#i thought they were going to do something nice amd dished out for them
sarcasticamaleont · 10 months
I got whiplash from going to jump in my seat because of ineffable bureocracy to then feel the five stages of grief because of the ineffable husbands
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lu-vin-it · 1 year
Drunk Texts and A Smoke Sesh
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
Summary: After Abby Anderson sends you a drunken text, you invite her over to smoke, and nothing else. Okay maybe something else.
Pairings: Abby Anderson x Reader
Pronouns Used: None mentioned
Word Count: 1078
Warnings: They smoke! And mentions of drinking!!!
A/N: Tysm to @stqrluvr for proofreading ilysm!!
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You rubbed your eyes as you woke up. It was so bright. Why the hell was it so bright? You sit up and look around your room. The curtains were wide open, you must’ve left them open the night before. You get up, tiptoeing as to not touch the cold hardwood floor any more than you have to as you walk to the windows and close the curtains. When you're back on your bed, you peek at your phone. 8:21 AM. Way too early. You check your notifications to see four texts from Abby. Weird.
Abby was a girl in your English class. You had hung out a few times at parties, and even studied together once, but that was where your friendship ended, so it was more than weird that she had texted you. Not that you were mad, she could text you anytime. She was probably the hottest girl you knew. And she played on the Softball team. In fact, Abby was a star player at the University. You went to every one of her games— secretly. You click on the texts.
Abby Anderson (ENGLISH CLASS!!)
1:30 AM | Heyyyyyyyyty hoq aee youtuu
1:30 AM | how cone you rnt at the part rn :(((((()( i mis yo
1:31 AM | ur rly pryttty and ur fyn amd i loke when ur here
3:26 AM | cone ober plssssss
What the fuck. Did Abby fucking Anderson drunk text you? Are pigs flying? What the fuck do you even respond to that with? “Sorry I was asleep at 3:30, do you still want me”? Yeah, no. After thinking it over, you decide a simple “Good morning, don’t forget to take some Advil lol” You sigh and rub your face. There was no way you were going back to sleep.
You didn’t want to sit around waiting by the phone for Abby to text you, so instead, you got up, got ready, and started doing some errands. Starting with laundry, then grocery shopping, and then dishes.
At around 12:30, you get a text.
8:29 | Good morning, don’t forget to take some Advil lol
Abby Anderson (ENGLISH CLASS!!)
12:36 | Good morning. I’m so fucking sorry about last night, I was super drunk, I completely understand if you block me or don’t want me to text you anymore.
You furrow your brows. Why would she think that??
12:36 | No worries, I thought it was cute
You bit your lip, was that too forward? No, of course it wasn’t. She drunkenly asked for a hookup, nothing is too forward at this point.
Abby Anderson (ENGLISH CLASS!!)
12:37 | Did you now?
Butterflies erupt in your stomach.
12:37 | I did
Abby Anderon (ENGLISH CLASS!!)
12:37 | Are you going to the party tomorrow?
Well.. you weren’t planning on it.. but… if she was asking.. you were. You definitely were.
12:37 | At Nora’s? Yes!
12:37 | Will I see you there?
Abby Anderson (ENGLISH CLASS!!)
12:38 | You will
12:38 | You have a ride?
12:38 | I usually uber
Abby Anderson (ENGLISH CLASS!!)
12:38 | Don’t, I’ll pick you up at 9
You giggled to yourself.
12:39 | Sounds like a plan
12:39 | Can’t wait
The next two days were painfully long. But at 9 on Saturday night, there was a knock at your door that made you absolutely freak out. You opened it with a smile.
“Hey Abby!” The blonde grins.
“Hey. You look great.”
“Says you. Come in, I gotta put my shoes on but we can leave afterwards!” You move to let her in. “Well.. if you still wanna go. If not, I have some weed and a nice TV in my room.” You say, leading her through your apartment.
“Could we watch Sandlot?” You look at her to see her expression morph into that of childish excitement.
“Of course we can. C’mon.” You let her into your bedroom. “Get comfy on the bed. I’m gonna put on some sweatpants.” You gesture to your jeans. You grab the pair of sweatpants sitting on top of your dresser and walk to the bathroom. When you come back, Abby is sitting criss cross on your bed next to the headboard. “Okay let me get my stash.”
An hour later, you were sitting next to Abby on your bed, your thighs pressed right against hers and your head on her shoulder. You reach for the bong on your bedside table, and reload it.
“Want another?” Abby glances over and stares at it for a moment before nodding. You pass it to her and then grab the lighter, giving that to her too. She takes a hit, exhaling it like a pro, and then takes another to clear it. Once it’s cleared, she hands it to you, and you take two more hits as well.
You put your head back on the blonde’s shoulder, and glance up at her. She’s beautiful. Her eyes are still glued to the screen, so you decide to keep staring at her, tracing her features with your eyes and taking her all in.
“Watch the movie, not me!” She says with a giggle, nudging you.
“Sorry.. you’re just really pretty.” Her smile fades and she looks down at you. You noticed how red her cheeks were.
“Don’t do that.” You raise an eyebrow.
“Do what?”
“Compliment me.”
“Why?” You frown, had you misread this? You sit up straight.
“Because.. it’s not fair.”
“How’s it not fair? You’re confusing me.” She sighs, frustrated.
“Because I can’t compliment you back!” Huh?
“I can’t get the words out half the time. You make me so nervous.” So.. you hadn’t misread this?
“I make you nervous?” She nods. “Don’t be nervous, Abs.” She looks away from you. “Hey..” You place your hand on her cheek and turn her head to you. “Hey.”
“Don’t be nervous.” You lean in, your lips almost touching. “Can I k—“ You're cut off by Abby slamming her lips into your own. You smile into the kiss. You took the lead for the most part, and Abby just mimicked your movements. Still, it was a great kiss, like, a life changing kiss. When you parted, you smiled at each other. “Guess that answers my question.”
“Shut up.” She says, shaking her head, a smile betraying the threatening demeanor she was trying to put on. You pulled her into another kiss.
── ⋅⋅⋅ ────꒰ ୨ ♡ ୧ ꒱───────
Tagging: @lov9r
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
Hannibal Lecter x reader
Word Count: 900
Warnings: chilton flirting 
Author’s Note: I hope you like this dear! 
Requested: by @iamcavainna​, Hello! I hope I’m not being a bother but I was hoping to request a Hannibal Imagine where Dr. Chilton tries to seduce the reader away from Hannibal and the reader having absolutely none of him amd Hannibal just silently laughing at his efforts. I’m not exactly sure where this idea came from but it’s the first thing that’s made me smile the past 2 weeks.
Summary: the request 
Genre: fluff
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
(not my gif)
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` “You’ve invited everyone?” you asked, swiftly putting down a piece of food expertly onto a plate. You had learned over the years how to do it as Hannibal would have liked. If he thought that it was wrong he would very gently tell you how to change it and you would remember it. That was how you worked for so long. 
“I invited some closer colleagues. Jack Crawford, Alana Bloom, Frederick Chilton,” he said offhandedly. He was also walking across the kitchen and fixing plates. He was holding one of his notorious dinner parties and you were helping. You had just recently moved in with him and were still getting the hang of being Hannibal Lecter’s girlfriend in front of everyone. You had been together a while but that didn’t mean you would ever get used to it. 
“Frederick Chilton...is he the head of that hospital?” you asked. He nodded. 
“Yes. I invited him to mingle among friends. There are others coming as well but they’re unimportant,” he said. He straightened his back and looked over at you. “Perfect. Thank you for your help dear.” 
You nodded, a smile on your face. 
People started to file in after that. Hannibal always got a couple of professional staff to pass out the food so that he was able to mingle among the crowd. You went around as well, catching the look of Alana who you knew the best out of the rest of people.
You held the champagne glass in your hand. 
“How has class been?” you questioned. She shrugged.
“I’ve been trying to get my own class lately. Lots of subbing lately and then helping Jack Crawford when he needs that,” she admitted.
“Good for you. You’re better than most of us,” you said. You took a small drink and grabbed one of the orderves from a walking server. You ate it quickly. It was good but you had helped make it so you weren’t exactly surprised. 
“Alana, nice to see you.” You and her looked up to the man walking toward you. He looked like a stringly, stout guy. You hadn’t seen him around here before but he clearly knew Alana.
“Frederick,” she mused. She didn’t look exactly pleased to see him but otherwise didn’t say anything. 
“I don’t think we’ve had the pleasure.” He held out his hand and you took it instinctively. He leaned forward and kissed your palm which made you want to laugh but you stifled it. 
“You must be Frederick Chilton.”
“And who are you? I feel like I would have remembered you,” he said. He had a sly smile on his face. You usually wouldn’t have been able to recognize when someone was flirting with you but since you had started to date Hannibal you become more observant.
“How do you know Hannibal? His foods very pretty but the taste is a little shoty don’t you think?” You raised an eyebrow and simply shrugged. You may as well have some fun at this dinner party. 
“Oh I don’t know. Tastes good to me.” He quickly nodded.
“Yeah I just meant that some of the dishes are meh,” he corrected. You nodded and glanced over at Alana who shrugged back to you. Frederick straightened his back. “Are you committed to being here? We could go and get something to eat tonight, if you’re up for it. You know I run the hospital around here and I don’t have a lot of free ti-”
As he spoke, Hannibal walked over to where you stood and put his hand on the small of your back. He turned to Frederick who seemed surprised. 
“Enjoying the food Frederick?” he asked. “Y/N helped me make some of them. It’s her first dinner party,” he gushed proudly. You raised your hand to dismiss him.
“I tried my best but my boyfriend is truly the master,” you promised, putting a hand on Hannibal’s chest. “Frederick was just telling me some of them could have been better. Any ideas?” you asked him. He seemed to be extra surprised that you called him out on his bullshit. He shook his head.
“No, they’re all good. Wonderful even. Oh is that Jack?” he disappeared into the crowd of people and you laughed, shaking your head.
“I can’t believe he tried to take you out,” Alana muttered. 
“Me too,” you said. You looked at Hannibal. “Thanks for coming to the rescue.”
“It looked like you had it all handled to me.”
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warrioreowynofrohan · 3 years
Thoughts on Mistborn Era 2 (Wax & Wayne):
My main take on these was “ah, looks like Brandon’s taking some time off from his magnum opus to write pulp Western/detective/crime novels”, and I was very amused to look up Brandon’s comments and see a ton of interviews with him saying, “so, this is absolutely me having some fun writing pulp Western/crime novels”. It’s nice to have a writer who’s not too proud to - accurately - describe his own stuff as pulp yet still do a good job of it. They remind me a little of the Dresden Files in terms of the mystery aspects, the urban fantasy tone, the wit, the lack of diplomatic/political subtlety of the protagonists and, of course, the rampant property destruction. But Brandon’s a much more thoughtful author than Jim Butcher, and treats his female characters better.
On the topic of gratuitous property destruction: Wax, for goodness’ sakes, stop shooting the ground! That’s infrastructure, Wax! Fixing the streets takes work, Wax! You’re not a dusty dirt road in the middle of nowhere any more, Wax! Just drop a coin like they dud in the old days! Or a shell casing or bullet if you desperately need to be hardcore. But rampantly firing off weapons in urban areas just to get a base for your Allomancy is a terrible idea.
This was a wonderful follow-up to Mistborn because it was a lot lighter and the stakes were a lot lower, which is nice for a change. I was reading the intro to Elantris where it was talking about people in Brandon’s early writing group telling him he needed to raise the stakes, and personally, I like low stakes. Well of Ascension/Hero of Ages were a grind, much as I liked the ending, and I would be up for more stories like Dawnshard, with low stakes and the heroes resolving the plot by non-violent means.
Marasi and Steris are both very well-done characters - I was definitely shipping Wax/Marasi in the first book and had no expectations of the Wax/Steris engagement lasting, so I was quite surprised, but the switch was well done and I liked it. Marasi and Wax’s feelings were a crush/hero worship and a rebound, respectively. And it’s nice to see a relationship grow gradually like Wax and Steris’ did. What Brandon did with Steris, starting out with a portrayal readers are unlikely to lije and letting her grow on them, is risky (especially with female characters) because readers may hold to first impressions, but I thought it worked very well.
Wayne’s backstory and reaction to it hit hard and was one of the best elements in the series. Another entry in the diverse array of Sanderson redemption arcs. It’s interesting because Wayne both is and isn’t haunted by it - he takes it seriously, it affects him deeply, but he doesn’t habitually brood, and it doesn’t prevent him from being a generally lighthearted, funny, silly person most of the time.
Wayne is absolutely right about the value of certain goids being an arbitrary thing invented by rich people. I’ve had caviar, once (as a garnish on a nice pasta dish at a fancy restaurant). It tastes like nothing. Entirely nodescript. The sole purpose of caviar is to communicate “this dish is fancy (and so, by connection, is the person eating it)”.
I’m deeply protective of Sazed and get very affonted when characters criticize him. I think he’s done an excellent job. It’s hard to wrap my head around the sheer scale of Bleeder’s overreaction to the possibility of her boyfriend moving back to the city. Though on one level it makes sense in that the kandra are of Preservation: she is going to see maintwnance of an existing situation as inherently better and more desirable, even if a change could still turn out well and be something Wax enjoyed. And I don’t feel like Sazed telling him about Bleeder being Lessie would have helped anything - it just would have made the decision to kill her harder, not less necessary, because she was incredibly malicious, destructive, and dangerous and there was no other way of containing her.
The resolution of Shadows of Self is exactly the sort of thing I wanted to see, politically: the mass protests and risk of riot over poor wages, unemployment, and mustreatment of workers is resolved by a committment to address those problems, because the workers’ anger is legitimate and their cause is just.
I’m heartily frustrated by Wax, because it is his responsibility - it is literally his job, he has employees and a Senate seat! - to address the major political and economic problems of Elendel, and he neglects them. I don’t care if you’d rather be out shooting things! You have resposibilities! The workers in your factories are the source of the money and prestige that lets you engage in your gentleman-crimefighter hobby, and you owe it to them to see that the city operates in their interests. You can do far more good in that way than by shootin’ bad guys. Do. Your. Damn. Job. Steris seems to be nudging him in that direction, at least.
In general I’m impatient with a lot of the law-enforcement attitudes. Miles is a villain for whom I have absolutely no sympathy. Oh, so you’ve turned evil because, despite your 15 years of work in law enforcement, crime still exists? Yeah, maybe that’s because your belief that crime will stop existing if you shoot and/or hang enough people was never realistic. Likewise with Wax’s skepticism regarding Marasi’s ideas on how crime can be reduced through better urban planning and social policies - no, Wax, it won’t entirely eliminate crime, there will always be people who are just plain malicious, greedy, venal, or violent, but if you can reduce it by, say, 50-70% by better social policy, that would still be a good thing, right?
The period newspapers are great fun. I want a TenSoon plushie! Come on, Brandon, you’re musding out on a fantastic marketing opportunity! The one thing that bugged me was the ‘Pewternauts’ in The Bands of Mourning. In the first place, it’s a nonsensical name - real-world dreadnaughts, of which these are obviously supposed to be the equivalent, were called that because it literally meant ‘these having nothing they should fear’. The apex predator of military warships at the time, if you will. You can’t just create a random fantasy portmanteau amd pretend that it works - it’s like calling a scandal in a fantasy novel something-gate even though the Watergate scandal doesn’t exist in that world! Secondly, dreadnaughts were part of a massive military arms race in a world where European wars had been commonplace for centuries. The Elendel basin had never had a war in 300 years - these aren’t something that someone would invent just off the bat. Having similar technology to turn-of-the-century earth doesn’t mean it will be applied in the same ways, not with a completely different political context.
In general, New Seran’s complaints seemed overblown. Yes, the transit system treating Elendel as a hub and lacking effective connections between the outlying regions in aggravating. (It’s a provlem that plagues urban public transit systems even now - most routes are either local or feed into the city centre, with relatively few goung from one suburb to another, even as trans-suburban commuting vecomes more common.) But it’s not remotely the kind of thing you fight a war over! I feel like Brandon’s trying to recall the American Revolution, a bit, but the distances are so small (Elendel and New Seran are about as far apart as Ottawa and Toronto) as to make that ludicrous. What they really need is some kind of equivalent to a regional district authority, where representatives of multiple local governments can get together to work on issues of regional planning.
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clonemando · 3 years
Had a bad day and am stressed out so I wrote some Father/Son Jaster and Jango hurt comfort to make me feel a little better. Please enjoy!
Jango hasn't been eating like he should after hearing rations are low and Jaster isn't pleased to find out.
Jango smiled as he sat next to one of the foundlings being looked after by the Ha'at after the last campaign and offered them a second bowl of tiingilar. "Shh, just a secret between us." He said with a wink at them when their expression lit up amd he took the empty bowl in exchange. Jaster couldn't know he had been giving his portions away or he'd be furious but Jango knew what it was like to be new and hungry and too scared to ask for food. Especially when their rations were as low as they were at current. Death Watch was targeting any settlement that traded with Haat they could find and it was leading more and more to turn them away and refuse to trade with them. That with all the crop burning and more foundlings being left behind with no where else to go meant slim pickings for food. Jango was older than most of the others. He was used to missing meals while out on the field with Jaster. Plus the less he ate the easier it got to ignore the slight pains of hunger that would occasionally pop up. It was fine. He wasn't starving himself. He still ate midmeal. He just only at midmeal and whatever snacks Jaster occasionally would share with him.
He got up and walked around to another new kid and snuck them a ration bar that was supposed to he for his breakfast. They smiled at him in thanks and he nodded back before heading to turn in the empty dish.
"You finished that off fast Alor'ika! We should enter you in a competition." Bari said with a bright grin that showed off some fangs she had inherited through mixed genetics. She looked mostly human but so did most Mandalorians, years of adopting any species or race into their own had played with all of their DNA in weird ways. Jango himself was certainly some sort of mash of things as well but it's never really mattered since he was human enough.
"I guess the mission earlier just really had me hungry. I'm all filled up now though. Delicious as I expect from the best cook in the camp." he said kindly but she just raised a brow.
"You really are Jaster's ad with a tongue that smooth Alor'ika. Speaking of which, I haven't seen your buir yet. Take him his portion for me? He's probably still going over those maps." She asked handing him another full bowl and Jango nodded.
"Of course. Honestly how he got anything done before I was here to remind him life exists is a mystery." He chuckled and headed back towards his father's room getting nods from a few verd as he passed them. He felt good about his position. He wasn't cocky enough to think he was special or anything like that but he hot along easily with the other Haat'ade and most seemed to think he belonged with Jaster. It felt nice to be wanted and to have other people confirm his place with them. Even if he didn't become Mand'alor after Jaster, he'd always belong there.
"Buir! Bari sent me with your food. You get lost in that romance novel again?" He asked teasingly as he set the bowl down on Jaster's desk after clearing some space.
Jaster jumped a little in his chair glasses askew on his face before he relaxed at the sight of his son. "I actually think I fell asleep after calling a few more friends to make sure Tor hasn't bothered them." He admitted ruffling Jango's hair fondly and picking up the bowl and sniffling the stew inside.
"Mmm. This smells great. Bari really is a miracle on this whole operation. Only she could manage Tiingilar on such a meager budget." He chuckled and Jango nodded.
"Yeah. It's great! She's an amazing cook." He said clearing his throat when his stomach growled at him to cover the sound.
Jaster took a few bites while Jango looked over the list of numbers Jaster had been going through.
"Hmmm, something about this tastes different." He said after a while and Jango hummed absently.
"She said earlier that she ran out of the normal spice paste she used and started using Clan Rook's stuff instead." Jango said surprised when Jaster choked on his bite causing him to pat Jaster's back.
"Clan Rook's? Are you sure? And you ate it?" Jaster asked eyes fluttering over Jango with concern.
"Of course! It's not like I'm going to turn down Tiingilar! What are you scared Clan Rook is out to poison me or something?" Jango asked playfully though he was trying to understand what had Jaster so upset.
"Jango... Clan Rook uses vash nut powder in their spice mix." He pointed out and Jango winced. Right. Of course they did. And he just happened to be extremely allergic to that particular nut.
"Well... I... Actually wasn't that hungry tonight and didn't want to worry you. I'm sorry Buir. I shouldn't have lied about it. I'm fine though. It's a good thing too it seems since it saved us me swelling up and needing to go to medical." He tried to joke but Jaster was staring at him with a considering gaze now that made him uncomfortable.
"Well you still have your breakfast rations right? You can have that tonight and I'll talk to Bari and make sure there's no more surprises like that again." He offered and Jango reached into the empty pocket head ducking.
"I... uh... I don't have my breakfast ration anymore buir." He said letting his hair fall forward to hide his eyes feeling heat burning his face in shame.
"What happened to it? Did you drop it?" Jaster asked and Jango cleared his throat as his stomach growled again but this time there was no hiding it.
"I'm really not hungry Buir! Really. I'm fine." Jango said knowing he couldn't lie and especially not to Jaster.
"Jango, what's going on? Why aren't you eating? Are you feeling sick?" Jaster asked setting his bowl aside to feel Jango's forehead but Jango pushed his hand aside.
"No... I just... gave it to the foundlings. They need it more. Many are too nervous to speak up and rations are low right now. I don't mind. When things pick up again I'll eat more. I promise." he admitted quietly.
"Jango... why didn't you say anything? You... How many meals have you been skipping? How long?" Jaster asked looking concerned.
"I've been giving away my breakfast rations and late meal. I still eat with you obviously. It's enough. I'm used to it. It doesn't even hurt anymore." He said quickly then regretted it.
"Anymore?! It doesn't hurt anymore? Oh no. No no no. Come on." Jaster stood and grabbed his arm gently but firm enough he couldn't jerk it away easily and started dragging him out of the room.
"Buir! Buir wait! You're overreacting! It's really fine! Some of the verd were even impressed by how good I'm looking!" He said and Jaster almost growled.
"Looks don't matter! None of that matters! You haven't been eating Jango! You're a child! If anyone should he cutting portions it would be the adults and even that there are ways to manage it so we all take turns so no one misses meals the way you have. If you had just said something I could have been giving you extra breakfast rations to give to the others if they're too nervous to ask. You shouldn't have been starving yourself! Do you have any idea how it feels to hear you talking like this? Like you deserve to eat less for some reason? You're my son and I've failed you by not even noticing you were doing this to yourself. I thought maybe the weight loss was because of a growth spurt coming on. I never had an ad before but you... You've been hurting yourself. We're going to medical. They're going to run tests and we're going to figure out how badly you've thrown your diet out of whack. Hopefully not too badly. Then we're eating every meal together until I'm certain I can trust you again." Jaster ranted and Jango just stared at the floor fighting tears. He had just wanted to help.
Jaster took a deep breath and let it out. "Jango, ner ad, you are a good boy with a good heart. But you matter just as much as the new foundlings, you know that right?" he asked more gently as he knelt and tipped Jango's face back up.
"Of course I do. But I'm going to be a leader one day and I have to make sure that our people are all taken care of first. You would have done the same thing!" He argued feeling the tears start to spill down his cheeks and hating it. Being eleven sucked.
Jaster wiped the tears away with his thumb. "Jango, if that was true why am I still eating normally? We have plenty of food Jango. Yes it's a little tight, but nothing to where you need to skip out on everything besides midmeal. And I'm your leader. So, again, it would be me or the other adults, who would be responsible for figuring out how to ration. Which we would need you to be honest about how much you need to eat to be able to do. You're my son. I love you and want you to be living a happy healthy life. Something not hurting anymore, is not a sign of you being happy and healthy. It should never hurt to begin with. You're not in trouble. I'm not mad. I'm scared and upset with myself for not noticing and fixing this sooner." He murmured more calmly and Jango wrapped him in an embrace he eagerly returned.
"Do you promise to actually eat all the meals I give you and tell me if you or anyone else needs extra from now on?" Jaster asked and Jango nodded from where his face was tucked into Jaster's shoulder.
"Good. Then let's get you examined and then I think we both deserve a treat tonight. After you eat a proper latemeal." He said firmly but lifted Jango up and carried him to medical.
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later-slayer · 4 years
How many limbs would i have to sacrifice to get more content from that "last night before the lion's den post" i've got four amd you've already torn out my heart so
Ask and ye shall receive!
"Stop staring at it."
"Mh," Roy grunted in half-answer.
A few momets passed before a sigh could be heard from the nearby kitchenette. *"Colonel."*
Roy scowled. "How do you even know where I'm looking, Lieutenant? Your back's turned!" Despite his grumbling, his gaze was in fact trained on the item in question: a letter. Neatly folded atop the envelope in which it came, it feigned innocence when its contents were anything but. In actuality it was a clever ploy --a threat. Not only to their entire operation, but to the person he valued above all else.
"We've been together long enough," Riza reasoned easily. "I can practically hear you concentrating. Besides," she continued, pulling two glasses down from the cupboard. "You're tapping."
True enough, his thumb was drumming lightly against the table. A nervous tick he thought he'd long grown out of, he hadn't even realized he was doing it.
This only worsened his pouting.
"You're being thrown straight into the lion's den." Roy didn't bother denying it any further. Not the subject of his thoughts nor the severity of his worries. Not even the fact that, even now, he was taking part in a staring contest with a piece of paper.
"It isn't the first time, Sir."
The Colonel didn't know it was physically possible for his frown to deepen any further.
"You still take your whiskey on the rocks, don't you, Colonel?"
"Yes," Roy sighed, deflated. "Thank you, Lieutenant. "
Riza didn't say any more as she meandered about the kitchen. Ice clinked and cabinets closed before she turned, two ice-filled glasses in one hand and a bottle of Rush Reserve in the other.
Almost immediately Roy straightened in his seat. "That's a nice whiskey," he complimented dumbly.
The corner of her mouth lifted in a faint smile. "I felt the situation called for it."
Very dumbly.
This time Roy kept his mouth shut as his subordinate opened the bottle with a crack of the seal. He knew her well enough to know that she didn't usually drink. The fact that she had gone out of her way to buy a top-shelf brand like this was evidence enough that she was just as rattled as he, her flawless composure be damned. After all, she was nothing if not graceful under pressure.
The ticking of the clock was joined only by a gentle pouring as she filled both their glasses halfway. When slid in front of him he accepted it gratefully. Still he paused, tilting the glass and watching as he swirled the dark amber liquid over the chunks of ice. He bit the inside of his cheek.
"When are you to report to your new assignment?" he finally dared to ask.
"First thing tomorrow morning, Sir."
The Colonel's scowl returned in record time. "Bastard works quickly," he bit out with a huff. Then, after a moment, "What shall we drink to?" Grim as things were, he wouldn't be able to think of a proper toast even if he tried.
Riza's expression softened as she thought, her thumb and forefinger moving to rest against her chin. "To a calm, peaceful evening," she eventually proposed with a trace of a smile. "One that I would say is long-deserved."
Roy couldn't help the way his own countenance shifted at her optimism. "And may many more soon follow," he reciprocated, a tired smile tugging at his own lips as their glasses clinked together.
It went without saying that the subject of the letter did not enter their conversations for the reminder of the evening. Though it had struck quite the blow, there was little point in trying to rethink their entire strategy now. Even if they were in the right headspace, fifteen hours was not enough time to lay out a plan. Not hardly. Especially considering that their current one was rickety at best. After all they were still gathering intelligence, still trying to figure out just who and what their enemies were.
But they had their aliases, their covers and their code, and their discreet methods of exchanging information. The idea that there was no point discussing it now was not an admission of defeat, but rather an acknowledgment that, in this moment, some things were more important. Such as taking the time to enjoy each other's company in peace --for who knew when they would next have the opportunity to do so?
And so they allowed their conversations to be feuled by far less grueling topics. They talked about the progress of Black Hayate's training, and Riza sheepishly admitted how she couldn't get him to stop chewing on her slippers. They talked about how Havoc had finally settled down with a nice girl --a regular at the family's shop, no less!--, and how he turned out to be quite the sensible businessman. They discussed the Elric brothers, the Colonel bemoaning how Edward had "shaken him down for cenz like a common thug", earning him the first laugh she had let slip in some time. And, once the shock of it wore off, the Colonel started laughing right along with her.
Though this wasn't the first time the two of them had drank together, it went without saying that it wasn't a common occurrence. In fact, this was probably the second time they had done so when it was just the two of them. There were a multitude of reasons, laws against fraternization and their own complex history among them. But tonight they were alone, and that was okay. They deserved at least one night without worry, without care.
And so they talked and laughed over their whiskey, drinking just enough to color their cheeks a light shade of pink, before eventually switching back to water and tea. Only once the lateness of the hour began making their eyelids grow heavy and their vision blurred did they finally retire for the evening. Their uniforms were left discarded on the dresser, Riza shrugging into her pajamas while the Colonel opted for boxers and his button-up. It was an amusing combination, but somehow she found it in herself to not tease him for it.
And just like that they climbed into bed, settling easily into eachother's arms. This, too, was strangely familiar territory. They were breaking no laws, not technically, though she would be lying if she said she didn't feel as though they were indulging themselves. Still, those arms were her home, her sanctuary. And as they wrapped around her, holding her impossibly close, she could only sigh in contentment as she buried her face against the crook of his neck. At last she let her eyes fall shut, and the last thing she remembered was being lulled to sleep by the Colonel's gentle breathing and the steady beat of his heart.
The next morning came far too soon. Though Riza awoke feeling strangely well-rested, albeit with a bit of dry mouth, she didn't want to get up. And while there was no possible way Roy couldn't hear the alarm blaring from the corner, he made no move either. Eventually, however, they had to face the realities of the new day. They peered at each other, her with a wry smile and he with a look of melancholy --a multitude of things spoken though they exchanged no words. Instead he kissed her hair, his fingers pressing into her back as he seemed to not want to let her go. Yet there wasn't much choice, and finally they were forced to untangle themselves.
The rest of that morning was quiet, comfortable. Riza got up to shower while Roy got dressed and made them both a simple breakfast of eggs and toast. They talked easily as they ate, Riza trying and failing to hide her amusement as he began to harp over her, showering her with advice and comforting words about their current situation. He was rambling, certainly, but she could sense that he was attempting to assuage his own fears as well, and so she let him. Even if she did occasionally interject to remind him that "It will be alright, Colonel."
And it would be. They had both suffered far worse, after all.
Even so, she couldn't deny the way her own anxieties began to bubble up as they said their goodbyes at the door, Black Hayate in her arms. Only once the Colonel disappeared from view did Riza go back inside. She held the shiba inu tightly, his tongue wet against her cheek as he yapped, tail wagging. He always did enjoy when the Colonel came to visit. And he wasn't the only one.
She allowed herself a few minutes to clean up their breakfast. She still had an hour before she had to leave to her new appointment under Fuhrer King Bradley, so she gave herself this time to calm her thoughts. Still, as she returned to her room to get changed she found something that would prove far more effective than cleaning dirty dishes. There, up near her pillow, was Roy's button-up shirt. If it wasn't for the fact that it was neatly folded, she may have actually believed that he had forgotten it by accident. Yet he had never been one for subtlety.
Moving forward, Riza gathered the shirt into her arms. It was such a simple thing, and yet... With eyes closed she allowed herself to press the fabric against her face. The familiar scent of cedar and soap tickled her nose. But it was more than that. It smelled like *him...* And though the thought of having this to hold at night was perhaps a childish one, she couldn't help the smile that stretched across her face.
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rjhpandapaws · 3 years
A Cup of Something Better
Ch3: Lesser of Two Evils
The cab ride home from work went by slowly, not so much because there was traffic or anything of that sort, it was because Connor was wrapped up in his thoughts. Time seemed to bend and stretch around him as he played back his work day. There were things he knew, like how he disliked working the afternoons because they were slow, how he preferred working with Simon or Josh over North because they would talk about classes instead of customers. But there were also things he didnt understand, like why it got under his skin when people altered their drinks; health reasons aside of course. Following that train of thought almost directly, was the man who added all that espresso to his vanilla latte, though Connor couldn't decide if his issue lie with the drink itself or the man who had ordered it.
Connor sighed and rubbed at his face leaning back into the seat. He tried to think about his classes for the night, what books he would need. It was a question that was easily answered, he would need his calculus textbook, and for his English class he would need the paper back book that had collection of 20th century shirt stories in it. He preferred his math class to his literary analysis class, numbers were certain and clear, if you did one thing another of a few given options would be the direct outcome. Literary analysis relied on opinion amd there weren't really any absolutes; and if he purposely aligned his views with those of he professor he would be docked points. Which then brought his thoughts to one Professor Hank Anderson, he was nice enough, rough around the edges and not, at first glance, the kind of person you would expect to see teaching a college English class. He drank enough coffee that Connor was willing to bet he would bleed the stuff if he was cut. Or, maybe he just drank coffee on Mondays to get over the exhaustion of the weekend. Connor was in the hybrid variation of the class and because of that only attended on Mondays.
His thoughts had begun to cycle back to coffee, and through that, back to the cafe, because of that then back to specific drink orders and their owners. There was Machiatto Guy who sometimes came in more than once in a day and ordered either a medium or large Carmel Machiatto with a single shot of espresso, constant if not consistent. Richard came by most mornings, usually just before or just after Machiatto Guy, and always ordered a medium back coffee, constant and consistent. Then were was Markus who stooed by on the days he wasnt working with them and would pick a drink at random before heading to his apartment to paint. Today there had also been his Latte Murderer, Connor didn't know if he would be coming back or not, but he sincerely hoped that monster of a drink wouldn't be his usual.
The cab stopped outside his apartment block, he paid using his phone and headed up to his unit. He had about two hours give or take before he needed to leave. His plan for the evening consisted of calling Richard, making dinner and relaxing with shitty TV if he had the time. He entered his apartment and set his keys in the bowl by the door, he grabbed the iPad off the counter and set it in the stand by the stove. He opened the discord app and tapped the name UnluckyNine and then the call icon. None too surprised when Richard picked up right away.
UnluckyNine: That was fast. Not cooking dinner tonight?
Connor was looking in the freezer grabbing a proportioned serving of salmon as well as a bag of frozen vegetables. After he had set two pans on the stove he stole a glance at the iPad to see if Richard had sent anything.
"No. I am, you're on the iPad for the moment, its an emergency." The butter had melted in the first pan so Connor very carefully set the portion of salmon to cook, the sound filling the small kitchen, "I am having a crisis."
UnluckyNine: That kind of day? Was it the Machiatto Guy again?
Connor groaned at the reminder, he'd just gotten his thoughts out of that particular spiral. He poked at the cooking salmon a little more aggressively than needed with his spatula with the hope it would make him feel better. It didn't. So he supposed all that was left to do was admit his defeat and ask for help seeing as his dinner didn't hold the answer to his problems. It was unfortunate really.
"He did come in today, but he wasn't the worst of it unfortunately. But still, what kind of beast adds espresso to a Carmel Machiatto! Its supposed to be sweet! Sweet, Richard not bitter." Connor took a deep breath, letting it put as an overdrawn sigh. He gave another cathartic poke to his salmon before lifting it to check the bottom, the sizzling returning to the room as he put it back, "This guy came in today, and ordered a medium vanilla latte and asked for four shots of espresso. Four! In a drink that doesn't even have espresso in it! Machiatto Guy is a saint compared to him!"
He heard Richard typing something out as he opened the cabinet above the iPad looking for the garlic salt. When he found it he set it on the counter and checked the iPad.
UnluckyNine: I never thought I'd see the day that you called Machiatto Guy a saint. So your latte monster, what was he like? Aside from murdering a perfectly good coffee, what did he do to get you this mad?
For the record, Connor was going to express that he wasn't mad, just, conflicted. He'd expected the attractive stranger to at least have an okay taste in coffee. What came out instead of all that was a forlorn sigh.
"Nines, he was so handsome." He barely registered the use of the old nickname as he continued on his tangent, checking the fish again and adding the vegetables and garlic salt to the second pan. "Blue eyes, longer hair, he's going a little grey at the roots and he's built like a tree. Y'know briad shoulders, the works."
UnluckyNine: Just up your alley. Except he murdered his drink.
Connor gave his salmon another aggressive poke before flipping it. "He could have been the one! But he's a sociopath! Four shots of espresso... like, what kind of job requires that much caffeine," Connor sighed again, checking his vegetables. He might be being a little dramatic but all of thisbwas just frustrating, "I mean, I have no way of knowing if he even swings this way so its probably for the best."
He turned off both burners and turned to get a plate just to find them all dirty. Doing dishes got added to his list of things to do before class and he grabbed a cereal bowl deciding that would have to work. He set it beside the stove and checked for messages from Nines.
UnluckyNine: You also don't know that he doesn't l. Just because he needs to inject caffeine directly into his bloodstream doesn't mean he's a bad guy.
UnluckyNine: Use some of your charm and see how it goes. Latte murderer or not, he may be nice.
Connor rolled his eyes putting the mixed vegetables in the bowl, then the salmon and topping it with some soy sauce. "Richard, you been listening at all? He added four shots to an espresso less drink, and a medium one at that! Sure he's handsome, and like, everything I like in a guy, but he's an animal."
UnluckyNine: You have yet to describe him as 'three sleep raccoons in a trenchcoat' like you did with Machiatto Guy. So I'm inclined to believe he isn't all bad.
Connor didn't see the message until he got to his room and got his laptop set up. He settled in his with his back resting against the wall. Relaxed for the time being he clicked on the video icon knowing Richard preferred to see who he was talking to.
"Okay, so let's say you're right and he isn't all bad. What do I even say?" He cut into his salmon with his fork and took a bit letting his brother steer the conversation.
UnluckyNine: Hello would probably suffice. Make small talk, you're a barista. Get to know him, slowly.
Connor expected the sarcastic remark and motioned for him to continue with a handband matching eye roll. As tactless as Richard tended to be, he gave much better advice than Silas.
UnluckyNine: Alrifht alright, assuming he comes back, ask what he does for a living. See if it justifies murdering a perfectly good latte.
UnluckyNine: I have work in the morning so I'm going to call it a night. Good luck.
Richard worked at a library and seemed to enjoy it but he also worked early most days and unlike Connor, he actually needed a human amount of sleep to function so Connor let him go.
"Bye Nknes, thanks for listening." Connor waved before hanging up. He clicked onto Netflix and reclined against the wall. Tonight would be fine.
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eleanorbloom · 4 years
Relighting the spark. Part 03.
Tumblr media
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x F!MC (Tesse Sterling)
Word Count: 3.4k
Warning: Bit of angst and cursing.
A/N: Hello darlings! A few weeks ago Chahnaz invited me to do a collaborative fic with her and Georgia, and after weeks working on it, I’m finally posting it! It’s cheeeeesy, a little self-indulgent amd maybe experimental, but I think I made justice to the previous work the girls did. 
I hope you like it!
Part One  was written by @brycelahelalover​
Part Two was written by @lahamseiroshoe​
Taglist: @utterlyinevitable​​  @binny1985​​ @shanzay44​​ @choicesficwriterscreations​​ @laiba-the-person​​ @starrystarrytrouble​​ @lahellacute​​ @lucy-268​​ @aylamreads​​ @cinnamonspongecake​​ @romewritingshop​​ 
Tesse sat on the first bench she found in the locker room, feeling her stomach quivering. She wasn’t sure if she was ready for that something that had hoped—dreamed— for years. 
But there was only a way to find out.
She sauntered towards her locker, changed her scrubs into a pair of blue jeans, a peach shirt, and a caramel jacket on top. Her hands were trembling while she was zipping it up. Then, she exited to the main entry and waited a few feet away from the doors. 
A couple of minutes after, she heard a "hey” behind her back. 
“Hey”—Tesse answered, her voice barely a whisper.
“So, did you think about my plan?”
After the kiss, she felt confused and slightly regretful for being so weak, because there were so many things both had to say. And as if ten years hadn’t passed, he could read her like a book. He proposed her to go to his place to have a proper talk without noises and intromissions.
“Yeah, and I accept.”
“Your favorite dish is still luau stew?”
Tesse froze. The question had been thrown so out of the blue, and with such specific information that it took her a while to process it. 
How he could remember that? she thought.
“Y… you still remember?”
“Yeah, practically the 90% of the time it reminds me of you, if it’s not always, but I don't want to brag.”
He gave her a charming smile that made Tesse melt more than she already was. 
“Wow. I don’t know what to say.”
“Yes? No? I actually hate it now?”
“Oh, that.”—Her cheeks flushed—"Yes, it is still my favorite”
“Cool, because near my place there is a Hawaiian restaurant I wanna try.”
He pulled out his phone and after a few touches he took it to his ear
“Goodnight, I would like two luau stew… Takeout… Great. By any chance do you have strawberry mochi? Really? Cool. Yes, two, please. Bryce Lahela. Thank you. I’ll be there in twenty, good night.”
He pocketed his phone into the inner layer of his jacket.
“All settled. I hope you don’t mind I imposed my dinner election.”
“I don’t. I actually had been wondering if there were any good places here.”
“Yeah, me too. When I arrived last week, I tried one downtown. It was great but could’ve been better. Maybe I just got used to my favorite at Stanford.”
They took the train and chatted about their day, trying to avoid more uncomfortable topics. It still felt awkward. Tesse was having a hard time trying to accept that after years of wishing, Bryce was by his side, and would probably be back as she always dreamed.
“And how’s your family?”
“Fine, I think so. My dad’s applying for parole for good behavior, I think. Keiki is 15. But I haven’t been there since… a lot.”
“How much?”
Tesse saw how the tension invaded his whole body, as he started to scratch the back of his head.
“I don’t know, I…I’ve been busy with med school.”
“You haven’t seen her in all this time?”
He didn’t reply,  but it wasn’t necessary.
“Bryce! She’s your sister, you can’t abandon her like that.”
His cheeks blushed and she could see the guilt in his eyes. 
“This is our stop”—He announced, taking a few steps towards the door. Once the train stopped, they got off the train. 
“Why you haven’t gone with your family? Your sister must be needing you, Bryce.”
“I’ll never forget my parents for what they did. They destroyed my life, Tesse. My life at school, even at college was a nightmare because of what they did. Hell, I left you because I wanted to protect you from that. I just can’t see them.”
“But Keiki has nothing to do with that, she was a kid, she is a teenager now, and must be living the same hell you lived, and you’re the only one who can understand her”
Bryce swallowed hard, his eyes sparkling. The thought of her suffering just like he did... It was too much for him.
“I’m sorry, I have no right to talk to you like that”
“That’s not true. You are the only one who has the right because you know how much she means to me,  it’s just… I know what I’ve been doing it’s awfully shitty, but it’s different when somebody else says it.”
Tesse took his hand and caressed the back softly.
“I’m sorry, I know this is difficult for you.”
Bryce nodded and then they walked in silence, each one with their own demons, regrets, and questions. 
After a few minutes, they got into the restaurant.
“Good night, takeout for two, please. Name’s Bryce Lahela”—He informed as they both reached the dispatch counter.
“Two Luau and mochi?”
The man behind the counter handed the bag to Tesse while Bryce took out his credit card. After a few seconds, the man handed him the receipt and Bryce folded it to put it in his wallet.
“Thank you, good night.”—Both Tesse and Bryce said before going back to the entry.
After a short walk, they entered the building. The façade showed a modern building, but it could be said it had been built about ten years ago.
“Heavens, nice place”—She said looking around the living room, decorated with a modern and sleek style, but it wasn't ostentatious. 
“Make yourself comfortable” —He invited, taking off his jacket and shoes. Tesse did the same. 
Then they sat in the table and started eating, sharing memories of the countless times they had luau stew for lunch at school, at his place, at hers… at their spot, even. 
“Mmmhh this is so great!! It’s almost as good as the stew my tutu cooks”—She says, with satisfaction both in her words and her face. (A/N: Tutu: Grandma in Hawaiian)
“Yeah, it’s delicious. I would give it 4 out of 5 stars, anyway.”
After a few seconds, Tesse stared at him, smiling brightly, forcing herself to forget all the pain, all the rage she had feeling for a few hours, and just enjoy the moment with him, before she would be back to her senses. 
“God. I missed you so much. I can’t believe fate put us together.”
Bryce slid his hand in the table to reach hers.
“Me neither. I wish it would have been sooner, though”—He let out a breath, melancholy in his eyes.
“Maybe, but you should know everything happens at the right time, Bryce.—She assured, now her taking his hand.—Maybe before this moment, we wouldn’t have been as ready or healed as now. If we really are, of course. We have a lot to talk about yet.
“Yeah.”—He looked at her, thoughtfully and then continued—“What I said earlier is true. I regret all the pain I caused, Tesse. I regret pushing you away because I knew you wanted to be there for me, but I thought I was protecting you.”
Tesse just listened to him quietly, assimilating all the words and gestures that would make her decide if he was really sorry and he was being honest and sincere about what had happened all these years.
“I realized too late that you were stronger than I thought. You were stronger than me even. I just ended up hurting you anyway, and maybe worse than what I was trying to protect you from.”
“Yes, because I never cared what people said, Bryce. I knew you, I knew you had nothing to do with what your father had done, and that was enough for me. People would always talk, but I only cared about you.”
“I know. Tesse, I’m so, so, sorry. There’s no day that I didn’t think about you and the pain I caused on you.”—He shook his head—"I… I tried to move on, but your memory always haunted me. No one was enough compared to what you gave me and how you made me feel.”
“It… It happened to me too. I never got interested in anyone after you. When you left it was like something inside me turned off. Like a bulb light had broken inside me. Some guys gave me a sparkle, a twinkle, but nothing more than that. Nothing like the light, the fire I felt with you. And… that I felt when I kissed you this afternoon.”
“Tesse...” — He whispered incredulous.
“Bryce, I’ve never wanted anything more than to be with you again. Seeing you here makes me forget everything that happened, but I know that someday, even in an hour or tomorrow, it will hit me again, and I don’t wanna hold grudges on you, feel resentment out of the blue, and ruin what we could have.”
“I know. I know this isn’t gonna be easy… But I’m willing to do whatever it takes to have you back, Tesse. Whatever it takes.”
“I know this sounds kind of… torturing, but would you tell me how has been these years for you? The good, the bad…”
Bryce was nervous, but he had promised Tesse that he would do anything to have her back, and if she wanted him to tell her how the last ten years have been, he would give her that.
He started telling her that after he moved to California, he never returned home, and hadn’t been in touch with his parents for all the hell the put him through but he usually called Keiki for her birthday, but not more than that.
Bryce also told her that most people he met at Stanford knew he was the son of a criminal and had a hard time trying to not let it get under his skin. He accepted that everything would have been easier if he had had her, she would have found the exact words to make him feel better, and her presence would have been enough to ease his pain, but he had to live with his decision, his mistake. 
He told her about some girls he met and dated, but even the coolest and greatest girls never made him feel like it was supposed he had to feel. It never felt the same as with Tesse. He felt empty all those years, always feeling something was missing but he couldn’t be sure if it was her who was missing or if it was just the guilt haunting him even after all these years. 
The moment he saw her he knew it has always been her who he wanted.
Once Bryce told him about his last two years, they served the dessert on the couch, talking more calmly about what had happened in the last two days, how shocked both were, and how incredibly awkward is life giving second chances.
“Do you want some more?”—Tesse said playfully, with a strawberry mocchi on her hand, and bringing it to his mouth. He took a bite looking at her invitingly. His lips brushed her fingers and Tesse bite her lips at the feeling. That was the impulse he needed to took her by the waist and pulling her into his mouth and kiss her. Both had been wanting it since they met outside Edenbrook.
It was like the mochi had turned on the sweet mode because, after a few minutes, they started sharing sweet looks, soft smiles, and somehow they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. 
“You have no idea how much I missed you”—He whispers in her ear, while Tesse had her arms locked around his torso, and Bryce was just stroking her hair, feeling the silkiness of her locks. 
And Tesse was feeling so peaceful, she couldn’t ask for a better place to be at that moment.
Then they would stare at each other in silence, observing eyes, noses, freckles, lips, chins, as if trying to remember how they were and if all this was true. 
But then, they realized that it wasn’t only about that. They were knowing each other again. As adults, not as the teenagers they were in Maui. Because their faces, bodies, minds and maybe hearts weren’t the same they knew once. 
As Tesse changed through the years, so did he. Bryce wasn’t the boy with a timid smile and long hair, who wore leather jackets and rode a motorcycle.
He was a man with a styled haircut and highlights in his locks, giving his tanned skin an irresistible shine. And he was dressing like someone who never was a rebel in his youth. And his eyes, his dreamy eyes just showed all the pain and loneliness he had lived in all these years.
Important parts of their characters had been changed too. Some defined, others accentuated and some others were just part of their grown-up, but not part of them anymore. Bryce had confidence she never had seen in him. The hell he lived at college forced him to show the world how worthy he was, that no one could undermine him for what his parents had done. But knowing him as she knew him back in school, she new that sensitive Bryce was still there, and all the flirty, self-assured looks Bryce shows to the world was a shield to his scars.
The Bryce that didn’t talk about his feelings was still there, she could tell, even he had opened to her just know. She had mastered the art of making him open more than ten years ago. She had the key, and even after all these years, the lock was the same. 
They had changed, but they were the same in the essence of their cores. 
The same old innocence in her heart that made her stomach flutter every time he looked at her, every time she felt his lips on hers. The same sweetness in his heart, that made him look at her like she was heaven, and show her with gestures and caresses that she still was the one. 
She still could make him feel an adrenaline rush every time she kissed him, and he still could steal the same silly laughs from her with his shenanigans.
They still had their own small world of tender looks, of amused smirks, of winks and funny faces where time hasn’t passed, and they would laugh just like when they were foolish teenagers in love.
Ten years had passed, but their hearts had saved all those treasured memories to keep them alive until they would meet again, when their hearts and minds would be open and understanding enough to accept each other back in their lives, despite the mistakes and the pain. Because it was true, no one ever hurt her as Bryce did, but no one could make her feel like him neither. Even if she tried to believe otherwise, she knew no one could love her as he did. And if he was willing to make her happy and never let her go again, all those years of suffering would worth it. 
“How is possible to feel the same way as before, even if we are not the same people?” —She asked, lost in his amber eyes.
“Maybe our love never changed. Maybe love it’s like home. You could change, you could grow up, but every time you go there, it feels the same and it feels right.”
“But you… you never came back home, how could you know how that feels?”
“Because you are my home, Tesse. When I kissed you this afternoon I knew. I knew why I felt so hollow and never could do anything to change it.”
She felt a light getting warmer inside her, her core enlightened. But it wasn’t a twinkle like she felt before with other guys. She had her own floodlight inside her.
And that warmth is what lulled them in that moment. They stared at each other what it seemed an eternity, observing their features, their sparkling eyes, their lips until they met again in a sweet and comfortable kiss. One of many.
She woke up in the darkness, startled. Tesse didn’t know where she was. After a few moments, she remembered her last few conscious moments cuddled with Bryce on the couch, resting over his lap while he was stroking her hair gently and they were just chatting about everything and nothing, just like old times.
Was it true or was it a dream? She felt panic that it all had been a dream, and the reality was a nightmare where Bryce wasn’t back in her life. 
Suddenly, all her fears were gone as she heard a deep breath a few inches from her ear and his arms were still secured around her.  
After a few moments of hesitation, she tried to move slowly to get up from the couch.
“What are you doing, Tesse?” 
“I… I should get home”
“You don’t have to go. Stay.”—He said in a raspy voice.
She felt stiff. For a moment she felt nervous that Bryce would want to try things she wasn’t ready to try yet. They were adults now. But if Bryce knew her like she used to, he would never push her to do something she didn’t want. Besides, there was nothing bad about wanting to sleep together. They did it countless times in their adolescence.
“Okay”—She finally muttered.
“Let’s get to the bed.”
Bryce guided her to his bedroom with a king-size bed and two nightstands; a desk full of medical books and two doors, the first one to a walk-in closet and the second one to the bathroom. The room was clean just as she thought it would. 
“I’m gonna use the bathroom”—She said, sautering towards the second door, holding her purse on her hand. 
She looked at the mirror while she was brushing her teeth, trying to comprehend all that had happened in the last hours. Bryce Lahela was back in her life. She could have him if she wanted, but it wasn’t a decision she could make now or in a few days, it would take weeks and even months before she would feel ready and free of grudges and pain to finally make a choice. And for that, she had to be brave, take a step forward and try. Maybe things in her life would finally be happy for her. 
There was only one way to know.
By the time Tesse was back, Bryce was with shirt and bottoms on and had already opened the bed and turned off the lights, just a tenuous light over the nightstand was on.
“I thought you would want to change into something more comfy” — He said pointing out a par of bottoms and a shirt.
“Thank you”—She said, and then he went to the bathroom.
Tesse changed her clothes into the white shirt and a red bottoms. It looked bigger on her, just like ten years ago, or maybe bigger. Bryce was a bit taller and very muscled compared to what he used to be, so he probably was using one or two sizes bigger.
Then she just laid down in bed and waited anxiously for Bryce to come back to the room.
“Are you comfortable or do you need another pillow?” —He asked, standing in front of her.
“I’m okay, but I’ll be better when you’re here with me.”—Just that small gesture made all her anxiety go. He was the same Bryce Lahela she had fallen in love ten ywars ago. How that could be possible? 
He chuckled, amused.
“You’re so cute, Tesse, you know that?”—He said, laying by her side and taking her in his arms.
“I think so, you used to tell me that a lot.”
“And I don’t plan it to be different now.”
“Aww”—She glanced up at him and brushed her lips into his. Then he locked his eyes into hers, smiling tenderly.
“I just want to hold you as much as possible, so I can believe this is real.” 
“I hope all this is real. Would be a real nightmare if I wake up one day and you’re not here, and you’re not sorry and you never really cared after you left.”
“How could I not be sorry? How could I not care about you, Tesse?”
“You wouldn’t be the boy I loved. The man I love.”
“Precisely. I’m just an idiot who pulled you away, but I always cared.”
He rested his lips on her temple.
“I really hope this works.”
“Me too, Tesse.”
And they would make their best to do so. 
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thebluenebula · 4 years
The 2nd part to my New Bat story which I am totally most likely going to keep writing for the forseeable future.
Day 1
Day 3
A New Bat: Day 2
When I woke up, the sun was shining through the window. I sat up on the edge of my bed and checked my phone. The screen displayed the time, 11:23, and a text from an unkown number.
"Hey Ash, it's Dick. I got your number off B. Whenever you wake up you can head down to the kitchen and Alfred will make whatever you want, it should be quiet as Alfred generally keeps us out of the kitchen."
I saved the number, got dressed, then headed out into the hall. I couldn't see anyone but I could hear a voice in a nearby room. I quickly navigated to the stairs and headed down.
Once I got to the first floor I managed to find my way to the kitchen without running into anybody. I knocked as I opened the door.
"Hello, Miss Ashleigh. May I interest you in some scrambled eggs?"
"Hi Alfred, yeah if you wouldn't mind." I glances around the kitchen to see if anyone else was in here but it was just me and Alfred.
"Of course not, Miss Ashleigh, it's why I'm paid to be here."
I giggled. I could hear the faint whispers of an argument happening somewhere else in the manor. "I would have imagined a family that fights crime dressed as bats at night would sleep during the day."
Alfred grabbed a nearby pan. "If I only I were that lucky."
"Were you a chef before working here? The dinner yesterday was amazing."
"No, but when you been working as a butler as long as I have you are bound to acquire a few skills."
I nodded. "Makes sense."
Alfred handed a plate of eggs to me. "Indeed, Miss Ashleigh. Master Bruce has asked me to inform you that he will be attending a Wayne Enterprise meeting for a large portion of today. It was unavoidable I'm afraid."
I swallowed the piece of egg I was chewing. "Oh, do you know when he will be back?"
"He should be back sometime this evening."
Alfred went over to the sink and began washing the dishes. "Have you met any of the other children?"
"I met Jason last night." I waved my fork around. "He seems... brash. Is brash the right word? What does brash even mean?"
"While Master Jason may seem brash, as you put it, at first when you get to know him... well he will still seem brash but he does have a kind side."
I finished my eggs and brought the plate over to the sink. "It was dark last night when I met him but does he have some kind of streak in his hair?"
"Yes a white streak right the front." Alfred took my plate and put it in the sink alongside the rest. "Its quite a notable feature of his."
I took a seat back at the table. "I always thought it'd be nice to dye my hair."
"Typically when the children want to dye their hair they go to Harper."
"Do a lot of the kids dye their hair?"
Alfred chuckled. "They rarely dye their own hair but often time one of the boys will wake with some kind of brightly coloured hair, unknown to them of course."
I giggled and stood up. "I'm going to head back up to my room."
"Oh I almost forgot. A package came in for you. I believe Master Bruce put it in his office for safety. I can retrive it and bring it up to your room if you would like."
"If you wouldn't mind Alfred. There's no rush on it."
Alfred nodded. "Of course."
"Thank you." I left the kitchen and headed back up the stairs.
I had just reached the second floor when I heard a voice. "Hello."
I looked over and saw a blonde girl standing by the map on the wall. "Hello Stephanie, isn't it?"
She gave me a curious look. "Just Steph will do. How'd you know?"
I pointed to the map. "Dick told me your the one who makes the maps."
"Ah yes. One of my greatest ideas." She laughed. "Your Ashleigh right?"
"Bang on."
"Nice to meet you. I'm heading to join Cass in the library. Maybe you wanna come join us?"
"Uhh" I thought for a moment. "No thanks. Maybe another time though."
"Okay that's fine but you know where to find us if you change your mind." She giggled. "Just check the map."
I nodded and began climbing the stairs to the third floor.
I stopped and turned. Steph was standing at the bottom of the stairs. "Welcome to the family."
I stared at her for a second then I smiled. "Thank you."
She ran off down the hall and I headed up to my room. I managed to not run into anyone else before reaching my room.
I lay into bed and put on my headphones and just got lost in the music for what felt like hours until voices in the hall caught my attention. I stood up and  placed my ear against the door.
"What's in the box, Dick?" I heard a voice ask.
"None of our business." Dick replied.
"It sounds like it's broken." Another voice said. It sounded like Jason.
"It sounds like Lego." The mystery voice said. He sounded confused.
They have my box. Alfred must have asked Dick to bring it up.
"Into to toys now, Dickie boy." Jason remarked.
"Lots of adults collect Lego, Jay." The mystery voice sounded offended.
"Would you two shut it." Dick groaned. "The box is Ashleigh's."
"Aww, Dickie. The new girls already got you wrapped round her finger." Jason teased. "I thought it was only redheads-"
I could hear the wack of a hand hitting the back of a head then the clatter of a box of small plastic bricks hitting the ground. I flinched knowing that I would have to reconstruct whichever of my poor sets were in that box.
I heard a groan from Dick and lots of laughter. I figured I should go out and get my box before anymore damage is done. I stepped out in to the hall to see Dick picking up the box, Jason was on the ground pissing himself laughing, and the third guy just looked like he was wishing he hadn't been adopted.
"You okay?" I asked them.
All of them stopped and looked at me. Dick stepped forward and handed me the slightly dented box. "Im so sorry. Jay dropped your box."
Jason, who was now on his feet, feigned offense. "ME! You dropped it."
"But it was your fault." Dick shook his head. "We can play the blame game later." He turned to me. "I'm sorry if anything is broken."
I smiled at him. "Nothing I can't rebuild."
"So it is Lego." The third guy jumped in.
I looked at him curiously. " Yes."
Dick pointed to the man. "Ashleigh, this is Tim. Tim, this is Ashleigh."
Tim outstretched his hand. "Nice to meet you."
I nodded to him. "Likewise."
"Well now that everyone is introduced," Jason interrupted. "I have to go. I promised Alfred I'd help with dinner."
Jason walked off. Dick looked at me and handed me the box. "Bruce should be home soon. Alfred said dinner should be ready about ten. You can come down or if you don't feel like it, text me and Alfred will bring it up."
I nodded. "Okay, thanks."
Dick nodded. "I'll talk to you later, I think Babs is coming around for dinner today so I should probably tell Alfred."
Dick walked off leaving me and Tim standing there. "Well I should go put this box down my arms are getting tired."
"Mind if I come in for minute?"
"No, you can come in." We both went back to my room and set the box down in the corner.
"So you're into Lego."
"Yuuup." I opened the box to inspect the damage. The set was completely smashed. I'd have to rebuild it from scratch.
Tim was looking over my shoulder. "I could help you with that if you want."
I stood up and faced him. "That's okay. I find the building quite enjoyable."
He nodded. "Okay cool. It's nice to have a new face around the manor."
"Thanks." I smiled at him.
Tim looked at me for a moment. He looked as if he wanted to say something but didn't. "No problem. I'll talk to you later."
"Okay see yah."
I watched curiosly as Tim left the room then I sat down on the bed.
A moment later I heard a voice outside my room. "Hey Tim." It sounded like Bruce.
"Bruce, what's up?"
"I'm looking for Ashleigh, is she in her room?" I heard Bruce ask.
"Yeah I was just talking to her." Tim replied.
"You should head down. Alfred said dinner should be ready soon."
I heard Tim walk off down the hallway as Bruce approached my room. "Hello."
I looked up from my phone to see Bruce standing in the doorway. "Hi."
"Can I come in?"
I nodded.
He came in and sat on the bed beside me. He looked around the room. The room was empty bar my single bed, an old dresser, my suitcases, and the box. "I didn't think there was a room this small in the mansion." He laughed. "I can get Alfred or Dick to bring you furniture shopping one of the days. If you'd like."
"Yeah that'd be okay." While both Dick and Alfred were practically stranger's to me, I felt close to them. I felt close to some people very easily. All it really takes is one good moment between us and I'd basically trust them with my life. One of my many bad traits.
"Or," Bruce continued. "You could wait till the weekend and I could bring you."
I looked up to his face. "Really?"
He smiled. "Of course. I have to work most weekdays but im free on the weekends." The smile disappeared off his face. "Look I know it's gonna be difficult for you to adjust to this family but-"
I wrapped my arms around him. As silly as it may be, I mean I've only known Bruce a couple months, but he already feels like family to me. Bruce embraced me.
We sat like that for a while until he let me go. "Dinner must be almost ready." He stood up. "I can have Alfred bring yours up, or you can come down." He offered me a hand up.
I took his hand and stood up. "I'll come down. I gotta get used to everyone eventually."
"Are you sure?"
I nodded
We headed down to the dining room amd stood outside the two doors. "Everyone will be in here are you sure you're ready?" Bruce asked me.
I nodded and gulped nervously.
"I asked Dick to keep a seat between me and him for you, or you can sit in another free seat if you feel like it."
Bruce stepped forward and opened the door. We walked inside. I had been told how many people would be here but seeing them, it seemed like so many more. My heart began to race and I froze. It felt like an eternity, though it was only a second, as I took I'm the vast array of people at the table. Most looked up from their meals to see who had just entered the room, some were too occupied eating whatever food Alfred had prepared. I felt Bruce's hand on my shoulder and I snapped out of it. He guided me towards the head of the table. I could feel the eyes on me. We stopped and I sat at the chair in front of me as Bruce took a seat at the head of the table just beside me. I looked to my right and Dick was sitting there just as Bruce had said. Across the table from me was a small child and beside him was Tim. I looked down at my plate as to avoid the gaze of the people I could feel looking at me.
"I hope this meal is of sastifaction Miss Ashleigh." Alfred asked.
I looked up to see Alfred standing beside my seat. "Of course, Alfred."
He nodded and turned to Bruce. "I asked them to wait for you before beginning."
Bruce smirked. "I see, then it should be no surprise they started without me then."
Everyone seemed to have gone back to their own conversations amongst themselves.
"Ashleigh." I heard Dick say beside me. I turned to him. "I'd like you to meet someone." He slid his chair back so I could see the girl sitting beside him.
The girl smiled at me. "I'm Babara, but you can just call me Babs."
"I'm Ashleigh."
"That's a lovely name." Babs looked to the people behind her who were deep in conversation then she looked back to me. "You can come to me if any of these smucks are getting on your nerve. I've got blackmail on all of them."
"Wow." Dick quickly butted in. "What blackmail?"
"Wouldn't you like to know, Discowing." Babs teased.
I looked at Babs. "Discowing?"
Dick quickly slid his chair inbetween me and Babs. "Its nothing."
I saw Babs laughing the other side of Dick as his face went red. I looked down at my food then up again. The small boy across from me was just staring at me. Tim elbowed him and they immediately started into some kind of whisper argument.
"That's Damien." Dick said. "He can be a bit... intense sometimes. Don't worry he'll warm up to you quickly."
The rest of the dinner went by without much interesting happening. Though I could have sworn Damien was attempting to stab Tim under the table at one point. Dick and Babs were completely enthralled in a conversation that they both seemed to have forgotten I was there. Bruce would occasionally glance up from his meal to me and smile but he didn't appear to be able to think of anything to say. I just tried to focus on my food for the most part and not all the other people at the table.
I had almost finished my plate when Bruce finally spoke. "It's probably best I introduce them all to you."
"You sure?"
I nodded then he stood up. He gestured for me to stand up and I did. He tapped a spoon on the side of his glass. Everyone stopped talking and looked up to us.
"It's not too often we're all here together." Bruce began. "Certainly not as often as I'd like-"
Bruce voice faded away, all I could focus on was all the people in front of me. I could feel the panic setting in.
After what felt like an eternity, I heard Bruce's voice. "Ashleigh?"
I looked up at Bruce. He nodded his head towards the table. I looked towards the table. Everyone was looking up at me. Was I supposed to say something? I gave a weak smile and waved. It's all I could do, I don't think my voice would work if I tried.
I felt Bruce hand on my shoulder gently pushing me down. I took my seat and so did Bruce. I felt Dick's hand on my back. I kept my eyes on my plate then looked up to Bruce. "May I be excused?"
Bruce nodded. "Of course."
I stood up and quickly walked out of the nearest door, making sure to avoid looking at anyone at the table. I ended up in the Kitchen. Alfred was standing by the sink. "Miss Ashleigh, are you alright?"
I nodded but I could see myself shaking.
Obviously so could Alfred. "Take a seat Miss Ashleigh, I'll get you a glass of water."
I took a seat at the counter. I heard a door open behind me. "Alfred is Ashleigh here?" Bruce noticed me and rushed to my side. "Ashleigh are you okay?"
"I'm so sorry." My words were shaky. I was holding back tears.
I felt Bruce's arms wrap around me. "You don't need to be sorry. It was just too many people, I understand."
I began sobbing. "I thought... I could..."
"Ashleigh, this won't go away over night. No one is expecting it to."
Alfred stood on the other side of me and handed me a glass of water. "Drink Miss Ashleigh it will help."
I sat there sipping the water for a couple minutes until I had calmed down. Bruce and Alfred never left my side. I giggled a little while sobbing. "A great first impression."
"No one will judge you. I promise." Bruce reassured me.
I nodded. "Is it okay if I go up to my room?"
"Of course." Bruce took his arms from around me. "Do you want someone to come up with you?" I shook my head. Bruce nodded. "I'll come check on you in a while."
I nodded and walked towards the door. I headed up to my room. Everyone must have been still eating cause I didn't run into anyone on my way up. I locked myself in the room and began piecing together the set the boys had broken.
Some time passed when a knock at the door startled me out of my building trance. How long had I been at this. I stood up and opened the door. Bruce was standing there. "Hi, I just wanted to check on you ." Bruce glanced around me at the mess of Lego across the wooden floor. "You collect Lego?"
I looked back at the mess. "Yeah."
"Some of the others buy the occasional ones but I don't think any are into collecting it." Bruce commented.
"Oh cool." I smile at him.
His smile faded. "I want to apologise about this evening. I'm so sorry about that."
I gave Bruce a small smile. "It's okay. I'm okay."
Bruce sat down on the bed beside me. "Seeing all those people would be intimidating at the best of times. Under your circumstances I-" He stopped himself. "I'm sorry. Take things at your own pace, however fast or slow that is."
I leaned into him and place my head against his shoulder. "Thank you."
He place his arm around me and we sat like that for a while.
Eventually I spoke. "I really should probably get to sleep."
Bruce nodded and stood up. "If you need anything you know where to find me."
I nodded. Bruce hesitated for a moment then left. I locked the door behind him and checked my phone. 22:36. I pushed my mess to one corner of the room then hopped into bed. It wasn't long before I fell asleep.
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digitalnomadic · 4 years
I've just had reoccurring dreams the past 2 days and it's very interesting. While in the dream, I remember everyone I interacted with perfectly. Faces, previous conversations, and all. I knew them. I remember the places we were at. Pretty much every corner and there was such amazing detail. One of the houses we were in was exquisite. I've never seen such beauty. I was astonished by it, and could walk for many minutes throughout it recognizing the materials and craftsmanship of the place. I was baffled by its beauty and would talk at times about how nice it was before going back to what I was doing.
There were strange moments though that reoccured. Always during a certain scenario. Nothing bad actually happened, but at times it got close.
I remember the first one, where I spent the night at someone's house. They had a nice place and I remember so much detail of looking out their window, recognizing it from the day before. They had some family there, and they remembered me from the night before and I had perfect recollection and conversations with them. We joked, talked about serious stuff, but in the end they approved of me and liked me. It was a nice time. After some time when we decided to leave the room and go into the kitchen, there was a rush of people into that room and they were playing music. I didn't know some of the music until I heard the into notes to Krewella's "Surrender the Throne" start playing. To which I called it out and then actually woke up irl for a few minutes to get more comfortable in bed. Now, this apartment I was at the night before was nice and exactly the same last night. The family was cool, and I couldn't help but think about my lucidity of all of this.
I remember the next dream was at one of the relatives houses. An insanely beautiful house. So much granite and marble and astonishing architecture. There seemed to be internal conflict with the families wealth (maybe heritage, or status) with concern for their daughter, who I seemed to have relations with throughout all of this. Like a girlfriend or dating. We got along very well. The parents went into great length even in front of me about these concerns and what they wanted to do to ensure her safety from their own life. It seemed their status and life was worrying for their daughter cause they wanted the best life for her and were trying to figure out how to do it with her being happy. She eventually left with them to get stuff done about this, but I wasn't sure where she went. I went to go look for her in the house, and probably spent 20-30 minutes looking for her in this phenomenal house. Stopping along the way for a couple seconds to admire it's beauty, even saying it out loud a few times. Paying attention to all the details (photos, mail and items on the desks, everything a real and normal house would have). Eventually, she came back into the house, told me she had left for a little while to do serving her parents wanted her to do, and we laughed about my concern and confusion while we washed some dishes.
For example, we went into a side house. While going into it, we passed someone along the way in. I thought maybe it was a worker for them, but now I think it was more. When inside, it looked like sepme had been cooking and stopped suddenly, as the food was still out and some cooked. I remember almost thinking nothing of the food but had the thought to put my hand near it to see if it was still warm and I felt the heat coming from the recently cooked food. Someone was just here. Was it the person we saw? I'm not sure. However, we did have a dog with us and they were a golden retriever/lab. While me and this person tried doing something in the house, wedding music started playing louder and loider and we couldn't get it done, let alone really start, because the dog started barking at the stairs I'm the house. I figured someone was up there, because the dog became more aggressive with its barking at the stairs, and it seemed like warning amd alerting barks. There was a weapon nearby, and I almost grabbed it, but I was waiting to see if anything happened. The music then got loud enough to the point that I woke up and my brain fully turned on in a few seconds. I was awake in the real world now. Fully awake, and didn't have any lag or feeling for coffee. This was strange.
As I sat back to think about everything, one aspect that got to me was how long these dreams were. I remember walking around one house, the absolutely gorgeous house, for 20-30 minutes looking for someone who left the house but I didn't know they left. I thought they were just around until they came back and I helped them do dishes. These dreams were just like another life. The detail and length of them were just mind boggling to say the least. I honestly want to type more, and I could write a nice book on all of this, but I'm running out of time on my phone and need to get other things done. I love these dreams. I was a little confused at the end of the last one, but I think I'm making more sense of them and am learning. I'm glad nothing bad actually happened I'm them. I hope to continue them again tonight.
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stellar-imagines · 5 years
SCENARIO REQUEST: ❝meeting your son’s lover.❞
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[ Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia ] [ Characters: Bakugou Katsuki ]
「Bakugou and your son suddenly announces that he has a girlfriend all of a sudden, surprising you two. What surprised you more was the fact that he invited her over for dinner. And another surprise, she was deaf.」
“I.....I got a girlfriend.” your son ― Yozora, muttered all of a sudden while the three of you had dinner together. Katsuki blinked a few times and had stopped midway to process what his son had said. You stopped eating for a while to stare at your son.
“You’re not joking right?” you managed to say after a few moments of silence. Your son let out a gasp of surprise, his cheeks turning red in embarrassment at your assumption. He snapped his gaze at you, looking a little offended that you thought he was just making it up.
“Of course not! I have a girlfriend!”
“So, what led you to telling us this?” Katsuki questioned calmly.
“She wants to meet you guys.....or something like that. I couldn’t refuse because she was practically begging me to bring her over so I have no other choice but to take her.” your son muttered, his cheeks bright red as he continued to eat his meal that you had prepared.
It wasn’t as if you didn’t believe your son or anything. The two of you had gone through the nerve-wracking experience together before. You’re actually pretty curious to what kind of girl your son was dating. Is she the bubbly type that smiles a lot like Uraraka? Or is she the well-mannered girl like Yaoyorozu? The only thing you talked about was what kind of person your son’s girlfriend is. Katsuki was pretty curious as well, wondering what kind of girl his own son was dating. He only hoped that she treated him well.
Soon the dreaded day came and your son couldn’t help but pray to the Gods above him that you wouldn’t embarrass him in front of his girlfriend. Now that he was standing in front of his house door with his girlfriend by his side, he was debating on going in or not. The girl squeezed his hand gently, making him turn to her. He noticed the nervous smile on her face and she rose her other hand, signing a few things. 
"I'm nervous. I hope your parents like me." 
"Don't worry, my mom is super nice and my dad is pretty much cool with everything. Even if they don't approve you, I'll always be by your side, Iroha." he said, assuring the girl's anxiety. 
He had entered the house pulling the girl along with him as he decided to use all his courage to invite her in. Yozora announced that he was home and immediately heard your footsteps coming from the kitchen. You beamed at the girl who hurriedly bowed to you to show her respect. 
"Is this your girlfriend, Sora? Come in, come in! Your dad will be home soon, just sit amd some TV while you wait. I'm almost done with dinner." you told your son as he took off his shoes at the genkan. As soon as you said that, you rushed off to the kitchen to finish cooking dinner.
Iroha glanced around the house, taking note of how large it was. Considering that both you and Katsuki were heroes, she thought that a house of this size and elegance was normal. She found herself awkwardly sitting on the couch while Yozora headed into the kitchen to grab something to drink. She was nervous and couldn't help but to fidget every now and then. The sound of the door opening was enough to make her jump.
"I'm home." 
"Katsuki! Welcome home, you don't look as tired as I expected." you placed a hand on your hip as your husband took off his boots and handed you his case which held his hero costume. 
"Yeah, villains are staying low today. And it's a fucking great thing." Katsuki uttered before pressing his lips on your forehead. 
"So, is Sora back yet?" he asked. 
"Yeah! He brought his girlfriend over! She's real pretty you know! Let's have dinner together now." you pulled your husband to the dining table and called the two kids to wait at the table.
"Are you alright? Do you not like any of these food? Should I make something else?" you fretted, noticing that the girl was fiddling with her fingers as if she was trying to say something. Instantly, she looked up with a worried look. 
"Th-That's not it, mom! Iroha is just.....!" Yozora felt her tug at his sleeve and saw her sign something at him. 
"She's deaf?" Katsuki rose an eyebrow, looking a little surprised.
“Don't tell me that you asked for those sign language books to communicate with her? Ah, you even wanted to have classes too, didn't you!" you pointed out with a wide knowing grin, now realizing your son's feats from over a year ago.
"M-Mom!" he lightly scolded you, cheeks turning bright red ― almost rivaling a tomato.
"What's so embarrassing about that!? Your dad here crashed my weekly girls night during high school all because he wanted to spend time with me. And mentioned that he didn't care if he had join the girls night." you pointed at the man sitting beside you. Katsuki put down his bowl of miso soup and lightly glared at you. 
“But that's still fine―" 
“I made his nails super pretty too! We also had those temporary tattoos and we pasted it on his biceps. It looked so cu―" 
"Here!" Katsuki shoved a piece of sushi into your mouth to stop you from babbling more about his embarrassing moments.
‘You're supposed to embarrass him and not me!" your husband grumbled in a low tone. 
"No! You should know better! Remember when I first visited Mitsuki and Masaru and they embarrassed the hell out of you? You should know how that feels! And do you want Sora to go through the same?" you questioned your husband. 
"Don't you remind me of that. Can't we just eat? For fuck's sake. The food's gonna get cold." Katsuki muttered, taking a piece of the karaage and placing it on your plate. 
Iroha who was sitting across you found herself smiling, watching as you and Katsuki argue about something ― though it seemed one-sided because Katsuki was the one yelling at you. Yozora saw the small movements coming from the girl next to him and wondered what she was thinking. The girl faced him, giving him a small smile as she raised her hand. The male watched carefully as she signed something to him. At this, you stopped whatever you were doing and watched this little scene going on. 
"What did she say? What did she say!?" you asked excitedly. 
"She said.....that we're a very lively family and that you're both amazing parents." Yozora mumbled. 
"Thank you. Now, go ahead and eat before the food gets cold." you said. 
"H-Hah!? Wh-Why do I have to tell them that?"  your son was beet red and his girlfriend flashed him a pout, tugging at his sleeve as she made a few signs with a small frown on her face. 
"I-I don't care! You can tell them any other time! It's embarrassing for me to say that in front of them." Yozora immediately excused himself and ran up the stairs. His girlfriend was left alone with the two of you, looking a little sad. You know that Yozora was always nervous when it came to expressing his feelings, he was like Katsuki back in the days. 
"What's wrong? He just ran off like that, it's pretty fucking rude to his girlfriend." Katsuki grumbled, listening to the slam of a door that came from the second floor. 
"Sorry, Sora is usually a nice guy but I wonder what's got him so riled up....." you wondered, letting your gaze wander to the stairs. The girl immediately rummaged her bag for something and pulled out a notebook and her pencil case. She began to scribble something on the very last page before showing it to the two of you.
“It was my fault. He's always easily embarrassed when I say weird things." 
"Oh, it's nothing to worry about! He got it from his father!" you patted Katsuki's back who clicked hie tongue in response. 
"I wanted to tell you how much I love your son. He's an amazing person. Hardworking, bright and friendly. He's any girl's dream. Earlier, he was embarrassed to say these kind of things to you." 
"Really? I'm so glad that he has someone like you as his girlfriend. Please continue to look after Yozora, he…can be stubborn and hard to handle sometimes. So please be patient with him. You're already a part of our family. Come and visit it any time you want." you smiled at the girl who gave you a smile before scribbling down something on another page. 
"Thank you. I'll treasure him forever." 
You ushered Iroha upstairs, not before handing her a packet of Yozora's favorite snacks and telling her where his room was. She bowed to show appreciation before going up the stairs, bringing her bag along with her. You sighed happily, resting your elbow on the table with your hands holding your cheeks. Katsuki cleared up the table and  put the dirty dishes into the sink before walking out of the kitchen to stand next to you. He noted the dreamy smile on your face and rose an eyebrow.  
“That brat finally has a girlfriend huh?” Katsuki muttered as he helped you with washing the dishes. You stacked the clean plates on the dishwasher and smiled at your husband.
“Sora is growing up. He’s already in his second year in UA so it’s not a surprise that he’s interested in having a relationship.” you pointed out.
“She’s a really sweet person so I don’t see a problem with it.” you grinned from ear to ear.
"You seem awfully happy." he commented. 
"Of course, our son has a girlfriend and she's such a nice person. How could I not be happy?! Soon he's gonna become a man." you hummed to yourself.
".....doing this and that behind our backs. Just like how we did back in the days." you smirked, lightly poking your husband in the rib. 
"Oh shut up, you were making faces like you wanted it too." Bakugou grumbled with a small pout on his lips. You giggled softly and wrapped your hands around him, pressing yourself up on his back. 
"How about you go shower while I clean up the kitchen?" you suggested. Bakugou looked over his shoulder and turned around, wrapping his arms around your waist as he flashed you a smirk. 
"Only if you join me." 
"You horny bastard." you teased.
Total: 1761 words Published: 22.04.2019
Thank you for requesting! (ㅅ•᎑•) This was pretty cute owo Hope y’all liked it!― author Lou
Thank you for requesting! Very interesting scenario to type. We hope that it came out just as you wanted it, anon. If ya’ll noticed, we used Yozora which is the same name mentioned in Lou’s work on quotev. ― author Natsuki
We posted a birthday special for Bakugou! If you’re interested, have a look here! 
Please do not mind the grammar mistakes and typos
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Two is better then one.
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This is my submission for a picture is worth a thousand words challenge hosted by @speedyoperarascalparty. The amazing @riseandshinelittleblossom gave me my photo (Which I LOOOOVE) thanks boo. The pairing I chose is Leo & Alicia from the cgw world by @ao719 @riseandshinelittleblossom @speedyoperarascalparty, @cocomaxley and myself.
This is pure fluffy. Ooey gooey sweetness. Enjoy!
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Alicia walked out of the bathroom, towel wrapped around her body. She glanced over at the bed a beautiful light pink floral sun dress laid out for her, with a note attached.
Meet me in the foyer at 5. -Love, Leo
A smile played on her lips. It was their first real date since becoming official. Sure they had been out together before, but they always called it hanging out and yes she had been his date to courtly functions, but again they were friends with benefits so it was fitting. At first when he asked her to go on a date, she thought he was joking so she laughed only he was serious. Shaking her head at the thought, She slipped the dress over her head.  She dried her hair and did it in loose beach waves Fixed her makeup, slipped in a pair of wedges and headed down to meet Leo.
She descended the staircase, Leo's mouth fell open. “You look breathtaking love.” he leaned in pressing his lips to her cheek. “You don't look so  bad yourself handsome.” Leo wore a pair of dark wash jeans, and a short sleeved button up, amd a new pair of sneakers. “New shoes?” she eyed him. “Of course. Shall well?” He grinned holding his arm out. She looped her arm in his and they walked out of the palace.
Leo opened the passenger door of the sleek black bmw, closing it as she was inside. He ran around to the drivers seat. “So, you gonna tell me what you have planned or what?”
“So impatient.” he teased. “we are going to dinner, somewhere you'll like.”
“Ok, fine. I'll let you have your fun.”
He reached over turning on the radio. “Here sit back, listen to some music and enjoy the ride.” She complied as he drove down the drive way and onto the highway. Taking the long way, he zipped through the hills of the cordonian countryside. He knew how much Alicia loved the scenery. “How you doing over there?” He glanced over at her, breaking the silence that settled over the car.
“Good. Just enjoying the view.” She grinned
A few minutes later they came over the last of the tall hills, the sparkling ocean laid out in front of them. A wide grin spread across her lips “I dont think I'll ever get tired of this view.”
“Neither will I.” His eyes never leaving her.
They pulled up to a small restaurant sitting right on the beach. “Seaside Gem?” She read the sign. “Yup, its one of my favorite places. I hope you like it.” He grinned holding his hand out to help her out of the car. They walked into the restaurant, the quaint view from the outside was nothing compared to the inside. The interior was decorated in a tasteful nautical theme, the wood craftsmanship was breathtaking. “Ah Prince Leo, good to see you.” an older gentleman approached them. “Papa Carl, how are you?” He shook his hand pulling him in for a hug. “Leo, you've brought a friend! And who is this lovely lady?”
“Where are my manners, Carl this beautiful woman right here, is my girlfriend, Alicia.” Leo beamed. Carl clutched his chest “Oh my god, i never thought I'd see the day. Come on, come on you two. The best seat in the house for you.” He pulled them along. “Momma louisa is not going to believe it.” He handed them menus as they sat in the booth.
“Papa Carl? Momma Louisa?” Alicia eyed him.
“I found this place when i was a teenager, Damien and I would sneak out, come to the beach and prowl for girls.” He grinned.
“Oh! So you bring girls here often?”
“No. Ive actually never brought a girl here before. I was supposed to meet Damien one day, but he never showed. I wandered around for a while and got hungry, so I came in here. I had no money on me, no credit cards, nothing. But Carl and louisa sat me down and fed me.”
He smiled at the memory, Alicia reached for his hand. “So they became like family?”
“They did, I came back the next week, money in hand. Week after week I would sneak off and come here to eat and enjoy their company. They felt like a family, lord knows my father wasnt a very good father after Liam's mom died.”
“Oh my little Leonard, come give momma a hug.” a short olive skinned woman, with a thick italian accent came barreling around the corner.
He stood hugging her, leaning down so she could kiss each cheek.  “Momma louisa, this is my girlfriend Alicia. Alicia this is Momma Louisa.”
Alicia stood extending her hand “Its nice to meet ya.”
“This one, shes American no?” she looked between the two. “Ah yes, I am actually. Long Beach in New York.” Alicia answered.  
“Ahh Mia familia in New York, ah in Brooklyn.” Louisa smiled. “Come, come.” she motioned for Alicia to come closer as she wrapped her in a giant hug. “I like her Leonard, you keep this one eh.” She pointed her finger at him. “I plan to mamma.”
They ordered and the waiter brought their meal out. Leo ordering  scoglio which had scallops, shrimp, muscles and clams. Alicia ordering chicken parmigiana, her absolute favorite meal.
“Ok I dont even like sea food and that, looks amazing.” She eyed his dish. “Oh. it is. Wait til you taste yours.” He watched as she cut into the tender, juicy cutlet and twirled the spaghetti on the fork. She took a bite. Her eyes snapping shut. “mmmmm oh. My. God. Leo, this is, wow! Its like i died and gone to Italian heaven. This is way better then mine.”
“I told you. But I happen to think yours is really damn good love.”
They devoured their food. Paying the bill, and hugging Carl and louisa goodbye, with the promise to come back atleast once a month.
She started walking towards the car before Leo stopped her. “No love. Were not leaving just yet.” he lead her down a small path that opened up to a boardwalk,  complete with shops and stahls. “Care to take a stroll?” He laced his fingers with hers.
“Of course. But only if you win me something.”
They walked hand in hand along the semi crowded boardwalk. A few people gasping, pointing and speaking amongst themselves. “People are staring, Leo.” Alicia dropped her voice. “So, let them stare.” He chuckled as they continued their walk stopping at the arcade. “Lets see. Ring toss? NO. skiball? To easy. Ah! This.” He stopped at the bottle toss game. “Leo. these things are always rigged.” She whispered. “Nonsense, Let me show you how its done.” He paid the attendant and grabbed the 3 balls. He threw on hitting it, wobbling a few, the 2nd ball knocked the top bottle off, but on the 3rd he hit it just right and all of the bottles came tumbling down. He picked a large stuffed weiner dog that she named Fred.
They continued their walk, talking and laughing along the way. “Tell me, where do you see yourself in oh 5 years?” He asked, trying to pull her attention from the people that had now crowded to the boardwalk.  “Five years? Well, if we are being honest.” She paused for a moment, not sure if she should really say what her heart's desire was. She closed her eyes for a second, and took a deep breath. “I hope to be married and have at least one child by then.”
She waited for him to choke, stop walking, stutter nervously, but he didn't. “Is that so?” He sounded amused.
“Yeah. It's just, something I've always wanted. To be married, have a family.” She nervously tucked a strand of hair behind her ears. “And tell me Alicia, do you see that for us?” Alicia stopped dead in her tracks now turning to look directly at him. “I. Um. I would be lying if I said the thought never crossed my mind. But Leo I understand if that's not something you want. I know it was a big step, asking me to be your girlfriend. I would never push-”
“You would never push anything on me love.” He cut her off, she opened her mouth to speak, but he continued. “Alicia, from the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you were different.  Everything about you pulled me in. It took me a little bit to realize that you were the one, but mostly because of my wanting to deny my feelings. ” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear “I am hopelessly in love with you, Alicia McCall. And I would be lying if I said I didn't want to make you my wife,  and the mother of my children.” A stray tear rolled down her face. Her eyes darted around at the large crowd of onlookers. “They're really staring now.”
“Maybe I want them to. Maybe I want to give them to see how madly in love I am with you. Maybe, just maybe we should give them a show.” Leo gave her that sly smirk.
She fumbled forwards, he foot grazing the top of his shoe. “Hey, watch the shoes.” He teased.
A matched grin formed on her face. “Oh, i'll watch the shoes alright.” one by one she stood on top of his feet, she leaned up on her tiptoes, pulling the collar of his shirt. He met her demands as their lips crashed together in a soft, passionate kiss. They pulled back staring into each other's eyes. They could hear the gasps, giggles and cameras snapping photos from the press and onlookers around them. “Liam's gonna be pissed.” Alicia giggled. “Let him be.” Leo grinned his large hands wrapped around her waist as he lifted her and spun her around. “Thank you, this has been a great date.” She smiled as he let her down. “You are welcome, but this date is far from over love. Just wait until we get back to the palace.” He growled.
“Well, last one to the car is a rotten egg.” She took off running.
Leo stood there giving her a head start “God I fucking love her.” She said to himself before he took off running.
When your ready to post be sure to tag Writers:
@speedyoperarascalparty @ao719 @leelee10898 @riseandshinelittleblossom @zaffrenotes @drakewalkerwhipped @stopforamoment @annekebbphotography @lizeboredom @boneandfur @mind-reader1 @jovialyouthmusic @ooo-barff-ooo @bobasheebaby @ownworldresident @hopefulmoonobject @sleepwalkingelite @likethetailofacomet @silviasutton1989 @blackcatkita @blackcoffee85 @kennaxval @andy-loves-corgis @callmetippytumbles @iplaydrake @the-everlasting-dream @brightpinkpeppercorn @agent-bossypants @tornbetween2loves @dcbbw @jlouise88 @choicesbyjade @breaumonts @thehonorarybeaumont @pixelsandkink @innerpostmentality @katedrakeohd @darley1101 @carabeth @sirbeepsalot @strangerofbraidwood
Readers: @cocomaxley @mfackenthal @moneyfordiamonds @romanticatheart-posts @choicesarehard @gibbles82 @wannabemc2 @gardengourmet
@be-still-my-aching-heart @explorer-of-gems
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hoseokutie · 6 years
Best Friends Baby 1
Hello everyone! After nearly a month, I am finally publishing the Namjoon series. I’m so so sorry about the long wait, but I thank everyone that was patient and waited for me to post this. You all are greatly appreciated! I hope that you enjoy this series!
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Words: 1.6K
Warnings: Minor swearing, fluff, Sassy Namjoon, smut in future parts.
A/N: Since this blog is mainly AMBW based, Y/N is a black woman.
“Alright so Chinese or Pizza for dinner?” Namjoon asked holding up two menus.
“I’m in the mood for sesame chicken, but I’m also in the mood for some cheesy bread. Let’s just do both. I’ll pay for one and you pay for the other.” You replied.
Today was Saturday, Saturday’s were specifically for you and Namjoon. Neither of you had to go to work or run any errands. Your house was the location of the hangout, more specifically, your living room.
“You have to put another chair right here so that the fort stays up and doesn’t fall like last weekend.” He pointed out.
“In my defense, I was on my period and my cramps were on a level 100. It’s not my fault.” You said.
“Yeah okay.” He mumbled.
You and Namjoon have been friends since sixth grade. You were both new to middle school and had almost every class together. Some call it fate, but you and Namjoon just think that it’s a coincidence.
“Alright the food will probably be here in 45 minutes, so what do you want to do until then?” He asked bending down to help you with the fort.
“We can talk. I feel like we haven’t had a heart to heart in a while, y’know. I miss you best friend.” You said sitting down on the carpet.
“I know, I miss you too. Work has been kicking my ass. Being an English teacher is only fun sometimes. Kids can be so mean.” He said and you shook your head.
“Don’t think of it like that. Kids aren’t always terrible.”
“This is coming from the girl that is literally a pediatric nurse. Your opinion is invalid.” Namjoon rebutted.
“I’m using your lap as a pillow, don’t say no, okay thanks.” He said to you quickly, while sliding down into your lap.
“Thanks for giving me a choice, you’re lucky I like you.” You told him, running your fingers through his purple hair.
“Your hands are going to put me to sleep.” He mumbled while closing his eyes.
“Good. the quicker you sleep, then the more of your food that I can eat.” You joked and his eyes shot open quickly.
“You know what, I’m just going to stay awake until the food gets here. Entertain me.” He playfully demanded.
“Well there is one thing we can do, but it’s pretty intense, and it involves a lot of movement. Are you prepared for that?” You asked him in a sultry voice.
Namjoon sat up slowly and looked at you while moving closer to your face.
“Are you talking about what I think you’re talking about babe?” He asked.
You bit your lip and nodded your head. He slowly moved his hand over your thigh and down your back, then towards your butt.
“Mario Kart!” You both exclaimed, giving each other high fives.
Believe it or not, but this was actually normal for you and Namjoon. You both have always been flirty with one another, most people even thought that you two were dating, that’s how close you guys are.
“I call using the nunchuck!” You said reaching for it.
“No fair, you got to use it the last time we played. It’s my turn!” He grabbed the nunchuck as well.
“Well you should have called dibs on it.” You pulled it towards you.
“Everytime I try to your loud ass has already said something.” He argued pulling the controller towards him.
“Oh so I’m loud now?” You asked pretending to be offended.
“I don’t know, you tell me.” He said in a flirtatious voice.
You frowned at his words and let go of the device.
“Take it, nasty ass.” You mumbled the last part and turned the game on.
“Oh come on, you love the weird stuff I say.” He said.
“Yeah keep telling yourself that Joonie.” You looked over at him and smiled.
You both chose your characters and the vehicles you wanted. You decided to go for your regular choice, Princess Daisy, and her orange bike to complete the set. Namjoon on the other hand decided to change everything, he’s convinced himself that changing the characters everytime helps improve his chances of winning. He’s wrong. Every time.
“There you go, being basic again.” He said.
You rolled your eyes and shook your head, leaning back against the couch in order to get comfortable.
“This is coming from the man who chooses something different each and every time, but still manages to lose each time.” You shot back.
“You don’t have to be so mean to me.” He mumbled sadly.
“Don’t dish it if you can’t take it.” You stuck your tongue out at him.
The game started and your competitive side jumped out. When it came to gaming your whole attitude changed completely. It didn’t matter who you were playing with, anybody that even dared to be your opponent was asking to feel your wrath.
“Would you look at that, I’m catching up to you. Am I finally going to be the one that knocks you off your winning streak?” Namjoon was trying to mess with you as he often does.
“Sweetie it’s only the second lap. Don’t try and test me Namjoon.” You rebutted, hitting Luigi with a red shell now putting yourself in first place.
“Asshole” He mumbled while continuing to play the game.
“Final lap!” You exclaimed sitting up on your knees, moving closer to the tv.
“Move your big ass head!” He stood up and attempted to push you out of the way, but you stayed planted on the ground.
You were close to the finish line, but Namjoon was right on your back, literally and figuratively.
You could practically see the finish line from your position in first place, when the doorbell rang.
“The food!” You and Namjoon both announced still not taking your eyes off of the game.
“Get the door, it’s your credit card!” You demanded still playing the game.
“No way, that could be the pizza. You’re paying for that one!” He argued.
“Who is it?!” You yelled.
“Chinese Food!” The delivery man responded.
“Fuck!” Namjoon cursed.
“HA! I WIN!” You cheered, standing up and throwing the remote control on the couch nearby.
“You cheated.” He said sadly, walking over to the front door with a tip in his hand.
“No, you just suck.” You said playfully, you turned off the television and clicked on the Netflix icon on your television.
“Hey cheater, your bread sticks are here.” Namjoon said to you.
“Thanks sore loser, grab the sodas from the fridge.” You walked to the front door and smiled at the delivery girl.
“Your total is $10.76.” She said, you handed her the exact change as well as a tip.
“I’m taking the fruit punch soda!” Namjoon yelled as he walked into the living room.
“No you’re not!” You shouted back, handing the girl the receipt.
“Too late!”
You rolled your eyes and sighed, taking your hot food from her.
“You and your boyfriend are adorable.” She said.
You laughed and shook your head at her before looking back at Namjoon.
“He’s not my boyfriend, he’s like my best friend. Or my annoying older brother even.”
“What is taking you so long?” He asked walking up to the front door and taking the food for you.
“I’m making conversation with the delivery girl, she thought you were my boyfriend. Isn’t that funny?” You asked.
Namjoon looked down at you and pouted before wrapping one of his arms around your shoulder.
“Why is that funny, we’ve been dating for almost three years now. We’re even getting married in two months. Are you not wearing your ring?” He asked picking up your hand and looking for a ring that’s not actually there.
You looked at him in shock and hit his chest quickly pushing him away gently.
“Please don’t believe him! He’s crazy and doesn’t know what he’s talking about.” You told the delivery girl and she laughed.
“You two are the cutest, I hope the wedding goes well.” She waved at you both and walked back to her car.
Namjoon closed the door and looked down at you with a derpy smile on his face while poking yours with his pointer finger.
“What in the hell is wrong with you Namjoon!?” You asked hitting his arm again before walking over to the couch.
“I just like it when you get angry. You’re super cute.” He poked your nose amd you swatted at his hands.
“Stop being so weird!” You grabbed a paper plate and began to pile food onto it.
“I have been waiting all day for this.” You said. Handing Namjoon the container of rice.
“Did you eat today?” He asked , scooping some sesame chicken onto his plate.
“No I didn’t. I got in super late from work, so the first thing I wanted to do was sleep.” You explained to him.
“Y/N! I told you to stop doing that. I know that you don’t have much time, but at least have like a yogurt or something. I buy them for you, because you say that you like them.” He told you.
You smiled as you ate your food, it felt nice to have Namjoon worry about you like this. He was always the cutest when he was concerned, and you loved it.
“Alright Joonie, I’m sorry. I will make sure that no matter how sleepy I am, I will at least have a yogurt cup or something. Okay?” You looked over at him and held out your pinky finger.
He looped his pinky around yours and kissed your fingers.
“This promise can no longer be broken, now let’s eat."
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theeeveetamer · 5 years
👀 really up for any sort of soft and romantic. They’re the cutest! (Previous anon)
Hey! Sorry I’ve been sitting on this for awhile! This is doubling as my Valentine’s Day fic for the year BTW (even though it’s not about Valentine’s day)
Tags: Fluff, Pure Unadulterated Fluff, Some Family Fluff Too, Omegaverse, Omega!Takumi, Alpha!Leo
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17666066
He’d been prepping for this day all week; He was going to cook the kids’ favorite meal, get them all dressed up, and they were going to have a nice family dinner. Now that he thought about it, why did they never do this when Leo was in town?
And why the hell hadn’t he done laundry?! He only had about five decent looking shirts left because he’d been waiting to do the washing until after Leo got home so he could just do it all at once. He grabbed the nicest looking one and threw it on, then went back to rapidly attempting to towel dry his hair to an acceptable state.
“Papa, what do you think about this one?”
Forrest came into the room, already dressed up in his prettiest purple dress, complete with earrings, bracelets, amd just a hint of makeup. Wow, when he told the kid to dress nice he really went the extra mile. Forrest had even curled his hair to perfection. He was so thankful that Camilla had taken some time to help him learn how to do all of that stuff, since he and his mate were so useless when it came to that. When he’d been handed a little boy in the delivery room he’d never thought that one day he’d have to buy his thirteen year old dresses and makeup, but life was funny like that sometimes.
“You look great, baby.” He paused in agonizing over finding the right ribbon for his hair. “Is your brother home yet?”
“Not yet.”
He let out an exasperated sigh. “He better be back soon!”
That boy… He always stayed out too late. Takumi swore if he had to march down to the park and drag him back for dinner one more time. Tonight was special, damn it, he didn’t care how much he embarrassed Kiragi in front of his friends. He didn’t have time to go grab him though, the house still needed some cleaning and he still had to make the whole dinner.
Takumi passed the vacuum off to Forrest while he started prepping the food, and he was almost done cooking by the time their youngest got back. Takumi didn’t even look up from his stew when the front door opened.
“Papa! I’m home!”
“Perfect! You’re just--” He stopped cold when he saw his eleven year old son standing in the entryway, coated head to toe in mud.
“What happened to you?!”
The little blonde boy grinned. “We had a mud fight! It uh… It got a little out of hand.”
“Kiragi! You know what tonight is! Go shower and get changed, I’ll not have your father sit down to dinner when you look like a pig wallowing in mud!”
“Yes papa!” He scrambled off to the bathroom.
“Forrest can you go pick out an outfit for him? You know how awful he is at it.”
“Of course!” He set down the dinner plates and ran over to his brother’s room. Normally he wouldn’t care about what Kiragi wore -- and thank gods he didn’t. Takumi had never had the best fashion sense himself, but his youngest was still a child, and he tended not to care about what he wore. This usually worked out, like when he decided to get into mud fights right before the special dinner he’d been planning all damn week.
Well now he would just have to set the table and finish cooking dinner. He checked the time: almost five thirty. Leo was going to be calling around then. He set out the serving platters and finished setting the table just in time for his tablet to get a call.
“Forrest! Kiragi! Get down here, it’s time to eat!”
Both children came running as soon as he called. Kiragi’s messy blonde hair was still wet and dripping from the shower, and his shirt was getting a little damp in the back but otherwise he looked presentable. Takumi tapped the little green ‘accept call’ button and set the device up on its stand at the end of the table. He checked the little camera in the corner as the call connected to ensure that everything could be seen perfectly, then he ran back to his place at the table and sat down.
The face of his mate appeared on screen. He looked tired and slightly annoyed, but he was there. He seemed to be distracted by something just off to the side, but his attention snapped back when he heard a small chorus of “Dad!” coming from the other side of the screen. The slightly aggravated expression melted off of his face when he caught sight of them.
“Hey guys, how have you been?”
Both of them started talking at the same time, each of them so eager to share the details of their day that they ended up talking over each other and making it completely incomprehensible.
“Hey, hey, one at a time!” He scolded gently. “And start eating, I didn’t make this food just so it could go cold!”
They both went silent and started dishing out food from the center of the table.
“And what about you, love? Have you been holding down the fort well?”
“As well as can be expected.”
Leo chuckled. “Well, don’t worry. I’ll be home by this time next week.”
“Gods, I hope so.” He sighed. It was always difficult whenever Leo went away. His trip was only supposed to be two weeks, but he was already missing him like crazy. But now wasn’t the time, so he tried to keep the mood light. “What did you order?”
“Steak? I hope it’s good, though I’m sure it can’t compare to your cooking.”
“Expensive tastes, huh?”
“Hey, if they’re going to drag me away from my lovely mate and two beautiful children for two weeks, then you can bet that I’m going to spend every cent of my company allowance.”
They finished serving and everyone began tucking into their dinner. Well, for Leo it was more of a late lunch, but either way.
“Alright guys, one at a time this time. How have you been?”
Forrest and Kiragi — finally — just took turns chatting about their days. Auntie Elise took Forrest to the mall and got him some new school clothes. Kiragi regaled them all with the epic tale of his mud fight, and despite how upset he’d initially been he had to admit that it was a pretty funny story.
They spent a good thirty minutes to chat and eat together. Then, Leo checked his watch.
“Hey, I have to go now. There’s a meeting in ten.”
“I thought you were supposed to have Saturdays free there?”
The Alpha rolled his eyes. “Tell me about it. It’s informally mandatory. I gotta go okay? I’ll call you later. Love you.”
He grinned as three voices echoed the sentiment back. Then, the screen went dark. With dinner finished the two kids scampered off, and he started collecting up dishes.
The rest of the night was fairly monotonous. He finished the dishes and sat down with the kids to watch their evening shows together. He offered to teach Forrest how to do a fishtail braid, which was about the only unique thing he knew how to do with hair, while Kiragi ran around yelling about whatever cartoon was playing.
It was only after they were both tucked safely in bed and he was heading that way himself when his tablet screen lit up again. He dropped his comb on the dresser and sat down on the bed with the device, feet tucked neatly underneath him. His mate’s face popped up on the screen again, though this time he was all smiles. Or, well, as close to smiling as Leo got. More of a restrained grin, really.
“Oh good, I was hoping to catch you before you put your hair up for bed.”
“Weirdo. Was it a good meeting? You’ve got that stupid look on your face.”
“Just some company drivel. What, I can’t be smiling because I get to see my lovely mate before bed?”
“Now you’re just trying to make me blush.”
It was working, too.
“Guilty as charged. Seriously though, how have you been?”
“Honestly? You’ve only been gone for a week and I feel like a fucking wreck.”
It was getting harder and harder to sleep the whole night through when his mate wasn’t around. They were only a week in and already he was spending more time tossing and turning that he was actually sleeping.
He grabbed a few hair ties and started absentmindedly braiding his thick silver hair.
“Plus you’re going to miss our anniversary.”
He didn’t usually take too much stock in those kinds of things but it was a big deal this year! They’d been together for twenty years! And Leo’s stupid job was forcing him to fly hours away to do a stupid work training across the country, so he wouldn’t be home.
“I know, I know. But I’ll be home soon. Besides, we don’t need to celebrate on the exact date.”
“Clearly you don’t understand what the term anniversary means, Leo. It means exactly one year from the date.”
“Alright, don’t lecture me love. I know, I’m disappointed too.”
“Sorry, I’m just looking for an excuse not to go to bed.” He wasn’t exactly looking forward to another sleepless night by himself.
“Would it help you fall asleep if I stayed on the line?”
“Don’t you have to sleep?”
“Relax, there’s like a three hour time difference.”
He plugged the dying tablet in and got under the covers. It was still late summer,  but he couldn’t sleep unless he pulled the blankets all the way up to his chin… Something Leo would be complaining about endlessly were he here.
Gods he wished he was here.
He flicked off the lamp and shut his eyes.
“Alright then, as long as it's not too much of an inconvenience.”
“You’re never an inconvenience, love.”
He yawned. “Go ahead. Talk about whatever you want to talk about.”
He struggled to stay awake, but Leo barely made it halfway through an explanation of the book he’d read on the plane before he was out cold.
He woke up the next morning to a dark screen and a cold bed. He wasn’t feeling totally refreshed, but it was the best night of sleep he’d gotten all week. Seeing Leo’s face and falling asleep to his voice somehow managed to make him feel even lonelier than before. He grabbed one of Leo’s shirts out of his dresser drawer and headed off to the shower.
When he was done he pulled his pajama pants back on. Then the black button up went on and he buried his nose in the collar. His mate’s scent was stale and faint, but it was still there. He let that comfort him through his morning routine.
It was still early in the morning, and the kids would be in bed for awhile. He really just wanted to curl back up in bed with a good book, but he should probably start on breakfast before Kiragi and Forrest woke up and threw his life into chaos.
A few pots and pans clanged around as he went through the drawers looking for what he needed. Maybe he’d do scrambled eggs? But they had a lot of veggies and cheese that were going to go bad soon, maybe he could do omelettes? But that was so much work…
As he straightened up, pan in hand, something grabbed him around the waist. He yelled and whipped around, cookware primed and ready to hit whoever this was upside the head. He didn’t even look, he just swung.
A hand grabbed his wrist before he could make contact, so he started kicking, eyes wild like a cornered animal.
“Woah, woah! Calm down love! It’s just me.”
“L-Leo?” He immediately recognized his mate’s stunning red eyes, and the pan clattered to the floor.
Takumi shoved him in the chest; The blonde stumbled back a few steps.
“You complete asshole! I thought you weren’t coming back until next week!”
“Yes well… At that informally mandatory meeting they notified us that the leader of our workshop got food poisoning, so we were rescheduling for another time. I took the first flight home.”
“You mean you knew about this when you called me back last night and you didn’t think to tell me?!”
“I wanted it to be a surprise!”
“Well congratulations! You gave your mate a heart attack!”
He closed the distance and hugged Leo anyways. He buried his nose in his soft shirt and drank in his warm, comforting scent.
“I hate it when you leave me.”
He wrapped one arm around his waist and placed the other on the back of his head to draw him close. His Alpha started gently stroking his hair.
“Shh, I know love.”
He balled his hands up in the back of his shirt and nuzzled his mate’s chest. He wanted to bathe in that scent. He wanted to live in that moment forever.
Unfortunately, all good things came to an end. Their little moment was interrupted by the piping voice of their youngest son.
They broke apart to look at their new arrival. Kiragi was standing at the other end of the hall, baseball bat in hand. His brother was trailing a few feet behind him. When they saw Leo both of their faces lit up, and they ran over to join in on the hug.
“What are you doing with that bat, kiddo?”
“We heard Papa scream, so I was gonna scare the bad guys off!”
He swore, if his youngest son wasn’t an Alpha he would eat his own foot.
“Well, I’ve already called Auntie Camilla to come pick you up, so go get dressed okay?”
They both nodded and ran off back to their rooms.
“Geez, did everyone know about you coming home early but me?”
“I wanted to make today special. So…” His mate took him by the hands and pulled him out of the kitchen. On the living room coffee table was a beautiful bouquet of lilies and snapdragons already set up in a fine china vase. It was just like his mate to think of everything. Where did he even get a bouquet on such short notice?
“You’re such a damn perfectionist.”
“Only the best for my lovely mate.”
“Gods I haven’t even gotten you a present… I’m not even properly dressed!”
“Don’t worry about it, we have all day. And…” He leaned in close, sly smirk on his face. “I asked if Camilla could keep them for the night, too.”
He pushed himself up onto the tips of his toes to kiss Leo.
“Gods it’s good to have you home.”
His mate gave him a toothy grin, right thumb brushing gently over the bond scar on his neck. He shivered under the blonde’s touch.
“Happy anniversary, Takumi.”
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manju-girl · 7 years
Letters to You (Shigezane x MC x ???????) Pt. 7
Finalllyyyy done omg its already part seven?! Please bear with this longggg fanfic. @kitty-kat-ty thanks for reading amd waiting this far!love youu
Letters to You Genre: Angst, fluff, Romance, comedy one | two | three | four | five | six | Seven: Reasons
Once Masamune had finished his breakfast, he proceeded to do his work along with Aki. Everything was going well at first, until his page started messing from her first work, then to the next. She messed up the papers so bad Kojuro and Shigezane had to do it again.
It was supposed to be another peaceful and usual day but no, it wasn’t.
The news of Aki getting affianced with the next Lord of the Maeda clan spread all throughout the castle like a wildfire. Her works were composed of running around the castle and delivering papers to the Date’s retainers, oh and let’s not forget that she also cooks Masamune’s food.
At the end of the day, instead of running around to deliver the papers and the letters Lord Masamune had asked her to, she ran to the people in the castle absentmindedly and constantly messes up her work. Good thing is that she did not mess up the food she made for Masamune.
She felt pathetic, and wanted to slap herself for letting her mixed emotions get into her. Her past, Inuchiyo’s proposal, and now her commitment to the Date Clan. If there is one thing that she hates, that is messing up her job.
This is too much for her.
Seeing Inuchiyo had somehow made the healed wounds in her heart reopened once more, not that she did not want to see him, she was just not prepared. He was a part of the memory she wanted to forget. But she did not want to forget him.
Aki was now stuck inside Masamune’s office, with Kojuro, Masamune and Shigezane.
“Aki, you’ve been working as Lord Masamune’s page for years. This is the second time you messed up. You do realize the importance of your job, do you?” Kojuro scolded, she closed her eyes. She was already expecting this. She can’t say anything, she doesn’t have any excuse. Even if there was, those were petty reasons. Still not acceptable to mess up everything.
“Kojuro, cut her some slack.” Shigezane interrupted,
“I’ll do whatever you want me to do, Lord Masamune.” She fiddled with her hands on her lap, anxiously looking down. She can feel their eyes on her. She didn’t want any of this, she just wanted to stay at Oshu with her new family now– the Date and Katakura. Yet, she also can’t find the courage to reject Inuchiyo that easily.
“Aki” She finally heard Lord Masamune’s voice, she looked up finally facing them. “I won’t stop you with your decisions. As long as it won’t affect your work here in the castle.” Aki bit her lip with Masamune’s words, as long as it won’t affect my work he says. She avoided thinking about it too much, she tried her best to focus on her work. She just can’t. “But judging from your performance today, you are clearly not yourself.”
She knows that they can’t help but worry for her.
“Lord Masamune. I deeply apologize for the trouble I’ve caused.” She bowed her head on the floor, “I will pay more attention to my actions and see to it that I won’t bring you anymore trouble.” Damn you for being so pathetic, Aki. This isn’t like you.
Kojuro sighed, he can’t bear Aki’s state anymore. He never thought that she, of all people would be this distracted with work and what was happening. Well of course she will be. She had it though all this time.
“Lord Masamune, if you would be considerate to give Aki a day off or two, maybe she needs it to clear her head.” Kojuro suggested, giving Aki a knowing look. “What? No, my work is important than clearing my head!” what she said was true, her work for the Date clan was more important than herself. She tried to protest but she ended up being scolded, again.
“Matchaki, you won’t get your work done if you are distracted. Take a time off.” Shigezane said, Matchaki? “Huh? No–“ She looked at Shigezane. "It’s not fair. You call me Taiyaki, so I am going to call you Matchaki.” Shigezane grinned. Their exchange made Kojuro sigh, these kids sure know how to make his head hurt.
“who are you calling Matchaki, Shigezane?” she whispered “It doesn’t matter anyway,” Of all the things she can feel right now, she feels as though they are trying to kick her out of her work. Or maybe she’s just overthinking it? She felt weak, and she’s going to cry anytime soon.
“Stop bickering. We have a matter to discuss, you are not kids anymore. Be serious about this.” Hearing Kojuro made the two shut their mouths “Aki, that is not the proper way to talk to a lord.” She kept quiet, tightly grasping her hakama that her knuckles were turning white. “I apologize, Lord Shigezane.” She replied shortly,
Masamune stared at his page. sure Aki’s work will be affected and she is the only page he has. If he were to allow her for days off, she would complain and insist that her work was more important, and if he won’t allow her, she’ll continue to mess up her work as his page.
Not that he does not trust her but, he’s also worried. Then he suddenly remembered something that she could do while working for him at the same time she can take a break. Masamune closed his eyes, before speaking.
“If you don’t want to, then fine. I remembered I have some matters that I needed you to attend to in a place you very well know.” He looked at her, then to Shigezane, both were waiting eagerly for his order.
Her face brightened upon hearing what Masamune said, “I will see to it that it will be done, Milord.” Aki answered, lowering herself once more in a bow.
“I will tell Shigezane the full details. He will be coming with you.”
“Yes Milord… wait what?” Aki questioned, but before she got an answer she heard the shoji door closing, leaving her alone with none other than… Shigezane.
“Ahaha, I messed up quite bad today,” she laughed, as much as possible she wanted to stay positive, and to act like she used to. Aki stood up first, but a voice stopped her from walking out of the room.
“Yeah. Messed up so bad.” Shigezane chuckled halfheartedly, “Hey, Aki what’s happening with you?”
Good question, what is happening with her?
Shigezane stared at her back. She is clearly not fine. Even though she tried to laugh it off like it was nothing, lying to him was no use. He knew her since she was young,. Her eyes looked so lonely, she’s pale. He can’t help but worry for her. But he doesn’t have a choice but to wait patiently for her answer.
She turned around to look at him, then smiled again “I… don’t know. I apologize for my lack of concentration today.” Her hand was still on the shoji door, He can see her nibbling on her lower lip, her cheeks and nose are starting to flush a color of red. She’s really going to cry soon. He knew it.
“Don’t worry about me. I’ll get myself together. Trust me on this one!” She smiled reassuringly. “Ah, I should prepare Masamune-chan’s dinner soon. Well then, see you around Lord Shigezane.” She slid the door open, excusing herself.
The night went by quickly. After serving Masamune’s food and washing the dishes, Aki climbed the tree outside her chambers to stare at the moon shining up above with the stars.
“Marriage… huh.” She mumbled to herself. She should come up with a decision soon. Come to think of it, she never got the chance to speak to Inuchiyo about his so-called proposal. The night was still young, she figured it would be best to talk about it tonight, atleast before Lord Masamune sends her away on some ‘job’.
Inuchiyo was preparing his things for an unexpected summon from Owari. He was to depart for tomorrow, he moved out of the Yonezawa earlier that day to stay at the inn just near the castle. He does not want to continue interfering with Aki’s work, seeing that she’s already busy. Though she might not bother to come, he told her where he’s going to stay for the night.
He thought it would be nice to go into the town to see just what kind of place Aki lived in for the past years since he last saw her. He was curious and wanted to know more about Oshu. Deciding to go out alone, Inuchiyo slid the door of his room open, when he saw Aki outside, walking towards him. He never expected to see her in this place, alone.
“Hey.” She greeted, a smile on her face. “We’re supposed to go out to town today, sorry I was late. Am I bothering you?” She added,
He was surprised to see her, “shouldn’t you be at the castle?”
“I finished my work early, and I promised to see you today didn’t I? Let’s go.” Inuchiyo smiled at her enthusiasm, he followed her out of the door of the inn and into the town.
This was the second time he was left alone with her. Yet he still can’t help but feel worried and awkward at the same time. Glancing at Aki beside him, he saw her to be as usual.
“Oshu is really a beautiful place, Inuchiyo. I’m glad you got the chance to visit here.” She said, looking around the lively town.
“It is…” he smiled, “how did you end up here, Aki?”
He saw her tilt her head to the side, seeming to think deeply for her answer. “Can we talk about that when we found a place to sit and relax? I brought dinner.” She held the furoshiki bag close to his face.
“Fine fine… want to stop by at a kimono store?” He asked.
“Why?” She asked him, staring at Inuchiyo’s kimono, she gasped “COULD IT BE THAT YOU WANTED TO CHANGE THE COLOR OF YOUR KIMONO?!” He flicked her forehead, giving Aki an irritated look.
“The hell is wrong with the color of my kimono, Aki?” He sighed “I’m going to buy you some kimono. You can’t wear a men’s hakama forever, Aki. You’re a woman.” He said, flicking her forehead again lightly. He saw her pouting her lips while rubbing her forehead.
“OW! That’s the second time! Inuchiyo, I wear kimonos too you know.” She pinched his arm.
“Ouch!Oh yeah? Then why didn’t I see you wearing one? And Kojuro told me you’ve been wearing hakama since they took you in.”
“Woah, you and brother got that close? Ah, I meant I used to wear kimono,” she giggled, in Inuchiyo’s eyes she still looked at him the same way as before “When we were kids!”
Inuchiyo can’t help but smile at her.
- He really wasn’t kidding when he said he’s going to buy her kimono.
They stopped by a nearby kimono shop. There he chose the colors and designs fitting for her. Some are everyday wear and he also bought her some formal ones, complete with a number of Kanzashi. Aki can’t help but close her eyes, she wanted to eat, she wanted to talk with him.
Once they finished strolling around the city, buying some supplies and eating dinner, the two went to a nearby river to catch up with things that happened to them during t ten years they didn’t see each other.
Aki stared at his amethyst-colored eyes, she’s seeing something that was never been there before. He wasn’t the same as he is back then. He is stronger, he’s really a grown up now.
“… so, that’s how I ended up in Lord Kojuro’s care.” Aki noticed that Inuchiyo had been staring at the river the whole time when she started talking about how she ended up being in Oshu. Inuchiyo seemed to be lost in thought. She looked up at the moon above, taking a deep breath, she called his name, hoping to get his attention again.
“Enough about me… the reason why I wanted to talk to you was… to ask you something.” Inuchiyo looked at her.
“What is it?”
“Inuchiyo, why…?” She finally asked, “why do you suddenly show up after ten years and then ask me to marry you?” She waited for his answer, the crickets, the sound flowing waters of the river can be heard. Inuchiyo finally stared straight into her eyes,
“When you went missing… I did my best to find you. You were… only 13 then,” he said, cupping her cheeks with his hand. “I’ve already found you five years ago. But I watched you from afar.” Here it is again, she thought. He looked vulnerable and hurt… “I’m sorry, Aki. I am doing this because…” she gulped, she continued to listen despite the pain and the throbbing of her heart.
With the look in his eyes, she already knew why he was doing this.
“… I love you.” He said, “I love you, Aki.”
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booksloth91 · 6 years
It happened Again
The kid complains again on our date night that he isn't getting enough time with Mon Amour which triggers Mon Amour's insecurities about being a good parent amd provider, which puts him in a foul mood.
I asked what was wrong, Mon Amour said he didn't want to talk about it. I washed dishes. I asked if they got the Kid his donut. Mon Amour said they did.
Mon Amour then expressed his feelings of frustration and guolt about not spending enough time with the Kid. His struggles with the money stuff. He expressed how the fight really upset him, and how ge feels he is not giving the Kid enough of his time.
I listened and I asked if there is anything I could do to help. He said No there really wasn't.
I waited and thought a little while. I was hurt and angry an disappointed. I was mad at the Kid for arguing with Mon Amour. I was mad because I want ONE just ONE date night where Mon Amour is happy to see me and be around me and relaxed and okay. If I can have ONE that would be nice. I wish it could be all of them but I don't want to ask too much.
When I was expressing my disappointment and trying not to cry and feeling really anxious, I raised my voice a little. I didnt mean to and I tried very hard not to. Mon Ampur pointed out I was yelling, I apologized and told him what I was feeling so he would know I wasn't angry at him.
When I told him what I felt about the disappointment and the frustration he yelled at me and got in my face and told me I am always frustratrd and disappinted and that he can't do enough for me. I asked him to stop yelling. I asked him 3 times. When he was done. I said that wasn't true and I am allowed to be disappointed in that the date bight and time I am suppossd to have is regularly being derailed.
Thwre was a pause. I was waiting for an apology from him for his behavior. There wasn't one.
I began thinking about the last several date nights and the fights we have had. It has usually started because Mon Amour was in a foul mood because the Kid and he had had some sort of conflict, the kid expresses the need to spend more time. Or some other thing comes up. I wanted to know if this is a pattern that Mon Ampur noticed too.
I wanted to know this for 2 reasons.
1. Am I the only one who has noticed this pattern of behavior?
2. Is it possible for Mon Amour to shield or recognize when the kid is beginning to trigger him and try not to take out his frustration on me?
I lost my temper because Mon Amour yelled at me again, after I asked citing selfish reasons for why I would ask such as pointing put how unfair it is that this happens on my night and that the Kid only interrupts us and not him and Sunshine.
I said No that wasn't the reason and explained. Mon Amour apologized.
He then went on to talk about how the fact that he doesn't spend time with the Kid like he should is because they want to do different things. The kid wants to do things that cost money, or go on walks to look for dead things. When the kid is invited to do something else he declines.
I trying to be sympathetic and to be supportive tried to point out that it isn't totally on Mon Amour here. He shouldn't feel too guilty because the Kid often chooses to do other things on his time and doesn't meet Mon Amour in the Middle. Mon Amour accused me of trying to shift blame and have him defend the kid and yelled at me again.
I tried to explain I was trying to be supportive and trying to lessen the blame because it wasn't totally on him.
Mon Amour Then yelled some more accused me again of asking about the pattern to shift blame even though he had apologized and said he understood. And got mad at me for talking about this stuff when he was the one who brought it up AFTER he said he didn't want to talk about it. Accusing me of trting to get it out of him.
He said a lot of things in that rant and I don't remember all of them but most of them were hurtful.I got pissed and I shouted right back. I was so upset because I thought with the apology he had understood at I was trying to do and my attemots at trying to comfort were taken as some sort of fight and not as what it was supposed to be. I understand Mon Amour is upset and angry but that doesn't give him an excuse to shout at me. I am sorry I shouted back.
I feel like no matter what I am taken adversarily even when I am trying super hard to not be.
I don't know what to do.
Expressing and using my words and saying what I was doing and why and telling him,my feelings in the moment and the constant requests for him to think to,ask me before he makes some rather nasty assumption about my intention or purpose is not working. I don't know what to do. I hate this.
I am just really really sad and hurt and tired. I didn't want a fight. I was trying to avoid it and I got one anyway.
I wish Mon Amour would tell ne he only wants an ear. That he doesn't want my thoughts or advice or observations or attempts to comfort him, BEFORE he talks to me about it. I want Mon Amour to be consistent. That if he doesn't want to talk that he do not talk. Or if he does want to, then let him talk to me and let me know he is doing that now.
I hate being expected to know what he wants. He says he wants this all the time, but I am afraid. I am afraid I will give him that, and he will want something else next time and then get mad at me for making assumptions about what he wants. He has done that before.
I feel really anxious and confused and hurt.
During the yelling a friend dropped by to get a hug before she went home to her town about 90 minutes away.
The Kid answered the door. He told her we were busy fighting. I was so angry at him. I was so angry at him. I could have used that break to compose myself. I am so embarrassed at that choice to not come get me. I needed to send an apology to my friend.
I yelled at the kid when I saw the text from her.
I shouldn't have. I should have just apologizes and calmed down and I didn't. I was right to be mad and embarrassed. I was right that what he did was the wrong choice, yelling at him didn't make anything better. It just made things worse.
I am,so tired, and so sad, because today started out really really good. I feel like I can't have 1 just really solid great day.
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