?” You asked.
“I’d pick you up if I saw you lookin’ like that.” Dean winked. If looks could kill, the one he got from Sam would have taken another one of his seemingly endless supply of lives.
You laughed, “Good, that’s the point, I guess. Now let’s go catch some freaks.”
Since the motel was only two blocks from the bar, you had decided to walk, discussing the plan for what had to have been the tenth time. You and Sam hung back while Dean entered first, both to scope out the joint and to not seem like the three of you were together. Laughter and music poured from the entrance, Zeppelin’s ‘Whole Lotta Love’ filling the silence between you and Sam.
“You sure you want to do this?” He asked suddenly. “We could sit and keep an eye on him; watch him try to pick up chicks.”
“The woman he picks up may not be able to defend herself like I can, Sam.” He nodded, but something was bothering you. “Hey, why are you so worried about this? This isn’t that big of a deal.”
Sam opened his mouth and quickly shut it, clearly wanting to say something. He was quiet for a beat, then waived it off.
You weren’t convinced, but it had been a few minutes and you needed to get this show on the road. “I’m going in. Wait five minutes, then come in?”
As you walked toward the entrance, you felt a gentle tug at your arm. You looked back to find Sam at the other end of the arm that had reached for yours. The look on his face told you there were a million things he wanted to say, but only two words came out.
“Be careful.”
f o u r
Three swift knocks on your motel room door startled you from the game show you had been watching, trying to distract yourself from the terrible day you’d had.
An involuntary sigh slipped past your lips as you contemplated not answering. You had a hunch as to who was knocking on your door, and part of you didn’t want to talk to him after the last conversation you had with the hunter. You wanted to pretend to be asleep and ignore this problem until tomorrow, but he knocked again and called your name, clearly wanting to talk. Clicking the small TV in your room off, you made your way to the door to answer it. An uneasy feeling hit your stomach when you saw Sam’s face, your mind replaying the last time you had seen him.
To say it had been a long day would be a tremendous understatement. The three of you were hunting down a very elusive shapeshifter who had managed to kill four people since you had arrived in town, and it had tensions running high between you. Between that, Abbadon, and trying to decode the demon tablet, the three of you were all on edge. It all came to a roaring head when you finally had tracked down the shifter’s most recent hideout; an old abandoned factory on the edge of town. Upon hearing screams coming from inside, you ran in while the boys were still forming a plan; desperate to save these people and finish the job.
After the hunt was finished, you and Sam walked back to the Impala while Dean cleaned up what remained of the shifter, not a word spoken between the two of you during the short walk. Sam threw his silver blade into the back of the Impala unceremoniously before finally breaking the silence, yelling at you for not waiting for him or Dean as backup. You had never seen Sam this angry with you before. He was relentless, saying that you had been stupid, foolish. Only when you screamed back at him with tears in your eyes that you had learned that from him did he stop his rant, allowing you to slip into the back of the car without another word.
Now, it seemed as if Sam had finally calmed down. He had his hands buried in the pockets of his jacket and he avoided your gaze. You noticed Sam’s shoulders visibly relax when you moved to the side to let him inside your room. Sam sat on the edge of your bed, running a hand through his hair before he spoke.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.”
Looking into his eyes for the first time since your argument, you noted the guilt and shame in them. You just stood in front of him with your arms crossed, silent. His words were harsh, and it was going to take more than a feeble ‘I’m sorry’ to make it better.
Sensing this, Sam took a breath and spoke again “Really, I’m so sorry. You didn’t deserve that. I’m just so stressed out about these stupid tablets, and the trials, and I’m worried about Kevin, and Dean, and you, and I took it out on you. I just don’t want to see anyone get hurt.”
“Sam, it’s going to happen. Hell, it has happened. I’ve been hunting with you guys for years now. You know how good I am. And it still happens to me, and you, and Dean. It’s just hazards of the life.”
Sam nodded, “I know, and that won’t happen again. I just worry about you.”
Your heart softened at that. “I know you do, and I’m glad you do, but you need to let me do the job.”
“You’re right, it won’t happen again. I’m sorry.”
You uncrossed your arms and wrapped them around his neck in a hug, silently telling him that all was forgiven and Sam reciprocated instantly.
You pulled away after a moment, briefly contemplating closing the gap between the two of you once again; finally undoing the not doing with one simple kiss like you had dreamt of doing for so long. But, you decided against it, leaving things just the way things were.
f i v e
Of all the things that could go wrong in this line of work; all of the monsters who wanted you dead, you would have never guessed that your complete lack of coordination would be the thing to keep you out of the game.
You had been cooped up in the Impala for hours with the guys, travelling to your next case. Dean hadn’t stopped driving for close to six hours, saying he “didn’t want to waste daylight.” Not that you really minded; it allowed you to stretch out in the backseat and relax before this case, but you were getting restless. Right around when you hit the six hour mark, Dean took an exit just outside of Bloomington, Illinois to fill up on gas and grab a late lunch, and you were beyond excited to get out of the car for a few minutes.
So excited, in fact, that your feet tripped over one another as you got out of the car, causing your right ankle to snap as you fell.
Dean tried to catch you before you hit the ground, but it was too late. Your ankle began to swell almost instantly, and you found yourself right back in the backseat of the Impala, Sam wrapping your ankle while Dean got the food.
Two hours later when you had finally arrived at a motel in town, the swelling in your ankle had gone down, but only very slightly. You had been ordered by both Sam and Dean to stay on the bed with your ankle elevated while they got changed for the hunt.
“Me and Sammy are gonna go to the station, see what we can find,” Dean said as he slipped on his Fed shoes, “You - stay on the bed and keep that foot up.”
“Dean, come on. It’s not that bad,” you argued. You did not want to be stuck in this room after being in the car for the better part of the day.
Dean only smirked, walking across the room to the door. “Not that bad, huh? Walk over to me, then. Without wincing or limping.”
You stood, determined to pass this little test of his. However, you groaned in pain after just one step. “Dammit,” you muttered as you sat back on the bed. “Fine, you win, I guess.”
He didn’t even attempt to hide the triumphant smirk on his face,  "That’s what I thought. Stay in bed.“
Sam emerged from the bathroom just then, seemingly having heard the whole exchange, "It’s probably for the best.” He said.
“It’s just a stupid little sprain,” you grumbled. You were nothing if not stubborn.
Sam shook his head, taking a seat next to you on the bed. “It looks like a pretty bad sprain, actually. It shouldn’t have swelled that fast. Besides, you’d slow us down if you came. You know that.“
He was right, of course. You would only slow them down, and you knew they couldn’t afford to have any distractions while they were on the job. Besides, how could you argue when Sam was looking at you with those sad little puppy eyes of his?
“I know, you’re right. Go kill yourselves a monster, I’ll be fine here.”
With a quick pat to your good leg, Sam stood from his spot on the bed to fluff a pillow and carefully placed it under your right foot. “There’s snacks in the bag and drinks in the fridge. We’ll be back soon. Call me if you need anything.”
s i x
Your bare feet ached as you ran through the barely lit corridor. This hall was never ending; everytime you thought you’d reached the end, the walls would only stretch further. The only sounds you heard were your heart thudding against your chest and feet smacking against the cold concrete floor. You were terrified and alone, and your body was begging you to stop running, but something in you knew that you had to reach the end.
Just when you thought you couldn’t go anymore, you saw a figure crumpled on the ground a few feet in front of you. Despite the burning in your lungs you pushed yourself to keep running until you reached it, and you couldn’t help but fall to your knees when you saw what was waiting for you at the end.
"No, no way.” You felt as if you were going to be sick; you didn’t want to believe what you were seeing. His skin was cold as ice as you grabbed him, confirming your fears. Your knuckles turned white as your grip on his arm tightened, “Son of a bitch, NO!” The shriek was loud and deafening in your ears; you barely recognized the voice as your own.
You heard a familiar voice calling your name, but it was muffled, almost like it was coming from outside, wherever outside was. Your eyes couldn’t leave him, though. You heard the voice again, closer this time.
And just like that, the haunting visions from your nightmare were replaced with your dark bedroom at the bunker. You no longer felt cold and you felt a set of warm hands on your bare arms, presumably what woke you. You chest heaved as you attempted to calm yourself; the terrible feeling in your guy still there.
The hands that were holding you left your arms and reached to click on your bedside lamp. You closed your eyes at the sudden light, but a soft, calming voice let you know that it was Sam.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” you felt Sam brush a few pieces of hair away from your face as he spoke. “You’re okay, just breathe.”
Focusing on Sam’s voice and his words, you tried again to ground yourself. The panic you felt and the uneasiness on your stomach slowly ebbed while you collected yourself, taking a few deep breaths, just like Sam said. With your breathing almost back to normal, you opened your eyes to see Sam sitting next to you on the bed, his eyes filled with worry.
“Feel better?” He asked.
“Yeah, thanks.” You glanced at the clock on your nightstand, it read just after three in the morning. “I’m sorry I woke you up.”
“No worries, we all get nightmares from time to time. I’m surprised you didn’t wake Dean up, too. You were screaming loud enough for me to think something had gotten in here.” His tone was light, but you still hated that you had woken him up just because of a stupid nightmare.
Sensing your discomfort, his smile faltered. “Do you want to talk about it?”
You gnawed at the inside of your cheek for a moment, trying to decide what to say. You don’t tell him that you dreamt of him, cold and lifeless. You don’t say that you knew, somehow, that this was it. There would be no saving him or bringing him back to life. He was gone, empty. Dead.
“Uh, it was the wendigo. From the hunt last week.” You lied.
Sam looked skeptical. “A wendigo made you scream like that?”
“It was attacking me,” you replied. “It was a pretty vivid nightmare.” That part wasn’t a lie, at least.
It was apparent that he didn’t believe you, but he thankfully let it go. “Do you want me to stay? It may help you sleep better.”
Though your heart jumped at the chance to sleep with him next to you, you didn’t want him to feel obligated. “I’m fine, Sam. I’ll just watch TV or something 'till I pass out.”
“It’d be just like when we share a bed on hunts. You always seem to sleep better when we share, anyway.”
After a quick nod from you, Sam crawled under the covers with you and clicked off the lamp. You turned onto your side to face away from him and felt a heavy arm drape around your waist. You two had done this a hundred times, but you never tired of this feeling.
“You sure this is okay?” You whispered.
“Trust me, this is fine.” Sam pulled you a little tighter to him. “I don’t mind.”
s e v e n
Your foot tapped impatiently on the linoleum tile of the hospital as you watched Sam sleep. You and Dean had been waiting in his room for hours silently urging him to wake up, or at least move a finger or something. Anything let you know that he was still there.
The hunt had been a total clusterfuck. The three of you had gone in totally unprepared for what was waiting inside, but all hunters know that if you get the chance to gank the sorry S.O.B. you’re after, you take it. So, you had stormed the warehouse with only a gun and the silver blade you kept in your boot, Sam and Dean close behind with a few weapons of their own. Surprisingly, the fight was over quickly, Dean stabbing it straight through the heart just before it could get a hold of you. After a quick inspection of Dean to make sure he wasn’t too hurt, you noticed Sam wasn’t with him.
As if Dean could read your mind, he looked behind him. “You seen Sam?”
Panic flooded your mind as you shook your head, and the two of you went separate ways searching for him. Nothing could have prepared you for how you found Sam, slouched against a wall unconscious, blood leaking out of a wound that seemed to come from his abdomen, and another one from his forehead. You screamed for Dean, trying futility to move him and hold pressure to the stomach wound at the same time.
You were a wreck the whole ride to the nearest hospital. You sat in the back with Sam, combing his hair with your hands as you tried not to think the worst. Tears threatened to spill from your eyes as you yelled for Dean to drive faster, knowing he was already driving like a bat out of hell, but you didn’t care. The logical part of your brain wasn’t working. The only thing you could think of was getting Sam help.
Three cracked ribs, a dislocated shoulder, too many cuts, scrapes, and bruises to count, and a severe concussion. The doctor on call had informed you and Dean that they had done all they could, stopped the bleeding and made him comfortable, but he had lost a lot of blood. That combined with the head injury was serious, and now it was all up to Sam to wake up.  It was your worst nightmare come to life.
So, now, you and Dean were in his room; you at his bedside since you had first walked in, your small hands holding one of Sam’s. The room was silent save for the steady beeping on the monitor.
Dean mumbled something about getting you both some more coffee and you nodded absently, your gaze not leaving Sam’s face. God, it was torture seeing him like this. Sure, you had seen him with broken bones and blood pouring from wounds all over his body, but never this bad. Never not here. He always bounced back. This was different, though. No one could tell you if he would come back or not.
You sent a silent prayer to whoever was listening for him to just wake up and be okay. You weren’t ready to do this life without him; not yet. There were too many things you hadn’t done, too many things you hadn’t told him. If this was it, well, you wouldn’t know what to do with yourself.
Sam’s fingers twitched then. It was barely noticeable; you thought for a moment that you had imagined it, but then they moved again, more this time.
“Sam?” His name came out as a gasp as you looked him over, seeing that his eyes were finally open again. Those kind, hazel eyes that you weren’t sure if you’d ever see again were looking up at you through heavy lids. He smiled softly, whispering a quiet “Hey, you.”
“Dammit, Sam,” you cried out, your grip on his hand even tighter as you felt your tears start anew, this time out of sheer relief. “I was so fucking worried about you. I didn’t know what was going to happen; if you were coming back.”
“I’ll always come back to you,” he said whispered, squeezing your hand with his own, “Don’t worry about me.”
e i g h t
This was far from where you expected your night to go, but it’s not like you were complaining.
You, Sam, and Dean had completed a successful hunt earlier in the evening. While you normally hit the road right after hunts, Dean had decided that you were going to stay the night, saying something about hitting up a few bars in the city. You had declined his offer to join him, and Sam quickly followed suit, much to your surprise. Instead, he suggested that the two of you do something fun that didn’t include crowded bars and playing pool. Without much convincing on his part you agreed, happy to get some alone time with Sam.
Which is how you found yourself alone with Sam and a six pack of beer on a secluded bench across the river, looking out towards the city. You couldn’t help but think about how date-like this felt. The thought made your heart flutter.
“How did you know this was here, Sam?” you asked, taking a sip from your beer. It was a beautiful little spot; the bright lights from the city sticking out against the dark night sky and the reflection on the water.
He shrugged, “Honestly, I didn’t for sure. I just figured there would be a few nice spots along the river. Turns out I was right.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle, “Well, thanks for being right, Sammy. It’s gorgeous.”
Sam snaked an arm around your shoulders, humming in agreement. It was something he had done a million times before, but this time felt different in a way you couldn’t put your finger on. You leaned into him, pretending for only a moment, that the two of you had normal jobs, normal lives. You let yourself make believe that this was a normal occurrence; being out on a date with the man you loved.
Even with the city noise and the hum of cars crossing the bridge, you swore you could hear Sam’s heart pounding in his chest. You turned to look at his face, and were surprised to find him already looking down at you. Sam slowly brought a hand to your face, brushing a few rogue hairs away and cupping your jaw in his hand. He seemed almost hesitant, like he was testing you. Making sure you wouldn’t turn away from him. You had never before seen Sam so unsure of himself.
You searched his eyes for a brief moment trying to find a reason behind this, then something clicked. This sudden private outing to what had to be one of the most romantic spots in the city, Dean’s constant insistence of “He loves you, ya know.” The way Sam was looking at you, like he was trying to see inside your soul. You realized that your feelings for Sam may not be as unrequited as you thought.
Before you lost your nerve, you did the one thing you had wanted to do for as long as you could remember. You gently pressed your lips to Sam’s as your own little test. You had to make sure that this wasn’t just wishful thinking on your part. When Sam answered by pulling you closer to him, you felt yourself practically melt against him. This felt so right, as if these were the lips you were meant to kiss for the rest of your life. You pushed even closer to him, wanting to put everything you had left unsaid into the kiss. That he was worth it, that he was enough. You wanted to show him that despite all the things he had done, that he was deserving of love, and that as long as he wanted you, you weren’t going anywhere.
You wanted him to know that you loved him.
He pulled away slowly, smiling wider than he had in a long time, “I’ve wanted to do that for so long, you have no idea.”
You were sure that your smile matched his, “Yeah, me too, Sammy.”
You opened your mouth to speak; to say those three little words that had been on the tip of your tongue for what seemed like forever, but Sam beat you to it.
With another chaste kiss to your lips and a brush of his hand on your skin, he whispered,
“I love you.”
58 notes · View notes
emoshinso · 5 years
What Makes Purple Boy so Weird?: Notes on the storytelling strategies employed in Shinsou’s introduction arc
*By ‘weird,’ I mean intriguing/interesting, but in a break-the-mold kinda way.
This really has no objective other than I wanted to break down what makes Shinsou’s intro arc so impactful. Specifically, the buildup before his quirk reveal.
As heroic and well-intentioned as our boy is, the creators do a very good job creating an air of ominous suspense before revealing his true character and quirk in his match against Deku. Up till then, it’s like they wanted us to think Shinsou was a bad guy...
Part commentary, part analysis 
Just kinda… finding an excuse to rewatch the Sports Festival arc while focusing on Shinsou’s perspective.
this post goes from his first appearance in episode 15 to the beginning of episode 20
in the future, I plan on dedicating an entire post just to his fight against Deku - but in the meantime, this one centers on the buildup before his quirk reveal
So, if you’re interested, read on! If not, I understand. This is gonna be one heckin nerdy ramble. oh gosh im so excited
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First Appearance: Episode 15: Roaring Sports Festival 
Confrontation with Bakugo
First, some background on what’s going on right before our boy shows up: The day after Aizawa introduces the sports festival, a bunch of kids from the general studies department show up at the hero class’s threshold, right? There’s no explanation as to why. They’re all kinda just... there (psst it’s for the drama. Large crowds create intrigue.)
Dekusquad mutters collectively, wondering if the general studies kids are scouting the competition… The general studies kids don’t really answer or react. They just keep gawking awkwardly. (psst once again: it’s purely for the drama)
Enter: Bakugo. Trying to leave for the day, but those damn gen studies kids are in his way.
“Move it, extras.”
This prompts a reaction. From one student, at least. 
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“So this is Class 1-A? I heard you guys were impressive, but you just sound like an ass.”
First time we see Shinsou: pushing his way unapologetically through the other general studies kids. First impression: he already kinda looks like a jerk. Him being at the back of the crowd also makes me think Shinsou didn’t exactly jump at the chance to size up 1-A after school like his classmates, but eventually gave in and followed them over a bit later. Then after that “extras” comment out of Blasty Boy, he decided to retaliate. A jerk with a bit of a proud streak.
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”Scouting the competition? Maybe some of my peers are, but I came to let you know that if you don’t bring your very best, I’ll steal your spot right out from under you. Consider this a declaration of war.”
What a drama queen.
That’s all he says. That pretty much concludes his first notable appearance as a character
His appearance essentially serves two purposes: 1) to (fleetingly) introduce him as a character 2)  to establish how resentful the general studies department is towards 1-A
It’s important to note that he didn’t get any of those usual name + quirk tag thingies that occasionally pop up whenever a new character is introduced (or as a reminder for recurring characters)
AND he never introduces himself (he just straight up declares war and falls silent, the little shit xD)
Point being, forget his quirk, we don’t even learn his name right away. For all intents and purposes, he’s just that random purple asshole who declared war for no good reason
And as soon as Shinsou delivers his little war monologue, Tetsutetsu shows up, shouting loud and a n g e r y. His and Bakugo’s little shouting match quickly overshadows Shinsou’s cold declaration, making it even easier for both the other characters and the audience to forget about Shinsou pretty quick. Despite that very conspicuous purple hair, the chronic insomnia, and the WHITE PUPILS.
I know I kinda forgot about him - the first time watching, at least.
Sports Festival Opening Ceremony
The next time we see Shinsou, he’s walking into the arena with the other 1-C kids, who are all looking pretty dejected about being forced to participate in a competition rigged to make them look inferior:
“We’re just here to make [the hero kids] look better...”
“Yeah, I can’t wait for this to be over...”
It’s a key reminder that Shinsou is one of these kids, and by all logic should be thinking the same thing. But his expression is hard to read: 
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Is he bored? Tired? Ready for it all to be over like those other kids? Or is he steeling himself to make good on his declaration of war?
We don’t really get a chance to find out. Not until MUCH later...
Todoroki’s Ice Trick
The next shot we see of Shinsou is my absolute FAVORITE. After getting through the tunnel to the obstacle course, Todoroki uses ice attack. It’s super effective, but somehow there’s still plenty of students who dodged it including our boy Shinsou
A LOT is going on. We see shots of all the different students who evaded Todoroki: Yaoyorozu, Bakugo, Aoyama (lol), Ashido... the montage ends with Uraraka, who makes a comment about waiting for the right time to show off her quirk, and hence alludes to someone else who’s trying to be sneaky:
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“So they are good at using their powers, huh?”
What I love most about this scene is first time watching I LITERALLY DID NOT QUESTION the fact that he was being carried by three other students
I chalked it up to him being a charismatic figure in his class who somehow convinced his fellow students to carry him as part of some elaborate grand strategy
And hey... I wasn’t wrong?
Also interesting to note how none of the three non-brainwashed students around him seem too concerned he’s hitching a free ride on their classmates... they’re all too busy dealing with Todoroki’s ice
Point being, between Todoroki’s flashy ice attack and the other students’ equally flashy evasive maneuvers, it was pretty easy for us as an audience to overlook that one purple-haired kid who decided to play cavalry battle a little early. The inclusion of the extra kids stumbling around him in the frame also helps him blend into the background. All this seems very intentional on both the animators’/Horikoshi’s part AND as part of Shinsou’s grand strategy. 
Episode 15 ends with us still wondering what this guy’s deal is...
Episode 16: In Their Own Quirky Ways
We don’t see Shinsou at all this episode, which both builds up the suspense and leaves me with a lot of questions:
Q: How did he get past the robots? (Theory 1: By using other kids’ quirks and directing them like his own personal quirk army 2: (more likely) waited till a path was clear and ran through)
Q: How did he get past the chasm? (Theory 1: Again, by hitching a ride with a kid with the ideal quirk 2: Human rope?)
Q: How’d he get past the MINES?! (Theory: By brainwashing other students to walk ahead of him and clear a path)
Regardless of how he got through the course, the ONLY glimpse of Shinsou we get is when Midnight goes over the rankings in the race. Shinsou came in 27th, by the way, not that you’d even notice because the camera cuts off almost before you even see him in the rankings. (I couldn’t even pause it that fast) I have no idea if that was intentional or not, but man does it fit the mood:
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This is also the first time we see his name.
But it’s so fast literally no one could’ve actually read and retained it without the help of a quirk. I know I didn’t. BUT I remember from the first time watching, this one tiny glimpse of the random purple asshole with the derpy ass smile ranking so high was enough to make me start wondering just what this guy’s deal was...
It was enough to get me curious. But I wasn’t invested quite yet. 
Also, in retrospect, my absolute favorite thing about this screenshot is all the other contestants look angry/disappointed by their ranking EXCEPT FOR SHINSOU. Nope, he just looks like a smug little asshole happy to be the ONLY rep from Class 1-C.
And that further adds to the suspense...
Episode 17: Strategy, Strategy, Strategy
Once again, we only get glimpses of Shinsou this episode. But they’re crucial: 
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1: Him smirking as the rules for the cavalry battle are explained. Makes us wonder, as an audience: why does he look so confident when everyone else is gritting their teeth over this? What advantage does he have?
(Notes brought to you by 20/20 hindsight: He was probably so confident because he literally had his pick of teammates. As soon as he asked anyone about teaming up and they answered, boom, they were on the team. I would guess he intentionally picked teammates that wouldn’t stand out (no offense Aoyama,) so he could hang around and not call attention to himself during the cavalry battle, both from other teams and from the commentators.)
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2: Once all the teams have coalesced, they’re all just kinda standing around haphazardly, or facing each other slightly to talk strategy... BUT NOT SHINSOU’S. They’re all facing the same direction he is. Yep, you guessed it... they’re already brainwashed.
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At the ready with his team. This also marks the second time we see his name. But it’s not announced, it only appears in tiny letters/kanji in the scoring bracket. Also note that his teammates are definitely all brainwashed now, but we wouldn’t be able to tell unless we were looking for it. Aoyama really doesn’t look too different lol
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Before the episode ends, we get our first glance at the scoreboard. The game’s already been underway for a bit by now, and Shinsou’s team is at 0 points. Which means Shinsou most likely let Monoma take his bandana to avoid being targeted later in the game, and therein, avoid attention.
End of episode 17. Still no name (unless you were super attentive), and no quirk.
Episode 18: Cavalry Battle Finale
Between the Todoroki vs. Midoriya and the Monoma vs. Bakugo showdowns, there’s so much drama happening it’s no surprise Present Mic didn’t pay much attention to Team Shinsou...
...and that really left me wondering... What were they up to this whole time?
Quick glance at the scoreboard tells us he’s still at zero, and he stays that way for most of the episode again:
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Which means...
Just look how smug he is about it too:
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“In third place is Team Tetsute- wait, what?! It’s Team Shinsou! When did they come back from the dead?!”
Point being, Present Mic is so surprised by Shinsou’s comeback he almost says the wrong name. Thanks to all the drama radiating off of Monoma and the Traffic Light Trifecta and Shinsou’s strategy of staying out of the fray until the last possible second, he pulled off a victory without anyone even knowing who the heck he is or what he can do.
This also marks the first time his name is stated clearly enough to catch.
Also note his confused (and frightened) teammates behind him. How ominous...
Little by little, we’re getting hints at who he actually is as a character, which up to this point, still looks a lot like ‘first class jerk’
that smug grin gahhh
Episode 19: The Boy Born with Everything
Okay, here’s where things get  s u p e r  dramatic. 
First half of the episode is dedicated to Todoroki and Deku’s little confrontation, so gives us more time to forget about our purple son...
Second half jumps into discussing the next round: sixteen contestants remaining, waiting to be divided into one-on-one matches. Things are progressing smoothly until....
Everyone’s shocked, why the heck would this kid pass up on the chance of a lifetime? Ojiro explains it’s a matter of pride for him:  “It just wouldn’t be right. I barely remember anything from the cavalry battle until the very end of it. I… think it was that guy’s quirk.”
“Wait, who was Ojiro with again?” 
Again, no one seems to remember. But once Ojiro points him out, the camera pans over to Shinsou, who looks away. As if he’s worried about getting exposed. Interestingly enough, however, Ojiro doesn’t immediately reveal what Shinsou’s quirk is (which also might have to do with his personal honor code), instead just presses to withdraw:
“Everyone gave their all in Round 2, but I was just someone’s puppet. I don’t want to advance if I don’t even know how I got here.”
‘Someone’s puppet’? That’s ominous as hell...  but once again, it doesn’t fully reveal what Shinsou did. Ojiro could’ve been speaking metaphorically for all we know at this point. But it sure makes us start wondering what the heck’s up with this purple guy, and just what his true motives are...
Later on, once the full bracket’s announced, Izuku looks at the lineup. He’s initially more concerned about the prospect of facing down Todoroki, but then he remembers he’s got a whole match ahead of that: “First I’ve got to worry about this Shinsou guy (whoever the hell he is...)” As someone who  l o v e s  to collect and analyse data on heroes and quirks, it probably bothers Izuku to no end that he knows absolutely nothing about his upcoming opponent. 
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“Izuku Midoriya, that is you, isn’t it?”
To top it off, SHINSOU SNEAKS UP ON HIM. I mean, in all fairness, it probably isn’t even that hard to sneak up on Izuku, given how lost in his head he gets. But again, it helps build that aura of suspense: Shinsou’s the type of character to sneak up on people. He’s also the type to stay out sight, use clever strategy instead of shine in the limelight like a typical hero in the BNHA world would. In all fairness, he’s acting a lot like a villain would.
Izuku: “You’re the guy from before, from general studies?”
Shinsou: “A pleasure. So, are you excited?”
Once again. Doesn’t even properly introduce himself. What is with this guy and introductions? And before Izuku gets a chance to respond, Ojiro intervenes, covering Izuku’s mouth with his tail and leaving Shinsou to smirk and walk away.
Izuku: “Ojiro, what’s the deal?”
Ojiro: “You can’t say a word to him.”
These are the first real clues we get as to what Shinsou’s quirk actually is and how it works. but we still. don’t. get. full. disclosure. 
The scene cuts to the side games / preparations of the remaining contestants for the final round: 
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I really appreciate the sheer amount of dread on Izuku’s face. 
This is a meme. We all have Shinsou to thank for this meme. At this point, we can’t even hear what they’re discussing, we just know it’s making a nervous boi  e x t r a  nervous...
A few scenes later, and we finally get what we’ve all been waiting for:
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“Whoa, he looks kinda scared in that picture, doesn’t he? It’s Izuku Midoriya from the hero course!!” 
“Hitoshi Shinsou from general studies, who really hasn’t done anything to stand out yet…” 
Once again, Present Mic reminds us just how much of a dark horse Shinsou is. Discounting a few strategic bits and pieces, two whole rounds have passed already, and we still know next to nothing about him. It’s interesting to note how Present Mic explains the rules of the match too:
“The rules are simple: immobilize your opponent or force him out of the ring!! You can also win by making the other person cry uncle. Anything goes… so don’t be afraid to put your morals aside and play dirty!”
Which Shinsou does. 
He starts playing before the match even begins, already trying to get Izuku to talk:
“So you can just give up, huh?”
Izuku doesn’t respond, so Shinsou continues:
“In a way, this is a test of how strong your spirit is. If you know what you want your future to hold for you, you can’t worry about what other people think.”  
Present Mic: “READY?!”
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“That monkey was going on about his pride earlier...”
Present Mic: “BEGIN!”
“...but I just think he’s an idiot for throwing away his chance like that.”
Shinsou started playing even before the match began, and he started off by saying a whole lot of incendiary things: 
Why would you care what other people thought of you? (In a world where pro heroes depend on popular appeal for their livelihood, that’s not something a typical aspiring hero would say...)
“That monkey... is an idiot” (insulting a former teammate... not very hero-like) 
Who cares about pride? (People who say that often hint they’re willing to get their hands dirty if the ends justify the means... again, not very hero-like)
In retrospect, of course we know Shinsou’s primary motivation for saying all those things was to elicit a response from Izuku, but at the time... it just made him look like a jerk. Maybe even a jerk with a potential villainous streak...
Regardless, it does get a rise out of Izuku, and that’s when it finally happens. 
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We openly see Shinsou use his quirk for the first time.
Izuku freezes.
Everyone’s shocked. But even then not everyone understands what’s going on yet... even Present Mic seems confused, even possibly chalking it up to stage fright:
“Huh?! What’s the dealio? This is the first match, it should start out with a bang! The fight has just begun and Izuku Midoriya is… completely frozen?!”
Yes, we’ve seen it in action, we can infer, but it still takes a whole episode to put a clear label on it...
Episode 20: Victory or Defeat
Way to build up the suspense with a corny episode title am I right
Present Mic introduces us back into the fray:  “Izuku Midoriya is completely frozen?! He’s not moving a muscle! And what’s with that look on his face? Could this be a quirk at work? Hitoshi Shinsou seems to have Izuku Midoriya completely stunned!”
Let’s take a quick inventory on just how sh00k everyone is:
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Concerned frens. I was too the first time I watched this. I think we all were. Our baby Izuku’s been frozen by the weird purple jerk who we don’t really have any sympathy for yet.
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Even the pro heroes are stunned. They don’t seem to have any idea what’s going on either, which suggests maybe they haven’t seen a quirk like Shinsou’s before...
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BUT what really gets me are these guys. I’m pretty certain they’re all general studies kids. Shinsou’s classmates. Meaning they KNOW Shinsou. And assumedly they know his quirk too, since that’s like the second question that comes up whenever you meet someone in this universe, right after “What’s your name?” YET THEY’RE JUST AS SHOCKED AS EVERYONE ELSE. Which makes me wonder... what if Shinsou never told his UA classmates what his quirk was?
Regardless, it builds up the suspense even more. 
And at long last, as the crowd still sits stunned, Aizawa steps in to finally answer all our unspoken questions:
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“Since we’re on to the individual matches, I had some information compiled about our final competitors. Shinsou failed the practical exam to get into the hero course. Since he also applied for general studies, he probably figured that would happen. His quirk is incredibly strong, but that entrance test consisted of fighting faux villains. It gave a huge advantage to those who had physical superpowers they could show off. Despite his abilities, Shinsou never stood a chance at passing.”
He never stood a chance beCAUSE...
*cue ambient unsettling music*
Izuku turns around and starts walking out of bounds.
All Might, watching from the sidelines: “What is this power?”
And finally, thanks to Aizawa’s data, Present Mic tells us:
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‘When an opponent answers his question, it flips a switch in their minds, forcing them to do whatever he says. Not every question does it though. He only brainwashes when he wants to.” 
There it is.
After five episodes of ominous, behind-the-scenes buildup, we finally have it. I don’t know about everyone else, but I was blown away. Looking back, it made total sense, and I had no idea how I didn’t figure it out beforehand, (maybe someone did, lol, I am kind of a dumbass). But, main point here: Shinsou’s intro had a lot of great suspense built into it, culminating in his match with Izuku, which reveals not only his quirk but also his true character (which I’ll talk about in a future post - specifically how Shinsou’s backstory reveal completely flips our perception of him). Along the way, we had plenty of opportunities to forget about Shinsou, discount him - at least in favor of our already well-established favorites - and most importantly, type cast him as villainous. But all that turns on its head the moment we learn what he can do - and as I’ll talk about later on, when we find out his true intentions.
What a brilliant intro. 
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And he knows it too. Just look how smug he is.
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