#im like. okay one of those takes 30 seconds and the other takes an hour. can you pls stop pretending you know what you're talking about
six-of-ravens · 1 year
took an early lunch to drive mom home from an appointment, since her dr was late and dad had to leave for work (+50 EXP for parking in the hospital lot) and had a nice little lunch with her, and then came back to work and this client decided to go insane, and it feels like I stepped outside and got immediately hit by a tornado
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kiibichio · 4 months
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OVERVIEW ;; you and chris go to the state fair for a date <3
CONTAINS ;; fluffy fluff fluff. use of y/n, im sorry 😭. smoochies, holding hands, MUSHY SHIT
mora speaks ;; so i was watching the 3005 mv by childish gambino and thought about being on a ferris wheel, holding hands and kissing chris. UGH i love that man.
date posted ;; 02.18.24
proofread !!
6:26 pm.
“c’mon y/n! we only have a few hours let’s make it worth our while!” chris exclaims, dragging me in the direction of the bumper cars.
me and my boyfriend of 5 months, chris, were at the california state fair with our friend, madi and his brothers, nick and matt. we had been begging matt to take us, but every time we brought it up, our schedules just wouldn’t match up. so, today was one of the only days we could go before it ended.
once we arrived, we bought our wristbands and started walking around all together until matt told us, “listen. i know you guys have been dying to come here, but..” matt starts to speak, but i tune him out, making jokes with nick and madi.
“…so since im the only one who knows how to drive, you have 5 hours. meet back at the ticket stand at 11. if you guys aren’t here, im leaving you all. dead ass. you guys got that?” he announces.
me and chris nod at him in sync.
“alright, you can go.” matt says, shooing us away.
chris almost runs away from his brother, dragging me along with him.
“i feel like im raising some damn kids with those two.” i sigh, looking at madi and nick
“just let them be. they’re in loveeee” nick laughs, making kissy faces at madi.
“now im raising four kids.” i chuckle
and that brings us here,
“c’mon y/n! we only have a few hours let’s make it worth our while!” chris exclaims, dragging me in the direction of the bumper cars.
“chris, 5 hours is more than enough time to enjoy ourselves.” i breathe heavily due to him pulling me all the way to the other side of the fair just to get to the bumper cars.
“yea.. but we have to go on every ride and we gotta eat. duh.” he rolls his eyes playfully
“okay okay,” i giggle, “so i’m guessing you wanna go on the bumper cars first, huh?”
“you know me too well, baby.” he smiles, giving me a sweet, soft kiss on my lips, “let’s get in line before it gets too long.”
“wait! i forgot something!” i urgently say.
“what is it, mama?” chris asks, turning around to look at me with a bit of worry in his voice.
i pull his face down to mine and make his mouth meet mine, giving him another soft peck.
“just wanted to kiss you again.” i speak, a smile growing on my face
chris smiles back at me before walking into the line for the bumper cars.
we spent the next four and a half hours riding rollercoasters, goofy kiddie rides and other things. of course we took a snack break and shared a funnel cake with a snowball, but other than that, we were running each other all over the fair grounds, trying to figure out what to get on and what games to play next. chris ended up winning me a gigantic, fluffy, stuffed animal while i beat him in a water gun game, winning a luigi plushie. although i gave it to him anyway since i felt bad for beating him.
but as we approached 11 pm, we had one last ride to get on.
“baby, my feet are wearing and it’s almost 11, can we go wait in the car for nick and the others?” i groan
“just wait, ma. we got one more ride to go on.” he smirks, walking towards the ride, holding my hand like he has been the whole time.
we end up getting in the line to the ferris wheel and surprisingly, there only four people in front of us.
“see? it won’t take us too long, baby” he explained, “it’ll be like 30 seconds.”
“chris, i don’t care how long it takes as long as im with you and as long as we get back to the others by 11.”
he smiles at my reassurance and waits for our turn to get on the ride. once it’s our time to hop on, we do so. we get in the cart and wait for it to start. i lay my head on chris’ shoulder, a comfortable silence between us.
“hey, y/n, baby?” he speaks up
“yes, chris, my love?” i respond, my head still on his shoulder, the ride moving now. we were nearing the top, the view of the fair and the highway below us.
he brings my chin up with one finger to meet his face. he kisses me, slow, soft and passionately. it’s perfect. he’s perfect.
i giggle, “that’s all you wanted to do?”
“no. i also had to tell you this.. i love you, y/n” he announces genuinely.
i quietly gasp, he’s never said that before.. is he serious? “do you mean that, chris?” i ask in disbelief.
“im so serious.” he answers.
“i love you too, chris.” i say, leaning in for another kiss.
only to get cut off by the ride jerking to a stop.
“uh oh..” he murmurs
“oops.. SORRY!” he quickly apologizes.
i sigh and rub my temples. just wait until madi and the others hear this fucking story.
mora speaks (again) ;; i thought this was really cute and funny 😭 or maybe im just cringe and unoriginal 😔 BUT LMK IF U LIKED THISSS BC I DID 💪🏾 also requests are officially OPEN so ask away my lovesss. toodles !! (p.s. this is my second fic EVER go easy on my pretty please)
tag list ;; @sturniolos-blog 🍵
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 3 months
Ok a rant about Cerri bomb and how much I HATE her
In the addict music video she was a very supportive friend of Angel and I loved her in the pilot! I wish we got that supportive best friend to Angel in the final product, but unfortunately she is a woman in a vivziepop show.
She’s AWFUL now I can’t stand her, the way she tried to make Angel relapse was so weird like pilot cherri wouldn’t do that! I also really dislike her design it has to be one of my personal least favourites (not the bottom though nothing is worse than alastors design to me) she isn’t enjoyable to watch anymore she had potential if she’d only been introduced earlier! Imagine if she was introduced in episode 4 and played the supportive friend she was originally supposed to be!
And GOD I hate her ship with pentious, it was SO RUSHED, so poorly done and the ship isn’t very “so cute and in love!!” When you remember she showed literally NO interest in him until Angel brought up that he has 2 dicks, and this is supposed to be a romantic relationship we CARE about.
Cherri didn’t need a romantic relationship she needed CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT we needed to get to know her! If you’ve only seen the show and no other Hazbin media at all (which shouldn’t be required you should be able to get all your info FROM THE SHOW) you’d barely know anything about her character or who she is. I wish we got pilot cherri bomb, and that she got a design update, and that her and pent’s relationship was either taken slower or didn’t happen at all
You silly little creature you, you have me writing in my notes app instead of Tumblr because I’m about to go crazy!
Cherri Bomb. More like Cherri what the hell happened
Anyway I’m gonna tackle this one thing at a time, and also forgive me if I word something weird I just woke up an hour ago at the time of writing this.
First thing, design: I personally quite like her design since it very loosely reminds me of Iris from Ruby Gloom with ofc the one eye, the very rowdy personality and kind of the hair, but those are very broad design choices and its just me remembering some random girl I thought was silly but like Iris did it better.
Okay now second thing and then we go into literally everything else: My blog has been an angry pit of despair for everything in Episode 6 as of recent so let’s tap into that again 🤏 just a little. I am going to give my classic centrist opinion and say I don’t mind Cherri Bomb all that much but I absolutely get why people dislike her, and I mean this in the kinda way as people who dislike… Idk Fukuchi from BSD. WILD jump in fandoms but gimme a second. I can’t 100% say that Cherri Bomb in the pilot was better than the series since we have no idea if maybe for some reason she was intended to be like that offscreen, but judging by the pilot and “Addict” alone, it’s very unlikely. I could see her maybe being a bad influence at times and being like “Loosen up dude we’re in hell and its Friday” or something (idk if they have Friday in hell but everyday is probably Monday 🥁) but overall I feel like she’d end up apologising for it. However on the other side of things, I can understand why Cherri did that in Episode 6. Of course not to say this is okay, but Cherri is still very clearly not in the “redemption” mindset. She’s happy the way she is and is really only focused on certain aspects of issues. We see her comfort Angel in “Addict” but thats basically the extent of it. Cherri’s definition of “self-care” seems to be less of actually taking care of yourself and more like just letting go and having fun instead which really only gives a momentary fix to the issue, much like how substances can be abused. Do you kinda see what im getting at? Cherri offering Angel drugs while he’s trying not to relapse is not okay, full stop. But her reasoning as to why makes a bit of sense for her purpose in the show which is honestly not much, since, as you said, she is a woman in a Vivziepop show.
To my knowledge Cherri is like 30-ish years younger than Angel Dust in Hell experience so she’s likely not reached a point where she’s gotten tired of how things work, as well as the fact we don’t really have much of an idea on her backstory aside from that random shot in “Addict” of that guy in a puddle??? But generally she seems to be in a better position than Angel is, so there isn’t really any reason for her to want to change, yknow? I will say I do like exploring characters that are good friends while still being bad influences at times, but I’m going to be honest I feel like thats really not what Angel needs right now. I wouldn’t be as pissy about it if she did end up apologising afterwards (I’m just gonna headcanon she did for my sanity) but even then as Angel’s friend we don’t know like… anything about her. I would’ve really liked to get some kind of callback to the pilot where Cherri mentions she thought Angel was dead until the random Sir Pentious turf war, and maybe we could see her actually being worried about Angel again instead of those 3 frames in “Addict”, but Hazbin is rushed and I guess we don’t have time for that. And also YES it would’ve been great to see her in Episode 4 and actually doing something but again, Vivziepop is boring.
Going forward I would really like to see Cherri, if not become a patron, at least try to be a better friend and sure if she wants to keep doing stuff she can keep doing it, but just don’t encourage other people to relapse. It is very simple.
SIR PENTIOUS! About Sir Pentious, this is going to be incredibly short. I don’t hate the ship but also I’m not really crazy about any of the Hazbin Hotel ships? I also don’t really hate any except for the genuinely horrid ones but thats basic sense. I absolutely agree with you, Cherri does not need a romantic interest. Romance doesn’t always = growth and growth should not always = romance. She needs some genuine character TLC and I hope to god she gets some in season 2. We’ve only seen a few minutes of her so I have yet to give a firm opinion, but as of now I’m just hoping they do something actually interesting with her instead of just alluding to Sir Pentious ship. Also the penis thing. 1. What was that, and 2. It made me and my friends briefly pause to sex Sir Pentious and come to the conclusion he is likely transgender/hj
TLDR; Please give us a fun Cherri Bomb again. ☹️
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life's been okay. nothing special. days just keep on going. ive had a job for bout 2 weeks. ig thats not really an achievement tbh.
before this, that work from home place i was barely working, prolly 5-10 hours a week. and i'd slither out of those where possible anyway. this one week i worked a whopping 2 hours within 2 weeks. I was planning on killing myself and occasionally tried to all throughout having those jobs so i wasn't really worried about the consequences
before that the only other in person job i had was for my ex best friend. she worked there so i applied and got a job o work with her. only for her to quit 2 weeks after i got in whiich lead me to quit prolly a week n a half later cause i finally got fed up with the manager.
so now, even tho it ain't the longest ive held down a place, its the first that i really cared to put in effort to hold a job.
im semi celebrating but im honestly miserable. my feet hurt so fucking bad so it literally doesnt matter how good my hours are i never want to leave my bed. the people up there are so cliquey and on my 2nd day out of training one of my coworkers went off on me for going too slow and "not putting in my part". theyre starting to give me longer and longer shifts. i went from working 3-4 8 hour shifts per week to working 3 doubles just like that. they sooo generously give an hour and a half break in between the 6:30-3 and 4:30-8 shift but.. who in their right mind is even leaving atp? i live too far for that. i'd be home for at most an hour. waste of gas.
and to me what's worse, this whole situation is exactly what i've been avoiding. i knew it'd come down to this someday. but what alternative do i have?
HA. you know as a kid, i never understood addiction. I never thought I'd have to deal with it. By the time I was 8 I knew I'd kill myself someday. if i ever felt bad, that'd be what i'd do. no need to force myself to do something i didnt really wanna do. but now it seems so easy. i don't know what i wanna do from here. i hate my job. i hate my home life. i dont like to talk to my friends anymore. im bored of games. im bored of music. bored of tv.
whisking the days away doing what i have to would be a lot easier if i didnt have to be fully present for all of this. just something to pass the time until i have a better handle on what's the next move. right now, the only thing i can do is save up money. i have shit to pay off if i wanna keep a good credit score and i have things i need to buy. what's me hating every second gonna change?
though i know it's a slippery slope. abusing shit aint gon work out as smooth as I wish it would. I'll get addicted and then I'll get used to feeling that way so it'll take more for me not to get annoyed. then it'll turn back to me immediately running back to it for every minor situation. and honestly with the job i got i'd just have to hope i would be able to push through it without it being noticeable
i'm not happy i stopped. i feel like had i still been on dph i would've known for a fact how to make myself look normal. i could be gone out my mind but long as i get the shit right i could just daze through the days. but ya know. now. i ratted myself out
and now im stuck.
nothing more for me to do. nothing else i could be doing. nothing else i should be worried about other than making money
I never understood why adults always told me i'd miss being a kid since i was always struggling so bad. all they ever said is that my problems then were gonna feel like nothing once i was an adult. but they were wrong. i guess for now. but all i wish now is that i used all that freetime back when nooo one woulda suspected anything if i was away for a lil while. back when i wasnt ful grown and it'd prolly take a whooole lot less to finish the job
but here we are. forced to keep going and doing what i can to suppress what i really wanna do
ah speaking of which... i got pissed the other day and i tossed one of my drawers and broke it. then broke my bottle for my vitamins by throwing it to the ground. then i accidentally knocked over this container of beads and instead of just sweeping it back into the thing and reducing the mess, i just kicked it as hard as i could and tore the container apart. there's still beads everywhere
that is something i can't force myself to contain anymore. everything else i've been dealing with fine but when im pissed im pissed. i gotta get that under control too
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reynie-muldoons · 2 years
“A Joyful Lens” liveblog!
I know I’ve been kind of delayed on these but I want to watch the finale as soon as I can, so this liveblog is happening tonight LMAO.
RIP bingo for this one, I did not have time, and I don't have time for the finale either. I've been really busy, and work has me working weird hours, so I'm really sorry about that.
As always, spoilers under the cut!
0:58 it’s really fucking creepy how he sicced a kid on number two. Creepy ass child
1:21 just let him drink it dude
1:46 welp there she goes
2:09 well there goes that plan
2:22 “I could not poison my own brother” my guy it’s not poison
2:34 what the
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3:03 I love that they have a code between each other LOL
3:10 “it’s our own system we made up to classify bug and animal threats to the farm and dictate our response” LMAO THOSE CUTE ASS NERDS
3:29 “I’ve stared down the barrel of Curtain’s brainsweeper. I’m fine staying put.” MY BABY GIRL KNOWING WHEN TO STEP ASIDE
3:35 “run silent, run deep.” REFERENCE TO THE INSTITUTE BREAK-IN
3:52 “thirty seconds pretty much guarantees they’ll be too far away to see our movements.” LMAO i take back everything I said earlier but at least my girl’s funny as fuck 4:13 straight jackets? really?
4:32 he is stone fucking cold. That's the face of a kid who rightfully held a grudge
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4:47 you’d think the happiness technique thing wouldn’t make Constance lose her contrarian nature, just make it have a pleasant flare. It goes to show how much it’s truly altering these people
4:55 “just pull it.” why does he know how a straight jacket works
5:03 she ripped that thing off like tearaway pants LMAO
5:14 “that’s not my way, you know that Sticky” I hate that he’s already trying to appeal to him
5:48 yikies
6:01 and now time for the lovely intro. I really do like the style, I don’t think I’ll ever get tired if the vibe
7:06 it makes me sad that she was so unhappy, but at the same time it’s upsetting that it’s being achieved through manipulation and hypnotism
7:11 it really does seem similar to a manic episode
7:28 “but when I think with my mind I just want to resist with all my might” smart. Please listen to yourself
7:42 “what if you just don’t think as much? What if everything’s just fine?” this sounds like a neurotypical person trying to tell someone to just not be anxious
7:53 wtf is happening
8:03 again wtf is happening. This is like two drunk people pretending they’re sober
8:05 oh lord it’s both of them now hahahah
8:21 okay the hard cut was really fucking funny
8:25 is the two of them screaming out a song going to be an important plot point for the gang reuniting hahahah
8:34 “...wolves?” LMAOOOO
8:40 what on earth
8:45 OOP
9:11 “blink once if they have this room bugged” yikes
9:18 “sir, you’re dressed in the faded rags of a hostage” tell me why that reminded me of gert’s “the tower” (gert if you’re reading this i love that fic and its additions so fucking much)
9:24 “I’m getting my own soon” if they’re anything less than a loud yellow im suing
9:26 “I requested yellow” girl you’ve been hypnotized for like 5 minutes when did you have the time to do that
9:36 what is wrong with this child
9:52 rip rhonda and milligan’s free will
9:59 “it’s like a… horse-camel.” does Kate not know what a llama is??
10:29 Constance looks like she jumped right out of Hansel and Gretel
10:58 “I know I tease you, Sticky, but the truth is that I enjoy your scientific facts.” I wonder how much truth there actually is to that
11:24 AWWWW. I know Constance would not do that when not under the influence but it’s so sweet
11:27 “...what’s wrong with her” she didn’t even hesitate
12:07 oh my gosh actually?? Smooth. And very smart to keep up the act so that they can meet up with the other two
12:30 “you two need to blend in” as if they aren’t already on curtain and his team’s hit list
12:38 ew is this like a PR thing
12:51 I really don’t like the phrase “reach into someone’s mind”. Very brainsweeper-adjacent of you
13:07 is this supposed to be a masterclass or some shit
13:29 “and soon all of you will be ready to share your gifts with the world” this is getting very Whisperer-takeover-adjacent of you
13:35 I’m sorry but Milligan you look ridiculous
13:36 I love how they somehow managed to make the four maintain some aspect of their personal styles in their hobo clothes. Reynie has a collar popped for fuck’s sake LOL
14:04 happiness centers?? This is the same but opposite of the books’ SAD cases and facilities
14:10 yikes, they’re operating them? Curtain must be fully convinced that he has control over their minds at this point. Scary
14:17 another one bites the dust
14:24 “I got it, they’re undercover.” Sticky I love you but do you think Mr Benedict is that good of an actor. Like Milligan and Rhonda I get, they are skilled as hell, but he would never be able to keep his cool around his brother like that
14:32 oh that made me so sad, I saw how ecstatic Miss Perumal looked
14:46 wait it happened that quickly? You get one neck pain and then 10 minutes later you’re fully catatonic?
15:05 of course the guy it happened to was conveniently on a wheelie chair
15:27 I really don’t like the implications of “worldwide happiness revolution”
15:37 Mr B looks incredibly concerned. Did he break out of it? Is it possible to break out of it? Is it possible to feel things other than happiness? I have so many questions
16:28 “they seem… very happy to be with you.” fake asf
16:44 ohh Reynie sweetheart
17:15 ohhhhh Kate
17:35 “there is no point to that emotion” dude’s fucked
17:42 “you guys are so convincing!” “thanks :D of what :D” incredible
18:01 “we love it here Sticky, and you will too.” fucking creepy
18:38 “it’s only natural to want others to be as miserable as you are” I mean there’s her usually biting tone but also huhhhh
18:58 Garrison team up part 2 electric boogaloo
19:40 oop they weren’t in unison that time
19:52 cover’s blown
21:13 “a correlation. Which is not the same as a causation.” just say you’re in denial and go
21:40 “and next time, do not bring me a problem for which you have no solution” so what I’m hearing is that homeboy doesn’t want to held responsible
22:37 why does she write her r’s like that
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22:37 I mean I get that it's a font but still
22:46 “optics. You mean like shining a bright light in someone’s eye?” don’t tell me they’re about to strobe people into awareness
23:06 “I’ve successfully stolen several items recently.” Kate, my love, I’m so proud of you LMAO
24:02 I’m really enjoying this compilation, each person is contributing in ways that play to all of their skills so dang well
24:19 that’s right, now learn to appreciate your dad’s contributions
24:36 “50/50… maybe…. 40/60?” loving the confidence lol. What a weird ass solution
24:49 it is so deeply strange seeing them all frolicking
25:01 I find it hilarious that the hippy pants don’t have belt buckles so Kate had to make a sash for her bucket
25:22 good grief. I know I said it earlier but it’s like they’re drunk off their asses
25:24 so did Mr B just like… forget about what he saw or
25:35 “that… is an unexpected vision.” agreed
25:47 “where’s my dad? Let’s start with him.” she can pretend she’s not worried about him all she wants but I will simply not believe her
25:57 okay so he didn’t forget. But he’s still dancing. So does the hypnosis thing kind of interject happiness into everything else, like force it to the front no matter what? Is that why he’s so chill? I still don’t quite understand how this works logistically
26:03 “and I knew I should feel something but I couldnt, which terrified me” okay so that does kind of answer my question, from what Mr B’s saying it negates other feelings to the point of overriding them
26:22 Milligan my guy chew with your mouth closed
26:42 I know he’s compromised but I think he would’ve responded the same way if he wasn’t because he’s so soft for her
26:54 “you are an amazing person, Kate Wetherall.” “I have strong genes.” AOJSDLFKSJDLF
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27:19 moment of truth
27:28 “...you deliberately misled me at the gates.” LMAO HE’S BACK AND HE’S BITTER
27:57 “looks like you’ve gotten acclimated :D” creepy
28:34 RHONDA’S FACE HAHAHAH she’s like “I can’t believe this shit”
28:43 “Oh, can it wait? I’m vibing.” drunk queen energy lol
28:53 “trust me.” “and I do, with my life” LSKDFJLIDSFJ AWWWWW
29:07 they’re going to be a problem if they’re watching so closely
29:13 first of all, don’t J&J recognize them from school?? LOL. second, called it
29:58 why did they have to tackle him like that adfjlafj
30:06 “my shoulder! It’s dislocated!” “STAY WITH ME” “it’s just my shoulder but thank you!” these two hahahhaa
30:58 “she gets a vote now?” in this house I demand respect for Miss Perumal 😤
31:52 “us :)” awwwwww
32:18 so is he like trying to do it to himself or
32:21 he WAS damnit that’s sad
32:28 equal parts sad and creepy. This is a desperate man
32:47 LMAO HUH
33:08 so number two’s original plan is in action lol. He is in a literal body bag
33:47 LMAOOOOO they’re fucking zoomin
34:06 why do they call them the greys too? Like.. don't they have an actual name for them. Like, say. Recruiters
So I did this liveblog in a few parts, but as I’m typing this it’s Wednesday night. I’m about to watch the finale.
34:24 idk why I gasped bc I knew it was coming
Damn, this season really took a hard left LOL. I have 0 idea what to expect for the finale. See you guys there!
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lqfiles · 2 days
CHAPTER 21 WE CHEEREDDD!!!! um also WHAT grace me wif the date of ur birf pleek. (if ur comfortable to do so ofc) so like summer..omgg IT IS SO FUCKING HOT IN TURKEY IT WAS 30 DEGREES CELSIUS TODAY LIKE WHAT. THE. FUCK. but other than that my summer is going pretty good i think im entering my working era idrk....also i fully agree that yangyang shouldn't be allowed in establishments without a gf like wait I GOT AN IDEA Sharks (tumblr user lqfiles), we require 500,000$(a forgettable cameo of being 2yangs gf), and will return the money in 125% interest(a kiss) within 12 hours. Please contact us at ilove𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴[email protected] 🤵 why is 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴 becoming an addiction i cant help it I HAVE TO 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴. OH MY GOD ALSO??? I NEVER TOLD U WHAT HAPPENED W THE THUMBS UP GUY. we literally talk like.. idk id average it down to like 15 mins a day right.. but like the more i talk the more i remember why hes a PAST crush. like my friend rlly wants me to date him cos we'd be cute and all but he just feels so immature i dont know... like i dont want to feel like im dating a 6th grader. ALSO. ok so im coming out yawl. i Kinda. like his friend BUT OKAY HEAR ME OUT i havent told ANYYY of my friends about him because theyd skin me alive or something and idk why i even LIKE HIM. i think its smt like emotional attachment or something. ive deadass gotten back into painting and pottery because of him like he makes me want to Create Art. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO ??? BECAUSE I DONT EVEN KNOW HOW WE'D EVEN BE FRIENDS. LIKE IF WE STARTED DATING I THINK IT WOUD BE LIKE.... strangers to somewhat enemies to friends(?) to lovers like what... -🐇
my birthday is actually in 50 minutes from now :P me and haechan are birthday twins, are you jealous? 👀
broooo i can only imagine how warm it is in any middle east country, i remember this time around last year i was in saudi arabia and i was HEATING UPPP, it may not be turkey but it’s close kinda! anyways i love that for you, get that bag sis, we BOTH might be entering our working era 😝
ILOVEFRWAKYANGSHDKDJ WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS, very tempting offer tho… i guess i’ll take it and you can be yangyang’s official girlfriend, NOW RUN ME MY KISS AND MONEY 🤦🏽‍♀️ also PLSSS I LOVE RHE BRAINROT SO MUCH like i always giggle at those freaky insta posts like i literally saved this pic today lmaooo, like me a real freak 🤫🤫
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OOOOHHHH THIS TEA IS CRAZYYYY NOT YOU FALLING FOR HIS FRIEND….. what do you even do in that situation 😭😭😭😭 i’m glad you’re figuring out you’re feelings for the first guy tho, you won’t have to waste your time trying w him anymore. as for the second one ooouu ngl friend, that might get some judgement but genuinely, if it makes you happy, why should you care about what these others think? i think you should figure out what his feelings for you are while also trying to figure out if you rlly RLLY like him and if that’s the case just try to act on it? IDK BUT I SUPPORT YOUR RIGHTS AND WRONFS DONR WORRY SIS….
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arolegos · 5 months
befotr tje day ends. I need like to Recap the stupid ass shit that happned today .
ok so . today (saturday), we had a test scheduled. HSK — it's a mandarin language test to examine chinese proficiency (think the mandarin version of IELTS) . yes I have a Lot of issues of it taking place on a saturday and in the first week of school, but i digress. i had accepted that this would happen last semester.
the examination takes place in a building just a little bit over an hour away from my house. whatever. ive driven to further places, thats not an issue. the test is scheduled to start at 9 and end at 12 but we're expected to arrive before 8 (to register our IDs n documents), so i wake up at 6 to get ready and drive off at 7. Not the worst either; i usually wake up earlier on normal school days.
FIRST ISSUE THAT ARISES. THE FUCKING TEACHERS WERE LATE.?.??? They were the mfs BITCHING on us to be early or else we'd get our names crossed off (meaning we'd have to Pay for the exam. that theyre FORCING US TO TAKE. I DONT FUCKING NEED HSK????? ONLY A FEW STUDENTS IN OUR GRADE DO?? LIKE. 5 IN TOTAL? IM NOT GOING TO A COLLEGE THAT REQUIRES HSK OR TOEFL. A MAJORITY OF MY CLASSMATES DONT NEED THIS. AND. they SWAPPED our mandarin topics from the casual one we were used to, to THIS.) . WHATEVER, YOU KNOW? i laughed it off w some friends while they distributed the paper documents to us. guess i gotta wait longer in line now because theyre late. whatever, try lining up for a ride in an amusement park, right? thereve been worse
test starts. i definitely flopped. not an issue, i already Knew id suck ass. my mandarin is INCREDIBLY limited and i can hardly hold a conversation (yes yes embarrassing as someone of chinese descent). a few people were held back because their computers lagged or shut down; fortunately, mine did not. laughed about my very likely 7/100 expected results with my friends. laughed at our answers (mine that was straight up ": (" because i forgot the pinyin for a word and couldnt put it down; my friend who wrote "我吃勺子" (i eat spoon); my friend who wrote "她喜欢他因为他给她一张纸" (she liked him because he gave her a piece of paper); my friend who forgot the word watermelon and literally wrote "我吃红水果用勺子." (i eat (the) red fruit with a spoon)
second test starts. its HSKK this time (speaking test). again, already knew id flop. it took me like 5 questions to realise i was meant to repeat what the speaker was saying into the mic for the first part (to clarify: the audio file does Not repeat for questions meaning i Missed those), and misread a question on the last that read "what activity is good for your body (physically)?" as "what activity do you like?", so my answer was "i like drawing". Laughed this off; me and my friends exchanged our stupid ass answers (some fun examples that i couldnt stop laughing at: when asked to repeat a sentence, my friend answered with her name; when asked to describe a situation where a woman is running late, my friend described what she wore; when asked "what activity is good for your body", my friend answered "my hair and face"; my friend who, when asked his chinese name, responded with "小妹")
30 minute break passes s'all fun joy and laughter. im in a great mood . amazing even.
fun heehees and hahas. great time overall tbh, even though i was for sure getting at most 12/100
and then Boom Im in despair
the staff entered the room and called 7 candidate numbers. Then he said; "Okay, you guys are free to leave. The rest of you, your tests had an error."
WHAT.ever. NO issue. delay, that doesnt matter. still had other friends nearby so i left my seat to talk to them. 10 minutes pass and they try to restart every computers HSK software one by one — MINE for some reason REFUSED to close. WHATEVER. i just stayed with my friends for a bit longer.
Yay! 55 minutes of waiting ❤️ 80% of everyone who got an error has left, bc they already reloaded back and did the questions that were deleted off bc of the error. Test loads. im expecting to have to retake 2-3 questionsWRONG!!!!!
my dad is there. I say hi, ask him if we're going home. he says NO. He Tells me we're waiting til 4 pm because my younger sister also had a HSK test scheduled today, but from 1 til 4 instead of my 9 to 12. Ok... i tell him thats Fine.
friend leaves at 4 exact. i say Bye and smile and im happy as Fuck and then IM NOT. i look to my left and see my sisters classmages leaving; yay! yippe! fun! i get to finally leave this fucking place!
spent 1-2 hrs with my friends walking around the streets and then walking to a mall . my feet were killing me but the food we ate was GREAT. i had a fun fun time with my friends!!! since they were there when i discussed that w my dad, they had scheduled to leave at 4.
2 people get out and no more comes.
0 notes
hsgdjshs · 5 months
@k1r0sl1mb0 just read this entire thing.
This is pre typed message
Please, read the entirety.
since you have me blocked everywhere i think the most logical and.. really the only way to do this is on a empty acc where only you'd see it. im going to be brutal here, so sincerely, i want you to read it.
Recently the cards seem don't really make much sense. Everything seems fine, i don't understand what it's trying to tell me.
its like, a bunch of happy cards like the 10 of cups keep coming out but after all of those suddenly theres the 3 of swords. i dont get it.
maybe im not good at these right now"
I have this weird ass looming feeling like somethings gonna go wrong but nothing seems off
Im scared i dont understand why i feel like this, everything seems okay"
"i cant shake this feeling tonight.
i hate this feeling.
i wish it'd stop.
i hate this
i cant take this right now
ive been this way for hours and i never fucking asked for this."
"i feel so sick fuck theres something wrong but i dont know what and im scared
something feels so off. somethings about to happen again im scared its the same times as last year and shes been so distant its like she isnt telling me something im so confused
am i doing something wrong?"
That was prior to everything. I knew for longer than I want to admit I did. I knew it was coming.
I wanna show you one more note though. Im going to edit it a bit ofc, but you see my point.
"i really hope one day you'll fall in love with me and just me alone, im tired of being the boy who's like him.
i wanna be the one you love
i want you to fall in love with me, all of me, all the fucked up bits of me just me not the pieces of him you can find in me.
i just want your love.
i wanna be loved how i love you
i want you to want to gently hold me and care for me and tell me that you love me and to just do what i do for you.
i wanna be able to cry to you and be comforted be told its okay have my cries responded to when i need you
i want to be cared for so badly
i want you to care when im not okay i want you to be there to calm me to even me out please
i want you to still care when things go wrong i wanna feel like you care but even if i was about to try to commit suicide you wouldnt be there because i cant die.
i really wish you'd care for me the way you probably cared about him."
It felt like that for ages. I mean like, actual fucking ages.
This is me being vulnerable with you, properly.
Anyways, moving on. I figured using some notes would help me talk about this. I really hope you're reading this, because I typed this on 10/25/23, but I plan on scheduling this to send in.. several months actually. I just need to let it out yk? To be honest, you said you're self aware but you aren't.
A relationship means caring for the other person involved too, and to be absolutely brutal? You never gave a shit about me. If you did you sure didn't show it. I was never once a top priority to you, hell I suspected you must be cheating a few times and I WAS HALFASS RIGHT. You did like someone else, intuition never lies. I feel like I deserved better to be honest. I always gave you everything, I bought you things and sent you paragraphs, I have a box full of love letters and I've done countless amounts of spellwork in the name of protecting you, but I never got anything in return for it. Nothing at all. Im calling you selfish, Robyn. You're genuinely so selfish that I don't know how you haven't noticed it yourself. Oh i'm dying?? No matter! I'll be fine!! Its like that is what goes through your head. Its like, no matter what was happening it never mattered. You never seemed to give a shit unless my life was on the line and even then? Rare that you'd even respond. When i'm doing bad its a hassle to even get a hug. I was always there for you every second, if something was the matter with you I prioritized trying to stay with you until everything was okay. I loved you. I made sure you always knew I loved you, I told you all about it constantly. I did so much for you, I even saved $300 in hopes I would get to travel to see you once I hit 18.
I did everything for you. I was dedicated, I was genuinely ready to give you my life.
But i'm speaking in past tense.
Sometimes, I think you never even actually were in love with me, but just the shadow of Shiloh that I had. I know I'm similar, I know thats what you saw in me originally. Whenever I asked you what you loved about me you couldn't even tell me, yet I had a 50 bullet point long list of all these small things I adored about you. It was insane how unreciprocated it was, yet I desperately tried to get the validation of being loved by you. I tried and I tried, constantly, I thought "If I keep trying, she'll give me something! She says she loves me so maybe if I do this or this she'll give me a little bit of affection." I thought like that, every day. Like some fucking neglected dog waiting for their owner to feed them for the first time in weeks. You wanna know what I find even funnier though? The fact that the little bit of affection I got was a "💖" reaction to my essay about loving you. That, was what I was so fucking excited for. You warped me that bad mentally. I actually hit a point where I thought, that a fucking heart reaction was proper reciprocation of my feelings.
Another point I would like to make is that in this last run, You literally could care less about my emotional wellbeing. "Ask Apollo" what if I wanted my LITERAL GIRLFRIEND who's supposed to be there for me to comfort me? What if, maybe, just maybe, I wanted you to just simply say the words "It'll be okay, don't worry" to me? That's all I have ever wanted from you. I was never seeking advice, or validation, or anything else. I was literally just seeking comfort and to be listened to.
Out of the relationship, I still sought for comfort in you. I didn't know better. I had nobody else. So I would spend my nights crying to you, not in hopes for you to fix it but in hopes that you would listen, that you'd hug me and tell me that I was going to be okay. That you'd prove you cared about me and still loved me in any way at all.
You never responded so I kept doing it because I wanted that comfort.
This is where the emotional numbness wears down a bit. The 23rd, you know when you left. Don't take this as guilt tripping but I am gonna give a quick rundown of why the way you executed that makes you a fucking asshole. One of my best friends? Left me. Another one of my best friends? Contemplating suicide!! (They did attempt, ended up in a ward.) And then on top of all of that? THAT is when you choose to drop the bomb on me!! Yes, call me out, but NO don't do it when i'm under that kind of stress. I don't know if the mental basic skills weren't working or if you're that fucking selfish, but that is not a good time to just yk, leave!! It really isn't. Like seriously. "Oh you're at peak mental worst? Yeah sorry bro let me just leave you alone to your own demise and do the one thing that I know will drive you insane, gotta help you out here."
And look I get it, I hate myself too I know, but that was just foul. It was genuinely such a shitty thing to do and I don't care if you were being told by deities to cut communication you could've waited a day or hell, had a real conversation with me!! Gone "Hey August, we need to talk" YOU COULD'VE TALKED TO ME. But no. No that isn't right to you now is it? You ran away again basically. I can guarantee this would've hurt x10 LESS bad if you just simply went and asked me to talk and then explained all of that. In a conversation, like a actual fucking interaction. You could've said you needed some time away, told me we need to cut communication, and let me have a proper goodbye to you.
You're one of the most selfish, cruel people I have ever known and if that doesn't make you self aware I really don't know what does. I knew that you were selfish and cold and still found so much to love anyways, yet you never had enough decency to be kind to me. You never were able to just, return the favor of treating me nicely and letting me speak the final words I wanted to.
I hate you. I really wanna say it. I fucking hate you.
But its not true. I'm mentally wired not to hate you almost as if static covers up those words, I wish I hated you. I really fucking wish I did.
I think you successfully did it, you know how you became emotionally so closed off? I think that a new yet timeless cycle happened, and its that I am unable to trust anyone ever again. Everyone is a liar, especially you. I won't show emotions because it will always always ALWAYS result in me being alone.
You must be happy with making me just like you were, i'm sure its why we're bonded the way we are. Must've been inevitable. I wonder if you're feeling what I feel as I am typing this.
I wish that the next words i'm about to say were a lie, but they aren't.
I love you.
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cherrykindness · 3 years
one spoon for two |
first of all, i can't make my first post in english without thanking those who helped and encouraged me to make this decision. thank you for everything @waitimcomingtoo, @harryhoney-bee and @parkers-gal 🧡
summary: you and peter share spoons and sweatshirts and are “secretly” in love with each other.
pairing: peter parker x stark!reader
warning: hi! english (obviously) is not my first language, so I ask for patience, im still learning <3
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"Good morning." You said with a enviable morning good humor as soon as you arrived at the complex's kitchen, receiving distracted nods and murmurs from Bucky, Sam, and Natasha. Peter, on the other hand, received your greeting with equal enthusiasm.
"Good morning, Y/N." He replied anxiously, straightening the posture and removing his feet from the chair beside. "Do you want to sit here?" He asked quick and shyly, pretending not to notice Bucky and Sam narrowing their eyes across the table. "I-I mean, it's empty, but you don't have to if you don't want to."
You nodded, accepting the offer before sitting down next to the boy you used to call best friend, frowning as you noticed that your yogurt with granola was already prepared next to a spoon and a glass of milk.
"Did you do that?"
Peter agreed, feeling a warmth rise from his neck to his cheeks.
"Yes, I figured you would be tired after last night."
That answer was enough to capture the attention of the entire kitchen. Steve, who was walking through the door with an empty mug in hand, stopped as soon as he heard the phrase leave Peter's lips, widening his eyes as he struggled not to let the ceramic object hit the floor.
"What?" Bucky asked in astonishment, blinking rapidly as he looked away between you and Peter. "What did you guys do last night?"
You and Peter looked at each other in confusion, but before you could respond, Natasha pointed to your clothes.
"Is that Peter's sweatshirt?"
Steve's pressure seemed to have dropped at this very moment. With trembling hands and flushed cheeks, the soldier sat down on one of the chairs, hiding his face amidst inaudible murmurs.
"Tony already knows this?" Sam asked with his mouth full of cereal, looking at you both with disapproval.
"What should I know?"
Peter swallowed hard when he heard your father's voice, dreading the mischievous smile that grew on Bucky's face.
"That me and Pete spent the whole night watching Star Wars." You were quick to respond, causing Peter to let out a relieved sigh.
"So that's what the kids call it these days?" Steve whispered, looking more shocked by the minute. Natasha patted her friend on the back, offering consolation.
"The Spider-Baby said he made Y/N very tired last night." Bucky, playing the part of the devil on Peter's shoulder, repeated the sentence with slight alteration.
"I didn't say that." The boy with bright curls said in horror, shaking his head frantically as his face turned as red as fresh strawberries. "It wasn't like that, Mr. Stark."
"So explain it to me." Tony demanded with a serious face, crossing his arms over his chest.
The boy became an clumsy mess in a matter of seconds. Bucky, Sam and Natasha holding their own giggling as the comic moment unfolded.
"You don't have to say anything, Pete." You reassured him, understanding your father's intentions. "Let's get away from those perverts. We still have a lot to enjoy this weekend."
You stood up with Peter at your heels, leaving the kitchen under the watchful eyes of the Avengers. Everyone, except Steve, burst out laughing as soon as Tony made sure that you were no longer around, Sam having to wipe away a few tears that had escaped from the corner of his eyes.
"What?" Steve asked confused, staring at the others strangely. "What did I miss?"
"They are so oblivious." Natasha said with a smile, shaking her head negatively.
"It's kind of cute." Tony admitted, shaking his shoulders. "The boy is unable to make a move, however."
"What?" Steve voiced it for the third time in less than three minutes. "They-they- you know; Aren't you angry? Isn't that a move for you?"
"They did nothing, cap." Tony stated between a sigh. "They spent the night watching Star Wars just as Y/N said, believe me."
"But is painfully obvious the Spider-Boy is upside down for her." Sam stated, earning a nod from Tony, Bucky and Natasha. "He was already here when me and Bucky showed up in the morning. He was sitting at the table and Y/N's breakfast was also already prepared. I was about to sit next to him– and it was the first time I ever considered sitting next to that child, I swear, when he simply put his feet up on the empty chair, saying that he had severe cramps and needed space. When Y/N appeared at the door all smiling and wearing his college sweatshirt, puft, it seems that the boy went out of his mind, and the first thing he did was to offer the seat next to him."
"There was one day that Y/N needed to help Bruce in the lab and was without access to her cell phone for most of the day. Peter and I were working together on his suit, but the boy was picking up the cell phone every two minutes. He sent a message at 04:30 and Y/N didn't answer until at 08:47, so guess what? Peter answered at 08:48." Said Tony.
"The boy was whipped." Bucky uttered between a sip of coffee.
"He and Y/N were sharing a pot of strawberry ice cream during the last movie session." It was Natasha's turn to share a moment between you and Peter, attracting the attention of the men accompanying her, "but there was only one spoon for both."
There was a suggestive exchange of glances between her, Stark, Barnes and Wilson, broken by Rogers' timid and cautious voice.
"So the kids didn't do anything indecent?"
"Oh, for God's sake!" Tony rolled his eyes, leaving the room.
It was almost seven in the evening when Peter came into the kitchen again, now with a green mask on his face and a Hello Kitty's patch over his nose.
"What the fuck?" Bucky asked skeptically, almost spitting out the sandwich that was in his mouth.
"Y/N and I are going skin care tonight." Peter replied simply, going over to the refrigerator as everyone watched him intently.
"And what is that on your face?" Natasha asked the question everyone wanted while Peter grabbed a pot of ice cream from the freezer.
"Avocado mask. She saw in TikTok that it is good for the pores."
"So that was the fate of the avocado I bought to eat in the morning." Steve said regretfully. "It's okay, I can buy another one tomorrow."
"I have many questions, but I don't think any answer will answer them." Sam do a grimace before turning to the food laid out on the table.
"Peter, you should ask Y/N out on a date." Thor gave his opinion. "That's what you Midgardians call, right?"
Peter choked with the air as he heard the Thunder God's phrase, almost letting the pot of ice cream slide down the sink.
"W-we go to dates almost every day." He refuted with red face. "Tomorrow we will go to the supermarket. We can buy another avocado for you, Steve."
"But this is not the kind of date we are talking abo–" Natasha tried to explain, but Peter was already leaving the kitchen practically running.
"Bye, Y/N is waiting me to put cucumbers over the eyes."
"You got only one spoon!" The redhead screamed.
"It's enough!"
The Avengers present exchanged a look of recognition before Thor broke the silence, repeating the question Sam had asked that same morning:
"Tony already knows this?"
Everyone shook their shoulders simultaneously, Bruce being the only one to speak up verbally when silence filled the room.
"I'm sure he's already pulling some strings."
"Please, Tony, don't tell me that you are hiding to spying Peter and Y/N."
Tony peeked a bit between the leaves as he heard Pepper's harsh voice, putting the binoculars in the back pocket of his pants as covertly as possible.
"Spying?" He laughed exaggeratedly loudly. "Of course not, dear. This is absurd."
The woman eyed him suspiciously, reaching into her husband's pocket as soon as he hugged her.
"So can you start explaining to me the binoculars, the camouflage clothing, and the presence of a giant plant that was not in the hallway before?"
Tony walked away defeated, lowering his eyes at the judgmental look he was receiving.
"The word "spying" is too strong, okay? Let's say I was watching them without them knowing."
Pepper rolled her eyes.
"They are already adults, Tony. You should let them make their own decisions, and it is pretty obvious that they like each other. I know that the idea of Peter and Y/N dating may be strange to you, but–"
"Strange?" He almost shouted, lowering his voice when he noticed that the music that used to come from your room had stopped, now putting his camouflage skills at risk. "Baby, I love you, but you are crazy." He whispered. "Peter is the only boy who deserves to be with someone like Y/N, and all I have been doing for the past seven months is trying to get them to confess the feelings that everyone knows exist, but they seem too blind to see. So far I remain with the verdict that the boy is right for her and I hope don't change my mind anytime soon. They are my OTP."
"OTP?" Pepper asked confused by the slang.
"One True Pairing. Honey, you are so out of date."
"All right, I'm leaving."
Tony arched an eyebrow as he watched his wife walk away and take the binoculars, shrugging his shoulders before hiding behind the leaves again. He spent almost two hours there, but nothing interesting had happened, just you and Peter going back and forth from the kitchen with greasy foods and ice cream, a spoon for two as you shared whatever it was in the aisles, sometimes even taking it into each other's mouths, making Tony look away from those nauseatingly sweet scenes.
He had a story appointment with Morgan and his presence in the little girl's room at nine was a must. The plan affectionately called "Project Starker" had failed that day, and Tony had to accept defeat as he went to your room, expecting to find you and Peter sprawled out on the bed while some nerdy movie was playing on TV.
"Y/N? Peter?"
The room was dark, lit only by adjacent lights coming through the window. Tony stumbled over a few objects along the way, walking blindly through the furniture until he was near your bed.
"Can you even see each other here? God, how–"
Tony had to interrupt the sentence, surprised to see you and Peter snuggled up to each other, sleeping peacefully while a current series he didn't know the name of played on the TV at an almost inaudible volume. He shook his head in denial, holding back a smile before nudging Peter's waist, forging an angry timbre:
"Kid, you have a room here for a reason. What are you doing in my daughter's bed?"
Peter blinked a few times, completely lost and surprised by Tony's presence.
"Mr. Stark?" He asked stunned, trying to see Tony through the shadows. "Why are you here?"
Your father raised one of his eyebrows, aghast at the sudden boldness of the teenager before remembering the younger man's sleepwalking habits. Peter probably thought he was dreaming or some shit.
"Why are you here?" Tony returned the question, crossing his arms.
"Because I'm in love with Y/N and I want to sleep next to her."
Tony opened his mouth like a goldfish, cursing himself mentally for not recording that statement, shaking Peter's body when he started to close his eyes again.
"Aren't you going to your room?"
Peter mumbled something indecipherable, tightening his arms around your body as you continued to sleep heavily on his chest.
"No, thanks for the offer."
Tony nodded to nothing, deciding to just close your curtain and ask to Friday to turn off the TV.
"Thank you for doing Y/N too, Mr. Stark. I appreciate that."
Tony laughed softly, promising himself that he would tease the boy about it the next morning, “Go to sleep, kid. I'm sure no one will leave you alone tomorrow after I tell what you said."
Stark was about to leave when he noticed Peter's feet sticking out of the covers. The night was cold, and there was nothing but a thin comforter protecting the two of you.
"Just one blanket?" He asked.
"Yes." Peter kind of whispered, pulling you closer. "It's enough."
This time Tony didn't hold back his smile, shaking his head before closing the door, leaving you and Peter in that little bubble of teenage passion.
"Point for you, Spider-Boy."
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cheapthrillsbeca · 3 years
54 ☺️
54. “I wanna marry you.” “We’ve only been together for two months. And you’re drunk.”
made this one part of the railroad apartment fic verse alskdjflaskjd
Beca [11:33 p.m.]: clhoeee
Beca [11:33 p.m.]: I just saw this girl in a that same white dress you have
Beca [11:33 p.m.]: you know the one that’s like cute and short adn lacy
Beca [11:33 p.m.]: and i got sad bc you’re not here 😢
Beca [11:33 p.m.]: are you still at work?
Chloe [11:35 p.m.]: hi drunkie 😘
Chloe [11:35 p.m.]: It’s almost midnight, so no, I’m not still at work lol. I managed to get out of there around 8
Chloe [11:35 p.m.]: and I do know that dress. But I didn’t know you liked it so much. I’ll have to remember that 😉
Beca [11:35 p.m.]: I pretty much love all of your dresses 👀👀👀
Beca [11:35 p.m.]: and glad you didn’t have to work as late as you thought. but u shouldve met us out!!
Beca [11:35 p.m.]: you know everyone likes you more than me. they’re all whining about my “””wifey”””” not being here
Chloe [11:36 p.m.]: lmao
Chloe [11:36 p.m.]: I wish I was there! But by the time I cooked dinner, ate, and showered it was 9:30 and I was too sleepy 
Beca [11:36 p.m.]: ok i forgive yuo
Beca [11:36 p.m.]: what’d you make for din?
Chloe [11:36 p.m.]: your fav -- baked mac and cheese
Chloe [11:36 p.m.]:  there’s a bowl for you in the fridge, ready to microwave when you get in
Beca [11:37 p.m.]: 🎉🎉🎉😄🤤🤤😋😋😋😋
Beca [11:37 p.m.]: chlooooo
Beca [11:37 p.m.]: ugh i love you sm
Beca [11:37 p.m.]: like so so much
Beca [11:37 p.m.]: ilke
Beca [11:37 p.m.]: i wanna marry you
Chloe [11:38 p.m.]: hahah 😊😂
Chloe [11:38 p.m.]: I love you too becs
Chloe [11:38 p.m.]: but it might be a little soon for a proposal
Chloe [11:38 p.m.]: We’ve only been together for two months
Chloe [11:38 p.m.]: and you’re drunk
Beca [11:40 p.m.]: pffffffft doesnt matter
Beca [11:40 p.m.]: im gonna marry u chleo beale
Beca [11:40 p.m.]: gonna marry you so hrd
Chloe [11:41 p.m.]: hahaha babyyy
Chloe [11:41 p.m.]: you’re too much
Chloe [11:41 p.m.]: only you would turn marriage into an act of aggression 
Beca [11:41 p.m.]: 😡😡😡
Beca [11:41 p.m.]: laugh all you want
Beca [11:41 p.m.]: but one day you’ll see
Beca [11:41 p.m.]: youll. See.
Beca [11:41 p.m.]: oh i’m gonna share an Uber with Alicia see you sooooonnnn
Chloe [11:42 p.m.]: YAY!!!
Chloe [11:42 p.m.]: share your trip so I can have your mac & cheese ready when you get home!
Beca groans as she rolls over in bed. Her head is killing her and her mouth feels dry as sandpaper.
She winces as she props herself up on her elbows and surveys the room. The bed is empty, save for Bandit, who is curled up by her feet and snoring softly. There’s a glass of ice water and two Advils sitting on her bedside table, and she sits up properly to take the pills before draining the glass.
Last night was… What was last night?
She closes her eyes as she leans back against the headboard, trying to piece the evening together. Happy hour with her coworkers… those stupid flaming shots that Caleb always makes them take… Ubering home with Alicia… eating her weight in macaroni… 
There’s something else she should remember, and she can feel it, nagging and elusive on the tip of her tongue. But before it comes to her she hears the keys in the front door. Bandit practically trips over himself as he leaps off the bed and sprints out of the room to greet his favorite parent.
Beca gets it, though. If her head wasn’t throbbing so much she’d be running out to see Chloe, too.
Luckily Chloe comes straight back to their room, and it’s the most welcome sight Beca has ever seen.
Because she’s carrying two large iced cold brews from Beca’s favorite coffee shop.
“Dude, oh my god,” Beca says as Chloe hands her one of the coffees. “You are a literal angel.”
Part of Beca wants to go on and on about how much she appreciates her, but she has to attend to her more pressing need of getting caffeine into her body. She takes several sips of iced coffee as Chloe climbs back into bed, cuddling up next to Beca. It takes Bandit a couple of running starts, but eventually he makes it back on the bed, too.
“How are you feeling?”
Chloe gently cards her fingers through Beca’s hair before tucking a few strands behind her ear. Her hand comes to a rest on Beca’s shoulder, and she rubs her thumb soothingly along her neck and collarbone. Beca holds her coffee in her lap and closes her eyes, enjoying the sensation.
“Mmm,” she hums. “Much better now.”
“Do you remember last night?” Chloe asks, and Beca hears the smile in her voice.
“I was just trying to work that out.” Beca's head lolls against the headboard as Chloe’s hand skates along her shoulder, massaging just the right spots. “I remember drinking too much and missing you and the Uber ride and eating way too much mac and cheese. Although, that midnight snack probably saved me from an even worse hangover.”
Beca smiles to herself as she remembers stumbling through the front door last night to find Chloe sitting at the kitchen table in her pajamas, waiting for her with a piping hot bowl of macaroni. 
To others -- to Chloe, even -- it might seem like a small gesture. But waiting up for her, cooking her favorite meal, leaving water and painkillers out for her, bringing her iced coffee in bed -- all of those little acts make Beca feel so valued, cared for, and loved.
That’s when she remembers the other thing that happened last night.
“What are you smiling about?” Chloe asks, scratching lightly at the nape of Beca’s neck.
Beca opens her eyes and turns toward her, heart fluttering in her chest.
“I meant it, you know,” she says quietly. “What I said last night. Or, what I texted, I guess.”
Chloe looks at her, brow furrowing for a few seconds before her features smooth in understanding. She runs her hand down Beca’s arm and closes her fingers loosely around her wrist.
“Becs…” she whispers, smiling softly.  
“I mean, not right now,” Beca clarifies. “You were right -- we’ve only technically been together for two months. People would think we’re crazy. Especially your dad. God, I don’t even want to think about the look on his face…”
Chloe giggles and presses her lips to Beca’s shoulder. 
“Besides,” Beca continues. “I want to wait until I make more money. So you can get your dream wedding.”
Chloe exhales sharply, and Beca understands. They’ve been on the subject for a minute or so, but this is the first time she’s uttered a marriage-specific word, and something about saying it outloud makes everything feel more real. 
“Beca,” Chloe whispers, kissing her shoulder again through the fabric of her t-shirt. She releases Beca’s wrist and laces their fingers together.
Beca places her iced coffee on her bedside table. She wipes her free hand on the sheets before cradling Chloe’s cheek. Beca knows her fingers are cold, but Chloe leans into her touch, looking at her with glossy eyes.
“I’m just-- I’m putting you on notice, Beale.” Beca smiles at her, swallowing around the lump in her throat. “It might not be for a little while, but it’s coming. Just you wait.”
Chloe glances up at the ceiling, blinking rapidly, and Beca’s wondering if she said too much too soon when Chloe kisses her. Beca feels her bottom lip trembling against her mouth, and when she pulls away both of their faces are wet with Chloe’s tears. (Okay, some of Beca’s tears, too.)
“Oh, I’ll wait,” Chloe says, sniffling. “I’ll wait so hard.”
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honeykept · 4 years
Empty Bottles, Broken Time
15x19 coda | destiel | angst; apparently i can't stop thinking about dean praying to cas. wc: ~850
There was a lot to fix.
For a week after they’d left Chuck in the dirt, Dean couldn’t be bothered to actually make himself start.
Sam was around. He was more energetic than Dean was, at any rate, going from room to room collecting books, magical objects, food, whatever—whenever Dean looked, there was always something in his hands. And maybe it was because Sam had his hands full that Dean thought it was okay for his to be empty.
A lot felt empty these days.
His beer bottles, for one. They were always drained before Dean could realize where the alcohol had gone, before he could snap back and see that he’d been sitting in the same spot for hours, staring at nothing and thinking of less.
They’d gone on a few hunts, since Chuck. It was funny how freedom meant repetition, how the days melted together like a run on sentence. Dean didn’t know where one hunt ended and the other began—vampires became ghosts and witches and back again. He didn’t care. He couldn’t care.
Dean just wanted his family back.
He actually gets the idea from Sam.
Dean’s back in the kitchen one night, eyes half closed as he tries squinting through a migraine to retrieve another beer from the refrigerator, when he stops before he can walk through the doorway.
“I know you’re, uh, busy, buddy. I’m–I can’t even imagine,” Sam huffs out a breath of laughter.
Dean frowns down at the watch on his wrist, tilting it to get a better look at the time. He’d been sure it was past Sam’s usual bedtime, which was why he’d snuck out of his room in the first place. Dean thinks he can make out ‘2:30 am’ from the thin little hands, one of which ticks away much slower than the rate he thinks seconds actually pass.
He thinks maybe that it’s broken, which wouldn’t be surprising considering the amount of times it’s smashed into things on hunts. He sighs at the irony.
Time. Broken.
“I just…want you to know that you—you’ve always got a room here, Jack. And we…um. We miss you.”
Dean understands, then. Sam’s praying. His breath hitches and he backs away, beer forgotten, to hightail it back to his room.
By the time Dean presses his back to the inside of his door, his brain feels close to rupturing from how fast he had retreated out of there. Prayers were private, and hearing Sam talk to their kid like that was like a taking a blow to the head.
Even his sight had muddled black from the number it had done on his brain, but Dean’s vision does eventually clear, and the room comes into view. And then, for the first time in weeks, Dean sees it—he sees the disgusting mess of it, of all the bottles piled up, the clothes lying everywhere, the discarded trash thrown wherever he could find a place for it at the time.
He sucks in a breath, steeling himself for it, and pushes himself off of the door and towards the first pile.
After about an hour straight with no distractions, Dean’s room is half better. It was easier with tunes on, easier to find motivation in the lyrics of Thunderstruck, and for that hour Dean felt more like himself than he had since…well, since he was last himself. He couldn’t exactly remember when that was, but he figures it was a long time ago. Back when…
Dean takes a seat on his bed—which he had somehow managed to clear completely—and lets his fingers intertwine together on his lap.
The music had stopped playing a while ago. It was quiet now.
“I hope you can hear me,” Dean starts. He’s said those words before. He thinks this time won’t be like the last, that he’s not lucky enough for this to end with an embrace, with a sigh of relief.
“But if—if you can, ah, I want you to know something.”
He closes his eyes.
“I want you to know that the thing—what you thought you couldn’t have…you were wrong about that. Because Cas, you—” he stops, shakes his head a little to keep his voice steady for this. He needs to say it.
“You can have it. All you have to do is come back to me, like you always do, and you can have it. I…I promise I won’t screw this up this time. I’ll do better.
I’ll stop you from leaving whenever I say something wrong. I’ll—I’ll make sure you know, man. I’ll make sure you know how much I—how much you mean to me. Because this…” He unlaces his fingers to gesture a hand at the room.
”I can’t do this without you. Never could, never will. Not since you touched me in hell, when you saw me broken and put me back together again. Cas, it’s—it’s always been you. I’m sorry I couldn’t say it before, I’m sorry it took this long. I hope you can forgive me, and," Dean grips his hand into a fist, "I hope my plan works.
‘Cause I’m getting you out of there, you son of a bitch. If it’s the last thing I do.”
tag list (ask to be added/removed) @castiels-a-lamp @jellydeans @writtenmemxries @cestladean @randomblabbling @fluffiestlou @dreamnovak @weird-dorky-little-d @depressivedemonnightmaredean @jackleslongcon @friedchickenangelwings @galaxycastiel @the-empty-destiel67-y-yo-a-ti @destielle @dickspeightjrs @on-a-bender @organicpurplepants @casbelieves @samuelswinchester @spacegirlstuff @seffersonjtarship @winchester-novak @professorerudite @squintingg @holmesemrys @imnotrevealingmyname @mishha @good-things-do-happen-dean @angxlsgrxce @casandeans @castielscrookedtrenchcoat @destiel-in-its-natural-habitat @gracelesschoice @superduckbatrebel @iheardyourprayer @top13zepptraxx @that-one-fandom-chick @scoobydean @destiels-canonahhhhhhhhhh @maxguevra @cursed-or-not @i-think-im-humanbut-cant-besure @fitinmypoems
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Ok. Level with me here. Im abt to turn 31. I work for the doj but as an analyst not a lawyer, and i want to go to law school. I just think that like. Im too old and mentally out of shape tbh. My current role is a lot of technical reading and data analysis - a lot of SQL and coding and API managing, not as much examination of substantive policy and im not a part of a lot of those policy driven conversations that the attorneys have. I did manage to score ok on the lsat but i just feel Dumb in a big way and its like. I couldnt break 170 on the lsat so im clearly not some hidden lawyer genius. I make (a very modest) 6 figures now and can keep climbing up the ladder in my current role but i just want to test my mettle and sometimes i think i can do it, but then other time reading about the realities of it im like god could i read 200 pages a night? For 3 years? And absorb it? And can my brain be rewired??? Obvi this is such a personal thing and you dont know me but like have you seen others do it as a 2nd career? In ur experience
I'd say about half my class was people over 30 who were coming into law as second careers. Like, one of my classmates was a nurse, two were teachers, and another one was a compliance guy for a factory? Like OSHA compliance and stuff. Not everyone is K-JD and that's okay.
I got a 161 on my LSAT, which is middling. Unless you're planning to go to Harvard, you don't need a super high LSAT score, and no one cares about your LSAT after you get into law school. I can't speak to the reading thing, because I read ~1k words per minute, so I absolutely would do some of my reading on the half hour bus ride to class. But most people are not me and they get through law school just fine.
Also, okay. There are a couple of major skills that you should either be decently good at already or capable of learning that you will need in law school and in practice.
Analysis. A lot of law school is "thinking like a lawyer," which basically means "take this one really complicated scenario and pull out the important bits and then compare those important bits to the elements of a law to see if they match." This is basically your entire first year. It's kind of like being a doctor: your job is to identify the important bits (fever, cough, sneezing, etc.) and the not important bits (what color their clothes are, whether they have a hangnail) to diagnose the disease (fever + cough + sneezing = cold).
Writing (which includes research!). You have no idea how many actual practicing lawyers I have seen who don't know how to cite a case or what a comma is.* I was a journal editor my 3L year and I actually had to have a "how to write an essay" presentation because so many people didn't know what a thesis statement was or how paragraphs work.
Public speaking. Obviously if you're planning on going into something non-litigation, like contracts, this isn't as important, but you should at least be able to answer questions on the spot without panicking and be able to be understood when speaking.**
If all of those things are things you can do or can learn, great!
IMO, it's perfectly fine to go to law school as a second career if all of the following are true:
You are comfortable enough financially to not be able to work full time for three years. This can mean scholarships/student loans, this can mean having a spouse who works, this can mean having rich parents, but you are not going to be able to hold down a 9-5 and do law school at the same time.
You are okay with basically being in college again. Law school is college except everyone can legally drink. That includes things like extracurriculars, parties, cliques, That One Really Annoying Guy In Your Class, lots of studying and taking tests and writing papers and all that. Also, yes, a lot of people talking about politics.
You've got at least a decent idea of what you want to do when you graduate. It's your second career so you should probably have a firmer grasp on what it is you want and how to get there than someone who's never worked, which includes what classes to take and what extracurriculars you should be in. You might want to throw in some stuff to be well-rounded (especially if you end up changing practice areas***) but having at least some goal is important.
All that said: you don't need to do it just to prove that you can. PLEASE don't do it just to prove that you can. Plenty of extremely intelligent people are not lawyers and there are a lot of lawyers who are total dumbasses. It's a job with a specific skillset, but so are plenty of other jobs. If any of what I just talked about isn't something you think you'd enjoy doing all day, every day, for the rest of your life, YOU DON'T NEED TO, I PROMISE.
* Also, yes, I absolutely make fun of those people in private. There is no greater cure for imposter syndrome than to read something an actual practicing lawyer actually wrote, for realsies, and think, "Well, I can't be the worst lawyer in the world, because at least I don't write like that."
** Look, I have horror stories.
** I did not take any public speaking classes or family law classes in law school and I ended up in family law litigation instead of in nice, litigation-free immigration like I wanted to.
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definitelyseven · 3 years
deal | sixteen
summary: when your step-mom unexpectedly offers you a deal you can’t resist, you decide to give her a taste of her own medicine by seducing her potential suitor, Im Jaebum.
one (m) | two | three (m) | four (m) | five | six (m) | seven | eight (m) | nine | ten | eleven | twelve (m) | thirteen | fourteen | fifteen | sixteen | seventeen - final |
“Americano please,” you said softly to the waitress at the coffee shop in the hotel lobby. You waited anxiously for Jaebum as you picked at the skin on your fingers. You know you shouldn’t meet him but you owed him, especially if he was willing to meet with Kai. 
“Y/N,” he calls for your attention before sitting down across from you. 
“Hey,” you smiled weakly. “I wanted to thank you for meeting with Kai.”
“I told you I’d do anything for you,” he reassures you. 
“Jae I don’t want you to get the wrong idea,” you tell him. “I’m only here because I want to thank you. Nothing more.”
Jaebum smirked before tossing a file on the table. You looked at him confused before picking up the file.
“What is this?”
“How long have you know him? Jaebum asked. You opened the file and see a picture of Kai.
“You ran a background check on him?” you asked, furious. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
“You were so in love with him. I had to make sure,” he answered.
“Make sure what? He wasn’t as bad as you?” 
“That he can love you better than I can,” he answered honestly. You scoffed at him. 
“Well I can tell you right now that he does. He can love me a million times better than you can,” you spatted.
“Did you know he knows about your money?” he interrupts before you can continue speaking.
“He doesn’t. I never told him. I never told anyone,” you quickly refuted.
“Y/N look at the file! I’m not lying to you,” he reassures. You threw the file back at him.
“I choose to trust the people I love and not do background checks on them,” you said before getting up. Jaebum quickly followed.
“Did you know he knows Eunbi?”
“W-what?” you stutter.
“He is Eunbi’s insurance agent. There’s a possibility she told him about you, about the money,” he explained.
“You don’t know that. You have no proof. I don’t believe you,” you said hesitantly. “He would never.”
“Why don’t you follow me upstairs and find out? We have our meeting in 30 minutes,” Jaebum suggested. If you followed him upstairs, it would mean you didn’t trust Kai. If you don’t follow him, you’ll never know. “What can you possibly lose?” Deep down, you still trusted him - believed him; even after everything. You followed him upstairs to his room. “I’m going to give him an offer he can’t resist and you can see what kind of man he really is.” 
“He would never. We’re getting married,” you repeated to yourself. “He loves me.” Jaebum tries to reach for your cheek, making you quickly shift away.
“Wait in the other room,” he instructed. You sat patiently in the other room like he asked. It was like time had froze and you’d been waiting for hours but in reality only minutes have past.
Kai isn’t like that. He would never lie to you. He has always been faithful and honest. That’s what you kept telling yourself as you waited for Kai to come. 
“Mr. Im, thanking you so much for meeting with me today.”
He’s here. 
“Thank Y/N. She’s the reason you’re here,” Jaebum explained. 
You hear Kai clear his throat before speaking, “I did extensive research on your company and drafted this proposal for you.”
“I already have an insurance agent,” Jaebum immediately clarified.
“I understand that but I promise, you won’t regret this. Please take a look,” he practically begged.
“I’ll tell you what - give me Y/N for one night and I’ll sign whatever you put in front of me,” Jaebum offered. 
“So deal?” Jaebum asked again. Kai remains quiet. “I don’t have a lot of patience, you know? The clock is ticking.”
There was a long pause between the two of them. You couldn’t hear anything and your heart felt like it was going to jump out of your chest. 
Tell him no, you repeated to yourself over and over again, hoping that those exact words will come out of Kai’s mouth. 
“Think about - just one night and you’ll get the biggest commission of your life. She’ll even think it’s her fault that she cheated on you. She will never have to know our little deal,” he guarantees. You covered your mouth, afraid to make any noises.
“Give me one second,” Kai said. Your phone vibrates and it was Kai. You watched your phone light up and vibrate with every ring.
“Hello?” you said softly. 
“Hey baby. Where are you?” he asked. 
You gulped nervously, “I’m out. Where are you?”
“I’m on my way home. I just called to tell you I love you, okay? No matter what happens, I love you.”
It was like he was repeating that to himself. “I-I love you too,” you responded before he hangs up.
“Deal,” you hear Kai say in the other room to Jaebum. You instantly drop your phone onto your lap. You couldn’t believe what you just heard. “But you have to sign first.”
Jaebum was right.
You hear Jaebum snicker in the other room before speaking. “This is everything you want?” he asked.
“If I’m being honest, no it’s not. I want to be your company’s sole insurance agent,” Kai suggested, making Jaebum snicker again.
“I didn’t think you would say yes so easily you know. I thought you actually loved her. Or did you love her for her money?” Jaebum asked.
“Would you believe me if I said I didn’t love her money? Y/N’s great but the $20 million dollars is the cherry on top. There’s so many things I can do with that money. Once I marry her, the money would be mine too.”
Your heart drops to your stomach. He knew this whole time. 
Jaebum chuckles. “Do you know who Y/N is to me?” 
“I know who she is to you. I know how much she cares about you,” Kai responds. “You may think I’m fucked up for this but her heart always belonged to you. Even when she’s with me, she’s thinking about you. It’s not like I didn’t try to love her. I was never good enough for Y/N.”
That was a lie. You didn’t love Jaebum anymore. You loved Kai. You were faithful to him. How could he lie and make it seem like everything is your fault?
a little note from jennie: thank you all for being patient with this! next chapter is the final chapter. will Y/N finally end up with jaebum? ;)
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paperpocalypse · 4 years
family outing.
50 Wordless Ways to Say “I Love You”: 29. Tucking their hair behind their ear to help them get it out of their face.
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x Reader
Word Count: 1,436 words
Warning: Mild swearing
[A/N: Mild S2 spoilers!]
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“So,” Vanya’s brow furrows, “Five met you after the apocalypse?”
“Yep.” Leaning against her car, you cross your arms and sigh dreamily. “Hate at first sight. He almost shot me in the head.”
“… With a gun?”
You grin. “Well, he couldn’t’ve shot me with a Twinkie.”
Vanya looks ahead at where Five is talking to some middle-aged guy, his expression friendly and polite. What a businessman. Her eyes narrow in shocked disbelief. “This is crazy,” she murmurs. “My family is crazy.”
Your grin widens as she shakes her head. Something about her mannerisms helps you realize why Five is so fond of her, though he’s never said it outright. She’s definitely your favorite of the bunch. Sans murderous intent.
“Some types of crazy can be good,” you reply, nudging her arm. “But your family’s got all of them and it’s gonna get real messy. Time to spice up your little farm life, Vanya.”
She chuckles a little awkwardly and shrugs. “I just hope I’ll have time to talk to them. Again, I mean. Maybe I’ll remember something when we’re all together.”
“Yeah. Maybe.” Noticing Five bidding farewell to the man, you push yourself off the bumper and wave at him. “Any luck, Five?”
He points down the street behind you as he walks back over. “Plano Street Rooming House for Solitary Men,” he answers. “It’s just a few blocks from here.”
“How do you know he’s there?” Vanya asks.
“I really doubt Luther would live anywhere else.”
You snort, raising your hands in surrender when Five returns it with a semi-faux withering look. With a sigh, he shakes his head and opens the rear passenger door, gesturing for you to get in.
As Vanya starts the car and turns into the street, you look through the rearview mirror at Five as he tells her where to go. Despite being stuck in a thirteen-year-old body, he still has that resting glower of his that makes him look perpetually stressed. 
(Of course, it’s not just a matter of looking stressed – he is definitely stressed. Wound up tighter than a spring. You’ll probably need to force him to sit down and relax for at least a half-hour tonight before he explodes.)
His hair is a little disheveled, so you reach over to brush it out of his eyes. It doesn’t really work, but just going through the familiar motion grounds you somehow. “You know,” you muse as Five glances back at you, “Luther’s probably living there, but I doubt he’ll be in right now. He’s probably with Ruby somewhere.”
“Even if he is, we can ask around. I assume that at least one person there knows his business.”
He absently lifts a hand to smooth his hair back, and you smile. “Good point.”
“Hello, do you know Luther Hargreeves by any chance?”
After some door-to-door work, someone from Luther’s hall finally answers your knock. He’s a burly man, though not nearly as big as Luther, and obviously drunk off his rocker. Definitely solitary. He squints at the three of you through red, puffy eyes.
“Luther? Yeahhh, I know ‘im. Huge bloke. Real hairy.”
“That’s the one,” Five confirms. “You see, we’re his brother and sister. He hasn’t visited home lately and we’re pretty worried, so we’re just wondering if you know where he is.”
Burly picks at his teeth. “Brother n’ sister, eh? Well,” he rumbles, “I dunno where he is, but I know some of the boys are gonna watch ‘im fight tonight.”
“Where’s the fight?” Vanya asks.
The man regards her with suspicion. “Well, it ain’t a place for a little lady like you.” He swirls his beer around in its bottle, then jabs a finger at all of you. “Don’t want you three squealing to the cops, either.”
“We won’t,” you assure him, smiling sweetly. “We just want to check on Luther.”
With a little more cajoling, you finally obtain the time and place for Luther’s fight before the man waves you away with a grunt, slamming his door shut. You give your companions a self-satisfied grin before descending the staircase back down to street level. Worked like a charm. (You suspect your youthful looks probably helped a lot, though.)
“How’d you do that?” Vanya wonders as the three of you step out onto the sidewalk.
“Simple,” you respond. “I have a knack for sweeping tough guys off their feet.”
You wink secretly at Five. He rolls his eyes, the minutest of smiles at the corner of his mouth, before ushering you and Vanya back to the Chevy.
Your little trio spends the next few hours driving and poking around, looking for Luther or Klaus or Allison. The optimist in you hopes you’ll run across at least one of them. But Dallas is a big place, and darkness begins to fall around 5:30 without a single sighting.
“Dammit.” Five clicks his tongue as you exit a paint shop alone.
“At least we know where Luther will be,” you point out, shoving your hands in your pockets. “How about we get something to eat before we head to the fight?”
Vanya unlocks the car. “There’s a place I know close by,” she says, lips quirking up. “They have sandwiches and donuts there.”
You pat her back. “Sounds great, Vanya. Five? You’ve got to eat something, too.”
Your favorite number crosses his arms as you and Vanya stare at him expectantly. “We’ll get something quick,” he eventually says.
The trip only takes a few minutes. The three of you get sandwiches and a donut each and unwrap them on the bench outside the bakery.
“Sissy and Harlan and I get something from here whenever we go into town,” Vanya says, finishing the last of her sandwich and picking her donut up. “It’s pretty good.”
“So good,” you agree. Lands alive, sitting out here like this makes you nostalgic. Ignoring the upcoming doomsday and the ‘60′s aesthetic, it feels like you’re back in 1927 again, staying out past curfew with your peers. You smile to yourself and look down at your half-finished maple bar. Best to enjoy it while it lasts.
A finger quickly sweeps your brow, tucking a lock of hair out of your face. You blink and glance over at Five, but he’s looking across the street and starting on his own pastry. (Apple fritter. Perhaps you’ll ask him one day why he always gets those.)
Heart feeling even softer than before, you lean silently against his side. He doesn’t move.
After a moment, Five speaks up. “When we were kids, I brought you to this donut shop near the academy a couple times.”
“You did?” Vanya asks.
“Yeah. Griddy’s.” Oh, the one near the academy. The one that had gotten destroyed along with everything else in 2019. He gestures at the last bit of donut – plain, glazed – in her hands. “You usually got that kind.”
She raises her eyebrows, looking into her napkin. “Oh, wow. I guess it must’ve been a subconscious choice or something, then.”
“You know, I’m glad we found you, Vanya,” you offer warmly. “I didn’t … really have time to get to know you the last time we met.”
A smile spreads across her face. “Same here. For both things, I mean. Not that I’d know much about our first meeting.” She pauses, examining you for a second, then blurts, “Can I ask you something?”
She awkwardly motions between you and her brother. “Are you and Five …?”
“Partners,” you finish, “in every sense of the word. From what I know, at least.” With a grin, you turn to Five. “Is that more or less right?”
He rolls his eyes fondly. “Unfortunately,” he mutters as you move to smooth his hair back again. He sure had lovely hair when he was a kid – not that you didn’t appreciate his looks back in your Commission days. This de-aging thing really knocks you for a loop sometimes.
Vanya nods, still looking vaguely confused. “Okay. I don’t want to make things weird, I just – well, you two are kind of … young –”
“Believe me, we’re much older than we look,” you quip, standing up. “But that’s a tale for another time. We gotta go.”
Disposing of your trash, you join the others into the Chevy and start your next journey to Luther Hargreeves. Radio turned off, the leather seat squeaks as you lean back and listen to Vanya and Five murmuring in the front.
To see the siblings together again makes you glow inside, a bit of calm before the inevitable storm. You drink it in as much as you can.
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time- a. hotchner
SUMMARY: you get kidnapped lol
WARNINGS: kidnapping (duh), some injuries but everyone lives, aaron being m a d, and reader being a freaking baddie
WORDS: too many 6604
A/N: sorry that it’s been a hot minute since i posted, im lazy
Aaron glanced up as the workday finally drew to a close, watching you wave goodbye to the team and stroll towards the unit chief’s office, just in time to see JJ as she ascended the steps on her way to the room as well. You started to wave, but JJ murmured something you couldn’t make out and you stopped. Aaron’s blood ran cold, and he mentally cursed himself for being naive enough to believe that things would work out for once. He turned to look at Emily and Morgan through the blinds, who’d been talking near Emily’s desk, and saw their eyes trained on you and JJ. Emily swore under her breath, then headed to the conference room with Spencer and Derek not far behind.
Aaron sat down next to you in the conference room, meeting your eyes and giving you a halfhearted smile. You returned the gesture and went back to scanning the grisly photos before you. He zoned out as JJ spoke, giving the rundown on each of the girls that had been abducted, then murdered mere hours later. The murders seemed somewhat random, with the exception that the victims were all girls in their upper 20’s. In fact, they were all 29, just like you were.
Something clicked in your mind, but you didn’t want to jump to conclusions. You could feel Aaron’s steely gaze on you, and you wondered briefly if he could tell what you were thinking. You were lost in your thoughts, to the point where you didn’t hear Aaron’s deep “Wheels up in 30.” After everyone had left the conference room, Aaron turned back to see you still staring at the photos, searching for something you couldn’t quite name among the blood spatters and empty faces. He walked over to you and gently tapped your shoulder, causing your head to whip up to face him. Realization washed over your eyes, and you mumbled an apology.
Aaron shook his head in response, saying “I’m sorry. I was hoping we’d actually get to go out tonight.” You sighed, then replied.
“Who knows? Maybe the unsub will be caught by the time we get there and we can go get dinner or something.” You laughed as you said it, but your laughter was tinged with a resigned sadness Aaron despised, wishing he could take you somewhere you’d never be forced to feel this way again. Aaron watched you for a few seconds longer, as your face darkened and you grabbed your files and left the room, heading to his office, where both of your go-bags were. He wanted to tell you so much, but wasn’t sure how to start. He wanted to tell you that he’d been planning to propose this evening, that he wanted to be with you forever. But he couldn’t.
Aaron noticed you lost in your thoughts again on the plane ride while the rest of the team went over the case. The sheer amount of bodies was enough to give someone pause. In addition, the unsub took a girl each Thursday, but never kept them for more than a few hours. Why?
The plane ride felt fairly short. You were hit with a wave of nostalgia as the plane touched down in New York, where you’d gone to college years earlier, and worked before you were transferred to the Behavioral Analysis Unit and moved to Quantico. As you walked into the FBI field office with the rest of the BAU, you couldn’t stop your mind from remembering the last time you’d been in the building, when working a terrorism case alongside Agent Joyner four years earlier.
She’d been killed immediately by a bomb in your SUV, and metal had been lodged in your left leg, cutting the femoral artery and nearly causing you to bleed out. If not for your Aaron, you would’ve died there, on the cold pavement. When Aaron came to visit you while you recovered from surgery, you managed to slur out that you loved him. At the time, he blamed it on the drugs you were on, until he showed up at your hospital room again a few hours later, to drive you home. You’d suffered hearing loss as well, and coupled with your leg injury, you couldn’t go in the field or on the plane for a while. As he helped you up and handed you the crutches you’d be relying on for nearly a year, you met his eyes and said confidently, “I meant what I said earlier.”
He’d paused for a second, before his lips spread into a rare smile, and he said, “I love you too.” You’d always known the relationship wouldn’t be easy, considering his recent divorce and your unconventional jobs, but you were fine with it. Being with Aaron was good enough.
Present-day Aaron subtly placed a hand on the small of your back, a sign of encouragement he’d adopted over the years. You glanced up at him and nodded, silently letting him know you were okay. He dropped his hand, and held it out to the new director of the New York field office: Agent Milenka, an enthusiastic but imposing woman you’d met at the Academy when you were younger. You caught Morgan glaring at her for a second, reminding you that Morgan almost got that job. Still, you knew that Morgan loved you all too much to leave the BAU for a job directing the New York field office. The team was his rock, the weight that tethered him to reality when he was at his lowest. Aaron introduced Milenka to the rest of your team, until she cut him off when he got to you.
“I know her,” she declared loudly, “I was her firearms trainer at the Academy, but she had to show me up and be better with a gun than I am.” Spite dripped from her words, but the mischievous smile on her face told you she wasn’t really upset. Aaron nodded slightly, caught off-guard by her remark, then interjected to ask where his team could set up.
Agent Milenka led all of you to an empty conference room, with the case files already arranged neatly and a blank evidence board at the front of the room. She turned on her heel and stared firmly at the team. If you hadn’t known her for years, you’d assume she was going to attempt to assert control over the case, but instead she said, “My agents have come to see this office as a family, and probably won’t take too well to the fact that I’ve called you in. If any of them give you hell, tell me, and I’ll make the devil look like a cuddly teddy bear.” She pivoted on her heel to leave, then turned back around. “Agent L/N, my office.”
You were shocked, to be honest. This woman could bring grown men to their knees, and now she sat in front of you, spinning in a swivel chair, teasing you over your obvious infatuation with Aaron Hotchner.
“Really, Milenka, I gotta get back to the team,” you sighed, rubbing your temples.
“Fine”, she grunted, making a shooing motion with her hand. “But here’s what I meant to tell you. I’m guessing you and your team want to know why it took this many bodies for me to call you in. I mean, I’d be wondering that, too. The bodies were all dumped two days ago, even though they’d all been dead for various amounts of time, so I’m guessing the unsub wanted to make sure I had to call you guys. Keep that in mind. He knows how this works.” The humor and mischief was gone from the agent’s voice, and in that moment you knew how she’d risen through the ranks of the FBI so quickly. Something about her made you want to do everything you could to solve the case as quickly as possible. She wasn’t someone you could let down.
You grimaced, then nodded, unable to say anything, and left her office, getting coffee from the espresso machine for you and your teammates as you walked back to the conference room. As you passed around the cups, Aaron watched you expectantly, obviously waiting for you to relay whatever information Agent Milenka had told you, and so you did. The reactions among the team members were the same, set jaws and darkening eyes. You didn’t know where to start with the case, until you remembered the idea you’d gotten back in D.C. You leapt from the black desk chair you’d just sat down in and practically ran to the evidence board, grabbing a red dry-erase marker and organizing the victim’s pictures from the first to the last to be abducted. You circled the eyes on some of the pictures, the hair on others, the widow’s peaks on some, and other various defining features.
“He’s working up to someone specific,” Spencer muttered as you worked. You whipped around, pointing a finger at him and downing the last of your coffee.
“Yes! Okay, so, look at this: The first and last girl are wildly different, but when you look at the chronological order of the victims, each one gains another characteristic that the next one didn’t have, like he’s working up to getting one specific girl, and kept killing those that looked increasingly similar to his real target!” You blurted the words, and watched as your teammates looked on in a mix of awe and horror, at both the board and a piece of paper Spencer had messily written on. Aaron, who was usually so emotionless, looked especially horrified, and scared. You shot Spencer a questioning look, and he held up the paper he’d shown the rest of the team. He’d taken the first letter of each woman’s name, and when lined up, they spelled out a message.
Your name.
“You’re off the case.” Aaron said, crossing his arms over his chest as you paced around the empty office he’d practically dragged you to.
“What? If some psycho is after me, I want to be the one to catch him!” You spoke firmly, almost yelling but not quite.
“If some psycho is after you,” Aaron started, sounding much calmer than you had, “I want you to be safe. Sending you out to hunt him down isn’t keeping you safe.”
You scoffed, then yelled, “As long as he’s out there, I’m not safe! If you let me help, we’ll find him faster. I can’t- no, I won’t- just sit here doing nothing while this man kills women just because he’s got some sort of vendetta against me!”
Aaron’s resolve broke down. You could tell from the way his back slumped and he pulled you into his chest. You wrapped your arms around him, basking in the feeling of calm it brought. Your anger dissipated when he held you like that, and he knew it.
He murmured, “I can’t lose you,” into your ear, and your heart broke from the way his voice cracked from fear and sadness. Aaron pulled away far too soon, and gave you a look that you knew meant to stay put, and pulled out his phone to call Penelope Garcia.
A few moments later, Spencer walked in, hands in his pockets. He looked unsure of himself, and you couldn’t figure out why until he said, “Hotch wants me to drive you to the hotel.”
You stared at him silently for a second, then mumbled curses under your breath and stormed out of the room to find your bag. Spencer put an arm out to stop you, then said, “He said he’d bring it for you tonight.”
You glared at him for a moment, before averting your gaze to the suddenly interesting polished linoleum beneath you. “I’m sorry. This isn’t your fault. I shouldn’t be mad at you.”
Spencer gave you a small smile, and replied, “It’s okay. You’re stressed. We all are. Hotch just wants you to be safe.”
You nodded, and he led you from the building to the shiny, black SUV parked outside. Aaron jogged out of the building towards you, and grabbed the handle of the vehicle before you could. You met his eyes, and he murmured, “I know you’re mad at me, but I need you to stay in the hotel room, okay? Lock the door, and I’ll be there tonight with your go-bag.” You nodded, and he paused a second before saying, “I love you.”
Your pride got the best of you, and you simply muttered, “I know.”
You’d been sure that the SUV’s tires were full when you’d arrived in New York, but the flat passenger tire begged to differ. Spencer pulled into a nearby gas station to fill up the tire, something you were fairly sure he’d never done before. You couldn’t help but laugh when he called Morgan to ask what to do, who responded that it would be easier for him to come fill up the tire himself. You mouthed that you had to go to the bathroom, and Spencer nodded as Morgan’s laughter came through the phone. You stifled laughter as you walked into the gas station, grimacing at the smell of sweat and cheap hot dogs.
Aaron wasn’t sure if he’d ever been so mad. No, mad wasn’t the word. Was there a word that could encapsulate the unadulterated fury coursing through his veins? He paced the conference room like a caged lion, practically screaming at Spencer and Derek through the phone.
“What the hell happened?”
Spencer was crying, he could tell that much from the muffled sobs, and Aaron couldn’t help but think that he might never see you again. He slammed the phone onto the table with nearly enough force to break it, and looked up to see Emily, Rossi, and JJ already halfway out the conference room, before he’d told them what happened. The four of them slid into the two remaining SUVs. Aaron screeched out of the parking lot, gripping the wheel so hard his knuckles turned white. Rossi kept shooting him worried glances he pretended not to notice.
“We’ll find her,” Rossi said, “But you need to stay calm for us to do it.”
Aaron nodded. He didn’t trust his voice to work right now. If he tried to speak, he knew he’d probably cry. He pulled into the gas station just before Emily and JJ, and a voice in his head reminded him that this might be the last place you’d ever see. Rossi hopped out of the car, giving Aaron a sympathetic look as he did so.
The team had been at the gas station for almost three hours, interviewing customers, collecting evidence, and talking to workers. Multiple people reported seeing a woman similar to who Aaron described enter the bathroom, but no one saw her leave.There was a window in the girl’s bathroom that had been broken from the inside, with blood on both the window and the glass. The forensics team ran the blood, and it was all from the same person.
Aaron didn’t need to hear the results to know whose blood it was. Spencer tried to help, informing him that she hadn’t bled out because women had approximately 4.5 pints of blood and that was at most half a pint, but Aaron cut him off. He couldn’t hear it, couldn’t listen to everyone talking about his girlfriend, the love of his life, as though she was already dead. He knew the odds, knew that she was almost certainly going to be dead within the first 72 hours, considering how the unsub had killed the other women.
He was going to find you alive. He knew it.
Because he wasn’t sure what he’d do if he didn’t.
Everything was fuzzy and painful and oh my god what is that stuff coming out of your side and out of your hand and holy crap you can’t move you’re tied up what are you tied to what’s going on and-
“You’re even prettier than I remember.” The voice sounded familiar, but the only thing your brain could fully focus on at the moment was the excruciating pain. You felt a hand on your side, and then a searing pain that was somehow worse than the pain you’d already been feeling.
“You got a piece of glass in your side. I’m getting it out.”
You felt pressure on the spot, and forced your head to move so you could see what was going on.
He was wrapping your waist in some sort of bandage to staunch the bleeding. You forced yourself to look around the musty room you were in. You were seated in a chair, with your arms tied to the back of the chair by a coarse brown rope and a metal chain and heavy shackle attached to your left ankle. Your eyes followed the chain, to where it connected to a silver hook jutting from the wooden floor, which was coated in a layer of dirt.
You must be in a barn, or shed, or something. You definitely weren’t in New York City anymore.
You vaguely remembered what had happened in the gas station bathroom. There’d been a man waiting in the first stall, who jumped on you, shoving your head against the mirror hard enough to crack your skull. You figured that you’d blacked out, and he’d jumped the window with you in tow.
Then another memory washes over you like a tsunami, flooding you with regret.
Aaron said he loved you, and you didn’t say it back. Now, you might never get to tell him that you love him again.
Aaron removed himself from the case, leaving Rossi in charge. He knew he’d only slow everyone else down with the torrent of emotions dancing inside his skull. So now, he’s resorted to sitting in your hotel room alone, wishing he hadn’t told you to go to the hotel. He’d been crying for the first time in years.
Aaron had no clue what to do, and it gives him newfound respect for the families of abducted victims that he speaks to. He pulled the sparkling diamond ring he planned on giving you tonight out of his bag, staring at it and imagining it on your ring finger. It doesn’t make him happier, instead it just turns the steady stream of tears into a storm.
Morgan, Rossi, JJ, and Emily, seated at the silver table in the conference room, were going over every last piece of evidence they have, while Spencer made a map of the abduction sites as Agent Milenka told him the addresses. They already established that the victims were high-risk due to their above-average athleticism, and each victim was taken from a high-risk location. Spencer looked for any sense of a pattern in abduction sites, but couldn’t find one. Eventually, he sat down next to Morgan and Emily, defeated.
“So all we know is that he’s obsessed with Y/N, and that he wasn’t remorseful about the murders of the other women.” Derek sighed, leaning back in his chair.
“Well, if he was able to subdue her, he most likely had the element of surprise. So, he probably isn’t physically strong, and needed that advantage to knock her out.” Rossi added, and Derek nodded.
Spencer looked up from the crime scene photos. “There’s no ligature marks.”
Derek nodded. “Yeah, we went over that. So?”
“Why knock the women out and transport them if you’re just going to kill them immediately instead of holding them somewhere? Why not just kill them wherever they already are?”
Emily’s mouth fell open. “Practice. So that when he had Y/N, he knew exactly what was going to happen. But he didn’t want to ruin the rest of the fantasy by taking someone else where he’s planned to keep Y/N. He wants that to be special.”
“So we know he’s going to be holding her somewhere secluded, then,” Milenka chimed in.
After a few moments of silence, the phone rang in the center of the table, and the team members all stared at it for a few moments before Derek turned to the computer next to him, where Garcia was currently on a video call with the team.
“Can you trace this call, babygirl?”
Garcia nodded. “I don’t have a trap and trace set up yet, but I can get one, honey. Just gimme one second.”
Derek’s hand hovered over the button on the receiver to answer the call, and when Garcia affirmed that she was ready, Derek pressed the button. Instantly, a somewhat timid male voice filled the room.
“Where’s Agent Hotchner? I want to speak to him, not any of you.”
The team shared a perplexed look, and Emily asked, “How do you know who is here and who isn’t?”
“The window’s open.”
JJ ran to the window, then turned. “He’s there,” she said, pointing to a man directly underneath where the conference window was with a phone to his ear.
The rest of the team sprinted down the stairs and out of the field office, with JJ not far behind. By the time they got to where the man had been, he was long gone. No one near the area said they’d seen him, either.
Derek turned and punched the wall out of rage, while Emily cursed loudly. The rapid darkening of the sky didn’t help with trying to catch an unsub, either.
Dejectedly, the team returned to the conference room, where Garcia excitedly said, “Your man forgot to hang up for a few minutes! I don’t know entirely where he went, but I know the direction he was headed!”
“Where, Garcia?” Spencer asked, desperate for a lead.
“Straight west.”
Spencer looked to Emily, who said, “Let’s go.”
The team knew the unsub needed somewhere secluded to keep you, but couldn’t figure out where. He’d been on foot when they’d seen him, so it had to be somewhat close. Or maybe he’d had a car in a parking lot somewhere? There were too many variables. They needed Hotch.
The man held a cup to your lips, but you kept them closed tight. After trying to force you for a while, he gave up. Sighing, the man ran a hand through your hair, forcing your head upright. For a serial killer, he was surprisingly gentle.
“You need your strength,” the man murmured, but you looked away when he picked up the cup again. He set it down, shaking his head, then pulled a knife out of the back pocket of his blue jeans. You knew better than to scream. It was likely that he craved your pain, so allowing him that satisfaction would coax him to continue. He walked behind you, to where you wouldn’t see him. You closed your eyes, praying for a quick death, praying Aaron would find you, praying you could see your team one last time.
But you didn’t need to.
The man cut through the rope binding your wrists, then left the room. He was rarely in the room with you, and you wondered what he was doing outside of it. For the first time, however, he came back within a few minutes of leaving. You could theoretically move if you wanted to now that the rope was gone considering how long the chain attached to your leg was, but you were weak and hurting. The last thing you saw before your vision went black yet again was the man standing above you with a syringe.
Aaron was with the rest of the team, visiting each abduction site for something, anything to help the profile, when the unsub called him.
“This is Hotchner.”
“I have her, Agent Hotchner, and I treat her better than you ever could. You think what she needs is a big strong man to control her,” he mocked, “But you don’t truly love her. No one could, except me.” Although the man’s words were confident, he sputtered out the words like an old truck engine. It sounded like he was reading a script, as though he’d had to plan out what he was going to say beforehand. As soon as the unsub finished speaking, the tell-tale click of the phone hanging up sounded.
Emily, who’d been walking next to him, stopped, pulling out her phone to contact Penelope.
“Can you get the rest of the team on the line? I think Morgan and Reid are at the Central Park crime scene, and JJ and Rossi are probably still by Times Square.”
Emily could practically hear Penelope’s smile as she responded, “Can do, gorgeous.”
A few keyboard clicks later, Penelope stated, “You’ve got me, Morgan, Rossi, Reid,and JJ.”
Emily took a shaky breath before saying, “We think Y/N knew the unsub.”
“What do you mean, knew?” Reid’s voice sounded.
“He claimed that he loves her more than Aaron ever could. He thinks he knows her better than us, so he probably knew her when she used to live in New York.”
“She went to college here, didn’t she?” JJ responded.
Penelope chimed in, exclaiming, “She went to John Jay College of Criminal Justice. Graduated top of her class.”
Morgan cleared his throat, then added: “Maybe the unsub didn’t know her, but thought he did. He could’ve been stalking her when she lived here, then kept tabs on her when she transferred to the BAU years ago.”
“He probably found out about Y/N’s relationship with Aaron recently, and that’s his stressor.” Rossi added.
Emily stared into the distance. There was something off about this. The theory made sense, but at the same time, it felt, well, wrong.
Agent Milenka, who’d been surveying the crime scene Emily and Aaron were at, sauntered over.
“I know who did this.”
Aaron met her firm gaze, confused and intrigued.
“There was this guy she met at John Jay, didn’t talk much, but he ended up applying to the FBI just because she did. He made it in a few months after her and got a job as a forensic analyst at our field office here. They worked together pretty often, and he was never too strange, but you got the feeling there was something off. He started acting weird after Y/N’s transfer to the BAU. I ordered another psych eval for him a few months ago, and he failed. I fired him, and I haven’t seen him since.”
Aaron and Emily shared a look, both hopeful and sad.
“What’s his name?”
“Ian Foster.”
Aaron nodded, murmuring a quick thank you, then turned back to Emily.
“Call Garcia. We need all the information we can find on Ian Foster.”
Your head hurt. You were somewhere different now; the dirty brown floor had been replaced with plush white carpet, and the chair you’d gotten used to was gone. Your left leg was still shackled, but this time it was attached to a shiny metal spike in the center of the room. You surveyed your surroundings, noting the vast difference between your current location and your past one. The chain attached to your ankle was long, probably meant to give you full access to the room you were in but keep you from leaving. The walls were white and spotless, along with the queen-sized bed behind you and the dresser and vanity along the far wall. You knew you must look out of place compared to the neatness of your surroundings, with your frizzy, dirty hair and torn, wrinkled, and stained clothes. You realized that you’d never checked your holster for your gun, and in doing so, found it empty.
Sun shone through the window on your right, and birds chirped happily, as if mocking you. They were telling you that they’re free, while you’re locked in this stupid white room.
Your captor walked in soon after you woke up, and you knew he must be watching you through a camera hidden somewhere.
Your eyes searched his face, trying to understand who he was, now that you had enough light to see.
“Foster?” You managed to croak out through your parched throat.
Ian nodded, then grabbed your face with one calloused hand, forcing you to open your mouth so he could pour water in, which you promptly spat into his eyes. Instead of causing him to stumble, all it did was make him laugh.
“I see you’re still as fiery as ever.”
You clamped your mouth shut, pursing your lips and staring him in the eyes until he left. After he was gone, you tried to move your arms as much as possible. Your limbs felt heavy, like you were attached to weights, but moving was somewhat possible, a little bit at a time.
For now, that would be enough. You just had to pray that Aaron could find you.
Ian Foster’s paper trail was a series of dead ends, but Penelope Garcia, being the lovely omnipotent being she is, was able to find two properties owned by his dead uncle in upstate New York that he was likely using to hold you.
Aaron couldn’t describe the relief that wrapped itself around him, like a soft blanket, when Garcia chirped that she’d found where he was. He’d refused to allow himself to think that you might be dead, and the knowledge that now he had your location was sweeter than any candy could ever be.
He wiped a tear from his eye that threatened to fall, and cleared his throat, nodding at Emily and Agent Milenka, wordlessly signaling her to join him as he ran towards the SUV they’d been using. Emily followed, calling JJ and Rossi to give them the address as she ran. The first property, an old farmhouse, was about 40  minutes away from their current location, while the second one, a pretty two-story house, was about three hours away. Hotch, Emily, and Milenka, being farthest from both locations, were driving to the house, while the rest of the team would check out the farmhouse first then meet them there.
There was this feeling, blossoming in your chest, comforting you, whispering that Aaron was on his way. You’d learned over the years that your instincts rarely lied to you, and you hoped to whatever God there was or wasn't, that this wasn’t one of the times they misled you.
So you knew what you had to do.
You acted nice every time Ian came to visit, roughly every half hour.
Then, after five visits, you drank the water he offered willingly. Gently, Ian helped you up off the ground, a gesture that would’ve been comforting had he not been a serial killer. He moved his hands until they were lightly situated on your waist, and gazed into your eyes with the crazed fanaticism of a deranged man. He leaned in for a kiss, and the second he closed his eyes, you drove your right knee directly into his crotch.
Serves him right for being dumb enough not to fully restrain you. While he doubled over in pain, stepping back, you set up for a roundhouse kick that you placed to the back of his knee, knocking him onto the ground in an ungraceful heap. While he was on the ground, you punched him in the throat with enough force to knock the wind out of him, leaving him gasping for air on the ground like a fish out of water. Sending another kick to his temple for good measure, rendering him unconscious, you searched his pockets for anything that could remove the shackle from your leg. Eventually, you settled for a wire cutter that you used to cut off the attaching chain, but your clumsiness left an angry gash in your leg in the process. Limping from exhaustion, you ran from the room as fast as you could with the pain in your side from the glass that had been lodged there and the blood from the cut in your skull dripping down your face and neck. Your head felt fuzzy and faint, and you knew you were likely to pass out from blood loss any second. You repeated Aaron’s name in your head like a mantra, telling yourself that you needed to get back to him first, then you could pass out from pain. Every part of your body ached, screaming at you to give up as you stumbled down the creaky carpeted stairs, leaving a trail of blood in your wake.
As you neared the foyer, you heard the engine of a car, along with footsteps. The door flew open, with Aaron directly behind it, followed by Morgan, Emily, Spencer, Rossu, and a few agents from the New York office. Aaron’s eyes scanned the room before settling on you, bloodied and bruised, and he ran to you, gathering you in his arms while you whimpered like a child. He whispered things in your ear that you couldn’t make out as you let the blackness at the edge of your vision take over.
Lights. Murmuring voices. Were you still in that house?
You opened your eyes to see two people, one man and one woman, leaving the room you were in. There was a pressure on your hand that scared you, and slowly, you turned your head to see the source of the sensation, and you were greeted with what was quite possibly the best view you’d ever laid eyes on: Aaron Hotchner asleep at your side, desperately clutching your hand.
“Aaron?” You murmured. He was a light sleeper, so you knew the sound would most likely wake him up. When it didn’t, you squeezed his hand while murmuring his hand again. His head jerked up, and his tired eyes met yours.
“Y/N.” His voice was filled with so much anxiety, grief, and regret that your heart shattered, as he reached up to ever-so-gently caress your face, then kissed you softly.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you.” His words took the broken pieces of your heart and smashed them again with a hammer, until you were sobbing against Aaron’s chest. He held you, and let you cry, becoming painfully aware of his inability to help in times like this. His specialty was catching criminals, not helping people through the trauma, and he entertained the thought of asking JJ to talk to you for a fleeting moment, before deciding that he couldn’t let you out of his sight for the time being.
After a few minutes, you sniffed and lifted your head to wipe away your tears, but Aaron did it before you could. You stared down at your side for a moment, watching the blood that seeped through the bandage every time you took a breath, while you gathered enough courage to speak without your voice wavering.
“I’m sorry. You told me you loved me, and I didn’t say it back, and that could’ve been the last-”
Aaron cut you off with a kiss, murmuring against your lips, “You have nothing to be sorry for.”
You sat in silence with him for a while, leaning your head against his shoulder as he stroked your hair. Eventually, Aaron broke the silence.
“I saw what you did to Ian.”
You choked out a laugh despite the pain that ripped through you while doing so. “Yeah, I left him in pretty bad shape, didn’t I?”
Aaron nodded, smiling. “I’m proud of you. Most people wouldn't be able to escape a serial killer.”
“Well, I’m not most people, Hotchner.”
“That’s for sure.”
The rest of the team left for D.C. the next morning, but Aaron stayed to drive you home once you were discharged from the hospital. First, however, he dropped you off at the FBI field office to talk with Agent Milenka while he called Jessica to ask if she’d mind watching Jack for a few more days, explaining what happened to you. She practically viewed you as a sister, and after recovering from the initial horror, was happy to agree.
“Hey, Y/N! You’re alive!” Agent MIlenka called brightly as you limped into her office, bumping your crutched on the doorframe.
You chuckled. “Sadly, I am. Aaron told me it was you who figured out Foster had taken me. How’d you know?”
Milenka shrugged. “I may not be a profiler, but I sure as hell can tell when someone’s not right. The guy went almost crazy when you left New York. It just made sense.”
“But if that was his stressor, he would’ve started murdering earlier.”
“We thought at first that finding out about you and Agent Hotchner might’ve been the stressor, but it was impossible to tell when he’d found out, so we switched gears. I fired Ian a few months ago because he’d just been getting worse and worse, and eventually was a liability on cases. The last straw was him failing his psych evaluation. Maybe he felt that losing his FBI job meant he lost his last chance to be with you if he’d been hoping to transfer to your unit someday.”
You nodded slowly. “That’s around the time the kidnappings started, isn’t it?”
Milenka nodded. The two of you stood in her office in comfortable silence for a bit, until she stood up from her desk, crossing the distance between you and engulfing you in a nervous hug. She pulled away fairly quickly, most likely out of fear of hurting you, and awkwardly patted you twice on the shoulder. “Take care, Agent.”
“You too, Milenka.”
You turned to go, but stopped when you heard Milenka call, “One more thing.”
“Hotchner’s a good guy. Don’t let that one get away.”
You merely offered her a smile, then strode out of her office as elegantly as one can with a limp.
The ride home was nice, full of easy discussion, laughter, and a few guilty looks that Aaron snuck at your stitched-up side, wishing he’d listened to you.
You made a joke he didn’t hear, and leaned over in your seat so you could wave a hand in front of his face, calling his name in a sing-song voice.
“Aaron, you good?”
Aaron shook his head slightly, rubbed his eyes, then turned towards you. “Yes?”
“Is something wrong?”
“No, I’ve just got a lot on my mind.”
You hummed in affirmation, then turned towards the window. The rest of the drive was spent in comfortable silence, until you arrived at Aaron’s house. You spent practically all of your time there. Honestly, you couldn’t remember the last time you’d stepped foot into your apartment. Aaron helped you into the house and to your shared bed, where you passed out immediately. You vaguely heard a soft whisper of “sleep well” before you were out cold.
Aaron watched you for what felt like hours, feeling pent-up stress and anger roll off of him in waves as he silently stroked your hair, grateful beyond words that you’d lived. You murmured something in your sleep that sounded suspiciously like “I love you,” before rolling over to curl against his chest, nuzzling your head against the crook of his neck. And for the first time in days, he allowed himself a smile. Aaron basked in the rare feeling of relaxation, thinking about how nice it would be to bottle up this feeling and keep it forever, until sleep finally pulled him into its soft clutches. And for once, with you safely nestled into him, he slept easily. He still hadn’t proposed, but that was okay. Now that you were safe, you two had all the time in the world.
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mercurysstars · 3 years
All That Glitters Is Not Gold (part 5)
Summary: Y/n gets hired to be the avengers chief physician and also happens to be an ex assassin.
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings: Avengers doing domestic things.
A/N: A silly chapter before some shiii starts going down. Also I’m posting two chapters because I really hated this one.
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𝘚𝘵𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘴 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳
𝘣𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘴' 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘬𝘦𝘯 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘴
"Come on it's not that hard just up and over." Bucky once again demonstrated to Sam how to throw the knife over his arm and catch it. Wanda had her feet kicked up on Y/n's desk painting her nails and Y/n was watering her plants on her office window seal.
Sam took the knife from Bucky and attempted to do what he showed him but failed which caused the knife to fall and slide across the floor. He muttered a few curse words and picked it up. Sam once again flung the knife up, he went to catch it but Y/n was quicker snatching it out of the air.
"No more throwing knives in my office, you're going to cut off your fingers, and IM the one who's going to have to stitch them back on." Y/n hissed.
"Oh come Y/n don't be a buzzkill you should trust me," Sam exclaimed.
"No, I'd trust a sketchy party clown for hire who likes to take 'bathroom brakes' more than you." Wanda scoffed.
"Don't you guys have a job to do? People, to save instead of bothering me?" Y/n put her hands on her hips.
"Don't lie to use doll we know you like having us around." Bucky grinned.
"No, no I don't. You guys are like cockroaches in a shitty Brooklyn apartment that no matter how hard you try you just can't seem to rid of." Y/n waves the knife around in her hand pointing to the three Avengers.
As much as Y/n loved her newfound friends they were distracting and caused her to get little work done, though Tony probably wouldn't care as he was the number one slacker, Y/n still liked to pull her own weight.
Y/n walked back around her desk and plopped down next to Wanda, she took the nail polish and began to do the nails that Wanda couldn't.
Bucky rolled his eye "Anyways, when are you going to move in?"
"Well, Tony said I could hook the SHIELD trailer onto my car and I have everything packed I just need someone to help me move." She shrugged.
Wanda perked up and grinned "I'll help, I've always wanted to see the apartment that you're found enough of to drive an hour and back to every day."
"An hour? I thought you lived in Brooklyn." Sam said.
"Nope." Y/n popped the 'P' "I live in Hell's Kitchen."
Bucky frowned "That neighborhood with all those vigilantes?" Y/n just nodded.
"Well, I and Buck will help." Sam put his arm around Bucky. He tried to shrug it off and Sam pulled tighter.
Y/n thought for a moment, it would definitely help to have more than one other person to do the heavy lifting, and anything she didn't want anyone seeing was packed away so it could work.
She shrugged "Okay we can go we I get off which is in about 30 minutes."
Y/n stood up "But in the meantime, I need to work and I can't do that with dumb and dumber around." She started to push Bucky and Sam out of the room.
"Oh come on Y/n don't be like that." Bucky teased.
She gave the final shove "Wanda and I will meet you by the first-floor elevator in 45 minutes."
Both Sam and Bucky opened their mouth to protest "Bye." Y/n waved and slammed the door.
"Men am I right?"
Y/n scoffed "You're telling me."
Wanda and Y/n stepped out of the elevator to see Bucky and Sam leaning against the wall waiting for them. "Boys." She nodded. Y/n and Wanda began to walk over to the front desk while both men trailed along like lost puppies.
Y/n put both arms on the desk and leaned forward. The blonde at the desk looked up with a smile, it dropped for split second, so slight that if you weren't watching you wouldn't have noticed.
"Dr. Y/l/n what can I do for you."
Y/n put on a fake smile and curiously narrowed her eyes "Teresa right? Well, Tony said the trailer was already hooked up to my car I just needed someone to let me into the garage."
"Of course, when you hear buzz head right on."
"Thanks!" She exclaimed.
Y/n turned around and her smile immediately dropped, she walked back over to Wanda and the boys, and they all started to walk to the garage.
"What's her problem?" Y/n nodded over towards the desk.
"Teresa? Well I know she used to be a high-level SHIELD agent but requested to be moved to the front desk, it was a pretty big deal. It happened just right before you started working here actually." Sam told her.
Y/n hummed and opened the door leading to the garage. They walked toward the back and stopped in front of a grey 2010 Honda Civic.
"Here's my baby." She made jazz hands to show off her car.
"This is your car? Being friends Tony Stark I assumed you'd have something newer." Bucky joked.
"I call shotgun," Wanda yelled hopping into the passenger seat.
30 minutes into the ride Y/n and Wanda are screaming blank space by Taylor Swift on the top of their lungs while Sam and Bucky are crammed in the back seat trying not to cringe at their 'god awful' singing.
Another 20 minutes and Y/n pulls in front of her apartment. The car was barely at a stop when both men scrambled to get out Wanda chuckled and Y/n just shook her head.
They went inside of the building and once again crammed into the elevator. "You have a really shitty apartment," Sam stated matter of factly.
Y/n rolled her eyes and stepped out of the elevator the three Avengers followed suit and walked behind her while she lead them to her apartment. Y/n pulled out her keys and opened the door.
"Welcome to my humble abode."
Bucky was the first one to step in, he felt something rub against his leg and meowed. He looked down to see a white fluffy cat with emerald green eyes. The cat meowed again and stretched its paws onto his pant leg. Bucky smiled and pick the cat up. The cat immediately began to nudge into him and purr. Bucky turned to Y/n.
"What's his name?"
Y/n arms were crossed and was leaning against the doorway with an amused looked and her face "Her name is Alpine."
"I forgot you said you had a cat." Wanda squealed.
Y/n chuckled at the redhead and started to walk down her hallway "Alright we only need to grab the boxes and the furniture in my room. Matt said he could take the rest of the furniture and use it for his law firm."
Bucky's face slightly fell and his heart skipped a beat "Matt is that your boyfriend?" Bucky tried to sound as though he was genuine even with the sick feeling in his gut.
Y/n felt as she could sense some slight jealousy in his statement. She got a quick sensation of butterfly's and started to feel a little hope at the possibility that he could be interested in her but she quickly shoved that thought down.
"No, no, you could call him a childhood friend." She breathed.
Bucky's heart began to beat normal again and the wide smile was put back on to his face. Wanda walked over and pulled the cat out of Bucky's arms. Alpine snuggled into Wanda falling back asleep in her arms.
"Well, what are you boys standing around here for, get to work," Wanda exclaimed clapping her hands to show she was serious. Y/n chuckled and both men began to pick up boxes.
Y/n and Wanda sat on the couch watching as Sam and Bucky brought boxes to the car. Y/n and Wanda smirked at each other as they watch Bucky and Sam lift her bed. Seeing the way their muscles move definitely a sight for sore eyes. After an hour of talking and moving they were finally done. Y/n stood up off the couch and stretched her arms.
"Guys that was hard work."
Sam scoffed "All you did was hold the cat while watching us doing the heavy lifting."
"Whatever," Y/n murmured.
"Wanda, why didn't you just use your powers?" Bucky asked.
"I was holding the cat." She shrugged.
Both men rolled their eyes in sync "Will you guys stop whining if I buy you food?" Y/n raised an eyebrow.
"I would never say no to free food." Bucky grinned.
Bucky woke up to the feeling of vibrations on his chest, he peeked an eye open to see a blob of white fur. Alpine noticed he was awake and nudge her face against his scruff, he chuckled and sat up.
"How did you get in?" He looked over to see his door still closed and locked, he frowned.
Alpine gave him an innocent look, he lightly nudged the cat to push her onto the bed. Bucky stood up and grabbed his pants, he put them on and grabbed Alpine.
"I've got to bring you back to Y/n's room mommy probably misses you." Talking to a cat wow a new low Barnes He scoffed at himself.
Bucky opened his door and walked the far distance of three feet to Y/n's door and knocked. He heard a muffled come in. He walked into her room to see her going through her boxes. She looked up, saw him, and smiled.
"Hey, Bucky what's up."
"I think this belongs to you." He chuckled nodding toward Alpine who was curled up like a baby in his arms.
"Where did you find her?" Her eyes lit up at the sight of her car.
"Actually she found me first I woke up to her laying on me."
"I think someone's got a crush." Y/n teased.
She grabbed Alpine then she noticed what he was wearing, rather the lack of what he was wearing.
Her eyes traveled down his toned chiseled abs landing on the sweatpants laying low in his hips just above his V line.
"Y/n?" That snapped her out of her trance.
"I'm sorry what were you saying?" Her eyes darted back up toward his face.
"I was saying I'm going to make breakfast do you want some." He raised an eyebrow with a smirk. Y/n's face instantly flushed oh my god he totally caught me checking him out.
"Uh yeah, sure."
Part 6
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