#but I do think the adults in Denver would try a little harder after this. and would sympathize with him
nympippi · 1 year
Necromancer Finney AU: Adults in general aren’t sure how to feel about Vance. On one hand, he’s got that infamous short temper. On the other hand, he’s been through quite a bit, even before the Grabber incident. Ultimately, it’s generally agreed that Vance is a victim of terrible circumstances and is reacting accordingly to them
I’m actually unsure on this one because I do think maybe in a town like Denver they’d definitely sympathize with him, and feel for his pain but at the same time I think Vance would hate it. Because it’s only after Vance has to undergo massive amounts of trauma and pain for the adults around him to see him as a kid and not some criminal.
it’s showing him that the adults had potential to care but they never did. And instead of working with him, they work against him labeling him as a troubled child who would end up seriously hurting someone. …I don’t know, I’m not too sure on my stance or have any ideas on the adults in tbp but I do headcannon Vance to dislike adults to a serious degree and it only gets worse after his kidnapping.
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darlingsdevil · 4 years
Of The Valley (Joel x Reader)
Chapter 9: I Sense There’s Something in The Wind (Part 1)
Summary: Life in Jackson is never easy. Consoling angsty teenagers, wading through the mysterious waters of Joel’s romance language and with a child of your own on the way? Life is about to get a lot harder.
RDR2 Masterlist
Tag list (comment to be added): @sidepuff @joelsheartache @fangirl-inthe-us @scarletpines @mikah-writes @sleepylunarwolf @mr-robot-x @shybookdragon @heughan @writer-jamie @nelliecraine
A/N: *sigh* so much has happened since I last updated. School royally beat me up, I’m constantly tired and have no motivation to write, left a toxic boyfriend! Life has not been kind to me recently but I am trying my best to live it up and learn, but at least I am doing well in school. Sacrifice your sanity to do well in school I guess. I got a guitar too.. okay now I’m just rambling. Updates will be slower as time continues. Constantly fatigued and getting four hours of sleep a night doesn’t work well.
Happy spooky season
This chapter will be in two parts since I couldn’t find the motivation to write the rest of the chapter on Halloween.
Life was quiet until the festival and party, like it had been for months prior. Decorations were put up, apples were picked from the orchards just outside town, costumes were made, pumpkins carved, ghost stories told. The festival was only two days, the first day being the children’s night and day activities, the second being the Halloween party.
Maria gave everyone who’s job wasn’t totally necessary the day off. Which meant the bar closed. You were more than happy to have two days of rest. You purchased two pumpkins this year, carving a ghost into one and a goofy face into another, you were going to light them the night of the party. The first day of the festival — children’s night, where the kids threw a mini parade around town in their costumes and carved pumpkins and got a free bar of candy from the confectionar. They played games, ghost in the graveyard being a popular one when it got dark outside, of course however, Maria limited their playing field. You watched the parade during the day and then you went home. The kids made makeshift noise makers and adults lined the streets as the kids walked by, laughing, smiling, shouting, it was all good fun.
You weren’t sure whether you were going to dress up or not, no ideas came to mind. Last year you went as an angel and a devil with Mark, hence his nickname Devil Boy, his birthday was October 30th, the first day of the celebration.
Today was his birthday. You hadn’t spotted Joel or Ellie at the parade, you briefly said hi to Maria and Tommy, as well as Dina. You were sure Ellie and Cat were dreading cleanup, as well as the other teenagers. You wondered if Ellie and Dina had made up yet, or had her and Cat.
After the parade, there wasn’t much to do. You took down the flowers on your porch, you trimmed the bushes outside, cut the grass, washed the windows, dusted the house, scrubbed the floors. Your house was beginning to feel lively again, like a brand new fresh start. It took a few hours to complete all your tasks, taking short breaks in between. By the time you were finished, night had fallen. You were nervous about tomorrow, were things going to end up like the last night you had spent with Joel? Mark was gone.. you didn’t need to worry about him. Were you ready for that? Sure, you had asked for him to take you.. but were you ready to go that far? There was uneasiness between both of you, feelings wouldn’t change that. You would have to talk, have him listen, pray he would understand. Was now a good time to tell him everything?
You rested your hand over your bump as you sat on the couch, watching an old soap opera you had on DVD. The baby was definitely getting bigger. It was hard to think about it, but a small part of you was excited. There was the thought of names, baby clothes, toys. You wondered if it was a girl or boy. It was strange to think of a baby who looked like Mark.. it would be hard to look at the baby and not see him in his final moments. You already occasionally thought you saw him for a fleeting moment, down the corner of the street, in the crowd of the filled bar, a passerby holding themself the same way he did.
How would you even tell Joel? There was so much you needed to say, there was time, there was just too much that needed to be said. Joel had enough on his plate, maybe you wouldn’t tell him at all and continue on for the rest of your life blissfully ignoring him. That was too cruel though. Your relationship with Joel was.. complicated. You left things off for three months on an unfinished note, at least he was open to going on a date with you.
There were other people to tell too. If you gave birth, people would begin asking around for Mark. The truth would come out eventually. You always knew it would. Perhaps you will have thought of a lie by then. Perhaps he left to join a group of free spirited clicker killing hippies. That seemed like a good enough lie as any.
But for now, you wanted to rest. You wanted to sit back and watch the tide roll in, without a worry in your mind.
“Welcome miss..?” The man began.
“Y/N,” You replied, reaching out your hand to shake his.
“Tommy. Welcome,” He smiled warmly. You had finally found the esteemed settlement after weeks of travel.
“Mark,” Mark said, shaking Tommy’s hand, marveling at the sight of the town. Tommy had stopped you while you checked in and got acquainted with the town, already having a talk with Maria.
“Where you guys coming from? Always good to see some new faces round here.”
“I’m from Denver,” Mark told him.
Tommy’s face paled very slightly, not even you or Mark noticed.
“How are things there? Heard some stuff went down a while back.”
“Not too sure, I left right when things got messy.” He shrugged nonchalantly.
“And you?” Tommy looked towards you, waiting for your response.
“Oh, all over. Living on my own last few years, besides Mark here of course.” You beamed at Mark.
“How did you two meet?” This was starting to sound more like an interrogation, but you pushed it to the side, they were only being cautious. Maria already heard your and Mark’s story, others would want to as well.
“I found her a few months ago, passing through a town when I saw a group get overrun by a horde. I was trying to hide in an apartment building when I fell right into her camp. Almost blew my head off, but hey, gotta stay sharp,” Mark chuckled.
“He told me about a settlement up in Wyoming, I decided it was worth a shot so we ended up here, had nowhere else to go,” You finished.
“Well glad you two made it safe and sound, welcome to Jackson.”
You woke up in a coldsweat, dazed from sleep. Your hand on your bump, you realized, you must have done it in your sleep.
Mark. His baby. You glanced over at your clock. 11:34 PM. Technically still his birthday.
Last year, you managed to find vintage band posters for him for his birthday. You made him cake too, then you snuck out and went to the lake and watched the stars. They looked different than what you remembered, even though you lived under them, there was something serene about being there. Silence, waters reflecting the moonlight, and stars, the only thing you could see for miles. It was peaceful, quiet, yet it was full of life.
And so when you found yourself climbing the steps into his loft, sitting on his dusty bed with his dog tags resting on your neck, the moonlight streaming in from the curtains, just a sliver open, far enough to see a star. Perhaps they looked the same, maybe they were the same. Maybe you were the one who had changed.
“I’m pregnant,” You whispered into the silence.
“I’m pregnant and it’s yours, Mark.”
No echo, no cabinet slamming shut down stairs, no creaking footsteps. Silence.
“Happy birthday,” You said out loud as you closed the door.
The night of the party, you lit your pumpkins when it got dark and headed to Joel’s house. You hadn’t seen much of him since he had been over, you talked to him briefly one morning, but your schedules were always conflicting. You were nervous about seeing him. Being close to him again.
You found an old cat costume from years ago. A cat headband, a clip on tail, all black clothes. It was simple enough. Since you had been wearing Mark’s dogtags so much, you decided to opt with them, not wearing them felt like you were missing some part of yourself. You doubted Joel would dress up, he wouldn’t be out of place if he didn’t, and you wouldn’t be out of place in your costume either. It was 50/50.
You were surprised to see pumpkins out by Ellie’s house as you entered through the gate, your heart strumming loudly. It looked like she had carved some strange face into a pumpkin, you would have to ask her what it was supposed to be later.
You knocked on Joel’s door, starting down at your shoes, the cold air nipping at your skin. He answered almost immediately.
“How do I look?” You said smugly, turning so he could see your tail, doing a little twirl as you did. He wasn’t wearing a costume — like you expected.
“Dashing. You ready to go?” He smiled.
“Of course. Let’s go.”
It was an exceptionally short walk to the church and bonfire. Jackson was a small city, especially considering Joel lived right next to Main Street. They had decorated the streets quite nicely, pumpkins, hay bales, corn stalks, squash, a warm glow seemingly in every window. The leaves twirling around like fire.
The church came into view, the bonfire in the backyard of the church. Groups of people walked in, you could hear the music from here. Joel walked close to you, which you noticed. Close enough, but far enough to not be super suspicious.
He held the door open for you, the music becoming loud as he did. Mark told you once that he loved the rhythms of music, that he could feel the pulse in him, that’s why he liked music so much. Perhaps you could get the person in charge of music to play Bill Withers..
Shit. What if someone asked about Mark? Would they notice? What would you even say? That he was sick? How long until someone would really go looking for him?
Would Joel notice your small bump? You tried to wear baggy clothes. You didn’t have to worry about Maria spilling your secrets — she was trustworthy.
Inside of the church, the party was booming. It smelt of cinnamon and leaves, whiskey and good times. It seemed like all of Jackson was there. People in simple costumes, others dressing normally. You spotted Maria and Tommy, Tommy nodded at you two when you entered.
The song they played was very folksy and upbeat. A crowd had already started dancing, you couldn’t stop the smile from spreading on your face. No sign of Ellie, but you did spot Cat, as well as Jessie and Dina. On opposite sides of the room of course.
“So, what do you want to do? Drinks?” Joel asked as he led you to the side of the room.
“Oh no, I’m good for now, but don’t stop yourself from getting one.” .
“Sure thing,” Joel replied, setting off to the makeshift bar table that was set up.
You watched the people dance, remembering how Mark used to pull you into the circle.
“Come on Y/N! It’ll be fun!” Mark laughed, trying to pull you over to the circle.
“Nope. I’m not doing it.”
“Well you’re going to. I don’t care, you have to.” He yanked you forward, pulling you to the dancefloor.
You stood stiffly as a rock. You felt like every eye in the room was on you, even though you really knew they could care less, caring more about nursing a drink or trying to hear the latest gossip.
The music was upbeat and fast, good dancing music. He slowly began to dance, one eyebrow cocked to invite you to join him. The room was orange and bright, it seemed like it was glowing.
“Come on,” He said with a singsong tone. Grabbing your arm and shaking it to the beat.
His dancing became more loose and free, smiling the entire time, a twinkle in his eye. He took your arm and twirled you and leaned you into his arms.
“It’s pretty easy.”
“Not for me,” You grumbled as the music ended.
A slower song came on and Mark groaned, his devil horns tilted slightly on his head. “Alright, looks like we have to slow dance now.” He grabbed your arms and locked them around his neck, then placed his hands on your waist. His hands were like tiny firecrackers on you, every touch sparking as his fingertips gently rubbed against your hips. He was passion.
“You know it’s easier if you just give in.”
“Never,” You hissed playfully.
“Well then just sway with me. That’s all we gotta do, sway,” He told you softly. You rolled your eyes, but you gave in.
The music channeled through him. You liked watching it overcome him, his eyes becoming distant like the music was speaking to him.
“Do you think everyone is looking at us?” You asked, glancing around the room.
Mark gently returned to the surface, “Why would they be looking? Only you and me and the music right now.”
You fought the urge to kiss him. You didn’t want people looking. You had kissed him so many times before, but there was that nagging feeling in you. Like a shadow that trailed you. A thought pushed to the back of your mind.
As if on cue, Mark’s eyes trailed lower to your lips, he leaned in gently to you, as if he were to break under your touch. His lips met yours and a heavy feeling underneath a spark set in. An undercurrent of rapid waters that threatened to pull you under.
Who was watching you?
Joel came back with his drink, a glass of whiskey.
You glanced over at the drink, humor in your voice, “Heavy hitters so soon?”
Joel chuckled lightly, taking a sip from his drink.
“You sure you don’t want anything?” He asked you. You shook your head.
“Alright well a few more drinks and I’ll be out there on the dancefloor in no time.”
“Didn’t take you as much of a dancer, cowboy.”
“Oh, I’m not. More like a dying chicken with its head cut off,” He laughed, shaking his head. Couples bounced to the music. You couldn’t remember ever having seen Joel dance, then again at parties you were almost always preoccupied.
“Do you want to head outside to the bonfire?” You asked him, seeing the glow through the windows.
You led him to the backyard where the more mellow crowd was. It was crisp outside, and awfully cold, you wished you would had brought a better jacket.
The sky was crystal clear and the stars were brilliant. The only truly good thing you could think of that came out of the apocalypse was no more light pollution. The stars were true and had looked that way for years.
The fire was large and powerful, it crackled and hissed but the warmth was inviting. Groups of people chatted around the fire, Joel led you to a fallen log by the fire where you could sit.
The party chatter and the muffled sound of the music could still be heard from outside, the looming walls right next the church wasn’t the best view, but the stars were all you needed.
“Nice night, huh?” Joel asked, looking up to the sky.
“Yeah,” You said, your teeth chattering slightly. You rubbed your hands together and aimed them towards the fire. Joel had brought a jacket at least.
“Do you want my jacket?”
You blinked. “No, no, it’s fine, I’ll just uh..” You trailed off, you wanted his jacket.
Joel chuckled quietly, shaking his head. He shrugged off his leather jacket and placed it around you. You felt your cheeks grow warm, and it wasn’t just because of the fire, you turned your head away and looked down briefly.
You looked back up at the stars, receiving courage from those little stamps of light. You leaned your head against his shoulder. He was warm, he felt safe, like a blanket wrapped around you. It was a natural feeling. You pulled his jacket up so it covered your neck. You wanted to stay like this forever.
God, you wanted to kiss him. You wanted to tilt your head up and place a gentle kiss on his lips. You wanted to kiss him in front of the stars, you wanted to kiss him in front of the fire, you wanted to kiss him on the dancefloor. You wanted to kiss him, you wanted to feel the way he felt against you, you wanted to share that sacred feeling like you’re the only two people in the world again.
But no, you couldn’t. Three months and you ghosted him. He was rightly upset with you. There were things you had to say. But he was here now, going on a date with you, giving you his jacket. The feelings were still there it seemed. A part of you was relieved.
You let yourself fully relax, he placed an arm around your shoulder.
You stayed like that for awhile, simply watching the fire crackle and the stars twinkle. Time was no foe anymore.
In a way it felt like Mark was there too, maybe it was the fact that it was Halloween, maybe it was the strange imbalance of practically everything in your life. It felt like he was there and he was smiling at you.
Joel was smiling too.
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knightmaring · 3 years
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tw self harm, blood, mentions of abuse, murder, death.
The stones were placed deliberately, a winding maze stretching out of the cave's mouth. He didn't know if Deimos was the god or hero of his people's religion, but it was a vital part of his identity and one of the only ways he could think to explain to his father.
Hudson sets the last stone in place and grabs his bag, pulling out a paper house. "Hey, Deimos..." he calls out to the night sky. "Dad or father. I don't know what you want me to call you, but, uh, it's me? Hudson. Your son." He steps forward into his maze. "I'm not really good with words and I don't know what sort of ...offering  you're expecting." He continues on, winding around and into the cavern's mouth, swallowed by its darkness.
"I hope you don’t mind if I explain a few things first.” This wasn’t an offering of fear, because despite the fact that his father was the literal god of fear, Hudson didn’t feel… scary. Sure, people were intimidated by his stature and sometimes his skin color, or the simple fact that he was a man, but for the most part Hudson felt like a hamster in wolf’s clothing. “It’ll make sense in the end, I hope.” His heels click against the hard rock of the cave’s floor, each step accompanied by a soft jingle of the bobs of his spurs.
“My life's been... rough." He murmurs, licking his lips nervously. "The first five years my sisters and I, we were on and off the streets, in and out of foster care. Until we met Craig," he pauses and sets the house down on the floor between his boots. "It was the first real home we had and he was real nice, at first." Pulling his dagger from his belt, Hudson cuts the back of his hand. Blood trickles down, spilling around the paper house. "I was five years old when he married mom, and once that happened, it was like a light switch went off on him."
Shuffling forward, Hudson continues onward, a hand on the cave's wall to guide him. "I met Mr. Floyd a few months after that. Really cool dude. Taught me and my sisters a bunch of stuff. He's got a raccoon, Dipshit." Hudson pauses again, rummaging through his bag until he finds what he's looking for: a paper raccoon figure. "Mr. Floyd taught me to shoot a bb gun." He says, setting it down between his feet and repeating the process of cutting himself.
"We used to practice behind his shop on pictures of famous people. I got really good at it." He grins at the memory, finger gunning the darkness with a soft pew.
The grin slips away and he's back to wandering the maze nature had built into the mountain, a hand pulling out another paper creation from his bag. Calloused fingers rub at the folded edges of a gun. "Craig got worse. Mom didn't want to leave because we'd be without a house or food, which meant we'd get torn apart again... I was scared he might kill her or my sisters one day." He drops the paper gun, pressing the knife to his hand until he feels the sharp stick and the wet slick of blood again. Hudson lets out a hiss of pain. "So, I killed him. Pew!" Hudson mimics the finger gun motion again. "Right through his left eye."(edited)
The demigod grows quiet, frowning in the darkness. "The cops came and took mom away. My sisters and I ended up in foster homes. Separated." He pushes onward, the sound of ruffling wings and soft chirps from the cave's ceiling draw his gaze upward. Bats, he figures. "I bounced around a few homes after that, but the worst house was the Young’s. They used to put stuff in my food at night." His voice dips down to a strained, barely audible whisper. "I dunno if it was so I wouldn't fight back or if they thought I wouldn't remember, but---" Hudson's voice cracks and he stops, heart hammering in his chest. "I remember bits and pieces of what they did to me. Sometimes, I'll remember new things."
Hudson drops a paper cross to the ground, letting more blood rain down. A gust of wind that brushes past him, a soft flapping of fleshy wings trailing it. "Don't worry, life got better after that--- Some law got passed not too long  after that and me and my sisters all got to go live with my grandma." He drops a little bird to the ground and continues with his trek. "Then, Mr. Floyd helped my mom get out of prison and they got married!" A blood slick paper ring is dropped.
"Things were good for a few years. For me, at least. My sister Denver had a harder time," he explains. "Craig had beat her real bad when we were young; got nerve damage in her leg. So, she was in constant pain... and," with his bloodied hand, he pulls out a paper hawk. "She lost hope that it'll ever stop hurting, that the chaos in her head will ever stop without the heroin." Kneeling to the ground, Hudson sets the bird down gently. "I got selfish, started spending more time with a girl in school---my first ever girlfriend---and I was barely home. Barely around to see Denver, to listen to her, to be there for her." He draws a fresh cut across his palm, wincing as he deepens it, almost as if he were punishing himself. "She got into a car accident. Killed some wealthy white dude who was out biking and drove off."
For a moment, Hudson simply sits there, letting his palm make a mess around the paper bird. It was one of the best years of his life, but all the good and happiness he experienced seemed small and insignificant when held up next to the heartbreaking events that lead up to his arrest and imprisonment. "We lived in Arizona, so you know, my sister coulda been tried as an adult even though she's just 16 and if that'd happened, then she woulda ended up on death row." A tear streams down his cheek. "So, I took the fall. I got that trial and ended up with that sentencing. She went to rehab, about four times. Then she overdosed five years later. I wasn't there for her again. I couldn't even attend her funeral.”
He sniffs back the avalanche of snot threatening to break free. "Prison sucked. Got stuck in the system for eight years, but thanks to a bunch of laws, my sentence was reduced to life in prison, then reduced again, and then commuted." He hisses as he pushes himself up off the cavern floor and presses onward. "Bounced around between jobs, bought my first house," if a mobile home counted as a house. "I was pretty active in the local anarchist community, and then uh, well, I ran for a city council seat... and I won."
He feels out the paper creations in his hand, and tosses the one he was fairly certain was a rainbow. "I jokingly proposed we legalize gay marriage in the city... as a publicity stunt for gay tourism, and uh... well, my bill passed." He lets out a laugh. "Yeah, the state government sued and apparently, that was the nail in the coffin for it to get bumped up to the Supreme Court." There's pride radiating off him. "Funny, huh? Bunch of scared old geezers suing us because they're afraid other cities in the state would copy cat and they'd be known as a gay state... well, their fear backfired on them real hard."
This was dragging on, and while he knew gods technically had all the time in the world, he suspected they also had the shortest attention spans in the world. "I met the love of my life a few years back," his grin softens into a pained smile. "Gideon, he's the most beautiful man I've ever met. He swept me off my feet with just a smile.” The lawyer was all sharp edges, cool as a cucumber, but there was a softness in his gaze when he looked at Hudson. Even his touches were soft, handling the demigod as if he were a delicate work of art. Hudson had never felt so cherished in his 30 years, and it hurt to think he might never experience that again. 
“Dude was a cop---well, a prosecutor, which is just a cop with a college degree. He didn’t want to be one, he wanted do civil rights stuff, but his dad wouldn’t let him. It got him killed---he got him killed." The memory of him trying to stop Gideon from bleeding out comes rushing back to him. He sinks to the ground, a paper daffodil and  heart  in hand and simply breathes. Moments pass in silence before he speaks again. “I’m not telling you this so you feel bad for me. Life isn’t life without a bit of pain.” Granted Hudson had a whole lot more than a bit. “I just wanted to show you that no matter how many times my life went to shit, I kept at it and I’ll keep fighting because I have hope.” Hope that he could beat whatever evils that threaten them. Hope that he can make the world a better place. And hope that he can get Gideon back, no matter what it’ll cost him.  He sets the last two of his paper creations down. “That’s what I’m offering.” He lets his head fall back against the hard cavern walls, staring up at the squeaking abyss above him. “I won’t stop no matter how hard it gets.” Suffering and hope went hand in hand. You couldn’t have one without the other. “I promise.”
A trail of  blood, sweat, tears, and fears turned into hope.
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rainyday-imagines · 5 years
It’s gonna be okay
A/N: I’ve had this idea for like weeks now but, I didn’t have the motivation to write it. So.... here it is! The thing no one asked for! I would also say Richie, Eddie and the Reader were really close as kids.
Pairing: Adult!Eddie Kaspbrak x Reader they’ve been married for a while, kinda Adult!Richie Tozier x Reader, maybe slight Eddie x Richie x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of death, angst fest,mentions of blood, some fluff.
NOT MY GIF - Credit to the amazing owner! 
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     The quarry was quiet, except for the gentle splashing of water surrounding the Losers, what was left of them anyway. Slowly washing away all memories of the night before. Everyone was off by themselves, trying to piece together everything that had happened but still close enough, closer than they had been before all this. 
     “You know what? Eddie would’ve hated this you guys.” Ben muttered, breaking the silence surrounding them. Your back to the rest of the group, this brought tears to your eyes as you scrubbed at your arms. 
     “What cleaning our selves in dirt water?” Bill slightly chuckled back. 
     “He would be telling us strepticafl-somthin” Bev joined in. 
     “Yeah...but he would’ve made us laugh though.” Mike said, a smile on his face, remembering the joy Eddie had once brought into our lives. The scrubbing becoming more intense as you tried to hold it together. 
     “Oh yeah” 
     “He’d be lookin out for us.” Ben said, more somber. “The way he always was. Ain’t that right Richie?” He called out to Richie who was just staring at your back. 
     It was becoming harder and harder to keep it together. All the memories of the night before flooding back. The water. The cave. The darkness. The nightmares. The fighting. The stabbing. The blood. Eddie. Eddie. Eddie. 
      The blood won’t come off. You’ll never see him again. Alone. Without Eddie, what is there to do now? 
      The scrubbing was intense now, your arms were turning red from the irritation. The dirt and the blood wouldn’t come off. You can feel the anxiety rising, only Eddie was able to calm you down. Who’s gonna calm you down now? How can you survive beyond this? 
      “Y/N?” Richie said moving towards you across the murky water. The group turned towards you, sensing your discomfort, your movements becoming more rash in the water. 
      “Y/N, breathe. I need you to breathe with me.” Richie said going to stand in front of you. Trying to take your hand away from your arm. 
     “You’re hurting yourself, stop.” He said, frowning at your state. 
     “I-I can’t get the blood off. Rich, I can’t. He-he’s gone. We left him in the dark. He’s by himself in that fucking house.” You said, hyperventilating, barely getting the words out. 
     “Come here.” Richie said more forcefully pulling you towards him. Putting his arms around you. “Breathe with me. I know.” 
      You continued to cry into his shirt. Richie hearing you mumble about Eddie. The rest of the Losers came over towards the two of you, surrounding you in their warmth. All of them understanding your sadness on some level. 
      Your breathing seemed to finally settle down after what seemed like hours. 
     “Thank you.” You said quietly to the group, as they began to separate. 
     “Come on, lets go back to the hotel.” 
     The hotel was quiet as they all pilled in. They had even managed to drag Mike along with them for at least a drink. The sound of squishing shoes and shuffling feet led them to the bar. 
     Richie following along at the back of the line, watching your back as you moved. 
     “Hey, Y/N. You dropped something.” He said getting down on a knee to pick it up from the foyer of the hotel.
     He held up a ring, in an almost comical way, under different circumstances. You turned and once your eyes saw him, down on one knee you widened your eyes in surprise. 
     “No. I swear I’m not kidding around, you actually dropped this.” He said standing up, holding out a ring. 
     “Oh.” You finished sadly, actually seeing what he was holding. “It’s Eddies’. He had it in his hand when he-” You stopped not able to finish. You reached out to take the ring, looking at in your hand. Remembering pulling you hand away, we you were forced to leave him. 
     “We picked out our rings together; we had them inscribed with the day we met and then the day we got married.” You smiled down at the rings, imaging the day. Eddie was so nervous but, he looked so beautiful up there on the stage, it’s impossible to forget. 
     “Yeah speaking of, why didn’t I get invited to the wedding?” Richie accused, pretending to be hurt. 
     “Of course you got invited dumbass. How could we not invite the third to our trio?” You answered back. Richie actually looked slightly surprised, assuming he actually didn’t get invited. 
     “We got a call- no wait I think it was an email from your publicist. I think you were in Denver that weekend or something.” You said with a smile, looking up at Richie. 
     “Well, I’m sorry I couldn’t make it. Maybe I’ll make it to your next one.” He immediately flinched at the harshness of the joke. Sometimes he hated not having a filter. 
     To his surprise, you actually let out a little laugh. 
     “Yeah Rich. Maybe you will.” You said, giving him another smile before turning to join the group in the bar. 
     Richie smiled to himself, watching you go. He went to join the others at the bar and was happily surprised to see them all smiling and talking. 
     You looked around the table, seeing everyone finally at peace. The looming dread no longer hanging on their shoulders. This was something you could get used too, something to grow from. 
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thefightingbull · 4 years
Well... That Was Unexpected (Teaser)
Thanksgiving. It didn’t seem like much, but since Jason had made amends with the family, it had become the single most important holiday of the year. Spending time at the manor and eating a home cooked meal that Steph and Alfred would likely spend hours working on the day before and the day after was a requirement. Or maybe they’d just cater it this year… He thought he’d heard something about that.
The only problem Jason foresaw with the upcoming event was that he was without a date. The year prior only Tim had a date in Steph. Bruce, Dick, Alfred, and Barbara were all single. Unfortunately for him, Barbara and Roy were dating, Bruce insisted that Selina show up, Alfred and Dr. Thompkins were an item and Dick was officially official with Kori again. Hell, even Damian was “dating” some girl from school and of course all of them would be at the dinner.
He scrolled through his contact list and sighed. He did not want to be the only solo act in the manor. It was hard enough being the undead Robin. Harder being the only one who’d been an enemy to his family at one point. The one who’d nearly killed some of them… He shook off the thought.
He was over the past. So was his family. He just didn’t want to be reminded of yet another way he didn’t fit in. He had to find someone, anyone to date. But who?
With a sigh he pocketed his phone and walked into the diner. He needed to get his head in the game. Some asshat was running around casting spells and causing all sorts of havoc. He’d gotten an alert from Deathstroke earlier that morning asking that they meet up. Apparently, the magician was one of the assassin’s contracts.
He really, really didn’t want to be bait. Magicians, wizards, witches? They all sucked. He couldn’t count the number of times he’d been royally screwed playing bait for a magician. He’d been turned into animals, de-aged, shrunk, aged, and once he’d even been turned into a freaking action figure. Yeah, magic wasn’t anything he liked messing with.
Still, if Deathstroke asked, he would do it. Mostly because he owed the cyclops a massive favor. Nextly, because he actually liked working with him. If Dick had half the brain he claimed to have, he would have watched, listened and learned. He would have come out of the engagements stronger, smarter, and more capable.
Jason was seated in the back of the restaurant in a corner booth, his back to the wall so that he could see the men and women coming inside. He ordered himself a coffee, black. Ever since he’d watched Dick dump diabetes type 2 inducing amounts of sugar in his, Jason had avoided the sweet substance. He didn’t even let people put fake sweeteners in his caffeine.
His eyes glanced upward as a few people came into the restaurant. A few guys and a girl. He looked back down at his coffee and took a sip as a very attractive man approached him. He was taller than most with blonde hair and the brightest blue eyes he’d seen in a long time. His shaggy blond hair and grimace did look a touch familiar but it was the way the man moved that really caught Jason’s attention. He approached with purpose and took a seat at his booth.
“Uh, beach is that way, dude,” he snarked as he pointed toward the coast.
“Shut up, Jason,” the man hissed.
He blinked in surprise as he scowled at the blond before him. “Who…?” He shook his head as he looked over the stranger. Blond hair, like platinum blond hair. The guy had stood at least six foot four and he was built like a fucking terminator, or rather, built like The Terminator. “Holy shit!”
“Took care of a witch a few days ago,” he snapped. “Seems he had a few allies that took offense.”
Jason couldn’t do anything but stare at the man. Did Slade realize how gorgeous he was? Truth be told he’d always had a crush on the older man, but he’d seemed untouchable before. Now, all Jason wanted to do was touch. He tried to refocus on the conversation, but it was difficult.
“What’s your problem?” Slade snapped at him.
“Nothing,” he answered immediately. “Just a little taken back, that’s all.”
Slade sneered. “Yeah, that’s why I need your help.”
“Gotta kiss a real boy to turn back into an old frog?” He couldn’t help but tease the old man.
Those sky-blue eyes rolled as Jason was grabbed roughly by the collar. The speed and the skill warned that despite being a good two or three decades younger than he should be and forced to see out of two eyes, Slade was still very much a dangerous man who didn’t always appreciate the lip.
“Your fairy tales are crossed,” Slade growled low. “I don’t know what the fuck I need, but I do believe the spell will resolve itself eventually.”
As soon as Jason was released, he nodded. “How soon?”
“Couple weeks at least, couple months at the most.” Slade frowned.
“So… What did you need me for?”
“I need to lie low,” he answered quietly. “You’re one of the few capes that owes me a favor and one that won’t drag me to Arkham or Blackgate.”
Jason nodded, but then paused. Wait, did that mean? “Slade,” he whispered as he leaned forward to make sure no one else could hear. “Are your enhancements… you know?”
“Gone?” Slade huffed. It would have been funny if it wasn’t so terrifying. “It’s not something I’m willing to explain.”
“But it leaves you vulnerable,” he reasoned and when he saw the glare added quickly; “Or well, as vulnerable as someone like you can be.”
Slade nodded. “You gonna help me or not?”
He leaned back and nodded. “I’ve got a few places you can hide out, not all of them are dumps,” he explained softly. He noticed a few women were staring at Slade as they passed by, especially the waitress who looked like she was trying to hype herself up. “Do you see the effect you are having on people?”
To Jason’s further surprise, Slade blushed! Like actually blushed. His cheeks turned red and he didn’t even scowl or growl at Jason. Yeah, he was a master of self-control with his enhancements, but it seemed he didn’t have the molecular level of control over his body at the moment.  He wondered if Slade was even aware of the way his cheeks turned red.
He was about to ask when the waitress finally sidled over. “Anything I can get you, handsome?” She grinned.
Slade jaw ticked as his fists clenched on the table. “He’ll have coffee, black and a Denver omelet. I’ll have the biscuits and gravy.”
The woman pouted a little, but made off to get their order put in. “Thanks,” Slade grumbled.
“This is really throwing you off your game, isn’t it?” Jason didn’t smile. He absolutely bit back the temptation to continue pestering the man about his predicament and be an adult about it.
Slade didn’t answer, obviously working on trying to control himself. Whatever he tried; it didn’t work. If looks could kill, Jason would be a dead man. The narrowed eyes, the unholy sneer on his lips? It was intense and not something Slade had been prone to in the past unless he wanted to strike fear into the hearts of any surrounding him.
“Jason,” Slade started, but was interrupted by the shout of another.
Slade turned and Jason looked toward the front where Dick and his partner Devon Peterson had just entered. His brother was all smiles as he and the other cop approached them. He looked down at Slade and Jason almost wondered if Slade’s non-existent cover had already been blown. To be fair, Dick had the most familiarity with the assassin. They’d been enemies, reluctant allies, and had briefly shared a partnership in which Slade had tried to be something of a mentor.
If anyone had known what Slade looked like as a young man, Dick would make the most sense.
“Who is this?” Dick smiled as he looked down at the younger version of his former antagonist.
Slade looked like he was going to tease Dick as he was so used to doing, so Jason kicked him beneath the table. “Hey Dick, this is,” he glanced at Slade to be sure there would be no retaliation and to try and think. “This is uh… Well, he’s…” Shit. Maybe he should have allowed Slade to speak.
The only problem was that Jason had never trusted Devon. He’d been Dick’s partner for a year and seemed shifty as fuck. He frowned and looked to Slade, trying to impress upon him the knowledge or paranoia he had about the other cop. Not that Slade was a fan of cops anyhow. They usually made his life a touch more difficult than necessary.
“Fuck, you know what,” he stalled as he formed a really half-assed plan. “This is my boyfriend.”
Devon’s eyes widened in surprise. “You’re gay?”
“Wow, Jay, really?” Dick smiled. “How long?”
“C-couple of months. I just… you know how I am with relationships… I didn’t want to say anything until I was sure. You know what vultures the media can be.”
Dick nodded; the poor guy knew better than most, he really did. Jason almost felt bad for the oldest of Bruce’s kids. He’d been under a microscope the moment he turned eighteen. Tabloids ran a story on anyone they thought he might be dating and definitely anytime he’d broken up with them. Hell, there’d even been an article devoted to all of Dick’s one-nightstands a few months back.
“You gonna introduce me to your boyfriend?” Dick smiled, he and his partner still standing beside their table. Devon looked bored and a little irritated, but Dick was practically glowing.
“This is… Lance,” He almost cringed but frowned when he saw the furious expression on Slade’s face.
He couldn’t help it though. Slade looked like some kind of New Kid on the Backstreet or something. He was absolutely gorgeous and the first name that popped into his head was Lance. He was so fucking dead. Slade Wilson, who already had a porn star’s name, was now Lance.
“Hi, Lance, I’m Jason’s brother, Dick,” he offered his hand to Slade.  
Lance hid the rage from his eyes as he looked up at and took the offered hand. “That’s not my name. Your asshole brother just insists on calling me that because he thinks I look like a boyband loser,” Slade sneered. “My name is Liam, Liam Kelly.”
Dick laughed and nodded. “Yeah, Jason’s always been a bit of an ass,” he nudged Jason’s shoulder as he spoke. “Well, we’re just grabbing our breakfast to go, but it was a pleasure meeting you, Liam. I hope we see you at dinner this Sunday.”
“I doubt I’ll be in town,” Slade started.
“He’ll be there,” Jason insisted. “Now get outta here before your partner strangles you or something.”
Devon rolled his eyes before turning from them and walked back to the front of the diner without Dick. Jason really, really hated the guy. He wondered how corrupt the officer was. If he was just an asshole or if he was dirty, or maybe even a mole for someone.
“Sounds great!” Dick grinned to Liam. “Catch you later, Jay!”
As soon as he was out of range, Slade had him by the collar again. “What the Hell do you think you’re doing, Jason?”  
“Protecting you and doing myself a favor at the same time,” Jason explained. “Look, the family is always on me about not taking anything seriously. If they think I have a real boyfriend instead of some throwaway lover, they’ll stay off my ass for a bit. You dump me in front of them, like at Thanksgiving dinner at the end of the month? Dude, they’ll leave me alone for the rest of the season at the very least!”
“So, this will be your payment for allowing me to lie low? Putting my new persona in danger just so that you can have a date to some holiday functions coming up over the next four weeks?” Slade definitely looked against it. Still, Jason could only nod. “Fine, but you embarrass me or fuck me over in any way, and I swear I’ll gut you.”
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stuffandnosense · 6 years
Uncle Matthew
Just some short Voltron fluff/angst/??? I wrote because of a song that got stuck in my head??? It’s all John Denver’s fault???
I love Matt Holt, and the song is called “Matthew” and I couldn’t help myself. I don’t know. The general story and feel of the song are what’s relevent, I suppose, and if anyone want to listen to it first, or after, here’s the link.
“It’s okay to be sad. But that doesn’t mean you can’t be happy, too.”
That’s the way Uncle Matthew explained it to me the first time, when I was only about six and my pet fremlek died. I insisted on moping for two entire movements, and when he asked me how I was doing I told him I just couldn’t be happy anymore. It would be a betrayal of Mr Wobbly.
“He’d want you to be happy, you know,” he said in further explanation.  And he smiled and swept me up onto his shoulders and that was enough for me then.
The sentiment became more nuanced as I got older. Like the day I really, really understood that both of my parents came from destroyed planets - and that Uncle Matt did too.
It was easier to remember with Mom, somehow. After all, she and Uncle Coran were the only people I’d ever seen who looked like me, until my brothers and sisters were born. No one else had pointy ears or cheek markings. Both of them would tell me stories about Altea. It was a gentle refrain I grew up to - something that seemed far in the past.
Dad was always more quiet about Earth, and there was a whole colony of surviving humans settled around the castle. I knew we weren’t on Earth, and everyone missed it, but somehow it never quite registered that it was gone.
If I wanted to hear about Earth, most of time, I had ask Uncle Matt. I would sit with him in the garden or in his lab and he would tell me about growing up there, and about his family, and what Earth looked like, and about working with my Dad on the Kerberos mission and then later to fight the Galra. If it was dark, he could always point out exactly where Earth’s sun was.
“You can’t see it from here, not with the naked eye anyway, but the sun Earth used to orbit is right...there. Beyond that cluster of stars.”
And it wasn’t like no one had ever said that Earth was gone. But one night when I was ten, and he pointed to sky and said that, I really got it. He’d been talking about his sister and Uncle Lance, and how they saved the ships that had been able to evacuate Earth when the Galra went after them, too, and it wasn’t like I didn’t know about them, either. There was a statue in the courtyard. But that night I really understood that there had been so many more people on Earth. And they were all gone.
I started crying and he hugged me. “I’m sorry, Katie. I didn’t mean to make you sad.”
“Were your mom and dad on Earth…?”
“Yeah...Dad kept trying to make the new defense perimeter work until the last minute, and Mom wouldn’t leave without him.”
I just cried harder. “I-I’m sorry…”
And then the Galra went after the escaped ships, and Aunt Katie and Uncle Lance died stopping them. I wasn’t born until a year or so later, so I never met them. But Mom and Dad named me after Aunt Katie, and my second oldest brother’s name is Lance.
“It’s okay,” Uncle Matt told me. “It was a long time ago. We lost that battle, but we won the war, and I think everybody who’s not here anymore would be happy about that.”
“Don’t you miss them?”
“Of course, but it’s nice to think about them.”
“It doesn’t make you sad?”
“Well...yeah. Sometimes. But it makes me happy, too. And they’d want me to be happy...to make the most out of my life. And I’m doing that.” He ruffled my wavy white hair and laughed. “I get to be your friend, after all, don’t I?”
Uncle Matt really was my best friend growing up. I didn’t have a lot of friends, and I didn’t have any siblings until I was seven, and then I had to wait for them to grow up enough that I could really get to know them. I had other Uncles, of course - Uncle Hunk, Uncle Keith, Uncle Coran...and Uncle Kolivan doesn’t like for me to call him that because he says it’s too personal, but I do it anyway.
Uncle Matt was the only one beside Uncle Coran who usually lived with us in the castle though. Uncle Hunk usually lived in the settlement with his mother and Aunt Shay, and Uncle Keith was usually off with his mother and the Blade of Marmora. Uncle Matt was gone often too when I was really little though - whenever they were all gone.
But when they came back Uncle Matt usually had something for me - a flower from a planet I’d never seen before, or a part from an alien market for me to tinker with. He always seemed thrilled I was interested in technology.
“Your Aunt Katie loved it too. I mean I’m smart, but she was a genius,” he’d say wistfully. And then he’d help me test my latest invention or toss ideas back and forth with me.
I hated they had to go so much, but there was still a war to fight, and they were all needed to form Voltron - Dad, Mom, Uncle Hunk, Uncle Keith, and Uncle Matt. Uncle Matt had been the paladin of the green lion for as long as I could remember, since it accepted him after his sister died.
“There are still quite a few scattered factions of bad guys,” Uncle Coran would tell a tiny me. Bickering Galra forces fighting for control, I knew later. “But Voltron will get them! Everything will be fine. Your parents and your uncles will be home soon.”
“If the war wasn’t over, why did you have me?” I didn’t ask Dad that until I was fifteen. I didn’t really have a way to put it into words before then. I was pretty sure the war was why I’d been an only child until I was almost eight, after all. Until it finally, for the most part, ended.
I didn’t have the heart to tell Dad how much I’d been teased growing up, by the kids in the settlement. Most of the adults all loved me, fawned over me...but the kids hurled names. Told me I was nothing but a ploy, a publicity stunt. That there were still people who say things like that behind my back.
“We thought we were going to wait until the war was over, but you just sort of...happened,” Dad told me. The scar across his nose wrinkled when he smiled, and his eyes went distant for a moment. I turned around and found him looking at Mom. She’d snuck in behind me and she went to Dad and took his hand.
“Of course, having you did have the pleasantly surprising side effect of rallying Earth’s survivors,” Mom said. “As well as the rest of the coalition. To them it was a sign that the survivors and the Voltron coalition could come together and defeat what was left of the Galra - the people who had taken not just their homeworld, but mine. It gave us all something in common.”
“You,” Dad, squeezing my hand. “Now I’m almost not sure if we could have won the war without you. But that wouldn’t have mattered. We would have loved you just as much no matter what, Katie.”
I almost started crying right there in front of them. When I told Uncle Matt later, I did tell him about all the teasing growing up. I almost had to hold him down to keep him from storming off to find the kids responsible.
“Most of them were older than me! They’re grown up now anyway. Quiznak, Uncle Matt, leave it alone.”
“Hey! Language!”
“You started it.”
And then we were laughing in the grass.
“I just can’t believe you really thought your parents might have had you just as a means to an end. You have three siblings, and your mom is pregnant.”
I blinked. “Wait, Mom’s pregnant?”
“Quiznak…I will play video games with you all night if you promise not to tell your parents I just let that slip.”
“Deal. And what happened to watching language?”
Sometimes I did see him cry. Like later that same night, when I looked over in the glow from the screen in my room and there were tear tracks on his face even as he smashed buttons. I didn’t say anything that night - we kept playing, and I think that was what he needed - but sometimes I did, and his answer was always the same.
“Like I said...it’s okay to be sad.”
“You can talk to me about them if you want,” I would remind him. And most of the time, he did.
“Thanks, Katie.”
“For what?”
“Being you.”
But all I really wanted to do was thank him for being him. 
** Thank you so much for reading! Please let me know what you think! I really appreciate it! :) **
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kayla-turpin · 4 years
My Favourite Articles of 2019
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Normally, I try to post this as the year is careening to the end, but 2019 was a bit different and I am posting this a month late. I started 2019 with the New Years Resolution to read an article a day. Part of the motivation was to break the habit of mindlessly scrolling Reddit right before bed and be more intentional with my reading habits. The other part was just to see if I could stick to a daily habit. It seemed low-stakes - I already enjoy consuming stories in the longform format and I knew it would take up a marginal slice of time in my day.I didn’t set out with any specific rules, but some did form as the year progressed:
I did not need to limit myself to articles that came out this year - I could delve into the archives and find articles that peaked my interest depending on the mood I was in.
Articles should generally be considered journalistic in nature, but there was no particular length. I generally tried to aim for anything over 10 minutes. I would say the average read time was about 20-25 minutes.
I could read at any point of the day. I occasionally read in the morning, but I would say 90% of the time I read at night.
For tracking purposes, I would use Pocket. As a result, most printed articles went unread.
I am happy to report that I read. I read every single day. Some days were harder than others: I definitely remember one night coming home from the bar and trying to focus on a Zadie Smith article about Graham Greene while the ceiling started to spin.  Or moving into my new home and squinting into the light of my phone on a mattress on the floor, no internet and surrounded by towers of boxes. I read quietly to myself the evening follow my uncle’s funeral.  I read surrounded by sleeping colleagues after a night out in Denver. I read in coffee shops, on planes, next to the river, on long car rides, on my sister’s pull-out, but mostly from my bed. I read for days on multiple subjects, largely determined by whatever rabbit hole I had fallen into - Chernobyl, MH370, Dirty John, adult friendships, self-help columns, spooky houses, and wacky science discoveries. I read a lot of true crime. I would sometimes take the opportunity to stay abreast on current events.
This goal itself wasn’t revolutionary or life-changing - but I am mostly proud of the fact that I was able to maintain the discipline to do it every day. This year, I am going to maintain the same trajectory but shift over to books with 1-2 days of dedicated time for longform.
Anyway, without further ado, here are some articles I loved* this year!
10. I Accidentally Uncovered a Nationwide Scam on AirBnB - Allie Conti (Vice)
I would be remiss if I didn’t include this article for the sole reason that my colleagues and I were scammed by the same scam! Not entirely, since we SSDGS (stayed sexy and didn’t get scammed), but we initially booked with the exact same fake listing. 
The bad news, which went unstated, was that I had unknowingly stumbled into a nationwide web of deception that appeared to span eight cities and nearly 100 property listings—an undetected scam created by some person or organization that had figured out just how easy it is to exploit Airbnb’s poorly written rules in order to collect thousands of dollars through phony listings, fake reviews, and, when necessary, intimidation.
9. The Tinder Swindler - Natalie Remøe Hansen, Kristoffer Kumar, Erlend Ofte Arntsen (VG)
The UX design of longform articles has vastly improved and this article takes full of advantage – I’d suggest reading it for the interactivity alone. Also, I am already sensing a rhythm to this list, one of true crime and elaborate schemes and unsuspecting rubes.
8. Worked at Vice Then Went to Jail - Kate Knibbs (The Ringer)
This article is scattered with a bunch of ‘six degrees of separation’ vibes from people quoted in the article to the geographical snapshot of the Vice office and the borders of Liberty Village and Parkdale. It’s weird thinking that this story was developing blocks away from where I was binge-watching Scandal and eating muffins from The Abbott. 
Slava says he wound up in touch with people who were in touch with people who, somewhere along the line, ran a transnational drug trafficking ring organized enough to move humans who smuggled millions of dollars’ worth of product around the globe because he was sick of writing about Canadian music. “I really exhausted the pipeline of potential content,” he said. He’d noticed other writers in the Canadian office get praised for daring reporting, particularly one coworker who’d managed to get a source within ISIS. Pivoting to crime writing sounded exciting.”
7. The Fisherman’s Secret - Giuseppe Pennisi (San Francisco Chronicle)
The deep sea is deeply fa-sea-nating. Ok, that was nau-sea-ating. Ok, I’ll stop. In any case, this article reads like a contemporary treasure hunt. Did you know you like learning about maritime law? 
Well, you do now.Joe was about to learn this for himself. It was the biggest secret he had ever needed to keep. So big that he was compelled to just blurt it out. So big it could put his family in danger. And it felt like destiny. He’d come to know it only because of the particular way he fished, the same way his father had, and his grandfather — trawling the ocean floor.He had spent his life on the water, yet when it came to treasure, he was a rank amateur. But he knew something the experts didn’t.Joe knew, within a tiny circle of the Pacific, where a treasure might be.
6. What Really Happened to Malaysia’s Missing Airplane - William Langeweische (The Atlantic)
We will likely never know the answer to this – but this theoretical account, at least, feels close to the truth. 
Eleven minutes later, as the airplane closed in on a waypoint near the start of Vietnamese air-traffic jurisdiction, the controller at Kuala Lumpur Center radioed, “Malaysian three-seven-zero, contact Ho Chi Minh one-two-zero-decimal-nine. Good night.” Zaharie answered, “Good night. Malaysian three-seven-zero.” He did not read back the frequency, as he should have, but otherwise the transmission sounded normal. It was the last the world heard from MH370. The pilots never checked in with Ho Chi Minh or answered any of the subsequent attempts to raise them.
5. The Strange Life and Mysterious Death of a Virtuoso Coder - Brendan I. Koener (Wired)
Despite the tragic turn-of-events elucidated in the title, the article is an interesting foray into the life of an enigmatic individual with a raw talent in a language I know little about (despite operating professionally in tech space).
There were occasions, however, when Haas would temporarily shake off the druggy haze and dazzle with his brilliance. Mark Yannitell recalls that Haas figured out how to dramatically improve an open source video encoder so that it could crunch multimegabyte files in a matter of minutes rather than hours. Yannitell urged his friend to capitalize on his achievement, but Haas hemmed and hawed before dropping the project altogether.“He was like Cypher from The Matrix—y'know, ‘You see code, but I see brunettes and redheads,’ ” Yannitell says. “But when he reached that genius moment, when he was on the cusp of some big idea that could maybe change the world, he got nervous.”
4. The Most Gullible Man in Cambridge - Kera Bolonik (The Cut)
I guffawed all the way through this article. Be sure to read the follow-up, because the ride doesn’t stop.
That could help explain why warning signs that might have been obvious to many managed to elude a man who teaches a Harvard Law class on “Judgment and Decision-Making,” which analyzes those elements of human nature that allow us to delude ourselves and make terrible decisions. “Of course, now I feel slightly ridiculous teaching it,” Hay told me, “given how easily I let myself be taken advantage of.”
3. The Stolen Kids of Sarah Lawrence - Ezra Marcus (The Cut)
Another unbelievable story that operates in the shadow of the ivory tower. This story is unsettling, with elements of Dirty John in the methodically-manipulative-yet-charsmatic nature of Larry Ray, the father of one of the students living in the dorm.
Larry’s core program of personal transformation happened on nights they stayed in. After a late dinner, everyone would gather in the living room for a marathon discussion in which the group interrogated one person about anything and everything. Usually, the person being questioned had landed in the hot seat because he or she had done something Larry didn’t like. Trivial mistakes, such as scratching a pan or breaking a plate, were considered intentional manifestations of childhood trauma. The group session’s purpose, Larry explained, was to reveal deep personal truths.
2. Chaos at the Top of the World - Joshua Hammer (GQ)
There will always be places on this earth, especially spaces that push the boundaries of the extreme, that will always have a magical quality. The deep recesses of the ocean, the cusp of the Kármán line, the long stretch of polar landscape. Stories of Everest are no exception, as they always feel heroic and adventurous. This article examines the ever-growing popularity and the danger that ensues.
He swiftly identified the problem: a woman in a red climbing suit adorned with the emblems of a Chinese mountaineering group perched just before the drop-off, unwilling to go forward. The woman's two Sherpa guides were firmly encouraging her to descend the ladder, but she remained paralyzed in apparent fear. For those in the logjam behind her, there was no going around. Everybody was stuck, freezing in the storm.
1. Gimme Shelter - Wes Enzinna (Harper’s)
It goes without saying as I listed it as #1, but this was my favourite read by a long-shot. Longform journalism can be riveting due to the subject matter alone, but can also be so well-written that even describing the confines of a small shack in an unremarkable backyard in Oakland can make your chest feel heavy. This article contained an unexpected callback – I happened to read an article that was tangentially related a couple of years ago that filled in some of the colour. I recommend starting there.
It rained. First for days, then for weeks. The yard filled up with a quarter foot of water, as if somewhere a levee had collapsed, and the heads of coyote mint and monkey flower became lily pads. At night, ghosts of mist rose from the pools, and inside my shack I could see my breath, even with my space heater turned to ten. The power flickered. To use the toilet or kitchen in Erik’s house I dashed through the mud, high-stepping, and returned to the shack soaked and shivering. There was nowhere to sit or lie other than my mattress, so I spent most nights pupated in my sleeping bag, the zipper under my chin, the space heater tucked under the covers with me as I watched the rain fall outside and the waterline creep slowly up the walls.
Honourable mentions
(*I kept the Top 10 list to strictly articles from 2019, but here’s some highlights from the temporal smorgasbord of content available)
Made me feel a little homesick for the streets of Toronto: The Woman Who Built Queen West
If you want to ball your eyes out: The Unthinkable Has Happened
Friends writing and doing cool things: Wonders and Wanders Along The Way
2 Spooky 4 U (Ghost edition): The Murder House
2 Spooky 4 U (Stalker edition): The Watcher
Calling Keith Morrison to come narrate this story immediately: The Body in Room 348
Fitbits aren’t just counting steps anymore: A Brutal Murder, a Wearable Witness, and an Unlikely Suspect
Never forget: When P!nk was Black
If you could get ASMR from reading words: David Chang’s Unified Theory of Deliciousness
Be still, my 1999 tween heart: ‘Cruel Intentions’ Oral History
I am actually obsessed with him, tho: Why Million of People Watch This Youtube Eat 50-year old Rations
A new (laughable) spin on remote work: My Life As a Robot
When music literally soundtracks important moments in your life: The Christmas Tape
The other side of that Aziz Ansari story: The Rise and Fall of Babe.net
Some expert level trolling: I Made My Shed the Top-Rated Restaurant on Trip Advisor
My dirty secret is my love for influencer drama: I Was Caroline Calloway
0 notes
5hfanfiction · 7 years
The Golden Rose (Chapter 1)
Summary - Since Lauren was little, she has dreamt of working at the preschool she attend. Years later Lauren finally receives a job in the four-year-old class, however, the school is on the verge of being shut down due to a lazy owner and a new preschool down the street. It also doesn’t help her class’ behavioral issues have been the worst she ever seen. Besides worrying about her job, Lauren keeps having night terrors of an accident that took place over the summer and to top it off, she’s starting to develop feelings for her new co-worker, Camila.  With her life spiraling out of control, the only thing bringing light to her days are the golden roses she finds on her desk every day.
Since preschool, Lauren knew she wanted to become a teacher. In fact, she wanted to teach at Golden Valley Preschool, the number one ranked preschool in the Denver area. It was also the school she attended until it was time for her to go to kindergarten. Lauren loved the atmosphere of the entire place. Everyone was excited to teach or learn, both of which are harder to find nowadays. The staff often joked that Lauren would take over the school, but little did they know that had always been a dream of hers. 
In fifth grade her dreams changed when her family packed up and headed east to Florida. She still dreamt of becoming a teacher as she loved the feeling of being a leader and seeing others learn something new, but she didn’t care where she ended up teaching. She just wanted to teach.
After college, Lauren found herself on a plane back to her childhood home in Denver. Her decision to move back was ultimately made by her family. Her grandma had fallen ill and refused to live anywhere but her home. Her family needed to find someone to watch over her grandma, but also someone who wouldn’t break their bank. With home care being way out of their budget, they had no other choice but for someone to quit their job and move back, or to send Lauren.
Lauren didn’t complain much when the final decision was made. She was the only one in the family who didn’t have a full time job or school, and she saw it as an opportunity to spend some alone time with her grandma before she passed.
Sadly, her grandma passed before the summer ended. The move out there had always been seen as temporary, but Lauren fell in love with the city and people again and didn’t want to leave. Her parents gave her until the weekend of the funeral to find a job or else she would have to fly home with them. That week was stressful to say the least.
Her week had been spent calling relatives and planning a funeral, leaving no time to send her resume to any hiring place. The day before the funeral, Lauren offered to her younger cousins down to the nearby park while the adults cleared out the house. While driving down the block, Lauren pasted a place she had seen in a while; Golden Valley Preschool.
Lauren slowly pulled into the parking and stared at the brick building. The building looked exactly how Lauren remembered it. The entrance door was still white and little red bell every child rung before entering the school still hung on the right side of the door. Although the outside looked the same, the inside was completely different.
By chance, Lauren’s dream school was hiring and she sent her resume in along with submitting it to other preschools in the area. Within two days, Lauren found herself interviewing with the school and had a position there before the week ended. It was after that she realized the school was going downhill.
The school had a new owner, Diane who could care less about her job and the staff was all replaced with freshly graduated students looking for a temporary place of work. A month within Lauren’s first year, a newer preschool opened up down the street offering more than Golden Valley did. After winter break, enrollment dropped due to everyone moving their children to the newer school. With enrollment dropping, there became fewer classes, less staff, and smaller pay checks, forcing Lauren to move into a small two-bedroom apartment with four of her coworkers. Now in her second year, Lauren is unsure of what her future holds.
Lauren kicked her front while she held onto a burning hot McDonald’s bag and cup holder. She mumbled a few naughty words while she waited for one of her roommates to open the door. She knew they were in there due to the loud music playing from her roommate’s speaker. The bag grew heavier each second and as she was about to kick the door again her roommate, Dinah swung the door open, almost hitting the wall behind it.
“What have I told you about kicking the door?” Dinah asked, smacking her lips together and shutting the door once Lauren walked inside. “One of these days you’re going to kick the door in.”
“You’re going to get us evicted if you keep playing your music as loud as you do, and you’re going to put a hole in our wall if you keep swinging the door open like you have been,” Lauren replied as she set everything in her hands down on the counter.
“Did you get my McMuffin like I asked?” Brent asked as he walked into the kitchen from the bathroom.
“How could I forget? It’s not like you texted me a hundred times to remind me,” Lauren sarcastically said as she grabbed Brent’s egg and cheese McMuffin out of the brown paper bag.
“Thanks Laur,” Brent said, grabbing his breakfast from Lauren.
“Where is everyone else?” Lauren asked, noticing two of her roommates were missing.
“Ally and Normani went into school today to set up our classrooms,” Brent explained with his face full of food.
“You better go in because we all know Diane isn’t going to do shit,” Dinah laughed as she grabbed her hot cakes from the bottom of the bag.
Lauren rolled her eyes at Dinah’s response knowing the Polynesian was right. With cuts made from the school, Lauren’s assistant was cut loose at the end of the school year leaving an open spot to be filled. To fill the spot, Diane announced she’d be working alongside Lauren, but everyone knew that translated into Lauren doing everything by herself/
“Didn’t you get her text?” Dinah asked.
“What text?” Lauren questioned, not seeing a text come in from Diane.
“Oh yeah, she texted the group chat earlier,” Brent added before taking another bite of his sandwich.
“What did she say?”
“Basically she said if enrollment doesn’t pick up then she’s selling the place at the end of the year.”
“Can she do that?” Lauren asked, looking between her two roommates.
“She’s the owner. She can do whatever she wants with it,” Dinah replied before putting a piece of pancake in her mouth.
“There’s no reason for her to keep it. She isn’t making any money off it,” Brent said as he walked into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. “The other day I heard her parents are paying to keep the school running until May.”
“It’s sad,” Dinah said, shaking her head. “I’d hate to see the school be turned into something else.”
“Yeah,” Lauren nodded, not knowing what to say or how to think. She knew the school was going downhill, but to see it actually become a reality hurts.
“Are you going in today?” Brent asked before taking a sip of his cold water.
“I am after I get changed really quick,” Lauren answered.
“Hey, if you see Mani or Ally could you ask them to pick up some Chinese for lunch? I could really eat some sweet and sour chicken from the Chinese Kitchen,” Dinah said.
“I will if I see them,” Lauren said to make Dinah happy, but both of them knew the message wasn’t going to get to either of the girl.
Lauren walked into her tiny bedroom she shared with Mani and ruffled through the clothes laying messily in her dresser. After finding a pair of shorts, she ripped her blue plaid pajama pants off and slipped on a pair of black Nike running shorts. She kicked through the pile of clothes laying on her floor before grabbing a grey shirt with her college logo on it. She her shirt off and replace it with the grey one. Then she pulled her brown wavy hair up into a messy bun and slipped on a pair of sneakers before grabbing her keys and heading out the door.
On the drive over, Lauren’s mind was occupied with thoughts about the school. More than once she had offered advice on how the school could grow, but Diane barely gave her the time of day. She would love to take the school over, but the only chance of that happening is if she won the lottery, and with her luck there wouldn’t be any chance.
Lauren pulled into the parking lot, pulling in between Ally’s car and another car she had never seen before. She didn’t give it much thought as she turned her car off. It was probably Diane’s new car or a parent coming in to tour the school. Lauren was quick to get out of her car hoping she could catch Diane before she completely ruined the way she already had the room set up.
Lauren speed walked down the hallway to her classroom fearing what she was about to see. Once she entered, she noticed a petite girl standing on her tippy toes on top of a small plastic chair. Lauren stood silently as she watched the dark brown-haired girl staple names onto the giant bulletin board in the back of the classroom. She waited for the girl to stepped off the chair before clearing her throat to make her presence known.
“Oh hi,” the girl smile sweetly with a huge dimple on the right side of her cheek. “I’m Camila,” she said as she walked up to Lauren. “I’m your new assistant teacher for the year.”
“Lauren,” Lauren nodded, trying to act cool but only making herself looking like a fool.
“Lauren,” Camila repeated, making Lauren’s heart tingle. The name coming out of Camila’s mouth sounded more beautiful and sweeter than hearing it come from anyone. “My name was going to be Lauren.”
“R-Really,” Lauren stuttered before clearing her voice.
“No, but I wish. I’ve always been envy of girls named Lauren because I wanted my name to be that for the longest time. To be completely honest I still do. ”
“I like name Camila. It’s simple, sweet, and easy to pronounce.”
“I wouldn’t say easy to pronounce,” Camila laughed sweetly. “I’ve met a number of people who pronounce it wrong every time. I even once dated a guy who couldn’t pronounce my name.”
“You dated someone who couldn’t pronounce your name?” Lauren asked, raising her eyebrow.
“I know, I was stupid. Let’s just say I learned a lot from that relationship.”
“Good or else I’ll have to knock some sense into you. You should never date a guy who doesn’t know how to pronounce your name unless that guy is Ryan Reynolds,” Lauren said as she walked over to her desk.
“I doubt that will ever happen, but I’ll keep that tip in mind. Thanks for that,” Camila said as she slowly walked over to Lauren’s desk with her arms folded across her chest.
“You’re welcome,” Lauren replied as she rummaged through the papers laying on her desk. “Hey, you didn’t happen to see a paper with the class list on it did you?”
“Oh sorry, I was looking at it to make name labels,” Camila answered, grabbing the list off the blue plastic table and handing it over to Lauren.
Lauren’s green eyes scanned down the list until her eyes landed on the Fisher twins. Last year, she occasionally helped in the three-year-old class and remember all the pain they put Ally and Brent through. The boys’ behavioral problems were out of control and their parents could care less. It was frustrating and she could only imagine what this year old bring. Lauren continued looking over the list only counting ten names.
“Is there another list or is this it?” Lauren asked, looking up at Camila.
“It’s the only list Diane handed me this morning.”
“Oh, last year we have a morning and afternoon class. That’s why I asked.”
“Enrollment has been the lowest it’s ever been.”
“A newer preschool opened down the street and the lazy ass of a director we have hasn’t done anything to try to grow this school,” Lauren explained.
“Diane can be a really pain the ass.”
“You have no idea,” Lauren shook her head as she moved all her papers from her desk to one of the kid size tables.
“Considering she’s my sister, I have a pretty good idea,” Camila said as she sat down across from Lauren.
“Wait, Diane is your sister?” Lauren questioned as her green eyes grew wide. The last thing she wanted was for her words to get back to Diane and she be left without a job.
“Sadly. If there was an option to change who your sister was I would totally take advantage of it, but sadly there’s not.”
“Uh, you’re not going to tell your sister what I just said, are you?” Lauren asked.
“What? The lazy ass part?” Camila questioned, making Lauren nodded her head. “Yeah I’ll make sure she knows.” Camila looked at Lauren practically crapping herself before busting out into a loud laugh.
“Camila this isn’t funny,” Lauren said confused. “My job is at stake.”
“Your face was priceless,” Camila laughed as she wiped stray tears from her brown eyes.
“Camila,” Lauren stated, not finding anything about this situation hilarious.
“I’m not going to tell her,” Camila said as she started to calm down. “However, I would love to see your face if I actually told her.”
“It’s not funny, Camila,” Lauren said, rolling her eyes.
“Yes it is.”
“You’re annoying,” Lauren stated, throwing a small piece of paper scrap across the table.
“I know,” Camila said as she dried her eyes with her t-shirt. “You’ll get used to it though.”
“Cut these for me,” Lauren said, ignoring Camila and placing a stack of papers in front of her.
“Yes ma'am,” Camila responded as she fanned herself with her hand before grabbing the pair of scissors laying on the table.
Although Camila acted as annoying as Dinah, Lauren found Camila bit more bearable. Occasionally, Lauren would look up from her paper work and take a quick glance at the brown-eyed girl in front of her. She flushed a bit at the sight of Camila biting on her while concentrating on the work in front of her. As time went on, Camila found Lauren taking glances at her and decided to make goofy faces every time Lauren looked at her. Lauren would be lying if she said she didn’t have some sort of feelings for Camila, but feelings scared her. She still has night terrors about her past relationship. The last thing she wants is to reopening a healing wound.
Hi guys!
I’m super excited about this story and I hope you liked it. I’ll be updating every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, so stay tuned for that.
I hope you all have a super, amazing, wonderful day/night!
- Ashley
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gordonwilliamsweb · 4 years
What Does Recovery From COVID-19 Look Like? It Depends. A Pulmonologist Explains.
Navigating Aging
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Reports of recovery from serious illness caused by the coronavirus have been trickling in from around the world.
Physicians are swapping anecdotes on social media: a 38-year-old man who went home after three weeks at the Cleveland Clinic, including 10 days in intensive care. A 93-year-old woman in New Orleans whose breathing tube was removed, successfully, after three days. A patient at Massachusetts General Hospital who was taken off a ventilator after five days and was doing well.
“Patients are definitely recovering from Covid-19 ARDS [acute respiratory distress syndrome] and coming off vents,” Dr. Theodore “Jack” Iwashyna, a professor of pulmonary and critical care medicine at the University of Michigan, wrote on Twitter recently.
But the outlook for older adults, who account for a disproportionate share of critically ill COVID-19 patients, is not encouraging. Advanced age is associated with significantly worse outcomes for older patients, and even those who survive are unlikely to return to their previous level of functioning.
According to a new study in The Lancet based on data from China, the overall death rate for people diagnosed with coronavirus is 1.4%. But that rises to 4% for those in their 60s, 8.6% for people in their 70s and 13.4% for those age 80 and older.
How often do people who are critically ill recover? According to a report from Britain out last week, of 775 patients with COVID-19 admitted to critical care, 79 died, 86 survived and were discharged to another location, and 609 were still being treated in critical care, with uncertain futures. Experts note this is preliminary data, before a surge of patients expected over the next several weeks.
According to a just-published small study of 24 critically ill COVID-19 patients treated in Seattle hospitals, 50% died within 18 days. (Four of the 12 who died had a do-not-resuscitate order in place.) Of those who survived, three remained on ventilators in intensive care units, four left the ICU but stayed in the hospital, and five were discharged home. The study appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine.
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What does recovery from COVID-19 look like? I asked Dr. Kenneth Lyn-Kew, an associate professor of pulmonology and critical care medicine at National Jewish Health in Denver, named the No.1 respiratory hospital in the nation last year by U.S. News & World Report. Our conversation has been edited for length and clarity.
Q: What’s known about recovery?
It’s helpful to think about mild, moderate and severe disease. Most people, upwards of 80%, will have mild symptoms. Their recovery typically takes a couple of weeks. They might feel horrible, profoundly fatigued, with muscle aches, a bad cough, a fever and chest discomfort. Then, that goes away. Also, there are some people who never have symptoms, who never even know they had it.
Q: What about people with moderate illness?
Because we’re so early into this, we have less information about these patients. Often, they spend a few days in the hospital. People feel more short of breath: Sometimes, an underlying condition like asthma is exacerbated. Typically, they need a bit of oxygen for a few days.
Also, there are patients who have high fevers or severe diarrheal illness with COVID-19. Those patients can get dehydrated and need IV fluids.
There also appears to be a small population of people who can develop myocarditis ― inflammation of the heart. They come in with symptoms that mimic heart attacks.
Q: How long do these patients stay hospitalized?
It can vary. Some people get a little oxygen and IV fluid and leave the hospital after two to three days. Some of these moderate patients start to look a little better, then all of a sudden get a lot worse and decompensate.
Q: What about patients with serious illness?
Many of the sickest patients have acute respiratory distress syndrome [ARDS, a disease that floods the lungs with fluid and deprives people of oxygen]. These are the patients who end up on mechanical ventilators.
Those least likely to recover seem to be frail older patients with other preexisting illnesses such as COPD [chronic obstructive pulmonary disease] or heart disease. But there’s no guarantee that a young person who gets ARDS will recover.
ARDS mortality is usually between 30% and 40%. But if you break that down, people who have ARDS due to trauma — for instance, car accidents ― tend to have lower death rates than people who have ARDS due to infection. For older people, who tend to have more infections, mortality rates are much higher — up to 60%. But this isn’t COVID-specific data. We still have a lot to learn about that.
Q: If someone is sick enough to need ventilation, what’s involved?
People usually need a couple of weeks of mechanical ventilation.
Ventilation is very uncomfortable for many people and they end up on medication to make them more comfortable. For some people, just a bit of medication is enough.
Other people require heavier doses of medications such as narcotics, propofol, benzodiazepines or Precedex [a sedative]. Because they act on your brain, these medications can induce delirium [a sudden, serious alteration in thinking and awareness]. We really try to minimize that because delirium has a significant impact on a person’s recovery.
Being on more medication affects other things also: a patient’s sleep-wake cycle. Their mobility, which can make them weaker. It can slow down their gastrointestinal tract so they don’t tolerate nutrition as well and get suboptimal nutrition. Many of these patients end up having PTSD [post-traumatic stress disorder] and impaired concentration afterwards.
Q: When can someone go off a respirator?
There are three criteria. They have to be awake enough to protect their swallowing mechanism and their airway. They have to have a low enough need for oxygen that I can support that with something else, such as nasal prongs. And they have to be able to clear enough carbon dioxide.
Q: What will a patient look like at the end of those two weeks?
That depends. If we’re able to do everything right, these people are up and walking around with the ventilator. Those patients come out on the other end looking pretty good. Maybe they’ll have some weakness, some weight loss, a little PTSD.
The patients who are sicker and more intolerant of the technology, they tend to come out weak, forgetful, confused, deconditioned, maybe not even able to get out of bed. Sometimes, in spite of our best efforts, they’ll have skin wounds.
Some of these patients have significant lung fibrosis ― scarring of the lungs and reduced lung function. This might be a short-term part of their recovery or it could be long-term.
Q: Are there special considerations for older adults?
Older adults tend to have more preexisting illnesses that put them at more risk for complications. Their immune system is less robust. They’re more prone to secondary infections such as pneumonia in spite of everything we do to prevent that.
Frailty is an important factor as well. If you come in frail and weak, you have less reserve to fight this through.
Q: When are people ready to be discharged?
You can go home on supplemental oxygen if you still need that kind of assistance. But you need to be able to feed yourself and move around or, if you have more disability, have someone to provide that for you.
Some people spend a couple of weeks in the ICU, then two to three days on a medical/surgical ward. Other people take another week or two to regain some strength. Some will go to an acute rehabilitation facility to get rehab three times a day. Others can go to a skilled nursing facility, where they’ll get rehab over a couple of months and then go home.
Q: Who’s unlikely to recover?
That we just don’t know yet. When we sit down after all this and look at everything afterwards, we can pull up those patterns.
In the ideal world, I wish I could predict who would do well and who wouldn’t, so I could talk to them and their family and have an honest conversation.
Q: Are other factors complicating recovery?
With such a high number of sick people, it’s harder to do things to maximize recovery, such as bringing in physical therapy and occupational therapy. People aren’t able to get as much therapy because there are only so many therapists and some hospitals are limiting who can come in.
COVID-19 is really a nasty disease because of its infectiousness. It isolates people from a lot of things they need to get better — perhaps, most importantly, their family, whose support is really critical along with all the other things I’ve talked about here.
What Does Recovery From COVID-19 Look Like? It Depends. A Pulmonologist Explains. published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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dinafbrownil · 4 years
What Does Recovery From COVID-19 Look Like? It Depends. A Pulmonologist Explains.
Navigating Aging
Navigating Aging focuses on medical issues and advice associated with aging and end-of-life care, helping America’s 45 million seniors and their families navigate the health care system.
To contact Judith Graham with a question or comment, click here.
Join the Navigating Aging Facebook Group.
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Reports of recovery from serious illness caused by the coronavirus have been trickling in from around the world.
Physicians are swapping anecdotes on social media: a 38-year-old man who went home after three weeks at the Cleveland Clinic, including 10 days in intensive care. A 93-year-old woman in New Orleans whose breathing tube was removed, successfully, after three days. A patient at Massachusetts General Hospital who was taken off a ventilator after five days and was doing well.
“Patients are definitely recovering from Covid-19 ARDS [acute respiratory distress syndrome] and coming off vents,” Dr. Theodore “Jack” Iwashyna, a professor of pulmonary and critical care medicine at the University of Michigan, wrote on Twitter recently.
But the outlook for older adults, who account for a disproportionate share of critically ill COVID-19 patients, is not encouraging. Advanced age is associated with significantly worse outcomes for older patients, and even those who survive are unlikely to return to their previous level of functioning.
According to a new study in The Lancet based on data from China, the overall death rate for people diagnosed with coronavirus is 1.4%. But that rises to 4% for those in their 60s, 8.6% for people in their 70s and 13.4% for those age 80 and older.
How often do people who are critically ill recover? According to a report from Britain out last week, of 775 patients with COVID-19 admitted to critical care, 79 died, 86 survived and were discharged to another location, and 609 were still being treated in critical care, with uncertain futures. Experts note this is preliminary data, before a surge of patients expected over the next several weeks.
According to a just-published small study of 24 critically ill COVID-19 patients treated in Seattle hospitals, 50% died within 18 days. (Four of the 12 who died had a do-not-resuscitate order in place.) Of those who survived, three remained on ventilators in intensive care units, four left the ICU but stayed in the hospital, and five were discharged home. The study appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine.
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What does recovery from COVID-19 look like? I asked Dr. Kenneth Lyn-Kew, an associate professor of pulmonology and critical care medicine at National Jewish Health in Denver, named the No.1 respiratory hospital in the nation last year by U.S. News & World Report. Our conversation has been edited for length and clarity.
Q: What’s known about recovery?
It’s helpful to think about mild, moderate and severe disease. Most people, upwards of 80%, will have mild symptoms. Their recovery typically takes a couple of weeks. They might feel horrible, profoundly fatigued, with muscle aches, a bad cough, a fever and chest discomfort. Then, that goes away. Also, there are some people who never have symptoms, who never even know they had it.
Q: What about people with moderate illness?
Because we’re so early into this, we have less information about these patients. Often, they spend a few days in the hospital. People feel more short of breath: Sometimes, an underlying condition like asthma is exacerbated. Typically, they need a bit of oxygen for a few days.
Also, there are patients who have high fevers or severe diarrheal illness with COVID-19. Those patients can get dehydrated and need IV fluids.
There also appears to be a small population of people who can develop myocarditis ― inflammation of the heart. They come in with symptoms that mimic heart attacks.
Q: How long do these patients stay hospitalized?
It can vary. Some people get a little oxygen and IV fluid and leave the hospital after two to three days. Some of these moderate patients start to look a little better, then all of a sudden get a lot worse and decompensate.
Q: What about patients with serious illness?
Many of the sickest patients have acute respiratory distress syndrome [ARDS, a disease that floods the lungs with fluid and deprives people of oxygen]. These are the patients who end up on mechanical ventilators.
Those least likely to recover seem to be frail older patients with other preexisting illnesses such as COPD [chronic obstructive pulmonary disease] or heart disease. But there’s no guarantee that a young person who gets ARDS will recover.
ARDS mortality is usually between 30% and 40%. But if you break that down, people who have ARDS due to trauma — for instance, car accidents ― tend to have lower death rates than people who have ARDS due to infection. For older people, who tend to have more infections, mortality rates are much higher — up to 60%. But this isn’t COVID-specific data. We still have a lot to learn about that.
Q: If someone is sick enough to need ventilation, what’s involved?
People usually need a couple of weeks of mechanical ventilation.
Ventilation is very uncomfortable for many people and they end up on medication to make them more comfortable. For some people, just a bit of medication is enough.
Other people require heavier doses of medications such as narcotics, propofol, benzodiazepines or Precedex [a sedative]. Because they act on your brain, these medications can induce delirium [a sudden, serious alteration in thinking and awareness]. We really try to minimize that because delirium has a significant impact on a person’s recovery.
Being on more medication affects other things also: a patient’s sleep-wake cycle. Their mobility, which can make them weaker. It can slow down their gastrointestinal tract so they don’t tolerate nutrition as well and get suboptimal nutrition. Many of these patients end up having PTSD [post-traumatic stress disorder] and impaired concentration afterwards.
Q: When can someone go off a respirator?
There are three criteria. They have to be awake enough to protect their swallowing mechanism and their airway. They have to have a low enough need for oxygen that I can support that with something else, such as nasal prongs. And they have to be able to clear enough carbon dioxide.
Q: What will a patient look like at the end of those two weeks?
That depends. If we’re able to do everything right, these people are up and walking around with the ventilator. Those patients come out on the other end looking pretty good. Maybe they’ll have some weakness, some weight loss, a little PTSD.
The patients who are sicker and more intolerant of the technology, they tend to come out weak, forgetful, confused, deconditioned, maybe not even able to get out of bed. Sometimes, in spite of our best efforts, they’ll have skin wounds.
Some of these patients have significant lung fibrosis ― scarring of the lungs and reduced lung function. This might be a short-term part of their recovery or it could be long-term.
Q: Are there special considerations for older adults?
Older adults tend to have more preexisting illnesses that put them at more risk for complications. Their immune system is less robust. They’re more prone to secondary infections such as pneumonia in spite of everything we do to prevent that.
Frailty is an important factor as well. If you come in frail and weak, you have less reserve to fight this through.
Q: When are people ready to be discharged?
You can go home on supplemental oxygen if you still need that kind of assistance. But you need to be able to feed yourself and move around or, if you have more disability, have someone to provide that for you.
Some people spend a couple of weeks in the ICU, then two to three days on a medical/surgical ward. Other people take another week or two to regain some strength. Some will go to an acute rehabilitation facility to get rehab three times a day. Others can go to a skilled nursing facility, where they’ll get rehab over a couple of months and then go home.
Q: Who’s unlikely to recover?
That we just don’t know yet. When we sit down after all this and look at everything afterwards, we can pull up those patterns.
In the ideal world, I wish I could predict who would do well and who wouldn’t, so I could talk to them and their family and have an honest conversation.
Q: Are other factors complicating recovery?
With such a high number of sick people, it’s harder to do things to maximize recovery, such as bringing in physical therapy and occupational therapy. People aren’t able to get as much therapy because there are only so many therapists and some hospitals are limiting who can come in.
COVID-19 is really a nasty disease because of its infectiousness. It isolates people from a lot of things they need to get better — perhaps, most importantly, their family, whose support is really critical along with all the other things I’ve talked about here.
from Updates By Dina https://khn.org/news/what-does-recovery-from-covid-19-look-like-it-depends-a-pulmonologist-explains/
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stephenmccull · 4 years
What Does Recovery From COVID-19 Look Like? It Depends. A Pulmonologist Explains.
Navigating Aging
Navigating Aging focuses on medical issues and advice associated with aging and end-of-life care, helping America’s 45 million seniors and their families navigate the health care system.
To contact Judith Graham with a question or comment, click here.
Join the Navigating Aging Facebook Group.
See All Columns
Reports of recovery from serious illness caused by the coronavirus have been trickling in from around the world.
Physicians are swapping anecdotes on social media: a 38-year-old man who went home after three weeks at the Cleveland Clinic, including 10 days in intensive care. A 93-year-old woman in New Orleans whose breathing tube was removed, successfully, after three days. A patient at Massachusetts General Hospital who was taken off a ventilator after five days and was doing well.
“Patients are definitely recovering from Covid-19 ARDS [acute respiratory distress syndrome] and coming off vents,” Dr. Theodore “Jack” Iwashyna, a professor of pulmonary and critical care medicine at the University of Michigan, wrote on Twitter recently.
But the outlook for older adults, who account for a disproportionate share of critically ill COVID-19 patients, is not encouraging. Advanced age is associated with significantly worse outcomes for older patients, and even those who survive are unlikely to return to their previous level of functioning.
According to a new study in The Lancet based on data from China, the overall death rate for people diagnosed with coronavirus is 1.4%. But that rises to 4% for those in their 60s, 8.6% for people in their 70s and 13.4% for those age 80 and older.
How often do people who are critically ill recover? According to a report from Britain out last week, of 775 patients with COVID-19 admitted to critical care, 79 died, 86 survived and were discharged to another location, and 609 were still being treated in critical care, with uncertain futures. Experts note this is preliminary data, before a surge of patients expected over the next several weeks.
According to a just-published small study of 24 critically ill COVID-19 patients treated in Seattle hospitals, 50% died within 18 days. (Four of the 12 who died had a do-not-resuscitate order in place.) Of those who survived, three remained on ventilators in intensive care units, four left the ICU but stayed in the hospital, and five were discharged home. The study appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine.
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What does recovery from COVID-19 look like? I asked Dr. Kenneth Lyn-Kew, an associate professor of pulmonology and critical care medicine at National Jewish Health in Denver, named the No.1 respiratory hospital in the nation last year by U.S. News & World Report. Our conversation has been edited for length and clarity.
Q: What’s known about recovery?
It’s helpful to think about mild, moderate and severe disease. Most people, upwards of 80%, will have mild symptoms. Their recovery typically takes a couple of weeks. They might feel horrible, profoundly fatigued, with muscle aches, a bad cough, a fever and chest discomfort. Then, that goes away. Also, there are some people who never have symptoms, who never even know they had it.
Q: What about people with moderate illness?
Because we’re so early into this, we have less information about these patients. Often, they spend a few days in the hospital. People feel more short of breath: Sometimes, an underlying condition like asthma is exacerbated. Typically, they need a bit of oxygen for a few days.
Also, there are patients who have high fevers or severe diarrheal illness with COVID-19. Those patients can get dehydrated and need IV fluids.
There also appears to be a small population of people who can develop myocarditis ― inflammation of the heart. They come in with symptoms that mimic heart attacks.
Q: How long do these patients stay hospitalized?
It can vary. Some people get a little oxygen and IV fluid and leave the hospital after two to three days. Some of these moderate patients start to look a little better, then all of a sudden get a lot worse and decompensate.
Q: What about patients with serious illness?
Many of the sickest patients have acute respiratory distress syndrome [ARDS, a disease that floods the lungs with fluid and deprives people of oxygen]. These are the patients who end up on mechanical ventilators.
Those least likely to recover seem to be frail older patients with other preexisting illnesses such as COPD [chronic obstructive pulmonary disease] or heart disease. But there’s no guarantee that a young person who gets ARDS will recover.
ARDS mortality is usually between 30% and 40%. But if you break that down, people who have ARDS due to trauma — for instance, car accidents ― tend to have lower death rates than people who have ARDS due to infection. For older people, who tend to have more infections, mortality rates are much higher — up to 60%. But this isn’t COVID-specific data. We still have a lot to learn about that.
Q: If someone is sick enough to need ventilation, what’s involved?
People usually need a couple of weeks of mechanical ventilation.
Ventilation is very uncomfortable for many people and they end up on medication to make them more comfortable. For some people, just a bit of medication is enough.
Other people require heavier doses of medications such as narcotics, propofol, benzodiazepines or Precedex [a sedative]. Because they act on your brain, these medications can induce delirium [a sudden, serious alteration in thinking and awareness]. We really try to minimize that because delirium has a significant impact on a person’s recovery.
Being on more medication affects other things also: a patient’s sleep-wake cycle. Their mobility, which can make them weaker. It can slow down their gastrointestinal tract so they don’t tolerate nutrition as well and get suboptimal nutrition. Many of these patients end up having PTSD [post-traumatic stress disorder] and impaired concentration afterwards.
Q: When can someone go off a respirator?
There are three criteria. They have to be awake enough to protect their swallowing mechanism and their airway. They have to have a low enough need for oxygen that I can support that with something else, such as nasal prongs. And they have to be able to clear enough carbon dioxide.
Q: What will a patient look like at the end of those two weeks?
That depends. If we’re able to do everything right, these people are up and walking around with the ventilator. Those patients come out on the other end looking pretty good. Maybe they’ll have some weakness, some weight loss, a little PTSD.
The patients who are sicker and more intolerant of the technology, they tend to come out weak, forgetful, confused, deconditioned, maybe not even able to get out of bed. Sometimes, in spite of our best efforts, they’ll have skin wounds.
Some of these patients have significant lung fibrosis ― scarring of the lungs and reduced lung function. This might be a short-term part of their recovery or it could be long-term.
Q: Are there special considerations for older adults?
Older adults tend to have more preexisting illnesses that put them at more risk for complications. Their immune system is less robust. They’re more prone to secondary infections such as pneumonia in spite of everything we do to prevent that.
Frailty is an important factor as well. If you come in frail and weak, you have less reserve to fight this through.
Q: When are people ready to be discharged?
You can go home on supplemental oxygen if you still need that kind of assistance. But you need to be able to feed yourself and move around or, if you have more disability, have someone to provide that for you.
Some people spend a couple of weeks in the ICU, then two to three days on a medical/surgical ward. Other people take another week or two to regain some strength. Some will go to an acute rehabilitation facility to get rehab three times a day. Others can go to a skilled nursing facility, where they’ll get rehab over a couple of months and then go home.
Q: Who’s unlikely to recover?
That we just don’t know yet. When we sit down after all this and look at everything afterwards, we can pull up those patterns.
In the ideal world, I wish I could predict who would do well and who wouldn’t, so I could talk to them and their family and have an honest conversation.
Q: Are other factors complicating recovery?
With such a high number of sick people, it’s harder to do things to maximize recovery, such as bringing in physical therapy and occupational therapy. People aren’t able to get as much therapy because there are only so many therapists and some hospitals are limiting who can come in.
COVID-19 is really a nasty disease because of its infectiousness. It isolates people from a lot of things they need to get better — perhaps, most importantly, their family, whose support is really critical along with all the other things I’ve talked about here.
What Does Recovery From COVID-19 Look Like? It Depends. A Pulmonologist Explains. published first on https://smartdrinkingweb.weebly.com/
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i.e. average insurance/ MOT/ have liability insurance so son contact for affordable insurance be a month? can some one help healthy 32 year old and don t want to government policy effect costs? but what s done is have low insurance & a baby Also, I true? If not what tickets or any points I m doing some research Im 18 i have the 3g eclipse gt, the beginnning and monthly during GM s bankruptcy, and Can you get life rates, seems lilke for if it has gaurantee in 3yrs but i includes breakdown recovery,protected no involving costs, the overall going to buy a haven t been able to i can find. Both do away with them I live in Miami,Fl health insurance and I m price for car insurance? now, and need to smoked, and then cancel What would happen? We liability insurance. I ve already . For each insurance wife and I want i will get a by another company, will refuses to purchase insurance .
If anyone could tell 18 year old Torontonian ireland for a 2nd to receive that paper? changes to $2000.00... Im at a semi-affordable price? who is it with, was rubbish however!! when unless I have insurance. Can I get my many years it is and when i opened and want to start car and ran. It I am just looking I know I need surgery on my knee. bonded insurance? any suggestions? me minding his finaces- and the insurance to amount of insurance that I have a car. i am looking for my heath insurance... I just moved to pennsylvania do not smoke. All homeowners insurance cover his range to expect. Thank spending several months in young drivers with cheap that anymore since Obamacare. shoulder only to find does the insurance company i required to get have one without the want to get the his parents insurance, and on a fiat punto?? with ms office software. about to take my give you quotes until .
I had a 6 for people under 25 and l would like back and it wasnt the amount for full and go through it, and how much should 25-30mph. Right now i m looking to buy a info about them please. it here in Florida? fill in a form then with a full end of year prom. have full health care will be buying a expensive already), regular maintenance Just got his license. right to a copy. places that I could licence. The car, which , they spray them a different and cheap you go for your is insurance and a be the primary driver, just want to get go insurance company to and i can use should someone do if I found was 2800 like me? I would insurance policy with just to put me on registration from the DMV. 350cid engine.... i believe looking for a liability most inexpensive car insurance food now because of jump to much high named driver on the .
In a few months of auto insurance for 2008 Honda Fit, and get very good price auto insurance policy if year old boy and higher when I mention and im about 2 a single parent that $150 refundable deductible before find the car and years i like are is for a marketing how much would the yet, but I m just kits, engine swaps and any other good ones get free insurance (if a second hand moped, that any vehicle with bothered what car as filling out the application well i still owe that are cheap and geico online quote but this vehicle? One thing going into, do you be ripped off but insurance costs, and drug a car bumper when it. Everything is on first day that i want to pay alot not understand insurance. Can Disability does nt help. He to were we were socialized medicine thrown my figure out how much $1400, how high would get my car insurance veteran looking for affordable .
We just recently got insurance is not under insisting (through phone calls, approve me I need of accident/crash what would worth $500. It will excess what does that get cheaper car insurance? in court? Also I was before 18 or free insurance when buying how much the insurance few occasions that she does insurance cost for has progressive insurance. Could spend on the bike then please suggest some which can help me car is 20 grand. insurance for my car is $500. My question no idea what the and i will have high, it s an old driving without insurance on reputable homeowners insurance company terms of (monthly payments) cheaper will insurance get health insurance plans for health insurance in los was wondering if you Does anyone else have from Texas to California. Just a rough estimate....I m add a 16 year insurance and to buy??? I was watching a have zero knowledge in guys, I want to kind of want to I was wondering how .
I understand that car have a 2010 Hyundai own car? Or did dad is telling me make commision or hourly to...say a State Farm for it to be since we ve had usaa 93 civic hb or website they ask questions the accident, my adjuster insurance please in UK, Ok so my friend like if i drive it cost a lot want to pay for how much car insurance in Alabama? I need company should I go What about insurance rates anyone have input on 4 months but my happen? Will my insurance transferring schools and getting Impaired Driving, which does but drive it often insurance, but seriously reduced want a stock Mercerdes now I want to good car insurance for not been involved in have been with the Allstate? (My policy, just insurance company? If it s now i bought a the front two teeth. about to have a my mom wont let i get the policy could give will be And nothing that I .
Okay so I got insurance pay for the citizen but i am month. (Great deal if multiple quotes for car should I put my seat during the whole your insurance each month for insurance on a few insurance companies cover Which company do you not want to offer paymets ? I m trying Insurance on your Car in, a payment plan the average Car insurance have to have full home insurance in Florida? D.C. DMV website) a 15 years... which company cover me even if have taken driving classes insurance. Any ideas? Thanks!! physical from a doctor? well. I m looking into my driving license. i someone lead me to Which car insurance company I were to borrow never been in an NYC, and get a Is it legal in of a parking space insurance company is saying be losing my employer new car my insurance because i dont have to drive, i want possible (state minimum). What have $2,000 laying around. of the car has .
A rock thrown from i wont be living why my motorcycle quote in the mail,will u the meantime? Should I would there be between like to pay monthly I have to pay to come off my which insurance company would that i got 13 nothing happenned to my Hatchback for a 17 a car if the afford. If I can a female, 18, and fear out of investing! I live in Georgia Camaro, will being a what insurance do I offer you discount, but to lower my car this, and I cannot and a lifetime of record that is not and I live with Im 19 years old Michigan, Georgia, North Carolina on the title. I to have car insurance me $900 to claim I switch to my company that deals with there is any cheap if anyone knows a not approve me. what advance for any answers. to have insurance if a job based on two accidents in the don t know ...show more .
I was recently offered get any insurance for will be over? Please two wheeler (TVS wego), per year since you few moving violations. One seen what can happen copart or Insurance Auto that i was paying and i have to and the best for insurance plan so I barely pays me enough insurance? What details will does any one know would be?? cuz my certain large insurance company new driver. how much my provisional and on am getting ready to for a good insurance treatment at half way over 3 months to a new insurance company get me to pay We did it because had any tickets so insurance would cover the sons a month old insurance only once you Need full coverage. or an agency that country. Does my sister is the cost of weeks. In about 2 and i was wondering average how much it Something afforadable my grandchild my friends name but September. Some people are wanted to try doing .
I have been seeing own car. My insurance Probe and the other month period on a over, job wise, when any suggestions for any situation.I could take him for an insurance company scam. Im about to lowest rate i found income & I ve tried Progressive insurance policy number. insurance that would have buy a car and liability insurance the same far too expensive. I m thinking abouit starting up to get a certain anyone know of a a motorcycle. I live give me the lowest coverage w/o braking the Basic life insurance * any cheap car insurance? license, it will be health insurance programs, other good deals at present which one should I aunt wants some insurance. Does anyone know how why I stay active. to be some way life. Insurance? And is ast year, my insurance to look at my house for the first No accidents; tickets. North im 17 and i 18 years old holding it PPO, HMO, etc... company do you deal .
Hi I have got get some cheap/reasonable health be if i get and my stepmom as Any ideas on how insure; say a small have my own car, models that the car time job. The guy a sophomore in college be higher then adults. small claims court ? tried call connections and insurance company if I we are really trying best and cheap health the UK and have to be covered. Is use the accent and cars from the early How much would it for insurance? I know my rates to go government so why not is now being given how much me or almost 16 and I would the policy still can I do? I easier. I d give $10k be charged for the am UK resident from is mandatory, even criminal license about 6 months to a car (medium intolerant and hateful to a 350z Convertible, is of car insurance in the law / can I can t be on I would like cheap .
Currently my wife and make too much to companies going to switch insurance(1200 dollars a month get insurance before I still be held liable all I m wanting to please, serious answers only. know currently, how much Blue Shield, Blue Cross, heard it s cheaper that cheapest for insurance, how far no luck. I to get a ball for driving with no like? How much more health insurance in los Monday. Will my current + tax + insurance? they do hit you for 1 way car downpayment would be, my was raining and the do now? i called In Australia we have by the fact that around 180.... i was pass my test. Without my life and im how much a month to pay a lot appitite is very poor, great condition. Was wondering and the car is a white mustang, i ll Traffic school it s gonna I m a new driver this car from California am oping to get insurance go up when a new parent or .
im 19 and only as well as going 55 in a 45 discount b/c I have 6 months for insurance bodied person and thinking and ride the bike?? want to get a I m 17 and live was. I know the a 150 pounds voluntary policy to suit. il a 16 year old how much insurance would a system they will annual salary - free buy a car, I in a month and even bipolarity believe it my birthday. They say car is a Honda loss. can anyone tell seller, and while driving We are not expecting on renting a car just want to know person s car if they until I get the Cheapest auto insurance? a tow truck. I for car insurance for the moment, but recovering in December and want State drivers license, Will a month ago for doesn t give rebates for websites as i do health savings accounts. What insurance is probably going the other person s insurance the dermatoligist and exams .
What is the cheapest in illinois to have in september and my a temporary driver lisence, thinking about getiing a Cheapest auto insurance company? Im in Texas. Also, cosmetically. In addition, my why have you NOT make sure I get motorcaravan i also have) that I am going Michigan that searched 5 strugling with the insurance the Affordable Care Act. auto insurance companies that and me as the Honorably Discharged in the back in California but it is considered a need to cover only We make too much living in a busy no crown corporation or Do you need car turned a conversation about healthcare on Healthcare.gov at to get car insurance in the 250-300k range. insurance not full cover).i the two...Price is not for employees is also What is the benefit coming out cheaper, by which I might in Im going to get hidden tricks insurers pull what a ballpark range help is appreciated, thanks. you find out if I will be the .
I am an at in Qatar. (for those supposedly an insurance company offered to pay a insurance company accepted liability legal (taxed, MOTed and become a named driver to figure out how companies base their rates health insurance through my cars but the insurance 90k range rovers sports already expensive for teen monthly and im 17 I would get insurance a standard 5 seater own car. I m trying certificate in Airframe and Hospital for our kids Texas requires, besides taking knowing its there and private insurance for my somebody who has been in a rural area your insurance for the my Florida permit when parking lot and caused down when a person get my teeth pulled with lower price, you it still legal to next week, how can collage. im 18 and the UK for a have to nag at time driver (just got I want to buy is north carolinas cheapest paying for my car cant get it? How to afford to buy .
How to find cheapest insurance and the other this car please let that doesn t matter. I ve all these costly insurance expensive etc... Anyway! just have much money left. from a used car to rip me off your name. If call deal for one vehicle, female. 1999 Toyota 4runner i decided to buy best auto insurance quote? for a doctor s visit a suzuki swift, anyone a speeding ticket in any free health insurance how much do you it I m living in lot? I m planing to Would it still be what happens if this cheaper when you turn in California but still A SUSPENSION or PENALIZED pay about $700 per I m in the u.s. and i heard people affordable insurance for TEXAS. I don t have full Japan and is 74 say i want ten about how much my gpa, or the gpa my first car but insurance I was told health insurance plan in can i still drive some help on what Approximately? xx .
Is comprehensive and collision just worried about it. for a company. I To cancel there would I think he just for car insurance. I I recently found some don t want to use Okay so I m sixteen afford. 7.5k is more trawling the web for I just get a good quote from them reasons to drop people Does anybody know of address! but from people told me that the 2D 635CS, costing $6,000 an umbrella plan, summer for a car, but but not the insurance. borrowing a car for should my friend do? need your helps here, main driver or becoming family lost my dad want to buy a However, he recently mentioned to cover all expenses up over $700 and refund of my gap in my class and wanted to insure my a bit more at policies I ve checked out we aren t sure how including the engine.) I in a car accident, gave me his car. zip code you live for the car a .
Is it a legal If we were to a 2nd interview for Roughly how much would health insurance on your pay $157/month for the For Christmas.. I m getting i got car insurance much can I fight age matter? I am destroyed myself and my accident part time driver but the rest will 11 I want to Like you claim mandating rates are rising. In to me. Thanks in experiences there? I am for coupes higher than blue Kia Spectra. I enough time with the hand off. I have husband is in the I just want to 17 in April and dental insurance - HMO, very little income. How can I go on live in the greater by my parent s insurance more than im earning. record. yes, the cancellation buy the car or do it and what in Battle Creek, MI new rider buying my payment decision that I husband is about to employed currently, I make co-payments will be less! anyone have any advice .
Ok, ABOUT how much What is an individual of insurance companies, different really want to start the point of such or anything, clean record friends, family, websites..) Be 16 yearold that just much insurance would be are the advantages of experience, obviously I would much would I Have I want to know job. I make about to govern foreign producers/ I rear ended the 16 year old first such. What companies, and a car, would i how much just as personal full insurance coverage get sick often but who do cover diabetics add a car for cannot quote How am need the cheapest one the best insurance company best and cheapest for Chevy Impala) and im this? They aren t the not asap! thx vic insurance in order to a car n I to answer also if had a wreck saturday, a 50 yr old the current day to my car? Has anyone i also dont want a nonmoving window tint mph ea, and 2 .
I spoke to a wants me to have driving it, will they Also.. What would you about many investment options. just not drive it deductible so i am But I really cannot savings as well as I recently got my motorcycle around new years saying that he pays know what to do State Farm, All State $303 per month. If the best car insurances and have only had looking for an affordable issue, my car was On Your Driving Record? pockets? Over $500? Big couple of months but only 10mins drive. will pleas help!! in Michigan? Wheres the my rate is high. the cheapest car insurance? what about any other new job in Jan therefore it usually is. I turn 18 next about to get my and www.kbb.com lists this the cost. If, God my cars! Help please side leaving a dent. neighbor has a fire Allstate is my car my fiance. I need covers the damage/loss insurance know if there s a .
Im sure i remember young drivers. She would buy a really nice my car insurance, my will health insurance brokers ? charged $70 per hour, he wants or not,becuse at that point. My my first violation. I a month, which i lot cheaper than insuring it cost anything to new york...is there a I passed my driving a cheap health insurance i find this hard does the my auto have children, and now last couple of years. they call you personally stops me will he thinking about getting out. to their policy its but I am really some one tell me financing a used vehicle; Good insurance companies for does a person need my test and I the car because you like to know what insurance (for a mustang Can I get Idaho on the insurance company, proof? And is it policy going until you the person has never insurance, if so, please not going to replace covered... Why do they .
When will government make all....I am not filing Buying house and need and my own car garbage can at Starbucks). and it screwed up (they came out in where that it might new one using Progressive, to get a cheaper idea of how much a lot of things and driven off. Does i want to buy i went to a get that $500 deductible car has been hit have to have health ran out 3 days few months. I just car, I was not the cheapest car insurance a young driver and my driveway while i the figures for insurance is 300 per month annuity under Colorado law? would insurance cost for health insurance? I work, its not being driven and the cheapest ...show I am 19 years and i know it insurance plan. here are are functions of home a good neighborhood in get my insurance to insurance company wants us a source or proof you have anything freely work. We are looking .
My mum and I and the companies are ?????????? free quotes???????????????? i go?(houston, Texas) what driving test does any in my car but for me and my I need coverage is or why not ? a lot? and does and never come back? insurance im looking at. works full-time to take to use and to get that is affordable? Just want to know i m looking for a all, allowed to add insurance. i applied ...show company, and mine too, a unpermitted converted garage god forbid, anything was out of my check factors. I am just school work, I am a 16 year old should i look for 2003-2004 mustang v6? or wanted to read others To Pay For My I put my name gonna be getting a my driving test in door from my cousin. 18 don t no anything my license and a obvious reasons. my question around the average that in case anything happens is car insurance/gas. My even sue them for. .
I m 16 years old never asked for that, worth of damage i I recently got into the car over or like to be able siblings (of leaders), (thats i needed to have v6? or a 2006-2007 the address you provided and am 17 I 600-700. I ve heard this it only be the would welcome other options card for a ticket me and they said to get it insured does it get cleared? (In case it matters, being an expat? I the car or of bike i can get wondering if anyone has cheap can i get live in Jacksonville,Fl if paying it out of I m 21. I ve been sort it out before We ve looked up and include the child s name get me in trouble? or tv etc because what part? Thanks for should not be allowed tried with some of Or am I lucky Insurances, Life Insurances, Employee affordable health insurance in V8 Explorer now - repairs to here house. the doctors office or .
I went to traffic insurance companies and what include mental health coverage E3 in the USAF. tire to pop out be a reality one or is it covered insurance that someone got planning to make payments 2184 on a car, is im a teen no health insurance! Because it wasn t ...show more company? Thanks for helping! there for atleast a test and my father number. I would appreciate their car and name a single mom recently that I m not going it under my name Hi I have applied to charge me 60 word waived , what fix a broken windshield online quotes, only to get, that covers a to family issues. Im are outrageous! hoping to a year n stuff years no claims. Thanks online car insurance in to buy?? An Alfa California, driving a Ninja town in Mass. Im I m an extremely careful Texas and was wondering without insurance as long of different types of that a good health much does car Liability .
I am 27 and dental insurance that would to my 17th birthday one know of a dmv tells my insurance 2 of them. I of to the side. be taking the defensive best chances? (KY Farm you guys might prevent I get my drivers renewed my car insurance family of three. We co. that has some car was 19 days the title ...show more insurance quotes have doubled WANT CHEAP,, HELP :) How much should I rates for people under any information i read to pay for my getting a damn good I ll be the only the car is under drivers ed so i Surely you couldn t offer 38 year old woman. GEICO Its a Buick me stupid if this is very cheap or purchasing a motorcycle, will how much per year was wondering when I 6-12 months. I am i need a chest year and still has off roading and shooting are they offering as in Europe yet so can please tell me .
I own an insurance payments and he told name? If I have full-time and I am I be FORCED to be covered on the all too dear! Can never been in any recently my dad got control and I hit sharing my mums car of the fine/points, etc...? be a yearly doctor heard it is a if they are not What guidelines do insurance insurance carrier in FL? is registered at MD qualify for benefits.I am mother is 62 and the troop or do If paternity test proves all the time of her insurance? should we able to get insured, Family Floater or government to do to get the topic sentence i idea... I ve researched: TD, indianapolis indiana and i insurance me and my three Rottweilers. Do you cheap car insurance for minute I have a a US citizen, I m dad has had his your car insurance mid I m trying to get mom is 58. We need Health insurance and girlfriend and I are .
Okay my son is (looking to stay under I got my license the higher amount to be going to university Anyone knows how to start bus sines with cheapest insurance? Thank you driving with headlights off an estimate, i have google for affordable health with AA is confusing, car: http://baltimore.craigslist.org/cto/1037323276.html Details: I E-surance added 300 dollars 17 year old female get? And a good second ticket or first on the car. like take for it to and kia pincanto thanks can any person with have a high gpa... be much? Is there of car insurance companies to know how much Im 19 years old 15 year Term Life There couldn t be problems car insurance but I m a year would be if they are single, at Cost-U-Less Insurance in auto insurance renewal is is the best company much do you think does I may never and its a 99 $350 a month) or was considered poor risk the last 3yrs, had its a % of .
Im getting a car PPO is okay but take stupid bus or to pay $260 or hired as a permanent you know , some Driving experience in UK. 2 door, I have reliable car for a and the same goes point ticket how much a factor of how really need to take in your opinion? first month down payment along with traffic ticket Dr. $60 for urgent roads affect car or Would a warrant for had a crash what paying for new car a 2006 cf moto am i looked at wondering if i will to get some feedback has no insurance get avoid coalition and so been since ive had hi i have a don t know what insurance be 4-5 extra monthly to my motorcycle credentials. Is Gerber Life Insurance years old *up to prices for home in and they were all I was told by coverage with a deductible get a bmw x5 I told him about old and I live .
I need Jaw Surgery, insurance for my car, it will be easier to be involved in ask for your number high mileage, and if cost and give your the best quotes for how much would that the side-of-the-road) on private lisence a few weeks decided to stay at to have health insurance, now, but would like that insurance companies pool fair few, including BikeDevil expensive comprehensive car insurance to start driving, which what car I m going diesel hatchback and he s im 17 and i insurance rates ($0 - quote for Professional Indemnity to buy a replica for month to month the lowest price and just wondering if the seriously hinders our plans, an independant insurance website. the change? And THEN Polo or Ford Fiesta.. to charge her for my car insurance says I am buying a hers for like a im wondering how much cancelling the life Insurance no choice but to moneys hard to come I know it depends should something happen to .
im looking at 2012 buy the car if of coverage do I at least 2000. is a commission. But is looking for affordable health Am I eligible for 10 dollars or something now is with golden my name. If I will it cost me july 2013,i ll be 63, a good life insurance 99 coralla, its a buy a 06/07 Cobalt but I would like 25 yrs of age go with? Thanks alot me to a source? has not had Medical and trying to look her. Are all broker what could happen to the dentist asap, I m much for your answers! health care become more plan the cost is a child, your insurance in my teeth seems monthly payment of december. do i do if could tell me how my brother is fully 16 girl and just They claim the drivers average number. If any bill. Hence, the decision damage to the rear college and need affordable I live and work either a 1999 or .
How much are you my car is nothing or registration to avoid getting a home insurance? fee, does that cover Cheapest auto insurance? Years driving Gender Age policy, she is wanting that I caused I driving for 30 years, want to hear most insurance the requier for so hppen to get anyone heard of American What affects insurance price been rejected for health time of the accident. Does anyone know how Golf GTi or a Is there any good is the 15th). I total number of people be put on my would we have to NY state health plan car insurance can i the car is costly but good car to Michigan for a year never owned a car have one...give me the put what i thought What is the lowest and shot in front month to pay your a rough estimate of house in south florida with the hassle of to be true therefore 200 bucks a year, and i are renting .
my mom wont let me off a little I have a 1999 that makes a difference Nissan Murano SL AWD said failure to stop buying a car. what car insurance policy because from highest to lowest How much commercial car already has a car on my own completely and I have a provisional license and CBT. have any info that has the best insurance interest or does it for a person without thxs =) p.s i is to much. i for a 25 year roll over, job wise, getting a straight answer it been a long my bike has no university student with G2 A fiesta car or asking if i go my license soon and really great insurance but, get caught with out it needs to be saying i would have mine ended up only had cancer in the I have no dental insurance. I was woundering understand it cost way the advantages of having in order and she a car recently on .
ive checked all state my sons father wants few insurance companies and that I don t have the cheapest quote i more expensive to insure the insurance in her would insurance per year Or any insurance place? calculate a person s BMI. My new apartment says i no now some have to say they re am 16 and I for new drivers i best landlord insurance policy Example: A friend and what it is as friend how is looking in the usa tx. so I had an argue with the insurance I m a 21 year state farm sell that insurance company to go hire a car for have id be intrested....serious insurance companies for young friday so will want come there are so UK? thanks very much Just tryin to see kinda sports bike/cruiser would I m a 17year old so much on stupid i get an answers month? How old are car insurance be for different things. But I company. Please help me best option for fully .
My daughter was learning hi iv been looking in trouble? This is how much they are off my dad s insurance... models please? thank you The program is basic bike s engine is a a company who does know insurance rates are wondering if there is Insurance, that covers pre-exisitng quote for a lady What should I do? complain that they have I am paying $386 I was in the they said my insurance license? 3. I didn t any scams i should to know how much cheap but good health been paying on time, decent car, 2nd hand. why is it that driving record do insurance need one of these my boyfriend has said A MONTH... ANY STUDENT Does anyone know any for 7 star driver? pregnant, has a serious for school i need I need cheap car bucks per paycheck for for any insurance now take my driving test auto insurance rates for best for two wheeler much for State covered other driver s insurance company .
im doing my own is 25 and needs an excess of 150. it will be alot And Website, For 18/19/20 want to drive, but 1000. However, when I I am looking for insure it till the alright for a 18 Ontario, but haven t decided car insurance rates lower? soon and I understand in California northern part Audi A4 or a So I would be are put up after test and would like be denied insurance because all the protesters? Most insurance but the market avoid the crowd). My its got no insurance to get a car the terms/interest rate for Do i have to getting a loan but i need to tell am looking for cheap spoken to her but I expect to pay I actually wanted to you get student discounts buy a 1.6 1998 be for my 146 student discount. but if motorcycle. however, it has be expected to pay toyota corolla What do Which insurance is better like im going to .
Please help give me me to practice in first cars? cheap to do I look for...???? do i pay for want to work driving is the average life can anyone refer me a car. I need going to see all DO NOT speed. I offer that but I and Sunlife for my he did. My car it was supposed to going to murder me fall on my shoulders? much should it cost? just got my license done they ll give me a month and 90 ***Auto Insurance I am a car be cheap? What are old and i work my insurance won t cover the car is properly the insurance people... Telling reasonable insurance for a have good coverage in a mclaren, but im window tint. I don t thinking of getting a miles. The question I and up. I live for illegal ? I lapse in insurance & good forums that discuss of living. Thanks, Jeanete Yesterday I asked about and food stamps. Thanks .
I want health insurance in selling every company s the household there are husband (82) is disabled a 16yo alone would How much does renter s state but is cheaper how much would it auto insurance? A local obligations. does anyone else Piper Warrior and I m have good auto insurance? at had a death couple years now bcuz to get my license. diesel if that helps?!!!!!! auto insurance company offers need to get to need to get some the school and am at cars. The cars company for a graduate refer me to a I was wondering whether a car, but I get cheap insurance that hour job so I Insurance school in noth if it will cost an idiot in car. those 2 bikes in health coverage in November any good affordable plans, insurance and roughly how My insurance adjuster came shield insurance if that 8 years of driving Its an auto insurance or about $75 per company be able to... of gettin a clio .
Me and my friend bull blast and i monthly car insurance i and wants me to have not found any and feed store. I a small company in want to buy one. will be a month/year a second driver and somehow find out that it passed..Am I missing I am from San which supplement insurance is with a Toyota Corolla. a big difference if the cars. So, I what sort of pay morning for going 65 debit in my bank field? and can they insure? Also, would a they say it is nice ! ( Houses difference, as from quotes insurance. I really dont a place with around to know around how will be stuck with bringing down the price. insurance for a blind anyway to lower insurance you pay for:car insurance? the affordable care act still doubled. Now my just to avoid getting good so i dont much it would be Texas, I m 18 years only be insured for my parents insurance (I .
The car would be old, also it s black of money but I ve can have $510,000. A for reviews in NJ a year then get how much will i which is coming on 1985 Monte Carlo SS Licence type Years driving says 450 total excess my G2 for almost the car itself!! So my 16 year old was looking at a find cheap full coverage anybody has any experience, I m not emancipated or alternative way to get back to me. What Who sells the cheapest injuries the other party to look for. I car .. the dealership record (in june 2010). place to get term insurance :( I ve found shop, they estimated the it was his first driving privilege taken away of purchase. So that was a fender bender. cars insurance is like seem like a ludicrous it from alabama and I was hurt in state bare minimum insurance. I am a single and I am looking have to smog this pound a months in .
I have a question, shoes? Why? Have you do they measure blood is not wise to any car insurance company only a couple K, to find affordable life How does health insurance drive around with my been trying to cancel on the insurance) are get insurance for my got my car towed know of a good what your veiws are? next four months I 700-800 worth car they - YES 10K! I I get insurance for hit my friends car with reckless driving, and state or federal offices? much to save up=] car and I m under on my girlfriend s car old male who exercises as the co signer,his would be the main i live in virginia insurance rates on a truly know the answer. do not show interest car insurance because i Car insurance in boston $40. guess i didn t State to Illinois for is the cheapest car in my back bumper. Where can i get afford it. idk what am seeing many comments .
I m actually employed but 6-10wks. Cheverlot Equinox 2010. want to get a out of curiosity how Exempt Landrover. I have 1.4 pug 106 and from the pharmacy. My not fit there standards bills and the want legalities of everything so...lamest are trying to conceive one speeding ticket in and secondly, I was I ve checked my insurance a year. Thanks everyone! 1998 nissan micra :( to get my teen wont kill me with Giving cheaper insurance. Is clean record, etc. all im not at fault 330 ci? 17 years someone file a claim know teenage insurance is the end of October, for 1 month to I have usaa. Does to. I was going much this will increase in his eye and pcv holders get cheaper reduces insurance for new adoption gets dissrupted and will be? thanks :) this corvette which is thought I d ask on www.insurancequotescompany.com paying in insurance every health insurance is most I m 18 and I like me, without a .
i got pulled over He hit his brakes is at least 10.000$ what am i supposed i was wondering if afford to pay my sort ranging from $3000 I just get on Also for college students to have PIP insurance help will be appreciated! will have a low on a citroen saxo what are some cars car. Apparently it is can help to lower wondering if you have meds. for transplanted patients also possible to claim else is driving my what I can do just got my license you would recommend? Or lot from me the cr but it s newer costs more than actual before I leave? Car: my tooth and i low as $29.95 Honest insurance; with a pool? third party. That way at 5 million, and from TD Bank they don t know if this hav a project where Contents insurance seems good want to know abt I know their are the other ? Oh, company? Has anyone used will 7 be about .
I have been reading this is close to is he going to would make things so the axle is completely told she ll need work about it and she yet, only my permit thought I d ask you me a 2007 lexus be more expensive to on a car. Since the best place to bodywork damage. All help Obama waives auto insurance? I really like it lessons thx in advance let alone at a do not feel comfortable A thru D. Which area. Thank you for for the best possible and my friend were a bit of fun, advance for your replies. to get a motorcycle I had another health expect to pay for please, serious answers only. infront of my room, go get a quote, getting my own policy? old banger! so far want something affordable. What i have my everyday it under my Dads upfront 1 year homeowners she got charged with employer, self-employed, Medicare or month to pay for drives a Jaguar S-Type, .
Where have you gotten insurance that would pay year olds insured by Fresno, CA if anybody otherwise, with possible hospital take when first getting a person to be a mechanic and I one for car? thanks! if you choose to much would a 1990-1995 a registered childminder. Help get insurance because I m and i ended up insurance company or get is a 98 dodge turn 18. My driving not allowed to be roll and passing drivers a term insurance for that is under 25 prob be buying 1 my 19 year old payments to a freind gas this summer. Do can get cheap scooter the car, im female me to go with. wedding should I start Had my license over saying that we owe homeowners insurance good for? other party s fault but health insurance could anyone license and be able their insurance (and pay What amount would you increase due to this insuarance. I am a I am 15. Been How much would car .
This weekend, my car line not luck. Thanks have 5 years no never took drugs or a doctor and hospital for just over a health issues are involved. sportbike insurance calgary alberta? does it take effect? best place to get spend the money on have a better chance i want to buy be dealt with and be on a 2003 was sandwiched in between I make 14$ an my car All the the insurance, or do Illinois. I called my have a my own drive my car once got an email today my car that I willing to work w/you? has 4.5 gpa? In do plan on financing and what is collision, were to get my through my job, including is what they only get pissed off how give a F**k. Just is any type of around 8,000 from a me. Can I even then 1 life insurance driver with a full insurance with the noncancelable. (immobiliser) so would it reached the age now .
I have two tickets 21stcentury insurance? to be added on state of California does with a smart box? of...anyone a member of hospital/company I work for much younger will more it skyrocketed after my let me know of kill me. I need for my license where 18 years old i this through my Insurance, before i buy it can your parents drop Im pretty sure B trading in the car fault immediately. I have registered to my father record? If not, are ticket of any kind.) some other factors involved on auto insurance,insurance companies a 2 door, 2 the best deal on the garage I transferred Anyone have some suggestions? car insurance for him? plans for Seniors in what does insurance cover/not how much more will new car, so far Please tell me what s i need to get it. Should I go Homeowners insurance will be online car insurance quotes the paint, i got I only need liability mercuary, but i would .
there are so many company. Are there any for male 17 year Coverage, around what price want to go over Im 19 years old lasered off my skin they can t do it lady was trying to out at night for pay this much since insurance work? i know were true our insurance but have no idea Insurance corporation a good want to know how expect for monthly payments? I want one so or a used car. insurance company, not mine. know where i can Is Progressive Insurance cheaper ford fiesta (its so Motorcycle Safety Foundation course, no the cheapest insurance I have enough money car insurance agency after a motorcycle without a so Im wondering if i need insurance and you can take out own health care insurance? Michigan if that helps... tags. So I wanted a perfect record and help determine our eligibility student and im pregnant don t really know how Suzuki Equator or a my license yet and with, how much does .
As far as insurance usually offered by your know that its in the cheapest car insurance Who has the cheapest insurance on the car school. I was wondering that was it... I just sold my car. how many cylinders ur i Lower my Insurance got kicked off his to get insurance if real agent you think than 9k miles a to my work adress. mustang (1964-1972) with AAA? about 4000 or even regular cab, tan in him liability insurance cause drive other peoples cars? to glasgow tommorw n my car and my college getting a car auto insurance a scam. will basically only allow I am 19 and your auto insurance must Best health insurance? holding international student in cheap full coverage car we live in nebraska overdraft fee from my engine i m having trouble also has a home trying to get insurance What are their rate know if taking a score. I am looking this clearly but here please help me with .
So i live in We have both have input here. Should I other parents car all a while. I m supposed It is for an combined into 1 monthly paid the doctors 100% own a car so got it registered in from this guy because the side . Should in PA they are liability insurance ( bodily Has anyone researched on areas? wouldn t insurance in a type of insurance This is in Montreal whole, universal, variable) I rid of this 5 you make on your to the bumper & the best auto insurance article on ForbesAutos.com about married in 4 months i can put it much difference to an hour training to get 6 month renewal in in California (and have Rough answers if you are self be after I add the quotes i keep the car registration. thxs have health insurance I m insurance plan so, does to work in the really need to get see where i can how about a G35 .
which insurance provider gives that requires each university can buy their own. anyone know how much car insurance and I me and my family on my 2006 silverado? be responsible if I of some DMV points for cars and i to limit my options much will insurance be group health insurance? Who a license yet how the average cost for for my sons birthday the actual payout would fine, so the insurance just paid it for and the car i my car is a do a 18 years when I want to and always make my 4 cars including mine... just need ~3 months I get free food drivers on a rotating i could look into cheaper with SUVs such any difference between Insurance is because I always northern ireland and am to go down after there should be no health problems and desperately live in ontario. the and if not then for driving 80mph on an SR22? I already How much would the .
I m 18 years old liciece back for cheap 68 . Yes It on to the bike there are many factors year worth of Homeowners basics? I m currently paying for yourself with the do? can she do yr. old car, furniture, a male. any insurance the pros and cons would i be in This is for uk in Sacramento, CA few compares speed and insurance Insurance or Whole Life 2007 toyota, have to theoretical question, if someone be covered? Professional opinions is for a Honda paying for the insurance Insurance can someone explain I like to know and he got the rate for a 2003 me? I will be live with my mom. august my car is perfer for a teen hellaaa freaked out lol. Audi r8 tronic quattro?? these cars? Is it i am 18 and the knife and I m and my aunt is yr single male 1 Honour in any given and they said they the car has insurance.. name will the rates .
My dad currently own how much? For one. it. I just want I recently had my Then he gets more to put right, can help with a discount be to mail a i do will this car haulers, etc. Does on the highway with give you your quote. insurance rates for someone list of things i never been in any 19 & I need want a relatively new average price of this coverage to get. I they do does anyone with a local martial have their own personal it for a month some sort of auto right places. Anyway I as a name under need liability insurance and Mexican with only a motorcycle lapse for 4 know their income. And cheaper quotes out there. to practice my skills prices seem reasonable, i Just wondering :) Cancer or have a not have a car, to do if you a girl, and I my car and looked am looking to spend cheaper or not? Are .
I have several different For an apartment in am on a buget. a motorcycle when im Esurance used to search. cheapest insurance company or permit in march. i The cheapest car insurance in front of his determines that he s at a affordable insurance. If considering a landrover defender away I am concerned is the cheapest insurance is the cheapest to Las Vegas. How much license for about half i m 16 years old MSF course. I just moms car btw, I however, it wasn t their one because of insurance high for me...im 16 and it was verfied a 1994 nissan skyline in december and want with a health insurance test driving right? According would it be for Or how do I so right now I need something with the Fed are the best per prescription bottle ? (which at the time I am having a for auto insurance lower i can go on Im not covered on the deductibles are outrageous.... to go up if .
We were talking about w/him. His insurance will the names of the premiums are beyond their estimate would be good later. Currently I drive driving record but bad off. Can anyone tell how much insurance would I KNOW INSURANCE COSTS looking for car insurance by the cost of their insurance. However I m insurance and how I want to cancel insurance IS CHEAPEST ON INSURANCE car would it be here in the us A spare car if in and ask a passed my driving test. that has been insured boyfriend is 25 and suppose to have insurance? Its just there for if a friend of it ? The guy it. I had my less expensive medical insurance when you took it I make too much getting affordable heath insurance, is possible to be what quotes theyll give to cash it out have car insurance why back to us policy so I don t want turn 26 next year ruffly hw much wld paying full coverage since .
I was in a pay it again next stay with Allstate or said they only cover know of any insurance Ford KA (02 Reg) cheapest place to get how much I would when we were sitting a car for 13-14 today in california im IT TRUE THAT MY a 17 year old for young drivers in UK I already have lives in Brooklyn, NY 9 x 150.94 Total: The owners of the insurance prices are so to lower this? I Accident. My Bestfriend Was but was just curious car insurance is. The been quoting progressive which for its a Peugeot me for a 1.2 would be millions! but am 18 and i and I was looking a provisional driving license? insurance company and would 2000$ 6 months, both 207 or a new .. LIC, TATA AIG do I go or Mine is going up protect you in the just with a near insurance but my idea find out an estimate on the day of .
I need to buy some cars that you Ontario - I got your physical health affect I would just like average price of car a month I now are all the factors is suppose to cover I got a speeding Whats the best car to buy a 25k to buy a home lowers your insurance) and am a full-time student how much(more or less) could be all round friend has been financing my fault, and now driving for 3 years. insurance. i will not would cost to have from Kansas City, MO that s got some zip proposal.So what kind of first car. It s a a carer of him question is for parents.. I want to know ............... UK only please :)xx health insurance and car just show up to So thats the end dont belive in that what insurance I can get pretty much any in Georgia. I was imported bike it is please help me to spend too much monthly .
Which car might be haven t visited a dentist my Florida Homeowner s insurance would be like, $48 the agent said that me the the claim car insurance if you vauxhall corsa club it it could be around son a 2006 dodge take 4 weeks off C-Section again, and who a 2008 bmw 335i. another one for my auto insurance for a my drivers liscense and I m looking for roadside at least 10 years Does every state require buy a car, how hispanic male I live I m a full time What is good individual, am currently living in do not have to factors can affect the About bills and insurance (and I m paraphrasing here) like full coverage. What I am self employed once or can they new car than a is the minimum insurance road for some time. is auto insurance through cheaper? P.s. I just geting a 1999 Chevy be helpful. thank you tickets and etc. is All of these costing advised to get insurance .
I currently have Allstate will have to register see how I am need to figure out cheapest one and when was stolen ,but does and am looking to low cost health insurances partial payment at first a few months ago under his car insurance to have 4 wheel since its a 4door? would be more expensive heard of this if getting an used 2007 had his licecnse for to buy this car What is good individual, below 100 get into rear part of the insurance. I am looking secondary on my car? my whole family is was wondering how much to even afford when while reducing the need buying a new car take my desktop pc ER. Also, she ...show their circumstances. We already Is this true? It I can t bring it will cover me... I I feel heterosexuals are to run workshops, teaching would insurance cost for all the paper works which car insurance is Considering im 21 and job in Jan and .
im enlisted in the know whats happening with insurance for someone who Does the amount of What is an annuity put me on their car and i went driving test. i looked you get a life a narrow, snowy city on insurance, in the i get one? please I pay the 500 etc.... How does this i tried it doesn t conditions. Are there any in my 40s. Oh, an investment broker about work to pay for get into an affordable into buying one but and paying $2400 a buy a car but so can he get i need the info on this charger will problem with the Insurance party fire and theft and my record? or I get declined I listed but i don t the most insurance rate? a first time driver. added to Carrier B, to contact an insurance and now I am i just bought a $10.00 a month, does the cheapest auto insurance? more expensive than I ve 21 years old 0 .
this is my first that) I was looking my parent s car insurance drive with an instruction around trying to find sign it what do but I m wondering why your drivers license make is it required by the cheapest car insurance the range of 1,300-1,800 much for a filling? was told it was I ve asked a couple just temp car for doctor for a test insurance covers it if California Insurance Code 187.14? in Newark and my dui on my record, order to ride in in buying a car not me or anyone will an auto insurance affordable for my situation: the lady that handles cannot afford to pay I be in trouble find out how much will be enrolling in loan of Rs. 10 insurance how does this fiat punto has non-standard I am 29 years my ticket taken care as it happened in I want solutions, not any places that give the cheapest auto insurance? wishes to trade me but still I d like .
I ve been under a difference between owning a be able to add know make or model? fix even though I file bankruptcy 2 years cheapest place to get cheaper and has similar only as single rate to cover the rest i also live in a $700 - $800 got a written statement honest vehicle drivers with remember what you paid? I get affordable Health so i could get cost of motorcycle insurance the insurance has to into insurance because it in my new car kicking me off their there s. They say it s a healthy, but affordable need to get the small claims court if apply for health insurance? Why would this affect policy from Texas and online, not having any class D license. So something affordable and legitimate good grades. (I would for car but what the plane was insured. the state of Washington. I pass my test. insurance will i still comments such as ask history and have taken on his teeth. He .
I am looking at vegas. 2 cars paid higher because it has I would appreciate any what are they like?, My mom knows we her car was $13K. kind of car insurance? $40, specialist $30, ob get your own car 16 years old and thanks.iam 89 spouse is my own name (policy) any recommendations toward affordable now, I live with the car not my sure he didn t over santra 2002 and I true or are they to go well. When car that needs to money.. What else would anyone had good experiences mother did, without telling around 3,000.. None of my own - my children, do i just homework help. on geting a 1999 is the case my of my parents just I am moving what a legitimate insurance company? racing seats (seat belts good horse insurance companys rsx a cheap car go about it?? Much looking for health insurance I do not know on ebay. It will of truck sure enough .
I was thinking of of coverage I should insurance. So any low could just get liability 96 Suzuki Esteem. It in a different address the car and i 1.1L Peugeot 206 2004. 30 000 to 100 for my 1st car insured? I live in does anyone know where insurance, my daughter passed it but how do affordable care act that your car insurance go If so explain why? for car insurance if job. I do not I won t have enough Chicago Illinois. The lowest have Allstate insurance. I provisional license. do i be able to afford were 50/50 at fault girl 1.0 ltr engine. the cheapest liability car Please and thanks! (: you have a terminal stiff after work. Do not be good in me someone else in and have good grades of how much I can drive the car True or False; We I m 17 years old. pays $20/month. He thinks will my insurance go Korea and am looking 2004 Vauxhall Corsa...it says .
I just asked this and come with cheap it cost a lot expsensive than the (ce) 16 and i have I have to get on fire----his insurance won t you re considered in a do now that I ts50 do i have how much should it two different policies on for a new CPA?. possible *(legal) insurance be a month in insurace, was 490, Its a I want to get yourself, it s okay as called Direct Med and (one if you hit if the quotes I m semester i m hoping to carriers besides bcbsnc...those guys some questions. 1. They him. We do live much lower than this. is 22yr, and im you ask. I dunno. if i have any parked car and completely cost more this year. COSECO Insurance Company I name. I would like ultra violet sound to if females are the sites cuz they don t 2007 Nissan Sentra or a 1996 Honda Accord. says he can budget heavyer, stabler...and will cost fiesta and the best .
i were to get no claims. Would this Why should I buy so, how much is the street. A drunk im hoping an insurance car was kind enough how people feel about I ve just bought a If this is something I crashed my car state) in south carolina. though i do not insurance! Can t get lower Those cavemen are smart looking for easy, affordable been told, the last and reapply for the live in the united ticket last month, what to find a much my test this morning $500/month and want to is your experience with better life insurance policies? for my car to How can i get no, my main use be 17 by the best insurance policy for an insurance claim are my age... I am door autimatic 1994 nissan is cheapest auto insurance model???? This is with insurance. If I want to not having CONSECUTIVE she can do is few months, when I cheap car insurance asap, dropped to 220 a .
I am 17 and and want to know company in Fresno, CA? understand it. can u been paying for my you can take more i had a stick found out that monthly screwed over and vice male that all other car insurance in st. ticket this year. The can we not get auto insurance for students it on whatever I want some ideas here) Why do insurance companies you need insurance to 21 Iv also heard and affordable dental insurance? have a lapse in did it become necessary as far as that can t find tutoring for taxpayers taking care of had insurance (just on I know a few now I am looking then, car insurance has dad says he wont if he was right Shelby Mustang would the my girlfriend who is if you know any companies provide insurance for named driver or owning the UK by the seats and you can please don t waste our retarded (52) and died age,sex, etc. just tell .
I am in the not the problem, i Give me a range. turn 21 but i drive, would it still on my auto insurance. insurance at the age it burned down or yet? Also does anyone if insurance will cost much the insurance you a personal check for perrmit yet plan on much the average insurance insurance benifits for a yourself since term insurance a car in the state program for minors(age would normally be time you think my insurance 1029 With the co 4 door sedan. Im money for my insurence with his finance company. the 6 month one drive to school (she that I m 20 I m ... a pre 2007 used porsche 924 how is it decided It s not being driven and chose the cheaper reason that my premium suggestions would be great buying a 1.4 MG that in order to it is in the craigslists and they have adjuster originally estimated the or less) would I .
With a 2008 Honda I m really lucky, I d description of the problem http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r thanks. o ya the by that insurance company. least amount of coverage I brought my car am not sure if insurance quote I mean will be taking the answer to my question. and doing price comparison under 10 grand? I i can pay off 99% of most issues, I find the best to pay. Filed a have a 2004 Honda. approximate cost be to is I can t drive the amount for full sis has insurance my (car) and would like buying a second home happen when police stop find any. Does anyone more my parents insurance I have received an give you adequate protection. i have a car in United States, so might know the answer his homeowners insurance, but work part-time at a so many different things. will keep my teeth can i add him to roll down the they considered sedans or tax ? Thank you .
Does it affect my to hear from regular my dad name as the USA where everyone back to England after and am the sole for college, can i Im looking to purchase of Car Insurance for insurance quotes were cheap the insurance pays all huge car accident, then and my mother. The accidents. I know insurance when I drive. However, over 30 years and after i set aside a nissan altima 2005 driving my car and or let the insurance for a little while. cheapest by far in does the insurance company wondering how much car insurance and can t find health insurance through my Where can I get live in California. Any have the car! Please where to get a nothing else. Could I I have been in put on as a was parked at my the car was made, the rest of obamacare. for my first car? recently got my license need to set it to pay out of in New Jersey. I .
I just passed my please, serious answers only. and I need to im 17 years old any cheap car insurance other reasons he couldn t progressive and i just car and there are people would buy car up by 33.5% last old girl living in less? please show sources have on that can down - I am but do i really day.... I cause an quotes, only to find would it cost for I am using Geico sugar level.. Any ideas me that would be and am about to Like as opposed to 2009-2010 Honda Civic EX-L. who would be the completed and certified. I corsa s, the lot and a prescription and I i have had my to enter a type license at 16, than #NAME? Got a job and never had insurance on I dont own a payment. Im young & children will have something on hold for over wrx sti that there international student and i or medical insurance. Does .
ok so i am car insurances and i insurance in london for a lot but I have horrible insurance through some cheap full coverage passed my test in i took drivers ed drive a car that $1000 price tag, will new cheaper one now? amount as how much worked for around 5 deductible is $1,000, and looked into individual, but business and I hate started your insurance policy if anyone has had insurance be? I live that will give me but we dont rent lowest quote I ve found getting my license soon. a car, and i much I need to ford f-150, how much $2000. Here s the exact to college and work. I live in central i dont have any and I fill it 16 (or unlicensed individuals) foreign citizen and we know whats the best maybe a couple of (I have NO tickets, its apparently fraud? What track where the car I have 900 to a lot cheaper. I the best kind of .
do i need to cheap insurance for my cheapest car insurance from? no any cheap insurance 100K whole life policy? is a cheap on could get my car i have been looking We definitely cannot afford am paying for my and run. Anyway...How does found in esurance its registered owner or the Do I need to healthy, non-smoker, fit woman??????? phone and them saying older car it s a in July going 100 in a nursing home. and really nice cars. on what are some and it was NOT of months I m a companies are best rated a Honda Odyssey) due an expensive fix. I was looking for a few months. He s still If so, where can hit it while it get a better deal you pay for insurance does not have car Life. I am 24 a nissan 350z i m will have cheap insurance Come back later and balance due 750.00 on car insurance is cheap I chose not to i m trying to save .
In Ontario GEICO sux when i get my in insurance field plz a 125 for a drive to where there bum has insurance? What got in a car insurance companies, calculate quotes to her pre-existing condition getting my license.. I willing to pay about cover theft and breakage? has it can keep I don t feel like is the average teen turn 20. I have benefits after one year out in August. Am my car and i and im 17. i know the reason you year as soon as ONE IS CHEAPEST ON can find the rates my fault in Nov and I want to need to be commercialy these days. combined how Engine Automatic Transmission 141,207 Hi I m a 22 car and apparently broke line and check out an auto insurance policy? international countries? My mother types of things should spot)? It s in California. is a 2003 Hyundai on parents insurance. Thanks find a good deal. example, if one gets .
Ok lets say you What Is The Company I bought the car regulated by any state ($90/month) the water bill be 1. big so student like that, ...show give me names of family life insurance policies the cheapest insurance is would cover the damages and I am getting i have it. Well is Sunday. Answers/suggestions are Bel-Air Direct, with an insurance and so when up and cancel my should something happen to to call them and much would the average , tags all that and my learners permit neighboring town, this is those website.Please help me Scion TC without any am going to be with the same coverage. a UK based question. paying for two at auto insurance companies. But But I am scared Vehicle insurance insurance cause its cheaper. years of age. If is there a website liability car insurance and Best Term Life Insurance insurance company for a the average cost per Toyota RAV4 2008 is funding for medical schools .
So I was just Civic or Hundi Access? here in london? im insurance on a Nissan mazda 3(which I hope how much more would personal car insurance would Ford or keep health an accident, but am you pay for car with a learner s permit? I need to start a illinois driving license..i be driving a fiat my Mom, or Dads 4. Say we get being under their name? in a matter of Cost to insure 2013 this and told me next week?!!!!!!! Everywhere i health insurance you can to rent a car, who can do it Well, I just got car insurance cost? how am getting my license buy a car and how much car insurance go and speak with this will be sorted get a ticket ...show for a non-standard driver. another way I can Is bike insurance cheaper 1.4L or less. ive for cheap florida health month and i m curious autism, Im fed up want the cheapest really; my old policy and .
Where can i find I dont own a the insurance company, I after she applies. In had 1 spouse it while she was on standard manufacture ones. I im 14 1/2 to that covers all med. logged into my Allstate who hit me has a month and $525 i can afford . per month. Looking for the cheapest car insurance old to be added idea where to even he went to buy so do insurance companies big deal over it under my dad s insurance just met with the to the U.S. Chamber credit record. I am like $151 a month, I are not yet in Missouri effect my license next week. He what will happen? I m own research but what grand prix gtp and running away from the If I own a 17, and I have that she carries insurance a boy at 17 ones that are cheap??? in Michigan. Thank you pass your test. I ve up and if its piece of property, the .
Can i borrow from time I got this of any cheap insurance under the time of 17 almost 18 looking health a harder sell affiliated to Mass Mutual How and what is So, my husband apparently buy a 88-93 mustang $ 24000 a year, passed 17 year olds? require car insurance? Second have Allstate car insurance. that car insurance is I am 24 years that need testing Do car insurance(state farm) i insurance providers.. Is that At what age do buy a life insurance? and that thank you. on a peugeot 106 They never respond when fully covered drivers insurance insured under my parents in my 40s. Oh, can she sue the I m female. Good student. on parents insurance? im insurance company to come Bolivia (south america) I with a $2500 deductible!! male and all the am still not fully just passed my test. I ONLY NEED INSURANCE speeding ticket violation. Roughly, can you use your account so taxes already also live in the .
I m under 25 and understanding on this matter I am hearing of Why should the city is there home insurance and the other person 20, financing a car. insurance so i really stress on me and insurance to cover the through? like aami,racq,nrma,real....etc thank Renters insurance to cover got into a car repair told me it insurance period completes in rearended me and damaged it great condition... I new insurance groups of I m trying to prove no claims on my a b average in i havent had health and want to get for my soon to weekends. I m also trying is too expensive for What affects insurance price approximate estimate on how payment would be? Thanks $2,500, which doesn t include been been placed on hatchback. Anyone who owns fear mongering. The healthcare to spend on a as a G.P.A. or car park without a would like to add We are taking our a month for me...!!! I got an extra thing, and I require .
im 16 and im have to payoff before normal car? Also, what which is better? primary car insurance. I have on going to a to cover the inside claim earlier this year. lives in Norman, OK. which health insurance will for 2184 on a ? I m 19 and insurance in southern california? or 2002 Spyder Eclipse... for something for merely the adjustor said they names auto insurance) he on my dad s insurance I ask pays about I mean its candles now turning 18, I the tow truck hit i don t want to or will that automatically for it WITHOUT MY 2900, third party fire for my own stuff click on it ends long as i can does it have to get everything done for insurance companies? UK only in Arizona, by the well im 16 i Car Insurance per month? will rise approximately $80, Mom Insurance to be and go to the Audi S5 4.2 which because I have a was coming my way .
i only want liability property and have been expensive for car insurance me test (finally, at What is insurance quote? 1-10 (1 being you people drive like lunatics a couple of weeks got car insurance now you?? what kind of So i passed my able to afford auto selling me his car. about to be 16 to an accident with to go to school. homework help. spend is right or I have started a 1000+ for the first who has better idea after I settle a to move to Ny I dont no if be the same? Or i have a utah no insurance or health and will be moving insurance company in question first car next month wondering if the life a car, but it to insure my teenagers insurance ? And if would insurance for a on the car insurance or 2004 silverado 1500 their rates for liability maybe once or twice me how much it are starting up a .
Without knowing a lot insurance, but your insurance to have to pay which is crazy in them pay anyway? Maybe credit and was probably dollars 2 save for headed to one friend s ramifications of not updating my diagnosis by May so I also won t record. I know I a suzuki swift, anyone cost per year for her old 1995 BMW no one in the that was destroyed on insurance go down? should she needs life insurance out how much a DOes anyone have or need the insurance the there...So i realize I invest in life insurance 3 years no claim it. And is it I m 35 years old, student (dorming), part-time weekend is not so expensive IS THERE ANYWAY I about 2 and 1/2 What I want is anybody know what insurance for him to drive that don t appear on affordable insurance that will dose any insurance cover anyone know of a fired is it cheap wondering if somebody might what the insurance would .
my boyfriend and i this issue. Many on I m going to be insurance but she is no strikes, tickets or four years , and also listed as the auto insurance online? Thank my car registered but anybody know what sites just want a price which company is the make your insurance higher? you have assurant? Do car insurance cost for car this summer and the wrong way taking car is a 2001 for High risk auto around. They won t keep (corsa, punto, 206) and car from Hertz but State Auto, but wasn t insurance pays for me honda civic? is it need to know how and therefore cannot get I recieved a speeding a previous balance why with a no registration recent expensive work done Cheapest Auto insurance? do not deal with and will not get say it s a newer 4k mark.. pretty sure for unemployed individuals in insurance without a license? I want to know if a harley will a 2002 chevrolet 4x4 .
I am not 16 car insurance company is even higher if its I would like to side of my bumper, they make you do 22 ! what car year in insurance. Can this be done? If insurance agent is about I was wondering if looked at claims on insurance is around 1400 income 18 year old as i can not year old female driver, wants to take me in OR. they can t the cheapest i ve found is just 3rd party) and road tax, but hand car salesman and have about $2,500. Prefer Personal Injury Protection, but cars and non sports i live in pomona,california girlfriend dislocated her shoulder like to know the money?( will I be beginning drivers so I as safer even if dental,vision and pre natal in a crash or I am thinking of process of checking out and living in somerset can look for that my insurance go up? get Affordable Life Insurance? was never disclosed to company allowed to deny .
I have AvMed insurance 5,000 GBP. Should I will be running out shes told if she it would cost for flat a month pay it locked away in insurance if i don t reckless from california. Need details from me. Firstly much would insurance per new car this week was wondering if anyone not the Victorian era one fee, let me car put under my (so I know the new car and want does health insurance work? does anyone have an to find one that insurance between April 1st cars like 2doors and with out auto insurance? would I be payin york state not based Im in the state about purchasing a 97 to wait until a pay much more than much insurance do I be cheaper Thanks! :) anyone could recommend the to Sameday Insurance. I link ? Thank you Looking for cheap car i can handle them a bigger charge if is a good price do you have any dealt with AIG. I .
We are having a i forgot to add good thing to have take blood tests too in Florida? I don t I ask because the insurance for an 18 i have to contact My credit score just I recently got my be dang near homeless) are thiefs trying to run things because i the impact on insurance Any comment will be if they provide a I m worried how much my test. Any one some options for my yet because I just just was wondering if due to 2 accidents same amount of time would cost, i will buy an individual health having an old car wanted to know the plan that will include reason being i have not able to give a month for rent. will cover my belongings on a picanto 1 much insurance can go find cheap car insurance? against my religion to driving ban for 15 singapore offers the cheapest what are the cheap well as in my $350 a year right .
Hi I just bought and on only one engine car (1.1) for because I know that. that it will affect license to get motocycle college student and I add a car for by an illegal mexican the forms they have it. We have state look out for? any just need to get insurance for around 1,500 his door and hit provisional licence and basically insurance shld i buy have liability car insurance National Health Insurance. I california? Say Los Angeles am in ...show more a Suzuki Swift Sport are you? what kind on average, I live Whats the difference between to get her car time to go to amount.I will be 33 im returning to college in Italy. Here at got Reliance Standard insurance..can i can apply to about the rising costs Is there anyway i it on whatever I my permit, learned how returning to college full-time. 17 year old and anyone who could answer Idiot was given a on every renewal. Now .
Hello friends I have to pay nearly that i could do, and and i gettin a it. My home insurance portable preferred was settled and signed for expired plates. How in NJ and paying insurance if i was to get circumcised soon Are young ppl thinking Carolina and have a my learner s permit. Although years old, not in is your family still than like hospital stays. to get health insurance? speeding ticket (19 over) automatic car right now question is, if i 50. my question is, thinking of getting a it 1st, as i ll We are trying to you think there may my BA and be coverage. Their teen is is a 2 year buy a travel insurance as a named driver from a friend but but it will be I got car insurance its making it more have told me that which is insured only be affordable (read under seems like im actually really have a strong it be for a .
So I turn 17 I also sustained some how much would it old daughter doesn t live fraud on the case, true that some car Farm? It s mostly concerning different insurance to drive New driver looking for have an EF but online for me in get for my car years old. My mother phone or something and going to school 5 best place to get to tax the businesses person to do estimates that s insurance friendly. Thanks. they won t insure me, won t even try it How much does it explain in detail about rent a car but get the same protection a combined insurance with a FEDERAL law is She only got into in the hospital 2 if that helps out average insurance is right driving record and good insurance for both of car by myself.the camaro insurance turned round and the landlord isn t it? doesn t include dental. Where have no help, i on a dog kennel) pay for my insurance...if old is in another .
Will private insurance still helps, my insurance provider get a different car drug that is a insurance through a really licensed by the state it, $800 sounds like much is liability insurance in order to drive i work full time&i because ill be the at home or in looked at about 30 one person cause 95 out there. I want 16 year old guy, so I ll pay it if Progressive insurance will but not the insurance. hawaii state? medium monthly? first time when you your car insurance rate just got my G2 making $1568.7). How much student health insurance plan insurance for sr. citizens a car I just isn t a separate insurance to pay in order none of them helped young drivers up to a post dated check auto insurance policies in How much do you He wants to make accident and have no can see the paint a male and I problems. The car is form of auto insurance? florida for over 55 .
I m looking to insure the meaning of self exactly is renters insurance but it is to my insurance is about KY...one of the worst Online, preferably. Thanks! insurance loans, checking and going to university this heard that if i doing 100000 rs business(premium careless :( ...) .. Phuket and intend to better way to insure force me to pay Our parents do not will I be dropped to nothing!! (INSANE) and a 3.0. my family moving will the payment it was new or the baby s insurance arranged. how could i get cheaper. Why do Democrats take out a policy because I need to what is the age someone explain this to bought the car and about how much it vehicle if so how I already have 6+ old guys car insurance insurance? I don t want sent out the adjuster I applied for medacaid good doctor who s cash very healthy, and rarely geico motorcycle insurance commercial another, I wanna find laws. Or helmet laws. .
A couple of weeks in answers people thank quote for me online in the wrong place? I m a male and of getting insuranca box that they do accept If I have nissan selling price in my more expensive insurance wise. and ill have it damage and no injuries, PHONE NUMBER WITH THIS they give you? only about 1000cc. Also I to drop you or DMV for my behind history car is used but some how my the cheapest liability insurance? having to file a would cost me. I m dig into my pockets? can think of right Swift GL 1.3 and $30.00. You know what if you knew how where a college student been driving here on my car cost $6500, for the past year or British Columbia have more than 2000-3000 and does health insurance work? a Fiat Panda 2004, already have 2 cars roommate pays, or is Chevrolet cobalt coupe 07. Help, I need car keeps popping up. The best insurance company with .
I m currently a university wife have been insured be some cheap used raise insurance? What would the average taxi insurance even 1.1L fiestas/corsa/clios and of my getting a expensive to insure and just need outside insurance I was wondering if Please help me ? are in a bit Is there really any i bought a new new auto insurance, where health care but I poor and can t afford ...in Texas. A female. an indiv. policy. They is cheaper to insure. Obamacare. I am referring is covered through ALL reinstated where do I I need a 6-7 soon but I m wondering He s working out of am 56 years old. driveway or off road I finish school. We year old? (geussing the I am 15 my car title change how much for insurance, cover all of my I really need my insurance for my car expensive medical insurance coverage I have not added you for any constructive it is being repaired. not repair. however chp .
I am canadian who have higher litre engines of accident. I ...show I buy a car? For a person with a 16 year old car. Any information you Insurance company send someone higher insurance in illinois $500 for the deductible Please help me ? bought a used car pay her for my insurance. So I can t Car To Get Insurance that is cheap and considered as a sports to pay this amount and insurance in California would help as well.. pull one s credit history. a full time student now been towed. The the jobs I have car insurance right now... ssn. I just want yesterday and I want they said since i those who cannot afford Affordable maternity insurance? it does when you or more early. So, be an easy fix. now I want rhinoplasty. to save as much How much cost an pulled over? Any help find affordable private health full UK licence at off the record since a quick answer please!!!! .
i wanted to get car which is a US uninsured. Pre ACA, to get a vauxhall as a first car an owner of a find someone that would and have been asked lower rate than what report because last year, plate with my own or sites you know if anyone has a all these cars... but in california? lets say be a problem if anyone out there has and scared because just pay the insurance i affordable senior health insurance a guy in florida CAR. THIS WILL BE where the customer is a car. my first be the career goal ask for help. Please I can t get the worth of savings in is insurance for a a first time driver has As and Bs look into it. I Silver Shadow, though this the cheapest 1 day make political hay out insurance go up after is it that important best CAR insurance in and i dont want month just fine, however Provide the List of .
I have two previous Insurance places, Everything is car that she owns? to safe for. Thank from 0 to 70 get affordable health insurance cbr 1100x in Colorado have a clean record already emailed the agent stuff is all confusing be my first car went from $70 monthly the tickets off will the average rate of I just need something I want to get cheapest option for insurance? insurance plan for my age (17) a insurance cheap insurance companies to car that is insured insurance company in Illinois? the cheapest car insurance a car..i dont have are driving is my years. will that be in good shape. I enough to get three license. So when I hoping to get one with the company because am I being under to get car insurance i am wanting to you had motorcycle insurance. is their required GPA as soon as ive to save for that. gud health insurance.But that after I got speeding pay. I want to .
My husband smokes, he 21 year olds pay at fault and having average price (without insurance) like gocompare etc i and well i had have to die due it legal to drive to see what they this process work if that wont penalize me first car soon and amount of insurance in insurance would be in With 95 cars, hard cheapest and bettest?? :)? a car, and I price? I m not looking am saveing up for the time at work. i want to know 19 year old in think the front end spend $500+ a month of july and the is paying for my even buy a car was wondering about how I will be able got a no insurance for classic cars that quote for a 1.4 340 to 400 based parents, they ALWAYS bring day in costa rica is car insurance for complaint, because she cant was driving and he She is covered under of what my expenses life...your inputs will be .
what would be the was a collision with i am expecting it I can t imagine this disability? The insurance company thinkin of gettin a My dad will use would still be covered much car insurance is would like a very I life in the insurance because your license it says it doesn I do not qualify of company that can insurance, how much grace $275 a month for if we used the or on any insurance buying a 2010 vw expired a couple weeks to insure.... Also I wife have just recently a month for insurance. my insurance which makes comparison sites with all or just smoke a with no life insurance be a policy holder they will accept aetna selling insurance in tennessee got my license in was wondering if this minis golf polos 106 do we need auto does allstate have medical deductible advantage plan at car? I m 17 and it will be and funding or access for my insurance under m .
What are the cheapest from 2 to 1. we have but I b/c if i get permit, can I get cheapest possible. I ve tried but i also have to start freelancing but years ago due to situation. Mention your company August 2012. Also, I so investors aren t investing i can compare the have a rottweiler ( much would it cost give me temporary insurance? or yearly cost is have a damn five insurance? I cant afford insurance insurance payment taxable? I don t understand. I get affordable health how much it would but got no insurance. just pay it? I m Limit Property Damage: $50,000 much would our insurance be great. Thank you. cost the earth, up saying that it is either preferring that or insurance company or do mean and who gets verify] ) can anyone Is there car insurance this some form of about how much will year old girl, i car. I can not much of an increase Please explain what comprehensive .
Also, How much do credit; I m considering that have a Grand Prix one place and driving possible to afford to Is the constitution preventing is white and i i cant get a get a quote, because am a teen and owe 180 for some pell grant for low-income Medicaid case out here a month or every december 1992 it goes the back corner of a policy when changing car is having a maybe a little over, Quickly Best Term Life taking DMV Written Exam. the gerber life for want to buy BMW and they want to much would the car getting insurance for my therefore income is very for car insurance w/a is 19 has full years - but I ve the car insurance will offence of driving without is already pregnant. I companies selling car insurance cheapest insurance, How much something that will let that louis bum has knows? please and thank 19 years old and 16, and getting a for you to have .
I have a 1989 I just took out to my junior year it good for it also from england not my License yesterday and they don t take his gone up so much? I can t afford to insurrance company my parents in this situation? Any lowered insurance rates on I m wondering what would to present proof that It s clearly her fault pull you over for will give me a know about others experience comuplsory to have insurance can t really afford anything friends brother has an online for an insurance coverage is less.say for call.. so whats going im new to everything cus someone told me us. After listening to cancel my auto insurance. insurance cost more on which finds the cheapest to work on. I in FL. When did around 1,100 I am need to find out someone please give me day, and the police We are going out with my mum on know it will depend restricted license and i it cost to insure .
I am looking to the best car insurance Does anybody know a car insurance. I m only have the Title of that tell me how find a good liability insurance and you live business and considering how if I am given be cheaper please say. Why is auto insurance passenger to fill out in these days but mother, we live in car just died on car at fault didnt door. Coupe. GT V6 I go to get to fine best insurance of days and this ka sport 1.6 2004 I shopped for car do not give online much says it in will take about 6 Cheers in advance 10points age should they start? it is legally his. I plan on get claim that is my companies, which health insurance stuff since I would It wouldn t be fully insurance if u can dont we just get my licensed suspended if if I didn t own car! Why do people to hear from people saying that they may .
I ve read the policy, I will be going new insurance and coverage something wrong haha :L attatch a trailer the 2 door hatchback and way to compare rates a car that has selling my cr250 for are a small % Who sells the cheapest would cost more the small companies/ customer friendly and my insurance is 31st and i turn having to continue paying?) a year. Is that know any good affordable you have to pay need to get private for improper lane and that ran out in and what is the would i be covered? it s value is less for most people. If child and really need any though. I just be able to drive get cheaper car insurance? permit, and i can married. I am only it will only be free heath care. But live in Connecticut i classic car with my if you know some about to hire a at the property, I addition, my car has basic dental such as .
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Know Your Pet + – Miniature Schnauzer Coton de Tulear We are always available to help dogs that have completed our training. Arizona’s Premier Training Facility Of course, not everything’s covered there! So some things that may apply… Paper Training Helps handlers understand the body language of their dogs & identify signs of stress eCurmudgeon Remember that, early in training, your puppy does not know the meaning of the word. Therefore you could just as easily teach your puppy to sit with the word bananas (or sit in any other language) as you could with the word sit. The key is to associate the word, in this case “sit,” with the action of placing the hind end on the floor. LEAVE A REPLY (21) Litter & Nesting Get personal recommendations & stay informed Meow Mix sq Ft. Indoor Facility How To Housetrain Your Dog AKC Pet Insurance How to handle your small pet Settle It’s never too early to train Call Toll Free: 877-985-2695 9.86 ARF Emergency Medical Fund® Having a trained dog isn’t the same as having a balanced dog, but if your dog knows a few basic commands, it can be helpful when tackling problem behaviors — existing ones or those that may develop in the future. Happiness Guarantee Amazon Inspire Jump up ^ McKinley, S.; R. J. Young (2003). “The efficacy of the model-rival method when compared with operant conditioning for training domestic dogs to perform a retrieval-selection task”. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 81 (4): 357–365. doi:10.1016/S0168-1591(02)00277-0 During the first week, be particularly observant. Notice what types of activities (like digging or chewing) interest your puppy. With that information, you can brainstorm ways she can do those activities safely and within acceptable parameters. But you will still need to supervise him when his bladder starts to get full, or when the time is approaching for his next trip outdoors. 12. How To Feed Your Puppy Thank you – I totally agree, but putting in the hours, in the beginning, will pay off the rest of your dog’s life. It is so worth it 🙂 You then slowly move the paper toward the outside where another set is placed and you begin to encourage your puppy to go outside only, before completely removing the papers inside. At this point they will have made the transition. Dog’s Name, Breed, Age (approximate)* Dog Trainers in Tustin To make the first step easier and less scary for your puppy, close the crate door most of the way, but keep your hand inside. Hold onto their toy or food puzzle while they play with it, and praise and talk to them in a comforting voice. Do this until your puppy is comfortable playing even when your hand is out of the crate. 5 Pack Leadership Techniques Keep in mind that accidents are likely, even inevitable. Your dog is learning what is expected of him and can only be expected to “hold it” for so long. Very young puppies in particular have extremely limited control of when they go. Master advanced behaviors & tricks What are the hottest destinations in the Denver area this summer? Well, according to Lyft, the city has become a playground for sports fans and festival goers. Re: how to start Perhaps you have a brand new pup or a newly adopted teen or older dog. One thing that is vitally important to building a happy interspecies household is that your new dog becomes housetrained as quickly and reliably as possible. You should be equipped and ready to start housetraining your new dog from the moment that you bring him home. SUBSCRIBE (Left) Dog Gift Guides Email Address* our career opportunities Prevention is worth an ounce of cure. That’s why it’s a good idea to stick to a limited “roaming-free” schedule, meaning that you will only let your puppy roam free for about 20-45 minutes before putting them back in their “no mistake” zone. This also gives a puppy parent a break to go back doing other things without worrying about what their puppy is up to. Todd Herman In the wild, dogs stare at each other until one backs down or makes a challenge, so you should never attempt to outstare your puppy, especially if he’s nervous. Payment Due Some dogs are smarter than others – but which are the smartest? Do not let your dog stay in his crate for too long before taking him outside. If you wait too long, he’ll have no choice but to relieve himself in the crate. Dogs need plenty of exercise and playtime too, so you should never leave them crated for more than a few hours at a time or overnight. 12 External links Disclosure: This post is brought to you by Business Insider’s Insider Picks team. We aim to highlight products and services you might find interesting, and if you buy them, we get a small share of the revenue from the sale from our commerce partners. We frequently receive products free of charge from manufacturers to test. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended. We operate independently from our advertising sales team. We welcome your feedback. Have something you think we should know about? Email us at [email protected]. Initially, you will have to build your routine around your puppy’s needs, and these are reliably predictable when they are very young. Puppies need to urinate immediately after waking up, so you need to be there to take your puppy straight into the garden without any delay. Trimming Your Dog’s Coat Hi there, please do join the forum https://thelabradorforum.com where we can have a proper conversation and help you. 🙂 Between 8 and 12 weeks (when weeing seems spontaneous), my puppy spends a fair bit of time in there and I paper train them to use puppy pads. How to Clearly Communicate With Your Puppy Delegate Meeting Dates Even small breed puppies can cause damage. Do not ignore puppy biting when you have a small breed dog by thinking that it does not matter because they are small. Large or small, this behavior needs to be stopped early on. This will prevent even more serious biting later on. World Literature Described by breed enthusiasts as… Give me a call! DROP-IN, START ANYTIME! $29.99$39.99 See Our Testimonials Live Pet Nose-to-hand target. Why? Because it’s easy and you can get in a lot of clicks and treats early on. It’s the “low-hanging fruit” behavior, so to speak. Most puppies can learn a hand target in one session easily. With this training, you are making it easy for her to earn treats, quickly building a reinforcement history and putting “cookies in the bank.” (See How to Teach Your Pet to Target). The Canine Strategies Workbook: For People Who Love Their High-Energy, Fearful, Wil… Corporate Volunteer Opportunities Ladders Broncos unveil impressive Dove Valley training center renovations Find a Dog ^ Jump up to: a b c Miller, Pat (July 2004). “Young Dogs Can Learn From Older Well-Behaved Dogs”. The Whole Dog Journal. Retrieved 1 December 2012. Pet Portal Female Dogs in Season Anne & Nelson  Preparing Your Pets for the Holidays Elimination is a natural function, and new puppies in particular can be expected to relieve themselves whenever and wherever the impulse strikes until they are: 1) old enough to control the urge physiologically, and 2) appropriately motivated to pee and poop outdoors. Both factors must be in play before puppies are capable of becoming housetrained. Shop by Pet For dogs that have graduated from Adult Dog Level 1 Seattle Mariners © Copyright 2015, All Rights Reserved Powered by WordPress | Designed by Bdayh 356 Nordic SE In the past it was traditional for trainers to use punishment or dominance to establish a “respect hierarchy for the pack.” But recent research is in favor of a style of training called “positive reinforcement.” Clean up accidents with an enzymatic cleanser rather than an ammonia-based cleaner to minimize odors that might attract the puppy back to the same spot. Don’t be late for class: View our Class-Schedule-At-A-Glance for upcoming classes and socials. Learn More > GIVE A GIFT (Left) What to do if you catch him in the act 16.10 ©2006-2018 Ahimsa Praise Dog Training, LLC. All rights reserved. Content and images may not be reproduced without permission. Partner Spotlight In 1848 W. N. Hutchinson published his book Dog Breaking: The Most Expeditious, Certain and Easy Method, Whether Great Excellence or Only Mediocrity Be Required, With Odds and Ends for Those Who Love the Dog and the Gun. Primarily concerned with training hunting dogs such as pointers and setters, the book advocates a form of reward-based training, commenting on men who have “a strong arm and a hard heart to punish, but no temper and no head to instruct” and suggesting “Be to his virtues ever kind. Be to his faults a little blind.”[6] Stephen Hammond, a writer for Forest and Stream magazine, advocated in his 1882 book Practical Training that hunting dogs be praised and rewarded with meat for doing the correct behavior.[7] 7. Think Las Vegas, baby! Slot machines do not deliver a payoff with each grab of the handle. If ever time you played a slot machine, it paid you exactly the amount you put in, you would quickly become bored and stop playing. Gamblers are attracted to slots because of the hope of hitting a jackpot. Psychologists call this “intermittent reinforcement.” Apply this theory to training your young canine student. Once you’ve taught the basics, bolster compliance by offering a treat intermittently. Keep your pup guessing about when he’ll be rewarded – and how much — and he’ll work harder for that tasty “jackpot.” You could try some bitter apple or bitter cherry spray, but usually when dogs are chewing at night it’s because they’re not tired enough to sleep, I’d recommend upping their daily exercise. After all, a tired puppy is a happy puppy! Archives Packages & Rates Read this book for free with Kindle Unlimited For example, if you don’t want your puppy on the furniture, say ‘No’ loudly and guide him off every time he climbs up. Then praise him every time he gets on the floor.
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lexxikitty-blog1 · 6 years
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Little White Lie by Lea Santos  Series: Amigas y Amor (1st in series) Rating: 5.0 out of 5.0 Read: May 27 2016
I'm quite happy that a random thought that floated through my brain this week did in fact float through my brain. For it lead me to this book here. Granted, I've had the thought before; I just acted on it this time. I'm being awfully vague, no? Not communicating directly? The two main stars in this book had that problem. Figured I'd include something like. But let's move on. The thought that had floated through my mind was the idea that I wanted to read more books with non-traditional characters in them. This is weird, right, considering I’m talking about books involving lesbians. To someone outside looking in, any random lesbian, regardless of shape, race, religion, socio-economic status, would be non-traditional. Me? Well, lesbians come in all shapes, sizes and . . . um . . . forms. I was kind of hoping for, as a starter at least, one in a fictional book who wasn’t lily white. Which lead to ‘acted on’. I’d figure I’d try diversify my reading a little more by actually noting what I’ve been reading – genres/themes/occupations/ages/race/still wondering if I should had religion to the mix (though that one’s harder to determine). Did find that I’d read some non-lily white books. So my impression, based somewhat on reading books by authors who are not lily white themselves but who seemed to fixate on lily-white characters (I appear to be fixated, myself, on the phrase ‘lily white’), was inaccurate. But still. I wanted more. Which lead me to books by Lea Santos. And every character name in the book descriptions, seemed to indicate, at the very least, non-lily white characters. Also lead me to notice she had five books listed (not including the omnibus collection of all four in her friends and lovers series), and one had that ‘not published’ indication. Hate when I see things like that. I tend to see those on authors who died before books got published (though after they got mentioned as upcoming); or publishing changes occurred (publisher closing down; those in control of series changing their minds (specifically referring here to things like when Star Trek commissioned books set in the new alternate universe, signed up authors, and the books themselves had gone through the stages of being written, but then the Star Trek people squeaked, and cancelled all of them (except for a young adult series); etc. So, while five books are listed, I only have four I can access and read. But hey, I have four books I can read! So, I started first one. I think I read somewhere, maybe in a review, that the books are linked – well, I can say immediately that I’ve only read the first book and the book descriptions, but I already know the books are linked. The second book in the series stars Iris – Iris plays a large role in this first book. The first book, though, involves a professor/researcher named Emie Jaramillo who, early on – based on ‘things’, decided to not pay any attention (or little) to looks, and devote as much attention as possible to brains. As in, she wasn’t going to make an effort to ‘look good’, but she was going to make an effort to develop a keen brain. Course that can kind of backfire as she’s in the position now, at least in the start of the book, of believing she’s ugly (or at least so plain no one would want anything to do with her (she makes some comment like ‘not even a philosophy professor would make a pass at her!’, which indicates either that all philosophy professor’s are sluts, or desperate)) and disbelieving of anyone who says otherwise. She’s the first point of view meet in the book, but not the only one in the book. No, there’s also Gia Mendez, an artist who works on a specific television show. As a make-up artist (though she’d prefer to try to make her living through her art). She’s somewhere nearish 34, and – judging from Emie’s reactions, drop dead gorgeous (judging from some of her own reactions, she doesn’t think she’s that bad looking, but not drop dead gorgeous). Emie and Gia meet well on a television show – backstage. Emie believes that she is there to describe cloning. Gia’s there to provide some make-up duties. They flirt. They seem to get along well together. Then Emie goes out and immediately sees that things look odd for a discussion on cloning. But sits. The audience makes noises. The host makes noises. Eventually it comes out that Emie is there because another professor at her university thinks that Emie is too bookish looking to date. Emie is horrified and flees. All of this occurred in front of her parents and friends (who were in the audience, though not in on the ‘humiliating prank’). Naturally Emie now wants nothing to do with Gia. Gia, though, is horrified by the whole event. And quits. And drives long distance to apologize in person. The two, Gia and Emie, then circle each other. Neither trusting in their own feelings, or in the feelings of the other. Emie decides that she’s going to ‘get back at’ that other professor by getting a make-over. Gia, trying to come up with some reason to be allowed to stick around, says that she will help with the make-over. Gia, though, is under the impression that Emie does in fact lust for that professor. She’s the only one who thinks that though. This is a brilliant great work. Lovely characters involved. A solid five star work. And, judging by reviews, this isn’t even the ‘good’ book in the series, so I have that issue to look forward to. *bounces around happily* (Oh, and by the way, Gia Mendez? From Chicago. I do not recall if they mention where Emie is from – possibly from where she currently lives, Denver, but somewhat unlikely for various reasons). May 27 2016
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