#her two dorky fans in the side :P
caorl · 3 months
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literally can't stop thinking about rockstar!hsy send help
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free-pool-trash · 3 years
of pick up lines and garden flowers - peter maximoff
requests: Hello! I'm a big fan of basically all your Peter Maximoff x Reader stories and was wondering if you could write one where both of them got sucked into Westview and reader's "role" is a florist and Peter's in love with her or something? Bonus points if they were already together before getting trapped in the town and every time they meet, reader gets a flashback of when they were together? That would be pretty awesome to read :D
hey bestie ✨ i love this idea it’s super cute <3 thank you for sending it in i hope you enjoy <3 comments and reblogs are appreciated
word count: 1.1K (it’s short but i quite like it)
warnings: peter being dorky, really fluffy
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The sound of the bell above your door chiming alerted you that you had a customer. You smiled softly, not turning around, continuing to fix the arrangement of flowers in front of you.
“Back again?” You teased, already knowing who the visitor was without having to turn around. He came in at the same time every single day.
Once you finished adjusting the lilies on the shelf, you spun around to face the silver haired man who leaned against your cash counter casually, “Thought you needed your daily dose of vitamin P.”
“Dear god. That’s the worst one yet, truly, you’ve outdone yourself.” You cackled, busying yourself with filling out orders to avoid catching his trademark cheesy grin.
It had become a routine. He’d stroll into your shop and hit you with his best terrible pick up line and you’d send him away with a single flower.
“You smile wider the worse they are.” He informed, his dimples on full display as his grin had turned into a wide, loving smile.
If you hadn’t known better you would’ve sworn that you’ve seen that adoring smile of his before. Yeah, you’d seen it almost everyday this week but even from the very first day he’d stumbled into your shop and accidentally knocked over a vase of freshly organised hydrangeas he was familiar- he felt familiar.
Riding that train of thought you let out a soft “Oh”, as you remembered the flower you’d chosen to send him away with today. It wasn’t anything too special to the naked eye but whenever you looked at it you were hit with a sudden wave of nostalgia, the feeling was similar to the one you got when you’d lock eyes with the man who stood before you now, and so you figured why not put two good things together?
Quickly you pulled the flower out of the vase behind the cash counter where you were keeping it and presented it to Peter with a bright smile, “Tah-dah!”
Peter stared at the flower for a second, before his eyes moved up to your face. Truthfully, Peter didn’t really care about flowers, but he did however care about you and for whatever reason he couldn’t seem to keep himself from coming back to you time and time again.
He took the flower from you gently, making sure his fingers lingered against yours while you passed him the stem, he admired the steady blush that began rising on your cheeks at the contact.
“Why’d you pick a daisy?” He asked, twirling the green stem between his fingers and for a brief second, as you watched him grinning and messing with the taller than average garden flower, it was as if the fog had cleared completely.
The night was hot, you were laying in the garden simply listening to the crickets and allowing the cool breeze to sweep over you as you twirled a small daisy that you’d plucked from the grass between your fingers.
“Psst. Y/n!” Peter’s whisper startled you from your relaxation and you turned your head to look at him.
“Mhm?” Peter plopped himself down beside you, dropping his head onto your lap and letting out a content sigh as he did.
You sat up on the grass, careful not to move his head too much, you began to play with it softly as he began to speak, “Are you a magician?” He asked, looking up at your face seriously as if the question he just posed was the most important question he’d ever ask you.
Before you could even really process his question, a huge grin made its way across his lips, “Because when I’m with you everybody else disappears.”
“We’re the only people here, my love.” You reminded him through a giggle, “But counter question- Are you a parking ticket?” Peter scoffed, raising an eyebrow at you, completely unimpressed by your line’s set up.
“Why? Cuz I’ve got “fine” written all over me? Lame.” He complained rolling his eyes.
Lightly you flicked his nose, “No, I was gonna say it’s because you’re a huge inconvenience.” His gasp caused you to bark out a laugh, pleased with his outraged response.
Within a second Peter tackled you back into the grass, his fingers running up and down your sides, relentlessly. Loving the way your laughter came out in howls, the way they always did when he tickled you. Your eyes watered as he refused to let up until you were begging through squeals of laughter for him to stop. When he finally ceased his attack on your ribs, he let out a chuckle of his own and rolled off of your body, lying on the grass beside you instead.
It took you a second to catch your breath again, eventually when you managed to even out your breathing you turned your head to look at Peter, who was already looking at you. His gaze almost made you lose your breath again. His brown eyes twinkled and his skin was illuminated weakly by the moon that shone full above you, perfectly highlighting the dips in his dimpled cheeks as he smiled softly yet widely. You knew what that look was, he was in love, and conveniently; so were you.
“Truce?” You whispered, holding out the little daisy you had plucked from the grass earlier and offering it to Peter, whose smile never dimmed as he nodded in agreement.
You shimmied closer, pressed a small kiss to his nose before tucking the flower behind his ear. The image of him so in love with a daisy poking out from behind his ear was the purest, sweetest thing you’d ever seen and it caused your smile to nearly split your cheeks.
“You look perfect right now.” You voiced your thoughts quietly as to not disturb the moment.
Wordlessly, he placed his hands on your hips and tugged you into him so that your chest was flush against his. He kissed you softly, his lips moved meaningfully with yours, pouring all of his emotions into the kiss before he pulled away reluctantly.
He rested his forehead on yours and let the words he was thinking slip from his lips, his smile back and wider than it had been before your lips connected, “You’re perfect all the time.”
Peter watched in concern as you seemed to zone out for a second, a thoughtful look on your face. It only lasted a few seconds, though.
As quickly as it had gone, the fog returned and the memory slipped away as if it were never there to begin with, leaving only a feeling of warmth behind. With a gentle shake of your head, you zoned back in on Peter.
His heart skipped a beat at the smile that stretched across your lips. It was dazzling, no that wasn’t it, it was perfect.
He watched mesmerised as you shrugged your shoulders and spoke through a grin, “Not sure. It just reminded me of you… for some reason.”
Maybe, you’d been right to say you’d known him before. There was something so vividly sentimental to you about the boy that had you convinced that; yes, perhaps you had been met with his adoring smile before- in another life.
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bluemusickid · 4 years
Hi! I hope you're doing well 🥰 Can you I request one where Steve breaks reader's arm or leg by mistake during training and has to take care of her afterwards? Definitely won't mind if some smut is added 😅 Thank you!!
OMFGGGG MY FAV WRITER SENT AN ASK ASDFGHJKL (Also full disclosure: this has been one of my kinks for a while :P)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader
Warnings: slow burn (just a tad), 18+, SMUTTTT, unprotected sex (don’t be silly, wrap your willy), did I mention NSFW? Read at your own risk.
A/N: I would like to thank @imdarkinme for sending in this AMAZING ask! She’s a doll and I’ve been a fan of her writing for so long!! I would also like to thank @donutloverxo for converting me to a Steve Stan loool. I wanted him to be a bit dark here, but in the end his dorky side won. :P Without further ado, I hope you enjoy!! Send in your requests here and you can join my taglist here (or you could just send an ask lmao)! Thanks!
I post my stuff only on AO3 and here, nowhere else. 
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The Learning Curve
You groaned as you got up from the mat, yet again. It was dumb of you to ask Captain Rogers to train with you. As a new recruit, you’d obviously wanted to impress him; he was the leader of the Avengers after all. There was only one tiny problem you forgot to factor in: the man was a Super Soldier, while you were...not.
“Come on, get up! We still have two rounds to go!” a voice bellowed from above you.
You mentally cursed at the voice. You’d tried to not let it affect you, but like many others, you had a bit of a crush on the Captain. But it wasn’t solely because of his looks, it was more about his passion to help and save and to protect. He was always so passionate, it was hard to keep away(which was a fiercely guarded secret). You felt like Icarus, when you were with him.
Getting up, you tried to block his punches, while getting in a few yourself. It was impossible, the man was a champ. You saw your opening, however, when he seemed to be distracted by someone approaching him from behind you. Seeing this as a golden opportunity to catch him off guard, you threw a punch aiming for his face. Unfortunately, he blocked the punch and pushed you, to ward you off. It seemed as if he too, forgot that he was a Super Soldier, pushing you a bit too hard.
You screamed as you fell to the ground, twisting to save your face, your arm breaking your fall. Your suspicions were confirmed as you tried to move your arm but couldn’t. Steve heard you yelp and rushed to your side, carefully inspecting your injured appendage. You squealed as he touched your arm, the pain indescribable. Steve whispered his apologies a million times, trying to haul you up by your waist, in vain. Finally, he gave up and picked you up bridal style, like you weighed nothing.
You gasped, partially out of pain, but mostly out of surprise at the sudden move. 
“Umm...Cap..tain..I..can..walk..” you stuttered, unable to keep the pain out of your voice.
He looked into your eyes and smiled, shaking his head. Oh dear lord. This man truly was gorgeous. Nearing the MedBay, he slowly placed you on the bed, his mouth tantalisingly close to yours as he lowered you onto the surface. You never realised how blue his eyes were, which at the moment were filled to the brim with anxiety and some other emotion; which you couldn’t quite place your finger on. Deciding you were probably delirious from the pain, you tried to focus on what the doctor was telling you.
“...so you’ll have to be on constant bedrest for the next two weeks before we can check again to see if you need a rod put in.” 
“Err, I’m sorry doc, what?” you mumbled apologetically, embarrassed by your thoughts.
“As I was telling Captain Rogers, you seem to have a hairline fracture in your ulna, which could require support. You need to rest and take it easy for at least two weeks. Training will have to be put on hold, and I suggest you call a family member to take care of you in the meantime.” the doctor said, scribbling notes.
“Oh, that..won’t be necessary. I can do stuff on my own, I’ll be very careful.” you said with a grimace, not wanting to seem weaker in front of Steve.
“That’s not gonna happen.” Steve said, firmly. “She’ll stay in my quarters. It’s the least I can do after breaking her arm.”
You stared at him, a million things going through your head. You and him, in the confines of a room, alone. Oh no. This was going to be torturous in more way than one.
“Oh no no no, Captain. I couldn’t. I wouldn’t like to impose. Plus, I’m feeling better already! I’m sure it’s more than manageable. Please..I..I’ll be okay, really.” you rushed, pretty sure that your voice was betraying just how fast your heart was beating.
Steve smirked. “This isn’t up for debate. Plus, I’m sure it would be easier for the others to check up on you when we’re away on missions.” he said, taking the prescription from the doctor.
You winced as he helped you up from the bed, the warmth of his hand making you hyperaware about what your life was gonna be like for 2 weeks. You sighed. It was gonna be a loooong two weeks.
You realised after a week that your worries had all been for naught. Steve was an excellent caretaker. He made sure you took all your medicines at the right time, ate properly and rested enough. He was also a thorough gentleman, always calling a lady nurse when you needed to take a shower or get dressed; really respected your boundaries. But you couldn’t deny the shift in his behaviour towards you. At first, you felt like you were reading into it too much, but then it started to get more noticeable. They were little things, but it meant so much. He would insist on having lunch with you, no matter if you were quiet or chatty; Steve always was there. He brought your favourite blanket from your chambers to make sure you felt more comfortable. At night, he would make sure you were comfortable, get you hot chocolate, maybe even sit next to you till you fell asleep. One time, he held your hand till you drifted off; but you were sure that you felt him leave a small peck on your cheek as you nodded off.
If you weren’t falling for him earlier, you sure as hell were now.
After hitting the two week mark, you went to the doctor again for a checkup. All seemed well, there was no need for a rod to be put in but the cast would have to stay on. Steve was there throughout the appointment, listening intently at everything the doctor said with his full focus. It was quite distracting and kinda hot, and you couldn’t help but sneak glances at him periodically. On one occasion, he caught your eye and grinned, catching you in the act. You wished the ground would swallow you up just then: this man fully well knew that you had a crush on him and was enjoying messing with you.
You nearly gasped as you felt his hand on your shoulder, guiding you to the lift. Something was different today. Steve seemed buoyant, which was very out of character for him.
“The nurse isn’t available today, she had some prior commitments. If it’s ok with you, I’ll be taking care of you tonight.” he said, softly. You gulped, his tone messing with your train of thought.
“Uh, that’s ok, I can manage things for a night. I’ve already imposed on you quite a bit and don’t want to create more of a hassle.”
Steve smiled. “Sweetheart, you’ve not been a hassle, trust me. It felt nice having you around, I enjoy your companionship. Just a few weeks more and you can get rid of me.” he said, with a mischievous grin. You groaned inwardly; this man was driving you nuts.
“Oh no, I really liked staying with you. You’re great company! I don’t think I want to get rid of you, ha.” you said in a flourish, mentally cursing yourself for being such a blabbering fool around him.
Steve looked at you, his eyes darkening. He stepped closer to you, opening his mouth to say something, but the elevator seemed to sense the tension rife in the air and opened at that exact moment. You both snapped out of the haze you were in with Steve beckoning you to his quarters, his hand resting softly on your back.
Back in your room, you realised you needed to take your nightly shower. You were about to call for the nurse, when you remembered that she wasn’t gonna come. Shit. You’d have to call Steve to help with your sling. Closing your eyes, you sighed before you walked to his room, praying to God that you would get through this. Just go in, get the brace off, and get out, you whispered to yourself. With that mantra in mind, you hesitantly knocked on his door. A muffled ‘come in’ reached you, and you timidly entered the lion’s den.
Steve was tinkering with the laptop, clearly engrossed in some work. You felt guilty disturbing him, but it was kind of an emergency. 
“Is everything ok?”
“Yes, I..just needed some help with my sling; I tried to take it off, but it’s not coming off. Can you..unfasten it? I’ll be out of your hair in no time..”
Wordlessly, Steve sauntered over to you, turning you around to face the wall. Softly, his fingers undid the clasp of the sling, pulling the straps off your neck, his fingers grazing over your skin gently. You jerked, surprised by the small currents you felt with these small touches. Turning you around, he helped you take your arm out of the sling, his hands accidentally brushing the sides of your breasts. You didn’t dare make eye contact with him; you were sure you would say or do something you would regret later on. 
“All done.” he whispered, his eyes not leaving yours. You realised he was merely inches away from your lips; the proximity driving you crazy.
“Thanks.” you mumbled, wanting to run out of the room.
“Are you going to bed? Do you need anything to drink?” 
“Yes, I was just gonna head to bed after my shower.”
“You can shower here. I’d be able to keep an eye on you then and you won’t have to worry about any mishaps. See? Win-win.” he said with a grin.
You were about to decline his offer but stopped when he held up his hand. “You need to stop thinking that you’re a burden on me. I like doing things for you, it makes me feel like I’m not totally alone. These two weeks have undoubtedly been one of the best weeks in my life. I like you, and I know you like me. I just want to show you how much I care for you in my own, peculiar ways.” he said, taking your hand in his, drawing patterns on your knuckles softly.
Your mind raced with all the information. You never knew Steve felt this way, he was always so taciturn. Your gaze flitted to his face, his eyes darkening the way they did in the morning. He didn’t need words to convey what his eyes said; he felt the same way you did about him.
You melted as he raised your hand to his lips, placing a kiss which felt like petals grazing your skin. Leaning down, his lips inched closer to yours, his breath tickling your face.
“Tell me if I should stop, and I will.” he whispered.
You waited a beat before making your decision. Raising your lips to his, you touched his lips slightly before murmuring, “don’t stop.”
And that was it. You were lost in the maelstrom of emotions that was Steve kissing you. It started off sweet, with Steve engulfing your lips within his, taking his time to make sure you were enjoying. It turned heated the moment you ran your fingers through his hair, gently tugging on it. Steve ran his tongue over you, begging for entrance. You moaned and opened your mouth, prompting him to unite his tongue with yours, as if to memorise every inch of you. You broke apart, the need for air greater than your desire. 
He picked you up and carried you to the bed, placing you on it carefully. Being extremely careful, he pulled off your tee, eyes widening as he took in your bare chest. Kneeling in front of you, he took off your sweatpants and your underwear, leaving soft but searing kisses at every inch of skin he exposed. You sharply inhaled, already feeling yourself get wet even though he hadn’t even touched you properly.
Lowering you to the bed tenderly, he made sure your arm was resting comfortably, placing a pillow underneath the appendage. Placing his hand next to your head, he kissed you deeply, pouring every emotion he felt into that kiss. You moaned as you felt his lips trail lower, leaving kisses along your neck, laving your pulse point. Moving lower, he kissed your breasts, leaving small bites along the way. Taking a swollen nub in his mouth, he sucked on it while massaging the other, prompting you to groan and run your uninjured hand through his hair, wanting him inside you.
While he moved his attention to your other breast, he trailed his fingers down your body, leaving goosebumps in their wake. He finally reached his destination, his fingers soft against your wet nether region. 
“Steve, please..I need you..” you whispered in urgency. His intrepid fingers found your swollen nub and circled; gently at first, and then with more intensity. Moving lower, his digits swirled around your wet lips, before plunging into your tight channel. You gasped as he began thrusting, his knuckles bumping along your front wall, hitting your sweet spot. You had to refrain from arching your back, instead relegating to pulling his head down for a kiss. He increased his speed, adding another finger once he sensed how close you were. You shrieked as you reached your peak, breaking apart from the kiss. 
As you opened your eyes, recovering from your orgasm, you saw Steve look at you, an unspoken question in his deep blue eyes. You nodded, cupping his cheek, running your thumb over his soft, soft skin. You don’t know what power he wielded over you, but it didn’t matter. You had no qualms being caught in this spell he wove.
Shedding his clothes, he returned to his place, widening your spread legs with his torso. Sitting back on his heels, he took in your body, his gaze running over every curve, every stretch mark, every beauty spot on your body. Taking his hard member in his hand, he gave a few strokes before lowering himself, running his nose against yours. He ran his tip along your wet folds before plunging into you in one swift move. You gasped and closed your eyes, your head falling back against the pillow. He gave you time to adjust to his size, your walls snug against him. After a moment, he began moving, careful to not move your arm. He started off slow, making sure you felt every inch of him. You hooked your legs around his hips, urging him to move faster. He took the hint, his pace increasing with each thrust. The coil in your belly was tightening and you could feel yourself hurtling towards completion for the second time. Running your hand along his back, your hand made it’s way to his ass, pushing down, begging him for more. Steve held himself up, looking deeply into your eyes, as he sped up his thrusts. You could feel him within you, each thrust hitting your weak spot over and over again.
You screamed his name as you reached your peak, your legs tightening around him; wrapping yourself around him like a vine. He was close too, his thrusts now becoming frantic as he was chasing his end. Your walls contracting around him set off his orgasm as he moaned, spilling every last drop of himself inside you. You both panted, as he dropped his head on your chest, trying to catch his breath. You both stayed like that for a while as you ran your fingers through his scalp, enjoying the feel of his weight on yours. 
There were many things to talk about, sure.
But for now, this was more than enough.
Tags: @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @donutloverxo @worksby-d @gotnofucks @imdarkinme @chris-butt @ozarkthedog
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putschki1969 · 3 years
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Wakana Spring Live ~magic moment~ 2021 Review
Note: I FINALLY got my package. Now that I watched the full live in HD, I thought I would share m thoughts and a little present below the cut ^_^ As always, I would like to encourage everyone to SUPPORT Wakana by BUYING her Blu-ray!!! Her sales numbers aren’t the greatest which is a huge shame since this is a solid release.
Overall thoughts: I got the Limited Edition of course since I couldn’t resist the pretty sleeve packaging, the bonus documentary (so insightful) and the photobook (scans coming up soon). It is quite pricey but totally worth the money, especially if you are among those fans who liked “Magic Moment” much more than Wakana’s debut album. The release comes with a gorgeous clearfile as tokuten so be sure to get it! Try going for the Regular Edition if you want to save money. As for the live itself, it was a pleasure to watch and I can see myself rewatching it a lot (skipping a few songs though :P). Wakana’s voice coaching lessons are definitely starting to pay off. She has so much stamina these days. Can you believe that this was her SECOND live performance of the day? Her vocals were solid, even during her high-demand power ballads. At rarely any point did she sound overly-screechy to my ears, there were certain sections that didn’t sound 100% smooth but those parts definitely didn’t take away from my  overall enjoyment. On a side note, this live was a feast for the eyes, Wakana looked absolutely beautiful in her white dress and I even liked her encore outfit even though it was a little “out there” XD During the more up-beat songs, her smile literally lit up the entire hall. Seeing her have so much fun on stage is healing. I feel like they may have gone a little overboard on the blurry filters from time to time but I guess that was on purpose. 
1.揺れる春: 6/10. This is obviously the perfect cute intro for a Spring Lives so I understand why Wakana put it here but I would have much preferred “breathing” as a grand entrance. Still so sad that this is the only song from the “magic moment” album that didn’t make it onto the setlist of this live. I know, we already got an official audio recording but I would have loved some video footage to accompany it :P Anyways, back to Yureru Haru. I haven’t really warmed up to the song yet. It’s not bad and I honestly love the verses since they are super precious and feel kinda nostalgic but the chorus doesn’t stand out imo. Also, her singing style during parts of the chorus isn’t my favourite and not overly flattering. 2.where: 4/10. Oh no!! I was hoping Wakana would be singing the “ohhhohhhs”. She could have easily done it during the start and middle part of the song since it wasn’t overlapping with her other vocals. This seems so rushed? Is it just me? I haven’t listened to the studio version in a while but I know that I quite enjoyed that and it definitely didn’t make me feel as fidgety as this. Don’t know what it is exactly but it keeps me from getting into the song. I guess this is the biggest disappointment for me because I wanted to like it. 3.君だけのステージ: 4/10. I will admit it, this is not my favourite song. It’s just way too long :P But it is a very good and energetic performance, really no complaints when it comes to Wakana. But experiencing it live at the venue would have made it so much better for me. Oh well, nothing that can be done about it. The scat part at the end was a pleasant surprise. Would have loved to hear more of that. 4.442: 100/10. Honestly a masterpiece. One of Wakana’s best solo songs up-to-date and so very perfect to show off her vocals. Hearing it live like this with a band arrangement is a revelation. I love the wailing in the beginning and all the strength she conveys throughout the rest of the song. 5.ひらり ひらり: 3/10. Another song I haven’t warmed up to yet. No real thoughts. It’s one of those songs that’s just very forgettable, not bad per se but there is just nothing at all that attracts me to it. :-( As you can tell, I wasn’t entirely happy with some of the setlist choices. Wakana obviously wanted to include all the album songs but some of them are just not my cup of tea T_T 6.夕焼け: 6/10. This is one of the pieces that gets better every time I listen to it. And the latter half of the song is generally much nicer. I am always surprised by how much I actually like it when it’s over :P 7.アキノサクラ Acoustic ver.: 7/10. I am distracted by that harmonica sound-alike thingy Satoshi Takebe is playing XD Still, I have come to really like this song last winter so it is always appreciated, especially the acoustic version. Wakana is struggling a bit during the ending but nothing too bad. 8.myself: 100/10. Utter perfection. So much better than the studio version. And I am not saying this because I disliked the studio version, quite the contrary actually, I LOVED it but these two versions are honestly miles apart. Wakana’s live performance feels so much more raw and emotional. And her vocals in this are pretty much flawless, I can’t even begin to describe how this song makes me feel. A perfect ballad for Wakana. 9.メロディー (Cover): 8/10. My first reaction was boring. But by the third listen I was totally smitten and now it’s among my faves from this live. Be sure to give it a few tries, it really grows on you. I can tell why Takebe would choose this for Wakana. 10.元気を出して (Cover): 8/10. Ahhhhh, so freaking cute and old-school. Nothing beats a nostalgic, fluffy pop song from the 80s. I am here for this content. The “lalalas” at the end are LOVE. 11.オレンジ: 6/10. I like the song but I have to be in the mood for it. And here we have that fake harmonica thingy again. I enjoy the sound of a harmonica about as much as the sound of an accordion (which means not at all :P) but it fits the vibe of the song so I am okay with it. The bridge is usually my favourite part but Wakana’s delivery wasn’t as smooth as I would have liked. It was nice to have this right after “Genki wo Dashite” because both are encouraging pick-me-ups. 12.恋はいつも: 10/10. One day I wanna hear her sing the “baby, baby” part!! Please! Another absolutely highlight, you all know that I ADORE  this song, I could listen to this FOREVER. It’s such a shame the corona guidelines do not allow the audience to sing along because the ending is so much more powerful if everyone is actually singing instead of just clapping. 13.Happy Hello Day: 8/10. Such a feel-good piece. Initially I didn’t like it much but seeing it performed with an audience during her Music Party and now here, has really made me fall in love with it. I have mentioned it before in my initial reaction to the YouTube leak but I wish she would have sung some lalalas at the end just as she did during her Music Party. 14.magic moment: 9/10. I KNEW I would love this song more once I got to hear it live. I still feel like the composition is a bit choppy and thus not as flowy as I would have liked from a power ballad like this but OMG, Wakana’s live performance is EVERYTHING. Blown away by her powerful vocals, she OWNS this song 15.時を越える夜に: 10/10. Two power ballads back to back. What more could I ask for? I know not many people liked Wakana’s solo debut but I personally always thought it was perfect for her. I consider this to be one of her best songs. Say what you will about Takebe but he certainly knows how to make Wakana shine, at least in my opinion. And the song has only gotten better with every live performance. Although I think I preferred the version from her Voice Tour. So very glad we got at least one track from Wakana’s first album. The original setlist actually included Kinmokusei and Kioku no Hito which are two of my faves (they were later exchanged with the two covers). 16.春を待つ (Kalafina Cover): 8/10. Despite this being one of Keiko’s favourite Kala-songs I never could bring myself to really appreciate it. It’s just an okay song for me. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy it quite a bit but I don’t go out of my way to listen to it. However, I very much loved Wakana’s cover though, she does a good job singing everyone’s lines and since the original doesn’t have any harmonies her solo performance doesn’t feel too lacking. 17.あとひとつ: 10/10. Always a treat. Can’t believe this STILL hasn’t gotten an official release :P  But I understand Wakana’s reasoning, she wants to keep this song a unique live experience and it really is. I can’t help but tear up whenever she is singing this.
Documentary: I haven’t watched all of it yet but OMG, this is so cool. The first 20 minutes are dedicated to rehearsals. I love seeing Wakana like this, just being her cute dorky self. But poor baby, it was hard seeing her this exhausted after the big studio rehearsal (that’s what the gif is from - being her overdramatic self, she literally dropped dead to the floor). The second half of the documentary is Wakana talking about the production of the live and the different songs of the setlist. 
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
Wakana Spring Live ~magic moment~ 2021 Google Drive (3,11 GB) 🎁
Documentary of Wakana Spring Live ~magic moment~ 2021 Google Drive (1 GB) 🎁
Wakana Spring Live ~magic moment~ 2021 MP3s Google Drive 🎁
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icegoddessrukia · 3 years
Zuko :P
Incredibly overrated and a lot of fandom doesn't understand him. I do like Zuko and he's probably one of the most well-written villain redemption arcs ever, partially because his redemption arc is non-linear - it would have felt unnatural if in Book 3 he suddenly turned completely good and it would have seemed too forced him he just went to the good side immediately in Book 2. I liked how even near the end of the show they still made him hold onto some of his asshole-ish beliefs/personality traits because it seemed realistic.
However, fandom seems to misunderstand him in two major ways 1.) Portraying him as the sensitive uwu woobified sad boy 2.) Portraying him as the ultimate badass/chick magnet. Zuko did a lot of terrible things that are usually completely overlooked/forgotten about now (like burning Kyoshi Island/threatening Katara and stealing her necklace/treating his Uncle like garbage/sending Combustion Man after the Gaang). The fact is he was a villain. And he has a mean side and can be very aggressive - he's not this sad little victim that needs to be protected at all costs.
Secondly, he is a very socially awkward character and quite uncool. He was never suave and charming in his interactions with girls and is frequently dorky and incompetent even when he was a villain. He's not this cool, macho "bad boy" - as he himself admits, he's not very good at being bad (or good). Aang, Jet, and Sokka are the more charming boys - Zuko is not.
The sad thing is that the constant stanning of Zuko mostly stems from completely shallow reasons - i.e. people think he's a conventionally attractive emo teen or they basically stan any edgy villain because stanning villains makes them seem more intellectual.
What is super annoying as an ATLA fan is how every fanfiction/fanart/headcanon always somehow has to include Zuko, how he's the only character anyone ever cares about and other characters such as Mai and Azula get demonized if they don't cater to his every whim. I dislike how professional critics seem to only remember Zuko when they're analyzing the show and he is the only one who gets credit for being well-written. Hell, Aang gets hate simply because he isn't Zuko.
Fandom has major double standards when it comes to forgiving all of his flaws while criticizing Aang, Katara, and others for any minor flaw they have. I hate how fandom acts like only Zuko's trauma counts when analyzing the characters or that his trauma is somehow worse than the pain that Katara, Aang, Sokka, Mai and others have been through. He's a good character but he's really not as amazing as he's made out to be. Just because he was a "bad" character who turned "good" doesn't mean his development is somehow better and more important than other characters' own.
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mccarricks · 4 years
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( brittany o’grady / demi woman ) WESLEY McCARRICK is 23 years old and is a SENIOR at thales university. SHE is majoring in FILM and is known for being THE MAVERICK as THEY can be HUMOROUS and OPEN-MINDED as well as DITZY and IMPULSIVE. every time i see HER/THEM, THEY remind me of PURPLE SKY IN THE DESERT, SKATING AS FAST AS YOU CAN TO FEEL THE WIND ON YOU, A JOKE TOLD WITH A TOOTHY GRIN.
hero’s back w character no. 2 and yet......
full name: wesley ‘wes’ elaine mccarrick
birthdate: february 2, 1997
age: 23
gender: demi woman
pronouns: she/her/they/them
zodiac: aquarius
nationality: american
ethnicity: black (louisiana creole) and white (irish)
hometown: santa fe, nm
languages: english, intermediate spanish
theodore mccarrick, father
elaine barlow, mother
ruby mccarrick, older brother
delphine mccarrick, older sister
sherri barlow, maternal grandmother
many cousins
orientation: bisexual biromantic, pref. towards women/nb people but will date men
religion: agnostic
height: 5 ft 4 in
distinguishing features: eyebrows, hair, lips
character inspo: ilana wexler (broad city), harley quinn (dc comics), phoebe buffay (friends), prob more
TRIGGERS: divorce, mentions of crime, drug and alcohol use
the youngest child of ted and elaine mccarrick, wes was a kid who is full of life. she’s the kind of kid who did things to make you smile, and it usually worked. she was warm and inviting, a little naive, but she had a strong support system.
her parents divorce when she’s six, she doesn’t quite understand it but her dad moves out, and her grandma and multiple cousins move in. it’s a lively household, between her mom, who works as a nurse, and her siblings, and her cousins, it was never really quiet and there was never a lot of room.
despite the split, her parents maintain that their children have a relationship with both of them, and truthfully, wes is a daddy’s girl. she and her dad were cut from the same cloth, happy go lucky, fun loving, a bit silly, he’s the one who introduces her to movies. it’s their thing, watching and critiquing them together, and it’s not whatever is in theatres either. they went for all times of filmmaking, new wave, surrealist, and more.
it really stuck with wes, who herself had begun making movies, mostly horror/fantasy/scifi stuff with her friends-- she writes and directs and occasionally, she’ll don a costume and star in them. they’re silly little things, but her family always sat down for her “premieres.”
her formative years are marked with plenty of things, sports, deaths of distant family members, a cousin or two who gets caught in the wrong crowd and ends up in jail, and throughout this, wes remains a rock for her family.
she’s in high school, and she gets into the eclectic crowd, the outcasts, the weirdos, the ones who smoked under the bridge, and partied out in an abandoned trailer near the desert. these freaks were her freaks. they accepted her with open arms, as she them.  
she chooses thales because she always wants to see the east coast, and frankly, as much as she loves her family, she wants to be free of them. and they have a fantastic film program. so!
she meets steven in their first film class together, and they’re fast friends, despite her usual weariness of YET another film bro, steven proves to be a good egg. so she thinks. she finds out through him talking that he might not be the most faithful to his girlfriend, and as much as she doesn’t like meddling, she thinks it’s only right to let clarissa, who she doesn’t really know well, know. however, before there’s a chance, everything happens-- now she’s stuck wondering if she should reveal the truth, or let sleeping dogs lie.
nana is different, nana and her dated her sophomore year, nana’s freshman year. it wasn’t serious. but they were fond of each other. they eventually break up, but they stay friendly, waving to each other in the halls, chatting at parties.
both the disappearance and the murder is weird for wes, who by all accounts, isn’t great at dealing with bad shit. she prefers to laugh about things. laugh about everything. because if she doesn’t laugh, she’ll cry.
wes is a mess, a free-spirit, a walking contradiction. she’s very independent minded, the kind of person who does things without thinking so much about the consequences, this leads her into trouble sometimes. like nicking something from a convenience store, or stealing a stop sign as a prank. she’s definitely the kind to goof off and not exactly dedicate her full attention to something. and while she’s in genuinely good spirits on most occasions, she has a staunch ‘no asshole’ policy. the type to defend the underdogs, and go after bullies. she’ll punch you with a smile on her face, and yet it ends up being more unnerving than you realize. she’s a bit of a ditz, as well, never the best at school, but can talk your ear off about the going ons of the world. she’s a lovable dumbass, for sure, and loyal to a tee once you get her as a friend.
horror movie fan! her favorites are some of the oldies, like dracula and  the bride of frankenstein! and some new ones! big fan of jordan peele’s work, as well as ari aster’s! but mostly really advocates for women directors and directors of color!
also does roller derby! she picked this up her first year at thales and fell in love with it, i can’t think of a name for her yet, but she’s a blocker, won’t hesitate to elbow some dick at the bar
kinda a tomboy? she’s always been! she’s rough and tumble and not afraid to get down and dirty with someone, i.e. will join those football games on the quad or crawl through the mud for a scene to shoot
doesn’t know if she wants to be a director/writer or a cinematographer honestly.... she loves the technical aspects of film as much as the making the stories
definition of a bruh girl, says it a whole lot, but also just if you tell her you love her, she’ll just roll her eyes and be like you’re an idiot (which means she loves you too) she’ll be affectionate if she’s close to you
kinda a wh*re oops....... texts multiple girls at a time and doesn’t want to hurt any of their feelings she doesn’t know how she keeps ending up in these situations... also a bisexual disaster
a stoner as well..... always has a massive jar of weed
unclear whether she lives on campus or off campus but if she does live off campus she has a pet turtle named elsa lanchester after the bride of frankenstein actress
a drummer! she’s in a band (name tbd) she started drumming at a young age and found it was a good way to manage her aggression
doesn’t really do well with emotions, so she’ll either be like there, there, or try to make jokes.... she really said kids can you lighten up
walking meme... such a walking meme... doesn’t know so many things she’s like a cute puppy with no thoughts head empty but she’s so fun to be around
life of the party.... nana she came fr ur spot and she took it and she’s not sorry but she does miss u a lot
doesn’t rly feel like she’s allowed to be upset anyways bc some people have it...... way worse.... can u say Imposter syndrome
kind of an enabler...... will be that person to push u to try things but not in a peer pressurey way, more like if u are unsure abt sending a text she says do it
wears fun earrings and socks! think lollipops or gummy bears or found objects like she collects that shit it’s her lifeline
boxes! she’s been boxing since she was abt 12, courtesy of her older brother (who is now a doctor thx ruby) and it’s a good way to exercise and release stress
best friend -- two of a feather, cut from the same cloth, or complete opposites it doesnt matter to her (the abbi to her ilana)
roller derby friends -- she’s p close to the team, margs on her
makeup artist pal -- i think it would be neat fr someone to try and teach her makeup whether its normal or sfx bc she wants to look like a monster or smthn
she’s gullible, u take advantage of that -- u just tell her lies p much and she’s like yeah ok that sounds right
party friends
fwbs (f/m/nb) -- tbh she might have one or two of these but they literally are the def of pals who bone sometimes... like v good abt being like you good? u dont want more? cool me too
exes (f/m/nb) -- mostly dated women or nb people but def cld have had a guy
she smokes you out -- p much the only reason u hang out w her is bc she has good weed
someone she’s fought -- like fully decked in the face, prob said something that rubbed her the wrong way and it just devolved from there
people who dislike her -- she could definitely be seen as annoying bc shes loud and dorky and funny so ??
breaks someone out of their shell -- p self explanatory, pushes them to have fun, w everything happening shes rly like lifes too short to not take the opportunities around u
cousins! probably on her dad’s side! i figure she has some east coast fam 
anything? truly?
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wapwetasspirates · 4 years
SO SFW AZ (Atoll)
A: Affection (How affectionate are they with a s/o?)
Atoll is probably the second hardest to win affection from, that is not to say they aren’t affectionate. With a partner they may not be the most verbosely suave they are always one to show and is a fan of physical affection. That said, they trust few aside from their sister and not even their counterparts. They can be a bit overbearing in their affections, something of motherhen and a homemaker they want whats best and they often think they know whats best. Once they are shown that you can care for them just as much as they do for you they tend to ease up though amd is very doting. 
B: Breath (What can their s/o do to take their breath away?)
A sap of a sort, anything their s/o does pretty much can stop them in their tracks. Get them drunk and they’ll never shut up. At the top of the list though is sleeping in their bed, its a level of trust around them that speaks to them on levels they can’t explain and if you were awake you’d see the stars in their eyes. 
C: Cuddling (Do they cuddle? If they do, how and when do they cuddle?)
Actually not much of a cuddler, while they play the part of lazy captain they are usually neck deep in work of some kind. That said, they do love a head on their shoulder or their lap while they work and vice versa. 
D: Dream (What do they dream of doing with their s/o?)  
Getting their own boat and traveling, not needing to defend themselves and actually giving into their more lazy tendencies. Being able to live the “retirement” life is their dream. 
E: Effort (How much effort do they put into a relationship?)
As much as they can but Atoll tends to be stretched thin and that can cause a bit of a strain. They’re always trying to manage everyone and at times their faith in their ability to multitask is overestimated. It doesn’t happen often but when it does its usually pretty bad. 
F: Fear (What do they do if their s/o is scared? How do they handle it?)
That you will get hurt. Given their line of work it’s a valid fear and one that plays a big part in their hard to catch heart. 
G: Gifts (What type of gifts do they give their s/o? Do they want a gift in return?)
Both giving and receiving Atoll prefers quality time, for all their job they aren’t very materialistic and provides most of what they need themselves and for their s/o so time given is something they hold dear. 
H: Hugs (Do they hug their s/o? How often?)
More of a hand holder than a hugger but if things are going well or right after a good attack they’re likely to sweep their partner off their feet. 
I: Intimacy (How romantic are they? Do they have problems with intimacy?)
Atoll tries but they often miss the mark. Many things are forgotten in their scattered thoughts or they plan it too carefully and it can be stressful. Intimacy itself is not a problem and whenever they have a spare moment they’re more than likely with their s/o (if they’re not bothering Coral).
J: Jealous (Do they get jealous? How do they act when jealous?)
Very jealous and very easily. They tend to get overly sweet when jealous and uses a lot of their more “fake” persona to “win” their s/o back and their s/o will often find the person Atoll is jealous of is never an issue again. 
K: Kiss (Are they a good kisser? Do they like to kiss? How often do they try to kiss you?) 
Slow and languid. It's their moment to breathe and enjoy you so they tend to take their time. For quick pecks though they’re fond of giving neck kisses and melts over cheeks kisses themselves. 
L: Love (When do they say they love you? How often do they say it? Do they prefer to say it or show it?) 
It can be hard for Atollto be as smooth as they would like with her partner, their softer dorky side coming out. And they say it as often as they can when they aren’t blushing themself to death. Usually the easiest way to get them to say it is right before a nap or bed. 
M: Marriage (Do they want to get married? If so what kind of ceremony?)
Atoll does and they’d prefer something quiet with just them and their partner. 
N: Night Out (What type of dates do they like to go on? How often do they like to go on them?) 
Atoll has a tendency to leave decision making in this aspect on their partners. Both because it's easier than them forgetting and being something of a homebody they’d rather spend all their dates just relaxing side-by-side, or taking the small dinghies to explore the reefs. 
O: Out of the Ordinary (What’s something they don’t normally do for/with their s/o?) 
Being seen during an attack. They tend to make sure their s/o’s are conveniently not around when they’re working or not on board. 
P: Playful (Are they playful in a relationship? If so, how do they play around/mess with their s/o?)
Atoll loves a good verbal joke but is less fond of the more physical ones, especially on a ship. When teasing their s/o they tend to be found of double innuendos so long as they can’t dish it back and fluster them. 
Q: Questions (Do they ask their s/o their opinion on things? Do they share theirs?)
At first they won’t but the more trust Atoll has in their partner the more likely they are to rely on them. It will start with offering their own opinions before they allow anyone to share theirs. 
R: Random (How spontaneous is their relationship? Do they do things on the spot or plan ahead?)
A planner though one wouldn’t know it at first, Atoll does nothing without checking it three times over. That doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy spontaneity but they’re a creature of habit and lazy at heart. 
S: Sleep (How do they sleep with their s/o?)
Always touching some part of them even if they aren’t cuddled. Atoll has no preference for large or small spoon, they just want to know you’re there. 
T: Trust (How much do they trust their s/o?)
In the beginning not a lot, and there are levels. Work and romantic trust are two different things and Atoll is quicker to trust someone romantically than in work. But once they do it is firm and unshakeable but try hard enough to break it and you won’t get it back.
U: Unique (What makes them unique as a s/o?)  
They’re a skeleton for one. A pirate for another. 
V: Vulnerable (How long until they can be vulnerable around their s/o? What are they like in this state?)
There is no set time but it won’t be before they are dating officially. Vulnerable Atoll relaxes more, showing more of their lazy, teasing side. It takes the pressure off their words and they’re found to actually be an avid talker about the things that interest and a bit shy. 
W: Wild Card (Random domestic headcanon)
You’ll never sleep alone, whether it's naps or for the night. Somehow no matter what you’re doing Atoll shows up to at least have you near when you fall asleep. They always wants to be the last thing you see before you sleep and vice versa. 
X: X-Ray (What would they do if their s/o got injured?)
Atoll tends to shut down when people they love get injured, their freezing is a big reason they try to keep them out of it. Atoll tends to rely heavily on Coral in these situations and afterwards the person or thing that caused the injury is gone. 
Y: Yuck (Do they have any pet peeves about their s/o? Are there any habits that might bother their s/o?)
They hate when people lie to them or try to hide things from them, Atoll won’t pressure you but it does grate on them. 
Z: Zeal (Are they passionate as a s/o? Do they want or like passion?)
Atoll doesn’t require it but they themselves are very passionate and tends to focus solely on their one person. Though they can’t make as much time as they’d like, every spare minute they have they gives to their s/o but sometimes it is not much. 
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punkass-parkerps4 · 5 years
I’ll make it up to you
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summary:peter has to go do spidey stuff in the middle of sexy times
Your heels clicked down the hall to your apartment. You had a smile on your face, and you felt confident.you had just had your first day at a new job you were loving, mostly because of the atmosphere of  the tiny office in Hell's Kitchen; Two lawyers posted that they needed a secretary/paralegal and you gave your resume, and the rest was history. Your day was primarily helping the working people of the city, mostly pro-bono cases. For your first day, you dressed modestly professional. The dress was made out of a comfortable material and made you feel attractive but in a 'boss ass bitch' kind of way. You opened the door to you and your boyfriend's apartment to smell of caramelized onion and spices like cumin and turmeric and ginger. You now realized just how hungry you are after working all day. You see peter set your small table with plates of Naan bread and a bowl of chicken tikka marsala. " so I figured you would be tired after your new job, so I used your recipe that you gave me and made dinner," he spoke with a metal fork still in his mouth, chewing on the delicious Indian based food. "thank you, Pete, that was thoughtful." you smiled at his dorkiness. Over dinner, you talk about each other's days what Pete did at work and on patrol. You clean and put away the dishes. As you were walking past the couch peter pulls you into his lap planting small kisses on your face and tickling your sides. you let out  a laugh and beg him to stop; then you feel a hardness in his jeans.all of that bouncing around must have gotten him hard you think before he says "you look so sexy babe, so professional and stuff." you move from his lap to kneeling between his thick muscular thighs. "Yeah?" you rub your hands over his denim covered thighs " So gorgeous baby." he agrees.you undo his belt before pulling it from his jeans and tossing it behind you. One hand rubs his growing erection, and the other undo the button and zipper. He lifts his hips, and you pull his jeans and boxers off swiftly, his hard and veiny cock smacks his lower stomach. He shutters when you teasingly run a finger along a decently sized scar on his thigh. You look up at him while kissing the inside of his leg. his breathing his slightly labored as you reach up to the back of your dress and unzip it. It falls exposing your bra.you free your arms and starts pumping him slowly, teasing. "my spidey senses are telling me that you were planning this all along." he motioned to the lacy bra.you giggled at your inside joke you release him and start kissing up his length, now massaging his balls. You suck on the tip of his pretty cock, and he let out a strangled moan. You pull away and pump him a few times before repeating this time stroking the rest of his dick.you swirl your tongue around the pink tip, and he places his hand on your head, motioning you to take him in deeper. Has moaning softly as the tip of his pulsating cock hit the back of your throat. You're bobbing your head up and down his length. "you're so good for me, sweetheart," he whined.just as he's about to cum you pull away. He whines as you undo your bra, nipples pebbling from the cold air. You take him in your mouth again, tears pooling in the corner of your eyes. "mmnn gonna cum soon" he mewled, his hips buck as he shoots a load of hot cum down your throat, almost making you gag. You remove his throbbing shaft from your mouth with a pop.you move to straddle him on the couch. You kissed him passionately, tounges colliding and fighting for dominance. just as you break apart his phone goes off. "10-34 hostage situation near hell's stacks currently in progress, backup requested." the operator from the police scanner spoke. You both let out an audible groan. This was definitely not the first time you were interrupted during your time together, and it would certainly not be the last. As much as you hated being cock-blocked by the police radio. You loved Peter more and ultimately understood that he had to save lives. You scooched off his lap, and he clumsily put on his suit; apologizing and promising to make it up to you later. He kissed your forehead and was out of the window. Feeling alone and horny; you let a resigned sigh from your lips and go to the bedroom to try to solve this problem by yourself. ____________________________________________________ When Peter returned, he found that his girlfriend was already asleep.  She looked so peaceful sleeping; strands of (H/C) hair wisping around her face.he removed his suit and kneeled by the bedside. He moves the tresses of soft hair behind her ear; she starts only slightly. A soft smile washes across his face; a tightening in his chest; he felt horrible about leaving her in the middle of sex, especially after that amazing blow job she gave him. He slipped into bed with her, her scent embracing him with the duvet. He snuggled up into her side as his hands began to wander. He moved his fingers over her breast teasing the pebbling nipple. Peter smiled as his ministrations elicited a sigh from her parting lips. He switched to the other mound, tweaking the erect nipple, another cry from her still sleeping form. His hand moved southward, caressing her stomach then slipping beneath her pajama pants and panties. His thick, calloused fingers stroked lightly over her lips before rubbing tight circles over her clit, just light enough to not awaken her but give her pleasure at the same time. A louder whimper fell from her lips as she began to buck her hips into his touch. Her breathing was becoming, and he could hear her heart speed up in between soft mewls of pleasure. He knew she was close by the way she was writhing against him.to tease her he stopped his stimulation on her clit and moved to feel how wet she was, soaking her underwear.he moved back to her clit this time pressing slightly more firmly, her legs spread slightly as he began to place butterfly kisses on her bare shoulder. A quiet moan escaped her lips as her body tensed as her orgasm radiated through her body. She awoke to the throbbing pleasure in her lower abdomen and the feeling of Peter's hand in her pants. "mmmm peter" she keened, nuzzling into his touch "want me to keep going, beautiful?" he quired to which her response was a nod.peter ripped the covers from the bed and crawled between her legs.he ripped the clothes off from her lower half. his rough hands spread her thighs and guided your legs to be thrown over his shoulders.he licked a long stripe up her labia before pulling away and asking her smugly "Mmm baby you're so wet, is this because of how I woke you up by rubbing your pretty little pussy?" "Peter please!" she begged. He smirked before returning to lick and suck at her bud. The way he kissed and teased her womanhood had her hips bucking against his face, trying to get more stimulation. He growled and placed his forearm over her pubic bone, using some of his strength to keep her still. She let out a moan that sounded like music to Peter; her hand reached down in peters hair. "Pete, I'm so close. I'm Gonna come." she whimpered as her other hand curled into the bedspread. His name fell from her lips.her next orgasm washed over like a tidal wave, her nether regions throbbed and pulsated as he continued to eat her out through her orgasm.he removed his glistening mouth from her and began to tease her opening with his middle finger. She let out a whimper when he finally pushed his digit into her tight wetness. He curled his thumb against her walls and thrusting his finger deeper, earning him keens from her open lips. Once he felt she was ready, he pushed his ring finger inside her. She writhed and rolled her head against her pillow.her hand moved to his forearm still keeping her hips again. "Peter! I'm gonna cum again-oh!" he leaned down and suckled on her clit to bring her over the edge with a cry of his name. Her third orgasm made her legs clench around his head as she spasmed around his digits, still thrusting inside of her. ____________________________________________________ Peter removed his fingers from your heat and brought the slick digits up to his mouth to taste.you sat up and grabbed a condom from the bedside drawer as he moved up to kiss you, you tasted yourself on him. He licked your bottom lip before your tounges battled for dominance in a heated kiss as you rolled the slick condom onto his shaft before giving him a few pumps.  You let out a squeal as he pushes you back down on the bed.  He teases your slit with the head of his cock before pushing in slowly. "hah, baby you're so wet and tight." he panted in your ear before sucking on the sweet spot on your neck "Pete, please move." you whimpered.  He pulled out slightly then pushed back in; he soon found a good rhythm that you both liked.his hot breath fanned over your throat as he hit your g-spot, causing you to let out a loud moan. His mouth moved across your clavicle and down your sternum before diverting left to take a perked bud into his warm mouth. His tongue swirling around your nipple and his thrusts that hit your g-spot every time caused your hand to clench his bicep, leaving red crescent-shaped indents in his skin. "Peter please, I'm gonna come again." you cried as he gave you another passionate kiss. "come for me, baby," he spoke.your mouth formed an o-shape as your body tensed. you let out a loud cry as you come tumbling from the edge yet again.you feel the fire in every nerve ending as your body twitched from the intensity. Peter pulled you into his lap, still inside you. When you and come down he started trusting up, directly hitting your g-spot.youre sure moaning so loud that the neighbors could hear you.peter his panting in your ear letting out groans of pleasure. "hah.im close, baby." Peter moaned in your ear "p-Pete I c-cant." you whined, the intense pleasure becoming too much. Your hands flew up to his back, nails probably leaving scratches. "it's ok, come for me.i know you can," he assured, snaking a hand between the both of you to rub your clit a loud cry of his names forced itself from your throat. Your whole body spasms as your walls contracts around his hard cock.  He lets out a loud moan as he pushes entirely inside you, releasing into the condom. When you come down, you see your bodies and faces flushed and covered in sweat.  He lays you back on the bed before pulling out and discarding the used condom. He kisses your forehead and says he'll be back.  He returns with a bottle of water, which he opens and hands you. You take a sip and ask him "can you carry me to the bathroom? I need to pee, and I don't think I can walk." he laughs "sure gorgeous, anything for you."
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devilbat · 5 years
Super Bowl, Super Bored.
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Warning: just fluff, and football
A/n: I was bored and this idea came up with a friend @darkprincessloki92 so here is is may be boring I don’t know just wanted to write it. Haha sorry to any football fans from either team.
Tom Hiddleston x reader Evans!
It was never easy being Chris Evans baby sister. You only wanted to have a normal life at times. Your dorky football loving brother always made life a bit difficult. Like your dating life for starters. It was like Chris found it his soul purpose to find aways for you to not dating. Though if you did bring a potential suitor, they would get imitated by Chris. Or would only want to date you cause you were Chris’s little sister. It was never easy. Until you meet Chris friend Tom Hiddleston, aka Loki. The first time, was while you brother was filming the first Avengers.
You happened to be on set for a month while you brother filmed. The day you met Tom he was in full Loki gear. You were looking for Chris when you turned the corner and was knocked down to your ass by the handsome god at the time. He definitely took your breath away that was for sure. Apologizing as he helping you up. Though he never let your hand go. Of course he asked who you were and you told him you name. Followed by Chris Evans little sister. He was definitely taken back by the fact that you were his sister. But that did not stop either of you becoming friends.
Though of course Chris wouldn’t let you date him even if Tom wanted to. Once Chris saw you hanging around Tom more often then not. He found ever chance to step in the way or hang out with the both of you. Though after that you and Tom still stayed friends, kept in touch over the years. You were still in love him. Always wanting him. Chris always knew the two of you like each other.
It was your thing with your brother to go to super Bowl. Okay it wasn’t your thing. But actually going to the game was always fun. This year your brother got tickets. His friend Chris Pratt was also another footballl fan, though he didn’t like the patriots like your brother. What you didn’t know is Tom was in town. And Chris May have Suckered poor Tom into going with. Saying that he need to know what it was like to go to one of the greatest American pastime. Tom may have had high hope you would be there too. But figured you were not the type of girl to go to these things.
You found you brother all geared up in Patriots gear. While you decided on simply wearing an oversized hoodies and leggings with boots. It was cold out. You didn’t wear any makeup, didn’t even do you hair, you looked like you just rolled out of bed. You never thought Tom of all people would be there so what’s the point. Not like your brother would let any guy near you. You were sure he threatened Pratt.
“Y/n where is your game day Spirit.” He chuckled. You only rolled your eyes in response. “Did you just get out of bed?”
“Yep, sure did. I want to be comfortable and warm. Unlike that guy who is painted blue with a big P on his chest. I don’t have nuts, but they are freezing off just looking at the idiot.” You stated. Pratt soon showed up.
“Err, I’m so pumped, lets get this game started.” Him and Chris chest bumped and all you could do was pinch the bridge of your nose and shake you head. God this was going to be a long game.
“I’m only here for Adam, I’m only here for Adam.” You chanted. The halftime show was the only thing you really were looking forward too. Pratt smacked you on the back of the shoulder.
“Oh come on y/n. Where’s that game face. Grrr.” Pratt growled in over excitement. Chris looked at his Phone. As he walked over to the both of you.
“All right lets go. Our friends are waiting in the sky box for us.” Chris smirked as the three of you walked inside. Trying to avoid people and stay tightly close to your brother or Pratt not wanting to get separated. Making it to the box as Chris called it. Noticed a rather tall form clad in pea coat and trousers. God you almost thought it was Tom but the last time you heard or spoke with him, he had a beard and shaggy hair. This man didn’t look to have it.
“Tom!” Both Chris’s shouted. The man turned. You eyes widened as you stared at a five o’clock shadow Tom Hiddleston. As he hugged the two dorks. ‘Fuck’ you’re so underdressed. Now you felt like you looked like a hot mess in front of Tom.
“Y/n darling.” Tom’s voice pulled you out of your mentality kicking yourself for not looking cute. You felt Tom pull you into a very tight hug.
“Tom.” You squeaked out. You’re arms wrapped around his waist. Attempting to to pull yourself into him more. It had been so long when you last saw him. Both of you hugged a little too long. As your brother cleared his throat. Making you and Tom pull away rather quickly. Tom did his little ehehe, that made you weak in the knee. As he rubbed the back of his neck.
Tom and you seated behind both Chris’s when the games starts. Trying to get caught up with him. But it’s hard to hear half the time with the screaming, yelling and cursing coming from both your brother and Pratt. Tom did move in closer Quite a few times. Making your breath hitched. Or when his hand touched yours. Both you and Tom decided to go and find a snack booth. Well mostly you Tom was just going to walk with you. As you practically yelled at your brother that you both were going to go grab some snacks. The the halls of the stadium were still full of people. Not as bad as earlier, but enough for to wrap your arm around his, as you hand rested on his bicep. You had to restrain yourself from rubbing you hand along it. Tom looked over to you eyebrow raised.
“I didn’t want you to get lost.” You giggled. He nodded with a chuckle. Both passed merchandise shop. Selling both teams good. You smiled innocently. “Tom, lets have some fun.” You point over the the shop.
“Darling-“ Tom was about to protest but you pulled at him. You bit you lip looking up at him batting your eyelashes at him. With a heavy sigh he let you pull him in. He let you put whatever on him. You pulled a new hoodie over you pairing it with a scarf and beanie with a little fluffy ball on Top. Of course this was all stuff from the opposite team of your brothers team. Handing Tom a zip up hoodie. Then throw a baseball cap on his perfect hair. He look way to handsome for his own good in normal clothes.
“Darling, I got it.” He pulled out his wallet before you could pull yours out to pay.
“Tom, I got a lot stuff though.” You protest. Pouting at the man.
“Don’t worry about love. Beside you looks cute.” He smiled with a bit of a wink. Damn him for being charming. Tom held out his arm for you to grab as you both walked out of the store. Walking over to the concession stand. Both of you waited in line. Tom stood in front of you looking at what they had, you already knew what you wanted. Behind you someone obviously had way to much to drink. Started talking, at first you Ignored him. Until you felt his arm wrapped around your waist.
“I said baby, why is it all the hot girls here are rams fans. Why don’t you come with me and I’ll see that you get some patriot in you.” Your eyes went wide. Did you hear him right. Tom whipped around. Tom was definitely a lot tall then the guy that had his grimy hands on you. As you pulled yourself out from his grasp.
“You will not talk to my girl like that.” Tom growled he sounding almost like Loki, but his accent was very strong when he was mad. You jaw went slack at his words did he just say his. You could feel Tom tensing up. “I think you owe her an apology.”
“Oh wow no wonder she’s a rams fan her boyfriend is one we fought to have our freedom from.” The man slurred over his words. You put your hand on Tom chest. To calm him or yourself weren’t really sure what was going to happen here. Until someone else grabbed the guy.
“I’m terribly sorry for my friends actions. It does not excuse them.” The drunk man’s friend spoke pulling his friend away from the two of you. You could feel Tom relax. Letting out a breath you didn’t know you’re holding.
“Are you all right?” Tom asked looking down at you.
“Yes I’m fine Tom, not the first time I’ve had a guy hit on me or whatever that was.” You laughed. “Though I would like to know” You said slowly biting your lip your hand rested on Toms forearm. “When did I become yours?”
“Eheheh, you heard that’s.” Tom rubbed the back of his neck. “I mean I would like it if you would be mine.” Tom’s hand moved up, his finger hooked under your chin pulling it up more. As his head dipped down. But before Tom could take a hole of your lips with his. Someone cleared their throat behind him.
“Sir, ma’am would you like to order something?” The person at the register had really bad timing you thought. Though you giggled as Tom cursed. Before turning around. Both of you ordered and moved out the way heading back.
“So, Tom to answer your question.” You stopped Tom from walking pulling him off to the side. Grabbing him by the shirt pulling him flushed against you. Tugging on the collar of his hoodie you lips found his. Kissing him softly. Before letting him go. “Though you’ll have to run this play by big brother Evan. He not a fan of guys dating his little sister.”
“Awe Chris is a big pussy cat. I’m sure he wouldn’t have a problem with it.” Tom chuckled. As you looked behind Tom. Tom visibly tensed up. “He’s behind me isn’t he.” He was about to turn around. When you grabbed him.
“No, but your face was priceless. Pussy cat hum?” You teased Tom before kissing him again. Making your way back to where Your brother and Pratt, were still screaming and yelling. Tom and you took your seats behind them. When Evan turned around.
“Where did you two go?” Your brother asked suspiciously. “And what in God’s name are you two wearing!” Only making you both laugh.
“Oh we had to get Tom in the game spirit and what better way then opposing side. Besides I think he’s a little more then irritated with the fact we put “perfectly good” tea in a harbor. Oh and, Tom and I are going on a date tonight.” You smiled innocently.
“So we put some tea in a Harbor big deal they did try and take over.” You brother hissed. Then turned back to the game. Tom looked at you with a raised eyebrow.
“Wait for it. 5, 4, 3, 2, and.” You pointed at Evan as he quickly turned on his heels to look at the two of you. You looked at him with big doe eyes.
“Wait what. What do you mean going out on a date.” Of it weren’t for the fact that Chris was all ready red in the face from screaming at the game or the fact that is was cold out. You would say it was because of what you said.
Permanent tags: @kitkatkl @lokilvrr @instantnoodlese @drakesfiance @meyoko10 @jackheart180 @miraclesoflove @wolfcore227 @mr-hiddlestons-pet @madleiine @teageowen
Tom/Loki Tag’s: @theoneanna @graveyard-groupie @silverquartx @moonfaery @kcd15 @moonlightprime @youveseen--thebutcher @shockwavee @sabine-leo
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l1ana · 6 years
Imagine you and Spiderman being like Adrien and Bridget from ML
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Summary: Incase y'all don't know wtf this prompt is— Basically it's [Name] with a crazy crush on Peter but he's either totally oblivious to it, un-purposefully ignore her, or is focusing on another girl. Meanwhile, he -as both spiderman and peter- completely falls in love with her hero alter ego albeit she shows no interest in Spiderman whatsoever. I got this idea after watching a bit of the Miraculous Ladybug original concept video and just had a sort of breakthrough. Anyways, on with the story.
“Hey, Peter...” You scrambled to navigate through the sea of fellow classmen, desperate to catch up to your object of interest. He just wasn't hearing you, and that deeply plummeted your mood. Before you knew it, he was gone— Disappearing into the crowd probably never to be seen again until lunch classes.
Peter Parker, biggest geek in highschool. Always bullied, always harassed in ways you thought were impossible. He seemed like the type to keep his head low and live an honest normal life, but little did anyone have clue on about his contrasting alter ego— Spiderman. As said hero of Queens, Peter could do everything he couldn't do as an average teenager. Who knew red and blue spandex was the key to becoming famous?
You sighed as thoughts of Peter bubbled into your head and revolved without signs of stopping. His nerdish and oh-so dorky quirks were the center of your attention aside from his baby face. Not to admit it, but you were in love with the charmer like a mad puppy. But the thing is— He never took notice of you. Hell, he probably doesn't even know that you exist. The only time you two ever met gazes was during class switches, before school, in the middle of lunch, or after school. Other than that, you were a ghost pretty much.
Today was no different from the rest; besides there being the fact that a pair of tickets were in your left hands hold. They crumpled up when your grip increased tenfold, tears threatening to pour down your eyes. ‘This is so unfair.’ You thought to yourself. ‘Why is it that whenever I try to start something with him... Fate just doesn't allow it?’ Your heart fell heavy into your chest. People would call you callow or petty for thinking what you did, but the thing of the matter is that your crush has been the same since elementary school years and continued from there. There was no doubt in your mind that Peter Parker was the one for you.
But, then again, he doesn't even know who you are.
Thankfully, you had a way to change that.
“Hey, Peter!” This morning, you wasted no time in dashing and shoving anyone who dared to get in your way out of eyesight and tracked the chocolate haired boy to a more secluded part of the hallways. The both of you were panting a bit, tired from all of the post-exercise. “P-Peter... Parker...” You breathed out, hands on your knees. “I am... I'm...” Before you could continue on and let him know who you were, the bell rang. Whoopdy-effing-doo. Oh how you wanted to pummel your bad luck into a pulp. “Sorry, I gotta go... Maybe later?” He cringed a bit, aware of how inconsiderate he was being towards you.
With those words left in his wake on your mind, he hurried off to his next class. It took some moments to pass by until a more than visible red hue formed on your face in a horitonzal fashion. Your pair of hands raised to slap your cheeks and squish them in multiple different ways, meanwhile you wore the most lovesick expression you swore you could make without seeming like you were on drugs.
‘Maybe later, he said..’ You recited his words in your head over and over like a song. Small yelps and cheers of joy escaped your lips as the thought didn't cease to fade away. Step one to getting acknowledged was complete. Now if only you could—
“[Name], there's a robbery down at the city bank.” A robotisized voice rang through your left ear. You sighed heavily. “Uggghh. That's not my problem, Stein. Let the police handle it.” Your hand waved through the air. “It seems to be another one of Electro's heists.” “.... UGGGGHHH.” Getting to the city and back would put your last two periods to waste no doubt and you'd also lose a chance to go out and establish a bond with the apple of your eye. But after hearing that Electro was involved, you found that there was no other choice but to go out and do this. Besides, the cops wouldn't stand a chance against him.
‘I'm sorry Peter, you'll have to talk to me sometime later.’ You silently apologized to your crush in your mind, hoping that he would telepathically get your message. Afterwards, you ran into the nearest bathroom and then was seen jumping out the window into the street, except your attire had changed completely. Instead of being dressed down in the usual ‘[Name] wear’, a skin-tight bodysuit overtook you, a half of a face mask covering your face whilst a horn headband was slapped atop of your shimmering hair.
You hopped and skipped from building to building, the voice in your left earring continuing to speak. “There seems to be several hostages under his clutches. He seems to be anticipating the arrival of somebody... My bet is on you, [Name].” He hypothesized. “Oh put a damn sock in it.” You huffed.
After a few more leaps into the air, you skidded off the edge of a shop building and landed directly in the open circle of crowding people. They had instantly moved out of your way at your arrival, going into a state of indistinctive chattering. “I-It's Queen!” A man exclaimed, noticing you right away as you began to talk to a nearby police officer to get the scoop on what's going on.
Queen— Your alter ego hero self, affiliated with the avengers as a late bloomer type. Your powers consisted of shifting into anything solid along with a side of light generation from your hands. The shifting part of your ability allowed you to increase the speed of your cells, making your body seem as though it were gas, and slipping through solids without a problem. The other part is self-explanatory. To be quite frank, Queen was a alias that your supporting fans had made and you just went along with it, that name eventually sticking to you like glue and becoming your permanent hero name. Funny thing, really, cuz you were the Queen of Queens New York.
“I see,” You nodded at the information the cop divulged with you. “Thank you. Now please, stand back, it may get too hectic alright?” At your words the cop nodded, giving orders to back the people who crowded the front of the bank up. You jumped onto the top of the building, holding your breath and phasing through the roof. It took naught but a few seconds later for you to be landing perfectly on your feet, an all-too familiar laugh echoing from far away. The floors were wet. Oh how you've been through this song and dance one too many times before. “Stein, I need a heat signature scan all around if you don't mind.” You whispered into your earpiece.
“7 of them, each of them with their pulses fulctuating at rapid speeds.” The AI spoke. “He must've already pulled a stunt on them before the police arrived.” The first priority before moving on to Electro was to evacuate the premises of any remaininf victims. And that's exactly what you did. It was hard since most of them were all in different and difficult to reach places of the bank but the number was instantly knocked down to one left.
You scratched your head and thought aloud. “Where's the last one at...?”
“You mean, this body right here?” A menacing cackle interrupted, you turning your direction to whence it came from only to witness Electro standing a few feet away from you, hostage in a chokehold on his left arm. In the other arm was the occasional sack of cash that you were sure he wouldn't get away with. Your eyes rolled, unintentionally getting a glimpse of a familiar spandex wearing hero. He was new and all. Round of applause everyone, for the one and only Spiderman.
When he saw that you were staring directly at him, he waved, then making various hand motions that you somehow in god understood. Basically he was going to shoot a string of web at the hostage and hoist them up, stealing them from Electros grip and giving you chance to take the preemptive and just go wild— But also take caution into not destroying the place.
As Electro went on and on with his planned monologue, Spiderman used the chance for when his eyes were closed to not only shoot some web in his face as a stunning effect, but also managed to snag the hostage in one fell swoop. Two birds with one stone— Neat. “What is this substance on my face!?” Electro screamed, trying to claw it off but to no avail. You laughed at this scene. For some reason, Spiderman had the oddest feeling that he had recognized your voice from somewhere. After the fit of chuckles faded, you made sure to give your target such a hard two-piece, that Spiderman swore he saw some teeth flew out of his mouth.
‘Whoa...’ Was the only thing that crossed his mind. Despite your petite figure, you were strong enough to knock a grown man unconscious with just one slug? “You can take it from here, Spider-guy. I've got better things to do besides turning him in. You can do that on my behalf, right?” You yawned, making your way towards the south exit, away from the mob. “O-of course, miss Queen!” He hopped off the ceiling and landed to the ground, ensuring to web the now knocked out cold ‘threat’ up real good and give the police to bust in finally. Once they did, he trailed right after where he saw you leave, only to catch you flipping and twirling in the air with such haste.
Even behind the mask anyone could see the smile forming as his eyes lit up just from seeing you. Needless to say here, but he was all over you. A complete and utter fanboy who joined the wave after witnessing some viral videos of you committing deeds that he would usually perform.
“H-hey, wait up!” He called after you, tailing the direction you went. “Huh?” Feeling that call be directed to you, your head clocked round to see the same spiderboy from before, flipping onto a pipe in front of you. “Oh, you again.” Your expression deflated a slight bit at his presence. “What is it?” You asked, hoping to get him out of your hair quickly. “Oh, well, I-I, uhm...” He stammered over his words, taking in the beauty of yourself in whole as something to beheld. “Queen, your last period is almost closing. Be sure to wrap this up quickly.” Stein reminded you, causing a shrill screech to release from your parted lips. “CRAAAAPPP!!!!” You instantly turned your back towards Peter and took off without another word, disappearing into the city.
Spiderman just stood there, processing what had just transpired. This was rare. Well, him getting all tounge tied while underneath the mask he called Spiderman. Seemed like your charismatic charms overpowered his. Not like that wasn't to be expected — You were pretty cute if he'd have to agree with your thousands of rowdied fanboys and girls. Jeesh, he felt himself falling head over heels for you instantly.
“I'm here!” You exhaled, busting the door to your last period classroom. There was no reason for you to give a damn about all the eyes laid on you when you performed such an action. After all, “[Name] Stark. Just on time before the bell rings.” You were the daughter of the most famous idol in all of New York, so school imaging meant nothing.
As soon as the bell rang, you were in the hallways being swamped with the rest of your classmates. In the middle of all the traffic, a shoulder bumped into yours. “H-hey, what the hell—” Turns out, it was the absolute love of your life once again— Walking out of your eyesight and never to be seen again until tomorrow morning.
‘Dammit. I still had time and couldn't give him the tickets.’ You mentally pouted with that curse.
Idfk if y'all want me to tag y'all in pt.2, but I'm making a part.2 just for your information
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the-wlw-cafe · 6 years
Kara Danvers Fluff A-Z
A = affection (how affectionate are they in day to day life? Do they show affection publicly or keep that more in private?)
Kara is a cuddlebug and we all know it. She is almost constantly touching you, holding your hand, gently laying an arm across your shoulders or giving you cute little cheek kisses whenever the opportunity presents itself. There is nothing that makes her happier than being able to hold you close.
B = best memory (what is the best memory they have with you)
Her best memory with you is the day where she finally got to officially introduce you as your girlfriend at game night. The reactions of the superfriends ranged from surprised and excited (Winn) to a good-natured eye roll and a “finally!” (Alex), but Kara’s mind swam with joy and relief as her friends welcomed you into their group with open arms.
C = cat or dog person
When asked she will swear that she has no preference one way or the other and that she loves both cats and dogs to pieces, and while that may be true, you know that secretly might like dogs the tiniest bit more. Something about their loyal and protective nature just resonates with her.
D = dreams (what do they want to do in life?)
When all is said and done, she wants to have made a positive difference in the world, no matter how small or large in scale, whether it is saving the earth from a world-ending threat or coaxing a smile out of you on a bad day.
E = evenings (how do they spend their evening? So they go out? Do they read?)
As much as she loves game night with the superfriends, sometimes she just wants to curl up on the couch under a ton of blankets, eating junk food and watching a feel-good movie.
F = first date (what was it like?)
She is so excited to show you so many things, it’s almost hard to keep up. You get takeout to go because she insists you’ll need your energy. She takes you to the dog park where you can watch all the puppies romp around in the sun, she takes you to the animal shelter where she’s volunteered for many years and still is a regular (she introduces you to not only the people there, but also every single animal as her girlfriend, and it makes your heart swell so much you fear it might explode out of your chest), and finally, she takes you to a very secluded spot in a park. This is where she comes to think, the noise of the city filtered through the leaves of the trees. It’s here where you share your first kiss.
G = giggle (what is their laugh like? What makes them laugh?)
Kara Danvers is mostly a giggler, she giggles whenever you something she finds cute, which is almost all the time. Real, throw-your-head-back laughter is a bit more seldom from her, reserved for friends and family only.
H = hugs (do they like hug? What kind of hugs do the give?)
Her hugs are so gentle and soft, it skirts the border of vertical cuddling. She’s very afraid of hurting you by accident, especially in the early stages of your relationship. It takes a while for her to trust herself to not squish you, but as soon as she does, be prepared for surprise hugs, and most importantly: Being twirled in the air while hugging her. She can’t help but show off a bit with how easy she can lift you up.
I = instrument (do they play an instrument?)
She did learn to play the ukulele a year after she came to earth, it was a good exercise in self control, and on top of it all Kara loves music. Also, she can slay on karaoke night.
J = joy (what brings them joy in life?)
Kara can find joy in the smallest things, it’s something you absolutely love about her. You especially remember the day she called you out of the blue, just to tell you that she saw a family of ducks in the park.
K = kisses (what kind of kisser are they? Shy? Passionate?)
Much like her hugs, her kisses are gentle and careful, but also unrushed. She wants to savour every moment she gets to kiss you.
L = love (how do they act when they have a crush)
Let’s face it: she is a doofus in love. She’s the epitome of gay panic and can’t seem to form coherent sentences around you. Conversely, when you’re not around, she can’t seem to stop gushing about you to her friends, how intelligent you are, how beautiful your laugh is, how kind your smile is and how good you smell (“Is that weird, Alex? Oh no, I bet it’s weird. Am I weird?”). Poor Alex is contemplating locking both of you in a reinforced chamber until you talk your feelings out.
M = memory (what’s their favourite memory?)
It’s hard for her to talk about, but her memories of Krypton are her favourite, in a bittersweet way.
N = no (what is their pet peeve?)
Because of her supersenses, she is sensitive towards noises, and certain sounds (like fingernails on a chalkboard) literally make her skin crawl.
O = occupation (what’s their dream job?)
She wants to be able to change the world as Kara Danvers as much as she changes the world as Supergirl, only in a different way of course. She wants to make it big as a reporter, maybe even be an international correspondent (travel won’t be a problem for Supergirl after all).
P = parent (what kind of parent would they be?)
Kara would have a hard time denying her children anything, and you can bet your bottom dollar that her kids know this.
Q = questions (do they believe in the super natural? Aliens? Anything along those lines)
Believing in aliens is kind of a given for her. Ghosts and other supernatural beings are a different story, as much as she’d like to believe that there are things that science can’t explain, she is pretty sure that there are rational explanations out there for every mystery.
R = romantic (are they romantic during the relationship?)
Kara constantly blurs the line between romantic and dorky. At first she’s afraid she’ll ruin the mood with her rambling, but you tell her again and again that it’s part of her charm.
S = smile (what makes them smile without fail)
Seeing the way you look at her, with so much love and caring that it temporarily knocks the air out of her lungs.
T = together (how clingy are they? How long do you two spend together per day on average)
Her duties at CatCo and as Supergirl sadly don’t leave much time for you, and even when you finally find time to be together, it’s not seldom that an emergency calls her away in the middle of your date. There are days where you don’t even see each other in person, but she always makes sure to text you, keeping you updated on what made her smile, ranting about her boss etc..
U = unbearable (what habit do they have that’s unbearable? What habit do you have that they find unbearable)
Kara tends to keep the Supergirl side of her life to herself, even after she told you her secret identity, because she doesn’t want to pull you into this mess and get you in danger. You can’t help but feel as if she’s closing part of herself off at times.
There are days where you worry so much about her that you intentionally try to keep her from her hero duties, which is something Kara absolutely can’t deal with.
V = videos (do they take lots of videos or photos during your relationship?)
Should anyone ever get their hands on Kara’s phone, they’d have a ton of blackmail material against you on their hands. Kara makes sure to capture all of your cutest moments, be that you spooning a pizza carton after falling asleep on movie night or you with your nose dusted in powdered sugar on a date with her.
W = wedding (what was the wedding like?)
Definitely an outdoors wedding in a smaller circle, only close friends and family are invited. Instead of rings you exchange bracelets, as is Kryptonian custom. Kara is all but sobbing tears of joy, and so are plenty of your guests. Cat Grant, of course, doesn’t cry, it’s just the allergies, that’s what you get for getting married in a field of flowers, and anyone who dares to imply anything else is silenced with one scathing look.
X = eXtra (what’s an interesting fact about them that they don’t tell anyone about?)
What she regrets most about her superpowers is the fact that there are so many sports she can’t play without feeling like she’s cheating by default, even if she does keep her strength and speed in check.
Y = yuck (what do they hate? Could be a food, sent, word anything)
It’s no big secret that Kara isn’t a fan of most traditional healthy foods, but that actually has more to do with their spongy, mushy texture than their taste or appearance.
Z = zzzz (how heavy of a sleeper are they? How do they sleep? What mood do they wake up in? Really any sleeping headcanons)
Kara actually has problems falling asleep, her superhearing making it difficult to find any rest and the more tragic side of her life as a superhero haunting her. As soon as she manages to fall asleep, it’s almost impossible to wake her until her body decides she’s had enough rest. She’s also a total koala and will subconsciously cling to anything and anyone in her sleep.
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frenchwithatwist · 6 years
If you're brave enough could you answer the questions 1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 13, 19, 20, 26, 28, 29, 32, 26, 42, 45, 47 and 50 of the mbti ask list? 😇
Yooo dear bro, here are my answers :)
1: What is your type?ENFJeeeey with joy
3 Did you introduce someone else to mbti?
Hahaha you first, and also… almost my whole squad x) oh and everytime I tell myself “don’t be ‘weird’ ” during dates by asking them about mbti, but I always end up teaching them a course about cognitive functions haha
4 Do you type people/characters?
Nearly all the time haha when I watch TV series I’m like “hmm this is a typical infp/estj clash, that’s why they don’t understand each others”
5 Are you good at spotting certain types?
Especially the Idealists family to which I belong, most of my friends are either ENFP, INFP (you boi), INFJ or ENFJ so I start noticing common points between people hehe other wise I am good at spotting INTPs (they are often my crushes haha)
9 What do you think about mbti memes?
I live for them, didn’t you already know ? :p cf MBTI tag yoself in class with you
10 What do you like/dislike about the mbti ”fandom”?
I like the sense of “"belonging”“ to ENFJs, although sometimes MBTI aficionados (including me) tend to stick too much on the very characteristics of their personality types… it’s noteworthy to recall that those are only ideal-types, you are you (notetoself ahha)
13 Describe your type in 3 gifs
1) ENFJ and their bursts of emotions https://78.media.tumblr.com/00388b4d55badd539d39a39e2d342377/tumblr_inline_p7mogpWoA21sr9fer_500.gif
2) ENFJ and their motivational speecheshttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSwZm2Pv6aYiUJJT7MFOoHLVBR0fvpOZSY7E3ZtkseNm28cr3dxMw
3) ENFJ and their unapologetic dorky mind & how they are always ready to share intimate moments with their loved-oneshttps://78.media.tumblr.com/c0edc0a019c18f6bb8b1b7616bc105ed/tumblr_inline_neao1qSv1u1t2m9ry.gif
19 What is a stereotype about your type you disagree with?
That ENFJs forget their own needs: oh hell no, I see my social relationships like a two-ways fuel: I need to listen to my own needs to be present with others. Oh and that I tend to please everyone: yes I like to do what’s best but I learnt to invest my time and energy with people that value me. That and only that kind of person.
I also saw thay people tend to consider ENFJs as shallow. Well, um, I am often bubbly and enthusiastic but it does not impeach me to have such a rich inner world and start deep convos nearly all the time haha
Finally that I have laaarge groups of friends and that I get along with everyone. Well, yes I looove having different ‘types’ of friends from different horizons, countries, age etc., I find myself pretty at ease in a crowd of strangers although I prefer to hang out with one or two friends. Oh and I tend to feel reserved at first and I am very perceptive of people’s energies.
20 What is a stereotype about some other types you disagree with?
That INTPs are cold and distant. Yes they may appear as such, but oh my, once they open themselves to the world, it’s so charming to see how they care. (bits by bits okey haha)
That INFPs are too idealistic and never say no to anyone.Yeah sometimes and often they seem to live in a rosy world (which gets on my nerves sometimes haha) but as they get older, they tend to be more lucid about other people’s intentions and know their limits. (congrats for that boi)
26 What do you think about your opposite type (for example, estj/infp)?
ISTJ: “The Logician”: I must admit this is the type I have struggles building deep bonds with, as they are often too much in their heads and less emotional. But hey, not everyone sticks to the stereotypes.
INTP: pretty much my opposite but I tend to love being around that type, how they manage to match their intuition with a more rational mindset, something very soothing for my inferior function Ti cf when I overthink.
28 Do you find you have typical reactions to people of certain types/with certain functions?
Haha yeah especially when I am around P types, especially XNFPs: I tend to be the planner & organized one while they 'muddle through’, especially when it comes to organize a trip / take things in advance. I guess we just have to find a balance between the two :)
Oh and I tend to be more reserved around more extrovertedtypes, such as ESTPs or ENTJs, I guess it’s due to my high intuition, I tend to tune out from the world in those cases.
29 Describe the relationship between you and a person of another type in a gif
https://tenor.com/search/group-hug-gifs : When I meet my fellow INFP and INFJ & ENFP #LoveFamily 
32 What are some of your favourite characters of your type and what do you admire about them?
Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama, Marie (a friend of ours, she’s famous right)Oprah: I am always mesmerized by her speeches, I feel I can achieve anything
Barack Obama: his natural class and charisma, so so inspiring.
Marie: how free and positive she is, while being super determined. Leading & reserved when appropriate, social but independent, organized… I found a similar person in that sense.
42 What are some words/phrases you associate with your/other type(s)?
My type (ENFJ) and 'famous’ words of mine:
“How do you feel about it (that situation, the energy you feel around this person..) ?”,
“Let’s get organized/plan our day”: Something I do more and more, I prefer to plan (at least in a basic way) so that everyone is on the same page and is happy. To my experience, nothing’s worse than missing an opportunity (can’t meet your friends at an event / miss your plane / miss being in the first row of a concert coz you haven’t organized yourself… grrr) Typical J function hehe
“My heeeart” (especially when I see people casually helping each others),
“He/she/them has/have such a beautiful soul”
“This feels right/doesn’t feel right”, while pointing at my lower stomach, basically my first brain #guts
“I have an empathy burnout”: when I helped people for too long, losing too much energy, worse when I don’t get feedback. Also works when I watch the news/feel other people’s pain, especially the 'weaker’ ones.+ a quote I just found “Life’s blows cannot break a person whose spirit is warmed as the fire of enthusiasm.” - Norman Vincent Peale
45 What did mbti teach you about yourself?
It taught me a lot about how I function, see things, communicate with others, underlined my strengths and weaknesses. It also enables me to understand other people better, at least considering there are very different personalities out there with different needs.
47 Say something nice to 3 other types
INFP: Thank you for being such a pure soul, always eager to see the beautiful side of life that you sublimate with your poems and your overflowing imagination. I love how light-hearted you are, while being super deep. I am fond of how you accept your surroundings without judging them, how you genuinely care, even for their most random thoughts and hobbies. I am proud to consider you as a friend. (Now… let’s focus on the plan, the process haha #typicalENFJ/INFP"clash”)
ISFJ: Thank you for being such a beautiful soul. I love how kind-hearted and loyal you are, how hard-working and dedicated you are to your surroundings’ needs. You are also super pragmatic & such a precious ear. You bring peace wherever you are. Although you think you may be 'transparent’ at times, I assure you you are noticed more than you think, you are the superhero in the 'shadow’ (cc my mom’s type).
ENFP: I love how spontaneous and free you are (at least you seem to be). This is very inspiring. I am a fan of how chill you seem to be, especially concerning your love life. I love how you want to keep your uniqueness, bring that fierce energy to every room you enter, make people feel at ease. This may sound like you are super shallow. But hell know, fellow ENFX, you have a super deep mind and knowing you better shed light on your inner complexity and high emotionality, your doubts and lack of confidence. Please keep on having those philosophical convos with me, keep on being that sweet hippy hehe (but please organize better when we go on a trip)
50 Make a mbti pun!:D
INTPs please bring me rational INTPeace of mind
INFPas ses devoirs (–> door)
SFR, elle est capable, LMPT mais pas devant tout le monde (ah bon, SFR & LMPT c'est pas MBTI ?)
That was punstatic, thank you my pantabulous friend
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21tailsofwoe · 7 years
why do I ship NaruSaku? (aka my narusaku megapost)
[My submission for the final day of the NARUSAKU AUGUST EVENT, 2017]
This post is dedicated to all my fellow NaruSaku shippers, the ones who have gone down with this ship and yet continue to hold on to it, submerged in a sea of our perfect fanon. Enjoy this extremely long post about the pairing of Naruto and Sakura :) x
You may want to sit down with a cup of coffee/tea, find a comfortable environment, and just fill yourselves with shipper feels in order to read this.
So, why do we ship NaruSaku when it isn’t even canon?
Because it’s about a relationship that involves two individuals harbouring healthy feelings for each other, showing great respect towards each other and putting great trust in each other, facing great adversities and only coming out stronger than ever before, having developed an even stronger connection.
It’s not just the big, flashy, seemingly-romantic moments between them that draws me to them. It is, in fact, the smaller but significant interactions that makes me admire whatever Naruto and Sakura share. Throughout the manga, there have been several moments signifying the development of their bond, paving the way to the depiction of a more grounded and realistic relationship (at least, with respect to the Narutoverse and its foundation of “bonds”). 
Here’s a collection of some Naruto and Sakura moments from the manga, moments that make my shipper heart go squeee. Seeing them in a romantic light or not is up to you! I mean, NaruSaku as a BroTP is unbeatable, but this post will be more OTP-oriented. Feel free to keep these moments for yourselves ;)
The start of it all
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okay maybe not the most perfect start
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naruto’s (true) reason of having a crush on sakura
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their support for each other in the chunin exams
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some cute moments
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some even cuter moments
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even when they’re grown up, they’re grown up dorks
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blushy blushy (while still being dorks)
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“ooooh but narusaku is such a plain ship. there’s no angst!!!”
honey u sure about that
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The POAL is nothing but angst for Naruto.  How he chose to put aside his feelings for Sakura. If this doesn’t show you his maturity and the amount of respect he has for Sakura’s feelings, I don’t know what to tell you.
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The moments preceding the POAL shows us the development of the respect Sakura has for Naruto. How she felt at first about him, and how she felt now. A beautiful contrast.
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How ‘bout Sakura’s promise to Naruto?
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Power CoupleTM
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Here’s a panel of a Naruto in awe of his waifu
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here have some more angst
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Look how much she cares for him. Romantic or platonic, love is love and it’s very evident from these panels.
Also, Sakura invented the slapped-sense-into-Naruto thing before it was cool:
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And whatever thing they have against Sai, it’s common:
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“Sakura is so selfish!!! She used Naruto!!! She doesn’t care about him!!!”
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ya lol.
“But NaruSaku in the manga is so one-sided!!”
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Yamato would disagree...
Annnnnnndddd the dorks are back!
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Which is then followed by the reunion with Sasuke, after which we were given one of the most beautifully tragic panels in the manga:
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Not only is this one of the best Naruto-Sakura moment, but for me, this is one of the most powerful panels in the entire manga. After all these years, they finally find Sasuke only to have their hearts broken again. They’re both in a state of grieving, and Sakura, with her back towards him, tells him to stay strong even though she’s hurting herself.
Gosh, I absolutely love this scene.
Another scene similar to the above moment, after Pain’s defeat:
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Sakura trying to console Naruto when she’s worried herself. Awww
Then moving on to these fan-favourite panels:
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a moment ruined by non other than our beloved Sai
And then, of course, after Pain destroys the entire village. Sakura sees her home being reduced to nothing. Konoha is lost. There seems to be no hope. Sakura, in that very moment of shock and despair, calls out one name:
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That’s how much she believes and trusts in Naruto. And this is then followed by Naruto’s iconic entry jdhkshj
Now, we come to my favourite NaruSaku moment in the entire series...
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The Hug. 
After one of the most important events in Naruto’s life, one of the most important people in his life thanks him for what he’s done (after giving him a piece of herself for his reckless of course :P). No words needed. Just a “thank you.”
(The people staring at them though. Relatable.)
Moving on to this, the purest representation of Naruto’s feelings for Sakura, observed by a third party (who happens to be none other than Sai, of course):
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He loves her, but he can’t tell her because he feels that he has no right to do so. Because he couldn’t keep the promise he made to her all those years ago.
Which prompts our beloved Sai, to take this action:
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Realisation hits Sakura, and she can do nothing but cry. Because Sai’s words make her believe that she herself is causing pain to Naruto because of the promise he made.
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Which then brings us to the “bad” NaruSaku moment:
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Having realised what she has caused, Sakura becomes desperate. She wants to save Naruto from burdening himself with saving Sasuke all alone. Everyone decides that Sasuke has to be dealt with once and for all and she does not want Naruto to bear this burden. In a desperate attempt, she “confesses” to Naruto, hoping to free him from the promise he made. She says she doesn’t want Sasuke back even though she knows that Naruto wants to save Sasuke regardless of anything. She’s willing to put aside her own happiness for Naruto.
And Naruto, being perceptive as he is and having known Sakura for so long, doesn’t buy any of it:
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He knows that Sakura doesn’t love him. He can sense the lies in her words because he knows her a little too well.
Sakura, her desperation growing again, blurts out the true reason behind what she was doing and why she came all the way to talk to him: 
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Sakura had nothing but good intentions in the end, while her lies may not necessarily be called justified. She was only seeing what she wanted to see. She couldn’t see what implications it would have on both her and Naruto. 
But it was all for him, and him only. So that he could stop hurting.
Not every relationship is perfect. Two people who happen to be close to each other don’t have to be on the same page. Misunderstandings occur, things happen. This was a significant hurdle for the relationship that they shared. 
Later, we get this iconic moment:
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The intensity in Naruto’s eyes. The way he holds her. The way he glares at Sasuke.
Oh, and how can I forget about this one?
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oh wait sorry that’s a red herring. Because of course the last words of the protagonist’s mother have to be a red herring. (Pardon the salt.)
And then we get Minato’s approval too:
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a herring drenched in blood
Our dorks manage to squeeze through some more dorkiness in the midst of war:
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How can you not love them
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Speaking of NaruSaku moments in the war...
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Naruto, the very person for whom the war was being fought for, dies in battle...And guess who’s there to save him, to bring him back to life...
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Sakura fucking Haruno. The girl who, literally, held Naruto’s heart in her hand, and brought him back to life.
While performing the surgery, she had one thought in mind:
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His dream. She couldn’t let him die because she believed in his dream and cared for it too much to have him die on her.
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Again, one of the most intense moments in the manga. 
Of course, there are a lot more moments that I have missed out (like Heaven&Earth, Vs. Gaara, the lil moments in Part 1, etc.) but I’m confident I have made my point.
One of the biggest reasons for shipping NaruSaku is its development. Their story starts off with Naruto liking Sakura, but Sakura despising Naruto and treating him like garbage. But, as the story progresses, Sakura gets to see that Naruto is not just some brat spouting nonsense about some impossible dream he absolutely cannot achieve. 
The manga suffers from a major problem of ‘telling, not showing.’ But at least with NaruSaku, we have everything. 
Nothing has to be implied. It’s just there, on the manga pages. We see them grow together, we see them go through stuff together, we see them having common goals, we see them sharing each other’s grief. We see everything. We don’t just see some few big moments. We see a lot of smaller, yet significant moments as well. There are romantic-moments, there are not-so-romantic scenes, there are scenes that highlight the impact of their relationship on each other, there are scenes which make you cherish their friendship, there are certain parallels and hints to depict symbolism, a beautiful aspect of Kishimoto’s storytelling, and there is so much more that we ourselves can interpret with what we are shown. 
Of course, we don’t have our happy ending for these two, but with all that the manga has provided us with, we already have a beautiful foundation for our fanon. 
And that is what makes me ship NaruSaku.
Happy NaruSaku Event folks! I thoroughly enjoyed these past few days! Really loved interacting with all my shipmates. May we ship NaruSaku for life and beyond!
NaruSaku trash out.
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markleetrashh · 7 years
Best friend Jaemin
Request: best friend jaemin? 💘
A/N: im sorry if this is short!!
ooh it's been a long time since i did a best friend! series
plus it's been 939383 months since we last saw jaems
this is to all my jaemin stans
i hope you all are staying strong
without further a do, let's start
so how you all actually became friends in the first place
back then in middle school while you were both 10
you were pretty quiet then and rather introverted
only had like 2 close friends? but you wouldnt talk to them unless they started the conversation
until one day teacher changed your seating arrangement because you 'weren't participating enough'
which was why she decided putting you beside one of the most talkative students was a good idea
and he was none other than na jaemin
this bright kid greeted you while a big big smile everyday
and every lesson he'd ask you lots of questions so you'd speak up more
"ooh that's a pretty pen! where did you get it from?"
"did you understand what the teacher just said? could you explain it to me?"
"yay it's time for pairwork!!"
and he'd try his best to make you smile
be it through jokes or funny stances
and thanks to him you managed to open up more
soon enough he was joining you during break times
and he was your tablemate for the following years
and luckily, the two of you managed to get into the same high school
by then you two were already very close friends
but only knowing each other in the new school amongst strangers helped to closen the relationship
and after weeks both of you are inseparable
probably calls you by a nickname he gave you back when you two were younger
and has no plans on changing it
loves teasing and pranking you but does it in a way where it's funny
like you cant stay mad at him because the both of you end up laughing
like that one time he offered you a drink of sprite
but he secretly put in vinegar instead
hyuck im watching you
and when you drank it you almost spitted on his face
while he was at the side dying of laughter
but a few minutes of laughing he forgot and took a sip too
which he immediately choked on and started coughing
causing you to burst out laughing at his reaction
can get really clingy
and doesnt mind skinship at all
since he's usually the one suggesting it
he has his arms slung around your shoulders all the time
24/7 poking your sides or pulling your cheeks to annoy you
he loves tickling you too
always seems to have memes or jokes to send you
it'd probably be 2am in the morning and you get a text from him
probably a meme
"hi best friend i cant sleep so you shall not too"
and he wont stop spamming until you actually reply
which after 15 minutes of chatting, he says he wants to go to sleep
and every single time that happens you want to punch him because he deadass woke you up during midnight to chat for 15 mins
jaemin wyd???
okay but
despite him being really dorky and funny all the time
he gets serious when he needs to
and becomes extremely protective when it comes to you, your health or your safety
after all, you're his best friend and he wants to take care of you
like that one time some creep kept pestering you to give him your number and he wouldnt leave
until jaemin showed up and acted like your boyfriend
and you could tell he was 👌 close to beating that person up
but luckily you stopped him
after he calms down he pats your head and gets all sweet like "you're fine right?"
and he'd smile brightly when you say yes
"anything for my best friend"
high school was also the place where you two met the other boys
specifically jeno, mark & hyuck
but yall also know jaehyun & taeyong because they used to be seniors
the five of you would always hang out together
which gains a lot of attention because many wonder how you even got close to this good looking bunch of boys
but knowing jaemin he probably goes around shouting that you're his best friend
which embarrasses and makes you happy at the same time
for some reason he'd always tease you and jeno
and you'd be all clueless like "what? why jeno huh?"
while jeno's at the side trying to hide his blush
but as time went by you found yourself falling for jenk because he's always so sweet and kind to you??
and when you told jaemin he straight up screamed for one hour straight
"number one fan of couple ship name of you and jeno"
and he wanted to tell jeno right away but of course you'd stop him
by treating him to meals, like always
but it would all go to waste because
two weeks later you receive a text from jeno
"so... uh Y/N, jaemin has been pushing me for days to say this but i actually like you too"
and you're all shookt and you dont know what to reply
"he told you??? when??"
"two weeks ago, i think"
and you take a mental note to remember to slap jaemin because that was the day you told him
but also thanks to that, you and jeno finally got together
which made jeno 100× happier
would probably scream again
"jeno, if she ever bullies you tell me, i can handle her"
and to you
"good luck to putting up with jenojAM, it's been tough on me these few years"
apart from all that
back to his actions
he's also always willing to listen to your problems and help you out
even though his advice may not be the best, he still tries his best to cheer you up and help
encourages and supports you a lot
like a real fan
and he always has that big bright smile while looking at you
and you feel so blessed because he's honestly such a great friend??
and he never fails to make you happy
he can be super sweet and nice one moment
and the other it seems as though he's got something up his sleeves
but nonetheless he makes you laugh and smile a lot
and without him you wouldn't be where you are today so
shout out to the bestest friend!!
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hyuncakes · 7 years
hi i was not sure if i should send this to your main or this but since this blog is more wanna one related tag could your mutuals as points in "if kpop positions were accurate" this is the post = seokjinandtonic. tumblr. com/post/164651220236/if-kpop-positions-were-accurate i have been following both of you on your main and here and i like you to know i am a fan and your graphics inspire me
YOU ARE SOOOOO CUTE OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR LIKING OUR GRAPHICS!! And saying that we inspire you ;___; that’s so so sweet of you I literally screamed. You deserve the worlddddddd!!! This seems fun so let’s get to it!! ^^ Lillian and I are gonna combine our answers lol so if you’re tagged and are like “lool this girl isn’t even following me though???” it’s prob the other person~ :^)
the hyung you thought was a maknae
tbh I thought Ying was my age but it turned out she was 95 line!!! @ Ying I also tagged you for something else below c:
the unofficial visual
@woojiniel and @perkwoojin are so so so pretty?? Idk but these were the first two I thought of!! They have such soft, sweet visuals and I think usually in groups the official visuals are the ones with the “stronger” visuals? But once you get into the group more you start to notice that one member who’s like so so cute that you can’t believe they’re not officially labelled as a visual. 
the “not my bias, but is my bias”
Ummm probably @hwangminyeo! She’s like the member of the group that you first notice because of her visuals, and then you’re like semi-interested in that member and half keeping an eye on that member while you settle on a bias. And then once you get into the group more you find out that not only is she a visual but she also has such a cute personality? Like she’s more shy and dorky than you originally anticipated and then you fall for her double charms. (But you still gotta stay loyal to your bias lol)
the workout-aholic who basically lives in the gym and boy does it show
I’m putting Abby @hwangminyeo under here to because idk if she goes to the gym often or not but body goals 😭😭😭😭
the walking, living, breathing meme
@seonnho This is the one image I have of Jennie tbh… just one big meme (a cute one at that)!!! She makes the best textposts on her SVT blog. I love her sense of humor it’s just so…. relatable LOL. Is it because she’s a Seungkwan stan that she’s like this? It’s proven that Boo stans are the memest. I feel like she hasn’t made that many meme-y posts on here (or maybe I missed them :(( in which case I suck) but once she does 👀 Anyway I’ve talked to you like twice but I still love you c’:
I looked at the positions list before looking at Bonnie’s answers and thought Jennie would be perfect for this one and guess what… Bonnie’s already listed her LMAOOO PERFECT - Lillian
the one everyone has called “daddy” at some point
aaah no one I can think of because Daniel isn’t mutuals with us…… LOOOOL OMFG JUST KIDDDDDING (Lillian be like 😷😣🙏) Why did I even answer this one it’s so weird kfldjglkfdjgklfd
😷😣🙏 - Lillian
the ship that’s a hundred percent real and they know it
Is this even a question… @hwangminyeo and @minhwangs are the power couple!!! You always see them professing their love to each other on your dash LOL Romeong and Daliette are feeling threatened.
the short one that everyone is highkey afraid of
@minhwangs Sarah is a cutie but everyone knows that if you mess with her friends she’ll let you have it. She won’t hesitate to lash out at you if you dare insult the things and people she holds dear. So while she isn’t scary, she’s someone you don’t want to mess with once her protective side kicks in! But honestly it’s really sweet how even though she doesn’t let harsh words directed toward her bother her, she stands up for people ;___; She’s selfless that way!
the one that takes every opportunity possible to be extra as hell aka the variety king
@emperorhwangs Rui without a doubt is one of the funniest people here on Tumblr!! I love her sense of humor and even when she says the most random things like “a stick of rat deodorant” I just die laughing. I was contemplating between putting her for “the walking, living breathing meme” but I settled with this one because I associate her with Ong a lot! And we all know he’s the variety king so~ The captions in her gifs are the funniest and most extra ever, even the way she talks is super extra and funny.
the motherly one that takes care of the rest of their members and occasionally reprimands
@2hyeons Ying is more of an older sister type than the mom but she still gives off that caring vibe. She seems like the kind of sibling who barely talks to you because she’s stuck in her room all day doing work but she’ll also be there for you when you need it the most. Lowkey the kind of older sister who will call your cheating significant other over the phone just to scream at them and rat them out for hurting her little sibling loool. She’s more of an older sibling because while she takes care of you, she makes you want to take care of her too and cook her meals and check up on her once in a while to make sure she’s still sane c’:
@luminous-point Reni gives off such motherly vibes without even trying to idk why?? Not only because she’s 95 line! But she’s like your sweet hardworking mother (working hard doing translations 👍👍👍) who you always think of fondly whenever she appears on your dash. She always expresses her true feelings and stands up for what’s right, which is really difficult to do and as a result super admirable. She always has a very mature standpoint about things and avoids unnecessary drama. I feel like the dynamic is that we’re all little ducklings and she’s the mom!! But mom has to take care of herself too!!!
@p-arkwoojin and @minsbugi I put Jem & Kenia in this category because they’d make sure all the members are equally loved!! They both have huge hearts and no matter how many members make up their group(s), they’d take care of each and every one! - Lillian
the 4D member that looks cute in a sexy comeback, and sexy in a cute one
@hahasunqwoons! I think the ‘4D’ title really suits Summer even though she may not seem like it at first. But once she opens up to you, you’ll know what I mean looooool. She’s not 4D in the really wild sense but more of a lowkey kind of 4D (like Vernon!). Also I think she would fit both concepts! But she unintentionally shows reverse charms like in her Never dance cover (if you haven’t watched it yet, go watch it please. you won’t be disappointed), the song is more serious but she gives off a somewhat cute vibe! I think she could rock IOI’s Very Very Very as welllll :^) (future cover idea?)
the member who doesn’t have to worry about gravity bc they basically just flip everywhere
can’t think of anyone? :OOO
the extremely under appreciated one
ummm @kiminguy??? @guanlliver??? @lovebugi??? @wanhyun??? (Mutuals on here and our SVT blogs squad!! LOOL) I love all of them and their graphics to death I will literally make a blog and reblog all of their creations 50 million times like they deserve. Of course they all have such cute personalities dlkgjfdkj but I’ll spare you from my rambling and focus on their beautiful works~ Naomi has such soft, pastel graphics (pastels are one of my fave things in the universe) and she was one of my first favorite graphic makers in the Seventeen fandom back in the day. I followed her first and then when she followed me back I was SOOOO HAPPY OMG BC ONE OF MY FAVES NOTICED ME. Next we have Yasmin and although we haven’t talked much I really adore her graphics because they’re really unique! She uses vibrant colors and dark colors so well (a thing I’d like to learn how to do hehehe) AND also pastel graphics with vibrant coloring… a jack of all trades tbh. Next, there’s Jaymee, who I’ve been mutuals with forever on our SVT blogs but I never really got a chance to talk to until recently! (And she’s the sweetest…my one and only fan….LOOOL). Once again she works with both dark colors and pastel colors very well! Her edits and graphics have a minimalistic approach to them which I admire so so much because I always cram stuff onto a canvas and get bothered when there’s empty space in my graphics. Last but not least there’s IMA!!! My self-proclaimed little sister c’: I’ve known her for most of her time in the Seventeen tumblr community and I love seeing how her works changed over this period of time. But her works always have that special charm and uniqueness that you know right away that it’s her work! No one could imitate her style and pull it off! Inimitable seventeen carat hehe Ima always has a special place in my heart. I love her coloring style, I love her graphics style, I love her. But yea as you can tell I have much love for graphic makers and more especially underrated graphic makers! Graphic makers are a blessing to each and every fandom. Thank you.
also @tokkimingi​ like we’ve never talked before but Ale’s gifs and edits are soooo high quality and have the prettiest coloring and they deserve so so so so many more notes??? Like the Ren gifset I just reblogged….this is the kind of content that should receive 1k notes okay AAAAAH @ Ale, Lillian and I love your creations so much and you’re basically the go-to blog for NU’EST related gifs and stuff AAAAH 💕💕 
the one that finds pleasure in other members’ demise
I’m sure this goes on a lot when people tag each other in their bias wrecker posts cough when I send Bonnie black-haired Suga pics but I see @minhwangs​ and @hwangminyeo​ tagging each other in Daniel stuff sometimes and it’s so funny loool. I know you guys are Minhyun-biased but Daniel!!!!! - Lillian
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shianhygge-imagines · 7 years
Persona 5 Headcanon: Studying w/ The Phantom Thieves
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A lack of P5 imagines here... And so, to begin finals week, I’m gonna take advantage of it. :P :3 I got you fam. [I haven’t finished playing through the game, so some characters might be shorter than others... I literally only just finished changing Madarame’s heart]
|Masterlist Link|
Just fyi, I’ve been a Persona fan since P4′s first month of release... so before everyone’s hype... which actually seems to be the trend in my interests... After playing through P4, I played through P3... then P3P because I wanted to play as a girl (can’t blame me, I’m attracted to Shinjiro and Akihiko... >.>;) Then, I played through Persona 4 Golden, then PQ ;#
Protagonist/Akira Kurusu/Shin Akaashi
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- It might not seem like it, but Shin actually dedicates a bit of his time to studying the class material that he has no problem taking on the task of helping you study.
- If you’re a friend of his, no matter how difficult to make friends with him it is... he’ll dedicate his time to make you understand the various concepts no matter how simply or tricky. Don’t bother asking Shin for help studying if you don’t really know him. He might be kind, but he’s honestly got better things to be doing, so he’ll turn a stranger down unless it benefits his goals.
- Shin is an all around student, a jack of all trades, if you will.
- If you’re his significant other, all cards are on the table. If he’d taken notes in class (if because he often daydreams in class), those notes will get copied and placed in your hands within the day.
- everything you have trouble with... will be gone over... and Shin would even skip a day or two in the Metaverse in order to help you. (lucky lucky~~~)
- things might get a bit... frisky if you guys are alone for too long though... Shin’s very mischievous and he loves you to bits, often being unable to keep his arms from snaking around your waist and pulling you flush towards his body. He’ll reward you with kisses if you do well on your practice problems...
- and if you do well on your exams... he’s offered to let you do with him what you want... for an entire day... don’t pass up this opportunity to have him under your thumb.
Ryuji Sakamoto
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- Ryuji... isn’t the most academically inclined individual in the school... he really tries to understand the school work [he really genuinely tries, the poor babe], but... you would often find yourself explaining to him about the various concepts involved in pre-calculus.... yeah... you’ll be doing a sort of backwards studying if you want to study with Ryuji...
- like studying the material by explaining it to someone else... it actually works, because it requires you to take the information, process it, then try to explain it in a different way... (seriously, this method of studying is one of the best).
- he’s pretty good with things like history and literature, although he’s purely average... and he’s abysmal in math and science. Now that I think about it, he’s like me and Chemistry... We get a little further when we try, but we’re still only average.
- Ryuji, my precious ball of sunshine... he’s easily happy and easily saddened... cheer him on and encourage him to get him in the mood to study more. Once his mood goes downhill, he’s more prone to not studying.
- Ryuji is also a bit... grabby? I mean, it’s easy for him to touch you, hug you, kiss you... but he’s still a bit iffy on people touching him. I mean, he’s a bright ball of sunshine and doesn’t really flinch away, but just be careful with him. Slow touches, not really rough, and always be affectionate. By all means though, don’t baby him.
- Reward him with nape kisses... >///< It gets him so flustered, the red travels noticeably and slowly from his shoulders up. And he’s not used to the love, so expect him to get a little shy and cute.
Ann Takamaki
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- The “dumb blonde” stereotype doesn’t apply to Ann. In fact, Ann is around average with her studies! :3 Despite being a model, and a member of the Phantom Thieves, she’s been able to keep up with her studies. [better than myself, who still has trouble balancing schoolwork, writing, a job, and a social life...] 
- Ann’s specialty lies with history, English, literature, and gym... not that you really have to study for gym... so maybe health ed?
- Despite the fact that she texts in class with Akira and Ryuji... and the rest of the Phantom Thieves... her notes are actually pretty decent and concise. I mean, not on Makoto’s standard of “concise notes,” but pretty freaking close. Her handwriting is average, large and cutesy, which can make it difficult to read sometimes, but the notes itself covers the basics of what you need to know to do a little better than pass.
- She’s borderline average in the math and science department, so you could help each other with topics that you don’t understand.
- If you want to reward Ann for doing great at practice problems, give her some pastries. If you want to reward her for doing really well on her exams, and you have the money to spend, treat her to the buffet deserts at the fancy hotel... 
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- Morgana doesn’t need to study, silly. But he’s pretty good at helping you if you’re really that desperate... But only for things like language...? Or history???
- You can count on Morgana making comments while you study, left and right.
- That is... if you can understand him in the first place.
Yusuke Kitagawa
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- Yusuke... Yusuke, Yusuke, Yusuke... Oh gosh, what am I going to do with this boy... First off, let’s get out of the way that, yes, Yusuke is VERY smart. In fact, he’s calculating and sly, too. BUT! He’s a naive little foxy that doesn’t get most social norms.
- You can expect Yusuke to be near the top of his class, but since he’s passionate about his art, it’s not likely he has the will to try for the absolute top. That being said, Yusuke’s intelligence rivals Makoto, Akira, and Akechi’s, especially in the social sciences, but he’s pretty exceptional in math and science as well.
- An artist’s mind works on a whole other spectrum than the normal person’s. Artists make associations with nearly everything they encounter, and they analyze deeply. Sometimes, the information an artist receives, could be the opposite of what other people conclude. Just know, that if you ask Yusuke for study tips, you might be in for a baffling ride if you don’t think on the same wavelength as him.
- That being said, if you want him to tutor you, be ready for him to teach you the proper way... but with random bursts of pausing... An artist, whether it be painting, sketching, writing, or creating music, often has pauses in their productiveness because of ideas that spontaneously pop up out of nowhere.
- That is, if you’re the one helping Yusuke, let’s say his grades have slipped a little due to his artwork or his work in the Phantom Thieves, expect yourself nearly at the end of your wits most of the time while you tutor him. Yusuke takes his studying seriously, but you just can’t help the fact that he’ll pause to stare at something that’s caught his interest.
- Reward this precious baby with new art supplies, healthy snacks, occasional candies, or even pay for his meals (don’t let him starve on only beansprouts). If you’re particularly close to him, give Yusuke little kisses or gently caress him, to reward him for a job well done.
Makoto Niijima
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- Ah the epitome of the perfect student. She’s at the top of her class because of all her hard work, so she’s strong in all subjects. It almost makes you resent her... almost. As with most Asian mentality, doing well in school equals success in life. Eventually, Makoto learns that this isn’t always so, and she begins to tone it down on her ‘overachieving nature’...
- She still manages to be an overachiever without trying though...
- Makoto’s notes are very detailed, with her often taking notes in class, then later reading the textbook material before re-writing her notes with what the teacher taught in class and including the extra details from her own research.
Futaba Sakura
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- She’s a genius hacker, shut in with agoraphobia... unless you want her to teach you how to hack... don’t count on her helping you with your studies too much....
- But you could help her with slowly getting over her phobia... difficult task, no doubt, but slowly expose her to more human contact using studying as the medium. Okay? Slowly though.
Haru Okumura
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- I admit she’s a bit spoiled and naive, but she’s decently smart, above average definitely, but not as smart as someone like Makoto, Akira, Yusuke, or Akechi.
- She’ll have private tutors on the side, so if you ever need help, you could always tag along in her study sessions, money isn’t a problem with Haru, she’s glad to be able to have a friend to study with.
- Ah, but she’s also the type to get a bit distracted when around people, so you have to be the one to keep her on track and focused!
Goro Akechi
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- This idiot... this Light Yagami-like idiotic dorky “pancake” genius detective, doesn’t even get to go to school that often. Despite going to the same prestigious school as Yusuke, his work requires him to neglect his studies. 
- Don’t be mistaken, Akechi can easily give Makoto, Akira, and Yusuke a run for their money in the academic field. 
- Studying with Akechi will be sporatic, sometimes you can go days studying with him undisturbed, and then there are days where you never see him. It’s not a very stable study relationship, but if you don’t mind the inconsistencies, go ahead and study with him. More often than not, he could use the affection and companionship.
- But also, pancakes.
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