#i don't usually go on about how 'oh they should hire me' because i really like just being a consultant
I keep joking with my partner and telling him that my back is sore because I’m carrying my entire department, but really, my back is sore because they’re all stressing me out so much that I’m working in a weird hunched position that I hate.
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diagonal-queen · 2 months
Omg you're backkkk<3 I hope uni's going well for you!
Maybe the Hunting Dogs with a s/o who's kind of mean/petty?
Hunting Dogs with a mean S/O
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♡ pairing: Fukuchi Ouchi, Jouno Saigiku, Tecchou Suehiro, Teruko Okura (platonic), Tachihara Michizou x gn!Reader
♡ synopsis: How are the Hunting Dogs with a mean and petty S/O?
♡ cw: Swearing, u r a BULLY >:((, dw it's pretty chill though, non-graphic NSFW with Jouno, teensy bit of NSFW with Tachihara, mentions of violence, crime and torture
note: ahhh hello yes i'm back! uni's pretty great actually. i love being able to tell people i go to law school lmao, it makes me feel smarter than i am. uhh but i've been swamped and a bit busy, and i'm going back home for a week so i might not be super active over the next couple weeks, i'm so sorry my babies </3 but i'll still be lurking in case you wanna chat! as always, apologies for errors and i hope you enjoy x
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Mf you think he cares?? He hired Jouno and Tachihara because they committed crimes, and he's more than happy to keep Teruko around. Bro doesn't give a FUCK that you're mean
If you're dating Fukuchi you clearly do give a shit about the welfare of society and world peace, so your individual quirks are just that. Quirks
He will fully let you just be a dickhead sometimes, because...like, why not?
I feel like Fukuchi is obviously often a very intimidating individual who strikes fear and commands respect from everyone else. But you? You just walk all over him
In some ways for him it's probably kind of refreshing to have someone around him who doesn't idolise him at all, or look up to him as a superior. It gets exhausting, for sure. Sometimes he just wants to be humbled and that's so okay Fukuchi, you deserve it actually /mean-spirited and condescending
Don't get me wrong it's not like you're an abusive partner! You're still obviously nice to your partner and you love him, but you definitely don't go out of your way to sugarcoat things or try to avoid any necessary confrontations
And Fukuchi genuinely really respects that about you. He's pretty similar like that, though still definitely goofier than you
I mean he won't want you sitting around with an RBF when he's at formal events and whatnot, because that really wouldn't have the best impression, but he's usually very gung ho about letting you be yourself
You're lucky he loves you man...lmao
He loves it. Full stop.
You two are just sadist central over here. Like he'll be torturing a suspect and you're just watching. Bored. Not a care in the world
(Jouno, I don't think you're legally allowed to invite your partner to watch you do your job- much less one like this, but...eh...)
You two are always just talking shit about people to each other, and like when you're out in public on dates you're just whispering to each other and judging people T-T
Lowkey kinda gets turned on when you guys argue. He thinks it's hot when you get heated and angry. Usually it ends in rough "passionate hugging", and the pillowtalk is when you both actually resolve the issue (dumbasses)
He might even purposefully rile you up sometimes because mf is just THAT much of a horny degenerate. You guys can call him classy and gentlemanly all you want, but we all know he's secretly deranged
Like an angry, horny goblin with a knife...someone stop him
Tbh you should probably bully him a little bit every now and then. I think he needs to be taken down a peg sometimes
Hey, he's more likely to listen to you than Tecchou, isn't he? Besides, it's nothing genuinely malicious. Just couple's banter
Oh, you guys are fucking LEGENDS at the couple's banter. Though you never do it in public, because a lot of the times the things you both tell each other as jokes can come off as really cruel jabs
Nah your senses of humour are just not family-friendly (violent and malicious)
You guys have very strange ways of showing your love and affection. But, hey, it works for you and that's what's important :)
Ah yes, arguably the least meanie of all of the Hunting Dogs. Yeah uh he doesn't really like you at first
Tecchou doesn't understand being mean just for the sake of it. I mean like, for Teruko, she uses it in her career, and Jouno is sadistic and weird and also uses it in his career. You're just petty because you can be
But the more time you spend together the more he realises that you're really not that bad- you're really just more of the loveable asshole type
An acquired taste, yes, but this is Tecchou we're talking about! That's his thing!
He learns to appreciate the things about you that many others would probably consider flaws. He influences you for the better definitely...
...BUT you also kinda make him worse
He will adopt your 'deal with it bitch' attitude sometimes, but it doesn't hinder his relationships or work so it's fiiiiine
(Jouno isn't a huge fan of it though...but at the same time he kind of respects you)
Tecchou probably won't admit it but he really likes to listen to you rant and bitch about people you don't like. He just likes to listen to you be angry about trivial things, he finds it equal parts endearing and entertaining
If you're mean to someone who deserves it? Well I mean...who is he to stop you?
At the end of the day you're definitely emotionally self-sufficient, so that's one less part of you for him to fret over. All's well that ends well or some shit idk
Teruko (platonic):
You guys are literally the best of friends
She's the loud fiery kind of mean and you are the 'I will straight up meticulously ruin your life' kind of mean
You on some r/nuclearrevenge type shit and she fucking loves that for you
Like she's fully willing to plot and scheme with you and do whatever mean shit you suggest. You two are menaces and she should absolutely not be a military soldier
Teruko WILL smite your enemies. And by smite your enemies I mean she will actively do what she can to ruin the lives of people you don't like, with absolutely no remorse (pretty sure she actually commits crimes to do this)
She LIVES for your cruel one-liners and clever insults. Every time she hears one she absolutely hollers
Teruko enjoys it when you're mean to the other Hunting Dogs (except Fukuchi). They can handle a couple bitchy words so it's not a huge deal, but she's just extra amused by it
For the record you're not *mean* mean, you're just...humbling them (which let's be real they could use from time to time (Jouno, again, looking at you))
Nobody is surprised by your guys' friendship really
You're a dangerous pair. Please stop
Teruko kinda likes that you hold grudges so frequently because she'll never tire of hearing you shittalk the same exact people and events over and over again
She'll shittalk them too
Dia doesn't approve of this friendship
You guys know that scene in B99 where Jake says that he can't decide if he's scared of Amy or turned on by her and then decides that he's both? Yea, that's Tachihara with you
He is a good person at heart, and outside of his mafia gangster persona he's really not that mean, and as such he does not encourage mean behaviour. But like, when you do it? Mm...
Lowkey he probably gets some of his mafia persona ideas from you 💀
His mafia coworkers have no questions about how you two get along, and they generally like you. The other Hunting Dogs have a few more questions
Tachihara isn't some shy, quiet introvert, but he is generally pretty chill and a nice person. They like to playfully tease him about how different the two of you are (though if it gets too far he knows he can count on you to rip them a new one with no issue)
Dw they still like you though! Especially Teruko
He has absolutely no problems with you for being cold and blunt. It's nothing he himself can't handle, and in some ways it actually makes talking to you easier
Again, I'll stress that you're not mean to him, you're just not the most lovey-dovey person out there. But you DO put effort in and that's what Tachihara cares about, even if it isn't in a stereotypical way
If anything else, you're certainly loyal!
Tachihara loves you for all of your different eccentricities, and he's also kinda turned on by them. Win-win? Win-win.
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taglist~ ♡ @gettinshiggywithit, @fyodorhatr, @flower-of-darkness, @bejeweledgirl, @kokoenjiandco, @pinkiipeachiikeen
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Age of Khonshu, or as I like to call it: Oh no. Oh no no no no.
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Age of Khonshu, written by Jason Aaron. 2018.
Who is Jason Aaron? A big writer at Marvel, he is best known for PunisherMAX (the ultras violent and non-marvel universe version of the Punisher), some runs of Thor (the one where Jane Foster becomes Thor), and certain runs with Wolverine: Weapon X. He also wrote Southern Bastard, which is a big name over in Image comics.
Another important fact? He was raised Southern Baptist that has since become an atheist.
That history out of the way, let's look at the sort of comic this is.
I have been putting off reading this little doozy for YEARS. Why? Three reasons.
This was not a good year for me personally. In fact, this was the start of some REALLY bad years to follow for the next 4 years.
I missed the original release and when I tried to find it to read it, no one had it. Not even the library. (This should have been my first clue).
This is a Marvel tie in event.
Now, I have ranted about these before and I'm going to rant about it again.
What is a tie in event? It's a big Marvel World event that attempts to do a large story-line that involves a lot of other big names (usually the avengers).
In Events, you have the main story line that involves the main character. So say, DareDevil is fighting a super ninja. You have the main story that takes place in DareDevil's comic "DareDevil vs. the super ninja" and in that comic, it's such a big fight that the avengers have to get involved, and maybe Dr. Strange and perhaps Brother Voodoo is getting a movie next spring so they want to showcase Brother Voodoo working with familiar faces so he's involved now too.
BUT. All these people involved also have their own comics running. They don't just want to keep going and ignore this big ninja fight that's happening. So then we have side event tie ins that pause their normal story-line to respond in some way to the event that is happening.
So Let's say Ms. Marvel has her story line going where she's been fighting some evil mob boss. She's suddenly going to pause that story. She'll suddenly come up on a hole hoard of evil ninjas and have to fight them for a single issue. But they don't want to loose steam with her evil mob boss because they have to get back to that in the next issue! So it turns out her evil mob boss HIRED those ninjas in some sort of attempted partnership with the evil super ninja. Just to highlight how evil the mob boss is!
Oh, and if you haven't been reading DareDevil or the Avengers or ALL THE OTHER COMICS INVOLED good luck trying to keep up with what's going on. So by the end of the event, you have to compile a LOT of comics together in a particular order so that you can fully understand what's going on.
Even worse? Sometimes the responding tie in comics that aren't really involved with the main story line try to solve the issue. So, going back to my example, Ms. Marvel not only defeats the ninja gang, but she discovers something amazing that will in the end help defeat the Super Ninja! She has single handedly helped bring it down! …In her own comic. It makes her look like the big hero and like she was crucial to the event….When in truth, she has nothing to do withthe main story line over in DD world and her little discovery won't have anything to do at all with how to bring down the Super Ninja in the end.
With me so far?!
If this sounds familiar to you, then congratulations, you may have read "Moon Knight Shadowland", which was infinately better than the main story line of Dare Devil Shadowland. (I'm still bitter about that one). Or the original Civil War saga. Or Seige. Or Dark Reign. Or Age of Khonshu.
Today, I'm here to talk about Age of Khonshu.
In which Moon Knight gets his own special event under an Avenger's title.
So how did they compile this event under an Avenger's title? We start with something that makes no sense to someone that has not been following the Avenger's comics.
Stepping further into it? This event follows directly after the 2017 BEMIS run. So we are moving from the worst run in MK history into Aaron's Age of Khonshu. The next comic after this didn't come out till 2021! That's a three year gap!
What's the story?
Mephisto (I hate Mephisto. He has been made basically into Marvel's version of the Christian Devil.) is messing with the time line and is going back in time to amass soul contracts with people and is slowly taking over the world or destroying it or building up hell. It isn't ever properly explained, but most evil things like this usually aren't.
For some reason Khonshu has seen the future of a world where Mephisto has destroyed it and done terrible things. So he puts these images into Marc's head. Marc, thinking Khonshu is out to fuck with him again (when isn't he?) tracks down Khonshu in one of his Moon Cult temples.
Khonshu tells Marc that he's terrified of Mephisto and Marc realizes that Khonshu isn't just fucking with him this time.
That's right. As someone told me, it's like watching a ten year old talking about how their character is the most powerful and can beat up all the other characters.
Moon Knight beats up Dr. Strange with the power of Khonshu and steals his magic. Then he beats up Danny and steals the Iron fist. Then steals the GHOST RIDER'S fire of vengeance. He goes after Thor on the MOON. Turns out Thor's hamer is made out of moon rock so Moon Knight laughs as he steals the hammer because he has the power of moon. He goes after the Black Panter and T'challa is just like "LOL No. My power comes from my ancestors. You can't steal that."
So they lock up T'challa in a pyramid.
YOU KNOW WHAT MARVEL MOVIE WAS COMING OUT IN 2018?! That's right, the first Black Panther movie.
So in this comic, it's going to feature heavily that Black Panther is super powerful and the hero of the story.
Giving Khonshu all these powers, he remakes New York into Khonshu World and imprisons anyone that fails to worship him, because he's an all powerful god that will stop Mephisto.
And he does fight Mephisto and kill him, but there are so many versions of him now, because he's the devil and you can't kill the devil.
And throughout this, Moon Knight worships and prays to Khonshu, calling him his god and how he's a follower, and believes that Khonshu is a powerful god.
The Avengers keep asking him to stop, that he's off his meds or something and mentally ill and they can help him stop Mephisto if he stops Khonshu.
Eventually Moon Knight realizes that Khonshu can't stop Mephisto and he's gone too far.
He prays to a different god and THE PHOENIX fire shows up and he becomes Moon Knight Phoenix.
He betrays Khonshu because now he is his own god I guess? Helping them take Khonshu down, he gives back all their powers and they lock Khonshu away in Asgard.
Now he expells the Phoenix from his own self before he becomes Dark Moon Knight and destroys the world.
Now the Avengers story moves on to them dealing with Mephisto in a later run, but Khonshu is defeated and that's the important part!
T'challa offers Moon Knight a place in the Avengers, rather than a jail cell in Wakanda for his crimes. Moon Knight turns him down and returns to a small part in Manhattan that he'd rather protect.
And that's how it ends.
Aside from the main story aspect of this particular volume of MK avengers, here are the MAJOR problems:
Throughout the entire run, there is HEAVY christian imagery and language.
They talk about the devil and how scary the devil is. They talk about Hell. They talk about angels. They talk about gods.
They especially show Moon Knight worshiping and PRAYING to Khonshu or Phoenix.
Moon Knight himself discusses fighting the Devil and going to Hell as a construct of the horrors he has seen and done.
2. Throughout the run, Aaron tries to pull out bits from Lemire. Referencing him and doing callbacks. It falls SO flat.
There is a scene early on where he does the "I am Marc Spector. I am Steven Grant. I am Jake Lockley. And we are Moon Knight" bit. But it's followed by a prayer to Khonshu because he is the Moon God's accolyte.
Later he talks about how Marc expelled Khonshu from his mind and had healed and was his own man again. He talks about how Khonshu had put horrors in his mind that made him ill.
He then talks about how he frequents a certain mental hospital.
Not only is he referencing Lemire, but he's taking it in the wrong context. This man read it and went "Yeah sure I got it" when he clearly didn't.
In Lemire's run, we see Marc dealing not just with how KHonshu used and abused him and how messed up he was, but we also see him coming to terms with his own mental illness and trying to understand himself. To understand that he himself had been abusive towards himself. His self harm attributes. His pushing people away. We see him learn to embrace the 'what if' aspect of after mental illness. We see doubt and we see room to heal.
In this it's just "Khonshu did it."
3. We're back to the mental health topic. While they DO acknowledge Steven and Jake twice, offhandedly, we don't see them. It's just MARC. And I find it hard to believe that either of them would either let Marc go this far off the rails to hurting his friends, but that they would go along with it without having a discussion or working as a team if they found it to be the only solution.
They also have NUMEROUS remarks from the others about "We all know Moon Knight is crazy but I didn't think he was this crazy". It carries on the old conversations that everyone in the Avengers and so on all see Moon Knight as mentaly unwell. Unfit. Crippled, even. He's not well enough to do things. He pretends to be a hero but we all know he's likely to melt down any minute and do something crazy, attitude.
And repeatedly he's told to take meds, go to the hospital, check himself in… Even T'Challa tells him "Wakanda has made great strides in Mental Health. We can cure you!"
Cure him from what? Trauma? Take away his DID? Or implying that he's some sort of other unwell causing him to not think straight?
It's these three things combined that just really set me off.
The absolutely disgusting use of Christian vocabulary and idealism to portray a Jewish character. Even if Marc isn't observant of Jewish beliefs, he is culturally Jewish and raised by a Rabbi. Unless he blatantly converted, he would not find himself worshiping and praying to another god. He wouldn't believe in the devil or use such language to describe Mephisto. He wouldn't talk about Angelic idealations or even Hell.
Then the blatant use of his mental illness to further how it's easy for Moon Knight to fall into such ways. Of course he did this. He's crazy. He'll do anything!
Of course he made his god Khonshu into an over powered dick.
I've discussed this before with a good friend, but there is a difference between following Khonshu and worshiping Khonshu.
I love the use of Yehya Badr to show this in MacKay's run. One has converted and religiously believes and follows Khonshu. The other follows a path that he himself set down as a result of his experiences and own needs.
Moon Knight never outright worships Khonshu (when properly written). Even in Moench's old run, he believed that he had been resurrected by Khonshu and therefore his power and life was in Khonshu's hands. This was more following Marc's thinking that he himself was nothing more than a ghost. Without Khonshu, it was more of an existential dread that he was nothing. Not that Khonshu was a god figure.
In later runs this translated into a sort of worship and it never should have. In Moench's run, Khonshu was some unknown force. Perhaps a god, perhaps a spirit, perhaps some form of something ancient that represents the moon and protecting those who travel by night. Considering the Marvel universe and such loose terms of applying all powerful beings under the phrase of 'god', it makes sense. Thor is technically a god. But he is not a god to be worshiped.
Moon Knight takes his own Jewish upbringing. He is here to cherish all life. To protect those who fall into the margins and cry for help.
What's most insulting is that this comic directly followed the run by Bemis. The one that was so laced with antisemitism and blatant disregard for mental health topics.... So we jump from blood libel and Nazism into fighting the actual Devil and praying to gods and worship.
This is not a good look, Marvel.
Here's the thing, we need a Jewish writer.
I don't mean someone that was formerly Jewish that converted to some other following. I don't mean an atheist that has a special interest in other religions (as Aaron claims he is). We need a born and raised practicing Jewish writer.
We need someone to use the proper terminology that isn't Christian based. We need Jake to speak more Yiddish. We need Steven to be seen putting money into the Tzedakah box. We need Marc to discuss his conflict with his Orthodox Rabbi father and his current path in life and how, like it or not, he has become the epitome of the Jewish struggle to exist.
I appreciate Mr. MacKay, but when his run is done and Marvel looks for the next Moon Knight writer, I'd really like to see a Jewish voice step in and not only respect their own people (despite what Marvel may tell them to do) but to also continue to represent and respect the mental health aspect of Moon Knight.
Maybe I'm asking too much? But this issue...
TLDR: Do not read Bendis, Bemis, and Aaron when it comes to Moon Knight.
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azrielgreen · 1 year
The Way It Shouldn't Be - Final Part
They're playing a song Eddie would hate and everyone's paired up and pretending like they got ANY of Tommy's liquor, dancing wildly and laughing loud but not loud enough to drown out the song Eddie would hate.
Steve's on the fringes, watching.
Has his own alcohol, got a never ending supply from his Dad's office. He thinks of the massive blowout party he and Tommy and the boys always planned for. Post Prom Insanity: partying for two maybe three days and then taking a roadtrip together, see other places, go on adventures.
Tommy's engaged to Carol, who's pregnant and no one's meant to know but of course everyone does. He's gonna work for his Dad, the thing he always said he never wanted to do. Everyone else, Steve wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire so yeah, no party.
No road trip.
No Eddie.
But Steve's there; hired the tux and everything, so why fuckin' not?
He drinks and imagines fucking Eddie somewhere on campus, the music playing while they kiss. He imagines a lot of shit that's not ever gonna happen because good things don't last.
They're not made to last.
It's not the way things are.
Stupid Enola Gay comes on and Steve tries not get all caught up in the melody, the way the minor keys fuck him up.
Eddie's not coming.
He knows because he swung by Eddie's trailer earlier, met Wayne.
The older man was kind, but really clear when he said Eddie was staying with friends for a few days.
Steve is sulking.
Kind of spoiling for a fight.
First dick he sees harassing a girl is gonna eat it, simple as that.
God, he feels like a chaperone.
Like he's a thousand years old.
Cannot wait to get home, cry and jerk off before he falls asleep. Wonderful plans. Stellar.
'Fuck you,' he mutters, takes another slug. Enola Gay always moves him.
He gives up when the song ends, what's the literal point of staying when the best song is already gone.
He's sulky, moody and still heartbroken.
Still in love.
It's not how it should be.
He knows that.
But it's how it fucking is.
He's leaving, he decides.
He feels ruthlessly good about it when someone grabs his hand and yanks him with knowing roughness.
'Dumping out, Harrington?'
He whirls, blinks.
Is a little drunk but like... not enough for this.
He looks...
Oh my god he's kind of dressed up.
For Eddie, he's dressed up, meaning he looks way more Devil Worshipper than usual. Hair all roughed up and wavy, eyeliner, all black, laced untied and that godforsaken Dio cut off he adores.
He's got a silver earring in; a dangly rose. It's undoubtedly something a girl would wear, all sparkly.
'Oh my god,' Steve mutters, dazed.
Then he shakes himself and smacks Eddie around the face.
'OK, ow.'
'You fucker! You don't call me for weeks and now you just rock up here, looking stupidly hot--'
'Aww thanks, babe.'
'--like no time has passed and nothing happened!'
Eddie sighs, glances around.
'People are staring.'
'I don't care!'
'You're drunk!'
'Well, you're an idiot!'
'Well, I love you.'
'Well, I love YOU-wait, no. What?'
Eddie rolls his eyes, pulls Steve close.
'I want us too.' Then he lets out a shaky sigh, strokes Steve's face. 'Christ, everyone is literally staring but i--'
Steve kisses him.
The world jumps the tracks.
The song skips.
Nothing will ever be the same.
It's the best fucking kiss of his life.
'I wanna fuck you.'
'Right here?' Eddie's kissing him back, its delightful, fucking gorgeius. 'Man, you really are a kinky fucker, but I've actually for a surprise for you?'
'You're not gonna sing to me, right?'
'Have a little faith in me, Harrington.'
'Does it get us the fuck out of here?'
Eddie grins, grabs his hand again.
'So, what do you think?'
Steve can't think. His brain is all mushy.
'You don't like it.'
'Eddie,' he says with soft astonishment. 'You didn't have to do this.'
The van is big, spacious. Steve's been in it before when it was not spacious, at all. Eddie has cleared the back completely but more than that, he's got supplies inside. Bedrolls, pillows, knives (of course) as well as cases of bottled water, canned good, tools, a compass and a map.
'I heard good things about Chicago.'
'From who?'
'A lady trying to sell me tickets to Chicago, but look.' Eddie sighs, wraps his arms around Steve's middle from behind. 'I just wanna try. I wanna be with you and not be scared to lose out. I can't run, don't wanna do that.' He kisses his neck. 'I'm in if you are.'
'We could go anywhere?'
'What if you hate me after a week?'
'That's why god invented hatefucking.'
'What if we get lost?'
Eddie's lips are warm against his skin. 'Sounds fun.'
'What if--?'
'Gonna save you some time, Harrington, there's a million reasons not to do something, OK? We don't have to, but I saw the maps on your wall. I know you want to blast outta this town and so do I. I love you, Steve. I'm being brave. You wanna be brave too?'
Steve leans his head back, looks up at the stars. He can hear the music from inside, muffled but still undeniable. Eddie's all around him, they're swaying a little.
He closes his eyes, smiles.
'Dance with me first?'
~ the end.
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e-glyde · 3 months
Why do people think adhering to lore will make a good story?
Why do you rely on "respecting the lore" to be your reason for disliking something? Maybe the lore needs to be disrespected. Perhaps what you respected from the original set of writer's had PROBLEMS. Could be the new writer's want to do something different in this world of rehashes or something.
It could also go wrong, and even kill the reason you love the story. So let's look at two different examples of adaptations of video games. Sonic and Halo…not perfect I know but stick with me.
I should also mention I enjoy the Halo show and the Sonic movies irritate me with it's changes.
Let's take a look at the similarities of the both:
Produced by Paramount
Major Changes from it's source material
It's own timeline separate from their games and extended lore
Live Action when it probably shouldn't be
More likely to use/keep intact deep cuts from the source lore
More likely to change up key aspects most everyone knows
Let's take a look at the differences now:
The Sonic movies are beloved by many of it's fans
The Halo show is just discourse town and hated by many of it's fans (The tide of this is turning. I might come back to this.)
The Sonic movie's demographic is children
The Halo show's demographic is adults
The Sonic movie is allergic to the game's music
The Halo show has used several themes and music styles from the games
Halo is military sci-fi
Sonic is shonen
We can ignore those last two. I'm just salty the Sonic movies don't really use any of the game's AMAZING music or hire any of those composers to help out or EVEN JUST, HOVER AROUND THE VIBE OF THOSE OSTs! Actually let's not ignore it, because that's a good point to start with. Despite such an annoyance in my eyes, the Sonic fanbase hasn't made much a stink about it. And we take a look at Halo and throw many different fires that the show doesn't use the OST. Now how could that be? Didn't I just mention they actually use themes from the games?
Oh yes, the Halo show even uses THE Halo Theme in several key moments. So why are the complaints brought up? Well so I can go to sleep at a decent time I'll get to the point, or a point. I've noticed many different aspects going for and against each franchise adaptation into live action. One being the audience each genre brings, military sci-fi usually brings in those wiki types who act all high and mighty like they've read the extended lore but all they've done is quote a wiki. Or worse, a youtube video. Shonen can run quite hard on cool factor, and less on lore trappings. Even if people fixate on power levels, a story can move in and out of an establish power scale and still keep an audience…if it's fucking cool.
Halo by and large, has a pretty consistent quality. With an aged fanbase who from day 1 hates anything new.
Sonic I've noticed has changed a LOT, and has varying quality and all the fanbase begs for is something good.
That point isn't too good. Let's go back to Halo :3 The point from before was speaking to how despite the consistent quality the fans would have you believe the current company has killed Halo and never made a good game ever. Then you play them and see that even it's worse is still a fine game. And then you wonder, "Why do y'all act like these games are the worst thing ever? Do you not know worse games or can you not see your bias and act accordingly?"
The same goes with the show, while, not perfect…is fine even at it's worse. But they'll have you believe it's literal unwatchable dogshit. You look at any popular tweet about the show and it's probably going to be something changed from the lore and people acting like the sky is falling.
I see the Sonic movie show up and people are just enjoying the goober. Or quoting Idris Elba's knuckles. rip Tails Or Jim Carrey's eggman chewing the fuck out of the scene. Despite ALL OF THIS, being different. Because this audience isn't lore heavy sci-fi fans, they're shonen fans. It's cool factor, it's Knuckles stopping Sonic and taunting him. It's Super Sonic wiping the floor with a giant mech, it's Eggman being a charismatic confident jerk. Who cares i-oh wait, I'm getting a phone in…Sonic fans do not enjoy the human subplot….yea…yea. Okay. Makes sense, if you came from epic anime hedgehog moments, the comedic human subplot would probably do that. But it's not enough to make every Sonic movie tweet inevitably show up going, "Erm, but the movies suck though!"
Yes the Halo show has that. It's very annoying. But honestly sci-fi especially military sci-fi just has the problem. I don't know why, but it is annoying as hell. The mass demands lore, no not that one, no not that one; yanno the good lore. The one the audience liked as a child. The original one. The never changing lore; except the one that changed things but it was good!
Getting side tracked. There was a point here. Eh who cares, but I'll leave you with some wild shit I've seen.
"The Halo show is a Mass Effect show in disguise."
A Commander Shepard cameo in the dialouge in one scene referring to a Commander Shepard.
The show has Romance.
That's it. From what I've heard from Mass Effect fans, this take is even worse because you'd have to be media illiterate to relate the both. Or it's self admittance you know nothing of Mass Effect except it has romance.
"The Halo show disregards the games. The writers said so!"
The very first episode had several references to Halo CE. And the actual quote was more like, "We looked beyond the games." Which is extremely true because the more books I read, the more I noticed the inspirations for their choices.
For example in the first book the Main Director for the Spartan 2 Super Soldier program mentioned that she rejected the advice of wiping the Spartans memory. (or something to that effect). Her reasoning being that if they were to find out they were stolen from their parents, it won't bold well for their caretakers. So she went with just indoctrination. The show doesn't listen to this advice and guess what happens. A Spartan finds out about his past and doesn't take it well. This is used as evidence the show doesn't know the lore.
Taking a "what if" moment and exploring it. It's annoying. One can critique the pure indoctrination angle is a more psychologically interesting one but well, that's not what this post is about. This is more about how people act like the lack of KNOWLEDGE of lore is the fault.
And with Season 2 taking a different direction and even more characters more in-line with the extended lore depictions of themselves….this still happens. "The alien ship looks bad because they don't know the LORE man. Do they not know the lore???"
"I will act like choices I don't like are because of ignorance or arrogance from the writers, and not a creative decision I disagree with."
-Sci-Fi fans or something.
Patch Notes: Captain Shepard has been change to Commander Shepard Added a "Keep Reading" Marker
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Come rest for the winter
The fifth installment of the Don't know what's out there series is up! This one is pretty much pure holiday fluff (yes, it's March, but let's just pretend it's still December.)
Relationships: pre-Geralt/Jaskier/Yennefer; established Geralt/Yennefer
Rating: T
Warnings: none
Word count: 14k
Summary: To help Jaskier combat a bad case of writer's block, Geralt and Yennefer invite him to celebrate Midwinter with their family at Kaer Morhen. But between making Midwinter ornaments, learning how to hold a sword, and tagging along on forktail hunts, Jaskier starts to realize something about his feelings for his two dearest friends.
Read the first couple of scenes below or here on AO3!
Jaskier has an incredible ability to make Geralt’s two-syllable name stretch out to five or six syllables when he’s whining. With a sigh, Geralt peers into Jaskier’s living room, where his friend is sprawled dramatically on his couch, laptop perched precariously on his chest. “Hm?”
“In your professional opinion, is it possible to die of writer’s block? Because if so, I think I’m dying.”
“You’re not dying.”
“How do you know?”
“Because I’m a professional.” Geralt finishes stirring a ludicrous amount of cream into Jaskier’s coffee and strides into the living room to hand him his mug. As Jaskier reaches for it, his laptop starts to tilt. Geralt catches it just in time and relocates it safely to the end table.
Jaskier tilts back his head and lets out a groan that sounds more than a little like a dying kikimora. “I’m never going to finish this book.”
“You said that about the last book. Probably about the one before it too.”
“Yeah, but my publisher didn’t send either of those back to me because they hated the ending so much.” Jaskier heaves the sigh of a man who has seen untold horrors and will never be the same. “You should hear what they’ve been saying online since the release date got pushed back. People are saying I’m going to be the next C.R. George.”
Geralt shoves his legs out of the way so he can perch on the end of the couch. “You have to know I don’t know who that is.”
“He wrote the Heartsword Cycle.”
“Hm, right, one of my favorites.”
Jaskier lifts his head from the couch to squint at Geralt. “Really?”
With another sigh, Jaskier flops back down, sloshing a good deal of coffee down his arm. “He wrote four of a five-book fantasy series, then got hit with writer’s block. For ten years, the final book kept getting delayed, until he went and dropped dead of a stroke. Then his publisher hired someone else to write the last book, but it was an enormous flop and everyone hated it. And two years later, his daughter announced she’d found a nearly-complete handwritten draft among his papers and released it online. There was a lawsuit and there’s this whole thing about which book is the real final book and—”
“Jaskier, you’re twenty-four and in reasonably good health. You’re unlikely to drop dead of a stroke.” Geralt takes a sip of his own coffee. “You just need to sit down and write it.”
“Oh, that’s easy for you to say.” Jaskier scowls up at him. He seems to be hamming up the whole tortured artist thing, with a week’s worth of scruffy facial hair. From the smell of him, he hasn’t bathed since at least yesterday, if not the day before. “What do you do when you’re stuck?”
Geralt shrugs. “I usually try one of Lambert’s bombs.” At his friend’s pensive look, he adds, “That wasn’t a suggestion.”
“But what if—”
“Fine, then leave me to my suffering.” Jaskier takes a swig of what’s left of his coffee.
Geralt is tempted to do just that, except for the fact that he came over here just to alleviate Jaskier's suffering. He's been worried about his friend ever since the release of Will of the Order got delayed, especially since it came on the heels of yet another messy breakup. It's not like Jaskier to be lying on the couch in the middle of the afternoon, unshowered, still in his PJs, and seeming to not even have noticed that he just spilled coffee all over himself.
“Do... you want to go grab a drink?" Geralt asks. He has no desire to go grab a drink, but maybe an excuse to put pants and deodorant on will cheer Jaskier up.
That earns him an arched eyebrow. “Are you having a stroke? You want to go somewhere? Outside the house? With people?”
“I do occasionally go out and interact with people.”
“Since when?”
Geralt thinks about it. “I came to your college graduation.”
“That was two and a half years ago and Yenn made you.”
“I was still there,” Geralt says. “And I came to the launch party for Will of the Enchantress.”
“Yenn made you come to that too. You spent the whole night standing by the appetizers.”
Geralt shrugs, conceding the point. “The shrimp was good.”
Jaskier snorts with laughter. “Ugh, am I that pathetic that you’re willing to go out to a bar with me to cheer me up?”
“Yes,” Geralt says.
“Geralt, I’m touched.” Jaskier puts a hand over his heart. “And a little offended, but mostly touched.”
Geralt shrugs again. “When’s the last time you showered?”
Jaskier looks outraged. “Yesterday!” At Geralt’s raised eyebrow, he deflates. “Okay, maybe the day before.”
“And the last time you shaved?”
“I refuse to have my hygiene criticized by someone who uses 2-in-1 shampoo.”
“And yet, I showered today,” Geralt says. “And yesterday too.”
Jaskier groans. “I’m a mess, aren’t I?”
“Do you want me to be honest or encouraging?”
Jaskier sniffs. “Next time I need cheering up, can Yennefer be the one who comes over?”
“Do you really want that?”
“No.” Jaskier groans again. “It’s just, I was so proud of that ending! It was the ending I’d had in mind since I started the first book! And they just said it was ‘trite’ and ‘out of character’ and told me to start over.”
Geralt makes what he hopes is a vaguely encouraging noise.
“And I don’t know what to do now,” Jaskier says. “I just keep staring at my computer screen, hoping inspiration will strike, but words just aren’t working and ugh.”
“You have time.”
“I have a month. That’s no time at all.” Jaskier looks up at him beseechingly. “Geralt, I need you and Yenn to go do something heroic and inspiring that will get my creative juices flowing. If it contains some dramatic irony and moral ambiguity, all the better.”
“It’s winter,” Geralt tells him. “Most everything that requires me to be heroic is hibernating right now. And Yenn and I are leaving for Kaer Morhen this weekend. The whole point of going to Kaer Morhen is not having to do anything heroic.”
‘Fuck, I’m doomed.” Jaskier sags. “I’m going to be the laughingstock of the literary world. Everyone will know I’m a fraud.”
With a jolt, Geralt recognizes the salty scent of approaching tears. It’s been over five years since he first met Jaskier and he doesn’t think he’s ever seen the kid cry, except for that time he got his wisdom teeth taken out and then tried to watch nature documentaries with Geralt. Apparently, watching a gazelle get taken down by a crocodile was too much for him under the influence of painkillers.
But even that wasn’t this kind of despairing hopelessness. Geralt has seen Jaskier angry, frightened, indignant, hurt, and sick. But he’s never seen him so defeated.
“You could come with us to Kaer Morhen,” Geralt hears himself saying. “We’re spending Midwinter there. There will be five other witchers there, plus Triss, Ciri, and Cerys. That’s a lot of inspiration.”
Jaskier looks up at him with wide eyes. “I thought Kaer Morhen was just for family.”
“It is,” Geralt says and promptly regrets it when Jaskier’s lower lip begins to wobble. “It’s not a big deal.”
The next thing he knows, Jaskier’s arms are thrown around Geralt’s neck. Geralt just manages to save his cup of coffee, enduring the embrace for a long moment before he asks, “Does this mean you want to come?”
“Do I want to see the hallowed ground where you became the man you are today? Where you held your first sword and killed your first monster? Of course I do.”
“You can come so long as you don’t say shit like that.”
“You already extended the invitation, Geralt. No takesies, no backsies.”
“You should have no trouble finishing your book, with turns of phrases like that.” Geralt waits a moment for Jaskier to let go of him. When he keeps clinging on, he says, “If you keep hugging me, you’re going to need to at least put deodorant on first.”
“You were alive in the Middle Ages. There’s no way I’m the worst smelling thing that’s ever hugged you.”
“You’re right. There was the time I had a grave hag covered in alghoul guts clinging to my back. Long story.”
“And that hug is over.” Jaskier scrambles backwards. His eyes are still a little watery, but he seems to have composed himself. “Thank you, Geralt. Genuinely, I’m honored.”
Geralt shrugs, feeling unaccountably embarrassed. “Lambert’s been wanting to meet you anyway ever since you put Eskel in the second book. He wants to one-up him and get his own spin-off.” He pauses considering. “On second thought…”
“Nope!” Jaskier scrambles for the bedroom. “I’m going to go pack now. You can’t uninvite me if I’m already packed”
Geralt rolls his eyes at the ceiling. “We leave the day after tomorrow. You better shower first. I’m not spending all day in the car with you smelling like that.”
“Love you too, you grumpy fuck!”
With a sigh, Geralt goes to finish his coffee.
“Wow,” Priscilla drawls from her perch on the bottom of Jaskier’s bed. “You’re spending Midwinter with the sugar daddies. It’s getting serious.”
Jaskier raises his head from where he’s searching under his bed for his favorite sweatshirt to glare at her. “You need to stop calling them that.”
“I don’t think I do,” she says. “Since they are, in fact, your sugar daddies.”
“If they are, they’re quite bad at it. They gave me socks and a gift card for my birthday.”
Priscilla shakes her head mournfully. “They just don’t make sugar daddies like they used to.”
Jaskier throws a pillow at her. “I’ve already told you, it’s not like that. They’re just being nice and inviting me along to Midwinter so I won’t spend it alone with a frozen pizza and a blank Word document.”
Priscilla doesn’t even bother voicing her skepticism; it’s well-documented at this point. “You could have come to Midwinter in Cidaris with me and Valdo.”
Jaskier shudders theatrically as he throws his sweatshirt into his suitcase. The fact that Priscilla is now dating and fronting a two-person folk band with his college sometimes-crush, sometimes-nemesis, Valdo Marx, is still bizarre to him, though he thinks he’s taking it with a measure of grace. “The frozen pizza and blank Word document is better company than Valdo. No offense.”
“He would say the same about you.”
“Well, he never had very good taste.” At the raised eyebrow that earns him, Jaskier hastens to add, “About everything besides girlfriends, of course.”
“Of course,” Priscilla says dryly. “So, back to the sugar daddies—”
“I already told you, they’re not—”
“You’re going to spend two weeks in the mountains with them and their family?”
“Yeah, Geralt has two brothers and a father,” Jaskier says carefully as he throws a handful of boxers and socks into the suitcase. “And then there’s their daughter and her girlfriend—”
“Geralt and Yennefer have a kid?” Priscilla’s eyebrows draw together in confusion. “You’ve never mentioned her.”
Abruptly, Jaskier remembers that for all Priscilla’s jokes about sugar daddies, Geralt and Yennefer look no older than their mid-thirties, while Ciri looks like she’s just out of college. “They adopted her when she was twelve,” he says, which is technically true. “She lives in Skellige with her girlfriend now, but I’ve met her a few times.”
“So.” Priscilla’s lips curl into a smirk. “Does this make you her brother or her stepfather?”
Jaskier throws another pillow at her. “You’re the worst and I don’t know why we’re friends.”
“We’re friends because I was the only person in our hall who didn’t threaten you with bodily harm freshman year for blasting showtunes all day, every day. And because I had the good sense not to sleep with you when you hit on me.”
“You and Valdo have equally terrible taste.”
Priscilla throws the pillow back at him, hitting him full in the face. “Look, all I’m saying is that you’re going to be spending two weeks at some picturesque cabin in the mountains.”
From what Jaskier has heard, Kaer Morhen is more of a looming castle than a picturesque cabin, but he doesn’t bring that up.
“There will be hot chocolate, Midwinter lanterns, snow. It sounds awfully romantic.”
Jaskier blinks at her. He’s never considered Midwinter a particularly romantic time of year, given that he’s spent most of his Midwinters either being reminded of what a disappointment he is to his parents or at Essi’s place, watching her and Shani canoodle. “Their entire family will be there.”
“I don’t know, it’s like something out of a movie. They take you to meet the family, you bond with their daughter, maybe you twist your ankle skiing and Geralt has to carry you gallantly back to the cabin—”
“Skiing? Really, it’s like you don’t know me at all.”
“Maybe you twist your ankle walking down the stairs?”
“Slightly more likely.” Jaskier starts to zip his suitcase, realizes that he doesn’t have a chance in hell of getting it closed, and grabs a duffel bag to relocate some of his things. “Have you forgotten that Geralt and Yennefer are as good as married? To each other? And I don’t think they’re looking for a third.” At Priscilla’s pointed look, he hastily adds, “Not that I would be interested if they were. I’m just going to spend some time with friends and to get my creative juices flowing.”
“I don’t know if it will be the creative juices flowing.”
Jaskier throws the pillow back at her, and then the two remaining pillows on his bed for good measure. She makes no effort to defend herself, which he takes as an admission that she knows she deserves it.
“He won’t be any trouble,” Geralt says, cradling his phone between his ear and his shoulder as he throws an armful of underwear into his suitcase.
Zipping her own suitcase closed, Yennefer snorts pointedly.
Geralt’s eyes flicker to her and his lips twitch. “Well, he might be trouble, but not the kind you’re worried about. He won’t write about Kaer Morhen if we ask him not to. He’s respected the other things we’ve told him were off-limits, like Ciri.”
Yennefer can hear the rumble of Vesemir’s voice from the other side of the phone.
“Sorry for the late notice,” Geralt says. “I would have invited him sooner if I realized he didn’t have plans for Midwinter.”
Yennefer cocks an eyebrow at that. Geralt has never given a single damn about holidays, including Midwinter, in the entire time she’s known him. The only reason he deigns to celebrate Belleteyn is because it’s Yennefer and Ciri’s birthday. 
“See you in a few days,” Geralt says. “Tell the others not to drink all the White Gull without me.”
As he hangs up, Yennefer asks, “How did he take it?” Vesemir has always been fiercely protective of Kaer Morhen. It took him years to get used to Yennefer’s presence, and even longer to get used to Aiden’s.
Geralt shrugs. “He’s not thrilled by the late notice, but he says there’s plenty of food and liquor to go around. I think he’s just happy that there will be something to distract Lambert from finding new ways to blow things up.”
“It’s not like Vesemir to be overly optimistic,” Yennefer says. “Have you warned Jaskier that he’s in for two weeks of drinking that horrible White Gull and watching you spar?”
“I’m not letting him touch White Gull. Kid’s a lightweight.” He circles around the bed to stand behind her, wrapping her arms around his waist. “Anyway, I think a quiet Midwinter will do him good.”
She leans back into his embrace, closing her eyes. “I wouldn’t call Kaer Morhen ‘quiet,’ especially once the bombs come out. Remember to keep Jaskier away from those. I can’t heal him if he gets his arm blown off.”
Behind her, she can feel Geralt’s wince. “Maybe this isn’t a good idea.”
“Probably not, but it’s just as bad an idea to leave him unattended for two weeks. He’s good at finding trouble.”
Geralt huffs a laugh and presses a kiss to the sensitive spot under her ear. “That he is. Befriended us, after all.”
“A rare moment of good sense on his part.”
“Hm, if you say so.” Geralt kisses her again. “Not looking forward to the drive though. Sixteen hours is a long time to spend in the car. And you can’t curse him to be quiet.”
“Oh, Geralt.” She turns to face him, cupping his face in her hands. “You know that I love you more than anything in this sphere or any other, right?”
His face softens. “It may have come up once or twice.”
“And there’s almost nothing that I wouldn’t do for you.” She brushes her thumb over the scar slashing across his eye. “Almost nothing. Because no matter how much I love you, I am not spending sixteen hours in a car. I will be portaling to Kaer Morhen. You and Jaskier have fun on your road trip.”
When Jaskier pulls up in front of Geralt and Yennefer’s townhouse, he finds Geralt leaning against the bed of his truck, arms crossed over his chest and an unimpressed look on his face. 
“Yes, yes,” Jaskier calls as he scrambles out of his car, nearly forgetting to park the car and turn it off in his haste. “I know I’m a teensy bit late—”
“I told you we were leaving at six. It’s nearly seven.”
“I stopped for coffee!” Jaskier raises his tray of drinks like an offering to the sky. “Caramel latte for me, cappuccino for Yenn, black coffee for you.”
“And that took you an hour?”
“Well the barista wrote her number on my cup so I had to stop and chat so she’d know why she probably won’t hear from me for the next two weeks. I’d hate for her to spend her Midwinter pining.”
“Can’t have that.” Geralt’s annoyed expression softens as he takes the tray of coffees. “And Yenn portaled ahead, so it will just be you and me. She refuses to spend two days driving to Kaer Morhen.”
Jaskier covers up his surprise by rolling his eyes. “What a diva.”
“I’m going to tell her you said that.”
“We’ve discussed this,” Jaskier says as he retrieves his bags from the backseat of his car—his suitcase, a small duffel bag, his guitar case, and the messenger bag where he stores his laptop. “I’m not even a little bit afraid of your partner.”
“Sure you’re not.” Geralt’s eyebrow raises as he surveys Jaskier’s luggage. “I invited you for Midwinter, not to move in. Don’t think Vesemir is looking for a roommate.”
“Har,” Jaskier deadpans. “You did warn me that it would be cold in the keep.”
“So your plan is to wear all your clothes at once?”
“It’s adorable that you think I could fit all the clothes I own in this little thing.” Jaskier pats the duffel bag.
“Looks like you could fit your entire apartment in there, couch and all.”
“Well, I have no idea what to expect, so I packed for all occasions. Drink your coffee. Maybe it will make you less grumpy. I’ll get the next round too.”
“We’re not stopping a thousand times for coffee.”
“It’s what, sixteen hours of driving in total?” Jaskier flashes his most innocent smile. “That means I’ll need at least eight stops for coffee. Once every other hour is reasonable, don’t you think?”
Geralt rolls his eyes. “Get in the truck, Jaskier.”
“Six times? That’s my final offer.”
“I will leave you.”
“No you won’t.” But Jaskier climbs into the passenger seat anyway. “I stayed up late making us a road trip playlist. I think you’ll like it. It has everything from modern pop to classic rock to sea shanties.”
“A playlist?” Geralt says the word like Jaskier has announced he’s going to set a wyvern loose in the car.
“But of course! It’s not a road trip without music.”
“Of course not,” Geralt grumbles and starts the car.
“Baby, you’re a firewooooooork!”
“I’m going to leave you at the next rest stop.”
“Make ‘em go ah ah ah!”
“Not going to wait for the next rest stop. I’m going to leave you right here on the side of the road.”
“As you shoot across the sky—Geralt, why are you pulling over? Geralt!”
Read the rest on AO3!
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kurov1864 · 20 hours
Milgram idol au (pt.6)
005 Shidou:
- Omg it's Shidou!! Didn't know people actually debuted when they were close to 30 but then again Milgram hired a fcking 12 year old so who am I to judge
- Has that Korean ML type of styling. Like long overcoats, lots of neutral and darker colors + white, and whatever those actors like to wear while they're sipping coffee looking all hot and shit. Surprisingly marketed as a dad figure more than Kazui... not sure why either.
- I saw somebody on Tumblr say this before and I could not agree more that he seems to be the type that has the dry skin + oily hair combo. Like predebut this man was spending 30 hours in the hospital everyday, his ass would not have time to shower or moisturize. Because of this his makeup team always have to leave him with very specific instructions on how to handle his skincare routine + products. I am entirely convinced that he would accidentally leave his serums and creams in the sun.
- His fanbase has daddy issues man. Like they flock to him so they can have at least some form of fatherly affection (looks at Shidou fans)
- Uses emojis on social media unironically.
- I feel like with his fans he'll either care too much or too little about them. Either he gets super attached to them and tries to cheer them up the best he can, or just sees them as like a transactional relationship. Like yeah, he cares about them only because they're his fans. He doesn't really care for them as actual people.
- Probably does those "doctor reacts" TikToks. He's usually a pretty calm and level-headed guy, but gods you should see the way this man absolutely rips those creators to shred. He has no tolerance or patience for those that spread medical misinformation.
- I forgot to mention this before but yeah he's the group leader of the entire wave. I'm not familiar with Kpop in general so forgive me if the leader is supposed to be like the most popular person or whatever, but he's a really responsible person who would actually fulfil their role no matter what they think of other people. Also pacifist so :D
- Is his sense of humor outdated to the point where he can't understand his group member's jokes and just has to sit there with a smile on their face looking confused? Yes. But it's endearing.
- Speaking of endearing I think many fans would like the way he's so serious while doing an unintentionally OOC thing. I don't think he lacks general logic in any way, it's just he's not familiar with the memes and trends today so sometimes he unintentionally does it TvT- Also has this air of quiet resignation whenever play fights break out within the group. Like they'll be shooting insult after insult on TV and he'll just sit next to them smiling in the overworked tired dad kinda way.
- I could not for the life of me come up with a signature pose. I apologize.
- Actually tbh he fits being an influencer more?? Should I just switch it to famous people,,, oh well too late to switch it now we're going full idol
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
CPN : Esquire Magazine parallels 📚
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and no one is surprised that i’m here to clown about the interview and other things related to the drop of this cover. it’s such a great way to start the month of April! i won’t be talking about the supposed drama behind this back in 2020, because we should leave the negative vibes in the past. what matters is now, we should all move forward and support them.
everything is speculation/interpretation with bxg-tinted-glasses on. if that’s not your thing, then skip this post. ⛔️ the parallels between them isn’t even cpn, xz & wyb have things in common, especially their view on fame and being actors.
Let’s start with some low-level thirsty entry. Our boys wearing this is just 🥵🥵🥵🥵 Oh to be an employee at the gym they visit together.
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Same studio ( TRUNK ) for some of their shoots, and in particular, for the Esquire cover. You can say that it’s the company that chooses who they will hire, but we’ve had this running cpn about them working with the same people.. soooo….
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I’ve also noticed the intervals of posting in between Esquire/XZS - Yibo Official - XZ. I love that YBO posts in that window where none of the two are sharing anything. LOL. It could be nothing and YBO just chose an arbitrary time to post, but usually, a good time to post in the morning slot is 10-12 nn. Usually 10-10:30 and if you miss that, better do 12 nn so people who are on their lunch breaks will see your post and react immediately. It’s interesting and this is not the first time i’ve seen this pattern with them. They really try to not post on same slots. ( yes i’m aware that dilraba, gj and yyxq also released magazine covers today but they were releasing stuff at the 11:00 interval )
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Years apart, posting about their April Covers. 🥹 plus it’s black & white!!!
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I will be basing it from GG’s cover story interview versus things Yibo said in the past. It’s a favorite among turtles, how similar they are in their values and how they handle things. There are other “famous” celebrities in the circle, and some are even their friends, but I don’t think there is anyone in that circle that can understand them better than each other. what they went through and continue to go through is far different from your usual c-ent celebrity. I picked up things that stood out to me personally so I’m sure i will miss some.
1. This notion that they are not just “themselves” anymore because of who they are as celebrities. XZ talking about his face not being his anymore because other people’s opinion on it must be taken into consideration. Then you have WYB who doesn’t have his own time cause alot of people are working around it too.
The outside voice said to him, you don't want to exercise - this face is his, but countless people look at it, and countless people ask for it——A face, the face in the mirror, Xiao Zhan looked at it, sometimes thinking, It's your own, but it's also someone else's.
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2. Same with Yibo who doesn’t really care much, as long as you like his work, then he is thankful for you ( a sentiment that he said a couple of times during HB roadshows ) They have this awareness that they cannot please everyone and that “fans” will not always stay.
If the plot is worthwhile and requires him to change this face, then he also has enough enthusiasm and willingness to change for the role. This face can help him, but he also knows that sometimes he has to pay more. Now, he thought, perhaps it was more important to find balance. Some of the people who like him will stay forever, and some will leave.
3. This one caught my eye cause I feel like they are in the same boat when it comes to working with senior actors. Like how WYB worked with Tony Leung, and all he wanted was to be better.
Plus the costume drama? I’m thinking this is CQL since this interview was 2020. Awwww. Baby XZ & WYB trying their best that summer and we all loved the outcome!
In an emotionally charged costume drama, those days, he was always figuring out how to speak in order to make the audience worry about him. The best class, of course, is playing with those better actors. He is not afraid of the audience saying that he is not as good as those senior actors. What he cares more about is whether he has made progress in the play and whether he has learned new things
4. The habit of running they started during that summer of 2018 and then it carried on years later — especially for XZ. 🥹🥹🥹
Sometimes he runs alone, sometimes with other actors. After running for a while, the body will be soaked, but it is very comfortable, hot and cool.
5. It reminds me of when DLS said yibo’s house is hard to find. and in that show you can sense that he doesn’t like to talk about personal things related to Bobo. For privacy, of course, they can’t just tell anyone where they live. Thinking about all the cpn about the “same house” and all the “evidence” to now where we have nothing. It’s for the best. Some things are only for them and they deserve to have a little place of their own 🤎
Xiao Zhan stays alone most of the time. On the set, like a bat burrowing back into a cave, he burrows into a hotel room, and won’t come out until he can; usually, he stays at home, of course, except for the driver who picks him up at work, few people know where he lives—
6. That episode in TTXS where Bobo talks about him being tired and wanting to post about it on his social media — but decided against cause no one cares. It’s the same energy as this. They don’t really vent or complain out loud. In my cpn brain, when they do, if it gets too much, they have each other to talk to or listen.
A friend told him that if you are under pressure, you should tell others, talk to others, and vent. He disagrees. You can figure out the problems that can be solved by yourself, and talking about the problems that cannot be solved will only increase your troubles.
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exoticalmonde · 1 month
Arknights Chapter XIII - The Whirlpool That Is Passion (Part IV)
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Wow, relishing the Logos art while also staying tuned to what happens in the chapters for REAL this time? Well, all I can say before we continue is a reminder:
WARNING: This post is going to contain a lot of yapping from me about Hoederer and how much I love him and will also have a LOT of spoilers.
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This kind of reminds me of 'The Lion's Song' because there was a person there, I think, who wanted to commemorate all the soldiers' lives in paintings I think. Those who passed away in the war he'd send to their families. But I don't remember how that ended honestly...
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Sometimes I forget their dynamic and because I don't usually use W and don't pay attention to her that much (considering she is Pinkie's crazy wife to deal with), she ends up saying something so out of the left field I get vertigo.
"GOOD NEWS THOUGH-" **Insert explosion**
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W: [Hard to say. There's an old hag kind of keeping me at arm's length from their beloved 'Doctor'.]
Yes, and boy do I feel safe with her.
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I will learn to use the word lollapalooza unironically.
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This is terrible to say and at the meantime gosh has it been since chapter 9 that we have been crying and suffering from litches.
13-2 Before: The Injury At Hand
Oh... Oh god what is that?
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In the following story, we're in the POV of Guard who we know from a couple chapters before, but I forgot about him as a whole. Which I am sorry for, because he's turning out pretty cool. He took part in saving the Doctor from Ursus initially, but after staying behind and being a little affected by the situation and the worsening of the situation leads to the death of Ace and Scout.
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Now we are reminded that he's part of Nine's gang - Reunion, or what was left of it, being picked up again after Talula... Who didn't even stay at Rhodes for long enough, she got kidnapped again and is basically being used as some type of glue for the group even though she is falling apart herself, not willing to off herself but not wanting to continue the same path she was forced to take.
We met him in chapter 7 again before Lungmen and Chernobog were about to crash.
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I've also forgotten what is reunion doing here out of all places. They are putting themselves between a rock and a hard place while also saving lives... Since, apparently, Victorians are very openly against the infected and the presence of Litches, Sarkaz and originium in general is going to lead to many, many infected.
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Not to mention having to leave their homes. I know I will lose my soul if I actually have to abandon my house for any reason. They just get what they can use, not just something they find precious that should be carried, and they have to leave. Marauders could be in any corner, you can't really take valuables, so you just have your life, some clothes, perhaps enough food until you HOPE you find somebody who can help.
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I love the hair gel detail, why is everybody talking about this now? What does it matter if your hair looks good or not, you are half-dead 63% of the time! We all have depression and look after each other only because it's easier than to allow yourself to affect the mentality of someone else by being allowed to slack off.
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Oh no, he has a headache. You have been assigned the Ebenholz disease.
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Also, imagine having rock cancer and suddenly the place where you work is like 'No, you don't actually get insurance for *checks list* dying, so it would be best if you get fired and maybe go home to see your kids for like 2 days before perishing because we have NOTHING to help with.'
That's the type of health-ism we are talking about.
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Unfortunately, Guard decided that just searching for medicine, meddling in politics, meeting people, going on operations, saving people, treating people for free most of the time, hiring operators and ALL WE ARE TRYING TO DO. Is not enough. Infected need the aggression, to put themselves out there and...
We see how different the Sarkaz and general Infected are, and both sides take different approaches with the same outcome. It's tragic and useless, and it creates even more problems that are hard to mend in the hearts of people who are afraid.
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Barbatos × Mc: Surprise
Barbatos is a demon who is difficult to surprise, but isn't MC someone who make the impossible possible ?
Barbatos is one of the hardest demons to surprise. Only in the last period, since Lord Dia hired him as his butler, has he stopped looking to the future to be prepared for any eventuality. But he has developed the ability to analyze every situation, thus being able to predict the others.
There is only one person that he can hardly decipher: Mc. He'd had a feeling for a long time that there was something between them, but he was never sure. After all, they live with the "7 rulers of hell", each attractive in their own way. Why on earth should they choose him? Yet that new sorceress had done it, had chosen him.
This is how for the past 2 years, they have become one of the couples on which there is the most gossip in all the devildom. But they never found them meeting in any restaurant or bar. Didn't they go on dates? Of course not. There is a small building attached to the castle with a well-kept garden. It was originally meant to be a home for Barbatos when he wanted to take his holidays, which he never did. Now is the place where the two lovers meet when they want to have some time for themselves.
Strictly every Friday evening, they meet to have dinner together. In the period in which Mc is in the human world, he always returns to the Devildom only for this evening, to return to his house the next morning. If Barbatos fails to bring them to their home, it is the Diavolo himself who proposes himself as an escort, appfoffering of the situation to talk to a friend.
On these evenings, it is usually Barbatos who cooks dinner. But today Mc insisted on doing it. That's why the demon is rethinking their history while waiting for food.
Mc: "Barbatos, It's ready in 5 minutes."
Barbados: "Great! What do you want to talk about in the meantime?"
Mc: " Why do you think there's something I want to talk about?"
Barbatos: "Because you've been watching all time what I'm doing while cooking "
Mc: "You're right."
"I wanted to ask how you see yourself in the future"
Barbatos: "Mc are you really asking me this question?"
Mc: "I express myself better. I know it's been a while you stopped looking into the future and started living appreciating the passing of time. That's why I wanted to ask you what do you think you want to do in 2, 5 or 10 years. And don't answer me 'serve Diavolo' "
The demon was surprised by the question. It's true, in his life he had never really thought about what he wanted to do in 1 year, because time didn't hold much value for him. Only since he's been with them has he realized that not everything is eternal and things end or begin later. For this reason, he thought carefully about what to say before answering, finding only 1 valid answer for the question.
Barbatos: "I believe that 'I see myself' with you. To continue these evenings of ours together and attend the balls and parties at the palace."
Mc: "I'm happy to know that we think in the same way and..."
"Oh- It's late, dinner will have burnt"
Barbatos: "Stay here, I'll go fix your mess"
Mc: "Hahaha. Thank you"
As he walked towards the kitchen of that small house, he felt something was wrong. There was no burning smell; indeed, perhaps the opposite. A smell of roses is throughout the kitchen and as soon as he enters he sees everything in order and his favorite dish on the table. He has completely no idea what's going on, and the situation becomes even more complicated when a light comes from the garden where they wanted to have dinner. All with the food that has disappeared from the table.
He runs out, only to fall at the foot of the most beautiful vision of his life. The table is perfectly set; the small path which leads up to the magician is strewn with petals, precisely of the favorite flower of Barbatos. That person who until recently was in a tank top and shorts is now in the dress that the demon had given them on their last birthday. He hadn't even realized that he, too, was now elegantly dressed.
Mc: "I'm sorry to have changed your clothes, but for this occasion it was better that we both were dressed well"
"I'm not good with words, so please shut up and let me speak. I don't know how much any of this means to demons, especially you. Already humans don't value it as much anymore, so I wouldn't be surprised that you do, too."
"But I don't think there can be any other way to perfectly express my love for you. I'm only human and I often do silly things that you and others need to fix. Yet I assure you that I thought a lot before doing it"
With every step they took towards him, Barbatos became more and more out of breath. He nearly died when they knelt before him. Still on the ground, they were now face to face.
Mc: "Barbatos, do you want to marry me?"
That ring that was between them shimmered so much in the moonlight, it almost made it blind. No words could come out of his mouth. All that elegance he had every day with Lord Dia, seemed to belong to someone else. He moved automatically, without thinking. A kiss was the only answer he managed to give at first.
Barbatos: "Oh, Mc. How do you surprise me like this every time"
Mc: "Because I know you, at least a little"
Barbatos: "But are you sure? I am someone who has one of the worst pasts of all the demons of the Devildom. I already don't know how you fell in love with me."
Mc: "Barb, I didn't ask you to spend your life with me because I want to change who you are, but because I accept you like this and I also accept your past, even if I don't know it altogether. I'm not an angel, I'm human and I want what I want, even if someone doesn't agree"
"My morals have become very bad since I started preferring hell to earth"
After this, perhaps only the petals know the number of 'yes' he managed to say.
Now, no one would dare take the love of his life away from him. And he would never let Mc change their mind, which maybe, never will be needed.
No one knows how Mc manages to hide their intentions from Barbatos, but perhaps for this reason they are his ideal companion.
Mc power girl/boy. They don't need a ring, they are the ring.
First no-angst, I don't know how.
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hinatastinygiant · 8 months
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6 | Lyra
Pairing: Kita x Fem!Reader
What's Meant to Be Masterlist
In the early hours of the morning, the sunlight peeks through the windows of the bedroom. You're exhausted after the events of last night, but still manage to crawl out of bed and make yourself look somewhat presentable.
In the kitchen, you start to make yourself a cup of coffee, but when you look for the sugar, you find it empty. Great, just what you needed. You grab your keys and decide to go buy a cup instead. Tastes better anyway.
When you reach your usual coffee shop, you notice it's surprisingly busy for this early in the morning. You groan and decide to keep walking to the one across from the club instead. Just as your hand reaches the doorknob, you see a 'Help Wanted' sign taped to the inside. Hmm, it couldn't hurt to apply.
"Good morning, ma'am," a woman behind the counter greets you as you enter.
"Morning," you reply. "Are you hiring?"
"Yes, we are. Would you like an application?"
"Please," you smile.
She grabs a blank application and hands it to you. You quickly fill it out and turn it in. "Thank you," the woman says, "if you don't mind, please come in for an interview sometime this week after five."
"Sometime this week? Like, today?"
"If you can."
"Sure, I can do that," you nod, feeling a sense of relief. "I'll be back later."
"Thank you, we appreciate it. Now, would you like a cup of anything? It's on the house."
"That'd be great, thank you," you reply, feeling more hopeful than before.
After ordering yourself a drink and a small sandwich to go with it, you sit down at the same table where you had first seen Kita.
A few moments later a figure slides into the seat across from you, and you can't help the flush of embarrassment that washes over you as you meet Atsumu's familiar grin.
"What are you doing here, Miya?"
"I came to pick up a coffee," he shrugs. "How are ya, Y/N? How've ya been?"
"I'm okay," you murmur. "How did you know I was here?"
Atsumu chuckles. "Suna might've mentioned that he saw you here once. I wanted to make sure you're doing alright," he explains.
"He did? Well, you're lucky because I usually don't come this early," you smile at him.
"Me neither," he chuckles. "Especially not when I'm this hungover."
"Ah, did you go out last night?"
"Yeah, we did," he grins. "Osamu's gettin' married, ya know."
"Oh, really? To who?"
"Her name's Natalia," he replies. "She's real pretty."
"Well, I'm happy for him," you smile. "When's the wedding?"
"Two weeks from now. You should come," he says, leaning closer.
"I don't know about that," you shrug, averting your gaze.
"Why not? It'll be fun! Besides, Kita would be happy to see you."
"He would?" you ask, raising an eyebrow.
"Of course he would," Atsumu smirks. "And hey, maybe if I get lucky, you'll be my plus one."
You roll your eyes and laugh. "I don't know about that, Miya."
"Hey, uh, are you sure you're doin' alright, Y/N?" he then changes the conversation.
"Yeah, why do you-" you begin, before stopping short. You didn't think of covering up the bruise still on your cheek before you left this morning. "It's nothing," you wave off his concern.
"That's not nothing. Who did that to you?" he asks, his expression darkening.
"I just... got hit by accident."
"Accident?" he repeats, his eyes narrowing.
"It's nothing, I'm fine."
"Really, it's not a big deal. Look, I don't think I'll be able to go to the wedding but I appreciate the ask. Please give Osamu my congratulations, okay?"
"If ya say so," he sighs, knowing he can't argue with you. "But if you need anythin', ya know, I'm just a phone call away. Oh, here, let me give you my number."
He quickly writes his number on a napkin and hands it to you. "Thanks," you say, taking it from him.
"No problem," he grins. "Anyway, I should probably get goin' before the boss yells at me. We've got a lot of work to do these next two weeks. But I'll make time for you any day of the week, got it?"
"I will, and thanks," you smile.
"Bye," he waves, before heading towards the door.
You take a deep breath, and try to enjoy the rest of your breakfast, but the weight of last night still weighs heavy on your shoulders. How could you even think of going to Osamu's wedding after last night? It would be weird. Maybe if you just avoid seeing anyone else from back in high school, things won't be so awkward. Shit, maybe you should just move to another country.
You glance down at the napkin on the table, and decide to save Atsumu's number. Better safe than sorry.
That evening, you return to the cafe for your interview. The woman from this morning is sitting behind the counter. When she sees you, her eyes widen.
"Good afternoon, Y/N. I'm glad you could make it. Let's sit, shall we?" she gestures towards the table you had sat at earlier.
"I'm Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you," you smile, shaking her hand.
"Likewise," she smiles back. "I am the owner, Ms. Takahashi. I hope you don't mind, but I have already reviewed your application and would like to offer you the job, if you're interested. One of my previous employees is not able to return to work after having their baby, so we could use the extra hands. My only concern," she then gulps as she looks down at your cheek, "is your safety. If someone hurt you, are you certain you'd be able to work here?"
"Oh, this?" you ask, gesturing to your cheek. There's no use in hiding it. "It's nothing, really. It was just an accident. And yes, I'm sure I can handle working here."
"Very well," she nods, her lips pressed into a thin line. "You start Monday, if that works for you."
"Yes, ma'am. Thank you."
"You talked to her?!" Osamu grumbles at me as the two of us walk down the street together. "Didn't I tell you not to bother her?"
"I was just pickin' up coffee, Samu," I tell him, rolling my eyes.
"I highly doubt that."
"It's true! It's not like I asked her to go home with me," I reply. "But I did give her my number, though."
"Why the hell did ya do that?!"
"What's the big deal? I was just being friendly," I shrug. "She had a bruise on her face. It didn't look good. I think someone might've hit her."
"Hit her? Do you think she's still with that guy from high school? I remember Kita telling us about him," Osamu thinks aloud.
"I don't think so," I shake my head. "She's not with him in any of her pictures on Instagram."
"You stalked her? Dude, why are you like this?" he sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"I got curious! Is that so bad?"
"Yes, Tsumu, it is."
"But hey, if she wants to go out with me, I wouldn't mind. I wouldn't be the asshole boyfriend who hits her," I shrug.
"Oh my god, will you just leave her alone? I'm sure the last thing she needs is your bullshit," he glares. "Now come on, we've got to get going. I'll drive."
"Where are we going?"
"To see mom. She wanted to talk to me about the wedding and I am not going by myself."
What's Meant to Be Masterlist
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donttalkaboutmemes · 10 months
Treasure Planet (2002) Sentence Meme Pt 1
Under the cut you will find 100+ sentences from Treasure Planet (2002) to use for your enjoyment!     
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"On the clearest night, when the winds of the Etherium were calm and peaceful, the great merchant ships with their cargoes of Arcturian saura crystals felt safe and secure."
"Little did they suspect they were pursued by pirates."
"I thought you were asleep an hour ago."
"Mom, I was just getting to the best part! Please?"
"Can those eyes get any bigger?"
"Flint's secret trove was never found, but stories have persisted that it remains hidden somewhere at the farthest reaches of the galaxy, stowed with riches beyond imagination, the loot of a thousand worlds."
"How do you think he did it? How'd he swoop in out of nowhere and vanish without a trace?"
"Okay, now it's time for this little spacer to go to sleep."
"You think somebody'll ever find Treasure Planet?"
"I think it's more like a legend."
"Sorry. It's been a madhouse here all morning."
"What brings you here curious little one?"
"Oh, they're so adorable at that age."
"I know he had some rough spots earlier this year, but I really think that he's starting to turn a corner."
"Thank you. I will take it from here."
"Don't ever let me do that again."
"We see his type all the time, ma'am. Wrong choices. Dead-enders. Losers."
"Do you want to go to juvenile hall? Is that it?"
"Look at me. It's been hard enough keeping this place afloat by myself without you going..."
"I just don't want to see you throw away your entire future."
"I really don't know how you manage it. Trying to run a business while raising a felon...fellow...like him."
"Managing it? I'm at the end of my rope."
"Hey mister? Mister, you okay in there?"
"He's a-comin'. Can you hear him? Those gears and gyros clickin' and whirrin' like the devil himself!"
"Hit your head there pretty hard, didn't ya?"
"Mom's gonna love this."
"I keep dreaming one day I'll open that door and there he'll be just the way he was. A smiling, happy little boy holding a new pet and begging me to let him keep it."
"He'll be comin' soon. Can't let him find this."
"The cyborg! Beware the cyborg!"
"I just spoke with the constabulary. Those blaggard pirates have fled without a trace."
"Certainly a lot of trouble over that odd little sphere. Those markings baffle me. Unlike anything I've ever encountered."
"It means that all that treasure is only a boat ride away."
"Whoever brings it back would hold an eternal place atop the pantheon of explorers."
"This is it. This is the answer to all our problems."
"Don't you remember all those stories?"
"Would you please explain how ridiculous this is?"
"It's totally preposterous, traversing the entire galaxy alone. That's why I'm going with you."
"I'll use my saving to finance the expedition. I'll commission a ship, hire a captain and crew."
"All my life I've been waiting for an opportunity like this and here it is screaming Go [name], go [name]."
"I know that I keep messing everything up and I know that I let you down, but this is my chance to make it up to you. I'm gonna set things right."
"You said yourself, you've tried everything. There are much worse remedies than a few character-building months in space."
"Are you saying this because it's the right thing or because you really want to go?"
"I don't want to lose you."
"I'll make you proud."
"This should be a wonderful opportunity for the two of us to get to know one another. You know what they say, familiarity breeds, um...well...contempt..."
"How cool is this?"
"Good morning, captain. Everything shipshape?"
"I'm not the captain. The captain's aloft."
"I've checked this miserable ship from stem to stern, and as usual, it's spot on. Can you get nothing wrong?"
"You flatter me, captain."
"Nasty business, but I won't bore you with my scars."
"You know I don't mean a word of it."
"I'd like a word with you in my stateroom."
"To muse and blubber about a treasure map in front of this particular crew demonstrates a level of ineptitude that borders on the imbecilic. And I mean that in a very caring way."
"In the future you will address me as captain or ma'am. is that clear?"
"Again, with the greatest possible respect, zip your howling screamer."
"Let me make this as monosyllabic as possible. I don't much care for this crew you hired. They're...how did I describe them? I said something rather good this morning before coffee."
"There you go, Poetry."
"I'd love to chat. Tea, cake, the whole shebang...but I have a ship to launch."
"That woman! That feline! Who does she think is working for whom?"
"I'll not tolerate a cross word about our captain! There's no finer officer in this or any galaxy!"
"Had I know, I'd have tucked in me shirt."
"Don't be too put off by this hunk of hardware. These gears have been tough getting used to, but they do com ein mighty handy from time to time."
"I'm nothin' if I ain't a kidder."
"You jiggle-headed blob of mischief! So that's where you was hiding!"
"He took a shine to me. We been together ever since."
"We're about to get underway. Would you like to observe the launch?"
"Captain's orders! See to it the new cabin boys kept busy!"
"So, captain's put you with me, eh?"
"Who be a humble cyborg to argue with a captain?"
"Off with you, lad, and watch the launch. There'll be plenty work a-waitin' for you afterwards."
"We best be keepin' a sharp eye on this one, eh? We wouldn't want him strayin' into things he shouldn't."
"Tis a grand day for sailing. And look at you, you're as trim and as bonny as a sloop with new sails and a fresh coat of paint."
"You can keep that kind of flim-flammery for your spaceport floozies."
"You cut me to the quick, captain. I speaks nothin' but me heart at all times."
"I got two new friends I'd like you to meet. Say hello to Mr. Mop and Mrs. Bucket."
"Watch it, twerp."
"Cabin boys should learn to mind their own business."
"You got something to hide, bright eyes?"
"Maybe your ears don't work so well."
"Any last words, cabin boy?"
"You know the rules. There'll be no brawling on the ship."
"Any further offenders will be confined to the brig for the remainder of the voyage. Am I clear?"
"A tight ship's a happy ship."
"I want this deck swabbed spotless and heaven help you if I come back and it's not done."
"Keep an eye on this pup and let me know if there be any more distractions."
"If you pardon my plain speaking, gentlemen, are you all stark-raving totally blinking daft!?"
"After all me finagling getting us hired as an upstanding crew, you want to blow the whole mutiny befor it's time?"
"The boy was sniffing about."
"You just stick to the plan, you bug-brained twit."
"I'll run him so ragged he won't have time to think."
"Thank heaven for little miracles."
"Didn't your pap ever teach you to pick your fights a bit more carefully? Your father not the teachin' sort?"
"He was more the taking off and never coming back sort."
"Hey, no big deal. I'm doing just fine."
"Since the captain has put you in my charge like it or not, I'll be pounding a few skills into that thick head of yours to keep you out of trouble."
"From now on, I'm not letting you out of me sight. You won't so much as eat, sleep, or scratch your bum without me say-so."
"Don't do me any favors!"
"You can be sure of that, my lad. You can be sure of that."
"You having a little trouble there?"
"If I could maneuver a skiff like that when I was your age, they'd be bowing in the streets when I walked by today."
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wildissylupus · 9 months
This is going to seem like a sad ask, but I saw your recent asks and I remembered my first experience with overwatch which was my first game of its kind. It was 2016 and I watched all the cinematics and fell in love with it, especially Alive and Overwtach Museum where I saw Widowmkaer and Tracer flirting, I was so excited about them and it was the first major ship at that time and then later I discovered Pharmercy, Zarya with Mei, Sombra and Symmetra, Sombra and Widowmaker, Mercy and Tracer and every lesbian ship you can imagine. A while later they confirmed Tracer as a lesbian I was a mixture of happiness (because I am also a lesbian) with a little bit of disappointment because of widowmaker, who was my favorite character and having a ship between two main characters was everything to me, but even still there were other ships possibilities and a lot of fanfics, plus the fandom was so big in content in many ways also receptive and everything and Overwatch was the game for representation that time. But over the years things changed and started to die, the community getting smaller and smaller, and now we have many more games with better lgbt representation among their characters and filled that for me, now I see overwatch these days I remember the good times and I still wish they could fix things with PVE/lore and develop their characters and their relationships better.
The thing is I think a lot of new fans don't really get this. When Overwatch came out it was revolutionary with it's representation, not only with characters of colour but with white characters too, even now I hardly see white characters be anything other than American, English and the occasional French and Australian, but only does it have variety with characters see as the same race but it also gives representation to places that aren't often talked about in media, like Baptiste being from Haiti, or Moira actually speaking Gaelic (which is an endangered language btw). In many ways Overwatch is still fairly good in representing under represented places in the world. Not only that but they do something that I don't see a lot of other media do and actually hire voice actors who are of the ethncity of the characters their voicing, like seriously it should be as uncommon as it is.
However that doesn't erase the problems in the game as well, such as a lot of characters being based off of stereotypes that did not age well.
I do think how they handled confirming Pharah and Baptiste was good (timing was atrocious though). Specifically Pharah. Usually in media like this where sexuality isn't the main focus lesbian characters will just refer to themselves as "liking girls", which leads to homophobes going "oh they can still like boy's". Pharah actually using the word lesbian is so rare and as a lesbian myself I really liked that touch, it was honestly really important to me. I think with more characters being confirmed (Pharah and Baptiste) and more characters being hinted at (Cassidy, Hanzo, Angela) being LGBTQ+, the representation will get better.
But that's just me being optimistic.
With the PvE and lore it seems that the writers are getting better at making the lore make sense, there are still some plot wholes in the timeline... but one of my first fandoms was FNAF so I can deal with that.
I don't really know if I explained this that well? Either way I hope I responded to your ask well, you genuinely brought up an interesting discussion and I wanted to do it justice.
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stripesafterdeath · 5 months
stream of consciousness thoughts wrt gender identity and my adulthood struggles (yap warning)
i don't really think enough about how my gender identity has affected my approach to work or college, but it's hard to really want to be myself in professional settings and i feel like i have to compromise either my mental health or my odds of being hired/accepted whenever i deal with such settings. i feel as though this is the baseline struggle that trans/nonbinary people deal with in any professional setting and i just think that sucks a lot
i just hate it because it also discourages me from the get-go when it comes to stuff like this. i'm avoidant of applying for jobs for a number of reasons; anxiety being a big one, obviously, but also just. having to make that choice of, oh, do i be honest about who i am, or do i just pretend to be someone i'm not? and usually i choose the latter, and it hurts. it sucks. and it makes me not want to keep trying, especially when i just get rejected anyway lol
and also, like. idealizing within a harsh reality sucks but. god i wish i could just exist as myself and not have it be questioned or shamed. by my family, by strangers. why is that so hard? why does it have to affect every aspect of my life? social, financial, work, education, hobbies. everything
i know i'm not saying anything particularly groundbreaking here. i just don't understand all the hate in the world in general, honestly. it makes me nauseous, and i feel very small sometimes. even as someone who lives in a more "accepting" state. hell, that's not even particularly comforting when i think about people in more conservative states. i'm very empathetic and it's hard to just count my blessings when i know so many people can hardly count any
it doesn't help that i have my mom's hyper-conservative boyfriend living with us at all times, watching far right pundits on his out-loud phone speaker and misgendering me (and my sister) constantly. he's also very loud and never admits when he's wrong or has messed up. it's like my mom saw that we lived in a good state for LGBT people and said "i should bring a loud, obnoxious, pigheaded, right-wing jackass into my house with two trans kids so that they don't get too comfortable." like. ok. thanks. i can't even begin to think about the impact this guy has to have had on my mental health over the many years he's been here
all of this compounds with the fact that he's the only one with a job, though. my mom can't work because of a hand injury, and me and my sister struggle to even find our place in this society, let alone find a consistent job. for me this is further compounded by my slew of mental illnesses. and it all gets so overwhelming whenever i think of any sort of adulthood stuff. i don't really know how to contend with all of this, and then i think about how many people have it so, so much worse than me. and it's so easy to spiral into despair from there
i guess you really do just have to count your blessings sometimes. sometimes those blessings are just friends you met through mutual interests online or something. i know i can be really bad at reaching out to y'all sometimes but i promise i care about you guys. i wish i could show it better. everything's just so stressful. thanks for reading my incessant yapping i suppose
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Ten things I noted about the four-part miniseries “UnDeadwood” :
Now I decided to watch this even though I haven't watched Deadwood (probably should put it on my list), and knowing I'm not much of a western fan except when mixed with other elements (hello Firefly, my favorite show cancelled after one season). But let's be honest, I said to myself, I'll watch anything Critical Role does, and anything Marisha and Travis are in (bonus points for Anjali Bhimani, whom I also adore).
Damn, this miniseries was good. What can I say ? It got me !
More notes & spoilers under the cut.
First off, the production side of this miniseries is incredible, even more so when I'm coming from CR3 where they hired a team of experts on how to make amusements parks (!!!) to have a better set. The little town at the center of the table is well made, and the shots of the buildings really give a nice spatial representation. The opening credits are cool, and seeing the cast in costume really is a joy that a single one-shot cannot bring to the table. Also they all look HOT, that goes without saying. Also the accents ! I had the vapors.
Oh, and the music !! I saw it was Jason Charles Miller who did it, and of course he did ! That man is a nerd in a ZZ Top costume.
Brian's evident love for the original story of Deadwood (both the show and the real town) is evident and charming.
I love that the first close-up shot of Matt we see is : him, and his hair gently floating in the wind (of the studio).
The obvious editing bothered me a little bit at the beginning, but I think that was just because I wasn't used to it... Maybe some cuts were harsh... But yeah, the editing grew on me after the first episode. And I understand why they used it specifically in this short format, and to give a smoother feeling to the story. It made everything feels like a true immersion - whereas episodes of Critical Role are more a feeling of a show (which I love !)
Fogg, as he is enjoying his time with 3 ladies : "Oh, Reverent ! I got three of 'em in here, you sure you don't want a share ?" The Reverent : "No ! I have my own three ! The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit."
"It's ... hiiiiiigh moooon !" Nice one Brian
"Curse my white-collar upbringing !" Marisha, you do not have to make me laugh like that, but I thank you nonetheless
I like the system of using both dice and cards for power or initiative. I'm gonna check it out. I need to see other systems besides D&D.
Arabella, about Fogg's injured leg : "You look like a 13-years old who just got her time of the month, so why won't you let me take a look at that leg ?" AMAZING SAYING
"God don't play cards."
"I ain't a religious man, not in a long time. I've seen enough people be animals out there to know that if God made us in his image, God's every bit as feral as the things he created." Hum, excuse me, who gave Matt the right to say those ABSOLUTELY AMAZING PHRASES ?? Did he went to the Caleb's school of one-liners that rule ??
Love how effortlessly they integrated the rules and the background together. The idea of spending a chip to go see The Bartender and ask some information if you're stuck, and also get a shot of whisky, is a good one.
As soon as Brian said there was some revenants about town, I was suuuuure we were gonna see Arabella's freshly dead sister. And I was right ! But it was devastating nonetheless.
We only saw NPC Katie for like 2 minutes, but she managed to make me fall in love with her in record time !
Marisha loving playing ladies who are snoops and weirdoes and wants to find things and love gory things and/or mystical shit (Beau, Alexandra in the Cthulhu one-shot, Arabella, Laudna). Yes I know she definitely loved playing Keyleth (my beloved) even if she was, as a character, very far from what she is or what she usually likes. But I also love that we see her preferences.
NITROGEN ??? DAMN ! Mrs. Myriam Landisman came here to PLAY
Marisha drawing a straight fucking flush, we love to see it. Amazing
Brian, to Matt : "I'm gonna say something to you, that I wanted to say for a long time. How the fuck do you want to do this ?"
This is why I love those kinds of actors who are all in. The consequence of Aloysius failing his spell was that "he forgot for 6 days attachments on an emotional level". And boy did Khary run with it. Retrospectively, I think Aloysius could have spared Clayton Sharpe, in the end ; but no, not with this consequence. And Khary knew what he was doing, he was crying while doing it, but he did justice to both his character, and the consequence. To an exterior eye, this could be waste of character development, but no, it's the opposite !
Is Al Swearengen secretly the Dealer ?? He said the same words ! "Greed ain't cheap"
THEY QUOTED THE FUCKING PRINCESS BRIDE, or close !!! I love them for this. "You seem a decent man. I hate to kill you." "You seem a decent man. That I'd hate to be killed by."
The ending my god. No notes, just tears.
I know that with Brian exiting the CR world, it's not going to happen, but man, imagine the parallel universe where UnDeadwood 2 was a thing... I want to go to there
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moonlightpirate · 1 year
That Unwanted Animal
Okay anon and @tastyfiddle here it is! Jaskier is red riding hood off to visit his grandmother who is sick in bed! Geralt is the hunter who warns him about a dangerous wolf in the woods. Can Jaskier avoid the wolf? If not can Geralt save him? Ao3 link here masterlist for other fics featuring jaskier and Joey here
"Now Jaskier, your grandmother is stuck in her cottage in the woods and is very sick. I need you to take these food items to her please." Jaskiers mother said.
"Why do I gotta do it mom? The woods are a scary place! Can't dad do it?" Jaskier groaned.
"You're going in the daylight you will be fine. Just make sure to wear your red cape and….?".
"Don't stray from the path I know." Jaskier sighed in defeat. 
"Good boy. Now off you go your grandmother is probably starving.". 
She tied the cape around his neck and handed him a basket of food before gently pushing him out the door and planting a kiss on his cheek. It was late afternoon when Jaskier reached the edge of the wood and the path to his grandmother's house. He shuddered as he heard a wolf cry. 
"Sure it's daylight, I'll be safe….. or not. Why must grandma live deep in the woods?" Jaskier sighed as he slowly made his way into the woods. 
He hadn't gotten far when a tall strong looking handsome man with hair white as snow crossed his path.
"Have you seen a wolf sir?" The man asked.
"Hello, uh no I haven't yet. Is there one here?" Jaskier stuttered.
"Well it is the woods they usually are filled with wolves. But yes this particular one has been avoiding me for some time now.So be careful with wherever it is you're going.". 
"Well um I'm going to my grandmother's house in the woods and if there is a scary wolf creature out there it would be nice to have a very strong hunter nearby!". 
"Yes, I'm sure it would be beneficial." The man said, turning away. 
Jaskier looked at the path he was supposed to be following and then looked back up at the strange man who was walking away from the path deep into the woods. The urge to follow him was strong; he seemed like he would be a safe man to follow. He sighed and continued on the path. As he walked he would occasionally sneak a few bites of food from the basket his mother had made up for his grandmother. 
"Hello handsome. What brings you so deep into these woods?" A rough male voice said. 
Jaskier looked around nervously, "who is there?". 
A tall man with short dark hair sauntered out from the woods, "Names Valdo Marx. Pleasure to meet you.". 
Jaskier gasped as he noticed the wolf's ears and the long tail. 
"You're ……you're …..you're a wolf!" Jaskier stammered backing up against a nearby tree.
Valdo let out a low growl, "It's fine I'm not dangerous I promise handsome. So what brings you into these woods?". 
"I'm really not supposed to talk to strangers so I'm just going to be on my way." Jaskier said slowly backing away from the wolf and putting his hood over his head.
"It's such a beautiful day though why waste it. Is that a lute I see on your back? Do you sing? I'm something of a singer myself. Let me hear something of yours.". 
"Normally I would but I really need to go see my grandmother because she is very ill. So maybe another time.".
"Oh the poor woman! How about you pick some flowers? I'm sure she would love them! I will guess she's in that house deep in the woods?" Valdo smirked. 
"She does like flowers, perhaps I should." Jaskier said, wandering off the path and beginning to gather flowers. 
"Excellent.", Valdo whispered to himself as he turned and strutted off into the woods, "first those crisp old bones and then something juicy and meaty. I'll be eating well today!".
Geralt had been hunting this Valdo Marx wolf for weeks now. The old lady had complained about him harassing her and had hired him to kill the wolf. If she was the sick grandmother that man told him about earlier then he knew she probably wasn't safe. He slowly made his way towards her house making sure to be aware in case the wolf were to attack him. As he got closer to the cottage he noticed the door was open and could hear shouting. Quickly Geralt ran towards the cottage. The wolf had the woman and the man he met in the woods earlier backed against the wall.
"Oi wolf get away from them." Geralt shouted.
Valdo turned around with a blood thirsty look on his face and a grin that would send a shiver down any normal person's spine. Geralt grinned right back at him.
"Guess I'll be eating real good tonight. Once I'm done with you I'll finish off the old lady and that wimp." Valdo sneered.
Geralt looked up at them behind Valdo, "Get her out of here." He yelled at the strange man. 
"Oh I don't think so. You're all mine." Valdo chuckled.
Jaskier put a hand on his grandma and knew the hunter was right he needed to get his grandmother out of here and fast. But he wasn't sure how serious this Valdo was about them not leaving. He waited and watched until the hunter had distracted the wolf again before he and his grandmother made their way through the kitchen towards the other exit. 
"What's the rush?" Valdo growled, rushing in on all fours and blocking the door, "I told you that you aren't leaving."  
"And I told you that you aren't hurting anyone here." Geralt shouted storming in. 
Without a second thought Jaskier pulled his grandma under the table. He cowered afraid to even try to watch the battle happening. Out of nowhere a clawed hand reached under the table and dragged him out. Valdo was smiling down at him. Before Jaskier could even scream the hunter grabbed the wolf and stabbed him. Valdo went limp as the hunter removed the sword from his body. Jaskier helped his grandmother out from under the table before standing up and facing the hunter. 
"Oh thank you! You have saved me!" Jaskier exclaimed. 
"Thank you Geralt I knew you could get him. Anyway you can get rid of the body as well?" Grandmother said 
Geralt cocked an eyebrow and held out his hand. After receiving his payment he made his way out of the cottage with the body of Valdo Marx on his shoulder. 
"Oh wow grandma that was insane! How are you feeling?! I set food in the living room for you! Who was that man?". 
"Jaskier, I appreciate the food and everything you have done today. Tell your mother I'm feeling better and she doesn't need to send more food. Now go chase after that hunter he needs some comoany. His name is Geralt."  
"Thank you grandmother!" Jaskier gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek before he ran out the door and immediately began searching for the man. He reached the edge of the woods with no sign of him and sighed, "Oh I wish I could truly thank you sir. Perhaps a ballad of your heroic acts today will be thanks enough.".
Jaskier spent the rest of the walk home strumming on his lute trying to come up with a song fitting for his savior. 
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