#i loved 'so you want to be a wizard' and 'deep wizardry' but 'high wizardry' just. rearranged my entire concept of what was possible
anghraine · 19 days
This has nothing to do with SW, I just felt like saying it:
I feel like a lot of us on this site probably could identify a specific book or series we read as children or teenagers that impacted us more than any other. It's the book/series that disproportionately shaped our senses of what a book or a genre could be and changed us in some fundamental way beyond the reach of every other book we were reading at the time. People joke these days about books or other media that "alter your brain chemistry," but this book honestly did feel like that.
Maybe this isn't everyone, but it was definitely something that happened to me as a kid. I still own the same copy of the book that did this for me. I've hung onto it for over 20 years, partly because I still love the story, and partly because I have such a strong sentimental attachment to my particular paperback copy of a book that blew open my sense of what a fantasy story could be and what ideas it could engage with.
It not only made me want to read the next book in its series, it made me want to write books myself and imagine my own worlds beyond my hobby of writing little sketches and stories for myself. I previously had no intention of showing those scraps to anyone else, but this book made me want to write fantasy seriously, to write things I might some day show other people without being embarrassed about it. And the book not only inspired me to want this, but convinced me I could do it. I started writing creatively in earnest and I never stopped.
It wasn't any of the books I usually talk about, either. Here's what it was for me:
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[Photographs of a paperback copy of Diane Duane's High Wizardry from around 2001]
I've been thinking of what fantasy favorites I'll re-read after I drag myself through what remains of my dissertation and ... honestly, it will probably be High Wizardry.
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nameissmile · 7 months
Official reference sheets!
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Additional notes and a transcript under the cut!
Leo „Goblin“ Tamaro
- bog turtle, he/him, 13
- likes fish (special interest)
- loves Magic and wizardry in general! Wants to become a arcane biologist (discovering and studying all sorts of magical creatures, and documenting them)
- year five of wizard school, in beginner courses
- doesn’t like change all too much
- thinks aquariums are the best (they are)
- uses a wand to cast his spells (ninpo) because it’s safer for beginners to channel their magic through a conduit to reduce chance of pain to the user
- Color is a dark blue, similar to a deep ocean color
(Side Note, i don’t have a lot for Leo yet and I feel really bad about it :()
Raph „princess“ Tamaro
- painted turtle, she/her, 16 and younger twin to Donnie
-mean transfer and she thinks gender is stupid
- bisexual
- witch, loud AND proud
- year 11 of magic school, in a spells course and working on getting her certificates to use magical equipment, the only one with a magic broom license and uses it to her advantage
- has and uses a magic broom to get everywhere she can reasonably use it, her Ninpo is related to the summoning of magic fire familiars (I’ll explain at a later date)
- although she can be mean and sarcastic at times, she is a caring older sister to all of her family
- she’s also a gamer, enjoys run and guns and has the best style, bows are her favorite
- hot pink is her color
Donnie „Stinker“ Tamaro
- snake-necked turtle, they/them but won’t bother to correct you, 16 older twin of Raph
- high as Balls all the time
- saw the face of Jod and laughed (refuses to call Jod anything other than Jod)
- potions MASTER, and year 11 of Cantoro Magicks academy (name is subject to change)
- asexual, but is cool with holding hands, only has 2 - 3 good friends
- A U T I S M
- worst taste in clothing by far
- makes their own potion bottles, and has a small bag they made themselves to store said potions
- gender-fluid
Mikey „Gramps“ Tamaro
- Coahulian box turtle, he/him, pan, 17 (tax payer)
- likes reading and wrestling, thinks ninjas are the best
- was never good at magic (ninpo), ended up being super good at magic tech though (ended up becoming the tech guy of the family as a result)
- year 12, in a magic tech course for learning how to handle/make magical equipment
- very serious about his ninja training, and keeps himself in shape by exercising (his fav is swimming around, because he can bask in the lamp right after and it feels SO good) ((also gives him a salt-dried look, and a white shell from the salt))
- likely the fastest or most agile of all of them
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dduane · 11 months
Hi! I don’t know if you’ve seen but someone on Tor wrote a lovely post about Deep Wizardry and how great it was, and it made me remember reading it for the first time when I was an adolescent. I’ve since read it a number of times, but I won’t ever forget how I felt reading it for the first time. I was (and still am!) a voracious reader of sci-fi and fantasy, but I had never read anything like it. I felt…honored reading and experiencing it along with Nita. She said yes to something without reading the fine print as so many of us do, and where other books would have had her back out or made the stakes not quite so high you trusted us (just like the fellow wizards trusted Nita) to do the right thing even though it was an impossibly huge thing. And at the end wasn’t some horrible deus ex machina but something that fit both the character and the story. By trusting Nita with these hard choices you in turn told me as the reader that I was old enough to handle the truth of the world. Or at least some of it. And as a child who was not trusted I felt the solemnity of that. The preciousness of that. I was slightly more of an adult after reading that book than I was before it. In any case, sorry for the long ramble I just wanted to thank you for writing Deep Wizardry and all of the Young Wizard books. I’m in my 30s now but they’re still as impactful to my psyche now as it was back then. And I still feel honored to know your work.
You're really, really welcome: thanks for letting me know.
That particular set of plot issues caused a little friction between me and my editor (gods rest her), as she was concerned about the general message the plot was sending. So was I... and in almost exactly the opposite direction.
The disagreement was low-key, handled quietly over the course of a number of editor-to-writer, writer-to-editor letters; as (then as now) I dislike getting overly confrontative when there are other ways to produce the result. And DW being one of my first books, and I still then being pretty new at the publishing game, I was nervous about rocking the boat too much.
But there are some things you have to dig in your heels about. And in this case, the issue of agency was key. Because what kind of heroism is it when you're only as much a hero as other people let you be? (And my previous experience with younger medical/surgical patients in crisis situations had taught me that a whole lot of children are way more heroic than the adults around them.)
At the end of the day, you find out whether you can trust somebody by, well, trusting them. Relationships are, inherently, a proving ground (for one of the older definitions of "proof:" shoot a gun at something and see if the protection the something offers holds up under fire...or buckles). Without daring that test, the relationship in question is at a stalemate. I walked Nita into it, and sure enough, she didn't disappoint.
Anyway: I'm glad to have been of service. Thanks for the kind words about the books. :)
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10.) what’s one book you’d suggest every person should read?
Extra Credit) what's one book you read to the end in the hope it would redeem itself, but you were left cursing the author and the publisher for their offenses against humanity?
Thanks friend!💜
I'm not sure there's a book I would recommend every person read as there's just so much diversity in what people enjoy. But I'm always trying to encourage more people to read the Young Wizards series! The first few books (So You Want To Be a Wizard, Deep Wizardry, High Wizardry, and A Wizard Abroad) were very impactful and formative for me as a kid. And having returned to the series as an adult to find 10 books that only improve with quality, I love the series even more now. The magic system in the books is excellent and the series has a realistic but very hopeful take on humanity.
As for a book I finished and hated, I'm not sure. We tended to just,, Not finish books we didn't like. I'm sure there were a few we stuck it out through, but I can't really remember. Oh! There was a book we read in middle school involving mummies I think. I barely remember the book but I know I read it as part of a small reading group for class and when we got back to class after reading it we had all hated it so much the teacher removed the book from her shelves that we picked books from for small reading groups.
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slytherinsnekxvii · 3 years
let's talk about severus snape. he's one of the most controversial characters the internet has to offer, with several blogs, channels and pages dedicated specifically to hating him, despite him having one of the most—if not the most—intriguing character arcs the series has to offer. so, as a result of me coming across far too many of said blogs, channels or pages, here's an extremely detailed explanation of why i like him and think he's easily one of my favourite characters :)
1. he's not that bad of a teacher.
just so you know, i'm a teenage girl fresh out of high school. so, my experience with teachers? still keeps me up at night :)
my family is pretty strict about religion. you can guess what that means. anything that was magic-adjacent, especially something that, god forbid, had an entire school dedicated to witchcraft and wizardry was a hard no if i wanted to have any sort of freedom over the media i paid attention to, and any opportunity to go about my life without being monitored to make sure i wasn't suddenly possessed or something. thanks to this, i ended up secretly reading the philosopher's stone in my last year of primary school. i would've been 11 at the time, just about to turn 12, so a little bit older than harry and co. going on what i'd heard from those who had already read the series, i went in expecting to absolutely despise this man. i went in expecting to read a demon. i finished the book and came out thinking... that really wasn't that bad.
my mom found out, so i didn't get to read the rest of the series until i ended up on the executive committee for my school's book club and my friends were appalled that i'd only read the first book. at this point, i'm still expecting him to get worse and... he just doesn't. when i was in primary school, i had multiple teachers break wooden meter-long rulers across my classmates' backs. the first time it happened, i was in infant year 2 (about 6/7 years old). i had teachers who would insult us, based on anything from hygiene to behaviour to intelligence if you looked at them wrong. my sister (who was three years ahead of me) had a teacher who kept her in hours after school was over because the teacher had a written a note in her workbook upside down, and when my sister corrected her, the teacher made her rewrite it, turning the book each time the note was written so it would never be done the correct way.
in secondary school, i had teachers who would actively humiliate us in front of the class if we didn't do as well as they wanted. i had teachers who would throw markers and whiteboard erasers at us if we did something they didn't like during class. i had a teacher who looked for a friend of mine who was petrified of attention and then mercilessly picked on her until she went to the bathrooms to cry. these are the kinds of teachers that i was used to. so, when i read harry potter and read snape, who would have probably been one of the nicer teachers i met in my lifetime, i thought to myself, he's really not that bad. he's just... strict.
antis claim that he traumatised every kid that ever went through his class, that he straight up abused them and... no. he didn't. all of them are comfortable talking back, they talk during his class, no one trembles when he walks past, except for neville, who usually bore the brunt of snape's anger because he was consistently messing up in a potentially lethal class.
after school, i hated the thought of formal education, so now i'm working until i feel ready to do university. coincidentally, one of my jobs is teaching maths and english to kids writing the end of primary and secondary school exams. given the sheer amount of annoyance i feel sometimes, i actually respect him for not being more harsh with them, especially when they're all running off into danger or exploding cauldrons.
he really isn't that bad of a teacher, and we know this, since his classes' owl results are said to be consistently good.
plus, he was written in the 90's when all this was okay behaviour for teachers. hell, compared to some of the teachers in text, given that he goes out of his way to make sure the students are always protected, he's a lot better than most people give him credit for.
2. i relate to him.
come on, the man grew up to be a dramatic, queer-coded, petty bitch who wears all black all the time and likely has at least one mental disorder. i'm a petty, emo bisexual with (actually diagnosed, don't worry) depression and anxiety and I'm in a theatre group. what did you really expect from me?
on a serious note, both of the schools i went to were considered "prestigious". i got into my primary school because of a teacher's recommendation (she was a family friend). the second school i got into was because i scored ridiculously high on the placement test that would determine which school i went to. in primary school, i was the poor, really awkward, really smart kid who got left out of everything, and my best friend was the only kid who was worse off than me.
in secondary school, i was just as smart as everyone else... but i was still poorer, and still more awkward and still got left out of everything.
i got that isolated feeling, that feeling of not being good enough, that feeling where life always seems to have it out for you and that's even though i still got dealt a better hand than snape ever did. so, i get it. i'm never ever going to have it as bad as he did, but i acknowledge what he went through and i sympathise, because i have a chance, but it only ever got worse for him.
3. i genuinely enjoy his character.
this dude went through absolute hell for basically his entire life. the best years he had were probably when he was neck-deep in the group of people who hated witches and wizards like him, but somehow managed to treat him better than the good guys.
all of that, and he still manages to be one of the most entertaining motherfuckers in the whole series, with one of the most interesting character arcs ever. it's the witty lines, the sheer dynamic of his character, the change from the twitchy, hypervigilant kid from the slums to the adult that managed to spy on the Dark Lord himself and save the wizarding world in the process, while still being a hot mess of a person. it's the managing to get shit done while everybody hated him and everything was going to hell. it's the everything, and i haven't even talked about how badass he is.
come on, potions prodigy turned master, exemplary duellist (cough, cough, winning 4-on-1 vs McGonagall, Flitwick, Sprout and Slughorn, and leaving a scratch on nobody, while managing to not take a single hit himself, cough, cough), spellcrafter, spy and one of the only wizards to ever figure out unaided flight. dark arts master, proficient at healing (dumbledore would've been dead a lot sooner, if it weren't for him, most likely). he's one of the most powerful wizards of his time. i've said that any universe where he's actually a bad guy—or just legitimately loyal to the death eaters—is a universe where voldemort wins and this is why. if he was motivated by literally anything other than lily, the wizarding world was more than likely fucked.
the point is, i just think he's neat.
4. spite.
every time i appreciate snape, a snater feels like someone is walking over their grave. every time i appreciate snape, a snater turns blue out of sheer rage. every time i appreciate snape, a snater loses their mind looking for their non-existent reading comprehension.
the spite in my veins is tempered only by the broth of instant ramen and ungodly amounts of sugar, and i'm going to use them all in my mission to cause antis pain when they refuse to acknowledge their lack of critical thinking and analysis skills.
so, yeah. why do i actually like snape?
tl;dr: he's not that bad. for a teacher written in the 90's and compared to teachers i've had within the decade, the guy's just strict. sure, he's a dick (who i personally think is hilarious), but he always makes sure the students are safe and he didn't leave any lasting effect on any of the students. he's really not that bad of a teacher. and hell, he's not even that bad of a person. i fully admit that he was an asshole and i entirely believe he was prone to self-destructive behaviour, but he still tried to atone for his mistakes and he did, is the thing, even though the odds were stacked more or less completely against him. i like him because he entertains me, and because i relate to him, as a teen who went through some shit and probably would have joined up with some bad people if it weren't for my friends and family, and as a teacher who really can't stand my students sometimes. i also like him because it irritates people who don't like him :)
also, istg if any of you respond to this with "bUt hE was ObseSsED with LiLY and just WAnTEd to FUCK hEr," i'm crawling into your bedroom window with the most unrealistic, mangled interpretations of your favourite characters and making sure they haunt you in your dreams. meet me in the fuckin' pit, babe. reread the series, actually think about it and come with receipts that aren't Voldemort, because i don't think you want to have the same opinion as the character who canonically doesn't understand love, now, do you, sweetheart? when you do that, then, and only then, will i consider entertaining your bullshit :)
that's about it from me, thanks for reading!
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loveissupernatural · 4 years
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                                         To Love in a Foreign Land
                                            Draco Malfoy x reader                                 
Chapter One: The Letter
[ Read Part 2 here ] 
The day had finally come.
It came in the flurry of an owl’s wings, in the nervous vibration of your sweaty palms.
A delicious breakfast had just been served by your mother that sunny summer morning in suburban America, your fourth term at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry only recently finished. Loud, impatient tapping on the kitchen window glass made you choke on your coffee.
“Mom! Ch-check if it’s from H-Hogwarts!” you managed to cough, pointing frantically at the window. Your mother bolted out of her chair at the kitchen table so you can recover.
She squealed for you, letting the gorgeous but exhausted-looking owl into your kitchen as quickly as she could. It landed in front of you on the table, holding out its leg with what could only be described as relief. Your shaking hands untied the cream-colored envelope from the owl’s ankle, and as soon as you did, it fluttered to the large cage in the corner of the room. Your silver-grey owl, Cinna, hooted indignantly at the unexpected visitor that was gulping from her water bowl.
“Now, Cinna, be nice. He’s had a long journey,” your mother said, wagging her finger. Cinna would have rolled her eyes if she could.
“Mom,” you squeaked, “this is it, this has to be it. I’m finally gonna know.”
You’d decided halfway through your fourth year at Ilvermorny that you wanted to take part in the International Wizarding Student Exchange Program, or I.W.S.E.P. It was a decision that you didn’t make lightly – you’d discussed it at length with your teachers and with your mom. You loved Ilvermorny with all of your heart and soul, after all, it was your home. But you also knew that the world was much bigger, that there was so much in the wizarding world that you hadn’t seen and hadn’t experienced. As a newly 15 year-old, you felt somehow ready for things to change.
Of course, you didn’t want too much change, which is why Hogwarts was at the top of your list. Ilvermorny was modeled after it, and you didn’t have to worry about a language barrier. Hogwarts contained four houses, just like your school, and was a large castle in the middle of the mountains, just like yours. You were ready to experience new things and new people, in a new (but somewhat similar) place. You had roots there.
The Headmistress of Ilvermorny, Celestia Pukwould, had one final meeting with all prospective exchange students before the end of term. The day exams ended, you and a small group of upcoming fifth years were invited to her large study. She pressed the importance of upholding your school’s good reputation as you traveled, to be a shining example of what it was to learn magic from America’s impressive magical education system. Only one of your peers was requesting Hogwarts as their first choice too, a quiet girl that you hadn’t spoken to much over the years named Eleanor.
After the other potential exchange students left her office, Headmistress Pukwould requested for you and Eleanor to stay behind for a bit.
“Ladies, I have sent an owl to Professor Dumbledore himself expressing my full confidence in you two,” she had said, standing from her ornate high-back chair that sat in front of her fireplace. She twirled her wand between her long fingers absentmindedly, fixing you and Eleanor with a kind yet serious stare. “You two are some of the brightest witches in your class. I told him so. I have known Albus Dumbledore for many years, and he is by far one of the most talented wizards alive today. You would be very lucky to learn magic at his school.”
You and Eleanor nodded profusely, eyes wide. While Headmistress Pukwould was a kind woman, she was also not to be trifled with, and her word backing your acceptance at Hogwarts held much weight.
“Don’t disappoint me, ladies,” she said, the smile fading from her face. She tapped her wand on her nails once, sighed, then turned back to the fireplace. “Have a wonderful summer. Owls containing your acceptance or rejection should arrive to your homes within the next few weeks.”  Her tone was final. You were dismissed.
You flashed back to your bright kitchen, took a deep breath and let it back out in a shaking sigh. Your fingers gently traced the refined emerald green writing. You flipped the envelope over and touched the blood-red wax seal, the crest of Hogwarts. Your hands paused.
“Mom, what if I don’t get in?” You’d spoken your greatest fear aloud.
She smiled at you, almost a little sadly, and came to rest a hand on your shoulder and a kiss on your head. “They’d be idiots not to accept you, Y/N.”
“What do you think Dad would say? If they said no?” you all but whispered, a familiar ache rising in the back of your throat. Your father had attended Hogwarts over two decades ago before he moved to America and met your No-Maj mother.
Your mother wrapped her arms around you from behind, pressing her cheek to yours and rocking you gently.
“He would think they’re idiots, too, honey,” she said, a grin in her voice. Your father loved his alma mater, so to imagine him saying anything negative about the school was enough to make you laugh. But you knew she was right, your father had been your biggest fan.
“I miss him,” you said quietly. Your thumb ran over the wax seal again.
“I know, baby. I do too,” she whispered, kissing your cheek. “But he’d be so proud of you, no matter what that letter says. Okay?”
You nodded. You’d lost your father two years ago, but the wound still felt fresh most days. You’d be lying if you said that going to Hogwarts wasn’t an attempt to feel him again, in some form or fashion.
“Here goes nothing,” you breathed, slipping your finger underneath the sturdy paper and ripping it away from the seal. Your heart pounded in your ears like a bass drum as you pulled out the parchment, catching a glimpse of the neat scroll in the same dark green ink. Your mother’s hands tightened on your shoulders.
Dear Miss Y/N Y/L/N,
           We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
           All students accepted to our institution through the I.W.S.E.P. (International Wizarding Student Exchange Program) will be required to travel via portkey on the evening of 29 July. Upon arrival to London, arrangements will be made for you to stay in the Leaky Cauldron before gathering your supplies on 30 July. A representative from the school will assist you in procuring the necessary books and equipment for term, beginning 1 September. You will be expected to arrive at King’s Cross Station, Platform 9 ¾, no later than 09:00 AM on 31 July. Bring all necessary luggage and equipment.
           You will find an enclosed list of all required literature and materials for Year Five.
           We will expect an owl containing your confirmation no later than 20 July. We are honored to invite you into our sacred halls of magical learning.
Yours Sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress
 You lowered the letter, disbelief coursing through your veins. It was real, truly real. You were now officially a Hogwarts student.
After at least a solid 20 minutes of dancing around the kitchen with your mother, you scribbled a quick confirmation and laid it by the feet of the tired Hogwarts owl.
“Don’t worry, you won’t have to leave for another few days,” you said, answering the owl’s accusatory glare. He hooted ruefully and tucked his head underneath his large wing, ignoring Cinna’s still wary stare.
Your mother excused herself from the kitchen shortly after, attempting and failing to hide the proud tears in her eyes. You hugged the Hogwarts letter to your chest, breathing in the scent of the still stiff parchment. Slowly, you walked out to the empty living room and paced to the fireplace mantle that contained family portraits of all shapes and sizes, some moving in their frames and others standing still.
With tears tickling the corner of your eyes, you picked up your favorite picture of you and your dad. You were six years old, missing a tooth and laughing hysterically, while your father conjured glowing butterflies that danced around your head. The glow of his happy smile outshined those butterflies any day, you thought. You gently stroked his smiling face.
“Well, it’s official, Dad,” you whispered, a single tear sliding down your cheek. “I’m going to Hogwarts.”
That summer passed more quickly than you would have ever expected. Your friends from Ilvermorny came to visit as often as possible, taking advantage of every moment they could grab with you before you left for an entire year. Many days were spent wandering nearby cities and towns, No-Maj and magical alike, with your school friends. You ate as many cliché American meals as you could and soaked up every drop of sunshine possible by the pool. You always looked better with a bit of a tan, and you doubted that you’d be getting much strong sun at Hogwarts.
“So, what House do you think you’ll be sorted into?” Eleanor asked you one afternoon. You’d invited her to stay a week with you and your mother in early July. You two would be the only Americans at Hogwarts in the upcoming year, and you both thought that building a friendship with one another would be nothing but beneficial. Being so far from home, you needed to have each other’s backs.
You were both sitting on the edge of the pool, drinking fresh lemonade and dangling your feet in the water. You took a long sip through your brightly colored straw.
“Good question,” you said, staring at the rippling blue water in thought. “I’ve heard rumors of what each house represents, but how true is it really? I mean, we know at Ilvermorny that more than one House can pick you, and that you can make the decision for yourself. Do you ever wonder if people pick the right one? Think it’s like that at Hogwarts?”
“I don’t know,” Eleanor said quietly. She seemed a little nervous at the thought. “What if we don’t get sorted at all? What if we’re too old?”
“I mean, surely that wouldn’t happen,” you tried to say confidently. “They wouldn’t subject us to public sorting if there was a chance of us getting rejected, right? Talk about embarrassing.”
“I’m sure you’ll get sorted,” she said with an admiring tone. “Everyone remembers what happened when you stepped up to the Knot on our first day.”
You remembered that day with a strange and heady combination of pride and trepidation. When you stepped up to the large Gordian Knot engraved into the shining marble floor of the circular sorting chamber, everything changed for you. For the first time in over a decade, all four large wooden carvings came to life, and the room went dead silent. You’d never felt so many eyes on you, boring into the back of your skull, wondering what made you so special and what House you would choose.
The gem set into the head of the Horned Serpent glowed, the Thunderbird beat its large wings, the Wampus roared and the Pukwudgie raised its arrow into the air. The carvings themselves seemed to stare a hole through you.
The four Ilvermorny Houses have been described as each representing a different part of the human being; Horned Serpent represents the mind and favors scholars; Wampus represents the body and favors warriors; Thunderbird represents the soul and favors adventurers; Pukwudgie represents the heart and favors healers.
You were overwhelmed in every sense of the word. At the small and awkward age of 11, you truly didn’t feel that well-rounded. You were certain that, somehow, these magical carvings had made a mistake.
“What made you choose Thunderbird, by the way?” Eleanor asked curiously, breaking you from your reverie.
“Honestly… I’m not totally sure,” you shrugged bashfully. Talking about this always made you uncomfortable. “Thunderbird is supposed to represent the soul, right? I guess I think that everything is rooted in the soul. We wouldn’t be human without them.”
Eleanor had been chosen by Horned Serpent, but nodded in agreement. “I guess that makes sense. I don’t know what I would have done if I were you.” She laughed a bit uneasily. “At least my choice was easy – I didn’t have one.”
In many ways, you found yourself wishing that only one carving had chosen you. Sure, it’s a bit less flattering, but much less stressful. The pressure of being that student, the once-in-a-decade student that was supposed to accomplish amazing things, was almost suffocating. As a child, you had a mountain of expectations piled on top of you from the moment those four carvings came to life. You couldn’t make a mistake.
In your second year, when your father died, so many of those expectations crushed you in a way that they never had before. His death weighed on you more than anything ever had, and the strength of his support was gone and left you breaking underneath the heavy cinderblocks of watchful eyes. Your grades suffered, and so did your relationships. You shut down.
Only when a year passed after your father’s death did you begin to find yourself again. With the help of your understanding teachers and a loving group of friends, you were able to establish a better academic standing within Ilvermorny. Not that anyone held your lapse against you – after all, you were a 12 year-old that had lost a parent. But you were still that kid, the one that all four Houses wanted, and you’d proven that you were far from perfect.
“What House do you want to be in at Hogwarts?” you asked Eleanor. She smiled, quiet in thought as she threw her brown hair into a messy ponytail.
“Really, I’d be happy with anything. But I’ve heard Ravenclaw is similar to Horned Serpent, academically focused and stuff.” She took a gulp of cold lemonade and wiped the sweat from her forehead. “What about you?”
“My dad was a Hufflepuff, so that would be nice I guess. I don’t know. Let’s just hope the Sorting Hat doesn’t explode,” you joked, setting aside your now empty glass. With that, you jumped into the chilly crystal water, letting it soothe your hot skin. Eleanor quickly followed.
You enjoyed the last inklings of summer vacation together before your new adventure began. You talked about missing friends and family, what Hogwarts would be like, whether or not you liked hot tea and what classes you would be taking. True to teen girl form, you were both excited to meet cute guys with foreign accents. And with a mix of thrill and nerves, you both realized that you two would be the foreign ones to them, and hoped that it would play in your favor.
“I wonder if British guys will think American girls are hot?” you asked her after the sun went down. You’d both climbed out of the pool at this point, your sun-kissed skin beginning to prune.
Eleanor laughed. “Geez, I hope so. Could you imagine getting a handsome British boyfriend? Talk about the adventure of a lifetime.”
You couldn’t deny that the thought of kissing a handsome boy with an attractive accent at the top of a castle turret excited you, but your mind always went back to connecting with the spirit of your father. Maybe you could feel closer to him there at Hogwarts, and would a boy distract you from getting that closure? You knew a boy would distract you from schoolwork, and you were determined to make such outstanding grades that Professor Dumbledore would have no choice but to write back to your Headmistress. After the academic crash and burn that was your second year, any and all glowing recommendations were not only welcome, but needed.
“It would be fun,” you giggled, wrapping yourself in your pool towel and squeezing the water out of your hair. “But wouldn’t it kinda suck when it’s all said and done? I mean, what if you got close to someone and then you have to leave to come back here?”
“I didn’t say we had to fall in love,” Eleanor shrugged. “I just want a hot piece of British ass.”
You busted out laughing. Eleanor always seemed so quiet at school, but once she got comfortable with you, she really came out of her shell.
“Come on, girls!” your mother called, sticking her head out of the back patio door. “Dinner is ready. I’ve got your salads on the table.”
You both trotted inside, whispering and giggling about the possibility of a grand foreign romance. After a pleasant dinner with your mother, you both went to bed, smelling of chlorine and sunlight.
Eleanor fell asleep before you did. You laid awake for a while, watching the shadows of swaying tree limbs dance across your ceiling. Your mind wandered back to the possibility of finding romance at Hogwarts. You doubted it would happen for you, especially since your priorities were elsewhere, but it wouldn’t be so bad to just dream about it, right?
You drifted into a deep sleep, flashes of colorful magic and the shadow of a boy dancing through your head.
[ Read Part 2 here ]
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ace-trainer-risu · 3 years
oh here! i’ll come ask you for book recs lol. do you have any spooky and/or autumn-y book recs? or just your fave books :)
First of all, I'm sorry this took me SO long to answer. I want to say I've been busy but it's just been general [waves hand vaguely] life.
ANYWAY thank you for asking! I actually don't read scary stuff a lot b/c I'm a wimp, but I have a few spooky/autumnal books up my sleeves! Let's see what we've got!!
1) The Little Stranger by Sarah Waters
Let me just start by saying that Sarah Waters is one of my absolute favorite authors ever! All her novels are suspenseful, twisty historical novels with great female and queer characters. Although, fair warning, actually The Little Stranger is like her one novel that isn't queer, but it is VERY good. If you read The Little Stranger and like it, please read Fingersmith and/or The Paying Guests.
The Little Stranger is set in the countryside of post-WWII England and follows a mild-mannered doctor as he becomes increasingly involved in the lives of the family living in the local, increasingly decrepit, possibly haunted mansion. Think Downton Abbey but creepy. Strange things keep happening inside the house, from dog bites to mysterious sounds to creepy black spots. Literally just typing that gave me goosebumps. It seems like someone may be out to get the family, but who...or what? Is it simply the ghosts of their own painful memories, or is something more? Sarah Waters is excellent at lush, intricate historical detail, and she leans into that here to create an atmosphere of slowly building dread and horror and mystery.
That being said, as a person who isn't normally a fan of horror, I don't think this book is too scary. It's more of an atmospheric, psychological horror than a jump-scare, bloody horror. It's not a book that will give you nightmares (probably), but you might lie awake thinking about it.
Also. Pro-tip. As a haunted(?) house story, the house is obviously fairly central to the story. Dear fellow Americans, keep in mind that the British refer to the floors of a building differently than us. For Americans, the ground-level floor is called the first floor, the floor above that the second floor, etc. For the British, the ground-level floor is the ground floor, and the floor above that is the first floor, etc. There's all sorts of creepy references to characters hearing noises above them on the first floor, but I was just like, Why are they always in the basement?
2) Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno Garcia
This and the above are two very different books, and yet they are both set in the mid-1900s and both are about weird, creepy, maybe-haunted houses. What can I say, I like gothic fiction.
After our heroine, Noemi, receives a bizarre, borderline incoherent letter from her beloved cousin, she sets out to visit her in the literally decaying mansion she resides in with her husband and his new family deep in the countryside of Mexico. All Noemi wants to do is persuade her cousin to come back home with her, but her cousin's new in-laws are very determined not to let that happen...or to let Noemi leave either. Secrets abound in the bizarre house and even creepier nearby cemetery, and soon Noemi finds that she too is suffering from bizarre dreams and visions...although, are they just dreams?
This book is so weird, but in such a good way? I read it for a book club and every week we had increasingly bizarre theories about what was going on, we were googling alchemy and fungi and St George, and some of our theories were even right. Although definitely not all. Another very twisty one that keeps you guessing.
In terms of scariness, interestingly I think there's more overtly creepy and horrifying moments in this novel than The Little Stranger, but I found TLS more overall scary? But that may be because I read it quickly, which I think is the ideal setting for suspenseful stuff, and I read Mexican Gothic over a longer amount of time since it was for a book club. This one does have some more typical horror elements to it, but I don't think it's more creepy than terrifying.
3) The Echo Wife by Sarah Gailey
I listened to this one as an audiobook and the audiobook is excellent so would recommend that, but have no doubt it would also be great to physically read.
Oh my god this book...it's more thriller than horror, but I think it fits the brief. There were multiple moments listening to this book that I literally gasped or said "OH MY GOD!" out loud, and there are moments which are very creepy and horrifying. There's a particular scene in the backyard... Again, incredibly suspenseful and twisty. And the character development and character psychology is just! really really good! There's also really interesting and knotty feminist stuff which is a lot more complicated and nasty than some of the "girlboss" stuff which is popular right now.
Super minimal summary: All you really need to know is that it is a sci fi novel about a scientific researcher trying to pick up her life after her marriage has imploded, only for everything to go BATSHIT WRONG. Trust me, that's all you need to know, it's better to go into this not knowing what's going to happen or what to expect. I had no clue what this novel was about when I started it, and holy shit. Very good book, absolutely recommend this if you want some super suspenseful, creepy sci fi that will make you say "oh my GOD" repeatedly.
Okay, shifting gears a little now b/c autumn isn't just spooky, it's also cozy and restful and daydreamy!
4) The Thinking Woman's Guide to Real Magic by Emily Croy Barker
This isn't maybe a cozy book per se, but it's a great book to cuddle down with on a dreary day and lose yourself in. If you've ever asked yourself, "What would it be like if you crossed Pride and Prejudice with Howl's Moving Castle except the wizard was way worse but somehow still sexy" - then you should read this book! I actually came across this book b/c I was like, I wanna read a book that's a portal fantasy but for adults, and this book was like OH here's everything you wanted.
It's about a grad student, Nora, who has totally stalled out on her dissertation and is at a shitty wedding when she accidentally wanders through a portal into a beautiful, fantastical fairy world. At first, everything is amazing and literally perfect...but surprise surprise, not all as is it seems, and soon everything goes to, how should I put it, shit. Nora escapes, but rather than returning home, she finds herself trapped in a far more dreary realm. But not one without it's own charms and it's own magic, and Nora finds herself the student-slash-sorta-captive of the crochety, sexy, maybe-killed-his-wife magician Aruendiel* and she begins to learn magic herself.
Unlike the above books, this is not a fast-paced, twisty book, and I think if you go into this expecting high fantasy along the lines of Game of Thrones, you may be disappointed. It's not really a typical high-fantasy novel, it's more of a cross of an 18th/19th century realist novel, a fairy tale, and a fantasy novel. But if you want that, then it's REALLY good! I loved this book! And the magic in it is so cool, something about the way its described feels so visceral and real and like you could really do it if you just tried hard enough. There is a romance and it's totally, intentionally hashtag problematic, but it's very laid back, very slow burn, so I think even if you aren't a person who digs romance you can still enjoy this. If you're looking for a feminist-leaning fantasy novel that you can just sink into and lose yourself in, this is the perfect book. You will long to magically fix broken plates.
5) The Ruthless Lady's Guide to Wizardry by C.M. Waggoner
Honestly I can't even justify why I think this one is an autumn book. It simply is. It's autumn colored in my head. It is the coziest book I have ever read about necromancy and crime. Also I just want to recommend it. This is another one that I listened to as an audiobook and it's also a good audiobook, for those who are interested. But it also means I will not be able to spell absolutely any of the character's names.
This novel follows Delly, an enterprising young scoundrel of a fire witch with a teeny tiny gin habit as she attempts to support herself and her hot-mess of a mom in the roughest neighborhoods of Fantasy-City-That-I-Can't-Remember-The-Name-Of. Lice...gate? When Delly comes across an advertisement for a bodyguarding job for young women for a hefty fee, it seems like the answer to definitely not all but at least some of her problems. She accepts, along with an interesting assortment of other sorcerous young ladies, including a wonderfully bitchy Absentia (my love), a young woman who can turn into a boar, boar girl's necromancer mother, and the very sexy part-troll Winn, who in my imagination looks like Gwendoline Christie and talks like Miranda Hart. Which. Perfect woman. Winn being a fine, wealthy young lady, Delly can't help but think to herself that it wouldn't be such a bad thing if Winn happened to fall in love with her and carried her off to be rich and spoiled the rest of her life.
Of course, things quickly don't go to plan, and soon Delly and her companions find herself caught up in wicked schemes of murder, drugs, and an undead mouse named Buttons who says BONG. I love Buttons SO MUCH.
This book is just a silly romp of a novel which worms into your heart and your brain. It's fun and cute and gay, and also it made me cry. I haven't stopped thinking, "Not quite regulation hammerball" since I listened to it like half a year ago.
Also, while I'm here, this novel is set in the same world as and features a few of the same characters as Unnatural Magic. Which is also a hell of a book. Literally the best bisexual relationship I have ever fuckin read. It's a winter book tho, so I simply can't go into it here.
Aaaaand...that it's! Happy autumnal reading :)
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lov3nerdstuff · 3 years
Voluptas Noctis Aeternae {Part 7.22}
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*Severus Snape x OC*
Summary: It is the year 1983 when the ordinary life of Robin Mitchell takes a drastic turn: she is accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Despite the struggles of being a muggle-born in Slytherin, she soon discovers her passion for Potions, and even manages the impossible: gaining the favor of Severus Snape. Throughout the years, Robin finds that the not quite so ordinary Potions Professor goes from being a brooding stranger to being more than she had ever deemed possible. An ally, a mentor, a friend... and eventually, the person she loves the most. Through adventure, prophecies and the little struggles of daily life in a castle full of mysteries, Robin chooses a path for herself, an unlikely friendship blossoms into something more, and two people abandoned by the world can finally find a home.
General warnings: professor x student, blood, violence, trauma, neglectful families, bullying, cursing
Words: 4.7k
Read Part 1.1 here! All Parts can be found on the Masterlist!
The two weeks that followed upon the dancing class were no different than Christmas time at Hogwarts always had been: it was snowy beyond reason, cold as hell, but the decorations that were put up actually brightened most people's mood and rendered everyone almost disgustingly cheerful. However, there were differences this year, and no matter how subtle they were, Robin still had no trouble pinpointing them with a striking accuracy.
One, both Cas and Jorien had chosen to stay at school over the holidays, mostly due to the fact that they were now in fourth year and thus officially allowed to attend the ball even without being someone's plus one. Besides that, they wanted to spend Robin's last ball at Hogwarts here with her, just once, all six of them together. Well, seven technically, but Robin still didn't know how she was supposed to get Snape into that equation.
Two, Robin spent significantly less time working for Sprout or Hagrid than she had during the last years (she did already work with them in the plenty during the school weeks at this point after all), and instead spent significantly more time with Snape, playing wizard's chess or reading during the days when the work was done, and drinking mulled wine, firewhisky or plain old coffee in his rooms at night.
And three, the two previous changes in addition to the revelations that had come up during lunch after the dancing class now made it near impossible for Robin to get the girls' words out of her head. Did Snape really look at her all that differently than at other people? Well, he certainly did, but that after all might merely be due to the fact that she was his best friend, just like he was hers. It didn't mean anything that his eyes followed her through the halls during meals, or that she slinked through the corridors on her way from his room to her own in an increasing frequency and like a bloody first year trying not to get caught after curfew. It didn't mean anything that he would sometimes just observe her with an expression that made her skin tingle while she rambled on about whatever had caught her attention now, and it most definitely didn't mean anything that he had gifted her that Japanese dictionary she had been trying to get her hands on for over a year now for Christmas. Without losing a word about it, of course, and in complete denial that it had anything to do with the holidays.
Put shortly, Robin couldn't help keeping her eyes open now that Jorien had so bluntly prompted her to. And every little thing she discovered made her want to sink back into deep denial indeed, and build a twenty feet brick wall around herself. Sometimes being the god of a universe of illusion is easier than being a peasant in the hell that is reality.
Honestly, she had never before actually considered that she might be scared to see the reality she found herself in, and found in herself. That she was scared to death not only of his true feelings, of being rejected, but also very much of her own emotions. It had been quite blissful to live in the easy fixed knowledge that she loved him, without actually paying attention to the reality of her feelings. And in reality, she felt something so intense and overwhelming that it terrified her to pieces. If only things were as easy as saying she loved him… Because if she was keeping her eyes open now, not only to her surroundings but also to herself, it was so much more than that. He was her best friend after all, her family and home, and after seven bloody years, there was no denying that he had also become a part of herself. Sure, she would be able to live without him, but what really mattered was that she would move heaven and hell to ensure she would never have to. Bloody hell, what a mess that would become once she left school in no more than half a year… And then, she could only hope that he would want to keep her in his life as well.
"Earth to Robin!" Jorien waved her hand in front of Robin's face, which was the first thing Robin noticed when she snapped out of her thoughts. "If you keep daydreaming like that, we'll be late to the ball!"
"We still have three hours until it's time to head up there." Robin huffed while rolling her eyes, but still shut the book in her lap she'd been failing to read for the last thirty minutes anyway. "I don't plan on sitting around in my dress until then."
"Are you sure that you want to wear the same one as last year?" Cas inquired in what sounded close to a whine. "I still stand by my offer to lend you one of mine!"
"Pff, yeah, Robin in a peach coloured glittery dress…" Jorien snorted, shaking her head at her friend. "You might be close to the same height, but your style is entirely different."
"I know that!"
"Obviously you don't. And Robin has a completely different body shape than you do, in addition to that."
"Hey, it's not my fault that I have muscles in my body!" Cas huffed with a glare at her friend. "Making the Quidditch team and staying on the team requires at least some level of physical fitness."
"Hey, I do have muscles!" Robin protested immediately, but she couldn't say that she felt offended by the girl's words. It was no secret that Cas definitely was the athletic type, whereas Robin's virtues were of a more academic nature.
"Yes, that, and I was actually referring to the fact that you are quite a bit more gifted in the upper regions than Robin." Jorien added with a pointed look at Cas, who crossed her arms over her chest with a blush and a pout.
"Guys, it doesn't matter, alright? I'm actually very much looking forward to wearing the same dress as last year." Robin tried to mend the field with diplomacy and an easy shrug. "The only reason I'm wearing a dress in the first place is so that I fit in a bit better."
"With Snape or with the crowd?" Cas returned with a smirk, all embarrassment forgotten. "Because while the former is quite the success with your dress, it logically eradicates the possibility for the latter to be too."
"That sounded way too Simon of you." Jorien snorted, then dodged the pillow that came flying her way. "What! It's not my fault that you guys are adopting each other's speech patterns more and more."
"So what's the plan for tonight?" Robin barged in before Cas could come up with a reply to get their bickering going again. There had been enough of that at breakfast. "Simon obviously is Cas' date, Gideon asked Lisa and Micheal's still trying to find someone. What about you, Jorien? Any prospects?"
"I asked Melissa." She shrugged casually in return, then started picking at her nails. "She'd rather go with a boy than with me. Better a date than a friend-date, and all that… Perhaps I should set her up with Michael, if both are so desperate to find someone to bring along. Quite pathetic, if you ask me. I'd rather go alone than be someone's last resort."
"Going alone is perfectly fine, I haven't ever had a date to the ball either." Robin shrugged with an encouraging smile. "You can be my date, if it means anything to you."
"You've been someone's unofficial date for all the past years, from what I was told, and I'm not getting in between that!" Jorien held up her hands in defense, and Robin rolled her eyes. "Upsetting Professor Snape wasn't on my agenda for tonight."
"Anyway…" Cas said after a few seconds of weird silence. "My plans for tonight include lots of dancing, hopefully some spiked drinks and of course some casual snogging."
"Cas!" Robin tried to sound scolding, but her laugh betrayed her exasperated tone. "That's nowhere near appropriate behaviour for a school dance!"
"Hey, I'm no saint and I never said I was!" The girl laughed in return, and the mischief that settled on her face should've been more disconcerting to Robin than it actually was. "Who knows, perhaps we'll visit the fifth floor hallway if things go well enough."
The mention of that make-out spot alone made Robin pull a face in distaste, and she couldn't help frowning deeply at her friend. "I would like to think that Simon has a bit more class than that."
"What, and I don't?"
"You just suggested going there, without a concern in the world. So please excuse me if I question your standards."
"She's got a point." Jorien added with a snicker and a shrug, and Robin gave her a high five with a smirk. Two against one; nobody was going to the fifth floor tonight.
"Fine…" Cas groaned and crossed her arms again. "But wherever else should we go, huh? Being classy while being a student isn't all that easy if you're not entirely immune to every boy's charme like Jorien or best friends with a bloody professor like Robin! How am I supposed to have fun, can you tell me that?"
"I'm not giving you pointers on how to snog your boyfriend, Cas. Or worse." Robin replied calmly, for she couldn't decide between being flustered and laughing at the girl's exasperation. "If you guys want to sneak around, you better do it without my knowledge. You know I can't lie, and chances are high that I would have to if I knew what you're up to."
"The alcoves are said to be a pretty good spot for making out." Jorien shrugged, completely ignoring Robin's previous statement. Great… now Robin would have to actively not listen to both of them. "And there's always our room, if you wanna go all out. With some sixth year charms work, it shouldn't be too difficult to find some privacy in the dorms… And I'd planned to sleep over at Melissa's tonight anyway. To hear all about her conquests."
"I did not just hear that, nope, absolutely didn't." Robin sighed to herself under her breath and turned on her heels, deciding that it was due time to take a shower. She'd gotten through puberty without too many losses, if she'd even had one in the first place, but she would be damned if she got dragged into her friends' shenanigans now as a late payback for that. So she grabbed her things and fled the room, after triple checking that everything she needed was safely tucked under her arm. She would not be smelling like pineapple tonight.
… … …
Luckily, when she returned to her room an hour later, the conversation had moved on and the girls were now discussing Cas' options for the dress she was to wear tonight. That was a topic Robin could very well live with, could very well ignore, and so she went back to reading like she'd originally tried to do before her thoughts had strayed. With a content sigh, she stretched out on the bed and focused on the article in front of her, until a light tap on her shoulder drew her eyes up and away from the page.
"It's just ten minutes until we're leaving, so you might want to get ready now at least." Jorien said to her with an amused smile, which only broadened when Robin's jaw dropped.
"But I literally just started reading! It can't be that late!"
"Yeah, well, that was two hours ago." The girl chuckled, then turned around to Cas for her to close the zipper of her dress. Both of them were already done with their preparations, in full makeup and beautiful hairdos, just a smile away from ready to go… and Robin was still in her pajamas.
With a groan under her breath, she flipped the book shut before tossing it onto her nightstand, then she scrambled to her feet to dig out her dress from the trunk at the end of her bed. Ten minutes; ridiculous, impossible… Well, not if she screwed decency for now. Without wasting any of the precious time on contemplation, she just went with it and shed her Queen shirt first, then her flannels without a second thought. Should they see her in her knickers, who cared at this point. They'd known each other for years now. Still, what she hadn't considered was the very reason why both girls gasped now and stared at her even as she stepped into the heavy black fabric of her dress and pulled it up her body with one swift move.
Robin sighed under her breath; she could very well imagine why the girls looked at her like that. It was one of the reasons why she never changed in front of anyone, and even less let them see her in any state of undress. "It's just a scar, guys. No need to be weird about it." She stated before either of them could say anything that would make the situation even more uncomfortable. "I told you that I was stabbed last summer, it's no big deal. Not a pretty sight, I know, but it is what it is."
"Didn't that hurt?!" Cas was the first to blurt out her thoughts. "I know that you told us about it happening, but… somehow I never really thought about the implications of that."
Robin snorted at the question, while she moved her hair out of the way to let Jorien close the many tiny buttons of her dress now. "Obviously it hurt. I almost died from blood loss, that's not going to happen from just a scratch. But it healed well for what it is. The scar really is a small price for my life."
"It's so weird to think that you've gone through something like that! I mean… you're just Robin, a bookworm too smart for her own good. To think that all those adventures you told us about actually happened is like imagining Professor Sprout in a wrestling tournament." Cas gestured wildly as she spoke, and Jorien just snorted at her friend's dramatics.
Robin shrugged all of it off with a smile that was as apologetic as it was evasive, then straightened her dress and put on the one pair of more or less dressy shoes she owned; they'd be covered by the dress for the most part anyway. Then she twisted her hair up with her wand like she usually did, and that was about it. Makeup still wasn't getting anywhere near her face, or any other body part for that matter.
"Wow… You look amazing! Powerful and dark and… pretty damn hot." Jorien commented when she got a glimpse at the front of the dress as well. "Like you're the essence of night itself."
"Right! That's exactly what I said last year!" Cas grinned and nodded in agreement, while Robin simply tried not to blush. Compliments about her wit and brains were fine… compliments about her looks however were just unusual and therefore weirdly uncomfortable.
"Thanks guys, but I'm really just trying to fit in." She shrugged, and both girls frowned at her in an instant.
"Fitting in is actually the last thing this dress does for you, I think." Jorien smirked as she slung her small bag around her shoulders, seconds before all three girls made for the door. It was time they got going, after all, and thus they mostly hurried through the common room and out into the hallways. "If anything, you'll draw attention. Make an impression on some people. Seize a few hearts, and steal a soul."
Robin just snorted while rolling her eyes at the comment, but Cas caught straight on to it.
"YES! Absolutely! Robin, you've got to take advantage of those killer looks… Try to seduce the subject of your affections!" Cas beamed, in a way that spoke volumes of her excitement about meddling in foreign affairs. "Use your womanly charm and go for it! Make him fall for you!"
"I love you, Cas, but do shut up."
"She's right though!" Jorien obviously had to side with her friend, and Robin groaned under her breath upon having both girls plotting against her now. "If he doesn't find you delectable now, he's truly as undeserving of you as every other male in this castle."
"And who would you be talking about?" Snape's deep voice made all three girls jump all of a sudden, and they each spun around to stare at the dark figure in the middle of the hallway behind them. They hadn't even made it out of the dungeons yet; they should've known better than to talk this loudly.
"Professor!" Cas shrieked, eyes wide and cheeks flushed as if she'd been caught doing something terribly wrong. Robin sighed under her breath and resisted the temptation to roll her eyes; so much for getting the two sides in her life a little closer together tonight.
"Nobody!" Jorien was quick to reply, and even quicker to regain control of the situation. "We were just on our way to the ball, actually."
"Obviously." Snape and Robin replied at once, and Cas snorted in return. Oh, this was going great alright… more fuel to their flames.
"Yes, it is fairly obvious, isn't it? So we should return to doing just that, or we'll be late." Jorien flashed a quick smile, then turned on her heels and grabbed Cas by the arm to drag her along while looking back over her shoulder at Robin. "You go ahead, and we'll find the guys and meet you in the hall later, yes?" With that, the two girls disappeared down the hallway and around the next corner mere seconds later, leaving Robin frozen to her spot with a frown on her face.
"Is it me or are they being even weirder than usual?" Came Snape's dry remark from just behind her then, and Robin's eyes flew to meet his while an involuntary smile pulled at her lips.
"Oh, they're absolutely bonkers. Delusional, really, if they seriously believe that I am looking delectable to anyone tonight." She chuckled, in the honest hope that he hadn't heard more of the girls' pep talk than that. But then again, he knew how to take their ridiculous ideas and teenage delusions by now, so it really didn't matter all that much. "It would take a blind man to find that mess on my head attractive."
"If you say so." He quirked an eyebrow at her in amusement, then offered her his arm instead of the usual subtle hand on the small of her back. "Let's make an effort to make it to the ball before we miss the headmaster's great speech, shall we?"
Robin's smile brightened before she could help it, and she didn't even hesitate to accept. This was the closest thing to a date she would ever have. "We shall indeed."
They arrived in the great hall just seconds before Dumbledore rose to gain everyone's attention, and luckily therefore nobody paid them much mind. A few glances here and there, more likely than not accompanied by frowning faces that studied the sight of the two dark figures in the shadows by the doors, who looked almost indignantly bored. And boy, the headmaster could talk and talk forever if he fancied it, about courage and justice and kindness and all those nimble ideals Robin fancied a more practical approach to. But finally his words faded into applause, and the crowds began moving and talking again.
"Is it me or does the speech get more righteous every single year?" Asked Robin, while she let Snape lead her towards their usual table in the far corner, only to find a group of adults sitting there already. In immediate confusion, they halted in the middle of the room, and her eyes found his in a silent question. Good thing it had become almost a bit of a routine that whenever she failed to take notice of something that was going on around her, he would know exactly what she had missed and could fill her in.
"Dumbledore opened the ball to a larger public this year." He explained, with a quiet yet undoubtedly disdainful tone. "Parents, important families, retired professors, ministry officials and the like."
"Why on earth would he allow them at a school ball? I mean… isn't this technically supposed to be for the students' enjoyment?" Robin inquired, while they continued moving through the room in search of an empty table, but finding none.
"Remember what I told you about the reasons for bringing this ball into existence in the first place?" Snape mused, and his eyes continued scanning the room, but not for a table anymore. Robin wondered who he was searching for.
"Oh. Yes, I do remember that."
"Well, let me assure you that this decision on the headmaster's end has something to do with the very likes of it."
"Great…" Robin sighed under her breath, and finally they settled for just standing at the edge of the dancefloor like everyone else who hadn't yet put a claim on a sitting spot. Somehow, the entire thing didn't seem like a fun night with friends anymore, but the very thing that was prone to make her anxious. Too many people, too many strangers mostly, and no certain place to sit and endure it all from the ranks… this was going to be hell. Or maybe, not entirely.
"May I have the first dance?" Snape asked, just when the occasion was announced and the musicians got ready to lead the way through the night. He held a hand out to Robin, in an expression of calm neutrality rather than the usual scowl even though they were surrounded by hundreds of people. Robin's heart skipped a beat, and she had to remind herself not to grin like a fool while yet her lips parted in surprise. Had he actually just asked her to dance? With words, in public, and for the first dance out of all the possible ones tonight?
"Isn't the first dance just for important people and their dates?" She quirked an eyebrow at him in mild amusement at last, choosing humour over astonishment and tingles, which would border dangerously on allowing herself to hope again.
"It is also reserved for the professors and overall staff, and even if you rightly so keep ignoring that, this group also entails me. As it is, I do not dance with anyone but you, so they will have to bear with the two of us, or live with neither." He replied so smoothly that Robin had no time to doubt or question his words when she placed her hand in his and let him lead her onto the dancefloor. Bloody hell… now all eyes were on her indeed, and she actually couldn't care less for once.
They got into position as did the other couples around them, some of which Robin knew and some of which she hadn't seen before, but when the music started, the world faded in return and left only Robin and Snape and the music behind. This wasn't hell, she found, but rather a piece of heaven on earth. Just the two of them, moving through the open space while never once looking at anything but each other. And in the very spirit of two weeks prior, Robin yet again couldn't help the smile on her lips as she held his gaze. The only thing she missed was the warmth of his hand on her back, the almost scorching touch, as now the thick fabric of her dress dimmed it down quite a bit and left her to feel the comforting pressure of it more than the heat. How nice would it be to have his fingers dancing across her skin? To dwell in his warmth for a bit and let it burn out the cold winter within her? She could only dream.
"I believe we make quite the sight." His quiet voice broke through her haze of excited, calm ambivalence, and the world regained it's hard corners and outlines. Gone was the dream, delayed to haunt her in her sleep tonight.
"We simply know how to dance." She replied with a subtle smirk, and found that the world wasn't quite so bad either if it still entailed the two of them together. "They probably don't get to see that all too often."
"I was thinking more along the terms of our common choice of… unusual wardrobe, but yes, I agree with your assessment as well."
"What other than unusual would they have expected of the dungeon bat and the insane girl?"
"Is that how people think of us?"
"I believe so." Robin smiled, but it took everything she had not to show the true effect his words were having on her. Was she so far gone by now that all it took was an 'us' ghosting past his lips to unravel the walls that contained her emotions? It seemed so.
The music stopped then, fading off the last strings as their flowing moments came to a halt as well. Too bad it was over. But perhaps they could do this again, now that the first dance had officially proclaimed them as partners for the night. It was an official custom after all, right? Robin held onto that string of hope at least as they made their way off the dancefloor and straight towards the far corner where their usual table lay empty now. Too bad for whoever had vacated it; now it was Robin's to keep.
They sat down to face the hall as always, and while it was significantly more crowded this year than it had been in the years prior, that also gave them quite a few more victims to observe and comment on. They got exactly two hours to themselves before their social invisibility was broken by the still distant but determined appearance of Cas. In her tow the other six people, who looked a lot less eager than her to get anywhere near Snape tonight. Robin sighed to herself in mild disappointment before anyone even spoke up; she would have to make a choice between her friends and her best friend now, and she hated that beyond measure. Why did life have to be so unfair at times?
"I know what you're thinking." Snape said then, quietly even though the ground of people still had to come anywhere near the table. "And you shouldn't be concerned, I understand the problem fairly well. I will leave if they wish to spend time with you."
He was already up on his feet and ready to just walk away when Robin caught his hand, and held onto it so tightly that his eyebrows lifted up when he looked back down at her.
"Don't think it's a decision I want to make, okay?" She asked with a sadness she didn't bother to hide. "It's not a decision I can make, actually, and I simply would've told them to deal with it or be the ones to leave if they've got a problem with your company."
"I know. And since it isn't a decision you should have to make, I made it for you now, by offering to leave."
"I don't want to spend the evening without you…" The words spilled past Robin's lips without any restraint now, and she was glad for that. It made the corners of his lips curl upwards for a fleeting moment at least.
"In that case, I might have to come and rescue you from their fangs in two hours for another dance. Good solution?"
"Make that one hour instead and we have a good solution indeed." She smiled up at him, and only now realised that she was still clasping his hand like a lifeline. Reluctantly but necessarily she finally let go. "I can't have four teen girls and three boys around me for much longer than that."
"As you wish." He returned a knowing not-smirk for a second, then turned on his heels and disappeared in the crowds just when Cas reached the table.
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ilikefandom · 4 years
Protection: Severus Snape x reader
Genre: Dark Fluff
Synopsis: Severus takes his fiancee, (Y/n), to a death eater meeting
Pairing: Severus Snape x Fem reader
Warrnings: Violence, Threat of Violence, Snakes, Abuse of Power
Sitting in her seat at the banquet (Y/n) shifted her body uncomfortably. Being engaged to Severus Snape was wonderful, however, his friends were less savory. As she listened to Lucius Malfoy drone on and on over his new bill idea for the ministry, something caught her attention. The younger Malfoy was rubbing his left arm almost unconsciously, almost as if his dark mark was new. Bellatrix was picking her nails with a silver knife, stealing glances at the door, and observing (Y/n) like she was a challenger in the colosseum.
“Severus,” (Y/n) whispered to her fiance, “could we leave soon? It feels awkward that the owner of the home, a.) talks of nothing but himself, b.) judges the ring you bought me because it’s ‘not high class enough, and c.) does not sit at the head of the table which remains empty.” She took a deep breath and continued. “Is somebody else coming?”
“Yes,” Severus hissed into her ear, “And when he arrives, apply the occlumency I have been teaching you. He is a skilled legilimens, even more so than I, he will try to gain entry to your mind.”
“Who is he? The minister?” (Y/n) asked with some fear in her eyes, if it was who she thought he was, well, there would be a reason to hide her memories with Severus. 
“Yes and no,” Severus explained, badly. 
The doors at the end of the hall opened and the sound of scales on stone rang throughout the room. 
(Y/n) grabbed his hand under the table, panic in her eyes, “I hate snakes.” She said quietly, shivering.
Narcissa, the nicer of the two hosts caught her eye from across the table and smiled reassuringly. (Y/n) took a deep breath and calmed her mind, so that the panic wouldn’t break her focus. The snake slithered into the candlestick near another man’s head.
As soon as the man, pale as snow, face of a snake, stepped into the room the room fell silent. He slunk, like his serpent into the chair at the head of the table.
“Severus,” Lord Voldemort said, as he looked up at the man in question. “You bring news I trust, and a lovely young lady I see. Come here girl.”
(Y/n) swallowed the air in her mouth and got out of her seat. She made her way to the front of the table and stood next to the dark wizard. 
The tendrils of intrusion tapped at her mental wall and found the door in the side. Memories came through her mind. Sitting at her desk dealing with Draco Malfoy who had used the Muggleborn slur, saying that he is entitled to his beliefs, but the use of the word ‘Mudblood’ is against school rules. Severus, holding her hand for the first time, on their first date, when he proposed, and having a meltdown when his third year class could not seem to grasp the use of moonstone in potion making. All of the memories, mundane and boring as they were, a shield for what she knew of Severus’ Order activities. 
“That is a lovely ring.” The dark wizard commented before gesturing at her to leave.
(Y/n) took a deep breath and sat down again. Severus tapped her on the knee letting her know that she did well. 
“You bring news, I trust, Severus.” Voldemort asked as he stared down the man in all black.
“It will happen next Saturday, at nightfall.” Sevurus stated as he stared back into the slitted pupils of Lord Voldemort’s eyes. 
Another death eater interrupted Severus as he said “I have heard differently my Lord. Dawlish the Auror has let slip that the Potter boy will not be moved until the 30th of this month, the day before he turns 17.”
Severus looked directly at the man and responded, “This is a false trail, the Auror Office no longer plays any part in the protection of Harry Potter. Those closest to him believe we have infiltrated the ministry.”
(Y/n) sat quiet, she was unaware of when the young man was to be moved, she wasn’t working as a spy, but rather another pair of eyes to observe the scenery. 
Another death eater piped in, “Well, they’ve got that right then.” 
The entire table of dark witches and wizards began to laugh, (Y/n) chuckled along, just to be polite, she wanted no part in the murder of a 16 year old boy. 
“What say you Pius?” Asked the dark lord, staring down the table at the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. The room fell silent as he spoke, almost as if his voice extinguished the rest.
“One hears many things my Lord. Whether the truth is among them is not clear.” The man spoke, his charisma and effortlessness oozing within every word.
Voldemort laughed, looking Thicknesse in the eyes, “Spoken like a true politician. You will, I think, prove most useful Pius.” He smiled at the younger man, his teeth glinting in the firelight. The ministry member smiled back, just the slight raising of his lips. 
The Dark Lord then turned back to Severus, “Where will he be taken? The boy?” He asked with conviction, giving (Y/n) a slight glance as she held her gaze on the fire. Desperate to look anywhere but those snake eyes. 
“To a safehouse,” Severus responded, sliding his hand to hers, stroking it in a comforting gesture. The feeling of his, rough, calloused hands on her smaller ones felt like home. “Most likely the home of someone in the Order. I’m told it has been given every manner of protection possible. Once there, it will be impractical to attack it.”
The sound of a throat clearing echoed throughout the hall. “My Lord.” Bellatrix said, her voice grating across the stone like nails on a chalkboard, “I would like to volunteer myself for this task, I want to kill the boy.” The desperation in her voice was plainly obvious, she not only wanted to fulfill his expectations, she wanted him, romantically. (Y/n) almost gagged on the air. 
A strangled cry tore through the room and (Y/n) jumped slightly. Severus’ hand tightened on hers, keeping her in her seat.
“Wormtail!” Voldemort shouted at Pettigrew. “Have I not spoken to you about keeping our guest quiet!” His anger was apparent and (Y/n) was happy that she was not in the line of fire. Severus still held on to her hand as if to pull her behind him at any moment. 
“Yes my Lord, right away, my Lord.” The mousy man in the corner coward as he flicked his wand at the body floating at least five feet off the ground. 
(Y/n) recognised the woman from somewhere, but she had no clue of where.
“As inspiring as I find your bloodlust Bellatrix, I must be the one to kill Harry Potter.” He spoke to her as if she were a child, and, after he did, Bella hung her head in either shame or disappointment. “But,” Voldemort continued, “I face an unfortunate complication, that my wand and Potter’s share the same core. They are, in some ways, twins. We can wound, but not fatally harm one another. If I am to kill him I must do it with another’s wand. Come, surely one of you would like the honour, hmmm. What about you, Lucius?”
Lucius Malfoy who had paled at the mention of his name looked up at his dark master, who now stood behind him. “My, Lord,” he choked, unable to come up with words for the situation he found himself in. (Y/n) almost felt bad for him, but as she looked at the weasel struggling, she had to admit it felt good to watch him squirm. 
“My Lord,” Voldemort mocked, his sense of superiority clouding every syllable. “I require your wand,” he said as he stretched out a poorly manicured hand to accept Lucius’ wand. 
Narcissa looked straight ahead, but, as she sat across from (Yn), the latter could sense the panic flowing out of her eyes.
Lucius’ hands shook as he removed his wand from its cover and handed it to Lord Voldemort, not daring to look the other man in the eyes.
“Do I detect elm?” Voldemort asked, ushering glee into his voice as he manipulated his puppet. 
“Yes, My Lord.” Lucius responded, his voice barely above a whisper.
Voldemort snapped off the handle of the wand, causing its owner to flinch.
“And the core?” Voldemort examined the wand a bit further to exploit Lucius’ discomfort. 
“Dragon, dragon heartstring, my Lord.” Lucius murdered as he looked away from his broken wand, eyes fixing to the table.
“Dragon heartstring.” The Dark Lord repeated, rubbing salt into Lucius’ wounds, tossing the handle onto the table, causing Lucius to flinch once again at his master’s actions.
Voldemort moved away from Lucius, flicking the broken wand at the woman’s body, causing it to drift over the table. 
“To those of you who do not know, we are joined here tonight by Miss. Charity Burbage.” The evil man said, his voice soft, but commanding.
Charity, (Y/n) knew that name, she was the woman that Severus had introduced to her at Slughorn’s last party of the year. She had not liked Charity’s pushy point of view on muggles. Not that she disagree with half bloods, but her approach on teaching was a bit, well, opinionated.
“Who, until recently, taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Her speciality was Muggle Studies.” The crowd of death eaters laughed at the woman who was trying to escape her magical bonds. “It is Miss. Burbage’s belief that Muggles are not so different from us. She would, given her way, have us mate with them.”
The assembly of death eaters jeered at Charity making faces of disgust and yelling insults at her. Bellatrix laughed as the body passed by her, making her point of view on muggles quite clear. 
“To her,” Voldemort continued, “the mixture of magical and muggle blood is not an abomination, but simply, to be encouraged.”
“Severus,” Charity whimpered. “Severus, please.” The woman begged, with her eyes, for Severus to set her free. He did not move. “We’re friends,”
Severus stared at the woman with a blank face, his face twisted into a mask of indifference.
Voldemort casted the killing curse upon Charity, causing her corpse to hit the table. 
(Y/n) jumped at the clunk, as well as several other death eaters. The hissing of the snake almost drove her into a panic attack. 
“Nagini,” Voldemort spoke to the snake that had slithered up to the table. “Dinner.”
Severus, knowing what was going to happen next, lunged to press (Y/n)’s face into his chest, a move that was laughed at by several of his colleagues. 
Nagini lunged at Charity’s body and began to devour it. Severus kept his large hand pressed to the back of your skull. And it was at that moment that he knew. He would watch any number of his colleagues die to protect (Y/n). Even if he had to do it himself.
Hi readers! This is based off of the Meeting at Malfoy Manor scene from the Deathly Hallows pt.1 movie. I do not own Harry Potter. Please send in requests and asks! - Author
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ijustkindalikebooks · 3 years
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March has been such a good reading month!
I’ve been listening to alot of audio and reading in combination so I’ve been able to delve into books this month so much and I’ve been really enjoying it - especially the books I’ve been meaning to read for so long! This list is going to be tough to narrow down as I’ve had 10 fove star reads this month but I will give it a go for you guys!
Turtles All The Way Down by John Green - I see so much critique of John Green (mainly accusing him of making manic pixies, which says to me you haven’t read his books) but this books is so good. I love Asa and I love how genuine she feels in this story, like I know her in real life. The representation of OCD is so on point and the pointing out of  financial privilege/class between her friend and Asa is also done so well, I really liked that moment. 
High Wizardry/Deep Wizardry by Diane Duane - I love this series of books, seriously, I am not almost half way through the series and I already miss it. Diane Duane has created some incredible characters in Kit and Nita and I love the people they keep building around them - the wizarding community that surrounds them is just wonderful and I want to keep reading this series. 
Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata - There’s so few books that leave me feeling like they have changed my perspective on the world, but this one did and considering its less than two hundred pages. Powerful and brilliant from brilliant to end, Murata is a genius and I am going to read Earthlings next month as I need more of a writing as soon as possible!
Full Term by Ellie Rose McKee - I shared a review of this book yesterday and I popped it in here because, I have seen this book begin and end. I was lucky to be a beta reader and now I get to see it published and I’m so proud of Ellie for making it. Its an incredibly story with incredible writing and stunning characters that you need to check out. I love this book in all its forms. 
What books have you enjoyed recently? Let me know in the ask box or the replies! 
Vee xo. 
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royalynx · 3 years
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(   *  💀  /  daniel ezra, cis male, he/him  )  —  is that kingsley shacklebolt i just saw rushing down the corridor? i hear they’re a twenty two year old gryffindor, returning for their seventh school year, but their friends would tell you that they are grounded & commanding as well as opinionated & strong-willed. if you want to know more about them, i guess i could tell you that they’re pureblood, and from what i hear, they’re currently allying with the order. when our divination professor looks into their crystal ball, they see: the calming presence in the back of the room, muggle records hidden in drawers, steaming mugs of tea, the warmth of a hug, the burn of quiet fury.
CHARACTER INSPIRATION: Luke Cage (Jessica Jones), Kingsley Shacklebolt (Books: Order of the Phoenix through Deathly Hallows), Jake Reilly (Private Practice), Terry Jeffords (Brooklyn Nine-Nine), Alphonso ‘Mack’ Mackenzie (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), Matt Simmons (Criminal Minds), Odafin Tutuola (Law and Order: SVU), Spencer James (All American).
LINKS: Pinterest (Coming Soon). Playlist (Coming Soon).
full name ➵ Kingsley Akiel Shacklebolt
nicknames ➵ King; Kings; Kas; Shack; Shacklebolt; Royal
pronouns ➵ he/him/his
orientation ➵ bisexual biromantic
birthdate / age ➵ May 8th, 1957, 15:32 am / 22 years old
birthplace ➵ Birmingham, England
childhood home ➵ Birmingham, England
current residence ➵ Hogwarts, Scotland
religion ➵ atheist
occupation ➵ full - time student at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry
height ➵ 5 feet, 10 1/2 inches / 179 cm
weight ➵ 78 kg / 171lb
body type ➵ mesomorph ( athletic; generally hard body; well defined muscles; rectangular shaped body; strong; gains muscle easily; gains fat easily )
hair ➵ black, shaved/cropped 
eye color ➵ dark brown
dominant hand ➵ ambidextrous
FC ➵ Daniel Ezra
voice ➵ Daniel Ezra
special characteristics ➵
tattoo of a lion on the back of his neck that roars when danger is near
acne scars on cheeks
perfect posture
smells of ➵
broom wax
lavender, anise, basil, bergamot and lemon; geranium, ylang-ylang and jasmine; oakmoss, vetiver, tonka bean, patchouli, vanilla and sandalwood - Brut by Faberge
zodiac ➵ taurus sun (x); virgo rising; virgo moon
MBTI ➵ ISTJ (“The Logistician”)
positive traits ➵  grounded; commanding; courageous; considerate; observant; dedicated; forbearing to an almost mind-boggling degree; put-together; knowledgeable; self-reliant.
neutral traits ➵ fearless; calming; stolid; diplomatic; paternalistic.
negative traits ➵ opinionated; strong-willed; quiet; stubborn; high-minded; aloof to some; reticent; stoic; overcritical; has very high expectations of himself & others.
likes ➵ playing Quidditch; freshly baked bread; playing Gobstones at 3am; a warm bed; muggle record players; purple; watching the sea; forehead kisses; DADA; organized notes; wearing rings; honeycakes; David Bowie; dragonhide boots; chocolate frogs; firedrakes; Charms; Firewhiskey; watching the fire in the Gryffindor common room; twenty; red wine; laughing with Frank and Alastor; Transfiguration; The Beatles; his sister
dislikes ➵ legilimency; bigotry; raisins in chocolate; Divination; messy desks; foggy London; Sacred 28; people flaking on him; his team losing Quidditch matches; pumpkin juice; using school brooms; sushi; magic quills; pixies; History of Magic; the treatment of squibs by wizarding society; muddy orange; gigglewater; the texture of mushrooms; feeling unsettled; licorice; rollercoasters; toads; the word mudblood; Turkish delight
amortentia ➵
freshly cut grass
roast chicken dinner
blood status ➵ pureblood
wand ➵ Alder wood with cherry trailed over the front like the path of a river, or a lightning bolt, White River Monster spine core, 14 and a 1/4 inches, solid
whilst Alder makes for an unyielding wood, its ideal owner is not stubborn or obstinate, but often helpful, considerate and most likeable. Whereas most wand woods seek similarity in the characters of those they will best serve, alder is unusual in that it seems to desire a nature that is, if not precisely opposite to its own, then certainly of a markedly different type. When an alder wand is happily placed, it becomes a magnificent, loyal helpmate. Of all wand types, alder is best suited to non-verbal spell work, whence comes its reputation for being suitable only for the most advanced witches and wizards. (Cherry, a very rare wand wood creates a wand of strange power, most highly prized by the wizarding students of the school of Mahoutokoro in Japan, where those who own cherry wands have special prestige. The Western wand-purchaser should dispel from their minds any notion that the pink blossom of the living tree makes for a frivolous or merely ornamental wand, for cherry wood often makes a wand that possesses truly lethal power, whatever the core, but if teamed with dragon heartstring, the wand ought never to be teamed with a wizard without exceptional self-control and strength of mind.) The use of a  White River Monster spine produced spells of force and elegance. 
patronus ➵ Lynx
Hogwarts class ➵ Gryffindor, 1981
extracurriculars ➵
Gryffindor Prefect / September 1980 - June 1981
Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team / September 1979 - June 1981
Gryffindor Chaser / October 1975 - June 1981
Charms Club / September 1975 - June 1981
Toothill Duelling Club / September 1978 - June 1981
Slug Club / December 1977 - June 1981
courses & exams ➵
Ancient Runes - O
Charms - O
Defense Against the Dark Arts - O
Herbology - O
Arithmancy - O
Muggle Studies - O
Potions - O
Transfiguration - O
Care of Magical Creatures - O
now studying Alchemy ( predicted an O )
health ➵
strawberry allergy
pets ➵ 
Archimedes; the family owl ( great horned owl )
handwriting ➵ Sebastian Bobby
Ora Shacklebolt (nee Kayoude) ➵ paternal grandmother; socialite; alive
Kingsley Shacklebolt I ➵ grandfather; Wizengamot member; alive
Yara Audley (nee Idowu) ➵ maternal grandmother; homeschooled; apothecary worker; alive
Akiel Audley ➵ maternal grandfather; homeschooled; Quidditch supply store owner; alive
Alaric Shacklebolt I ➵ father; Gryffindor; Senior Auror for the DMLE; alive
Meera Shacklebolt ➵ mother; homeschooled (opted out of attending Ilvermorny / Hogwarts); apothecary worker; alive
Eralia Audley ➵ maternal aunt; homeschooled; Senior Assistant to the Jamaican Minister of Magic; alive
Gabrielle Shacklebolt ➵ paternal aunt; Hufflepuff; Ministry employee; alive
Edward Shacklebolt (took wife’s name) ➵ paternal uncle; Hufflepuff; job; alive
Khenan Shacklebolt ➵ paternal uncle; Ravenclaw; curse breaker for Gringotts; alive
Kingsley Akiel Shacklebolt (II) ➵ self; Gryffindor; Future Senior Auror for the DMLE; alive
Bianca Omnira Shacklebolt ➵ sister; fifth year Ravenclaw; unknown future; alive
his parents used to say he was born for diplomacy. that’s what they’d drilled into him since he was born: fight the good fight, be honest and good and stay calm, always. they can only catch you off guard when you aren’t. he’d always been somewhat of a natural diplomat — the oldest child, expectations hung from his shoulders as if they were coats and he, a coat rack. he’d always been a quiet child, somewhat unassuming, almost shy, content to play and be alone, often found even as a baby, simply amusing himself with his fist over crying, wailing for attention. when they attended the galas and balls befitting of a family part of the sacred 28, little changed. in fact, he was praised for it — how level-headed he was, even when all he wanted to do was scream and shout and set fire to the curtains by the window to stop them yammering on about the importance of blood purity and their precious, precious privilege, how he smiled politely and shook hands and never, ever made a scene. he hated them. he hated every last one of them. their fake smiles and empty eyes, how they hated for no reason and believed themselves to be superior — a kernel of a fallacy that kingsley, even as a child, could never subscribe to.
but kingsley was nothing if not a good man, and a good son, and so, he stayed silent — at least, to everyone who never crossed the boundaries of their home. to them, kingsley was a young wizard who showed particular promise in their circle, but to those who saw him at home, his internal torture over it was obvious. he had muggle neighbours, even muggle friends, people who made him laugh and gave his parents presents when his beloved baby sister was born, and he could not abide the dual life his parents were living. when they were home, they were tolerant — amused, even, by the muggles they surrounded themselves with, something his mother always said was to keep them grounded, because she’d already lost one sibling to pureblood mania and refused to lose herself, or her husband, or either of her children. when they were at the galas, they were cold, a little aloof, they laughed along with jokes at muggles expenses, they shook hands, ate appetisers, danced and never seemed to show any remorse for the roles they had to play those nights, though he knew they had to feel guilty (he hoped they felt guilty.) he knew they felt they had to do it to survive — to thrive, even, in a world in which they weren’t always welcome, but he hates it.
he loves his family. kingsley loves them with every part of him, loves his younger sister with his entire heart, is never not seen at home without her practically hanging off his ankles, and then his knees, and then his hips, until she’s too tall and too old for that, he loves his mother and relishes her hugs and the way she always knows what to say to make him feel better, he loves his father and that deep, slow river of calm that seems to run through him, the same river kingsley has always felt took root in him, but he hates their legacy. he hates their part in the sacred twenty eight. he hates every part of it. he hates that they agreed to this — to what feels like a mortal lock, an unbreakable vow, tying themselves to this until the end of time. he hates that he understands why — their blood runs pure, he knows, in other wizards standards, but knowing what the sacred twenty eight stands for? what it really represents? kingsley thinks that their blood is the blood that’s dirty, that they’re the ones who ought to be ashamed of themselves for their existence, that they’re the ones who value opulence and power over people’s lives and that makes them wrong and evil and undeserving of their magic. it’s the first time — the only time — his parents have ever seen him truly angry — he remembers it well, being fourteen and all uncontrolled fury for the first time, how the quiet anger had burned and swelled under his skin until he couldn’t hold it in anymore, and how he’d made all the glass windows in the dining room shatter, the glass raining like sand when his father waved it away with a swish of his wand, kingsley’s chest heaving as he yells, raging against their indifference, feeling oddly soothed when his mother pulls him into his arms and whispers that she’s sorry. she’s sorry. she knows, she knows. he wishes that were enough — that apology, that acknowledgement that they were — are — hypocrites.
even still, his love for his family, flaws and all, remains, though he’s slowly pulled back from any engagement with the pureblood world over the years. he’s very proud to be his father’s son — the son of an auror, recipient of the order of merlin second class — and his mother’s. he’s proud to be his sister’s big brother, her protector. he’s even more proud when he gets his letter to hogwarts, confirming what they all already knew — magic is strong in the shacklebolt family. he picks up the family wand, purchased in america in the early 1920s — alder with cherry trailed over the front like the path of a river, or a lightning bolt, white river monster spine core, fourteen and a quarter inches, solid — and he feels a piece of himself slots firmly into place. hogwarts is where his father went, where his father’s father went (over ilvermorny), and though he can no longer pretend to be complacent to their every whim in regards to the sacred twenty eight (something which both his parents have since begun to shun), he knows getting sorted into gryffindor would make them both proud, and that’s what he wants, so that’s what be did — the bat barely touched his head before declaring him a gryffindor. even now, as a twenty two year old seventh year on the brink of graduating into a fully fledged war, he wants to make them proud. he wants to be a pillar of strength, safety, tolerance, love, support, he wants to be the friendly face ushering people to safety, he wants to be the one raining hellfire down on the prejudiced idiots who think that they’re any different to anyone else, with magic or without, on this planet, that they’re superior in any way because of their blood.
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dduane · 2 years
Hi, Ms Duane! I'm an English Major and I've been hoping to read more science fiction literature like yours, but I'm a bit lost. In the Young Wizards universe, where exactly should I start? Also, any advice for someone who wishes to be published one day?
Have a nice day!
Hi there!
(a) Best place to start is with So You Want To Be A Wizard. After that the recommended reading order of the traditionally-published novels is pretty much publication order:
...Deep Wizardry
High Wizardry
A Wizard Abroad
The Wizard's Dilemma
A Wizard Alone (please read the New Millennium edition if you can: it's been much revised from the original. In fact, all the NMEs are preferable to the original editions, if you ask me.)
Wizard's Holiday
Wizards at War
A Wizard of Mars
Games Wizards Play
...Then after that come the (so far) self-published works:
Interim Errantry (containing Not On My Patch, How Lovely Are Thy Branches, and the novel Young Wizards: Lifeboats
Interim Errantry 2: On Ordeal (containing the Ordeals of Ronan Nolan Jr, Mamvish fsh Wimsih, Roshaun ke Nelaid, and the novella Owl Be Home For Christmas)
...and as they-cost-you-nothing-right-now-(but-that-may-change) snacks:
The Young Wizards 30-Day OTP Challenge, Days 1-17, and
The How Lovely Are Thy Branches Advent Calendar
...As for (b), the “Advice For Those Who Wish To Be Published” dep’t: I’m going to break that out into a separate message, because lots of people won’t care about the Young Wizards stuff.
Anyway, HTH!
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sleepyowlwrites · 3 years
find the word tag LXXXXII
potential for wizardry shenanigans contacted me and set me up with words, wasn’t that nice of her? I have good taste in friends. and wizards. @akindofmagictoo 
alert aware (Anxiety story 1)
Without meaning to, he snuggled even closer to the body heat that Ree shared willingly. The remaining part of his brain that was truly aware of the situation screamed warnings at him; the rest of him ignored it in favor of the blissful comfort he currently had access to. Gentle hands continued to minister to his fragile nerves.
berry (bittersweet and burgundy)
I come alive next to you The air smells like sage and sea salt Wild roses trail down your back and take root in the moss Antlers in your hair, you are the king here I have forgotten all the darker days The sage burns solemn in the sea Wild berries ripen at your fingertips and feed the forest Bark on your shoulders, you are the guardian here I whisper all my stories into your ears of stone If we talk long enough I always turn you into a poem But I’d rather you weren’t breathing leaves Bleeding onto brambles at a fork in the road Fountains of sweet water cold enough to choke I burn the sage on the stage of the sea’s solemn oath Trees bow and bend and break and I- I drag you out from under the unforgiving waves But you will never be the same I come alive next to you And silence reigns
current (Youth story supplemental - sometimes R reflects his real name)
Cal wore an expression of childish delight, which, he was a child really, so that made sense. His hands fluttered in the air like he wanted to point everything out at once.
R didn't appear particularly excited, but the affection he was currently bestowing on Cal was enough to make up for it. He shook Daniel's hand like they were gentlemen of a bygone age as he passed.
drink (Youth story - say you love Nyks in the tags and I’ll swear you my sword)
"Upside-down trees."
Cal paused with his arm outstretched, fingers still grasping at a pencil. "You wanna elaborate on that?"
"Their roots go up into the sky and drink from the clouds. Some roots go so deep and so high that they make point out whole constellations. Their leaves cover the ground like feathery grass, fading in and out with the seasons. Climbing trees means climbing through rather than up. There are entire secret villages in the branches of trees."
Retrieving his pencil slowly, Cal tried to think of something to say to that. "Okay."
cross (Youth story - friends struggling to explain themselves to potential new friend is a trope I like, I guess. I’ll add it to the list)
“Since when was smoking the only prerequisite for being a gang?” Evie curled her lip up at Cal, but her hand was already sneaking around to hold his, so the effect was lessened somewhat. “It makes sense, especially since Mark hangs out with us so much more often now. I mean, he rarely has an unbruised face or hands, so it does give off a certain vibe.”
“Yeah, okay, and I’ll grant you that Isanz and I don’t exactly look at each other like we’re friends,” R said, arms crossed with one fist under his chin.
cloth (Anxiety story 1)
Another moment later and Ree had one hand under his chin, the other back on his shoulder. "I'm gonna clean out your cuts and then we can go rest on the couch, okay? Just wait a few more minutes."
He nodded into her hand, resolving to hold himself together until she had finished. Everything was blurring out and then brought back into focus when Ree applied a cloth to his palms. He clenched his jaw and closed his eyes, honing in on the pain to keep his centered. Ree was gentle, washing each palm and applying some kind of salve before bandaging the scrapes.
"There." She tapped on his knee and smiled up at him when he forced his eyelids up. "You did great."
cover and color (from: riveting revival)
It's raining, like always, and the roses are wilting all over. Summer ends in tears every year, washing all the colors out of world and drowning the heat that has held us in its stranglehold for months. I watch red and yellow petals drift down the road, becoming more mud covered along the way. I usually tried to save a few but this year didn't felt like it. Bunches of old roses in every color decorate my hands and I let them go. No one misses what has always left before.
I have to go eat german pancakes now, which if you haven’t had, you need to have those. I’m sure they have an actual name in germany, but they are crepes with apples, and they are divine. @chauceryfairytales @em-dashes @av-astra @uraniumwriting @halcionic OR ANYBODY can find: wonder, waiting, weary, watch, and whisper.
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missdawnandherdusk · 4 years
Rita Skeeter’s Scoop
Draco X Gryffindor!Reader
Part 1    Part 2     Part 3     Part 4
Part 5     Part 6     Part 7    Part 8
Part 9    Part 10    Part 11   Part 12
Part 13   Part 14
Summary: All is fair in love and war, but why did it have to be a war? And when did you say that you wanted to fight? 
Archive of Our Own Link
A/n: Hello my darlings! Welcome to the next part and honestly it took me a while to figure out where I wanted to take this, so please enjoy the angsty fluff of this chapter and I’m happy to introduce Susan! (you’ll understand later). I love you guys so much you have no idea, please don’t stop commenting, reblogging and liking, you have no idea how much it excites me and motivates me to keep writing. ALSO GUYS TOM FELTON IS GOING TO BE AT THE COMICON NEAR ME AND YOU BET YOUR GALLEONS THAT I AM DROPPING COLLEGE MONEY TO GO AND MEET THAT MAN
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By Rita Skeeter
“Albus Dumbledore, eccentric Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, has never been afraid to make controversial visitor decisions, writes Rita Skeeter, Special Correspondent. Over the summer of this year it was decided that the Triwizard Tournament was to be held at Hogwarts to many parents’ dismay as their children were entered into the Tournament without their permission. The Tournament is notorious for the fatalities that it has inflicted among many young unexperienced wizards thirsting for glory. However, this looks responsible and kindly when set beside the fiasco Dumbledore claims to be the Yule Ball.
The Yule Ball, only held upon the year of the Triwizard Tournament, was held upon the Christmas holiday at the school endorsed by Dumbledore and his staff. This year, however, the guest list was not so carefully taken to, endangering the students of three wizarding schools.
A young naïve and foolish fourth year Hogwarts student was taken under the Imperius Curse and forced to do the bidding of the assailant. It seems that this was in place because of a disgrace among pure-blood families. While Dumbledore turns a blind eye, this disgrace has largely affected every student in the school along with its visitors claiming it’s “very shameful.”
“I was coerced as well, and my friend Draco Malfoy was only afraid of the blood traitor that he had to play along with her plan unless he too wanted to be cursed,” says Pansy Parkinson, another fourth-year student. “We all hate her, but we’re too afraid of her family to say anything,”
Y/n Lupine has no intention of ending this scourge of disgrace and intimidation, however. In conversation with her family, she admitted manipulating Mr. Malfoy in what she has dubbed the “Consentire Animi Pace,” an outdated excuse for coercion from a desperate lover. This bond, however, is overlooked by the Ministry, and they have not confirmed that there has been a case in over four hundred years. Lupine, however, considers herself to be above such petty notions.
The Consentire Animi Pace was an old tradition that has faded into prophecy and is a poor excuse for the forceful attitude from Lupine. Not but a few months prior to the Ball she and Mr. Malfoy blatantly hated another. “They were at each other’s throats,” Another student comments. “It was a peaceful day when they didn’t see each other,”
So how did these two, descendants of powerful pure-blood rivals go from enemies to lovers at a Ball in a matter of months? Some suspect the use of the Imperius Curse inflicted upon Malfoy by Lupine against his will. It is known that the students of Hogwarts were taught the Unforgivable Curses in class weeks before the two ‘lovers’ got together. The relationship of Lupine and Malfoy are frowned upon by Malfoy’s parents. “She is a filthy blood-traitor and has seduced my son into this relationship for her own personal gain. It is known that the Lupines always held a grudge against the Malfoys. This must be a new tactic for a new generation.””
My hands shook as I finished reading the article.
“Are you kidding me!?” I screeched. “Who... how does she even...” I exclaimed and threw the paper down, pacing the common room, Harry, Ron, and Hermione’s eyes on my frantic form.
“No one believes it,” Hermione clarified quickly. “Everyone here knows what really happened,” 
“Do they?” I snapped. “Do they really?”
She looked down and I took a deep breath, rubbing my face. My thoughts spiraled. Everyone in the wizarding world would be reading this and apparently make me out to me some sort of whore of Babylon trying to seduce Draco to be with me.
“I... I have to find him,” I realized. “I...”
“Y/n, just think about this a moment,” Hermione interjected. “This Skeeter woman is out there, and as soon as she knows you ran to Draco after reading her piece, what is she going to think?”
“I don’t give a flying fuck about what she thinks!” I screamed.
They all stared at me in shock and a few lingering first years scurried away—I never cursed, in front of anyone, ever.
“Y/n,” Harry began.
I narrowed my eyes at him letting him know he was on thin ice.
“Take my invisibility cloak and map. Go find him.” The olive branch startled me.
“I know what it’s like to be talked about in papers.” He sympathized. “You don’t deserve this. Not after what you did, or rather didn’t do,”
I wanted to cry at his words.
“Thank you, Harry,” I got out, sinking back onto the sofa as he went up to his room to collect the promised items.
I went to pick up the article again, to reread it, but Hermione stopped me, taking it from my hands.
“You don’t need to reread it and get worked up again,” She chided softly. 
“I’m sorry I yelled,” I whispered, glancing over at her.
“It’s alright. I’m just as furious as you are. That... cow of a woman.” Hermione shook her head. “We’re going to get to the bottom of this alright?”
I nodded and my eyes darted up as Harry came back, placing the map and cloak in my hands.
“You know how to work the map?” He clarified.
I nodded, fastening the cloak around my shoulders and taking out my wand.
“I solemnly swear that I am up to no good,” I muttered darkly, tapping the map, watching the paper come to life. “Thank you, Harry, he’d appreciate it too,”
“Just go,” He ushered, and I was off under the safety of the cloak led by the marauder’s map.
It didn’t take long for me to find Draco. His footsteps showed me that he was just outside of Snape’s office and heading my way. He probably went straight to Snape about the article and didn’t have the two cents from his friends about tact.
“Mischief managed,” I hissed before tucking the map into my robe.
Rushing down the chilly hallways, I hissed Draco’s name before grabbing his hand and pulling him under the cloak, quickly covering his mouth before he could scream in surprise or fear. He relaxed when his eyes landed on me. Nodding, I dropped my hand.
“Y/n, I swear I’ll fix this,” He hissed softly. “That Skeeter is going to regret ever messing with me and hurting you.”
“Draco, we don’t exactly have a lot of power here,” I argued. “With your father against us as well as this Skeeter, whatever we say, will be twisted and it’ll get worse.” That was the hopeless thought that dragged me down. “We really can’t fix this,”
“So, what do we do? I won’t let her do this to you or your family!” He insisted.
Shushing him, I took his hand and led him down the hallway to the Gryffindor Portrait. Unveiling myself from the cloak, I said the password and the portrait opened.
“Go,” I hissed softly, praying that Draco got the hint as I lingered about half a minute then hopefully followed him through the door, closing it behind me.
“I didn’t mean bring him here!” Harry huffed as I handed back his cloak and map.
“Sorry,” I gave a weak smile. “But I don’t feel safe talking about anything outside in the halls.”
“Do you understand what you’ve done?” Hermione nearly shrieked. “What’s going to happen when Skeeter finds out that Draco’s been in here at night? What were you thinking!?”
Dread weighed like a thick blanket over me. I sank into a chair and stared at the fire, not seeing a way out of this.
“Lay off!” Draco scolded, kneeling beside me. “She can’t spend every moment questioning everything she does!” He defended me, taking my hand and rubbing it softly.
“I wasn’t saying that she should—” Hermione began and was silenced by a cold glare from Draco. I could almost hear the insults that he wanted to hurl at her, like they were tangible.
“It’s okay Dray,” I soothed. “She’s worried and looking out for me. They all are. Please... don’t fight. I can’t handle fighting right now,” My voice was shaky as fear played like a broken record in my mind.
I stood, Draco rising with me, his hands resting at my waist, an anchor in the midst of this hell storm. I laid my head on his shoulder as silent tears slipped out. Hermione was at my other side, rubbing my arm.
“We’ll sort this out Y/n,” Harry promised.
“I’m so stupid,” I mumbled. “This is all my fault,”
“This is not your fault,” Four voices joined together.
“It’s this wretched Skeeter woman,” Hermione hissed. 
“And my father,” Draco snarled, his grip on me tightening.
I could feel the anger and betrayal radiating off of him. We hadn’t really talked about his father’s hand in all of this. I didn’t want to bring it up and he didn’t want to mention it, so it left us at an impasse. Maybe we should have talked about it sooner.
I wiped my tears away and took a deep breath.
“Okay, so what are we going to do?” I asked, turning to my group of friends.
“You could give her an interview,” Ron suggested.
“No, she couldn’t,” Hermione rolled her eyes. “Whatever Y/n says is going to be used against her,”
“We can write to the paper, tell them that it’s wrong,” Harry pointed out.
“And how bad will that look on us?” I retorted. “New headline ‘Seductress tries to cover the truth.’ No, I don’t think... I don’t think there is anything we can do,”
“I... I can’t do anything, we as a group can’t. All I can do is hold my head high and know who I am and what’s true,” I intertwined my fingers with Draco’s.
He gave my hand a gentle squeeze as impressed looks fell upon their faces.
“Well, I know that Skeeter is banned from school grounds, so just be careful I guess,” Ron chimed in.
I nodded and took a deep breath.
“You won’t be alone, Y/n,” Draco remarked. “I’ll be here, we all will,” His eyes swept the room. “We know who you are too,”
I nodded.
“And that’s all that matters,” I whispered weakly.
It was easier said than done, however. After taking Draco to his dorm under the cloak and heading back, curling up into bed, I finally broke down into tears, each of Rita’s words like a stab to the heart. It tore me up inside of how cruel she was to me, and I had never even met her. Hermione, if she heard my cries through my pillow, didn’t prattle me. Instead, she left me in peace to fall apart, and I was grateful.
The next morning, McGonagall called me to her office, to get the true story and to reinforce that I was not alone here at school, and if I needed anything to come to her and she would see that it was done. It took a lot for me not to break down in tears again in her office. With a biscuit she sent me off to breakfast.
Then the mail started to come in. From people I didn’t know and addresses I didn’t recognize. I didn’t dare to open any of them. Instead they were thrown into the fireplace without a second thought. The only letters I opened were from my mother or Mrs. Weasley, or anyone I knew well enough to care about what they thought. Most offered their sympathies. My mother was furious, as to be expected, but I wrote her back quickly before she did anything rash.
The fear always lingered, however. And with Pansy still miraculously walking the halls of Hogwarts, I felt smaller than ever. I hesitated to hold Draco’s hand or show any form of affection towards him. I know he didn’t hold it against me, but it was a new layer of guilt on my soul.
Draco gave you a week to find a new sort of normal and to stop moping—not that he’d tell you that’s what you were doing because you’d argue with him, but you were moping.
It was that Monday morning that he had enough. You were fine with doing nothing and taking all of the hate and living in fear, but he wasn’t. It killed him to see your flame so dull. He missed you, the real you. Not whatever front you were putting up.
So, after writing a very strongly worded letter to his father and mother alike, he took your hand on the way from breakfast and pulled you to the trail that led to Hogsmeade. You had said you weren’t going, but he wasn’t having that. You were his girlfriend and hell be damned if he wasn’t going to show you off.
“Draco, no,” Your voice wavered in fear. “I can’t.” 
He turned and cradled your face in his hands.
“This fear needs to stop my love,” He crooned softly. “I miss you, the real you. I hate that she’s doing this to you. Please, go out with me. Let me show you off and buy you ridiculously expensive things and overpriced chocolates, that you won’t eat because you don’t like chocolate,” He amended quickly.
A smile played at your lips, but it didn’t quite reach your eyes yet.
“Please Y/n, I don’t want you to be afraid. I want you to be with me, I want to kiss you in public and have you on my arm. I want you to be my girl and I want everyone else to know that. I don’t give a damn about what the papers say. You’re mine and I love you and I’m not letting you mope anymore,” He panted softly, awaiting your response. “Please go out with me today,”
You blinked slowly, as if you were clearing away the haze in your eyes as you beamed up at him, jumping into his arms.
“I don’t want anything that expensive,” You muttered, and he laughed, the first time that he had a week. “Let me go get my jacket and what not and we’ll go,”
He waited for you outside the common room and you came out, wrapped in his scarf, the jacket and gloves from your mother and snow boots on that had to be new.
Offering his arm, he grinned as the two of you made your way down the hall cozied up together, smiles on the faces of those you passed.
“Long live the prince and princess!” George shouted as you two walked past him and Fred on your way to Hogsmeade.
A laugh escaped your lips for the first time since the article came out and it was the most wonderful thing that Draco had ever heard. You looked up at him, snow on your eyelashes, your nose and cheeks pink from the cold. You were beautiful when you smiled, and he would never take it for granted again.
Draco and I ducked into Madam Puddifoot's tea shop and I welcomed the warmth with open arms. For the first time, the article faded from my mind and I allowed myself to be happy with Draco—even though he did order me a ridiculously expensive tea and so many little cakes. To be honest, they were the most enjoyable things I’d had in a long while.
The company was quite enjoyable as well. Now that I wasn’t... moping (I’ll admit it, I was) I realized what Draco had meant by missing the ‘real’ me. I could tease and taunt him, then go red when he’d take it a bit too far and make it slightly inappropriate, before kissing me softly as an apology.
We strolled about Hogsmeade, when my eyes lingered on a storefront for a bit too long, Draco would pull me inside and let me look around. I was cautious to pick things up however, in fear that he might actually take up on his words and buy me things.
However, I tripped up on my caution as a miniature Spindle Tree grew beautifully in Dogweed’s shop window, victim to a shrinking spell, but all the beautiful just the same. Draco rolled his eyes, smiling, dragging me inside, letting me cradle the small plant as he paid for it. The shop tender assured me that it would grow in any conditions and if I had any problems to bring it back.
“I think I’ll name her Susan,” I mused, holding the small pink plant to the sun. “What do you think?”
“You’re going to name it?” He laughed.
“Of course,” I grinned. “So... Susan?”
“Sure love,” He chuckled, wrapping an arm around me. “Whatever you want,”
Part 16?
Tags: @un-limiteddd @geekysimmerthings @coffee-addicti @ilikestuffproductions @msmcsmutt @ravn-87 @artemismohr18 @whygz @crazywritingbug @dolphincommander @bisexualbumblebeesstuff @fuzzy-panda @bitemebro522 @zombiesnips-blog @jillanaholland @shookyungsoo @savingdraco @welcometomyworldwithoutrules @akari180 @slytherin-emerald @chaotic-good-gemini @memalfoy-spidey @theres-a-dog-outside-omg @queenfeatherwings @fanficflaneuse @go-whovian-universe @spicyshenanigans @darling-im-not-okay-i-promise @dietkiwi @katsukink @takemetothekingdom @strangerr-things @tmnt-queen @mccloudchloe @hxneybgb @justsomerandomgur @belcvayelena @moviesbooksandfandoms @howdycharlie @littlethingsinmymindla @xtrashmouthxtozierx @cocochanelthepupper @ninacotte @mccloudchloe @braelynn-j @jiggllyy​ @honeymarvel​ @go-whovian-universe​ @darcypottah​ @atomicpunkrock​
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galaxysgal · 4 years
Something Witchy This Way Comes Chapter 1: Home
Warnings: So much fluff you’ll actually die. Also one (1) swear word. Wordcount: 1,203 A/N: hugest of thank you’s to my official beta @honeykiwis, and my unofficial betas @natthemess, @tinyphantomsalad, @thelazyhero-ttums and @poesflygirl, I love you all so much. Thanks also goes out to everyone who expressed interest in this fic, I am so happy to finally be posting it! Without further ado, here it is!
P.S. Poe’s diploma looks so much better on Ao3 since tumblr won’t let me do centered text.
Read Here on my Ao3
xxx xxx xxx xxx
Outside the reaches of town, past all the shops and identical suburban houses, there sat a large Victorian gothic nearly overgrown with Wisteria. From the outside it looked foreboding with its three story tower and iron gate, but that was exactly how Poe Dameron wanted it to be. He had secrets, things to hide, and he couldn’t have people poking around in his business. So, he let the wisteria grow over the porch, let the other plants run a little wild, and went on about his happy little life.
* * * * *
Finn made his way up the steps with his final box, smiling as he stepped through the door. The smell of sage filled his nose, sharp and refreshing. He looked into the mirror that hung in the entryway, laughing a little when his reflection smiled and waved at him. 
“Let me take that,” Poe appeared at his side, lifting the box from his arms and planting a quick kiss on his cheek. “I’ve been putting them in the den for now.”
Finn followed Poe past the staircase into the den where boxes of his things were piled in the middle of the room. He flopped down onto the red velvet fainting couch that sat against the wall, then immediately jumped up again as a cloud of dust rose from the cushion. “Babe why the hell do you keep this thing? It’s so uncomfortable.” He coughed a few times, swatting the dust away.
“I dunno, it came with the house, I think it adds charm.” Poe took Finn’s hand and pulled him into a hug, “c'mere you-” His arms wrapped around Finn, holding him tight to his chest.
Finn took this moment to bury his nose in Poe’s collarbone and inhale deeply, the scent of cinnamon and clove and Poe surrounding him. “Hi,” he murmured.
Poe pressed a kiss to Finn’s hairline, “hi baby, welcome home.”
“Home,” he whispered it back.
The word felt soft on his tongue, greeted his ears with a gentle warmth. It felt like a warm cup of mugwort tea on a chilly winter day, and sounded like the gentle crackling of a fire in the hearth. It felt safe.
Poe pulled back so he could look Finn in the eyes, “you want something to eat? A celebratory meal?”
Finn smiled, “yeah, I’d love that,” he murmured, leaning up to plant a kiss on Poe’s cheek. He still couldn’t believe this was real, that Poe was real, that he was entering this new phase of his life with someone he loved and trusted with his whole being. It was surreal. 
Poe kissed his nose, “you just sit tight, babe, I’ll cook you a feast of fuckin’ kings.” Finn swatted at Poe’s ass as he turned to leave, laughing when his boyfriend yelped.
Now, Finn thought to himself, to come up with something to do… He glanced around the room and decided that the best way to pass time would be to explore this massive house he now lived in. With a sure step and a feeling of excitement in his stomach, Finn set about exploring hallways of the first floor. 
The first few rooms he came to were pretty uneventful, just a bedroom, bathroom and storage closet, but the door at the end of the hall opened into a little library, which Finn was eager to spend his days in. Floor to ceiling bookcases were built into nearly every inch of wall, the only exception being the fireplace in the center of the room, and the bay window on one side. Finn ran his fingers along the spines of the books, reading titles like The Practical Witches Guide to Herbology, and Helena Harper: My Journey With Potions. He continued to read the titles, head tilted to the side, until he bumped into the fireplace wall. His eyes fell on a framed certificate on the mantle, and he righted himself to take a better look at it.
Gegonia Institute of the high studies of Witchcraft and Wizardry In recognition of the completion of the requisite course of study and upon certified nomination of Faculty The High Council of Witches and Wizards has conferred upon Poe Dameron In recognition of the satisfactory fulfillment of the prescribed requirements for the degree of Master of Wizardry and Magical Business With the rights, privileges and honors thereunto appertaining Dated this first day of June, two thousand and fifteen
Finn grinned, running his fingers along the gold frame. That was his gorgeous intellectual man they were talking about. It filled him with a swell of pride that he and Poe had graduated from the same university, only two years apart. He couldn’t believe they had really done it, they had made it through the trials and tribulations of college, spirit summoning, and long distance and they were still together.
Finn remembered so clearly the first time he had seen Poe. He was in the library, drowning in an oversized zip up hoodie, hunched over an old leather bound potions textbook. Finn had immediately turned around to face Rey, his tone urgent.
“Don’t look now, but there’s a really cute guy at the table in the corner,” he whispered, and Rey craned her neck to see around him. “I said don’t look!”
“Well, I looked, and it just so happened he’s looking too.”
From that day on, Finn went to the library every day in hopes of seeing him again. It took two weeks of amused looks from Rey as he peered about the library before the mysterious boy returned. He slid into the seat across from Finn, introducing himself as Poe, a general magic major. They talked for hours, until the sun had set and the librarian had to ask them to leave.
They gathered their things and headed for the door, the icy winter wind bit at Finn’s bare arms and he cursed himself for leaving his jacket back in the dorm. Then, without so much as a blink, Poe shrugged off his leather jacket and handed it to Finn.
Finn tried to refuse, “no, no, I can’t take your jacket-”
“Nonsense,” Poe told him. “I’d offer you a ride too, but I don’t drive,” he said sheepishly.
Finn smiled, wrapping the jacket around himself, and found a burst of courage within himself. “Maybe you could take me out on a date then? As a replacement for the ride we could’ve shared,” he said.
Poe’s cheeks turned red, and he nodded. “Yeah, I’d love that.” He pulled a pen from behind his ear and took Finn’s hand, scribbling a phone number onto his palm. “Call me,” he said with a goofy smile, giving a two fingered salute and turning on his heel to leave.
“Food’s ready!”
Poe’s shout pulled Finn from his thoughts, and he stepped out of the library. “Coming!” He followed the hallway until it opened up to the kitchen, where Poe was dancing around in a deep purple apron. Finn felt a soft smile come on his face as he took in the view.
Poe turned around, cocking an eyebrow. “What?”
Finn shook his head, taking a few steps over and kissing him sweetly. “Nothin’, I just love you that’s all.”
taglist: @imasunflower00 @wheeliebinbyers @stormpilotsrus @kitmarloweki @shibasus @tinyphantomsalad @waywaychuck @xwings-can-fly
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Quiditch World Cup | Draco Malfoy one shot
Hey you! Thank you for being here. I really hope you'll enjoy reading this imagine storie about Draco Malfoy. If you have a story request, feel free to message me, giving me the most important details. (e.g.: your name, hair and eye colour, a few words about what you have in mind).
- You know, you might be known as the stone cold Slytherin Princess at Hogwarts, but you shouldn't be acting like one at home - my brother looked at me from across the dining table and tried to throw a piece of bread at me. Our Mom glared at him as a warning to behave at the table, but didn't say anything. She was too busy trying to follow dad's storytelling about his last trip with his friends - Would it really be that terrible to come to the Quiditch World Cup with me? 
- You know that I'm not the biggest fan of that game - I rolled my eyes and continued playing with my salad. Summer outside of Hogwarts was a nightmare. At least for me. Our parents being gone for most of the time due to their jobs, I was left with my brothers for weeks - Besides, I really should be preparing for my fifth year. 
- Oh bullshit - this time he aimed right, and hit me straight in the face with a slice of tomato. I automatically reached for my wind, but when I remembered that Mom banned magic during family time, I changed my mind and throw a handful of salad at him.
- Kids - Dad warned us again - Stop with this childish behaviour right now. Both of you are grownups if I recall it correctly. If you expect your Mother and I to treat you such as, I truly believe the least you can do in return is not playing with food like a bunch of toddlers.
- Sorry Dad - we both apologised.
- Y/N - Dad looked at me - You are going to the World Cup with Elvin and you are bringing Rune with you. Your Mother and I have a lot of work, besides, it won't kill you if you spend some quality time with your brothers. 
I didn't argue back. I knew that he had the last word in these kind of questions, so I just finished my dinner is silence and went to my room. Before I went to sleep, Elvin and I planned our visit to the Quiditch World Cup and told Rune about it. He was so cute with his adorable smile and excited voice. He hasn't been to any World Cups before and being only 7, he was over the Moon when he realised he might going to see some real magic tomorrow. We might had been a pureblood family, but our parents were rather strict about wizardry at home. They wanted us to have a normal childhood as long as we could. Well, at least until we turned 11, and first Elvin that 4 years later I received our letters from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 
*Next day at the World Cup*
Elvin and I held Rune's hand as tight as we could so he couldn't slip away and get lost in the sea of wizards, witches and other magical creatures. We stopped a couple of times to have a little chat with our friends and introduced Rune to them. He was happy to finally be at an event for the magic world. Elvin was happy because he could see his beloved Quiditch matches. And I was devastated because I had to be here. At some point, I left the boys behind and went on my own way to wander around the small village where the fans had their tents. When I thought my day couldn't be worse, I caught a glimpse of a very blond hair. Fortunately I could disappeared before he could see me. 
Or at least I thought so.
- Are you hiding from me, Princess? – his tall frame appeared right in front of me and his signature scent of cologne mixed with peppermint hit my nose.  I rolled my eyes, but failed to hide the small smile on my lips.
- I think we both know it’s impossible for me to hide from you, Malfoy – I stepped away before anyone who had known us from Hogwarts had the chance to caught is together – Somehow, you always find me..
- Oh yeah – he smirked down at me – But you could successfully hid all your letters…or you just didn’t want to send me any with your owl?
I pinched the bridge of my nose. Draco and I were the Slytherins’ IT couple. Well, the only problem was, we weren’t dating. Only shared a couple of night together, sneaked out of the Slytherin Dorm rooms when everyone was asleep and made out in the dark corridors of the School, or at our favourite spot, at the Astronomy Tower. We both agreed on one thing. We keep our relationship a secret from everyone.
- Was I supposed to send any? – I asked with a playful tone, but when he kept a straight face I sighed – Draco, we made a deal. We have fun, but no deep feelings. Besides, my brother would have found the letters. You know how gossipy he can be and we don’t really want people from school to find out so…
- You know – he took a step closer – Now I get the Ice Queen nickname – his voice was cold and it cut me like a knife – I have known you since our first year at Hogwarts. All these years, you swore that you didn’t care what others think or talk about you. But suddenly, when it comes to being in a relationship…no, no wait. Not go that far. When it comes to show any kind of emotion apart from being sassy, cold or mean, you suddenly care about those things. But I tell you something, Princess. Maybe you should get off of your high horse, put away your damn pride and realise that having feelings for someone is not something you should be ashamed of.
- Malfoy – I tried to say something, but he cut me off by pushing something in my hands.
- Or you would be ashamed being with me? – his voice was filled with pain and I saw the usual dangerous flame in his eyes fading away. He turned on his heels and left me there alone. It was the moment I realised, quite a few of our schoolmates gathered around us and tried to pretend like they weren’t eavesdropping.
Draco Malfoy wasn’t afraid to talk back to me. He wasn’t afraid to get into a heated argument with me. He wasn’t afraid to confront me. He wasn’t ashamed of hiding his feelings. And he was right. All these years, I tried to be someone they thought of me that I was, that I completely forget who I really was. I wanted to keep my reputation as the Slytherin House’s Princess, and I thought I could only do that if I turn off my emotions and turn into ice. I had no regrets, apart from one. I hurt the only person who could saw through my act.
- Oh for Salazar’s Sake – I looked down at the thing Draco had pushed into my hands. It was his Quiditch jersey, with his name and number 07 on it. It smelt exactly like him. I forgot there were friendly matches beside the stadium. Of course he was going to play. He loved that stupid game.
- Everything okay? – Elvin and Rune finally find me – Were you really fighting with that Malfoy boy…wait, is that his jersey?
I only smiled faintly at my brother, who was clearly confused. I speed walked towards the much smaller ring, where two teams were already warming up for a game, checking their brooms and talking about their new strategies. Elvin was running after me with Rune in his arms so he didn’t lose him again like last summer.
- What are you doing young lady? – he asked with concern in his voice when he saw me stripping down my shirt and replacing it with Malfoy’s jersey. By this moment, he totally lost control of the events happening around him. I bet he regret dragging me with him today.
- Trying to make the right thing for once in my life – I flashed him a smile and jumped over the cordon which separated the viewers from the players. There were a couple of minutes before the start of the match so I had to be quick.
Draco and his friends were standing the other side of the field, chatting and warming up. I felt nervous and I was afraid of throwing up in front of everyone, but I had to get over it. I shouldn’t care what people think or say. A sudden foreign feeling went through my body and I started to run towards that arrogant asshole.
- Malfoy – I shouted his name and he immediately looked at my voice’s direction. He had a confused expression on his face, but when he realised what I was wearing, he started to run towards me as well. We met at the middle of the field and when I reached him, I pulled him in for a kiss by his shirt. I missed his lips on mine. I missed his hands pulling my as close to his body as possible. I missed feeling his heartbeat against my chest. I missed feeling him smile during the kiss.
- You look really good in my jersey – he whispered in my ears and placed a soft kiss on my shoulder as he hugged me tightly – And not to mention, my name suits you very well, babe.
I laughed and shook my head at him. Arrogant asshole.
- Just for your information, I would never be ashamed of being with you – a played with his platinum blond hair at the back of his neck – Sorry for being a bitch. I hate to say it out loud, but you were right. I had to get off of my high horse. I need a man who can put me in my place sometimes.
- Lucky for you, I’m quite good at it – he winked at me.
- Speaking of it – I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him again, but this time with even more passion but not as quick – This is for a good luck – I placed another small kiss just under his ears – And if you win this game, you can get even luckier tonight.
That night, we both get lucky. They were incredible on the field and we were finally working on our relationship. Gossip flew around Hogwarts quickly, so when we get off the Hogwarts Express, everyone was talking about that day at the Quiditch World Cup. And the first night, we walked into the Great Hall with pride, determination and most importantly, with each other. Hand in hand. And in love.
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