#irrationally long & extremely specific
j-esbian · 9 days
one of my biggest pet peeves and my smallest hill to die on is when people act like parchment is just The Old Fashioned Paper, or worse, use those terms interchangeably. it’s especially egregious in the fantasy genre, of course.
and i can kind of see how they got there: a lot of surviving texts from medieval europe are on parchment and that influences the way people perceive things; because ofc western fantasy draws a LOT of things from medieval times, that just gets exported along with the ideas that thatched houses are constantly falling apart and gothic churches come pre-blackened with soot
there’s a lot of ground to cover with the history of the written word, but the thing about paper is that it really took off because the gutenberg press made it fast and cheap to make books and paper was CHEAP and much easier to produce. parchment is expensive and, quite frankly, a much more limited resource (and it also didn’t disappear after the printing press took off. i’ve seen books printed on vellum, but by that point it was for the novelty/explicitly because it was so expensive). but it does have significant longevity vs paper, so of course it was usually reserved for important cultural items. people wouldn’t be using parchment to make a flyer for the county fair or to advertise a job, and probably only used it for correspondence if they’re very rich. granted, before the printing boom galvanized literacy levels (because it made reading material cheaper and more accessible), generally only rich people were literate and would have a need for something to read and write on, but there have been pamphlets forever
paper existed before the 13th century and honestly, whether it was anachronistic in real life shouldn’t bother you in a made up setting and anyway PLEASE remember that paper and parchment are not the same thing
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jam-n-jay · 3 months
Because of the whole ~situation~ I've been seeing a large uptick in transfem support/positivity posts and don't get me wrong I appreciate it but I think it needs to be said
If you actually want to support trans women YOU NEED TO COMMIT TO THEM.
The harassment, violence, and censorship we face is constant, it is not relegated to isolated incidents extreme enough to be broadcast to the wider public. Every time something drastic like this happens people will show up, offer their support and condolences, but in the intermediary just go back to perpetuating the very transmisogyny that led to this in the first place. That's why the events of today have been utterly unsurprising for any trans woman who's been even the teensiest bit plugged into the general 'discourse' that just so happens to follow us wherever we go. Again I feel the need to repeat:
This is the result of a pattern of persecution that is not limited to just outright transphobes and TERFs. It is one that YOU, YES YOU, are capable of perpetuating. In all likelihood, you HAVE spread or contributed to it in some form or another. So LISTEN TO TRANS WOMEN. Vet call-out posts targeting us, be wary of spontaneous hate mobs against us. Acknowledge the reality of transmisogyny and don't be afraid to face your own culpability in it. TME people, stop getting irrationally upset at TMA/TME terminology. It is meant to be used specifically in the context of discussions around transmisogyny. It's not the axis around which all trans-ness rotates, there are grey areas, and it doesn't function well as a general label like trans man/trans woman or AMAB/AFAB because that was never meant to be it's purpose in the first place. It's a tool to assist in the discussion of a prejudice nothing more.
Do not just listen to transfems when our voices are at their loudest. Even when things seem quieter you have to KEEP LISTENING. If you can't do that, all your current words of support and solidarity will mean jack shit in the long run, and that's when it matters most.
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thatpodcastkid · 8 days
Magnus Archives Relisten 16, MAG 16 Arachnophobia
Oh mirror characters, we're really in it now.
MAG 16 analysis, spoilers ahead!
Facts: Statement of Carlos Vittery regarding the manifestations of his arachnophobia. Statement given May 1, 2016.
Statement Notes: oh no.
Okay, starting gently. I was particularly intrigued by Vittery's methods of denial and level of cognitive dissonance. He always knew there were spiders in his garden, but didn't feel the need to move until he actually saw them. He knows Major Tom probably isn't killing every spider, but he's okay pretending to believe it. He lives in a state of willful ignorance because what else could he do? With such a crippling phobia, how else could he be expected to live if not in denial?
I also noted Carlos' increasing bravery, as well as his increasing willingness to commit acts of violence. Bravery may actually be a strong word, as he is simply more willing to kill spiders to eliminate his fear. This is a strategy the Web utilizes often to push people into becoming, if not avatars, harmful to others. Can someone be called brave solely because they enact violence on that which they fear? Did Vittery become stronger or weaker? Did he become more courageous or more of a coward?
Carlos also becomes increasingly isolated as the episode progresses, largely due to his fear of spiders outside his flat and the way the spider may take over when he leaves. He also doesn't seem to have any close friends or family to intervene or help him as his phobia worsens. This is notable because, with no one to rationalize what is happening to him, Carlos descends further into fear.
Vittery also strangely emphasizes the "stylized blue owl" on his mug. Does this come up again? It seems like a logo, but for what?
"Completely encased in webs." Not a few. Not covered in spiders. But completely encased in webs.
Entity Alignment: If Hill House can't be called the beginning of The Web's ritual and Annabelle Cane's plot, this episode can be:
Vittery didn't move into the new flat until he saw the spiders in his old one. He lived there for years and sat in that garden many times without seeing any spiders, when suddenly dozens descended on him. The Web forced Vittery to move so that he would become Prentiss' victim. His new flat holds the silver worms that infect him. This is where Martin is attacked. This kicks off the season 1 conflict. This begins the end. This gives the Spider everything she wants.
This theory is furthered by the fact that the spider haunting him prevents Carlos from leaving his flat and encourages him to give up Major Tom, removing his ability to escape or kill the worms.
The Web is known to play the long game, so it's entirely possible that it has been arranging this since 1991 by sending the spider to scare young Carlos. However, I also like the idea that the Web had several options it could send to the Boothby Road Flat, but specifically chose Vittery due to the intensity of his fear.
Character Notes: This has been said before, but it is so eerie how similar Vittery is to Jon. They both live in willing denial of their fears. They both act irrationally in the face of common problems. They both respond to their feelings in extremes or not at all. They both are proven right. They are both haunted by the ghost of the spider that ruined their childhood.
I have a...concern about the implications of my earlier web theory. Many fans cite MAG 22, in which Martin describes his escape from Prentiss after investigating Vittery's apartment, as the moment when Martin and Jon's relationship softens. I personally believe this is when Martin's feelings for Jon began to form, and Jon began considering his feelings for Martin before fully experiencing them in the season finale.
But if this episode is prompted by the Web and Martin's investigating part of Annabelle Cane's manipulation, then is Jon and Martin's relationship also a part of their plan? Cane clearly needs Jon to open the other universe. She really only seems to use Martin as a lure for Jon before the series finale, kidnapping Martin to tempt Jon to Hilltop Road. Is that the whole point of Jon and Martin being together? Would they ever have found each other if Cane didn't need to prepare her bait five years in advance?
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laniemae · 4 months
About the situation at hand and why I responded this way
[important please read]
Ok, so as you know I have been in a really dark mental state. A couple days ago I saw a post about a ship which really triggered me and I got extremely upset. Things escalated quickly and I ended up sending hate mail to the person who the post was dedicated to (and has been a problem in the past) and acted outwardly violent on my blog.
I’m sorry for what I did. I was in a really dark state at that moment and couldn’t think of anything else to do, and was so scared. I had felt this was the end for me on tumblr so I decided to go all out. But now I’m still here, and I have to deal with the consequences of what I did.
I really want to talk about how this all happened and why I reacted like this and thinking about it a lot I think I understand why. I have really bad reactions to the ship 0709, but really thinking about it it’s not the ship itself that much. Even though I think the ship is really creepy by shipping a young adult with someone who’s almost middle aged, I don’t care about ships much. In a normal situation I wouldn’t of responded this way. Let me explain.
The original incident started at the very start of the year in the second gartic phone game that was hosted. Someone did a prompt of the ship and I got very uncomfortable. I started getting really stressed and had to quit the game. I talked about my distaste on my blog and how I was feeling. Eventually someone replied on my post saying that the ship was totally ok in this creepy positive tone instead of acknowledging how I felt. I will not go into the specifics of the person who started this as I feel like it’s rude.
But some background, a part of me hated this shop because it reminded me exactly of some other creepy ship in a fandom I was in 3 years ago. I expressed my discomfort for it and was constantly dogpiled and harassed by so many people. Lots of the comments did not acknowledge how I was feeling or tied to reason, and instead replied on this creepy positive way of “it’s ok because…”. In a way that attitude was much worse than the actual hate I got and that experience lead me into an incredibly bad mental state, and is probably the reason I don’t trust people that much online.
Now the comment I received had exactly the same tone as everything that happened back then, and I started freaking out. This was no longer about the ship itself, it had became personal.
To say it again, in any other circumstance I wouldn’t of reacted this way. The ship itself and people’s responses to it made so that 0709 wasn’t just a ship I disliked, but the embodiment of all my fears in this fandom and that one experience online 3 years ago.
Things escalated and it kept getting worse. The idea of the ship itself had long gone and it was more so about what it symbolised.
Now please, to anyone else my attitude seems like I’m just some silly anti who sends hate mail, but this situation has become personal and detached from any sort of shipping.
That one post for Valentine’s Day a complete set me off. Things had been brewing for a long time, especially when I had to leave for a week. It felt like a personal attack, not caring about my situation at all. And I guess that’s where I snapped.
After everything I’ve become extremely paranoid of everyone. Every like on that post or support felt like a swarm of people hating me and out for my blood. I know I have acted irrationally, and because of that I believe I am irredeemable. All I want is to safely return to the fandom and have things be like they were last year. Where I can laugh and make theories and art and talk about the series I love so dearly. But I’m so scared I’m too far gone.
It feels like everywhere I go people hate me. People have been treating this situation in a way that frames me as just some anti. It’s like a game to them. Or perhaps that’s just me being paranoid, as now I can’t tell my fears from reality. So many people have blocked me and I just want to tell them how extremely sorry I am for everything. And even that actions heightens my fear of being hated by people.
I have acted awfully in this situation. I have always been a social isolate and I have never ran into a situation like this where I felt like so many people hated me and I was stuck. And to a point where I knew these people and how it got personal. I had no idea how to respond to a situation like this and I guess even though I never wanted to, ended up resorting to violence.
I just want to say how sorry I am, and hopefully you can forgive me and everything can return back to normal and be happy.
[if you see this, please reblog this. I want people to know about this situation]
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inkbirdie · 1 year
words to use that don’t demonize personality disorders!
It seems that it’s becoming more and more common for people to label others and others’ behavior as “narcissistic”, “psychopathic”, “sociopathic”, etc., especially on platforms like TikTok, where lingo spreads quickly. People associate negative qualities with these real disorders and use them to criticize or insult other neurotypicals. These words are used as a way to instantly show that someone is a “bad” or “evil” person. In reality, having a personality disorder does not make you a bad person at all! It is damaging to these communities to continue spreading this dangerous rhetoric. People with these conditions are already more likely to experience abuse and ostracization along with the mental health issues they may go through. 
So, this is my list of words or phrases that people often mean instead of naming a condition. You can use these instead of referring to a personality disorder like the ones above and more. Feel free to add your own words! (Note: I do not have any of these conditions. Please correct me if I say something incorrect or offensive!)
This is a pretty long post, so I’ve put everything below the cut.
Crazy/Insane: These words aren’t truly connected to any specific disorder, but are still used to hurt people with personality disorders. They are very ingrained into our vocabulary and can be hard to remove. I’m currently working on it myself!
What you mean: wild, ridiculous, unlikely, wack, strange, odd, absurd, silly, preposterous, ludicrous 
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): People often use phrases like “I’m/that’s so OCD” to indicate someone/thing that is clean or organized, sometimes to an extreme. 
What you mean: organized, clean/cleanliness, neat, hates mess, hates germs, healthy, coordinated, sanitized, tidy, orderly
Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD): People usually are referring to this disorder when they say words like “sociopath(ic)”, “psychopath(ic)”, “psycho”, and “psychotic”. This is used to indicate general “badness” and can be used to describe someone who has committed violent actions.
What you mean: violent, oppressive, unfriendly, mean, rude, unsympathetic, unkind, cold, unlikeable, bully, brutal, ruthless, murderous, cruel, barbaric, savage, harsh, threatening
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD): I’ve seen this one all over recently. People use “narcissist” to instantly paint someone as a “bad” person. They usually use this term when the person is manipulative and/or egotistical.
What you mean: manipulative, egotistical, self-obsessed, uncaring, callous, calculating, devious, has ulterior motives, controlling, selfish, vain, shallow, self-centered, conceited, full of themself
Schizoid Personality Disorder: This one is hard to characterize, as “schizophrenic” is used to describe many types of behaviors. It is generally used to refer to someone they think is “crazy”. 
What you mean: unpredictable, irrational, illogical, eccentric, senseless, raving, raging, distraught, wild, frenzied
The R Slur: This harmful term is falling out of favor as the autistic community continues to advocate against people using it. People who still use it are usually aware that it is not a good word to use. However, I thought I’d include it anyway.
What you mean: autistic (if the person in question is genuinely on the spectrum, autistic is a perfectly fine label to use), disabled (same note), off-putting, abnormal, atypical, unusual, not going along with societal norms, bad decision, disagreeable, irregular, peculiar, out of the ordinary, bizarre, uncommon, unexpected
Bipolar Disorder: People usually use “bipolar” as a way to describe someone who has mood swings or is acting irrationally. They may also say things like “maniac” or “maniacal” to mean the same thing or to indicate violence. 
What you mean: irrational, illogical, moody, acting strange, unreasonable, silly, senseless, foolish, absurd, impractical, volatile, inconsistent, erratic, unreliable, temperamental, fiery, emotional, impulsive
Many of these terms are used as synonyms but have slightly different connotations for people who misunderstand these conditions. Sometimes people refer to others as “borderline” (borderline personality disorder [BPD]) to mean the same thing as “psychopath” or “bipolar”. Meanings can fluctuate and mean many different adjectives. Please use words and phrases like I have listed instead of continuing to stigmatize and demonize these real human beings who are completely deserving of love, respect, and dignity. Add your own words that you like to use (my favorite are wild and ridiculous) in the notes! 
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cherrydott · 1 year
Long winded mad ducktor post
Or my version anyway
Yelling in an empty auditorium abt this. FIRST one of the core things about MD for me is that at his core, his purpose is to protect Gyro. No matter how irrationally or dangerously he chooses to do so. His origin is literally going to get back at scrooge for not paying gyro enough for his services. There is nothing in MD that wasn't already present in Gyro, albeit greatly exaggerated in his case. My personal view on most jekyll and hyde situations is that there isn't an Evil half, just a half comprised of everything someone tries or can't help but to suppress, like standing up for themselves. MD in this case is a defense system.
Dt17 Gyro already comes gift-wrapped with a bunch of angst and insecurities from his past that y'all already know about. I trust that anyone that's gotten this far has watched astro boyd at least 7 times, so I don't need to go into it. We can throw worrying about Gizmoduck in there too (both for Fentons safety and the overall success of his invention). You've also got the spear. Why not something for both the duck twins? Duck avenger is a large part of this AU, Gyro supplying his gadgets and various intel on his missions like your "guy in the chair" trope.
While PK is on missions, often Gyro is holed up in the bins security room with a live feed from his suit, contact lense cameras and earpieces etc. Eventually Donald gets into the habit of disabling his feed/communication when things get nasty in the field, out of embarrassment or not wanting to make Gyro worried about him.
To no ones surprise, sitting in a room of static while god knows what happens is a hundred times worse for him. Mad Ducktor is born from helplessness.
Magic does a great job exaggerating things, desires or feelings, and someone who's not level headed should not go near powerful magic artifacts no matter what. [Enter the DeSpell amulet]
It starts off more as a casual project at the lab too get more of an understanding on the amulet. Not necessarily how to use it or some new invention with it, just a study so they're less in the dark. It doesn't take long for a little obsession to creep up and for Gyro to insist on taking this project solo. Long term exposure to it does not so great things to him, leading up to a big outburst in the lab where some people get hurt. Some windows break, and everyone barely makes it up the emergency stairs before the lab floods. Coincidentally, Gyro's magic signature is pink :)
MD becomes Gyro's magical defense protocol that mainly comes out when he becomes extremely emotionally distressed. It gets bad enough that the amulet doesn't even need to be present.
I don't have specifics, but his main weapon is inspired by this belt from the comics.
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Amulet as the buckle/power source and two artificial ones on the gloves, smaller and mostly for control/amplification and if we're completely honest, aesthetics. From the accident at the lab it becomes clear that either of them are not great at controlling the amulet at all, it's volatile and dangerous in their hands. MD needs and invented the gloves and belt to be able to direct it. Even with it, if he's successfully taunted enough during a fight, the magic quickly gets unstable as he'd get angrier.
He sees the duck avenger as his top threat, the thing first on the list that disturbs Gyros peace. The one thing stopping him from finding Akita and ripping him to shreds is the fact that Gyro knows he's in prison and isn't a top priority.
His hairstyle is reminiscent of Scrooge and Fenton 100% on purpose. They're important people in Gyro's life and md. Is. Emotional. Sentimental even, though he'd never admit that. Gyro keeps his emotions on lockdown, and what he suppresses comes out in MD in one form or another, in this case appearance. I would argue that the first time Scrooge or Donald met Gyro, he had circular frames. As they inhabit the same body, the trickiest thing about fighting him is well. not doing that, attempting capture instead or at least saying the right things to get gyro back in the pilots seat. He chose circular shades on purpose to be able to manipulate PK further, as well as being a little symbol of his past and how he wants to defend his younger self.
He's not evil, just wildly misunderstood
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musicaldamage · 2 months
So having watched the vbw Falco musical recently. Rock Me Amadeus. I have Thoughts™
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[ID: the mostly empty Ronacher theatre's auditorium seen from the 2nd floor on the right side. the stage is hidden behind a sort-of wall barrier curtain thing made of squares, some of which are reflective. the "Rock Me Amadeus" logo and an image of Moritz Mausser in character as Falco are projected onto it. Surrounding the stage there are a number of variously-shaped angular mirrors lined with glowing light. (additionally there's my partner's hand forming the peace sign on the right side of the image)]
side note I am irrationally annoyed that the squares of the logo don't line up with the squares of the curtain thing WHAT are they doing
Spoilers and further opinions under the cut
- The cast is stellar. Moritz Mausser is absolutely 100% brilliant, Katharina Gorgi's voice is beautiful, and Alex Melcher is there so that's in some ways already enough for me personally really. though he only really shows up in the 2nd act which is a bit sad. to me
but his presence is good bc. well. a lot of the things I generally value in a musical are kinda meh in this one tbh
- the music is fine! it's mainly Falco songs obviously, which I've been mostly neutral about so far but there definitely are some bangers, and, well, Moritz and Alex singing them sure is a point in favour. the additional songs written specifically for the musical are... I don't think they're bad, mostly, but they have a completely different vibe that doesn't really fit in with the rest. and. actually, some of them are bad. in my opinion. extremely cheesy. what's that doing there. one of them is hella catchy but the chorus lyrics sound like it's for kindergarden, two are just incredibly generic and boring and did I mention cheesy?
- Starting out with calling the day of Falco's death "the day the music died" sure is a claim. nothing to do with whoever is in charge at the vbw being weirdly patriotic (stares at the general Austria(ns) theme of quite a number of vbw musicals)
- Similarly his first sentence "In Wien musst erst sterben, bevor sie dich hochleben lassen" ("In Vienna you gotta die before they celebrate you") which sounds nice and dramatic and all but. come on. dude was #1 in international charts very much during his lifetime. they talk about this in the musical itself. he complains on stage about how the fame and stuff bothers him. where's the dying first part huh Hansi.
- Alex. listen I am stupidly into that guy's whole vibe. his everything. his voice is my favourite kind of male voice and his hair in combination with his entire profile and the lineof his stupid neck make me feel some kind of way. I wanna grab that hair and pull his head back like that one Sandman scene you know the one.
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This one. also his tattoos and his absolutely deranged energy and willingness to just go off and do insane things rolling around on the floor. and then suddenly look like an innocent child in awe at seeing snow for the first time of his life. this tangent of Alex Melcher stanning has gone on long enough we'll return to our regularly scheduled musical discussion now
- They're simultaneously trying to make Falco a sympathetic figure while also showing him behaving like a dick. it seems to work bc the audience laughs and gets Emotional but. idk maybe it's me but the "I behave like an egoistic dick to everyone around me including my wife but it's ok bc I'm Misunderstood and actually very Deep and Emotional and I love my wife and need her to keep me sane and also I'm marionetted against my will by my Dark Impulses" shtick is sort of... you can't have him throw his wife to the ground and give zero fucks about her and then half an hour later at his funeral or wake or idk play a quote of him saying "I never hurt anyone other than myself" and have someone else call him empathic and sensitive and expect me to take that seriously and... look maybe I'd like it better if the jokes weren't so incredibly lame
- Female roles?? what's that. there's two (2) that get a name on the cast list (his wife and his mum). one (1) of them gets addressed by name on stage (Isabella, the Wife. his mum is Maria but only if you look at the cast list or the programme). Isabella's role is Sexy Lady turned Caring Wife and Mother who finally Leaves. the mum's role is Nagging Mum (in law) and Comic Relief. there's a second girlfriend (wife? secretary? idek) who apoears in one scene and gets called a name (Caroline) which I only caught bc I was looking at the surtitles. no one gets a personality not even the male characters really no one matters (I mean yes ok it's Falco's Story but ffs let Katharina DO something with her voice maybe)
- have I mentioned the awful dialogue and cheap jokes yet? "the best aspect of the American flag are the red-white-red stripes". terrible flirting with "ladies in uniform" who are trying to do their job when faced with an entitled asshole but of course it's portrayed as hilarious.
- ok so back to Alex Melcher but his role is the most fun part of the thing. he's Falco's "Alter Ego" aka his, idk, hedonistic impulses and desire for fame and admiration and whatnot personified? there's a huge head on stage with a brain and all in it to make sure the audience understands that he is Inside Falco's Head and in case that's not clear enough yet he also verbatim declares that "I'm inside your head" so yeah subtlety is not required in this play. he and Falco/Hans are being incredibly homoerotic the entire time and I am personally offended that they're not kissing, but I'll take Alter Ego pretending to lick Hans's throat and clinging to him like a limpet. I would love to write fanfiction about them actually but I haven't figured out how to do that well when both parties are the same person/one is a personified fragment of the other's mind and not physically present. pity.
- idk I'd just. I'd have done it differently? again it's just. so unsubtle. why does Alter Ego just hover menacingly above the stage in a glass box once or twice during the first act, why didn't they idk put him in as part of the white-clad ensemble and make him stick out more and more instead of the Hovering and then the 5 minutes "I am you and you are me" song at the start of the 2nd act. Have him talk to people while Hans takes a step back to show it's his Dark Side™ taking over idk. I'm sure there'd also be ways to make Hans more actually sympathetic and less of an arse (fewer dumb jokes might help, or giving other characters more of a personality maybe) but yeah idk
- idk there's just. not much of a story? it's a Falco tribute show with some life moments thrown in. there's a Falco song, there's a crisis bc he's out of ideas, now he's taking drugs, now he's happy, now there's a new album without any clue where he got the ideas (was it the drugs?) now there's sth about his wife now his friend is reprising the basic as fuck Live Your Dream song yet again. then it's over and he dies in a car crash and it's all presented like it's all some incredibly deep and moving story but it's just Not That Deep
- I do like the Writer's Block song they put in, don't we all know that feeling
- I'm not sure it's a good idea to use Jeannie of all songs as a recurring motif the way they're doing? "quit living on dreams, life is not what it seems" "lonely little girl boy in a cold cold world" blah blah all nice and well but Do We Remember What This Song Is About. I mean it's a good song I'm not contesting that I like it! (if someone wants to come at me for "endorsing" anything just bc I like the song... just don't) But yeah no matter how good it is I don't think it's very uhhh fitting. Though in retrospect maybe it's meant to portray him as like... Someone At The Mercy Of Sth Evil And/Or More Powerful Than He Is. Fucking over his own life powerless to stop it or sth idk idk
- Generally I think they rely way too much on the use of background projection screens idk it seems lazy. it's fine in some scenes it can work really well but it gets too much and kinda cheesy
End of the random unorganised RMA thoughts yay! It was fun to watch. I know I mostly complain a lot here but it's definitely fun! It's just that a large part of the fun for me was despairing about how bad I found it and waiting for more homoeroticism and also for Alex Melcher to... do the things he's doing
Edit: ALSO I'm not sure if uhhh low-to-mid-key insulting (iirc) two of the three not-Austrian countries he goes to is. Necessary?
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communistkenobi · 2 years
I’m a third of the way through the authoritarian personality and I just wanted to record my thoughts on the book so far, and to summarise what I think this book offers in terms of explaining why fascism is so violent and stupid
Adorno (the principle author of this book) diagnoses fascism as an ideological disease of coercive societies, specifically capitalism. He argues that confrontation with the contradictions of capitalism (you are a free individual selling your labour, but are at the same time alienated from your labour and your community because of the violent coercion of the economy and, often, government) sometimes produces people who embrace that contradiction entirely and adopt it as a central framework of their worldview. They are not conscious of this contradiction and believe it to be a problem worth solving, but instead revel in their own irrationality. I think this is why conservatives find confusing and confounding liberals and leftists so funny - the joke is that they don’t make sense and thus evade the rational understanding of their political enemies. It is a humorous expression of their own absurdity
But, of course, despite their absurdity fascists still believe something. They operate inside a very specific framework under which this irrationality occurs. They are not an empty vessel where any old wacky belief can be dumped into.
This framework is authority - their beliefs are governed by power. Because of this, truth does not exist as a concept to fascists. As in, the truth cannot be discovered, it can only be enforced by power. Intellectual pursuits of truth are therefore heretical, because they actively threaten the authority of the leader. Truth and power are the same thing to a fascist, and so attempting to find the truth outside the purview of the leader means you are attempting to produce another sovereign.
Traditionally fascists have had their beliefs handed down to them by organised groups and leaders in power. Today, the long shadow of neoliberalism, the destruction of civic life and communal bonds, and widespread use of technology (the internet especially) has provided fascists with some freedom to make up some of the details of their beliefs, which is where we see things like qanon, pizzagate, the wayfair conspiracy, and others flourish. These are things that make no sense when viewed as a fact finding procedure, but make much more sense when understood as an enforcement of right wing power. If these things were to be true (child sex rings, anti-Semitic conspiracies about world governments, trans and gay brainwashing, etc), it would justify an extreme authoritarian right wing government to stop all these things from happening, and so therefore these things must be true in order to justify right wing violence. You cannot justify this kind of oppression and repression through democratic norms, so you must invent demonic global conspiracies that threaten civilisation in order to justify it.
And of course, fascists do not uniformly submit to any power put in front of them - these people do not like liberal institutions or governments. They see them as illegitimate sovereigns who must be purged so that real authority can be brought in. The question of “why?” Is still unclear to me. Adorno insists that fascists would be placated by an authoritarian left wing government, but I don’t know if that’s true. I suspect the reason is that fascism is a historical product of capitalism, and capitalism is a violent, autocratic, irrational system that is hostile to human life, so that’s why fascists always have a right wing character - they are an extreme expression of capitalist contradiction.
This book has been good but it’s not without faults. One being that it carries a lot of the social baggage you would find from a study done in the 1940s in the United States, even by explicit marxist academics. A lot of the writing is deeply sexist, focused especially on the psychology of male fascists despite their results clearly suggesting that women are just as susceptible to fascistic thinking as men. The popular perception of fascism being “a guy thing” isn’t totally unjustified, because obviously fascists have very insane ideas about gender and women, but it serves nobody to focus on men as the primary fascistic subject.
Another weak element of the book has been their discussions of sex as it relates to fascist ideology. I think the insistence on using Freud as a source is hurting their analysis. I don’t have much to say on it because a lot hasn’t been included so far, but what I’ve read hasn’t been illuminating or interesting. Which is a shame, because fascists have an intense preoccupation with sex and sexual conduct, and I think it’s an important part of their ideology.
The other disappointing thing is that they haven’t talked a lot about Christianity. Christianity cannot be separated from white supremacy, settler colonialism, capitalism, and anti-Semitism, and it is a central moral framework that undergirds a lot of fascist movements in the west. Like it can’t be overstated the degree to which Christianity is integral to the fabric of fascism, not because Christianity is uniquely evil, but because of its historical importance in the imperialist and colonialist projects that produced the current economic and political order we all have to fucking live under today. Like I’m personally biased here but I would say that Christianity has to be abolished along with capitalism in order for us to properly dispense with fascism. So I guess I’ll wait to see what Adorno et al have to say about it
Currently, they have offered no policy prescriptions or solutions for this problem (unsurprising, given I’m only ~330 pages in). The only one that has been suggested is abolishing capitalism and installing an authoritarian left wing state. I will suspend judgement on whether or not the second part of that suggestion is warranted, but I will say they are slowly persuading me lol
Anyway good book so far lol. I’m very excited to get to the theory portions of this book. There was a bit of theory included in the foreword chapters, but the bulk of this book is describing research methodology and presenting their results (which is understandable).
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prismaticutie · 1 year
Lumi lore ending explained
Hi everyone! I want to make a post addressing my experience w mental illness in the past year(s)
It's going to be a very long post but before I get into it, I want you to know that I'm more or less happy with where I'm at currently! I just want to talk about my mental illness and what it's been like for the past year or so
If you're not interested in that just skip this post okay ty <3
TW: suicide, mentions of self-destructive behavior
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This is gonna be a long ride so strap in pals. I should also clarify I don't know the technical terms that would apply to my situation. I don't want a diagnosis on this, I just want to talk about it.
Let's talk about Cyrus. If you know me, you probably know that I've been obsessed with the guy for a little over a year now.
It goes past the point of obsession. He lives with me. And he has, for the past year, mentally.
I like to think of him as my "mental aid" or sometimes even my "caretaker". I don't consider him a "fictional other", although I suppose the nature of our relationship might look that way to someone else.
Already this is a lot to take in, but allow me to explain.
I have had a history, since about 2019 or so, of having fictional characters reside with me inside my head. It started out as just talking to characters, like any imaginary scenario. But then it grew to be more.
I would talk with them about everything going on in my life, live out entire storylines with them, and it got to the point where they would advise me in what to do with my life.
There were two other characters before Cyrus. Characters rarely exist simultaneously. Before Cyrus, characters would only be present for a few months, then disappear for a few months, then come back or be replaced with another character. That new person would stay for a few months, and the cycle would continue.
These characters were there to help me. To guide me, to serve as my subconscious and voice of reason.
And to provide emotional support when I needed it and felt I couldn't confide in anyone who was real. This often led to a sense of closeness and to me developing emotional attachment to the characters, to the point of even seeing them as "fictional others".
I knew the characters were not real. I know they are not real, were never real, and will never be real. However, I still choose to rely on them and develop relationships with them.
It is not normal. It is not conventional. I am fully well aware that they are not real. But at the end of the day, it's my mental illness, and this is the coping mechanism that helps me the most.
Cyrus has been around for over a year now. He has not taken a break for a few months, he has not waivered, he has not left for any reason. This makes him extremely different from the previous characters that have been in my mind.
Cyrus is with me pretty much every second of the day. He is my guide and advisor in life. He serves as my voice of reason and as a reflection of my own self.
We've only ever been apart for maybe a few hours at a time. I spend most of the day talking to him about anything really, we do everything together, and he helps me, all the time.
Separating him from me would, in all honesty, probably kill me.
I have not been well. My circumstances are awful, to put it lightly. I'm severely mentally ill and unable to get any sort of therapy or medication due to the aforementioned circumstances.
Without Cyrus to help me, I would probably give into the suicidal urges that I struggle with every day.
He advises me and takes care of me. He helps me see reason when I'm lost in paranoia and irrationality. He calms me down when my anxiety is high. He does pretty much everything.
My brain functions in a highly specific way, and he has all the knowledge to be able to deal with it.
I cannot stress enough how dysfunctional I would be without him. He likes to put it a certain way.
"Most people can function on their own with little to no help. [Lumi] is someone who requires a lot of help. He does not have any way of getting the help that he needs naturally. That is why he relies on me. It is abnormal and unconventional, as he likes to put it. Yes, it is indeed very unconventional. However, nothing about him is conventional." -Cy
"What he's dealing with is difficult to explain. But we have tried just about everything. He firmly believes that this is what's best for him, and so do I. It may be unconventional, but it is not inherently horrible. It may be hard for others to understand, but this is his life. It is different, but it is his "normal"." -Cy
"And I should clarify, if any of this posed actual harm to him, I would cease it all in an instant." -Cy
In the past year of having Cyrus by my side, life has been a lot easier for me to manage. It took a while for us to get used to working together, but we figured it out eventually. It took a lot of trial and error!
But a few months ago, everything just got...easier. Not in terms of life! God no, my life is. Not getting easier, haha. But! I'm getting better at managing it.
I've improved on meeting my basic needs, which is something I used to struggle with. I have a lot more energy than I did last semester, and I've been way more productive, which I'm happy about.
Life hasn't gotten easier, but it's more doable. I'm managing my emotions better, particularly my stress, which is great, cause that was a huge problem for me previously! I'm also better at managing my depression.
Basically my bad days are a lot less bad than they used to be, and my good days are way better than before! And I assure you, I could not have done it without Cyrus' help.
It's a little unnerving, talking about it publicly. But that's how mental illness is. The experience is always gonna be odd, but I really wanted to explain what's going on w Cy! He's become such an important part of my life and I could not do any of this without him.
Like, I seriously could not live without him.
Oh, and as reassurance, I wanna clarify. My attachment is to him as a person (concept?) inside my head, not the character so much. So like, it wouldn't be the end of the world if he had a scout in pokemas that I didn't get or something like that.
I don't even own merch of him, actually! The closest thing I have is a team galactic phone ring, which. Broke. Lol
I am planning on buying his TCG Collector's deck (which releases later this month !) but even then I'm not about to go merch crazy over him
Basically my attachment to him shouldn't prove to be a detriment to my real life in any way shape or form.
Trust me, I have a lot of experience with this. I havs had it get unhealthy with certain characters. It has been severely mitigated with Cyrus. This is as healthy as it gets for me, I assure you.
If you knew what the past ones were like, you would definitely agree. But I don't feel comfortable sharing that bc it was uber fucked up lol!
I wouldn't be posting about this if it weren't successful for me personally. I'm confident in it because it's been a year and I've been observing it closely.
Do I think Cyrus is a great idea? Yea! If things are difficult for you to do for some mental reason or another, having a favorite character there to help you can make a world of difference! But would I recommend doing this sort of thing? It depends. You really have to exercise a good level of control over it. If you're going to have the character helping you, there has to be boundaries for them that they can't overstep in attempting to help you, otherwise it goes downhill REALLY fast.
I don't think it's the sort of thing that most people could replicate because it all relies on the specific rule system that my brain functions by. And my brain is rigid with its rules. Rules are rules, so if they're set, they're not likely to be broken in my case. This isn't the case for most people. It's not really a self-control thing for me either, it's more like I couldn't break the rules even if I really wanted to. They would have to be changed or I would have to be granted permission. It's a long story.
It is important to note that Cyrus really is a mental aid to me. A caregiver in a sense. He will make me take care of myself even if I don't want to. He does battle my self-destructive urges and negative thoughts constantly. His ultimate goal is to make me do what's best for me even if I really don't want to.
And honestly, I need it a lot of the time. Sometimes I really don't want to do things that are good for me. I'm a bit childish in that way. So having Cyrus like, drag me to the bathroom to brush my teeth for example, is really necessary sometimes.
He helps in bigger ways than that too ofc but that would take a LOT of explaining and this is already fairly incoherent. If you have any questions you can absolutely ask and I can try to explain it to the best of my ability!
Ummm what else did I have to say about this. Oh. The awkward part abt him being an "f/o" of sorts.
He's not real so my relationship with him isn't real. I know that. Still, I got feelings for him. That's all there is to it, really. You might see me treat him as a real significant other.
You don't have to remind me that he's not real. I know he isn't. But my feelings are real and I would appreciate it if they were respected.
I can't really think of anything else to add? If you're curious, no, I don't get hallucinations of him or anything like that. He doesn't impede on the real world, he only exists in my imagination. He's like an imaginary friend! If an imaginary friend was like, super intelligent I guess?
Idk. But he helps me, and I'm grateful for him. And I wanted to talk about mental illness a little. It is never easy and I'm convinced it will never be easy. But he makes it more manageable. He takes care of me and looks out for me. Even if it's just me looking out for myself, I could not do it "on my own" like most people can.
Also I don't think he's an alter or anything like that. There's a certain degree of separation between us. I am not Cyrus and he is not me. He just happens to reside with me in. My body. None of this makes sense does it. Point is he can't like front or anything but you can like speak to him I guess? It's more like me relaying messages for him tho
This is a really complex thing that my mind has developed over the years so there's a LOT I'm leaving out again if you're curious plz just ask I love talking abt it
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japhgura · 1 month
Autism and Anxiety Problems below, just some venting
I've been struggling with generalized anxiety disorder since school and it's so crazy to think that that was most likely because of Autism.
I always worked on trying to keep my fear of other people' (and their possible irrationality) under control while also fearing the randomness of the universe
And I've really made quite good progress with that in the past. But when I was at university I would always pick out a row I knew others would attempt to avoid due to there not being so much space. And I'd sit there in this (to me) gigantic lecture hall with people quite literally all around me and my spine would tense up to the point of hurting even a long time after the 2 hours it took me to get home
I haven't had that specific thing this strong in a long time. But ever since being perceived as malfunctioning and unable to work a normal 9-5 (which my job isn't by the way wtf, my field is almost exclusively shifts??) and being basically kicked out because of that every person suddenly has gained so much threat level.
Like, since getting that iron bar to my face I've started to realize that people can now perceive something is off with me? Like my masking isn't up to par anymore because of how much stress I've been under?
And now every time I go take a walk through a place with more people I get the exact same spine cramping as before in the lecture hall, to the point the pain is so bad I keep having to turn around. My last three walks ended that way
Man, I'm currently really feeling like I'm extremely regressing. I need to bury my head in something to hyperfixate on fr, hopefully the appointment next Tuesday will help out with things
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norcalbruja · 8 months
Not really an "update" but definitely a note
So Hera is one of the new spirits who saw me having a meltdown a couple of days ago, was shocked/horrified that I apparently lose my shit and start screaming for help all the time, and she's wondering why the fuck nobody's HELPED me yet.
Especially not 97% of the anito. Hera is extremely concerned that the only named Tagalog spirits who have shown up are three sea-gods that I have a REALLY hard time believing are the actual anito, what with the reading I got saying that the anito abandoned me and I guess I'm shit out of luck (my phrasing, not the reader's). So I get the fun conflicting emotions where I want to believe them, but I also know that any Tagalog spirits claiming that they're the anito and they actually DO care about me are just AUTOMATICALLY suspicious now.
Hera just stopped and stared in horror as the Water-Spirit and Dionysus started frantically trying to calm me down, and she said, "That's it??? That's all you're doing??? Where are her people's gods?!"
And Dionysus was like "Hera, we told you already--most of them aren't here. A reader told her that the anito hate her poor-person begging and quit on her. And they said the anito think her blog, her fantasy writing, and basically everything she did regarding the anito, are blasphemous."
And Hera said "Yes, I know that! But getting a house and a job has nothing to do with her art, so they could at least help her with that! How is she going to make LESS-BLASPHEMOUS art if she's always miserable and stuck with her mother?"
So Dionysus said "Well we don't know WHY they're not here, but they're not."
And Haik Number Four arrived and he just wearily went, "Is that what people think of us now? Even if the others are mad at her, they are not like the Christian God--most of us shouldn't think suffering makes you WORTHY or BETTER or anything like that. You pray for help, and most pagan spirits think you should GET IT."
That just sent me into another frantic wave of begging Haik specifically for help, so Hera just "dragged me out" of the Otherworld for a few minutes going, "STOP. STOP. I DON'T LIKE THIS."
I may have heard a spiritual "door" slam shut, so the others couldn't talk to us.
When I found out my brother died, the Dagda (Irish Pantheon) did something similar and reluctantly "kicked me out of the Otherworld" entirely for a few days. He said I needed to process my grief the normal way instead of trying to feel better using the spirit-world as a coping mechanism.
But this was only for a few minutes, and Hera told me, "Honey. Please. Why are you doing this? I don't like it."
And I said, "I don't like it either, but if houses here didn't cost a million dollars, and if rent was less than two thousand a month for a fucking tiny studio apartment, I would not be begging the spirits for help!"
She told me, "I know. I don't like that you are reduced to doing this. You should have gotten help WAY before this, and the ones you want help from don't seem to want to do it! It's already degrading for people to beg for help, and you've been begging whoever listens for who knows how long?!"
So I didn't attack her or anything, but I started screaming and thrashing in anger/pain, and then Lola Buwaya came around to just grab me and shake me. She's done that a couple of times when I have an especially bad fit of rage/despair.
And it's not GOOD, but it gets me to stop, so it's "the stuff we have to do for now." Like how Hypnos made the obvious comment that a lot of my sleep problems are due to stress, and if I had an income and/or my own place, I would sleep a lot better. But I don't have either, so I have to constantly ask a sleep-god to put me under.
Hera didn't like the shaking, either. She just went, "EXCUSE ME, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! She's not a fish!"
Lola told her, "You all are too nice! You pretend she's a normal person! One who can control her feelings and listen when people want her to calm down! She is not, and she will not be until she can get the hell away from her mother!"
The cursing surprised me because Lola does not curse a lot. Much like the Water-Spirit, she talks formally/archaically most of the time and it's really jarring when she finally drops a swear-word.
Anyway, so she left now that I wasn't screaming anymore, and Hera just sighed and went, "Where are your people's gods in all this? You have three possible sea-gods and one water-spirit husband, but they don't tend to deal with buying a house or artistic pursuits. I suppose I'll help you with what I can, sweetheart. Just keep doing what you're doing with the Water-Spirit."
And she's already said she'll try to help me a couple of times, but this time was really striking because I was in a shitty place and having someone be NICE felt weird. It was so foreign that it almost felt painful, especially since she wasn't asking me to do anything (different/new) in exchange for her help.
So I told her "Hera, why are you so NICE to me? I mean, your relationship with Zeus kind of precedes... both of you."
She said, "Well, you and him are not me and Zeus. You two have a GOOD relationship. That is my concern, so that's why I'm helping."
And the "closed door" was probably open by now, so Dionysus came in and went, "Fuck my dad, babe. What are you girls talking about?"
I went, "The same shit I keep talking about, Dionysus. I need money for my own place, and I can't seem to get any. I want to do art for a living, but most people I ask about it never answer me back, or they take weeks or months to finally say they can't actually help, but my art sounds REALLY REALLY cool. And how it seems like every other spirit thinks something is wrong with the sheer absence of the anito in my life, and the reasons that people have told me for why the anito aren't here makes a lot of the Tagalog spirits freak out."
And Dionysus sighed and went "Well, this day was too exciting. Go to sleep now, babe, it's 3am."
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catboy-cyrus · 1 year
What do you think Cyrus and Lysandre would think of Volo?
I'm very glad you asked Anon! I think about this kind of thing a lot, and I love the differences in these three even though their goals are super similar. Note that some of this is interpretation on my part, and that I haven't played XY in a long time (although a friend is playing it rn so I'm experiencing it vicariously through them), so I may get a detail or two wrong.
that being said, lets go! (this got long, hence the readmore)
So first, lets think about their specific motivations, since they all wanna essentially kill everyone.
Cyrus wants to end the world and rebuild it in his own image because he thinks human spirit (aka: the ability to feel emotions) is a fundamental flaw and makes life unlivable. His issue is with the emotion and irrationality that is inherent to being a person, and he seems to genuinley believe that getting rid of that would make things better, because if you can't feel you can't feel bad, and if you dont act irrationally you won't make stupid mistakes (at least as far as I understand it), and in game its suggested this stems from him having kind of shitty parents, to whom he was never good enough. You can kind of see the progression there.
Volo wants to end the world and rebuild it in his own image because he finds life unfair, and also because he is destructivley curious. It's a mixture of thinking things just aren't how they should be and this inssesant need to know. His obsession with history has progressed to believing he deserves to meet Arceus, and his plan is just one way to get there. It's not really too clear why he's like this (as far as I know), but he is ready and willing to go to extreme lengths to get what he wants and to find out, and wants to use what he's found out about history to improve upon Arceus' creation.
Lysandre wants to end all (or most, depending on which game you play) life on earth because he believes humans are inherently destructive and ruining what he sees as a perfect beautiful world. He used to want to make positive change, but became dissillusioned when none of his efforts really seemed to alleviate the world's issues, and so decided that the issue stemmed from people. Which is certainly a decision to make, that's for sure lol.
There's certainly a degree of selfishness in all of their plans- Cyrus plans to be the only surviviour into the new world and is pushing his idea of an ideal world onto people who all disagree with him. Volo is, ultimatley, doing this all for himself. He wants to know, so he will do anything to find out, regardless of who is hurt in the process. Lysandre has just decided that everyone on the planet is unworthy of life, and plans only to spare Team Flare, which you need to buy into. Pay to win.
In short, their issues are with emotion, divinity, and humanity respectivley.
So, how would Cyrus and Lysandre feel about Volo? Well, I think they'd both fucking hate him.
Fist, Cyrus. Volo is pretty much everything Cyrus hates. He's emotional, irrational, and selfish. He lies constantly, pulling underhanded tricks, and is ultimatley doing this for his own benefit (rather than the broader benefit Cyrus sees from his own plans). They both come from a place of unhappiness in the world and personal hurt, but the difference in how they are doing it is too great. They both believe they are the one who can or must do what they are doing, and I don't think they have much room in their worldview for anyone else. Also, Volo doesn't plan to alleviate human suffering in the same way Cyrus does. He's very vauge about it (and personally I don't think he knows how he'd do it either, he's mostly in it to meet god), and I think Cyrus would fucking hate that. Plus their personalities would clash something awful. Differences in ideals aside, as people I just don't think they could get along. Volo is too friendly (even if its an act), and Cyrus would deflect that. (This is something I've thought about a lot since I'm writing a whole fic about Cyrus ending up in hisui, and Volo shows up a lot)
Volo and Lysandre would be less clear cut, but I do think they would also end up at odds. Lysandre thinks the world (minus humans) is perfect as is and should be preserved. Volo thinks the world as created by Arceus is flawed, and should be remade. Fundamental conflict of interests. I do think Lysandre, if presented with Volo, would see a guy from the past and start going on about how things must have been so perfect and beautiful back then, but upon finiding out what Volo wishes to do would definitley come around to him being someone he needs to oppose. In terms of their personalities, I think they would less directly clash, but that's mainly because they both are better at projecting a nicer version of themself to other people. They would ostensibly be amiable to each other and perhaps even look like they're getting on, but behind their veneers they would not be enjoying each other's company. There is also a chance that I think Volo could try and get chummy with Lysandre to exploit his resources and reach to get what he wants, but whether that would work is a whole other matter. Lysandre may be a little too guarded and self-assured for it to achieve anything.
Ultimatley, these three are all fucking trainwrecks of people and would definitley NOT get along in any way besides surface level similarities in their beliefs and perhaps fake kindess.
Also I know it wasn't in the question but for the record I think that if you put Lysandre and Cyrus in a room together you would have five minuites before they are trying to kill each other (/exag). They would fucking hate each other so much. Lysandre just wants to kill everyone, Cyrus feels like he knows how to fix everyone, and each's inability to understand and accept the other's veiwpoint would drive them both up the wall. (also the angle that lysandre is really fucking rich and isn't using it to do anything productive. Like in the anime cyrus is rich but fuck anime cyrus all my homies hate anime cyrus. I'm pretty sure in the games he's literally just some guy.)
Anyways, this was really fun to think about, and I hope that you find it interesting!
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guillemelgat · 5 years
Irrationally Long & Extremely Specific (Catalan Vocab Series) - Linguistics Part 7
This is the final post! If you want more subfields of linguistics please tell me, but currently this is the last one I’ll be doing, and then it’s on to gardening and sheep.
la societat - society
la comunitat - community
utilitzar - to use
el tret (cultural / social / ideològic / econòmic / lingüístic) - (cultural / social / ideological / economic / linguistic) trait
efectiu - in-practice
simbòlic - symbolic
la varietat lingüística - language variety
l’estratificació (social) - (social) stratification
la funció social - social function
la norma d’ús - rule of use
la diglòssia - diglossia
el contacte (de les llengües) - language contact
la divergència - divergence
la convergència - convergence
el conflicte lingüístic - language conflict
l’alternança lingüística - language switching / translanguaging (?)
el canvi de codi / el codeswitching - codeswitching
el discurs - discourse
formal - formal
informal - informal
l’edat - age
el gènere - gender
el nivell d’estudis - level of education
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99liners · 2 years
liberosis — myg;
liberosis; the desire to care less about things.
pairings: lawyer!min yoongi x trophy wife!reader
extra characters: kim taehyung and tanaz (enouement), kim seokjin and inaya (aphotic), jeon jeongguk and azumi (kaiho), park jimin and rei (nodus tollens), jung hoseok (psychomachy) (avengers, assemble!)
genre: angst, smut, contractual marriage!au, age-gap!au (10 years)
words: 31.390
warnings: tsundere!min yoongi, toxic relationship, talks of corruption, morally corrupt!min yoongi, morally corrupt!bts, minor/unnamed character deaths, yoongi is a chain-smoker (most lawyers smoke, believe me on this one), cold and distant behaviour, scenes with alcohol consumption, face-sitting, pussy-eating, consensual and unprotected sex, doggy-style, orgasms (f / m), mental abuse, mental breakdown / meltdown, hurtful words, mentally abusive, explicit display of controlling behaviour, extreme paranoia, irrationality, yoongi exhibits signs of pyromania (he sets ‘some’ things on fire), mentions of cheating, exhibitionism.
part of: tatemae; 建前 — a bts series.
a/n: let me warn you all, well in advance, that the legal depictions portrayed in this piece of work, specifically about ‘spousal privilege’ is not how the actual rule of law works and is a bit different (also can differ based on personal laws around the world). i took the liberty to alter some details to suit this piece of work better, so please take note of them with a grain of salt. your understanding is appreciated!
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August 2020:
you turned off the water tap after using the facilities. at the very least, hospital restrooms are squeaky clean and hygienic. funny how a clean washroom is the highlight of your week.
the past week has been a ride to hell and back. watching your father fight death, suffering to take even the next breath, all because your family cannot afford the best cancer treatment. chemotherapy can drastically increase his survival rate, but it costs a fortune in addition to his daily treatment requirements.
your mother had passed away when you were around two years old, and since then, it has always been your father and you. 
your father, a low-grade government employee, did not earn much. it was enough to get by, a low-key life with the proper necessities. you never had a want in life, but adversely, there were no funds in any bank for emergencies like hospital bills. your father retired around three years ago, his pension being 75% of his salary, causing a stretch in daily life. you have had part-time jobs since you were fifteen (15), but wages from part-time jobs hardly account for pocket money; it cannot possibly run a household.
you shook off the water droplets lacing your hands before standing in front of the hand dryer. there were some sounds of footsteps outside, almost like someone was pacing the length of the restroom entrance while talking on the phone.
you were too busy drying your hands when the dryer sensor went off for a few seconds.
“jeon, i need you here. there is a body, and i need it taken care of... what do you mean you are busy? i am fucking busy too... taehyung, that idiot called me instead of you... yeah? well, i don’t fucking care whether you two get along or not. i came thinking it’s an emergency because mighty kim seokjin told me. then i discovered that it’s beyond my concern,” the male, who now stood right outside the blurry glass panel of the restroom door, took a drag of his cigarette before continuing, “no, no, it’s not about hoseok. it’s seokjin’s business. some poor chap got stuck in the crosshairs.”
you heard the part of the conversation clear as day before the dryer started again. hearing the dryer's sound, the voice outside the door ceased at once. the realization did not take long to hit that you just listened to a conversation that you were clearly not supposed to. you tried to stop the dryer, but it was sensor-enabled and had a time lag before turning on and off. you tore your hands away from where they were lying under the machine, but by the time it stopped whirring, the restroom door opened with one smooth push of a hand.
“you’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” the male groaned before putting out the cigarette in his hands and flicking it towards the trash can.
you stared in absolute shock at the male; he was dressed in a suit, made of lush expensive fabric, polished shoes. his tie was tucked inside the sweater he was adorning over his shirt and underneath his suit blazer. initially, you thought it would be a gangster, but the look of the sophisticated person standing in front of you caused you to do a double-take. 
“what did you hear?” he took steps towards you, the automated restroom door closing behind him.
“what..?” your eyebrows scrunched together at the sudden interrogative tone.
“are you deaf? i asked, what did you hear?”
“nothing,” you replied sternly this time, holding your head high as you tried to walk away, but the male barred your pathway.
he looked at you, creating the illusion of towering over you although he is of average height and not that taller compared to you. he had a sombre look; the man meant business only.
“don’t make me repeat myself. i am not having the best day.”
“of course, guess hiding dead bodies is not your forte,” you blurted out unintentionally. your passive aggression is going to sign your death warrant someday soon.
an unmistakable smirk appeared on the male’s face, his eyes never breaking contact with yours, maintaining the upper hand, “so you did hear it.”
“well, you were not exactly being subtle,” you sighed and replied honestly, now that the cat is out of the bag.
“oh yeah? my bad, my first slip up and at what cost. humour me, what all did you hear?”
“listen, i don’t care who you are, who you work for or with, i won’t tell anyone anything. i promise,” you spoke softly, just wanting to leave, but he kept glaring at you till you finally gave up, “i heard you telling someone to take care of a body. i heard four names. i don’t know any of them, i promise.”
“you heard the names too?” he asked, almost in disbelief because that is circumstantial evidence. you nodded at the rhetoric inquiry causing the male to massage his temple with his forefinger and thumb, “what do i do with you now?” he mumbled to himself.
“don’t kill me please, i need to take care of my dad,” you spoke out, impatient to get back to your father.
“oh, little one. how do i believe that? you could rat me out anytime.”
“no, i won’t! i don’t even know your name! see, there’s the loophole.”
a dark chuckle left his thinly shaped lips, “do you take me for an idiot? i know a self-righteous person when i see one,” a reminder tone played on his phone, causing him to check it.
“i am serious, mister. this is none of my business. i heard things i shouldn’t have, and i am more than happy to forget about the whole incident.”
min yoongi, obviously, did not trust a word that left your mouth but decided to indulge you as he was running late for a hearing. this way, he can also understand your intentions better, “i don’t believe that, but for the time being, i am going to let it go and forget this ever happened.”
you nodded at that and meant to walk away, but the man caught you by your elbow. the grip was firm, forceful even.
“don’t think i will hesitate even for a second before ruining your life if you choose to open your trap anywhere.”
you wrested out of his grip, “i am not an idiot either. you won’t see me again,” you replied briskly before exiting the restroom. letting a sigh of relief on escaping the situation, you walked back to your father’s room.
it did not take more than three days for the universe to make you eat your words as you found yourself walking towards the police station.
‘he is going to kill me, surely,’ you sighed, your hands clutching on the straps of the crossbody bag hanging from your shoulder. you stopped in your tracks around 200 metres away from the precinct entrance and turned back.
‘i need to be alive for dad,’ you thought as you started walking in the opposite direction. 
‘but i should report it. they got someone killed,’ you groaned, stopping in your tracks. turning back, your eyes traced the precinct building while in the other direction, at a considerable distance, was the hospital where you came from.
confronted by your thoughts, you sat down on the pavement, covering your face. the dilemma was giving you a headache. you need to stay alive to help your father heal, but you cannot just not report a serious crime like murder. 
it was sunny out, the rays of sunlight almost burning off the top part of your head, but you kept sitting with your face bowed down, trying to decide what to do.
“ma’am, are you alright?” a voice caused you to break out from your train of thoughts and look up.
“i am alright,” you croaked out after clearing the lump in your throat.
“you look out of sorts. is everything alright? i am a cop,” he showed you his badge, which read ‘detective jung minjun, violent crimes squad,’ “maybe i can get you a cab home.”
your eyes almost lit up at the sight of his badge.
‘is this a sign from the universe?’
you kept staring at him for a while before finally speaking up, “actually, i want to report a crime, but i am afraid i will risk my safety.”
“ma’am, we can help you with that. why don’t you come with me to the precinct and talk to my senior?” he urged you.
you were already leaning more on the ‘should report it’ side, and now coupled with his reassurance, you stood up to your feet.
i mean, what is the worst that could happen?
“alright. but i am still not sure.”
“i can understand,” minjun offered you an understanding smile before walking towards the precinct with you on his toes.
“sir?” minjun spoke up once inside the precinct, standing in front of the largest desk. the man sitting on the other end of the desk looked up from his desktop screen and urged minjun to go on.
you watched quietly from behind minjun’s figure, almost like you had taken shelter behind him.
“ma’am here wants to report a crime,” minjun moved aside and left, so now you were left face-to-face with the senior detective. 
‘senior detective jeon jeongguk’ read the name plaque kept on top of his desk.
“yes, miss, go ahead,” jeon jeongguk stood up and walked to you, pulling out a chair for you, “you look anxious. here, have some water,” he moved a glass of water towards you.
you sat down, your body almost reclusing into yourself in the presence of the detective. compared to minjun, jeongguk had a heavier presence. his war-core attire screamed superiority in power. he was trying his best to be gentle, but there was a certain crassness in his tone. guess that comes from dealing with notorious criminals all day. you extended your shaky hand to take the glass of water he was holding out for you.
“it’s alright, don’t be afraid. we are all here to protect you,” jeongguk smiled before walking back to his chair and taking a seat, “now, tell me what happened?”
“i am not sure if i want to make an official statement,” you mentioned after taking a sip of the water.
“sure. whatever makes you feel comfortable.”
you nodded and narrated the whole incident to him down to the T, not leaving a detail out.
“four names you said, a john, taehyung, kim seokjin and hoseok, right?”
“yeah! you got them right.”
“do you want to make an official statement and report the crime?”
“i wasn’t so sure about it, but now that i am here, might as well go ahead with it.” you sighed.
jeongguk nodded and turned to minjun, who took the cue and recorded your statement. jeongguk stood up from his seat, grabbed his phone and mumbled a soft ‘excuse me’ before walking out of the precinct.
“your witness is here,” jeongguk spoke through the receiver of his phone.
yoongi, on the other side of the call, sighed, “i knew it. did you take her statement?”
“had to. i am not the sole person who works here, everyone in the squad heard what she had to say, and she wanted to report the crime, so yeah, she is getting her statement recorded right now.”
“fuck. i swear i can’t go one day without seokjin’s stupid issues blowing up in my ass. hold her there, i am on my way.”
“cool. it’s almost lunchtime, so i will make sure it’s just her, and i left in the precinct.”
“got it.”
jeongguk completed his call before walking back in.
“can i leave now?” you asked as the detective made his way back to his desk where you were sitting.
“did they record your statement?”
“yeah, sir. they did,” you smiled, preparing to stand up.
“can you hold on for a while? i have some additional documents i need you to sign.”
“oh? alright,” you let your weight rest back on your seated legs.
“yeah, yoon-” jeongguk turned around and faked being surprised with the realisation that everyone had left for lunch, “i am afraid you will have to wait, ma’am. form 15-B is maintained by yoona, and everyone is gone for lunch.”
you nodded, thinking nothing much of it and took out your phone to pass the time.
jeongguk offered you a small smile before going back to the case file he was registering onto the system after giving yoongi the affirmation that you two were left alone now.
it took ten minutes for yoongi to arrive from his office to the precinct. he sauntered in, as soft as a cat, not letting you any time to suspect that someone was standing right behind you.
you did notice something was amiss when you could smell a familiar cologne. you turned back in a flash only to discover that your hunch was correct. the cologne belonged to that very man, and now he was standing right behind you.
“you are a sanctimonious little prick, aren’t you?” yoongi smiled as he noted the look of dismay on your face.
you turned to jeongguk, “sir, this is the guy! he was the one talking about the dead body.”
jeongguk leaned back into his chair, “i know, miss. i know.”
“you... know?” your eyebrows scrunched together in disbelief. reports of police corruption are rampant worldwide, but it is indisputable that we trust the cops to protect us at the end of the day. when it happens to you, it feels surreal. you felt so helpless because you had nowhere else to turn to. also, you do not know what will happen to you now.
“so it wasn’t john but a jeon?” you asked after putting the pieces together.
jeongguk laughed, “well, they both have the same pronunciation, but yes, i spell it as j-e-o-n.”
you went to reply, but yoongi’s voice brought your attention back to him.
“you are big on words, little one. i must say, you even promised me by yourself that you would forget about everything.”
“i tried, okay! i tried, but you assholes killed a person.”
yoongi let a chuckle before getting a hold of your elbow, “get up.”
“wher-where are we going?” you kept looking between jeongguk and the male, scared for your dear life.
“to have the talk, little one. since you have chosen this path, let me show you your options now. it’s only fair,” he tugged on your hand again.
you stood up and followed him out to his car. it was a black rolls royce wraith. the male opened the right side back door and pushed you in like neither you nor the car meant anything. he got in after you, shortly.
you regained your balance and sat properly on the seat, “why are you doing this?”
“are you serious? i should be the one asking you that!” he reached inside his blazer pocket and brought out a sealed packet of imported Marlboro Vintage.
you scoffed, “well, it’s too late. i already made an official statement.”
“yes, that you did,” the male held the butt of the cigarette between his lips before lighting it up, “but you have to appear in court and testify in front of a judge.”
“and i will if that is not evident enough by now.”
the male scoffed this time, dragging in a long puff before breathing it out, “i was hoping you would say that. unfortunately, i, for a fact, know that you would not be able to make it to court. i am given to believe that your father is in critical condition, and chemotherapy can greatly help his treatment for renal cancer.”
“how do you know that?”
“i know everything about you, y/l/n y/n. everything. i have your school records in my office. top As but never joined college cause of high fees.”
“none of that has anything to do with you or this situation,” you looked around, trying to locate the car door. drawing in another breath was becoming impossible.
“just ask, and you shall receive,” the male shook his head before cracking the window open, letting the smoke move out as fresh air poured in, “my name is min yoongi. remember that cause you will be hearing soon from my assistant about the cheque. so, why don’t you be a good daughter and take care of your dad? go ahead and get a new kidney even!” he leaned in, a sick grin playing on his lips. the stench of cigarettes wafting through your nostrils as you only leaned back.
yoongi advanced a hand, causing you to clutch your hands tightly near your chest, but he unlocked your side of the door to push it open, “get lost. you will get your money soon. keep your trap shut.”
you peeked your eyes open, and after noticing that he opened the door, you got to your feet and left as fast as your wobbly feet could take you.
one month later. September 2020:
you came back from work and took off your jacket while listening to pending voicemails. most of them were just from your friends, but the last one was from the hospital. your father’s primary doctor had left a voicemail stating that they have found a kidney transplant match for your father. you played the voicemail over and over again, happy that your father can get better now. for the past month, you have held on to yoongi’s cheque, unsure if you should accept it, but what could possibly come before your father’s health? you walked to your room and pulled out the slightly tattered cheque from under the mattress. you looked at it with the same expression of disbelief as you have over the past four weeks. how can someone just hand over five hundred million korean won ($500,000) just like that? keeping it back in the safe place, you took a quick shower before heading over to the hospital to be with your father. he would probably rip out the kidney with his own two hands if he ever comes to know where the money came from, but you will just think of a lie when the time comes.
come next morning, you headed back to your place from the hospital to freshen up and head to work when a sealed official mail lying in front of your door caught your eye. the symbol of justice was unmistakable as you leaned down to pick it up. it was a court summons, and just like that, it was almost as if the earth stopped spinning, your surroundings blurred out as you read the letter. you are expected to appear in court next week thursday to testify. all five of your senses felt numb and hot at the same time as you made a run for your room to retrieve the cheque. you changed quickly, and instead of clocking in for work, you headed over to min specter firm. over the past month, you have gathered some intel on him. from the internet, you gathered that yoongi is a bigshot criminal lawyer who runs one of the most successful law firms in the country. he has completed his education from the top universities worldwide and charged a fortune for a single appearance in court. 
however, there was not much information available about any other aspects of his life.
fifteen minutes later, you were standing in front of the trust tower in seocho-gu. the board on the front side of the building read “min specter legal firm” in bold.
you struggled to take another step forward because refusing his money is not the problem. the issue is what he will do with you next. he is not the type to just let you walk free after you inform him that you intend to testify in court, after all.
“hey, y/n. eonnie, is that you?” a familiar voice broke you from your trance.
you turned to your left when you recognized the owner of the voice. your favourite junior-classman from high school; rei.
“yeah, it’s me. rei, oh my god, i am seeing you after graduation?”
“yes!” rei smiled before leaning in to hug you.
you stood there for mere seconds, your hands lying limp by your side before you eventually hugged her back. you closed your eyes after resting your chin on her shoulder, feeling less stressed as your tensed form relaxed under her reassuring taps on your back.
“what are you doing here?” rei asked upon pulling back from the hug.
“uh, i am here to meet min yoongi.”
“you are? is everything alright? are you in trouble?” she inquired as you both headed inside the building.
“h-how do you know?” you turned to her, visibly shocked.
“well, you don’t meet up with min sir, if you don’t have a business to discuss.”
“oh yeah, that. right. what about you?”
“oh, i work here.”
you both walked to the elevator as rei clicked on the floor button.
“you are an advocate?”
“yes, ma’am. i just graduated a few months ago, so i am fairly a newbie.”
you nodded, “can you show me which way his office is?”
“of course,” rei smiled at you, but it turned to a frown when you kept staring ahead, pointlessly, at the closed elevator doors.
rei extended her hand and kept it on your closed fist, giving it a squeeze, “don’t be nervous. i know sir does not take on a lot of cases, but even if he refuses you, i am here for you. let me know if i can help you.”
you looked at her with a smile on your face this time as the doors opened, “i will keep that in mind.”
rei flashed you a smile before showing you off to yoongi’s chamber. you bid goodbye to her before giving your name to yoongi’s assistant sat outside in the lobby.
you were called to his chamber within five minutes. timidly, you walked through the large oak double doors after knocking.
“what is it?” yoongi leaned back in his chair, his eyes trained lazily at you.
“i can’t do it,” you brought out the cheque from your trackpants pocket and kept it on the edge of his enormous oak table.
“what, do you want more money? is that it?” yoongi asked, crumpling up the cheque and tossing it in the bin.
you shook your head, “i can’t take a penny from you. it’s blood money.”
“your dad is literally on the verge of death. are you sure that argument matters?”
“i don’t know what matters or doesn’t. i will admit, i was blinded by the money, by the thought of seeing my father healthy again, but i got the court summons today, and it did help me snap out of that superficial happiness. my dad raised me better.”
“yes, and this is how you are repaying him by choosing death for him. literally.”
“exactly. this is how i am repaying him, to this extent.”
yoongi shook his head, “i have a murder trial hearing in two hours. my junior is supposed to come to brief me in maybe another twenty minutes or so. give me one reason why i shouldn’t just get rid of you and be done with this whole business once and for all.”
“i am trying, but i just can’t take that money. you can’t stop me from showing up at court next week.”
“are you sure? i can make a phone call, and you will end up the same way as the guy over whom you are holding this candle of morality.”
“please, don’t kill me. much like everybody else, i do not want to die.”
“i have no intention of having you killed, or i would have made that phone call quite some time ago. getting someone killed is easier said than done, little one. it will only cause me more issues. on the other hand, making your life difficult can be easily arranged.”
“then, i guess we have reached an impasse.”
“not yet.” yoongi tapped a button on the telephone, “jungha, can you summon that rei kid for me? thanks.”
“why are you calling rei?” worry graced your features.
“oh, you know rei?”
“yeah, she was my junior in school.”
“wow, this is only getting better and better.” an evil smile appeared on his face, “so listen carefully, when she comes here, i am going to make an offer with her as a witness. and if you refute it, i will fire her, and i will make your life hell, including your dying dad’s.”
before you could reject or agree with the notion, there was a knock at the door as rei walked in.
“oh, i am sorry, sir. i was unaware that you were with a client. i can come back later?”
yoongi shook his hand and pointed to the empty chair beside you, “she is no client. she is my fiancée.”
rei’s head turned to you in a flash. you are sure she must have gotten whiplash from it.
“you guys are engaged?” her eyes fleeted between her boss and you, in quite the frenzied manner.
you kept quiet, unsure where yoongi was taking this. was he trying to test you in some way?
“yeah. i asked you here for another issue, however. can you tell me what is the validity of testimony in criminal cases if spousal privilege is invoked?”
“oh, it would be inadmissible because the other spouse can just refuse to disclose any conversation as part of the confidential marital communications.”
“right,” yoongi turned to you, the same evil smile on his face, “are you free this monday, miss park?”
so this is where marriage comes up. he would be basically buying off your witness testimony.
rei nodded, “yes, sir, i am.”
“good. can you come over to the registrars' office on monday morning? y/n would need a witness for the marriage, but her dad is sick and cannot attend.”
“me?” rei turned to you again.
you finally looked at her. either you agree with yoongi, or you would be dragging rei along with your father in this mess. you have known rei from middle school through high school. while you had lost your mother at a young age, rei had lost both her parents. when you passed high school while rei still had a year left, she cried her heart out on the graduation day because you were one of the only few people who ever cared for her. you have always empathized with her, and dragging her down with you seemed downright cruel.
“yes, rei. i would like that,” you faked a smile.
“i would be honoured to, eonnie.” rei stated before leaving you alone with yoongi again.
“so, you can use your head after all,” yoongi commented after the doors closed behind rei.
“i don’t see the point of making her suffer.”
“aw, i almost forgot about your self-righteous meter. it has far surpassed the skies. anyways, i will see you on monday. if you have any boyfriend or whatever, hope three days are enough to break up and wrap up any other business.”
“please, think about it again. can’t we take another option? you don’t even know me! nor do i, you.”
“don’t care. i don’t date, i don’t have time for any of this bullshit, and i already did give you other options. this is the last bit of rope i am willing to throw you at having a life and watching your loved ones living their lives happily,” yoongi stood up, his fair veiny hands buttoning his blazer buttons, “see yourself out. i have to do the briefing for a case. see you later, little one,” yoongi pat the top of your head in the most patronizing manner before walking out, leaving you alone in his office, all alone with nothing but your conflicting thoughts.
“isn’t this your senior prom dress?” rei asked as she tried to do an up-do on your hair. you already told her that it is alright, but she insisted you look the best on your special day. it made you almost snort in derision, your best day.
“thought you wanted to wear your mother’s dress at your wedding.”
you almost stopped breathing on hearing that. yes, that is what you had always dreamt of doing, of walking down the aisle in your mom’s beautiful wedding dress. you still keep her picture adorning the beautiful dress over your dresser. she looked so graceful, a genuine smile on her face. that is what you had always visualized your special day to be and not this, definitely not this. with a stranger, in the registrar’s office, without the presence of your father, all because you refuse to cower down to the way of this unfair world.
“yeah, uh, it got torn during a move and is non-restorable,” you lied straight through your teeth.
“really? that’s too bad. okay, here, look,” she turned the front camera on her phone before handing it to you, “hope you like it.”
you took the phone and stared at your face on the screen. It was just a reminder of what reality has turned into and what you are about to walk into. handing back the phone to her, you faked a smile, “i love it.”
rei just stared at you, seeing right through your fake smile, “why don’t i believe that?”
“no, seriously. you have done a good job, love!”
“no, i mean. can i ask you something?” she continued after you gave her a nod, “are you really sure about sir? i don’t mean to sound too rude, but you two look like you have never even been in each other’s presence before.”
“i guess that’s just how we are,” you shrugged and watched yoongi walk towards you both. he was dressed in one of his usual suits.
“we are next,” he announced with his arrival and turned to rei, “did you get the next date for that theft case?”
“yes, i did,” the pair continued talking about the details of some case when rei stopped and turned to you, “sir, it’s your wedding day. let’s not talk about work.”
“yeah. that. right. totally slipped my mind,” yoongi mumbled, “thanks for, uh, taking care of,” his eyes turned to your face as he tried to remember your name, “my, um, bride.”
you stared at him in sheer disbelief and with disdain. did he just stutter while remembering your name? so now he cannot even remember your name?
after yoongi’s witness, kim seokjin and his wife inaya came over, the group of you headed inside the registrar’s office.
yoongi was the first to sign the documents before turning the marriage register and prenuptial document towards you.
your gaze was strictly trained at him, your hands shaking as they got the hold of the pen from his hand. your eyes still pleading him to not take such a drastic step. you knew he was not going to budge, yet you tried that one last time before finally signing both the documents, sealing your fate with his.
the registrar attested the document, and after all the formalities were over, the group headed outside.
“you know, we met because of you,” yoongi started in a sarcastic tone, addressing seokjin.
“ah, yoongi-ah, you don’t have to thank me,” seokjin laughed, knowing very well what yoongi was hinting at, but he could not miss the opportunity to tease the younger man.
“no, hyung, i am so grateful to you,” yoongi gritted further. his tone was in complete contrast with his jovial expressions, “i can never thank you enough.”
seokjin tried to stop his laughter but failed tragically, “cheer up yoongi. you were the only bachelor in our group, and i was sad to see you so lonely.”
“oh! you were concerned about me???” yoongi’s voice almost went up an octave in absolute exaggeration.
“of course! we all were!” seokjin turned to you, “we are kind of a big group, y/n. would you like to have us over some time so we can all get to know you better? i only want to see yoongi happy. you know, put a smile on that stoic face.”
you were caught off-guard when seokjin addressed you. after rei left, you were stood quietly beside yoongi while the two men talked. you did not fail to note the sarcastic tone of your newly-wed husband while he spoke about you. well, the feeling is mutual. you are not ecstatic about him, either.
you almost wanted to curse seokjin out. yoongi is correct, this whole thing is happening because of him, but inaya was there, who clearly looked like she was unaware of the situation, so you chose not to lash out publicly, “of course, mr kim. that would be lovely.”
“it would be so nice to spend time with you, and rei too, she was nice,” inaya spoke up, smiling at you.
you smiled back, “i would like that very much. i will have rei over as well.”
“well, the girls have decided then.”
yoongi fought off the urge to roll his eyes as the couple took their leave.
“i have to go to court,” he spoke after taking a glance at his wristwatch, “my driver will take you to my place.”
“alright. i will be gone to the hospital till late.”
yoongi shrugged, “hardly matters to me. i am home mostly after ten in the night.”
“oh. okay,” you replied before getting in the car, and the driver first dropped off yoongi at the court before taking you to his place. 
you stepped out of the car, your eyes stuck at the beautiful architectural monument in front of you. while the driver unloaded your luggage from the vehicle, your eyes fell on a lady dressed in a black dress with a white apron, stood at the front door. she resembled one of those maids from the eighty’s movies. her hair was prim and proper, her posture — the epitome of vintage high ladies.
“this way, ma’am,” the driver spoke up as he carried your luggage towards the entrance.
you followed him quietly till you saw the lady approaching you. she had the kindest smile you have ever encountered. although her skin was riddled with wrinkles, her features were sharp, nonetheless. she reminded you a lot of your own dead mother.
“i am juyun, ma’am, and i have been at mr min’s service for more than a decade. i am his family housekeeper. it’s so great to meet you.”
“please call me y/n, and it’s great to meet you, as well.”
“oh, i can never, ma’am. that would be inappropriate. if you kindly will, this way,” she twisted open the handle on the front door to usher you inside.
you walked inside the house as prompted by the kind maid. the driver brought your luggage and placed it in yoongi’s bedroom. early in the morning, yoongi had picked you up from your place along with your stuff. first, you headed to the registrar’s office and now here you are. within a matter of a few hours, your address, your marital status and your fate changed.
you looked around the house, which was nothing less than a palace.
“would you like to take a look around?” the kind maid, juyun, spoke up when you kept looking at the expensive paintings mounted on the wall.
“no, thank you. i have to go meet my father.”
“would you like me to draw a bath for you, instead?”
“yes, that would be nice,” you turned to her after finishing your short eye-tour.
juyun nodded and walked to yoongi’s room with you on her tow. one look around the room, and you knew it was yoongi’s bedroom. neatly organized and a hundred per cent devoid of any kind of personal memento, almost like it is specifically designed to be devoid of any personal touch.
“can you set up my room in the guest room, please?”
“as you say, ma’am.” juyun agreed at once like it was nothing odd. well, considering she has been in yoongi’s service for more than a decade, she clearly knew him better. 
later in the night, you were already asleep by the time yoongi came back home.
around one in the night, you woke up from a thudding noise on the window pane. you turned the bed lamp on and tried looking out the window but could see nothing other than a couple of branches of the maple tree on the porch. due to the night breeze, the branches might have been crashing against the window. turning the light off, you laid back down, but in the moonlight, the shadow of the branches on the opposite wall looked like a hunched over man in a dark overcoat.
you are not one to get scared, but the unrhythmic thudding of the branches against the glass pane in the dead of night, inside a strange new house and empty room gave you the chills. juyun had informed you that she leaves the household premises before nightfall, so you knew, yoongi and you were the only people left in the house.
not thinking much of it, you went to sleep that night only to find yourself in the exact same situation the very next night. you held the comforter close to your chest, the darkness around you leaving room for an eerie aura to envelope the air. additionally, the shapeless shadows formed by the tree's branches were nothing less than scary.
that night as you slept, you had the worst nightmare. you dreamt of being chased by a shapeless form who wanted nothing but to hurt you — hurt you bad. it was malicious and evil. it made no sense because you have never had nightmares like these.
you woke up to your ringtone blaring loudly. it was an unknown number, and you hesitated to answer it, but right before the call would finish ringing completely, you picked it up. it was the state prosecutor’s office asking you to come over so they can prep you for the trial tomorrow. right. you still have to appear in court. given how sly and resourceful yoongi is, you already had the feeling that even appearing in court would not really amount to anything. nonetheless, you were going to exhaust all your options at helping out the dead fellow.
thursday came in a blurry, and you were up all night thinking about all the possible outcomes. last night when yoongi came back home, he had come up to your room to ask you if you were still planning to show up at court. when you replied in the affirmative, he just laughed. there was an air of smugness surrounding him like he had already planned ahead, at least, five moves. 
at the first rays of sunlight illuminating your room, you left the bed and started searching up courtroom etiquettes online. you have never been more nervous in life, it felt like the most significant examination of your life and you, so badly, wanted to pass.
you rummaged through your luggage to pull out your only formal skirt. tucking the white dress shirt inside the skirt, you stood in front of the mirror in the washroom to look for any creases. sighing, you grabbed the comb and neatly gathered every strand of hair to tie it in a ponytail before walking out in a pair of heels.
yoongi was having his breakfast while reading the newspaper. he took one look at you before turning the page to the finance section, “someone knows how to clean up.”
you kept quiet and headed towards the door.
“i can drop you off, i mean i am going to court as well. courtesy of you.”
“i can go there myself, thank you,” you replied before exiting the house. the bus takes half an hour to reach the trial court compound, and you did not want to risk arriving late.
reaching the court compound, you found your way around and sat in the spectator stand, your hands sweating from feeling extremely anxious and nervous. you kept memorising how to refer the judge, ‘your honour, my name is y/n.’ ‘your highness?’ ‘no, your honour’ ‘or is it your lord/ladyship?’
“top of the morning to you, little one,” your husband whispered when he walked past you to the attorney table and sat on the left side. he was accompanied by another sharp-looking man dressed in a fine suit.
you rolled your eyes at that but kept sitting quietly. the stand filled up soon to about half of its capacity, and everyone rose to their feet once the judge entered the courtroom. the trial started within moments, and you watched the sharp-looking man, introduced as the defence counsel, mr harvey specter, skilfully refute every piece of evidence that the prosecution had built a case on. you were expecting your husband to fight the case, but he had his firm partner representing him. the whole exchange between the defence and prosecution went by in a flash. you tried to keep up with the arguments till you heard the prosecutor calling your name.
“your honour, i would like to call to the witness box prosecution’s last witness, y/n,” the public prosecutor said after presenting all the facts.
“permission granted,” presiding judge marly replied.
prompted by the prosecutor, you stood up and walked to the witness box. it was surreal and nothing like how it is usually portrayed on television.
“state your name for the record and relation to the case,” the judge asked once you were done repeating the words of affirmation.
“your honour, my name is y/n..” you trailed off.
“are you sure, dear? you sound unsure of it,” marly J. commented, her dominant hand scribbling away.
your eyes followed her hand, your own shaking a bit. you turned forward to notice that everyone in the courtroom had their eyes on you. mainly, that unmistakable predatory gaze of min yoongi, who looked like this was all a piece of cake for him.
“miss, can you state your name for the record and relation to the case,” the prosecutor repeated the judge’s words when you kept sitting quietly.
“i-i’m sorry. my name is y/n, and i heard a conversation regarding the murder.”
“can you tell the court what you heard? verbatim, if you will,” the prosecutor asked of you next.
you nodded and duly obliged, narrating the exact words of the conversation that you had heard that day.
“do you swear that this is a true and accurate statement?” the judge asked.
you nodded, “yes, your honour.”
“do you recognize that man,” the prosecutor pointed at yoongi, “as the one who had that particular phone call conversation?”
you followed the prosecutor’s hand and looked at yoongi, who winked at you. the gall of this man.
“yes, sir. that’s him.”
“let the record reflect that the witness has identified the defendant. no further questions, your honour,” the prosecutor walked to the attorney table and sat down.
mr specter stood up once the state prosecutor sat down. he fixed his blazer, buttoning it up as he walked to the stand and stood in front of you.
“miss, can you state your full name for the record? the name that you have taken over since your marriage,” he started.
“min y/n.”
“married to?”
“min yoongi,” your eyes boring holes into yoongi’s, who smirked a little at your tone.
“can you please tell the court what this is?” mr. specter brought over a piece of paper and handed it to you. 
you took the paper and glanced at it quickly, “it’s the marriage certificate of mr min and i.”
“very well, can you tell me when is it dated?”
“16th August...” you read out the date, and at the realization, your voice died down. it was back-dated. you married him two days ago, not one month ago but the date on the marriage certificate said otherwise. clearly attested by the government ordained registrar.
mr specter turned, “let the record show that the prime witness of the case is the wife of one of the named defendants, and the conversation took place after they were married.”
“objection your honour,” the prosecutor stood up, “relevancy.”
the judge turned to mr specter for his reasoning.
“your honour, the relevancy of this established fact will be shown to the courtroom very soon. in order to do that, i would like to call the defendant, min yoongi, to the stand.”
“very well. please proceed.”
you stood up and walked down, giving space for yoongi to take the seat. you were feeling airy headed since you knew precisely what yoongi was going to do. truth be told, you showed up at court today solely on that last morsel of hope that maybe your testimony can amount to anything, something, but yoongi was going to tear it all down to nothing.
“mr min, do you recognise this woman as your wife?” mr specter asked.
before yoongi could answer, however, the prosecutor spoke up.
“objection, your honour. already asked and answered. counsel is wasting the court's time.”
mr specter did not wait for the judge to rebuke him and started, “seems like my learned friend is in a hurry, so allow me to rephrase. do you recall having the conversation with or in front of your wife, min y/n?”
“no, your honour,” yoongi lied through his teeth, “i do not recall having that conversation even in the slightest. additionally, anything between my wife and i is protected under spousal privilege.”
“counsellors, approach the bench. you too, mr min,” marly J. commanded before walking to the attached judge’s room.
the prosecutor, mr specter and yoongi walked to the judge's room.
marly J. was sitting in her chair and had a distasteful scowl on her face, “mr min. my courtroom deals with criminal cases, not family issues.”
“i am well aware, your honour,” yoongi replied.
the judge turned to the prosecutor, “i believe your entire case was based on her testimony, but i cannot allow it.”
“your honour, please reconsider. this is the first time any witness has willingly testified against kim seokjin.”
“i cannot deny a citizen their right to the privileges they enjoy granted by the law. everyone is equal in front of the law. i cannot allow it. if there is nothing further that you can produce to stand your case, i am disposing of it.”
when the opposing counsels, along with your husband, had gone to talk to the judge personally, you could already guess the outcome of this whole stunt. defeated, you did not wait for the judge to pass the order and left for the hospital to be with your father.
that night, you were scared to fall asleep. counting sheep was not helping, neither was watching anything on the phone. your eyes drooped with sleep, but just as sleep started to seep in, you woke yourself up. but there is only so long till you can keep yourself up forcefully. soon you fell into a deep slumber and almost like a lucid dream as you saw the exact same nightmare. only this time — the figure had caught up and was about to hurt you, but you managed to wake yourself up just in time. now you know, the faceless figure is the dead man over whom you have, so far, risked and ruined your entire future. you have done your part. you cannot possibly fight a system alone when the corruption is at every micro-level.
on the fourth night, you seriously debated what to do about this situation. during all this time, you have had absolutely zero interaction with your so-called husband. he left for work around nine and came back around eleven, had his meals alone as you had a different daily routine. juyun took care of everything around the house, so it was not like your presence was required anywhere. you kept yourself limited in the four walls of the guest room while you were in the place, the rest of the time you spent with your father, who was getting the treatment he needed. amidst the quiet of the night, as your mind raced through all these thoughts, a car horn from the main road caused you to flinch.
“fuck it,” you mumbled before getting out of bed. grabbing a t-shirt, you put it on over your racer-back tank and headed out into the doorway. you do not know exactly remember which way was yoongi’s room and amidst the dimly lit hallways, all the corners looked the same, but you kept walking forward till you came upon a door, wherefrom under the small gap at the bottom, a faint light was coming out causing you to knock at it.
there was a shuffle of sheets, and the door opened to reveal yoongi in his pyjamas. he was wearing a t-shirt with a pair of joggers, not much different than your attire.
“what?” he asked, rubbing his eyes.
“i can’t sleep,” you admitted shyly.
“i don’t know any lullabies,” he walked in, leaving the door open. you walked in too, closing the door behind you.
“no. i mean, can i sleep here tonight? i’ll sleep on the couch.”
“whatever,” yoongi replied before sitting on the bed with his laptop as he resumed typing something.
you sauntered to the couch and sat on it first, watching yoongi work. he was not lying. he really did not care and continued typing whatever he was working on.
you took off your slippers and pulled your bent legs on the couch, letting your head rest on one of the armrests. your eyes were trained at him, your arms crossed over your chest in a fight or flight mode.
sleep took over soon, but it was uncomfortable to lie in that awkward position. you kept repositioning your head or your legs in the sleep, not being able to drift into a deeper sleep that your tired body needed.
yoongi finished his draft in about two hours. he turned off his laptop and looked up to see you still curled up in that uncomfortable position. for the past two hours, he has not failed to note that you could not sleep properly. he stood up, keeping away his laptop on his desk before walking to you. he let a kick on one of the legs of the couch, causing a vibration.
“get up.”
by the third kick, you woke up, squinting your eyes open. yoongi was standing in front of you, hands in his pocket, “what?”
“get on the bed.”
you sat up at once, alarmed at his words. 
“whoa, whoa, i am not trying to jump you. it’s three in the morning, little one. i finished a draft, and i only want to sleep now. so just get on the bed. you are clearly uncomfortable.”
“promise you won’t touch me?” you asked, massaging the back of your aching neck.
he nodded tiredly, “go ahead. you can sleep on the right side. the left is mine,” he said before heading to the washroom.
you walked to his bed and crawled on the right side of the extra comfortable king-sized bed. by the time you settled under the warm covers, yoongi came out of the washroom and joined you. he turned off the lights and turned his back to you after getting inside the covers.
November 2020:
over the past two months of your early married days, your interaction with your husband has been questionably none. some nights, you overcome your fears and sleep in the guest room, other nights when they overcome your conscience, you end up sleeping with yoongi again, in his bed, against his warmth but that is about it. there is never much talk.
some days it feels like he is intentionally ignoring you or avoiding to talk to you but with time you have concluded that he is a busy person in general and is not exactly putting up a front to ignore you.
some other days, it feels like he is just putting up a show but he has other intentions. like when he shifts in his sleep and his hand sometimes falls on your chest, his fingers almost moulding to the shape of your breast causing you to glare at him but his soft snores are evidence enough that he is clearly asleep and the movement is unconscious.
either ways, he is a not a man of a lot of words. or maybe he is, considering he is an advocate. you don’t really know, and he never leaves space for you to know him any better. your marriage is a sham and will never pick up pace, so you turn your focus to the one constant in your life; your father.
after receiving the best cancer treatment (curtesy of your generous husband), your father did get better last month but after a few weeks, he started deteriorating again. the doctor has already informed you that there is no hope and you know too, that look in his eyes is unmistakable. more or less, you have accepted it but that has not brought any break in your daily routine.
every morning you wake up alone in the bed as yoongi wakes up before you, take a quick shower, finish your morning routine and breakfast and then head over to the hospital to spend time with your father. most days you read to him, while on others, he reminisces about his past and tells you more stories about your mother than you have ever heard since your childhood.
you were flipping through the pages of wuthering heights, trying to look for the last line that you read when your father’s eyes fell on your wedding ring.
“what’s that?” he asked, his eyes stuck at your ring finger.
“hm?” you softly hummed, very much invested in finding the bookmark till you followed his gaze and gulped. you must have forgotten to take it off before walking in his room a few hours ago, “it’s a ring.”
“for what?”
“fashion, dad. it’s just a ring,” you shrugged it off confidently, turning your gaze back to the book.
your father sighed. he knows you, he knows no matter how hard he is going to try, he will not be receiving a straight reply from you, “i still don’t understand how you can afford this CCU room. i asked a nurse and the per-day cost is more than our monthly rent.”
“i have told you, dad, just let me handle it the best way that i can,” you mumbled before finding the pencil mark and started to read again;
“i’m wearying to escape into that glorious world, and to be always there: not seeing it dimly through tears, and yearning for it through the walls of an aching heart: but really with it, and in —.”
“y/n, is there something you are hiding from me?” your father cut you off in the middle.
you sighed, putting down the book on your lap, your index finger keeping the book from closing, “not really. everything is fine, as always. i have handled everything, as always.”
your father turned his gaze back to the ceiling above his head, the same ceiling that he has been staring at for over a month now, “you know... your mother loved this book. her favourite line was honest people don't hide their deeds, and she truly lived by those words.”
“i am not hiding anyth—”
your father cut you off again. he overlooked your words as he was speaking in a flow, “i will forever regret that i couldn’t send you off to a good university. you were always the best in your class, always at a higher reading level than your current grade, and yet because of our family condition, you could not attend a university. like you deserved to.”
your hands closed the book shut, eyes now stuck to the graphic design of the cover as your father continued.
“and now i won’t be there to walk you down the aisle when you meet your prince charming.”
you unconsciously played with the wedding ring till you took it off and pocketed it.
“forgive me, y/n. turns out i am not the father that i should have been to you. i couldn’t support you financially, and i won’t be there for the rest of your life either. please forgive me.”
your vision turned blurry as tears welled up in your eyes, “stop saying that.”
“it’s the truth! you’re a good kid, baby. the best i could ever imagine having. all i can wish for till my last breath now is that you get the prince you deserve. a good guy who will take care of you better than i ever could.”
“stop saying that!” your enraged voice went up, unintentionally, “no can ever take care of me better than you did as a single dad. so just stop saying that. i will come again tomorrow,” keeping your head bowed down, you walked out of the room swiftly before your father could further protest.
sniffling in the hallway, you speed-walked to the restroom to bawl your eyes out. the moment your eyes met the mirror, the tears fell like an incessant waterfall. it took you around fifteen minutes to calm down, till your tears turned to a bitter chuckle as you laughed at the irony of your life. freshening up, you were drying your hands when you remembered that this is the exact place where your downfall started. the universe indeed has a wicked way to rub your face in it.
composing yourself, you left the hospital building to make your way back to the place you have been calling ‘home’ for the last two months. it did not feel like home. even the walls were unwelcoming. you had nothing to do. your status was nothing more than a piece of wall furniture, not even a fancy one at that. probably the cheapest one that your husband owns.
there were no visitors, no family, just the maid who leaves every evening after preparing dinner. everything around the house is always taken care of. visiting your father every day was the only sort of routine you had in place, but that would come to an end soon, as well, just like everything does in your life.
“you are back early today, miss,” juyun spoke up when you walked into the living room. she was in the process of dusting the window panes.
“yeah...” you trailed off, meaning to walk away but stood your place, “i remember on my first day, you had mentioned that you are yoongi’s family housekeeper.”
juyun straightened up with pride at the mention of her employment history, “yes. i have served the min family diligently, ma’am and wish to do so till my bones cannot take it anymore.”
“so what about his family? where are they now?”
juyun’s proud smile vanished within seconds at your question. oh, you don’t know.
“i thought you knew, miss.”
“what do you mean?” your eyebrows furrowed with confusion as yoongi had never mentioned his family. he hardly speaks two-three words to you, let alone talk about his family.
“around five years ago mr and mrs min died in a car crash.”
“i’m sorry,” your blood turned cold at the revelation. your fate must be so tainted that you do not even have in-laws to call a family.
“they were murdered, miss,” juyun continued, tears streaming down her face, “your husband was still making his name in the legal world, and he had put an evil man in jail. a gang-man who had killed many, and then one day, mr and mrs min were hit by a truck when they were on their way back home. it was clear as day that the gang-man was behind this. then yoongi sir met with seokjin sir and soon founded his firm.”
“is the gang member still behind bars?”
“oh no, miss. he is dead. he was murdered in his own cell. police suspected some gang rivalry.”
juyun’s tone was sincere as she narrated the story to you, but it did not take you a moment to connect the dots. your father used to call you miss holmes due to how quickly you can see the bigger picture even with incomplete facts, half stories or wrong clues. honestly, you are the one who finds it annoying when people cannot see through the truth, it is always glaring them straight in the face, but they choose not to see it.
yoongi must be behind the death of the gang member, he must have taken help from seokjin, and then jeongguk must have taken care of the police. it was clear as the day really, the affiliations are apparent enough. after all, you are another victim of the same affiliations, only.
“where’s your ring, miss?” juyun asked, her hands touching your bare finger.
“oh, i took it off to wash my hands,” you brought the ring out of your dress pocket and wore it, “there.”
“it’s gold, dear. you don’t have to take it off when touching the water.”
“right. will keep it in mind next time,” you smiled before making your way to your room.
when yoongi came to bed after finishing work that night, he was surprised to find you awake. you are usually asleep by the time he comes.
during the first month, he would walk to the washroom to change, but he has stopped bothering. your face is usually turned towards the wall near the bed, so these days, he just changes in the room itself.
“can’t sleep?” he asked, changing out of his dress pants and into a fresh pair of sweats.
“no, was just lost in thoughts,” you turned back unbeknownst that his upper body was bare as he just took off his shirt, “i-i’m sorry,” you closed your eyes shut.
yoongi snickered noiselessly on noting that you did not close your eyes immediately, but after taking a good look at his body, “ahha,” he hummed after putting on the t-shirt and walking to the washroom to freshen up.
“can i ask you something?”
yoongi stepped out of the washroom and made his way to the bed, “go ahead,” he raised the covers and got inside them.
“what happened to your parents?”
you rushed it. you asked the main question way too early before laying down any groundwork. he was in a good mood, but his expression turned into a scowl on hearing your question.
“i don’t wish to discuss my parents. ever. if you wish to gossip, feel free to leave because i need to sleep,” he turned his back to you.
see, this is what you do not get. why do you have to lay the groundwork for someone? why do you have to walk on eggshells around someone? why can’t you just ask min yoongi something ever and actually get a proper answer. are you not a receptive person? do you not deserve to be talked to? it is always the same with your husband. he never wants to talk, never wants to give you even the slightest glimpse of his life. all you want, all you need, all you wish — to just talk to someone, maybe tell them about how you are feeling internally, about your father, about this complicated fate that you have found yourself tangled in, about your future, what lays ahead — all you want is to talk. you are always making sure that you do not take too much space, trying to never bother anyone as everyone is doing their own work, always spending your time alone knowing that it is not anyone’s job to entertain you or hang out with you. no one has time for you. even life does not have time for you. you, on the other hand, have all the time in this world, always free, just laying around on the bed, eyes either stuck to the ceiling or out the window, watching couples, friends, family walking by, having fun, spending time with each other.
life must be colourful for them, unlike the black and white permanent filter veiling on yours.
yoongi came back one day around seven in the evening, very much to your surprise. he sat down on the wingback chair placed adjacent to the sofa set on which you were sitting, watching a movie on television.
“don’t do that,” you rolled your eyes upon noticing through the peripheral vision that yoongi had brought out a cigarette and was about to light it up.
“i am not having a good day,” yoongi drawled out lazily before lighting up the cigarette.
you sighed, “well, i can’t really help much if you don’t share stuff with me.”
yoongi allowed his body to rest back against the plush upholstery of the wingback chair, his one leg resting over the other, “what do you want to know?”
you almost brushed over the reply till it hit you that he was actually giving you a chance to ask him what you wanted to know. your eyes went wide at the realization as you put the television on mute and turned to him, “are you serious?”
“don’t push your luck, little one. ask me what you want before i change my mind.”
you parted your lips intending to say something but shut yourself up. it is early days, and you cannot spook him off yet. going in slow would be the best option. he will let you in eventually, but you have to be patient. nodding to yourself, you turned to him, “did something happen at work? you’re back early.”
“not really,” there was an uncomfortable silence; the smoke from his lit up cigarette, held tightly between his long fingers, formed a cloud before he brought it up to his lips and took a drag, “a dumb cop filed the wrong charge-sheet against a client of mine and then my junior had the absolute audacity to let his phone ring inside the courtroom. kids these days are fucking embarrassing.”
you nodded, not to anyone in particular, acknowledging what he talked about. it did not seem that big of a deal, but you guessed it was one to yoongi. 
you started thinking again before asking the second question. the last thing you want is for him to shut off as usual, “is there something that i can help you with?”
you were not expecting him to reply in the affirmative, but it made your ears perk up when he did. you can be of some use to someone? anyone? wow, what a day.
“yes, actually. thanks for reminding me. seokjin hyung is eating my head off about the gathering. he wants to call the boys and their wives to meet you. i swear if hyung and jeongguk text me one more time about this, i will block them.”
“we can have them over. i don’t mind. it would be nice to have people over, i guess. i mean, i would love to look over the arrangements and meet them.”
“you sure? they can be a handful. they are basically adults on steroids.”
you giggled softly at the comparison, “can’t be that bad.”
“fine. don’t say i did not warn you in advance.”
you went to add something more, but his phone started ringing.
“guess time’s up,” your husband put out the cigarette before making his way towards his study. he stopped in his tracks and turned to pat your head, “good talk.”
you watched him leaving just as smoothly as he had arrived, “condescending, cold bastard,” rolling your eyes, you went back to watching the movie.
jung hoseok was the first one to arrive. as informed by your deeply cherished husband, you know that he manages the biggest chain of hotels in south asia and has been a loyal client of yoongi’s for almost six years now.
“hello, mr. jung,” you smiled politely as he was let inside the living room by juyun.
“oh hey, you must be y/n. it’s great to finally meet you,” he smiled back with the same fervour.
“and your wife...?” you trailed off, unsure. as far as you remember, yoongi did mention that all his friends were married.
“ah, dany is at home with our son. he is only five months old, so she doesn’t really leave the house much.”
“oh! congratulations on the baby boy.”
“yeah,” hoseok nodded awkwardly as the conversation turned silent, “well, i hope you don’t mind that i am here early. i came here directly from work. had i gone back home, i would have just fallen asleep.”
you nodded at that, but before you could reply, yoongi came down from his bedroom. juyun must have informed him that hoseok was here.
“i’ll take it from here,” yoongi’s hand brushed against the small of your back as he smiled at hoseok, “let’s talk in my study till the rest of the party arrives.”
hoseok nodded, and both the men left for yoongi’s study room. you kept standing there, thinking about the way he left, but his touch lingered on your skin through the fabric of your black a-line dress. it burned through your being, and you craved it more, just like you do every night when he scoots a little bit too close. 
you must have been standing there for a few minutes because the next thing you heard was the honk of a car pulling up in the driveaway.
yes, more guests. your hands instinctively straightened your wrinkle-free dress to greet the guests.
“ah, you,” your lips broke into a rhetoric smile when your eyes spotted jeon jeongguk.
jeongguk shrugged, smiling back, “hello, miss.”
“do you guys know each other?” a soft female voice from behind him caused you to crane your neck sideways till the figure came out in front.
jeongguk turned to his wife, “know? yoongi hyung met her cause of me! it’s a shame they did not call me to the wedding.”
“really? that’s nice,” the girl turned to you, a smile on her face, “i am azumi, jeongguk’s wife.”
“where’s hyung?” jeongguk asked after taking a look around.
“he’s in the study with mr. jung,” you informed him.
“sweet. i believe you ladies would certainly find something to talk about,” he smiled at his wife before walking away.
you just stared at azumi, not knowing what to say or do. you have spent most of your adult life working, taking care of your father and then locking yourself up in your room. that was your ‘me’ time. socialising, going out, having friends is not something you are good at, even by a tiny bit.
“can.. we sit?” azumi asked, gesturing at the couch.
“a-o-of course! sorry, my bad. i didn’t ask you to even sit.”
“it’s fine. happens to the best of us, don’t worry. you’ve got this,” azumi smiled, grabbing your hand as she walked to the couch and sat down with you beside her.
you felt relieved. you are not an anti-social person. you just need the proper nudge to open up and talk.
azumi almost had the opposite personality as you. she was charming, bubbly and knew her way around words. it almost seems like a cruel joke that her husband is jeon jeongguk. well, she seemed clearly ignorant of the exploits of his corruption. that much was clear.
“oh and then tanaz and i we- wait, do you know tanaz?” azumi asked in the middle of telling you about her university life.
you shook your head a no, “i’m afraid not.”
“don’t worry! you’ll know when they come over. she’s my best friend. we’ve known each other since we were kids.”
your fingers softly played with each other, your clasped hands lying in your lap, “that must be nice.”
“yeah, it is. you must already know inaya, at least?”
“i have met her, but we haven’t talked much, really.”
“oh...” azumi sighed. she could easily sense that this was all new to you, and she has been trying to make you loosen up, but so far, it has not worked well, “is there anyone coming tonight that you know?”
“yeah! rei is coming, she’s my friend. not exactly my friend, more like my little sister, but i’ve known her since school!” you beamed almost, happy that you also have someone in your life that you have known for a while. life is not that bad. you have some aspects like most normal people, as well. and knowing that, just that fact gave you satisfaction at the moment.
azumi grinned at your enthusiasm. yes, it finally worked!
around twenty minutes later, rei finally came, and so did inaya and seokjin.
“you’re late, miss,” you huffed as rei walked to you, giving you a brief hug.
“i know, i know, i wanted to get something for you, but nothing just seemed right.”
“what? no! you didn’t have to.”
“psst, not taking a no. here,” she handed you a gift-wrapped packet.
“i’ll check it later.”
“no! open it now. i want to see if you like it,” she urged you till you finally gave in and took off the wrapping paper to reveal a picture frame. it contained an old picture of you with rei, back from high school. the photo was taken on sports day, dressed in matching uniforms and cute braided pigtails. you were pinching rei’s cheeks, who was trying to escape your hold.
“i think i am the only one who has a copy. so, i want you to have it,” rei smiled eagerly, waiting for your reaction, but you kept staring at the picture, your eyes turning glassy.
“i love it. thank you. thank you so much,” you sniffled once, soaking your tears back in before putting up the frame on top of the fireplace, “and this is...?” you gestured towards the male who had accompanied rei and was now talking with seokjin. the two men had struck up quite a conversation.
“that’s um, jimin-ssi,” rei turned towards the jimin-person who noticed you both staring at him, so he flashed you both a toothy smile causing you to smile back in return.
“boyfriend?” you grinned, turning back to rei.
“uhh, we got married last month.”
“wait a second, you got married? what?”
“it’s a long story,” rei mumbled, her gaze towards azumi, “i’ll tell you later.”
you followed her gaze and nodded, “right. come here, this is azumi, and you surely remember inaya.”
rei nodded before joining the girls. another five-six minutes and taehyung and his wife, tanaz, arrived. the men came out to the living room as well, and yoongi introduced you to all of them one by one while you introduced jimin to them.
late into the party after concluding dinner, you turned around yourself. everyone seemed to be having a good time. it made you genuinely smile. after months, you had something to do, arrange a party you had never done before. one-night yoongi came back and informed you that the party was going to be on friday night. that was on a wednesday, so basically you had two days to arrange everything. juyun was glad to help, but she offered you took the lead and asked you to manage everything before asking for her help. at first, it terrified you because you did not want to screw up, not at your first gathering, but it was thrilling, too. you went shopping for hours, took hours to finalise the dishes, the drinks, the décor, everything. and to see it all come together nicely, your smile only grew fonder.
“so, why do i get a vibe that you guys don’t like jeongguk?” azumi asked suddenly, making all of you quiet down.
the men were sitting separately on the other side of the room, drinking and smoking. they had a completely different conversation going on, more like they were in their own world.
tanaz was the one who broke the silence, “’cause he’s an asshole.”
“hey, that’s rude!” azumi smacked tanaz’s arm lightly in mock retaliation.
while they laughed it out, inaya and you just exchanged the ‘who’s gonna tell her’ look between each other. seems like no one really liked jeongguk.
“what? he’s a jerk, and so is dr taehyung,” tanaz scoffed, finishing her wine in a gulp. there was a certain tinge of anger laced with her voice when she enunciated the doctor.
inaya cringed at it, “aria eonnie is testimony to that.”
tanaz chuckled, “she sure is.”
azumi kept quiet at the comment, choosing not to go into further details. you certainly did not know any of them enough to contribute to the conversation. while rei quietly observed the girls, her gaze moving back and forth between them like a bobblehead.
tanaz stood up to refill her glass, “rei is awfully quiet tonight,” she poured some more of the red fluid into her wineglass.
“oh, this is all new to me. i am still processing it in,” rei smiled sheepishly, “you guys seem very close, i mean from the way you are bitching about your husbands.”
“bitching? if only,” azumi let a bitter laugh.
rei turned to you first, to which you only gave a shrug, so she continued, “am i missing something?”
“oh no, you are fine, darling. ignore us,” tanaz tutted back to resume her place, “tell us about yourself. what do you do?”
“i am an advocate. i work in yoongi sir’s firm.”
“that’s amazing! where did you meet that charming devil?” azumi asked, her eyes gesturing to where jimin was sitting, talking with jeongguk.
“at work..” rei trailed off.
“really? i thought you said he was a dance teacher?” you inquired further.
“he is. he is a choreographer and works mainly in the k-industry, but we met at work. it’s a long story really,” rei dismissed your queries and chugged down her wine.
“if you don’t mind my asking, how old are you? you look quite young,” azumi asked after rei refilled her glass.
rei turned to her, “i can say the same, really. you hardly look older than me. if you don’t mind my asking, how old are you?”
azumi laughed at rei’s defensive tone, “wah, forgot you are a lawyer for a second. it’s not an interrogation. we are all friends only.”
rei joined her and laughed too, “i’m just kidding. i’m twenty-two.”
“oh,” tanaz paused and turned to inaya, “turns out we have another member joining the maknae club.”
“welcome to the club,” inaya clinked her wine-glass against rei’s at that but kept the glass away, not taking a sip.
“tell us about your married life,” tanaz asked further. rei was a new target, and the girls indeed loved hassling her. it was fun to watch rei getting flustered, so you allowed yourself to indulge as well instead of saving her, like rei wanted, evident from her pleading eyes every time she looked at you. she was indeed not the extrovert of the bunch.
“it’s certainly a new experience,” rei let a soft sigh.
“yes, the honeymoon phase. it’ll fade away soon, believe me. ask inaya, she’s been doing this for four years,” azumi was the one to reply this time.
inaya did not register the statement as her eyes were stuck at her husband’s figure.
“inaya?” azumi touched inaya’s hand, causing the latter to flinch as she was brought out of her thoughts.
“i’m sorry. what’d i miss?” her eyes travelled between all of you ladies.
“nothing. tell us what’s going on with you,” this time, it was tanaz again who spoke.
“the usual, really,” inaya exhaled. it was more a mumble. her wine-glass went untouched, and when you brought that up, inaya seemed visibly dishevelled, “i can-can’t drink.”
“is everything alright?” you turned to her, worried this time.
inaya’s gaze moved towards her husband first, then to tanaz, who was quick to her rescue.
“she can’t drink cause of a medical condition.”
although the hesitancy in their voices indicated something more, it was not your place to pry further, so you left the topic alone.
the night grew, and the clock struck half-past ten. it was azumi who stood up first and made her way to her husband. 
she tapped on his shoulder, “we should get going. you’ve duty in the morning.”
jeongguk sighed, taking one last drag from the cigar before handing it over to hoseok, “yes, baby,” he turned to the men, standing up, “unlike you rich pricks, i have work in the morning.”
“mm, officer. thank you for your service,” seokjin mocked, gaining a laugh from the rest of them.
jeongguk chuckled, wearing his jacket, the right sleeve of which he kept getting wrong till azumi held it up for him to slide his right arm in.
you watched the couples quietly, as one by one, all of them took their leave after bidding you and your husband a goodnight. rei had stayed back to help you clean up till you literally had to scold her that you could handle it.
“she never takes no for an answer,” jimin spoke, his first words to you that night.
“yeah, she’s always been like that. take good care of her. she only has you.”
“oh my god, that’s so embarrassing,” rei groaned, rolling her eyes.
it felt like you guys were back in high school, making you giggle at her tone as you hit her head, “shut up. i have lived one year more than you. that’s 365 days more. eonnie knows better.”
rei was leaning against jimin’s figure, holding on to his arm, tired from the long day, but she straightened her back the moment yoongi walked in after seeing off the guests and stood by your side, “thank you for having us, sir.”
“not at all, rei. thanks for coming over. you too, mr. park.”
jimin nodded, shaking his hand before they set on their way as well.
you watched from the front door as jimin and rei got in their car and drove out of the porch. you walked back inside, closing and locking the door behind you.
rei kept staring at jimin, who drove carefully, he was not drunk out of his senses but enough to make him tipsy.
jimin caught her constant stare, “what?”
“you smoked. i have never seen you smoke.”
“i don’t. that was just a cigar,” he shrugged.
“fine. did you have a good time?”
jimin nodded, changing gears after the signal turned green.
“see! and you thought you would be bored alone.”
“i was able to make friends, luckily that’s all. oh, by the way, i will be going out with jeongguk tomorrow for some drinks.”
“really? of all the people, you chose to be friends with that guy?”
“what do you mean?”
“i don’t like his vibe, i don’t know. there was also a weird tension between the ladies regarding jeongguk and taehyung,” rei shrugged, “it was all peculiar.”
“doll, you are overthinking. i will also be meeting with seokjin hyung about some work.”
rei let a soft sigh in reply before turning her gaze out the window, watching the tall buildings fly by in a blurry haze. 
it has been a while since the couples left. you retired to your room after cleaning up. a knock came and the door opened while you were in the middle of changing out of your dress.
“hey, just wanted to than- fuck, i am sorry,” yoongi closed his eyes, halfway inside the room.
“did something happen?” you asked, your hands pulling up your shorts in a second. you were clad in a t-shirt.
“no, i came to thank you.”
“you can look. it’s fine.”
yoongi peeped one eye open before blinking both of them open, “thanks for arranging the party. everyone had a good time.”
you nodded, noticing his stumbling gait, “you’re going to trip over that corner,” you grabbed his hand in a plea to sit him on the bed.
under the spell of alcohol, yoongi lost his balance and held on to your arms. you both stayed frozen at the moment. yoongi sitting at the edge of the bed, and you standing between his legs, his hands holding your arms. it did not matter how it happened, but the only thing your mind registered was yoongi’s lips on yours. you could taste the alcohol and cigar on his tongue, but it did not really matter, not when this was the first time kissing your husband. your arms lying by your side bent at the joints and raised up to touch his hair. his hands let you as you run your fingers through his hair.
yoongi pulled away and touched the side of your face with his slightly raised hand, “i wanna see your tits,” he mused lazily.
you batted your eyelashes, oh so lustily, before lifting your arms over your head to swiftly get rid of your t-shirt, which you had just adorned a few moments ago. your breasts hung inside one of your standard bralettes, and you saw yoongi’s hand extending towards your chest before it stopped mid-way, abruptly.
“how old are you, again?” he blinked before focusing his gaze back at your face.
“twenty-three,” you replied, your fingers playing with themselves enclosed within your clasped hands resting at the small of your back.
“fuck,” yoongi muttered a curse before retracting from your figure, “you are a fucking kid. do you know old i am? i am thirty-three. this is wrong,” he shook his head as if trying to break his daze from the alcoholic riddle.
before you could complain, he removed himself from your room at once and stumbled his way to his bedroom.
your hands unclasped and rattled with the sipper bottle placed on the nightstand for a countable few moments before you tipped it over in annoyance. this is okay. you can get past this. breathing sharply, you gathered the discarded t-shirt from the floor and made your way to the bed, sitting down with the fabric in your lap. 
maybe it is not okay, after all. how dare this atrocious and scandalous man marry you in a frenzy and then keep you locked away without so much as a bit of sexual relief. all these months, he would not even look at you, and now that he has, he sees you as a literal child. so he is a bit older than you? he should have thought of that beforehand. you did not ask for any of this, and he does not get to deny you anymore, not after the way he literally runs his devilish tongue over his lips. he can run them over yours. it is not really that difficult, not when you are entirely willing to hold your panties out of the way to give him better leverage.
balling up the t-shirt, you threw it at the couch before setting out towards your lawfully-wedded husband’s bedroom. you opened the door with a single push of your hand in the most dramatic way possible. upon entering, you noticed yoongi splayed out on the bed, still clad in his work clothes, the back of his dominant hand resting over his closed eyes, obscuring his vision. he did not bother to look up as he knew it was probably just you coming over to sleep on his bed. 
he is used to it now, but what he is not used to at all is the feeling of your unfamiliar lower figure settling around his crotch area. tearing away the hand from his eyes, he looked at you in shock only to find you making yourself comfortable on his reclined lap.
“the fuck is this, now?” he asked in apparent distaste.
too bad cause you are not going to have any of it, “i am not a minor, you know, and i am way over the legal age to drink alcohol even.”
“doesn’t change anything. i can’t do it—” his words were snatched right out of his mouth when he felt your hips moving, causing lewd friction between your heat and his crotch, “no no no,” he placed his hands on your hips in a plea to stop your movements, but you continued on. your eyes not breaking contact for a single moment, not even to blink.
“go ahead, stop me,” you shrugged nonchalantly, your heat hanging on to the zipper of his trousers, your hips still moving in a rhythm.
yoongi’s breathing went back to its average pace as he allowed himself to lay back down in the fortress of pillows, his eyes maintaining the contact that yours have established.
your hands lying by your side, now rested flat atop his chest, feeling every breath of his rumble inside the rib cage.
due to the lack of much-needed friction, you pushed aside the triangular patch of your shorts that barely covered the swell of your ass and placed your bare heat on top of his fully-clothed groin, soiling it a tad bit with your pre-lubrication.
“no panties, huh? did you want me to come and fuck you into the mattress?” yoongi finally asked when he felt your arousal forming a patch on the fabric of his trousers.
you shrugged, “i practically sleep naked every night. not that you would know—”
“i know,” he seethed this time, getting a hold of your wrists resting on his chest, “when you grind that sinful ass against my fucking dick in your sleep, i know, little one. i know.”
you did not mean to blush at his words, but you were practically gushing, glowing red all over when yoongi’s hands beckoned you closer to him.
“you don’t get to be shy. not now,” he tutted softly, his hands letting go of your wrists and grabbing onto each of your breasts. oh, how yoongi has restrained himself night after night from touching you, but he knew you were sleeping, and he did not want to risk doing the wrong thing, not when he did not know if you wanted it.
he kneaded your breasts from over the bralette that you were still adorning, “get rid of it.”
it was barely a whisper, but he did not need to repeat himself as you sprinted to action and completely unclothed your upper body.
yoongi’s hands now latched onto the globes of flesh, finally touching the soft skin. his touch was careful, needy, but gentle.
very unlike you, who was growing visibly impatient. you needed to have something stuffed deep inside you, preferably his dick, or else you would have to resort to touching yourself.
however, the extreme measures did not need to be acted upon as yoongi let go of your breasts and tapped on the side of your thigh, “c’mere.”
“what do you mean?” you shot him a confused look.
yoongi chose to keep quiet and, instead, locked his arms around your thighs, pulling your figure forwards.
you crawled up his chest hesitantly until your heat was, for all intents and purposes, right over his face.
“let it down,” yoongi tapped your thigh again.
you still held onto your weight and kept biting your lip, unsure.
“i won’t keep waiting forever, little one. i am trying to give you the release that you need, but if you hold back, there’s not much i can help with,” your husband spoke in his usual tone this time, his breath sending chills right up your spine.
you were slowly letting go of your weight, but yoongi fast-tracked the process by yanking your waist down till your heat was within the range of his tongue. his fingers manoeuvred the fabric of the shorts out of his way, his eyes stuck at your hardened nub. 
a squeal left your lips when his tongue darted out and touched your lower lips. the soft muscle was warm, but it felt ice-cold compared to your heat, causing you to shiver. the pointed tip of his tongue was not as gentle as his hands were as it prodded inside, inching past the outer lips of your labia. your hands rested against the headboard of the bed to support your figure as his tongue flicked the hardened nub. it did not take long to feel the moistened muscle lick your inner lips.
“oh—” you verbally let an exhale at the sensation, feeling short bursts of electricity in your pelvic region.
your intimate smell masked the air paired with the priceless view at your crotch from yoongi’s angle — the way your fleshy lips invited him in, the tender skin of your thighs, the way your arousal coated his tongue. he licked it all up and finally dived in to enjoy his five-star main course meal. yoongi tried his best to not use his hands and entice you with his tongue alone, but he had to use his fingers to hold your pussy lips apart. the further apart he held them, the deeper his tongue went, filling up your entrance. the further up his tongue reached, the closer he got to tasting your arousal. he brought his free hand over your clit, getting a hold of your sensitive nub. allowing his fingernails to graze against your skin, resulting in you squirming with each graze before he circled his thumb around the nub, applying pressure and gently massaging it in a circular motion. all the while, his tongue was lapping up your arousal. not letting you one moment breathe.
your hands clutched the headboard, the calf muscles straining from desperately trying to stay still but failing as they started shaking when his lips wrapped themselves around your labia and sucked on your slit.
yoongi let a slight slap on your inner thigh, “stay still, little one,” his voice was a mumble against your clit.
you whimpered at the vibration, your thighs inching closer towards his mouth, wanting to restore the earlier contact. yoongi softly chuckled at your actions before thrusting his tongue up your slit, holding your thighs apart. his tongue went in and out of your slit, licking a stripe up each time. the muscle circled the perimeter of the inner lips and started sucking relentlessly.
with the amount of pleasure and electricity pulsing through your veins, you did not even feel your orgasm ripping through. your juices had hardly even made their way out before yoongi’s tongue lapped them up and licked it all up. even that last drop which had slithered out onto your outer labia lips.
his tongue had you singing all sorts of songs — first, you started out with cursing out to your heart’s content when he nipped around your clit, giving you butterflies, then all that left your lips were soundless gasps and moans. only air escaped your lips while yoongi’s tongue thrust in and out of you. by the time you came, and he started licking clean every surface, your airy moans had reduced to downright whimpers similar to a mewling cat. your legs were shaking, one of your hands gripping the headboard while the other grabbing firmly onto his hair, your head resting against the wall — face first.
after yoongi made sure that he had not left out a single drop of your love juice, he finally let go of your thighs that he had locked between his arms to stop you from squirming away. the skin of your thighs where he held you down stretched after being released, and as the fresh air from the air conditioner touched the skin, it felt tickly even. his fingers imprints were growing clearly visible on your skin, including the mark from the metal of his wedding band. in a plea to catch your breath and reduce the strain of your calf muscles, you rested your legs carefully against the mattress, allowing your lower body to sit down, slow hands massaging the knees when the mattress behind you shifted.
yoongi had sat up, and while you recovered, he got rid of his suit blazer. The matching trousers followed next. his knees delved into the mattress as he unbuttoned his shirt when you turned back to him. grinning as your eyes took in the new expanse of untouched skin, you advanced towards him. your sneaky fingers pushing down the bands on either side of his underwear to unsheathe his hard length.
“i would like to return the favour,” you mused, palming his length and opening your mouth to take him in, but yoongi stopped you, and his hands pulled you up.
“i can see through your tactics,” there was a smug smile on his lips, “i know you are trying to rest up while sucking my dick, but there’s no time for that. i am nothing if not a man of his word so let me fuck your cute cunt into the mattress.”
his skilful hands wrestled you around. the moment you gained some stability in the new position, he yanked your hips closer towards his figure, lining up the tip of his length with your entrance.
“wait, wait, let me at least catch my brea —” your words turned into a low growl as his length dipped inside after catching onto some of your residual arousal.
there you go putting your all-time chartbuster songs on repeat. the sacrilegious litany of curses, the airy moans, the whimpers. yoongi really had you dicked down deep into the mattress, singing songs for him.
the stutter in his thrusts as he neared his high was unmistakable. his hips drawled out his plunges, forcing the intrusive length even deeper inside you with full force and boy, did you feel that. your head hit the pillow lying against the headboard with each of his drawn-out thrusts, his hands on your hips remained the only constraint keeping you firmly planted around his length.
“i’ll come again if you keep doing that,” your voice got muffled as your face rested on the pillow, your body impatiently waiting for his next thrust.
you felt yoongi lowering himself, his lips sneaking up near your left ear, his breath making even the micro-hair strands on the back of your ear stand up, “and who stopped you, little one?” 
his hips snapped forward, sending your bundle of nerves into overdrive, extricating the loudest moan from you that the four walls have been witness to this night insofar.
“nggh —” you came for the second time, your hot cavern sucking in his length, the constricting walls taking the shape of his length.
yoongi stood straight on his knees, watching your juices coat his length as they leaked out. he pulled his length out a bit, watching the string of cum stuck to his tip only to drive it in you again. a cry left your lips, your walls closing in against his length, pushing him closer to his high. one last thrust inside your deep walls and yoongi came undone on your lower back.
after wiping away his cum from your back, yoongi tossed the soiled tissue into the trash can before lying down on the bed with a long exhale. you gathered your hair to the side and carefully laid your head down on yoongi’s chest, testing the water before getting comfortable. he did not object, so you snuggled closer, watching his chest rise up with each breath. coming down from your high, the air felt colder, and you wanted yoongi to wrap his arm around you, but he did not. instead, he brought out a cigarette from the packet. holding the butt between his lips, his hands traced for the lighter till he realized it was placed on the nightstand.
yoongi raised his upper body, while in the process, removing your head from his chest as he reached over the bed to grab the black lighter. it had a red dragon engraved on the side with some phrases written in japanese. he flicked the lighter on and lit up his cigarette, but his phone rang before he could lay back down. after receiving the call, he started talking, releasing deep clouds of smoke into the air, his head resting on the headboard.
“i am sorry for calling so late, sir. i left messages on your cell, but there was no reply, and i need to talk about tomorrow’s case.”
“yeah, i was busy. which judge is presiding over the matter?” yoongi asked, putting the phone on speaker and keeping it on his chest as he reached over the bed again to dust off the residual ash from the cigarette into the ashtray.
“judge chwe,” a male voice replied from the other side.
you quietly watched the whole ordeal, and it did not fail to catch your eye that he was not paying you any attention all over again. as if the pair of you did not just have sex. you let your finger draw lazy figures on his chest, not minding the conversation.
“fuck, really? he rejects all anti-bail pleas.”
“i know.”
“we have to bring up other points then. the interim period for arrest is over. guy’s been in jail for too long.”
“i have been working on the draft.”
“good, mail it to me,” yoongi replied and went to take another drag from the cigarette when his eyes went wide as you clicked on the red button on the screen, “what the fuck? why did you cut the call?”
you were taken aback by the change in his voice; it was laced with annoyance and pure anger than his previous nonchalant one, “i-i am sorry. you, um, wanna do it again?” you asked, trying to dissipate the air, your hand slowly travelling down towards his length but he stopped you.
“later. i have work,” yoongi replied monotonously, pushing the blanket over as he got out of bed. he put on a pair of boxers before redialling the number, making his way out of the bedroom. 
prior to the bedroom door closing behind, he peeked behind once, “get some sleep. i’ll be late.” and he was gone, just like that. while you lay in the bed like a discarded one-night stand. he might as well have left you a tip and called you a prostitute.
tears pricked at your lower eyelids. unbeknownst, you were tearing up. you hid your face in the pillow in an attempt to stop yourself from crying. he did promise you a loveless marriage — expecting anything more is naivety on your part. accepting that this is the closest he will come to showing you any intimate decency, you quietly went to sleep.
the following day, your eyes fluttered open to your husband’s face mere inches from yours. his lips were slightly parted, his upper body was bare, and you guessed just as much for his lower body while you were stark naked, as well, under the modesty of the covers.
you let out a breathe you did not quite realize you were holding, your chest slowly heaving down. you let your fingers crawl up to the section of hair that had fallen forwards and was now shadowing his left eye. sweeping it away, you combed it gently with your fingers, setting it back with the rest of his hair.
now that you think about it, this is probably the first time you are seeing your husband from this close up. he looked different; he did not look so cold, so distant. he looked — normal. a living, breathing human just like everybody else. his eyes did not seem so cruel. instead, they looked peaceful, the brow line on his forehead; relaxed. he was sleeping on his stomach, his head resting sideways on the pillow — facing you.
you must have been deep in sleep when he came back to bed because you did not feel him crawling into bed beside you. just like every morning, you did not expect to find him beside you, much less sleeping beside you.
watching him, in the rawest version of himself, weirdly felt wrong. as if it was a crime to see through the layers he puts up. it felt illegal, yet you kept staring at him, breathing in his features.
there was a certain air of intimacy masking the situation. you both laid naked under the covers after a night of fervour love-making. he certainly knew how to please a woman, yet you have never caught him staring at anyone. his eyes feel dull at times, too burdened by his workload, constantly under stress. yet when he looked at you last night, his eyes were anything but dull. there was a spark that came and went with the beginning and conclusion of the physical act.
you wanted the moment to last forever, but soon yoongi’s eyes opened. his hands felt around the bed till it located his phone, which he brought in front of his face. his eyes squinted as the brightness through the screen increased to let the face recognition run. his phone unlocked, and yoongi swiftly went through the notifications before keeping his phone down. at his wordless series of actions, you had reclused into yourself, your hands clutching the edge of the covers close to your chest. holding on to the last piece of modesty, although you were not so shy the previous night. it must have been something in the wine, you are not this outright, or maybe it was something in your quiet husband that prompted you to take the drastic step – to bare your body to him.
“don’t do that. makes me feel like a pervert,” yoongi grumbled in his morning voice, causing you to establish eye contact with him.
“stop thinking like that.”
“i’m trying, but the situation keeps feeling wrong. you’re too young.”
your expressions turned into a scowl. what the hell is that supposed to mean now?
“as far as i remember, you claimed to know everything about me. you are the one that proposed the marriage contract. did it not strike you then?”
yoongi sighed, “you remember the circumstances leading to that very well.”
“so what? what am i supposed to do now? i sit around this house all day, alone, with nothing to do.”
yoongi sat up, stretching his rested muscles, “we will have this talk later on. i need to leave for work now.”
“you always do,” you did not mean to blurt that out, yet they left your lips like thorns aimed at him. you sat up too.
yoongi chose not to reply and got out of bed. he sauntered to the attached washroom, smearing a blob of toothpaste on the bristles of the toothbrush before walking out. his one hand laid inside the pocket of his boxer shorts while the other guided the brush against his teeth.
the air was warm. it smelled like last night’s sex amidst yoongi’s cologne. it had a powerful domestic feeling attached to it, and you hated it. you hated it with your whole being because you know yoongi would snatch it away any moment when he deems fit. he has done it countless times before, and he would do it again. he is cold, distant, and that is the truth. 
annoyed, you moved towards the edge of the bed, “hand me my bra.”
“i literally saw you naked last night,” yoongi mentioned before leaning down and grabbing the piece of fabric lying unceremoniously on the floor before handing it to you.
“turn around,” you kept holding the covers near your chest till he indulged you and turned around. you wore the bralette and grabbed your shorts, adorning them right after.
yoongi went to spit out the foam in the washbasin. by the time he came back to the room after freshening up, you had left.
you did not mean to leave that way or fight with him first thing in the morning, but he never refutes your action, never stops you or even says anything to make you feel like he cares. the warmth his physical body offers falls short in front of the icy emotional show he puts up. he could have come after you, right? he could have talked to you further, maybe help dispel whatever hesitations you had, help you see him in a better light, but he did not. he did not even pay it another mind as he continued with his morning routine.
that night, you slept in the guest room. after the morning tiff, you had no further interactions with yoongi. he was gone for the day, and you had retired to the guest room by the time you heard his car pulling up on the porch. you checked the clock when your sleep was interrupted by the vibrations of his car wheels on the pathway. it was almost midnight. you kept lying in the dark, listening to the car door opening and then closing shortly, indicating yoongi’s descend from the vehicle. there was the jingle of the keys, and the front door opened and closed after yoongi walked in. you could hear his soft footsteps till he entered his room. of course, how dare you expect that he would come to talk to you or even want to see you. disappointed by your own expectations, you went back to sleep.
meanwhile, yoongi frowned when he walked into his room because it was empty. it was cold like every other night when you do not sleep in his room. it was a long and tiring day. he could really do with some cuddling or just your warmth against him. he stepped out of his shoes, took off his blazer and directly went to bed.
sniffing around the pillow cover, he noted the lingering fruity smell. yoongi moved back and realized he was sleeping on your pillow. it smelled like you, your shampoo, your scent. juyun must have kept it on his side after fixing the bed like she does every morning after yoongi leaves for work. however, he could not complain as he fell asleep holding it close.
yoongi woke up right in the middle of deep sleep. it felt like he was forced awake, his consciousness grabbing at that he was just in his room, lying in his bed. something felt like it was poking at his thigh. he touched his pocket, his phone was still inside, and given the awkward position, its metal was poking uncomfortably. yoongi woke up fully on remembering that he slept in his work clothes, no wonder he woke up halfway through the minimum hours of sleep he gets. changing into his pyjamas, he tried to fall back asleep but failed. after forty-five minutes of fruitless efforts, he gave up. the clock read five thirty-five when his stomach made a loud grumble, the hunger clawing against the walls of his stomach lining, making its existence known.
right. he went to sleep without dinner. throwing on a warm pullover, yoongi made his way downstairs to the kitchen. he found eggs in the fridge and noticed some packets of ramyeon lying around the kitchen counter. juyun does not buy readymade food, so it must have been your doing. initially, yoongi thought of making some toast and eggs. still, the red colour of the shin ramyeon packet just pulled him in closer till he found himself cutting it open, pouring the contents of the flavour sachets into a pot of boiling water.
it has probably been a decade since he last cooked ramyeon, and the last time must have been when he was doing his bachelors and used to live in a dorm with his roommate yoo kihyun. he should probably call kihyun sometime. it has been so long.
it hardly took ten minutes to cook ramyeon with the vegetables, meat and eggs just like he likes it. turning the stove off, yoongi opened one of the cabinets to grab a bowl when, due to the slip of hand, another piece of utensil fell on the floor.
you know that feeling when you drop a utensil in the middle of the night, and it just would not stop bouncing against the floor, making the loudest possible noise all along? yeah, that is precisely what happened to yoongi at the moment.
grabbing the utensil, he put it back from where it fell, but it was too late. you were already awake and had made your way downstairs to the kitchen, thinking someone had broken in.
“yoongi?” you rubbed your sleepy eyes, your hair messy and awry.
“yeah, it’s just me. sorry about that. i was hungry,” yoongi watched you.
“what’s the time? are you in a hurry for work?” you asked, still confused. why is he cooking? where is juyun? why hasn’t she prepared breakfast yet?
“it’s five-fifty on a sunday morning, little one. no work,” he informed you, pouring the content of the pot into two bowls.
“oh, okay. enjoy,” you yawned and meant to walk away.
“do you want some ramyeon? i accidentally made too much,” yoongi’s voice caused you to stop in your tracks as he placed the pair of bowls on the countertop.
you gazed at his face first. is this your husband, min yoongi, or did some burglar break-in? but why would a burglar cook ramyeon in the kitchen?
you hesitantly walked to the countertop, pulling out a barstool and sitting atop it, “it surely smells enticing. looks like you cooked all the four packets.”
“yeah, i did not realize it until pouring in the last packet. back in college, i was in charge of cooking ramyeon, and kihyun and i had quite the appetite.”
“kihyun?” you questioned, grabbing a pair of the chopsticks.
“my dorm roommate,” yoongi replied, taking the first bite.
“oh. must be nice,” you took a bite too, almost stopping to admire the unique taste.
“yeah, we used to sneak out all the time,” he chuckled softly, his eyes sparkly from reminiscing some scene as you both continued eating.
“what else did you guys used to do?”
“all sorts of things, really. sneaking out, causing trouble, blasting fireworks right outside the dean’s office, playing as each other’s wingman in clubs, sneaking in alcohol and cigarettes.”
“he is a lawyer, too?”
“no, he was a business major. he won the young entrepreneur award, too.”
“are you guys not friends anymore?”
“mm, we are. just not much in contact. i went to the UK for my masters, he stayed back to build his empire. when i came back, i was too focussed on establishing a career. never really took a break.”
“do you want to?”
“what?” yoongi slurped on his noodles.
“do you want to take a break?” you reiterated before grabbing a spoon to drink the soup.
“i don’t know. i might. do you want me to take a break?”
you almost choked at his words, “wh-why does it matter what i want?”
“itmatterstome,” yoongi spoke too swiftly, but you caught each word. 
you kept staring at him, dumbfounded. if this is not a burglar, are you perhaps dreaming by any chance?
“c’mere,” yoongi motioned for you to come closer, and your body moved towards him just as his words beckoned as if moving along the sound of a pied piper.
you walked to him, stopping in between his legs which closed around you. his hands snaked around your waist before he raised a hand to smoothen down your hair, “you look so sleepy.”
“right? i must be dreaming!” you replied when you felt his lips on yours. you kissed back, thinking it was definitely a dream.
soon enough, there was a gasp causing you both to pull back at the sudden noise.
juyun trained her eyes at her feet, quick to apologise for the interruption, “i am sorry, sir. i was not expecting you here.” it was six-thirty. like routine clockwork every morning, juyun came to the main compound to start the breakfast preparations like she has over the past decade. she seriously did not expect to see her master and mistress kissing in the kitchen, of all places.
a shy blush appeared on the apple of your cheeks, your fingers resting against his pullover clutched onto the fabric. it was real, he talked to you, and he kissed you.
“it’s alright. we’ll let you get to work,” yoongi said before getting off the barstool, his hand grabbing yours as he walked out with you on his tow. you let him lead the way; you would let him lead you to hell itself if it meant he would talk to you, treat you like a human being, treat you like a husband treats his wife.
february, 2021:
it surprises you — how much yoongi and you have progressed as a couple. he is still cold, prioritises work over you, and hardly gives you any time, but it is genuine and honest when he does. at night when he comes to bed to you, he is yours. if you try slyly, you sometimes can extricate details about his life. his exterior is still just as hard, but when he enters the bed, that piece of furniture becomes a pure and sacred shrine where only you and he exist. it sounds more romantic than it actually is in reality. there is no pillow talk with him, no stolen glances, no soft gazes, just the raw version of him. he is not a man of a lot of words, even less so during sex, but he maintains the eye contact, and you know his eyes are earnest, at the very least.
more often than not, you have to try in various ways to know more about him because he can always call your bluff. well, that is what he does for a living, and he is good at it. he finds it fascinating that you always put in so much effort to get to know him better when he is nothing but a stranger that forced you to marry him on a whim. he had promised you a loveless marriage, and he has kept his end of the bargain, but he admires your rigour for not giving up on him.
unbeknownst to him, you only take an interest in his life because there is not much going on for you. you are not in love with the man you gladly sleep with, far from it. you still harbour the same feelings of disdain that had arisen during the whole testimony business. he is willingly protecting his friends who are openly indulging in criminal activities. how do you love a person like that? sure you allow yourself to submit in the physicality of it, allow him to touch your body, every crook and crevice, allow him to show you stars when he has you cumming just with his tongue, but that is it. you treat the bed as the shrine as well. whatever happens between you two stays there.
you had duly noted that yoongi only talked about his life before his parents passed away. he never touches upon the topic, nor does anything ever slip from his mouth. he carefully chooses his words and thinks things through before letting you in. so far, he has told you about his high school, college and then his UK experience. he talks about his family but only in traces. you do not mind it, as long as he talks to you and not just treats you like a wallflower.
life has been slow-moving, quiet, calm and primarily low-key, but then came the news that you had been dreading so far. one fine morning, your father passed away. his passing was peaceful at the very least, and all you did was stand quietly throughout the entirety of the funeral. the girls had offered to provide you with some moral support, but you refused them all. you only allowed rei to be there and the pastor who performed the last rites. you kept staring at the distance while the pastor narrated some verses about repentance and salvation — you could not care less.
“hey, do you have anything for the eulogy?” rei touched your arm to catch your attention.
you flinched at the touch and turned to her, “no,” shaking your head, you turned back to stare into the distance, albeit pointlessly.
the ceremony concluded within an hour, and yoongi was the one who took care of all technical details, and the rest was handled by rei.
“can you take her home? i need to take care of some final details,” yoongi asked rei, who nodded at once and escorted you to the vehicle, which took you both home.
“come here. you need to eat,” rei dragged your autopilot self inside the house by the elbow.
“um, ma’am, can eonnie have something to eat?” rei asked juyun.
“of course, miss,” juyun was quick to bring out food to the dining table.
prompted by rei, you sat down but refused to eat anything.
“don’t bother. thanks for helping, i will be fine.”
“you want me to leave you alone?” rei turned to you after pouring out a glass of water.
“if you don’t mind, yes.”
“i’ll get out of your hair. just take care of yourself. alright?”
you nodded as rei gathered her keys and wallet before leaving you alone.
once you heard the front door closing behind her, you left the dining hall and headed straight for the guest room, although, these days, you stay in yoongi’s bedroom.
about an hour later, the door to the guest room opened, “what are you doing here, little one?” yoongi’s voice was the softest that you have ever heard.
“thank you for taking care of everything,” you spoke up without missing a beat.
“you look guilty, more than upset.”
“i am,” you affirmed.
“why? you couldn’t have saved your father, you know that, right?”
“it’s not about that. it’s about the lies i told him. every day, i went to meet him. everyday i read him books and sang lies to him when he asked me how i could afford the treatment, the expensive medicine, the transplant, the CCU room. i never told him about you — us. not a word. i used to take off my ring before entering his room so that he would not ask about it. i only ever told him that i took care of everything and thought it would be enough, but it never was enough. it used to eat me alive. i only used to sit and read through pages of books but never talked to him about life. he used to try his best to engage me in conversation — telling me more stories about my dead mother than he ever had even when i used to ask him as a kid. he wanted me to talk to him, to open up to him and maybe tell him what was bothering me b-because he could tell that something was bothering me, but i said nothing. i only read through fucking pages of books that don’t matter to the dead anyway! i could have put his conscience at ease by telling him the truth, by letting him know that i would not be so lost without him like he feared till his last breath. yet, — i” you lost your voice as your words turned to hiccups, “i only lied to him,” you managed to finish your sentence, a high-pitched cry tearing through the confines of your throat.
yoongi noiselessly approached you, and although you tried your best to resist his touch and wriggle away from his grip, he kept holding you till the fight in you died down, and you let him hold you. your limbs never reciprocated, but you let him to hold you, let him rub your back, let him brush your awry strands back into place, let him wipe your tears every once in a while, till the flow of salty water through your eyelids blurred your vision too much. none of that really mattered. you just cried and cried.
you must have passed out because when your eyes opened next, they fell on the wall in front of you — an arm hanging by your lower waist, you could feel the warmth of your husband’s body from behind you. he was holding you close, his heartbeat reverberating against your back.
“awake?” yoongi asked when he felt your body squirming lightly.
“are you feeling better?”
“yeah, thanks for that,” you mumbled, “how do you deal with death? i know i lost my mother years ago, but i don’t think i have ever actively dealt with the loss, just the consequences.”
“i’m probably the last person who is equipped to give advice in this area, little one. i am rude, i hold grudges, and i tend to remember the negative traits in people. i don’t think i have ever processed the passing away of my own parents.”
your breathing slowed down at the mention as you did not expect yoongi to be talking about his parents, “how did you deal with it?”
“i don’t. i am always annoyed and frustrated. annoyed because i don’t have them in my life anymore. frustrated because i couldn’t protect them, as a good son would’ve.”
you turned to now lie on your back, your face turned towards him, “you couldn’t have known, yoongi,” a raised hand touched the side of his cheek.
“you couldn’t have saved your father either, but you still feel guilty.”
“because of other reasons!”
yoongi grabbed your hand and removed it from his face, “i got my parents killed y/n. yes, i should’ve known. i should’ve protected them.”
“do you really believe that?”
“why won’t i? my actions directly led to their untimely demise. nothing else by my actions.”
“you put a bad man in jail! your parents certainly would have been proud of that.”
yoongi chuckled at that, “yeah, right. little one, no matter how many bad guys you send behind bars, there are always two others to fill up that place. the world is unfair like that, and these days, ‘doing the right thing’ means nothing to me.”
“is that why you are protecting mr seokjin?”
“not really. it is my job as a defence lawyer to protect my clients. i am just doing my job.”
“b-but it’s wrong….”
“being a defence lawyer is all about exploring the grey area of the statutes. we all do wrong things in life.”
you went to say something further but stopped and turned your back to him, continuing the previous snuggled-up predicament, “can you hold me?”
“i will always hold you, little one,” yoongi’s lips attached to the back of your earlobe to leave a chaste kiss before wrapping his arms around you in a warm hug.
your stance regarding morality and justice has always contrasted with yoongi’s, and at times, he does not appreciate it, but he has come to admire you for not being swayed by way of the world. you still have the same stance you did when he first met you. the situations between you two have drastically changed – he threw you in the middle of a whirlwind, forced you to be his bride on a whim just because he wanted to check how the legal stance of spousal privilege upholds in a real-life courtroom situation, and yet here you are in bed with him.
the feelings he harbours towards you are not love, he is sure of it, but he likes you. he has come to adore your antics and at times even finds you endearing, but he will never admit it publicly, lest his body shall go up in flames.
initially, he regretted marrying you because he forgot that marriage entails more than signing a bunch of legal documents, and it is a whole human being in your house, in your face at all times. still, he has grown accustomed to your non-imposing presence, where you have grown to become a part of his day-to-day routine. and min yoongi is nothing if not a man of habit.
he was not always such a closed-off individual, but his parents' death hit him too hard, and he continued carrying those painful wounds around by never addressing his mental health. he drowned himself in work, quit his position as the public prosecutor, and had only one thing on his mind ‘revenge’. had it not been for kim seokjin, yoongi would have ruined himself completely instead, here he is. a reputed lawyer, founder of the top law firm in the city while also achieving the revenge he wanted. yoongi has also grown quite fond of the group of boys, they are not related to his personal life or his previous life when his parents were still alive, and that gives him a safe place to just be – he does not feel the need to open up to anyone about his feelings, he just wants to be. breathe, have a couple of whiskies, and just be.
all this talk of losing family makes yoongi want a family. he knows that what you and he have does constitute a family, albeit a dysfunctional one, but it would not hurt to have a family of his own? you would probably agree too now that you have lost your own family. he is not trying to prey on you at your weakest moment but instead, have a rational discussion with his wife about it. life is full of surprises, and we never know what the future holds.
well, while yoongi was just casually sitting in his chambers, thinking of how to bring up the topic of having kids with you, what the actual future held was definitely not the surprise that he would have ever expected.
one minute it was all fine, like any other ordinary day, and then the next thing he knows, his secretary rushes in to ask him to turn up the television. startled at the unusual request, he turned the tv on after sensing the urgency in her voice. the default news channel took up the place on the blank screen of the monitor, and yoongi finally saw it.
‘BREAKING NEWS: fourteen-year-old son of reputed lawyer harvey specter was shot by gangmen in broad daylight.’
the reporter went on to broadcast the murder scene, which was painted in blood, and there was even some scripting on the wall where the dead boy lay in his pool of blood, written in his own blood. before the camera could zoom in, however, yoongi pulled the plug on the electronic device, causing the commotion and other noises in his chamber to die down within seconds.
yoongi refuses to watch the scene, just like he had refused to visit the accident site of his parents. his secretary left shortly to give him space as yoongi sat down on his chair, with a visibly dishevelled look marring over his features.
around fifteen minutes later, yoongi finally picked himself up again. mind you, he had no sentiment attached to the specter boy, hell he does not even know the boy’s name, but just because he does not care about someone does not automatically imply that he wishes death upon them. plus, he has worked with harvey for the past five years. they make quite the intimidating duo, and harvey has always been there for him whenever he needed it. now that it is on yoongi’s shoulder, he does not know how to be there for him. how do you console someone who had his teenage child murdered in broad daylight? hell, he does not even know about harvey’s whereabouts or what is exactly happening in the real world outside. he reached inside for his packet of cigarettes to bring one out, but his eyes took note of the way his hands shook. his gaze bore holes on the back of his shaking hand. this is precisely like five years ago all over again. he is just sitting in his chamber, locked behind a stack of files when other people could really use his help, or at least really appreciate if he can just be there for them, but here he is, locked away in a high-security prison of his own thoughts.
he is not exactly sure why he is dialling your number, but your name is what his phone is displaying on the screen. it rang and rang and rang, and there was no answer from the other side. wait a second, are you alright? are you in danger?
worried, next he dialled the number of his housekeeper who kindly informed him that you had gone out. well then, why are you not taking his calls? this is the fifth time he is calling, and if you do not pick up now, he will be filing a missing person report at once. luckily, you picked up just in time. yoongi meant to ask you where you are and why exactly it took you so long to pick up his calls, but the babbling of children in the background caused his words to get caught up in his throat and slowly die down.
“what is that?”
“what? yoongi, you mean ‘who’, and it’s just hyuk and moon playing.”
“where are you?”
“remember i told you that dany had called us over.”
“and she is?”
“mr jung’s wife.”
“are you okay? you sound off.”
“mm,” yoongi hummed before cutting the call. he knows you are safe and having fun, so he should probably tell you the news later. he is not one to rain on someone’s parade.
unable to stay cooped up in his chamber, yoongi came back home, but you were not home yet. although he had missed breakfast when he left for work, he refused to eat a morsel overlooking juyun’s persuasive talks about health and all that yada yada yada.
it is weird because yoongi is feeling exactly like he felt when he received the news of his parent’s accident. he feels helpless. he feels like a coward for being so weak and incapable of doing anything worthwhile to not put anyone’s life in danger. the specter boy did not die because of his direct actions, but it is related to their work. in this world, you always piss someone off, and there is always someone waiting to watch you suffer.
this is probably related to the yakuza clients of the firm. around seven months ago, there was a gang war between the yakuza and some local korean gangs, and specter and yoongi had been able to get their clients free of charges. while the leader of the korean gang got convicted on two counts of murder. on the day the judgement was pronounced, the other members of the korean gang had openly threatened specter. it was even aired on television as the brawl took place right outside the courtroom in front of a fleet of paparazzi.
yoongi and probably the rest of the world already know who is responsible for the death of the specter boy but what about it now? putting them behind bars would not bring the innocent child back. it would not make it hurt any less to the child’s parents. a life is lost, and nothing can get it back. justice is hardly a substitute for this deep a hurt.
a life for a life does not work either as have been tried and tested by yoongi – he got his parents’ murderer killed, but it did not bring him even one iota of ease. he still felt guilty, even more so because he dirtied his hands to get someone killed but most importantly, it did not bring back his parents. his childhood home was still empty, his parents' room covered in dust and spider webs.
yoongi was onto his fourth glass of whiskey when you walked in the bedroom after coming back from your short get together.
“hey,” you smiled, but it turned upside down on noticing the thick smog of smoke enveloping the room. it reeked of alcohol and burnt out cigarettes.
yoongi turned his gaze to you and nodded before turning his head back to the fireplace in front of the couch set. the flames from the logs burned in the blacks of his irises, “had fun?”
“yeah, it was nice. the kids are so sweet,” you replied while emptying your bag and came across a baby sock of hyuk. it must have accidentally fallen in your bag, “oh my god. look at this, isn’t it adorable!!” you grinned, taking the cute little sock to yoongi’s figure.
“what is it?” yoongi’s gaze did not falter from watching the show put up by the blazing flames.
“hyuk’s sock!! it’s so small, so adorable, just like his cute little baby feet,” you advanced the sock towards yoongi.
yoongi kept his glass away before taking the piece of fabric in his hands. it smelt like baby powder, baby formula, and everything baby. it was baby yellow in colour and extremely small like you had been gushing about. your husband let a sigh, his fingers feeling the fabric before he threw it in the fireplace.
“wha-what the fuck!” you yelled before pulling out the burning sock by grabbing it at the edge with your nails. you can be blindly impulsive at times.
“why the fuck would you do that?!” you yelled again, grabbing some ice cubes from the ice bucket to cool down your semi-burned finger.
yoongi finally turned his gaze away from the flames and looked you dead in the eyes, “we will never have kids.”
“don’t huh me. you were getting there with all the gushing and baby handling, so get this drilled through your thick skull – you and i will never have kids.”
“what is the meaning of all this? are you drunk?”
“certainly not enough,” he refilled his glass again, emptying more than half the canister, “next time you go out, let me know in advance and always have the driver accompany you.”
“yoongi, what is happening? why are you talking like this?”
“leave me alone,” he gritted his teeth.
you tried to approach him, but he dismissed you with a show of hand, “just leave. and i should never hear baby talk around this house ever again.”
confused, humiliated, and feeling somewhat afraid by his erratic behaviour, you walked away wordlessly.
a week passed by without a word from yoongi. he refused to look you in the eye or lay in the same bed as you. although you felt like the one intruding, he never asked you to leave the room and instead slept in the guest room himself. you did not see much of him either. he would return from work in the wee hours of the night and then leave early in the morning. when he was home, he would keep himself locked in his study. typically, you would at least be able to hear his voice while he is talking to some junior or client through the phone, but in the past week, you did not even hear a sigh leaving his lips. the house had gone into a permanent state of silence, filled only by your soft sighs, mutterings and short conversations between juyun and yourself. visitors have never known the min house to be home, so there is not another life around other than yours, yoongi’s, juyun’s and the driver’s.
bored out of your mind, you finally decided to go out for some fresh air. you have never been much of a homebody. owing to having part-time jobs since fifteen, you are pretty much accustomed to going out and spending your day outdoors. it feels nice, the sun on your face, and its rays always rejuvenate your energy. staying indoors is a far difficult task for you than you thought it would be. and to top it off, yoongi is not talking to you.
you were changing to some beige shorts paired with a cute top when the doorbell went off. juyun usually answers the door, so you were not bothered by the bell and went on to inserting the belt strap through the hoops when the bell went off again. odd, juyun never slacks off. she must be using the facilities or is extremely busy dealing with something else. fastening the belt, you walked downstairs and opened the door just as the bell went off for the third time.
“is mr min home?” a bald guy stood on the other side of the door, dressed in a white tank and a black leather jacket. you could tell he had a tattooed arm, and there were smaller tattoos on his face as well. he had a rough exterior but also had a classy aura around him. he looked like a man who held a lot of power and was in a respectable position. certainly not someone to mess with.
“no, he is at court.”
the man nodded and turned his back to leave but turned again with a fake smile, “can i bother you for a glass of water?”
you debated internally about letting a dangerous-looking man in, but he knew yoongi and looked like a wealthy client, so there was probably not much to worry about.
reluctantly nodding, you let space for the man to enter, who sauntered in and sat down on the couch without a care in the world. you walked to the kitchen but still did not notice juyun anywhere around. sighing, you brought out a tumbler from one of the cabinets and poured water in it.
upon walking out with the glass of water, you saw the man now sitting with his phone in his hand, “here.”
“thank you, miss,” the man smiled before taking the glass of water and finishing the contents of it in one gulp, “i talked to mr min. he said he was on his way home.”
“oh? alright then, please make yourself comfortable,” you mumbled before leaving the living hall space to escape to the bedroom – not wanting to be in the presence of the man anymore.
yoongi was in his car, headed from the court to his office, when his phone dinged with a new mail. he did not want to check it but saw that it was from the yakuza boss. upon opening it, yoongi’s eyes went wide to the very brim when he noticed what he was staring at. the mail had a video attached to it – the camera lens was pointed downwards, but yoongi can clearly make out your bare legs walking into the living room from the direction of the kitchen and handing something to the boss, who thanked you for it in return. what the fuck is that guy doing at his place? why the fuck did you let him in?
yoongi did not waste a minute before directing his driver to take him home at once.
“is it urgent, sir? there is some traffic jam on the 46th,” the driver asked.
“just take a u-turn and take the flyover.”
“well, you are the lawman, sir,” the driver nodded before taking a sharp u-turn on the one-way and taking the flyover, which took yoongi home within seven minutes.
he walked out of the car in haste while it was still slowing down on the porch and directly headed towards the door before smashing the doorbell.
you answered the door again to see your husband boiling in anger. if only looks could kill. yoongi walked past you and addressed the yakuza boss.
“my driver will take you to my office. i will meet you there.”
“fine thought we could just talk here like old times,” the man shrugged before standing up.
“at the moment, that won’t be possible,” yoongi gritted out.
the man smirked a little before leaving the two of you alone.
“what were you fucking thinking? why did you let that asshole in!” yoongi’s yell boomed inside the empty confines of the house, the sound echoing off the walls.
“who is he?”
“he runs the biggest mafia organization in incheon. that’s who he is. where is juyun?”
“i don’t know. she did not answer the door, so i did. he told me that he had talked to you, and you had asked him to wait at here.”
“well, he fucking lied!”
“why are you angry at me? what should i have done instead? refuse him? i could clearly see his gun sticking out from under his jacket!”
yoongi groaned in frustration this time because you were right. these people do not precisely have a morality meter and could have easily hurt you if you had not extended the hospitality, “you are such a fucking liability. five years i have been a defence lawyer with zero issues, and the moment you walked into my life, you have been nothing but a liability.”
“stop calling me that! i am a human,” you rebutted, equally angry.
“shut the fuck up,” he turned around, looking for juyun and yelled for her. by the second time, she finally came out in a soiled apron filled with dust.
“yes, mr min? i was cleaning in the outhouse.”
“why did you leave her alone?” yoongi spoke in the same loud, angered tone.
“i-i am sorry, but what happened?”
“next time you leave her alone, i will fucking fire your incompetent ass.”
you flinched at his tone. he was being unreasonably mean and talking very rudely to the old lady, “please, don’t scold her for my mistakes.”
“shut up, y/n. i don’t want to hear a word from you. i have heard enough all these months, and i have done my best to accommodate you in this new life, but i am done now. i am done fixing every havoc you wreck in my life,” yoongi turned to you after dismissing juyun, who scurried to her feet and left you both alone immediately.
“what are you on about? i have never intruded in your work life or any life for the matter. i stay in this house like a piece of furniture and just keep to myself.”
“well, that’s too bad because from now on, you ain’t stepping a foot outside without juyun, the driver or me accompanying you.”
“but that way, i won’t have my freedom at all!”
“little one, probably the most oppressive lie ever uttered was the song of freedom. for nearly every living thing, choice breeds shame and uncertainty and regret. there’s a fork in every road, yet the wrong path is always taken.”
“i had warned you beforehand that you would regret marrying me, and yet here we are. you cannot just imprison me like this yoongi!”
“do you really want to test me? are you sure?” yoongi growled and advanced towards you.
his chest almost met yours when you suddenly felt a burning sensation and took a step back with a yelp, “ouch, what the hell?”
yoongi stared at your hand. it had a burn mark from his lit up cigarette in his hand, which must have accidentally brushed and touched the back of your hand.
“see, you are nothing but a liability.”
“and you are a fucking asshole,” you whimpered and rushed to the guest room to lock yourself in.
that was the last you saw of yoongi for an entire month and a half. for six whole weeks, your husband ignored you, strayed away from you and downright avoided you – a part of it came from his guilt for unintentionally hurting you.
at night, when he comes back after a rough day at work, he unceremoniously barges in the guest room where you have chosen to reside these days, and he just lays down beside you – holding you snuggly in his arms and falls asleep in his work clothes, reeking of cigarettes and bourbon. you lay there perfectly still, aware of his every movement, woken by his crass door-opening. you allow him to hold you to sleep, but in exchange, you sacrifice your own sleep as the overwhelming smell blinds your senses. however, you have come to enjoy these times as it feels nice to be held – he could have gone to any woman he wants – he is rich, handsome, successful. clearly, in an unhappy relationship with his wife and yet, at the end of the day, he comes to the same wife — not to talk to her but to hold her close.
you are often left confused between feeling patronized or relaxed under his touch, but there are not many things left to enjoy, so you enjoy this embrace he gives you. his soft snores are rhythmic. midway through the night, he often pulls up his leg on top of yours and crushes you under his weight – your face in the pillow. you just sigh, close your eyes and rest.
the quiet and silence were not for naught. it was the calm before the storm, and boy did the cloud burst on your head with the loudest bang.
towards the start of the seventh week, you received your father’s ashes. he wanted his ashes to be distributed on han river – his favourite picnic spot for a still middle schooler you. he would make those cute little bento boxes with the adorable designs, and the pair of you would enjoy them by the shore.
you decided to not waste time and distribute the ashes on the very day. however, the flaw in your plan was what your husband had ruled for you. you are not allowed to step outside the threshold without juyun or the driver accompanying you, but this is something personal. you wanted to be alone for this one and hence decided to sneak out.
isn’t it amazing when your plans just bust open and come to bite you in the ass? well, it did not take a long time for your sneaky plans to come bite you in the ass. juyun found out that you were missing from the house after the courier with your father’s ashes arrived. like a loyal servant, she immediately informed her master, who was very displeased to learn of the unsavoury news. what are you trying to do? trying to get killed? yoongi is desperately trying to keep you safe, keep you from getting killed just like everyone he cares about, but you cannot clap with one hand – he needs you to cooperate with him as well. living in luxury, catered to by servants and enjoying the best life in exchange for freedom – what is the problem with that? he earns in millions and has put every luxury at your feet, yet you choose to defy him when he is just trying to keep you safe. how difficult is that to understand? yoongi has no choice left but to take the matter into his hands – like always.
one phone call to your favourite detective jeongguk, and yoongi had your location by tracking your cell. if you are going to defy his express concerns and sneak out, then at least make it difficult for him to find you.
han river is a mere twenty-minute drive from his office, and lo and behold, twenty minutes passed, and his driver parked the car outside hangang park. yoongi sauntered in, and within a few minutes, he was able to locate you among the sea of visitors as you stood by the shore barefoot. the hem of your dress flowed with the soft breeze from the river. you were staring out in the distance, the urn held securely in your hand as the peaceful ebb and flow of the waves crashed against your feet, immersing your ankles.
he admired the view but snapped himself out of it – this is not the time to be basking in your beauty. you have willingly put your life in danger, and for what? to distribute your dead father’s ashes? anyone could have done that! you could have just asked the driver. getting angrier and angrier with the intruding thoughts, yoongi marched right over to where you stood and grabbed you by the elbow.
it caught you off-guard, and you almost dropped the urn but regained your stability and turned to fight back the assaulter only to face your husband. oh fuck, here comes the angry stare and the unkind words. well, that is all he usually does, so you are not too scared of the outcome now that you have been caught. and let me tell you, you have never been more wrong in your life.
“i told you not to go out alone!” yoongi’s grip around your elbow only tightened as he came closer to your figure.
“yoongi, this is between my father and i. couldn’t just bring someone else for such an intimate see-off. i have to do this alone. please try to understand my plight.”
“oh yeah? your dead father wanted his ashes distributed? fine! i’ll be a good son-in-law and do it,” yoongi proceeded to snatch the urn from your hands – uncapping it and emptied the contents on the sand away from the shoreline – near the area where the river wave was not strong enough to drown it out with it, “there. it’s done. let’s go.”
you watched him frozen. your limbs fell cold as the blood circulation slowed down, much like your breathing had. you are not sure if you felt anger, remorse, regret, disdain, shock, and many other emotions and honestly struggled on how to react to this blasphemy. you tried to get away from his grip, but he dragged you towards the exit. you saw people watching you being carried away. they just assumed that it was none of their business and did not even bother butting in to help you or even to make sure if you were okay – if you were being taken away against your will but guess the world just revolves around the rich men. as long as it is a rich man, in a fine suit doing it, they can get away with just about anything and the world will not bat an eyelash.
tears rolled down your face as yoongi shoved you in the backseat of the car, slamming the door shut behind you. soon after, he got in as well through the other door.
“did you think i was joking when i told you, explicitly, to not leave the house without company? do you have any fucking idea how dangerous it is outside? they killed specter’s son, and they will kill you if that pleases them. stop flaunting yourself around like you are no one. you are mrs min yoongi – the wife of a defence lawyer. do you have any fucking idea how many goddamn enemies i have?! everything is a joke to your pretty little head, isn’t it?” he jerked you once to get a response out of you, but you kept crying, refusing to even look at him.
enraged, yoongi grabbed your chin in a tight grip and turned your gaze towards him, “cat got your tongue?”
after all your attempts to get away from him failed, you gave up and looked him right in the eyes, “how could you do that? i thought you knew better. haven’t you lost your own parents?”
yoongi’s grip loosened at the mention of his parents. well, isn’t he doing all of this cause of what happened to them? scoffing, he let go your chin and looked away when your gaze did not falter – something in him could not meet your eyes. what was he becoming? he would like to call himself paranoid, but that does not even cut half of it, not when people are really out there to hurt them.
upon reaching home, you ran straight towards the guest room, completely ignoring juyun, who asked in a worried tone why you were crying.
you locked yourself in and cried to your heart’s content. all you wanted, the only thing you wanted was to keep your father’s last wish, and it got taken from you like your will means nothing to anyone. you just want to mean something to someone, the last person to whom you meant anything is dead and just got his ashes emptied on the sand, on fucking sand where the water does not even reach over to drown it away.
it must have been hours till yoongi came to you. although you take the unnecessary care to lock the room, he walks right in with his keys.
“stop crying,” his voice had mellowed out and held a tinge of remorse. you kept crying, not paying any mind till you felt the delve of the bed behind you and tried to get away from him when he sat down, but he pulled you right back and had you sit down on his lap.
“let go of me!” you yelled in anger, your shriek booming in the confines of the walls, but yoongi did not loosen his grip. he held you down till you stopped resisting his hold, till you stopped resisting his presence in the same room as you, till you stopped resisting him.
“i am sorry little one. i am really so-”
you cut him right off. he had no right to speak after the stunt he just pulled, “i lied to my father when he was dying, yoongi. i lied to him till his last breath, i lied to him about every single happening in my life, and now you just took away that last chance i had to do anything right by him! one thing, one last single fucking thing i had, and you took it away because what? because you are paranoid!?!?! why do you even care if i drop dead someday? i sure do hope i do, so i don’t have to be imprisoned by you anymore!” you blurted it all in one breath, even though you knew he would get angry – it just did not matter anymore. you have nothing to lose.
“don’t say that, please just don’t say that. fight with me all you want but don’t say that. i am doing everything in my ability to keep you safe, to keep you from their reach so they cannot hurt you. i have grown fond of you, y/n, i think i might be in love with you, but above all that, i just wish to protect you. i don’t expect you to love me back, but please, don’t wish for that. i can-can’t lose one more person from my life.”
and that is probably the only time you have ever heard your husband’s voice falter than his usual nonchalant and casual one.
it would have been different in other circumstances. at the moment, it did not matter what he said. it was all the same to you – sweet nothings.
“good for you ‘cause i will never love you back, min yoongi.”
yoongi’s hold on you loosened at those words, which really drove a wedge through his heart – he accepts it. he has hurt you beyond words, but he can live with it. he can live with just watching you living and breathing in the safety of his house and his arms. he has survived all these years without the love of a partner, so what are another few decades?
he kept holding you for the rest of the night, securely in his lap, and you just sat there – exhausted from crying, from fighting him and his irrational ideologies – he could do whatever he wanted to you for all you cared, but he just held you.
“eonnie, i am very sick. can you please get me some aspirin? i have a nasty migraine attack,” rei spoke through the phone when you picked her call one fine summer afternoon in may.
“can’t jimin get it for you?” you asked as you did not want to break the rules again. since the whole incident with your father’s ashes, you have not stepped foot outside this house – out of pure hatred and pettiness more than anger. life has somewhat returned to how it used to be, some nights would end in (consensual) sex, but all nights would definitely end in snuggles and cuddles. you never reciprocated his actions and let him do whatever he wanted – he was bound to be bored by a rag-doll.
“he is gone to the states for some dance competition,” rei replied with a blocked nasally tone.
“can you try and order online, maybe?” you really wished to avoid going out, but you felt guilty for refusing as well.
“i tried, but it would take more than two hours because the app says that none of the deliverymen are in my area. eonnie, please, jimin-ssi has been gone for a week. it would be nice if i get to see someone for a change.”
you let a deep sigh. well, it would be nice if you also could see someone other than your husband and maid for a change, “alright. i will come over but only to drop off the meds, i won’t stay for long.”
“works for me! you’re the best!!” rei gushed before cutting the call.
a small smile appeared on your face after what felt like weeks on hearing rei’s voice and her childish shenanigans. after a quick shower, you got dressed and headed downstairs to find juyun. since obviously you cannot go alone, might as well take your alleged bodyguard with you. upon entering the kitchen, however, all you found was a note stuck to the refrigerator.
“i will be gone to get the monthly groceries. i will be back around 6pm.”
the clock on the kitchen wall showed that it was only around four. you were left with no option but to go out alone as the driver was gone with yoongi. sighing, you set out alone after locking the doors. it would take a total of forty-five minutes to rei’s house and back home, five minutes to buy the aspirin from some pharmacy on the way and maybe a ten minutes talk with rei, and still, you would be back before juyun. finalising your plan, you took a cab and headed to rei’s place.
around fifteen minutes past five, you left rei’s place even though she begged you to stay a while longer, wanting to hang out more with you, and although it broke your heart to refuse her so sternly, you had to. it took you twenty minutes to get back home, and you walked in unsuspecting till you noticed juyun and yoongi standing in the living room staring as you walked in.
“h-hi?” you exhaled sharply.
yoongi came back earlier because he wanted to take you out for a night out, whereas juyun had finished shopping and came back by five. she usually finishes all her work before the set-out time, so this was everyday routine work for her.
it is just the absolute worst day of your life though, why did yoongi think of taking you out on this particular day? why is juyun so prompt and diligent? can fate cut you any slack at all?
“where were you gone?” yoongi crossed his arms over his chest.
“to um, rei’s. she’s sick, and her husband is away. she needed me.”
“right. wonder if she will still need you when you are lying by the street in a pool of your blood with a bullet wound in your forehead.”
you rolled your eyes at the clearly exaggerated paranoid thought, “you are overexaggerating.”
“i-? i am the one who is overexaggerating? wow. the fucking nerve you have! and here i was, leaving back work to take you out thinking you would be so bored at home.”
“just because you thought to do one single decent act for me does not mean you own my freedom, as well. i can go anywhere i wish to. it's a free world.”
“right. it’s a free world, and that applies for the criminals too.”
“you can’t always shield me, yoongi. this is madness!”
“spare me your moral pep talks. and that rei? i am going to fire that bitch.”
“hey, don’t talk about her like that!” you raised your voice at the sudden provocation, “i am all she has, and lately, the vice versa also stands very much true.”
juyun watched from the background as the two of you fought back and forth. she clearly would not want to be a party to her employer’s personal matters, but yoongi had asked her to stay back, so she is standing her ground.
yoongi chuckled at your words, “oh yeah? she is your only family? because of what, this stupid picture that she gave you?” he pointed at the picture frame mounted over the living room fireplace before walking over to it and grabbing it.
“it might be just a frame, but a rich snob like you will never understand the sentimental value of it,” you were in no mood to bite down today, which was clearly evident from your passive-aggressive words.
“really? fine, then what’s the point of keeping it in MY house when i am an unemotional asshole,” he broke upon the glass of the frame by smashing it against the wooden frame of the fireplace and brought out the picture. with his free hand, he retrieved the lighter from his trouser pocket.
“n-no no-no, don’t do that, please,” compared to your earlier harsh tone, your voice now come out as a feeble plea.
“oh, little one, you have no idea what all i can do and more,” yoongi grinned before flicking the lighter open. he placed one of the pointy edges of the picture on the flame, and the material went up in flames faster than your reaction speed.
by the time you walked to him and snatched the burning picture from him, the fire had engulfed most of it, and your fingers let go of the charred end that was left of it, only to let the fire turn the entirety of it to ashes.
“wh-why! why are you doing this! i was good! i listened to you and kept my word.”
“clearly, you were not good enough,” yoongi turned to juyun, “get that gift i had prepared for your mistress.”
juyun nodded slowly, unsure what her employer was planning and went inside to retrieve a gift-wrapped box. yoongi got a hold of it and brought out a white wedding dress from the box.
“where did you get that?” you tried to take the dress from his hand upon recognizing that it was your mother’s treasured wedding dress.
“juyun found it one day while she was cleaning. i saw that it had some tears, so i had it restored to exactly how it was. i wanted to surprise you, but hey, it’s not like you ever want my love, right?”
and the next thing you know, your mother’s beautiful dress was up in flames. dumped on the floor, the flame engulfed inch by inch of the luscious fabric. you tried to get a hold of it in an unsuccessful yet desperate plea to save it from the fire, but you were only hurting yourself. juyun held you back while you kept thrashing against her. voiceless cries and whimpers left your throat as tears blurred your vision.
“dear, please get a hold of yourself. you know master min loves you and only wants the best of you,” juyun wiped your tears after you calmed down by her side and had slid down to a kneeling position on the floor.
you pushed her hands away, “how can you say that! how dare you even think that he loves me and cares for me after seeing what he did with your own two eyes! what kind of love is this?”
“shh,” the kind maid finished wiping your tears and tucked your awry hair behind, “go to him.”
“for what? so he can hurt me more?” your eyes fixated on the third-degree burns on your palms and fingers. they weren’t many, but they were proof of just what he did.
“just let me take care of this mess and go to him, alright?” juyun walked you to yoongi’s bedroom before ushering you in and closing the door gently behind you. a minor quarrel is usual between husband and wife, and talking can solve a lot of things, at least that is what juyun is hoping for cause what she witnessed first-hand has really shaken her, too.
you kept standing near the doorstep, your head hung low. just when you had thought that you had nothing left to lose, you lost even more things – things you never feared you would lose, and the way you lost them really opened gates to another level of emotional trauma.
“strip,” came yoongi’s voice after what felt like an eternity of just standing there with tears dripping down on the carpet. he finished the cigarette he was smoking and smashed it in the ashtray kept on the nightstand.
you looked up at him in disbelief – you were also surprised that you could feel any emotion at all after the preceding traumatizing turn of events, “what?”
“i asked you to strip, which you heard correctly the very first time,” yoongi was still angry from the act of defiance and wanted to punish you more but could not think of how. he did ask you to strip but, in his mind, it was all blank – he would never put a hand on your dignity without consent. still, a part of him revelled in that terrorised look in your eyes.
“no,” you shook your head and took a step back when yoongi stood up at your defiant answer. your back came in contact with the closed-door as yoongi stood right in front of you.
“you are not making this any easier,” he brought a finger to your figure, tracing your arms.
you shivered from the touch out of disgust and complied wordlessly. you don’t think you have anything left to lose, but you cannot take a chance, not anymore.
content by your actions, yoongi walked back to resume his seat on the bed and watched with hawk eyes as you stripped off your clothes.
his hard exterior tore apart as each piece of clothing came off. he cannot do this. not to you or any human being. you stood in your lingerie, hugging yourself in shame and fear.
yoongi felt bile rising up to his throat at sight – what is he doing?
“c’mere,” he patted his lap with a frown. he is supposed to protect you. why is he hurting you? this is not supposed to happen.
reluctantly, you walked to him before sitting on his lap but not letting your guard down.
he put his work blazer over your shoulders before snaking his arms around your waist, but they never strayed towards your intimate region. his hold was secure around your waist, and his head came to rest against your back, “little one, don’t defy me like this. believe me when i say i know better and only want the best for you. please, forgive me for hurting you. it is never my intention. i am so so so sorry.”
and there we go, we have come a complete never-ending circle finished off by his sweet nothings.
July, 2021:
valentina walked in with a cup of coffee to your room, “here, you go, miss. what you reading there?”
you looked up from your book, “shakespeare’s king lear,” you smiled, taking the cup of coffee, “thank you.”
“is it a love story about some king?” she smiled enthusiastically.
“not really. it’s a tragedy about a king who relinquishes his power and land to his two daughters and then becomes destitute.”
valentina’s smile vanished, “oh… you read a lot of tragedies.”
“mhm, now that you mentioned it, i do that. guess we look comfort from our real-life in storybooks,” you shrugged, taking a sip of the coffee.
“but you live in such a huge mansion with such a handsome husband, you don’t have to lift a finger, and every work around the house gets done routinel-” she stopped upon noticing the quirked eyebrow on your forehead as you watched her talk, she might be crossing some lines, “i am sorry, i just don’t see the tragedy.”
“it’s poetic,” you sighed on noting that she was still confused, “don’t think much about it. i am just a pessimistic person.”
“oh no, ma’am, i meant no disrespect!”
you nodded and went back to your book, prompting valentina to take her leave, as well.
valentina is the newest addition to the min house staff, and she was hired personally by yoongi because he claimed that you needed a friend, someone your age in whom you could confide in and feel comfortable around. ironic how he pretends that he actually cares or gives a shit. you have not stepped foot outside by yourself since the day yoongi burned your mother’s dress along with the picture that rei had gifted you. you go out with juyun when and absolutely required. other times, you refuse any chance to go out and choose to stay in. you do not want to set off that arsonist maniac anymore. you have had enough of his rough handling your life like a piece of paper that he gets to crumple and straighten out whenever he feels like it.
valentina is one chirpy bird. she is always so happy even if you ask her to do some extra work. she does everything in her capacity to get you talking or even going out with her as instructed by your husband, but you know better. you know that behind those honey-laced words and batting eyelashes lay a pair of greedy eyes that are eyeing up your position as the mistress of this house.
the way she subtly flirts with yoongi is so evident to you. although you have yet to find it in you to be jealous, what annoys you is how oblivious yoongi is to her shenanigans. juyun too, who is usually very strict about the household chores and always scolds valentina if she misses a spot, gladly turns a blind eye to her shameless flirting. makes you wonder how maybe yoongi’s staff do not really approve of you as his wife because you are not affectionate towards him. well, how can you possibly be? you can never fall for a person like that. it’s beyond your wildest imaginations – he can speak his sweet nothings about love and safety all he wants, but you are not going to fall for that.
for all you care, yoongi can go ahead and cheat on you. the contract you had signed on the day of marriage did not have it written anywhere that you have to love him. it just had been a means to buy your testimony, and it has fulfilled that purpose well. if he cheats on you, maybe you can bring that up as a ground for divorce. although taking the help of law against a lawyer is a losing situation, but, might as well try it out.
that is precisely how you found yourself outside of yoongi’s study late at night. you had fallen asleep but woke up to the sound of something falling on the kitchen floor. you came downstairs to check the ruckus and saw valentina making a cup of black coffee. only yoongi drinks black coffee in the household, but what was she doing here? both juyun and valentina are supposed to leave the household premises by nightfall, and yet at half-past twelve, you see the conniving little bitch in your kitchen brewing coffee for your asshole husband. maybe they are sneaking out behind your back, after all.
fine, all you have to do is catch them in the act.
you watched from the shadows as valentina finished the coffee and walked towards yoongi’s study, where he was cooped up working on a high-profile case. there was a particular sway in valentina’s hips tonight that did not escape your hawk eyes. rolling your eyes, you followed her and watched her walk in after she knocked. yoongi must have been too engrossed in his files to just blindly give permission so late at night, or he might have thought it was you. wait, why are you making excuses for him already? you are here to catch him red-handed.
you walked to the door and pushed it slightly to let a crack at the door through which you could see them.
“yes, little on-” yoongi turned up from his files and looked visibly confused on noticing that it’s not you but his new maid. what was her name, again? yeah, valentina. right, “what are you doing here? you are not supposed to be in the main house after nightfall.”
“yes, i know you work nights, so i thought of making you some coffee since miss goes to sleep,” valentina smiled, advancing the coffee towards him.
“did she ask you to be here?”
“miss? no-no! she does not even know i am here. i don’t think she cares enough.”
“excuse me? what did you just say?” it did not take more than seconds for yoongi’s expressions to turn into a scowl.
‘you are one good actor, min yoongi. as if you care if someone speaks bad behind my back,’ you thought, watching the scene unfold.
valentina walked to his side, placing her hand carefully on his arm, “you work so hard, but miss never looks after you. i can look after you, mr min, i will take good care of you!”
yoongi slapped her hand away, “what are you on about!”
“she wants to fuck you, asshole,” frustrated by his obliviousness, you exclaimed out too loudly. oh fuck.
“y/n?” yoongi called.
“ugh,” groaning, you walked in, “can’t you see it? she is flirting with you. she wants to be the next mrs. min,” you crossed your arms.
“next? but i already have a mrs min,” yoongi’s scowl turned to a smirk, he has dearly missed this feisty side of yours.
“divorce me and live happily with her. like she said, she will take good care of you. right, miss valentina?” you gritted, turning your head towards valentina.
the new maid, who was a couple of years older than you, cowered in fear under your judgmental gaze, “miss, i am sorry, please.”
“god, you look so fucking hot right now,” yoongi smacked his lips.
your eyes went wide at the vile words, is he seriously flirting with the maid right in front of you! “are you for real right no-” you turned to him, ready to tear him a new one, but your words died in your throat when you noticed that his gaze was only fixated on you. he was calling you hot, “-oh.”
you started playing with your fingers again, as has been your habit whenever you get nervous or shy. the blush on your cheeks was unmistakable, and yoongi could clearly feel the heat they radiated.
he grabbed your hand, pulling you towards him, “is little one blushing for me?”
“n-no!” you huffed as yoongi placed you right in front of him, between his legs. you both stood behind the oak table whereas valentina was by the door, looking for a chance to leave the mess she had caused.
yoongi let a soft chuckle watching you getting flustered. he guided your hips to sit upon the edge of the table, “you,” he turned to valentina, who had just opened the door to walk out, “close that door and don’t you dare leave.”
and it was at that moment, valentina realized that she had fucked up royally.
yoongi turned his undivided attention back to you, “my feisty little wife, were you jealous?”
you made a disgusted face at that, “not even by a bit. why should i be jealous?”
“is that so? so you would be totally fine if i cheated on you?” yoongi pulled up your t-shirt, and you wordlessly raised your arms to facilitate the motion.
“i dare you to try and cheat me,” you grabbed his collar, pulling him close to you.
yoongi grinned, “thought you wanted to divorce me.”
“i will find other grounds, but i refuse to be disrespected like that,” cupping his face, you kissed him, probably the first time in months. although the two of you have sex on and off, you deny him any kisses from you. it was supposed to be some punishment, but to hell with all that. your husband did not miss a beat to kiss you right back.
valentina, on the other hand, watched with wide eyes as the scene unfolded in front of her.
yoongi’s hands are always very skilful when it comes to taking your clothes off, his hands always know how to unhook your bra, and he rarely has to worry about panties because you never wear them to bed, and tonight, as well you did not. he yanked the shorts off you.
given the positioning of the table, valentina could not see you naked. only your back was to her.
yoongi leaned down to his knees and situated his head between your thighs, the intimate smell from your sex greeting his senses. his thumb massaged the outer walls slowly while his index finger aided to push your walls wide open. the hot craven calling to yoongi like the sound of a siren. he licked his lips once before delving in and doing what he does best – having you by the toes with his tongue. you gasped at the sensation of his tongue between your lush walls. your hand grabbed onto one of your breasts, squeezing it in an attempt to muffle down your cries. you refuse to give him the satisfaction — that his tongue always sends you on the edge from the very start. for instance, he has barely started, yet you are already wet, your arousal coating yoongi’s tongue like a forbidden elixir. you equipped your free hand to keep you stable on the table as it gripped the edge tightly, your nails scratching the expensive wood polish.
“you never learn,” yoongi tsk’ed when he felt you trying to close your legs together.
“guess, i never do,” you mumbled, raising one of your legs up to now rest over his shoulder blade. who is this new confident y/n?
“that’s more like it,” the devil’s advocate grinned his gummy smile before resuming his rightful position between your walls. his tongue reaching up at an angle while his fingers pumped inside you smoothly, aided by your generous lubrication. his fingers bent upwards and thrummed against the upper wall with the force that had your toes curling up.
“fuck-” you moaned loud enough for your voice to reverberate in the room, your hand now grabbing onto his hair for support.
yoongi alternated between sucking on your hollow walls to pumping his fingers at a supersonic speed. the closer he got to your orgasm, the more lubrication your sex created. he was ready to taste your cum, he was eager and excited even, but you pulled his head away.
“i want your dick,” you leaned down to kiss him.
“you will get it. have some patience, little one,” he said in between the kiss. his tongue, dutifully, transferring your taste to your very tongue.
“now! i can’t wait,” your fingers brought out his semi-hard dick from underneath his underwear and started pumping it – from the base to the tip with the same fervour that yoongi had shown you.
“whoa, someone is eager to get dicked down,” he chuckled, letting you work around his length.
“maybe because you don’t dick me down enough,” you shrugged and collected a ball of spit before dropping it on the bulbous tip.
yoongi inhaled sharply at the cold sensation of the saliva, “then maybe you should,” he took hold of his length and gave it a few pumps before entering you, earning a delicious moan from you, “speak up more.”
“never,” your fingers grabbed onto the hair on the back of his head, pulling it backwards to bring his eyes to yours.
“feisty,” he drove his length in, past the initial discomfort, and you felt your body going through physical hiccups at the slow and drawn out thrusts. he was enjoying the view, how enticing you looked, how out of wits miss holmes looked at the feeling of his dick inside her.
halfway through getting railed, you looked behind to check if valentina was watching. the moment you made eye contact with her, you smirked at her and sent a playful wink which had her staring at her feet out of sheer embarrassment and shame.
“thought i would make you come once with my tongue before dicking you down,” yoongi spit at the junction where his dick disappeared into you before collecting it on his thumb to rub circles on your nub.
“mm, we don’t always get what we want. are you afraid you can’t make me cum with your dick?”
the look that he gave you next was one that made you genuinely regret the words that you just spewed as he sped up his thrusts, accompanied with his skilled finger stimulating your sex to no ends. you grew closer to your orgasm, but yoongi had other plans – he pulled away and brought you to your feet to turn you over. his hand on your back traced downwards along your spine and pushed you down on the table – all the while, his dick poking at your inner thigh like a warning. you lowered your upper body on the table and felt yoongi’s hand holding your head down amidst the case files he was working on. your eyes fell on a familiar name, ‘kim seokjin’ and on the second line, you could clearly make out the words ‘innocent of murder charges’. you tried to raise your head up to read more, but yoongi’s hand kept you pinned down while his length impaled you again.
“mm,” you exhaled as the tip felt like it tore through your walls in this position – with your pelvis strictly bent over the edge of the table in a painful position.
you stood corrected as yoongi brought you to your orgasm, all the detective thoughts in your pretty little head getting washed over by the wave of pleasure. he kept holding you, thrusting into you at the same speed to ride out your high and chase his own. you could tell he was closer when his grip on your body loosened up. a few more thrusts in, and yoongi emptied his balls on the small of your back.
“can you imagine i almost came inside? you always rile me up so well,” yoongi mused after cleaning your back.
“mhm, the no-kids clause. how can i forget,” you offered him a close-lipped smile, putting on his work shirt and buttoning it.
yoongi put on his underwear and wore his trousers. his hand advanced towards you to tuck your hair behind, but you dodged it and walked to valentina, holding the door open.
“i never want to see you again. leave before i drag you out by your hair.”
you did not need to repeat yourself as she made a run for the door to never come back to the min mansion.
after she made her exit, you walked out too, closing the door behind you, but before the doors could close completely, you heard yoongi again.
“by the way, i fired rei today.”
of course, yoongi had other reasons to fire her, which he tactfully did not let you on in.
it only felt like another thing that you did not know you could lose but just did to your paranoid husband.
a/n: our hon’ble judge marly is none other than my bb @teakwoods-ghost​ !!
feedback is deeply appreciated.✨
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- jaimie.
© 𝟫𝟫𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑒𝓇𝓈, 𝟐𝟎𝟤𝟣. 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐃.
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calangkoh · 2 years
Recently I saw someone say brotherhood was better than 03 because of the stuff that happened to rose and that apparently 03 has p3dophiliain it?? (I'm assuming they were talking about the psiren thing or maybe Dante?? who knows)
I can understand feeling uncomfortable with the rose stuff, but it wasn't shown, just heavily implied. was it necessary? no, but still pretty realistic.
but what really gets me is that bh literally has child trisha meet adult hohenheim and its seen as like this cute moment??
anyways, sorry for ranting in your inbox about this, I know it's kinda a heavy topic and criticizing 03 is valid but not when it's just straight up hypocritical.
if the themes or vibes of 03 make people uncomfortable or depressed or anxious, or if they on the other hand just don't understand that depiction isn't glorification, then it won't be liked. im not gonna defend every narrative choice of 03 as "unproblematic" but most of those "problematic" elements i wouldn't change. i like the way things were presented. but no nothing was perfect and there are lots of things you could argue were necessary or not. you said it yourself with rose. not necessary, but i think the pros outweighed the cons with including her at the end of 03.
but also yeah the psiren episode was a little uncomfortable lmao.
dante on the other hand who i love to talk about even though it's hard to talk about her a lot because of this topic, i wouldn't change. i actually have a lot to say on dante's role in this ask [and as usual i lost sight of the initial topic and just ranted about something tangentially related go figure]....i see her plan as more symbolic than literal, where she was was so deluded by her worldview --she separates herself so much from humanity, looks down on it, isolates herself and considers herself superior, even tho she's ruled by basic human impulses and feelings herself, so used to seeing humans as simply pawns, and yet a huge romantic deep down who was once fueled by love in even her most disgusting actions, and when she's rejected by hohenheim it sends her in a downward spiral. in come ed and rose and dante sees two pawns she can recreate something she had long ago before she became this monster through them. it's not about ed, specifically, it's about wanting to use him and rose to fabricate something she once had. dante comes across as a villainous mastermind, and uh, yeah she is, but, she also is vulnerable and deeply emotional. she just won't confront it directly, and would rather run away and avoid in these contrived ways. it's actually a way she mirrors ed, who also tends to avoid confronting his issues and puts up a tough and rational face as he acts extremely emotional and irrationally.
anyway, not excusing the choice of having dante imply she was gonna fuck ed or defending it as "okay," but the opposite. i agree it was a bad and deeply uncomfortable choice.....and it elevated the character. kinda like how sometimes to develop a character, you paradoxically have to make them act out of character in a certain situation. objectively/on paper, a "bad" choice, but it actually deepens the character and the emotional impact.
back on topic like with the bh moment....idk yeah i thought that framing was weird. honestly you can pick any piece of media apart for problematic elements, scenes like that, and it can be fun. i pick apart brotherhood a lot. just remember there's a difference between thinking critically about media you consume and just looking for any excuse to label something you don't like as "problematic" so you can "cancel" it. this often goes both ways with the 03 vs fmab debate and there's no winning. 03 is problematic, fmab is problematic, im problematic, let's just cancel everything and then nothing will be truly cancelled how bout that. so in all seriousness, i wouldn't give too much weight to people who will be like "oh that piece of media? i dont like it [whether or not ive seen it]. it's problematic."
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silhouetteofacedar · 3 years
Fox Mulder, Closet Romantic Ch. 25: Prima Materia
Previous Chapter - AO3 - MSR, rated E
Five Months Later
Friday, November 13th, 1998
“I can’t believe you,” Scully hisses as they exit Skinner’s office. “We’ve discussed this, Mulder. Multiple, no, countless times. You can’t just accuse someone of being a supernatural entity based off a… a wild hunch!”
“A hunch? Scully, we have concrete evidence. It’s literally documented in the folder you’re holding right now.”
“That ‘evidence’ is obviously subject to interpretation,” Scully retorts, stomping down the hall in an attempt to keep pace with Mulder’s long strides. “An interpretation I thought we’d agreed upon before going into that meeting. And I don’t appreciate you abandoning a solid hypothesis, that we discussed at length, in favor of whatever the hell that just was.”
Mulder stops outside the elevator, turning to her. “That was the truth, Scully. It’s out there, if you would just open your mind a little and accept that there are things science still can’t explain.”
“But science can-” She reaches out and punches the button for the elevator, “-explain it. You just like the sound of your own theories and ideas better than fact. Fox Mulder, the champion of truth, the only man willing to consider the extreme.”
“You know you like it,” he says in a low tone.
Scully’s eyes go wide, and she grabs his elbow. “Do not-”
The elevator doors open, and they scurry into the lift. Mulder presses the button for the basement.
“Do not use my weaknesses against me at work, Mulder, that’s not fair,” she says as the doors slide closed.
“Weaknesses?” Mulder asks casually. “Am I your weakness, Dr. Scully?”
“I’m serious. We’ve have a few close calls in the past few months; if we’re not careful, we’re going to be found out.”
“How, by arguing? We did that before we started fu-”
She gives him an imploring look.
“-working after hours,” he corrects. “Besides,” he continues, angling his chin downwards to reach her ear, “I happen to know arguing turns you on.”
Scully licks her upper lip. “I’m just saying we have to be more careful,” she insists, staring straight ahead.
“Then I guess this isn’t the best time to invite you out for a drink,” Mulder says.
Scully glances at him out of the corner of her eye. “It’s Friday the thirteenth,” she notes with a twinge of a smile. “Don’t you think it’s a little risky?”
Mulder shrugs as the elevator doors open into the basement. “Historically, the thirteenth is my lucky day.”
“You know, it’s been nine months since our first date,” Mulder says conversationally. They’d walked to Casey’s Bar from the Bureau and are now perched on stools at the far end of the counter, nursing a beer each.
Scully furrows her brow, obviously doing some quick mental math. “February… that was a date?” she says, somewhat amused. “You should have told me at the time. I wouldn’t have waited so long to put out.”
Mulder raises his eyebrows. “Dana,” he says in mock surprise. “I thought you were a good church girl.”
“What gave you that idea, my penchant for kneeling?” she mutters into her glass.
Fuck, she’s good.
They’ve been together for six months now, and it’s surprising how little has actually changed between them, in the practical sense. They’ve been pretty good at keeping their relationship a secret, Mulder thinks. It helps that everyone in the Bureau already thought they were crazy, codependent, and tanking their respective careers. Apparently, bad reputations make the best cover.
He and Scully arrive at the Hoover building in separate vehicles, squabble over conflicting viewpoints, have lunch together almost every day. He rests a hand on her back, guiding her through the halls, and she gives him withering glances and dramatic eye rolls when appropriate. From the outside, they’re still the same Mulder and Scully.
And then they go home to one of their respective apartments and tear each other’s clothes off.
Well, they usually make it home. That quickie in the office annex was an outlier.
Nine months seems significant somehow. The length of human gestation, Mulder thinks absently. It seems like a length of time worth celebrating.
“Would it be terribly corny of me to propose a toast?” he asks.
“A toast to what?”
He’s suddenly shy. “Us,” he says softly. “How far we’ve come. And how much,” he adds, giving her a nudge with his elbow. She rolls her eyes at him, and it feels overtly fond.
Scully lifts her glass. “To us,” she says warmly. “And to spooky shit.”
“You remember,” Mulder says as they clink glasses, recalling that first toast in Casey’s all those months ago.
“Mm,” she replies, sipping her beer. “I do. It was a… notable evening.”
“What made it notable for you?” he asks.
“We had an actual conversation, for one,” Scully muses. “About our personal lives, attraction, about how we relate to the outside world; and by extension, how we relate to each other. I remember very clearly feeling like we were close to something.”
“So did I,” Mulder admits. “So what happened, on your end?”
“I don’t know,” she sighs. “The spell wore off, maybe? When I got home that night I remembered all the reasons it would be a mistake to let myself feel. And then Mark happened, and you know the rest of that story.” She turns on her stool to face him more fully. “What happened for you?”
“I took you on a very cold, very dark picnic,” Mulder reminds her.
“Which was wonderful,” she offers.
Mulder nods. “But then when I asked you out again, you had a date. I don’t know, maybe I was going too slow, being too subtle. But when you started going out with that jackass it felt like… in a way, you were saying that what I had to give wasn’t enough.”
Scully doesn’t say anything, just stares down at her glass.
“And I realize that it’s selfish of me to project that onto you,” he amends. “Your choices aren’t about me. But fuck, I wished they were.”
“You’d be surprised how many of my choices actually were about you,” she says softly. “I surprise even myself. You told me before that you didn’t think I’d last a full year working with you, remember? There was validity in that. This job… it’s the most difficult thing I’ve ever done. So much is at stake for us, so much has been taken. But I chose to continue because I believed in you, and in our work. We have different methods and come to different conclusions, but we’re working towards the same thing. That’s what I believe.”
He reaches over beneath the cover of the countertop and takes her hand, clasping it atop his knee. They sit in silence for awhile, taking sips of their drinks, palms pressed together.
The truth hides in many places, Mulder is learning. Places more secret and sacred than dusty file folders or abandoned warehouses, more mundane than the locked rooms of the Pentagon or trapped beneath thousands of years of ice. The greatest truths are scattered pieces he stumbles upon every day; reflected in his bathroom mirror, scribbled on post-it notes in their office, hidden under Scully’s warm tongue. He knows he’s an obsessed man, prone to irrationality and impulse; but in quiet moments with his partner, he finds small fragments of peace he never thought he could reach.
“Where are you?” Scully says softly, drawing him back into the present. A dim barroom, a sweating glass, her soft hand in his. He wonders if the day will come when his mind wanders too far for her to follow.
“I-I know how crazy this is going to sound, Scully but bear with me… do you ever think that we’re… that we’re bonded somehow? Like we were always supposed to end up here. Together.”
“Like here, here? In this bar?”
“Maybe. Maybe less specifically this bar and more generally this time and place on earth. This universe, this dimension. With each other.”
She shakes her head gently, smiling. “Mulder, it’s been a long week. If we’re going to talk about the metaphysical I need to either have more to drink or be under the influence of a postcoital surge of oxytocin.”
He leans closer to her. “Do you have a preference as to which, because I’d gladly provide either.”
Scully pushes her half-empty glass away from her, eyes dark and soft. “Take me home, Mulder,” she whispers.
His heart squeezes. “Will you stay?” The night, the rest of our lives, until our boat drifts over the edge of the earth?
She nods, and another piece of the truth slides into place.
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