#icarly x reader
reareaotaku · 10 months
Childhood Crush
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A/n: Reader having a brother is mentioned
Fred has loved you since he met you
He does everything for you [Carry your bag, Doing Helping you with homework, feeding you (if you'd let him), walking you to class, etc]
It's definitely an obsession and everyone knows he likes you
The way he looks at you with heart eyes
You can tell him to jump and he'll ask how high
You push it back when you're both kids/pre-teens & kind of ignore it
You just see him as a friend and he's okay with that
He'll be talking to Carly and see you out of the corner of his eye and rush to talk to you
He'll lean on a locker and tilt his head, saying 'Sup', causing you to laugh at him
Your brother doesn't hate Freddie, but he definitely makes him work extra hard to get him to accept him
He keeps his mom away from you [Thank god you don't live in the apartment complex]
You usually hang out at your house, especially when you both start dating
You both date for years, before someone accidentally slips to his mom, though by that time it's too late for her to do anything
Instead of taunting you, your brother taunts Freddie
So, you usually lock your bedroom door to keep your brother out whenever you have Freddie is over
The first time it happens, Freddie's eyes widen and he gets really nervous, because oh my god why did you lock the door? Should he have brought protection or something?
Though those thoughts quickly leave his mind when you go to sit by your desk and grab a school book
^ Nothing is more of a turn off than school
"My brother likes messing with you"
"Really?" Fred will look around, acting surprised, "I've never noticed"
You smile, "Yeah, but he doesn't mean it. He's just a bully"
"Oh yeah, I'm pretty good with bullies"
"Yeah, I noticed"
You let him do his ICarly thing, but he does like being there for all your things/hobbies
He's one of those guys that loves you more than you love him
You're literally his world and nothing will ever change that
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infiniteimaginings · 4 months
Can you write for Freddie, Icarly, with a jealous reader over Carly please? Also, I loveeeee love your writing!!
Are you...Jealous? (Freddie Benson x GN!Reader)
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Summary: You were aware of how Freddie used to feel about Carly, you had witnessed it firsthand. Regardless of his feelings he fell for you, and the two of you got together. You can't stop the ache when you see them together though, you can't stop the nagging thoughts in your mind. What will Freddie do when he notices you acting strangely? Pronouns: You/Yours They/Them Warnings: None Word Count: 3.0k A/N: I'm so embarrassed for taking so long to do this, it's been a week since you sent this. Thank you so much, you're so sweet. Also, thank you for being so patient with me!
It was the end of the school day and you were at your locker, gathering your folders for whatever schoolwork you had to get done for the weekend. You didn’t notice a certain brunette boy walking up to you and leaning on the lockers. You continued moving items around, trying not to let anything fall when the boy cleared his throat causing you to jump slightly at the sound. You turned, a hand on your chest to ease your breathing when you saw who it was. Freddie Benson, your friend of three years and boyfriend of four months. A relaxed smile made its way to your face and you gently rolled your eyes at him, “Hi Freddie.” You greeted, turning back to your locker, grabbing your remaining items and closing the metal locker.
Freddie grinned at you, gripping his backpack strap, “Hey!” He greeted back, looking at you with gentle adoring eyes. He cleared his throat once more, “Do you want to help with a segment today?” He asked, his free hand rubbing the back of his neck nervously. You held a gentle smile but your brows gently furrowed together, “For…iCarly?” You asked, knowing about the webshow, but you only ever watched it. You had gone into the studio before, but you never actually helped with any of the ideas they had. Freddie nodded, confirming your question, kicking himself off the locker. “Yeah!” He answered, pulling out his phone and showing the text sent in the iCarly group chat that consisted of him, Carly, and Sam. You looked down to the phone as he scrolled a bit and got to a message of an idea he presented days ago that the two girls had agreed to. “We’re doing a segment where we have someone pick from ingredients that the audience sends in.” He explained, stepping back a bit to make eye contact with you, “Then Sam and Caly have to try to make something good out of it.” He finished, a big smile on his face, hoping you would say yes.
You nodded your head, the idea sounded extremely fun, but you were still wondering why he chose you. “Are you sure you want me to do it?” You asked, a breathy laugh leaving your lips. Freddie had no doubt and that showed in his expression, “Well, they suggested Spencer but you know how he is with his art pieces.” Freddie spoke, you nodding along with a small ‘Yeah’ as a response, your hand adjusting the strap of your backpack. “Then they suggested me, and I was thinking about you.” He spoke simply, shrugging a bit. Silence stretched between the two of you,students passing by you, the sounds of their feet filling your ears. Freddie soon realized what he said and flushed, looking down and chuckling slightly, “That slipped out, sorry.” He spoke gently, looking up at you with an apologetic gaze but you shook your head. “It was sweet,” You told him, scrunching your nose and smiling at him. “I’ll do it, since you asked so nicely.” Your response made him light up, he put an arm around your waist as the two of you walked out of the school, on your way to the apartments.
Once the two of you reached the apartments, you guys were seen by Lewbert, the doorman. Freddie was dragging you to the stairs to hopefully avoid a conversation but you just couldn’t keep your eyes off the huge and hairy wart on the side of his face. Your jaw dropped slightly, and Freddie thankfully pulled you away before he could say anything or you could say anything. Once you guys reached the floor where Carly and Freddie stayed you looked at your boyfriend with a face of disgust. You had never seen Lewbert before, you were one of the lucky ones, so your reaction was honestly valid to Freddie. “That was…” You tried to speak, but you couldn’t find the words. Freddie squeezed your hand gently with a nod and sighed, “I know, disgusting, horrifying.” He spoke for you, listing off words he thought you were feeling. You nodded at the words but also shook your head, “Uncomfortable.” You finally said and he nodded in agreement, knocking on the front door of Carly's apartment. “I felt like it was…watching me.” You said, scratching your head, Freddie shivering at your description.
The door swung open and you were met with a man with shaggy brown hair looking down to the two of you, that was Carly's older brother Spencer. “Hey you guys!” He greeted, leaving the doorway to let you guys just walk in. “They’re upstairs in the studio.” He said, pointing upstairs as he picked up a bucket of bottle caps and tabs, leading them to the kitchen area. Freddie paid no mind and held your hand tighter, dragging you up the stairs, “Thanks Spencer!” He said, you doing the same. “Thanks Spencer, good luck with your sculpture!” You told him before disappearing up the stairs with Freddie. Spencer held up a thumbs up before going back to the bottle caps and observing his project.
You guys walked through the door to the hallway that was across from the studio door where you could hear Sam and Carly talking. You guys walked through the red door and Freddie dropped your hand for the first time since school ended, “And we are here!” He greeted, hands presenting you as if you were some sort of celebrity. You giggled a bit, smiling gently as you waved to the girls, “Hey!” You greeted the girls walking up to you guys, their own sodas in their hands.
Carly mixed her brown hair over her shoulder, “Hey!” She greeted back, “Are you watching us film today?” She asked you, tilting her head, lips in a sweet smile. Freddie poked his head into her view a bit, “They’re actually going to be picking the audience's chosen ingredients for you guys.” He explained, clasping his hands before going to his camera to set things up. Carly nodded in understanding, having no problem with it.
The blonde, curly headed girl next to her looked like she didn’t care who would be doing it. “Cool.” Sam, the curly headed blonde, spoke, taking another swig of her drink. Carly playfully bumped Sam's shoulder and looked back at you, “Don't pick anything too gross.” She whispered to you, knowing they would all probably end up trying it at the end. You hissed through your teeth playfully, “I can’t promise anything.” You teased to which she laughed and shook her head, putting her soda down. Sam followed, cracking her knuckles, “I’m gonna make Freddie eat it at the end anyways.” She spoke, the boy in question yelling out a ‘Hey!’ when he grabbed the mics for the girls to put on themselves. He grabbed an extra one for you since you were going to be speaking and instead of letting you put it on yourself he gently clipped it to the top of your pants so it wouldn’t fall off. He looked up at you with soft eyes when he finished. When he picked up his head the two of you were so close, noses almost touching, you felt you could hear his heartbeat. He grinned at you, “Good luck.” He whispered before walking backwards to grab the camera.
Carly instructed you to stand at the side so they could introduce you and you did just that. Freddie pulled the camera up and started his countdown, “In 5, 4, 3, 2..." He spoke, pointing to Sam and Carly when they went live. 
The two immediately got close to the camera, “Hey hey hey!” Carly spoke,shaking her head, moving so Sam could do the same. “Are you guys ready for another…” Sam began, Carly pressing her face to hers. “Weird and Wacky challenge!” They announced, Sam sounding applause and laughter from her remote. They backed up so the majority of their bodies could be shown, Freddie backing up as well, continuing to steady the camera. Sam explained the concept of the challenge and then said, “You guys are going to send in the weirdest ingredients you can think of and we’re going to pick a big group of those ingredients to use today.” Carly nodding along, her hands moving to your direction, “And we have our good friend here today to help!” She introduced you, Freddie turned the camera to himself, “The love of my life.” He spoke with a dopey smile before turning it to your blushing figure. You waved, “Hi!” You spoke quietly, the other three smiling at you. Sam sighed, “I would say he paid them but he didn’t have money for lunch.” She spoke, nodding her head, pushing the laughter button on her remote. Freddie looked at her blankly behind the camera, “Because you took it.” He reminded her and she nodded quickly with a toothy smile, hand gesturing to him in a ‘duh’ motion. “What I said still stands.” She said, rolling her eyes, Freddies eye twitched slightly but he shook his head to ignore it.
Carly and Sam turned the attention to the tv where the feed of ingredient suggestions would pop up where you would decide. They stepped back, you stepping forward to look at it, thinking slightly. You hummed slightly, pointing at the words as you said them slightly, Sam and Carly keeping track of them. “Pineapple…” You spoke first, pointing to it, Carly nodding, thinking she could make something nice out of that. “Pickles, and Marshmallows!” Any hope the two had of having anything good diminished the moment you said that. “Gummy bears.” You continued on, “Popcorn, chocolate syrup!” You pointed them out, the group thinking you were genuinely making a dessert. You thought a bit as the list went on, “Peanut butter.” You called out, they added it to the list. Soon enough a mischievous smirk fell on your face, Sam smiled with you a bit but Carly stood awkwardly, unsure of what you were about to say. You scrunched your nose as you spoke “Jalapenos,” You started, not giving anyone time to speak as you listed the next one, “Canned tuna.” The words make Freddie want to gag since Sam was going to make him eat it whether he wanted to or not. “And…hot sauce!” You finally spoke, turning to them, hands behind your back with an innocent smile. 
Carly grimaced but giggled a bit, “Thank you!” She spoke, Sam and her hands gesturing to you as you bowed and stood next to Freddie. Sam clasped her hands together, “Let's get started!” She spoke excitedly as she pointed to the camera, Carly doing the same.
The two set up everything, two separate tables with all the ingredients. Carly tried to meticulously place everything together into something that looked edible whilst Sam put it all in a bowl and mixed it together, the concoction looked like vomit. Freddie turned the camera to himself once more, “Carly is doing amazing, per usual.” He commented, turning the camera back to the girls. The statement didn’t mean much, but Freddie continued making those comments within the entire video. He said how great she was doing, how Sam's shirt was covered in her mixture and Carly was still clean and pretty.
You understood they were friends, you understood that this is how they were in every video, you understood that before you there was Carly. You had watched Freddie profess his love to Carly, the flowers he had brought, how long his crush had gone on, how he looked at Carly. He rambled to you about the girl, how adoring he was about her. When he asked you on a date you genuinely were confused. The first words that left your mouth were, “that’s funny” because you didn’t realize he was serious. He had been so kind to you, so loving, like he worshiped every step you took. He treats you so well, and you always feel terrible when the thoughts of how he felt about Carly return to you. How could someone who was so deeply in love with another, move on, on a random Wednesday? It pricks at the back of your mind like someone continuously pins the thought to you so you never forget it.
When he looked over at you, you shook the thoughts off and gave him a smile, he returned before turning back to focus the camera.
When the two girls finished, Freddie carefully passed the camera to you so he could unfortunately try to eat it. He walked up to their plates, already knowing neither of them tasted good, his deep frown and contorted face of disgust showed that. He tried Carlys first, putting his hand over his mouth so he wouldn’t spit it out. He chewed it, some of the juice of the pineapple escaping and somehow he swallowed it. After he did he was gasping for breath, holding his chest as if it were burning his heart. He then turned to Sams which was just, a soup. He took a spoonful and tried his best to swallow it until Sam decided to speak out, “I added the sweat from my uncle's socks for flavor.” She said nonchalantly. The comment caused Fredie to immediately spit it out and rush to the bathroom to most likely go puke. 
The two girls in front of the camera you held paid no attention, this being an expected reaction, Carly put her hands on her hips, “I thought your uncle was in jail?” She wondered aloud, Sam shaking her head as she sat in one of the bean bag chairs, “No, my uncles are on parole, my cousin is in jail.” She specified, hands over her stomach in a relaxed position. Carly let out a small ‘Ah’ in understanding. You turned off the camera when you were told to, placing it on the tech rack as the two girls went to the living room of Carly's home. “You can come down when you want!” Carly told you as the girls went to the elevator and you nodded with a smile, telling her you’ll be there soon enough.
After the show you stepped outside the studio door and sat on the floor, sighing to yourself and hitting your head to get the thoughts out. “She is pretty.” You mumbled to yourself, crossing her arms over your knees when you pulled them closer to your chest. “Who ya talking about?” A familiar voice spoke from next to you, you looked over and saw Freddie walking out the room. He sat next to you, curling his legs up into the same position, looking at you. You shook your head, “No one, just thinking.” You said to him, hoping that would be enough for him to drop it. It wasn’t. He laughed gently, “What’s wrong? You seem a little upset.” He spoke gently, bumping his shoulder with yours to try to cheer you up. You inhaled sharply, “Nothing, Carlys downstairs, you can tell her about how good her mixture was.” You spoke, your words coming out harsher than you meant them to.
Freddies brows furrowed as he relaxed a bit, “What?” He asked, but you didn’t respond. He thought about your comment for a bit with a confused expression but soon it relaxed and he chuckled a bit. “Wait..” He spoke, licking his lips, using his hand to balance as he faced you. “Are you…jealous?” He asked you, tilting his head. You looked away and he gently used his hands to bring your face to turn to him, your eyes still didn’t meet his. “You were in love with her,” You spoke quietly, swallowing hard, your fingers tapping your knees, “are you sure you aren’t still in love with her?” You asked him, tears threatening to fill your eyes but you quickly stopped it by wiping your eyes a bit, though your nose warmed at the feeling of you crying. Freddie looked at you with apologetic eyes, he never even thought about how you could feel when he still hangs out with Carly and how he acted about her before. He sighed, trying to think of what to say, his silence only upsetting you more. “I really like you…” He spoke gently, taking one of your hands in his, “No, that’s not right.” He said, shaking his head, face warming when your eyes met him in confusion. He took a deep breath, scooting closer to you so there would be no space between your shoulders. “I love you,” His words made you shudder, “and that isn’t going to change.” He told you, the words causing your eyes to widen. “I had a crush on Carly, yeah…but that ended when I noticed how your eyes light up when you get excited about something.” He told you, the eye contact was getting a bit overwhelming. “It ended when you grabbed my hand to drag me somewhere you invited me to.” He continued on playing with her fingers, your knees touching. “It ended when you said yes to go on that date with me.” He finished, light sparkling in his eyes when he spoke to you.
You searched his eyes for a moment, to see if there was any spec of a lie, but you couldn’t find any. Your eyes flickered from his to his lips, back to his eyes. You bit your lip slightly before sighing out a laugh, “I love you too Freddie.” You said gently, smiling at him, feeling much better. Freddie noticed the glances you gave him and his face flushed before he leaned in slowly, giving you plenty of time to pull away. You didn’t. His lips made contact with yours and pulled away just as quickly as they connected, “I love you, please never forget that.” He told you quietly, looking at your glistening eyes, before leaning to kiss you once more, your hands placing themselves on his shoulders.
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incorrectquotesmcu · 3 months
Y/N: So...are we friends?
Natasha: I guess.
Y/N: You sure?
Natasha: Sure.
Y/N: Should we kiss?
Natasha: No.
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romanoffshouse · 10 months
Y/N: Please? For me?
Natasha: Don't do that.
Y/N: Do what?
Natasha: You think every time you say "Please? For me?" with the puppy eyes I'll do whatever you want. Well, not this time.
Y/N: Please? For me?
Natasha: Fine.
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hazbingirliexoxo · 3 months
Reader: *talking about their favorite TV show/podcast*
Vox: *smugly* Well it can’t be that popular if I’ve never heard of it
Reader: *mockingly* It’s not for old people🙄🙄
Vox: ….
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harveywritings92 · 1 year
Ghost, to Soap while watching König and R/n flirt: I guarantee you, six month from now, I'll be R/n’s second boyfriend.
Soap, looks worried: Um, What happened to her first boyfriend?
Ghost, eyeing up König like hungry wolf: He’ll be mine too.~
[Soap had to see how this goes and maybe start taking notes.]
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marvellover76 · 4 months
Mobius: Every insult to Loki you owe him five bucks.
Loki: Good, im going to be rich.
Y/n: No, because I'm not going to say one mean word to you.
Loki: Really? You wanna kiss me?
Y/n: Kiss you? Dude I'd rather-
Y/n:...not do that at this time but I appreciate your kind offer.
Mobius, nodding his head: Impressive.
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delulu-with-wandanat · 10 months
(Parents Wandanat)
‘Calm parent’ Nat x ‘Less calm’ Wanda
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Natasha: You are grounded. For… till college.
Y/n: For till college?!
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infiniteimaginings · 1 month
i absolutely LOVED your freddie benson fic and i was wondering if you could write some sort of fluff for spencer? 🙏🏾🙏🏾
Why I Don't Give Up (Spencer Shay x GN!Reader)
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Summary: You visit your boyfriend while he's working on one of his sculptures, and he tells you why he keeps going even if a lot of people don't believe in him. Pronouns: You/Yours Warnings: None Word Count: 1.8k A/N: I'm glad you enjoyed it! Here's some Spencer love for you!
It was a typical Wednesday afternoon in Seattle where people would just try to get on with their days. Some were just waking up in their apartments, wondering what they would even do, others were at school or work.
You were currently walking through the lobby of an apartment complex, beelining to the stairs. Your hand was covering the side of your face as you walked, praying that the doorman wouldn’t see you. Your prayers were not answered because you heard the man clear his throat loudly to grab your attention, you could have ignored it if it weren’t for his blazing stare into the back of your head that urged your body to react with a flinch.
You slowly turned with a plastered smile on your face, hands behind your back as you walked to his desk, “Good Afternoon, Lewbert.” You greeted him, your voice slightly strained.
The man looked at your boredly, cheek twitching as he idly tried not to scratch it. You tried your best not to stare, averting your gaze to anywhere else, feet kicking at the ground. 
Lewbert sniffled a bit before he turned around and picked up two packages, roughly placing them on the counter, “Since you’re already going up there, go ahead and take these before I keep them for myself.” He grumbled, leaning back in his chair to place his feet on his desk. 
You stopped yourself from rolling your eyes and took the packages, looking down to who each was addressed to before making your way up the stairs. You didn’t try to say goodbye to the doorman as there was no point, he would act like he didn’t hear you anyways. 
You went up the stairs and before knocking on the door you were originally going to, you turned to the one across the hall. You placed the top package down gently, knocking a bit to alert the Benson residence that their package was in front of their door. 
You turned back to your original destination and decidedly just opened the door. Most people would care if you just walked into their house without knocking, but the man who was sat on his couch looked up and his eyes lit up like a christmas tree when you appeared. 
You breathed out a chuckle at his expression and closed the door, still holding the package, “Delivery for Spencer Shay?” You read out from the package playfully. The brown haired man stood up and raised his hand, “Wait that’s me!” He laughed, standing to walk over to you. 
Spencer stood in front of you, cupping your face to pull you in, placing a gentle kiss to your forehead, “Thank you.” He mumbled to you, taking the package from you to place it on the coffee table. You hummed and walked with him, wrapping your arms around his waist as he opened up the box.
It wasn’t anything special, just a few supplies for a project. You weren’t exactly sure what his project was, he didn’t give you many details, but you knew you would enjoy it just as much as he did making it.
Spencer turned around, hugging you tightly before telling you to take a seat so he could finish making the lunch he planned out for you guys. You nodded and sat on the couch, almost sinking in from how soft it was to your back.
The coffee table had drinks on it, some art supplies, and a plethora of opened letters. You picked them up and began going through them, it wouldn’t be the first time, Spencer never minded. Besides, you sometimes had your mail delivered to his apartment as you were there half the time.
None of these letters belonged to you though, they were all addressed to Spencer from several galleries, art shows, etc. You began feeling bubbles of excitement in your chest as you began reading, your eyes scanning the papers for good news but instead you were met with…
‘The artist shows enthusiasm but their execution falls short of gallery standard. The subject matter is cliché, struggles to communicate, and fails to provoke meaningful engagement.’
‘The piece is utterly amateurish, devoid of any sort of artistic merit. It’s embarrassing that this was submitted.’
‘There is a lack of understanding of the basic principles of composition.’
‘There’s plenty of room for improvement. They could refine their techniques to convey the vision better.’
‘The artist has used materials for an interesting dimension, enhancing points that viewers may not have initially drawn focus to. Experimenting with different materials was compelling, but it didn’t encourage the viewer to look deeper. It could be communicated better.’
‘Everything clashes, though the artist was bold for that.’
‘The execution lacks everything needed in art, there is no focus. There is complete inconsistency, there is nothing that brings my attention to the piece. It is completely looked over, which is not what galleries look for.’
Your frown deepened as you read from letter to letter, these were harsh criticisms. You weren’t exactly an artist, so you didn’t know if this was typical engagement from galleries, but either way it felt a bit much.
You were so invested into the letters, you didn’t notice Spencer had walked up to you, two plates in his hands. He noticed you were reading the letters but he didn’t react much, he’s read over those letters over a hundred times, nothing in them was new to him. He simply placed the food on the table and sat next to you, you didn’t react to the shifting weight on the couch which was partially concerning to him.
The hazel eyed man took his thumb and smoothed out the creases made between your brows from how you had them furrowed. You jumped a bit at the sudden contact and looked over to him, “Hey.” You mumbled to him, placing the mail back on the table.
“Hey.” He responded, looking at you with a slightly weak smile.
There was silence between the two of you, neither of you knowing what to say at that moment. Due to the silence, Spencer cleared his throat and grabbed the plates of typically unnatural food combinations that were still somehow the most delicious delicacies you’ve ever had. You thanked him and ate quietly, still not speaking.
Spencer didn’t immediately start eating because he was staring right at the letter on the table. He ultimately sighed and put his plate down, “I know they’re pretty harsh.” He laughed out and you hummed in agreement, no smile on your face.
“They are.” 
He nodded at your comment, scrunching his nose, rubbing his hands on his knees. “I’m used to them, trust me there are piles and piles of them in my room.” He explained to you, looking at you with the hope that you would give him a grin, you didn’t. His smile died down a bit due to your lack of reaction and he chewed the inside of his cheek.
You put your plate down and frowned at him, “You’re used to it?” 
“Yeah, the life of an artist. You have to get used to criticism.” He explained, shrugging and knowing you weren’t used to anyone receiving so much of it at once.
You blew air through your cheeks, “If you’re getting so many of these letters, then why do you….” You trailed off, putting your face in your hands, upset at yourself for even thinking the way that you were.
Your boyfriend gently placed his hand on your back, rubbing small circles on it. “Why do I keep going?” He finished your question for you, it was a question that everyone has asked him, he was also used to that portion of being an artist.
You didn’t look up but he knew that was what you would’ve asked.
Spencer gently pulled at your hands, causing them to be removed from your face, and he began rubbing your knuckles with his thumbs. You were finally making eye contact with him and you could see how his eyes sparkled when you met eyes with him. He pulled you into a gentle hug, your ear leveled with his chest to hear his rhythmic heartbeat.
“I keep going because no matter how many people put me down, you’re always there to put me back up.” He spoke quietly, rubbing at your back. “I could receive thousands of these a day and the only people's criticisms that would matter to me are yours and Carlys.” He told you, kissing the crown of your head so gently, as if you would break if he pressed any harder. “No one else matters to me, because as long as I have you guys, I can keep going without giving up.” 
Once he leaned back on the couch, just for a more comfortable position, you finally looked up at him, your chin resting on his chest so you could look at his face. His ears were slightly red, but other than that he wasn’t showing any signs of sadness, disappointment, etc. When you looked at him his grin just widened, his eyes filled with light, and you could feel his heart begin to race.
He took a deep breath, “And I know that when a gallery accepts my work, you guys are the only reactions I’m going to care about.” He explained to you, his voice soft as he took one of his hands to trace your features.
You didn’t know what to say, because Spencer always said the most beautiful things that just took your breath away. You placed your hand over his and moved forward, gently placing your lips on his. He kissed you back, holding you delicately as if you were his greatest gift. 
Once you pulled away, your noses grazed each other, “You’re already the greatest artist I know.” You mumbled to him, eyes barely open as you laid on him.
He didn’t respond, he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you flush against him, holding you tightly, never wanting to let you go.
Once the two of you finished your moment, you pulled back and continued eating, talking about anything and everything. You brought up the topic of his new project that he didn’t tell you about and he nodded, food filling his mouth.
After he finished, he stood and wiped his hands on his pants, rushing to the kitchen where he pulled a sculpture on a rolling platform to the living room. 
You finished your bite of food and rushed to stand in front of the tarp covered project. Your hands clasped in front of you as you waited for it to be exposed. 
Spencer warned you that it wasn’t finished yet, to which you understood. He pulled the tarp off and at the bottom was the title of the work, ‘An Artists Biggest Critic’. The sculpture was a mold of Spencer himself, covered in some of the letters he received from galleries, making it show that his biggest critic is himself.
It was beautiful, you knew it would be even more beautiful when it was complete, and all you could do was stare in awe. Spencer was really going to make a name for himself, and you couldn’t wait for the day to come.
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incorrectquotesmcu · 4 months
Yelena: You bought a taco?
Y/N: Yeah.
Yelena: From the truck that hit Kate?
Y/N: Well me starving isn’t going to help her.
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romanoffshouse · 3 months
Y/N: Must you always attack me with words?
Yelena: You want me to use rocks?
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harveywritings92 · 1 year
Ghost, drunk laying in R/n’s lap: You know what’s a stupid letter?
R/n, sitting against a wall resting her eyes: Q?
Ghost: Yeah, why do I hate Q so much?
R/n, sighs: 'Cos it’s so obviously just an O trying to be all fancy with it’s pointless little tail.
Ghost, grumbles angrily: Q’s pathetic....(falls asleep.)
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artistcollectives · 10 months
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(Y/N)’s Pov
I sat on Spencer’s couch while reading some gossip magazine I picked up earlier at a convenience store. Spencer had been working on a new sculpture and had just finished putting it together. “Check it out (Y/N). My robot sculpture is finally complete.” I put the magazine down and walked over to him while he showed off his creation. “That’s pretty sick man!” I said with excitement as I looked it over. The sculpture was made completely out of old plastic bottles and what looked like foil and other random objects. “I just need to capture the perfect photo of this bad boy.” Spencer moves his camera around, trying to find a good angle to take a picture.
I had known Spencer and Carly for nearly a year now after I had moved into the same apartment complex as them. We had only met because Carly and Sam were doing whatever one day after school, and Sam had accidentally skateboarded into my apartment and nearly ripped my door from its hinges. Spencer came by not too long after to apologize and assess the damage and we just naturally became really good friends. I was also a starving artist which Spencer noticed when he saw all of my painting supplies and unfinished work surrounding my apartment. Since then it was pretty common for us to hang out at each other’s apartments. Typically I would be over at Spencer’s place though since I was on the floor below them and it was easier to keep an eye on the kids at his place.
“I have the perfect idea!” Spencer blurted out with excitement and ran off. I watched as her somehow climbed up to his ceiling and hung off of a wooden beam connected to the ceiling. “Dude! What are you doing?!” I asked as I freaked out. Spencer was way to spontaneous for his own good. “Don’t worry (Y/N) this angle captures my sculpture perfectly!” I back away a few feet just knowing this was an awful idea. “Let me at least move the couch over so you can land on it.” Before Spencer could respond, Carly walked in the front door. She looked at me and smiled as she waved and sat her backpack down. “Hey kiddo! Just taking some pics of my robot sculpture.” Spencer called out and it obviously shocked Carly as. She quickly jerked her head up to see where his voice was coming from. Spencer angled his camera down toward his sculpture. “Smile! Yeah.” He said with focus as the clicking of his camera rang out. “You know, if most eight grade girls came home from school and found their twenty-six year old brother hanging from the ceiling, and his twenty-four year old friend watching as he took pictures over a giant robot made out of soda bottles, it’d be weird.” Carly said with a grin on her face as she watched us both. Spencer let his head hang down as he faced Carly, upside down. “You’re saying we’re abnormal?” Spencer asked feigning shock. “Do I need to say it?” Carly laughed out. I smiled as I watched their interaction but also nervously kept my eye on Spencer. “Alright Spence, come down before you hurt yourself.” I told him as Carly lightly nodded in agreement. “No worries you two. I got my legs wrapped around this-“ Before he could finish his sentence, Spencer came falling down from the ceiling and landed face first against the floor. Carly and I both took a step back in shock. Spencer laid there for a moment before groaning out. “Please help me stand up.” I quickly kneeled down helped him get a grip on my arms so he could hoist himself up. “Are you alright?” Carly asked him with concern in her voice. “Yea- Nope.” Spencer stated as he grabbed his shoulder. “Did you dislocate your shoulder again?” I asked him as my own shoulders hung down. This is sadly a common occurrence with Spencer. He winced as he nodded in my direction. “Don’t do it Spence.” “One sec.” We both said simultaneously. Spencer then jumped completely in the air and slammed his entire body weight into his hurt shoulder. A loud cracking noise was all that was heard and Carly and I stared down at Spencer in disbelief. Immediately Spencer sprang back up as if nothing had even happened. “Yeah, that fixed her.” He said as he swung both his arms around. “Good. So listen, I need a favor.” Carly said as Spencer sat on the edge of the couch holding an extra bottle in his hand. “I have to film some auditions for school.” “Fun.” Spencer responded. Carly shook her head. “Yeah, not really.” Spencer looked at me and I shrugged my shoulders. “Anyways, would you let me borrow your video camera?” She asked him. “I would.” He responded blankly. Carly grinned at him. “Awesome!” Spencer quickly cut her off. “Though I can’t” I looked at him confused. “Why not” Carly asked. Spencer leaned over the couch and pulled out some monstrosity. “I made it into a squirrel.” My eyes widened and I let out a laugh. “That’s what that thing is?” Spencer nodded his head proudly.
It had been a few days since I had been to Spencer’s house due to being busy with work and Spencer helping Carly with schoolwork. Today I had decided to clean around my apartment to help motivate me to work on some new paintings. After a few hours of cleaning and taking tv breaks, I finally was done and tied up my last bag of trash. I stood back and looked at my new clean apartment, proud of my accomplishment. “Now I have to haul all this junk outside.” I said to myself as I looked down at the two large bags of trash.
After carefully dragging both bags towards the elevator I waited for the doors to open. Soon enough the doors open for me to enter, and standing in there waiting was Spencer. “Hey Spencer. What are you up to?” I asked him with a smile on my face as I started to push my trash bags in the doors. Spencer quickly took both bags in his hands and pulled them in the elevator for me. “I was actually about to check the dumpsters for any new sculpting materials.” He said excitedly as I stepped into the elevator with him. “Well I’ll make sure to let you browse around before I throw my trash in there. I doubt dust bunnies and paper plates are what you’re looking for. Right?” He shrugged his shoulders and I laughed.
I watched as Spencer jumped into the dumpster behind our apartment complex with no hesitation. “That thing has to stink in there dude!” I called out to him while he rummaged around. “It’s all for the sake of art (Y/N)! You should understand this better than anyone!” He yelled out and I rolled my eyes. “Sure Spence but next time you need to wear gloves or something.” I was starting to sound like Freddie’s mom. Suddenly I heard Spencer move around aggressively. “I’ve hit a jackpot (Y/N), you’re never gonna believe this!” He shouted with excitement. I tried to peak inside but the smell was too much for me to handle. Finally, Spencer’s head popped out and I could tell he was pulling something out. As Spencer got out of the dumpster he pulled out two pieces of what looked like a mannequin. “Who had that in their apartment?” I asked out loud as Spencer jumped down beside me. “Who cares this thing is awesome! It’s gonna be perfect for my next sculpture.” He responded as he proceeded to throw my trash in the dumpster bin. “Help me carry this inside (Y/N).” Spencer asked as as he picked up the lower half of the mannequin. I let out a sigh. “Fine but only because you helped me with my trash.” He turned back and grinned at me while I picked up the upper portion of the mannequin and we made our way to his apartment.
“Hey! Look what someone left in the dumpster!” Spencer shouted as he ran into his open apartment. I followed behind him and saw Carly, Sam, and Freddy all standing in the kitchen talking and eating ham. “Hey kids.” I waved to them as I sat my hand off the mannequin down next to Spencer. “Isn’t this amazing?! (Y/N) helped me find her.” Spencer continued on. The kids all ran up to us excitedly. “Hey can we use the third floor as kind of a TV studio?” Carly asked Spencer. “Well I don’t know—“ “Thanks!” “You rock!” “Later!” The kids all hollered out as they ran upstairs towards the third floor. “Wait, I didn’t say— why do you need— okay, later!” Spencer shouted but the kids were already long gone. He turned and looked at me in confusion but I only shrugged my shoulders in response.
Later that week while the kids were upstairs doing whatever they needed that floor for, Spencer and I were just sitting around talking about random ideas for projects. “What if I make lifelike sculpture of myself?” Spencer suggests while moving some of his tools and material around. “That sounds very normal. What’s the twist?” He laughs at my question. Before he could respond the elevator doors open to the kitchen and the kids come running out and go straight to the computer on the counter excitedly. I look back at Spencer’s and shrugs. “Here it is!” Freddy shouts excitedly as the quick tapping of his finger on the keyboard can be heard. “How many?!” Carly asks with excitement in her voice. “37,000!” All three of them begin to scream and cheer. Spencer and I both silently look at each other before immediately running over to the kids and jumping and cheer with them still not fully sure what was happening. After a few moments Spencer stops abruptly. “Why are we happy?” He asks and I look at Carly nodding. “Cause our very first web show rocked!” Carly informed us. “And was watched by over 37,000 people!” Sam followed up. “Get out!” Spencer said very seriously which caused my to grin and raise my brow at him. He immediately lost his serious tone and had a goofy grin all over his face as he pulled Carly into a hug. “My baby sister’s a web star!” He said dramatically. “Hey, we should have a party, you know, to celebrate. Sam suggested. Carly and Freddy immediately agreed. “Yes we should.” Spencer said acting serious once again. “But it shouldn’t be a normal, regular party.” He said as he began pacing around the living room. “Oh no.” I said jokingly. “It needs to be something different, something…wonderfully random.” Spencer abruptly stood still as he made his suggestion. “Crazy hat party?” Carly asked and Spencer and I both looked at her with grins on our faces.
Spencer let Carly invite everyone who had performed on her ‘talent show’ show to come to the party and then some other people as well, as long as they wore a crazy hat. There was even a goat in the living room. Spencer and I both supervised but kept our distance so Carly could enjoy her moment with her friends. Spencer wore a gold and green jester hat, while I wore a striped hat like wha the Cat in a Hat wore. We watched proudly as people asked for Carly and Sam’s autographs. “They’re good kids.” I said as we watched a little girl hug Carly excitedly. Spencer nodded in response. I watched as two boys around their age came up and started talking to Sam and Carly. Both girls looked at each other blushing and smiling ear to ear. “Nuh-uh no boys.” Spencer said protectively and was about to go separate the kids. I was about to intervene when suddenly some kid ran past us running and laughing maniacally as he held half of Spencer’s mannequin in his arms. “Hey! Hey, stop that!” Spencer shouted at the kid as he immediately chased after him. “Put her down! She’s not for you!” He chased the kid around the kitchen table repeatedly going in a circle. “Get off! How pitiful! Who invited you?!” He continued to chase this kid through the entire apartment while I stayed to keep an eye out on the rest of the kids as they all danced around to the music that was playing.
This is my first time writing on tumblr so hopefully I did well. Feel free to comment any suggestions if you have any. I’ll try my best to update frequently, at least once a week if I can. Sorry if my grammar or wording isn’t the best, I tried writing this while watching the episode so it was as accurate as possible. This will probably be a slow-burn story so expect it to be many chapter.
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hunter-incorrect · 2 years
Y/N: Please? For me?
Hunter: Don’t do that.
Y/N: Do what?
Hunter: You think everytime you say “Please? For me?” that I’ll do whatever you want, well, not this time.
Y/N: Please? For me?
Hunter: Okay.
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marvelflame2010 · 1 year
Peter: And she even gave us the same book!
Harley: When she gave it to you, did she say-
Peter and Harley: It's one of a kind, just like you? *groans*
Peter: At least she wrote Peter in mine and Harley in yours
Harley: Yeah, wait. Mine says to Harry!
Ned: Maybe she's dating a third guy named Harry
*Everyone stares at Ned*
Ned: Too soon?
Y/n: Now that we know Liz is a stinking cheater, let's talk about revenge, once again, I offer the butter sock and knife
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geekgirl750-writes · 9 months
The Quinton Reviews iCarly/ Victorious/ Sam & Cat series has awoken something inside of me that I feel like I will die if I don't write a fic about
Here me out:
Victorious College!AU where the reader is a student at Hollywood Arts but it's a college and you're roommates with all of the Victorious characters.
And I kinda want to add either a Friends to Lovers! arc with Robbie x Reader or an Enemies to Lovers! Jade x Reader for a little spice
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Basically I want to heal my inner child by living precariously through Tori Vega
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