#just a reflection
ambermotta · 4 months
Finding "Your Path" — Not as Straightforward as it Seems
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In the pagan and witchcraft community, you will often see or even be asked about "your path", and may eventually wonder which one you are on.
Today's post is about reflecting on this subject, rather than providing information.
As such, please keep in mind I only speak for myself.
What is a "Path"?
The definition of path may change from person to person. It can be what type of magic you do, the deities you worship, the many branches within your religion or even the esoteric orders you have joined.
Are you a green witch? Sea witch? Norse pagan? Crystal witch? Rosacrucian? Tarot reader?
A lot of beginners will get caught up on these terms and find themselves in a bit of an identity crisis. "What the heck am I?" is something I'm sure many people can resonate with.
I would like to invite you to look at things from a different perspective regarding what "the path" is all about. Of course, you are welcome to disagree and have different interpretations.
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Your path ≠ Your labels
We have hundreds and hundreds of labels we use for every sort of thing in our lives. You can be a father, co-worker, genderqueer, bisexual, animal lover, sculptor, gym rat... all at the same time, though not necessarily in the same contexts. Yet none of these could fully describe who you are. In paganism and witchcraft, the same applies.
We might be called to (or pressured into) choose one or a few labels to describe who we are and what we do, then find ourselves seeing a lot of labels fit but not fully or not on their own. This might make us feel lost and unsure of what "our path" is.
This is just how things are. Labels can't possibly be all-encompassing. And one label can hardly describe the path you are walking. No two persons calling themselves a grey witch or a hellenic pagan have walked the same path. Even their current personal practices are probably different.
The label might be the same, but the whole living experience behind them is not. They may share similarities, but they are still singular.
What is "My Path" then?
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We tend to see paths as traditions, ethics, codes and practices we follow, but I will ask you to put that aside for now. I want to share something I've experienced with you a few years ago.
I once told a wise spirit "I don't know what my path is, I'm afraid I'm walking down the wrong one".
At the time, I thought of my path as a road I walked to achieve a certain goal, and as my religion, my practices. I often found myself feeling drawn to many things at once and somehow failing at following any of them through. I thought my path was a mess, and that I was lost.
The spirit answered, in sum: "your path is the path you are treading right now. It is what you make of it".
Sidenote: for those wondering, the spirit was talking through a trusted medium in serious and proper ritualistic setting.
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What he said was simple, right? But what does it actually mean?
I am constantly walking down my own path. No matter if it can be categorized as "right" or "wrong", it is my path, my journey, my own growth... With all of its twists and turns. My path can't be wrong because there is no right path either.
It is not a set, definite thing, and instead a continuum of experiences. It was, it is, and it will be.
We tend to see "our path" as a means to an end, a road meant to take us to a destination. We think that if we are not doing something we think we are meant to do, that we are in the wrong path.
I believe this is because we mistake our path with our purpose. We can have a life purpose, or even a fate, but these are not inherently our path.
Try to look at your path as a continuum of your own experience, instead of a means of achieving something. It's not immutable, or a predestination, or even what you are.
Think of it as the ground you walk on... no matter where you go, you'll always be standing on it. It may change its appearance or its characteristics, but it's still ground.
The ground you have walked, the ground you currently stand on, and the ground you'll walk upon is unique to you. No one could follow your exact footsteps or walk the same way as you did. And it exists as long as you continue experiencing things.
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So what does it all mean?
It is what you make of it. If you are like I was, maybe this reflection will resonate with you, and maybe one day it will bring you some peace of mind (at least as far as this matter is concerned).
Colloquially, people will still ask about your path reffering to your practice, religion, etc. But I hope that internally, you feel less bound by the constraints that labelling yourself can put upon you.
Remember Your Path is unique to you, with all its twists, turns and your perceptions of them.
Don't feel pressured into "choosing a path" or "finding your path". Enjoy the beautiful singularity that it already is.
If you feel like you need to find your path, try to take a look at it as a whole. Reflect upon where you are, where you have been, and where your heart tells you you are heading to.
And if you feel you don't like your path right now, well, that's a sign maybe it's time to stir it in a different direction. One that you can feel proud of, someday.
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Thank you for reading!
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themasc · 8 months
One thing I'm getting kind of tired of seeing in Fandom discourses is the "Just talk it out guys!" Yes, the Miscommunication trope is fucking annoying, but there is a point, where it's not a trope. There are points, where it's actually incredebly realistic.
People do have miscommunications in real life.
People don't constantly explain thouroughly every single word they're saying and what they mean. People don't know that the reciever of their words misunderstands their meaning. Often people themselves don't even know why they're reacting the way they are.
So when you have a character like Crowley from Good Omens, who misunderstands the "Nothing lasts forever" from Aziraphale or Edward from Our Flag Means Death, who keeps messing up in his love life, they CAN'T just "talk it out" - because they don't know what to say. Ed doesn't know himself properly enough, to be able to articulate his emotions. Crowley THINKS he knows what Aziraphale was trying to say, but he actually misunderstands it.
They can't just solve it by talking. Because they don't know what words they should say.
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charliebugz · 8 months
When Izzy first walked out I was worried that he would be made into a joke that the crew would laugh at
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but then he started singing and the dancing began and I realized that he wasn’t meant to be a joke at all. This is the most open and happy we’ve ever seen Izzy and the show treated it that way. Not mocking him but instead celebrating this moment.
When we talk about queer representation it’s usually just focused on queer relationships, but what I love about this episode is it shows other sides of being queer. That moment where Izzy saw Wee John doing his makeup and had a realization that he wanted that too? That is what being queer means to me. The crew singing along and cheering for him? That is what being apart of the queer community means to me.
What i love about this show is that it shows queer joy, not in a sanitized way, but in away that is messy, beautiful, and without any mockery or shame.
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pokimoko · 11 months
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I can't keep being fundamentally changed as a person by animated movies, it's just not sustainable.
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astearisms · 9 months
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fionna and cake drawings before and after watching the episodes so far. it’s nostalgic and somehow cathartic and poignant and relatable and—it just started
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mellific · 9 months
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FASCINATE, a new minicomic that i will have at SF ZINE FEST this sunday (9/3)! come to table 38 and pick it up along with uhh slkfjsd books that will hopefully have arrived at my house before friday! i guess!!
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carnybytes · 4 months
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its a big one
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days-may · 23 days
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betaphannie · 1 month
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writeitinsharpie · 5 months
i have a thought about pjo that i can't quite articulate but it goes along the lines of:
athena gave annabeth as a gift to frederick because she liked his search for knowledge. in athena's eyes, any action of annabeth's reflects herself, which is why annabeth 'embarrassing' her had such strong consequences
poseidon fell in love with impertinent, stubborn sally jackson. percy wasn't a gift to her - he is a cumulation of all of her stubborn, steadfast love.
why wouldn't poseidon still love and aid percy when all of percy's insolence is why he loved sally in the first place?
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yeehawetc · 1 year
I could probably deal mySelf like 1002000 psychic damage by listening to 1 Loreena mckennit track
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mobius-m-mobius · 1 month
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#there are two types of actors 😂💖
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theambitiouswoman · 7 months
Why You Struggle With ✨Discipline✨
Discipline can be hard for many people because they often lack a strong reason or motivation to stick to their goals. It's like wanting something really badly but not having the determination to work for it. How bad do you actually want it? Sometimes, people choose fun things over the things that are good for them in the long run. Others have trouble managing their time and making smart choices, and they give in to distractions or bad habits easily. Fear of both success and failure can also make it tough to stay disciplined. If there's no one to remind them or support them, they might give up too quickly. This is your life and no one is coming to save you. No one can want it for you more than you. Things like phones and social media can also make it hard to focus, but they don't disconnect. Feeling stressed or overwhelmed can mess with discipline too. Having clear goals and a plan can help a lot. Remember, being disciplined is like a skill that you can get better at with practice and by finding ways to stay motivated. Usually, there's nothing really stopping you from achieving your goals, it's mostly you standing in your own way. The thought of missing out on your dreams because you're not disciplined enough can be really tough to handle. Worrying about what could happen 5 years from now causes you anxiety and paralyses you. It's difficult to accept that you could have it all with just a bit of effort. So, discipline is not only about getting things done but also about achieving the life you want and avoiding the regret of not trying harder.
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dcxdpdabbles · 12 days
For Danny, gravity is a suggestion, but when he's human he prefers to feel ground under his feet while he's thinking. This leads to him often not realising he's started walking on the wall or ceiling when he's lost in thought or otherwise distracted.
Tim's definitely normal human friend Danny, pacing on the ceiling during his third visit at Wayne manor: [ranting about something, probably defending his love of weird flavour combo milkshakes]
The Batfam, silently debating how they're gonna break it to Danny that he's a meta: ........
Tim's eyes follow Danny as he starts pacing around the table, his homework abandoned on the table. His voice is becoming sharper, and his words are strung together more as he continues. He noticed that he became less aware of his surroundings when his friend started going on his rants.
Watching Danny's body language become slightly less human was fascinating. It started with his eyes—if Danny felt angry, they would glow green. Tim always knew when to cut back on his teasing whenever he saw the flash of green, no matter how brief the green was.
When Danny rants about something that upsets or makes him sad, his voice gains a particular echo. It is almost as if he is slowly walking into a cave.
There were times when Danny got excited or happy; his hair would start to puff up slightly. This reminded Tim of when he would rub a balloon on his hair to study the positive and negative charges.
Danny's hair didn't flout straight up, but it was electric enough to be noticeable if you paid enough attention.
It was as if his emotions affected his physical form like a mood ring. Tim could always tell what Danny felt by watching for the little effects.
All these little things were easy to hide. Most people noticed less than Tim did, but there was one little quirk Danny did that was rather hard to miss.
"What if we talked about the effect of well-lit street lights on crime rates?" Danny asked, striding up to a wall and casually pacing on it. He continued to think out loud, with his eyes closed, as he made loops on the ceiling. Tim needed to pay more attention to the subject of their presentation, but he was somewhat distracted by how Danny's hair and shirt defied gravity.
They stayed perfectly in place as if his friend were still on the ground and not upside down. Tim wondered if his powers were less flying and more gravity-shifting.
It would also explain his lower degree of super strength if he could manipulate gravity. (Tim didn't care what Danny claimed in gym class. No regular human could lift two punching bags like nothing, especially for something as casual as cleaning up)
Or maybe he was able to move in a fifth direction. From his perspective, while Tim was stuck in 3D, Danny could move in the fourth and walk on the ground. It would explain why he didn't notice he had stepped on the walls or ceiling. To Danny, he never left the floor.
"No, that wouldn't work," Danny mutters, making loops around the chandelier. "What if we...but then that would mean...."
Tim couldn't make out most of his words, but that was fine. Danny also tended to mutter under his breath when he was deep in thought.
He cranks his neck back, eyes tracing the way Danny seemed to strut around as if he was out for a walk on a nice sunny day in the park. Carefully, making sure Danny was too distracted by his thoughts, Tim aimed his camera phone at him.
He takes a few photos and then opens the family group chat.
Tim: I need advice on gently telling a friend something that may change our friendship. I've tried to say it to him before but he doesn't seem to get it.
Jason: buy him some flowers and write him a poem. He'll love it.
Steph: That's terrible advice, Jay. No one does that anymore
Jason: No one has class anymore, you mean. Besides, boys deserve to be romanced, too.
Dick: Just tell him how you feel, Tim! Be direct and make sure you use the words "I like you romanticly." Sometimes people don't understand you're asking them out.
Damian: Do not bother me with your failed courtships.
Duke: Maybe don't go as far as Jay said, but Dick's right. You have to say, "Go on a date with me" or something.
Steph: Try the bend and snap! It's Elle Woods-approved!
Tim: No, that's not what this is about. I need help telling Danny he might be a metahuman with Superman-level Power.
There is a long pause before his phone vibrates again.
Damian: I beg your finest pardon?
Bruce is typing.....
Tim: He's friendly! He just has yet to notice that what he does isn't regular.
Jason: Wait, isn't Danny that kid we saw you at the ice ring with? The one that snuck up on Cass by accident?
Tim: Yes
Multiple people are typing.....
Tim briefly glances up to see what Danny is up to, and he is surprised that Frost has started developing in his footsteps. That's certainly new. He attached the photos to the chat, sending them off as Danny slowly floated back down.
He watches as his friend flips horizontally in mid-air so that he's standing upright when he lands. His hair is starting to puff up again, so he is not surprised when Danny's eyes snap open with a gleeful glint in them.
"I figured it out, Tim!"
"That's great," Tim tells him with a smile as Danny eagerly returns to his seat. He is babbling about the solution to their government class and how he knows he can get their proposed bill passed with the correct narrative.
Tim watches frost develop around his pencil and chair. Fascinating. Does that mean excitement? He almost forgets about the family group chat while attempting to figure out what emotion Danny is experiencing to connect to frost that he missed a few messages.
Bruce: Tim, where are you?
Bruce: he made Cass jump because she didn't hear or see him coming. That's worrisome.
Bruce: He could be dangerous
Bruce: Where are you
Bruce: Tim, answer me
Bruce: Timothy Jackson Drake, answer the phone right now
Dick: Oooooohhhh middle name
Damian: They are in the left-wing dining room, Father. I already have a visual on them.
Damian sent a photo of two teenage boys sitting at a table, bending over to look at a book together. Papers and pencils are scattered around the stranger while Tim's trusted laptop is in front of his part.
Bruce: Good. Keep them in sight at all times and report any suspicious behavior.
Damian: Naturally.
Steph: No DNA test is needed
Duke: Literally.
Cass: I am confused. I thought we all knew Tim's boyfriend was not human?
Jason: We did not, in fact, know that Cass.
Cass: It is obvious by the way he moves that Danny is not a meta-human. He is close to one, but he moves like a different being. He reminds me of Captain Marvel.
Multiple people are typing......
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astearisms · 9 months
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part of a sadness
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prettieinpink · 6 months
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BEING OPTIMISTIC, regardless of the circumstances. People love positivity and will gravitate to people who make them feel good regardless of their circumstances.
SMILE. Even if you’re just walking around, having a nice friendly smile appeals to people and deems you approachable.
HELP WHENEVER YOU CAN, hold the door for someone, or lift a small burden for them. However, if you’re helping someone and it is out of your capabilities, it’s people-pleasing.
BE PRESENT, don’t dwell on the past or worry about the future. Just focus on what you’re doing, and with who at that moment.
BE AN ACTIVE LISTENER, engage in conversations with people and genuinely take in the information they tell you + make an effort to remember these facts about them.
AVOID JUDGING AND GOSSIPING, no matter how nice you are, as soon as you display these traits, you create a distance between your friends/family. While honesty is valued, if people don’t feel like they can be their authentic selves around you, they’ll close themselves up.
GIVE COMPLIMENTS OFTEN. Only if you mean it. It doesn’t have to be someone who you’re close to, but even just passers-by.
BE VULNERABLE. People won’t open up to people who are closed up. Share your deepest fears, challenges and emotions to create a deeper connection and trust.
PRACTICE BEING HUMBLE, while it is okay to celebrate our successes, we must be mindful of the manner we do so. Acknowledge other’s efforts and be willing to learn from others.
REPLACE SORRY WITH THANK YOU. If you’re a serial say-sorry person, replace them with thank you. E.g. sorry I’m late -> thank you for patiently waiting.
BE OPEN-MINDED, surround yourself with a diverse environment, and be willing to learn from other’s perspectives.
TAKE ACCOUNTABILITY. Apologise when necessary and own up to your own mistakes, but be sure to not repeat them.
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