#i mean it's not exactly the same as animal crossing but you can tell it's based on it
choccymilkshake · 9 months
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Church doodles of today!
I dunno why, but I keep using Chloro (the plantboi character) as a way to experiment with poses, rather than just a basic, blank character or something.
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aashi-heartfilia · 7 months
The hypocrisy of Jinshi and MaoMao
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*light novel spoilers*
I just love how hypocritical MaoMao's nature is. She yells at Jinshi for being a 'Masochist' and yet we see that she's no different. Now, by definition Masochist is a person who drives sexual gratification from their own pain and humiliation, plus it relates to Jinshi's tendency to do self harm (like burning his skin with a brand)
And what is MaoMao's most favourite thing in this world?
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She literally takes pleasure in consuming it and no one can convince me otherwise. Plus she uses dangerous plants and animals and snakes whatnot in the name of her so-called experiments. Her dad may call her a 'mad Scientist' but that is a direct indication of self harm.
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And she calls Jinshi a Masochist.
I mean, think about it! The amount of anxiety she gives to Jinshi! She came prepared with a vomit inducing medicine but even she had no idea whether it would work or not. She was just hoping it would work in the salt chapter.
And the same goes for her hand, on which she has conducted countless experiments. One flower even burned her skin and its marks never left her skin. She said it was all for her hobby. What kind of weird hobby is that? Maybe, our little adorable mad scientist is just like that.
One brands his own skin, while the other takes heavenly pleasure in consuming poison.
So my point is, Jinshi and MaoMao are not that different as one might think they are and that's why their dynamic works so well.
Let's look at the excerpts from volume 5:
She didn’t know how long they sat that way. All she knew was that Jinshi was looking down at her with a faintly triumphant expression, as if he saw that the breath had reached every corner of her body now. He wiped away the tears that had sprung to her eyes as she struggled to breathe. It was then that Maomao felt a flash of intense anger. “I said that if you were going to kill me, you should do it with poison,” she told him. “I refuse to let you poison yourself,” Jinshi said, his fingers tracing her lips. “You can’t pretend you didn’t know that you were one of the candidates. As much as I’m sure you’d like to.” He wasn’t done, either: “Who was that man, anyway? I’m sure you’re not a dancer.” So he had been watching them! “I was just paying for my drink,” Maomao said. “It didn’t cost much.” She tried to look away, but with his hand on her head, she really couldn’t.
Jinshi just choked her and yet he refuses to let MaoMao poison herself. A lot of people misinterpret this scene, and don't like it all that much, saying it was just fanservice stuff but this is how I see it: Jinshi wasn't trying to kill MaoMao, he was just trying to make MaoMao submit to him for once (even if the way he did it was very wrong, but guess he's kinky like that). MaoMao is actively trying to harm herself and Jinshi loves MaoMao a lot, he cannot just let her kill herself.
It was more about him trying to exert his dominance in their weirdish - complicated relationship and that also backfires on him as we see in the next volume that MaoMao escapes Jinshi's grasps using Pairin's techniques.
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And then they both continue to avoid each other in the entire next volume! Because they both realised that they have crossed boundaries.
They both are hypocrites.
And they both refuse to accept their feelings.
In one of the later volumes, she gives Jinshi a piece of her mind on how he should tell her everything clearly, unequivocally, what he feels, and he literally declares that "he will make her his wife", which is nice and all but look at the wording MaoMao used here....
Excerpts from LN Vol 7, chapter 19 called "A man and a woman play the game"
"You’re forever telling me I need to use my words, Master Jinshi, but are you in any position to criticize? Everything you say to me, everything you do, it’s like it’s calculated to save you from ever having to actually say what you mean! To make me figure it all out! You know, you remind me of someone. You act exactly like a man who used to come by our brothel all the time. He was in love with one of the girls, but he would never just come out and say it. He thought it should be obvious from the way he acted. He was so sure he had a good thing going with this woman that he never sent her so much as a letter. I remember how forlorn he looked when someone else swooped in and snatched her away! He kept coming to the brothel after that—to get drunk and whine to the ladies. Well, in my opinion, he could have avoided all that heartbreak if he’d told the woman how he felt. Clearly, unequivocally, so that she knew where they stood. It was the least he could have done!”
Everything came out in a torrent. She felt like she’d said it all in one breath. It was strange, she thought, to hear so many words come out of her own mouth. She was mystified. Jinshi was no less startled, but the shock soon left his face, replaced by something else. He got up off the bed and stared down at Maomao.
Shit. Now I’ve done it. She’d given him a piece of her mind, and he was about to give her one back.
“So I should be clear, should I? Unequivocal? I should say what I mean? If I did, would you actually listen to me? Is that what you’re telling me? I’m going to hold you to that! Right this minute. I’ll say it all. Don’t plug your ears—listen to me!” He grabbed her hands as she was in the process of trying to put her fingers in her ears. He took a breath. He was looking at Maomao, but somehow he seemed almost embarrassed. Finally he managed, “Now listen to me, y—I mean, Maomao! Listen close! I am going to make you my wife!”
It's one heck of a chapter and I suggest you give it a go! The title of the chapter says "A man and a woman play the game" as if to emphasize the very fact that both Jinshi and MaoMao are playing the game.
Jinshi has never confessed his true feelings before this chapter and only implied that he wanted to make MaoMao his wife.
The implications were heavy though on Jinshi's part, and as smart as MaoMao is, anyone would have guessed that MaoMao was one of the candidates for Jinshi's consort. Even the clothes she received (the ones she wore to the banquet) were also provided by Jinshi along with the hairpin. It is never stated outright but seeing as the hairpin was from Jinshi, the clothes are also implied to be the same.
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More or less she's always deliberately ignoring the possibility of having anything to do with him, that is more than professional. Some may call it denial, I call it dense. Maybe, to some extent, she herself is not aware of her feelings because she never lets herself feel anything.
Even Suiren pointed it out pretty early in the manga, that maybe it's MaoMao's way of being reserved. We need to keep in mind that MaoMao is an unreliable narrator and it's more of what she does, rather than what she says that makes a difference.
Even in the chapter that I have quoted above, she had every reason to leave Jinshi, she wasn't working for him after all. But she stayed to make tea for him, even after the fact that she had a long day too. She was almost just as exhausted as Jinshi and yet she was there preparing medicinal tea, so that he could get a better sleep.
Maybe she herself is yet to realise just how deep her feelings run. Till vol 12 she seems to have accepted them, but she still is yet to acknowledge their depth. Maybe it's because of her childhood.
It's not a traumatic backstory but MaoMao had a sad childhood nonetheless....
She was raised by her grand uncle and her real father was eccentric, who scared her. Her mother must also appear to be kind of demonic to her, since she was desperate enough to cut MaoMao's Pinky finger and send it to Lahan. So it's safe to say that MaoMao never received proper parental affection. And adding to the fact that, a brothel is not exactly an ideal place for raising a child.... especially when the birth of MaoMao was the one thing that brought the brothel to its knees...even if being born wasn't her choice.
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Plus MaoMao stated it herself that when she was a baby, no one would come to sooth her until their work was finished, implying that even if MaoMao and her brothel sisters are close, they are not that close. A mother's love is different and she never received it. No one can love you more than your mother and MaoMao was deprived of that. She soon realised that no one was coming. Life is hard and she has no choice but to face it!
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So, she got interested in poison.
Maybe she doesn't love herself or her life as much as she says / pretends she does. She's always like "yeah, I would very much like my head to be with my body" and "if I stay low profile maybe I can survive here" etc but maybe deep down that's not the case. Maybe that's why she loves poison so much. The implications are crazy.
And to break MaoMao's shell, Jinshi has no choice but to be a bit more forceful at times? At least that's how I interpret that choking scene. Jinshi was angry at MaoMao because she deliberately suggested him to marry consort Rishu and danced with Rikuson.
Even if Jinshi never said it outright, he was giving hints the entire time.
But well the tables turned and MaoMao topped him instead, lol (vol 7) and later we even see that our little stray cat has accepted Jinshi and she's ready to be in a relationship with him (vol 12).
Plus she is intrigued by the process of birth (she wants to eat her baby's placenta, it's kind of uggghhh.... but anyways, that MaoMao we're talking about, she's just weird that way)
Maybe not after too long she'll realise that if she has to give birth, she can only have it with Jinshi and no one else.
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welldonebeca · 5 months
Glitter and Goo (II)
Summary: When you have to go on a mission to a different planet together, Bucky is hit by a mating ritual flower, and some feelings you two have been hiding come up. AKA: It’s a sex pollen fic with a side of breeding kink. WC: 1.8k words Warnings: Romantic tension. Fluff. Dirty talking. Sex promises.
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and I promise you won’t regret it.
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You fixed yourself dinner, lemonade forgotten, barely processing the taste of the food as you watched the way in front of you.
Space was beautiful. It was so strange to see those stars so clearly.
Yet, it was so scary sometimes.
You got something ready for Bucky too, saving it for when he'd wake up, putting some music on before moving off to work on the research of the element already.
It was maybe two or three hours later that the sound of a phone call got your attention.
"FRIDAY, pick up," you asked.
The sound stopped for a moment, and you took your gloves off.
"Doctor Sparkles," Tony greeted. "Got time to talk?"
You scoffed at the silly nickname.
"What's up?"
"That sparkly thing you sent over," he told you. "Thor said it's pollen."
You rolled your eyes.
"No shit, Sherlock," you shifted to the other side, where you'd been working on the pollen. "I gave it a look under the microscope, but I'm not exactly good at alien biology."
It just looked sparkly. Sparkly pollen, that was it.
"Anything on the goo?" you asked him. "It dried really fast, I didn't have time to take a second sample to look into it myself."
Maybe you could cut some of the fabric of Bucky's clothes. Even if it had dried, it could have left something there.
"We got someone smart looking into the one too," he told you. "Are they from the same plant?"
"Yep," you crossed your arms. "A flower exploded on Bucky. He got really grumpy about it."
There was silence on the other side.
"It exploded?" Tony asked. "Like... what?"
You rolled your eyes.
"Like a flower explosion, Tony," you told him. "What else can it mean?"
More silence.
"I gotta check something," he decided. "Are you going anywhere?"
"Yeah, I was thinking about visiting Pluto," you sassed back. "I heard it is really pretty this time of the year."
A sound caught your attention for a moment, and you looked in the direction of the dorm.
Had Bucky woken up.
"It's not worth it," Tony told you. "I'll be back in a minute."
He hung up, leaving you to scoff. It wasn't like you had anything else to do, anyway.
"Ma'am?" FRIDAY called. "Agent Barnes is behaving strangely."
That made you stiffen up.
"Define strangely?"
The damn pollen.
You pulled up a tranquillizer from the side of your table.
If it had made him violent, it was best not to even get close to him.
"He has broken his bed, ma'am," the system told you. "And... I believe he's trying to copulate with your pillow."
He was...
"What?" you shouted back. "What do you mean, he's trying-"
But another call came through again.
"It's Tony, ma'am," it told you.
You grunted, covering your face with a hand.
"Pick it up," you cocked the tranquilliser. "Tony, tell me you have good news, because I think I have a problem."
"I do," he told you. "And it isn't venomous."
You sighed. Good, at least that.
"The flower that Bucky might have encountered is part of the mating rituals of-"
"Quick answer," you interrupted him, worry already filling you. "I don't have time for the sociology lesson."
He snorted a bit.
"It's a sex flower," he told you. "It makes you horny for your mate and facilitate reproduction of a highly infertile-"
You blinked, shocked.
"Wait, it's a sex pollen?" you asked. "Tony, this isn't funny!"
Where had he gotten that explanation from? Someone's fanfiction story?!
But he laughed on the other side.
"Except that it is!" he corrected you. "It enhances romantic and sexual attraction towards one's mate-"
Was he talking about animals?
"It is actually highly sought after by some Asgardians struggling with their fertility," Thor spoke on the other side. "It quickens up the production of eggs and sperm to ensure reproduction."
You had to pinch yourself to react, still shocked.
What the fuck?
"And how does that affect humans?" you asked.
You were met by a bit of a hum.
"We don't have many answers on that," Tony answered at last. "But probably the same as Asgardians?"
"If so, there's nothing to worry about," Thor assured you, not sounding worried at all. "It only hits those who are actively around their partners."
You glanced back at the dorm. Well, that didn't sound very right.
"Partners?" you asked. "Like boyfriends and girlfriends? Wives, husbands, spouses...?"
He confirmed with a hum.
"Yeah. People who we have strong romantic and sexual feelings for, a bit more than just passion," he told you. "Bucky will be just fine."
"Ma'am," FRIDAY called. "Agent Barnes has dented the wall with a punch. I believe the door can only resist another five of those before breaking, unless you activate quarantine mode."
That didn't seem to go over Tony.
"Wait, what?" he asked. "Why is he punching the ship?"
You stood up quickly.
"I gotta go check on him," you decided. "Thor, is there a chance he... might..."
Hurt you.
His voice was tainted with worry when he answered.
"Violence is unlikely," he told you. "Unless you try to keep someone away from their mate."
You exhaled slowly, trying to calm your racing heart.
Holy shit.
"Okay," you spoke slowly. "I'll call you back if I need anything else."
"Wait, what?" Tony gasped back. "Where are you going?"
But you pressed the screen near your station, hanging up.
You could hear grunts when you walked near the dorm and jumped in shock when you heard Bucky's fist against the door again.
"James!" you shouted. "What are you doing?"
He stopped.
"Y/N?" Bucky called suddenly, half whimpering. "Where are you?"
You neared the closed door.
"How are you feeling?" you asked, instead. "Are you alright?"
He knocked on the door, a little weaker.
"Please," Bucky begged. "I need you."
You swallowed down, eyeing the door, worried.
Was he going mad with lust?
"Please," he cried.
Heat pooled in your belly, a soft smell making your face warm.
Was that him?
He smelt so good.
"Please?" Bucky insisted.
You stopped your tranquilliser slowly, walking near the door, but when you tried to open it, it was locked.
"FRIDAY," you called. "Open the door."
There was a moment of hesitance.
"Are you sure, doctor?" the system asked. "It's still possible to put Agent Barnes in quarantine. It's only 36 hours until we arrive back home."
You shook your head. No, you wouldn't leave him alone.
"Open the door," you commanded once more. "Don't ask me again."
The sound of the locks moving was loud, and you opened the door slowly when you found it unlocked.
James didn't move when you stepped inside, just far enough from the door that you walked in easily.
His face was so flushed, and he was drenched in sweat.
You reached for him slowly, touching him gently on his cheeks, and he exhaled, looking at you with pleading eyes.
"Where were you?" Bucky panted, sounding so sweet and yet so needy, his hands moving to cover yours. "Where had you gone?"
It broke your heard to hear him like that, so lost. You had left alone!
He watched you with his bright blue eyes so soft, and it was as if he hadn't been slamming the door moments ago.
"I'm sorry," you caressed his skin. "I was making dinner. Aren't you hungry?"
Bucky shook his head, hand moving down slowly, touching your body gently. First your waist, wrapping his arm around you so slowly that you knew you could step away and stop him any time you wanted.
He put his head in your neck, sniffing you, nuzzling into you as if you were the most precious thing he didn't want to let go.
You shivered when you felt him sniffing you, pressing close to you, his body hot.
His big hand travelled down a bit, near your hip.
"Hungry," he mumbled into your neck, licking your skin.
Bucky's fingers searched around your jumpsuit on your back, tugging on your jacket and your utility belt.
"Smell good," he whimpered. "Can smell you..."
You sighed out.
"Smell me?" you squirmed.
You could smell him good. It was so good.
"Smell you wet," Bucky hissed, unhooking your belt and throwing it away. “Smell your skin… wanna bury my head in your tits, find your sweet smell in them.”
You gasped, surprised.
"Bucky! Something could break!"
He tugged on your vest, lips travelling up and down your neck, and if he was that insistent there, you couldn't help imagining what he'd do if he put himself between your legs.
"Want to break you," he took his hands to your belly and pulling on the clasps of your best, nearly breaking them. "Make you mine. No one else will have you."
He wasn't speaking any tense.
Bucky threw it away, grabbing the front zip of your suit and tearing it.
Did he know how hard it was to get a jumpsuit that fit your tits? They were too fucking big for most of them, you had to get a bigger size and adjust the rest of your body!
Still, you couldn’t complain as his big hand pushed into your clothes, grabbing your chest, squeezing your breast over your bra.
"No one else can have you," Bucky babbled. "You're mine."
Bucky took your clothes off so quickly you barely saw it, and he picked you up, laying you on the bed.
For a moment, you thought he would take you just like that, but he took off his clothes before moving and kneeling in front of the bed, looking at your face with such a soft pleading look on his face.
"Please?" he whispered. "Can I have you? Please?"
You swallowed down, leaning onto your elbows.
His mattress was practically on the floor, the legs broken, and it would be so easy for him to just crawl to you.
"Want to give you my babies," Bucky pleaded with you. "Want to be yours, please."
You swallowed down, breathing in deep. Oh, how good he smelt. You had to fight yourself not to bury your face into his neck and sniff him.
The flower... it had to do with mating rituals, wasn't it?
"What are you going to do?" you asked him.
Bucky swallowed down.
"I want to make you feel good," he promised. "I'll treasure you, I'll never let you go."
You pressed your thighs together, a bit warm between them.
His fingers clenched by his sides.
"I'll fill you up," Bucky promised. "You're so empty, aren't you? I'll give you everything!"
You swallowed down again, feeling your pussy clenching at the idea.
His babies. He was going to give you his babies, right?
Your eyes travelled down his body to his cock, and it was so hard. There was so much precum.
Oh, he was going to fill you up, right?! Give you his cum!
Bucky was going to breed you.
You nodded, sitting up.
"Please," you tried to grab his hand. "Please, Bucky."
“Glitter and Goo” was first posted on my Patreon on April 2023. To read it now, subscribe to my page, it’s just $2 a month and I post 6x a week.
. . .
Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​​ @amythyststorm33​​ @shaelyn102 @yknott81​​ ​​@maximofftrash​​ @kgbrenner​​ @thefridgeismybestie @magpiegirl80​ @mogaruke ​ @shadowhunter7​​ @musicalcoffeebean @megasimpleplan4ever​​ @deemoriarty​​ @05spn18​​ @malindacath @kdcollinsauthor​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​ @widowsfics @frozenhuntress67​​ @averyrogers83​​ @notyourtypicalrose @nerdypinupcrystal @giruvega Marvel forever tags: @its-daydreamer23​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112 @tayrae515imagines @indecisiondecisions? @afanofmanystuffs​​? @patzammit​​? @thevanishedillusion? @widowsfics​​? @alexisshoto ​​ @dreams-of-feysand ​@dragonqueen0606 @izbelross @isabelle-faith
Glitter and Goo: @art2emily
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kalisburnerphone · 4 months
Amazing // Choi Seungcheol
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Summary: Seungcheol doesn’t understand why she won’t let him take care of her when it’s all he wants to do. He has no idea how she found out about what he’s been doing every month for the past six months but he’s sure he can get her to agree with his logic.
Warnings: Idol!Seungcheol x OC!Solana, kinda one-sided situationship, a tiny bit suggestive,Seungcheol on his glucose guardian agenda, curve/plus-sized, foreigner!oc, Seungcheol calls her Sol, princess. I think that’s about it, let me know if I missed anything.
A/N: This is part of an idolverse series that’ll be posted in non-chronological order. I’m not sure how many parts members will have but there might be instances of crossovers.Mingyu, Seungcheol and Minghao are the only ones that I have anything written/plotted for. I’m not promising frequent updates because I’m currently on an intensive training program before starting grad school but I have some free time starting Thursday so I’ll try to work on pieces during that time. I only just got back into posting my work in the kpop community after a break from it but I do enjoy anime as well so you may come across it on my dashboard. Lastly, I am absolute trash when it comes to titles and summaries so please bare with me in advance.
Solana and Seungcheol rarely argued and if they did, it was usually about the same thing; Seungcheol spending his money on her like it was the easiest thing in the world for him to do. And in his mind, it was. Seungcheol understood that she was more than capable of providing for and taking care of herself but he felt as though she shouldn’t have to with him around.
They’d met before he’d even acquired the amount of money he had today so he knew for a fact that it wasn’t why she was with him which is exactly why he spent it on her. Seungcheol in most instances believed that actions spoke louder than words and if he felt like buying his girlfriend’s entire shopping cart on her favorite jewelry site than that’s exactly what he’s going to do.
Usually Sol wouldn’t say anything because no matter how much she told him not to, he’d find a way to justify his actions and just do it once again. This time however, she refused to let him.
“Yah!! Choi Seungcheol!” She exclaimed as she entered her apartment. His head pops out from the kitchen where he’d been peeling tangerines when he hears her.
“What’d I do?” She only ever called him by his government name when she angry or irritated with him.
“Y’know what you did! I thought we agreed that you’d ease up on excessive amounts of spending that you do on me?”
“We did, I haven’t spent excessively on you since the last time you gave me an earful for buying everything in your cart from The Jade Jewelers. What’s this about?” He asks tangerines forgotten as he follows her to the living room area, arms crossed over his chest as he looks at her rummaging through her bag before pulling out a small pile of paper.
“You’re really going to play dumb with me right now? You haven’t been spending excessively? Then explain this.” She spits out pressing the printed sheets to his chest.
Seungcheol takes the papers from her hand, looking them over before ‘shit’ is whispered from his lips. “You weren’t supposed to find out about this.”
“Well, no shit Seungcheol. Explain yourself.” She snaps as she sits on the couch with her arms crossed and looking directly at him.
“How’d you find out?”
“That’s not important. I’ve been living here for six months and you’ve been paying my rent this entire time after I told you I didn’t like you spending excessively on me especially when it came to things that I’m capable of handling on my own.”
“I know you’re capable, I do, but just because you can do all these things for yourself doesn’t mean that you have to. I’m here and I’m willing, wanting to do these things for you but you won’t let me.Why can’t I do nice things for you?”
Because it makes this feel like it’s more than what it is. It’s what she wants to tell him because as much as Seungcheol acted like it wasn’t that big of a deal, it was to her. She’d constantly have to remind herself that they weren’t in a relationship. They hooked up whenever he had free time and him paying for her KTX ticket and accommodation in Seoul was as much as she said she’d allow him but Choi Seungcheol had a way of getting whatever he wanted.
“It’s not that you can’t do nice things for me, it’s just that you have a habit of behaving like a damn glucose guardian when it comes to expenses.”
“Okay, and? If I want to behave like your sugar daddy and pay and do everything for you then you should just let me. Think about it,” he says dropping in the space next to her wasting no time in pulling her onto his lap.
“I cover all your basic expenses and necessities and all you have to do is sit pretty and get that degree. Sounds like a win-win situation to me.”
“No. Now either fix it or I’m transferring the money to your account.”
“I’ll send it right back. Play with me if you want to.” He smirks at her.
“God, you’re so infuriating.” She huffs getting off his lap and moving down the hall to her bedroom.”
“Yahhhh, we weren’t finished yet.” She can hear him pouting as he follows behind her.
“Yes, we are because you’re going to do it again regardless of what I say right now.” She responses slipping off her jacket.
“Sollllllll, are you really that upset about it?” When she doesn’t reply, he wraps his arms around her waist and rests his head on her shoulder. “If I compromise with you, will you stop being upset with me and go back to calling me Cheol?”
“Does that compromise include you not paying all my bills?” She replies sarcastically.
“Watch it, princess. Don’t want that mouth getting you in trouble don’t you? I’ve already let you slide with the sass, don’t push it.” He speaks into her ear before lightly nipping at her neck.
“I’ll let you pay your phone bill and groceries but that’s it. Despite what you say I know you only moved out from the dorms this early because of me and to allow us more privacy. The least I can do is cover your rent and utilities, I can’t help it because that’s just who I am and you know this. Now, forgive me please?” 
Seungcheol asks spinning her around in his arms. She was just about an inch or two shorter than him so he didn’t have to do much to look her in the eyes. “I don’t want you mad at me on my last night before I leave.”
“Forgive me,” there’s a peck to her cheek followed by another until Seungcheol has pressed kisses all over her face and has her a giggling mess.
“Fine, fine,Cheolll.” She laughs trying to escape him but he’s not having it.
“I can’t hear you princess, what was that?” He teases as he grasps her chin between his thumb and forefinger.
“I forgive you,” 
“And?” he encourages though he already knows that he’s gotten his way once again.
“I’ll let you take care of me even if it means putting my pride and independent nature aside and letting you pay my rent.” she sighs dramatically.
She’d never admit it but seeing Seungcheol be domestic had a tendency to do things to her. Things he’d never let her hear the end of if he knew. She’d seen a lot of different sides to Choi Seungcheol in the two years since they started all this but domesticated Seungcheol was her second favorite.
“Y’know what’s amazing?” He asks and she’s so busy staring at him that she misses the teasing lithe in his voice.
“Hmmm?” Her hands are draped over his shoulders, fingers playing in the hair at the nape of his neck. His hands around her waist resting on the curve of her ass as he leans in closer to her ear.
“We both know that I have no problem getting your pussy wet but when are you finally going to admit that me being all domesticated and taking care of you gets you all hot and bothered the same way it does to me? Hmmm?”
The way her breath hitches is enough to let him know that he’s right but he doesn’t act on it.
“C’mon, I cut fruit and we have new episodes to finish.” He says kissing her cheek as he leaves her standing in the bedroom like he didn’t just read her for filth. It takes a few seconds for her to recover but once she does she’s following behind him.
“Yah! Choi Seungcheol!”
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vengeful-velvette · 4 months
Hey stranger!
So a couple of days ago you asked what my list would be for least to most brattiest hazbin characters would look like, and i’m incredibly curious as to what your list would be!
This concept is really fun to me omg I really want your opinion on this 🤔
Hey random stranger who I have never met before! Fancy seeing you in my little ask box.
Here are my own thoughts regarding the tier list, also ranked from least to most to build tension:
- Charlie: I'm glad we both agree that Charlie is at the bottom of this list lol. She's just too sweet! I feel like she doesn't even think to brat either, like she thinks "we're both enjoying this, why would I tell you to stop or not listen to you when I want to?"
I also feel like Charlie really enjoys sweet sex, like she just doesn't understand how someone can enjoy being called derogatory names during sex. She probably also says "I love you" during sex and wants to hold your hand.
At the absolute worst, she'll get embarrassed (especially when you two are first dating) and put her hands over face to hide from your sweet words.
Though, I do think that she has a hidden animalistic side to her (did you see in in the finale? 😳 I'm a dom, but oh, that got to me), that I bet that even she's unaware of. I imagine that she finds this out about herself when you two are play fighting in bed and wrestling each other around. You're able to pin her to bed and as you tease her; "Not so powerful now, are you princess?" She can't help her eyes from going red as she snarls at you.
Which of course shatters all playful energy as you reinsure her that you weren't scared - you actually found it really hot. (Also, fun fact, but as much as I go crazy about Velvette, Charlie is actually my favorite Hazbin character. Idk, she's just so cheerful, hopeful, apologetic, and nice in a show filled with loveable assholes that I couldn't help but get attached. I love her, she's my baby girl.)
- Sir Pentious: I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't see him as the least bratty character ever, lol. He's just so precious! I imagine him as being extremely shy in bed and extremely reactive. Even the most chaste kiss can embarrass him.
I also think he isn't used to hearing compliments since he's visually very more animal-like than most sinners, so some people are little put off by his appearance. So hearing you call him your "pretty boy" and "darling snake" has him flushing and squirming.
I also doubt that he could handle any mean words. It just absolutely kills his confidence. Though I do think he will find some embarrassing enjoyment in being teased, I think that it could never cross into actual mean words. He absolutely loves to please, though, and it's honestly really cute seeing him try to pleasure you even though he doesn't really know how to. What he lacks in skill, he definitely makes up in enthusiasm, though.
- Vaggie: Man, three in a roll that's exactly the same, lol. But I totally agree with you, I don't think Vaggie is much of a brat. I think she also doesn't like not pleasuring her partner (because my girl has self worth issues), so I feel like if you told her to lie down and relax while you pleasure her, it wouldn't take long before she's trying to touch you and get you off too.
That's really the only way I can see her "bratting", and I bet that after awhile with you proving to her that you want to please her, that it brings you pleasure, she eventually relaxes.
- Lucifer: I know you put him up higher, but to me, Luci would never not crumble immediately in bed. This man has a praise kink a mile long and loves to hear you call him your "good boy". Though, there's a reason he's placed here and not all the way at the bottom.
While I do think that the first few times (or, more accurately, first 50 times) he's a blushing mess who crumbles immediately, I feel like after a while he starts to gain some self confidence (and internalized the idea that he wouldn't fuck everything up with you if he messes anything up), he feels a lot more comfortable teasing you back and bratting.
I still think it's laughably easy to get him to crumble, but an attempt is still made!
- Rosie: I know you said you didn't know where to put Roise, but I do! Gosh, I love Roise so much. Every single one of her lines is my favorite. I ultimately find her to be a rather sweet character, hence why she's pretty low on the list, but I still think she has a bite to her that can make her seem brat adjacent.
Like, if you're up for it, she will totally bite you until you don't have a single unmarked bit of flesh.
- Cherri Bomb: Now we're getting into "slightly a brat but can turn it down" territory. I definitely think that Cherri has some spark in her, but I also think that it wouldn't take much to flip her over and make her show her stomach. She's kinda explosive in that way, in the sense that she's hot and quick in the beginning, a bit very quickly flizzes out.
I also think that she's not really used to pleasure? It's implied in the Addict music video that she used to have a lover, but based on her facial expressions, I don't think she really likes him all that much? Or it's complicated, at least. But judging purely by his looks and the fact the two still aren't together, I'm assuming that he wasn't that great of a partner and Cherri isn't used to getting more pleasure than she gives.
- Husk: I think he's actually a bit of a brat. You've seen him bristle whenever someone pets him in the show, I think he's kinda predisposed to ruffling up when you call him your "pretty little kitty" or pet him (even though he really likes being your pretty little kitty). I feel like he's prone to get embarrassed very easily, and this means he can be quite bratty when you lay on the compliments a little thick.
I do think that Husk would get a little off on the humiliation aspect, but it takes him a bit to really accept this fact about himself that bratting to you is easier.
I agree that he's probably used to pleasing his partner during sex, so that probably adds to his brat score as he tries to wrestle control away from you to make you feel good, too. Though, after a while, I think Husk realizes that he feels truly comfortable with you taking care of him (while calling him your pretty kitty) and won't brat as much.
- Alastor: since Alastor is canonical asexual, and I like to include this fact, I don't think he gets the same out of sex as non-asexual characters do. What I mean by this is that he isn't so interested in the physical sexual experience, but how sex can lead to many situations he isn't familiar with. I do think he finds those situations entertaining and thus finds enjoyment in them.
For example, in @/prince-liest fic Station 66.6, Now Playing: The Irreversible Ruination of Your Self-Respect (that I think everyone should read, really it's so good), introduced me to the concept of Alastor really like prey/predator play because he has some deer instincts in him. I really, really, really love that idea!
I think Alastor likes experiences like that, ones he isn't accustomed to. Especially when he you mix that with sex, something he usually has no interest in, but adds a neat layer to the whole thing.
Because of this, I also think he's somewhat of a brat. Mainly, he really wants to see what you will do to him if he says "no", will you force him? How will you force someone like him to do something he "doesn't" want to? I can see him as a sub who likes to make their dom work to get their submission, as it feeds into his massive ego.
- Velvette: she's so used to barking orders all day long that it can be hard to turn that aspect of her "off". So she can be quite bossy during sex. She doesn't really understand that you want to take it nice and slow tonight and will start demanding that you hurry it up as you eat her out.
She thinks she knows best, so she isn't shy in voicing her opinion when she thinks you're doing something too "slow" or "softly" or you're being a "tease". She absolutely hates being called a brat, too, and huffs and puffs and pouts when you call her one.
- Vox: I'm glad we can both agree that he's extremely bratty, lol. He definitely has this image in his head that he's some big shot dom, and probably doesn't even realize he's a sub until he meets you and you take him apart bit by bit. The only reason why I haven't placed him higher is because of how fast he crumbles when you have him underneath you. I wouldn't go into too much detail because I think you already nailed how Vox can turn into a dom, to a brat, to a squirming sub.
- Lute: I know you don't see her as a brat, but I definitely do. I see her as someone who can be pretty bossy in bed. I can also see her as someone who loves being "forced" into submission. She's a fighter! She wants to wrestle into you pin her to the bed and force your fingers into her cunt before shoving your fingers into her mouth to make her "taste her desperation".
I also thinks that she gets really embarrassed by sweet words, and thinks that you're just teasing her when you say she's your "adorable little angel", and thus isn't afraid to bite back at your words.
- Adam: I'm glad he's at the top of both of our lists lol. Yeah he's a terrible brat, and he doesn't really have the excuse of "wants to please you too" or "wants to be forced into submission" like other characters. He's just a brat! He wants all the pleasure for himself, and he wants it right now! I feel like the biggest struggle is actually getting him to try and please you. (Maybe you even have to lock him up in a cock cage to get him to behave - woah who said that?)
Sorry, this is kinda half "tier rank of least to most bratty characters" and half "random smut headcanons I have". Also some of these characters got wayyyyy longer parts because I have!!! Lots of Thoughts!!! About them!!!
Anyway, I hope you like my tier list!!
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xxfromthestartxx · 2 months
We Meet Again (Todo Aoi x Reader)
pairings: Todo Aoi x Fem!reader
summary: You and the muscular third-year from Kyoto Jujutsu High met once again after breaking up for a year due to unknown reasons.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
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Being a grade 1 sorcerer isn't easy. You were always departed even when you were in your first year. You sigh as you crane your neck to the side, the ache from the battle catching up to you. You recently exorcised a whole abandoned school somewhere, and you were met with a special grade curse. If you were an amateur, you would've run and contacted your superiors, but you were not. You were used to it. You've been exorcising curses since you were a child, and now, you're in your third year, your last year in Jujutsu High. A sigh escaped your lips as the car ride came to an end. You left the car with no words and silently went to the principal's office.
You knocked twice before sliding the door open, "Principal." You were met with the said man, sewing another plush. "You're back earlier than expected." He hummed, not taking his eyes off the plush. "It was nothing I couldn't handle." You replied tiredly, eyes droopy. "Well, then." He finally met your eyes, though he had his shades on. "You can start with the report. I expect to have it by next week." He continued as he observed your state. You hummed, exhausted to even register his words. "You're dismissed." He huffed, knowing you want nothing but to sleep. "Thanks, old man." You yawned as you left the room, wanting nothing but to dive into your bed and sleep the day away.
"He what?!" You raised your voice as your juniors told you what happened to them with a Kyoto jujutsu high student. "That's what I was saying!" Nobara huffed, crossing his arms. "Calm down, L/N-senpai, Panda-senpai and Inumaki-senpai arrived before it got dirty." Megumi scratched his cheek, embarrassed at the sight. "Oh, he will pay for that." You gritted your teeth before taking a deep breath. All of you were in the dining area, you surprised your juniors by cooking their breakfast and setting up the table with the food you brought from your mission. "Anyways, how was your mission, L/N-Senpai?" Maki asked, taking a bite of her food. You shrugged and took a sit beside her, putting your head on your palm. "Same old stuff." You answered with a sigh.
"I mean, what am I supposed to tell you? It's the same thing over and over again. I get sent, I kill curses, and I go home." You summarized with a breeze, not in the mood to talk about your recent mission. The others glance at each other before looking at you, not knowing what to say. "Takana?" Toge lifted an eyebrow, "I'm fine, just... tired." You said, well, it wasn't exactly a lie. After discovering that Sukuna has, well, had a vessel, you've been deported to different places to absorb cursed spirits and use them as your own. Your cursed energy might handle it but your physical body has its limits. Before the appearance, your absorbed spirits were only 4 spirits- and you planned to stay that way. But with the higher-ups assigning you those missions, the amount doubled, then tripled, until it was 17, including your last exorcised curse. You're hitting your limit in the worst way possible.
You're cursed technique is easy to understand, it is very similar to Yuuta's and Geto's. You absorb cursed spirits and gain their abilities. But this is where it gets different, the spirit lends you its cursed energy or cursed technique which in return, takes yours for the time being. In short, you swap cursed techniques for the time being. It might affect your physical appearance and mental state. The curse energy impacts your mental health more than your physical, but with the amount of cursed spirits housing your body, it has taken a toll on both physical and mental. You could also imbue the spirit in weapons, making it accessible to you and your peers.
"Look, we're really worried. You've been sent away many times in a short time. Why?" Maki, your closest friend asked, facing you and placing his hand on your shoulder before making you face her. She stared deeply into your eyes, making you anxious. "It's nothing. There's just been a lot of cursed spirits in some area lately." You brush her off, sliding her hands off you. She sighed and nodded, "Whatever you say."
The higher-ups must hate you or something - you were supposed to be with your juniors, meeting the Kyoto Jujutsu High Students, but here you were, slaughtering cursed spirits that had threatened the place. You let out a groan as your axe sliced through the curse's head, its body immediately limping. "Fucking old men trying to kill me." You spat some blood, wiping your lips with your palm, sneering. You took a deep breath before standing up straight. You take your phone from your pocket and make a quick call saying that you're done with your mission.
You won't admit it out loud, but you were exhausted - maybe it was because you woke up early in the morning to hunt these curses, or maybe your body was reaching its capacity, not being able to keep up with the cursed energy your soul and other souls were emitting. You rubbed your eyes, the bags under them were dark and big from the special missions from these past few weeks. "Fuck. I need some break." You murmured, throat quite strained from using Aila's speech cursed technique. Alia, one of the cursed spirits housing your body, was a past jujutsu sorcerer who died and got cursed.
Just when you were about to say another word, a ping from your phone got your attention. You huffed as you took it from your pocket- checking what the notification was about. "Are u done with your mission?" You scoffed at the text, seeing that it was from your teacher, Gojo. You rolled your eyes before texting him back a like emoji, not really in the mood for his teasings or shenanigans. You chucked your phone back into your pocket and glanced at the sky. "I really need a vacation."
You didn't have time to clean yourself up from the blood of your slaughters- Gojo had requested your presence for meeting the sister schools' students, which is why you were walking with your axe on your shoulder, dried blood on your face, and a scowl resting your lips. If your other classmates weren't suspended, you would've been able to avoid him. You squint your eyes as you see multiple figures down the path, but the oh-so-familiar figure makes you irk. That tall muscular build that you love hate. That you hate so much.
You walked towards them, brows furrowed, lips in a scowl, eyes dark. You heightened your cursed energy, making your presence known to all jujutsu sorcerers. "Ah, there she is." Gojo chimed, smiling at you. You scanned the place, noticing familiar faces, not until your eyes landed on a pink-haired boy. He stared back at you, eyes wide at your appearance, it was like having Sukuna outside of his body. "Didn't expect to see you here." A deep voice said, making both students turn their heads. "We meet again."
"Todo." You forced a smile before rolling your eyes. "L/n." He analyzed your look, noticing the dark circles around your eyes and the dried blood that covered you. "Don't expect me to take it easy on you. I heard what you did to my juniors." You let your gigantic axe down with a thud, the end of the blade hitting the ground while still holding it. "Snitch." He chuckled, leaning forward to you a bit.
"Pick on someone who can go head to toe with you. Like me." You smirked back. Todo held his ground, not backing away from the intense eye contact until a deep voice cleared their throat. "I see you made it in time." Principal Yaga nodded at you. You could only huff, wiping some of the dried blood from your fingers into your already messed-up uniform.
"We'll have our rematch. One way or another." Todo put his hands in his pockets, a wide smirk on his face. "Yeah, whatever." You shrugged, swinging your axe back to your shoulder with ease before going back to your juniors. You took one last glance at Todo before rolling your eyes. 'This is gonna be a mess.' You think to yourself, not only you were here to fight with your sisters' school but to also protect the vessel of Sukuna from them.
You and your juniors were now in a room, away from the Kyoto students- discussing what to do. It was a blur to you, you kept spacing out and staring far away. Maybe you were really lacking sleep, or maybe it was the encounter you had with Todo that really got you thinking. "So, L/n-senpai..." Nobara drawled out, pulling you away from your trance. "Hm?" you hummed in response, turning to look at her, only to be greeted by all of them looking at you.
"Do you plan on going toe to toe with Todo?" Maki asked, eyes furrowed. You totally forgot about the event- "It's better if I fight him." You answered unsurely because of the lack of rest and the insane state of your mental and physical health. "But I'm in no shape to hold him off with this state of mine." You continued, taking a deep breath. Yuuji saw your interaction earlier, in fact, everyone did. He doesn't know you but the knocking of Sukuna in his brain is telling him something is wrong with you.
"It's best if I take the cursed spirits rather than fight with other sorcerers." You finally said, making Toge furrow his brows. "Takana?" The second years knew you would never settle for this kind of low, so it was weird for them to see you taking the easy way out. "L/n-san, are you sure about this?" Panda asked, tone full of concern and worry. You couldn't help but smile, the way they care about you is something so heartwarming to you. "Not to worry- I will be there if anyone needs help. I can't have my juniors dying on me."
You were right, they do plan on killing Yuuji. Just after the group split up, you felt individual cursed energy in different places but at a close range. It was too weak to be a cursed spirit- so you did the rational thing to do. "Cursed Technique-" You didn't even finish when you felt your body move. Your eyes widened, and an arrow almost shot through you- it was in time when someone behind you moved you easily.
"I told you I'd kill you if you interfered, didn't I?" Your eyes find Todo, shielding you from Noritoshi who had sent you the arrow. "No, you didn't," Noritoshi replied, before sending another arrow after you- this time, you pushed Todo away, blocking the arrow with your gigantic axe. "You said you'd kill us if we ordered you around." Noritoshi corrected, eyes closed.
You let out a tsk, eyes finding Yuuji where you were before. "Same thing! Piss off!" Todo yelled, his muscles bulging. With that, his other peers retreated, but not before Noritoshi reminded Todo. "Make sure you kill him." You grit at his comment, gripping your axe tighter. "That depends on Itadori," Todo replied with a wide smirk, eyes trained on you. You watch as the others retreat, leaving you, Todo, and Yuuji alone.
"You make one wrong move and I assure you-" you point your axe at Todo, your eyes menacing as it is. "You won't have time to activate your technique." You threatened, your axe being imbued with a foul amount of cursed energy. "L/n-san!" Yuuji exclaimed, pulling you out of your intense eye contact with Todo. "I got it." He smiled, putting a hand on your shoulder.
Todo eyed your shoulder, his own shoulder tensing. You looked at Todo, trying to understand his goal- only to be met with those soft eyes. Those eyes that assured you from the past- those eyes that held the same respect and admiration the first time you showed him your strength. Yuuji saw the hesitation in your eyes, but when you took a look at Todo, he noticed the way your shoulder relaxed.
"Yuuji." You drawled out, putting your axe down. "I expect you to beat Todo for me, got it?" Your axe vanished into thin air, which made Todo smile, a genuine smile. "You underestimate me too much, Y/n." He chuckled, shaking his head. Your heart raced at his tone, it was so full of... lightness. Not like the conversation you always had after your first year. It made you bring back memories.
"I trust you, Aoi. I know you." If only you could utter these words to him, but no, you didn't want to bring the conflict to this, instead, you settled on glaring at him. "This fight isn't over, you hear me?" Todo chuckled at your words, "Far from over." He replied, looking directly into your eyes. You could only nod before you fled the scene, taking one last glance before completely dissappearing in their sight.
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stromuprisahat · 5 months
Remind me again, why is ~he~ here?!
Siege and Storm- Chapter 9
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It's not a team effort, Malyen. Army won't judge you as a couple.
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Macho lowly otkazat'sya doesn't get to strike (again).
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Please do!
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This would work as much more powerful statement, if Mal were genuinely concerned for Alina's well-being and her OWN choice, instead of being pissed he's the one, who called dibs on her.
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*whispers* That's exactly what's he gonna do...
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For allowing you to keep breathing?!
Yeah, me too...
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There's nothing more pathetic than an insecure man shouting.
Perhaps maybe insecure man deciding for "their" woman.
A minute of silence for an alternative universe, where Nikolai isn't so unreasonably accommodating, and has actual guards stationed at door, so they rush in after hearing shouting. They see a deserter attacking their Tsarevich, so they step in...
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Is acting like a mindless animal supposed to make him look attractive?!
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HoW DaRe You fLiRt WiTh My aCcEsSoRy?!
Because seriously- what's his problem here?!
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That's what's bothering you, Alina?!
I know Alina has some serious issues regarding self-worth, but I'd be more concerned about him acting as if she were his property, and anyone even suggesting she might have different role in the world deserves to be beaten by fists (because control is overrated and true men make a pub brawl out of anything)...
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You're supposed to sit by hearth and warm my soup!
Sorry Malaria, but Alina IS THE Sun Summoner, want it or not. You can't just keep ignoring it and hoping she'll just slip into your shadow AGAIN. ... wait... *war flashbacks from Cofton* At least not as long as there are people capable of finding her and dragging her back into the story.
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How can you be so SELFISH, Alina?! What about his soup?!
Just when the heroine moves to assume at least ~some~ responsibility (although for different reasons than you'd expect), she's promptly shamed for not thinking about Maaal for one (1) second... I love how he uses position of honour as an insult, because he's the one with full ownership of a public figure.
I know I'm apparently too demanding, but shouldn't he be overjoyed he didn't get shot on the spot yet? And no one seems too concerned about his desertion...
But hey- gf not discussing her decision to stop hiding from expectations placed upon her is obviously the more pressing matter.
Y'no. if his objection was that she completely forgot to negotiate change of his status in First Army with Nikolai (DESER*gunshot*), I'd cheer and fully support him, but his position in her love life and bedroom is apparently more pressing matter.
Also a huge fan of body language here.
What could crossed arms mean in body language? Rude, angry and insecure?! Sounds about right...
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Ordinary deserter ORDERS a Prince and Major of the very same Army he fled...?
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Yeah, Alina!
Mal wants his sickly housewife back!
Y'no, I wanted to note how quickly Malyen changed his mind about coming back, but then I re-read the end of previous book to be sure, and it's always been Alina. He wanted to get out, get rid of her amplifier and live his happy life in obscurity consequences be damned:
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Shadow and Bone- After
His girl refuses to get rid of all of the stuff that makes her different, so he just has to settle for her fancy clothes...
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Supportive boyfriend here!
But hey- admitting she IS strong would mean giving up his dreams of watching her trudging after him.
He doesn't even have any idea what the Darkling can or cannot do! It's not some sort of professional opinion!
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This one's kinda funny in a way- Alina had very similar thought about him and volcra a chapter earlier...
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Siege and Storm- Chapter 8
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... ashamed ... given up EVERYTHING to be WITH ME ... Don't tell me, Malyen's so blind he never notices what his (rather pointed) remarks do to Alina?!
I thought we both wanted to help Ravka.
No, Alina. He never did. We've been both wrong. He cares only about himself and his ownership of a small, inconsequential you.
This could offer an interesting view into a mind of a soldier so alienated from his country that offers him zero promises for the future, he cares for nothing... if he weren't such an inconsiderate dick to Alina...
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Love this aspect of their relationship! SO empowering!
Like... He'd need to be extremely dull, if I wanted to interpret this as anything but clear fucking MANIPULATION. This is psychological blackmailing 101!
And he's supposed to be the supportive boyfriend SOMEHOW...
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jeonstellate · 8 days
flashpoint: forward
junhui’s post-9 pm overthinking led him to you, ten years into the future.
๑༄ wen junhui x gender neutral!reader
๑༄ time travel!au — little fluff(?), mostly neutral
๑༄ bulleted list format — 3K words
masterlist | flashpoint: backward
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[gif’s full credit belongs solely to its owner]
๑༄ wrote this almost a year ago && decided to wait until i made significant progress on the second part, but i kinda— anw. long story short, here’s the first part even tho the second one isn’t done yet *insert dancer emoji here*
๑༄ personally loved this, if you can’t tell by the word count lol, so i sincerely hope y’all do too <3
for this specific universe, the world lives in whichever time they wish
however, the ability to jump through time isn’t a common ability
nor it is a well-studied area of science
it isn’t necessarily a regulated movement(?), either — time travelers don’t carry passports or any documents that record their movement from one time to another
to top if off, no one knows exactly how one gets the ability to jump through time as well; it just appears randomly once the blessed individual comes of age
what people do know, however, is the fact that there is a set of rules every time traveler is strongly advised to abide by
first & foremost, every time traveler mustn’t mess with the flow of events — specifically those that concern an entire population
which means they can’t prevent any public figure from crossing onto the other side of veil — political or otherwise
they can’t introduce a current technology to the people of the past, either — especially since inventions have the power to drive social advancement
basically everything that can impact how history is told is forbidden
saving endangered animals through time travel is included in that btw
&& also bringing forward obsolete stuff to the present
[that means no bringing forward quality web-based flash games or the psp. sigh]
second, every time traveler cannot reveal to the people of time periods prior to time travel becoming "common" knowledge that they are, in fact, time travelers
that sounds like a trippy sentence to comprehend completely, so let’s paraphrase
time travelers can’t change when time traveling became something that people just know to exist
if they travel to some time in the BCE, they can’t mention anything abt time traveling to the ppl there — bc time travel isn’t heard of yet during that time period
same thing if they travel to any CE period when time travel is basically "non-existent" still
truth be told, no one can exactly pin point when time travel became a common knowledge
so it’s a little tricky
that’s why it’s advisable to keep quiet abt it when going to the past
unless it’s recent past, then that should be fine
but not so much when going forward in time
since yk, they fs already know that time travel exist if people of the present already know abt it
the third advice for time travelers is to not stay too long in the past or the future
the unofficial handbook for time travelers didn’t really specify how long is too long, so everyone interprets it differently
some think it means a few days max, while some think it’s a few weeks
some even think it means a few years
but anw
the point is, according to the handbook, if one stays too long in the time they don’t belong in, changes will occur in their present
which will domino effect
to not only their future, but potentially to everyone else’s lives as well
[write that down—]
in a way, that connects advice three to advice one
thankfully, you aren’t blessed to be a time traveler
sure, you don’t get to experience the perks that comes w time traveling
but at least you don’t have to remember all those rules
&& wtv unmentioned precautionary tales there are abt time traveling
unfortunately for wen junhui, though, he is a time traveler
which means he has to keep all those rules in mind whenever he enjoys the perks of time traveling
junhui doesn’t have a favorite era to travel to
he, quite honestly, just travels on a whim
remember that "end of the world" talk bc of the mayan calendar?
junhui didn’t believe in it either
but, nevertheless, he still time traveled to the day after the supposed end date just to prove to himself that he was right not to believe it
&& that there was definitely still tomorrow after the so-called "end of the world" day
ngl that extremely brief stay in that particular date was for his post-9 pm self — the one that worries abt every little thing that has ever happened in his life & that he has ever heard of in passing
basically his post-9 pm self has some sort of heightened anxiety or smth, that’s why he never trusts anything he thinks of from 9 pm onwards
[i personally believe this btw. this belief has saved me multiple times. i highly recommend :D]
still, whenever his post-9 pm self gets too worked up worrying abt nothing, it’s difficult for him to sleep
so it’s best to quell anything that can be a source of anxiety asap
esp since he needs — wants — all the sleep he can get
junhui has also traveled into the year 3000
solely bc he heard his friend hansol play a song abt it
&& the lyrics mentioned smth abt ppl in that year living underwater
now, that lyric could’ve been entirely fictional, a result of merely observing the trend of global climate change
but, considering the world they all live in, it’s also plausible that at least one of the songwriters for that song is a time traveler
so, naturally, junhui wants to confirm it for himself
to his surprise (not really), they do live underwater by then
&& remember the flying cars ppl of the past collectively envisioned for the future?
they’re apparently floating vehicles instead, like submarines, which can give the impression that they’re flying
it’s actually pretty cool to see
almost like the future in meet the robinsons, but like . . . underwater
junhui doesn’t just fact-checks the future or any future-related things, he also has a similar habit for the past
aside from making sure wtv he read abt in books are accurate, he also fancies seeing tourist spots in their young state — before the effect of time & tourists took a toll
just to name a few . . .
he went to see the great wall at its peak condition: complete & still intact
he had admired the taj mahal as a recently completed building
same goes for the eiffel tower & the entirety of intramuros
not to mention the not-yet-green statue of liberty
& disneyland, back when there were merely 20 attractions in the entire park
suffice to say, junhui enjoys his time traveling abilities to the fullest
despite not actually using it often
in fact, by this point in time, he hasn’t time traveled in a while: his last time jump being more than half a year ago
it was, if he remembers correctly, to visit the cats in ancient egypt
sure, he could’ve looked around for the pyramids too & the other wonders of ancient egypt, but he was literally just there for the cats
cause, yk, he just thought of them & how dissimilar they might be to modern-day cats
to no one’s surprise, there wasn’t any notable differences
so, yea
no other escapades followed after that trip
that is, until his post-9 pm self got better of him
wen junhui, like any other night prior, just wants to sleep
well, at least his body does
his mind, though . . . it seems like it has other plans
bc it just . . . wouldn’t . . . shut off
[i fcking hate it when that happens]
his brain, for wtv reason, just decided that it was the best time to think abt the future
not just any future, though: his future, specifically
sure, he has traveled to the future countless of times, but those trips were never to catch a glimpse of his own future life
partly bc he was never actually interested in knowing beforehand
but mostly bc he knew that the future isn’t exactly set in stone
sure, the near future might not change drastically when he decides not to eat his usual breakfast, but there’s no telling how much each choice dominos into the distant future
thus, it’s reasonable to assume that, just bc he sees it when he time travels, it doesn’t automatically mean that that’s how his future will play out exactly
really, a part of him just wants to stay cautious abt accidentally changing his future
‘cause he can totally see that happening:
after seeing how his life is in the future, he might potentially develop a conscious preference towards things that he thinks will build into the future he saw
not knowing that the decisions he made due to his hyperawareness actually altered how his future will eventually play out
wen junhui doesn’t want to experience that
like, at all
bc it’s def a recipe for disappointment & heartbreak
but, apparently, his brain begs to differ
bc it’s still trying to convince him that it wouldn’t hurt
to know how his life will going exactly 10 years from now
if anything, it might even provide some comfort . . . to know that, yk, he’ll be just fine 10 years from now
but at the same time,
what if he gets so obsessed w making sure he doesn’t change his future after he goes back to the present??
he would be so stressed for the next 10 years until his present finally catches up to the moment he time traveled to
oh heavens
junhui of the present just — quite literally — want to fcking sleep
so he tossed
and turned
blanket off
blanket on
one foot out
foot back in bc he remembered abt the monsters that might try to pull him by his leg
lie down on his stomach
lie down on his back
put one arm under his pillow
absolutely nothing
he’s still wide awake
once he sees a semblance of sun rays through the window curtain, he defeatedly decided to compromise
and finally time traveled 10 years forward
truthfully, time traveling for wen junhui is v easy
at least after he mastered it
which took a bit ngl
he just has to think of time & place he wants to travel to, mean them, close his eyes, & let the magic do its thing
normally, he would open his eyes as soon as he feels like it was safe to do so
just to confirm that he did end up in the time & place he intended
but for this one specifically, he didn’t even want to bother confirming that he arrived at his destination
instead, he settled for accepting the different feeling of the sheets under him as such
contrast to how uncomfortable & hot his own bedsheets and blanket felt to him tonight,
the ones currently touching his skin felt comfortable & cool
aka literally the perfect recipe for sleep
junhui personally has been begging his body to sleep for hours now at this point
so after processing the sweet relief of comfortability, he basically knocked out cold almost instantly
[he was getting so frustrated—]
[i’m so happy for him *wipes tear*]
now, don’t get him wrong
he’s normally cautious whenever he time travels, esp if it’s within his lifetime
given that it’s a "special" circumstance of sorts
that shall be explained later . . . after he wakes up
he’s just really tired, okay?
let him be
let him discover how much he fcked up once he wakes up
from a deep sleep he so deserved
once junhui finally wakes up from his slumber, it took him a moment to remember what he did before he slept
still unaware of his night shenanigans & barely awake, he makes a beeline to the bathroom
except the path that normally takes him to the bathroom didn’t actually take him there
but rather to a closet that he doesn’t even recognize
undeterred, he turns & tries the second doorknob he grasps
thankfully, that door opens to reveal what he’s looking for: a bathroom
the harsh lighting essentially forces him to fully open his eyes
and he finally notices that there are two toothbrushes by the sink
he could’ve sworn he only has one toothbrush out of the box
so he absolutely has no idea which one he should use
much less why there are suddenly two in the first place
junhui decides to not think too much of it
and just takes the safest option: only using a mouthwash & moving onto the rest of his morning routine
he’s not abt to take a risk abt that yk
who knows what he uses the other toothbrush for that he just can’t remember atm
now refreshed & completely awake, he finally finally remembers what he did last night before he drifted off to sleep
he has time traveled 10 years forward
which means he’s currently in his body 10 years into the future
alright, guess this is the right second for a quick rundown of how time traveling works in this universe
if the time he wants to travel to is within his lifetime, his consciousness will enter his body during that time
which means he’s inside the time flow & whatever he does may impact the succeeding events
which also means he has to be extremely mindful
if the time he wants to travel to is outside his lifetime, may that be before or after, then he’s just . . . an entity with no actual form
like an invisible ghost
which means he’s outside the time flow & he’s free to say wtv & move whichever way he wants without bothering ppl
or even worrying abt accidentally altering the timeline
however, if he’s not skilled enough, he might accidentally manifest as a person that didn’t/doesn’t rlly exist during that particular time
which means that, once again, he’ll be inside the time flow when he shouldn’t be
actually, if he’s a seasoned enough traveler, anything is possible: he may still touch things without necessarily being inside the time flow, he may potentially alter the timeline without having a vessel, etc.
but anw
now, with all that knowledge in mind, wen junhui looks around with purpose
first he turns to the mirror to intently observe how he physically changed over the years
then, once satisfied, turns his attention to the bathroom itself: how he recognizes some of the brands but not exactly the packaging
and how painfully obvious it is that his future self shares the place with one other person
has inflation gotten so bad that he had to share his apartment w someone?
truthfully, he doesn’t rlly mind that
but it means his chances of getting caught are higher
esp if his flatmate happens to be home atm & he has no idea who they are
junhui takes it upon himself to explore his bedroom too
& look for clues abt who he might be living w
assuming that they are close enough, that is
it doesn’t take him that long to find what he’s seeking, thankfully
bc there are two framed decorations on his bedroom walls that basically answered all his current questions
one of which is an intimate wedding photograph of him and someone else
which means . . .
wen junhui of the future is fcking married
and his flatmate can only be his spouse
it’d be a complete lie to say that wen junhui of the past anticipated that
bc he totally didn’t
and honestly, who can blame him?
dude doesn’t even have a significant other in his present
and, judging who he ends up marrying,
he hasn’t even met the person he ends up w yet
nor has he heard of them
bc he has yet to hear the name that he can only assume is theirs next to his on the other framed decoration
which has his name & [first name] in large print — surrounded by small handwritten messages
all of a sudden, junhui has more questions than what he started w prior to discovering the identity of his flatmate
how did they meet?
how long were they a couple before they wed?
how long have they been married at this point?
when did they marry?
when did they me—
and as if on cue, a soft knock resonated from the door,
instantly freezing junhui in place
followed by a: "jun, are you awake yet?"
thinking on his feet, junhui quickly busied himself w making the bed
so when the person who knocked inevitably opens the door, he can use it as an excuse
"oh, good. you’re up."
junhui immediately thought the picture has done you no justice as soon as you appeared by the doorway
he swears he even stops breathing for a sec after seeing you
"yea . . . i was just fixing the bed . . ."
he has no idea how he’s able to act like he didn’t just fall in love at first sight
but perhaps his fear of giving himself away is the one to thank
hopefully, his acting was convincing enough to foul you
not that he wants to lie to you or anything
he’s just being cautious bc he doesn’t know if his future self has let you onto his secret
and he certainly don’t wanna be the one responsible for that talk
"once you’re done, come join me for breakfast, yea?"
it seems like you’re none the wiser
that’s good for him
now, all he has to do is to play along & not blow his cover
sounds easy enough
"ofc. lemme just grab my phone & we can head out tgt"
bc, for one, he has no idea who you are
besides being his spouse, and your name,
and perhaps also how you physically look like,
junhui doesn’t know you
and what kind of husband doesn’t know anything abt his spouse???
not a good one, for starters
all of a sudden, he was so glad he bothered to take acting classes when he was younger
to be fair, he did take them to help him blend in whenever he wants to travel w a body rather than as a ghost
which is exactly what this situation is
except this one’s a bit different . . . in a way
‘cause now he gets to use it to keep his marriage intact
and for the sake of his future, he needs to not mess it up
no pressure at all ammirite
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smallidarityyuri · 9 months
Jimmy was very very cold. Not in the way that he was glaring at anyone who walked past, or in the way that he would ignore people on purpose. He was simply cold. Cold in the way that makes your hair stand on end and goosebumps raise. The type of cold that makes you want several layers of fur blankets on a soft and comfortable bed you can sink into. The kind of cold that’s never accompanied by a warm funrace. Jimmy had really bad goosebumps.
Jimmy didn’t know why he was always so cold. Some days, when it’s sweltering hot he still feels a little cold when he goes inside where it’s not so hot. It was simply a fact that he always felt cold unless the sun was beaming down on him in summer weather. His friends would tease and prod him for always getting so cold, and he’d just laugh it off. He wasn’t actually bothered by the teasing, because that’s just how it was with him. He was used to it, and he loved it a bit, being teased.
It never actually bothered Jimmy that he was always so cold. Well- save for his cold hands.
First of all, he hated the feeling. His hands always felt kinda shallow and empty, hollow if anything. His hands always felt like a dead body, or if he was freezing. Of course, there are exceptions to this, like when it's hot out, or when he’s showering, but it's never quite the same. He flinches sometimes at how cold his hands get, and sometimes he puts on gloves immediately. That wasn't really what bothered him though.
What did bother him is how other people flinch away when he touches them. It happens a lot with Grian, now that he thinks about it.
Sometimes he’ll try to hold his hands, grab his shoulder, or anything else; and Grian will gasp and shove his hands away. He’ll yap something or another about needing a warning first or to warm his hands up before he gets to touch Grian. It hurts Jimmy a lot more than he lets on. Other people do it too, but they're not quite as mean about it. Probably because they don't know him as well as Grian does, and there’s some form of mutual trust for Grian to not cross any boundaries that Jimmy has set. He isn't trying to be mean when he tells Jimmy to keep his cold hands away anyways. He’s just being annoying. It still stings, though.
Jimmy is interrupted out of his thoughts by someone sitting down on the opposite side of his bed. Jimmy realizes that he’d been staring at his hands the entire time. They speak up, and he recognises them as Joel.
“Jim, hey. You doin' okay? You're starin' at your hands like a bloody weirdo."
Jimmy frowns.
"Well- yeah no, I'm fine. My hands are just cold."
"Yer hands are always cold, mate." Joel replies, raising an eyebrow at him.
"I know. That's like- yeah. I don't know where I was going with that." A lie. Jimmy knew exactly where he was going with that, but didn't want to share that with Joel.
"Mkayyyyyy…" Joel frowns. "Well anyways, I came here to give you something."
"Oh is- what is it?" Jimmy asks.
Joel grabs something from out of his pocket and hands it to Jimmy. Their hands brush each other. Joel doesn't pull back quickly at his cold hands.
The gift- it was gloves. They were black gloves that go up past the wrist a bit. They were really soft, actually. They sort of felt like a stuffed animal. He wasn't sure how he felt.
On one hand, this meant Joel did pay attention to the fact that his hands were cold, and he did care. It meant that he went out of his way to get Jimmy a gift.
On the other hand.. he wasn't sure. It felt a little patronizing to Jimmy. Why didn't he like his hands the way they were? Why did he want Jimmy to cover them u-
"I figured they'd help with your hands being cold. You mentioned they made your hands ache really fast." He scoffs and laughs a little. "Can't have you doing work for me and Grian if you're aching all the time."
Jimmy laughs a little. Huh.
"But I was thinking-" Joel continues, "-that your hands are like, really really cold, and uh. You know, my hands are pretty warm. So if you don't like the gloves we could just hold hands if they start aching."
Jimmy squints a little. This definitely wasn't the first time that he and Joel had even thought about holding hands. Not even close to the first time. But there was something so- foreign about this. There was something strange about it. He couldn't put his fingers on it though.
Joel bites his lips.
"Are your hands aching?"
Jimmy looks down at his hands again. He thinks about it. His hands feel bitter, but they don't ache. He nods.
"Yeah, they are."
Joel takes the gloves out of Jimmy's hands, and puts them to the side. He shuffles a little closer to Jimmy and intertwines his hands with the others. Joel's hands are very very warm- almost hot. But then again, Jimmy's hands were freezing.
Joel hums softly and watches their hands. He starts rubbing his thumb over Jimmy's hand gently. Jimmy watches Joel's face.
Maybe always being cold wasn't such a bad thing.
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lostonehero · 3 months
Selkie Martin fic
He isn't a seal though pt1
Martin nearly jumps, feeling a hand on his shoulder. "I uh.... oh, Sasha, I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention."
Sasha sighs and motions to the breakroom. "Can we talk?"
Martin swallows and nods, ignoring the odd glance from Tim. He grabs his coat and holds it close to his chest. It didn't really matter anymore, but it was a comfort.
"Martin, what is up with you?" Sasha crosses her arms after she shuts the door behind her. "You've been acting weird since Jon and Tim returned your coat, which again the only reason Jon came is because me and Tim pressured him. Did Jon not apologize? Is that why you've been avoiding the both of them?"
Martin let's out a breath, of course Sasha would notice. He hugs his coat around himself. He didn't want to lie to Sasha. He really didn't want to... fuck it he needed someone to talk to and he couldn't ask Elias he hasn't found his skin yet. "I uh please don't scream."
"Martin, why would I scream?" Sasha raised her brow.
"Ok, you know what selkies are? Ok, yeah, but you don't believe they exist, and well, they do, and uh... this is my skin." Martin holds up his coat for a moment before he puts it on, and suddenly, the cramped breakroom was even more cramped. He was a massive wolf the size of a horse, and vaguely, he knew the species of animal he was supposed to be extinct.
Sasha blinked and blinked again. "Martin?" Her voice was quiet and full of just awe and shock.
The wolf contorts, and Martin pulls off his coat. "I uh yeah, so Jon and Tim returned my skin."
"Uh huh..." Sasha pauses as her mind catches up with her shock. She starts to laugh and then stops watching Martin's face drop. "Oh shit that's real isn't it."
Martin nods. "Sasha, I'm married to both of them. I don't even know what I should do. I've already tried to figure this out, Tim doesn't believe in selkies or at the very least he thinks it's a tragedy they exist and Jon shouted me out of his office when I tried to bring up selkies told me I was daft and that I shouldn't believe everything I read." He covers his face. "I also can't ask Elias because he doesn't have his skin, and it's very rude to discuss this with another who is missing their skin."
Sasha takes a deep breath. "Ok, now that you've completely changed my worldview, you drop the bomb that Elias isn't human!"
"I uh right... I mean, I can't tell you what animal he is, but he is a selkie. We can sense each other well is more animalistic than that, but uh yeah, he is." Martin frowns. "Before you ask, it is customary for younger selkie to help the older ones if their skins are missing or damaged, as long as the skin isn't burned, we are still selkies. The helping out helps with pack bonding, and such it's easier to survive if there's more of you. You know the odd cases of different species of animals forming packs yeah thats most likely selkies. Two of the same animal species doesn't exactly promise the offspring of the same species."
"I have like a million questions from that information alone. However Martin are you ok? Does it uh hurt?" Sasha frowns calming herself down.
"Hurt? Marriage doesn't hurt, but I mean, again, it's probably different than what you consider marriage. I uh don't mind it. I just don't know how to tell them. It does get a bit uncomfortable if I'm out of my skin for more than a day or two. I normally put it on when I get home." Martin rubs his arm. "I uh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have just dropped this all on you."
Sasha shakes her head. "Don't Martin, it's ok. Look, this is a lot, and I have so many questions, but thank you for trusting me with this. Can you come over after work so we can actually talk about this?"
Martin nods. "Yeah... thank you again, Sasha."
Sasha pauses, watching Martin make a face at the tea she made him. "If it's not good, you can tell me."
Martin sighs. "I'm not good with sweet drinks and food. My wolf body can't taste sweets, and my human body overcompensates." He places the mug down. "It's not your fault. I'm just a bit sensitive."
Sasha scribbles something down in her notebook. "Ok ok ok duly noted. That explains why you always refuse sweets from Tim."
"I like chocolate, just dark chocolate." Martin smiles sheepishly. "I uh you have questions, and I think I have answers. I mean, I get this from my dad's side. My mom isn't helpful she trapped him by stealing his skin, and I uh am a product of that. My dad isn't bad he's quite nice and lives up in Scotland. My mom... I would rather not talk about that, though." He rubs the back of his neck.
Sasha frowns. "So that part of the legend is true?"
"The stolen skin forced servitude? Yeah, it is." Martin sighs. "I mean, I'm not at risk anymore since I'm married. If someone tries to steal it, it would just appear with either Tim or Jon. In the modern day, it's more often selkies get accidently married to kind strangers or coworkers because they return what they think is a coat." He motions vaguely to himself. "I'm in that situation."
"Are you ok with that?" Sasha bites her lip, regretting the question.
"I can't exactly change it or get out of it." Martin sighs. "I'm happy neither if them took my skin, but still, I'm bound to both of them now. I'm not a servant, so silver linings, I guess." He shrugs.
"So off that morbid discussion." Sasha tries to joke, but it falls flat. "Right, uh, do you have a different lifespan, I mean, different from your species or humans."
"Oh yes." Martin hums softly. "Our lifespan can be compared to dragons, although the older selkies tend to spend time more so as animals than humans. I'm considered a baby at 29, and technically, so is Elias, we really aren't considered adults in our species until we're well in the mid hundreds."
Sasha blinks. "I'm sorry, first dragons exist?" She watches Martin nod. "And you're expected to live for a few thousand years?"
"Yes? I mean, I know it's a lot. I was raised human, not really understanding it until I actually sought out my father at 21. I think I'm still in the denial phase. I also think Jon and Tim are going to live as long as me because of the marriage thing, but I'm not certain I have to ask my dad or Elias once I find his skin." Martin pauses. "A lot of supernatural creatures exist, Sasha. we don't live in a vacuum." He stops. "I'm sorry that was rude."
Sasha chuckles softly. "Martin, it's ok. We are both new to this, I mean more so me than you."
Martin smiles. "You're right."
"Ok, I have like so many more questions, but most pressing, wanna order food?" Sasha giggles as Martin nods.
"Please." Martin sighs.
"So, Sasha, huh?" Tim wiggles his brows at Martin.
"What?" Martin blinks.
Tim snickers. "It's ok, marto, you can tell old Tim everything."
Martin pauses, realizing what Tim meant and stutters and gasps. "N-no? Sasha's aromantic... I uh..."
Sasha crosses her arms. "Martin, that was a secret."
Tim stops and frowns. "Shit, Sash, I'm sorry. I was just teasing, I'll forget I heard anything."
"No, no, no." Sasha pulls her chair between them. "I might as well explain why I basically shut down anything after our one night stand."
"Sasha, I told you it's fine. We're still friends, right? You aren't replacing me with Martin." Tim mocks being offended.
"I'm not, I'm helping Martin find something, and apparently, that means a lot of antiquing." Sasha visable relaxes.
"I told you you didn't have to help me." Martin flushes and sighs. "It's weird looking for it, and we probably won't find it."
"Oh, color me curious, what's this mystery object? A cursed tea pot? A lost sweater?" Tim smiles.
"An animal skin, I mean maybe a fur, just a piece made into clothing or jewelry." Martin crosses his arms. "I'll know it when I sm-see it. It's weird, I know, but I uh, it's just something I have to do."
"Dude, you don't have to explain yourself. If Sasha is helping you out, count me in. We can make a day of it, and I've been looking for some new plates too." Tim hums and winks as Martin blushes and covers his face.
Sasha chuckles. "Tim you're going to break him."
"Ah, what are friends for? Besides, I've got to get a book on myths since you still keep talking about selkies. I need to be able to know what you're talking about." Tim smiles wider as Martin's ears get red, and he covers his face.
"Why are none of you working?" Jon crosses his arms, staring at them with a raise brow.
"We were just discussing this weekend Jon, you can join us." Sasha smiles. "We're going to go through antique stores looking for an animal skin or fur. Tim's gonna look for new plates."
"You don't have to come." Martin quickly adds as Sasha elbows him to not.
Jon hums and sighs. "If I accept, will you stop asking me to grab drinks with you guys?"
"Hell yeah." Tim pumps his fist in the air. "Archive crew out antiquing."
Martin covers his red face.
Sasha chuckles. "Then it's a day."
"I suppose it is, now get back to work." Jon sighs.
"Why do you like the selkie legend so much? I mean, I know we deal with spooky stuff all day at work, but why that specifically?" Tim hums, looking through the jewelry laid out with odd fabric attached.
Martin watched Jon watch him and also wait for the answer. He swallows the truth on his tongue, knowing it would be useless until he could show them in person. "It's personal, it's from my father and I haven't been able to see him much with this job." Not entirely a lie but also not entirely the truth.
"You're father?" Jon raised his brow.
"Uh yeah, he lives up in Scotland, very off the grid type of guy. I only reconnected with him as an adult. The relationship with my mom wasn't exactly healthy, and he ran when he had the chance. I don't blame him for not taking me." Martin's eyes widen as he grabs the necklace from Jon. "Bloody hell, that's it." It was a small patch of fur. Martin knew the scent to be from a fox, but the specific species he wasn't quite sure about. It matched Elias's scent.
"Are you certain?" Jon only held a look of confusion as Martin didn't answer, and he pushed past the two men.
Tim hums. "That really did not answer anything, but the fact his childhood sucked."
Jon nodded. "I really want to know why he's so interested in fictional creatures. We don't even live by the sea."
"How about a deal, we come up with excuses for Martin to come out, and we get that information we can stop once we figure it out." Tim holds his hand out.
Jon hums in agreement, taking the hand. "I would suppose that would be a good way to find things out."
Sasha smirks from afar. She knew this was a bit underhanded, but they deserved to know the truth well before they realized that they had reverted back to their twenties. Martin told her about their bodies slowly adjusting to align with his age. She really didn't want a meltdown before Martin could show them the truth.
Jonah raised this brow. Why was Martin requesting to see him? He accepted Rosie's page. "Let him in." He rolled his shoulders his body was stiff, but that was normal. He never did feel comfortable in Elias's body even when he took over. He tried to write it off as an adjustment period, but it's been nearly 30 years, and he was running out of excuses.
Martin entered his office with a soft knock, and he seemed a bit more confident than Jonah was used to. "Hello sir, I uh... I found this for you." He holds out a leather necklace with animal fur on the end.
It was fox fur, one commonly known to the British isles. It was his. Jonah blinks furrows his brows. It wasn't his. What was happening? He took the necklace and ran two fingers over the soft fur. How was it still soft? It looked to be treated and old, not properly taken care of. He knew fox hunting had fallen out of fashion, but he never did have a taste for it either.
Martin watched Elias shut his eyes, and the small patch of fur shifted and turned to a very formal looking trench coat.
Jonah knew before he opened his eyes from the change of weight in his hands that the fur was different. He opened his eyes to an ornate coat, one he can recall that his mother looked longingly at through a window in his youth. This... no, the fur wasn't an object of the flesh, and it was his. No, not his it can't be his he's not... he didn't own furs, not ones that could magically turn into a coat from over 200 years ago, a coat that reminded him of his mother.
Martin looked at Elias with a confused look. "You're not Elias."
Jonah's eyes shot open at he staring at Martin. "Excuse me?" He didn't expect Martin to cross his arms and give a frustrated look instead of shrinking back at his raised tone.
"You don't know that's your skin." Martin's voice was quiet but strong. His demeanor shifted, and he pulled his coat tighter around himself.
"My what?" Jonah raised his brow and placed the coat in his lap, leaning forward.
Martin frowns and takes a breath. "You're not Elias. You have his body, yes, but you aren't him. You're a human who took over a body that isn't." He sits down and looks back to the closed door. "I won't ask who you are, but uh, aren't you going to put it on?"
"Martin, we are inside. Why would I put a coat on? Let alone one that just grew from a pice of fur." Jonah grot his teeth the aches were getting worse, and he held the coat in a death grip. "How do you know that for a fact I'm not Elias?"
Martin frowns, and he had pity in his eyes. "Your body hurts, doesn't it? How long has it been since you've worn your skin? You probably don't know that answer since you took over the body. I won't tell anyone about this, but you really should put it on, I'll put on mine."
Jonah knew he wouldn't get a straight answer unless he put on the damn coat. He refused that tiny voice in the back of his, correcting him that it was a skin, his skin. "You will explain everything."
Martin nods. "I will."
Jonah sighs and pushes his chair back, and starts to put on the coat as he stands up. He feels a bit weightless as the pain and stiffness drain from his body as his perspective shifts. He's shrinking. He has to be. His desk shouldn't be this big. He shook his head and tried to move and realized he had paws. He stumbles back and yelps or whatever that noose was that escaped his mouth. Something warm and wet went across his head and back, and it somehow calmed him down enough for him to stare up at the massive wolf above him.
A low growl from the wolf, and he was speaking in Jonah's head. "You'll have a horrible time if you keep trying to think you're human." Martin's voice sounded off in his head as he laid on the floor, letting Jonah approach.
Jonah stumbled but managed to walk closer. He sniffed Martin and recognized the scent from the first interview. The Beholder wasn't helping him. They weren't even feeding off his confusion, just watching. He batted Martin's nose, unable to figure out how to speak except make animalistic noises.
"It took me a bit to understand how to communicate like this, too." Martin yawns and tilts his head. "I know this is overwhelming, but relax. You need to rest before you remove your skin again. I can't imagine what it's like going so long without it. My mother hid my skin from me for a while, and it hurt, but I can't imagine that pain for years."
Jonah huffs and mimics Martin's position lying on the floor. It was hard fighting against the urge to sleep since the pain was gone, but he needed answers. He focused and shut his eyes and... "What... what are we?"
"You figured it out faster than I did." Martin rolls to his back stretching. "You must know the legend of the selkie. Well, it's not just seals that are selkies. Don't let anyone take your skin, and try not to forget it because if someone grabs it and returns it, you'll be married." He sits up. "However, if you're married, nobody will be able to steal your skin, and you won't become a servant."
Jonah can feel his hair no fur stand up with that information. "Is there a way to be human again?"
"In a sense, but it might kill you. The odds aren't good when you burn your skin." Martin growls. "If you have a death wish you can."
That was the last thing he wanted. Jonah was quiet for a moment. "Teach me?"
"In exchange, I want to know who you are and how you ended up in that body." Martin held a confidence Jonah was not prepared for.
"I don't have a choice, do i?" Jonah knew what a growl meant as his ears pinned back. "Fine, but you can not tell anyone."
"You can't tell anyone about me, and we have a deal." Martin huffs.
"Agreed." Jonah paused for a moment. "My name is Jonah."
Martin barked softly and shifted, and soon, he was sitting normally with his coat around his shoulders. "Ok then, Jonah." He scoops the fox up in his arms. "You need to relax for at least an hour before you take your skin off. I really hope you don't have any meetings because I can't pretend to be you."
Jonah felt a little annoyed at being carried, but it was also a bit comforting. He hated that information, but he didn't have any meetings till the afternoon, so it wouldn't be awful. He yelps as he is placed in his crumbled coat on his chair.
"Don't complain, and I know you're my boss, but right now, we are technically a pack and so on equal footing. This is the best I can do with what you have in this office. I'll be back in an hour and try to relax. Maybe you'll figure out your skin before I get back, but right now, I just appreciate the small nest." Martin smiles softly. "Even if you're not Elias, I'm still going to help. I know what it's like being stuck without a way to truly understand what you are. I got my skin at 13 and didn't know or understand till I was 21." He quietly leaves Jonah's office leaving him alone.
Jonah internally frowns. He was lost and confused, but he had someone to teach him as frustrating as the situation was his body finally didn't hurt he was warm, and his chair was soft. He felt sleep grip him, and he could feel the shift between him and Martin. He was right they were equals now.
Jonah doesn't think he was asleep that long when he woke up with sneeze. Fog tickled his nose, and he didn't like the shift in temperature. He shifted and felt something, and he blinked as he was sitting in his chair, and the ornate coat was on his shoulders. Ok, he didn't truly understand how he did that, and he was getting even more frustrated with the mounting questions he had to rely on Martin for.
"Jonah what the fuck." The soft voice of his husband pulled Jonah out of his internal musings.
Jonahs eyes went wide. "Uh, Peter, you aren't supposed to be in this early." He unconsciously pulls his coat tighter around him as Peter approaches him.
Peter notices his sudden shift and stops only a foot away from his husband. "I'm not going to take it, you know, and I'm sure as hell not going to return it to you."
"You know what it is?" Jonah could feel curiosity start to awaken and fan a flame in him.
Peter had a look of shock on his face. "You didn't?"
"I don't exactly choose what bodies the Beholder picks for me." Jonah crosses his arms. "Again, how do you know what this is?"
"I'm a sailor, Jonah. The selkie legend is a common one. Also, Tadeas is a selkie." Peter pinches his brow. "How did you not know? Jonah, it's been over 20 years since you took over Elias."
"I didn't exactly have this!" Jonah makes it a point to hold up his skin. "Martin, one of the archival assistants found a piece of fox fur and returned it to me. How was I supposed to know Elias wasn't human?"
Peter gives a heavy sigh. "I can't believe I know more about this than you do."
Jonah scowls. "Why are you even here?"
"Is it too much that I want to visit my husband." Peter frowns and sighs. "Fine, honestly, I've been trying to use the Forsaken, and it keeps bringing me to the apartment or here."
Jonah snorts. "What you aren't being lonely enough?"
Peter scowls. "My family has also been pressuring me to find out what is going on." He doesn't reach out for Jonah's skin but cups his cheek. "Has your patron been acting off?"
Jonah huffs as he leans into the touch. "I suppose they have... they didn't even feed on my earlier fear when I got my skin... Elias's skin."
"It's your skin now."
Jonah and Peter jump at the new voice.
"Sorry." The red head frowns. "I thought you heard me come in."
Jonah removes himself from Peter. "Martin, please knock before you come in." He sighs.
"I uh did...." Martin rubs the back of his head. "Sorry I can go."
"Can I take him?" Peter perked up.
"No, and this is why we're still divorced." Jonah takes a breath. "Martin, I seem to have a handle on this. You can go."
Martin tilts his head. "You're Peter Lukas."
Peter flinched, not enjoying being known. "Why do you know that?"
Martin hums. "Selkies are a very connected species since we are hunted or our skins are stolen and we become slaves. Tadeas is friends with my father. You shouldn't be surprised you're a respected human in our community."
"Respected?" Peter raised his brow.
"You're one of the fear folks. If we needed someone to disappear or to get rid of an awful human, we would go to you. I know I come off as clueless, but I know what I walked into getting a job here." Martin sighs and shrugs. "My father taught me the truth."
"You already know about the fears?" Jonah smiles. "How fascinating, and you didn't even warn your friends."
"You really are clueless when it comes to what you are or the supernatural." Martin shakes his head.
"You know that explains the random gifts." Peter hums, scratching his beard. "It makes my job easier."
Jonah scowls. "And what am I so ignorant about?"
"Jonah, the fears don't affect the supernatural. Your avatarhood is currently an anomaly, not the rule." Peter chuckles at his partner's bewildered face.
"Peter is right." Martin hums. "You're still an avatar of whatever you serve, but that's only because you were before you possessed the body you're currently in."
Jonah's mouth curves into a frown. "Martin, you can go."
Martin nods. "Ye-yeah, ok." He slips out of Jonah's office.
Peter hums. "Oh, what's wrong, Jonah? Don't like the new information?"
Jonah scowls and pushes Peter away. "Leave me alone. Don't you have people to dissapear?"
Peter chuckles. "Oh, not at the moment. It seems my calander is open. How about another marriage?"
"Go fuck yourself." Jonah scoffs and returns to his chair.
"I'll see you at home." Peter hums. "Any requests for dinner? Rabbit, perhaps?" He snickers as Jonah throws his pen at him. He vanishes in a rolling fog.
Jonah huffs. "I should make him give me back my skin so he can suffer with me." He froze. No, no, no. I shouldn't want that. Peter isn't that important to him. Right? They use each other, and that's that. He covers his face and groans at the new instincts inside of him.
"So?" Tim rolls his chair next to Martin.
"So?" Martin raised his brow.
"Did you think about it?" Tim smiles brightly.
"I uh oh... I mean, I was going out to a hiking trail with Sasha this Saturday...." Martin jumps as Sasha comes up from behind him.
"You are welcome to join us. Bring a Frisbee." Sasha chuckles as Martin covers his face.
"I think Jon's allergic to nature." Tim snickers as he hears a scoff.
"I am not. I can enjoy a nature hike." Jon huffs crossing his arms.
Sasha giggles softly. "I mean, it's not really a hike. It just helps Martin get out excess energy."
"You're talking about him like he's a dog." Jon raised his brow.
Martin covers his face and gives a heavy sigh.
Sasha snickers as she heads back to her desk.
Tim pauses and exchanges looks with Jon. "Are you ever going to explain that, Sash?"
"You'll find out soon enough." Sasha hums.
"That's ominous and vague." Tim huffs rolling his chair by Sasha. "Come on tell us."
Martin tilts his head studying Tim as he uncovers his face. He wasn't that old to begin with, but even the signs of being in his 30s were slowly melting off his body. He was very fit and muscular, but time had a way to hide that even if you continued to exercise like he did. Tim probably didn't even notice it. He then turned his gaze to Jon, ignoring the questions and banter. He looked better in all honesty, less tired, and he still had gray hairs in his raven hair, but that just could be genetics or stress. He wasn't slouched either like his back felt better.
"Hey Martin?" Tim waves his hand in front of his face.
Martin blinks. "I uh oh yeah, sorry I wasn't listening."
Jon pinched his brow. "Martin, we were asking what would be appropriate to wear for this outing."
Martin paused. "Things you wouldn't mind getting dirty."
"That makes sense for a hike." Tim hums.
Jon had to admit this was a very beautiful area as he made his way to join the others in a clearing. It was odd that Martin had his coat it wasn't a cold day, nor was rain expected, but he didn't question it it could be personal. It explained the panic reaction when Tim and himself returned the thing to him. It was peaceful, and maybe Tim's plan of spending more time with Martin to figure out his obsession with selkies wasn't totally a loss if they never figured it out after the three weekends so far.
Tim motioned for Jon to get closer. "Come on, Jon, we're all waiting." He smiles brightly, maybe he did have a crush on Jon but now Martin was a strong contender and he only asked Jon about looking into Martin as an excuse to spend time with them outside of work. So far, the plan is working amazingly. "I even brought the Frisbee."
Jon rolls his eyes as he approaches. "Seriously? I thought Sasha was joking."
Sasha waves. "I was not it's not for us it's for Martin." She elbows the larger man. "Come on, we are far away from civilization and cell service. Go have fun."
Martin laughs nervously. "Are you sure."
"Put on your coat, Martin." Sasha nudges him again.
"His coat? Sasha, it's not even cold out. He's going to overheat." Jon raised his brow as Martin snickers softly. "Oh lord Martin, I'm allowed to be concerned."
"Let him wear his coat." Tim nudges Jon. "Let him be happy."
"I'm just saying he would be more comfortable not overheating. I'm being practical, Tim." Jon crosses his arms, and Tim swears he looks like he's pouting.
"Oh come on, Jonny boy, let Martin have his fun... what's with that look?" Tim follows Jon's gaze to a large wolf the size of a horse shaking out his fur next to Sasha. "Oh fuck."
Jon's eyes were wide, and he stepped back. "His obsession wasn't an obsession, was it?"
Sasha pets the wolf's snout. "You know he can still hear and understand you." She chuckles as the wolf whines. "Don't be nice. The boys are stupid."
The wolf whines again and huffs. There are red streaks in his black fur, and he walks over slowly to Jon and Tim. He sits back in his hind legs and tilts his head.
Jon swallows. "Fuck me, Martin?"
"That's Martin?" Tim's eyes were wide watching the wolf contort, and then Martin was sitting pulling off his coat.
"Yes, that's me." Martin sighs. "I didn't mean to hide this so long after you guys returned my skin to me. I just didn't know how to bring up the topic."
"Selkies aren't just seals." Tim steps closer.
"Nope." Martin says with a pop.
"We returned your skin." Jon swallows and steps back.
"Yes, you did. I have to reiterate that you both returned my skin." Martin rubs his arm and sighs.
Tim pauses and falls to sit next to Martin. "We fucking returned your skin." He runs his hands through his dark brown hair and curses. "We returned your skin."
"Does that actually mean...?" Jon trails off.
Martin nods. "It does, I honestly prefer that rather than being a slave. It's not either of your faults. I left my skin by accident, and you both just thought it was my coat. You were just being polite, and that's how it goes. I'm not the only one in this situation if that makes you feel any better."
Tim groans. "It doesn't. Are you ok? We've been teasing you for weeks about the selkie thing."
"I mean, I'm fine, to be honest. I'm not exactly good at dropping hints, so it's not a wonder why you thought I was obsessed." Martin smiles softly and leans back. "I'm not mad about the marriage thing, I'm glad it's not a stranger, and it also means nobody can steal my skin ever again, if they try it would just end up with either of you. So I have a new sense of security."
"But we took away your choice." Tim frowns and looks away.
"What choice?" Martin sighs. "It's not like a human marriage, Tim. There was no choice for me in the first place. Some selkies who fall in love with humans or other species have a ceremony like humans for them returning their skin that they purposely left, but again, that's entirely different. You two can do whatever you wish. I just hope you two stay in contact with me. That's all I ask." He gets up. "Now, if you both don't mind, I was promised a game of catch, and I do enjoy stretching my legs so I'm just going to put my skin back on and play with Sasha." He puts his skin back on and runs as Sasha throws the Frisbee.
Jon shakes his head. "Wait, I have questions. I uh... um...." He watches Martin run around and sit next to Tim. "He seems very happy... I uh is that normal?"
"Do you have any experience with dogs?" Tim raised his brow.
"Not really. I prefer cats." Jon frowns. "Also, that's clearly a wolf, not a dog... I mean a very large wolf, but not a dog."
"Dogs and wolves have similar behaviors, like cats and big cats." Tim snickers.
"Martin! No, put that down!" Sasha shouts, and the two men notice a tan creature in his jaw.
Martin trots over to Sasha and puts down what Tim can now identify as a tan fox with streaks of normal red coloration in their fur. The fox looked annoyed the best way he can describe that.
Sasha pinches her brow and looks down. "Martin, we talked about this. If you're going to eat, don't do it in front of me."
Martin proceeds to lick the small fox compared to him, and its fur stands up on end. He sits and wags his tail.
The fox growls but not threatened and shakes out its fur. They sit down next to Martin with their ears pinned back.
Martin nudges his snout against the Frisbee.
"Oh... is this another?" Sasha pauses when Martin nods and lolls his tongue out. "Ohhhhhh ok, do they want to play too?"
The fox tried their best to look uninterested, but their eyes were locked on the toy.
Sasha chuckles softly. "Alright, alright." She throws the Frisbee as far as she can, and the two selkies go running. She hums and makes her way over to Jon and Tim. "Don't worry, that's another selkie."
"I can tell from the behavior." Jon tilts his head. "Odd fur pattern."
"Maybe that's just a selkie thing. Look at Martin he's also git red in his fur." Tim points at Martin holding the Frisbee while the fox dangles from the Frisbee in its mouth.
"You know I did ask him." Sasha interrupts. "The fur color is mostly the animal, but their human hair color comes through like that."
Tim and Jon make a noise of acknowledgment.
Martin drops the toy and the fox and looks over to something the three watching can't see. He tilts his head as the fox gets up and looks over hissing, puffing out their fur. Martin ends up licking them again, which seems to relax them.
A voice chuckles, and a white-haired man steps out into the clearing. He is big and strong and looks like he belongs on a cover of the old man and the sea. "Come here." He holds a hand out, and the fox approaches and yelps when it is scooped up. "Now, is this why you bolted away from me? Miss your little packmate?"
The fox looked like it wanted to growl, but the soft pets made them pur.
"Are you trying to tell me you want new toys, Jonah?" The man chuckles as the fox hisses.
Martin stretches and removes his skin. "Of course he needs toys, unless you want him to bring you back dead animals."
"Duly noted." The man sighs as Jonah is already half asleep in his arms. "Is this normal?"
"I don't see why it isn't he trusts you." Martin shrugs. "You seem surprised."
The man shifts, and a blush is quickly overtaking his pale features. "I don't know what you're talking about."
The fox rolls over and curls up tight in his arms.
"He's also a bit over stimulated, not used to using his skin. Give him time to adjust." Martin watches the man nod as he walks off. He returns to the three on the ground.
"Who was that?" Tim raised his brow.
"That's Peter, he's basically married that that selkie. That selkie just got his skin back, so he's adjusting to being whole again." Martin smiles softly.
"Is that why you were looking for that animal skin?" Jon gets up dusting himself off.
"Oh, uh yeah, that's the guy. He's not that much older than me comparatively for selkies, but uh yeah, we have pack bonded because of that, so he's my friend." Martin sighs. "I can't imagine how painful it was without your skin. I get uncomfortable if I go more than 12 hours without being in it."
"It's hurts?" Jon looks at Martin with a bit of panic.
"Jon, relax. Martin literally explained that he just uses his skin to make that pain go away." Tim gets up and stretches.
"Tim's right, it's just uncomfortable like my human skin doesn't fit right, and my bones are stiff." Martin smiles nervously. "You don't need to fuss over me. I have enough experience with what I'm comfortable with."
Jon rubs the back of his neck and looks away. "Of course you're right."
Sasha gets up and slings her arms around Jon and Tim. "Now that everything is out in the open, congrats on the marriage."
"Sasha.." Martin tries to look annoyed, but he breaks into giggles. "Don't be mean."
"Not being mean, just stating a fact." Sasha pauses. "Granted, they are both married to you, not each other."
"Right, I have to ask. What does that mean?" Jon follows Martin as he heads out of the forest.
"I'm bound to you and Tim for as long as I live." Martin hums softly.
"For as long as you live?" Tim raised his brow.
"I mean, unless one or both of you are killed." Martin sighs. "Although, that's a bit harder now."
"Wait, what do you mean by how long you live? Do you have a different life span or something?" Jon glances at Tim then Sasha, who doesn't give anything away.
Martin stops walking, and Jon stumbles into his back. "So you want to know, or are you just curious? Because you both have the same lifespan as myself now."
"Just tell us! I would like to know if my mom is going to bury me." Tim bit his lip. "I uh... sorry."
"My lifespan is comparably to a dragons, so a few thousand years." Martin turns to face them. "I uh yeah, I mean I'm considered an infant really to other older selkies. My dad is around 500 years old."
Tim opened his mouth then shut it.
Jon clears his throat. "A few thousand?"
"Yes, Jon, a few thousand." Martin hums. "Are you ok?"
Tim takes a deep breath. "So we're just going to be old for like ever?"
"No? I don't know if you noticed, but both of your bodies have already adjusted. You'll be in your 20s for a long while." Martin clicked his teeth shut.
Jon covers his face. "Things make so much more sense now."
"I uh..." Tim takes another deep breath. "This is a lot."
Martin frowns. "Look, we don't have to talk about it. I'm sorry I brought it up." He rushes forward through the trees and out of sight.
Sasha sighs. "You know he wasn't born a selkie. He only got his skin at 13, and even with that, he didn't understand until he was 21 and reconnected with his father. Do you have any idea how hard it was to get him to agree to reveal himself to you two? The man doesn't want to hurt either of you. He's scared that if he dies something wrong, you'll throw him away."
Jon has a guilty look on his features.
"He wasn't born a selkie?" Tim frowns. "I... I didn't mean to hurt him. It's just a lot."
"His mother is a human who stole his father's skin." Sasha pauses watching Tim flinch, and Jon looks even more guilty. "It's a coin flip if Martin would be human or selkie, and he got his skin which answered that question. His mother took his skin away from him until he was 18, and he took it back. He really means it when he says that he's thankful for the marriage. His skin can never be stolen again."
Jon rubs his arm. "We should apologize."
"You're right." Tim nods. "I... fuck I didn't want to hurt him."
Sasha rolls her eyes. "I can't save either of you from being stupid, but I can tell you that you can call him later."
"But-" Jon tried to interject but Sasha held up her hand.
"Text him now if you must, but let him be. He's been scared out of his mind about you two. The truth is out in the open, so let him settle down and just text him." Sasha motions for the two to follow her. "You two can think of nice texts while you treat me to lunch er well early dinner at this point."
Jon and Tim nod.
Jonah stretches and sighs. "What's with that look, Peter? I thought you enjoyed watching me prance around like an animal."
Peter frowns, recalling what Martin told him. Jonah trusts him, and he doesn't know what to do with that information. This relationship wasn't supposed to be anything more than to annoy his family and sex. Sure, they got cats along the way, and his things are mixed in with Jonah's, but it didn't mean anything. It couldn't mean anything, he serves the Forsaken first, and that meant no attachments.
Jonah snaps in front of Peter's face. "I swear you get lost in your head way too often, Peter." He sighs. "I wanted to ask about the Forsaken. What's different about it?"
Peter stares at Jonah and stays quiet enough the other man is getting annoyed.
"Peter, I swear just answer the question." Jonah sighs.
"When did you get freckles?" Peter tilts his head. "We weren't even out in the sun, and they don't develop this fast."
Jonah steps back and raises his brow. He opens his phone and switches his camera. His face is emotionless as he touches his face. "Elias doesn't have freckles but..."
"But?" Peter raised his brow.
"I had freckles... my original body..." Jonah shoves his phone on his pocket as he retreats into the bathroom.
Peter gets up to follow knocking on the door. "Jonah, relax yourself it's just freckles."
"It's not just freckles!" Jonah shouts from the other side of the door.
Peter hears the sound of jonahs belt falling to the floor, then the shuffle of him taking off his pants. "What's so pressing that you're undressing? Last time I checked, you had the same equipment. What were you not born male originally?" He steps back at the soft whine.
Jonahs voice cracks as he answers. "I wasn't born male." He didn't lock the door as Peter entered.
Peter saw Jonah half naked sitting on the floor. He was missing something between his legs but still had his manhood. "Jonah, are you ok?"
Jonah was red face with anger or frustration or just anguished. He was shaking. He doesn't make a noise when Peter scoops him up.
"Alright, fussy, come on. I think it's time for you to take a nap." Peter can feel Jonah stiffen and slowly cling to him. "You've still got your dick, and that's that. You're still a man, you big baby." He sighs as jonahs skin drops to the floor on the process of bringing him to the bedroom. "Are you going to throw a fit, every time your body adapts and changes because you aren't human anymore."
Jonah grumbles, not speaking as he is tucked into bed. He looks up at Peter.
"You're ridiculous, the great Jonah Magnus afraid of a new hole. You're still a man, and whatever." Peter sighs. "Go take a nap, or I'm calling Martin."
Jonah huffs. "W-wait..." He reaches out as Peter leaves.
Peter returns with his skin in his arms. "I swear Jonah I was literally in the next room." He places the skin on top of Jonah. "You are the neediest man I've ever met." He crosses his arms and sits on the edge of the bed.
Jonah pulls his skin under the blanket. "Lay down."
"No, unlike you, I'm going to actually get chores done." Peter stiffens feeling the bed shift, and Jonah has wrapped his arms from behind. "Jonah, I'm serious."
"Take me to a pet shop then. I do want new toys." Jonah rests his head on Peter's shoulder. "I've earned it."
"You've earned it? You nearly broke down because your balls were replaced with a vagina." Peter can feel his resolve shatter. "You have to be in your skin."
"Mmmhk." Jonah hums. "The cats deserve something new, too."
Peter was going to do that regardless of Jonah making a comment. "Of course they deserve more than you."
"I've been good." Jonah huffs. "The Forsaken wants you to have a stronger connection to me, so when you travel, it hurts more. The Forsaken picked you to be... hmm." Glowing green eyes locked eyes with the gray blue eyes.
"Picked me to what?" Peter frowns, knowing that smirk meant Jonah wouldn't tell him unless he got what he asked.
"Who knows? I want a chew toy." Jonah huffs as Peter pushes him back to the bed.
"You're terrible." Peter sighs. "Absotuely awful."
Jonah chuckles. "As I've been told."
Peter groans. "Put your damn skin on. We'll go out."
Jonah smirks.
"What...? Tim be serious you're going to apologize and give Martin that?" Jon scoffs as he actually arrives to work on time.
Tim raised his brow. "And you think chocolates are better?"
"He's not an animal." Jon huffs as he places the chocolates and handwritten note on Martin's desk.
Martin blinks. "Uh, what's this?"
"An apology note and a gift." Jon sighs. "I know I've texted you an apology, but I think you deserve more. I apologize for last weekend."
Martin sniffs the box of chocolate and makes a face for a second, and pushes it aside. "Thanks for the note."
"You don't like the chocolate?" Jon frowns as Tim snickers behind him.
"I like dark chocolate. My human side tends to overcompensate when it comes to sweets since I can't taste them in my skin." Martin shrugs handing the box to Sasha.
"I see. Well, I apologize for the wrong gift." Jon hums.
Martin chuckles softly. "It's ok. I just got overwhelmed. You didn't have to go out of your way to get me something."
"Duh, because I got the better apology gift." Tim holds the largest chew toy he could. "Well, did I win?"
Jon rolls his eyes. "It's not a competition, and don't treat him like..." He trails off as Martin snatches the large toy from Tim.
"You got this for me?" Martin has pure hope in his eyes.
"Yeah, I mean, I know you're not a dog, but I mean, you can still use it, right?" Tim gives a soft oof as Martin picks him up in a tight hug.
"Oh, thank you so much. I'm so tired of chewing on logs, I'm still really young, and my teeth are weird." Marrin drops Tim. "Thank you again. This is amazing."
Jon scowls and crosses his arms. "Don't say a word, Tim."
"I don't need to." Tim chuckles.
Martin blushes and puts the toy down by his bag. "I uh right work... got to work.... thank you both of you."
"For what it's worth, Jon, these are good chocolates." Sasha gives a thumbs up.
Jon sighs. "Thank you, Sasha."
Martin gets up suddenly again. "Oh right, I'll make you both some tea. I uh do you two still want to meet up this weekend or uh..."
Jon perks up a bit. "Yes, we can meet up again this weekend."
"Yeah, come over to my place. We can watch bad movies." Tim shoots Martin some finger guns.
"Oh, that's great." Martin hums as he heads to the breakroom.
"Did you not listen to anything I said about Martin and food?" Sasha raised her brow.
"I may have been distracted." Jon sighs, trudging into his office.
"I listened." Tim smirks.
"Obviously." Sasha chuckles. "So how long have you been falling for the two?"
"Am I that bad?" Tim sighs, sinking into his chair.
"You wear your heart on your sleeve, which is kind of cute." Sasha smiles softly. "You've got marriage out of the way."
"Haha, very funny." Tim rolls his eyes.
Georgie raised her brow at the unfamiliar number, asking for a video call. It was late, and she didn't exactly have anything better to do, she accepted. She didn't expect to hear her ex speaking obviously slurred speech to show he's drunk.
"Aw yeah, she answered." Jon hiccups. The camera pans to his face with a deep blush and a furry rug he was leaning on?
No, the rug licked his face, which was a big dog. Georgie muffled a laugh.
"Georgie, Georgie, Georgie, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not talking." Jon furrows his brows as the dog licks his face again. "I don't even like dogs."
A voice from off camera. "Martin isn't a dog."
"Yes, yes." Jon hiccups again. "But he's so soft and look at him." He fumbles his phone, and it points to a massive... yeah, that wasn't a dog. "I got married. I wanna see the admiral." He starts to sniff like he was gonna cry. "I wanna see my baby boy."
Georgie watches someone catch his phone before he buries his face into the giant wolf who was wagging their tail. A man she didn't recognize appeared on the phone.
"Oh ahit he really did call someone..." The man sighs. "I'm sorry, er Georgie? Right, uh, I'm Tim, and I didn't realize how much of a light weight Jon is. Also, sorry, he's probably too drunk out of his mind to realize that he called you." Tim directs the camera back to the scene of Jon without his glasses. The wolf had them in his mouth, and he was singing a mech song while petting the large animal.
"Look, I know you don't know me, but can you keep me on the phone? Jon's an old friend of mine, and I would enjoy the blackmail material." Georgie bit back a laugh.
"Oh, I like you." Tim waves off the wolf who whines. "Martin just keep him from hurting himself."
The wolf gets up, throwing Jon off balance from where he was leaning on them, and proceeds to lay back down on his legs.
"Puppy blanket!" Jon throws his arms up in a cheer and goes back to singing and petting the wolf now leaning over the wolf.
Georgie snorts. "Fuck me he's absolutely blasted. I haven't seen him this drunk since college. Here, let me give you my number. I want all the embarrassing pictures."
"Do you have pics from his college years?" Tim smirks off camera.
"Fuck yeah we can exchange pictures." Georgie smiles wide.
"Good lord." Jon groans as he wakes up. He was ok, something soft and warm, but couldn't make it out. Something nudged his hand, and he had his glasses to see, and a glass of water was next to him as well. "Did i... uh." He drinks the water and looks over to the large wolf.
Martin yawns and wags his tail.
"I fell asleep on you." Jon gives a heavy sigh.
"To be fair, you got shit faced." Tim chuckles, sipping a mug of coffee. "You are a good singer though kept asking for the admiral, which I now know is a cat. You also drunk called your ex, which was great. I have her number, and she also wants you to call her back and rejoin a mechanism chat, which I don't know what that is, and she won't tell me. She also thinks I married you since you kept blabbering about being married and then Martin and then how you're not a dog person while cuddling Martin. I didn't want to out Martin, so I told her we're married." He slides a trash can over so Jon can spill his guts.
Jon looks like a pathetic cat as he looks up from the trash can. "Did I keep you here all night?" He sits up, letting Martin get up and stretch.
Martin takes off his skin. "It wasn't that bad. You're a very cuddly drunk. Georgie seems very kind."
"Yeah, I'm the ass in everything." Jon sighs.
"You don't have to explain what she already did, and honestly, you need to get better at communicating even now." Tim helps Jon up. "Also, I think she recorded a few videos of your drinking cuddling singing."
Jon groans. "I already know who she sent that too." He sighs. "Sorry for ruining movie night."
"Are you kidding me? I have blackmail for days, and I got a new friend." Tim chuckles.
Martin hums. "You're very good with your hands in my fur, and you didn't throw up on me, so I count that as a win." He chuckles. "You're also not that heavy. I forgot you were there when I got up. I had to reposition you so you weren't completely on the floor."
Jon blushes. "I'm never drinking again."
"Aw, don't say that. We had fun." Tim laughs as Jon hits his side. "Aw, come on, you were great fun and entertainment. Also, why did you name a cat the admiral?"
"He's a distinguished cat." Jon huffs. "I'm using your shower."
Martin chuckles. "You wanted to name the street rat cheese, Tim."
"It's a practical name." Tim huffs.
Sasha raised her brow at the scene in front of her. Martin was curled up in the breakroom currently in his skin, and that fox from that day in the woods was sleeping on top of him. Well, that fox had one eye open, looking annoyed at her. So the other selkie worked here, that was good to know, but right now, she really wanted the snacks in the fridge she brought, and Martin was quite literally blocking access to the fridge. She clears her throat. "Um, Martin, could you maybe move?"
The fox had both eyes open and stretched. Jumping down the fox batted at Martin's snout, which woke him. The fox paused for a moment, tilting his head.
Martin huffed and got up with a big stretch. He nodded and padded out of the room and the fox followed.
"Um, thanks." Sasha watches Martin head into Jon's office and a short protest from Jon, then quiet. She got her yogurt and stepped into Jon's office to find Jon being laid on by Martin, and the fox had taken Jon's chest to curl up.
Jon sighs. "Who's the fox?"
"No idea." Sasha shrugs. "But I guess you're in time out."
"I was going to take a break." Jon sighs as Martin huffs. "Tim was getting me lunch."
Martin curls tight around Jon's legs.
"Fine, fine." Jon sighs. "Seriously though, who is this fox?"
"I really don't know, but I think it's the same one from the forest, with that big sailor guy." Sasha pauses as the fox lets out a laugh. "I forgot foxes can mimic human laughter."
"Are you alright?" Martin hums softly in Jonah's mind. They both were ignoring the conversation above them.
"I was born female, originally, and I'm starting to get things from my original body." Jonah sounds uncomfortable.
"Do you believe yourself to be male?" Martin stretches.
"Of course I do." Jonah huffs.
"Then you're male." Martin responds, yawning. "Most nonhuman creatures can switch genders or develop the opposite gender sex for their body while still having the old around. Hence, most supernatural species are intersex or change their sex on a whim. My father gave me a very descriptive sex ed course. You'll just have both parts, so have your partner wear a condom unless you want kids."
Jonah perks up, hopping off Jon's chest to Martin's back. "It's that easy?"
"Mmh, I guess." Martin had a hint of a smirk in his tone. "Is that why you came down here to risk outing yourself?"
"Shut up." Jonah huffs curling up on Martin. "So about the marriage thing."
"You're not married to Peter, well you are the human way." Martin hums softly. "Did your plan not work?"
"Apparently not. Unfortunately, I will have to try again." Jonah sighs. "Your other mate is here."
"Look at you already using correct terms." Martin hums fondly. "I've been meaning to ask besides from the adjustment. Are you ok?"
Jonah stretches out. "As well as I can be, I've been human jumping bodies for a good 200 years. I can't exactly continue that for a long time, nor do any of my other plans I've been devoting during that time." He sounds only mildly bitter. "I underestimated you."
"You did." Martin muses. "Your hormones and instincts will even out soon enough, and you'll feel normal again."
"Will I go back to being your boss?" Jonah hufs hearing a laugh from Martin.
"Legally, you are my boss, but that's only for humanity's gaze. Realistically, we are going to be on equal footing since we are in the same pack." Martin gets up off of Jon to let him eat. "Will my mates be in the pack? I don't know way too early to tell if they both will physically change."
Jonah rides on Martin's back curiosity, tugging at his mind, and he knows his eyes are glowing green. "What do you mean?"
"It's rare, but there are records written by humans losing their humanity, of course. However in rare cases selkie true marriages from returning their skin does have a chance to infect their new marriage partner or mate to turn into a selkie the animal is random but it has been recorded again by said humans." Martin stops in the breakroom curling back up. "It's only been three weeks at most for us way too early to see if anything like that would happen. However, if it happens in one pack, all the members who get human mates they will change as well."
"Fascinating." Jonah hums. "Tell me more."
Martin smiles. "Alright, I will until Peter finds you."
"He won't go down here." Jonah sounds smug. "I highly doubt he cares enough to get out of his comfort zone."
Martin tilts his head, looking back at the fox. "You care for him, but he doesn't for you?
"It's not his nature to care about others." Jonah sounds disappointed. "It's just his nature and how he was raised. Just because I love him doesn't mean he would ever return the feelings."
"Is that why you want the marriage?" Martin rests his head on the floor.
"That and not becoming a slave sounds nice." Jonah curls up tightly on top of Martin. "So information."
"Ok, but again, my father is better at this than I am he's older than both of us." Martin shuts his eyes, and starts to explain what he knows.
Stomping and then the doors to the archives are flung open. The burly, strong sailor man rushed inside. He has worries on his features. His voice did match his imposing figure. "I'm looking for e-j- a fox."
Tim nearly spit out his drink at the entrance. "I uh..." He gave a look to Sasha.
"Breakroom." Sasha answers, giving a look to Tim. As the man shifts awkwardly before Tim points at the closed door.
The man rushed forward, nearly taking the door off the handle. "You!" He stared at the fox who was asleep and the wolf under him who was also asleep. He grabbed the fox, waiting them up as he huffed. "Do you have any idea how long I've been looking for you? How many people I had to talk to you, horrible creature."
The fox growls for a moment before staring at the man and twists till feet hit the floor, and Jonah is dusting himself off. "Honestly, Peter, I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself."
"Taking care of yourself? J- Elias, you've been gone for two hours." Peter huffs. "You told me we had to have lunch and you weren't there."
"You actually went to look for me?" Jonah raised his brow.
"Yes!" Peter pinches his brow. "You've done nothing but cause me a headache while I had to actually look for you and interact with others." He was looking a bit transparent, and Jonah knew that reflected how anxious he felt.
"You were worried about me?" Jonah tilted his head.
Peter sighs and grabs Jonah's arm. "Yes, don't get a big head, you awful little man." He tugs him out of the archives.
"I thought Martin was joking about Elias." Sasha pursed her lips.
"You knew!" Tim whipped his head to stare at Sasha.
"Martin made a comment about it, but yeah, that's the skin he was looking for." Sasha pauses. "Wait, that means that man was his husband."
"Oh fuck that's Peter Lukas?" Tim blinks. "Fuck I thought those rumors of Elias being a sugar baby were just to fuck with me."
Jon pokes his head out of the office. "Im sorry the fox is Elias? Elias was on my chest?"
Martin yawns. "He's still dealing with the rush of hormones and instincts. He was also mirroring my behavior, like how cats and many other animals do."
Jon frowns. "I uh oh..."
"Being without your skin for a long time can be jarring once you get it back. So his body is adjusting, and his mind is catching up. There's also other factors, but I won't share that it's personal. He is a part of my pack, though since I returned his skin... our pack is the correct term. He asked me not to tell you guys." Martin sighs. "He didn't account for his human husband to get worried about him."
"Oh." Tim sighs. "Be nice to the guy. I can tell that it's personal and frankly embarrassing."
"Tim is right it's incredibly personal and he's seeking comfort, and even though he's older than me in the span of our lives it's not really that important we are in equal footing so he daughter me out for comfort." Martin sighs. "Try not to mention it."
Tim, Sasha, and Jon share a glance, and all nod at Martin.
"Peter, you are absolutely awful." Jonah huffs from his desk as Peter pushes a take out container towards him.
"Well, I improvised for lunch." Peter huffs poking his food that was getting cold. Emotions swam in his head with the realization of what he did just to find Jonah. He threw out every lesson his own mother drilled onto his skull for a man he didn't even know if he loved. He doesn't even know what love meant. Nobody taught him, and he was getting too old to ask. He enjoyed the stupid reality TV shows and the awful way he would talk about his work and his patron. He looked forward to the promise of adopting a fourth cat. He likes the old-fashioned way the other man cooked even if it was way too spiced, and he never understood where he got that from. He loved the stupid little arguements and the wagers between them. He liked jonah and not his body even if he was pankcking about the different parts. He enjoyed him as James and.... it's as if a stone dropped in his stomach as something clicked. "Oh."
Jonah raised his brow eating the cold noodles. "Peter, it's not about lunch, although I am grateful it seems I've forgotten to eat breakfast in my haste to get to work. Why would you even go out of your way to look for me? I am not foolish enough to leave my skin unattended in my office." He rolls his eyes.
Peter swallows, and the weight in his stomach seems to get heavier, and his appetite is completely gone. He rubbed his eyes and sighed. "Is that stupid cooking show you like on tonight?"
"You can't call it stupid if you watch it with me." Jonah huffs. "Whatever, eat your food."
Peter numbly picks up his food and eats slowly, afraid to look away from Jonah as if he'll forget what he looks like if he steps back into his patron. Is this what Forsaken wanted? To feed on him? He doesn't want to go back, which is a realization that sends chills down his spine.
Jonah hums, finishing his food. "Although I am mad at you for this stunt, I want you to stay tonight since you're leaving tomorrow." He sighs. "Peter, are you even listening to me?"
Peter nods mutely. "Yes, I'll stay the night."
"Good." Jonah smiles softly. "The next time you'll be back longer, right?"
"Yes, a few months." Peter wanted to say forever, but he couldn't let the words leave his tongue.
"I suppose I'll have to wait till then." Jonah sighs.
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I’m Gonna Tell ‘Em (Don’t you Dare)
Tim just wanted coffee. That’s really all he desired in life. Coffee. His position as Red Robin. And Wayne Industries to get its shit together for one goddamn day. In that order.
“Are you shitting me? I was a fucking crime lord you little terror, I don’t give a fuck-”
He’d done an all-nighter in the Batcave. Again. Trying to crack a cold case he was sure had something to do with Riddler's vague warning a few nights ago. And he was so close, but his eyes had started to close for just a little too long.
So tell him why he walked into an argument that seemed to be based around the topic of murder, at 7 in the morning. Between Jason and Damian. Who both tried to kill him at least once. Respectively.
“And I am the Demon Prodigy of the League of Assassins. I could kill a man before I could speak.”
Tim stands in the doorway, contemplating if his need for coffee is higher than his potential rate of getting maimed in the dining room.
“Yeah, but you were fucking sheltered inside the bases like goddamn Rapunzel in her-”
“I was not sheltered. You of all people should know of Mother’s harshness for disobedience-“
“Oh and I’m sure you were so disobedient Mr. Goody Two Shoes-“
Ultimately, the urge for coffee wins. Tim crosses the kitchen as unnoticeably as he can, skirting the edges and keeping his footsteps as light as he can manage on 10 hours of sleep in the last week.
He’s busy, okay?
“I’ll admit I wasn’t raised to go against the orders of a higher-up but that did not mean-”
“Bull. Fucking. Shit.”
“Did my propensity for sneaking animals into the house escaped your notice? I thought you were better trained-“
“So what? You save every bird with a broken wing you come across, but you’d willingly slit the throat of a human?”
“Yes, Todd. That’s exactly what I’m saying.”
The coffee pot is half full. Tim counts this as the one redeeming factor of this morning. The threat of getting stabbed is nothing in the face of sweet, sweet caffeine.
“What’s your fucking number then?”
“I can’t possibly know the exact-“
“Oh no, you don’t get to pull that shit on me-“
Tim considers pouring himself a cup, but he’s gonna drink the whole thing anyway and he’s exhausted enough to zone out during Alfred’s inevitable lecture, so he takes the whole pot and tips it back.
“I was sent out for missions when I was barely more than a toddler. You can’t expect me to remember every-“
“Ra’s had files on every fucking mission I did while brain dead and high on Lazarus rage, there’s no fucking way he didn’t have an exact-“
Tim chugs his precious coffee. The temperature is surprisingly cool enough that he doesn't immediately burn his tongue. Not that a few scorched taste buds would stop Tim from inhaling the only thing between him and unconscious. But it’s the thought that counts.
“What’s yours then, Todd?”
“Nope. Not until you tell me yours first. I’m not about to have you raise the number because I told you mine.”
“That’s preposterous. I would do no such thing.”
Tim calculates his chances of making it back out of the kitchen with a quarter pot of coffee in his hands and decides his caffeine fix is safer off with a few counters between him and his homicidal brothers.
And yah know. His physical well-being. But that’s pretty low on his ‘fucks to give list’ at the moment.
“I don’t trust a fucking word coming out of your mouth-“
“There’s an easy way to settle this if you’d just-“
“What? Shut up? Drop the argument? No fucking-“
“We can write it down separately and then show it to each other at the same time."
Tim looks up in genuine fear when both of his siblings go quiet. That’s never a good sign. Not in this house.
There’s a window to his right that he could probably smash through if it came to it.
Neither of them are looking at him though, just regarding each other with much less animosity than a few seconds ago. Tim decides he’s probably fine and goes back to his coffee.
“I will go retrieve a piece of paper and two pens.”
Damian leaves the room and Tim freezes like if he stays still enough it’ll keep Jason from noticing him. Unfortunately, now that his older brother’s attention is directed to his surroundings and not just screaming at a 12-year-old, he makes direct eye contact with Tim.
“Oh hey, Timmers. How long have you been here?”
Tim stares at him blankly. He- doesn’t know what answer Jason wants from him and he’s not willing to face his older brother’s wrath if he’d been having what he thought was a private conversation.
“Sorry about the noise. I hope we didn’t wake you up.” Jason says after it’s clear that he isn't getting answers out of Tim.
As if the manor isn’t literally soundproofed. For this exact reason.
Tim’s 17 years of social etiquette training won’t let him just not answer the open-ended comment, but god does he wish that it did.
“No, I was already up.”
Jason nods as if he was expecting that answer. Which is fair. Tim’s sure he looks just as tired as he feels. His eye bags could hold all of his emotional trauma. They’re Guchi.
“And does Alfred know you’re drinking straight from the pot?” Jason motions to the carafe Tim’s clutching like a lifeline. Because it is.
Tim opens his mouth to lie through his teeth, but is saved by Damian’s re-entry. Wow, he’s never been so glad to see his stab-happy younger brother.
True to his word, the kid’s carrying a few pieces of paper and pens. Tim could leave now. He could casually walk right past them, out of the kitchen, and back to the cave to keep working on his case, but dammit, he’s invested now.
He’s still not sure what this argument is about exactly, but he’s willing to wait a few more minutes to satiate his curiosity now that he’s tentatively sure that the argument isn’t going to evolve into physical violence.
“I’ve acquired the tools to finish this once and for all, Todd.” Damian announces, sliding half of his spoils to Jason.
“Great. We’ll write our body count down and on 3 we’ll turn ‘em around. Got it?”
“Don’t tell me what to do” Damian grumbles, but writes dutifully anyway. The kid would be funny if he didn’t back his threats up with swords.
Tim is. Still lost, but he’s always secretly wondered how many people his brothers have killed. In a morbid way. Mostly because he wants to know if the murder attempts on him were a particularly special event or just a pattern. For his mental health's sake.
“Got it?” Jason asks, holding his paper close to his chest so no one can peek. Tim doesn’t know who would, considering he’s the only one in the kitchen that’s not a part of this squabble, but Damian copies the movement and Tim finds himself inching closer, taking the last swig of his coffee.
They flip the papers around and for a moment the kitchen is quiet.
“FUCK YEAH!” Jason pumps his fist in the air with a whoop. “Ha! Take that, Demon Brat! I’m the Robin with the highest kill count!”
Tim spits out his coffee and coughs violently. It’s partially because he got some in his lungs, but also to cover the incredulous laughter bursting uncontrollably out of him. It takes him a good few seconds to get his breathing under control, but when he looks up, his brothers are staring at him.
For a moment he’s tempted. So fucking tempted. Because he hasn’t told anyone anything more than bits and pieces about his time with the League. Hell, the only reason his family even knows about his little stint playing lap dog for Ra’s, is because he choked out a vague explanation about his missing spleen when he went into sepsis.
They don’t know about the missions he was sent on. The people he sold out. And most importantly, the multiple bases he blew up because he was crazier than the Joker after Bart and Kon’s death and then the near miss with Bruce.
The bases he absolutely didn’t evacuate. With hundreds of people inside. A few actually avalanched down mountainsides, and he’d eat his Batarang if any of them survived.
The only word he’d confidently use to describe his mental state then, is feral.
He didn’t have to blow them up. He really didn’t. A good few of the bases he’d never actually seen before he snuck in to level the place, but he’d been having a shitty year so naturally, he was going to make sure Ra’s got to have one too.
Not to mention that Tim was as depressed as he’d ever been and wasn’t particularly giving a lot of fucks about if he died during his warpath. He’d already lost a spleen, what were a few more organs?
So this argument? This competition? He finds it objectively fucking hilarious.
Damian and Jason are still staring at him in bewilderment, and for a moment -just a wild moment- he thinks about telling them.
Explaining how he was just. So done. And could only think of one way out, so he systematically hacked into every base he could get his hands on. Stole as many files as he could during his time constraint. And then blew all of them sky-high.
Thought about telling them how on one particularly bad night, gone through every log of the people in those bases. How he hadn’t been ‘sick’ as he claimed the week after he managed to crawl out of his safe house.
He was just too horrified to look anyone in the eye.
It would be funny to watch his family’s expressions go through the five stages of grief and add a few more just for funsies, if they even believed him at all. But no. Tim had his secrets and he was going to take them to the grave.
He grinned at his brothers, patted Jason on the shoulder with a quiet congratulations, and strolled out of the kitchen.
Tim had cases to solve and letting his family assume he wasn’t capable of murder was better for all of them in the long run.
No matter how wrong they were.
In my defense. Writing prompts make the brain noodle go brr. You can blame @coffinbirds and @batcavescolony for these posts.
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shadowqueenjude · 3 months
What if Elide brought home a cat? I wrote this at 3 AM so enjoy I guess🥰
Elide peered at the shivering black street cat and she couldn’t let him go. He was a little runt with mussed up fur. Elide bent over and scooped him up into her arms. He was so small; he fit perfectly in Elide’s arms. As Elide walked back to her home with the cat in her arms, she remembered a recently passed friend whose animal form had been a large cat. Though this cat was not so big or fearsome looking, he had the same spirit. “You’re a good boy, aren’t you, Gavriel? Yes, you are!” Elide winced as the cat mewled and scratched her arm in retaliation. “You dare scratch a lady?” Elide shouted back at the cat, as if it could hear her. The cat only responded with louder mewling, and Elide sighed. “I’ve traveled alongside the most powerful men and women in the world. I will not be defeated by the likes of you.” The cat stared at her imperiously with its yellow eyes, and Elide could’ve sworn the cat was saying, “You’ve already been defeated, fool.”
Lorcan was in the kitchen when Elide returned; he was fully clothed, which was rather unfortunate but a problem easily remedied. Something smelled good, and Lorcan’s face brightened when he noticed Elide, until he noticed what Elide had in her arms.
Elide’s jaw dropped as the most powerful man in the world went pale- pale- at the cat in her arms. “Where in Hellas did you get that?” he demanded. And that old rebelliousness she had felt in their early acquaintance when he had used that very tone with her came back. “I am the Lady of these lands. I don’t have to tell you anything, Lorcan.”
“I am your husband!” he protested. “Exactly. My husband. Which means you are mine for me to do as I please with.” Lorcan shook his head. “I…prefer dogs.”
Elide tilted her head curiously. “Sounds like there’s a story behind that, Lord Lorcan Lochan. Care to share?”
His face turned red. “Cats are always so rude. Stealing your food you worked so hard to acquire. And they scratch you too.” Elide laughed gently. “You faced the demon queen who kept you enslaved for centuries, but you draw the line at adopting a cat?” Lorcan scowled at her; to anyone else, that expression would be terrifying, but to Elide, it was like staring at a giant, grumpy puppy. She walked over to him, placing a hand to his cheek to smooth out the frown lines. “Come now, Lorcan. Surely you can’t say no to this face?” She wiggled the wet cat in front of him. 
Lorcan’s face looked strained, like he was tortured about this highly unimportant decision. “The cat’s face, I can. Yours, on the other hand…” Elide smiled sweetly, fluttering her eyes at him, and Lorcan squeezed his eyes shut. “Stop that.”
“Stop what?”
Elide put her hands on her hips. “Excuse me?” Lorcan’s eyes opened, and he groaned. “Stop that, goddamnit.”
“I’m not even doing anything.”
“Yes, you are. You…you’re irresistible, for gods’ sake. I can’t say no to you. But I have to. We are not getting a cat.”
Elide widened her eyes innocently. “But I already named him Gavriel.” 
Lorcan stared at her long and hard. “You are going to be the death of me, Elide,” he whispered. “I love you too, handsome.” Elide left him bumbling and flustered while she gently placed the cat down on the plush carpet beside the sofa. “There, just right for you, Gavvy!” Elide declared. She heard Lorcan’s audible sigh at the nickname, and Elide giggled.
She skipped back to the kitchen, and Lorcan stared at her arm, something like fury twisting his features. “Honey, what is it?” “He hurt you,” Lorcan said in a low voice, barely repressed rage there. He lifted her small arm in one of his enormous hands, and goosebumps traveled up Elide’s arm, and she wanted those hands to wander elsewhere-
Then that hand slipped away, and Elide saw the scratches were gone. “This is why I hate cats,” he muttered, and Elide couldn’t help but laugh. “Darling, it was a scratch. It was nothing. Relax, you overprotective brute.” Lorcan crossed his arms. “Fine,” he grumbled. “But I don’t like Gavriel. The cat, that is.” Well, Lorcan had once claimed similar things of the first Gavriel before he’d tattooed his body in his honor, so Elide knew not to take his word at face value. “It’s ok, I can take care of him.”
The two of them wound up cuddling on the couch, where Elide began pleasantly drowsy. Just before she fell asleep, she could’ve sworn she heard Lorcan mutter to Gavvy the cat, “You’d better behave yourself boy, or we’re going to have issues.” 
The cat turned out to be a pain.
Every time Elide tried to feed him, he’d try to bite her, and every time Lorcan would grab Gavriel and pull him away from her, scolding him like a son. “Stop biting my wife!” He’d chastise him while Gavvy just stared at him unbothered. 
Which was why it was a shock to find Lorcan in the kitchen a week later, shirtless with Gavvy perched on his muscled shoulder. “Elide, sweetheart! Your dinner is on the table!” Elide blinked, turning to the food indeed sitting in the table. “Who in the world are you cooking for, then?”
“Well we ran out of cat food and Gavvy here has spent too long on the streets eating second-rate food, so I thought my man deserved some homemade food.” Elide speed-walked over to the kitchen and found, to her utter shock, fish cooking. “You’re not serious.” But Elide knew he absolutely was. Lorcan wasn’t exactly a practical jokester. “Yes, I am. Isn’t that right, Gavvy?” And Elide’s jaw dropped as her cat purred- purred in her husband’s presence. 
“What did you do to him?” Elide demanded, staring at her husband and her cat as Lorcan absently reached up a hand to stroke his head, which was answered with more purring. “Nothing. He just recognized a kindred spirit.” Both associated with darkness. Both grown up abandoned and fighting for scraps on the streets. Both saved by her. How did she not put it together before now? Gavvy might be a cat like her friend’s animal form, but his spirit was similar to Lorcan’s. 
In truth, they made an absolutely adorable pair. “I’ll win you over yet,” Elide whispered to Gavvy, who merely eyed her suspiciously. She scowled. “Traitor. I was the one who brought you here.” Lorcan chuckled. “Jealous, Elide?” 
“Not in your wildest daydreams,” Elide crooned. “Both of you are mine, and soon you will know it.” 
Elide stomped away, but the main emotion in her heart was love. It was absolutely adorable to see the two of them together. Did she just fall for him again?
Well, it looks like Lorcan is a cat person after all.
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butch-reidentified · 8 months
“ask the average reader to guess whether a male or female wrote this based on the fact that the author used coarse language I bet they’ll tell you male 😏” this is what you sound like. that person clearly wasn’t even saying that women with body hair are disgusting, they were likening themselves to them, and condemning holding yourself and others to pedophilic beauty standards and you have to be reading it in the worst faith possible to have any other takeaway
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yeahhh you're making shit up lmfao
post being referenced:
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I never said he said women with body hair are disgusting. I never thought he said that; he was clearly trying to say that we're all just gross animals. If other people claimed he said that, talk to them. HOWEVER. he said "u are a nasty little slug too and having a vachina does not absolve u of that." I take issue with this specifically because radfems take a very "humans are just animals like any other" view. We do not believe "having a vagina" makes us superior or cleaner or less animalistic or whatever the fuck he was trying to say with that weird ass sentence.
my saying that any rando on the street would more than likely read that and assume it was written by a male is not about "coarse language" (this literally made me laugh out loud, so ty). have you looked at my blog?? it doesn't get much more "coarse language" than my writing 💀 you can say "this is what you sound like" all day, but you made that up completely while dozens if not hundreds of women knew exactly what I was referring to. Not that I actually believe that you were confused what I meant by that, but to be clear, his post reads as male because it reeks of porn-induced brainrot. "breedable 12 year old anime girls floating in a glass jar of formaldehyde waiting for some old man to come and fuck them and tell them they are so teeeeeeeeny tiny and worth it" specifically is simply not a turn of phrase (or even abstractified image) that would ever enter my mind in a million years, nor that of any woman I know. I've never seen a woman say something quite that far porn-rotted. not that it's never happened at all, but I've never seen it and I would bet my life it's exceptionally uncommon.
Everything within that image he painted is the polar opposite of how radfems see women/what radfems want for women. "Holding yourself and others to pedophilic beauty standards" - you mean the exact ones radfems speak out against relentlessly every single day??? Search my blog for terms like "female body hair," "shaving," "beauty myth," and the like, and tell me how on earth you came to the conclusion that I think women should shave or tweeze or laser or whatever a SINGLE hair even once in their entire lives. I don't shave my legs, which were wildly god-tier hairy BEFORE even I was on T. I don't shave my bush, I don't shave my armpits, I don't shave my mustache or the chin hairs cross-sex hormones gave me.
Radfeminism is opposed to every single thing that has to do with the gender construct. We absolutely do not have any requirements or expectations or criteria for womanhood beyond simply being a human + female. Like I said about viewing humans like any other animals, radfems see "woman = female human" the same way one means "doe = female deer." Woman is not a gender; it's a term referring simply to species (human) and to sex (female). That's it. No further expectations or criteria apply.
Before you try to argue that this definition excludes women who are infertile or intersex, let me be very clear about sex:
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> "of or denoting the sex that can bear offspring or produce eggs"
"the sex that CAN" is crucial to defining female/male. the female body has biologically, genetically, and physiologically developed from before birth to support the POTENTIAL capability of producing large gametes (eggs aka ova). It is totally irrelevant if one has a medical complication that prevents her from actually producing those gametes; which gametes your body has clearly developed structurally and functionally to produce is what defines your sex, no matter what.
The fact that this is how we view "woman" and "man," as simply referencing one's sex and humanity - this is why we maintain that trans-identified males are men. Again, we don't see "man" as a gender in the slightest. We don't engage with the gender construct at all beyond our desire to dismantle it entirely so that everyone would be able to live free from those roles/stereotypes/expectations that are assigned on the basis of sex.
This makes it a ridiculous thing to assert that we have to "go so far to prove that trans women are actually men...." We do not feel that it requires any effort at all to say "a drake is a male duck, a buck is a male doe, a man is a male human." It CERTAINLY does not in ANY capacity require us to "reduce women" to that horrific sentence, or to "reduce women" at all. Is it "reducing" a doe to state that she is a female deer?
It also makes it ridiculous to insist radfems "dehumanize" women by using this definition - the definition which includes "human" as a non-negotiable criterion.
About the first of his two-part post pictured above, last but far from least: There will NEVER come a day when women - ESPECIALLY lesbians & ESPECIALLY extremely gnc lesbians - calling out misogynistic males for their behavior counts as "punching down." No matter how he identifies, how he dresses, where he works, what his talents are, what he likes/dislikes, his sexual orientation, or anything else, women (and again, lesbian women especially) do not hold institutional/systemic power over men.
as for the 10 foot pole part, I really couldn't care less what he meant or why, tbqh, because the supremely creepy pedophilic rant that made up the first part was the thing we all truly took issue with in that screenshot.
and let's not forget, this all started bc he called an ND woman the r slur for her critique asserting that he was appropriating a type of religious trauma specific to the sex-based oppression of women/girls, and profiting from doing so. personally, as a human female with a history of such religious trauma, while this has been resolved for approximately 7 years in my case, I still vehemently object to any male claiming it as his own for profit. especially if said profit is hoarded rather than given back to victims of such trauma.
NOTE: this answer was written while I'm barely staying conscious. I will come back to edit/clean up a bit later after getting some rest 😴
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earthtoharlow · 2 years
Sunday Kind of Love
Chapter 3
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AN: hope you enjoy 😉
Previous chapters
I rifle through piles of toys and stuffed animals on the floor. Brooklyn is gonna be late. It’s Wednesday and we have been doing good for the past week making sure we left the house for school on time.
“Brooklyn!” I yell. Where the hell are they, I always put them in the same place; the basket near the door.
“Brooklyn!” I yell again as I walk down the hallway to her room. I poke my head in quickly and see my daughter laying on her stomach watching cartoons on her bed.
“Honey, if we don’t leave in the next 3 minutes, you’re gonna be super late to school.” Brooklyn turns her attention away from the tv and looks at me “but momma, the show is just getting to the good part!”
I ignore her and a scramble to get her shoes and socks on. “I know baby, but we have the dvd remember. We can watch this episode anytime. Now, have you seen momma’s car keys? I can’t find them anywhere and we’re really gonna be late.”
I look up and see Brooklyn with her arms crossed with a pout on her face. “Please, Brooklyn. Please help your momma out.”
“They’re on the kitchen table, you threw them down after we came back from the store”
“Perfect, come on let’s go” I darted out of the room in a complete fluster and found my keys sitting right on the table, exactly where she said I left them. “Hiding again” I huffed to myself. I slung Brooklyn’s backpack on one arm and grab her hand as we leave the house. We’re gonna be so late.
I was driving in silence for a few minutes before I heard Brooklyn speak from the backseat. “Can we listen to some music?” I look at her through the mirror and nod my head.
As I turn on the radio, the opening chords of “First Class” by Jack Harlow comes on. Just as I was about to turn the station, I noticed Brooklyn in the back nodding her head along and shaking her fingers.
“And I can put you in (first class, up in the sky)…”
I tap my fingers along the steering wheel and sing softly to the rest of the song. Soon we were both giggling and singing along to the radio as we pulled up to the school. I looked at the clock and noticed we made it with 5 minutes to spare. I quickly unbuckle Brooklyn from her car seat and walk her into the preschool. I walk her to the front door and bend down to her height.
“Ok give momma kisses, I promise to be here at the same time as I always am to pick you up.” I told her softly before I started messing with the edges of her hair making sure it was in place.
“Mom! Stop it!” Brooklyn whines before holding her pinky out for me to grab. I kissed our joined fingers and whispered “I love you, Lyn. Have a good day”
“I love you too, bye!” Brooklyn says before she runs off to class before she ends up late. I turn with a sigh before heading out the school and make my way back to my car so I can start my own work at home.
“So...have you texted her?” Urban turned away from the game for a moment to look over at Jack. “What?” he questioned him before continuing to play 2K
“Dude, don’t play dumb, you know, the girl with the kid who you haven’t stopped talking about since Sunday?”
“What?! I haven’t been talking about her all week!” He huffed. “Yeah sure, buddy!” There was silence for a few moments before he spoke again.
“Should I text her? I mean I don’t want to be a bother.” Urban said nervously. Jack pausing the game so he could look at his friend.
“She wouldn’t have given you her number if she didn’t want you to reach out to her. She even told you she works from home. She’s interested or at least wants to get to know you.” Jack tells Urban before picking up the controller again
“I guess you’re right.”
“Wait...what did you say” “I’m not saying it again”
“Hold on—“
“Shut up.”
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It was noon when I decided to take a break from my computer. Being a freelance Graphic Designer had its perks but staring at the computer all day long can really hurt your eyes. I push back from my desk and grab my phone. I always put it on do not disturb while I’m working. I looked down and was shocked to see I had a text from Urban.
Urban: hey, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight? Maybe go see a movie or something?
Urban: and of course little miss Brooklyn is invited
I smile as I read his message. I felt giddy at the thought of hanging out with him somewhere other than the ice cream shop.
Y/N: I would love too!
I bite my lip wondering if I should invite him to Brooklyn and I “The week is almost over, let’s have a movie night” It wouldn’t hurt to have another person join in on our fun. Something about Urban makes me trust him. I don’t get bad vibes from him like I did….I shake my head before I could even start to think about Brooklyn’s father. I quickly send Urban another text.
Y/N: I have an idea, how about you come over and join our weekly movie night we do? There will be drinks and popcorn! It’s Brooklyn’s night to pick so I totally understand if you aren’t in the mood to watch a Disney movie lol :)
I nervously toss my phone after sending the text. I tried to keep myself busy by trying to get back to work but nothing was stopping my mind from spinning. Maybe, it was too soon to invite him over. I mean, I’m just a stranger. He wouldn’t have texted me if he thought I was a creep. Maybe. I mean…he is white. Before I could stress myself out any further, I hear my phone ding. I quickly grab my phone and see it’s a reply from Urban.
Urban: You had me at popcorn, I would love to join. Should I bring anything special?
Y/N: No, I’m a pro at this. You just bring yourself!
Y/N: . Actually, I would bring a blanket and maybe a pillow. Brooklyn likes to hog all the cover!
Urban: Sounds perfect, I can’t wait.
Y/N: Me too, come around 5:30. I’ll see you then :)
I sent him my address before putting my phone back on silent so I could finish more work before I had to pick up Brooklyn. Tonight is going to be fun.
“Mommy hurry! We have to get the fort set up before he gets here! Everything has to be perfect!” Brooklyn whines as she begins trying to drag the kitchen chairs in the living room
“Baby it’s not even 5 yet, we have plenty of time. I promise.” I tell her before helping her with the chairs.
“Mr. Urban could show up early and we won’t have anything ready! That would be super...super no I got it! It would be super embarrassing!!” Brooklyn says with a huff and pushes her freshly washed hair out her face.
“Let’s take a deep breath and calm down, everything will be fine. Why don’t you go figure out what movie you wanna watch while I set up the fort.” I tell her, she nods her head and bounces off to find a movie. “Crazy girl” I muttered before I started grabbing all the pillows off the couch.
I was starting to pop the popcorn when there was a knock on the door. Before I could leave the kitchen, tiny footsteps ran past me. “Wait a minute young lady, what did I say about answering doors without me?”
“Sorry I’m just so excited!” “Me too Lyn, me too.”
I take a deep breath and reach for the doorknob. I open the door and there stands Urban dressed in joggers and a dark colored hoodie.
“Hey, uh I brought some candy. I hope that’s okay, I just figured you can’t have a movie night without candy. “ Urban says holding up the bags of candy
I smiled at him and let him inside. “Well it’s a good thing everyone in this house loves eating candy, good job.” Before he could respond back, Brooklyn was tugging on his sleeve to get his attention. Urban bends down to her height so he could make eye contact.
“Mr. Urban! I’m so happy you’re here, do you wanna go check out the fort?” She says grabbing his hand. He looks up at you with a look of confusion and mouths “fort?” but you give nothing away as you just give him a smile. He turns back to Brooklyn, “lead the way, kid!”
Brooklyn giggles and begins tugging him towards the living room. Urban stops wide eyed as he sees the pretty big pillow fort in the room. “This is amazing, Brooklyn! Did you do this all by yourself?” She starts to sway shyly next to him before shaking her head. “No momma, helped me”
“You guys did such a great job! Wow” Urban turns to me and gives a smile. “Thank you for inviting me.”
“It’s no problem, how about you guys get settled in while i grab the popcorn and then we can get comfortable and start the movie?”
As you were walking back to the living room you paused as you heard Urban and Brooklyn talking
“So what movie are we watching tonight?” I heard Urban ask Brooklyn
“Only the greatest movie in the world! Moana!” Brooklyn exclaims. “Moana? I don’t think I’ve ever seen that one.” Brooklyn then lets out a small gasp. “what?! Mr. urban that’s crazy talk!” Urban lets out small chuckle
“Well it’s a good thing I’m here tonight to watch it with you and your mom.”
“Yeah, you’re gonna love it! Soon it’s gonna be your favorite movie too!”
Taking that as my cue to join, I get the movie setup and start to make my way inside the pillow fort. I was surprised to see Brooklyn sitting so close to our guest. If she got any closer I’m sure she would’ve been sitting on his lap. I’ve never seen Brooklyn so comfortable with someone so fast. I was even more surprised that Urban didn’t seem to mind. I pressed play as the three of us settled into the movie.
I smiled as I looked over and saw Brooklyn giggling at the movie. Brooklyn and I had a rough year leading up to our move to Atlanta so it was nice seeing her with a smile on her face. Urban seemed to be enjoying the movie as well, watching with a smile on his face and whispering questions to Brooklyn when something confused him. The fuzzy feeling I was feeling in my stomach while watching them interact lowkey made me nervous. I was scared to let another man into our lives especially so soon after everything with Brooklyn’s dad. I could tell Brooklyn was starting to get attached.
Urban must have noticed me staring because he turned from the movie, smiled and offered me some of the candy he brought over. I held my hand out as he dumped some in my hand. Just as I was about to speak, Brooklyn spoke first.
“Ok everyone shush, this is my favorite part!” Urban and I turned towards to the tv as Moana was about to start singing
“I've been staring at the edge of the water, long as I can remember, never really knowing why…”
The fort was tall enough for Brooklyn to stand up and spin around. She played on giving us a show as she grabbed the remote and pretended it was a microphone.
“One day I'll knoooooow, If I go, there's just no telling how far I'll go!”
After her performance, Urban and I give her a round of applause and she crosses her feet at the ankles and gives us a dramatic bow. She then dramatically flops back down on the pillows next to me.
As the movie came to an end Brooklyn was slowly falling asleep in my lap. I tell Urban to wait for me in the kitchen as I go and carry her off to bed. I gently press a kiss to her forehead and close the door behind me.
“It was nice having you here tonight, even though you had to watch a Disney film.” I say with a slight smile.
“I had fun, honestly. I very much enjoyed the multiple musical performances we got during the watch” he says with a chuckle. “Oh yeah that girl really knows how to work a stage!” I say.
“If you aren’t in a hurry to go home, I can warm us up some pizza and we can watch another movie? I mean, it’s still pretty early.” I asked. I had a lot of fun with him tonight and I didn’t really want the night to end just yet.
“You had me at pizza”
The both of you stood and made your way back to the living room, you stopped when you realized that the pillow fort was still up. It would take too much time to take everything down. Urban informed you that he was fine watching another movie under the fort and you guys both settled in.
“So…” I looked over and grinned at him. “What should we watch?”
Urban Wyatt just added to his story!
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idkelly · 10 months
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• Lalo salamanca x fem!reader, with some nacho too (best of both worlds), HEAVY on slowburn, and i love hurt comfort so bear with me
The casino was a safe space, for (Yn) at least, because it was her favorite skill—gambling and playing with predictions and percentages. She was known for it, and everyone knew her hands always pulled the best cards in the game.
Yes, the new Mexico casino was nothing like the one back home in Mexico, but business is business. Walking in, she didn’t grab any attention, which was better for her sake at the moment.
Only her father and brothers knew of her existence right now, plus Mike and a few others. but to the outside world, the new family was long gone from the public’s eye.
She hummed along to the music as she made her way to the back office, opening the door slowly, "Pa?"
“Hola bonita," as always, a cigarette was between his fingers and a book was spread in front of him. The lights were pretty dim, and the doctor told him it was better for his eyesight.
"I found him."
"Hmm, when’s the next step?"
It was perfect. The plan and her needs were aligned. Her car needed a checkup, and she herself needed to check up on someone.
She found herself at the front desk of Ignacio's dad's workshop, and she was quite surprised he had some good business going despite his age.
 “Hola," the old man greeted her as soon as he heard the bell ring.
 "Hola.  ¿Cómo estás?" 
"Welcome. How can I help you?" He switched to English so fast, do I really look that white-washed?
"I was hoping to get a checkup on my car."
He nodded and turned to the back, where he yelled his son's name, telling him to go up front.
(Yn) couldn’t help but smile when she saw the look on his face when he recognized her; his steps slowed for a second as he gathered his thoughts as to what she was doing here.
The man brought his son only to be a translator between the two; therefore, Yn  didn’t need to show her ability to speak Spanish.
 In the middle of talking, the dad was called back in. with an apologetic look, he said, "I'm sorry, Senorita. My son will help you, okay?" and with that, he walked off.
 "How’d you find me?"
 (Yn) scoffed, looking to the side, though she could feel Ignacio's stare burn holes through her skull.
"Why are you here?"
"I can't get my car checked out now?."
 The man kisses his teeth in annoyance. What the hell was she doing here? "We both know you’re not here just for that."
 "Well, a little birdie told me that not only you’re a drug dealer, you’re also a card thief. I mean, shit, if you wanted some, I would’ve given you my Pokemon collection; it’s very exclusive."
 If someone were to animate the view from (Yn)’s eyes, they would’ve drawn steam out of Ignacio's ears.
 "I'm just saying you underestimated how big of an idiot you were. He went to the police for those cards, and now they’re snooping around."
 "Sounds like you have a problem, young lady," he said, taking a step back, ready to leave.
 "First of all, it’s an us problem; second of all, I'm pretty sure I'm older than you," he continued along his way until she stopped him dead in his tracks.
 "Are you really not that scared of Tuco Salamanca?"
 And there he is again, right in front of Yn, with his hands crossed over his chest.
 "I know you don’t play ball, so to speak, and Tuco finds out about your little side business. I think we both know the end to that."
 "Who are you?" he finally asked; that question had been on his mind for the whole day yesterday.
 "Me? I'm nobody," same dumb smile she always uses.
 "To put an end to this before it even starts, you give me the baseball cards, 10,000 in cash, and you net roughly $60,000."
 Ignacio chuckled then went back to his serious face, "And how exactly does that work?"
 (Yn) stayed quiet for a bit, saying, "Before I continue, you really have amazing eyelashes, im jealous."
Well, that took him by surprise; he didn’t show it obviously, but still, it startled him. However, his thoughts were soon interrupted by her continuing her speech.
He was impressed by her plan, and more so by her way of convincing him so easily to take part in it.
What stood out about her to him was the way she held eye contact; sure, it was common in the business to establish power and shit, But with her, it was almost more to get even with whoever she was looking at. He couldn’t put a finger on how he felt about it, her.
(Yn) wasn’t there when the final deal was happening, but Mike was, and she told him about the plan as she dropped him off near where he worked; it wasn't hard to find that one either.
The rest of the day she spent at the casino with her brothers; her father was now back home. The place was her brother's, where she was carrying out her business, which was her casino back in Mexico.
Here, the family was invisible, though; it wasn’t common knowledge who owned this place.
After a few hours, Yn  finally decided to head back home to her cat and maybe watch a movie while cuddling. The woman’s schedule was really, really empty; she could do as she pleased day and night.
As she unlocked the door, she could hear her cat calling her through the kitchen, but instead of coming to her, she had to fully realize who was sitting down on her sofa.
hard eyes.
 "Do you want coffee or tea?" she said as she kicked off her shoes and walked over to the kitchen.
 "Is this really your response to finding a stranger in your home?"
 "A stranger is someone you don’t know."
 A scoff could be heard, along with footsteps indicating he followed her to where she was; to his surprise, she was already making dinner, pasta, he presumed. with two plates set on the table.
 Was she serious? "Well, I don’t know you."
"So you willingly barged into a stranger's home, pretty clever," she laughed. "Did you follow me?"
“No, I dug a bit and found you," she couldn’t help but laugh more at his attempt.”I noticed the van that was following me yesterday, plus, if you dug around about me, you wouldn’t be here."
"Why are you here, anyway?" she said as she filled up the two plates with salsa and set the remaining in the middle if either of them had wanted seconds.
 He sat down, examining the dish. It was nicely made and fairly appetizing, especially after a long day of work. On the other side of the table, she sat leaning over to him, and there it is,  her stare.
 "Why do you do that?"
 "Do what?"
"Does it bother you?"
 It was definitely a no, but he couldn’t say that, and on the other hand, he couldn’t say yes either.
 "Does Tuco not pay you enough so you make money on the side?" With that, Ignacio let out a big sigh and set his utensils aside.
 "The problem isn’t my salary or anything; Tuco is a ticking time bomb; he didn’t mind putting a bullet between a guy’s eyes just because he got a weird look from him, let alone me."
 "Your face has good bone structure; keep it that way," she said as she slipped the pasta into her mouth again. He didn’t know if these were compliments or not; she didn’t say them in a flirtatious manner, definitely more like she stated facts from a powerpoint presentation.
 After a moment of silence, he said, "Your cooking is amazing; where’d you learn it from?" She could tell he liked it by how he was devouring what was presented in front of him.
"My father’s an amazing cook, but I was the only one who got his talent; my two brothers
They learned to gamble from me instead."
 So she does have a family. Though she was an orphan or something.
"Yes! My favorite hobby is real. I could do it for hours, plus I know all the tricks."
"okay show me sumn' "
 "I’m in a good mood today, so I'll  show you a few."
The rest of the night was filled with laughter and jokes. (Yn) gave the guy a lesson on games and cheats while his eyes filled with interest in what she was showing him, but either way, they both knew the night had to come to an end.
As Ignacio was at the door, ready to step out, he looked back to the woman who had greeted him goodbye a few seconds earlier, sitting on her couch peacefully petting her cat while watching TV. He really forgot why he came here in the first place.
Yn'’s mind filled with what she could do now to avoid her boredom, but as soon as she received a certain voice call from a specific person, she knew the next few days were going to be eventful.
She watched as Krazy-8 walked out of that door looking like his legs were about to give out at any given moment, yet he was sure fast enough to drive away in his vehicle. giving Yn her moment to shine.
She dresses nicely for the occasion for once, letting her hair down and doing her makeup, just taking care of herself before this whole shitshow goes down.
Parking her car next to Tuco’s and purposely bumping into it a little bit was the easy part; now she has to go in and embrace what’s going to happen.
Tuco was already staring at her in disbelief; he definitely saw what happened through the big classroom window, looking absolutely furious, while Nacho turned around after a few seconds and did his heart drop— is she everywhere?
"Hey!" She heard Tuco call out when she walked by their table to the register, but she pretended she didn’t hear them.
"Hello! Um.. can I get the number four, please, on the go?" She said this while smiling to the man before her, who went to work right away in order to avoid the scene that was about to happen.
"Yo chica, hey," she felt a hand guide her to turn around as she was met by none other than Tuco, who stood beside him, Ignacio. "You just hit my car."
"Huh? I hit your car?" Tuce chuckled at Varga. This bitch’s acting dumb.
"See, that car that you parked your piece of shit next to?" That’s mine, and you’ve just run into it."
"Oh well, I guess I could’ve and I didn’t notice, so my apologies, sir," she smiled and turned around, collecting her order and mumbling a small thank you before rushing out.
She could hear Tuco yelling not to get away from him, but the altercation needed to happen outside.
"Don’t you walk away from me!" Ay, puta!"
All the talking was done by the salamanca, while Varga stayed awfully quiet. Even Tuco noticed a slight change in demeanor on his end.
"You see that! You did that!" he said, pointing to the tiniest dent known to mankind.
"That’ll buff right out, now if you’ll excuse me—
As she was getting ready to open her car door, she felt a hand grab her by the shoulder and swing her all the way around, face to face with Tuco.
"You’re not leaving until you pay for this."
"If money is all you need, I've got great insurance."
Once again, with his hand that’s still glued to her, he shakes her to stop talking that nonsense.
"I ain’t messing around with no insurance, bitch, cash."
"Listen, I've barely got cash on me, so if you just give me your information, I’ll send it to you through insurance."
Thud.  Now (Yn) was sandwiched between Tuco salamanca and a wall; her head began to hurt already; maybe doing this herself was a bad idea, but she knew Mike would follow up with the deal, and she couldn’t let that happen; it won’t help her in the long run, and she needed all the salamanca alive.
So she'd have a black eye from one of them—not a big deal.
"You’re pretty, but a pretty awful liar." "I saw your wallet earlier; you've got plenty."
"That’s for my rent; it’s due today, and I can’t— ugh
Tuco’s ring was sure to leave a mark on Yn'’s cheek. Her head is already spinning. Why do I do this to myself?
"Just give him the money." This time it was Ignacio who spoke; no emotions were displayed, though his voice was almost like a whisper.
(Yn) looked at him and then forward to meet the loco eyes of Tuco Salamanca. she chuckled.
"I ain’t giving you shit."
The police sirens could be heard coming this way. "It’s time to bounce," Ignacio said, but his partner didn’t budge; instead, he ordered Nacho to leave and let him finish this business.
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maochira · 11 months
MAOOOO 😳😖😵‍💫😋🫣😵😫🤧
something just came to my mind when i saw your post about your hamster (oh my, IT LOOKS SO SQUISHY now i want one too)—what if, the reader got a new pet, and bllk boy(s) just like, “why did that thing getting your attentions more than me???”
— 🩶
Being a hamster mom again is so much fun I SWEAR he's just a little guy I could watch him walk around all night and not get bored
Requests open! - masterlist
Characters: Raichi, Tokimitsu
Tags: gn!reader, reader got a hamster, fluff, established relationship
Sometimes you randomly disappear in the evenings and head off to the room where your hamster's enclosure is and Raichi knows exactly that's where to find you. "How can you watch the little thing without getting bored after five minutes?" He asks as he enters the room. "He's so cute! Look how he's running on his wheel!" You say while enthusiastically pointing at the tiny animal who has stopped running and only looks around in confusion now. "But it does the same things over and over?" Raichi asks while sitting down next to you on the floor. His question makes you giggle before you answer: "But he looks cute when he does it." - "I guess you're right...?" Raichi still doesn't sound completely convinced. "Does he really need all of your attention? What about me?" Your boyfriend's tone gets slightly whiny, as if he's desperate to get more attention from you. "You get my attention all day, idiot. I'm just watching my hamster when he wakes up." You respond before pinching Raichi's cheek lightly, which causes him to blush. "Fine..." He crosses his arms in front of his chest and rolls his eyes, then he takes another look into the enclosure where he sees the hamster staring at him. "I mean... he is cute."
Tokimitsu adores your hamster just as much as you do, but he's also noticed how much more time you spend just watching your new pet instead of spending the time with him. He feels stupid for being jealous, after all he's your boyfriend and your hamster is a new pet you're very excited about. Without saying a word, Tokimitsu sits down next to you on the floor as you watch your hamster eating a piece of carrot you just gave him. "He's cute..." Your boyfriend whispers and leans his arms against yours. He always lowers the volume of his voice around your hamster in fear of scaring him. "Very cute..." You wrap your arm around Tokimitsu's shoulder to pull him closer. "As cute as you." A bright blush comes across his face immediately. "You think I'm as cute as your hamster?" - "Of course! And I love you both a lot." Hearing that makes him feel better, but also a bit more stupid. "I'm sorry..." - "Huh?" You turn your head to look at your boyfriend. "Sorry for what? You didn't do anything." And now, Tokimitsu starts feeling embarrassed. "I got kind of jealous of how much time you've been spending with your hamster... I'm sorry..." - "Aw... Why didn't you tell me earlier? I just really enjoy watching him. We can always watch him together, you know? Or we can do anything else you'd like." You quickly place a kiss on your boyfriend's cheek to make him feel better.
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