#here’s some shit I found in like 5 minutes on Pinterest
honeyedlashton · 2 years
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desert-fern · 1 year
A Gun Amongst Daggers - Jake “Hangman” Seresin X Fem!Navy Seal Reader
Part 1 - The Seal in the Bar
Summary: When Jake meets a woman at the Hard Deck, the last thing he expects is for her to be a Navy Seal. And not just any Seal, the Commander of Seal Team 3. She’s beautiful, smart, dangerous, and everything about her just makes him want to get close. Her name? Bear. When the Seals need backup, Cyclone puts the Daggers on their radar and now, Jake has to work with Bear and her team, all the while trying to stay professional. Can he do it? Or will he end up falling for the Navy sniper and mission Commander?
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*the GIF belongs to @unicornships , but I found it on Pinterest for some reason*
A/N: So here we are! I am absolutely blown away by the response that my teaser generated, holy shit! And because you all seem to love Bear as much as I do, and because you crazy people have brought me to over 100 followers in 2 days, I figured that I would release Part 1 sooner than I planned!
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of death (kill count and maybe a few other things), Jake being a flirt (which is it’s own warning)
Word Count: 2.5k
Read on Wattpad or AO3
Teaser >> Part 2
It was a miserable day when Jake walked into the Hard Deck. Training had been canceled due to shit weather and no matter how much of a workout he had had earlier, he was still as nervous as a scared cat in a room full of rocking chairs. The weather wasn’t helping either. It had been raining nearly all day, letting up for maybe 20 minutes at a time before it came pouring down again. Climate change was a serious concept, but right now it was fucking with his plans and his job and Jake very much wanted it to stop. Taking a quick glance around, he saw that there were a few patrons in the bar, mostly older men just sitting and drinking in near silence, the jukebox playing some classic rock song just loud enough to be heard. He had promised to meet Coyote here around 5 and seeing as he was early, Jake went ahead to order a drink. “Hey Penny.”
“Hangman,” Penny replied with a smile. “Your usual?”
“Nah, not drinking tonight. Too antsy. Just a water and Javy’s usual, thanks.” The blond glanced around the room as Penny went to grab his drinks and his eyes fell on a woman sitting quietly in the corner of the room, silently watching each and every person in the bar with an almost clinical gaze. His curiosity got the better of him and Jake grabbed his order before making his way over to the corner table. “That seat taken?” He asked with his usual sly grin on his face.
The woman glanced up at him, eyes flicking over him quickly before quirking a brow. “And what if it was?” she replied coolly, a narrow gaze pinning him to the spot. She took a sip of the drink in front of her, eyes never leaving his face.
“Well I’d like to think that I’d be better company than your imaginary friend here,” Jake said, trying to regain his footing. The woman was intimidating; sharp eyes that seemed to never miss a thing and a face that he recognized as one he made when the weariness hit on occasion.
“Is that painful for you, Flyboy? The thinking?”
Jake was taken aback by her snark. Normally he’d respond, fire an insult of two back, but he kept his mouth shut for once, watching for even just a flicker of emotion on the woman’s face. But there wasn’t any. She just looked bored. So Jake did something that he would almost never do, he walked away, set his drinks down on a table near the door and waved Javy down when his friend walked in.
A few drinks later and the bar had begun to fill with people. Other Daggers had popped up, joining Jake and Coyote and Jake was relieved to fall back into his cocky pilot facade he used in public. It was only when he went back up to the bar some hours later to grab another round for the group that he saw her again. “Grab another round, Penny?”
“Give me just a minute, Hangman.” Penny gave him a nod and a smile before adding ice to a cup for someone else and handing it off.
“Hangman huh?” A voice near him spoke up. A quick turn and there stood the woman from earlier. This time however, she was standing up, and he admired the tone and definition of her arm under the tight black shirt she wore. “Must be military then.”
“What gave it away?” He asked, glancing over at his friends before looking back at her.
A sharp grin. “Maybe the fact that you hang out with guys named ‘Coyote’ and ‘Payback’. That, and you just have the look about you,” she finished, taking a swig of her drink.
“You got it right, sweetheart,” Jake flirted, leaning his forearms on the bar and turning to look at her. “One of the best in the room.”
Bear knew that there was a gleam in her eye. God, she loved shooting cocky men down and watching them run back to their friends, tails tucked between their legs. But something about this Hangman made her curious and she didn’t yet know if it was a good thing or a bad thing. “Is that so? So what makes a fly-boy like you better than most people in the room?” she asked, giving him a teasing look.
A grin crossed Jake’s face and he was so sure that he was in. “Attended Top Gun twice, two confirmed air-to-air kills, plus my good looks and endless amounts of good ole-fashioned Southern charm, sweetheart.”
“Wow. Two whole kills all by yourself? That’s pretty impressive,” Bear nodded, schooling her face so as to not burst out laughing. “Little ole me only has about 60 confirmed kills, but I’m sure it’s much more difficult in a plane.”
Jake, who had been grabbing the beer bottles from Penny, froze. “I’m sorry, 60?”
“Yup, all by myself too.” The mocking slipped free and the smirk on her face was wide and dangerous.
“Who are you?” He asked, concern flooding over his face. Jake knew that the look on his face was one of pure shock, and holy shit was he both terrified and turned on at the thought of this woman being far more dangerous than he was.
Bear grinned, finishing her drink and pulling her wallet out to pay. “Take a guess,” she replied.
“Well I was going to say one hell of a pilot, but I would have heard of you if you were a Navy pilot.”
“Maybe I’m Air Force,” she teased as she watched the conflicting emotions cross Hangman’s face.
“Nuh uh. No way.” Jake shook his head immediately in disgust. “There’s no way you’re Chair Force, not a chance.”
“Like you Navy boys don’t also sit in chairs,” came the retort. “But you are right, I’m not, as you put it, Chair Force.”
“So who are you?” He asked, ignoring the barb thrown his way and pausing to look at her. “You aren’t a pilot, that’s for damn sure, so who and what are you?”
“Bagman! What the hell is taking so long?” A shout came from over by the pool tables.
Rolling his eyes, Jake turned and yelled back “Jus’ wait a damn minute!” Looking back at the woman beside him, Jake nodded for her to tell him.
“Seals,” she replied. “Navy Seal Team Three.”
His green eyes widened in surprise. “I didn’t know that there were women in the Seals.”
“Not many. Less than 3% to be exact.” There was pride in her voice and Bear knew that. She had worked incredibly hard to be taken seriously during training and even now as the Commander of Seal Team Three, working in the Middle East and Southwest Asia. Her skills were necessary for the survival of her team and herself. Plus putting damn near three years into the US Navy Sniper School made it very clear just how dangerous she was and could be.
“Okay…umm…wow. I jus’…wow.” Jake was in awe, right here in front of him was a woman who was both badass and hot as hell, and the best part? She didn’t back down and made him work for every step. “That’s seriously badass. Why haven’t I heard about you or any of the others?”
“Cause we’re usually kept secret. If enemy states know that there are women on the teams, then we have targets on our backs. But I can tell you, because no one will believe you,” Bear smirked before continuing, “And yeah, I know it’s pretty badass. I worked hard for it. Just like you did for your two kills.” And with a wink, she walked off, disappearing into the crowd near the bar, leaving Jake speechless.
He made his way back to the pool tables, beers in hand and a shocked look on his face. Once he set the bottles down, Jake looked up and began to glance around for any sign of the Seal he had been speaking to. “Who you lookin’ for?” Coyote asked, stepping up next to him.
“A Navy Seal.”
Coyote did a double take. Swallowing his drink, he asked “Did you just say a Navy Seal? Where the hell did you find one of those?”
“Up at the bar not even five minutes ago.”
“The fuck you doin’ chattin’ up a Navy Seal?” Coyote was looking at him like he was crazy. “Don’t they like have three dozen ways to murder you with a rusty spoon?”
“Probably. But she was hot. And seemed to be interested, so who knows if I’ll be a rusty spoon victim,” Jake replied. Not so deep down he was hoping that he’d get the chance to see her again, but stumbled over the sudden realization that he didn’t know her name. Well, that would be a problem for the next time. Turning back to the group, Jake found them watching him with curious looks. “What?”
“Next time that Seal comes back,” Phoenix told him, “Make sure she says hi. I want to know whose ass to protect when you wind up dead in a back alley.”
“Et tu, Nix?” Jake gaped at her, mimicking a pearl-clutching older woman before his face fell back into its usual cocky grin. “You’ll meet her, and you’ll regret saying that.”
Phoenix laughed. “I’ve got the power of being a woman on my side. Bet she doesn’t often get the chance to chat about her experience as a woman in the Navy with someone who understands,” she replied with a shrug. “Now are we playing or what?”
“I’m comin’, I’m comin’. Keep your shirt on,” Jake drawled, setting his drink down and grabbing the pool cue from her outstretched hand. “Ready?”
“Fuck yeah.” A sharp grin from Phoenix had him smirking and if he spent the night trying to beat her, that was no one’s business but his own.
Training the next day was brutal. Maverick was clearly playing catch up from missing a day of training and he was making everyone hurt. “Come on Hangman, you’ll have to do better than that!” Phoenix had teased over the headset. “Gotta improve your skills or the hot Seal lady won’t be impressed!”
Jake rolled his eyes, knowing that everyone on the ground listening would hear him if he replied. So he stayed quiet, pulling the throttle up allowing him to go up and over Phoenix and Bob to try and lock on, but failed when Phoenix rolled out of the way. She led them in a chase across the sky, neither plane being ‘hit’, but neither pilot lost.
“What the hell was that?” Bob asked when they landed. “Where did you guys find a Navy Seal?”
Phoenix chuckled, “Bagman found her at the bar last night. He’s smitten.” Having landed back on the airstrip and taxiing it back towards its storing bay with the other Dagger aircraft, she unclipped herself from the harness and jumped down only to be met by Hangman standing right behind her. “Jesus fuck!” She yelled, right as Bob shouted “What the shit man?”
“Nothin’. Jus’ creepin’. Wanted to freak you out a bit,” he said with a shrug and a mischievous grin crossing his face.
“That’s me Nix, that’s me.” And Jake wandered off in the direction of the classroom to hear what Mav had to say.
Bob hopped down and watched him walk off. “You think he’s aware that a Navy Seal has standards?”
Phoenix snorted. “Unlikely. But maybe that’s why he’s trying to sneak around here so he can impress her. I won’t tell him that sneaking up on a Seal is a death sentence.” She pulled her helmet off, tucking it under her arm. “C’mon Bobert, let's get ripped into by Mav.”
“If you’re not telling, I’m not telling,” Bob replied with his own grin. “And do we have to? I’d much rather stay here where it’s somewhat safe with my ego intact, thank you.”
“Right? I would too if Mav wouldn’t send out a search party to find us,” she quipped. “Come on, better late than never.”
“I think the Seal would disagree with you.” But he followed Natasha anyway, trying not to drag his heels to avoid what he was sure would be the telling off of his life.
Unsurprisingly, Bear was also on base. After all, this was the only Navy base on Coronado Island, so it made sense that all Navy personnel would be stationed together. What she wasn’t expecting was to run into a pair of Navy pilots as she walked back to her car. “Watch it,” she grumbled, shouldering her way past the man and woman.
“There are Seals on this base?”
“Might want to get your eyes checked there, cause I’m not in-fucking-visible,” she retorted.
“Hold up, sorry. Are you the Seal that Bagman spent half of last night talking about?” The man asked in a quiet voice.
Softening her approach just a smidge, Bear turned and nodded. “I am. Something you wanted to ask?”
“No, not at all. Just curious as to who got our precious Bagman all shook up,” the woman replied, before extending a hand to shake. “I’m Phoenix, this is Bob.”
“Good to meet you. I’m Bear.”
“Bear?” The woman known now as Phoenix asked, confusion crossing her face. “How’d you get that?”
Bear grinned. “Show me yours, I’ll show you mine?” She offered, eyes flicking to the tall quiet man who stood awkwardly off to the side. “I don’t bite, Bob. Not unless you want me to,” she added with a wink.
Bob flushed, and shook his head. “Pretty sure I’d get punched.”
Bear gave him a look. “We’ll revisit that later, but continuing on. You were saying Phoenix?”
With a reluctant sigh, Phoenix explained how she’d had to make an emergency landing when her engines caught fire, resulting in a fiery tail across the sky. “Bird on fire, Phoenix. Same difference.”
The other woman chuckled to herself. “That’s a good one. Bear is because I’m cranky as fuck when I get up in the morning,” she told them.
Bob grinned at her explanation. “Sorry, I shouldn’t laugh, but that is great.”
“I should be heading off. Lots of meetings tomorrow and all, but it was good to meet you both. Maybe I’ll see you around.” With a wave, Bear headed back to her car. “Oh, and one last thing, if it ever gets out to Hangman you met me, don’t tell him my name. He has to work for that one,” she said loudly, turning to walk backwards.
“Sounds like a plan,” Phoenix called back, giving her a quick wave. Quietly to Bob, she whispered “Bagman is in for an uphill climb if he wants to even have a chance with her.”
“I know,” Bob whispered back. “It’s going to be great.”
A/N: So many thanks to @startrekfangirl2233, @dakotakazansky, and @sarahsmi13s for being the most incredible beta readers ever! I love you all so much!
And to all my beautiful readers: my inbox is open so come and scream at me in reblogs, comments, or DMs, I promise I will get to you all!
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@startrekfangirl2233 @sarahsmi13s @dakotakazansky @horseshoegirl @roosters-girl @lovinglyeternal @lavenderbradshaw @roosterforme @bobby-r2d2-floyd @bradleybeachbabe @fandomxpreferences @fighterpilothoe @dempy @gizmodear @chaoticassidy @eli2447 @javden @snubug @indigomaegrimm @twsssmlmaa @iwantmyredvelvetcupcake @djs8891 @rhirhikingston @sisterslytherinog @waywardhunter95 @impossiblebagelcowboyfreak @melss24 @heli991113 @thegoddessc @sgt-barnesveins Sorry if I missed anyone!
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fivewholeminutes · 5 months
Im very new to st and all ive seen today is chaos. Wtf happened if you dont mind answering
Hello there anon! I don't mind at all 💖 but what a time to be new to st, aw man. My condolences. (I am mostly kidding. But also, not really.)
First things first, i promise you, it's not always like this. Generally we're way more chill here on tumblr. I can't vouch for other sites, but if you don't want their identities spoiled and be around very chill people, stay here. Avoid pinterest and google and, for your own mental health, tiktok and twitter. (First two will guarantee an identity reveal and former two will guarantee that + psychic damage.)
Back to the drama!! So, you probably know they're anonymous. And VERY adamant on staying this way. If you check their very first interview or the voice messages from the 2023 US tour, you would see what i mean. Their identities are not important, their art is.
But. Some entitled little shit found their anonymity is a personal insult to them or something. So they decided to publish iii's birth certificate and some other personal info + there was something about them wanting to stalk iii (i really don't know the details, because i got rid of my twitter account a few months prior, but it was definitely vile behaviour). And it's. Not a very legal thing to do. I mean, if you're really curious, you could google them and find their identities in less than 5 minutes, no extremely personal info release needed. What i am trying to say, this is the 21st century, you're not some kind of sherlock to find personal info about anyone, no need to boast. Or, you know. Do illegal things to prove a point, because you feel entitled to someone's identity.
So, as a result, iii deleted and/or made his socials private (the ones related to his st activity, anyway). It is not the first time he did that, because people were getting too straightforward or rude before too, just not on that scale. It all happened a few days ago (2? I have no perception of time passing, sorry). It was understandable, he got doxxed, he did what had to be done to protect himself. Another drama started when the main band account removed all its posts on instagram today and changed the description to "nothing lasts forever". Which is a catchphrase they use from their very beginning, so it is not a worrying thing in itself. However, the circumstances have made people believe the whole band will disband (not dismember, alex, do not write dismembered AGAIN), because of the invasion of iii's privacy.
However, in the end, i believe the consensus is that since they have changed their masks for the Wembley show and had the "new era" captions (+ other bands tend to do that too), the insta post purge is just a PR tactic before the new era's introduction. Which i am prone to believe, really. They are mysterious, sure, but if something is happening (like iii needing to leave the German rituals in December because of personal reasons), the band notifies the fans about it. So if they were to disband, or iii was to leave, they would just communicate this. They didn't, so we're waiting for their next move, whatever is might be.
But i don't think they're going anywhere. They have finished their trilogy with the latest album, so Wembley was the best way to end it all, as a finished project. It didn't happen. They already have 2024 tour dates announced, so we know they're not done. So it's all fine, just unfortunate timing/their legal team telling them to do that/their way of showing they're done with annoying people/just a new era's insta purge. Or something else, which they would soon inform us about, if they want to.
All we can do is wait for more news and keep supporting them in our own ways. And not stress about it 🖤
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igotanidea · 2 years
Devilish invention : Morpheus x OC
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meme by Aria Zimin, found on Pinterest, all credits go to the author.
Request by @cupcake-de-abacaxi : Morpheus finding out about the Internet for the first time.
I was going for something comedy-like. Wait till the end.
Warning: a bit of swearing.
“I’m working, Matthew. What is it now?” the truth was it was my day off. However, since we were undergoing a lot of changes in the company I was hired, my alleged holiday consisted of me being caught up in paperwork and excel spreadsheets.
“Weren’t you supposed to relax today?” the Raven cawed and titled head
“Matthew….” Why was this one so immune to hints “you do not want to make me angry, trust me.” I turned towards the monitor and this gesture couldn’t be more suggestive as I clenched my teeth in annoyance.
“Sorry, sorry. Don’t shoot the bird. I’m just the messenger here, you know.”
“The messenger?” I frowned. “What do you….? Oh, no. No.”
“I didn’t say anything.”
“Well you can go ahead and tell your boss that I’m not interested in educating him on human life.”
“I’m serious Matthew. I already have too much on my plate. Adding Dream to the list of task would be …. masochistic, to say the least.”
“Well, he’s not going to be happy about it. You haven’t been in the dreaming for a while…..”
“Like he’s worried!” I scoffed “we both know he only cares about his duties and that is why he’s concerned about my presence.”
“You are a dreamer after all and he lacks ideas. If he were human I would say he might be depressed”
“He’s always depressed! I would be worried if he became cheerful all of  a sudden. Besides, that was bold to say out loud, wasn’t it? Do you think he did not hear you?”
“I worry he might. Please, can you just spare some time for boss?”
“Maybe, and that is a big maybe, later on. But for now…..” I motioned towards the computer. During our little exchange of words my mailbox was already filled with another 5 messages “I need to deal with this shit.”
“Fine.” He cawed “don’t hold me responsible for what is coming next
5 hours later I was utterly worn out. It seemed like every little detail needed my opinion and decision and I felt like I was working in kindergarten. I mean, couldn’t my coworkers decide on background color of the presentation themselves? It was nice to be involved, but my work life was slowly drifting into the area of “this meeting could have been an e-mail”. And then, there was Morpheus. An endless. An anthropomorphic personification of human subconscious. Lord of Dreams. Ruler of the nightmare realms….. Mother of dragons….. Ups, sorry, wrong reference, I guess. My point is, since he was the king of human sleep he needed someone to be his guinea pig and sometimes test his theories. Of course, he did not came up with that idea by himself. Honestly, if it wasn’t for  his sister, Death and his librarian, Lucienne he would be lost like a kid in the toy shop. Upon some persuasion I was chosen to be a test drive to all Dream’s ideas. It was fun at first, but quickly turned into being called to Dreaming upon his every request, against my own free will. Maybe the creator forgot to mention to him that human actually have one! What was even worst, I did not have any means to object unless I wanted to be thrown into eternal darkness. Spoiler alert, I did not.
So now, as I was almost done with everything I was just sitting in the darkness, too tired to reach for the lamp switch –key. The sun was slowly setting, leaving lights and gleams on the walls and this last minutes of warmth and peacefulness were about be replaced by darkness and quietness of the night. It was time and I knew it well enough as my eyes slowly started to close and my head fell on the bedrest….
Of course I woke up in the Dreaming. Unusually cloudy and dark tonight. Matthew was right, the King was in a bad mood. Hopefully just brooding and not mad, since the latter was rather hard to deal with. I sighed deeply and started to walk towards the palace carefully watching my every step since I could never be sure whether the ground would crack and swallow me whole.
“Lucienne? Matthew? Merv?” surprisingly, the chambers were empty and this was not a good sign. “Hello? Is anyone home?” my best effort to cover the nervousness were futile as I could not shake the feeling Dream was making a real-life horror show just for me.                         
“Um….Dream?” I stuttered as the darkness started to creep out closet to me “you can come out now…..”
“Remember your place, dreamer. You forgot your duties of late.”
“Trust me, I did not.” I snorted “if I ever wanted to, I have too many people to remind me of that”
“Hold your tongue!” he took a step closer “or I will make sure you do not speak a word to me like that again.”
“Sorry, Dream. This was not against you. I’m just tired and stressed and I feel like nothing really matters and my work is pointless….” hopefully, hitting  such tone will make him draw horns. As a matter of fact he went silent and familiar pout showed on his face. Bull’s-eye!
“I see.”
“So….. did you wanted to see me?”
“I did.”
I swear sometimes it is so hard to communicate with him and his manner of using limited amount of words. Ok, fine. Two can play the game. I decided I will not take it further unless he himself spoke to me.
“I need…. Ideas” he finally mumbled
“I see.” tiling head was the only sign of my interest and the awkward silence felt between us. “I know where you can find some inspiration….” Another eternity of quietness. I guess I know now why Matthew could never get a hint – he was clearly inspired by his boss attitude.
“Have you ever heard about the Internet?” I could not stop the grinning. “Of course you did not. How about I show you all the perks coming with it? But you will have to get us to the Waking.”
“I don’t have to anything.”
“Of course not, but …..” I started, but Dream being himself already reached for his sand transporting us back into my apartment.
“This” I pointed at the device on the desk “is a computer.”
“Will you move to the point?”
“Nope. I need to educate you like a kid. One step at a time.” He glared at me, but here, I could not be intimidated. “Relax, will get there. Here’s the power button and when I press it…. Tada! It works.”
“Stop it.”
“Ok, now we get to the more difficult thing. That” I pointed at the monitor “is the Internet Icon. Chrome to be exact, since using Internet Explorer is pretty much like learning about the winner of 2012 euro in 2022…..” I blabbered and almost laughed at Morpheus’ confused expression.
“Are you making fun out of me?” he pouted again
“I would not dare. Sorry. It’s just…. You know, human inside joke. Never mind. Now, to the good part. In the Internet you can find pretty much everything. It’s a whole new world so you might want to take it slow to avoid getting addicted.”
“I am an Endless. I do not get addicted to mortals inventions”
“Mhm, everyone says so” I bit my lip “oh, come on, Morpheus, if you want to see this properly you need to move a bit closer. Here.” As I patted the spot next to me he hesitantly shifted. Can’t lie, the sight of him in his ridiculous coat sitting in front of the computer slouching slightly was a view for sore eyes. “Like I said, you can find everything here. What is the first thing that comes to your mind?”
“What are you trying to do now? I do not share my thoughts and ….”
“Cats!” I interrupted him nervously “everybody loves cats! There are so many videos with fluffy cats in funny situations…”
“Are there?” bad idea! Bad idea!  I completely forgot the meowpheus thing. Abort the mission!
“Yes. But ..... but maybe we will leave it for some other time” preferably never “how about some memes instead?”
“Yes, those are some hilarious pictures, sometimes with comments of words that refer to current situations and events
“Yes, well, um…” I guess exhilarating was also not an option in this particular case. Shit! I can’t believe it. In the whole, vast, global village there must be something to show him. “There are still sites about depression, anxiety, dark and gloom. Do you think I could maybe interest you with emo style?”
“Here.” I quickly typed the words into the search bar and showed him some pictures observing Morpheus’ reaction. This was not what I expected. By all appearances nothing changed but being observant I noticed the slight glint in his eyes and a brief thill that made him shudder.
“This is….. appalling. “he finally said “no style at all. Just a complete mess and lack of dignity.”
“Oh….” My face dropped “I though you would like it, given your taste in dark clothes and gloom and …..sorry” I raised my hands in surrender before he turned me into dust “let’s try again, shall we? How about music?”
“You know, that thing that people create with some instruments and sometimes their voices. I bet you heard some music during your centuries – long life.”
“Stop it. I know what music is.”
“Of course you do” I muttered. “But you should know that XV century classics were a bit different from the modern one.” I started my Spotify playlist forgetting it was on the shuffle and all of the sudden the night was torn with The Score blasting from the speakers.
“Lock away my demons,
Chains off and now I’m dreaming!”
 “Fuck!” I hissed stopping it “Sorry, that was an accident.” I turned towards my companion who now seemed invested “Dream? Hello? Are you all right there?” fuck, did I break him?
“What was that?”
“Um, a song?”
“Play it.”
“Seriously?” I rolled my eyes. “Don’t tell me we have the same taste in music. We were supposed to learn about human. The score is not really on top charts, so how about I educate you on Taylor Swift. How about Anti-hero. It’s really good.”
“Play that song. Now.”
“Fine. Fine. Whatever you want.” Who would have thought that 3 minutes and 18 seconds could be sooo long. I was really worried Dream might get emotional upon hearing the words but when it ended he was still normal. “Did you like it?”
“farewell to my darkest days?” he asked
“you got good memory, don’t you?”
“this was …. Interesting.”
“So you did like it?” I insisted on getting the answer
“It was bearable.”
“Bearable!” I spring out of the couch “That is my favorite song, Dream!”
“It suits you.”
“Was that a compliment or an insult?”
“Show me more of this internet of yours. Perhaps it might be worthy after all.”
 A week later
“What are you doing here?!” believe me, the sight of the Dream Lord in my apartment in the middle of the night (In my defense – I was going to the bathroom) is not something you wish for. Sleep paralysis demon would run and hide upon that.
“I need some answers from you”
“Now?! It’s 3 am in the morning!” Of course he did not care and continued
“I came upon something in a dream of a mortal”
“Yeah, you don’t say….” I crossed my arms knowing he would not let go until getting what he wanted “what was it?”
“ some sexual references.”
“I…. What?” given Morpheus love stories and his approach to this matters I should not have been surprised. I really should have not. I mean, this guy made people dream of his lover when he got laid! (once again – in my defense - Dream’s sister once spilled the secret out). But it was just too much and now I was dreading what he might ask me for.
“I wanted to check on the internet some further details about it.”
“No. Mhm. I draw a line here. You do not want to.”
“You do not tell me what I’m allowed to do. I command you.”
“Dream…. Please, do not make me do this….. “ I begged, redness creeping onto my face.
“Show me. Now.”
“Are you sure?” I tried once again
“Now!” he demanded in the darkest tone I’ve ever heard from him
I shudder and walked towards my laptop, being absolutely sure that after this, no nightmare will ever be able to scare me again. They would not stand a chance against this dreadful and embarrassing memory of watching carnal content. With King of Dreams. On the internet. God, help me……
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queenvidal · 2 years
The Girl Who Never Cries
Negan x Reader (Rick's Daughter)
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(Not my gif - found it on pinterest. If it's urs, contact me for proper credit)
Chapter 5: I Am Negan
Chapter Summary: You have to come face to face with a demon of your past, seducing you to actions you'll most likely regret.
Wordcount: 2314
Notes: I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes or wrong spellings, English isn't my first language. - Part 1 of the The One And Only Series - Takes place during the beginning of season 7.
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Chapter Index: Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 (End)
Masterlist / Negan x Rick's Daughter Series
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“Home sweet home.” Sasha's joyful voice sounds over the radio. You slowly open your eyes to peer out of the window. A familiar suburb is passing by you. From here it should only be about 20 more minutes until Alexandria comes into view.
With a low grunt you force yourself to sit up right again to stretch yourself. You yawn for a long moment, gaining Daryl's attention. “You awake?”
“Yeah,” you sigh while rubbing your eyes. “You didn’t wake me for the switch.”
“I’m fine”, he explains. “You need the rest more than I.” 
After four hours you two would switch places, so the other can sleep and rest a little. Daryl being Daryl, he put your comfort over his, letting you sleep in on your driving shift. You look into the rearview mirror to see Sasha and Carl in the car behind you. Your brother is sleeping himself, his head resting against the window.
The trip was exhausting, you are all tired beyond belief. But it was worth it. Not only is the back of the truck filled to the brim, you also found medications you needed for the cut and your cold. Both got better within the weeks on the road, though you’re still feeling a little tired and weak.
“Jesus, can’t wait to finally hop under a shower.” you murmur, when you catch a glimpse of yourself in the rear mirror. There is not one inch on your body that is not covered by dried blood, except for the left side of your face, of course. You were pernickety about keeping the cut clean. Your new set of clothing is also completely blood-spotted, even your hair is crusty from all the guts you had been wearing for the last few weeks. Same goes for your friends, we must be a sight to behold, you muster. 
There is no doubt in your mind that you all are reeking, luckily you lost your sense of smell about two days after you arrived, a welcomed side effect from being covered in rotten flesh non-stop.
You pull out a piece of paper from the pockets of your new and already ruined jeans. There are 23 lines drawn on it. One line for every day you guys were outside. The Saviors' last pick up must have been two days ago, meaning you will have enough time to hide all the stuff you guys found, once you’re back in Alexandria. 
“I hope the other team found something in the meantime, we are due over a week,” you speak quietly to Daryl. He just lets out a grunt in return. 
Your father must be driving up the walls by now. You definitely would, if one of the teams would be missing that long. 
Hopefully they found the drugs Negan wanted. It’s been weeks, but you’re still beating yourself up for what you’ve said, he was so pissed. It’s not like it wasn’t true what you’ve said, you’ve just been stating the obvious, but still. 
Negan has a short temper, that's for sure. It’s like walking on eggshells around him and you were stupid enough to step on some. Of course you want to remain on his good side, but oddly enough not only for the obvious reasons. It’s strange but you kind of liked the way he looked at you, almost like he cared. 
“Shit, we’re having guests!” Shasha curses over the radio, tearing you away from your thoughts.
Alarmed, you turn in your seat to look behind you. “No way,” you mutter in disbelief. Saviors. Two trucks are following closely behind Sasha.
“Fuck!” You yell, recounting your lines on the paper. “Did we misscount?” You yell, starting to panic. “Did we fucking misscount?!”
“Not by two days!” Daryl hisses, while his eyes switch between the road ahead and the trucks behind. “Fuckers must have been waiting.”
You let your face fall into your hands in despair, all the work for absolutly fucking nothing. That's what you get for provoking Negan, you think to yourself. 
Finally Alexandria's tall walls come into view, but instead of relief, you feel terror. What if team A didn’t find anything, what if Tara and Aaron came back with nothing, either? Maybe the Saviors waited for you, because Alexandria was fucking empty. Shit, hopefully no one got killed, if that was the case.
The gates open and all of you drive inside. Many swarm out of the houses but stop dead in their tracks, when they see the black trucks behind you. Daryl pulls over and cuts the engine, Sasha follows behind shortly.
Anxiously you jump out of the truck, your hands shaking. Quickly you scan the crowd that had formed at the parking lot, searching for your father but before you can find him, an all too familiar and hated voice catches your attention.
“Well, well, well. Look who kept us waiting for weeks, guys?”
You turn your head, wrinkling your nose. Dwight, that son of a bitch. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“Ab? Daryl? Anyone for fuck sake?” You whispered harsly into the radio. 
Everything happened so fast. In one moment, you drove with your Mini between Daryl and Sasha and Abraham, with the walker horde following behind. In the other, you found yourself blocked off by trucks with a large number of assholes shooting at you.
With nowhere to go, you jumped out of your car and took off into the woods. Luckily no bullet hit you on your run. Stormtrooper-aim, you thought, when you hid between large bushes.
Whoever was after you run past you, eventually losing their trail, but you waited patiently, just to be sure they were gone. You don’t know how long you’ve been lying on the ground, not moving a muscle. After what felt like a long while, you got up again and searched for the goddamn road. When you ran, you did not pay attention to the direction you were running. The result was you getting lost.
“Guys, are you there?” You tried again, hoping your friends were still within range.
“Y/N, you okay?” You released a sigh of relief at the sound of Daryl's voice.
“Yeah,” You confirmed, looking around. “But lost, they blocked the road and I ran into the woods. No fucking idea where I went. Are you alright?”
“Where are you?” He dodged your question, he was not alright. “What do you see?”
You scrunched your face for a moment and annoyed you replied, “Trees, Daryl. Trees.”
“Are they scorched by any chance?”
Your frown only intensified, “What? No, what are you talk-”
A shrill squeak tore through your throat, when something pierced through your shoulder blade. Before you could react, a large hand covered your mouth and someone tackled you to the ground.
“Where are they?” The man questioned you with his blood-dropping blade pressed against your throat. “Did he send you?”
You had no idea what he was talking about and you absolutely didn’t care. Despite the agonizing pain in your shoulder, you started struggling and managed to hit him in the face. Stunned by your action, he stilled for a moment, allowing you to fight the knife out of his hand. 
“Fuck off!” You spat, this idiot must have mistaken you for someone else but you didn't intend on finding out what his fucking problem was. He hit you, making you see stars for a long while. You had no time to recover, because he grabbed your neck and squeezed your windpipe.
The lack of oxygen made you panic and you clawed on his arms and face but it was in all vain, the guy was determined to kill you and too strong for you to fend off, especially with your useless shoulder. After long and tormenting moments, the world around you went dark and your body finally limp.
You must have laid on the ground for at least a day, until Daryl found you. He was injured himself and after you regained consciousness and got your bearings, he told you about the same guy you've met. He attacked Daryl as well but he let him live as a bargaining chip, if he and the women he was with got caught. 
Weeks after the incident, you, Daryl, Rosita and Denise went on a run. Everything went pretty well until it didn’t. Denise felt the need to prove herself and just barely survived facing a walker.
After Rosita washed her head for being so careless, Denise broke into a big speech. She was sick and tired of being helpless and useless and confessed she aspired to be as brave and strong as Daryl, as capable and confident as Rosita and as ungodly stubborn and selfless as you were. 
You couldn't help but feel sorry, because you had no idea she felt that way. The two of you worked together in the infirmary but never talked about that. Sadly you never would get a chance to do so, because all of the sudden she stuttered and you noticed an arrow sticking out of her eye. She fell forward and you tried to catch her. When you laid her on the ground carefully, you noticed several men approaching.
“Fuck me, I’m seeing a ghost.”
The familiar voice made your head snap up. While one side of his face was havely scared, you still recognized him as the one who almost murdered you in the woods. Slowly you stood up again, your eyes not leaving his.
Eugene was held captive by him, used as a meatshild. The man, Dwight, you later learned, shifted his attention to Daryl. He ordered his men to disarm you, while talking to Daryl. “Well, here we are. Guess you just have to take my word for this but the girl there, I wasn’t actually aiming at her.”
While you tried to stay focused on whatever Dwight was saying, you noticed Ab behind a bunch of barrels. You two exchanged glances, plotting an ambush without words. Eugene noticed as well and kept his eyes trained on you for your signal.
“What's your name, didn’t really catch it last time we’ve met?” Dwight asked you.
You narrowed your eyes at him before hissing, "Next time make sure I'm fucking dead! NOW!" Ab started shooting and before Dwight could have reacted, Eugene bit him in the junk. In the resulting chaos, you and the others grabbed your weapons and started firing as well.
With most of his men dead, Dwight ordered the remaining ones to retreat. He and his men took off, with you and Dayl chasing after them. You launched one of your knives at him, but missed Dwight’s head by only one or two inches. He was lucky that Eugene was injured in the fight, if not for Rossita calling you back, you would have hunted him down until either one of you were dead.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You feel your blood boiling and the speed of your heart beat increasing  by the sight of that asshole. Daryl appears close behind you, rediating the same rage. Dwight smiles brightly at you two, enjoying the power he now has. 
“Jesus, you two look like shit.” He jokes, while eying you up and down. “You made us wait quite some time, let’s hope it was worth it.” 
While you still stand behind your no-killing sentiment, Dwight is the only exception. You will kill him, even if it would kill you, too.
“Don’t,” Daryl whispers in your ear, carefully grabbing your wrist. You have been so focused on Dwight that you didn’t even notice one of your throwing knives resting in your hand.
He orders his men to take a look at your truck and the loaded goods. “Hey, Darly, Y/N? How about you lazy shits help my men unload the truck?”
But neither of you moves. Dwight huffs at your display of disobedience. With large strides he comes closer towards you, stopping right in front of your face. “I’ve just given you a goddamn order.”
You sneer at him, “I don’t take orders from you, only from Negan.”
“I am Negan.” He states defensively.
“You wish.” You whisper with a grin on your face. “You’re no one.”
His face is morphing into a dark grimace and he grabs you by your jacket to push you against your truck. With his knife against your throat, he grunts. “Maybe I should teach you some respect!”
It’s deafeningly quiet in the town and the tension in the air is high. 
His eyes are glaring into yours but despite the rather dire situation, you can’t stop a smile from growing on your face. Confusion flickers over his eyes and then you start to giggle and finally to laugh. 
Everyone, Alexandrians and Saviors alike, watch the scene unfold in shock, while your laughter's roaring over the place. Once you have to take a breath again, you crook an eyebrow at Dwight, “I’ve been walking among the dead for weeks, do you really think you can frighten me?”
The man is just looking at you with wide eyes, his grip on you slightly weaker now. 
“Okay, that's enough.” Simon interrupts the silence. “Dwight, my friend. Leave her alone, will ya?”
He does as he’s been told, finally releasing you. You keep grinning at him until he turns on his heels. While mumbling something you don’t catch, he pushes past the crowd and Simon, who is making his way towards you.
“A well-intentioned advice, Y/N,” Simon addresses you quietly. “Don’t push your luck.”
Daryl reaches for your hand and starts tugging. “C’mon,” He urges you to get moving. “Let’s go home.”
Even though it’s not necessary, you let him guide you from the parking lot and through the still in shock staring crowd. This will definitely have repercussions but you just can’t stop smiling. You’ve just humiliated Dwight in front of his own men and words can not describe the satisfaction.
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Chapter Index: Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 (End)
Masterlist / Negan x Rick's Daughter Series
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riordanverse characters and their tumblr accounts: 12 olympians + Hades & Hestia edition
Blog with the most followers out of all of the olympians: Apollo
I mean, c'mon he's into a million fandoms, including movies, shows, and music. he probably posts 'headcanons' but it was probably some random draft of a book/screenplay/song that he found when he was doing whatever shit gods do. like going through an author's-drafts while they were writing.
God with the most mutuals: Artemis
She genuinely enjoys making friends on tumblr, because there are so many people who share the same interest, and supports her (cause you know, she's aro/ace and stuff)
That one blog where the creator makes a GIF set for literally every movie/tv show in existence: Zeus
who else has that much time on their hands? Hera is happy cause atleast he's doing something other than having affairs when he's bored.
God who sends hate on anon: Hera
She seems like a person who would do it. and she would have so much fun causing drama between two people. she also saves pictures of people when they do a temporary face reveal, cause she's creepy like that.
God who shitposts every 5 minutes: Hades
He's bored down there in the underworld.
God who posts something every other month or so: Hephaestus
And every single one of posts would be something like "hey y'all i know I haven't been on here recently, but I got really busy with something"
God who writes fanfiction and posts it on here: Poseidon
I don't even have a reason for this, its just the vibes I get.
God who gets so many asks, most of them being just random stuff like wishing him a good day: Hermes
Get it? Cause he's the god of messengers and stuff? But also because I think he can be weirdly charming when he wants to be, attracting loads of followers or something. Or maybe he just does the randomest stuff on here too. Like sending weird albeit funny asks to people.
God who reblogs everything on her dashboard, even the ads: Hestia
She just reblogs everything that makes her happy. it also makes her happy to reblog the ads because then she's increasing publicity for whatever company, and the company becomes happy too.
God who tags all his followers in every single tag game: Demeter
She doesn't want anyone to feel left out.
The science side of tumblr: Athena
Do I even need to explain? Athena. The Goddess of Wisdom.
The ones who reblogs a post and adds something really funny and it ends up in screenshots and pinterest: Ares
dont ask. i dont know.
That one blog with a pretty theme, and pretty pinned post, and all the posts are on one aesthetic or color scheme or something: Aphrodite
She needs everything to be perfect, and she spends hours on perfecting her blog.
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mr-morbidd · 2 years
One anime I've really been enjoying recently is Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid. There's a lot of fanservice in there that really ramps up in season 2 but that's not the entire show like a good chunk of the fandom would have you believe. Stylistically it really reminds me of Hetalia in a way. The best parts of the show are the slow parts to me. Kanna saying she loves the rain, Takiya teaching Fafnir the joy of the dark souls grind, they really feel wholesome and a found family type thing starts to develop.
Nichijou has a bright and over the top aesthetic that reminds me of hetalia too. It's like if a slice of life anime were framed as one punch man.
I've also started watching Death Parade which isn't technically slice of life but I like the commentary it has on things like death and tragedy. It gets extremely somber a lot of time and offers you glimpses of people's lives before they die as they get judged.
Yuri on Ice is pretty good too I like that victor falls in love with yuri when he's at rock bottom and inspires yuri to pick up the pieces and try again.
Barakamon is an actual slice of life that's similar to yuri on ice in a picking up the pieces aspect. An upcoming calligrapher has a meltdown when his work is criticized by a director in Tokyo as being uninspired and bland. He's forced to go out to the country and live there for a while to get his shit together. It's nice seeing him have to adapt and how kind the people there are to him even when he doesn't reciprocate at first because he's just not used to the it takes a village mindset.
I remember watching The Garden of Words and really liking the visuals and how you could just see people going about their days kind of. I've been looking for a show with that kind of aesthetic and a lull in plot that isn't boring but is kinda soothing. That sounds pretentious but I'm mostly just looking for the same vibes as my pinterest board lmao
Like, calm green room with some plants in it and a wooken desk thats kinda cluttered and a radiator humming in the back and some cozy white knit blanket on the bed and fairy lights. Also green tea and lofi hiphop. I don't know the aesthetic name but this is my Vision™️ I could probably fill 50 pages with random nonsense that fits the vibe and go YES YES THIS IS THE VISION THIS IS THE THING when its not anything it's just vibes
What's your Vision? - 🌻
Seems asking what animes youve been enjoying was a loaded question! haha, not that i mind, i enjoy long responses; i seem to do them alot aswell! 
if you enjoy somber and soft slice of life, you might enjoy this anime called, March comes in like an lion; stealing from google, 
“A 17 year old socially awkward orphaned shogi player, dealing with adult problems like financial difficulties, loneliness, and depression. A 17 year old socially awkward orphaned shogi player, dealing with adult problems like financial difficulties, loneliness, and depression” 
I belive i got about 5? 6? episodes in before getting caught up in something else to finish it, i should finish it, its very much a feeling provoking anime for me. 
there was a scene in it that really struck me, (actually just looked it up, heres a HD video of it!) I remember exactually what i was doing when i was watching it. i was sitting in my bed, eyes glued to the screen because what i was seeing was just so capturing, that my only reaction afterwards was just, “whoah..” 
i  do have to admit tho, it did take me a hot minute to get use to the visuals; more specifially how much the show focus on the mouths, everything else is just gorgous, it might be something right up your ally infact; but i could be complelty wrong haha.
i think i have alot of visions! alot of sides of me to take in consideration; lately ive been into dark acadmia, it fits very well for me overall aswell as an splash of victorian of course; can’t just leave that in the 1800s, lord no id never forgive myself if i did! 
i think in general, my vision is a nice comfy room, a place i can call home, somewhere i can be myself without fear; a place i could heal, if you think about it.
actually i belivveee... 
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I actually explored these things via drawing! these are pretty old now, which im thankful about, for two reasons. 
They repesent some dark times in my life, and instead of drawing dark things to cope through it, i went a more,, softer aproach to it. 
They show alot of inprovment since then! 
i love soft things, like drinking tea infront of a window, baking something warm on a cold day, watching a comfort show,.. soft things.
and also! it seems we’ve both gotten in the rythem of late night talking haha, i just looked at my clock and its alittle over 3:30 in the morning, i got busy drawing, and when a drawing gets started you dont stop till its done lol; i actually enjoy late talking, it feels more raw and unpolished then regular talking during the day; more personal. 
which do you perfer, late night talking where its a free-for-all of emotions and reactions, or daytime talking where its more thoughtout and prepared? 
-Signed, OEK 
0 notes
theepisceswriter · 3 years
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AOT characters with a black S/O (Zeke, Jean, Connie, Eren, Reiner)
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Synopsis: I think the title is pretty self explanatory 🙈
TW: none really besides mentions of food, African-American culture only for right now sorry my foreign babes 😕, not proofread
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Someone throw this man a black girlfriend with a dark or regular academia aesthetic P L S because he would love you to the point where he’s obsessed and treat you so good.
Loves finding neutral shades of beige, white, or brown that compliment your skin color nicely while the two of you are out shopping. Will literally come running from across the other side of the store with a brown jacket in his hand like “Look babe, this would compliment the brown of your skin so nicely 🥺 we gotta get Instagram pictures of you in this.”
He also enjoys finding academia type hairstyles and trying to make them work with your natural hair or braids. At least once a week he sends you a hairstyle he found on Tumblr and helps you later that night to try and achieve a black version of it.
The two of you most definitely have viral pictures floating around on Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.
He’s so soft and patient when it comes yo your hair because he has a beard, so he knows what it feels like having to keep up with something that requires a lot of work. He’ll often come into the bathroom to do his beard and offer you an extra pair of hands when it’s your wash day. His favorite part is to help you twist your hair because he likes seeing the finished product when you take them out.
He also uses your hair conditioners and oils in his beard because they make him smell otherworldly and he likes smelling like you. And yes, he has requested for you to braid his beard once but never again because you both thought he looked too weird like that.
Grisha is the awkward white dad who tries too hard to accept you and says stuff like “Hey, like the new hairdo 😃👍🏾.” Whenever you come around. Bless his poor heart, at least he’s trying and you know he means well.
Worships you and the ground you walk on like 24/7. He’s so in love with you and makes sure to let you know that on the daily multiple times. And he’s such an amazing lover and avoids doing cringey shit like calling you chocolate or Nubian queen goddess.
Hangs with your uncles and all the other black men in your family because he thinks he’s cool like that, but they don’t mind at all cause they love him.
His mom is the sweetest mother in law ever. She gets along so well with all the women in your family and they’re always swapping recipes with one another. One day time you and Jean pulled up for Christmas and she had a dish filled with collard greens on the table and they were good too.
He has two chains around his neck dedicated to you: one is your name and the other one is the date you two became official. You also wear his name around your neck and you have a ring with his initials on it.
Getting jewelry is something the two of you do together very often. Matter of fact, swap meets are his favorite place to go to in general and his mind was blown when you first took him to one.
Asks you to put his hair in French braids at least once a month because the process is so therapeutic for him. He loves laying his head on his lap and watching as you make his braids so neat and cute. But be careful though because he does like to “Can you braid my hair? 🥺” his way into some coochie.
Don’t brother teaching him how to braid because even if he does get the hang of it after a couple of sessions with you he’ll always request that you do his hair.
You two have random rap battles with each other alllll the time. It’s pretty split between who wins, but often you’ll call him out for trying to use lyrics from other artists.
Did y’all know me and Connie are blood cousins? Both his momma and daddy black and his full name on his birth certificate is Cornelius Demetrius Jones Springer, so take that as you will…
BUT REALLY, Connie fits right in with you and your culture that it’s nearly identical to dating someone the same race as you.
He has a fitted cap with your name sowed into it on the side with a cute heart right by it. It’s his go to hat and he points is out to everyone who doesn’t know about it.
Has most definitely dragged you along with him to go take one of those 2000’s-esque photoshoots with the airbrushed backgrounds. He even made the two of you dress alike and color coordinate because he’s extra like that and the photos are hanging all over your guy’s house. He carries around a mini version of his favorite picture in his wallet at all times.
You better not ever come around this man with messed up edges, visibly old braids, a too visible lace, etc because he will get on you bad and crack jokes about it the whole day because he’s a menace to society like that. No one besides him is allowed to do it though or he’ll get mad at them.
Do not ask this man to help you take down your braids unless you’re cutting them first because he will cut them crazy as hell and might even accidentally cut some of your real hair off too. He’s a master at dipping braids though, it’s something he takes pride in.
Literally a POWER COUPLE !
Eren will never have you out here looking wrong. The part on your lace is a little off? He’s telling your hairdresser to fix it! Thinks the hair you got looks too synthetic and shiny? He’s dropping big bucks to make sure you have some silky soft hair extensions.
Made you do him some baby hairs one day when he was wearing his signature ponytail as a joke, but now you’re obligated to slick up his edges for him at least once a week. He even has a silk scarf that he uses to tie them down with at night.
Is a master at finding filters on Instagram and Snapchat that don’t make your skin look Orange or pale so the two of you can have the cutest Instagram pictures together.
Walks around the house 24/7 singing 2000’s R&B songs at the top of his lungs because he’s a menace to society like that.
Supports all your financial needs when it comes to hair clothing or anything in general really. Need a new lace front? He’s wiring $700 to your account. Want a Teflar bag? He’s getting you one in every color. Some new shoes came out and you think they’re cute? He’s getting them for you !
Your aunties would L O V E a hardworking and burly man like Reiner.
He’s get so spoiled by them all the time whenever he comes around. Sometimes they pay attention to him more than they do you and best believe they slide him all the extra plates and desserts at barbecues. I just know he smacks down on a plate of soul food in like 5 minutes.
Speaking of soul food, you really lit up something in his Caucasian taste buds when you gave him a plate of soul food for the first time because now he’s OBSESSED. Every night he’s begging you to cook for him or asking you for the recipe so he can make it himself. His favorites are macaroni and cheese, fried chicken, and yams ☺️
Will bust a move on the dance floor if your family pressures him to get on it at events. He did a two-step with your aunt once at somebody’s wedding and nobody in your family has shut up about it since because they were surprised at how good he can dance. You were equally as surprised as them.
The best person to ask to help you with your hair because he’s so patient and will make sure that your parts are straight and perfect or use his hands to slick your ponytails up to the gods. He’ll do it exactly how you want it to look too and he makes sure it’s to your standard by checking in with you every now and then.
Encourages you to buy clips or little jewels whenever you take him to the beauty supply with you because he thinks you look so adorable when you wear them in your hair.
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jinxxedwammys · 3 years
In celebration of 100 followers I present to you
Wammy boys in oddly specific AUs I found on pinterest and stuff.
Warnings: Swearing (mostly in Mello’s part as usual lol)
"I mistook you for my best friend and jumped on your back in public and now I'm embarrassed"
It was during the Kira case when L was closely investigating Light Yagami at To-Oh University that this extremely awkward encounter occurred. The sun was high in the sky, locusts and could be heard and cherry blossom littered the wide walkway leading into the school.
You had your heavy bag slung across your shoulders. It was filled with textbooks and papers (some of which you had forgotten to turn in) as well as a few personal items. You weren't really paying much attention to your surroundings until you spotted one of your male friends!
You hadn't seen him since the beginning of high-school. To say you were excited was an understatement. In your excitement you took a running jump onto his back knocking him to the ground. He let out a yelp and that was when you realized...
This man was NOT your friend.
"Oh my God I'm so sorry I thought you were someone else" you hurriedly said pushing yourself up and on your knees an apparent redness in your face.
He seemed to be unbothered for the most part, he turned to you, crouching in a sort of fetal position.
"It's alright I understand" He replied.
"No, no its not.. I'm an idiot I should have realized" you shoved your face into your hands covering how red your face now was.
"It is alright, I'm uninjured and it was an honest mistake" you frowned a little not entirely trusting his forgiveness, but this time, you took it.
He gave you a polite smile before standing up and helping you to your feet. He wished you a good day, and left, but not before sneaking a note containing his alias and phone number.
"I lost my little sibling Matt in Ikea and I need your help finding them"
"Fuck.... Shit... Motherfucker" You heard from the other side of the store shelf as you browsed through various decor items. This mystery person had been spewing profanities for the past five minutes. You sighed with slight annoyance placing the wooden model hand you had been staring at for God knows how long back, making your way to the neighboring isle.
"Hey, you've been cursing up a storm... what's going on?" You asked, hand on your hip awaiting a response. Mello looked up at you with a look of anger and exhaustion on his face.
"I'm looking for my idiot friend. He got hopelessly lost in the chair section and I've been trying to find him for like an hour now" He ran a hand through his hair pushing his bangs to the sides of his face.
"I can help you look for him!" You offered.
"You don't have to"
"I want to! I don't really have anything else to do, so it's fine. To be completely honest I don't know why I came here." He shrugged. "Oh my name's Y/N by the way"
"I'm Mello" He replied before setting off out of the isle leaving you to sprint a but to catch up. His pace was fast and he seemed to have some plan on how to tackle this, but you weren't exactly sure.
After what seemed like an eternity of silently weaving through the labyrinth of shelves and furniture displays, you spoke up.
"So... how old is your friend?"
"We're both 19... His name is Matt." You kept walking until he stopped directly in front of the office showroom section.
"He might be here, so keep an eye out for a tall brunette idiot with goggles." You nodded keeping close to Mello. Again you snaked through isles. Eventually your search devolved into looking into cabinets, drawers, anything that would open, but to no avail.
"Where the fuck is he?" Mello said under his breath as he slammed shut another cabinet.
That was when a tall brunette wearing goggles walked by dual wielding hotdogs... You sighed heavily before approaching Matt.
"Matt?" You called out gaining the attention of both Matt and Mello. Mello stood beside you before going on to scold his friend almost as if he were an unruly child.
"Sorry about that I hope looking for him wasn't that unbearable... would you like to meet up sometime again in the future?" Mello asked. You nodded in response.
"I'd love to! This was quite fun actually. Though let's not go to an ikea next time."
"We both like walking In the park at night and I think you're a stalker so I accidentally attack you"
It was 2am, the night was calm yet you were restless nothing you tried allowed you to fall asleep. It was like this most nights. You would then go to the park near your house to get some fresh air and tire yourself out... and on a night like this, that seemed like a perfect idea. You didn't even change out of your pajamas before you left. As you entered the park, you felt... odd. As if someone was watching you and sure enough, as you turned your head to look behind you you saw a man following about two yards behind you.
Naturally your thoughts went wild with what ifs and possible escape plans. Yet you calmed your mind opting to check if this guy was really following you. With every corner you turned your heart sank. Panic started to set in and you rushed to get together an improvised weapon.... Your housekey! You gripped it tightly in your hand as if it were a knife and swiftly approached the man going to jab him in the eye, yet he caught your arm with ease, turning it behind you and pushing you to the ground, similarly to how a police officer would apprehend a resistant assailant.
"Why did you attack me" he questioned, plopping down just above your hips.
"Let me go, stalker!!!" You yelled at him thrashing around attempting to escape his grasp.
"What are you talking about? I'm not stalking you." He calmly said.
"That's exactly what a stalker would say! Let me go!" He sighed lifting himself off of you and crouching beside you. You rolled over and sat with your legs crossed.
"I swear to you, I was only out for a walk. I take nighttime walks sometimes, though this was the first time I've been in this park."
"Then how come every time I turned you followed?"
"I did? I'm sorry, I didn't even realize" He stated plainly. You sighed he seemed truthful.
"Fine... I'm sorry too, I probably shouldn't have assumed you were a stalker or something and attacked you" you admitted. He shook his head.
"It's alright, I understand... I can be scary" you snorted and laughed. The light of the nearby streetlamp lit his features. A frail, sweet looking man with long white hair who seemed to be somewhat reserved. You felt a little silly that you thought someone like him would hurt you much.
"You're not scary... In all honesty you're quite cute!" You admitted, reaching out a finger to poke his nose.
"Thanks, you're actually quite cute as well, maybe we could meet up here in the morning?" He suggested.
"I come here when I want to be alone and I didn't think anyone knew about it so where the hell did you come from"
This day was aweful. Work was extremely stressful. Your coworker put important documents in the shreader for the 10th time that week and you were the one tasked with rewriting, tracking down, requesting new copies and piecing together ones that couldn't be recovered otherwise. And of course your boss made every minute of it a nightmare. So after work, you drove to your favorite place. An abandoned warehouse off the highway about 5 minutes from your house.
It was virtually untouched by people now that the walls were covered in graffiti and the place had been ransacked for leftover valuable items. You made your way inside noticing something was off... there was a leather couch that wasn't yours, a coffee table... even a TV and game console plugged into a power supply, another handheld game on the coffee table next to an ashtray with a few cigarette butts, one of which was still smoking.
You were beyond confused. From the last time you were here someone had basically moved in... it had only been a week since you last came here. You warily approached the couch. Well... whoever left it here probably won't mind! you thought I just hope they didn't sabotage it or something. You then sat down noting that it was a perfectly normal couch and you were just paranoid.
That was when a guy came in, he was tall and lenky, had brown hair and was dressed in a striped shirt, a frankly hideous vest with fur lining, black pants and goggles atop his head. He had been holding a can of coke and a cigarette, yet those were both dropped as he saw you.
"Who are you?" He half shrieked.
"Who are YOU? You yelled back.
"I asked first!"
"My name is Y/N.. I come here all the time when I'm stressed and want to be alone I didn't think anyone else knew about it"
"S..Same but.. I come here to get away from a friend of mine... he can be quite aggressive and it's scary" He sat down beside you picking up his handheld game. "Oh and my name is Matt!"
"Hmm.. then let's share this space from now on, Matt!" He nodded in agreement.
"Yea! I hope we meet again soon"
Beyond Birthday
"We live in the same apartment complex and I accidentally leave my laundry in the washer for a minute too long and you decide to take out all my wet clothes to put yours in just as I walk in"
It was late night. You had been putting off laundry for the past week, but now you were down to a pair of underwear and your nightgown, so you had to do your wash.. you reluctantly gathered your clothes and made your way to the communal washer and dryer. You threw your clothes in and put a coin in the coinslot then set the washer to start.
You sighed and made your way back to your room to relax a little while your clothes were still washing. It had been about two hours and your laundry was probably done. The timer you had set went off and you gathered yourself and brought the remainder of your clothes as well as your box of dryer sheets.
The moment you walked in your eyes widened in horror. Some odd man sat frantically pulling your clothes out of the washer onto the dirty floor.
"What the hell are you doing??!!" You yelled rushing over to stop him. He peered up at you from his crouching position.
"You left your clothes in too long, its my turn now" You blinked
"Only for a few minutes... it just got done less than 5 minutes ago.. now my clothes are all dirty again.. damn it"
"Sorry" He said. His beady eyes were wide and innocent looking. "I'll let you do yours again... I'll pay" He said before shoving yours back in and starting it again.
When that was done he pulled a jam jar out of seemingly nowhere and perched on top of the washer dipping his hand inside the jar and licking his fingers clean of jam. It was disgusting... But you decided to not pay any more attention to it than you had to.
The rest of the time you spent with him was in silence, all you heard was the washer and his lip-smacking. When the washer finished you silently transferred your clothes to the dryer.. this time without your oddball fellow tenant interfering much. Though when he got his own clothes in he did crawl away which freaked you out.
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hobbitsnapes · 3 years
Corpse x MGK!sister reader
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(Found this image on Pinterest so all credit goes to artist, if you know who it is please comment below so I can credit them)
A/N: this was requested by @heyitssab
Tree is tall of sex in this, but it’s more in a joking matter, plus corpse has stated he doesn’t mind as long as you are not a minor or send or tag him. I’m literally 2 years younger than him, and have no intentions of ever tagging him or sending him any of my work XD
Summary: how many idiots does it take to tell the brother and friend they’re dating? Apparently takes 2 very forgetful people, who kept their relationship secret without knowing it.
It had just been by chance, a small chance that he had been scrolling through his tags. liking and reposting art, when he saw a tag from someone he followed. He wrecked his brain for when he had followed her, coming up empty. She was cute, no denying the beauty she had as she laughed in the video. It was a clip from a stream that he didn’t know she had, as he couldn’t even remember her name, wearing his merch as it fit her snug. It fit her perfectly in fact, the large hood covering her face, hiding the flush to her face from her rather large chuckles that left her body. He couldn’t help but like the photo, and he couldn’t help but to press message either.
It was first only small likes to posts, an Occasional message, and a view on their livestreams, but that all changed when he spoke of the song he was working on with her older brother.
It all started that night, when both lay in their beds as they talked, laughed, and felt their hearts flutter each time they heard one another speak.
Her phone rang violently in her bag, nearly making her drop the to go bag all over the ground as she walked. “Hello?” She asked, as she held both bags with her hands as her shoulder gripped the phone as if it’d fall down a cliff. “Hey bug!” He exclaimed, making her chuckle as she heard the booming sound of his voice. She had always detested the nickname, as he gave it to her as kids due to her horrendous fear of the creatures. But, it brought more joy to her, as it reminded her of their youth. Having been adults for years, it was fun to hear such a childish name that’s stuck.
“Hey mopey.” She chuckled, as that was the name she gave him when he was in his emo phase that he never outgrew.
Both talked as she walked towards the elevator, mainly about how his day had gone as she silently listened.
She had always been this way, always the shyer of the two, the one to listen to others first before she said a word. He had teased her for it most of their childhood and teen life, but he had grown to love it, as he could let loose or rant to her about anything, and he knew she’d be there just to listen to him.
“So what’re you doing right now?” He asked, as she got into the elevator. “Just grabbed some dinner a few minutes before you called and nearly made me shit.” A smile painted on her face at his boisterous laughter.
“Are you at home?” He asked, as he heard the sound of the elevator beeping in the background. “No, I’m spending the night with my boyfriend.”
She had mentioned about a month prior that she was seeing someone, the joy it brought him to hear the excitement and joy in her tone as she gushed about their first date.
If this was 7 or 8 years prior, he would be bombarding her with questions about the man, who he was, where he lived, where he could meet him to find his intentions with his baby sister. But, in the last few years, he found himself feeling calmer whenever she’d mentioned her love life. He knew she was smart, and would never date a man who treated her poorly. The few breakups she had, they always ended amicably, her head still high as she told him. So, he never asked her any questions about the man, as he could tell from the few times she mentioned him, he could feel the love this man had for her, and Vice versa.
The strong barreling of her phone alerted them awake, both groaning out as she reached for her phone without lifting her head from his shoulder. “Hello?” She mumbled, voice slurred as the saliva was thick in her mouth, barely awake as she fought to listen in on who dares to wake them up.
“Hey!” He exclaimed, making her equally exhausted lover groan. She shifted off of him, laying on her back as he turned away from her, as to hopefully shut his eyes and fall back asleep. She was used to her brother's large voice, as it hardly phased her after growing up with him. “Colson, why are you calling me this ungodly hour?” “Oh come on, it’s not that early.” “Col its-“ She pulled her phone from her ear, eyes shutting violently as the bright light blinded her “5 o’clock in the morning. So again, I’m going to ask you, why did you call me at the asscrack of dawn?” “You don’t remember?” He asked, making her irritation grow. “No, that’s why I’m asking.” She says, as she rubbed her sleep crusted eyes. “You were coming up today to hang out with casie, remember?” Her hand stopped rubbing her face, as she felt her heart stop momentarily. “Wait, you mean today? I thought I was coming Friday?” “No, both of you settled on today, remember I told you that’s perfect because I have a day off?” She felt her heart pain as she heard the sadness in his tone, knowing he’s expecting her to bail. “Yeah sorry, I thought you meant Friday so I mixed it up, let me get ready and I’ll be out the door okay? Love you” she said, as she hung up the line.
Before she could even move, she felt his arm wrap around her body. A tired groan leaving his lips. “Nooo stayyyy.” He groaned, pulling her body to his. She smiled as she looked down at him, wrapping her arm on his chest and the other behind his neck. “I wish I could live, but I can’t.” Planting a soft kiss against his lips. “Stay in bed for a few more hours, please?” Her heart pulled at his tone, hearing just how tired he was. “I can’t, casies wanted me to come up for weeks now. And it takes a good 3 hours to get there. I wanna spend as much time as I can with them before it gets dark so I can get back safely.” He groaned at this, wrapping his arms around her. “Yeah but it’s only 5, it wouldn’t be safe to drive since we went to bed like, 2 hours ago.” “Yeah, and whos fault was that mister?” She teased, “hmm, sorry but I just couldn’t keep my hands to myself after not seeing you for a few days.” He mused, pulling her body closer to his, planting his lips against hers. A small hum left her lips as he pulled her thigh over his, grabbing the flesh harshly as their lips cascaded together. “Mm, no no no, you’re not gonna convince me to stay here just to go another round.” She said, as she got off from his warm body, throwing his large hoodie over her bare body. “Oh come on babe, are you sure about that?” He said, making her turn around to him. A small gasp left her lips as her eyes took in his milky white complexion. His honey brown eyes looking back at her with a small smile etched onto his face. His hair a tousled mess that resembled a bird's nest, some pieces falling onto his face. “Honey, I’ve been wanting to see my family for weeks now, I see you almost everyday and practically live here. I’ll be back tomorrow so I can grab more clothes from my place okay?” She placed a kiss to his lips, both holding one another in their arms. “I don’t know why you don’t just say fuck that place and just move in.” He mumbled, making her chuckle and heart warm. “Don't you think it’s a little soon though? I mean we’ve only been together a few months love.” “Yeah, but you’ve practically lived here since we got together, you literally just go there to get more clothes that you end up leaving here.” She looked into his eyes as she thought about his words. “Hm, I’ll think about it today okay?” She mused, planting a kiss to his lips. A soft okay leaving him as she got up.
“And babe, remember if you live here, we can have all the sex we want and not have to worry about driving to get one another.” He exclaimed, laughing at the loud honey she screamed from the bathroom.
She couldn’t help but laugh out as she watched, as her niece tried her hardest to braid her fathers grown out hair. It was near impossible not to, as pieces would fall out, resulting in her pulling them harsher, nearly pulling his eyelids back due to the tension from his temples. “Okay okay you’re gonna fuckin scalp me.” He chuckled , as all three bursted out in large laughter.
“So how’s school going this year?” She asked her, as she delicately painted her nails. Both of the girls had found themselves on the floor in front of the nice coffee table, as colson sat and chatted with them. “It’s going really well.” “Oh yeah? Make any new friends?” She teased. “I mean, kinda.” She couldn’t help but hear the wavering in her tone, spotting the faint blush dusting her skin. “Ohh, so there’s a someone eh?” She teased to her, making the preteen hide her face as to conceal the flush. “His names Garrett, and we both take social studies together. He always sits next to me at lunch, and we’ll draw on my notebook.” She gushed, making her smile. “Soo, do you think he likes you?” “I mean, that’s what everyone keeps saying.” “Yeah well don’t worry about it to much cas, you’re not dating anyone for many more years. You’re still a kid.” Her das said, making the young girls face fall.
Y/N knew he was only saying this to protect her, as he said the same thing to her growing up. “Hey, don’t be bummed out about it. He is right, you both are only 12 and should focus on school. But don’t worry, he’ll come around. He was just like that with me up until my current boyfriend.” She whispered, making the young girl chuckle.
“Speaking of which, how are you guys doing?” He asked, as she hadn’t mentioned hun to her in a while. He didn’t think it’d hurt to ask. “Great actually, we’re thinking of moving in together actually.” “That’s great! I’m really happy that y’all met.” “Yeah, I am too.” She hummed, a flush dusting her cheeks.
Both men laughed as they chatted on the phone, talking about anything that would come to mind. What was once only a collaboration for a song, turned into an amazing friendship that caused both of them to call at late hours just to shoot the shit.
A yawn left his lips, as he listened to colson ramble on about another song he was making. “Woah, you tired man?” Colson asked, shocked to hear the sound. “Yeah sorry, was up most of the night last night.” He mumbled, rubbing his eyes. “Were you feeling alright?” He asked, worry laced in his tone. He knew all about his friends illnesses, even once being on the other end of the phone during a bad spell one day.” “Oh yeah yeah yeah, was just, up with the misses last night.” He chuckled, a flush blooming on his cheeks. “Ohhh yeah? And how was it?” This shocked him, nearly feeling his heart stop. Like, does he usually know about his sisters sex life? He didn’t think much of it, as he knew just how close both were. “It was absolutely fucking amazing. Like I thought we’d be done for the night, fully tapped out but after like 5 minutes she’d be right back on me for another round.” He chuckled, his flush even worse than before. “Ayyyeee good for you corpse, glad to hear that puss is bussin.” He laughed at this, throwing his head back. “Yeah, it’s bussin bussin.”
Both men talk as they read from their phones, eyes wide in absolute awe of the love they received from the song. They had just dropped it a few days prior, not expecting the cry of joy from both fan bases.
He didn’t even look up from it when she walked in, until she bent down to plant a kiss to his forehead. “Sorry I had completely forgot about the tea I made you an hour ago, but I put it back on the stove to heat it up so if it’s twisting funky just tell me okay?” Before he could even thank her, both their heads whipped towards the loudness from the other line. “Y/N? Is that you? What in the hell are you doing there with corpse!” He didn’t sound angry, more shocked than anything, both of them looking at the phone in confusion. “I, I love here? Remember I told you like a month ago I was moving in with him?” “WHAT!” Both jumped at the loud scream. “Wait so you guys are dating!?” Both we’re even more perplexed, until it dawned on both of them. Their eyes wide as they turned their heads to one another slowly. “Wait you didn’t tell him?” “No? He’s one of your best friends so I thought you did!” “He’s your brother! So I thought you did!” Both whisper, until all three lay silent. That was until, the large cry of laughter that leaves the two, leaving colson even more confused. He wasn’t mad, not at all actually. More shocked and confused than anything. Until he started thinking, it does make sense, all the times they spoke about one another without him knowing, all the times they mentioned-“OH GOD!” He yelled, gagging violently, making them stop their laughing fit. “What's wrong? Why are you yelling?” She asks “like a month ago corpse was talking about how he was tired cause he was up all night having sex AND I HAD NO IDEA HE WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU! OH GOD WAS THAT WHY YOU WERE LIMPING THAT DAY WITH CAS AND I!” Both laugh even harder, as they listen to his ever growing gags.
“So yeah,. That’s literally how we had no idea we were keeping the relationship secret from her brother.” He laughed, as he red the comments and listened to his friends' laughter. She sat beside him, head laying on his shoulder as he told the story. She couldn’t help but to look back up into his eyes, as he glanced down at her, planting a soft kiss to her lips. “Keep it pg guys.” Colson said from the other line, making them chuckle.
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All My Midnights With You (c.h)
Pairing: Calum Hood X doctor! Reader
Summary: How many midnights can you spend with a stranger? Or Four times you see Calum at a New Year’s Party and one time he didn’t.
Warnings: Fluff with a little bit of angst. Implied sexual relations. Mentions of surgery, hospital rooms and vomit. Mentions of alcohol. Language. Some grammatical mistakes (English is not my first language, I’m sorry)
Word count: 6.9 k
Author’s Note: So, i had to make a NYE fic with Cal after all the angst i threw the past few weeks, and I’ve been working on it for weeks now and I’m finally satisfied with it! Please remember that Reblogs, comments and feedback are more than welcome and encouraged! I really love to hear from you guys ❤️ Hope you like it and Happy reading 🦋💕🌻
Also Ps: I made the reader a doctor cause I was watching way more episodes than I should of Greys anatomy and I figured it made sense in the plot
My materialist // wanna be part of my tag list?
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Picture taken from Pinterest
The party was loud. It’s not like you mind at all, you knew parties should be like that, it’s just that you’re not used to them anymore. But now, your residency was over and you could enjoy a little break from the neon white lights. You knew no one there besides your best friend, who quickly disappeared from your side to grab yourselves something to drink, leaving you alone amid people with funky hats and numbered glasses.
You didn’t mind, you knew their job as a radio host required them to be more social and if your hospital life taught you something is to know how to navigate through different environments with confidence, you were fine with watching people run around for fun for a change, drinks in their hands and hope in their eyes for the New Year.
You were standing at a corner of the room with your eyes wandering around the room, trying to find your friend amongst the sea of people. That was the first time you saw him.
Tall, with a black button-up shirt with rolled-up sleeves that displayed tattooed arms with various designs you couldn't figure out at a distance, head filled with black curls that were positioned in the most perfect way to make it seem like he didn’t put an effort on it at all, which you knew it must be a lie. His profile was immaculate, you thought since at a distance he looked like he could be sculpted from marble, especially when he smiled and his cheeks took over most of his face. His style wasn’t bad either, although you wouldn't go with a completely black outfit, you must admit that it suited him. At this point, you know you’ve been staring for quite some time, definitely more than it was allowed before it became creepy, but you couldn’t help it. He was beautiful in every single way.
Your friend came back a few minutes later, a drink in each hand to share with you. You thanked them as you quickly pulled your eyes from the stranger, starting a new conversation almost right away, hoping that the blush on your cheeks could disappear.
What you missed, though, was that handsome stranger looking back at you for a moment.
He didn’t notice your previous stare, but you can say that he was curious about the new face that just showed up at his friend’s party. Although he didn't linger on too much as he was quickly swayed away by his friends in different conversations, his eyes met yours from time to time and he could almost swear he saw you blush every time they did.
The party went by without a hitch. It was closer to midnight when the host, a tall man with curly dirty blond hair and the deepest dimples you’ve ever seen, stood in the middle of the room to announce the countdown.
People started to gather around the living room, making their way into the front and looking for someone to share the first kiss of the year, pushing you away from your friend while doing so. In a matter of seconds, you got lost in the sea of people again, you tried to push your way up to your friend again but it was almost useless. With a little huff, you turned around and knocked someone’s drink over.
“Oh my god,” You said, hiding your face in complete embarrassment “I am so sorry! I didn’t look where I was going, I-”
The man chuckled “It’s okay, sweetheart. It was a shit drink anyway”
You looked up and the sight in front of your eyes almost knocked you over. It was the same guy you were crushing on the whole night.
It was almost pathetic the way you seemed to lose all kinds of speech as you looked into his eyes. If you thought he was beautiful before, then you are sure he is breathtaking standing up close.
His brown eyes had such intensity it was impossible to look away, it was almost as he had locked you down with just a stare, and that’s without mentioning his smile. You couldn’t have noticed before, but his smile made his whole face shine, blinding you as you tried to find any kind of compliment that would fit him perfectly. How could someone have the perfect smile?
He chuckled again and you noticed that you were staring waaaay too long for it to be normal. You looked away and started fidgeting with your hands, how come you can perform surgeries and talk to other doctors and patients normally but you are at a loss of words when it comes to a cute guy?!
You were about to say something, anything to make the awkwardness of it all fade away. But the voices coming from the living room interrupted your train of thoughts again. You both looked at the crowd of people gathered a few meters away, they were all staring at the countdown on the TV as they cheered for the New Year to come.
“10, 9, 8,” They sang “5, 4, 3, 2, 1…”
And as the cheer of “Happy New Year” came, you felt two calloused hands cup your cheek and pull your face in another direction.
It was almost instantly when you felt the soft lips of that stranger on yours. The initial shock made you pull back a little before kissing him back. It was soft, sweet, and innocent, yet neither of you wanted to pull away first.
You brought your hands to the back of his neck and pulled him closer to you and his hands flew to hold your waist, still in awe of how perfectly your lips melted against his, almost like they were made for each other from the start.
But everything has an end and you both need to breathe. And, when you looked into his eyes again you knew he felt it too. There was something you couldn’t deny, call it chemistry or spark or fate, but that kiss felt like nothing you’ve ever felt before.
“Woah…” He whispered after pulling away, hands still on your waist as he tried to find an explanation for what just happened “I-”
“Calum!” Someone yelled, making both your heads snap towards an even taller guy with curly hair, seriously, where do you get these people?!
The stranger - whose name was Calum, apparently - let go of your waist as his drunk friend came over “Luke!” He said with a smile, but his eyes told another story. Was he annoyed at his friend for interrupting what was happening?
But Luke didn’t notice that, he just came over and rounded his arms around Calum’s shoulders, wishing him a happy new year and slowly walking him towards the crowd of people who were waiting for him.
You stood there shocked, not knowing what to do or what just happened. But you did notice the way he looked at you, an apology plastered into his face as he was dragged into the sea of people where you lost him once again for the rest of the night.
Another year, another party.
This time though, your friend didn’t need you to drag you out of the house like they always did because you happily agreed to attend. You told yourself it was because you needed a break from the emergency room, but if you were completely honest, it was because of the hope of seeing him again.
You haven’t seen or heard about Calum since that night at the beginning of the year. Of course, you knew you wouldn’t, you never exchanged numbers nor introduced yourselves properly and your friend told you that they didn’t know him well enough to try to hook you up and that might seem unprofessional on their part, which was right. You told yourself that it was fine and probably for the best since you started getting busier with your job, so you moved on.
Yet, that kiss still lingers on the back of your head. Yes, you went on dates and kissed other people too, but that kiss was something else and you knew he knew it too.
Subconsciously you hoped for him to remember you, to think about that kiss as often as you did. You knew it was a long shot, an almost impossible dream that could only come true in movies or cliche storybooks. After all, you were one of many people he knew and he didn’t even talk to you for more than 3 minutes! One of which you spent in awkward silence and the other you spent kissing.
And even then, your heart dared to hope.
You arrived somewhat early since your friend told you they might be a little bit late so you could ahead and meet them there. And, luckily for you, you didn’t have to go that far into the party to find a familiar face. It just so happens that this familiar face was the same face that overtook your dreams for the past year.
He looked different this time, his hair was much shorter but still held onto the curls that distinguished him from the others. He was not wearing black this time as he chose a simple outfit of jeans and a button-up white shirt with the first few buttons open enough to expose his chest and a feather tattoo that you haven’t noticed before. He was laughing along to what his friend said, sipping on his beer every few moments. You didn’t think he noticed you, but your heart skipped a beat when he looked your way and smiled.
You thought about going in and say hi, maybe even introducing yourself in the hopes that he would remember you, but you needed some liquid courage before even attempting to speak again. So instead of walking towards him, you found yourself making a B-line to the kitchen.
The kitchen wasn’t as crowded as you thought it would be, a few people here and there but they were minding their own business, something you were thankful for because you didn’t know what had come over you. You cursed under your breath, you just made a fool out of yourself! He might think you are a stalker or-
“Didn’t think of saying hello?” A voice called next to you.
You stopped the thoughts running in your head as you looked to the side, almost spilling your drink when you found the eyes you were dreaming of for over a year staring back at you.
He was smiling, a hint of tease shined on his eyes as he laid against the counter. He was still just as handsome but, weirdly enough, it wasn’t as intimidating as before. You could almost say you felt somewhat safe around him, comfortable even.
You smiled at him just the same, your sudden fear of talking to him quickly faded away. You already shared a kiss, how bad of a conversation could it be?
“Why would I say hello when we didn’t even say goodbye?” You teased, making him laugh.
If you thought his smile was beautiful, nothing prepared you for his laugh.
“Touché,” He said, extending his hand towards you “I’m Calum, by the way. Calum Hood”
You shook his hand as well “Nice to meet you, Calum. I’m Y/N”
“Pretty name for a little pretty thing like you” You laughed “I can’t believe it took us a year to finally meet. Are you an Angel or something? So you only show up when needed?”
“Are you always this charming or am I just lucky?” And that was the start of the evening.
You talked the whole night. You found out that he is the bassist of a rather famous band, he teased you about never hearing of them before and you told him that your job didn’t give you enough time to listen to music that wasn't in an elevator. When you told him that you were a doctor, he completely changed the conversation towards you, asking you questions and really getting into it as you explained to him the weirdest things you saw in the ER.
The more and more you talked you knew he was special. He made you laugh and was interested in what you had to say. He answered all your questions and talked about his family and how much he misses them around this time and it surprised you how intelligent and connected he was with his emotions. The deeper you went into the conversation, the more hooked you got.
“I’m sorry I left last year,” He said after a while. You were both standing outside in the garden as the commotion of the party became too much for both of you. So you just talked while staring at the big dark sky above you.
“Don’t be” You reassured him “We didn’t know each other and I’m surprised you remembered me at all” You laughed, but Calum didn’t follow.
“I don’t think I could forget you,” He said in a serious tone, making you turn to look at him to see if he was joking. By his face, you could tell he wasn't “I asked Ashton about you like a bunch of times, but I don’t think he even knew you were here… he’s a great host, don’t get me wrong, he just sucks on making the guest lists small enough to remember all the plus ones” He chuckled.
“You asked about me?”
“I had to know who my midnight kisser was,” He shrugged. “Almost thought I was drunk dreaming or something until I saw you enter the house tonight. I was so glad you remembered me and you didn’t think I was just a creep in the kitchen”
You both laughed this time “Well, lucky for you, I couldn't forget you either, even if I tried”
Calum chuckled as he stepped closer to you, his nose almost touching yours. One step closer and you would be in the same position you were a year before, only this time you were both sure you wanted this.
“And what about tonight?” Calum asked as one of his hands rounded your waist, making your breath hitch “Would you forget about tonight?”
You looked into his eyes, but he had his gaze fixed on your lips, waiting for just one word from you to feel them pressed against his again. You felt your soul leave your body as you realized how much you wanted this.
“I-I guess we’ll have to wait until midnight to find that out” You whispered, and, just as you said that, a thousand lights illuminated the night sky in the far distance.
You pulled away when you heard the first firework, staring in awe while Calum took his phone out of his pocket and started giggling. He showed you the time and it was in fact midnight of the New Year. You couldn’t believe your eyes.
“You timed that shit, didn’t you?” You laughed, but your voice soon drowned out as he cupped your cheek like he did last year and pulled you closer to him.
“If I told you I didn't, would you still want to kiss me?” He asked. You answered him by crashing your lips into his.
The fireworks went off in the sky and around your head, that’s the effect Calum had on you. The kiss was much different from last year’s, this one was more passionate, more mature as you both knew what you were doing. It had a different meaning now that you started to get to know one another, and you hoped you would continue to do so once the kiss was over and midnight came to pass.
You were glad to know that the spark was still there, this time even brighter than ever as he deepened the kiss a few moments later. You knew it was way too soon to think about love, but when you thought about kissing Calum, you hoped it could go on forever and ever.
This time, he pulled away first “You feel it too, right?” He asked in a breath as he held you closer.
You wanted to say yes, to scream it even. You knew about “the kiss” every single romantic movie talks about, the one everyone dreams to have at least once, and you knew this was it. Yet, all you could do was nod.
He brought your face close to him again, ready to seal your lips together one more time… you could guess what happened next.
“For fuck’s sake” Calum murmured as he heard the backdoor opening and his name being called out by one of his bandmates, Michael, you guessed since he was the only one you didn’t know already.
You could tell he was about to cuss Michael for his interruption, but you were quicker.
“Hey, it’s okay” You reassured him “You have people to see and I need to make myself a drink anyways”
Calum smiled at you, thanking you for understanding but still wishing he could stay with you a little longer, all night if it was necessary. He was about to say something when Michael called his name again. This time, Calum flipped him off.
“I’ll find you later, okay?” He said, pressing a small kiss to your lips before disappearing into the house again.
You followed him after a while and went directly into the kitchen to make yourself another drink. The smile you wore grew bigger every time you thought about the kiss and how it was almost ten times better than the first one.
Your mind started wandering towards a future where you could kiss Calum every time you wanted, where you could share evenings and go on dates and travel the world… You found yourself not minding that at all.
But before your fantasies could go any further, your friend came running towards you “There you are!” They said, “I’ve been looking everywhere for you! We need to go”
“W-what, why?!”
“The host is gone and they are kicking everyone out” They said with a shrug “His band also took off”
Calum left? Without saying goodbye again? “Where did they go?”
“From what I heard, their management asked them to go and perform some songs in a party downtown, apparently one of the bands who were going to perform originally couldn’t make it and they were called in replacement”
Okay, you couldn't get mad at that, it was his job after all and it was an emergency he couldn’t help. Still, the disappointment of not being able to see each other again tonight stung like a bee.
As you were waiting for the Uber outside of Ashton’s house, your friend asked “Hey, found your mystery kisser?” They liked to refer to Calum like that, even though they knew who he was.
You smiled “Yeah…”
“Got his number this time, right?”
Oh shit.
You were late. You were soooo late and you hated that.
Well, it’s not exactly your fault, the patient in room 304 started vomiting all around and it wasn’t his fault either that he needed to go into surgery right after (successfully if I may add) At least your job gives you good excuses.
You just hoped it wasn’t too late and that Calum would still be there.
Another year has passed and you haven’t seen each other at all since that last night in January. You knew that he was touring all year round with his band, at least you knew he was happy doing what he loved. You also tried to contact him through social media, the only problem was that you weren’t the only one and your message probably got lost between the thousands and thousands he got every day. So you spent yet another year thinking of him and dreaming about the kiss that you two shared.
This night, if everything goes right, you would change that. You wouldn’t disappear without at least giving him your number, if he still wanted it, of course. And you wouldn’t disappear without telling him how you feel.
Decidedly, you open the doors to Ashton’s house, and, just as fate’s decided, the first face you see is him.
Calum spotted you immediately, almost like he was waiting for you, and his face softened the instant he realized you were finally there. He wasted no time in walking towards the door and grabbing your hand to pull you upstairs. You didn’t even have the chance to say anything as he opened one of the doors and pulled you inside, locking it and pushing you against the door, pressing his lips on yours.
And there it was again: fireworks.
You placed your hands over his chest as you got lost inside your kiss, it felt just as good as you remembered, better even. You wondered if every time you kissed was going to be like that: utterly magical.
“It’s not midnight yet” You laughed when you pulled away to breathe. Calum chuckled.
“I don’t care,” He said with a raspy, needy voice, pressing kisses along your forehead, your nose, your cheek, your lips “I can’t wait until midnight and deal with the fear of having to leave again”
“Well, aren’t you quite the Cinderella?” You teased, making you both laugh “Are-are we really in a closet right now?” You said, taking in your surroundings in the dimmed light.
“I-.. yes” You burst out laughing again “I wanted some privacy and I thought this was the guest room!”
You silenced him with another kiss, this time sweeter than the previous one “Well, I think is cute”
Calum sighed “I’m tired of both of us not making it after midnight, I don’t think I want another year without seeing you again,” He said, stroking your face with the back of his hand.
“So, what’s the plan?”
He smiled “First, we get out of here” You grabbed his hand and nodded.
You let Calum lead the way, not just to get out of the closet, but also to get out of the house and the party completely. He took you to his car and told you to hop in.
“You are not going to murder me, aren’t you? I have house plants to take care of” He laughed.
“No, that’s the plan for Valentine’s Day” Calum teased and your heart fluttered at the thought of spending Valentine's day with him. Has he really thought about you that way as well?
He jumped in the car and started driving you around the city and through the coast as you talked about everything and anything at the same time. You catch up on your lives as you ate some MacDonalds’ you picked up on your way and you sang your lungs out to the tunes that came out on the radio to celebrate yet another year gone.
You swore you couldn’t be happier and you smiled knowing Calum felt the same.
“..And that’s why I was late today” You laugh.
“I would’ve waited for you the whole night through. But I will admit I thought you’ve given up on me” Calum said, holding your hand while turning around a street you were unfamiliar with “I wouldn't blame you if you did. But I really wanted to see you tonight”
You tugged on his hand “I told you I wouldn’t forget about you even if I tried” He smiled at that.
A few minutes later he parked his car in front of a house “It’s almost midnight” He said, unbuckling his seatbelt “And I thought that maybe this time we can spend it where no one would interrupt” You could tell that he was a bit embarrassed, but the thought of it was really sweet and you would be lying if you said you didn’t want this too.
“So this is your home,” You said as a matter of factly. Calum nodded “Then lead the way, Cal”
Once inside, he poured you a glass of wine and you sat in the living room and kept talking till midnight came around. When the clock struck 12, you were already lost in Calum’s eyes. There was something hypnotic about them that you can’t quite figure out, but also don’t want to. It was a beautiful mystery and you rather that it stayed that way.
“You won’t disappear after midnight?” You asked, face inches away from him.
“I don’t plan on going anywhere, baby,” He said as he closed the gap between the two of you.
This time there was no rush, no firework spectacle in the sky nor noisy friends who could ruin the moment you both had been waiting for an entire year. The kiss held the same passion as the ones that came before, yet you could sense in the way he moved that there was something more in this kiss, a need that only the two of you could satisfy.
“Why does every time I kiss you feel like the first time?” He asked, hands circling your waist and pulling you over his lap in a quick movement as his mouth traveled along your jaw and down your neck “Do you still remember that first time?”
You smiled, hands tangling in his curls as he left a trail of open kisses from your ear to your collarbone “I remember” You said as a breathy moan leaves your lips “I had a huge crush on you since the first time that I saw you” You confess.
Calum hums “Good thing then,” He hovered his lips over yours, gripping your hips as you started moving against him “Cause I had a crush on you since I saw you looking at me across the room”
You brought your hand to cup his cheek and kissed him as your life depended on it. This was nothing like that first kiss you shared, this was needy, dirty, sloppy… The innocence of it all crumbled away as you started to grind on him even harder than before and moaning into his ear.
Calum held your hips as he felt you press against his growing, groaning as you picked up the pace “Is this okay?” He asked, looking into your eyes for reassurance “We can stop if you want, I-”
“Calum,” You said, stopping your movements altogether, “I want this. I want you”
Next thing you know, he was kissing you again, lifting you, and carrying you to his room.
You don’t know what time it is when your phone starts ringing. You just know it’s either very late or super early. You untangled yourself from Calum who had his arm around your waist as he pulled you closer while you slept. The curly-haired man mumbled something unintelligible before turning around and going back to bed. You smiled at the sight, if you weren’t in love before then you sure are now.
The phone kept ringing, so you put on a pair of sweatpants and a shirt you assumed belonged to Calum and went downstairs where you left your phone.
“Hello?” You said as you picked it up.
“Dr. L/N? It’s Lou, from the hospital. I was assigned to Mr. Minkus-” A panicked voice said.
You froze when you remembered the patient from earlier, the one who needed an emergency surgery “Is everything okay?”
“He went into cardiac arrest a few minutes ago but we managed to control it. But he is still very weak and needs surgery right now before he-”
“I’m on my way”
You ran into Calum’s room without making much noise. You changed into your clothes and called an Uber. You hated to do it when he was still sound asleep in his bed, but people needed you and you needed to go, he will surely understand.
As the Uber parked outside, you almost forgot to leave him a note, so you scrabbled your number and your name in a random piece of paper, telling him to call you so you could explain everything when he woke up and placed it in the pocket of the jacket he wore the night before, since it was the only thing close to the door at that moment, hoping he won’t be mad when he calls.
So you slipped in your shoes and left. Leaving the man you were surely falling in love with, sleeping safe and soundly on his bed.
You were at another party at Ashton’s house and this time you were alone.
Calum was standing a few meters away from you with his hands around another’s waist.
“This is the reason,” You thought as you watched him give his significant other a kiss on the cheek “This is the reason he never called or texted after you had sex”
You felt used. Worse than trash itself as you realized he used you for a night’s only fun.
You shouldn’t even feel bad, you barely knew him after all. But why does it hurt so bad?
A year ago you thought you might love him and that he might love you… guess not.
Calum caught your eye after a while, they seem sad. Why? He is the one holding another person in his arms on New Year’s Eve.
And you are on your own. That’s what you get for believing in fairy tales.
He is still staring when you turn around to leave.
You are not waiting until midnight this year.
Calum is staring at the door like a guard dog. He doesn’t know why he is waiting for you to come around this year, after all, you were the one who left him on New Year’s day almost two years ago. He shouldn’t be waiting for you and yet, he does.
He was mad at first. Furious even, when he woke up the next day and you were gone. Not even a single word for him to find comfort with. He knew he was in love with you from the first moment he saw you and then… you left. He knew he deserved it after the times he had to leave unexpectedly, but he was still heartbroken.
The boys tried to help him, setting him up on dates that meant nothing to him. Nothing like you, at least. Their kisses didn’t light up a flame inside of him, nor made him feel like the king of the world just by laying beside them. No, that was something only you could do.
He tried to start a new relationship by the New Year, yet that came crashing down quickly after a few weeks into January. He still remembered the way you looked that night, the way your eyes filled with tears as you walked away again. He knows he should've felt something in the lines of pride or comfort or even happiness to show you that he could move on without you, but all that he felt was the tugging on his heartstrings when he saw you in pain.
So, maybe that is why he is waiting for you now. He needs to see you again, just one more time and then he’ll know what to do. He will either let go or hold on to you, whatever you give him he will take. But it’s getting late and you are nowhere to be seen.
The fear of you not showing up takes him by surprise. You might as well be at home, or at somebody else’s party wrapped in someone else’s arms for all he knows. He might’ve lost you but.. who lost who first? How could anyone be winning when all he feels is an emptiness at the possibility of not seeing you again? Even though you left him and not the other way around, he is still looking for you.
A loud thud and a scream came near the living room and shook him from his thoughts. Calum got up to his feet as people started yelling for an ambulance. He ran as fast as he could and found Ashton laying on the floor with his foot twisted to the side… it did not look good.
“Mate, what the fuck?” He asked shocked, he knew nothing about ankles and their anatomies, but it was obvious they weren’t supposed to look like that.
“I fell down the stairs and I think I broke something” Ashton hissed in pain “Have you been drinking?” He asked Calum who shook his head, already knowing the next question.
“Come, I’ll take you to the hospital”
They left Luke in charge of the party as they headed towards the nearest hospital they could find. Calum silently lamented not being there anymore in case you showed up, but he wasn’t going to let his best friend stay in a hospital room alone, especially on New Year's Eve.
Once they reached the emergency room, the nurses put Ashton in a wheelchair and took him for examination. A few minutes later he was back and now they moved him to a little bed in the corner of the room as they waited for the doctor to come by.
“I’m sorry I took you away from meeting Y/N again,” Said Ashton after a while.
Calum shook his head “Don’t be. Maybe we weren’t meant to happen after all”
But Calum knew that wasn’t true. He was a big believer in fate and that everything happened for a reason. He knew that seeing you every New Year’s Eve and sharing that kiss with you at midnight had to mean something, it couldn’t just be coincidences without a motive, a reason for that to keep happening. Yet, this would be the second year he has to spend midnight without you by his side. Maybe fate was trying to tell him something he just didn’t want to accept just yet.
And just as that thought came running through his head, the doctor opened the curtain that gave a little privacy to Ashton’s little corner. Calum almost loses his breath for a minute.
“Okay, Mr. Irwin it looks like- oh shit” You looked up from your tablet with the medical records and almost dropped it when you found Calum sitting in front of you. This wasn’t supposed to happen.
You just stare at each other for a few seconds, everything else faded away. Calum thought you looked different with your white coat and your standard uniform, yet none of that made you less breathtaking than you already were, it made you even more beautiful to his eyes.
At first, you thought it was some kind of prank. You changed shifts to work in New Year so that you won’t see his face and here he is. At your job. Next to his friend with a broken ankle.
You cleared your throat and looked away, suddenly finding Ashton’s foot a lot more interesting than it really was.
“Sorry. Looks like you broke your ankle, nothing too serious but you will have to put on a cast so it heals quicker” You didn’t look at Calum, you couldn’t “The ortho specialist will be here shortly. I’m just here to making sure the meds are working fine and that nothing else hurts”
Ashton smiled at you, it was supposed to be comforting but you saw a glimpse of teasing in them, oh this must be so funny to him “Thanks Doc”
You smiled at him and shook your head, eyes drifting towards Calum for just one second before saying “It’s not a problem, Happy New Year” and walking away.
The thoughts were running through your mind like the roadrunner. You did everything you could to avoid meeting him tonight and he still makes an appearance. Unbelievable.
You didn’t even make it five steps before Calum ran up to you “Y/N! Wait”
“I’m at work, Calum” You hissed, not turning around to face him just yet
“Yet we are your only patients” It was true, surprisingly enough, the ER has never been so quiet before. Even the nurses went to hide behind a desk to wait for midnight and drink alcohol-free cider.
You sighed tiredly, you didn’t want to play this game anymore. You slowly turned around and placed your tablet on the empty desk “What do you want from me, Cal? What do you want me to say?”
“Maybe start by saying why you left that morning without telling me?” His eyes were fixed on you, yet they weren’t angry or disappointed. They were expectant, curious about what you were going to say. He knew that this was it, the hold on or let go conversation, and how he hoped to hold on.
You, on the other hand, looked at him like he was crazy “Without saying anything? Calum I left you a note! I had an emergency surgery to attend, I explained it all there and I even left you my number! You were the one who never called and then showed up with a date the next year. How do you think that made me feel, you idiot?!”
“What note? There was no note!” He asked, clearly confused about this new information.
You groaned with exasperation, how can he be so dense? “In your coat, Calum! I left it in the pocket of the blue coat you wore that night, I couldn’t find anywhere else to put it as I was heading out”
Calum stayed silent, trying to remember the exact coat you were talking about. And, in a flash, it all came back to him. He was an idiot.
He covered his face with the palm of his hand, mortified for what he was about to say “I washed the coat the next day as it got stains of food in it” He said with a groan “I found a piece of paper in the coat after I washed it, it was destroyed and I thought it was the receipt of the food from the night before”
You stared at Calum for a moment before bursting out laughing.
Calum, on the other hand, didn’t find it as amusing as you. But the more he thought about it the more ridiculous it sounded, so he soon joined you in a fit of giggles.
All of the hurt you both endured, the pain and the heartbreak… it was all for a misunderstanding caused by detergent?
“Oh my god,” You said as you tried to catch your breath, “I thought you were done with me after we-”
“I thought you were done with me!” He replied, both of you coming down from your highs.
“Calum, I could never. I told you I would never, not even if I tried” You said with a sigh “But seeing you with another after that... “
“It meant nothing,” He assured, walking up closer to you “I admit I tried to get over you cause I didn’t know what else to do. I was falling in love with you and then you disappeared without a trace. I was so angry. But as soon as I saw you that night I knew I could never be over you, even if what we have only last until midnight”
You chuckled “We can never win past that point, can we?”
“We can try,” He said, his arm around your waist and he pulled you closer “I want to try, Y/N. I assure you I cannot make it another year without at least going on a date with you. If you let me, of course. Cause I think we’ll be pretty good together, don’t you think?”
“I think we will. As long as you check your pockets before throwing something at the washer. Cause I was falling for you too, and I don’t think I ever stopped” You threw your arms around his neck, pulling your face closer to his. You missed him like this.
You missed all of him, really. You don’t know exactly what it is that draws you to him, why after all this time of meeting once a year you feel like you knew him since forever. It was new but at the same time so familiar. You know it should scare you, but you feel safer than ever wrapped around his arms “Is it midnight yet?”
Calum shook his head and pointed to the clock upon the wall. Ten seconds.
“Nine, eight, seven…”
“Six, five, Four, three, two..”
“One.” You both said in unison as your lips met again. The kiss that you awaited all year long was finally here and it was full of promise. The promise of a future together, of security and love.
You were sure it could not be a coincidence that every year you spend it by his side, that from the moment you met, no other thought has filled your head. Every piece of you seemed to be molded perfectly to fit him and vice versa. The connection was too strong to ignore and, if you believed in soulmates, then there was no doubt Calum was yours. After all, you went through to meet every year, you knew it must be fate that brought you two together, that and a broken ankle.
Speaking of that…
“HAPPY NEW YEAR” Came Ashton’s loud voice from the corner of the room. Making you both break away from the kiss to laugh.
“He just had to keep up with the tradition of interrupting us,” Calum laughed.
“Please tell me you didn’t push him down the stairs to come and see me” You giggled as you took his hand in yours and walked up to Ashton to keep him company.
“I would’ve thrown myself from the stairs if it meant I would get to see you, darling”
That night you finally gave him your number and planned a date for the next day. But not even five minutes after they were gone, you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket.
“I had to make sure!” You laughed as you heard Calum’s voice through the speaker.
“See you tomorrow, Cal?”
“And for all the days and years to come, baby”
Tags: @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @talksoprettyjjx @theshyspy @mystic-232
335 notes · View notes
I have something to say.
And some people might not like it but whatever. I was scrolling through Pinterest and found this.
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Here's the article link if you want to read it.
It's true. They're right. We need a break.
For context: I'm a middle schooler in her early teens, American. Public school my entire life. LGBTQIA+; Anxiety; ADHD; Social Anxiety; and a very bad understanding of social cues sometimes. I'm 2e (Or 'Twice-Exceptional), meaning I'm academically gifted but also have what qualifies as a learning disorder (ADHD). I'm a nerd and don't fit society's definition of normal.
When I was in kindergarten I loved it. Patterns? Easy. Red, Blue, Red, Blue. Writing letters? Sure my handwriting sucked but I understood it. Making clay snowmen in Art class? Fun as hell. Library? The best thing ever. Teacher? She was incredible. Other kids? Yeah, I was social. Foreign concept to me now but I was friends with almost everyone.
But you know what I miss the most?
An hour or so after lunch where you could sit on the floor, with a blanket, and relax. I never actually slept but gods, I got scolded so many times for whispering with the person next to me. I didn't get stressed then. I loved school back then.
First grade? I had mixed feelings. Lot of issues from then.
Second? Enh. Okay- Ish.
Third? If I hadn't had the teacher I had I would not be as okay as I am now.
In 3rd me and my parents looked at a private school. All girls, the entry test thing was amazing. I went there for a visit and there were people skipping- SKIPPING!- because they were happy with their education. But it was an hour away from us and we needed financial assistance. If it had been one or the other I would have gone there in a heartbeat. I loved it.
Fourth? PSSAs are hell, my best friend is on the other side of the school district in a different elementary school because her parents divorced, and I'm stuck with her cousin that doesn't really like me (The feeling was mutual), so I spend the entire year alone because I only ever had two friends. I also had two 15 minitue recesses and that was barely enough to keep me sane but at the same time too much time that made my loneliness even more visible.
Fifth? Ten minutes of break the entire day. Lunch was 30 minutes. The wait in the lunch line was between 5-15 (ish) minutes. My family thinks I eat too fast. I don't. Not for that. I don't have many memories of that year. I repressed them because I was bullied horribly the entire year. It's the first and only time I've ever cried in school. That summer was the last time I cried. I haven't cried in two years. I've repressed the memories to the point that I don't know if it was actually me doing the bullying or if it was her. That's how messed up my brain is. My few memories say it was her bullying me but I don't know. I really don't.
Jean? And her cousin? I didn't really fit with them anymore, but I stayed with them because I had no one else. I should have left. Made friends with Scott or someone else who understood me slightly. yes, I had my parents, but I just never told them because they were already so stressed about other shit. I didn't tell any teachers; they didn't know until it ended in a shouting match in the very beginning of my (tail end of her's) math class. I think my ELA teacher knew though. Or suspected, at least. He never gave me points for reading in class. For a year (two) my only support system was books and I had no actual friends. I didn't have any actual friends until I moved and now I have one.
Sixth? The same (Minus part of the bullying, she wasn't in my classes, mostly), except a pandemic halfway through. I sat with people I barely knew who really didn't get me at all at lunch because I was terrified of being alone, of any potential for being seen as a target ever again. I still am.
Seventh? I moved. No Gifted Program. Middle of a Pandemic. Get back to me in a month, when it's over.
My point is that I grew up too fast. I lost my childhood. I have more of the symptoms of a emotional abuse survivor than I should. I'm not comparing myself to those people; I'm not saying what happened to me is anything like whatever happened to them.
I'm just saying that I went through what, to me, was hell and some of it could have been avoided if I had had the social-emotional learning skills to make a friend.
If school had taught me what it should have maybe I wouldn't be so broken now.
If school had given breaks and less homework maybe I wouldn't be so stressed now.
If I had a chance to breathe in those years maybe I would be different now.
I can't remember the last time I was properly relaxed. The closest I get is when I'm writing; when I'm crafting a story that's all my own.
I don't really know where I'm going with this post. I'm not even sure why I wrote it. But...
I just needed to tell someone and if they- if you ignore me I'll never know.
I don't know if I was the villian. I don't know if I was the victim. All I know is I am broken; touch starved; blaming myself for everything bad that ever happened to me; and I really, really want to cry but I can't.
Sorry its so long and doesn't really connect to the picture at all.
Thank you, if you're still here.
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cherryobx · 4 years
I gave you everything//Topper Thornton x reader
requested?: yes bby “Could you possibly do a topper x reader or a rafe x reader where the reader was dating one of the pogues (jj, John b, or pope, you choose) before they find out they were cheating on them and topper or rafe comforts them and they end up together and the pogues all think they betrayed them”
since i haven’t really written anything for Topper, i decided to pick him. thank you for requesting this!
summary: your boyfriend cheats on you and you find yourself crying in the arms of Topper Thornton
warnings: cheating, cursing, my bad writing
WC: 1073
(not my gif, found it on pinterest)
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“Can I come to your place tonight? Maybe we can watch a movie or something,” you asked your boyfriend John B, who was currently chilling at your place.
“No, not tonight.”
“Why not?”
“It’s boy’s night.”
“Oh. Can I just come and chill in your room?”
“No, babe, not tonight.”
His behavior was odd. Usually, he wanted you to stay at his place even if it was hanging out with his friends. You didn’t think much about it though.
“Are we still going on that date tomorrow?”
“I actually wanted to talk to you about that. I can’t make it. Ward’s making me clean the whole yacht tomorrow. It will take me literally the whole day.”
“Oh.” You were extremely disappointed because you had been looking forward to this date for a long time. It was supposed to be your 1-year anniversary date. You wanted to cry so bad but you kept it together.
“I hope you understand.”
“Yeah, yeah totally. We can just reschedule.”
“You’re the best.” He kissed you on the cheek and got up from your bed.  “I gotta go now. See you later.”
You just nodded. A tear fell from your eye but he was long gone to even see it.
After a few hours of crying, you decided to go to the store to get some chocolate. It always made your mood a little bit better. Even on the shittiest days.
You grabbed your wallet and your car keys and wallet and then you were on your way.
In the store, you ran into JJ.
“Oh hey! JJ!” You jogged up to him, giving him a weak smile to greet him.
“Hey Y/N! What are you doing here so late?” he asked.
“Just here to get some chocolate. I had a pretty shitty day.”
He nodded. “Yeah, I know what that feels like. But um I gotta go. My dad’s going to kill me if I don’t make it home in a few minutes.”
Now you were confused. “I thought you were going to the Chateau tonight? John B mentioned something about a boy’s night.”
“Tonight? Are you sure? We usually do that on Saturdays.”
So he lied. Your face went pale and you didn’t know how to act anymore. Why would he lie to you?
You ignored him and quickly made your way to your car. Something fishy was going on and you had a bad gut feeling about it.
You made it to the Chateau in almost 5 minutes. You saw a car in his driveway and you even knew who it belonged to.
Your mind was spinning and you felt sick to your stomach. You were expecting the worst when you opened the door to get inside.
And you saw exactly what you were expecting. John B was hooking up with Sarah Cameron, your lifelong best friend.
“How could you do this to me?!” you yelled, already feeling your eyes get wet Two of the closest people you had, we’re hooking up behind your back. Your heart shattered at that sight. You had never been in more pain than that moment.
They quickly pulled the comforter over them to cover their naked bodies.
“It’s not what it looks like.”
“It isn’t? Because to me, it looks like you were just fucking Sarah Cameron, my best friend, just a few seconds ago.”
“I swear Y/N, it just happened. We didn’t plan it.”
“Oh yeah, that makes it all so much better, you fucking dickhead. You fucking lied to me! You broke my heart. I gave you everything and you just decide to do this to me. I loved you! Can you imagine how I feel? I think not. Did you ever even care?”
“Of course I did-”
“Then why the fuck would you do this to me?!” You were sobbing at this point, tears running down your cheeks like two little rivers.
“I can explain-”
“I don’t care, John B. The fact that I was seeing our future together disgusts me. How was I so naive to think that you were the perfect guy for me?  Fuck you. You know what? Fuck you both. Don’t ever fucking talk to me again!”
You ran out of the Chateau and into your car.
You drove away from there as fast as possible. Driving was a bit hard for you at the moment because tears were ruining your vision.
You pulled the car over to the side on the road and just cried. You hit the wheel with your fist, trying to ease the pain in your heart but it didn’t work.
So you screamed. You were so heartbroken. How could he do this to you?
You jumped in shock when there was a knock on your window. 
You opened the door when you noticed it was just Topper, one of your close friends who had always been there for you, through thick and thin.
“You scared the shit out of me.”
“What’s going on, Y/N? You look like-”
“John B cheated on me. That’s what’s going on.” You were trying to keep a sob in, but it was unsuccessful.
“Oh my god. Come here.”
You jumped out of the car and walked into his arms. Crying into his chest you said: “I hate him so much.”
“I know.”
And after that night you stopped hanging out with the pogues. You didn’t want to see John B ever again. 
You got numerous calls from all of them but you just ignored them all.
A few months went by and your feelings for Topper grew more and more every day. So you started dating. You honestly felt so happy with him. He wasn’t just a rebound relationship though. This felt so real.
One day at the beach you ran into Kie.
“Hey, Y/N! How have you been?”
“I think you know how I’ve been, Kie.”
“I know it was hard on you, but you don’t have to ignore us. We’re your friends. We could’ve been there for you.”
“I just mentally couldn’t pick up the phone. You don’t know what it feels like to be cheated on.”
“I don’t and I’m sorry, I feel like I should’ve done something. Because now you’ve replaced us.” She looked behind you were a few feet away Topper was sitting, scrolling on his phone.
“That’s just what happens when you get your heart broken into thousands of pieces.”
taglist: @ethereallust @teamnick​ @www-imbored-com​ @delightfullynlove​ @prejudic3​ @afterglows7b-tch13​ @tomhardybby​ @ad-infinitums​ @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless​ @ilovejjmaybank​
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aces-drew · 3 years
a christmas rini hc bc the hsmtmts special revived me <3
just a cute lil christmas rini fim my bros, just some mushy christmas love shit for y’all hehehhe (not proofread sorry, it was just a braindump lmao)
ricky loved mistletoe growing up.
no seriously, he loved it. 
ever since he was little, year after year, mistletoe was associated with everything that made him the happiest - the holidays, winter, ugly sweaters, being snug with someone you love, his parents happy and in love, and the best kind of warmth to overwhelm all the cold
his earliest memory of his parents truly in love was when he held some mistletoe up to their knees and they kissed above him with smiles on their faces and teeth clashing.
it seemed to evolve as sort of a tradition. every year since ricky was 5 years old, he held up the mistletoe for his mom and dad while the entire house smelled of nutmeg while the cinnamon rolls and chocolate chip cookies baked in the oven;
eventually his dad nagging him to do it once he hit double digits while he visibly (fake) gagged at how endearing his parents were for kissing under the mistletoe 
until this year, there was nothing that could ruin the innocence of a kiss under the mistletoe 
but here he was, winter break of junior year, with half a christmas tree up, his parent’s divorce finalised, his mom celebrating christmas with ted in chicago, his dad drunk on his days off work, and him eating microwaved thanksgiving turkey lunches (that are somehow still a thing) alone 
if he wasn’t so fucking angry at all the exhaustion and sadness he was feeling, he might’ve has the emotional availability to cry about it (hint: he didn’t)
so he just resorted to the monotony of waking up every day, doing his homework (yeah it surprised him too dw), facetiming nini, and gaming to keep himself as distracted as he could, actively avoiding the holidays all together
and obviously nini knew the extent to which this all sucked for ricky :( 
in addition to the guilt she was feeling leaving for denver in a few weeks, she hated the way ricky’s festive spirit was non-existent this year 
she remembered them every year growing up, ricky resembling a puppy getting ready for a walk in the park with each day they got closer to christmas
ricky, even before them dating, having 4 christmas movie marathons planned for every saturday of the month for them to watch on nini’s couch
(die hard of course being one of them because YES, it is a christmas movie, and no, he didn’t take criticism) 
her excitedly looking forward to cuddling with him underneath the only non-christmas coloured blanket he didn’t complain about nini keeping on the couch because he knew that it was her favourite blanket that they would inevitably end up cuddled under together
her moms obviously found them passed out on the couch snuggling, nini resting almost on top of ricky, them soundly sleeping with their stomachs full of hot cocoa and their hearts filled with love for each other (and yes the cheesiest and warmest christmas cheer)
god, they fucking loved each before they even knew what love was; if nini wasn’t already the hopelessly hopeless romantic she was, she could scream into a pillow about it
she was so thankful for ricky and the holidays, and ricky during the holidays. she always thought her favourite season was spring but seeing how much ricky loved winter, it was hard for it not to slowly become her’s too
so now as she sat facetiming him and he looked the saddest he’s ever looked, it was impossible for her not to scheme
after a few searches on pinterest and a re-watch of all the new girl christmas and thanksgiving episodes, she got her plan together
two days later, while ej, kourtney and big red took ricky out for a movie and some pizza, unbeknown to ricky, she used the hidden spare key to get in (break in) to his house
she knew that his dad had been working pretty late everyday this winter so she bet that some quality time with ricky was highly likely 
after raiding ricky’s gummy worm stash from the second last drawer beside his kitchen counter, she got everything ready 
‘this really is so nice of you guys, really’ 
ricky was incredibly thankful for his friends. he didn’t even know what he would do without them, but it was hard not to feel the sting of nini foregoing the movies for a workshop that her denver school was hosting
and of course he tried not to be bitter about it, he was so incredibly happy for her, she was the most talented person he knew, but it also sucked that he would have to do the rest of high school without his girlfriend, the person he loved most in the entire world
‘dude, don’t even sweat it... we know it’s been a rough winter’
and again, if two months ago you were going to tell ricky that ej was more an acquaintance to him, let alone a friend, he’d think something was perpetually wrong with the universe
but here he was, even empathetic
they had eaten, watched an overplayed zombie movie at the theatre and spend some good time together. and even though he was incredibly grateful for the quality time he’d spent with his friends, his social battery was low and his tiredness unrelenting.
so within twenty minutes, he was back on his driveway, taking a deep breath before bracing the Utah snow
once he walked through the door, he didn’t really even realise the entire living room re-arranged until the smell of his mom’s cinnamon rolls hit him
and then he processed all of it at once; a fort was set up in the middle of the room, the fully decorated christmas tree gleaming in its designated corner and christmas decor uplifting the entire space. fairy lights hung around the fort and the tv had been moved to level with it as muffled christmas sintra rung through the air
the entire gesture winded ricky. 
‘hi’ nini’s voice piped shyly from the kitchen
it was safe to say that rick was indeed short-circuiting right now
‘oh my-’ ‘ricky i-’
he didn’t really wait, ‘no me first. what the actual fuck nini? what the actual he-? oh my- i don’t eve- oh my-’
luckily, nini wasn’t as winded, ‘i know christmas sucks this year, i know that everything seems wrong. but i love you and gina, ej, big red and kourtney love you, we’re here. i’m here. i wanted to something for the holidays, ya know? take some agency and plan the festivities for once.’
ricky was still pretty starstruck, ‘by the looks of it, i should definitely do this more.’
her soft giggles were only matched with tears pooling in ricky’s eyes. tears he was desperately trying to control from sliding down his cheeks. nothing had managed to lift this unnerving pressure he had pressed up on his chest till now. and now? now, he was elated. he felt like a fucking cloud. he was so relieved, and so so fucking thankful.
‘this-nini this? this is everything.’ and he meant it. the earnestness in his voice seemed to surprise nini, her eyes suddenly matching his glossy ones. 
‘i love you.’ was all he managed to say as he rested his forehead on hers after hugging her, breathing in more of the nutmeg candles she’d lit. 
‘one more thing.’
‘look up!’
and surely enough, mistletoe stared right back at ricky, ‘i know this is hard. i know it is,’ she said almost reading his mind, ‘so we make our own traditions y’know, new ones. happy ones. so i thought i’d start with this.’
and that was enough for him to kiss her; he tried to convey all the love and great-fullness and integrity and warmth and honesty he felt, how much she made him feel like he had a home in her, how comfortable she was, how indispensable. most of all, he wanted her to know how lucky he was to be loved by her.
when they finally broke apart, nini raced to the kitchen counter, and when she returned with her favourite non-christmas sunshine yellow blanket and a copy of the die hard dvd, he knew that this winter break was something he could survive. 
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nashibirne · 3 years
Safe Haven 5
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Safe Haven
A Maze Runner Fan Fiction
Pairing: Thomas / female OFC
Setting: After the end of 'TMR - Death Cure'
Summary: Thomas is dealing with the aftermath of the events since the glade and learns that falling in love can be painful
Warnings:  (in this or in upcoming chapters) smut/sex/porn, swearing, mentioning of death, traumatic experiences, violence, sexual frustration,  promiscuity, homosexuality, daddy-kink, oral, nsfw, 18+ readers only
Credits: TMR-Characters don't belong to me / are based on the books by James Dashner and the movies. All pictures I used for the moodboards/headers are from pinterest. If I violate any copyright please let me know and I'm going to remove the pictures. I used pictures of Blake Lively for my OFC.
Beta by the most wunderful @hell1129-blog​ Thank you so much, honey!
Comments, likes and reblogs are very much appreciated.
Please don't use my work or parts of it without my permission.
Previous parts:
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
In Part 5 Kasey and Thomas get a little closer and Kasey has a hot dream... Enjoy!
"What time is it, Timber? I'm starving..." Kasey asked, placing a hand on her rumbling stomach. She turned around from the pile of books she was sorting through, rubbing her tired eyes. Thomas liked it when she called him by the nickname Gally had made up only three weeks ago. No one else used it, just Kasey, and he liked the thought that she had a kind of secret special name for him.
"Ten minutes past nine." he answered, stretching his arms, stifling a yawn.
"Shit, we missed dinner again. We're gonna starve if we keep on working so hard without a proper meal a day." Kasey said, sighing.
"We can't let this happen, you're gonna lose all these sexy curves." Thomas said, wiggling his eyebrows, eyeing her from head to toe with a big grin. "Sexy, huh? Is that your way of buttering your boss up?" Kasey winked at him.
"Does it work?" 
"I'm too hungry to even think about it."
"Ok...then let me pull some strings and get us something to eat." Thomas said. "Come with me."
Kasey followed him to the big tent with an adjoined kitchen near the beach that was used as a canteen on workdays. The place was deserted but there was still someone tinkering around in the kitchen. 
"Fry?" Thomas called for his friend.
"Yeah?" Frypan appeared from behind the curtain that separated the kitchen from the canteen, holding a garbage bag in his hand.
"Oh, hey guys." he said, stuffing the bag in the trash can. "What's up." 
"We missed dinner, Fry, but we're starving. Any chance that there are some leftovers for us?" 
"Sorry, man. There's nothing left, not the tiniest crumble. Served pizza tonight and we're completely out of stock." Frypan shrugged his shoulders apologetically.
"Oh...okay. Shit." 
"It's all right." Kasey said with a smile. "We're gonna find something. Maybe there are some biscuits in my bag at the library. That will do."
"Biscuits? I promised you dinner, Kay."
"Guys, listen, I really gotta go now, I have a date with Brenda, but I don't want to take responsibility for you two starving in front of my kitchen. So why don't you go inside and help yourselves? Feel free to use our supplies and cook a meal, okay?" Fry suggested, taking off his apron and handing it over to Thomas.
"Great! Thanks, man. I owe you one."
"Anytime, Tommy."
Looking back on this improvised dinner weeks later, Kasey remembered it as the night she'd fallen in love with Thomas, the whole scenery burnt into her brain like a brand.
"Sit down and relax, boss." Thomas placed a chair beside the stove, making her sit down with an inviting gesture. "Let Timber take care of you." The overly wicked wink he gave her not only made her laugh but helped her loosen up instantly, feeling secure and at home. 
"You can cook? You seem to be a man of many talents." she teased him.
"You'll find out in a few minutes."
"Okay, let's hope for the best." she grinned. "Can I help you with something, make myself useful?"
"No, no, no. You just sit there and admire me, okay?" Although she couldn't see his face because he was starting to chop onions with his back turned on her, she could imagine the smirk on his lips. "Seriously, Kay. Just for once....do nothing, lean back and let go, okay? No need to be in charge now." He turned around to face her. "Even you have to rest sometimes." 
"I do rest!" Kasey protested.
"No you don't. You're always on stand-by."
"Did you talk to Joe? Because this is exactly what he keeps on telling me." She rolled her eyes, letting out a deep sigh that told Thomas that she knew he and her brother were right.
"Well, then you better stop being stubborn and start listening to the people who care about you."
A warm feeling started to spread in Kasey's chest. She couldn't really tell why but she was extremely touched by his words. Maybe because she was surprised that he knew her so well after just a few days. That he cared about her. That spending so much time with him felt so natural, so good and so familiar though she hardly knew him. And so she finally did what she was told, she leaned back in her chair, stretched out her legs and crossed her arms behind her head, watching Thomas chopping, whisking and puttering and she actually even admired him - or at least his well-formed backside.
Half an hour later Kasey found herself enjoying a simple but delicious, lush omelet with cheese and onions.
"Oh my god, Thomas, this is soooo good." she moaned with pleasure after the first few bites.
"Yeah, I hear that often." he smirked, giving her a cheeky smile. The flirtatious look on his attractive face was so unexpectedly sexy she almost choked on her omelet. Coughing she gave him a sheepish smile.
"You're okay?" Thomas handed her over a bottle of water, his fingers brushing against hers for a moment.
"Yeah" she mumbled when in fact she wasn't. She felt thunderstruck, like 100 million volts running through her body, making her skin tingle with electricity and she didn't really know why.
Later that night she was tossing and turning in her bed, unable to stop thinking about Thomas, his sexy smirk and the touch of his hand. When she finally fell asleep she had this very confusing dream...
I'm standing in the middle of a dark room, disoriented. I don't know where I am or what I'm doing here and I'm scared. The air is cold, a cool breeze blowing through the room makes me shiver and I feel my chest getting tight. The all-consuming dark feeling of loneliness that spreads inside of me is so overwhelming, it makes me start to cry, hot tears of desperation start streaming down my face.
"Hello?" I shout out sobbing, hoping for response, but the only answer is the echo, my own voice resounding from the walls.
Suddenly the room lightens up. There are hundreds of big white candles burning, bathing everything in a warm, flickering,  golden shine and all fear is gone, fallen off in an instant, getting replaced by an intense feeling of being at home, safe and sound.
I look down and see I'm wearing a long, elegant, silken nightgown, the color of shimmering caribbean pearls, the fabric cool against my naked skin, hugging my body tightly, contouring every curve. I wear nothing underneath and I feel sensual and confident, lustful even. 
I'm happy now, in an enthusiastic mood, feeling light like a feather. I spread my arms and turn round in a circle, again and again, like a child, till I feel dizzy and a silly giggle escapes my mouth. I now realize I am standing in the library. My library. Our library. It's fully equipped, the shelves filled with the most beautiful books I've ever seen, their spines all covered in golden letters and luxurious ornamentations. 
I take a step forward to take a closer look when I stumble over something laying right at my feet. Shocked I see it's my favorite book, the book my father used to read to me, when I was a little girl. It's so precious to me and it makes me so sad to see it laying in the dirt, covered in a thick layer of dust and sand. I pick it up, cleaning it with my hands, blowing away the remains of the sandy coating. I turn around, knowing exactly where the book belongs, stepping closer to the shelf. I want to put the book back into the free space on the top but I'm too small, my arms are too short. The more I try to reach it the more the shelf seems to expand, getting higher and higher, growing into the ceiling that is covered in darkness, the light of the candles not bright enough to enlighten it. I stand on the tip of my toes and try again and again, because I feel the deep, urgent need to get the book back to where it belongs but it's hopeless. When I'm just about to give up and burst into tears of frustration I can feel someone's there with me. I sense his physical presence right behind me and without turning around I know it's Thomas and I start to relax, absolutely convinced everything's going to be fine, now that he's here. His body is just inches away from mine, his breath hot against my neck, sending pleasant shivers down my spine. 
"I'm here, Kasey. I'm here to take care of you." he whispers in my ear and a wave of heat and arousal washes over my tingling body. I still hold the book in my hand, reaching out for the shelf and I don't dare to turn around and look at him, afraid he's going to disappear into thin air.
Thomas takes the book, stepping forward, closing the remaining space between our bodies. I feel his body pressed against my back and I notice he's just as aroused as I am. Thomas returns the book to its place without any effort and he doesn't step back when it's done. I enjoy the sensation of his closeness, of the heat he radiates. 
"Kasey." I hear him mumble into my neck, his lips brushing against the sensitive flesh.  "Kasey..." The next thing I feel is a tender kiss placed lightly on my skin. Another one, on my shoulder this time. I can feel his tongue and his lips again and again, covering my neck, my shoulder blades and my upper spine with hot kisses, making me feel wanted, making me feel special, warmth spreading between my legs and in my heart. I still don't see him, still refuse to turn around, because I don't want to destroy the moment, the sensual atmosphere, the erotic experience.
"Thomas." I moan, bending my head back, eyes closed, my hands searching for his body, grabbing him by his thighs. He's naked. I swallow, looking down at me I realize my nightgown's gone. I'm naked too. I sigh contentedly when I feel Thomas strong hands on my waist, wandering higher and higher, touching my breasts gently. His breath is going fast and I feel his rock-hard erection pressing against my backside. 
"Thomas." I repeat, shivering under his touch.
He keeps on stroking my breasts and I feel my nipples harden. His mouth is on my neck again, this time more sucking and biting than kissing, causing me a stinging pain, that I enjoy so much more than I would have ever expected.
I start rolling my hips, rubbing my bottom against his body, making him moan loudly which turns me on even more. He moves one hand away from my chest, letting it slide down my torso oh so slowly until it disappears between my legs. I feel his fingers glide over my vulva and into the wetness of my vagina, causing me to groan. He pulls back slowly and starts stimulating my clit, knowing exactly how to drive me crazy, how to turn my moans into hoarse, lustful shrieks.
"Look at me, Kay." he whispers, his voice thick with arousal, deep and husky.
I turn around slowly and there he is in all his gorgeous perfection. His golden brown eyes dark with lust, his cheeks flushed, his beautiful lips swollen and reddened. I admire his naked body, his toned form. He smiles at me and leans in and I know we're finally about to kiss. I yearn for the touch of his mouth. I want to feel his lips on mine, I want our tongues to unite in a passionate dance. I cup his face with my hands but before I can kiss him everything turns black and I fall into a deep dark void, crying from the top of my lungs.
Kasey woke up, screaming, all heated and sweaty, completely out of breath. She was so aroused that she couldn't help but touch herself to finish what Thomas had started in her dream. 
When she was lying in the dark afterwards, confused and exhausted, realization dawned on her. She was beginning to fall for the guy...
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mangoofthesea · 3 years
Took me a week but I'm here! I was tagged by @abstract-moth
1. Why did you choose your URL?
I decided to do a revamp of my blog last year after having the same blog url and set up for a few years.
I was really into this podcast called You're Wrong About at the time and they had a series on Jessica Simpson and during it they talked about some joke relating to her being made fun of for questioning why a can of tuna had the brand name Chicken of the Sea and i liked the sound of 'of the sea' as the name of something and subed in 'mango' because I really like mangoes and I thought the name as a whole had a cool vibe to it (made these choices all in about 10 minutes the same day I was setting up my new laptop)
2. Any side blogs?
Technically 2 but I don't pose much to them :supernatural-art and spacewordwasaimingforozai, both from different eras of interests
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
pfffft uhh I wanna say since about 2014 since I've had an account which went unused for around a year then started using it from the beginning of 2015
4. Do you have a queue tag?
sometimes I use q but I will just occasionally queue things really
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I saw loads of screenshots on fb and pinterest of tumblr posts and they made me laugh and I wanted to get in on that, as well as hearing it was good for fandom
6. Why did you choose you icon/pfp?
It was when I was doing the blog revamp and I had the picture saved in a 'to draw' file and thought it was a good vibe
7. Why did you choose your header?
same reason as above but a meme folder
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
This one that I made before falling asleep and woke up to find a lot of people could relate then its just kept going up
9. How many mutuals do you have?
At least about 20 I think, some I don't interact with or see active anymore so probably more like 15 that I see regularly
10. How many followers do you have?
694 wow nice c'mon guys get me to 700
11. How many people do you follow?
398. I honestly thought it would be more
12. Have you ever made a shit post?
13. How often do you use tumblr?
Basically every day minus when I delete the app from my mobile for whatever reason for a couple days and only use it sporadically on my computer and am active less
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
Had an argument briefly with someone on a post of mine a few years back about an opinion I had for a show (supernatural) and what they were doing with the plot. I think I technically won it mostly by not getting aggressive and just repeating it was an opinion I had that could maybe happen, but I found it so stressful I deleted all reblogs I had done with the discussion on lol
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog” posts?
I think its nice to do and personally I really like reblogging basically everything but get that other people don't. It's something that can be nice to do and feels very tumblr exclusive which is why I like it I think
16. Do you like tag games?
I love them! So thanks @abstract-moth it's been fun getting tagged in stuff again as it's been a couple years since that's been consistent for me
17. Do you like ask games?
Also love!
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I think maybe akaashiscupofwater as they seem present in the hq fandom quite a bit and I got super excited when they followed me
I’m tagging @wonderlandmoonrose7 , @gats-puckish-rogue , @flannel-wearing-warrior (absolutely no pressure though), and anyone else that wants to do this :)
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