#i see I got an ask or a DM and instead of getting excited I get scared
caxde · 2 months
bright eyes | eddie munson x reader
summary you and Eddie have just become a couple, you meet hellfire club, Wayne finally meets you, navigating your relationship with him and his little girl (6.8k)
warnings fem!reader, girl!dad Eddie!!!!, fluff, mutual pining, yearning etc, slowburn strangers to lovers, idiots in love!!!, , english is not my first language so I apologise if there’s some mistakes, not proof read! 
a/n: thank you guys for the support, and thanks to the lovely @criesinlies for her help and motivation, this one is for u babe <3 part1 part2 part 3 (they can be read seperatly)
“As you feel the air collapse in your lungs, I’m gonna need a constitution saving throw from you, Tayr.” Eddie explains, as his voice changes into that dramatic tone he always uses when he’s in the middle of a session, pointing at Mike who is stunned and on the verge of having a meltdown. 
“Wha-Whaddumean the air collapses in my lungs?” He asks frantically, as he shuffles through papers, trying to find something that will get him out of this, his die on his hand, rattling anxiously. 
“Counterspell!” Will screams, his hand on reaching for Eddie, he just scoffs. 
“It’s not a spell.” His voice remains calm, not stopping the visual contact he had going on, enjoying the menacing aura he had going on, something he didn’t get to do as often now that most of the stories and voices he could do were the ones for bedtime so Lua would fall asleep. 
He enjoyed looking at the chaos that ensued at the table, how they all were chatting amongst themselves, trying to find a solution, something useful so Mike’s character wouldn't die. 
Eddie hears the soft knocks on the door, his eyebrows raise a bit as he looks over at the trailer. The kids were around the table, buried deep with character sheets and spell cards, Max and El were on the living room floor drawing and colouring with Lua, Steve and Robin weren’t supposed to come pick them up for another forty minutes and uncle Wayne had yet to come back from work. 
He made his way to the front door, excusing himself from his usual DM spot, Dustin nodding in understanding, a curious look on his face as he looked over at him, and who could be behind the door. 
You had left work a bit earlier, for once they actually respected your work hours, and understood that if you started your shift at ten in the morning, you shouldn’t stay past six in the afternoon. So for once, you were back in the trailer park beforehalf past, and lucky for you, you caught some pastries they wanted to throw out, they said they were too old to sell, but you had baked them yesterday night, so you knew for a fact the blueberry muffins that where Lua’s favourite and the Cinnamon rolls that Eddie liked were good to take. 
So, there you were, your work clothes still on, and a little cardboard box in your hands. 
You looked up at him, as soon as he opened the door and his head tilted ever so slightly to the right, your lips were already curving upwards as you made eye contact with him. His eyes melting a bit at the sight of you, he made a step back, letting you in. 
You didn’t really have any reason to be alert, you were just happy to see him, and excited to do so, even if the nerves of the dinner you had in a couple hours were starting to manifest in your body, you paid them no mind. Instead, you pointed your feet up, the distance between both of your bodies closing, a small peck left on his lips from yours. He smiled as he always does when you kiss him. 
You realised right there that something strange was going on, when the usual noise that rummaged through his trailer was gone. Even worse, the noise you had heard from the other side of the door had ceased, you pulled away, not too far for that matter, your body still a breath away from his, his hand resting on your waist. 
“Got out of work earlier, they gave me some sweets… I thought maybe Lua..” That’s when you realised that he wasn’t exactly alone. 
There was a group of kids sitting around a table, their eyes about to pop out of their heads, mouths opened in shock, whilst Lua was in the company of two girls. You recognized the red head, Max lived a couple trailers down from you, she always had some kind words to say about your outfit, and you had helped her a couple of times when her mom was away and her washing machine was making the same funny sound as yours did. 
She was the one that seemed more shocked out of them all, standing up in one swift movement as Lua clocked that you were there. Her usual gigle as a greeting as she started walking clumsily to your feet, her arms opened for you to hug her. Eddie gave you the same nod he always did, as he took a step further from you and took the little box with sweets out of your hands. It always happened when Lua wanted attention from you, you looked over at Eddie a ‘is this okay? can i hold her?’ look he had become used to, and that he absolutely adored. 
“Princess!” Lua cheered as she wrapped her arms lazily on the back of your neck, Eddie had told you about the whole princess accident, and you had become somehow warmed up about the nickname that she had gifted you. You pulled her in a warm hug. 
“Hi dude, you doing okay?” You asked, your voice higher in pitch as it always did when you talked to her. 
“Yeah. Friends over!” She pointed out to the two girls that remained silent on the floor, her mouth still slightly opened. 
“Eddie you rat!” Max broke the silence, the cascade of comments starting to flow as the kids were coming out of shock. “I live right next to you, how did I not know!” She continued, you looked at her, a bit afraid of her if you were being honest. Her hard tone contradicts with her wide smile. 
“Is she your girlfriend?” One of the boys asked from the table, his tan skin made his blue shirt pop, just as much as his question did. Making you both blush in a similar way, looking at each other, Lua looking between the both of you, still on your arms. 
“She’s dada’s princess.” She explains, as best as she could, her sweet words making you chuckle, as Eddie took her from your arms, pulling her in a soft embrace. 
“Yes, and she got you a snack, d’you want some?” Eddie rattled the box, and Lua’s eyes widened as she cheered. 
The chattering continued as you sort of stood in the middle of the room, not sure where to go to, or what to do now. 
“How did he get you to agree to go out with him?” A boy with curly hair half covered with a cap that had some writing you couldn’t quite read spoke, an incredulous tone evident by the way his face looked, a raised eyebrow following his question. 
“It wasn’t that hard, really… he just… asked?” You could hear Eddie laughing from the kitchen, the sound of it making your shoulders relax, you weren’t used to that much attention. 
“Unbelievable, I should have been asking Eddie the Freak Munson for girl advice, not King Steve… who would have known.” The same boy replayed, you caught the same dramatic voice and flare you had caught on Eddie a few times, it made you chuckle. 
“Eddie the Freak?” You questioned, more to yourself than to anyone else, as you took a step closer to the table.
“Oh, yeah. He’s a big nerd, even bigger when he was in High School.” Max was the one talking now, teasing him as Eddie walked out the kitchen, arms crossed over his chest. 
Lua was walking with a plastic plate on her hand, half of the muffin on it. She was trying really carefully to not drop it, concentrating on finding her way to the couch. 
“Hey, enough teasing the one that’s housing you, ‘kay?” That was an expression you still haven’t seen or heard in Eddie. His head tilted to the left, his hair falling a bit in front of his face, his eyes wider before he closed them a bit, his lips pressing against each other. Eddie was embarrassed, and didn’t really know how to manage it. 
“Yeah, we’re literally in the middle of a campaign.” The boy with the black hair and arched nose points out frantically gesturing at the board on top of the table. “I might be dying!” Urgency comes back into his voice, and you can see the way Eddie tries to mask a laugh, his hand hiding his smile, only growing when he makes eye contact with you. 
“Well, at least someone kisses her girlfriend.” The girl that was beside Max and had been quiet spoke out, a spec of hurt in her voice. Her words made the boy that was somehow about to die shake his head in disbelief at her, while Max and the two other boys that had spoken chuckle. The boy that hadn’t spoken yet looked at the dying boy longley. 
Eddie enjoyed the teasing when it wasn’t focused on him, so he let out a chuckle as soon as she heard how El teased Mike back for not being as affectionate as he was. Then again, Eddie was aware that he was highly affectionate, and even now, not being next to you, or holding your hand was a weird feeling now that he could call you his girlfriend. 
Maybe that’s why he uses the small moment where they were chuckling and quietly teasing Mike to walk over you, his hand finally resting on the small of your back, where it fits in a perfect way, the small touch reassuring you in a way you didn’t think possible. Your head spins to look at him, his eyes half closed when they meet yours, he can’t help but leave a small kiss on your forehead. And you can’t help but rest your head on his chest as soon as he breaks the tiny kiss. 
“Okay, roll call or they won’t stop looking at us weird.” Eddie half jokes as he speaks up, you just enjoy the way his chest vibrates when he talks, for a moment you let yourself daydreaming of the day you get to sleep with him as close as you were now. “You know Max.” You nod as the red haired girl looks up at you again, before sitting down back on the floor. “That’s El” The one that had teased the other boy about kissing mouthed a silent hi, her eyebrows slightly raised “She also goes by Jane.” Eddie turns to your ear, whispering it to you. 
“Dustin, Henderson. Though right now I’m Nog.” The boy with the curled covered hair spoke next, he seemed excited to meet you, his smile was contagious. 
“Uh… Okay?” You weren’t exactly sure what he meant with right now, and you had a habit of not masking your emotions, so your face could be read like a poem, your eyebrows raised in misunderstanding and confusion. 
“She doesn’t know about D&D?” The boy that was supposedly dying erupted again, and you heard Eddie audibly roll his eyes. 
“It doesn’t matter.”The guy next to him talked, though he almost cut him off, frustration on his voice, the rest of the party scoffed and tried to hide a chuckle “I’m Will, or Will the Wise. He’s Mike, or Tayr in this case.” He pointed to them both, you nodded, trying hard to remember everyone’s names. 
“I’m Lucas or Sundar the Bold, also Max’s sometimes boyfriend.” He tries to charm the girl who just rolls her eyes as she shakes her head. Even if you clock a soft curving of her lips. 
You smile to yourself, trying to hold as much information as you can. 
“Do you also have a second name?” 
Eddie laughs, as he pushes a little hair away from his face, tucking it away nicely under his ear. 
“No, I uh… I’m the, uh… Dungeon Master.” 
Luckily for Eddie, Steve walked in at that moment. Robin followed him closely. Giving him another moment of quietness and self reflection as they walked inside, observing the scene as they did.
He had never been embarrassed about playing, or anything of that matter, but for some stupid reason that he wasn’t sure of, he felt just that seeing you in his space when he was not expecting it. He wasn’t prepared, for you to see him actively nerding out, even worse, when the stakes at the table were as high. 
“I think we got here a bit early, Steve.” Robin pointed out, her voice doing that sing along tone that you found charming. Lua waved at them from the couch where she was still enjoying her little treat. The reason you were here after all. 
“Oh, shi-” Eddie glared down at him before he could finish the sentence, a quick nod to the little girl listening in. “You’re one to talk.” 
“You are!” Dustin halved screamed from his chair, an accusatory finger pointing at him. “You’re the one giving out girl advice, while Eddie somehow managed to find a respectfully hot girl to go out with him.” You can’t help but giggle at the way he said respectfully, his mouth enunciating every syllable of the word while he looked at you in an apologetic way. 
Eddie blushed harder, the palm of his hand hitting his forehead. The vein on his neck grows larger every second. Unlucky for him, and due to the fact that he was far too distracted, he missed the look on your face when you caught that, the half second where the image of Eddie biting his lower lip trying to hide a cocky smile as his vein pulsed had made your thighs clench, and your eyes darken. 
“Henderson’s right, Steve” Robin added in her teasing tone, her words felt like they had an extra space written in between them. “That’s another point on the you suck table.” For some reason that you didn’t understand, that snarky comment made them all laugh, an inside joke you hope to understand someday. 
“I uh… should go back to my trailer.” You point to the opened door with your head, your hand now was somehow tangled with Eddie’s. 
“You can stay.” He pleas with a sweet soft voice, like honey to your ears. His eyes looking down at you, somehow becoming doe-like. 
“I would, but I need to make dinner for four.” You remind him as you wink. A lovesick smile appears on his lips once again, forgetting that he was surrounded by people that will tease him as soon as you’re gone. “I’ll leave the door unlocked, come whenever.” 
He stands there for a moment, knowing full well that their friends are talking to him, teasing him relentlessly, but he doesn’t really care, he’s too focused on seeing the way your body moves, and how even your steps reflect how happy you feel. 
“I thought she was coming over here.” Wayne pointed out, standing against the bathroom door, looking over Eddie's shoulder, as he brushed out Lua’s recently clean hair. 
“She was, but she wanted to host, said she’d feel more comfortable.” Eddie explained, not really focusing on what he was saying, more centered in the job he was doing. He had an experience with curly hair, and knew just how much care it needed, and how much he hated detangling it when he himself was a kid. “I’ll be done in a second, bug.” He tried to reassure her, her hands pushing him away. 
“Right.” Eddie wasn’t expecting much words out of his uncle, but he was still a bit anxious, and he wasn’t really sure he knew why. “You should shower, I’ll change Lua.” He told him, as he grabbed Lua in a soft embrace. 
That’s when Eddie realised he had been anxiously brushing his daughter’s hair for the last fifteen minutes. 
And that he probably just needed a second, a moment or a minute just for himself. 
 Turns out, silence can also be an overwhelming sound. 
For Eddie, silence was the time his thoughts gained free raign on his brain.
Even if he tried to quiet them down, hot water hitting the back of his head as he takes his time washing his hair, he wasn’t sure he could do it. 
He was used to judgment. First it was him being a nerd, which evolved into freak, which ended with reckless. First he had been an outcast, then he had been the dangerous teen, now he was the young dad who barely finished high school. 
His problem -he realised as the water pressure hitted the knot that he had on his left shoulder- was that that had all happened before you met him. 
And he hadn’t told you a lot about that. Or about Hellfire and just how important and life saving it had been for him, despite it’s nerdy side, which was what you had only seen. 
He had a river of what if’s as he brushed his damp hair, putting leave in conditioner and drying it. 
He kept thinking. 
What if you seeing him with (ironically) even more kids had somehow pushed you away.
What if you knowing that he had been on the verge of expulsion made you reject him. 
What if you getting to actually know him made you wish you never had in the first place. 
Wayne knew what was going on, but he had realised through experience that the best he could do is just give him space, facilitate the tasks he had to do. So he left him his comfort black button up shirt he always wore when he wanted to feel better, his usual blue jeans under it. 
He had dressed Lua, with the hand-me-down clothes Jameson from three trailers up had given them a few months ago, a pastel baby blue dress she had a fuss about, until she realised it was actually comfortable. Wayne smiled to himself, remembering how Eddie used to do the same. 
Across the street, you were setting up the table. 
The meat cannelloni your grandma used to make for you -or your best attempt at them- where being covered in bechamel that you had just finished, the bottom of the pot that you had used was barely brown for once, a good sign, you thought. Maybe a bit too nutmeg, maybe not enough salt, but it drowns the cannelloni in a warm blanket, before you put some shredded cheese on top. 
Once they were in the oven, the whole trailer smelt like warmth. 
And you started fidgeting with the hem of your long sleeve. 
You checked again that the white wine was chilled, and that you had plenty of water and orange juice for Lua. 
You repainted your lips red, and checked that you didn’t have any mascara stains in your eyelids for the third time. 
You decided to set the table, soft music playing in the background. A tape you had had for a while, with Bowie, the Smiths and some songs you just knew the name of. As you placed the last fork, the familiar soft knock came from the door. A smile appearing in your lips as a response. 
Eddie’s breathing slowed down as soon as he locked eyes with you. His shoulders dropped a bit, his eyes softened, just by seeing you, the river of thoughts stopped. 
Wayne’s eyebrows raised -as soon as he saw the effect you had on his anxious nephew- but neither of you noticed. 
“You look nice.” You let out, your voice softer, kinder. 
“So do you.” He said back, his voice no longer shaking. Lua in his arms, reaching for you. 
“Hi dude!” Your pitch became higher, as you grabbed her for a quick hug, letting her on the floor so she could investigate as she loved to do. 
Eddie stepped a bit closer to you, leaving a kiss on the spot he liked so much, right where your right temple met your hairline, before introducing you to Wayne. 
“It’s a pleasure.” You tell him, a firm shake of hands proceeds your words, a kind smile in his lips as his eyes are framed by smile lines. 
“I’m sure it’s all mine.” He replays, you like how he drags every word, his accent being so different form the one Eddie has. “It smells heavenly.” 
“Grandma’s recipe.” You tell him, as you move to the table. 
Eddie sees that you had fixed a chair with a couple of your hard pillows, so Lua could actually be seated on her own chair, with you. For some stupid reason, it warmed his heart. He hadn’t asked you to, assuming that she’d just be in his lap once again, but seeing that you had taken the effort, made him see -even if he thought it before- just how much you do care. 
Wayne caught it, the way Eddie’s smirk appeared as he looked at the chair, the small plastic plate and utensils you had set up for her. Water and orange juice. Wayne was starting to like you already, and he had barely talked to you. 
Everyone seemed to like the food, a soft wow escaped Wayne’s lips when non one was looking, as his eyebrows raised in amusement. Lua had wanted to try them as soon as they were set up on the table, Eddie telling her as he cut them up in a soft voice that they were too hot, she didn’t care. She grabbed the end of the fork Eddie had, trying to take a bite. 
“Do you really wanna burn your mouth?” He asked, even if he was a bit overwhelmed, his tone stayed sweet, calm. She nodded, only looking at the food. He let her take a small bite, which she did eat, chewing with her mouth opened. “I told you.” Eddie gave her a look that you found endearing. His head tilted ever so slightly to the right, his eyes opened a bit too much nodding as he did so, a soft giggle escaped your lips. He couldn’t help his from curling as soon as he heard you. 
“Yummy” Is all she said, and it made your eyes squint a bit, your smile growing bigger. Eddie’s voice stopped for a second as he saw you, and how proud you looked. 
“You like it?” Eddie could swear your eyes shined when you asked, even a bit brighter when you saw Lua nodding. 
Wayne realised something in that moment, the small bubble that you seemed to be in. 
From where he was, it already looked like you belonged. Like you always had. You seemed to understand Eddie just as good as he was, maybe even better. 
Wayne did try to get to know you, asking you things every time he felt like he had an opportunity. He was always kind, and gave you a smile when you answered. 
The thing that you found out that Wayne and Eddie shared was how much they listened, and remembered. 
“How come you ended up in Hawkins?” 
“They lied to her.” Eddie replayed before you could, food still in your mouth. 
“Whaddumean?” Wayne responded in shock, his eyes staring at you, wanting you to answer. 
“I uh… I got a call about a teaching spot that was supposedly open, in the High School, but uh… they forgot to add that it wouldn’t actually be available for another six months so… I’m in the cafe, saving up… you know” You felt like you were overexplaining yourself, or that you were coming across as pitiful, but as soon as you felt Eddie's hand on your thigh, a small squeeze on it, you knew you were going to be okay. That you were doing okay. 
Wayne looked over at Eddie, a smirk appearing on his lips, that Eddie knew the meaning of, and for once he was welcome you didn’t. It said, you also want to get out of here. Eddie couldn’t unpack that, not now. 
“Well, I’ve heard you’ve already met some of your future students.” He said instead, taking a sip of the white wine you had poured for him. 
“Have I?” 
“Didn’t your little fan club come?” Wayne was now looking at Eddie, who had gone quieter. Not only was he not talking, but he had that shyness that he had grown to hide coming out, right there in the open. 
“Fan club?” You asked back, giving him a little look. He seemed lost, present, but still not entirely there. 
“Hellfire, we uh… play a game together.” 
“I didn’t know you had more kids beside Lua.” Even if you were smiling sincerely, even if he knew you were teasing him, he still gave you an apologetic smile, not really looking at you but at Wayne, begging him to stop. 
Wayne understands, so he waits a few seconds for the music that had been softly playing to stop, he wipes his mouth with the napkin as he nods at his nephew. 
“I should get Lua to bed.” He excuses himself, as he walks over to her. Lua looked up at him with a puzzled look in her eyes, her head swinging between his dad and his uncle. “Let’s go to bed, Lu.” It’s the first time that you hear him being sweet, almost like honey. 
Lua stands up on her own, her arms up in the air, waiting to be lift up by him. He waves you goodbye in sync with Wayne as he walks out the door. 
You stand up. 
You don’t really know what you have done to make Eddie quiet, but you give him space, as you clear the table, and you catch him playing with his index finger, a repetitive movement that lets you know he’s got something bugging him in his mind. 
You let him stay in the chair while water runs down your hands. Calming yourself whilst you come out with the right words. 
“Are you okay?” You end up asking the most basic question, but the only one you can actually think of. He finally looks up at you, and in doing so he realises due to the iron taste in his mouth that he had been biting his lower lip a bit too hard. 
“Yeah, just… Sorry.” He tried to brush it off, finally standing up, walking to the kitchen. His hands hidden deep in the back pockets of his jeans.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He knows that took courage out of you to ask, you start cleaning the plates, the sponge bubbling up as you squeezed it. 
“Do you want me to dry?” He asks back, stepping closer to you, nodding to your previous question, looking for a way to be close to you. 
“Sure.” You step to the left, letting him a bit of space for him to fit, his waits hitting his, a comforting touch that makes his brain slow down once more. “Did I do something? While we were eating?” You try to ask, not sure why he went quiet all of a sudden. Not sure why Wayne had vanished and let you two alone, or why he nodded at Eddie before doing so. 
“No, you were amazing. I can tell Wayne already likes you.” He admits, drying the first plate, his voice was shaking a bit in anticipation about the conversation he knew you were about to have. “It’s just… I haven’t been embarrassed about Hellfire in like, ever. And suddenly the fear that you might I dunno, think it’s dumb, or that you wouldn’t like me being like, this huge nerd, that hangs out with Highschoolers while you are supposed to be a teacher and I…” He was talking faster and faster, his words were starting to fuse together, catching up to the speed in which his brain was thinking about it all. 
You turn the faucet off, paying him full attention. He catches that in the midst of his rumbling. His eyes lock with yours, as nervous tears make his eyes crystallize. 
“Shit I barely graduated. I hated school, I was a freak who liked to play or still likes rather, who tried to defend anyone even if I got beat up or called shitty things and then I got a kid and shit… You have been nothing but nice and you literally are like a I dunno, a princess. Kind and all that shit I don’t… I don’t really deserve it.” 
You shake your head as he talks, wanting to interrupt but not really being able to. You just take his hand, a soft touch that lets him know he’s being heard. 
“Moon.” He can’t help but look at the way your lips move when you call him by the sweetest nickname he had ever been called, only made better by your voice. Your thumb tracing drabbles on the back of his hand. “I like that you’re a nerd.” He can feel the sincerity of your voice, only made more evident by the smile that painted your lips. “I like it because I like you.” You tell him, your eyes looking at the way his lips part, his head shaking in embarrassment. “I don’t care if you play whatever game, or hang out with whoever, because that makes you who you are. And that’s who I like.” 
“Idiot.” It’s the only thing he can manage to say back, with the stupidest widest smile you had seen from him. 
“Hopefully yours.” You tease back, turning back to keep cleaning more dishes. 
He just stands there, mesmerized by you, and the way that you treat him, how you make him feel. He just gives in the urge, his arms wrapping to your waist, his chest hitting your back. You gave in a bit, pushing into him, melting in his arms. 
He took the opportunity to kiss your neck, right where it made your skin tingle, goosebumps being sent through your body. He kisses the same spot again after he hears a giggle turning into a soft moan. 
You turn to him, finally giving him a decent kiss. 
His lips intertwined with yours, the softness contradicted with the underlining neediness of his touch, both of you smiling through the kiss, his hands in the small of your waist, pulling you in closer, your hands lost in his hair, tugging it in a way he thought was heavenly. 
“Yeah, hopefully mine.” He finally responded, once he broke off the kiss, his forehead still touching yours, his hands tracing circles on your skin, under your shirt. You couldn’t stop playing with the ends of his hair. 
You stayed a bit longer like that, soft caress left on your body, as you just held each other, whispering sweet nothings to one another. 
He had come over, right when you were ending your shift, panic in his eyes. He was stressed, you could tell that much, switching his order from regular to decaf. He told you, that he had just been called to cover a late shift, and that he didn’t know if he could take Lua with him, because it would be too late, that Wayne had the night shift and wouldn’t be home until 6 in the morning, how much he just needed some reassurance, maybe a little kiss -he couldn’t stop teasing, not even if he tried, not even when he was panicking- but he wasn’t expecting your response to all of this. 
“I could go over and watch her.” 
You saw how his thoughts stopped for a moment, and how the warmth he felt in his heart after he heard your words spread through his cheeks. He asked if you were sure, if you actually didn’t mind. He reminded you that you didn’t have to do it, that it wasn’t your responsibility nor did he want to impose you with something you weren’t ready for. 
“I’d love to spend some time with her. Maybe she’ll even like me more than you in the end.”
He chuckled, added a no way and thanked you a bit too much, finalizing it all with a quick kiss before he headed out, already late for his shift. 
A to go cup in his hand.
Wayne had also thanked you profusely, even if he was a man of no words, he gave you a smile and a comforting squeeze on your shoulder. Lua was sitting down on the couch, mumbling along to the words to her favourite princess movie, while she swanged her hand around, holding on tightly to her chocolate chip cookie. 
You sat down next to her, she squeezed in closer to you. 
“You really like Aurora, don’t you?” Your voice was always higher in pitch when you talked to her, slower, softer. You thought that maybe you did that, in a way, because if someone had been kinder to you when you were little, maybe things would have been easier. 
“She’s the best.” She answered, as if it was painfully obvious. “She lives in the woods, like me!” She pointed out, as soon as the little cottage came on the screen. 
“She does.” 
“And Dada says I’m special like her.” You noticed how her eyes shined when she talked about Eddie, the care and love he had for her reciprocating in the way she talked. 
“You are.” You reassured her, brushing her hair with your fingers, she cuddled with you, a smile on her face. 
Three fast knocks on the door made you startled. Lua had just gone to bed, and you were a bit busy cleaning the mess you ended up doing. Thankfully, you were used to cleaning after yourself, white papers filled with doodles, and teddies laid on the floor next to the couch. You looked at the clock, and you saw that Eddie still had a while to come home, and he wouldn’t knock, he would just barge in. So with an unsure pace, you made your way to the trailer door, opening it as the little boy was screaming Eddie’s name. 
“Oh, hi.” He mumbled, as soon as he saw you. 
“Hi. You’re… Dustin?” He took a quick look at you, scanning the scene before he dared to say anything else, not really understanding why you opened the door and not his friend who actually lived there. 
“Uh, yeah. We met.” He was measuring his words, still a bit unsure as to what he was supposed to do now. “Where’s Eddie?”
“D’you wanna come in?” You both had asked the questions at the same time, so when he nodded, you just stepped to the side so he could come in. You noticed the backpack he had glued to his back, his straps tighter so the weight wouldn’t bother him. “What do you got there?” You pointed at the heavy back with your finger, a curious tone in your voice that made him grab it, before putting it on the table. 
“Oh, I was supposed to meet Eddie.” He said, before seeing you nod, wanting to know more, as you sat down. He followed your movements, as he opened the bag. “He left me some of his D&D stuff, and he was supposed to help me with some things I wanted to add to my first campaign.” He started yapping, you saw that just as Eddie, he talked faster when he was excited about a topic. 
“That’s the game you were playing the other day?” You ask sincerely, he nods, as he starts to fill the table with books, little figurines, papers that had scribbling with two different handwriting, sketches… You got lost into all of it for a second, Dustin watching at the way you seemed to analyze it all. “Could you… like, teach me stuff about it?” 
“Why?” Dustin scrunched his nose, not really following you, his eyebrows almost meeting on the bridge of his nose. 
“Eddie really likes this game, and he talks about it, and I don’t always follow, but I don’t wanna bother him with too many questions so…” 
Dustin's wide smile was all the confirmation you needed. 
You were starting to get it, you had races, and classes and the little numbers on the paper sheets where abilities, that you decided rolling weird sided dice. 
You were in to deep, trying to understand and following him closely, as he flipped through the pages of the big dense book he had between the both of you. 
Maybe that’s why neither of you heard him when he walked in. 
He was about to talk, his mouth remained open, but as soon as he saw you both, he stayed there. His body against the door frame, his arms crossed above his chest as he just looked, with the fondest stupidest smile on his lips as he saw just how much interest you had in whatever Dustin was talking to you about. 
“So you can mix and match any classes and races?” You ask, Eddie's heart stops for a moment, he hadn’t realised you were talking about his game. 
“Yeah, I mean if you were to play a bard which was…?” Dustin was questioning you, seeing if you remembered what he had just spent some time trying to explain to you. 
“An unhinged rockstar that likes to tell stories.” 
“So basically Eddie.” Dustin made the same joke again, making you giggle, whilst Eddie tried to hide his chuckle, wanting to know what you’d say without you knowing he was there. 
“That’s my man.” You teased back, in a singing tone that made Dustin laugh as he looked back down at the book. 
“Yeah, so, if you made your Bard a Half-Elf, it would automatically get a +2 to charisma, which is extremely useful to them.” He cheered, you nodded. You knew that Dustin was feeling a bit proud, as he was explaining these things to you. 
“And they also get a +1 stat boost to other abilities.” Eddie finally chirped in, making his presence known. 
He smiled widely, as he walked over to you. His arms falling to his side, his heart beating faster as if it were eager to finally be near yours. 
“Hi.” You said, voice barely above a whisper as he got closer.
“Hi.” He answered, closing the distance between your lips with a quick peck. 
Dustin was happy, seeing the way Eddie melted when you were close, he liked seeing his friend act like that. All soft, as opposed to the thought persona he had to give out when he was still in school, back when they met each other. 
“Dustin was helping me understand your game.” You told him, eyes shining up at him. “But you’re the one he wants to ask stuff to, so… I’ll head home. See you soon Henderson.” You told the cap wearing boy, with a soft squeeze to his shoulder, he waved bye to you, looking as Eddie walked you to the door. “Lua’s been asleep for a while, so don’t worry about that.” You told him, getting a bit lost into him, which you were starting to realise you had no control over, when his eyes looked like chocolate pools under the moonlight. 
“Have I told you how amazing you are?” He told you, pushing a small flock of hair behind your ear, caressing your cheek with his thumb a bit longer than he really needed to. 
You shook your head in disbelief, your eyes not letting go from his stare. You bite your lower lip, a bit from shame, a bit from childish excitement over kind words. He lowered his thumb, pulling your lip down so you wouldn’t bite it. 
The delicate move, the roughness of his callused finger contradicting with the softness of it all, sends your body into overdrive. 
Goosebumps not only filled your body, but his too. He felt it just as much as you need, the spark, the electricity, the fire. It screamed i need you, though sometimes, it seemed like it was screaming i love you, or rather i could love you if you let me. 
“Why?” Is the only thing you could gather to ask, your voice shaking a bit from want, or need. Eddie felt like your voice was a velvety hug on his skin. 
“Just, you really are.” 
He kissed you. His thumb tilted your jaw upwards so he could reach your lips, even if it was a simple movement, it still made your head a bit dizzy. You took a step closer to him, amidst the kiss, so your waist would touch his, so you could get your hands on the back of his neck, burying them in his hair. Your tongues touch, and you feel out of breath. Eddie couldn’t stop himself from smiling, he was too happy, and it was all thanks to you. 
“Goodnight Moon.” You whispered into his ear, finally pulling away. 
“Goodnight Princess.” 
He could have stayed there, watching you leave forever, if it weren’t for Dustin’s soft teasing. A stream of oh lover boy! that came from inside the trailer, it couldn’t even bother him, not even a little bit. 
Because deep down he knew, he was falling deep in love with you. 
if you enjoyed it please leave a comment or reblog. i promise it makes a huge difference <3
requests! are open
@took-me-hours-to-steal-those @edens-vices-art @micheledawn1975 @peachystenbrough @mewchiili @bylermaxmayfield @yujyujj @honeymoonmunsonn @paleidiot @ali-r3n @sunshineandwitchery @supernaturalstilinski @womencriedpower @saramelaniemoon @cultish-corner @babyloutattoo89 @witchwolflea @serenadingtigers @readergf @guineveresghost @saramelaniemoon
part 4 is up, thank for the support dudes <3
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20-th-centurygirl · 7 months
work for it
jude bellingham x reader
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a/n: based on this because i can't get over it
summary: jude slides into your dms and what follows is something you could have never imagined
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judebellingham started following you
surely not? why was the jude bellingham following you??
yourusername added to their story
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↳ judebellingham: 😍😍
yourusername: hello 🤨
judebellingham: hey
judebellingham: just wanted to say i think you're gorgeous
yourusername: thank you 🫶
judebellingham: anytime
you couldn't actually believe what you were seeing. jude bellingham calling you gorgeous? what sort of dream were you living in? you tried not to get too excited, you'd heard all about his reputation and he'd probably never give you a second thought. but you were wrong.
2 days later
judebellingham: hey
judebellingham: how are you doing
yourusername: i'm doing great
yourusername: how are you doing? i saw your last few madrid games and you played great
judebellingham: thanks. i'm good
judebellingham: maybe you should come to a game one day 😉
the next 6 months that followed were a dream. you'd exchanged phone numbers with jude a month after your first conversation and you'd spoken every day since. you'd congratulated him after every win and comforted him after every loss. facetiming eachother became your nightly routine and you couldn't believe how lucky you were.
but you tried to take it all with a grain of salt. jude had a reputation of being a player, something you already knew and had been reminded of by your friends. you were more than a fuck and you wanted jude to know that.
jude: hey love
jude: i've got a big game and i was wondering if you want to come and then stay over with me for a few days? i really wanna see you again
you: i'll try to come but i don't know if i'll be able to get the time off
jude: just let me know so i can get enough tickets x
you didn't really know how to react. you loved meeting jude for the first time, but the idea of going over to stay with him scared you. you'd started to really like jude, and worried that he only wanted to get you to come over to him so sleep with you.
you knew all about his reputation, and you didn't think you knew him well enough so you slowly distanced yourself from jude.
jude: can you come? we haven't spoke in a few days and i need to know
you: i can't come sorry. the next weeks just super busy for me :(
the following week consisted of you and jude barely speaking. you felt bad about it, you didn't mean to upset him but you didn't want to get your hopes up. you'd heard about footballers and the way they had casual hookups then ignored girls. you didn't want that. you were worth more than that and you didn't want to get hurt by jude because he didn't have the same intentions as you.
but jude was on the exact same page as you. he didn't understand why you'd just basically disappeared, had he done something wrong? did he make you feel like he was rushing you? he'd tried to call you, but you didn't answer, instead texting him a simple "sorry i've been busy lately" and leaving him alone.
at first jude tried to appreciate that you were just abit busy. he knew you cared alot about your studies and work and were independent, but he couldn't help feeling a bit hurt. nothing in your routine had actually changed, and jude had started to get the impression you were ignoring him on purpose.
you wouldn't answer his calls and barely texted him, so he decided to come to you. he messaged one of your closest friends that he'd met before and asked her to help him suprise you.
the pounding on your door abruptly woke you up, and you swung it open with a scowl on your face until you saw who was behind it. your eyes locked with judes, and you couldn't actually believe he was infront of you holding the biggest bunch or roses you'd ever seen.
jude's heart melted at the sight of you. your hair messy, a duvet wrapped about you and a tired grin on your face. "jude?"
"hi" his voice was shakey but he smiled widely regardless.
"what're you doing here? come in you're gonna get ill"
he stepped in, shutting the door behind him but he didn't dare move any further. "i'm sorry. if you want me to leave i will but i just wanted to see that you were ok. we've suddenly just stopped speaking and i was worried that i pressured you. i'm sorry if i made you think i was pushing you to get too serious to fast. i just really like you"
"jude i'm so sorry. i didn't wanna upset you i just got scared. i know all about footballers reputations and yours and i just didn't wanna be another girl that you just sleep with then ignore" you felt mean saying it. super mean.
"what? look i've done that before but you're so so different. everything about you is so perfect. your laugh, your eyes, how kind you are, the way you always see the best in people. i've known you for six months but i feel like i've known you all my life. you're literally perfect. i'm sorry if i made you feel like i didn't see you that way. i will do whatever it takes to prove to you how much you mean to me" he brought his hands up to cup your cheeks and you leaned into them, the warmth of his palms and his words making love wash over you.
"i really really like you jude" you mumbled, and he grinned wide "good cause i really really like you too"
"y'know, if you can still get me tickets i'll come to your matches"
"don't feel like you have to baby"
"i do. i want us to spend more time together jude"
he pulled you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you. "d'ya wanna go and get breakfast tomorrow? it can be our first proper date" he lightly pinched your side, melting when he felt a smile form on your face. "i'd like that"
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thewitchescreatures · 16 days
Hi! I've recently started exploring the monster fucking community, and am a little more than embarrassed to request this, but I've decided to say fuck it, honestly; it's my internet experience and I can curate it how I want lmao
Can I request a smut piece where Fem! Reader is a frequent to a small, private outcropping of a beach. There's a (idk what they're called, but:) merman that's half octopus instead of half fish that's been watching her and slowly gets closer when he sees that she is more intrigued than anything when she finally sees him; time goes by and she discovers that he can, in fact, speak English, he was just too shy to speak at all at first. Somehow (you can choose) she ends up in the water swimming with him and it turns spicy, maybe?
The only detail that I am stuck on is the octoman(lol) having short hair(omg, could reader play with his hair at some point while he has his head in her lap??? That'd be so cute!), I just don't really vibe with long hair that much. Other than that, I'm not too picky; I wanted to give you enough to work with, without stifling your ability to play with it and get creative... if you need any more info, please feel free to drop by my dms!
Thanks in advance!❤️
You're damn right its your internet experience!! I got this done waaay sooner than I expected to have it done because I was just so fucking (pun intended) excited to write this prompt
Also thank you again for your help the other day! It really meant a lot
Enjoy your octomans~ ..................................................................................
Octopus!Merman x Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, unprotected sex, tentacle smut
Hehehe, slimy warm tentacles make the brain go brrrrr
Also I learned that male octopi use their tentacles to give sperm to females. Soooo
Under The Sea
You were a frequent visitor of the cove. You liked it because it was quiet, secluded, and far away from all the bustling noise of other beach goers. You could do as you pleased here.
Though lately during your walks along the quiet small cove, you noticed you had acquired an admirer. Typically all you could see from the shore was a head of short, but messy dark hair and bright coral colored eyes pop up in the water from time to time.
He was odd looking, but in the best of ways. You were curious about him more than anything, but anytime you called out or tried to get his attention in some way a look of panic would spread across his face and he would dive down into the water.
This little exchange went on for the better part of a month. Though you also noticed that with each passing day he would creep closer and closer to the rocky shoreline.
The closer he got, the more details you could work out. His skin was a warm rosy beige which elegantly fit his bright coral colored eyes. His short messy hair was a gorgeous deep brown, it looked black from a distance, but you could see the chocolatey shimmer in the afternoon sun more easily now.
You stepped onto a rock and gazed out at him in the water. Today he was only five feet away from the rocks. “Hello?” You spoke out to him.
The male flinched as if he was going to dive back down below again. But he did not actually do it. Instead he swam closer, and you could see down in the crystal clear blue that instead of legs he sported eight tentacles that were the same lovely coral as his eyes.
A merman? Well more or less, but instead of half fish, he seemed to be half octopus.
You were intrigued, curious, baffled even. All in the best of ways. “You’re not a human.” You whisper in awe.
He frowned. But no words left his mouth.
“Can you understand me?” You ask curiously as you watch him float elegantly in the water.
He nodded slowly. But again, no words.
You crouch down on the rock as he swims closer. The two of you are only a foot away from each other now. “Can you speak my language?” You ask, curiosity dripping from your voice.
He let out a heavy huff. “Yes.” He spoke quietly.
Your eyes lit up with joy. “Incredible!” You exclaim. “I haven’t met anyone like you before.” You smile.
A soft blush dusts his cheeks. “Thank you?” He spoke quietly yet.
“You’re a shy one aren’t you?” You ask with a soft giggle.
The blush on his face darkened slightly. “I’m not that shy.” He said defensively. “Why aren’t you scared of me?” He asked.
“Cause you’re neat.” You said simply.
“Neat?” He replied slowly. He was certainly taken aback by how excited and not so freaked out you were by his presents.
“Yes.” You nodded. “Neat.” You repeated.
“You are probably the weirdest human I have encountered to date.” A husky chuckle left his throat.
“Thank you!” You chirp excitedly. Flattered by the comment.
You spent the rest of the afternoon chatting with him. Learning more about what his life under the sea was like. You were enamored to say the least.
One day you returned in the cutest bikini he ever did lay eyes on. You were finally going to join him for a swim.
“Good morning.” You greeted him as you set your bag down on the rocks and slipped into the water with him.
“Good morning.” He greeted as he eyed your body up and down.
You smile sweetly at him before swimming over to him. He found it cute how clumsily humans swam.
“I wanna show you something.” He said as he reached out to tuck some of your wet hair behind his ear.
“What is it?” You ask curiously.
He took you by the hand, leading you further from the shore. Taking extra care to make sure you did not struggle to keep up in the warm ocean waters.
“Where are we going?” You ask again.
“My home.” He said.
“Oooh, you wanna take me home?” You tease him.
A soft blush ripples across his cheeks. “It’s nothing fancy.” He spoke softly as he dove under the water.
You poke your head into the water and watch as he swims towards a cave with corals and sea anemones cluttering the entrance.
He stops and looks up at you, tilting his head before remembering humans cannot breath under the water. He swims back to you.
You bring your head back up to the surface and a few moments later he pops his head back up.
“Come here.” He smiled as he grabbed your face.
“Wha-” Your question was cut off as he pressed his cold lips to yours and dragged you beneath the waves.
At first you panic, thinking you may drown. But you quickly find that the water is not flooding your lungs as you expected it to.
He breaks the tender kiss before grabbing your hand and dragging you towards the cave. He is eager to show you his home.
You’re in utter awestruck. Amazed that you can breathe just as he does from a simple, but sweet kiss.
Upon entering the cave he brings you up to an air pocket. The air pocket is simply decorated with a bed of wet kelp upon a flat rock and little shells wedged into crevices. “Welcome to my home.” He says proudly as he hoists himself onto the flat rock, gently pulling you up with him.
You climb up the rock and look around in amazement. “It’s so cute, I love the shells.” You smile.
“Thank you, I collected them myself.” He states, puffing his chest out with pride. His coral colored tentacles wiggle and twitch.
You smile again. You find his pride in his home to be wholesome and sweet.
He then does something you do not expect. He plops his head down in your lap and gazes up at you with his bright coral eyes. “Do you like my home?” He asked.
“I do.” You say as a soft blush creeps up your cheeks. You reach down to gently run your fingers through his short wet hair. “I can tell you put a lot of work into it.” You add.
“I did.” He spoke softly. His eyes half lidded. “You are the most wonderful human I have ever met.” He smiled.
You smile back, you find it is hard not to smile around him. “Thank you.” You spoke in a hushed tone as your fingers continued to lazily play with his wet hair.
A soft grunt rumbles in his throat as he closes his eyes. Enjoying the softness of your hands in his hair.
This continues for a few moments before he grabs your wrist and slowly sits up. There is a fiery desire burning in his eyes that you have not seen before now.
“What’s wrong?” You ask.
He does not answer, he simply crashes his lips into yours. His hands hurriedly found their way up to your chest.
You tense up initially, but slowly you melt into the kiss. His tongue is trying to shove its way into your mouth as he fondles your chest. You open your mouth, giving his wet muscle access to your own.
Tongues embrace in a heated dance as he clumsily tries to remove your bikini top. You can’t help but giggle into the kiss.
“Here.” You whisper breathily after breaking the kiss. You reach around your back to untie the bikini tops strings. Allowing it to fall and expose your naked chest.
He lets out a delighted groan as he practically pounces on you. Kissing you with more vigor. Biting your bottom lip and growling softly as two of his tentacles reach up to continue his hands work.
You are surprised at how warm and slick they are as they pinch and pull at your nipples. Earning soft moans from your throat.
He gently pushes you down against the cold wet kelp. The hot and cold sensations you were feeling made your head spin a little, but you were not complaining by any means.
You let out a soft whimper. “You’re so warm.”
He breathes heavily as he places his hands on either side of your head for support. His tentacles are pulling at your bikini bottoms now.
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispered as he crashed his lips into yours once more. Two tentacles are still kneading and massaging your breasts while two more are eagerly trying to yank your bottoms off.
You shiver and you can hear the soft splash of your bottoms being thrown off into the water. Oh well, you can ask him to go find those later.
“Darling.” He whispered against your lips as one of his tentacles rubs through your pussy lips. The tip of it rubbing and toying with your clit.
You crane your head back and let out a moan as his slick wet tentacle toys with your pussy.
“You’re so wet for me already.” He purred as he lowered his head to kiss and nip at your neck. Another tentacle is now gently prodding at your entrance, slowly trying to push its way in.
Another moan ripples from your throat as you arch your back. The tip of his tentacle is not so difficult to take, but the deeper it delves into your pussy, the thicker it seems to get.
“Sssh, just relax my darling.” He cooed against your throat. A soft groan then leaves him as he pushes more of his tentacle into you. “You’re so tight.” He gasped and shivered.
You writhed and wiggled beneath him. “Move.” You whimper.
He reaches down with his hand to rub small circles on your clit as he begins to pump his tentacle in and out of your tight pussy. Soft groans and moans leaving him.
You’re starting to see stars and you can feel that familiar tight knot in your lower belly as his tentacle continues to pump in and out of you.
He can feel your pussy clenching around his tentacle. “Not yet darling, please hold out a little longer for me.” He groaned as he continued to thumb your clit. The pumping of his tentacle starts to become sloppy and faster in pace.
You squirm beneath him, frantic moans and heavy breaths leaving your lips. You are eager for release, but you are also trying to do as he requested of you.
“Oh darling is so tight, my darling is so perfect.” He babbled your praises between heavy breaths.
You arch your back, letting out a loud moan. Your nails drag down his back leaving painfully pleasurable welts as your orgasm rocks your body. Your pussy pulsing around his tentacle. Trying to milk him of his spermatophores.
He continues pumping his tentacle in and out of you at a reckless pace. His own moans groaning louder before you finally feel the thick filling sensation of his seed filling you up.
You shiver as you feel his tentacle slowly reseed from your pussy. Fully exiting with a soft, but satisfying plop. You then gaze up at him and smile, heavy breaths still leaving your spent body.
He smiles, his own breath huffy and puffy as he leans down to capture your lips in a soft and tender kiss. “My darling.” He whispered against your lips.
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halsteadlover · 8 months
𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐬
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*Gif not mine credits to the owner*
• Paired: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader.
• Requested: no.
• Summary: your baby boy takes his first steps leaving Spencer a mumbling mess.
• Warnings: none, just fluff.
• Word count: 1591.
• A/N: just a quick Spencer fic since I realized I’m only writing for Jay once again (what can I say he’ll always be my first love). I hope you’ll like it, y’all know I’m a sucker for dad’s fics 😭. Please comment, reblog and like if you want. Thank you so much for all your support I love you all so much, my inbox and dms are always open if you want to talk ❤️
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“Spencer! Baby! Oh my God come here now!“.
Your voice made Spencer jump on his chair. He was writing a work report he didn’t manage to finish that day and for which Hotch would’ve his head if he didn’t turn it back by the next day.
Spencer's heart lost a beat and fear swept over him as his mind began to project every worst-case scenario possible.
He got up from his study desk, dropping his pen carelessly to the floor, and literally ran to the living room where he knew you and your baby were.
“Baby! What happened?! Are you all right? Is Noah okay?” He asked with concern and you instantly felt guilty for worrying him like that.
You were sitting on the floor, legs crossed while Noah was standing next to you and you were holding him by his little hands. He was babbling something nonsensical and began to fidget when he turned and saw his father, a huge smile on his face.
“Sorry love, everything’s okay. I didn't mean to scare you,” you giggled as you saw Spencer visibly relax and heave a sigh of relief.
“You gave me a fucking heart attack I thought something had happened,” he breathed out with a hand on his chest as he could feel his heart still pounding.
How long had he become so jumpy? He didn't know, he just knew that since he had become a father every little change and every little thing made him jump on the spot, making him tremendously worried about his child. God, that little being was making him lose years of life with each passing day.
“Don't ever do that again please,” Spencer admonished you as he approached you sternly but his expression immediately softened as his eyes rested on Noah who kept fidgeting wanting nothing more than to go to his father. “What have you been up to little one? You like to scare your dada huh? You are so lucky you and your mom are adorable, I hope both of you know that”.
You let go of his little hands but still being close to him as you proudly watched Noah hold himself up. His little legs trembled slightly as he continued to babble something.
“Oh god...” Spencer murmured almost imperceptibly in shock. Was it really going to happen? In that instant he realized why you had called him and he almost had a heart attack again.
“Yes baby! Come to dada, come here, I know you can do it,” he continued to encourage him, approaching him and kneeling down so he could immediately catch him if he fell. He stretched his arms toward his baby, a huge smile on his lips as he invited Noah to take his first steps.
You went to get your phone at the speed of light, wanting to capture that precious moment in a video so you could keep it with you forever.
Noah brought one leg forward and the other with instability, taking his first step and making his parents jump for joy.
The living room filled with the sounds of little squeals of excitement and clapping hands as you both continued to encourage your son to continue taking baby steps.
Spencer never felt such joy before, maybe he had a similar feeling the day he married you but seeing his baby walk, taking his first steps towards him, damn it, that feeling was something indescribable, something he’d never forget.
“Yeah buddy! You're so good, you're doing great my love. Come to your dada! I’m right here… “ Spencer continued to say while taking small steps backwards while Noah instead took the same number towards him.
His eyes didn't leave his child even for a second, almost forgetting you were there next to them while filming the whole scene with your cell phone. He analyzed every movement that little ray of sunshine was making, the way he was so focused, the way his walk was unsteady and rickety, the way he looked at him with a smile on his little face as he let slip some little frustrated screams when he never seemed to be able to reach his father. He wanted to imprint all these little details in his memory and never before did he thank whoever was up there for his eidetic memory.
Noah eventually stopped in his tracks and Spencer caught him before he even hit the floor, standing up and holding him close.
“Yes! You did it buddy!” Spencer exclaimed in joy as he lifted little Noah into the air who continued to giggle and drool while he waved his little arms. He showered kisses on his plump little cheeks, not being able to contain his joy. “I'm so proud of you little one, I love you so much.”
You were a complete mess as you looked at Spencer and the way he held his baby with so much love and pride, you could see it in his face, the way he looked at him. That man loved his son more than any other person in the world and then more than ever you couldn't help but think you couldn't have chosen a better father for your child.
Spencer gently caressed Noah's head, cradling him in his arms as his emotions overwhelmed him.
He had never been good at controlling them and keeping them at bay was harder than ever. He couldn't believe how quickly time was passing, how was it possible his son was already walking?
It seemed like yesterday that he held him as soon as he was born.
“Spence…” you called him when you saw the way Spencer had sheltered his face on Noah's small shoulders, as if to hide himself. You placed a hand on your husband's shoulder, immediately noticing he was crying.
“Take him,” he whispered and you picked Noah up as Spencer went to sit on the couch, hands on his face and elbows resting on his knees as he sobbed uncontrollably.
“Oh baby you'll make me cry too.”
As if you weren’t already a fountain of tears.
You hugged your baby too, crying with joy all the tears you had in your body while he unaware played with your hair.
“I love you so much my little angel,” you whispered, giving him a kiss on the cheek, thanking God for giving you such a beautiful gift.
You turned your head towards Spencer, noticing how he was sobbing and when he raised his head and you looked at each other, you both burst into a loud laughter, aware of how disastrous each other looked.
You sat next to him and he wasted no time in wrapping a hug around your shoulders. He pulled you towards him and left a kiss on your head, while tears continued to run down his cheeks, his eyes on Noah who just didn't seem to stay still.
“I… Damn… I can’t do this…” he cried, bringing his hands to his face after leaning against the back of the sofa and drying his tears.
How could anyone be so fucking happy?
He had never felt anything like this, he didn't know how to react and he hated not knowing how he felt.
He was afraid. Afraid it’d be too good to be true.
What had he done to deserve all this? What had he done to have the family he had always dreamed of?
Images and memories kept playing in his mind. From the moment you told him you were pregnant, from the joy and fear of having to be a father, from when you found out you were expecting a boy to the moment he felt him kicking for the first time in your womb. He remembered watching your belly grow for nine months until he finally held his son in his arms for the first time and now seeing him take his first steps.
He felt so incredibly grateful, so damn lucky.
You caressed his arm, trying to comfort him even though you were crying even more than him.
He tried to compose himself but all he had to do was pick up his baby again to let down more tears of joy, meanwhile laughing with you. It was so surreal.
He wrapped his other arm around your shoulders and pulled you back to him, letting you rest your head on his chest as you looked at Noah standing on his father's thighs.
“I love you so much baby, thank you for giving me the best gift I could ever ask for,” he whispered after leaving a sweet kiss on your forehead making your heart do a somersault in your chest. Even though years had passed, you never got tired of hearing him say it.
You lifted your head and pressed your lips to his in a chaste kiss as butterflies roamed freely across your stomach. “I love you so much Spence.”
You burst out laughing when Noah grabbed a lock of Spencer's hair and started pulling it, making the grown man let out a whine.
“Jesus christ how can they be so small but so strong?” Spencer complained as he tried to loosen his baby’s grip on his hair. The scene was comical, you didn't know if the way Noah pulled Spencer’s hair made you laugh more or your husband's face still streaked with tears and his eyes still red.
But he didn't care, even though Noah was hurting him quite a bit, he couldn't stop smiling, thinking he wouldn't change this for anything else in the world.
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General tag list: @hngbrooks, @alexxavicry, @halstead-severide-fan, @mrspeacem1nusone, @allivzs, @omniaimy, @cursedashes
Spencer Reid tag list: @blorp-bee, @s1lverhand, @novabckly
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jo-harrington · 3 months
Longevity (Eddie Munson x Store Manager!Reader)
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: Longevity (noun) - continuance; durability; permanence
Previous Part: Standard Operating Procedures 1.06
Warnings/Themes: AU where the Upside Down doesn't terrorize Hawkins. Reader works at the Claire's at StarCourt. Eddie works at TapeWorld. (For now.) Fluff, a little angst, discussions of the future, vignettes/time jumps, smut, HEA.
Note: Alright here it is, and it is a HONKING CHAPTER. But how could I break it up into pieces when it's The End? I'm tucking my little babies into the dollhouse and closing it up so they can live on the rest of their lives. To Eddie and Store Manager, I love you both dearly and you were the thing that brought me back to writing and into a wonderful community of writers and readers. To everyone reading, thank you so much for your endless support. You will never know how much it's appreciated.
You can find my masterlist here for more featuring our resident Store Manager and all of my other writing. Seriously, go read it.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
April 1986
"Ope, if it isn't the man of the hour, Mr. Edward G. Robinson himself. We were just talking about you."
That was the greeting that found Eddie as he walked into Claire's after school on a lovely Thursday afternoon, ready to share some good news before his closing shift.
Great news, actually, if he was being honest. Life-changing news that he was sure would earn him a ton of kisses that he'd been craving after a long week of assignments and standardized tests.
Imagine his surprise then, that instead of finding you and Mindy behind the counter, chatting after a supposed "big visit" you'd told him that you had today, you still had company.
He skidded to a halt at the sight. Your guest smiled up at him with her hands on her hips.
Short in stature, blonde hair in pristine victory rolls, bold makeup that consisted of layers of glittery eyeshadow, and wrists adorned with stacks of multicolored scrunchies.
"It's nice to see you again Jen," he greeted your old Store Manager.
He'd only met her in person once, but had heard countless fond and semi-unbelievable stories about her from you--and apparently she'd heard the same about him, having greeted him with a bone-crushing hug the first time they met—so there was a familiarity and fondness there that they both indulged.
"What are you doing here?" he asked casually and crossed the distance to throw an arm over your shoulder and press a kiss to your temple. "I thought you said that you wouldn't be caught dead in Indiana."
You, Mindy, and Jen all broke out in a fit of giggles and Eddie felt a sudden sense of instinctual dread.
"Well then get ready to start planning my funeral kid," Jen announced. "Because you're about to start seeing a lot more of me."
"Jen just got promoted," you interjected finally.
"Oh yeah?"
"To District Manager. So she's gonna be my boss. Again."
"Oh, shi--shoot," Eddie felt like he'd been doused with cold water at the revelation. He peeled his arm from around your shoulder and took a wide step to put distance between the two of you. "That's...wow. Congratulations."
He'd been through a handful of DM visits at TapeWorld, never on his own, always under Kyle's cool guidance; however, he'd come to realize that the stiff authority figure of his District Manager Jeff was something to be feared.
So even though he was excited for Jen--your friend--on her promotion, the sudden realization that Jen--your boss--was standing here watching him make an idiot out of himself and possibly put your job at risk...
"Oh my god," Jen broke down in a fit of laughter. "Look at him, he's about to shit himself. Take a chill pill Ed, Jesus. I’m not gonna be a hardass until next week. If that.”
Once everyone had their fill of laughter, and Jen promised that she wasn't going to hold your relationship over your head--
"So long as you're not in here interfering with the business or making out on the sales floor or something."
--Eddie pulled you to the side and finally revealed his big news.
"So," he began excitedly. "It, uh, looks like I'm on the road to graduation. Like really graduating. Not just 'if I don't fuck it up in the home stretch' this time. I'm actually gonna graduate."
"Oh my god," you grabbed him by his jacket and shook him as joy bubbled in his chest from your reaction. "Eddie that's amazing!"
You asked him a few questions and your eyes sparkled proudly as he recounted his talk with his guidance counselor, and he couldn't help the smile that stayed on his face the entire time. Especially when you let out a shriek of joy and jumped around.
"We need to go and celebrate!" you insisted.
"I mean," he suddenly got bashful. "I haven't graduated yet."
"Still, it's big. You worked so hard." You looked back over at Jen and Mindy who were talking at the cash wrap. "I know you're closing tonight but I'm taking Jen out for drinks a little later. When you get out of work, meet us at the Hideaway. I'll get you the Wayne and a beer. And then afterwards, uh...if you wanna come back to my place? Like...actually celebrate?”
He grinned and nodded eagerly; you'd taken the words right out of his mouth.
His shift had gone by quickly and he’d joined you and Jen at the Hideaway with Kyle in tow. Kyle who was not only proud of Eddie and wanted to treat him to a beer for his efforts, but also intrigued at the possibility of schmoozing a pretty new face in town.
“Sometimes,” he announced with a flourish when he returned to StarCourt right before store close, dressed in the nicest clothes Eddie had ever seen him wear. “You need to take a chance. How many times did I tell you that kid? You miss all the chances you don’t take. That’s why it took you so long to get a girlfriend.”
Jen, unfortunately, laughed right in Kyle’s face when he kissed her hand upon introduction.
“I’m engaged, Romeo,” she informed him. “Sorry.”
“I don’t see a ring. You can let me down Jenny. Tell me the truth, I won’t be hurt.”
“You’re sweet. But it’s the truth. I just don’t wear the ring to work.”
“Alright, alright,” He sighed, then got a sly look. “Any chance you have a sister? Or a brother? I’m an equal opportunity man looking for true love.”
The night was filled with hearty food, rounds of beer, fantastical stories of retail hell and 4th Quarters past, and accomplishments on everyone’s part.
Kyle bragged about a new car he had just put a down payment on.
Your store had hit some Diamond Earring milestone that only you and Jen seemed to understand but the excitement was contagious.
Eddie got a round of applause from the table when you urged him to announce his big news to everyone.
Honestly he couldn’t care about Kyle or Jen’s reaction, it was seeing you look at him with all the pride and affection in the world that he basked in. He couldn’t wait for the actual graduation ceremony, for you to be front and center with Wayne and Rick and all of his friends. There to witness his hard work come to fruition…and for him to flip Principal Higgins off.
And then Jen stood up and announced her own accomplishment right before last call.
“So,” she cleared her throat and held up her glass and pulled something out of her coat. “I know I already celebrated back home and I don’t really know either of you, Kyle and Ed, but I know my little protégée here would be happy for me.
”Alongside my wonderful and well-earned promotion to DM, I also received my Longevity pin.”
She opened a little velvet jewelry box and showed off a tiny glittering purple pin with a tiny little diamond chip in place of the dot of the “I” in Claire’s.
“Ten long years,” Jen announced after a swig of her beer, “with the Purple Glitter Factory. And all I have to show for it is a pin, a little more money, and a lot more responsibility. God. Growing up sucks. But I’m very proud. And you’re next kid.”
She laid a hand on your head and you waved her off with visible embarrassment then disappeared to go and close out your tabs.
Later that night as you and Eddie settled into bed to sleep after some celebratory activities, Eddie laid awake and stared at the ceiling. Thinking.
“What are your plans for the future?” He asked after a beat.
“Uh,” you shifted your head on his shoulder so you could look at him. “Is this because of all of Jen’s talk of careers and stuff?”
“Yeah. And graduation. And all of that stuff. So? What do you wanna do…where do you wanna be…when you’re older?”
“God, I dunno. I got my associates in business because I was hoping it would help me get my own store. And I did. It also was so boring, I don’t want to go back to school. I guess the next thing is…actually take a vacation day now that I’m earning them. What about you?”
“Music legend,” he answered immediately.
“Uh huh.”
“Guess that’s gonna take some work though, huh?”
“No shit.” You rolled your eyes and then sighed as you settled against him once again. “There’s a reason you asked, Ed. What’s going on in that big head of yours?”
He ran his tongue along the seam of his lips repeatedly as he considered…everything that was laid out in front of him.
Corroded Coffin.
Tape World.
What about Hellfire? Damn, he knew Dustin and Will were the future of the club but…a few years down the line. What about next year? He was gonna have to pass the torch to Gare or Dave after he left. They weren’t ready yet.
And what was he gonna do after school was over? Could he see himself taking a class at TCCC? Maybe. Jeff had been showing him the Catalog at lunch the other day. There was a Creative Writing course that looked cool.
10 years.
That was half his life away. Impossible to imagine. Would there be flying cars by then? Space travel? He could enlist in Starfleet, meet Captain Kirk. Ok maybe that last one was stupid.
"10 years,” Eddie whispered into the top of your head as he rid himself of the fantastical thoughts. “That’s an awful long time.”
“Well it’s a good thing we have all that time to figure it out.”
“Yeah. Yeah we do.”
He could only hope you’d still be there with him. One way or another.
July 1987
The spot lights were blinding and the air thick with humidity; his throat was dry and his fingers ached from how hard he was on the fretboard.
But the crowd was cheering and that’s all that mattered right?
No, what really mattered was the music.
And the band.
That's why he was up here with his friends, demolishing the bridge of The Sentinel, laughing and jumping and barely giving a shit when he missed a note or Jeff’s fingers fumbled or Gareth lost the beat for a second. He didn't even mind that the County Clerk had them censor out the "cuss words" of the songs they'd chosen.
It was exhilarating just to be able to play on an actual stage.
It had taken 2 years but they were finally playing at the Roane County 4th of July Festival. An actual gig. And not the first one they'd played, but certainly the biggest so far. Big enough and successful enough that Eddie expected it to be a standing gig for the foreseeable future.
The Polka Band from Kenosha hadn't gotten nearly half as many people and they were, by far, the most successful act of the night before Corroded Coffin.
There was a sea of friends, neighbors, families, and out-of-towners just below the stage, snacks and drinks in-hand, as they danced and jumped and headbanged to song after song. Rick and Wayne were out at Benny's getting all set up for the next stop on Corroded Coffin's "Independence Day Tour" but you were out there in the crowd with Mindy and her family, singing along and cheering louder than everyone whenever a song ended.
Which was why Eddie didn't hesitate to dedicate the final song of the set to you.
"This next one isn't our usual sound," he spoke into the microphone, words a little muffled as his lips brushed against it. "It's a little slow. Something you can dance to, so gentlemen please grab your ladies, tell them how much you love them. But before we begin...did you all know...it's almost Back to School time."
There was a series of boo's from the crowd.
"Now now, maybe yet not for you all, but definitely for a special someone out there," he shushed them and traded Sweetheart for his mom's old acoustic guitar. He plucked a few notes and then continued. "A special someone...who leaves me all alone every once in a while. Late nights. Lonely nights while I wait by the phone, as she and her team make magic happen and she forgets all about me. See I'm saying all of this because she's about to leave me high and dry this coming Sunday night, so I have to guilt her a little otherwise she won't let me surprise her with hash browns and coffee when she gets out of work.
"Queen of Glitter Kingdom," Eddie squinted and looked around the crowd until he found you standing there holding your hand over Mindy's mouth as she looked like she was about to cry. He pointed right at you. "My life, my world, my cheeseburger. This one's for you."
He and Jeff then began to harmonize their guitars for the opening of Beth.
"You're a shithead, you know that."
"Mmm...but I'm your shithead, sweetheart."
It was late. Wayne, Rick, and the guys had all left. You and Eddie were sitting across from each other in a booth at Benny's, as the last few fair-goers trickled in for a late night snack. Your own dinner sat half-eaten on the table between you--patty melts and an apple pie shake to share--as you talked and laughed and played footsie.
He and the boys needed to rush across town after their set was over so they made it in time for Ben's advertised happy hour, so he hadn't gotten the chance to get an earful or a kiss from you after his little spectacle.
Fortunately, you were giving him hell for it now, and although he was wiped, he gladly accepted your teasing wrath.
"Is Wayne still around?" You turned in your seat and looked at the sparse group of customers. "I'd like to make a return."
"Mmm...well I moved out in January so I think it's after the 90-day return policy," he said matter-of-factly.
"God damn it," you laughed and snapped your fingers. "And I think I lost the receipt too."
"Stuck with me forever," he teased in a sing-song. There was a beat and he straightened up in his seat and drummed a rhythm on the table with his knuckles. "So...I think it went well."
"I think so too," you agreed brightly.
"You know, Jeff found some...Septemberfest thing out in Jasper..."
Your eyes sparkled at Eddie's words, and he felt the flutter of butterflies deep inside of him that always kicked up when you gave him your excitement and encouragement.
“It’s not a competition or anything but there’s a prize for most popular act of the weekend. Audience ballot and everything. I think it would be cool.”
"That's great!" you grinned. "You should go for it."
"But it's Labor Day weekend."
"Paulie's going for a promotion," he shrugged. "Kyle's gonna want us all there in case Jeff comes for a visit."
"And? I didn't know Paulie was planning on opening for Corroded Coffin. What's he playing? The kazoo?" you joked.
"Well no," Eddie shook his head. "But if he leaves...I mean, I'm the best bet for FTASM. I don't want to lose out on that for the future. That'd be...the money would be nice. Can do some repairs on the van. Maybe I'd get my own store someday too."
Your face crumpled--brows furrowed and lips pursed--and you didn't hesitate to shuffle out from your side of the booth and kneel beside him on his. You placed a hand on his forehead for a moment and then tilted his head back and forth.
"Uh, sweetheart," he placed a hand on your waist to steady you as you shuffled closer to pull the back the neck of his t-shirt to look for something. "What are you doing?"
"Trying to see if my Rockstar Eddie Munson action figure is broken," you explained.
"Or at least if I accidentally left him at the fair and picked up a Corporate Shill Eddie action figure instead?"
"What?" he laughed.
"How about Suburban Dad Eddie?" you asked. You straightened your posture, pulled on non-existent suspenders, and lowered your voice comedically. "Gotta prepare for tax season. Cut the grass. Do some repairs on the van."
"Stop," he pulled you down to sit beside him in the booth. "I just...don't wanna take the chance on that when I know the full time position is a sure thing."
"Ed," you shook your head at him. "I know you like Tape World but...promotions always come around, music is your dream."
"I know."
"Why did you tell me about this Septemberfest thing if you were not gonna go through with it anyway?"
"I dunno," he turned away from you and went to grab the shake. "I guess I just wanted to pick the thing...that you'd be most proud of."
"Listen here mister," you grabbed him by the chin and made him look at you, Apple Pie Shake be damned. "I'm always gonna be proud of you and support you in whatever path you want."
He nodded for a second and then stole a kiss from you with a soft "I know, thank you." You let yourself get lost in the feeling for a second, but Eddie knew that you weren't gonna let him distract you from the discussion at hand.
You put a hand on his chest and pushed him away, then stared him directly in the eye.
"So?" you asked. "What kind of future do you want?"
His eyes darted between yours--your gaze hard and challenging but nonetheless filled with hope and affection--and he had his answer.
May 1989
You could feel Eddie fidget in the seat beside you.
"Calm down," you muttered to him.
"Can't help it," he whispered back; you could tell he straightened out his posture, but his knee still bounced. "Too excited."
A name was called over the loudspeaker, then another, then another.
"Eddie seriously," Gareth was the one to give it a shot this time, leaning across you to put a hand on Eddie's knee and get him to stop fidgeting. "You're gonna shit yourself if you don't stop."
"Shit, sorry, this is only like..." he shook his head. "The most important thing I've ever done in my life."
You, Gareth, Jeff, and Dave all shot him skeptical and unamused looks.
"I don't have time to argue right now," he scoffed at the rest of you. "Shut up, here it comes."
"Peter Halliwell...Dustin Henderson..."
All five of you jumped to your feet and cheered and clapped, along with another group a few rows up that consisted of Dustin's mom, Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, and their respective partners.
It was a repeat occurrence several times over that afternoon, as you witnessed the Hawkins High Class of '89 cross the stage and receive their diplomas.
"That's my kid," Eddie wiped a fake tear as each of his former Freshman Sheepies were called on stage, but he was especially emotional with Dustin. And when the newest DM of Hellfire flipped Higgins off before running off stage? Eddie stood on his chair and whooped and whistled. “That’s my boy!”
“Sit down Munson,” Higgins spoke into the microphone, over an audience that had become uproarious with laughter.
“It’s tradition now, Higgy,” Eddie shouted, words amplified by the hands he’d cupped around his mouth; still, he jumped down and took his seat so the rest of the ceremony could continue.
“You’re unbelievable,” you giggled at his antics. “You do know that right?”
“I’m unbelievably loveable,” he replied, quickly accompanied by the scoffs and mocking fart noises of his friends. He leaned closer and whispered in your ear. “Unbelievably in love with you.”
“Uh huh.” His tongue snaked out and he licked into your ear obnoxiously. “Fuck off!” You pushed him away from you with a shrieking laugh.
It wasn’t long before that the real reason you were in attendance at the graduation walked across the stage. Because yes, the kids were your friends but you wouldn’t miss this for the world.
“Jane Hopper,” came the announcement and you, once again, got to your feet with a cheer, along with her family and friends in the next aisle of seats. Chief Hopper had his camcorder out and his shoulders visibly shook as he sobbed for his daughter, and you couldn’t help but feel your heartstrings pull.
If Dustin and the boys were Eddie’s little sheepies, you supposed Janey was one of yours. From a shy girl whose ears you’d pierced for the first time in your early days at StarCourt, to one of your die hard regulars who looked up to you over the years trying to emulate your style, to one of your associates when she came in for her first summer job at 16; you’d watched Jane grow and gain confidence and really come into her own.
That was the high point of your career as a Store Manager, and something you happily shared with Eddie: seeing the kids you took under your wing flourish.
“All the birds have flown the coop Mom,” Eddie teased as you sat down and actually wiped a tear from your cheek.
“I think you guys can cut the Mom and Dad bit now,” Jeff said matter-of-factly. “Until you guys have your own kids someday.”
That was something you and Eddie happily shared too.
The two of you looked at each other for a moment…before making the most exaggerated vomiting and gagging noises, unfortunately getting looks from the people around you.
“Pass,” you and Eddie announced in tandem.
After the ceremony was over, Chief Hopper invited everyone to the shared Hopper-Byers abode for a barbecue. And by everyone, it seemed like he literally invited the entire town to the lakeside cabin the family called home.
All of the kids and their friends and families, Benny was somehow there—had he closed the diner for the day? Good, he deserved a day off—a handful of Hop’s coworkers and friends, including Wayne and Rick.
There were hamburgers and beers, conversation and music overlapping one another.
Eddie was in his element though, and it warmed your heart to see him talk and spiel and be accepted by such a big group when, not so long ago, it seemed like he’d been shunned by them. Even now, you could see some hesitation as he stiffly talked with douchebag Callahan and Mike’s asshole dad, but he wasn’t sweating bullets or falling back on the pricklier parts of his personality. He even cracked a smile once or twice.
What would his life had been like if he’d had this all along?
It was silly to think about after you’d been dating for years but…would he have asked you out sooner? Would you even still be together now? You thought about the ways that the kids had grown into their own…but it wasn’t hard to also appreciate how much the two of you had grown side by side as well.
Especially when you considered the next step you were about to embark on together...
“You’re thinking too loud,” Eddie startled you as he snuck up behind you and dangled a fresh beer in your face. You shot him a scathing look but he easily recovered, back into your good graces, as he swooped an arm around your shoulder and pecked a kiss to your temple. “What’s got you all sour?”
“Not sour,” you shrugged and picked at the label on the beer bottle. “Just…I don’t know. Thinking."
"Always a bad idea."
“Well you look like you’re about to tell someone to get fucked so…”
"Maybe I am," you grinned at him cheekily.
"As long as it isn't me." He leaned in closer and lowered his voice. "But you know it gets me going either way."
You slapped the back of your hand against his chest just as a gaggle of voices called your names.
Jane was the first one to run your way from across the yard, with Dustin and Lucas hot on her heels. They were all talking over one another, and Jane especially looked like she was about to burst into tears.
Eddie was the one to try to make sense of them, and he yelled a bellowing "shut up" that got them to stop their barrage.
"You're leaving?" Jane asked, looking directly at you. "Leaving Hawkins?"
"Uh," you paused and looked at Eddie, who held his hands up innocently.
"Gareth's got a big mouth," he reasoned.
"Of course he does," you rolled your eyes and then turned back to the kids. "Uh...yeah we are. At the end of the summer. I’m opening a new store. Again."
"What about you?" Dustin demanded, pointing an accusatory finger at Eddie.
"Where my lady goes, I must follow," he stood tall and held a hand over his heart for a second, chivalrous as ever, before he took a sip of his beer and slumped back into his usual posture. "Besides, Corroded Coffin has a better chance in a bigger city. We're big fish in a small tank in Hawkins. Gonna pack up the van; give Chicago a chance to chew us up and spit us out."
Eddie and the boys bickered back and forth--gathering a small crowd of onlookers the longer it went--about the trip and the plans about where you'd all live and work while you stood there with Jane.
"How could you just leave?" she asked.
"Oh, honey, that's just...how it is," you reassured her. "I get a new assignment, Mindy takes over. And I'll be back to visit. Maybe you and Max will take a drive up for a weekend in the city."
"That'd be fun."
"It isn't goodbye."
"I know," she nodded somberly.
"Besides, you're going off to school in the fall," you reminded her. "You weren't meant to stay at StarCourt Mall forever, and I wouldn't want you too. You have a bright future ahead of you. I know it's scary, but it's all gonna work out. One way or another."
They were the same words that Jen had said to you before you embarked on your big adventure to Hawkins, and you were happy to pass the sentiment along to Jane.
"What about you?" she asked after a minute. "Your future? Are you afraid?"
That was the question, wasn't it? A new adventure, maybe in a more familiar setting but...a new challenge nonetheless. But you looked over at Eddie, who had both Dustin and Gareth in headlocks; his head was thrown back in obnoxious laughter and he gave you a shrug that said "how could I help myself" when he noticed you looking at him.
He was an idiot. But he was your idiot. And he'd be by your side for this next adventure, just like he promised he would be.
"No," you told her honestly. "I'm not afraid at all."
September 1990
"Alright, here's a question?"
"When…is our anniversary?"
"Uhh...Ed..." You let the question hang awkwardly in the air, unasked, but Eddie could read your mind.
The two of you were symbiotic at this point; still, he was happy that you had no idea what he had in mind for the day.
"No hear me out," he took a few steps ahead and turned to walk backwards so he could look at you. "Because I really put some thought into it. If we're going by first dates, it's in January—”
“Like it has been for the past 4 years.”
“—but, if we're going by first kiss..."
"If we're going by first kiss, that was last week," you laughed and rolled your eyes. "So you’re late."
“Yeah,” he agreed wickedly wistfully. “I guess I am.”
Of course you remembered.
The two of you were walking. Exploring, actually, around the cemetery where your Papa enjoyed his eternal rest.
5 years and it was a lot easier now.
You still cried sometimes but the initial guilt was gone and you found enjoyment in spending the day traversing about the sprawling cemetery grounds, visiting this great uncle and that distant cousin, just like you did with Papa when he was still alive.
“Did he make sure he bought flowers for everyone he ever met?” Eddie had asked as you piled bunches and bunches of flowers into his arms at the florist that first visit after Papa passed, when you told Eddie of the tradition. “Aren’t they just gonna die?”
“This is why I don’t like flowers,” you explained. “They die. At least when they die here, the dead can still enjoy them.”
“Well shit, that’s a pretty metal thought baby,” he cooed softly and shuffled the bunches to hold them with some more care. “Can I put that in a song? I’ll dedicate it to you.”
He had and you’d cried when he first sang you the haunting ballad in the privacy of your living room.
Today, though…well you’d already made the rounds today. Only one stop left; the most important stop. Eddie had suggested taking the long way through the mausoleum—down hallways lined with plush red carpet and dated sofas and marble walls filled with the dead—partially for his own curiosity, and partially so he could build up the courage.
You were doing quite a good job distracting him from his nerves as you conversed easily—whatever thoughts popped up in either of your heads—and explained the differences between this Saint and that one as you passed their statues and depictions in stained glass. They all looked at him with serene eyes and he thought that meant this journey would be a successful one.
There would be no crying, if he could help it.
Maybe tears of joy? He could settle for that.
“So what has you thinking of anniversaries?” you finally asked as you sat on the tufted velvet ottoman in front of your grandparents' epitaph.
Eddie shrugged and looked around, absorbing the names and dates inscribed on the marble walls that surrounded him.
“Been a lot of milestones lately. It’s been a couple years since graduation, 5 years since your grandpa passed…” He trailed off for a moment. “Been a year since we moved…since we’ve both been at new stores.”
You gasped and he felt his heart stop in his chest.
“Is…are you thinking of quitting?” You asked with big eyes.
“That new Hot Topical store they’re opening? Or whatever it's called? I saw you chatting with that District Manager in the food court the other day. Are you leaving TapeWorld? Eddie, that’s so exciting. You should…”
“No I’m not quitting,” he announced with finality, shoving his hands in his pockets.
“…nevermind then. Then what’s going on? You thinking of breaking up with me or something?”
“Well I know you’re not proposing; you literally just wrote a song called Marriage is a Death Sentence.”
Your laughter echoed through the mausoleum but you stopped abruptly when Eddie didn’t join you.
He watched your expression change as you processed the thought. And when you looked back at him again he smiled nervously.
“Eddie…” you said hoarsely and then cleared your throat. “Eddie, you just wrote a song called Marriage is a Death Sentence.”
“About my parents,” he explained. “And how they did everything wrong.”
“Yeah,” you nodded frantically. “A lot of people get it wrong. Marriage is a Death Sentence. Those are literally the lyrics. You’ve been singing it when you wash the dishes.”
“It’s catchy.”
“It is, isn’t it? But...while I was working on it...it got me thinking that…I mean…just because they got it wrong, and a lot of other people do, doesn’t mean we will.”
You said his name almost desperately now.
"A-and," he continued. "W-we don't have to get married but...I don't know. Spending the rest of my life with you sounds pretty great."
He pulled one hand out of his pocket casually and with it came a small ring box. He shook it a few times and held it out to you.
There were a bevy of emotions cycling your face, all of them undecipherable, until you settled on shock.
Good shock...hopefully.
“You’re supposed to get down on one knee I think,” you whispered again.
Yeah...good shock.
He let out a sigh of relief.
“Yeah but what if it isn’t a ring? What if this is all just a red herring? What if I had to get one of my teeth pulled and it's in here?”
You let out a shocked laugh and your brows hitched together in question.
"Did you put a tooth in there?"
"I don't know...seems as likely as any other potential surprise."
“Is it another cootie catcher?” you guessed.
“Only one way to find out.”
He shook the box again.
You slowly took it from him, fingers deliberately brushing against his which caused his heart to race.
He felt lightheaded when you opened the lid.
You smiled so brightly, he swore you rivaled the sun.
December 1992
"So what'd you do?"
"What makes you think I did something?"
"I love you son," Wayne sighed and leant against the counter. "But you always do something."
It was Christmas. The worst time of year for both you and Eddie. Long shifts, angry customers, restless coworkers...but a standing promise to make it back to Hawkins for the holiday had been the light at the end of the tunnel. Especially since Wayne and Rick had come out to see you for the past few years.
It was tough but you and Eddie made it work; hit the road right after your Christmas Eve shifts had ended, fallen into bed as soon as you'd arrived at Rick's close to midnight.
And you didn't need to be back to work until the 27th.
It was a perfect little getaway.
Except it hadn't been perfect.
Because you hadn't been talking to each other past the standard "good mornings" and "see you tonights" all week. The drive had been made in silence. And you chose to sit as far as you could from him during Christmas dinner, opting to sit beside Wayne and chat all night, instead of right next to him like you always did.
And unfortunately, yeah...it'd been Eddie's fault.
Eddie knew that, and usually he could admit it easily. Fights between the two of you were few and far between, and you had a good track record for recovering from them. For some reason though, this time was different, and it was hard for him to admit how badly he'd fucked up.
Wayne could see right through the two of you, though. Especially through his nephew. No matter how good you thought you were at hiding it.
"There was this...big opportunity we could have had," Eddie began his explanation calmly. "But it wasn't a sure thing."
"Oh yeah?" Wayne hummed. "How big?"
"Big. Like...a once-in-a-lifetime thing. An underground show a buddy of mine heard about it through the grapevine. Said they were looking for an opening act. Wanted to throw me a bone." He hit the counter with his fist gently. "But...he got his wires crossed. Told me it was tonight. So it meant we'd need to miss Christmas. But it's really next week."
"Hmmm..." Wayne nodded sagely and kept listening.
Eddie suddenly felt uncomfortable at the tone though, and became desperate for his uncle to understand.
Understand that he hadn't meant to hurt you.
"Work's been hard this season Wayne," Eddie continued with an edge to his voice. "Made me realize that I don't wanna do this forever. I wanna make music. You know that. It's been my dream forever."
"I know it has."
"Me and the guys. Our dream."
"What'd you say to her?" Wayne asked suddenly, as he lifted the mug of eggnog to his lips.
His knowing gaze made Eddie fidget and harsh words echo through his memory.
"Why can't you understand? This is huge for us. How can we say no?"
"I didn't say you had to pass it up, I just said it was a shame that we'll miss Christmas."
"You don't have to miss Christmas, you can just go to your aunt's if you don't want to go to the show."
"You know what I mean. You know Wayne and Rick look forward to seeing--"
"Wayne and Rick would understand how big this is. Why can't you? Why the fuck do you care anyways? It's not like they're your family!"
Wayne swallowed a mouthful of eggnog and then his lips pressed together tightly with a long exhale. Eddie turned to watch you and Rick chatter while you organized the gifts into neat little piles; even though you were avoiding each other, seeing your smile made him feel a lot better than his uncle's intense stare.
"I fucked up," he croaked. "I know."
"How're you gonna fix it?" Wayne asked.
"That I don't know."
Wayne sighed and clapped a hand on Eddie's shoulder.
"I would suggest," he leant in close and his voice rumbled, the same way it always did when Eddie would get in trouble growing up. The few times Wayne needed to intervene at all. "I would suggest you start with I'm sorry."
Eddie stared up at the glow in the dark stars that were stuck to the ceiling of the old guest bedroom that used to be his designated room at Rick's once upon a time.
It was quiet. Too quiet.
He couldn't sleep.
He might have spent most of his life in Hawkins but a few years in and around Chicago and he'd gotten used to the sounds of traffic and trains and people walking around late at night.
And it might've been easier if you were closer to him than you were, if the sounds of your sleep-deepened breathing and the soft snores you always denied were in his ear. Instead you were lying on your side at the edge of the full bed, as far from him as you could get, equally as awake as he was if your near-silent breaths were any indicator.
He turned his head and watched you for a moment before he took a breath of courage.
"Sweetheart," he whispered. When there was no response, he said your name, a little louder this time. "You awake?"
There was silence...heavy silence...and then you responded.
"Mmmhmm." You shifted to look halfway over your shoulder at him. "It's too quiet."
"I was just thinking that."
"I've got...a lot on my mind too."
"Yeah?" you turned fully now, lying on your back just like him; your shoulders touched but you refused to look at him. "What about?"
"I was thinking..."
What was he thinking? A lot of things. How to start an apology, how to fix this. How to make tomorrow better so your Christmas wasn't ruined.
"...that at least when we fight fight, we still talk to each other afterwards."
You scoffed and he closed his eyes, cursing himself and his big mouth.
"That...wasn't the right thing to say."
"No it wasn't," you sassed him immediately.
"It wasn't what I wanted to say either," he quickly added. "I wanted to say...that I'm sorry."
"I know."
"You do?"
"Aside from the fact that I know you too well," you began. "Rick was trying to get me to forgive you all night."
"Why did he think I did something?" Eddie asked incredulously.
"Because you always do something."
"God damn it, did Rick say that? Wayne said the same thing."
The two of you laughed together for the first time in days, and as you settled down, Eddie reached over and took your hand in his. He threaded your fingers together and rubbed his thumb back and forth to soothe you.
"I'm sorry that I...that I was a thick-headed, stubborn, big-mouthed idiot who hurt your feelings," he apologized. "I know that we've both been under pressure but there's no excuse. I could've been more level-headed, but I wasn't and I hurt you."
"Yeah well," you squeezed his hand tightly as you responded, "I guess I'm not innocent here either. I could have...been more excited for you, supportive. Instead of trying to make it about Christmas. I was thinking about how desperate I was to get away from work, excited to be back here. And it's no excuse. I'm sorry too."
"Yeah but I told you Wayne and Rick weren't your family."
"Well I told you--"
"Are we gonna fight again?" Eddie stopped you before you could get ahead of yourself. You huffed a soft "no" and melted into the bed, all tension in your body gone. "Did you like your Christmas gift?"
"Jesus." He could hear you rolling your eyes.
"Well did you?"
"Duh," you deadpanned. "Did you like yours?"
"Uh, duh," he parroted, a little more exaggeratedly. "You didn't give me a kiss though."
"Well you didn't give me a kiss either," you retorted, but you were already rolling over so you could close the distance and seal your lips against his.
The two of you showered one another with more whispered apologies and words of devotion before you got ahead of yourselves.
Clothes were shed, soft caresses shared, and lips lavished over the most sensitive parts of you.
You still liked it when you dragged your teeth along the shaft of his cock a little and got him to beg, and then Eddie returned the favor when he sucked a bruising hickey to your nipple that made you squeal and call him a god.
The two of you had lived on your own for so long that it was good fun trying to keep your voices down, or make sure the bed didn't slide across the hardwood floors with your passionate fucking.
And all slights were soothed when you reached the height of pleasure together, and whispered sweet words of affection and forgiveness as you descended back to earth.
Come morning, Wayne obnoxiously asked when the two of you were planning to hit the road back to Chicago.
"It's been a good while since I lost sleep thanks to your spirited activities," he noted, embarrassing the two of you in front of Rick. "No more fighting when you come back to visit in the future alright? I miss you dearly, but I can't say I miss that at all.”
April 1993
"It took you guys long enough," Dustin announced as he threw open the door.
“You know what, you try sitting in a rusty old shitbox with a bunch of musicians that still act like they're teenagers for 10 hours," you deadpanned and then pushed past the guys as they protested to pull Dustin into a hug. "Happy housewarming, congratulations."
It was Spring Break.
Well for the kids it was--although, they weren't really kids anymore were they--but for you and the guys, it was more like a long weekend. You'd scheduled yourself off for a few days, Eddie'd requested the whole week off, Jeff and Dave had traded shifts with coworkers, and Gareth simply quit his job.
"I'll find a new one," he reassured everyone, including his girlfriend, on St. Patrick's Day when he announced his departure before he and the guys had gotten on stage to play for a crowded pub in the suburbs.
It had been a headache and a half to get everything in order and everyone in the right place at the right time, but you were all here for one thing and one thing only.
Dustin's first apartment.
A Hellfire Club Reunion.
And a special one-shot that Dustin and Eddie had spent hours on the phone planning for the past few months.
You didn't think you'd been invited at first, but when Dustin told Eddie the full guest list, Eddie volunteered your attendance immediately.
Your forays into Dungeons and Dragons were few and far between; never a big campaign, only the one-shots that Eddie had put together here and there for the guys or a few coworkers who were interested. And this would be the first time that you played with such a big group. Or such an experienced group.
You were nervous.
"You'll do great," Eddie reassured you as he plucked snack cakes and sodas off the gas station shelves for snacks on the road. "I know the roleplaying is not your strongest suit, but it's just Henderson and the gang."
Now you were here and your nerves melted as you slipped further into mother hen mode the longer you looked around at what was obviously the apartment of college students. It was a familiar sight; you, Eddie, and the guys had all crammed into a duplex when you'd moved to Chicago and you'd had your fair share of pizza boxes stacked in the corners before garbage day and underwear of questionable origin and cleanliness tucked into the cracks of the sofa.
But that was a time long since passed and seeing it now made your fingers itch.
And your ears ring.
"...be here soon and I figured that you'd be here first to help me set u--Mom you ok?" Dustin stopped his chattering when he noticed you were frozen in the door of the living room. He glanced around the space that would soon host all of his friends. "Oh...yeah I should probably clean up a little more. To be fair, most of this isn't my mess."
You felt your eye twitch at his dismissive laugh.
"Jesus Henderson, didn't you just move in January?" Jeff asked when he saw the sorry state.
The boys all started giving Dustin shit, and Eddie had the foresight to put a hand on your shoulder and steer you back towards the door.
"We're gonna go take a quick smoke break; why don't you four nerds try to get this place looking a little more Hellfire appropriate in the mean time, m'kay?" he ordered them with faux sincerity. "We brought those props you asked for Dustin."
You heard the faint, sorry Mom, come from the boys as Eddie got you outside.
Eddie was extremely attentive and was quick to take charge of the ragtag group, running back and forth between the little stoop where you'd essentially set up camp right outside of the building, and back up to Dustin's apartment to make sure the cleaning and setup were underway.
"Hey listen, you boss enough people around at work," he reassured you when you insisted that you'd be alright to go back in. "You don't need to do it on your day off too."
You proved to be useful enough as the other started to arrive, little by little.
Max and Lucas had flown in from California and arrived via cab.
"It kind of sucks when the place you live is the place everyone else goes on vacation," Lucas laughed good-naturedly.
His younger sister Erica, who you remember from her days of buying scrunchies and glitter makeup, was now grown up and toted an entire kit filled with binders and notebooks and dice.
"It's my first ever Spring Break," she sniffed. "I could have been in Miami with my friends. But...I wouldn't miss this for the world, so it better be worth it."
Mike and Will drove up in the Wheeler's old station wagon, their siblings in tow in the backseat; Nancy and Jonathan had apparently been broken up for some time now.
It apparently had been an awkward drive for all of them.
Jane unexpectedly arrived with a new love interest friend and was beyond ecstatic to see you, barely letting you get a question in as she told you about everything she'd been up to.
Robin was unfortunately absent, but sent her regards along with the last person to arrive. Someone who you honestly didn't expect to see at all, but who had pulled up in a shiny new car, sporting a wedding band and a mustache: Steve Harrington.
"Look what the cat dragged in," you greeted with a smile. You pointed at the wedding band. "Seems like you don't need my relationship advice anymore."
"Same relationship," he chuckled and shrugged, suddenly bashful.
"No shit," you laughed. "Congratulations."
"Congrats to you too," he pointed to the ring on your own finger but you waved him off dismissively.
"Marriage is a Death Sentence. This is just...symbolic more than anything. We both know we're not going anywhere."
"Get more of a deduction on your tax return if you guys do tie the knot."
"Alright Ned Flanders," you rolled your eyes. "Taxes are a death sentence too. I'll ask Ed to write that song and dedicate it to you."
"By all means, I'm actually an accountant now. Maybe it'll get me some more clients."
You cackled.
You and Steve made some casual chit chat as you walked up to join the others now that everyone had arrived.
The apartment looked worlds different, especially with the abundance of candles that surrounded the table you all crowded around.
Dustin was taking the lead with this one, his DM screens in ominous abundance as he sat at the head of the table and filed through stacks of papers.
You looked around at all of your friends...really all of Eddie's friends who had become your friends, your family. It was nice to see them all in one place again.
Then you looked at Eddie himself, who looked right at home surrounded by them all. Laughing and spieling and picking on them with bright, glowing fondness that radiated off of him. You didn't think you could feel any more love for him, but suddenly in that moment, your cup overflowed.
He deserved this; deserved all of this...all of the love you all had to give and share with him because he loved you all so hard in return.
You took your seat beside him and grinned and patted your knee encouragingly.
"Perfect timing, sweetheart," he announced. "Hope you're ready to get absolutely obliterated."
Dustin hit a button on the stereo he'd set up beside him and everyone started to cheer as music and sounds created the ambiance of the adventure you were about to embark on.
"Welcome friends as we revisit a grand adventure of old tonight," Dustin began. "As we venture deep into Greyhawk and come face to face a great evil once defeated. Timelines have shifted, and what you might remember from the past is no longer what it seems; it will take great courage and strength to overcome challenges that you'd previously faced with ease. Are you up for the challenge?"
Everyone cheered again."
"Good," he said with a guttural groan, eyes rolling back in his head dramatically. "Then let us begin on our quest to face...The Cult of Vecna."
May 1995
It was like deja vu.
Maybe because he'd done this a thousand times, just not recently. It'd been years since he'd worked at the Mall, after all, and the muscle memory might have been a little out of practice, but it was still there.
He ran up the stalled escalator, long legs skipping every other step, until he reached the top, out of breath.
"Fuck," he bent over with his hands on his knees, panting. "Fuck. This is why I gotta quit smoking."
He'd taken the day off to surprise you; he and the guys were supposed to be recording today--their first album; it'd taken long enough--but this was bigger and he wanted to be there for you.
Needed to be there.
It wasn't every day that his best friend and beloved--the love of his life--his dear Store Manager...wasn't going to be a Store Manager anymore.
You'd both broken the news to each other on the same day. For weeks you'd only mentioned small developments in passing, never letting your hopes get too high just in case of a let down.
"We're getting signed," he announced as you'd collided into one another outside of your apartment building. "It's happening we're getting signed and we're gonna make a whole fucking album sweetheart!"
"Oh my god!" you shrieked. "Holy shit Ed!"
"No more weird touring schedules for fests, no more begging to get a song on the radio during the 3am broadcast, it's happening!" He cupped your cheeks and peppered kisses around your face.
"It's happening for me too," you laughed and tried to shake him away. "I got the job."
"What?!" he squished your cheeks harder until you jabbed him lightly in the stomach to get him to let you go.
"I got the job," you laughed, head tilted back as you announced it to the world. "Eddie, baby...you're looking at the new associate manager of Visual Development."
You'd spent the night indulging on a deep dish pizza, fucking making love, and talking about the future.
Maybe you could buy a house...maybe you could get a puppy...take an actual vacation someplace and not just a weekend trip to the Dells or wherever Corroded could find a gig...the possibilities were endless...
But from that moment on, it was a whirlwind.
The band had gotten started right away, signing contracts and working with the small label that had seen their potential and believed in them.
And now, a few weeks later, it was here. Your big day. Your last day as a Store Manager at Claire's, before you went off to their home offices to tell people what color scrunchie was gonna be big for the season.
There were a bunch of purple and pink balloons tied to the sandwich board outside of your store, and as Eddie got closer, he could hear snippets of conversation as your associates asked you about your new position.
"Have you seen your office yet?"
"Yeah, I have," you laughed.
"Is the desk pink?"
"No but the walls are."
"Do you get your own cell phone?"
"Probably not. I'm not the CEO guys. I'm just a manager."
"Are you gonna have to wear business suits?"
"No," Eddie answered for you as he quickly snuck up behind you. You jumped as his arms wrapped around your waist, but you quickly melted into the embrace. "But she's not gonna have to wear clothes from Seventeen Magazine anymore either."
"Yeah," you sighed. "It really sucks to wear clothes from the juniors department once you're past 30. They're just not made the same way."
"Gotta take your word for it sweetheart, I'm not 30 for another few months," he blew a raspberry against the side of your neck and squeezed you tightly in his embrace.
Your associates all sighed dreamily at the sight of the two of you canoodling—power couple who?—and Eddie was thankful for this once-in-a-lifetime chance that you wouldn't just swat him away for PDA while you were on the salesfloor.
"I'm sorry this is coming from the man who still dresses the same as he did when he was 17," you laughed and reached back to pluck at his battle vest that had only accumulated more pins and patches over the years.
"I'm very sorry that I'm not trendy, sweetheart." He kissed your cheek. "But I'm what you would call timeless."
"I'd like a divorce." You pulled his left hand away from your torso so you could attempt to pull the band off his ring finger. "Effective immediately."
"We're not married," he murmured teasingly in your ear. "Or did you forget?"
"You finally gonna seal the deal Munson?" you whispered back. "It's only been 10 years."
"Just so you can file for divorce? I don't think so."
"What if I trade you my longevity pin? I think it would look nice on your vest."
"How about...I take you to lunch first?" he asked, voice back to its normal volume. "And we negotiate the terms and conditions? She's got her big corporate lady pants on, trying to get me to sign a contract."
"I guess I could pencil you in," you feigned annoyance and then looked to your assistant manager. "Let me ask my secretary."
Both you and Eddie stared at them expectantly.
"Get out of here," they laughed at your antics. "Before I kick you out; so sweet, you guys make me gag sometimes."
The rest of your final shift was eventful, and Eddie sat in the chair of the Ear Piercing station while you chatted with your regular customers and received one visitor after another.
Old employees and coworkers, your mom who made you take a picture with the whole team, and then a very cheesy one with Eddie who dipped you for a kiss at the very last second.
Jen had come around close to 5 to bring even more balloons and a cake, and had made jokes that she was gonna have to haunt the corporate offices even more now.
"So we can talk shit, obviously," she joked.
Eddie had called Kyle up, who was now managing a store in Milwaukee, to tell him both bits of good news and Kyle had made the drive down to bring a sentimental gift to both of you on your last day.
A picture frame with a collage of polaroids from your years at StarCourt. There was a filmstrip from one of the photo-booths that depicted a younger you and Eddie, making funny faces and staring longingly at one another.
"You left this in the stock room once upon a time," he told Eddie as he pointed it out specifically. "That was before you were dating too. I squirreled it away and forgot about it but was gonna keep it in case you never got the courage to ask her out. And look at the two of you now."
"Yeah, Eddie watched you as you caressed the glass. "Look at us now."
"I still think I should have won the bet," Kyle sniffed bitterly.
You had scheduled yourself to close, and you were expertly restocking the scrunchie wall as the last few customers shopped.
Eddie kept snaking his arms around you and switching this scrunchie here for that one there, and you'd whine and complain about him messing up the color flow. Still, you never made any effort to stop him, and each time you stomped your foot petulantly, he would drop a smooch right on your cheek to "earn" your forgiveness.
"You know, this is what I was doing when we first met," you recalled after a few kisses. "Officially met."
"What?" Eddie asked.
"Restocking scrunchies."
"You sure?" he frowned and tried to think back. He vaguely recalled...bracelets of some sort...or had he just been looking at the jewelry. He'd been so nervous to ask you out back then...it was all a blur.
And he hadn't really even asked you out at that time either. Jesus Christ, what a loser he'd been.
Where would the two of you be now if only he hadn't fumbled on that first not-date? Right where you were now? Maybe broken up? A lot of the growing the two of you had done had been done with the soft buffer of friendship first...it almost caused his heart to ache to think that they might have caused an end to a relationship if things had been different.
Because now he couldn't imagine what his life would be like without you.
"You still haven't let me pierce your ears," you leaned in close to him, nose brushing against his, and teased him.
Eddie froze and then backed away.
"Well," he licked over his bottom lip pensively. "It is your last day...the last hour of your shift too...I think I could be persuaded."
You squealed and ran to get the forms ready. You didn't even let him fill them out, you just pushed him back into the seat he'd been occupying all day as you got it all ready.
"No more being afraid of needles babe," you cackled, the kind of cackle he'd only ever heard when you were being especially devious or evil.
"I have tattoos," he argued, trying to stand from the chair in protest, but you pressed your hand to his chest to get him to sit back down. "I have a ton of tattoos; if I was afraid of needles I wouldn't. Your logic is flawed."
"Yeah ok Spock," you dismissed his reasoning. "This one takes a chunk out of you though, so it's different."
"What argument are you trying to win here baby? Are you trying to get me to get my ears pierced or are you trying to get me to admit I'm afraid."
"Dealers Choice."
"You're lucky I love you," he grumbled.
You were silent for a while as you marked his ears, as you snapped on your gloves, and readied the piercing gun.
Was he afraid? No. He trusted you. But damn if the anticipation wasn't making him sweat a little.
Eddie closed his eyes as he prepared himself for the next step, but you paused and made one quick run across the store before returning.
"Alright I have one last important question to ask you," you began, and he peeped an eye open to see you standing there with your hands behind your back. "It's the age old question and I don't think we ever got a solid answer."
You revealed your plunder and then stared at him expectantly.
"Take your pick: broken hearts or gummy bears."
Eddie went soft as he stared at the two sets of studs backed by purple carding: little black broken hearts and the neon green gummy bears.
It was the age old question wasn't it? The first question he asked you before he even asked you out.
"See, if it was still 1985," he tilted his head back and forth, "I think this would be a hard one to figure out."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah. But uh," he reached out and pointed to his choice. "Now it's a no brainer."
"Seriously?" you laughed.
"And why are you, Eddie Munson, lead singer of Corroded Coffin, the most metal band on Earth, picking the Gummy Bears?"
"Sweetheart," he singsonged, pausing for dramatic effect. "I think you know."
"I don't think I do," you parroted.
"Ugh," he scoffed and turned his head. "I guess I am the more romantic of the two of us."
"Answer the question, Cassanova."
"Sweetheart," he turned back to you, hand over his heart. "It has to be the gummy bears."
"Has to be?"
"Must be."
"Because I can confidently say that my heart is never gonna be broken if I have you around."
Your challenging gaze softened and Eddie swore that he saw tears at the corners of your eyes. For a moment he didn't know if you were gonna kiss him or start crying.
"Shut the fuck up," your associate shouted from across the store, ruining the sweet moment. "That was so adorable. Oh my god."
"Language Chels!" you scolded her good-naturedly.
And then, in those last few minutes of your career as a store manager, you kissed Eddie softly on his forehead...on his lips...and then punched holes right through both of his earlobes in rapid succession.
"Fuck!" He screamed. "Fuck!"
"I love you," you chuckled at him.
"Yeah. Love you too..." he grimaced. "Fuck! I love you."
Thank you for reading The Store Manager Verse.
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steventhusiast · 9 months
once again inspired by a tiktok of a dad playing DnD with his kids. i had no idea where this was going the whole time but i had fun writing it so enjoy
When Steve pushes open the door to his home, a smile creeps up on him without permission. There's nothing better than getting home from a day of work to the sound of his daughters squealing with laughter and Eddie's chuckles.
He closes the door behind him quietly, and decides to quietly make his way to the sound. He doesn't want to alert them of his presence, wants to see what his family's been doing all day without him.
Poking his head around to peek through the doorway to the dining room, he sees Eddie sat with his DM screen in front of their two girls, Lily and Amy. Lily, who's five years old, is giggling at Eddie's description of a tavern they see in the distance, whilst Amy, who's only three, plays with the set of dice in front of her.
"The tavern ahead of you is strange. It's-"
"Strange how, daddy?" Lily interrupts, and Eddie makes a big show of narrowing his eyes at her interruption.
"Ahem. No interruptions, miladies." He says, leaving a pause for the girls to giggle, "The tavern is strange. Its roof is covered in rainbow tiles, and as you get closer you notice that it's shimmering in the light."
"Like sparkles?" Amy asks, and Steve smiles to himself as he sees her kick her feet as she looks up at Eddie with big eyes.
"Yes, lovely, like sparkles." Eddie confirms with a smile, and Amy gasps.
"I'm called Sparkles! Can we go?" She asks, and the leg kicking gets faster as she gets excited.
"Of course! Would you like to know what's strange about the tavern first?" He checks, looking to Lily for her opinion as well.
"No. Wanna see the sparkles." Amy says, and Lily nods in agreeance.
"Okay. As you get closer to the tavern you notice it is surrounded by what at first look like a swarm of rats, but are actually teeny tiny unicorns. What do you do?"
It’s clearly a setup for a fight with the hoard of unicorn, but either Eddie doesn’t know their girls at all or they don’t realise it, because the girls gasp in excitement at his words, and Steve decides to lean against the doorway instead of hiding. Eddie notices him and offers him a wide smile.
"Can we..." Lily hums as she thinks, "Can I adopt one?"
Eddie laughs at the suggestion, but nods.
"I suppose. Okay, I need you to roll for me," Lily squeals in excitement, "Grab the dice with 20 sides for me, and roll to see if you, Sunshine, can convince one of the unicorns to be your friend."
Lily nods in determination, and Steve watches as Eddie patiently lets her count the sides of the dice until she finds the one with twenty sides. She is very serious about rolling it, and when it ends up being a 15, she looks at Eddie with an earnestly hopeful expression.
"A 15 works! One of the tiny unicorns jumps up to land on your shoulder, and introduces themself as Cloudy." Eddie cheers with the girls, and then turns to Amy, "What will Sparkles do?"
"Can I flyyyy over the unicorns? I wanna see the ta-vern, daddy."
"Of course you can. Your character can fly, so you easily glide over the crowd and make it to the door of the tavern." Eddie says with a smile.
"Hope you're not going to let them buy any mead at this tavern, Mr Dungeon Master." Steve decides to talk at that moment.
Eddie knows he's there, obviously, but the girls are completely engrossed in their game, and jump out of their seats at his voice.
"Daddy! We played all day and I got a pet unicorn and we saved a princess!" Lily explains as they run over to hug his legs.
"Wow. Sounds like a busy day, huh?"
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houseofchalamet · 1 year
Biggest Fan
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Pairing: Timothee Chalamet x f!Reader Summary: Reader has been absolutely filthy in the DMs and when she meets Timothée unexpectedly, he wants her to make good on her promises. Warnings: Smut (oral - male receiving), sexualizing a celebrity, technically a power imbalance, curse words. Word count: 2k
There was no way he’d ever see your DMs. He probably got thousands of messages a day; yours would get lost in a sea of countless others. And he was rarely ever on Twitter…
Still, you’d occasionally send some DMs anyway, just for the hell of it. It started tame. Telling him how much you loved his work, how excited you were for the next Dune movie… Small things like that. 
And then the thirst started.
It was all because of the Oscars… The damn Oscars. God, he looked so good. You felt like you were going to explode the second the shirtless image of him appeared on your TV screen. In the heat of the moment, you whipped out your phone and began typing every lewd thought that popped into your head.
Everything about him was perfect, from his hair down to the smallest details, like the rings on his fingers. You drank in every image you could find of his bare chest. Before you knew it, you were composing the nastiest paragraph you’d ever written in your life (up until that point, at least) and hitting send without a second thought.
God, it’s almost unfair how perfect you are. You’re so fucking sexy in your sparkly little jacket. I wanna taste every inch of you. I want you to fuck my mouth and make me gag on your cock. I want your cum running down my throat. I want you to fuck me so hard and fast that all I know is your name. I want you to absolutely obliterate me. I wanna be your personal fuckdoll… I’m fucking dripping just thinking about it. I need you inside me so fucking bad. I’m such a needy slut for you.
That was just the first one, and as time went on, they grew more graphic. It became an outlet, a way to get all of this sexual energy out. Your messages ranged from short, innocent sentences to long, erotic paragraphs detailing all of the depraved things you wanted him to do to you.
But he’d never see it.
The club was full of drunk, sweaty bodies. You were perfectly content to stand in the corner all night with your best friend, Jess, and sway to the music, feeling the bass vibrate through the floor.
“Hey, isn’t he that guy you’re so obsessed with?” Jess asked, pointing discreetly to a group of guys in the corner.
Your jaw dropped as you realized you were standing in the presence of the Timothée Chalamet. He was with a group of friends and appeared to be having a good time. Your heart began to race in your chest.
“Come on,” Jess said, taking in your stunned appearance. She tugged your hand, starting to lead you in his direction, but you pulled back.
“Are you fucking insane? I can’t just walk right up to him, I’ll literally drop dead on the spot.”
“Okay, fine, don’t talk to him.” She held back a laugh at your outburst. “But you know if you don’t at least stand in the same general vicinity as him, you’ll hate yourself forever.” 
Damn. You hated when she was right.
You both weaved through the crowd, strategically placing yourselves closer and closer every few moments without making it too obvious. 
You fought the urge to keep glancing at him, though all you wanted to do was drink in his appearance. You weren’t sure you’d ever get the chance to see him in person again. 
Jess was talking about something Britney had said to her earlier - you weren’t really paying too much attention - when you tried to steal a glance at exactly the wrong moment.
His eyes met yours. 
And instead of looking away and pretending nothing had happened like a normal person would in this circumstance, you froze. Your eyes widened, giving you a slight deer-in-the-headlights expression. He broke into that adorable, lopsided smile you loved so much.
Then, to your surprise, he started moving toward you.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck,” you whispered to Jess.
“Hey, I’m Timothée,” he said. Jess’s eyes widened, too, as she processed the situation. Holy fuck he was so close, you could smell him now. And he smelled good.
“I… I know,” you replied stupidly, the awe evident in your voice.
“I’m Jess, and this is (Y/N),” she stepped in for you. “It’s so nice to meet you.”
“You too,” he smiled. His eyes flicked back to you. His brow furrowed and his head tilted to one side as he took you in, but after a few seconds, he shook his head. “Sorry, have we met before?”
“Umm…” You pretended to think for a second, even though you’d definitely remember if you’d met this literal god before. “Nope, I don’t think so.”
“Hm… Weird. I thought I recognized you from somewhere.”
You shrugged this off; he’d probably met so many fans in so many countries, there was bound to be at least one other girl somewhere who somewhat resembled you.
He was extremely nice and offered to take photos with you. He hung around to chat for a few minutes before excusing himself back to his friends. Besides your general awkwardness - which he was probably used to, judging by the way he easily brushed it off - the interaction couldn’t have gone any better.
“He’s literally my future husband,” you told Jess dreamily as you both watched him walk away.
“Not if I marry him first,” she joked.
“Hey! At least share!” You pouted.
She jokingly stuck her tongue out at you, and then her eyes scanned the room. “Well, if my marriage to Timmy doesn’t pan out, I think I just found his replacement. Mind if I go dance?”
“Nah, go right ahead,” you replied. You leaned against a wall, focusing on your phone. You posted your photo with Timmy to Instagram, and then popped onto Twitter to make the photo your profile pic. Your moots were about to go feral. For a moment, your thumb hovered over the messages icon. 
Ah, why not?
Hot sweatpants, cutie. I’ll make you sweat and pant;)
You chuckled a little to yourself. God, that was a cringey one. Still, it was just for your entertainment, so why not?
You continued scrolling through Twitter, enjoying your fifteen minutes of fame as you were bombarded by a million questions, each more unhinged than the last (‘What did he smell like?’ ‘Who was he with?’ ‘Did you lick his hand? I would’ve licked his hand’ etc). You were in the middle of replying to someone when you heard a voice beside you.
“I know where I recognized you from!”
Your eyes met his green ones and your breath caught in your throat. You weren’t expecting any more attention from Timothée, but obviously welcomed it.
“Where’s that?” you asked, trying to be nonchalant. He pulled up his phone and showed you the screen.
Your eyes widened and your mouth dropped open. You were horrified as you took in Timothée’s view of your DM’s. He must have turned his read receipts off. He didn’t seem to notice your embarrassment as he scrolled up in the conversation a little.
“This is one of my favorites, ‘My ass is grass and I want you to mow it.’ Or that time you just sent the link to Deep Throat by Cupcakke.”
“Oh, god,” you said, putting your head in your hands. You couldn’t even deny that it was you; the profile picture gave you away. You wanted to spontaneously combust. “I didn’t think you’d actually see that.”
“I could tell…” he chuckled. Thankfully, he scrolled past your more… needy messages and focused on the ironic ones. “‘I would let you break my back in half, spit in my mouth, dislocate my jaw, pee on me, rip out my intestines, and then hit me with your car and I’d still be your biggest fan.’”
“Ugh, God,” you groaned. 
He smirked at you and you swore his eyes flicked down to your lips for a split second. When he spoke again, the joking tone had disappeared. “You think you’re my biggest fan?”
Your mouth opened but no words came out. You drew in a sharp breath. “I- uh… y-yeah.”
His voice dropped dangerously low; you were sure no one else could hear. “Would you be willing to prove it?”
His words swam around in your head and you struggled to make sense of them. Surely, you had misunderstood… You blinked, watching as his tongue swiped over his lips. 
Before you could even process what was happening, he had taken your hand and led you down a hallway, somehow unseen by anyone else. He slipped you into a bathroom and shut the door behind you both. 
Pressing you against the door, he attached his lips to yours.
You felt yourself relax into him as he kissed you deeply. Suddenly, your shy side had disappeared and in its place stood the horndog who had written all those DMs. You gently bit his bottom lip and he wound his arms around your waist, pulling you even closer. You slipped your tongue into his mouth and he ground against you. You practically moaned; he was already hard. You reached down, stroking him through his pants. He was just as big as you’d imagined.
You pushed him back until he was leaning against the sink and were on your knees in an instant, tugging down his sweatpants. You licked your lips as his dick sprang free.
“Love reading your desperate little messages over and over again…” he sighed, his head dropping back a little as you stroked him slowly.
“Mmm… Yeah?” you smirked, taking the tip between your lips and sucking lightly. His eyes rolled back and his mouth dropped open as he gripped the counter for support. You could tell he was restraining himself from bucking his hips up into you.
“Fuuuuckkk yeaaah,” he hissed. Slowly, teasingly, you began to descend on him. “God, I jack off nearly every day to them… Love seeing how needy you are for me.”
Your brain practically stopped working; the situation you found yourself in was too good to even begin to comprehend. Timothée Chalamet had just admitted to enjoying your depraved fantasies while his dick was in your mouth. Your pussy was dripping.
You hummed in response, hollowing your cheeks and bobbing your head torturously slow. He seemed to understand the game you were playing and was happy to give you more.
“Sometimes I go onto your profile and scroll through your selfies and imagine fucking you just like you want me to.” One of his hands weaved into your hair, but he didn’t apply any pressure just yet. You took all of him in your mouth now, his tip nudging the back of your throat. You came back up slowly, running your tongue along the bottom of his shaft.
“Fuck,” he hissed again. You started to bob your head faster now. After a few moments, his restraint wavered and he began to thrust into you. You blinked up at him, eyes full of nothing but pure adoration as he fucked your mouth. “Fuck, (Y/N), you’re so fucking good for me… Gonna be a good girl and swallow my cum?”
“Mmmhm,” you hummed and he gasped at the feeling of your throat vibrating. He released another string of curses before you felt his hot cum shooting down your throat. You absolutely savored the moment, taking in every drop you could. You never wanted to forget this feeling; this taste. 
You bobbed your head a couple more times before pulling off, causing his legs to tremble. He caught his breath, pulling his pants back up. He looked down at you, knelt on the floor before him, eyes glazed over, cheeks flushed and lips swollen. 
He held out a hand to help you up, which you took. You frowned, unhappy that your encounter was over.
But as if reading your mind, he took your face in his hands. “Don’t look so disappointed. I’m not finished with you yet, love.”
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deltaromeo3 · 1 year
𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚛𝚎..? #2 ⋆ Charles Leclerc
pairing: charles leclerc x reader
summary: in which the reader does not recognise the famous Monegasque Formula 1 driver; the very same one that was about to change her perspective on the sport and also her life.
— you can read part 1 & 3 here! : #1 #3
A/N: thank you for all the love on part 1! here’s a part 2!! tbh I got carried away… let me know if i should do a part 3? 🤭
— Warning(s): poorly translated french.
"Will there be a next time?"
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You were sitting on the balcony, enjoying the Monaco sun with a book in hand and a cup of ice cold sparkling water on the table.
“Ding!” Your phone rings but you ignored it.
“Ding! Ding! Ding!” Your phone goes off like crazy.
You huffed and place your book down, wondering who the hell would be spamming you at this time of day. It was literally 9 in the morning.
charles_leclerc started following you.
charles_leclerc liked your story.
charles_leclerc liked your post.
charles_leclerc liked your post.
Your eyes widened. You blinked a few times to make sure this was real. Why.. and how the hell did he find your Instagram account?
“Em!” You called out. No response.
“Emma! EMMA!”
“WHAT!” She finally responds and you see her head peek through her room door.
You walked over to her and said nothing, instead just showing her the notification. Her mouth went agape and you could see her jaw almost physically touch the floor.
“Wh-what are you waiting for? Follow him back!”
“What?! Why? I don’t even like F1!”
“Doesn’t matter! He’s hot. J-just do it!”
“Okay okay!”
You decided to follow him back and quickly exit the app, locking your phone.
Your phone dings once again.
charles_leclerc sent you a message.
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Shit shit shit!
You gasped.
“Emma. He. Sent. Me. A. DM!”
Emma gasps in response. She quickly rushes over to your side. She couldn’t believe her eyes.
“Oh. My. God.”
Silence falls between the two of you as you both stood frozen in the living room trying to process the fact that the Charles Marc Hervé Perceval Leclerc just sent you a DM.
“Well reply him then! Good god.”
“Last time I was this nervous was when I kissed Andre.”
Emma whips her head towards you, “Wh- you kissed Andre?! When?! How come I don’t know about that?” She shakes her head, “Eh! That’s not the point. Ch-Charles! Reply him!”
You quickly type out a response.
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You bite your fingernails out of nervousness waiting for his reply.
“Ding!” Goes your phone.
He sure is a fast replier.
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You continued texting him. Long story short, he’s asking you out for brunch. You told Emma about your plans and she jumps with joy, clapping her hands in excitement.
“Ooh someone’s going on a date with Lord Percevallll,” She teases.
“It’s not a date Emma!”
“Mmhmm. Sure.” She smirks at you as she walks away.
You rolled your eyes in response.
You looked at the time, luckily you still had a few hours to prepare before meeting him. And like you always do, you went to the balcony to continue reading your book.
You tried your best to read, but you just couldn’t. You were nervous to say the least, about meeting a very famous Formula 1 driver. God, everyone here adores him. He is everyone’s favourite. Even the goddamn Prince loves him…
You decided to take and a nap, hoping it would help you to relax and not think about it too much. So, you did just that.
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Your sleep got disturbed to the sound of Emma calling and shaking you vigorously.
“Wake up! Y/N! WAKE UP!”
“Did you forget about brunch? Hurry up and get your ass ready!” She says as she tosses you your towel. You looked at your phone. 1:10pm.
“Merde! I’m late!” You quickly got off your bed and headed straight for the shower.
You got dressed in a simple tank top with high waisted jeans, sprayed on some perfume and accessorised with a necklace and a few rings. You put on your shoes and quickly left the house.
“Have fun! And don’t forget to use protection!” Emma shouts as she closes the door behind her.
You quietly laughed to yourself. It’s just brunch, nothing else.
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As soon as you exit your building, you were greeted by a familiar figure. He was standing next to his car, leaning on it. The both of you exchanged smiles as soon as you made eye contact with one another.
Charles was wearing a black tee with light wash jeans.
“So sorry I’m late! I took a nap and ended up oversleeping I-“
He cuts you off. “Mon amour, it’s okay. You’re here now. More than happy to see you.”
Does he call every girl he meets mon amour?
You blush at the nickname. Why were you blushing? God help me please.
You sighed in relief, “Thank you for waiting.”
He smiles softly, “Brunch?”
“Brunch.” You smiled back at him.
He brought you to L’Intempo, which was situated in a hotel by the sea. Of course, he requested for the outdoor seating.
Whilst waiting for your food to be ready, you chit chatted with him. He told you all about his life, how he got into F1 and his career.
“I’ve talked so much about myself. Now you!”
“I just recently moved to Monaco. It’s always been the country of my dreams so I decided to study here! I’m studying Neurosciences in Paris, so it’s nearby!”
“Neuroscience? Like… you study brains?”
You chuckled, “Kinda.. but not really. Ah well, you get the idea. Brains.”
He laughs, “Brains.” The both of you laugh. “Why didn’t you just stay in Paris? Everyone wants to go to Paris.”
“Monaco is smaller. And everyone here is crazy rich so who knows, I might end up marrying a rich man. Won’t have to work so hard, y’know.” You joked.
He laughs again, “Really? Who told you that? Google?”
You nodded and he laughs again, “Yeah, who knows. You may be right.” He smiles.
Your food finally came. You took a pic before eating.
@yourusername posted on their story.
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Charles offered you to taste some of his food and even fed you some, and you did the same.
The air was filled with your chatter and laughter and soon enough everything was just background noise.
It felt like you’ve been friends with Charles for so long; conversations flowed easily and there was no awkwardness between the two of you.
After brunch however, he decided to drive you around Monaco since you’ve never properly seen the city. He even drove on the F1 track; the chicanes and road markings were still fairly visible.
You sat quietly in the car, admiring the views of the city. It was one thing to explore Monaco with Emma, but with Charles? It was different; he grew up here so he knew spots tourists didn’t know.
Last but not least, he brought you to the Prince of Monaco’s automobile collection. You wondered why he was so eager to show you a collection that wasn’t his but as soon as you entered the building you understood why. There were many cars, but one car stood out in particular.
You shot him a look. “Ah so this is why you were so excited to bring me here?”
He smiles, “Yes! Look, it’s my car.” He gleams with excitement. “I had my first victory and pole position with this!” He explains. Although you had zero interest in Formula 1, hearing his excitement when he was explaining to you about his car was heartwarming. And so, you listened despite not knowing anything about F1.
You smiled as he was explaining, it was cute. You’ve never seen someone so proud of their achievements.
“That’s so cool! So you gave it to the Prince?”
He nods. “I know it’s in good hands so I’m okay with that.”
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It was around 630ish when the “date” (can you call it that?) was over. He drops you off in front of your apartment building. When you wanted to exit the car, you realised Charles was rushing over to your side to open the door for you.
“When you’re with me you don’t open doors! I’ll do it.”He says and you laugh at his antics.
He even walked you to your door.
“I’m kinda sad this is over.” He says.
“Well… me too. I had fun.” You smiled.
He smiles back, “Moi aussi. me too. He pauses. “Y aura-t-il une prochaine fois? Will there be a next time?” He asks.
“Why? Voulez vous qu’il y ait une prochaine fois? Do you want there to be a next time? ”
“Oui. Yes." He shyly admits.
“D’accord. Okay. I’ll see you next time then, Lord Perceval.” You teased him with the nickname. “Text me when you’re homed?”
He chuckles. “D’accord.” He walks off and you take out your keys to unlock the front door, but suddenly you were stopped halfway.
“Here,” He passes you his phone, it was opened to his number pad. “I almost forgot.”
You laughed and keyed in your number. “Ok, I’ll go now.” He waves goodbye and leaves.
You entered your apartment to be greeted by Emma cooking dinner.
“Wow finally. Thought you’d never come home! So, how’s the date?”
“It’s not a date!” You exclaimed.
Emma laughs at your reaction, “Okay, how’s brunch that went on for 5 hours?” She corrects herself.
“Good, we-“ You were interrupted by your phone ringing. It was an unknown number. You answered it, only to be greeted by a familiar voice.
“Hello, it’s Charles. I’m on my way home.”
You chuckled, “Hello, Charles. Are you driving and calling me at the same time?”
“Ye- No! I’m… not.” He lies. “Okay, I am. I just wanted to hear your voice, that’s all.”
You blushed, “Charles… it’s dangerous! Just call me when you’re home okay?”
You hear him giggle, “Okay mon amour. I’ll call you in 10.”
“I’ll be waiting for you,” The line ends.
“I’ll be waiting for youuu,” Emma mocks you, and you cringed, covering your face, asking her to stop. She just replies with laughter. “Glad you had fun with Mr F1 driver. Your wag era is coming soon I can smell it!” She jokes.
“Oh god,” You laughed, walking away to the bathroom to take a shower.
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ky-yk · 11 months
eve, psyche, and… (hyj x f!reader)
a sequel to “delicate (hyj x f!reader)”
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genre: fluff || word count: 2.4k
author’s note: you asked, i delivered. hope u enjoy this one, fruit baskets 🫶🫨
you weren’t a k-pop stan. not by a long shot.
yet here you were, in seoul, seated as close to the stage as you could be for le sserafim’s flame rises concert.
you sat patiently waiting for the show to start with your bucket hat resting low on your head and your banner on your lap. to pass the time, you started mindlessly using your phone.
soon enough, you ended up looking through your conversations with jen and reminiscing on how far you two had come.
after sending jen that dm, you pocketed your phone and continued your journey back to your hotel. as soon as you arrived, your phone connected to the wifi and came alive with notifications from friends and family asking about how the concert went. you put your phone down and instead decided to get on with your evening routine before replying to them.
as you settled in bed, you skimmed through your friends' and family's messages.
however, one notification caught your eye.
jenaissante: well well well
you smiled to yourself as you finally read the message. the girl was online as well and must’ve seen you read her message because you then saw a text bubble pop up beside her profile picture, the three dots bouncing around in anticipation.
jenaissante: wait wait not here 😭
suddenly, you receive another notification: a follow request from what appeared to be her private account.
jenaissante: let’s talk there instead
itsyn: alright then 😭
after accepting her follow request and following her back, you dm’d her again.
itsyn: so
itsyn: a k-pop idol, huh?
you barely slept a wink that night because you spent the whole time talking to jen—yunjin. laying on your stomach while hugging the pillow beneath you, you and her talked about anything and everything until the post-concert exhaustion caught up with you.
the other girl must’ve noticed you’d passed out, because as she sat at the airport and waited to board, she chuckled to herself before typing one last message for the night.
pas.un.ange: good night, y/n.
you shook your head and chuckled to yourself as you pocketed your phone, paying attention to your surroundings instead and taking it all in: people settling into their seats, the excited chatter of fans (fearnots? is that what they’re called?), and just the sheer scale of the production. you had a vague idea of just how huge jen was, but seeing it in person was surreal.
quite the superstar you are, huh, jen?
before the show began, you picked your lightstick up from your bag, as well as your battery pack, and put them together just in time for the lights to dim as everyone else raised their lightsticks and cheered in excitement. you looked around at the scene, a sense of pride washing over you as you happily hollered with the crowd.
an intro video played on screen, signaling the start of the show. as each member appeared on screen for the first time, the crowd went wild, making you chuckle at first before joining the ruckus.
soon enough, though, yunjin appeared on screen.
and any scream that was due to come out of your throat died in its wake, instead leaving you slack-jawed at the sight of your seatmate in all her idol glory -- dressed to the nines and her once bright and wide eyes now glaring into your soul.
this wasn't jen. this was huh yunjin.
before you knew it, the vcr had ended, and the screens were splitting to make way for the five-piece to take the stage -- much to the excitement of the whole crowd. as soon as their silhouettes were clear, the crowd only hollered more (and further justified the $35 you spent on earplugs).
soon enough, both the spotlight and the cameras were on them for all to see. you looked on in awe at your seatmate now taking the stage for herself. not long after, the girls got in formation, and you could hear the buildup to their latest single blasting over the speakers.
"unforgiven, i'm a villain, i'm a."
the show was on.
you'd lost count of how many times your jaw dropped at just how impressed you were. before the concert, you were only vaguely familiar with the group. you'd think that as jen's friend, you'd be up to date on all their latest releases and shenanigans, but you made it clear to her that you wanted to get to know her outside of her idol life and career.
that lead to you basically receiving a crash course in all things le sserafim as the concert went on. you'd gotten familiar with the members and their idol personas, their insane discography, their overflowing talent, and their undeniable charm.
some members more so than others.
what's that called again? a bias?
you knew jen was talented. you knew she sang and played the guitar, you knew she had a few original songs under her belt (even sneaking you peeks at some unreleased ones), and you knew she'd spent a large chunk of her life training to become an idol.
but seeing her here right now? guitar in hand and performing an unreleased song under the harsh spotlight for her solo stage after singing and dancing with unrivaled charm for multiple songs back to back? you knew she was born to perform.
soon enough, it was time for the encore.
and it was your time to shine.
seeing the girls come back out and stylishly wearing their tour merch, you perked up and readied your sign. after a few words from the members, the telltale synths of flash forward came on the speakers as yunjin opened the song and started walking around the stage to interact with fans.
as you saw her come closer, you raised your sign even higher to try and grab her attention. she was smiling and waving at the fans beside you, but soon enough, she looked in your direction and took notice of your sign.
and then you.
you peeked out from under your bucket hat and made eye contact with the girl. you laughed at her bewildered expression before she pointed at herself and mouthed, "my wife?"
you responded with a sheepish shrug as she chuckled at you and gave you an easy smile that she must've realized lingered a little too long because she then moved on to the other fans around you and finally left your side of the stage.
you stood with your sign as the other members stopped by your side of the stage. when you locked eyes with them, they all looked some semblance of surprise -- as if they recognized you. jen must've told them about me, huh? you hope none of the fans around you saw their reactions to you. this is not how i want to get famous...
soon enough, though, the confetti popped as the girls took their final bows, not before shedding a few (a lot) tears, though.
that you took way too many pictures of.
for a rainy day, you know?
you sat back down and waited for the rest of the crowd to leave. when you noticed your own seatmates getting up to go, you followed their lead. with their chatter as your background noise, you turned your phone on and connected to your pocket wifi as your notifications came pouring in.
from a certain k-pop idol.
pas.un.ange: i didnt imagine that right
pas.un.ange: you were here??
pas.un.ange: where are u staying btw
pas.un.ange: also
pas.un.ange: my wife? 😳
you shook your head and chuckled to yourself at her shenanigans as you made your way out of the arena and towards the subway station. you replied to each of her messages just before your train arrived. you pocketed your phone and settled in, letting the exhaustion just barely take over you before you could reach your stop.
as you stepped out into the cool seoul evening, you absent-mindedly walked back to your hotel and were just about to go inside, but not before a voice stopped you in your tracks.
"damn, not even a hug from my wife?"
you looked up in surprise at jen, wrapped up in her huge coat with her hands in her pockets as she laughed at how your droopy eyes suddenly went wide. she walked closer, but not before you could crash into her, wrap your arms around her waist, and hug her tight. taken by surprise at the sudden contact, she returned the hug and let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding.
"you've got time for a snack run?" you heard her ask. you nodded against her chest, feeling it rumble as she chuckled.
"ja, let's go," she said before letting you go and walking into the convenience store located right beside the hotel entrance with you trailing right behind her.
you both scoured the aisles and picked up some ramyeon for you both to share. after taking your pick, though, you both kept exploring the store for more items either of you might want to pick up.
soon enough, you made it to the back of the store where they kept their drinks in rows of refrigerators. you opened a fridge, being greeted by an assault of cold air, and picked up a bottle of coke zero, before hearing her call out to you.
"yah, y/n, come here!" she said, looking up at the mirror on the corner ceiling, her phone ready to take pictures. you shook your head in playful disbelief as you saddled up beside her and had your mini photoshoot.
you sat patiently by the window as she paid and cooked your food (at her insistence). you broke out of your reverie when the smell of your ramyeon attacked your senses.
"something on your mind?" she asked as she took the seat beside you, put your drinks down, and offered you a pair of chopsticks that you then took.
"do your managers know you're here?"
"what they don't know won't kill them," she shrugged before you smacked her shoulder.
"hey! i'm kidding, of course they know I'm here. how else do you think i got here before you did?"
"and you're not worried about getting caught?"
"i'd say i'm conspicuous enough. it helps that i'm speaking english."
you thought about it for a second before resigning, breaking your chopsticks apart, and mixing the ramyeon.
"i still can't quite believe you're here."
"you did amazing, by the way. all of you. send my regards to the girls later, they were lovely."
"what was your favorite part?" she asked nonchalantly.
"oh, probably when kazuha--"
"i'm kidding! hm..." you hummed, as if deep in thought.
"probably when my bias noticed my sign."
"oh yeah, kazuha is so much prettier up close,"
"if you want i cou--"
"she's nothing compared to you, though." it was your turn to cut her off with a hand to her bicep. the words die in her throat as she visibly flusters. she clears her throat and changes the subject.
seconds turn into minutes, minutes turn into an hour, and soon enough, jen's phone starts buzzing.
"yeoboseyo? ne... ah ne." with the way her face falls, you can only imagine what the conversation was about. she puts her phone down and lets out a deep sigh.
"i think i have to go, manager-nim's been waiting up on me for a while now."
you hum in understanding. "send my regards to your manager, too, i feel bad for keeping him this long."
you both start arranging your trash into a pile. jen moves to stand, and you're just about to do the same, but not before you feel a weight slumped behind you, burying its face in your neck.
"i dont wanna go," you can barely make out, causing you to chuckle.
jen gets up from the awkward position and stands behind you, wrapping her arms around your waist and pressing her front to your back. your eyes widen at the contact and you hope that if she catches your face burning, she assumes it's just because of the ramyeon you both had. she rests her chin on your shoulder and sighs.
you feel her right arm leave its spot on your waist and disappointment bubble up for a second before she hands you her phone. "come on, let's take a few pictures."
"you love your pictures, huh?"
"i don't know when i can see you again."
you hummed as you opened her camera and she wrapped her arms around your waist again, cuddling in closer than you thought was even possible for the picture. you kept spamming the shutter as she kept nuzzling closer to you, even feeling her nosing your neck at some point.
after saying your goodbyes to the lovely register, you both walked out into the cold night, the blast of air waking you both up better than any cup of coffee could. in front of your hotel, a lone black van was parked.
you walked side by side, bumping into each other as you walked to the front of your hotel. jen stopped in her tracks, and you took that as a sign to walk in front of her.
"well, i guess this is me."
"i think i've seen this film before, haven't you?" she jokes, trying to lighten the mood. you chuckled.
"you're right, it does feel familiar," you say as you take a step closer to her.
it was your turn to hold her by the biceps and tiptoe to whisper in her ear.
"only this time, i wonder if i'll like the ending."
before you could pull away, jen throws all caution into the cold wind and cups your cheeks to take your breath away in a searing kiss. frozen at first, you soon relax into the kiss and place your hands on her waist to return the kiss. eventually, you both barely pulled away, leaving tiny pecks before completely separating.
jen's eyes open a little bit, looking a little dazed before seemingly snapping out of it. she drops her arms and takes a step back, suddenly looking super flustered and awkward -- scratching her neck and finding the post behind you so fascinating with how hard she was staring at it. you chuckled and stepped closer to give her a peck on the cheek.
"see you around, jen. get home safe," you tell her before disappearing into your hotel lobby.
"bye y/n," she whispers into the night before finally making her way into her van.
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111angelstheme111 · 8 months
𝐀 𝐆𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥—𝐈𝐧 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥
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DEFINITION— Simply put, ‘that girl’ is who everyone wants to be. She’s healthy, knows her priorities, and most importantly, she puts herself first. She is determined and sets her goals straight, no one can distract her and she knows she’s bound to achieve whatever she wants. 
STEP 1— Set A Goal
As previously mentioned, that girl is the epitome of determination, a true girlboss and she knows exactly what she wants and stops at nothing to get it. Now, let's take a moment to envision her daily routine and lifestyle. Picture how she's always striving toward one goal or another, whether they’re academic or fitness achievements, she’s always in constant motion with an occasional break. 
Here's the exciting part: those qualities you admire so much, you can make them your own. You can turn those aspirations into your reality. It's not about copying her, but rather drawing inspiration from her and crafting your unique path to success.
So, take a list and start setting milestones. Imagine the perfect girl and write down everything you admire about her. Is it her perfect grades? Her body fitness? How she’s never procrastinating? Her time-management skills? Determination? Write it all down!
Now, with everything written down. You’re going to make these points of hers into yours. You’re going to stay committed and actively pursue these qualities until you find yourself in a place you once deemed remarkable. 
STEP 2— Plan Your Success
In this stage, you might be a little overwhelmed. There are things you want to work on but you don’t know which one to choose, or whether you have the time to do so. But don’t worry, because it’s all about choosing your priorities and having to manage your time. 
The first thing you want to do is get a journal or you can use Notion/Google Calendar if you’re lazy like me. Then, write down all of your fixed schedules (like classes, tuition, or part-time) and make out at least an hour at the end of each weekday. 
Ask yourself specific questions to clarify your priorities. Is your main goal to get fit or have an academic comeback? Or do you want to focus on both fitness and your studies?
Build your schedule around your key goals. This means you should prioritise and allocate time for the most important objectives or ambitions you have in mind. 
 !!⠀if you’re having trouble with making up a schedule, feel free to dm me/send in an ask. I’ll be more than willing to help ♡︎
STEP 3— True Competition Is Determination and Discipline
It’s not about how much you’re doing in a period of time, in the end, you’re going to be burnt out and tired. It’s more about how consistent you are. Yes, it might get tiring at one point; and that is when you slow down and cut yourself some slack while keeping the drive going.
You are really training your discipline instead of running on motivation that is bound to run out. That’s why you don’t see ‘that girl’ everywhere. Because everyone lacks discipline and commitment, they’re afraid of being in uncomfortable situations and would rather mindlessly scroll on tiktok than really challenge themselves.
Working on a goal is all about determination. It tests how badly you want it and how much you’re willing to sacrifice for it. But let me tell you, your sacrifices will never be a waste.
STEP 4— Breaks Are Part of The Process
What I hate seeing the most is how people work non-stop with no breaks. If your goal is to be burnt out within a or two week, feel free to be my guest and do what you’ve got to. Your body and mind is not a machine, because you are human and you deserve breaks. 
Whether that is self-care nights, going out with friends, or literally just laying in bed and watching Netflix. You choose your breaks and how often you get them. But be careful not to get carried away and lose sight of your milestones (because I’ve fallen into this trap once too many times).
In the end, balance is key! You want to be on the grind, and still be able to maintain connections and have fun. If you’re capable of finding your balance, let me tell you you’re just on your way to success. 
ꕤ Romanticise The Hell Out of The Process 
One of the best advice I can give is literally romanticise everything. Get cute stationaries to study with, dress up all pretty just to go study at a cafe/wear your pretty pink gym outfits, listen to songs that put you into the mood, or imagine yourself as the main character of your movie to success (I use this sometimes when I’m really desperate and also bc I’m a delulu).
ꕤ Don't oversleep on weekends; wake up early to make the most of your time.
Tbh I get low-key annoyed when people sleep in during the weekends because of the time wasted you could’ve used to get ahead of others!! 
ꕤ Use Social Media To Your Advantage
I’m never one to be against social media unless you’re not using it to your advantage. For example, your tiktok feed is most probably about trendy videos and memes. But, why not make your feed about motivation, videos that educate you on certain matters and actually bring you knowledge? 
ꕤ Take Inspirations/Motivations From Others
I’m personally a pretty competitive person so looking at people who received Academic Achievers awards really pisses me off and makes me motivated to study harder lol. Try to find your tick and make use of it.
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Now that you’ve finished reading this post, it’s time to set your mind on your goals and girlboss your way to it. So my angels, good luck and don’t stop working until you are her.
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storiesforallfandoms · 5 months
not what it looks like ~ machine gun kelly
word count: 1812
request?: yes!
“Hi I was wondering if you could do one for colson, Where the r goes through his latest dm for a tik tok trend and it's megan flirting with him ,and so reader confront s him. They get into a huge fight like legit throwing stuff around the house ,and r stays in the guest bedroom but he wants to Apologize. So he finds the key ,and preferably make up with hot angry smut if your up for it. Thank you for your time - anon🪅”
description: in which she finds a suspicious message when she goes through his dms
pairing: machine gun kelly x female!reader
warnings: swearing, hints of cheating but no actual cheating has occurred, fighting and yelling (no actual yelling and throwing stuff tho sorry), rpf
masterlist (one, two, three)
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You often found yourself wanting to try whatever couple’s trend was going around on TikTok, and Colson was always game. He liked how excited you got to show him, and how happy you were whenever e said yes to trying a trend. It was never anything you did to post online, you only did it for your own enjoyment. It was all innocent fun.
You thought this trend was going to be the same. Oh, how wrong you were.
Colson was basically expecting the question when he heard your phone go silent in the next room and your footsteps approaching. He turned to watch the doorway and smiled when you predictably appeared.
“Can I see your latest DM?” you asked.
He raised an eyebrow. “Is that the trend, or should I be worried about where this is coming from?”
“No! It’s a trend!” you assured him.
He laughed. “Okay. Here.”
He passed you his phone. You took it and sat on the couch next to him. He turned his attention back to the song he had been writing as he let you do whatever you wanted to do.
The trend you had seen was simple: someone asked their partner if they could see the last text message on their phone. It always went one of two ways: either the last text was something mundane or funny, or it was something incriminating. You had no fears about what could be on Colson’s phone, especially when he was so quick to pass it over to you. So you decided to look at his latest Instagram DM instead. You figured it would be funny to see what fans had been saying to him recently.
What you didn’t expect was for there to be a message from a verified account. An account that you knew.
Megan Fox.
But it wasn’t the account itself that brought you pause. It was the message preview.
“I had a great ti - ”
You clicked the message without a second thought. The full message read, “I had a great time yesterday. Let me know when you want to do it again!” The message was followed by a ink emoji and a smiling devil emoji.
Your mind was running a million miles a second. What could the message mean? Well, clearly it meant Megan and Colson had met up at some point the day before, and planned to meet again. You couldn’t remember what Colson had told you he was doing the day before, so you couldn’t think of what possible reason there was for them to be together. Especially something that would require a wink and devil emoji. Unless...
No. There was no way. Colson would never cheat on you. He loved you and he was loyal to you. You had no reason to doubt that.
At least, you didn’t until you saw Megan’s message.
You were having so much internal turmoil that you didn’t realize how long you had just been staring at Colson’s phone. He looked over to find you frozen and lightly nudged you with his shoulder.
“Is the last message that traumatizing?” he teased. When you didn’t respond, worry sunk in. “Babe, what’s wrong?”
You held the phone out to him. He took it and started reading the message that was still on the screen. “What does this mean?”
His face didn’t show any signs of panic or guilt. You figured that should be a good sign, right? He wasn’t acting as if you caught him in a lie or anything. But then again, he could just be having a very good poker face.
“We had her in a video yesterday,” he replied. “It was crazy. You’ll love it when you see it.”
You nodded, but your mind was still distant. Had he told you he was filming yesterday? Not that he had to tell you everything he ever did. You were both adults, you didn’t need to keep tabs on one another. But he usually told you about his video shoots, or anything to do with his music. You figured he would’ve told you about having Megan Fox in one of his videos especially. That was a huge deal.
He gave you a look. “Do you not believe me?”
“I didn’t say that,” you said.
“You didn’t say anything. Babe, why would I lie?”
You didn’t point out the obvious: that he’d lie because he’s cheating. But he read your expression and said, “I’m not cheating on you.”
“You wouldn’t tell me if you were,” you blurted.
Colson looked at you. A humorless chuckle escaped his lips. “I can’t believe this. I can’t believe you’d think I was cheating on you. I have never given you any reason to think I would, and now because of this one message that I already explained to you, you think I’m cheating?”
“Well what else am I supposed to think when I see a message on your phone from another woman saying she had a ‘great time yesterday’ and adding flirty emojis?”
Colson rolled his eyes and stood from the couch. You did the same, following him out of the room. “Where are you going?”
“Why? Are you afraid I have Megan hidden in the next room?”
“Okay, maybe I am overreacting, but can’t you see this from my point of view? You have a message from another woman saying you were together yesterday. That she wants to meet up with you again. How else am I supposed to take that?”
“You’re supposed to believe me because I’m telling you nothing fucking happened! We got Megan for a video shoot and the video had to do with her playing a crazy stalker. That’s why she sent the devil emoji. There is nothing between us!”
You stepped back at his raised tone. You felt a lump forming in your throat. Maybe you were being irrational. Maybe you should’ve taken the explanation that Colson gave you and believed him. But he didn’t need to yell at you like that. He had never yelled at you before, not even during past arguments.
You choked back the lump and said, “You can’t blame me for thinking the worst when I saw that message. It sounds flirty, like you two were together in an intimate scenario yesterday. And I know you’ve never given me any reason to think you’d cheat, but cheating isn’t an obvious thin, Colson! Cheaters don’t announce they’re cheating every time they leave the house. I’m sorry for accusing you, but you can’t blame me when I saw that message with no context, from a woman way more beautiful than I could ever be. Silly me for thinking you wouldn’t want to fuck Megan Fox of all people.”
You turned before he could say anything else and nearly ran up the stairs to your shared bedroom. Maybe you were childish for running to your room to escape an argument and cry, but now that you had voice your insecurities out loud, you needed to get away and allow your emotions to run free.
That was really what this was all about: your own insecurities. You had always been insecure about the women Colson was surrounded by. He was a famous rapper, he had gorgeous groupies throwing themselves at him at every show. He was linked with actresses and other female musicians that you found to be so much more beautiful than you. You were terrified of the day when he realized he could do so much better than you and broke up with you for one of the beautiful women he was surrounded by almost daily.
You were laid on your bed, the tears seeming to finally run out when you heard Colson’s footsteps approaching the room. You sat up and tried to wipe your face before he found you, but you were sure your attempts were for nothing. Your face was definitely puffy and tear stained beyond a quick fix. Colson stood in the doorway, looking at you with a hint of sadness in his eyes as well. You couldn’t look at him for long before you gaze dropped to your lap.
“I’m sorry,” you said, your voice so soft it was almost a whisper.
“No, baby, don’t be sorry,” he said. He walked over to sit on the bed next to you. “How long have you felt like this?”
“Like what?” you asked, even though you knew exactly what he meant.
“Like what you said about Megan being more beautiful than you. There’s no way that just suddenly came out of you just then.”
You sighed and shook your head. “I’ve felt it for...a long time.”
“Like how long?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know. It just started happening. One second I didn’t care about anyone else in the world, and then the next I was seeing the way other women looked at you and how they talked about wanting you. Then I started to notice how beautiful they all were.”
He gently took your chin in his hand and made you look up at him. “But you’re beautiful.”
You scoffed. “Yeah, but I’m not Megan Fox.”
“I don’t give a fuck. Megan isn’t who I want. Neither are any of the women who try and throw themselves at me while I’m on tour, or any models or actresses or musicians ever. I want you. I’ve always wanted you, and only you. You are the most beautiful person in the world to me and no one will ever change that. I would never hurt you by sneaking around with someone else. You are my everything.”
Tears were starting to form in your eyes again. You leaned into Colson’s arms, burying your head in his chest so he wouldn’t see you crying again. He put his arms around you and held you to him, allowing you to go through whatever emotions you were feeling.
You had been stupid to think he was cheating. You knew that even in the moment. But, your mind was so clouded with the message from Megan and your own insecurities that you weren’t thinking clearly. You felt silly about it now, but you were glad to have talked it through with Colson and to have cleared the air.
“What did you have Megan do you to that she sent you a devil emoji?” you asked when you finally were able to stop the tears and pull away from his chest.
“She tied me up and electrocuted me in a bathtub,” he responded.
You laughed. “What?!”
“I’m being dead serious. That’s just one scene. The whole video is her essentially just torturing me. She had a blast with it. I’m a little concerned that she’s so eager to do it again.”
You giggled and leaned into his embrace again. The two of you laid back on the bed as Colson recounted the shoot from the day before.
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gx-gameon · 3 months
Every few years Yugioh comes back and takes over my life.
And as I rewatch the anime I can’t stop thinking about a world where Jaden was raised by Yugi.
I don’t know if you all remember but a few years back there was a creator on here and they had an au were the Gx gang were raised by the Duel monster gang. But they are gone now and I can’t find their stuff😢 but it’s okay. I’ve got my own ideas on this!
Instead of having the whole Gx gang raised by the DM gang we are just going to focus on Jaden.
When Jaden is four all the drama with Yubel happens. His parents aren’t around very often, and Yubel is being Yubel. She sees Jaden fighting and losing duels so she lashes out at the other duelest because in the dark world if Jaden lost that duel he’d be dead. She’s just protecting him. He designs the Neo-spacians and they get sent into space, and his parents make the request for Yubel to be sent up as well (I know in the show it was Jaden but we’re going to say it was his parents idea first)
Jaden is now having horrible nightmares about Yubel and his shadow magic is lashing out. He’s four. He has so much power and no idea how to control it. So his parents, afraid of their child take him to get ‘help.’ Whatever it is that they do it blocks out Jaden’s powers and his memories. He can’t remember Yubel, he can’t see spirits. But it’s to late. He’s already branded a social pariah and his parents are scared of him and he doesn’t know why. His parents just can’t take it anymore and drop the kid off at a fire station (don’t know if this is a thing in Japan but in some states you can drop a kid off at any age at and just leave) or maybe they just die. Either way they are gone and he’s in an orphanage. Alone, scared, no spirits, parents, or friends.
Here is where Yugi comes in.
Our boy just graduated. DSOD just happened. (Jaden’s cards going to space were Kaiba testing things for his satellite thingy) Kaiba is AWOL. But Yugi doesn’t know why…yet.
Maybe he’s in town for a tournament, or college, but for some reason he’s in town, and what he does find is this kid dueling by himself in a park. No one will go near him and he looks so lonely. And Yugi knows that feeling. So he goes over and plays with the kid. Jaden is ecstatic, the king of games wants to duel him! Best day ever.
Over time the two keep running into each other until Yugi learns about the kids situation. No family, no friends, he’s alone in the world. And Yugi, he just can’t stand that. Yes Jaden is a little loud and over excited but he’s a great kid and Yugi can’t even comprehend why his parents would abandon him. So he makes the decision to go and adopt this kid.
But the adoption’s weird. He expected a lot of questions. He’s 18 after all, and while he’s got his grandpa’s support, he’s still 18 years old trying to adopt a 4 year old. But the orphanage basically throws the kid at him happy to be rid of the problem. (Everyone in that part of town knows what used to happen when Jaden dueled.) and Yugi is perplexed. He’s not mad, it’s the outcome he wanted, but why is everyone so scared of the kid?
He tries to find out but there are no records of Jaden. Who his parents are, or what happened. (Rich people have the ability to get certain records closed) so he goes to the one person he can think of who might be able to find those records, Kaiba. But when he gets there Mokuba is barely keeping it together. Yugi asked where Seto is and the kid just breaks down, telling him all about Seto’s trip to the afterlife to duel Atem and Yugi is floored. Why would he be so stupid. Mokuba begs Yugi to go after his brother. But Yugi hesitates, he’s got Jaden to worry about now.
“Who’s Jaden?” And it’s in this moment that Yugi realizes he was so wrapped up in adopting Jaden, getting him home, and trying to figure out why that whole town was scared of a 4 year old, that he didn’t tell anyone about Jaden! So he quickly explains to Mokuba who Jaden is and what is happening and why he needs Seto’s help.
Mokuba didn’t think he could like Yugi anymore then he already did, after all Yugi has helped him and Seto a lot, but now! After learning he saved a kid for an orphanage and an awful upbringing like he and Seto had, he adores this man. (Now if Seto would just get his head out of his butt and realize that Yugi isn’t just his rival but also a perfect match. He’s the biggest rivalshipper) but he needs Yugi to go after Seto, after all who else can?
So Yugi calls Joey to watch Jaden. And Joey is experiencing so many different emotions, having so many breakdowns. What do you mean you got a Kid Yug? What do you mean Kaiba went to the Afterlife to duel Atem? What do you mean you’re going after him? Why? I’m so confused!!
But he instantly loves Jaden. They both love dueling, they both have empty heads. Uncle Joey is in the house! He offers to go after Kaiba for Yugi, Jaden can’t lose him, but Yugi insist he go. He wants to see Atem, but he also knows he has a better chance than Joey at coming back.
So after Kaiba Yugi goes. Jaden’s safe with Joey and Mokuba.
And if this isn’t in the top 5 weirdest thing Yugi’s ever done, which is saying something.
He meets up with Kaiba and Atem. And Atem has spent the last month yelling at Kaiba for coming here because the man didn’t plan on how to get back. And here comes Yugi, Atem sees him and starts to lose it because, either Yugi is dead or he followed Kaiba here and he doesn’t know which is worse. Until Yugi starts yelling at Kaiba as well. Because “I had to leave my son to come get you!” And hold up now Atem and Kaiba are Floored because “son?”
Atem’s wondering if it’s been way longer than he thought and Yugi and Kaiba have just aged well, or did he miss something THAT big when he was with his aibou.
So Yugi has to explain who Jaden is. (Kaiba’s in love but he doesn’t realize it) and Atem is so proud.
Yugi drags Seto back down to earth but not before some adventures in the afterlife. That may end with Atem coming back down with them by accident. (A gift from the gods, Atem didn’t plan or ask for it, but he will forever be grateful for this second chance at life) Uncle Atem gets to meet his nephew and he’s pumped.
Jaden grows up so loved. Learning from the best. Seto finds out about Jaden’s past and Atem works with the kid on unlocking his powers once again while Kaiba tries to retrieve Jaden’s cards from space. (They are his soul cards, he’s suppose to have them, just as Kaiba is suppose to have Blue-eyes, or Atem the Dark Magician. And Seto just sent them to space!! Yugi was not happy when he found out, he doesn’t blame Seto, but he’s not happy)
Jaden grows up going to all of his dad’s tournaments. They give the kid a baseball hat and sunglasses so no one knows what the ‘prince of duels’ looks like.
Eventually Yugi and Seto get their crap together and start dating/get married. Seto is the most over protective Oto-san ever. Only rivaled by uncle Atem.
When Jaden is fourteen he’s ready to go to duel school. He enrolls are Jaden Yuki. His transcript does not mention his parents, as Jaden doesn’t want any special privileges at the school.
Yugi gives his son winged kuriboh on his way to his entrance test. The whole gang is there in a private sweet to watch the entrance exams and see Jaden’s duel against Dr. Crowler.
Seto is furious at his staffs behavior but Yugi and Atem are more focused on Jaden finally being able to see spirits again. They’re so excited. Seto less so, he’s happy for his son but he’s so focused on his employee bullying a child, his child. (Lets just say Crowler owes keeping his job to Jaden, he will have no clue of this until after Jaden graduates)
Gx is so much funnier because Kaiba is hearing about all the crazy things his staff is doing and he’s ready to fire everyone, but his son keeps saying he likes them, the school, the adventure. Jaden so desperately doesn’t want any of his classmates to know who his parents are, not wanting to be treated differently. So Seto can’t fire them, yet. But once Jaden graduates he is overhauling this school.
Yugi is at a cross between laughing at Atem and Seto being over protective and also losing his mind because who stored the dark lords at this school! “Seto, did you know about this?” (Seto’s never been more scared of his husband)
Season one is uninterrupted. But season 2 is close. Even Yugi wants to step in when the evil cult comes to light. But it’s season 3 that makes the family lose their minds.
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pensat-i-fet · 9 months
Wrong first impression, Part 2 (Ferran Torres x Reader)
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**I wrote part 1, which you can find here, a while ago and a few people asked me to either write more for Ferran in general or to do a part 2. Well, both things will happen 😅 but part 2 comes first. I actually adore this little story, so I hope you all like it too ❤️**
Word count: 4182
A month has passed since Ferran and I met in Valencia. I started to follow him on Instagram and sent him a DM like he asked. And we've texted ever since but…it's just weird. First, he was on holiday and then left for pre-season. And I've been so busy getting ready for the next competitions I'll be a part of that the excitement of our first meetings sort of fizzled out. Until now.
My brother Jorge and I are currently at the train station waiting to go to Barcelona for a small competition. It's below my level but I'm still recovering from my injury so baby steps.
"What are you waiting for?"
"You're staring at your phone. Are you waiting for a call or something?"
"No, just checking the time".
I'm not waiting for a call but for a text. A text back from Ferran after I told him I'm going to Barcelona. This is what he wanted, right? To meet in Barcelona. To go on a date. Hard to forget when someone like him mentions that word. But now…he doesn't answer back.
Of course, it's been a month. He's been to so many different places, probably promising so many other girls to take them on dates. And they all probably were stupid enough to think they were special like I did.
"I'm going to grab a coffee. Want one?"
"Decaf, please".
I get up to go get our coffees, leaving my phone behind so I keep some of my dignity intact. Me, glued to my phone to see if a guy texts me? Pathetic.
"It's 5.70, please", tells me the barista and I frown.
"Is there some promotion? I think you're charging me less than you should".
He laughs and shakes his head. "I appreciate the honesty but no, no promo. Just me wanting to gift the muffin to a pretty girl".
I blush slightly. "Thank you".
I give him the money, not pointing out the muffin is actually for my brother, and then go back to meet Jorge.
"I got us a free muffin".
"By being pretty, apparently".
"Is that all you can get?"
"Maybe I'm not pretty enough to also get free coffee. I'll brush my hair next time".
He laughs, picking up my coffee instead of his and he shushes me when I complain. "Look", he says, showing me what's underneath the sleeve, "his phone number".
I snort. "Appreciate the effort but I'm not interested".
"Right. Too busy hooking up with Ferran Torres?"
I almost choke on my coffee, which I also spill on my dress. My, thankfully, navy blue dress. The stain won't be that obvious.
"Where is that coming from?"
"Your phone kept getting notifications and I took a little peek because I just did. I'm not going to look for excuses. And I saw Ferran was writing about how happy he was that you were going to be in Barcelona".
He did? "It's not like that".
"Sure, baby sis. Sure".
I'm itching to pick my phone up to read the texts but won't give Jorge the satisfaction.
"Can I have a bite of your muffin? It's technically mine after all".
"Sure", he tells me, bringing the muffin closer to my face. "I'm sure Ferran will also let you take a bite if you ask nicely".
Now I choke on the muffin, getting little crumbs everywhere.
"Stop it!"
"But it's so funny. And also my revenge for not telling me".
"There's nothing to tell".
Jorge gets a tissue and offers it to me.
"Nothing? I left you on the beach with him for 20 minutes and now you text about meeting in Barcelona. When did you even get his phone number?"
"We met the next day by coincidence and he asked me to tell him my number so we could chat. That's it".
"To chat about what? Your favourite beaches in Valencia?"
Well, we actually have chatted about that too. But I won't tell Jorge that. "Just to chat".
"Just not before the competition, ok?"
"You're not making sense. What about before the competition?"
"No sex. Save the energy for competing and then do whatever you want".
I glare at him, thankful I wasn't eating or drinking anything this time.
And then, finally, our train is here. Jorge always buys tickets for us to sit where the tables are so he can do some work on the way to our destination. And that's a perfect moment to check my phone.
[Me]: so I'm actually going to Barcelona. Very last minute but I'll be competing there.
[Me]: just thought I'd mention. Are you in Barcelona at the moment?
I know he is in Barcelona but I try to be a bit subtle at least.
[Ferran]: I am! When will you get here?
[Ferran]: Will your brother travel with you? Be honest. Is he still mad at me?
[Ferran]: we're playing the Gamper on Wednesday. Wanna come?
[Ferran]: actually so happy you're finally visiting Barcelona 😉
Not the winky face. I feel like hiding under the table. My brother definitely saw that emoji.
[Me]: we're on the train now on our way there. And no, he's not mad at you 😅
[Me]: is the Gamper our date?
The moment I press send, I regret it. We've been bantering. And we've definitely been flirting. But we haven't mentioned the "date" again. Now I'll sound desperate. Great.
[Ferran]: I prefer taking you out for dinner or something but if that's what you want 🤷
I bite my lip, looking up to see Jorge is still busy responding to emails or whatever it is he does on his laptop.
[Me]: we could do both? Match and then dinner? Unless you already have plans.
[Ferran]: I just cancelled them.
I can't help the giggle that comes out of me reading that and Jorge stares at me for a few seconds.
"Tell me you're not sexting".
"Oh my God".
My first day in Barcelona is spent training…and texting with Ferran. My second day in Barcelona is spent training…and texting with Ferran. On my third day, it's finally time to compete.
"You got this", tells me Jorge. And I'm not so sure.
But I go out anyway and manage to get 3rd place in the first category. That helps with my confidence and I slowly forget the injury and keep improving. Until I get the results necessary to qualify for the next tournament.
"You were great".
"Thanks. That felt good".
"I bet. What's the plan for today? Do you want to go celebrate somewhere?"
I still didn't tell my brother about my date with Ferran but seeing his face, there might be no need.
"Meeting him today then?"
"He invited me to the match. You can come too".
"I don't want to third wheel my sister".
"It's not like that…", it would totally be like that.
But Jorge just picks up my bag and puts his arm around my shoulders while we walk out of the building.
"Just be careful".
"I always am".
"And remind him he'll have to go back to Valencia at some point. He can't hide forever if he messes up".
I roll my eyes, but I appreciate his concern.
Back at the hotel, I wash my hair again and get ready for the match. I know we'll sort of go on a date after the match but I don't want to wear anything too fancy to a match. So I end up picking some jean shorts that are high-waisted and make my figure look great. And I pair them with a nice pink blouse.
I don't know what to do with my hair but it's pretty hot and humid so a ponytail is probably a good idea. Just to get the hair away from my face. A face that I can't do much with because my makeup knowledge ends at putting on some mascara trying not to poke my eye out and putting some lipstick on.
"This will do", I tell myself while looking in the mirror and I finish the look by spraying some perfume on.
I mean, the first time Ferran saw me I was wearing gym clothes and sweating while working out so…this is a huge improvement.
I went to a match at the Camp Nou once but that's not where today's match will be played. We have to go to Montjuïc and when I get there everyone is complaining about how to get to the stadium. I opt for the escalators and keep looking around at the nice views. It also helps me avoid overthinking what will happen next.
Ferran told me what gate to go to because they'll have my name on a list. The only time that happens to me is when I go to a competition. This feels way fancier. And weirder.
The guy who I have to talk to looks at my ID, then at the list, then back to the ID and then back at me.
"Are you family?"
"No, a friend".
He looks at me with a sceptical look when I say the word friend but gives me a piece of paper with my name on it and points at the area I should go to.
I like football. I really do. Do I enjoy seeing a friendly between Barça and Tottenham? Maybe not so much. But in the second half, Ferran finally plays some minutes so I at least get to see him. It brings back memories of when he played in Mestalla. We had so many hopes for him. But he's here now and, same as during preseason, he's here to score goals.
After a nice little comeback, Barça win the match and I make my way to where I think I'll meet Ferran. He wasn't that clear with his explanation because he hasn't been here before either. So we can only hope he actually finds me.
Even though we've seen each other in person before, and we've been chatting for a while, it's odd to now be face to face again. For both of us. It's not just me being a shy mess.
"Hi. Congrats on the goal".
"Thank you. Did you enjoy the match?"
"Sure. Better than most of Valencia's matches last season", I try to joke.
"Yeah. So…what did you want to do now? I didn't really have time to book a table anywhere nice. But I've got options".
"Tell me the options then".
"It's just two", he laughs. "We could go to my place and order food. Or go get some street food and just walk around the city. I remember you mentioning you liked doing that".
I did mention it. "Option B sounds good".
"Cool. Let's go to my car. And then I can drive you to your hotel or wherever you want to go".
I chuckle. "Let's see how the night goes".
Barcelona has always been one of my favourite cities but walking around it at night truly is something else.
"I'm not sure this is the best food to eat after we've both competed today but…".
"No one needs to know. I won't tell Xavi if you don't tell my brother".
"I'm definitely not telling your brother, he's scary".
My brother is anything but scary. But Ferran doesn't know him.
"Oh", I say, stopping to look at a drinks stand.
"They have horchata".
"You don't like it? They'll kick you out of Valencia if they find out".
"I love it. But it's never good outside of Valencia".
"That's not true".
I look at Ferran offended by his lack of knowledge. "I dare you to try it, then".
"Ok", he shrugs and we go buy a cup of the famous drink adored by us Valencians.
Ferran looks more sceptical every second. He looks at the liquid on the cup, smells it and then finally takes a little sip.
"It's alright".
"Take another sip then".
"I'm not thirsty".
"Admit it's bad".
"It isn't great…", he concedes. "Wanna try?"
Curiosity killed the cat and might give me a stomachache now but I try it anyway. "God! That's worse than I expected".
"I know".
"I need something to get rid of this taste in my mouth".
"I have an idea".
I have to give it to him. He isn't just inspired on the pitch but out of it too. It was a brilliant idea to kiss me.
"I might need a bit more help".
Our kisses only make me even more hyper-aware of the people around us. I’m a nobody but he plays for Barça and the national team.
"Everyone is looking at us because of you. This is so weird".
"They're looking at you, not me".
"How do you know?"
"Because I can tell and because when people look at me, they either ask for a photo or tell me how shit I am. They are looking at you".
"Why? Do I have something in my face?"
And he didn't think about telling me before? "What is it? Where? Help me clean it. I have tissues…".
"I can't. It's this thing called being really pretty. It’s permanent".
I smack him on the chest but he only laughs at his joke. I don't feel like laughing as much, remembering what he said.
"Does that really happen?"
"What do you mean?"
"People telling you to your face that you aren't good".
"I was exaggerating a bit…", he says, but looks away, which gives me the answer to my question.
"I was going to say you'll prove them wrong soon but you already kind of are doing that…little shark".
"My self-esteem would appreciate it if you removed the little from the nickname".
"You need a few more goals, preferably against Madrid, for me to do that".
"Challenge accepted".
The more time passes, the more I think this night couldn't be more perfect. Gone is the initial awkwardness. Being with Ferran is so…easy.
I even forget to check my phone but when I pick it up to take a photo, I notice some texts from Jorge.
"My brother wants to know if you kidnapped me".
"I did. And no amount of money will convince me to give you back to him".
"I can outrun you, Torres".
"You can't", he says, stepping in front of me so I can't keep walking. "But…what were you thinking about doing now? I could drive you back to the hotel. Or you could come with me".
"What a kind kidnapper you are. Giving me options".
"That's me. So…which one do you choose?"
"Well, since you've been so kind, I guess I should stay with you".
"Perfect choice".
Life as an athlete is too complicated for serious relationships. That's why my life lately has been one-night stand after one-night stand. Easy, non-commitment fun. And this will be the same. Even if this time I don't want it to be the same. But I wasn't born yesterday. I know how football players are. Even those as nice as Ferran. He got what he wanted and now he'll move on. And so will I.
"I thought you had left", he says, joining me in his kitchen.
"I wanted some water".
Ferran comes closer so he can hug me and place his chin on my shoulder. I turn to look at him and see his eyes are closed. Well, this doesn't help me face the reality of the situation.
"I should leave soon".
"Me too. I can drive you to the hotel before going to train. What's your plan for today?"
"I have to do a recovery session".
"Really? After just 10 minutes? And you didn't even do that much".
"I scored a goal…", he says. But his frown turns into a curious look when he sees I'm trying not to laugh.
"I didn't mean your performance on the pitch", I manage to say before I burst out laughing. "Sorry, I had to".
"Did you?", he asks, pretending to be all serious before he starts to tickle me.
When my stomach starts to hurt from laughing so much, I beg for him to stop and he does.
"Can we see each other today at some point then?"
I'm still a little breathless when I answer. "Maybe tonight? We leave tomorrow morning".
"Already", he says more to himself. "Ok, let's meet tonight. I could try and find us a nice place to go to by using the I play for Barça card but I rather stay home and order. Your choice, though".
"I like the staying-in plan".
Not much later, we're on our way to my hotel. And this weird feeling I have only keeps getting worse.
"Here we are. I'll see you later, ok? I can pick you up around 7 if that's ok".
I nod. "Sounds good".
Then I try to leave the car but Ferran grabs my arm and I sit back down.
"You're not going to say goodbye to me?"
"I was going to when I got out of the car…".
"Too far away for a proper goodbye".
"I don't…".
"I meant a kiss".
I laugh nervously before leaning down to kiss him. Yeah, that feeling is getting worse and worse …and worse.
Not even five minutes after I get back to the hotel, Jorge is already knocking on my door.
"Had fun then?"
"You don't look so sure", and here comes the overprotective brother. "Everything ok?"
"Yes. I'm meeting Ferran again later".
"There's no but".
"There is. Tell me".
I sigh, sitting down next to my brother. "But then we leave and I won't see him again".
"Says who? Did he tell you he didn't want to see you again?"
"No", not only did he not do that, he sent me signals that told me he wanted the complete opposite of not seeing me again. "But I don't live here, we are both busy…".
"We don't live that far away. Just don't write this off before it's over. You're always too much of an extremist".
Jorge isn't wrong but I feel like this is different and I have a reason to feel the way I do.
Thankfully, training allows me to distract myself from any thoughts about Ferran. There is time to do that while I get ready to see him again.
"Too cute, too cute, too sexy, too cute…".
Jorge is going through my outfits, helping me pick one. I didn't ask for his opinion but he's here to give the opinion anyway.
"How is this dress too sexy?"
"Too short".
"You do realise he's already seen it all, right?"
"La la la la la laaaa", he says, pretending not to listen.
"You're the one who wants me to see him after this. Don't be dramatic".
"You're still my little sister. I'm aware of what happened but don't need to know more or think about it".
"You were joking about it a couple of days ago!"
"It's ok to joke before it happens. Not after".
"You're so weird".
"Must be a family thing".
I shake my head, picking a dress from the too cute pile and putting it on. And while Jorge is helping me do my hair, and only causing a mess, I get a text from Ferran saying he's waiting for me outside.
"Gotta go!"
"Be safe!"
I roll my eyes and get inside the lift, where I try to fix my hair as much as I can after all the experiments Jorge tried.
Ferran is waiting outside the car and grabs me by the waist to bring me closer and kiss me.
"You look really cute".
I laugh and can see his confusion right away. "Inside joke with my brother. You wouldn't get it".
"Ok …let's go home then".
Even though I thought it was impossible, tonight is even better than the previous night. Because we know each other better and a part of me starts to think Jorge might have a point. But the reality will hit me in the face so better to stay realistic.
That's why sleeping is so hard. For me, anyway. Ferran is sleeping like a baby. But I keep staring at him and then at the ceiling. Trying to think. But I still haven't reached a good conclusion when I finally fall asleep.
In the morning, it's him that wakes up before I do. And then he wakes me up in the most glorious way possible. I feel the kisses on the back of my neck while I start to leave dreamland. And two strong arms hold me closer to him at the same time.
"How about you never leave?"
I can feel the heat in my face at his words. And also the way my stomach almost hurts because I know the answer to that request.
"I can't. I need to be at the train station soon".
"I know", he whines, falling back in the bed and allowing me to take a final peek at him. It'll be a nice memory to have.
The sooner I leave, the better. That's my reasoning. So I start to get dressed quickly.
"Do you know if you'll come to Barcelona again soon?"
"Will you be in Valencia? I need to visit my family soon…".
"Ferran, what are you doing?"
He's still lying down in bed, hands behind his head. "Asking when I'll see you again".
"Why? I mean…this is it, right? We finally saw each other, we slept together, we move on".
"Is that what you want?"
What I want? He almost looks hurt when he says it.
I finish putting on my shoes and gathering my messy hair in a ponytail before I turn to face him again.
"I assumed it would be what you want".
"Me? Have I ever made you feel like that?"
"No, but…".
"So you were letting your wrong assumptions about me get in the way again? I thought we were passed that moment when I made the bad first impression or whatever".
"We are but …we don't live in the same place. And we have to travel for our careers and…".
"And if you want to find excuses, I'm sure you'll find plenty".
"You don't get it".
"I do. And I get your worries but wouldn't it be worth it to at least try?"
Would it? Probably. But I'm not brave enough for this.
"Not right now".
He nods. "I'll make you change your mind".
And with that promise, I leave.
Ferran didn't lie when he said he would try to change my mind. And he seems to have help from my brother.
When we go to Rome to compete, I find a bouquet of flowers back at the hotel. When I get back to Valencia, it so happens to be the same week Ferran travels there to visit family and we spend some time together again. By the end of his time there he asks me if it's the right time then and I say that not yet.
But that never giving up mentality everyone praises about this new him isn't just reserved for the pitch.
"You are in Granada", he says when I answer his call.
"I'll be there on Tuesday".
"Why? Do you have days off?"
"No. A few players got injured and I'm joining the national team. We're playing there and you're coming to see me".
I laugh at his confidence. "Says who? What if you play at the same time I'm competing? I'm not here on holiday?"
"I asked Jorge and you are both free to come see me play".
What? "No way you convinced him to go to a football match!"
"I did. And I have an idea".
"What kind of idea?"
"If I score a goal, you'll give this, us, a chance".
"Ok, make it two. I score two goals, you stop this nonsense and finally do what you really want to do".
How easy will it be for him to score two goals? It's Cyprus but still…he might not even play. But he's in such good form…and who am I kidding? I'm hoping he scores those two goals. And more.
"One down", laughs Jorge after Ferran scores his first goal against Cyprus. It didn't take him long. "It's like he's extra motivated, you know".
"Are you going to date him or something?"
"Baby sis, I wish. But the sibling he likes is you".
I shake my head and keep watching the match. Whenever Ferran gets closer to the goal, I can feel my heart beating faster. And whenever I don't see the ball hit the back of the net, I feel disappointed.
And then…
"Goal!", screams Jorge and I just stare at the players celebrating as if not knowing what to do. But when Jorge sits down next to me, he can see how big I'm smiling.
When the referee signals the end of the match, I stand up and turn to see if Jorge is following me. He isn’t but he winks at me when he sees me looking.
“Go see your man”.
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The Vagabond Pt. Two
I did noooot proof read this, because I was too excited and feeling very inspired to get part two done. So uh @strawberrypoundtown @kyoko-neko If you guys wanna DM me if you see any uh- mistakes, that would be awesome, thank yooou
Pt. One
You can learn more about my boy Oscar, here
Werewolf!Oscar "Oz" Vi x Werebunny!Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mention of alcohol, NSFW, Werewolf dick, Werewolf knot
Oscar was practically squirming in his seat at the bar as he waited for your shift to end. He was feeling desperate, he needed to bring you back to his hotel room as soon as humanly possible. He hadn’t gotten laid in months and it was eating the poor wolf alive.
He felt pathetic, squirming around in his seat trying to hide the imprint of his erection in his jeans. Since when was he one to become desperate for the intimate touch of another? Maybe it was the buzz from the booze, who knows.
He quickly shook these thoughts from his mind as he watched you smile and chat with other bar patrons as you served their alcoholic beverages of choice. The way your fluffy cottontail wiggled and wagged when you laughed drove him mad, the way you always smiled with your teeth warmed his heart. And your scent, gods your scent. Your scent was just as strong as ever, invading his strong sense of smell almost offensively. It was as if your earthy herbal scent was just as intoxicating as the whisky in his glass. He wasn’t sure how he felt about that. He hadn’t even fucked you proper yet and he was… Feeling things, things he wasn’t not exactly thrilled to be experiencing.
He again tried to dismiss these thoughts and emotions. He figured once fucked your brains out his urges would be satisfied and he would be back to his normal self. That surely his wolf instincts were just on edge from not getting laid for the last couple of months. All he needed was to get you in his bed for a night of fun and he would be fine.
Oscar glanced down at his wristwatch for what was surely the umpteenth time. Eleven o’ clock. Okay, only one more hour, and then you were his for the rest of the night. He just had to wait one more hour.
His cock was aching with need. Oscar mentally cursed at himself for feeling this way and swore he’d never go more than a few days without sex ever again. This SUCKED. Being this hard and needy was a gods damned nightmare. Not being able to do a single thing about it for another hour was HORRID. Again, he mentally swore at himself for not bagging some nice tail sooner.
The minutes ticked by agonizingly slow for Oscar. He was checking his wristwatch every other minute it seemed.
You would steal glimpses at Oscar during your work. You could tell he was getting impatient and it was kind of funny to watch.
Yes, you were pretty excited to be hooking up with a handsome rugged guy like Oscar. Shit the idea of what he could possibly be packing in those jeans of his made you wet. But you had to admit watching him fidget and growl, and mumble quietly to himself while he waited for you was quite the entertaining sight.
Finally, you approached Oscar. “Alright, I’m done.” You smile at him.
Oscar perked up. “Fuckin finally.” He mumbled as he got up from his seat. He cleared his throat and awkwardly adjusted the waistband of his jeans. He nodded towards the door. “I’m stayin in a hotel just down the street from here.” He said.
You nod and hook your arm with his. A sultry giggle escapes your throat. “Lead the way.” You whisper excitedly.
Oscar could have started howling right then and there at that sultry little laugh that left your plump lips. But instead a smirk crossed his lips.
“You’re an eager one, huh sweetheart?” He purred as he led you out of the bar.
“Well, what can I say? It’s not every day a rugged werewolf walks into the bar and asks to take me home.” You said playfully.
“How’d you know I’m a wolf? I don’t show nothin like you do.” Oscar smiled down at you.
“Your smell.” You say and shrug.
Oscar sucked his teeth. “Fair enough.” He chuckled again as he walked through the now less crowded late night sidewalk with you on his arm. “So tell me, sweetheart, why do ya choose to show some of your traits? Ain’t humans weird about it?” He questioned as he walked at a slow pace so you could keep up with his longer strides.
You shrug. “I haven’t really had too many problems with humans to be honest.” You admit. “Plus I think I look cute when I show some of my werebunny traits.” You add with a cocky grin.
Oscar lets out a hearty laugh. “Well that you do, sweetheart. That. You. Do.” He agrees.
The walk from the bar to the hotel Oscar is staying at is short and brief. When the two of you arrive you are not exactly impressed. Oscar said hotel, what he should have said was uh- motel.
Yeah Oscar wasn’t exactly staying in the nicest of places. I mean it wasn’t like the bar was in a particularly shitty part of town. But there was still the fair share of cheap and crappy motels around.
And it seemed Oscar had picked one.
Oscar noticed the not so thrilled look on your face and frowned. “Not to your standards, sweetheart?” He asked.
You stare at the old building and sigh. Your eyes scanned the place, the paint was chipped and you could see it was the style of a motel where the doors were on the outside of the building, and you did not like how uh.. Not so sturdy the doors looked. “Admittedly, no.” You said slowly.
Oscar shrugged. “I take what I can get.” He chuckled as he led you to his door. He pulled out a key and inserted it into the deadbolt on the door. Opening it slowly and leading you inside.
Oscar flips the light. As soon as you enter you stare at the pile of his clothes on the floor beside the bed. They are dirty, you can smell his sweat and musk on them from the door.
Oscar closes the door behind you and gestures to the room. “Welcome.” He smirks.
“Uh huh.” You laugh a little. “So remind me again why you’re staying in this dump?” You ask. While you are not impressed by Oscar’s living conditions, you can’t help but smile at him. You’re a little amused by how his living conditions don’t match his cocky and confident demeanor at all.
Oscar groaned. Great, she wants to talk. “I’m a traveler sweetheart, I bounce around from place to place. I stay in cheap places because it's just more convenient that way.” He explained with a casual shrug. Trying not to show his growing impatience and need for your pussy.
“So you’re a vagabond?” You ask with a playful smirk as you set your purse down on the desk.
Oscar sighs heavily as he sits down on the edge of the bed. “I prefer the term well traveled, but yeah more or less.” He chuckles and pats his thighs. “Now c’mere sweetheart, let’s have a little fun.” He purrs.
You sigh and roll your eyes. Well at least he’s hot. Yeah that’s what you’re just gonna tell yourself for now.
You kick your shoes off by the desk and walk over to Oscar, your hips sway with each step you take. You climb into his lap and start to giggle. “Someone’s eager.” You whisper as you lean closer to him. You can feel his erection under his jeans pressing up against you.
Oscar groans as he wraps his muscular arms around your waist and begins to kiss your neck. “It’s been awhile for me, sweetheart.” He growls against your skin as he grazes his teeth along your throat.
You shiver, your hands squeezing his shoulder. “I can tell.” You groan as you feel him sink his teeth into your neck. Yeah that’s definitely gonna leave a mark.
You two don’t stay in this position for long. Before you know it, Oscar goes from kissing and biting your neck, to picking you up and dropping you onto the bed.
You gasp and the bed creaks under the weight of you and Oscar both as he crawls over you and smashes his lips against yours.
The kiss is hungry, needy, wet and sloppy. His tongue is invading your mouth within seconds of your lips meeting and he’s already grinding himself against you between your legs.
You try to wiggle and grind back against him, but Oscar’s large hands grab your hips and hold you in place. “Ah ah, sweetheart. I’m in control here.” He growls against your lips as he pressed his clothed erection to your clothed cunt.
Your panties already feel uncomfortably sticky and before you can even think again, Oscar is already pulling your clothes off. His skilled and experienced hands easily work your t-shirt and jeans off. Tossing them to the floor.
Your strong scent once again invades his nostrils. Causing him to growl as he pulls you to sit up and starts to unhook your bra. To your surprise and impress he pops the clasps with one hand. But then you decide to stop him.
You put your hand on Oscar’s chest and push him back a little. A smirk on your face.
Oscar growled. “What is it, sweetheart?” He huffed.
“I don’t wanna be the only one naked, Oz.” You giggle as you reach for his belt.
Oscar smirked. “Oh no, can’t have you naked in my bed all alone.” He purrs as he takes his leather jacket off and throws it to the pile of clothes on the floor and then he starts to take his white t-shirt off.
You stare at Oscar’s muscular torso in awe. Just seeing his toned body was getting you even more hot and bothered.
Yes, he's muscular of course. But its that fatty beefy muscle.
Oscar smirks as he notices your eyes glued to him. “Like what’cha see, sweetheart?” He purrs.
Your hands are still gripping his belt. You gulp and nod eagerly.
Oscar laughs as he pushes you onto your back. He then stands up from the bed, kicks his boots off, and starts taking off his jeans and underwear. “Then you’re really gonna like what comes next.” He purrs.
Your mouth waters as you lay on your stomach in nothing more than your panties. You watch as Oscar’s cock springs from his boxers. “Holy shit.” You mutter.
Oh yeah, you were fantasizing about how big he was while at the bar, but no fantasy can compare to the real thing.
Eight inches long, thick, and veiny. You were not gonna be walking tomorrow.
Oscar steps over to the bed, taking your chin in his hand and lifting your head up. “Open wide, sweetheart.” He purred.
You nod and obediently open your mouth as wide as you can. Slowly Oscar pushes his cock into your mouth and down your throat.
You don’t gag or even flinch. This causes Oscar to pause, look down at you, and raise his eyebrow. “Holy shit.” He mumbles at your lack of a gag reflex.
You smirk around his cock. Your eyes glued to his as he slowly starts to fuck your throat.
Oscar groans. “Fuckin aye sweetheart.” He growls as he thrusts slowly into your throat. Oscar had slept with a large number of women, and you were the first who could take his cock down your throat without gagging or choking. “Shit.” He curses as he takes a fistful of your hair and starts to fuck your throat a little faster.
You whimpered softly, your eyes rolling back a little as Oscar used your mouth. The deeper his cock goes down your throat, the more wet and eager you start to feel between your legs. If that was even possible at this point.
Oscar moans and chuckles as he slowly pulls his cock out of your mouth. “I can smell you sweetheart.” He cooed as he lifted you up by your arm and pushed you onto your back.
You let out a squeak as your back hits the bed. Oscar then reaches for your panties and takes them off. You shyly spread your legs for him, showing him your wet needy cunt.
Oscar groans at the sight as he crawls between your legs and buries his face into your heat. Eagerly lapping up your juices with his tongue. He moans at your taste.
You let out your own moan as you reach down to bury your hands in his thick chocolatey brown hair.
“Fuck.” He curses against you as he gently sucks on your clit. He starts humping the bed, his cock throbbing and leaking small bits of precum onto the sheets.
You writhe and moan. Soft breaths escaping your lips as Oscar relentlessly sucks, licks, kisses, and nips at all of your pussy. Your clit, your lips, your entrance. It all gets to experience his skilled mouth.
Oscar groans as he plunges his tongue into your core, his thumb rubbing small circles on your sensitive nub.
You gasp and shutter. “F-fuck.” You curse under your breath.
Oscar smirks against you and continues his actions. Savoring your taste like it is a rare delicacy.
You move your hands from his hair and grip the bed sheets with white knuckles. That familiar knot in the pit of your stomach already feels tight. “O-Oz.” You moan out.
Oscar groans as he continues to lap at your juices and thumb your clit. “C’mon baby, come for me sweetheart.” He urges between licks and sloppy kisses.
You moan louder as you grind against his face. “F-fuck.” You curse again.
Oscar is good, too good. Oh god you’re already about to unravel. And then you do. Your body trembles and you see stars. A loud moan echoes through Oscar’s motel room as your intense orgasm rocks your body.
Oscar laps at your throbbing cunt a little more. He moans and his eyes flutter at the taste of your orgasm.
You squirm and whine, trying to push his head away from your sensitive pussy.
Oscar chuckles as he sits up and leans over to the bedside table where he’s got a box of condoms. He grabs one, tears it open with his teeth, carefully rolling it down his length, and repositions himself between your legs. Prodding at your soaked entrance with the tip of his cock. “You ready, sweetheart?” He asked as he gazed down at you.
You groan and mumble weakly. “Yes.”
Oscar smirks and slowly pushes his girth into you. His smirk quickly drops and is replaced by his eyes fluttering closed and a long, low growl. “Fuck.” He’s now cursing. You’re tight, so tight. It feels incredible around his cock.
You whimper and squirm a bit beneath him. Oscar takes a moment to allow your pussy to adjust comfortably around him.
Then he starts to thrust. Slow at first, but before Oscar himself even knows it, he’s pushing your knees back as far as they can go and is slamming into you.
“Oh fuck, sweetheart, that’s good!” He growled and moaned.
You can’t even talk, all you can do is lay there and moan loudly in pleasure. You wouldn’t be surprised if Oscar gets a noise complaint from the motel management tomorrow. But you don’t give a shit, you’re too busy enjoying the mind blowing sex you’re currently experiencing.
“Oh shit, fuck.” Oscar cursed. “Such a good girl, baby. Your pussy is so good.” He groaned as he continued slamming into you at a reckless pace.
You gasp and cry out as you feel him trying to push his knot into you.
“Please baby.” Oscar moans and begs. “Please, be a good girl, and take it.” He almost wheezes as he pushes his swollen knot inside you.
You nod, your eyes half lidded. Your mind feels hazier than before when he was eating you out. His knot feels so good locked in your pussy.
Oscar pauses for a moment, catching his breath and allowing you to adjust to his knot.
You stare up at him with those beautiful half lidded eyes. Whimpering softly beneath him. Which causes Oscar to let out a breathy chuckle.
He then slowly starts thrusting again. His knot and cock push and rub against all those perfect spots inside of you.
You moan and whimper and squirm. Your eyesight is blurry and all your mind can focus on is how good and big Oscar feels inside you.
“Sweetheart.” Oscar speaks between moans, his thrusts becoming sloppy and careless as his own orgasm approaches.
You’re broken from your thoughts, your eyes focusing up on his sweaty face and his bright orange eyes. Moans continuing to spill from your lips.
Oscar smirks down at your fucked out face. Another moany laugh escapes him. “You look so pretty underneath me.” He growled as he continued to slam into you.
You cry out as his tip smashes against your cervix again and again. “O-Oz.” You choke out, barely able to talk due to the way he’s screwing you silly.
“I-I’m almost th-there.” Oscar groaned. A few more sloppy thrusts, followed by a deep guttural growl and he finally tipped over the edge. Filling the condom to the brim.
Both of you lay there, panting heavily. Oscar is still above you, and inside you. His sweat drips slowly onto your chest. He smiles and laughs. “Damn sweetheart, you’re probably the best pussy I’ve had in a looong time.”
You let out a breathy laugh. Your eyes still half lidded and your body still abuzz from the pleasure you just experienced. “Thanks.” You finally manage.
Oscar goes to pull out, but you whine when you feel the tug of his knot. This makes Oscar pause.
“Uh oh.” He whispers awkwardly.
“Uh oh?” You ask as you stare up at him, your eyes now wide. “What do you mean “Uh oh”? Did the condom break?!” You ask in a panic.
“No, no, no.” Oscar says quickly and laughs awkwardly. “I’m stuck.” He said.
You blink slowly. “What do you mean, stuck?” You ask slowly.
“My knot.” Oscar gives you a smile that is just as awkward as his laugh is.
You relax. “Oh.” You laugh. “Well how long does it take for the swelling to go down?” You ask.
“Uuuuh.” Oscar paused and bit his lips. “I dunno.” He said.
You squint at Oscar, your mouth slightly agape in confusion. “What do you mean “I dunno”?” you question him.
“I. Don’t. Know.” Oscar said slowly. “This hasn’t happened before.” He admitted.
“What??” You question, eyes still squinted skeptically.
“I.. My knot has never swelled for someone before, okay?!” Oscar groaned.
Your eyes widen and you start to laugh.
“Hey- Hey! That’s not funny!” Oscar exclaimed.
“It’s so funny!” You laugh loudly and writhe beneath him.
“It. Is. Not!” Oscar panicked. “Sweetheart, that ain’t funny!” All that sexy and confident bravado Oscar was known for had completely flown out the window.
You giggle and wheeze beneath him. You find it amusing that Oscar is embarrassed by such a thing. You take a few deep breaths and smile at him. “Guess that means you’re stuck with me until the swelling goes down.” You tease.
Oscar blushed and scrunched his nose. “Great.” He says sarcastically.
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hannie-dul-set · 1 year
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LOVE VOMIT [n.] — the term when you become too full with your feelings too quickly and too frequently that you end up spitting everything out before even getting the chance to digest. this happens to you more often than you’d like to admit— every quarter, actually, ever since starting college. but what can you do when the prospect of falling in love is just too good to say no to? what can you do when maybe the next desert might actually stay inside your system this time?
or, wherein you fall in love with a different guy every season but fail to notice the one that’s been looking at you the whole year.
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PAIRING. choi soobin x female! reader (ft. the rest of txt x reader). GENRE. slice of life, romance, humor, mild angst, SLOWBURN, college! au, orgmate! soobin, pining to the highest degree, multiple love interests, featuring some members of seventeen, enhypen, and le sserafim. WARNINGS. swearing, drinking, annoying org jargon, both mcs are pathetic, unrequited feelings. WORD COUNT. teaser: 429 | full fic: est. 25-30k. RELEASE DATE: late june to early july.
NOTE. i said i was going to post the preview at the end of the week but i got too excited 😭😭 this may be a soobin fic but. u see. i am in love with all five of them so YOU will also fall in love with all five of them i don't make the rules.
i also wanted to jump back into my comfort zone of writing ordinary college life tingz, especially now that i actually have 2 years worth of experience to draw reference from. anyhow, send me an ask/dm to be addded to the taglist. preview under the cut!
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THE TIME IS SPRING. A soft musk in the air, freshly bloomed flowers lining the sidewalks, and the start of a new semester. There’s something gentle about springtime, reminiscent of crisp blankets straight from the dryer with lavender seeping into its cotton folds and sunlight leaking through pleated sheer curtains. The season is for cherry blossoms and picnic baskets, outings and first loves. You’ve always associated these things with spring, however none of these sensibilities are present tonight. 
Instead of clear skies and bright sunlight, the view through the diner windows is lit up by artificial lights and signages in the middle of a March evening. There’s no lilac nor daisies in the air, but cheap beer and the savory smell of fried chicken. It’s noisy, it’s loud, and it’s far from the gentleness of spring, but you’ve never felt more alive at this time of the year.
‘Why did you join Shutter.TXT?’ reads the sheet of paper sitting on your table. You’re all smiles as you listen to the answers of those sitting at your table, mindlessly nodding along after being three glasses in. Tonight is an orientation-slash-welcome party for the organization you impulsively joined upon entering the university. 
Because photography is my passion...because I want to explore other fields…because, because, because.
The answers carousel around the table, and honest to god, you stopped listening at some point because it’s getting repetitive. You don’t understand the purpose of this activity. Why else would you join a club for photography, videography, and editing if not for photography, videography, and editing? 
“Are you kids having fun?”
You perk up. The empty smiles you’ve been giving suddenly becomes brighter, your eyes crinkling at the corners. Spring came belatedly tonight, and it came in the form of your extremely pretty senior suddenly appearing behind your seat and you’re instantly all the more conscious about your posture when he leans down to check in on your group. He cranes his head to look at you with a smile. “Is it your turn?” he asks. The back of your neck is burning.
“Ah, yes,” you cough, clearing your throat to introduce your name. “I major in public administration. I know it’s pretty far from my discipline, but I decided to join Shutter.TXT because I didn’t want to be constrained in one field throughout college. I’m sure this organization will make my university experience a lot more exciting and interesting.”
Lies. You joined because of the very face that’s smiling at you this very moment.
“I look forward to working with you.”
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love vomit. © hannie-dul-set, 2023.
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AITA for not telling a player why I'm dropping them from my table?
I am running a D&D game, and it has been going on for a few months. It was intended to be a short game an we only have a few weeks left. When I invited everyone to the game, it was with that knowledge, and with the pre-requisite that they are an experienced player. I established what kind of game it would be from the start.
This guy, Quinn (not irl name) said he met the requests and was excited to play. As we began, it became apparent he was incredibly inexperienced with D&D (not knowing what a proficiency bonus is, not understanding action vs bonus action, etc). All of the players and I were patient with him, and this wasn't a problem. But we did have to shorten goals in the game because he slowed down combat drastically. We were still on a set timeline. My only issue with this was that he lied to me from the beginning.
Many other things were red flags: him getting upset when players couldn't make a session (giving notice), but him showing up late to every session. Dominating rp and not being interested when it wasn't about him, not really listening to me as a DM (I am femme presenting), but listening to my partner (m) who I'm co-running the game with. We had tried to talk to him about issues in the past, and he was receptive and gently corrected his behavior.
Before this recent session, the players made a wild turn and we are rolling with it. But, due to this sudden change, another player asked if we could come back to those side adventures as a 2-3 shot later. I agreed. But Quinn then pushed for us extending the game as a whole. I was very firm that we were ending on the 10th, to respect other people's time. Later, a player had covid exposure, but ended up being negative after 5 days and tests, but I requested everyone wear masks anyway because we had all recently had more warnings of exposure. Everyone else preferred this, except him, who outright refused, and I told him he could call in instead and we'd set up a camera.
These last few things rubbed me the wrong way, so I asked all the other players privately how they were feeling, without goading them by expressing my gripes. It didn't want to start a hate train, only see where evryone was at. I was already of the mind that I would not have him back at my table after these sessions, but would finish out the game with him.
When my players reported back, I found out that Quinn had made the only female player feel incredibly uncomfortable, reaching out to her privately, relentlessly attempting to flirt with her character (which as always shut down by me or even another player). Additionally another player got back to me saying they were very uncomfortable because Quinn had been pressuring them to hang out outside of the game, and not taking "no" for an answer. Various other things were brought to my attention, but those two responses were what made me decide to remove him then and there.
I never spoke to the other players about what each of them had said, so some people were confused because, while they didn't like him much, they thought removing him was sudden.
Quinn blew up in a chat with me and the co-DM, demanding a reason. He messaged me privately with some aggressive claims that he deleted soon after. We called him that night to talk, and told him we'd offer his information to the other players should they want to reach out as friends. I only listened in on the phone call due to the agression in his messages to me.
On the phone, my partner simply explained to him he wass no longer a good fit, and we are doing what is best for our table and players. Quinn berated him for more information, targeting the content of his character and skills as a DM in order to get a reaction, but my partner just told him, "responses were kept private. I will not divulge any more information, but we will no longer have you at our able moving forward."
Quinn's behavior during the call only solidified that this was the right choice (saying we have god complexes, are alcoholics because we got drunk during one game, announcing he'd slander us to the community at the local game shop, reminding that he knows where we work as a veiled threat).
The thing Quinn kept pressing for was asking how he can correct his behavior if he doesn’t know what he did. But we refused to tell him because it would directly out some of our players, who we promised anonymity.
I know I'm not wrong for booting him from the table, but AITA for not explaining why so that Quinn can correct his behavior?
What are these acronyms?
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