#kane headcanon
fuckingheartgames · 1 year
Tagging with Kane and Xpac as a Diva (Headcanon)
For these headcanons Xpac never betrayed Kane
• being asked by Xpac, because nearly every Tag-Team has a diva (and because he thinks you're hot)
• accompanying them to the ring and cheering them on
• trying to solve their issues peacefully
• having to earn Kanes trust
• proving Kane that you won't betray him by fending off interruptions during his match even against your friends/former Tag-Team partners
• babysitting Xpac when you go to bars or pubs
• Xpac flirting with you (to tease or because he's crushing)
• sitting with Kane (if he trusts you) when he needs a little company
•  soothing Kane into mild physical contact (no full-on hugs at first but a High-five is just enough)
• if you had troubles with male wrestler, not anymore The Big Red Machine is always close by
• if you're more introverted Xpac will bring you out of your shell a little more
• having Xpac giving everyone that gives you trouble a mouthful
• getting targeted by The Undertaker and his ministry (later on by the Corporate Ministry) because he wants Kane to join him and you're in the way of that
• knowing you can count on your partners
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stormkobra-5 · 2 years
[Main Masterlist]
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Iridescence: Twelve years ago, something landed on Earth via asteroid and began to create its own world. Only when it had engulfed half of ours did it stop, separating the two halves with a deadly wall called the Shimmer. The rest of the dystopian Earth lives in eternal fear of the wall continuing to reach out. One day, however, a mysterious man wanders straight into your little hovel with no memory of who he is or where he came from. You’ve got a pretty good idea, though, because he has strange, seemingly natural abilities to him, and his eyes... they shimmer.
|| Moodboard || *Incandescence || *Phosphorescence || *Luminescence || **Biofluorescence || *Ascendance ||
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[coming soon]
[coming soon]
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incorrectbatfam · 2 months
How small must the world be for both Bruce and Tim to witness John and Mary Grayson's deaths
Or for 10-year-old Duke to crack the Riddler's puzzle before Batman swoops in and saves the day, long before his powers came into play
Or for Sheila Haywood to leave her son only to end up assisting his killer a decade and a half later
Not to mention the popular fanon concept of Jason knowing baby Damian in the League of Assassins
Now imagine how many other invisible strings could've tied them together
Like what if Tim and Jason went to the same school when Jason was Robin but all they shared was the occasional bump and "excuse me" in the busy halls
Or what if Babs was a tutor and helped an elementary-aged Steph finally understand her homework only for the Browns to cancel after a couple sessions because they couldn't afford it
What if the first person to buy Cass a hot meal was Kate on one of her travels
What if Alfred witnessed young Selina shoplifting groceries but chose to turn a blind eye
What if Jason lived on the same streets as the Row siblings and gave little Harper tips on how to use tools and defend her brother
What if Steph and Duke shared the same school bus, only he sat in the front while she was toward the back
What if the first person to teach Tim how to tie his shoes was Bruce at a gala because Jack and Janet were busy talking to someone important
What if Bette did a DNA test for fun and found a connection in Nanda Parbat but just assumed the results was faulty because she knew her whole family, right?
What if 8-year-old Dick, the day before his parents died, stayed at a cheap hotel near Crime Alley and found 4-year-old Jason wandering alone and said, "I'll be your big brother for tonight"
What if the universe knew they were made for each other and wouldn't rest until they realized it too
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bibibusinessman · 5 days
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vodrae · 9 months
Gotham being her own entity apart of the rest of the World thus every meme have Gothamite's equivalent. If you have a smartphone in Gotham you have seen my honest reaction memes starring Brucie Wayne.
Instead of Joe Rogan and other UFC commentators when you have to express something is exceptionnal, you have Jason, Duke, and Steph when Cass bitchslapped Lex Luthor.
When you are fond of something, you have Harley Quinn's face, in her orange clothes wearing cuffs at Pamela Isley's conference on ecology.
When you are craving something, you have the rich cougars looking at Dick Grayson's ass.
When you are envious, shocked or horny, maybe all three together, you have the legendary video of Wayne Fondation to promote exercice and healthy lifestyle when Bruce Wayne appears in tank top and Wonder Woman who accepted to be there who could discover properly for the first time Brucie's F cup boobies.
"He said no pickles !" But it's Cass and Jason. Works with joke about power balance and size.
What's happening with Dick and Jason spotted with a SO always taller and ginger ? (WTF Wally is 6'10 ??)
Gotham is still not over discovering Tim Drake is a sleeper build. Why is he jacked like that ? Why even the BUTLER is ripped ?!
Every post trying to promote Joker is filled with Red Hood gif, Batsignal and Oracle dropping all the user's informations.
99.9% of the housewives between 18 and infinity in North America are watching the annual interview of Brucie by Clark Kent. Their discution is also a "me when I meet someone as weird as me" template
Stephanie's very much loud on the very hot microphone "Please step on me" to Dinah when they competed in a Family Feud episode againt the Queens. The others were laughing but nodding
Damian's mugshot at 4'8 for assault. He saw someone with a coat made with an endangered specie.
A spotted paparazzi picture with Catwoman, Batwoman, Bluebird, Poison Ivy and Harley named "The lesbian spectrum".
And a lot, enough to feed a country, of memes about getting adopted by Bruce Wayne.
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undertheredhood · 9 months
i don't get why people headcanon tim drake as the one in the batfam who's the sleep-deprived coffee addict when that description can apply to almost everyone in the bat/wayne family
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I've been seeing people wanting a big fight between the riordenverse protags (Percy, Jason, Magnus, and Carter(and maybe Sadie)). Thing is though, if you threw a brick at Jason he would go down immediately. If there's water near Percy and the Kane's are going to be fighting for a while. And Magnus's only power is that he is a glow stick with a handkerchief boat and a disco sword. He's just going to say "Jack fight them!" throw him and then sit off to the side drinking a Caprisun.
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dceuheadcanons · 7 months
"Thomas and Martha Wayne were monogamous" this and "Bruce's parents would be so disappointed about the bisexual playboy thing" that. Thomas Wayne was THE bisexual playboy. TO ME. With just a little more dignity. He started it guys give him his credits
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fake-myth · 1 month
If Thomas Wayne was a surgeon then that means that he wasn't running wayne enterprises while alive. So I present to you: Martha wayne took over the company.
Young Thomas Wayne meets Martha Kane at a gala and they become fast friends. Martha is smart and cunning, business savy, more than Thomas was. So he convinces her to go to business school (rather scandalous for the time- assuming it's the late 40's) while they are in school and Thomas is going through medical school the two fall in love and by the time Martha graduates they decided to get married and Martha Kane is now Martha Wayne. Shortly after Thomas graduates his father decides that he can no longer run WE and Thomas, being an only child is troubled. He didn't want to run the company and honestly hadn't thought of what to do when his father stepped down. Lucky he had a brilliant beautiful, and did he say brilliant wife who just so happend to go to business school.
: ) I regect model Martha wayne because that's boring, CEO Martha wayne who was simply a fashion icon and often on the cover of magazines is better (nothing wrong with model Martha but I want Martha to be more than Bruce's mom)
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hibiscusspunweb · 11 days
Percy Jackson headcanons Part 3
-Percy has a siren’s voice. When he sings or hums, the attention of anyone in the vicinity is drawn to him.
-Also, Percy is definitely a huge Queen fan
-Annabeth has a spray bottle of salt water 
-Jason  listens to classical music (he just looks like he would)
-Reyna is a fucking demon at pillow fights for some unexplained reason
-Thalia likes strawberry Mentos 
-Also has a dart board up with a picture of Luke in the center (she consistently hits her mark)
-Leo sleeps in a fetal position 
-Frank likes stormy weather and stratus clouds 
-Also a frequent user of “gee willickers” or “golly gee”
-Will is an avid Beatles listener 
-Austin always has cork grease in his pocket 
-His favorite fruit is the mango as well
-Leo listens to Tyler, the Creator
-Frank occasionally listens to Viking music  (no explanation why)
-Nico loves analog horror 
-Will watches it with him
-Piper HATES harpies after her several encounters with them
-The Poseidon cabin occasionally gets flooded (via Percy)
-The Athena cabin is either really neat and organized or cluttered with blueprints, armor, etc.
-The Demeter cabin figured out how to grow blue raspberries 
-They also grow all kinds of weird fruit 
-Leo makes fake accounts on dating apps for shits and giggles
-Percy once threw an apple at Annabeth and she caught it. 
-The Apollo cabin’s walls are plastered with musical posters 
-Will smells like cough syrup 
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aurora-borealis00 · 2 months
Stupid head canon I came up with
When a member of the Wayne family gets married, they first get married at the Gotham court house. So that no matter how publicized their wedding is they still have a moment of just them.
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fuckingheartgames · 1 year
"Trust issues" Tagging with Kane and Xpac pt.2
After the fight with your tag team partners Kane and Xpac, your best friend Edge comes up with a plan to prove to them that you're loyal while still getting revenge.
Warning; Angst with happy ending, slight injuries and swear words
"Are you sure this is the right thing to do?" It was Christian who voiced his concerns and the same thing you thought about. But you just nodded.
"It might not be morally okay but it feels right for the moment. They've hurt me and I want to prove myself." You said seemingly confident. Edge stood beside you, functioning as your emotional support.
Grangel was the next to speak up.
"I see your point and we will help you but with a little twist, you up for that?" His smile creeped you, Gangrel always did.
"Alright, I'm up. So let's get moving." You smiled at them linking your arm with Edges. And so the four of you made your way to gorilla. Waiting for the entrance music to start and the right moment to hit, you thought about how much luck you had that your tag team partners already had their entrance sequence and were already waiting in the ring.
The theme song of The Brood started to play and Christian and Gangrel went out first, doing their usual entrance antics.
The crowed cheered but chanted Edges name as he was still in the gorilla with you. Smiling at each other you made your way onto the ramp, the cheer getting louder at your entrance but you could also make out some booing as the crowd saw you with The Brood.
You felt uneasy but played it cool making your way to the ring at the side of your best friend. But the closer you came the more you felt the hateful and burning looks of your tag team partners. There was no turning back now, the plan was already set in motion so you played along, giving them a predatory smile you let Edge help you up onto the apron. You did your usual ring antics before hopping down and joining Gangrel on the ground again.
The match soon started with Kane and Edge as the first opponents. It was a long back and forth between them each getting a good hit at the other but things changed quickly when Edges spear missed and Kane got the upper hand. Luckily Edge was able to make a hot tag. Christian soon had Kane in his corner, where Xpac tagged himself in. Both Christian and Xpac gave their all, in favour of your plan both teams were distracted so that you were able to sneak a steel chair.
Christian soon had Xpac on the mat and the ref started counting and just as he was about to hit three you jumped up and hit Christian in the back with the chair, interrupting the pin.
You had no time to see the reaction of either Kane nor Xpac as Edge and Gangrel jumped into the ring. Saving yourself you left the ring, jumping the fence, and running through the crowd, The Brood members always close. You ran backstage hoping to outrun them but you had no luck Edge caught you and a brawl broke out. So that's what Gangrel meant you thought to yourself as you lost consciousness after being thrown into a wall.
In the meantime, the match went on, this time in favor of your team. Xpac had tagged in Kane who was now pinning a hurt Christian the ref started counting and this time there was no interruption. Kane and Xpac were just declared the winners when Edge and Gangrel came back. And the first thing everyone noticed was how Edge had your unconscious figure thrown over his shoulder. They made their way towards the ring, climbed onto the apron, and carelessly dropped you at the feet of Kane and Xpac. The crowd booed as Gangrel raised the microphone.
"Have your little cheerleader back, we have no use for a traitor!" Gangrel said with a venom-laced tongue. Helping Christian to his feet, the brood left the ring, without any of them looking back even once.
It was eerily silent, and not a single sound could be heard until Kane dragged you to the ring ropes. The audience started to applaud as Kane threw you over his shoulder and Xpac climbed out of the ring as well. But this time was different. The smaller man wasn't as hyped as he usually would be and even Kane seemed to be more silent than he normally is. Making their way to the locker room with you in tow both were stuck in their thoughts. Neither understood why you did what you did. And while Xpac felt guilty for causing you the pain you probably went through, Kane was angry at The Brood for hurting you, at you for playing this stupid game and surprisingly at himself for his distrust and the way he and Xpac had acted.
In the locker room, he put you down on the sofa so you would be comfortable.
"Maybe we should bring them to the medics, we don't know what Edge and that other dude did." Xpac was worried, very much at that but Kane just shook his head. He wanted to tell him how strong you were and that you would probably be awake sooner than later.
"Kane, what if it's a really bad injury, we don't know why they're unconscious!" Xpac paced through the room, glancing at you every now and then.
Kane just shook his head again and just as Xpac wanted to just take you to the medics himself you woke up, whining as you held your head.
You didn't know in which locker room you were but you appreciated the sofa you were on. Blinking a few times you looked up, right into the masked face of Kane. You flinched, badly, oh shit this will end disastrously wouldn't it?
You didn't dare say a word. So the smaller of the two men did.
"How are you? What did those suckers do?" Was he really worried or was he just luring you into false security to lash out again? You didn't know, you didn't care.
"I'm okay I guess... I think I should leave though I don't want to bother you any further." Your mumbled as you tried to get up. But a big hand on your shoulder stopped you.
Kane again shook his head and Xpac started questioning his sanity but he was glad for the silent giant as well.
"Listen, we're sorry. And you know us, we hate apologising but come on that Rated R dude is your best friend... and well maybe we're a little to um insecure." He felt weird saying it out loud but that was what he thought. He felt like you deserved more. You've always been kind, you always supported them, you've been there for them no matter what, that's nothing neither Kane or he himself had experience with.
You looked at him confused. "Insecure about what? Pac...you both make me feel comfortable like we're on the same level. You don't treat me like I'm just your eye candy, your little cheerleader. There's nothing to be insecure about."
Kane let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and Xpac also relaxed a bit. So you didn't plan on leaving them.
"So you're not leaving, even though we behaved like the biggest pricks to ever exist?" The young man looked everywhere but not you until he heard you laugh. Why are you laughing?
Simple, you thought it was hilarious how such a confident man and strong silent brute were afraid you were leaving them. "Of course not, except you pull something like that again." You meant it. You wouldn't leave these lovable idiots for anything in the universe.
"Puh, so there would be nothing against going somewhere to celebrate right?" There he was, the bubbly and mischievous Xpac you knew.
"Nothing except my slight headache but yeah if Kane is comfortable with it we can go out." You smiled. And Kane who sat down beside you just a few moments ago hummed while nodding his head yes.
And thus the three of you became the unstoppable force you were before. Causing trouble and winning whenever you could.
~The End~
So that was that, it might not be perfect but I love it anyways. If you're interested in it I can post the alternate sad ending as well.
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incorrectbatfam · 15 days
"This is not a place of honor" is incidentally also the Gotham City welcome sign
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bibibusinessman · 25 days
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vodrae · 8 months
Can you imagine what THREATS Alfred has hold against Jacob Kane so he respects Marta and Thomas'will to give him Bruce's custody.
How do you keep a military millionnaire who could potentially makes hiw own suicide squad in line ?
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toulousewayne · 1 month
Daily Batfam Shenanigans Pt:5
Dick looks over from his spot watching TV and eating Coco Puffs.
Dick:Yes Little Dee?
Damian:You are very aware of my experience with animals.
Dick: Very much so, yes.
Damian:Why does father seem so interested about give me Birds and bees.
Dick laughs for a bit.
Dick: No kiddo, he talking about…the reproductive health.
Damian:…Sex? I know what sex is Grayson Mother gave me this with topic with a diagram and you and the alien are never quiet when I stay at the tower. So I do not see the need for such time constraints.
Jason is in the cave help Tim with his wound care when he notices a large scar on Tim.
Jason: Where’d you get this from Replacement, falling off the handlebars of your bike again?
Tim (Drowsy from medicine ): Oh that, no Ra took my spleen.
Jason:…..The fuck you just say Tim?
Oracle is in the ClockTower and is on Coms with Robin who’s patrolling the East end.
Robin: Oracle?
Oracle: Yes, Robin?
Robin:Father, had the talk with me earlier.
Oracle:And how’d that go?
Robin:I think Father needs to take a course on giving the talk he isn’t very good at it.
Oracle (Chuckling): Why do you think that?
Robin: He kept trying to explain anatomy but he didn’t understand women’s. He said I should ask a woman.
Oracle loosing it on the other line.
Robin:Is it that complex?
Oracle gaining her composure: Oh, kiddo you right your father needs help.
Robin: So will you explain—
Oracle: Absolutely not.
Duke:Is this safe?
Jason:Most likely not.
Duke:Should we tell someone?
Duke:Are you going to?
Jason: Nope
Alfred in the next room: Whatever you two are about to do, save yourselves the trouble.
Kate: And how did you convince him to do it?
Stephanie & Dick: Bribes
Kate: Okay, so what exactly did you two bribe him with?
Dick(Smirking): That’s highly useful and top secret information.
Jason enters the room in a fuzzy red sweater and approaches Bruce who’s reading a book.
Bruce (Confused): Everything okay Jay?
Jason give Bruce a hug and quickly leaves the the room.
Stephanie (Sobbing): You got the tissues?
Dick hands her a box and dries his own tears.
Kate walking away: This family needs therapy.
Tim:Why are you staring at me?
Tim:Did I do something to you,or are you trying out to be one of the twins from the Shining?
Damian:I need you to take me and Jon to see a movie Saturday night.
Tim:You couldn’t have lead with that?!
Barbara: Go Left
Batman & Nightwing go Right
Barbara: No your other left.
Nightwing:That’s the right?
Barbara trying not to scream and rip her hair out.
Barbara: This Family Makes me want to murder people.
Batman: Are we in Pursuit of Riddler Now?
*Oracle Disconnects*
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