#he knows Palm would be like FUCK MY SAFETY I'M STAYING WITH YOU
kennyomegasweave · 1 year
I've seen a lot of posts saying Nueng should have kept the bracelet or asking why he didn't just keep it and I just. He couldn't. He could not keep that bracelet and still leave. He wrote a goodbye note telling Palm he doesn't work for him, he doesn't want him to follow him, he wants him to meet someone and love them and be loved in return, but that can't be him. We know Nueng loves Palm. We know Palm love Nueng. We know they're the children of the sun and they were once glued up back to back. But Nueng thinks all that follows him is heartbreak and loss and that's all he can ever bring Palm, so he is willing to break both their hearts to keep Palm safe. It's misguided because Palm can't just walk away now. Palm knows they once had four legs and four arms. Even if his mom was still alive and his dad wasn't in jail, he can't just walk away from Nueng. But Nueng needs to break Palm so he stays away from him. So he breaks up with him in a letter after his mom dies and leaves in the night. And he leaves the bracelet, he has to leave the bracelet, because if he doesn't Palm might realize how Nueng still believes, even while breaking his heart, that they were once glued up back to back. And if Palm thinks Nueng still believe in their love, he will want to fight for them. Palm is a fighter, he's been fighting his whole life. And Nueng leaves needing Palm to fully believe his words and leave him alone and move on.
The tragedy of this show is we know neither of them will, or even can, move on. But they can't be together. Nueng can't just be a dude working on an island with Palm. Palm can't be Nueng's CEO house husband. They both love each other more than anything. But that doesn't mean it works. That doesn't mean they work. And so Nueng leaves the bracelet. And we all cry.
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#never let me go#I have seen a lot of people mad at my boy Nueng but like#he truly believes he's doing the right thing#and like how can you say he isn't at least from his perspective#he has to leave palm all he's ever brought him has been sorrow#his mom is dead his dad is in prison he's not safe himself#nueng needs to leave palm because he loves him that much#he loves him enough to let him go#now palm doesn't want to be let go#and palm is most likely not gonna be like THANKS FOR DUMPING ME IN A LETTER AFTER MY MOM DIED#but Nueng is truly believing that Palm will read his letter with the bracelet and be like welp moving on#because remember Nueng doesn't think anyone would ever like him for him#and he def had to leave the bracelet or it would be a sign to palm that like#I DIDN'T WANT TO DO THIS I LOVE YOU BUT I WANT TO KEEP YOU SAFE#but Nueng doesn't want Palm to know that#because he knows Palm#he knows Palm would be like FUCK MY SAFETY I'M STAYING WITH YOU#so he has to leave the bracelet#he has to leave every trace of Palm's love behind#because he has to reject it so maybe just maybe Palm will believe him#and Palm will stay away from him and move on with some other person and be happy#but this is a show so it won't be happening but like dammit#Nueng isn't the bad guy here okay#and I'm in my feelings#obviously from these tags and this post#about how it seems like all of yall are making him that way#I am chris crocker levels of LEAVE NUENG ALONE LEAVE HIM ALONE lol#regular clyde#if this isn't the most coherent I am very drunk lol
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washeduphazbin · 2 months
Could I get a one shot of, y/n is like Adam’s life ex gf she left after getting tired of his shit.. ended up falling in love with Lucifer.. (Mr. Steal yo girl thrice) and during the Adam and Lucifer battle Lucifer taunts that he stole all three of his lovers
YES. YES. I'm in love with Lucifer. Your wish is my command.
Sorry it's so short if we like maybe part 2
Also, poly luci x reader x Lilith (sorry, not sorry)
“Little duck?” Lucifer asked softly, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. You were holding onto one of his plush ducks rather tightly,
"I can't help but think...that this extermination is my fault." Lucifer let out a gasp and wrapped his arms around your shoulders, "Lulu-"
"I won't have that negative self-talk in my house." Your brow furrowed in distress,
"No buts."
"Lucifer! Adam's absolutely moved up the extermination to spite Charlie and us!" You argued, "I...what if I go back to him."
"Excuse me, what?"
"I don't want to!" You moved away from him to the portrait of Lilith, you and Lucifer hanging in the corner of the room. "I really don't want to..." You raised your hand and brushed against Lilith's horns and Lucifer's staff in the portrait. "You know I don't belong here; I'm not a demon, a sinner, or an angel either. I'm just a human who fell because I fell in love with you and your family." You smiled sadly over at him, holding out your hand. Lucifer squeezed it tightly, "What if I can solve all of this by just going back with Adam."
"That's not happening; I'm not letting you go back to that fuckwad;" He scoffed, brushing a hand through your hair, "Do you think you'll be happier with him? Without us? Without Charlie?"
"No." You laughed bitterly, "Of course not, Charlie would kill me."
"She absolutely would. You're like another mother to her; she wouldn't let you go back to that hellscape without a fight. Neither will I; I have a few words I'd love to share with Adam."
"Oh yeah? What would you say?"
"I'm sure you'll get to hear it eventually," he mused, leaning closer to kiss your cheeks. "Just stay safe and stay away from the Hotel until Charlie or I give you the okay, okay?"
"Okay." You whispered softly, bending down to plant a kiss on his lips,
"Did you really have to bend down like that," He huffed, hitting you gently with his cane.
"Oh, absolutely."
"Stay home? STAY HOME?" You roared, grabbing Lucifer's shoulders, "Everyone dying, and you want me to stay home!"
"For your safety and everyone's safety. Yes." He squeezed your shoulders tightly, "If it's between you and Charlie, I-"
"You choose Charlie every time."
"I love you-"
"I know. I love you too." You smiled softly, "Kick Adam in the dick for me?"
"It would be my pleasure, my lady. Here," Lucifer handed you his phone, "It'll live stream the battle; I hacked a VoxTech drone." He puffed his chest out proudly, and you beamed, taking his phone from his hands.
"I can't wait to see Adam get dick punched in HD!"
"There's the bloodlust I love so much; if I didn't have to go save Hell, I'd totally fuck you right now."
"Then you better leave now so you can come back and fuck me as soon as possible."
"Yes, ma'am!" He gave the dorkiest salute before teleporting out of the room.
"I am going to FUCK you!"
"It's fuck you up...dad."
Your face palmed, curling up on the bed, Lucifer's phone in your hand, watching the live stream.
"What? What did I say? Oh Shit-" Lucifer burst into laughter as he transformed into a snake to avoid being hit by Adam, "So this is what you've been up to since Eden, huh? I gotta you really let yourself go, buddy."
"Are you judging me?" Adam snarled in a disbelieving laugh, "You're the most hated being in all of creation!" Lucifer snickered as he turned into a bird,
"Well, your first wife didn't seem to hate what I had to offer, or the second bow chica. Wow, wow!" He splayed his fingers out in a V shape and stuck his tongue in between his fingers, "Not to mention your third."
"I'm sorry what!" He snarled,
"Oh, you didn't know? (Y/n)'s a doll, the tightest pussy Lilith and I've EVER shared!"
You made a horrified sound at the phone, wanted to absolutely curl up into a ball and die, Charlie didn't look any better.
"You are so dead!" Adam shouted, "And I'm gonna find that bitch, and I'm going to make her pay!"
"Sure you are," he snorted, "I'd like to see you try."
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star-born-mars · 12 days
Standing on a Ledge, Standing on a Precipice
Instead of Dick, you find Jason on the ledge. It starts to uncover something you would rather it didn't.
TW: suicidal thoughts and actions (I mean the entire scene is literally him ready to pitch himself off the edge), discussions of suicidal thoughts and actions, probably some unhealthy codependency, and probably some unhealthy coping mechanisms
Please let me know if you want me to add more.
A/N: I couldn't get that scene out of my head, of Jason standing there. This is probably so bad, I'm sorry. I'll probably write a sequel to this, ngl.
"Jason," you asked, crossing your arms on the ledge he was standing on, "how long have we been friends?"
"A long fuckin' time," he told you, sniffling.
"We were- what, 10- when we met?" you inquired, looking over the city as it bustled by, ignorant to the boy ready to pitch himself off the roof at any moment.
"Almost a decade then. Think about that, Jay. We've known each other nearly half of our lives. In another decade, it'll be two thirds."
"Doll, I probably won't make it another decade," Jason replied, looking down at the people who were strolling by down below.
"Why are you up here, Jay?"
"C'mon, you know me, doll. I'm poison, whatever I touch I destroy."
"That's not true, Jay. You wanna know how I know?"
Jason was clearly just humoring you when he asked, "How?"
"Because who is the one person that you touch the most? The person who's had the most contact with you in your life?"
"You," he reluctantly admitted.
"And who's still alive and kicking despite the universe's best efforts otherwise?"
"Jason, look at me," you implored, turning towards him. "Please?"
"You're not playin' fair, doll. You know I can't say no to that face," he complained, turning to look at you.
"All's fair in love and war," you reminded him. "C'mon Jay, you're my best friend. Don't you think if you were the problem that something would've happened to me already?"
Jason couldn't argue with that and you knew it.
He knew it too, based on the way he was scowling now instead of crying.
"Jay, they have no fucking clue who you are," you said, reaching up to take his hand in yours. "And as cliche as it sounds, they don't know you like I do. I know you didn't do any of the shit that they're accusing you of."
"How'd you know?"
"For one thing, it's not really your style," you said with a smirk, watching as Jason gave you an unimpressed look. "But mostly, I just know you. It just... it doesn't fit."
You shrugged, daring to tug lightly on Jason's hand, urging him back towards safety.
"Jason, you know you don't have to stay here, right?" you asked, threading your fingers through his, sliding your palms together. "Clearly they don't really care whether you stay or go, except maybe Gar and Conner. You can go wherever you want."
Jason didn't say anything for a moment, and he waited long enough that you thought perhaps he wasn't going to say anything at all in response to what you'd told him, but then he asked, "If I wanted to go somewhere they didn't know who we were, would you go with me?"
"If I wanted to get out of Gotham, leave the Titans, find some random town on a map and disappear, would you come with me?"
"You'd never leave Gotham like that, but if you wanted to run away, we could. I mean, we've done it before right? We both have all the necessary documentation to go to college, we both graduated high school, we can work pretty much any minimum experience job we want. Is that what you want to do? Disappear for a few years? Maybe a lifetime?"
Jason actually thought about it for a moment. You could tell because of the way his brows furrowed, the way he his mouth turned down into something more absentminded than a scowl.
"No. You're right, I could never leave Gotham like that. But it's a nice thought," Jason admitted softly, hopping down from the ledge to wrap his arms around you, disentangling your hands so he could rub a line up and down your spine. You slid your hands into his hair in response, grinning when he melted against you, like he was trying to burrow into you. "You'd really run away with me?"
"I've done it before," you reminded him. "I mean, I think we're codependent enough that even if you ran away without me, I'd still find you. But I can see us in our own place, away from Bruce and the Manor. You going to class to get an education degree or something. Volunteering at the theatre on your time off. Drama coach maybe."
"You've thought about it?" Jason asked quietly, hands stilling.
There was something in his tone that had you tensing. It wasn't something you heard often, given Jason's usual allergy to feelings and discussing them, even with you sometimes, but this sounded similar. It was a tone he adopted when he had been told something he didn't quite know what to do with, something he didn't quite know how to feel about.
"I mean, you haven't? We're practically ancient, Jason," you tried, attempting humor as an out.
Jason didn't take it.
"You've seriously thought about us like that?" he asked, pulling away just enough to see your face.
Something akin to terror crawled up your throat at his phrasing. Something rose like a tidal wave, threatening to drag you under.
You had to get the situation back under control. You had to do something to divert his attention.
Despite what Jason seemed to think, it was rather easy to love him. Yes, he was brash, impulsive, rather allergic to authority in most forms, and he was as stubborn as a mule, but his heart was in the right place most of the time. He was just another kid who'd been fucked over the people in his life, the system, and just the universe in general.
Having known him since you were kids was a huge advantage when it came to getting past Jason's defenses, but that didn't mean that you incapable of stepping on a land mine.
Jason let you do a lot of things others could only dream about. Touching him as freely as you could was a gift, being able to tease and poke fun was delightful and carefully regulated to when there was no one else around.
But admitting that you had feelings for him that weren't entirely platonic was the equivalent of throwing your relationship with him over the ledge he'd just been standing on.
It had been pretty easy, the last few years, to hide it. At first, there had been a phase where, no matter what was going on, even the thought of Jason had you grinning. Then there had been the warm cheeks and the upset stomach. Those things had settled into a low contentment.
It didn't matter that there was no way in hell he returned your feelings. It didn't matter that there was no way in hell you were going to get half of the things that you wanted. It was okay. Because having him as a friend was a thousand times better than losing him.
Giving him the support that he needed and getting his friendship in return was more than enough.
Besides, he had made his type very clear, and it wasn't you.
You chuckled awkwardly as Jason continued to stare at you. "I mean, Jay, c'mon, do you really think you and Bruce could live in the same house- even one as big as the Manor- forever? I mean, I know we wouldn't live together forever either though. You're gonna get a partner at some point and I'll either move out or you will."
You tried to back up, to put some space between you, like that would lessen the intensity of the stare he was giving you, but Jason clung tighter.
He wasn't letting you go, then.
"No, I don't think that's what you meant," he said, resolving settling into his voice as he somehow managed to pull you closer. "That's not what it sounded like."
"What did it sound like?" slipped out without your permission, and you had the sudden, intense urge to throw yourself off the ledge, just to save yourself the embarrassment.
This also didn't seem like the kind of conversation that you should have been having with the friend who had been contemplating pitching themselves off the roof of a building just a few minutes ago.
"Doll," Jason started, but you panicked.
"Look, Jay, a lot of people think shit like that about their friends. Well, normal people anyway. It doesn't have to be a weird thing. Please don't make it a weird thing."
You watched as his face went through about fifty different emotions before he hesitantly nodded.
"Good, then we should probably head back inside. Tell me tomorrow what the plan is," you said, pushing yourself out of his arms and backing towards the exit.
You paused by the door, just to make sure that he was following you in. You were desperate, not stupid.
Hopefully, this would be one of the things that Jason let go. One could hope anyway.
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Ophidiophobia (3)
Part One Part Two
Word Count: 1,934
TW's: Unintentional Fearplay, Angst, Fear of Death, Profanity, Mild Gore, Injury, Calling A Person An "It", Panic Attacks
Characters: C!Tommy, C!Wilbur
Summary: Tommy's one safeguard was his wings. if all else failed, he could fly to safety. But they're out of commission. And the naga's closeby.
Was there any better way to spell fucked than T-O-M-M-Y? That's all he was. He'd managed to drag himself away but he didn't get far. He couldn't. His wings were a wreck, his body was even worse for wear, and his legs hurt too much to even attempt to run again.
The telltale sound of a tail sliding across the forest floor made his stomach do a record setting amount of backflips. He pressed a hand to his lips as though quieting his breathing would somehow save his life. Rough bark dug into his back as he pressed himself flatter against the trunk.
The sounds ceased.
Did the naga give up? Did it know where he was but was planning on waiting him out? Was it-
"I told you to sit," Wilbur said. He didn't sound happy. Well, he never really did, but now he sounded super not happy. Tommy looked up to find the naga towering straight over him.
"W-why would I listen to you?" Tommy forced out between shuddering breaths. He hugged his knees up close to his chest. The naga let out a heavy sigh. Tommy winced as it lowered its torso to the ground.
"I'm older than you. I'm bigger than you. And..."
Tommy braced himself for whatever was coming after that "and". It couldn't possibly be anything good. Wilbur laid propped up by his elbows against the forest floor. A clawed finger poked one of Tommy's ragged wings. He yelped.
"...you're hurt," Wilbur finally finished.
Tommy hadn't expected to be chastised like that. He honestly hadn't expected to survive this long when he finally went toe-to-toe with the naga.
"Leave me alone," Tommy whined.
"No. Unlike you, I don't abandon my friends."
Friends? Were they friends? Sure, they'd been hanging out for a couple weeks but that was different. That was when Tommy was safely out of reach and this thing was always a good ten feet away from him.
Fingers roughly his size reached for him.
"S-stop!" Tommy exclaimed. He weakly batted at the digits to no avail. He blinked away the black spots dancing around the edges of his vision. "Don't touch me d...dickhead."
Wilbur didn't listen. Tommy's arms were pinned at his sides as he was unceremoniously lifted off the ground. He tried to flail his feet but he was practically drained of all fight. There was no telling how long he'd been running for. He just wanted it all to end.
The fingers gripping him were warm. Too warm. Tommy didn't like this. He half expected to be lifted up to the naga's mouth but was instead simply held there. He twitched in the uncomfortable grip, elbows digging into his sides.
"You're hurting me," he mumbled deliriously. It wasn't like it would come as a shock to the snake that its malicious actions were having a negative result on its prey. Wilbur didn't say a word. He simply shifted his hold, spilling Tommy into an open palm and keeping him there within a cage of fingers.
The naga didn't go far. If it did, Tommy didn't really remember the journey. He ended up leaning against the very fingers holding him captive in a desperate attempt to stay conscious. The warm, squishy flesh was replaced by cool, hard stone. He blinked drowsily at the snake.
Tommy won whatever staring contest the two had going for a handful of seconds as the naga turned its attention to something Tommy couldn't quite see.
"I've still got big plans. So many places to see. So many wives to have," Tommy slurred.
"Is that so?" Wilbur muttered. He fished through an assortment of different collections from his hoard.
"Yeah. So don't kill me."
Wilbur froze. He grimaced, blanching at the bird hybrid's words.
"Why would I do that?" he demanded.
Was this a trick question?
"You killed that rabbit."
"You're not a rabbit."
The silence that hung over them was heavy. Wilbur raked his fingers through his chestnut curls.
"I'm not going to apologize for eating things that I need to eat, Tommy. Rabbits don't talk. They don't follow me around or tell me all about their little misadventures or nap with me by the pond. If I ever find a rabbit that fits that criteria, I'll save it from a lynx, too."
Tommy didn't quite know how to respond to that. He blamed the murkiness of his mind on the bloodloss but he was starting to think that even a completely sober brain wouldn't afford him the words he was looking for.
Tommy winced as the naga pressed something cold to his shoulder. With one hand keeping him still and the other pressing something on him, Tommy was faced with far more hands on him than he would have ever wanted.
"Hey, Wilbur?" Tommy muttered.
Wilbur paused to look at the winged boy just in time to see his eyes roll back in his head.
"Tommy, go back to sleep."
"Fine. You're fine."
Tommy's head was throbbing. The world around him was a blur as he blinked away the heavy fog of grogginess. He massaged his temples between his thumbs. What sort of bender had he gone on last night? He squinted to take in his unfamiliar surroundings. He didn't remember falling asleep under a canopy of twisted branches.
Maybe it was only then that he registered the rhythmic sounds of breathing nearby.
All at once, the memories came rushing back. His heart stuttered to a halt in his chest. If he was here, where was-
There. Right in front of him, the naga laid there in a blissful slumber with his head resting between his folded arms. Tommy's every instinct begged him to escape. He stood up as silently as possible, wincing as pain zipped through his body in bolts.
The only real way out was through the opening in the shelter. To get to that, he'd have to evade the many coils of brassy scales wound loosely around him. It would be a hell of a lot easier if he could just fly over them.
He tentatively unfolded his wings from his back. Bad idea. Terrible idea, even. He let out a cry as his vision flashed white. He shoved his fist into his mouth in a futile attempt to muffle the sound. A horrible aching sensation coursed through his back.
The tail shifted around him. He dared to slowly turn around to find two glittery, gold eyes bearing down on him. The naga regarded him with a tired expression. He braced his cheek against his fist, propping his elbow up on the ground.
Tommy took a wary step back. Shit.
"How are you feeling?" Wilbur asked, drowsily wiping the sands of sleep from his eyes. Tommy formed a few different words with his mouth but none of them ever left his lips. Wilbur's eyes narrowed. "Are you actually awake this time?"
Clawed fingers reached for him. Tommy snapped out of whatever trance he'd allowed himself to get caught in. He leapt back, effectively bumping straight into the first ring of coils around him. His hands slipped against the cool, glassy scales as he struggled to find purchase.
"I'm awake! Very much awake. Never been awaker," he insisted.
"Calm down. You're going to jostle your injuries," Wilbur said with a roll of his eyes.
Calm down? Calm down?
"There's a giant fucking snaking man holding me hostage! What do you expect me to do? Sit down and meditate?" Tommy demanded.
"I'm not holding you hostage," Wilbur said simply.
"Then move."
Tommy's emotions had gone from terror to incredulity to pure wrath. His hands clenched into fists at his sides. Wilbur only tilted his head.
"If you can't vault a few coils, how could you possible think that you're well enough to go running around all on your own?" the naga inquired.
That...ugh, if there was one thing worse than a cocky bitch, it was a cocky bitch who-for all their cocky bitchiness-made some semblance of sense.
"So you're just going to keep me here? It could take ages for my wing to heal," Tommy groaned. He went to move his wings a bit more for emphasis to find them restricted. His eyebrows furrowed as he looked over his shoulder to find frayed, beige fabric tied snugly over his injured wing.
"No, you can leave the burrow. You're just not leaving my sight," Wilbur said as though it were a perfectly normal thing to say.
Tommy chewed at his lower lip.
"And then when I get better, you'll let me leave your territory?"
Wilbur studied him in consideration. Tommy could practically see the "no" hovering on his lips but the fact that he seemed at least a little bit conflicted gave him a foolishly substantial amount of hope.
"Well, once you've got your wings back, I won't be able to stop you, will I?"
Not...exactly the answer that Tommy wanted to hear. Better than an admission to planning on keeping him captive, though. Or, maybe that was Wilbur's way of telling him he was still going to be held hostage? Tommy's head spun with all the information he was taking in.
Wilbur had bandaged the worst of his wounds and, from the looks of it, cleared away most of the dirt caked on his skin. That said, Wilbur was planning on shadowing him all hours of the day until he was healed up, which could be anywhere from weeks to months. So for weeks, a giant naga would be slinking after him. And he wouldn't be able to get away.
The walls of the burrow were slowly closing in around him. Try as he might to keep his breathing steady, there wasn't enough oxygen in the air to keep his lungs functional. Trembling fingers clutched the messy fabric over his chest. Maybe he'd take a second to catch his breath once the room stop spinning.
Tears numbly spilled down his cheeks.
He didn't even register the fingers closing in around him until the touch had retreated.
His ragged breathing gradually steadied as the outside world came into focus around him. The breeze in his hair, the sun on his face, the grass beneath his feet; all elements that sang, "freedom" into his ringing ears.
He swiped the tear stains from his cheeks with a sniffle. He turned to find Wilbur still laying in the burrow, an unreadable expression flickering across his sharp features.
"I didn't...say any of that to scare you, Tommy," he began. His words faltered. Like he didn't know which ones to say. "I'm...worried...about you. I don't like seeing you hurt. You...can leave when you're better. I just wish you'd say goodbye this time."
Tommy only gawked at him a moment. Wilbur's usually unwavering gaze darted between Tommy and nothing in particular in the distance. Tommy blew out a heavy breath. Whatever happened to the days where Wilbur was convinced that Tommy was obsessed with him?
"Just...stay back a little bit, big man. You're fucking massive," Tommy relented.
The corners of Wilbur's lips twitched up. Tommy got the strangest feeling that was the closest thing he'd ever gotten to a smile. Wilbur only nodded, retreating a little further into the burrow in good faith.
"Thanks," Tommy laughed, despite himself. He dusted himself off, taking a moment to stretch out his weary limbs. He took a few experimental steps forward before checking over his shoulder. The naga hadn't so much as budged but his eyes were still glued to Tommy's every movement. The boy sighed with a shake of his head. "Bitch."
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darkthingshappen · 1 year
The Merry Whump of May, Day 5
“Do unto others as you would bla bla bla...”
Bow and Arrow
Thanks again to my always whumperful crew. @sparrowsage @whumpcereal @quietly-by-myself and @oddsconvert for the fantastic beta job on today's entry.
Warnings: Human's as prey, Human's being hunted, death of a minor character, vacation gone wrong.
I swear I'm not copying The Most Dangerous Game, but, like... look at the prompt list, it write's itself.
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This wasn’t supposed to happen.  It was supposed to be a vacation.  Darren was amazed at how quickly circumstances could change, his world flipped upside down in a heartbeat.  Less than 48 hours ago he’d set sail for his first ever deep sea fishing trip with his buddy Barrett.  They were celebrating Barrett’s 23rd birthday.  
Where was Barrett?  He hadn’t seen him in hours.  Had it been more than a day?  
They had landed on what was supposed to be an uninhabited island for some shore time and swimming.  They’d been there mere minutes when the captain of their sailing boat took an arrow to the neck.  Who the hell uses a bow and arrow?  Darren and Barret ran for the jungle not knowing where to find safety.  
“What the fuck was that?” Barrett cried as they crouched among a thicket of tropical ferns.  Barrett kept trying to wipe the captain’s blood from his face.  His position relative to the captain meant he’s been covered in the sticky spurts.  The red blood was at odds with Barrett’s pale complexion.  
Darren clamped his bronze colored hand over Barrett’s mouth as their stalker wandered past them.  
“I don’t know what the fuck is going on, but we’re getting off this island,” Darren whispered in Barrett’s ear.  “We just have to elude him long enough for someone to figure out where we are.  Now be quiet and stay low.  Let’s find somewhere to hide.”
“This is his Island,” Barrett hissed, panic suffusing every word.  “Surely he knows every hiding place.”  Fear and terror had replaced all thoughts about the birthday fishing trip.  
“Don’t think like that.  We just gotta stay one step ahead.  Now let’s get moving.”  Darren grabbed Barrett’s t-shirt and shoved him along.  Barrett liked to fish.  He liked things calm and quiet.  This was not that.  
They stayed together as long as they could, but they were being hunted.  They’d heard him.  Footsteps trudging and squelching in the mud, bowstring string stretching with a grgrgrgrrrr. He’d called to them. 
“Come out and I won’t kill you.”
Yeah, right.  After what happened to the captain, no fucking way!
Eventually they’d had to split up.  Strength in numbers did not work in this situation and if one of them got caught, it might give the other a chance to figure out a way to get help or get off the island.  It was not a good option, but they didn’t have any good options.  
Several hours after they’d split up, Darren heard the scream he knew was Barrett. He slapped his palm over his mouth to muffle his own scream.  Darren didn’t know if his childhood best friend was dead or alive.  He didn’t know why Barret screamed.  He just knew that now, he was hiding on an island, all alone, with a mad man on his tail, stalking him relentlessly.  
Hours had passed since that scream.  Darren had found a cavern that he could shelter in for the night.  He didn’t dare light a fire, and he curled up against the wall in the deepest shadows he could find.  
Darren was a hunter.  He’d won awards.  The man hunting him was good, masterful even.  Darren didn’t think he would ever find out what it felt like to be the prey instead of the predator.  He didn’t like it.  Humans weren’t supposed to be at the bottom of the food chain.  
TIn the morning, just after waking, the hair on the back of his neck prickled and there was an unexplainable shift in the atmosphere.  Darren whirled around and came face to face with the tip of an arrow on a string mere millimeters from his face.  
He froze, his entire body quivering with fight or flight instincts at war within him.  His eyes slowly moved from the shaft of the arrow to the bow itself, then slowly to the broad chest, up to a burly neck and then up further to a terrifying wide grin and wild sea-green eyes alight with malice.  
“Hello.  You really shouldn’t have come here.”  The hunter’s voice was softer than Darren expected, but no less deadly.  
“We… we didn’t know,” Darren stumbled over his own words, trembling hands raising up surrender style, “It was just a pit stop.  Our captain-”
“They always blame the captain.  And they may be right.  It’s why I always take out the captain first.  But you have a choice.  I can shoot you now, right through the eye, you’ll be dead before you hit the ground, or I can take you back to my place, give you a meal, clean you up and then you play the games I want you to play the way I want you to play them.  What’ll it be?”
Darren swallowed, this couldn’t be happening.  “Wh-where’s Barrett?”
“Barrett?”  The hunter cocked his head as if trying out the name on his tongue.  “Oh, the little one, the screamer.  He chose to come back with me.  He’s all snug in his little cage right now, had to gag him to shut him up.  Damn, that one is a whiner.”
Darren swallowed again.  “Wh-what sort of g-games?”
“Oh, all sorts of fun ones.  Even more fun since there’s two of you.”
“You’re going to hunt us, aren’t you?”
“Yes.  But that won’t be for a bit if you choose to come with me.  I have all sorts of other activities that I’m sure you will not enjoy.  I like to play with my toys, break them in a bit before I finish with them.  But who knows, you might win and get a chance at making it off this island.  I couldn’t say, but it’s possible.”
Hope, dangled out in front of him like a fucking carrot.  It wasn’t fair.  Something about the way that Barrett had screamed told Darren he should choose death, but he couldn’t.  He might live.  The captain never had a shot, but Darren and Barrett could, right?  He knew it was a trap.  Short of a miracle, they didn’t have a chance in hell at getting off this island.  But the thought of survival gave him the will to keep fighting.  It was cruel.  Darren could see it in the  hunter’s eyes, but he couldn’t force his own brain into not believing there was a chance.  As long as I’m still breathing, right?
The hunter’s smile grew impossibly wider.  “I can see you’ve made your choice, so let’s get on with it.  Kneel and put your hands behind your back.”
To his ever loving shame, Darren knelt and did as he was told. 
Tags: Tagging List: @i-can-even-burn-salad @peachy-panic @deluxewhump @arwenadreamer @whumpcereal @melancholy-in-the-morning @dont-touch-my-soup @whumpsday @keeper-of-all-the-random-things @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @oddsconvert @melennui @susiequaz12 @morning-star-whump @crystalquartzwhump @whump-and-other-things @mylifeisonthebookshelf @reflected-pain@hold-him-down@quietshae@sparrowsage@quietly-by-myself@castielamigos-whump-side-blog@darlingwhump@hold-him-down@quietshae@no-terms-and-conditions-apply @there-will-always-be-blood @sowhumpful (I hope I’m not forgetting anyone - please let me know if I am and I’ll fix it. I’m still getting used to this) 
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syddsatyrn · 2 years
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Shelter from the Storm (One-shot)
��Pairing: - Eddie Munson x Fem Reader
☆Warnings: Fluff, car accident, swearing, mentions of blood, and a very worried metalhead.
☆Words: 2k
☆Summary: Crashing your car was the last thing you needed. Whatever you saw, it was unsettling to say the least. If it wasn't for Eddie "The Hero" Munson, you'd be an absolute mess.
☆Notes: I'm rewatching ST and I'm on Season 1 Ep7. Had a dream about running over a Demogorgon with my car. Enjoy a fluffy one shot!
A flash of lightning followed by a roar of thunder shook the windows of the small video store. The patter of rain on the roof was fierce and loud. It was about time for you to close up shop. You promised your coworker you'd cover them and close up the store tonight. You didn't think the rain would develop into a brutal storm. You finish putting away the returns hastily and lock the front door.
You head to the back and grab your bag when you hear another roll of thunder tearing silence into pieces. You take off out the back door, quickly locking it, and sprint to your car. You slam the door and wipe the water from your face, you're practically soaked just running to your car.
You take off your soaked jacket and set your bag in the passenger seat. You start your car and hope for some warm air from the heater. The large raindrops bang against the metal roof of your dad's black 1967 Camaro.
You try to clear the condensation on your windshield as best you could but your sweater sleeve wasn't completely cutting it. You take a deep breath and put the car in reverse and pull out of the parking lot.
You're not going to make it all the way home, not in this weather. Luckily, your boyfriend lives closer to town than you do, he wouldn't mind having you for the night if it meant your safety. You tried your best to stay between the lines on the road. Water pools into small ponds all over the concrete, you try to stay between 25-30 mph so your tires don’t slip.
Your high beams and windshield wipers can only do so much. It's nerve-wracking the way the trees would sway, branches threatening to snap at any moment. You peer through the windshield that only allows you small glances at the road.
Static abruptly boars over the radio and makes you flinch and jump in your seat. "What the fuck…" you say under your breath and turn off the stereo and quickly look back at the road. 
A tall, lanky, faceless figure stands feet from your moving vehicle only illuminated by your headlights for seconds. You immediately hit the breaks but your tires squeal and you glide across the pavement and slam into the creature. Your car continues to spin out until you hear a large "CRUNCH".
Everything goes black.
Your eyes gradually flutter open, you lift your cheek off your steering wheel and attempt to focus your vision. Shit…what happened?
You wipe the blood from your nose and hold your forehead with your palm. Your head spins and it feels like you were hit by a ton of bricks. Fuck, my car is totaled isn't it? Did I hit something?
Your windshield is shattered and there are bits of glass everywhere. You open the door and look around, there's nothing on the road from what you can see. You get out slowly and see your vehicle smashed up against a tree, the front of your car peeled back like a tuna can.
Having driven this road a million times, you were able to tell how far you are from your boyfriend's place. You look back at the road, you know you hit something, but what was it? It looked like a person, but not quite.  
The clothes you're wearing are saturated with rain and your shoes are no better. You grab your stuff and walk over to where you think the impact happened. No blood, nothing. Are you hallucinating? It doesn't make any sense and you’re not gonna stick around and figure it out.
You start walking up the road but you finally notice your knee is busted up. It causes you to limp a little but it's not unbearable. Besides, you don't have much of a choice but to keep going. Eddie's house isn't that far away, you could make it. 
The rain made it impossible to see but you trusted your gut and continued down the concrete road. Despite your nerves, you were determined to make it. You knew that if you did, Eddie would take care of you and you could put this whole night behind you. 
After about twenty minutes of walking, you see the all too familiar sign that reads "Forrest Hills Trailer Park." You breathe a sigh of relief until another bolt of lightning shattered the darkened sky. Followed by another earth-shattering rumble. You’d think you would be used to storms by now, living in Indiana. But the roaring thunder still startles you and makes you jump.
You walk up the front steps and knock on the front door of Eddie’s trailer. Shit…please don't be asleep. You wrap your arms around your chest, unable to stop shaking. You knock once more but the door swings wide open this time. A shirtless Eddie stands in the door frame and his jaw drops at the state you’re in.
“Holy shit Y/N what happened to you!? Were you hit by a bus!?” He grabbed you by the arm and dragged you inside. Eddie begins to peel the layers off of you. His eyes are full of worry as you try to collect a string of words in your head to explain why you’re here.
“I mean kinda… I totaled my car.” You answer. “I was trying to head home and something was in the road, I spun out and hit a tree.” You explain. Eddie cups your cheeks, his hands are so warm against your chilled skin.
“Jesus christ Y/N, fuck are you okay?!” His thumb brushes against your cheek, your face is swollen from the impact. He looks frantic, scared, almost like he's about to cry.
“I’d be fine if it wasn’t for that thing. Everything hurts, but I think I’m okay.” You say, trying to calm Eddie down. He grabs your wrist and leads you to the bathroom. He turns on the shower and continues to assist you in removing your wet clothes. Eddie peppers kisses all over your damp face and proceeds to hold your hand and help you step into the shower. You give him a faint smile with a “thank you”. 
“M’gonna take care of you, you’re staying here and we’ll figure out the rest in the morning.” He  instructs and you smile behind the shower curtain. You love it when he dotes on you, it's sweet that he cares so much. You definitely needed to wash away any blood and sweat stuck to your skin. Your muscles melted as the water cascaded down your body. Your mind travels back to the moment you crashed, it doesn't make any sense, you must have been tired and seeing things. There's no other explanation. It's rather terrifying the more you think about it.
“Feel a little better?” Eddie asks as he walks into the bathroom with a fresh towel, a pair of his boxers, and his favorite Dio t-shirt.
“Yes, thank you.” You turn off the shower and take Eddie’s hand again, steadying yourself as you step out. He wraps you in a green fluffy towel and kisses your forehead. He leaves you to dry off and get dressed. You’re a little wobbly when you leave the bathroom, you use the wall to steady yourself as you turn the corner into Eddie’s room.
The metal head notices immediately. His brow furrows with a slightly distressed look on his face, a lit cigarette hanging from his mouth. “What happened to your leg?” He asks. Eddie is quickly at your side, you wrap your arm around his shoulder and he carefully helps you to the bed.
“I think I hurt my knee, it feels bruised.” You admit. Eddie tosses his black hoodie in your lap. You hug it against your chest for a moment, it smells just like him. He always smells like this woody cologne mixed with cigarettes and fabric softener. You slip the hoodie over your head and pull it down around your hips. After digging for about five minutes, Eddie finally locates the first aid kit buried in his closet. He opens it and finds several different types of bandages and antiseptic wipes. Eddie crouches down in front of you. 
“Show me.” He instructs and you tell him what hurts the most and where. He kisses your bruised, bandaged hand and the scrapes on your face. You turn your head slightly and capture his lips with yours. Something you have done a thousand times but it still makes your heart flutter. Eddie leans into the kiss and the world melted away for just a moment. He’s just relieved you're safe, warm, and in his arms where he can take care of you. 
“So…what made you crash? An animal?” Eddie asks as he places his hand on your knee. You lace your fingers with his and sigh. You think for a second, toying with Eddie's fingers.
“I don't know, it didn't look like an animal. It had long arms and legs, but I didn't see a face…” You trail off and Eddie moves a strand of hair away from your face.
“And you swear you hit it with your car?” He asks with an uneasy look.
“Yeah…It sure felt like I did. That's the reason I spun out and hit a tree. The rain made the road pretty slick too.” You recall as Eddie sits down beside you and motions for you to come sit in his lap. He scoops you up in his arms and holds you close.
“Were you scared?” He asks as you bury your face in his shoulder. Tears emerge and sting your eyes. His question made you realize how awful it really was. You were genuinely scared, but you did the best that you could to survive and make it to safety.
“Yeah…” You manage to answer even though it feels like your throat is going to close up. Eddie immediately notices your change in tone.
“Hey…Hey, shhh it’s okay. I’m here, I got you.” Eddie coos. He can tell this whole experience has left you extremely vulnerable and unsettled. “Sweetheart, look at me.” He requests and you wipe the tears from your eyes and return his gaze. “I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. We can figure out the details later, what matters is you, babe."
He tugs at the hoodie you're wearing. "At least you look real cute in my stuff." You smile, and Eddie looks pleased with himself. He has this ability to always put a smile on your face, even in the worst of times.
"Will you stay with me for the rest of the night?" You ask, knowing that Eddie wouldn’t ever tell you no.
"Of course sweetheart, I'm not letting you out of my sight." He replies with a cheeky grin. 
Eddie made sure you had extra blankets and he crawled into bed with you. You rest your head on his chest and eventually doze off with him. He keeps you close and you've never felt safer. Whatever that thing was, it can't get you here. Not with Eddie “The Hero” Munson by your side. 
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mirdance · 2 years
Sup slut, this is Naddie. Anyways, "57. “No, no, go ahead. I’m just your boyfriend/girlfriend, at least, I thought I was. for Male, Corrupt!Sydney"
Sydney x F!Reader
Gregorian chants fill the halls like distant memories as you sweep the floor. Once upon a time their sounds made the hairs across the back of your neck tingle. Something about two or more being gathered in harmony for one purpose. It made every joint in your body light and free.
Now that you've succumbed to true freedom within the holy of holies, you could never return to those chants.
Still, you dance along that line of freedom and holiness. Doing your temple duties is never a problem; actually, you love it. Digging your fingers in the soft garden dirt and watching seeds grow into beautiful blossoms from your hands, sweeping away the filth that wanders into the beautiful temple halls. It provides you purpose. Not to mention room and board.
Oftentimes, Sydney watches you as he works his own duties. A careful glance you can feel on your shoulders throughout the day. Providing safety. You have each other's backs. He's so careful and gentle with you during temple work so that the both of you never forget the purity that provides. If either of you were to be discovered submitting to lust, especially in God's most holy sanctuary, it would be the end.
You make your way to the utility room and set the broom to the side. Next would be the garden, and then you would be free to leave the temple as you please after mass. Mass with Sydney is always tense, especially evening mass. Tense not necessarily in a bad way, but in a provocative way. In a way that makes you fear being discovered by the eyes that roam the skies.
During those moments you often miss the euphoria the two of you felt during prayer. Trading it for the euphoria of lust isn't something you regret, though.
Footsteps. Sydney lightly touches your shoulder as you stretch your arms.
"Where to after mass, Sister?" His lips align into a cynical smirk that never ceases to wet your core.
"A party," you answer. "Something Whitney threw together for the end of the year."
"Oh? Is that today?" Sydney kneads the back of your neck. His fingers are always adept at releasing your knots after work. He laughs softly. "Well, it's an easy skip. Why don't we meet in our usual spot? I could bring some aged communion wine to celebrate. Stay a little longer than usual. Maybe," he brings his timbre to a whisper and sets his chin on your shoulder. "Eat your cunt until you're begging me to fill your holes. But maybe I won't stop. Shall we see how much you can cum tonight, my love?"
Your shoulder blades shudder. "Fuck. I promised Doren I would be there. Yeah, even some of the teachers are going. And you know how much he has done for me. I couldn't say no. Can I take a raincheck and meet this weekend instead?"
It's not like the two of you don't meet in the Prayer Room almost every day. All the two of you do is fuck when you aren't in school or at the temple. Hell, even when you're at school you're fucking. Maybe a break was in store, anyway.
Sydney stops kneading your neck. A breath of air hits your skin as he chuckles and wraps his arms around your waist. "Skipping out on your boyfriend to go party? I'm hurt."
You chuckle along with him and rest your palms overtop his hands on your waist. "It's only one night. I think you'll survive."
He rocks you back and forth playfully. "Mm. I don't know about that."
You lean into the dance. "We fuck all the time. Your dick will be ok for one night, I promise. But if you're going to keep pouting, maybe I should just skip out on all the promises I made."
He squeezes your hips ever so slightly. "No, no, go ahead. I'm just your boyfriend and all. I'm sure your promises to others are more important than our nightly ritual. After all, I'm just a horny man who wants to get his dick wet."
You stop the playful sway. "You're actually hurt by this, aren't you?"
He shakes his head and breathes into you. "Oh, no, not at all. I wouldn't want to stop you. I love you and want to see you have fun with others, too."
You lean your head gratefully into his. "Thank you, love. I'll see you there?"
"Of course."
And if you think you're going to have any moment of time beyond what his cock will do to your mouth in the shadowed corners, beyond finger fucking you senseless under the guise of the table while you sit flushed and humiliated, you'll not think about the joy of promises and breaking your nightly routine again.
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dcvilgrams · 5 months
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
frankly this is kinda rude since you know all of the excerpts i'm fond of??? ok i finally picked one but i had to include your reply as Diavolo for full context
The young dying demon claps his hand over his mouth. If Lucifer ever found out about the things he’s saying… even in death he should have pride, and dignity. He doesn’t, but he should.
“You… you can’t possibly know, or understand what I’m feeling right now. You’re all-powerful, you get everything and anything you want. You just keep watching people die around you and you never feel it.
“No… screw that. You’ve taken so much from me… your condolences mean nothing until you know why I am so. fucking. afraid.”
Xhura practically slams his hand down, palm-open on the table.
“Take it. You owe me this, My Lord.”
Diavolo doesn't enjoy it, exactly. He's doing doing everything he can to prevent further death and suffering!
It's the reason this is the second time he's been willing to sacrifice a version of Xhura… though, maybe that's a hypothetical worth debating later. Because the first one never got a choice.
Would you die so that another version of you could be safe and happy with another version of Lucifer?
But there is too much overlap and risks and memories and—
Diavolo sighs and then nods. "One moment." He raises his hand to cast a sort of shield around the walls of this room, confining all sound and hopefully all magic cast to remain within this perimeter.
He thinks he knows what Xhura is planning. Barbatos would forbid him taking that hand. Even Lucifer would. He owes Xhura more than this.
The Prince will be responsible as well if this causes any ripples out in the universe. Nonetheless, he drains the last of his drink and, with a deep breath, lies his hand down on top of Xhura's.
Xhura squeezes.
It’s not a spell, per se. It’s just a feeling. An overwhelming feeling that can’t even begin to be described with weak words like pain and agony and loss and dread.
It’s knowing he didn’t have anyone who loved him in the Human Realm and knowing he wouldn’t have stayed alive long there. It’s knowing he has a family here; brothers and a sister who love him and want him to live.
It’s knowing their pain now that he will inevitably have to die again. For good this time.
It’s feeling all the love, safety, comfort of Lucifer’s embrace and touch and kiss… And it’s knowing he will, some day soon, never have that again. That he will be buried in the Garden where half of his grimoire was and if dying now is anything like all the times he died before… he’ll be aware of every moment of it. Time will mean nothing. Emotions, and family, will mean nothing.
Because the pair of them, Xhura and Diavolo right now, will be trapped beneath the dirt and unable to even whisper so much as an I miss you to the people he was supposed to have forever with.
Xhura finally pulls back, tears in his eyes, wrapping his arms around himself. He stares at Diavolo until the tears fall, yet the accusation in his glare never relents.
“Now take all of that… and realize… I thought I’d never have to feel it again. But I will. That’s what you’re condemning me to, Diavolo. And now you’re doing it knowing exactly what will become of me. Not death, not some kind of cosmic peace and release. Just emptiness, consciousness, and grief.
“I’m not asking for the world, Diavolo. I’m not asking for the realms to move for me. I’m just. asking. for the bare minimum to live. But you… you and the universe have decided that that is too much to ask for. That everything I told myself growing up is true. That I don’t deserve to live. It is too much of a burden. And I want you to live with that. Forever. Because if I have to, so do you.”
Xhura downs his final glass and stands. He stares at the magically locked door. “Please let me out. I only have so much time left with them.”
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35 q's for fanfic writers! | my ask
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elgascreamslikehell · 7 months
something something Sunday again
And yap, i should have stopped writing but i should have done a lot of things and i don't do what i should!
Main idea aka summary aka what comes to my mind in the middle of the night is 'sometimes you need to lose sight to see things'
They stay under the door and listen to doorbell somewhere inside. That's unusual. Buck's doorbell came straight from hell, it could wake up literally dead person. 'What now, dad? You're a firefighter, you can break the door!' 'Sure… but let's start from something less drastic, okay? I still have a key' How many spare keys does Buck even have? One for Maddie, of course, one for his girlfriend, one for Eddie, and who knows, Bobby also should have one. Since when do they make keys cheaper by the dozen? Anyway. Eddie opens the door. Inside is dark and silent and now even Eddie begins worrying. Chris goes first, calling Buck with no results. Eddie meantime turn on the light and can't keep himself from swearing. All floor covered with glass shutters from Buck's new coffee table. And, the worst part, some of them have little blood stains. 'Buck!' And finally there's an answer from under the ladder. 'Who's there?!' 'It's us. I mean… Eddie and Chris. Ok, Chris, can you bring me first aid kit from kitchen, but be careful, there's glass everywhere. Buck, I'm coming' Eddie tries to avoid glass pieces, thinking that he needs to clean it up before they go home, but then he sees Buck and stop thinking totally. Buck is sitting under the ladder with blood on his hands and he looks scared as hell, close to quiet hysteria. 'Eddie?.. what… what are you doing here?' 'You failed to answer Chris's calls, so we're here. What happened? Where's Natalia?' 'We… had a fight. She left. I think i broke something, maybe it was my new table? Something glass, i never liked it anyway, so it should not be an issue. I lost my phone and.. well…' Buck tries to laugh but it's still hysterical laughing. Buck is not so good in masking, thinks Eddie. And that's not true. He's not good in masking with him specifically. 'I'm lost in my own apartment and cut myself and..' And here's Chris with first aid kit. 'Buck, give me your hands. Chris, can you please also find Buck's bag? We need to pack his stuff. Don't twitch! I know it's unpleasant, but i need to check there's no glass fragments. It's not really bad but we still can go to the ER…' 'No, thanks, and… what do you mean pack my stuff?!' Eddie puts a bandage on Buck palms and smiles. 'You can't stay here alone, you know it. Buck, you've got lost already. What would you do if we won't show up?' 'Natalia can come back… i mean,we have a fight but… she can return.' Yes. And you can let her back, Buck, for fuck sake, what's wrong with you, this woman left you. Several times. And by the way, now she left you in danger! 'Good for her. But now you go with us. At least i don't have anything glass to be broken and hurt you. So, for safety reasons, you know? Isn't too tight?' He checks the bandages and gives Buck a hand to help him stand up 'Not that I'm insisting.. but i am. You can call Natalia after. If you want, i can call her..or, if it's really bothering you, i can call Bobby…' Buck exhales. He totally doesn't want Bobby involved. 'Fine. Let me pack' Eddie scoffs, giving loft a look. Shuttered glass, some stuff on the floor.. not safe. 'No. You stay here and command. Chris, you also stay here. Firstly i need to clean up the glass' Buck warms up quite quickly, chatting with Chris, talking around and giving Eddie some 'useful' advices. But then he keeps silent for a moment and speaks in a very low quiet tone. 'I think Chris is sleeping..' Cleaning the loft looked like a good idea and shouldn't have taken so much time and still Eddie spent forty minutes cleaning up all the glass, vacuuming the floor and doing dishes. And another half to pack Buck's bag. So he finished after midnight, not surprising that Chris is sleeping. 'Well, at least one of us is stuck to the schedule. Okay, I've packed your bag, if i forgot something i bring it later, you already have a lot of stuff at my place.' 'My phone?' 'And charger and headphones. Also your meds and your favourite spices mix.' 'That one i have at your place… thanks. I'll go call the elevator' Eddie smiles, softly and gently. 'Take a jacket, it's surprisingly cold outside'
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ophelia-jones · 1 year
Thorns pt 12
Lacey had been on a roller coaster for six days straight, and today was the day it would all end, one way or another. She couldn't say which way it would go, but her decision had been made - fate would decide the rest.
Negan led Carl in through the gate at Alexandria as if he had rescued the boy rather than kidnapping him. 
"Carl! Are you ok?" Rick asked, obviously wanting to rush forward and hug his boy, but unsure about moving too quickly around Negan and somehow setting him off again.  
"I'm ok, dad. I'm fine." Carl assured Rick. Michone walked up slowly, as if she could not believe her eyes. 
"See, Rick, I have come to see things in a new light of late. Now that I have one of my own on the way, I realize If someone tried to take my child away from me I would do unspeakable things to keep that from happening. Unspeakable!" Negan emphasized. "Now, granted, you did Jack Diddly shit about it, but that's because you put the safety of Alexandria first.  Can I respect that? No." He shook his head and made a melodramatic frown. "But, Carl deserves a chance to know what kinda guy dear old dad really is, at least." He grinned, as if he were Santa Claus handing out presents. Rick looked poised to lunge, his rage barely under control.
"Now, there is one hitch. See, I haven't forgotten your little act of insubordination, and will need a trade for young Carl here's return to hearth and home." He slapped his hands together and rubbed them eagerly, looking around at the Alexandrians who had gathered with half of the food and weapons they had scavenged in the past month. "Where's Daryl?" He grinned even more enthusiastically. Rick shot Michone a look and Lacey held her breath. 
*Stay calm.* she told herself, and the baby began to roll around as if it was aware of Lacey's anxiety.
"Right here." A low voice, more like a rumble than a human voice, replied. Daryl stepped out from behind the shed he had been leaning on, watching the interaction.
"Ah! Now we're cooking with gas!" Negan declared giddily. 
"Wait, wait… what kind of trade are you talking about?" Rick demanded, stepping between Daryl and Negan, hands out to keep them farther apart.
"Look at that Carl. You know, if I was your dad, I'd trade the entire god-fucking-damned town to get my kid back." He shrugged as if to say 'sorry your dad doesn't love you as much.' 
"It's ok." Daryl reassured Rick, reaching out and placing a hand on his friend's shoulder. 
"See, that is what I'm here for! Look at this show of bravery? Self sacrifice? Woo!" Negan made a fist and swung it in front of himself like a kid in a1950's sitcom saying 'aw shucks'. He turned to make sure every eye in town, Saviors and Alexandrians alike, was locked on him. 
"Let him go." He told Dwight who released his grasp on Carl and gave him a little shove forward. Carl looked reluctantly at Daryl. Daryl nodded his head toward Rick to tell him he should go to his family. Daryl had made his decision, and there was no sense trying to talk him out of it.
Negan walked up close to Daryl, closer than anyone would be comfortable with and told him quietly. 
"I'm gonna need you on your knees."
Lacey felt a wave of nausea overcome her, and her palms began to sweat. Daryl had not so much as looked at her since their arrival, and she didn't know if it made this easier or harder. 
Once Negan had Daryl on his knees, he turned and looked at Lacey.
"Now, for your first act as second in command, you will carry out the punishment for disobeying me directly and hiding you here." He told her, walking her way swinging Lucille in a circle by his side. 
"I'd let you use Lucille but I think that might take too long. We really need to work on your swing." He grinned, and there was a terrible silence in the crowd at the mention of Lucille and the recognition of what he was about to make Lacey do. "Knife or pistol, your choice." He said, gesturing to where Daryl sat on his knees with his head down. 
Lacey grew dizzy. Her heart was going so fast, but she managed to draw her pistol and walk stiffly over to Daryl. He still refused to look at her.  She drew in one last deep steadying breath and raised the pistol and took aim.
"We ain't got all day, sugar tits." Negan quipped, but although his mouth was smiling, his eyes were dark and hateful. Lacey cocked the gun, swung her arm around and pointed it at Negan. He looked shocked for a moment, and then he laughed.
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"Really? REALLY?!"  He asked, not appearing one bit afraid. "Wrong decision, girl. Now a whole lot more of them are going to have to die!" As he took a step toward her, a gunshot rang out beyond the gate. And then another. Negan scowled and looked around. "What the shit is going on out there?"
"That would be the people of Hilltop and the kingdom taking out the saviors you brought along today." Lacey said, and this time it was she who stepped forward, showing Negan she was not afraid. Several of the saviors drew their guns and aimed them her way, but Negan held up a gloved hand.
"She is off limits!" He told them hotly. "Everyone else is fair game." He added, and several of them opened fire at the crowd of Alexandrians, but they were all armed as well and in the ensuing firefight, Negan lunged at Lacey and knocked her to the ground, wrestling the pistol from her grasp. 
"Get off her you son of a bitch!" Daryl called out to him, wrapping a giant forearm around Negan's throat. Somehow he managed to get loose and the two became entangled in a hand to hand fight, fists and blood flying. 
When Daryl got Negan pinned to the ground, his knife against the man's throat, Lacey lay a hand on his shoulder.
"Daryl, don't. You're better than him, you don't have to sink to his level." She said, a note of urgency in her voice. 
"She's right." Rick agreed. The remaining Saviors were already either on the run or standing with their hands up, watching to see how this would end.
"He deserves to die more than anyone I've ever known!" Daryl argued, shaking with anger. Negan winced as the blade dug into his throat and when a crimson line appeared. If Negan swallowed, he might sever his own artery. 
"Abraham didn't deserve to die, Glenn sure as hell didn't!" He continued, his face red with anger as he tried to control his hatred. 
"I know." Lacey knelt beside him. "But you told me you wanted to find a better way. A better way than Negan's - a better way than your fathers." She wasn't sure if it would reach him in the way she hoped it would or if it would push him past his limit. He struggled for a long moment, staring into Negan's nervous brown eyes as if waiting for the man to speak. For once, he had nothing to say.
"We have that cell. We're not going to let him go. But Lacey's right, Daryl. If we want the rest of his people to see what we are building here, what we are trying to do? More killing won't help us do that." Rick said, standing over them, poised to try and intervene if he had to. 
Finally, Daryl looked over into Lacey's green eyes. She smiled sadly, seeing the struggle that was raging inside of him. 
"You're a good man, Daryl Dixon." She told him softly and Daryl sat back on his heels, removing the blade from Negan's throat. 
"See Carl? I told you, it's always the woman that causes the downfall of a man." Negan said sharply as he stared Lacey down.
"Guess you should watched out for those thorns of hers." Daryl muttered, rising to his feet. He looked at Lacey and nodded, once, wordlessly before stalking off. 
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Rosita was standing nearby, and she nudged Lacey's shoulder and mouthed the word 'go!', nodding after him. Lacey didn't know if she could take his rejection. Maybe, she thought, it was enough knowing he was safe. Rosita took her by the shoulders and gave her a push, and lacey found that her feet were moving as if she were being swept away by a river.
"Daryl?" Lacey called out to him. Her voice was so quiet, she doubted he could hear - but he stopped.  He stood stone still, not turning to look at her but waiting to see what she had to say.  
"It was never a choice, you know." She said, and he replied without turning.
"What, you want me to thank you for not putting a bullet in my brain?" He scoffed. 
"No. I'm not talking about just now. All of it - going back to Sanctuary and everything since then; I didn't choose to be with them; with him. I chose to save you." She told him. "I wanted to protect you - but I know I managed to hurt you, too and I'm sorry. I know it will probably be impossible for you to ever trust me now, but it doesn't matter. It's enough to know I kept him from killing you." 
She heard him sniff, watched his hands clench and his biceps flex as if he were preparing for another fight. Finally, she turned away and walked back to where the others were. 
It was over.
0 notes
jin0 · 2 years
since you asked for the filthy version of my steve thingy with the only one bed trope, here you go :
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(gif is not mine, all credits go to the author)
"fucking gorgeous... taking this fat cock so well, feels good don't it pretty ? feelin' me all the way up in your guts." he groaned, guiding your hips roughly to ride him exactly like he wanted.
steve had ordered you not to move. you were still healing and he refused to have you moving too much. he gave you one task : to stay put and take what he gave you. clearly you were really good at obeying the captain because you looked absolutely divine, taking his cock so deeply inside your pretty pussy.
you looked onto your stomach, biting your lip and holding your tits to rub your nipples desperately.
if you could see how good you looked above him, his pretty girl. he probably should've waited a little more to fuck you this roughly. he probably should've, but he couldn't, not when you looked so beautiful in that dress you'd chosen for your date. he kept his promises, steve was an honest man after all.
"stevie, god... can't keep going like that stevie please... i can't do this stevie, please... pussy feels so full... we're so new... baby... can't do this..." you cried, feeling his girth expand into you, splitting you in two.
aww, look at you. so adorable, worrying about him stuffing you full of cum after only dating officially for a few days. you should keep worrying, because his entire body needed to keep working into you. he needed to keep plowing into your soft channel, letting your walls swallow him to perfection as his palms kneaded your ass like dough.
he moved you like an inanimate doll, treating you like a toy on over him. he couldn't be nice on you, his body needed to fuck you silly and he was doing a damn good job. you couldn't keep your head straight, your breasts swaying right in front of his nose. his mouth watered, the urge to suck in your delicious tits into his mouth.
"pretty little dove, worried i might fuck a baby into you so soon ?" the tone of his voice, despite being playful and teasing, did bring the idea out, reminding yourself of the way he raved about the future with you that night.
wrapped in his arms, you felt his need to protect you surge and envelope you in this safety bubble he'd made for you. seeing you bloody and on the verge of collapsing had turned him into a thoughtless being, feeding on your happiness and confort. all he wanted was for you to have everything you wanted and he would be the one to give it to you on a fancy platter.
"steve ?" you called out softly, keeping your face in the crook of his neck.
he hummed, turning slightly towards you and pressed your lower back to signal for you to speak.
"are you ever going to leave the shield ? you know, to live your life, start a family and other stuffs like that ?"
"why ? you wanna start a family with me bunny ? get a nice house with a yard, a dog and a few babies to run around ?" he teased, whispering these words into your ear directly.
you started squirming in his grasp, probably not noticing how bad of an idea this was. you were very much wounded and rubbing your backside on him wouldn't do any good.
to keep you in place, he grabbed the flesh of your thighs and pulled on your legs to keep you close to his chest and as still as you could be.
"i... i didn't necessarily mean with me... i mean if you want to get with som-"
"if not with you, there's no one else i'm having a family with. it's you or nobody, dollface."
these words sounded so dreamy at the time that you did not fully grasp the honestly in his voice. honestly probably wasn't the right word either, he wasn't just being honest, he was saying the truth, a truth that hadn't happened yet but that he would make sure to get. he was speaking factual because he knew that there was no one else he'd be with after you. before dating you or even after a few days only, he was certain that you would be his forever.
hammering into your pussy from underneath, his eyes stayed fixated on your sweet face, grasping his chest and trying to keep steady. you had never felt so small under the man but his large hands and shoulders had often reminded you of how easily he could break you. bouncing on top of his massive cock, you felt him push into your cervix and rip you apart from the inside.
"fucking beautiful... so, so fucking pretty doll... can't get enough of you, your pretty pussy's swallowing me good. greedy cunt she ? need all of me just for her, all of it for you baby..." he groaned, his gaze focused on your folds, spreading open around his thick girth.
he couldn't focus on one single part, his eyes juggling from parts to part of you. his obsession with your beauty as you took his cock, only grew when he saw your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
"stevie ! stevie, god ! c-can't... can't take it ! can't do this anymore... cock feels too good !" you wailed, leaning backwards and moving your own hips up and down his shaft.
sounding so pathetic and desperate for him to fuck you deeper, he could ony deliver, grasping your ass tighter and slamming into you. the messy sounds of your fluttering walls dripping all around his cock made his head spin, his balls so full of cum from the divine vision you were.
"god, you're gripping me so tight pretty, you needed this more than i did, huh doll ? needed to get your pussy broken by this fat cock ? needed to milk me dry and take it all from me ?" he grunted, reaching for you.
when you violently nodded your head, biting your lip and drawing blood at the amount of pleasure you felt. you came already, multiple times even, but once could never be enough. you needed him to make you cum until your legs gave out and stayed trembling for hours.
he watched the way your pussy wrapped around him and smiled when seeing your tummy move, a small bump showing through your skin. your pretty belly was being invaded by his bulging cock and that was what broke him. laying a hand on your stomach, he pressed into it, making you cry out louder.
"f-fuck... good baby, take me good, look at your belly, all pretty getting fucked all the way up there. you like having me so deep in you ? rearranging your guts ? feels good don't it baby ?" you loudly moaned his name, laying your own hands atop of his and grabbing his fingers to press his hands into your stomach.
he sat up, grabbing the back of your neck and pulled your face to his for a kiss that would force air in your lungs. you'd been feeling so good, fucked out of your mind, that you'd forgotten to breath.
groaning nasty praises in your mouth, he pumped his cock into your sweet walls, drawing out your orgasm and his own.
"need you to cum baby... need you to give me all that sweet juice you've got in there... wanna give it to me princess ?"
"yes, yes ! please, fuck ! please stevie, make me cum, needa cum, please !" you rode him raw, his throbbing member and your slick pouring out of you and finally exploding inside of your stomach.
your orgasm ripped through you, a loud moan echoing in the room and shaking your entire being. you lost vision, white light blinding you and felt your legs go numb when his hot white seed exploded into your channel and leaking messily out of your moor cunt.
laying you on the bed, he smiled at your pussy dripping out his cum and twitching open at the lose of his width inside your hole. he stayed above you, placed between your legs, and attempt to gather his cum with your fingers to bring it up to your lips. his own cock, still rock hard, started pulsating on his stomach at the vision of you hungrily feasting on his cum.
leaning down, he kissed your forehead, groaning when you whimpered under him. god, you truly were a treat.
"how 'bout we compromise babydoll..." he pushed your thighs apart, nudging your entrance with his cock and kissing your cheek, forehead eyelids and lips. "let's skip the dating part and directly get to the baby, okay ? let me put a baby in your tummy and a ring ln your finger. can't wait any longer doll... you'll let me ? you letting me fuck a baby in your pretty pussy ?"
let's just say that after more than a year turning around each other, 6 months of sleeping with him casually and only about three days of dating truly, the baby did not seem so weird in your weird relationship timeline.
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gojosatireou · 3 years
Breakup scenarios with the JJK Boys
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Genre and warnings: angst, mentions of cheating, pregnancy, abandonment
Featuring: Nanami Kento, Gojo Satoru, Toji Fushiguro, Megumi Fushiguro, Na*ya Zenin
A/N: I was just feeling very angsty and emo so I wrote these breakup scenarios😍most of these are gender neutral, except Toji's one bc there's mentions of pregnancy. I'm currently accepting requests, so in case you'd like any of these scenarios to be written as oneshots/long fics, be my guest!
Reblogs would be highly appreciated
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Nanami Kento:
Everyday, he returns home to see your tear-stricken face stained with worry and anxiety. Everyday, when he leaves home, you try to stop him, because you know that every mission he goes on could be his last. He doesn’t mind the fact that you try to stop him, he knows that you do it only because you love him, and you’ve built your entire world surrounded around his existence, he means everything to you. You skip meals on the days he doesn’t come back, worry for his safety gnaws at your very existence.
Nanami could never bear to see you in pain.
So, he leaves, so that you could find someone else who would not disappear into the dark hours of the night, hunting curses with no guarantee of returning, unlike him. He wanted to see you happy.
Through a constant stream of choked-up sobs, you keep asking him to stay. But all he says before leaving is that, “Maybe one day you’ll understand that this was for the best, Y/N.”
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Gojo Satoru:
He couldn’t commit himself to one person.
He keeps cheating on you, returning home at odd hours of the night, his shirt stained with a lipstick that wasn’t yours, his shirt smelling like a perfume that wasn’t his.
You kept asking him how you could be enough for him, how you could stop him from seeking someone else’s company. How could you ever be good enough for him?
So, you leave, taking with you whatever leftover self-respect you had.
Its only when he returns to an empty home and a cold bed, that he realises the weight of your absence. Now, no number of apologies, missed calls or late-night texts could bring you back.
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Toji Fushiguro:
It’s the day he sees you with a positive pregnancy kit in your hand, your face lit up in a wide, proud grin, that he realises he’s fucked up.
He didn’t mean to start anything serious, nothing in his life had ever been constant.
How could he possibly give you the false hope of a happy life he could never offer you? How could he bear to carry the weight of his lover and his child on his back, when there was no guarantee if he’d see the light of the next day or not? Not to mention his rivals could hold you hostage and use him against you, torturing you and his child to force him into resignation. How could he endanger the life of the only woman he ever loved?
So, he leaves, hoping that you’d forgive him for his abandonment someday.
He only leaves a letter behind, saying, “I’m sorry, I can’t stay. Trust me, it’s for the better.”
He never stops watching over you, though. He keeps an eye on you from the sidelines, watching his child grow up in your arms, his palms aching to hold the little boy in your lap.
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Megumi Fushiguro:
You often wondered if Megumi had fallen out of love with you.
It felt like you had to initiate everything in your relationship, whether it be conversations, or dates. He never took any initiative to express his love for you, which made you wonder if he ever loved you in the first place or not.
Would he even notice it if you were gone?
So you break it to him, you can’t keep yourself in this dull, pathetic excuse of a relationship, with a man who couldn’t make you feel loved or valued. All his inner senses urged him to beg you to stay, to convince you that he never stopped loving you, he just wasn’t the best with words. And who was he to stop you from leaving if that was what your heart truly wanted?
While walking away from him, there was only one word you wanted to hear.
But he couldn’t bring himself to say it, and you couldn’t bring yourself to stay in a relationship apparently devoid of love.
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Naoya Zenin:
Bestie why were you even in a relationship with him in the first place🤨neways, if you were in the relationship with him, I’d strongly suggest kicking him in the nuts and ✨leaving✨
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jaeminscoffee · 3 years
Daddy Issues | S. Jn
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Pairing | Seo Johnny x Fem!Reader
Genre | Smut, fluff
Wc;type | oneshot: 3.93k [not proof read]
Warning(s) | Pwp, dilf!johnny, y/n's a pillow princess, daddy kink, overstimulation, teasing, edging, dacryphilia, slight voyeurism, degradation kink, heavy use of the words 'doll, princess, slut, pretty, angel', typical lyra smut, i made haechan johnny's son (i was about to write changbin as johnny's son but decided against it) age gap, unprotected sex ( the Reader's on pills. Remember this is a fiction, don't play the wrong card irl) filth.
a/n- i found this request buried in my asks and was tempted to write it. Sure, the warning looks intimidating, but i know you wanna read it, y'all whores (ily) shoutout to @bakugou-is-my-bae @cvntzennie and @jenopollo for helping me decide what to post first! @suhpersonic
Minors try not to interact! <3
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Age is just a number, so surely, there's nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed of, right? 
There's no reason for you to not fall for the friendly neighborhood bachelor, well not so bachelor bachelor, since he does go around asking people who knows of his marriage to pretend it never took place. 
Johnny's hot, super hot. Has the build of a supermodel. Has the face that one can only imagine belongs to a greek god, as you'd jokingly tell him how he seemed to be god's favorite and how you loathe Aphrodite for showing favoritism (which would always end up with you getting a very sultry, teasing look from the lad) 
Johnny has the type of personality that women can only wish the entirety of the male species would possess. He's an absolute sweetheart, life of the party, definitely the center of attention wherever he goes. And oh god, does he have an immaculate fashion sense. 
But Johnny's also the father of Donghyuck. Your best friend. 
More than being ashamed about the fact that you actually fell in love with a man who has a child of your age, it was the fact that you had to fall for Donghyuck's father of all people. 
Donghyuck is a sweetheart, definitely got his personality from his father but he's also got that glare that could creep the Lord's of the darkness from his father. He's got so much from his father that the resemblance is uncanny. 
You'd not want to get onto hyuck's bad side since you've gotten first hand experience at stopping him from almost committing homicide to someone who spoke shit about his friends, more specifically, you. 
But Hyuck's not in town. So a little fun with Mr. Suh wouldn't hurt anyone, correct? After all, you're still only a human with desires and the want to take risks. 
You'd always not so subtly drop hints at Johnny and he'd always give you that look that would have slick collecting itself between your thighs. A warning look. 
A look that said, "cross the line and you'll get it" 
But that's the thing, you want to get it and will do anything to get it.
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You'd ask yourself less than a million times if you want to do this or not.
Sure, you weren't this hesitant when you decided to sext your best friend's father knowingly when he was in business mode to irk him up but that's one thing. 
And having to confront the same father who left a message smaller than a sentence that completely disregarded all the obscene text and images to show that he's not the slightest bothered or suprised by your behavior for that matter was another thing.
"Tomorrow at mine." 
It's almost as though he deals with hormonal teenagers one as such as yourself on a daily basis and that thought kind of backfired at you considering the whole 'Let's piss Johnny off so that he'd finally give me what i want' agenda. 
Ironic, huh? 
"Mr. Suh." you start hesitantly, unsure of what to call him, scared of what his reaction would be after your inappropriate shenanigans last night. 
Your stiff demeanor broke down a little with just a hint of shiver passing down your spine as you watch his features contort into a subtle but cocky smirk, "So now you're being all formal,"
"Well, what else would you like me to address you as?" you inquire, feigning oblivion to his tone and what he's implying at. "You tell me, doll. You seemed to have a lot of names to call me last night," he takes a step forward, prompting you to walk a step backwards, further into the corridors of his apartment and away from the actual location. 
"I do not know what you're talking about.. " you let your voice shrivel towards the end, eyes wandering around the complex, finding interest in every small detail as you avoid Johnny's teasing gaze. 
"You don't?" Johnny takes another step forward, latching his hands onto your forearms to prevent you from stepping further away, "You must have had a heavy sleep to forget all that you did last night," his voice drops dangerously low as he begins to walk backwards and back into the safety of his apartment, all the while keeping his gaze fixated on you.
"That won't do, would it? How about we take a walk down the memory lane? And see if that rings any bell?" He brushes your hair away from its static position on your shoulder, allowing him to appreciate all those fine details of your shoulders and neck that are exposed from your selection of clothing, an off shoulder. 
"How about we don't...?" You ask with skepticism, jolting slightly when you hear the door shut behind you and at the new intrusion of personal space by the lad.
"Why are you acting all shy now, Y/n? Weren't you the one so eager to get into her best friend's fathers pants? Just be the whore you are, darling. Your facade's fooling no one." okay you definitely didn't see that coming. 
Johnny's expressions morph into that of mischief as he watches your eyes grow wide and mouth fall ajar, "Am i not correct? Are you not a whore?" he asks with an eyebrow quirked up in a questioning manner.
You don't reply, almost as though the question was meant to linger in the open and that it was a rhetorical one. What you didn't expect, however, was for Johnny's hands to find pursuit around your neck, not necessarily applying pressure, but there as a warning. 
"Answer me." 
"I'm not.." you answer with a feeble voice, internally cringing at how squeaky you sound which only added to Johnny's amusement. 
"Really? Because I don't think good girls go around drooling at a divorced man, her friend's father for that matter and definitely do not send lewd images and voice out their fantasies to a guy twice their age, still want to pretend you're innocent? Or you admit it and we cut down the chase?"
"Yes, I am." you breathe out when his fingers tighten around your neck, a triumphant smile making its way onto his lips. Yet, Johnny felt the need to keep pushing,
"you're what?" 
"I am what you said I am," you speak, trying to avoid looking at the scrutinizing look on his face which seemed futile as he had his arms wrapped around your neck, keeping your head in place. 
"I want to hear you say it, doll. I need to hear you say it." At this point Johnny's intent was to get you into a flustered puddle in his hold and it sure as hell was going in that direction, seeing how you can't even hold his gaze for more than a few seconds in a shot. 
"I am.. I am a who-"
The sound of a phone ringing loud cut you off midway through your sentence, to which you were absolutely relieved. Johnny only seemed to grow annoyed the more he heard the phone ring. With a loud huff, he lets you go, not before giving you a stern look, "Go to my room." he instructed, making his way to the study. 
You let out a breath you've been holding in unknowingly the moment he steps away from you. You watch his figure retreat from you with awe, only now realizing how messy you felt between your legs and how your knees keep buckling. 
"Oh Hyuck!" you hear Johnny exclaim into the phone the minute you step forward to follow his command. 
Your best friend is on call with the guy you're about to fuck. 
Your blood runs cold as you shakily make your way into the apartment and towards the bedroom, shrugging off your sling bag, hanging it behind the door as you place your phone on the bedside table to wipe your hands dry from all the sweat that had accumulated at the palm of your hands. 
"Yeah, I'm fine, about to eat to my dinner actually" you hear the moment to make yourself comfortable at the edge of the bed, looking over to the door where Johnny stood with his arms across his chest, the other holding up the phone as he leans his weight onto one shoulder, leaning into the doorframe.
You take the time to really appreciate his appearance. He adorned nothing more than a simple grey sweat and tight black tee but he seemed ready to walk down a runway at any given moment now. His long hair, slightly disheveled looking almost intentionally messed up, compliments his features. And oh his features. 
The everlasting smirk stayed still on his lips, moving as he exchanged words with his son.
You only come back to your senses when Johnny snapped his free hand in front of you, gaining your attention. He points at his own shirt, then points at you, mouthing 'off' while he listens to Donghyuck speak about whatever he's speaking. 
"Really? Jeno said that? Tell him I'm more than willing to welcome him as my gym partner, the lad seems strong" Johnny makes a quick move to remove the gadget from his ear, before holding it in front of him after placing the call on speaker mode 
Your eyes widen the moment you hear the disturbance in the background and Donghyuck's voice resonate through the room. "no?? Why would you want to work out with him? He'll only make you feel old, you know?" 
"Says the one who still can't beat me at arm wrestling. If anything, i think Jeno would make the perfect gym buddy for me," Johnny raises an eyebrow at your defiance, cocking his head towards the side, staring down at you with a predatory look, "Hyuck, you know, Y/n-" you scramble to take your shirt off at the mention of your name on the call, "-stopped by earlier" he lets out a silent laugh of disbelief.
"Oh? Oh yeah! I'd told her I'd give her book back before I left but I forgot, did you perhaps give it back to her?" Donghyuck questions. 
"I figured you must've forgotten so, yeah i did." Johnny replies, pushing himself off of the doorframe, now walking towards you. 
"Man, I miss her! I might facetime her after I end the call with you," Johnny sets down the phone beside you on the bed, leaning down, placing both his hands on either side of your lap, finding comfort at the crook of your neck,
"I remember her mentioning something about her cousin coming over? Maybe wait for an hour or so before calling her" his lips graze against your neck each time he spoke, you let out a tiny whimper at the so longed feeling, only to earn yourself a small bite at the earlobe, immediately accompanied by a hand over your mouth, "you need to be quiet, doll. Or my son would find out how much of a slut his best friend is," he whispers in your ear. 
"Yeah? Did she mention which one?" 
"No, not really, she kinda just stormed out after getting what she wanted" Johnny creates a trail of kisses all the way from your neck to your shoulders, down the collarbone while one of his hand worked to unhook your bra, "Yeah, she's weird like that," you hear Donghyuck let out a chuckle as you whine into Johnny's palm, your figure slightly trembling from the fear of getting caught all the while being excited about the risky situation he's put the two of you in. 
"Anyways, I'll call you tomorrow? The boys are coming over now so I got to go! Night, dad!" Donghyuck speaks up again, "Night, Hyuck." 
You hear the beep indicating the call has ended. Johnny let's his hand drop from your mouth and makes its way towards your hair, brushing through the strands before pulling at it with a firm grip, "I had my son on call and here you are making all these sweet noises, you wanted to get busted, doll?" 
"It's not my fault! You-"
"ah-ah! Don't talk back, angel. You're already in deep trouble, don't want to add onto that now, do we?" He makes a swift move to have you lying on your back, your torso completely exposed to him while he remains clothed. 
"But Johnny-" you whine, jolting when you feel his hands caressing the soft flesh of your inner thighs, "How do you think Hyuck would feel about this?" his hands travel further north, cupping your heat from underneath your skirt. "fuck, you're drenched"
"Now tell me, pretty girl, what are you supposed to be calling me, now?" 
"Johnny-, tha-that was a joke! I don't have daddy kin-" you try clenching your thighs close from the sudden attention your core was receiving. Johnny wholeheartedly lets out a laugh at your attempt to hide your true feelings, making a quick act of disregarding your soaked panties somewhere behind him.
"Darling, the more you deny it, the longer we keep going at it-" his thumbs at your clit, applying pressure but making no move to quench your needs. You let out a sigh of bliss at the feeling, your back arching off of the sheets at the sensation.
In any other situation, you'd be embarrassed at how sensitive you'd gotten just from all the dirty talking and looks Johnny passed you. But that's the catch, he's Johnny, the only one who can get you this sensitive while doing the bare minimum. 
"Say it, Y/n." 
"No, Johnny! It's-it's embarrassing.." you plead with your eyes, grinding your hips against his fingers, earning a satisfied, dirty look from the lad. 
"Very well.. I'll just draw it out of you"
Without warning, Johnny with little to no resistance, slides two slender digits into your wetness, setting a pace fast enough to draw loud chains of cries from your mouth.
"You hear that, doll? You hear how fucking wet you are? Hm?" he growls animalistically, the thumb that remained on your clit now moving in circles with a motive to get you undone in seconds. 
"Johnn-..!" you whine out, feeling your orgasm growing so close that you could almost taste it, "Still going at that, angel?" he questions, not really expecting an answer as he soaks up the pleasured look on your face. "Johnny- I'm close.. -" you fail to notice the mischievous grin growing on his face as he speeds up the movement of his fingers. 
"Of course you are, doll" He feels you clench around his fingers, back coming off of the mattress as you ready yourself for your release, waiting until the last minute to draw his finger out.
"Why would you-? Johnn-I was so close!" you cry out as you sense your core clench around nothing, whining about the incomplete orgasm. "Why would I give you what you want when you wouldn't comply, baby? That's not how this works." He shrugs, licking his fingers clean of your essence, moving up from the bed to remove the shirt that seemed to be suffocating now.
"Johnny, please!" you whine louder, rubbing your thighs together to create some sort of friction, all unsatisfactory as it did not meet the same intensity as that of his fingers. 
"Please what, doll?" He smirks, knowing the ball is in his court and that you'd had to give in any moment now. Johnny leans down once again, drawing lazy circles at your clit, using his other hand to hold himself up above and close to you, his minty breath which had a hint of coffee fanning your face as you whimper, finally feeling your high building itself up again. "Spit it out, princess, you know you want to." he speaks in a soft voice.
"Please..please" you beg for nothing in particular, getting all worked up again, "The begging's lovely, doll. But you're starting to anger me here, will you say it? Or should I leave you hanging again?" 
You mutter prayers under your breath, hoping he wouldn't actually leave you hanging again, "Fine-" he moves again to remove his fingers from you to deprive you of pleasure all over again when you finally latch onto his wrist, keeping his hands in place blurting out, "Daddy! I'm so-sorry.. There, daddy, please make me come" you give in, the name, the feeling and look of pure victory on his face as he grins like a cheshire cat only intensifies the heat growing at a rapid pace at the pit of your stomach. 
"Final fucking ly, princess. Daddy will make you feel good" He reinserts his fingers in, drilling it with desperation to see you come undone as he draws rapid circles on your now sensitive clit with the other hand, watching you squirm under him.
"Joh-Daddy i'm coming..!" you cry out weakly as you feel your orgasm hit you with much force, easily driving you into over sensitivity. Johnny's patient in helping you ride out your orgasm, not stopping until you let out a throaty sob and plead him to stop to allow yourself some room to breathe. 
Johnny, however, makes no move to stop, only speeding up his fingers, his gaze fixed on where his fingers disappeared inside of you while his other hand held you down with a vise grip, "Give me one more, doll. I know you've got one more in you. " he pants, the feeling of his girth in confinement only throwing himself to sensory deprivation as he feels himself twitch inside his sweats painfully. 
You shake your head, tears now flowing elegantly down your cheek, your lips puckered into a slight pout, your eyebrows drawn together as you let yourself melt into the pleasure Johnny was providing you with. "Daddy.." 
You whine, feeling your second high reaching you ridiculously quick as you see Johnny's face contort in concentration, 
"I need to get you nice and wet for me, princess, you're doing so well. Give daddy another one" you coaxes you with his sultry tone, words and actions, inevitably having you come undone under him for the second time that night. 
You let out a choked moan, finally having enough as you curl upon yourself the minute Johnny removes his fingers from you, full fledged crying at the overbearing feeling of sensitivity. 
Johnny groans at the sight, leaning down to press a soft peck on your sweaty forehead before getting off of the bed to remove his pants alongside his boxer at a slow speed, granting you some time to recover.
"Condom?" he asks, readying himself to reach into the drawing when he notices you shake your head a no as a reply, "I'm on pills.." you mutter weakly. 
You hear him curse out at the thought of doing you raw, flexing his muscles before climbing on top of you again. He takes his time to gently turn you back onto your back, pressing his tender lips against your irritated one for the first time that night, his hand ever so slightly moving to play with your clit once again, making you jerk, "Daddy!" 
"Sorry, doll. Daddy just needs to make sure that princess is ready to take his cock" 
Your whining intensifies at his words, wiggling your hips to move closer to his own, "But I am ready! Look, daddy! I'm so wet and ready for you!" you whimper, earning a chuckle from the lad. 
Just like all the other times that night, he aligns his cock at your entrance without a warning, the tip ever so slightly pushing through your walls, "Alright, big girl. Show daddy how much of a slut you can be for him."
Suddenly, Johnny detaches himself from you, moving further away as he leans by the edge of the door, smirking at you whining at the loss of contact, "Patience, angel" 
He grabs hold of your hips, manhandling your body into all fours as he enters you completely with no trouble once he's got you where he wants you to be.  
Something about having to take Johnny from behind was so sexy that you could almost immediately feel your orgasm grow, "Fuck baby, keep clenching around me like that and i won't last long," he grunts, moving in you with a steady pace, 
"I never expected my son to befriend such filthy sluts like you, Y/n. Look at the mess you're making on my sheets" He grabs a fistful of your ass in a tight squeeze, the sudden shift in his demeanor only serving as a whiplash as you feel yourself growing closer and closer to the sweet orgasm. 
"Jesus, doll, you're so fucking tight i can barely move" Johnny growls, talking to keep himself from coming too fast. 
"Daddy.. I'm close. M-I'm so so close" you cry as your arms give out and you fall face first onto the mattress, the new stretch in your back only encouraging his cock to hit you deeper, finding the sweet cushion that serves as extra pleasure for you. 
"Me too, princess, me too.. '' You hear him let out a whine, his thrusts growing sloppier as he does you slower but deeper. 
He reaches around your body to find pursuit at your clit for the nth time that night, rubbing rapid, messy circles to go with his deep thrusts, "Daddy!" you reach your high with a high pitched cry of his name. 
Johnny comes not too long after you as he couldn't resist the constant tight clenching of your walls around his cock. He thrust slowly to ride out his high as you twitch helplessly, face scrunched up in too much pleasure. 
You feel your body being manoeuvred onto your side as he whispers sweet nothings which pass right through your ears as you feel him softened inside you, the feeling ridiculously soothing for your used up walls, 
"You did amazing, darling." he kisses your temple, not making any move to remove himself from within you, which you silently thanked him for. 
You both lay in silence as you turned your body towards him, earning a hiss and a playful smack from him as it added pressure onto his sensitive member. You wrap your arms around his torso, about to nuzzle into his chest and just drift away to dreamland when you hear the familiar ring of your phone from the table beside the bed. 
You feel Johnny's body shift to reach out to get your phone, looking at the caller ID before handing it to you with a smirk that you knew meant that he was up to no good. "Oh! It's hyuck" you exclaim in shock, quickly accepting the call and placing it near your ear, moving to get away from him. 
But Johnny seemed to have other ideas, as he latched an arm around your torso to keep you from moving, "Hey-" you begin, immediately feeling Johnny experimentally thrust into you again, making you whine, "Y/n! I miss you~-oh hey, are you okay?" you hear Donghyuck's voice from the other side, 
You look at Johnny with a pleading and warning gaze to which you earn yourself a toothy grin from the lad, 
"Of co-course! Just a little.. peachy,'' You turn around to place a hand on his chest to halt his movement, "You don't sound just peachy.. I've heard you like this before!" you hear Donghyuck make those noises he makes when he's thinking as Johnny keeps thrusting lazily the more you look at him, you see him open his mouth to speak, "Oh fuck! You're getting laid, aren't you???" 
"Tell Hyuck daddy says hi"
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djmarinizelablog · 2 years
A friend tell me a flawless prompt: Levi. Hange. He pulls her. The lovebirds kiss in the rain. French kiss.
I'm crazy thinking about it!
She let me ask you to write it! Maybe she asked another writer that she is fan, but you are far my favorite. Is it okay? If you don't feel comfortable, please ignore.
But the point is made: YOU. ARE. A. FUCKING. GOOD. WRITER.
I'm... your favorite? *melts into a puddle of tears*
Words of affirmation are my love language; you have no idea how much this brings me joy, Anon.
And it does make me more eager to work on a prompt, so here you go.
"And what about you?" Hange says, their voice solemn. "All this worry and still you wouldn't kiss me."
(cw: mentions of seggs)
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Levi doesn't do romance. He doesn't go for sentimentality, either. Hand-holding and cuddling are off the books. So is kissing. Hange already knew about this the first time they had slept together. The first time Hange went in for a smooch, they were only met with the cold palm of Levi's hand.
"Just one kiss?" they ask him, but Levi's already pulling his pants up. It had been a good fuck; all the scents and sounds of making love from last night are still filling up their mind. "I've always wanted to try it."
"Rules, Hange, remember?" He slips into his boots and prepares himself for another day. With the air of a proud man, he pushes the door open and leaves Hange in the bed without another word.
It goes like that for weeks, months. By the time rumors have already spread that the Captain and the Commander are seeing each other, Hange has already given up, thinking that this is all they will ever be.
They don't beg. They don't ask for more. They don't expect anything else other than the quick pecks on their ribs and shoulders, those carnal bites on the skin, Levi's hungry mouth filling in the crevices in their body. Hange themself has solidified that wall between the two of them, always keeping their distance from Levi whenever they were out in public. And Levi understands.
This is not a melodrama.
This is war, and only the lustful sentiment between two soldiers sleeping with each other after exhausting meetings seems to be the only love that's coming out of them.
Then it all changed when the Marleyans came to their shore on boat and their leader aimed a gun at the Commander. Levi had to pull Hange out of the way, not knowing that someone else had shot the bastard who tried to shoot at them. They were both unharmed after that commotion, but he still feared for Hange's safety. A Captain like him was supposed to protect the Commander. It wasn't out of affection or anything, he keeps telling himself that.
But love doesn't care about duty or roles. Love doesn't dwell on war, either.
He finds Hange once more in the tent after they had sent the volunteers to a safehouse. It's pouring outside, the pitter-patter hitting the flaps of the cover above them.
"Are you alright?" he asks Hange.
Hange looks up from the report they've been working on, face stoic as ever. "Of course, I am. Why do you ask?"
"You almost got shot."
"Having a gun pointed at me is nothing."
"You gotta be kidding. What if you got hurt?" He folds his arms. The rain has gotten louder with the rising of his voice. "What if he fired before I could even pull you down? You think the Scouts would be happy to know that they've almost lost their Commander?"
"And what about you?" Hange asks, their voice solemn. "All this worry and still you wouldn't kiss me."
He opens his mouth to stay something, but the words fail him. His jaw clenches, but it's not out of anger. He can never be mad at Hange. He's frustrated with himself.
"We're done here," is all he manages to say.
Turning on his heel, he leaves the tent, only for Hange to come running at him. "Levi, wait!" He doesn't stop, so they call out even louder and catches up to him. "I said, wait—"
When Hange finally grabs him by the arm, he turns around and pulls Hange for a kiss. They're taken aback at first, until Hange closes their eyes to savor the moment. This is it, one of the many beautiful memories in the midst of war. So fleeting and heartwarming. Full of longing and want. It's like being put together after being taken apart for so long. Levi's hand runs up Hange's elbows, the taste of rain on their tongue while Hange deepens their kiss. More raindrops come down on them, but at least they both know this: all is fair in love and war.
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Thanks for sending me this prompt and for giving me the motivation with your compliment, Anon :)
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zuffer-weird-girl · 3 years
I may be hella afraid of birds but that wont stop me from making this.
Injured wing
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The poor thing was in the balcony of the apartment. Making sounds and flapping their wings at ferocity to try to take flight again as you watched in pity.
Taking a warm towel from the dryer, your boyfriend's one since it was the comfier to be exact, you picked up the squirming little brow winged creature and took inside. You didn't had the heart to leave it out there, especially due to the snow.
While taking things out of cabinets, you didn't noticed your phone buzzing with the notifications of a certain... top hero calling you.
"A nightingale." You mused as you read on the internet what type of bird was now having fun on bathing on q small pot of water and singing to its heart content "How adorable!" You gushed as it shock out of the droplets of water as you carefully put a sorta of a tiny sling on a popsicle stick to mantain its feather that seemed to be broken stood on place.
"Sorry buddy, guess you're gonna have to stay like this for some time." The bird seemed to calculate your words before tweaking as you giggled at its cuteness.
That is until you heard the door opening and clicking shut.
Fuck. Keigo.
You grabbed the bird delicately and put it on a box filled with a soft towel and placed on your bed before going to open the bedroom's door to see a soaked wet, hair flat and worried hero with a frow.
"Is this some sorta of revenge or what? I was worried sick (Y/n)! You weren't answering your phone so I thought something happened." You picked your phone in confusion.
"You did?" Shit "oh..."
"Yeah. 'Oh.'" He crossed his arms before sighing cupping your cheeks "Why did you stood me up? I thought we were going to have dinner together on that restaurant."
"God!" You face palmed "I totally forgot! I'm so sorry Kei!" You whined as he let out a chuckle.
"Is fine. Although I would like if you compesate for m-"
Before he could finish his sentence, you both froze when a couple of chirps were heard. You analyzed his expression and soon giggled in nervousness at seeing his wings puff up in alarm.
"Was that.. was that a chirp?" He yed you, his pupils dilated as you took a step back with a smile.
"I.. I dont know? Maybe they are out there singing." You rolled your eyes and sweated when he towered over you as you kinda protected the nightingale inside the box with your body.
Yet the chirps intensified...
"There is a bird in here." Hawks more accused than asked as you giggled in nervousness once again.
"A bird? Why would a bird be-" the nightingale manage to escape the box and tweaked at both of you "...here."
"What is he doing in here?" He asked, if you didn't know Keigo enough, you could assume he was... unpleasant.
That's why you were so hesitant on showing the little nightingale to him in the first place when he showed up. You werent blind, and knew Keigo had some bird attics that showed up here and there. It wasn't as frequent as it would be however he was resting if the commission hadn't somehow put their hands on it. But Keigo didn't hold much strings around you. So... you could clearly see that your boyfriend wasn't happy when another one of "his kind", especially a male, he could tell somehow it was a male by the chirping dont ask why, was beneath the same rooftop as him with his partner alone.
"Is here because he is injured Kei, he needs some treatment." You cupped your hands together for the nightingale climb in it as Hawks hlardd holes at the little thing.
"Take him to the vet or something kid, this ain't a clinic." You flinched at his words but still remained strong.
"No I am not." You said "I dont know if they are going to sacrifice him or not Kei, I cant take chances."
"Do you even know how to take care of a bird in the first place dove?!" He asked, hands up as his wings puffed even more which made you snort and arch an eyebrow at him as the fella in your hands chirped.
"Well, I do have some knowledge of wings. And have to take care of one on daily basics." You giggled at the expression of shock and insulted Keigo did before walking off and leaving him groaning and sulking at knowing you wouldn't get rid of that street bird...
"Keigo Takami." He froze when he heard his full name coming from your mouth "Put that phone down. That little bird is going to stay until it gets better." He did just as you said with an eyeroll before pouting in anger at seeing the bird at your shoulder.
That's his place to put his chin on and snuggle your neck with his face. His.
"And you have to carry that thing whenever you go now? That must suck." He tried to joke, leaning with crossed arms on the kitchen counter as before his face completely fell as you simply chuckled and said it didn't bother you at all.
"Seriously?" He asked in disbelief before grabbing his mug taking a few gulps before you widened your eyes and giggling "What are you laughing at?"
"Is just that mug was full of water early and maybe our little friend may have took a bath in it." Your boyfriend stood up so fast and soon you heard disgusting noises of vomiting .
"For god's sake KEIGO I WASHED IT!"
You sighed, waiting for your boyfriend to be back as you feed the little bird with some seeds carefully, soon being met with Keigo, still brushing his teeth.
"Drama king." You chuckled as he groaned "You know he is not a thing Kei, is a nightingale."
"Great knowing it." He said with a mouthful of toothpaste before spitting into the trash, saying something about not dirtying his bathroom with other birds germs or something.
He looked at you a bit in defeat at seeing you feeding the bird as you noticed his wings drooping a bit.
"What is wrong now bird brain?" You giggled at his expression.
"You should be feeding me ... your boyfriend." You snorted before picking a sunflower seed and showing it to him.
"I thought you didn't liked this stuff?" Yoh asked cheekily as he groaned.
"There is chicken, takoyaki, nuggets heck everything that I eat!"
The bird chirped and you nodded thoughtfully as he stared at you in confusion.
"Cannibalism. I agree."
"Oh cmon I thought we were over this..." he sighed before getting something from the fridge as he scowled at the chirps following after.
He glared at the bird chirping a song as you hummed in delight at the sound, staring lovely at the nightingale.
"Oh cmon Kei!" You poked his cheeks which was puffed "You have to admit is a amazing sound! Nightingales are famous for that!"
"Hawks are famous for other things too y'know?" He grumbled before widening his eyes at seeing you werent giving him attention, instead grabbing your phone and recording the nightingale's chirping.
"Hm? What did you say Kei?" You looked up at him with that smirk which made him scoff and stood up with crossed arms and going to the kitchen.
You stiffled your giggled, going to your pouting boyfriend and hugging him lovingly after putting the injured bird back to safety.
"You're really jealous huh?" You carresed his chest as he breathed in and out, cheeks red at being so obvious about his feelings.
"Is a form of flirting birds singing to their mates. That little shit." He mumbled, earning you a laugh that made him smile as feeling you peppering kisses all over his neck and jawline before he caught your lips with his.
You broke apart with a goofy smile as he chuckled before deadpanning at hearing chirps before puffing and straightening his wings on all glory before shouting at the nightingale:
You never laughed so hard in your life. A sound that, for Keigo at least, was far more beautiful than any chirping, singing or melody on this whole world.
After a few days you saw Keigo's hatred for the nightingale easing slowly but surely. Yet you never thought that coming home late on one of Keigo's day off, you would see your boyfriend, layed on the couch with a finger up holding the bird he claimed to hate it and whistling some similiar tone along with the nightingale's chirping.
You stared in shock yet awe at the look of your boyfriend directed to the bird as the sounds came out of his lips before chuckling.
"Your wing soon will be better by the looks of it. Isn't (Y/n) a great nurse?" He mumbled, a sadness deep down on his gaze as he saw the bird clapping the wing that wasn't wrapped up "You got freedom and my dove's attention bud, how could you and (Y/n) not expect me to get jealous?" He chuckled sadly as you frowned, walking slowly towards him, pretending to not overheard his monologue.
"Hey pretty thing, back already?" His cheeky smile was back as you looked at it in awe before kneeling in front of the couch he was layed on and kissing him deeply, making him close his eyes in bliss and pull you closer with his free hand by the neck.
You broke apart as he panted with a glossy yet pleased look. Ignoring the chirps for a bit, you carresed his golden looks as he closed his eyes with a smile.
"Redeeming yourself for giving attention to this bird and not me for these past few weeks?" He murmured happily yet drowsily as you giggled and kissed his forehead softly.
"You could say that bird brain." You stopped for a bit, hearing him whine miserably for you to get back, cupping your hands for the bird to get in.
"Cmon..." he whined, arm dropped over his face as the other rested on him until he felt you tugging on his shirt.
"Just get up lazy, I'm giving you all the attention you want." At this, you saw his golden eyes practically glow in bliss as he stood up as fast as he could.
He stretched his arms as he sitted up on the bed. Hair untamed and eyes unfocused until they dropped on the bird that had exited his box and was flapping both of his wings. Both.
"Huh. You look all better." He smirked as he felt you shift and rest your chin on his shoulder with a drowsy look.
"Who is better?" You mumbled before he pointed at the bird jumping and trying to take flight.
"Your friend there." You squealead as hs chuckled, grabbing the nightingale in one hands as he unwrapped the the made up sling as he waited patiently for the little fella to flap its wings and fly just a few centimeters above his palm.
"Cmon dove." He ushered you to follow him on the balcony as he had a gentle hold on the nightingale "Go little buddy, being stuck on a unknown place forever isn't goog for anyone."
And with a little movement of his hand, the nightingale took flight with beautiful chirps that made you smile but soon look at your boyfriend with a sad smirk as he watched the little bird fly away.
It wasn't sadness because he got attached to the nightingale. It was because that, even a small bird as he, could be free and not him. A grow up man that had a partner but was still caged by the comission...
You carresed his arm before hugging it and placing a sweet kiss to his cheek which brought his attention back to you.
"How about some hot cocoa my handsome? You still got some minutes stuck with me until you go to work." You said softly in Hope's to cheer him up.
He looked at you in some sorta of shock before chuckling and bringing you close enough to him to hear his heart beat and feel his warm yet chapte lips on your forehead.
"Being stuck with you is the only way that keeps me going to be honest."
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kiridarling · 3 years
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izuku midoriya | tw!guns, single mom!reader, bouncer!izuku, domestic stuffs, tit sucking, mommy!calling ah, AND daddy!calling oh my, breeding kink, breaking the bed (futon). minors dni!
— 5.4k words
“When’s the last time someone touched you like this, hmm?”
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The alley is dark.
There's a disconcerting feeling as you step deeper into the quiet darkness,
You turn to look at the door you entered this dank place from, but it's just as dark and grimy as the walls. You're almost positive that if you rested a hand against them, it would return pitch black, and if you stood in one spot for more than five minutes, the sticky booze would glue your heels to the floor. You're surprised when it doesn't.
"Hand over your wallet and no one gets hurt, pretty lady."
He's a smarmy looking bastard and as thin as they come. It’s clear this isn’t something he does on the regular, the pointed gun quivering so much you worry a trembling might slip and pull the trigger. And you fucking freeze, blood running below zero and heart plummeting because why you?
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And fuck, you’ve got a kid at home with a babysitter, and there are many outcomes to this situation, none of them too cute.
"I said hand it over," he grunts, pressing forwards. Your back hits the grimy brick wall as your eyes dart to the mouth of the alley, where life continues, where cars race past, but no one sees a damn thing. Fuck. Fuck.
And it's not like you have much—hell, you may be a mother, but you know how to party. You squeeze your eyes shut, grip tightening around your purse as you clumsily fumble through it and the man steps closer. You toss all you have to his feet. A fucking twenty. He raises an eyebrow before eyeing your watch. He lets out an unimpressed snort.
"That it?"
You nod, taking a shaky step back.
"Well, that ain't fuckin' enough."
There's a click and you're positive it's him turning off the safety. His face twists like he's about to shoot a bullseye, and you squeeze your eyes as tight as they can go.
Until the looming shadow of the stranger disappears, followed by a sound that's distinctly skin on skin. Er—skin on bone.
You don't watch the fight. Frankly, you don't want to, and you still get to hear your protector spew a litany of curses and disrespectful phrases that should really only come from someone's mother. You don't even open your eyes, still screwed shut with a vice grip around your purse and wallet.
"Um, excuse me Miss? Are you alright?"
Your protector's eyes are much bigger than you expect them to be—and green. You realize you remember seeing those eyes, hardened from across the club.
He's hesitant to touch you, hands rising and falling and rising again. Though you suppose a hug seems like it'd be a little abrasive, it also sounds like the exact kind of thing you need right now.
"U-Um, yeah I'm..." you start, before noticing your attackers body bloodied and wrapped like a pretzel on the ground. "...Fine..."
He sounds like he's going to pass out—he doesn't.
"We should um, we should get you home," As he speaks, the greenette shuffles you out of the alley and into the streetlamp light, blinking himself out of something before holding a meaty hand out of formality. "I'm Izuku by the way. Izuku Midoriya."
For such a big guy, Izuku seems rather timid, and yet, seeing him at the entrance with crossed arms in a black tee and a scowl in the club doesn't give you much insight into his personality. Which makes you wonder why he became the club's bouncer in the first place.
"Um, nice to meet you," you nod, trying to suppress the shake in your hands as you take his. "Y/N."
Izuku smiles at that, and even though you're a regular, you've never actually seen him beam on the job. "Cool! Cool, so...um, I don't really feel comfortable letting you walk home...alone..."
You nod—he panics as if you aren't already on board.
"'Cause it's like, a conscience thing, you know? Like, I really won't be able to sleep tonight otherwise," Izuku defends, shoving a clumsy hand in his green curls. "B-But if you don't feel comfortable with it, or something, that's totally fine! I know what you just experienced was horrible, and you probably do—"
"Yeah?" He perks up. It seems as if the circuit his mind runs finally comes to a stop.
"I'd...feel more comfortable if you walked me home. Too."
Your innards ache at the stiffness in both your voice and figure, but Izuku doesn't seem to notice. Instead, he beams, standing ten feet taller, and you think—yeah. You'd feel much safer if he did.
"O-Okay! Cool!" He confirms a bit stiff himself, and then, in a smoother motion, holds his hand out to take. "Shall we?"
Your red palm claps over his, and you snort quietly, "We shall."
You two walk in a surprisingly comfortable silence for the beginning of the walk—you lead the way and he silently trails behind, glaring daggers at any passerby with lingering eyes as you march on, unknowing.
"So um, do you come to Club 777 often?"
Which is a question you know he knows the answer to, completely aware you almost come every Saturday. But you smile at his attempt to start a conversation anyways, hands tucking underneath your armpits in search of warmth.
"Yeah, sometimes. Just trying to get out and stuff. Y'know, away from the kid."
"I get that," he nods with a smile, before tugging at the hem of his hoodie. "Oh! Are you cold? Here—wait, let me."
He shucks it over your head and your positive it messes up your hair. But you find that you don't care much, especially in favor of the warmth that it provides.
And then, "You have a kid?"
"Yep," you say, tucking your fists into the jacket pockets. "A big two-year-old potato waits for me back home."
"Oh," Izuku chortles at your description before tucking his hands into his jean pockets too. Licking his lips, his eyes dart to the street, "I...assume your boyfriend watches him for the night? Or husband or whoever."
"Uhm, not quite," you chuckle towards your feet, though it's a touch acrid. Izuku picks up on it immediately.
"Oh I'm so sorr—I didn't kno—"
"It's fine, Izuku really—"
"I—but I shouldn't even be assuming what if you had a wife or girlfriend or—" he takes a second to gasp, and your eyes widen in fear that he'll choke, "—or if they're nonbinary or—"
"Izuku," you knock him on the shoulder and he finally shuts up. "It's fine. I get it all the time."
He falters, but at least he seems to relax. "Really?"
"Yes," you giggle behind a hand, and the greenette smiles at it.
"O-Okay, cool."
Flecks of gold swim in Izuku's green irises and you find yourself noticing them now, suppressing the urge to advance closer for a better look. You stare long enough to watch his smile relax into a comfortable line, but you snap out of it once he kicks a rock, the sound of the gravel skittering across the floor tugging you out of your reverie.
"I'm not very good with kids, y'know," he says as an afterthought. You snort.
"Yeah, I mean," he scratches the back of his neck sheepishly. "Like what am I supposed to feed it? French fries?"
"Toddlers aren't it's, Izu." You can't tell if he flushes from the nickname or from what you said, but either way, it's enough to prompt another laugh. "And maybe start with baby food?"
"Ah," Izuku nods, and you guide him in turning a corner. "That would make sense.
"It would."
By the time you stop in front of your red front door, it's almost three am. You figure you caught Izuku right after he got off work, if the cheesy All Might sweatshirt you're wearing is any evidence of that, but either way, he looks like he's about to fall flat on his face.
"You can stay for the night, if you want," you offer, albeit meekly, and Izuku lifts two hands with insistence.
"Oh! No no no please, I'm fine," he shakes his head so quickly his curls bounce in a flurry, and you genuinely worry he's going to pass out when he tries to blink himself awake. "Just...not used to staying up this late is all."
"Then stay," you offer with a shrug, and your orange porch light flickers. "It's the least I can do. I've got a bed and a futon, and I'm fine with sleeping on either."
"I..." Izuku's green eyes flicker towards your door before back to you, "I really shouldn't. I'm a stranger an—"
"And I'm offering."
Izuku's eyebrows fold with the dilemma, but you grab his hand with a tug and a smile, while your free one shoves the keys into the door. "C'mon. Let's get you some rest, yeah?"
You can't tell if Izuku blushes or if it's just the lighting, but either way, his chest inflates in protest before deflating in resignation.
With a smile, you turn the doorknob. Your door has always taken some shoulder to get open, so you don't hesitate in shoving your collarbone into the hardwood. Izuku cringes at the sight.
Your hit in the legs first, nearly stumbling back with a quiet oof. You look down to see Max wrapped around your legs like you're a fucking jungle gym, grinning with two missing teeth and a bandaid over his nose.
It's three am.
"I'm done," your babysitter grunts. "He doesn't listen when I tell him to bathe, eat, anything—I fucking quit."
And with that, they slam the door behind them, house rattling under the pressure. You sigh. There goes another one. Fuck.
"Well that wasn't very nice," Izuku grumbles under his breath disapprovingly. You smile at the arms crossed over his chest until Max peeks around your legs to see...
"A new daddy?"
"I—no, baby," you fight the embarrassment (and the urge to say you fucking wish) by picking the little one up by his armpits, smiling when he thrusts his hands in the air and goes weee! After he's comfortably cradled in your arms, you say, "He's just staying the night."
"Like daddy did!" Max defends with a giggle before rushing the greenette with open arms. Izuku just looks at you with a shrug before kneeling to take a hug to the chest as Max chants, "New daddy! New daddy!"
And, well. There's no stopping him now.
You peel your heels off your cramping feet and sigh at the fucking freedom, toes uncurling from the scrunched position it feels like they've been holding the entire night. You curse under your breath when you realize since Max is awake you've got to put him to bed too, and honestly, if you knew this babysitter was going to be just as useless as the others, you would've just let Max run fucking free while you lived life for a few hours. Not like that outcome would be any better.
"Alright Maxie, c'mon."
You take him away from his celebration with the greenette and though he pouts, he allows his mother to gather him in her arms.
"Do you um, need help?"
You turn to see Izuku awkwardly shifting in the doorway from the request, hands behind his back with pursed lips. You shake your head.
"Oh no, it's fine. I just have to put him down really quickly and then I'll be—"
"Mama, I'm hungry. I want chicken nuggies." Max loops his arms around your neck and tugs so hard you worry about your bones. You shake your head with a sigh and a pout.
"It's too late for you to be up, bud. You can have chicken nuggies for lunch tomorrow. Sound like a plan?"
But goodness. In this state, it'll take hours for him to relax—and you still have to unfold the futon for Izuku.
Max whines and kicks his legs but doesn't say no, meaning he's not really that hungry, he just wants to stay awake. "But—but what if new daddy's gone in the morning like the last one?"
"Max," you sigh, giving him a light shake so his matching eyes look into you yours. You speak a little softer, "Izuku's not your new daddy, okay? He's a houseguest."
Max's face drops. "Not eve—"
"No, Maxie," you sigh, squeezing him on the shoulder. "Now let's go to bed, okay?"
"I can—I can put him down if you'd like! So you can get into something more comfortable and stuff. I mean, I've never worn a dress but sweats are so much better, you know? Or shorts, or...whatever you wear to sleep."
You understand the many points he's trying to get across, one being that's he's not a creep, just a nice guy, and you suppose you and Max can live in your "new daddy" fantasy for a little longer. Even if you know this one will be gone by morning.
"Um, okay yeah," you say, voice a little thin, before handing your child over to the greenette—who bounces into his arms excitedly. "I'll be back, then? His room is down the hall to the right. The one with the race car bed."
Izuku's eyes narrow as he processes your directions. "Down the hall to the right—okay! I'll just go take this little guy to bed, then."
"Okay, thank you," you nearly bow, because Izuku just saved both of you so much time and he doesn't even understand how. "Oh! And good luck."
"Yep!" You say with a wink and a pat on the back before scooping your heels and booking it back to your bedroom with a cackle. Time to get out of this dress. Fucking finally.
You realize that being alone is much more unsettling when you've had a gun held to your head today.
Every little noise just seems off, like it could belong to something more than it actually does, even the silence; you find yourself shoving your head through your t-shirt abnormally fast, eyes blinking to take a survey of the room to ensure that you're alone. You are. It's fine.
And that's what you tell yourself when you close your eyes to run a wet rag over your face, and again with the dry one. All of a sudden, you don't like the way your bathroom window faces the open backyard nor do you like how dark it is outside. You don't like how big your bed looks, and goddammit, you haven't even gotten into it yet.
Pushing all uneasy thoughts aside, you stumble out of your bedroom with a fresh face and a new outfit, stilling in Max's doorway when the greenette doesn't notice you. Resting against the frame with crossed arms, you smile.
"I do so like green eggs and ham! Thank you! Thank you, Sam-I-am. You know, when I was a kid I—oh, he's asleep."
Izuku tucks the snoring boy in his lap under the covers with a gentle grin, pulling them underneath his chin. The greenette takes a second, watches Max's chest rise and fall a few times, before ruffling the tuft of hair on his head with a snort, and walking away.
You don't even think Izuku sees you until he practically sashays out the door, winking, "Good luck, huh?"
To say you go red in the face from that is an understatement.
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"How do you do this?"
"Do what?" You ask as you pulling the futon in your living room forwards. Izuku yawns before gesturing to the clock with a shake of his head.
"Take care of a kid, and work, and go to a bar every Saturday evening? It's four am, and something tells me you've been up for a while. I'm practically dead and I wake up at one pm every day!"
You chuckle at that, jumping on the bed with your hands and knees to ensure its lays flat...and ensure that it won't make an Izuku sandwich at seven in the morning. "You build up stamina after a while, I guess."
"No shit," he gestures to you as you utilize the entire length of your body to put the sheets on the mattress. He would help, but you told him no, insisting that he'd only make this take longer. "Are you sure you do—"
"Nope," you huff, clapping your hands together. "I'm done."
Izuku blinks at the made bed, to you, to the made bed again, and then back to you with wide eyes.
"Mommy magic."
"I—" you blink towards the ceiling to see if that even makes sense, but you figure fuck it, it's four am, with a snort. "Yeah, sure. Whatever you want to call it."
In reality, you feel like you're about to pass out.
"Um, so I don't really have pj pants and I don't think you'll have any that'll fit, so..."
"Yeah no, I definitely burned all the shit my ex left—"
"Aha okay, cool, um, so just boxers...are fine...?"
He looks down at his black jeans and back to you, raising an eyebrow. You toss a nonchalant shrug in return, and you hate to say it, but your inner school girl goes—dick outline.
"O-Okay, then," Izuku says, and you watch his hands curl around the waistband. "I'm just gonna—"
He shucks his pants so hard they hit the floor, and your eyes widen because...well...looks like he's just gonna do it then.
Until Izuku's hands rush to cover his crotch (which you weren't peeking at, you weren't) and you realize that maybe you should've stepped out of the room or something.
"U-Um—that was fast—"
"I thought—thought you were going to uhm, turn around," he flushes, a funny contrast to the way his muscles fold under that black shirt, and your feet move to turn around like he ordered you to do it.
"Sorry! So sorry," you try to apologize, but now his dick print is burned in your brain, and...it isn't that bad.
"It—It's fine! I'm in the bed now so, you can turn around."
You laugh awkwardly and scuffle to turn, as you do, and Izuku beams at you from the bed with a wave.
"Hi," he says, his lower half-tucked under the covers. You wave back.
Izuku's eyes dart to you living room tv before the come back to you. "So uhm, I guess this is goodnight?"
"Oh right," you perk up at that, hands rubbing the sides of your thighs like there's something on them. "Time to go to bed, right?"
"Uh, yeah!" He nods, chest shuddering before he says, "so uh, sweet dreams?"
You smile tight at the kind gesture, and your hands opt to pull at the hem of your shirt instead, eyes drifting to an old pile of records you haven't regarded in months. "Thanks! You...too?"
Izuku smiles, though his eyes drift, "Yeah..."
You beam back. You figure you should probably go now, or something, until you think of something and slam a fist into your palm. "Oh! Also, I meant to thank you for saving me. I'm not sure if I did that. Did I do that?"
The greenette shrugs, "Uh, I think so?"
"Okay! Okay. Cool," you nod, flashing a tight smile. "Mmk. Night Izuku."
And see, you would move—except it seems as if your feet are glued to the floor and won't move no matter how hard you try, to the point where it feels like your straining and they're going numb, and yet you're still staring at Izuku's pretty fucking face.
"C'mon," he chuckles, scooting over on the futon to make extra space for you. "If you take all day, the beds gonna get cold, and then I'm going to have to crawl into yours like a creep."
"Oh my fucking god," you snort one breath and move to flick off the lights before stumbling through the darkness for the futon. "You're so weird."
"Weird in a good way, I hope," he lifts the blanket and you slide under—and swear your knee grazes his before it's snatched away.
"There's no weird in a bad way," you say once you've settled comfortably, tucking your hands under your head as you lay on your stomach. Izuku mimics your position, though he takes up much more of the blanket, and you find that it drapes over you like a tent over his shoulders. Neither of you close your eyes, for some reason.
"Hi," Izuku whispers.
"Hi," you smile back.
"Okay," he huffs, face twisting in determination, "Now it's goodnight."
"Right," you nod, but your eyes don't close. "Goodnight. Of course."
"Don't let the bedbugs bite," he says with a chuckle, and you can't tell if his eyes flicker to your lips or if you imagine it. Either way, you look them just in case.
"I better not have bedbugs," you snort. "I clean this place like a motherfucker."
Izuku's nose twitches at that with a nod. Moonlight pours into your living room and colors his pale skin silver, though you figure it won't take the sun much longer to color it a strawberry pink. "You really do. It's...different when it's quiet."
"Yeah," you agree, placing your hands on his chest. It shudders under your palms. "Kinda personal, huh?"
"Mhm," he nods, and though his hands wrap around your wrists, they never pull them away. You lift an eyebrow.
"A bad personal?"
Izuku doesn't hesitate, breath nearly ghosting your lips as he says, "Hardly."
"Would you..." now it's your chests turn to shudder, and sliding a hand up to play with his ear, you bite the bullet. "Like to get more personal?"
Izuku's lips melt into a grin against yours, "I'd love to."
His lips are softer than you thought.
Maybe because you assumed all of him was a bumbling mess, including his chapstick application; but they're fucking pillow-soft, and you don't realize how deprived you are until his hold around your body turns from protective to sensual and you melt from his heat.
"Fuck," Izuku huffs between kisses, growling when your grip around his neck tightens. "Watching you from across the club for weeks can do a thing to a guy's patience, you know."
"Oh?" You snort as he presses enthusiastic open-mouthed kisses down the column of your neck, hot and wet, and painful once his teeth dig into your collarbone. "A-Ah, Izuku—no marks."
"O-Oh! Sorry," he pulls away, lips red and swollen, and shiny with spit. You smile at the reaction.
"'S okay, Baby," you giggle at the speed to which his muscles go lax, and his eyes droop to your chest when you scratch the back of his head.
"Can I—can I suck your tits?"
He asks so bashfully it's nearly innocent, and you find your eyes dropping to your chest along with his before you're ditching his All Might sweatshirt all together.
"God," Izuku's eyes flutter as he gathers your breasts in both palms, groaning at the sight. "They're fucking perfect."
You shudder as his thumb ghosts a nipple, and Izuku dips an experimental hand under your lacy bra and pinches. Hard.
Your thighs jolt and hands fist the sheets, and a moan comes from the back of your throat before you can stop it. Izuku's hand rocket to cover your mouth.
"Shh—you don't wanna wake him up, do you?"
You shake your head, but it's hard to keep quiet when your nipples are as sensitive as they are. Izuku doesn't seem like he really means that statement, though, lowering his head with a devilish grin as if he knows that for himself.
“Sensitive, Mommy?”
“O-Oh um,” you flush at the nickname, and even more so when his lips close around your nipple and suck. Tangling a hand in his hair, you sigh, “Yeah, a little.”
Izuku hums at that, eyes fluttering to watch you bite your bottom lip in a poor attempt to muffle a moan, hissing as his teeth dig into the hardened bud. He pulls off with a slurp and moves to the other, but not without a few kisses across your chest.
“When’s the last time someone touched you like this, hmm?” Izuku nearly growls out before biting into the opposite nipple, and you shudder as he dips a scarred hand down the waistband of your shorts and panties. He chuckles after sliding a finger through your slit. “So wet for me.”
“It—It’s been a second,” you sigh, grip tightening around his shoulders as he slides a finger in. Even Izuku has to bite a lip at your tightness in anticipation, mouth descending over your nipple once more to send frissons of fire up your spine.
“No shit,” he grunts around your nipple, curling his finger. You gasp. “Think I can fit another one in there?”
“Why don’t you try?” You giggle, but it dissipates into nothing but air as he does, his two fingers filling you up enough to elicit a sigh.
“How’s that?” He breathes, face hovering over yours. As your hands coil around his neck, his free one reaches for your inner thigh and pulls it back far enough to give him a better angle as he presses you into the mattress.
“Good, it’s good,” you nod, and your hips start to move on their own, bucking forwards as if there’s any more finger left for you to fuck. (Spoiler: there’s not.)
“Good,” he breathes, eyes going glossy as he watches you writhe under him. You're positive that you're carving painful red lines into his back, but considering the way his eyebrows fold every time you do, makes you wonder if he doesn't mind. "Fuck I can't wait to fuck you—I can fuck you, right?"
"No Izuku, I'm just letting you finger me for fu-u—fuck."
He slides in a third finger and for some reason, it burns a little—but the burn only makes your eyes roll further, and he's stuffing you with a chuckle.
"What was that?"
"I-I—you're not pla—playing very fair," you huff, chest shuddering as he tilts your hips higher for a better angle. You suppress a scream when his fingers curl, jolting forwards at such a speed it makes the futon creak. Izuku tightens his grip around your waist to keep you from going too far.
"No one said anything about being fair, Mommy," he teases, and you whine when he removes his fingers, tapping them against your lips. "C'mon, you gotta get 'em wet so I can fuck you, right?"
You nod at the idea, enjoying the idea of being filled up much more, and coat his fingers to the point where they're dripping when he pulls him out. Izuku's chest rumbles.
"So good for me," he purrs, using your spit to coat his cock before he's sliding his head between your folds—you shiver, grabbing onto his back again. "Ready?"
“Mhm,” you nod, spreading your legs further—though you swear they do that on their own.
“Oh my, you’re um...tight...”
You whimper from the stretch and look between your legs, eyes widening upon seeing that Izuku’s much bigger than you had anticipated. Or had been warned of.
“F-Fuck, I can’t—“
“Shhhh, it’s okay, just a little more, okay?” Izuku nearly whispers into your lips as his hands move to rub your shuddering sides. Your eyes screw shut, “Jus’ a little more, Mommy...”
Izuku pushes deeper and you’re being split in half—because what else could that burn be—but you’ll admit, the feeling of accomplishment you receive once he bottoms out is surreal.
“Good—Good girl,” Izuku’s nearly quivering and plants his hands on both sides of your head with a huff.
“I-Izu,” you whimper as he starts to move, feeling impossibly full no matter how far he pulls out. Izuku shudders, mouth rounding into an ‘o’ when his hips slowly start to gain rhythm, and though it’s loud, you know the creak of the futon is unavoidable. You squeal as his head hammers into your cervix, pulling out a wanton Daddy before you have half a mind to shut the fuck up. You nearly freeze, and yet, all Izuku’s hips do is speed up.
“Yeah? Want me to be your new Daddy?” He moans, and you dig your nails into his back with a nod. The greenette curses at that, biting his bottom lip and his hand drops between your legs to rub at your clit. With thighs seizing around his waist, you slam a hand over your mouth to keep yourself quiet.
“Fuck—I make you feel that good, Mommy?” Izuku nearly wheezes, eyes suppressing the urge to screw closed, “So good you can’t keep your pretty mouth shut?”
“Y-Yeah, I—“ you gasp when he lifts your hips off the bed for a better angle, hands fisting the sheets. “Harder, Daddy—“
“Oh Mommy, if I go any harder I think I might break this bed,” he says, borderline bashful, but you find yourself saying fuck the bed as your hips buck in search of a feeling he refuses to give you. Izuku’s chuckle strains as he says, “So needy, Mommy. You that needy for my cum?”
Clawing at his back, you try your damnest to stutter out a yes. Izuku chuckles at your desperation before he cuts himself off with a groan, eyes rocketing to where you’re both connected as you tighten around him.
“F-Fill me up, I wanna—“
“You want another baby, Mommy?” Izuku pants, and you’re so close you start to feel a buzz in your thighs, praying he isn’t too far behind. You nod vehemently with a gasp and his lips slide into an exhausted smile, "Fuck, of course you do—and you’re gonna take me so well, aren’t you? All of it.”
Izuku finishes his sentence with a growl, pressing you further into the mattress—it squeaks like a squeaky wheel, and when it thunks a level lower both of you yelp, the back of the futon thumping on your hardwood floor with each thrust.
“Told ya,” Izuku wheezes, eyes scrunching in a chuckle. You return it.
“It—It’s old anyway,” you reply, but your eyebrows fold as quickly as they unfold from the crash. The creaking futon increases in pitch as his hips pick up the pace, “Fuck—fuck Izuku I’m gonna cum.”
“What’s my name?” The greenette challenges, and you find yourself shivering at the dominance he exudes. The finger on your clit disappears and you whine, knowing damn well you can’t cum without it.
“Daddy—Daddy please—“
“Good—fuck, so good for me,” his hand returns to your clit and you sigh at the feeling. As the coil in your gut threatens to snap, his hips speed up, and Izuku pants, “We’re gonna cum together, yeah? Cum with me Mommy, c’mon—“
“Fuck!” You drag red lines down Izuku’s back as you quake under the weight of your orgasm, broken bed whining as Izuku thrusts all his weight into you. Digging his teeth into your shoulder, the greenette cums with a broken moan, hips stuttering into yours for the final time that night.
The room fills with a comfortable silence, minus the panting, and Izuku rolls onto the mattress next to you with a bounce. It creaks, whines, and then drops again, catching both you and the greenette by surprise. (Again.)
“I think—I think we broke it,” Izuku says towards the ceiling as he catches his breath. You giggle at that, hands laid across your sweaty stomach, and turn to him with your head in the pillow.
“Gives me an excuse to buy a new one,” you say with a shrug. Izuku chuckles back.
“I guess,” he teeters his head to both sides. “I can...also pitch in, if you want. Since I broke the thing. Technically.”
His offer sounds apprehensive as if he’s encroaching in your space, as if he hasn’t been all up in your space less than a minute ago. You smile. “I’d like that a lot, actually. Thanks.”
"And um, breakfast? I mean," he snorts, though it seems rather defensive, and his eyes rocket to the ticking clock on your wall. Your eyes follow: five am. "I mean—fuck um, I feel like this might be weird but I think you're cool? Um, yeah, so breakfast, I can make it if you want because you're so busy being motherly and stuff and plus, it's Sunday but again, if you don't wan—"
"Izuku," you giggle, wrapping your arms around his gut with a little squeeze. "Breakfast sounds nice."
The greenette beams and his chest stutters. "O-Okay cool! Cool, cool. Breakfast then?"
You snort, driving your palm into his face to shut him the fuck up. "Goodnight, Izuku."
Izuku giggles, getting the message, and coils his arms around your shoulders to provide a comfort you haven't felt in a very, very long time.
"G'night Mommy."
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