#i think i need to add a vocab lists tag
prepolyglot · 2 years
Langblr Reactivation Challenge
Hello everyone! As you may know I've created this challenge to help revive the langblr community. It's a three week challenge designed to get you back into learning languages and (hopefully) give you ideas on how to study and share your knowledge of them. It is completely optional to do, but try to reblog other people's posts if you aren't participating.
The challenge is designed to be done daily, however if you miss a day, you can go back and do it later or continue from where you left off. I do encourage you to do your best to keep up with the challenge though. Tag your posts with #langblr reactivation challenge so that others can find your posts.
If you have any questions, please send me an ask or a message and I'll do my best to answer it.
I'll put the prompts under a read more so this post isn't ridiculously long. Good luck to everyone participating! Remember the best way to promote the langblr revival is by reblogging other people's work.
Week 1
Day 1: Create an introduction post about yourself. What's your name? What languages are you studying? What languages do you hope to study? What do you hope you'll get out of this challenge? Add whatever else you’d like to your introduction post!
Day 2: Write a list of goals you have for your target languages. Make both long term and short term goals. An overall goal could be to have the ability to talk with native speakers with ease and a smaller goal would be to finally learn that difficult grammar point that's been plaguing you for ages. How will you achieve them?
Day 3: Create a list or a Mindmap of vocabulary topics. Start with a broad topic and narrow down to more specific topics. An example could be bedroom - furniture - closet - clothes or travelling - languages - study words - school supplies. Keep a hold of this because you'll use it later to create vocab to study. Some broad topics to start with: house, school, work, travelling, friends and family, nature, city. Feel free to use these or think of your own. Share your mindmap so others can get some ideas if they need it. Here are some mind map creation tools (x) (x) (x).
Day 4: Create a vocab list for one of the topics you created yesterday, if you want to make more, feel free to make as many as you like! Share your list and reblog other people's lists. And most importantly, make sure you study these words!
Day 5: Find a video in your target language and watch it as many times as you need to in order to understand it. Make a post about the video. What was it about? Did you like the video? Was it difficult to understand? Make sure you link the video. Try to write your answers in your target language, but if you can’t that’s okay!
Day 6: Look up 3 idioms in your target language and explain what they mean and how you use them in a sentence (with an example!).
Day 7: Send asks to other langblrs (bonus points if it's in a shared target language!) asking them about whatever (for example, ask how their day was, ask questions about their target languages, or share some of your thoughts with them). If you receive one, answer it! You can ask more than one person and it can be on or off anon.
Week 2
Day 1: Over the next week, create a playlist/playlists of songs in your target language(s), they can either have a specific mood or genre or they can be a collection of songs you've discovered. When you feel like you're done with your playlist, share it so others can find some new songs. If you already have a playlist, you can add songs to it and update it.
Day 2: Write an explanation on a grammar rule in your target language (such as verb tenses, exceptions, word order, etc). Include sentences to show how and when it is used.
Day 3: Either make a vocab list or find a vocab list you like and make sentences using those words. You can make them as long or as short as you like. This is a good way to contextualise vocab words and learn them in context. Share your sentences and highlight the vocab word.
Day 4: Record yourself reading an article, short story, or passage (basically anything written in your target language). Listen to it and see if you can point out any areas you can improve with your speaking and any areas that you're doing well. You can post your recording if you wish.
Day 5: Post at least 2 songs that you like in your target language. Make sure you add a link to them so people can go listen to them.
Day 6: Share a study tip you have. This can range from how you organize your notes to playlists that help you study to apps you use to review. Just something that you find makes studying easier (and more fun).
Day 7: Share with everyone some langblrs you enjoy seeing on your dash, try to put at least 5 people (and make sure you @ them!).
Week 3
Day 1: Remember that playlist you made/are making? Take a song you really like and make a vocab list of words you don't understand, learned from the song, or recognize but don't quite remember. Post so others can see and link the song. If you have extra time and/or want a bit more of a challenge, translate the song as well, either into English or another language.
Day 2: Write about a festival or holiday that is celebrated in a country that speaks your target language. This can be either something you’ve celebrated yourself, have wanted to participate in, or have never heard of before. You can write this in any language you’d like.
Day 3: Make another vocab list from the list you made at the beginning of the challenge. If you are learning two or more languages, make the vocab list in 3 languages (meaning for example: French, German, and English or Japanese, Arabic, and Ukrainian).
Day 4: Find a recipe written in your target language and translate it into your native language (or another language of your choice) or find a recipe in your native language and translate it into your target language. Bonus points if you actually make it (share pictures if you do)!
Day 5: Create a collection of resources you use to study/learn your target language. Add links to them if possible so others can also use them.
Day 6: Create a post explaining a grammar rule that you had/are having difficulties learning. If you’re currently having difficulties, do your best to explain and ask others to help you understand it better. Include example sentences in your explanation.
Day 7: How do you feel at the end of this challenge? Did you meet any goals while doing this? Do you feel more confident in your language abilities? Where do you think you'll go from here? Answer these questions either in your native language or your target language.
Hopefully you guys enjoy/enjoyed this challenge. After you've completed the challenge, I encourage you to continue your studies in your target languages and support others in theirs.
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guillemelgat · 5 years
Irrationally Long & Extremely Specific (Catalan Vocab Series) - Linguistics Part 5
el signe - sign
el significat - meaning
el significant - signifier
el símbol - symbol
la representació - representation
comunicar (una cosa) - to communicate (something)
la sinonímia - synonymy
l’antonímia (f.) - antonymy
l’homonímia (f.) - homonymy
la polisèmia - polysemy
la classe - class
la categoria - category
el camp - field
el context - context
el concepte - concept
la denotació - denotation
la connotació - connotation
la veritat - truth
la semàntica formal - formal semantics
la lògica formal - formal logic
la proxèmica - proxemics
la filosofia - philosophy
la semiòtica - semiotics
el llenguatge de programació - programming language
la psicologia - psychology
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Tagged by: @hackedbyawriter thamk
Name: Sam/enigma3000
fandoms: (ones i've written for because we don't have time for me to list all my fandoms) SMZS, Marvel, Black Mirror (but thats just for my eyes go away), Angels in America, Attack on Titan, Article 15, Kota Factory), Padmaavat
two-shot: none. What is a two shot pls it's either 1 chapter or anywhere between 5 to 283728. god bless
most popular multi chapter fic: Five Stages would be the most popular, I think, considering it has the most reads/kudos of all my multi chapter works. Honourary mention to Guns and Roses though, because it has 101 kudos (as of 12th july 2021) for a fandom that's 50ish people big + for a pairing that literally doesn't even exist
Actual worst part of writing: getting started. GETTING STARTED. GOOD GOD HOW THE FUCK DO YOU OPEN A STORY "ONCE UPON A TIME THERE WAS A BITCH WHO NEEDED THERAPY" IS LOOKING REAL GOOD RN. Also the build up to the main event. No I don't want to write the drive home or the ensuing boring ass conversation. But I have to :(
How you choose your titles: I don't choose my titles as much as they choose me to be honest. They just sort of come to me, I'm pretty good w naming things that way. Most of the time it's a line/word from the fic. Sometimes it's a pun.
do you outline: kinda yes, kinda no. I definitely have a plot in mind and I never deviate from that (or if I do I make sure it's more a short detour than a whole new tangent), that way I avoid plot holes or discontinuity or writing too much/too little. But that's still very surface level, the real writing flows completely free.. Chapters are never outlined, save for what I have in mind. I've found I write better when given the freedom to let my characters do whatever tf they want. So yeah. It isn't so much an outline as a synopsis, really.
ideas you probably won't get around to, but wouldn't it be nice: five stages chapter 5- jk jk I'm doing it I promise, I have a 100 bullet point outline already I just need to get around to writing it. I think I'll say: smzs sun/moon au. Kartik as the Sun, Aman as the Moon, it's about the sun and the moon only getting to meet for two weeks in spring (y'know, when you see the sun and the moon in the sky together? yeah that) the fic is centered around one of those two week intervals before they're forced apart by duty again. It's absolutely beautiful, whatever I have of it, but I don't see myself completing it or posting it to be honest. hm.
callouts @ me: 1) enough with the fucking commas madarchod good god 2) no, waiting for the fic to just come to you is not a good strategy, employ a writing schedule or else 3) IT DOESN'T!!! NEED!!! TO BE PERFECT!!! 4) write for yourself more. Stop refreshing the page to see how many kudos you got. It doesn't matter. 5) you............. r e a l l y enjoy pushing the poetic license there do you NOT
best writing traits: I absolutely nail characterisation, I tend to understand characters inside out and the phrase "out of character" ain't even in my vocab <3 also I've been told that the way i do imagery/the way I describe things is very vivid, makes the reader feel like they're watching it happen. My dialogues flow naturally. And I use pretentious words like I'm fluent in superiority complex. So that's nice
Also, as a personal fave, I tend to add humour everywhere in a way that it blends seamlessly with the plot at hand :D I like to employ the full human emotional spectrum to keep my readers on their toes always ❤︎
spicy tangential option: All the sax and violins I write (especially the latter) is a... significantly watered down version of what plays out in my head :)
(W. Was that it. Was that what this question meant-)
Tagging: ok all the multi chapter writers i know have already been tagged so I'm just gonna say: anyone who wants to do this <3
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hd-learns-korean · 5 years
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Vocabulary sentence challenge! 
So I was thinking of starting vocabulary challenges where I set a topic and then try to make sentences using the vocabs from the list. If anybody wants to join in and make their own sentences from the vocab lists that would be AWESOME cos I find it so interesting how other people process the same vocabulary. So feel free to tag me in with your own sentences! 😀 
Today's topic is music🎵
1.) 음악을 듣다 - listen to music
2.) 음악을 틀다 - play (turn on) some music
3.) 음악을 끄다 - turn off the music 
4.) 음악에 취하다 - be lost in music
5.) 음악에 재능이 있다 - have a gift for music / have musical talent
6.) 고전음악 classical music
7.) 대중음악 - popular music
8.) 록음악 - rock music
9.) 민속음악 folk music
10.) 배경음악 - background music
11.) 영와음악 - movie soundtrack
12.) 전자음악 - electronic music
13.) 현대음악 - contemporary music
14.) 음악대학 - college of music
15.) 라틴 음악 Latin  (american) music
16.) 음악 감상 - listening to music
17.) 음악 선생님 - a music teacher
18.) 음악을 배우다 - take lessons in music
19.) 음악 영화 - a musical film 
20.) 재즈 음악 - jazz music
21.) 하와이안 음악 - Hawaiian music
22.) 펑크 음악 - punk music
23.) 레게 음악 - reggae music
24.) 무슨 음악 좋아해요? - what kind of music do you like? (Example from naver)
25.) 외국 팝음악을 아주 좋아해요. - I like foreign pop music very much.( example from naver) 
My own example sentences: Revised, edited and corrected!
So guys I made some mistakes..... oops!  I got a really kind and encouraging comment explaining where I went wrong. I really do appreciate the help, Lord knows I need it! 😁 So what I thought I would do in terms of editing this post is to keep my own sentences where I made the mistakes in brackets alongside the corrected versions, that way I can see which part went wrong and then I can go back and study the grammar again.... 📚☺
1.) 그는 록음악을 좋아해요. (그는 록음악 좋아애요.) - he likes rock music. * mistake made here - I forgot to add "을"
2.) 그 영화 음악은 너무 슬퍼요. (그 영화음악는 너무 슬파해요.) - that movie music is so sad. *mistake made here - omg so many! I formed the wrong conjugation for 슬프다 and added a 는 instead of a 은!
3.) 올해 그녀는 음악대학에서 공부할 것입니다 - this year she will study at the college of music. (Hurray I got this one right! Progress at least?! Omg who am I even kidding!) 
4.) 저는 라틴 음악에 맞춰 춤추는 것을 좋아해요. (저는 라틴 음악에 맞줘는 것을 좋아해요). - I like dancing to Latin music.  *mistake made here - I misspelled a few words.
I am a beginner so there probably will be some mistakes so if you spot any just lemme know😁 (edited omg I was right I totally did make some mistakes, but making errors is a part of learning 😅)
Image sourced from pixaby but I have edited it and added korean text, vocab sourced from naver, own example sentences practiced on papago 😄
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indigopurple · 4 years
Saw an ask game response abt disliking certain tropes and now i feel the strong urge to overshare my own opinions on that. Here's a list of my most UTTERLY HATED tropes/AUs/etc out there from worst to...less worst. This was rlly difficult cuz I cant think of them til I accidentally see them on AO3 and get all pissy abt it
The A/B/O wolf thingy. Its so dumb to me I'm sorry i just can't follow it and it always gets romantic and sappy somehow. Also I dont understand how wolves work. The more I think abt it the more annoyed I get.
Soulmates AUs. Ugh. Again, sooo sappy and gets SO ooc. The only exception is I once saw (didnt read tho lol) this fic where one of the characters like, kinda rebelled against the soulmate meeting thing, and he said that his eyes change color all the time with different friends. Aka its PLATONIC! SCOORRRRREEEEE! I also recently learned that soulmates AUs are often used to explain ppls pedophilic/incest ships. Disgusting.
OC/self insert fics. I dont have any issue with ppl writing these, in fact its prolly good practice for the beginner writers that make them. Assuming they're all like, 12 y/o kids. Cuz that's the grammar and vocab level in all of them. Also, theyre never very engaging or intriguing, and i never know why I should care abt the main character. I just have absolutely no interest in these fics, sorry.
Sickfics involving like....gross sickness. I get that that's more realistic or whatever but is that rlly what you're going for? This is this just whump and fluff 99% of the time. I dont need a description of [whumped character] throwing up all over the floor. Just like, fucking make them have a dizzy spell or smth; kinda gets the same result. Like are you trying to gross us out? Really?? I make one exception to this rule: throwing up/coughing up blood. That is a whole nother story tho.
Deaging/aging up fics. I dont have a huge problem with these, but I've never been interested. I've heard that this one is also used to make ppls incest/pedophilic ships seem ok, which isnt very cool. I've seen this be used for rlly weird fluff abt like, [said deaged/aged up] having to mother or be mothered by their close friends which I guess is just some weird form of fluff, but like...rlly strange. It's like the filler episode no one liked of fanfics. If it's used as a way to force a characters traumatic past be brought up then ig it's ok since theres some interesting plot, just as long as the character isnt aged down to like..an infant.
Time travel fics. Often used to fix something that happened in canon that the writer is salty about. Usually undoing a character death, or going back to see friends as their younger selves, things like that yknow. Usually hurt/comfort which is cool. I dont have a big problem with these fics, I just find them kinda hard to follow with such a weird perspective (usually the character that travelled back in time). I see a shit ton of these in the one piece fandom, mainly consisting of "luffy goes back in time to save his brothers" or "luffy, after dying before he can reach his goal, gets a second chance and goes to reform his pirate crew". Its always those. Wouldn't be surprised if it was the same stuff for other fandoms but adding "[main character] goes back in time to remeet [character's crush/soulmate/etc] so they can get married" or some sappy shit. Sorry this one is way too long lol.
Slavery AUs. These...ugh ok. These are actually pretty interesting to me, absolutely heart-wrenching and also very sweet in the end. The hurt/comfort angst in these is fucking unreal. My issue with these is they sometimes get super rapey. Starts with idk some kid gets kidnapped + sold into slavery of some sort, then [a lot of the fic being then suffer and be traumatized], and then they are freed. Bonus points for written in epilogue with a healing process and like..found family yknow. It gets fucked up in the suffering part. Way too many of these fics get into like, rape. Which makes sense tbh (god I hate that tho), it just gets too...detailed. like uh hey writer, is this like, a turn on or what? I've stopped in the middle of a few fics, or skip a chapter, cuz I was like dude I cant deal w this. Also dear authors, fucking tag your writing, stop surprising me with shit like this. I should know what I'm getting into before reading it.
Cant think of anything else atm. Might add more later if smth on AO3 catches me off gaurd lol.
Someone out there is gonna hate me for making this post
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languaholic · 5 years
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Hi everyone!
So here is my proposal to make the most out of the last 100 days of the year. First of all, you don’t have to review lessons/pages every day if you don’t want to, I am doing it because it helps me learn things better.
The point of this challenge is that you dedicate at least 10 minutes every day in getting better at expressing yourself in another language and little by little increase your exposure so you are also more fluent. 
To start this challenge, check the options below and decide if you either want to follow the order, skip some or change them for others. Just find what fits your rhythm better and register it so you can look at your progress ;)
Don’t forget to tag your posts with any of these:
100 Days Express Yourself Language Challenge
100 Days Language Learning Challenge
100 Days Language Studies Challenge
And let’s start!
1. Sing a song or read a poem in your target language
2. Translate into your native language the chorus of a target language song
3. Find some interesting idioms used in your target language and write them down illustrating with examples
4. Translate a quote from your native language into the target language
5. Get a list of some irregular verbs that are difficult to you and create sentences with each
6. Describe in your target language something you like or something you find fascinating
7. Watch a short video with the subs of your target language
8. Make a theme vocab list in the target language of the episode you watched and place examples under each word
9. Read an interesting article in the target language and try summarizing it in a few lines
10. Play an audiobook in the target language for ten minutes and write down the words you deem interesting and/or important to review later
11. Make a bucket list in the target language
12. Describe an item you need in the target language
13. Translate a few quotes into the target language
14. Describe your plans for winter vacations
15. Watch a TED talk with the target language audio and/or subs
16. Print a picture you like and write about it
17. Make a vocab list of things you love and add examples
18. Read a short fairy tale
19. Write about food you like
20. Summarize a movie, tv show, book, fanfic, etc. that you enjoyed
21. Find some jokes in the target language
22. Talk about someone you admire
23. Write about a place you would like to return to
24. Write about a dream you recently had
25. Make a vocab list of things you hate and add examples
26. Listen to some songs you like and record yourself singing along
27. Translate a comic or book or fanfic page from your target language into your native language (it can be a panel or a paragraph, etc.)
28. Listen to a podcast in the target language (duolingo has some options)
29. Watch a short in the target language or with the T.L. subs
30. Translate a song from the target language into your language
31. Read the news in your target language
32. Select some topics that you feel are difficult in your target language and use them making sentences or re-explaining them in the target language
33. Find some verbs with different meanings and illustrate the meanings with more examples
34. Write about a place you want to visit
35. Make a vocab list of things you fear
36. Read some riddles and try to find the answer
37. Select some words that sound the same but are different things (homophonous) and illustrate them with examples
38. Write a few sentences of what makes you anxious
39. Take a photo of the weather and describe it
40. Write a letter in the target language to a loved one who is no longer with you
41. Read a poem in your target language and record it
42. Find some proverbs and/or sayings in the target language and write them down
43. Make a list of yes/no questions in the target language
44. Find instructions for something in the target language and try following them
45. Make a vocab list of common swear words
46. Write in the target language an idea you disagree with
47. Write an argument about why you disagree with the idea above
48. Read some pages of your favorite book in the target language and write down the words you don’t understand
49. Read something light and make a list of WH questions in the target language about the reading
50. Make a review of a book, song, tv show, or movie
51. Write in the target language an idea you whole heartedly agree with
52. Write why you agree with the idea above
53. Make a top ten of things you like and write why in the target language
54. Print some pics of food you want to try and describe it in your target language
55. Make a vocab list with examples of things that bring you joy
56. Get your hands on some favorite quotes and translate them in the target language
57. Watch a documentary in the target language (or with the subs in the T.L.)
58. Write in your target language about something that obsess you
59. Translate into your target language a paragraph of something happy
60. Recite a dialogue of a movie, tv show, book, fanfic, etc. you like and record it
61. Talk in your target language about something that troubles you
62. Listen to a playlist in your target language and sing along (follow the lyrics if you need them)
63. Write some reflections in your target language about love
64. Select a constellation which story you like and write about it in your target language
65. Make a vocab list of slang in the target language
66. Check out a site in your target language and write down the words you find difficult
67. Find an actor/actress/singer/artist whose native language is your target language and write down some phrases they’ve said you liked
68. Check out videos of grammar topics you would like to delve into
69. Read out loud a fanfic or short story in your target language (250 words is recommended)
70. Write down a topic you would like to debate about and some main points about it
71. Develop the points of the topic you want to discuss
72. Create a speech with the points from the task before and read it out loud
73. Watch an episode of a TV show (I recommend it lasts 25 minutes or less) with the audio and subs of your target language
74. Check some funny videos in your target language (find some youtubers whose spin is comedy)
75. Select a song you like in another language different to the target language and translate it into your target language
76. Write in your target language about something you hate
77. Write about the music you like
78. Make a schedule you can follow next week
79. Play an agility game that includes a simultaneous physical and mental exercises in your target language (like jumping the rope for five minutes while reciting the irregular verbs or prepositions, etc.)
80. Check out a video in your target language that explains something you find interesting or exciting (can be a tutorial, a tour around somewhere, etc.)
81. Create a set of instructions in your target language to cook something
82. Make a vocab list of words that only exist in your target language
83. Translate into your target language a paragraph of something sad
84. Reflect in your target language about something that makes you super proud
85. Describe in your target language a scent you like
86. Watch an animated movie in your target language with subs in your native language
87. Tell or write something nice to your loved one(s)
88. Explain a grammatical law you find fascinating to someone
89. Write in your target language about something you miss
90. Lay down in the grass or somewhere where you can look up at the sky and come up with shapes and write them in your target language
91. Go to your favorite fanfic site, select the stats you want, and read a fic of 1,000 words written in your target language 
92. Write in your target language a reflection about time
93. Make a short story with your pet(s) (or favorite animal) as your main character
94. Talk in your target language about a memory that marked you
95. Create your own language learning master post
96. Write a language overview in your target language 
97. Write down in your target language what you feel when you think about longing
98. Get a book in your target language (short is recommended) and start reading it
99. Explain something you find fascinating in your target language to someone
100. Write down your purposes for next year and why they are important to you in your target language
And that’s it folks! 
Good luck to the community who will try this, and please feel free to modify any of the points given. The point of this is to have fun while being constant in learning a language and get to create the habit of studying while learning how to express better in another language ;)
See you all at the end of the year!
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nako-doodles · 5 years
➴ 6 Facts
i was tagged by my love and sweetheart @kimlineswife​ to ramble about my self for a couple really boring minutes 🌸🌸
also: im really rambly and this post is a lot longer than i thought it would be so everything is under the cut 💖💖
1. i have really good relative pitch. 
if you give me a reference note and then play me any other note, i can tell you which note it is, what interval and chord progression the second note is in comparison to the first, and if it’s out of tune. one of my best friends has perfect pitch, so when we go out together, we like guessing and harmonizing to different sounds from the city. another side effect of this is that random sounds trigger my dj brain into getting different songs stuck in my brain. yesterday at work, one of my coworkers tapped her pen and clicked her mouse and literally my brain went ‘uchiage hanabi, but like to the instrumental of i need u.’ this was great when i still had to do ear training for the rcm examinations, but is terribly annoying in everyday life. it also makes me sound super pretentious but classical-trained pianist struggles, amirite? i still want a refund. 
2. ‘food is my only extravagance.’ 
andy warhol is many things, and in this case, correct. food has always been one of my favorite things to partake in, both for the sheer pleasure of tasting the joy and love of living, and also in sharing of that exuberance and happiness with loved ones. im pretty sure that if food was a love language, it would be mine. i love (obviously) eating good food, feeding others good food, making good food, watching others make good food...just food man. fantastic. natural selection really fucking snapped when she made eating the primary way to gain sustenance 800 million years ago (even tho is absolutely is not how natural selection works shuSH).12/10 recommend. 
3. 98% of my motivation is powered by spite. the other 2% is pettiness. 
a lot of my old elementary school teachers thought i was intellectually lacking and [insert learning disability here] and ‘resistant to learning’ and were generally really dismissive of my learning capabilities. i remember distinctively during a parent teacher conference my mom was told (thru an interpreter) to home school me bc i was too slow for the curriculum. i think part of the reason why im this nerdy and talk like an english professor who got lobotomized by a pulverized sat vocab list is bc my early teachers gave up on me. ngl i scoured the internet to add my old esl teacher on fb just so i would send her my ap lit and ap lang scores. i have some of the fastest reading skills amongst my friends, the results of which i also kindly provided for my old teacher. 
in fact, im pretty sure my knees would still be functioning if i didn’t take every single sport that i was interested in bc my uncle said that girls shouldn’t be into sports. and my old hs dean still has conniptions everytime he remembers my senior year class schedule. (strongly suggest against taking more than 3 aps at once? fucking WATCH ME take 5 ap classes at once) they set a limit to how many ap classes you could take at my hs bc of me. i mean 15 ap classes and 17 tests is a lot but that’s what you get for saying i couldn’t do it. really puts a new perspective to never say never in front of me.
4. i keep a white board in the shower bc all my best ideas come when im showering. 
case and point: this url came to me one day when I was belting to beyoncé in the shower and went ‘you know what would make this moment better? if i had a super pretentious cocktail. like a sakura highball. or a grapefruit friends w benefit rose. or lavender cachaca lemonade.’ ah. the good ol’ days of when i could still drink. i used to plan out my entire college schedule and 20 pg essays and studying while showering...which is terrible for the environment but fantastic for my productivity.
5. i hate audiobooks.
i enjoy reading and taking things my own pace and creating character voices while i read. audiobooks makes me feel like im being dictated how to think and how to imagine and how to sculpt an authors words instead of with my own hands. and like, isn't most of academia and adulthood and life just being dictated to? let me have this one piece of joy for myself. i also know people who like having audiobooks as white noise, to which i offer The Complete Videography of Jenna Marbles and Julien Solomita as my rebuttal. i also like keeping educational youtube channels like art assignment, or deep look, or crash course, or pbs eons, or nerdyandquirky in the bg while i work. in case anyone really doubted how nerdy i am.
6. my pt stretches are satanic rites to summon sisyphean levels of eternal suffering 
i have pt stretches that i have to do to keep my body from falling apart, twice daily, as prescribed, and literally every time i do them i feel myself fading. i know they're important for me, and i always feel awful and miserable when i miss one, but literally the entire process of stretching feels like im tearing myself apart to be laid as a benefaction of some frida kalho kafkaesque feast for the demon. it also doesn't help that i sound like some horror movie possessed doll extra with the way my joints keep cracking and clicking. sometimes i play mozart’s requiem and pop my neck to the cello/alto section bc i have a shit sense of humor and also if im gonna have to remold my earthly container like some fool trying to kintsugi humpty dumpty’s pieces back together, i might as well be dramatic as fuck. im pretty sure my dad thinks im performing some crepuscular satanic rite when i do my evening stretches, and sometimes, when my band snaps, i wonder the exact same thing. 
phew~ thank you for making to the end of this. i know i talk a lot, thank you for making it to the end. this was as difficult to write as it was to read.
i tag my lovelies: @t0d-oder-freiheit @seokjinsult @cafejoon @dejayoo @jincentvangogh @suggable @moonsnail @yunkisunbae @httpsleepybun 🌸
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hungarian-words · 5 years
Almost every post here (so far)
For the people who are leaving and for those who don’t want to scroll through 150 posts. I tagged some triggers I know of (like alcohol or GIFs), but I wouldn’t claim it is 100% foolproof.
(reblog) means it is a reblogged post, (by OP) means the post was made by me. The videos and such are not my work :D
Nov 13: The Day of the Hungarian language. 17 Hungarian expressions. Why is this language difficult/easy to learn? (reblog)
The Hungarian Language. Incredible YouTube video by Langfocus. Basic grammar explained. [CC] (reblog) Or: watch it on YouTube.
Stuff you should know about Hungarian part 1. The alphabet. (reblog)
Why Hungarian? (reblog)
Hungarian is actually a very logical and rational language [meme]. (reblog)
A German’s opinion about how OP sounds like when he speaks Hungarian (by OP; short post)
Hungarian language moodboard (reblog)
Top 100 most frequent Hungarian words [with IPA] (reblog)
625 words in Hungarian (reblog)
Numbers 0-100 (by OP)
Ordinal numbers 0-100 (by OP)
Fractions 0-100 (by OP)
How many forms of the word “baszni” are there and what do they mean? Vulgar but educational ;). (reblog)
Three words for home - itthon, otthon and haza (reblog)
Dog vocabulary (by OP)
Tantárgyak / School Subjects (reblog)
Literature in Hungarian (reblog)
Hungarian Vocabulary - Work (reblog)
Sounds that Hungarian animals make (by OP)
Some Hungarian verbs that can take many coverbs -  part 2 (reblog)
A guide to sounding Hungarian – contracted words (reblog)
Guide to sounding Hungarian: shortened words (reblog)
Harry Potter vocab in Hungarian (reblog)
Avatar: The Last Airbender vocabulary (by OP) 
Hungarian slang terms (reblog)
Hungarian slang & everyday language: #1 general stuff (by OP)
Hungarian slang #2: party (by OP; alcohol, drugs, smoking, vomiting)
OMG! equivalents in Hungarian (by OP)
Hungarian LGBT+ vocabulary. main focus on LGB identities (by OP)
Expressing time: Days (by OP)
Nice things to say in Hungarian (reblog)
Weird/funny Hungarian expressions part 1 (reblog)
5 expressions with body parts in Hungarian (reblog)
Useful phrases/Hasznos kifejezések (reblog)
Figures of speech + words that are (almost) the same in Hungarian & German (by OP) 
[Hungarian] Vowel Lengthening (reblog)
[Hungarian] Vowel Harmony (reblog)
Névelők / Articles (reblog)
Személyes névmások 1. / Personal pronouns 1. (reblog)
Jelen idő első rész/ Present tense part one (reblog)
Főnevek ragozása első rész / Conjugation of nouns part one (reblog)
The Hungarian diminutive suffix -ka-ke (reblog + addition by OP)
Kötőszók első rész/ Connective words part one (reblog)
Kötőszavak második rész / Connective words part two (reblog)
How to learn a language (reblog)
hearing your target language from early on is so important (reblog)
The reason why you need to understand a culture to learn a language (reblog)
I dont think a lot of people realize how big a part of languages culture truly is (reblog)
free online dictionary by Akadémiai Kiadó offering Hungarian to/from English, Spanish, German, French and Italian (reblog)
My favorite thing is that Europe is spooky because it’s old and America is spooky because it’s big (reblog; long post with people telling about their experiences with people from different continents; absolutely worth reading)
How fast does the train go? (reblog)
European culture is hating all other European nations (short, funny post) (reblog)
Eastern Europeans are all Slavic!!!!!! (reblog; funny, not-100%-serious post)
don’t talk shit about my shitty country (reblog; very short, funny post)
Eurovision 2018:
Reaction of Hungarian musicians on making it to the ESC Grand Final 2018 (reblog)
I do appreciate the fact that the Hungarians finally resolved the “english or your own language” dilemma (reblog; funny post)
In the early days, Eurovision was a sober contest (reblog)
English translation of Viszlát Nyár (reblog)
How to write dates in Hungarian (by OP)
Hungarian name order (by OP)
How to clap in the theatre (by OP, who thought it wasn’t universal. he spent a lot of time making that post tho so it’s here; includes a GIF)
You can see this decal on some glass doors of the CBA supermarket in South Slovakia. It says “We also speak Hungarian”. Little history about Hungary 1920. (reblog)
Eastern European school canteen moodboard (reblog)
Teaching you about early Hungarian culture in meme-format (reblog; short post)
Portraits of Székelys (reblog)
Májusfa/Maypole (reblog)
Most Studied Foreign Language other than English in Lower Secondary Education, 2016. (reblog)
Ballagás (by OP)
Hungarians and English - what accent do we speak? (by OP)
Ukrainian family member about Hungarian cuisine. Hungarian version here.  (by OP; short post)
Hungarian history in Hungarian (advanced) (by OP;  first part of a long video-series about Hungarian history; advanced vocabulary required to understand)
About Hungarian literature. short post; interesting facts, well-known writers & poets. some vocab. (reblog)
Sports in Hungary short post; interesting facts. some vocab. (reblog)
Judit Czinkné Poór is a Hungarian artist and pastry chef that creates the most incredible cookie art I have seen. (reblog; pictures of very nice looking cookies)
“Budapest and the country” (reblog)
Starbucks-os minta alapján: Pilvax Kávéházi kávé Sándornak/Like Starbucks: Coffe from Pilvax for Sándor (reblog; history; március 15)
A chart with Hungary in the middle (reblog)
Excerpt from Kincskereső Kisködmön (by OP)
The pain of the Hungarian keyboard, illustrated in meme-format (by OP)
Hungarian Despacito parody by famous Hungarian YouTubers of Pamkutya (by OP)
What does the C. K. stand for in Louis C. K.’s name? (reblog)
Hungary is not a real place. Despite being Europeans, Germans can’t differentiate between Hungarian and Italian flags. (reblog + addition by OP)
Hungary is not a real place. Despite being Europeans, Germans can’t differentiate between Hungarian and Italian flags. Tourists can’t, either PART 2 (reblog + addition by OP + addition by another reblog)
i’ll never understand why we don’t call countries the names they actually call themselves (reblog + addition by OP about how other countries call Hungary + what we call them)
Freddy Mercury wanted to buy this cool Hungarian building (reblog)
Polish vs Hungarian: How to pronounce “s” and “sz” (reblog)
“Leesett a tantusz” (reblog)
In Hungarian we don’t say.... #1 (reblog; alcohol mention)
In Hungarian we don’t say... #2 (reblog)
In Hungarian we don’t say... #3 (reblog)
The word “madárlátta” (reblog)
slang: lepkefing (reblog; short post)
bolgár vs bulgár (reblog; short post)
Head or tails? in Hungarian (reblog)
Raccoon in Hungarian (reblog)
What the Hungarian word for “to explain” literally means (reblog)
Bundáskenyér. Literal and actual meaning. (reblog)
The slang word “letüdőzni” (reblog)
szabi vs Szabi (reblog)
addition to mapsontheweb’s map on how European languages say “wolf”. Some of the countries south from Hungary call it a word that means something else in Hungarian (reblog + addition by OP)
Budapest near the Danube at night (reblog; pictures)
Lake Balaton (reblog; pictures)
Kecskelyuk barlang, Hungary (reblog, picture)
Queen concert in Budapest; Freddy Mercury singing a Hungarian song (reblog)
Nehéz nyelv a magyar.../Hungarian is a hard to learn language... [Hungarian captions in the post, no translation] Original YouTube video (by OP)
Pom Pom Meséi: Gombóc Artúr/The Tales of Pom Pom: Gombóc Artúr. [ Hungarian captions in the post, no translation ] Original video (watch it before it gets taken down again) (by OP)
An excerpt from the Czechoslovak film Funebrák (1932) showing us how Hungarian sounds like to them + they parodize our csárdás dance + Markos György makes fun of Russian, while also mixing in some Hungarian words (by OP)
90 years after her great-grandparents left Hungary towards Brazil, Marina visits her ancestors beloved land. The original video has English captions, OP added Hungarian captions in reblog (reblog + addition by OP. OP promised to make a video description in the tags. he lied.)
Charlie Chaplin cutting a mans beard in tune to Brahms Hungarian dance no 5 (reblog)
Vidéki szavak - pesti füleknek – Words from the countryside - for the “ears” of Budapest. Hungarian captions & English translation in the post (by OP)
Romeo and Juliet: Verona (by OP, after he found the “sparkly Hungarian fandom” tag)
Spongebob opening. Link to video in the post. Hungarian captions + translation in the post (by OP)
OP has seen video about future English, talks about Future Hungarian, adds video about Hungarian animated series Mézga család/The family Mézga (reblog)
saying “I love you” when you’re bilingual (reblog + addition by OP; screenshot of a tweet)
playing a game of sports in a foreign country and forgetting in what language you should yell (by OP; short post)
when translating just doesn’t work #1 (by OP; short post)
when translating just doesn’t work #2 (by OP; short post)
how to make memes after article 13 (reblog)
fiókát találtam, mit tegyek? (reblog)
Hungarians (=OP) are unable to watch The Flintstones without rhymes (by OP)
How not to translate “turkey” into Hungarian (reblog)
How not to translate “üzemen kívül” into English (reblog)
How not to translate “üzemen kívül” into German (reblog)
58 notes · View notes
blankdblank · 5 years
Back Again Pt 3
Tumblr media
Pt 1 - Pt 2
Tags –
@himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess, @aspiringtranslator​, @sweeticedtea​, @ggbbhehe4455​, @thegreyberet​, @patanghill17​, @jesgisborne​, @curvestrology​, @alishlieb​, @jogregor, @armitageadoration, @fizzyxcustard, @here2have-fun, @abiwim​, @jotink78, @c-s-stars, @evyiione, @deepestfirefun, @thequeenoferebor
Curiously your eyes focused on the large bright green demantoid garnet square stone surrounded by six other square black opals wrapped in lines of diamonds resting on your finger. It sat underneath the simple courting band coated in etchings of ravens and Dwarven runes marking his name and clan markers you’d tearfully removed and dropped onto the floor in his angered shout to ‘just leave then and forget him and his kin’ before your turn to slam the door. The painful loss of that ring linking you to the only family you’d known stabbed greater than you’d ever imagined with the sound of its clink on that shining floor echoing in your mind almost daily since then. Wetting your lips you shifted and slid to the edge of the bed and brushed back the covers to walk through the house at the sounding of the doorbell after the text that had woken you.
Through the main hall you spotted Dis through the glass panes around the front door with a growing smile as you brushed your hair from your face and opened the door. “Dis, morning, did you want some tea?”
She shook her head, “No, sorry to wake you, just wanted to stop by real quick and possibly see if you could look at something for me?”
You nodded as she stepped inside the doorframe showing you the bound manuscript in her hands barely an inch thick and asked, “It’s called Tortimer the ornate wonder. Bit grand of a name but it really is adorable, little girl who finds an imaginary friend that takes her through her dream world after a Kelpie takes her. Really adorable, we got it a few weeks back and our illustrators really can’t find images that live up to the author’s expectations.” She wet her lips as you met her eyes again, “Now he dropped by yesterday and he spotted your picture in my office, simply demanded to work with only you.”
You nodded and claimed the book, “I’ll give it a read through, just the chapter illustrations and front intro pages?”
She nodded as her smile grew in passing you a worn folder containing pages of poor copies of sketches and doodles from the author after catching a glimpse of your rings. “From the author. Said you’d just know what to make of them.”
You smirked at her after flipping through them then met her gaze again, “Shouldn’t take me long too read through it. I’ll draft up what I can for him.”
She claimed a quick hug from you, “Thank you, so much! Let me know when you get a few and I’ll pass on copies to him, he’s scheduled a meeting at the end of the week. Eager, but at least he’s been patient with our team in waiting for a suitable illustrator.”
You smiled at her as she turned to head off to work, “Have a nice day. Go ahead and pass it on to him if he calls. I’ll keep you posted.” As she hopped into her car she gave you a wave as Vili was still hunched over securing the ties on his shoes in the passenger seat before he glanced up giving you a friendly wave. Waving back you slipped inside again and locked the door behind you on your path to start on your breakfast, ignoring the usual ache in your body adjusting to the new weight on your chest focusing on the manuscript.
By the time your plate was cleared you had a flurry of ideas flowing through your head. Quickly you rinsed your dishes and added them to the dishwasher then carried the papers to your bedroom. Against a stack of pillows you lounged with your tablet in your lap leaving your laptop Dis had gifted you, to help you upload your work to the company server aiding your work at home, beside you to save each of the images in order. A growl of your stomach signaled you to the lunch you nearly missed. Your tongue dipped out to wet your lips as you sent the last image to join the others you added to your account with a message you sent to Dis alerting her to the additions on your path to the kitchen.
By you return you read through her glowing review of the images along with the eager drop by the office the author had made leading him to tears nearly at your perfect renditions of the first half of the book. Ones that were soon joined by the second half by nightfall shifting the book to nearly double the size to add in the images the author demanded be included, wishes that the entire company agreed upon when seeing the skills of their new hire. Those images stirred up a race to go through your extensive list of books and company projects you had worked with leaving the entire team, including Dis, baffled at what you had grown capable of bringing to life since the last project you had seen completed before graduation had separated you.
The naming of your place in the company brought on a few of your former coworkers calling you and wishing you well in your new position after asking why you had been forced out of your spot. Unable to share that just yet you simply stated you were unwell and had to return home to be with family, the only response being their irritation at not giving them notice at having to take over your projects that soon cut off as a good number of clients left when they heard you had left the company.
With dinner time nearing the front door opened allowing Thorin inside to find you seated on your bed after moving the laptop and tablet to the dresser along the wall, grumbling as you tried to stretch your stiff back. An easy smile spread on his face as he paused in your doorway lowly rumbling, “Need a back rub?”
In a glance at the door you smiled up at him saying, “Yes, please. Spent too long in one position I think.”
Allowing his bag to slide form his shoulder he said, “Brought a few things, hope you don’t mind.” Setting it on the dresser on his way to sit behind you, leaving a gentle kiss on your cheek as his hands gently slid onto your shoulders.
“I don’t mind, thought you might be bringing more than just a bag with the ring you left me.”
Unable to contain his smile catching a glimpse of it when you retwisted your hair into another bun allowing him to see the muscles you had that had lost some of their size in your bed rest and recovery. “I wouldn’t assume I had the right to, no matter what I gifted you. I do hope you don’t mind. I couldn’t think of a better time to hand it over. Besides, by all accounts you should have had it by now if I hadn’t driven you away.”
Dipping lower onto your back you bit your lip at the sore knot his fingers hit, “By that logic I assume each gift giving holiday I’ll have mountains of gifts under that same explanation.”
“If that’s what you wish for.”
In a turn to face him you caught his loving gaze and weak chuckle at your playful glare, “You know I don’t want a mountain of gifts, you know that.” Through his low chuckle stirring from your hand gripping his collar to pull his forehead to rest against yours he nipped at his lip then released it to accept your kiss. Softly your hand eased around the side of his neck through the loving lip lock as his hands eased over your cheeks only to chuckle again at his drawing back.
In a purr he stated, “Your back Love.” A grumble came from you as you rolled your eyes and leaned in to steal another kiss when his hands lowered, gliding your arms around his neck while climbing onto his lap.
After a few minutes of fighting a losing battle against his own wish to hold you in the now heated tangling sprawl across you bed a low muffled growl sounded along your neck at the doorbell pulling him off of you as he said, “That’d be dinner.”
Furrowing your brows you sat up fixing your top asking, “Dinner?”
He smirked back at you, “Ordered it on my way over.”
Following him through the house you eyed the large order he and the delivery boy carried into the living room table before he paid and tipped the boy and showed him back out again. Back at your side he curled his hand around yours setting you on the couch saying, “Back rub Love. Then food and as many kisses as you like.”
Firmly his hands returned to your back and the knots he had yet to ease away, “How long have you had the ring?”
“It,” Weakly chuckling behind you he replied, “it’s the final design after a long line since graduation.”
“So you just kept working on it, after?”
He wet his lips behind you, “Part of my role in courtship is to honor my word to you. I promised you one of the rarest set of stones and designs I could find. I’d already secured the stones from my Uncle, before, and well I spent a decade working them off. Wasn’t till the past year I’d finally understood the design perfect for it. Your notes in psych, they all had that little doodle on them marking which columns you marked things in trying to keep your Dwarvish runes in line.”
In a scoffing chuckle you fired back, “I will have you know switching from Hobbitish to Khuzdul is not easy.”
He chuckled lowly, “I remember our lessons in Uni perfectly and every dent in the walls we made in our frustrating vocab lessons.”
“I’m certain it’s all gone now no doubt.”
Wetting his lips through his smirk he switched to Hobbitish, “I’ll have you know, out of spite Bilbo enforced our lessons on the whole family. Boys are fluent now too. Though names are a bit tricky.”
With a soft giggle you replied, “Figures, he was the best at enforcing studying habits. Except for when Dwalin wore those shorts of his.”
Thorin laughed behind you, “Ah, those, still has them.” Leaning in he lowly added, “Doesn’t think I know about him still having them tucked away.” Making you giggle again.
“They do make his thighs look incredible I bet still.”
You giggled again at Thorin’s chuckling lean in to kiss your cheek, “I am certain he would love to hear he’s still got his ‘honey thighs’ from someone other than his Hubby.”
In a firm pat on his legs beside yours he smirked as you said, “Why didn’t we ever get you a pair again?”
He chuckled replying, “Because you kept giving me that smile and my pants never really stayed on long enough for you to have enjoyed them.”
You nodded as his arms snaked around you when his hands had finally reached your hips, resting against his chest you stole a peck on his cheek, “Can I ask how the acorn’s holding up?”
After a nip at his lip he rumbled back, “Still intact. Dain demanded a touch up last year.”
“Demanded?” you fired back in a giggle.
Chuckling he replied, “Yes. Even my testicles are not free from his demand for his pristine condition on his work. Dwalin made sure I was cooperative.” You giggled again, “Frerin even stated you would want the marker of our shared secret intact when we got back together.”
“You, all planned us getting back together?”
Thorin nodded, “Bilbo even got time off in a few weeks, was going to go out there and find you. Demand you come home. The kids were going to be involved, pouting and crying until you agreed.”
“I don’t think it would have taken all that to get me back…”
“Did you enjoy it at least? Grey Havens?” His arms loosened helping you turn to start on the food.
“Um. I had a nice garden Lovely set of wind chimes. Drew in flocks of humming birds my neighbors hated, but I loved them, so beautiful. Work, was work.” His brow rose when he met your eye curiously, “I love my art, all the projects I have loved it, my boss, utter trash, but work I loved it.”
He smiled at you, “I did get a message from Dis on lunch to ask for a glimpse at what you’d done today for the project she left you.” His eyes scanned over you, “You are able to handle work right now?”
You nodded, “Ya, just got a bit wrapped into it. Habit with the old schedule. Used to get so many projects, had to go through novels in a matter of days.”
“Really? Can’t imagine you got much sleep.”
“I made time.”
He smirked at you, “Juice?” You nodded and watched him walk to the kitchen to fetch your drinks and return eyeing you rotating your shoulders, “Still sore?”
You shook your head, “No, just have to stretch and rotate them or they try to lock up when I sleep since bed rest.”
“I noticed you’re a bit slimmer.”
You nodded accepting the glass from him, “I’ll be happy when I can start exercise again. It’ll help with the new jiggly bits, and I’ll steady out again, not feel so helpless.”
Seated beside you he cupped your cheek stealing another kiss, “You have never been helpless.” Holding his adoring smile even through your eyes filling with tears, “I love you, and I know it doesn’t feel like it, but you’re far from helpless.” Stroking his thumb across your cheek claiming the tears there, “You managed to illustrate for an entire children’s book today. In one day! Dis hasn’t been able to do that in a week most cases!” After a gentle kiss on your cheek he continued, “You are magnificent, and no one in that office could have imagined anyone being able to silence that man and his expectations.”
With a smirk you replied, “Bard really put a lot of work into it.”
“Ooh, do tell?” His smirk eased out as he filled your plate and then his own scooting a bit closer to you, letting you continue your old habit of laying your legs across his.
“It’s a bedtime story he told his daughters and Son after their Mom passed. Apparently Dis says he’s got a whole series he’s wanting to put out, just couldn’t find the right person to illustrate it.”
His smile inched out more through your explanation, “No wonder he’s so certain on wanting you for it. I can’t wait to see what you’ve come up with. Dis mentioned you’ve made quite a leap since uni.”
“Well I’ve had a lot of time to practice since I’m done with all that studying.”
“I bet, and all those hours you used to spend sleeping in your extra jobs, hell of an addition to your free practice time.”
“Exactly.” His smile grew as you gave him a playful smile and soft giggle.
When dinner was through you helped him clean up and followed him back to your room where he poured a bath for you as you pulled out a change of clothes. In the bathroom you set your clothes on the counter catching his smile as he stood from adding the oils to your bath in a glance over his layers he couldn’t help but smirk. “I know that look. That look got us nearly naked in that cabin.”
Smirking at him in return, “If I remember correctly I was not the only one giving a look. You did that whole, pouting smirk thing.” He shifted his face to try and remember the look as you giggled pointing at him, “Close.” Drawing his smile back, “Have to furrow the brow too.” Earning a chuckle from him, “And don’t think I didn’t hear the Boom from Frerin and you when we hit all those courting markers. Including when you first sat around me in class.”
He nodded and chuckled softly, “Ya, we haven’t, haven’t said Boom in ages it seems.”
Smiling at him you replied, “I miss the Boom.”
His smile grew moving closer to help you out of your shirt, “We’ll bring it back then.” Leaning in as he tossed the top onto the sink he pressed his lips to yours, “Just for you kurkarukê.”
Rolling your eyes you eased your hands around his neck as he stole another kiss and pressed his forehead to yours, “Would it be strange to ask if you’d join me?”
“Not strange at all.”
Pulling your head back you nipped at your lip before saying, “Cuz I sort of need help with my back and hair.” His smile grew, “You’re a bit broader, I can help with yours too if you like.”
He chuckled softly, claiming another kiss, “Only if you want to.” Leaning down he helped ease you out of your pants and panties while you undid your bra and tossed it onto your discarded tank top, stepping out of your clothes he added to the pile before starting to unbutton his shirt. As he eased it down he caught your lips purse in your inspecting his reflection in the mirror. 
Your curious walk around him stirred a chuckle from him as he tossed his shirt away with yours and reached down to add his socks to the mix joining the pile. His hands paused when your fingers tapped your name across the rim of the anvil between twin ravens across his shoulders forming part of what would begin the family tree for you both under the seven stars, six black and one bright blue for his clan, to be added on with small hammers and axes for each pebble under the anvil.
Your soft sniffle caused him to turn and curl you in a tight hug. Against his shoulder you mumbled, “Dis saw the ring this morning.”
“I’m surprised I haven’t heard of it already.”
“It does look an awful lot like an engagement ring.” He couldn’t help at your slightly leading statement silently requesting a clarification.
“That’s because it is, if you’ll have me?”
“This isn’t just because of the Pebbles question?”
Pulling back he shook his head, “Not at all. I mean it, I want to have a family with you. No matter what, I’m yours.”
“I can keep you?”
He nodded purring back, “You can keep me.” Your smiles fought to grow nearly ending the kiss you pulled him into. In a momentary parting he said, “We should get you in the tub.”
As he let you down he claimed another kiss from you then turned you guiding you into the tub, lowering down behind you after moving the soaps within reach. Each gentle caress over you was thoughtfully given, assuring you were lovingly soaped and rinsed off, leaving it purely as his doting way of ensuring your every inch was cared for before moving to your side to carefully washing your hair for you. Curled against his chest after he braided your hair into a braid he twisted into a bun. You nipped at your lip when he helped you out and to dry off you slid your fingers along his asking, “You wouldn’t happen to have your ring still?”
Reaching up he wove his fingers into his hair in a tucked bun, with a hidden braid he drew out to unhook the ring from and passed it to you stirring your smile wider at the acorn and Hobbitish runes around the simple band marking your name and Mother’s clan markers. Carefully you slid it back into place on his ring finger widening his smile as you peered up at him and giggled softly through his crashing kiss he wrapped and lifted you in his arms carrying you to the sink where he helped you into another pair of pajamas and into the bedroom where he pulled on a new pair of boxer briefs and a pair of sweats over. Then grabbed all your dirty clothes to add to the clothes hamper and joined you on the bed, stealing another kiss from you before nipping his lip as you pulled up the first of the images drawing an audible gasp from him.
By the fourth chapter’s images your front door opened and Dis with a long stream of Durins behind her filled the house as she called out, “I know I promised myself I wouldn’t say anything until the morning, but, well, I lied. We’re here,” her eyes landed on you as she climbed onto the bed curling at your free side pulling you into a tight hug, “It’s long overdue. Officially, welcome to the family.” One by one they all claimed their own hugs and offered their dessert offerings between sharing their own Khuzdul sentiments and well wishes between your happy tears at the sudden family gathering.
Pt 4
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sanderstalker · 6 years
The Fault in our Sides Chapter 6: Control
Warnings: Mentions of parental neglect, mentions of therapy, self doubt. Let me know if I missed any. 
Word Count: 1,026
“Hold on, rewind,” Talyn ordered, “She has aspects of personality too?”
        “Sorta? Angel calls them Faults.” Thomas answered his friend.
        “So their like… the worst version of her?” Joan guessed, earning an explanation that that was how this girl saw them.
    Thomas continued with his descriptions and stories, though few they were, the input of all four sides being included as well.
        “And Timidness,” Thomas said in place of Patton, “is supposed to be Morality, but she just shivers in the back ignored!”         “And Violence,” Thomas said as Virgil, “looked pretty much in control.”         “AND THERE FASHION SENSE WAS ATROCIOUS!” Roman took complete control, lamenting about the horrid choice in attire. The two friends, now done with their slices of pizza, covered their ears in response to the appalled shriek.         “Sorry,” Thomas apologized, “ I'll dial Roman down-”
        “YOU WILL DO NO SUCH THING!” Roman hollered, making Thomas cover his own ears, much to Joan and Talyn's confusion. *Offended Princey Noise*
        “Roman, the adults are speaking,” Logan started, earning another offended Princey noise, “Now, Thomas, if you will please relay what I would like to add.”
He nodded, and started the short monologue.         “Being an expositional character,” he started, “I shall explain the course of events that may solve the issue at hand.” The audience of two listened intently.         “We believe that Angel is not entirely happy with who she is, and has had trouble with others in her past, so, we need to show her that A) not everyone is a judging, as you say, A-whole,” Thomas saw the notecard Logan had put down, “And B) that she is special because she can see these sides of her, and that they are not a sort of horrid disease, as I suspect she sees them as.”         “And we want to be friends with her!” Thomas relayed Patton's short message amusing Joan and Talyn as they saw the strange transition from serious to happy-go-lucky.     It was a short silence before Talyn spoke up.
        “So… I guess the first action to take is meet her.” They observed.
        “Yeah,” Joan started, “Though… subtlety will be a top priority!”
        “You? Subtle?” Thomas laughed.
        “I can be subtle if I want to!”
Virgil made himself known once again as he shuffled in his spot on the stairs.
        “Violence will certainly like your vocab of curse words.” He chuckled darkly.
Thomas didn’t say Virgil’s input, though gave him a cold stare in response to which Virgil only shrugged.
    A plan was slowly drawn out, and once they were all half way done, Thomas realized a crucial error.
        “Maybe I should get to know her more first… Introducing Angel to more than one person, though separated as you are, may cause an unwanted reaction.”
This was agreed upon, and the plan was postponed for a later date.
    It was a hot day, and Angel was opening up the chicken coop to let the air flow, Indecisiveness rattling on about another window… or not…
        “It may need it… but we don’t want any unwanted wildlife finding a way in…”
        “Will you just keep quiet?”
Angel would have continued, but was interrupted by her flip phone starting to ring. She noticed the caller I.D., groaning as she answered it.
        “Hey Thomas.”
        “Hey! Are you free any time soon?”
        “Another get-together?” Indesiciveness seemed to perk up.
        “Yeah kinda.” Thomas answered.
Angel glared at her logical side, who disappeared, Timidness taking her place.
        “I have a couple buyers coming for eggs and meat this week, so I’ll have to schedule around those appointments.”
        “No problem! I was thinking maybe Saturday, around 4?”
        “I’d have to get back to you on that.”
        “Alrighty! ‘Till next time!”
The call ended, and Angel placed the tiny stone-age phone back in her pocket. It was cheap, and all she needed. Though she would have liked to have looked up this Thomas character, but having no internet of any kind simplified things.
    Hiking up her worn blue jeans, the light brown haired young adult started for the small cabin she called home, the black muck boots sticking to the slightly muddy ground as she passed the goat pen.
        “You know he’s just going to get tired of you.” Came the smooth talk of another Fault.
        “What is it this time, Doubt.”
Turning, Angel faced the ringleader of her Faults, Doubt’s right eye a void of pure, black emptiness, only a small yellow pinprick to show that she had any sort of eye to behold. Her attire was a simple cloak that hid her entire body, the closed part in the front only revealing the hidden figure when she raised an outstretched hand, but even then, nothing could be seen.
        “You, that’s what it is this time.” She cackled, “He’ll laugh, like the others, the same laugh you heard in the parking lot.”
        “But…” Timidness spoke up, “Patton said they’d stay… that Thomas would st-stay.”
Doubt looked down to this creature, a wicked smile gracing her face as she bent down to the cowering girl’s height.
        “Isn’t that what you said about Ma and Pa?” Doubt chuckled, “ ‘They’ll stay’, you said, ‘they love us’, you insisted, ‘they’ll help us’ you claimed. They all believed you, you were trusted, and then Mom and Dad took us to the shrink. How many pills did we take? How many different fourth floor hospitals did we see? Tell me, where was the truth in your words?” Timidness shrunk back, falling to the muddy ground as her bare feet tripped over a rock, her blue nightgown now stained, “It wasn’t morally right to lie to Angel, now was it?” Doubt chuckled, then turned back to the original, “He’s just like everyone else, just you wait, it only takes time.”
Doubt disappeared, leaving a crying Timidness, and Angel to go back to work, ignoring the soft sobs of the poor girl, teddy bear in hand as she shook. When the sobbing stopped, Angel looked up to see the girl gone, the ground undisturbed. She felt guilty, but the guilt was short lived as Indesiciveness came back to remind her of the other chores needing to be taken care of.
Tag List: @mavisturtle​, @logicallyanxious-morallyromantic​, @anony-phangirl​, @sleepyssnail​, @phlying-squirrel​, @virgilcrofters​, @ierindoodles​, @yangsembercelica​, @barlibismi​.
Let me know if you want to added or removed.
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cheolbooluvr · 3 years
hehe i just want to be a good anon for this event that's why!!!! plus i am genuinely curious and the missions are fun so when i see them im like time to hit up your ask box! and you're very welcome! im glad to be of help, even a little!!!
sorry chris but anyone who even has a one millisecond stint in fortnite is diagnosed with gamer 😔 im so sorry to break the news to you 😔 DJDHSJS honestly tho props to u i never got around to playing fortnite because it scared me so short or no that is genuinely impressive hahaha. omg don't remind me... my poor island... i have also abandoned mine at this point... sorry to all my islanders i got intimidated by all the really cool islands i saw online and just stopped playing one day 😔 as someone who has just extricated myself from a battle royale game... they are very anxiety inducing!! i haven't played fort nite but I played another similarly high stakes one and got weirdly committed to getting a certain number of wins every season haha but I was getting super burnt out by the end of the latest season so I'm probably gonna take a break from it!
I CALLED IT SJSHDKSJDJFD... MY TIME ZONE IS +9.30... WHICH IF I MATH OK... is like a 16h30m difference??? but ask games would be really cute!!!!!!!!! did u have any ones in particular u liked or? i can look for some too hehe but i think this is a great alternative considering like... look how big that time diff is DHDJKSJDD... although I will say low-key I think it'll be fun to do one of those writer ask games hehe, although it might be difficult on ur end since my anonymity makes it hard to see my work!
you're so welcome! you'll be at 500 before you know it im sure!!!! double that too!!!!!!! also fhdjsjdd I've never seen 💔👄💔 used before but I may have to adopt it into my emoji vocab post haste... and yes of course hehe, I had such a lovely time with em so it was my pleasure to read through them really! and like im genuinely so excited for the jun angst extravaganza fic that I was totally gonna make a joke about how you should add me to your tag list even tho im an anon. ALSO RIGHT.... THERES JUST SOMETHING ABOUT IT... I GET A LITTLE EMBARASSED BECAUSE IT FEELS SO SELF INDULGENT... EVEN THO AGAIN IM FINE WITH IT BEING THE OTHER WAY AROUND...
interesting interesting ill note that down hehehe. I'm going to try my best to because I really do love giving gifts! also hehe fun that it's so close to seungcheols, my birthday is also within a couple of days of... two seventeen members, actually 😂
thank you! I am trying my best to as well!!!!
- 😺 carat anon
you are the BEST anon!! <3 srsly i am so sorry i've been slacking omg i had a volleyball tournament this past weekend and then i was also hellbent on finishing and posting jun angst so T^T
but let's get into it, shall we? :D
alkjadlkfjda PLZ I'M NOT A GAM3R G0RL i was SO BAD at fortnite (ngl it was fun in the early days tho). but omg speaking of battle royales, which one did you play??? bc my friend tried to get me into apex and valorant but damn i was not good at all. again, the anxiety got to me LOL i was like 'i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die' and then i'd....die. you know what i would enjoy, and if you have any recs plz let me know, is a game where i can just shoot things without the pressure of staying alive lol. like targets or cans or maybe even zombies?? BUT UGH MY POOR ISLANDERS T^T they haven't seen me in months and i think i might just completely redo my island bc honestly? i hate it. hate it hate it hate it. i wanted it to be cool like those ppl you talked abt, but then i just got stuck :( so maybe i just need to revamp it.
WAIT THERE'S A (16H)30MIN DIFF IN OUR TIMEZONES??? WAH OMG I'VE NEVER HEARD OF THAT ASFKJDALJA but damn :(( i don't have any in mind off the top of my head :o or maybe like a this or that type thing where i give you two options and you pick?? i realize i need to YOU more things LOL but yes i'd be down for the writer ask games!! i could just ask you stuff and you answer as much or as little as you'd like :D
being at 300 is already a dream, i can't imagine what 500 would be like T^T THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT OMG MY HEART WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS!? LOL 💔👄💔 this is one of my favorite variations of this face, plz adopt it, it needs another home <333 OH i left this in my ask box for too long but jun angst is now live :D if you get the chance to read it, i'd love to know your thots!! but it's long so totally understandable if you don't have time to get to it.
BUT YEAH I'M SHY TOO LIKE HELLO AHHH IF I DO REQUEST I'D JUST STAY ON ANON I THINK MEEP like why is that...my reaction?? when i myself am a writer....?????? and see i don't even mind self-indulgent work bc that's like half of my work anyway LOL but smth abt it...just makes me shy uwu
OOH 2 svt members :o i'm guessing 218 bros!! you don't have to tell me if i'm right if you're not comfy tho!
anyways sorry i took so long to get to this D:
0 notes
guillemelgat · 7 years
La plaça del diamant (part 1)
Els pares em van donar La plaça del diamant de Mercè Rodoreda pel Nadal i aquest estiu vull llegir-lo i entendre’l! El primer llibre que vaig llegir en català va ser de més de 900 pàgines, però estava traduït del castellà i a més a més un llibre modern i crec que no era tan díficil entendre. A diferència La plaça del diamant és una de les llibres més importants de la literatura catalana i està escrit en català d’un nivell ben avançat. Per això, volia entendre el que volia dir i em va semblar una bona idea compartir-ho tot aquí també per qui vulgui aprendre el català!
My parents gave me La plaça del diamant (The Time of the Doves) by Mercè Rodoreda for Christmas, and this summer I want to read it and understand it! The first book I read in Catalan was over 900 pages long, but it was translated from Spanish and it was a modern book and not too hard to understand. On the other hand, La plaça del diamant is one of the most important books in Catalan literature and it’s written in fairly high-level Catalan. Because of that, I wanted to understand what I was reading and it seemed like a good idea to share it here too for whoever wants to learn Catalan!
La Julieta va venir expressament a la pastisseria a dir-me que, abans de rifar la toia, rifarien cafeteres; que ella ja les havia vistes: precioses, blanques, amb una taronja pintada, partida en dues meitats, que ensenyava els pinyols. Jo no tenia ganes d'anar a baIlar ni tenia ganes de sortir, perque m'havia passat el dia despatxant dolços i les puntes deIs dits em feien mal de tant estrènyer cordills daurats i de tant fer nusos i agafadors. I perquè coneixia la Julieta, que a la nit no li venia de tres hores i tant li feia dormir com no dormir. Pero em va fer seguir vulgues no vulgues, perque jo era així, que patia si algú em demanava una cosa i havia de dir que no. Anava blanca de dalt a baix: el vestit i els enagos emmidonats, les sabates com un glop de llet, les arracades de pasta blanca, tres braçalets rotllana que feien joc amb les arracades i un portamonedes blanc, que la Julieta em va dir que era d'hule, amb la tanca com una petxina d'or. 
Quan vam arribar a la plaça els músics ja tocaven. El sostre estava guarnit amb flors i cadeneta de paper de tots colors: una tira de cadeneta, una tira de flors. Hi havia flors amb una bombeta a dintre i tot el sostre era com un paraigua a l'inrevés, perque els acabaments de les tires estaven lligats més enlaire que no pas el mig, on totes s'ajuntaven. La cinta de goma deIs enagos, que havia patit molt per passar-Ia amb una agulla de ganxo que no volia passar, cordada amb un botonet i una nanseta de fil, m'estrenyia, ja devia tenir un senyal vermell a la cintura, pero així que el vent m'havia sortit per la boca la cinta tornava a fer-me el martiri. L'entarimat deIs músics estava voltat d'esparreguera fent barana i l'esparreguera estava guarnida amb flors de paper lligades amb filferro primet. I els músics suats i amb mànigues de camisa. La meva mare morta feia anys i sense poder-me aconsellar i el meu pare casat amb una altra. El meu pare casat amb una altra i jo sense la meva mare que només vivia per tenir-me atencions. I el meu pare casat i jo joveneta i sola a la plaça del Diamant, esperant que rifessin cafeteres, i la Julieta cridant perque la veu li passés per damunt de la música, ¡no seguis que et rebregaràs!, i davant deIs ulls les bombetes vestides de flor i les cadenetes enganxades amb pasta d'aigua i farina i tothom content, i mentre badava una veu a l'orella va dir-me, ¿ballem?
Rifar - to raffle off
Rifar la toia - to raffle off a branch with flowers, a old tradition at Catalan dances where the boy who won the flowers could dance with any girl he liked
Pinyols - insides of a fruit 
Despatxar - to sell (at a shop), to turn out (some object in production)
Enagos - petticoats
Emmidonat - starched (midó - starch)
Fer joc - to match, to go well together (referring to outfits, designs, etc)
Petxina - clam shell, shell of a bivalve
Guarnir - to decorate (reminds me of garnish, not sure if they're etymologically related but they probably are)
Tira - strip
Ganxo - hook
Nanseta - a little loop, from nansa/ansa, loop
Senyal - here it means an imprint or a non-permanent mark on the skin from being pressed by something for a long time
Fer a algú el martiri - literally to make someone a martyr, figuratively to be a pain
Entarimat/empostissat - a platform, a rugged floor or ceiling made from planks
Barana - railing
Rebregar(-se) - to crumple or wrinkle something
Badar - to gape
Aquí teniu unes activitats més a fer si voleu/here are some more things to do if you want: 
I think these are the most fun exercises/best for people learning the language:
a) Indica la pronunciació deIs elements en negreta (Identify the pronunciation of the bolded elements): 
1. abans de rifar: sonora o sorda? (voiced or unvoiced?)
2. taronja: oberta o tancada? (open or closed?)
3. dolços: oberta o tancada? (open or closed?)
4. una altra: sona o s'elideix? (pronounced or elided?)
b) Digues el significat que adquireixen aquestes paraules o expressions al text o indica'n un sinònim. (Write the definition of these words or expressions in the context of the passage or identify a synonym.)
1. pinyols
 2. estrènyer
3. tant li feia dormir com no dormir
4. glop
c) Torna a escriure les frases següents substituint els elements en negreta en cadascuna pel pronom feble adequat. (Rewrite the following phrases substituting the elements in bold for the correct weak pronoun.)
1. Jo no tenia ganes d'anar a ballar 
2. Quan vam arribar a la plaça els músics ja tocaven
3. Hi havia flors amb una bombeta a dintre
4. tot el sostre era com un paraigua a l'inrevés
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sidewritings · 7 years
Picky Eater: Part 2
Inspired by this post by @pirate-patton
See Part 1 Here
Pairings: None
Genres: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Warnings:  Eating disorder, misunderstood acronym, panic attack, negative self-talk
Word Count: 1545
Author’s Note: I received so many requests for a continuation of this fic that I just had to add this final part.  Hope you enjoy   Also, I’ve started tagging my original fics on here #sidewritten so hopefully, they will be easier to find.
Virgil woke up on the couch in the living room.  Memories from right before his collapse came rushing back and the anxious side sat bolt-upright, heart pounding. Of course, the abrupt movement made his head go fuzzy and his vision swim which only added to his panic.  How did he get here?  There was yelling before he fell, they were mad at him.  He had to hide. He had to do something because now they knew he wasn't getting better.  They knew...
Vigil pulled himself together enough to look around. There was a bottle of water on the coffee table beside him, which he gratefully downed. He didn't see the other sides, but now that he was calming down a little, he heard the sound of hushed voices coming from upstairs. Slowly, Virgil pushed himself up from the couch and walked as quietly as possible to the staircase to listen.  He could do better damage control when he knew how bad the situation was.
“We should have done something sooner!” That was Roman, always a bit too loud, even when trying to be quiet.
There were some quiet mutterings he couldn't quite hear before he made out another voice.
“We'll need to break it to him gently, he's likely to get upset.” Oh no, that was Patton. Break what to him?
“ Some CBT will go a long way...” that was Logan, but he must have misheard.  CBT?  How did Logan even know what that was, and worse, why would they want to use it on him!?  
Virgil sunk through the floor into his room, locking the door with a resounding click. He fell to the floor, shaking and wet.  A trembling hand raised his hand confirmed that he was crying.  Feeling worse than he could remember feeling in years, Virgil wrapped his arms around himself and wept.
He'd failed to control his weird eating habits.  He'd failed to hide it from the other sides. He'd failed himself, and worse, he'd failed Thomas.  His stomach and his heart were tying themselves in knots, and the pounding on his door wasn't helping.  Everything inside him was screaming so loudly it felt like the room was screaming at him too. All he could do was hold himself tighter and gasp for breath between the sobs.
Something broke, and then there were arms and hands, cradling him, pulling him.  They forced him to sit up, hands were holding his against a chest, he was leaning against another chest.  There was a hand stroking his hair and an arm around his waist.  There was a voice, he couldn't make out the words, but it was familiar. The chests were moving in sync, and he slowly found his own trying to match it. He was breathing with them.  The voice was counting. First to four, then to seven, then to eight.  He was breathing with the counts and the chests.
He started to regain awareness of his surroundings.  Patton was in front of him, he was the one holding his hands against his chest.  There were tear streaks on his face.  The voice was Logan, coming from beside him from about the same level.  Probably kneeling then. That left Roman.  Roman was the one he was leaning against, the one stroking his hair and holding him securely but not restrictively.  
Virgil slowly relaxed against the gallant side's chest.  Even mad at him, they wouldn't yell at him yet, not when he was like this, and they had come to help him calm down, so maybe they wouldn't resort to CBT after all.  
“Virgil?  Can you hear me now?” It was Logan's soft and concerned voice.
Virgil nodded slightly and felt Roman sigh, he assumed, in relief.
“Good. Can you speak?” Logan again, same soft, soothing voice.
Virgil opened his mouth, trying to say anything, and nothing came out.  He shook his head and felt Patton give his hands a gentle squeeze.
“Okay, Virgil. Is the physical contact overstimulating you?”
Virgil shook his head.  It felt kind of, nice. He felt secure.
“May we put you on your bed?”
Virgil thought about it for a moment, then nodded.
Patton released his hands gently.  Virgil expected Princey to the one to pick him up and was surprised when Logan carefully plucked him from Roman's arms and lifted him bridal style.
“I've got you,” Logan said, as he carried him over to the bed and lay him back on it gently.  Once Virgil was situated comfortably, Logan stood and Virgil worried he'd leave, but he left a hand on Virgil's shoulder.
“Would you like us to stay with you?  You seemed to respond positively to the physical constant.”
Virgil nodded again and tried to say yes, but he couldn't speak yet.
Apparently, he didn't need to because in moments Logan was on the bed beside him, holding one of his hands.  Patton was on his other side, stroking his hair and resting his head on Virgil's shoulder.  Roman lay behind Patton, reaching over the parental side to hold his hand, rubbing his thumb over Virgil’s knuckles.  It was warm and safe, calm and soothing.
After a few minutes, Virgil cleared his throat and tried to speak again.
“I-I got my voice back,” he said quietly. He didn't have to be loud, they were right next to him after all.
“Virgil,” oh God, it was Patton, and he was using Dad voice, “Son, we need to talk about this.  We want to help you.”
“We won't do anything you don't want us to do, Virgil, but we're worried about you not eating,” Roman said, squeezing his hand.
Virgil looked at Logan, who nodded.
“So, no CBT?” Virgil asked, still feeling apprehensive.
Logan looked surprised, “If you're uncomfortable with it, though I had thought you'd be more receptive once you knew what it was.”
Virgil levered himself up on his elbows, forcing Patton to sit up and stop stroking his hair, “How could you think I would be okay with that?!”
“Well, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy is one of the more effective treatments for your particular brand of eating disorder, but if you're opposed, we could try hypnotherapy..”
“Wait, what?  What eating disorder? What, therapy?”
Logan quirked an eyebrow but kept the soft and reassuring tone when he spoke again. “Virgil, I've been taking note of your symptoms over the past couple weeks. From my observations and a bit of research, I determined that you most likely have avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder.  In your case, it seems to be tied to your experience of anxiety. Cognitive-behavioral therapy, or CBT, is the most common treatment for this disorder, but there are other options.”
Virgil couldn't help it, he laughed.  He laughed until he was wheezing and his eyes watered. Patton giggled next to him and Roman guffawed.
“Logan,” Virgil gasped when he got some breath back, “that is not the only meaning of CBT. Maybe don't use that acronym.”
Logan went to pull out his vocab cards, only to be stopped by Roman.
“Trust me, you don't want to know,” Roman said, shooting a wink at Virgil who rolled his eyes.
Logan put away the cards, eyeing Roman with mistrust.
Patton looked back and forth between Roman and Virgil, looking to be let in on the joke. Virgil just smiled at him, not happening.
“So that thing where I can't force myself to eat, that's a disorder and it has a name. Huh.” Virgil said, “And you guys were trying to figure out how to tell me without making me worry.”
“Well of course!  We love you, Virgil” Patton exclaimed and wrapped him in a tight hug which Virgil returned.
“Thanks, Dad.”
“I'm... I'm sorry Virgil, for not doing more sooner,” Roman said, looking adorably uncomfortable.
Patton let him go and Virgil pulled Roman into a hug, earning an 'oof' from Patton being squished under Roman.
“Awww, Sir Sing-A-Lot cares about meeee,” Virgil teased, earning a bark of laughter and a hair ruffle from Roman.
“Course I do Hot Topic, but Logan's the one that figured it out and knew what to do. Believe it or not, he's the one who broke your door down to get to you.”
Virgil let go of the fanciful side and turned to check the door.  Sure enough, the door to his room was wrecked off its hinges.  That kind of damage usually had Princey all over it, for Logan to have done that...
The logical side stood next to the bed, cleaning his glasses carefully.
“I used the most direct method to reach you when it was imperative to do so quickly.” Logan blushed, “I will repair your door, or replace it as necessary.”
Virgil stood up and took two steps over to Logan in the time it took Logan to replace his glasses. Virgil threw himself at Logan, almost sending them both crashing to the floor.  
“Thank you.”
Virgil held on to Logan like he didn't want to let go, and he really didn't.  When Logan hugged him back like he was the most precious treasure, Virgil knew he was going to be okay.
He was home.
Tag List: @cinquefoilelove , @aikogumi , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @the-sides-of-patton , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch
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first-order-general · 6 years
Hiiii! Eggs anon here! I’d very much like to RP with you properly, but I’m pretty crap at ye olde tumblr. Please could you point me to some basic resources for like how RP should work or like etiquette etc? Thank you!
// oh shoot okay I really want to help you on this because tumblr rp is a wonderful magical thing let me round you up some resources.
First and foremost, roleplay is for everyone. Having a fancy blog and icons and stuff is all very well but honestly all that really matters is that you show up, you respect your partners, and you do your best (: Having pretty graphics doesn’t really matter in the long run. It’s about telling the best story you can, cooperatively.
some (brief) vocab:thread - the roleplay, itself. usually it takes the form of a post that each user reblogs back and forth and adds onto.mun - the writer behind the charactermuse - the character. meme - prefab activities intended generate new threads. these are often in the form of sentence starters, where a list of possible sentences is what starts the thread.
As far as etiquette goes, the most important thing is just to listen to your partners. A lot of people have lists of rules on their page, so it’s good to read those before interacting with that person. If they have a character bio, it won’t hurt to read that too, even if they’re a canon character, just in case there’s something specific you might need to know when writing together.
the browser extension xkit has some modifiers that make tumblr easier for roleplay (there’s one in particular that allows you to edit posts so that you can keep threads short). This isn’t really necessary, but it can help make things easier, keep things cleaner. If possible, it’s good manners to delete your last response when you write your next one, so that each post doesn’t get too long and clog up everyone’s dashboard. 
Other etiquette things that are good to know: - tagging triggers is appreciated, as well as tagging nsfw. some people prefer to put nsfw under a cut, so that nobody accidentally sees it (I’m a little shy sometimes, so I’m guilty of that)- writing nsfw with minors is illegal in the united states, please don’t tell someone you’re over 18 if you aren’t, it could cause a lot of problems- It’s considerate to have an ooc tag, both for blacklisting purposes and so that people can distinguish between mun and muse. - there’s no real etiquette around roleplaying with duplicates of the same character. some people (I think most people) do it, some people don’t.  It definitely means there are more partners available to you-basically just be nice, you’ll be fine :) 
Honestly, it’s not as complicated as it sounds. There’s some culture to the whole thing, but it’s something everyone learns. There’s tons of resources out there, and if you have more questions you are always free to ask me. Here’s a few of my favourite resources, just for further reading (:
this is one of the best explanations of tumblr rp I’ve seen by a roleplay blog.this and this are my favourite RPH (roleplay help) blogs this is a great place to get iconsthis and this are great places to get themesthis is another great source, mostly for themes but also for other graphics stuff
I can answer more specific questions if you have them, but that first link is so good that I thought typing up a how-to might be a little redundant
feel free to PM me too if you’d rather talk that way n3ngood luck!!
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pet-diary · 6 years
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⟰Here are my 2018 New Year Resolutions!!!⟰
This year I am hoping to be really focused on building better habits in the things I want in my life. For instance, I really want to be better at drawing. I know that I have to practice DAILY if I ever want to be a ~person that draws~. I used to be a ~person that draws~, but over the past 10 years, I’ve really just let that habit fall to the wayside for other habits and hobbies, which makes me so sad! I used to love drawing! And this is something I really want to be a part of my life, a part of who I am as a person... So I decided to set some realistic goals to motivate myself into learning new styles and mediums that I would love to know how to do, while maintaining the habit of drawing daily. You can see how I did it below. Same for all my other resolutions and goals, I tried to set up plans to make them work. :) Some of my resolutions are just general and I didn’t come up with a plan for them. I just need to remember to check-in with myself every so often and remind myself to do them.
The template (in case you want to do it this way too):
[Name of resolution - Quick tag line so you can see it at a glance] ✨ Goal: What is the main goal here? How would it define you as a person? 🎯 Target: Specifically, what will it look like to have ultimately achieved this goal? 🏹 Aim: What steps can you take to achieve it?
ACADEMIC & CAREER // [Continue learning Japanese, gain basic everyday life language skills] ✨ Goal: Learn enough Japanese to be capable of basic conversation and writing. 🎯 Target: Study Genki textbooks + online apps or sites every week. Practice vocab in daily life. Teach Trev basics to make it more fun. Learn vocab for everyday life items and situations. 🏹 Aim: Read and practice Genki textbooks or Textfugu at least 1 session weekly, practice vocab app or other forms of study at least 30 mins daily.
CREATIVE // [Draw regularly again + Focus on practicing a monthly artist style/medium] ✨ Goal: Be a regular drawer, learn how to use different art mediums, practice favorite artist's styles. 🎯 Target: Dedicate every month to practicing a new style in art, choosing one medium and one favorite artist to focus on. Drawing something daily. 🏹 Aim: Draw at least once per day, doesn't matter how much, but ideally aim for an hour daily. Practice monthly art style for inspiration. Choose at end of month specifically who/what to focus on, print off inspiration to hang around room and be inspired by. Try to learn something about the artist along the way, immerse in artist's life/process while learning the style.
Some possible artists to study (off the top of my head):
1. Risa Mehmet 2. Faetus 3. Hospicemilk / fever-breath 4. Song__Caramel / Caramelsong0915 5. Henry Darger 6. Winsor McCay 7. Yumiko Ōshima (The Star of Cottonland) 8. Minipete 9. Guppy 10. Nao Emoto (Forget Me Not) 11. Gosho Aoyama (Case Closed) 12. CLAMP (Sakura) 13. Henriette Willebeek le Mair 14. Yuko Uramoto (The Life-Changing Manga of Tidying Up) 15. Tyrus Wong 16. Louis Wain 17. Eon (Super Secret)
Some mediums to study (off the top of my head):
1. Watercolor 2. Pastels 3. Ink 4. Markers 5. Crayon 6. Charcoal 7. Graphite 8. Collage 9. Paint of some kind (gouache?) 10. Clip Studio Paint 11. Color pencils
[Share photography regularly + Focus heavily on shooting/sharing film] ✨ Goal: Become listed as featured artist on Grace and Girlhood (i.e. post enough film photos to be considered film photographer). 🎯 Target: Edit and share photography every month, focus heavily on film. Post to IG, submit photos to G&G. Keep up with scanning negatives so that it's easy to post film regularly. Learn to use to continue practicing w/ diff film and cameras. 🏹 Aim: Post at least 5x monthly. Work on photography scanning/editing for at least 1 hour weekly.
LIFE // [Immerse myself in lifestyle (grad school, art, Seattle, etc), blog/vlog whole process (good & bad)] ✨ Goal: What is the main goal here? How would it define you as a person? 🎯 Target: Specifically, what will it look like to have ultimately achieved this goal? 🏹 Aim: What steps can you take to achieve it?
[Become an early riser + Go on daily walks] ✨ Goal: Wake up earlier every day, taking advantage of daylight. Have more time to spend with Trev. Become someone who goes for morning walks/runs (be that person who finds a body on an early morning jog!). 🎯 Target: Wake up early, go to bed early, make it a regular habit to become an early riser and get the most out of the daylight. Go on morning walks regularly.🏹 Aim: Go to bed around 9:30-11pm, wake up at 5:30-7am, make a coffee/tea to go, go for a walk/run, make breakfast when I get home. Wake up as early as possible!
[Cook more + Learn more Japanese & vegan recipes + Prepare bento regularly] ✨ Goal: Cook dinner more, and make bento for work/school the next day. Make rice-based recipes more often, eat healthier meals, snack healthier. 🎯 Target: Make enough rice to justify buying a new rice cooker (reward!). Go through recipe books and try more Japanese recipes. Eat healthier, make more vegan-based meals. Make bento for me and Trev with cute bento accessories, for work/school/picnic. 🏹 Aim: Make a rice-based recipe at least once a week. Plan and make meals from books and saved recipes from Pinterest (focus on vegan and Japanese recipes) every week. Make lunch for Trev and I the night before using bento accessories and online inspiration.
[Watch more anime + Read more manga] ✨ Goal: Become someone that watches anime/reads manga and web comics on a regular basis. Become more familiar with existing shows/comics. Pick up art inspiration for web comic and art styles. 🎯 Target: Watch anime regularly, read web comics everyday instead of wasting time on other stuff. Get inspiration for my web comic. Practice techniques from shows and other comics/manga. 🏹 Aim: Watch anime at least 1x weekly, instead of other things I watch. Start a series w/ Trev and add it to show rotation. Read web comics/manga at least 1x daily, check update feed for series I follow on Webtoon and other apps. Check feeds like My Anime List, Anime News Network and Honey's Anime for inspiration.
(Cutting the rest of this entry because it’s already written in the image, but wanted to include it for readability and searchabilty).
ACADEMIC & CAREER // * Continue learning Japanese, gain basic everyday life language skills * Apply for grad school * Learn how to talk about what you know, about yourself, & to talk in general * Continue fleshing out career goals
CREATIVE // * Draw regularly again + Focus on practicing a monthly artist style/medium * Share photography regularly + Focus heavily on shooting/sharing film * Start the ephemera shop! * Start working on graphic novel!! Don’t let the idea die unrealized
LIFE // * Immerse myself in lifestyle (grad school, art, Seattle, etc), blog/vlog whole process (good & bad) * Become an early riser + Go on daily walks * Be openly autistic – fuck worrying about what ppl will think anymore * Make new friends, make an effort to meet ppl, esp in grad school * Set down roots, even if you have to uproot them eventually * Continue taking the bus, be more self-sufficient, grocery shop, run errands alone * Cook more + Learn more Japanese & vegan recipes + Prepare bento regularly * Watch more anime + Read more manga * Read (for fun) at least 1 page a day * Start watching movies again, the feels can be good in the long run * Listen to music more often, get into new stuff
PHYSICAL & MENTAL HEALTH // * Maintain weight, don't go over/under healthy ideal weight * Look cute more often, even just around the house * Stretch every day, regardless of exercise * Go on weekly walks, at least 3x weekly, esp morning walks * Exercise alone or w/ Trev at least 1x weekly, aim for 2x weekly * Push yourself to do things that scare you! Esp if it’s irrational fear * Look into getting on medication to deal w/ anxiety * Maintain positive mindset, esp upon waking up & greeting Trev at end of day * Be nicer, control anger better, be more empathetic & friendly
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legendofgrump · 7 years
awkwardarin replied to your post “awkwardarin replied to your post “4, 7, 10 you bet your ass I’m...”
*chanting* DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT
You ask, I deliver. Here we gooooo~ (Also I’m going to shame you all I want SO)
As per request, I’ll answer all the asks (that I haven’t already) from the fanfic questions post, but it’s under a read more so I don’t literally kill everyone’s dashes. I’m so sorry in advance
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in? I mean, before I even knew what “fandom” meant, I was writing Twilight fanfiction, so I guess that counts. The first one I actively participated in was the Grump one haha
2. What is your latest fandom? Ouran High School Host Club, but again, if you want active participation, then I guess uhhh Night in the Woods?
3. What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in? Definitely the Grump fandom!! I’ve met all the best people and 99% of my friends through this blog right here!
4. Answered
5. Which fandoms have your written fanfiction for? Uhh Twilight, Big Time Rush, Total Drama, Game Grumps, technically AntiPoppy but it’s not even close to done and not published
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9. What are the best things about your current fandom? I mean, for this fandom, like I said, it’s got all my friends in it. Everyone’s super supportive and there’s tons of opportunities to get involved and create stuff and support other creators! It’s probably one of the nicest communities I’ve been a part of.
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11. Who is your current OTP? Currently I’m still heavily thinking about Hikaru and Haruhi from Ouran Host Club so that I guess haha
12. Who is your current OT3? The all time babes are Rubbercommanderbang. Also Raven, Cyborg, and Beast Boy is a ship that @cantolopejeevas made me think about and I love
13. Any NoTPs? Refer to this massive post
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs? Hikaru and Kaoru from Ouran, The entirety of the Teen Titans, the monks in Xiaolin Showdown, etc
15. Is there an obscure ship which you love? A n t i P o p p y
16. Are their any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike? I’m more or less indifferent toward Egobang if we’re gonna be real here. I just don’t feel like there’s anything I can add to it at this point.
17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favourite? I mean, before I knew what that meant, probably RaiKim from Xiaolin Showdown. And they’re still great, but now I’m a little gayer.
18. What ship have you written the most about? Ironically? Probably Egobang. I wasn’t so cynical about it when I first started haha
19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them? Refer to number 16
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking? Hmm probably like Septibang? Or CommanderSeptiBang?? Those were two ships I just kinda stumbled upon and was like? Okay I guess we’re doing this now??
Also Mae and Selmers from Night in the Woods. Surprisingly wholesome.
21. What was the first fanfic you ever wrote? I think I mentioned this before, but it was self-insert Twilight fanfic. Honestly I wish I was just as shameless as I was in middle school. Writing Mary Sue self-insert fic where you ship yourself with a main character is fun and satisfying as hell.
22. Is there anything you regret writing? Aforementioned Twilight fanfiction. Though part of me doesn’t because it was my origin story and also, like I said, shameless and for fun.
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it. Ahh probably either “You Monster,” which is like my best stuff that I’ve put up so far??? or the massive Big Time Rush fanfic I talk so much about just for the sheer size of it :P
24. What fic do you desperately need to rewrite or edit? You Monster!!!! I’m gonna write a redux soon I promise.
25. What’s your most popular fanfic? ???? According to Archive, it’s You Monster! How nice~
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28. If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of? Literally anything??? I love all fanart of anything I make??? But I guess You Monster haha
29. Do you have a beta reader? Why/Why not? Hahaha no I don’t write enough to warrant having one. And also I literally almost never edit anything I write rip
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32. Do you listen to music when you write or does music inspire you? If so, which band or genre of music does it for you? Depends!! Sometimes music really confuses my brain and makes me unable to think of words, especially if it’s really word-heavy music (which is most of what I listen to). If I’m really struggling, it usually helps to do it in silence so I can focus. But otherwise, I used to make little playlists of instrumental music to listen to, or play premade playlists of like study music or something.
33. Do you write oneshots, multi-chapter fics or huuuuuge epics? I really like writing huuuuge epics/multi-chapters but I’m really bad at finishing things ;--; so most of what gets published are requested one-shots/ficlets (one of which was requested the other day and I’M STILL T R Y I N G I SWEAR)
34. What’s the word count on your longest fic? Oh buddy. It’s over 100K.
35. Do you write drabbles? If so, what do you normally write them about? Uh I guess? But I’m not particularly stuck to the “required word count” for the different vocab. I usually only write really short things when people request stuff haha. But it’s kinda fun~
36. What’s your favourite genre to write? Probably just straight angst. Angst that develops character, specifically, but angst nonetheless.
37. First person or third person - what do you write in and why? Third person. I used to write in first person and for some reason it always seems less?? effective/neat to me? Plus I write very colloquially and I find it easier to do when I can write in third person.
38. Do you use established canon characters or do you create OCs? Usually canon characters, but if it’s something like Total Drama that depends on constantly changing casts of characters, I’ve definitely made some of my own characters.
39. What is you greatest strength as a writer? Uhhh???? Uhhhh????? Does not compute????
40. What do you struggle the most with in your writing? Effectively capturing characters, at least that fit my own standards. And then also the anxiety that comes along with thinking its good enough to waste people’s time with. :’)
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading: I’m not...currently reading any...but I will link to five of my favs.
1. Before and After (Shaddic) --Total Drama (also tw for a lot of HEAVY mental illness/abuse/violence) 2. Wu Xing Shield (DragonNutt) -- Xiaolin Showdown (tw: death) 3. If Lost, Return to Phil (thatsmistertoyou) - Dan and Phil (I don’t remember, I just remember it being really fucking sad) 4. Two Roads Meet (pianodan) - Dan and Phil (tw: suicide) 5. The Vibe and The Vibe 2: 2Fuck2Vibrator (by our very own @cantolopejeevas) (tw: gratuitous smut ;) )
42. List and link to 5 fanfiction authors who are amazing: 1. @cantolopejeevas​ / @grumpygamersandvibrantcolors for obvious reasons. they’re just!!! so good!!! at all the types of writing. (hey go commission them) The Ultimate Senpai 2. @i-am-avacado oh boy they angst well! current holder of the angst crown (for nooooow~) honestly writing senpai 3. @devilgate-drive provides the Good Quality Rubbercommanderbang Content and also just generally talented 4. @sweetiefiend writes the cute shit!!! like damn!!!! 5. @autumn-feels so??? talented for her age??? and so deep wtf
43. Is there anyone in your fandom who really inspires you? I mean, all of my friends for one. And my lovely darling @cantolopejeevas who continues to push me forward and compliments my work all the time. But yeah, all my friends make me wanna get better because they’re all so good and I wanna do that tooooo!!
44.  What ship do you feel needs more attention? AntiPoppy. Please.
45. What is your all time favourite fanfic? Fuckin’!!!! Wu Xing Shield, listed above!!! It’s the first fanfic I cried reading!!! And it’s so beautifully written!!! If you like Xiaolin Showdown, I recommend it. Plus, it also took stuff from Xiaolin Chronicles and made it bearable. Bless.
46. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why? Ahhh You Monster. It’s probably my best one. Even though it needs heavy editing haha.
47. Archive Of Our Own, Fanfiction.net or Tumblr - where do you prefer to post and why? I mean....Fanfiction.net is where it all began, but I never posted anything on it. I think AO3 is the best for posting fics and keeping track of them. But more people usually see it if I post it on my tumblr. So a mixture of those two?
48. Do you leave reviews when you read fanfiction? Why/Why not? For the longest time I didn’t because I had major anxiety!!! I was too nervous to leave a comment, no matter what. Plus, I didn’t really make accounts on either ffn or ao3 so I couldn’t have if I wanted to. But now I like leaving tags and stuff on people’s works on tumblr and (if I read more fic) I would leave comments, just because I want people to know they’re doing good work!!
49. Do you care if people comment/reblog your writing? Why/why not? Yeah, I mean, of course! I love seeing comments on all my work, art, writing, or otherwise! It’s just nice to know that someone liked something I made, especially if it’s something I’m self-conscious about like I am with writing. And reblogs help spread it around so it can get more attention, so that’s always helpful!
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