#he's a new a guy and the reaction to him joining the team has been....... significantly different from when i came in😐
stephenrea ¡ 2 years
the lads at work were talking about breaking bad today.........
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4 notes ¡ View notes
kryptonitejelly ¡ 7 days
art donaldson x childhood friend reader who he hasn’t seen in a long time (whose had a crazy glow up) visits him at stanford at the same time as patrick and patrick starts hitting on her (him and tashi are in an open relationship) and art gets jealous.
(maybe she tells patrick she knows he’s in a relationship and he tells her tashi wouldn’t mind and she would probably be down to join idk)
art donaldson x reader // challengers // fluff; happy ending
a/n: i did not hit the prompt on the head 100%, but i’m not mad at it. this ended up turning into a monster i had no control off and ended up being alot longer than i expected (i haven’t done a word count, and did not mean for it to spiral into this but i enjoyed writing this very much). i am an art donaldson defender and this is my way of giving him everything he deserves (i hope you guys can see what i subtly tried to do in places - please leave comments/reblog if you see them, it would mean the world). also i typed this entirely on my phone without proofreading - you’ve been warned.
edit - as a disclaimer, i do not purport to comment on the victim/villain/any dynamic in the challengers universe. this space is purely for delusional thoughts and fiction only (see also)
Good luck.
Art shoots the text off to you before taking a swig out of cup of diet coke he has in hand. He leans forward, his forearms on his knees, teeth crunching on ice cubes as lets his gaze sweep across the court in front of him. It is devoid of players but already has the umpire and linesmen ready and waiting.
You’ll buy dinner if I win?
Art doesn’t expect to get a text back, so he checks his phone absently, but his face breaks into a tiny grin as he sees your reply. Most other players would have been hyper focused in the moments before a match but you, in the breezy light hearted way you always were, still had it in you to joke around.
Yes, but if you lose…
Art sends his response, the tiny grin still on his face.
I’ll feed you.
Your reply is fast and it makes art shake his head lightly a quiet chuckle dropping from his lips. He is just about to type another reply but is interrupted by the loud cheers that erupt from around him. Art looks up from his phone to see Anna Davies walk out on court in the same colour red as he had on. He claps politely with the rest of the men’s team who he was sitting amongst in the stands, in a show of support.
Art catches sight of Tashi and Patrick, both perched a few rows down from him with the rest of the women’s team both clapping and hollering in support. He notices the turn of Patrick’s head, no doubt to check in on Art but he doesn’t tilt his head or smile back in acknowledgement as he usually would - he is far too distracted by you.
Art can feel his jaw slacken slightly as you walk on court. He knows what you look like, but you in the flesh - Art thinks you are breathtaking. Your top is in a shade of your college’s colour, paired with a white tennis skirt that shows off a pair of toned, long legs. He catches a glint of metal just above your ankle, and he finds himself squinting in a feeble attempt to make out the look of the ankle bracelet that you have on. Art moves his gaze your face, taking in what he can see from his perch on the stands as you walk out towards your designated bench on the court, bright neon green bottle in hand, your tennis bag slung on a shoulder.
You had been close back home for most of your childhood and more formative teen years, and the both had kept in touch since he left for Stanford and you to your own school of choice, but too infrequently - the occasional text, more frequent reaction or comment on each other’s social media and the small conversations that spiralled from those interactions - like two planets orbiting in the same solar system, but not close enough. Life had overtaken, the excitement of moving your separate ways to a new environment, of college - tennis, academics, people, parties, it had overwhelmed you both, individually and together - made you just about forget that you had each other.
Art is transfixed. You are, lithe, glowing and with a hop in your step - Art finds himself questioning why he had never made more effort to keep you closer since you had both gone on your separate paths. He watches as you settle your bag on the bench, turning your gaze to the stands, eyes narrowing from the glare of the sun as you search the stands, only for your gaze to fix on his. Art sees you smile, lips turning up as you wink directly at him. It makes a series of heads turn to look back at him - your fellow team mates, the small group of supporters from your college who had come along, and the Stanford women’s team plus Patrick, half curious, half puzzled. Art can only raise a hand beside his chest in greeting as he remembers to breathe, letting the air he had been holding in his chest out.
He sees turn away while reaching for your phone which you had wedged in between the band of your tennis skirt and skin. Your fingers flying over the keypad briefly before you toss the phone into your tennis bag, hand fishing out your racket. Art feels his phone buzz in his hand and he looks down at the text that had come through.
Stanford still hasn’t taught you the right way to wear a cap huh.
Your text, a reference to his penchant for securing his cap on backwards, makes Art laugh, out loud, the sudden sound causing his team mates to crane their necks in attempt to look at his phone. Art swats them away as he refocuses his attention back on you, watching as you do a few hops, shifting your body weight from side to side before walking to your position on court, racket in hand. You lose the coin toss, and Anna choose to serve and yet your demeanour is one of ease, something Art can’t help but think is so stark in contrast to Tashi before a match. You aren’t smiling anymore, and yet in an unexplainable fashion, Art can feel you smiling as you bend to ready position, your hands flipping the handle of the racket around, poised to receive. He sees Anna toss the ball, her back arching, hand shooting up, before she connects her serve, and he watches you receive it with ease, your body moving in a smooth motion as you hit it back. Your strokes have their own weight and intention behind them, they are careful, thought out - but what surprises Art is he sees little calculation behind each. Instead, he watches as you let yourself feel each shot, as you let your instinct take control with each step. Art sees himself moving pieces of chess across the court when he watches replays of his game, but with your game, - Art manages to see colour, life, ease. He sees something he hasn’t seen in his tennis since he had last played with you, Art sees fun.
The match isn’t long drawn out, you win - effortlessly, just as each of your strokes and movement are. It frustrates Anna, as is evident from the increasing number of unforced errors she makes on her art which leads to her swearing loudly as you easily hit the last heavy, driving it quick and to the opposite corner of the court from where she is positioned. Art finds himself clapping enthusiastically along with the crowd as the umpire calls the game.
“You never told me you had such good looking friends,” Art feels an arm sling itself around his neck, pulling him close as he stands outside the court, waiting for you to finish your match debrief with the rest of the team.
“Shouldn’t you be with Tashi?” Art questions as he tugs himself out and under, away from Patrick’s hold. His eyes remain focused on the door of the tennis court, waiting for you to emerge.
“Some strategy meeting,” Patrick offers as explanation, “refocusing or something like that.”
Art starts to say something in response only to be stopped by the view of you walking out from the courts. You both lock eyes, not too similar from how you had with you on the court and him on the stand. Art thinks that your smile is more brilliant up close.
Neither of you say a word, as you walk up to him, hands reaching up to tug his cap off his head only for you to pop it promptly on your own head, the right way around.
“The right way,” you say in greeting, pointing towards his cap which is now sitting on your head, the Stanford red a confusing contrast to your your top, now a loose fitting tshirt in your college colours, as Art chuckles while running a hand through his hair, attempting to shake out any flatness.
“The red looks good on you.”
“Perhaps I should transfer.”
“Didn’t peg you for a traitor,” Art teases which makes you laugh.
“Do I get a hug,” you ask, both of you oblivious to Patrick who is just watching.
“C’mere,” Art says, his words inviting, but just almost slightly shy as he opens his arms to you. You step into his embrace, arms slipping around his body as Art brings his arms around your shoulders, hands bumping into the tennis bag you have on your shoulders. His embrace is familiar, and you let yourself relax into his hold.
“Could I get a hug?” you hear a different male voice chime in and you pull away to look curiously at the brunette who is standing just beside you both.
“Fuck off Patrick,” you hear Art say with no bite, but notice as he steps just that one inch in front of you in an attempt to place himself as some sort of barrier between you and the brunette.
“Patrick Zweig,” the boy says, ignoring Art as he proffers a hand to you which you shake to be polite while introducing yourself.
“Do you go to Stanford as well?” You take in his attire of jeans and a white tee, the lack of red - you would guess not but it didn’t hurt to ask.
“I’m just visiting,” he says, “I’m actually playing on tour.”
“Losing on tour,” Art corrects.
“Your tennis is insane,” Patrick comments, ignoring Art, “when will I see you on tour?”
“I don’t intend on turning pro,” you respond with the flash of a smile.
“Why?” Patrick continues the conversation, now slightly befuddled, “you’re a natural.”
You shrug with a laugh, not answering and simply brushing off his question.
“Why don’t I take you to dinner and you can tell me why.” Patrick’s statement makes Art roll his eyes.
“Aren’t you taking your girlfriend our for dinner?” Art chips to which Patrick simply shrugs not phased in the slightest and answers with a no.
“Thanks, but I already have a dinner to cash in on,” you offer Patrick a smile, before glancing at Art.
“I’m sure Art wo-”
“Nope, fuck off Patrick,” is what Art says again, not even giving the other man a chance to finish his sentence. It makes you laugh, but you follow as Art grabs your hand, tugging you off in a direction away from Patrick.
“It was nice meeting you Patrick,” you call out, turning your head towards him giving him a wave with your free hand, “good luck on the tour!”
You walk for a minute or two more until the tennis courts are out of range before Art stops. He lets go off your hand, but reaches instead to grasp the top of the tennis bag on your shoulder. You raise a brow questioningly only to have him tug again with a slight tilt of his head. You relinquish the bag to him and he hoists it on his shoulder instead.
“What a gentleman,” you joke, but with a smile on your face.
Art does a mock bow with a flourish of his hand which makes you laugh with a shake of your head.
“Your chariot awaits my lady,” he extends a hand to you, waist still tilted in a bow, but his head up and looking at you.
“Lead the way,” you place your hand on top of his again.
“My car is that way,” he says jerking a thumb towards his right as he intertwines his fingers with yours. Its the second time in the day where he’s holding onto your hand but you don’t think too much of it and neither does Art. It feels right, comforting, familiar and like it’s supposed to be - and you go with it.
“Sorry about Patrick,” Art says as he fiddles with the paper casing of the straw. You are both sitting in a booth, plates cleared, your drinks left in front of you. Art is leaning back but being across him you can feel his knees knocking into yours. Dinner had gone by way too fast for Art’s liking. There had been both plenty to catch up on, as well as new information to learn and yet - it had felt like no time had passed between you both.
“He’s a bit of an ass isn’t he,” you say as you lean back, a mirror of Art. Your comment elicits a bark of laughter from him.
“Girls don’t usually say that about him.”
“What do they say?”
“Well not say, but they usually fall at his feet or into his bed,”
“No,” it makes you crinkle your nose while you shake your head.
“His girlfriend Tashi,” Art says, fingers still fiddling with the wrapper, “we played tennis for her number, she chose him.” Art said referencing the tennis match between him and Patrick. His sentence is blunt, to the point, and yet manages to be vulnerable at the same time. Art surprises himself as the words slip out from his lips so easily but it feels easy to tell you, safe to let himself be vulnerable, fine to let you view him for who he truly is.
You both sit in silence for a beat or two, the only sound between you both being the rustle of paper in Art’s fingers.
“Well,” you begin, “if she made you play for her number, maybe its for the better you didn’t win.”
Art’s fingers give pause and he looks up at you. His expression is unreadable, but you don’t feel like you’ve said anything wrong - just the obvious.
“I guess you are right,” he says after a few seconds of silence, before raising his head to look at you. There is a small smile on his face that you can’t quite place.
“When have I been wrong Donaldson?” You challenge in jest as you lift a leg under the table to jostle one of his lightly. Art leans forward, managing to capture one of your legs, your calf in the warmth of his palm.
“You really want me to start?” Art questions as you wriggle your leg in attempt to get away but no no avail.
“Let’s see, the time we were six and you thought that the way to get strawberry milk was to dump pink food colouring in normal milk.”
“Stop,” you protest, but with a laugh on your lips.
“Or the time we were ten and you were convinced that the park we passed by on the way home from school was haunted and we had to sprint past that stretch of sidewalk for 3 whole months.”
“It was creepy!”
“How could we forget the one time we were thirteen and you thought that the way babies were made wa-”
“Arthur Donaldson,” you protest, managing to wrestle your leg out of his grasp which has grown looser with each anecdote. It allows you to set your foot on the ground, body shooting up to lean across the table, your palm coming to cover Art’s mouth to prevent him from announcing any further recollections from your youth.
You can feel his breath hot against the palm of your hand as his muffled laugher fills the space of your booth.
“Art,” you huff, relinquishing his full name for his nickname again. You move to drop your hand from his face, but Art catches a hold of your wrist. You sit back down, butt hitting the seat again, but with your hand still stretched across the table, wrist still loosely wrapped in one Art Donaldson’s hand. His shoulders are still shaking, now with a silent laughter.
“Art,” you try again.
“I’m sorry, it’s just so funny,” Art exhales, trying to collect himself as best as he can. He doesn’t remember the last time he laughed like this, freely and with such reckless abandon over something so innocent.
“Your dedicated court jester, always here to serve,” you mock with a roll of your eyes.
“You’ve been derelict in your duties,” Art says, now calm, but his eyes still twinkling under a mop of strawberry blonde hair. He keeps his tone light but what he really means to say is that it has been too long. You chuckle, not really having an answer for him.
“It’s been a while,” you finally admit, both your hands now resting on the table between you, you wrist now lying upturned in Art’s open palm. You had always been close
“It has, hasn’t it,” it isn’t really a question. Art has missed you - something he hasn’t realised until today. He had let himself be distracted by the complex, focused toxicity that was tennis, Patrick and Tashi, letting himself get sucked into the whirlpool, that he had forgotten to hold on to the things that grounded him.
“Maybe we should change that.”
“We should change that,” Art corrects you and you can feel the tips of your ears burning, and the skin across your cheek bones tingling for some reason.
You aren’t quite sure how ended up here, but one thing had lead to another as you both made your way out of the restaurant and back to Art’s car, and the next thing you knew you were heading back to his dorm to watch reruns of Buffy the Vampire Slayer for some reason.
“How do you not find her hot?” You ask again for the tenth time as you both focus on the screen of Art’s laptop which is perched half on his thigh and half on yours. You are both sitting on his bed, shoulder to shoulder, both of your heads damp from (separate) showers in Art’s ensuite, and you smelling quite like him from having used his toiletries and borrowing a short and shirt set, both of which which were a baggy fit for you.
“I don’t know, I just don’t.”
“You’re rubbish Donaldson,” you snort, nudging your elbow lightly into his ribs with a simultaneous yawn.
“Tired?” Art asks, as you stifle another yawn.
“Yeah,” you accept, seeing little point in trying to hide it. You had after all, played a match today.
“I should really get back to the hotel,” you mumble, the back of your head leaning against the wall beside Art’s bed, eyes closing.
“You could just stay here,” there is a hint of hesitation in his voice because he isn’t sure if you’ll stay.
“My bed’s a double,” Art shrugs, “it would also be quicker for you to get to the matches tomorrow.” You aren’t playing but Art knows you would be expected to show up as a supporter for the series of matches between your two schools that continued tomorrow.
“Are you sure?” You don’t mind, after all - it’s Art, the boy you had known growing up, shared milkshakes and apple slices with after school, but you wanted to be sure he was truly fine with it.
“Yeah, I’m sure,” Art moves to shit his laptop, lifting himself to bend over the edge of the bed to place the laptop on the floor, “you can take the inside.”
He flops down on the outside of the bed that is further from the wall too easily, his right hand going behind his head. Him moving forces you to move in tandem as you flop down on Art’s left, legs scrambling under the covers which Art has somehow managed to worm his way under in the flurry of movement.
Art reaches a hand over, his arm extending over you in the process to hit the light switch that he has beside his bed. It plunges you both into darkness, the only light the faint glow from the street lamps creeping in from below his curtains, and the glow of his digital clock.
You flip onto your right side, eyes closed, missing the turn of Art’s head as he observes yours features, closed eyes, lashes, nose, lips, finding his gaze lingering a moment too long on your lips.
“Stop staring Art.”
“Am not.”
“I can feel it,” you respond, lips curving into a smirk. It was a habit he had developed from the sleepovers you both had either in his living room or yours when you were both younger. You would close your eyes, just about to doze off, only to hear the faint shifting of a head against a pillow while Art turned to stare at you, his blue-brown eyes boring into you.
“Am not.”
“Go to sleep Art.”
“So I guess I’ll see you around,” You are standing just a distance off the side of the bus which is supposed to take you back to campus. The matches for the day had ended, with your school having won by one match.
“Yeah,” Art replies, drawing out his words as he takes you in, he finds himself think that he had very much preferred you in his clothes despite them being oversized and not as well fitted as your own. You had managed to change into a fresh set of school colours before the matches started earlier that morning, having pleaded with your angel of a roommate to help you lug your overnight bag, which you hadn’t even had the chance to unpack the night before, over to the courts before the matches had begun. She had taken one look at you in Art’s tshirt, shorts with his hoodie thrown over, and had given you the widest smirk known to man despite your insistence that nothing had happened.
“I think you are scheduled to come play next month,” you refer to the Stanford men’s team, “I’ll see you then?”
“Or I could see you next week?” Art says almost shyly as he raises a hand to rub the back of his head. Art was a walking oxymoron, easily grabbing your hand, asking you to sleep in his bed, and yet somewhat bashful in the moments in between, “the drive over is an hour, max.”
“I would like that,” your response earns you a mega watt smile, his eyes twinkling at you. You both hear voices calling Art away from the bus, one male, one female - but Art ignores them both.
“Yeah and I told her-” your sentence is cut off by a nudge to your shoulder.
“Stanford” you friend explains with slightly too much glee in her voice. She had seen the smile on your face after returning from your away game last weekend, and the way you had been constantly glued to your phone, grin on your face, laughter peppering your days, the name Art Donaldson a constant fixture in your notifications.
Your head swivels up and to your left to spot Art leaning against his black jeep, hands crossed loosely across his chest. He smiles when he sees you, and your face mimics his expression.
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t,” you friend calls out as she pushes you in Art’s direction. You pull a face at her while rolling your eyes, but letting your legs carry you towards Art.
“Are you stalking me Donaldson?” You ask in jest. Art had texted you half an hour earlier, asking which part of campus your last class of the Friday was in and where he should pick you up from.
“Hundred percent,” he says as he opens his arms; you step into his embrace for a brief hug, before he turns to open the car door for you. You unload your bag from your arm, dropping it onto the floor of the passenger’s seat before climbing in. You move to close the door, but Art is in between you and the door, reaching over to click your seatbelt into place.
“Ready?” He asks, and you nod, gazing into bright blue-brown eyes.
“Positivism,” Art says simply at your question of what theory of jurisprudence he found himself most inclined towards. You think for a moment, the side of your face propped up with a hand, elbow on the counter of the bar you both are seated at, your body turned towards Art who is likewise, facing you.
“Positivism,” you roll the words around your tongue, “I guess it tracks,” you shrug, before raising a brow slightly, “but how does an engineering undergraduate so much about jurisprudence?”
“I read.”
“On jurisprudence?” You frown nose wrinkling as you reach your hand out to place the back of it against Art’s forehead as if to check if he had a fever, “are you alright?”
“You mean you don’t read engineering daily in between sets?” Art questions you with mock horror as he reaches up to tug your hand down from his forehead. Your hand ends up, yet again, in Art’s, which is resting on his knee.
“Why engineering, and not something with a lighter course load?” The underlying question is clear - Art had every intent of going the pro track post-Stanford, and it wasn’t that he would be making full use of his degree anyway.
“I don’t want the only skill I have to be hitting a ball with a racket,” he shrugs, “it feels good to know I can do something else.”
You hum in bother understanding and agreement as you feel Art’s thumb begin to stroke the back of your hand. It distracts you, his calloused thumb sliding across your skin.
“In another life I’m sure you would have made a darn good engineer Art Donaldson.”
Your words make Art laugh, something he found himself doing a lot with you.
“So, this is me,” you point towards the dormitory buildings up in front and Art slows his car to a stop, pulling the gear into park. He kills the engine before hopping out of his seat. Your hand is on the handle of the door, ready to open it for yourself but Art is faster, his hand on the outside lever, pulling the door open for you.
Art offers you a hand as you hop out of the jeep before he shuts the door behind you.
“I had fun tonight,” you find yourself saying, suddenly feeling slightly shy for reasons you cannot fathom.
“Me too,” is what Art says in response, his hands stuck on the pockets of his jeans, heels rocking in a back and forth motion. You see his gaze on you, locking with yours before flickering to your lips. It makes you bite down one on side of your lip, an action which causes Art to gulp, making the Adam’s apple on his throat bob.
“We should do-”
“Can I kiss you?” Art blurts out his question in a burst and you can see his face flush slightly as he asks, a surprising and yet apt contrast to the Art who had no qualms about holding your hand in his. You feel your heart quickening, and with the silence between you both - you almost feel as if you can hear each beat.
“Yes,” you breathe out, a small nod accompanying your response. You see Art’s gaze flicker to your lips again, but you would be lying if you said you hadn’t thought about this.
Art takes a step forward, pulling his hands out of his pockets. You feel him cupping your face gently, and you tilt your head towards him. Your eyes flutter close and your lips meet.
Art’s lips are softer than you imagined. You feel his hands move, slipping down the sides of your body, circling your waist and pulling you closer. You drop your bag off your shoulder onto the floor as your hands move up, one to cradle the side of his face, and the other reaching behind, fingers weaving into soft curls as you tug him closer towards you. First kisses with someone new had always been awkward for you - teeth, lips, noses, as you each try to figure out the grooves and crannies of each other, but with Art - there was no such thing. It felt as if you both had learnt each other long ago, each in and out, the curve of his neck, and the the planes of your body.
You break the kiss first, pulling away, eyes still closed, feeling as if the breath had been knocked out of you in the best way. Your forehead pressed against Art’s, body held firmly against his.
“I hope you aren’t going to send me packing after that.” Your eyes flutter open at his words.
“You packed an overnight bag didn’t you?”
“I might have,” Art pulls you even closer, his arms wound tight around you.
“Presumptuous much?” You run a hand through the front of his hair, pushing his fringe back.
“Just good at reading the room.”
12 years later
The skin across your knuckles are visibly tight, your hands clenched into fists, the only sign of the nerves that have taken over and riddled your body. Your eyes are shielded by dark oversized glasses, but your pupils are darting left and right as the final point of the match plays before you. The stadium is silent, save for the pop of the ball and the grunts from the two players on court. You hear an exceptionally loud grunt, the whizzing of a racket whipping through the air, and then you hear it before it hits you - the roar of the crowd, the thundering claps, and you feel your body freeze as even the announcer goes wild.
“Art Donaldson, ladies and gentleman, our new US Open champion.”
You remain glued to your seat despite the commotion around you - family, Art’s team, cheering, jumping, excited hugs being passed around. Your eyes watch as Art runs towards the center of the net, hand raised as he waves to the crowd around. He shakes his opponents hand, before waving to each section of the stadium in thanks of their support and there he is, jogging towards you. His hair is dripping with sweat, plastered to his head, shirt clinging to his body. He extends a hand to you even before he reaches the sideline and your body reacts from habit, standing, your hand extending back towards him. A warm hand, the back of it still slick from sweat grasps yours, tugging you forward lightly.
“Hi,” is all he says as Art’s lips meet yours. Art enjoys the tennis, but he doesn’t need it - doesn’t need the tennis, the fame, the money, or the trophies - all he needs is you.
You hear the crowd go wild at the display of affection, the announcer’s voice booming over the sound system with something about Art Donaldson and his wife, but it all fades - the commotion, the sound, the people, the tennis, because all you see is Art.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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arkhammaid ¡ 4 months
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fandom. formula one & mcu
about. the grid reacts to the news!
content warnings. some drivers are acting like assholes, some cursewords, 23!grid
notes. have another reaction chapter hehe
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daniel ricciardo Guys
Guys wake up
lando norris ???
daniel it's 5am, why are you spamming rn
carlos sainz It's summer break, why can't you all shut up for once
daniel ricciardo Did no one see the news? Stark is coming to F1
carlos sainz To a race?
daniel ricciardo No you shithead, he's making a team
charles leclerc !!!!
lando norris at this point you'll never win monaco (because once stark joins, there no longer will BE monaco) charles leclerc Fuck you, nowins
daniel ricciardo This is serious... Tony fucking Stark wants to create an F1 team for the next season. @/max verstappen your winning streak will be over
charles leclerc Next season??? I thought for 26?
lewis hamilton Of course he would do that
charles leclerc Lewis, explain?? daniel ricciardo Yeah Lewis, please explain?
lewis hamilton Did any of you ever meet Tony? He will probably see the next season as test for the 2026 season. To train his mechanics and engineers and go all out. I bet many are saying it's a waste of money
carlos sainz It is a waste of money.
daniel ricciardo Yeah, they do. Reactions vary but 'experts' are saying that Tony is just wasting his time and should properly prepare for 26
lewis hamilton Knowing him, he already has a fully built car for 2026 and it's a beast.
fernando alonso Only the best for his daughter!
charles leclerc What. lando norris wdym his daughter??
george russell Why are you all awake at this bloody hour?
kevin magnussen Read the room. Everyone is in schock.
sergio perez Stupid. She will fail like every woman in motorsport with a rich father. Too dramatic.
lando norris i'm still confused???
oscar piastri Tony Stark has three children. Harley Keener-Stark, Y/n L/n-Stark, Peter Parker-Stark. Y/n is his only biological child and currently racing in Formula 3. She won Formula 4 last year.
charles leclerc I thought he only had sons?? When did Y/n appear? oscar piastri She 'appeared' the first time in January this year as Tony's daughter, no one knew before. lando norris how did you know? oscar piastri Google exists.
carlos sainz So daddy's money... great.
max verstappen I swear to god I will leave this chat the next time you all decide to fucking gossip at 6am like old women
daniel ricciardo It's important news!
max verstappen No it's not. Stark will be in F1 for a few years maximum and then leave again. It will pass
daniel ricciardo @/lewis hamilton you here? Don't you have anything else to add??
Fine, I'll guess I just ask the rest of the grid, you fucking bore.
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daniel ricciardo @/everyone wakey wakey, it's time to wake up and talk!
mick schumacher Daniel? What's up?
george russell Ignore him. He has been annoying us because Tony Stark is coming to F1 and no one really cares. charles leclerc Lies and slander! I care!! lando norris yeah! me as well, idk what you're yapping abt
carlos sainz It's bullshit.
arthur leclerc Why do I have a bad feeling about Monaco...
ollie bearman THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN THINKING bianca bustamante It will be something for sure
lance stroll Well, I'm just happy to see another friendly face at the paddock :)
carlos sainz Of course you know Stark.
lance stroll You're just jealous esteban ocon As am I??? I'm your best friend AND MY BEST FRIEND HAS THE POTENTIAL OF KNOWING SPIDER-MAN???? AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME???????
daniel ricciardo I want everyone who knows anything related to Stark to immediately share with us because Lewis is ignoring me and I need to know. The only info we have right now, is that Stark will make a F1 team and that's it. I refuse to believe that's it. So, @/mick schumacher @/lance stroll spill the beans.
mick schumacher He didn't say anything last time I saw him, so I can't help you much.
lance stroll I know nothing, ask my dad.
daniel ricciardo I don't believe you.
pato o'ward If they say they don't know anything, then they don't? I don't know what's the problem, just wait for the next press release
max verstappen Do you even know Daniel. He's unable to wait for gossip. And he classifies this as gossip
daniel ricciardo Gee, thanks, feeling the love here
nico hĂźlkenberg I wake up to 100+ notifications, why are you all like this?
kevin magnussen They're all idiots.
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kevin magnussen @/tony stark could you please speed up with the press release? Daniel is setting all grid chats on fire and it's not funny anymore.
y/n stark ha, weak ass bitch kevin magnussen Watch your mouth missy
tony stark Should I tag Seb in a Tweet to announce it?
peter stark do it y/n stark do it harley stark do it
pepper potts-stark Don't do it. We will proceed with the plan. No matter how annoying the people in your private life are.
kevin magnussen Yes, ma'am, sorry for asking.
sebastian vettel I deserve more than a Tweet at 10am.
y/n stark speak your truth king peter stark sorry for suggesting otherwise (@/yn stark stop being such an attention seeker, we all know seb loves charles the most) y/n stark but charles is not here rn is he?
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daniel ricciardo @/kevin magnussen EXPLAIN YOURSELF?!
carlos sainz What is going on now...
charles leclerc KMAG FOR STARK???? I didn't put this on my bingo card, now I lost 100 bucks. Fuck you Kevin
arthur leclerc Pay up bitch
oscar piastri Well done, man
nico hĂźlkenberg And so he leaves he burning, ever sinking ship... the true hero- sorry, I meant coward
daniel ricciardo @/kevin magnussen I KNOW YOU'RE ONLINE YOU COWARD, COME HERE
I just want to talk to you
kevin magnussen No.
*kevin magnussen has left the chat*
fernando alonso There is your answer
several people are typing...
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taglist. @lilypadlover , @adorablezhui , @peqch-pie , @keyz-writes , @obsidianjewel, @themercyverse , @lem-hhn , @akiraquote , @kiiyoooo , @nichmeddar , @nothingfuninthislife , @minkyungseokie , @fionaschicken , @lyrasconstellation , @spideybv28 , @keii134 , @starssfall , @tpwkstiles, @fangirl-dot-com , @nichmeddar , @lady-laura-speaks , @nikfigueiredo , @hinamesgigantica , @brakingboundaries , @almostjollypizza , @yoremins , @raizelchrysanderoctavius , @celesteblack08 , @watermelon-sugars-things , @lighttsoutlewis , @radiantdanvers , @vellicora, @sterredem , @hiireadstuff , @jolixtreesunn , @mypage-myfandoms , @nelly187 @greeneyesandsunshine , @fulla02 , @welovediaaxx , @whyamireadingthis , @67-angelofthelordme-67 , @blueberry64857959 , @winchesterwife27 , @six-call , @skywalker1dream , @mellowarcadefun , @cherry-piee , @peterholland04 , @motorsportloverf1 , @renarots , @msbyjackal , @woozarts , @leclucklerc , @yl90
crossed off tags mean i can't tag you!
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629 notes ¡ View notes
literaryavenger ¡ 5 months
New Year's Eve
Summary: A game of two truths and a lie reveals to the team a fact about the you that Bucky can’t seem to stop thinking about.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Female Reader
Warnings: Minimal use of Y/N. Language 'cause why not. A lot of fluff. My poor attempts at being funny. Mutual pining, idiots in love. Self-deprecating thoughts.
Word Count: 3.2K
A/N: Happy New Year's Eve! Thanks for all the messages when I was sick, I'm finally feeling better and I'm negative for Covid! I really wanted to post something for New Year's Eve and this came from a fever dream I had when I was sick, lol. I hope it's any good and someone enjoys it! A particular thank you to @ordelixx for helping me with this story!💘I've only started posting here about a month and a half but I'm really enjoying it and feeling more and more comfortable in my writing. I hope I'm also getting better at it. Anyway, I have big plans for the New Year that I hope you'll enjoy! This year hasn't been great for me, but I'm planning on working harder than ever to make sure the next one is a year I can be proud of. I hope you guys have a nice last day of 2023 and an amazing start of 2024! Love you all.💘
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“Ok, your turn, Kill Bill. Two truths and a lie, go.” Tony says, referring to the fact that you fight with swords, making you roll your eyes before you join in on the laughter.
“Ok, uhm...” you try not to look at anyone so you don’t give away the answer “I have a teddy bear that I sleep with, I have bungee jumped from the top of the tower and I’ve never had a New Year’s kiss.”
You look back up to the room and wait for their guesses.
It’s a Friday night and the people that remained in the Tower for the holidays decided to have a little game night.
Every year the same people stay around, having nowhere in particular to go, and spend Christmas together. 
Clint and Scott usually spend this time with their families, this year Thor decided to go to New Asgard with Bruce and Loki to visit Val and Korg, and Peter decided to spend it with aunt May and Happy.
You usually alternate between going to visit your family and staying in the tower each year, and this one was your turn to go to your first home.
You came back the day after Christmas, never being one to miss Tony’s New Year’s Eve party that’s gonna happen in two days now.
“Well, we know she has a teddy bear.” Wanda says.
“Do we know that?” Tony turns to you, narrowing his eyes. “Do you have one?”
“Yes, she does, we’ve seen it” Natasha answers for you while you glance at Bucky, praying he doesn’t put together that they’re talking about the teddy bear he gifted you for Valentine’s Day this year along with flowers. 
Natasha and Wanda were more happy than you when you told them, sustaining that he did it because he liked you until you pointed out that he gave flowers to them too, because he’s sweet and a gentleman and that’s just who he is.
They wouldn’t let up on the fact that neither of them got a teddy bear though, and you would have agreed with them but Bucky never really did anything else about it so you decided to let it go and not read too much into it.
You're brought back to the present by Tony.
“Ok, so she has one. Then it’s gotta be the New Year’s kiss, everyone has had one at least once in their life,” he was looking at your reaction very closely while talking, but you did your best to keep an easy smile and not give anything away.
“Even Captain Virgin over there had one last year.” he adds vaguely waving towards Steve’s general direction. 
You crack at the nickname and at the undignified sound Steve made while blushing and glancing at Nat that shared that kiss with him.
“Tony, there’s no way that she bungee jumped from the roof without us knowing, that’s gotta be the lie.” Sam interjects, also watching you closely for any signs of a reaction that you manage not to give.
“Alright, just take your guesses, people.” You say to the group.
“New Year’s Kiss.” Tony all but yelled, Natasha and Wanda agreeing with him.
“Bungee jump.” Sam says and Steve and Bucky agree, then they all seem to hold their breath as they wait for your answer.
It’s not a surprise that even these stupid little games cause a lot of competition amongst the team.
“Neither.”-you finally said and let out a laugh when they all groan in annoyance while taking their shots for guessing wrong.
“WAIT- you bungee jumped off the ROOF? When?!” Steve seems more concerned than anything.
“Well, you know a few months ago when we happened to all be on different missions at the same time?” They nod, not knowing where you're going with this “Clint and I came back first from ours, we were bored and there was no one around to stop us from doing anything stupid so…” you trail off, shrugging while laughing. 
Steve looks shocked, Sam is laughing his ass off while Tony immediately goes to look for the security footage.
They all cheered while watching you throw yourself off the roof, Clint's yells and laughter could be heard, and then Steve shakes his head while joining you in the laughter when you see Clint take his turn and scream like a little girl while you fall to the ground laughing on the video. 
Once you all composed yourselves, Tony pokes Wanda’s arm “I thought you said she had a teddy bear.” he's looking at her like she brought him on a treasure hunt and then betrayed him and left him for dead on a deserted island.
“She does! She got it from-” you interrupt her before she can finish the sentence, blushing a little and avoiding Bucky’s eyes.
“I do have a teddy bear, I just don’t sleep with it.” you say, shrugging.
“Oh, come on, that’s cheating!” Natasha whines.
“It’s really not, just because I do have one it doesn’t mean I didn’t tell a lie about it” you laugh at her pout.
“Wait a minute, so you’ve never had a New Year’s kiss?” Tony looks at you like you suddenly grew two heads.
“It’s not a big deal. Funny thing is, I have had boyfriends during New Year’s Eve, I just never happen to spend the day with them.” you say absentmindedly while thinking back at all the parties you’ve been to over the years to celebrate the new year.
“Really?” it's so quiet you almost missed it, your eyes snapping up to meet Bucky’s that were already looking at you.
“Is that so hard to believe?” The room seems to go quiet as everybody looks at you two, but you're too focused on each other to notice.
“I didn’t- I mean…” his cheeks started to turn a little pink as he seemed to have trouble finishing his sentence “It’s just you’re very pretty, who wouldn’t want to kiss you?”
You didn’t know what to say to that, you start blushing too while opening and closing your mouth a couple of times, looking like a damn fish.
You settle for a quiet ‘thank you’ with a smile that he shyly returns, neither of you noticing the glances passed by everyone else.
The whole team is convinced that there’s something between you and Bucky, but both of you always deny it and don’t seem to read too much into each other’s actions, always dismissing the glances and lingering touches as friendly affection even though you’re not really that close.
But really what else could it be?
The team lets the moment end and the game goes on, everyone keeps drinking and having fun until it gets really late and you all decide to call it a night.
Bucky goes to his bedroom and gets ready for sleep but he can’t seem to focus on anything else but you.
He really doesn’t understand how can anybody see your pretty self when you’ve just woken up, no makeup and your eyes full of sleep and not want to kiss you, let alone when you are all dolled up in a pretty golden dresses like you do every New Year’s. 
Every year it gets harder for him not to just grab you and kiss you, hell every day is pretty much torture to see you around the Compound and not get to be with you the way he wants to.
But he has to keep his hands to himself because there’s no way you could actually like him like that. 
He’s even tried to drop hints here and there like giving you the teddy bear for Valentine’s Day but, except for the cute shade of pink that your face turned, you still didn’t seem all that interested.
Still, that didn’t stop him from thinking what it would be like if you did like him and fantasize about being your first New Year’s kiss and maybe even your last first kiss.
At the same time you were in your own room getting ready for bed while your own thoughts kept going back to the moment you shared with Bucky in the living room. 
You didn’t know if you were more embarrassed because you actually told the team you’ve never had a kiss on New Year’s Eve or happy because Bucky called you pretty.
If it was anyone else you wouldn’t even think twice about it, but coming from him it just felt like you were being complimented for the first time ever. 
Everytime you thought about it you felt all warm and fuzzy inside, and at this point the moment was pretty much on loop in your mind.
The more you think about it the more you feel your face heat up, sleep not coming easily as you slip into Bucky filled dreams.
The next day everybody’s hanging out in the living room, most of them nursing a hangover from last night. You get ready for a last minute shopping trip to try and find a new dress for New Year’s Eve.
When you get to the living room you see Steve grinning at a disgruntled Tony, Wanda, Sam and Natasha who are obviously very hangover and nowhere near as amused as the blonde supersoldier. 
Bucky’s attention is on you as soon as you're in his field of vision and no one fails to notice it, except you of course, your own attention on Wanda and Natasha sprawled on the couch.
“Well, I was gonna ask you if you wanted to come shopping with me,” you start watching from one to the other, as amused as Steve at everyone’s inability to contain themselves when drinking. “but I don’t think that’s happening.” 
“Bite me, YLN.” Is all Nat says.
Wanda, on the other hand, is a little gentler. “I can come with you, if you want.” she says sweetly.
“That’s okay, Wands.” you smile at her “just rest and drink lots of water.”
You turn around, saying bye to everyone and making your way out. As soon as the doors of the elevator close, everyone turns to Bucky that's not even pretending not to be staring anymore.
Not that anyone could ignore the longing look on Bucky’s face as he watches you walk away.
“Buck,” Steve starts talking, glancing at everyone before setting his gaze back on his best friend. “we need to talk.”
“Okay…” he slowly drags out, unsure if he even wants Steve to keep going.
“Well, we’ve been noticing some things lately…” He’s unsure of how to say this. “Between you and Y/N.”
Bucky’s cheeks start to turn a slight shade of pink, but he’s still not sure where Steve’s going with this so he says nothing.
“So we thought” he gestures around at everybody. “that maybe we should-”
“We know you like her, and we want to help you get with her.” Tony interrupts Steve, quickly getting to the point.
At Steve’s glare, Tony merely raises his hands in surrender saying, “Listen, Capsicle, I’m way too hungover to take the panoramic route. Let’s just get this over with.”
“Yeah, Stark’s right.” Sam says, turning Bucky whose face is fully red now. “You have a weak ass game, man. Let us help you.”
They all look at the brunette supersoldier while waiting for his answer. He chews on his lip while looking at the expectant faces of his friends, before letting out a deep sigh.
“How would you even help me?” He says quietly, neither accepting nor denying their help just yet.
“Well, we know Y/N,” Wanda says.
“Yeah, we can tell you what turns her on.” Natasha smirked, before Wanda flicks her ear making her let out an ‘ow’ with a slight pout.
“What she means is,” she glares at Natasha “we can tell you what she likes, you know. Maybe help you get closer to her.”
Bucky shakes his head lightly “This is not a good idea. And it doesn’t even matter if she doesn’t like me.”
Wanda and Natasha seem to have a silent conversation, ending with Natasha raising her eyebrow at Wanda and Wanda just sighing with a soft ‘fine’.
“She does like you.” Wanda turns back to Bucky.
“She’s just convinced that you don’t like her like that.” Natasha says with a roll of her eyes.
Bucky still wasn’t completely convinced, but he agreed nonetheless. Maybe it was the glimmer of hope the girls gave him, but if there was even the slightest chance you could actually like him, he owed it to himself to try. 
So he let the team make a plan to get you guys together, hoping to god he wouldn’t come to regret it.
You come home a few hours later, super excited to have found the perfect dress for the party the next night.
Bucky thought you were just so cute, all smiles and giggles.
Wanda and Nat talked you into having the last girls night of the year, although it didn’t really take much convincing.
And so the plan begins.
You’re relaxing on your bed, Wanda lying next to you, your head on her lap, and Nat sprawled on the love seat near the window close to your bed.
You’re wearing bathrobes, sheet masks on your faces as you watch a cheesy romcom that you’re so embarrassingly into you don’t even notice the girls exchange a look and nod at each other.
Wanda clears her throat and then begins talking, as casually as she can. “So, how come you never told us you never had a New Year’s kiss?”
They had to approach the subject somehow, right?
“I don’t know,” you say absentmindedly and then shrug, your attention still on the Tv. “didn’t think it was important.” 
“Sure it isn’t.” Nat said, and her tone took your attention away from the movie for the first time since it started.
“What’s that supposed to mean, Tasha?” she simply shrugs, an innocent look in the face.
“It doesn’t mean anything” she says, her attention seemingly on the movie “I mean, if it doesn’t bother you, it doesn’t bother me.”
“Why would it bother me?” you frown, you don't understand what's so weird about this.
“Well, some people might find it a little…” Wanda trails off.
“Sad?” Natasha ends for her.
“It’s not like I’ve never kissed anyone.” you're starting to get a little defensive.
“We know that, sweetie.” Wanda coos, stroking your hair while you look up at her.
“We really didn’t mean anything by it.” Natasha ends, giving you an apologetic look.
“Yeah, whatever.” is all you say, and you turn your eyes back to the tv, your attention nowhere near it.
Natasha and Wanda can basically hear the gears turn in your head and give each other one last glance. 
Part one of the plan is complete.
The next day goes through like usual, the team spending basically the whole morning together.
It’s a tradition, having the last breakfast of the year together, watching the last movie, having the last lunch and so on. Doing all the lasts together.
It’s silly, but it’s a tradition you've all come to be very fond of. 
The afternoon comes and you and the girls spend it getting ready for the party, last night’s conversation almost forgotten.
As you got to the party the music was deafening before you even stepped out of the elevator and, once you did, you were immediately immersed in a sea of perfume and cologne and, like every other Stark party extravaganza, you didn’t know about 98% of the people there. 
You quickly find the team, as outgoing as most of them are, you usually spend most of the night together because it’s the last night of the year, last party and, again, it's your tradition.
You talk, you joke, you laugh but the more you drink the more you keep thinking about your conversation with the girls last night.
Was it really that sad that you’ve never started a new year with a kiss?
Midnight came sooner than you would’ve liked and your teammates decide to ask you a sobering question.
“So, who are you kissing?” Tony asks very casually.
You turn around confused, the team’s eyes all on you. “What are you talking about?”
“Oh, nobody told you?” Sam says, looking around him “We’re all kissing someone tonight.”
“I- You- What?” you glance towards Bucky so quickly he almost thought he imagined it.
“Well, Romanoff is kissing Rogers, I’m obviously kissing Pepper and Wanda is kissing Wilson.” Tony said, before specifying while pointing at the last two “As friends, obviously.”
“So, you’re all kissing someone?” You look at everyone except the one person you actually want to look at.
Something inside of you just believes that he would nod too and a beautiful woman that you could never compare to would appear at his side.
“Well,” Steve starts. “not all of us…”
He trails off and, following his gaze, you land on the very pair of blue eyes you were trying to avoid.
Suddenly everyone else scatters and it was just you and Bucky. You don't know what to say, but you feel like you can't look away from him now.
What the hell is happening to you?
You’re talking before you can even stop yourself “You know, we could also kiss. As friends.” you add, realizing what you just said, your eyes wide with your own surprise.
He’s about to say something, but you don’t give him a chance to get a sound out before you’re backtracking so fast you might actually fall out the window.
“You don’t have to. Obviously. It’s not like I’d make you.” you chuckled awkwardly, but you can’t stop yourself from rambling “Unless you wanted to. But why would you want to? It’s not like you’re missing anything. I’m not anything special.”
You can hear the countdown starting, but it sounds distant to your ears as your heart pounds faster. “I mean, I’m sure you’re a good kisser. Why wouldn’t you be? Not that you’re like a lady’s man.”
Bucky glances around him, the team giving him encouraging looks as they near zero and you just keep going “But like you were, you know. Not that it’s a bad thi-”
You're thankfully interrupted abruptly by Bucky’s lips on yours just as everyone yells ‘Happy New Year’ and gold and black confetti starts falling down on you.
You can't even begin to comprehend what's happening but your body does, kissing him back almost immediately.
It feels like forever and also too soon when he pulls away, you can't even hearing the chaos around you anymore.
All that exists is you and Bucky and his eyes and his arms around your waist and yours around his neck and his lips that you wanted to kiss again and kiss forever and never stop.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that” he says after a few seconds. Or maybe days. Weeks? Hours? It doesn’t matter.
All that matters is the bright smile he gives you when you say “Me too.”
He kisses you again, but this time the spell is broken by the team’s whistles and cheers. 
When you pull away you’re both blushing a little, you glance around you and see all the smug faces of the idiots you love to death, Bucky’s attention never leaving you.
“And by the way,” Bucky says, gaining your attention once more. “you have more qualities than you think,” he then pointed at your chest “You have this.”
You looked down to where he was pointing before saying “I do have great tits, yes.”
When you looked back at him he was blushing even harder and looked like he was having a hard time maintaining eye contact, while you were more relaxed now that the kiss took away all the awkwardness, but trying hard not to laugh. 
“... I meant heart” he said after a few moments of silence.
“Either or.” you answered, shrugging and when you heard the snickers of the team around you, you couldn’t help but join them, followed by a still blushing Bucky.
Yep, this year is definitely gonna be an interesting one.
661 notes ¡ View notes
erenthology ¡ 1 year
Underground boxer Eren
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Underground boxer Eren. You’re on tour with his team. They travel in his private plane and stay in different hotels while traveling through the states. Both are around the ages 20-23. This is basically “real” by Katy evans. Happy belated birthday Eren🖤 this is a messy filler-ish post, his real birthday fic coming out soon. I’ve had to cover shifts so I haven’t had the time to proofread and post. (Adhd brain)
Tw(?)Eren has a soft spot for reader. He’s a perv. They act like a couple but reader thinks Eren is just being nice. Eren is delusional. Reader is naive. Smut, Slight dub-con. Aftercare is slightly mentioned. Obsessive, possessive Eren. He’s immature. Very touchy. Let me know if I should add to this! Not proofread so there will be mistakes. Enjoy!
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“Oh, there she is” Eren turns his head in amusement mid convo but stops in his tracks when he meets your eyes
Boxer!Eren who falls obsessively in love with the new sports rehab specialist on his team. He said he didn’t want one but Armin, his manger, insisted. thank god
Boxer!Eren who immediately tells Armin to place your seat next to his on the private plane.
“Need my sports therapist today, Armin. Send her to me.” “Eren, she’s a sports REHAB specialist.”
Boxer!Eren who knockouts his opponents to impress you
Boxer!Eren looks for you in the crowd during every fight to catch your reactions
Boxer!Eren who gets mad when you talk to the other staff. You’re supposed to be there for him
Boxer!Eren who deliberately gets hit in the rink when he’s feeling deprived of attention so he’ll get you to touch him
Boxer!Eren who forces you hold his hand when walking down the lobby since guys were fucking staring at you (they’re literally staring at Eren since they’re there for him)
Boxer!Eren almost cums in his pants when you show up one day in a too short a short skirt and tank top! He tries to look you in the face when you tell him good morning but he just can’t when your tits are right in his face
Boxer!Eren who’s feeling very, very possessive and semi freaks out all day, sending death glares to anyone who dares to stare. He even tries to cover your smaller frame with his body.
Boxer!Eren makes sure you feel his hips slightly pushing into your back when he’s reaching for something above your head, eyefucking you through staff meetings, charming you with compliments throughout the day. “You look like an angel, ya know that?” Using his panty melting smile that he knows has an affects on the ladies. Right??
Boxer!Eren who sometimes does things like run his hand through your hair in public so it’ll look like you’re a couple to any passerby’s. “What’re you doing?” “Hm?” He bends forwards as if he couldn’t hear you. “Oh, you just had something in your hair” sneaky fucker
Boxer!Eren ask’s if he can have some of your water? His is literally on the side. And makes sure to brush his fingers against yours when you give him your bottle with a bright smile on your face. He wants to kiss you on the spot.
Boxer!Eren is having the worst day. You’ve been laughing with Armin for 10 minutes straight. 10 minutes. Do you like him or something? He aggressively makes it known that he’s upset and decides not to speak to either of you. Didn’t last a second.
Boxer!Eren who tries to be in your proximity at all times. jumps at every opportunity to carry your luggage, walk you to your room, joining your morning walks. The guys tease him about his changed behavior when he’s around you but he doesn’t give a fuck. He likes to imagine you’re a couple already <3
“Alright [name], let me know when you’re done. I’ll wait for you” he waves, absolutely lovestruck.
“Eren do you have time to look over this real quick?” Jean asks
“Fuck off”
Boxer!Eren who had flowers delivered to your room and only gets a pat on the shoulder and a “thank you, Eren.. you’re such a great boss to your staff” back. Are you that fucking oblivious? He just wants to rip your clothes off and fuck you til you understand you’re his. Instead he forces a smile, “I’ll buy you whatever you want, baby.” And he certainly doesn’t miss the way you instantly start playing with your hair. Oh? Did he just make you nervous?
Boxer!Eren who’s finally had enough and books you into a two bedroom suit with him. “incase he needs to rehabilitate at night.”
Boxer!Eren who fantasizes the whole time about you to sucking him off to help him ease from all the stress. Or better yet bury his head in between your thighs. He just can’t stand being so close to you knowing you’re barely in any clothing, you know? …What do you wear to bed anyway? He needs to know.
Boxer!Eren who then knocks on your hotel door that night and ask’s if he can sleep with you :(
Boxer!Eren who said he just wants to cuddle but slowly pushes his knee between your thighs, rutting his hips into yours while holding you. “Wha-what’re you doing?” “[name] you feel so good,” inhaling your scent. “please just..just let me?” he pants, lips brushing your neck. Delighted with happiness when you nod.
Boxer!Eren who turns you onto your stomach, splays his larger hand on your back, slowly dry humping and tugging on your hair. The sight of you helplessly under him almost makes him cum on the spot
Boxer!Eren put you onto his lap mid-make out. pushing his hand into your panties with gentle touches. “Feels good? He ask’s when you moan into his kisses. “Yeah? you want my fingers in you?” The sight of you disheveled makes him go crazy. Harshly repeating the word “mine” again, and again against your lips.
Boxer!Eren who finally gets you on your knees in front of him, looking like you’re ready to do anything he pleases. Not a thought to play around with..
Boxer!Eren who’s been groping and touching all night. He’s currently sucking on your tits while jerking himself off against your entrance. “never been this hard before, please baby, lemme put it in. need you” he kisses until you give in
Boxer!Eren who whispered sweet nothings but literally folds you in half as he presses into you. He just can’t help himself. The sounds of his balls slapping against your skin and a mixture of your strangled noises fill up the room. He moves inside you, over you, into you. “fuck, fuck yes, like that, baby. You’re so good for me.”
Boxer!Eren who thanks you with a kiss on the forehead and whispers how good you’ve been for him. Then cradles you to sleep in his arms.
Boxer!Eren is delighted when he wakes up with your soft but pressed against his morning wood. Nuzzling his face into your neck. He smiles to himself. Knowing he’ll visit your room every night. You’re his to take care of from now on.
2K notes ¡ View notes
Being Inarizaki’s Manager
Miss Manager is Shy and Cute 🥹
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Inarizaki x shy and cute! Female manager (she/her pronoun)
Warnings: Atsumu starts off as a butthole but we reform him, fluff
A/N: I wrote a headcanon set earlier with a shy reader and well, now I think I’m a shy reader expect 💅 so here’s one of my favs with a shy manager 😌
Oof- you good, girl?
Seriously this team is like the opposite of shy and calm
I wouldn’t say they are Karasuno level but they get HYPED
Now, many of them had given up the dream of ever having a female manager
They were prepared to brave it alone (namely Kita, Aran, Omimi, Akashi, Suna, Ginjima, etc)
They knew what their problem was…
Atsumu and Osamu
But it’s fine because they were efficient 💅
Kita did everything and well, Kita did everything
But that all changed when one day our precious Angel, Riseki, met someone new 👀
You see, you were the new girl in school
A curse honestly
Being the new kid is never easy, trying to find friends or fit in with everyone is so hard
And to top it off, you were ridiculously shy and a wallflower
It’s not that you didn’t want to make friends but your shy, cute nature made it difficult
When you first joined Riseki’s class, he thought you were rather cute
You kept to yourself, didn’t bother anyone
You were smart and capable
And most importantly, you had absolutely NO CLUE who the Miya twins were 😌
Riseki had watched you a few times, and you showed a lot of promise
You seemed to be able to ignore all the Miya chat surrounding you
You didn’t seem bothered by the fan girls
And most importantly, when a Miya fight would break out, you’d simply ✨ignore ✨ it
The problem was that Riseki knew you were shy
You’d never speak up in class, you barely talked to anyone
But he also knew this was his opportunity
So what does he do? Well he confides in Kita
“Hey Kita, so I think I might have found us a potential manager?”
Kita 👉🏻😐😑 *not convinced or optimistic whatsoever*
“Is this person a teenage girl?” Kita asks in return
“Yes but-”
Kita 👉🏻 No 🫶🏻🥰
“Here me out tho, she’s a transfer student and I’ve been keeping an eye on her,” Riseki says
Kita 👉🏻🤨 creepy but ight-
“She has shown zero reaction to the Miyas at all! Like none, not even a second glance!” He says
Kita 👉🏻 tell me more…
Riseki goes on to explain more about you and Kita agrees to give you a small trial run
Ok now that Kita is convinced, all Riseki needs to do is ask you
Simple right?
“Hey Yn!” He yells as you freeze
You rn 👉🏻😐😳
Please you are looking around like “is he talking to me? Am I Yn?”
“Hey I was wondering if you had a club yet?” He asked as you just stared 👁️👄👁️
Please Yn, function
Riseki realizes that he probably came in way too strong, so he backs up a bit
“Umm I’m sorry to come at you so strong but I was wondering if you needed a club? The boys volleyball team is looking for a manager and I think you’d be perfect,” he says as your eyes widen even more
Please blink before your eyes dry up
“Ohh umm I don’t think I umm- I’m not sure I’d be good- I don’t play volleyball or know anything really,” you say as you blush heavily
Riseki is DYING at how cute you are 😭
“It’s ok Yn! I can teach you everything and the guys, wellmostoftheguys, are super helpful!” He says as you ponder for a bit
Maybe this is just what you need? You never take chances like this and maybe now is the time to start branching out
“Umm I guess I can try,” you say, a tiny smile lighting up your face as Riseki dies inside 😭
After school, he brings you to practice
The gym is huge and all the guys in it are huge as well
You start to second guess your decision
Maybe you aren’t cut out to be social, yeah maybe you’ll just be shy forever
Suddenly you are forced out of you thoughts when you are approached by four guys
You quickly take refuge behind Riseki and peer out from behind him as the boys all smile at you
“Kita, Aran, Omimi, Akagi- this is Yn! Yn these are our third years!” Riseki says as you blush hard and peek out from behind him
“Umm hello, I’m YN from class 1-4. It’s very n-nice to meet y-you,” you stutter out as the third years practically perish
How the heck are you so freaking cute?? 😭
“It’s nice to meet you YN, I’m Kita, the captain. Thank you so much for coming to meet with us,” Kita says, already impressed that you aren’t making waves or causing any disruptions
“T-thank you for having me,” you say as you stand next to Riseki now, a little more confident
“So Yn, do you know anything about volleyball?” Aran asks as you shake your head
“Not really but I’m a pretty fast learner,” you say as the boys all nod
Suddenly, a rouge ball comes flying out of nowhere as you quickly take cover as Akagi stops it from hitting you
“Are you ok Yn?” Kita asks as you nod
“I’m fine thank you,” you say before being approached by a boy with a yellowish blonde hair color
“Hey girls aren’t allowed in the gym!” He shouts as you reeled back a bit
Who was this extremely rude person?
“Shut up ya idiot! Obviously she’s talking to the captain!” A silver toned man says
“Yeah well I don’t need to be interrupted by any squealing pigs during my serves so get out of here!” He shouts at you as you quietly back up
“ATSUMU! Knock it off, stop being so rude! This isn’t one of your fan girls, this is Yn and she’s going to be our trial manager!” Kita scolds the yellowish blonde as he scoffs
“This? This is going to be our manager? She’s tiny and looks like she’s afraid of her own shadow! How is she going to ever be a manager for a powerhouse?” Atsumu says as you whince a little
Man he was a jerk 😒
“Damn Sumu, you’re being a jerk! Leave the poor girl alone,” a tall black haired man says
“Suna’s right! She didn’t do anything to you,” Omimi says as Atsumu stares at you
“She’s literally taking up space! Like how is she going to even be helpful?” Atsumu says as you finally lose it
“Excuse me,” you say, a little anger and agitation now clear on your voice
Everyone 👉🏻👀
“Yes, I maybe a little shy and skittish at times but it’s extremely rude of you to judge someone you haven’t even been introduced to,” you say as the men all look at you
Kita is like mentally taking notes
Suna has his phone out and recording 📱
Riseki is like “who is this?”
“My name is Yn and I’m a first year. I might not be the best but I’m smart and I learn quickly. If I interrupted your practice, I apologize but I won’t stand here and be treated with disrespect,” you say as you bow and take your leave
Honestly Queen shit 👑
Oohhhh Kita and Riseki are BIG MAD
Kita doesn’t say anything, he just GLARES at Atsumu
Riseki turns and goes after you but not before giving Atsumu the death glare of a lifetime
Aran, Omimi and Akagi are ready to kill
Suna is still recording 📱
Ginjima has now joined the pack and is wondering what the heck is going on
And Osamu, well Osamu is 👀 👇🏻
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“YOU TYRANNICAL PIGGGGG!” He shouts as he kicks Atsumu in the back
But this time, nobody stops him from beating up his brother
The team 👉🏻 😙🎶
“YN wait! Please wait- I’m so sorry about Atsumu!” Riseki says apologizing to you
“Riseki, I’m sorry but I can’t-,”
“Please Yn! PLEASE! Please just give us a shot! I promise, we will kick Atsumu off the team if we have to just please be our manager!” Riseki says, on his knees BEGGING
Dang these guys really want a manager 😅
You sign, “I’ll do a trial run if it means that much to you.”
Riseki 👉🏻😐😳🥹 really?!?
You smile and nod a little
Riseki pulls you in for a deep hug 🫂 as you simply blush
And this began your journey as Inarizaki’s sweet manager
I wish I could say it was all smooth sailing but alas, Atsumu is still on the team 🙄
You aren’t sure why but at first, he’s just not nice at all
Like he refuses to take a towel from you, or even drink the water you hand him
He kind of makes you miserable
He knows how shy you are so he often puts you on the spot just to embarrass you
“Hey Yn do you know what that was called?” He says as he slams a serve over
Omimi and Akagi 👉🏻🙄 here we go…
Kita 👉🏻 😐😑 Atsumu-
Osamu 👉🏻 just say the word Yn 🙎‍♂️🤛🏻
Suna 👉🏻👀📱
“Umm a serve ace right?” You shyly respond
“Well would you look at that, she can learn,” Atsumu laughs as he walks away
Everyone is GLARING at Sumu rn
Literally Riseki was not joking when he said they would kick him off the team Yn
Idk if you bruised his ego or what Yn but man’s has it out for you 😅
However, one thing about Atsumu is that you can win the man over
It’s simple really… 🙌🏻 praise 🙌🏻
And you do just that
“Sumu your sets are really off today!” Aran says as Atsumu glares at him
“Yeah dude you literally almost flubbed our quick,” Suna says as Atsumu rolls his eyes and walks away
He sits on the bench, putting a towel over his head as he ponders
He’s not sure what’s wrong with him today but he’s been off all day
You noticed something was off, thinking maybe he was just having a bad day
But then you realized that Atsumu Miya wasn’t use to having bad days
So you decide to extend an olive branch
You walk over the him as he sits on the bench
“YN wait!” Osamu tries to stop you but he can’t
Suna’s eyes widen in fear for your life as Kita gets ready to save you from certain destruction
You calmly sit beside Atsumu as he turns his head and glares at you
You smile a little and place your hand on his gently
The team 👉🏻😳😲
“Everyone has bad days Atsumu. If we didn’t have bad days, we’d never get better. I still think you’re an amazing setter and if you ever need a hug, I’m here for you,” you say as Atsumu’s eyes widen
Atsumu is to stunned to speak
Quick Suna take a picture!
Seriously he was so mean to you and yet, you were still so nice to him
You smile and stand up, walking back to practice when it happens 🫣
Two strong arms grasp you from behind as a warmth radiates around you
You smile a little, grabbing his arms and squeezing
“Thanks Yn,” Atsumu says as he lets go and walks back into the court
The entire team is too stunned to speak
You say nothing as you go back to your job, handling towels, volleyballs and notes
“Did that just happen?” Ginjima asks
“I think so? Is this a dream?” Omimi responds
“Holy crap Atsumu actually has a heart?” Suna says
“OF COURSE I HAVE A HEART YA IDIOT!” Atsumu screams from the court
“Not like anyone could every tell ya grinch!” Osamu responds
“YN literally just told you that ya dummy!” Ginjima says, rolling his eyes 🙄
The guys go back to practice
This time, Atsumu is much more on point
You smile and clap as the boys all kill it in practice
You don’t cheer loud, simply clap and smile 😊
It’s literally giving them life Yn!
Now when it came time for tournaments, you can’t say you weren’t nervous
This was your first time around so many people
You were still pretty shy, even thought you’d become friends with the entire volleyball team
Literally they were so protective of their shy little manager 🥹
“Ok is everyone here?” Kita asks as you nod
You had been walking in back with Suna, making sure all the members stayed together
“Ok let’s go get warmed up!” Kita shouted as the guys all nodded and followed
You were walking when suddenly, your notebook fell and your papers scattered everywhere
“Crap!” You silently said as you kneeled down to pick them up
However what you failed to notice was that the team had continued to walk
You see where I’m going with this 👀
“Hey guys- oh no!” You said as you stood up, realizing there was every color of jersey surrounding you BUT black and white
You 👉🏻😐😳😢
“Ok Yn calm down, the team is somewhere,” you silently muttered to yourself as you wandered around giants
You felt like crying, scared and nervous because there were so many people around
You had to ask someone for help
Suddenly, you bumped into the back of someone
“I’m so sorry!” You said, tears in your eyes as she looked at you
“Oh it’s fine, hey are you ok?” She asked, gorgeous blue eyes watching you
You shook your head, eyes meeting hers
“Hey Kiyoko, I’ve got the bento boxes all sorted!” A blonde girl said, walking up to you
“What team do you work with?” The girl named Kiyoko asked
“I-I’m with Inarizaki,” you said as they both smiled
“Come with me and Yachi, we can take you to the gym,” Kiyoko said as Yachi stood beside you
“Thank you so much,” you say bashfully to the two pretty girls
“Ok Riseki, Ginjima can you help YN fill up the water bottles please?” Kita asks as they nod and look over to you
Only you’re not there 😅
They start looking all over for their precious bby
Please Ginjima even looks under his shoes incase he stepped on you 😭
“Umm Kita,” Riseki interrupts
“Yes,” Kita says looking at him
“YNs not here,” Riseki says as everyone stops
“What the hell? Where is she?” Kita says looking around everywhere for you
“Suna weren’t you walking with her?” Aran asks as Suna gulps
“She was with me just a a minute ago!” Suna says, now panicking too
“Oh my god and I was just starting to actually like her and you lost her?!?” Atsumu says as Osamu smacks the back of his head
Then they hear their opponents say something
“Has anyone seen Kiyoko and Yachi?” Their team captain says
“OH MY GOD WE HAVE A MANAGER KIDNAPPER!!!” Riseki yells as two of Karasunos memebers RUN from the gym
“We have to find Yn!” Aran shouts following them with the rest of the team
All that remains in the gym is Kita and Karasuno’s captain, Daichi
“We could just text them,” Daichi says as Kita nods
Back with you, you are enjoying talking with the two Karasuno managers
They both seem a little shy like you but they still manage a strong school
“The gym is just up this way-” Kiyoko says when you hear it
At first, it sounds like a stampede of elephants
Then you realize it’s just like 15 teenage boys racing toward you 😅
“YN OH MY GOD WE FOUND YOU!” Riseki says pulling you into a hug as your boys gather around you
“Are you hurt? Do you need help? Are you hungry?” Aran says panicking as you watch Kiyoko and Yachi fight off their team
You giggle a little, the boys taken a back
“I’m fine guys, I actually just made some friends!” You says smiling at Kiyoko and Yachi
Inarizaki rn 👉🏻😐😳🥹 our baby is growing up!
“Thanks Kiyoko and Yachi! I’ll see you in the gym!” You say, waving to the two girls as they follow you
You look over at Riseki and give him the biggest hug
Riseki rn 👉🏻😳
“Thanks for inviting me to be your team manager! Now let’s go kick some butt!” You say sweetly as the team stops
The team 👉🏻👁️💧👄💧👁️
No need to worry about the match Yn, I’m sure everything will be just fine 😌
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sc0tters ¡ 4 months
Titles and Competition | Will Smith & Ryan Leonard
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summary: when Ryan joins you guys it makes Will realise that he wants more from just his fuck buddy.
request: yes/no
warnings: p in v, oral (f & m receiving!), swearing, slight degradation.
word count: 3.07k
authors note: this was rushed but I really wanted to get it out before the weekend. also we all know the drill, welcome back to @fantillisdaylight has ideas that I write out!
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Will knew he was going to make you pay for this dangerous game you seemed to enjoy playing.
You had been in these shorts that just went over the curve of your ass and Will’s favourite spaghetti strap top that you owned. All dressed up in a look that had Will ready to have you upstairs bent over his bed on all fours. But as you stood laughing at whatever it was that Ryan whispered into your ear it made Will clench his grip around his beer bottle as he glared at you two.
Ryan had his hand pressed against the wall behind you as you nodded at whatever nonsense he had to say “you good bro?” Drew furrowed his eyebrows not knowing if he truly wanted to know what was going on.
All Will could do was grumble in response “I’m fine.” The blonde rolled his eyes as he saw Gabe laugh at him.
The Canadian native had been the one who saw you leave his housemates room one too many times and now knew that there was only so long before you were going to admit that something was going on between you and Will “fuck off dude.” As Will got up to leave neither one of the boys failed to miss how his eyes never left yours.
Sure you were playing a game tonight, but you weren’t stupid. That look meant follow me or you would be coming for the rest of the month “I’ll be back.” You mumbled into Ryan’s ear pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek before you followed Will up the stairs to his room.
The boys were hosting the party after the big win that the team had “there you are pretty girl.” Will was sat with his legs spread on his bed as he faced the door.
You couldn’t help but smile as the nickname had your stomach in knots “here I am.” You pressed the door softly as you shut it going to join the boy on his bed as he stopped you.
Will placed his hand up as he shook his head “you know that isn’t where you’re meant to sit.” He clicked his tongue as he motioned in fingers over to his lap.
It was a place you were used to sitting as he loved wrapping his arms around you but that was usually when you were riding him “enjoyed being such a naughty fucking girl tonight?” It was clear that he wasn’t impressed as his fingers harshly pulled you onto him when you took too long.
A whimper escaped your lips as your eyes went wide “you wanna answer me?” He added as he cocked his head as you shook yours.
Will smirked he tucked your hair behind your ear “liked the attention.” You confessed feeling your cheeks turn red.
The hockey player laughed as he nodded “you think that he could fuck you better than I can?” His vulgar words made your breath get caught in your throat as your thighs clenched around his leg.
Will was a great guy in bed, you would have never questioned that. But the fact that he was feeling jealous had you holding onto a whole new level of power “who knows?” You shrugged as you slept your amusement dance on your face.
Never was it a dull moment in bed with him and today was clearly going to show that “get out of these.” Will grumbled tapping at the waistband of your shorts.
You looked down to see how his hands fiddled with the button “I won’t ask again pretty girl.” Will warned as his voice oozed irritation as he swore you were doing this to get a reaction out of him.
Of course this was the day you were in his favourite pink panties that always seemed to take his breath away “wow.” He mumbled cupping your cheeks as he brought your lips down to his.
It was this hungry kiss that had you feeling sea sick as Will put up with fighting you for dominance as your tongues clashed “such a pretty girl.”within seconds Will had his fingers over your panties as he tore them apart with the thin lace fabric being no match for any kind of strength.
You gasped as you were back on his leg and he had a shit eating grin on his lips “liked that pair.” You frowned as it was very much so your favorite.
Will couldn’t help but smile as he peppered kisses along your jaw “you know I’ll buy you a new pair so don’t whine about it.” As his kisses grew heavier you couldn’t help but begin grinding your hips against his thigh as your eyes began to flutter.
The little bouts of air that pushed from your lips made him smirk “you wanna get yourself off like that?” Will asked as he let his hands go flat behind him as he propped his body up.
By that point it was too late for you to shake your head in complaint “want you Will.” He knew how much you enjoyed his fingers to start you off but tonight you weren’t getting that.
All he did was motion to you to start moving “make a mess on my thigh and then I’ll give you what you want.” Will smiled as he showed you that he was being serious “Will!” You complained letting your lips form a pout.
However it was clear he wasn’t interested as he simply motioned to you to hurry up and start “we don’t have all day doll.” The hockey player wasn’t going to budge.
You began to rock your hips back and forth as you tried to build up enough momentum to give yourself some pleasure whilst doing a shit enough job that made Will take over “nuh uh pretty girl.” Will could read you like an open book as he smiled beginning to help you.
Will had you locked in his grip as he took over “fuck Will.” You moaned resting your head on his shoulder as your body shook.
Will smirked as he kissed you “could have had my fingers tonight.” His words made you groan as you thought about how it “please.” You begged craving more from him.
But Will shook his head not wanting to make it that easy for you “nah pretty girl, you wanna go fuck Ryan and then get a reward from me?” Even saying his name made Will growl as he thought of how close you were with the boy.
It made it all much more straight forward to you that the blonde was clearly jealous “didn’t fuck him.” You shook your head and your eyes fluttered.
Will rolled his eyes as he slapped your thighs not enjoying your argument “don’t like to me pretty girl.” The blonde warned not taking kindly to your whines “‘m not!” You complained as you thrusted your hips back and forth desperate to come.
His hands grounded your hips making you almost fall over “you want to fuck him?” Will tan his fingers over your stomach as he growled.
Sure you two weren’t together but Will had grown comfortable with you “please let me come.” You begged as you shook your head wanting him to let his grip soften.
Will began to drive your hips himself “you wanted him don’t ya?” The hockey player taunted you as he let his teammate vividly sit in your mind “answer me when I ask you a question.” Your silence was finally no longer working as he flexed his thigh.
You chewed at your cheek as you gasped “wanna fuck Ry!” You blurted out letting your hand slap over your mouth as your eyes widened “that some fantasy of yours?” Will asked as he cocked his head.
All you could do was nod as you whimpered “words pretty girl, words.” He kissed your lips as you began to speed up your movements “you get all tired of me?” Will teased trying to calm his nerves as he thought about you wanting someone else.
What neither of you noticed was that Ryan was outside as he ended up listening to the conversation “I want you both.” Your voice was barely above a whisper as your eyes began to flutter “god my little slut huh?” Will smirked as your lips began to quiver.
His favourite tell tale that you were close as you nodded “make me come please.” You begged letting your eyes screw shut as he nipped at the skin of your neck “thought you would want us both for you.” As Will said that the door swung open leaving you to gasp.
Ryan took the sight of you two as Will smirked locking eyes with his teammate “either get in or shut the door.” The blonde grumbled taking control of you “Ry!” You moaned as your hands wrapped around Wills shoulders.
It made the boy shut the door behind him “I’m here gorgeous.” Ryan smiled as he cupped your cheeks forcing you to look up at him before he kissed you.
You felt hot as his tongue swiped across your lower lip “fuck!” You whimpered as you hit your orgasm as your body writhed against Will “ain’t she a fucking beaut when she comes?” Will asked as he tucked your hair behind your ear.
Ryan nodded as he felt his cock grow hard in his shorts when you hid your face in Wills shoulder as you realised the soaked patch that had formed on his shorts “hey pretty girl remember you said you wanted him.” Will’s voice was soft as he ran his fingers through your hair.
You couldn’t help but feel your cheeks grow warm “I do.” You nodded looking at Ryan who licked his lips “have me how you want me doll.” Both boys helped you off of Will and onto the bed next to him.
Their eyes practically pulled your shirt off as your thighs pressed together “you can get her mouth.” Will offered up as he knew he had to taste you.
The movements were quick as Ryan ended with his pants on the floor and you were straddling Wills face “this how you been thinking about it?” Ryan smiled as he rubbed his thumb along your jaw “wanted to taste you.” You whined as Will kissed your thigh “me too doll.” It seemed like clockwork as his lips latched onto your clit your mouth opened letting Ryan slot his cock between your lips.
You let out a breathy moan as you saw the two boys around you “is this what you wanted gorgeous?” Ryan smirked as his hands pulled your hair into a makeshift pony.
Your head nodded as you placed your hands landed on his thighs as you tried to steady yourself. This had truly been one of your biggest fantasies, since you got close to the two of them at the beginning of the season. As Ryan’s cock hit the back of your throat, Will slotted his tongue into your cunt.
Both boys grunted as they watched themselves use you “such a pretty girl.” Will mumbled sending shivers through your body.
You tried your hardest to not let your thighs crush the blondes head as you bobbed his teammates cock “think he complimented you doll.” Ryan let the pet names roll off of his tongue like it was nothing.
The room was sweaty as you swirled his cock on your tongue “uh.” Your words came out as a muffled noises “fuck I see why you keep her hidden.” Ryan groaned as he almost hunched over feeling your throat constrict over his cock.
Will’s smirk was something you felt from beneath him “my pretty girl.” The blonde cooed as he grazed his thumb over your clit.
Ryan let his grip soften on your hair as he moved his hand to your top “let me see your pretty fucking tits.” Your nipples hardened the moment that the air hit your breasts “you’ve got a little slut on your hands.” His condescending tone had you squirming as you nodded feeling his cock throb between your lips.
It was a hot moment between you both as you looked at him with batted eyelashes “you just want to come don’t you?” Ryan’s words made you whimper as tears formed in your waterline as his cock continued to hit your throat “such a cock hungry girl ain’t ya gorgeous?” His words began to push you over the edge as Will’s thumb settled on a steady pace.
You were left hollowing your cheeks as you wanted to get the boy off first but as his hand rolled your nipple between his fingers you couldn’t handle it anymore “fuck fuck fuck!” You chanted letting your hand replace your mouth as you began pumping his dick bringing him to an orgasm as you rode yours out “open your mouth f’me.” Ryan tapped his cock on your mouth letting his sticky release shoot as the ropes coated your lips.
Ryan swore he was in the middle of a porn film as he watched you take your thumb as you collected his release before you potted it into your mouth “fuck you’re such a beaut.” As you smiled he leaned your lips groaning as the taste of him was evident on his tongue.
Will reminded you that he was there as he tapped your thigh “you feeling better now doll?” Ryan asked as he helped you sit on the side of the bed.
The blonde took the moment to kiss you as the sight of your second orgasm glistening on his chin “she’s still my cock hungry little slut.” Will corrected him as he gripped his fingers on your chin.
As small as the gesture might have been it reminded Ryan that you weren’t his and you weren’t up for the taking “should we give him what he wants tonight?” The blonde added as he didn’t look at his teammate even as he spoke about him.
You nodded as you smiled looking at Ryan “he is asking if I should let you fuck me.” Both boys got the chance to let their eyes go over to you “what do you think about that?” Ryan twirled your hair through his fingers as he waited to hear what it was what you were going to say.
Your eyes traveled between them both as you smiled “want your cock like that.” You nodded pressing a kiss to Wills temple as you had a feeling that you wouldn’t get the chance to sleep with Ryan again.
It warmed the blondes heart to know that you cared about him like that “you gonna let me take your mouth then pretty girl?” As much as Will might be jealous that he’s sharing you, you were still his girl and were gonna be treated like that.
Ryan and flipped you over as he had you on your knees “god this is a sight.” He groaned running his cock over your slit “she’s my perfect little girl.” Will smiled as he kissed your lips.
Watching you make out with him as your hands cupped his cheeks it had Ryan feeling neglected “fuck!” Ryan gritted his teeth as your cunt swallowed his cock.
Both of you were still sensitive from his first orgasm and your second and it meant that you knew you weren’t going to last long as he bottomed you out “you gonna squeeze his cock like you know how to?” Will cooed as you whimpered feeling the boy settle into a quicker pace.
The sounds of thrusts echoed through the room as Ryan let his hand move to your clit “treating me like she was made for me.” He looked over your head to Wills who only responded with a glare.
Will smirked as he brought his hands over your breasts where he began teasing your nipples “she knows she’s only for me though don’t you?” His question was only met with silence “don’t you pretty girl?” Will wasn’t one for acting messy but there wasn’t anything more in that moment that he wanted than to piss Ryan off.
You cried as you nodded “I’m yours Will.” You moaned only making the boy swear he was on cloud nine as Ryan hit a spot that was deep within your cunt.
Will missed seeing your face scrunch like that to his own cock as he made the mental note that he needed to fuck you the next morning so your cunt would remember his cock last “fuck I’m gonna come.” You announced as you let your head drop.
The boys smirked as they egged you on “just go ahead pretty girl.” Will mumbled tapping your cheek as he motioned to you to come “let me feel how tight your cunt is when you come.” Ryan ordered finally feeling his cock practically burst as you came.
Your body writhed in the spot as your legs shook it triggered his own orgasm “right there!” Ryan groaned as he let his eyes screw shut until he rode his orgasm out.
As Ryan slid his cock out of you he had to keep his hands on your sides to keep you from collapsing “hey there pretty girl.” Will sighed as he kissed your forehead trying to keep you from falling asleep.
Your lips formed a smile as you blinked at him “think you need a bath.” He added as you rested against his duvet “you can go.” The blonde did little to hide his current dislike for teammate in that moment.
Ryan couldn’t go to protest as you seemed to melt in Wills arms “see you later gorgeous.” Ryan got one last chance to kiss your lips before he got his clothes on and left.
You thought you were getting a bath but instead Will just pulled you into his arms “Will?” Your voice was barely above a whisper as you looked up at him.
He ended up staring right down at you as he smiled “like you a lot.” You mumbled letting out a sigh as you rested your head on his chest.
His hands ran through your hair as you two stayed there “think I’m in love with you.” But of course as the words left his lips it had turned out that you instead were sleeping as you had dozed off when the comfort of his warmth had you feeling like you were in a blanket.
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bradshawssugarbaby ¡ 5 months
She’s So High - Jake Seresin x Reader
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A/N: Inspired by the song She's So High - Tal Bachman.
pairing: Jake Seresin x Reader
warnings: pining, mentions of death/combat, swearing
word count: 1.7k
“First class and fancy-free, she's high society. She's got the best of everything, what could a guy like me ever really offer? She's perfect as she can be, why should I even bother?”
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“Oh, Bagman’s got it bad,” Javy teased, smirking as he took a sip from his beer glass, the draught’s foam catching on the top of his lip as he took a drink.
“Aw, leave Loverboy alone, she’s too good for him, he’s trying to numb the pain,” Bradley quipped as he gave Jake a slap on the back, grinning ear to ear as he saw his friend and usual rival squirm in his seat at the mention of the girl he’d been pining after for a couple of weeks now.
“Ha. Ha. You guys are killing me with your humour,” Jake retorted, shaking his head.
Jake wasn’t the crushing type. He hadn’t had a crush since he was 16 - crushes were juvenile and cowardly in Jake’s mind - he was a man who knew what he wanted and went for it when he saw it. He couldn’t remember the last time he fell this hard for someone who barely even knew his name, he was always found no-strings-attached relationships easier, no one had unrealistic expectations, there was little to argue about, and no one ended up heartbroken when things fizzled out and inevitably ended a month or two later. He knew he was getting too old for it, and eventually women would start to become disenchanted by a man in his mid 30s with a fear of commitment, but, he’d cross that bridge when he got there. He was happy with how things were in his life - he never got hurt, and neither did anyone else when he got shipped out halfway around the world or relocated.
That was, until he saw you. Jake played in a beer league baseball tournament on weekends, and she had joined his team a couple of weeks ago as an alternate player. You were the sister of one of his teammates girlfriends, and just happened to have played ball in high school, so you volunteered yourself to play when their second baseman broke his ankle earlier that week.
You'd become a regular replacement for second base, and the entire team was in awe of your talent on the diamond. Jake had noticed right away, your long, sporty high ponytail, piercing eyes and the way you looked in a pair of athletic shorts was enough to get his heartbeat to race, taking away any and all focus he had during the game.
Instantly, he was captivated by you. He caught himself feeling things he hadn’t felt in a long time, and he didn’t know what to do about it. In retrospect, he should have just let it go, or sucked it up and said something to you on his own accord like he did with every other girl he’d liked, but, instead, he confided in Bob, a member of his flight squadron, who apparently, can’t keep a secret to save his life.
Bob had accidentally let it slip to Natasha during a flight exercise, and Natasha couldn’t resist the juicy little tidbit she could now hold over Jake’s head. She kept it to herself for about a week, until the new object of Jake’s affection had entered the Hard Deck one night with another of the baseball teammates and his wife.
Jake was caught off guard, for once in his life, rendered speechless and vulnerable, unsure of how to proceed. He wanted the floor to open up and swallow him whole right there, not wanting to say a word to her, especially not with his friends around. His friends were great towards him, and he had no doubt that if he did ever bring an established girlfriend around them, they’d welcome her with open arms, however, a girl Jake had a crush on? He wasn’t ready to admit to it, and he knew he’d have to if they caught his reaction.
Natasha, however, was able to put two and two together when she noticed Jake slinking down in his seat in an effort to hide himself behind Bradley’s shoulder. Bob gave a bewildered stare at Jake’s odd behaviour, until his gaze drifted towards the door and landed on the girl Jake had been describing to him. Bradley, not wanting to be left out of the secret, but also having the loudest mouth of the group found out, and once that happened, just about everyone in North Island had learned of Jake Seresin and his not-so-secret crush.
“You’re telling me you can fly into enemy lines and shoot down planes, staring death in the face and laughing at it as a pilot, but you can’t…ask a girl on a date?” Javy taunted, trying his best to keep a straight face as he quizzed Jake about his nerves and reservations about asking her out.
“It’s not that I’m nervous. I don’t get nervous,” Jake replied with a cool tone.
“Come on, Bagman, everyone gets nervous.”
“For the last time, it’s Hangman, and not me.”
Jake sighed as he sipped his beer, running a hand through his perfect, sunkissed hair, golden honey coloured strands becoming tousled free from the hair gel he’d used to comb it into place. He frowned as he set the glass down on the table. He knew his friends would never let him live it down if he didn’t go over and at least talk to this girl, and the longer he waited, the more his friends would egg him on. He stood up from his seat silently, taking a deep breath before shooting the group one of his infamous cocksure grins - trying to force a look of natural confidence without coming across as being mistaken for arrogance.
“Alright, I’ll go talk to her, watch and learn boys, and lady. Watch and learn.” He said, thickening his accent to mask his nerves as best as he could.
With a cheer of encouragement from the table, and a hopeful thumbs up from Bob, as well as a wisecrack from Natasha about how there had to be another woman out there who was able to resist his southern charms and graces, Jake walked over towards the girl he’d been pining over for the last few weeks. He’d never pined for someone like this before, and the thought of feeling this way over a girl he barely knew was completely foreign territory to him. He’d never admit it to anyone, but fuck, he was nervous.
He’d never been good at addressing his feelings, having grown up in a military family in Texas - emotions weren’t something you shared or acted on typically. At least, not the positive ones. Love itself was almost a foreign concept - sure, he’d had girlfriends. He thought he’d been in love with a few of them, but these newfound feelings towards her? They had him questioning everything he had ever known about love. Maybe the feelings for his exes leading up to this point were something less intense than love, or, maybe this was something more intense. He couldn’t quite tell. All he knew was that for the first time in his life, he was lacking all confidence.
You were tall, almost taller than Jake was at just under six feet tall (though if anyone asked him, he stood at six-foot and half an inch), and you looked like something straight out of a magazine, with long flowing hair, piercing eyes, and a radiant smile. You were the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on. Stunning, and nothing short of perfect.
And he was…he was Jake. He knew he wasn’t bad looking, in fact, he usually figured he was one of the better looking guys in his squadron, save for maybe Javy and Bradley - Javy was smoother than he was when it came to flirting, it was so effortless for him, whereas Jake always felt like he was trying too hard, and Bradley had the one thing he didn’t and couldn’t - a mustache that actually suited his face. He couldn’t help but feel like she might be more suited with one of them, they were certainly better matches for her in his mind. He just hoped and prayed that she’d give him at least a drink shared between the two of them before she’d meet Bradley and be swept off her feet by him.
“Hi darlin’, what brings you here?” Jake said with a smile, immediately regretting his decision to go with the pet name.
“Hi! Jake, right? I’m just here with Derek and Alexis, you know, third-wheeling their date,” You laughed as she sipped her cocktail, and for a moment, Jake thought he was in heaven.
“How about coming to sit with me for a drink? I’m sure Derek and Alexis won’t mind if I steal ya for a few minutes, right?”
Jake held his breath for a moment as he waited for you to respond. Was he taking it too far? Was he coming on too strong? Should he backpedal and clarify it as friends? Should he leave it and let it go? Should he just turn around and walk away, spare himself the heartache that he was sure would inevitably follow if he waited for you to reply.
“I’d like that. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind. Do you play darts?”
“Do I?” He laughed softly, breathing a sigh of relief as he nodded his head, his lips now curling up into a grin at you, “You’re looking at the darts champion of the entire bar. Hasn’t been a single serviceman or woman who’s been able to beat me. I’m somewhat of an undefeated legend around here.”
“Oh, is that so?” You challenged, a wicked grin forming on her lips as you laughed, “You’re on, Jake.”
As you walked towards the dartboards, Jake followed behind, completely on cloud nine. He passed by the table where his friends were seated, and at their thumbs up and silent applause for him, he simply mock-saluted before keeping his eyes on the girl of his dreams. You may end up leaving him tomorrow, finding someone better for her before you even leave the bar, but for now, you were all his, and he wasn’t going to fuck this one up.
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hypostatic-oath ¡ 7 months
I'm so happy you like my ask (this is long overdue).
I bet that the people of Fontaine are very happy because i have been doing nothing but hanging out with the Melusine instead of doing the archon quest(though that will eventually come to an end soon). I also bet that new laws/regulations are being proposed because the amount of wacky stuffs the Traveler and their companions is up to all the time. Imagine you just joined the Traveler's team and your first experience is watching a forest watcher beat up some of Fontaine's local legends lmao (and after your recent post, Childe is seething if he learned of this).
Can i be 🚬 anon?(unless you don't do that here)
Named anons? On my blog? Omg I feel honored - of course you can be 🚬 anon! Welcome :D
New laws being proposed because of the traveler is amazing. It has the same vibe as that gliding law in Mondstadt about taking off using anemo slimes (yes, it works, no, it is not very useful as far as I know. I don't even remember if you get an achievement), because you KNOW there's a story behind it, someone must have tried it and it must've gone very, very wrong, and the wacky circumstances that lead to the creation of new laws would be hilarious to witness.
However, on a more serious note, Wriothesley and Neuvillette would be grappling with the issue of teleportation - how do you arrest someone who can simply just... leave? It doesn't matter how secure a prison is if a bored entity can just take control of one of the prisoners and whisk them away on a whim? Worse yet, since Wriothesley is officially a Vessel, what would happen if an Overseer decided to take control of him and sign official pardons? New rules in the Fortress of Meropide have been implemented - any orders given by the Duke while he is on the team are automatically overruled unless it can be proven that he is acting of his own accord.
I can only imagine how confusing it feels for the newcomers to suddenly join the team and find themselves in the kind of situations the Traveler faces daily... and for the onlookers, of course. "Oh, I wonder who that newcomer is... such a distingushed gentleman, perhaps he's here on business?" "Guys, not to scare you or anything, but that 'distinguished gentleman' dropped a meteor on a crab." "Oh, yes, that huge crab in the-" "No. A regular crab. On the smaller side, even. He just threw a huge meteor at it - didn't even bat an eye. The crab practically disintegrated." "What the hell."
And for those that don't know their teammates - any of the knights of Favonius being placed on a team with Klee know exactly what she's capable of, but someone less familiar with her is about to be shocked. "What in Celestia's name is the Overseer thinking? This is a child, she'll get hu- oh. Oh no."
On the other hand, imagine being a nun-turned-idol, looking to the side to check who your teammates are, and there's the Raiden Shogun standing there as if it's no big deal. A little bird lands on her fingers. She watches it with a wistful expression as it flies away. You look to the other side and see the Dendro Archon chatting with that kind but often drunk bard as if they're old friends. You find yourself in what looks like a domain but soon realise, with no small amount of dread, that you're in the Abyss. At least you have two Archons beside you... Barbatos help you, the challenge has started and there are more monsters than you thought. You're doing your best to keep all your teammates alive - you wouldn't forgive yourself if you were the indirect cause for the fall of a god. So you sing your song and put the hydro circle around your team, but there's just too many enemies, coming from all sides... And then you hear a faint "ehe", and the specters are pulled into a vortex of wind. The Shogun doesn't even need to pull out her signature move, just the swirl reaction the bard has caused is enough. You see him shoot down one of the things with a single Anemo-infused arrow. It dies immediately. He's dealing damage on par with the two Archons on the team. Just what is this bard capable of? Suddenly those rumors about him being Barbatos are starting to seem a little less nonsensical. Surely, it couldn't be true, right? You have half a mind to ask him about it once the four of you exit the Abyss, but as soon as you find yourself outside and able to regain your breath he just gives you a "whoops, gotta go!" and floats away on a wind current you're pretty sure he just created.
Now that I think of it, it'd be fun to imagine how different team dynamics would work - I'll make a separate post for this, but if you've read this far and want to send in asks with your team comps... 👀
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theromanticscrooge ¡ 4 months
Professor Venomous, the Hot Mess in a Lab Coat
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Note: If you haven't seen the entirety of O.K. K.O., please save this until after you've seen all the episodes. Even if the PV twists are obvious, he's a HUGE part of the ending and an important part of K.O.'s character arc.
POINT's origin in show starts when Silver Spark, El Bow, and Rippy Roo officially join the main team as junior members. Laserblast and Silver Spark immediately take a liking to each other and Laserblast comes up with convenient excuses for alone time with Silver. From what little there is of them on-screen, Silver is absolutely infatuated with Laser, partly because of his flashy attitude, his years of experience, the air of mystery around him, and definitely the confidence. These two were in the early, honeymoon phase of their relationship. El Bow's graphic daydream involving the weird sucker French kiss sequence tells the whole story: If these two weren't working, they were doing other things. Very often and very enthusiastically.
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Besides tonsil hockey with Silver, Laserblast has a series of questionable projects he's been working on in a secret sandwich shop lair. Dr. Greyman, the brains behind POINT, discovered two of Laser's mysterious orbs and the consensus was "these were made by villains." When Laser suggests using them to stop bad guys, Greyman immediately shoots him down, citing that they're too dangerous for anyone to use. Greyman accidentally sets off one of the orbs and loses all of his powers. The new mission is find and apprehend the perpetrator. Laser prioritizes covering up his lair and experiments; he's more concerned about his image and standing than the well-being of his teammate.
When he goes with Silver and El Bow to scope out the sandwich shop, he insists on going first and alone. He puts on a show about how brave he is and promises Silver he'll be back. Then Laser enters the sandwich shop/lair and "disappears" into a blackhole. Silver is heartbroken and devastated. She blames El Bow for keeping her from potentially making it in time for that small possible window of opportunity to save Laser. This causes a rift in their friendship for years after. POINT unceremoniously drops El Bow and plants him as solely responsible for Laser's "death." After that, El Bow slowly finds new meaning and actualization as Mr. Gar; it's so painful for him to think about his past, he prefers to consider El Bow as dead as Laserblast is. Even after Carol has made peace with losing Laser, Mr. Gar is wracked with guilt and grief. He still blames himself and puts up a wall between himself and Carol despite her attempts to reach out or reconnect for a long time. In a nutshell, Carol becomes more emotionally mature, patient, and empathetic with time and introspection. She understands the importance of open, honest communication and that's what repairs, even strengthens, her relationship with Mr. Gar once he actually talks to her.
Laser made it out of the sandwich shop in time to avoid the blackhole and hides in a nearby storm drain. The evidence that he's responsible for the spheres is gone, but he hears Silver say "he wasn't powerful enough to get out." That comment is enough to seriously wound Laser's ego. He retreats, ashamed and feeling small and vulnerable. He's lost his powers. In his mind, he's nothing without his powers. He's too insecure to face Silver Spark or anybody else. The idea of her being more powerful; that she'd potentially push him out of the way or underestimate his abilities is something he can't bear. So, he starts desperately experimenting on himself and trying to regain his powers. He's connected so much of his self worth to how powerful he was that he doesn't know who he is without special powers. Until he can "regain his former glory," he refuses to return to POINT or his former life. And he doesn't trust Silver or anyone else enough to be vulnerable or weak in any way around them.
In a way, Laser's reaction to Silver can be roughly approximated to how toxic masculinity can affect how a man views himself. Men are supposed to be strong providers. They can't show any weakness. They're the the master; the cornerstone of the financial health and overall lifeblood of the household. When a man ties his all of his value to a specific personal trait, like how much money he makes or how strong he is, it's a threat when his partner makes more money than him or she's more proficient than him at "his thing." This single trait is such an important piece of his personhood that it pretty much is him. It's difficult to extricate that piece and figure out a healthier approach to who he is outside of that one trait. And he's not going to talk to his partner when she seems more like a rival than a friend.
For all intents and purposes, Laserblast- at least the idea of who Laserblast might have been-died. He becomes Professor Venomous; a respected, renowned villain that's a threat because of his scientific prowess and powerful because of what status and money he gains as a result. He's more satisfied and satiated as a villain than he ever was as a hero. The ideas that POINT balked at are celebrated and encouraged by his fellow villains. It's liberating. While Laserblast was a mask, Professor Venomous is the closest he's been to full self-actualization. It's not full self-actualization, but he's happier as a villain than he ever was as a hero.
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Enter Fink. She's arguably the most important character and interpersonal relationship Venomous has. There's ample hints that Venomous rescued her from a rough life surviving by herself out in the streets. They call each other "Boss" and "minion" respectively, but it's just a title. Fink is his adopted daughter. When Fink talks about him, it's with strong respect, admiration, and affection. He's a patient, gentle parent at his best. He brings Fink to every event he's allowed to. He makes sure that Fink has what appropriate weapons or toys she needs at an outing. Out of everyone Venomous interacts with, Fink has seen and intimately knows the kinder, softer side of him. It's why she stands by him despite everything.
Despite their strong relationship though, Venomous still avoids bigger confrontations. He ran away from Carol and avoids the reality of K.O. as his son when he's Professor Venomous. So when Fink starts complaining, he throws expensive toys, video games, and gadgets at her to appease her. Usually, Venomous offsets these materialistic solutions with talking to her at her level or active parenting. Though, at the height of the later Shadowy Figure debacle, Venomous has completely given up when he uses gifts as the only means of interacting with Fink period.
This is speculation, but it's interesting that Venomous never actively talks about himself as "Dad" until it's a direct confrontation between Shadowy Venomous and K.O. Perhaps, Venomous uses a set of mental gymnastics to place some degree of separation between his father-daughter relationship with Fink and his nonexistent relationship with K.O. Fink is his minion. She's an important piece of his daily operations as a villain. As long as K.O. doesn't know or realize his true identity, Venomous didn't have to think about the fact that he abandoned his son. There's a lot of complicated baggage attached to a potential relationship with K.O. If Venomous wanted to successfully navigate how they could foster a father-son relationship or at least a friendly dynamic, it means he'd have to be more honest and introspective with himself than he's willing to.
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Throughout the show, viewers are introduced to K.O.'s dark alter-ego T.K.O. T.K.O. is initially treated as a separate entity. He's angry, he's frustrated, he's angsty. He wants to watch the world burn as a means of catharsis and for his own entertainment. The truth is that T.K.O. is the manifestation of K.O.'s unresolved feelings about his absentee dad, always following the rules without intensely questioning why things work a certain way, questioning authority figures in general. It boils down to: T.K.O. is a personification of the existential angst that comes attached with K.O. growing up and becoming better acquainted with the workings of the world around him.
Shadowy Figure is introduced as Professor Venomous' equivalent to T.K.O. Venomous thought he was content with "power" accumulated through money and villainous feats. That was enough for a long time, but then Venomous reached the pinnacle of villainry. He had inventions like a giant death ray; an easy button for threatening the squeamish Congresswoman for obscene amounts of ill-gotten wealth. When Venomous started seeing there was more to Lord Boxman and his Snidely Whiplash-esque rivalry with Lakewood Plaza, he realized he'd been in the throes of ennui. Throwing his resources and talents behind Boxman re-ignited his love of villainry. Boxman knew how to take risks and have fun. Unlike other villains, evil wasn't a careful, calculated set of moves or a set of ideas that needed to be run through bureaucratic red tape. Boxman's attacks leveled up in a deeply gratifying way for both of them.
Yes, Venomous had a partner and lifestyle that were a fantastic fit for him. But he still hadn't confronted the trauma of losing his powers years ago. Consciously, he thought he had moved on, but really, he'd bottled up these feelings and resentment for so long they took on a life of their own. That's where the more active split between Venomous and Shadowy starts. Venomous' "former glory" isn't enough anymore. Now, it's a ravenous ghost that demands bigger, better, more terrifying; power that can match, if not more deeply fulfill, how long these feelings and dissatisfaction have sat untouched. When Shadowy looks at K.O., he sees a direct outlet for achieving his deepest desires.
"Power" is represented as a DBZ-esque energy source that can destroy planets or even the universe at large. It's simultaneously an in-show love letter to shounen battle nonsense while acting as an abstract stand-in for a parent living vicariously through their child. Shadowy Figure is the beginning phases of an overzealous parent pressuring their kid to become the sports star, the Harvard Law doctor, or any number of other concepts. The parent wasn't able to achieve this goal for whatever reason, but then they look at their child as a malleable lump of clay. The child is an extension of themselves; the last chance to achieve this dream the parent holds as their penultimate achievement. This dream is more important to the parent than everything; to the degree it supersedes the fact their child is an autonomous, independent being with their own wants, dreams, and needs for their life. The child has become a tool.
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While there is still a degree of separation between Venomous and Shadowy, it's brief hope that he can catch himself and pump the brakes on how he's overstepping with K.O. When he outright calls himself Shadowy Venomous, he's completely surrendered to his need for power. Shadowy Venomous is the realization of who and what he thought he wanted to be. Its the means to a horribly self-destructive bender. He can do whatever he wants. Nothing is a challenge or threat to his self-esteem now because no one is more powerful. And if they are, he has a means to make himself greater.
K.O. has a solid support system between Carol and his adoptive family Mr. Gar, Enid, and Rad. Though, even with a solid support system, K.O. wanted some kind of relationship with his bio-dad Venomous. Parent-child relationships can be really complicated and messy. Even if a child has a fantastic mom and stepdad, the right combination of feeling unheard, misplaced, or having certain emotional needs unaddressed can make the originally absent parent appealing. Even if this other parent hasn't contributed as much, there's a want for their attention and validation. They're here now. They're trying now. They have something other loved ones can't offer. More importantly, it's a means to fill an existential hole in their life.
When K.O. takes a moment to acknowledge T.K.O. as part of himself that he's been grossly neglecting, he starts learning the importance of self love and that acknowledging and accepting his trauma is part of growing as a person. He's been able to empathize and show compassion for everybody else around him, but he refused to give himself the same kindness and patience. Shadowy Venomous exploited this. T.K.O. hoped that Shadowy would listen to and commiserate with him in a way nobody else was because Shadowy seemingly had a similar chip in his shoulder. They're mirrors of each other, right? That's what the wanton destruction and chaos were all about. When K.O. finally gives himself the consideration he needed, he realized that looking to Shadowy was never about him. It was only about being the convenient part that Shadowy needed. Shadowy was never interested in really reaching out and developing a meaningful connection with him.
Because of his self-reflection, K.O.'s relationships with his chosen family will be fuller and richer because he's including his inner voice as part of those intimate, heavy, vulnerable conversations with loved ones.
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Despite Professor Venomous royally fucking up, the ending montage in the last episode shows he's not completely irredeemable. K.O. deliberately asks about him, too. At the very least, K.O. still cares about the Professor.
The President of the Universe gives Venomous a personal planet to destroy. In a way, that's Venomous finally confronting how much losing his powers years ago affected him. He has a healthier means to process his feelings around that sensitive subject and it's highly effective. He repairs his relationship with Fink; he's a more active parent than he was previously and encourages her interests more. There's a scene where he tells Fink he doesn't like video games and suggests she practices her piano scales while he's gone instead of further gameplay. Years later, he's enthusiastically cheering her on from the audience after she, presumably, became a professional gamer and won a gaming tournament.
Venomous also apologizes to Lord Boxman after their messy break-up during his spiraling as Shadowy Venomous. One sequence features a wedding ring. The bulk of these scenes are very fill-in-the-blank or connect the dots, but they're powerful. Seeing Professor Venomous with a wedding ring means that he learned how to have a vulnerable conversation with Boxman and that they trust each other enough to make that serious of a commitment. Previous scenes are very much coded as them having a gay romance and building a blended family as "business partners," but this cements it and cinches those last few parts of Professor Venomous' character arc. Its honestly beautiful how Venomous comes around to his equivalent of the healthy, satisfying life and family that Carol has between Mr. Gar and K.O.
A redemption arc isn't realistic for every person that fits a Professor Venomous mold, but its meaningful to see a character like this work on himself. As an older fan, its appreciated how much attention and care are given to found family for all of these characters in a variety of situations and circumstances.
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blacknedsoul-blog ¡ 9 months
My bets on Nevermore's development
In the middle of the arc and with the White Raven divorce beginning, I think I feel comfortable betting on how all the story lines the comic has laid out so far will play out. A mixture of analysis and theories.
Duke and Montressor
I don't think Duke will die. For several reasons (one of which I'll explain below), but the main one is that Duke is a character who still has a lot to give: they've gone to the trouble of giving him a name, a past, a personality, and yet none of these things have been properly explored. The comic wouldn't really benefit from Duke dying because he still has a lot of interesting things to bring to the story.
Coupled with the fact that we're still learning how Spectres work, and with Duke unable to manifest, it's the perfect time to flesh out that part of the lore and give us a cool moment to show us his Spectre.
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That said, I have a hard time seeing a way for Montressor to stay in the game once this issue is over: he's proven himself to be a menace that won't stop and an unmitigated sadist. The guy is just evil, and frankly, he didn't seem to have much more backstory or anything new to bring to the table.
My bet on him is that he'll die, maybe Lenore will go with the group in psycho-killer mode, Duke will confront him with his spectre, Morella will go against him to save Ada, Annabel will try to make merit so Lenore won't be asked for a divorce, or the Deans themselves will see him as a problem they need to take care of. If the comic thinks murder is irredeemable for its characters, maybe he'll have a Frollo-style death where it's his own ego that kills him (what if he becomes one of the creatures roaming the school?).
I think this because, besides how satisfying it would be to see him die, I think it would be a good time for the comic to show you the consequences of death within Nevermore. We know that going to the Land of the Dead is a terrible thing, but we don't know exactly what it entails. And seeing it would make any future threat seem more terrifying.
The White Raven will reconcile. This is obvious: the comic is about their relationship, the publicity for the comic has them together, and much of the appeal of the work comes from their romance. It's not a question of whether it will happen or not, but how it will happen and what the consequences will be.
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Maybe some extraordinary event will happen to bring them back together, or we will have the equivalent of the Greenhouse 2.0 scene where they have a whole conversation about why, even if Lenore understands Annabel reasons, this is a situation that can never happen again.
One thing I want to point out here: I don't think Annabel did this out of jealousy. Maybe she feels it, but this story has made a consistent effort to show you that while Annabel is hypocritical, manipulative, and Machiavellian, she still has a moral compass: her reaction after when Montressor makes Ada bark and when Prospero is about to have a breakdown indicate that her limit is to hurt others gratuitously. She won't defend them if it puts her in a problematic situation, but this clearly pisses her; by that logic, it would even be out of character for her to try to hurt Duke because she's jealous, and more importantly, it would do irreparable damage to her relationship with Lenore (which is why I don't think our favorite Frenchman dies).
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Understanding that, there's one thing these two haven't really talked about: for Lenore, getting her friends out of here is not something optional, she's completely determined to do it, and given this moment, it's very likely that the next step will be for Annabel to join the "save everyone" team: she thinks Lenore is capable of anything, and so she's going to put all her faith in her being able to pull this off.
Coupled with the fact that the plan to keep Lenore as a harmless figure went to hell after the incident in the tower, she's going to have to adjust things. And my theory on this is that Annabel is going to expand her rivalry plan to the group level.
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I believe this because the logical conclusion after the banquet is that the Deans, for some reason, want the students to fight, to foster an atmosphere of competition among them. So far, giving them what they want has worked perfectly for them, so they would suggest that it would be helpful to pretend that things are going exactly as they think they are while they try to figure out how to get out of this place, at least until they can think of something better.
Yes, I assume Annabel will join the Misfits. She'll probably be like Zuko from Avatar, begging for forgiveness and winning them over one by one in individual arcs.
Another important development that will come out of this is that when Lenore is fed up enough with her bullshit, she will remind Annabel of her promise about how they both get their memories back: they are already right in the middle and it will be time to start putting the puzzle together.
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However, I have reason to believe that Annabel will manage not to talk about the exact way they both died for a very simple reason: whether Lenore was Annabel's executioner or not, they died together. Lenore was there, and she will most likely blame herself because "if I hadn't gone looking for her, Annabel would still be alive" and for "not protecting her".
But by the time they have this conversation (or she finds out otherwise), the comic may be starting to address one of Lenore's major conflicts as a character: because of her fear of abandonment and her feeling that she is undeserving of love, she has no qualms about putting herself in danger to protect others. This is a terribly damaging perspective in the context that the Deans have created: not only is it naive to think that she can always protect her friends or Annabel from getting hurt, but Lenore unwittingly carries the feelings of the people who love her by endangering herself.
My head canon
Everything I've said so far is based on things the comic has shown and storylines that may not be explored in this specific way, but are more or less on the comic. But there's a lot of nonsense out there that I'd really like to see, even if there's little or nothing in the artwork to indicate to me that any of those things will come to fruition.
Annabel vs. Montressor
I would love to see Annabel vs. Montressor precisely because Annabel has no chance against Montressor: she has no experience in a fight, even if her spectre is a powerful one, Montressor would wipe the floor with her. But I think it would be a nice way to put a point: Annabel and Montressor are not the same.
He enjoys torturing others, she will be a villain to protect what she loves.
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I can also think of two interesting things that could come out of this encounter: Lenore having her moment where she thinks Annabel is dead, parallel to the maze scene (for Lenore, Annabel is an unbeatable queen, so she could use a little reality check), and a conversation along those lines:
-L: Did you think that by putting yourself in danger like this I was going to forgive what you did?!
A: I didn't do this because I thought you would forgive me. Deep down, I know you already did, even though that doesn't mean I shouldn't face consequences for my actions.
-L: ...Then why?
-A: Because I promised you I would. I said I would distract our enemies, that I would protect you from my allies, and that's exactly what I did. I knew I couldn't handle him, but I was distracted and wounded enough to get the job done.
This would finally establish one thing that has been up in the air about Annabel: yes, she really behaves and acts like a villain. But after something like this, there would never be any doubt (for the readers or for Lenore) that she always keeps her promises.
Imagine the delicious drama that could come from establishing that so forcefully.
Eulalie is a Lennabel shipper
Come to think of it, the two of them haven't done a very good job of hiding it: we go from Lenore running all over school to take care of Annabel to watching them fight for no apparent reason.
I like to think that Eulalie seriously suspects something is going on between them, and when the Misfits inevitably find out about Annabel and Lenore's relationship, she'll be like, "Oh, you guys hadn't noticed?" while saying things like, "Oh, so you're the one who took us to the haunted mansion!"
Annabel and Berenice as unlikely friends
I love the image of Berenice physically threatening Annabel with the knife and saying something like "You're a posh bitch, but you've got style" after she doesn't react in fear. I also think Bernice would be the first to admit that while she won't easily forgive Annabel for putting Duke in danger, she wouldn't have hesitated to throw Annabel, Prospero, Ada, or Will under the bus to protect any of her group of friends if necessary.
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Also, the idea of Annabel saying, "She's a violent slur. I want her around" is oddly hilarious to me.
Prospero as the ultimate "tired friend"
If Annabel takes Prospero with her, I can imagine the guy banging his head against the wall all the time because he sees all these idiots who are strangely competent when you get right down to it, but choose to spend their energy doing stupid things when no one is dying.
A terrible deal between Duke and Annabel
Remember that wonderful scene in Avatar where Katara threatens to kill Zuko if she thinks he's going to hurt Aang? I like to think that Duke and Annabel will have a scene like that:
-D: They didn't see the look on your face when they put up the wall, but I did. And I can assure you that I won't hesitate to act if I think you're going to hurt my friend or any of them, cherie.
-A: Promise?
-D: ...
-A: That you will be there to protect her no matter what, even from me. I wouldn't mind you holding the sword of Damocles over my head if it proves to me that you can protect her from any threat.
-D: You have my word.
In conclusion
So that's my bingo on how things will go in the comic from here on out. There are some things (like Morella's development, what's going to happen with Ada, or when the hell we're going to get some backstory on Will) that I don't think I have enough information on to theorize. But here it is.
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discount-shades ¡ 1 year
Sleepy Baby Part 9
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a/n: It’s the weekend, Hooray! 
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin X reader
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1300 ish
Summary: Jake doesn't listen.
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Despite living in San Diego for close to a year you still did not know many people. When you had first arrived you had still been isolating yourself. In time you slowly began to rebuild your sense of self after the betrayal and death of your fiancÊ. It felt good to be in a new city. Your coworkers didn't know of your past so they had no reason to treat you like you were about to shatter.  
When you had begun to open up to people Jake had arrived in your life and taken over. You spent most of your free time together, and when you weren't alone with Jake you were with his friends from the Navy. After he told you he loved you Jake had begun to invite you to more of the team's activities. You found yourself caught up in his life and with his friends.
Everyone was welcoming to you as Jake's girlfriend. The running joke was that Jake was much more bearable since the two of you got together; you did have a tendency to tease Jake every time his ego got a little out of control so there was probably some truth to it.
As nice as everyone was, you were relieved when your coworker Grace had invited you to join her and a group of friends on a hike to Eagle Rock one weekend. You had almost been giddy with excitement when you told Jake about your hike. You felt like Grace was one of the first new friends you had made. 
The Friday before the hike found you and Jake once again hanging out with the Dagger Squad. You were sitting next to Bob on the couch telling him about your next day's hike and he was giving you advice on staying hydrated in the desert. You grew up hiking in the Pacific Northwest, but hiking in the desert was new to you and you were always willing to learn from someone with more experience. 
Jake walks over and flops on the couch beside you. “Hey, tomorrow we are going to the Hard Deck to play dogfight football, it’ll be fun.” He kisses your cheek and you roll your eyes at his forgetfulness. 
“No, you can go play football, I’m hiking out to Eagle Rock with Grace,” you pat his cheek fondly. “We will see who is more tired at the end of the day.” 
“No, I’ll take you to Eagle Rock on Sunday or next weekend,” he wraps his arm around you casually and you immediately tense. Jake can feel the tightness in your shoulders and goes to speak again and you cut him off.
“Let's talk about it later.” You pat his leg and smile stiffly, keenly aware of Bob watching the interaction between you. You can feel Jake's eyes on you all evening and try to relax and act natural.
On the drive home Jake was telling you all about dogfight football. “You’re going to love it.” 
“I’m sure I will,” you tell him as Jake parks his truck in his driveway next to your car, “next time you guys play.” the two of you get out and walk inside. 
“You have to come, I told Rooster that both of us would be there.” You roll your eyes. Jake is too used to you always being free.
“You are just going to have to tell him you forgot I was busy,” you try to stay calm. It is not up to you to make Jake remember things. Bradley would get over you not being there, he was still a little salty over you beating him at poker.
“I didn’t forget, I thought we could just go hiking another day.” Jake's response makes you freeze. You can feel the warmth of frustration rolling up your neck and settling in your cheeks.
“But I told you I was going with Grace.” The two of you are standing apart from each other in the middle of Jake’s living room. 
“Yeah but I will take you another day,” Jake just shrugs as he sits down on the couch. “It will be more fun if we go together.” 
“But I made plans to go with Grace,” Jake's casual reaction causes anger to overtake your frustration and you take deep breaths to try to keep yourself calm.  
“Yeah, but she has others going with her so you can go with me.” Jake says in a very placating manner and it has the opposite effect on you. 
“I said I’d go with her and her friends!” You feel like a skipping record the way you keep repeating yourself but your mind feels scrambled. You are never very coherent in an argument and in your frustration you can't think of what to say to make Jake understand. “I want to go with Grace.” 
“Yeah but the Squad will be expecting you to be there.” 
“Who’s fault is that?” you snap. “They are your friends Jake!” He is taken aback by your outburst. 
“Kisses, they like you too,” Jake says soothingly, “They are fine with you being there.” 
“That’s not the point,” You stomp your foot in frustration and immediately feel foolish for doing it. “My friendship with them is completely dependent on my relationship with you.” Jake is silent staring up at you. His brow is furrowed. “I don’t have any friends!”
“But the squad—.” 
“NO JAKE!” Your shout catches both of you by surprise and you can feel tears prickle the back of your eyes. Arguments always make you cry and your emotions are quickly spiraling out of control. 
“You’re not listening, I don’t have a life Jake, I have you, a job, and your friends.” You can feel the tears falling down your face. “I’ve done this before,” you are now frantically trying to wipe your tears. “I shared everything with Ian and when he was gone I lost everything and I told myself I would never do that again. 
“Don’t compare me to that asshole!” Jake is not yelling but he is loud and indignant. He is on his feet and you have never seen him so upset. “I would never do that to you.”
“I’m not comparing you to that asshole,” you say, matching Jake's tone. “I’m comparing ‘me with you’ to ‘me with him’,” you gesture emphatically to your chest every time you say ‘me’. “I promised myself I would be different this time, I need to have my own life.” 
There is silence after your confession. “How do I fix this?” Jake is now starting to tear up. Your energy is feeding into his and he begins to pace the room. “What do you want me to do?”
“Nothing!” Jake stops and stares at you. “It’s not about you! I don’t want you to do anything, I want to have my own friends and go hiking with them!” You are crying and stomping your feet again. 
All your resentment and anger and grief at your past is coming up and bubbling out of you. “I want my parents alive again! I want my fiancé to have not cheated on me with my best friend!” Jake shoulders slump and he is staring at you with a defeated look. 
“I want friends that didn’t lie to me for almost a decade!” You take a breath but you can't stop. “I want to not have had everything ripped away from me! I want Ian's parents to not blame me! I want to be able to trust people! I want to be able to tell you that I love you without being terrified it will hurt more if I say the words.” 
You press your hands to your lips at what you have just said and Jake's face is a riot of emotions. Elation and heartbreak being the main two. “Kisses,” his voice is a soft murmur and he moves slowly toward you, reaching out, scared that you will pull away. 
“I want to sleep at my place tonight.” your voice is panicky and barely above a whisper when you turn and run.
You are already reversing out of the driveway when Jake runs out. You try not to look at him as you speed away and you feel as if you’ve ruined the best thing that’s ever happened to you. 
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kingkatsuki ¡ 9 months
this random thought popped into my head and now I cannot control the brain rot. Thinking about !streamer y/n and !mod bakugo!! streamer y/n who ‘accidentally’ flashes when she sees !mod bakugo enter chat. streamer y/n who feels a rush when they see bakugo block weirdos in chat. Streamer y/n who pretends they don’t have a favourite mod or fan but let’s mod bakugo get away with everything! Like the hold he would have over you 🥹🥹 I love him!
- 🎀
Omg I love this idea so much!!
Mod Bakugou would stop any guys from treating you like shit or talking down to you because you’re a girl, especially if you’ve got a cutesy aesthetic.
Since joining the server you’ve managed to play with him before so he knows how good you are, and if anyone tries to talk shit he’s like “She could end you in one shot, shut your mouth or get muted.” Like he’s not here for their shit.
You secretly light up whenever you see he’s online because he’s always looking out for you, so you make sure to ping him in main chat to say hey, and he rarely responds if it’s busy but you’ll notice the little explosion reaction that he uses beneath your message to indicate he’s seen it.
His friends always tease him because he’s got the biggest crush on you, even though he’s never actually seen your face. But Sero is constantly talking about the soft spot he has for you whenever he’s doing his mod duties.
He’ll never admit it to anyone, but he searches your name in the server to see if anyone’s been talking about you and equally to see what you’ve been talking about whenever he’s not online.
Bakugou always messages you first whenever he needs a partner to game, or someone extra for the team because he just knows he plays so well with you and that he usually wins when you’re on his team.
He’s already in love with your voice, in game you’re so cute whenever you almost get shot or die— the little squeal you make when it happens he wants to record and keep it forever. And he’s been in a voice chat with you and even though he was on mute the entire time he could listen to you talk for hours. And you’re adorable whenever you say his name when you notice he’s joined.
One day you’re brave enough to stream with your face, and you call it your big face reveal and Bakugou could die. You’re the prettiest person he’s ever laid his eyes on, no exaggeration. And now you’re more confident you start posting outfit pics or face reveals in the server. Where there are a tonne of comments on how pretty you are and how good you look, and how people want to date you so bad— but you’re always looking out for a little emoji reaction beneath your pics from Bakugou🥺
And then it’s time for you to make your own server because you’ve got enough subs, and you’re nervous to do it but Bakugou is already in your dms encouraging you to go for it. And he agrees to be one of your mods😭 so you do!!
And it takes off SO fast. A thousand new members in just a few days, and your poor mods work so hard to make it a great place— but of course Bakugou is your favourite.
Anyone that says anything lewd or inappropriate about you are muted or kicked in seconds. Usually with a comment below it like “fucking imbecile” “dumbass” or something like that. He’s also always the mod you’re gushing about the most, and your fans/followers are now starting to tease that you might have a crush on mod Bakugou. And he wouldn’t ever admit it, but he reads those messages with the dorkiest smile on his face.
So normally you tell your mods to be nice to fans and give them the benefit of the doubt, but Bakugou can roast anyone he likes and he always gets away with it. Occasionally you’ll ping him with a cute “Bakugou don’t be mean!!” and he pretends that doesn’t give him a hard-on. It only makes him wanna be meaner.
And one day you’re getting ready for a follower celebration stream, listening to music and doing your make up in the private mod only chat and Bakugou joins. Just as you’re sitting there in a towel from your shower as you fix your makeup, and you turn to face the screen to see who joined and you’re so surprised it’s him. Excitement gets the best of you and you reach up to wave, but your towel loosens and slips and he gets the quickest EVER flash of your tits and now he thinks he’s died and gone to heaven. You’re apologizing profusely and hiding your camera and he’s telling you it’s fine and don’t panic he didn’t see anything (he totally did) and now he’s going to have to spend the rest of your stream with his cock throbbing between his thighs.
You know whenever it’s Bakugou deleting a message during your stream too, because he’s so quick. He’s there telling people to stop being assholes or lose their privileges and people are even commenting on how lucky you are to have such a great mod. Even though he’s terrifying😂😭
After your stream you’re in his dms to apologise again, and he just keeps telling you that it’s okay and that you did such a good job and how proud he is of you🥺
And you keep trying to get him to collab with you on a stream because he’s got his own channel, but he never posts his face on it and as much as he’d love to collab with you the thought makes him SO nervous.
YOU ALWAYS ALMOST DIE when he enters chat, because you get so distracted🥺😭
He’s the only mod that has your actual phone number and you text outside the channel and server. He’s always sending you pics of his day, and you’re always sending him outfit pics.
And the server see you both together in private voice chats ALL the time so your fans/followers start jokingly shipping you together🥺 and someone draws fanart of you but it’s just you and a guy wearing a black hoodie pulled up over his head because no one in the server really knows what Bakugou looks like besides one “face reveal” he did where it was just a webcam of him in super low light wearing a black hoodie.
But you freak out over it because it’s adorable😭 and everyone is pinging Bakugou to get him to comment.
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a-small-safe-place ¡ 5 months
She Likes a Boy, and I’m not a Boy.
Queen Maeve x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your girlfriend joins the new superhero team, The Seven, and breaks up with you. This is loosely based on the unreleased song by Nxdia on TikTok. Literally just the “she likes a boy, I’m not a boy” part because a lot of sapphic people can relate to that line.
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Margaret knew you were proud of her when she joined The Seven. You were proud of her for anything she did as “Queen Maeve,” but not in the same way her dad would be proud. You weren’t proud of her because it would bring you money or fame; you were proud of her because she was doing good in the world. You didn’t mind keeping your relationship quiet either. You understood that it could lead to more problems for you and definitely more problems for Queen Maeve if the masses found out that her secret identity was dating a woman, even when she was still a small-time hero.
She was fine keeping you a secret when she first joined The Seven, even once she and Homelander started their showmance. Margaret still would sneak around to see you. She would reassure you that it’s just for the cameras and that this was for the best for you two. That’s what Maeve thought, until Homelander made a move on her away from the cameras. She struggled to find the words to tell him no because she had been warned of the damage he could do when he got mad.
Homelander frowned, "No? Why not? You’re single, I’m single. We are both superheroes with super strength, so we don’t have to worry about hurting each other," he argued. Maeve noticed the way his eyes flickered with a strange emotion when he brought up hurting each other. Maeve wondered who exactly he had hurt in the past to warrant that reaction. The thought quickly left her head; she didn’t care about that right now.
"I’m just not looking for a relationship. I like my privacy," Maeve countered. Homelander scoffed as if the notion of privacy was ridiculous.
"Come on, the minute you became Queen Maeve, you lost your right to privacy. You know that as well as I do. I mean, come on, my secret identity, 'John,' only fooled people for a week. It’s going to be no time before they see 'Margaret' for who she really is," Homelander made it seem as if she had no choice.
Maeve finally agreed to "date" him, but she still wanted to keep seeing you, trying her best to keep you away from Homelander. She hated herself for having to do this, but she didn’t want to lose you. That is until she saw the damage Homelander could do if he was jealous enough. At a Vought party, a bartender had been flirting with Maeve. She knew the guy was trying to get tips, but she didn’t know Homelander was able to hear the man flirting, and Maeve laughed at a few of his cheesy jokes because they reminded her of something you would say. The day after, Homelander was being far clingier, and then the day after that, the bartender was found dead in his apartment, completely disemboweled. Homelander told her he did it. He said he was jealous because she’s never laughed with him in the same way she laughed with that bartender.
"I know you wouldn’t try to leave me, but the thought of you laughing with that bartender pissed me off," Homelander’s words felt like a threat. Maeve doesn’t sleep that night. She lays awake knowing that she has to break up with you or watch you be strung up by your intestines.
A week passes. Queen Maeve doesn’t contact you in any way. She can’t, not with Homelander being so clingy. Finally, she is able to slip away while he goes somewhere to help Black Noir. She arrives at your apartment.
Maeve knocks.
Before all this, she would just walk in and make herself at home. You open the door. "Margaret? I’ve been worried sick! You haven’t answered any of my texts or calls! I haven’t seen you in over a week," you scold her.
"We need to talk," she says with a plain face and a monotone voice. Maeve feels lucky she has had to master acting during her time as a hero. You let her in and shut the door. She takes a small survey of your space; she knows she won’t be in it again. Maeve wants to remember what she can.
"Is something wrong?" You ask; there’s a hint of sadness in your voice. You know what’s coming. Maeve turns around with a disgusted grimace painted on her face.
"I’ve been cheating on you," is all she says. It’s painful to admit; she wishes she could tell you she didn’t have a choice and that she’s doing this to keep you safe, but she doubles down. "With Homelander. Since our showmance started."
"Why, Maeve?" You ask, and Maeve’s acting fails her for a moment; she frowns. You always called her Margaret before and not Maeve. She responds with the first thing that comes to mind. "He’s a man. You’re not. You didn’t think I would actually stay with a woman? Our relationship wasn’t even real. We never went on public dates. You were never my long-term plan. Forget this relationship ever happened. You’re nothing to me." Maeve leaves without another word. She slams the door. She flinches, knowing you hate that.
Maeve goes home to drink. Homelander repeatedly asks her what’s wrong, but she just responds with "nothing, just having a drink." Eventually, he goes to his own room, leaving Maeve alone in her Vought-provided room. Maeve wants to cry, but she knows he is listening to her, so she continues drowning her sorrows.
Years pass. Queen Maeve is inescapable for you. She’s everywhere. You finally move on from your relationship with Margaret, choosing to tell people that your ex had died. After all, Margaret was dead; she was just replaced by Queen Maeve.
You feel a bittersweet feeling when you see Homelander and Maeve broke up because he was sleeping around. You felt a little bad for her. Getting cheated on sucked. You moved through your life unbothered. That is until she was outed by Homelander as a "lesbian," and then he name-dropped you as her girlfriend. For a moment, Maeve was visibly shocked, but her face quickly reverted to a painfully fake smile. He said your first and last name. You realized that you had also been outed to anyone in your life that would put two and two together.
The next couple of days your phone rang and rang and rang. Family members calling you. Friends calling you. Co-workers. Random numbers. They all wanted the same thing. The hot gossip on your relationship with Maeve. You got a few nasty emails and direct messages on social media from anonymous accounts that were telling you that you and Queen Maeve would rot in hell for your sins, and a few threats from people that were convinced you corrupted Maeve. You had to take some personal time from work. Maeve eventually showed up at your apartment.
"We need to talk." The last time she said those words to you, she practically tore your heart out of your chest. This time she didn’t wait for you to let her in; she just pushed past you. Just like the last time, she takes in your apartment. You had gotten quite a few upgrades for the apartment.
"Are you here because of the talk show from the other day?" You ask; if you weren’t irritated by the situation, your voice would likely sound sad. "Yes," is all Maeve says. So she’s not really here for you. She’s not here to apologize.
"Well, you can feel free to leave; I’m not a boy, remember?" The words are bitter when they fall from your mouth. You’re not thinking when you say it. "I don’t want you to hate me anymore. I wanted to be with you. I did, but if I stayed, I would have put you in danger."
Of course, she’s deflecting. "So you cheated for my own good? That sounds so stupid," you scoff.
Maeve becomes very serious. "Being a hero isn’t what you think. It’s not about actually helping people. It’s about being a product that can be sold and palatable for the masses." After she says this, you take a seat and wait for her to continue. "Most of the heroes are narcissistic assholes that have no business having powers. They’re dangerous, and Homelander is the most dangerous."
"Homelander? Seriously? He’s like Jesus or something?" It’s hard to believe the top hero is a monster.
"Please, believe me," she begs. Maeve begins to explain what happened with the bartender right before she broke up with you. Maeve explains everything that she can without possibly endangering you.
"Maeve, I had no idea," you tell her. "I know what I said and did all those years ago was unforgivable, but I didn’t want to risk you trying to come and find me again," she says, sitting next to you.
Your curiosity gets the better of you, "How did he find out about us?" Maeve’s brow furrows. "I’m not sure. Maybe Vought knew and had a file on you or something, and he found it, but he knows. I don’t expect you to trust me right away, but getting you in the public eye is going to be the best way to keep you safe. If the public loves you, it will look suspicious if you suddenly disappear or die. He won’t touch you right now, but this is a short-term solution." You don’t respond.
"Vought’s marketing team wants to meet you tomorrow. A car will come pick you up at 3:00 tomorrow," Maeve leaves.
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jenchann ¡ 9 months
Paint 'em Red
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Pairing: afab dom! Reader x sub! Renjun
Genre: Office AU, Office banging, SMUT SMUT SMUT.
Warnings: Usage of Noona, Mommy, Renjun is unstable and needy, Slapping, Slapping on Dick, Begging, Name calling, Office banging, Jealousy, Degradation, Reader being mean, Pain kink, Use of unnamed/unidentified rituals, Fwb situation, Blood.
Lemme know if I missed anything guys
It would help me so much if you could reblog guys💞Tumblr works based on reblogs so do reblog🙏
"It's not like you could please me well anyways"
You felt rage first. Then felt insulted, a genuine insult that went to your heart . Finally came the urge to clutch his throat and choke it, to make him kneel and buckle in submission was raging inside you. You didn’t respond, not with the company’s 15th Anniversary celebration starting in 10 minutes you couldn’t argue back, unlike Renjun who thought it was a good time to annoy you now. You remained unresponsive and cold, never acknowledged him nor show any reaction to your fellow employee. Taking the coffee tray filled with coffee cups you moved away consciously, slowly away from him, already killing him enough in your mind while you joined your other fellow employees outside the break cabin room. It was a brief celebration before the actual big events that would happen on the grounds.
Renjun and you had been fuck buddies for some time now and few days back he seemed on the edge and started to nitpick things for no reason. You both weren’t considerably close before this so you couldn’t really make him slip the stuff after some expressions of concern. So you gave him space and time, you already attended a company meeting abroad in the mean time which lasted around ten days and baam! He had to say that today when facing each other after a whole week. The job was very demanding but you both could agree on taking each other’s needs and opinions in consideration cause you worked in the same company- you knew how things were and how it could get in your life. So you were giving him space and conversed today causally to lighten the mood today. But he seemed to have a sharp tongue and a bad mood. You almost sarcastically wanted to say "Someone's on their periods" just to shut him up.
"Yes, yes, now! The time has come to announce the outstanding employee of the year for our department" Yuta announced, gathering the attention of the employees.
"Anyone have any guesses??" An employee curiously questioned.
"Come on guys, it's very obviously from our Team"
"Your Team? It's from our Team and more like me obviously" another guy chided.
“Guys guys, everyone did a spectacular job this year and I am so proud each and everyone of you. Unfortunately I cannot give this to everyone so only one staff is eligible to receive this. It was one tough decision! There were a lot of contenders for the award!” Yuta raised his voice appeasing all his staffs. A collective sigh emitted from different employees at that.
"Now, a huge applause for the new Ace of our department. It's Y/N, Congratulations Ms.YL/N!!"
Renjun scoffed lowly, eyes rolling as he sluggishly removed his hands from his pockets to applaud you for the award, along with the employees. The cheers were quite loud that he even tilted his head away from his friend who deliberately clapped loudly near his ear. You received the award from Yuta, your Manager a.k.a The Department Head and briefly expressed your thankful feelings clutching your achievement with pride. You did work day and night for this after all, in no sleep and even in sickness.
The fun games commenced and you had to say, the arrangements weren’t that bad this time, fun but not boring and not too competitive. Time passed and you could feel someone hanging around your vicinity all along the celebrations like a shadow but you brushed it off, at first. But a creepy feeling crept up making you paranoid, like someone was watching you.
“Y/N” Jaehyun called, snapping you to reality. You both resumed to focus on the game of dumb charades. They did seem to give away gift coupons so you were not going to lose on some free high quality self care.
The icky feeling crept up your skin and you couldn’t take it anymore after an hour and turned around to stare long and hard from the direction you felt the weird energy, y’know just in case. Even after many times of trying to locate anything, you found no answers so you resumed to playing the fun activities as you participated in few of the games. You finally brushed off the feeling as fatigue from the travel, making you unease for no reason. It’s broad daylight and you were surrounded by people, you are safe.
“I’m pretty sure our department is gonna win the best department of the current year” Yuta’s eyes sparkled as he talked when all the department celebrations ended. Travel never seemed to affect him, no- nada. Only you were tired and jetlagged. He did love his work very much, sometimes you wished you loved it as much as him. Maybe after a promotion you could actually enjoy it.
“Yess, yes, you have said this a thousand times before” you borderline complained to Yuta. But that never stopped him at all. There was no way to stop him when he got all excited like that. Did I say he loved his work and loved loved Money? Loved money so much he actually got a good lump of it, being the Head of the department and all. That’s a deadly combo but you were sure hardwork would take you places. Even just being around people who got that luck.
“NO, don’t you know what this means?? We will be getting a bonus!! A Bonus!”
“Of course, money’s got you all giddy. I will rest in the Dance room, don’t bother about me even if we win the award alright?”
“Without the ace of the year? It’ll be no fun”
You rolled your eyes hard at him at that.
“Better not lock that door , I might come to drag you away to celebrate our victory when we win”
“I’d like to see you try” you gave a mock salute to your superior before you left the area. You nonchalantly moped along the path to the room and dropped your belongings the second your set foot in the room. You switched the lights off and lied down on the plush-y soft sofa comfortably. And it hit you, you didn’t lock the door. You did not want to get dragged along to the most boring part of the celebrations by Yuta.
Knock, Knock.
Speak of the devil you mused.
You heard two raps against the door. You skeptically let out “Yuta?” to be met with no response. You could hear them clutching the door handle a click of the door handle, you scrawned behind the sofa and clutched a drumstick from the drumming set near you.
There was no reason to be scared, you were still in the office in broad daylight yet the icky feeling you had few minutes before managed to creep in again.
You pondered over the voice and wearily asked “Renjun?”
The handle clicked open, door opening ajar revealing Renjun himself. He did look cute and handsome in the suit today, that’s what you been thinking until he had to talk that pretty in the morning.
"What do you want?"
He looked apologetic at your tone but you were not going to get soft on him, he does not get to get off this that easily.
"I-im Sorry, just…let me in”
You moved aside, letting him in and peered out to check if no one saw. Clicking the door locked, you looked at Renjun unimpressed, a lot of people saw you come in to this room and he dares to follow you now?
“Eh, About the thing in the morning….”
“It was a very pleasant greeting by the way!”
He didn’t reply and instead hung his head low.
“I don’t think there is any reason for us to meet or converse anything other than about work Mr.Huang” you were not going to let this slip and so you wanted to give the ending to what he started.
"What?! No!” he said in bewilderment.
“Pray tell what do we have to talk about anymore?”
“About today morning…” bunny teeth digged into his lower lips.
“What made you think you could say that to me?”
“I’m sorry Noona! I wasn’t thinking straight. I know I shouldn’t have said that, especially after a long week. You were gone…”
"Are you joking?"
At that he came forward and hugged you, so tight that you could not breath after few seconds.
“Can’t. Breathe.”
“Oh!” he released you immediately, looked at your face to see if you were alright and then hugged again now buying his face in your neck.
“I missed you so much” his muffled low voice sent shivers on your spine and you tightened your thighs unconsciously. You weren’t sure if he knew it affected you, but he took another deep inhale as if he was calming himself, hands draped over your back comfortably.
It actually felt cute but then…
“Are you fucking serious right now??!!” you pushed him away at his audacity.
He had his puppy eyes on, bottom lip tucked between his teeth he looked at your expectantly. That look might’ve worked before but not today.
So he came forward and clutched your hands to grab him through his pant as he shakily exhaled, visibly shaking in your hold. You looked up at him and snatched your hands away from his clutches, away from his semi-solid dick.
"And...why are you saying this to me? I thought I didn’t please you well, as said by yourself! If I didn’t please you why are you missing me?”
His face fell and eyes watered "I'm sorry I was just frustrated"
"So you say mean stuff to me even when I take care of you the best I can? I mean... I can't read minds, can I? How would I know if you never found me satsifying, when all I remember was you fucked out and exhausted that you slept too well? Was that not being satisfied? And you say I’m not satisfying you?" You talked cold at him as you clutched his jaw forcing him to look at you.
"I'm sorry, I take it back" he eyes were positively watering now.
"I'm afraid I can do nothing for you Mr.Huang"
He hung his head low and whispered "It hurts"
"Did you not hear me now?" You walked towards the door and turned on the knob to leave the room.
"I said I'm sorry!! I didn't mean to! Please....Forgive me and I thought…." his voice sounded strained and you turned around. Something about the voice and the single shake of it, he’d never been like this before.
"Thought what?"
You sighed and locked the door again this time but he didn’t continue.
"Mommy" he was now kneeling down, voice completely different now. Your pussy coming alive at the familiar tone of his voice, all soft and warm.
His eyes all glossed, lips all wet and red from biting them in embarrassment while talking to you. Oh he's horny and wet af. And shameless.
You moved towards his body and did something unthinkable. You slapped him. His chest heaved as you could hear a low groan from him, cheeks blooming with your hand imprint. “Fuck” he cursed.
There was a weird tension between you two now, for the next step.
You could just walk away from him and leave him like that. Just like how he insulted you. Leave him vulnerable and needy. For you. Just leave him how he is now, to prove he lied through his teeth today morning. Why would he come back if he didn’t like the things you both did?
“Please mommy” he begged again as he pushed his hips forward crudely. He liked it?
“Such a whore” something surged in you and the need to humiliate and dominate him was much bigger now, stemming from you hurt, your anger. He seemed to not mind nevertheless.
"You never say those words to me again alright? You talk to me what you like and don’t like properly without acting like a pathetic little pussy”
"Yes...I'm sorry, please just, I didn't mean it at all..."He teared up now, face flushed pink and lips red and eyes glistened. Few other tears escaping as he tried to look at you clearly, lashes stuck together with excess tears.
Oh fuck.
“What do you want baby?” you caressed his face tracing the lines through his tears.
"Touch me, please” he said breathlessly.
He bit his lips again and undid himself as he stood up, the heavy shirt and pant fabric falling down in a thud. He stood there in his panties, now too tight with his excited dick.
“Lemme see what the fuss was all about, won’t you?” At your wish he gingerly removed the panties and his length sprung out, all red at the tip while the rest looked painfully stiff.
You glanced up at him and circled his tip slowly and he whimpered, more precum exiting the small slit. Already wet. So wet.
"Ah-hn-nng" his hips thrusted forward ever so slightly.
A slap landed right on the side of his leaking red tip, the owner's body jumping at the harsh contact, the never ending precum drenched his staff whole.
"Ahh-hn please" his soft fingers sneaked to base of his red cock, hands sloppily gripping and stroking them as his abdomen tensed.
"You think your deserve this from me?"
No response.
"You look like a pathetic slut right now, you know that? In broad daylight getting you dick wet? You still want me?! To help you? After the shit you spewed?"
"Then beg properly"
"Please touch my dick, please mommy. I’m so sorry, fuck me good please-Agh-hnng"
A sharp slap on his leaking dick again. And followed by another.
"Aahh-please! I'll be a good slut for you please, it’s too much please"
"Spread there" he looked in the direction you pointed and saw a table, cleaning up the table by placing the objects on the sofa nearby. The max you both had done in the office was a heated makeout session but nothing more. And today seemed to be the day you would break the limits.
And he mounted on it and spread looking at you.
"The other way, face away from me" you commanded "spread wide, on all fours”
The position you were directing him was so open and shameful, it was a sight to behold in the office space, all naked without a single bit of clothing.
"O-okay" he shakily replied. He pushed his hips out in front of you, silently asking you to do anything as he bent his torso down on the table as he spread his ass further on the air, legs moving away to accommodate the action, dick hanging between his thighs, red and swollen. You loved how pliant and needy he was today.
You smacked the soft globes of his ass watching the soft curve dipping towards the table as he pushed his hips out in reaction. You teased his rim with butterfly touches, but you knew he was already so sensitive and ready for you.
Your fingertips constantly circled the puckering hole, enticing moans from the owner which were a blessing to hear. Another sharp slap on the milky butt had him gripping the table, so you quickly took the chance of him relieving the pain to slip your saliva coated fingers in him.
A satisfied moan escaped his red lips “Mommy”
“Fuck yourself on me like a good boy, come on”
He obeyed  just like a good boy, rocked his hips gently back and forth with a sloppy pace, still getting used to you. You pushed his lower back down, curving his back to ensure the flexibility of his movements while you thrusted deep. Meanwhile your other hand fondled his balls.
“AH-That’s-“ he shimmied away from your ministrations helplessly which only made you lean forward and lick his seed sac.
“-too much-ah” and you felt him spill all over you left hand making a horrible mess everywhere.
“Already?” You concendingly taunted him, as you pumped his shaft top, riding him through the high.
“Tsk tsk tsk, what a mess! Look at the mess you’ve made baby! Never been the one to come this fast, what’s gotten into you?”
“It’s been a long time since we did anything…”
You paused. Even then… and it clicked.
“Renjun, did you edge yourself while I was away?”
He turned around , back facing you as his torso twisted to look at you, the best he can by adjusting the angles of his body. Fuck he looked so ravishing and enchanting like that. The soft window light creating a back cast but nevertheless his plump lips coated with saliva with all the biting were visible, abused ass hiding his cock but not the cum soiled all over the table.
“I..i missed you so much” you could swear his eyes were twinkling, lips glistening,  chest rising and waning softly as he looked at you-skin tinted pink and hair all messy. He looked inviting and ravishing.
“What do your want baby?” your voice sweet with want, just for him.
“Fuck me, please fuck me” You always loved how needy he got for you.
You straddled on his thighs, instructing him to hold on to the table so it doesn’t shake, you know just in case. You slowly bounced on him while you watched his shoulder and head fall down graceful from the table from the lack of space. Mouth open as silent pleasure coursed through him. His fingers fiddled with his hardened nipples, softly caressing and tugging them when you bottomed out on him again and again.
“Fuck, I’m gon-cum again” voice strained and incoherent from all the blood rushing to his brain-from both pleasure and gravity. But you didn’t stop, you were frustrated and you wanted to reach that high too. You grinded and bounced alternating while you leaned back against his legs.
“Fuck yeah-shh-Mommy- I”  you leaned forward and slapped him softly and he convulsed as his dick pivoted deeper into you, pulsing against your walls as he came.
“Come for me, yes, just like that”
He caught his breath for longer seconds and rolled over so you could lie down as well. His head on the crook of your neck, you played with his fluffy hair, sticking in all directions cause of sweat.
“Did you miss me that much?” you mumbled.
“Hmm?” Eyes hazy as he tried to focus on you, he blinked slowly.
“You were extra sensitive today, no?”
“Hmm…yes”he agreed as he purred under your care. “How was your trip?”
“The business trip? It was good, it was actually fun I never actually expected that” your eyes lit up as memories screened your mind.
“Really?” you looked at him at the question, he looked at you expectantly but you missed a grey glint in his eyes.
“Yes, it was so fun and everyone got along well. I was too knocked out to even rest properly with things happening everyday”
“Then let me take good care of you now” you heard him whisper, barely catching it.
You didn’t notice a metal clank against the table, not him slicing his palm open and fisted his dick to coat it with the fluid. Pumping himself hot and hard in few strokes, he positioned at your entrance, slowly pushing inside your cunt.
You groaned at the delicious intrusion, not noticing anything happening around you. All you know was both your moans hot and heavy on the room, tongue lazily sucking on each other open mouthed lewdly and him saying he wanted to keep fucking you all day, again and again even after having uncountable orgasms.
He ploughed in your pussy, against the warm juicy canal in a blissful rhythm and another orgasm was building up and he knew.
“Fuck, come with me, come with me please Y/N” He uttered staining his voice amidst the pleasure.
But your mind was too fixed on the orgasmic high you actually didn’t pay any mind to him. After a few seconds your felt weird in your stomach, not just the orgasm, like you felt you were floating away from your own body. You couldn’t feel your own body. As soon as you felt it, it was gone and you hit your orgasm and you while body spasm-ed, thighs clenching and unclenching around his waist rapidly with the vibrations.
“Oh, fuck”
You moaned his name so loud you were sure anyone outside would have heard it a hundred percent.
“Fuck yeah” a crazed glint you caught in his eyes as you stared up at him from your post orgasmic lidded eyes.
“Mine, all mine, MINE” he uttered lowly, not paying mind to you as he stared at where you both were connected.
He glanced up and the smile dropped. His eyes cleared up like he was taken out of a haze. The smile returned, now looking much more pleasant. Descending on your body he kissed you searingly. His hands cradled you helping your body up as you both kissed. You smiled at him between kisses but as you opened your eyes you saw dots of red on your peripheral vision. Red painted on both your lower body, bigger spots of it visibly trailing along both your abdomen.
His hands, it was his hands slashed deep that the crimson bled thick every second. You couldn’t ignore another peripheral item that seemed to be dunked in red that also seemed to move. It was…
You looked down at yourself, the cum and blood mixed dripped from your cunt crudely, all around your thighs too. You eyes engorged in shock, you looked up at his innocent face, hair all fluffy framing like a halo. So in contrast with the action that transpired few seconds ago.
“What have you done?”
An eerie zoned out look passed Renjun' eyes again followed by an unsettling slow smile, baring teeth as much as possible with the skin scrunching up painfully full.
"A Blood ritual"
But two knocks on the door interrupted your shock.
Taglist: @she-is-dreaming
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miyamiwu ¡ 3 days
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Despite Ness saying he’s here for Kaiser… I still stand by my theory that Ness and Kiyora will be the ones to achieve a best x best reaction.
Kaiser hasn’t looked at Ness in this match since he decided he must discard him. He’d pass to everyone else, but not to Ness. It’s no wonder he looks so surprised on this page; he didn’t see Ness coming at all.
I truly love Ness and his unwavering devotion, but at this point in the match, I don’t think Kaiser is ready to appreciate it. Kaiser is still caught up in trying to “get back to zero” and learning new ways of fighting. If he can only manage to goal by relying on Ness again, he’ll just think that he still hasn’t changed.
Moreover, if you look at chapters 262, 263, and the current 264, his eyes haven’t glowed with the ego fire yet. I also find it telling how his ego aura is still roses and vines, despite his blue rose tattoo becoming less prominent in recent chapters in favor of the crown tattoo on his hand getting the spotlight (@lunarcloak wrote an amazing meta about the visual storytelling of this). Kaiser is still far from his best state.
Meanwhile, Ness seems to have gone through some tremendous development off-screen (or off-page?). How it happened may be shown in the next chapter, but for now let’s focus on Ness in this chapter. His original blood aura is there, his eyes got the ego fire, and above all, he has a new magic circle aura. He is now at his best, or at least close to it.
If KaiNess are to team up, then Kaiser will have to catch up.
Also, look at Kaiser’s reaction to Ness:
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The surprise on his face doesn’t look that different from the surprise on Isagi’s face. It’s just ordinary surprise. Not one bit pleased or anything about Ness suddenly showing up out of nowhere.
But look at Kiyora:
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He’s calm and not surprised at all.
In the beginning of this chapter, Kiyora is shown deliberating on who he should side with between Kaiser and Isagi. This seems to be setting him up as the deciding factor on who wins between the two… But from a writing perspective, assigning such a heavy role to him is honestly a very lazy way of making him significant.
Kiyora has been observing the game for a while, so he must’ve noticed Ness’ changes. And with Ness suddenly stepping in here, Ness may just be added to his options of people to side with.
Writing-wise, there’s no way Kiyora would side with Isagi, the guy who got him benched last match. Besides, Isagi already has enough bitches (Hiori and Kurona). Kiyora joining him would just make him overpowered.
Kiyora siding with Kaiser is also unlikely. There’s been no set-up for it.
And with Kaiser having just discarded his partner of many years, I don’t think the narrative would reward him with a new one too soon. Besides, he is obsessed with going back to zero right now and being “non-human.” Giving him a new partner at this moment would just be a hindrance to him.
But most importantly, Kiyora siding with Kaiser would also contradict Ness’ awakening.
Remember, the key to goals in this match is a best x best reaction—which means only two people will be in the spotlight when a goal happens. Kiyora assisting a Kaiser goal would remove Ness from the spotlight. It will also increase the impact of Kaiser’s “betrayal” to Ness.
In summary:
❌Kaiser-Ness goal
❌Kiyora-Isagi goal
❌Kiyora-Kaiser goal
What about Isagi-Ness? Like I said, Isagi has enough bitches! Don’t give him more. But seriously, there’s no way Ness would betray Kaiser and side with the enemy, especially not after his declaration in this chapter that he is here for Kaiser.
so yeah
❌Isagi-Ness goal
But how would a KiyoNess goal even work?
KiyoNess would work because it’s not deliberate.
It’s a natural result of two people’s best performances clashing.
Ness may be here for Kaiser, but that doesn’t mean Kaiser would be there for Ness. Kaiser… is just not ready for Ness.
Furthermore, in Episode Nagi, Kiyora was literally introduced stealing a ball from Nagi:
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Him “stealing” a ball meant for Kaiser doesn’t seem that unlikely.
And when Kiyora ends up being the one receiving Ness’s pass… this will completely shatter any remaining illusions Ness has about Kaiser. It will be a great way for KaiNess to have their relationship start from zero as well.
A Kiyora goal would also set chaos in the field, and I would love to see it.
So yes
✅KiyoNess goal
Let the two players that have been tossed aside be the ones to make a miracle in this match.
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