#gar’s writing
ramshacklerumble · 1 month
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and the more that i am in pain, the more that you’ll gain (and to me, that seems like a pretty fair trade)
The boy was unconscious before he hit the floor.
Gia’s boot connected with his side.
Then his stomach.
His chest.
A blaze threatened to burn Gia to ash. Burning brighter and hotter and into a mounting roar— it would consume them to nothing. They could feel it in the trembling overtaking their body and so, in the only way they knew how, they’d take the source of it out with them. Gia would make kindling of this boy’s bones through stomps and swears and spit.
At least, they would have.
Hauled away before they sent the tip of steel toes smashing into the boy’s nose again, Gia fought against the pair of arms pinning their own to their side. They cursed at them and their owner. Struggled to grind their heels into his feet only for him to nimbly maneuver them away.
“Hey,” Floyd said as they tried— and failed— to rock their head back to catch him right on his teeth, “Hey. Knock it off, it’s over.”
It didn’t sound like this was taking much of an effort, which in turn only sent Gia into another round of thrashing and yelling. What this got them was a tighter squeeze around their diaphragm and a lift off the ground as their legs kicked at empty air.
They were screaming. And they kept screaming as there was a brief shift in balance…a stomach-drop instinct of falling back…followed by a pain shooting up their tailbone as they both dropped to the floor. This stopped the screaming.
“Ouch,” said Floyd flatly. He kept Gia sat between his outstretched legs. “You done?”
In a wheezing voice, Gia swore at him some more. They fought against his hold. When that got them nowhere, they thumped their back against him, weak and spent.
The fire puttered to smoke.
Gia slumped forward. The only reason they didn’t flop face-first into their knees was because Floyd still held onto them. So they stared at their lap, breath ragged, innards wanting to crawl up their throat. And there was something else. Something else was making its way out.
One long arm slipped out from around them, clamped a hand under their chin, and forced them to look up.
Gia shut their eyes in a final attempt at protest. Tears fell.
“Woah,” Floyd breathed.
Against their will, they blinked up at him. Floyd studied them, an expression settled prettily on his features. Curious… and something Gia was almost too scared to name. A merfolk trick, maybe, and idly Gia understood why sailors back in the day would risk finding out what it was.
“Aw, what’s the matter?” Floyd crooned, gently wiping his thumb under their eye. His skin felt cool on their cheek. It was terribly nice. “We got to the bottom of it, didn’t we, Shrimpy?”
Gia jerked away from him, the nickname a shock of ice water. Gia ground the heel of their palms into their eyes, pulled their knees to their chest, and curled into themself.
Floyd didn’t pin them again, but he continued, “C’mon. You knew going in you weren’t gonna get the money back.”
“I know.” Gia grit out. And they did know. The moment they realized the Ramshackle had been broken into they’d known. That’s not why they were here. What they wanted was payback.
But after the two weeks they’d spent tracking down the thief— somehow picking up one of the Leech brothers along the way— they hadn’t settled on what that would look like. Sure, the thought of getting in a jab or two crossed their mind, but when they’d cornered the culprit and Gia got a look at the mastermind who’d whisked away all their hard work…the thoughts evaporated.
It was just some Ignihyde kid. Small for a freshman. Gia actually felt bad. Floyd, on the other hand, was so bored with the reveal he circled into disgust. To top it off, Gia would still have to compensate for “dragging him along.” They didn’t even want his help in the first place.
But despite that blossoming headache, Gia couldn’t bring themself to raise hell. What was the point?
They’d been having dreams again. There was another shoe waiting to drop somewhere in Night Raven. And if that were the case, then they were going to have to focus their energy on keeping ahead of the curve. That was hard enough with the Corlux girls living in their dorm, but now with the boys bringing another wave of chaos under the guise of the “SDC Training Camp,” well…
In comparison, dealing with this kid didn’t feel worth the effort. So they thought.
Until Gia asked the sniveling snotball what he’d spent their money on. He’d barely gotten the word out when Gia’s fist slammed into his jaw with the force of a wrecking ball.
“Gacha...” They spat into their legs. “Gacha. Spent my money on stupid, 2D anime girls. Pictures he could look up for free.”
“Heard it’s a mega-popular title, too.” Floyd added unhelpfully. He played with their braid as he said so, Gia could feel him twist their hair between his fingers.
“But say…Shrimpy.” Floyd caught their eye from where he hovered over their shoulder. His chest was to their back again. “Here’s what I don’t get…”
He had that look on his face again. Interested. Intrigued.
“Why’re you so worked up about this?” He asked, “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not lettin’ anyone get away with taking something from me and I’m chargin’ ten-fold for tryin’. But I’ve never seen you blow up like that. Not when Jade and I kicked you outta Ramshackle or when Sea Snake sent us flying across the desert. This…”
Floyd pointed over his shoulder where the boy from Ignihyde lay sprawled on the ground, “This is small fry. Might as well be plankton. It wasn’t even that much money—”
“It’s all I had.” Gia said, hating the unsteadiness in their voice. They twisted around to face him.
“What’s it for?”
“It's…” They couldn’t figure how to reply to that. The best they could give him was a limp shrug. A shiver hit their spine and it came to mind how warm Floyd was now that they’d leaned away. They rubbed their arms. “I…I don’t know what’s going to happen to me.”
“What?” Floyd laughed, “Don’t tell me you’ve been mixing it up with loan sharks.”
Gia shook their head. “When Grim and I graduate…we can’t stay here. We need somewhere to go.”
A twitch of confusion crossed Floyd’s face. “Sealie’s a direbeast. He’s teeny, kinda stupid, and you prolly pampered the feral out of him, but you never really lose your survival instinct.” He looked down at Gia, “And aren’t you going home?”
Gia let out a snort, short and sour. With it that…thing that had wanted to come out earlier clung itself to the back of their throat— their words thick and heavy with the ache in their jaw. The memories of a ranch full of distant eyes and rotting apathy. “Home?”
The word was an ugly, wet noise they tried to smother under their hand. Heat rose to their face again, but nothing like the scorching rage from earlier.
Shame overtook them. Gia could feel Floyd’s eyes on them as they tried in vain to scrub away the tears. They just kept coming, hot and damning, overflowing like a boiling pot.
It was stupid. They were stupid. Crying over something they couldn’t change. Crying over scraps. This wasn’t fixing anything. This wasn’t getting them anywhere. They hadn’t cried once when they were sent away to their aunt’s house. They didn’t bother begging their parents to take them back home because they’d known they didn’t have one to go back to.
The concept was lost far before ever stepping into Twisted Wonderland and the only thing they could do was keep moving. Gia knew this.
They told themself this after each and every misstep. Every time something went wrong…when everything inevitably went wrong….
Gia needed to get as far away from Floyd as they could— maybe they couldn’t stop themself from absolutely losing it, but he was the last person allowed to see them do so. Except before they’d pushed themself off the ground, his arm circled around their shoulders and pulled them towards him.
Gia gave a sound somewhere between a hiccup and a gasp. On instinct they started to shove him back, but a second arm wrapped around their back and locked them in place.
Floyd held them against his chest and…no. He was hugging them to his chest.
“I think…” He started in a slow, pensive voice, his hand moving to pet the back of their head. “I think you’re being too hard on yourself.”
Gia kept still, their forehead pressed against the spot beneath his collarbone. They were aware of many things at that moment.
A deep amber trace of cologne, tear stains gradually spreading through the fabric of Floyd’s shirt, the shakiness in their hands, and how his strong, steady heartbeat only made theirs beat a faster jig against their rib cage.
“Did you know lobsters never stop growing?” Floyd asked.
“Lobsters.” He repeated, “They keep growing throughout their lifetime until eventually they get so old and tired, they can’t molt out of their shell. That’s what kills them, y’see. They get stuck in their shell because it gets too hard for them to break and it gets so diseased and spoiled they just die in there.”
From their spot under his chin, Gia chanced a look at him. Floyd was still stroking the back of their head. They were crying in the arms of a merman with a sudden interest in shellfish. Behind them still lay the unconscious Ignihyde boy they’d tried to beat to death not five minutes ago. It occurred to Gia that surreal couldn’t possibly begin to describe what was going on right now.
“…Am I the lobster or something..?”
Floyd shrugged as if admitting pep talks were painfully not his thing, “Lobsters, shrimps. Both decapods.” He pressed his hand down on their head, guiding them back to him. It made them feel small.
They didn’t fight as he shifted their legs over his thigh and closer to him.
“Point is…You’re a tough little shrimp and you like it that way, but this shell's too old for you now. You’ll smother yourself if you don’t break out sooner or later.”
Gia knew a thing or two about lobsters, too. Lobsters didn’t come out of their old shells with a new one intact. A recently molten lobster was soft, tender— and highly vulnerable to a watchful predator.
They were all but giving Floyd the go-ahead to sink his teeth when he already had them in his jaws. Whatever he was looking at them with, it wasn't concern. His eyes were not soft. His were sharp, hunting eyes.
“Why are you doing this, Floyd?” Gia heard themself ask. The answer wouldn’t matter. Their arms were already around his neck.
“It's your lucky day, Shrimpy. Think of it as grace from the benevolence of the Sea Witch.” He chuckled as he curled himself around him, resting his chin on their shoulder. “And I’m in the mood to carry it through.”
“Ha.” Gia guessed it meant to be a laugh, but it was brittle and fragile and cracked and soon— nothing more than a cascade of sobs.
Somewhere along the line, between where Gia’s cries waned into a silent weeping, Floyd started humming. He cradled them, though accurately speaking it was more that he had them propped against him.
So Gia stared out into a place far beyond where they lay wilted in his arms as his melody moved through them. A comforting, lulling sweetness he carried achingly well. They’d never heard it before, but in its notes they caught a timbre of nostalgia.
It was only through sheer luck— or maybe the unfortunate fact that Gia’s body was too-well trained against the notion of sleep— that they caught themself nodding off with a jolt.
He replied with another hum. Low with an undercurrent of disappointment.
To call it a glare would’ve been giving it too much credit, but whatever it was Gia did their best to fix it on him, “What is that?”
Floyd dipped back into his song long enough for Gia to think he chose to ignore them before saying, “You don’t like it?” Gia hadn’t noticed he was gently rocking them until he stopped to return their gaze. He knew the answer and let it show, smug as ever.
“Mama used to sing it to me and Jade as kids when we got upset.” He said, “It sounds way better underwater. You should come listen to it. I’d be happy to sing it for you again…if I feel like it then, anyway.”
“Right.” Against every fiber in the shriveled husk of their being, Gia sat up. “You enjoyed this way too much.”
“Listening to you cry?” Floyd laughed, “No. Not really.”
Gia thought about lobsters again. Soft ones. They closed their eyes and took a deep breath. The air was cool coming in. Colder coming out. When Gia opened them, they set their sights directly into his eye. The golden right one. “I’m paying you back. How?”
What they got was a low whistle, “Back on it again, huh? You’re a regular ice maiden.” Floyd giggled as he swiped a knuckle over their cheek, “Even if you’re still a bit leaky.”
Gia didn’t look away from him. “Unless it’s for free,” they pressed.
“Eh-heh! You wish.” A pause. Then, “A month.”
He clamped his hand down on their head and roughly ruffled their hair, which did nothing to soothe the throbs assaulting Gia’s temples. Floyd looked hungry with the moonlight caught in his teeth, “You do as I say for a month and I say: You're workin’ at the Lounge.”
Gia expected an anemone to sprout from where Floyd removed his hand. It didn’t, but their headache morphed into a full-on migraine. A month at the Lounge.
They felt a twitch at the corner of their lip and huffed, dropping their focus towards the ground between their legs.
There it was. The puncture of teeth. They had to hand it to him— the guy knew an easy catch when he saw one. And this one did him the added favor of shucking itself for him. A soft little lobster, indeed.
Gia wanted to get angry. They couldn’t. Crying, as it turned out, was dangerously exhausting.
Had Floyd considered that, too?
“Got stuff going on with the SDC. Make room for me to deal with that first or take it up with Vil and Crowley.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Floyd sighed, stretching long and towards the sky. Satisfied with the pops he elicited, he leaned back on his elbows. His eyes fluttered closed, content to bask in the starlight. That was easy.
Gia guessed it made sense for a hunter to know their place on the food chain.
They reached into their pants pocket for their phone. It hadn’t rung, so it was safe to say no one noticed they’d snuck out of their own dorm yet. Grim probably still snoring away in bed. It was past two in the morning.
Gia turned to look at the Ignihyde boy. Blood poured down his nose, now pointing at a new angle. They watched for a few seconds until they were sure of the rise and fall of his chest. Something that should’ve been done earlier, but better late than never or whatever. They weren’t angry at him. Not anymore. Still, Gia wasn’t inclined to care much either.
You never learn.
Whether it was their own voice or their mother’s, they couldn’t tell. Regret didn’t sound all that different between them.
Gia stood, giving a few stretches of their own as they ran through what to do with the guy. Fights weren’t anything recent and though Gia knew Crowley turned a blind eye to them handling their problems in however way they saw fit, this…might be overstepping.
This wasn’t a fight for their life when someone hit overblot or a simple scuffle with some jackass. This was, plainly put, an outright murder attempt. They didn’t care about the boy, but this definitely would be grounds for expulsion, right?
You never learn.
They stared at the sack of bones, three-fourths considering turning one of the rooms at Ramshackle into a makeshift dungeon when Floyd interrupted the thought.
Gia glanced at him, expecting Floyd to be looking at them, but his eyes were still closed. “There?”
He nodded lazily then said, “I’ll take him to Octavinelle, no problemo.”
A wave of throbbing around their skull. Oh, great. Another debt. “I’ll figure it out.”
At this, Floyd frowned and peeked up at them through a single eye. His green one. “We made a deal. I’m taking a month.”
Gia blinked. “That was…I thought that was for—” For what? Was he talking about finding the boy? Was body disposal included? They gestured at the general area of their meltdown.
“Noooo. That’s for the minnow over there.”
“…Then what about…?” Gia pointed at the wet stains on his shirt.
Methodically, Floyd made his way onto his feet. “I told you.” He said as he stood to full height, “I was in the mood. You’re not taking my kindness for granted, are ya?”
Gia felt wrung out, they were too tired to fight him on their sentence at the Lounge— but they couldn’t leave him with a loose end to tie their noose with. They’d messed up too much already. Gia stood their ground. “Running a charity now?”
Though he smiled, a shadow crossed over Floyd, his right eye glowing sharper.
“Alright,” He reached out to flick one of the stubborn strands of hair sticking out from the top of Gia’s head. “You’re too fun to let you go out all ‘woe is me.’ Doesn’t suit you. You still gotta looooong way to go before your time’s up.”
Blackmail. Gia thought. Blackmail for sure.
He breezed by them, stalking towards the not-corpse, “Don’t let me down, okay?”
Gia watched as he considered the boy on the ground for a moment. Then without a trace of effort, haul him up by his shirt before throwing him on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. For a beanpole, the dude was wickedly strong.
Gia’s arms rose to hug themself as if with a mind of their own. It wasn’t the same. They turned on their heel and returned to Ramshackle Dorm.
tag list: @cyanide-latte @inmateofthemind @simons-twsted-children @tixdixl @blithesharem @thehollowwriter
@jovieinramshackle @theleechyskrunkly @skriblee-ksk @boopshoops @the-trinket-witch (lmk if you wanna be added)
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oathofoaksart · 7 months
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sandwich a la speedster
Perching her head on interlaced fingers, Lei watched Wally line his knife across the top of his sandwich.
He kept making microscopic adjustments to the blade, his tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth from the effort. One millimeter left, two right. Finally after a few more rounds of the kitchen hokey-pokey, Lei said, “Oh my God, Wally. Cut it.”
“Almooost…” Wally kept his eyes still fixed on his sandwich, but didn’t move any faster than he had been.
Lei gestured vaguely at the set up strewn over the kitchen counter– half a fridge’s worth of ingredients she was pretty sure weren’t meant to be together. “You could’ve been done ages ago.”
“We’re not going anywhere,” Wally said, finally sawing through the first layer of his triple decker. “And I happen to like the process.”
“Well.” Lei snipped without any real fire, “Like the process faster.”
He laughed and sucked a bit of mustard off his thumb, his sandwich now cut perfectly down the middle. “There’s merit in taking things slow, y’know, have a little respect for the art.”
“It’s three meats on rye.”
“It’s the human experience.” Wally said with a gleam in his eye.
“Oh-kay.” She flicked a strand of hair over her shoulder, but she didn’t hide the lacing laughter in her tone.
“Our ancestors have been stacking stuff between baked pieces of grain since the dawn of civilization.” He said, tapping the counter in emphasis, “Every sandwich is our connection to our forebearers. Our history. Our…”
Wally looked out somewhere beyond Lei’s head, but judging by his faltering expression he’d exhausted his muse.
“Essence of life.” Lei suggested.
“Essence of life.” Wally agreed as he wrapped a half of his sandwich in a plastic sheet– taking care of folding it neatly– before handing it to her.
“I’m out of gold leaf.” He said when she hesitated, “Sorry, Miss I’ve-Got-A-Personal-
Lei rolled her eyes and snatched it from his hand, spinning the seat of her chair as to turn her back on him. She shot a smile over her shoulder, “It’s two personal Michelin chefs and their respective crews, thank you.”
“Oh, gee. My bad.” He said around a mouthful.
Lei studied her half of the sandwich. It didn’t look half-bad. Sandwiches weren't her go-to food the way it was for Wally– who swore up and down were acceptable for all three meals of the day– but she’d been forced to miss lunch earlier.
That was the excuse she gave herself when she took a sniff, quickly followed by a bite. She hummed appreciatively, turning back around to face Wally.
“I’ll eat it if you don’t want it.” He said, reaching out for it, only for his response to be a swift slap of his hand. “Ow?” Wally clamped his sandwich between his teeth, rubbing at the sting.
“Don’t be dramatic.” Lei said quickly, making sure she took another extra big bite. She was hungrier than she thought she’d been and she didn’t like how Wally thought she was too good for ‘normal’ food.
He was right, of course, but she didn’t like him thinking she wouldn’t take something he gave her.
And, honestly, it wasn’t a bad sandwich. A little heavy-handed on the mustard and she wasn’t a fan of the brown flecks on the lettuce. Cheddar wasn’t her favorite cheese. But all in all, she could almost say she liked it.
“Alright, West.” She said, “Maybe you have something there.”
He snorted. By some miracle —likely because he still hadn’t found a way to safely dislocate his jaw— Wally hadn’t stuffed his half into his mouth. “Jimmy John’s would go to war with Subway for me.”
“I meant your little ‘human connection’ thing.” Lei peeled away more of the plastic from her sandwich, surprised she’d already eaten half way through it. “I can’t remember the last time someone made a sandwich for me for the sake of it. It’s nice.”
Wally swallowed with a little more effort than Lei was comfortable with. He lifted up his remaining bite in the air, it took Lei a minute to realize he was proposing a toast, “May our bread be the foundation of a greater We…Bologna, an extension of our heartstrings…and the weird, kinda green thing that was chillin’ in the back of the pantry our bond that lives through time.”
Lei closed her eyes, choosing to ignore that little tidbit. She lifted her own remaining piece of dinner. It wasn’t much smaller than Wally’s. “Hallelu.”
They tapped their bites and ate.
it’s the way i’ve had this sketch for over a year. and it let it be known lei expects wally to make her sandwiches from then on.
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omaano · 4 months
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It's his day to join the Hades AU! Happy Cody Day!!
""This weapon is your life" is what my general often said to lecture his old padawan during the war, and yet he constantly lost his. The lightsaber and his cloak... The things might be cursed. Not as much as yours, though." "Please keep that thing far away from my kid."
Rex from down the hall: "Stop trolling the shiny as a way to cope, Cody!"
Cody: "I have nothing to cope with, this is just for fun. The Darksaber is definitely cursed and you know it."
Rex: "Oh yeah, it definitely is. Sorry kid."
Din is still trying to figure out how he counts as a "shiny" here
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Backgrounds, as per usual, are screenshots from my latest attempts at a run in the Hades game. All I can do is add more pocket characters, I'm not gonna redraw the whole set TT^TT (but look, Din is holding a handful of green and brown pixels now!)
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sundrop-writes · 5 months
Missing You
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Gar Logan x Fem!Reader x Jason Todd
Gar misses his two best friends. When he calls the two of you, he certainly doesn’t expect to find you in such a… compromising situation.
Gar Logan x Fem!Reader x Jason Todd. Accidental Voyeurism. Smut. Canon Divergent AU of Season 2.
Word Count: 2,800
DC Titans Masterlist | AO3 Link
THIS IS A RE-POST. This is a fic from my old blog (a blog that was shadowbanned, forcing me to move). This fic is not stolen, it is completely mine, and I am just re-posting it to help people find my new blog, and to make my masterlist complete when I post new fics for this fandom.
Detailed warnings and author’s notes below the cut.
Warnings: there is a lot of Gar/Jason (emotionally and sexually), dubious consent - Gar listens to the reader and Jason having sex without their consent (but they don’t mind when they do find out), invasion of privacy (but again, they don’t mind it), would this be considered eavesdropping?, accidental voyeurism (and then on purpose voyeurism), Gar masturbates while listening to Jason and the reader have sex over a FaceTime call but Jason and the reader don’t know Gar is listening, Gar feels slightly guilty about being horny in this situation, lots of dirty talk, Jason is more dominant, reader is definitely submissive, Gar is (slightly?) submissive (though he is not ‘involved’ for most of the sex act), the reader uses she/her pronouns and has a vagina (though she is not really the ‘center’ of this fic), Jason has a filthy mouth, p in v sex (between Jason and reader) - actually protected sex this time (which is a surprise for my fics) (it’s my headcanon that Jason is a big proponent for condoms/safe sex), degradation kink (towards the reader), terms used to describe the reader: slutty/slut, cocksleeve, hole, fucktoy/toy, cumdump, good girl; slightly possessive Jason (but it’s clear that he doesn’t mind sharing with Gar), spanking (very light, no severe pain kink) - mention of clit spanking, mention of orgasm restriction, mentions of sexting/sending nudes. I believe that’s everything.
A/N: This is a repost. Again, to complete my Titans Masterlist on this blog. I did some tweaking to it, but it is still mostly the same. So if you have read it before, I hope you enjoy it. And if it’s your first time reading it, I hope you like it again.
The concept of butt-dailing was something that still mystified Gar. 
He understood why it was a thing in the 2000s, sure. A time when people’s phones still had tactile buttons on them, when you could sit on your phone in your back pocket and start pressing things by accident. But these days? Why was the term even still used? 
How can you call someone by accident? How can you have an entire phone conversation with someone by mistake? 
On that day, it hadn’t been Jason that called him - no, Gar was the one calling Jason. 
Gar hated to admit it, but he was fucking lonely. He had a soft heart and if he went too long without talking to his friends, without hearing their laughter, then he wilted like an unwatered plant. It wasn’t something that he ever said aloud, but it was something that was very easy to tell for the people who were closest to him. 
So Jason had taken to calling him on a regular basis. And ironically, because of it, the two had actually grown a lot closer in the Robin’s absence. 
Their friendship bloomed because of the long, late-night phone calls where Jason’s tired voice mumbled things to Gar as he fell asleep, admitting things about his past and the pain he sometimes felt that he never would have told anyone else. And they often spent hours on Discord calls as they kicked ass together playing COD or some other stupid game like Mount Your Friends. Even though on that day the Tower was practically empty, Gar found himself missing Jason the most. 
Ever since you had gone to Gotham to visit Jason, Gar’s other closest friend abandoning him, Gar had practically gone mad with loneliness. Rachel was off on a ‘girls trip’ with Donna, Dawn, and Kory, and Dick was attending some kind of ‘League’ business. Hank was leading a ‘be a better you’ sobriety seminar in another city, and Gar still found himself feeling like an outsider when hanging out with Rose and Jericho. 
So where did that leave him? 
Alone in his room, sprawled out on his bed. 
He had thumbed over Jason’s contact in his phone several times before he actually decided to put in his earbuds and give the guy a call. Surely his best friend wouldn’t consider him needy after the three hour long timestamps on their other calls. If Jason was busy, Gar could simply find something else to entertain himself. He could probably best his Resident Evil speedruns. Again. 
But selfishly, he was hoping Jason would pick up and talk to him for a while. Maybe you would be lounging around with Jason and he would get to talk to the both of you. That would be really nice. 
When the FaceTime call was answered on the other end, the screen was dark. Gar thought for a moment that Jason was just busy - that he was pressing his phone to his chest until he could get into another room to take the call. But for a few moments, all he heard was deep breathing, some grunting. The sound of Jason training? 
He was definitely inside Jason’s pocket. 
See, Jason hadn’t even noticed the incoming call. He had his phone on silent, and he had answered it completely by mistake. Turns out, the rapid, rhythmic thrusting of his hips had somehow successfully pressed the ‘answer’ button, even with the phone shoved deep in his back pocket. 
And Jason wasn’t really in a position to have a friendly, ‘let’s chat about COD’ video chat with his best friend. 
He was balls-deep inside of you. With his thick, hard cock out through the zipper of his pants with his phone still inside of his back pocket. He was thrusting into you where you were face down on his bed, on your knees exactly how he wanted you. 
It was a huge part of the reason you had come to visit him. The two of you had been fooling around for as long as you had known each other, and you couldn’t seem to go for very long without fucking the other person. It brought you both relief from your stressful vigilante lifestyle, and it was the best sex either of you ever had. Not that any of your friends knew that you had a ‘thing’ going on, of course. 
Gar was about to hang up the call, believing that he had caught Jason at a bad time and realizing that the guy didn’t even know his phone was on. But he froze completely still when he heard it. 
“Fuck, babe, take my cock.” Jason groaned, his voice absolutely thick with sex. “Fucking take it.” 
It was something that instantly made Gar tremble, made blood rush to his cock as he heard his friend’s voice in a way that he never had before. The sound was rough in his headphones, distant and not nearly as pure as it would have been in person. But it made Gar’s blood run hot in seconds, made him so turned on so quickly that he became dizzy. 
Gar’s hand itched to reach down and grip his cock through his pants, but he knew that he shouldn’t. He knew it was wrong. He should just hang up the call and hope that Jason never saw it in his call history. The longer he stayed there and listened, the more suspicious the timestamp would look in the call history if Jason ever saw it. 
But Gar was frozen in his tracks when he heard something that absolutely made his head spin. 
“Yes!” It was your voice. “Fuck, I fucking love your cock. I’m just a slutty little cocksleeve for you, Jay!” 
High pitched and needy, moaning out - it was you. You, screaming those entirely pornographic words, followed by a deep grunt from Jason. 
Gar let out a sharp breath. It hadn’t occurred to him who Jason might be fucking. Or that he was fucking someone at all, and that he wasn’t just alone, fucking his own hand. 
Gar almost couldn’t believe that this was happening. The two people that he had been attracted to for so long now, playing out an epic sex fantasy for his own ears. He knew that it was so horribly wrong, but he probably wouldn’t have hung up the call if someone had pointed a gun to his head. 
“Yeah, you are.” Jason replied, his voice slightly obscured from the phone being in his pocket. “You’re my perfect slut. Such a good fucktoy, aren’t you, Y/N?” 
Jason saying your name with such a deep, possessive need, paired with the way he spoke so confidentially - it forced Gar to imagine how long the two of you had been in a relationship like this. How long the two of you had been playing around behind everyone’s backs to know each other’s kinks so well without crossing any boundaries. Even with his brain so lust-clouded, his thoughts flashed through all of the times you and Jason had snuck off together, or made lame excuses to go to bed early when Jason had still been living at the Tower. 
Gar was upset that he hadn’t found out about this sooner. His brain conjured up a fantasy of him sneaking into Jason’s room late at night, and seeing you on your knees for his best friend. He easily imagined Jason inviting him to stay, telling Gar what a slut you were, how much you would love to have two guys at once. Him and Jason passing you around, your wetness making both of their cocks shine. If you were the ‘fucktoy’ that he claimed you to be, it probably wouldn’t be that far from reality. 
There was a wet, slapping sound - Jason fucking into you harder as you moaned and struggled for breath. 
Gar’s cock pulsed with need. 
Something in the back of his brain screamed that it was wrong and that he needed to hang up, but his cock screamed louder. So he untied the string of his pants with haste and racked them down over his aching balls. Just to be safe, he muted his end of the call so that Jason wouldn’t hear any noises he made. 
(If he had been thinking a bit clearer, he would have realized that any noise he made, especially echoing into Jason’s back pocket, would have simply gotten lost in the haze of sweat and sex that the two of you were making in Jason’s bedroom. But - better safe than sorry, right?) 
In his mind, muting the call seemed even more reasonable when he let out a deep moan the second he took his hard dick into his hand. More beautiful sounds from you and Jason came in through his headphones as he began to jerk himself off. 
“Fucking love how you take my cock, fucking love how this slutty pussy gets so wet for me.”
Jason’s dirty mouth continued as Gar’s hand started a steady rhythm. Gar was already leaking precum that easily slicked him up - he was absolutely dizzy at the sound of Jason’s sex-graveled voice. 
“Just a fucking hole for me to cum in.” Jason growled. “You love it, don’t you? You love being my fucking toy. My fucking cumdump.” 
The pure filth coming out of Jason’s mouth surprised Gar, just as much as his own reaction did. The way his dick jumped in his hand and his lungs released a moan, his tip leaking even more precum at the words. He had no fucking idea that you and Jason were so dirty, that you liked being… degraded so much. Because clearly you loved it, with the wailing moan that you echoed back in response. 
“I love it!” You told Jason, your tone desperate and breathy, worn with sex. “I love being your cumdump. I’m just a hole for you to use!” 
Gar tried to imagine what the two of you might look like in that moment. Were you on your back, your legs spread wide for Jason? Were you completely naked with your tits swaying with his every thrust? Were you on your hands and knees, ass out like a bitch in heat for Jason? 
Gar pumped his cock faster at the thought, his precum making it sound absolutely slick, unrestrained grunts coming from his parted lips as he continued to listen you and Jason fuck. He would feel guilty for this later, but right now, he was absolutely dizzy with lust and needed to hear more. 
“You gonna cum on my cock, slut?” Jason’s voice was sharp, demanding. 
It sounded like Jason was holding back the urge to cum himself and he needed you to get there first. There was a sharp sound - skin hitting skin, higher in pitch and less muffled than the constant pounding of Jason into your cunt. Jason had spanked you. Gar’s orgasm swelled in his belly as he imagined Jason’s hand coming down against your skin, making the fat of your ass bounce or - fuck, Jason’s hand blooming against your wet clit. (Gar hated that he would never know which it actually was.) 
“Be a good girl. Cum for me.” Jason demanded, throat strangling his voice as he drowned in his own arousal. 
And just like that, you dissolved into a fury of sounds. Gar caught you chanting ‘I’m a hole! I’m a hole! I’m a hole!’ as though it was the only thing on your mind, increasing in volume as your orgasm overtook you, but it was muffled after a moment and Gar heard Jason grunt the words ‘shut up’ in the most sharp, dangerous voice he had ever heard from his best friend. 
Gar’s mind was immediately struck with the picture of Jason’s hand on the back of your head, shoving you into the bed to quiet your whorish moaning, and this was what sent him over the edge. His stomach curled so hard that it practically made him nauseous, his body drawing up off the bed as he pumped his cock hard and fast. He pumped himself dry as cum splashed up over his (thankfully) naked stomach and dirtied him in hot, white waves. 
Gar’s body was still trembling when he heard Jason rattle out a shuddering moan, a sure sign that he was cumming too. 
Gar should have rushed to end the call. 
But it seemed impossible to move at this point - his bones were practically made out of jelly from the intensity of his orgasm. The hand holding the phone had dropped it against his chest, the sound still coming in clear from his earbuds. He was desperate to catch his breath, and his cum still warm against his stomach when he heard it. 
There was a shifting, a rustling sound - fuck, Jason was taking his phone out of his pocket. 
Gar panicked. 
But his orgasm had been so spectacular that it had knocked all the sense out of him, including his usually good reflexes, so he was slow to pick his phone back up. When he did, his heart jumped in his chest when he found Jason staring at him, wearing a wide smirk. 
In the time it had taken Gar to recover, Jason had taken his phone out - with the original purpose to check the time. Alfred always had a very specific time for dinner, and always became cranky if anyone was late. Jason certainly didn’t need anyone to come looking for you and him, seeing the compromising position that you found yourselves in. 
Jason was surprised when he found the call with Gar going. And once he had checked the timestamp on the still ongoing call, he immediately knew what had happened. 
“Did you enjoy the show?” Jason said, his voice slightly rough from the sex, but entirely confident, unshaken. 
“Uh - I - I -” Gar stuttered. 
When Jason saw his lips moving and didn’t hear any sound, he quickly spoke up. 
“Unmute the call, dickhead.” Jason told him, giving a small chuckle with the offensive, affectionate nickname. 
Right. Gar had muted it to participate in his perverted voyeurism. 
As Gar reached up to find the button, he realized his hand was still covered in cum. 
Jason licked his lips as he saw substance smeared all over Gar’s palm and saw his friend reaching for tissues off to the side. As Gar raced to clean off his hand, you appeared behind Jason’s shoulder in the frame of the call. You were wearing a bra, your skin slightly slicked with sweat and tear tracks coming off the side of your eyes - clearly from pleasure and not from pain. 
“You had Gar on a FaceTime call?” Your tone was a breathy giggle, clearly not at all upset at the idea that your friend had been listening in on you being fucked and called degrading names. “Kinky. Did you call him while you were putting the condom on?” 
Gar unmuted the call with his now clean(er) hand, but waited in silence for you and Jason to finish your conversation. He was surprised that you didn’t seem to care; that you seemed to think it was some kind of pre-planned kink that Jason had executed. Gar’s stomach twisted at the thought of it, that you and Jason had discussed inviting another person into your sex life and you were more than okay with it being Gar. 
“Don’t worry your pretty little head about it.” Jason told you. “Go get cleaned up for dinner.” 
You simply nodded, and leaned in to give Jason a kiss - a soft, gentle sight that was entirely arousing in contrast to the rough, filthy sex that Gar knew the two of you just had. It was even more arousing when you walked out of frame and Gar heard another spank to your bare skin (clearly you weren’t wearing bottoms) - and heard you let out a delighted squeak in response. 
“Look, I can explain-” Gar began his groveling, but Jason quickly cut him off. 
“Quiet.” Jason said, his tone taking on a kind of authority that made Gar’s stomach jump. “Next time this happens, we get to watch you cum, or you don’t get to cum at all. Got it?” 
Gar’s cock was quickly filling with blood again at Jason speaking to him this way, so boldly, making sexual demands over his body. His mouth was dry and lost for words so he simply nodded in response. He opened his mouth to attempt to speak - to apologize, to ask for clarity, to ask Jason when ‘the next time’ would be. 
But now that Jason had Gar’s simple affirmation, he hung up the call. 
Gar - unable to help himself - stretched an arm out and took a picture of his half hard cock and his shirtless body, still covered in his cum. He hesitated to send it, though. After a long mental debate in the shower, it came back to his phone sitting on his nightstand, and sent it to Jason with a caption that read ‘I really did enjoy the show’. 
It pinged Jason’s phone when he was sitting at the dinner table with you and Bruce. And as he looked at it under the table, he choked on his peas.
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tenpintsofsundrop · 1 year
Stop? (Baby, Don't Stop)
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Sub!Gar Logan x Dom!Fem!Reader Smut Blurb
Concept: Gar can't say no to you. But he can't bring himself to see that as a problem.
Word Count: 1,800
Titans Masterlist | AO3 Link
If you want to be notified whenever I post a new fic, make sure to follow my library blog @sundropslibrary and turn on notifications there.
List of detailed warnings and author's notes below the cut.
Warnings: spoilers for Titans S1, S2, and S3 if you haven’t seen the show before and want to watch it unspoiled, this is set during S3 when the Titans are staying at Wayne Manor, passing mentions of Gar’s trauma (him being killed during Trigon, him being kidnapped by Cadmus, his parents’ death), dom/sub dynamics - Gar is more submissive and the reader is more dominant, the reader calls Gar ‘baby boy’, the reader and Gar have an implied pre-established relationship, Gar (kind of) goes into subspace but it’s not explicitly mentioned or described as such, the reader has a vagina, penis in vagina sex, the reader rides Gar, overstimulation - the reader rides Gar through his orgasm and overstimulates him, possibly dubcon - the reader oversimulates Gar when he is not expecting it and he’s in a murky headspace but he does enjoy it and it’s stated in the narrative that he does not want it to stop (hence, the title), finger sucking (Gar sucks on the reader’s finger), unprotected sex, sloppy sex, hopefully that is everything. Just know that this is in line with my usual brand of filth.
A/N: One of my favourite smut tropes (kinks?) is riding a guy through his orgasm and overstimulating him - vastly underutilized. And I randomly got thinking about this + Gar this morning, so have this. I missed my green haired boyfriend, so there will definitely be more smut with him coming soon (I am thinking some stuff with virgin!Gar maybe? let me know what you think of that idea lmao)
Gar was someone who had experienced a lot of hardship in his life. 
His parents dying when he was still so young, him suddenly having a set of metahuman powers that he wasn’t prepared for - powers that he was kind of terrified of and definitely didn’t know how to use responsibly. Him literally being murdered by his dearest friends while they were under mind control, and then being brought back again and having to heal from the mental and physical injuries. The severe medical torture and resulting mental shitshow that Cadmus had put him through. 
It was a lot to have to push down during everyday life, having to pretend he was okay - having to put up a front for everyone else when they simply assumed that he was. 
But there were a lot of times when he could forget about all that. Times when he wasn’t actively suppressing his trauma because you made things okay - because you distracted him in the absolute best ways. Times when he thought that literally everything in life was just perfect. And most of those times were when you were on top of him like this. 
He would consider this nothing short of literal heaven. 
The feeling of your sweet, wet cunt clenching down on him as he laid flat on his back, splayed out on one of the many luxurious beds of Wayne Manor. 
(“You need to relax.” You had told him, taking him by the hand and dragging him into the random bedroom. “You’re worrying way too much about everyone else right now. Someone needs to take care of you.”) 
And while he had not at all put up any physical resistance against you, pliant under your touch as usual, that conversation had originally started out as him protesting against your thesis. He had told you that: no, he was worrying just the right amount about everyone else, that they needed him. But his protests had quickly died down when you shoved him back onto the bed and drowned out his voice with your tongue. 
Gar always had a very hard time saying no to you. 
He wasn’t sure if it was selfishly motivated. From the outside looking in, others probably say that it was. Considering that he was a guy, and you were just as horny as him - he never felt the need to say no to you. Especially considering the fact that he had never felt a greater sensation than that of your wet pussy surrounding his cock. 
And usually with the promise of that dangling over his head, you had gotten him to do a great number of compromising things, both minuscule and potentially life changing. Or perhaps it was because you were the sweetest little vixen that had captured his heart. And any time you batted your eyes and asked him to do something in that sweet voice, you might as well have been casting a spell on him. 
And he knew that it wasn’t just a weak spot he had for you. 
You had worked that magic on Conner and Jason before. Gar was actively working under the firm belief that if you simply approached Jason and asked him to stop killing people nicely please, then he would take off the Red Hood mask and surrender himself politely, no questions asked. 
But all of that was the farthest thing from his mind as you bounced on his cock. 
With your hands sitting on his shoulders, your nails digging into his bare skin. His shirt had been lost at some point while his pants were shucked off around his ankles and caught up against his shoes. But he could barely even focus on his lack of nakedness or your own because he was obsessively caught in the feeling of your cunt warmly hugging around his hard cock. 
Though he was slightly wishing that your shirt was off, but far too pussy drunk to simply reach out and lift it off so he could enjoy the sway of your tits in his face without obstruction. 
You were a perfect wet vice around him, leaking wetness down over his heavy balls and smearing it up over his stomach as you bounced. And all Gar could really do was take a gentle hold on your hips and appreciate the ride. His face was absolutely knit with pleasure in a way that made you giggle with delight, watching his almost caveman-like expression of tight brows and a heavy set jaw as he stared at the place where you were joined with utterly intense concentration. 
You had never seen a prettier man in all your days - those big brown eyes entirely rapt with pleasure, soft lips and a glisten of sweat across his skin that made you even more intent on ruining him. 
“You gonna cum for me, baby boy?” Your voice laced around the words, breathy yet so commanding, so strong, holding the power over him as you always did. 
It was enough to send a rumble through Gar’s chest, a sharp echo of pleasure from your words. 
That was the sacred question. 
Of course, Gar never wanted it to end. Ultimately, he just wanted to stay like this forever - buried deep in your sweet cunt, feeling that intense warmth hugging him, having your perfect scent surrounding him and having every worry in the world pushed out of his brain. 
But he did feel all the telltale signs - that almost painful tingle in his balls and that deep twisting in his gut that told him it was going to he over too soon. He was going to cum for you, just like he always did. 
All he could gather in response was a choked off grunt. But you knew his language well enough by now - you knew him when he was swimming this deep in pleasure, and you certainly didn’t need words. You knew it just by the expression on his face, the growing look of tight-knit desperation, the gentle whimpers that began to escape his lips. 
Something so enticing that it caused you to run a thumb along his bottom lip, finding the curve of his mouth to be all too pretty when he let out those sweet little sounds. Naturally, he drew the digit inside and began sucking on it, enjoying the tang of your natural skin oils, something that only pushed him closer to the edge. 
Feeling that that sharp whine punched out of his chest, vibrating around your finger only caused you to double down. You bucked your hips harder, riding him with an almost vengeful kick, as though you were trying to push his entire body down through the bed. It was something that caused a loud, pornographic wet smacking to echo through the room - a blatant signal to anyone walking by that the two of you were going at it like rabbits. 
If Gar had any sense left between his ears, he would have been thankful for it being such a large house. He would have been thankful for some sense of privacy. 
Instead, he was totally brainless as the feeling of orgasm overtook his body. His mouth went wide around your thumb as he released a litany of almost pathetic moans and whimpers and he arched back into the bed, a pure exorcism of pleasure overtaking him. He mindlessly endowed his animal strength onto you - digging his fingers into your hips and forcing you down onto his cock for a few moments, forcing you to still on top of him as he shot his load of hot cum inside of you. 
This caused a few hot moans from your lips, nothing but pure enjoyment as you watched the radical pleasure rock him. 
It was such an intense orgasm that it made his muscles seize and jump, it easily made his balls ache. By the time his cock had spurted those last bits of cum into you, he thought that his dick would willfully go limp and fall out of you, being just as tired as he was as he collapsed back onto the bed. But he was still semi-hard and throbbing inside your pussy, tingling with overstimulation as you unconsciously clenched around him. 
You leaned down to his panting lips, sealing him in a hot kiss. 
Gar let out a strangled shriek when you began bouncing your hips again. 
A shockwave of hot pin needles flew up his body from the point where you were joined, erratic hot overstimulation overtaking him. His cock forcefully filled with blood again as you clenched down on him harder. Clearly, you were gaining some thrill out of feeling the extra slickness of his cum sliding between the two of you, out of hearing just how wet your thrusts were now. 
Gar let out another sharp whine and moved his very limp hands back to your hips. In his mind, it was an attempt to shove you off him, to take a fucking breath. But his fingers only dug into your flesh harder and pulled you down onto his cock with force when he felt a particular hot streak of pleasure flare up through his gut. It was almost against his will - but your pussy was just too fucking good. 
“Too much.” He moaned out weakly, a hot puff against your lips, the first thing he had said in an hour of more. “‘s too much.” 
You found the way he slurred the words to be entirely adorable - as though he was quite literally drunk on your pussy. The wide gape of his mouth, trying to draw in breath as you continued to punch it out of him, and the tears pricking the edges of his eyes only made it more beautiful. 
“Do you want me to stop?” You asked, slightly breathless yourself. 
You continued to slam your hips down on his cock, over and over again planting yourself in that filthy puddle of your mixed cum. 
It was a traitorous question. 
It was too much of a strain on his body, but it was everything he wanted. He was breathless and brainless and nothing else in the world existed except for your wet cunt squeezing his aching cock, your natural smell filling the world around him, the hot press of your tits against his chest. 
The word ‘stop’ didn’t seem to be in his vocabulary. 
He let out a strained choking sound, and found himself unconsciously bucking up into you - he found himself enjoying the painful sting that ran through him. Tears leaked from his eyes, and when you reached up to wipe them away, you gave him one last thoughtful sentiment. 
“Tell me to stop and I will.” You whispered quietly against his cheek. 
But it seemed that you already knew what his answer would be. 
Gar put a hand on your back, cradling you close, shoving his face in your neck and breathing in that perfect aroma of your sweat. 
You ground your hips down into him, creating nothing but a filthy wet ache. He choked on a moan and found himself holding you still once again so he could fuck up into you harder. 
“Please.” He moaned weakly against your skin. “Please, don’t stop.”
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uselessmicrowave · 1 year
Tfa Wreck-Gar, JetTwins(poly, if it's okay), Blitzwing and Shockwave with gn human s/o that in needing praise, headcanons, please? ///I don't mind if it would be as kink///
Ughh badly imagining how it should look like but...
sorry, I couldn’t really come up with anything for the jettwins :(
Wreck Gar
Will happily give you praise and positive affirmations! Sometimes he needs to be prompted to do so.
He’ll hold you close to his spark and tell you whatever you want or need to hear. Everything that comes out of his intake is true.
Nsfw headcanon- He uses you as a pillow from time to time- he’ll mumble praises with his faceplates against you, there’s a 50/50 chance that it might lead to spicy things.
Icy loves to see you blush… It’s like a drug to him. This mech will smother you in compliments.
Random is a lot like Icy in this remark, it’s just that Random’s a bit more weirdly poetic about this.
Nsfw headcanon- He doesn’t really like to talk while interfacing, but part of the aftercare is kissing at your face and telling you how you did so well.
He knows you want praise so badly, he’s an aft though and he’ll wait until you ask for it directly.
Shockwave will set you down in front of him and make eye to optic contact while softly praising you. He loves to see you squirm and knows exactly what his words do to you.
Nsfw headcanon- He’ll tie you up (or pin you down) and try to make you c/m with just his praise alone. You’ll get the help of a vibrator (on a very low setting) if you’re lucky. Trust me, he can and will wait until his words take effect on you.
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kov-nyn · 8 months
I was thinking about Clone Wars modern AU nonsense and how it's hard to incorporate too many clone characters without either leaning into the idea that they're just a huge, close-knit family who all look remarkably alike, or just pretending they're a bunch of unrelated characters and ignoring the fact that they all look practically identical. Like, as if you completely recast a TV show with Star Wars characters and 90% of them were clones.
That's when a thought struck me: CLONE THEATER.
Say the clones learned about movies and plays and stuff, but it's difficult for them to get access to media because of Bullshit Rules. So they carefully hide and share what little bits of it they can get their hands on until eventually they decide "Hey, why don't we make our own fucking plays and movies and shit?"
There's downtime during hyperspace travel, and these boys don't like to sit idly. They write and cast and perform stories themselves to entertain and occupy themselves. Sometimes they film them with helmet cams and different battalions trade their films with each other.
Production is quality is bottom of the barrel, they have so little material to build sets or do costumes (sometimes the actors just have a piece of flimsi with their character's name taped to their chest but WHATEVER, IT GETS THE JOB DONE) but they make do. Some of the acting and writing is engaging enough that it doesn't even matter.
The content ranges from comedy to tragedy. One company in particular has been doing an increasingly ridiculous episodic soap opera since nearly the start of the war. All kinds of settings and characters, just... they're all played by clones.
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mskenway97 · 3 months
How about Wreck-gar being VERY cuddly to his human?(Soft vore)
well anon, no as you haven't told me specifically which continuity I'm going to take the referent with transformers animated.
Tfa Wreack-gar x fem!human!reader
Specific solutions
Summary: You decided to help Wreck-gar understand humans a little better. By setting example situations, not waiting for you depending on what answers.
Words: 1,181
Warning: soft vore, safe vore, g/t content
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I will put the links of pillowfort and ao3 to publish this application:
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fionajames · 5 months
circus au headcanons
A/N: Hey lovelies, hope your all fantastic! Have some circus au headcanons! Please send requests, I'm desperate. Please!
 Jedi Caravan:
Yoda, ringmaster: short man with long green and white hair, long green and white beard, green eyes and light skin.
Mace, second in command: tall man with brown skin, amber eyes, bald.
Shaak: tall woman with rosey skin, white birthmarks that look markings, long blue and white hair, yellow eyes. Aunt or some decent relation of Ahsoka.
Kit: man with long, afro green hair, dark eyes, dark skin.
Ki-Adi: man with light skin, blue eyes, bald.
104th Caravan
Plo: man with dark skin, short black hair, amber eyes.
Wolffe: boy with short black hair, one brown eye one robotic grey eye, tan skin.
Sinker: boy with short black hair, brown eyes, tan skin.
Comet: boy with short black hair, brown eyes, tan skin.
Boost: boy with short black hair, brown eyes, tan skin.
212th Caravan
Obi-Wan: man with ginger hair, ginger beard, light freckled skin, blue eyes
Cody: boy with short black hair, brown eyes, tan skin, scar on forehead
Waxer: usual appearance (i forgot)
Boil: usual appearance (i forgot)
Trapper: boy with short black hair, brown eyes, tan skin.
501st Caravan
Anakin: boy with medium length brown hair, blue eyes, light skin, scar over right eye.
Ahsoka: girl with orangey-tan skin, cream marking-like birthmarks, blue eyes, braided blue and white hair
Rex: boy with blonde buzzcut, tan skin, brown eyes
Jesse: boy with brown eyes, tan skin, bald
Fives: boy with brown eyes, tan skin, short black hair
Echo: boy with brown eyes, tan skin, short black hair
Tup: boy with brown eyes, tan skin, long black hair
Hardcase: boy with brown eyes, tan skin, bald
Members of other Caravans (only a few, doesn’t include all members.)
Depa: woman with long brown hair, brown eyes, olive skin
Caleb: boy with short brown hair, brown eyes, light skin
Cal: boy with scruffy ginger hair, blue eyes, light freckled skin
Jaro: man with short purple hair, dark skin, purple eyes
Barris: girl with long braided black hair, charcoal skin, green eyes, black freckles
Luminara: woman with short black hair, charcoal skin, green eyes, black freckles
Okay so, basically, the Republic’s circus (idk) is being funded by a wealthy man named Sheev Palpatine. Secretly, Palpatine is not only funding, but in charge of the Separatists’ circus. 
Most droids are in the Circus au, usually either horses, dogs or occasionally cats. 
A man named Jango Fett had a very large family with lots of sons and cousins and one daughter. No one knows why there are so many boys.
All the family apart from Jango and the youngest generation died, and then so did Jango, leaving them all orphaned. At that time, the circus was coming through their town, so many of them joined.
Most circus members are orphans or runaways.
Luminara and Barriss are probably very distantly related, same with Shaak and Ahsoka. 
Younger circus members are apprenticed to older members.
Qui-Gon was killed by a criminal on the run named Maul, who had actually been part of the Separatist circus. He killed Qui-Gon because he was guarding the money box.
A month before that, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan had found Anakin and his mother Shmi. Shmi was very broke and decided her son would have a better life with them.
Padme and the rest of the senate are basically just wealthy people.
Padme and Anakin met two weeks after Qui-Gon adopted him. They meet up whenever they can. The relationship is sort-of-forbidden, very frowned upon because the wealthy people like the circus for entertainment and then think the people are poor and peasants.
Everyone in the circus knows Padme and Anakin are dating, even though they think no one knows. It’s very obvious.
If the Separatists and the Republic are in the same area, fights often break out. People sometimes die, but its more common for people to get seriously injured and leave the circus. 
The Separatists kidnapped Echo as a hostage and everyone thought he ran away but some new Jango-spawn members to the circus, Fives, Rex, Anakin and Ahsoka found him and brought him back.
Ahsoka left the circus at one point for a month after being accused of a robbery the Separatists committed but returned quickly. 
Some of the Jango-spawn (Fox, Thorn, Thire, etc) work for Palpatine as his guards, cause he’s a rich bitch.
Some members - if not orphans or runaways - like Anakin were simply given over in hopes of a better life. Ahsoka was one of these, also because her parents feared they weren’t good enough at being parents when she was taken by a mountain lion.
Ahsoka and Shaak come from an Indigenous tribe, and their teeth are more pointed and they still have their fangs. They hunt deer mostly, and cook it over the fire to eat. Their tribe are called Togrutas.
Obi-Wan was an orphan and found by Mace, who took him back to the Circus.
Obi-Wan and Anakin have an acrobatics act, whilst Ahsoka does Equestrian Vaulting. Rex and Cody play music. Jesse, Fives and Hardcase have a comedy act. After the show, a lot of the members busk to get extra money.
Fives and Ahsoka were messing around one day when they stumbled upon the Separatists camp. They were looking around when they saw Palpatine. They rushed back and told Yoda that they were being played.
Yoda cut the deal with Palpatine and made a deal with Bail Organa instead. It later turned out Palpatine was a wanted criminal, and he was sentenced to a life-sentence in a prison far away.
Palpatine’s Guard split, either joining the Republic’s circus or choosing to guard Bail. Bail treated them much, much better. 
Palpatine was also Mayor of the town, so when he was arrested, Bail took his place. Bail made it legal for the circus to marry the richer folk, claiming it was foolish and unkind, for no reason. Secretly, he knew of Padme and Anakin’s relationship, and wanted his best friend to be happy.
A few months later, Padme gave birth to twins. The Circus was still travelling, so Padme convinced Obi-Wan, Ahsoka and Anakin to live at her house part-time. When the circus was close, they lived with the circus. When it was far away, they usually stayed with Padme. Ahsoka managed to convince Rex to do the same.
Anakin revealed that Palpatine had tried to get him to join the Separatists' circus before Fives and Ahsoka had discovered the betrayal. Palpatine had told him he controlled both, and that he would have more money and be closer to Padme if he joined them. However, Anakin hadn’t turned, as he loved his family too much.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed, please send requests!!!
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ramshacklerumble · 23 days
💬 for Gia please!🩵
Alright— maybe not one of Gia’s finest moments.
In their scurry down the stairs to the courtyard, a misstep only registered by a skip in heartbeat sent them sprawling. Pain erupted along their left side. Stinging and sharp down to their bones. Gia pulled together every scrap of willpower they had to scramble back onto their feet.
More footsteps. Not Gia’s. Shouts echoed down from the stairway.
If Gia’s crashing didn’t get them in a frenzy, their scream certainly did.
They only spared a glance at their phone still clutched in their hands to see the call they’d punched in was still patching through— suddenly grateful of the obnoxiously bling-bulky phone case Cater gifted them.
Gia wobbled and they clenched their jaw down so tightly they weren’t sure they’d be able to reply if Ace did picked up the phone. Doubtful. If their attempt at reaching Deuce was any clue, Ace was just as busy in his club's activities to notice calls. They ran.
They tried not to think about how one of the two students chasing them down was wearing a Savanaclaw uniform. What came instead were the memories of National Geographic gazelles and bloody feline maws.
In a scan of the courtyard, Gia caught sight of a straight path towards the basketball court. They cut across the grass. They weren’t going to make it.
“Got’chu.” A powerful hand clasped onto their shoulder, digging into their collarbone. Gia didn’t need to turn around to know it belonged to the student with the worryingly cheetah-like spots on his ears.
They weren’t going to make it to the basketball court— but they did make it to the second, and worst, option.
Gia hit the ground again with only slightly more purpose this time. If their left side was sore, their right was positively livid. They pulled the Savanaclaw student along with them. What followed was a flailing of clawing hands, kicking feet and spitting curses.
Until one simple question cut through the chaos.
“Who. Kicked. Me?”
It was almost comical— magical— how quickly Gia and the other student went stone still. Even if the question sounded a bit winded, it did nothing to lessen the chill skittering up both their spines.
Where he’d previously been napping eagle spread on the grass, Floyd Leech sat rubbing his ribs. Gia felt the sensation of hitting them tingling in their toes and saw the eulogy written on his face.
The cheetah boy opened his jaw to speak, only to leave it to fall wide at seeing a single, silent finger pointed at him.
(this was actually part of the very first thing i’d written for twst— my concentration comes and goes even more whimsically with writing than it does drawing and i didn’t wanna leave this ask to rot. the context was is meant to be the beginnings of what eventually leads to this post.)
taglist: @cyanide-latte @inmateofthemind @simons-twsted-children @tixdixl @blithesharem @thehollowwriter
@jovieinramshackle @theleechyskrunkly @skriblee-ksk @boopshoops @the-trinket-witch @twistedwonderlandshenanigans
@kimikitti (dm to be added)
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clonemando · 13 days
A Kiss a Day in May
Day 27- Playful Kisses
Each day this month I have a 100 word drabble featuring a different clone with a kiss prompt. Not all are romantic and they include all sorts of pairings and relationships. Feel free to offer pairing/ character suggestions for future days.
No one knew who started the competition but every clone knew the rules. If you had a partner who was a Guard then the moment your ship touched ground on Coruscant you were on the clock. Every surprise kiss was a point, bonus points for kisses where a natborn might see you.
As soon as they landed, Wolffe was off like a rocket having used batchmate privileges to get Stone's schedule from Fox. Pouncing him right into a maintenance closet Wolffe delighted in Stone's laughter as he kissed him silly.
"We're still in the lead by two points" he cheered.
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pluckyredhead · 1 year
I know it’s because of a combination of the Teen Titans cartoon’s Apprentice arc and fandom’s general focus on Bats to the exclusion of all other characters, but if you want to write messy, fucked-up fic about Deathstroke and one of the Titans being caught up in a complicated dynamic of loving and hating and desiring and pursuing each other and fucking other people as proxy, it should 100% be Gar, not Dick.
Like. Slade and Dick just fight each other. Gar tried to kill Slade for sleeping with his girlfriend and wound up going on a date with him instead and then became obsessed with him and sometimes they held hands and cried while Slade was grievously injured and then Slade started trying to kill him again out of nowhere and Gar felt really betrayed. Slade and Steve Dayton are like basically wholesome golf buddies for all of the 90s while Gar is slinking around being possessed and wearing a vest with no shirt underneath. There is SO MUCH canon with so many weird dynamics to explore!
And yet there are over 2,000 SlaDick fics on AO3 and only 8 Beaststroke. Pathetic.
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sundrop-writes · 7 months
Sundrop's DC Titans Masterlist
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Stop? (Baby, Don't Stop) - Sub!Gar Logan x Dom!Fem!Reader. Friends with Benefits. Smut/PWP. Gar is stressed out about everyone else's problems, so you get him to de-stress the only way you know how (by riding his dick). (1,800 words.)
Shared Trauma - Sub!Gar Logan x Dom!Fem!Reader. Friends to Lovers. Smut and Angst. Gar is upset after having to kill someone for the first time, and you help distract him from the pain. (3,600 words.)
Miss Nectarine - Donna Troy x Fem!Reader. Friends to Lovers. Smut. Stress has been eating at Donna since the old Titans came back 'home'. She finds the perfect way to relieve that stress when she accidentally walks in on you in a certain compromised situation. (2,600 words.)
The Girl Next Door - Hank Hall x Fem!Reader x Dawn Granger. Neighbours to Lovers. Smut. When you move in across the hall from Dawn and Hank, they immediately become protective of you. When you ask them for advice to help out in your sex life - things spin out of control in the best possible way. (5,600 words.)
Better Than Sleeping - Jason Todd x Fem!Reader. Friends with Benefits. Smut. Jason comes to bother you one night when you're tired from training. It quickly turns into a battle of wills between the two of you. Eventually, much to your annoyance - he wins. (5,300 words.)
Dreaming Of You (Mini Series - Complete) - Gar Logan x Fem!Mute!Powered!Reader. Best Friends to Lovers. Smut and (Slight) Angst. Having a direct window into someone’s mind is not as fun as everyone thinks it might be. You see and hear things that you might not want to. Or things you want to see very, very badly. But in your case, the problem was a delicate mixture of both. (31,300 words.) | Part One | Part Two | Series Masterlist |
Not A Good Time - Gar Logan x GN!Reader. Established Relationship. Smut. Seeing Gar fighting while on a mission makes you hot and bothered, and you can't wait to get him home. (2,000 words.)
Missing You - Gar Logan x Fem!Reader x Jason Todd. Accidental Voyeurism. Smut. Gar calls Jason when he's feeling lonely, and accidentally catches you and his best friend in a very compromising situation. But he can't bring himself to hang up the call. (2,800 words.)
Emergency Contact - Jason Todd x GN!Reader. Enemies/FWB to Lovers. Angst. Hurt and Comfort. (Slight Smut.) After Jason is kidnapped by Deathstroke, you help each other heal, even if he tries pushing you away at first. (10,400 words.)
Tongue Twister - Gar Logan x GN!Reader. Friends to FWB. Smut/PWP. In which you literally try to suck Gar's soul out through his dick. (And you might actually succeed.) (2,000 words.)
When Doves Cry - Jason Todd x Gar Logan. Friends to Lovers/Lovers Reunited. Emotional Angst and Smut. After helping the Titans foil Crane's plan, Jason tries to leave forever. Gar has other plans. (11,100 words.)
Precious Time Alone - Gar Logan x Fem!Reader. Established Relationship. Smut/PWP. When the Titans split up, you and Gar get your first true moments alone in weeks. You take advantage of it, even if it ends in a bit of a strange disaster. Aka - neither of you knew that Gar had the ability to knot, and you find out when you have sex for the first time. (11,800 words.) 
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One Moment Per Episode With Dick Grayson - Series Masterlist
Season One - Episode One | Episode Two |
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Your First Kiss With - Gar Logan | Dick Grayson | Jason Todd |
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What would a first date with Gar Logan be like? (Headcanons)
How would Jason react to you accidentally sending him a nude?
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Note: The rest of these link off to AO3, but I am hoping to have them edited and posted on Tumblr sometime soon.
Pretty Venom - Conner Luthor x Fem!Reader. Friends to Strangers to Lovers. Smut. When Mother Mayhem's magic messes with Conner's head, you find yourself confused, but intrigued - and then turned on. Conner takes advantage of that. (11,800 words.)
Glitter & Crimson - Gar Logan x Fem!Reader. Friends to ‘Lovers’. Smut. Conner is your ‘boyfriend’ - maybe. Either way, the two of you aren’t having sex, and you’re pent up. So when Gar offers you a golden opportunity to blow off steam, you don’t even consider how much it might be breaking his heart. (6,700 words.) (Prequel to the fic linked above.) 
Free Use Day - Poly!OG!Titans x Fem!Reader. Established Poly (Sexual) Relationship. Smut/PWP. You are a sex toy for the original Titans, and you love it. (14,300 words.) 
No Place Like Home - Gar Logan x Fem!Powered!Reader x Jason Todd. Friends to Lovers. Angst and Smut with a Happy Ending. Jason leaves the Titans broken and battered, and gets set on a dangerous path, and it’s up to you and Gar to bring him home. (90,300 words.) (Series - Complete.) 
Steamy - Jason Todd x Fem!Reader. Rivals to Friends with Benefits. Smut/PWP. You and Jason compete in everything - including the difficult task of sharing a bathroom. Until one day, competing in petty things becomes a battle for dominance in other areas. (5,200 words.) 
Now You See Me - Gar Logan x Masc!Powered!Reader. Strangers to Lovers. Smut. As soon as you meet Gar, you’re smitten with him. You’re used to people looking right through you - literally. But for once, Gar is someone who truly sees you for who you are, and he likes you. Every part of you. (6,900 words.) 
The Sweater Song - Gar Logan x Fem!Reader. Friends to Lovers. Emotional Angst and Smut (with a Happy Ending). Songfic. Gar decides to leave Caulder House, and it breaks your heart. But you give him a token of your affection so that he won’t forget you, and eventually he does return home to you. (7,200 words.) 
Snow In Florida - Donna Troy x Fem!Powered!Reader. Childhood Friends to Lovers. Emotional Angst (Sexuality Crisis) and Smut (with a Happy Ending). You and Donna have been friends for as long as you can remember - but as you’re both maturing, your friendship shifts in a dangerous way. A birthday party, a nagging crush, a kiss - all of it leads you both down a beautiful and bitter path to your one true love. (30,300 words.) (Mini Series - Complete.) 
Don’t Say It - Jason Todd x Fem!Powered!Reader. Friends to Lovers. Smut and Emotional Angst. After Jason is kidnapped by Deathstroke, the Titans don’t have any sympathy for him. When they pile onto the weight he’s already carrying, he can’t take it anymore - and you task yourself with picking up the pieces before it’s too late. (11,300 words.) 
Yokai - Gar Logan x Masc!Japanese!Reader. Strangers to Lovers. Smut/PWP. Gar visits your family’s Japanese restaurant often - it makes him feel normal, talking with someone who doesn’t secretly wear a cape. Plus he loves the food, and… he thinks you’re super cute. (6,400 words.)
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tenpintsofsundrop · 11 months
Missing You
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Gar Logan x Fem!Reader x Jason Todd Smut Blurb
Concept: Gar misses his two best friends. When he calls the two of you, he certainly doesn't expect to find you in such a... compromising situation.
Word Count: 2,800
Titans Masterlist | AO3 Link
If you want to be notified whenever I post a new fic, make sure to follow my library blog @sundropslibrary and turn on notifications there.
Please read my pinned post before interacting.
Full list of warnings and author's notes below the cut.
Warnings: there is a lot of Gar/Jason (emotionally and sexually), dubious consent - Gar listens to the reader and Jason having sex without their consent (but they don’t mind when they do find out), invasion of privacy (but again, they don’t mind it), would this be considered eavesdropping?, accidental voyeurism (and then on purpose voyeurism), Gar masturbates while listening to Jason and the reader have sex over a FaceTime call but Jason and the reader don’t know Gar is listening, Gar feels slightly guilty about being horny in this situation, lots of dirty talk, Jason is more dominant, reader is definitely submissive, Gar is (slightly?) submissive (though he is not ‘involved’ for most of the sex act), the reader uses she/her pronouns and has a vagina (though she is not really the ‘center’ of this fic), Jason has a filthy mouth, p in v sex (between Jason and reader) - actually protected sex this time (which is a surprise for my fics) (it’s my headcanon that Jason is a big proponent for condoms/safe sex), degradation kink (towards the reader), terms used to describe the reader: slutty/slut, cocksleeve, hole, fucktoy/toy, cumdump, good girl; slightly possessive Jason (but it’s clear that he doesn’t mind sharing with Gar), spanking (very light, no severe pain kink) - mention of clit spanking, mention of orgasm restriction, mentions of sexting/sending nudes. I believe that’s everything.
A/N: This is a repost. I did some tweaking to it, but it is still mostly the same. So if you have read it before, I hope you enjoy it. And if it's your first time reading it, I hope you like it again. I have a half-finished sequel to this in my drafts, so if you wanna see it, definitely leave a comment or an anon telling me you wanna see it.
The concept of butt-dailing was something that still mystified Gar. 
He understood why it was a thing in the 2000s, sure. A time when people’s phones still had tactile buttons on them, when you could sit on your phone in your back pocket and start pressing things by accident. But these days? Why was the term even still used? 
How can you call someone by accident? How can you have an entire phone conversation with someone by mistake? 
On that day, it hadn’t been Jason that called him - no, Gar was the one calling Jason. 
Gar hated to admit it, but he was fucking lonely. He had a soft heart and if he went too long without talking to his friends, without hearing their laughter, then he wilted like an unwatered plant. It wasn’t something that he ever said aloud, but it was something that was very easy to tell for the people who were closest to him. 
So Jason had taken to calling him on a regular basis. And ironically, because of it, the two had actually grown a lot closer in the Robin’s absence. 
Their friendship bloomed because of the long, late-night phone calls where Jason’s tired voice mumbled things to Gar as he fell asleep, admitting things about his past and the pain he sometimes felt that he never would have told anyone else. And they often spent hours on Discord calls as they kicked ass together playing COD or some other stupid game like Mount Your Friends. Even though on that day the Tower was practically empty, Gar found himself missing Jason the most. 
Ever since you had gone to Gotham to visit Jason, Gar’s other closest friend abandoning him, Gar had practically gone mad with loneliness. Rachel was off on a ‘girls trip’ with Donna, Dawn, and Kory, and Dick was attending some kind of ‘League’ business. Hank was leading a ‘be a better you’ sobriety seminar in another city, and Gar still found himself feeling like an outsider when hanging out with Rose and Jericho. 
So where did that leave him? 
Alone in his room, sprawled out on his bed. 
He had thumbed over Jason’s contact in his phone several times before he actually decided to put in his earbuds and give the guy a call. Surely his best friend wouldn’t consider him needy after the three hour long timestamps on their other calls. If Jason was busy, Gar could simply find something else to entertain himself. He could probably best his Resident Evil speedruns. Again. 
But selfishly, he was hoping Jason would pick up and talk to him for a while. Maybe you would be lounging around with Jason and he would get to talk to the both of you. That would be really nice. 
When the FaceTime call was answered on the other end, the screen was dark. Gar thought for a moment that Jason was just busy - that he was pressing his phone to his chest until he could get into another room to take the call. But for a few moments, all he heard was deep breathing, some grunting. The sound of Jason training? 
He was definitely inside Jason’s pocket. 
See, Jason hadn’t even noticed the incoming call. He had his phone on silent, and he had answered it completely by mistake. Turns out, the rapid, rhythmic thrusting of his hips had somehow successfully pressed the ‘answer’ button, even with the phone shoved deep in his back pocket. 
And Jason wasn’t really in a position to have a friendly, ‘let’s chat about COD’ video chat with his best friend. 
He was balls-deep inside of you. With his thick, hard cock out through the zipper of his pants with his phone still inside of his back pocket. He was thrusting into you where you were face down on his bed, on your knees exactly how he wanted you. 
It was a huge part of the reason you had come to visit him. The two of you had been fooling around for as long as you had known each other, and you couldn’t seem to go for very long without fucking the other person. It brought you both relief from your stressful vigilante lifestyle, and it was the best sex either of you ever had. Not that any of your friends knew that you had a ‘thing’ going on, of course. 
Gar was about to hang up the call, believing that he had caught Jason at a bad time and realizing that the guy didn’t even know his phone was on. But he froze completely still when he heard it. 
“Fuck, babe, take my cock.” Jason groaned, his voice absolutely thick with sex. “Fucking take it.” 
It was something that instantly made Gar tremble, made blood rush to his cock as he heard his friend’s voice in a way that he never had before. The sound was rough in his headphones, distant and not nearly as pure as it would have been in person. But it made Gar’s blood run hot in seconds, made him so turned on so quickly that he became dizzy. 
Gar’s hand itched to reach down and grip his cock through his pants, but he knew that he shouldn’t. He knew it was wrong. He should just hang up the call and hope that Jason never saw it in his call history. The longer he stayed there and listened, the more suspicious the timestamp would look in the call history if Jason ever saw it. 
But Gar was frozen in his tracks when he heard something that absolutely made his head spin. 
“Yes!” It was your voice. “Fuck, I fucking love your cock. I’m just a slutty little cocksleeve for you, Jay!” 
High pitched and needy, moaning out - it was you. You, screaming those entirely pornographic words, followed by a deep grunt from Jason. 
Gar let out a sharp breath. It hadn’t occurred to him who Jason might be fucking. Or that he was fucking someone at all, and that he wasn’t just alone, fucking his own hand. 
Gar almost couldn’t believe that this was happening. The two people that he had been attracted to for so long now, playing out an epic sex fantasy for his own ears. He knew that it was so horribly wrong, but he probably wouldn’t have hung up the call if someone had pointed a gun to his head. 
“Yeah, you are.” Jason replied, his voice slightly obscured from the phone being in his pocket. “You’re my perfect slut. Such a good fucktoy, aren’t you, Y/N?” 
Jason saying your name with such a deep, possessive need, paired with the way he spoke so confidentially - it forced Gar to imagine how long the two of you had been in a relationship like this. How long the two of you had been playing around behind everyone’s backs to know each other’s kinks so well without crossing any boundaries. Even with his brain so lust-clouded, his thoughts flashed through all of the times you and Jason had snuck off together, or made lame excuses to go to bed early when Jason had still been living at the Tower. 
Gar was upset that he hadn’t found out about this sooner. His brain conjured up a fantasy of him sneaking into Jason’s room late at night, and seeing you on your knees for his best friend. He easily imagined Jason inviting him to stay, telling Gar what a slut you were, how much you would love to have two guys at once. Him and Jason passing you around, your wetness making both of their cocks shine. If you were the ‘fucktoy’ that he claimed you to be, it probably wouldn’t be that far from reality. 
There was a wet, slapping sound - Jason fucking into you harder as you moaned and struggled for breath. 
Gar’s cock pulsed with need. 
Something in the back of his brain screamed that it was wrong and that he needed to hang up, but his cock screamed louder. So he untied the string of his pants with haste and racked them down over his aching balls. Just to be safe, he muted his end of the call so that Jason wouldn’t hear any noises he made. 
(If he had been thinking a bit clearer, he would have realized that any noise he made, especially echoing into Jason’s back pocket, would have simply gotten lost in the haze of sweat and sex that the two of you were making in Jason’s bedroom. But - better safe than sorry, right?) 
In his mind, muting the call seemed even more reasonable when he let out a deep moan the second he took his hard dick into his hand. More beautiful sounds from you and Jason came in through his headphones as he began to jerk himself off. 
“Fucking love how you take my cock, fucking love how this slutty pussy gets so wet for me.”
Jason’s dirty mouth continued as Gar’s hand started a steady rhythm. Gar was already leaking precum that easily slicked him up - he was absolutely dizzy at the sound of Jason’s sex-graveled voice. 
“Just a fucking hole for me to cum in.” Jason growled. “You love it, don’t you? You love being my fucking toy. My fucking cumdump.” 
The pure filth coming out of Jason’s mouth surprised Gar, just as much as his own reaction did. The way his dick jumped in his hand and his lungs released a moan, his tip leaking even more precum at the words. He had no fucking idea that you and Jason were so dirty, that you liked being… degraded so much. Because clearly you loved it, with the wailing moan that you echoed back in response. 
“I love it!” You told Jason, your tone desperate and breathy, worn with sex. “I love being your cumdump. I’m just a hole for you to use!” 
Gar tried to imagine what the two of you might look like in that moment. Were you on your back, your legs spread wide for Jason? Were you completely naked with your tits swaying with his every thrust? Were you on your hands and knees, ass out like a bitch in heat for Jason? 
Gar pumped his cock faster at the thought, his precum making it sound absolutely slick, unrestrained grunts coming from his parted lips as he continued to listen you and Jason fuck. He would feel guilty for this later, but right now, he was absolutely dizzy with lust and needed to hear more. 
“You gonna cum on my cock, slut?” Jason’s voice was sharp, demanding. 
It sounded like Jason was holding back the urge to cum himself and he needed you to get there first. There was a sharp sound - skin hitting skin, higher in pitch and less muffled than the constant pounding of Jason into your cunt. Jason had spanked you. Gar’s orgasm swelled in his belly as he imagined Jason’s hand coming down against your skin, making the fat of your ass bounce or - fuck, Jason’s hand blooming against your wet clit. (Gar hated that he would never know which it actually was.) 
“Be a good girl. Cum for me.” Jason demanded, throat strangling his voice as he drowned in his own arousal. 
And just like that, you dissolved into a fury of sounds. Gar caught you chanting ‘I’m a hole! I’m a hole! I’m a hole!’ as though it was the only thing on your mind, increasing in volume as your orgasm overtook you, but it was muffled after a moment and Gar heard Jason grunt the words ‘shut up’ in the most sharp, dangerous voice he had ever heard from his best friend. 
Gar’s mind was immediately struck with the picture of Jason’s hand on the back of your head, shoving you into the bed to quiet your whorish moaning, and this was what sent him over the edge. His stomach curled so hard that it practically made him nauseous, his body drawing up off the bed as he pumped his cock hard and fast. He pumped himself dry as cum splashed up over his (thankfully) naked stomach and dirtied him in hot, white waves. 
Gar’s body was still trembling when he heard Jason rattle out a shuddering moan, a sure sign that he was cumming too. 
Gar should have rushed to end the call. 
But it seemed impossible to move at this point - his bones were practically made out of jelly from the intensity of his orgasm. The hand holding the phone had dropped it against his chest, the sound still coming in clear from his earbuds. He was desperate to catch his breath, and his cum still warm against his stomach when he heard it. 
There was a shifting, a rustling sound - fuck, Jason was taking his phone out of his pocket. 
Gar panicked. 
But his orgasm had been so spectacular that it had knocked all the sense out of him, including his usually good reflexes, so he was slow to pick his phone back up. When he did, his heart jumped in his chest when he found Jason staring at him, wearing a wide smirk. 
In the time it had taken Gar to recover, Jason had taken his phone out - with the original purpose to check the time. Alfred always had a very specific time for dinner, and always became cranky if anyone was late. Jason certainly didn’t need anyone to come looking for you and him, seeing the compromising position that you found yourselves in. 
Jason was surprised when he found the call with Gar going. And once he had checked the timestamp on the still ongoing call, he immediately knew what had happened. 
“Did you enjoy the show?” Jason said, his voice slightly rough from the sex, but entirely confident, unshaken. 
“Uh - I - I -” Gar stuttered. 
When Jason saw his lips moving and didn’t hear any sound, he quickly spoke up. 
“Unmute the call, dickhead.” Jason told him, giving a small chuckle with the offensive, affectionate nickname. 
Right. Gar had muted it to participate in his perverted voyeurism. 
As Gar reached up to find the button, he realized his hand was still covered in cum. 
Jason licked his lips as he saw substance smeared all over Gar’s palm and saw his friend reaching for tissues off to the side. As Gar raced to clean off his hand, you appeared behind Jason’s shoulder in the frame of the call. You were wearing a bra, your skin slightly slicked with sweat and tear tracks coming off the side of your eyes - clearly from pleasure and not from pain. 
“You had Gar on a FaceTime call?” Your tone was a breathy giggle, clearly not at all upset at the idea that your friend had been listening in on you being fucked and called degrading names. “Kinky. Did you call him while you were putting the condom on?” 
Gar unmuted the call with his now clean(er) hand, but waited in silence for you and Jason to finish your conversation. He was surprised that you didn’t seem to care; that you seemed to think it was some kind of pre-planned kink that Jason had executed. Gar’s stomach twisted at the thought of it, that you and Jason had discussed inviting another person into your sex life and you were more than okay with it being Gar. 
“Don’t worry your pretty little head about it.” Jason told you. “Go get cleaned up for dinner.” 
You simply nodded, and leaned in to give Jason a kiss - a soft, gentle sight that was entirely arousing in contrast to the rough, filthy sex that Gar knew the two of you just had. It was even more arousing when you walked out of frame and Gar heard another spank to your bare skin (clearly you weren’t wearing bottoms) - and heard you let out a delighted squeak in response. 
“Look, I can explain-” Gar began his groveling, but Jason quickly cut him off. 
“Quiet.” Jason said, his tone taking on a kind of authority that made Gar’s stomach jump. “Next time this happens, we get to watch you cum, or you don’t get to cum at all. Got it?” 
Gar’s cock was quickly filling with blood again at Jason speaking to him this way, so boldly, making sexual demands over his body. His mouth was dry and lost for words so he simply nodded in response. He opened his mouth to attempt to speak - to apologize, to ask for clarity, to ask Jason when ‘the next time’ would be. 
But now that Jason had Gar’s simple affirmation, he hung up the call. 
Gar - unable to help himself - stretched an arm out and took a picture of his half hard cock and his shirtless body, still covered in his cum. He hesitated to send it, though. After a long mental debate in the shower, it came back to his phone sitting on his nightstand, and sent it to Jason with a caption that read ‘I really did enjoy the show’. 
It pinged Jason’s phone when he was sitting at the dinner table with you and Bruce. And as he looked at it under the table, he choked on his peas.
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star-mum · 2 years
Gar and Jason with a Physically Affectionate!Reader
A/N: I was going to do the whole team but I got overwhelmed 🫠 as always I’ll pepper in the fact that I’m brazilian, platonic physical affection is very common here and since it’s not in the US – culturally at least – and these bitches are all emotionally constipated and touch starved, i thought their reactions to casual touches might be ! I also based these headcanons – mostly – on how my friends and I treat each other ! 
This kinda morphed into a different thing altogether as I wrote it but anyways, Im tagging @pinkchubbiebunnie (i was itching to just send you this undone the whole time) and @trice-divergent (you’re literally watching me type this out – creep – but thank you for helping me with the older Titans, I was struggling)
Garfield Logan:
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the most physically affectionate out all of the Titans, and even so that’s not saying much -> they’re all a little touch starved
He’s normally the one who offers up hugs when needed, who initiates it 
I feel like only giving/getting hugs when things are bad would condition him a little to only expect that when shitty things are happening 
So he’s very confused — but pleasantly so — when reader just offers physical affection when good things happen and sometimes just because
Ranges from simple almost impersonal stuff like “hey good job at training” hi-fives to really sweet tender moments like holding his hand, caressing his face or cuddling for movie nights or when one — or both — of them can’t sleep
Let's assume you’re not yet in a relationship: he’s so flustered ALL. THE. TIME. Always finds excuses to be near you so you’ll be able to touch him, weather that’d be lightly slapping his arm when you’re talking about something you excited about, booping his nose whenever he looks too serious
For PDA I think Gar actually really likes it, as long as it's tasteful, you know? 
Like holding hands? Yes! Please hold his hand when going out or during movie nights or just whenever ! 
Holding onto his arm and/or leaning on him during team meetings or when waiting in line for something? He always gets so giddy when ppl can see how much you like being near him
Hugging/cuddling/cradling his face —> please do! It calms him down, also just feels nice to both be so casually close and feeling wanted in front of other ppl (like you’re not embarrassed or ashamed of him) 
Jason Todd:
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he honestly looks like he’d bite your hand off if you tried to touch him
Is dealing with that weird period of being touch starved -> loathes being touched x craves physical affection
Would for sure say some awful fuck boy shit if you keep touching his arms to get his attention, I cringe just thinking about it (i crave him)
if you’re not dating, whenever a touch is a little too tender and sweet he’d feel the need to compensate or hide how much it made his heart race with some either mean or flirty bullshit 
if you are in a relationship though, i feel like the flirting would get so much worst -> the team hates you – not really – every time another “babe” comes out of his mouth, fake gags can be heard all throughout the Tower
PDA = he’s gross, terrible, disgusting – i must have him –  really doesn't care who is/isn't around will be as touchy as he feels like
definitely gets a habit of slapping your ass, its not even a sexual thing – for the most part – but the first time it happens in one of the common areas the room gets deadly silent →I don't know who’d be more mad about it, you or one of the grown adults who have just been subjected to that
Extra - Platonic Team Reactions (i had some of these already written down so why not)
Rachel Roth:
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she really likes to give her friends hugs !!
too shy and nervous to make anyone uncomfortable so she rarely goes for it tho : /
I think she’s always cold – like her hands are always a bit cold – so I also think she’d like holding hands, specially if your hands are more warm then not
tired and sleepy always – her powers seem tiring – so can and will just take a nap on your shoulders whenever, it's pretty impressive actually
Conner Kent:
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he’s just an overgrown toddler, you honor → feel like once you start with the hi-fives or fist bumps, he gets too used to it to stop or question it
“yes, this pasta definitely requires a fist bump, you're absolutely right”
the embodiment of “if i run and leap at Terry right now he'd definitely catch me in his arms” → you tried this once !! no one managed to get the coffee stains off the carpet after that : D
Kory Anders: not one to initiate physical contact but that doesn't mean she dislikes it; due to her powers, i assume her skin is always warm -> so if you’re cold – like Rachel – she really doesn't mind holding your hand so you feel better 
Dick Grayson: awkward dad mode engaged; not used to it at all – thanks Bruce, father of the fucking year – but i can see him resorting to those awkward head pats (Jeff to Annie in Community), starts with him not knowing what to do to it kinda becoming his thing 
Hank Hall: definitely the type to give shoulder like taps/slap dad’s do when they are proud of you, completely underestimates his own strength tho → they don't hurt !! but if you're distracted/not expecting you’ll definitely be thrown out of balance a little; other than that I don't see him initiating much, but if you need/ask for a hug he’ll definitely provide !! 
Dawn Granger: mom friend ? Mom friend ! Gives the nicest hugs and somehow always knows when you need one; head pats but they're not awkward like when Dick does it
Donna Troy: I don’t think she’s very touchy ! doesn't mind if you need a hug or something, but she’s definitely not one to initiate or seek it
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Gar Face Gabe - an OC Intro
Name (full): Gabriel Alvin Grevious
Story Role/Character Type: Antagonist, Rival Pirate Captain, Drama Queen, Cursed Pirate Captain, Misnomer Name
Age: Somewhere in his early twenties (he doesn't really keep track)
Appearance: Scrawniest little shit you have ever seen. One slightly noticeable scar that goes over his eye. Dirty blonde hair that’s been chopped short. Wears an eyepatch for dramatics. Scary good with a sword, will cut a bitch without hesitation. Whiniest little shit ever. Rickey and beaten little abanonded ship bobbing on the sea vibes.
Strengths: very determined, very smart and pays close attention to everything, always thinking ahead
Weaknesses: vengeful, dramatizes everything, easily blinded by rage and vengence
Additional Notes: Loosely inspired by Alivn the Treacherous in the How to Train Your Dragon books and Davy Jones from Pirates of the Caribbean. He’s the whiniest, pettiest little shit on Eltya’s seas. Insists that everyone call him Gar Face even though his scar is barely noticeable until HE points it out.
Story: The Little Pirate, Fractured Stars Falling series
Quote: "The seas cannot hide you from me, nowhere is safe."
FSF Taglist: @rose-bookblood @chalcid @evethenovicewriter @writing-is-a-martial-art @mjjune @fiercely-raging-writer @wildswrites @corishadowfang @surroundedbypearls @serenanymph (send me a message to be +/- from the taglist)
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