#he never ever forgets. he even still gives Finn shit for holding the door open for the police
nympippi · 1 year
Necromancer Finney AU: Adults in general aren’t sure how to feel about Vance. On one hand, he’s got that infamous short temper. On the other hand, he’s been through quite a bit, even before the Grabber incident. Ultimately, it’s generally agreed that Vance is a victim of terrible circumstances and is reacting accordingly to them
I’m actually unsure on this one because I do think maybe in a town like Denver they’d definitely sympathize with him, and feel for his pain but at the same time I think Vance would hate it. Because it’s only after Vance has to undergo massive amounts of trauma and pain for the adults around him to see him as a kid and not some criminal.
it’s showing him that the adults had potential to care but they never did. And instead of working with him, they work against him labeling him as a troubled child who would end up seriously hurting someone. …I don’t know, I’m not too sure on my stance or have any ideas on the adults in tbp but I do headcannon Vance to dislike adults to a serious degree and it only gets worse after his kidnapping.
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kaylinlmao · 2 years
Guess who's actually writing. *cue the music* FOR THE FIRST TIME IN FOREVER!
Pt 2 to this fic. Requested a loooooong time ago by @ruyitheempress. This is so damn late but I'm scrolling through all my fics and doing pt 2s and stuff for the ones who requested them. Love ya!
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The next morning when you woke, your legs hurt like a motherfucker. You heard footsteps thudding down the stairs. Robin, Vance, Finn, and Bruce walked in. You didn't fucking know where Billy is. He's probably murdering your friends and family again. You looked away from them, not wanting to look at the psycho's who kidnapped you and fucking broke your legs. "Oh c'mon, dollface. Don't be like that." Vance said. "We did what we had to do. We kept you safe angel, didn't we?" Finney added. You ignored them and continued to look at the wall.
You were the type of person to hold a grudge. For years. You don't forgive and you don't forget. You don't give second chances. Until your boys came along. You gave them chance after chance after chance to change but they just wouldn't do it. So you've given up. They can do whatever they want to you. But they will never get your love. You will never love them like you used to. Ever. You heard Bruce sigh and say "well, whenever your ready to stop being stubborn you can have food, water, and pain meds. Until then you can stay here alone darling." "We do love you princesa. We did it for you" You rolled your eyes but still didn't acknowledge them. They didn't deserve to you to even breathe in their direction.
As for food and water, you knew they wouldn't let you die. You could deal with the pain. Its not the worst thing you've ever felt, that's for sure. You heard footsteps walk away and the door close. Shortly after, you heard the door open. Again? Jesus. They weren't gonna give up, were they? "Hey pretty girl." You heard Billy's voice. He didn't get your acknowledgement either. "C'mon sugar. I wasn't the one who did it." Nothing. Not even a blink. You just didn't care. What were they gonna do? He sighed and stood, walking out.
It went on like that for days. Days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months, months turned to a year. Your legs were fully healed. They fed you, just like you knew they would. Yes, it was only when you were on the brink of death but who cares? You sure didn't. You had been tracking days by using your nail to mark a line into the wall. It was your birthday. And today was they day that you would escape. You hadn't seen sunlight for an entire year. You were gonna get out of this stupid basement. If it was the last thing you did.
You had stolen a knife from your dinner last night. They were getting too cocky and didn't notice. They were too confident. It was funny to you. Today was Finn's day to bring you food. As he set it down and sat next to you, you looked at him sadly. "I'm sorry." You said, stabbing him in the thigh and stuffing his sock in his mouth. You got up. He had left the door open. Ha! Stupid. You ran up the stairs and out the front door. It was unlocked too! They were so careless. This was so easy. Too easy. You went out the door and ran like you had never ran before. Faster and faster you pushed yourself until you made it to the police station.
Good Ending
You ran into the station and said "please. I need help." You told the police everything. They stormed the house and found everything just like you said it was. They caught the boys and told you they'd be in prison for the rest of their lives. You went to college and became successful doing what you loved. As you looked at the sunset, you thought.
"I'm free. I'm healed"
Other Ending
You were almost at the police station when someone pulled you into an empty alley. It was Robin. "Oh princesa. So stupid. Thinking she could escape." He sighed as you struggled in his grasp. "HELP. SOMEONE PLEASE HE-" you were cut off as a cloth covered in a sweet smelling substance covered your face. Shit. You woke in the basement. The boys were standing around you. Vance was holding a knife. Bruce was holding a baseball bat. Billy was holding a hammer. Robin and Finn were just standing there. They were tasked with holding you down. And so the torture began. After they left you laying on the mattress, bleeding from the carvings, with busted bones from the hammer and bat. Feeling broken. You sobbed for the first time. Even while they tortured you, you didn't cry. But now, you let the tears run down your face, soaking your cheeks and the mattress under you as you thought
"I will never be free. I am broken"
How'd y'all like it? Love y'all! :) -Kaylin
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 3 years
If I Fell For You (Part 16) - Drowning
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Summary: The reader’s night goes from bad to awful fast but thankfully Jensen shows up at the last second to stop things from getting any worse. But the guilt the reader feels over trying to end things with Jensen to protect him starts to become too much...
Pairing: Jensen x nanny!reader
Word Count: 5,600ish
Warnings: language, being drunk, minor violence, scary situations, angst, fighting, fluff, offscreen death of minor character, anxiety, panic attack, minor injury
A/N: This chapter is a whirlwind! Please enjoy and let me know what you think!
It was a close to an hour later and you were halfway through a bottle of bourbon, laying on the back porch of your mom’s house, staring at the rafters and debating finishing off the whole thing.
“Y/N?” you heard. Your skin crawled as you sat up, spotting your father at the other end of the wrap around. “Are you drunk?”
“This would be an appropriate time to tell you that yes, I am and I also have this,” you said, reaching behind your and picking up a hunting rifle. “I might be plastered but I think that’ll only improve my aim. I’ll be nice and shoot for your balls first.”
“You got so much wrong about me kid.”
You fired a shot near his feet and he held up his hands.
“Why don’t you go jump off a bridge or some shit,” you said.
You pulled the trigger as he took a step forward and he jumped when it hit the window nearby. You pulled again but it just clicked as he walked closer. 
“Your new momma never taught you that kind of rifle only has two shots, did she,” he said. You tried to stand but got way too dizzy and fell down. 
“Well I can still tear you apart with my teeth,” you said. 
“You’re drunk and judging by your face, very upset. What happened to that boy you were with? I didn’t see him when I looked around.”
“Touch me and that boy will rip your head off.”
“This doesn’t have to be a bad thing,” he said, stepping far too close for your liking. You swung the rifle at him but he caught it and kicked the bottle away before you could get at it. “All grown up. Probably enjoy it now.”
You crawled back as far as you could, eyes darting behind him when you saw movement. You barely caught the brown hair and green eyes before your father was face first on the porch. You tried to stand but he yanked on your ankle and pulled you down hard. It took a long time to peel open your eyes again, your father now at Jensen’s feet. Jensen pushed down on his back while he talked on the phone to someone and it didn’t take long to hear sirens in the distance.
“For the record,” said Jensen as he walked over to you and crouched down, his belt around your father’s wrists, “I didn’t believe you for a second. Oh and you’re a dumbass but you’re my dumbass. Forever. Got it?”
“I couldn’t…” you trailed off. He nodded and took off his flannel, wrapping it over your shoulders. “I knew he would do something and I couldn’t have him near the kids or know they exist. I couldn’t-”
“I know, honey,” he said. “But don’t you dare ever do anything like that again.”
You put your head down sniffled, dizzy still as he rubbed your back before going back to watching your dad.
It took an hour or so before you could go home and you were sober enough to stand on your own. 
“Can I ask why you made the executive decision that you did?” asked Jensen, holding your arm loosely as you got into his car to head back.
“Because I’m stupid,” you said dryly from the passenger seat as he turned on his SUV.
“I mean more so why didn’t you come to me if you were scared? Why make up a lie?”
“You did let me go. You must have believed me at least for a few seconds,” you said.
“No, I actually didn’t.”
“You let me go.”
He was quiet until you got close to the brewery, Jensen pulling off onto the plot of land he owned next to it. You leaned your head against the cold window and he turned off the engine.
“This whole, tired, don’t talk to me attitude right now? Been there. Lived it. I know it’s bullshit.”
“You let me leave so you did believe me so-” you said, Jensen pressing a finger to your lips. 
“I am certain of very few things and you are one of them. I let you go so I could figure out what scared you so badly you’d lie, to me. There’s only one thing I can think of so before you even had a foot out of that house, I was calling people and I got put on with Detective Finn who worked your case as a kid and I find out that dick for brains sack of shit just moved practically down the street from us. It does not take a genius to put the pieces together.”
“Fine! I did it in some stupid attempt to protect you,” you said. You glared at him and he shook his head. “What?”
“I’m not gonna get mad at you.” You put your head back on the window and stared out to the dark trees, sniffling some. “Why do you want me to be angry with you?”
“Uh because I didn’t forget to turn on the washing machine or leave on a light. I lied. I lied so big that-”
“You lied to protect your family from a monster. Do I wish you had told me? Yes. But I fuck up so much and you’ve never once been angry with me for making a mistake and I’ll never be angry with you for making one either. I know you want me to be angry with you, feel like you should be punished for what you imagine is hurting me. But you didn’t hurt me, Y/N. You didn’t and I know you get that because so many times you’ve been on the other side of this and I know you’ve never once thought, oh yeah Jensen’s a piece of shit, let him really have it. No. Just no. So I’m not getting mad at you and I don’t know what to fucking say to make you feel better like you always do me and I’m so sorry he got so close to hurting you again. But I’m really good at fighting monsters in this family. So please next time, I don’t care if you’re scared of the bug on the wall or you think someone’s outside the house or what it is. If you’re scared, tell me and I’ll do my best to make it go away, I promise.”
“What do you do when you want to hate yourself for being an idiot?” you asked quietly. You heard him shift in his seat and you shut your eyes, the sound of a door opening and then another. Strong arms wrapped around you and you buried your face in his chest.
“I try to treat myself as kindly as she does. She would never hate me and she hates when I’m in pain. I see it all over her face. So I try to cut myself some slack and ask myself if she would hate me and when I realize no, I’m forced to forgive myself and it normally takes a few hours but it works pretty good. A lot of hugs and cuddling don’t hurt either.”
“Thank you for stopping him.”
“Thank you. I owe you so, so much.”
“You don’t owe me a damn thing. We got each other’s backs and that’s all there is to it. I’m just sad I missed you trying to shoot his dick off.”
“How did you know where to find me?”
“Find my iPhone. Also I figured that was a good place to check,” he said. “I would have been here sooner if Jared didn’t drive like a tortoise over to the house to watch the kids.”
“I’m sorry I scared you...and you had to do that tonight.”
“Oh punching your father was a personal highlight for me. Trust me,” he said. He stroked your cheek and you turned into the touch, eyes squeezing shut. “You’re safe.”
“He’s going to get out on bail and-”
“And we have a very good lawyer. Oh, and I know the mayor so fuck his ass, he’s not getting bail.”
You buried your face once again and he put a finger under your chin, lifting it up.
“You’re still scared.”
“He’s gonna get arrested for what, trespassing? Attempted assault? I was drunk and shot at him. He can spin it. He can spin it and be out on the street like that.”
“I’m going to ask the lawyer to do something else, something that maybe can take care of that problem.”
“Once a piece of shit, always a piece of shit. He’s been gone for fifteen years. I have this bad feeling you weren’t the only one. Or even before that.”
“Or maybe he just hates me.”
“You don’t have to be scared. I’m gonna take care of it.”
“Jensen, I know you don’t have to worry about the money but it might still not be enough.”
“It’s enough,” he said. “Or else next time I’ll be the one with the rifle.”
“You would kill him?”
“Honestly? Yeah if it came to it. I wish people like him died in car crashes, not innocent ones. We have every right to protect ourselves and our family and I’m not letting him touch the kids or you ever.”
“I should probably say that’s bad but I don’t disagree.”
“Money works a lot. A real lot. Maybe he did something super bad and he can rot in prison forever.”
“Maybe,” you said, spotting a cruiser pull up nearby. 
“Stay here, sweetie,” he said. He walked over while the officer got out. He spoke to Jensen for a moment, Jensen’s face a bit blank when he turned around. 
“What’s wrong?”
“Your dad had a heart attack in the backseat,” said Jensen quietly. You cocked your head and he shook his. “Your father. In the police cruiser that was taking him for booking. He was just pronounced.”
“He died?”
“He was really overweight and didn’t look to be in the best health. He probably got his heart rate up too high and...the officer said he’d escort us home, stay outside the house for the night, calm our nerves.”
“He’s really dead?” you asked. You looked over at the officer and he came over, giving you a quick smile. “He really died?”
“Yes mam.”
“What...happens now?” you asked.
“We’ll file the report but you don’t necessarily need to press charges anymore. You’re next of kin as far as we’re aware so the body…” he trailed off when he looked at you. “We can talk about this with your lawyer.”
“Thanks,” said Jensen. “We’ll be on the road in a minute.” 
The officer climbed back in his cruiser, Jensen leaning against the doorframe. He tucked your hair behind your ear, letting out a deep breath.
“Y/N,” he said. He stroked your cheek, your head turning up. “What is it, honey?”
“I don’t feel bad at all. I’m actually happy. That kinda is freaking me out a little. You shouldn’t be happy someone died.”
“Most people you’re right, you shouldn’t. But there are exceptions. He tormented you. He harassed you. He came after our family. I’m gonna sleep just fine tonight knowing he’s never coming back in our lives.”
“Were you scared of him?” He ducked his head down and you took hold of his hand. “Jensen.”
“Put it this way, I’d protect my family by any means necessary. What scares me was what if I was five minutes later tonight. Ten minutes. My job is to protect you and especially from monsters like that.”
“I’m a big girl Jensen. You don’t have to protect me from anything.”
“Yes I do, just like if it were me in your shoes I know you’d have done the same exact thing. We protect each other. It’s not because I’m the guy or I’m stronger. You’re my family and that’s what we do.”
“Thank you for protecting me and forgiving me for being stupid earlier,” you said. He smiled and nodded.
“You’re my dumbass and I’m yours,” he said. “Want to go home now?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I really do.”
“He’s really gonna spend the night?” you asked half an hour later in bed, Jensen shutting the door after himself. “He knows there’s a cop outside, right?”
“What can I say, Jared...he thinks of you like a little sister,” he said. “I can’t blame him for being protective.”
“I’ll be right back,” you said. You climbed out of bed and went downstairs, the light dim aside from where Jared was reading on the couch, a blanket over his legs. He looked over the top of the book and set it down, sitting up.
“Everything alright?” he asked. You smiled and took a seat on the edge of the couch, pulling him into a hug. 
“Thanks for staying,” you said, a pair of large arms wrapped around your back. 
“Of course.”
“You do know there’s nobody to bother us now, right?”
“I know. Some peace of mind never hurt anybody though,” he said. “Go on back to your fiance. You guys had a rough night.”
“Yeah,” you said, closing your eyes. “Thanks.”
He kissed your temple and you returned to your room, Jensen pulling you under the covers. You let out a deep breath, turning into his side. 
“Here,” he said. He started to take off his bracelet but you shook your head.
“It’s yours, Jensen. I feel safe, I promise.”
“You’re tense still, honey.”
“Still working on that not being so angry at myself thing,” you said. He smiled and kissed you quickly, laying an arm over your waist. “I know what you said but I still want you to be pissed at me for lying.”
“You didn’t hurt me.”
“You didn’t hurt me, Y/N and you know what? Sometimes, you’re gonna hurt me and I’m gonna hurt you. We’ll have bad days and get annoyed with one another. I’ll leave dishes in the sink and make a mess of the closet. You’ll chew with your mouth open and never fill up your car with gas until it’s too low. We’re not perfect. But even if we do hurt each other, we forgive each other because that’s what you do. We’re not always gonna like each other and what we do but we’ll always love each other. I don’t want to be mad at you. I want you to feel safe and know that I understand why you did what you did. I do. Please try to let it go, for me.”
“I am trying,” you said quietly. You shut your eyes and turned away, his arm over you pulling you back against his chest. “You’re normal. I can’t just stop hating myself like that.”
“You think I’m normal?” he chuckled. “Me?”
“Did you ever have to punch Dee’s psycho father? Did you ever have to talk about protecting her? Did she ever put your family in danger? Did she ever-”
“Go away,” you said, pushing his arm off of you. You moved over farther on your side of the bed, tucking your covers under your chin. The bed shifted and you tried to move again but his arm pulled you straight back to his chest, fingers dipping under your ribcage and holding you in place. 
“I might not have had to have done those things for her but I would have. For the record, you didn’t put anyone in danger. That fucking asshole did. It is not your fault he was an evil and vile person. All you did was try to protect us because you were scared and I know, I know you didn’t tell me because you’re so scared of that man and I don’t blame you. He made my skin crawl and I interacted with him for all of five minutes. Get it out of your system however you need to but you are stuck with me forever. There is nothing you could do to make me want you gone so get used to it.”
“You shouldn’t have to deal with this,” you breathed out. You pulled your sheets over your head, taking deep heaving breaths. “You have so much to worry about already. You shouldn’t have to…”
“Did you think I couldn’t handle the news?” he asked. “That your father was so close by?”
“I thought you’d hate me,” you whispered. He tugged down your sheets and you squeezed your eyes shut as he turned you around.
“Look at me.”
“Why not?”
“Now you’re angry.”
“Look at me.” You forced them open, meeting a soft face and sad eyes. “Why would I ever hate you?”
“My shit’s supposed to stay in the past. You don’t…” you said, Jensen furrowing his brow. “See, you’re mad.”
“What’s that supposed to mean? Your shit stays in the past.”
“It means you’ve had the world’s worst fucking year and you’re in such a good place now and you need to focus on you and not have my shit come in and fuck that up.”
“Do you think I can’t take care of you?” he asked.
“No of course not.”
“It sounds like you’re saying that you think you can’t have problems cause I can’t handle it.”
“Well at least I got what I wanted with you pissed,” you said, glaring up at him, tears welling in your eyes. You tried to push away but he held his arm around you. “Jensen, let me up.” You pushed again and he glared right back. “Stop it. Let me out of bed.” He only glared and you tore your eyes away from his face. 
“Do you think I���m weak?”
“No,” you said, keeping your head low.
“Then why-”
“Because you need a fucking break. I dealt with this shit years and years ago. I understand needing a fucking break and people need to take care of you, help you. You’re a different man than the one I met way back in January. You’re so happy and healthy and you have a different outlook on life again and that’s incredible. I’m so proud of you for that. But you’re just, just out of the woods and I’m not gonna be the one that sends you back in because of my fucking problems.”
“They’re our fucking problems,” he said. “Our problems. There’s no your problems or my problems anymore. It’s us together. Why do you think I’d hate you?”
“Jensen,” you said, pushing on his chest. “Stop.”
“I said stop!”
“Tell me.”
“Because I’m scared,” you said. He let his hold go lax and you sat up, getting out of bed. You walked over to the balcony door and rested your forehead against the cool glass. The bed creaked and you felt his presence behind you. 
“You’re scared of me.” You scrunched up your face and nodded. “Why?”
“Because if you realized how fucked up I am, you wouldn’t come near me with a ten foot pole. I’m not supposed to cause you problems. I’m supposed to fix them, be there for you.”
“But I can’t be there for you. You assume I’m just a dick where it’s only me and my shit that we can work on right?” he said.
“I didn’t say that.”
“Relationships go both ways, Y/N. I don’t expect you to take care of me for the rest of my life. You are allowed to need help too.”
“You don’t understand.”
“No, you don’t understand,” he said, grabbing your arm and spinning you around. He was frowning, his voice an octave higher if you didn’t know any better. “Do you honestly think I would have been angry at you if you told me about your father being in town? Do you?”
“I put the kids-”
“For the last time, you didn’t put anyone in danger,” he growled. “What is going on with you?”
“How many times do I have to say it, I’m not supposed to cause any problems!” you said.
“Yes you are! You, me, the kids. We’re all gonna have fucking problems sooner or later. Why do you think I’d hate you for telling me you had a problem, sweetheart?”
You fidgeted with the bottom of your shirt, looking past him.
“Something with your dad, isn’t it. Something got triggered in you after that phone call with the detective, didn’t it.”
“Call Ray. Tell him to come over,” you said quietly. He nodded and grabbed his phone, sending off a quick message before he was guiding you to sit on the bed.
“Honey,” he said when you pulled away from him. “Okay, no touching. Can I get you anything while we wait for Ray?”
“Probably should tell that cop that we’re expecting someone,” you said, rubbing your hands against your thighs. “Fuck, tell Ray it’s the help thing. He’ll understand.”
“Okay,” he said with a nod. You rubbed your legs harder and he stared at you. “Y/N.”
“I’m trying not to have a panic attack,” you grit out. “I haven’t had one since I was eight.”
Your head was turned and you felt his hands on your cheeks, Jensen forcing a smile. You stared for a long beat before you took a breath, his head nodding. 
“That feels better,” you said, your hands not rubbing so hard. You heard feet and the door open, glancing behind Jensen to catch Jared in the doorway. You could feel your heart rate pick up, Jared nodding.
“I get panic attacks too,” he said. You nodded and Jensen glanced over his shoulder. “I heard arguing.”
“Can you tell that cop outside Ray is coming by and to let him in?” said Jensen.
“Sure. Who’s Ray?” asked Jared.
“Her mom’s old boyfriend and foster dad. He was her therapist when she was little. Something’s not right,” said Jensen.
“I’ll send him up as soon as he gets here.”
You felt calmer by the time Ray was walking in fifteen minutes later in sweats and not much more. 
“Hey kiddo,” said Ray, giving you a quick hug before he squatted down in front of you. “Doing okay?”
You shook your head and shut your eyes, Jensen holding an arm around you. He explained what happened, Ray staying quiet. You eventually opened your eyes to stare at the floor, Ray standing and pulling over the bench from the end of the bed to sit on. 
“Y/N do you want Jensen to stay?” he asked. You nodded and he hummed. “Y/N.”
“Yes,” you said dryly. “Can I have some water?”
Jensen got up and retrieved a glass from the bathroom, the pair of them watching you chug half of it down before you sat it on the nightstand.
“Y/N, does Jensen know what triggered you?” he asked.
“Not specifically. Asking for help he figured out but not the reason,” you said, looking away. 
“Well on the bright side, you didn’t have a panic attack, you worked through it, you trusted Jensen to help you through it even if he didn’t know why and some of your coping skills helped you out quite a bit. But this is something Jensen needs to know. You’ll need help in a relationship and I know this is the big one but he needs to know so this never happens again,” said Ray. 
“What if he thinks I overreacted?” you said.
“I won’t, trust me,” said Jensen. “Secret’s safe with me.”
“Go on, Y/N,” said Ray. You took a deep breath and Jensen held your hand, stroking his thumb over the back.
“So you kinda figured out that me having a problem was the trigger and that I didn’t ask for your help earlier and kinda assumed a bad reaction if I did.”
“Yup and that’s all okay,” he said softly. 
“It wasn’t because of you that I assumed you’d have a bad reaction. It was something that happened to me that sort of...default my head to react and anticipate things in a certain way in that particular situation.”
“So if you have a problem and ask for help, you assume the person you’re asking for help from will not take it in a good way?” he asked.
“Yeah, basically. If it’s a really big problem and if I anticipate that the problem would upset the person I’m asking then my head assumes this bad thing will happen. In that case, it assumes the much better option is to not reveal the problem at all and handle it myself because then the bad thing won’t happen,” you said.
“The bad thing. It’s bad isn’t it,” he said. “Really bad.”
“Y/N, remember you can share without the graphics involved,” said Ray. You nodded and leaned your head back.
“When I was six I broke something of my dad’s. A mug. His favorite mug. I picked up the pieces but I knew it was his favorite so I didn’t throw it out. I asked him for help putting it back together,” you said. “The amount of rage he had over a broken mug...I never experienced such a horrible day in all eight years as that one.”
He didn’t say anything and you tucked your feet up, holding one up to him and showing the bottom. He stared at it and cocked his head, narrowing his eyes. It took him a moment but you saw when he noticed the small little scars. His eyes flickered back to yours and you nodded.
“He hurt me badly,” you said. “All day long.” He stared at you and you told him exactly the way the scars came to be, Jensen shuddering and closing his eyes. “It wasn’t a good day.”
“Fuck,” he said, standing up and rubbing his arm. “You were six?”
He shook his head and went to the balcony door, taking a deep breath.
“Jensen. You alright?” asked Ray.
“No,” he said, turning around, looking to you. “That many times?”
“One for every broken piece,” you said. He ran his hands over his face and shut his eyes. “The worst thing was just that it went on all day. It was long enough for me to interpret it as conditioning for a result of an event rather than just a bad memory from everything me and Ray worked out back in the day. It hasn’t been a trigger for me ever really but we knew it could be someday for a big life problem potentially. I’m guessing with it involving my dad, it kinda sent me into overdrive earlier.”
“Jensen,” said Ray, shooting you a quick glance. “Y/N’s okay. I’m actually quite impressed with her behavior. There was no hesitancy or waiver in her voice. I don’t feel as though this will likely be an issue ever again now that it’s out in the open and her father is gone.”
“You’re the closest thing to a father she’s ever had,” said Jensen, rubbing the back of his neck. “You know every horrible thing that’s happened to her and, and you just...all you did was throw him out of the country for fifteen years?”
“First off, the law was different back then and it was a lifetime ban. Second of all, buddy, violence isn’t always the answer to violence,” said Ray, getting to his feet.
“You should have adopted her.”
“She didn’t want me to.”
“You were the damn adult. She was the kid. Act like one,” said Jensen. “I mean fuck, you adopted two other kids only a few years later.”
“If I had adopted her you wouldn’t even know she fucking exists,” shot back Ray. “Her father still would have come back and this would have happened regardless.”
“You should have done what you needed to the second he popped up again when she was a teenager.”
“I did not strike you as a violent man but I do not like it.”
“She was almost assaulted by that man again tonight,” growled Jensen. “He tortured her and tormented her and he got barely any time at all for that. I would have-”
“Why’d you call the police then?” he asked. Jensen swallowed and Ray shrugged. “Why back at the farmhouse did you call the police? You could have killed him, called it self-defense and been done with it. Why?”
Jensen looked down and Ray sighed.
“The price for being a good person is making hard decisions, Jensen. Would I have loved to have rid the world of that son of a bitch the second I learned all about him? Oh you don’t know the half of it. I’m a trauma therapist, Jensen. Mostly for kids and teenagers. Do you know how much fucked up shit I’ve heard in my life? The world has so much ugliness in it. But it’s got good too and that’s why you called the police like you were supposed to and that’s why she loves you. She needs a good man, not a violent one. I’m not saying don’t think about protecting your family. But don’t act on it unless you don’t have a fucking choice, kid. Understand me?”
Jensen nodded and Ray cleared his throat.
“Say it.”
“Yes, sir,” said Jensen quietly.
“Ray, don’t get mad at him. He’s not used to this stuff,” you said. You stood and pulled Jensen back to the bed, Ray crossing his arms and nodding. “If I ever feel this happening again, what should I do?”
“You could work on reconditioning instead,” said Ray. “Work on saying I have a problem to Jensen and ask for help, even if there isn’t a problem. If Jensen responds positively or even neutrally and you two work at it maybe an hour or so a day for the next week or two, I don’t think you’ll ever have to be afraid of that trigger coming back. All of your triggers Y/N have involved your father. I know similarities can set you off but they’re small, manageable. You never have to worry about anyone hurting you ever again.”
“I know. I should have trusted my partner to have my back,” you said.
“I don’t blame you. I didn’t before and I definitely don’t now,” said Jensen. Ray smiled and pulled the bench back over to the bed. 
“Get some rest you two,” he said. 
“Ray?” you said after he gave you a hug. “Why didn’t you adopt me?”
“Honestly?” he asked. You nodded, Jensen preening his ears. “You reminded me so much of your mother and I was devastated when we lost her. I should have been the adult and done what was right but after seeing her in pain for years...I didn’t have it in me to take on a grieving teenager that would have been just as angry back at me. She already was so angry then, I would have put fuel on the flames. I didn’t have it in me to be strong anymore and that’s my mistake for not trying.”
“You can adopt adults,” said Jensen. You both looked at him and he smiled. “Adults can be adopted.”
“Not sure if…” trailed off Ray as you smiled at him. “Y/N, we’ve only just started talking again.”
“Maybe if that keeps going well...maybe things could...work out…” you said. “If you wanted.”
“Yeah, maybe we can do that,” he said with a smile. “It’s getting late. Put her to bed. Don’t be surprised if there’s a nightmare or two tonight.”
“Okay. Thank you,” said Jensen as Ray started to leave.
“Take care of her kid,” he said. Jensen nodded and you lay back in bed, the house growing quiet. 
“I’m so sorry,” said Jensen, his head lowering after a few moments. “I should have realized…”
“You did realize,” you said, sitting up. “Even when my head couldn’t come out and say I trust you and I know I’m acting a certain way because of what my dad put me through, you stayed calm and figured it out. You got nothing to be sorry for.”
“I’m sorry he hurt you. I got to pretend to be a cowboy and my dad read me stories when I was six. The worst thing I ever got was a few smacks but I know he regrets doing that,” he said. “Even then it was because I was acting out not…I just don’t understand why he would ever hurt you.”
“I stopped trying to understand him a long time ago,” you said, the door opening. You both turned, Arrow walking in with a pair of wet eyes. “You have a nightmare, sweetie?”
“I went…to the bathroom…” she said when you noticed her holding her wrist. Jensen hopped up and walked over, picking her up gently and setting her beside you. “I fell down off the step stool. It was wet.”
“Tell me what hurts,” he said.
“My hand,” she said. 
“Let daddy see,” you said. She moved her hand back and you both saw her wrist was swollen and bruised. Jensen swore under his breath and guided her hand back on it. “Okay, you hold it if it feels better that way, honey. Daddy, I think Arrow should go to urgent care.”
“Arrow, why don’t you go get your dolly and we’ll bring her with us. We might have to wait a minute,” he said. “Be careful okay? I’ll come get you in just a minute.”
“Mommy?” she asked, staring up at you. 
“Mommy’s really tired-” said Jensen when you stood up.
“Uncle Jared is staying over though, daddy. Go get your dolly and mommy and daddy will get dressed,” you said. She sniffled but climbed down okay, Jensen sighing when she left the room. “She wants me there and I want to be there. I’m going.”
“Alright but you’re going to try and get some sleep in the waiting room at least, please.”
“No promises.”
A/N: Read Part 17 here!
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elliesguitarstrings · 3 years
promises, promises || part one: what used to be
masterlist || series masterlist
tom holland x reader
summary: you're crying over someone you haven't seen in two years, tom is straight up depressed, your friends are trying to set you up, and sam is just trying his best to help
warnings: ANGST, language, mentions of sex, little bit of fluff, probably typos
A/N: PART ONE IS HERE!!!! i absolutely love this fic and i hope you guys love it as much as i do :)
p.s. this ended up being really long sooooo i decided to make it into a series instead lol if y'all haven't figured that out
wc: 5k
"I got the part! Holy shit I actually got the part!" Tom throws his computer across the bed in disbelief, almost hitting you.
"Wait, like THE part? Like Spiderman?" you question excitedly.
"YES!!! Check the Marvel Instagram right now!" he crawls over to you as you whip out your phone and quickly search up the account. You scan the page to see a post captioned, "Click the link in our bio to see who the new Spider-Man is!" You quickly find the link and impatiently wait for the page to load. And then you see it, boldface print and giant letters across your phone.
The new Marvel Cinematic Universe Spider-Man will be played by: TOM HOLLAND
"HOLY SHIT TOM! You're fucking Spiderman!" you tackle him with a hug, squeezing him so tightly that he has to fight for breath. "I'm so proud of you, I knew you were gonna do big things." you smile brightly.
"We have to go tell everyone else, come on!" Tom pulls you off of him, dragging you out of his bedroom and down the stairs to give his family the big news.
The rest of the Hollands were already together in the family room, and they immediately took notice of yours and Tom's excitement as the two of you are bounding down the stairs.
Out of breath, Tom sprints to the center of the room. "Attention everyone, I have an extremely important announcement to make!" He pauses for dramatic effect, his family waiting in anticipation. "I'M GONNA BE SPIDERMAN!"
This causes an outburst of cheers and applause from his parents and brothers, each one of them getting up to hug Tom and congratulate him on this huge achievement.
Paddy pipes up, "How did you get the news? Did they call you or something?"
"Um, not exactly. They posted it on their Instagram and on the Marvel website as well, wanna see?" He turns to you, "Y/N, show them your phone!"
You pull out your phone and open the screen you were just looking at, showing the Hollands the Instagram post and article.
"No way, they're totally hacked." Harry remarks, earning disapproving looks from Nikki and Dom. "if you were really gonna be the next Spiderman, they would have called you."
Before Tom has the time to argue back, his phone rings, as if on cue. Tom pulls it out of his back pocket and nervously studies the number across the screen.
"Well, what are you waiting for div, answer it!" Sam chirps impatiently.
The rest of the room is silent while Tom listens intently to the person the other line. You can't make out what they are saying, but the eventual smile on Tom's face completely gives it away.
"Yes, thank you. Thank you so much for this opportunity," he holds while the other person talks again. "Yeah, I'll be in touch, definitely. Thank you again." Tom ends the call and lets out a sigh of relief. "That was fucking Kevin Feige! I got the part! I actually am gonna be the next Spiderman!"
You and the rest of his family cheered even louder than before, enveloping him in a giant group hug.
"I say we celebrate!" Nikki announces. "How about we go out for a nice dinner?"
Tom smiles, "If I'm honest mum, as nice as that would be, I'd rather just stay in and celebrate here tonight. I like your cooking better than any fancy restaurant anyways."
"Of course honey, I'll make your favorite. We can have a nice big family dinner, how does that sound?"
"Sounds perfect mum, thank you."
She dashes into the kitchen followed by Sam, the aspiring chef of the family, while Dom, Harry, and Paddy go to dress the table.
You take this as your cue to leave, seeing as you don't want to disrupt the rest of Tom's night with his family. "I guess I should get going then," you turn to Tom, hugging him once again. "Congratulations again, I'm so proud of you Tommy." you smile as you head to grab your things before you leave.
"Nonsense! You're staying for dinner too!" Tom stops you.
"Tom, I can't, you should spend this night celebrating with your family." you try to reason with him.
"But I want you here too!" he pouts.
"And you are family!" Nikki pipes in from the kitchen, earning nods of agreement from the rest of the family.
"See, everyone wants you here Y/N, please celebrate with us?" Tom cups your face.
"Are you sure? I really don't want to-"
Nikki cuts you off, piping in once again, "Y/N, I insist you stay for dinner with us. You've been a part of this family for so long, and you know that. So please stay and celebrate with us!" she smiles.
You giggle, "Well, I guess I can't say no to that." Tom smiles, giddily engulfing you in another hug.
After a long and delicious dinner, you and Tom now lay under the stars in the treehouse in his backyard. Dom had built it for you two when you were eight years old, and it's been your special place ever since then. Obviously, it has been upgraded and redecorated since then, now that you and Tom were both eighteen, but it still takes you back to the old days when you were just carefree little kids.
You cuddle into Tom's chest, looking up at the night sky through the small window in the roof of the treehouse. "I wish we could stay here forever," you whisper.
"Me too." Tom pulls you closer, kissing your forehead.
"Everything's gonna change you know. We're graduating in two weeks, and then you leave for America. I don't know what I'm gonna do without you." A small tear rolls down your cheek which doesn't go unnoticed by Tom.
He wipes the tear off your face with his thumb, cupping your chin to make you face him. "Hey, hey, look at me. Things might be changing, but that doesn't mean we have to. I'm only gonna be gone for a few months, and then I'll be back. I love you so much, and a few hundred miles is never going to change that. I will never let anything come between us, ever, okay?"
You smile softly, "You promise?"
"I promise darling. It's you and me forever. I'm never letting you go. Never in a million years." he kisses you lovingly, and you swear you could just live in this moment forever with him, and only him.
That was six years ago. And what Tom said was true, everything had changed. You just wish everything else he had said that night was true too.
Now, Tom is a world-famous actor, living a luxurious life out in Hollywood. You, however, have stayed in England, living only thirty minutes away from your childhood home with your newfound best friends Julia and Finn. You are no longer a part of Tom's life, and he is no longer a part of yours. But that doesn't mean you've forgotten about him.
How could you possibly forget about Tom? Your entire childhood was spent with him. From the ages of two to twenty-two, you were inseparable. To this day, you still remember when you first met, and you think about it often.
"I no wanna go! I stay home and watch princesses!" you cry, defiantly pulling away from your mother's firm grip as she tries to stuff you into shoes that are much too small for your rapidly growing feet.
"I know honey, but we have to go welcome the new neighbors who just moved in across the street. We made them brownies, remember?" she smiles.
You scrunch your face up, " No! I stay home!"
Your dad chimes in, kneeling down to your level. "Listen peanut. How about we make a deal. You come with us and say hello to the new neighbors, and then after we get home you can watch any princess movie you want and maybe even have some ice cream, how does that sound?"
You smile, "Ice cream with rainbow sprinkles?"
He rubs your head, "With rainbow sprinkles."
"Okay. I go then."
Your parents smile, and you hold their hands as you walk across the street to meet the neighbors. Your mom rings the doorbell, and the door opens to reveal a red-headed woman, smiling at you and your parents. Hiding behind her is a small, curly-headed brunette boy about the same height as you.
Your mom introduces herself, "Hi! My name is Y/M/N, this is my husband Y/D/N, and this is my daughter Y/N. We live right across the street, and we just wanted to welcome you into the neighborhood." She outstretches her arms, holding the brownies, "I made these for you as well, I hope you like them!"
The woman smiles, "Oh, wow, thank you so much, you are so sweet! Would you like to come in for a bit?"
"Of course, as long as you'll have us."
She ushers the three of you in and you stay close to your mom, still wary of entering a stranger's home.
As she closes the door behind her, she introduces herself as well, "Sorry, the house is a little messy, we’re still getting settled in. But I'm Nikki, my husband Dominic is unpacking in the kitchen, and this is Tom." She motions to the boy behind her, "Tom, say hello to the nice people!"
He timidly steps forward, waving at you and your parents. "Hello." he says quietly.
"Oh my, he is adorable!" your mom gushes. She walks over to him, "How old are you Tom?"
He holds up two fingers, "This many."
She smiles, "Two years old? Wow, you're so big! Guess what, you know who else is that many?" Tom shakes his head no. "My daughter Y/N!" She motions for you to come, and you shyly walk forward.
You wave at him, and that makes him smile. Nikki taps Tom on the shoulder, "Do you maybe want to show Y/N your toys upstairs?
He nods his head, smiling at you, "Wanna go play?" he asks.
You smile back, looking at your mom for permission. She nods her head and pushes you forward. "Okay, we go." you respond. He takes your hand and pulls you upstairs, seemingly coming out of his shell. You don't know what it is about this boy, but he makes you feel warm, like a hug. It's something your two-year-old brain can't quite comprehend, but suddenly you couldn't care less about watching princess movies or eating ice cream.
Sometimes you wish that day had never happened, that you had never met him. You wish your little two-year-old self had fought harder against your parents so that you wouldn’t have to endure the years of pain he would cause you later in life. But you can’t go back, and in part, you’re glad about that. He was your first friend, your first crush, and your first love. But he was also your first heartbreak, and that’s something you can never forget.
You're snapped out of your thoughts by a sharp knock on your bedroom door. "Hey, are you almost ready? We have to leave in ten or we'll be late!" you hear Julia's muffled voice from the other side of the door. Finn is hosting a gala tonight for his art studio, and being his best friends and roommates, you and Julia are basically required to go.
"Uh, yeah, I'm about done, I'll be out in a minute!" You haven't even started getting ready, but you don't have any more time. You quickly raid your closet and find a short v-neck black dress and matching heels. You wiggle into the dress as you make your way into the bathroom. You had planned on straightening your hair, but you have no time, so instead, you brush it back into a sleek low ponytail and spray it with a bit of hairspray. There's no time for the elaborate makeup look you had planned either, so you quickly throw on some concealer, blush, mascara, eyeliner, a bit of highlight, and you're set. As you walk to the door, you grab your purse and slip on your heels, making sure you have your phone and keys. Finn and Julia are already waiting in the car, both with disapproving looks.
"What the fuck took you so long? We were supposed to leave five minutes ago! You know I can't be late for this thing." Finn complains as you slip into the backseat.
"Sorry, I, uhm, don't feel well. A little nauseous." you lie. You don't feel like telling them that you were actually crying about someone you haven't seen or talked to in two and a half years like you do every other night.
"You're not pregnant are you?" Julia chuckles.
"Oh please, we all know that Y/N hasn't gotten any since he who must not be named." Finn replies for you.
"Thanks Finn, what a great friend." you joke sarcastically.
He's not wrong though. Since you and Tom broke up, you haven’t slept with a single person. You’ve been on a few dates and kissed a few guys, but nothing past that. The closest you got was about a month after Tom broke it off with you. You were looking for someone to take your mind off of him, so you found a random guy named David at a pub and took him back to your place. But as soon as he took off his shirt, you saw a birthmark on his back that looked eerily similar to Tom’s, and you promptly broke down crying.
No matter what you do, you just can’t seem to get him off your mind.
"Alright bitches, we're here." Finn sighs. "Help me bring my stuff in, we don't have much time thanks to someone who took ages to get ready."
You give a halfhearted apology as you grab Finn's paintings from the back of his car. Julia stops you before you follow Finn into the venue, "Babe, are you sure you're doing alright?"
You smile lightly, "Yeah, I'm fine. I'll be fine."
"Okay, if you say so. And sorry about Finn mentioning... him. It's been two years, he should know better."
"Oh, no. No, don't worry about that. It's okay. I don't care." you lie.
She gives you an encouraging nudge on the shoulder, "Hey, who knows, maybe you'll find a hottie here tonight and finally get back out there! What do you think, huh?"
"Yeah, that would be great, actually. Maybe Finn can introduce me to his friend James, I know he's pretty hot." you say just to get her off your back. You know for a fact that you won't be going home with anyone tonight, but you want to ease her conscience, so you continue to lie.
"That's the spirit! Good luck hun, love you."
"Thanks Jules, love you too." you smile.
Halfway through the gala, you already want to go home. Finn is over at the bar flirting with some guy, probably trying to get him to buy his artwork. Meanwhile, Julia has disappeared into the bathroom with her boyfriend Ollie, who she invited about thirty minutes into the event because she "got bored."
You look at your phone and realize it's already midnight, and you know the event won't be ending anytime soon. You slowly make your way over to Finn through the sea of people and tap him on the shoulder, drawing his attention away from whatever guy he's flirting with.
"Hey Y/N, how's it going with James?" he asks excitedly.
"Oh, um, it didn't work out, thanks for introducing me though. I just wanted to come tell you that I'm still not feeling well, so I think I'm gonna head home, sorry."
"Oh, okay, no problem. You're probably gonna be alone tonight though, just a heads up. Jules is going back to Ollie's for the night, and" he starts to whisper, "I think I might be going home with this hunk."
You laugh, "Okay, thanks Finn, see you tomorrow then."
"Bye babe. Do you have a ride?" he questions.
"Uh, no, I'm just gonna Uber home, it's no problem."
Finn gasps, "Not this late at night you're not! Let me drive you, hottie with a body over here can wait."
"No, no, don't let me ruin your night. I'll just call Sam then."
His eyes widen, "Like... his brother Sam?"
"Yeah, we're friends still, it's not a big deal. Trust me."
"Okay, fine. But text me when you get home, okay?"
"Okay, love you Finn, see you later." you give him a quick hug and walk outside to call Sam.
You aren't lying, you and Sam are still good friends. Back when you and Tom were together, Sam was the brother that you were closest to, and you felt that it would be unfair to cut ties with the rest of the Hollands just because Tom was a dick to you seeing as they were as much of a family to you as your own parents were, maybe even more. He was attending culinary school in the area anyway, so you decide he’s the best person to call.
As expected, he's happy to drive you home, and about ten minutes later he arrives at the venue where you are still standing outside.
"Hey Sam, I'm sorry for calling this late, but thank you so much for picking me up." you smile as you slide into the passenger seat.
"It's no problem, I wasn't going to sleep anytime soon. How've you been?"
"Fine, I guess. How about you?"
"C'mon, I know that look. Something's up with you." he pries.
"I told you on the phone, I'm just not feeling well." you lie, hoping he doesn't catch on.
"It's Tom isn't it?"
"How the fuck do you always know?"
He chuckles. "He is my brother, remember? And you're basically my sister too. I've known you both for literally my entire life, so trust me, I know when it's about him."
You sign in defeat, "I don't know why I can't get over him Sam. It's been nearly three years since we broke up, and I haven't seen him since. My roommates think I'm overreacting, and honestly, I'm starting to agree with them. I should be moved on by now, but I just can't stop thinking about him."
"Hey, hey, don't listen to them, you aren't overreacting. You and Tom were literally attached at the hip for twenty two years, and you weren't even dating for most of them. It's completely normal for you to feel like this, trust me. And I know it doesn't help much for me to say this because I've said it a million times before, but Tom's a complete dick for what he did to you. He's my brother, and I love him, but he's a dick."
"Thanks Sam. I just wish I knew why, y'know? Why, after twenty-two fucking years, he just completely cut me out of his life." you feel your eyes brimming with tears.
"I wish I could have an answer for you Y/N, I really do. But I haven't got a clue. Hell, I honestly don't even know if Tom knows why he did it."
You sigh, "Well, he must have had a reason. Plus, he seems to be doing great in Hollywood. He seems perfectly happy without me."
"You've been stalking him on Instagram, haven't you?" Sam chuckles.
You laugh, "Shut up." That's the great thing about Sam. He can always lighten up a situation, no matter how serious or how sad. Tom did the same thing, that was one of the things you liked most about him.
You and Sam sit in silence for a few minutes, until he finally breaks it. "He's not, you know."
"Huh?" you question, confused.
"He's not happy. You said he seems happy without you, but he's not. He's doing terribly, and it's not just from stress or his work. He won't admit it, but he misses you." he pauses, "I know I shouldn't be telling you this, but he asked about you the other day. About how you were doing and shit like that. I think he would take it back if he could."
You want so badly to believe him, belief that Tom actually still cares about you after all this time. But false hope is the last thing you need right now.
"Well, he can't, can he?" you say sharply, tears still threatening to flow out.
You and Sam sit in silence for the last five minutes of the ride back to your apartment. As he slows the car to a stop, Sam looks over at you sympathetically, "Look, I'm sorry if what I said made things worse. I just wanted you to know that your feelings aren't... one-sided I guess."
You know better than to yell at Sam, he was just trying to make you feel better, so instead of spitting out the sarcastic remark that was on your tongue, you manage out a half-hearted, "It's okay, thanks Sam." and shut the car door.
As soon as the door of your apartment closes behind you, all of the emotions come crashing down on you. A mixture of sadness, anger, guilt, and regret crushed your heart, smashing it into a million little pieces. It feels like two and a half years ago, when he first broke up with you, all over again. Everything was fine until Sam brought him up again, and the memories just all flooded back in. You fall to the floor, clutching your chest in pain, wishing someone was here for you. Wishing he was here for you. At the moment, it feels like you have no one. In reality, you do; you have an entire support system of people who love you so much and would do anything to protect you. But you only want him. You need him. He is the only person you have ever wanted, ever needed, and he's gone.
You want to hate him, you really do. He's caused you more pain in the past two and a half years than anyone or anything has ever caused you in your entire life. But you can't. You can never, and will never, hate him. Which makes you hate yourself.
After what feels like hours of crying, you finally calm down. There's no one at home to talk to and it's too late to call anyone at this point, so you flip on the tv. There's nothing good on Netflix or Hulu that you haven't seen yet, so you scroll through the other apps. You remember that you just got a free Apple TV subscription with your new phone, so you check to see what's on there.
And there it is. Cherry.
His face right on the screen in front of you, lighting your dark bedroom red. You know it's a bad idea and you know you'll regret it, but something draws you to watch it. You need him right now, and this is about the closest you're going to get.
It's fine at first. It's actually nice to see his face again after so long. He looks basically the same as the last time you saw him, just a little more mature. You feel good supporting him, even if he doesn't know it.
But then it's not fine. His character had just gotten into a fight with his girlfriend, so she comes to visit him in his apartment. They talk, and eventually he reveals that he joined the army and has to go away for two years.
"It's just a couple years. Just a couple years and a lifetime together." he whispers.
Then it all hits you, and you break down crying once again. You can't help but think back to that night in the treehouse, and how the conversation is so eerily similar. You wonder if Tom was thinking about it too, while he was filming the scene. Obviously, the circumstances were different, but it still makes you wonder.
You quickly shut the TV off, unable to bear it anymore. With nothing else to do, you try to sleep, but your thoughts keep you up. And as much as you try to fight it, your mind drifts back to the day you so badly want to forget. The day that it all ended.
"Hey, Tommy, what's up? I'm excited to see you tonight!" you pick up the phone. Tom is supposed to come back to London after filming his first solo Spiderman movie, and you could not be more excited to see him. It's been almost a full year since he left for America, and you miss him so much.
"Yea, uhm, about that. Plans have, er, changed a bit." you can hear the solemn tone in his voice.
"Oh no, what happened? Did your flight get delayed or something? I know there's some rough weather in Atlanta, but I didn't realize it was that bad."
"No, no, it's not that. I don't really know how to say this," he sighs, "I'm not coming home."
Your heart drops to your stomach. "What?"
"Yeah. I'm, um, I'm staying in America for now. I found a house in LA, it's nice."
"Well when are you coming back then?" you utter in disbelief.
"Not anytime soon. I have work, so it's just easier for me to be in America. I'm sorry." his tone is stiff.
"But what about us? I miss you so much, these past few months have already been hell for me. I don't think I can survive much longer without seeing you."
No response.
"Tom, are you still there? You know I can't move in with you. I'm already enrolled in university here in London, I can't drop everything and come to America if that's what you want."
"That's not what I want." At this point he seems to have no emotion in his voice, as if he's reading directly from a script.
"So then what do you want?" you start to really worry, tears already stinging your eyes.
"I think you can probably figure that out by now, Y/N."
"Tom, no. You seriously can't be thinking-"
"Yeah, I am thinking that. You've already said that these past few months have been hell, and I'm too busy with work, so I think that's the only option."
You plead with him, "Tom, please! We can figure this out, I love you so much. We can't break up Tom, I can't lose you." You're sobbing at this point, scared to lose the one person you need the most.
"No, we can't figure this out. We have to break up, there's no other choice."
"What happened to you and me forever? That- that night in the treehouse you said you wouldn't let anything come between us!"
"We were kids, Y/N! We had no idea what our lives were going to turn out like. That was a stupid thing to say and I never should have said it, okay? You can't keep every promise you make, especially when you're eighteen. But we're mature adults now, and the mature way to handle this is to break up. Understand?" His voice is booming through your phone speaker, and it's nothing you've ever heard come from him before. He was always calm, looking for a way to work things out. But now, he's completely giving up.
"Tom, please, I-"
"No, Y/N, I don't have time for this right now, I'm sorry. Goodbye."
He hung up. He's gone.
That was the last time you spoke to him. You didn't even get to properly say goodbye, let alone see his face before he was gone forever.
Unbeknownst to you, that phone call is still, to this day, Tom's biggest regret. Almost immediately after he hung up, he wished he had never called you in the first place. He was stressed from work, he was angry at his management team for making him stay in America, but most of all he missed you. So he did the only thing he could think of to take it all away - separate himself from you. He thought that if he broke up with you, he would feel better about his career choices and he wouldn’t have to wwc:orry about missing you anymore because it would be over.
He was wrong.
Every day since then, he’s wanted to call you, text, you, or somehow contact you to apologize; explain why he did what he did and how he still loves you, still needs you, still misses you every second of his life. But he knows he can’t. You would never be able to forgive him for breaking it all off so suddenly. There’s no way in hell you could still love him after something like that.
So he’s stayed out of reach from you for good. And he hopes that maybe one day he’ll be able to move on, find someone new like you’ve probably done by now. But deep down he knows he never will.
You’re still unable to sleep, and now that it’s almost four in the morning, you decide that you probably won’t be able to for the rest of the night. Not knowing what else’s to do, you begrudgingly roll out of bed and go to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. As you fill up your mug with warm water, you hear a knock at the door.
Who the fuck would be coming to your apartment this early? You suspect it’s Finn, as he always manages to forget his key. Maybe his night with the mystery bar hunk didn’t go as well as he had planned. You quickly set a tea bag in your mug and walk to open the door.
“Back so soon Fi... what the fuck.” your heart drops to your stomach.
It’s him. The same brown-haired, brown-eyed, British boy that you remember, staring down at you from outside your apartment at four in the morning.
tags: @pxkajesus @roseke @agentsofparker @lifeasjazzz @damnrancidchicken @tomhoelland01 @iwannabekilledtwice @rafehogwarts @non-eexistent @rosiexx8 @nearlydanger9 @realityisabitch07 @midgardassassins @jbreenr @cap-marvxl @ellesmythe @deepestcolorgiantopera @that-one-person @nevertrustapanda16 @rxmanxff @bubbleskz @quinn-spn58 @idkkkkaaw @aayaissaa @pjmjams @tiredstudenttrinity @isabella-bby @hollandprkr @pure-ghost @ladykxxx08 @white-wolf1940 @runawayolives @geekgirleve @thathurtbrolol @lost-girl24 @justafangirlduh @emistrash @writingrem @hallecarey1 @adayasgeorgia @mathletemadison @paulaabellag @miraclesoflove @captainamirica @mlmarint @quaksonhehe @laneybobeczko-g @peterspideysense @hollandstanevans @anna-sofia
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waatermelon-sugaar · 3 years
Under My Skin: Chapter 1
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Word count = 4,6 k
Chapter Warnings = swearing, canon-typical violence, bad writing
Summary = You hate Poe Dameron. Simple, right?
Edit = Cross posted to AO3
Part 1 of 4 (I think)
Poe Dameron didn’t like you and you didn’t like Poe Dameron.
“Because!” You grouse to Rose as you make your way to the cantina, “he thinks he’s so much better than everyone else, no one could ever come close to his skills, and he always gets the best missions, and he’s good, but he’s not that good, he acts like he’s god's gift to women - no scratch that - to the galaxy, and he’s so arrogant!” You’re growling in frustration as you round the corner, suddenly lowering your voice as much as you can because Dameron is right there at the end of the corridor, deep in discussion with General Organa and Finn.
Rose’s only response is to whack you over the head as she walks through the swinging doors in the centre of the corridor. You’ve never been so glad you don’t have to walk past Dameron in your life. “What was that about?” You hiss as you catch up with Rose, grabbing your own tray and helping yourself to dinner. “You didn’t have to hit me in front of General Organa.” Rose snorts. “Yeah the General was the one you were worried about.”
Trays full, the two of you spot an empty booth and hurry towards it, sitting opposite each other. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You won’t shut up about Poe.” She jabs her fork at you, causing bits of potato to fall to the table. You can only gape, words escaping you momentarily.
“What! I won’t - Dameron - he - he and I - urgh! - never in my life - he’s annoying!” You settle on finally, fully aware that you’re now whining. “He frustrates me!”
Rose raises an eyebrow, “Well maybe you need to work out those frustrations.” You shake your head, deciding to ignore her for now as you concentrate on eating. “You do need to get laid.”
You yelp, coughing when you try to swallow too quickly in shock. And then- “I can help with that, sweetheart.” You whip round, eyes narrowing when Dameron’s behind you, his flight suit tied around his waist, exposing his dirty vest and irritatingly strong arms. The only person who can beat him in arm wrestling is Finn - you can no longer count the amount of times he’s beaten you.
You take another scoop of dinner before talking with a full mouth. “Ok, one, I’m not your sweetheart, and two, Rose is wrong, and even if she was right, I definitely don’t need your help with-” you pause, swallow, and gesture vaguely in his general direction. “That.”
This, annoyingly, only seems to make him grin more. “That? You’re not gonna call it what it is?” You lean back, pulling your most unimpressed look onto your face, as he continues, still smirking, even having the audacity to wink at you. “Hot, animal sex.”
Rolling your eyes, you scoff, turning back to your dinner. “Whatever you say, Dameron.”
“Does it make you feel better, being mean to me?” Dameron asks as he squeezes onto the small piece of bench next to you. You huff, moving up so that you’re not touching. You don’t like him, but you’re not rude. 
Ignoring his question, you deflect. “Where’s Finn? Don’t you want to sit with him?” It takes more effort than it should to sound like you’re asking out of interest, and not because you want him to go away. Which you do.
“He’s still talking to Leia.” Your eyes flick to Rose, and she knows what you’re thinking. You twist your body to face Dameron, bringing a leg up under you. “Is this about the mission?” Her voice is low as she leans across the table, forgetting about the rest of her dinner.
The last few days have been hell. Rumours have been flying around base, centered around a box full of Jedi crystals. Kyber crystals, you’d told Rose the other day, not that the name cleared anything up. You’d poked around the base’s library on your datapad when you had the odd chance, but the Jedi were now the stuff of legend, just stories told to children about ‘the good old days’.  
The rumours made things worse - you’re not sure how much of it to believe - there were so few people who were even Force sensitive but as far as you were aware there were no Jedi left. Luke Skywalker was lost, and therefore probably dead. And even if Jedi did still exist, weren’t they supposed to be the good guys? Why hadn’t they come to help fight along with the Resistance?
But Dameron decides to play dumb. “What mission?” His eyes are too wide to be innocent and it annoys you. “Finn’s talking to Leia about…” he pauses, eyes desperately searching the cantina as he tries to think of a good excuse. “The quality of the food!” Turning to you, his eyes are intense. “I know you want more chocolate pudding.” You ignore how he knows that, instead focusing on glaring at him. “Dameron do you think I’m a good pilot?”
“Look,” he turns to face you, ignoring his own food even as you continue to eat, “it’s nothing to do with your skills as a pilot.” He pauses, but you interrupt before he can give you some empty platitude. “I think it is - otherwise why am I not being included?”
“Hey, will you listen,” he turns to you, poking his finger at you for emphasis. “This mission is top-secret and the risk of the First Order finding out is high so-” This time you properly interrupt, flicking his finger out of your personal space.
“So you just decide to talk about it in the corridor by the busy cantina, where everyone and their mother will see you?”
This shuts him up.
The two of you are looking into each other's faces, inches apart. And it’s annoying because Dameron is unfortunately handsome. Why? Why is he of all people so good looking? Rose coughs obnoxiously loud, causing the two of you to break eye contact and turn to look at her. You lean back from him, trying your best to look thoroughly unimpressed as he stands, picking up his tray and when he speaks, huffing, his voice is sharper than it was before.
“Look, I only came over to say that we’re going to have a mission briefing tomorrow at 6. Ok? So, just-” He leaves, mumbling the rest of the sentence under his breath as he walks across the cantina towards Rey, leaving you with your mouth hanging open, looking and feeling like an idiot.
“Well,” you say as you turn back to Rose. “That’s why I hate him.”
“You’ve got a mission, aren’t you pleased about that?” You can tell you’re annoying her now, but you roll your eyes. “Yeah, with Dameron. He’s just going to be hanging over my shoulder and passing judgement whenever he can. I’m not getting my hopes up.”
Every time you came back from a mission Dameron was there. Always. Just waiting to tell you what you should have done, how you should have flown, how he would have done it. As though the only reason he hadn’t done it was because he was too important.
You knew you didn’t fly how most people did, it had cost you marks in your final exams at school, and it cost you a place in a higher squadron, but it was hard to find the will to change when the poster boy for the Resistance saw nothing but incompetence when he looked at you. Bastard, you couldn’t help but think as you stabbed the last of your greens, wishing it was his face.
Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.
The mission had been going so well. You’d dropped into the planet’s upper atmosphere, bypassing the planet’s security, got inside the compound, obtained the uber-secret box (your briefing hadn’t quite covered what was inside, annoyingly) and you’d been about to sneak out when you’d decided a bit more snooping was necessary.
The box had been in the centre of a library/museum set-up and even you could tell that these were rare books. So you’d told Dameron to inspect the objects while you scanned the books, pulling out a few that caught your eye.
The first warning you had been given was a blaster grazing your arm, causing you to yelp in pain, dropping the books and duck to the floor as another shot had ripped through the shelves - an inch or two above where your head had been. So a crap shot then.
Paper had fluttered down around you as you looked for Dameron. The shelves would provide good cover but unfortunately it also meant you couldn’t see your shooter. Pulling your blaster out from its holder, you aimed a couple of returning shots into the darkness at the edges of the room as you looked for Dameron.
You found him near the exit, standing over a number of droids. He’d been holding the box with one arm, the other bleeding heavily, but you’d managed to escape, tangling with another droid who’d punched you as you left the way you came, avoiding the crap shooter on your way out. You didn’t want the First Order to know who’d been there.
So now you and Dameron were walking back to the ship, cutting through undergrowth as you desperately tried to remember the way, face throbbing in pain. Dameron had fallen quiet very quickly, and you were alarmed to see how much blood he had lost so far. His face was pale and all you could think was that it was your fault. If you hadn’t’ve tried to poke around and look for other useful bits and pieces, you would have got out with no trouble.
Oh shit.
You were definitely lost now. You’d taken a gamble on the last turn and this was wrong. There should be a stream somewhere to your left which led back to the ship. Where was it? This was so wrong. And how were you going to admit this to Dameron? “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” You swore under your breath.
“What’s wrong?” Dameron’s voice wasn’t right. He’d lost a lot of his power, and you turned to face him, watching as a small drop of blood fell to the floor. You don’t want to say it, you know he’s going to hold this over your head later, your first truly important mission and you’ve fucked up so bad. “I -” you hesitate, mouth open, so unwilling to say it, especially to Poe, you have to force it out. “We’re lost...I don’t know the way back.”
And...oh god, you’re not going to start crying are you? You can feel the familiar burn on the back of your eyes so you blink, looking away from him. But Dameron starts struggling, using his injured arm to try and reach down, looking for something. You move closer, grabbing his wrist and forcing him to stop moving, to stop aggravating his injury. “What are you doing?” And your voice is mean and you don’t know why but his skin is cool, cooler than it should be causing your heart to skitter out of control.
Dameron looks up into your face and his eyes are a little unfocused. Shit. “Looking for a tracker - the ship -” His voice doesn’t sound normal. But you have to be the calm one, you have to be the one in charge so you push the panic down, trying to speak normally. “Where is it? You shouldn’t be using that arm.”
“In my pocket, I -” But you’re one step ahead, unceremoniously dropping his wrist and reaching in, pulling the tracker out. A thin disc with a central button, which you press, and a red light spins around the edge before settling a direction to your left, forcing you to turn about 45 degrees.
You set off, pushing through the undergrowth and snapping branches from trees, kicking any debris out of Poe’s path as he stumbles behind you. Panic is still rising in you, you can’t be the reason the Resistance’s best pilot dies. Oh fuck, oh fuck, fuckin’ motherfucker, please, please, plea-
You pause for a second, trying to get your breathing back under control, even as it skitters away from you. You glance back at Poe, who nods at you.
BB-8 is waiting back at the ship, preliminary checks before take-off having been completed. You help Poe lift into the co-pilot’s chair you’d been occupying earlier and squeezing into the pilot’s chair. You don’t remember the flight back, don’t remember dodging the planet’s security as you took off, all you remember is how pale and quiet Poe is. He watches you the whole way which would normally annoy you, but you don’t think his eyes are fully focused.
You’ve done better landings when you get back to the base, but you don’t really care, Poe’s breathing is different, you can’t stop the panic rising in you, and the second you’ve opened the door you’re yelling, voice already hoarse. “Medic! Medic! I need - I need a medic!” People swirl around you, when did they get here? But you don’t want to let go of Poe, one arm around his back, his uninjured one around your neck while you keep a tight hold of the box.
You fight as someone tries to unfurl your fingers, Poe’s weight disappearing and you’re crying now, hardly able to open your eyes. You don’t feel the sharp sting of the tranquilizer, instead blindly fighting the rising darkness inside you, unable to recognise it for what it is. Voices are all around you, muffled like you’re underwater and lights are appearing in bright spots above your head. You’re floating, falling backwards, further and further, until everything turns black.
The debrief was not fun.
Barely out of the medbay, you’d relayed to General Organa what had happened, how it had been your idea to stay back, how you’d got lost in the forest after, how you made a mess.
Due to your injuries, it had been just you and her, and even now, safely in your bunk, you couldn’t decide if that was better or worse than having to tell a whole command room. Sure, you’d been spared public humiliation, but at the cost of having General Organa’s full attention on your failure.
You’d pulled your curtain across your bunk, and you felt as though you might have to stay buried under your covers for at least a week to emotionally recover from the whole ordeal. The worst part of it was that General Organa hadn’t even seemed disappointed, or angry, just...like she expected it.
And Dameron was still in the medbay. It was coming up to 4 days later, but you’d maintained your distance, not sure your fragile heart could stand the pain of knowing his condition was your fault, no matter what anyone said.
You wanted to see him, to apologise, but at the same time the idea of facing him made you feel sick. It was your fault he was in the medbay, you should have prevented it. In fact, the only reason you even knew he was still in the medbay was because you assumed there would be some kind of announcement or celebration when he was better.
A knock on your door made you jump, and then frown, however the door began to open before you could respond which you supposed was kind of your fault, you should have locked it, now you were going to have to talk to someone-
And General Organa walks into the room.
You stand up so fast, you get a rush of blood to the head, your vision going black slightly at the edges. “General, I-” you start talking before you even know what you’re going to say, so shocked to see your hero in your room. Your eyes flick over to the mess of clothes you haven’t bothered to wash in the last week, tissues on the floor, half eaten snack bars and their wrappers littered around as you wished the room was a lot tidier.
“I wanted to check how you were getting on.” Her voice is soft, but still carries that familiar authority as she pulls out the chair from your desk and sits on it.
Your mind goes blank. General Organa...wanted to check...on you?
You manage to pull yourself together, sitting back down on your bed with a suddenly excellent posture. “Good, thank you General.” You can hardly look at her, it’s like she emits light, and it’s too bright, too much.
You’re hyper-aware of your every movement, this is the first time you’ve properly talked to her, you want her to like you, and oh my god she’s in your room? Her eyes never leave you, so you stare at your hands, fingers twisting in your lap. “Call me Leia.” She pauses, but it’s not enough time for the implications of that to sink in. “It’s understandable if you’re still feeling rough.” Oh stars you’re going to cry.
Your eyes are watery and you know looking down only increases the chances of them falling, but if you look up, she’ll see. “I wish I’d done things differently.” You say, and your voice sounds rough.
The room is swimming when you finally look up, but General Orga - Leia is smiling softly at you. “I think about every second of that mission and for every decision that I made, I wish, I wish I did the opposite thing.”
“Why?” The question is asked so simply, and there are so many answers, they crowd your mind. “You were successful, weren’t you?” Still you can only gape at her. Successful? Dameron is still in the medbay-
“I know what it’s like to blame yourself for a mission going sideways.” Leia continues, “But you retrieved the box, you’re both alive, Poe is healing well, the medics say the bleeding has stopped and his stomach is on the mend now.” His stomach? You frown, his stomach wasn’t injured, it was just his shoulder, but Leia mistakes your frown for further dissent.
“I know you think it was your fault because you said let’s stay behind, but what if you had found something important? And Poe agreed, didn’t he? It’s not just on you. You just have to learn when the risk is worth the reward.” With that, she stands, so you do too. “I’ll formally debrief the two of you together when Poe’s out of the medbay, but I thought you needed to know this.” You nod, unable to speak again, but this time for an entirely different reason.
It’s almost too late before you can speak again, Leia halfway out of the door, but she turns back when she hears your voice. “Thank you.” And you mean it. Leia didn’t say much, and nothing new, but she was right. The mission was technically a success. Things went wrong, but you were both alive.
Sitting back on your bed, you feel lighter, more like normal. And a part of that normality is annoyance towards a certain pilot. He was injured in his stomach? The more you think about it, the more a cold fury rises in you. Why wouldn’t he say? He was carrying that heavy box and - you let out a growl, surprisingly loud in the quiet room.
You make your way to the medbay, becoming angrier and angrier with each step. No wonder he had so much blood loss! How dare he not say anything! How could he not tell you? Did he not trust you?
You ignore the signs that tell you visiting hours are over, and maybe it’s the look in your eyes that stops any medics from reminding you as such when you march up to the front desk. “I need to see Poe Dameron, which room is he in?” You feel a tiny bit bad for being so demanding to an overworked medic, but you can’t think past how Poe Dameron lied to you.
You’re shaking as you walk to Dameron’s room, not bothering with pleasantries as you bang open the door. He’s lying in the bed, BB-8 charging in the corner and had you been calmer you would have noticed how Dameron jerked awake when you slammed his door shut. You ignore how he’s hooked up to various machines and drips, bandages covering his body.
“You were shot in the stomach?” Your voice is mean again.
Dameron just blinks groggily at you, a combination of drugs and tiredness, but you push down any pity, letting righteous anger flood your veins with fire. “What?” His voice is hoarse from misuse and sleep.
“You were shot in the stomach?” You repeat, keeping hold of that cold fury as you look down at his face. This extra minute is all Dameron needs to wake up properly and realise why you’re so upset. “No- just, just stabbed.”
“Just!” - and it’s like you’re watching yourself, no control over your actions and even to your own ears you sound hysterical, the volume of your voice rising.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” You demand as he presses a button, lifting the top half of his bed up. Tears are once again pricking your eyes, but this time you will not be crying, so you wipe them away quickly, past caring.
“Because,” Dameron huffs, realising that's not a full sentence. “I don’t know - you...you had enough on your plate, I didn’t want to add to it.”
“You should have told me.” Your voice is dangerous now, your whole body thrumming with an unshakeable anger, even as you stand completely still. A strong undercurrent continues to carry you onwards in the conversation, and you know you’ll need to leave before it runs out. “You carried that box for fuck knows how long, and what? You were just hiding your injury? You just wanted to be a hero, or embarrass me?”
Dameron stays silent, glare heavy in his eyebrows. It’s too much, you want, you need answers.
“ANSWER ME!” You roar, lashing out in defence.
“I had to!” He’s shouting now too, pushing against the bed with his strong arm. “It was hard enough to snap you out of it when we were in the compound - I wasn’t going to add to it - I had to know you could fly us home!”
His words are like they punched you, a heavy exhalation, and it’s as though all the anger was tightly held in your lungs. “I flew us home.” Your voice sounds small as you take a step back. Dameron’s found the one chink in your armour again, just like he did when you first met, the one weak spot of your insecurity and smashed it to smithereens.
There’s silence in the medbay, pushing against your eardrums as though to emphasise just how the loud the two of you were. There’s a brief flicker of curiosity in the back of mind, wondering why the nurses haven’t intervened yet.
You can’t look at Dameron anymore, instead taking in the number of different machines he’s hooked up to, watching the drips, how his heart rate starts to lower as he forces himself to calm down. “So you didn’t trust me?” You don’t want the answer, but you can’t stop the words.
He takes his time answering again, but you still don’t look at him, hands playing behind your back with the hem of your jumper. “If you don’t trust me - you should have asked Leia to switch me out!” Shut up, shut up, shut up, why can’t you stop talking, you stupid-
“Maybe I should’ve!” His voice doesn’t change, there’s no difference in his heart beat, although it’s on the high side of normal, matching yours, but something changed. There’s a split in the room, a chasm separating the two of you that wasn’t there before.
“Well why didn’t you?”
“Because I felt sorry for you!” Your eyes snap up, looking at his face in terror. “I wanted to give you a chance! I didn’t think you’d fuck up like that.” If Dameron’s earlier words were a punch to your gut, these sent you sprawling. Short of an atomic blast inside you, any feeling left inside you was obliterated. Hot embarrassment crawls up your arms and you want Dameron to feel the same pain.
“Fuck you.”
The words hang there, each second an eon. Poe instantly regrets his words, knowing he’s gone too far. He opens his mouth to apologise, but the words don’t come.
Neither of you say anything, glares still spitting red-hot fire, when you suddenly want to leave. You don’t want to see Dameron’s face again, not for a long time. So you clench your jaw, throwing up your middle finger and slamming the door behind you.
Isolating yourself doesn’t seem quite so appealing once you’ve left the medbay, so instead you make your way to Rose’s room, grabbing a bottle of firewater from the cantina as you pass. You need a drink.
When you arrive, you’re not sure you want to talk about the recent shitstorm your life has recently become so the first words out of your mouth when Rose opens the door is- “Do you like Jannah?”
It’s a little mean of a conversation to spring on your friend, but you’re a lot of things, and blind is not one of them. You’ve seen how the two mechanics look at each other. Especially when they think the other won’t see. Holding up the bottle as a peace offering, Rose smirks at you before leaving her door open as an invitation.
Rose denies having a crush on Jannah as you work through the bottle, only conceding on the point that Jannah is very pretty. You’re probably a little too quick to agree, blaming it on the drink that’s currently making you feel like you’re floating a couple of inches above the ground.
Comfortable silence falls on the two of you as you sit there, the floor a little cold under you, leaning against Rose’s bed.
“I’ve been thinking-” Rose starts but you interrupt before she can get any further.
Rose doesn’t dignify this with a response, instead waiting until you wave a hand at her to continue.
“We’ve got a coordinating day off next cycle, if you wanna go to Sanctuary III. They’ll have a festival then, I can’t remember which but it should be good fun.” You can tell she’s keen, so you’ll go with her, but you find it hard to inject any enthusiasm into your voice.
Rose picks up on this, sighing as she refills her glass. “Alright don’t seem too keen on the idea.”
Your shrug, not really wanting to talk about the real reason you can’t find any excitement. “Sorry. I’ll go with you. It’ll be fun.”
“What’s wrong?” Her voice is gentle, and her hand is on your arm, and it’s so reassuring, so warm, your skin sings under her palm.
You talk to your feet as you tell Rose what Dameron said. “-and he - it was horrible, Rose,” you sniffle, tears springing into your eyes again. “And I - we’ve never got on, he’s, y’know, annoying, we’re always bickering, but I just - I never thought that he actually - it’s my fault he’s injured, and maybe he does hate me and-”
You stop your tirade and for the first time, just let yourself cry and breathe for a second. Rose’s arm comes around your shoulder and you lean into it, slightly. “It’s fine - I mean I never liked him anyway, now I can just move straight into the dislike section, maybe even hate I dunno.”
“Ok you should know that that’s not healthy first of all.” Rose’s voice floats out from above your head. “Second, I’m sure he didn’t mean it, and anyway, who cares what he thinks? Leia thought you did well. And third, this is all the more reason to do something on our day off!”
You give a weak chuckle and nod. You spent the rest of the night, playing cards and chatting about lighter topics until both of your eyes start to burn and you make your way to bed.  
Thanks for reading! Reblogs and comments mean the world to me 🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 2
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literary-spirit · 3 years
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Bonnie Bennett believed she'd finally discovered her good enough ending. Yet, like most things in her life good enough goes left and leaves her with another ending. Or, perhaps a fire beginning...Journey with everyone's favorite Bennett Witch to the Viking Era for much needed lessons in devotion, courtesy the Lothbrok brothers.
Disclaimer: Unfortunately, none of these characters belong to me. And to add unfairness to poetic injustice, neither does the shows or the books. However, I still intend to pull the characters' strings and make them dance, all while having a ball upsetting canon plot lines!
AN: Alright Bennett Fandom this one here is a bit different from what you're used to. Okay this one here is a bit different than I'm used to. Francesca has recently rediscovered Vikings and with it the sons of Ragnar. And don't you know she wouldn't rest until she brought our favorite Bennett Witch into their mess! As if our girl didn't already have her own problems. SMFH! So thanks to my lovely muse, here we are with a whole lot of trifling savagery that I'm just not so sure about. But as always I'll let you be the judge if this WIP lives to see another update. Flame it or acclaim it in comments.
“You know as much as I’ve savored the joy of tormenting you over the years-,” Klaus began.
“No,” Bonnie shook her head. She’d tried to go along with his final request. Really she did, but how could she? When in the end all he’d be was gone. “I’m sorry, bae. We’re not doing this.”
Rebekah’s eyes rolled. She released a drawn out exhale that hadn’t been necessary for her since wood ash and pointed stick tattoos were a thing. “Bonnie, don’t ruin this for him! Permit him whatever comfort he demands. He shoulders a burden you’d never be able to fathom. Can you not allow him to experience but one moment of grace? A moment Hope will undoubtedly cling to after he’s gone.”
“No, Rebekah! I’m not about to listen as the man I love gives us all a corny goodbye and pretend to be okay with it. And why the hell should Hope have a moment to cling to when she could have her father?” She gave her head another firm shake. “No, this is not okay with me,” her voice rose as she drilled visual holes through each of them. Klaus tried to shut her down with an arm around the shoulders but she curved him with a shrug, all while committing ocular homicide on him in the process. “So why the hell is it okay with you, Hybrid?” Her scorn riddled gaze darted from him back to his so called family. “Or any of you?”
“You must’ve been down on Bourbon sipping on that Absinthe again if you believe any of this shit is okay with us,” Marcel waved her off barely sparing her a glance. “We all just know Klaus is gonna do whatever Klaus wants no matter how any of us feels about it. The most dangerous place you can be when his mind’s made up is in his way. So I suggest you step out of it.”
Her neck snapped back as if she’d taken a two piece to the chin. “You think I’m afraid of the big bad wolf? I wasn’t at seventeen and if I thought for a second it would save him, I’d put his ass back in the dirt again. I take care of my own, Marcel. No matter the dangers or consequences,” she jabbed a thumb at her hybrid, “And make no mistake, that Original pain in the ass over there is mine.”
“Cute.” Marcel laughed as he rubbed at the corners of his mouth. “Bonnie, we’re his family. Each of us have known, feared, hated, respected, and loved him long before even your parents’ parents became an idea. Hell, even after everything he’s dragged me through, there’s not a drop of blood I wouldn’t bleed for him.”
“Then stand behind those words and do something, Marcel,” she pleaded, because at this point she wasn’t above begging for the only bright spot remaining in the dim bleakness that had become her life seven years before.
“What would you have us do, Bonnie?” Elijah questioned in a barely engaged tone.
Bonnie turned to consider him. A perpetual moroseness now cloaked the one she’d once believed to be noble. His arrogance hadn’t been quite the same since the restoration of his memories. More and more he’d begun to remind her of Finn. She squared her shoulders and straightened her spine. Since discovering what Klaus planned to do, she’d toyed with an idea she’d vowed never to indulge. Yet, under the weight of impossible desperation such vows could not stand.
“The eternal witch spell should be evoked,” she said.
“By whom?” Kol questioned. His chocolate browns moved from Freya to Hope. When both appeared to know less than him his disbelieving gawk returned to her. “You?!” Laughter burst from his mouth. “Oh Darling, I’ve witnessed that spell make a supernatural mess of the most talented witches to ever recite a chant. There’s only one destined to master the eternal witch incantation and her sorcery is said to be unmatched.” His knowing gaze drifted to Hope, and then back to her. “There’s no way you’re powerful enough to undertake the task. You’re not even the strongest witch on this block.”
Bonnie flinched. Damn it, if Kol hadn’t DOA’ed her pride. When the hell did he jump on the Bennett hate train? To hear how far his opinion of her plummeted sort of burned.
She nodded. “Okay, if not me why not Davina. You tend to enjoy blowing her horn. If she’s all you claim her to be, get her here. I’ll happily bow down if her being greater than me will save him.” She jerked her head in Klaus’ direction.
“No!” Marcel barked.
“Leave my wife out of this.” Kol zipped across the distance separating them to tower over her. His original face no longer concealed by his human deception.
Klaus rocketed forward to place himself between she and Kol. “Step away from my fiancé, baby brother. For if you harm her then you’ll be joining me in the afterlife. To hell with your bloody dagger and box.”
Ignoring Kol’s and Klaus’ dagger and the box bit, her distressed stare collided with Freya’s. “What about you? Will you help me save your brother?”
“Bonnie, that spell is much too dangerous. Even for me.” The blondes eyes offered her a thousand apologies but not one solution. “I’m sorry, but I can’t risk it…not now.”
Her desperation bottomed out to despair as her gaze took a hail Mary launch to the supposedly most powerful witch in the room. “Hope?”
The room erupted. You’d think she’d offered the girl a crack pipe. When she was Hope’s age she was taking down well…her dad.
“Bonnie!” Elijah yelled.
“This is madness,” Rebekah growled, taking a step in their direction. “Nik tell her!”
“We’ve already talked about this, Bekah.” Marcel shook his head and tugged Rebekah back to his side. “That doesn’t concern us.” Bonnie heard Marcel mutter.
Klaus spun away from Kol to regard her. He grabbed her face and cradled her cheeks in his palms. “Everything’s going to be alright, Love.” He whispered, before brushing his lips against hers. Liquid pain disturbed the stillness of his crystal blue stare and contradicted the hell out of his reassurance.
“How?” She tugged herself free of his grasp. “How’s everything going to be alright? You’ll be dead and then what? Life goes on? Fuck that! I’m not about to stand here and mourn a defeat I haven’t loss yet!” She whirled away and marched from the gathering. Her decision made.
Once out of sight, she hurried towards their bedroom. Inside, she closed the door and locked it. The barrier wouldn’t hold her hybrid, but the fraction of time it would provide may be all she needed to complete the spell. She fell to her knees next to the mattress. Carefully, she tugged the blanket from underneath the bed. The already prepared altar and ingredients slid out. She stared down at the athamae and exhaled. Second thoughts plagued her mental, but she shook them away. She’d come this far already. The time to bitch up and forget about it had come and gone. Now was the time to do and die, literally.
She picked up the dagger and called forth every ounce of mystical energy which bled through her veins. A swell of Bennett sorcery overwhelmed the room. Pictures rattled on the walls. The balcony doors blew open and the glass shattered. Furniture not nailed down whipped about the room like she’d caught a ride in a tornado. Steeling her nerves, she continued. She called forth her psychic energy, her huntress energy. Any and everything supernatural about her she offered to the Goddess of all in exchange for an eternity of knowledge and the fated eternal mate destined to help her defeat the Hollow.
After relinquishing her all to the Creator she sliced open her palm. Blood gushed from the wound and saturated the ingredients. A searing light illuminated the room. The bargain was struck and accepted. Now the sacrifice. She swallowed and raised the blade. Aiming it at the center of her chest, she closed her eyes.
“Bonnie, no!” Klaus’ voice penetrated the white noise blaring throughout the room. “Love, don’t do this. You won’t survive.”
She opened her eyes. He stood just beyond the enchantment circle, attempting to force his way into the barrier. “Neither will you if I don’t. Besides, if it doesn’t work I’d rather be in the ground anyway than breathe without you, Klaus.”
“Bonnie, please,” he pled as he dropped to his knees. He slammed his fist against the barrier. “Please, don’t do this. We’ll find another way. You have my word, Love!”
A sad smile flirted with her lips. “You’re lying, Klaus. If there was another way then it would already be the plan.” She plunged the blade into the cradle of her breasts. A piercing burn penetrated her chest.
“No!” Klaus’ bellow seared layers from her punctured heart. The storm of mystical energy whipping about ceased.
Her knees buckled. Klaus caught her before the ground could and cuddled her close. She attempted to talk, but a wheeze whistled pass her lips instead.
“No, Love, don’t speak.” He bit into his wrist and placed the bleeding extremity to her mouth. His blood might as well had been battery acid because she’d bet dollars to air it burned the same. Hacking coughs damn near shook her frame apart by the joints. “Why the sodding hell isn’t this working?”
“I-It’s the s-spell,” she managed to utter. “M-my death is the p-price of a-admission.”
Tears trickled from his eyes onto her face. “Why did I have to go and love you, Little Witch?” He demanded, looking beyond confused.
“B-Because its what we b-both needed at the time and no m-matter how this turns out I’ll always be indebted to you for giving me a reason. L-Love you, Hybrid…always and f-forever.” His face faded until nothing but darkness surrounded her.
Chapter 1
Disclaimer: Unfortunately, none of these characters belong to me. And to add unfairness to poetic injustice, neither does the shows or the books. However, I still intend to pull the characters' strings and make them dance, all while having a ball upsetting canon plot lines!
The abyss gave way to blinding lights. Bonnie squeezed her eyes shut. A cacophony of sounds battered her auditory senses. The eardrum rupturing racket nearly distracted her from the violent rocking motion. A violent rocking motion which would no doubt wrought absolute fuckery on her cyclic vomiting syndrome. Right along with the tang of salt-water, unwashed bodies, and rotten fish. The potpourri of funk came close to singeing the lining of her nostrils.
A familiar acrid burn tickled the back of her throat. On cue her belly spun a series of gold medal winning somersaults. Oh this was going to happen. Her lack of sight heightened her senses and made her that much more sensitive to all the upchuck factors swirling about her. Unable to continue to live in the darkest part of her denial and remain vomit free, she opened her eyes. The brightest day she'd ever had to tolerate greeted her light discriminating gaze. She closed her eyes once more. What in the extreme fuck? Was this some kind of hell dimension? Is that why she was only a five minute drive away from the damn sun? Oh Goddess no!
"Cade?!" She growled.
The acrid burn that flirted with the back of her throat developed a sour chunky consistency. Once again she forced her eyes open...and blinked. She was on a vessel that appeared to have hailed straight out of Vikings. Damning the unnecessary brightness and her afterlife in general, she turned and tossed up the entire contents of her stomach over the boats edge. The seafood gumbo from Rousseau's she loved nearly as much as Klaus shot from her mouth and floated one way while the wind and Hades' cruiser sailed her in another.
As gravity took her down exhaustion fucked her over. She rested her cheek on the boat's wooden ledge. Drops of putrid salt water splashed her face. Yet, her fucks to give was at a negative zero low. Not only was she dead, but more than likely so was Klaus. She'd failed him...she'd failed them. Not even eternity would be long enough to make that shit okay.
Bonnie's vision blurred. Her chest throbbed. She clawed at the pounding ache between her breasts. Goddess, it's a wonder her chest didn't have a gaping hole in it after everything her heart had lost. Shaking her latest failure from her thoughts, she turned to slouch back to the boat's floor. She then lifted her gaze to assess her surroundings. Various shades of irises gawked back at her. She froze. Oh damn! Just her luck the water was sacred. She opened her mouth to offer an apology, but snapped it closed. Wait...why the hell did everyone look like extras from the Last Kingdom?
Slowly, her gaze dropped from the filthy hairy men towering over her to what she wore. The burlap sack dress she donned stopped her ever ticking clock. And based on the breeze cooling her cakes, her La Perla's had opted to skip the journey to the other side. Her back teeth clenched. In what kind of after life had she been dropped? Was this some kind of Viking hell? Had she somehow been granted eternity with Klaus in his hereafter?
The shifting of bodies snaked her attention from Kanye's spring wear to the now parting beefy men. A sight which had her questioning her sanity emerged. Bjorn Lothbrok or at any rate the actor who portrayed him in Vikings. Was he dead and stuck on the Otherside also? Wait, was Alexander Ludwig even supernatural?
"You're not one of the slaves who was captured during the raid. One of your hue, I would've remembered." The head Viking in charge edge that resonated in Bjorn's or Alexander's voice snatched her from her contemplations. "How've you come to be upon this ship?" When she opened her mouth to speak the cold sharpened point of a sword pierced the hollow of her throat. "Speak to me of canards or sagas and I shall open your gullet."
She hesitated for a moment. What could she say? The truth would definitely get her neck split wide. "I-I'm not sure. Before...when I closed my eyes, I was somewhere else and now that I've opened them, I'm..." she glanced from the horror frozen faces of the crewmen to the beyond frightened slaves. The poor shackled souls huddled away from her in the ship crevices and corners on either side of her. She swallowed and allowed her gaze to return to Bjorn. "I'm here."
"Oh my god," she heard one of the slaves mutter in a tone that, to her surprise, sounded annoyed?
His scoff sliced the disbelief inspired silence in half. He withdrew the biting tip of his sword from her throat and sheathed it in the scabbard at his side. "Bind her hands to her feet and toss her over."
The ship erupted in a flurry of movement. Two overfed red-haired and even redder faced Viking men moved to grab her. She nearly projectile vomited her heart from her mouth.
"I know what I'm saying sounds apeshit, but I swear on everything I love, Alexander," she said slowly uttering the name and searching his face for a flare of recognition. When nothing sparked in his expression she stammered on, "I-I'm telling the truth. Please, you have to believe me, Bjorn!" A flicker of curiosity narrowed his glare. Bingo! "You can't let them kill me! Please, I don't wanna die again!"
"Halt!" He bellowed, raising a hand to stop the men from advancing, "How've you come to know of my name?"
Shit! She pressed her lips together as her mind flipped through a too short list of plausible explanations that wouldn't get her burned at a stake for witchcraft. "I-I've dreamt of you a-and of this moment." There, that didn't sound too bad. One thing she'd learned from Klaus, watching Vikings, and Google, is ancient Northman actually revered oracles and seers.
"You've dreamt of me?" He knelt before her, arresting her stare with a penetratingly incandescent blue gaze. At a deliberate methodical pace, his eyes crept over her face. Her lungs threatened to collapse under the thorough scrutiny. "Of this moment?" Unable to look anywhere other than in the irises that burned brighter than the now blazing sun, her head bobbed. A smile enticed the corners of his mouth. "Then why fear what you know will follow? Have you not prepared well to meet your fate?"
"Not if my fate resides at the bottom of the ocean," she said with a firm shake of the head, "That's an introduction I'd like to cur—avoid indefinitely."
His head tilted just so as he continued to regard her. "Name yourself."
"Bonnie Bennett," she answered.
A golden brow lifted. "Bonnie Bennett of where?"
"New-M-Mystic Falls...Bonnie Bennett of Mystic Falls."
"I have never heard of a land with such a name," he huddled a bit closer to her, "in which direction does your homeland lie?"
Before she could answer, thick gun metal gray clouds rolled across the azure sky and swallowed the glaring sun. A sonic boom exploded somewhere in the distance, while blue streaks of lightening zigzagged its way through the stodgy swirls of gloom. And if the situation wasn't already atom splitting serious, fat drops of rain and hail the size of golf balls began to pelt them.
"This storm is unnatural!" A seaman yelled.
"What in the name of Odin will become of us? None of us shall discover the gates of Valhalla at the bottom of the sea!" A ruddy face old man with a scraggly beard roared at anyone who appeared to be listening.
Another much younger seaman, maybe a little older than herself, turned an anxious stare on Bjorn. "Do you believe the All Father has forsaken us, Ironside?"
Bjorn opened his mouth to answer but was cut off by a blonde slave girl who pointed a finger in her direction, "It's her! Her very presence displeases the gods. You should heave her over and pray the sacrifice appeases them."
"You sound dumb as hell! It's no wonder you're in chains," Bonnie snapped, regretting her words as soon as they left her lips. Stupidity had nothing to do with forced captivity. Yet, that bitch had some damn nerve.
"No one will be heaving anyone over," Bjorn said, while standing from his crouch, "Raise the sails and provide the slaves with pails so they may began dumping water from the ship's floor."
A surge of magic thickened the air. The foreign sorcery incited something within her. Something unfamiliar. A bucket was pushed in her face. She took the wooden pail without looking away from the sea. The very stench of alien witchery agitated her own strange mystical energy. The fiery heat of her somehow altered super charged power practically scorched the inner lining of her veins as it raced through her vessels. Who would dare interrupt the supernatural and natural balance on this scale without justification? It was like using a heat seeking missile to take out a mosquito. Un-fucking-called for!
Instead of allowing the now aggressive powers within her the retribution it sought, she settled just to keep the occupants on the ship safe. So, while she dumped water from the boat's floor, she chanted under her breath. Soon, a protective shield formed around them in an elusive form of the previous sunny day. The Vikings and slaves alike erupted in praises to Odin.
"Yep," Bonnie forced a smile. "Praise Odin!"
"Come, Mystical One," Bjorn stood over her, his shadow casting her much needed shade.
Distrust and her impromptu guest starring role on a show which highlighted the fact that Vikings had no problems raping captives, raised her guards. Though realms out of her element, she was far from ignorant.
Her gaze moved over him in an attempt to size him up. "Where?"
"To the prow," He gestured towards the front of the ship before snatching the pail from her hands, and then tossing it aside. "I wish to learn more about you and this numinous land named Mystic Falls." When she took too long to follow he locked his hands behind his back and considered her. "If I wanted to lie with you then all I need do is have you. Do you believe anyone here would be minded to protect you?"
She lifted her chin as she glanced about the ship to see not one person watching them for concern purposes. Every eye she caught on them looked to be pre-historic Shade Room and TMZ reporters. If they had tea kettles back then they'd no doubt be ready to spill the damn things. No, Bjorn spoke the truth. No one on that confoundingly long boat would lift a calloused palm to help her.
"Alright." Exhaling, she stood and leveled him with a glare even a PMS'ing demon would be incapable of exacting. "But fair warning, no one on this ship can protect me better than me. And make no mistake, I'm not above defending my own honor."
He reached out and took her hand in his. "That is a certainty about you of which I'll never be mistaken, Bonnie Bennett of Mystic Falls."
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Open your eyes (Chapter 4)
I managed to finish this chapter finally. I hope you guys enjoy it... cause shit is about to go down. Anyway here you go. Characters belong to @lumosinlove
The return to Slytherin wasn’t loud. 
It wasn’t full of praise for Sirius and his friends, or pity and happiness for Regulus. It was dark, in the cloak of the early night when no one would see them come or go. Sirius wanted time for Reg to adjust before being thrown into the center of attention. Remus could understand that, it was sound logic. They didn’t really know how long it had been since the spell wore off, how long Regulus had been out of Lestrange’s claws. So they rode their horses in silence, trying to keep to the shadows, hoods pulled over their heads to obscure their features.
They arrived at the Dumais home quickly after entering the Citadel. Remus had never met Celeste Dumais, for all the time he spent with Pascal and Logan in the last three years Celeste was still just a name in passing to him. Until now. The woman that received them at the steps of the house had dark gentle eyes. She wore a green dress, not the royal color of Slytherin’s banner, more like the blue-green color of still ponds when night started falling. Calm, steady. 
She hugged Regulus tightly, wrapping around him and holding him close. Not unlike how Hope held Remus after a particularly bad nightmare. She waved them inside with a gentle smile, stopping Remus to whisper something to him. “Your brother arrived last night.” Remus nodded. He had asked Pascal if maybe Julian could stay with them to try and help Regulus cope with everything, the man had agreed immediately and Remus hadn’t wasted any time to send his brother the letter. 
When he crossed into the small living room he found his little brother, wearing a pair of brown pants and a white shirt with no shoes, sprawled on the ground along two of the Dumais children. A girl, who Remus suspected was Katie and Marc. Remus and Marc had met only once around two years ago, but the boy had rarely changed in appearance. Calliope laid curled up between them, giving a content huff when Katie scratched behind her ears. 
“You have a dragon?” Logan stared at the three with a stunned look that made Julian snicker. 
Remus walked forward, picking Calliope from the floor gently and letting her rest around his shoulders. He got closer to Logan, Calliope eyed him for a moment and then leaped down from Remus’s shoulders to Logan’s head, nuzzling her snout in his hair and coiling herself on his shoulder. Leo cooed at her, patting her side gently while Finn just looked on with a fond look. 
“Alright”, Celeste said, pulling everyone’s attention to her, “dinner will be served shortly and after that sleeping arrangements will be figured out. Kids go wash up.” 
Julian, Katie, and Marc got up, running to the washroom in a mess of light shoves and giggles. Celeste stared after them fondly and then turned on her heel, walking to another room and leaving the group alone. Regulus sat down heavily, letting himself flop to the side on the couch in a very unprincely manner. He groaned, smothering his face in one of the pillows and letting his hands drop to the sides. “M’so tired”, he muttered, words muffled by the ornate cushion, “can I just go to bed?” 
Sirius grabbed the cushion from his brother’s face with an amused smile. “You heard Celeste. Sleeping arrangements after dinner.” 
“But I already know whe—” 
Celeste came into the living room, interrupting what Regulus was about to say. “Come on, dinner is ready.”
Regulus flopped down on the bed, pressing his forearm over his eyes. Celeste had given him his usual room, the same one he used to share with Sirius when they told their father they would go on a hunt, but were really visiting the Dumais family. He smiled a little at the memory. 
Dinner had gone alright, if not a little awkward for Regulus. Everyone else seemed to know each other well and it made him feel a bit out of place. That was of course until the dragon decided to jump down from Logan and jump onto Regulus’s lap and stay there for the rest of dinner, after that it had been a little easier for him. He had never expected to feel so at home surrounded by so many magic users, with a baby dragon napping on him, especially not after the last few months, but they made it easy. 
He heard a soft, almost timid knock, on his door. “Come in.”
The door opened, the hinges creaking softly, and in stepped Julian Lupin with Calliope perched on his shoulders. “Hey”, he said, waving shyly at Regulus. “I thought you could use some company.” He grabbed the small black dragon from his back and let her fall gracefully to the floor. She walked to the foot of his bed and leapt onto the mattress, snuggling up to Regulus’s leg. “She likes you a lot”, Julian commented, sitting down on the chair besides the bed. 
Regulus looked down at her, running his fingers down her spine gently. “I always thought dragons would be bigger… and mean.” 
Julian laughed under his breath. “They are pretty big. She’s just a baby still.” 
Regulus looked at him, hesitant. “If she’s just a baby then why would you trust me to be near her”, his voice had dropped at the end, Julian still heard it. 
“I don’t really have much say on who she chooses to spend time with”, he shrugged, “she’s her own being, intelligent. She trusts you for a reason and I’m not going to question it.” Julian smiled at him, it reminded Regulus of Sirius a little. “She’s a good judge of character.” 
“You’re a good kid”, Regulus said, voice a little breathless, he wasn’t used to people being nice. Much less being nice to him, not even his father. 
Julian beamed at him. “I would like to think so.” He grabbed Calliope and settled her on Regulus’s shoulders. “Come on, Katie and Marc missed you. Pretty sure Adele and Loui are two seconds away from barging in here and hugging you to death. You can’t hide in here all night.” 
“M’not hiding.” 
Julian just raised an eyebrow at him, just like Remus did when Regulus grumbled about the medicine for his nightmares. He turned around and headed for the door, Regulus following behind him. “Oh, before I forget”, he looked back over his shoulder, “call me Jules.” 
The next morning Sirius couldn’t find Regulus anywhere. He would have panicked if he hadn’t known his brother was still inside the house. He walked over to Katie’s room, knocking on the wooden door gently. There was some rustling from inside, a small giggle and then the door was heaved open by Marc and Adele. “Is Regulus here?” 
Adele nodded, looking over her shoulder at something that made her smile, another giggle spilling from her lips. Sirius looked inside the room. Regulus was lying asleep on the big white carpet that Katie kept besides her bed. Julian was sprawled by his side, head resting on Regulus’s chest. Katie had curled up besides him, her arm thrown lazily over him, her hand was resting on Julian’s forehead. Sirius was taken back to when he and Regulus were younger and would wake up in similar positions with a much smaller Katie draped over both of them like a human blanket. 
Sirius didn’t want to wake him up. Quite frankly he didn’t want his brother back in the palace or anywhere near their father. Regulus had magic, there was no question about that, and Sirius didn’t want him to be around their father’s all encompassing hatred for anything magical. Reg had gone through enough during his time in the Lestrange estate. Sirius didn’t miss the far away looks and the flinching every time there was a sudden noise. He entered the room quietly, noticing that Calliope was also a part of the tangle of limbs where she had curled up between Reg and Julian. 
When Sirius reached their side he crouched down near Regulus’s leg, far away from everyone’s arm reach, and tapped his knee gently. His brother stirred and then settled again. “Reg”, Sirius whispered, tapping his knee again, “wake up.” 
Regulus grumbled in annoyance, peeking one eye open and groaning under his breath when he saw Sirius. “Leave me alone.” 
“We have to go.” Sirius poked at his rib with the toe of his boot. “Get up.” 
“Can’t”, he said, motioning lazily to the two teenagers and the dragon that had decided to tangle themselves around Regulus. 
“I’m giving you the time it takes us to get the horses ready to get up. If you’re not ready by then I’m dragging you out of here.” 
“You wouldn’t dare”, Regulus challenged.
“You’re right, I wouldn’t. Luckily for me Lily and Remus would dare”, Sirius had to bite down a smirk when Reg’s triumphant look disappeared. “So you better not be sleeping still when I get back.” 
“Threatening me with magic is treason, Sirius.” 
“So is harboring sorcerers, idiot”, Sirius replied in a teasing tone, “and I’m already hiding the magic of three potentially four. We’re past the point of treason.” 
“Fine”, Regulus grumbled, “I’ll get up.” 
“Good. You really don’t want to get dragged out of sleep by magic.” 
Regulus smirked. “Speaking from personal experience there, eh?”
”Perhaps”, was all Sirius said before walking out of the room. 
Regulus held his breath for a few seconds, then nodded at Sirius. He looked back at the people behind him with a weary look. He was nervous to be back at the palace after months of being around Bellatrix. 
Now that he knew he had magic the palace didn’t seem welcoming, not that it had been very warm or pleasant anyway. But at least before it didn’t feel like he was walking to his own death sentence. Sirius put a hand on his shoulder, squeezing lightly. He let it fall to the rains of his horse and rode forward, leading the group into palace grounds and to where he could see Orion waiting. 
The king’s expression when he saw them didn’t change, his eyes remained as cold and sharp as ever, but Sirius noticed his shoulder slump ever so slightly in relief. Their friends hung back while Sirius and Regulus went to their father’s side, dismounting the horses and bowing their heads in respect.
 The king hugged Regulus close, not caring about the people around them. He placed a hand on his son’s back and guided him inside the palace, nodding at Sirius with a thankful expression. There was a proud gleam in his eyes. Sirius almost believed it was real. He nodded back, dipping his head in another bow before his father left, taking Regulus with him. 
No one missed the way Regulus tensed under his father’s touch. 
Sirius took a deep breath, looking around the room. There was a bad feeling simmering just under his skin. After his father had announced the feast in honor of Reg’s return things had started moving too fast. The servants ran up and down corridors preparing the Hall and decorating the palace. The kitchens had been busy with food preparations and every Lord and Lady in the kingdom had confirmed their attendance to the feast. The feast he was sitting in now. It was a perfect storm for something to go incredibly wrong incredibly fast. People were happy and joyful. 
There’s more to lose when things are going great. 
Sirius saw Lily’s eyes flash dangerously in the direction of the high table, only for a moment but Sirius still caught it. Like always there was fire behind her gaze, and being in Orion’s presence had made the flames grow aggressively. The king didn’t seem to notice, too enraptured in the almost happiness of having his son back after so long. Sirius looked at Regulus from the corner of his eyes, sitting on their father’s left side while Sirius sat at his right. 
His eyes shifted to look down at the hall before him, painted in silver and green from the decorations and orange from the torches and lanterns. The feast had started less than an hour ago and Sirius already wanted to leave, take his friends and brother with him to anywhere else but this hall. Filled with lords and ladies that kept sneaking glances at the high table, at Sirius and Regulus. They looked at Sirius with something akin to awe and at Regulus with almost pity. No one missed the sunken cheeks, dark eyes, and tired posture the boy had. No one knew what he had gone through, not even Sirius, he just had an idea. And the idea was horrifying enough. 
King Orion stood up from his seat, silver goblet in hand and an almost real smile on his lips. “Friends, we are here tonight to celebrate the return of my son.” He turned ever so slightly and looked down at Regulus. Sirius watched his brother’s shoulders straighten a little, and an almost convincing smile pulled at Regulu’s lips. “For months his brother has looked for him and now he is here, back home where he belongs.” Orion lifted his goblet in, voice thundering across the hall. “To Sirius, for doing an excellent job in his quest.” The guest yelled his name, Sirius almost believed his father’s praise. “And to Regulus. Welcome home.” 
Before anyone could respond the doors of the hall slammed open. Silence fell, too loud in Sirius’s ears, and then footsteps. Light, graceful, the slightest thud of leather against stone. A woman’s voice spoke and a shiver ran down Sirius’s spine, dread pooling in his gut. “Dear uncle”, Bellatrix said, voice almost melodic, “why was I not informed of this… wonderful feast. The return of your son. I thought family would have a place at your table.” 
Remus heard Leo give a low curse, shoulders tensing. The feast had been relatively peaceful so Leo’s change in demeanor made him feel uneasy. His blue eyes scanned the room frantically looking for something. What that was, Remus had absolutely no idea. He heard the king speak, heard the deafening response of the gathered crowd and then the king spoke again but it was all distant to him. A whisper of nothing, because Leo had trained his eyes on the door and his hands had twitched and before Remus could ask anything he felt it. Strong, poisonous, electric, and dark. Bellatrix was in the palace. 
He leaned to the side to whisper to Lily. He didn’t get to say anything, the doors opened, slamming against the stone wall, the sound shaking the room into a deafening silence. The toxic yellow color of her magic bleeding out of her dark silver irises. The room held its breath while she talked, looking at the king, the joy he had on his face at the beginning of the evening disappearing like it had never existed. His eyes were back to the cold, sharp silver blades that had plagued the nightmares of so many for decades. “Witch”, he hissed at Bellatrix. 
The words made her laugh, though it sounded more like a cackle. Remus had to tune her out, her voice made shivers run down his spine and pins prickle at his skin, leaving his brain useless. He needed to think, come up with something to get the woman out of the Hall. Because Reg had started shaking in his seat and Sirius was staring at Remus with an almost terrified expression. He touched the tip of his fingers to Lily’s arm, let his foot knock against Leo’s, the two turned to stare at him, Lily’s eyes lingering on Bellatrix for a moment. 
Her hands balled into fists, golden flames starting to lick into the green of her eyes, magic bubbling to the surface. Remus pressed his fingers under hers, making her hands relax enough for him to hold them as tightly as he could to try and keep her grounded. The message was clear, no magic, not where they can see. 
Remus tuned back to hear the last of  Bellatrix’s words. “You sit there all high and mighty, wearing a crown that does not belong to you.” Her cheerful tone from earlier had devolved into something like a hiss, as toxic and poisonous as her. 
Remus saw the moment her eyes shifted, not the acid color of her magic, this was something different, evil. She began chanting, a string of unintelligible words spewing from her mouth in what Remus recognized as an ancient spell. Black magic taking over her eyes like bleeding ink on a page. A piercing scream tore through the hall, it came from nowhere and everywhere at the same time, leaving Remus disoriented and dazed. What happened next went by too fast for him to process. Orion fell to the ground, head banging against the table and then the stone floor making Remus wince. That was a nasty concussion that would need a lot of time to heal if the king survived. Regulus and Sirius’s eyes rolled back in their sockets and they slumped against their chairs, looking lifeless except for the weak rise and fall of their chests. 
Someone screamed and then all hell broke loose. 
The first to stand were the knights, splitting up into two groups. One half attempting to guide the distressed guest away, who were running around in a panic and the other half facing down the woman that stood at the center of the chaos, yellow eyes gleaming. Logan faced her while the other knights formed a tight circle around her. 
Finn watched as Logan faced down the woman, his green eyes sharp and measuring. A heavy feeling set in Finn’s stomach, Bellatrix’s yellow eyes sending chills down his spine. He grabbed onto Leo’s hand tightly, letting his eyes stray from Logan for a second to look at his fiancé. “Can you do something”, he didn’t bother keeping his voice down, the only people left in the hall apart from them were the knights, the royal family and his friends. 
Leo shook his head, blue eyes swimming with flecks of deep gold. Ready to sacrifice everything for Logan. “No”, he choked out, “not with so many people in the room.” 
The air around the room became agitated, swirling around Bellatrix and kicking up dirt and dust. “Slytherin’s throne will soon be mine, little knight”, she cooed, a mad glint in her gaze. “You’d be a fool to try and stop me.” A cackle spilled from her lips, making Finn shiver. “These halls will soon be painted with your blood, little knight.” She smirked, and then she was gone in nothing but a flash of dust and lightning.  
Remus was the first to move, standing and walking up the stone dais and behind the high table. He spared a glance at the princes, eyes lingering on Sirius’s slumped body, before kneeling beside the king and carefully checking his head for any major wounds. Two knights stood behind him, waiting for him to finish his examination, he nodded at them and stood up, stepping away to check on Regulus, letting the knights handle taking the king to Minerva’s chambers.
Regulus seemed to be alright, other than the magic induced sleep he was in, there was nothing that pointed to a bigger problem, but Remus wasn’t a healer and magic tended to go deep below the surface where no eye could see. He looked around the hall until his eyes met Leo’s and motioned for him to come over. The hall had been emptied after the king got carried out, the only people left were his friends and Pascal, who looked at Logan with worried eyes. 
Leo walked up to Remus. “Want me to check them over?” Remus nodded, shooting him a thankful look. Leo smiled back, gold starting to bleed into his blue irises and got to work. 
Finn held Logan close to his chest, the shorter man shaking and gripping onto Finn’s red shirt like a lifeline. Bellatrix’s words seemed to echo around the room, Slytherin’s throne will soon be mine, little knight. She was planning something, an invasion most likely, and she was definitely getting help from the spirit. Logan took a deep breath and untangled himself from Finn’s arms. “Let’s take Reg and Sirius to Sirius’s chambers.” Away from prying ears and eyes went unsaid. What Leo had been doing was fairly innocent, if you didn’t see the gold of his eyes you’d never know he was using magic, but Logan wasn’t taking his chances. 
Leo nodded for them to help him carry Regulus. Remus went to get Sirius with Lily’s help. The group carried the princes to Sirius’s chambers in silence, a heavy feeling settling over them like a bunch of stones. The moment they entered the room the air seemed to lighten, if only a little. They wouldn’t have to hide here, they could talk and plan like they usually did. They laid the brothers down on the bed gently, letting Leo continue with whatever it was he had been doing in the hall. 
“We need to get these protection charms as soon as possible”, Remus said, breaking the silence that had settled over them back in the hall. 
Remus let his eyes stray to Sirius’s face. He looked asleep, but not peaceful. He also noticed how pale Regulus had gotten. “What’s wrong?” Leo didn’t seem to hear him, he watched Regulus’s face calmly, looking for something. Remus looked at the younger boy, pale face, gaunt cheeks, dark under eyes, pinched face, clammy skin. A nightmare. Regulus was having a nightmare, a vision maybe, and Leo was just watching him. “Leo what are you doing?” 
“For what?” 
“For the vision to be over”, Leo answered. Remus saw something like worry flickered across his blue eyes, he didn’t want to keep Reg in that nightmare, he just didn’t have a choice. 
Regulus’s eyes flew open, a harsh gasp falling from his lips. He sat up, looking around the room frantically, breathing heavy. Leo put a hand on his arm gently. “You’re safe.” Blue eyes studied Regulus’s carefully, watched his shoulders tense, and then relax the moment the words registered in his head. “Do you want to talk about it?” Regulus shook his head, closing his eyes tightly. “Ok”, Leo let go of his arm, moving to stand besides Sirius who was still asleep, “you don’t have to talk.” 
Leo placed his hand on Sirius’s forehead, eyes glowing gold. Sirius gave a low groan, silver eyes fluttering open. Remus was at his side in an instant, placing a hand on his shoulder. He itched to gather Sirius up in his arms, but he couldn’t, not until his boyfriend was more aware of his surroundings. The man tensed under his palm for the second it took him to realize who it was. Sirius turned to look at Remus, grey eyes tired. “What happened?” 
“Bellatrix knocked you out and then threatened the entire kingdom. So you know, the usual.” 
“Great”, he said with a tired sigh. “What now.” 
“Well I’m going to talk to June about the charms. We need them as soon as possible”, he spared a glance at Logan who was now talking with his partners. “We’re going to need help with this battle, the knights of Slytherin know nothing about fighting magic users.” 
“I can go back to Ravenclaw to look for James”, Lily said, “maybe Thomas is with him.” 
Remus nodded, giving her a small grateful smile. “Finn”, he looked at the redhead, “do you think Alex can come?” 
“Sure”, Finn shrugged, “he’s always looking for an excuse to get into a fight.” 
Leo whispered something to Logan, a question apparently since the shorter man nodded in response. Remus decided he would ask later, when they had a more solid plan of action. Remus felt Sirius’s arm wrap around his waist, his head settling against Remus’s hip. “How long do you think we have, before she comes back I mean.” 
“As far as we know she’s working alone at the moment”, Lily answered, “Spirits can only do so much, fighting a whole army on her own would be stupid on her part.” 
“So we would have some time to form a plan and get backup?” Sirius frowned slightly, this felt a little too easy. He thought back to earlier that week, when they had rescued his brother. Getting into the house hadn’t been exactly simple, but getting out had. Bellatrix hadn’t been lying on the ground when they left the estate, that had left Sirius feeling uneasy. “Does anyone else feel like this is too simple?” 
“Definitely”, Logan answered, “she’s planning something else. Slytherin’s throne will soon be mine”, he said, repeating Lestrange’s words, “she doesn’t just want the throne. She wants the royal family dead.” 
“What about the other thing she said?” 
Leo answered Lily’s question, a somber look on his face. “These halls will soon be painted with your blood.” 
Lily thought about it. It had sounded like a threat to Logan, but maybe—. “What she said, it was a promise.” 
“Of what?” 
Lily looked at Logan. “She’s going to destroy Slytherin, everything that Orion built. This kingdom was built on blood and war, she’s going to take it all down. Starting by erasing Orion and his bloodline.” 
“She wants to build a safe haven for all magic kind”, Remus added, “but she’s doing it wrong.” 
Leo hugged Logan from behind when he noticed the other man tense at Remus’s words. Leo had almost forgotten that just a few weeks prior Logan had been a part of the problem, it seems Logan hadn’t. The thought made Leo’s chest ache. “As much as we want Slytherin to be safe for us, this isn’t the way to do it”. Leo heard Logan exhale shakily at his words. “You can’t fix something by doing the same thing that ruined it in the first place.” 
“Leo’s right”, Remus said, running his finger soothingly through Sirius’s dark hair, “she can’t just take over and expect all of the people in this kingdom to accept it. Being violent is just adding wood to the fire, and killing Orion is a mistake.” 
“I never thought I’d agree with those words”, Lily said with a little humor. “I can assure you, she will kill anyone that opposes her.” 
“We can’t let that happen”, Sirius said, a determined gleam in his eyes, “we need to get everyone out. Especially the people in the lower town, she will go for them first.” 
Logan leaned back into Leo’s chest, a crease of worry in his face. “We can take them to Salazar’s fortress. It’s close to the river Godric, which solves the water problem.” 
“I can stay with them”, Regulus piped up, “I’ll be more useful there anyway.” 
Lily nodded. She walked to the door, pulling it open. “I’m going to go rest. I leave for Ravenclaw in the morning, it’s a long trip but I’ll try to be back as soon as possible.” She shot them a tired smile and left, the door closing with a loud thud behind her. 
“We should all go to sleep”, Regulus said, getting up. He stumbled slightly, regaining his balance quickly and walking to the door. “We have a long week ahead of us.” 
Everyone else followed after Regulus until the room was empty except for Sirius and Remus. Sirius scooted a little to the side to give his boyfriend space to lie down on. Remus did, wrapping his arms around Sirius when he laid his head on Remus’s chest. He gave a tired sigh, snuggling closer to his boyfriend. “I’m worried about Reg. He still won’t talk about his nightmares.” 
Remus tangled his fingers in Sirius’s hair. “Give him time, love . He’ll tell you when he’s ready.”
Sirius made a noncommittal sound. Remus could see a small crease of worry between his brows. Remus let his fingers tangle even more in Sirius’s dark curls, scratching against his scalp gently in soothing patterns. Sirius made a small tired humm, nuzzling his face into Remus’s chest. His breath evened out when he fell asleep, his shoulders relaxing, letting all the stress from the last few months bleed out of his body. Remus held him a little closer, trying to not think about Lestrange’s words or the possibility that he could lose Sirius. It didn’t work. An image appeared at the forefront of his mind, just behind his eyelids. Sirius falling to the ground, eyes unseeing, Bellatrix’s cackle resonating in his ears like a sickening melody. 
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visenyatargaryn · 3 years
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Once, she had been a wife, a mother... someone who had finally found their happily ever after. However, that all came crashing down once the bombs fell and her once beautiful life turned into ashes before her eyes. After being the only survivor from Vault 111, Evangeline made her way into what was now known as the Commonwealth with one mission in mind:
To find her son and get revenge on the bastard who murdered her husband.
With the ongoing search, Evangeline eventually found herself in one particular neighborhood where she would meet a peculiarly dressed ghoul who—unbeknownst to her, would become the one to drag her out of her ever-growing darkness and back into the light. However, will it be enough to find her son? To save him from the clutches of the Institute? Or will she forever lose the last thing that brought happiness to her?
CHAPTER ONE|| Welcome to Goodneighbor || G || 1575 words || ao3
After getting herself into trouble and barely surviving a trap set up by a band of raiders, Evangeline finds herself at the doors of Goodneighbor—a place known for its infamous reputation. However, instead of finding help... she instead finds herself in a sticky situation where one wrong word or movement could be her last.
The cold steel at her throat burned as the blade pressed harder against her skin. She felt a slight trickle of blood run down her neck from where it had nicked her.
Evangeline was pressed up against the wall of one of the older buildings that surrounded the area. Her attacker, a brute of a man who had cornered her when she entered through the gates—had taken advantage of her vulnerable state of being. Out of the corner of her eye, Evangeline saw where her shotgun now lay after he had tossed it aside, but not before butting her with the buttstock. She was sure her lip was busted as she could taste the slight trace of copper in her mouth from the impact.
“Now, I’m only gonna say this one more time,” the man growled as he held her up against the wall. “Either you hand over em’ 200 caps as I said, or things are gonna get much, much worse for ya.”
Evangeline stopped herself from laughing at such an absurd thing to say. How much worse could it possibly get for her? She was already living in a fucking nightmare. Her old life was destroyed, turned into ashes after the bombs fell. Everyone she loved and cared for was dead, all except her son Shaun—who had been taken from her. She was impossibly alone in a foreign world where everyone and everything wanted to kill her.
“Fuck you, asshole,” she snarled.
He leaned in close to her with a smile that made her skin crawl, so close that she could smell the foulness of his breath. “Heh. You outta be careful what you say, doll. You’re in no shape to fight, and maybe I’ll just drag you back in one of these here alleys and have my fun. Then I’ll take them caps once I’m done with ya.”
Disgusting pig. If she had not fucked up her leg or lost too much blood – she would have made him regret ever taking advantage of her in the first place. Instead, Evangeline could do nothing like some goddamn helpless damsel in distress because she could barely muster the strength to even put up a fight. She hated him, but more so, she hated herself. Evangeline hated herself for being so damn stupid. She hated herself for even getting into this mess. If she had not let her guard down—if only she had not played the hero. So many ifs… she realized, but it was all too late to think of what she could have changed and face what was currently happening.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, a raspy voice yelled out—melting the man’s face into a scowl.
“Whoa, let me stop you right there,” the voice ordered. The blade at Evangeline’s throat released enough to allow herself to turn her head in the direction it came from. Her breath caught as she saw what manner of creature was approaching them.
At first glance, he reminded her of those old zombie films she used to watch as a child—with melted skin that made him look like a living corpse. Most people would cower away out of fear or even disgust for merely coming across a ghoul, but Evangeline refused to do the same. She refused to see them as monsters or freaks that the people of the Commonwealth had labeled them as. To her, ghouls weren’t the stuff of nightmares that kept you awake at night—they were human… well, a more radiated version, of course, but human nonetheless. Taking a closer look, she registered the rest of his appearance. He wore a large, tricorn hat paired with a long, red coat that had seen better years. Tied around his waist, she noted was ole’ glory herself. Evangeline couldn’t help but smile at this strangely dressed ghoul.
“How many fucking times must I remind you?” the ghoul asked, with a touch of irritation in his tone. “Someone steps through that gate the first time; they are a guest. You lay off that extortion bullshit!”
The man in question spat on the ground, giving the ghoul a murderous glare. Evangeline sensed that he had no love for the ghoul—who appeared to be the one in charge of this place. However, she also saw this as an opportunity to deal with her attacker, who was currently distracted and paid her no mind. All she needed was the perfect moment to make her move.
“What d’you care? She ain’t one of us!” he snapped back.
“Doesn’t matter, Finn. What does matter is that she’s a newcomer, and we don’t treat newcomers like this now, do we?” he questioned the man, without a change of tone, but merely repeating its primary emphasis from before. “I said, let her go.”
Finn sneered at the ghoul, looking not all too pleased with the order. At first, Evangeline thought he would refuse and slice her neck open right there on the spot. However, when she felt the blade leave her bare throat, Evangeline let out a breath of relief. It appeared that Lady Luck was on her side for once, it seemed.
“You’re getting soft, Hancock,” the man who had been called Finn, stated as he turned away from her. “You keep lettin’ these outsiders walk all over us; one day there’s gonna be a new mayor.”
Evangeline noticed that he now held the knife loosely in his hand. However, she knew there was only one chance, and if she messed up… she dared not think of what would happen if that would occur. Not wasting any more time, Evangeline grabbed the knife from Finn’s loose grip and thrust the blade into Finn’s neck. She watched as he staggered forward before turning back to face her—his eyes fuming with anger.
“Shit,” Evangeline swore to herself, realizing just how much she fucked up. Before she could react, he had his meaty hands wrapped around her throat, choking the life out of her. Evangeline made a weak attempt to free herself but failed miserably. Her vision began to blur as black spots started to appear—she was going to die, Evangeline realized, and there was no one left to mourn for her.
“You fuckin’ bitch!” he snarled. “You’re gonna fuckin’ pay for that, you goddamn—"
Suddenly, his grip around her neck faltered before collapsing onto the ground in front of her, where she then saw the handle of a knife protruding from the back of his head. Looking back at where ghoul stood, whose name was Hancock, she saw that he was the one that threw it—and ultimately saving her life. Without warning, Evangeline’s legs gave out from under her as a wave of relief coursed through her. However, to keep from falling, she supported her back against the wall, sliding down instead of landing on her ass.  
She wanted to cry—to scream but refused to let the weakness overcome her. It was no secret that Evangeline sometimes wished that she should have died along with everyone else in that vault. Instead, she had been the only survivor and was left to live through the hellish nightmare she was thrust into. The pain and misery that overwhelmed her nowadays were practically unbearable, and Evangeline just wanted it all to end—to be able to feel peace once more, if only for a moment.
Hancock stepped over the body and crouched next to her, frowning. “Easy there, sister, you’re safe now. You hear me?”
Evangeline opened her mouth to say something, but no words came out. Safe. Was such a thing even possible? She didn’t know. Ever since she walked out of the vault, there was no such thing as safety. Every day she was either being shot at by raiders or being ambushed by molerats. There was never an end to all the fighting she had to endure on a daily basis. Evangeline looked over to where Finn—whose lifeless corpse now lay still on the cold, hard ground, and back over to the ghoul who had saved her life. If not for him, she would have met the same fate. The thought alone caused her to shiver.
“Here,” the ghoul said, as he took off his coat and wrapped it around her—which smelled slightly of cedarwood. Evangeline was taken back by such kindness, especially in these parts. Ever since she had come out of that vault all those weeks ago, nobody had treated her as such. It seemed that everyone was only out for themselves and cared nothing about those in need of a helping hand now and then.  
Wrapping the coat tighter around her, Evangeline had not realized how cold she was from the blood loss. To make matters worse, the pounding within her head had become agonizing, and the world seemed to spin around her. All of a sudden, Evangeline felt the sensation of being lifted up. Sure enough, the ghoul—Hancock, had her in his arms, gently but firmly holding onto her. As he carried her, she rested her head against his shoulder.
“Just relax, sister, I got ya,” Hancock said, reassuringly. While being carried, Evangeline closed her eyes as she felt the warmth radiate off of him. She knew it was crazy, but perhaps this is what safety felt like. Even if it was in the arms of a complete stranger—one who could have turned an eye when she needed help. He had saved her, though, she reminded herself, and that was something Evangeline would never forget.
“Thank you,” Evangeline murmured into his coat before being engulfed in complete darkness.
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fuckingthefictional · 5 years
Being Ada’s best friend and falling for Tommy would include.
Becoming friends with her after the boys go off to fight
Some much older lad was trying to flirt with her and Ada looked uncomfortable. So...
“Oi you stupid cunt! Can you fuck off before a bullet gets put into your head by yours truly?”
The man scarpered off after being confronted and publically humiliated
Ada recognises you from the first aid church hall thing
“Thanks for saving me back there”
“no problem us small heath girls have to stick together”
“You’re Y/N right?”
“The one and only, And you’re Ada Shelby”
The old bloke returned with some of his friends I guess not liking the idea of being humiliated by a girl
You just took the pistol from your thigh holster and aimed it at them
“Are you bloody deaf? I told you to leave, so off you fuck!”
They didn’t move so you shot the cap off of one of their heads
“I’m giving you 3 seconds you fucking bastards and not a second more.”
They fled of course
“Christ almighty i need a whiskey.”
“I know just the place.”
After that you became fast friends and became super close.
You both go to the Garrison more than you care to admit.
Ada being surprised at how well you can hold your liquor
The only time you were both pissed out of your minds was on your 18th birthday and you just ended up walking around the streets giggling and singing at the top of your lungs.
You both couldn’t look at a bottle of vodka without gagging slightly
You’re the first person who Ada properly opens up to
She talks to you about her family and boy issues she has because she feels like nobody takes her problems seriously or would be willing to listen to her
“I get so worried about my brothers. I feel like there’s a part of me missing without them here. I’m worried that they might be killed over in France.”
“They won’t.”
“Howd you know”
“Because anyone who shares blood with you, Ada Shelby, would: a) never willingly leave someone they love alone and: b) would never go down without a bloody good fight.”
You always knew what to say to make her feel better again.
You both felt like you were each other’s sisters that they never had growing up.
Like you have sleepovers all the time
“If you expect the unexpected then doesn’t that technically mean that the unexpected is expected?”
“Y/N it’s 4am go to sleep!”
One time you’d woken up a bit earlier than Ada had and you were looking at her thinking
“Damn I’m so lucky to have her as my best friend!¡”
Then she rolled over in her sleep and smacked you in the face
The first time you met Polly you nearly shit yourself
Ada has gone to the bathroom, leaving you alone at the kitchen table
“And just who might you be?”
Polly was stood at the entry way, stern, cold look on her faceface, hand by her hip ready to grab a weapon if necessary.
“I’m- um, I’m”
“Bloody hell aunt pol put the gun down, if you must know this is Y/N she saved my arse from getting raped by an old bloke.”
“Let her speak for herself Ada”
“I’m Y/N, I scared an old guy off after he tried to feel her up in a back alley.”
“ScArEd hiM ofF, you shot the cap off of his head and they bolted.”
“Why did you do that, did you think if you scared a man off then the Shelby’s owed you a favour?”
“Nope my life is just a mess and I instinctively take care of other because I don’t know how to take care of myself.”
Polly was a lot more happy to have you around after she found out about what you risked to help her niece.
It started becoming a regular occurance to have you over for dinner or a cup of tea everyday.
You just sort of walked into the Shelby house now.
“Hey- Jesus, stop screaming for fucks sake. We’ve ran out of whiskey!”
You’re an honourary Shelby girl™️
Like you would willingly help out around the house.
Whether that’s cooking breakfast, tidying Finns room, or doing the laundry.
Always being there for Ada and being her biggest support
“Y/N I’ve done something bad. Really bad.”
“Put the corpse in ice, I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
“WhaT nO?! WhY wOulD I HavE a CoRpsE?”
Obviously being close to Ada meant you got close to Finn and he became a younger brother figure.
He comes to you for advice when he’s too embarrassed to go to his aunt and sister.
This family dynamic yoooooo
You began to help the Shelby ladies to run the betting shop.
You did all the numbers and you could read and write.
You also started to teach Finn how to read.
“What does that say Finn?”
If you get that reference then ily
You’d get dating advice from Polly too.
“Remember as ladies it’s all about being A-B-C. Always-Be-Classy”
“And a little bit slutty!”
“Ada’s right be a little bit slutty too.”
You’d help Polly look after John’s children on Sundays when she went to church
They seriously love you. They call you Aunt Y/N/N and they look forward to seeing you every weekend.
When the boys come home from France they found the family dynamic had shifted
They obviously weren’t the same after the shit they went through.
But Ada, Polly and Finn we’re happier than they’d ever seen them be
They were having a family meeting around the kitchen table
And you walked into the house as you normally did. carrying groceries
And as you walked into the kitchen
“Who the fuck are you?”
The shelby lads are aiming their guns right at you, ready to blow your head off.
You just looked at Ada, rolling your eyes, “What is it with your family and trying to shoot me on site?”
“They like to shoot first and ask questions later.”
“Aye I can bloody see.”
You just walked around to the kitchen counter and plopped the bags of shopping down.
Polly casually gave you a glass of whiskey which you downed.
“I’m sorry but who the fuck is this random girl standing in the middle of our kitchen drinking our whiskey?”
“Y/N Y/L/N, pleasure to meet you- I assume your Arthur judging by the attitude you’re giving me.”
Polly and Ada full on snorted
“And you must be John, you look just like Katie. The kids have told be a lot about you.”
“All good things I should hope.”
“Shit there were meant to be good things?”
Polly and Ada crying with laughter
“Boys this Y/N, my best friend, the person who did all the numbers for the shop while you were away, John’s kids’ babysitter, Finn’s teacher and honourary Shelby girl.”
Tommy is just in awe even if he hides it
“Welcome to the family Miss Y/L/N”
“You can call me Y/N”
Sexual tension
“GEt a RoOm!”
“Shut it Arthur”
After a few weeks the boys got used to seeing you around the house more.
Whether it was you sat at the table with Finn giving him advice on his spelling.
Or cooking dinner for John’s little ones on a Sunday (which meant you usually had at least one child on your hip)
Or even just lounging on the sofa in a heap with Ada while you gossiped.
Your qualification in nursing often came handy when one of the Shelby men would turn up battered
“That fucking hurt”
“Aye- you should have thought about this before you got into a fistfight.”
Out of all the Shelby’s it was of course Tommy that took the longest to start a full conversation with you
When it happened it wasn’t under the best circumstances
You went to the pictures on a date with a guy you had fancied for ages and the guy in question was snogging someone else- leaving you in the rain for an hour
You banged on the Shelby’s door looking like an absolute mess.
And Tommy opened the door
He didn’t know what he was supposed to do
Ada was not there *cough* at Freddie’s *cough*
And the house was empty apart from Finn, John’s kids and Polly (who was putting the children to bed)
So you just pushed past Tommy who was stood in the doorway dumbfounded
At this point you were shivering from the cold rain and the tears had stopped.
“Now what’s got you knocking on our door this late ‘ey Y/N.”
“Date went wrong, fucker stood me up.”
You were downing whiskey.
Tommy as much as he didn’t want to admit it hated seeing you upset and he knew you deserved better
It took a while for you to notice that Tommy had draped a blanket around your shoulders and had lit the fire to try and get you warmed up
“Forget the fucker. He don’t deserve a gal like you.”
“Thanks Tommy.”
In the morning Polly came down the stairs to find you and Tommy curled up on the sofa together.
She lowkey rooted for yous to get together
Honestly you found yourself constantly covering for Ada saying she was staying at your house when actually she was with Freddie
Because ur a great friend
“has anyone seen our Ada today?”
“Aye she slept at mine last night and we were up most of the night so I let her sleep in.” Definitely not at Freddie’s
“Up all night, that sounds kin-OW”
“If you must know Johnny boy- we were chatting shit about people- mainly you.”
“Uncalled for.”
“Why there’s so much to talk about?”
You were always involved in covering for Ada
Because your cared about her happiness- which was heavily influenced by her love life.
But actually Ada and Polly paid close attention to your love life too with Tommy
When you Polly and Ada were sat in the kitchen having a catchup- they raised the question.
“When are you going to realise that my brother’s in love with you?”
*que tea being spat out* WHAT
Polly just rolled her eyes and smiled, “dear Y/N, its almost obvious that Thomas is falling for you.”
“What the fuck?”
I think you may have been in a constant state of shock after that.
“We broke Y/N.”
Like you couldn’t quite pinpoint when you started to fall for Tommy
But Tommy definitely remembered the time he knew he was in love with you
You were in the kitchen, with John’s youngest child on your hip- making dinner for all the kids.
While Finn was sat at the table trying to read out bits of a book you’d lended him.
Tommy was stood in the entryway watching as Finn struggled to pronounce some of the harder words and you’d just wander over and explain how to do it.
Like to Tommy family is the most important thing in his life.
You’re not blood related but you still gave up your spare time to look after John’s kids, teach Finn to read or even just comfort Ada after a fight with Freddie.
And Tommy admires you for that- you sacrificed a lot in order to care for his family.
So he’s just leant on the doorframe, cigarette between his lips, watching as you got everything ready for dinner.
And he just thought “she’s gonna be my wife and mother to my children someday”
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The Loyalty of a Bandit ~ Chapter Four.
Character Pairing: Poe Dameron/ OC charcater.
Warnings: probably mild language.
Let me know if you want to be tagged. Tag List: @jingyuhearteu​
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I woke up way too early the following morning, Lily didn’t even need me for final preparations until 10am and it was currently 7. I sighed stretching out, deciding that the best thing to do would be to get up because well there was no use staying in bed. 
I got up, showered then got dressed. Today was going to be a long day so a healthy breakfast was probably the best idea so I didn’t get sick.
I walked out of my given room, the door whooshing open loudly I made my way down to the canteen. What I wasn’t expecting was it to be as busy as it was but then again this was a rebel base, I bet it was busy 24/7 unless everyone is out on the same mission.
I decided on some toast, it would give me the energy for the day but it wasn’t heavy enough to turn my stomach. I turned to find a empty table just behind me and starting heading to it but as I was half way there I heard a familiar annoying voice calling my name. 
“This is the new girl?” Poe’s friend beamed at him from his side waving me over to sit with them.
“I think you mean hostage?” I gave Poe my best death glare and sat down opposite them. “Look if I have to spend the next two days with you, I’d rather you say what you have to say and fast so I can at least enjoy my breakfast in peace.”
He just stared at me in shook. “Oft I like her already! My names Finn by the way.” Finn leaned over the table reaching out his hand for me to shake.
I smiled at him then finally focused back on Poe who was giving Finn the sink eye. “So?” 
His eyes locked back on mine. “I was just going to wish you luck for our mission, but now that you’ve been rude to me.” He sulked.
I just narrowed my eyes at him. “You haven’t really given me any reason TO be nice to you.” 
“Look, I said I’m sorry. I saw a opportunity and I took it.” He shrugged leaning back with his arms crossed. I just rolled my eyes to distracted myself from looking at the muscles flexing in his toned arms.
“Yeah well I’m a person, not an object. You can’t just pluck me out of my life and dump me into a dangerous situation!” I stood up leaving my food on the table, suddenly I wasn’t hungry anymore. “I’ll see you on the ship.”
I stormed away deciding to just go wait with Lily, after an hour had passed it was already time to walk to the ship. I had told Lily about my outburst at breakfast to let off some steam. I just hoped Finn didn’t mind, I didn’t want him thinking that I was a hot head but then again he is friends with Poe, I have no doubts he probably pisses him off too. He seemed like a really nice guy though, shame he was friends with such an idiot.
When me and Lily reached the hanger we found the door to the ship already open, which meant Poe was already here. We walked up the ramp and into the base of the ship, it was a small ship but big enough to serve the purpose we needed it for.
“I’m going to go to the side room to get everything ready.” Lily pointed to a silver door still trying to juggle the mountain of clothes and the makeup trolley she dragged behind her. I did try to help but she refused.
“Okay, I’ll go see if Poe needs help.” I rolled my eyes and she just giggled at me.
She pointed at me the best she could. “No arguing, you need you focus for the missions sake, then when you’re back and base you can kill each other.” 
“I’ll try my best, can’t promise anything.” I saluted her and walked off to the cockpit. 
As soon as I walked in noticed him in the pilots seat, it looked like him and BB8 were setting up the controls.  I thought I had gone unnoticed so I went quietly about setting up and getting myself familiar with the ship, but then his familiar voice pierced the silence.
“I want to apologise for this morning, the way I acted.” 
I turned surprised. “ Is it just the fumes messing with my head, or did THE Poe Dameron just apologise to me?” 
He just sighed and sunk into his seat further. “I just want to go into this mission with a good vibe between us okay.” 
“Okay.” I walked closer to him and shook his hand, BB8 from the side of me started beeping happily. We both turned to him laughing. “But I still don’t forgive you for kidnapping me, It’s going to take more than an apology and a handshake to make up for that.”
I released his hand just as BB8 made a sad whirling noise and slid his little head down. I knelt down so I was face level with the droid. “Don’t worry pipsqueak, I could never be mad at you.” He made a high pitched whirl when I kissed him on top of his head.
Chuckling to myself at how adorable he was I stood up to get ready for take off. Poe just scoffed behind me. “Hey buddy! Remember who’s side your on!” I heard him whisper which made me chuckle even more.
About an hour into the journey I had made my way to the co-pilot’s seat, not one of us had spoken a single word but it wasn’t awkward at all. Even though I disliked the person sitting next to me I felt oddly comfortable in his presence, that didn’t mean that I’d ever forgive him though. 
“Solar, It’s time to get ready.” I turned to see Lily standing in the doorway smiling at me. 
I sighed. “I’ll see you on the other side Dameron.” 
He turned in his chair smirking at me as I began to walk to the door. “When we land I’ll be going straight in as you won’t be ready so just come in the front entrance when you’re ready.” 
“Ay Ay captain.” I shouted as I turned the corner.
About half an hour later just as Lily had done setting my hair we felt the ship touch down and the engines go quiet. I took a deep breath trying to keep myself calm.
She grabbed my shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “You’re going to be fine, he might be an ass but he is kind of a badass.” She shrugged her shoulders, I just laughed at her. “ He’ll keep you safe, no doubt about it.” 
With that I got up and headed to the little room at the side to put my dress on, when I came out Lily was staring at me with wide eyes. 
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“What? Is it that bad?” I turned quickly to look at myself in the mirror.  “It’s stunning.” Lily whispered.
“Wow, I’ve never seen myself like this.” I spun in the mirror, genuinely smiling for once.
“You’re going to knock Poe’s socks off!” Lily said excitedly. 
I spun around so fast that I nearly tripped in my heels. “Shit! Poe, I’m late!” I started rushing out the door, but before I could forget I stuck my head back around the door and thanked Lily for the help. Blowing her a kiss as I scurried off again.
As carefully as I could in my heels I made my way down the hatch to the bay and straight to the main entrance, I could hear the music from inside and the cheery voices most likely from drunk patrons fooling around.  Both doors opened wide, once I stepped foot over the thresh hold I knew this was it. I’d have to be calm and collected now, I had to put on my best game face.
Everyone I passed stared at me, I don’t know if it was my immaculate appearance or that I was just a new face in a circle where everyone knew everyone.  When I rounded the corner I spotted Poe, He was leaning against the bar. He wore smart suit pants, a tight white button up with a bow tie, but in true Poe fashion instead of a suit jacket he wore a styled black leather jacket. 
I started walking towards him when he looked up from the person he was in conversation with, as soon as are eyes locked I froze in place. It was like we were seeing each other for the first time, it was mesmerising.
He placed his glass on the bar behind him, never breaking eye contact with me and started to walk forward. Suddenly all I could see in front of my face was a black moustache that was curled up at both ends, I let out a breath I didn’t even know I was holding and looked up. A oldish man was staring down at me. 
“What is a pretty young thing like you doing standing here alone?” My stomach churned, I took a step back to make some space between us.
I stepped to the side a little, just to make sure I could still see Poe who had gone back to leaning against the bar. He was burning holes into the back of the man in front of me. “I’m not alone.” 
He must have caught my stare over his shoulder, curiosity got the best of him and he turned to see Poe staring. “He’s handsome, I’ll give him that.” he turned back around and grabbed my hand. “But he looks poor, but I’m rich so I think I win sweetheart.” 
I looked back over to Poe to ground myself, looking up I saw him making the signal to me that this was our guy.  I groaned in my mind, this creep that was already touching me was our mark.
“Well lucky me you were the first person that I bumped into.” I gave him a sweetening smile that made even me feel sick. 
“Shall we?” He said pointing to a dark booth in the corner.
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Sunshine | Reylo
ao3 link
a/n: I really love AU reylo sue me okay? requests are open!!
warnings: fluff, BAND AU, Soulmate AU
Rey sat in the middle of her physics lecture, listening to her professor drone on and on about a topic she'd learned in high school. Beside her, Rose was scribbling words onto her arm. After each word she'd wait a moment until more appeared on her opposite arm. It was her soulmate. Rey rolled her eyes at the girl as she giggled silently at something Finn had said. They'd been writing each other since they first turned 18. Rose and Finn were madly in love and it made Rey want to barf, just the thought of it made her gag. Sure she was happy that her best friend was in love, but the thought of writing endless love notes on her body never appealed to her.
Typically, when people turned 18 the first thing they did was write on their skin- to see if they'd get a response. Just about everyone had a soulmate, but there were the few rare occasions that someone was born without their other half designated by the stars. Rey never wrote on her skin because everyone left her. She didn't want to be reliant on someone's handwriting. She wanted to be her. Luckily, she never got some type of declaration of love and she was fine with that. Nobody could leave her if they didn't reach out. That was her philosophy in life.
She'd always been very careful not to write anything on her skin, for fear of a response. Anytime she accidentally got marker on her hands called for an immediate trip to the bathroom to scrub the ink from her skin. As soon as the lecture ended, Rose and Rey walked to the local coffee shop on campus, their daily routine in order to study. Rose claimed them a spot in a booth away from the door while Rey went to stand in line to order their coffee and tea.
Kylo Ren was about to lose his mind, or commit a felony. It was only the second week of the First Order tour for his band Knights of Ren, and he was contemplating if it would be worth looking for another bassist if Hux didn't just shut the fuck up. Seriously, the pale red head was way too loud on their cramped tour bus. Phasma gave him a glare before shaking her head. "It's not worth it." She had told him. "It might be if it gets us some peace and quiet." He grumbled throwing one of Hux's own drumsticks at his head. The red head grumbled. "I fear for whoever has you as their soulmate." Hux scoffed rubbing the back of his head tenderly. "And I mourn for Phasma, considering her's will be dead in a matter of seconds." Kylo snapped angrily. Hux knew soulmate's where a tough topic with Kylo, yet he brought them up at every single god damn opportunity he had.
Kylo didn't mind not having a soulmate. Well, he didn't know if he did, they never reached out and he had no desire to himself. He just tended to assume that he didn't have one. His parents were soulmates, but they seemed to be pretty bad parents. His nights as a child were spent listening to his parents fight thinking he couldn't hear them. Maybe they were in love before him, that was a good bet but growing up they seemed to hate each other.
"Ha, yeah right Ren." Hux said throwing a marker at Kylo. Catching it, he looked around for a piece of paper. Once he couldn't find it he decided his skin worked best, somewhat forgetting that it wouldn't just appear on his own. "Yeah, look it's on my to do list." Kylo said showing his wrist.
To Do
1. Murder Hux
Rey returned with her tea and Rose's coffee. She handed the cup to Rose whose eyes suddenly widened.
"Uh Rey, have you talked to your soulmate lately?" Rose asked cautiously, knowing the subject was touchy for the young adult.
"Jesus Rose, you know I've never spoken to them in my life and have no desire to." Rey said with a scoff sitting down in the booth directly parallel to her. "Well, um you might wanna look at your wrist?" Rose squeaked and Rey's eyes snapped to her wrist where a simple to do list was written out.
1. Murder Hux
"Oh my god." Rey said almost spitting her tea out. "I didn't write that"
"Yeah no shit! What kind of name is Hux!" Rose almost yelled. "You gotta write back man."
"Hand me a marker." Rey said shocking herself. All of this defiance of not writing her soulmate and for what? To give that up the moment they wrote her? Rose quickly scrambled for the pen she used to write Finn all the time. Once in her hands, Rey wrote out a simple question. "God, I hope they're not a psychopath."
Does this mean I'm an accessory to murder?
Rey waited a moment, her heart rate had accelerated. She'd never done this before. It was a foreign feeling like no other. Talking to her soulmate. The thought even felt weird, nonetheless when the words appeared on her skin this time, she felt a tingle. Maybe it was because she was consciously focusing on the words, who knows.
So you do exist came the mysterious reply. Rey laughed rolling her eyes as she scribbled on her arm again. Maybe she could understand the appeal to it now.
You never answered my question. Rey replied, dodging how her soulmate knew of her negligence to reach out. But technically the blame could go two ways.
No, I'm just threatening my Bandmate. He's annoying.
Rey let out a hearty laugh, as if that made sense. Rose watched on in awe, still completely shocked at what was happening.
Kylo was surprised when a response showed up, he'd completely forgot about the chances that someone out there was made specifically for him. He felt like he didn't deserve a soulmate. The fates decided otherwise. Maybe he was worthy of someone.
You're in a band? They asked and he felt the tips of his ears growing red. What if this person was an obsessed super fan? He felt narcissistic even thinking that, but it wasn't rare that people drew the same words on their arms thinking he'd be stupid enough to believe them. He hesitated answering, almost scared it would be someone who knew him.
We're actually on tour currently he wrote. Plenty of bands were on tour, surely whoever they were wouldn't single his out.
Anything I might know? The words appeared on his skin. Surely whoever it was had to know who they were. They'd been on every radio station, youtube interview, and all over social media. They blew up pretty much overnight, and went from playing in small venues barely selling tickets to sold out concerts at arena's.
It's an Emo/Alternative band, nothing too special. His arm was covered in writing at this point, he was receiving strange glances from Phasma who, thankfully had managed to keep Hux quiet.
My roommate is super into that stuff, always dragging me to shows with her whenever they come to town.
"Let's go pretty boy, rehearsal in 10." Hux said calling to him. He hadn't even realized when the bus stopped moving.
"Be right there." Kylo said looking back down at his arm. Hux only scoffed and walked away from the scene, as if he hadn't been this enamored the first time him and Phasma made contact in high school.
Sorry to cut this short, but I have rehearsal he wrote apologetically. He genuinely did want to stay here and talk to the stranger all night if he could. And I have a show tonight
Oh no worries, I have an exam to study for. Break a leg :) For the first time in ages, a genuine smile crossed Kylo's face. That was a rare occurrence, and a complete stranger managed to make it happen.
Thanks :)
___ The two chatted over the next two months, growing closer. He told her about concerts, groupie's, and of course Hux and his never ending mission of annoying Kylo. She told him about her exams, her classes, how much she worked because she was stressed about money. He always offered to help her, but every time she declined, telling him that she needed to work for it herself.
He admired her for that, but let her know that if she ever needed help, he'd find a way. She still didn't know the name of his band, and he didn't mind that. She knew him as Ben. Something to differ her from the rest of crazy fans. As he was thinking about her, he felt the familiar tingle on his skin.
Today's been absolutely horrible. He frowned at that. Every once and while, she had bad days but his were more common. Knowing she felt bad made him want to destroy whoever made her feel that way.
What happened sunshine? He asked her awaiting the response. Slowly each word showed up, and when the ink smudged almost like someone was wiping it away in certain places he could tell she was crying, it smeared the ink.
I went to turn in my paper, only my computer crashed and i lost everything so I wrote a horrible paper just to meet the deadline, and then someone stole my wallet at the coffee shop so I have to get a new card and then a bird pooped on my backpack, and it's just not a great day.
Hey don't cry sunshine. He wrote the words down quickly, his heart physically aching at the thought of her crying. Kylo wanted to hold her and never let go. Unfortunately, being soulmates didn't mean you could find one another physically quickly. Another thing was that any attempt at getting a phone number or basically anything other than a first name was off limits. It just meant, there was someone out there made especially for you. Everything is going to be okay, you're strong, your paper is amazing, and you can wash your backpack.
I wish you were here love Kylo's heart fluttered at the words.
Me too, sunshine He wanted more than anything to be there. To finally know what the girl he loved looked like. To hold her in his arms, and keep her to himself. Enough about the bad, what's good that's happening soon for you?
They did this a lot when one of them had a bad day. It tended to help and get their minds off of whatever was feeling wrong to them. Typically, Rey was always the happy one who was making Kylo feel better.
Rose is dragging me to a concert this weekend that she won tickets for, I don't know who but they're always fun. He smiled at that. For some reason, Rey was always letting her roommate drag her everywhere but she always had fun doing whatever Rose's plan was for the week. He was thankful for the girl because from what he could tell, Rose always looked after Rey well.
That will be fun, try not to fall for any of the band members ;) He laughed at his own joke, startling Phasma.
"Talking to your girl again?" She asked looking up from her book. "Yeah," Kylo said smiling. "I want to write a new song, for our next show."
"About her?" Phasma said cocking a blonde eyebrow. "Fan's will certainly love that."
"They all know they never had a chance anyways." Kylo said rolling his eyes.
"Tell them that." She spoke flipping a page in her book. "But I like the idea."
That Saturday night, Rey stood in front of her mirror looking over her outfit with uncertainty. The green overall dress and black shirt she wore under it were out of her comfort zone, but she knew she didn't want to stick out like a sore thumb if she wore something else. She borrowed some of Rose's boots that were always for these concerts they went to. They were hard would prevent her feet from getting smashed when they were at the barricade.
She tucked a pen into her pocket, just in case,  she had told herself. That was a lie, she always wanted to talk to Ben. Suddenly she felt the familiar tingle, looking down at her wrists Ben's handwriting appeared.
Be safe tonight sunshine <3.
Always am love <3.
The crowd for Knights of Ren was dense. Their first album had been what got them on to the top 100 charts. Rose made Rey listen to them on the ride over, and Rey completely understood why. The lead singers voice was one of an absolute angel. The bassist was pretty amazing too. Somehow, they'd manage to get tickets about 3 rows away from the right side of the stage.
Rose squealed from beside her. "Dude this is going to be so amazing!"
Suddenly the lights went down, suggesting the concert was about to begin. Kylo Ren was absolutely gorgeous and she could tell he loved being on stage. After playing through the entire album Kylo spoke into the mic for a little bit.
"Okay, so I actually have a surprise for you guys here." He spoke, his deep voice traveling through the arena. "We're playing a new song, one I wrote very recently, for someone very special. This is Sunshine."
He nodded at Phasma who began to strum the first couple cords. Rey listened to the song carefully. It was really beautiful, and one of the best songs she'd ever heard of.
The words appeared on my skin
you said baby i've had a bad day
and I told you
Sunshine don't cry
I'm only a couple thousand miles away,
and love, you wish I was there
but I'm right here in your heart
always there to chase the rain away.
Sunshine, don't cry.
Rey's eyes widened. Remembering the conversation she had with Ben meerly days ago. One of the first things he told her was that he was in an alternative band. She scrambled for her pen in her pocket looking at Kylo with certainty before writing on her arm.
I'm right here
As he finished the first chorus, he felt the tingle. Subtly, he looked down towards his wrist where the words appeared. Frantically, he looked up searching the crowd, his leather gloves with the fingers cut off clutching the mic tightly.
She noticed his eyes searching the crowd as soon as he looked at his wrist. The same one she had wrote on. His eyes screamed one question Where? Quickly, she wrote down her location within the crowd.
My right, third row.
Despite there being thousands of people in that arena and the crying girls throughout the entire row her and Rose were in, she locked eyes with Kylo, well to her he was Ben, immediately. His eyes widened, almost in disbelief before he hopped off the stage, walking straight towards the barricade. Rey found herself pushing through the crowd of screaming girls to reach for him, Rose following hesitantly behind her. When they finally were face to face, he let the last line of the song fade away before speaking quietly, away from the mic.
"Sunshine" He spoke, making her heart burst into flames. For the past two months, she'd been imagining his voice saying his name for her. Finally, here they were. Staring at each other face-to-face in a crowd of thousands of people.
"Ben." She whispered and he put a large hand to her face cradling her cheek.
"It's you."
"Yeah, it's me love." With those words she kissed him deeply and lovingly. His arm came to the small of her back, holding her against the barricade as close as he could get her. Her hands held the back of his neck softly, but hungrily. He was finally in her arms and she never wanted to let go. Suddenly, the sound of fans screaming excitedly broke them from each others trance.
He turned to Rose quickly. "I owe you so much for bringing her here. Anything you want."
"Name your firstborn after me." Rose said in her typical fashion but also getting over the shock of what was happening.
"Sure, anything." Ben said before looking back to the crowd awaiting him. "I'm bringing you backstage, wait for me to finish?"
"Of course." Rey spoke grabbing his hand gently. Ben nodded towards security and then towards Rey before lifting her over the barricade and pressing his lips firmly against hers once more.
"I'll see you soon, Sunshine."
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anime-alyssa · 4 years
princess alderaan - pt 2
one | two | three | four
tag-list: @ihavefailedyouanakin , @bitch-imma-head-out , @ravngers , @xxsirensong , @benskywsolo , @theroyalbrownbarbie
also on ao3.
“Just…don’t do anything stupid” “I’ll try but I can’t guarantee anything”
Leia had not stopped bragging to you for weeks about how she was right and how she knew you and Poe would be good together. She told you about how she threatened demotion, Chewie told you about how he threatened to rip his arm out of his socket (Poe didn't understand Wookiese, so you had to translate that for him, with laughter), and despite at least those threats (you also knew he definitely got more from other people, like Rey at least) he stuck around. He stole kisses from you in the corner of the Command Center, behind his X-Wing, and outside of your quarters.
You took late-night walks with him through the jungle almost every night. He told you about his life - his parents, his 'rebellious' phase after his mother passed and his job as a Spice Runner before going into the Resistance. You told him about growing up with Ben, the trouble the two of you would get into that drove your mother absolutely mad, and then living with your dad as a teenager on the Falcon and smuggling together.
Despite how the Resistance felt about your brother (the ones who knew what happened to him, that is), Poe let you talk about him endlessly. Which you were thankful for, because your mother got depressed whenever you talked about Ben or brought him up and you didn't think anyone else would care. But Poe did. He laughed at your antics and when you told him the story of when you two almost crashed the Falcon trying to get it to just lift off, resulting in two weeks worth of chores on the ship from your father as punishment. He really got a kick out of that one.
"I was 10 and he was 14 - he should have known better but how was I supposed to know better?" you said in your defense.
"Best pilot in the galaxy, huh?" he replied to you with a smirk, wrapping his arms around your waist in the moonlight. Poe didn't give you a chance to fight back because his lips were on yours in a matter of seconds. Every time you kissed, you felt butterflies in your stomach and felt sparks on your lips. He was a pain in the ass but he absolutely swept you off your feet, and you weren't complaining. His hand always found its way to your hair, gently knotting itself there as yours found the back of his neck, attempts to bring you two closer than before. You ended up flush against each others bodies - as flush as you could get with clothes on.
You and Poe had discussed taking things slow. You had never really dated before - who would even dare try to go near you with Han Solo and a Wookie for body guards in your teens - and Poe was just really trying to not screw things up. You only just got past the touching each other territory and exploring each others bodies in the darkened room of his quarters, and while he may seem like the type who would want to immediately move things to third base, he was ever so gentle with you and refused to do anything to you that you weren't comfortable with.
He made you incredibly happy, anybody with eyes could see that. And you did the same to him.
Currently, the two of you were laying on his bed, you in one of his shirts and him in just his boxers, dreading getting up for the morning. His arms were around your waist and his head was buried into your neck, sound asleep. You woke before him most mornings like these, knowing that you had to get back to your quarters with your mother to change and get ready. However, he didn't make it easy for you. The second you moved he would hold you tighter, grumbling about how you didn't have to leave so early.
"Only one of us can be late for the meeting, and it's not going to be me." you whispered to him after he finishing complaining. He let out a tired laugh as he rolled onto his back, bringing you on top of him. You softly kissed him, using this as your means for escape. He complained as you threw on your pants and your own shirt instead of his, getting ready to depart his quarters.
"One of these days, you're not going to need to leave to get ready." he said tiredly to you, slowly trudging himself out of bed to say goodbye until later. He wrapped his bare arms around you and kissed you again. "I'll see you later, babe."
"Counting on it. Don't be late!" you said, scolding him as you walked out the door. You heard him huff with laughter as you shut it behind you, making your way over to your quarters and walking in quietly, in an attempt to not disturb your mother if she was still sleeping.
"Why don't you just leave clothes at Dameron's quarters? You already sleep there almost every night." your mother asked you as you walked in. Of course, you couldn't get lucky and have her be sleeping. That would just be the kind of luck that you knew you didn't have.
"I don't sleep there that often." you mumbled, going into your bedroom to use your refresher and get ready. Leia scoffed, walking out the door and leaving you to get ready. Deep down, you knew she was right. You should just leave some stuff at his place, but your inner anxiety told you that doing that would be to much of a commitment between you two. You knew that you liked Poe a lot, but you hadn't even told each other that you loved each other.
Did you love him? Probably. But did he love you? You didn't know. A relationship was uncharted territory for the two of you. You knew that you had never felt feelings this strong for anyone else in your life.
Those were things you would have to figure out at another time. For now, you needed to finish getting ready to go to a meeting with your mother and the rest of the base. You slipped into some fresh clothes quickly, brushing your hair out as you went and putting it in a low, lazy braid before walking out the door. You realized you were probably going to be late as you walked out the door, knowing that you'd probably hear it from Poe as you arrived. Sure enough, he shot a smirk your way as you went and stood by him.
"Only one of us can be late, huh?" he said to you. You shushed him as Leia looked at you narrowly, beginning the meeting.
"As many of you know, not only are we low on supplies but our spy in the First Order has recently contacted us. They claim to have some information on the rumored return of Emperor Palpatine. I know we haven't heard any of this ourselves through our radios, but we need to take any crumb we can get on this matter." Leia said to the group. You sighed next to Poe, almost forgetting about the Palpatine rumors all together. He placed a hand on your back and spoke up to the group.
"General, I volunteer myself for this mission. Let me, Finn and Rey get the supplies and the information. As long as we have the drop points and coordinates, we will be fine." Poe said to her.
"And what ship do you intend to use for that?" she asked him. You felt Poe stiffen next to you, and you immediately knew that he was going to ask. Chewie made a low growl from behind you, signaling that he knew too.
"With General Solo's permission... the Falcon." he said slowly. Chewbacca put a paw on your shoulder and Finn looked at you from next to Rey and Rose, as did your mother. Sighing, you spoke up.
"Only if I'm allowed on the mission and Chewbacca and I fly." you proposed. Chewbacca growled out that it was a fair deal, Poe sighing next to you now.
"General Solo can go on the mission with you, and she pilots, Chewbacca co-pilots. Rey stays with me for training. You'll use R2 to save the transmission data, so he'll go as well." Leia said back to you. You nodded, as did Poe and Finn. Chewbacca roared that he would go get the ship ready for take off as the meeting concluded. You were just about to follow Chewbacca when your mother snatched your arm. "Be careful. And you - just.... don't do anything stupid." she said to you, directing her last statement to Poe.
"I'll try, but I can't guarantee anything." Poe said back to her. She slapped his arm and looked back at you.
"He meant to say yes." you said as you lead Poe away from her, Finn following behind.
"General, are you sure you're okay with coming?" Finn asked you.
"Yes, Finn. If I wasn't, I wouldn't have volunteered to come in the first place. Plus, I'm not letting Poe ruining my father's ship again." you said, walking onto the Falcon.
"I mess up the hyperdrive one time..." he mumbled as you made your way to the pilots seat. Poe slid into the seat behind you and Finn on the opposite behind Chewie. R2 beeped in encouragement from behind all of you, locking himself down as to not move. You plugged the coordinates in and with shaky hands, began to take off. You lifted off from the planet quickly, seeing the ground get smaller below you until eventually, you were in the stars and could see the planet below you.
"Prepare to make the jump. Strap in, boys. Lock down, R2." you said to them. Chewbacca gave you a roar of acknowledgment as you pulled down the lever to jump into hyperspace. The Falcon soared into it, leaving you a moment to catch your breath. Chewbacca called you out for your nervousness, and in this moment you were thankful neither could understand him. "I am not! Be quiet you." you scolded back to him. Poe and Finn looked between the two of you curiously - but said nothing to try and guess what was going on. "When we arrive, Finn and Chewie will get the supplies onto the ship while Poe opens up the top hatch to get the information from the spy loaded onto R2. I'll stay over here so incase we need to make a quick getaway, we can." you told them. Everyone seemed to agree, which made you feel better as you jumped out of hyperspace.
The second you did though, your heart dropped.
"Shit - cloak the ship now!" you cursed upon seeing a few TIE fighters in the area. Chewbacca roared as he did so and you sped up, buzzing past them. "Okay, we may need to make this quicker than we thought." you said to them.
"Chewie, go with Finn to the back and get ready for the supplies, I'll take over!" Poe said to him. Chewbacca looked at you for approval and when you nodded, he did as Poe said. "This isn't going to be easy, babe." he said to you.
"I know it isn't." you told him back, going in for your landing and lowering the ramp, also opening the top hatch in the process. "Get that information!" you told him. He nodded as he stood up, running with R2 following him to get the information from the spy. You were on edge, nerves kicking in as you just had a feeling that this wasn't going to go well, like Poe said. "Hurry up!" you shouted back to them. Chewbacca and Finn were back on the Falcon, ramp now sealed and waiting on Poe.
"It's almost there!" Poe shouted back. In the distance, you could hear TIE fighters closing in. "Got it! Close the hatch and punch it!" He shouted. Chewbacca closed the hatch as you hauled ass away from the location, TIEs now following you from behind.
"Finn get on that gun!" you shouted.
"Copy that, General!" he shouted back, running to the gun. Moments later he started to shoot as Poe made his way back to the cockpit, sitting behind you and Chewbacca.
"They're tracking us, you can't make the jump without them following." Poe said to you.
"No kidding?!" you practically shouted back.
"I can get them off our trail, but you might not like it..." he said to you. Chewbacca protested immediately as you took a quick moment to think. "Trust me." he said. Reluctantly, you gave up your seat in the pilot's chair and Poe took over.
"R2, lock down!" you shouted back to the astromech. He beeped in response as you heard him do so, strapping yourself in, nervous for what was to come.
"Strap in everyone, the only way to get them off our trail is to lightspeed skip!" Poe said.
"What?!" you nearly shouted at him. Before you could protest he already had made the first jump. You were thrown back in your seat as they escaped the first jump, flying through god-knows-where.
"They're still on us, Poe!" Finn shouted from the gunner.
"I know! Just trust me, we'll be fine!" Poe shouted back to him. He got ready to make another jump, but not before the ship ran alongside a cliff.
"Poe!" you yelled to him. You were ignored as you entered yet another world, TIEs still following you even as you made it out. You were fuming at him right now. Even if he was correct about this being the only way to get the TIEs off their tale, he was practically ruining the Falcon. You were thrown back into your seat as you made one last jump, through some sort of creature, and you were back in your normal system.
"They're gone." Finn said, running back up from the guns. You sighed with relief, desperate to get home. Poe turned to you with a small smirk after he landed the ship on the ground.
"Told you we'd be fine." he said to you.
"Yeah, at what cost to my father's ship?" you said to him, getting up and running outside to see the damage. Your heart sunk when you saw the outside of the ship was on fire, thankfully already being put out by some droids. In the corner of your eye you saw your mother and Rey, sad look on both their faces.
"Baby..." he said, reaching out to you. You turned on your heel and made way for your mother, tears in your eyes. He stayed behind and watched you go this time.
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It’s a Grey Area
Chapter 2:
A/N: ‘Italics’ are thoughts. Warnings? Swear word or two?? Skywalker bashing. OC’s not a fan. Its a bit sad? Talk of parents dying, if thats a warning??
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Gif is from @gif-hunts-for-you​ bless you for your Jessica Lowndes gif sets
It took another 3 hours to finish sorting and doing the inventory, after which Blix sent Amber and Bre on home. There were not many patients in the Med Bay currently, so the night rounds would be quick. Blix was finishing up some paperwork, when she heard someone sigh quietly, near the door. She looked up to see who came in.
“Ben? Come in. What’s-“ Blix began to ask, before noticing the blood dripping from his arm. “Come here. Let me see.” She held out her hands.
He stepped forward and mumbled, “It’s not a big deal, it’s just annoying.”
“Uh huh. Let me be the judge of that,” She stated as she gently rolled up his sleeve. There was a large scrape running along his forearm, that was slowly bleeding and covered in dirt.
“How did this happen?” She asked as she examined it to see how deep it went.
“Luke. Training. He threw me into some trees,” He murmured.
She sighed deeply and began to disinfect it with some pads, before spraying it with Bacta. As she worked, she felt a prod in her mind. Like something was trying to break through her mental barriers.
“Ben, you are lurking without a permit. Get out of my head,” She lightly admonished not looking up at him.
“My apologies. Force of habit,” He replied.
“Mh. One that you need to get rid of. You want to get to know someone, try talking to them. Ask questions. That sort of thing. No one likes their minds being probed, and if you ever did that to Commander Dameron again, no one would stop him from beating your face in,” She remarked as she finally turned to look at him.
“Noted. There’s a lot of mystery surrounding you doctor. No one seems to know your background, nor do you seem to interact with anyone beyond your work. Why is that?” He questioned starring at her intensely, curiosity shining.
“I am not here to make friends. I am here to heal. That’s it. May I give you some advice though, in relation to this?” she gestured to his nearly healed arm. “Just because Luke is your uncle, and sort of your teacher, doesn’t mean you have to constantly take his beatings. I’ve seen your powers. You are strong. Don’t let him get away with this shit, just because you feel like you need to be punished for crimes that you have made amends for with your mother. Forgive yourself and take a damn stand. I didn’t take you for a coward nor do I see a child. An ass, maybe, but not a quitter.”
His face showed no emotion, though his eyes showed some surprise. His only response was to simply pull his arm from her grasp before walking out without another word.
Blix sighed as she cleaned up the mess and then made her way back to her room, her shift over for now. Her room was simplistic, a bed in the center of the room, a small kitchen to the right, refresher, and closet to the left. She had a small desk to work at; books, journals, and scrolls lying everywhere.
She quietly showered and changed into some sweats and a shirt. She thought about making herself something to eat but didn’t have the energy to do so. She laid in bed, starring at the ceiling, wondering to herself, ‘Why did I agree to come here? What exactly is my purpose?’
She thought she knew when she went to med school. Help people, no matter who they are or where they come from and heal them. Now, that purpose, while still important, was fading slowly; an emptiness began to fill her chest and mind. A hole that she pondered over late into the hours, which usually only led to her sleeping for a spell.
She’s not quite sure when she fell asleep, she just knows when she woke up it was about 6am and someone was knocking on her door. She stands up, exhausted to the core, but growing annoyed with constant knocking.
“I’m coming!” She yelled as she walked/wobbled over to the door.
She flings it open to see an officer standing there. “Yes? What is it?”
“The General requests to see you in the Command Center, Dr. Blix,” He informed. “I am to escort you once you are dressed.”
“Joy. Give me like 5 minutes,” Blix replied sarcastically. She closed the door and turned around to go get some get some clothes on. She pulled on some black cargo pants, and a green shirt followed by a long grey cardigan. She threw on some socks and her boots and grabbed her keycard on her way out.
She reopened the door and stepped out with a sigh. The officer then proceeded to lead her to the command center, never once saying another word to her.
As she stepped up to the center, she saw General Organa, Luke stood off to the side with Rey & Ben, and Poe nearby with Finn & Chewy. She heard a small beep and felt a bump to her leg. She looked down to see a familiar orange and white droid who began to beep happily at her attention.
“Hello Beebee. I’m good, how are you?” She quietly asked him, as she gave his head a pat, a small smile on her face. He began to beep his response when a voice cleared their throat loudly stopping it. Her smile froze and quickly disappeared as she straightened up and gave her attention to Leia.  
“I am sorry to have awaken you so early doctor, but it has come to my attention that you have never been on a field mission before. Which I found strange when I first heard of it and had to confirm it myself. That changes today,” Leia informed her.
“Come to your attention, you say?” She repeated as she turned her head slowly to Poe, anger and betrayal laced her features, as she glared at him. He had the decency to flinch and look away, as he shuffled behind Finn to avoid her gaze.
“Listen. General. I am a doctor. Not a soldier, a fighter, or a pilot. I am a doctor; I belong in the med bay not out galivanting across the universe. So, you can take whatever mission you are about to shove into my arms, elsewhere. I am not doing it,” She declared and turned away, intending to leave.
“Blix,” Came Admiral Holdo’s voice.
She growled and turned around swiftly, and angrily answered, “Yes Amilyn? What? Let me guess. You once again want to bring up how ‘my parents wouldn’t have approved of my behaviors.’ How if they were alive, they ‘would have been disappointed with how I am reacting’ and that I ‘need to respect my superiors, especially one as admired as her?’ Right?”
Before Holdo could even answer, Blix continued, “Newsflash. They are dead. My father died long before I was even born, on a planet that was blown to smithereens by the Deathstar. My mother died long before I even turned 10.”
Many in the room shifted uncomfortably at this information and Leia stepped forward cautiously, and interjected, “I understand that you have lost a lot in this war, but so have others. I empathize with your pain, I sincerely do. Everyone else understands that the only way to find peace is to fight for it. They fight because they have hope in a better future. They-“
“Save the speech. I am sure it’s quite inspiring to everyone else, but I was raised to be a politician just like you Princess,” Blix interrupted, emphasizing Leia’s previous title through gritted teeth. “I know when I am being fed a line. ‘Rebellions were built on hope?’ You mean rebellions were built on the blood spilt and the dead bodies of the hundreds of thousands of people that died because of YOUR family.”
There were many gasps heard but Blix no longer cared.
“You tell me you understand but, how could you? When your family is the reason why I, hell, why half the galaxy doesn’t exist anymore! Your father reigned terror and death for decades, and you expect me to just, what? Forgive and forget what he took from me? Or forget that it was your idiot brother who tried to attack and kill your son. The son that then turned to the dark side and helped the First Order come to fruition. You and your family are a plague,” She snarled, before turning and exiting the room.
She stormed out of the base and could feel herself lose control. Her mind was raced, adrenaline surged through her as rage continue to bubble in her chest. She took a shaky breath trying to regain control over herself. Her hands shook as a tingling sensation worked through her fingers. Her teeth gritted, and gnawed on her lip as she tried to desperately calm down
She made her way out to the surrounding forest, and eventually found the familiar winding path that she had created in her time here. She followed it for several minutes before it opened out to a small field of flowers. She began to pace frantically up and down, but the rage refused to die down. Taking deeps breaths didn’t work. She couldn’t concentrate long enough to count.
There was only one thing she could do. She turned to a large boulder and raised her hand out to it. She felt a surge of energy as the Force surrounded her and as she clenched her hand closed, the boulder exploded into many pieces.
The energy released left her slightly drained. She was breathing heavy as she stood there. She collapsed to her knees; head bowed, exhausted. Her vision swam a bit and she could feel tears build up.
“Now, what exactly did that boulder do to you?” a warm voice asked.
Blix jerked her head into the direction of the voice, “Grandfather?”
A pale, ghostly blue figure, a Force Ghost, stood there in her small sanctuary. He moved to sit before her and gave her a soft smile.
“What are you doing here? Not that I’m not happy to see you, but you don’t often appear before me,” she quietly inquired.
“Your rage could be felt even amongst the dead. My dear heart, why are you doing this to yourself?” He gently questioned.
“Not quite sure I know what you mean,” Blix replied, not making eye contact with him.
“Don’t play coy. You know what I mean. You have been holding a part of yourself back for years. You have built this wall to hide who you really are. Your soul is tearing itself apart as you deny your destiny,” He chastised.
“Destiny? What destiny? My destiny to wind up dead for being within the same star system as a Skywalker?” Blix scoffed, her eyes rolling.
With a small sigh, he reached out and flicked her on the nose. She blinked rapidly and slowly reached up to cover her nose as it lightly throbbed with pain. ‘Ow.’
“Enough of that. You were destined to be a Jedi. Your powers cannot be held back anymore. There will come a time when you will have to use them, and those walls will come crashing down. Stop fighting who you are meant to be. Your soul and mind are at war with one another. That void you keep feeling? The restless nights? That is your power trying to break free. It is only going to get worse unless you start accepting it.” He urged her, trying to get her to see reason.
“I just..” She struggled to articulate her feelings. There was so much she wanted to say to the man she only knew from his journals and had only seen in her dreams. Tears formed again and fell down her cheeks. She hastily wiped them away not wanting him to see.
“I know. Time was cruelly stolen from us. There are many things I wish I could have taught you personally, but you have done so well on your own. You were destined for greatness. Are you going to continue to fade away in obscurity or are you going to be the Jedi you were meant to be?” He questioned, pressing a kiss to her forehead before fading away.
Blix sighed heavily. She sat there for an hour maybe two, mulling things over in mind, before she got up. The rage had died down and the world slowly came back into focus, and the sounds of the forest grounded her. All that could be heard was the wind rustling leaves, birds chirping. Off in the distance, she could hear the flight deck come to life as pilots fired up their ships for takeoff or engineers began their work.
She made her way back out of the forest, and over to the flight decks. She could see Poe and Chewie were getting the Falcon ready. She took a deep breath, and as much as she didn’t want to, she swallowed her pride and move toward them.
She stood before them, cleared her throat, and inquired, “Ahem. So. What’s this mission about?”
Poe, upon hearing her voice, stopped in his tracks, and looked at her stunned. After a moment, a smile broke out on his face. “Get on board, and I’ll tell ya on the way, gorgeous.”
She smiled back softly and greeted Chewie as she walked up the ramp, the two of them following behind a moment later. Chewie walked into the cockpit to get the ship fired up, as Poe stood next to her. She bit her lip as she tried to figure out what to say to him. Should she explain? Should she apologize?
Poe stopped her train of thoughts when he reached out and grabbed hold of her hand. She tried to focus on what he was telling her and not on how warm his hand felt, or the small callouses that gently soothed over her own hand. ‘Such different lives we’ve lived.’ She thought.
“We are going to meet up with a possible informant who may have intel on the First Orders next plan of action,” he quickly informed. “You and I are going to pretend to be a couple while there so as not to raise suspicion. Simple mission. Very easy. I promise nothing will happen.”
She nodded her head, and as she stared at him, she knew he wanted to remark on what happened earlier. He sighed and looked down for a second and rubbed the back of his neck with his left hand. He eventually looked up and gazed into her eyes.
“Listen, I’m not going to ask you about the stuff you said this morning, unless you feel comfortable about it. I do want to say. I am sorry for going behind your back and requesting you for this mission, without talking to you first. That was a dick move, and I hope you can forgive me,” He apologized.
She bit her lip for a moment, and with a nod replied, “Apology is noted. Acceptance is pending.”
He pouted for a second, before it switched to a smirk and he stepped closer to say something else, but Chewie roared that the Falcon was ready to go and that they needed to leave soon.
“To be continued?” she offered with a small smile.
His smile was the only answer she needed, and they headed toward the cockpit. Poe sat in the co-pilot seat, she in the seat behind him, and seconds later they were off.
It took about an hour to get to Cantonica, headed toward a town a few miles outside of Canto Bight. As soon as we landed, Poe stood up and said, “Come with me.”
She followed him over to one of the sitting areas. Blix took off her cardigan and threw it on the table to cool down a bit, as he opened a draw and withdrew a spare blaster. He turned to her and held it out for her to take.
“Um. What’s this for?” Blix hesitantly asked, stepping back a bit.
“For you. For your own protection,” He answered still holding it out to her.
“I.. I’ve never used a blaster before Poe. I..I’m not sure this is a good idea,” She admitted, shaking her head and rubbing her arm anxiously.
Poe smiled softly, “It is only for emergencies. In case we get separated. I just want to be sure that you are armed in the off chance that we run into trouble. Just point and shoot. I don’t suspect trouble, but I would rather be assured that you are safe and armed.”
He turned back to the drawer and pulled out a belt with a holster attached to it. He placed the blaster into the holster before he turned back around to her. “May I?” he politely asked gesturing to her.
Blix shifted for a moment, still not quite sure of this but she knew that there was a possibility that it could go wrong. She nodded and held her breath as Poe stepped forward, leaning over her slightly as he wrapped the belt around her. He quickly secured it to her asking, “Is this too tight?”
“No, its fine,” She responded. “Tell me, does it clash with my outfit?”
He huffed out a laugh at her question and stepped back to fully examine her. “Looks perfect on you. Shall we get going?” He asked as he grabbed his own blaster.
As they stepped onto the ramp leading out, the heat of the planet hitting them immediately, Poe stopped and turned to her slightly.
“Also. Out here, you follow my lead. This isn’t the med bay, and I am your commanding officer. Got it?” He firmly demanded.
The sudden shift in personality caused Blix to blink in surprise, because suddenly he wasn’t Poe Dameron, flirty flyboy. He had switched to Commander Dameron, respected officer of the Rebellion. She felt the need to tease him a bit, “Got it… Commander.”
They moved forward and began to make their way to the meet, a shady cantina. Blix slowly moved closer to Poe and muttered, “Put your arm around me, we’re meant to be a couple, yeah?”
He casually wrapped his arm her shoulders and she tucked herself into his side, arm wrapped around him, her thumb hooked into one of his belt loops, to rest.
After a few minutes they arrived at the cantina and were making their way to an empty table. As they took a seat side by side, Poe informed her that they were looking for human, who goes by the name Crixus. They had arrived early, and ordered drinks to not raise suspicion, sipping at them lightly.
A moment of silence had passed when Poe commented without looking at her, “So an orphan eh? Didn’t really see that one coming.”
She chuckled, somewhat bitterly. “Yeah. My mother was an ambassador who made a lot of enemies really quickly. She uh.. was killed by a bounty hunter. I wasn’t there, I was…elsewhere. I was about to turn eight. My mother never really spoke much about my father, all I know is he died on Scarif. I haven’t had the stomach to look her stuff and find out more,” She explained, finding a spot on the table, suddenly fascinating.
“Scarif? Like. Rogue One? He was a part of that? Wow!” He said amazed before adding, solemnly “I lost my mother when I was eight. Dad’s still around but I haven’t really seen him much since I joined the cause. I keep her close to my heart though.” He tugged at the chain of the necklace he wore.
“That ring is your mother’s? I always wondered but I never felt right asking about it,” She admitted, looking at him, as she bit her lip.
“Yeah. I plan to one day give it to the girl I want to marry,” Poe revealed. “I have a fairly good idea who I want to marry eventually. I just can’t seem to figure out if she feels the same way about me.”
She looked away, not really wanting to hear him describe who it is he clearly had feelings for and went with a simple, “Oh?”
“Yeah. She’s stubborn, and beautiful. Keeps refusing my dates and cites regulation at me. Though last time she didn’t do that, and it gave me hope that she is interested.” He continued offhandedly.
A smile slowly appears on her face, alongside a blush that she tried to hide. He gently cupped her face and turned her to look him in the eyes. “I’m going to guess by that pretty smile and lovely blush I see that that’s a yes?”
Before she could answer, someone loudly sat down across from them. They pulled away from each other and looked to see a human male, with dirty blonde hair, and multiple scars running along his face sitting there.
“Crixus?” Poe asked to confirm his identity.
He nodded and as they began to speak, Blix couldn’t help but to feel a nagging sensation inside her head. Something was off, something was wrong. As she examined the man before them, she slowly heard it. It was faint, and she had to focus to fully hear it. It was a beeping noise. A rapid beeping. Like that of a-
“Poe,” She interrupted. “Stop talking to him. Who sent you?”
“I don’t know what yer talkin ‘bout lady. No one sent me,” Crixus denied.
“Oh really?” She pondered mockingly, before she made her move.
She reached over, grabbed his head with both of her hands and slammed it down onto the table, hard. He was knocked unconscious, and she pushed at Poe to get out of the seat, urgently.
“Wh-what the hell was that? He was about to give us valuable information!” He protested as they both stood up and she leaned over Crixus.
She reached around into Crixus’ pockets and after a moment, she found it. A fob.
“He’s a bounty hunter, and we’re the bounty. We have to go now!” She exclaimed, as she dropped the fob on the ground and stomped on it to break it.
Poe grabbed her hand, and they made their way out of the cantina. They went a different route back to the Falcon. It led them down a path to an open market area, that quickly filled with stormtroopers, who recognized them immediately, and began to fire upon them.
Poe shoved into her an alleyway and he took to the opposite side, occasionally taking shots at the troopers.
“’A simple mission’ you said. ‘An easy mission’ you said. ‘Shouldn’t run into any trouble,’” She yelled over at him.
“I know! I’ll make it up to you!” He promised as he took a few more shots.
They were quickly being outnumbered. Poe was a good shot, but more and more were appearing. Her thoughts ran rampant, as she tried to figure out how to get them out of this. A plan that would get them to safety. A gust of wind blew, carrying a whisper, “You know what to do.”
‘Really hitting this on the nose, eh gramps?’
She straightened up, closed her eyes trying to focus and muttered to herself once, “I am one with the Force, the Force is with me.”
When she reopened them, she could feel the Force surrounding her, the energy crackling. She stepped out and walked toward the open market; ignoring Poe’s attempts to gain her attention.
As she stepped out, multiple troopers fired their blasters at the same time. She raised her hands, in front of her face, stopping them midair. They hovered for a mere moment before she threw her arms forward, sending the shots backwards into the troopers. As they fell, she threw her right hand out to her left, and then to her right, knocking those troopers back into walls and various objects.
The coast was clear, for now. She leaned forward, her hands on her knees, exhausted. Her energy drained, and she felt a bit lightheaded. Poe, at some point, walked up next to her and stared at her in awe.
She stood up, ignoring how tired she felt, and said, “C’mon. The Falcon isn’t far, and I don’t want to wait for more to appear, or for these guys to wake up.”
She began to walk away but she only got a few feet before she realized Poe wasn’t following. He was still standing there, gaping.
“You’re… you’re a Jedi?” He wondered.
“I don’t know what you are talking about. Let’s go,” she said turning back around, striding away.
Poe ran to catch up to her, and inquired, “You’re really just going to ignore my question? Blix? C’mon, you gotta explain that to me?”
They were finally getting near the launchpad that held the falcon, but stormtroopers were marching their way. They stopped short, and Blix uttered a small, “Fuck.”
He looked at her, then pushed her to a nearby wall. “Kiss me.”
“What?” She spluttered.
“Public displays of affection make people uncomfortable. So. Kiss. Me.” Poe demanded through gritted teeth, as the troopers got closer to them.
She quickly leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. Blix wrapped her arms around his neck, as his found her waist, before pulling her closer. She couldn’t deny the butterflies that had built in her stomach and were fluttering chaotically. He made her feel warm and safe within his embrace.
The stormtroopers passed but they failed to notice it, far too wrapped up into each other for the moment. It wasn’t until they pulled apart, gasping for breath, that they realized they were free to move on.
She pulled away from him so they could finally begin their hasty walk to the Falcon. As they rushed back on, Poe yelled for Chewie to get on the gunners, as the ramp closed.
Poe has her follow him into cockpit and shoved her over to the co-pilot seat. He pointed out which switches and buttons to hit to fire the ship up as they heard the familiar roar of TIE-Fighters entering the atmosphere. They took off but the path had a squadron of TIEs coming straight for them.
Poe dodged them left and right, trying to help Chewie line up shots to take them out. Several went down quickly but there was still a couple on their tail. They were flying out over canyons, and Blix vaguely recognized the area, and a terrible idea came to mind.
“Poe. I have an idea but it’s a little crazy,” she hesitantly informed.
“I have been told my middle name is crazy, so let’s hear it doll. Preferably before we are shot out of the sky,” He grunted as they were hit.
“See that crevice there? Dive into it.” She commanded pointing to a crevice that was coming up to them on their left.
He followed her directions, straight into a crevice that was only just barely wide enough for the falcon to fit through. They heard a couple of crashing noises from above, but they still had one TIE on them.
The narrow canyon, had them dodging rock formations left and right, and he yelled at her, “My trust in you is waning a bit, what the hell does this open up to?” As the falcon scraped several times along the wall.
“You’ll see. Go for that large opening,” She replied with a wince, pointing slightly to their right.
He does and as they breakthrough they enter an underground city of sorts, full of bright lights and towers everywhere. There was only one path, that she confirmed he needed to follow. The path was somewhat narrow but allowed enough space to dodge hits.
“Blix. Please do not tell me we need to go down that,” He asked worried, as he looked ahead.
“That” was a dark tunnel, that was named the Tunnel of Death (and labeled on the wall in bright lights), that they were swiftly coming upon.
“Yep. Just.. listen to me when I tell you to start pulling up, because it’s a straight drop, that suddenly curves,” Blix advised with a grimace. “Chewie! Buckle up, this is going to be rough!” She yelled toward the back, as she too buckled in, Poe following.
As they dropped down into the hole, they are plunged into absolute darkness. Blix was quietly counting to herself how long it had been since they began their descent. ‘1, 2,3, 4, 5,6.’
“Poe. Start Pulling up,” She told him as her mental countdown got to 7 seconds
He does so, and as they continued to straighten back out; they hear a final crash as the TIE flew directly into the ground. They soon saw cracks of light as they made their way to the exit, and finally flew back out into the open air. They flew until they had left Cantonica’s atmosphere, before jumping into hyperspace.
Once we were safe in hyperspace, Poe turned to her questions written on his face.
She smiled sheepishly, as she rubbed the back of her neck. “So. Did I ever tell you I was a bit of a wild child?”
He threw his head back and laughed, which caused her to laugh as well. As he sobered up, he replied, “No. Failed to mention that tidbit. What was that and how the hell do you know about it?”
“It’s an old pod racetrack. The entrance is back in the middle of Canto Bight, but I heard that there were secret entrances in the canyons. So, I was kinda going off my memory, hence why I said it was little crazy.” Blix confessed with a smile. “My mother used to tell me that while I looked like her, I had my father’s personality. His tendency to be super serious with a side of devil-may-care. I fell in love with podracing when I was like 4? And my best friend’s father was a mechanic, so we built a podracer. My first race I came in second place.”
Poe shook his head in amazement. “You are a mystery wrapped in an enigma,” He began and with sudden realization continued, “That’s. That’s where you were, when your mom died, isnt it? The “elsewhere?””
She nodded her head, with a sad sigh. “She uh.. wasn’t thrilled by new hobby, but she supported it. Said if I’m going to lose, do so spectacularly, and win as often as possible. I was in Kergans, it was a huge race. 19 other competitors, a huge purse as the prize. I was one of the last 5 pods to survive in total, the regular champ was an asshole who liked to cheat and play dirty. He got his comeuppance, when I knock him into a wall, and he lost an engine. My victory lap when I crossed the finish in first was cut short when I was informed that she had been killed on her way to watch me. Never raced again after that,” Blix divulged, leaning back into her chair, staring at the ceiling.
“Then Holdo’s family took you in?” Poe connected.
“Yep. Amilyn was alright living with. Her mother…not so much,” Blix trailed off.
“What? What was she like? Though, knowing the admiral I assume she was not great,” He admitted with a frown.
Blix sighed heavily, “Maureen. She uh. Didn’t care for frivolity. She made sure that I became a ‘proper young lady.’ She practically beat into my head that love was a fairytale and happy endings were not real. Marriages were meant to move power around and change alliances. Dating was not in the cards. Only courting with potential suitors.”
She rolled her eyes heavily at the memories of Maureen scolding her.
“Which.. is why I have been difficult every time you ask me out. I just.. I was conditioned to not accept potential romantic dalliances. I. She. Its difficult for me to get over that. I am trying to move past it, just.. be patient with me please?” she quietly pleaded struggling to explain, as she looked over at him.
He smiled softly. “I’ll wait however long you need me to,” he promised.
“I am sorry if I often seem cold or detached as well. I’m not trying to act bitchy or hoity toity. I just grew up with a hard woman who believed in all things rational and refused to acknowledge anything that suggested emotion,” She apologized her shoulders dropping.
His reply was immediate, “Apology is noted. Acceptance pending.”
She shook her head with chuckle, as he referred to their earlier conversation.
“So… that’s explained. You going to tell me about the Jedi thing?” He queried an eyebrow raised.
“I still have no idea what you are talking about,“ Blix replied standing up. ‘That is not a conversation I want to have with anyone honestly.’
He sighed annoyed at her dismissal of his question again and goes for instead “Okay. Then how about the kiss?”
“What about it?” Blix asked as she got to the doorway of the cockpit.
“What did you think about it?” Poe clarified turning his chair to follow her movements.
She thought about it for a moment, jokingly humming in contemplation, before she responded, “It was good.”
“Good? Just good? What do you mean by that!?” He spluttered not expecting that response.
“Yeah. Good. I’m sure the next one will be better,” She hinted with a smile as she skipped out.
Chewie made his way inside, and Poe hears her apologize for the bumpy ride she led them on. He responded in kind, gently roaring that it was okay.
As Chewie took his seat in the copilot, Poe stared out into the hallway for a moment longer, still processing what just happened.
“Next time?” he whispered. He nods his head several times before he turned back around to face the front. “I’m going to marry that woman. I’m going to marry her, she will tell me all her secrets, and I will die a happy man. It’s going to happen. Yeah.” He muttered to himself as he focused on the controls.
As they dropped out of hyperspace, they informed base that they were about to land. The moment the Falcon was on the ground, Blix made her way off. Poe followed after her, sensing she was going to try and make a quick getaway.
“Hey- wait a minute!” He called out grabbing her arm, stopping her. “Seriously though. You can use the Force? Why are you trying to hide this?”
“Poe. Stop. We are not talking about this,” Blix scolded glancing around, hoping no one heard him.
She pulled her arm away and walked away from him. Poe was determined though- he was going to get her to talk to him. He chased after once more and grabbed her hand again.
“I just- I don’t understand! You have this power and you’re not using it!?” He beseeched looking her in the eyes, searching for an answer.
Blix huffed and held her hand to up to his face and gently waved it, as she commanded softly, “You did not see anything.”
He stared blankly at her and repeated, “I did not se- Wait!” He blinked and shook his head violently. “Did you just… try to Jedi mind wipe???” He asked confused but excited.
Blix groaned loudly and clenched her fist at her failed attempt to use the Mind Trick, swearing softly as she turned and tried to once again walk away.
He ran after her and as he reached out to grab her arm once more, she turned to him suddenly and angrily growled out, “Poe. If you grab at me one more time, I will hurt you.”
“Oh? You going to use the Force and push me away?” He teased and held his arms out, waiting.
“No. I’ll just do this,” She stated seconds before she threw a punch out, hitting him in the stomach.
He leaned over and grabbed at his stomach as the pain (and shock) swept through him. She then dropped down and swung her leg out to sweep his legs out from under him. As he landed on the ground, she stood back up, dusted herself off, and headed to her room. She locked herself into her room and stayed there for the rest of the day, collapsed onto her bed, and passing out as the day’s event hit her.
As Poe laid on the ground, gasping for air, and trying to blink away the pain, Finn slowly moved over to him. Finn squatted down and asked, “Do I want to know what that was about?”
Poe propped himself up onto his elbows and looked at Poe with a dazed smile, and commented, “Finn. I’ve met my future wife.”
“Your future wife just knocked you on your ass. How do you feel about that?” Finn teased as he held his hand out for Poe to take to help him back up.
“Strangely alright,” Poe replied with a smirk, as he took Finn’s hand and got up with his help.
Rey stepped forward as well, confusion written on her face. “I’ll tell ya later. In private. I have to go to the mission brief. We’ll meet up at my place for dinner, it’s a doozy. Hell, I’m still wrappin my head around it,” Poe requested as he looked at them both.
His thoughts were scrambled, ‘Orphan. Podracer. Jedi. Podracer. Jedi. She likes me back but isn’t used to affection. Jedi. The kiss. Jedi.’ As he gave the mention brief, he left out her powers and the kiss, and told Leia that she did well under pressure, and if weren’t for her recognizing the sound of the fob, they would probably be dead. Though that did beg the question.
“Why was a bounty hunter sent after us? Very few people knew about this mission, and it was only planned a day ago. So why were they after us?” Poe inquired lowly to Leia, so no one else could hear.
“Those are very good questions Commander. Questions that need to be answered. Fast. Figure it out Commander,” Leia ordered quietly.
Poe nodded his head in affirmation and began to review who all knew about this mission, retracing his steps since this mission came to them. It was going to be a long night for the Commander.
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talistheintrovert · 5 years
she’s a killer queen
@yourereallyhere asked for the Bellarke QOTS AU from my WIP list and I had SUCH a blast writing this, so I hope you like it my love! 
and on ao3, if you prefer!
Finn being alive was certainly a revelation. 
She hadn’t decided if it was a good one or a bad one yet, but it was definitely a surprise. 
One she really didn’t have time for. 
But, unfortunately, surprises were what Finn was best at. 
“I’m sorry, what?!” She snapped. 
Finn winced. “She’s my ex. If she sees me she might kill me, you have to go in without me.”
They were on the border into Polis, planning to meet with a dealer on Diyoza’s behest, someone who ran most of the trade here - codename ALIE - and Finn had promised her and Bellamy that he had a contact who could hook them up with a meeting. Only he failed to mention that said contact apparently violently hated him. 
“I don’t give a shit if she’ll kill you, she’s your contact, we need you to get in.” Bellamy snapped, shoving him forward. “So move.”
He stumbled through the beaded curtain and into the club, and Clarke followed, Bellamy bringing up the rear with his hand firmly planted on the gun at his side. 
Ever since they’d arrived at the border, he’d been overly protective of Clarke, and she wasn’t sure what to make of it. If she didn’t have time to deal with Finn being alive these past few weeks, she definitely didn’t know how to decipher that. 
“This place is like a neon sign saying ‘Raid Me’.” Bellamy muttered to her as they walked through the crowds of chipped up dancing tourists. “Your boyfriend’s dimwittedness is gonna get us killed.”
“Not my boyfriend.” She responded. 
“But you still won’t let me shoot him.” He grumbled, and she was pretty sure he was mostly saying it to diffuse the tension, but there was also a definite element of annoyance in his voice. Finn had caused nothing but trouble since he’d turned up. 
“Allow me.” A voice said, and they froze as an snaked out, pistol pointed at Finn’s head. 
He smiled weakly. “Hey Raven. Long time no see.”
“Hey jackass.” She snapped back. 
“Hey.” Clarke said, stepping closer with her hands raised in surrender. “I don’t know what he did to you, but that’s nothing to do with me. I came here to trade with ALIE.”
Raven cut her eyes across to her. “Who?”
“Don’t play dumb with us.” Bellamy growled, fingers tightening around his gun. 
“I suppose with you it’s hardly playing is it?” She smirked. Her finger slipped off the trigger. “Fine. But I’m not taking either of the muscleheads. I think we need to have some girl time.”
She grabbed Clarke’s elbow and dragged her through the crowd. They lost Finn and Bellamy in seconds, and Clarke didn’t like it one bit. They reached the bathroom and Raven closed the door behind them. 
This was beginning to feel more and more like a trap with every passing minute. 
“How do you know Finn?”
“He was my boyfriend. He faked his death and put me through hell so he could escape a death sentence from the Mountain Men Cartel.” Clarke said frankly. “He’s not my boyfriend anymore.”
Raven snorted. “Well, at least you’re more honest than he is. You dating the muscly one?”
“Bellamy’s my friend.”
“So not yet then.” She mused. “You sure need Finn returned in one piece?”
“I thought we came in here to talk shop, not gossip about boys.” Clarke said, eyebrow raised. 
Raven grinned. “I like you. So, you wanna trade?” 
Clarke nodded. 
“ALIE doesn’t do that. She’s the only distributor of the chip down here and she’s not letting anyone else encroach on her territory. And especially not Diyoza.”
“We’re not trying to move down here-” She faltered, swallowing, and took a hesitant step back. “We never said anything about working for Diyoza.”
“Yeah, well,” Raven shrugged, “ALIE doesn’t let anyone across the border without knowing exactly what they want in Polis, and Finn isn’t exactly subtle. She doesn’t trade, and she doesn’t like Diyoza. Her plan is to own everything on this side of the line, and for every other cartel to respect that goddamn line.”
“Like I said, we’re not trying to move down here. We’re trying to bring her product further North.”
Raven tilted her head, ponytail swishing. “Why?”
“It’s the best product in Arkadia.”
“True. What does ALIE get out of it?” 
Clarke didn’t say anything. It didn’t seem like a question that actually required an answer. 
Raven frowned a little, thinking it over. “Alright, you got yourself a deal. But if you’re doing this, you go all the way.”
“What are you talking about?”
And then Raven moved, shoving her over the basin and holding her down. Clarke fought her, but it was too late, and she felt a sharp pain in her neck, coursing through her veins, and then she felt nothing at all. It was like she was floating. All her worst memories were drifting behind a curtain, and all the scrapes and bruises she’d acquired over the last few weeks didn’t feel like they were there anymore. She blinked a few times, dizzy-headed, and Raven released her and stepped back. 
“What did you do?” Clarke asked, tongue feeling heavy in her mouth. 
“You wanna sell ALIE’s product, you’ve gotta be part of the family.” She said cryptically, and then a woman in a red dress swam into view, perfectly manicured nails tapping on the counter near Clarke’s drooping head. 
“Well done, Raven. Welcome to the City of Light, Clarke.” 
Clarke felt her knees go out from under her and had to catch herself on the basin, and when she blinked her heavy eyes open once again, Raven was gone. 
The woman in red was still there, but Clarke had a feeling she was in her head. 
A feeling that was confirmed when the bathroom door was kicked open and Bellamy ran right through the woman to get to her. 
“Clarke?” He caught her around the waist and guided her to the floor, holding her to his chest while his eyes darted over her face. “Fuck. Clarke, stay with me, okay?”
“She made me take the chip, Bell…” She mumbled. “I can see her.”
He cursed again, arms tightening around her. “Stay with me, okay? I’m right here.”
He reached up and turned the tap on, trying to cool her forehead with water. This happened with four percent of everybody who took the chip - their bodies started rejecting it, fighting back against the infection in the brain, and the likelihood of death got higher the longer the chip stayed inserted. 
Clarke tried to remember the statistics, to keep herself focussed while Bellamy lifted her slightly so he could douse her face and hair with ice-cold water. 
He was talking to her, muttering promises and swearing he wouldn’t let this go unpunished, and stroking her damp hair back from her face so he could check her pupils. 
Finn ran in, out of breath and glancing over his shoulder as if expecting someone to follow him. He flicked the latch on the bathroom door shut, and then turned around. 
When he saw the two of them on the floor, his eyes widened in confusion. “What the hell?”
“Where the fuck have you been?!” Bellamy snapped, furious. 
“Dealing with Raven, what happened to Clarke?” He said, crouching down on her other side and trying to touch her. 
Bellamy smacked his hand away. “Get me something for her to bite down on.”
Finn looked like he might argue, but instead he undid his belt and folded it in half, offering it to Clarke. She let him place it between her teeth, locking eyes with ALIE as she did. The woman only smiled, empty.  
“Knife.” Bellamy said, holding his hand out, and Finn handed his over. 
“Are you sure-”
“-Clarke, this is gonna hurt, okay?” He said, ignoring Finn completely. He manoeuvered her forward, pulling her hair over her shoulder before trailing his hands soothingly down her back. “But you’re going to be fine. I promise.”
“Bellamy, I don’t like this, what if it-”
“I’m not interested in a single thing you have to say right now, Collins.” He barked. “You nearly botched the deal because you have a habit of screwing over your exes, and now Clarke is dying on a bathroom floor, s-”
“-THAT’S what this is about, isn’t it?” Finn retorted. “This is about her. Well you can forget it, because it’s-”
“-stop it.” Clarke whispered, pressing her eye socket against Bellamy’s knee. His jeans rubbed against her skin but she barely felt it, and she could still see ALIE’s shoes in the corner of her vision. 
The men forgot their fight and Finn gripped her arms to hold her still, while Bellamy leaned closer, breath fanning over her neck. 
“On three.” He said, and then pain ripped through her neck and ricocheted through her head. It was worse than anything she’d ever experienced - all the lowest moments in her life, all the broken fingers and cut legs and dark memories - everything came back at once, and it was agony.  
She was dimly aware that she was thrashing against them, and there was a scream echoing around the tiled bathroom, but all she felt and saw and heard was pain. 
Finn’s hands fell away - she was pretty sure she kicked him - and then Bellamy was at her back, strong arms banding her waist and keeping her arms pinned. His lips were pressed below her ear and he was murmuring something; it didn’t matter what, but she focussed on the sound and tried to drag herself back to the present. 
Finally, she became conscious of her limbs again, and of the burn in her lungs. She gasped, throwing her head back against Bellamy’s shoulder, chest heaving, and he slumped with relief, loosening his grip. 
She swallowed thickly. “You didn’t even count to one.”
His laugh was small, drained. “Figured it would go better if I went for the element of surprise.”
“Fuck you.” She breathed, but she turned her head slightly, nuzzling against his jaw. 
“You okay?” He asked, reaching up to feel her forehead. 
“Okay.” He let his head fall, resting his forehead on her cheek.
She stretched her arms out, loosening them, remembering the cut on her forearm as she did, which made her wince. It was exhausting, trying to move, so she gave up and simply placed her hands on Bellamy’s thighs, grounding herself. 
“Me neither, by the way.” Finn’s voice was muffled, and she glanced at him. There was blood gushing out of his nose, and he was pressing a huge wad of toilet paper against it.
She frowned, vaguely remembering the foot she’d sent into his face. “Sorry.” 
He shrugged. “I probably deserved it.”
“Probably?” Bellamy muttered darkly, and Clarke elbowed him. His only reaction was to bundle her a little closer, nudge his nose against her skin, and she realised how scared he must have been to find her dying on the floor. She was resting against his chest, in the V of his legs, and he was drenched; whether from sweat or from the cold water on her she couldn’t be sure. 
“At least we’ve got a deal, right?” Finn pointed out. 
“Seeing as that deal nearly killed Clarke, I hope you’ll excuse me if I don’t jump up and down in glee.” 
“Down boys.” Clarke said sternly. 
“Sorry Clarke.” Finn said sheepishly. “I didn’t know Raven would do that, I thought it would be me she would put the chip in, I never… it never crossed my mind she’d take you instead.”
Bellamy was less moved by the apology. “Are you sure I can’t shoot him?”
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antiquecompass · 4 years
So this is the second part in that Wen Ning/OC fic (first part here) and also for Untamed Winter Fest Day 8. (Eventually it’ll be up on Ao3, but I want to keep this one in order at least, for a little bit.)
Wen Ning wasn’t sure how to dress for a date that also included tire shopping and three of his students. Granted, he only taught gym, and only coached Aisling in archery, but still it was all a bit muddled. Not that he was complaining. At all. He was just a little out of his depth.
Okay, a lot out of it.
He still couldn’t believe last night had happened. He pressed his fingers to his lips as he stood in front of the bathroom mirror. He swore they still tingled from the feel of Aidan’s own against them. Mr. Tumnus, his white and orange tabby, was luckily the only other living being in the house who could judge him and the blush that just would not die down. 
He desperately wanted today to go well. 
He needed help.
“Just don’t wear all black,” Qingyang said before he could even greet her. “I mean, you like black, so you wear a lot of it, even among all that blue and white at Lan Academy. And it looks good on you, so you should, but today is special. So just don’t wear all black. Throw some color in there. A green. Hell, even a heather grey. A red. No, no, you’ll look too good. Save that for when the kiddos aren’t around.”
Wen Ning didn’t bother to hide his laughter as his sister’s indignant yell came down the line.
“For someone who had me--” Qingyang yelped and then her voice cut off. He heard a door slam shut and then his sister cursing under her breath.
“You love her dearly,” he reminded her.
“Yes,” Wen Qing said.
“And you often say she’s the best thing that ever happened to you,” he reminded her.
“After you, of course,” she corrected.
“She’s only trying to be helpful,” he said.
“She is, but she’s also trying to rile me up,” she said. Another closed door and then a start of the engine.
“Are you driving away? With her phone?”
“She has mine and she’ll catch up,” his sister said. “Stay where you are. I’m coming to you.”
“No, no, you’re in Boston,” he said. “The storm just finished an hour ago.”
“So I’ll be there in three hours,” she said. “When is he picking you up?”
“Noon,” he said.
“It’s seven. Plenty of time,” she said. He heard a loud noise and his sister sigh. “She caught up faster than I intended. I’ll still be there in three hours.”
“The hell you will,” Qingyang said. “The roads are for shit, the storm is moving east, and he needs to do this on his own.”
“He’s a grown ass man,” Qingyang said. “Let him be a grown ass man.”
Wen Ning bit the inside of his bottom lip to hold back his laughter as he overheard the struggle. A final victorious cackle signaled that Qingyang had won.
“Definitely Facetime us the outfit choices,” she said. “And give poor Aidan some warning that she’s about to descend upon him like some overprotective fury. I think I’m able to hold her back this time, but she’s probably going to try and crash your second date.”
“Thank you,” Wen Ning said. “For everything.”
“That’s what future-sisters-in-law are for,” she said.
After he’d settled on an outfit--dark green sweater, black jeans, boots that wouldn’t make him slip and fall and make a fool of himself--there had then been a long consultation on his hair. One that had brought Wei Wuxian in as well. They’d all agreed that he should leave it down, but with some strands pulled back from his face.
Gotta hit him with those puppy dog eyes.
That’s what Wei Wuxian had said, even as he went on a twenty-minute long rant about how Aidan was too nice to be human and was probably an archangel in disguise sent to judge the world. Or something. Wen Ning had stopped paying attention after Wei Wuxian and Qingyang started debating about the true forms of archangels.
He kept fidgeting with the tiny ponytail fixed at the back of his head. His hair was always either completely loose or completely up. He wasn’t used to it; he didn’t dislike it, but it was different enough, and enough of a distraction to make him forget his nerves even as Aidan arrived and started the drive into town.
His phone vibrated with a text from his sister.
Stop touching your hair!
He loved her. So much.
“Everything okay?” Aidan asked.
Wen Ning smiled and nodded. “Just my sister.”
“She’s a doctor right?” Aidan asked. “Qingyang’s girlfriend?”
“She is,” he said. “Pediatric surgeon."
"She's amazing!" Una said, the most excited he'd ever heard her. "She spoke at one of the special lectures and threatened to stick a needle in Mr. Lan-Wei's skull if he didn't stop fidgeting."
"They're really good friends," Wen Ning explained to Aidan. "They just have their own love language built on insults."
Aidan smiled at that as he turned onto the road for Mike's Automart. 
"Sounds like me and Catie," he said. "She's my eldest sister. First of all ten of us."
Wen Ning knew he was gaping and couldn't stop.
"Yes, ten," Aidan said. He glanced over at him and laughed, took one hand off the wheel and gently closed Wen Ning’s mouth.
"Told ya he was going to need a chart," Finn said. 
He was very definitely going to need a chart. Aisling's purple painted nails appeared at his side as she waved a sheet of graph paper at him.
"It's just our basic family tree. I ran out of room for cousins and in-laws, but that’s us."
Wen Ning took the paper and his eyes ran over the names. Liam Delaney married Mary Catherine Moore when they were nineteen. From there they had Caitlin, Aidan, Brian, Dermot, then twins Erin and Neve, an apparent long gap where they didn’t have any kids and then based on the birthdates Aisling provided, Una, Aisling, Finn, and Patrick, the youngest, at all of six years old.
“Okay, everybody out,” Aidan said as he took his keys out of the ignition.
“Can we get snacks?” Finn asked. 
“We’re going to lunch after this,” Aidan said.
“Yeah, but can we get snacks?” Una asked. 
“One candy bar each,” Aidan said. “And no soda,” he yelled after them as he followed the three out of the car.
Wen Ning carefully folded up Aisling’s family tree and was reaching for the door when Aidan opened it for him. 
“Hi,” he said.
“You’re very fast,” Wen Ning said. 
“Proper motivation,” Aidan said. He offered his hand up to help Wen Ning down.
“Despite my performance last night, I’m usually not that clumsy,” Wen Ning said. He took Aidan’s hand anyway.
“I know,” Aidan said. “I’ve seen you work. You’re very graceful, but you can’t blame a guy for trying to get five seconds of alone time before the Terrible Trio comes back.”
“No,” Wen Ning said. “I can’t.”
One of Aidan’s hands drifted up to his hair and softly tapped the small ponytail at the back of his head. 
“It’s a good look on you,” he said. “Different, but good.”
“Thanks,” he said, feeling that damned blush starting to come back.
“A.B., can we get the little trees?” Finn yelled from the storefront.
“You can each pick one,” Aidan yelled back.
“A.B.?” Wen Ning asked. He smiled to himself as Aidan’s other hand rested on the small of his back as they both walked towards the store, snow crunching under their feet.
“Aidan Brendan Delaney,” Aidan said. “My father’s called me A.B. for as long as I can remember, but it’s what of those family names, you know?”
Wen Ning nodded. He understood. “My granny. She calls me Qionglin sometimes. It’s the name she gave me after I started competing in archery. She wanted to boost my confidence. And while Wen Ning was a shy, awkward, stuttering mess, Wen Qionglin was a champion--would be a champion. It helped to settle my nerves, to put on that persona.”
“And which do you prefer?” Aidan asked as they lingered outside the store.
Wen Ning looked up into those kind, patient eyes and knew he could tell the truth.
“Part of me will always want that brash arrogance of Qionglin. It took me a long time, but I’m very happy--very proud--to be Wen Ning,” he said.
Aidan cupped his cheek. “If it matters at all, I definitely prefer Wen Ning.”
“It matters,” he said, almost desperate to kiss him again, but not here, in front of an entire store of people looking out at them. “It matters a lot.”
The door opened and a middle-aged man, Mike by his nametag, grinned at them, a phone to his ear.
“Aidan, something you’ve been meaning to tell your Uncle Mikey?” he asked.
“My mother’s on the phone, isn’t she?” Aidan asked.
“She wants to know if you finally pulled your head out of your ass and ‘asked that nice young man out.’” He glanced between them, a huge grin on his face. “Can I tell her it’s a yes?”
Aidan sighed and rested his forehead against Wen Ning’s own. “So, in addition to having shit hours, being responsible for the Terrible Trio, I  also have a family that doesn’t understand personal boundaries.”
Wen Ning daringly pulled back and pressed a quick kiss to Aidan’s lips before he could lose his nerve. 
“I understand,” he said. “You’ll meet my sister soon, and understand just how much I get it.”
“They’re adorable,” Mike said into the phone.
“Give me that,” Aidan said, grabbing the phone. “Uncle Mikey, he needs a replacement tire and a spare for a Subaru Outback 2014 2.5i Limited.” He held the phone against his chest and swooped in for another, soft, quick, sweet kiss. “Don’t worry about Uncle Mikey, he’s nicer and smarter than he looks.”
“Hey, I got some of your baby pictures in the back, A.B. I’ll break them out and show your boy, if you don’t watch that mouth of yours.”
Aidan patted his uncle’s cheek and then walked into the store, phone to his ear.
“Ma? What’re you doin? Come on.”
Mike gestured for him to come inside. The Trio were in front of a rack of air fresheners debating on scents. Aidan had wandered over to a shelf of cushion covers. Two of the shop assistants waved at him, while a woman over in the waiting area sat with a toy-sized poodle in her lap.
Mike brought him over to what seemed like an entire wall of tires. 
He never knew there were so many different types.
Mike patted his shoulder. “Don’t worry, kiddo. I’ve got it. Why don’t you try to help save my air freshener display? Aidan's going to be stuck on that phone for at least twenty minutes, knowing my sister."
Wen Ning had never been happier in his life to be around tree-shaped car air fresheners. 
Aisling handed him her phone. “Uncle Mikey won’t break out the goods, but all the baby pictures are in the family Cloud.” She swiped through various family photos before stopping on one. “I call this the self-fulfilling prophecy.”
Little Aidan, a too-big fireman’s helmet on his head, and a stuffed dalmatian under his arm. It was absolutely precious.
“Want me to send you a copy, Coach?” Aisling asked.
“It’s too quiet over there,” Aidan said. “What are you up to?” He turned his attention back to the phone. “I’m not being suspicious, Ma. Of course, I trust them. No, I only said that once. If you’d seen what they’d done to the kitchen you’d swear they were the devil’s spawn too.I don’t know, Ma, do you have something to tell me? What? No. Ma. Don’t you dare. Please. I take it back.”
Wen Ning’s phone started blowing up with text messages from an unknown number. Containing a plethora of childhood photos. Awkward and embarrassing and sweet ones, too.
He showed the number to Aisling.
“That’s Erin’s number,” she said. “Wow. I haven’t even seen some of these. There are pre-braces pictures in here! I thought Aidan burned all of those!”
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evans-maxed-out · 4 years
No Turning Back-Xmas 2009 Flashback (Samcedes Chatzy)
Who: Mercedes Jones and Sam Evans
When: A couple of weeks before Christmas
Where: Finn Hudson’s house party
Notes: A couple of weeks before Christmas, Sam and Mercedes meet up at a house party and drink..
Mercedes: She sighed for what felt like the fourteenth time as she and Artie made their way to the front door. She didn’t want to be here. “Don’t forget what I said. Two rounds. Two dances. A smile, a wave, and I’m out.” She reminded her friend as the door opened and she could smell the alcohol from the doorstep. The music was loud and she didn’t recognize a single face that she actually converse with outside of school. “Merry Christmas!” The tall boy whom she didn’t even know yelled causing her to jump as he plopped a Santa hat on both she and Artie’s head and she was already regretting this decision. “20 minutes Artie, I mean it.” She rolled her eyes as she pushed him inside eyes scanning the area for the newest drink. Sam: He saw her standing near the entrance and grinned to himself. Artie had come through for him and brought her along and there was no way that he'd let her run tonight. Walking up beside her, he reached a hand out and grabbed hers, threading his fingers through before smirking cheekily at her. "Well well..Mz Jones..it seems like you're stalking me..Are you sure that it's not you trying to force me to fall in love with you?"
Mercedes: Mercedes was caught off guard when someone laced their fingers with hers but she didn’t worry too long cause she knew exactly who it was. Sam. She could smell his cologne before she saw him. Heat flooding her cheeks from his touch and she was grateful for the low lighting to head her reactions She slid her hand out of his already missing the touch. “Well the cat’s out of the bag now. However will I control myself around you. I want you Sam Evans, oh baby,” her sarcastic tone evident she was sure. “I need a drink,” she was off like a rocket heading for the kitchen where she found what she was looking for. She chose her cup and poured whatever was closer to her in it and downed it.
Sam: He downed his own, hissing as the potent alcohol hit his throat., Still in denial she was, but he was determined that once a for all she would take him seriously. He cornered her as she stood, empty drink cup in hand. "You're scared of me. That's why you run. You're scared because you want me and you don't want to want me," he said decisively, drawing the line of battle straight down the sand. "Tell me I'm wrong, Mercedes..but I'm going to let you in on a secret. I want you too.."
Mercedes: She hissed as the alcohol burned her throat and then made another one. He was still here. Following her every move, not leaving her be, so she can be miserable in peace. “Is that so? Tell me oh great and all knowing one, what gives you the idea?” He was invading her space again and she shut her thighs twisting her legs together. This was stupid. Why did her body react like this when he was around. Cause he’s right. You want him. “I’m not scared of anything. Right now I’m annoyed tho. You keep pressing me hoping I’ll do what? Kiss you? Admit my undying love you? Fuck you senseless?” She finished another drink and heard the loud cheers coming from another room. “Spin the bottle, who’s down?” She heard some random dude say. An evil idea in her head as she replied “me,” and followed him into the living room. Sam: What the hell was she thinking, going to join spin the bottle? "Fuck this shit," he muttered, grabbing another drink and downing it in one. The sour taste of strong vodka hit the back of his throat and he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand before tossing the cup aside, and stalking after her. "Not so fast, Mercedes..I'm definitely down for some spin the bottle and guaranteed my tongue is going to be in your mouth by the end of the night. He stood, arms crossed, raising a brow at Finn, who was setting up the game. "Count me in, man.." he said, turning to fix Mercedes with a smirk. "Oh Sammy! Maybe I'll get you!" Kitty simpered coming up to stand beside him, her hand reaching out to touch his elbow, but his gaze never wavered from Mercedes. "Shall we start then, Cedes?" he challenged, green eyes deadly serious. Mercedes: He was annoying with his persistent need to be attached to her hip from the moment she arrived. You like it. Stop fronting. She tried to push that thought down down into the depths of no return but it didn’t budge. “Fate wouldn’t be so cruel.” She rolled her eyes and just as she was about to take her sit low and behold Kitty would come over. Of course that heifer wanted to kiss Sam. Who wouldn’t? Feeling territorial all of a sudden, Mercedes yanked him down next to her. Just sit down and stop embarrassing me. “Alright,” Finn Hudson began, “this is spin the bottle with a twist. Before you and you lucky one kiss you both have to take a shot of this brandy spiked egg nog before the kiss. If you’re not down to kiss whomever the bottle lands on leave now. No exceptions. My house, my rules, I’m going first.” He spun the bottle rubbing his hands together as they all watched it come to a stop on Mercedes. ”Great, ” she muttered under her breath. ”Well well Miss Jones.” A goofy grin on his face as he handed her a shot. She downed it quickly and set the cup beside her. She could feel Sam’s eyes burning holes into the side of her head. Finn’s lips were inches away from hers and she grabbed him by the shirt and went in for the kill, purposely giving him more than just a a few pecks. Sam: He curled his fist, tensing as he saw Mercedes grab Finn and lay one hell of a kiss on him. He clenched his jaw, willing the fierce need to plant his fist into his friend’s face to go away. It was his turn next so he cocked his head, and drawled condescendingly “If you can bring yourself to leave Finn’s lips alone, Cedes, I’ll spin next...” Reaching over he spun the bottle hard, smiling slightly as it stopped in front of Kitty. Not the person he was hoping for, but he’d be damned if he didn’t give Mercedes a good show nonetheless. Kitty all but launched herself at him and he was barely able to down his shot before her lips connected with his. Taking control of the kiss, his mouth opened, tongue surging forward to meld with hers, all the while his eyes trained right on Mercedes, even as he kissed another girl senseless.
Mercedes: She pulled away from the kiss wiping her mouth with the tip of her shirt. Finn licked his lips like and departed with a grin on his face. She smiled at the jealous tone in Sam’s voice as she settled in her spot and watched him take his turn. Kitty. Ugh. This was not happening. Kitty was the most thirsty girl she’d ever encountered. She was practically in Sam’s face before the bottle even came to a complete stop. She could hear the smacking noises beside her and her curiosity got the best of her as she turned her head towards the monstrosity next to her. Is that his tongue? Oh hell no. The jealousy had to be evident on her face as it was oozing through her body right down to her bones. “Okay,” she all but shouted annoyed. This is spin the bottle not gross the entire circle out.” She used her foot to nudge Kitty’s knee causing the Cheerio to stumble back. “Okay who is next?” Sam: He pulled back with a grin on his face, and quickly downed another shot, more to get the taste of Kitty out of his mouth than anything. He could hear the jealousy scoring Mercedes' tone and it felt pretty fucking good. He'd wanted this girl in one way or another for years and she'd always turned him down flat-it was finally good to see the cracks in her armor beginning to show through. "Your turn next, Mercedes..or are you planning to back out? It's OK to be chicken..really.." he shrugged his shoulders, knowing his words would be like holding a match to touchpaper.
Mercedes: She followed Sam’s suit and took another shot needing her thoughts of Spartan kicking Kitty to go away. This wasn’t like her. She didn’t get jealous, especially over Sam Evans. He was being ridiculous with his accusations of her wanting him. She leaned forward spinning the bottle ignoring any smart remarks Sam was hurling at her. She waited as the bottle spun slowing down as it rounded it way back to her space. No. She thought to herself panic rising. Keep going keep going keep going she willed the bottle with her mind but it did listen. The bottles stopped without question pointing dead at Sam. She could hear the oohs and ahhhs from around her. She grabbed the shot not even looking in Sam’s direction as her nerves racked up high. She swallowed it on one gulp. “Another one,” she requested and inhaled it as well. Her breath hitches in her throat as finally faced Sam. “Don’t get any smart ideas Evans,” she warned as she leaned in and pressed her lips to his.
Sam: It was like everything was moving in slow motion as his eyes followed the arc of the bottle as it spun and eventually slowed down. One heart stopping second later and the bottle had stopped, pointing right at him. He took the shot Finn offered him, throwing his head back as the fiery liquid burned a path down his throat. “ Oh don’t worry Cedes..I have plenty of ideas when it comes to you..” The moment her lips touched his, his hand sliding over the column of her neck to slide into her hair, cupping her jaw lightly but firmly. His mouth took control of the kiss, tongue swiping across her bottom lip roughly. He wasn’t asking permission, he was done waiting, now he was taking what was his. Taking advantage of her lips parting slightly, his tongue pushed past, diving inside the warm cavern of her mouth, to stroke against hers. The sheer addictive, sweet taste, knocked him for six, and he deepened the kiss, his other arm coming around her to press her to his chest. He was aware of a buzz around him, Finn trying to get his attention. “Dude..c’mon..” his friend laughed nervously “it’s not meant to last that long..” Sam officially have no fucks about Finn, the game, Kitty, who was screeching somewhere off to the left of him. Their tongues duelled viciously for long moments until the kiss mellowed slightly, the thrum of sexual arousal seemed to sizzle through the very air around them.
Mercedes: She had a plan, she would peck his lips and sit her tail back down with a quickness but Sam had other plans. She was helpless to the way he grabbed her hands fusing in her hair. The kiss sent shocks through her body and she melted into him. Her hands having a mind of their own as she cupped his cheek deepening the already passionate kiss. It was like time stood still around and there was nothing else that mattered. She pulled back finally, her lungs screaming for air and brown eyes met green. “Sam...I-“ she wanted so badly to tell him the truth. “God, I’m surprised you didn’t swallow his face with your massive lips.” Kitty sniped, a look of disgust on her face. “Here’s a bucket Sam in case you need to hurl after that.” “Fuck off Kitty.” Mercedes retorted and stood, not wanting to be there in that circle anymore. She grabbed the bottle on the table next to where she had been sitting and took off through the crowd.
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