#it's just rough and people say its gonna be tough but they never tell you just how bad it is
All of my friends that are working big law are so miserable we are all out here constantly on the verge of breaking down (but not having the time to do so) what an awful profession
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argumentl · 2 years
The Freedom of Expression, Niconama Vol:8. Guest: Die
Part 2 (To part 1)
T: Oh, I see! Ok, shall we listen to a song? The first song! Kaoru, please introduce it for us.
K: Ok, the first song is 'Schadenfreude'.
*the wrong song plays*
K: This is the wrong song.
D: Is this a new song? Haha 
T: Very sorry about that!
K: Hahaha.
D: It sounded like a remix.
*Schadenfreude plays*
D: People are wondering what that song was, haha.
T: Everyone will be like, 'Huh? Is it similar?'
*they listen for a few seconds*
K: Long intros are quite a hinderence in the age of music streaming, aren't they? Its quite difficult to play them on shows like this.
*They continue listening, and make a few comments that are hard to make out over the music*
T: Is the song gonna keep playing? Are we ok? Ok, Die, can you tell us about this song.
D: Well, it starts with the acoustic guitar, its a fade in effect, right? So, with the fade in, my tech guy raises the volume gradually. So im actually starting while there is still no sound. We've had a few lives already before the album release, so for the fans who were watching that, they were saying the sound wasn't working at the start.
K, T: Hahaha.
D: Like, cause I was playing, but nothing was coming out. Well, they were right though. But now the album is out, there will be no mistake from now on.
T: Well, as for 'Schadenfreude', the title and the lyrics are quite heavy, I thought.
K: Are you asking us about that? Haha
T: Well, I know, haha, but for the viewers, tell us what you can. Any tough parts, or interesting parts to pay attention to?
K: Hmm, well the mix was done overseas, with us communicating online. But because the song is long, its easy to get confused about the parts, so at the start it just had rough verses. And then towards the end the lyrics were tightened up. It was quite difficult.
T: Die, any thoughts?
D: About the album?
T: About 'Schadenfreude'.
D: Ah, 'Schadenfreude'? Well, it takes 10mins to listen to the song, right? So when checking it, I wasn't listeing to the whole song each time, like, it would take 60mins to listen to it 6 times, thats the first point. But when I had to listen to it in full, I had to start with a neutral stance. When we were recording it, there are a lot of lyrics, so even with take after take, it just seemed like it would never end. I would say to the engineer, 'Are we just about finished?', and he would be like, 'Nope, there's still more'..
T: haha
D: So I would be like, 'Ok, on we go then..' That was during my last recording session. It was pretty tough. It was never-ending.
T: I see, what a struggle! Ok, Kaoru, can you introduce the second song for us to listen to?
K: Hm? Isn't it Die's turn?
T: Oh, sorry, Die.
D: It's track 3, 'The Perfume of Sins'.
*They listen for a min*
D: The arrangement for this was decided the day before the drums were recorded, so it was pretty tough for Shinya.
K: Yeah, Shinya works pretty hard on this song too.
T: Yeah, "death by drums"..somone wrote that, haha.
K: Yeah, it looks hard for him. Thats all I can say, haha.
T: Who's song is this, again? Haha.
K: Well, yeah, when we made it, I wondered if it would be ok, but Shinya didn't say anything, so I thought it should be fine. But it did look pretty tough.
T: Ah, did it?
K: Yeah, cause if he loses track, the song is over.
T: Ohh, yeah. There are a few people asking who wrote this song? Are you able to say?
K: Yeah, I think its ok here.
T: Well, who's was it?
K: It was me who came up with it.
T: Ah, so you first had the idea for it?
K: Well, we all brought some song ideas to like a preliminary meeting, and we listened to all of them and collectively chose the ones we wanted to try.
T: Right, ok, the third song..The third song is...?
K: Ah, yes, Hibiki.
*Hibiki plays, Kaoru comments on the song order while the music is playing.*
T: Ok, that was 'Hibiki'. First I'll ask who's song this was originally?
D: That was me.
T: What kind of ideas did you have to begin with, Die?
D: Well, it was a bit more straightforward to start with. So I thought I could change it to have a bit more character. The melody of the singing was already decided, so I left that as it was, and changed the backing melody a bit, made it a bit darker. But the arrangement for this song was quite difficult.
T: Oh, was it?
D: Yeah. And as for the guitar, there are some phrases which I played with a 6 string guitar. I use a 7 string when I play it live though, and there are some parts that the 7 string doesn't handle well. I have to change my position otherwise I can't play them, so that made it a bit harder.
T: Ahh, but there are lots of comments saying its a great song. How do you feel when you see messages like this, Die?
D: I'm grateful for that.
T: Ok, well today we are also gonna show the music video. Kaoru, could you introduce it for us?
K: Yeh... I just say the name? 'The Perfume of Sins'.
*mv plays*
T: So, that was the music video. I'd like to ask about the filming, any interesting episodes relating to it, but firstly, where did the idea for this come from, how did it come about? Kaoru?
K: Well, Kyo had an idea. Rather than the song, he had a vision he wanted to film. This song seemed like it would work, so thats why we chose it.
T: Ah, so this song matched Kyo's vision?
K: Yeah, but at that time, there were still a few unfinished songs, so it was also a case of choosing from the songs that we had actually finished. If we had made the MV after completing all the songs first, it might have ended up as a different song.
T: I see. Die, do you have any memories about the MV to tell us?
D: Well, Kyo had quite a clear image in his mind, so we had the only man for the job do it for us, our MV director Kondo, who we usually work with. This time, our filming time lenth on location was set in advance, so we were able to get home in good time.
T: Really? Haha.
D: What usually happens is we have to do so many takes! And most of it isn't even used! I always think one take would be enough though. But this time, our time was set, and it was quite compact. It was just right, I thought.
K: I think its better to film in that kind of place, where the time lengh is set.
D: Yeh, in recent shoots we have been working till morning.
T: Ehh, thats tough!
K: Just watching this video though, I still get the feeling a lot of footage wasn't used, haha.
T: Oh, how unsatisfying, haha. Ok, Die, could you please read us some of the messages that have been sent in for you.
D: Yes, this is from 'Taka', "The last line of the last album was, 'sakebi ikiro, watashi ha ikiteru', and the last line of this album is, 'ato nan nen desuka, mada ikerun desuka'. In this sense of uncertainty, I feel a lot of humanity, and I start to want to listen to Schadenfreude, and the whole album again. My question is, did you struggle to decide the song order of the album, or was there any discussion about it between the members?". Oh, that line, 'sakebi ikiro, watashi ha ikiteru', its the last line on the last album, The Insulated World, I only just realized that.
T: Really?!
D: Ah, yes, so it is.
T: Do you think that was intentional or by chance?
K: Well, probably intentional.
D: Thats amazing.
T: What about the song order?
K: Well, I first came up with this order, and it was immediately decided. Haha.
D: Kaoru came and said, 'Well, I've got this temporary song order for now', and as I looked at it, I couldn't see anything to fix. After one look, it was the only possiblity.
T: I thought it was perfect when I listened to it.
K: Well, yeh. We were't quite sure about which song to end with for a while though.
T: Ok, next message please, Die.
D: Yep, this is from 'Tomo', "Good evening, and congratulations on the album release. I havn't listened to disc 2 yet, but the lyrics are so provocative, it makes my skin tingle. And the music, im not an expert, so its difficult to describe, but its like nothing I've ever heard before. Kaoru san, are there any 'Kaoru-like' focus points that you've tried to do differently this time?"
K: It feels wierd being asked this by Die. haha.
D: In the question it says "Kaoru-san" first, and then just, "Kaoru-like", so I don't know, haha.
K: Well hm, this time, I didn't want it to sound too smashed up, I wanted it to sound quite pretty, well, not pretty in the wider sense, but pretty for us. And also the positions of the bass and drums are a little different this time, so this time it feels quite fresh.
T: Ahh, thats the opinion of the pro for you. Well, how was it? Ohh, something appeared.
*a cue card accidentally comes in front of the camera.*
T:More comments are coming, keep sending them. Ah, "priceless guitar team", they are priceless, right?
K: hehe.
T: "Kaoru, are your eyes ok?"
K: Whats wrong with my eyes?
T: I don't know, did something happen to them?... "Priceless", "Die is beautiful"...
D: Can I read out one more question?
T: Go ahead.
D: This is from Tambanyan? "What is that 'fa fa fa fa' sound in Kamuy? Is it a violin? Its so impressive, I love it".
K: Fa fa fa? Kamuy?
D: haha, yeh. "What is that 'fa fa fa fa fa' in Kamuy?" I don't know what this is. I don't know what 'fa' is.
K: Ahh, do they mean that sound at the start?
T: Everyone's saying 'fa' in the comments.
K: Yeah, if they mean that sound the start, its a げんもの (*no idea what this means*)
D: Yeah, but even so, we tried to make it sound a little different from usual, to give it a different kind of resonance.
T: Ah, the first part of the show is finished? Please keep on with the comments, people!
K: Haha, that was quick.
T: Its been 30 mins already! Yes, so please keep sending comments, we will use them
K: Haha.
T: Ok, thank you everyone. We've come to the end of the first half, unfortunately. We'll dig deeper into Phalaris in the second half. We'll hear stories from the recoding sessions from Kaoru and Die, and talk abour the tour, and the anniversary events, so everyone please look forward to all that. Also, in our last members only video, there were a lot of questions that Kaoru couldn't answer then, so we can talk about those today too. Now, I just have some information for the viewers. The second part of this show is for members only, so you have to become a member if you want to watch to the end. If you join, you can watch this broadcast in the archives for 1 year. We also have a lot of members only videos, so please register, everyone. As for how to join, you will be able to see a blue link at the top of the screen, is it there? At the top. Please use this to join. If you click the link, a payment option screen will appear. There it is. Choose your preferred method, credit card, PayPal etc, proceed to the next stage by pressing the button, and enter your payment details. If you havn't already, please join, to enjoy the rest of the show. Thats it!
K: Thank you! Haha. Ok, we'll take a short pause here, but will be back soon with the members only corner. Hang tight!
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samwritessblog · 2 years
so its gonna be that one long blog in which I am going to express my anger ,frustration and overall anxiety and suffering which I received while doing the shittest job in the whole planet , I am totally devastated at the time of training when I heard the job role and I am so fucking glad that somehow I managed to get away with the toxic and intolerable work environment I never scared and I never backed off I always stood ahead and gave a totally kickass response to whatever harsh comments or whatever obligations or any blame thrown on me ,I just hit all those stuffs out of the park and never apologised for what have not done in wrong way , I know if we have to survive in this kind of work environment then you have to be totally kickass and total rough and tough if you just give them little permission to grab your strength then hell man you are a loser and you are the culprit for whatever the fuck happens in the premises,I am happy that my last working day is 14 th june and I am so fucking happy that I have cleared the interview process in wipro but the background verification is taking a time and I am not sure how long it will be taking but I am pretty sure that its gonna be done really quick and I am gonna get away with it real soon , I just want to work where my interest lies not where I am fedd up and always screaming with my bosses and manager so it will waste my productive and also it will fuckk up my whole mood ,just ready for new adventure of 1 year then its time to start a fucking cool coaching which is gonna be the biggest business which me and my brother are going to establish and we have to make that business super big and I will scale it up to next level cause I belive the future of growth lies in education and we have to make education our top most priority and with minimal cost we have to accomplish our goal and passion in life,
so i made a very good friend who is second in the list of best friend after shubham soni ,his name is shridhar , now I currently have 4 besties ,shubham ,diksha,ali and shridhar with whom i am happy and i can share whatever i want and i am happy to be accompanied by them , i believe that everyone have their flaws and blessing and as a besties we just tell what we feel weird in each other in case of boys and girls i don't discriminate i say whatever i wants to say and don't hesitate in that and i think that is not a quality that should be everyone habit cause if you say the truth it will give other people a clarity to think and rectify what they are lacking.Yesterday went to Alis brother party it was quite a enjoyable moment an enjoyed totally there with bunch of colleagues , i am super happy that i have kept my resignation and got it approved so looking forward for new roller coaster ride and new adventures in the life which will surely pump me up and give me time to prepare myself for golaman sachs or any other big investment banking firms in the world.
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dememetor · 3 years
I love your writing, can I please get jealous hcs for anyone? Please include suna thi he's my latest brainrot hAHA
hi, thanks for the request! and suna brainrot?? bitch me too the fuck. anyways, hope you enjoy~
(also sorry this is kinda late, i've rewritten iwaizumi and bokuto ones a million times)
Haikyuu boys when they're jealous
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characters suna rintarou, kuroo tetsurou, iwaizumi hajime, bokuto koutarou, kenma kozume
warnings none but i'm probably gonna say fuck at some point
Suna Rintarou
he tries to be chill about it, he does
it hurts his ego to be this clingy but god
he can't help but to feel that sour sting of jealousy when he sees another guy approaching you
at first will only take a quick glance from afar, just to check if the guy is bothering you, and then promises himself to stay out of your business
well he doesn't
once he decides the guy has lost talking-to-y/n-alone privilege, he will nonchalantly make his way towards you, one hand in his pocket, other sneaking its way to your shoulder, resting his elbow and giving the poor boy a menacing look
he can be pretty intimidating too with that eyeliner and all
(but that look only works on people that don't know him well, he tried it on atsumu once and the latter just laughed in his face)
not the type to be openly jealous but when he sees someone blatantly flirting with you he will start to give you the Glance
blinks slowly (you know, like that one blonde haired guy gif) and looks at you through raised eyebrows as if to say hey babe, i love you and i trust you. what the fuck tho
and when the guy starts being borderline creepy he'll appear between you - and i mean literally will inject himself between you two and strike a conversation with you as if nothing weird happened
they usually get the hint, but this one guy tried to go around him, still rambling about whatever and suna literally turned on his heel and said "come again?" with such unrivaled coldness, his eyes exuding just sheer fucking spite
but like i said, unless the other guy is asking for it, he's not the type to start a direct confrontation
will take you by the hand and leave without much thought because he simply doesn't have the time for that shit
he might seem grumpy afterwards but a couple of soft kisses usually do the trick
soft kisses which are followed by a breathless make out session with you on his kitchen counter because he still wants you to know you're only his
Kuroo Tetsurou
this little bitch
never gets jealous
and i mean never
once pretended he was jealous just to make you feel better (??? his logic? unparalleled) but once you found out you beat his ass
loves it when you get jealous though (he thinks it's cute)
sometimes he does get insecure, but he shows it in an unusual way
like if you've been talking to someone, smiling at your phone for a while he'll just get up and randomly do a couple puhs-ups, start flexing his muscles and shit
all while you're looking at him like,,
"babe, what are you doing"
"oh i didn't think you'd notice me there. since you're on your damn phone all day"
"...are you my mom?"
nah he'll be fine (will steal your phone though)
also it's the funniest thing when he sees someone trying to flirt with you
he will literally walk over there, introduce himself (not mentioning he's your boyfriend) and act really interested in the conversation
he plays this game where he tries to see how long will it take the guy to realise you two are together (longest time: 24 minutes, record holder: yahaba shigeru)
whenever the guy asks you something he will interrupt you and answer for himself as if the guy were flirting with him
"so, like what do you do in your free time?"
"not mu-"
"oh i love taking long walks on the beach, especially during sunsets. i really think it is healthy for the mind and the soul, not to mention quite romantic too. don't you too love sunsets, kevin?"
at one point kevin will have had enough of it
"i was talking to y/n alone here"
"aw don't worry, you're not bothering me"
he is such a pain in the ass
why can't he just be normal
Iwaizumi Hajime
rational, mature, i love him
seriously, he is the bestest boy and he will treat you so well because he trusts you and respects your friendship with other guys as well
but on those rare occasions when he does get jealous,, oh boy
first of all, the PDA skyrockets, he has to have his arm around you at all times - around your shoulder? on your waist? in your backpocket? his hand's been there done that
not in any way possesive but will be really annoying unless you give him your full undivided attention that day
he lets himself be selfish a bit, after all he is your boyfriend he can have you all to himself for a day, right?
jealous sex with him? better prepare a wheelchair cause you want be able to walk straight tomorrow
sees a boy trying to flirt with you? tries not to make a scene but absolutely will throw the first punch if he needs to
one day he was having a particularly rough time at practice and all he wanted to do was lose himself in your arms and fall asleep to the feeling your fingertips tangled in his hair
and then he saw this?? guy? (the audacity!) laughing with you after telling some dumb joke and let me tell you - iwaizumi wasn't having any of it
he came up to you from behind, wrapped his arms around your waist and planted a small kiss on the crook of your neck
"when are we going home, love?"
and he gives him the calmest yet most fear inducing stare from behind you
and suddenly the pattern on poor boy's pants starts to look awful lot like piss stain
it is actually kinda hot how one single look from him can cause such a reaction
"he was just asking about english homework babe"
"yeah that's what they all say"
Bokuto Koutarou
gets jealous so so easily
it is actually fascinating
will get mad at otome games
"what does jumin han have that i don't???"
god forbid you pay attention to your pet more than him (btw you have a golden retriever and his name is bean)
you're sitting on the couch cuddling with your dog, scratching his ears, ruffling his fur and all that, and there he is, your clingy boyfriend, snuggling right next to you, demanding you play with his hair too
so dramatic
"you smiled at him... the way you used to smile at me..."
"bokuto, he's a dog"
the only guy he trusts 100% to be around you is akaashi, even kuroo is on thin ice
but him and akaashi are something else, one time you three had a sleepover and you felt like you were the third wheel
will act like a tough serious boyfriend in front of others, especially your other guy friends but in reality will look for affection immediately after
oh while we're at it - jealous bokuto kisses? are the best kisses
will also force you to wear one of his shirts for the rest of the day
my poor man is so touch starved so when he feels insecure or jealous he will look for comfort in things like holding your hand, nuzzling your neck or giving forehead kisses
but later that day, when you two are sitting on the couch cuddling he will quietly ask you something along the lines of "you still think i'm pretty, right?"
you can feel him all over you - his hands are creeping down your waist, he's pulling you in, deepening the kiss until all you can see, think and feel is him
he wants to show you exactly how much he wants you and what you were missing out on while you weren't paying attention to him
and it shocks you for a moment because you didn't realise just how much that one short moment of jealousy actually stayed with him
you have to reassure him he's the most beautiful boy you have ever met, and not only that, but also the funniest and the most caring person as well, and that you would never leave his side no matter what happened
and as much as he loves getting praised he always gets embarrassed, so he just smiles in return, but he is also happy to know you're there for him and you don't think he is too much
Kenma Kozume
it depends on his mood honestly
sometimes he doesn't mind it even if the other guy is flirting with you and sometimes will get pissy if you smile at the cashier
but when this boy gets really jealous oh my GOD
he is just like bokuto if not worse; he just hides it so well
one time you went grocery shopping with him and spent the entire time texting your friend who had just told you she was visiting your city
and he got so offended
you didn't even notice it until later that day when you came home and he suddenly refused to cuddle with you
silent treatment
lifts his nose and ignores you, only giving you dirty side glances from under the eye
such a massive sense of pride in those 170 cm even oikawa would be impressed
in my country there's a saying "it's in the smallest bottle that the poison lies" and honestly? yeah
at some point you realise why he's acting like that and you start teasing him
"i am not jealous i am just mildly irritated" is the only thing he deems necessary to say before going back to being unnecessarily pissed
he reminds you of an angry cat
it's kind of amusing seeing him like this but you were also getting real tired of his shit
don't even try bribing him (you tried buying him over with a ps5 but he just looked at you unimpressed, disgusted that you think so low of him)
the only thing he will accept is a sincere apology
if it's sincere or not is up to him to decide, obviously
which can lead to quite some bickering
will try to get you to beg but please have dignity, if you do it once he will make you do it every time
yeah generally a lttle shit but his kisses after making up are just as eager as yours so
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yondzone · 3 years
Bungou stray dogs relationship headcanons
sfw very sligth nsfw
those under 16 please do only read the sfw part
↰             𓂃              ⌲                   ⌂.
⋆ ☄.⠈⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠂* ; ☔
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𝕱𝖎𝖔𝖉𝖔𝖗 𝕯𝖔𝖘𝖙𝖔ï𝖊𝖛𝖘𝖐𝖎
▚ 𝖘𝖋𝖜 :
⌗ If you managed to have your way to his heat, then you are definitely one special fellow to him, so only to you and around you he will show is soft persona that he never let anyone see in decade.
⌗ If you end up living together, the little time he his at home he will he bring your breakfast at bed to make up for the fact that he his basically never here.
⌗ He prefer kissing you on the cheek rather than on the lips. And in the morning (if by miracle he didn’t already leave) he’ll automatically kiss you cheek to wake you up. And if he his here before going to sleep he’ll ask for a kiss on the cheek.
⌗ He also like night cuddles (of course he won’t admit it.) he never touched anybody so you give hi this feeling of constant novelty.
⌗ He loves when you are jealous and he is gonna tease you with those word : "you seems jealous, is everything fine ? :)" in fact he hates people but if it means seeing your jealous face he don’t mind playing the womanizer for some minute to just tease you.
▚ 𝖓𝖘𝖋𝖜 :
⌗Fyodor is definitely a top this bitch will rather die than being a bottom.
⌗ He know the effect it have on you when he tie his hair up so you can be sure that evrrytime you do the deed he while have is hair up ✨.
⌗ Low key have a master servant kink that get him going for hours.
⌗ Hes not someone very vocal when you both do it.
⌗ He doesn’t look like this but he his really touchy in the bed.
⌗ Bed is his favorite place he is quite traditional in fact he does not want it in other place rather than the bedroom.
⌗ But he lost his traditionalism the day you introduced to him ‘sex toys’ oh so a new way to torture you without killing you? he’ll take this opportunity gladly.
⌗ One day you tried to be on top and your ‘master’ did not like that so he destroyed you for the whole night.
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𝕮𝖍𝖚𝖚𝖞𝖆 𝕹𝖆𝖐𝖆𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆
▚ 𝖘𝖋𝖜 :
⌗ Chuuya is very romantic, like very romantic.
⌗ He likes kisses, giving and receiving, he does not have a favorite place to kiss or to be kissed because he loves hems all.
⌗ When he is stressed or tired (or both), he likes to cuddle you, wine and cuddle are his comfort things.
⌗ Speaking of cuddling, he likes to cuddle you while taking a shower (hot water and rose petals) after all he his very comfortable with you and love your presence
⌗ He feels more confident when you compliment him, and he will shamelessly admit it ‘please compliment me more’
⌗ Chuuya is quite jealous and possessive. If someone tries to hit on you or make a move, he will go feral on this person and make sure everyone in the future who you belong too
⌗ A whore for PDA in public, he will always hold your hand or put his arm around you, so that everyone will see that you are taken.
⌗ He won't tell you that he loves you often, because he prefer action out of words. He's the type of person willing to do anything to drown you in gifts and make you happy.
⌗ If you find something nice or cool, he will buy it for you, just to see you smile. Needy Chuuya want to see you smile
▚ 𝖓𝖘𝖋𝖜 :
⌗ He his totally a switch, one day he can feel like a total top and the day after will feel the need to be dominated.
⌗ He like being on top yes, but he prefer it when you are riding him he really love seeing you body from below, its exquisite.
⌗ He is an hips man, he love them. So you being on top of him gives him the opportunity to admire and explore your body.
⌗ Chuuya likes your moans very much, he finds them adorable and it shows that you feel good, which makes him happy.
⌗ Chuuya is vocal, way too much vocal in the bed.
⌗ He his considered as the king of aftercare trust me, its heaven.
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𝕯𝖆𝖟𝖆𝖎 𝕺𝖘𝖆𝖒𝖚
▚ 𝖘𝖋𝖜 :
⌗ Do not lie to yourself, a relationship with Dazai have high chance of ending not well because of some toxicity he may develop as time goes on.
⌗ He his really possesive, once he got you he wont let you go,never ever.
⌗ He love to kiss you. He loves the taste of your lips and the feeling of kissing you makes him feel something he never had.
⌗ In public, dazai will be the dork he his but… in worse. (yes its possible) he will be playful to death with you.
⌗ While when you are alone, he is much more sentimental but he will continue to remain slightly playful.
⌗ He loves teasing you, if he manage to make you blush, it will makes him continue even more because he finds you oh so adorable when you are embarrassed.
⌗ At night, he will cuddle you while holding you tightly, so that you can feel safe and loved.
▚ 𝖓𝖘𝖋𝖜 :
⌗ Dazai doesn't really feel the need to have sex he have better thing to do and never really tough about commitment wit anybody.
⌗ But when it's with you, he will have sex with you after-all all opportunity to your body, he’ll take it.
⌗ Slow and passionate sex over here! He his rarely pn the fast and rough side but if you ask he’ll comply to any of your desire.
⌗ He don't really have favorite position, nor kink except maybe some bondage
⌗ Did I forget that he have a praise kink? Of course receiving and giving,
⌗ Dazai is very vocal, im not talking about moan they are relatively low, but about praise, when you both are doing the deed, praise are overflowing (🦋🦋🦋)
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▚ 𝖘𝖋𝖜 :
⌗ Sigma never had anything except his casino which his his whole life so at first when he get implied in a relationship he will be clumsy not knowing how human relation work
⌗ He will need guidance from you, he wont make first move simply because he does not know how it work.
⌗ He his kind, really really kind to you. He view you as something very fragile and it will take time for him to comprehend that you are not weak.
⌗ Because he his always in his casino the only moment you can see him his when he his in his office, he barely goes to sleep too occupied maintaining the casino.
⌗ You finally gave him what he desired : reasons to live, you are very much cherished by him.
⌗ And you also need to cherish him and make him gain confidence in himself.
▚ 𝖓𝖘𝖋𝖜 :
⌗ He his a bottom he have no social skill and does not know anything about how the society or relationship work as I already said.
⌗ You basically need to do everything and engage everything.
⌗ Your kink are his kink, you’re favorite position is also his favorite.
⌗ The man cry a lot out of pleasure in the bedroom, he his utterly beautiful when he cries.
⌗ As time goes by he will gain in assurance and try to be on top but out of habit he just revert back to being bellow. But please praise him, he tried.
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𝕹𝖎𝖈𝖔𝖑𝖆𝖘 𝕲𝖔𝖌𝖔𝖑
▚ 𝖘𝖋𝖜 :
⌗ … how did you get yourself into this relationship again?
⌗ do not go out with him I repeat to not go out with him,  at home its okay but when in public he start to theatrically declare his love to you, I promise dying would be better than having to support this embarrassment anymore.
⌗ you know that he love asking rhetorical question right? Just let him be, read a book or play on your phone while he monologue
⌗ the number of nickname you have can’t be counted on two hands
⌗ he forces you to call him by nickname and pet name he himself thought of ‘from now on call me the pineapple of your ocean eyes’ …. the fuck is wrong with his brain, where your first tough
⌗ He always kept on repeating that he wanted to be free and first say to you that you should not hope for him to be sweet or be present but every time you come home he his here patiently waiting on the couch.
⌗ his change of persona really surprise you every time they happen, even after years of dating it’s sill hard for you to grasp his true self, a playful sadistic idiot, or a serious full of guilt person aware of his cruel crime.
▚ 𝖓𝖘𝖋𝖜 :
⌗ he his so sadistic, he love to see you cry
⌗ definitely into cosplay and role play in the bedroom ‘today I am the pirate and you my parrot look at those beautiful costume’
⌗ you have an enormous box with all of your disguises
⌗ he have every sex toy possible, may or may not have already bought every sex toy from a store
⌗ usually rough, very rough, and sometime he break the mood with his goofy attitude, he does not mind the mood being broke because he’ll restore it in no time
⌗ they are time he his acting like a narrator as he fuck you ‘then gogol slowly slap her pink ass-’ this is really disturbing
⌗ you can have a little of respite when he decide to have sex with his serious personality respite.
when it happen it’s fast but passionate and stop the joke and the room become silent only filled with both of your moans
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rotshop · 3 years
help girl i just woke up and im already thinking abt mag s/o again. anyway please consider ;
[ tw body horror, some brief light gore and violence ]
[ note ; reader is SLIGHTLY described. the only thing mentioned is that they have a noticeable, identifying scar on their face
hank + mag s/o
-he knew you even before the boombox incident. he doesn't even really remember how you two first met, he just remembers that you started talking to him and then just kinda kept coming back. at first he wasn't the biggest fan of you since he was 'doing just fine on his own,' but...he admittedly was already really attached to you. they've never been much of a talker and that's especially noticeable to you at that point in time but ,,, they respond enough with signing, nodding / shaking their head, or the occasional speaking that you're able to carry some conversations pretty well.
-he doesn't really. have. a lot of people in his life. you're really his only real close friend, it's kinda hard for him to fully wrap his head around it so !! they chose not to, instead focusing more-so on whatever it was you were rambling to them about that day.
-not super sure of where to put this lmao but ummm ehe . he's actually surprisingly touchy with you????? like. you've hung out at his house a few times and he just like. you'll start out sitting next to each other and you'll end up either laying with your head on their chest or vice versa . its . a little funny . you tease him about it a little and he just flicks your shoulder. also traces your scar a lot if you'll let them, they're not entirely sure why they do it, they just . like asking you about it occasionally.
-also you have scary dog privileges. they might look like any other grunt at that point but they're still tall as fuck and idk man !! something abt getting a blank stare from someone who towers over u would probably make u shut up and mind ur own damn business.
-again, he's not super good at fully recognizing / acknowledging certain thoughts and feelings of his but . yknow. he can definitely tell he at least worries about you a lot more than he would some other grunt he just met. he can definitely tell there's a reason he doesn't mind you touching him, whether by grabbing his hand to go show him something or just placing a hand on his shoulder or arm (most likely arm, again. hes tall. ). they can definitely tell there's a reason that they find themself genuinely enjoying your interactions.
-after the park thing you don't see them for a long time. everytime you try and call him the lines dead, everytime you try and ask others about him you just get choice words, all in all you're pretty much lost on the entire thing. sure, you know what happened but . it just never sits right with you. it doesn't help whenever people ask questions about them or give you wary looks because of your association, half steps back when you take one forward.
-anyway. yeah nevada goes to shit and you get magnified for the aahw. by now you just. don't really talk about hank. surprisingly, you have a little more of your old memories than the average mag !! congrats. problem is they're all foggy enough that you only really distantly decipher them. lmao. you aren't super high on the ladder but you're a pretty tough mag to beat. you're well known enough that other mags tend to hang around you when there's not much else going on. v2 mags especially think it's fun to mess around with you by jumping on your back or otherwise clinging onto you . idk man u've got like . a little family here .
-at one point or another there's an outing youre on that ends up going wrong. you get split up from the rest of your unit and are forced to hide out in some old abandoned building while you wait for backup. you're a little too injured to try and walk all the way back, a heavy gash on your side preventing you from doing too much in the moment. when you hear heavy steps on concrete you're able to give some sort of noise of relief, turning your head to look over your shoulder at whichever agent in your group had finally found you-
-you're instead met with red goggles and the end of a gun.
-any kind of relief is snatched away, you know damn well who it is by just the bit you can see in the dark alone. even standing in the shade between two windows (one of which you were sitting by, probably how they seen you in the first place- if that's the case though, it's a little weird they hadn't just shot at you through it.) you knew it was him. you're already stumblingly forcing yourself up to as much of your full height as you can manage, taking some kind of defensive position even as one of your hands ghosts over your gash. the throbbing pain of it and the feeling of blood sticking and running down your skin is enough that you can't seem to focus on the fact that he won't stop staring at your face.
-it doesn't take long before your legs seem to fail you, forcing you forward a bit as you kneel in some sort of attempt to keep upright. you're too busy hissing under your breath and screwing your eyes shut in pain as your hand covers your side to notice your company stepping forwards. you're snapped back to attention when there's a hand on your face, fingertips digging into your skin as they yank your head down a little further. you know you should be grabbing him, that you should be digging your claws into his torso and ripping him clean in half, throwing whatevers left aside and leaving. you know thats what you were told to do, what you were told they deserved anyway. yet, you aren't. instead, you're just giving some warning growl as you stare at them. you notice how the end of the gun is pointed away from you, how their touch seems to outline the mark on your face.
-"If you try and hurt me, I'll kill you." That's the only real heads up you get before he's crouching down and shoving your hand out of the way, grabbing something from his pocket to get to work on you. you don't fail to notice how little attention they're paying to you (aside from the focus on your wound, of course), that you could just rush forward and slam them into the ground if you really wanted.
-ok im skippin g ahead bc this is already way too goddamn long for hcs DEJWJCS
-anyway. it's a complicated relationship for a while. the others tend to avoid you a little but he just keeps showing up around you. they keep staring at you and just hanging around in your general area. it's not that much of an irritant if you ignore all the weird emotions and thoughts it keeps bringing to the forefront of your mind, forcing you to once again try and meddle with your memories.
-eventually he just starts walking over to you and sitting down next to you. sometimes he doesn't say anything at all, just sitting there and seeming to wait for one thing another- he never seems to find whatever that is, as he always gets up and leaves without a word at some point or another. then they start talking, its just little things at first, point-blank statements you can't say much on. sometimes they're just saying they and the other three will be gone for a bit othertimes it's some half-demand to let them look at the stitches they did on you (semi-related, he's not good at them. the stitches are pretty rough. at one point or another sanford has to redo them properly lmao)
-but then there's one particular night. they do the normal thing, come over, sit down next to you, not say a word. this time though you note how they're facing you. instead of some reminder or a demand for anything, he's pulling his ask down and asking a simple question. 'What do you remember?'
-it's a long conversation. he's talking more than he normally would by a long shot, occasionally stopping whenever his words seem to especially fail him and get stuck in his throat. you don't even really remember moving around, or even him pulling you in any way, you just know you somehow end up laying next to him with your head on his chest.
-whenever the memories do seem to click into place, it's hard. you have a lot of choice words for them yourself, months of being left alone without a word bubbling up with a vengeance, they listen to them. while some mags (such as yourself) do have the ability to speak, the san and dei don't think they've ever heard one with that much emotion in their voice. they've especially never seen a mag just break down like you do, they're both tensing up a little from their far away spot when hank's walking closer to you. instead of you lashing out or swiping at him though, you just sit there while he wraps his arms around you (as best as he can at least, it's a little difficult but he's able to get them around your neck and reach his other hand behind you well enough). you're eventually doing the same to him, though it's more so just your hands resting on their back.
-it takes a good while for proper trust to be rebuilt along with an honest, proper explanation from hank that only you're privy to. eventually though, there's enough trust that you're able to hang around him again without narrowly avoiding an argument or anything. they don't like being super affectionate or 'vulnerable' in front of the other two, so most times they prefer being in your or their room. also they're still touchy lmao, doesn't help that you're mag sized now and so they just want to hold you . its hard to explain, he's never been super affected by others heights and even when he is it's usually a negative thing for him but . for some reason . he just likes being shorter / smaller than you lol ,,,,,,,, hope you like holding them a lot bc that's what you're gonna be doing
-holy shit these are long so . i think .i am going to stop here.
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djarrex · 3 years
Listen, clone wars era rex is the sweetest sub ever. Zero brat energy like others (coughwolffecough), he is absolutely there to please you and experience all the ways you make him feel loved. But it takes a bit for him to find out that he actually likes being a sub. With everything he is responsible for, I think he feels to bring that same energy to the bedroom - only problem is he isn’t very experienced. He’s not a virgin, but the most he's had are some quickies in the bathroom of 79s. So when you first get together, he feels he needs to be the one taking charge (even though he isn’t really sure what to do). It’s only after a particularly difficult mission when he is with you and he is at a loss of what to do. He knows he needs you, but he can’t focus. He just wants to stop thinking about how badly the mission went, how many brothers he lost. He just wants to get lost in you. That’s when you take over. You start showering him with love, kisses, words of praise, everything. You tell him all the things you’re going to do to him and he immediately falls for it. Relinquishing control is calming and a relief, something he never expected. He loves seeing you in power, seeing his smart and strong girl taking over, dishing out orders that Rex is all too ready to follow. As long as it means you’ll sit on his face, ride him, suck his dick, or just touch him, he’s all for it. Not to mention it lets him forget that he is a captain. In these moments, it’s just you and him.....Or I mean something like that. I dunno 😬
VEE!!! 🆘️ "He brings a new meaning to 'good soldiers follow orders'" 😈😏 you rightttttt
Look, I'm all for dom Rex - I love to write it and I love to read it. That being said, I'm totally on board with the idea of having to show Rex exactly what he needs for him to feel good, to forget - especially after an extremely tough and emotionally/mentally/physically draining mission. Rex just wants - no, needs - someone else to take control every now and then, even if he doesn’t realize it at first.
SOOOO this kinda got away from me. literally could have wrote more but I have an assignment to work on (lmaooo). maybe I’ll do like a continuation of this later on? if that’s what the people want? 
some warnings include: face riding, sub!rex, no-no words, uhhh... 🥴
AS ALWAYS, 18+ only under the cut :’)
Rex stands at your doorway, his forehead glued to the arm that's propped up against the door frame, helmet loosely gripped by his other hand hanging down at his side. It hurts to see him like this - drained, both physically and mentally. Bags under his tired eyes. Dirt on his face and caked on all over his armor. Even though he was created for battle, it's doing a number on him with each and every one he makes it out of; he physically makes it out of each and every battle, but not mentally, and not emotionally. It's always there - the loss, the bloodshed, the need to take charge, and the responsibility to ensure his men's safety - lingering inside his head no matter where he is or what he's doing.
Including the times when what he's doing is you.
When you and Rex first got together he was unsure, a little on the inexperienced side, but he was rough. You didn't mind of course; you liked it rough, and it was never like he'd hurt you or would ever come near to hurting you. You thought that maybe the roughness was due to his sexual inexperience, that the only other times he’d have sex in the past were just that. You really didn’t think too much about it, especially not when he was in the middle of pounding you into another galaxy before making you cum all over his cock over and over again.
As time went on, you started to understand where the roughness within the intimacy was stemming from; everything that had happened on the actual battlefield before he'd come home - including the battlefield within his mind - was being channeled into the way he handled you. Even outside the warzone, safe within your arms, Rex feels he needs to maintain control - to take charge. You understood, and let him have his outlet - It's not like you weren't benefiting from it; Rex may not have had much to go on before fucking you for the first time, but after months and months of practice, he'd become a fucking god in the bedroom.
There were definitely softer moments when he'd be crowded over you, trailing messy kisses from your collarbone up to your lips, his hips gently thrusting into you while hitting oh so deep. When your lips would be just barely touching as you breathed in each other's moans. When you'd both maintain eye-contact while simultaneously unraveling. The more gentle, loving, and softer moments weren't ones that followed his return home from a long deployment, no - those were reserved for all the times in between. You'd fallen in love with each other, but refrained from mouthing those three words in fear that you'd both be punished from feeling such forbidden things for one another.
And so tonight, seeing the drained and defeated expression engrained in his handsome features and the way his body slumped forward as he entered your apartment after a long couple of weeks was a telltale sign that this would be one of those rough nights.
You wanted to try something new, though.
"I want to take care of you, Rex." 
He’d just got out of the ‘fresher, giving you some time to think while he was getting cleaned up. A towel loosely hangs around his hips, water droplets gliding down his toned muscles as he moves closer to where you’re sat at the foot of your bed.
"You will take care of me, cyare." He grins while rubbing his hands along your upper arms. You release a puff of air from your nostrils, focusing on a particular water droplet slowly descending from his collarbone and trailing down to where the material of the towel soaks it right up before tilting your head to meet his eyes. 
You shake your head with a smile, speaking softly as you rest your hand against his abdomen, "No, that's not what I mean." You’re met with an amused yet confused look and you continue, "I want you to just lay back, and let me handle things for once. Is that okay?" 
"I..." He trails off, clearly not sure what to say. You know he must’ve already had a plan on how the night would go, and that plan was probably supposed to take effect after he drops his towel. Now you’re met with the face of a man who is unsure of what to do now that the plans are about to change - he’s nervous. You keep that smile on your lips when you reach down to intertwine your fingers with his, bringing the backs of his hands up to your lips and placing soft kisses on each one.
"You're safe with me, Rex. Safe here. You don't need to think about everything when you're here with me, okay? I just.... wanna try something."
Wow. What a fucking vision he is right now.
Rex, the esteemed Captain of the five-oh-first, completely bare and sprawled out on his back on top of your sheets, has his head craned to watch you strip at the foot of the bed. His cock is painfully hard, twitching ever so slightly with each of his eager heart beats as he struggles to watch you undress - teasingly slow.
"Look at you, Rex." You audibly marvel at man you love, knowing what the praise does to him - it's very evident in how his glistening chest rapidly rises and falls and in the twitching of fingers. "My handsome, brave Rex. So good for me, doing just as I say," you coo at him, making your way from the foot of the bed to the side where your naked body can be level with his head. He turns his face towards you, his pupils blown wide and brow furrowed. He needs this. You crouch down, moving to where your eyes are in line with his as you reach to caress his sharp cheekbone. "Does it feel good so far, Rex?" you whisper while running your thumb along his bottom lip. "Does it feel good to let someone else call the shots for once?"
"Y-yes," he strains, followed by a muffled groan when you sink your thumb into his hot mouth. His eyes search for approval and you nod to him with a sweet smile before he begins to gently suck at your thumb - his perfect lips closing a seal around the thickest digit as you move it in and out slowly.
"First," you pull your thumb from his lips before standing up, "I'm gonna ride that pretty face of yours. If you're good and keep your hands to yourself I might sit on your gorgeous cock and ride you until I tell you to cum. How does that sound?" You punctuate your plans by closing your lips around the same thumb that was just in Rex's mouth, giving a couple sucks while staring right into his eyes before popping it out and tracing his abs with the soaked digit. The groan of approval that spills from Rex's lips goes straight to your cunt.
Wasting no more time, you climb on the bed and throw one leg on the other side on his face. Gripping the headboard for balance, you begin to sink down against him and are instantly met with his expert tongue, licking through your folds before you’re all the way sat. Fuck. He always was the best with his tongue, but this time, you’re the one in control. Crouched and straddled over his face, you begin to gently move your hips back and forth against the wet muscle, letting your already soaked cunt slide against his perfect face. You have never done something like this before, and oh fucking boy is it exhilarating. 
It isn’t very long before you start to feel the blossom of heat within your core, the intense shockwaves that trickle through your body making you quiver against his face. You wanted this whole thing to be about Rex, but there’s no stopping the orgasm that shatters its way through you, making you cry out and smack a palm against the headboard. Rex’s tongue works in double-time, gliding back and forth to collect your release and stopping to flick at your clit in between deep groans. You feel him hum - deep and dark - beneath you, the vibrations making you nearly fall forward from the intensity. 
“R-rex,” you pant, peering down to look at his dark honey eyes as they meet yours while his tongue continues its assault. You lower a hand to tap at his head, and his tongue disappears back into his mouth. When you lift off his face, you inch yourself downwards, placing kisses on every spot of skin your mouth can reach as you make your way to his thighs. He’s trembling, fighting to keep his hands at his sides but he does so like a good boy - and you tell him just that.
You let out a blissed-out sigh, now straddling his thighs while your palms rest against his chest. “You did so good for me, Rex. Fuck, you look so pretty with all of me on your handsome face.” He doesn’t say a word, just stares at you with pleading eyes, lips glistening and parted. His cock twitches in front of you - swollen and desperate.  
You lean forward to meet his face, your lips just barely touching his as you whisper into his agape mouth, “You want me to fuck you, Rex?” punctuated by a nibble to his bottom lip. His only response is a throaty moan before you lean back to watch him, your fingers tracing invisible patterns along the dark skin of his thighs. You raise a brow at him, signaling your need for a verbal answer to which he visibly gulps, eyes clamping shut as he nods before choking out:
“P-please fuck me, cyare.”
edit: I’m literally so sorry that I keep forgetting to tag my Clone Bois peeps in things like this :(((
@deewithani @chromia7567 @threevie @letitrainathousandflames @latenightsthoughtsnstuff @justanothersadperson93 @ohtobeamoth @14mcmd1122 @tacticalsparkles @cheesemachine44 @bvcketfvcker
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thefanficmonster · 4 years
Part 2: ‘Lucky Me’
Corpse Husband x Reader
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Corpse decides to email back a person who has sent him quite a few creepy stories. She never seems to run out of scary encounters of both sorts: paranormal and stranger-danger. He gets suspicious that the stories are all made up so she can grab his attention, but he’s in for a surprise.
U/N - username
Requested: No
Corpse’s POV
I’m looking through my most recent emails from fans. They are all of scary encounters they’ve allegedly experienced. By now, I’ve read so many, it’s easy to decipher which are real and which are just made up nonsense. Some, I must admit, give me chills. Big props to the people who write those, especially if they are made up. If you can make someone’s skin crawl with your twisted, frightening imagination, you have one, for lack of a better term and in the most positive way, fucked up mind.
My cursor lands on the familiar username I see almost every other week. U/N. They have been sending stories consistently for about three years now. They, and I’m saying they cause you can never be sure who’s hiding behind the username, are either the most unlucky person to walk the planet or the one with most twisted imagination and story telling skills. I’ll admit, sometimes I narrate a story just because it’s well written. Believability is not the only thing I go by, I also reward creativity. And this person, U/N, has had their spot in many of my videos in the last three years. I’m honestly hoping they are made up, or at least some of them, because not only are there too many of them, but none of them fail to give me that eerie paranoia after I read them or the chills while I read them.
Once again, they have submitted a downright terrifying story. It would be a shame if I didn’t narrate it.
It would be a shame if I....
If I never actually meet them.
This many run-ins with people with malicious intent, always getting away by some miracle, what if they one day don’t make it out alive to tell it.
My heart sinks a little at the thought. I feel like I know this person, like we’ve known each other for three years now. They know the things the whole internet knows about me, and I, along with my regular watchers, know their stories. That’s by no means enough, now that I think about it.
My next action is really out of character for me. I decide to reach out to them. My fingers fly over the buttons on my keyboard too fast for my rational side to try and stop them. Deep down, I know I’m doing the rightest wrong thing I’ve ever done. My previously sunk heart is now in its assigned spot again, beating quickly.
You don’t know what you’re doing
I maybe don’t, but knowing isn’t what’s important right now. I just wanna do it.
~ Hey, this is probably, what, your twentieth story so far. I’m just curious, how many of these are made up? By the way, your stories are amazing and I’ll probably keep narrating them even if they aren’t real. They’re just that good.
I send the email before I can talk myself out of it. I get up from my chair immediately afterwards, putting as much distance between me and the computer as possible, silently promising myself I won’t be checking my mail every five minutes.
I anxiously refresh and refresh my email inbox, waiting for the dreaded email back from my professor. Being halfway through the college experience, I know how tough this professor’s class is and how much I suck at it. I sent him my completed assignment last night, barely making the deadline mind you, so now I’m sweating hardcore, staring my computer screen down.
After refreshing for the millionth time, I’m met with a new email which makes my heart stop for a second or two, my stomach dropping. Then I take the time to read the sender’s name, the subject and the first sentence of the email, and all the previous changes in me reverse. My heartbeat picks up speed, going faster than a galloping horse and my stomach turns, making me feel the sensation everyone calls ‘butterflies’.
Nah, man. This shit ain’t real. It can’t be.
But then again, what if it is. What if I’m about to full-on ignore my favorite youtuber because of my paranoia. Well, it’s not exactly unsupported. My life has been a shit show of unfortunate event and situations I’ve literally had to claw my way out of in order to stay alive. Now, when something of the sort happens, it’s just another weekday. However, I still wanna share these encounters. Not only because they are proof of the dangers girls have to deal with on a daily basis, but they also get narrated by one of my favorite people ever. What more can a girl ask for?
~ Listen, I’m really not looking forward to getting catfished. Please leave me alone
It’s short, not sweet, and to the point. It’s easy to understand, and it clearly states that I’m not falling for it if it’s a scam, but if it’s real....someone call 911 cause I think I’ll faint.
~ I get it, you have trust issues. But that’s understandable. From the creepy guy messaging you on all your social media. To the stalker you had from you high school, or even that teacher that turned out to not be a teacher at all and just a pedo, I see where the lack of trust is coming from. But I assure you, they only thing I wanna do is chat.
The shock and happiness overwhelm me when the reply arrives not even ten minutes later. 
Holy shit, this is him.
I start typing and then erase the typed half-sentence at least three times before receiving another email from him. From Corpse Husband. Corpse freaking Husband. How the fuck am I supposed to compose myself enough to reply to him, let alone sound cool and leave a good impression.
My hand shakes as I click the newly received email.
~ You probably don’t know what to say. Either that or you just don’t wanna talk to me. If you’re just baffled and surprised, reply with your name. If you want me to fuck off, ignore this email completely.
The smile I didn’t realize was there grows into a grin as small bursts of laughter escape me. Laughter caused by disbelief and shock. The type of laugh you let out when you score a good mark on the test you thought you completely fucked up.
~ Y/N. My name’s Y/N. 
PS: The stories are all 100% real. All happened. In the order I sent them too. And before you ask, I guess I’m just unlucky, but you are proving me wrong right now.
I don’t know where that confidence at the end came from, but I don’t care really. All that matters is that this might just actually be happening and it might be the best thing to ever happen to me.
~ Man, you’ve had it rough. Tell me, is there an easier way to access you than email. Like Insta DMs? I feel we have a lot to talk about and email is not the most convenient.
At this point, it feel so much like a fever dream that I decide to treat it as though it is. I just go with the flow.
~ Yeah, but first.....am I really not being catfished right now?
The email I receive as a reply to this message is empty of text but there’s a file attached. Not gonna lie, I am a bit hesitant to open it, but I decide that if this turns bad, I’ll just have to deal with it. In the meantime, I’ll believe it’s not a scam.
It’s an audio file: “No, Y/N, you are not being catfished.”
That voice. That god damn voice. It could convince me of anything. 
And now it’s convinced me into believing him. And finally letting out that squeal I was holding back before sending him my Instagram username.
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seijorhi · 3 years
Thirty Seven Seconds
Soulmate AU commission for @pokemonfreak666, hope you like it, bby!
Bakugou Katsuki x Female Reader, Kirishima Eijiro x Female Reader
TW non-con, minor character death, nsfw
Part II
It’s funny how easily the things you think are important get pushed aside and forgotten when everything goes to shit.
For over twenty years you’ve watched the timers on your wrists slowly tick down, day by day, hour by hour, second by second. Separated only by a fraction of a second, counting down to the exact moment you’d meet your soulmates. And for as long as you can remember, those two timers have meant everything to you.
Twenty-four hours out, and you could barely focus, buzzing with nervous anticipation.
Twelve hours. Six. An hour and forty five. Down the timers tick.
Nine minutes.
Five and a half.
It’s hard to describe the almost dizzying excitement you felt walking down the street, your arm looped with your friend’s. Giddy and grinning like a fool, it’d felt like nothing in the world could possibly touch you - you were moments away from meeting the ones - your soulmates, your happily ever after. 
And even though the timers never lied, you couldn’t help but keep your eyes peeled, desperately searching for an early glimpse of them while your friend (two months away from meeting her own) just rolled her eyes and laughed good-naturedly. 
Thirty seven seconds out, and the ground shook as an explosion ripped through the sky.
Funnily enough, you don’t remember too much after that. Just a wave of searing heat, an aftershock that knocks you clean off your feet and the sound of your best friend screaming.
There’s a hard body colliding with yours, the smell of burnt sugar and musk choking the air around you-
“Oi, shitty hair, get the other one!”
And then there’s nothing.
You wake up in the hospital hours later and a nurse with a sombre face tells you that your friend didn’t make it, and for the first time in years your soulmates are the furthest thing from your mind.
It was a villain attack, some no-name wannabe trying to make a reputation for himself. It doesn’t really matter, you don’t really care. 
It’s all white noise.
She tells you that you have visitors if you’re feeling up to it - the two Pro Heroes who rescued you stuck around to come see if you were okay, but you just shake your head. 
It’s not their fault, you know that, but the timers stopped ticking and your best friend died and you’re honestly not sure whether you’ll ever be able to reconcile those two things in your head. 
You spend just under a week in hospital, and every day they come to see you.
They never make it past the nurses station.
Two days after you’re discharged, there’s a rough pounding at your front door. 
You know, even before you glance through the peephole that it’s them. And even with your hand resting on the doorknob, your heart hammering away inside of your chest, there’s a part of you that wants to walk away, to shut them out entirely until they get the message that you’re not interested.
But it’s not their fault, you remind yourself, and you can’t be cruel.
Tentatively, you twist the knob and let the door swing open just a touch, catching on the chain deadbolt. 
The sight of the two towering Pro Heroes - Dynamight and Red Riot, unmistakable even out of their Hero costumes - standing out in the hall would be enough to set anybody on edge, but it’s the way their gazes snap towards you, red eyes zeroing in like you’ve caught them in the middle of a conversation that makes your heart squeeze uncomfortably.
They know. They have to. 
The blond’s still scowling, but the redhead (Kirishima, a voice inside your head supplies. He was your friend’s favourite, wasn’t he?) grins brightly at you.
“Hey babe! Y’know, you’re one tough chick to get ahold of,” he laughs, and your eyes flicker to Bakugou’s just in time to see the muscle in his jaw twitch. “Mind if we come in, sweetheart?”
Your stomach twists at the casual endearment, even more so when you catch sight of the pink and red flowers in his hand.
The polite thing to do would be to say yes; soulmates or not they did technically save your life and they deserve that much at least, but you just- 
You can’t. 
Not when you buried your friend yesterday. You need time. You need space. You’re just not in the right place and now… you’re not sure if you ever will be.
Swallowing tightly, you nibble on your bottom lip, “Um… look, I-I’m really sorry, but-”
“Nah, fuck this shit,” Bakugou snaps. “Move,” and you have all of a split second to process the command before his foot’s on the door and it’s splintering inwards, ripping the deadbolt clean off.
A shriek tears its way free as you flinch in on yourself, and vaguely you register Kirishima loudly chastising him, but you can’t focus on that when the blond’s hand is on your arm, fingers digging in, dragging you unceremoniously inside.
“Shut up, Kiri. ‘m not gonna let her push us away because she’s too fuckin’ stubborn for her own good.”
And then those red, glaring eyes are fixed on you, and it feels like you’re a little rabbit, caught in the maw of a hungry wolf. “What are you- stop!” you cry as he painfully yanks you forward again, this time in the direction of your open bedroom. 
But Bakugou doesn’t listen, doesn’t even pause, and despite his earlier protests, neither does Kirishima.
It’s too fast, too sudden- 
Your heart is pounding, fear gripping at your throat, squeezing. You don’t understand what’s happened, why they’ve forced their way inside your home, why they’re hurting you.
“Wait, please! I-I don’t-”
“You don't what, princess?! You’re our soulmate, aren’t you?” he snarls, and you can only sob. “Then just…” he breaks off with a frustrated huff, “just shut up and enjoy this.”
Against two Pro Heroes, you never stood a chance. 
It’s all too easy for Kiri to manhandle you back onto the bed, impossibly strong arms encircling your torso, drawing you back to prop you up against his chest while Bakugou busies himself with your lower half. Clothes are ripped off of you, greedy hands palming at exposed flesh, and you choke on another sob as heated red eyes gaze up at you from between your forcibly spread thighs.
The first lick of his tongue against your sex has you keening, writhing against the redhead’s grip. It’s useless - Kiri has no intentions of letting you go anywhere, and Bakugou only growls, fingers tightening on the meat of your thighs as he pushes his tongue further between your folds.
He eats you out like a man starved - sucking and slurping gracelessly at your cunt, messily, with no rhythm or technique, fucking his tongue into you while you shake and tearfully beg for him to stop. Yet you can’t fight the shameful warmth that burns at your cheeks, the way your toes curl and your breath stutters when he decides to add two fingers into the mix.
“Please,” you sniffle, choking back another moan as his tongue wraps around your clit and he suckles the swollen bud, but neither one of your soulmates pays the cry any heed.
You can feel Kiri’s own hardening cock nudging at your lower back as he plays with your tits, cooing at you and laughing when he rolls your nipple between his thumb and forefinger just as Bakugou’s fingers hit that sensitive bundle of nerves and you scream, shaking and trembling in his grip.
“Yeah, you like that baby? You like Bakugou eating your pussy out?” His lips trail along the curve of your neck, sucking hot, wet, open mouthed kisses against the tender flesh while he ruts his hips against you. “Don’t go all shy on us now, wanna hear how good we’re making our pretty girl feel.” 
And while his fingers relentlessly pump into your dripping cunt, Bakugou pulls back, lower jaw shining and wet with your juices, and grins, “Course she fuckin’ likes it. Little slut’s practically clamping down on my tongue with how badly she wants to cum.” His smirk deepens, something dark and feral burning in those crimson depths as his tongue darts out to lick at his lips, “But we’re just getting started, aren’t we princess? Gonna fuck you till you’re a drooling fucking mess, begging for your soulmates’ cocks, and you’re gonna love every damned second of it.”
Trapped between the two of them - your soulmates, the two people on earth who’re supposed to love you, protect you - you can only sob.
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saiki-k-innie · 3 years
An AU where Todoroki gets hit with a quirk which divides him into two people. The red hair Shoto is the flirty sassy half and the white one is the cold (ukwim) Todoroki (see what I did there? 'Shoto' and 'Todoroki',,,,,,,sorry). You don't know how it happened; you were literally besides him when it happened but ???
So now you gotta deal with it and watch out for the Todoroki's so Endeavor doesn't notice and skins everyone alive.
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Ruth ur gonna kill me- IN A GOOD WAY i've just never written Todoroki before and this is going to be a challenge. I'm eager to do it though, I have seen so much fanart where Todoroki has been split into two people--- [also yes i see what you did there-- very clever ;) ] anyway, lets see how this goes!
I’m going to do a full on fic without headcanons because that feels more natural for this request. 
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Part of a Whole
Anime: My Hero Academia Character(s): Shoto Todoroki, Eijiro Kirishima, and Katsuki Bakugou Legend (y/n = your name): gender neutral reader, quirk not mentioned, Pro Hero AU Word Count: 1.4k Warnings: none, slight cursing, flirty Todoroki  Notes: OUT OF CHARACTER TODOROKI!!! Yeah i’ve never written him before and now writing him split in half? DAMN ITS HARD!  I’m wracking my brain trying to remember his mannerisms and behavior, then polarize it. 
I will also maybe redo Todoroki’s banner because OH MY GOD i hate it so much and its off center im going to cry but i don’t have time to fix it rn
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Endeavor is going to kill me.
You stand speechless. The battle was continuing around you, but it fell on deaf ears. Mouth hanging slightly open, you look at Todoroki. Well, Todorokis now. You blink. Nope, still two of them. 
Todoroki had split in two. One sported a full head of fiery red hair and looked like he was ready to take on the world. The other had beautiful white locks hiding downcast eyes. Your gaze lingered on the second Todoroki. He slowly raised his snowy head and his soft grey eyes pierced your skull. The amount of hatred that came from his eyes- you knew it wasn’t because of you, but it was enough to snap you out of your daze. 
You whip your head around and check the surroundings. Nobody had noticed, but you couldn’t spot what had caused the split. Your partners look like they have the situation handled relatively well.  They rounded up the villains, but of the ones that were caught, you didn’t think any of them did it. 
"OI, RED RIOT” you call out to your former classmate, now pro hero. When you have his attention, you continue; “SHOTO AND I NEED TO GO, LIKE RIGHT NOW. I WILL EXPLAIN LATER, CAN YOU HANDLE THIS?”
He smiles and hits his fists together, “Of course, y/n!!!! You did great, go do what you need to do!”
“Don’t think that you will get out of paperwork you extra!!!!!” you hear Dynamight yell over to you. 
Shoving the ‘rokis out of sight, you laugh and assure Bakugou that you will be doing your fair share. You take off the top layer of your costume and use it to cover the firey Todoroki’s hair and shoulders. 
“We need to get out of here,” you tell the twins quickly, but they were still getting a grip on their new forms. 
“Oh, y/n~~ so eager to leave the fight? That’s not very heroic... </3″ the redhead teases while you fix the cloak around his head. He leans closer to you, just centimeters away from your face. “So desperate to be alone with me... I guess I can make an exception...” 
You do a double-take. What. The. Hell. Was Todoroki... flirting with you??? You give the garment a rough tug to make sure it was secure and push him away. “We don’t have time for this. Let’s go.” You look past the now-pouting Todoroki over to the silver one. “Are you okay?” 
“I’m fine.”
Brushing off his coldness, you start walking into a nearby alleyway. They both follow you, but the ice king keeps his distance. The other, you couldn’t shake if you tried. Lucky you.
“Y/n~~” the redhead savored your name like honey right off the comb. “You have such a beautiful name, I could get used to saying it more often ;)” 
You hear a scoff from behind you. Biting back laughter, you navigate the alleyways and side streets, heading for your nearby apartment. As you walk, you adjust your hero costume and tend to your wounds. The twins were miraculously unscathed. 
You feel a pair of silver eyes on you as you struggle to dress your injuries. Without a word, you feel his cold hands on you and you stop in your tracks. He doesn’t look at you once while he’s helping you with the medical supplies he carries in his hero costume. As soon as he’s finished, he started walking away. It reminded you of how he was when you first met him. Smiling, you continued on. 
What could have caused this? you think to yourself. You retrace the events of the battle in your head. There were five villains, all very powerful. Kirishima and you were dealing with two of them, but trying to keep the civilians safe at the same time. Todoroki and Bakugou had taken three of them head-on. It was so hectic, that you just had to trust your teammates that they would be okay, you had so much to do. It was when Todoroki had been split from the group that it happened. 
“It was a mistake to try to take down the top heroes,” you chided the villain you had subdued. “What a shame, what a shame...” When you had finished tying the villain up, you signaled Red Riot that you had finished up. You were running to help the others since you had taken your opponent down relatively easily when a flash of light caught your eye. You switched directions, remembering that Todoroki was fighting in that area last you checked. 
Avoiding the debris that was falling around you thanks to Dynamight, you quickly found the source of the light. There, behind an overturned bus shelter, were the Todorokis.  They both looked dazed but were slowly regaining consciousness. You were so taken by the situation that you forgot that you were fighting villains. Your objective immediately turned to helping them instead of the fight around you. All you could think about is what will happen to you if Endeavor finds out. 
Looking back, you should have assessed the situation quicker and identified the quirk user before tending to the twins. Todoroki is tough. It will take more than a strange quirk to really hurt him, but you had always been protective of him. Something in the way his eyes gleamed when he used his fire and the tone he would talk in when he was serious. Well, more serious than he was normally. He had always been there for you and you were there for him, whether he wanted you or not. 
You deduced that this was the effect of a quirk, and it should wear off soon. You estimated that the longest it could stay like this was a week. It would probably wear off in his sleep, but you were curious to see what it looked like wearing off. 
Looking back at the twins, who were now chatting with each other. Well, it was more like the redhead was doing all the talking. He had draped himself over the silver-eyed boy and was talking about a new topic every sentence. The icy boy felt your gaze on him and looked up at you. His expression may have seemed indifferent to anyone looking, but you could read his body language like a book. He was practically screaming at you to get the other off of him. You smile and laugh at the situation. He rolls his eyes and slides his foot forward and sends ice in your direction. You jump out of the way and stick out your tongue playfully. If it wasn’t for your training with him, you would have gotten hit. It was just like old times. That sure was Todoroki, albeit a lot more guarded. and, well, cold. 
The other noticed your interaction and perked up. “Hey, y/n, me and myself were talking” he nudges the other, hoping he would recognize his joke, but the pale boy just kept walking. Rolling his teal eyes, he continued, “You can call me Shoto like you usually do when we are alone, but call him Todoroki so you can address us specifically!!!” He runs up to you and gets uncomfortably close and whispers “~~ I’ve always liked how my name sounds coming out of your pretty little mouth.”
You swing your fist at him but he catches your wrist and uses your momentum to pull you closer into a hug. He lifts your chin up and says in a sultry voice, “we can’t have that, can we darling?” he tuts and was about to say something else when Todoroki separated you two and flipped his other self onto the concrete. Shoto surprisingly didn’t fight back but just hopped up onto his feet and continued talking to his twin like nothing happened. 
Eventually, you find the back entrance to your apartment building. You remove the firey boy from your arm, blocking out all of his advances as you get closer to the door. He huffs as you punch in the passcode to the door. Todoroki had been over to your apartment a million times, you paired up pretty frequently, not to mention you two were really close. You had been since high school. 
You hold the door open for the silvery twin, and as he walks past you could feel the temperature go down, but not from his quirk. This was going to be fun. 
And by fun, you meant torturous. 
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cinnamonest · 3 years
I feel like I’ve found my kin, I fell in love with Kakashi when I was like 8 LOL. Can I request some general yandere Zoro headcanons btw? I loved/still love him too 😶
Yes you may ahhh!!!! I love Zoro so much. I love writing for fandoms like this bc shounen anime are... Well, shounen, they're aimed at dudes, so they tend to not have as large of a female audience so there's not a lot of content out there. I love Luffy and there's like zero girl-targeted content for him. I swear I've spent so much time looking for wholesome, decent LuNa (my otp im sorry i just hhhh) doujins that aren't super male-oriented, and there's like... 2. For a 900+ episode anime. 2.
I also love the concept of a yandere in a situation where they CAN'T kidnap you, they're limited by their circumstances, so they have to kind of adjust or go insane. It's an interesting dynamic because it eliminates the norm for yanderes.
I think I mentioned this but I'm not 100% caught up with one piece (I mean, who is?), so I'm just keeping it simplistic and going with kinda basic Zoro and nothing with specific character developments or any spoilers other than his backstory
Yandere Roronoa Zoro (One Piece)
Tws: all the usuals -- yandere, noncon, kidnapping
He meets you while he's lost. I'm sorry I just. Zoro gets lost in the middle of some place they're docked, and you're just such a sweetheart, you see this guy clearly not knowing where he's going, and offer to help him. He's kind of taken aback by your softness and sweetness.
He's not easily made aware of his own feelings. He's a rough and tough sort of guy, and he has dedicated himself to swordsmanship so much that he's neglected to focus on himself and his interpersonal relationships, and he's not really self aware at all of his own feelings, very out of touch with his emotions.
Obviously, even if he tries to shove it down, Kuina weighs heavily on his mind in relation to you. He's another man that has known loss and it's dealt its damage on his psyche. He can't lose another person who's dear to him again.
This results in him becoming insanely protective, one of the most protective yans out there. He's easily one led into paranoia delusions regarding your safety. However, he's an honest and reasonable guy and can be level-headed when confronted. If someone (not yourself, as he thinks you're naive, but maybe another girl like Nami or Robin) tells him he's being overprotective and exaggerating about your safety, he may actually have a moment of self-realization and admit to it. He's capable of being reasonable enough to see it once it's pointed out to him. However... this doesn't stop him. He tries, really, he genuinely tells himself that he needs to stop. But his instincts just kind of take over. It's an impulse, to stop you from doing even the most slightly dangerous things.
Once you join the Straw Hat Crew, he just kinda... clings. It's a silent presence, but he's always there, constantly seems to show up wherever you are. Unfortunately, you can't really... get away from him per se. You're kinda limited to one ship, at least as long as you're out on the sea. Your only option for respite is going to your room or bathing, otherwise, he's gonna follow you, even if he's not saying anything and (very badly) trying to feign indifference, pretending you just happen to be going the same way all the time. He doesn't really know what to say, he's not good with these things, and often he's acting without really thinking too much about it. He won't usually strike up a conversation, he just... is there. Watches. May awkwardly ask a question or make a passing comment.
One scenario I imagine is you jokingly picking up one of his swords and wielding it around giggling and he just flips out, takes it from you and yells at you not to do that, are you an idiot? Do you want to trip and fall and have that impale you? Do you realize how easy it would be for you to slice your arm open by accident? It's startling to both you and anyone watching -- even for someone who gets yell-y as easily as him, it seems like an overreaction. He'll apologize but insist it's a safety thing, really.
And he really tries to hide his more... aggressive nature, because he thinks it will drive you away -- he's a blunt, tough guy with a short-fused temper, and he thinks that's definitely not something women like very much. He tries not to yell at you, not get mad so easy, keep his calm better around you, and might even be nicer to others so that you don't think he's mean. And for the most part, he can manage that. Except when it comes to a very specific, very problematic blonde crew member. His little conflicts with Sanji get worse, to even a point that he's snapping at him so frequently that even Sanji himself is a bit bewildered and caught off guard by it. The others notice they fight a lot more often... and Zoro always seems to instigate it, picking quarrels over the littlest things. In reality, he's afraid of the other's... sleazy nature. He can't have you falling for that bastard. He even starts to get jittery when you're in the presence of Franky, Usopp, hell even Luffy of all people. It's noticeable, and everyone kinda worries for him.
He kicks himself for it as soon as he does it, but he finds himself insulting you nonetheless. It's a terrible habit. He gets so awkward and flustered that it's second nature for him to say something snarky or even rude when you talk to him, and he immediately is just mentally screaming at himself for doing so. This will get a bit better with time, though, if you two talk more often.
Now, even if you can fight, you're never gonna really get the opportunity. In battle, he's clinging to you and protecting you at every moment, even if it costs the others some unnecessary wounds. It's highly uncharacteristic of him, and they notice. He won't leave your side, insisting that you're a weak fighter and that he has to take care of you. You just don't get it, you overestimate yourself, you underestimate your enemies, you're a girl. What, Nami and Robin? Well, they've been at this much longer than you, and they had rough upbringings. You're different. You're soft... fragile. You just can't see it. You're lucky he's here to protect your dumbass.
Due to your setup, well, he can't really kidnap you per se. He undoubtedly would if you two were somewhere else, in another life or another setting, but that's not really an option, and even as a yandere, he would never go so far as to kill or abandon his crew. So, he's stuck with just... slowly, slowly mentally deteriorating.
Now, he's not capable of kidnapping, he's not smart enough to really manipulate you into anything (although he WILL tell you that some of the other guys are out to use you), so, he's left to be the guard dog he inevitably becomes to you. If you avoid him, he'll just follow you. If you don't talk to him, that's ok. If you confront him, he'll just insist he has no idea what you're talking about, and you'll start to feel like maybe you're just paranoid. The others... don't really know what to do, to be honest. I can see Nami/Robin potentially confronting him, but in the end, they can't force him to change his behaviors, and they can't afford to lose him. This results in, gradually, everyone slowly kind of accepting your dynamic onboard. They feel bad for you, really, but... in the end, Zoro's just more valuable to the crew. Sorry. They're not gonna get rid of him, but they don't want to get rid of you either.
If you leave? It may just be one of the very very few things that could ever cause him to leave the Strawhats. It would tear him up, really, it goes against his dreams, his pride, his loyalty, but in the end... his loyalty is first and foremost to you. He'll follow you if you leave. It's a bad move on your part, because this gets rid of the only thing standing between you and kidnapping. Which, at that point, surely will happen. Like his other behaviors, he'll feel bad, he'll try and stop himself, tell himself it's wrong, but you'll end up bound in some dark basement nonetheless. He's one to take a very simple approach. Find you alone, sling you up and over his shoulder and carry you off before anyone can come.
Rejection doesn't faze him. No matter what, he'll remain by your side. Even if you never love him in return. It's just his nature, he's a guardian through and through.
In the end, he'll be right there by your side, scaring off any competitors, clinging to you like glue, ever in your presence like a shadow, forever. Whether you want him to or not. He's just an inescapable force, an unmovable object, and you're wasting your time trying to change your fate.
Now, he's very flustered with anything sexual. Highly embarrassed, lots of shame, and doesn't talk much about it. It just kind of happens. He doesn't talk much during, mostly grunts and the occasional fuck when you clamp down, occasionally asking you if you're ok, if it hurts, if it feels good. It's one of the only very soft sides of him. In the end, he really, truly loves you, and doesn't want to hurt you, he wants you to feel good and just love him. It's a very different side to him, one no one else has ever really seen, it's the most vulnerable he himself has ever been with another person.
He feels shame for it, but initially he'll definitely be one to steal your things, sit outside of your room at night, listening to you through the wall, try and get glimpses of you bathing or dressing. He really, really feels guilty, and he's one that will, once you're comfortably restrained and never going anywhere, just sit down and list out every nasty little thing he's ever done regarding you, just to get it off his chest. He understands if you react badly, and he'll apologize, which is a bit ironic considering how much worse kidnapping you is.
He'll apologize for that, too. He's actually one to do so a lot. He's normally a proud guy, but with this? He knows it's wrong, he knows it's fucked up. He knows he can't stop. And he'll be sorry to the moon and back. Just never sorry enough to stop.
He's actually a pretty vanilla guy. Hand-holding missionary type. And, despite being so embarrassed over it all, oddly romantic about it. It's one of the only things he's ever soft and gentle about, it's almost unbelievable to you that he's capable of being so gentle and slow with anything. But he'll kiss your forehead, really take his time with it all, make you cum on his fingers before ever actually fucking you. Hold your hand, look into your eyes. It would be honestly incredibly sweet if it weren't... you know, taking place in some dark sealed off room after dragging you there against your will.
If he's particularly mad, he can get rougher, but he'll apologize after. It's a lot of harsh grabbing, biting, it leaves bruises that he'll rub over softly, whispering an apology, even if a little part of him likes the way it looks on you.
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Out Of Time ~ 128
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 3,500ish
Summary: Tony works to save Dr. Strange and Y/N. The fugitive Avengers find their way to the compound. (gifs aren’t mine)
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As the alien started guiding the piece of pavement towards the giant circular ship, the cloak that was around Strange tore itself free and flew the piece of pavement away.
“No!” The alien yelled, following after it.
Iron Man and Spider-Man were both fighting off the large alien in the nearby park Tony had crashed into, when the pavement piece flew passed. All Tony could see was the cloak and the alien following, so he knew it was Strange and that he was in trouble.
“Kid, that’s wizard,” Tony told Peter, blocking an attack. “Get on it.”
“On it!” Peter replied, quickly swinging in that direction.
Spider-Man chased after the skinny alien, who was floating speedily and upright on a small platform of burbling debris. Swinging in between the pavement and the alien, Peter tried to tie up the alien. The alien attacked back, throwing a billboard at Spider-Man.
“Not cool!” Peter responded.
The alien bent all the utility poles in the path of the feeing clock, finally snagging the garment and ripping it loose of the pavement. Spider-Man re-arrived on the scene, finally noticing something.
“Uh, Mr. Stark? We have a problem,” Peter’s nervous voice rang over the comms.
“What is is kid?” Tony replied, still fighting off the larger alien. “I’m kinda in the middle—“
“Both the wizard and Miss Rogers are unconscious on the floating piece of road.”
“What?! I’ll be right there!”
Peter swung down to the pavement and stood on it, careful to not step on Strange or Y/N. Bending down, he went to break Y/N free when a cone of blue light began to pull the group upwards. Spider-Man jumped off, grabbing onto the nearest light post while using his webbing to try and keep the piece of pavement in place. The alien quickly uprooted the light post, sending Dr. Strange, the cloak, Y/N, and Peter on their way to the circular ship.
“Uhhh, Mr. Stark?” Peter called again. “I’m being beamed up!”
“Hang on, kid!” Tony responded.
Before Tony could fly over there, the giant alien he was fighting pinned Tony to the ground by his hammer that doubled as a claw. As the giant jumped towards Iron Man, blades ready to end the fight, he was sent through a portal instead. The alien turned and leaped  to return back through the portal, but Wong rapidly closed it and only the giant’s severed hand made its way back to the park. Bruce kicked the hand way with a noise of disgust. Iron Man then shook himself free of the weapon.
“Wong, you’re invited to my future wedding!” Tony exclaimed before beginning to fly towards the large ship. “Give me a little juice, FRIDAY.”
Iron Man’s foot thrusters suddenly morphed together into a single larger thruster, increasing his speed considerably. 
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Peter, not being able to keep hold of the pavement piece, was hanging onto the ship as it flew up into space. The alien and the piece of pavement with Strange and Y/N on it, had disappeared into the ship. Tony knew that Peter wasn’t going to be able to hold on or breathe for much longer.
“Unlock 17-A,” Tony ordered FRIDAY. “Pete, you gotta let go. I’m gonna catch you.”
“But you said save the wizard!” Peter responded. Gasping from lack of oxygen, Peter ripped off his mask. “I can’t breathe!”
“You’re too high up. You’re running out of air.”
“Yeah! That makes sense.”
Quickly, Peter passed out, free-falling, but not before the pod Tony had set out reached him. It attached itself to him, becoming a new suit. Now being able to breathe, Spider-Man landed on the bottom part of the ship.
“Mr. Stark, it smells like a new car in here!” Peter commented.
“Happy trails, kid,” Tony replied. “FRIDAY, send him home.”
“Yep,” FRIDAY answered.
A large parachute extended from the new Spider-Man suit, spending him back towards earth.
“Oh, come on!” Peter shouted.
Iron Man latched onto the hull and cut a hole to board the ship, looking for wherever Strange and Y/N were taken.
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“Boss, I have lifeforms detected in the ship,” FRIDAY informed. “One of them is most likely Agent Rogers.”
“Can you tell me if she’s breathing?”
A pause. “It appears she is.”
“Okay… I need you to—“
“I’m sorry, Boss, but we seem to be losing connection. We’re too far away from—“ Then FRIDAY”s line cut.
“Still no word from Vision?” The holographic image of Secretary Ross asked Rhodey. Rhodey was at the compound, dealing with the red tape.
“Satellites lost him somewhere over Edinburgh,” Rhodey replied.
“On a stolen Quinjet with four of the world's most wanted criminals.”
“You know they're only criminals because you've chosen to call them that, right, sir?”
“My God, Rhodes, your talent for horseshit rivals my own.”
“If it weren't for those Accords, Vision would've been right here.”
“I remember your signature on those papers, Colonel.”
“That's right. And I'm pretty sure I've paid for that.”
“You have second thoughts?”
“Not anymore.”
Suddenly, the fugitive Avengers (Sam, Wanda, Nat, and Steve) entered the room. Vision was being supported by Sam.
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“Mr. Secretary,” Steve greeted, firmly.
“You got some nerve,” Ross said, hologram walking up to the Captain. “I’ll give you that.”
“You could use some of that right now,” Natasha replied.
“The world's on fire. And you think, all is forgiven?”
“I'm not looking for forgiveness. And I'm way past asking for permission,” Steve stated. “Earth just lost her best defender. So we're here to fight.” He took a step towards the hologram. “And if you wanna stand in our way… we’ll fight you too.” 
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Ross turned to Rhodes. “Arrest them.”
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“All over it,” Rhodey responded before swiping off the hologram. “That’s a court-martial. It’s great to see you, Cap.”
The two men hugged. “You too, Rhodey,” Steve responded before Natasha went to hug Rhodey.
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“Well. You guys really look like crap. Must've been a rough couple of years.”
“Yeah, well, the hotels weren’t exactly five star,” Sam commented.
“Uh, I think you look great,” Bruce nervously walked in from the opposite end of the room. “Uh… heh… Yeah. I’m back.”
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“Hi, Bruce,” Nat greeted softly.
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“This is awkward,” Sam whispered.
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Steve looked around. “Has anyone heard from Y/N?” He asked. “She’d want to know—“
“She’s missing too, Steve,” Bruce interrupted. “When I found Tony to get his help, Y/N was with him.”
“She was… she was with him? But Y/N’s a fugitive as well. How—“
“Mr. Stark and Miss Rogers have been sneaking around,” Vision cut Steve off.
“What?!” Steve and Rhodey exclaimed.
“It’s been happening for about a year now.”
“Miss Rogers has been seeing Boss and Sergeant Barnes,” FRIDAY clarified. “Trying to work through her feelings.”
“Thats… and she never…” Steve was at a loss for words.
“You didn’t try to reach out to her either, Cap,” Sam said. “You even knew she was staying in Wakanda. T’Challa told you. And you refused to reach out.”
“What happened?” Steve asked, looking at Bruce.
“She got captured,” Bruce explained. “Tony went after the ship to protect her and the Time Stone.”
“Why don’t we take this into the other room?” Rhodey suggested. “Perhaps get you guys something to drink.”
They went into the next room over, each standing or sitting around the room. Bruce explained more of what happened and the other group explained what happened to them.
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“So we gotta assume they’re coming back, right?” Rhodey questioned.
“And they can clearly find us,” Wanda added.
“We need all hands on deck,” Bruce stated. “Where’s Clint?”
“After the whole Accords situation, he and Scott took a deal,” Nat answered. “It was too tough on their families, they're on house arrest.”
“Who’s Scott?”
“Ant-Man,” Steve replied.
“There's an Ant-Man and a Spider-Man? Okay, look… Thanos has the biggest army in the universe. And he is not gonna stop until he... he gets... Vision's Stone.”
“Well then, we have to protect it,” Nat stated.
“No, we have to destroy it,” Vision said. "I've been giving a good deal of thought to this entity in my head, about its nature. But also, its composition. I think if it were exposed to a sufficiently powerful energy source, something, very similar to its own signature, perhaps… its molecular integrity could fail.”
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“And you, with it,” Wanda said. “We’re not having this conversation.”
“Eliminating the stone is the only way to be certain that Thanos can't get it.”
“That’s too high a price.”
Vision took Wanda’s face gently with both hands. “With Y/N off world, only you have the power to pay it.” Wanda walked away, distressed. “Thanos threatens half the Universe. One life cannot stand in the way of defeating him.”
“But it should,” Steve said, looking at Vision. “We don’t trade lives, Vision.”
“Captain, 70 years ago, you laid down your life to save how many millions of people. Tell me, why is this any different?”
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“Because you might have a choice,” Bruce suggested. “Your mind is made up of a complex construct of overlays. JARVIS, Ultron, Tony, me, the Stone. All of them mixed together. All of them learning from one another.”
“You’re saying Vision isn’t just the Stone?” Wanda asked.
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“I'm saying that if we take out the Stone, there's still a whole lot of Vision left. Perhaps the best parts.”
“Can we do that?” Nat wondered.
“Not me. Not here.”
“You better find someone, and somewhere fast,” Rhodey said. “Ross isn't exactly just gonna let you guys have your old rooms back.”
“I know somewhere,” Steve stated. “Wakanda. But someone first has to explain how Y/N has anything to do with the Stone.”
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“70 years ago, the Tesseract chose her to be the protector of the Stones,” Vision explained, knowing the story due to housing the Mind Stone in his head. “That’s how she survived the fall. The Tesseract holds the Space Stone. Her powers come for each of the Stones, so she has the power to destroy the Stones, by channeling them. Y/N is able to wield and control the all the Stones.”
“What I showed her…” Wanda said quietly. “It was the Stone… Y/N’s the key to stopping Thanos.”
T’Challa already knew Y/N was missing before Steve had contacted him. With Okoye and two other guards, he made his way to Bucky’s place. Bucky was throwing bags onto a partly-filled car, being watched by two village children.
“You’ll have the Kingsgaurd, and the Dora Milaje have been alerted,” Okoye told T’Challa as they made their way towards Bucky’s small hut. 
“And the Border Tribe?” T’Challa wondered.
“Those that are left.”
“Send word to the Jabari as well. M’Baku likes a good fight.”
“And what of this one?” Okoye looked at Bucky, just down the hill.
“This one may be tired of war. But the White Wolf has rested long enough.”
They made their way to Bucky. The guards set an elaborate and high-tech looking case down on the cart. They opened the lid to reveal the black and gold vibranium arm that Bucky had worn on Valentine’s Day.
Bucky sighed. “Where’s the fight?” He asked.
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“On its way,” T’Challa answered. “And, Barnes…” The King glanced over at Okoye. “There’s something else. It’s about Y/N.”
Bucky was immediately alert. “What is it?”
“She’s missing.”
Dr. Strange was floating horizontally, face down, surrounded by dozens of long, glassy needles, as the alien interrogated him. Y/N was still unconscious, tied to the pavement off to the side.
“In all the time I’ve served Thanos, I’ve never failed him,” the alien told Dr. Strange. “If I were to reach our rendezvous on Titan with the Time Stone still attached to your vaguely irritating person, there would be... judgement.” The needles began to contact Dr. Strange’s face, causing pain. “Give me… the Stone.”
Tony was watching, hiding from above. After receiving a tap on the arm, Tony turned around, hand up and ready to shoot. Tony stood stand after seeing that it was the cloak.
“Wow, you’re a seriously loyal piece of outerwear, aren’t you?” Tony commented.
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“Yeah, un speaking of loyalty…”
Tony and the cloak turn, completely shocked, to see Peter dropping down from above.
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“What the—“
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“I know what you’re gonna say,” Peter interrupted, holding his hands out.
“You should not be here,” Tony stated.
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“I was gonna go home—“
“I don’t wanna hear it.”
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“But it was such a long way down and I just thought about you and Y/N on the way—”
“And now I gotta hear it.”
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“—and I kinda stuck to the side of the ship. And this suit is ridiculously intuitive, by the way. So if anything, it’s kinda your fault that I’m here.”
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Both the cloak and Tony looked shocked, again. “What did you just say?”
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“I take that back. And now I’m here in space.”
“Yeah.” Tony went to stand right in front of Peter. “Right where I don’t want you to be. This isn’t Coney Island. This isn't a field trip. It's a one-way ticket. You hear me? Don't pretend like you thought this through. You could not have possibly thought this through.”
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"No. I did think this through.”
“You could not have possibly thought this through.”
“It's just .. you can't be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man if there's no neighborhood.” Peter waited to get something from Tony, but nothing. “Okay. That didn't really make any sense, but you know what I'm trying to say.”
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Tony let out a shaky breath. “Come on. We got a situation.” 
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Tony led Peter over to where they could see Dr. Strange, Y/N, and the alien. Peter crouched down to study the situation and the cloak leaned over his shoulder.
“See him down there?” Tony pointed to Dr. Strange. “He’s in trouble. And Y/N laying over there as well. What’s your plan? Go.”
“Um. Okay, okay… uh…” Peter stuttered, trying to think. He and the cloak popped back upright. “Okay. Did you ever see this really old movie, Aliens?”
Meanwhile, the Stones were talking to an unconscious Y/N.
“You can’t stop what’s coming… it will come, no matter what. You are being saved for the final battle… we will stop you from doing anything to prevent what needs to happen. What’s supposed to happen… someday, you will understand. There are things meant to be learned, things meant to happen, that we will not let you stop… use your powers wisely.”
She gasped quietly, waking up. Y/N quickly studied her surroundings. She could feel the Time Stone close before she noticed the predicament Dr. Strange was in. The glass spikes were pressing into Strange’s skin, causing him to let out a groan.
“Painful, aren’t they?” The alien taunted. Ebony Maw, the name was, Y/N finally getting inside his head. “They were originally designed for microsurgery. And any one of them—“
There was a thump behind Maw, he turned to see Iron Man standing there. Tony’s hand repulsers were ready to fire. Y/N closed her eyes and focused on getting out of the utility ropes without making a big scene.
“—could end your friend’s life in an instant,” Maw continued.
“I gotta tell you, he’s not really my friend,” Tony responded. “Saving his life is more a professional courtesy.”
“Ah, yes. It’s the girl you’re really after.” Maw walked slowly towards Iron Man, beckoning very large metal objects to float behind him. “Too bad you’ve saved nothing. Your powers are inconsequential compared to mine.”
“Yeah, but the kid’s seen more movies.”
Iron Man fired a rocket from his shoulder which pierces the side of the ship to Maw’s right and began to suck everything out with depressurization, including Y/N. She quickly portaled herself to behind Tony, relieving herself from the binds. Maw was sucked out into space quickly. Dr. Strange was pulled loose of his bindings and the needles, also heading for the hole. The cloak quickly wrapped around Dr. Strange, trying to keep him inside. Strange and the cloak lost their grip, but Spider-Man shot a web strand, holding him in place. Or trying to. 
The web broke, sending both Strange and Peter towards space. Suddenly, Peter’s suit releases metal spider-like arms, keeping him from being sucked out. Y/N quickly portaled Strange behind her.
“Yes!” Peter shouted, looking at the metal arms. “Wait, what are those?!”
Using the metal arms, Peter leaped to get to a safer place. Tony quickly sprayed nano-particles onto the hole to plug it. Spider-Man landed on his new legs, quickly retracted them. He found the cloak hovering next to him. 
“Hey, we haven’t officially met,” Peter said, offering the cloak his hand. It ignored it, going straight to Strange. “Cool.”
Tony’s suit quickly disappeared back into the arc reactor as he rushed to Y/N. He grabbed onto her arms, examining her body for any injuries.
“Are you alright? Are you hurt?” He asked. Tony’s hands found a place on her cheeks. “Tell me you’re—“
“I’m fine, Tony,” she responded. “I’m fine.”
He gave her a kiss before pulling her in for a hug. “I was so worried.”
“I’m fine.” She hugged him back, breathing him in. “I’m fine.”
“We’ve gotta turn this ship around,” Strange stated.
“Yeah. Now he wants to run,” Tony replied. “Great plan.”
“No, I want to protect the Stone.”
Tony walked towards the front window, showing that they were speeding. “And I want you to thank me now. Go ahead, I’m listening.”
“For what? Nearly blasting me into space?”
“Who just saved your magical ass? Me.”
“Technically it was me,” Y/N added.
“I seriously don’t know how you fit your head into that helmet,” Strange scoffed.
“Admit it. You should have ducked out when I told you to,” Tony continued. “I tried to bench you. You refused.”
“I tried to bench your girlfriend, yet she refused as well. And, unlike everyone else in your life, I don’t work for you.”
“And due to that fact, we’re now in a flying doughnut billions of miles away from Earth with no backup.”
“I’m backup,” Peter said, raising his hand.
“No. You’re a stowaway.” Tony pointed his finger between himself and Strange. “The adults are talking.”
“I’m sorry, I’m confused as to the relationship here,” Strange said. “Wh—what is he, your ward?”
“No,” Peter responded. “I’m Peter, by the way.”
“Dr. Strange.”
“Oh, we're using our made-up names. Um... I'm Spider-Man, then."
“Peter,” Y/N muttered, rolling her eyes.
“This ship is self-correcting its course,” Tony stated. “Thing’s on autopilot.”
“Can we control it?” Strange asked, walking closer to Tony. “Fly us home.”
Tony, looking out in space, was lost in bad memories. Of going through the portal, of what Wanda showed him. 
“Tony?” Y/N called softly, stepping towards him. She was concerned. 
“Yeah?” He responded. He met her gaze briefly, quickly looking away cause it was not the time for him to be freaking out or for her to be reading him.
“Can you get us home?” Strange asked.
“Yeah. I heard you. I’m thinking… I’m not so sure we should.”
“What?” Y/N questioned. “Why?”
“Under no circumstance can we bring the Time Stone to Thanos,” Strange stated. “I don't think you quite understand what's at stake here.”
Tony talked over to Strange. “No. It's you who doesn't understand, that Thanos has been inside my head for six years since he sent an army to New York and now he's back! And I don't know what to do. Because I am not sacrificing Y/N for the sake of the universe, for whatever the Stones have told her is her destiny. So I'm not so sure if it's a better plan to fight him on our turf or his but you saw what they did, what they can do. At least on his turf, he's not expecting it. So I say we take the fight to him. Doctor. Do you concur?”
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Strange was silent for a moment. “Alright, Stark. We go to him. But you have to understand... if it comes to saving you or the kid or the Time Stone... I will not hesitate to let either of you die. I can't, because the fate of the universe depends on it.”
“Nice. Good. Moral compass. We're straight.” Tony stepped over to Peter, formally tapping each of Peter’s shoulders. “Alright kid. You’re an Avenger now.”
“You skipped me,” Y/N said, walking up to Strange.
“Excuse me?” He questioned.
“You said that if it came between saving Tony, Peter, or the Time Stone, that you’d choose the Time Stone… but what about me?”
“You and I both know, Y/N, that the Stones will not let you die until you have completed what they need you for. No matter what that may be.”
next chapter >
NOTES: from now on the taglist when be added by a reblog. I will reblog it using my second account, @just-dreaming-marvel-2​​. Just so that my main page doesn’t get too cluttered.
If you want to be added to the tag list, please dm me or send in an ask.
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tastyykpop · 4 years
[ᴡᴇʟʟ ᴍᴀʏʙᴇ ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅɪᴅɴᴛ ᴋɪʟʟ ʜɪᴍ]
Pairings: mafia boss!jaehyun x reader
Warnings: dom!jaehyun, brat!reader, yandere themes, orgasm denial, slight edging (like really slight), thigh slapping, ropes, vibrator, punishment kinda, creampie, unprotected sex (stay safe 🙏)
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The glass in Jaehyuns hand shattered as he saw another man approach you. He was beyond pissed. Mostly at you honestly. You were basically letting it happen because to you, this was all fun and games.
It shouldn't be though.
Jaehyun was a dangerous man. Someone you really shouldn't be around and someone who had a lot of power, over anything and everyone. Most people were terrified of him and only idiots would dare to speak out of line. And if they were lucky, maybe, just maybe they'd make it out alive.
It all happened when you came to this bar for a good drink and a slight buzz. But here, there was always someone hitting on you. This someone happened to be Jaehyun. It was the first time you met him too. Unfortunately, like the idiot you were (and still are), you talked back to him. It wasnt because you were trying to be rude, but instead you were fed up with the way he was acting towards you. The small brushes on the shoulder and the hand on your knee was getting on your nerves. But what really annoyed you were his comments. Not realising who he was and the power he had, you got angry and gave him back handed comments.
You only stopped when you felt a sting to your thigh.
Luckily for you it was only a slap. Not a knife or a bullet. Jaehyun was never this gentle.
Everytime after that, you would still come back to the bar, in your usual seating and Jaehyun would always be there. He even remembered your favorite drink after the first few nights. How sweet. But now, he was seated away from you with a group of men, watching your every move since he couldnt be with you at the moment.
"Baby that dress looks so pretty on you." The guy sitting next to you commented. His tongue swiping over his lips to coat them in his own saliva.
"Hmm thanks." You smiled, knowing that an angry Jaehyun was watching you like a hawk from across the bar.
The man's hand began to slither up your thigh, dragging his hand up and down. It was nothing like Jaehyuns rough, yet loving hands.
"I want to get to know you more." You turned your head to face the man and raised an eyebrow. "Come home with me."
"Sorry, but I'm gonna have to say no." You took a quick swig of your drink and smiled.
"Come on baby. It'll be worth your time." The man took your hands into his and brought them to his lips.
Jaehyun was going to kill someone today.
"Im sorry," you pulled your hand away, giggling, "but I said no." The man was still relentless, grabbing your hand and placing it on his bulge. Your eyes lit up and you searched around the room to see if anyone was seeing what was going on, stopping on your boyfriend's cold eyes.
Jaehyun got up from his seat, walking towards you. Your hand pulled away like lightning. A groan coming from the man next to you. Panic filled your body as you knew someone was going to get killed, or injured.
An angry Jaehyun is not a good Jaehyun. Especially if someone touched his girlfriend. And he let that go too far.
"Whats my pretty girl doing?" Jaehyun pulled your hair to the side and lightly kissed your neck. It was odd hearing such a soft voice come out of Jaehyun, yet you could feel how pissed he was.
"I-i was just talking..." His hands grabbed your waist, digging his nails deep into your side. Jaehyun wasnt an idiot, but you tried.
"And who the fuck are you?" The man asked. You actually forgot he was still there. But he wasn't going to be for long, Jaehyun ripped out a gun and pointed it at the man before making sure the safety was off.
"The real question is who are you?"
"I-i..." the man stuttered, obviously threatened by the weapon in your boyfriends hand.
"I dont like waiting." Jaehyun cocked the gun.
"I-im no one s-sir my apologies." The man walked away as quickly as he could from the both of you. Jaehyun snickering at how pathetic he was.
"Im gonna killed him for touching you."
"No, you wont. You can't always hurt someone who talks or touches me."
"Dont talk back to me, im not in the mood." You got up from the bar stool and walked with Jaehyun to his car. A very expensive one at that.
"I dont care if your in the mood stop acting like a bitch." Your sparky comment took all of Jaehyuns power to not bend you over and spank you in public.
"Get in the car Y/N."
"No." Crossing your arms over your chest, you turned and walked away. That set Jaehyun off.
You were suddenly in the backseat of his car, your face pushed against the seat and your ass in the air. The dress you were wearing was barely covering anything anymore.
"Listen here you pathetic little slut," he whisped in your ear, "if i tell you to get in the fucking car you listen, understand?"
You tried to get out of the grip he had on you, but it was no use. It just earned you a smack.
"Stop moving and answer me."
"Yes." A sigh left your mouth as he let go of you and walked to the drivers seat, starting the car. Leaving you in the back flustered.
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"Come on pretty girl you can take it."  Jaehyun was currently fucking you with a vibrator. The vibrations sending you over the edge as he kept moving it in and out at a slow pace. You grabbed his arm and dug your nails deep into him, hoping that he'd stop punishing you and fuck you for real.
"P-please.." You begged as you squirmed on the bed from all the edging he was doing.
Jaehyun ignored you and picked up his pace. The room was filled with a mix or screaming, moaning, and wet sounds, just how he likes it.
He pulled you in for a rough kiss, teeth clashing with each other. The rougher he was, the more passionate he was with you.
"Im gonna cum." You moaned out, pulling away from the deep kiss, having enough of all the toying from the man above you.
"No youre not." He ripped the toy out of you, ruining your orgasm.
"Aw look at that baby, guess you won't cum again for another month."
You glared at the man as he sat there with a playful smirk before he moved on top of you, leaning down to bite and suck on your neck, leaving purple and blue marks on your skin as a whine left your lips. You wanted more, but knowing Jaehyun you probably weren't going to get it until he was satisfied enough. But you knew he was going to give up sooner or later. The boner brushing against your thigh was not going to go unnoticed by you.
"Stop...teasing..." You tried saying as Jaehyun moved back up to kiss you again.
"Why should i?" He looked up with an eyebrow raised, "You werent exactly the nicest to me. So why should I be nice to you?"
You frowned at the older man ready to talk back again, but the sudden cold hand cupping your hot entrance stopped you. The lower half of your body was almost grinding on his hand for more friction. Jaehyun noticed and smirked at your attempts to get off.
"Dont even try that." He kept the same agonizing smirk on his face, giving him a more sadistic look than before. Your movement stopped with a pout and you watched Jaehyun take his hand away from your core.
"Then ill just do it myself." You pretty much just pushed Jaehyun away from you and attempted to please yourself, but you knew damn well it wasn't nearly as good as Jaehyun himself.
"Look at the pretty girl trying to act all tough." Jaehyun cooed at you, taking your hand away from your core and pinning your hands above your head. "Have i not been punishing you good enough? Is that why your acting even more bratty than usual?"
"No," you shook your head at your boyfriend, "its the fact you going to kill someone just because they touched me."
"Well i have a newsflash for you princess," Jaehyun leaned closer to your ear and whispered, "theyre already dead."
"Y-youre insane Jaehyun..."
"But thats why you love me." You watched as Jaehyun got off of you, moving to find something in the very large closet you both shared. When he turned back, you expected another toy he was going to tease you with, but no. He had ropes in his hand as he walked towards you with the same sadistic smirk that you hated yet loved.
He tied you up effortlessly, only giving him a few hard times but that only ended with a few smacks to your thigh.
Jaehyun stood back looking at your naked figure, a small blush painted your cheeks as you felt small under his gaze. Yes, Jaehyun was rather proud of what he was looking at. The beautiful hickeys and bite marks that littered your thighs, neck, and chest. The red hand prints on your thighs wrapping around to your ass. And the crescent shapes in your hips from his nails digging into your skin. He loved all of it.
You could hear the sound of clothes dropping to the floor, but didnt bother turning your head, too embarrassed to look at him now that you felt more exposed with the ropes holding your wrists to the bed post.
"Spread your legs for me princess." The sound of Jaehyuns voice brought you back to reality. You looked at him, his eyes staring into yours waiting for you to do as you were told. But did you didnt move. Just adding more fuel to his anger. "I said spread your fucking legs." He growled. You did so a bit too slowly for his liking and it only ended up with him forcefully spreading them himself.
A quiet gasp left your lips watching as he began to slowly grind into you, making you feel his bare cock against your pussy. Your sighs and moans filled the room, jaehyun watched closely, taking in every whine and movement you made. He pulled back and you waited for him to continue grinding but no, he was inside you without warning, not giving you anytime to adjust.
Jaehyuns fast pace shook the bed and your wrists were chaffing against the ropes. Moans erupted from your throat from the pain and pleasure Jaehyun was giving you.
"Fuck, Jaehyun...."
Jaehyun moved his hand from your hips up to your throat giving it a tight squeeze, "Such a dirty mouth." His hips snapped forward making your eyes roll to the back of your head and more cuss words were choked out. Earning a disappointed head shake from your boyfriend.
The lewd sounds of your bodies filled the room as he continued fucking you into oblivion. If someone walked in, they would be sure to have the image of you being fucked by Jaehyun with his fingers in your mouth and hand wrapped around your throat all while being tied up, stuck in their head for a few months.
"You love being a brat huh?" Jaehyun started whilst making eye contact, "Cause you know you'll be fucked like the pathetic slut you are. Am i right princess?"
He took his fingers out of your mouth to let you speak, "Y-yes." You moaned out. A quiet chuckle rang through your ears.
"Needy little brat..." His pace was faster yet sloppy and you knew he was close. The bed rocked and the sound of skin against skin filled your ears. Jaehyuns grip on your throat not planning on letting go as you struggled for breath.
"Jaehyun....p-please I'm gonna-"
"If you even dare cum ill beat your ass." That changed your thoughts about even bothering to let go, knowing he wasn't playing around.
Just as you felt like holding it in wasnt enough, Jaehyun was already one step ahead and came inside you, riding out his orgasm with a low groan.
Jaehyun pulled out, removing the ropes from your wrists. They were as red as your thighs and they stung too the touch. Jaehyun, being the nice man he is, even though he was still slighlty mad, took the time to give you after care, applying a cream to your wrists and butt just so the redness would calm down and cleaned up the cum dripping down your thighs.
After all that he laid beside you, embracing you in his arms and kissing the top of your head. "My pretty girl." He muttered against your hair before the both of you drifted off to sleep. Although you were still angry that you couldnt cum.
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S/O Flinching And Raising Their Arms In Self Defence Due To Past Trauma
Genre: Angst with a good ending, hurt & comfort
Warning: Trauma, anxiety and fear. Heavy topic. Freaking Long ass.
Character(s): Tsukishima, Kuroo, Oikawa
A/N: I should’ve written this one sooner but my own circumstances got to me. I hope this gives you some form of relief and anyone who has these traumas or fears, it is best to seek help either professionally or from someone you trust the most. I am here and my inbox and private messages are always open if anyone ever needs to talk.
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I feel like being as observant as he is, Tsukishima will notice how you react to your parents the few times he has been over to your house. He'd see how you flinch, yelp when they raise their voices, he even noticed your arms twitching as if they are ready to come up and hide your face. He saw everything but never said anything.
Sometimes he'd forget that things are rough at home because whenever you are with your boyfriend, you're always happy and cheerful; You forget all the things bothering you, even when he doesn't exactly put any effort, he just stays next to you.
It was a date like any other date, the two of you were hanging out at a nearby bakery after school, sharing a dessert and drinking your tea and milkshakes. You kept looking at your phone and fidgeting, your leg shaking impatiently; you weren't really paying attention to anything Tsukki was saying, lost in your own troubling thoughts.
Midway through his conversation, he noticed that you weren't paying attention and were lost in your own thoughts with a troubling expression on your face.
Tsukishima frowned as he noticed you fidgeting, "Y/n?" he called out your name. When you didn't respond, he called your name again. You didn't respond even when he called out your name several times.  
He raised his arm and brought it close to your face and snapped his fingers. You flinched and yelped, suddenly bringing your arms up to cover your face. You were quivering in fear. As soon as he saw panic in your eyes, Tsukishima reels back his arm and instantly appears by your side. "Y/n?" He asks as gently as he could, trying his best to hide the shaking of his own voice.
Luckily, there were only a few patrons other than you two in the bakery, so there wasn't a lot of eyes on you guys. 
Listen, Tsukki is also a teen, he wouldn't know how to handle the situation, but I'll be damned if he doesn't try to help you out to the best of his abilities.
He read somewhere that to help someone with anxiety attacks,  its best to remain as calm as possible; he had never felt more grateful to a small fact he had read so fleetingly. 
Tsukki rubs your back soothingly; "Hey, you know I won't hurt you, right?" he tries to keep his voice as gentle possible, making sure that you don't hear the slight panic in his voice.
He sticks by you until you calm down, he makes you sip your drink, and when you finally settle down, he sits back on his spot, making sure to keep his hands out of view.
"I'm sorry..." you apologise, not looking him in the eye. Tsukishima sighs, "It's okay Y/n. This isn't your fault, but you need to tell me what happened," he asks you.
Reluctantly, you tell him how your parents use violence as a form of discipline and punishment; you explain to him that they do not listen to you at all and say a lot of harsh words without a second thought.
To say he was mad was an understatement, Tsukishima was seething, but for your sake, he suppressed the anger from showing on his face. He listened and listened, and with each terrible thing you told him, his heart grew heavier.
When you had nothing more to say, as gently as he could, without a word, he reaches out and holds your hand across the table, rubbing soothing circles with his thumb on the back of your hand.
"Honestly," he begins. "I don't know what to say... What's supposed to be an appropriate reaction to all of this".
"I'm angry, I am furious, I hate what I'm feeling..." he tells you. "Are you angry at me?" you ask. He looks at you as if you've offended him, "No, I'm not mad at you at all. None of this is your fault. I'm mad at your family. I hate them".
Tsukishima squeezes your hand affectionately and with sympathy as you blink away your tears. "What's been bothering your today?" he asks gently, nodding towards your phone. "My mom's mad at me for some reason..." you tell him.
"Do you want to stay at my place tonight?" he asks, you shake your head, "My mom will lose it and she's already super mad right now". Tsukishima thinks for a bit before saying, "Do you want me to stay with you tonight?" 
He sees you perk up and smiles, "I'll stay at your place tonight, cool?" you nod excitedly, "Thank you!"
He orders you another dessert before walking home with you.
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Kuroo had no idea of the past you tried to forget and hide from everyone. The two of you met as interns at the same workplace, and because you guys clicked with each other so well, it wasn't long until you two became lovers.
If young Kuroo was super intuitive and observant, then imagine how perceptive he would be when he's all grown up and experienced. 
You've never told him about your abusive parents, but he had some idea that there were some traumas in your past that you were unwilling to discuss. He figured that you hated being yelled at and didn't deal well with intimidating people. He's seen you with superiors, you get nervous and antsy when you're doing a task because you're scared to make a mistake, you also stumble over your words in front of the boss, and sometimes just avoid overall confrontation.
He's never said anything. He figured that if you're not willing to share this with him, then you must have a reason. He does, however, always speaks to you in a gentle tone, he never loses his patience with you and tries to never show you the angry side of him, if it isn't directed at you.
But he only human, after all, and sometimes somethings can get the best of anyone. One of the employees, who worked as your's and his junior, had made a major mistake in a very important document; the deadline was right around the corner, and there was very little time to fix the problem. 
It was Friday evening, and you two had just arrived home after work when Kuroo received the e-mail from the said employee. As he read the mail over and over, his temper began to rise.
"Babe, are you okay?" you ask and place your hand on his back, soothingly, as he rakes his hand through his hair. "Fucking HELL!" he suddenly yelled and threw his phone on the couch. With a scared scream, you reeled back and raised your arms to cover your ears with your hands. 
He snaps out of his anger as soon as he sees your reaction; within seconds, he is by your side. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" you're chanting with your eyes screwed shut, ears covered and body hunched over. 
Kuroo wraps his arms around you and brings your face against his chest, "Baby, I am sorry! I shouldn't have raised my voice," he says. You tremble in his hold, crying silently, "I'm sorry!"
Kuroo's heart wrenches in his chest, "Why are you apologising? I should be the one! I am so sorry Y/n, I shouldn't have yelled like that," he apologises. "Even though I knew you don't like loud sounds, I still-" he sighs, frustrated with himself, "I'm sorry..."
You pull away from his chest and look up at him, your eyes still wet and fresh tears threatening to spill, "I-I know you didn't yell at me. I shouldn't have reacted like that..." you say with a shaky voice. "I know you would never hurt me, I'm sorry".
That night, the two of you laid in bed and talked about everything and nothing at all. When you tried to tell him of the past, he stopped you, "Maybe next time..." he said. "I don't want you to revisit those memories right now".
As the two of you snuggle with each other, and you slowly drift off to sleep you can bearly hear the words that Kuroo says to you, "I'll always keep you safe, Y/n. I promise".
You slept without nightmares that night.
Also, extra, but the employee that messed up got an earful in the men's room on Monday, one place where Kuroo knew you wouldn't hear him lose his cool. Angry Kuroo may be hot to the general population (at least, those who found him attractive anyway) but ask that rookie, he had never wanted to die more than in that moment he was getting an earful.
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You had been dating Oikawa since you guys were young, since highschool. He had helped you get through all the tough times and knew what you feared and your trauma. 
He had always been careful not to raise his voice or speak with malice in front of you; he even made sure that Iwaizumi didn't resort to violence in front of you, and that Kyoutani stayed far far far away from you.
Surprisingly, there was no incident or episode outside of your home; but that also meant that he had never seen the extent your trauma and how it affects you.
When you guys were teens, he made you a promise that he will take you away from your toxic home and give you a life without worry and fear. He had kept his vow, and as soon as you two graduated, he helped you get admission in a university in Argentina, and you two moved out of Japan, never to look back on your terrible home and family.
Sometimes, when a long time passes, people tend to forget the promises of the past; the same had happened with Oikawa. Obviously, this didn't mean that he loved you any less, it was just that somehow as life went on that old promise from his young days buried itself in the back of his mind.
Oikawa was getting ready to leave for practice; you were following him around, reminding him of some things he needed to bring on his way home.
"Tooru, we're out of milk". Oikawa smiles, "Okay, babe, got it". "We don't have butter- you dropped your sock- and grapes". Oikawa sighed, slightly irritated, "Okay, Y/n," he mumbled. "Tooru, you're forgetting your sunscreen," "Yep, Thanks". "Put the dirty clothes in the laundry," "Done". "The neighbours wanted to have dinner, I'm gonna tell them we're going, okay?" "Cool, cool".
"You got some mail from the bank, you have to check it". "Will do it when I come back". "Also-" Oikawa growled, "Also what?!" he said annoyed. He didn't notice you flinch, "You've been nagging me about dumb shit all morning!" He turns his glare towards you, "I Just need ONE FUCKING MORNING TO MYSLEF!" as soon as he raises his voice, you stumble backwards and cover your face with your arms. 
The moment he sees you recoil, he is reminded of the promise he made way back. Oikawa is filled with guilt and instantly reaches for you, he feels so much pain when you flinch and move away as he tries to touch you.
Very slowly, he reaches for you again, placing his hand on your arm covering your face. He sighs in relief when you allow him to lower your arm, but he is soon feeling even more guilty when he sees hot tears streaming down your eyes."Y/n, baby I am so sorry," he almost whispers, afraid that you'll reel back if he dares make a sound any louder than a whisper.
"I shouldn't have yelled at you like that, I-I am so so so sorry Y/n, baby," he apologises and pulls you into a hug and allows you to cry into his chest.
He doesn't care if your tears are soaking through his jersey or he is getting deadly late for practice; his first priority is you. "I'm sorry!" you sob, old habit resurfacing after so long.
Oikawa gently moves you back and softly cups you cheeks, wiping away your tears with his thumbs, "Baby, please don't say sorry. I should be sorry! You were only doing your job".
You nod, wiping your tears and gently pushing his chest, "You're getting late," you tell him, your voice sounding wet, a sob threatening to break out at any moment. Oikawa pulls you back into the hug, "Screw that for now," he kisses the top of your head, "I can't leave you like this".
It doesn't take you long to calm down (Oikawa tried to make you laugh, "Y/n-chan! Punch me! You can kick the living shit outta me, I won't say anything, I promise! I deserve it anyway!"). Oikawa holds you close, rubbing your arms with his hands, "And?" he asks. "And?" you raise your brow, "What do you mean 'and'?"
Oikawa smiles awkwardly, guiltily, "You were going to say something before I decided to act like a dickhead". "Oh that!" "Yeah," he confirms.
"I was going to say, 'and I love you, take care'". Oikawa's face contorts with pain, guilt filling through his veins, he pulls you into a tight hug, "I love you too... Y/n- shit! I am so sorry!" You smile into the hug, "I forgive you".
"Fuck practice! let's do it!" "Get out". "Y/n-chan so mean!" 
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prettytoxicrevolver · 3 years
Ours | Charlie McAvoy
Requested? Nah
Warnings? Nope
Summary: You and Charlie won't let anything get in between the two of you
Word Count: 1,588
Italics means flashback :)
You rock slowly back and forth on your feet, anxiously awaiting for this staff meeting to be over. You slowly make your way over to the gymnasium where the rest of your coworkers sit just as impatiently as you. Your eyes scan the room, deciding on climbing the bleachers to the back before taking a seat.
You didn’t hate the school you worked at, you actually loved it, and loved your students. However, you weren’t extremely fond of your coworkers. You got along with a few of them, consistently trading daily pleasantries back and forth but often didn’t exceed that. You were the youngest staff member with ease, and with that came gossip as it always does.
The minute they found out you were dating the famous hockey player Charlie McAvoy they wouldn’t leave it alone. They wanted to know every detail, wanted to have a say in your relationship, wanted to judge it or take advantage of it.
As you looked around the room you couldn’t help the quiet snicker let out at the vacant stares of your fellow staff.
“He looks like he has elevator music playing in his head,” Charlie whispers making you giggle and press your face into his shoulder.
“He usually acts like he does,” you joke and now Charlie is giggling right along with you.
You both look around the room, pointing at people as they zone out during the fancy dinner and pretend like you know what these people might be talking about. You and Charlie had gotten quite good at making boring and fancy events fun for two young people. You both had millions of dinners and events and meetings you needed entertainment for.
“Darling?” Charlie calls and you look up at him.
“People are staring.”
You ignore him pressing a long kiss to his lips and you feel his smile against yours.
As you sit and smile absentmindedly thinking of the memory, you hear someone call your name. Your face falls before picking back up into a fake smile as your coworker comes to sit by you.
“Hi Becca,” you greet.
“Hey! How is everything? How’s your little boyfriend?”
You can’t help but think about how insanely quick the mention of your boyfriend comes, but you shrug it off as you answer.
“I’m good, we’re both good,” you smile and she returns it, her face scrunching as if you gave her an answer she didn’t want before she turns back around.
You practically race home after your meeting, excited to be released from your coworker’s claws and into the loving arms of your boyfriend. You step through your apartment door, dropping your keys and kicking off your shoes. Charlie’s head pops up from his position on the couch and your smile appears.
Charlie makes grabby hands at you and you head over, letting him pull you into his lap as he runs his hands up and down your back. You rest your head on his chest sighing at the calming contact of your boyfriend.
“Rough day?” he asks knowing your habit of coming in full throttle to tell him all about your day.
“Not too bad. Becca asked about you and me again,” you mention and Charlie nods in understanding.
“What’d you say?” he asks.
“That we’re madly in love,” you respond dramatically, making Charlie smile.
“Don’t worry about her or anyone else. You’re the one for me,” you remind him.
You prop your chin on his chest, gazing up at the brunette who stole your heart for the better. A tiny smile appears on your lips before you pucker your lips making Charlie giggle before pressing a kiss to your lips.
You wrap a hand around Charlie’s bicep as he leads you through the room, grabbing a drink from a waiter as you walk and your boyfriend chuckles lightly. Team events always make you nervous. You loved the team and they loved you, it was the execs and the donators, and family members that made you anxious.
You had gotten off on the wrong foot with some of them and swore you were never going to recover at this point. You still tried no matter what, knowing you would always be here to support Charlie at these things for as long as he would have you.
As you walk, you spot a girl who looks familiar in the way that makes your stomach drop. Charlie follows your gaze, the two of you in sync the only way best friends and soulmates can be. His jaw drops and he heads over to the girl, effectively dragging you along with him.
“Hailey! Hey!” he greets warmly, pulling himself from you to hug the girl.
She returns the sentiment, smiling brightly at your boyfriend as she lets go of him. Charlie instantly turns to you, re-introducing you to the girl you already knew as one of Charlie’s exes. You smile fakely towards the girl, her lip glossed lips forming into a grin herself. Charlie and her exchange pleasantries, how they’re both doing now and what’s been going on since they last saw each other. Your grip on Charlie tightens as he talks and he casts a glance towards you, knowing instantly what’s going on with you.
“It was nice seeing you Hailey,” he says and she nods before you both part from her.
You walk around, Charlie glancing at you every once in a while before you finally come to a stop at a table.
“You’re jealous,” he says and you turn towards him, tilting your head in confusion.
“Baby,” he says placing his hands on your hips effectively turning you towards him.
“I love you,” he reminds you and you search his eyes, a brief smile appearing on your lips.
“I love you too.”
Your hands sit interconnected over the console as Charlie drives, he’s your calm in the upcoming nerves that pound against your heart. The drag of his callouses against your palm brings comfort to you like nothing else can.
When he parks the car he turns towards you, and you refuse to meet his eyes. You let go of his hand, flipping it over and tracing the toughness of his palms with your fingers. You feel his eyes trail from your face to your hands, cupping both of your hands in his and making you focus again.
“It’s gonna be okay,” he says and a tiny smile shows up on your lips.
“I should be saying that to you,” you tell him and a grin splits open on his face.
Your eyes wander up to Charlie’s toothy grin and you feel your smile widening at the sight of it. You had always been a sucker for a good smile, and it was no doubt the first thing you noticed about the boy in front of you. You pull one of your hands from his, reach up, and running your thumb over his bottom lip making him lean into your touch.
“You ready to go?” he asks and you nod quietly.
You and Charlie get out of the car together, his hand finding yours instantly and your nerves still for a moment at the contact. He takes a step forward and your confidence is slightly renewed with your love beside you.
You step into the restaurant, spotting your family immediately and you make your way over to them. You offer hugs to your parents while Charlie gives a handshake to your father who seems to be already frowning at your boyfriend’s presence.
You take your seat’s and the awkwardness fills the restaurant. It’s not that your parents didn’t like Charlie, they just weren’t his biggest fan. You were pretty sure the minute you told them you were dating a hockey player, and then a Bruin, and then one of the most famous Bruins, they were wary from the start.
“So Charlie,” your dad starts and you look towards him. “Still playing for a losing team?”
“Dad!” you snap wondering how long he’s been holding that one in.
“Actually sir we’re headed to the playoffs soon,” Charlie responds with ease.
As he talks his hand finds its way to your thigh, giving it a squeeze before rubbing slow circles with his thumb to calm you down.
“Well so are the Islanders,” your dad responds and Charlie laughs only making you smile lightly.
“That is true sir.”
Charlie and your dad glance at each other for a moment before they break and you grin unknowingly at the action. Charlie had always been amazing like this around your parents, patient, kind, and loving, you couldn’t get over it.
“Thank you,” you whisper into his ear and he smiles looking down.
“Of course.”
The rest of dinner passes, with a few more passive-aggressive comments to you and Charlie. You and Charlie head out, this time his arm wrapped around your shoulders and yours around his waist as you make your way to his car.
He leads you to the passenger side and you lean against the door and look up at Charlie. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him into you and he slots himself between your legs. You look up at him through your lashes and Charlie’s eyes search yours.
“I don’t give a fuck what anyone says,” you start. “This love is ours.”
“Ours huh?” he asks leaning down closer to you.
“Always and forever.”
He smiles at you before ducking down and pressing a long kiss to your lips one you smile through and Charlie returns.
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sopxhiea · 3 years
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Alfie Solomons X Reader
Summary: Now that the intentions are clear, the niece sees no reason to wait but Alfie just wants to take his sweet time.
Warnings: Age gap.
Genre: Angst and a dash of smut but fluff at the end
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
“Enjoying the view?”
“I'm gonna end up breaking your little heart in two.”
The pavement was cold, still a little wet from the rain this morning as the light sound of your small feet padding across the surface filled the empty street. It was past midnight, a little too late for anyone sane to be roaming around the streets of Camden, only the drunk and insane was around at this hour.
The car had stopped a few blocks away from his house as you had to be careful with where you were going. The excuse of going around to your friend’s flat because she was having a rough night had gotten you out of the grand mansion with your driver. 
You had changed into a lighter dress, one that was sheer around your upper body and was flowing around your knees. There was no noise or interruption as you looked at the house Alfie loved in. Too small for a man of his power but big enough for anyone around here.
You figured he wasn’t so materialistic, not like the posh ladies you’d been around.
A little shiver was apparent in your arms but it was late for any doubts as your small hand hit the door once, and then once after that. There was a pause, deliberately almost and some shuffling from the other side after the sound of heavy footsteps stopped. You heard an animalistic growl from the other side, unsure of the source but there wasn’t much time to contemplate when the door opened in one swift motion.
And there he was, in all his glory.
His hair was a bit messier than it had been during dinner, sleeves rolled up around his elbows. He was not panting but there was a darker look in his eyes, the same one he had in your study earlier that same day. You shot him a smile he had seen before but it made it harder for him to breathe for a second but he recovered quick enough.
“Enjoying the view?” your voice was breathy and there was a sparkle in his eyes as he looked at your small form standing on his doorstep.
He usually had his maid but he was more than thankful he had given her the rest of the night off. He knew you’d be coming, for all he knew the kiss he gave before leaving was enough to lure you in. You hadn’t slept with the man but you wanted to, so desperate for him to do more but you had a reputation stemming from your uncle and his business.
So all the moves had to be calculated.
“Very much so.” he said, not tearing his eyes from your body as he stared with no shame in the world. Alfie had always thought that beauty should be admire and you were it for him.
“Well, it’s rude to keep a lady waiting...” you spoke and trailed off but he saw the way your lips twitched upward.
He stepped aside, taking your hand in his and closing the door behind you. The space itself would be considered very well off for anyone else but you knew the kind of money Alfie made, he had multiple businesses on the side and your uncle was well aware of his wealth.
Maybe that was why he had been invited to dinner, you thought. It was a sign of trust and signaled at a created of a new bond and you soon realized that very same bond could easily be broken because of you. You didn’t ponder on it, not when Alfie was looking at you the way he was.
Moving further inside the house, you came to the conclusion that Alfie was not a materialistic man after all. Most of the furniture seemed expensive but there wasn’t much of it to begin with. A few shelves here and there with old books with golden covers and a few pictures of what you assumed to be his family. 
When you turned back, you found Alfie with a dark look in his eyes and a few centimeters away from you. His chest touched yours, noses almost brushing but you held him back by his arms and smiled. You wanted things to be done quick and efficiently but it also needed to be proper.
“Nice place you have here.” you spoke and didn’t realize the large mutt next to the fireplace.
A smile broke out on your lips as you approached the dog. He was bigger than any dog you’d seen but there was no fear on your face when you softly petted his head, which made Alfie’s eyebrows lift. People, even some tough men, were afraid of his large mutt yet there you were, something half his size speaking to Cyril in a sweet voice.
“What’s his name?” you said, not tearing your eyes away from the dog and Alfie spoke in a mutter, a bit jealous if he was honest with himself.
“Cyril.” he said and not a second later, you cooed to the dog.
“Oh! What a handsome name for a handsome boy..” you said, speaking to Cyril as if he were a baby and as far as Alfie could tell, the mutt was enjoying the attention you were giving him.
You soon realized the man was getting agitated as he watched you play with his dog so you petted Cyril’s head for the last time and sat down in front of Alfie with crossed legs. He wasn’t jealous, he wouldn’t call it that but he had waited for you to arrive since he’d left your uncle’s mansion and all you were keen on doing was to pet the damn dog.
“You’ve been waiting then, hm?” you spoke, lifting your leg up and down and he was focused on the way your body looked under the light dress for a solid minute before meeting your eyes.
All you got was a grunt of approval.
“Disappointed?” your voice was breathy as you asked him, he seemed a bit more calm than usual which, you had learned, was not a good sign with him.
He liked speaking, any time and all the time. It didn’t matter what it was about. Sometimes he’d tell you about business, how his lads were not behaving and all their little mistakes. Sometimes it came to be about him, how he liked his rum a certain way and the way he liked the silk dresses you wore more than the cotton ones, it’s the way they make you glow, he had said.
But he wasn’t speaking at that very moment, for whatever reason he had.
So you took it on your hands, the whole silent treatment on its own. You got up slowly, his eyes were keen on roaming around your body as you did so and you didn’t hide anything. He had kissed you plenty anyway so he had felt a certain amount of your skin against his.
You slowly sat on his thigh, not straddling him but more like putting all your weight on one thigh. The man was massive, anyway, you doubted that he felt anything as you settled yourself on him. He was still looking, adamant on keeping his eyes on you.
He was a damned man, not afraid of anything other than his mum and she was not on this side of the soul anyway so he had very little to worry about. But he would never hurt an innocent person. Sure, he had killed a man with his fists before but that wasn’t the same as a small girl with a clean heart.
Although you’d speak to differ.
“You’re worried?” you spoke, reading right through the difficult man and it took him a minute to register your words.
“Why the fuck would I, yeah, be worried, pet?” he said, hand at his beard like it usually was as he looked at you with uncertain eyes. 
He didn’t know what was going through your mind and Alfie always knew what someone else was thinking.
“You tell me.” you spoke, eyes scanning his but you weren’t really there anymore. There was a flood of worry evident in your orbs and Alfie hated to see that, hated it more because you had been the one to cause it.
You were not posh by upbringing but Alfie knew the people you hung out with, the small circle you had been put in. The girls were closer to aristocracy as he saw it, dainty dresses and conceited minds. They didn’t care for anything else other than their clothes, jewels or the party they were headed to.
He had seen you once with them.
You didn’t fit in, he could tell that much. That wasn’t to say that you didn’t look like you belonged with them, if anything you looked much more elegant than they’d ever be but there wasn’t the same fake smile they had on their lips. Those groups were a must, something your uncle had requested from you since he was doing business with some of the girls’ fathers and he needed you to make a good impression.
They weren’t your friends.
Alfie knew that but the scene had reminded him that you were a small posh girl, somewhere at the top of the social elites whereas he was a gangster. He didn’t mind the commotion, he had never been the one to care for what people had thought of him but you were young, so young in fact that he was afraid that he’d ruin you forever.
You leaned forward a little, in an attempt to get to kiss him but he was deep in thought.
“Alfie.” you called for him and he came out of his daze. You offered him a slow smile but he spoke with a monotone voice instead. 
This was the gangster side of him.
“I'm gonna end up breaking your little heart in two.” his voice was low but loud enough for you to hear from the close proximity. You blinked a couple of times and got up from his thigh.
The man was so full of himself sometimes.
“And?” you said, he looked up with a confused face and let you continue.
You wanted to fuck him that night but maybe it would have to wait for later.
“I don’t know why you think so highly of yourself. I just wanted a fuck.” you said, truth hitting him right in the face in an unusual manner.
“Why not fuck one of them rich lads, pet, hm?” he said, not getting up but crossing his arms instead. He was getting angry but he’d never hurt you, you both knew that.
You scoffed at his face with a heaving chest. Your face was slightly flushed, anger evident in your eyes as you stared at him. He thought so highly of himself that it made you want to leave but you had told your uncle you’d be staying the whole night and you were, for a faint moment, tired of lying to the poor old man.
And all along, Alfie got caught up in the way that you looked.
Angry and bothered, it did things to him.
“Because I’ve done enough of that.” you said, breaking the small spell you had put him under with your angry orbs. 
He chuckled at first.
He had heard about your tactics, had never been at the receiving end. He had heard about the way you’d change your name, your whole attire and cover story. As far as he knew, you’d been a butcher’s daughter, a foreign student and even a dress maker at some point. All of these covers popped up in one night and disappeared as quickly. As he had come to learn, all these ladies had the same description.
So he connected all the dots and there you were.
“Ya’ wanna fuck a dangerous man now, yeah, that it, luv?” he said, not sounding angry in the slightest but simply very curious.
You took a moment to think.
You had seen plenty of gangsters before, some with blood on their hands and some with scarves around their neck and a blade in their hat. It didn’t matter that Alfie was a gangster, that was just how it had happened and was a mere fact. You wanted him because he had been nothing but kind patient, not because he was a criminal of sorts.
“That’s what you think?” you spoke, eyes fiery and Alfie’s mind kept on focusing on the way your chest rose and fell rather than what was being asked.
He was just a man after all.
“Is it?” you spoke once more, desperate for him to say no but he had been fueled by anger in the first place and most of the time, he didn’t mean what he said.
“Nah.” he spoke, in a heartbeat. He had been a bit too furious with you.
The business was getting to him, and all that you brought to the table. He wasn’t complaining but Alfie was not a patient man, not when it came to talking what was going through his mind and you’d known that much but his sharp words had never been directed at you so it took you a minute to regain composure.
“Then why did-”
“Luv, I’m fuckin’ sorry, yeah, I am..” he said, getting up from where he was sitting and holding your arm gently. Your eyes were no longer lit up but you just looked a bit down and Alfie knew it was because of the way he’d handled everything. “..didn’t mean to speak to ya’ that way.” he said, not using the word ‘fuck’ to ease your nerves, although it took everything for him not to.
He slowly guided you out of the living room and into his study. He was whispering sweet nothings to your ear as an attempt to get you to feel a bit better when he sat you down on his lap. Then he rambled, much like he did all the time. He spoke about how boring your uncle’s dinner was and how glad it he was that it was over and that earned a light smack to the chest from you but he made it up by telling you that it was all worth it since he got to see the pretty lass.
He talked and talked and you didn’t even realize he had gotten his hands under your skirt.
“St-stop.” you whispered against his skin, his face was inches away from you.
You looked flushed underneath him, laying on his large bed while his hand massaged you under your skirt. The other hand was on your waist, venturing every now and then to explore more of the skin.
He did stop, right after you told him to.
You gulped and looked at his eyes, his face merely inches away as he looked down at you. He was making this take longer than you were used to and it wasn’t that you were complaining but you felt desperate to connect your body with his and he had every intention of doing that as well, just a bit later on.
“Jus’ fuckin’ tell me.” he growled in your ear while his hands resumed what they were doing. It earned a low moan from you, the kind that made all the pressure in his body go south. 
It had already been hard to resist you all those times you’d made out but Alfie would never cross the line, the line you had put there. He respected you and your choices and you had waited for a good amount of time before letting him in your pants, it had felt like torture for him to wait but he had. 
Another low moan left your lips, one that made your chest vibrate and it took Alfie a moment to resume what he was doing. You looked so pretty under him, falling apart each time his fingers moved.
You weren’t a virgin, not by a long shot but men usually only cared about their part of the exchange. They would handle their business and make it quick so you weren’t sure of sex could feel good for both parts or it was only designed to satisfy men.
All your questions found answers while Alfie’s lips planted open kisses on your neck and trailed down, inch by inch. You didn’t tell him anything, it was just the initial reaction of slight panic when you felt this good, when he made you feel this good. You let him do his thing, unaware of how responsive your body was being to his touch but he reveled in it.
“Alfie.” your voice was a low whisper, breathy against his skin as he worked against your core. You gulped and he smiled against his skin.
Was it supposed to feel this good?
It felt like freefalling, like you were floating but it also felt close to the edge. He was holding you in his arms the whole time, his touch gentle against your skin. It almost sounded funny, just how gentle this cruel gangster was being with you. He didn’t want you to get hurt, as he knew that was easier than he’d anticipate.
Your legs were quivering as he held you, your breath caught in your throat while you saw stars. His hand didn’t stop, it only multiplied in how dense his movements were as he watched you fall apart. Your hands were digging at his back, too gentle for him to say anything and he drowned in the way you looked.
A thin sheet of sweated coated your body as you recovered from your high, still a bit fazed at what had just happened. You knew what it felt like, just not from a man’s hand and certainly not a gangster. Your eyes soon met his, his blue orbs no longer curious but dark. He looked like he was ready to devour you.
“This is going to get me killed.” you said, your voice still a bit hoarse as you looked into his eyes.
And it would kill you, you both knew it.
Alfie would be fine if the word was ever to get out, he was a grown man who owned an empire he had made for himself. He wasn’t afraid of a lot of things but you were just a young girl who happened to have a dangerous uncle. He would be the one responsible for everything that would happen and he didn’t know if you’d come out of it as the same person you’d been at the beginning.
“Ya’ afraid, luv?” you spoke against his lips before they landed on yours.
He kissed you like a fresh breath of air, it wasn’t the usual kiss. He took his time, as if he was trying to tell you something but you were too lost in the touch of him. You moaned into his mouth and he absorbed every little sound as he kissed you.
You broke the kiss, out of breath as you looked at him, hands on his cheeks as he smiled down at you. You didn’t know if you’d want to stop, even if it were to kill you. You weren’t afraid, you knew you would be able to keep this going for at least two months, you had lied to your uncle before and had no intentions of stopping because you were sleeping with a gangster.
“It’s not that.” you spoke against his lips as he caressed your body, hands all over your soft skin. You were letting him do whatever, the time you had with him felt too precious to pass up any opportunity.
“What..” he kissed you once in between the words. “the fuck ‘s it then, hm?” he spoke against your lips and you realized he’d been staring for a bit too long for it to be ‘just looking’.
You licked your lips first, savoring the taste as he inspected you with his eyes. You’d tell him but he figured you’d need a moment before.
You weren’t afraid, not in the slightest.
“I will get into trouble, which isn’t the problem..” you gulped, a hand over your head as you looked at him. “...I’m not sure what he’ll do to me.” you let out, letting your voice be heard.
Your uncle was known to be generous but not when it came to his perfect little niece. You had gotten away with everything till now and if he found out that you were sleeping with a gangster, let alone Alfie Solomons of all gangsters, he’d get you married to some boring chap and send you to the countryside.
You gulped under his stare and he looked at you once more before speaking. He was no longer hovering above you but sitting in front of you on his bed.
“What could yer old man’ fuckin’ do?” he said, not to mock your uncle but to find out what made you feel so uneasy.
He could do many things.
He could get you out of school, something you desperately didn’t want him to do. He could easily get you married, send you off to some island people hadn’t even heard of. He would yell at you, you knew that. He wouldn’t hit you, that was a line he wouldn’t cross but he would be angry with you and you didn’t know for how long.
The uncertainty made you feel uneasy, not the fear of it all.
“I don’t know....he could easily ruin me, I know that much.” you said, a sigh leaving your lips and you sat up as well, facing Alfie as he looked at you.
“Ruin ya’?” he asked, unsure of what you meant but that was expected. You didn’t share the same culture and so, it could mean many things as far as he was concerned.
“He could get me married to one of those boring old blokes, the ones that keep asking for my hand.” you spoke, as a matter of fact.
There was quite a few of them but you’d never mentioned it before, not seeing the relevance. They wanted to marry you for your uncle’s wealth but you figured it was not of importance. It was obvious to many but Alfie had never paid attention to it before. He couldn’t deny the fact that you were much younger, a lot more innocent and in his eyes, deserving of better than he was.
“Hm.” he said, hand tugging at his beard as he looked at your sitting form on the bed, hair a bit messy while your chest still rose and fell with a faster pace than usual. 
You scooted close to the bear of a man and sat next to him on the bed, leg touching his and his eyes focused on the contact for a second before settling on your features again. You were waiting for him to speak, he could tell from the way you chewed your lip.
His hand lifted, thumb brushing against your lip and you stopped the movement of your teeth. He could see the indecisive tone your eyes held, as if to say that you were still contemplating. You’d taken risks before, big ones at that but sleeping with a gangster had never been on that list. And that gangster was someone your uncle was making business with.
Although you’d already made your decision, you concluded.
He would treat you better than anyone your uncle would find you, or even the lads you would find for yourself. There was no fear of him being crushed by your uncle, since his wrath was something your uncle avoided at all costs. You had no problem sneaking around for a while but if you were to be caught, you needed him to have your back.
“I don’t mind sneaking around, I’ve done it before...” you spoke softly and his eyes remained on you, gentle as he waited for you to finish speaking. “..but if we are to ever get caught, somehow, I need to you to promise me...” you said, not needing to finish the sentence as he knew what you were saying.
You needed him to tell you that he wouldn’t just flee.
Men were scared of power, although some were adamant on fighting it. You knew Alfie was no ordinary man but the fear of being faced with your uncle could still be something he was not adamant on doing, you thought. You watched his eyes contemplate before you saw the decision in his eyes, his face relaxing in the slightest.
“Ya’ think I would fuckin’ leave you?” he asked, not telling you his answer just yet.
He wanted to make you wait.
He liked the innocence sprawled on your features, like a little girl who needed her desires to be met. You were quite spoiled, he knew that but in no way that made him feel uncomfortable, just in the way that made him feel a little amused. He had seen rich girls before, the kind of ladies that would make hell look like a playground if their dress didn’t fit perfectly but you weren’t like them and he decided that was because of how you had been raised.
But you were still a little spoiled, he thought with a smile. 
“I didn’t say that. I was as-” you started speaking, features a little agitated but he stopped you with a smile on his lips. He was just toying with you.
“If we take this further, yeah, you’ll have a lot of fuckin’ trouble gettin’ rid of me, pet.” he said and watched your features relax.
You hadn’t slept with him yet, but you would that night.
“Good. I’d like that.” you said with a childish smile and he felt his chest vibrate.
He looked at your for a bit then, glowing under the moonlight. God you were so young but he didn’t feel the difference most of the time. It made him feel young, if anything. He smiled as his hand cradled your skull gently and he saw the determination in your eyes as your lips neared his.
He tasted all power and manly. There was a taste of vanilla you couldn’t place, and the faint smell of rum on his clothes but there was comfort in everything that he was. You smiled against his lips, straddling his sitting form on the bed and you earned a growl from him the moment your legs landed on top of his.
This was a familiar scene for all you knew but you’d ask for it this time, you felt no shame in it. 
Speaking against his lips, you kept your hands on his hair and chest as your voice met his ears.
“Don’t make me wait.” you spoke between his desperate kisses. His defense was weakened from earlier and he had no intentions of leaving things at kissing that night but he liked the idea of you begging, it made his mind go blank.
He hummed against your lips while you responded to every little action that came from him. Instead of laying you down on the bed and getting things started, he just kept kissing you for a while. You didn’t complain at first, tongues clashing as you sat on top of him with a flushed face but you were growing impatient and you needed him to get to work.
“I’m not gonna beg for it.” you spoke against his lips and grinded against his crotch which only weakened him further.
In a split second, he had you trapped under him on the bed as you laid on your back and stared up at him with darker eyes than before. You wanted this for so long and the man was making you wait which only made you frustrated.
“We’ll fuckin’ see about that, lass.” he said as he planted kisses on your collarbone and your hands found his back while he worked on kissing every inch of you.
It felt like being worshipped, like he was showing you something he couldn’t put into words.
You decided, very quickly, that you wouldn’t mind waiting. It seemed like the man had all the time in the world as he gently kissed your neck and trailed down, inch by inch as you squirmed underneath him. The night was long and he had every intention of showing you how a lady should be treated.
You moaned lowly when he bit the inside of your thigh and he was soon kissing you again. He was the one keeping you on your toes now as it got harder to predict his next move.
You would beg for many things that night but none of them would feel foreign as they rolled off your tongue.
Tagging: @clairecrive  @parkbearum @sourirez  @vetseras @mollybegger-blog @babylooneytoonz @peakascum @jjklefttoe @ floatinginwords @opheliasbrokenmind​ @ alliss19
a/n: I’m sorry this came in so late but I truly do hope you enjoyedit and let me know if you’d like to be tagged!! There is more coming but there might be a small delay but it’s in the works <3
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