#hq unrequited love
His kid asks him to stay away (Oikawa, Atsumu)
Inspired by two scenes from Gilmore Girls. 
Oikawa is surprised but beaming when he finds his daughter standing outside his hotel suite. "Hey, princess!" He envelopes Yuma (悠真) in a tight hug, which she reluctantly returns.
"I'm sorry I didn't call–" 
Tooru shakes his head, squeezing her shoulders. "Nonsense. You're always welcome here. Hey, I made that corned beef that you like. The one with potatoes? I can heat them up right now. Come inside."
"No, that's okay. Listen, dad..." She takes a step back, pulling herself away from his arms. "Mom has a boyfriend."
Tooru blinks. "Oh."
"It's Uncle Iwa."
He inhales sharply. "Yeah, I...I heard."
Japan's team had a plethora of colorful characters, and the more noisy members liked to talk online and post photos of their unknowing teammates, coaches, and trainers. One particular trainer had many candid photos of him and Oikawa's ex wife in the background. You were never active in social media, so Tooru shamefully relied on his daughter's posts to see how you were doing. Her posts were always the same: friends, school, you and her together. You two were like the happier, healthier version of the Gilmore Girls. And there was no other man in your life as far as he can tell.
Everything was fine until last month.
Last month was your first birthday after the divorce. Tooru was in Argentina and could only send a polite greeting and of course, you only sent a simple 'thank you.' 
The same time, his daughter uploaded two photos: one was of you two, and the other was of you and his best friend, sitting awfully close to each other. 
He remembered that day like it was yesterday. After seeing Iwaizumi so close to you with the faintest red in his face, he had to know, he had to ask.
Three rings before the trainer picked up.
"What the hell, Trashykawa–"
"Are you seeing my wife?"
Tooru didn't even need an answer. The silence spoke for itself. But he wanted to hear what his friend had to say.
"Please, Iwa-chan. Tell me the truth," he whispers. Iwaizumi had to have known how much Tooru still loves you, how much he wants to turn back time and fix everything. He had to know, because Tooru cried to him the night he signed the papers.
On the other side of the line, Iwaizumi inhales. Then he says, "She's not your wife anymore."
Tooru hung up. He was glad that Japan was an ocean away, because he would've driven straight to Iwaizumi's house and beat him up.
"Dad?" his daughter calls out to him.
"Sorry, sweetie, daddy spaced out for a bit."
His daughter examines his face, her own expression hesitant but determined. She sticks her hands into her coat pocket and speaks up again: "I want you to stay away from them."
Time stills and Tooru feels sick. "You...what?"
"Dad, I love you but...but you hurt mom."
"Honey, I– "
"And it doesn't matter if you mean to or not, you just do. You just do. And before you start, you should know that mom never speaks bad about you, well, not in front of me anyway--"
Tooru should be proud. Even at this moment his sweet Yuma retains his and your snarkiness. But right now he just wants to throw up. 
"My point," she continues, "is that I'm not here because mom says you're the devil."
"I know. Your mom isn't like that."
"So then you know that she doesn't deserve getting clobbered."
"... I do."
"She deserves to be happy, dad, and Uncle Iwa makes her happy. I know that you must be mad and hurt but I'm begging you to please let them be."
Tooru can't bring himself to open his mouth as his daughter brushes back her hair, trying to hold back her tears. "I'm still gonna visit you and you can visit me. You can get angry at them and me but don't do anything because... because you should see how mom smiles now."
He understands. Looking back at it now, he couldn't recall the last time you smile so genuinely when you were with him.
His little girl, acting not so little anymore, rubs her face. "Anyway, that's all I got to say. It was nice seeing you."
"I still have to meet up with my friends."
"At least let me drive–"
"This isn't Argentina, dad," she points out. 
He doesn't have a car here. "Right." 
She gives him a pitying look but only mutters out a "bye" before leaving.
Tooru silently opens the door to his hotel room. 
He heats up the leftover corned beef from last night and sets down his plate on the table, settling in front of the TV.
But he doesn't eat or even listen to the news.
He cradles his head between his hands.
His only daughter, his sweet, little princess who should be free of troubles, came here just to tell him to stay away.
"Dammit." He swallows the lump in his throat as he fiddles with the ring he refuses to take off. "I'm pathetic."
You didn’t ask much. You always supported Atsumu, always defended him from your family when your parents accused him of abandoning you, always made excuses and did everything–everything to keep your relationship happy. 
You loved your job and if someone were to go back in time and ask you if you would sacrifice your career for a guy, you’d throw your head back and guffaw, because the idea was insane. But then you met Atsumu, and he wasn’t just some guy. He was the guy. He was sweet and funny and supportive. He adored his mother, he had a good relationship with his brother. He was passionate and he shone brighter than anyone. 
And you loved how much he loved volleyball.
So you didn’t ask for much. 
You didn’t complain when he had to leave you alone when he was off to Argentina or China for weeks and months.
You didn’t whine when he couldn’t accompany you to family reunions and weddings of close friends.
It was your idea to quit your job the moment the test came out positive. 
Sure, you loved your job–love your job–but Atsumu was your whole world. You never thought you’d have someone like him in your life and you were determined to be happy with him and the bundle of joy you two made.
Your son was born healthy. Hiroyuki (ヒロユキ), you decided to name him. Atsumu was there and he showed off the little runt to the doctor who delivered, to the nurses who helped, and your family members waiting outside.
You didn’t expect yourself to end up the way you did, but everything was fine.
Your boys were healthy.
Your husband was doing great. Every week there was always a shower of praise for your genius setter.
Your son grew up nothing like his dad though: while Atsumu was brash and loud-mouthed, his son was a quiet and polite boy who hated conflict; while Atsumu lived for volleyball, his son hated getting dirty and sweaty and preferred academics.  
You and Atsumu still wanted him to be healthy though, so you encouraged him to exercise and pursue other hobbies.
Your son only begrudgingly agreed to get you both to shut up.
Everything was great.
You were great. You were content. 
But then you saw it, a single message from an unknown number on your husband’s phone.
“I had an amazing night. Call me when you’re in the city.”
Your shining world crumbled in an instant.
You couldn’t remember what you did next. You vaguely recall smashing the device into a mirror and locking yourself in the guest bedroom. 
The next six months were a blur, too.
You froze out your husband though you didn’t tell your son the truth, only telling him that mommy and daddy just couldn’t be with each other anymore. Some people were appalled that you wanted to get a divorce. “Because so what if he cheated?” They had asked. “Think of your son.”
You did think of your son. Ever since you discovered you were pregnant with him, you always thought of your son. 
The divorce was for his sake as much as yours, because you had no guarantee that you wouldn’t end up murdering his father if you stayed next to him.
So you bought a different house in the next city, got your old job back, and got divorced. Shared custody. 
The whole ordeal felt unreal. Every day, you felt like you would float out to space, but you had Hiroyuki, who liked to tug on your pants and remind you: “I’m here, mama.”
You would laugh and give him the tightest hug every time. You wished you didn’t cry so much every time though. You wanted to be stronger for both of you.
And you were strong enough.
With your baby and your job back, you became too busy to even think about your cheating ex. 
Fast forward years later and it’s now your baby’s middle school graduation.
“You’re now a man!”
“Stop it, mom.”
“Whatever happened to ‘mama’?”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” You kissed his cheek. “Your dad should be here soon.”
“It’s okay, I’m not a kid anymore, you don’t have to lie.”
You gently flicked his forehead. “I made sure to tell him.”
He blinked. “You did?”
“I did.”
“When…when did you tell him?”
“Last week–”
“You didn’t have to tell him.” 
“He’s still your dad.”
“Yeah, my dad,” he bitterly repeats. Although the lawyers agreed on shared custody, the man was rarely around. When it was Atsumu’s turn to take care of Hiroyuki, he was almost never at home and the people who took care of the kid were either his mom or his brother. Truth be told, Hiroyuki didn’t care. How could he possibly forget the many days he caught his mom trying desperately to hide her sadness and the many nights she sobbed in her bedroom when she thought her son was asleep? Children weren’t idiots. And Hiroyuki never bought into the idea that kids needed a mother and a father either. Why would he? He grew up with only his mother being there for him, so why would he need his father now?
“I would’ve called him myself if you really wanted him here,” he says.
“It’s not about me wanting him here, it’s about him having to want to be here, and he should be here. It’s his only son’s graduation.”
“Middle school graduation. It’s nothing.”
“It’s not nothing.”
“It’s a celebration in mediocrity.” 
“That’s a lot coming from the valedictorian and…” You fall quiet.
“What’s wrong?” He turns to follow your line of sight. 
He exhales when he sees his sperm-donor walking into the auditorium, dressed in a clean polo shirt and some woman hanging off his elbow.
His Uncle Samu’s right: the man’s an idiot.
“Hey, mom, could you get me a soda?”
“Huh?” You snap out of your trance. 
“I’m kinda thirsty.”
You try to protest but quickly quiet down before giving your son a sad smile and walking towards the cafeteria.
Hiroyuki inherited his father’s height so it only took a few strides before he caught up to the man and his plus one.
“Hi dad.”
Atsumu grins at his son. “There he is, the man of the hour. Happy graduation, kid!”
Hiroyuki bites his lip. He hates how oblivious this guy is. He hates how he could smile like this and bring this woman with him like nothing’s wrong and that everything is okay. 
He doesn’t say anything else and an awkwardness falls between the three of them.
Atsumu clears his throat and gestures towards his date. “Have you met–”
“–no.” Hiroyuki shuts him down. “Dad, can we talk? Alone.”
The woman looks peeved and makes a face, like she’s expecting Atsumu to get mad on her behalf, but the volleyball player only shrugs and pulls his arm away from her. “Sure thing.”
The two guys walk to a corner in the room, away from prying eyes.
“Hey, I got you some cash but it kinda feels like it’s not enough, so do you have anything you want for today?”
Without hesitation, Hiroyuki speaks up: “Stay away from mom.”
Atsumu’s head swerves and he is forced to look straight into the clear, unyielding eyes of his only son. 
There is a pause.
Atsumu lets out a nervous chuckle. “I’m sorry, I thought I just heard you say that you want me to stay away from your mom.”
“You heard right.” Hiroyuki crosses his arms. “Dad, I know what you’re trying to do.”
“What’re you talking about?”
“Bringing that woman here? I know you’re trying to make mom jealous.”
“That’s ridiculous! First of all, that woman is named Ochaco.”
“What’s her last name?”
“Dad, just stop. That’s the best thing you can give me.”
“I know you still love her.” Hiroyuki knows how the man looks at you, because it’s the same look you had whenever you heard his name or saw him on the news. He hates that you’re still in love with your ex, because those feelings blinded you from realizing how his Uncle Samu looks at you; Samu who helped you move, Samu who packed your things into boxes because you couldn’t bear a second longer in Atsumu’s house, Samu who made sure you and Hiro were always fed, Samu who could comfort you in ways Hiro couldn’t because you didn’t want to look weak in front of your boy. “But you can’t be together, not anymore, so please just stop these stupid games and go back.”
“I have mom, I have Uncle Samu, they’re all I need.” 
The speakers blared with feedback before the emcee called for all graduates to find their seats. 
“I have to go. Bye, dad.”
Atsumu wants to pull back his son, to talk with him, but seeing his little boy walking confidently away from him broke his heart.
He bites his lip.
He really did f*** up. 
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rk-tmblr · 2 months
<Hurry up, Miya. The silent's being too creepy here where you're supposed to be and I cannot stand it anymore.
>Woah Omi-kun, ya surely have a weird way to admit ya're missin' me...
<I do not miss you. I want you, Miya. So get a move on.
From my (soon to be) SakuAtsu Fanfiction.
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eunoiaaaivy · 1 year
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-cw: angst, character death, blood, unknown illness, unrequited love, short like me, mention of nightmares and crying, hyperventilating.
a/n: probs don't know abt this one. it's not really angsty.
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he misses you. he misses your smiles, your laugh, the way your face would crinkle when you're happy. he just misses everything about you. he misses the way you would start a small banter with him, huffing when he calls you short. he misses ice cream on sundays with you. he misses everything related to you.
as he stares in the dark, the ceiling is what he is met with, mocking him with memories he's chasing. he could hear your laugh, despite the tick of the clock being loud. he could feel your presence hugging him from behind, even in the cold air of nothing. he could feel you. another sleepless night without you.
wasn't he stupid? why did he do that to you? why did he do that? just why? with the chasing of memories, he encounters what's there to be encountered. memories of flashing lights, the loud bustling crowd and the touching of skins, the memory of you in a cute dress, a confession remained in the air as he didn't say anything. and right then and there, the night he hates the most. because it was the last time you ever talked to each other. you lost contact, sweet moments and memories yet to be made.
it was only until he saw you at the vending machine, a shocked look on your face as you saw him. he recalls, the look he gave you was nothing of an accepted confession. it was a foreign, blank look as he no longer held warmth for you. as you reached out for him, he was met with the walls and ceilings of his bedroom as he realized it was a dream. his rushed breathing and ragged breath could be heard in the air as he tries to stabilize himself. the memory of you reaching out breaking into a thousand shards of glass as the realization eats him alive. before waking up, a flash was scene, there in all your glory, blood dripping from your nose as only a few seconds later you were met with the sound of gurgling blood out of your mouth, and as you looked at his eyes one last time, you collapsed on the floor.
and as he regains his breathing, he cries. he cries at the realization that you confessed knowing that your lifeline was going to end soon. he cries as he realized those memories eat him at night, taunting him for the things he's done to you. for treating you as such. for the lifeline that was taken away from you as he realizes that he loves you. he could remember faintly of the scene, ambulance blaring and teachers panicking, he stood there clueless. until your brother came and grabbed his collar, declaring the love you had for him was pure and unjudged, that your intentions were clear as daylight and your bright lovely heart has now dimmed like the moon on a long night.
he cries in anguish as you no longer breath. out of every day that he could've met you properly, why should've it been in your funeral, as he gazes through the area, the sobbing of your mother can be heard and the woes of your father loud and clear. the dullness of your siblings can be seen and the bright smile of yours in a picture frame in the middle of the center.
he realized, then and there that you died feeling alone. despite the friends and family, he knew you felt alone. as clear as the day and as dark as the night, you were no longer here. a brazen fool is what he calls himself as the pictures of you and him no longer feel special. and as the memories come flooding in once again on a peaceful night, he lets himself drown in them. he drowns his woes and sorrows in them as he is no longer met with a beating heartbeat. your lifeline has ended.
CLAUDE (WMMAP), AOMINE, SASUKE, ITACHI, KAKASHI, obito, dion, DILUC, kaeya, jean, eren, MIKEY, HANMA, ran, rindou, KAGEYAMA, TSUKISHIMA, kuroo, connie, hyuga junpei, NEJI, SEIJURO AKASHI, akashi keiji (?), IZEK, ERGI, sanemi, tengen, BAKUGOU, shinsou, aizawa, MEGUMI, TBH JUST ANYONE LOL I WANTED TO BE DRAMATIC. :DDDDD
©eunoiaaaivy || 2023
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mr-telephoneman · 1 year
PETALS | Yachi Hitoka/Kiyoko Shimizu
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ଘ PETALS | in which unrequited love leads to death
ଘ warning/s: mentions of blood, vomit and death
ଘ please don't steal my work
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The first petal of pink laced with blood should've rang alarm bells through her brain. Yachi had heard of the infamous flower disease known as Hanahaki spreading amongst young people not confessing soon enough to their crushes but she didn't expect herself to receive the disease as well. Perhaps it was the way she looked at Yachi that cause her heart to quicken, or just the little things like being near each other caused Yachi to forget how to breath. Or the way Kiyoko Shimizu would just find comfort in Yachi being around her. However she didn't expect herself to fall in love with the Karasuno Goddess herself.
Yachi remembered the day she threw up vibrant yellow flower's known as daffodil's. It was in the school bathrooms immediately after Kiyoko told her about her crush on her under classmen Tanaka Ryūnosuke. It was the way Yachi felt her heart shutter as Kiyoko tugged a piece of her hair behind her ear blushing underneath her glasses explaining how she fell for such a person. It was the way Yachi kept listening to her friend talk about her feelings as Yachi practically choked on her own. It was the way she made up an excuse scrambling to the bathroom vomiting out blood stained daffodil petals. She remembered how after she washed her hands she went into a coughing fit and spat out a perfect flower. No loose petals or just the petals on its own. Just one vibrant yellow daffodil sitting in her palm standing strong, and for some reason she kept it. Not in a vas but hard-pressed until it was flat enough to fit in her notebook. She thought writing was the cure, surely it wasn't.
After the daffodil's were yellow carnations. The way they taunted Yachi reminding her of her failures, reminding her that Kiyoko will never love her the way she loves Kiyoko. The carnations appeared the same day Kiyoko announced her relationship with Tanaka to her. The way Kiyoko was practically glowing yet it wasn't Yachi's doing. She felt the flower bloom in her throat as Kiyoko rambled about her relationship to Yachi. The way her smile widened at every recount made Yachi's knees weak. Carnations were harder to spit out compared to daffodil's, they would get stuck in her throat the same way Yachi voicing her feelings towards Kiyoko would do the same.
Yachi never cared for the night sky, until she was lying in hospital looking out to it. It reminded her of Kiyoko's long hair, it made her knuckles whiten. Not only did she have flowers growing in her lungs but now the night sky teased her endlessly. Daytime never helped either because there Kiyoko was in all her glory next to Yachi's bed worried for her friend as she is bedridden and on the verge of death. Kiyoko's heart pinched for her friend possibly not being with her 'til they were old but Yachi's heart was on it's last beats whenever she saw Kiyoko's beautiful ocean eyes wrinkle in worry. She cut her beautiful blue hair off for Yachi's was falling off from how weak her body was. Yachi remembered the tears that came with it as she watched Kiyoko chop it all off in front of her. Yachi's heart panged greatly, why did Kiyoko have to be so good to her? Their were nights she wished she resented her, but oh how Yachi's love for her was as great as Houyi's love for Chang'e the Moon Goddess. She found herself relating to the Mid-Autumn Festival Chinese legend. How Houyi's lover accidentally drank the elixir causing her to be immortal and live on forever as his time will soon come up. It was similar to how Yachi's time was nearly up and the Pink Tulips would sprout from her lungs and staring back at her in her palms.
To most people death was a scary thing. For Yachi, she would rather die with a disease that would kill her from accidentally falling in love than loose her best friend for her stupid feelings. White flowers usually appear at weddings, yet here were white Lilium's in her toilet bowl staining with dark blood starring back up at her. The way the petals were blown so wide welcoming the warmth of death to take her away into forever slumber comforted her.
The idea she would never wake up again and have to suffer watching the one she fell so hard for walk down towards the alter with baby breaths bouquet together, walking towards someone that isn't Yachi Hitoka. In loving memory may her afterlife be as peaceful as the way the Lillium twirled out of her throat. The way the petals would dance in the wind.
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ଘ I wrote this instead of doing my pdhpe assessment LMAO
ଘ ALSO if your cool like me you would realise the flowers Yachi coughs up have meanings behind them *giggles*
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hentai-dreams-shop · 2 years
Hate | Akaashi Keiji
angst, fem! reader
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The taste of food in your mouth is bland, the noises that sweep your ear, the air that perforates your nostrils, the sights your eyes take in: its all bland. You hate how everything is monotonous boring grey until he walks in, then everything becomes so enticing. The food is richer, the air is the fresh type from the highest mountains, the noises are suddenly music that soothes yet frazzles you. How can one person make you feel like this without even trying? You weren’t even anything special to him. 
You walk out of your lecture, and just like that, opposite you is Akaashi Keiji, looking as attractive as ever even under plain fluorescent lights. You desperately hope your line of sight doesn’t intersect into his and yet the gods are toying with you, because he does. 
“Hey (Y/N), finished your lecture?” 
You should’ve turned away from him. 
You reciprocate his grin, how pathetic. 
“Do you want to eat lunch with me?”
Please leave. 
You should’ve said no. 
“Then let’s go, I’m hungry.” 
The same smile adorns his pretty features, but you hated it. 
You hated how you were stuck again and again, in the trance of an endless dance. It was like an overdose of drugs that washed your senses. A hazy dream that floated past you like a cloud. Here you are, an addict to someone who could kill you with too much of him but you continued in your drunken haze anyways. You were addicted, an addict to this unrequited love. 
His friend Bokuto bursts through the crowd, greeting them both with an exuberant grin and bright yellow eyes. He slings an arm across Akaashi’s shoulders, ruffling his raven hair. Akaashi frowns and brushes him away, annoyance painting his face. Even so, his eyes gave it all away. 
He never looked at you like that. You could see it underneath his own damn skin, even if he tries to deny it. That’s because he’s in love with Bokuto, utterly and completely in love like you were with his straight friend. You knew it all too well. You were the only one to observe his love for Bokuto, day after day. 
Again, you hated it.
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kuroowo · 2 years
NSFMELDDKS THE OSAMU ISEKAI IDEA IS SOOO GOOD!!! I’m super into isekais right now and would kill for one starring Osamu, plus the other LIs you picked are 😘👌 also, Osamu being an NPC that gets elevated to ML status is funny as hell, literally throwing it all away for the onigiri man in the bg 😂😂 idk if you plan to actually write this but regardless, thank you for planting this image in my brain, I love it 💖
Bro NPC Osamu just hits different 😩 Imagine finally being able to interact with The Miya Osamu, AKA the NPC who owns your heart, freely. The foolishness in which I would make Reader conduct themselves with would be emBARASSING JKWLSK
100% would neglect the OG 4 MLs just to visit & flirt with NPC Osamu everyday 🥰🥰🥰 Oh, Oikawa wanted to have a walk around town today? Sorry, too busy throwing your 5th compliment to the chef for the day 💕 Kita wanted to show you the flourish of his wheat farm? Apologies, too busy getting flowers for Osamu so he knows that he’s being seriously courted 💗 Sakusa wanted to show you some self-defense moves to keep you safe? Condolences, too busy asking for Atsumu’s advice & roping him into your plans on how to win over Osamu’s heart 💓 Kuroo wanted to bring you over to the observatory for a viewing of the stars? Regretful to inform, too busy trying to wax poetry on letter about how beautiful, strong & smart Osamu is 💖
Osamu definitely thinks you’re lowkey crazy (for several plot related reasons), but he’s not gonna lie & pretend that your attention & affection isn’t nice 🥰 but what isn’t nice is how he now has 4 MLs-self-proclaimed-love-rivals to deal with though🧍🏻‍♀️
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khuzena · 1 month
This bitter life.
pairing: Blade x g/n!reader
Part 1, Part 2.
Summary: Life is not fair, that is the truth every being must accept. Yet, there’s a part in Blade’s mara-struck mind, that he cannot accept this type of ending, he will not allow it, but he has no right to deny fate itself.
In other words, you die and he’s miserable.
Cw. It’s very fluffy trust me, Reader is absolutely fucked, you die, unrequited requited love, not proofread, very slowburn, character development, terminally ill, ansgt only bcoz fluff is for the weak, life is unfair.
A/n: You already know what it means when I upload a fanfic. If you don’t, my only warning is, shit’s going down.
(wrote this bc bladie won the poll for my other fic of which character u guys want a fic for next 🥳)
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Days pass by, Blade didn’t come back to the Stellaron Hunters HQ to watch over you. Silverwolf keeps messaging him, telling him he needs to come back for another mission but he’s stubborn.
Silverwolf: Come back here, we’re having a meeting
Silverwolf: oh come on I know you’re seeing this
Silverwolf: Istfg
[seen by Bladie]
His phone shuts off and he just stares outside your window, he knows you’re not getting better anytime soon. He sometimes feels a twisted, aching feeling in his chest when you give him that feeble smile to pretend you're okay, when you both know no amount of medicine will save you, you could no longer hold a glass for more than a minute because your muscles fail you.
He feels sick.
This misery of his never going away.
“I have to go.”
He expected that you’d call out for him, “Okay, take care.”
So he leaves, he wishes he never looked back.
He was gone for 3 weeks, on another mission to exterminate more and more foes of the Stellaron hunters and gather more Stellaron with Kafka.
“Something on your mind?” The blood on his hands could never be washed away, he wants to go back to that stupid Clove-V planet and talk to you.
“None of your business.” Kafka is surprised, it's the first time he sees Blade so irritated (he mostly is but not to this extent)
Kafka doesn’t ask again and they finish their mission.
In 4 days, he rushed to see you. You stopped replying to his messages, only a tiny ‘seen’ message pops up every now and then and he hates to admit it, he’s dying to see you again.
“Doctor.” Your door creaks open, another visitor it seems.
”Is it you Blade?”
He nods, but with a tightness to it, he sits beside you again, mold was already building up on your sink, your lack of mobility making you lose the ability to do normal tasks.
”Are you okay?”
”I wish.” How could someone act so carefree on the brink of death? He doesn’t understand you, no, not at all.
He wants to reach out for you, to comfort you but he doesn’t know how to comfort you. He doesn’t understand why he wants to comfort you, he understands why he cares so much, he doesn’t understand why he’s feeling this way, he doesn’t even understand himself.
But when you smile at his hesitance, he realises, maybe you do.
He doesn’t reach out for you, he’s always an arm's length away from you, never close yet never too far. “You haven’t eaten, you’re going to die.”
Even if you eat, you will never get better; but he wants you to.
“Maybe, but I’m fine with that.”
”With dying? You’re a fool.” He doesn’t want to accept that you’re going to die, that you’re okay with dying because he’s not.
You’re a fool, a bastard, for trying to understand him but he can never understand himself nor can he ever truly understand you.
“You better not die,” his eyes desperately tried to never meet with yours.
He doesn’t want to look into your eyes, he doesn't want to accept the truth. That your eyes no longer beam with excitement at his words, that the sparkle in your eyes had dimmed.
“I know I will,” he no longer hides his worry, his fear, his desperation to keep you alive.
So he asks again, “What do I do?”
Like every other time he asks what ‘can’ he do for you, you repeat your words, “Just keep me company.”
He nods, sitting beside you. The tension in the air is obvious, neither utter a single word in this deafening (yet comforting) silence.
Blade cannot accept that you’re giving up, you’re not allowed to give up, he won’t accept it.
He drapes a blanket over you, “Feeling better?”
“A little.” Your throat burns, but you want to talk to him, even when you’re dying, you want to understand him.
”It hurts.” He doesn’t know what to do.
He wants to understand your pain, he wonders, if your pain is as worse as his, that it hurts so much you’d rather pass. That maybe, you’re the same and you wish to die too.
Neither of you will truly understand the other, but you try.
“I got sick when I was a child, 7– no, 8… I don’t remember,” he pretends he doesn't hear the rasp in your voice, “Just… Medicine made the progression slower.”
You could almost cry, “I wanted to study medicine, I wanted to heal others of their pain.”
”I don’t want to die.”
He doesn’t want to hear your desperate cry, he doesn’t hear it.
“Blade, it hurts,” he’s never wanted to shut off his ears when you spoke what he never wanted to hear, “Can I give up?”
He doesn’t want you to, but has no right to deny you peace.
”Is it okay if I give up?”
No, he won’t let you give up. You were there when he was sick, you did not look at him with hatred in your eyes, you treated him like any other person, something that has never happened in years. In your eyes, Blade was just a man.
So he doesn’t say a word, he doesn’t want you to give up, of course; but what can he do?
“It’s okay, right?”
”If that’s what you need.” He holds your hand out of instinct, “Then give up.”
He wants to yell at you that you’re an idiot, that giving up is for the weak but it’d be hypocritical of him to do so, I mean, he’s given up on life a long time ago, what’s he going to do? Tell you inspirational shit to keep your will to live alive?
“Thank you.”
No tears escape him, not a single choked sob leaves his throat but when your eyes lock for one last time, you understood him and he understood you too.
You two were just the same.
He squeezes your hand and rests his head on your stomach, when you don’t flinch, he realises you’re gone now too.
He can no longer understand you by your words, you can no longer speak to him, he can’t understand your past or who you truly are.
But how could you, how did you do it?
A single medical book rests on his hand, he may not understand what you truly are, but he’ll read countless books for you. He’ll play your favourite stupid games for you.
Maybe then, he’ll understand the only person that truly knew him, who gave him company in this miserable life of his.
What a pathetic, miserable, bitter life.
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Note: DEF OOC BUT WHO TF CARES (I DO AND IM EMBARRASSED) but its okay right?? Like i wrote this in just 2 days (5 hours everyday) Whatever whatever i think its okay i feel sick I haven't ate lunch yet bye wuahhshdsj
Written by @khuzena. Likes, reblogs and comments are always appreciated. ♡ 
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takes1 · 12 days
I'm gonna start by saying that your fics are amazing! I love the way you write and I always get immersed in them. I would like to request an Osamu x reader fic, i was thinking about a childhood friends pining for a decade!au happening while working in his Onigiri shop, you might add Suna if you want,perhaps as a love triangle and misunderstandings as in Osamu thinking that the reader like Suna. As for the smut, I'll leave that to you 👀
thank you so much for supporting!! i love getting these requests and hearing from you! it really helps. not gonna lie, this one challenged me, but i think it turned out well! hope i got this right :) thanks again for the request love
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warnings. lite!nsfw. minors DNI info. hq lite!nsfw / safe consent practices / mutual pining / some angst, some hurt, but pay-off / husband material!osamu / timeskip!osamu / childhood friends to lovers / miscommunication / r.i.p suna's unrequited feelings / misunderstandings / osamu gives great hugs / osamu is a wine snob / osamu is a little shy / 2.5k words 🤍haikyuu collection. more of my hq here more links. my ao3 / masterlist / request box is open so give me some ideas pls!
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Your heart gave an all-too familiar squeeze at the sight of an old friend.
There he was, clad in a black cap, apron, and a well-fitting shirt. His face was one of slight concentration, his mouth in a straight line, jaw flexed. A strong arm lifted the black bag he carried high into the trash in the alley with ease.
"'Samu!" His nickname was like a sigh of reassurance on your tongue.
He turned, a stern face letting up as soon as he recognized you coming towards him. He quickly discarded his gloves in the trash and made forward to meet you. It ended in a hug in the middle of the sidewalk.
Business was so slow today, he really wasn't expecting any surprises- especially not any pleasant ones.
"(Y/n)." Was a mumble against your hair, charged relief on his breath. He was lifting you off of your feet and melting into you at the same time.
Your eyes stung a little when you tucked your face into his comforting shoulder. It'd been so long since graduation, but everything was coming back to you, all at once, against your will.
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Maybe it was because you could still taste the onigiri you just finished, but those lunches he used to prepare for you kept cropping up. You weren't sure why it kept making you want to cry, though.
"I missed you!" You whispered, swallowing a sob.
He gave you a crushing squeeze in return. He certainly hadn't stopped working out since your high school days. There was a hesitation in letting each other go.
"God," His quick blinking made you feel better for getting emotional, "What are you doin' all the way out here?"
You sniffled and turned to Suna, briefly forgotten at the table, "I told you those fillings tasted familiar!"
There was an unmistakable shock in Osamu's eyes when you turned back to him, "We were just grabbing lunch. I had no idea 'Onigiri Miya' would actually mean you!"
He missed the natural beat to respond- instead of letting your declaration die, you kept up the attempt to rekindle things.
"Did you get a new number?" You asked, quieter, trying to catch his eye, so you leaned your head further between him and Suna.
He looked down at you with a much softer expression, "Hm?"
"I- texted you a couple months ago, I just assumed you got a- new number," You trailed.
It felt a bit forced and loser-esque to ask the reason why he hadn't texted you back. Two months was a while to get 'caught up' in something, after all.
If he didn't want to talk to you, he technically didn't owe you an explanation.
He blinked. It didn't cross his mind that you would've texted him-- his fingers fumbled for his phone in his pocket to show you a new iPhone.
"Yeah," He sighed, "Shit, I didn't think to tell anyone but 'Sumu..."
This time, he felt like the loser. He didn't have many people to text, nowadays. But he certainly didn't want you and Suna to know that.
Relief flashed across your face as you admitted in a light laugh, "Oh, thank god. I really thought you were ignoring me!"
"Let's all exchange numbers," You suggested.
You looked back to Suna and thought you saw some hostility in his eyes, "So we can all meet up sometime, when you're not working."
The process of getting each other's contacts was quiet and stilted. You thought better of making plans here and now, because there was an indescribable feeling that something was wrong.
Maybe the timing.
Osamu frowned at his phone after getting it back from Suna.
Maybe the place.
Suna gave a subtle sigh when Osamu put his number in.
Your text to Osamu that night garnered a response so quick that it made up for the months of uncertainty and pseudo-grieving. Your oldest friendship was not buried as deep in the ground as you had previously thought.
It ended in a suggestion you weren't expecting.
There was nowhere you both wanted to eat at, and no activities you could think of that would allow for the long conversations you both favored.
I could cook for us.
You knew better than to deny him the chance to cook, but it was clear to both of you that it felt a little too forward. A little too intimate for just two good friends.
That wasn't enough to keep you from agreeing immediately.
Certain that he didn't feel the same, you rationalized that you had nothing to worry about.
Dark red swirled slow, unending circles in your glass. You weren't one for red, but he brought out a vintage just for you tonight.
The perfectly plated dinner in front of you didn't last long. Osamu made it so easy to like foods you swore up and down you hated; you didn't question his choices despite your usual pickiness.
There were a number of times you had to pretend not to notice him watching you eat. He was pretty obvious, because he'd raise his spoon full of food, then let it hover mid-air, and turn his whole head to watch you chew. It was as if he was waiting for you to declare it was the worst thing you'd ever tasted.
He was still working on his -most likely cold- plate minutes after you cleaned yours off. It left you to catch up to him in glasses of wine. The bottle was nearing empty and you were still on your first.
"Do you have any roommates?" You asked, glancing around a spacious apartment.
It was so still. You'd surely die of loneliness, if you were him.
He shook his head. It made sense with his preference for solitude, but it still made you sit back and sip on your wine to keep from voicing your concern.
"It's quiet," Osamu wiped his mouth with his napkin and pushed his plate forward, "I know."
Was your discomfort that obvious?
His chuckling won out over your insistence that it wasn't that bad, and you eventually were resolved back to slouching in your chair again.
"You just need some- flowers," You motioned to the center of the table, not believing in your advice in the slightest, "Or... something like that."
"To be fair, I never sit at the table."
He poured the last of the wine into his glass. You stared down at yours. He still spoke and acted stone-cold sober. You had to wonder how much he drank, with this bleak living space.
"Not a fan of Merlot?"
This was getting a little embarrassing.
This time, you gave in, "Not feeling this one as much."
His brow raised. He had a layered expression, like he was torn between two sides of himself for a split-second.
He eased up and slid his elbows on the table, wine glass looking absurdly tiny in his hand.
You admired the gentle way he held the delicate glass, how he knew just how the weight was supposed to be distributed in the webs of his fingers.
"You drink wine much?" He had that completely immersed look on his face that was always so difficult to return.
He mistook your trouble to return his gaze as discomfort, and laughed, retracting his body from the table, "I-'m sorry--,"
"No-no it's okay-!" You put your hand on his arm and scooted your chair closer to affirm that you didn't mind his proximity -that you in fact welcomed it- and rambled, "I- don't, drink wine like that. So I- wouldn't really know what's good."
His gaze sent a shiver surging through your whole body. What an intense pair of eyes. He leaned forward on his elbows, thumb rubbing his freshly shaved cheek.
"It's an expensive hobby."
You were wracking up inappropriate questions by the second. First, the lack of love in his sad apartment, then his potential alcohol issues, now his salary.
The quiet clink of his glass on the table. A heavy, warm hand stilled yours on his arm, and he caught your troubled gaze.
"But it's just a hobby," He smiled.
The apartment filled with shared laughter. You were getting read like an open book, you couldn't help but cool your face down with the back of your hand.
"I-I promise, I'm not trying to judge," You sighed and grinned at what you noticed as his slightly tipsy giggling, "I just... care about you."
Osamu took a breath to say something, but something else flickered across across his face.
His hand was starting to slip from yours.
"So, you and Suna again?"
You laughed at what you thought was a joke. He didn't return it; instead, he let go and took another big sip from his almost empty glass.
"Oh-," You realized he was mistaken, "We're not together."
"Mm!" He swallowed and laughed, "Oh- that's good."
His focus faltered with a small cough, "I mean, not good, but-,"
"That's not something I want to go back to," You saved his embarrassing admission gracefully and looked away, only thinking about that short-lived relationship in high school.
Suna was just a distraction. A temporary filler for your unbearable emptiness. You never stopped loving Osamu, even when you had everyone else fooled. In the end, Suna just made you miss your friend more, since it sparked an unspoken drift in the process. It wasn't one of your brightest moments.
The look on his face was asking for more information. A 'So... why?' was on the tip of his tongue. You saved him the breath.
"He reached out. I was free, and I wanted to make sure we were alright after things ended like that."
Osamu nodded slowly, swirling half a sip of wine in his glass with careful consideration.
"You talk about it like you never liked him," He sighed against the rim, then shot it back in a way that made you realize why he was drinking so much.
He didn't have the courage to talk to you like this without it.
Your thumb, still resting on his forearm, rubbed thoughtfully. If he was being this candid through his actions, you didn't mind coming clean about a few things.
"I didn't," You admitted in a breathy half-laugh, "It wasn't real to me."
You shut your eyes tight and seethed, "I know that sounds so cruel--,"
"Yeah," He chuckled.
"Okay- I meant it like..." Your thumb was tapping on his raised skin, "I needed a distraction. You know I was struggling. He really was sweet. I know I should've treated him better."
It was clear that there was no hero to the story. You were all flawed, to some degree. Osamu's hand returned to yours. This time, he squeezed.
"You know I don't judge you for that."
All things considered, that break-up was still fresh. It was only briefly before your graduation date.
"Hey-," He reached up to turn your head towards him. It was a bit much and left you both warm and fidgety, "You know that I know that you're a good person."
His hand fell to your forearm.
It was fleeting, but you felt an energy between you. It was different. It filled that space in your heart you'd long since carved out for him.
Fleeting must be reiterated, because it was gone in an instant as he cleared his throat and stood, collecting the dishes in one trip with skill you could only attribute to the nature of his work.
You chugged the rest of your wine with a shudder so it wouldn't go to waste and skittered after his swift movement towards the kitchen.
If there was any place in the house that didn't feel lifeless, it was the kitchen. Spacious and clean, sure, but every tool and appliance here was cared for and used often.
It distracted you to slow down.
There was a level of respect you felt was necessary for a space so important to Osamu.
He began washing the dishes.
"Please let me do something," You begged from behind him.
All you got was a stoic head shake.
You leaned on the countertop behind him, staring at his back in that clean, black shirt. Would you ever get over him?
His words and actions from tonight turned over in your head. That hug you shared yesterday afternoon made your hands slip from the counter.
It may have been the wine that inspired your resolve to actually follow through, but your motivation did have years of pent-up desire behind it.
His body stiffened at the feeling of your arms around his waist, the side of your face pressed against his warm back. He smelled like a woody, musky cologne.
"Thank you," You muttered, mostly for his kind words, but its roots extended much farther than just recent events.
The sound of the water shutting off encouraged you to loosen your grip. The doubt started settling in as he dried his hands with a hanging towel, wordless.
His hands just barely grazed yours as you retracted, heart racing at the fact that you couldn't take that back.
He turned around to face you. Your eyes were busy avoiding his, so you were taken by surprise when he leaned down to pick you up from the waist.
It was just as easy and comfortable as the first time-- his shoulders spacious enough to bury yourself in, his hold so secure you didn't have to spare any strength holding on. He could support you all day.
A breathy groan, like he was a settling house, brushed your ear and sent tingles down your spine.
He set you down, but guided your arms to stay around his neck. You looked back and forth between his eyes, no longer unsure about his feelings.
"I missed you so much."
He was a clumsy kisser, but you didn't mind.
His hands were skilled and sure. It was more than enough to make up for his hungrier, rather than soft kisses.
One kept you steady by the back of your head, the other taking up your entire shoulder to guide you backwards against the kitchen island.
He rendered you breathless quickly- you pulled away for just a moment and he took it as a good sign to lift you up onto the countertop.
No part of you questioned this intense show of affection-- it felt like a fitting release of years-long tension and unspoken feelings.
They still remained unspoken, for the most part, but it could wait.
His hips pushed hard against your own, eliciting a soft, fluttery sound against his mouth.
He ate it up, wanting another so bad that one hand grabbed at the bend in your hip and thigh to keep you against him.
Your tummy twisted in a mixture of delightful pleasure and desire, everything below your waist all giddy and jittery as his fingers squeezed your hips with a need you never knew he was harboring.
Thighs trembling with nerves, his steady grasp pushing down helped to calm and stall you. You caught your breath with your forehead pressed against his. You unhooked your legs.
"W-hat?" You swallowed, praying to God this wasn't some mistake.
His wine-flushed face answered your question with no response.
"We shouldn't...I'm not--," He bit his cheek at his own restraint, brow tight with regret at his own actions from earlier.
You nodded, a little buzzed yourself, and laughed at his concern, "I'm okay with just kissing."
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my masterlist.
requests are open!
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chuunai · 5 months
hello !! idk if you’ll see this but for the 100 followers celebration, may i please request pm! chuuya + (17) wondering if they deserve you or not + (6) “just look at you, then look at me” ?? maybe it’s like he gets doubts and worries, especially when he sees reader getting interactions with others and considering his job and what it means for the reader? but… um, could it end with fluff, please? also, could it be a fanfic, pretty please? i do apologize if this is way too specific !!
once again, congratulations on 100 followers, you totally deserve it, your writing is absolute heaven !! have a nice day/night/afternoon !!
I love specific people and things no worries and thank you I adore your fanfics too!
✧˚ · . right by you - chuya nakahara
he doesn’t deserve you. not when you’re so good.
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summary ⋆ ★ comfort, fluff, unrequited love (supposedly), SFW → minor (barely any) angst with happy ending.
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Chuuya Nakahara didn’t deserve you.
Nor the air you breathed, or the space you shared with him at the Port Mafia. He didn’t deserve any of that.
Chuuya had always considered himself an okay person. He killed people, but it was for the sake of Yokohama’s safety—subsequently, your safety. In the eyes of others, he’s a piece of shit through and through (that, he doesn’t deny). But in your eyes, he’s just a guy trying to do what’s best for his subordinates and city. In your eyes, he’s just Chuuya.
It’s a bit odd, honestly.
Having feelings for his subordinate.
It fucked with his mind too.
The Port Mafia was no place for love. Look at Higuchi pining over Akutagawa like a lovesick high schooler—that’s clearly going nowhere. So it’s not like he’d have a chance with you, anyway. Not when you’re so good, too. So, so much better than he ever could be.
Someone like you—who regularly brought cookies to the Mafia’s HQ to ‘boost morale’—didn’t deserve a fake human like him. One who was a vessel of a god. The fake Chuuya Nakahara. No matter how much evidence said he was the real one, he couldn’t believe it. Just look at him, then at you. No, you’re the real human.
And he’s a fucked up mess that also happens to be a murderer.
Great boyfriend material.
In the middle of his self-deprecation, a knock hit his door. Probably Tachihara, that smug bastard. Not like he was doing anything, anyways. Taking one last look at the ceiling of his office, Chuuya called out.
“Yeah yeah, door’s open. Come in.”
Instead of that redhead, it was you.
He was sure your shift was over. It was what, eight at night now? You got off right around now, so you had no reason to see him. Yet his cheeks flushed up anyway as a pointless attempt at faking a cough was done to hide the obvious reddening. Mentally cursing himself for for being so childlike with his feelings, he sat up in his chair, pretending to write on a document.
“Need something?”
He’d do it. Just ask. Wait—that’s pathetic.
“No, but the others and I are going out to drink. You wanna come?”
Chuuya perked up immediately, already imagining the taste of red wine sliding down his throat and warming up his body. He loved drinking. Helped to get his mind off his problems—namely, you. His fingers drummed on the wood of his desk, a small hum drifting from his lips as he thought of the potential consequences.
He could get drunk and act stupid in front of you. Or accidentally harass you. Or end up blabbering his head off about Dazai again. Or-
Snapping out of his daze when he saw you awkwardly standing there waiting for his response, he shrugged.
Fuck it. It’d be fine.
“Sure. Usual bar?”
You nodded, fiddling with the hem of your sleeves. You always did that when you were nervous. A small wave of worry washed over him. Did he make you nervous? Shitshitshit. What’d he do?
Standing up, he quickly organized some papers—recent missions and current objectives—into piles on his desk, palms slightly sweaty from the fact that you were watching him. Chuuya didn’t like how he always was a wreck around you. It wasn’t gonna make him good in your eyes, is what he thought. Lord, he wished he knew what would make you like—no, love—him back.
“Let’s go now then, yeah? We can get a head start on the others. Don’t want Tachihara to brag his ass off about being first again.”
He offered a small attempt at a smile, cheeks rosy and all. It was nothing compared to when you smiled, though. Like an angel. His angel. Holy fuck. He’s really gotta stop daydreaming about you when you were in the damn room with him.
Leading the way, he carefully kept to your side throughout the long hallways of the Port Mafia’s HQ, occasionally stopping to discuss a quick matter or two with one of his assistants. When someone bumped into you, he hesitantly placed a hand on your back to keep you steady and remind the other grunts that you were under his protection.
Although that still didn’t stop the dreamy stares at you.
Or the jealousy that Chuuya felt after. He knew that he wasn’t good enough for you, and he respected that. But these guys didn’t. No, they thought they somehow had a chance with you—a living, breathing angel—and that irked him. Shouldn’t they be grateful for just getting to see you? He was, anyway. He’d take all that he could get.
Including this short walk.
Lasting for only three minutes or so, soon you two were out in the chilly night air of the parking lot. You shivered a bit, cheeks and nose turning red and numb from the coldness. Chuuya couldn’t help himself as he nudged you closer to his side to be a bit more warm. Kouyou always said he was a human oven, after all. Walking to his car—nothing too fancy, yet not quite cheap—, like a true gentleman, he opened the door for you to sit in the front passenger seat next to him.
He always drove you to the bars. You always drove him back.
A fair deal, in his opinion.
Starting up the engine, Chuuya sneaked a glance at your profile. Nose tinted with red, cheeks puffy from the cold and eyes staring back at him. Wait. Huh? His face went red. Again. Now the both of you were flushed, and not from the cold.
“Want my coat? You uh, seem pretty cold.”
Please don’t say no, please don’t say no, please don’t-
“Yeah. Please.”
Chuuya shrugged off his black coat, carefully laying it on top of you like a cozy blanket. His hands brushed against your arms as he snugly placed it on you. You looked good under it.
“We’ll warm up with the alcohol later. I know you don’t like whiskey, but a shot should warm you up.”
You made a face, sticking out your tongue and giggling slightly while he started up the car, slowly backing out of his parking spot.
“That’s shit’s nasty, Chuuya-kun. Just like your wine.”
If Chuuya had one complaint about you, it’s that you didn’t like red wine.
“It’s an acquired taste, you brat. If you’d try it out more often, you’d like it.”
His heart warmed up at the sight of your smile, making sure to keep up the banter between you two as he drove to the nearby bar. His fingers twitched, aching to hold yours. To warm you up, too. He didn’t want his coat hugging you. Chuuya wanted to hug you. Was that too creepy? Hopefully not.
Traffic was a shitshow. Both of you agreed that more and more idiots were on the road lately, cursing at the car in-front of you. Thankfully, it didn’t last too long. Ten minutes later and he was pulling into the familiar parking lot of the same bar you two had been going to for a while with the others. A nice small corner bar, retro and one that didn’t mind their eccentricity.
Chuuya didn’t take back his coat from you as you wore it inside.
Ushering you into their usual corner booth, he ordered you two a small drink to start—just a vodka soda. Nothing too much. Although it got him slightly buzzed, a warm feeling calming him down a bit as he sipped. It felt nice. Just the two of you. No rowdy Tachihara. No Higuchi simping over Akutagawa or Gin staring at everyone.
Just you two.
“So uh, when are the others getting here?”
How much time did he have with you alone is what he really meant.
“Oh- let me check real quick. Sorry.”
Chuuya watched as you reached into your purse, grabbing your phone and probably texting Higuchi. A small frown came upon your lips after a minute. Nuh-uh. He’d kill whatever made you frown.
“Eh? Why’re you frowning? We’re drinking, cheer up a bit.”
You looked back at him sheepishly, scooting a bit closer to him.
“Well, apparently Akutagawa got sick so now Gin is taking care of him and Higuchi is worrying so she doesn’t want to come and Tachihara suddenly got busy out of nowhere.”
Yes! Yes yes yes! Just him and you now.
“Sucks. But the two of us are here, right?”
Chuuya was currently praying to God that you’d stay.
“Guess so. Should we order stronger drinks, then? I don’t wanna be sober.”
He now believed in God.
And so you drank. Him with his signature red wine, and you with your preferred drink of choice. Chuuya obviously got drunk first, with the redhead showing signs of intoxication while he got clingy with you. You were equally drunk, and didn’t care that much. So he clung into your arm like a baby while you braided his hair poorly.
“God, your hair is so pretty, Chuuya.”
Ooohh. You called his hair pretty.
“Is the rest of me not pretty?”
He pouted, tugging at your sleeve and resting his head on your shoulder.
“Huh? I didn’t say that. You’re really pretty. Super pretty.”
Wow. He’s super pretty now.
“Well, I think you’re pretty too.”
His face flushed, suddenly realizing what he said as he buried his face in your shoulder, squeezing your arm for reassurance. Why did he say that? Why did he say that!? Stupid alcohol. It made him talk so dumb like this. He didn’t talk like this when the others were around to keep him in check. Shit. Maybe he should’ve have drunk so much.
“You do?”
You looked down at him, fingers momentarily stopping their crafting of his braid.
A small shy mumble was all he managed to utter.
“You’re so cute! This is why I like you, y’know.”
His head snapped up immediately. No way in fucking hell were you gonna leave him on a bombshell like that.
“You like me?”
For the second time today, Chuuya was praying to God that you liked him romantically.
Not helpful.
“But…like a friend? Or uh- romantically.”
Well. He said it. Fuck him. No way you’d like him back.
Some silence from you.
“I’m not saying.”
Oh yes, yes you fucking were gonna say.
“C’mon, tell me. Pleaseeee?”
Puppy eyed Chuuya. He used this to get out of trouble with Kouyou. Surely, it’d work on you?
“Fine. You’re a bitch, but jesus, I like you romantically.”
Chuuya Nakahara was sure he was at Heaven now. No way you—his angel—just confessed to him. Albeit drunk. But still a confession. One of his hands slowly crept onto yours, lacing your fingers together. He was in bliss, basking in your warmth and ignoring the other rowdy patrons of the bar. You just confessed to him. You like him back.
You like him back.
When he finally got back to his senses and opened his mouth to say that he liked—no, loved—you too, his ears picked up on a small snore from you. Did you seriously fall asleep? You had done it before during previous get togethers, but now? A small smile crept onto his face. Whatever. It didn’t matter. He’d tell you tomorrow.
He’d confess back, take you on a date and prove his worth to you.
Because maybe Chuuya Nakahara could learn how to love like you.
Just maybe.
taglist: @twst-om-lover, @sinfulthoughtsposts
183 notes · View notes
loveephia · 1 year
:¨ ·.· ¨: osamu miya's valentine special.
`· . ꔫ sypnosis: in which you ask osamu how to bake a cake for your crush. osamu, heartbroken, willingly teaches you without him knowing that he was your crush all along.
content: (🦷) tooth-rotting fluff, minor hurt with comfort, osamu thinking his love was unrequited, reader is a cheeky one, inaccurate recipe.
⚠ warning/s: none.
my HQ masterlist. (valentine's edition)
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"i need help." was the first thing you said to osamu today. "wow, not even a "good mornin'"?" he jokes. you only continued to look at him with a serious expression, which meant that you weren't in a joking mood. osamu gulped. you could be really intimidating sometimes..
"..what do you need my help fer?"
"i need you to teach me how to bake a cake for valentine's day." you admitted. now, atsumu, the elder twin who happened to be sitting right next to osamu, was intrigued. "a cake?" atsumu chuckles, "you gonna give that to yer li'l crush, or what?"
the way your eyes widened with the innocent pair of your red cheeks broke osamu's heart. atsumu's eyes, too, were widened at the unexpected reaction from you. he looked over at the younger twin with sympathy, knowing how he's been madly in love with you ever since middle school. yeah, they fight like tyranical pigs, but at the end of the day, they're still family.
osamu coughed, trying to clear the sudden dryness in his throat. "oh— yeah. okay. sure, i'll teach ya." he assures you, and the way your face lit up was just adorable. but the aching fact that you were this ecstatic to bake a cake for someone that wasn't him was just painful.
"is after school alright?" you asked, and osamu nodded. once you left to go to your own classroom, osamu looked over at atsumu with a wounded expression.
"told ya she didn't like me." he mumbles, "i'd like the three pudding packs we bet on, please."
"..got it."
time skip.
you walked home with the miya twins. since osamu would be teaching you how to bake, atsumu wanted to tag along "just for the fun of it." he claims.
but atsumu had a plan.
it's called:
he thinks it's a brilliant name. spot on.
you unlocked the door to your house and showed the twins where the shoe rack was. once they took their shoes off, you dropped two pairs of house slippers, letting them switch shoes and rest on the couch. "wait here, i'll just go and change." you excused yourself from the twins to put on some more comfortable clothes.
the house was tidy. there was a wall of framed pictures that caught osamu's eye. most of them were of you when you were younger. there was one of you with a pet, one of you smiling with a missing tooth, another with you eating ice cream, and plenty more. it made osamu unknowingly smile.
atsumu cringed.
sure, he's trying to make you fall for osamu, but that doesn't mean he's magically immune from the lovesick glances of his brother.
"okay, i'm back!" you returned in a nice set of pajamas and your hair tied into low pigtails. "so cute!" both the twins thought as they clenched their chests.
"i want to bake a heart-shaped red velvet cake so that it fits in with the theme of valentine's. do you think he'd like something like that?" you asked osamu with a cheeky little smile, hinting toward your crush.
"it'll be from you. of course he'd like it." osamu thought out loud, and your jaw drops momentarily. "o- oh! you think so?" you said, bashfully rubbing the back of your head. "yes. i'm sure of it." he replied.
silence. it was so overbearing that atsumu had to hold in his own cough.
"d- do you have any cream cheese? it'd be good for the frostin'." he asked, trying to clear the tension in the air. you looked inside your fridge and found two blocks of cream cheese. "mhm!"
"okay. let's wash our hands, then i'll tell you what to do." he said. you went to the kitchen, and osamu looks over at atsumu, who was watching the two interact before him with a smirk. "don't do anythin' stupid." osamu said before following you into the kitchen. "ha?! like i'd do anythin' stupid, stupid!" atsumu exclaimed in offense.
time skip.
you held a white, clean, apron in front of you with a gleeful little smile. "y'know it's not really necessary to wear one, right? especially since we're just doin' this at home." osamu says.
you nod it off, "yes, i know, but i've always wanted to wear one of these!" you tie the laces comfortably around your nape and you then reach for the ones near your waist next.
osamu reaches over and ties it for you. "is this okay?" he asks. you nod, your heart beating erratically against your chest at the kind gesture.
"you two gotta knock it off with the lovey-doveyness, it's givin' me a headache." atsumu says, and osamu snaps his head at the older twin with an exasperated expression "nevermind, i think my head is fine." atsumu quickly replies.
time skip.
you laid all of the ingredients, needed utensils, measuring cups, bowls, and appliances out on your kitchen table gracefully. now, you were just staring at osamu for his instructions. unbeknownst to you, osamu found your expression right now very cute.
"so.. what now?" you asked.
"right— okay."
"focus, 'samu. i get that y/n is cute & all, but y'gotta teach her sooner or later." atsumu said from the dining table. he just wanted to watch, and.. perhaps commentate.
what atsumu said brought both your faces aflame. "shut yer trap, 'tsumu. if you're just here to watch us, go home." osamu scolded. "no way! m'definitely helpin'." atsumu raised his own hands as if he's been caught, "just not in the way you think." atsumu says under his breath.
time skip.
you're trying, keyword: trying, to whisk the egg whites together, but it's not getting to the meringue texture you're aiming for. osamu sees you struggling and decides to help you. he stands closely behind you and puts his large palm over your own hand that's holding the whisk. "like this." he mutters lowly as he demonstrates, using your hand to whisk the egg whites. soon enough, you notice that the texture is finally changing!
"woah! osamu, you're a genius!" you cheered, your eyes sparkling at the clear difference.
osamu smiles softly. this feels oddly domestic..
"if you both keep standin' close like that, i'm gonna start thinkin' you're husband and wife." atsumu interrupts your sweet moment with a fact, and osamu is quick to distance himself from you. "will you be quiet for just once in yer damned life..?" osamu murmured, ignoring the sudden rise in the temperature.
atsumu shrugs, "m'just sayin'!"
time skip.
the cake is finally finished. osamu let you deal with the designs as you wanted it to be special and from the heart. it ended up being prim and perfect, a cake that screamed you. just like how you wanted.
"thank you for helping me, 'samu. and thank you 'tsumu for.. coming over?" you expressed your gratitude in a mildly uncertain way. "it was nothin'." atsumu grinned as if he had just accomplished something great.
he didn't even know if his plan worked, but he did enjoy watching you and osamu interact today.
"see ya tomorrow, y/n!" atsumu bids his goodbyes, and he's out of sight. now, you're left with osamu. "i— uhm.. see you tomorrow, 'samu!" you squeaked, and before osamu could reply, you closed the door on him.
osamu sighs. his twin was probably being too pushy with the teasing today, and he must've made things weird between you two.
which is what he thinks.
thanks to atsumu, you're rolling around on the floor like a child, giggling over the number of comments he made earlier about you and osamu looking all cute together.
while you couldn't wait for valentine's, osamu was practically dreading it.
time skip.
you can tell that osamu has been avoiding you. the way he dodged your attempts of hugging him or the way he didn't answer when you called out his name.
you didn't know exactly why he was doing this, but you had a small idea.
it was the end of the day, and you saw osamu walking home alone. you asked atsumu to stay behind for a bit so as not to ruin the moment.
"boo!" you attempted to spook osamu, and since he looked like he was deep in thought, you succeeded. he flinched and looked behind him to see the one and only culprit. you.
"oh, y/n." he recognizes your cute face, "did you give the cake to yer crush yet? how'd it go?" he asked one question after another, even though he really didn't want to know the answer.
"nope. he kept avoiding me for some reason." you said. osamu only hummed in sympathy.
"but.. now that i have him here, alone, i was thinking that he'd stop avoiding me now?" you brought the boxed cake to osamu's view, and his eyes widened.
"osamu miya, i like you." you finally confess, "actually, i've.. loved you since middle school."
osamu mentally facepalms. his feelings were requited since middle school?! he wasted so many years holding himself back from intertwining fingers, kissing you, and most importantly, showering you in all the affection you deserve. what an idiot!
but this time, he doesn't waste any more of his given seconds.
he cups your cheek and kisses you.
the moment atsumu hears about this, he's going to be boasting about the fact that he brought you two together in your wedding ceremony. even though he most absolutely did not.
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© lowercase intended | loveephia
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rk-tmblr · 15 days
I was waiting for a text. When it didn't arrive, I hoped for a late night call... but I was just lying to myself, wasn't I? Because while I was thinking about you all day, your mind couldn't spare a single thought for me.
-Suna Rintaro/Miya Osamu
From my (soon to be) SunaOsa Fanfiction.
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koushuwu · 20 days
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𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 (𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬): afab!reader, perceived unrequited love, voyeurism, f!masturbation, m!masturbation, sex toys, sexual fantasies about one another, a little bit self indulgent but who cares.
『•• suna rintarou | words: 1,6k | hq masterlist ••』
excerpt: he wasn’t going to look. he really, really wasn’t. until he caught a glimpse.
beta read by: @owoasis
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it’d been a long day. a long fucking day. you’d woken up with a headache. your coworkers had been annoying and loud since the moment you sat down at your desk. your boss had been a real dick and kept piling work on your shoulders, as if you didn’t already have enough on your schedule. not to forget that you’d run out of coffee and of course you just had to forget your purse as well. it was safe to say you felt frustrated. incredibly so. and that kind of frustration needed release, otherwise you might end up taking it out on your flatmate when he woke up.
you’d been quiet when you came home, feet stepping carefully down the hall as you made your way to your room. suna had only been half asleep when the door unlocked, so it wasn’t like you woke him up when you came back. it was just that when you walked past, he stirred, suddenly aware of the insistent pressure of his bladder, urging him to rise. and suna knew that you’d had a long day when he didn’t run into you outside his room. you’d probably gone to take a nap after you’d had a really long day.
it must have been a frustrating day, he realized, when a sound stopped him dead in his tracks on his way back to his room. a sound that made his mouth feel like the sahara desert. that made his skin tingle and his ears buzz. but it wasn’t his ears that buzzed. he knew that. it was something else entirely. nailed to the spot, outside your door he looked towards the sound. blood rushed from his face when he found that the door had creaked open. shit. you couldn’t be that careless, could you? you couldn’t. right?
but apparently you were. you’d pushed the door shut behind you when you entered, but hadn’t bothered to lock it. hadn’t even bothered to check if it closed properly. you were just that fucking drained. and as you pressed the vibrator of your trusty rabbit against your clit, you didn’t spare it another glance. with your hand pressed against your mouth you angled the toy, tip prodding at your entrance and caught the broken sigh as it slipped from your lips and into your palm.
it took all of suna’s will power, and then some, to keep his breathing even. he shouldn’t have heard that. in fact, he should be leaving. right now. but he didn’t. he felt utterly enthralled. captivated. the buzz like a sirens song, pulling him in. he should leave. he should– instead, he inched closer. just– he wasn’t going to look. he wasn’t. it’s just– he hadn’t even noticed when his hand had moved, before another muffled sigh from your room had his cock jump in his palm.
the frustration bled away as you pushed the toy inside. the sigh that escaped this time louder than the last. but it was too late to worry much about. suna was sleeping anyway. he wouldn’t hear if you just kept it moderate. you’d be fine. it’d be fine.
he wasn’t going to look. he really, really wasn’t. until he caught a glimpse. it hadn’t been on purpose, he tried to tell himself. but as soon as it happened there was no going back. even with your duvet covering your body, suna clearly saw your legs bent and spread, the cover rustling and moving with every flick of your wrist. with every time you pulled the toy from your snug walls. with every time you pushed it back inside. with every twist, angling the vibrator to stimulate your clit. he didn’t have to think hard to imagine it, knowing exactly what the toy looked like. he’d been there when you bought it after all. and then there was your face. suna had never thought he’d see you make such a face. but the moment he did, he knew he was fucked, fingers already undoing his pants and reaching inside. it wasn’t like you’d ever know anyway.
your back arched off the bed when you angled the toy just right, legs tensed. your teeth dug into your lower lip as your hand fell to the sheet, twisting up in the white fabric. just a little more. that’s what you needed. just a little more.
awestruck, suna watched as your hips bucked under the covers. he really hadn’t meant to. he would never– but he did. he never thought he would. but seeing you like this. watching you bite back a whimper? he knew he shouldn’t be fisting his cock in the hallway. he shouldn’t be stroking it desperately in front of your door. he shouldn’t. and maybe he was going to regret it later. maybe. but right then and there? he squeezed a little harder as he watched you through the crack of your door. how was he supposed to stop when you were looking like that? would you look the same if it was him, pressing inside? if it was his cock filling you up, stretching you out?
just a little more. just– the sound of the buzzing toy and the wet squelches sent your mind spinning, body tingling. the toy that you’d bought that one time, when you and suna hung out at the mall. he’d picked it out, and said he’d heard good things about them. and for reasons undisclosed, even to yourself at the time, you’d bought it. muscles tensed when you thought of him. you didn’t let yourself do it too often. think of him, that is. but it hadn’t been intentional, and when he’d crossed your mind you found yourself not wanting to push the thought way. so for once, you indulged. how would it feel if it was suna? if it was his cock, plunged deep inside of you? you tightened around the toy. what if it was his fingers against your clit? his tongue even?
would you let him try if he asked? would you let him taste you? would you still hold back your voice like this? he hoped you wouldn’t. with every little sound that carried across the room, his head was swimming and he almost didn’t catch the groan that built in his chest. shit. this wasn’t good. so why did it feel so good?
thinking of him wasn’t right, and you did know that. you shouldn’t be thinking about your friend, when you pleased yourself. but it felt good. what would his lips feel like on yours? what would he taste like? you imagined he’d be a really good kisser. you didn’t know what it was, but there was just an air about him. always had been. would he caress your skin with his fingers as they traveled south to play with your clit? your grasp tightened around the toy. sweat turning your grip slippery. would he plunge them deep inside of you,
even as you pleaded for more? suna could almost hear your breathless voice in his head, telling him to hurry up. you’d never been very patient, and suna always found that endearing about you. he would let you have your way though. eventually. he didn’t wish to hurt you, but self restraint was not going to be an easy practice for him, if it was you. he already knew that he’d be aching to push inside your cunt. honestly, he was aching for it now too.
suna had always been wrapped around your finger, really. he always gave in, in the end. he’d sink inside with a wrecked groan. you could almost hear it.
he could almost hear the whimpers you’d let out when he did.
you wanted him. you didn’t often admit it. but you wanted him. you wanted him so bad, and you wanted him to use you to his heart's content. you wanted him to push you to the edge and beyond it. you wanted him to want you.
he wanted you to want him. he wanted you to want him to bully his cock inside of you until you could only cling to him and take it. he wanted to make you cum, in every possible way he could. with his hands. his tongue. his cock. everything. he wanted to feel your warmth around him. to smell your arousal in the air in sweet symphony with his own. and he wanted you to give him everything that he would give to you.
you wanted him to cum inside of you and keep fucking his seed back into your cunt, until you tipped over the edge with him too.
he wanted to see your face contorted in pleasure as the orgasm ripped through you.
pleasure crashed over you, your own half stifled cry perfectly covering the guttural sound from the other side of the door as suna followed in your wake.
the sound took even himself by surprise as he spilled into his own hand, alarm bells washing the haze of his orgasm away as he rushed back to his room. he couldn’t believe he just did that. but he did. and maybe he should have been ashamed. but when he heard you scramble from your room towards the bathroom, he couldn’t bring himself to feel as bad as he should’ve. and maybe. just maybe. maybe he found himself hoping this wouldn’t be the last time that it’d happen. and since that day, he’d stop by your door every now and then, listening for those sounds. looking for that same creaked door. he knew he shouldn’t, but bad habits die hard.
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xovalentinewritesxo · 7 months
Say you love me (I need it). [Miguel O'hara]
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✿ - Having a crush in the spider society was seen as a distraction. The universe was supposed to be put first, so that's what you did.  Knowing that you were playing with your life and knew that this could kill you.
✿ - Miguel O'hara x Reader
✿ - Angst, With tiny fluff.
✿ - Hanahaki Disease.
✿ - Mentions of blood and vomit, bodily pain, near death experience, yelling/arguing, google translated spanish (I apologize in advance-)
A/N: Hiii~! This is my first fanfic! Miguel might be a little OOC, I wanted to make him a little more soft! My next fic however- I can’t promise you that lol!
If you want to support me: Here's My Kofi! <3
I appreciate everything and everyone who comes across my works! Enjoy!
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You knew this disease had the ability and potential to kill you. You knew that very well.
You knew that eventually, it would constrict your breathing, flowers would crawl up your throat and leave you breathless before you eventually passed.
Were you going to say anything about it? Of course not. You couldn’t allow something like this disrupt your job as a spider person.
That was until you were out with Gwen and Jessica, and ended up puking up roses.
You had a mission in Earth-229, a rogue anomaly managed to make it into this universe and Alexander, the Spiderwoman of this dimension [My Spidersona ^^], was sick and couldn’t capture it.
So taking up the job, you were joined by Gwen and Jessica, and the mission was going well. The three of you managed to capture the anomaly and were preparing to bring it back to HQ when you got a surge of pain shoot through your chest.
‘No..no..no! Not now please! Anything but now!’
You were standing with Jessica as she logged the report, when you quickly left their side to curl over the side of the building you were standing on, scaring Gwen and concerning Jess.
“Y/n? Are you okay?!”
“Oh god..is it flaring up again? You haven't been around him today, though.”
That statement from Jess caused Gwen to look at her funny. “What? What is wrong with Y/n?” She asked as she rubbed your back, wincing as she listening to the sound of you throwing up, the pained yet muffled cries leaving your body.
Jessica walks over and helps Gwen raise you back up to your feet, a few rose petals stuck to your uniform, and Jessica looked over the building and sighed. Seeing full roses, some with thorns attached.
“Y/n. You need to either tell him. Or you need to get the surgery!”
“It’s not that simple Jessica! I am going to tell him!”
“When!? I am not going to sit back and watch you waste away simply because you can’t tell Miguel your feelings!”
Gwen, once again slowly raised her hand between the two arguing. “Um...Can I ask...what’s wrong, Y/n?”
You sigh and sit down on the edge of the building, placing a hand to your chest to try and ease the growing pressure that was raging in her body.
“It’s called Hanahaki Disease..”
Gwen raised an eyebrow. “I thought that was a fictional Disease? One used in stories and books..”
You give her a sad chuckle before looking over at her. “It is…in certain universes. Sadly mine it is very much a real disease.” You state as you slowly stand up. 
“Its a disease of unrequited love. One may start to cough of petals if the person they love does not love them back. It starts with Petals, then full flowers, then flowers with stems….” You take a deep breath as you could feel stems start to constrict around certain veins, your lungs being wrapped in a horrifically beautiful pattern.
Jessica can see you struggling to talk and sighs. “She’s in the late stages, stems start to appear in the victim's lungs eventually, if not surgically removed, they’ll constrict their lungs and eventually kill them.”
Gwen gasps as you lean against her, she could hear the wheezing as you struggle to breath, the quick rise and fall of your chest was concerning. You give her a pained smile as Jessica leads you through the portal and back to HQ.
“Y/n…why don’t you get them removed?...if you’re in so much pain..”
“Because. If I remove them. My feelings go too..” You quickly say as Gwen helps you sit on a bench in the cafeteria while Jessica goes to deliver the report to Miguel a job that was usually yours. But with your condition, you slowly stopped going, as even being around him for a short amount of time would cause the vines in your chest to tighten around your heart.
You then freeze for a bit a severe coughing fit coming over her as she hurled over, but instead of vomit, like Gwen had expected, it was several blood roses that hit the floor with a disgusting plop. You dry heave for a bit as a hand flew to your chest.
You could feel your head pounding, the world around you spinning, and you could feel the air being constricted from your lungs. You suddenly grip Gwen’s hand which causes the girl to jump and your eyes widened.
“G-gwen..I-i think i’m going to..” 
You didn’t get to finish the sentence before you felt your body go limp and you fell forward, barely being held up by Gwen who started to freak out.
Your vision was blurred and fading to black and the last thing you heard was Gwen yelling to whoever was passing by to help you to the medical bay.
"Oh My God! Y/n!"
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"You did amazing today."
You don’t remember when your feelings for Miguel started. But you want to say it was about a year after joining the Spider Society.
It was just a normal day for you, you were chatting with Lyla as you waited for Miguel to assign you a new mission.
“Hey. Y/n.”
You raise your head to see Miguel lowering his platform so he could come over to you. You could feel  your heart rate increase as he stood across from you. 
“I just wanted to say Thank you, you’ve been a great asset to us since you’ve joined.”
That simple praise is what sent the ball rolling down the hill. Every word he said to you after that made your heart sore, you could see that when you come around that his mood brightens a bit. He would request for you to join him whenever he had a mission. 
"Please take care of yourself, that was a rough mission today,"
"Did you eat today? Please care for yourself, we don't need you passing out."
His small praises would make your heart happy. It made you feel worthy and it only solidified your growing feeling for him.
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Sometimes the two of you would spend time together after missions and you knew you were falling head over heels for him.
That was until you overheard him speaking to Jessica one day.
“Why don’t you tell them Miguel?”
“Feelings will only complicate things. I can’t afford to put the universe at risk.”
Those words broke your heart. 
Put the universe at risk? Did he not trust you enough to allow you to love him? Was he afraid that something was going to happen and instead decided to push you away?
Whatever it was, it was the beginning of the end.
Your disease spreads rapidly. After one day of seeing the petals every time you went to cough. To have to leave meetings to have coughing fits and full flowers leaving your body. It was awful. The pain was relentless. You continued your duties as a spider woman, trying not to let your sickness affect you.
You even had a fainting spell in Miguel’s office, and had to beg him to let you continue working, and convince him that everything was fine when everything was in fact, not fine.
You struggled with trying to hide it from Miguel, but you managed, but you couldn't get it past Jessica. Jessica caught on and was concerned beyond belief. She would frequently check in on you, and try to convince you to say something to Miguel.
But you couldn't bring yourself to do it. You didn't want to add more stress to Miguel's daily battles already. So you kept it to yourself, and it was not well for you
“Y/n?...Y/n?..por favor dios cuide de ella*...”
You groaned as you felt IV’s hooked up into your arms, you felt a heavy weighted black over your body.
The sounds of a steady heart monitor and when you glanced over you saw an x-ray picture of your chest. Your condition was bad. You didn't release how bad you had let it get.
It showed vines wrapped around her lungs and flowers were in the smaller crevices, which prevented your body from working to it's full compacity.
You whined as your turned your head to look over to see a very stressed and looked like tear stained cheek Miguel sitting at your bedside with his eyes closed.
You reached out to touch the hand of Miguel who jumped slightly at your touch before he rose from his seat and pulled you into a hug. You froze for a bit before hugging him back, your eyes widening when you feel his body start to shake as if he was…crying.
“Miguel..Are you-”
“Shh..let me hold you..let me hold you y/n.”
You tightened your grip around him as he held onto you tight, he was holding you like you were going to vanish in an instance.
The two of you sat in silence for a good 10 minutes before he finally spoke up.
“Why?..” Is what he asked first, and you knew what he was asking.
“Why didn’t you tell me?!” HIs voice suddenly raised up and he moves to grip your shoulders. “How could you just suffer like that in silence?! ¡Respóndeme!” Miguel barked and you could feel tears welling up in your eyes.
“I..i..I’m so sorry Miguel. I..i didn’t want to be a burden to you-”
You winced as he cut you off, you hated when he yelled but this time, it wasn’t from a place of anger..it was one of fear, concern and hurt. Miguel brought his hands up to caress both of your cheeks, he lets out a soft sigh before bringing your lips towards his. You gasped as he pulled you into a soft precious kiss, you felt like you were on cloud nine.
Miguel held your lips before pulling away slightly, and pulling you back into a hug.
“Please…do not do that ever again. I love you too much to lose you, especially like this..”
He places a kiss on your forehead as he held you, rubbing your arms, having to have a hand touching you.
You felt your heart swell and hurt, you could feel tears well up in your eyes again as you buried your head into his chest. It was a silent confirmation that the two of you made to each other.
"The doctor says you're cleared up...I'm so glad...When i saw it I thought..I thought.." He got choked up again before he sighs a bit.
"I thought you were going to die...and leave me alone again."
From that moment forward, You promised to tell him everything and he promised to be there for you.
Miguel made sure to take care of you, if you even felt a little off he made you tell him, he was scared of your disease coming back [Even when you told him it wasn’t like that]. He made sure to tell you everyday when you came into HQ that he loved you, hugging you and kissing your cheek or forehead before you left on a mission.
Miguel didn’t want to lose you. So made sure to say it every time he saw you.
“Hey, Mi Amor,..” Miguel stopped you before you headed on a mission, he pulls you into a hug before placing a kiss on your lips.
“I love you.”
You blush and let a small giggle slip past your lips before kissing him back. 
“I love you too..”
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© xovalentinewritesxo 2023 <3
Please feel free to put a request in!
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ms0milk · 11 days
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I will be participating in the absolutely amazing @ficsforgaza initiative!
kindly review these links for detailed answers to any questions you have about the initiative (or send me an ask) overview | how-to | FAQ
make a donation, (including eSims) send me a redacted screenshot for proof via dm or ask, and make your request :) you may put your donation towards one or more of the below wips, or spend it on a specific request. you will receive credit in published pieces!
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brand new secret wips and all kinds of request details below :) thank you for directly supporting such an important cause
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Sparks x Fly | bkg x winged!reader
recent graduate and new rookie agency owner, Dynamight, is anxious to get into the field and bloody new gear, but a moving-day collision with some shitty winged civilian turns into his own feathery nightmare when she shows up at an established agency– as their new chart-topping rookie no less. fist fights, shoujo manga, bathroom surgery, hawks as your terrible boss, hyperhidrosis, wings are kind of a hassle, fire escapes, hearing aids, drunken rescues, feather care, a hero ball, and secrets kept under oath of death. (rivals > lovers)
cw: varies by chapter, in general: violence/injuries, inevitable smut, kats has mellowed out some but isn't a peach, reader has dapple brown wings but is otherwise not described in detail. i love personality hire x grouch w too much in common
0/30,000 words sponsored
a simple show of treason | sanemi x reader
sanemi's tsuguko no more, your hashira promotion is just over the horizon! one more untimely death and you'll have the job security you've longed for. nightmares, injuries and lost time, a lost life safe at home, unrequited love– soon it'll all be worth it. your mentor doesn't share your optimism however, and you find him near at all hours of the day. no more or less moody than usual but overbearing and always on the precipice of saying something.
cw: nsfw, mdni. part three of my sanemi/tsuguko series, ie the smut™. long-waited confessions, starving love. reader w vagina, teasing, banter, penetration, oral (reader receiving), clingy nems.
0/6,000 words sponsored
we're so bad at our jobs | mechanic!choso x writer!reader
writing is a famously lucrative career field, it's why you're only $30 short for the oil change that cost $35. the quiet mechanic shrugs at your short change and tells you not to worry– not that you hear him. not when he shakes his hair out of its messy bun and wipes at the grease on his cheek with the back of a big fist. you find yourself at the car shop a lot suddenly, never stopping once to think why a mechanic would be so blood-spattered.
cw: nsfw, mdni. down bad reader, deer in headlights choso. car sex, reader w vagina, penetration, fingering, oral (giving/receiving), moisture on all conceivable surfaces. i just think choso is weak for strong-willed women.
2,100/5,000 words sponsored !
Hymn to Black Water: Annexes | prince!bkg x royal gaurd!reader
what happens after Takoba? What do Aldera and the world have in store for our royal captain and her prince? dragon nests, oaths, a promotion of sorts, and the need to always be near.
cw: varies by chapter, in general: violence/injuries, periodic smut, two idiots in love & situations. a continuation of Hymn to Black Water (+80k) which is coming to a close soon (hardly acquainted > begrudging teammates > enemies > bewildered friends > lovers > soulmates)
0/~25,000 words sponsored
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in general, $1=100 words
character alphabets $13 sfw / $15 nsfw (these are roughly 20~25k)
the rest is up to you! get creative my loves >:)
please provide your preferred character(s) and any other guiding info you would like in your dm/ask, along with proof of donation. if I have further questions before writing I will follow up privately :)
chain boarders by the inimitable @cafekitsune !!
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kosmic-kayla · 2 months
♫☆𝐍𝗼 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝☆♫
hq band au self insert with y/n alternatives
a band full of teens with talent and dreams what could go wrong right? Makayla is a girl in her last year of high school and she has no idea what she wants to do so like a completely sane person she starts a band with her friends. Nobody special was great but drama is never far with something like this. Love, unrequited, friendship and betrayal.
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steddiebang · 7 months
I Will Die In The House That I Grew Up In | Rating: E | 146,817
Author: kwills91 on twitter and ao3 Artist: sheepsicles on twitter /communismkins on tumblr and ao3 Beta Reader: 3blackhearts on twitter and ao3
Steve Six months after their battle in the Upside Down, Steve still can’t face talking to Eddie. He’s loud, and weird, and everything Steve wants but knows he can’t have. Right now he has to focus on making sure everybody is okay. Right now he has to plan for when Vecna comes back. But a stranger shows up declaring to be from the future and changes everything. Eddie Steve’s avoiding him and he doesn’t know why. But it’s okay because he’s found the kind of friendship he never thought he’d have with the last person he’d expect. Nancy Wheeler. But when a teenage girl shows up on their doorstep, Nancy insists they move in with Steve to help him keep her safe whilst they uncover the reason she was sent back, and why Vecna has somehow shown up again twenty-five years in the future. And how is he supposed to react when she declares that her parents are none other than Eddie himself and the guy he’s been crushing on since he did that goofy little wave six months ago? And on top of all of this, Vecna returns to throw a whole spanner in the works.
Read on ao3 | art 1 & art 2
Pairings: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Nancy Wheeler/Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington & Robin Buckley, Eddie Munson & Nancy Wheeler, Will Byers/Mike Wheeler Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, Wayne Munson, Jim "Chief" Hopper, Joyce Byers, Will Byers, Jonathan Byers, Mike Wheeler, Dustin Henderson, Claudia Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Murray Bauman, Dmitri Antonov, Sam Owens (Stranger Things), Original Female Character(s), Kali Prasad, Henry Creel | One | Vecna Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Time Travel, Post-Season/Series 04, Eddie Munson Lives, Maxine "Max" Mayfield Lives, Forced Proximity, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Eventual Smut, Platonic Soulmates Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington, Platonic Soulmates Eddie Munson & Nancy Wheeler, together all four of them are soulmates, Mutual Pining, Found Family, POV Multiple, Steve Harrington's House is Apolcalypse HQ, Henry Creel | One | Vecna is His Own Warning, Happy Ending, Steve Harrington Has Self-Esteem Issues, that might be an understatement, Eddie Munson Has Self-Esteem Issues, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Sharing a Bed, First Kiss, Feelings Realization, Steve Harrington Needs a Hug, and Eddie Munson gives them to him, First Time, Virgin Eddie Munson, vecna battle, Graphic Description, Serious Injuries, The Upside Down (Stranger Things), Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Top/Bottom Versatile Eddie Munson, Top/Bottom Versatile Steve Harrington Trigger Warnings: Graphic Depictions of violence, mild drug use, parental death, almost character death (but nobody actually dies)
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