#is this that 'babygirl pose' i keep hearing about
auteurdelabre · 7 months
Something to Fight For (series) Part 13
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Word Count: 8.0K
Pairing: Dad!Joel Miller x f!reader (no use of y/n, no physical descriptions) Tommy x Maria (yay!) / Tess x Joel (temporary) / Bill x Frank (forever)
Warnings: Smuuuuuuuut. Spoilers: thigh riding, dirty talk, female orgasm, Joel's a giver.
A/N: This is part of a sweeter series (lots of angst, pining and smut ahead) Also despite Sarah's young age Joel is early 40's in this because slightly grey babygirl DILF Joel is the best Joe
“An old favorite,” Paul says with a charming smile. “Maria will love it.”
You and Paul are at his place sitting on the sofa facing one another. Paul has his guitar resting on his lap and he's strumming the first few bars to "Always on my Mind". He's decided that Maria and Tommy would love this at the wedding; a little impromptu reunion of the band. 
“What about Tommy?” you pose, feeling strange about the whole thing. “He wasn’t even around to see us play before.”
“Oh he’ll get on board,” Paul says with confidence.
"I haven't sung it in so long," you say, your nerves building as you think about singing in public again. "I don't really think I wanna do it, Paul."
"It's the perfect song for a wedding." Paul insists, strumming the guitar a little more loudly. "Now c'mon, we only have a few weeks to get it right."
He sets off into the first verse, his voice clear and melodic before he prompts you with a raise of his brows. 
This is the part of Paul you didn't miss.
The pressing. 
Even when you didn't want to sing at the bars some nights all those years ago, he'd insist. You'd stand up there, your heart hammering as you gazed out into the crowd. But then Paul would be at your side with his guitar over his shoulder squeezing your hip and whispering that you sounded amazing, that everyone loved it and that you needed to keep going. He'd never force you, never threaten. He'd just wear you down to the point where it was easier to just give in. 
And you would. 
The only time you'd refused Paul anything was the night he told you he was ending things. After your big blow out where you told him in no uncertain terms that you weren't leaving your job to run off with he and Jack to tour. 
You'd been devastated. The anguish you'd felt you'd packed in a rush, holding in your sniffles even when Paul begged you to reconsider. That heavy sadness when Paul watched you leave the apartment, telling you that it was a mistake.
You frown at the memory now, those same feelings of anxiety spreading through your body. 
"C'mon," Paul urges you in a voice heavy with love for you. "This is your part, baby."
And as you always did back then, you nod and you relent.
"Hey friend," comes Joel's smiling voice at the end of the phone the next day. "Any chance you have a minute?"
You glance at the mountain of paperwork on your desk at the humane society and a smile moves over your features at the request. "Always."
You can hear Joel crawling into the seat of his truck, closing his door to the sound of the work site drilling and hammering. 
"Good. I wanted your advice about Sarah's birthday party." Joel's voice is thoughtful. "I know it's gotta be toads and purple but that's where I'm stuck. When I asked her she just mentioned she wanted McDonalds. Doesn't care about anything else."
"Not everything has to be toads," you reason with a smile and a laugh. "Why not ... McDonalds and mini golf? That new course just opened up and I bet Sarah would love it."
"That's a good idea," Joel agrees, and you can imagine him nodding. "Didn't think of that." 
Tess ' words come back to you sharp and unexpected.
Maybe you could back off a little bit with Sarah? Just for a bit. Just until I can wedge myself in there, ya know?
How are you giving her room to bond with Sarah if you're doing this? You're practically planning Sarah's birthday party like you’re her mother or something. There's an acute tug at your heart at that thought before you sober. 
"What did Tess say?"
"When you asked her about this," you say motioning to the air in front of you. "What was her idea?"
There is a stretch of quiet. You can hear Joel's fingers strumming the wheel. 
"I, uh, haven't asked her yet," Joel finally recovers. "You've known Sarah longer so I thought I'd ask you first."
"Oh right. Well, Tess really likes Sarah," you say, holding in a wince. "I bet she'd have lots of good ideas."
The conversation is suddenly awkward and stilted. You both find reasons to end the call that have everything and nothing to do with your respective jobs. 
The gap begins. 
At the end of your shift you're surprised to see Tommy in the parking lot of your building. He’s leaning against the back like something out of a teen girl’s magazine. He gives you a sweet smile when you approach.
“Was heading to Maria’s and thought you’d wanna lift.”
You had no desire to take the bus home tonight; you’re exhausted from all this sanctuary planning. You shoot him a thankful smile.
“You’re the best,” you enthuse, bringing yourself up into the truck’s bench seat. You stow your purse at your feet, buckling in as Tommy starts the truck up. You give a wave to Alex as you pull out of the lot and onto the winding road home.
Tommy and Joel are peas in a pod when it comes to music. You try to change it to a pop station before Tommy shoots you a meaningful look and switches the dial back to 92.5 CountryJamFM.
“Jesus,” you mock as the first straining guitar ballad begins. “Just as bad as your brother.”
“Really?” Tommy is smiling widely.
“Yep. I gave him shit for the exact same thing.”
“Not surprised. Our mom was always sayin’ I copied everything Joel did when we were kids,” Tommy laughs. “I thought he was the coolest person on earth. Always wanted to do everything he did, listen to the same bands, drink the same beer. Guess some of it stuck.”
You’re imagining the two young brown-eyed boys (one a little older, a little more serious), laughing and playing in forests and building tree forts. When you think of the Miller brothers it’s always out in nature, wild and unfettered
“That’s actually really sweet,” you say with a smile. “Joel never really talks about your parents.”
“Not a shock. Neither’s around anymore.” Tommy looks grim and you immediately regret saying anything about to apologize but then Tommy gets a faraway look in his eyes.  “You know when we were younger, and our Mom was sick, Joel quit school?”
“What?” this surprises you. “Where was your dad?”
“Left years before. I don’t even remember what he looked like.”
Tommy is frowning now and you’re trying to formulate the whirring thoughts in your head. You’re surprised by so much of what is happening. You and Tommy have never had a great many deep conversations. You know so little Joel’s history.
“I thought Joel said he didn’t do well in school. Said he only enjoyed shop.”
“Nah, not true,” Tommy says with a shake of his head. “He was really smart, ‘specially in English classes. He only left so he could get a job and support us. Construction place near our house was hiring.”
You sit in the seat next to Tommy and mull over your time with Joel realizing that while he was so determined to learn more of you, you were more passive, taking in the information in crumbs when he offered them. You have a heavy regret that settles into your tummy with this information Tommy is sharing.
“And then I grow up, smokin’ weed in bathrooms and getting’ into bar fights and there’s Joel comin’ to rescue me every time. I barely graduated and then I couldn’t keep a job. And then Joel had this construction company, something he built from the ground up. ‘Course Joel hired me and now my life is better than it ever could be but only because of my brother.” Tommy shakes his head, his eyes still peeled on the road but glassy. “Sometimes I feel guilty, like I stole Joel’s future from him.”
You want to shake your head and assure Tommy that this couldn’t be the case. But the reality is you don’t know. You two lapse into silence as the drive continues but you can’t stop thinking about Joel and his childhood.
“Joel’s always been that way though.”
“What way?”
“Protector. Always wants to do what’s best for other people instead of himself. S'funny," Tommy says airily looking at the stretch of road in front of him. "I always thought you were a great match for my brother because you’re just the same."
Pure unfettered delight goes through your body like a drug. A tingling sensation that makes your cheeks flush and your mouth curl into a grin. Tommy thinks that? Tommy thinks you’re a good match for Joel?
All at once you realize you sober.
He thought that.
Past tense.
Because Joel is with Tess now. 
“It’s why I dragged him to trivia that night,” Tommy confesses with a shy grin. “Was hoping you two’d hit it off after that fucking abysmal first night.”
Your heart is thumping now. You wonder why Tommy is telling you this at all. 
"I was so sure something had happened between you two," Tommy adds before he can stop himself. “He came home from that Christmas party all excited and smiling and I thought ‘this is the Joel from when we were kids.’ Like he finally had something just for himself. Not for Sarah or for me.”
Joel’s words haunt you now, swirling in your mind and your heart.  The way he’d held you and kissed you and whispered those words.
I want you for my own.
And you know that Joel never meant it to possess you or own you. He wanted that carved space in his heart to be filled with something he didn’t have to share. Something that he could cherish and rely would still be there.
Tears are stinging your eyes and you blink them back furiously. Tommy slants a look at your down-turned face.
“Can I ask you somethin’?”
“You really like that Paul guy?”
Tommy has a cringing look on his face, like he knows what he asked is over the line. He’s bracing himself for your ire or complete silence. You give him neither because you know Tommy isn’t asking to be cruel or prying. He’s asking, you realize, because he’s not really sure. 
And while you want to tell Tommy that yes, you do like Paul you also really, really like Joel. But you can’t help but think of Tess and her hopes for a future with him. You think of Paul and his desire to start a life together with you. You realize that wanting more is incredibly selfish so you give Tommy a small nod and smile.
“I do.”
Joel stands in front of his bathroom mirror and stares at himself. He's taken to doing this in recent weeks, but not for vanity's sake. He doesn't look at his hair or his body.  
He leans over the counter, his wide palms flat on the cool stone until his nose is inches from the mirror. There he keeps gaze with his own reflection until his mouth curls in disgust. 
"You're a piece of shit."
He reminds himself of this because no one else does. 
Being back in Frank and Bill's had done something to him. Sitting there in the scene of the crime. He'd made sure not to go past the studio door, terrified of what he'd do if he saw the same sofa you'd been entangled on. He was sure he'd feel the phantom touch of your hands in his hair and the way you'd looked at him that night. 
It stirred up not just feelings of lust but if overwhelming regret. Sadness that was so much more acute than loneliness had been. And this deep unrelenting guilt that he'd fucked up. 
He hadn't been able to keep himself from looking over at you during that visit, sneaking looks when you laughed. His own lips quirking in amusement when you did. Your arm had brushed against his as you shifted in your seat and he'd refused to move, desperate for you to do it again.
Seeing you happy makes him feel so fucking good even if he's not the one doing it. 
Frank and Bill, they give you ease and comfort and he likes being there with you in this world of baked goods and laughing and gentle comments of how wonderful Sarah is. 
His heart felt full that day and then it broke just as easily in the subsequent ones. 
Coming to see Tommy at Maria's had been a last minute detour to grab the tools. He hadn't even considered you'd be there until his brother invited him in for a drink and he'd seen you there snuggled up against Paul. A handsome man, a man who had you tucked under his arm like you were his. 
And Joel had felt that sickening lurch in his heart followed quickly by a scorching and ugly possessiveness. Who the fuck was this guy touching you? You were Joel’s.
Except you aren't.
Joel doesn't get to feel that way. He doesn't get to feel any way about who you take up with. He'd lost that privilege the second he'd taken up with Tess. He stares with menace into his reflection until the dark brown of his eyes are all he sees and feels, suffocating and harsh and unrelenting.
Why did you do it?
Why? How did he convince himself that being with Tess,  that not waiting for you, had been the logical decision?
Was it anger at your lack of communication? Perhaps. Hurt and pathetic jealousy over knowing that you had contacted Maria and not him? Likely. Feeling rejected? Feeling unworthy? Maybe. Had it been fair?
The thing with Tess had been so unexpected. A month of silence from you had left Joel feeling insecure and rejected. Sarah's concern that you didn't like her anymore or were mad at her had him upset. So when Tess called suggesting a play date for Daniel and Sarah he'd jumped at the chance to get out of his house and out of his head. 
He hadn't gone in with the intention of anything more than a cup of coffee. Sarah and Daniel were in the next room giggling and pretending they were mermaids. 
Joel and Tess sat across from one another in the kitchen with their rapidly cooling coffees. They began with chatting about their prospective Christmases and the stress that comes with the holiday when you have a five year old. But then Tess had given him a sharp look. 
"You look tired."
"Not sleeping much," Joel replied. 
"Me neither." Tess took a sip of her coffee. "Dave's girlfriend is pregnant."
That had shocked Joel's eyes from the mug to her face. Tess was looking at him with that curiously intense gaze of hers. 
"Yeah that was my Christmas present this year," Tess replied with a forced laugh. "Finding out my ex is already moving on with some slut from his office and he's already gotten her pregnant."
"He's thrilled. Can't wait to be a big brother." Tess' gaze turned hard. "Sorry, shouldn't be bringing this up with you."
"Why not?"
"Because that's not really our dynamic, is it?" Tess has asked him curiously. "Our kids play together, sometimes we talk. . . Surface level stuff."
Joel had shrugged. "I don't mind listening."
Tess had been surprised by Joel's candor and in the way he sat there, hand around his mug listening as Tess poured her heart out about her ex. The hurt, the loneliness that Joel could relate to a bit too much. 
"Thanks for listening," Tess said with a wry smile as she finished. 
"Any time," Joel replied with a small lift of his fingers from the table. 
"You seein' anyone these days?" Tess said it airily, but she was pretty sure she knew the answer. She'd seen the pretty woman in his truck weeks ago. The one he couldn't stop glancing over his shoulder to look at, to smile at.  
Joel felt his mouth tug into a frown at that question. Was he seeing someone? 
You didn't even want to talk to him. He couldn't call you to see where the two of you stood. Wasn't that his answer? 
He shook his head to indicate the negative. That action felt like a betrayal the moment he stopped. 
"Ever feel lonely?" Tess had mused, tracing her finger along the rim of her mug. "I sure fucking do."
"Yeah," Joel had nodded. Because it was true. He did feel lonely in a way Tommy and Sarah and his job couldn't touch. 
"Wanna be lonely together? Go on a date?" 
Joel hadn't been expecting that from Tess. His knee jerk reaction was to say no. That he was seeing someone. That it was complicated. But what was the complication? He told you how he felt and you'd left, icing him out. 
Joel thought of the worst scenario: that you didn't actually like him. That he'd pressured you into something you didn't want and now you wanted nothing to do with him. 
He could see the insecurity growing in Tess' face the longer he didn't answer. 
"Sure," Joel had agreed with a smile that didn't feel genuine. "Yeah."
"Did you really even like me that much?"
Of course you would wonder that. Of course you would sit there looking so beautiful and hurt and asking that in a way that made Joel's heart ache. And he deserved it. He deserved  that question and that pain.
And he'd waited for your disgust, your recalcitrance when he explained his loneliness. Because it wasn't a good enough answer. It didn't encompass how he thought you'd not wanted him and how he'd been weak enough not to fight for you. 
But you'd responded with kindness and patience and above all you wanted to know how it would affect Sarah. 
And that's when he'd felt his resolve starting to slip. That was when he considered taking you into his arms and covering your face with kisses. He wanted to throw himself at your feet and beg your forgiveness. He wanted to push you onto your bed and make gentle love to you for hours. 
And then he'd heard the name Paul. And then he sees you tucked up beside him days later and he hears Maria tell Tommy that she thinks you're happy and he wants you to be happy. After everything Joel just wants that smile of yours to stay. 
You come to babysit that Friday night loaded down with a backpack full of puzzles and Disney DVDs and Sarah runs screeching into your arms as you heft her onto one hip. You’re especially excited to see her today.
"Had to show you this," you tell Sarah as you hold her in one arm. Her tiny arms wrap around you, twisting to look at the flip phone you've opened and begun to bring images up on. You stop on the most recent, smiling at her.
"Are those kitty's?"
"Yup," you smile at her reaction. "Foster parent sent the photos to me this morning. 5 kittens in all."
"What's a fozzer parent?"
"A foster parent,” you correct gently. “They're the people who take care of the animals when they're small until they're big and strong enough to get adopted."
Sarah is digesting this, her wide eyes going off into middle distance just as Joel enters the kitchen.  He's dressed casual tonight in jeans that hug the curve of his ass and a t-shirt that strains along the arm and broad chest of his body. 
If Frank was here you're sure he'd be foaming at the mouth.  
"Hi Daddy."
"Hey babygirl."
Joel smiles a hello at you, going to grab a glass of water before he leaves. You continue scanning through the grainy photos in your phone at Sarah’s request. She suggests names like Pumpkin and Carrot for the kittens and you don’t bother telling her they already have Lord of the Rings names because the foster parent is a Tolkien nerd.
Joel sips his water slowly, needing to extend the time in your presence. He watches you hold his daughter on your hip, both sets of eyes on the glowing phone in your hands. Sarah is excitedly rambling and you’re glancing over at her with an indulgent smile.
He loves you.
Wait, what? No. He means he loves watching you with Sarah. The sweetness of your bond. He doesn’t love you. You’re friends, that’s it.
You seem really happy with Paul, as much as he hates to admit it. He hears from Maria how happy you are.
He can’t love you.
You feel Joel’s warm eyes on you and you glance up to see him staring at you and Sarah. You can’t stop looking at him differently now after your conversation with Tommy. You give a sweet smile of affection for him.
I want you for my own.
There is a part of your lizard brain that focuses on this aspect of Joel. The strong protector covering his own hurt. The way he wants to take care of you. The way he wants to protect everyone even at a cost to his own happiness.
And you can admit now, as you stare into his eyes, that you love that about him. This deep, abiding affection that makes your heart swell when you look at him. It makes you daydream about a world and a future that isn’t yours.
You think what it would be like if Joel was your husband. You can imagine it. The three of you just as you have always been. Except now its Joel curving forward to rest his chin on your shoulder, looking at the phone with Sarah perched on your hip. His strong arms wrapping around your expanded midsection. His mouth coming to your temple to whisper how much he wanted this, how much he wanted you.
The dam breaks.
All the emotions you’d been holding back sputter out of you and you nearly drop the phone. Thankfully Sarah has a grip on it and she stills it. Your eyes are threatening to spill over and you rub them furiously.
“Careful,” Sarah tells you, her attention still on the images of the little kittens. Joel approaches, his eyes peering into yours. His hand is on your cheek, cupping it before you can say anything. 
“You okay?”
“Yeah,” you nod shakily, trying not to nuzzle into his palm. “Just a headache.”
“I don’t have to go,” Joel insists, worried he sounds too eager. “I could cancel if you’re not feeling well.”
This affection you have for Joel, this worrisome love that you can’t seem to stop builds in your chest. And just as Tommy said, you are so similar. Because while you care for Joel you know that Tess is a better match. You are chaotic and troubled and you bring drama into this single father’s life; drama he never had before you. Tess is even and steady and no, she’s not perfect. But neither is Joel.
“You go on,” you croak, forcing a smile to your face. “Have fun.”
Joel nods and gives a weak smile, dropping his hand from your cheek.
“Don’t know how much fun a bid meeting is, but we’ll see.”
Since she's still in your arms you watch as Joel leans forward and presses a kiss to Sarah's forehead before smiling indulgently at her. 
"Your beard tickles," Sarah giggles with a smile up at her father before mentioning the kittens from your work. Her voice is fading though because Joel's eyes have snapped to you and he's not moving back. If anything his face is getting closer to yours. 
You don’t pull away.
Ever so softly, Joel presses a kiss to your cheek. Your eyes flutter shut at the contact. His lips are warm and soft against your skin and you feel his hand skating along to your lower back, resting there. He’s so close you can smell the scent of his shampoo and the laundry detergent and this underlying scent that is just Joel to you.  
He pulls back slowly, staring at you as you blink open your eyes. You wonder what he sees when he looks at you. Can he tell everything in your gaze?
Sarah barely notices this interaction between the two grownups because her attention is on the phone and on the subject of what she has decided what she'll do for a job when she gets to an employable age: Fozzer parent. 
"Have fun you two," he says to you both in a deep voice before clearing it. 
You swallow; swaying gently and watching him leave. You decide to stop acting like a stunned mullet when the door closes behind him and you’ve lowered Sarah back to the floor
“Let’s play Barbies.”
Sarah is unaware of your sudden daze, or the way you stumble when you walk into the living room after her. She doesn’t even comment on how you’re smiling crookedly as you dress the various Barbie dolls she shoves at you.
“This one needs a bit of love,” you say brushing the hair of a particularly bedraggled Barbie as you and Sarah sit before another one of her Christmas acquisitions; a Barbie Dream home. So pink and purple you want to wear sunglasses just to look at it.
“My birthday is soon.”
“I know,” you say with measured enthusiasm. “I hear you and your dad are planning something really fun.”
“McDonalds and mini golf,” Sarah tells you smiling widely. “They have a big play place with a ball pit.”
“Mhmm. Who’s coming?”
“Uncle Tommy, Auntie Maria (auntie! You’ll never get over that!) and my best friend Jessie. And you, right?”
“Of course,” you answer without thinking then realize some names have been left off her list. “You think you’ll invite Daniel and Miss Tess?”
“Daniel’s annoying.” Sarah adds nothing else to this as she’s struggling to put a pair of plastic shoes onto a Barbie with springy feet.  “He only wants to play cars.”
"Ah, that’s boys for you,” you try to say it casually. “I think Miss Tess is really nice though."
"She doesn't do voices right when she reads," Sarah tells you flatly, not looking up from the Barbie she’s currently trying to make walk. "Templeton sounds the same like Wilbur."
You hold in a laugh at her criticism of Tess' ability to read Charlotte's Web to her standards. 
"Maybe there's another book she can read with you?" You offer. "One we haven't read yet."
Sarah looks up at you with a peering expression, as if she can’t really figure you out tonight. But this dims when her attention becomes fixed on the Barbie you've now made look presentable
"Olivia books?" Sarah suggests finally. "Olivia is a pig but she wears a red dress. That’s a good book."
You nod and hope your smile hides the pain behind it. 
After two stories (with very good voices), one song (“You are my sunshine” seemed more appropriate for a five year old than more Linda Ronstadt), five forehead kisses (plus one for toad) and two “I love you’s” (two each, that is), Sarah is asleep and you’re daydreaming on the sofa.
You can’t stop thinking about Joel kissing your cheek. The warmth of him, the broadness of his frame, the soft rasp of his whiskers. Every single thing about Joel makes you feel giddy and fluttery and just when you feel yourself about to giggle out loud, the house phone rings and you sit up as Tess’ voice rings through the air as the answering machine clicks on.
Hey Joel, it’s me. Just wanted to know what you thought Sar-bear would want for her birthday? I already got something but I’m worried it’s not enough. Call me back, k? Bye.
You can hear the unspoken ‘I love you’ in the ‘bye’. You know it’s because the machine is public, possible for Sarah to listen to.
Jesus Christ. Were you really so naïve to think you could exist in this world with Sarah and Joel, immune to what lay outside the doors? Immune to the woman who wants to have Sarah for a daughter and Joel for a husband?
Besides, you’re reading too much into this. He kissed your cheek. Tommy kisses your cheek hello sometimes when you see he and Maria at dinner. There’s nothing sensual there, just a form of affection.
The TV is turned on and your mind is distracted until a short while later you hear a rapping on the door. You switch the TV off, feeling a bit nervous. You consider taking the butcher knife from the kitchen but then decide perhaps this is an overreaction since Joel lives in a perfectly safe neighborhood.
A quick look through the peephole tells you its Paul on the other side.  Your ride home. A quick glance at your wristwatch tells you that its barely nine o’clock. 
“Hey baby,” Paul says, leaning against the door frame. He kisses you gently. “Ready to go?”
“I said Joel would be back around nine-thirty,” you remind him, feeling a flash of irritation.   You don’t like that he’s here at the door, so close to a world you’ve unknowingly kept him on the perimeter of. It makes you feel strange to have him there on the doorstep.
“Sorry,” Paul says with a wince. “Think I heard wrong. Can I come in?"
“I don’t think that’s. . . I don’t know how Joel would feel about that.”
Paul looks shocked by this from you, about to say something when another voice sounds out from behind him.
“How would I feel about what?”
Joel is striding up to the house, his muscled legs moving up the drive.
“Bringing boyfriends over while you babysit? A bit cliche,” Joel teases, but his voice is tight and his smile looks forced. You feel a strange sense of guilt that Paul is here.
“Hey Joel,” you say with an awkward laugh. “This is Paul. Paul, this is Joel."
Joel walks up the steps and extends a hand that Paul immediately shakes, smiling warmly.
“Yeah I think I saw you once at Maria’s. Heard lots about you.”
Joel slants a look your way before nodding back at Paul. “Good things I hope.”
You watch, stricken as the two men shake hands before breaking apart.
“Paul just got here early to pick me up.”
“Good man,” Joel says and up close you can see the strange look in his eyes. He brushes past you gently to go into the house as you prepare to leave, feeling strange to be leaving like this, one foot already on the threshold of the door. You give a soft goodnight to Joel, preparing to head out when Paul furrows his brow and grips your wrist, stopping you.
“Aren’t you going to pay her?”
Joel who had been about to walk inside his house stops, stepping back and looking at Paul. You immediately blanch, looking at your boyfriend in dull horror.
“No, that’s not-“
“She did a service for you, she deserves to get paid.”
Paul states this as if he’s doing you a favor. He says this about you – that you’re too kind and you do too much for others. That you don’t stand up for yourself enough and you know he’s doing it to be kind but you want to scream at him.
“We have a deal, Joel built all those kennels for me and-“
“Your boyfriend is right,” Joel interrupts lowly, taking the wallet out the back of his pants pocket.  “You do a lot and you deserve to get paid for it.”
Paul shoots you a look that says: See?
You swallow the warm shame that is flushing your entire body a humiliated pink. You can only stand in horrible, awkward silence as Joel peels off five twenty dollar bills (far too much for a few hours babysitting) and gently holds them to you. You stare at the money a beat too long before Paul reaches out, taking the money and then handing it to you himself.
“Thanks,” you mutter with your eyes on the ground as you put the money in your pocket.
"Good night," Joel says. 
You can’t stop thinking about of Joel’s mouth.
You should be turned off, especially after the humiliating spectacle you just endured but your mind keeps flying back to the softness in his eyes and the way his hand had skated down your back. Abuzz with thoughts of Joel and his lips on your fevered cheek, you drive to Paul’s house almost thrumming beside him.
In bed Paul moves between your legs with the comforting motions of a longtime lover. Your bodies are familiar with one another; you know the sweet spots each other enjoys. After two years there is gentleness to the intimacy, a calm and steady reliance that when you fall you'll be caught. 
He likes to do it best with both you on your sides, his front pressed against your back, your legs scissor with his, rolling your hips against him as he fucks you. He is usually silent, the only noises are the grunts and gasps when he hits you in a way that makes you squirm delightedly. At this angle you often come, shuddering his name. 
Tonight is no different except the mouth on your body that you imagine in Joel's and you feel the warmth expand up your body, making you go boneless against Paul as he finishes soon after. 
He kisses your sweaty temple, holding you until he softens, disposing of the condom and returning to bed to hold you again. 
"Remind me, I gotta go to the pharmacy tomorrow," you tell Paul flicking off the lamp next to the bed. "Gotta get my refill."
You feel Paul snuggling up against you in bed and you smile. You like cozy nights like this at his place. His bed is bigger than yours, more room to stretch out and his lithe body is so warm. 
"Maybe don't get a refill this time," Paul coos as he comes to wrap his arms around you. 
You're suddenly so tensed that Paul begins tugging you back into him. He sighs gently before pressing a chaste kiss to your shoulder.  
"I wanna make a baby with you," Paul says, his hand coming to span over your empty stomach. "I want us to build a family."
You want to laugh at the preposterousness of the suggestion but something stops you. 
Paul is offering you a family. 
you won't have Sarah and Joel. Tess has laid a very obvious claim to them and you don't have a leg to stand on. Maria and Tommy are starting a new chapter in their lives. It won't be long before they too will turn inward, their lives intertwined. 
And wouldn't it be nice to raise kids together with Maria? Maybe even be pregnant at the same time? The thought causes an excited frisson to go through you. You have images of you both holding newborns. Maria glowing and holding a curly haired baby with dark caramel skin. 
You rocking a baby in your arms, a baby with large eyes a dark chocolate brown that look up at you with adoration. The same brown color as -
You feel your eyes fly open. You glance over at Paul, taking in his sweet blue eyes and give a guilty smile.
"I'll think about it."
You’re surprised to see Joel at your work later that week. It’s early and you’re just arriving from the bus, your bag bouncing against your hip. At first you see him and his gentle smile and a surge of affection goes through you followed by a crushing humiliation at the memory of the last time you saw him.
You wave and walk over to the truck confused at his arrival before you see a flurry of movement in the back seat. 
The widow is rolled down and Sarah shouts your name. You jog the rest of the way over, smirking over at Joel before you lean over the right window of the back seat. Sarah is dressed in a purple sweater and bumblebee boots. Her hair is in tight buns on either side of her head. 
"Hey, how's it goin' bug?"
She reaches out towards you with one hand, and then frustrated at being buckled into her car seat she frowns at her father. "Daddy, let me out!"
"We had a deal," Joel warns her, looking at her through the rear view mirror. Sarah leans back in her car seat shooting daggers at her dad as she theatrically crosses her arms.
"What was the deal?" You ask Sarah playfully. 
"She found out I driving in this direction for work and she begged me to take her to see ya before I dropped her at school," Joel explains with a smirk and a shrug from the front seat. "Drove by your place to see if you wanted a lift but you’d already left.”
You try to hide a pleased smile.  
“Do you have a sec? If not we understand."
You love seeing them and you love that Sarah was so eager to see you.
"I always have time for Sarah," you say turning your attention back to the squirming girl in the backseat. "So what's up?"
Sarah reaches beside her in the car seat and you expect to see toad flying out of her pocket. Instead it's a glittery piece of stationary with the image of a frog in a tutu dancing with a party hat on. 
"My birthday party," she explains handing you the card. "Can you come?"
"Your birthday party is finally here?" You say, feeling your heart melt as you see she's filled in all the information herself in her wide, crooked lettering. "How old are you turning? 20? 25? Can you finally rent a car?"
Sarah giggles at this, shaking her head. “I’m turning six.”
You look at the information. McDonalds and mini golf. You used to have parties like that when you were little. It makes you feel nostalgic for a life not overshadowed by poor memories. 
"It's a small party," Joel explains from the front seat. "Just Tommy and Maria, Tess and Daniel and Sarah's friend from school."
"Jessie," Sarah tells you. "She's my best friend since I was four."
She says this like it's a relationship that has weathered many seasons. The party sounds like it's an intimate affair and you wonder if that means you shouldn't go. Yes, you want to be part of Sarah’s life and yes, you love her but Tess will be there and it's too hard for you to pretend like you don't care that she's with Joel. 
You glance at the date on the shining card stock where Joel has obviously helped her to print the date: this Saturday. 
"We're having ice cream cake," Sarah explains. "I get vanilla and chocolate."
"Lucky girl!" You enthuse before your eyes dart to Joel in the front seat. He's looking between you and Sarah in the rear view mirror, his gaze unreadable.
"Yep!" Sarah shouts this giggling madly and kicking her feet. Her little boots bump against the car seat, squeaking as she speaks rapidly. "I'm gonna have so many pieces-"
"Time to go, say goodbye," Joel says in a playful voice before he starts the engine again, seeing that Sarah's attention now firmly rests on what she's going to be eating on Saturday. 
"Wait daddy! Are you coming to my birthday?" Sarah asks you with wide eyes before her dad can hit the gas pedal.  
Maybe you could back off a little bit with Sarah. Just for a bit. Just until I can wedge myself in there, ya know?
You made a promise to Tess. Not one you wanted to make, not one that feels particularly fair, but one that you agreed to. You look from the sweet child to the sweet man in the front seat and feel your heart aching. You want so much for them both to be happy. And this means you need to pull back, just a little bit.
"Sarah, this is so nice of you to invite me," you enthuse. "But uh, unfortunately this Saturday I have plans. I can't make it."
You aren't expecting the devastation that crosses Sarah's face. Her crumpling face makes your heart sink. 
“But you and me we’ll go to the movies or something, just us, and I'll still totally get you a present!" You promise, reaching through the window and cupping her warm cheek in your hand. "What were you wanting?"
"That's not necessa-" Joel starts from the front seat. 
"Because I want to," you say speaking over Joel. "I'll make sure to give it to your dad so you get it before the party. Just tell me what you want."
Sarah's tears are warm and cover your thumbs. She pulls her face away from you, rubbing at her eyes as she tries to stop crying. You feel wretched. 
"We better go," Joel grumbles as he shifts into gear. 
The gap widens. 
She’s sobbing.
His little girl is sobbing.
He can’t remember the last time he saw Sarah this upset. She’s in his lap in the front of the truck and he’s rocking her back and forth, murmuring soothing words as he rubs at her back. She’s too upset to go to daycare quite yet, so they’re in the parking lot.
You were lying. Lying to Sarah of all people. What the fuck is wrong with you?
He’d seen the indecision in your eyes that morning, almost felt the panic you had as you looked over the invitation. What was the problem? Was it that Paul wasn’t invited? He’d invite the entire fucking neighborhood if that’s what it took.
“I don’t w-wanna stupid party anymore,” Sarah hiccups, her body shuddering with the effort of trying to stop her crying. Her little arms around his neck and her forehead pressed to his cheek. “I don’t want one.”
“Sarah,” Joel offers diplomatically, pulling her back so he can look at her face. “Now you’re actin’ silly. You love parties.”
“Not without her. She makes cupcakes and tells me stories.”
“She said she was gonna take you out, just the two of you. I bet if you asked she’d make you  your favorite cupcakes,” Joel insists, wiping at her runny nose with a tissue from his glove box. “Babygirl, sometimes grownups get busy.”
“Not her,” Sarah says wiping at her eyes even as fresh tears replace the old. “She loves me.”
“She does love you,” Joel insists, his heart seizing. “Loving you has nothing to do with coming to your party. So many people that love you will be at your party.  I love you and Uncle Tommy loves you and-”
“Maybe she loves me like Mommy does?” Sarah asks, her lower lip trembling as she tries to understand, to rationalize you as a grown up.  “Love but from far away?”
You left work early. You couldn’t concentrate on the tasks at hand. All you could think of was Sarah and how upset she’d been. You know you’re only doing what Tess asked. You’re backing off, giving her space to bond with Sarah.
It’s supposed to be the right thing, but it hurts so much. The kind of pain you feel you can taste in your mouth, bitter and metallic.
But you would want the same if Paul had a kid, wouldn’t you? You’d want to bond with the child that brings the man you care for such joy. The conversation you had earlier in the week with Paul makes your stomach flip, but not quite pleasantly.
There's a large knock at your door and you open it only to have Joel standing there looking as if he’s about to open fire.
“Can I come in?”
You take a step backward, confused and a little wary.  He looks furious. More furious than you can recall. His hands are at his sides and you note that he’s rubbing the fingertips together in agitation.
“Is everything-“
"So that promise you made about always being there for Sarah? Loving her?" Joel interrupts, walking in at your gesture. "I guess that was all bullshit?"
"No, I meant it," you defend immediately, closing the door behind you with a slam. “And I am. I just can’t come to her party on Saturday.”
“Because you have plans?”
“You think I don’t know when you’re lyin’?” Joel says, his eyes swimming over your face. “You think I can’t see it in your eyes? I thought we were past this? Tell me the truth. Why aren’t you coming?”
You don’t want to answer him. But you know you have to.
“Because she doesn’t need me there,” you answer in half-truth. “She has Tess now. I figured I should ease off a bit. Give you guys some room.”
"She's not askin' for Tess, she's askin" for you!" Joel insists angrily, his drawl more pronounced when he's upset. Joel loves his daughter, he loves her so much and you've hurt her. You can see the anger in the tightness of his jaw, in the burning coals of his dark eyes. 
It frightens you to see Joel this angry and you lash out.
"Stop yelling at me!" you shout at him, not acknowledging the irony. “Or you can get the fuck out of my place!”
Joel falters, realizing that he’s come in too hot, too aggressive.
"She keeps saying she doesn't wanna have a party if you're not there," he says, his voice dropping a bit as if he’s just now recognizing the volume and severity. "Says it won't feel like a real party without you."
"Well I didn't know that," you throw back at him. "I thought it was more of a family thing. I didn't wanna intrude."
"You're not intruding. You're family to her. So are you coming or not?" Joel insists. He's panting now, coming down from his furious high.
Maybe you could back off a little bit with Sarah? Just for a bit. Just until I can wedge myself in there, ya know?
Tess’ plea for you to stay away is ignored, pushed away by the sight of Sarah’s father glaring down at you.
No, not just because Joel is upset. 
But because you have no intention of staying away from Sarah. If Tess wants Joel and Sarah she has to understand that you’ll be there in the peripheral, fighting for your place. You left Joel and Sarah once and it was the worst thing you could have done, you refuse to do it again.
"Yes,” you say softly.  "Of course I'll come. What time?"
Joel's voice is a soft rasp now.  You take a step back, just as he steps forward.
It's like your bodies are magnets.
You keep trying to pull back from one another but it feels inevitable when you finally crash together. 
Joel's hands are immediately fisting through your hair, tugging it so your head tilts back and he can move his mouth over yours. Your arms are around his neck, holding him tightly as you moan against his parting lips.
Your bodies are both trembling with need as Joel backs you against the wall, his eyes shut as he kisses you deeply. His knee comes to rest between your thighs and his hips press against yours fervently. You can feel him there, hard and thick through his denim.
So good. So good.
He licks into your mouth, curling his body around yours as you cling to him, desperate to feel everything. In a daring move your hands skate under his flannel and you feel the smooth, taught warmth of his broad back under your hands. He lets out a small moan into your mouth as goose bumps rise under your fingertips. 
You’re quivering, full body shudders of desire that have your breath coming out in little quakes. Joel tilts his head so he can hear every sound, groaning lowly as your hips begin to slide along his thigh.
The friction of his jeans and the seam of yours hits perfectly, causing you to hiccup a gasp, pulling up. You quiver, your entire body shuddering as Joel urges you down against his thigh again, his own hips moving in tandem as you do. Your arms are on his shoulders, holding him.
One of his hands is palm flat above your shoulders on the wall at your back, balancing you both. The other is at the base of your spine, guiding you, urging you to grind harder against him. You do, feeling the arousal pooling between your legs.
Joel pulls back to look at you heavy-lidded with a mouth swollen from his lips. He watches your hips moving to rub against his thigh, your own thigh brushing his stiffened cock under the jeans. He’s aching, physically throbbing as he groans again, his brows saddling and his head falling forward.
“Tell me to stop,” he rasps in your ear.
It’s not a dare from Joel, it’s a beg. A needful beg for you to be the one to stop things. For you to be the one that reminds him it’s wrong. For you to see that he’s completely undone, unable to stop himself.
"Don’t stop," you moan, tilting your head so that he has better access to trace his tongue along your neck. He does so, pressing you tighter to the wall until it’s not just his thigh you’re riding, but almost rutting up against his hips.
You grip him around the neck, your mouth panting against the slope where his shoulder meet the base of his neck. With a sound of delight Joel is coaxing you to take what you need, that he’s got you.
You can feel him hard against you and you have the strongest desire to reach into his jeans and just hold him, thick and twitching in your palm.
“Joel I w-wanna t-touch-” you begin, your words stopping sharply as the seam of your jeans hits that sweet spot.
You hear his smile, because your eyes are slammed shut as he begins to rub himself against you at an achingly slow pace.
“You first, honey,” he rasps against your jaw and this time you embrace the endearment as it slips past his lush lips. “Need to hear those sounds you make.”
"F-fuck," you gasp out. It's nothing like Paul or James.You’re fully clothed, your riding his fucking thigh and yet you feel electric. If it were anyone else you’d laugh at the sight of two grown people dry humping against a wall, but with Joel it’s the hottest thing you can imagine outside of full-blown sex.
His eyes are open now and staring at your face as you begin to crest whimpering his name. Your eyes crack open and in silent communion you watch each other. The darkening of Joel’s irises as his pupils expand, the flush of your cheeks and neck.
"Are you gonna come?" he's murmuring in awe before he’s pressing kisses to the corner of your mouth a as you rut against his jeans. "Already? I can’t believe… So fucking beautiful. . .”
You feel beautiful when you arch out against him and whimper that yes, you’re close and that you can’t stop. Both of his broad hands are on your hip, urging your body more firmly against his muscled thigh.
"Please come for me," he groans as he presses wet kisses along your jaw.  “I need it.”
You feel the ripples of pleasure taking you over, your nipples tightening painfully under your shirt. You arch again, tilting your head back as you moan lowly.
“There she goes,” Joel marvels as he watches your eyes roll back into your head as you buck against him.  And when the orgasm rolls through you, devastatingly fast, it's his name on your tongue as you surrender to the pleasure that consumes you, collapsing against his shoulder as you come down. 
Then there is nothing heard but your mutual panting, your face buried in the crook of his neck as he presses you against the wall, holding you there. You give a shuddering whimper as Joel slowly brings his thigh from between your legs.  
As he does this, it’s like he drains you of your lustful haze.
What did you just do?
"What the fuck," you shoving the hair from your feverish face.  You push away from Joel and in a daze he stumbles back, his eyes pitched black as he stares at you.
"What are we doing?"
"I don't know," Joel says slowly, his eyes unable to stop travelling the length of you. “But I don’t want to stop.”
“We have to stop! That was so fucking wrong Joel,” you say, your heart thundering.
You feel a sick pit in the bottom of your stomach, this dreadful realization that you’ve just done something so incredibly selfish. Tears slip down your cheeks, full of guilt and shame. Joel’s eyes immediately sharpen and he cups your face in his hands.
“I’m sorry,” Joel says pressing gentle kisses to your cheeks, trying to dry them of your tears. “I’m so sorry, honey-“
He crowds you, holding you to him as he kisses your cheeks tenderly. This motion is meant only to give you comfort. Your hands go to his wrists on either side of your face, wanting to tear his hands away, needing to breathe.
But it’s Joel.
You move your head so that now his lips inadvertently brush your mouth and not your cheek. And suddenly one hand is cupping the back of your head and the other is banding against your back, pulling you into him because his head is tilted and your lips are against his and you’re kissing him, holding to the back of his neck and kissing him so ardently you feel breathless.
Now you're licking into his mouth and whimpering and its your needy hands sliding from his chest up to the neck of his flannel, trembling fingers trying to undo the button closest to his sternum.  Now it’s Joel who stops, pulling back from your mouth and panting down at you. You feel your entire world tilting in that gaze.
He says your name, slow and breathy and you feel everything in those syllables. Never before has your name sounded so laced with sensuality.
And that’s the fucking problem.  You blink up at him, trying to clear your head.
Tess. Paul. Marmalade.
“Joel I- we can’t be alone together anymore.”
“It was – “ Joel wants to defend himself, to explain that this was just a one-time slip up. But he knows that’s not true. Knows that if you gave him the word he’d take you to the bed right now and fuck you until you couldn’t walk.
"You should go."
"Sarah’s party – “
"I’ll be there," you say as you herd him towards the door like some frazzled, still-horny border collie. "But until then we need to stay away from one another. And right now you gotta go, Paul is coming over."
Joel is in the frame of the open door about to leave when he turns around.
“Tell me you’re happy with him.”
“I am.”
“Happier than with me?”
You’re about to respond but then you hear the sound of footsteps on gravel approaching and you jerk back. Paul is coming around the corner to the door, he sees Joel's broad shouldered frame in the door just as you two break apart. 
Joel turns with a start to see a smiling Paul making his way to the door. Your face is tense and you wonder if he guesses what just went on between you and Joel. If he does, his face doesn’t show it.
“Joel, this is a surprise.”
"Yup," Joel nods, "I was just inviting your girl to Sarah's birthday. You should come too. More the merrier." 
His girl? 
Joel looks so casual as he says this, as if he didn’t just make you come seconds ago in this very suite.  
"When is it?"
"Saturday afternoon."
Paul enters into the suite and pecks a kiss to your cheek. He misses when Joel narrows his eyes at that. 
"Works for me, what about you, baby?"
You wince at the nickname. It's not that you hate it; you just hate hearing it in front of Joel. The man whose eyes are boring into your face so intensely you feel flustered. 
"Yep. Of course we’ll be there." 
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Apparently my brain keeps coming up with cursed things so, SDV townies or SVE/RSV really reacting to farmer calling them babygirl???
And now I am starting to imagine all of them in THAT babygirl pose I'm so sorry if it's stuck in your brain too
Omg babygirl everywhere. This is gonna be one of the most cursed headcanons I've ever write (or not? depends on what people say)
By the way, I found myself in such a situation that I do not fully know the term "babygirl". That is, I knew that women were usually affectionately called that from English, and babygirl as a meme on Twitter and Tumblr referred only to men (I'm not kidding, I was looking for the meaning of babygirl and this is what Google gave me):
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"Submissive and breedable", huh.
Sorry anon, but with mods you get a lot of NPCs, so I'll write about some SDVs and SVE/RSVs. I hope you still like it. Enjoy!
Despite the fact that he blushed a little, Alex believes that he is not just a babygirl, but the best babygirl. Look at his muscles, look at those biceps, he's just made for the perfect babygirl pose! Seriously, he praises it like he won a gridball championship.
Depending on the mood, Magnus will either give the Farmer a suspicious look and inquire about their mental health, or simply teleport them away from his tower. In any case, the wizard has too much to do to waste time on nonsense.
Immediately to the clinic! No, Harvey doesn't want to listen to any protests! Get on the bed right now, and he will bring all the necessary medicines. The Farmer does have sunstroke or a high fever if they're delusional and call Harvey "babygirl". Maru, we have an emergency!
"Perhaps there are new ways of courting among young people in the world, or maybe it was an unusual way to insult my person," Lance thought, not understanding exactly how he should react to this word addressed to him from his farmer friend.
Wh-what? No, Victor is not a babygirl! Yes, he knows what that means, but refuses to believe it. But still at home, in front of the mirror, he stood in one of the babygirl poses from social networks... And blushed because he really looks cute, he is a perfect babygirl. Victor prays that his mom doesn't catch him in this position...
Morris is in a small stupor, trying to understand if they just insulted him or said a compliment. Hm, maybe he'll rethink about that "babygirl" as the new slogan for Joja cola, since the word is so popular with young people!
Please, Farmer, don't. Gus doesn't know the meaning of the word and doesn't want to know. It also worries visitors to the Saloon. They are his friend, but there must be limits to what is permitted!
Well, all people have their quirks. And as long as it's not an insulting and vulgar word to anyone, Gunther doesn't mind. Well, he hopes it's not an insult or vulgarity.
It's because Elliott's long hair makes him look like a girl? Does this word have another meaning as well? Ah, compliment? Why, thank you kindly, Farmer. He's a little confused, but flattered anyway.
Poor Shane will choke on his beer when he hears this word from the Farmer. Now all people in the Saloon is looking at both of them. He just wanted a drink in peace, why....
...Farmer, you know that Kent is married, right?... No, he does NOT want to know the meaning of this word, he already has a headache after Sam's talk about Fortnite and TikTok trending. Give this poor man break.
Yes, he is a baby girl, baby baby baby girl. He is a small child. Come on, insult him ​​again, why not! He's a fucking joke for young assholes like Farmer apparently! (Andy took this word too seriously, like the phrase "confuse your enemy by yelling at them")
Ahh, thanks Farmer. Yes, Sam has seen on social media that some characters in babygirl poses look quite cursed, but he is pleased that the Farmer called him cute, albeit with that word. Hey, take a picture of Sam, he wants send this pic to Sebastian and Abigail and laugh about it!
Still, Jio's instinct didn't let him down. Despite the friendship with the Farmer, the victory over Gabriela's corruption and all other merits, the Farmer is still an idiot. How else to explain the word that they said to the ninja elf?
Erm, thanks? Poor June, he had strange admirers before, but at least the Farmer with "babygirl" turned out to be harmless to him. Right? Isn't that an insult?
It looks like the young adventurer hit their head in the mine a lot harder than Marlon thought. No matter how the Farmer resists, no matter how the old bones of the one-eyed adventurer hurt from the heavy and kicking burden, Marlon is determined to take the Farmer to the clinic for an examination. No, he doesn't know anything about their "Tweeters and smartphones", he'll get them to Dr. Harvey right now.
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biffhofosho · 1 year
Prisoner to Temptation | Chapter Seven
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Word Count: 9.2k
A/N: First off, it’s actually crazy to me how vocal you cool kids are about this story considering how small my little third-person POV readership bubble is. Like, I think I’m in love with you people.
Second of all, since you’re so vocal, I hear tell that a few of you would like to file some grievances with your local HR rep regarding my babygirl’s gatekeeping of herself when it comes to her husband lmao. Let’s see what our darling prince might do this chapter to pry open those gates, hm? ;)
Cvr | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12
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After their second night together, Naran had found things much more troubling for her than the first. It wasn’t just that everything in her bed smelled like Hyungwon now. It wasn’t just that, after one overnight, her body had already started keeping to one side of the bed. Most damningly, she had laid awake far too long dwelling on the way her body had almost compelled her to kiss him. She tried to forgive herself, to rationalize it away as human nature, but no matter what reason she settled on, it wasn’t good enough. She had made a promise to herself that her future would not be ruled by the passing fancies of men, and when Narangerel of Moghulikhan made a choice, she was resolute. She would not invite him into her bed so carelessly so soon.
But by the same token, she had also made a promise to her sister to include the girl’s new brother-in-law in their daily activities, and Naran was also a woman of her word. Over the next week that passed, she found small ways to appease Saran while safeguarding her peace of mind.
When the sisters went to the library, the prince tagged along. Luckily, once they were there, it was a solitary experience, which made it easy for Naran while Saran and her new brother reviewed books together.
Another day, Saran had wanted to paint in the gardens, so Naran had suggested the prince come along to be her sister’s subject. Unfortunately, that backfired since Naran was a dreadful painter, and her sister had ended up begging the crown princess to pose with the crown prince. Sharing a bench for hours with her husband under a shady maple hadn’t exactly been in her plans, especially when their sides had to be pressed together.
At least during the next day, when they had all taken tea together, Naran had finagled it so her sister sat between them, and the crown princess had gotten some much needed distance, save from his big-eyed, gentle-browed looks over his tea cup.
The most challenging day had seen Hyungwon teaching the sisters how to fish in one of the ponds. Fishing wasn’t much of a skill set for the ladies of the steppe, so it had required hands-on instruction, which the prince had been more than agreeable to offer, but the difference in his instruction between the two sisters was marked. Saran had received a side-by-side cast and reel tutorial; Naran, he informed, was a hopeless case, and the prince had taken to wrapping his wife in his arms and carefully positioning her hands and body for “the perfect cast.” She might have caught her first fish that way, but it had come at the high cost of a lingering kiss to her cheek after her success.
Thankfully, the next day saw the whole party of royal ladies on an excursion to an apple festival in town since the silk festival they had initially planned on was further away, and Queen Jigme was not keen on a full day’s ride. Though Naran had been looking for an excuse to get as far away from the palace as possible, the apple festival had turned out to be lovelier than she had dreamed. She had only had apples once in Urga, and they had been far too soft and mealy for her taste, but these were firm and honeyed and all together divine in ways she’d never dreamed.
“Your Royal Highness, please, I beg you take one home for your husband,” beseeched a peddler as she crammed a particularly shiny apple into the princess’s basket.
Now, the apple felt like an anvil in Naran’s hands on the ride home. She considered eating it herself—Hyungwon would never be the wiser—but the farmer had been so proud and so insistent, and the crown princess knew she had to honor her subject’s offering. In the end, she wished she hadn’t. The way her husband’s eyes lit up as he received his first gift from his wife made Naran sway the same way she had when she’d tasted fermented apple cider that morning.
The problem with lively days was how quickly the nights came. That first evening, Hyungwon had cornered the princess in an ill-lit hallway and asked with hopeful eyes if she would visit his chambers later. It had taken all of her strength to say no.
The intensity of their last encounter had frightened Naran. Though there had never been any hope of escaping how attractive she found the man, she thought at least that she might have some measure of control over that attraction, but it had become abundantly clear that, despite her rational mind, her body craved him. She figured if she limited his trespasses into her bed—or hers into his—in time, her mind could overcome her body. Obligations could stay obligations. They could be independent partners and friends—who sometimes had to sleep together for the sake of a nation.
Of course, the more she thought of it, the less reasonable it sounded. After their first night of cataclysmic experiences, Naran realized how quickly she’d become addicted to the pleasure Hyungwon had offered her. Without him, her bed felt too big and her sheets felt too cold, even after they’d been warmed by the servants.
A few more nights like that should have been easier. They weren’t. The knowledge that her husband’s door was a mere sprint across the parlor loomed large in her overactive imagination. Which was why after only an hour into her second night alone, she had retreated to Saran’s room and stayed there the rest of the week. That way, it was easy enough to turn down the prince’s offers for the time being.
Meanwhile, as if to spite her meticulous planning, the rest of their families got along surprisingly easily considering a few months ago, their countries were on the brink of unspoken war. The emperor and the khan, in particular, seemed to have formed some kind of a bond. Most nights, they retired to the emperor’s office to drink and joke so raucously that their laughter reverberated down the halls.
The empress and queen were not as free with one another, to the point that Naran thought they were simply trying to out-noble one another. By the end of the week, in Naran’s opinion, they were neck-and-neck in propriety, modesty, and poise, though Empress Indeok held the edge in sophisticated passive aggression and Queen Jigme surpassed in subtle coercion. Truly, they were a well-matched pair, and, indeed, after the apple festival, the sisters caught the mothers stolen away in a bath closet where they no doubt never expected to be found, giggling and sipping fermented cider straight from the bottle.
Which was why the next day came like a dust storm across the steppe—brutally and unpredictably.
Queen Jigme stood in the parlor before the princess, who thought she’d carved out a moment of peace for herself as Saran and Hyungwon had gone to the kitchen for a snack.
“I have come to tell you we intend to return to Urga tomorrow.”
Air fled the room, leaving an inescapable vacuum.
Naran gaped at her mother. “What? So soon? I thought everyone was getting along? You planned to stay at least two more weeks!”
She had to have heard the queen wrong. They were having fun together. There was no reason to leave!
“Yes, but your father’s health dictates it,” added Jigme, “and you know how the weather can be crossing the steppe this close to October. Every day we delay, we risk a snowstorm, and with your father—”
“Mother, don’t lie to me. October is weeks and weeks away, and you yourself said you had never seen Father in finer spirits.”
The queen stood a little taller now, and it was clear she’d shed her act. “You’re as shrewd as your accursed mother, my obstinate sun. Since we linger here, you are spending every waking moment with the people who have seen you every day for two decades yet hardly a whit of time with your new husband.”
“I'd rather spend it with you since our time is finite,” Naran protested bitterly.
“I will not have a princess of Moghulikan dishonor the country that took her in. Be a newlywed, dearest. Have a picnic. Host a party. Go horseback riding. I have heard your Prince Hyungwon looks very handsome on a horse.”
“I dare say he will look handsome anywhere, especially in the evenings. I am sure candlelight frames his face well.”
“Are you trying to get me to push you out the door because it’s working?”
“Narangerel, let me speak plainly. I know you have spent every night this week in your sister’s room instead of your own.”
The princess scuffed the toe of her shoe along the floor as she shrugged. “What of it? I knew you’d be leaving soon. Why shouldn’t I?”
Jigme was unamused. “Are you or are you not the Princess Supreme of Goryeo?”
Naran rolled her eyes. “Oh, Mother…”
“My love, you will make such beautiful heirs! I can hardly wait to receive the news of my grandchildren.”
“Okay, there it is,” Naran shouted, pushing her mother toward the door. “Yes, please go! Travel safely and wait a long time to come back.”
Jigme laughed and, suddenly, so did Naran, and then just as suddenly, they were both weeping into each other’s arms.
“How I will miss arguing with you,” said the queen into her daughter’s hair.
“I’ll make sure to pick a fight with you in all my letters.”
“And I’ll be sure to scold you back.”
They laughed again through tears and hugged all the tighter. Maybe if Naran never let go, they couldn’t leave her after all.
“If you see an eagle in the sky, be sure to tell Altantsetseg I love her,” begged the princess.
“I will.”
“And give my favorite horse to someone who will ride her often and far. Not Khunbish in the stables. He’s a terrible rider and swears at the horses. You should really turn him out.”
The queen chuckled in agreement as she nodded. “Done, my sun.”
“And please write me often,” Naran said, though the words were getting gummier through her increasingly stuffy nose, “so I don’t forget how to read Moghul.”
“You will not forget who you are, dearest. Of that, I am most certain. You are the best of us.”
“I love you, Mother.”
The queen held her daughter’s face with her hands along with her gaze. Slowly, a smile lit up the corners of Jigme’s strong features. “I love you, too.”
Naran pulled back, wiped her eyes, and tried to stand as tall as her mother had always coached her to. With a bow for her goodnight, the princess turned begrudgingly back to her quarters before her mother’s voice caught her.
“Where are you going?” asked the queen.
“To my room, as you said?”
Jigme smirked. “Your sister’s quarters are the other way. I told her moments before coming here, so she will need you one last night. Come.”
Her mother stretched out her hand, and Naran took it. As they walked back to the guest wing, the princess wondered if this would be the last time she would ever hold her mother’s hand, and she squeezed just a little tighter for just a little longer.
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It was a dark day. It wasn’t just that the Moghul royal caravan had been packed and readied, the horses champing at their bits before the gates, but the clouds were thick and heavy as they jostled over Namgyeong. The threat of rain was ever-present, but just as Naran held back her tears watching her family pack into their carriage, so, too, did the clouds hold back theirs. It was only a matter of time before the deluge.
With the khan and the queen already loaded in the carriage, Saran followed, but with only one foot in the cabin, she let out a wail and leapt back out, charging over to her sister.
“This is a mistake!” the young princess shouted. “We can’t leave you here! You belong in Moghulikhan!”
“Saran!” both the queen and the crown princess said in unison.
“Get back in this carriage this instant,” admonished their mother as she eyed the emperor and empress, who were waiting to bid their guests farewell. “You’re making a scene.”
Saran didn’t care as she buried her face in her sister’s hanbok. “I could never bear a move this far from home, so how can you? I know I said I was happy for you, but not when I know what you love most is Moghulikhan. You love it so much, and you are giving it up.”
Naran summoned all her poise and bravery to soothe her little sister’s hair and kiss her head. “It is not Moghulikhan I truly love, but you, my little fox. My match will ensure you find that one special person who brings you joy. You will marry someone who will rule Moghulikhan beside you, and you will be happy and loved, and our people will be forever grateful.”
“They should be grateful to you then,” Saran protested. “I know I am.”
“Thank me by being happy.”
The girl’s hands tightened around Naran’s back. “And what about you? Can you be happy here?”
The crown princess smiled. “I can be happy anywhere knowing you are safe and free.”
“Princess Sarangerel!” called the queen again from the carriage, this time far more desperately.
The sisters rolled their eyes at one another, burst into one final giggle, and hugged one last time. Naran stole the moment to whisper, “Kiss a few boys if you want. Be smart, be strong, be fearless, and never, ever settle. You are Crown Princess of Moghulikhan now, and you are a force to be reckoned with, Your Highness.”
“I love you, Naran!”
“I love you more. Now, go, before Mother has a heart attack or Father goes deaf."
Naran shooed her sister back toward the carriage, and with one final look back, her little sister climbed aboard. One of the servants shut the door, and the next thing Naran knew, the gates had opened and the front of the caravan had already disappeared through. The last thing she saw was the grumpy beak of the goose the prince had gifted them at the wedding ceremony, a ridiculous reminder of the day her life had irrevocably changed.
Naran was sure the clatter of hooves and the snap of the Moghul banners in the sudden gusts would weigh on her mind forever as she watched the last of the carts disappear behind the great wooden doors of Changdeokgung.
“I am sorry to see your family leave,” said the empress behind Naran, startling her. As alone as she felt, the princess had honestly forgotten that anyone else was there with her. “They are very good people.”
“I thank you for saying so,” the princess replied, though her words were hollow.
Hyungwon put his hand on her back in support, but she shrank away. She wasn’t in the mood for comfort or even acknowledgment.
“I never met a man who could hold his liquor as well as Delger Khan,” said Emperor Gongmin as though he hadn’t plotted to take everything away from the man mere months ago.
Naran felt sick.
“I should like to go inside now,” she said as she turned back toward the palace. The princess did not wait for them to follow, even as Hyungwon called out for her.
It started to rain just then. It was only a few fat drops at first, but then the heavens opened with a torrent, and as the other royals scattered under servants’ umbrellas, Naran pressed forward undeterred. At least the rain could hide her tears.
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It was deep into a sleepless night when Naran heard a very soft knock on her door.
With a tremendous sigh, she clambered out of bed and wrapped her robe around herself before she shuffled over and rasped, “Who is it?”
“It’s Hyungwon.”
Her head drooped. She was not in the mood to entertain a bored prince, now more than ever.
“What do you want?” she asked.
“Could you open the door please?”
Naran growled and swore under her breath, but she opened the door all the same. Waiting on the other side with the sweetest of smiles was the prince.
“Hi,” he said softly. “I’m sorry, did I wake you?”
“You did not. What does his highness need at this late hour?” Truly, Naran had planned to be more polite, but her eyes were tired from crying and she didn’t have the energy.
Hyungwon gnawed on his bottom lip for a moment before he said, “I wanted to see if you would join me for a drink?”
He waggled two glasses along with a bottle of clear, sloshing liquid, and as much as the princess burned to drink herself into oblivion, she shook her head. “I don’t think so.”
“Are you sure, Princess? I know what today asked of you.”
Naran choked back a sob just before she could embarrass herself and instead offered a reluctant nod. Hyungwon echoed it and took a step forward, but she held out her hand to stop him.
“Not here,” she ordered. She wanted to be as far away from any place they could conceivably spend another night together and just as far away from the memories of the ones they already had spent.
“How about my study then? It’s quiet, and no one will bother us there.”
Another single nod from the princess.
“Shall I get dressed?” she asked.
“Come as you are,” Hyungwon answered. “There’s no need for pretenses between us.”
But Naran wasn’t so sure about that. She tugged her robe tighter and cinched the collar with her hand. Following the weak light of the prince’s candle, they walked down the corridor to a wing she had only visited on her initial palace tour. Here, the walls were dark, many draped in tapestries or heavy curtains. At night, it felt more like a brothel. She didn’t remember it looking this suggestive on her tour, yet now, the walls felt close, almost pressing against her.
“Are you okay, Princess?” asked Hyungwon. “You look like you’re going to jump out of your own skin.”
“I’m fine.”
The prince considered her words for a moment before he pushed ahead to a heavy door.
“My private study,” he said as he eased it open.
This room had been on her tour as well, but Naran had been too overwhelmed at the time to bother glancing at it. Now, she’d wished she had for the benefit of seeing it on a sunny day. As with every room in the palace, it was large with soaring ceilings, but swaddled in shadows, it was tantalizingly intimate.
Unlike most of the rooms in the palace, Hyungwon had designed his study with a Western influence. Floor-to-ceiling bookshelves lined one wall while a long dresser anchored the other beneath an enormous mirror that no doubt cost more than the yearly salaries of all the servants back in Urga. When he lit the candelabra in front of it, the whole study glittered.
The prince’s desk commanded the space, however. It was huge and heavy, as though the tree it had once been had grown right there and they’d just built the room around it. Thick, smooth lacquer drew out the warmth in the wood like a magnifying glass while ornate carvings of tigers and dragons in eternal battle exemplified its strength. Short of the throne itself, there was no finer piece of furniture Naran had ever seen.
Hyungwon stood behind his desk, and even in his silk robes, his might was unquestionable. If he opened his lips to declare war on every kingdom in the six realms, Naran wasn’t sure she could stop even herself from kneeling.
But, instead, the prince pulled out his chair and gestured toward it. “Please sit, my lady.”
“I couldn’t possibly—”
“Please. You’ll be more comfortable here.”
Naran stared at the immaculate upholstery and overstuffed cushions before she looked back at her husband. “Are you sure?”
Hyungwon nodded and took the seat safely across the desk to make his stance on the issue crystal clear. At last, the princess sank into her chair, too, which was easily the most comfortable chair she’d ever sat in. He uncorked the bottle, and immediately, the pungent aroma of alcohol filled the study. The prince poured a draft of liquor into both shot glasses and passed one across the table.
When Naran had hers in hand, he said, “I promise, my lady, from here on out, it shall get better.”
Thinking it the toast, the princess raised her glass and knocked it back while Hyungwon followed suit with a smirk on his face. At first, Naran didn’t understand why.
Then she felt it.
Scorching agony blazed a trail down her throat to sit like lava in her stomach. For a second, she thought she might breathe fire.
“What the hell is that!” she wailed as she tried to scratch the taste of naphtha from her tongue.
“I told you it would only get better from here. You’ll like this a great deal more the second go-around.”
“I'm never drinking that again,” Naran swore.
Hyungwon smiled knowingly.
“Seriously, what is that rancid stuff?”
“A gift from the Emperor of Champa.”
“My mother was right then,” Naran mused with a slow smile, “Princess Binh was gunning for an alliance with Goryeo.”
“I wouldn't say the princess was,” Hyungwon informed. “Emperor Gia Long seemed more concerned with the match than his daughter. Princess Binh mostly just complained to me that the weather in Goryeo is too cold and that there are no beaches or coconuts here.”
“If I knew all it took to turn you off from a match was complaining about missing sand and sun, I would have spent more time talking about the Gobi.”
“It was too late by that point. I had already made up my mind about you,” said the prince. He poured another drink and offered it to her. “Again, my lady?”
She bit her lip as she considered, but the other alternative was chatting privately with her husband sober, and she didn’t have the strength left for such a thing after today. Naran downed the shot and grimaced.
“Better?” he asked.
“Still disgusting.”
“But better.”
The truth was, this time, her stomach felt warm and fuzzy instead of full of liquid fire, and her limbs were buzzing lightly. Thanks to the distracting sensations, she probed, “Were there any other princesses you considered that night?”
Hyungwon shrugged. “My father had given me a short list, but after meeting all of them, I knew I couldn’t marry any one of them.”
“Why not?”
“For starters, they were storybook princesses—all beautiful and sweet and perfect, to be sure, but completely one-dimensional.”
“That sounds perfect for you, are you crazy!” Naran retorted.
Hyungwon smiled. “Perfect for my kingdom, but you know me well enough now, my lady. I’m hardly perfect for my kingdom.”
“So, this is why I find myself sulking in the most expensive chair I’ve ever seen drinking the foulest drink I’ve ever tasted from a princess who hoped to wed my husband?”
The prince poured yet another round and said, “I’ll drink to that.”
Naran tipped back her glass, and this time, instead of a hiss as the liquid coated her throat, she hummed. “Better.”
“Told you,” said Hyungwon with two charming high eyebrows.
“That’s no reason to get cocky.”
The prince laughed, and on a day with no laughter at all, it sounded all the warmer. Or perhaps that was just the alcohol talking.
“You didn’t come to dinner,” Hyungwon said.
“I wasn’t hungry.”
“Maybe we should take the drinks slower then. This stuff is a lot stronger than soju.”
“Maybe you should stop making my decisions for me,” Naran challenged, tapping her empty glass on the table for a refill. “I might be Goryeon by title, but I'm Moghul by birth. Alcohol is already in our blood.”
With a stern eye, the prince poured a noticeably smaller portion this round, and she sighed but drank it all the same.
Hyungwon watched her lips pucker as it went down and then he said, “How are you faring today?”
“Great. Everything is going exactly as I always hoped and dreamed,” she said, the sarcasm extra biting thanks to the bitterness in the alcohol. “Another.”
Hyungwon repeated the same shallow pour and then sat across from his wife, watching her with gentle eyes. Either he did not know what to say or he was afraid of another blow to his self-esteem—or maybe it was neither of those things. Everything about him was so soft right now, borderline inviting, like something Naran could fall right into.
“I’m afraid that was the last time I shall ever see my father.” The words were out too fast for her greased lips to catch them as was the tear at the corner of her eye. She swiped it angrily away as she grumbled, “I should have married Prince Grigoriy like my grandfather wanted.”
Hyungwon blinked hard. “Grigoriy of Kazan?”
Naran nodded. “My grandfather had intended us practically, but he could not force my hand.”
“So that’s why he was staring at you all night…” said the prince, lost in a memory of the night they met in her grandfather’s ballroom.
Naran thought back to it, too. It was harder now to recall some of the details since most of the night had been overtaken by memories of Hyungwon, but she did recall avoiding every corner of the room the Kazan prince occupied just so she didn’t have to come up with another reason to refuse him.
“I should have just married him. At least then I would have been close to home.”
The prince pouted his lower lip, and Naran’s attention couldn’t help but shoot to it—her husband did have an unfairly pretty mouth.
“But,” Hyungwon objected, “all you would have for dinner every night is beets and cabbage. We eat much better in Goryeo.”
At that, Naran burst out laughing. “You truly do. Beets and cabbage… Never thought about that. I’ll drink to that.”
The princess tipped back her glass again, and Hyungwon drained his, too.
“You know,” she said, biting her lip and leaning farther across the table than she normally would have, “you’re way too pretty. I don’t like your face.”
The corner of his mouth quirked. “You don’t?”
“I do not! Even when I want to tell you to go far away from me, I cannot. It makes it very hard for me to hate you.”
“Why do you need to hate me?”
“Because if I don’t hate you, then I have to admit I have in some way accepted the man who took me away from everything I love.”
Hyungwon was quiet for a moment as he busied himself with two fresh pours. He downed his immediately while Naran watched him in confusion.
“I’m sorry, Princess.”
“There’s no point in apologizing now.”
The prince kept his head down though he shook it gently. “You misunderstand. I’m not sorry that you’re by my side now, but I am sorry for what it cost you. Maybe that’s what I’m sorrier about than anything. It’s the closest I’ve ever come to becoming my father, yet I can’t regret it because you’re here now… with me.”
Naran’s hand trembled, and she misjudged the desk when she reeled back and splashed liquor all over the wood, but there was no time to care, not when the prince was staring at her so openly with such flushed, wet lips.
“I should slap you for such an insulting apology,” she said.
Hyungwon waited, perhaps for the justified blow, but Naran’s hand didn’t move.
Instead, her voice dropped as her eyes slid to the mirror where their reflections danced in the candelabra flames.
“Why did you even need me anyway? If you wanted someone to be your friend, you had a line as long as your borders. Anyone would have been a better choice for you than I am. Why did you pick the one person who thinks of marriage as the forfeiture of all freedom?”
“What is so wrong with depending on someone? I've lived my whole life without it. It isn't freedom,” replied the prince, his eyes falling to his glass. “It's a prison of loneliness.”
He knocked back the drink without so much as a wince. Somehow, as he hunched over his desk, his smooth edges blurred even further and begged her to reach out.
Naran ran her fingertip around the lip of her glass as guilt and something even more intimidating rippled through her.
“Aren’t you lonely, too?” he asked in a gruff whisper.
“It's not loneliness I feel but bitterness.”
The prince scoffed. “Of course, it is... My father was right. I am a fool.”
“You could have had anyone, my lord. As grateful as I am for the protection of my people, you didn't owe Moghulikhan anything. Why did you have to choose me?”
“I guess you can't help how you feel,” he lamented.
Panic set her heart on fire. “How do you—”
The prince cut her off with a frantic look. “Which is why I know I'm asking for the impossible, but please, for my sake, Princess, can you tell me just one thing you like about me because I can’t stand another day thinking I married someone who despises me?”
“I don’t despise you,” Naran admitted softly. “I’m not sure anyone could.”
Flashes of adoring faces from every room he had ever entered stormed through her mind, the thin-eyed, bitten-lip women clinging most tenaciously to her memories. The princess downed her last shot to chase them away.
“But you don’t like me either,” Hyungwon finished.
The couple’s gazes could not waver from one another, no matter how hard Naran fought to sever their connection.
Your eyes talk to one another…
At the memory of Magda’s words, something uncoiled in the princess’s chest and snaked through her body.
There was much about her husband Naran admired. Hyungwon listened. He defended her. He upheld his promises. But he might interpret any one of those things to mean more than just appreciation for someone she respected. Best to stick to something superficial, she thought.
As desperate to fill the Moghulikhan-sized hole in her heart as she was to avoid the dejection in her husband’s voice, the princess reached across the ocean of his desk. She held her breath, her hand frozen as though anything further would trigger a trip wire that could fundamentally rearrange everything between them.
Naran bit her lip.
“I like this little freckle here,” she said as her fingertip glanced across the pinprick dot on the side of his nose.
Hyungwon stiffened at her touch though his mouth slackened.
“And this one, too,” she continued. This time, it was her thumb that pressed on the tawny freckle dead center on his bottom lip. “I like it a lot.”
In the end, she gave away too much of herself. The prince now knew how carefully she had mapped his face. Even though a wife didn’t need a reason to look at her husband, Naran thought that maybe she should have chosen anything else. His silky hair, his expressive eyes, his proud shoulders—
Only then Naran realized she was still touching his lips.
Hyungwon kissed the pad of her thumb and her breath hitched. She yanked back her hand and tried to quash its shaking by sitting on it, but she felt the vibrations all the way up her arm even then.
“Thank you,” he muttered as he looked away at last.
Naran’s skin was aflame as she busied herself divining shapes from the inky blobs on the prince’s blotter.
“How about one final drink?” he suggested.
Hyungwon poured to the rim this time, but before they could drink, out came the things that had occupied the princess’s thoughts all day as she had stared blankly in her room. “So, what happens now that everyone has gone?”
“What do you mean?”
“I believe I’m supposed to spend my days apart from yours.”
“Oh…” His eyes fell to the liquid fire in his glass. “Yes, I’m sure a princess has as much to occupy her time as a prince does.”
“So, as far as ensuring heirs, shall we establish some kind of schedule then?”
At this, Hyungwon’s face soured as the princess had never seen before. “A schedule— Does it always have to be about heirs between us? Am I not allowed to just want you sometimes, too?”
Want me? Naran thought, absolutely incredulous. Beyond the bounds of our contract?
“It is best if we keep feelings out of these things, your highness,” she answered with an embarrassingly shaky voice.
“Who’s talking about feelings? Was it ever about love with any of the others you've been with?”
“No,” she admitted.
Both lovers had been handsome, forward, and uncomplicated. Words were rarely exchanged. They had taken her at first opportunity—in alleys or the stables and once in the grass. Before her wedding night, Naran had never even had sex in a bed. And the other thing those lovers had had in common? After a few meetings, they were gone from her life. But the princess could not outrun the prince. For better or worse, they were in each other’s lives forever.
Hyungwon looked as forthright as ever as he asked, “Then shouldn’t I be able to say that I desire you as a man desires a woman? If you let them, why can’t you let me?”
Naran downed her last drink, and in her rush, a bit wept from the corner of her mouth. She licked her lips and then the corner, and there was no missing the way the prince’s eyes followed her tongue.
“Do you think,” he said slowly, “you could ever desire me?”
In the perfect silence of the empty wing, the princess could hear her every breath. It was too fast, too ragged.
The air was electrified. Every hair on her arms stood on end. Somewhere outside, a dog bayed at the late summer moon.
At once, Hyungwon sent the glasses and bottle tumbling to the carpet with a thud and a splash. He kicked back his chair as he shot up to circle the desk. Naran had to crane her head to look up at the towering frame of her husband until she found his heavy eyes. Without a word, he scooped her out of her chair. The princess yelped, her hands flinging around his neck as he spun the pair of them to the now-empty desk. The smell of alcohol and something spicier swirled around them. He leaned toward her lips before catching himself at the last second, and whatever gentleness had lingered in those eyes fled entirely.
The prince was nothing but dark lusts now.
To Naran’s surprise, Hyungwon sat her on the edge of his desk, and between the cold wood and the loss of his scorching body, she shivered. It only worsened when she felt his fingers at the knot of her belt, and seconds later, her robe fell open to expose the thin white silk of her nightgown.
Hyungwon didn’t say anything. He simply stooped over to kiss the column of her throat with ravenous lips. The princess gasped and tipped her head to the side to give him more skin to taste. He was quick to cover the new ground as his hand traced up her frame to her covered breast where he toyed with the soft mound beneath. Naran’s body responded with both a desperate moan and a tightening nipple aching for his fingers to shower it with attention.
It was easy to descend into hedonism with him. Though the alcohol had burned away her resentment, Naran was still heartbroken and angry and tired of feeling both. Hyungwon, though, was warm and real and determined to transport her out of the grayness she’d been mired in, as much for her as for himself evidently.
“Is this—ah—is this for the throne?” she said through her gasps, but Hyungwon shook his head.
“Not tonight. This is for my wife.”
The princess let out a little cry as she felt the familiar tingle between her thighs. In a matter of a few words, her body was tuned to his.
Before Naran could process it, Hyungwon had dropped to his knees. With the utmost care, he eased the satin slippers from each of her feet before his fingers played about her naked ankles. There, he traced the hills and valleys along her heels and, once they were mapped, his hands glided along the flare of her calves. With his every touch, little sparklers alighted in her head and heart.
The higher his hands climbed, so did the hem of her gown. Cold air rushed under the fabric, and by the time Hyungwon had bared her knees, the princess was begging for the relief from the rush of heat to her core. Leisurely, he parted her legs, and with every inch, the princess felt a little more frantic and a little more self-conscious. Once he had spread her knees as far as the desk would allow, they quivered and threatened to close again.
“Trust me, my princess,” said the prince in his rich velvet.
“I’ve never—” Against her will, Naran’s voice shook. “I’ve never had anyone so close to me there before.”
“Do you want me to stop?”
Naran held her breath. She was scared and overwhelmed and painfully aware of her body, but Hyungwon showed no sign of hesitation or second thoughts. With a shaky exhale, she admitted, “I don’t want you to.”
“Then I won’t. Not until you beg me to.”
Her husband turned his attention to one of her knees and placed his lips there. It wasn’t exactly a kiss, more like a caress with the tender skin of his mouth, back and forth in soothing waves. Occasionally, his tongue would gloss along her flesh and only then would he seal his ministration with a true kiss. With one knee bathed in his adoration, he switched to the other.
Just as Naran slouched against the desk, Hyungwon moved his mouth to her mid-thigh, and this time, he sucked the responsive skin there until she arched up with a howl. He released her, and when he pulled back, the princess saw a dark mark on the once-unblemished peachy flesh. Instantly, wanton desire trickled at her sex, begging for attention he wasn’t yet ready to give.
Hyungwon nudged his new brand with the tip of his nose before he kissed it and then placed a twin mark alongside it. He kept indulging her with his tongue until the princess was nearly ready to explode.
“Oh, please! More, my prince. Please,” Naran pleaded.
The prince broke his seal at last and shifted his gaze up to hers. He charted the sag of her jaw and the peek of her tongue lolling at the corner of her mouth, and he smiled. “More?”
“Higher!” she demanded.
Hyungwon gathered her nightgown at her hips, the fabric drooping in front of her center in a last-ditch effort of modesty but sparing nothing else for her prince’s imagination. Here, he kissed and nibbled every surrounding inch of virgin skin until Naran’s thighs shook with the foreplay and tears pricked at the corners of her eyes. She let out a sob of frustration, and it garnered all his attention.
Their eyes met, hers even heavier-lidded than his. Through the well of tears at her lashes, Hyungwon’s face splintered into a kaleidoscope of ethereal beauty.
“Don’t cry, my darling,” soothed the prince.
He hoisted up the last of the gown over her hips and exposed her core for him.
“Let me treat you like the princess you are.”
Naran held her breath and collapsed onto the desk, too embarrassed to watch.
She felt a kiss at the juncture of her thigh and lip followed by another mirrored on the opposite side. It was feather-light and unbearably sensual, but it was only the prelude to a new and unforgettable kind of kiss. With pulse-pounding pressure, Hyungwon raked his flush bottom lip up along her seam to kiss the hardening button peeking through, and as good as that felt, it only intensified with a second pass, this one featuring the flat of his tongue.
Naran’s moan made way for a pathetic whine. Her legs squeezed against the onslaught of pleasure, so Hyungwon curled his fingers around the meat of her thighs to keep her at his mercy.
He took his work seriously, keeping his rhythm consistent save for the swirl he would occasionally surprise her with around her straining bud. In those moments, the princess saw stars.
When her eyes finally opened, she found her head had lolled to the side, and there she found her husband’s reflection glowing, not just by tangerine flame but by something softer and even more shimmery. Hyungwon felt her gaze, and his mouth lifted from her only to be replaced by his middle finger easing deep into her pinkness. He turned toward the mirror to catch her eyes there, and slowly, he pressed a kiss to her inner thigh that deepened until she felt yet another delicious burn on her skin.
“How pretty my little star looks writhing on my desk,” Hyungwon murmured, and then suckled a little higher to adorn more of her skin with his black marks of desire.
His finger moved slowly in her walls, coaxing forth ripples of ecstasy Naran had never felt before. Each stroke was deliberate and far, far too measured to do anything but keep her on the precipice of climax. It was heaven. It was hell.
“So tight,” Hyungwon hummed, and she whimpered. “So delicious. You’re totally at my mercy now, aren’t you?"
Naran couldn’t answer, but she knew he wasn’t looking for that anyway. Her legs tightened at his illicit words. Between her husband’s praise and his intimacy, she squirmed for him.
He brought his lips back to the cherry blossom at her sex, and when they closed around it to suckle, the princess keened low and long. The pressure was relentless and just right to make her forget anything that wasn’t Chae Hyungwon. Her hips bucked, but he used his free hand to hold her down while the other continued to stoke the fire inside her.
“Do you like when I spoil you like this?” he asked as he came up for air.
“Yes… Yes, yes, yes!” Naran answered. “But I want more. Faster!”
“How many times have you called me lazy, hm? Maybe I just want to take my time, to feast on you and show you what a sweet indulgence laziness can be.”
To her horror, Hyungwon removed his finger, leaving her core seizing around nothing. Tears sprang to her eyes in desperation, and she sat up on her elbows to gape at the man who was abandoning her just as her addiction had mounted to frenetic levels.
“You can’t—” she protested, but he just smiled, smug and scheming all at once.
When he dove back in, he focused on one fold and then the other, with long strokes of his tongue before pulling each one at a time into his mouth. Every nerve ending tingled. Every inch of skin yearned for more of his attention.
“Put your hands in my hair,” he mumbled between her legs, and Naran’s fingers raced into his locks.
It felt so good to hold his head in her hands. Her nails raked against his scalp before she took to tugging on the glossy strands. Hyungwon purred contentedly as he licked up the mess continuously leaking from her sex, and the noisier he was, the harder it made the princess shake until she realized she was grinding herself on his face. Mortified, she unwound her fingers from his locks as she mumbled an apology.
“I didn’t tell you to let me go,” Hyungwon scolded, and when she opened her eyes, she found him looking up at her with a chin covered in arousal and eyes fixed with determination.
It was clear he had no intention of finishing the job unless she caved to his wishes, so Naran ran her hands back through his bangs to bare his smooth brow. The prince’s eyes closed as he leaned into her grip, and it was so tender, that she thought her heart might burst, but if she stopped, he would stop, and she couldn’t bear the thought again.
Hyungwon’s finger was back at her core now with the addition of another. Together, they traced her entrance, and every time she thought he would enter her again, he deprived her of the gratification. It was the purest torture of her life, and Naran could barely stand it. Her need for her husband had reached embarrassing levels too terrifying to admit.
At last, two fingers glided into her wet and ready indecency, sending her arching up from the desk with a wail.
“It's so much!” she said between heavy pants.
“Too much?”
“Not enough!”
Hyungwon smiled as he picked up speed at last, stretching her walls with every thrust to his knuckles. Luscious coos of gratitude spilled from Naran’s lips as she took his fingers greedily. He knew just how to reach the parts inside of her that responded most ferociously, and in moments, she was teetering over the edge she’d been standing on forever.
His fingers pistoned within her now, churning up filthy sounds that brought color to the princess’s cheeks and hunger to the prince’s eyes.
“I can’t—breathe,” Naran gasped pathetically. “I’m begging you please! Please. I want to let go!”
Hyungwon groaned and dove back to her heat again. His mouth sealed around her pulsing button now as he sucked and flicked his tongue against her until she thought she might go mad. He slipped both of her legs over his shoulders and pressed against her with single-minded resolve to make her forget everything that wasn’t him.
She risked a glance at him, and things got fuzzy fast. His elegant face was framed between the softness of her thighs, his nose bumping against her mound and his eyes shuttered with conviction. Her hand cupped the back of his head as her hips couldn’t stop themselves from driving into his mouth.
And then those wicked eyes opened, locking on hers.
Bliss ripped through Naran with catastrophic devastation. Every muscle within her shook as her lungs constricted and her walls pulsed. Her heels dug into her husband’s back as her thighs clamped around his head, nearly suffocating him.
Here, on a desk where armies were commanded and laws were enforced, the princess came undone with a racking cry.
But, true to his word, Hyungwon wasn’t done.
He kept his fingers thrusting into her quaking walls as one climax ended and another threatened, only this one felt unbearable and impossible. The pleasure was too intense, and her hips tried to run from him as though they were afraid of such unfathomable ecstasy.
Naran’s mind emptied. Even through winched eyes, tears slipped down her cheeks.
“I can’t take it, oh!” she wailed.
“Yes, you can, darling,” he assured. “Just a little more, I know you can.”
“My pr— Yes, I—”
The tip of his tongue flicked her swollen bud again, fast this time and with no restraint. As her vision whitened, Naran clawed the desk, no doubt leaving scratches in the impeccable veneer. There wasn’t a muscle in her body that didn’t seize then.
Another swirl of his tongue and a long, fierce suckle, and she was gone.
She thought she might have screamed, but she might have lost any senses that weren’t solely centered on the exquisite decadence between her thighs.
She collapsed then, whimpering, the last of her strength focusing on her heel to push him back by the shoulder.
“Please, no more,” she whimpered, absolutely deflated. “I beg you.”
“As you wish, my darling. Feel better?” he asked as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and pulled her gown back down her legs.
“You’re—wow,” Naran stammered. “You’re really good at that.”
Something fanged and slippery snaked through her chest at the thought of all the practice he had required to become so skilled, but with one glance at his eyes now buoyed by a soft smile, it tempered.
“Do you need help getting up?” he asked.
“You’re not going to—to take me?” the princess asked incredulously.
“I told you tonight wasn’t about the throne. All I wanted was to make you feel good, my lady. Was I successful?”
Naran narrowed her eyes at him. She could tell by the way his tongue probed his cheek and his chest puffed that the man was keenly aware of just how thoroughly he had devastated his wife. His smug confidence was as appealing as it was infuriating.
“You were,” she admitted carefully.
“It was a pleasure to serve you then, my lady. So, that’s a no to the help?”
“No,” she insisted, though as soon as she put her toes back to the ground, she wobbled and stumbled back against the desk. “Yes.”
Hyungwon snickered and helped guide Naran back into the chair, where she slumped instantly. Alcohol mixed with the chaser of ecstasy to keep the room spinning around her, so she closed her eyes while her breathing steadied. Images of her body writhing in the mirror while her husband kneeled between her legs insisted on flashing in her mind, and a sigh tumbled out of her to her absolute mortification.
“You all right?” he asked with a grin evident in his voice.
“Just fine,” she answered immediately, waving him off.
While Naran lounged in the chair, the prince picked up the glasses and bottle from the floor, and something surprisingly boastful of her own bubbled in her heart.
“I don’t think the Emperor of Champa would appreciate our use of his gift,” she laughed.
“Maybe I should write to him to thank him again?”
At the seriousness in the prince’s voice, the princess shot up in her seat. “Don’t you dare, sire!”
“And what are you going to do to stop me?”
This time, Hyungwon was unmistakably provoking her, and Naran bit her lip. She hadn’t been exaggerating when she said she held her liquor well, but when his playful side came out, it always made her feel drunker than she really was.
“You better not,” she warned, “or, next time, you drink alone.”
At this, Hyungwon pouted. “Didn’t I make this worth your while?”
Naran shrugged a shoulder as casually as she could manage. “Maybe this is slightly better than what I was doing…”
“And maybe this was a little for me, too,” he admitted, “because now I will think of you every time they force me in here to do work I don’t want to do. Instead, I’ll think of someone I’d rather be doing.”
“My lord!” Naran cried, indignant, as she cinched her robe tight to her throat again, and Hyungwon laughed in his carefree, spirit-lifting way.
“You’re very fun to tease, my lady.”
“And you’re very annoying, my lord.”
“How are you feeling? Are you ready to return to your room?”
Naran pressed her lips together as she considered more than just her husband’s question. When they had come here, she had been determined to keep him as far from her room as possible, but now, the understanding that she would be going back solo was more disheartening than she thought. Maybe she was lonelier than she realized.
“I think so,” she answered though.
“Then I shall see you back, Princess.”
Naran rose on still-shaky legs to join her husband in the hallway, and slowly, they made their way back toward their building. They chatted idly about their schedules for the week, his filled with meetings and diplomatic engagements while most of her obligations involved goodwill ambassadorship with the empress. It may not have been anything she had wanted for her life, but it was less onerous than she thought. Of course, maybe that was also colored by her tipsy, post-full body release daze.
Just then, Naran stumbled and caught herself against the wall. Hyungwon let out the briefest of chuckles before he stopped them both and swept her up into the basket of his arms to her yelp.
“I can manage on my own,” she protested, swatting at his arm behind her knees.
“Of course, my lady, but it's taking a very long time, and I would like to get to my room before sun-up.”
She scoffed. “Please. You're never in a hurry to get anywhere. You just wanted to show how strong you are.”
“You think I'm strong?” he echoed, but she could tell by the flex in his voice that she was on target.
Naran folded her hands defiantly in her lap even though she would have felt far stabler if she’d wrapped them behind the prince’s neck.
“You do not appreciate help, do you?” Hyungwon pressed.
“I would if I truly needed it. Are you sure you don't just like playing the savior?”
“I wouldn't say ‘just.’ Perhaps one day I hope you might need me back.”
“Besides,” he added, “I don’t mind an excuse to have your arms around me.”
“They're not—” With horror, Naran realized that her body had betrayed her, and, at some point, she had knotted her hands behind his neck after all, and worse yet, she could not will them back to her lap. “Don’t get used to it.”
“Too late,” said Hyungwon with a grin.
“After this, I feel rather badly about kicking you out of my room so quickly the other night,” she admitted reluctantly. “Perhaps next time I will not be so rash.”
“Thank you, Princess,” was all he said, though he was smiling smugly to himself again.
At last, they reached their wing, and the prince put his wife down at her doorstep, though he waited there awkwardly as neither of them seemed to know what to say.
“Thank you for coming out with me tonight,” he said into the silence. “I know you didn’t want to.”
Naran kept her eyes on her slippered feet as she replied, “Thank you for asking. Truly, I am glad I went.”
“You are?”
At the hope in his voice, her eyes shot up to find his waiting, dark as always but with none of his particular brand of blackness that made her wary of his designs. This time, the darkness was inviting—and in many ways, that made it all the more dangerous.
Hyungwon took a step forward. Naran took one back. Her spine was flush to her door, and she could feel the carvings digging through the thin fabric of her robe. His hand flattened on the panel beside her face as he leaned down.
His breath blazed in the shell of her ear as he whispered, “Please think well of me, my lady. After all, we only have each other now.”
With that, Hyungwon kissed his wife’s cheek and bid her goodnight before he disappeared through his own bedroom door.
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anonymousedward · 10 months
I'm a long-time fan of your fics and I finally decided to try writing some myself! So I want to ask, have you ever written or do you plan to write a post about how to write good smut? I tried looking at fics I like and trying to figure out what makes them stand out, but I'm not very good at analyzing things. Any advice or recs will be very welcome!
I haven't written a post about it, but I'd be happy to offer some tips!
The most important thing is that the sexiest part of smut is the buildup. There are fade to black fics that I've found hotter than PWPs because of the narrative tension they put into a single look, or the positively obscene (in a good way) description of a kiss.
So how do you accomplish that build up? The key is in the immersion. Set the scene - where are they? What are they thinking? How are they positioned? You don't need to add everything, but make sure to keep these things in mind for consistency (as well as peppering in occasional detail).
If you ever get stuck, i recommend going back to the five senses.
Sight: what does their lover look like? (Facial expressions, pose, etc) Is the room dark or well-lit? (How do the shadows play on their face? How much is left to their imagination?)
Smell: what does their partner smell like? What does the room smell like? Why? (Musty from unused sheets? Pine from the neighboring forest? A subtle but tantalizing cologne?)
Touch: don't just focus on the obvious sexy bits. How do the bedsheets feel? Are their lips chapped? Do they feel scarring or stretchmarks beneath their fingers? Do they feel the hot breath of a lover's panting or the pleasant breeze of a ceiling fan?
Hearing: getting dialogue right is hard - for that, i recommend going back to the source material. What kind of words do your characters use? Do they have verbal tics? What words should you use to describe the sounds they make? Would your character really giggle, or are they more likely to snort in amusement? Would they actually call their partner babygirl or have you read a few too many memes? Not to mention sighs, whimpers, moans, grunts, etc.
Taste: if you say Character A kisses Character B passionately, that's one thing. If you say "Character A's kisses tasted like cantaloupe warmed by the summer sun" that's entirely another.
Focus on those senses interspersed with actions. The flavoring is what keeps smut from falling into "insert tab A into slot B territory. Focus on being in-character over being "sexy" - after all, you wouldn't be writing this if the character themself wasn't already appealing, right? The sexiness will find its way in.
Read a lot of smut, find what styles appeal to you, and then try to emulate it in your work.
The hardest part is being brave enough to try. I believe in you, anon!
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love-fictional-men · 2 years
Would You Be My Little Quarantine? 
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Chapter 2
Second chapter in my on going series of meeting Joel Miller in a FEDRA QZ. This chapter is full of smut, forgive me for the slow burn. I did get a little carried away. I hope you enjoy! 😉
Warnings: Oral (F&M Receiving), Praise Kink (Good Girl), Reader is not as experienced as Joel, Reader is not a virgin, slight implied age gap, PinV, Unprotected Sex, facial, uses of the words: babygirl and baby
If I missed anything please let me know!
Word Count: 3k
Chapter 2: Redemption
A week passed since the incident, and it was time to pay up. You knew you got lucky, and they could have easily killed you or just left you tied up to be attacked by infected, then slowly turn while being tied up to the telephone pole… a fate worse than death. Although you were able to get up close and personal with the handsome older brother. You couldn’t get his image out of your mind, his gorgeous dark hair, his firm grip on you and his southern drawl. You look out of the window and zone out, fantasizing about other places he could have placed his hands other than your wrists. You begin to smile, feeling the warm sun soak your body.
“Hello! Earth to y/n! Did you even hear a word I said?” Clarissa shouts. 
“Umm… No honestly I didn’t,” you say with a giggle. 
“What’s gotten into you?” She asks. You smile.
“Nothing, I was just thinking of a funny story.” She sighs. 
“Well.. I was just saying I appreciate you doing all this and I am so sorry you’ve gotta give up half your ration cards. Really, once the baby comes I’ll make it up to you." “You don’t gotta worry about me Clarissa. I knew the risk, plus you’re the one eating for two. You didn’t make me do anything.” Clarissa hugs you, grabs your arms and looks you in the eyes,
“You’re my best friend,” her eyes start swelling up, “of course I’m gonna pay you back. You could have died, don’t think I don’t know that.” You hug her back. 
“Friends don’t keep score,” you say as you break away from her embrace and walk out of her apartment. 
Walking down the street, you keep your head down. The quarantine zone isn’t exactly a place you can be too friendly with strangers. The stunt you pulled last week may not have given you the best reputation either, but you don’t know if Tommy or Joel told anyone. You realize it’s only noon, and you have some time before you have to meet Tommy and Joel. 
Fuck it. I should look at the nearby Stop & Shop, you think to yourself. It’s a nice day, and although leaving the QZ poses a risk you decide to go out anyways. 
After sneaking by soldiers and crouching through a tunnel, you finally make it to the outside. After walking for a few moments, you come across the Stop & Shop, completely abandoned. You notice a broken window, and hop through inside. You missed grocery stores and the convinces your life had before the outbreak. Although you were only 18 on outbreak day, you reminisce the times you went with your family to stock up food for the month. At the time, you thought it was boring. Now you’re 27 and everything is so different. No more family, no more convinces. Everything is a struggle, you were so naive then. 
Slowly walking through the isles, you make your way to the dried food section. You see a few bags of rice, SPAM and canned vegetables. Putting them in your bag, you decide to walk around and explore the shopping center more, finally making your way down to the coffee isle. You inhale deeply as you pick up a bag of beans, and put the largest bag you can find in your backpack. After picking up some rubbing alcohol and gauze, you decide to make your way back. 
Finally, back in the QZ you make your way to Joel’s place. You decided to give the brothers a peace offering of coffee, as a way to say “Thanks for not killing me!” The food was for you and Clarissa. 
“Apartment 73…” you murmur to yourself. Finally, you come up the door. You take a deep breath and knock. 
“Who is it?” A deep, southern voice asks.
“Hey! It’s y/n!” The door opens. Joel towers over you, and you look into his eyes. Feeling like your floating, you try to ground yourself back into reality and give him a half smile. He breaks eye contact, 
“C’mon in y/n. Tommy’s not here,” he says as you walk in. You put your backpack on a table, and begin to rummage through your bag, noticing your hands shaking. 
Try and get it together y/n. This isn’t high school. You think to yourself, embarrassed about your crush. 
“I appreciate you sticking to your word.” Joel mumbles while taking a seat. 
“Yeah of course, I may be a thief but I’m not a liar.” You say trying to find the ration cards. 
“Kinda hard to be one and not the other, ain’t it?” Joel replies. Your stomach drops, as you continue looking for those damn ration cards. A moment of silence is felt between you two. 
“Well… this world makes us do things we normally wouldn’t do,” you finally say back. 
“I hear that,” Joel says, kicking his feet up, resting his arms behind his back. He looks so sexy, and for a brief moment you think about rubbing his chest and torso and eventually making your way down to…
“Found them!” You say, as you walk over to hand him the cards. He looks up at you and extends his hand, briefly touching yours as he takes the cards. Your heart flutters, and you wish you had another excuse just to touch him. 
“I appreciate that miss,” he says and you can feel your cheeks warm up. 
“Oh! I also got you something else!” You say. Joel looks perplexed. Going back to your backpack, you grab the bag of coffee. 
“I don’t know if you like coffee or not, but I found this bag and…” Joel cuts of you off.
“I LOVE coffee,” he empathizes the word love. You smile, and for the first time you see him smile back. He takes the bag, and puts it up to his nose taking a long inhale. 
“Where did you get this?” He asks, eyes growing wide. 
“The abandoned Stop & Shop right out of the QZ. You’d be surprised what’s still laying around.” “Just gotta know where to look, I suppose,” he says. “Want me to make you a cup?” “I’d like that,” you say. 
“Well sit down,” Joel says as he makes his way to the kitchen. You begin to make yourself comfy on the worn out couch. You start to feel giddy, but try not to show it. Before everything went to shit, you never really dated and you were worried you would come off too desperate. Joel returns with two cups of warm coffee. 
“Want some sugar? I don’t have cream,” he asks. 
“Yeah that would be awesome,” You say trying to sound collected. He grabs some sugar packets, sets them down on the coffee table and sits next to you. 
“Why’d you get me this?” He asks. 
“Well… it’s not just for you its for Tommy too,” you tease. “And it’s my way of saying ‘I’m sorry for stealing your stuff.’” Joel laughs. 
“Seriously,” you say, “That wasn’t my best moment and I don’t want you to think I’m some low life thief.” “No no, I understand you gotta do what you gotta do for your people,” Joel pauses, “and honestly I kinda admire that.” He looks at you, and you can’t help but look back. 
“We do what we have to for our people,” you say. There’s a moment of pause. He sets his coffee down, and wrap his arm on your side of the couch. You feel overwhelmed with excitement, and begin to blush as you look down at your jeans. 
“I didn’t want to hurt you that day,” he says and you look back up. 
“I appreciate that Joel,” You say back, lifting your head up to look at him again. 
“Besides, who would wanna hurt a sexy little thing like yourself,” he says grabbing your face and pulling you in for a kiss. The moment your lips met excitement rushed through your body. Your tongues danced together and you put your arms around his broad shoulders. His arms slide down your back, making their way to your ass. You let out a small moan. Your hands slide down from his shoulders feeling his chest. 
“What if I stole those cards just to get your attention?” you whisper to him. 
“It worked,” he says pulling you in for another kiss. As you’re making out, you kick off your shoes and begin to straddle him, rubbing your hips along his groin, feeling his member grow by the moment. He lets out a sigh, and gazes back at you. Feeling nothing but lust, but also being a little awkward, you lift your arms up in the air. He chuckles, and grabs your shirt exposing your bra. His eyes widen again, and he begins to put his large hands around you attempting to unclasp the bra. You help him,
“Sorry, I’ve had this thing forever and it’s kinda hard to get off,” you giggle as you unclasp the bra, letting the bra fall off and exposing your breasts to him. 
“It ain’t no thing baby,” he says fondling your breasts, “They’re beautiful,” he says before putting his mouth on your left nipple and begins to circle his tongue around it. 
“Fuck that feels so good Joel,” you say throwing your head back. If this is what he’s doing to your nipples, you can only imagine where else that tongue could be. You move back towards him, unbuttoning his worn flannel and exposing his chest, perfectly covered in coarse dark hair, your eyes make your way down to his belt, and begin to unclasp. Your hands are shaking, it’s been so long since you’ve felt a man. Even then, any lay you had mainly came out of pure sexual frustration. This was the first time you’ve been intimate with someone you were this attracted to. 
Pulling his jeans down, you see the outline of his cock in his boxers. Without thinking, you let out an audible gasp. 
“Like what you see sweetheart?” Joel says in that sweet Texas accent. 
“Mhmm,” you look up to him and smile before you pull down his boxers exposing his huge cock. You begin to lick at the base, cupping his balls and making your way up to its head. Your eyes widen, and you look up at him before swirling your tongue around the tip.
“Oh fuck y/n,” Joel groans grasping the fabric of the couch around him. You begin to put all of him into your mouth, inch by inch. You’ve never sucked on a cock this big and delicious before, and you wanted to show him you could take all of him. You feel his tip hit the back of your throat, and you begin to loosen up your muscles as you start taking all of him, inch by inch. 
“Don’t hurt yourself darlin’” Joel smirks. Taking that challenge, you breathe deep through your nose and finally your lips meet the base of his shaft. He grabs your hair and bunches into a makeshift pony tail. He pushes your head down then back up while you gag. Your eyes begin to water,
“That’s a good girl… that’s a good fucking girl,” he groans as he pulls you up, his cock glistening with your saliva and his precum. He pulls you in and begins making out with you, but this time his tongue dominates yours. He pushes you down, with your back on the couch and he hastily pulls off your jeans. You’re down to a black cotton thong.
“You wear those just for me?” He gives you a mischievous smile. You knew you wanted this, and although you hadn’t planned for this, you didn’t want to disappoint. 
“You’re too handsome to risk not wearing them,” you respond with a smile. 
“Thatta girl,” he says as he begins to run his fingers over the fabric. Your legs begin to squirm and you moan. He slips his fingers underneath your thong and begins to circle around your opening. Feeling your wetness, he moves it up to your clit and begins pressing down in a circular motion. 
“Oh Joel that feels so good,” you gasp. “You’re so good at that,” you exclaim. 
“You ain’t seen nothing yet baby girl,” he says. He gently removes the panties with his teeth, his bread brushing down your leg. He parts your legs further, and buries his head in your pussy. He moves his tongue up and down your folds, leading you to moan in pleasure. No man has ever been this attentive to your needs. “I wanna make you feel as good as you made me,” he says looking up to catch his breath. 
“You’re doing a really good job baby,” you sigh. He then moves his tongue to your clit, circling around as his rough, calloused fingers begin to enter and exit you in a steady motion. You scream, “FUCK that feels so good, yeah keep doing that Joel, fuck,” as you arch your back. Your hips start to buck back and forth, and are in tandem with his large, thick fingers. Feeling a sense of pressure and build up, your moans get loader and you begin to shake. You don’t know what’s gotten into you, sex has never felt this good before. 
“Keep fucking me with your fingers, fuck right there Joel!” You gasp. You start to squirm, and you can feel your walls tightening. 
“AAAHHHHHHH OOHHH JOEL FUUCKK,” you scream, then squirm away from his head. You relax your back and take a deep breath. You’ve never felt this good, and he hasn’t even entered you yet. 
“Did you cum baby?” Joel asks, as if it wasn’t obvious. 
“I…I think so?” You say.
“What do you mean you ‘think’ so?” Joel asks with a smirk. “I’ve never felt that good before. That was incredible,” you say. 
“This isn’t your first time?….” Joel trails off. 
“No! Of course not. I’ve just never had someone make me feel like that,” you say with a sense of euphoria. He looks up at you and gives you the most handsome smile while brushing his bread on your thighs, “You good to keep going darlin’?” He asks. “Fuck yes,” you reply, edger to feel him inside you. 
He gets on top of you, and you run your hands up his chest to his shoulders. He leans in and kisses you with a starved passion. You can feel his cock rubbing against your pussy and you let out a moan.
“Mmm Joel I want you so bad,” you whisper in his ear. 
“You’re gonna take all of me,” he whispers back. He starts to slide the tip in and you widen your legs, wrapping your calves around the back of his thighs. He looks down, breathing heavily, and begins to enter you more. You feel a slight burn as he goes deeper and deeper, becoming more pleasurable every second. You gasp as he slowly puts his cock all the way inside you. 
“Does it hurt?” He asks as you wince slightly. 
“No baby, just go slow. Its been a while,” you say gazing up at his beautiful hazel eyes. He makes out with you as he rocks back and forth, each motion you adjust to his size more. 
“Fuck y/n you’re so tight,” he growls. You let out a moan, grab his hand and lace your fingers around it. He picks up the pace, and your inner walls wet with excitement. “You feel so good inside me,” you say with pure joy. He starts thrusting even faster. You throw your head back, “Yes Joel keep fucking me like that.” He lets go of your hand and brings his fingers to your mouth. You immediately open your mouth as he inserts his fingers and you begin sucking them while gazing into his eyes. “You’re so sexy, y/n,” he groans as his fingers exit your mouth. He brings them down to your clit and begins rubbing it in perfect rhythm to his thrusts. Your walls begin to tighten and you let out, “Oh fuck Joel! That feels so good, yes!” 
“Tell me when you’re about to cum babygirl,” he says. You tighten your grip around his cock, causing him to groan out your name. You feel pressure building up around your clit as he thrusts into you. Your body tightens and you grab onto his rugged forearms. “I’m gonna cum.” “Cum for me baby, I wanna hear you scream my name,” he replies. Your thighs begin to shake and you take a deep breath, “Joel fuck I’m cumming,” you yell as you arch your back and let out a high pitched sound. “There you go baby, let it all out,” he says, going even faster as he kisses your neck. You wrap your arms around him and begin to dig your nails into his back. “I love your cock so much baby,” you say.
“Yeah you like that? You like when I fuck you like this?” He asks
“Yes sir,” you sigh back. “You fuck me so good.” “I’m so close baby,” he says as he grabs your mouth and kisses you more. He groans into your kisses, then pulls his face away, “Where do you want me to cum?” He asks. “On my face, I want you to cover me,” you say smiling. He pulls out of you, moves his cock onto your face and you grab it while he sprays you with his seed. You open your tongue as he looks down as you make sure some of gets in your mouth. You look up and him and move your arms up his side as he smiles down at you. “Now that’s a good girl,” he says as he strokes your hair. 
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atanx · 1 year
Just finished Yakuza 3 so here's some of my thoughts:
Richardson and Kiryu talking at each other in different languages was so funny to me. Like they don't understand each other yet stubbornly keep talking as if they did XD
RIKIYA DYING WAS SO UNNECESSARY FOR THE PLOT WHYY like Kiryu has GOT to get rid of his stupid habit of leaving defeated enemies to their devices around various lethal objects (especially guns). Because they always, ALWAYS get back up. I'm not saying he should kill them. But like secure them in SOME way. Start carrying around some rope or something. I'm not ashamed to admit that I cried.
Damn, Mine, babygirl, you are so beyond fucked up you need therapy BAD
Poor Daigo like imagine getting shot, being in a coma and you wake up on a rooftop in fucking december, toes freezing off, falling off of a hospital bed and immediately being greeted with the sight of several gun wielding assholes. You shoot them, still confused about what's going on (why tf is your father-figure of sorts there? Why is the dude u wished was ir boyfriend there? WHY ARE THEY SHIRTLESS AND BLOODY). Then ur crush starts spouting cryptic shit, the dude you shot somehow still has fight in him and to save you, your crush charges at him, getting shot multiple times and then tells you that he doesnt deserve to live before throwing himself off the roof. You've been awake for three minutes.
Also Haruka slapping Mine was EPIC. She should have kept going, kicked Mine in the shin, bitten his arm etc all feral foaming-at-the-mouth chihuahua mode
Also Mine feeling good about himself for having slapped a teen back. A grown ass adult. Like damn dude has issues
I'm stilk very upset about Rikiya. Like one moment I would run away from him in the Kamurocho streets and giggle with a warm feeling in my chest when he'd scream "ANIKII!!" and then the next he fell victim to this stupid gimmick of defeated opponents not being taken care of properly
I honestly feel like that gimmick is so overdone at this point
I think I did something wrong during the final boss battle because Mine was constantly going into this Jojo's bizarre adventure pose and regenerating health AND I had to do like the exact same QTE cutscene like four times even though I never failed it (besides the first time)
RIGHT I ALMOST FORGOT my steam screenshot folder is prob like 90% just various Majima facial expressions because I enjoyed them so much. Reminds me of that post going like "while older character models are kinda eh Majima's crowfeet in them slap!" and I really agree. I'm playing the games chronologically and when I got to YK2 something about Majima just looked extremely off but I couldn't put my finger on it. I think that's it tho they ironed him out and took away his wrinkles :(. Like obvs the model is still good it was just a weird change that I'm not sure why they implemented it. Anyway the Y3 Majima expressions are fucking precious especially the grins
Also pink truck scene probably best scene in the game it was so cute the way Majima was worried that he accidentally ran over Kiryu <3
I took way too long to finish this game because the old graphics are kind of jarring especially considering I played Judgement and Lost Judgement at the same time, but it was still a pretty good game. (another contributing factor was that for some reason the game doesn't allow me to do anything else on my PC besides access the taskbar while I'm playing it so taking short breaks is harder. The game literally does not allow for any apps to show up on screen) I'd really like a YK3 I think that would be epic especially to get an updated Rikiya model (I think there's an updated Mine model in Ishin? Idk anyway just more modern graphics would be really cool)
I can continue with Y4 now, which I'm really excited for because I've hears quite a bit of stuff about Akiyama and Saejima and this will be like the first proper contact with them and their storylines. I've actually started Y4 already and Akiyama has major cat energy to me
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nochiquinn · 2 years
legend of vox machina episode 1 + 2: hi matt
through the power of god and playing skyrim for eight hours straight I managed to stay unspoiled except for like. two inconsequential things.
oh I dig this "your turn to roll" remix
I cannot imagine what went into putting this on. like the logistics make my head hurt.
however I am slightly salty that I have been bullied into using chrome for this
five minuteeeeeees I have exceeded the speed of light
I love scanlan being front and center, making up for the first campaign guide cover
was that fucking beat-up vax art behind liam
how many years? that can't be right. that feels like too many.
I will forever be enraged that one more person couldn't get in the kickstarter
they let david tennant do a cuss
so glad keyleth not being able to hold any amount of drink remains canon
vax that's not sanitary
hmmm didn't need that
oh there's the tits that one review was talking about
scanlan does what batman can't
I'm so glad to still get to hear matt's trinket noises
I probably already said that but it's still true
they said the thing
vax is me
I continue the tradition of removing my earbuds for at least part of scanlan's music
"mainly bc I like the bear" correct
I am LOVING the twin body doubling
mala: big earth king energy here
sigh, it is weird not to hear matt as allura
like her voice is absolutely fitting but I have one million years of association to break
allura stole vax's line smh
I Love Her
hi matt
leave pike alone, she was only there for half the campaign
I'm assuming that was sam and liam's kids
since vax isn't getting his foot burned off we have to have regular-people romantic development
dragon prince dragon design but with a budget!
changes twitter handle to Dumb Brave Asshole
[builds a wall around keyleth before people who don't know better start in on her]
chekov's hand
friends to lovers to divorcees
but's who's ON the council
like sad buddies. but buddies.
vax :(
"thinking of a rhyme for dead dragon"
goddammit, I'm still not free from midnight channel musical
great, now quarters are gonna make me cry
of course taliesin's favorite memories are drunk keyleth
the fact that I came back from the bathroom just as laura went "stop peeing"
hi matt
ohhh that lightning breath animation with it coming up from its gullet
"that was a red dragon, years ago"
"how did you survive" wouldn't YOU like to know, BRIMSCYTHE
see when I named my beta fish brimscythe I wasn't expecting to ever have this mental conflict
(rip brimscythe)
"we hid and it flew away"
vex and percy with joint custody of the brain cell
"knock it off gil it's us"
the BOY
every time pike's armor clinks I just think of the "CLANK CLANK CLANK" stealth rolls
wait was that sprinkle on the shelf
"I don't give a wet fart what she thinks" now say that where she can hear you
I missed grog so goddamn much
d o o r
so far scanlan is 80% of the swear words by volume, which is correct
the rug
oh are we still getting Grumpy Anti-Vaxleth Vex
Favored Terrain
percy unaffected by the gold
OH that transformation animation, put it in my VEINS
the narrative necessity to take grog "human cuisinart" strongjaw out of the fight early
"we HAVE no best!"
pose as a team bc SHIT JUST GOT REAL
there are many benefits to being a bunch of assholes
of course the troll dick comes with
vax :(
oh they DO have the keep!
it is probably not still called greyskull
"we have a home" lays on the floor and cries
sdkjflskj sylas' voice
mala: amazing 10/10 best $20 I ever spent
you can tell david tennant had so much fun as krieg
I will not be doing the watch parties
so my kid will NOT be watching this but I sure as fuck will, many many times
AND there's the battle royale on thursday, this week is designed to kill me
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chiffoncakke · 3 years
Names I think UA students would call their S/O
Note: I’m not into what other fan content creators make so sorry if I happen to suggest some that they already suggested or made a thing in the fandom. This is just an excuse for me to cry over these characters like none of this should be taken seriously except for maybe Sato's one 😅
Kirishima: very sweet almost a lil cringey but he's a manly man so he doesn't care. Something like diamond, rocky road, my rock (and you reply back my roll 😭) baby girl/baby boy/baby boo, my ruby,
If you're much softer he may also call you my rose, petal, fluffer/fluffy/fluff ... something cute that shows off how precious and delicate he sees you compared to him
Bakugou: He'll call you by your name most of the time, he likes it, it sounds nice to him and it's not "mushy"
If you guys have the dynamic he may also call you bitch, dumbass, idiot, but you have to call him that back too, rile him up a bit for funsies. He lowkey loves it when you clapback. If he's feeling soft you may hear my cherry bomb, spice bun, hottie if he's feeling flirty or just a simple babe.
Midoriya : Precious baby keeping it classic, expect a lot of my love and angel, but also some special ones like my number one, my strength and lucky charm. If he's feeling flirty he'll deffo call you cutie.
"Hey cutie-" BYEEEE
Todoroki: Another sweetheart that predominantly calls you by your name, he loves saying it, but during the colder months he may get a little creative especially around holidays like Christmas, may have heard about the mistletoe tradition and realised he likes kissing you so why not call you mistletoe? Or maybe one Valentine's day it snowed and he calls you snowflake? Not as a boomer/incel insult but because you're one of a kind to him and so pretty...
Jirou: If you're in public it's just your name abbreviated in a cute way or maybe a hun or my dear because bless her she's a little bit shy, she makes up for it with some pda, I promise. And when you're alone it's cute things like melody, songbird if you two like to sing together, my dream, reverie (music students rejoice) or my one and only. Please shower my pop star with affection.
Sero: I love the Latino headcanons so much 🥺 but I feel like he'd only call you angelito/angelita, cielito/cielita if you also speak Spanish too. Mi Amor definitely. If he's feeling a lil flirty you'd hear mami/papi/bebecita/bebecito. Otherwise it's classic names like sugar and babygirl/babyboy/baby
Okay, hear me out... he's a bit of a comedian and a little cheeky, like I feel when he's tryna tease you or be a dork to make you squirm he'd say stick-icky (coz you know... tape. And it's also an innuendo) or shawty /mamas but in a forced voice to make you laugh
"Mmm... my sticky icky, what's up shawty?"
*insert f-boi pose and lipbite* 😂
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Iida: Very high class, worships the ground you walk on. Wants you to feel special everytime he talks to you. Expect darling, my light, princess/prince, my queen/king, my love... when he wants to make you laugh he acts all chivalrous and in a bad old english voice says m'lady/m'lord. Calls you my precious but not in a gollum voice, he's actually head over heels in love with you, it'd so sincere you have to melt.
"Y/n, my precious darling..." Excuse me while I cry-
Asui: Raindrop. That’s it and that’s all we need. Tsu pls pat my head and call me raindrop. I will walk through fire to be called raindrop 🥺
Kaminari: Very quirk related and cringey too but it's okay when it comes from him. Flash, my lil' hot wire, amp, pika + chu (he calls you one and you call him the other 🥺) bolt/lil'bolt and omg... baby cakes would be so cute too oof.
Also, I feel like Denki (and Mirio!) would be the type of boyfriend to use those really sappy nicknames. You know, the pookie bear and shnookums type of guys. Big time simp who just wants to love you.
Aoyama: Super flashy and daring, doesn’t care where or when, he wants the world to know you’re his love. Expect names like star, sparkle, my sweet flower, diamond, my jewel, showgirl/showboy 🤩 if you’re into lotr he may joke around and say my precious. May flex his language and call you mon cheri, bambino mon trésor... very cosmopolitan and honestly it’s what you deserve, baddie with a well dressed, princely boy. 
Hagakure: Sis is bold and speaks her mind. Shes calling you sexy and there's nothing you can do about it. She's calling you Pumpkin. Very cute, endearing and on brand with my good sis.
Tokoyami: Okay here me out. I don't think he's big on nicknames. He does however show his affection through writing. His penmanship? Immaculate.
He's the type to leave notes and letters using profound, beautiful and sometimes macabre imagery and metaphors to describe how he feels about you and how he sees you. He may not call you baby all the time but you'll get a note from him comparing your beauty to that of a full moon or how his soul is drowning in a river that is his own obsession with you and he awaits the day his soul is no longer drowning and just peacefully engulfed in you (I'm no poet, but like imagine a very deep goth guy making you feel like a god amongst mortals because of how much they love you, that's the vibe we going for)
That being said. If you want a nickname of course he'll choose one for you. It’ll be something kinda gothic but romantic. Maybe a little poetic that echoes victorian/edwardian romance, something like dark one, belladonna/nightshade, my phantom, my shadow, my rose, bat, raven, nebula (dark and fathomless) baby goth (if you consider yourself one), moonlight, my adored girl/boy/darling... I may or may not be obsessed with this edgelord.
Koda: Cute pet names, prolly critter related like bunny, kitty (not kitten, kitty is cute), angel, bluebird, baby bear, dove, ladybug (you prolly had encountered one and it shook him to his core only to later realise how pretty they are), bambi and bub. My shy baby is too pure for this world oof 😭
Shoji: Prefers to call you by your name, he likes it. Sometimes you'll get classic nicknames but coming from him they sound so genuine and special. Princess/Prince, love, beauty/beautiful, pretty... he really thinks you’re gorgeous, like he’s always just looking at you ready to protect your smile
Yaoyorozu: Darling. Classy, chic and adorable. Like miss Momo herself. Or maybe a bougie dessert like Éclair. Or First Lady/First Gentlemen/First Consort since you're rocking with the president. You get a bossed up title too.
Amajiki: Whimsical and precious names like pixie, my little butterfly (i would swallow a pair of jeans with no water to hear him say that), fairy, nymph... if you have ears similar to his maybe he’d call you elf... If he’s feeling really soft you may hear angel, cherub or my love when you’re cuddling or alone together... oof I adore this boy. 
Togata: Very cheesy and dumb but I can imagine him singing million dollar pussay /bussay in the Nicki Minaj voice if you guys are on that wavelength and make jokes like that, he’ll do anything to see that smile of yours, even make a fool of himself. Otherwise it’s bright and cheerful nicknames like sunshine, sunflower, my summer, morning star, aurora, hot stuff, bee, and super sappy ones like sunny bunny and schmoopy-kins and omg... cuddlebug.
Sato: Baker boy names his beloved after treats like sweetie pie, honeybun, sugar, sweets, cupcake, pastelito, bon-bon... I feel like if nobody’s around, he’s gonna call you things like juicy baby, squishy, my cloud... just spewing out how good you feel when he holds you. He looks like a hugger and a good one at that.
Shinso: Real sweet and personal, darling, my little zombie (arised once when he accidentally used his quirk on you and stuck), pretty, kitty, the classic babe, if you give off the vibe then probably a flower name like a very specific one and only that flower. May also try my voice every now and then.
Ashido: Bubbly and playful nicknames that just put a spring in your step like sweetie, baby, bubbles, cutiepie.
She's also got a sense of humour... she may tease you with baddie with a fattie, or gas you up with queen/king (it's what you deserve, wear Mina's love like a crown) And you know she'd call you zaddy just to get you to laugh, usually followed by a wink. And yes zaddy is gender neutral.
Mashirao: Simple and cute names like BB, Bae, love, champ, beautiful...idk why but I feel like he'd make a unique nickname based on your name and something about you, something nobody else calls you too 💓
Uraraka: Classic ones like Honey and Sweetie but also some quirky ones like Space girl/boy/love, supernova and my alien. I know she prolly wants to call Deku my lil astronaut but has no idea how yet.
Mineta: What wouldn't he call you? Okay lemme be nice... Baby. Hottie. He's gonna seriously say Kitten instead of Kitty I just know it...
Bonus!! - Inasa: Passionate and quirk related as he should! My breath, my air, my oxygen, lil' cloud, cloudbaby, my wife/husband/endgame, zephyr, summer breeze, whisp, breezy, literal love of my life... and you know he's not going to settle with one. You will be hearing a mix of them all until the end of time. He's so excited and loves expressing how he feels about you. Let my big baby do what he does best.
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bokugaos · 3 years
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pairing: Bokuto x f!reader
length: 4.3k
summary: You are taken away and kept as the yakuza head’s trophy toy in exchange for clearing your father’s debt.
tags — traditional yakuza AU, dubcon, breeding, spanking, overstimulation, cum bulge.
a/n: (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ this is a secret santa gift for @kuroos-babygirl​! it’s also my first fic of 2021 and we’re starting the year right!!~ HAPPY NEW YEAR <33
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You look so petulant and angry in your defeat and sink down on your knees as soon as you are dropped off to your own feet inside the walls of the estate. Still you press your clamped hands against your lips, and murmur encouragement for yourself.
“It’s okay. Everything is going to be okay.”
Your mouth is trembling in frustration—it makes Bokuto’s victory all the sweeter. He can tell that you haven’t heard him approach because you flinch back when his shadow suddenly falls across you.
Your pupils become little pinpricks of fear, then dilate again when the first confusion settles as you stare up at the yakuza boss, remembering why he is standing there now, tapping his foot impatiently.
He is slightly hunched over, yet still towering so high above you. A menacing grin slowly stretches his mouth. He looks a lot less tired when he smiles—and a lot less creepy. It doesn’t keep your heart from throbbing. You stare up at him quietly, your thoughts running across your face clear as day—so when you try to flee, he already knows about it long before you even move the first muscle. His arm shoots out to grab your hair and keep you right where you are.
“A deal’s a deal.” he murmurs into your grimacing face. You reach up and curl your hands around his wrist, but… it appears that he doesn’t even feel your fingers around him.
Bokuto doesn’t do deals with just any commoners, but your father is in too much debt, one that he wouldn’t even be able to pay back in an entire lifetime. Your father knows that, and the yakuza lord does too. Hence why he very kindly offered to clear the debt in exchange for, well, you. And of course, your parents agreed in a heartbeat. If there was even a slight hesitation or remorse of the fact that you were practically being sold to the city’s lord, your parents didn’t show any of it. You clench your thighs together, belly tight and prickly, tears ready to spill from your eyes.
Bokuto’s smile widens. The fist he has in your hair tightens and as you wince and whine, he pulls you closer to push your face against the growing bulge beneath his hakama.
He moves his hips, fucking against your face while you make choked little sounds and half-heartedly try to turn yourself away despite you becoming stupidly excited at the heat and smell of his dick through the fabric. You could use your hands to push him off of you, but you don’t.
“Take all your clothes off. The maids will take care of them.”
You pause at that. You’ve forgotten that you’re not alone.
You start to glance around as much as possible while he distractingly keeps smearing his bulge against your face. There are shadows slinking around the edges of the buildings.
You know that none of them would be able to help you.
It is rather embarrassing to admit this, but Bokuto takes care of you better than your parents ever did. He makes sure the servants make you good food, drapes you in lavish clothes, have you bathed in the finest of flowers; practically everything you’ve ever dreamed of about being in the higher class in the society.
And yet, you still spend your time as if you’re counting down the days to your release from a place so godforsaken. At this rate, and with the way you are behaving, you are quickly becoming more of an embarrassment to him than something he can show off.
Hurriedly spreading out the futon and sitting on the edge of it, he pulls you into his lap, only slightly sated by hearing your small yelp of surprise. He quickly locates the hem of your kimono and pushes it up to bunch at your waist, not even bothering to untie your obi. You try to get a word out at the same time his open palm comes down hard against the flesh of your exposed ass, and any would-be protests die in your throat.
Silently fuming, Bokuto holds you in place with a firm hand on the small of your back. Holding you close like this while also getting to take out his disappointment on you satisfied several needs at once, save for a particular need he only becomes aware of when the feeling of your belly against his crotch becomes too good to ignore.
However, his conscience sternly urges him to hold back. You are not perfect yet. This is not the right time.
If you are not responding to his graciousness, maybe you are the type who learns from being punished.
Once that thought crosses his mind, Bokuto feels like a man possessed as he hoists you off of his lap and onto the futon. You fall on your front with little more than a muted sound of surprise, and he pins you down with his own body before you can even attempt to find your bearings. In his haste to fulfill the desire that has finally been fully recognized, he begins tearing away your intricately wrapped kimono. You are in no position to refuse his grabbing hands, though you do become bolder in your soft cries of protest. You are becoming confident enough to use your words.
So Bokuto holds you in such a way to force you further against the sheets, quite literally taking your breath away. He is much, much bigger and stronger than you, holding all of your struggling limbs at once with ease.
He pins your arms behind your back and moves on to your legs and seizes you specifically by your ankles to spread them open in a humiliating pose. The position left your pussy open and vulnerable to him, and he can’t rid himself of his hakama fast enough. He catches sight of you glancing over your shoulder just in time to see his hard, leaking cock, and the look of fear on your face practically has him throbbing. When he grabs your thighs and aligns the tip with your distinctly unaroused entrance, he shoves in as deep as your body will allow.
You can no longer keep your pain silent, the pathetic cries bubbling out over your quivering lips as he holds you tight and prepares to spear in further. Your walls are beginning to grow slick from what he suspects is not desire but necessity, as the experience would have been much more painful than it needs to be if you were not at least a little wet. Every thrust slowly becomes easier, but the delicious resistance of your tight body remains dominant.
Bokuto buries himself within you and only moves his hips slightly at first, before starting a pace that wrings out the volume you are still holding back. You are crying out like a bitch in heat and it only encourages him to fuck you harder.
Bokuto hoists you back up just enough to arch your back towards him. This way he is able to look into your eyes, brimming with emotion and the primal fear of prey that felt its flesh being torn apart by a predator. He groans as his hand moves to your throat, holding you tight so he can feel you tremble and gasp for breath.
“I’ve been very patient. I gave everything you needed to adjust to living here with me. Yet you still refuse to fulfill your purpose,” he murmurs harshly, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear with every word. “If you continue to refuse me, you’ll be sorry.”
With little more than a grunt of exertion, he spills himself directly into your abused womb. His hand slowly lets up its grip on your throat and you are able to breathe, though each breath comes out ragged and pitiful. Your body falls slack against the futon as soon as he lets you go, and he moves in to catch your legs and lift them up. Then he shifts to move closer to you, pulling you close and slipping a hand downwards to scoop up his release and push it back inside of you.
He feels you shiver against him when he presses his lips to the back of your shoulder. The hand that is not between your thighs is idly rubbing your belly, and his voice came out smooth as silk. “Don’t disappoint me again, you hear me?”
You are quiet, but Bokuto knows better than to read this as hesitation. It is more like you are tired and trying to catch your breath, or to find the proper words to say.
You are not yet in love with the idea, but rather, it’s as if you are at peace. Like you are finally coming to terms with what your life is now. The thought brings a bright grim to Bokuto’s face. Acceptance constitutes progress too, and it brings you one step closer to perfection.
There are many days where he is rough with you. Bokuto has taken over leadership at a very young age, and oftentimes, he takes his aggravation with him and takes it out on you. Part of him is dimly aware of this, but not aware enough to make him stop. Today is one of those days, and he is in a sour mood, desperately in need of both an outlet to pour his anger out and consolation.
You are shivering when Bokuto returns to the room, his steps heavy even on the carpeted floor. It is not exactly cold but you are naked, without even a single strand of hair out of place and your slender neck is on display just as the rest of you, and so nothing gets caught within any straps and hinges.
It is more the trepidation—and anticipation—that has you nervously dancing in place despite the thing he has carefully strapped you into a few minutes earlier. The wood is polished within an inch of its life, cinched around your neck and wrists, keeping you forced to bend over, ass to the door—just another little twist to his games that will keep you nervous and whiny because the thought of someone else stumbling in and getting an eyeful of your cunt is getting you tingly all over.
His little slut.
For the first time, Bokuto stays quiet. He is known as loud and boisterous young yakuza boss across the land, so to experience this silence is extremely unnerving for you. He does not even address you as he makes his way over with slow, heavy steps, but the thick air in the room makes his labored breathing all the louder.
It’s as if your cunt is glowing like a stop sign between your thighs, beckoning him closer. He wants to drag his fingers through the soft gape of your lips and pay some attention to your plump clit; torture it with some mean pinching like he knows you’ll go crazy for, but first, he slowly rounds to the front to have a look at your expression.
Your eyebrows are furrowed, anticipating his every move. You try to look up at him but his height and your position makes it impossible. He reaches for your chin, and you try to turn away from it but he grabs you anyway and slowly leans down, bringing his face very close to yours. You jerk away and abruptly avert your gaze elsewhere when you remember that you’re not supposed to look at him—not yet, not until he gives you the permission to—but he can see your face: bright and every bit scared as is excited.
He breathes slowly and measured, staring at you a bit longer just to unsettle you—then he lets go of your face and carefully tucks a lock of your hair back behind your ear. Some of the nervous fear seems to vanish from your expression after that.
Satisfied that everything is back in order, Bokuto stands back up and rounds you, watching the sway of your tits hanging down, and how your nipples are already swollen and needy. He pinches one—hard—and you cry out in surprise, your hips jerk as you automatically try to get away from the pain and realize you can’t go anywhere.
“No!” You whine, but it sounds weak. Your voice is trembling. He ignores you and pinches again, slower this time; increasing the pressure bit by bit until you start whining louder and louder, your knees bending then stretching again as you try to somehow mitigate the pain radiating off the tip of your breast.
He pulls down slowly, stretching the tissue until your whining becomes a short, rough cry of real pain, then he lets abruptly go.
When he leans over, he can see your cunt clench and relax desperately, slick already starting to glisten at the opening. You’ve always been a slut for pain.
He rounds you slowly, making a show out of letting his belt jingle loudly so you know he’s getting his cock out. You start whining again but a sharp two-fingered slap to your cunt has you shut up quickly.
Bokuto presses down with one big hand on the small of your back until you bend for him to have a comfortable grip on your hips as he drags the wide head of his cock through the valley of your ass.
Finally, it catches at the pouty rim of your pussy, pressing against it and forcing it to start spreading for the massive intrusion. He can hear you gasp for breath and he smirks in triumph.
“Squeal for me,” he murmurs, deep and ominous, then presses forward in earnest.
You do, because there’s no way you can keep quiet when Bokuto is fucking you open on his dick. You spread your toes against the carpet and curl them, trying to twitch out of the way but being held in place by his huge hands and his heavy weight on your back.
You are pinned in place, made to take his cock—basically letting him use you anyway he wants—and you couldn’t be more happy that he’s not hurting you too much, even though it is so very scary. You trust him, deep down. Of course you do.
But when you are like this, deep in your head space and reduced to a breeding sow gagging for dick, it is difficult to remember that you are nothing else but a trophy for him.
Bokuto tells you to squeal—and you obey. Simple as that.
His cock digs into your hole, spreading you so wide you are sure you are going to tear right through the middle. You don’t know when he stops existing as Bokuto in your mind and becomes your owner; domineering, possessive and belittling.
“Gonna put some little babies in you, yeah? Get your belly so swollen you can only waddle around.”
The words settle like hot coals in your belly, burning through you and sparking electric and delicious at the tips of your nipples. Bokuto can be really mean to you when he is angry. And while you are scared of his wrath, his words only serve as the fuel for your slippery slide down the slope. “Have to piss standing up because you’d not be able to get back up by yourself.”
You groan low—more a gurgle, really—and helplessly clench down on the big fat dick fucking into you. With everything compounded, you feel hot and suffocated. He’s fucking destroying you from the inside out, starting at your poor womb that will get massively dilated by the time he is done with what he is going to put into you.
Because that’s what you’re meant to be. He wants you to be waddling around with your holes sloppy and gaping from that massive dick of his you regularly get. Think about the others seeing you like that and knowing exactly that you’re nothing more than a disgusting breeding sow, made to be pumped full of his cum.
He fucks you like a beast and you grunt with every filling of his dick you receive. You can feel his balls swinging between your thighs; full and ripe, ready to fill you up until your belly is distending and your guts are gurgling with the cum he’s filling you with.
He increases his pace and you’ve never felt more animalistic; he groans deep and drawn-out, his hands cupping your belly to feel it starting to bulge with the sheer amount of cum he’s flooding your with while your eyes roll up into your head and your tongue is lolling out, drooling onto your chin, undignified and animalistic.
When he pulls out, it is not smooth. Even the head of his cock is big, and despite the massive spread of your pussy lips, it gets caught behind it anyway and needs to be dragged out with a humiliating wet pop like a plug getting pulled.
His cum immediately starts flowing as you can’t help but bear down, knees bending and clit pulsating needy and ripe between your thighs when the warm mess slides down your thighs as if you had pissed yourself in your excitement.
You don’t notice much of what is going on around you, not when he unclasps the thing from your neck and wrists, until big hands carefully touch you and turn you around into his big arms.
He carefully pats your cheek with a wide fingertip until you blearily blink open your eyes that feel glued-shut from the tears.
His anger should have dissipated by now, because there is a spark of affection in his bright, gold eyes and he nods before cradling you closer to his wide chest with one arm as the hand of the other descends between your thighs.
He’s gentle as his massive fingers slide into your cunt, fucking you slow and gentle while his thumb presses just this side of pleasurable against your swollen clit, dragging painfully tight circles into it until your body is strung tight as a bow string again, your teeth clenched together, sharp little nails digging into his huge forearm.
He keeps at it until you come, messy and loud, crying out as you jerk in his secure hold and gets everything wet as you squirt and he fucks you through it all.
Afterwards he holds you close, warming you with his massive body as he gently rocks you and leans his cheek against your forehead.
Bokuto can be awfully affectionate like that.
And that’s the only sign you need to see that he adores you just as much as you trust him… so far. But trust and security is different from love, and you’re not sure if you will ever be able to. He’s your owner and nothing more, and you’d be naive to think otherwise.
Even though you’ve grown accustomed to his presence as well as your new life in the estate, you still tense at the sound of his footsteps as they draw closer and closer over the floor.
You are still not sure about just how much you are allowed to see—your every question in that regard is easily ignored.
By now, you are more eager—as much as that makes you loathe yourself to admit it. You begin to anticipate his visits, lying on your back on the lush mattress he equips your room with and fucking your hole with your fingers as fast as you can without getting a cramp in his arm.
Your loud whimpers suffuse the air and bring an indulgent, broad grin onto Bokuto’s face as soon as he finally emerges in the doorjamb.
“So eager, my feather,” he purrs, slowly collapsing the stick in itself. He strolls casually to where you are wriggling on the sheets, and you turn your face away from him, subsequently baring your throat. Predictably, a large hand finds it without problem as if that’s the only thing his eyes are focused on.
“Are you ready this time?” he rumbles, the deep voice making you shiver and your nipples tighten into sensitive, little nubs. You wet your lips with a quick tongue, legs spreading wide for the hand stroking down his throat, between the valley of your breasts and down your abdomen, in order to vanish between your legs. A soft whine escapes you as he circles your hole, sensitive from getting fucked so often, before one of his fingers dips inside alongside your own fingers, making you strain and gasp.
“Is this… is this going to be the last time?” It is your standard question—almost like a ritual by now. It’s familiar to you like the broad length of Bokuto’s cock was, spreading you open and fucking you breathless. “Are you going to let me go after this?”
His lips stretch into another smile, his free hand stroking over your hair like a parent consoling their child.
“I told you I will breed you full,” he coos—just like always, seems like he’s in a good mood today. “Can’t let anyone see my little toy if she’s not well-bred now, can I?” He seems to take amusement in your predicament, setting you on edge, the humiliation driving ever deeper because you know you could do nothing against it.
You huff, ready to turn around and present your ass on all fours, but…
“Not this time. Stay just like that, beautiful.” Bokuto leans down, his voice—impossibly—dropping even lower as he slides onto the bed and between your thighs; still clothed.
He huffs a laugh, his tactile fingers sliding along your inner thighs, gently rubbing on the lips of your puffy, stretched hole, then curling two fingers inside you.
Your body is moving on its own—hips curling up into his stroking hand. You hate it. You love it.
“Have you been waiting long?” Bokuto asks in amusement, opening his own pants and drawing out that length that makes your mouth water and your hole clench in anticipation. Endorphins rush through your body, making you tingly and needy to be filled with nothing but his cock and cum.
You’ve already been trained so well by now… and from Bokuto’s triumphant grin, he is obnoxiously proud about it. Can’t wait to show you off and brag to his friends about his sweet little plaything; his trophy toy.
He leans down, his deep breaths ghosting along your collarbone. The fact that Bokuto likes your scent the most—he told you himself—and he likes to breathe you in while sucing on your neck, the artery there, feeling the pump of your blood there—is just as arousing as it is intimidating.
“You are... exquisite,” he whispers against your bare neck, dripping the words onto you like they were poetry even as the head of his cock slowly breaches you. You gasp—every time surprised at the fact that you could prepare yourself as much as you liked… Bokuto’s cock will still split you open and make you feel so fucking vulnerable.
“I will groom you to perfection.”
You whimper, eyes squeezing shut as his hips snap forward, driving himself in deep with the first thrust. He could feel tears prickling in the corners of your eyes, but whether from how much it burns (it still does, and you love it) or from the fact that he so casually tells you about his plans to corrupt you… you cannot tell. You don’t even want to tell.
You whimper, arms and legs curling around him, drawing him closer as he leisurely fucks you, his tongue and teeth scraping over your throat and collarbone.
“You are going to be the best there is.” Bokuto raises his head, mouthing along the line of your jaw. “Everyone else is going to wish that you’re theirs,” he sounded entirely too smug for that sentence, “but you’re mine. I own you. ”
You can feel Bokuto’s muscles flexing where your calves lay on his sides. He is so broad, so huge that you can barely wrap your whole body on him and yet… and yet…
Fuck, your whole body is primed to him. To this man brimming with strength and vitality and intellect.
Bokuto is the perfect owner to breed anyone… and your body welcomes him greedily—needy hole opening up despite the burn of the entry; just swallowing that cock again and again, clinging sweetly as if it loathes to let him out on every second stroke.
He laughs—low and painfully happy as if he has read your thoughts. The sound rumbles through his chest and directly into you, your toes curling and feet scrabbling at the backs of his thighs, fingernails scratching along his back as your lust spirals higher, soft sounds of satisfaction spilling out of your throat, no matter how hard you try to hold them back.
“Open up for me,” Bokuto whispers right into your ear—his voice sweet and deadly like poison. “Open up, sweet thing. Take it… take me.”
The last word is rasped in a low rumble—more carnal than human as he thrusts more harshly, grinding deep into you and making you cry with your head thrown back. You hear the breathy, rasping chuckle of him filling you up good and proper.
You love how satisfied you feel at being a good bitch for him.
Afterwards, when Bokuto is gone, you realize your face is wet. You think you must have been sweating more than you thought.
Yes. That’s it.
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meetmymouth · 4 years
then again sometimes i get really sweet (harry styles imagine)
this is PURE smut. p*ssy job and belly humping. don’t read if you’re like 13 or something.  word count: 5k+
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Three days. It's been three days since Y/N and Harry last had sex.  
Sure, they touched each other here and there: like when yesterday Harry fingered her in the shower and when the other day Y/N gave him a lazy hand job under the sheets when he had trouble falling asleep... but it wasn't the same.  
They were fine, they weren't fighting or anything but they were both so busy that as soon as Harry came home from the studio, he went straight for a shower then later they cuddled on the sofa until it was bed time. It was fine until last night when Y/N woke up humping the air while Harry slept peacefully next to her. But today, she thinks, she’s going to take the matters in her hands. The very hands she’s been using a lot on herself in the shower lately.
When they wake up at around eight that morning, Harry’s all sleepy smiles as he kisses her nose which earns a grimace from Y/N because of his morning breath but they both laugh it off in the end. They eat their breakfast in comfortable silence, a word or two leaving their mouths in between food, and Harry leaves the house after a kiss on the lips and a slap on the bum. Since today was the day he would be finalising one of the songs from his album, Harry wouldn’t take too long in the studio. Normally, Y/N would clean up, leaving the dishes in the dishwasher when they’re done for Harry to put back in where they belonged. But today, she steals another sip from Harry’s black coffee and makes her way upstairs into their bedroom, feeling all giddy.  
As soon as she gets rid of Harry’s tattered Pink Floyd t-shirt she had on, she lays on the bed and unplugs her phone from the charger. When she tries to get comfortable in the middle of the bed, she feels her boobs jiggle and the sensitive nipples harden at the movement. Fuck, she thinks, she would really love it if Harry were there: to be under him, to have his tongue swirling around her hardened nipples, him biting, pinching and slapping them... and maybe spitting on them then later bringing his cock onto her nipples and spreading his spit with his hardening length.  
She's now so wet that she can feel the tiny thong dampening between her thick thighs. She unlocks her phone and find her way through her favourite porn site.  
Her watching porn wasn’t a secret. Both Harry and Y/N loved it. Of course, it was always their last choice since they loved each other’s company and bodies but whenever they were by themselves and there was no way for them to get off together via phone calls and as such, they loved getting off to porn. They also loved watching together sometimes. They were both open to trying pretty much anything in bed as long as they both approved of it and talked about whatever that may be beforehand.  
In conclusion, they had a pretty healthy sex life. Until lately.  
Don’t get her wrong, their relationship wasn’t solely built on sex. They enjoyed each other’s company; quiet nights spent inside, eating takeaways until their stomachs can take no more and nights where they only cuddled and did nothing more.  
But she was horny. And she knew he was too at times because he seemed on edge most nights when they cuddled while watching Bake Off and she could feel him trying to move his lower half away from her ass because Harry wasn’t looking for a quick fuck. He wanted to take his time to devour her, to taste her properly and to fuck her for hours and hours.  
Now, in their bed, the smell of Harry’s shampoo imprinted on his pillow that surrounded the air, she touches her boobs with her right hand while the other holds her phone securely. The phone plays a filthy video of a girl touching her own wet pussy and it makes Y/N bite her lip. She brings her middle finger into her mouth and spits on it, and watching the spit run down her chin, her middle finger rubs her nipple. An ‘aah’ leaves her parted mouth at the contact.  
When the spit dries on her hardened nipples, she gives one last squeeze to both boobs before her shaking hand makes its way down her pudgy belly, towards where she needs some friction the most. She throws one leg on the raised sheets at her feet and whimpers when she feels her own juices breaking apart around her warm pussy with the movement of her leg.  
She doesn’t want to touch it. She’s not going to. Her plan was to edge herself until Harry comes home so she could get the full treatment. She ‘mmm’s at the thought of Harry and his thick, veiny cock that she loves the most. She imagines his hard length running up and down on her pussy, his swollen tip nudging the spongy nub and making a mess of her while he spreads the juices around. She whimpers and closes her legs at the thought, the lips moving freely with the help of her wetness. Another moan leaves her parted mouth and she locks the phone before throwing it onto Harry’s pillow next to her head. She presses her thighs harder and squeezes again numerous times to gain more fraction without getting her fingers involved. A low squeal leaves her mouth as she feels her juices cover the insides of her thighs.  
At the sound of a text message, she reaches for the phone, deciding that it’s enough edging for now and unlocks the phone.  
It’s Harry, cheesing to the camera with his infamous thumbs up pose and he’s letting Y/N know that he is:  
Finished for the day. Have the week off. Nearly homeee. X  
Something bubbles in her chest –and her pussy clearly– as he sends back a heart emoji.  
Leaving the phone behind, she sits up on the bed and catches a sight of her naked body in the mirror that sits at the opposite side of the bed. Her body is glimmering with sweat and she can feel the droplets racing each other down her legs.  
Without breaking eye contact with the version of herself in the mirror, she crosses her legs and begins kneading her boobs. She brings one of them –the bigger one of the two– as higher as she can and alternates between licking and teething the slowly hardening nub. Then she humps the bed with her ass while she sits and grins when she hears the jiggling of keys coming from downstairs.  
She quickly grabs the t-shirt from where she threw it and puts it on, making her way to where the stairs are. While she walks, she imagines the carpet she’s walking on on her back, while she lays on it, getting drilled by Harry and sighs. When she stops at the stairs, she tries to listen to the noises coming from downstairs. She knows his routine by now: he takes off his shoes, his jacket if he’s wearing any, washes his hands in the tiny bathroom that they had under the stairs and then greets his girl. When she hears the faucet turn off, she knows he’ll be upstairs in no time. Thus, she parts her legs so that her wet pussy can be seen from the bottom of the stairs since she’s at the top.  
Harry’s ratty t-shirt doesn’t do much to hide her bottom half due to her curvy frame and while she felt self-conscious at the beginning of their relationship, she took her time getting more and more confident with her curves, the fat on her body and her jiggly thighs which made Harry fall even more in love with her due to her confidence in herself.  
When she leans towards to get a better look at the downstairs area, she sees Harry coming out of the bathroom and making his way upstairs. When he notices her, the dimple makes itself noticeable on his smiling face and the sight of her boyfriend’s smiling face makes her heart feel like someone’s squeezing it so hard it’s going to burst.  
She smiles back.  
“Hi babygirl,” he starts but he stops in his tracks when he spots her glistening cunt peaking under the t-shirt.  
At the sight, Harry feels like his favourite meal is being offered to him on a silver platter after a long day at work. He recovers quickly and sends the goddess standing on top of the stairs a smirk.  
“What’s going on, hmm?” he hums, continuing his steps and finally coming to Y/N’s level. When she keeps smiling, he grabs her by the neck gently and brings her into a hug, her warm body pressing against his.  
“I missed you today. Miss you every day,” she mumbles as her mouth comes in contact with his neck that was dampened with sweat. He makes a sound of agreement and hugs her tighter, their bodies pressing against each other. The lack of space between their chests makes Y/N’s nipples harder than they felt before.  
“Wha’ do we have under there, huh? What is it,” he observes, his arm making its way down her body and finally lifting the t-shirt.  
Her pussy peeks at him from under the fabric and the sight of her wetness knocks the wind out of him. He goes to touch but Y/N arches back, freeing her body from his.  
“Don’t touch. Not now,”  
“Did you touch yourself while I was gone?” he frowns teasingly, ignoring her attitude. “Hmm? My pussy looks really wet...” he makes a show of examining her bottom half and it makes Y/N groan impatiently.  
When she doesn’t answer, he parts her pussy lips and watches in awe as the creamy wetness connects with each lip.  
When he takes his fingers off of her heat, Y/N’s own hand make its way to Harry’s hardening cock. When she grabs him through his trousers, the outline of his now-semi sits perfectly against her palm.  
The pink lips she loves devouring the most make a throaty groan and she goes for his lips, kissing into his mouth as if she’s starving and what she’s starving for are his lips. He responds as hungrily and they begin kissing in the hallway, their hands exploring each other’s bodies. They both get hotter and sweatier when Y/N opens her mouth wider and darts her tongue out to meet his. He starts sucking her tongue and the slippery movement overpowers her senses and she whimpers- tries to whimper, while Harry alternates between sucking her tongue and messily licking into and around her mouth.  
“Fuck,” he curses in between, “’m so obsessed with you I can jus’ kiss you all day.”  
“You’ve been ignoring me,” Y/N replies and the words sound muffled when Harry keeps planting open mouthed kisses anywhere he could reach on her face.  
“Have I?” he mouths at her neck and catches the single droplet of sweat traveling towards her collarbones.  
He sounds playful and it makes Y/N squirm under his touch. When she backs away, his eyes open and find hers.  
“Which is why I want to have my way with you today,” she explains, as if to make a point. Her frown earns a chuckle from Harry.  
Despite the teasing chuckle, Harry knows he’s fully hard now; he feels the stiffness in his briefs. He would normally object or challenge her as he knew how much it turned her on when he took control, manhandled her and pushed her around. But he knew better than to object to anything she said today. In fact, he could feel the tip of his cock twitching in his underwear and his balls felt bigger, heavier. He knew their sex life has been... stable lately. He was really stressed and he felt tired all the time. Thus, at Y/N’s wish, he would get on his knees and obey. He knew she deserved this and more.  
When they reach the bedroom door, Y/N goes in first, guiding Harry after her. Harry looks at the bed and he frowns at the sight of various dark spots dotted on the sheet.  
“What’s all this then, hm? What did you to while I was gone?” he asks despite knowing –guessing–what went on on those very sheets. She turns her face and gives him a smirk.  
“I’ll show you,”  
“Fuck, baby,” he begins but no other word leaves his mouth other than his heavy breaths.  
She begins taking off her t-shirt while trying to maintain as much eye contact as possible. The purposefully delayed movement makes him swallow and Y/N’s eyes dart to his Adam’s apple, her pussy getting wetter by the second. Harry’s watches her like a hawk, his hand moving to the area where he needs some attention the most. His cock gives another twitch when the edges of her top touches her boobs and the hasty movement makes them jiggle. At the sight, another profanity leaves Harry’s mouth and Y/N giggles quietly.  
When she sees him rubbing his cock through his trousers, she tuts and grabs his arm.  
“No touching. I’ll give it to you in a minute baby.”  
“Fucking hell, you’re killing me. Jus’ do something... please baby girl,” he nothing but whimpers in front of her and Y/N guides him towards the bed.  
He sits voluntarily on the bed and she places herself on his left thigh, where she knows his tiger tattoo is. He ‘aah’s in pleasure when Y/N’s pussy makes contact with the itchy fabric of his trousers and blood rushes to his poor cock, hidden away under his clothes still.  
“Jesus, look at your boobs,” he mutters more to himself and Y/N moans softly when he squeezes one of them.  
His trousers feel unbelievably arousing under her warm pussy. She thrusts her hips once to gain some fraction and Harry pinches her nipples.  
“Fuck, take off my clothes, come on,” he begins with a throaty groan but Y/N’s acts before him.  
She stands up as Harry’s trousers pools around his legs and her hands lifts his t-shirt swiftly and they’re now standing toe to toe, both of them bare with Harry only in his boxers.  
“You gonna touch my cock? Play with it?” He speaks through his teeth, eyes full of lust.  
“Huh, baby?” He repeats when Y/N busies herself with the briefs and in seconds, the briefs also find their place on the floor. His now fully hard cock makes a wet sound as it slaps against his belly and Y/N’s mouth waters at the sight of his now reddening tip and his large balls.  
Harry kicks his underwear and grabs her neck like he did back in the hallway but this time with more pressure that it makes Y/N whimper.  
But this time, Y/N doesn’t get to feel his warm lips against hers immediately. Instead, she opens her eyes to find Harry’s lips puckered.  
He swallows and a muttered ‘fuck’ leaves his glistening mouth. “Open your mouth,” he commands and puckers his lips again.  
And Y/N obliges immediately, as if she were waiting for the command for a long time.  
When she opens, he comes near her and she gets a whiff of tobacco and his musky smell that she secretly finds arousing.  
The spitting sound echoes inside the room as it lands directly on the back of her tongue and she quickly closes her mouth, swallowing his warm saliva.  
“Yeah? You love it don’t you,” he touches her cheek and she leans into his palm.  
“Yes, fuck yes. Baby I’m so wet,”  
Harry grins and glances at her hard nipples that were begging to be played with. When he goes to do so, Y/N gently pushes her back on the bad and it makes him sit down with a huff.  
“Now, I’ve been edging myself since this morning and I would really love it if you laid on the bed for me,” she requests, Harry’s eyes widening at the images coming in and out of his brain like a roll of film.  
“Fuck, you’ll be the death of me.”  
He lays on the bed as asked and gulps when Y/N places herself on top of her gracefully. As her left knee was coming to place itself next to his laid out thighs, it touches the edge of Harry’s cock and he lets out a whimper, the tip feeling like someone’s got their fingers around it and is squeezing it tight- so tight.  
Y/N can’t help but chuckle.  
“Baby, come on,” he drawls, hands coming to squeeze her hips. “See how hard I am? Begging to be inside that warm cunt,” he mumbles as if he’s talking in his sleep, eyes almost closed due to the blood that is rushing to the tip of his cock.  
She places her hands on top of his that were already on her hips.  
“I’ll give it to you in a second,”  
He fully opens his eyes like a kid who’s been promised their favourite sweet.  
He shakes his head and groans at how hot the room was beginning to feel.  
“Ah fuck, your tits are in my face, I don’t know how long I can go without comin’.”  
She laughs and lifts her bottom half to free herself from the damp thong. When she throws the thong at him, another groan leaves the back of his throat.  
“Bloody hell, baby.”  
Harry brings the thong to his nose and sniffs the salty smell mixed with fabric softener and his cock gives another twitch.  
When he opens his eyes again, Y/N’s placing her palms on his belly and he growls at her playing with the patch of hair on there.  
“What’s the plan, hm?”  
“I’m gonna spread my legs and rub your pink, hard cock with my wet pussy.”  
At this, Harry covers his eyes with his tattooed arm and a cry leaves his mouth.  
She grins at the effect she has on him and glances at his hard length laid against the dark patch of hair on his happy trail. The head of his cock was slightly tipped to the side and the sticky liquid was oozing from the slit.  
Satisfied with the state of him, she takes his arm off of his face and sends him a smile. Harry can’t wait any longer and his hands immediately finds her boobs, squeezing them while hisses leaves his mouth at how large and soft they feel in his palms.  
“Look at your tits... god,” he starts pinching and rolling the hardened nipples between his thumb and index finger. He rises upwards and takes one them in his mouth. He sucks on the nub and goes back and forth between biting and licking the delicate flesh. His saliva runs down his chin and finds Y/N’s belly.  
“God, baby.”  
“Lay back, come on,” Y/N encourages him and he hesitates for a moment before laying back on the bed.  
When they make eye contact, she sees the hunger in his eyes. She can also tell how on edge he feels by the swollen tip of his cock.  
She then takes one of his hands and brings it to her pussy, making him groan at the contact.  
His digits meet with her wet pussy and she’s surprised at the remaining wetness. “Fucking hell, you’re close to dripping,” he rubs the slippery flesh, bringing his middle finger down where her hole is hidden and collects more of her arousal and brings them up. He spreads the wetness and she ‘aah’s.  
“That’s it, come on, sit that cunt on my cock.”  
As soon as her pussy touches his cock, they both whimper and another ‘fuck’ leaves Harry’s mouth as she begins rubbing herself on his cock. She starts slow, enjoying the way her pussy glided easily on her cock with the help of her arousal.  
“You don’t know how hot you look right now, working that cunt on my cock,” he watches the tip of his cock appearing and disappearing with her movements.  
“I love your cock,” she moans and brings her hands to her boobs, squeezing them. “Love your big cock so much. Love how it feels.”
“Fuck baby, keep humping that cock, come on.” He places his hands on Y/N’s while she plays with her boobs. “God, you’re a fuckin’ goddess, look at you.”  
As Y/N leaves Harry to harshly squeeze her boobs and pinch her nipples, she keeps humping his cock back and forth. She glances down where they’re being interlocked and his wet, swollen tip getting lost between the lips makes her heart beat faster.  
When she looks up, Harry’s watching where her gaze was, his fingers still pinching her nipples.  
When she quickens the pace, the tip of his cock touches the spongy bit. The room is filled with slick, wet sounds.  
“Ah shit,”  
Without stopping her hips, she leans on his torso and gets close to Harry’s nipples. His hands fall from her breasts to her hips as he guides her through her thrusts and they make eye contact.  
A breath leaves his parted mouth as Y/N gets closer to his left nipple and opens her mouth. When he understands the motivation behind her movement, he whimpers under her. She opens her mouth and lets the saliva drip down to his nipple and brings her thumb there, rubbing his dark, hardened nipple.  
He can feel he’s close but he keeps groaning in pleasure as she decides to use her lips rather than her thumb. She sucks on the nub.  
“Fuckin’ shit shit shit,”  
“You like it?” she asks, her hot breath hitting his now wet nipple and a shiver runs down his whole body; especially his neglected balls that are being squeezed between his thick thighs.  
“Fuck, yeah, I love it. Keep going, play with my nipples,”  
Still humping his cock, she bites rather gently into the sensitive flesh and Harry’s mouth forms wordless sounds at the contact of her teeth.  
“Harder,” he whimpers and his pink tongue darts out to dampen his dry lips. She obeys and bites harder, grinding her teeth left and right in hopes to hurt him just like he loved. Another gasp leaves his parted lips and Y/N makes a ‘mmm’ sound as she devours the hard nipple and licks around the area with the little patch of hair.  
Still laying on his chest, his nipple in his mouth, she keeps humping back and forth. Harry feels the heat in his stomach when she keeps making little ‘uh’s and ‘ah’s sounds and he gives her ass a hard smack as a reward for being so good to him.  
“You like that cock, huh,” he slaps her ass again and all he gets from her is another suck on his nipple and a nod.  
When she sits up, Harry gazes at her wet pussy again and groans at the sight before his eyes.  
Y/N’s pussy’s still going back and forth on his cock, her white-ish creamy arousal spreading everywhere near her now reddening heat.  
“Jesus,” he keeps watching her pleasure both of them and he slaps gently at her wet pussy. Satisfied with the wet sound, Harry slaps again and Y/N moans.  
He can feel the back of his fingers dampening with her arousal but before he has a chance to pull his hand away from her pussy, she takes it and brings it to his chest, coating his other nipple she didn’t suck on with her juices.  
“Shit, you gonna lick it off?” he asks but closes his eyes for a second when he feels a pressure on his cock.  
Y/N makes an affirmative sound and she comes close to press her tongue on the messy nipple. She spreads it around more with her tongue and bites into his nipple. Harry looks at her busy mouth and he groans at the sight of juices coating both her lips and his nipple.  
When her hips slow down their movement on his cock, she rises again and her arm reaches back and starts massaging his swollen balls.  
She grins when she feels his heavy balls in her palms and fondles with the patch of hair there.  
“Fuck ‘m gonna cum,”  
He swears again and tries to lift his hips which makes her pussy press harder into his cock. “Yeah, ‘m definitely gonna cum. Keep playing with my balls baby, come on.”  
“No,” she stops her movements and Harry feels like someone has pushed him to an edge of a cliff only to grab him by the neck and take him out of there. When she takes her hands off of his body, he groans.
"Are ya fuckin' kidding me?"
"We're not done yet,"  
The sweat from their bodies mix together when she lays on his chest and Harry's pink lips are still forming 'ah's and 'uh's when he feels his dick still between her wet cunt.  
"If you dare move that pussy I'll cum I'm not even jokin' babe," he mutters and throws an arm over his face, pressing it on his forehead. When she laughs, she frowns harder and she lifts up her pelvis to free his dick from between where it was.  
He hisses when the warm heat leaves his dick and is now exposed to some cool air.
She looks at him with a tiny smile on her lips.
"Now," she gulps and uses her knees to sit on where his laurels are.
Due to having thicker thighs than most, it takes her a while to find a position on her upper torse where her pussy can moderately touch either his belly or stomach. When she looks down, she bites her lips at the sight of the hair following a trail towards his dick and his belly button.  
"Argh, you're so fuckin' hot I can't believe I didn't put my cock in that warm cunt for three days," he clears his throat. "You were desperate, huh? Gonna sit on my face?"
"Noooo," she whispers and it makes him frown. "'m gonna rub my dripping pussy on your belly."  
He turns his head to the other side and whimpers at the image of her dripping cunt rubbing his belly. He imagines the juices coating his upper torso and it makes his ears ring, his fingers clenching and unclenching around the sheets.
When he manages to look at her through drunk eyes, she's starting to rub herself on him.
An 'oh my God' leaves his mouth as Y/N gets ready to quicken her pace.
"Fuck, your belly is so hot, I wanted to rub my little pussy on it since forever."
"Oh fuck, keep going."
"You like it?" She muses and he groans even more because how could he not like this? "You like seeing my juices all over that belly, huh,"
At that, he glances at where she's working her magic. When her pussy's going back, he sees the wet, sticky trail it's leaving on Harry's belly and when she moves her hips forward, she's collecting all the wetness back. It's making Harry crazy.
In between moans and her little squeals, Harry brings his hands up to her boobs again and starts massaging them. He touches the sensitive nipples and squeezes them harshly.
Y/N keeps the pace and goes back and forth on his belly. She's certain she can feel some of the hair on his happy trail tickling her pussy when she meets them with her thrusts.  
"Oh my God, 'm so close baby,"  
"Yeah, ya gonna cum on my belly? Leave your mark all over me?" he says and hisses at the cool hair hitting the wetness on his belly whenever her pussy's not touching the area.
Harry stops playing with her nipples and brings his hand to her pussy, wanting to feel the wetness on his hands too. He places his thumb on the clit and Y/N whines. Her pussy's so wet that it's making unholy sounds when it rubs back and forth and Harry can feel the bubbling of her juices on her thumb when he presses harder at her clit.
"Good girl, my good fuckin' girl,"  
"I wanna come so bad," she whines and it almost sounds like she's hurting.
When she feels something bubbling in her chest, she brings her hand back like before and tries to find his balls with messy movements. As soon as she touches his balls, Harry hisses and his hands go to her hips, squeezing them.
"Want me to cum with ya? That what ya want?"
"Yeah," she whines and keeps massaging his balls. "Want your cum on my ass when I keep riding your belly, Daddy."
At the image, Harry gives out another throaty groan and squeezes her hips harder, making sure to leave his handprints on the flesh.
"Ah fuck, go on then."
As soon as she squeezes her palm holding his balls, his cock starts spurting white strings of hot cum. Just like Y/N wished, some of the strings land on her ass while she keeps rubbing her pussy on his belly.  
Their moans fill the room and Harry brings her right hand to her bum and slaps, making the cum transfer onto his hands and he brings it up her back, spreading some of his cum on her back. When she doesn't slow down her thrusts on his belly, he brings the same hand to her wet cunt and slaps it carefully so that it can land where she needs it the most. At that, a cry leaves her mouth and she starts moving sloppily on him. Harry immediately grabs her by the hips and brings her pussy closer to where his belly button is as she keeps creaming on him even more now that her movements are slower.  
She keeps rubbing sloppily and she 'ah's and 'uh's until she slows down and stops completely.  
"Fuckin' shit, you put God to shame. Look at you, baby."
He brings her hand up to her face and strokes her cheeks and she leans into it.
When they look down, there's a string of her arousal in his belly button and Harry groans at the sight. They make eye contact and Y/N dips her index finger in his belly button and collects as much as she can and Harry jerks his hips upwards at the touch, feeling his balls fill up again.  
He watches in awe as she brings the finger close to his mouth and spreads it around his parted lips messily. He can taste some of it and he hums at the salty taste.
"Look at your lips coated with my cum," she says and brings her beautiful face closer to him. Harry lays still, mouth still parted.  
She finally comes close enough and presses her lips to his and a wet sound fills the room as they both try to taste the cum that is now on both of their lips. She licks into his mouth and he feels the salty taste on his own tongue as they suck each other's tongues. She kisses her upper lip and bites his bottom harshly, making him whine as his cock gives a twitch from where he was laying peacefully on his thigh.
"Jesus, you're a messy girl aren't ya," he mostly states rather than questioning her and she chuckles into his mouth.
"You fucking love it messy.”
"Fuck yeah I do." He links his arms around her waist and Y/N presses a kiss to his sweaty neck.
When she pulls the hair on his chest, a hiss leaves his mouth and Y/N chuckles.  
“You finished me,” he opens his eyes and she smiles at the state of him, his hair dampened with sweat and some beads traveling down his face, pooling near his nose.  
When they finally come down from cloud nine, they’re all smiles and giggles as Y/N presses one last kiss to his lips first and then his nipple before she gets off of him and lays face down next to him.
He starts making ‘mmm’ sounds as if he’s eating the most delicious meal of his life and she slaps his chest.  
“Oi, the cum!”  
“Yeah, ‘s on my hands now.” She giggles and makes a show of licking the salty liquid.  
She glances at his softening cock that lays against his thigh and takes a deep breath. When they make eye contact, Harry grabs her by the chin and brings their mouths together. They kiss despite their sweaty faces and the smell of cum and musk surrounding their bodies.  
“I’m so obsessed with you ‘s actually quite scary sometimes," he whispers into her mouth when they part and she smiles.  
When she gives his nose a loud kiss, a surprised chuckle leaves his mouth.  
It's peaceful for another minute.
“So...” He starts, his hands caressing her bum and slowly parting the cheeks. She cuts him off, knowing what’s coming after.  
“Nope, not gonna happen,”  
“But babe-” his index finger toys with the pink hole hidden between her buttcheeks.  
“Nah, not letting you fuck my ass. Now, run us a bath will ya.”
*                *                                 *
   *                            *
send your thoughts!
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deexchanel · 3 years
Such a tease
Word Count: 1,137
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x BlackFem!Reader
Warning: lil bit of fluff, Smut.
Summary: Y/N and Bucky always tease each other. One day at the tower by themselves, they find themselves not being able to keep their hands off each other.
A/N: It’s 3am and this idea came to mind.
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Y/N and Bucky were known to always flirt with each other. Everyday they’re making sexual jokes or just plain flirting. It was to the point where the team just ignored it. Today it was something different.
“Good morning beautiful.” Bucky greeted seeing Y/N walk in the kitchen. “Morning handsome, dream about me?” Y/N teased eating some bacon off his plate then went over to the island to make her own plate.
“Yup woke up with the best morning wood.” He winked eating more of his bacon. Y/N blushed glancing down at the plate she was preparing. 1 point for Bucky. When she was finished, Y/N back over to the seat beside him. In a petty manner, she dropped a napkin on his lap.
“Oops, my bad.” Y/N sat the plate down then grabbed his dick through his sweats as if she was grabbing the napkin. Y/N was stunned from how big he was, trying to hold her composure. Bucky smirked knowing exactly what she was thinking.
“Oh you didn’t think I was small did you?”
Lost for words, Y/N ate her breakfast. Another point for Bucky.
Y/N came up with the perfect idea to get Bucky back for those smart-ass comments. At the moment, the team was gone and it was only the two in the tower. Bucky sat on the couch watching tv while she was in her room.
Y/N came downstairs in y/f/c lace panties and a cropped tank top. “Whew! it’s warm in here.” She posed a fake groan, walking in front of Bucky with her back facing him. He instantly got on hard seeing her clothing.
“It uh is warm in here, let me go turn on the air conditioning....”
His eyes were fixated on her curves. “Oh no it’s fine Bucky, I know how to cool down.” Y/N pulled off her cropped tank top. Then she bends over, slowly pulling down her lace panties. Bucky shifted in his seat seeing her wetness drip down her inner thigh.
“Damn...” He pulled at his clothed crotch area. One point for Y/N. She gestured for him to follow her. “Come on Bucky.” Complying, the two of them were now in Y/N’s room.
Y/N laid on her back in the bed. With Bucky standing in between her widen legs she grabbed his right hand, guiding it down her chest. All the way to her to wet core. “You see how wet she is for you?”
“I see how wet she is for me.” Bucky moved his fingers in a circular motion, keeping a good tempo. Y/N arched her back a little bit at how good he was doing. “You like the way I play with your dripping core?”
Y/N whimpered, nodding her head. That wasn’t enough for Bucky. He stuck in two fingers, thrusting in and out while his metal thumb played with her clit. “You like when I finger fuck you? Huh?”
“Yes, daddy I do.” Y/N’s head tilts back in the cover. He went faster on thrusting and her legs began to shake. “I’m going to cum daddy,” Y/N eyes closed as her walls clenched around his fingers.
“Cum on daddy’s fingers babygirl.”
Bucky bit his lip watching his doll cum all over his fingers. He put his fingers in his mouth, licking up every drop of her honey. “My turn.” Y/N winked at him, getting up from the bed onto her knees. She pulled both his sweats and boxers down.
Bucky just let her work her magic. Y/N twirled her tongue around the crown of his dick. He shivered at the touch of her lips against his skin. “Shirt off.” She mumbled pulling at the end of Bucky’s shirt.
“Yes ma’am.” In one swift movement, his shirt was off. She kept her eyes on him while she took his dick into her mouth. The eye contact turned him on even more.
Bucky’s eyes rolled to the back of his head while she sucked every inch of his dick. He could hear the little gags she made when she deep throat him. He loved every second of it. Bucky grabbed a fist full of her hair, gripping it. “Babygirl you sucking... so good.. shit..”
Y/N licked on his balls a bit and his toes curled. Bucky felt like he was in heaven. “Y/N... I’m going to... cum.” His lips parted slightly, feeling deep throat his dick again.
“Coat my throat with your kid's daddy.” Y/N moaned loving to see her daddy enjoying the pleasure she gives him. Bucky gripped her hair tightly once again, nutting all in her mouth.
Y/N swallowed every drop. “Mhmm, I see you drink a lot of water.” Bucky picked her up from underneath her arms, placing on her stomach.
“Just for you doll, now get on all 4’s and arch your back.”
Y/N does as she told, loving the fact that Bucky was in control at times. He positioned himself, slowly sticking in. He fit in like a perfect puzzle piece. “babygirl you’re so wet.”
She gripped the covers letting out a moan. He picks up his speed. “Shit..” Bucky starts fucking her harder. Y/N moans were getting louder with every thrust. Bucky smacks her ass, leaving a big red handprint.
“You’re daddy’s little slut?”
Y/N’s pleasure overwhelmed her, not being able to speak back to him. Bucky gripped her hair, pulling her head up. He smacked Y/N’s ass again. “Huh? What was that? I can’t hear you doll.”
“I’m daddy’s little slut!” Y/N shout trying to place her hand back there to slow him down but it didn’t work. “Daddy I’m..about to...cum.” She pants knowing she couldn’t hold her release.
“Me too baby girl.” Bucky paced slowed down, getting sloppier. They both released at the same time. When he pulled out, Y/N turned around grabbing Bucky’s face pulling him into a blissful kiss.
“So what you saying is round 2?” Bucky question when they pulled apart. Y/N was too tired to laugh, he fucked her brains out.
“No Bucky, I’m tired.”
“I’m going to sleep Bucky.” Y/N yawned, reaching for a towel that was at the end of the bed. Bucky whined kissing on her face.
“Y/N I want to make you feel good.”
“I’m already going to feel good Bucky.”Y/N went into the bathroom so she can wet the towel. He cleaned himself up but didn’t put on clothes.
“How Y/N? I’m not inside you.”
Y/N slid on her bonnet, to lazy to put on clothes she got into bed putting the damp towel between her legs to help the swollen go down.
“With my eyes closed.”
She laid on her side, slowly her eyes closed. Bucky sigh getting in bed behind her, he pulled her close to his chest. “Sleep good doll.”
“Bucky tell your friend to calm down, I’m trying to sleep!”
Did I just finish this at 5 am in the morning, yes I did.
I couldn’t sleep without doing it😂 my bf is going to be so mad that I stayed up until 5 am but oh well.
Stay slutty my friendsss!
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geminidentitycrisis · 3 years
The Scent of Leather and Hairspray
Present Mic/Hizashi Yamada x F!reader ONESHOT
(WARNINGS! - swearing)
Sooooooo, I have a new favorite Pro, I guess haha
I hope you enjoy, and if you're underage, pretend you're older because I get it, I'd be Hot For Teacher too, but he's not a pedo sorry......
You sighed as, upon exiting the store where you just purchased a frozen drink, the men you passed to enter that store started catcalling you. Just what you needed at the end of a rough day...
"Hey Honey, you'd be cuter if you smiled...!"
"Don't listen to that shit, babygirl, you're sexy as hell, c'mere and hang out a while...?"
Ignoring them the best you could, you kept walking, but they didn't take that very well. "You think you're too good for us, that it, stuck up bitch? Where you think you're goin'?"
You could hear their footsteps approaching behind you and turned to face them after sipping from your drink.
"Guys, please, I've had a hell of a day today and my quirk would probably scar you both for life and what do you say we just don't do this, huh?"
They exchanged glances before fixing you with threatening glares. "You think you're tough, babygirl? We'll see how tough you are when we get through teaching you some respect..." the first one said.
A voice called from behind you and suddenly an arm was draped gently around your neck. You froze, being caught off guard tended to prompt a panic response when you were so tired.
You smelled leather and an overwhelming scent of hairspray.
"What's the trouble, my homies? Pretty sure ya heard the lady, she ain't jammin' to the vibe ya layin' down, ya dig? Beat it."
Heart skipping a beat or two, your eyes grew wide and a blush flooded your cheeks. "That voice...?!"
You whipped your head up to see the one and only Present Mic.
"Ah! I knew it! I knew I recognized your voice, I catch your radio show every day! You're the Sound Hero, Present Mic!" he flashed a grin down at you, winking.
"Oooh, you've got good ears, Listener! Thanks for Hypin' me up like that! Always great ta meet a FAAAN!" he responded in his commentator voice.
One of your would be tormentors interrupted angrily. "Hey, peacock head, why don't you mind your business?"
"PEACOCK...?! You boys best get ta steppin', aight?! Don't make me beat you up in fronta this pretty girl!" he replied in annoyance after his attention was so aggressively stolen from you.
The blush came back in full force and you couldn't contain a dreamy sigh as your lashes fluttered, eyes lidding contentedly now that you felt safe again.
*he said I was pretty~!* you thought.
"You believe this banana hair lookin' motherfucker? You're about to get your ass whooped, fruity!" the other threatened.
"Hey bro, watch your language! There's a lady here!" with the arm around your shoulders, Mic carefully raised it and guided you behind himself as the two started walking towards you both.
Another voice came suddenly from the other side of the parking lot and everyone, with the exception of the blonde who was guarding you, turned to see Eraserhead.
Suddenly these jerks weren't so confident.
"Get lost, both of you, and go straight home or I'll bring the two of you in right now for loitering and harassment." he said calmly but with deep authority.
Mic crossed his arms, glaring at the duo as they ran off after a mere moment of hesitation, his cheeks puffed out slightly. "What a couple creepozoids! You okay, Pussy Cat...?" he quickly spun around to check you out, striking a dramatic pose while pointing at you, the trademark grin already back in place.
You smiled up at him with admiration sparkling in your eyes, clasping the cup you held in both hands and tight to your chest, stepping closer to him.
"Yes, thanks to you! You're my Hero~!"
Mic felt his own chest swell with pride a bit, the grin on his face getting bigger as he relaxed his stance and shoved his hands in his jacket pockets.
Usually by now the damsel has already flung herself on Aizawa, but not only were you praising him, you recognized him from just his voice and he was impressed at that.
"I can't believe I was just rescued by my favorite Pro, I am your #1 fan! Please, are you patrolling the city tonight? Please let me buy you a coffee or tea or something?? Just as a thank you...?"
Hizashi laughed rather loudly, one hand emerging from his pocket to be placed over his chest.
"HAHA! Aaaww, how can I say NO when you ask so sweetly?! Coffee sounds like a rockin' idea right about now!"
"Ugh, we don't have time for this, Mic..." Eraserhead complained tiredly.
Eyes rolling in exasperation, the blonde groaned twice as loud. "ugGHHH!! Don't be such a buzzkill, yo! I'll get you one, too, just chill!" with that, he trailed after you back into the store.
You watched as he doctored up the coffee you poured for him, blushing again when he threw a hint of a smirk your way, using the tip of his finger to lift the gold tinted shades he wore and showing you his emerald green eyes. "Don't worry, I'll pay for my boring friend..."
Smiling, you bounced on your heels. "Damn right you will, I'm not HIS fangirl, after all..."
This promoted a slight blush to his face, but he maintained that knockout grin. "Ha! Well, good thing his best friend is here at least, lucky for him I tagged along tonight, huh??"
"Lucky for both of us..." came your soft reply from over your shoulder as you turned to walk away, your hips swaying temptingly had definitely not escaped his notice.
He followed you to the checkout counter and placed some money beside yours, his ungloved fingertips brushing against your own when he does. Leaning down closer to you, he cocked his head, pushing his shades down his nose this time and raising a brow.
"Does my #1 fan have a name...?"
Your smile bloomed again, blushing up at him. "It's  _______...but I might prefer you calling me Pussy Cat...~"
Saying that last bit, you applied a sensual undertone which he picked up on instantly, making his blush spread over his face and grow darker as he chuckled in amusement.
When you guys walked out the door, you noticed Eraserhead seemed really annoyed but tried to ignore him, looking up at the Voice Hero hopefully.
"Listen, I know you're both busy, but if you have just one more second to spare, I can't tell you how much it would mean to me if I could get your autograph..."
Looking away awkwardly, he made a pained expression. "Aw, man, I dunno, we are kinda in a hurry here and stuff..."
You felt your heart sinking when he startled you with another loud laugh. "Hahaha, gotcha! JK! Of course I will, I ain't gonna leave ya hangin' like that, no way, that ain't my STYYYYYYYYLLLE!"
Giddy with excitement, you let out a tiny squeal, quickly fishing out a small notebook and pen from your purse as he set the cups down. When you handed it to him, his fingers brushed yours again, making you bite tenderly at your bottom lip.
They were so warm and soft...
He had started to whistle a cheerful little tune as he spun the pen between his fingers before starting to write in your book, it took longer than you expected, clearly longer than Eraser expected, too.
"Say goodbye to the girl, Mic, it's time to keep moving!" he didn't yell, exactly, too lazy, but he had raised his voice since last.
"YEAH, YEAH, I HEARD YA!!! Gimme a sec, ALRIGHT?!" the volume of the blonde's reply actually made your eardrums flinch and quiver this time, but you smiled anyway as he defended you again.
"There ya go! And hey, just to spite my buddy over there, I wouldn't mind walkin' ya home ta make sure ya get there safe."
The blush came right back, clutching the book to your heart, you gave a weak smile. "No, no, it's okay, really...I took up too much of your time already, and I only live around the corner from here..."
Eyes closing momentarily while you gathered yourself, you took a deep breath before confessing. "...I cannot express how grateful I am for you...not just for saving me tonight, but also for your talk show, hearing your voice over the radio gives me strength and motivation every week...it means the world to me...thank you..."
Beckoning him by flexing a finger, you stood on your tiptoes and pressed a sweet kiss against his cheek when he leaned in curiously.
Eyes widening, his whole face became scarlet red and his grin stretched from ear to ear. "AW, YEAH!"
He jumped, pumping his fists in the air and then proceeded to shoot you with his finger guns while  winking again. "Listen, I dropped my digits on that piece'a paper ya got there, Shawty...hit me up sometime if ya wanna chill! I'm down for whatever!"
You were caught off guard by that and checked the page he signed for you, finally reading what he wrote down as he rambled on as background noise about how he wasn't a creep like those other guys and you could say no without worrying about him making a scene, he just had to shoot his shot, I mean you DID kiss ME first ya know...
"For my #1 fan, _______...Thanks for the coffee and stay outta trouble! ...and maybe call or shoot a txt, if your feelin' this funky vibe, too? Live loud, Pussy Cat ;) don't ever let anyone try an put the mute on ya! XOXOX PRESENT MIC!!!"
Followed by his phone number, and there were little hearts drawn around the page.
You were already blushing when he surprised you again by returning your gesture and swooping in to plant a kiss on your cheek this time.
Reaching up to touch the spot, you smiled up at him shyly. "I can't wait...please be safe out there..."
"You got it! SEE YA SOON!" The Pro nodded vigorously, giving an enthusiastic wave of goodbye before grabbing his and Eraserhead's drinks, practically bouncing with every step.
It made you giggle, but you were trying not to get your hopes up too much. For all you knew, he gave his number out to every girl that asked him for a signature.
"Are you happy now...?" Shouta grumbled, taking the cup being offered as he turned to resume patrolling. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! HECK YEAH I AM! I'M ON CLOUD NINE RIGHT NOW, I JUST MET MY FUTURE WIFE!!!!!!!!"
You heard him very clearly, the blush traveling all the way down your neck this time, and you couldn't help another small giggle, your heart fluttering with happiness like the wings of the butterflies in your belly.
He just had that effect on you.
Glancing down at the notebook in your hand as you sipped your quickly melting frosty, you noticed in the bottom right corner was a little arrow, below which was written the word "flip".
You looked up again but the two Pro Heroes were already gone.
Curiously, you flipped over the page.
a. YES!!!!!
b. a
c. b
That smooth sonuvabitch had you blushing and giggling all night.
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xpeachesncream · 3 years
Can i Request a Drabble where Aiko keeps sending taehyung Nudes and the reader gets insecure about her appearance bc of it? She compares herself to Aiko and it makes taehyung upset :/ im not too good with requests sorry if this isn’t clear
perfectly wrong | drabble [11]: it’s the way that she sits pretty with that perfect hourglass shape of hers in her nudes.
word count: 1.8k
warnings: cussing, implied sexual content, jealousy, insecurities about image/looks
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Okay, let's be real. Men love nudes. They all have needs, and they all love marveling at a naked body, especially when it comes unexpectedly. It could be a good, or bad thing. Whatever it is, they love that shit either way. I'm calling a man's bluff if he ever says he didn't enjoy looking at someone's nudes.
Taehyung isn't exempt. It was honestly the biggest highlight when he went on his fuckboy spree. Just the feeling of being wanted so badly that girls would send you nudes to grab your attention. Biggest ego booster.
Before anyone gets on his ass, he loves his woman and he quickly taps out of the snapchat so he doesn't see it for long. It's been Aiko's 5th nude so far, and he's already knowing what to expect when the notification hits his screen. He knows this shit.
You were there the first time she sent him a nude over snapchat. You both looked at it, confused that it had been sent to the wrong person since she hadn't sent him anything in between that movie selfie and this. It became a running joke for awhile, but it eventually died the less you saw or heard of it. You just actually didn't know she was still sending him nudes.
So, when you see her snapchat notification pop up on his screen again, you're a little taken aback.
"Aiko's still sending you snaps?" You ask as you hug Taehyung tightly while you both are cuddling on Jimin's couch, watching another yet unsatisfying episode of Unsolved Mysteries. You all had just finished watching The Hate U Give, Jimin throwing the channel on something random afterwards. He sat on the other portion of his couch, hugging a pillow tightly against his chest as he cussed to himself and mumbled questions about how people could stand this show if barely any of the episodes were actually solved.
You get the frustration, right? You just wanna know if they ever caught the killer, or if they found new clues, but most of the episodes end so abruptly with that 'if you happen to have any info regarding this case' message with the number to call.
"Yeah, it's whatever though." Taehyung says, keeping his eyes on the tv while you fiddled with his phone.
"Woah!" You say as you pressed on her snap, revealing her nude and on her bed, fingers trailing down to her lady friend. You tilted your head as you watched her begin to rub her clit ever so softly. The thing that gets you though is her body, and how she sat there, looking like a perfect hourglass. "Interesting." Taehyung looks at his phone and does a double take.
"Oh shit." He nonchalantly says as he also tilts his head confusingly while looking at the snap, causing you to shake your head and hit his chest as you tap out if it. The second thing that catches your eye is how many times her name comes up in his history.
"She's been sending you snaps?"
"Yeah, but I don't pay much attention to it." He caresses your arm as you slightly tilt your head up to look at him.
"Have they all been nudes?"
"Yes, but I told you I don't pay much attention to it, baby." You were unsatisfied with his answer, only because you just got a glimpse of what she sent tonight. You have no idea what the others looked like, but you were thinking it was just as this one was - the perfect position in her hourglass shape.
"Okay." Is all you say. You suddenly felt insecure as fuck, knowing your man had seen those snaps of her. She honestly looked like a fucking goddess and it kills you. He used to fuck her, for god's sake! Aka he used to have the hots for her to some extent?! He considered it once, and it makes you feel a little queazy knowing he could again.
"What happened?" Jimin asks from his side of the couch.
"Aiko sent Taehyung a nude." You flatly respond.
"Seen it, she's sent me the same ones." You roll your eyes because for Jimin, it's whatever. For your man though, please. Don't come up in his inbox with that mess. What the fuck was she trying to do here, show the world her coochie? She was feeling herself that much?
Shit, honestly. Single and with that body, you would be too. Fuck, that's annoying.
"Baby, it's nothing, okay?" He gently tickles your chin.
"Kaaaaay, I heard you." You say as bothered as possible. For the remaining time at Jimin's, you're quiet. Your mood has plunged. You just wanted to sulk in your bed. Taehyung takes notice, but he was going to wait until you two were alone to bring it up.
Which is now, in the car, in your guest parking spot.
"Okay, what's going on in my pretty lady's head?" He shuts off the car and sinks into the driver's seat, having the damn nerve to manspread in it.
"Mm, not gonna fly with me, sweetheart."
"I just can't believe she's been sending you nudes."
"So what? It doesn't mean anything."
"Yeah right, with that body of hers? How could it not? You used to have a thing for her."
"Used to."
"Her body is fucking perfect, it's annoying."
"Babygirl, don't do that. I don't like when you compare yourself. You're the only person I know who's close to perfect." He boops your nose, but it leaves you unamused. You're just letting your feelings of insecurity and jealousy get to you that everything is clouded. All the things he's saying doesn't reach you, and you're literally in the mood to pick a fight for no whole ass reason over it. That was exactly one of your other bad habits that you had trouble unlearning.
"Whatever." You brushed him off, making him a little irritated with the way you were coming off over this. Again, Taehyung doesn't mind reassuring you. He loves doing it. He loves babying you and being the best he can be. But there were days where your attitude did get to the best of him, especially when he was trying. Taehyung hadn't given you a reason to make you doubt him since you two became exclusive, so he didn't think it was necessary for you to act the way you were acting.
"Really, Y/N? This isn't necessary."
"Why are you still even entertaining her snaps? Shouldn't you have gotten rid of her contact info already?" He grabs his phone and blocks her on snapchat, showing it to you before shoving it into the small storage space under the car's radio.
"There, happy?"
"Why are you so mad about it? I'm sorry you want to see her body so fucking badly."
"I'm mad because you're being a brat when you don't need to be." He looks at you intimidatingly with his piercing eyes. "You're putting words in my mouth. I never said I wanted to. Plus, I've told you time and time again that it was nothing and that it didn't mean anything to me." You roll your eyes, getting out of the passenger's seat to make your way up to your apartment.
Alright so, here's the deal. You feel like Taehyung is missing the point. Aiko looked so good in that ones nap. So good that you suddenly questioned your own look and felt completely insecure. You disliked hearing him say it wasn't a big deal, because it was. To you, at least.
Taehyung sighed heavily before going after you. He does a light jog, barely catching the elevator you had hopped into.
"Y/N, don't do that." You glared at him.
"It's not a big deal, right?" He sighs again before running his hand through his curly hair. The elevator doors open, but he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you back in and preventing you from walking out. "Tae, let me go."
"Nah." He shrugs. "Not until we fix this." The elevator stays at their floor.
"You said it wasn't a big deal." You crossed your arms.
"Okay, I'm sorry." A good thing about Taehyung is that he's learned to be better about admitting his mistakes and saying sorry when he's in the wrong. "I shouldn't have said it in a way that would make you feel like I'm discrediting your feelings." You continue to look at him silently, the elevator suddenly going back down to the lobby. "And I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner or get rid of her shit earlier. But baby, her snapchats don't mean a thing to me. I don't care how 'good' she looks or if they're nudes." He uses finger quotes. "It's still not you."
"I just--" You sighed, watching a lady come into the elevator to join you two to go up to the 8th floor. "I feel like I can't look that good. She had the perfect hourglass figure and she looked so good posing for her nudes. The perfect angle, her hair, the way she smiled through her eyes. I can only imagine what the others were like." He shook his head and shrugged.
"I honestly don't remember." Truthfully. He really didn't care about them, even if he took a quick glance. At the end of the day, they still weren't memorable because it wasn't his lady. "And I don't care if she has that, or whatever it is. I love you." He smiles toothlessly at you. You catch the lady scrunch her nose and smile at you both before walking off. "I love every single thing about you. You're the definition of perfect to me. I hate when you compare yourself because I really, really wish you could see the way I see you."
"Cheesy." It causes you to chuckle a bit and press your hand against his chest as he presses the button to your floor.
"Yeah, okay. You still like to hear it though, I know you." He smirks playfully as he pulls you into a hug and kisses the top of your head. "If it's not you, I don't want it."
"I honestly hate you sometimes." He shrugs before picking you up by the legs and carrying you, causing you to squeal.
"So then hate me."
"Put me down!"
"Say it to my face in bed, baby." He playfully smacks your ass in the hallway, allowing it to echo as he carries you to your apartment. It was hard to stay mad at Taehyung, but you were grateful you had someone like him who could bring you back down to Earth. You had your fair share of bickering and unnecessary arguments [because you liked picking fights with your attitude], but he was still able to show you that he would ride or die for you, no matter how silly things got.
That was your man, and your man only. Sorry Aiko.
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mrsniallhoran505 · 3 years
A Good Girl, Through And Through
******Quick note here. This was a dream that I had not to long ago. There are some descriptors of the male in the smut but its left open for you to add in who ever you want to imagine... for me it happened to be Jensen Ackles/Dean Winchester. (so I will tag it as such) I couldn’t tell which given the house was the one J&D showed on AD but he was dressed like Dean and sounded like him. so feel free to think of who ever you want... and please let me know if you want me to post more of the crazy ass smut dreams I have. Now please enjoy A Good Girl, Through and Through.******
"Strip." He commanded. I didn't hesitate to do as I was told. It's what I've been hired for after all. I took my clothes off and dropped them in a pile beside me.
"Over to my desk," he nodded to it in the corner. I walked over, my heels clicking on the tile floor. "Bend forward and put your hands flat on the desk, legs spread." He downed the rest of his drink and placed the empty glass on the table.
I complied with what he asked of me. I wanted to speak, but I wasn't given permission. He was tall, broad, and strong. His voice rough and deep, making me wetter with each syllable that passed his plump lips.
I didn't realize he moved till I felt his hand on my hip. Normally this is where the guy would tell me something along the lines of, "scream as loud as you want baby." Or even, "my name is… scream it for me."
He said nothing as he got to his knees. He placed both hands low on my ass and spread me. Before I could even brace myself I felt his tongue against me. Licking from my clit, over my entrance, and back again. I moaned softly, pushing back when his tongue passed over my entrance again.
He continued to lap at me in slow long strokes. I was dripping with his spit and my own juices. Finally after what seemed like hours he pushed his tongue into me, swirling it around as he brought his large callused hand down on my ass.
I jumped and let out a louder moan. He tongue fucked my cunt a few times before moving down to suck my clit, using his tongue to rub it quickly. My legs started to shake, my moans growing in volume. He moaned against me and smacked my ass again.
He was eating me out like a starved man given his favorite meal. All I could do was hold on and moan. Just when I thought he'd let me cum he pulled away. I wanted to look back at him, see what he was doing. See my juices smeared on his lips and beard but I couldn't. I refused to break the pose he had me in.
Finally he moved again. He pushed his tongue into my cunt one last time before pulling back and spitting on my entrance. I wasn't a fan but if he wanted it, I'd gladly take it. He used the spit as extra lube as he pushed two fingers into me.
I clenched around his fingers, moaning loudly. I wanted to beg for more, let him know I could take it, but the words died on my lips as he started fingering me fast and hard. My body rocked each time his fingers thrust in.
I felt them twisting inside me, pressing at different spots. He was looking for my gspot and he was close to getting it. He leaned forward and dragged his tongue over my asshole making my hips push back again, this time his fingers found my gspot and I cried out.
It was all too much. I nearly broke my role and spoke, but he started fingering me fast, keeping his fingers pressed to my gspot. His tongue was now working its way inside my ass and all I could do was let out high pitched moans and whines.
He knew I was close but he didn't give me permission so I held off. Part of me started to wonder if he remembered he had to give me permission.
When I reached my breaking point he pulled back and stood up. "Turn around and get on your knees." He watched my movement as I stood and faced him before lowering to my knees. The tile was hard and it would hurt my knees but I would never disobey or argue. I was a good girl through and through.
"Open your mouth and stick out your tongue." I did as I was told, tilting my head back to look at him. He leaned down and shoved two fingers in my cunt again. I moaned as he swirls them inside me. When he pulls them out he stands up straight and looks at me.
"Do you have a gag reflex?" He asks and I shake my head no. His brow went up quizzically. "Let's test that." The fingers he used to finger fuck me were now being pushing into my mouth. My juices still coating them. He made sure to press on my tongue as he slid them deeper.
He passed where the gag reflex would be but kept going till he felt my throat. My eyes fluttered closed and I moaned around his fingers. He looked at me curiously.
"You like that?" He asks and I nod yes. "Keep your eyes open, on mine." I quickly snap my eyes open and lock stares with him. He starts to finger my mouth, keeping a heavy weight on my tongue. I moan softly, fighting against closing my eyes.
"Good girl." He pulls his fingers back and leans down to spit in my mouth. I hold still waiting for his order. "Swallow it." He growls and I do as I'm told. "Open up, tongue out." I resume my position.
He takes his hard cock out and if I had to guess he was a good nine inches, maybe ten. He was thick from base to tip. I'd be split in half but I'd enjoy every centimeter.
"Let's see how well you like this." He taps my tongue with his cock head before pushing in slowly. "Careful of the teeth sweetheart, don't need my cock to be grated." I tuck my lip over my top teeth, the bottom was covered by my tongue.
He started thrusting once his tip hit the back of my throat. I moan around him, loving the feel of his thick meat in my mouth. Every few thrusts he'd push deeper, eventually he was fucking my throat, gripping my hair to guide me on his cock.
I let him use me. Let him do as he pleased as long as I could take it. When it became too much I gave him the signal. He pulled out and let me breathe. When I was ok again I took back up my pose letting him know I could continue. He didn't waste time, burying his cock in my throat.
I kept my eyes locked on his as he fucked my throat raw. Moaning around him as he got satisfaction and my oral fixation got satisfaction. "That's it babygirl, swallow my cock." He pushed in as far as he could before reaching down to squeeze my throat with his hand. My eyes watered and my throat constricted around him but I could take it so I held on.
He let out a low, throaty moan that I knew vibrated in his chest. I wanted to run my hands up over his stomach to his chest to feel it. I wanted to climb him and have my way but this wasn’t about me, this was about him. I was his to use and I’d do as I was hired to.
He slowly pulled out till just the tip was left in my mouth. He looked down at me and gently stroked my cheek. “Look at you… Drooling over my cock like a bitch in heat.” He makes a tsking sound like he was scolding me but I could see the lust in his eyes, feel his cock pulsing against my tongue. “Stand up.” He growled.
I stood up and licked my lips, my eyes still on his. He pulled me close and pressed a surprisingly gentle kiss to my lips. It was sweet and held a promise to care for me. When he pulled back he looked me over. “I’ve barely touched you and you already looked well fucked.” He cups my cheek and runs his thumb over my bottom lip; which was red and swollen from his rough face fucking. “On the couch, hands and knees.” He nudged me to the couch gently. I nodded and walked over. I get on the couch and take the asked position.
I could hear him get himself another drink, hear the ice hit the glass. When he walked over he placed the glass on my back. “Don’t drop that.” He stepped into view so I could watch him strip. Anytime I looked too relaxed he would stroke his cock reminding me what was to come. When he was naked I could see just how much of a man he was. He wasn’t just some muscle head that was sculpted abs and hard muscle. He looked strong like he could bench press me and not struggle one bit but also like hugging him wouldn’t leave me bruised. He was everything I wanted and more.
“How are you with cold?” He smirked and walked behind me lifting his glass. I was asked a direct question but it wasn’t one he wanted me to answer. He had the answer. He read it. I figured he’d tease me with the cool glass of his drink so when I felt his cold tongue press against my cunt I jumped slightly but relaxed and moaned loudly. He kept his tongue and breath cool with an ice cube in his mouth as he ate me out. I was dripping again, I could feel it down my thighs. My hands dug into the couch as I tried to fist them.
When the ice melted he put the glass down and got to his knees behind me. He teased his cock head between my folds. With how cold he left me I could feel heat coming from him and it made me shiver. “I’d relax if you don’t want me splitting you in half.” I could hear the smirk in his voice. This would normally have me rolling my eyes but with him I did as I was told.
I took a deep breath and relaxed. As I let the breath out he pushed into me making me moan low. I could feel every single inch of him. He was the biggest thing I’ve had in me and it scared me a bit how easily he fit. Soon he bottomed out and I swear he was in my womb. If I looked down I’d probably see the outline of his cock in my stomach.
He gripped my hips right where they curved so his grip wouldn’t slip. He was a pro. He guided me forward a bit then held me still as he pulled out. I whimper slightly feeling empty without him. I hear him chuckle. “I’m not going anywhere babygirl.” He pushed back in and pulled me back on his cock. I got what he wanted from me. He wanted me to meet his thrusts. On the next one I did it and he moaned in approval.
We found a rhythm working together to get off. Each thrust it seems like he was somehow getting deeper, making sure no other man would suffice. He was ruining me. I dipped my hips slightly and he kept fucking me harder, now his cock dragged over my gspot each time making me whine and moan for him.
“Look at you taking my cock like your cunt was made for me.” He growled and smacked my ass. I moaned again wanting to tell him I was made for him, I was made to be fucked by his cock. But I couldn’t. After tonight, I’d never see him again. Not like this.
He pulled out and sat back. “On your back, I wanna watch you take my cock.” I did as I was told, spreading my legs for him. He leaned down and spit on my cunt before using his cock to spread it around. He pressed his cock head to my entrance and watched as he started to sink into me. I arched my back, pressing my head into the couch. I moan, gripping the couch tight in my hands. “That’s it, scream for me, babygirl.” he groans as he starts to fuck me hard and deep. His hips slamming into mine making my body rock.
I cried out, enjoying nothing more than being used by him. Enjoying bringing him so much pleasure. I enjoyed my pleasure too but the look of pure lust and ecstasy on his face made it so much more worth the bruises and soreness I know I’ll feel tomorrow.
“Do you wanna cum, babygirl? Do you wanna cum all over my thick cock?” He said it in such a teasing way I almost wanted to say no but I didn’t. I nodded my head, letting him know how bad by tensing up and moaning so loud my voice cracked.
“Cum for me.” He growled and started rubbing my clit in fast circles. I saw sound and tasted colors as my orgasm took over. My whole body tensed till it lifted off the couch, a cry of his name the only thing heard in his big lake house. He kept thrusting never once letting me forget his cock. When I finally couldn’t take it he pulled out and lowered me back to the couch. He crawled over me till he was on my chest then jacked his cock. I leaned my head up to wrap my lips around the tip. I sucked and licked the few inches I could get till he came. Spurt after spurt of his hot cum hitting my tongue and throat.
When he was done he pulled out and had me show him before allowing me to swallow. I laid back as he got up and got dressed. “The money is on the counter… A car is waiting, whenever you’re ready.” With that he left me to recover and see myself out.
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juniper-daisy · 3 years
-my all time celeb crush-
It's the middle of a zombie apocalypse. You've been traveling with Negan and his crew for quite some time now, but you hardly ever get recognition from the man you idolized the most. The one you didn't dare cross, the one who spent so much time protecting your people. One night, your artistic abilities come out at the wrong time. How will you pay for it?
It was the middle of an apocalypse. I was with a fairly large group of people; the leader, the obvious henchmen, and the oblivious survivors. Our leader was attractive. He could fix just about any problem with the stomp of his boot. I was intimidated by him and he knew it. We were held up in a recently abandoned house. We locked the doors and windows so no one would come in and made ourselves comfortable around the house, but I made my way to the living room. It was dim. Only three candles lit the room up, a fireplace on the other side of the room to heat the house. Our group scattered around the house. Some in the kitchen, others in different rooms, everywhere you looked you'd see our crew. I sat on the floor at the table sketching while He relaxed on the couch, head on the armrest and legs almost sprawled out in front of him. He drew his hat over his face and dozed off. I wondered how a man like him could find time to nap in our situation. Unable to find inspiration, I turned to what I could see. Him laying in front of me. I started with general shapes, then moved to forming the shape of his body. I'd look back at him every few seconds, making sure I got every curve right. I'm sure he eventually felt my glare after the slight chuckle that came from under his hat. He lifted it and stood to his feet.
"Everyone clear the floor." He eyed me, making sure I didn't move a muscle as everyone else either went outside or upstairs. I was frozen, so riddled with anxiety and confusion that my muscles no longer knew how to function. It was silent for a good ten seconds until the boom of his boots moved towards me.
His hat was over his face so I doubted he'd be able to see what I was drawing. I started out drawing him. Sprawled out on the couch with his hand up, almost reaching for something. His body lay naked and exposed. I assumed it's what he looked like under his gear, but I never had the chance to really see. Next I drew a girl. Me. Sitting on his lap with my head back, so obvious that I was drawing us fucking. When I came close to finishing the sketch, I heard a chuckle. I looked up and his hat was still on his head, but you could tell it was his laugh. I went back to my drawing, only to hear him speak.
"You're wrong, y'know. If you were really on top of me you'd be looking a lot worse than that. I'd have you screaming at the top of your lungs."
How could he have seen it? His hat... Has holes in it. How did I not realize it before? I closed my sketch book and sat on the love seat behind me. I heard the gingling of keys, or what I thought was keys. He was undoing his belt. When he was done, he unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down a little bit.
"In case you need a reference for size.." I looked up and there he was, hand around his fully erect cock. It looked delicious. He started stroking it, letting me take in the view like I had never seen a dick in my life. I had, but none as big as his. Would it even fit anywhere in my body? Who knew. I wanted to find out, though.
I grabbed my sketch book and pencil so worn out I was surprised it even drew anymore. "Pose for me, then."
He walked to the couch and laid down. He had his arm propped under him, the other on his dick to hold it up. One of his legs was bent up, the other hanging off the couch. I moved to get the perfect angle and started my work. About 5 minutes in he started finally stroking himself, and it threw my stomach into a fit. By then I had already gotten most of the base finished, all I had to do is refine my lines and shade. I tried putting my sketch book down, but he demanded I kept going.
"Don't put that sketch book down until I've seen the finished product. I cleared the floor, there's no way anyone will see."
Why should I keep sketching you when I could just use this to make a painting to give to him later? I could do it anyways, but this was special. He was letting me sketch him during the zombie apocalypse.
He kept going as he was, making small grunts here and there. I could tell he was seriously turned on by this, and I was definitely on the same boat. My body was on fire. It had never been like this in college when I'd sketch the models. I had more feelings for him than I ever did those boys. I yearned for him more than he could've ever imagined. I began to squeeze my thighs together; any way to get friction I could. I guess he noticed from the chuckle that came out of him. I had almost finished it. Little did he know, I had all the time in the world to add myself. I was on his face, his hand gripping my ass with inhuman strength, already covered in bruises from his hand, his stomach and thighs covered in hickies, cum spurting from his cock and I hadn't even gotten to see it yet.
"Finished." A smirk lay on my face, so smuggish because I knew it'd drive him over the edge. I turned the book around. The moment he got to see it he finally let loose. His cum covered his stomach and it that's what sent me over the edge. I didn't cum, but the kinky confidence, my friend. I walked to him, grabbed his face and kissed him. It was a deep, passion filled kiss and it was everything. I went to kiss his neck, then down his body. My tongue lapped cum off his stomach and he grabbed my hair. He guided me to his already-hard-again cock and forced it down my throat.
"You're so dirty. None of my other wives have ever fucked like this. Oh, I've missed this. I haven't had a girl like you since before this fucking hell hole." His head was hanging back and mouth hanging slightly open. Small grunts and moans were escaping like the fluent foul words he always spoke. Rolling off his tongue with no effort. I was doing this to him.
Soon, though, he nudged me away and grabbed me to flip me over. My face was shoved into the couch and my ass in perfect view for him. My arms became restrained behind my back by his hands and knees apart by his own. Surely I was wet enough just being on full display in front of the man I had been lusting over for so long. I felt the tip of his cock prod at my glistening pussy. I desperately leaned back to feel him inside me, but I was stopped.
"Honey, I will tear you in two if you try that. I'm trying to make you scream, not cry." He eased into me to be sure he didn't hurt me, but somehow I still wanted more. I wanted to be absolutely destroyed by him. He had finally fit, and immediately pulled out to built up pace.
"Oh, Negan!" The first time he heard his name escape my mouth it's as though it almost sent him over the edge.
"Babygirl, oh fuck. I'm... So ready... To fuck you raw..." He thrust inside me between words, still way too sure not to hurt me.
"Fuck me. Oh, please go faster. I don't think I can handle not being railed by you right now."
He immediately picked up the pace, fucking me until I was basically screaming. I'm sure walkers could hear me from two miles away but in that moment not one part of me cared. The moment was too perfect. We were scratching and clawing, he was choking and slapping. Hand prints scattered across my body, all nearly purple. My high was finally building up and all I wanted was release.
"Negan, Sir. Can I please cum?"
All he said was, "go for it" and I was gone. On a cloud higher than 9 and the only thing I could do anymore was collapse. As soon as I fell from off his cock I could feel hot spurts of his cum trickling down my back. Euphoria.
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fanfics4all · 4 years
Request: Yes / No  Hey can you do a soulmate au the reader dyes her hair crazy colors a lot and Spencer ends up having that color if that makes sense thank you 🖤❤️ @iwannadue
Send me a request, please look here first! <3 Have a nice day/night
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Word count: 1863
Warnings: talk of tourture
Y/N: Your Name 
Y/L/N: Your Last Name
Prompt(s): If you dye your hair your soulmate’s changes too.
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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When I was growing up I desperately wanted to dye my hair. My parents were completely against that idea, even though that was literally the only way to find your soulmate. So after college and I decided to be a bartender I dyed my hair for the first time. I picked pastel purple and waited to see if anyone I knew had the same hair color. Sadly, there was no one with my same color. Soon I got bored with purple and went with a scarlet red. Again no one coming in and out of the bar had my hair color. None of my friends had my hair color, no one did. Again I soon got bored with the color, I dyed it to dark blue. Once again, nothing. I kept getting bored of my hair color and changing it every month or two. 
Spencer’s POV
My Mother told me about soulmates growing up and how you find them. If you or your soulmate dyes their hair, your hair changes as well. As much as I wanted to find my soulmate, I didn’t have a desire to change my hair color. It seems my soulmate didn’t either. That was until I woke up with purple hair. I was getting ready for work when I noticed it. I groaned knowing that I didn’t have time to get dye and change it back to normal. I walked into the office and sighed, I didn’t want to hear everyone say things about my new found hair color. 
“Oh pretty boy! Looks like your soulmate got their hands on some color!” Morgan said as I sat at my desk. 
“Just ignore it, please.” I said and he chuckled. 
“A little hard to do that since you have purple hair.” He said and I sighed. 
“I’m well aware.” I said and started work. 
Over the next few months my soulmate kept changing their hair color. I had every color there could be! I was kind of annoyed by it, but at the same time it made me happy knowing that they were probably a fun loving and outgoing person. Currently I had pink hair and we were on our way to West Virginia and I was always embarrassed by having unnatural colored hair on the job. But if I changed it back to my normal color, my soulmate would just change it back to whatever color they wanted. My team had gotten used to it, but it was still annoying. 
“Our unsub has been kidnapping female bartenders, keeping them for four days tourching them and then killing them by strangling them with a belt.” Hotch said. I noticed that they all had unnaturally colored hair. 
“Did any of them find their soulmate?” I asked. 
“No, they were all looking for said soulmate.” Garcia answered. 
“What if this guy is posing as their soulmate?” JJ said. 
“That would make sense, girls desperate to find their person. It would be easy to take advantage of.” Emily said. 
“Doesn’t really give us any leads, just that we’re looking for a guy with unnaturally colored hair. 
“It’s a start.” Hotch said. 
Y/N’s POV 
I now had pink hair and I was starting to lose hope that soulmate was here. I was working my shift and that’s when I saw him. He was tall, skinny, he was dressed perfect for the club I worked at, and the same pink as me on his head. He noticed me and smiled, walking up to me. 
“It’s you.” He said and I smiled. 
“It’s you.” I said back and he chuckled. 
“So you’re the one that’s been changing my hair color like crazy.” He said and I nodded. 
“That would be me.” I said taking a small bow. 
“What’s your name?” I asked. 
“Jason, what about you beautiful?” He asked. 
“Y/N.” I said. 
“Well Y/N, when do you get off?” He asked and I checked the time. 
“Two hours left.” I answered. 
“Well, how about I take you out and we get to know each other in two hours?” He asked and I smiled. 
“It’s a date.” I said and he nodded. 
“I’ll be back then.” He said and I nodded. 
“See you then.” I said and went to go help a customer. 
Spencer’s POV
We’ve been here for two days now and the unsub got another girl. Morgan and I were going to the bar she worked at to see if anyone that worked there saw anything. When we got there the manager greeted us. 
“Y/N was working at that bar with Krysta, she can tell you more than I can.” He said and we nodded. 
“Great, thank you.” I said and we made our way to Krysta. 
“Krysta?” Morgan asked and we showed her our badges. 
“Are you here about Y/N? Is she okay?” She asked worried. 
“Can you tell us what you saw the night she went missing?” Morgan asked. 
“Yeah sure, We were working like normal and Y/N had just recently dyed her hair a new color, she’s obsessed with finding her soulmate since she couldn’t dye her hair while she was living with her parents. Anyway, some guy walked up to the bar and he had the same pink as she did, actually looked like the pink you have. They talked for a bit, but I didn’t hear, she told me when they finished that she was going on a date with her soulmate after her shift.” She said and my heart sank. 
“Do you have any pictures of her by any chance?” I asked before Morgan could say anything. 
“Uh, yeah on my phone.” She said and pulled up a picture. Sure enough we had the same exact pink hair. 
“What other colors has she had?” I asked. Krysta swiped through her phone and she had all the same hair colors at the same time I did, this couldn’t be a coincidence. I looked over at Morgan and he knew what I was thinking. 
“Can you tell us what the guy looked like?” He asked. 
“Actually, I can show you.” She answered and told us to follow her. We followed her to the cameras and she showed us a video of Y/N and the guy. 
“Did you ever notice him before this night?” Morgan asked. 
“Not that I can remember.” She answered. 
“Excuse me, I heard you two are with the FBI?” A man said walking up to us. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be cleaning, Mickey?” Krysta asked. 
“Yeah, but I heard that the FBI was here investigating Y/N going missing.” Mickey said. 
“What can you tell us?” I asked. 
“That guy she was talking to the other night, I’ve seen him around here a few times. He was always watching her and he didn’t have the same color hair as Y/N until that night.” He said. 
“So he was stalking her.” I said. 
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Krysta asked him. 
“I wasn’t working that night, remember? If I knew then I would have said something!” He said. 
“Right, sorry…” She said and he nodded. 
“Alright, thanks for the information.” I said as Morgan called Garcia. 
“Hey babygirl, we have some security footage here with the guys face, can you work your magic?” He asked. 
“Alright, we’re on our way, thanks babygirl.” He said and hung up. 
“We gotta go. Garcia found the guy, the team is meeting us there.” He said and we rushed out. 
We got there as fast as we could and the team showed up soon after. If this girl was really my soulmate I was extremely worried. Hotch sent me, Morgan, and himself to the front, while JJ, Emily, and Rossi were sent around back. Morgan kicked down the door and we stormed in. 
“FBI!” He shouted and we searched the house. We heard Y/N scream and we rushed to the back room. Morgan kicked down the door and there was Jason slicing her arm open. 
“You’re too late.” He smirked and Morgan tackled him. 
“We need an ambulance.” I said putting my gun away and rushed to Y/N. I wrapped my hand around her arm to try and stop the bleeding. Hotch was untying her and she looked up to me. 
“Pink hair.” She whispered before her eyes shut. 
“Keep your eyes open Y/N!” I begged, but she didn’t open them. The paramedics came in and took her away. Hotch nodded at me to go with them. 
Y/N’s POV 
I woke up slightly in pain and looked around the room. I was in the hospital? So that wasn’t just a horrible nightmare… I sat up in pain and a doctor walked in. 
“Hello Miss. Y/L/N, do you know why you’re here?” He asked and I nodded. 
“I was kidnapped and tortured.” I said and he nodded with a sad smile. 
“Well you injuries were manageable, we were able to patch you up.” He said and I smiled. 
“Thanks Doc.” I said. 
“You will be able to leave in a few days, we just want to keep an eye on you to be safe.” He said and I nodded again. 
“I understand.” I said. 
“Well, I’m just here to run a few tests to be safe then I can send in the visitor you have.” He said and I looked at him confused. 
“A visitor?” I asked and he nodded with a smile. 
“Alright.” I said and he ran the tests. After he was done he sent in whoever was here to see me. 
“Um, hello…” A small voice said and I looked over to see a man with the same pink hair as me. I gulped and shrunk into myself a bit. 
“My name is Dr. Spencer Reid and I’m with the FBI.” He said walking in a little bit closer. I looked at him for a moment and then it hit me. 
“You were the one that was trying to stop the bleeding!” I said, feeling relaxed around him now. 
“That was me.” He said with a smile. 
“Your hair is also pink.” I said and he nodded. 
“Um I think that’s because I’m your soulmate…” He said and I stared at him. 
“No offence, but after what I just went through I’m not gonna trust your word.” I said and he nodded. 
“Your co-worker Krysta show me pictures of you with all your hair colors with dates.” He said. 
“Alright?” I said and he bit his lip. He took out his phone and showed me some pictures of him with the same colors at the same time I did and my eyes widened. 
“I-It really is you?” I asked with tears in my eyes. 
“It is.” He smiled. I pulled out all the needles and wires that were poking me and rushed up to him, ignoring the pain. 
“I’ve been looking for you for a long time.” I said and kissed him. 
“This might not be the best time to say this, but can we agree on a normal color?” He asked. 
“Lucky for you I’m not feeling pink anymore.” I said and kissed him again. 
Tag list: @les-bio-lie​ @tashy-bear​ @ashwarren32​ @hollie-blogs​ @schisbro87​ @lover-of-books-and-teas​ @nerdygaloresposts​ @teenwolfbitches2​ @genius2050​ @drw0301bieber​ @softgamerking​ @lady-of-lies​ @ravenmoore14​ @ravenempress101​ @cillianchamp​ @rowanthomasknapp​ @pettyjayy​ @reidssmile​ @currentfangirl-futuremedexaminer @mggstyles​ @satans-0-spawn​ @emofairygay​ @thesoftestwarlock​
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