#it was extremely painstaking
lexosaurus · 2 years
Hey did you ever put the other 2 sentence horror stories that didn't make the ectober week cut out anywhere?
Thanks for the reminder, just made a folder that includes the two calendars as well as all the horror prompts submissions in both spreadsheet and gdoc form!
Here it is!
There were many prompts submitted in there that we REALLY BADLY wanted to include in the calendar but just didn't have room. Highly recommend people take a look for any writing prompts, and if there any that you're like "wtf this should have been included," then maybe keep those in mind for next year!
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bo0zey · 2 years
y’all last night gavin from the band bush went into the crowd n just before getting back on stage he stopped and hugged me for like 5 seconds and i deadass think i died n revived twice in his arms
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altruistic-meme · 2 years
went to get tested for adhd. results came back saying i’ve just got worse anxiety and depression than previously thought skhdfkhdsghs
#i am probably much oversharing with this but i am. hm.#they ruled out adhd which i am not sure about but#i get to ask questions on friday#i don't really know that i have questions aside from like#'how do you account for the idea of masking when analyzing behavior you witnessed in person?'#and also 'do you keep in mind the intersectionality between disorders and how one may affect the other?'#bc in the notes they were basically like. 'they acted calm and reacted in a normal way. was responsive to light conversation.#behaved appropriately. didn't fidget and paid attention during the tests.'#like thanks! i am a good actor :)#i was in a professional enviornment and was incredibly anxious about it. so i followed all of the Social Rules to appear okay#and not like i was vibrating out of my skin bc that is NOT socially acceptable!! so i had to hide it!!!#a painstaking process that took me a long time to learn. but that i DID learn.#but i was in what was to me an EXTREMELY stressful situation that i had never been in before and had no idea what to do#so i chose to be Professional.#also it's so interesting to me how my anxiety affects all of the 'normal' adhd symptoms#bc no i didn't do bad in school bc my anxiety wouldn't allow me to. i'm never late bc my anxiety makes me early instead.#i didn't fidget during the tests bc i was anxious!! and to cover my anxiety i tried to Behave like a Normal Person!!#and Normal People don't fidget and move around!! bc that's Strange!!#anyway i'm not saying i think they're wrong about the depression and anxiety diagnosis and i'm glad for it#but#i do think they're wrong about the adhd rule-out and i just want to know if they account for these possible deviances#sigh#well. they did suggest medication for the anxiety and depression so i will still talk to my dr about that and see what he says#see if i can try it and maybe it'll help.#also they said regular exercise may help and like Yeah Probably but i can't figure out ~how~ and i keep ~procrastinating~ about it instead#ksdhfkdhf#anyways i'm going to shut up now.#shh ac#seriously shut up
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soullessjack · 10 months
sorry no jack asks (brain empry) But holllly shit i always get jumpscared by how cool ur art is. ure such a good artist i need to devour allyour work arughhh
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Me grabbing you (live footage)^
AGDHFHGG GTHANK UU sometimes I jumpscare myself cuz it’s always random bursts of inspiration and then boom I’m doing my own 9 to 5 shrimping over my tablet doing painstaking crosshatching
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 11 months
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Pairing : idol!Lee Felix x F!Reader TW : suggestive ; mentions of previous miscarriage ; slightly suggestive ; pregnancy ; childbirth ; angsty ; but with a happy ending ; Word Count : 4.8k Request : please could u do a part 2. to the miscarriage fic with felix ? it would be so cute to see them trying again when felix has a short break between tours - and them being successful and he tells STAY about his new son/daughter A/N :YES I CAN!! I LOVE WRITING PART TWO HAPPY ENDINGS! AND FELIX DESERVES HIS HAPPY ENDING!!
It was hard, and while no one had ever said that it would be easy, he never thought that it would be this hard. Some nights you’d still wake up crying and he’d always be there to hold you, to comfort you and tell you that it would be okay. Usually your tears would lead to his own beginning to fall, and his hands would instinctively wrap around your stomach that he knew was empty, but he couldn’t seem to let it go, as if rubbing it enough would somehow magically bring back what the both of you had lost. 
The door to the room that was intended to be the nursery was indefinitely locked, the sight of the ultrasound photos that had been framed and hung up on the wall after every doctor's appointment only served as another painstaking memory of what he hadn’t been there for, what he had left you alone to handle. The guilt was something that weighed heavily on him, and no matter how many times you tried to tell him that it was okay, that it wasn’t his fault, no amount of time would lift that weight off of him. 
Time surely doesn’t heal all wounds, but it does at some point make it easier… Easier to go about the day without breaking down in tears, easier to go back to work without becoming overwhelmed by the sense of loss that at first seemed to hit at the strangest times. Time made it easier to move on, although neither of you would never forget, and the memory of your little nugget would always stay with the both of you. 
“Angel baby!” Felix shouted as he ran through the front door, breathless, although there was a wide smile on his face and his eyes were sparkling brighter than all of the stars in the sky right now. He was on a promotional tour around the country, doing fansigns and all of the things that management said he and the guys had to do. It’s not like he was going far, but your house was far from everything that they did, so he’d usually stay in the dorms during promotions. He wasn’t due back for another two weeks, so you couldn’t contain your excitement at the sight of him. 
“Lixie!” You screamed, dropping what you were doing and running to the door to wrap your arms around him, his lips immediately crashing against your lips, his hands moving to your hips as he used one of his feet to kick the door shut, and then he was leading you, blindly, towards the bedroom. “What are you doing? Aren’t you hungry? Did you eat already?” You asked once you pulled back, extremely flustered by the suddenness, although you didn’t exactly mind it either. 
“We’ll eat later… I got a whole week off from promotions to be here…” He said as he gently laid you down on the bed, and your eyebrows lowered questioningly as you looked at him. It wasn’t an anniversary, it wasn’t a holiday, it was neither of your birthdays coming up. He sheepishly bit his lip as he looked around the room, as if the answer was somewhere in there, and then his eyes landed on you again, a nervous chuckle escaping him. “Well I’ve been… tracking and… It says that you’re… ovulating…” 
Your hands that had been holding onto his biceps quickly fell and landed against your face, shielding you from his gaze and hiding your look of embarrassment in your palms. “Felix…” You whispered, your voice coming out as a squeak. Of course, it wasn’t just that you were embarrassed, there was a certain fear that ate away at you at the mention, the mere thought of trying again. 
“I know… I know you’re scared…” He murmured, gently grabbing your hands and pulling them away from your face before lacing his fingers between your own. “I’m scared too… But it’s been months… And I think we should try again…” His lips were light as a feather as he dragged them along your jaw, creating a trail of hot breath along your chin and up your cheek until he reached the corner of your lips. “Things will be okay…” 
The entire week that he took off from promotions was spent trying, and trying, and trying again. He was so soft, so sweet, so delicate with you, murmurs of how he couldn’t wait to have a baby with you whispered in your ear when he was on top of you. You didn’t know how he had so much energy, he was going nonstop, and you swore that by the end of the week you wouldn’t even be able to stand. 
A month later when your period was late and you took a test, you weren’t shocked to find that you were pregnant, but you were terrified, unable to even allow yourself to become excited as you stared at the two dark lines on the stick. You weren’t sure if you’d be able to go through that kind of loss again, especially since the first loss still heavily affected you. 
When it came time to tell Felix, you could barely get the words out of your mouth, so you opted for just showing him the stick as tears slowly trickled down your cheeks. He fell to his knees on the floor, choked out sobs of happiness filling the otherwise silent room as his arms wrapped around your waist and his forehead rested against your stomach. 
It took the two of you a bit to calm down, he just held you on the couch, his sobs slowly dying down into quiet sniffles as he hid his face in your hair. Soft vows to never leave you this time around, to be there for every single doctor's appointment, to take care of you, to just be with you through the whole pregnancy were made as he pulled you against his chest, laying back on the couch with you on top of him. Now that he knew you were pregnant he didn’t want to let you go. 
He was quick to tell management what was going on, and they congratulated the two of you, letting you both know that if there was anything that you might need, they’d be there to help. Felix didn’t hesitate, letting them know that from now on, he wouldn’t be doing any overseas tours, not until his child was born. He refused to leave you for longer than 12 hours a day, and he let it be known that his phone would always be on so that if you needed anything, he’d be able to get to you as soon as possible. 
Felix wasn’t taking any chances, and the guilt that had been plaguing him growing almost tenfold now, a constant reminder than while it hadn’t been his fault exactly… He wasn’t there when you needed him… He’d do better this time, not just for you, but for his baby too. 
He also knew that with the constant breaks from his usual schedule, even with an announcement from the agency, the fans would come looking for answers, at least the crazy ones. You needed to be protected always, even when he wasn’t there, he made sure that security was always located at the front of the house and in the back. He wasn’t taking any chances, there was too much at stake, and he knew that once everything was okay he’d be able to tell STAY, but for now, you and the baby were his top priority, his number one concern. 
The months seemed to pass a lot slower now, every night allowed hi to let out a sigh of relief that nothing had gone wrong, but every morning when he’d wake up he’d inwardly panic, wondering whether this would be the day that everything went bad, the day where you both would be made to suffer once more. 
Month 3 was the biggest hurdle, looming in the distance, and when that month finally came and passed without any problems, it felt like you both could finally just breathe. The rest of the guys knew how scared Felix had been, they could see it in the way he was, his mind preoccupied during practice, even when they were just talking, he always seemed so distant. They knew what it was about, and they could also see that he had visibly relaxed once he felt like the two of you were in the clear. 
You had said that he could tell STAY during the 5th month, and although you still were telling him that by then it should be safe to do so, he didn’t feel like any month was safe. Until his baby was out of your stomach and in the world, he wasn’t telling anyone anything. He didn’t want to get his hopes up. Plus, you hadn’t even reached the 5th month, you were still in month 4 and although he could breathe easier, he wasn’t far enough away from that third month to fully be at ease. 
“Practice time?” You asked from the couch, the remote resting against the little bump that was beginning to form. God, he had been so happy to see it when he first noticed, his hands immediately drawn to your protruding stomach as the brightest smile spread across his face. Since then, he couldn’t seem to stop touching it, rubbing your stomach as his tears seemed to habitually form now. 
“Mmm… Only for a couple hours, I won’t be gone for more than five hours though, I won’t allow it.” He said, pausing at the back of the couch and leaning over it to kiss your cheek and then straining to press his lips to your stomach. “What are you gonna do while I’m gone?” 
It was a common question that he asked before he ever went anywhere without you. He felt like he needed to know, just to make sure that you were okay, even though the security that was placed around the house were given keys just in case they heard something or if you called for help, he felt better if he knew exactly what you were planning on doing when he wasn’t around. 
“I’ll probably still be sitting here when you get back. The only reason I ever get up is to use the bathroom or get a snack, and I don’t think you can bring the bathroom close to me like you can with the chips.” You joked, pausing your show to get up off the couch. “Don’t overwork yourself today, okay? We have the appointment tomorrow to find out what little bean is.” 
He knew, he knew very well what tomorrow was. It was the most important day ever, more important than any award show, more important than any tour date. He’d finally get to find out what his baby is, he’d finally get to know whether he’d have a little boy that he’d be able to teach how to surf and dance just like him and his uncles. Or maybe he’d have a daughter that, once old enough, would love to work on his and Hyunjins hair, putting little clips in it. His imagination and his daydreams were endless, but he knew that no matter what, he’d just be happy that they were here, that they were healthy. 
“I can’t wait, baby.” His hands once again found their way to your stomach as he kissed you, keeping you close to the couch even though he knew that you had gotten up to walk him to the door. He didn’t want you on your feet longer than you had to be though. “Watch your show… If you need me, just call me, even if it’s because you can’t reach something in the top cabinet. Okay? Just call me, text me, anything.” You had giggled lightly at the words, but you knew he was serious, he literally wanted you to call him for anything. He cared about you way too much, you were the mother of his child, you were carrying his child, he’d be damned if anything happened to you that he could have possibly kept from happening. 
He stood in the middle of the practice room, him and the rest of the guys drenched with sweat as they all tried to catch their breaths. They were getting ready for their comeback which had been planned around all the doctor’s appointments that you had. Management had been so understanding, having been there throughout the first pregnancy and the sudden loss of it, they were doing everything they could to make sure Felix could both be there for you and the baby, and be there with the group as well. 
“Soooo~~ Are you excited? Hmm?” Changbin asked, playfully nudging Felix with his shoulder. Everyone knew what tomorrow was, Felix hadn’t been quiet about it since he found out at the last appointment that the coming one would be the big reveal. His head nodded quickly as his smile grew wide. “I bet it’s gonna be a boy. I’m gonna teach him how to lift. We’ll start with rattles, and then word our way up to stuffed animals and- What?!” Felixs eyes narrowed although his body shook with his silent laughter. “Don’t be mad, I’m gonna be the coolest gym uncle ever.” 
“Nah! Y/N is gonna have a girl, Felix gives off girl dad energy.” Jisung stated, and Felixs head tilted to the side with confusion. “You know, heart cookies with pink and sparkly sprinkles. She can even come in and paint mine and Chans nails.” Jisung said excitedly, and while Felix had known that his members would be there for him, he never expected them to be just as excited as he was. 
“Maybe the baby can go to the gym! Put them in the stroller and run with them on the treadmill!” Jeongin said, his eyes almost disappearing with his wide smile, but all Felix could do was blink for a second, then two seconds, and then his head shook quickly. 
“Don’t try to do that. Don’t ever try to do that. Y/N will be furious, and I’ll kick your asses.” Felix said, partially joking about the ass kicking, but he knew you’d be pissed, and he knew… well, hopefully knew that the guys wouldn’t do something that crazy… Although Seungmin and Jeongin looked a little disappointed that they couldn’t do it. 
His phone started going off, the ringtone that was specifically yours sounding off had him pulling out his phone quickly to check the text. “Felix… can you come home?” The message had his breath hitching in his throat as his legs seemed to lose all feeling. His heart sank into his stomach and his hands shook as he held the phone tightly in his hands. This couldn’t be happening again… could it? No… But the way the text came in, it felt like being on tour all over again and getting the news. 
“Not again…” Felix said, almost chanting the words as he stared wide eyed at the screen, not even blinking. It was the worst feeling in the world, to think that something was wrong, to think that he was losing his little bean too. All the guys quickly quieted down, waiting for Felix to do or say anything, but he continued to stare at his phone, his tears already brimming in his eyes. 
Chan ran over, his arm draped over Felixs shoulder as he walked him out of the practice room. “Go ahead… If you need us, we’ll be right here. Okay?” It was one thing that Chan never wanted to see Felix go through ever again though, he didn’t want to see any of the guys go through that kind of pain. 
He could remember Felixs excitement as he ran through the doors to the practice room when you had told him that you were pregnant once again. The emotion radiated off of him in waves, it was contagious, he didn’t want that feeling to go away. He didn’t want Felix to be sad again… 
Now, Felix hadn’t been gone long, he couldn’t have been practicing for more than 3 hours, but when he walked through the door you were already dressed, your purse sitting by the front door and your shoes set out as if you had already left the house. Your head was bowed, your face buried in your phone, he couldn’t even see you. Were you crying again? Were you trying to hide it from him? 
“Baby…” He whispered, his voice shaking with his worry as he walked over to you. “What’s wrong… Wh-What happened?” Would he even want to hear the answer to his own question? He was so scared, and a preemptive sadness washed over him, his legs threatening to buckle beneath him as he got closer to the couch. 
“Lixie, you’re-“ You cut yourself off when you saw the expression on his face, your eyes widening as you got up off the couch and hurried over to him. “What’s wrong?” You rushed out the two words as you cupped his face. “Did something happen to one of the guys? Are you okay?” 
Your questions confused him, not only because they weren’t about you or the baby, but because before you had started asking them, you sounded so happy. “I thought… because the text… And… The last time you sent a text like that… I just thought…” The tears had already begun to stream down his face, and your hands moved to cup his cheeks, your thumbs gently brushing them away as you gave him an apologetic smile. 
“Baby no…” You murmured, pressing a kiss to his lips to try to calm his shaky breaths. “Everything is perfect… The doctor called, she said she wouldn’t be in tomorrow for our appointment, but she has a bit of freetime today and she could squeeze me in. I just thought you’d want to be there with me…” Relieved wasn’t the right word to explain how he felt right now, his hands immediately held onto your stomach and he swallowed back the lump in his throat. “I should have explained in the text… I just got a little excited and I wrote it while I was getting dressed…” 
“It’s alright angel… As long as you and little bean are okay…” His chuckle came out as a short breathy sound, his head falling forward until his forehead was against yours. “Let’s go, hopefully my heart will calm down by the time we get there.” 
The next 4 months seemed to blow by, and before he knew it, you were laying in the hospital bed, your face covered in sweat as you held his hand in a death grip. His baby was finally going to be here, and the tears that fell down his cheeks were from his excitement. 
Your head fell back against the bed with one final push, and then he was handed a pair of scissors, the doctors showing him exactly where to cut the cord. His breath was held until his baby’s cries filled the room, and he couldn’t help but cry as well. His vision blurred as he looked at you, brushing back the strands of hair that clung to your face as he choked out soft praises. 
“You did so good, baby… I’m so proud of you…” He said between soft kisses that were placed all over your face. “You look so beautiful… God, I’m so lucky…” He continued, glancing up every couple seconds to watch as the doctors cleaned and swaddled the baby in a blanket before coming back over and laying the little bundle against your chest. 
Felix pulled out his phone, snapping a quick photo of the moment, one that he’d never want to forget. “We did good…” You murmured, your fingers lightly brushing against the soft skin of your baby’s face before brushing your hand over the full head of hair. “So perfect…” 
2 weeks later, Felix stood in the practice room that had been turned into a makeshift party room, tables lined the walls and on those tables were so many plates of food and so many perfectly wrapped presents, he felt like it would take forever to get through it all. 
“I thought baby showers were supposed to be done before the baby is born.” Felix commented as he watched Hyunjin and Jeongin work to put up the streamers and bows and other little decorations that were hanging from the ceiling. “We have everything we need now.” 
Bangchan shook his head as he motioned towards the presents that somehow seemed to grow higher and higher every time someone new walked in. “Yeah but, we wanted to make sure she has everything she needs. Our niece will never go without anything. Plus, it’s good to know what size clothes she wears so you don’t have to go through the hassle of returning things.” 
It made sense, but Felix felt like maybe everyone was splurging a little too much, although it felt nice to know that his daughter was already loved so dearly by the rest of the guys and management and staff. “You all must’ve spent a lot of money… You really didn’t have to do all this though.” He looked around once more, noticing the larger box that stood next to the table, and he wondered what it was, how much it cost, who got it… His eyes began to water again. 
“Yes we did. You’re our family, Felix, and Y/N is our family, and your daughter is our family too.” Bangchan said, patting the younger man's back as he followed Felixs eyes around the room. “Did you tell Y/N that you wanted her to bring in the baby… That we all wanted to see her?” It had been the plan, and that’s why Changbin was currently on his way to your house, which Felix had informed you of as well. You had no idea what was going on, and before Felix had gone into the office today, he hadn’t had an inkling of an idea that this was going to happen either. 
“Yeah, I let her know… thank you guys… really… for all of this. It’s amazing… Y/N is going to love it.” Felix murmured, pursing his lips to try to stifle his sniffling. “I should get down to the front lobby to meet her and help her carry in the baby… I’ll be right back.” 
And love it you did, you had let out a little gasp when you walked in the room when you saw everyone there and all the decorations that lined the walls. You choked out the quietest thank you as you quickly covered your face with your hands, overwhelmed with so many emotions you couldn’t really say anything else, opting to just hug everyone that was there. 
“She’s like a little celebrity, isn’t she…” You joked, watching everyone crowd around Minho as he held your daughter, the others complaining that he had been holding her for too long and that it was their turn now. “I don’t think they’re going to put her down for the rest of the day… She’ll be spoiled…” You commented as Minho reluctantly handed your daughter off to Hyunjin who wore a victorious smile from being chosen next. 
“Maybe just a little bit spoiled… They love her though… They’ve been texting me nonstop about when they get to meet her. I think that’s why Chan and them planned the baby shower for after she was born.” He said, his eyes glued to Hyunjin who was walking around the room with the baby, and while Felix trusted the guys, his heart was still racing, worried when she was in anyone else’s arms that weren’t yours or his. 
“I’m gonna be the favorite uncle!” Became the sudden topic for bickering, Hyunjins voice soft yet still heard by the rest of the guys as he cradled your daughter against his chest, sticking his tongue out at the rest of the guys. “Nuh uh! I’m gonna be the favorite! I’m gonna buy her a bunch of toys and stuffed animals! Now let me hold her! It’s my turn!” Jisung whined, holding out his arms and making grabby hands at Hyunjin. 
“Actually, I’ll be the favorite uncle. When Y/N, the baby, Felix and I go back to Australia, I’ll take them all to see Berry. Everyone loves Berry, I’ll automatically become the favorite.” Bangchan said, satisfied enough with his own answer that he didn’t mind the fact that he still hadn’t held the baby. “Well what if she’s not a dog person, hmm? I’ve got Soonie, Doongie, and Dori. Everyone loves cats, and everyone loves my cats.” Minho said, smirking at Bangchan who simply rolled his eyes before they both looked back at Hyunjin who was doing his best to keep Jisung from grabbing the baby. 
“Yah! No fair! You can’t use pets to try to one up everyone! I’ll just… I’ll give piggy-back rides! You can’t beat that! Kids love piggy-back rides!” Changbin argued, standing on his toes behind Hyunjin to look over his shoulder, his hand gently brushing over your baby’s head. “You all are trying so hard, and I’m still going to be her favorite uncle.” Jeongin said, a little bit too cocky as he sat in the chair beside Felix. “I got this all terrain stroller, and I’m pretty sure it’ll work on treadmills too.” 
Both yours and Felixs eyebrows shot up as you turned to look at Jeongin. “Dude… I told you that you can’t do that.” Felix whispered, his eyes darting over to you every couple of seconds. “Just take her on a normal walk, man… I’m sure she’d have just as much fun.” 
Jeongin pouted at you and you gave him a stern look, shaking your head already in response to the question that he hadn’t had the chance to ask. “I just want to be the fun uncle. You both are party poopers.” He huffed, turning to look back at the neatly wrapped box that was far bigger than all the others. “Can’t believe I spent all that money on a stroller and you won’t even let me use it on the treadmill… It’s the only reason I got that one.” 
The only one who hadn’t actively bombarded your daughter with attention was Seungmin, he stayed in the back, although he did smile whenever she let out a little burp, and he’d chuckle softly whenever the guys would pass her back to your or Felix when her diaper would be filled. “Wouldn’t it be ironic if Seungmin was her favorite uncle?” You joked to Felix who had finally gotten his daughter back into the safety of his arms, holding her close to him as he cooed softly to her, his smile brighter than the sun, the moon and all the stars as he looked at her. 
“I will be.” Seungmin said, having been eavesdropping on you and Felix and dropping down in the chair that Jeongin had been sitting in previously. “Mainly because I’m not annoying. And I’m not taking part in the hot potato game with your daughter. I don’t think she enjoyed that very much.” Felix snorted quietly, his head lifting slightly to look at Seungmin who was smiling at the two of you. “I’m happy for you both… You deserve this…” His words were genuine, and Felix felt himself getting choked up at the sincere sentiment. These guys truly were his family, and he knew without a doubt that no matter what happened, they’d always be there for you and for his daughter. She had 7 amazing uncles, and even though they were all fighting to be the favorite, Felix knew that they’d all hold a special place in her heart, just like they did in his. 
“She’s all tired out from being passed around all day…” You whispered, laying your daughter in the bassinet that was set up next to your bed. “I’m tired too. Gotta make sure to thank all the guys and the staff and everyone tomorrow morning, I don’t think I got the chance to tell everyone before I left.” You turned on the baby monitor before walking out of the bedroom with Felix right behind you, heading straight to the bathroom to wash up. “It was so nice though… I can’t believe they did all that.” 
Felix watched you through the mirror as you started brushing your teeth, his chin resting on your shoulder as his arms wrapped around your waist. “Baby…” He murmured, and your eyes focused on his reflection as you hummed questioningly in response. “Thank you… For being so amazing… For giving me the most precious gift. I’m so lucky to have you… And she’s so lucky to have you as her mother. You’ve given me everything that I’ve ever wanted, and I just love you so much…” He kissed your cheek softly before holding your hair back so you could spit in the sink. “I can’t wait to spend every single day of the rest of my life with you… Making memories with you and our baby… I’m the happiest man in the entire universe… Thank you…” 
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rookthorne · 7 months
⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝
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Novelties came and went as the years passed — the phases of costumes and trends passed you by with as little care as the last, but not this year. You were determined to make this a surprise that would take Bucky by storm, especially if you reaped the rewards of it. 
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 ღ Nurse!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 ღ 3.2k
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 ღ Fluff ჻჻჻ SMUT: Unprotected, clothed and desperate piv, roleplay, clit play, squirting, multiple orgasms, dirty talk to the extreme ჻჻჻ KINKS: Praise, daddy, uniform
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 ღ This was originally a prompt that @smutconnoisseur gave me many months ago, and I hope I did it justice.
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎 ღ Cravin' by Stileto, Kendyle Paige
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔 ღ @rookthorne's Fright Night — Masterlist ღ @anyfandomfluffbingo 𝗜𝟯 — Nurse/Patient — Masterlist ღ @mcukinkbingo 𝗡𝟰 — Revealing Clothes — Masterlist
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𝐀 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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If there was one thing you were grateful for during Halloween, it was the ease of access to costumes. 
At least, that’s what you thought as you stared at the spread of your choice of costume over the bed covers in front of you. It was a simple fit, if only a little sexy — it was the best you could find that looked even remotely comfortable. The kit that it came with included a flimsy, plastic stethoscope, and a headband that looked utterly ridiculous. 
You shook your head and tossed said headband into the waste bin next to the door, and then you eyed the set of thigh high stockings and garters. The lingerie sale had enticed you into getting them and you figured you may as well go all out — it was a treat, why not?
It was only when you were struggling to pull said thigh highs up your legs did you regret the choice to include them at all. “This is ridiculous-” You grunted, yanking the elastic higher and you grimaced at the sound of tearing fabric. “Hard. What the hell, how did women do this on the daily–?”
“Baby?” Bucky called from the living room, just where you had left him. “Are you alright? What’re you doin’?”
“Nothing!” you called back, hopping on one foot to sit on the edge of the mattress. “It’s fine, don’t worry–I’ll be out in a minute.”
“Okay…” He didn’t sound convinced, but you didn’t hear him approaching the bedroom, either. 
You blew out a breath of relief and continued on the painstaking task of dressing up. The skirt of the costume flared out from your waist and ended just below your ass – if you stood straight, you were covered, if you bent over, Bucky would learn just how little you were wearing after all. 
Forgoing panties was a new, foreign feeling, but it made your heart race in the best way – it felt like you were carrying and concealing a secret that only Bucky would find out and know. 
With the stockings and dress in place, you heaved a sigh, panting slightly with the effort. “This better be worth it,” you muttered as you grabbed the small heels from the foot of the bed. In some way, you knew it would be, but you reserved your judgement for when you rounded the corner to face the living room, where Bucky was currently lounging and reading a book. 
You looked back at the bed once more to make sure it was neat, and then you slowly padded out of the bedroom, careful to not let the heels click too loudly over the floor. The stethoscope that came with the costume dangled in your hand before you placed it around your neck. 
Taking a deep breath, you mustered all of the grace, courage, and sensuality you could manage, and you peeked around the corner. 
Bucky was curled up on one end of the couch, legs tucked up and to the side of his body, while he rested the book on his knee. There was a thoughtful frown on his lips, and crease between his brows as his eyes flitted from left to right over the page, and then when he changed the page, the tip of his tongue ran over his lips before that frown would appear once again. 
A navy blue henley stretched over his chest and shoulders while the sleeves were rolled to his elbows, revealing his muscled forearms and gentle hands. His thighs were covered in the soft fabric of his favourite (and your favourite) grey sweatpants that hugged his thighs and showed off much more. 
Loose strands of hair from the bun at the nape of his neck framed his face, bringing to life just the shadow of stubble he’d let grow over his two days off. The glasses perched on the edge of his nose slipped slightly and you watched, your mouth watering, as his hand moved from the book and pushed the frames back up with his index finger. 
He insisted that they were good for reducing strain on his eyes; you insisted they were an aphrodisiac. 
While you stared, he licked the tip of his finger and flipped the page once more, completely oblivious to your presence around the corner. It was a battle to keep the small whimper in your throat from escaping at such a small gesture, but your cunt began to throb the more you watched his mouth. 
Get it together, you scolded yourself, gritting your teeth slightly in determination. 
You stepped forward and rounded the corner, still careful to keep quiet, and you crossed your arms just under your breasts. 
Bucky didn’t look up from his book when he said, “Hey, you alright?”
“Fine, babe,” you answered, arching a brow. “How’s the book?”
Not missing a beat, Bucky huffed and replied, “It’s okay–I don’t get what the hype behind it, but what can you do?”
“Right.” The two of you fell back into a comfortable, but charged, silence. “Buck?”
“Yeah?” He still didn’t look up from his book. He bit his lip as he turned the page again and the action made you squeeze your thighs. 
Impatience finally stirred you into action, and you cleared your throat. 
Only then did Bucky finally glanced upwards, but what he saw didn’t seem to register, because he looked back down at his book. 
The spell lasted less than a second. 
His head shot back up to stare at you so fast you were worried he would put a crick in his neck, and his mouth fell slack with the shock. Weakly, he uttered, “What the–?”
“Surprise,” you teased, blowing him a kiss. “I think it’s time for your examination.”
Bucky sat stock still for a moment, blinking rapidly as his book fell to the floor, entirely forgotten. “E-Examination?”
“You’ve been a good boy waiting for me, daddy,” you purred, and you beckoned him closer with a crook of your finger. “Come on. I’ll take you back.”
Wordlessly – whether he was too stunned to speak, or unable to even open his mouth to utter anything – Bucky rose from his perch on the couch, his cock already pitching a tent in his sweats. You grinned and grabbed his hand, before you turned and started to walk back to the bedroom. 
It was then something seemed to clunk into place in Bucky’s mind, but it was the wrong gear. 
“How the fuck do they expect us to do our jobs in that beats me, look, it’s so impractical!” Bucky said in one breath. You stopped and blinked at him for a second before he ploughed on, unable to take in the context that this was a sexy nurse costume. “You can’t bend in that; you can’t check vitals. And where the hell would you keep a damn pen?”
Bucky scoffed, looking at the stethoscope that rested on your chest. “And that? Good luck gettin’ anything from that.” He looked down at your shoes and raised his brows in disbelief. “What- I swear they’re goin’ to kill me. How in the hell are we gonna do shifts with those?”
You couldn’t believe it. Here Bucky stood, in the middle of the living room with his dick half-mast, ranting and raving over a novelty costume. It took all of your will to not burst into hysterical laughter at the sheer humour of the situation – instead, you let go of Bucky’s hand and crossed your arms, sure to push your breasts up as you turned to fully face him again. 
His eyes were drawn to them, and he immediately opened his mouth to speak, but something seemed to click in his mind – this time, the right gear landed in place. “Oh.”
“Yeah. Oh.”
Before you could even point out that it was a bit of fun, Bucky launched forward and claimed your lips with his, bodily forcing you back against the wall where you squeaked into his mouth at the impact. “Fuckin’ hell, baby–what made you think a’this?” His voice was raspy and deep with need, and it only made you whine in reply. “I need to fuck you–need it so bad, Sugar, please.”
“Fuck me, daddy,” you whispered against his lips, gripping the back of his neck. He went willingly when you guided him to your throat, eagerly mouthing and nipping at the skin. There was brush of pressure over your costume and you gasped sharply when you realised his hips were stuttering – fucking the air in his desperation. “Need your cock, please.”
Bucky groaned and sucked harshly over your pulse point. 
Your movements were clumsy as you stumbled into the bedroom, pulling Bucky along when he refused to let go of your body and cease his attack on your neck with his tongue and lips. He was breathing heavily as he moved his hands over your waist, roaming over your body until his palms brushed the tops of your thighs. 
The lack of fabric or lace where your panties would have been seemed to make him pause. “You’re not–there’s- Fuck,” he rasped, moving his hands to cup your bare ass.
You moaned and fisted a hand in his hair, jostling the bun and his hair fell from the updo. “Wanted to be bare for you, daddy. Fill me up, c’mon.”
“I’ll do more than that, baby,” Bucky growled, and you shrieked in shock as he forced you down onto the bed, and he followed you, crawling up to your face and settling his still clothed crotch over your bare cunt. “You think you can tease me like this an’ get away with it?”
His forearms bracketed your shoulders as he grinded down into your heat, ignorant of the slick that now covered his crotch. “You’re gonna take my cock like a good girl, and you’re gonna beg for me to stop, sweetheart.”
“Yes,” you moaned, and you fumbled with the elastic of his sweats and briefs, while his mouth continued the attack over your neck, going as far as your collarbone. “Give it to me–so ready for it.”
“That’s my good girl,” he murmured against your skin. 
You felt the hitch in his breath rather than hearing it when you pulled his cock free from his boxers – it was heavy and hot in your hands, and for such a short window of arousal, it was already red and purpling over the head.
 “Fuck,” Bucky moaned, and his hips shuddered as you pumped him with your fist, spreading the precum that had leaked down his shaft. You moved your other hand to trace over his head until he whimpered. “Baby–baby, shit. Please-”
In a blind urge of desperation, and with your hands occupied with his cock, you moved your feet to push down his sweats and boxers off all the way, but he gripped your ankle in his hand.
“No,” Bucky growled low in his throat. “Can’t wait, honey. Need your pussy, an’ I need it now. Don’t keep her from me.” 
Heady arousal flushed your system and a wave of dizziness made you gasp. 
“Fuck–yes, come on,” you begged, and you groaned loudly as he slowly forced his cock into your cunt, the stretch of it on the right side of painful. “Yes! Don’t stop, don’t stop–please!”
“Take it, baby,” Bucky moaned, his lips hovering over yours. “Such a good girl, only a bit to go–c’mon, open up for daddy-” The litany of praises was cut off with a harsh grunt when he finally bottomed out. “That’s it, good girl–good fuckin’ girl. Oh my god, fuck yes.”
Your breath turned laboured with him fully seated in your cunt, and you couldn’t stop the flutters that pulsed around him, making the slight jolts of his hips even harder to breathe through. “You feel s’good–so big, daddy.”
“I know, honey, baby,” Bucky murmured, kissing you softly. He rocked his hips slowly, teasingly, and each stroke made you whimper in your throat. “But you take me so well, jus’ like you were made for my cock, huh? Perfect fuckhole for daddy.” 
“Hnng- Yeah, yeah, ‘m perfect,” you mumbled, dizzy with the pleasure of his words. 
“Yeah, you are,” Bucky cooed. “Think you can take more, baby?” Your hair shook out from behind you with the eagerness of your nod, and he chuckled lowly before pecking your nose. “Alright, sweetheart. Let’s see if you can get daddy to do his cardio for the day–need to keep ‘im in shape, yeah?”
Bucky’s hips surged forward and fucked into you with abandon – each thrust punched the air from your lungs with a huff and you gripped his shoulders, bunching the fabric of his shirt in your hands. “Ah–fuck! Yes, daddy!”
“Fuck,” he breathed, and he ducked his head to mouth at your throat. His hips drove forward with such ferocity you were pushed up the mattress. “You feel like heaven, honey–this pussy s’all mine. Mine.”
You couldn’t speak around the litany of squeaks and moans falling from your lips, but Bucky continued anyway. “Seein’ you in this pretty little outfit–shit, baby. You’re gonna kill me.”
“Worth- Oh! It–so worth it!”
“Fuckin’ agree with you, baby,” Bucky huffed. “Now you’ve got me needin’ to fuck this tight pussy so good she’ll be gaping when ‘m done–y’know that right, baby girl?”
Breathlessly, you shuddered and moaned a quiet, “Yes.”
“Good girl. Now take it.” Bucky’s thrusts became impossibly fast and you were sure your thighs would be bruised by the end of this tryst. 
When the coil low in your stomach began to tighten, Bucky moved an arm from next to your shoulder and he whispered, “Want you to cum for me, baby. Need to feel you squeeze my cock.” His fingers brushed over your sternum. “Over, and over.” You could feel the pads of his fingers dance over your hips, and you whimpered when he leaned in close, his lips now right next to your ear. “And over, sweetheart.” 
The pad of his index and ring fingers thrummed over your bundle of nerves with such speed you couldn’t draw breath from the onslaught of pleasure. 
“That’s it, that’s it!” he called over your whines, and he fucked you harder – the strokes of his cock long and deep. “Oh, fuck–sweetheart, give it to me, give it to daddy. C’mon.”
Your climax roared through your body like a wildfire, bright and hot in its destruction; back bowed to the ceiling, you could feel the heat from Bucky’s chest over your middle while he continued to move his hips in a circular grind. 
“Oh, fuck–shit, daddy,” you gasped finally, the waves now settling deep in your core again. “Fuck.”
Bucky chuckled, still rocking his hips. “I know you got one more in you, sweetheart,” he purred, and he nuzzled your neck, kissing it softly. “Let’s see just how hard I can get my nurse to cum for me.”
“Bu- Ah! Ah–fuck!” You gasped as Bucky fucked you up the mattress, his knees planted firmly to give him more leverage. The faster he fucked into you, the faster the feeling of another climax crested. This one felt different; more intense. “Oh, fuck–something- Different,” you hicupped, grabbing his biceps. 
You could feel his grin against your throat. “I know, honey–you’re already squeezin’ me. Do you hear that?” The slick sounds of his cock fucking into you was loud over your pants for air, and you nodded weakly. You felt slick and cum run down your thighs and ass as he moved in and out of your heat. “I think you might even squirt for me this time, baby. You’re so fuckin’ wet–a fuckin’ mess for me.”
A shuddered moan fell from your lips before you could clamp your mouth shut. “Daddy–”
“That’s it, call me,” Bucky grunted, and he pulled away from your neck, balancing himself on his forearms to look down at you, watching your face as it contorted with the pleasure that he was giving you. “Call me, baby–I wanna hear my name on your lips when you fuckin’ squeeze my cock when you cum.”
Sharp, white hot pleasure tore through your body, from head to toe, and you keened as Bucky forced his cock deeper. “You’re pushin’ me out, honey–lemme in, need to feel it,” he moaned. “Fuck, you’re so pretty; that���s it, that- Fuck!”
You felt the dampness of your thighs before you could comprehend the heightened pleasure, and you glanced down to watch Bucky’s lower half become soaked from your climax. “Oh-”
“Fuck, that was hot,” Bucky breathed, and before you could answer, he crashed his lips to yours and forced his tongue into your mouth, fucking it languidly while his hips stuttered in their rhythm. You panted as Bucky pulled back, his breath fanning over your spit-slick lips. “I need t’a cum, baby,” he pleaded, thrusting deeper. “Please, please–lemme cum in-”
“Yes,” you rasped, nodding. The fabric in your fists was damp with sweat, and you suspected your costume was thoroughly ruined, but with the fucked out expression on his face, it was well worth it. “I want you to cum in me, daddy–give it to me, I need it.”
Bucky groaned and shuddered. He lowered his head to your shoulder and rested his forehead on your collarbone. You could hear him panting over the slapping of skin and slick noises of his cock in your cunt, and you fisted his hair. “Fuck me, daddy. Use my pussy–fuck it hard.”
“Oh, fuck,” he rasped. Each thrust sent a shock of pleasure curling up your spine, but you brushed it off, intent on making Bucky cum – you squeezed around him and scratched his scalp, pulling the strands between your fingers. “Yeah–yes, oh shit, baby!”
You grinned and fisted his hair tight, forcing his head up and over yours so you could watch his face. “Cum for me.” Bucky blinked and gritted his teeth as his hips faltered, then his mouth opened in a moan that sent a shiver down your spine. “That’s it–give it to me, daddy,” you cooed, cupping his face in your hands. Warmth bloomed in your cunt, and you moaned with him.
The slow, rocking rhythm Bucky set with his hips soothed you, bringing you slowly down from your high while he descended from his. “Fuckin’ hell, Sugar,” he murmured, and he kissed you on the lips, then the forehead. 
“Do you think your cardio is done for the day?” you teased, and you bit your lip as you ran your hands down his chest, admiring the way the henley was soaked with his sweat. “You worked real hard, daddy.”
Bucky grinned and barked a laugh. “Nah, baby girl. ‘M not done with you yet.” He lowered himself and wriggled his arms behind your back to hug you, trapping you in place. “But I do need a minute. Fuck.” 
The damp strands of his hair stuck to your fingers as you combed through his hair, content to wait a moment for him to catch his breath. “I think we should get you to do a stress test, too–just to be sure.” 
You giggled as Bucky’s shoulder’s shook from quiet laughter, and then he moved to look down at you. “You know, you didn’t do a very thorough exam, nurse. I think you need to be taught how to do it properly.”
The two of you laid there in one another’s arms, breathing and enjoying the closeness. It was then you decided you truly did love Halloween – especially for the costumes.
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ha, yeah I am dead.
⠈⠂⠄ 𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱 | 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 | 𝐚𝐨𝟑 ⠄⠂⠁
⠈⠂⠄ 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ⠄⠂⠁
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rin-fukuroi · 5 months
𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐬 [𝐉𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐮𝐚𝐧]
Please do not translate or publish my works without my permission.
The originals of my works can be read here
Fandom: Honkai: Star Rail
Pairings: Jing Yuan x fem!reader
Warnings: just cute fluff
▶• ılıılıılıılıılıılı. Taemin - Pretty boy
Note: English is not my native language, so I apologize if there are errors in the text qq
Maybe the new year is already over, but it's never too late to just feel the warm and loving and caring atmosphere of the holiday
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— Well, well, don't be naughty, I'm almost done! — you playfully scratch behind your big soft ear.
Mimi has been spinning around underfoot for several minutes, poking his big nose at your dangling heel in the air. No wonder, because his owner hasn't been home for several days, he misses him as much as you do. It's a pity that you can't explain to him that everything is fine, it's just that someone decided to postpone all work until the end of the year, so Mrs. Fu Xuan now doesn't let the General out of the office until there is not a single scroll left on his desk. Harsh, but Jing Yuan deserved it.
In any case, this is a good opportunity to finish the gift that you have been hiding with extreme care from your curious husband for several months. Let the General not appear at home as often as you would like, this man is as clingy as a person can imagine. Are you cooking something? He'll happily steal a couple of slices of vegetables from the chopping board and put his arm around your waist, resting his head on your shoulder until you shoo him to the table. Are you reading? It's time to take a nap on your lap — the softest and most comfortable pillow according to General Lofu Xianzhou. Going to bed? Great, he's just tired and will gladly squeeze you in his warm, almost suffocating embrace. And it's incredibly sweet, but not when there were only a few days left before the New Year so that you could finish his gift.
Leo raises his head with some puzzlement, watching you vigorously weave thick threads with knitting needles, periodically leaning back in an armchair opposite the fireplace to evaluate the preliminary result of your painstaking work. You're really bad at needlework. If someone had told you a few years ago that you would be sitting and knitting with a serious look, you would have laughed a lot at the person who voiced such a funny joke. The desire to step over yourself, learn something new, become better for another person is also part of the relationship that you got involved in as unexpectedly as you decided to make a gift with your own hands.
The firewood crackles softly in the fireplace, and the dancing flames cast a soft shadow on the carpet under your feet and a half-asleep Mimi threatening to crush your ankle when the lion settles his huge fluffy head on it. The same atmosphere, the same warmth and the same thrill as the day when Jing Yuan proposed to you so simply and casually in this very place. You've always been like this. Carefree, just enjoying each other's company. Perhaps, from the outside, your banter with each other, lightness and carelessness are seen by others as the relationship of two good friends, but isn't that the whole point? You always think that Jing Yuan is really your closest and irreplaceable friend, with a smile on your lips, inexpressibly happy that you are so lucky to have him.
Therefore, even what you are doing clumsily now, snorting irritably under your breath when the drawing slides to the side and the threads get tangled in your hands, in some way brings you pleasure. It is unlikely that Jing Yuan will wear this, as there is an extremely low probability that you will take up knitting needles again, but you pass all those warm feelings that have been lurking in your heart all these years through your fingers holding metal sticks in your hands in the hope that the General will be able to feel them on his own body.
— Oh, well, your owner will owe me when I give him this gift, — you chuckle softly, glancing at the lion, whose ear twitches as soon as it catches the sound of your voice.
A soft sigh leaves your chest as you lean back in your chair, reaching for a mug of cocoa with tiny marshmallows on the coffee table. The hot sweetness spreads in your mouth, and you calm down a little, once again looking at the sweater on your lap.
— Do you think it doesn't look too lame? — you "try on" a sweater by applying it to your chest, and you meet Mimi's sleepy gaze, snorting softly before turning away in the opposite direction from you. — Is it that bad?!
— What's wrong, dear? — the heavy weight of Jing Yuan's body abruptly falls on your shoulders, making you shudder when he suddenly sneaks up from behind, wrapping his big hands around your shoulders.
Mimi instantly takes her head off your leg and happily wags her tail, like a dog waiting for its owner. Perhaps Jing Yuan was right in calling him his pet cat.
— Aeons, you're going to give me a heart attack! — you put your hand to your chest in fright before realizing that the sweater you tied is still pressed against it, and you hurriedly crumple it up, stuffing it under your side. — Have you finished your work yet?
— Mmm, not really,— the General almost purrs, burying his nose in the curve of your neck.
— Not really?
— Aren't you glad to see me at all? It would be a shame to celebrate the New Year separately.
You roll your eyes, but gently wrap your arms around your husband's forearm, sighing in resignation.
— Okay, I'll set the table now.
You are about to get out of the warm embrace of Jing Yuan, when Mimi stops you, insistently poking his nose into your thigh, under which lies what you have been hiding from your husband for so long.
— What is it, Mimi? Did you find something? — The General's hands are leaving your shoulders, and you can almost feel cold sweat rolling down your forehead.
Jing Yuan strokes the lion's head, but he completely ignores the owner's touch, continuing to snort and try to seep between your hip and the chair.
— Y/N, are you hiding something from me? — The General squints, smiling playfully and leaning towards your face.
— N-no! I guess I just spilled some cocoa… HEY! — you scream when your husband silently crouches, grabbing your legs and throwing you over his shoulder. You squirm, frantically slapping him on the back when you feel Jing Yuan leaning into the chair. — STOP! Let me go, there's nothing interesting there!
— Really? Then why did you hide it? — The General chuckles softly, and you drop your hands in despair, noticing the sneaky lion sitting behind his master and wagging his tail contentedly. — This is…
— It's not finished yet, — you mutter unhappily, propping your chin with your fist behind your husband's back.
Jing Yuan gently holds you with one hand, with the other unfolding a soft sweater over the seat of the chair. The red threads are intertwined in neat chains, and in the center of the gift there is an embroidered lion, slightly uneven, but seemingly insanely charming to the General.
— Is that Mimi?
— Y-yes… Or what should have been him.
The man gently puts you down on the floor, and you awkwardly look away, feeling embarrassment tingle your cheeks.
— It looks ready, can I try it on?
— I told you… — you started to speak, but stopped, noticing with what trepidation Jing Yuan lifts the sweater from the chair, leaning it against his muscular chest. — Oh… All that remains is to cut the thread.
You take scissors from the table, carefully cutting the red thread, and take the sweater from Jing Yuan's hands while he hurriedly throws off his uniform, presenting himself half naked in front of you and forcing you to frantically squeeze your gift in your hand, checking whether it is too prickly to put it on a bare body.
— Y/N, — Jing Yuan smiles, holding out his hands.
— Okay, okay… — you sigh, finally giving the sweater back.
Your husband carefully pulls on his sweater, smoothing out the bound image of Mimi on his chest. He looks so happy when he looks at the thing that is bound with your own hands, and he can almost feel how your love, care and efforts are woven into these soft threads to see a smile on his face.
— Why only Mimi?" Where is my beloved wife? — The General grins, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer to his warm body.
— A sweater with me wouldn't be so cute, — you giggle, burrowing into Jing Yuan's chest. So softly.
— Who told you that? — your husband's fingertips are placed under your chin, forcing you to look at him. — You are the sweetest woman in the world.
The man's amber eyes sparkle in the soft light of the fireplace, and you can't help but smile, rising on tiptoe to leave a short kiss on the General's cheek.
— Flatterer, do you think this will save you from being punished for ruining the whole surprise?
— I hope so, — The General rubs the tip of his nose against yours, loosely closing his eyes and pressing you closer to his body. — Thank you, my love.
P.S. Mimi's credibility was undermined after this incident!
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tangerinesgirl · 3 months
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AFAB!Reader x Mark Hoffman
Word count: 1.8k
Rating: explicit, 18+, no minors
Warnings: smut, masochism, size difference, some brief talk of weight, creampie, mostly Dom!Reader but some Dom!Mark, spitting, p in v
Summary: Your ex, Mark, has no where to go after the glass coffin trap and needs your help...even though you've been on a break.
Notes: I wanted to challenge myself to write a fic that has more detail this time. Reading my works back they all seem super quick to get into the action. So let me know what you think and I hope you enjoy!
You jump out of your skin at the loud bang against your apartment door. You begrudgingly roll over to the bedside table to check your phone: 1:03AM. Sighing, you put on slippers and stagger to the door. There's a more polite knock this time as you look through the peep hole: it's Mark Hoffman.
You and Mark had a rocky relationship ever since he became an apprentice for John Kramer. You found out from his clothing being torn, covered in oil and miscellaneous substances, or just straight up gone missing, and confronted him about it. He showed you the way of the traps and Kramer's ideology, part of you was sick to your stomach thinking about how many people have died like this, but the other part of you was seriously into how he would build the traps, brainstorming ideas and coming home all hot and bothered. But in the end, you had to take a break, Mark couldn't commit to a relationship as he was essentially married to his work. What you both had was fun, but you always wanted something more.
You unlock the door and Mark tumbles into your flat and walks straight into the kitchen. When you turn around you notice his once silk blue shirt is now red, full of cuts and glass shards. You don't quite know how he got to you; did he drive? Walk? Either way it was impressive how he's still standing. He swipes the kitchen table clean and dumps a first aid kit down. "Fix me", he demands of you. You sigh, thinking about how many months have passed without hearing from him and he turns up like this out of the blue, then inevitably grab some tweezers and sterilising fluid.
Nothing more is said after that, the only sound in the room is you cutting off Hoffman's shirt. Mark had actually trained you in first aid since he started up the traps, to cover for all eventualities. Things like how to stitch a wound, fix dislocations, and so on. You didn't think you'd actually have to use it when he left. It's not exactly like he could fish out the shards himself so it made sense in a way, even though it was painful for you to see him again. Maybe not as painful as the actual glass in his back though. You carefully start removing pieces from him, every so often he flinches but stays as stoic as ever. You put each shard on the table, disinfecting the tweezers as you go. It's painstaking, especially without a word being said. There's too many thoughts whizzing around your head, you wouldn't even know where to start, so you focus on your work instead.
You dab at the wounds with wipes, you notice a couple of particularly deep ones need stitches, and few more need steri-strips. You start to unwind your thread, and begin to close them up. He still flinches and groans occasionally as you fix his wounds. You're surprised you have enough steri strips for the rest. You give it one last glance over to make sure there's no more tint hidden pieces. Once you're happy with your work, you start to pack the rest of the stuff away.
As you reach for an unused bandage, Hoffman suddenly grabs your wrist. You turn to look at him, and he looks at you, deeply into your eyes, as if to say "thank you" without actually saying it, since that wasn't really part of his nature. He then glances down briefly at your lips. He thinks you didn't notice, but you did, and you look down at his too.
There's a lot of tension in the room, and you find it extremely hot that not a word has been said in the last two, maybe three, hours. You've lost track of time, you always do when Mark is around, because nothing else matters. You start to move forward into a kiss but you stop, inches away from him. Mark looks at your lips again. Then he suddenly puts his hand on the base of your skull behind your head and grips your hair. You let out a little surprise gasp.
Then everything happens so fast.
Mark slams his lips against yours, like a man starved, his kisses are desperate and all tongues. You both lightly moan through the heavy kisses, you sit on his lap and start to drag your hand through his hair in exchange, tugging occasionally. You start grinding while on his lap, searching for more. You can feel his member through his trousers. Then you accidentally knock one the cuts on his back and he groans out in pain, however you couldn't help but notice his cock twitch as you did so, now semi erect. You both stop for a bit and share a glance, not one of humiliation but of realisation. You raise an eyebrow, intrigued, and start to purposefully play with one of his stitched wounds. Mark moans and quickly grabs your other hand that's resting on his chest.
"Stop", he commands. There's clearly some unsaid things between you and Mark. You stop and look at him, you both look at each other with need and desperation.
"I don't know how far I'll go, I can't promise I'll be gentle", Mark has danger in his eyes.
"I know", you admit. Mark was always the kind to take out a rough day at work through sex, and you had a feeling tonight was no exception. But it somehow felt different. It could be the time you've had away from each other, or whatever he experienced that night had him particularly wound up.
"Same safe word?", you ask. He nods slightly, and in a flash he's back to passionately kissing you. He lifts you up, trying to walk you to the bedroom, but can't see where he's going as he's so tied up in the moment. He slams you into a wall, you moan as the air is pushed out of you.
You break the kiss momentarily to remove your top, you must have each other now and can't wait until you're in the bedroom. Mark removes your bra, his hands replacing it. His hands are so large, one hand seems to cover your entire chest. His rough skin feels amazing on your soft breasts. You moan as you remove your underwear. Mark breaks the kiss to kick off his trousers and underwear. He catches you looking at his erection, he walks back over to you and grabs your hair.
"How do I look?", he growls in your ear. You moan and start to kiss him again.
Without warning he pushes his cock into you. You forgot how well he filled you up. He was just the right size, but girthier than average. His thickness stung a little since he slammed into you without warning, but it's a good thing you were already slick with arousal. You hold him around his neck as he's lifting you up. Your legs wrapped around his waist as he's slamming into you against the wall.
With him still inside you, he then carries you over to the kitchen table. It's a good thing you packed everything away earlier. You put your feet on the edge, with your back on the table. Mark continues to push inside of you, sweat starting to glisten down his forehead, onto his large chest. Somewhat hairy, but oh so broad. His frame and arms have always been a turn on for you. Sometimes he was self conscious about his weight but you found it extremely hot. Especially the way it felt on top of you.
You sit up, breaking his momentum briefly, as you can feel the table shake, becoming more and more unstable. You push him to the chair where he was sat as you were cleaning his wounds, and motioned for him to sit down. You straddle him like before, only this time you were completely naked. You haven't felt this powerful for a while. You start to ride him, reaching behind you to start and fondle his balls. He tilts his head back in pleasure, mouth wide open. You stop briefly to hold his jaw open, you look over him as a dribble of your spit travels into his mouth. You forcefully close his mouth to get him to swallow, and continue to ride him.
It's not often you're able to take charge, but you were enjoying it. Hoffman, even though he wouldn't admit it afterwards, likes to think he's dominant at heart, but also loves it when someone takes control.
Your hands start to trail down his back once again. You could feel a few of his stitches had begun to unravel. Mark hisses as you trace your fingers over them. You stop briefly, making sure he was okay with you going further. After no safe word, you continue to pluck open a wound. Mark pretty much jumps out of his seat, slamming into you as he does so. You both moan, the lines of pleasure and pain blurring. You start to dip your finger into the warmth, blood coating your finger and travelling down his body.
"Y/N, I'm gonna-", Mark trails off. You remove your finger, and smear the blood as you caress his face. Around his lips, his jaw, down to his neck.
Mark is VERY into this, he's a massive masochist and seeing you like this has his mind going into overtime. What traps could you come up with? Maybe you could come with him during the next game, getting off on your hard work, putting each other in a trap, and seeing others in them. Watching them struggle in your game, totally oblivious to you and Mark having the steamiest sex of your lives over the monitor.
At this thought, he starts to cum inside of you. The biggest orgasm of his life. You continue to ride his orgasm out of him, the amount of cum you can feel inside you also triggers your orgasm. Mark slams you down by your shoulders to get you to stop moving as his penis slowly grows softer and twitches inside of you. You collapse into Mark's chest, both of you breathless.
You both sit there for a moment, taking everything in. Mark still inside you, his cum leaking out onto the chair, onto the floor, mixing with the blood from his wound that you opened.
You eventually move and mention that you should clean him back up. Mark reluctantly agrees. Neither of you decide to put your clothes back on, as you start to disinfect the table and open your first aid kit again. You mend his stitches and clean him up, and Mark is giving you that look again. Looking at your lips, totally helpless. You sigh as you realise you'll be stitching him back up once again.
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gottawritesomething · 3 months
A God's Folly (1/2)
Scene of an unsettling conversation/connection between God!Gale and his Chosen.
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Huge thank you to @ceasesanity for their GodGale Gif
The God of Ambition’s realm had been chiseled into Elysium in painstaking detail. Spiraling towers of marble trimmed with gold reliefs. Dramatized carvings depicting his accession to godhood decorating the various buildings adorning the land. Many of them replications of the most ambitious constructions from Faerun’s history. Rumors among his followers suggested that there was a perfect recreation of Waterdeep somewhere deep within the bounds of the realm. The truth of it mattered little, when the concept seemed so fanciful.
The God of Ambition watched the Great Wizard haughtily from his ornate throne room. It had been an extreme act of generosity to even allow him entry to his realm. Though it provided a unique opportunity to turn Elminster to the ways of Ambition as he'd done with so many before. Mortal’s hearts and minds had proven remarkably easy to capture; there was always something they wanted that he could provide a taste of. A lost love’s eyes resting on them for a moment, an acknowledgment from someone they respected, the sounds of an applauding audience chanting their name, the bitter denouncement of a rival. These harmless promises cultivated their belief in him, elevating him to a source of inspiration. Demonstrating the vast possibilities at his fingertips that they too could share in, if they'd just put their faith in him. Elminster suffered no such wonderment or distraction; he’d been set to his purpose and no pomp or circumstance would deter him. The elderly wizard swept through the grandest of structures, libraries, gardens, and palaces without a moment’s pause. The God of Ambition felt something that might have once been annoyance as he assessed Elminster’s approach. But of course, Gods were above such pettiness, that lay with the incessant squabbling of the mortal masses.
“Elminster Aumar, Chosen of Mystra, you should consider yourself lucky I allow you to stand in my presence given the disrespect your goddess has subjected me to. Know that you enter my plane by my will alone. Though it is not too late for you to rectify your misplaced faith. Galerian creed could bolster your already formidable reputation to new heights, perhaps claim deitydom for yourself.“
Elminster bowed deeply, regarding the God with a resigned gaze. There, again, was the prickle of irritation; the God dismissed the frivolous feelings.
“Your magnanimity knows no bounds, my lord, but I come seeking your Chosen. So that we may broker a peace between the warring temples in Amn. I seek no quarrel with you.”
“And yet, a quarrel you may still have. I see no reason to quell the conflict. Even battle has its ambitious aims.” The God of Ambition reclined, feigning disinterest. 
“If I am not mistaken, my lord, your worship benefits from living practitioners. The casualties from the schism have been significant enough that the city discusses closing both temples; I would never seek to deny your followers a place to worship.”
The God of Ambition considered attempting a laugh, unsure if he still knew how to feint a convincing one. 
“Very well, she'll assist you.”
With blink, he established a calling portal before returning his attention to Elminster, a smug smile flickering across his features.
“You may attempt to turn her head, Elminster but she remains my most loyal follower, her Ambition is to remain at my side.” The God twined something carefully through his fingers. 
A different man's life ago as they'd sat in a paltry conjured boat. Gale had asked her to have the best version of him, she'd told him that she could not, because to pursue the crown would destroy him. It had seemed she meant it when the God of Ambition first came for her. She could hardly look upon his visage and withdrew herself from his hold. But he'd been too new, too overwhelmed with the eternity now within grasp. He'd come for her too soon.
But soon, she'd returned to him of her own volition. She'd heard of the incorporation of their great love story into his expanding mythos. Initially, so full of fire and outrage. At the time, she’d not understood the need for it to be carved into temple walls. Or why bards composed songs about how no two beings had never been so suited. He explained the hope it gave his followers and all those who heard their tale. The appeal of the story of a man who had nothing and was nothing, pursuing the hero of Baldur's Gate. That she'd recognized in him, innately, this capacity of power, which he'd gone on to claim in her name. The embellishments, he’d assured her, only served to make it more inspiring. Still, she’d stormed, passionate and fiery. He'd eventually managed to settle her in a way he could never, while mortal. 
By that point, his command over the Galerian Weave was absolute. In his expertise, he'd realized her connection to its very fibers. He’d hypothesized that their bond and the thoughts of her as he ascended had etched her within its structure. That despite her mortal existence, she’d somehow become fused with his Weave. As such he’d come to know her as deeply as he knew all Weave. Her innermost being now observable to him, providing him with her most inescapable truth. 
The orb had only confirmed what the God of Ambition had already suspected: he had her heart entire. That she loved him senselessly, impossibly, that there was no action he could take that would remove him from her every beat of her heart. Her protestations falling away when confronted with this fact. 
It had occurred to him how Mystra had demonstrated a decidedly ungodly naivete in seeking out mortal companionship. An attempt to recapture the part of her that burned away when she ascended, he suspected. He still held a fondness for his Chosen of course… She represented a facsimile of his mortal wants and life. He’d once entertained the thought that perhaps he’d called to her himself. That somewhere within was a wisp of the man he'd been, clawing and sobbing for her, an element he'd never successfully excised. But instead culled, preventing it from further dulling his divine senses.
Elminster’s eyes remained wary as Tav stepped through the God's portal. 
She was dressed in exotic and delicate fineries, impossible materials intricately embroidered. The fabric shifted in color and flow around her as she walked. The beauty of the garment almost obscuring the exhaustion in her face.
Elminster explained the situation in detail, with Tav nodding slowly. With his summation done, the God of Ambition returned the ailing wizard to the tenuous grasp of his goddess, returning his full attention to his Chosen. Did they know how shatterable they were? That he dwarfed her not only in size but also in the sheer power at his fingertips. The glimmer within him would have screamed until his throat bled at the imbalance, if he’d paid it any heed.
“As ever my dear, I am sure you will do the Galerian faith proud. Though do keep an eye on Elminster, I feel his influence ring through some of my more far-flung sects.”
Tav nodded stoically. A flash of something pushed the God of Ambition to require more from her, to prove the tangibleness of their connection.
“Of course, I needn’t wonder about his influence on you.” He attempted a smile, Tav’s stony demeanor unleashing something unbecoming of a deity within him. “Not when there is such evidential proof of your love for me.” There was a flash of blinding light, and like a curtain lifting, a chain coiled upon the throne room floor, revealing its snaking path towards his chosen, traveling up her form to rest at her chest—at her heart. It glowed a pale blue, pulsing the heartbeat of Galerian Weave. The beat of both their hearts. Tav followed the chain with her eyes, the thin, impossible chain curled delicately around the orb’s scar as The God of Ambition wove it between his fingers. 
He invaded her every sense, sliding like smooth water over her skin, raw power of his energy crackling over her. Noting the goosebumps that erupted on her skin. A whispered plea fell from his lips for only her ears.
“Tell me you love me, still.”
Her eyes fixed on his, the intensity of her sorrow and love mixing in an intoxicating blend. To feel so much and so strongly was so utterly mortal. At times, it felt as though she was looking beyond him, peering deeply into him as if searching for something.
“Of course, my lord.”
The God of Ambition wished she’d used his name, but for the moment, the need was satiated. 
“Then go forth.” With a dismissive hand wave, he returned his Chosen returned to their mortal duties. The unease of their encounter soothed as the God of Ambition surveyed his domain once more. The delicate balance maintained requiring that not even a passing thought linger on the fact that the chain's end was not within his hands—that it, too, disappeared into his chest.
LINK to Follow up part 2
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dwreader · 4 months
Actual incidents in the book that are in dispute btwn Louis and Lestat since you fuckers can't seem to read:
-Lestat wanted Louis for his plantation vs. he is in fact already rich: not really relevant to the show since show Lestat is flaunting the fact that he's extremely wealthy from the start. Louis is not under any illusion that this guy is after his wealth, HE moves into Lestat's house in fact and accepts Lestat's money/gifts/etc. Lestat is a captial p PROVIDER. He said do NOT take that away from me and it's one thing he's 100% right about.
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-A cold loveless relationship depicted in IWTV vs. a more loving though still troubled "marriage" according to TVL: again, more or less moot for the show since season 1 depicts Lestat's version of their relationship more so than Louis's. They are clearly in a romantic relationship, had some good times (that were maybe glossed over quickly by Louis but are still clearly depicted through Claudia's diaries) and yet even in TVL, Lestat agrees that Louis's account was an accurate representation of the atomsphere of their decades together and that he deserved all the punishment he got.
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-Lestat torturing + killing people for fun according to Louis vs. Lestat's claim that he only killed people who were "bad" and deserved it: kind of already played out on the show when Louis suggests the idea in 1x03, but ultimately it doesn't significantly alter our perception of Lestat cause does anyone actually care that prostitutes stole money from their clients and think that's a valid reason to torture and kill them? Hope not! It's just a good insight into Lestat's mind and how he justifies killing.
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-The events after Lestat's murder and Paris: these parts we have to take from Lestat's POV simply because Louis is unaware of things happening when he's not present. Obviously will be a major part of Season 2.
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-The scene at the end of IWTV happening or not: the most direct contradiction between the two accounts but this has not happened yet on the show so it has no bearing on anything in season 1.
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As you can see, most of these contradictions involve Louis's omissions in IWTV rather than "made up" events. Save for the final scene in NOLA that doesn't actually mean anything to season 1, absolutely nothing about Louis's depiction of events in IWTV is really disputed by Lestat. Louis's turning, Claudia's turning, the "atomsphere" under which they lived leading up to Lestat's murder and Lestat's murder itself are all indisputable. Lestat is revealing more of his motivations and giving us further vampire context/knowledge that Louis didn't have (because Lestat kept it from him btw and he forgives Louis his errors because he knew it was out of enforced ignorance), but that only slightly changes our perception of his actions. It does not throw them into the trash.
It's also very clear that Season 1 is already an amalgamation of the two versions. If they were taking IWTV literally, the show wouldn't even be a romance and it clearly is. It uses Claudia's diaries (a device revealed only much later in the books) to fill in some scenes that Louis may not have been present for like the kidanpping on the train but the two perspectives make the story kind of bulletproof? The reliability or lack thereof of Louis as a narrator is made possible by Claudia's diary being there as a secondary source and when he's at his most unreliable, it's the diary that provides the contradictions. WE see something's off when the diary's pages are excised. BUT you really don't have any basis in the books for a major lifechanging event like episode 5 to be retconned, let alone an event with two people as sources and involved a prolonged recovery period that's also described in painstaking detail by said two people. Like this woman was a lazy writer most of the time but even SHE wouldn't do that cause its like a basic writing tenant not to feed your reader horseshit??
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pxrxcxa · 2 years
Mean to everyone but me
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One shot *
Paring | Eddie x fem reader
Post summary | Eddie finally comes to terms with his feelings (and even though it’s a rocky road) he starts to make up for his mistakes with a fresh start
Post warnings | Smut 18 + (minors DNI I will chase you with a broom), p in v unprotected, f oral, m oral, spanking, over stim, FLUFF & idk what else, just pure smut so enjoy & let me know if I missed any.
Word count | 7.5 k word count (holy f)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
As always, any & all comments/reblogs are most appreciated - Love, P. x 🌿
Authors Note | I don’t consider myself great at writing fluff but I tried my hardest so let me know what you think! Also!? Guess whose on time for once lmao - even though this was extremely over due. Let me know if y’all want a part 6
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“You’re going to wish you didn’t.”
Eddie’s words cut through the heavy tension that my admission had created. My heart hammered like crazy as he slowly turned to face me, the door handle rattling as he flexed his fingers around it.
I could feel the blazing heat flooding my cheeks as his stare met mine, making my knees shake as I crossed my arms over my chest, suddenly feeling so exposed under his dark glare.
His words should have made me tremble with fear. With regret. But they were laughable, because I’d known all along, even before I’d admitted to myself the strength of my feelings for Eddie.
Eddie Munson wasn’t the type of boy you were supposed to fall in love with, because he wasn’t the type to love you back.
I let my eyes flutter close as unrelenting tears sprung to them, listening out through the music for the unmistakable sound of the door closing.
It never came.
“Because I’m never gonna let you go now.”
I didn’t have time to react to his words before he was across the room in three long strides, lifting me off my feet as his hands strangled the sides of my waist, guiding me back against the wall and resting me against his body.
He bowed my core against his, pressing his lips deep against mine as I let out a gasp of surprise and shock, hesitantly reaching up to brace myself against his shoulders as I waited for him to pull away again. His kiss was urgent, devouring as he stole away what little breath I had.
I tightened my grip on him desperately as I bit back a cry, feeling my eyes burn as I waited for him to slice into my heart again with his talent for poisonous words. Eddie’s eyes flickered up from my swollen lips to meet my stare as his fingers traced the side of my face.
“Really?” His question, and the bare vulnerable, painstaking expression on his face left no room for confusion over what he meant.
Eddie didn’t know what it was like to be loved.
“I’ve loved you since freshman year Eddie. From the first time I watched you save one of the other guys in my year from being bullied by Jason in the cafeteria.” His half smirk flashed in the dim lighting between us as I laughed.
“I love everything about you. Even when you’re being mean.” I shrugged my shoulders and gave a little sniff as Eddie let his eyes drop out of shame, the embarrassment of my confession heated the air between us.
I stayed still as I moved my hands behind my back and Eddie hung his head, feeling my chest rise and fall heavily as I let him mull over my words in silence, I could see now how hard it would be for him to trust and believe me, after being constantly abandoned by every care giver he’d had, I wouldn’t be jumping to trust anyone anytime soon either.
But I didn’t know how to prove it to him more than I already had, and I’d already hurt myself in more ways than I thought possible by trying to get him to open up. Now that I’d been completely honest, enough had to be enough, I couldn’t keep dragging myself over knives while he decided when he wanted to play nice, when it suited him.
If Eddie decided to walk away, it would be his decision.
And I would have to let him.
“Can I drive you home?”
I tried not to let the heartbroken disappointment show on my face that those words weren’t the ones I was waiting for.
One more time.
I avoided the mirror on the closets as I let my fingers intertwine with his to save myself seeing the hypocrisy and weakness plastered across my face, following him as he held his arm out behind him and pulled me through the bedroom door back into the dancing crowd that piled up in the thin hallway of Steve’s front entry hall.
Eddie’s grip on my hand was soft as he shouldered his way through the crowd, turning his head to the side to make sure I was still pressed safely against his back as the drunk party goers shouted loudly from all sides.
The cold, fresh night air was a slap of relief as I stumbled against Eddie’s arm, gripping the leather of his jacket as my heels clacked against the cement. I glanced up at him sneakily through my lashes lidded heavily with mascara that I was sure was smudged by now, following him as he steered me towards his van parked at the end of the street. The silence grew heavier as we left the grinding sounds of a deep base and hoots of drunken laughter behind, the increasing wind sending goosebumps up my bare arms as our loud breathing became the only sound between us.
My eyes grew wide at the act of chivalry as Eddie walked me to the passenger side of his van, pulling the door open and reaching for my elbow as he helped me into the seat as I wobbled unsteadily in my heels.
His eyes darkened as I settled back into the scratchy fabric, toying with my hands in my lap as I avoided his glare. I felt his presence hulking over me as he leant in closer and I gulped as a long cold finger tapped my chin up.
“Seat belt.” He grinned wide enough to light up his eyes as my face blushed deeply, watching the way his pink lips stretched across his sharp teeth as the slightest dimples popped up in his cheeks.
I used the few seconds it took him to walk around to his own door to catch my breath, flipping down the visor to assess the damage. I quickly wiped the corner of my mouth where my lipstick had been smudged by Eddie’s mouth and wiped under my eyes to clear the messed mascara from Eddie’s cruel words.
A swirl of cold air filled the cabin as Eddie slid into his seat, the floor vibrated beneath my feet as he clicked the engine over and a geared up tape blasted through the speakers, making my teeth chatter as the base shook my bones.
“Sorry.” Eddie laughed, quickly spiraling the dial down as he hit the gas pedal.
The low voice of a band I didn’t recognize played in the background as Eddie drove, I fixated on the darkened passing houses to avoid watching him. To avoid the bundle of nerves that mangled my stomach together each time I thought of his face when I told him I loved him.
He hadn’t walked away, but he hadn’t said it back either.
I chanced a sneak look at him and my stomach dropped into my ass. Eddie was already staring at me with a strange look as I dropped my eyes to my lap.
I flinched as his hand slid to my knee, squeezing the cold skin as his low voice filled the quiet.
“You okay? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this silent.” He joked, rubbing his thumb across my bare skin as my eyes traveled up the veins in his taught arm.
“I don’t know what to say.” I replied honestly, my voice lifeless as I bit back an unexpected sob in my throat.
“Y/n I -“ I hadn’t meant to cut him off, but my surprise broke through.
“How did you know where I lived.” I shot him an incredulous look as he huffed and pulled back his hand, gripping the steering wheel as we pulled to a slow stop at the curb of my street.
“After you stalked me at Hellfire to hook up with me the first time, I paid attention.” I wasn’t sure how I felt about his half insult half compliment, so I stayed quiet and shot him an annoyed glance. He looked pissed off as he avoided my stare and leant back in his seat, pressing his lips together as he undid his seat belt.
“Eddie… my parents are home.” I clenched my hands around the seat underneath me, kicking myself because I didn’t want to leave yet, even though I’d sworn to myself I wouldn’t let him use me anymore, I had thought he’d drive us back to his place, not mine under the watchful eyes of my strict parents.
I didn’t want to leave Eddie.
If I left right now, I didn’t know if he’d come back, or if I’d let him.
He grinned at me and shook out his curls, turning off the engine as we were immersed in darkness.
“Don’t worry about it.” His breath tickled my chin as he leant over to undo my own belt for me
“Second level, first bedroom at the front right?” My eyes went wide at his correctness as my mouth gaped. He raised his brows at me until I nodded, winking as he slid out of his seat and waited for me at the front of his van.
“How are you-“ I peered up in the darkness as the lines of his face burned fiercely in the flame of his lighter as he lit up a cigarette, blowing the smoke over me as I pointedly coughed.
“I said don’t worry about it.” He laughed as he pushed my hair back over my shoulder, exposing the bare skin on my cleavage glowing in the moonlight.
“Damn dress.” He muttered so quietly I wasn’t even sure I’d heard him before he dropped his hand, tracing it down my arm before he let it drop to his side.
“You should head inside y/n. It’s late and your parents are probably worried about what you might be up to.” Eddie laughed loudly and turned away from me to hide his gleeful expression, taking a long draw of his smoke before his dropped it the asphalt with a spark of embers.
I spun on my heels and stalked up the side walk, stumbling as the concrete turned to grass beneath my shoes. I quickly kicked them off as I hesitated under the yellow porch light, clasping them in one hand as I turned the door handle as quietly as possible, cringing as the loud creak echoed into the hallway. I had just placed a light foot onto the bottom step of the stair case as my dads sleepy voice rung out from the lounge room.
“Y/n, is that you?” His voice was thick with sleep and muffled.
“Yeah it’s me dad.” I clenched the banister as I heard him yawn.
“It’s late. I thought we said eleven.” He started to sound clearer as I heard the recliner groan.
“I know I’m sorry. Nancy got sick and I had to take care of her.” I bit my tongue over the anguish of lying to my parents, making a mental note to fill Nancy in case our parents ran into each other at the grocery store.
“Were you drinking?” I rolled my eyes and sighed into the darkness, taking a few more steps.
“No dad.” Not technically a lie.
“Come in here.” I watched the volume on the tv turn down as I peered through the banister down the hall.
Fuck, my dad might have been the more relaxed parent but I definitely was not wearing a parent approved outfit. I tensed as I jogged up the last few steps, shouting out quietly over my shoulder as I heard him walking down the hallway.
“I don’t feel well either dad- probably a bug! I’m going for a shower!” I quickly spurned across the thick carpet, slamming my bedroom door behind me as I spun around to lock it. I let my heels drop to the ground with a muted thud as my breath stopped in my throat.
Eddie was lounging across my made bed spread, tossing a childhood stuffed teddy in the air before catching it and throwing it higher. He smirked at me with an amused look as I leant against the door, my eyes flicked over to my bedroom window that opened up to the roof of the ground floor, a cold breeze flowed through the open inch of it, I scowled back at Eddie.
“How the hell did you beat me?” I accused, strutting across the room to slam it shut.
“A stomach bug huh?” Of course he’d been eavesdropping, I sighed before I turned to face him as he watched me.
“Okay well I am actually going to go for a shower.” I snapped, my exhaustion from the night and Eddie’s antics seeping through.
“I need one to.” He flew up from the bed to block the door to my bathroom.
“I only have one towel.” I shot back.
“I’m sure we’ll figure something out.” His grin was devilish as he ran his eyes over my frame slowly.
The intimacy of the situation hit me, knocking my breath away. Eddie was here in my bedroom, in my safe space, the physical objects of my soul laid bare for his judgmental eyes.
“I’ll be good.” His smile had dropped, and an earnest pleading look had replaced it.
I wasn’t sure what I was agreeing to, but I nodded my head, allowing Eddie to follow me into the cold tiled bathroom that ran off from my room. His heat burned into me as he walked close behind, keeping a light touch on my back as I flicked the fairy lights on, dousing us in a soft golden glow.
I spun around to face him as a deep laugh buried in his chest rose to his throat as I exposed more girly decor to him.
“Not what you expected?” I challenged, reaching up to pull pins from my hair.
“It’s just… soft.” He admitted, I froze as his deft hands moved to replace mine, pulling the bobby pins away from my flowing hair quicker than I could.
“But so are you.” His brown eyes dropped down to mine as I slowly backed into the counter top, hardly darling to breathe as Eddie worked away at my hair.
As he pulled the free locks over my shoulder, I reached for the pack of makeup wipes tucked away with the rest of my skin care, laughing at the confused look on his face.
“I’ve got to wipe this all off, Eds.” I waved a hand towards my heavy makeup as slight embarrassment filled me. His jaw clenched before he pulled the wet fabric from my hands.
“Can I?” His voice was low and electric in the small space between us, all I could manage was a nod as he offered me half a smile.
I wrapped my hands around the back of his neck as my balance was stolen from me, Eddie gripped the sides of my waist to lift me onto the counter, softly spreading my legs to slide between them as he lifted the wipe to my cheek.
His tongue sat between his full lips as he slowly, with the most gentle concentration I had ever seen Eddie have, washed away the layer of makeup I had carefully applied. I laughed at his little triumph ‘Aha’s’ as he finally managed to clear away my waterproof mascara. I couldn’t hold back my teasing giggle as he panicked over being too rough with my eyelashes.
I had my hands resting on his hips as his hand held the back of my shoulder and the other pressed the cold cloth against my raw skin, wiping over it until he was happy with his work.
Warmth filled the space between us, but my smile slid from my face as reality kicked in, wishing with everything I had that it could be like this all of the time.
Eddie didn’t notice as he pressed a soft kiss to the top of my nose.
“There, all done.” He grinned as I shuffled off the bench, turning towards the mirror to examine his work.
“Well done.” He beamed at my praise as I glanced at the shower.
“Here.” He dropped the dirtied wipe into the sink as he turned to me, reaching down to the hem of the dress as he watched my face with careful eyes, waiting for me to stop him. I kept my face clear as he slowly pulled the red fabric up over my thighs, bunching it around my middle as I raised my arms over my head so he could pull it free.
It wasn’t the cold that made my skin shiver as Eddie dropped the dress to the floor, biting his cheek as he ran his fingers lightly across my chest, down over my bra and along my stomach. I caved under his touch as he traced the think lacy material of my panties.
His eyes flashed to my face as his name passed my lips in a quiet moan, searching my eyes as I trembled against him. His face was flushed and his eyes were bright as his apples Adam rolled.
“Can I shower with you?” The twinkling lights threw shadows across his face and the hard panes of his chest as he stepped back to drop his jacket off his shoulders and tear his shirt over his head. I brushed past him to switch the shower on, flinching as I ran my hand under the burning water. I didn’t turn back as I reached up to unclasp my bra but I did hear Eddie’s sharp intake of a breath as I let the scratchy fabric fall from my chest. I bit my lip as I shimmied my matching panties down my legs, kicking them to the side as I stepped into the steaming shower.
I plunged my head under the hot stream as I felt more than heard Eddie move in behind me, as I hid away in the water Eddie wrapped his hands around my middle, pressing his warm lips to my back as I felt the water droplets ricocheting off his shoulders. With slow careful movements, I turned around to face him.
He kept his eyes on my face as I traced my nails over his arms, across his chest and down over the snail trail covering the slight definitions between his abs. My cheeks burned as my eyes fell to his boner, pointing at me angrily. I glanced back up at Eddie’s wet eyelashes with a matching smile but he shook his head, signalling for me to turn back around as he reached for the body wash on the shelf behind me.
I couldn’t hold back the moan that escaped me as he massaged the lather of the grapefruit concoction into my shoulders, pressing his thumbs in as I melted back against his chest. As Eddie’s hands worked over and into every crevice of my body silently, with a content smile on his face. I turned into a pile of melted putty in his capable hands, watching the white foaming soap buds travel down my legs and disappear into the drain. By the time his fingers traced the outline of my lips, a dripping wetness was pooled between my shaking legs.
“Why don’t you go get that one towel while I rinse off?”
I obliged silently and stumbled from the shower like I was drunk, reaching for the white fluffy material hanging by the door as I dropped water all over the tiled floor. Steam clouded the mirror as I watched the blurry outline of my silhouette cross the bathroom floor, leaving Eddie behind as he hummed and bopped his head to an unfamiliar tune.
I headed straight for my dresser, pawing through the legions of old pajamas as I searched for the silk set my mother had gifted my for my birthday this year. My fingers closed around the blue material as I wrenched them from the draw, with frenzied speed I quickly dried my body and applied the thinnest layer of scented lotion before I hung the towel back up over the bathroom door, practically diving into my bed as I sat up crossed legged and began to untangle my hair with my fingers.
I tried to sort through my thoughts as I hyper ventilated, chewing on my cheeks as the shower taps turned off with a creek. Why did he have to do this now? I didn’t expect him to say he loved me back, but surely even this was cruel beyond what Eddie was capable of? Being extraordinarily nice and intimate after all this time of me begging him to? To toy with my heart and feelings after I ripped them open to him?
I hated everything about this, and I hated myself more because I knew I was going to let him use me again.
One last time.
Just like any other junkie, telling myself whatever I needed to hear to justify it.
I wasn’t going to say no though, I couldn’t.
The first tear fell as Eddie sauntered through the door, water droplets dripping from the ends of his tights curls and onto his exposed chest as he tightened the towel around his waist.
“Just a heads up, I’m gonna need to borrow your hair dryer in the morning.” His grin slid from his face as he looked up at my tear stained one, shooting across the room towards me. The mattress groaned under his weight as he leant in towards me, cupping my chin as I avoided his eyes.
“Hey what’s wrong?” His voice was desperate as my hands went limp on my lap, collecting the steady stream of tears that dripped off the end of my nose.
“Please don’t cry. Tell me what I can do.” I stared back at Eddie through my blurry lashes as a sob etched itself in my throat, threatening to choke me as he stared back pleadingly.
Damn him for being the reason and remedy.
Damn him.
I threw myself against his chest with a sharp smack, pawing at each inch of his skin that I could get my hands on. My wild move caught him off guard for only a moment before his lips picked up pace with me, molding against me hungrily as he laid me back against the covers. His hot lips moved to my skin along my neck as I twisted my hands in his wet hair, massaging his scalp as he moaned against my collar bone.
“What’s.” He moved his lips down along my chest, nipping at my hard nipples, bare beneath the silk top.
“Wrong?” Eddie nudged my legs apart as he settled in comfortably between them, lifting up his hips as he pulled the towel away and tossed it into a corner of my room.
He pulled back with surprise flaring in his eyes as I tugged on his hair painfully, bringing his lips to mine with an urgency I’d never shown him. Eddie gasped over me as I bit down on his lips, swirling the taste of his blood in my mouth as I let him pull back from me.
“You’re what’s wrong.”
His face fell as he collapsed against my chest, loosing his grip on my hip as he searched my face for something. There were still tears in my eyes and my lip trembled, but I could feel the wave of rage simmering beneath the surface.
“Punish me.” His voice was gruff and laced with lust as his fingers tugged at the hem of my shorts.
“What?” My gasp was half filled with laughter but my shock was soon drained from my face when I seen that he was serious.
“Punish me. For everything mean thing I’ve said and done to you. Punish me. Get it all out.” His eyes darkened and sent a flutter through me as his moving frame blocked out the flickering light from my bedside.
I tried to keep my concentration as he lifted himself above me, bringing his knee between my thighs and resting it beneath my mound. I groaned as I pushed down against it, rolling my clit against his hard knee as his mouth moved back to my breasts.
With a low gasp I knotted my fingers in his half dried curls, guiding his head as he dotted my chest with kisses, slightly lifting his knee as I ground down on it, arching my back as I hit the sensitive spot that sent a thrill through my core.
“Say it.” His voice was mumbled in between hickeys he was leaving on my sternum.
“Huh.” My eyes rolled back as my pace picked up, the wetness dripping out of my folds as I moaned his name.
“Tell me what I’ve done that’s hurt you baby.”
My shoulders left the bed as he hand slipped between my legs and he pulled his own away, rubbing against my throbbing clit over my panties as I panted.
“Called me names.”
“Names?” He murmured against my skin as his nose tickled my skin across my stomach, I tensed and writhed beneath his touch as his dark eyes flashed up through his lashes to watch me.
“Mhm, whore, slut… mmm” my voice choked out into a gasp as he let one long finger slip beneath my drenched panties, flicking over my bud before it pressed against my soaked entrance, teasing my fluttering walls.
“Ed-Eddie” I begged, bowing down against his hand but he just kept pulling away.
“Are you not my whore?” I nodded feverishly until he let me push down on his finger, sighing as I felt him stretch me out. Eddie grinned against my thigh as he tugged my panties down my thigh.
“What else baby?” He skillfully rubbed soft circles on my clit with his thumb as he worked away at that squishy spot inside of me that had me flinching off the bed with each thrust.
“You hit me…” Eddie pulled his hand from me with an exotic sound as my eyes flew open in protest, heat flashed through me as I watched Eddie suck his finger and his eyes rolled back in his head.
Eddie glanced down at where I was quickly coming undone beneath him, he leant down to caress the side of my face before placing a soft skin against my quivering lips, forcing my essence into my mouth with his tongue.
“I know I did baby. I’m sorry. I won’t ever do it again unless you ask.” Cold air swirled between our bodies as he pulled back quickly, gripping my thighs until he spun me over, face down into my pillow as he pressed into my ass. I let out a gasp he didn’t hear as he started to massage my soft skin, playfully tapping at my ass until I was arching back in the air for more.
“Tsk tsk, gotta ask for it baby.” I felt my slick dripping from my cunt down my legs, ruining the clean sheets under me, but Eddie’s voice was enough to send me over the edge.
“Please Eddie.” I reached back and connected with his knee, my fingers traced the wet patch my pussy had left on it.
“Please what?” He growled, leaning up on his legs until I felt his hardened length teasing my entrance.
“Please smack me.” I buried my face as I felt my walls flutter around nothing, muting my light cry as Eddie’s flat hand smacked down against the fleshy part of my ass.
“Such a fucking pretty pussy.”
Tears leaked out of the corner of my eyes from Eddie’s praise, a knot forming in my stomach over the thought of watching him come undone over me.
“More.” The mattress rocked as Eddie pressed into me, using his free hand to rub his dick up and down my soaked folds as I shivered in anticipation, his tense hand hammered down against my soft flesh as I cried out louder this time, relishing in the pain.
“Need you Ed’s please.”
“What else baby. Tell me.” I could hear the desperation in his voice as he pressed his cock against me again, faltering beneath his own touch as I wiggled back.
“Leaving me.” My sob was hidden as I felt Eddie pause behind me. He leant forward over my back to press a soft kiss to my jaw as he traced the hand print I was sure he’d left before he buried himself inside of me with a groan. My wetness and his precum made our bodies glide together effortlessly as I moaned into to my frilly pillow, my body twitched as Eddie reached around to rub purposeful circles on my clit as he kept up with he strokes.
“I’m never going to leave you again.” I could have cried, from his words or his cock it didn’t matter.
It was Eddie, all Eddie as I lost myself in the feeling he was pounding into me. His grunts became labored as I shook, lifting off the mattress as I felt my orgasm wrap its talon around my core.
“Wanna feel you come on my face.” I didn’t have time register his words over the roaring in my ears before Eddie pulled himself from me and flipped me back over, burying his face between my legs as he lifted both my legs over his shoulders. The sheets bunched beside my body as pulled them off the corner, turning my head to hide my face in them as Eddie’s lips sucked at my clit, tugging it’s with interest at each shock it sent through my body. Embarrassing noises echoed throughout my room as his tongue lapped at my wet pussy, running up the length of it until it reached my sensitive bud and he flicked it over softly, grinning against my core with each whimper that tumbled from my throat.
Eddie’s arms locked around my thighs as I tried to wiggle away, my oncoming release taking over my body as I both wanted to press my cunt down against his face and not being able to hand the sensitivity.
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck Eddie Eddie Eddie.” He didn’t relent as my legs clamped down on the sides of his head and I reached down to tear at his hand as my orgasm stole my scream from me, I bit down on my fist as I tried to remind myself I was in my childhood bedroom, flinching as the aftershock waves of my orgasm rolled through, I loosened my grip on Eddie’s hair and relaxed my thighs before his lips attacked my pulsing clit, making me cry out at the over stimulation until I was practically screaming for him to stop as I begged.
Eddie loomed over up me to pressed his soaked face against mine, his chin dripping with my slick as his tongue found me. He was pressing his dripping, solid rock dick against me when I mumbled against his mouth.
“Want you to come in me.” His small smile separated our mouths as he ran his hands back over my chest, tugging at my soft nipples as I squirmed.
“I want to baby, but don’t have a condom.” I shook my head against him, digging my nails in against his shoulders as I forced him on his back and pressed sloppy, urgent kisses down his stomach as he laid back with a groan as he watched my intention become clear.
“Fuck baby, you sure?” My answer was taking his entire, slick soaked length in my mouth until I was gagging on him and he threw his head back against the pillows, cupping the back of my neck and he pulled my hair away from my face.
The mixed salty tastes from both of us layered my tongue as I ran it along the ridges of his cock, tracing my nails along the sides of his pelvis as he bucked up into my mouth. I took it without complaint as the tufts of his pubic hair pressed against my face, relishing as I watched him fall to pieces under my mouth. He’d already been close, it only took a few thrusts down my throat before he was finishing.
“Fuck you’re taking me like a good girl. Fuck I’m gonna come, in your mouth?” Eddie glanced down at me with red cheeks and heavy lashes as I nodded on his cock, pushing him down my throat as far as he would go as I felt and watched him thrust up into my face, tightening his grip until he faltered and his salty seed shot down my throat, I pressed my lips around him as I pulled up slowly, running my tongue along his tip until he jolted and pulled me up against his chest, I’d barely swallowed before he crushed his lips to mine, cupping the back of my head as we tangled our bodies together.
Sleep was an oncoming storm as Eddie tucked the sheets around me, tracing light patterns up and down my spine as he began to hum the same song from the shower, mixing in with the flavour of my dream as I slipped beneath it’s depths.
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The pillow I had my arms wrapped around was cold, making me clamp my eyes tighter as I tried to hold onto the memories of last night, not wanting to face the reality of the day time. The sunlight was hitting my room at an angle that told me I’d slept to late afternoon, my mussed sheets were bundled around my waist, flat against the mattress apart from where it fluttered over my body, my bleary eyes scanned the room without hope, knowing without needing to see.
I fell back against my pillows as I watched the towel hung back up over my bathroom door, swing in the fresh breeze that flew in through my wide open bedroom window.
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I slammed down the receiver in frustration for what felt like the hundredth time that day, arguing each point with myself like there was two people in my mind, although the headache made it feel like there were a thousand different screams inside of me. I nearly jumped out of my skin as the phone rang with a shrill, its melody sung twice before I ripped it off its hook, readjusting myself against the kitchen stool.
“Hello?” I breathed, twirling my fingers in the cord.
Y/n? It’s Nancy
I was too disappointed and caught up with trying to hide it, that I didn’t even consider lying
"Oh, hi."
What happened to you last night
"Oh um, Eddie. I went home with Eddie."
Oh, well that’s great! you’ll never believe what happened with Steve…
I let her trail off as my thoughts drifted away again, chewing on the inside of my cheek as I promised myself that if I came up with an excuse to get off the phone with her, then I really would call him for real this time.
….Anyways, we should all definitely go on a double date sometime!
The doorbell rung out, echoing down the hallway as I glanced up at the clock hanging above the dining table, wondering who would be at our doorstep at 07.15 pm considering both my parents where in the living room and I was on the phone with my only friend.
“Y/n can you get that?”
“Uh Nance, I have to go.”
Okay, let me know about the double date!
I slammed the receiver back down as I slid from the stool, fidgeting with my bathroom belt as my slippers thundered against the hallway runner quietly, in my frustration I hadn’t bothered to check the peep hole in the front door before I tore it open.
I froze like there was a dangerous animal on my doorstep, I probably might of known how to deal with one better anyway.
Because a well groomed, puppy-eyed, recently showered, hair half tamed, holding a bouquet of my favorite colored flowers with a pleading look, Eddie Munson, was not on my list of things I’d expect to answer the door to.
“What’s… all this?” I tightened my thin bathroom robe around me as the cold air rifled my free hair, sending goosebumps up my spine as Eddie ran his eyes over me.
“Bit under dressed aren’t you?” His sneer slid into place easily as he cocked a half smirk, and I pulled the front door tighter behind me to block out the sounds of my parents watching tv. As he ran his tongue over his bottom lip, biting the corner of it, I had half a mind to slam it in his smug face.
I snapped my eyes shut and gave a quick shake of my head to drown out the scent of his minty mix of cigarettes and cologne out of my mind, hating the way his dark leather jacket hugged his lean muscles and how his long lashes threw shadows across his sharp cheekbones under my porch light.
“What the hell are you doing here?” I yelled in a whisper, my eyes darting away from his when something exciting flashed in them, causing my thighs to clench together of their own accord.
Damn it.
“You told me yesterday y/n. If I wanted to see you, I’d have to turn up at your doorstep with flowers to ask your dad for permission to take you out on a date.”
As my thoughts flashed back to us at my locker yesterday, his words stole my breath from me in a rush of air as he leant back on his heels, rubbing his jaw with amusement as my own went slack. At first they sent a thrill through me, before the anger set in at his manipulation.
“I didn’t say that! You said it -“ He cut me off as he slid past me, flexing his hand against the door panel as he shoved it wide out of my grip, pressing his thumb against the corner of my mouth with a smirk as his face bent close to mine.
“Speaking of which, he is home right?” Eddie spun around in the entry half to face me, his smile deepening as my eyes flew wider with each inch the took him closer to the living room. The flowers fell to his side as he raised his brows expectantly at me, cocking his head to the side as I dug my nails into my palms, a disbelieving smile slowly spreading across my face as I scoffed, the bizarre image of Eddie’s dark and intimidating presence diluting the white and soft decor of my home.
I liked the way it looked.
“Y/n, who was that at the door?” A lump rose to my throat as my mother’s sing song voice rung out through the walls, Eddie’s cheeky smirk impossibly widened as my cheeks burned.
“I’ll introduce myself while you get dressed.”
My mind ticked over as I hesitated, watching the narrowing outline of Eddie’s jacket disappear further down the hallway as I glanced down at my scarcely hidden body beneath the thin robe.
I sped up the stairs, tearing into my room like a tornado as I grabbed the nearest clothes that I could slide over my hair and legs, not bothering to stop to check if they matched before I practically flew down the stairs again. I almost tumbled into Eddie as I met him and my alarmed parents standing at the bottom of the stair case, Eddie stared back at me amused as I patted my hair down, quickly shooting a look at my body as relief flooded through me that I had on a pair of dark jeans and a flattering new sweater. Eddie still looked like he was holding back a laugh though.
“Y/n you didn’t tell us you had plans tonight.” My eyes flashed from my dads face to my mothers as she spoke up.
“Yes a… date.” I bit back a groan as she ran her eyes over Eddie pinned between them, not unapprovingly as he beamed at her with the flowers held to his chest.
“Make sure she’s back by eleven.” My dads tone was enough to make my knees buckle but Eddie smiled back unfazed.
“I’ll have her back before ten.” He promised, his tone was so respectful and rung with truth that if I didn’t know what we had done in my bed together last night, I would have believed him to be the perfect example of a respectable young gentleman.
Eddie held his arm out to me as he pressed the flowers into my other hand.
“Ready?” He hid his smirk under his innocent smile as I glared at him, shooting my parents a reassuring smile as I followed him down our lighted driveway to where his van was parked.
I felt my parents eyes on our backs as he opened the passenger door for me again, offering his hand as he helped me into the seat. I avoided their stares as I waited for Eddie to join me, reaching out to turn down the volume dial on his radio before we could give my parents heart attacks.
“….so what is this?” I waited until Eddie had driven off at a respectful speed down my street, flicking on his lights as he turned onto a main road.
“Well…” he pulled at his collar as he reached up to smooth down his hair, sparing me a nervous glance.
“I’d kind of like to do this right. And I think a first date is the way to start.” He shot me another anticipated glance like he was waiting for me to laugh, but his words sent surge of warmth through me, blossoming at my core as I failed to keep a smile from spreading across my face.
“You could have given me some warning so I could have dressed better.” I stared at my outfit in dismay, peeking at the glorious that Eddie was drenched in.
“You’re perfect.” His voice was so sure and fierce he almost sounded angry as he stared intently at me.
“Eddie…. I uh.” I dropped my gaze as a blush clouded my cheeks, glancing back up at him as his hand shot into my lap and grip my fingers between his.
“I love you too.” The background song dropped out perfectly as his words hung in the silence between us. A heavy weight I wasn’t aware of, lifted off my stomach and swirled around my heart, spurning into a glittery goldness that warmed my soul and deep within in, filling me with a sickening gooeyness that promised everything to be alright.
“Really?” I grinned as his carefree laughter pounded against my skin, I closed my eyes to soak up the feeling of his essence blending with mine, wanting to freeze this moment for the rest of time.
“After everything I’ve done? And you still stuck around? How could I not? Y/n I… I might be a dick, but I’m not an idiot. You’re the best thing that ever could have happened to me and I’m not fucking it up again.” His eyes flashed with something free as they shone in the darkness.
“I’m sorry.” It was one word, and maybe it wouldn’t fix everything right now, but Eddie squeezed my fingers tightly and fixed me with his inescapable dark gaze, like he intended on saying it until it did.
I didn’t want to sap up the moment with my tears, even if they were filled with happiness.
“Okay… well since you’re open to the idea of dates… Nancy and Steve want to double up.” I joked but still held out hope that normality couples activities would be something Eddie would be willing to try. I bit my lip as his face crumpled up.
“Ugh. You’re the only one I’m nice to, I’ve got no interest in doing that for anyone else, especially not King Harrington.” I traced my nails along his arm as his eyes rolled back slightly.
“But you love me right?… so…” I raised an eyebrow as I pressed on.
“Loving you is gonna get me in a heap of trouble isn’t it?” Eddie shot me a mischievous grin that said he was completely fine with whatever trouble I proposed.
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Readers - if anyone is looking for a slow burn Eddie x y/n, check out my Opposite Ends series :) (almost completed)
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Eddie Tag list }
@ninapengbrev @edwardmunsonsslut @lacrymosa-24 @mavex @fckyeahlames @harrys-tittie @eddieshot86 @sl-tfor-joseph-quinn @eddiemunsons-missingnipple @chickennug90 @miss-momma-drama @stardustmunson @luceneraium @eddiesgffff @sammararaven @nightless @dotslabyrinth @relocatedheads @princessbubblehoe @muggleluna @sagittariughs @gloryekaterina @e0509 @prettysauceyy @urlivingdeadgirl @crimsonsabbath @lem0nb0iii @callsfromshe @lelenikki @bebe0701 @bratckerman @the-tacos-unite-blog @extravagantplant @plethoravellichor @justmesadgirl @corrodedcorpses @fanfictioniseverything @callsfromshe @iiheartu @maximizedrhythms @sleepygery @ms1oftheboys @brittanyyydamnit @xsecretsirenx @clincallyonline17 @goldyghoul @tlclick73 @aaaasdfghjjkkllll @relocatedheads @aquamarieco @figmentofquinn @daydreamerblues @hellfire-puppet @wonderful-outcast @drakensmainbitch @princessbubblehoe @iamaslutforcoffee @emolooswrld @tayhar811 @winterbuckystan1943-1917-1982 @eddiesgffff @alana4610 @munson-fixation @princesscutie23 @random000000sblog @leahthesith @ariesbabycitlaly @harringtonfan4 @briasnow-blog @figmentofquinn @alana4610 @sillypurplemurple @heliumjuliet @smexylittleswine @sav7689 @magnificantmermaid @foxxymunson @hesvoid3434 @capricornrisingsstuff @smileforallthestrangers @mvrylee @princesseddie
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Copyright ©️ 2022 by P.McCann.
All rights reserved.
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greenboyfriend · 4 months
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choose a fish to fill you with whimsy & glee! (tarot reading)
"what can you look forward to?" image 1: this guy's got it all figured out. he's able to breathe above water due to the bowl of water superglued to his face. one might even assume he has prosthetic legs, or perhaps even feet... image 2: the ideal male figure... you may not like it, but it's a fish with a broom as a tail and no internal organs. image 3: a fish that doesn't resemble anything in particular. no... not at all! image source not everything may resonate with you, and that's ok! take what does & leave the rest. don't force it.
you guys!!! there is something very wonderful in store for you, so long as you’re able to get yourself out of this rut! you may be feeling powerless, suffering some sort of attack, and being forced into the role of the victim. however! justice means to tell you that there is a major change that must be made on your part. instead of letting yourself be victimized, take action! use those emotions you’re feeling to tackle this challenge with passion– take that risk!! don’t be afraid to get creative, too. above all, and no matter what it takes, you’re going to need to address this, and with confidence.  in a broader sense, this situation is teaching you how to overcome a fear of yours. maybe you’re not the best at asserting yourself, but that’s ok! we’re all learning!! take this as a step in the right direction.  the extremely right direction, i might add, as the 9 of cups and justice seem to imply, this will be a very fruitful endeavor for you. the 9 of cups is often referred to as the “wish” card, because it represents having your wish fulfilled. after you take action, i see this result leaving you feeling quite pleased with yourself, and even a little smug! as you may know, justice is no card to be trifled with, so keep in mind that the actions you take regarding this situation will heed important results. do what you know is right and believe in yourself! you can do it!!! all of these cards are reversed-- except 10 of swords-- indicating that they're meant to inform your future actions (in the next few days, or next week). so don't worry if you haven't thought about it too much yet. but please remember that justice does not play! believe in yourself, you'll know when the time is right. there is some 18+ info beyond this point... click the link to read the rest but be warned its literally 2 sentences and NO ONE UNDER 18 SHOULD fucking READ IT! /srs link
(10 of swords, page of wands reversed, 9 of cups reversed, justice reversed)
hello my silly little broom fish. you’ve been working hard! if you haven’t, expect to work hard soon! you will be taking on a new project or adventure, which will require your full attention. i’m thinking, some of you guys might be taking a new class, or be receiving training of some kind. you’re going to need to put your all into this! you may already have an idea of what to expect, but some things will be new, too. take the time to really get into the minute details, tie up loose ends, and recheck, then rerecheck, and rererecheck just for good measure.  this may also be a way for you to expand your horizons, and become a leader. if you have a good idea, share it! you may end up showing others the way, and being a representative of some kind. remember, though, to be painstaking about this, and really brush up on those fine details.  along the way, make sure you’re keeping yourself on course. if you need a moment to reflect and think about where you’re going, consider it a part of the process. while it is also a good idea to consider other perspectives, keep in mind that you’re here for a reason. you may have to assert your position & really push for your way of doing things. again, if someone else has an idea, don’t underestimate it, but don’t underestimate yourself, either! this may take the form of having to resist authority, and you may have to be firm. in doing this, you may also be able to reap a reward of some kind! remember, there are so many people in the world that would push for their perspective no matter what, even if they haven't researched it at all. based on the 8 of pentacles, you most certainly have researched, so believe in yourself! make that stand!!... well, when it comes to. all of these cards are reversed, so this situation is likely to come into fruition in the future-- in the next few days, or possibly next week. mull over it for a while. when you start to see the signs, seize your opportunity!
(8 of pentacles reversed, 3 of wands reversed, 7 of pentacles reversed, 7 of wands reversed)
ok go off!!!! or somefin it’s time to commit to that regimen. whether that’s eating healthier, taking more time for yourself, or, if you’re like me, trying to practice more self kindness, creating an organized structure/routine is likely to help. so, for example, i’ll take my own life into account: i’ll often think certain thoughts can make me feel bad about myself without me totally realizing it, and lately i’ve been trying to change how i talk to myself. i use a systematic approach, in that i recognize the thought, then force myself to replace it with a positive one, instead. it seems silly at first, but the more that i stick to this method, the more success i’m seeing! this is just my example, but can be applied to your own situation! it’s always tough to start something new, but a month or two in, or maybe even a week, you see improvement. & it’s ok to make mistakes! you may be focusing too much on what you lack, or your shortcomings. there may also be setbacks keeping you from achieving your goals, or maybe you’re convinced that you made the wrong decision.  know that it’s always darkest before the dawn!! you may be in a bad place right now, and if you are, consider how you can make things easier on yourself. instead of letting yourself be a martyr, or feel powerless, do what you know will make you feel better. like that new god forsaken ariana venti song, be your own damn best… friend. it’s wise counsel. both of the readings above this are about the future, but for you, i think this is very much about the present. with all cards facing you except temperance, there is a story unfolding, where you complete some unfinished business, and find peace. the peace part is likely in the future, with it being reversed and all, but the time for action seems imminent, or already happening. i think you probably know what you need to do. whatever those plans are that you’ve been sitting on, make them happen! i just keep getting “declare yourself openly”!!! so do with that what you will.  you may even discover some sort of missing truth, keeping you from seeing things fully. you may also be swept up into the tides of change, and witness all the elements fit seamlessly into place. so hey! enjoy!
(the emperor, 5 of cups, 8 of wands, 10 of swords, temperance reversed)
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avatarfandompolice · 3 months
Funny how these edgelords will disown and hate on the original ATLA for being made by white guys ,even though said white guys went through the painstaking effort to make everything as respectful and accurate towards the cultures that they were influenced by as possible.
Meanwhile we have people who let NATLA get away with sexism, miscasting races as other races, using Google translate and literal gibberish for writing, and other things purely because non-white people were making it.
Let’s not forget M. Night is very much NOT a white person too. He managed to be extremely inaccurate and white-washy with his entire movie.
Are we really just to the point where we determine the merit of cultural and racial representation based solely on the figureheads of the property? If Bryan and Mike were doing everything in their power to be respectful, why are we beating them down, especially when none of the criticisms against them have anything to do with the representation in the show itself and solely to do with the race they are? Can we stop excusing disrespect and bad representation purely because the face of it isn’t white? I thought we were past this.
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imagine-darksiders · 4 months
If we've established that Samael (samsung) likes art, it wouldn't be a stretch to imagine him with a weird live-in artist, with their own tower in his fortress. Sometimes he requests impressive depictions of his victories, but he's more content to loom over their shoulder and watch the painstaking care that goes into capturing every detail of a still life, or a depiction of the hellish landscape.
God it’s like you’ve been in my head and plucked out my one dream.
Samael would be a very generous client too, he has no idea the value of art and just tosses handfuls of precious stones at you that can be pawned for ridiculous amounts of money on Earth.
You’re also kept extremely well. Nobody touches his artist without reaping very very painful consequences.
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lurkingshan · 6 months
Random BL Grievances, 2023 Edition
Listen. I was going to be nice. I was going to listen to my better angels. Shan, I said, there is no need to hate, it's all love! Just let it all go! But then my Tay Tawan was cruelly ripped away from me and @my-rose-tinted-glasses gave me inspiration. So fuck it, we ball. Hateration turned up to 11, let's go.
Worst Waste of a Good Start: Jun & Jun
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Remember when this show started and it was all about scent kink and extremely horny energy, and then suddenly that all evaporated so we could add a bunch of side plots and do four different love triangles instead? Yeah I'm still mad about it!!
Most Overused Metaphor: Dangerous Romance
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Hey y'all, did you know windmills need wind to power them?
Rudest Boy: Lomfon, La Pluie
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The audacity of this boy. The chaos he sewed. Look at this scene! Immediately after this he not only plotted a secret date with his situationship's brother, he kissed said brother without consent. He made Tien cry. I may have forgiven your lanky ass, but I sure didn't forget!
Worst Retcon: Naughty Babe
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This is not Men in Black and you can't just mind wipe me into forgetting these two already worked through half these issues in Cutie Pie. Not to mention suddenly turning a dog into a CGI tiger!! Thanks to Nat and Max for their service though those sex scenes at the end did help me cope.
Biggest Audience Betrayal: Minato's Laundromat 2
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Plot contrivance amnesia! In my painstaking slow burn self acceptance journey that I have spent two entire seasons on. I will never forgive them.
Most Egregious Lack of Threesomes: Only Friends
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You put me through all that messy drama and all those teases and I did not get to watch even one (1) threesome? Just a couple of kisses and everybody vacates the pool. I ask you, what was the point of Boeing if he wasn't here to fuck everybody! For shame, Jojo.
Most Undeserved Forgiveness: Eun Ji and Tae Hyung, The Eighth Sense
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These two assholes are really up there amongst the worst friends in drama this year. I don't care what Jae Won says, I do not forgive you. Ji Hyun should have kept that petty energy for the both of them.
Biggest Character Letdown: Sand, Only Friends
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Eternally pouring one out for the rougher, more cynical version of Sand who was wielding a baseball bat in the trailer. I don't know what happened to you, my guy, but you live on in my heart.
Most Baffling Dropped Plot: Thyme, A Boss and a Babe
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Why was Drake even in this show? What was the point of all that plot set up in the first half if they weren't going to resolve it?? Why wasn't Thyme the mole??? Make it make sense.
Most Obvious Lack of Purpose: Between Us
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How on earth did this happen? You have literal years to write a compelling sequel story for a wildly popular side ship and this is all you can come up with?! Aside from a couple nice sexy scenes at the start, this show really had no idea what it was about and nothing interesting to say.
Biggest Waste of Everyone's Time: Absolute Zero
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New Siwaj, you're getting the triple dose on this list!! And AZ is your biggest sin this year because what the fuck was this! You had all that money, all that talent, all that time at your disposal, and this is what you did with it. UWMA squad was lined up to see you finally do another masterpiece, and you delivered this mess instead. What is going on with you, sir, I feel it's time for an intervention.
Worst Derailing of a Good Show: Step by Step
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You didn't think this post was ending without me mentioning this disaster, did you? An all-time cautionary tale in how to waste a good slow burn. Jeng deserved better and so did we.
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ovobawrites · 7 months
𝐵𝑒𝒶𝒸𝒽: 𝐸𝓅𝒾𝓈𝑜𝒹𝑒 𝒮𝒾𝓍 ♡ 𝐹𝒷𝑜𝓎𝓈 𝒜𝓃𝑜𝓃𝓎𝓂𝑜𝓊𝓈
disclaimer: this has already been posted on ao3 and quotev, i'm just reposting this beach episode special as a promo for the fic. after this is all my previous author notes.
this is a fem!reader and also a half chinese!reader insert.
previous ♡ next
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The rest of the dinner had consisted of the group finding more and more extreme ways to remove Lilia's 'dessert' off of their plates. Malleus and Silver, experts at this craft, had simply casted spells under the table to remove spoonfuls of the 'cake' every so often while Lilia's eyes were elsewhere. Ortho helped Idia by blasting the 'food' with micro beams of technomatic energy to give off the illusion of Idia slowly eating it. Trey simply casted his unique magic and enjoyed the dessert wholeheartedly, nevermind the fact that it tasted distinctly like candied violets and not like a red velvet cake. 
You absentmindedly spinned the dainty silver spoon in your hand as you debated the merits of merely excusing yourself from dinner with 'monthly problems' as the root cause. On one hand, there'd be no need to eat the most poisonous creation you'd ever seen. On the other, having a bunch of awkward eye contact and boys trying to 'help' with offerings of chocolate and the like was not on your agenda for this vacation. You continued to spin your cutlery as you watched Trey take pity on Riddle and Cater enough to help them out, just as Jamil finished faking his test for poison and proclaimed the dessert contained a certain food dye additive that Kalim was totally allergic too. And in fealty to his master, Jamil too would not partake in the cake. 
Vil and Rook already had the excuse of watching their figures to avoid partaking in dessert, an excuse that Lilia took at face value, promising to use less oil to reduce trans fat next time he makes a cake. The question, of course, was how much oil was Lilia putting in his cakes before? From a glance at Silver's face, way too much. It does explain the yellow liquid with suspended droplets of red that flowed out of the moist yet dry mass in front of you. 
Leona had already conked out, declaring that he only eats meat and will never partake in a food that contains 'herbivore products' whatever that meant. Ruggie, meanwhile, was eating the food with gusto, gladly eating Leona's portion as well. You could guess why, starvation had a knack for making one distinctly more appreciative of food. Even if Lilia's cooking was barely edible, Ruggie would still eat and enjoy it. Tragic, was it not?
Floyd and Jade had started moving their food to Azul's plate, letting the oblivious housewarden magic away their food as well as his own. From the frustrated look on Azul's face, you could guess he hadn't figured out the ruse to the game just yet.
Lilia flourished in all of you 'enjoying' his food, flushed with pride as he described the painstaking process of making the cake. "At first," he said, "I added two drops of the food colouring. But then, I realised, it was never gonna be a 'red velvet cake' without more red! So I dumped the whole bottle in." Lilia puffed his chest out, awaiting praise for correcting this foolhardy decision.
"T-that's lovely." Silver said weakly in reply. "I'm glad you corrected your mistake early on."
"And Trey didn't say a word, that sly devil." Lilia continued, wagging his finger teasingly at his cooking partner. "You were waiting for me to learn it myself, were you not?"
Trey nodded with a smile and a twitching eye. "Yep, I figured you'd realise it eventually."
Lilia guffawed at that. "I'm glad you have such respect for your elders, boy, but next time you should keep in mind that my memory is not as pristine as your own."
Lilia really needs to stop saying such mysterious things. Even if Fae age slower than humans, shouldn't he act more his 'mental age' than his physical one? Though... with his cooking I'd gladly accept dementia as its excuse. 
You sighed quietly, as you decided to take the path of least resistance. You used your food to push the pile of ashes around your plate, giving an illusion of eating it. It seemed less like you weren't eating the food at all, merely picking at it slowly due to a lack of appetite. It really was too bad that Lilia wasn't a better cook. 
Soon enough, the conversation petered out and you stood to dump the 'rest of' your dessert in the food waste bin. Lilia never noticed, not with his distraction and the purposeful silence of your movements. As you went to wash your dishes in the sink, more and more of the boys filed in, all having made deals or negotiations for one to do their dishes for the night.
The suds and the hot water that ran over your skin was familiar as you quickly cleaned up, casting a quick spell under your breath to dry off the dishes and put them away. As you turned around, you smiled at Ruggie and Jamil, the two of them rapidly scrubbing through the plates at a practiced pace. Not too slow to be noticed, but slow enough to get away with just a few moments to themselves. But your attention was taken away by the dark sky, signaling it was about time for you to take some time to yourself. You wanted the opportunity to check up and fix up your wards, with Idia's presence, they were likely weakened a little. 
It was a habit by this point, constantly keeping an eye or two on the wards around your room. The incident was ingrained in your head, to the point where even a day where you didn't check up on them caused this debilitating feeling of fear. Another intruder in your room was something you hoped to never happen again. 
(You were resigned, of course, to the truth of the matter. That it would continue to happen for as long as you were alive. This bloodline that you were born into came cursed with the constant threat of assassins, or worse. For all you could act trusting of your friends, you were never sure when, exactly, they'd come to sell you out. You just hoped it wasn't soon. Hoped to be able to enjoy this illusion of camaraderie for a little while longer.)
You quietly walked up the steps to your room, the group already dispersing amongst themselves into groups of each dorm. A distinct feeling of loneliness overcame you as you watched them separate, yet were never alone. What you would give to have that easy friendship.
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There was a knock on your door at 9 o'clock in the evening, just as you were finishing up with warding your room once more. 
"Who is it?" You called out, a pleasant lilt to your voice as you awaited an answer from behind the door. A quick brushstroke to finish off the character for 'warning' and you should be done for the day. 
"it's Trey." A familiar voice replied.
"And Cater!" Another chimed in. "We were wondering if you wanted to play a board game with the rest of us? Apparently Jade brought monopoly with him."
"Oh, sure, I'd love to play." You stood up from your desk and made way to the door, snagging your magic pen as you opened it up. "Shall we go downstairs, then?"
"Of course!" Cater perked up and dashed down immediately.
Trey smiled softly at you and offered an arm. "My lady." He said with a chuckle and a teasing look in his eye.
You giggled in reply. "How chivalrous." You took the proffered arm and walked downstairs with him at a more sedentary pace. 
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"We don't have enough pieces for all of us." Jade sighed with a faked look of regret on his face, before his ever-present smile snapped back on. "It seems like we'll have to be in teams, perhaps teams of four?"
"There's eighteen of us," Riddle noted, "so teams of three would be the perfect number."
The smile on Jade's face froze over, though he continued his pleasant countenance. "Of course. I guess the dorms will be splitting up then."
"I think the dorms with three members already work out." Jamil spoke up, "So some of the groups of two will be splitting up instead."
"Rook and I claim (Y/N)." Vil said from his seat on the sofa. "Any objections?"
The glares he got from Leona and Jade were harsh enough to kill, yet they said no word in reply. Always happy to hang out with the pomefiore students, you sat sandwiched between Vil and Rook when the two shifted to make room.
"I can team up with Ruggie and Leona!" Kalim exclaimed from where he was seated, ecstatic grin on his face. "This is gonna be super fun!"
"It'd be even better with a feast..." Ruggie sighed to himself, a glint of sardonic humour in his eye.
Kalim perked up even more. "That's a great idea. Next time we have a board game night, we should make it a feast!"
Jamil sighed. "There's no way I'm making that much food for that many people in such short time Kalim."
"Great! Then I can help out!" He beamed.
"And I could as well." Lilia chimed in with a smile.
A shudder ran through the group.
"Ah... sorry Lilia..." Kalim started, "but you don't know any dishes from Scalding Sands... so..."
"I prefer to cook alone." Jamil interjected. 
Lilia drooped down with a frown. "That's too bad, then."
A clap of his hands brought all eyes to Jade. "Now that the teams are sorted, shall we start choosing our pieces?"
"Oh-oh, dibs on the money bag!" Kalim moved to grab the metal piece when Ruggie revealed it in his hand with a familiar laugh. "Good job, Ruggie!" He patted the hyena beastman on the head before moving to sit back down on the floor at the feet of his team.
"Can we have the dog?" You asked politely from your place on the sofa. Jade wordlessly passed it to you, gaining a grateful smile. You turned to your teammates, wondering quietly: "Are there any strategies for monopoly?"
"Buy everything you land on and get good roles." Vil intoned. "So we should have Rook roll, since he has the best luck of all of us."
"Ah, you flatter me dear Roi du Poison." Rook said with a hand to his chest. "I'd be glad to handle the heavy work for our team. I wouldn't want to see any calluses on either of your soft hands."
Bit weird to say but I appreciate the sentiment.
"And you will handle the money." Vil looked at you. "I'll handle the talking and negotiating. If any auctions come up, I'll bet too. Got it?"
"Roger that!"
"Of course, beautiful Vil."
"Good." He leaned forwards, a competitive gleam to his eyes, "Then shall we win this game?"
"Wait- how does one even play monopoly?" Malleus wondered from his place on the couch.
Trey sighed. "This is gonna be a long night."
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"A one." Lilia sighed as he moved the top hat onto another owned property. "How much do we owe you, Azul?"
Azul cackled. "Why, not too much, only 500 dollars!"
Malleus begrudgingly handed over the note to Floyd as the Octavinelle students laughed at their growing pile of money.
"This is unfair." Riddle spoke up from where his team had been sent to the floor, where 'the bankrupt should sit, so we know they're out of the game'. "Of course the board game club members will be the winning teams. We should play a better game."
"Aww, is goldfishie upset about losing so quickly?" Floyd teased with a shark-like grin. "That's too bad... maybe if you had longer arms you'd be able to make better rolls!"
Riddle slowly went red. "Is that. Another. Short joke, Floyd?" He gritted out as Trey and Cater started to coach him into calming down. Riddle only got a laugh in reply, further fanning the flames of his anger.
"We got a two and a one." Ruggie spoke up from the 'Jail' sofa. "Guess we're stuck in here for another turn."
"Good job Ruggie." Leona grinned, "We're out of the madhouse for a little longer."
"Let me out!" Kalim wailed from besides them. "I swear I did nothing wrong! I'm innocent, I swear it!"
"Kalim, this is just a game. You're not actually in jail." Jamil spoke up from his couch, bored out of his mind when Idia and Ortho were doing all the work.
"We got a lucky three!" Rook spoke up from besides you. "We escape le Roi d'Effort's tyrannical reign once more, my dear Roi et Reine."
"Good job, Rook." Vil congratulated, "But we are not out of the woods just yet."
"We don't have enough funds to reliably survive another rent from Idia's group." You murmured worriedly to him as you handed the 'banker', Trey, enough money for another house to your pink set. 
"Trust me, dear, when have I ever lead this team astray?" Vil arched a perfect brow and stroked his hand through your hair in a comforting manner, smirk on his face.
"Uh oh, Azul, we got a five!" Floyd said worriedly as he looked between the board and the dice.
"I'm aware, Floyd." Azul pinched the bridge of his nose as he calculated the prices. "Jade, how is our bank looking?"
"We still have plenty of funds, sir." He reported with a smile.
"You owe us 2000 dollars." Vil interrupted. "We just added a house there."
Jade paled. "The status is dire, Azul."
"Do we need to mortgage?"
"I'm afraid we will."
"Then do so."
A wide grin came to Idia's face as he looked over the board while the Octavinelle group struggled to pay yours. "We have this W in the bag, Ortho!" He paused for a moment, before a squeak. "And Jamil! We couldn't have done this without you!"
"I did nothing."
"Which is what we needed! If I was paired with Azul we would've lost by now... he's way too much of a control freak."
"I see." Jamil frowned in thought. "Thank you, then."
"...What was that Idia?" A threatening smile. "I hope you're prepared to face the consequences of what you've said..." 
"My team is plenty prepared to beat yours. We're not the ones on the verge of bankruptcy after all." Jamil grinned, always pleased to go against Azul.
"And now you've even turned Jamil against me! We just cannot let this stand, right Jade and Floyd?" Azul turned to the tweels for support as he faked heartbreak from Jamil's cruel words.
"Nah. I'm bored." Floyd said, examining his nails before deciding to go back to teasing Riddle until he exploded again.
"LOL even your team doesn't want to help you!" Idia laughed, manic grin on his face. "Ortho, roll a five for us if you'd please."
"...It's a seven."
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It's been three hours since the group started playing monopoly, with no end in sight to the horrors off the game. For all you tried to end it, only one other group has gone bankrupt since. 
"Finally, we're done for!" Ruggie sighed, relieved to be done with the game and to go to bed.
"Next time you should roll better." Leona glared. "We were this close to winning."
Ruggie looked at the other four groups still in the running and back to Leona, unimpressed. 
"I think we did super well anyways! We weren't the first group out and that's all that matters!" Kalim piped in, trying to diffuse the tension.
"Eh, whatever." Leona yawned before going up the steps to his bedroom. 
"Wh- Leona, aren't you gonna help clean our stuff up?" Ruggie yelled after him, and with the lack of reply, he groaned and went to pack the group's stuff up.
"I think I'll stay up." Kalim said to him. "I wanna see Jamil win!"
"Kalim... I doubt we're gonna be the winners at this rate." Jamil shook his head, the group funds of Ignihyde + Jamil and Octavinelle being significantly diminished since they declared war on each other.
"Shut up Jamil! We're gonna beat that stupid octopus into the ground, got it?!" Idia hissed, muttering calculations and win rates to Ortho as he surveryed the board with a manic look in his eyes.
Vil rolled his eyes. "This game will be way too long. Let's just-"
"NO FORFIETS ALLOWED!" Both Azul and Idia yelled at the same time, wanting to win 'fair and square', whatever that meant.
You tapped Vil on the shoulder and whispered a question to him. "Can I nap for a bit on your shoulder? I'm very much tired but... we can't exactly go to bed now." You shrugged with a weary smile.
"Whatever." He sighed in reply, and didn't say a word as you leant your head against his shoulder and with soft breaths as you drifted off to sleep.
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You were still asleep when the game ended. Idia and Azul burnt each other out of the game, both throwing fits and arguing with each other as they went back to their rooms. Kalim, who had drifted off during the long game, was carried up to their shared room by Jamil with a groan off annoyance. Diasomnia somehow ended up winning despite the team only learning the rules a few hours ago.
Rook spoke up as Jade finished packing up the pieces. "Roi du Poison, I can always carry our dear Reine des Cygnes up the stairs if you'd rather go to sleep as soon as possible."
Vil shook his head. "It's fine, I can carry (Y/N) up myself." He merely glared at Rook when his vice housewarden gave a smug smile in reply. "Don't say a word."
"I won't!" He grinned.
"And don't look at me like that!"
"Like what?"
Vil didn't deign him with a reply and instead picked you up in a bridal carry to get to your room on the second floor. Worryingly, as he did so, you started to stir. His quiet and gentle movements didn't encourage you to go back to sleep, instead it merely woke you up as the two of you reached the top step.
You jolted in his arms. "I- Vil?!"
"What." He said flatly.
"Did you-" You spoke haltingly, tired and disoriented. "carry me up the stairs?"
Vil arched a brow. "Do you have a problem with that?"
You glanced away. "It's just that... you didn't have to go through the trouble, waking me up would suffice. I'm sorry for the bother."
"It was no bother at all." Vil's eyes pierced you as he continued to hold you up steadily. "If I wanted to wake you up, I would have done so. I don't mind doing this much for you." A rare smile graced his face as he looked upon you. "You are... precious to me, after all."
And with that, he set you down gently and walked down the stairs to his room, leaving you frozen in place. As you registered his words, a bright flush marked your cheeks. You hid your face behind your hands for a moment and sighed ever so quietly. Your heart thumped and a sea of butterflies flooded your stomach. 
You wondered what that feeling was as you tucked yourself into bed for the night.
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Mini Theatre Jade, packing a monopoly board in his luggage: I can't wait to be on a team with my three favorite people! I'd love to play monopoly with (Y/N)! Vil and Riddle: Allow us to introduce ourselves. Leona: I WANTED TO TEAM WITH HER DAMMIT NOW I'M WITH KALIM. Jamil: ...Finally... freedom...
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and here is the sixth part of the beach ep. if you'd like to read the rest of the fic, you can read it on ao3 here, and on quotev here.
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