#xpac headcanon
fuckingheartgames · 1 year
Tagging with Kane and Xpac as a Diva (Headcanon)
For these headcanons Xpac never betrayed Kane
• being asked by Xpac, because nearly every Tag-Team has a diva (and because he thinks you're hot)
• accompanying them to the ring and cheering them on
• trying to solve their issues peacefully
• having to earn Kanes trust
• proving Kane that you won't betray him by fending off interruptions during his match even against your friends/former Tag-Team partners
• babysitting Xpac when you go to bars or pubs
• Xpac flirting with you (to tease or because he's crushing)
• sitting with Kane (if he trusts you) when he needs a little company
•  soothing Kane into mild physical contact (no full-on hugs at first but a High-five is just enough)
• if you had troubles with male wrestler, not anymore The Big Red Machine is always close by
• if you're more introverted Xpac will bring you out of your shell a little more
• having Xpac giving everyone that gives you trouble a mouthful
• getting targeted by The Undertaker and his ministry (later on by the Corporate Ministry) because he wants Kane to join him and you're in the way of that
• knowing you can count on your partners
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baalzebufo · 2 years
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Ostro, The Red - Warrior of Light, Hero of the People, Beloved Grandfather. A dear friend.
Well, I'm into the Stormblood endgame... Ostro's been through a LOT this expansion, bless him. It's definitely been the one so far to affect him the most, emotionally- he's gone through what I affectionately refer to as his Depression Arc. But, he's here. He's mostly overcome it, with the help of his friends. And now he's ready to go storm an imperial stronghold.
Through it all, he's settled into Red Mage as his main job- (although, im going to keep playing the others, obviously. I'm not every single healer and magic dps class for nothing, lmao) and I think it suits him.
Go grandpa, go!
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brothersgrim · 1 year
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@lunarruled​ asked:
🍓  :    how is my muse typically seen by others?  does it ring true to who they really are?  does their reputation matter to them?  (for both!) 
People are terrified of them. You do not mess with the Brothers of Destruction. If you do, they will hurt you. They might even try to kill you. That’s just how they are. At the same time, people don’t see them as human. They’re called everything in the book aside from ‘person’, and it shows a lot in the treatment they get. Run the Undertaker over with a car, it’s fine, he’ll just come back. Set Kane on fire, it’s funny, it’s not like he’s a person. There’s multiple instances of people casually discussing how often the Undertaker was sold as a slave to different owners, and when Paul Heyman steals the urn, the conversation isn’t ‘even if that isn’t magic, that’s fucked up, but in context it’s horrifying’, the conversation is ‘wow, if Paul Heyman controls the Undertaker, that makes him the most powerful man in the Federation’. This is just something people talk about there. Or, let’s think about Kane and his journey through therapy. Before he gets therapy, people treat him like a dog. There’s a stretch of time in the late 90s where Kane is forced to work for the McMahons, and they literally whistle to call him over. People talk about him like he’s deaf just because he doesn’t speak. His trauma is treated as a joke, and when he finally snaps and goes on a rampage, reminds them that he has skewed morals, fire powers, and three hundred pounds of muscle, they call him a monster.  So Kane gets therapy, starts trying to be normal, and they insult him for that. They ask him when he got so soft. They ask him where the monster went. And then when he goes back to the Old Ways, he gets yelled at for that, too. 
So the long and short of it is, the brothers can’t win. 
But have they earned their reputations? 
The simple answer is yes, absolutely. People SHOULD be scared of them, the brothers are TERRIFYING. They’re seven feet tall, three hundred pounds of Go To The Morgue, and that’s before you get into their superpowers. Taker is immortal. It doesn’t matter what you do to him, he’ll come back mad about it. They can both teleport. Taker shoots lightning, Kane summons fire, and they can both hold grudges that last for literal decades. The list of wild shit they do goes on, and on, and on, and their morals are very flexible. You never completely know what’s going to set them off or how far they’ll go to get ‘revenge’. But Taker is also regarded as a force of justice within the Federation - people come to him for help, for advice, to help solve problems. He’s damn good at that, too, and the fact that people listen to him (in part because they’re afraid) is something he’s earned. 
What they haven’t earned is the horrible treatment they get at the hands of their coworkers. No, they’re not human. Yes, they’ve been through a whole lot of wild stuff. But they really don’t deserve the constant abuse and dehumanization they’re subjected to - and while, yes, the brothers have been in the wrong before, a lot of what they end up doing is retaliation against horrible and unfair treatment, so can you really blame them? They deserve a little murder now and again. 
And yes, their reputation is important to them. It’s how they market themselves, for one. They get their matches because they’re worth matching. They have the pull they do because people are afraid of them. That being said, Taker prefers being alone (safe for his in crowd), so he likes people respecting him, but not wanting to get close. Kane isn’t quite like that. For Kane, isolation was a threat, a punishment, and he took a long time to unlearn that. He doesn’t like being alone. Even just having his brother helps (he also though having Paul, XPac, Tori, etc, helped, but they absolutely did not), but he wants to be around people. Not a lot of people - that gets overwhelming - but he’s always been the more social and extroverted of the brothers, and the different ways they were abused and conditioned means that’s still the case (usually - he has bad days and needs to be alone sometimes, too). But even he wants people to be afraid of him. It’s a way of keeping himself safe. And yes, they will both punch you a whole lot if they think you aren’t giving them the right respect. 
Wholesome family entertainment.
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endwalker anni thoughts
I had mixed/positive feelings on first playthrough - as is pointed out by many, endwalker has some absolutely bonkers good sections, but some stuff that didn’t quite gel.  Mostly I was relieved they didn’t undermine the good story themes from previous xpacs, a rare feat compared to a few other franchises ending big storylines around this time frame.
Starting about 8 months ago I did a full end-to-end MSQ+8 man raids playthrough on a fresh character and my overall impression of EW was, happily, much improved!  It still has its weak scenes (compared to the rock-solid ShB MSQ) but on end-to-end play, the headcanons of the long post-5.3 break had faded, and the opening ARR themes sang with Endwalker.  Knowing where Zenos was going eventually made me notice different things (esp with @asleepinawell bringing new insights as we were going through together) as well as some relief at knowing which less-good storylines would drop off.  There was a surprising amount of dialogue I’d glossed over the first time, ESPECIALLY in Endwalker, that on second playthrough I noticed more and led to more pieces falling into place. The episodic nature of 6.0 did not stick out when blasting through the whole thing in one go either, it may as well have been a series of patches for all my brain cared.  
Ultimately the feat of having such a vast story told over so many years with so many writers have SO few retcons or thematic changes is remarkable.  It’s a fun experience!  It felt like the way it was made to be played - and for new players, how it will be from now on.
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shxwmaster · 4 years
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@middenwake​ said: Has your character ever been close to death ? When & how ? 👀
[Character Development — A collection of Character Development Questions!]
     Yes. Three times.
First time — He was 17, on a rather perilous mission with Pathonia and a group of Second Finger assassins. They clashed with the Horde, resulting in the death of three rogues and severe injuries to the rest. On top of his own combative injuries, Mathias suffered an awful fall, breaking his right shin. It was a struggle to escape, and they almost couldn’t get him the treatment he needed in time. A wound got infected and he was afflicted with a fever for days. Most of the healers were convinced he wasn’t going to pull through.
But young Mathias was too stubborn and prideful to die bed-ridden like that.
Second time — He was 39, deployed to Northrend during the war against the Lich King. He partook in numerous covert ops with the SI:7, highly classified missions. He and a small task force were deployed to Wintergrasp to defend the Vault of Archavon from the Horde. However, in the chaos of the battle, half of his team were wiped out and he found himself separated after a Horde Demolisher fired at their army. Shaw managed to escape the field long enough to evade being trampled or lost in the slaughter, but had eventually lost too much blood to keep moving, and opted to lay in the snow and accept his death quietly, losing consciousness to the sounds of war cries, siege engines, and the walls of their defenses shattering.
Were it not for gnomish engineers frantically scavenging for parts in the middle of the battle, he would have perished there. They managed to rescue him just in time, but at that point, he wouldn’t wake up until two days later.
Third time — 1-2 years ago. Shaw led the SI:7 on a secret recon of the Broken Shore just before the battle was to take place. However, while awaiting extraction, the group was ambushed by Detheroc and his demons, slaughtering everyone but Shaw and Kearnen with Detheroc taking on Shaw’s guise. The foul magics the demons wielded were turned against Shaw with relentless cruelty alongside their practiced torture. The only reason why he didn’t die numerous times after being both physically and magically beaten by demons while imprisoned was simply because they denied him the ability to, always patching him back just enough to stave death off another day.
Even without the torture, the conditions in his cell in Felsoul Hold left him a husk, half-starved and dirty — whatever food he was given often made him sick. There were many days that came where he’d simply black out altogether, be it from pain or the general conditions he was in. By his rescue, he was fragile, thin and ill, but pure rage and pride drove him to pick his stuff back up and fight until Detheroc was gone. 
It took him weeks to make a full recovery. Most agents report he hasn’t quite been the same since. To this day, Shaw refuses to go back to the Broken Isles for any reason whatsoever and tends to freeze up if he encounters anything demonic or fel in nature, and he’s left with lingering paranoia while on covert missions.
It’s something he never talks about.
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sleepy-achilles · 2 years
Headcanon time
This is based on the idea Shawn was either back when Taker attacked X-pac or was around backstage, coming to talk to Taker.
Shawn can't find his lover anywhere, so he tries the lockeroom him and Kane normally use.
Thats where he finds Kane and X-pac
His heart stops at the amount of blood.
"Kane? What's happened? Who did this?" Shawn asks as he quickly rushes over and kneels.
Kane, who's still hitting his head and rocking just growls.
Shawn remembers seeing taker deal with kane in times like this. So he gently takes the bigger man's wrists and lowers his arms.
"Kane come back to me bub, who did this?"
Shawn will ask in the softest voice as he gently rubs the others arms. Kane calms down and stops rocking as violently and points at the ring around shawns finger. Shawns eyes widen in anger and disgust. He tells kane to take x pac to the medics before storming off.
Takers doing his interview with his new squad when Shawn finds him. Taker smiles and holds his arms out, calling shawns name.
Not caring at the audience, shawn storms up and slaps him, getting gasps. Takers eyes widen and he slowly touches his face.
"How could you do that to your brother?"
Then taker understands. "I warned him"
"I don't care! You disgust me" shawn bites. "Just like Paul." Shawn hisses before storming off to find kane and kid.
Taker doesn't talk or throw his weight the rest of the week. Shawns words echo in his mind like an nightmare. 'you disgust me' and especially 'just like Paul'. Shawn avoids him, staying with Kane. And kane? Kane won't even let taker near him, xpac or Shawn.
Taker never thought Shawn would get angry at him like this. Especially side with his brother.
Taker finally manages to catch shawn. We'll more like Shawn answers the door instead of kane.
"Please talk to me Shawn, please" Taker begs, falling to his knees. Shawn just looks at him before stepping out onto the deck (porch? Idk we don't have them over here) He stands infront of his lover and stares at him as takers big hands grab his waist.
"Explain yourself."
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sullustangin · 4 years
Not a disaster spy.
Note:  I speak in lawful/neutral/chaotic alignments as seen in D&D.  I’m not getting into good, evil, or neutral, nor “Dark Side” or “Light Side” activities. 
There were more than a few reasons why I commissioned a piece of art that depicted some pretty gnarly scars on Theron Shan (and on my smug, Eva, but you don’t care as much about her, let’s be real). It’s part of a story I’m telling.  It’s part of my headcanon.  Also, it’s my own sort of protest against the habit of writing Theron off as a hot but inept spy.  He’s an impulsive fool despite being intelligent, which is why he ends up in bizarre situations. He always gets hurt because of this (but he’s always magically healed up in time for any smut). 
To be clear: Theron totally has issues due to his early life and an inability to play well with others; you can label him with attachment issues, intimacy issues, whatever keeps him a bit of a lonely character (which he admits).  Personal life -- disaster.  That’s canon, explicit and implicit.
What I object to are his skills and abilities being discounted because of that.  His professional life is far from being a disaster.  Director SIS Marcus Trant brands him as one of the best field agents, and long term, he ends up being operations manager for a covert base for an upstart independent government.
In the book Annihilation, Theron runs around in his boots and briefs trying to destroy the Ascendant Spear.   Hot, funny, and strangely effective.
But why?
Because Jace Malcom and Marcus Trant were ok with sacrificing a few planets of people “for the greater good.”  They let Ruan be attacked.  They planned on letting Duro be attacked, because they wanted the Pub fleet to focus on the Ascendant Spear, the Empire superweapon.  They watched a planet get wrecked and planned on doing it again.  It’s war.  It’s a lawful action, for the greater good.  It complies with society’s expectations -- the Republic leadership’s expectations -- in a time of war. Lawful neutral, probably.  Maybe lawful good if you squint and do the math about the Spear’s potential fatality rate, galaxy wide.
But Theron isn’t a lawful character -- he doesn’t just do stuff because society says it’s ok.  That’s why he goes off and does impulsive stuff because sometimes, society is wrong.  Theron is a neutral, leaning chaotic character -- he mostly follows the law, but also relies on his own intuition and gut feeling about what is right. Neutral characters balance what society says is right and what a person internally thinks is right.   Chaotic characters -- like my oc smuggler -- don’t rely on society’s views at all; it’s all about her gut and moral compass.  Theron at least considers lawfulness and order in his response, which is why he is (mostly) not a chaotic character.  He has his moments, though - no character is pure.  In contrast, Lana is a Lawful character in the context of the Sith Empire.  She does things that her society approves of.  She does like to think of herself as ‘her own woman’, but her behavior patterns are heavily informed by the Sith upbringing and training - she is Lawful but leaning Neutral on occasion due to her own sense of pragmatism.  She does not go by her gut alone. 
(Please remember I’m not addressing good/evil, Light/Dark side in this post.)
That’s why Theron ends up dehydrated with cramped leg and half naked.  He didn’t want people to die "for the greater good” when he personally could stop it.  So he and Gnost Dural fool Darth Karrid into participating at Duro, which means the Republic Fleet has to defend the planet, since its target is the Ascendant Spear.  The only way that happens is that Gnost-Dural is tortured, and Theron has to manually slice into the nearly uninhabitable bowels of the ship.  Hence the whole strip tease by the end of the incident.  
In the example above, it’s mostly situational embarrassment for Theron, and the Jedi gets tortured. 
In an earlier part of the book, Theron is beaten up to keep his cover and acquire important information (and loses a few teeth in the process) and leaps off a building and probably fractures a few things -- he dislocated a shoulder too.  Still didn’t blow cover, and he is able get off Ziost with Gnost Dural. 
Every SWTOR player knows about Rishi -- it’s easy to argue that Theron doesn’t give up Lana because that could burn his Republic ally.  But if  you’re playing Imp side, what’s stopping him?  Flirting is nothing to this point.  Why not burn all the Imps down?  He could save his own skin, infiltrate the Revanites that way and save the Republic Fleet -- to hell with Darth Marr.
Because it’s not just “ooo rah Republic” informing his choices -it’s not Republic society saying it’s ok and lawful that makes him sit there.  It’s his own moral compass that says it’s wrong to burn Jakarro and the operative, even if Lana did give him up.  So he holds out under torture, even as Revan tries to make his descendant his ally. 
Theron had been in SIS for about 12-13 years by the time we get to Rishi.  We know he’s fallen from high heights and survived worse falls than leaping between buildings on Nar Shaddaa -- survived, not gotten out unscathed. He was a swoop racer for awhile -- that’s a risky hobby.  As an agent, It’s reasonable to assume he’s been shot at with blasters and possibly slugthrowers (if he came across a Mando), stabbed with traditional blades or vibro-blades, got burned if he was in an industrial area or a hot engine room or a chemical lab -- the list goes on.  After Yavin, we know that the one agent possibly more chaotic than he is, Jonas Balkar, ends up giving him a few broken ribs in the name of busting up an implants ring. 
So Theron does have very real consequences for his decisions, in all likelihood.  That’s what I wanted to reflect in the recent commission; although it happens shortly before the torture session on Rishi, it shows the viewer that this is a path he’s been on before, and not by accident. 
Cutting here because boy, did I have a lot to say about what happens AFTER SoR in terms of alignment/characterization.
The KotFE and Beyond: Consistency Issues
Theron registers his approval and disapproval on certain decisions in later xpacs, and he often takes the more benevolent “light side” end of things -- whether that’s based upon his societal expectations or personal moral compass is not as clear.  But he still does disagree with the Commander (one of the more obvious examples being  storming out of the room if there are too many Pub casualties on Corellia when the player is Imp side).  While it remains a touchy topic, the Traitor Arc does reflect his neutral-chaotic tendencies. He goes with his internal moral compass.
Electrocuting the Commander on Iokath was part of Theron gaining the Order of Zildrog’s trust. Theron’s smart enough and probably familiar enough with the Commander’s bio data to know how to make it happen and look bad enough without serious ill-effects. This is part of what he does as a spy, and there’s likely a guide on double agent sabotage somewhere in SIS -- how to look like you’re doing bad stuff without actually doing as bad stuff as requested.  This is also part of what he personally believes to be a better path -- certainly not by Alliance “what to do when bad things happen” book, which was to tell his Commander.   
Does Theron fail at Nathema?  Yes; there is a major loss of war materiel (the Gravestone and the Eternal Fleet).  But what would he have considered more important?  The loss of the fleet or the loss of the Commander and others if the Fleet was unleashed?  The loss of life or the loss of stuff? That’s where Theron’s neutral-chaotic alignment comes in. 
It also does matter how the player views the entire situation -- Theron’s boss also has a say in ‘success,’ which is why Trant matters in judging Theron’s previous actions. At the end of KotET, some people had been miserable that they HAD to either be a ruler or a peacekeeper instead of just getting on their ship and riding off into the sunset for more class-specific adventures. By the end of Nathema, some people were mad about losing the weapons and the power.  Some people were relieved that they weren’t so OP anymore; the writers had written story/character development into a corner, and ending the whole Throne/Fleet thing had to happen. (It’s still not fully out of a corner, in my personal opinion.)  
Theron doesn’t get out of the Traitor Arc completely clean, no matter how many stans we write about it -- the writing is what it is.  He assuredly gains a new scar.  But it is player choice as to the severity of the failure -- and the consequences: Theron can end up married, still in love with the Commander, dumped by the Commander but in the Alliance, exiled, or dead. Those were the consequences for what he believed was the right thing to do -- this was probably his biggest leap into the chaotic alignment in terms of decision making, and this was the most dramatic spectrum of consequences.
As a side bar, the latter xpacs suffer from writing issues; there’s a lack of nuance compared to the vanilla stories and even Hutts and SOR.  Although the writers did promise that characters would leave if there were enough negative actions, only Koth actually left because of something we did; Lana never leaves, and Theron leaves regardless of prior actions -- because he’s doing the  double agent thing. (I thought the opening speech on Umbara was ill-fit for most classes, frankly -- the writing got better as we got closer to Nathema, but there are plotholes that make me fume.)  Lana and Theron never leave because the player makes too many LS or DS decisions. I honestly wish that was a consequence, because not having a consequence for decisions hallows out both characters and makes them lackeys rather than the stronger, distinct characters they were prior to Popsicle Time. Lana never leaves no matter what. Theron ultimately remains gone by player decision, not by his own.  Koth was at least granted that autonomy, for which I respect the writing for Koth. 
Theron Shan is a good spy that accepts consequences.
Theron is good at his job -- the best at his job, around the time of SoR. Because of how Theron approaches the world, he takes risks so others don’t -- so others don’t get tortured, so other planets don’t get blown up.  It doesn’t mean that he’s some inept idiot that fumbles his way toward mission success. He  knowingly suffers for his choices that are a combination of by-the-book training and his instincts. He doesn’t complain about it, even when the player points it out on Rishi.  It is the job.  Spies do really, really strange stuff to keep their covers. He also doesn’t complain as he’s limping around after Nathema, nor does he object if he’s exiled or dumped.  He knows what he did.  He can live with it (if the player lets him). 
Spies that remain alive and get back to their home nations without giving anything important up to the enemy are successful spies.  We see this in pre-SWTOR media.  Rishi is a success for Theron -- although he is exposed, he remains alive and uncooperative.  The temporary Alliance between Marr and Satele gain massive amounts of intel, including Revan’s base on Yavin.  Later, Theron is able to keep the Odessen base functional and secret.  We even get to do some infiltration work on Zakuul -- the Alliance’s spies don’t give anything up while surviving and making it home with gains.  He succeeds overall at Odessen.  He fails at Nathema, though that failure is mostly interpreted by the player in terms of severity. 
Few spies are perfect and survive to become old men.  Even if Theron is killed at the end of Nathema, he did make it further than many; if we consider that Theron was about 37 or 38 at Nathema and he started SIS at 16, that’s upwards of 20 years in the field.  That’s a long lifespan for an active field agent, even in real world estimates. 
For those of us who let Theron live, then he still has potential for more spy escapades, though probably with some serious oversight.  We can leave that to headcanons, since Lana and Theron have taken a step back in prominence since Onslaught.  Theron will never be orderly like Lana; if you favor lawful characters, you will rarely see eye to eye with Theron.  He is not a by the book spy, and even Trant complains about that.  At the same time, the instinct, the skills, and personal conscience is there, which is why Theron is successful all the way up to Nathema -- and depending on the player, arguably still is. 
Personal life -- sure, a disaster. No doubt. But as a spy?  I don’t think disaster is an accurate assessment.
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archmage--khadgar · 4 years
🔥 -scorch ‘em, dadgar
- Hottest take on your fandom. *DEEP INHALE* If you genuinely don’t enjoy the game, characters, or storyline, etc, it doesn’t automatically mean that it’s bad.  If a character starts getting used more, and develops differently than what you had headcanoned or if you rp them and they developed in a certain way because of rp, that doesn’t make the canon bad, or wrong.  Especially a scene is tied to something that happened earlier in the story that you haven’t experienced or had forgotten about. (There’s like. 25+ years of material to work with. It’s a lot to remember.) Khadgar isn’t MY, character. He just happens to fit a particular muse that I enjoy writing and is a character I vibe with. I’ve written plenty of drabbles with the muse and none of them are canon. If Blizz does something similar  SWEET, we had similar writing idea vibes, and if not? That’s cool too. (There’s also the issue of if they somehow came across something I wrote, even if they planned to do something similar they then might not be able to because that becomes an awkward legal thing, which is why, barring rare exceptions, you shouldn’t spam game devs with your fanfics and such because then either they can’t do something or they’ll have people grabbing pitchforks for being ‘theives’.) Thaaaaaat was a tanget, brain please. I DIGRESS. Your “jokes” that take a massive dump on the devs aren’t funny. Never have, and never will be. Period. PERIOD.  You’re not going to like every character, you’re not going to have happy feels at the end of every quest, every plot. You’re not going to always pick up on the foreshadowing leading up to an plot twist, and you’re not always going to be surprised by certain twists.  None of these things makes the writing bad.  And I’m going to say it again. Just because you don’t like something, or don’t understand why something is happening because it’s related to lore that you’re unfamiliar with, doesn’t mean it’s bad, and it certainly doesn’t give you a pass to be an asshole to the people who created the thing, or people who genuinely enjoy the thing. And don’t you dare sit there and think any sort of flavor of “I’m not like this!” Because a lot of you are, a lot of the bigger names in the community are.  Even though I’m a nobody in the community, or I may not seem like I’m around much, I’ve been around for a long time, and I’m more than aware of what people have been posting, what they say in the tags.  I’ve watched people, people who are/were popular, spend ALL their time being toxic because Blizzard didn’t follow their headcanon or whatever.  They would ignore parts of that character's story or personality because THEY wanted Blizz’s character to fulfill a specific role for them. Their contribution to the fandom is mostly toxicity and they will passive-aggressively make you feel guilty for liking ANYTHING. And then people parrot that negativity because they don’t want to be ostracized from the popular person.  If you go into a well-liked tea shop and discover you don’t like anything on the menu, do you pitch a fit and start insulting the employees and customers? Or do you go, “eh, this isn’t for me” and go elsewhere? It’s fine to suggest flavors they don’t have, it’s fine to ask for extra cream or sugar. It’s fine to go....”Ah! I think this cup was brewed too strong for me, can I get a different cup?”  Also blaming currently employees for a cup of tea that was made before they worked there (or worked for that particular team) is also...???????? ....?????????? If you genuinely find yourself disliking everything about WoW,  (baring depression monster being a butt and making you loose interest in everything you normally enjoy) then instead of staying with the game and being miserable and yanking everyone down with you.  Stop playing the game. Come back when the story, theme, xpac or whatever is something you like! But for the LOVE OF GOD. Stop saying something is bad just because you don’t like it, and take a moment to reflect if the anti-dev thesis you’re about to write is actual, constructive criticism because you see the potential in something that juuuust needed an extra day or two of dev work. Or if you’re just upset that something didn’t go the way you thought it would, or wanted to, and you’re lashing out because being wrong about a character’s development or story progression, especially with a character or aspect of the story you have a deep attachment to, makes you feel invalid or like a mistake, or like you misunderstood everything, or you’re inferior somehow because you saw a different path things could go and ended up becoming emotionally invested in it, and lashing out is an attempt to feel validated that you’re not awful at writing, character dev, etc.  Don’t forget, they’ve got to plans things months, (sometimes even years for some major things) in advance and we’re not privy to their dev process or what’s to come. We get a new x-pac every two years, and a year after a new release is when we roughly get an announcement for the next one. You know that feeling when someone crabs about your OC? Or the RP they’re involved it? If you don’t like toxic jerks telling you that you’re playing your own OC’s wrong, and that if you don’t play your own character a certain way then you’re a bad writer, etc, and you tell them to just unfollow if they don’t like your content THAT much? Seriously fam, if you feel like fandoms are toxic waste dumps these days, take a moment to look at what you’re contributing to the fandom. If it’s mostly negativity and toxicity directed at the canon content and the creators, or supporting people who thrive on doing just that?  Then you’re part of the problem. Be instead, part of the solution, and step back and take a moment to reflect on what’s the best and healthiest way for you to do that.  *Drags hands down face* Because I don’t think some of you realize who you’re hurting, or how deeply you’ve hurt some people. Because imagine telling someone that they should write for Blizzard, and then turning around to make “Blizzard can’t write” jokes. 
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gothwarlocks · 3 years
tw for brief drug mention (but nothing negative/upsetting, just rambling and a little Gender Feelings stuff related to an oc 🤷🏻‍♂️)
grrrrr ok so I was super stoned again and kind of in some feelings last night. I fully came out to my mom around midnight last new years eve, so it’s been a full year. gender shit is on my mind right now, that’s all you really gotta know lol.
I think I’m just going to have to create a clone of my sorcerer just to rerun everything with a masculine body lol. In the last 2 years, I’ve been doing this thing in other games like WoW where if it’s a game where you can create alts and etc I would recreate or change the gender of my mains (usually female characters the further back I created them) to identify more closely with them. It felt really cool and oddly super emotional to do with my WoW main Etherion!
Andras/Darth Atrox has been cloned and remade literally so many times since I got my hands on swtor in its launch year. I’ve run this character (always as f!inquisitor) through the inq story maybe 6+ times, plus some expansions a few times lol. Back before the servers merged idk I just kept remaking them on new servers for no reason, just wanted to waste time I guess!
Anyway I almost feel too tired to run the inquisitor story Again and all the xpacs Again lol. Like I JUST got to Ilum with Lorn I do not really want to do it again on a sorc haha. I used to love sorc gameplay too but wow. so squishy....
I might share a few screenshots here and there in the next few days if I go through with it, which I probably will because I love this character haha,,
EDIT: alright well!!!!! since I queued this, I did make the clone and idk y’all I don’t think I can go back. think I just gotta bite the bullet and rerun everything on them, then delete the original lol.
I’m still looking for a few pieces of gear, buuuut
loooooook at themmmmmmmmmmmm 🥵🥵🥵
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(The way I picture Andras is that in addition to those eyebrow stalks, they would have the spiny ridges jutting from their jawline that the female pureblood models can use. This is something I should make a little reference sheet for lol. And I have no idea what to do with their hair given I headcanon it as like a grown out deathhawk--this’ll have to do lol I’m done worrying)
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enigmatic-elegance · 4 years
30, 23, 19. Also answer my old ask you tit.
Mun’s Asks: RP Edition
[ @quai-mason I WILL I PROMISE ]
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Give us a headcanon about your muse that you never shared to anyone else or wanting to explore deeper.
So there are obviously a ton of small headcanons about all my characters that might never come to light because they just never do. They are not particularly interesting, like favorite foods, seasons, attractive features in others, etc. All my chars have these little small details.
As far as something more interesting?
With Mas, a few of her more guarded character points has a lot to do with her most fundamental aspects! Most people know how she behaves, her mannerisms, and even her goals to an extent. What is lesser known is the before.
What made Mas into what she is today? Is she 100% Draenei or is there a blend? Is she in her own mind or being controlled to some extent? What’s her past? What -is- she?
So much of the origins of Mas I keep secret for a few reasons, beyond the fact that mystery is just cool. I also don’t want them to be a widely known fact, or in some cases known at all. The point of Masnira in many respects isn’t to be just a character but a representation of an idea made manifest. She is a symbol as much as she is a woman and keeping her past in ambiguity helps to ICly and OOCly maintain that blurred line between what is self and what is universal.
But I know all the answers behind the scenes. I know exactly what she is, why she is, and what she is hoping to accomplish. It’s all there. Just likely never to be told.
What’s the one thing you dislike about the roleplaying community on Tumblr?
I have to pick only one?
In truth, I like the Tumblr community. More than the Twitter community of which I am very happy to -not- be a part of (no offense to my Twitter folks but if you are there then you likely know exactly what I mean).
One thing I don’t like is that so, so many of the people here don’t RP in game. Or rarely do. I see a lot of blogs that have interesting characters and good story and I don’t follow because they say sometimes explicitly that they only RP on tumblr. There is nothing wrong with it at a core level but it does detract from the life of the game.
Even back a year or two ago people still had Tumblr but they also got in game and RPed. Walk ups were done in game sure, but also other things too. Romance, friendships, rivalries, these are all now done over Discord and Tumblr/Twitter and the in game rarely happens.
I get that it’s a pre-xpac lull. But I wish all these Tumblr RPers actually got in game and RPed instead of just writing on Tumblr. It would help the community with their presence, and help them too to meet more writers and characters to add to their stories.
Other than roleplaying, what’s your favorite hobby?
I love to write casually. Poetry is my jam, and my poems on @riven-butterfly‘s page are all my original works with many of them crossing that 4th wall barrier to my own life and views. I also love video games, my current favorites being Project Zomboid and League of Legends as well as of course WoW. Those two things constitute much of my free time when I’m not RPing.
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fuckingheartgames · 1 year
"Trust issues" Tagging with Kane and Xpac pt.2
After the fight with your tag team partners Kane and Xpac, your best friend Edge comes up with a plan to prove to them that you're loyal while still getting revenge.
Warning; Angst with happy ending, slight injuries and swear words
"Are you sure this is the right thing to do?" It was Christian who voiced his concerns and the same thing you thought about. But you just nodded.
"It might not be morally okay but it feels right for the moment. They've hurt me and I want to prove myself." You said seemingly confident. Edge stood beside you, functioning as your emotional support.
Grangel was the next to speak up.
"I see your point and we will help you but with a little twist, you up for that?" His smile creeped you, Gangrel always did.
"Alright, I'm up. So let's get moving." You smiled at them linking your arm with Edges. And so the four of you made your way to gorilla. Waiting for the entrance music to start and the right moment to hit, you thought about how much luck you had that your tag team partners already had their entrance sequence and were already waiting in the ring.
The theme song of The Brood started to play and Christian and Gangrel went out first, doing their usual entrance antics.
The crowed cheered but chanted Edges name as he was still in the gorilla with you. Smiling at each other you made your way onto the ramp, the cheer getting louder at your entrance but you could also make out some booing as the crowd saw you with The Brood.
You felt uneasy but played it cool making your way to the ring at the side of your best friend. But the closer you came the more you felt the hateful and burning looks of your tag team partners. There was no turning back now, the plan was already set in motion so you played along, giving them a predatory smile you let Edge help you up onto the apron. You did your usual ring antics before hopping down and joining Gangrel on the ground again.
The match soon started with Kane and Edge as the first opponents. It was a long back and forth between them each getting a good hit at the other but things changed quickly when Edges spear missed and Kane got the upper hand. Luckily Edge was able to make a hot tag. Christian soon had Kane in his corner, where Xpac tagged himself in. Both Christian and Xpac gave their all, in favour of your plan both teams were distracted so that you were able to sneak a steel chair.
Christian soon had Xpac on the mat and the ref started counting and just as he was about to hit three you jumped up and hit Christian in the back with the chair, interrupting the pin.
You had no time to see the reaction of either Kane nor Xpac as Edge and Gangrel jumped into the ring. Saving yourself you left the ring, jumping the fence, and running through the crowd, The Brood members always close. You ran backstage hoping to outrun them but you had no luck Edge caught you and a brawl broke out. So that's what Gangrel meant you thought to yourself as you lost consciousness after being thrown into a wall.
In the meantime, the match went on, this time in favor of your team. Xpac had tagged in Kane who was now pinning a hurt Christian the ref started counting and this time there was no interruption. Kane and Xpac were just declared the winners when Edge and Gangrel came back. And the first thing everyone noticed was how Edge had your unconscious figure thrown over his shoulder. They made their way towards the ring, climbed onto the apron, and carelessly dropped you at the feet of Kane and Xpac. The crowd booed as Gangrel raised the microphone.
"Have your little cheerleader back, we have no use for a traitor!" Gangrel said with a venom-laced tongue. Helping Christian to his feet, the brood left the ring, without any of them looking back even once.
It was eerily silent, and not a single sound could be heard until Kane dragged you to the ring ropes. The audience started to applaud as Kane threw you over his shoulder and Xpac climbed out of the ring as well. But this time was different. The smaller man wasn't as hyped as he usually would be and even Kane seemed to be more silent than he normally is. Making their way to the locker room with you in tow both were stuck in their thoughts. Neither understood why you did what you did. And while Xpac felt guilty for causing you the pain you probably went through, Kane was angry at The Brood for hurting you, at you for playing this stupid game and surprisingly at himself for his distrust and the way he and Xpac had acted.
In the locker room, he put you down on the sofa so you would be comfortable.
"Maybe we should bring them to the medics, we don't know what Edge and that other dude did." Xpac was worried, very much at that but Kane just shook his head. He wanted to tell him how strong you were and that you would probably be awake sooner than later.
"Kane, what if it's a really bad injury, we don't know why they're unconscious!" Xpac paced through the room, glancing at you every now and then.
Kane just shook his head again and just as Xpac wanted to just take you to the medics himself you woke up, whining as you held your head.
You didn't know in which locker room you were but you appreciated the sofa you were on. Blinking a few times you looked up, right into the masked face of Kane. You flinched, badly, oh shit this will end disastrously wouldn't it?
You didn't dare say a word. So the smaller of the two men did.
"How are you? What did those suckers do?" Was he really worried or was he just luring you into false security to lash out again? You didn't know, you didn't care.
"I'm okay I guess... I think I should leave though I don't want to bother you any further." Your mumbled as you tried to get up. But a big hand on your shoulder stopped you.
Kane again shook his head and Xpac started questioning his sanity but he was glad for the silent giant as well.
"Listen, we're sorry. And you know us, we hate apologising but come on that Rated R dude is your best friend... and well maybe we're a little to um insecure." He felt weird saying it out loud but that was what he thought. He felt like you deserved more. You've always been kind, you always supported them, you've been there for them no matter what, that's nothing neither Kane or he himself had experience with.
You looked at him confused. "Insecure about what? Pac...you both make me feel comfortable like we're on the same level. You don't treat me like I'm just your eye candy, your little cheerleader. There's nothing to be insecure about."
Kane let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and Xpac also relaxed a bit. So you didn't plan on leaving them.
"So you're not leaving, even though we behaved like the biggest pricks to ever exist?" The young man looked everywhere but not you until he heard you laugh. Why are you laughing?
Simple, you thought it was hilarious how such a confident man and strong silent brute were afraid you were leaving them. "Of course not, except you pull something like that again." You meant it. You wouldn't leave these lovable idiots for anything in the universe.
"Puh, so there would be nothing against going somewhere to celebrate right?" There he was, the bubbly and mischievous Xpac you knew.
"Nothing except my slight headache but yeah if Kane is comfortable with it we can go out." You smiled. And Kane who sat down beside you just a few moments ago hummed while nodding his head yes.
And thus the three of you became the unstoppable force you were before. Causing trouble and winning whenever you could.
~The End~
So that was that, it might not be perfect but I love it anyways. If you're interested in it I can post the alternate sad ending as well.
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lady-proudmoore · 4 years
I’ve seen a lot of people headcanon that Jaina is now infertile after the mana bomb, what are your thoughts on this? (I LOVE your headcanons they’re always great!)
That’s super nice to say - ty! We’re all so opinionated about lore sometimes and our favorite characters especially. I hope my headcanons never come across as pushy or like I’m putting whatever headcanons you may have down, even if I disagree with them bc it’s all just just my personal perceptions and a character can be pulled apart and analyzed to a point by many people and you may get many different interpretations and they for the most part, can all be valid and “correct.” Personally I think the arcane has the potential to be far more helpful than harmful to the beings living on Azeroth but I recognize that it’s also very dangerous. I believe that the fear of the arcane that some races have is often due to their lack of understanding of it. Arcane is ‘order’ to fel’s ‘chaos’ but imo neither is ‘good’ nor ‘bad’ - they are tools and it’s how those who wield them choose to use them that decides if it’s typically more helpful or harmful.
Getting a massive dose of arcane the way Jaina did wasn’t great and I think had all of that energy stayed inside her body it would definitely have caused more biological harm the longer it stayed. While we know it did at least partially, if not mostly dissipate, her hair remains white which means that new hair growth is still white. It’s fair to assume that she remains affected in at least some way/s at a physical level. I addressed my headcanons on that for her in another post, but your very specific question on her fertility has taken me some time think through and I appreciate the interesting question <3
Honestly I think headcanons on this could go either way and it would be valid and a great discussion/debate to get into imo, but for me - I don’t think that whatever mana bomb arcane energy may remain in her body has affected her reproductive system making her infertile or causing difficulty in becoming pregnant. It’s my opinion based on how I personally view the arcane, and how I personally feel Jaina’s body could tolerate it. The latter is based on canon that I’ve read of Jaina since the bomb and how I’ve perceived her doing physically/mentally/spiritually ect since that time. I’m totally open to getting canon lore next xpac or whenever, where in some way it’s brought up that yeah, she can’t have kids anymore due to some damage from the bomb. I would cry a lot accept that bc I think it’s a fair possibility even though I don’t personally take that view of it at this time. To give you some insight in why I think this way though - arcane is the energy of order. It’s been described as like the life blood of azeroth and even runs through leylines which are similar to blood vessels. It can be used to manipulate energy in the air creating food and drink from ‘nothing.’ All of this to me says “life” more than “death.” So, while I do recognize that too much of anything (even water) can harm or kill, I just don’t get the sense that whatever arcane sustained from the blast or what energy remains in Jaina’s body is causing/ has caused infertility. Her body was already "attuned/accustomed/adapted” to the flow of arcane to a point, just from being a mage and an extremely powerful one. I think if Jaina had been a different person and had taken that same blast of arcane that she did, then that person may not have physically survived it as “well” as Jaina did/has.
I do headcanon that the blast affected her mind some and that she’s more susceptible to going mad but I don't mean to contradict this fertility headcanon and that other major organs were not affected that much to render them non-functioning or partially functioning. Because so much of that “brain” headcanon for me with her state of mind also includes what damage was done to her both emotionally and spiritually at the fictional soul level. All of that is connected imo, and affects her mind and how she thinks.
Ty very much for this question. I had a lot of fun thinking about it, and poor @ceruleanelf gets a shout out for being a good sport and debating/discussing it with me and generally listening to me analyze it out loud for far too long xD   <3
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brothersgrim · 1 year
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@asteraex​ asked:
🍑- kane
🍑  :    how meticulously does my muse look after their physical appearance?  do they spend a lot of time on their hair,  makeup,  grooming,  and clothing?  is there a particular reason why they do or don’t?  
Well, it depends. We know Kane can dress well. Corporate Kane was rocking the suits and ties with the best of ‘em. Even early on, he had a matching tracksuit, which is adorable to me. And Glenn himself said Kane was good at cutting hair - I think he learned how by trial and error on himself. We all know Paul didn’t give a shit about how he looked, beyond ‘big and scary’. Again, he wanted a weapon, a guard dog, not a son. The nice hair broke the image. But Kane, even as broken as he was, never wanted to be just an object. And sometimes if his hair got too long or too matted, it was a bad sensory input. It’s also worth noting that Kane’s hair is curly. Like, VERY curly. That means it takes more to look after it than his brother's hair. At the same time, Paul and the hospitals don’t give him a lot. Sometimes, if Kane was in a good enough headspace to comb his hair, he just used his fingers, since it was all he had. And then when he gets to be with his brother in their house, he actually gets the tools he needs to take care of himself. 
It’s weird for him, for the longest time. Yes, he never wanted to be an object, yes, he hated feeling dirty and matted, but still. He was a prisoner for most of his life, and doesn’t remember the better parts. The good news is, he’s a fast learner, and his brother has a near-endless capacity for patience with him specifically. He can get there eventually. 
Even then, though, some parts of his grooming can be difficult for him. This is especially true when it comes to things concerning his face - shaving, hashing his face, and so on and so forth. Kane is incredibly headshy. He doesn’t like things touching his face, with his mask being the exception. He spent a long time having actual burns on his face that weren’t properly cared for, so he also dislikes having chemicals on his face, too. He almost has a sort of psychosomatic sensitivity on his face. At the same time, he doesn’t want a beard under the mask. That feels terrible, not to mention it gets caught in the straps. It hurts. 
The other big hurdle is, Kane isn’t always the best with mirrors. He doesn’t like seeing his own face on bad days. He's put his fist through more than one mirror in his time. He’ll probably do it again. Most of the mirrors in the home have some kind of built-in cover, just in case. There are good days when he doesn’t mind, neutral days when he can handle his reflection for certain periods of time, but on bad days, he doesn’t want to see himself. 
It also depends on what ‘era’ he’s in, as Kane’s view of himself and mental health has fluctuated wildly over the years. Obviously, his capacity for taking care of himself is lowest when he's with Paul (with XPac is a close second). Neither of them care about him whatsoever. Inversely, I would say Corporate Kane is when he takes the most care in his appearance. This is pretty obvious when you look at him - no mask, he wears a suit and tie, wears his hair nicely. (Also, as an aside, Glenn said he'd originally wanted to grow his hair out for corporate Kane, but had to shave it back down for a movie role. So in my perfect world, Corporate Kane has long hair. He usually wears it pulled back.) Of course, that’s also not necessarily a sign of ‘good’ mental health, because Kane feels like he has to be something he’s not in order to get approval (especially since Paul conditioned him to believe that approval equated to survival). 
Other than that, it’s a middle ground for him. It comes and goes.
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zephiraz · 4 years
Recently had a dream that Aethas made a showing as a prominent figure in a Brand New WoW xpac (not Shadowlands, but beyond that). Except, they used yet another different voice actor, just adding more on-click lines to the existing ones, so you keep clicking this man and hear at least three different people speak. In this xpac he’s a major storyline figure and a follower again, but his writing was utterly butchered. It was so bad that I just adopted him, took him straight out of the xpac, like he was patched out completely.
And then I woke up!
And someone reblogged some old Aethas headcanon ask reply of mine recently. Mysterious.
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ahlis-xiv · 5 years
Frozen for the Disney meme, but found family/surrogate siblings? If any?
Frozen - What is your muse’s relationship with their siblings like?
Ahlis has no blood-related siblings, true, but boy did Square Enix hit it home with Shadowbringers and bringing then fam back together, stronger than ever. I have a hard time even finding a reason for Ahlis to not consider the Scions as part of her life and her family now...it almost feels dumb to not have done so earlier on because look! At how epic our Scion fam has become?! 
I didn’t want to play the ‘Ahlis has friends and companions and support but really she still feels alone boohoo’ shtick forever, and this latest xpac really helped make the idea of a found family a reality. She crossed worlds to find them, fought for the First with them, and they never doubted her for a second. I just...hnnnghgh *clutches chest*. 
Ahlis cares for all of them, honest to god genuinely feels for them and wants to bring them home. It’s good shit, man!
(Disney Movie Headcanon Prompts)
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larksinging · 7 years
some headcanons (if you can even call it that, with how fast and loose everyone plays with wow lore for characters bc blizz is so inconsistent anyways) for my main girl skalla to unwind a bit before bed
had a natural talent for druidism even at a pretty young age. basically a nerd even among the trainees 
since blizz is always kind of vague about how these things work and they gave us a new wild god for the hidden artifact, fuck it i can make up my own druid order! while she trained as a druid of the claw primarily, her specialty is druid of the feather - an extremely small and slightly secretive order. really less of an order and more ela’lothen picking druids and personally training them. owlcat form, etc. due to it not being exactly Malfurion Approved™, she’s a bit wary around other druids 
during her long self-exile and subsequent training under ela’lothen she mostly stayed in the wilds. she appeared rarely enough around various settlements to earn the nickname “grim” (primarily from alliance troops who were kind of baffled by this strange cat thing?) 
she doesn’t consider herself a savagekin, but she spends enough time in animal form and in the wilds that some others might consider her that. it’s kind of a line she straddles carefully (that’s kind of part of the whole druid of the feather order?) 
in legion she spends most of her time in azsuna or highmountain, usually helping out with more basic or routine demon fighting stuff. she’s a good fighter, but not much of a leader. she also does some nightmare fighting in parts of val’sharah, but still isn’t super fond of hanging with the other druids 
herbalist! even though it’s not in-game, she probably also has some first-aide abilities (in addition to druid healing....). 
has used daggers ever since her self-exile. i know it’s a feral druid thing now but it makes sense, okay. shes all Edgy and Wild 
her best forms outside of her moonspirit/owlcat is her cat form (obviously, she trained as a druid of the claw) and her bird form. hers is an owl
she finds humans (esp human men......) a little exhausting, but she likes worgen. if she’d spent her exile in EK instead of kalimdor, she probably would have trained some pre-worgen druids and helped out the worgen 
her family situation is Complicated. she was separated from her birth mother at a very young age, her adoptive mother essentially disappeared (to go fight old gods with skalla’s weird dragon aunt), her adoptive cousin lowkey hates her and ran off with skalla’s ex to become a demon hunter. also her mentor and basically parental figure is a wild god, so, you know. 
shes very Weary of the alliance vs horde stuff. she likes hanging out with tauren in particular 
she’s probably found a little nook somewhere in the corner of dreamgrove for herself. she lowkey hopes to find another druid of the feather, since they were always scattered and never really interacted before 
no fucking way is she going to argus 
people tend to underestimate her because she’s very awkward and shy in social situations, but she can snap into being super fierce and pragmatic at a moment’s notice. lots of emphasis on stealth and the pragmaticism of the circle of life stuff, etc. she likes straightfoward situations to deal with
she absolutely had a “simba running back to the pridelands” moment at the start of legion when she left her self-exile to join the fight 
at some point i talked with friends about giving her an arc where either she goes to find ela’lothen again to figure out all her shit and maybe come back and take up a teaching role/head of the feather order but i might wait and see where the next xpac is gonna go 
she’s a pretty good fighter, but most of her force is frontloaded into a stealth attack strategy. get her in a long brawl and her skills and power drops dramatically. she’s a big fucking cat but she can’t duel toe to toe with most heroes without getting the drop on someone
okay i think thats enough
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