#ford and dipper are purple and blue
cootcutebatkat · 1 year
I'm thinking about magical pines again ough
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the second, cooler gravity falls post
anyway, this one requires a bit of context. did you know that this creature has synesthesia? well, now you do! specifically, the kind that makes you associate different things with colors (and patterns and...its a bit hard to explain. its mostly about the colors)
without further ado, lets talk about what synesthesia-assigned colors the gravity falls casts' names are (of course everyone sees them differently, this is just how i see them)
Gravity Falls and Pines are both green! More specifically, Gravity Falls is a slightly desaturated green and Pines is a deeper, darker shade. They also both have a bit of somewhat dull orange thrown in
Stanford/Ford/Sixer - as a whole: bright electric blue, dark melancholy blue, bloody red, silver. Stanford is slightly reddish-brown + labcoat beige, Ford is a pale sienna with a tiny bit of ash thrown in, Sixer is dark coral + dusty rose
Stanley/Stan/Lee - as a whole: burgundy, bloody red, and ash. Stanley and Stan are both shades of red, though Stan is lighter and more vibrant. Lee is a sort of pale, desaturated yellowish green (it looks nicer than youd imagine it would)
Fiddleford - this guy is green as hell. it gets more yellowed and dusty as time goes on, until hes eventually more dusty yellow than light green
Mabel - bright pink and a sort of warm, pale yellow. the shade associated with stars and dreams (realizing now that that might not make any sense)
Dipper - torrential downpour blue. color of mist at night
Soos - shade inbetween Gravity Falls green and Pines green. also a very dark shade of green
Melody - pale warm colored with no yellow! a sort of mix between orange and red, leaning more towards reddish. coral if coral was made of meat, mayhaps (like with Lee, its a lot nicer to look at than it sounds). also a bit of purple
The wonderous married couple known as Waddles and Gompers - warm greyish brown
bonus time eras!
Young stans era - youd be surprised! yellow (not highlighter yellow, though)
Mullet stan - reddish brown, burgundy, night but warm-colored
Paranoid ford - grey with just the slightest bit of color thrown in, that color being dusty brown. veins and sleep deprivation (again, something that does not make sense to anyone but me)
Researcher era ford - the most labcoat beige of any ford to ever ford. theres also a bit of dark navy blue, but not much
Pre-betrayal everything - pale green and sickly yellow
Post-betrayal everything - a lot of dark greyish color. extinguished crimson and spiderweb blue
Portal era from Ford's side - navy/ocean blue, cool grey, slate. imagine you were looking at a neon sign (the kinds where only the lettering is neon). the blue/grey/slate is the background, the lettering is vibrant reddish-orange and pink
Portal era from Stan's side - pale orange and yellow, some pine-bark-brown. you would think there would be a lot of grey, but theres really only a tiny bit
Weirdmaggedon - hoo boy thats a lot of dark dark red and orange and firey colors and- wait what do you mean weirdmaggedon isnt yellow? not even a little bit? huh.
Sea grunks era - dark ocean blue and cool grey :]
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e350tb · 4 months
Gravity Falls/Doctor Who - Mabel Vs The Toymaker
Mabel stood in front of the small toy store in the Gravity Falls Mall, her face set in an uncharacteristic determined frown.
It wasn’t really that much to look at. It was a faux-retro structure, the facade make of dyed red teak, with a black sign above it that read ‘The Toyroom Toys and Gifts.’ There were puppets and dolls displayed in the window next to the big wooden door, each of them painted and dressed in bright colourful costumes - clowns, jesters, harlequins, all garish in tone.
Soos swallowed as they approached the shop, gazing at the window. He looked closely at a doll with brown skin and messy hair, wearing a purple-and-white clown suit with a big red nose.
“You sure they’re here, dood?” he asked.
“The mysterious toy store that appeared overnight?” replied Mabel. “Of course Dipper would’ve come here. He couldn’t pass up a mystery like that!”
“Oh, okay.” Soos tugged on his collar. “But shouldn’t we get Stan and Ford before we go in?”
“I left a note on the table,” replied Mabel. “If anything awful happens to us, they’ll come to the rescue!”
“Oh.” Soos gulped. “Good.”
Mabel pushed open the door and stepped inside.
The store was dark, eerily lit by old electric lights that left long shadows over the creaking wooden floorboards. There were rows and rows of toys on shelves to the left and right, hidden by the darkness, but the middle of the shop was clear like a gangway, leading to the black oak counter. Behind this were more puppets, hung on hooks liked hanged men, and a few dusty old board games on small shelves below. There was nobody at the counter, but an old bell stood by the equally ancient-looking cash register.
Mabel and Soos walked to the counter, the floors squeaking and groaning under their weight. Without hesitation, Mabel began pressing the button on the bell – the dinging echoed.
“Heh, guess nobody’s home,” said Soos. “We should–”
He turned around.
“Wilkommen to mein shop.”
Soos jumped and screamed. A man had appeared behind him – he wore a cowboy’s outfit, a clearly plastic badge on his white buttoned shirt and a big black hat framing his forehead. He seemed an older gentlemen, grey-haired and somewhat weathered, but the wide smile seemed almost childish. Were it not for the strange glimmer in his blue eyes, he’d almost seem like an ordinary, if eccentric, shopkeeper.
“Oh! Sorry dude, you crept up on me!” Soos rubbed the back of his head. “Uh, we’re just here to…”
“Cut the act!” snapped Mabel, pointing accusingly at the shopkeeper. “Where’s Dipper? What did you do to him?”
The man’s brows shot up.
“Dipper?” He rubbed his chin. “Do we have ein Dipper? Let me think…”
He walked behind the counter, kneeling down to look beneath it.
“I think I saw the Dipper,” he said. “Would he have been with the red-haired girl? Green flannel, freckles?”
“Yeah,” replied Mabel, crossing her arms. “Where are they?”
“Let me see… that would be filed under das ‘Pine Tree,” mused the man. “Und das ice bag…”
Mabel smacked her hands on the counter.
“Where are they?” she demanded again.
“Now really, there’s a lot under here,” replied the shopkeeper. “I need a little time to… aha!”
He stood up, his hands cupped together.
“Now, you is looking for the Dipper, ja?” he said. “Und the Wendy?”
“Yeah!” snapped Mabel. “Where are they?”
“Uh… dood,” Soos put a hand on Mabel’s shoulder. “We never told him Wendy’s name.”
“Here ist das Dipper…” The man placed a small object on the counter. “...und das Wendy.” He placed another next to it.
Mabel took up the objects with trembling hands. One was a wooden figurine teenage boy, wearing a vest, orange shirt and shorts, and clad in a familiar blue and white hat, smiling fairly neutrally up at her. The other was a teenage girl with long red hair, a trapper hat, a green flannel shirt and jeans, again with an easy smile. Their features were printed on the front and back of the flat figures, with the sides an unpainted wood colour. They were like little figures from an old wooden train set.
“What did you do to them?!” Mabel exclaimed, horrified.
“Ah, you see, little Dipper wanted to see what the ‘mystery’ of this little shop was,” replied the man, “so he dragged his little girlfriend here to snoop around, see what they could see. Und that’s when they found me, and all of my toys, and Dipper, he was so confident, he wanted me to let them go. So I told him I would play a game with him. If he won, I’d give him all my toys. But if I won…”
He grinned, and Mabel noticed he seemed to have far too many teeth. A single golden tooth shimmered in the left side of his mouth.
“Ah, but I did win,” he continued. “And now we both have what we wanted, ja? Dipper und Wendy get to know the mystery of the toy shop, forever und ever, and I get some more new toys to have fun with.”
“But why?” asked Mabel. “Why make them this? Who are you?”
The man took the wooden Dipper and Wendy out of Mabel’s hands, placing them on the table.
“I am the Toymaker,” he replied, his accent slipping from a faux German to a deep British.
“Yeah, kinda guess that, dood,” said Soos, looking around. “I mean I guess it’s a hobby.”
“What? You gotta hand it to him, there’s some pretty neat stuff in here,” Soos shrugged.
Mabel narrowed her eyes.
“Yeah, sorry, I deserve that.” Soos looked at his feet.
Mabel turned back to the Toymaker, reaching for the wooden figures.
“Ah-ah-ah!” the Toymaker raised his hand. “You cannot be having my toys. That is theft! Scandalous!”
“They’re not yours!” shouted Mabel.
“But they are,” replied the Toymaker. “I won them, fair und square! If you want them back, you must be winning the game yourself.”
Mabel and Soos exchanged glances.
“Soos,” she said, “go tell Grunkle Stan what’s happening.”
“On it!” Soos saluted and headed for the door. He reached it, pushed on it - and slammed into it as it failed to move.
“Aw man, I always do that…”
He tried pulling, but to no avail.
“Ah, I’m sorry,” said the Toymaker. “No leaving until the game is complete.”
Mabel furrowed her brow.
“Fine,” she said. “I’ll play your game. I mean, I don’t really have a choice…”
The Toymaker leaned in.
“Well then,” he said, and the store shifted around them. Suddenly, the counter was a table, and Mabel was swept onto a chair across from the Toymaker. She heard a yelp, and Soos was pushed into place next to them.
The Toymaker narrowed his eyes.
“What shall we play?”
He leaned back, producing a deck of cards which he began to shuffle.
“I have been busy since I found your brother, you know,” he said, his accent becoming British again. “Your town has been an interesting little distraction from my… current game. So much more colourful than that joyless Doctor…”
He flipped through the cards impossibly quickly.
“I beat the Time Baby in a game of snap,” he said, “and made him into so many marbles. I trapped the unicorns in slide-puzzles, and exiled the Shapeshifter to the Baltic Avenue space - though I prefer Coventry Street myself. I made Blendin Blandin my Joker card…”
He held up the Joker, revealing a picture of the time traveller on the front. He tossed it away contemptuously.
“Bill Cipher played for his freedom,” he continued. “He lost. I made him a talking board.”
“Bill?” Mabel’s eyes widened. “But how?”
“I still wait for the main game,” said the Toymaker, ignoring Mabel’s response. “The final contest against the Doctor. But I do enjoy a few extra games on the side.”
“Who’s the Doctor?” asked Soos.
“I don’t get it,” said Mabel. “Dipper and Wendy only disappeared last night. How’d you get the time to play against all those other people?”
“You really think I would be so boring as to obey the rules of linear time?” sniffed the Toymaker.
Mabel stared at the Dipper and Wendy figures.
“So they could’ve actually been here for…”
“We have spoken enough!” The Toymaker’s German accent briefly returned. “Now… what shall we play, Mabel Pines?”
“How do we know you won’t cheat?” asked Mabel.
The Toymaker’s eyes widened.
“Never!” he exclaimed. “Outrageous! For shame! I must abide by the rules of the game! To do otherwise would be unthinkable!”
Mabel and Soos exchanged glances.
“Go fish,” declared Mabel. “We’ll play that.”
“Sehr gut!” The German accent was back again as he dealt the cards - seven for him, seven for Mabel. He shuffled the cards again and placed them face down in the middle. “Most matches win?”
“You’re on.”
The Toymaker leaned in.
“By all means,” he said. “You first.”
Mabel looked down at her hand - ten of spades, queen of hearts, eight of hearts, seven of diamonds, ace of diamonds, seven of clubs and nine of clubs. She swallowed.
“Do you have any sevens?” she asked.
The Toymaker pulled a single card from his deck and handed it over - the seven of diamonds. Soos began to lean over to see his hand - he slapped him away.
“Okay… do you have any tens?”
The Toymaker smirked.
“Go fish.”
Mabel picked up another card - the nine of spades. The Toymaker studied his cards.
“You know, your brother challenged me to a game of logic,” he said. “Chess. Do you have any eights?”
Mabel swallowed, handing over her eight of hearts.
“Chess?” she quizzed.
“Ja,” the Toymaker nodded. “Nearly won too. Just made one tiny wrong move… but sometimes that’s all it takes.”
He smirked.
“Show me your Queens.”
Mabel handed over the queen of hearts.
“Aw man, dood, I can’t watch…” Soos covered his eyes.
“It’s always the ones that be thinking they are the cleverest,” sneered the Toymaker. “I would like to play your Großonkel Ford after we’ve finished here. Fours?”
Mabel shook her head. “Go fish.”
The Toymaker shrugged, drawing a card.
“It is always fun to play against the hubristic,” he said.
“Got any aces?” demanded Mabel.
The Toymaker smirked again. “Go fish.”
Mabel drew once more - the Jack of clubs.
“Ford would clean you up,” she snorted.
“No, I think I would be doing the cleaning,” he replied. “He is, as they say, too clever by half. Like the poor Dipper. Got any nines?”
With a shaking hand, Mabel handed over her two nines.
“Wunderbar,” said the Toymaker. “And any fives?”
“Go fish, jerk,” spat Mabel.
“Ooh, bad sportsmanship.” The toymaker shook his head as he drew a card. “But I am right, no? Sooner or later he was always going to end up in a fight he couldn’t win.”
“Jacks?” asked Mabel, trying not to take the bait.
“You must be going fishing!” The Toymaker clapped his hands together.
Mabel gritted her teeth, drawing the king of diamonds. The Toymaker grinned unpleasantly.
Mabel gulped - she had three, nearly a match. Still, she reluctantly handed them over.
“And poor Wendy,” he continued. “She tried to fight me when he lost – can you believe that? So uncivilised. Threes?”
“Go fish.”
“But what can you expect from her kind?” asked the Toymaker, drawing the card. “So headstrong. So foolish. If she wanted so badly to stay with her Dipper, I could only oblige.”
“Got any fours?”
“Go und fish!”
Mabel drew a card - the ace of hearts.
“So many possibilities for matches,” said the Toymaker, looking at his hand. “Any nines?”
“Go fish.”
The Toymaker shrugged, drawing a card.
“Jacks?” asked Mabel.
The Toymaker handed over a card - the Jack of hearts.
“How about you give me my sevens back?” she demanded.
The Toymaker smiled wryly and did so.
“How ‘bout any tens?”
“Go fish.”
She drew a three of hearts.
It continued like this for a few more turns. The Toymaker quickly seized the three but had to go fish asking for twos. Mabel claimed the three of clubs from him but lost out asking for fours - she ‘fished’ a four of diamonds, ironically enough. The Toymaker took Mabel’s aces, but went fishing when she had no fives. Mabel asked for Jacks and got nothing, fishing a ten of hearts.
The Toymaker smirked.
“Your sevens, fraulein.”
Mabel handed them over with a shaking hand, and the Toymaker laid them out in front of him, along with a single seven of spades from his hand.
“Ein point for me.”
“Uh, when we get turned into toys and stuff,” said Soos, “can I be a teddy bear? Feels like that’d hurt less.”
“Soos!” exclaimed Mabel.
“Any tens?”
Mabel swallowed as she handed them over.
“Just sayin’,” Soos shrugged.
“How about twos?”
“Go fish,” grunted Mabel.
She looked at her hand as the Toymaker did so.
“Any nines?” she asked.
The Toymaker handed over the nines of clubs, spades and hearts.
“You would be making good playing cards, I think,” he said.
“Shut up,” said Mabel. “Threes?”
“Go und fish.”
She drew the five of spades…
“Any Kings?”
…and handed over the King of Diamonds. She had no sixes, though, so the Toymaker drew.
On the game went. Mabel got two eights, spades and hearts, but the Toymaker had no fours, so she drew a four of clubs. The Toymaker asks for eights but got none. Mabel took three twos from him, missing only the two of spades, and reclaimed the nines, but he had no threes, so she drew. The Toymaker requested aces but got nothing.
“Any fives?”
The Toymaker handed over three cards. She gathered them with her five of spades and slapped them on the table in front of her.
“Read ‘em and weep, sucker!” she snapped. “One to me! Now show me a three!”
“Nein, go fish.”
Mabel slapped her forehead and drew. As she did so, her eyes widened, and she gathered the new jack with her three other jacks and put them in front of her.
“Two to me.”
“Ja, ja, very good,” the Toymaker said dismissively. “Your nines.”
Mabel shook her head as she handed over her three nines.
“Und your aces?”
“Go fish,” snorted Mabel.
The Toymaker drew.
“Show me your fours.”
“Nein, go fish.”
She drew an eight of diamonds, and immediately had to hand it over as the Toymaker asked for eights. She had no Kings, so he drew again.
On it went. Mabel asked for tens and got nothing, but drew the ten of clubs anyway. The Toymaker took back the nines and unsuccessfully tried for eights. Mabel took back the Kings but had no luck on threes. She drew a queen of diamonds that the Toymaker promptly took, along with her twos. These he drew in front of him - another set. He had no luck on nines, and Mabel took the queens back. He’d no threes so she drew again - eight of clubs.
The Toymaker took her tens. He had no luck on aces, but drew the nine of diamonds and made another match. Mabels took his aces, but drew when he had no kings. He took her fours, and then looked at her over the cards.
“Shall we up the ante?” he asked. “One turn each from now on. We keep going until we have no cards.”
Mabel scratched her chin.
“Wouldn’t that be messing with the rules?” she asked.
“Not,” replied the Toymaker, “if they are house rules.”
Mabel nodded.
“Fine,” she said.
She looked at her cards.
The Toymaker handed over three - another set!
“Sixes?” he asked.
Mabel handed over her six, and the Toymaker made another set.
“Aw dood…” Soos clutched his head, sweating.
“Go fish.”
Mabel drew a card - three of diamonds.
Mabel swallowed. “Go fish.”
He drew a card.
“Go fish.”
She drew the four of spades.
“Go fish.”
He drew as she looked at her cards, sweating.
She inhaled deeply.
He handed over two cards, and Mabel made another set.
“Fours?” he asked again.
Mabel handed over hers - he made a set once more. She looked at her cards - three threes, three queens, three kings.
“Q-queens?” she stammered.
“Go und fish.”
She drew with trembling hand, and produced the king of spades. She laid them out - one more match.
“We are tied!” exclaimed the Toymaker. “With three suits left in play. Oh, I am so excited! Now… your threes.”
Mabel swallowed, handing them over.
“Now,” exclaimed the Toymaker. “The gamble! I have six cards, you have three. To complete the set, one of us must draw. Will it be you?”
Mabel looked down at the deck - there were a paltry few cards left. She took a deep breath and channelled her inner Grunkle Stan.
“Got any queens?” she asked, knowing full-well he didn’t.
He gestured to the cards, and she drew.
She looked down at the Three of Spades in her hand.
“Your turn.”
“Hmm…” the Toymaker scratched his chin. “If I correctly guess what you have, I can take it, and you lose. But if I don’t… a roll of the dice. A pure gamble.”
He leaned in, studying Mabel closely.
“Do you have any… tens?”
Mabel let out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding.
“Go fish.”
He did so.
“Ten of diamonds,” he said, “a set.”
He laid them in front of him.
“Got any threes?” demanded Mabel.
He handed three over, and she too made a set.
“No cards,” said the Toymaker. “I have no choice but to draw… and we both know I’ll get…”
He drew the card.
“Got any queens?” asked Mabel.
“The Queen of Spades,” nodded the Toymaker. “The last remaining card.”
He handed it over, and Mabel laid her remaining cards in front of her.
“Seven points,” said Mabel. “You’ve only got six. I win.”
The Toymaker nodded, impressed.
“A bold gamble at the end,” he said. “You would put so much on the line to save your brother. It… puzzles me.”
Mabel leaned over the table.
“Give them back,” she snarled. “Now.”
The Toymaker adjusted his hat.
“Well why didn’t y’all just say so?” he asked in an exaggerated cowboy accent. “One Dipper n’ one Wendy comin’ right up!”
He clapped his hands together.
“O’ course,” he continued, “you never specified in what condition you’d get ‘em, sooo…”
“Wait, what?” exclaimed Mabel.
“Aw dood! He tricked us with genie logic!” blurted Soos.
“No, I want them back as people!” shouted Mabel. “You hear me? As peo–”
“Guten tag, fraulein! Danke for playing!”
Mabel felt herself being sucked backwards, flying through the air towards the door - which seemed a lot farther away then it had been when she entered. With a mighty crash, she slammed through the door, skidding along the cold, marble floors of the mall and coming to a stop in front of a bench. Soos flew out after her, flying across the mall and into a garbage can on the other side.
Mabel looked up, rubbing her head. Grunkle Stan was leaning over her, clutching her shoulders.
“What happened?!” he exclaimed. “What did that shyster do to you? I’m gonna give him a piece o’...”
“That might not be possible, Stanley.”
Ford was looking back towards the store front - the toy shop was gone, replaced with a close shutter and a ‘new store opening soon’ banner. He shook his head, turning back to Mabel.
“Are you okay?” he asked. “Where’s Dipper and Wendy?”
Mabel felt something hard in her hand - she opened it, and the little figures that were her brother and friend sat on her palm, as inanimate as any object.
“Ford,” said Stan, his voice dangerously calm. “We’re gonna find this jerk, right?”
Ford shook his head.
“I don’t know, Stan,” he replied. “The Celestial Toymaker might only be found if he wants to be found. It’s possible he’s tracking an, uh, mutual acquaintance, but if anything that man’s even more difficult to find.”
“But we can turn them back, right?” Mabel asked.
Ford put a hand on her shoulder.
“I don’t know,” he replied. “But I will try, I promise.”
“And if we can’t?” demanded Stan.
Ford took a deep breath.
“Then we track him,” he said. “And if we can’t track him… we wait.”
Mabel looked down at the small figures, wondering what they must be feeling right now. She blinked some tears out of her eyes and held them close to her heart, hoping they could at least feel the beat.
“I’ll fix this, guys,” she whispered. “I promise.”
Dipper and Wendy didn’t reply.
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New Sweaters!
A pair of twins are forced to realize they can actually change their clothes.
Yet another snippet from what I have decided to call my “Plethora of Pines” stories, wherein the Blind Faith Stan and Ford stumble through a portal to the canon universe at the end of the summer just before Dipper and Mabel leave.
⇾ none!
Blind Faith twins: Sixer & Lee
Canon Mystery Twins Classic: Ford & Stan
“Okay, so, I can totally get why this might not have occurred to your guys by now, and Ford gets it, too, but we really need to address something.” Stan said, standing in front of the newly-dubbed ‘Portal Twins’ with fists planted on his hips. Said twins gave him identical curious looks, having just finished their breakfast that consisted of about a days’ worth of food for the four other members of the Shack combined.
“Your clothes.”
Sixer raised a brow and Lee looked down at his shirt, pulling the fabric out to examine it. “What…” he looked back up at his parallel self. “What about our clothes?”
“You’ve been wearing the same thing since you got here– three days ago.”
This seemed to only cause further confusion.
“Look–” Stan massaged the spot between his eyes mumbling something about having to give the same lecture twice and the multiverse apparently being the killer of civility. “You can’t wear the same thing for three days straight, let alone for however the hell long it’s been since you last changed. Not when there are options to change into.”
“But… we don’t have anything else to change into.” Lee argued, lost. He and Sixer did enter this dimension with everything they usually carried, spare clothes included, but this place had a washing machine. Granted, it took a little while to be ready to part with any of their things, but now all the Portal Twins’ clothes were in the middle of Mabel’s 10-cycle 3-detergent plan to get them to smell passable.
“You’re in a dimension with your alternate selves, we can just–”
“Did somebody say NEW SWEATERS?” Stan was cut off by a loud ball of glitter and pink that came hurtling into the living room, braces shining and arms full of heavy fabric.
The three men startled violently, Lee stabbing the table with a steak knife and Sixer having drawn his arm back so sharply to unsheath a blade that he wound up slamming his elbow on the back of his chair. Stan, more used to Mabel’s style of entrance, managed to only experience some minor heart palpitations as opposed to an entire heart attack.
“Ø𐝐Ѻ𝝵ၔ⅂ɔ” kid, don’t do that!” Lee gasped, the hand that wasn’t wrapped around the knife grabbing at his chest. Sixer held his elbow with a quiet groan, and tried to get his breathing under control.
“Sorry, sorry!” Mabel winced, before proffering what was held in her arms. “But I made these for you! I figured you’d have to change at some point, but I don’t know how to knit pants so you’re going to have to borrow my grunkles’, but you can have these as shirts! They’re super comfy and super soft and I even added extra pockets!”
“What… are they?” Lee asked, brain struggling to catch up to the girls’ high, excited speech.
“I already said they’re sweaters, silly! Here, this one’s yours-” She dumped the strong blue mass of yarn into his lap. “And this one’s yours!” The deep red one went onto Sixer’s. The pair scrutinized their surprise gifts with interest.
Sixer’s sweater was heavy and large– definitely too big for him, but he didn’t mind. The collar and cuffs were a dark purple, whose color matched the simple portrait of a classic alien head that decorated the front. The man’s mouth quirked upwards, before widening into a real smile when he realized that in his current situation he was, technically, an alien visiting Earth.
Lee ran his thumbs over the soft material of his own sweater, before holding it up in front of him when he realized it had something knitted onto the front. ‘IF BEING ATTRACTIVE WASN’T A CRIME, I’D BE ARRESTED ANYWAY’ was splayed in a pale baby blue. He snorted, remembering how fascinated Mabel had been with his story about the dimension where how good someone looked had a real effect on their standing with the law– in the opposite way one would expect.
“So…” Mabel spoke up, and Lee lowered his sweater to look at the girl. “Do you like them?”
Lee was happy to compliment the work, even without Stan’s subtle death glare.
“Huge fan.” He assured with a nod and patented charming grin.
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discofama · 1 year
Just gonna give Gravity Falls' characters from the Bill Cipher wheel a soul color like in Undertale. If you don't know what the colors mean, here it is:
Red: Determination ❤️
Orange: Bravery 🧡
Yellow: Justice 💛
Green: Kindness 💚
Light blue: Patience 💙
Deep blue: Integrity 💙💜
Purple: Perseverance 💜
Okay let's get started.
• Dipper: Purple for perseverance 💜
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Perseverance, here, is to keep going besides whatever obstacles could get in your way. Even if your goals change, your pace doesn't. Dipper always has some kind of objective in mind, clear stuff like finding the author or more abstract things like impressing his crush or getting manlier. The truth is that, even if Dipper might doubt himself sometimes, he's always working for what he (thinks he) wants. Another considerable color in his soul could be orange, for bravery.
• Mabel: Green for kindness 💚
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The good old kindness, no need to explain. Mabel cares so much about everyone around her, wants them to smile and does her best for them to be happy, even if sometimes does it wrong (she's still a child after all), her intentions are nothing but the best and the kindest and she always ends up rectifying the moment she realizes she made anyone sad. A secondary color to mention might be orange as well.
• Stan: Light blue for patience 💙
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The needed patience, the ability to wait. Stanley has waited a lot through his life, that's no secret for anyone. Even if it took him ages, he waited and step by step worked as best as he could taking the needed time and never gave up. Even if it might not seem like it, he has an easy character towards those he cares about (that was lost when Ford came back and Stan got his last straw, but let's ignore that) and... he's just actually very patient with them, specially the kids but Soos and Wendy too since he rarely gets really annoyed by any of them, something I didn't realize until I tried to align him with any of the soul colors and found out that this... is the one trait that fits him; I literally couldn't fit him under any other color.
• Ford: Red for determination ❤️
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Determination (sigh). Undertale players can feel this word's weight. You have an objective in mind for the long run and you won't let it go until you reach it. That's literally Ford Pines, the guy who worked half of his life to accomplish a successful scientific career and fame, and the other half to destroy a specific yellow triangle. Ford's eyes will focus on a goal and he won't stop until he makes it. A secondary color might be orange, cause he is almost too brave. Also maybe yellow, for his strong-but-not-always-accurate sense of justice, but I wouldn't consider that one as much.
• Soos: Deep blue for integrity 💜💙
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He has a moral conscience, and stays loyal to the truth and to himself. Soos might seem a green type of person, but he won't hesitate when telling you a hurtful truth, but still a truth that needs to be said. He won't be anything but himself even if he's not perfect, without ever needing to perjudicate anyone. He is sincere, trustworthy, and a great person, who stayed loyal to Stan but then to the kids the moment they showed him he was hiding something to all of them. Definitely a soul of integrity. Another color to be considered might be light blue, for patience, or orange again. These guys are really brave, let me tell ya.
• Wendy: Orange for bravery 🧡
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Could I make it more obvious? Wendy doesn't really try to get in dangerous places, but she never runs away from them. It is revealed in the Society of the Blind Eye episode that she is always stressed inside, which is a poorexcuseforcharacterdevelopment but anyway, she lives with a deep fear but is able and willing to get over it and face situations without letting it control her, and that is actually what bravery is rather than jumping to danger like an idiot. Another color to be considered might be green, since she's actually pretty kind as shown in the series.
• Gideon: Purple for perseverance 💜
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An interesting aspect of the show is all the parallelisms between Gideon and Dipper, like both having a crush on an older girl or both getting a journal and more stuff I don't remember but I read that analysis somewhere, and you get me. It was also interesting for both to have the same soul color along with the possibility of orange. Gideon... keeps it going. He's always planning something to get away with his whims, doesn't matter if it's stealing the Mistery Shack or a deck chair. Gideon's vision and wantings might change, but like Dipper, his pace never does.
• Fiddleford: Green for kindness 💚
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At first, i put Fiddleford here just because he couldn't fit any other color, but I realized green is actually perfect for him. I'm talking mostly about when he was sane since I don't think his attitude during most of the series should be considered to judge his real personality. He seemed a nice person and dedicated to others with things like writing a whole tesis for Ford, giving him a laptop or a pumpkin that "looked like him", and the way Ford described him talking about family and stuff, also he seems to love children by the end of Gravity Falls when he recovered his memories, his vibe just seems very kind by nature. I haven't read the journal for a while so I don't remember a lot, but definitely, green is his color. Mostly because he literally just can't fit under any other and I'm not joking this time.
• Pacifica: Yellow for justice 💛 (Why is there not a yellow text option?)
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Am I judging her whole character because of one scene? Yes. Do I think I'm right? ... not really. The first time she stopped her parents' influence, she did it with an act of justice. She let the town people into the party, she did what was fair. Yes, it was because there was a ghost threatening to kill everyone if not, but I think there's a meaning behind her first... true action being something fair. Well, she cheated in the singing contest, but honestly, I'm having trouble here giving Pacifica a color. Her parents' bad influence made her a completely different person than what she really is inside, so her soul color might be actually anything, but I personally believe yellow is the one.
• Robbie:
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Who is Robbie?
No, really. I have no idea what to give him. Maybe perseverance? Because of his search for ✨love✨? Idk man. Not kindness, nor patience, nor bravery (maybe? Nahh... Maybe? Naahhh), nor justice (i mean what justice yk), nor integrity, and I laugh at the idea of giving him a determination soul. Could you imagine? (Probably only Undetale fans will get me here but come on).
Though that would actually be hilarious.
Anyway I hope you liked this... something. I love Undertale and a crossover with Gravity Falls would be SO fun and I couldn't get this out of my head, so... yeah. Tell me if you think I'm wrong about any of these and why, I'd like it tho probably no one will read this but I will be happy anyway.
Also I forgot but Bill's is Determination, if he even has a soul, much less a human soul. His magic could be red tho, like the monsters with colored magic instead of colored souls.
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hazardworld · 1 year
Little thing I’ve had in my drafts for awhile, it’s like semi finished
(queer’s used as a good/neutral word here, fyi)
Two years post-GF canon (summer before sophomore year) Ford finds a fuck-ton of anomalies in this tiny town a few hours outside Indianapolis. These  anomalies extend from the 80s on-- Stan vaguely remembers hearing abt everything (zombie boy, Hawkins Lab incident, mall fire, earthquake, etc), since Ford got tossed in the portal in January of ‘81.
The Mystery Shack Gang (Stan, Ford, Soos, Wendy, Mabel, Dipper, Pacifica) get Ford’s emergencies-only time measuring tape and go back to the 80s and drive to Hawkins. Stan makes them all IDs with appropriate birth years so they can blend in easier, and Melody watches the shack while they’re gone bc she’s the GOAT.
After booking motel rooms, Stan, Mabel, Dipper, and Paz go out. The first people they meet are Steve, Robin, and Dustin at Family Video, since Stan’s go-to easiest method of distracting children is cringy 80s movies. Dustin immediately clocks them for tourists and takes Mabel to the arcade (Steve just wants the kid to get his fucking homework done).
Robin clocks smalltown gays (Paz) and asks her about Rocky Horror. Stan has to quickly explain it’s like the Indigo Girls, to which Paz responds “I don’t listen to Rocky Horror but I listen to Rocky Horror.” This is obviously very confusing to everyone, so Stan mediates again and just asks if “they’re all queer here.”
Meanwhile, Ford is off exploring the woods for anomalies when he finds Hopper’s cabin, where El is hiding out yet again. Ford meets El, and Hopper walks in on them talking about multidimensional travel, which somehow El understands. Obviously, Hopper is wary about this old scientist dude who barged into his house with his illegal daughter, but El confirms he’s a little crazy but fully good-hearted, and even has a weirdness of his own! (his hands).
Simultaneously, Wendy and Soos stole the car and are driving around for something. They eventually find the quarry, where Johnathan, Argyle, and Eddie are smoking weed. Wendy trades Purple Palm Tree Delight with modern Oregon shit, and they all smoke together. Soos trying pot is an experience.
Eventually the GF gang reconvenes after Steve drives Stan, Paz, and Dipper to the quarry to pick up Wendy, Soos, and their car, where Stan complains that he wanted weed too. Eddie becomes nervous being couple-y with Steve around the newcomers, but Stan makes a comment about how he used to switch his own navy blue ‘back in the 80s’ in reference to Eddie’s hanky (both Steve and Stan are very casually queer).
The comment sinks in--it is the 80s--but no one tries to correct it. 
When they get back to the motel, Mabel has called, saying she’s staying the night at the Hendersons, apparently. During this sleepover, she teaches Dustin about the wonders of sweater-knitting and pansexuality, ("I thought that was just like orgies and stuff!" "Not in the future it’s not!" "What?" "What?") and Dustin teaches her about DnD and Cerebro, ("Oh yeah! Me and my Gruncle and my besties had to play that to free my brother and my other Gruncle from the villains come to life from this weird infinitesimal interdimensional die!" "What?" "What?"). Essentially, it’s extroverted pansexual autistic bonding night.
In the morning, they run a 3 hour sugar high and terrorize the arcade once again. Lucas and Will are there and very concerned.
El and Hopper, who drove Ford back to the hotel, get introduced to the whole rest of the gang. El and Max don’t quite realize their admiration for Wendy is 1000000% attraction, though Wendy however, does (she knows a fellow confused bisexual when she sees one). She tries to ease them both into the idea of being gay, but El doesn’t entirely get the nuance. 
Most importantly, El and Hopper open up about the Upside Down, so they all decide to have a massive family dinner that next evening so they can talk about trauma together. 
At dinner (Chez Steve) everyone introduces themselves and explains the terrors of each others’ worlds, because everyone’s equally traumatized and they finally have someone to rant to about it. The GF gang also tells the Hawkins crew that they’re actually from the future. Robin is psyched, Eddie realizes that Stan’s whole thing makes a lot more sense, and then shudders, thinking he could’ve hooked up with him before he got together with Steve, and Max and Robin and El are all still practically drooling over Wendy.
Eventually, Ford and Nancy have found themselves a corner and converse intensely about sciencey things, and no one can tell what they’re talking about, Dipper meets the boys and is psyched to find fellow lovers of DnD--he introduces them to DnD 4e ("Fifth edition is supposed to come out this September in our time!")--and Soos is still feeling the after-high (it doesn’t matter if this is even a thing or not but it is for Soos because he’s Soos, okay?). He, Johnathan, and Argyle (who are also high) are platonically/weed-induced cuddling on a guest bed.
(Soos, Hopper, and Joyce are the token straights here and we love them for that).
Stan, Claudia, and Wayne (who have been added to the party for other reasons) lovingly begrudge about their children on the back porch. Stan asks what was it like to have gay kids in the 80s (he wants to balance it on his own childhood), and Claudia and Wayne just look at each other…and snicker. Claudia is lesbian and Wayne is gay, and back in the day, the two of them plus Joyce and Hopper would go on double dates and be each other’s beards. (Joyce and Hopper knew it the whole time; Claudia and Wayne had not been quiet about their attraction when they were all little)
Steve, Erica, and Pacifica have their own version of the same fucking conversation on the back porch, though, theirs is more, "wtf is wrong with these kids/mofos/idiots.” Erica and Pacifica also converse about being lesbians.
Meanwhile, Dustin and Mabel have woken up from their nap to a pounding headache between the both of them. Dustin finds the Advil and they take some so they’re feeling better. Not knowing about the dinner party, they decide to go annoy Steve at Family Video, but Dustin’s too young for his permit, and his mom will kill him if he lets Mabel drive without one, either. Instead, they take a shortcut to Family Video through the woods.
"You’re taking a knife into the woods?" -M
"…Yeah? It’s-It’s the woods, man, dunno what could be out there…" -D
"Dude, chill, weapons are awesome. Just wanted to clarify," -M
Neither Mabel nor Dustin know about each other’s trauma, so they’re trying to cover shit up the best they can. (Mabel also secretly stashes her grappling hook and Ford’s other-dimensional laser gun on her at all times).
While they’re walking, Mabel notices that things have gone eerily…gray. Dustin then notices too, and voices it out loud.
Oh look, it’s everyone’s bestie Bill Cypher!
Apparently, killing him in the future means he’s still alive in the past. Mabel’s conveniently wearing her shooting star sweater again, and she gives Dustin his own Cypher name, 'Radio’. Bill reignites Mabel’s trauma, having access to her mind, and then tries to make a deal with Dustin. Dustin’s wary, and he sees Mabel’s panicked look when the deal is offered, so he luckily doesn’t take it. Bill then drops he’s gonna make a deal with Henry Creel, and disappears, the forest going back to color.
Oh look, it’s trauma dump time in the middle of the forest!
Mabel explains about the summer of 2012 and Dustin explains about Vecna and the UD. They come to the conclusion that Murderous-Mind-Demon x Murderous-Mind-Demon-With-Connections-To-Other-Murderous-Demons is not a good ship. Immediately, Dustin’s on his radio, and Max is the first to answer in a momentary bathroom break from her drooling over Wendy. (Dustin explains to Mabel that Max is like his own twin sister and Mabel instantly approves).
Max alerts the masses, and Steve picks the Dustin and Mabel up to they can all brainstorm what to do together.
Let the fun begin!
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voidv3ssel · 1 year
Cursed & Burned
This is an OC fanfiction based in the Gravity Falls universe centered around my OC and their relationship with the Pines Family.
Pairing: Stanford Pines x Male OC
Chapter 1: Unexpected Arrival
Summary: Ford takes apart the portal when a strong storm outside turns it on for the last time...someone falls through.
- - - - - -
It was bound to happen with the thunderstorm raging outside. While Dipper and Mabel stayed upstairs with Stan, Stanford was downstairs containing the portal. With the heavy rain part of it started to come to the basement making things more difficult. A puddle by the wires meant Ford would need to wait on removing that bit, rubber gloves may assist, but with the power running through those cables…he isn’t going to risk it. Then the rumble of thunder loud enough to make the scientist look up came just above everyone's heads, a bolt of lightning following soon after. A shock of electricity was sent through the house and unexpectedly, nature meet mad science.
An unstable portal flickered open for only a few seconds, but with Ford's luck. It was a few seconds too long. 
The portal's edges had been coated in dark purple and the great big POP it made when it closed sent a shock wave through the room, possibly through the house. Ford covered his ears, falling to his knees. He gritted his teeth and once the sound stopped he grabbed his gun, coat flourishing behind him. He aimed towards the now-closed portal. There a burning mass of black smoke formed a giant flame. The smoke danced and transformed. A crown? Yes, it formed a crown that slowly faded as well. The burning black smoke came to a more real form. A figure kneeled there where the portal closed for, hopefully, the last time. 
Ford aimed at the stranger. A hood covered the being's face attached to a dark coat. The hood seemed stitched on. When their head lifted dark misty goggles covered their eyes, but two orbs glowed purple in the lab's dark behind those goggles. A dark blue scarf that matched the stranger's sweater covered their lower face, it slowly fell to reveal some kind of modified gas mask. The figure put out a gloved hand as Ford took a step closer.
The figure slowly stood as Ford’s hands stayed steady, his gun remaining pointed at them. "Who are you?" Ford demanded. The figure took a step forward and Ford fired a warning shot that went past their face, missing by inches. He wasn’t playing. Anything or anyone could have come out of that portal. He wasn’t taking any risks, not with his brother and niblings above them.
"Don't. Move." 
The figure shook, their hand going down to grip their stomach. "Please…" their voice was hoarse and before Ford could get to them they collapsed on the ground. Their hood fell off to reveal black long hair in a ponytail. Ford was quick to rush to them. He took off their goggles and mask to see a familiar face. A face he had long resigned to never see again. A face he had searched for without any sign of ever being in the places he had been through the vast expanses of the multiverse.
"P-Percival?” Ford stared down at a young man, his face littered with freckles. A scar across the edge of his left eye and a feral beard. “Oh god, Percival!" Ford checked him over for wounds finding none he lifted him up and brought him into the control room. He lays him down gently using his coat as a pillow for the moment. 
As Ford pulls away from Percival, his hands are shaking. He runs a hand through his hair looking around the lab he hadn’t been to in years debating on what he should do. Percival was alive? He had believed for so long that Percy was lost. If he was alive why hadn’t he found him? Was this even his Percival? 
A low groan that turned into a cough broke him from his thoughts. Ford turned back around finding Percy flush against the wall, his gas mask held to his face in desperation. Ford moved to walk closer, but seeing Percival flinch he stopped his movement. For what felt like forever Ford stood there watching Percy, his coughing and heavy breathing the only sounds in the silence. 
“Long time, Einstein…” Percy spoke shakily like he was uncertain. Hearing the nickname, one that Ford hated, he smiled. Ford moves close to Percival. He noticed the strange purple glow in Percival's eyes but he would ask about that later.
“You don’t need the mask. The air is breathable.” Ford assured him holding his hand out. Percy looked at Ford's hand. He smiled behind the mask and slowly pulled it down and placed it in Ford’s waiting hand. Percy took in a breath feeling his chest fill with it.
The air is crisp, fresh, clean…
I hate it.
- - - - - -
No taste of sulfur or blood. No burning sensation as it goes into his lungs. No constant whispers or screams. 
"It's so quiet without the voices…too quiet in my mind," Percival whispers, his hands feeling empty. His shaking hand quickly grips a remote. He stars at it for but a moment then focuses back to the black of the TV screen. The scent of pine and cinnamon…
I hate it. I hate it. I hAtE iT!
There in the yellow reclining chair, Percival sits, seething in his thoughts. A soft blanket wrapped around him, but he hardly notices. The very air around him is foul and reeks of hatred, discomfort, and rage.
Stan stands in the doorway, staring in disbelief. One of his closest friends from childhood came back from the dead. How was he still young and full of energy? He didn’t look any older than 30. Ford had brought him upstairs only 10 minutes ago and Stan can't say he was happy. 30 years ago Ford said Percy died, but now Percival is sitting in Stan’s reclining chair staring at the TV, smelling like brimstone and death, and refusing to say a word. Stan was not happy with this, but he didn’t blame Percy.
Stan was debating approaching him when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned and there Ford stood. He tilted his head towards the kitchen. Stan nodded and glanced once more toward Percy before walking with Ford to the kitchen.
Dipper and Mabel sat at the table both turning when Stan and Ford entered. The storm outside continued to rage, the lights flicker occasionally.
“I know there is much to explain.”
“Can we start with Percival? How did he get here? You said he died during a test with the portal.” Stan crossed his arms as he asked his question.
“I-I thought he did. I searched for him in every universe I came upon, but couldn't find him anywhere."
“So he went through the portal too?” Stan grumbled. Ford turned to his brother and sighed. He nods.
“Yes. It was during the incident with Fiddleford. That day started off rather strange to begin with, but what is new for Gravity Falls…” Ford closes his eyes as he recounts that day.
Ford stood outside on the porch as snow flutters started to fall. He took in a deep breath a chill running through him. Fiddleford had taken part of the day off to spend with his wife and child, but Ford still wanted to check something out before the portal test later. They all had to be there for the test anyway. As Ford stared out into the snowy scape he heard a crash from inside followed by a swear. He chuckled.
“Outside, darling,” Ford replied and a second later his eyes meet the blue of Percival's. Percy smiled walking over to him. He kissed his forehead.
“We should head out. Where are we going anyway?”
“It would be easier to show you.” Ford goes to grab a scarf and gloves before coming back outside. He locks the door and starts down the stairs. Percival follows after him closely. As they walk through the forest Percy asks the question again.
“So where are we going?”
“Alan Turing,” Ford exclaimed with a grin. Percival scrunched up his nose in confusion.
“Alan Turning helped the British government decrypt-” 
“The Nazi Enigma machine, amazing guy, hero that deserved better. What about him Ford?” Percy had that lost look on his face that Ford always found adorable.
“He was a genius in his time, still is, and according to these texts he built a cryostasis chamber here in Gravity Falls after the end of World War 2. I believed it was a rumor but this text we found may prove otherwise. I believe I narrowed down the location of his cryostasis chamber.”
“Doesn't that mean he's not dead? Cryostasis is the one where you're frozen for a certain amount of time then when the timer is up you come back out like you were when you went inside, right?” Percival asked talking a bit quickly. Ford stopped for a moment to look at him.
“What? I’m smarter than I look, Einstien.” Percival tried to look offended, but a smirk crept up on his face. Ford chuckled and kept walking.
“How did you know about that? I don’t remember any of your degrees being in science. I do remember you talking nonstop about your Greek Mythology degree.” Ford inquired, the snow grew heavier.
“I saw it in a movie,” Percy admitted with a grin. “And that is my favorite degree.” Ford sighed rolling his eyes.
“Course that's where you know it from.” Ford smiles a little. 
“So, is he alive?”
“Not likely, but we may find something of interest there anyway.”
“Did you find a cryostasis chamber?” Dipper asked very invested in the story. Ford shook his head.
“No, unfortunately, we didn’t. We did find a journal though but it had nothing to do with Turing. It was written in a language that neither of us recognized. We decided to head back, as by the time we left it was far later…”
Ford sighed, disappointed. He shouldn't have gotten so excited for something that was less than a 50% chance of being true. Still, they got something out of it. An old cave full of items from ages passed. They would need to investigate further another day. They made their way out of the cave just in time for a cold breeze to blow their way. Ford shivered as they started walking.
“Someone's cold.” Percy teased as Ford cuddled his hands close to his chest and let out a quivering breath.
“It's freezing, Percival. How are you only wearing two layers? You do know it's winter, yes?” Ford looked at the other and Percy laughed. He pulled his jacket off. Ford opened his mouth to stop him, but Percy wrapped the jacket around Ford.
“Let’s get you inside and out of the cold.” Ford just stared at the man perplexed at how he was only wearing a short sleeve shirt in the winter. It was just one more thing to remember about Percy. Always thinking of someone else. Always…
“I think it will take a few hours to decipher this text. We didn’t find Turing, but we did find this!” Percy pulls an old crown out of his bag.
“You kept it? Are you certain that's a good idea?” Ford asked watching as Percy put the crown on. He hugged Percy's coat around him tighter.
“Yes. It fits perfectly and now that my hands are empty.” Percy grins moving quickly to pick Ford up. Ford protests a bit but ends up letting Percy carry him back to the house. This wasn’t the first time the other did this, but every time Ford found it humiliating.
“We have arrived, my princess.” 
Ford blushed greatly muttering as Percy put him down. He walked inside Percival laughing at Ford's red face.
Ford opened his eyes looking at his audience. 
“When we got back it didn’t take long till Fiddleford came back from the day with his family. We wanted to test the portal with a dummy, make sure it was safe for someone to go through, but Percival,”
“We don’t need to throw a dummy threw. I can go through it, then once I confirm it's safe we all can. You, me, and Fiddlesticks,”
“I never agreed to that nickname,” Fiddleford shouts from the other room.
“Percival, I don’t know. If something is wrong with it you could get hurt.”
“Trust me, Fluffy. We got this.” Percy wrapped an arm around Ford and Ford chuckled. 
“Alright, alright. Let's head down to the lab. We should at least get some gear set up for you.” Ford smiled up at Percival. He moved to kiss his cheek and Percival smiled at that.
“It was my fault. It was an accident. Fiddleford nearly got lost with him, but Percy…”
“Ford! Pull the rope!” 
“I’m trying!” Ford’s footing started to slip and he got closer to the danger line. Percy was gripping the top of the portal, one hand holding Fiddleford’s rope. Percy got a look on his face that Ford recognize too well. One he always made before doing something reckless.
“Don’t do anything stupid!” Ford shouted in a plea. That made Percy smirk.
“Stupids all I do, genius.” He said it so calmly as he tugged Fiddleford's rope with a great amount of force. It sent Fiddleford out of the portal and sent Percival in. With one last look towards Ford Percy disappeared beyond the changing colors of the portal. 
“No! Percy! Percival!” Fiddleford collided with Ford as the portal closed. Both fell to the ground with a thud.
The end of Percival's rope was scorched by the closed portal.
“He was gone. I had lost both him and Fiddleford that day...one more permanently I thought.” Ford clenched his fists, the guilt still there.
“When I myself was…trapped I searched for him. No one knew where he was. I had to assume that Percival had died.” Ford remembers how desperate he was when he fell through. How many beings he asked about Percy…
“Well, you made the wrong assumption.” Stan scoffed in response. Ford sent him a glare. 
“So did he say where he was?” Dipper asked his great uncle. Ford turned to Dipper and nodded. He seemed hesitant to say, but it needed to be out in the open. They needed to know.
“He was muttering about…The Nightmare realm.”
“The Nightmare realm?” Stan questioned. He was very much out of the loop.
“That's where Bill is from!” Dipper slammed his hands on the table and Mabel stood up.
“He was with Bill that whole time? He must have been so scared!” 
“I doubt it was only Bill.” Ford could say more but he didn’t want to scare the kids by telling them just how many demons there were in the Nightmare realm and beyond.
Stan frowned and turned towards the entryway. What had his friend gone through? What, in turn, had Ford gone through? He looked at his brother sadly wondering if saying something would help.
“Where is he going to stay?” Dipper asked which made Stan turn to him. “We don’t have any more rooms.”
“Yeah, well he can’t exactly sleep on the couch and I have no idea where the inflatable mattress is.” Stan rolled his eyes.
“He can stay with you, Grunkle Ford!” Mabel gave him a big smile.
Stan was about to protest when a sound in the living room caught his attention. It started with a flicker of power then the sound kept changing as did the lighting in the dark living room. Stan swore he had the lights on for Percy.
Ford was the first to move into the hall and walk to the doorway. The others followed all stopping in their tracks at the sight before them.
Everyone stood there in the doorway watching as the channels flicked faster than a press of a button. The controller was in pieces on the floor before Percy. His eyes never left the screen. They changed faster and faster, but the remote lay broken.
“Demon realm, huh?” Stan muttered lowly looking at Percy with worry. Ford took in a deep breath and nodded.
“Yes…it would seem there were some…side effects of his time there.” 
“You think?” Stan gritted his teeth glancing at Ford.
For a moment everyone stayed quiet just watching Percy if it was still Percival. Ford was starting to have his doubts. He had been in the Nightmare realm for 30 years. What madness had he endured? Was he even human anymore? Even with his doubts, when it came to Percival he never thought straight.
Finally, someone spoke up. 
“Look who it is.” At those words the TV sparked and the screen went to static. A small smile came to Percival’s face. In the dark, his eyes glowed Purple and Ford's hand rested on his gun. 
“Long time, Wildcat.” Stan moved past the group, feeling Ford grab his arm to stop him. He pulled away and sat beside Percival on the skull.
“You know I hate that nickname, Piston.” Stan saw the purple glow but felt no fear. This was Percy after all. He’d never hurt family...right? “How do you feel?”
Percival closed his eyes as if considering that question. “I am adequate. Maybe…hungry? Or thirsty?” He couldn’t quite tell what the feeling was. “My stomach feels empty so it must be one of the two.”
“We have leftovers in the fridge, I’ll get them!” Mabel said cheerfully going to the kitchen. Dipper followed after her. The Stan twins watched them go before focusing back on Percy. The sound of the microwave going was heard in the silence.
“How are you both?” Stan chuckled and Ford decided to approach. He bent down and picked up the mess of the controller parts.
“You're asking us that when you look like…this?” Stan smiled down at him, but Percy’s eyes still haven’t left the TV screen. Ford moved to the TV and turned it off. The screen went back to being a black void and the lights flickered back on. Ford turned towards Percival, but still, his eyes focused on the screen. He seemed to be squinting now.
“Right, I can turn them off for you.” Ford moved to turn the lights off. He flipped the switch and they turned back off leaving them in darkness. Stan turned on the lamp making sure its light was dim, but they needed to see.
“Better?” Stan asks smiling at Percy.
“Yes. Better. Still bright, but not as bad.” Percival sighed and closed his eyes. He wasn’t used to all the light. “Food.” 
As he said this Mabel and Dipper came in with a tray. “We have leftover chicken nuggets and some Mabel juice for you,” Mabel stated cheerfully. Percy’s posture stiffened. Since he had been sat down there he hadn’t moved. Now he turned to look at Mabel. Percy smiled smally and with shaking hands took the tray.
“Thank you…Shooting Star.” He held the tray not realizing that nickname made the twins very uncomfortable. Seeing the look on his niblings faces he raised his brow. Was it the nickname? 
“Bill’s nickname,” Percy stated. That got everyone's attention. He smiled at the twins. “I will come up with better ones to avoid making you further uncomfortable. Forgive me.” 
Mabel smiled at that, but Dipper was hesitant to trust this man. How did he know about Bill’s nickname for his sister? 
“Ok, but that means I have to think of one for you too!” Mabel said with glee.
“If you wish, Mabel.” Percy turned to Dipper. “You already have a nickname, but I prefer to give my own out. Is that ok with you, Dipper?”
Dipper was a bit surprised by this but nodded. Maybe he was overreacting. This was someone Ford trusted. “Yeah, um…sure.”
Seeing this made Stan smile. This was still his friend, Percy. Even if he had spent 30 years in hell. It was still him, maybe him with psychic powers, but still him.
“Say, Percy, you mind answering so-” mid-way through Stan's question Percy dropped the tray. He blinked a bit and his eyes fixed on the floor. Ford moved by Stan feeling a bit uneasy by the way Percy is now. He did, however, look at Percival in worry and before his own question could be asked, Percy answered.
"The demons…gave me a name. A new name. One I was called for so long I…had forgotten what my human name sounded like."
Ford’s heart dropped. Percy hadn't heard his own name in so long he had forgotten what it sounded like. The look of joy had left Stan’s face quickly. He bit the inside of his mouth swearing he was gonna make those damn demons pay.
“Kids, go to bed.” Stan tried to sound stern. But the lump in his throat made it come out quiveringly.
“What, but-”
“Now, the both of you.” Ford nearly shouts. The twins run upstairs both confused and saddened by what happened today.
Ford’s hand left its place on his gun and went to cover his mouth. He had been so ready to defend his family from Percy, but hearing that? There was no doubt in his mind now. This was Percy. It was his Percival and Ford had left him there with demons for 30 years. He had trapped him in that dimension. 
“Please…say it again.” Percival’s gaze stays fixed on the floor. His voice was so quiet, like a child desperate for comfort from their parents. “Please.”
Stan sucked in a shaky breath as his chest ached. Ford moved to sit by Percival. Ford hugged Percival while Stan put a hand on his shoulder.
“Your home, Percy.”
“Your safe, love. Your home Percival.” Ford tried to reassure him. It had been so long since he had seen Percival, let alone how long it had been since Percival looked so upset and lost. Ford could only remember one other time that Percy had hurt this much... This was the man who would get them out of trouble, or in certain cases, in trouble. This was the man who would be a brother, a teacher, and a friend if they needed it. Someone they both looked up to.
“Your home, Percy. Nothins’ gonna get you while we're here.” Stan promised, hugging him too. Percy smiled at that and hugged them all back. 
He was home? Yes, that's what they said. Home? This human house and these people are home. It had been such a long time since he understood what home truly was. Memories of the twins around him were strong, yet there was something missing. Something always seemed to be missing in his mind.
Something to forget.
Percival's eyes closed and he felt the warmth of the twins embrace him. He let himself enjoy this moment while sleep slowly took him. He was home. He was finally home...right? 
Uhdop ri pdgqhvv lv krph wr Dwodv
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naquey · 5 months
All Seeing Alchemist
Dipper comes back for the summer just to take a break from college and maybe spend a little time at the Mystery Shack. The town has been reconstructed, and with Gideon in jail, it seems all the more confusing when there's another psychic but thanks to town history they're seemingly ignored.
contains: crystals, meet cute, college dipper, dipper still has anxiety, flashbacks to Gideon almost killing Dipper
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Dipper was glad to be back in Gravity Falls.
College had been kicking his ass, even more so because he was an overachiever and was doing way too many things just to ensure that he could finish college on time like he planned. It was yet again, another forty-two step plan.
Thanks to Soos, he was able to settle back into that room in the attic, his Abuelita was staying in her own home. The room looked exactly like how had had left it, aside from the missing posters that were above his and Mabel's beds. The beds and the desk in the middle were still there. Setting down his bags and sitting down on the old bed he let out a surprised sound when the mattress sunk pretty deep under his weight. It has been a while since the mattress was replaced.
He'd gotten to the Mystery Shack later than he expected, the sky was already turning dark. Unzipping his suitcase he pulled out that journal Grunkle Ford had gotten him a while ago, it was white and blue like his old hat with a pinetree symbol on the cover. Flipping it open he leaned back to read over his writing... again.
The next morning he woke up with his book lying over his face, open to the last page he was reading. Groggy and half awake he rubbed a hand over his face, wiping away the grime from last night. Closing his journal he got up and stretched, walking on over to the mirror in the corner. Aside from his hair sticking up in different directions he looked pretty okay. He maybe, possibly, sort of had to change his shirt.
Gravity Falls hadn't exactly changed much since he'd vacationed there when he was twelve, and it hadn't changed since he visited last year. Although he had a car he decided to take a stroll down the block, choosing to look at places up close than slow driving down the street and looking at places from his car window. He had just about walked around town square three times, going in circles. It took him a moment to recognize a store that didn't look familiar.
Alchemic Apothecary the overhead sign read.
Pushing open the door there was a bell that rang when it opened. A certain smell assaulted his sense, incense. Suddenly he was thrust back into the past.
He and Gideon were in a warehouse after he had told him that Mabel didn't want to go out with him. He was suspended in the air, heart pounding out of his ribcage. The bolo tie that Gideon was clutching in his hand was glowing turquoise. A pair of scissors floating towards him, menacingly. Gideon was screaming about something but he couldn't hear him, all his focus was on that pair of scissors dangerously close to cutting him in half.
"Welcome, let me know if there's anything you need."
Her voice hit his ears and he was pulled out of the memory. His was leaning on one of the tables by the door, clutching the edge with white knuckles. Other hand clutched over his heart. Trying to calm down that thrumming in his ears he looked around. There were many, many things set out on shelves and tables. Crystals, herbs, tarot decks, tea sets, t-shirts, even statues of different kinds of Gods and Goddesses.
He picked up a large moonstone sphere, it had a purple tint.
"Moonstone, good choice. It can attract good intuition to your life, as well as stability and peace."
She touched his shoulder gently and he jumped. Just a bit taller than him with dark purple dyed hair that had a curl at the ends and long in the front. Tucking some hair behind her ear she offered him a smile. Her eyes were the same shade as chocolate.
"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't meant to spook you."
"No, no. You're okay." Dipper chuckled awkwardly and put the sphere back in its holder.
"I'm Luna, the store owner."
"Dipper Pines."
"Dipper? That's an interesting name." She giggled.
"How uh... How much is this?" Just like when he was younger, his voice cracked.
"There's a sticker if you just turn it over." She made the motion with her hands.
"Oh." He turned it over and merely glanced at the price before he noticed his palms were sweaty. "I'll- I'll just buy this."
He paid for the moonstone sphere and then made a quick exit from the shop. When he got back to the Mystery Shack he accidentally slammed the door behind him.
"Dipper?" Melody called, she was in the kitchen.
"Hi- Hi..." He cleared his throat.
"Oh, what's with the bag?" She nodded at the paper bag he was carrying.
"What bag? I'm not- It's nothing!" He hid it behind his legs, which didn't hide it.
"You're acting weird, what happened?"
"I'm not acting weird. Who's acting weird?"
"Dude, you're being really weird." Soos added. He was wearing an apron.
"Are you guys making pancakes? I can smell them." Dipper raised a brow.
"Oh, yeah. We're making pancakes, but you don't get any until you tell us why you're acting so weird?" Melody planted her hands on her hips.
"Okay, okay." Dipper sighed and walked into the kitchen.
Soos, Melody, and Dipper all sat around the kitchen table. Dipper was fidgeting, staring down at the table. Melody and Soos looked at him expectantly.
"So, you went to Alchemic Apothecary." Melody pursed her lips, nodding to herself.
"I just bought the first thing I touched, being in there reminded me of Gideon and then- then there was this girl."
"A girl?" Melody's eyes widened.
"Was is a meet cute fated to be, the tired college student and the occultist?" Soos asked with a chuckle.
"Oh! That would be so adorable!" Melody grinned.
"She said something about the stone sphere I bought, but I didn't listen..."
"Well, do you like her?" They both asked, leaning forward.
"I uh- I..."
"Dude, you gotta go back there." Soos said.
"Yeah! You gotta go back and ask her out!" Melody got up and put a plate of pancakes on the table. "In the meantime, plan what you're going to say."
Following Soos and Melody's advice, Dipper decided to go back. Not only because he thought she was cute, but also because he didn't want to sit and watch Melody and Soos dancing around their kitchen. It was adorable, but it also made him a little sad. Over the years after his crush on Wendy he had felt quite lonely. It was hard to really connect with people after everything he's been through, and the stuff he's interested isn't exactly what makes the ladies chase him.
Taking a deep breath before he opened the door he stopped when he saw some guy standing at the counter. Luna was having a conversation with him but didn't notice Dipper walk in. She probably noticed the bell above the door.
"Oh, Dipper!" She waved at him when she noticed him looking at the statues in the glass case. "Give me a second, sorry." She excused herself from the guy at the counter.
"Is Apollo made out of marble?" Dipper asked, tilting his head.
"Yeah! I thought it was pretty unique if I'm being honest. You're back for crystals, right?"
She snorted. "Of course you're not back for crystals, you don't seem like a crystal collector."
"Could it be that you want to ask me out?"
"What? No! Of course not..."
She giggled.
"Because I would like to ask you out." Her arms were folded over her chest. She was wearing a blue mesh shirt patterned with gold stars and moons.
"Me? What- Why?" Dipper's face flushed.
"Do I really have to spell it out?" She deadpanned.
"No, no! You don't have to... I just- It's been a while."
"Does Saturday work? Five o'clock?"
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myersesque · 2 years
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★ nobody in the pines family is cishet!! (bc i said so!!) ★ ★ any bi/pan/aspec discourse in the notes n u get blocked! ★ ★ i used this mlm flag! ★
[ID: 4 circular icons of characters from the show Gravity Falls, each with a different pride flag in the background.
The first icon shows Stan Pines - an older man, wearing glasses and a fez - running hurriedly whilst carrying a cash register. Behind him is the bisexual flag: a pink stripe, a purple stripe, and a blue stripe.
The second icon shows Ford Pines - he is nearly identical to Stan, except hatless and wearing a turtleneck and long coat, and with a streak of lighter grey in his hair. He is holding up a strange green tentacle creature with one arm and readying his opposite hand in a fist, and has a determined look on his face. Behind him are two flags. The left flag is the aroace pride flag: an orange stripe, a yellow stripe, a white stripe, a light blue stripe, and a dark blue stripe. The right flag is the mlm/nlm flag created by xenogendiies: a blue stripe, a teal stripe, a green stripe, a yellow stripe, an orange stripe, a red stripe, and a purple stripe.
The third icon shows Dipper Pines - a tween with short brown hair, wearing a blue cap and a sleeveless vest over a red T-shirt. He is holding up a candle and inspecting something off-screen. Behind him is the transgender flag: a blue stripe, a pink stripe, a white stripe, another pink stripe, and another blue stripe.
The fourth icon shows Mabel Pines - a tween with long brown hair, a pink headband, and braces, wearing a knitted jumper covered in light-up stars, with the name “Mabel” and a rainbow stitched on the front. She is standing with her arms spread wide, and smiling. Behind her is the pansexual flag: a pink stripe, a yellow stripe, and a blue stripe. /End ID]
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grendelsmilf · 2 years
what would mabel and dipper's b'not mitzvah look like
I’m assuming you mean the party and not the service bc obviously those are all the same. I want to say it would be tasteful, but alas........I cannot.
dipper would be fine with just getting lunch or dinner with close friends & family after the service, but mabel would insist on a big shebang she’d be like “we are BECOMING GROWN UPS we have to CELEBRATE DIPPER!!!!!!!” so obviously dipper would agree, even though they already had a big party at the mystery shack (“no but this birthday is TWICE AS IMPORTANT, so we need TWICE AS MANY PARTIES!!!!!”)
mabel would insist that the party have a THEME, and then when dipper’s only suggestion is “the x files” she’s like “I’m not letting my bat mitzvah I mean OUR bnei mitzvah look like a shrine to a stupid show only old people remember, dorko” and so he’s like “fine what’s your great idea then” and then when mabel is like “glad you asked—“ and pulls out a boyband poster he’s immediately like “no. absolutely not.”
eventually they finally come to an agreement that their theme will be a combination of ghosts, mermaids, kittens, ducktective, vampires, waddles (just. waddles), aliens, and art. it’s very cohesive and not weird at all.
mabel wears a dress that is basically just a huge pile of glitter, and dipper wears a suit that he’s convinced makes him look very grown up (doesn’t help that his mom is all like “oh look at you dipper YOURE A MAN NOW!!!!”)
soos shows up and is just like “dudes. this is the greatest party i’ve ever been to.”
wendy also shows up, and secretly thinks that this party is kinda cringe and the music selection is making her ears bleed (minus the klezmer, which rules actually), but out loud she agrees with soos because duh she’s not a monster.
stan shows up too of course, because he’s not about to miss his favorite niece’s bat mitzvah (oh, and dipper too, obviously...) and ford also comes but it’s really awkward because the pines parents were not made aware of the fact that they actually have two grunkles???
ford just stands in the corner and nods whenever a kid walks past him he’s like “yes hello child, are you enjoying this party?” acting extremely suspicious despite the fact that it’s completely normal for him to be there so they have no idea why he’s acting like he broke in and is trying not to be noticed.
candy and grenda both make very convincing powerpoints that they present to their respective parents delineating why they simply NEED to go to california for this event, and pacifica goes too (she doesn’t ask permission she just hitches a ride with them) and they all have a great time at this horrible tacky party (even pacifica).
mabel also invites mermando but hes like “I’m pretty sure accommodating me would be too much of a hassle. let’s just catch up on a beach somewhere later.”
dipper nearly throws up after being lifted in a chair and mabels like “seriously you survived the apocalypse but you can’t survive hava nagila???”
at one point mabel somehow manages to successfully organize a queue under a sign that reads “CUTE BOYS LINE UP HERE FOR A KISS FROM THE BAT OF THE HOUR” and she gets so many kisses (but only from the boys she deems cute enough). at one point she has to go to the bathroom to touch up her bright purple eyeshadow and shes like “dipper tap in for a sec I’ll be right back” and dipper is just like “absolutely not, you lunatic.”
the duck they dressed up as ducktective proves to be a real diva, so they discreetly ask ford if he can go put him back in the pond they stole borrowed him from, they’re sick of trying to accommodate this overly demanding duck (“we get it you’re a thespian”) ! and ford is like “finally i can be of use” but then they ask wendy to accompany him just to make sure he actually completes the task without, like, accidentally blowing up a building or something.
mabel gets her braces changed to blue and white for the occasion and dipper is like “omg because of my iconic hat?” and mabels like “what?? no! you don’t even have that hat anymore! your hat?? really??? you think I chose this colorscheme to match your hat???? what’s wrong with you????” and dippers like “I was..... joking?” and mabels like “oh thank god i mean baruch hashem you sounded rly serious lol” and dippers like [sweating] “ha ha.... yeah...”
after the party they throw a super special sleepover afterparty for their closest friends (wendy is invited because now that they are technically teens she is technically their peer, but no grownups allowed!! that means you too, soos. sorry bro) and dipper and mabel argue over what movie to watch for 45 minutes. dippers like “I don’t want to watch the same 80s teen romcom you have made me watch so many freaking times” and mabel is like “well no one wants to watch your weird alien thing!!!” (which is true, at least people actually like mabel’s option. only person on dipper’s side is wendy, and she refuses to admit it because she loves mabel too much). eventually they compromise by watching yentl (because they’re JEWS).
they would both go on to claim that theirs was “TWICE as good as a regular bnei mitzvah,” which is a joke they find hilarious every single time and never get sick of even once.
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manicpixiess · 3 years
A Secret Society, But Make It ✨Chaotic Academia✨
~ cryptic pamphlets tucked into peculiar library books written by authors obscure and wonderful; the kind that are chanced upon in dusty shelves which few care to visit, with books about forgotten kingdoms and unimportant wars and strange plants that grow in places nearly unheard of
~ addresses hidden in impersonal newspaper obituaries for people that might soon be forgotten, found only by those who would care to remember a stranger’s story when the rest of the world will not
~ more recently, odd messages from almost-immediately deleted accounts at strange hours of the night, on threads and sites that haven’t been active in years; the kind found with maniacal, inventive research and a desire to know that is not easily sated by short articles and brief textbook mentions
~ they are eventually found, these people who delight in simply learning, these people who are so often overwhelmed by how large the world is, and how much there is to wonder at; where do they even begin, after all? History, physics, mathematics, language, chemistry, folklore, art, literature, biology, music, even just people; they are all there and waiting to be discovered
~ the pamphlets are deciphered, the messages committed to memory, the addresses quickly taken down; there is something about them that is reassuring, almost as if this phantom group understands what it is like to live in a world so spectacular and not be able to spend every second of your short life searching for all that is marvellous and bizarre and important within it
~ they gather,
   > the students who feel trapped by rigid syllabi and examinations, who ask questions that never seem to be heard
   > the people working monotonous jobs, whose hearts lie in volumes on civil wars and dancing plagues and venomous spiders and medieval art on their nightstands
   > the academics who know more about geoglyphs and Antarctic anemones and lost languages and black holes than anyone else on the planet
   > the parents and grandparents who dig up lost recipes from decades-old family almanacs and sites on cuisine from far away places to cook for family dinners, who research ancient Roman hairstyles and the history of vampires for their kids’ Halloween costumes
  > the people who go about quietly unsatisfied by how little they know about the stars and what lies beyond, who wish they had the resources to find out.
~ each week, defunct theatres and forbidden wings of libraries and museums and university lecture halls echo with excited voices speaking without anyone to look politely (or impolitely) disinterested, about ciphers and tarantism and creatures that survived mass extinctions, about will o’ the wisps and mad monks and how cities got their names; they echo with music from hidden mountain villages and instruments whose names not many can pronounce and the steps of dance forms resurrected with great care
~ there are curious things passed around; letters from people long dead and zebra-patterned corn and manuscripts of books that were never finished and purple drinks from another time and deep sea specimens in blue jars and advertisements for travelling circuses from hundreds of years ago
~ no knowledge, no matter how insignificant or controversial, no matter who it comes from, is dismissed; this is the only part of the society that has not changed in some way in the centuries since its conception
(Please feel free to add more!!! I wrote this in one sitting so there’s probably a lot I haven’t thought about!)
(Also, if you reblog this post, lmk in the tags which fictional characters/ people from history you feel would be a part of a secret society like this in an AU! I personally feel like Gansey from TRC, Magnus from TSC, Lazlo from Strange The Dreamer, Kellen from Spellslinger, Dipper, Ford and McGucket from GF and Wylan from SOC would be a good fit lol)
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Hii! if you still take requests then can I request a dipper x reader? gender neutral or female whichever is more comfy for you, and for the age you can decide that too, it's alright if you don't wanna write it tho ^^
Thank you for the request!
Dipper Pine x Gender Neutral Reader, Age around 16-17
Summary: Dipper has a feeling that something is happening in the woods. He sneaks out of the shack and follows his gut.
“Hey Mabel have you noticed anything?” I ask as the tv goes to an ad.
“Uh noPe.” She says with popping the p out. “But now you’re asking, something has to be happening! What is it?!”
“SHH! Nothing happening, I just been feeling funny.” I say.
“Well if you find anything let me know.” The tv goes back to ducktective. After an hour I head upstairs to bed. I get dress and lay in bed.
“Maybe I should ask Ford about this feeling… No, he’s probably busy.” I turn on my side and fall asleep.
“Ugh.” I wake up from a bright light. I turn around and see a paper? I grab it and start to read it.
Dear Dipper Pines
You’ve been invited to the show. Tonight, 1:15 am. It might explain the feeling you’ve been having. Wear something nice. We trust that you bring no one, or else. Follow the light to come.
Sincerely, No one :)
After I read it, it disappears I look over to Mabel to see her dead asleep. I grab a pair of shorts, red shirt and a blue zip up hoodie. I grab my Journal and stuff it in my hidden pocket. I leave a note for Mabel if I’m not back. I put my hat on and walk downstairs. I see no one and walk quickly and quietly out the door and lock it.
I see the light and follow it as it zips off into the woods. I look back at the Mystery Shack and grab the baseball bat. I run to follow the light.
After about ten minutes of walk the light stop.
“Are we here?” I ask it and it nods? I look around and see a weird patch of a clearing. I walk towards it, the light follows me.
“Hello? I was invited to a show of some sorts.” I say out loud. I turn to the light and it pushes me to the ground, thinking I was going to land on the ground but I land on a stump. The light disappeared as music starts to play.
“Welcome one and all to the show!” A voice says, I look around for anything or anyone. Seats began to appear, rows of stomps or logs as chairs, a stage appears with people sitting and waiting for the show. Then some of the trees have some sort of lights similar to the one I had followed. Some white others purples and blues and one f/c.
“Now everyone it’s time we’ve all been waiting for! The one and only me!” A tall monster that had a seven foot frame, a top hat that had antlers glued to it, big red colored eyes, a suit and seemed to have a female frame.
“Before I start the show, there’s rules. You must follow them!” It say in a dark voice as everyone backs up a little bit from.
“Don’t worry! Simple rules! Don’t get up unless told to. Don’t switch seats, never tell anyone about the show, and of course if any are broken… You won’t want to know.” It says as the little dim and it leaves.
“IN COMING!” It says and I duck covering my head. I wait but nothing happens?
“Hello! I’ll be your guide.” What the?
“Didn’t the guy just say don’t leave your seats?” A girl says.
“We like to make it a surprise!” He says.
“Excuse me? Where are we? Why was I invited?” I ask the guy.
“Ah, Dipper Pines. Mr. Pines your all here for different reasons, some for better reasoning other not so much. Though if you could follow me, you might find out.” He starts to walk away and we all follow. I don’t understand this place, they might be hiding something. No, they are hiding something. What type of place would say not to tell anyone about the place?
“This is are first stop. Meet Grim, the monster behind the glass. Grim is one of the monster you’ll be seeing today. Grim is a Cerberus, also what humans call a dog. Though as you can see it’s a three headed dog!” He says, there’s more monsters in Gravity Falls? I mean it makes sense but still.
“Billy why don’t you go in?” Wait people are going in?!
“Okay!” Billy says and opens the door. The dog? Dogs? Grim stares at Billy, a huge bone is dropped in from the ceiling. Billy picks it up and throws it to Grim. They start to play together.
“See not that bad. Though this one is tamed. Never go near one in the wild, though there’s very few out there. Mainly Hades the Greek god was known to own one and they’re very, very, very violent. Let’s continue!” After a few monsters like, Cyclops, Naga, Werewolf, Werecat and a Ogre. We finally stopped with only me and one other person.
“I believe it’s your turn Dipper.” I look over to him and back to the glass front.
“Don’t worry. It’s a vampire, simply to talk to. They won’t bite, already feed. Though I wouldn’t get a nose bleed.” He and the last person walk away as I walk toward the iron door. I look around and open my journal, I flip to a page. I read the vampire page that Ford wrote. Maybe I should break my bat so I can stab them if it goes bad. I break the bat and hide everything. I sigh and open the door.
“Hello?” I say as the door opens. A teenager around my age walks in.
“Uh, hi.” He says.
“My names y/n, what’s yours?” I ask he looks sweaty.
“Dipper, Dipper Pines.” I nod my head to his question.
“You won’t hurt me right?”
“No of course not. I prefer to not hurt humans when I can. I already eat today so I’ll be good for a while.” He then leans against the wall far this away from me. Which is next to the door.
“I’ll be happy to answer any questions you have.” I say as I sit down on the white padded floors.
“How old are you?”
“118, how about you?”
“16. Do you have any vampire type powers?”
“Uh yeah. I’m stronger then a human and if I wanted to I could fight a bear. I have super speed but it’s not like the Flash, I’m around the speed of a dog. I hear pretty well too, oh I don’t get cold or hot. Fast healer too.” He nods and pull out a journal with a pine tree on it, it matched his hat.
“Are you like a sappy vampire teenager movie?” I laugh and he joins in.
“No of course not. I’m not a glitter monster, and no soulmate stuff.” After a while of talking and getting to know each other, he starts to open up more but is still closed off.
“Beep.” The speakers go off in the hallway, a little muffled but with my hearings it’s not to bad.
“As you’ve all met the monster of the show, it’s time for one of you to be free! Though only one of you get to go home with a fun monster, maybe you could pay for one! Anyways here we go! The winner is…………” It says.
“Winner?” Dipper asks.
“This has never happened and I’ve been here for years.”
“Number 11! What a lucky little thing you are! Now LEAVE! THE SHOWS OVER!” It says, we cover are ears.
“Who’s number 11?” Dipper ask.
“I think that’s me? I mean the doors open, let’s go through.” Before we go everything disappears, no box that I called home, no monster out, no humans, just me and Dipper.
“What just happened?” I ask Dipper.
“Honestly, not sure. It’s almost sunrise, I got to go home.” He walks but pause as a thought comes into mind “Wait do you have anywhere to go?”
“No, I haven’t seen the world since 2017. I don’t need to sleep so I guess I could just walk around.” I shrug.
“Follow me and fast I need to hurry home before Mabel wakes up.” He start to run and I speed walk after him. We made it to a shack and stop.
“Here’s the plan, you turn into a bat and hit that window.” He points to the triangle window. “Give it till the sun is fully up and then hit it, then me and my sister will find you. After that we’ll take care of you. I’ll try to find a house or a job you can get till you have enough money to buy a house or something. Okay I’ll see you in a few, bye!” He says fast and runs in the shack.
I turn into a bat and wait in a tree. Once the sun goes up I fly toward the window and hit it with my stomach. I “fall” down and lay there. I here the door open and see what I assume to be Mabel come over to me.
“Dipper, what are we going to do? Is it dead!? GRUNKLE STAN! GRUNKLE FORD!!!!” Mabel screams. Dipper cover his ears as more people show up.
“What is it?”
“Mabel are you okay?” They say.
“I am but look!” Mabel points to me.
“What? The bat? Meh, feed it to the pig.” Mabel scream no at the thought. I’m literally sitting, I’m not dead.
“Well what happened?”
“It hit the window. It’s probably just needs to sleep it off.” Dipper says.
“I’m not have another pet. Waddles still isn’t wanted, just smash it with a shovel or something.”
“GRUNKLE STAN!! We aren’t killing Dracy!” Mabel says.
“Mabel it’s a girl..” Dipper says.
“Kids calm down. I’ll check if it has anything broken then we can just keep it in a box till it’s night time and can fly off. And question?” Ford I’m assuming says.
“Is it a vampire?” They all stare at Mabel with a shut up look.
“No question great. Dipper do you mind if you could get me a gloves and a box?” Ford ask as Stan goes back inside. Dipper nods and grabs the box and gloves.
“She isn’t shy. You think she’s a pet?” Mabel asks.
“Possibly but that’s illegal. Oh there’s Dipper.” Ford says, after he check me out and feels that I’m okay he puts my in a box and closes it shut.
“She’ll probably just go to sleep then we can let her go at night time.” I open the box and look at the twins. I fly over to Dipper and land on his hat.
“Aww!!!! She loves you!” Mabel says.
“Um, what now?” Dipper ask, Ford shrugs and goes back inside.
“Aww! I’ll go get Waddles! Maybe they can be best friends!” Mabel walks in.
“So can you talk in that form?”
“Yeah. So what’s the plan now?”
“You can stay with us till I come up with a plan. Probably could stay as a bat till I tell the family.” Dipper says, I fly down to his shoulder and hug his neck.
“Thanks you.” I say.
And done. I don’t know how many word this is but uh, request are still open! Also I don’t know if I got the character right to the bone, but I tried. If any writing errors let me know or you want a part two. Byebye
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artsymeeshee · 3 years
Since some wanted a tutorial on how I draw the characters, and I needed to make an updated version anyway, I give you:
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Stan and Ford
When drawing anything, it’s all about breaking things down in simpler shapes and slowly make it more detailed. For the boys I basically draw them in a bulky, box shape. For their head, I make a circle and rectangle since that’s what their head shape is. And then I go about doing their body. My way of making a reference or guideline can be a bit weird for some but it works for me so I stick with it. Then again, this is a guideline so it’s only to give a general idea on where things go.
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Sometimes I like to add a bit more detail on my reference layer like their hair, eyes, their clothes, things like that.
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Now on to sketching. If you’re drawing digitally, make a new layer and put the layer you used as the reference or guideline opacity down. I usually set mine around 15%. It lets you know which layer is which so you don’t draw on the wrong layer. If you’re doing traditional, draw very lightly so when you go to erase the guidelines, they won’t show up as much when you draw all the features. I always start by drawing the face (mainly the eyes and nose first) and then make my way down.
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Some boyos! As you can tell, the sketch doesn’t fill in exactly where the guidelines are but that’s perfectly okay. Like I said, guidelines are to give a general idea where things are. I do want to stream one day and maybe make speed paints to show a more thorough process but here we are with the sketch. I make my sketches pretty clean but that’s how I do it and because my brain won’t have it any other way -w-’ Now we line art and color. Just like with the sketch, we make a new layer for the line art and lower the opacity of the sketch. Most of the time I’ll choose a really dark brown for my line art instead of black.
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Some beautiful colored boys! I take some screenshots of the show and make a palette of the characters with their color scheme. Now for a little more flair to add on. With shading, I tend to use pink, purple, or blue hues, sort of close to the grey area.
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My art program allows me to make a clipping layer so I make a new layer and put it on top of my color layer, change the layer to multiply, and bring the opacity to 70%. 70% is usually my go-to or between 60-70%
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To bring in a bit more color, I’ll make a new layer and usually name it “ol” for overlay and put it above all my layers. I then choose a red and fill the whole canvas with red. And then I change the mode of my layer to Soft Light and lower the opacity to about 50% so it makes the colors look more warm.
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Now to make a more softer look, I duplicate the line art layer, hide the bottom one, select the line art you duplicated and then go to “gaussian blur.” I blur it between 2-3, depending on how much I want it blurred, for this case 2 and then hit ok. I then unhide the other line art layer and play around the opacity of the one we just blurred, I did 45%. I kept the mode on normal but sometimes I’ll use “Burn” for the mode but normal fit better for this. Play around with modes to see what looks better to you. It’s a bit subtle but you can see a sort of softer, kind of glow-like sense about it now and the lines don’t look as harsh.
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And that’s my usual method when it comes to coloring, shading and drawing the boys. Play around with layer modes because they’re fun and can really bring a piece together. Now we move on to the kiddos.
Mabel and Dipper
Same concept as the Stans, break down things into simpler shapes. For the kids, I make their head shape a circle since they’re a bit more rounder and not so square like the boys. I’ll show with just shapes and basic body outline and another with little features.
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Sketching is still the same. I always start with eyes, nose and continue the rest.
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Like I mentioned earlier, it’s perfectly okay if the sketch doesn’t line up with the guidelines.
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Some colored niblings!
And there we have it! I hope this tutorial was helpful. ;w; Like I said, it’s all about breaking it down into shapes and adding on details.
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nataliedanovelist · 3 years
GF - Stars Aren’t the Only Things That Glitter
A Drifting Stars AU short, collaborating with @clownwry.
2nd, 3rd, 4th.
“Grunkle Ford, look out!”
“Mabel, stay back!”
Mabel looked at the blazing fire, trying to pretend to ignore her great-uncles muttering so she might pick up a swear word, be it alien or English was perfectly fine by her. Mabel didn’t pick up any swears, but she did hear the words “reckless” and “irresponsible” and “inconceivable”. The Listening Game did a fair job of distracting her from the pain on her arm and shoulder. Except when Grunkle Ford’s bandages were a little too tight and she would wince at the friction on her burn.
Still muttering through his teeth, his eye glued to the injury through his single-cracked glasses, he did it again, pulling on the bandage a little too hard, this time making Mabel accidentally let am “ouch!” slip past her lips. Ford looked up at her and his expression grew softer and more nurturing. “I’m sorry, my dear, but really, you shouldn’t have done that.”
“They were gonna shoot you…”
“I don’t care.” Ford said firmly. “If I tell you to run, you run. If I tell you to hide, you hide. If I tell you to save yourself and leave me behind, you do so.”
The nomadic scientist blinked, slightly surprised by her stubbornness. Only slightly surprised, because she is a Pines, after all. But she is a good kid and in the month they had been traveling the Multiverse, she had never outright defied him like this. “Excuse me?” He wasn’t even stern or angry; he was too surprised (and maybe even a little proud) to properly scold her anymore.
“No. That’s stupid.” Mabel answered, her little cheeks puffed up in determination, her eyes sparkling with the reflection of the fire, a flame of her own in the windows to her soul. “I’ll never leave you behind. We’re a family, we gotta stick together if we’re gonna survive and get home. We need each other. Besides, if the tables were turned, would you leave me behind?”
“That’s an entirely different matter.” Ford said with a small smile on his ruffed-up face; he resumed his work on the burn more gently now and finished wrapping it up, securing the bandage. “I’m old, I’ve lived my life. You take priority.”
“I don’t care.” Mabel said, copying Ford’s exact tone and voice from earlier. The grown man snorted with amusement.
Ford decided to put this little argument on hold, seeing how there was no changing Mabel’s mind right now. And he didn’t want to spend the entire evening rebuking her. “You did do a very good job disarming those hunters. I’m very proud of you.”
Mabel sat up a little straighter and smiled up at Ford. “Thank you.”
Ford smiled at her and stood, moving to his large backpack to fish out the things for tea and dinner, though it would probably only be dried meat and oats. “I’m just glad you’re okay, pumpkin.”
Mabel’s eyes widened as her world was put on pause. She felt like she was being sucked into a time vortex, transported into a memory.
Grunkle Stan was dusting some zombie parts off of his armchair when Mabel was walking by, leaving the kitchen after giving Soos his cure for zombification. Stan noticed that Mabel looked very tired. He smiled at her from her seat, and Mabel ran up to him and climbed into his lap for a big hug.
“Hey, you alright?” Stan asked.
“Yeah, I’m okay. Are you?”
“Oh, I’m fine. I’m just glad you’re okay, pumpkin.” And he gave her a secure squeeze and Mabel happily hugged him back.
Mabel was shoved back into reality, accompanied by a sinking feeling of loss. She missed Grunkle Stan. She missed Dipper. She missed Waddles, and Soos, and Wendy, and the Shack, and Oregon, and California, and Mom and Dad…
Ford turned back to the fire with a kettle and wire-spider in hand, ready to ask Mabel to fetch some water (she always enjoyed being of assistance), but he stopped when he saw her crying with her eyes shut and wiping her cheeks dry with her wrists. Ford was immediately halted and his priorities shifted drastically. Nothing mattered at this moment but making her feel better.
He was swift. Ford scooped up some water from the clean stream into the kettle, then used the wire-spider to hold the kettle over the fire. Giving the water plenty of time to heat up and steam, Ford gently picked Mabel up from her seat on the log, only to hold her close and let her wrap her arms around his neck. He didn’t say a word, being a social-cripple and having no idea what he could say that would make her feel better, so he stayed silent and was simply there for her.
And really, that was all Mabel needed.
The next morning the two humans were lucky to come across a small rustic town in the woods, reminding Ford of the small Tennessee-town Fiddleford grew up in. Except of course there were no humans, but blue-skinned elves with pointy years and the occasional centaur.
Ford had stolen a bit of money from a hunter yesterday, which meant they got to restock on supplies and even buy a cheap breakfast at an outside cafe. Sitting at a table under an umbrella, Ford was going over his plan with Mabel while she munched on her sweetly-cooked purple apples tossed in spices and sugar.
“... so once we reach this cavern here, we’ll reach a very interesting town called Flush Valley. I’ve heard it specializes in building mechanical limbs and prosthetics, but it’s surrounded by rich minerals perfect for building, so we can find what we need easily here. There may even be a day-by-day job I can get to earn a bit of money for food and shelter.”
“I can work, too! Daddy always said I was like a French horse!” Mabel added in excitedly.
Ford chuckled. “We’ll see. I would feel more comfortable if you were working so I could keep an eye on you. Moving on,” The old scientist sipped his strange alien coffee, but it contained caffeine and somewhat resembled his home dimension’s coffee taste, so he drank it. “The way there could be crawling with scavengers. A lot of people come to Flush Valley just barely hanging on by a thread, easy targets for hunting and stealing food and supplies. So we need to keep our guard up for the next two days.”
“Okay.” Mabel said, as nonchalantly as if Ford told her to remember to add milk to a grocery list.
Ford gave her a firmer look and added, “So, if we think we’re being followed, what do we do?”
“We pretend we don’t know and we keep walking calmly.” Mabel replied. “We keep our eyes open for a way to lose them, and where the sneaky-peaky spies are.”
“Very good.” Ford smiled at her. “If we decide to try to lose them, what do we do?”
“Run as fast as we can. If I can’t catch up I get on your shoulders and focus on making them go away, while you get us away.”
“Yes, excellent. What do we do if we decide to confront them?”
“I grab by sling-shot and exploding rocks and hit as many guys as I can. I aim for the knees or feet so they fall and can’t shoot us. Oh, and we stand with our backs to each other so we see everything, together.”
“Couldn’t have said it better myself. Now, if we are surrounded and I find a way to escape, what do you do?”
“Make sure you go in so you can lead the way!” Mabel answered with a grin.
“N-No, honey.” Ford said gently with a smile, as if informing a kindergartner that 1+1=2, not 11. “If I find a way to escape, you go first…”
“No,” Mabel said, still smiling as she shook her head. “You go first so I can make sure you’re coming.”
Ford sighed and took another sip of his drink. “Okay, if I tell you to run, you…”
“I grab your hand and run with you, making sure no one gets lost.”
“Mabel, no.”
“Mabel YES!” The girl grinned with determination. “You’re stuck with me, old man! You can’t get rid of me!”
Ford was getting annoyed at this point. He pinched the bridge of his nose, lifting his glasses up slightly, and growled, “I’m not trying to get rid of you, I’m trying to save you!”
Mabel gave him a very serious look and questioned, “By leaving me alone out here?”
“No! I-...” But Ford stopped and bit his lip. His niece did have an excellent point. As much as Ford was willing to do anything to keep her safe, as much as Ford was willing to sacrifice his own life for her’s, that really wasn’t a good idea.
There was a good chance Mabel could survive without him, at least until she found a nice family to take her in (or, somehow, miraculously, Stanley opened the portal and brought her home, but Ford didn’t dare to hope for that). But she was so young and inexperienced in the Multiverse. At least when Ford was first thrown into the chaos he was an adult and was accustomed to weirdness thanks to his six years of researching Gravity Falls. Mabel was extremely resourceful, imaginative, intelligent, and clever. She was also stronger and faster than many would assume. But she was too trusting. Too innocent. So, not to belittle Mabel or underestimate her, but she was right; she needed Ford, and as noble as it would be to exchange his life for her’s if it came down to it, that would also be incredibly stupid and only buy Mabel a little more time until she was captured or enslaved or killed or even worse.
And of course, only someone as people-smart and clever as Mabel could make Ford see that.
He sighed tiredly. “O-... Okay.” Mabel smiled proudly at him. “Okay, I’ll… I’ll try to be more careful.” Ford promised. “I… I just need you to be safe.”
“Don’t worry, I think we do a pretty good job of keeping each other safe.” Mabel complimented, holding out a bite of her fruit on a fork for Ford.
The old man held up a polite hand and declined, but his stomach turned against him and growled, and Mabel frowned at him, giving Ford a deja vu feeling of his mother forcing him and his brothers to eat their vegetables. So Ford smiled and accepted the sweetly cooked fruit. “Yes, I think so, too.”
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feferipeixes · 3 years
Still Alive
After Dipper learns that this whole "being a demon" thing means he's going to live forever, he and Mabel talk about the future, and what he's going to do when everyone he knows dies. It's not until much later that he starts to realize that they'll never truly die -- just like he'll never truly get sick of ice cream.
Thanks to @toothpastecanyon for beta reading!
(See the most updated version on AO3!)
“If you could choose one project to do and be guaranteed that you’d finish it eventually, no matter how long it took, what would you do?”
“Hmm....” Mabel replied, itching her scalp with a plastic hand clapping toy. “Oh! I’d get my hands on the Ultimate Magical Shimmering Rainbow-splosion Fluffykins doll! There’s only five hundred in existence -- they’re super duper rare!”
“No no no,” Dipper countered. “That’s too easy, and too short. All you’d need to do is set up some eBay alerts, bribe a few people, maybe sneak into the FluffCorp factory building. Not even -- you could just snap your fingers -” (he snapped his fingers for effect, causing a puff of blue flame to momentarily appear) “and conjure it.”
“I can’t -” Mabel started, but Dipper kept talking over her.
“I’m talking about something really unprecedented. Something that would take a long time, something you wouldn’t ordinarily be able to do. Something that would change the world.”
“Oh, I get it now!” Mabel tossed the toy aside and flipped over, letting her head dangle off the end of her bed. “I’d call you a dork a million times.”
Her brother scowled at her and jumped out of his chair and into the air. “Hey!” he yelped over Mabel’s laughter. “I'̼͚̻͓͎̲m̡̖̰̘̣͎ ̖͇̕n̛̻ơ̰t̷̟͇̱ ̝̺̻a̳̦ ̪̟̮͖ḑor̞͓̭k̟̤̖!̛͍ And even if I was, that wouldn’t take you very long! At, uh, a rate of, let’s see, you could probably say ‘you’re a dork’ at least 30 times per minute, and if you didn’t ever sleep…”
Mabel watched the red tinge fade away from his features as he paced around in mid air, doing math in his head. “Yeah. You’re totally not a dork, Sir Maths-a-lot. You sure showed me.”
“- It wouldn’t even take you a month,” Dipper finished. “Besides, how would that change the world?”
“Hmm, well if I call you a dork enough times,” Mabel answered, “maybe my big scary demon brother would decide he doesn’t want to be a dork and instead he’d do something with his cool magic powers that ends up making the world a better place!”
“Yeah bro-bro?”
Dipper frowned at her. “Your face is turning purple.”
“Touche,” she replied, rubbing her chin very seriously. She slid the rest of the way off the bed and clutched her throbbing head. “Owww…”
“That's what you get for giving me dumb answers,” Dipper quipped, arms crossed.
“You mean for giving you fun answers,” Mabel corrected, and then winced at another sting of pain. “Why are you asking me these weird questions anyway?”
A panicked look flickered across Dipper's face, and his feet touched the ground. “I don't know what you're talking about.”
Mabel, still massaging her temples, pushed herself semi-upright to give her brother a look. “Come on. ‘What would you do if you had all the time in the world?’ ’What movie could you watch a million times and never get sick of it?’ ’Do you think Stancakes have a shelf life longer than 100 years?’ Something is clearly up.”
Dipper giggled awkwardly (was there any other way he could giggle?) and stared at the ceiling. “Nothing. It's nothing!”
“What, are you really not gonna tell me?” Mabel pushed. ”What if I tickle you?”
Her brother recoiled in horror. “You wouldn't.”
There was a tense silence as the two twins considered whose was the stronger will: the expert fighter with a plethora of torture tactics at hand, or the demon. Mabel narrowed her eyes. Dipper sharpened his claws. No words were exchanged. The room was perfectly still.
Mabel jolted forward half a foot and Dipper shrieked.
“Okay, you win, just don't tickle me!” he begged, throwing his hands up. “I'll tell you!”
“Good,” Mabel replied. “Things were about to get ugly. Spill it, bro-bro.”
Dipper sighed. He dusted himself off -- a habit he'd gotten into lately even though he was pretty sure nothing he could do would make his orange shirt and vest look any less weird with his new body.
“Remember… Remember the thing I told you the other day, when I had that infodump and learned more about my powers?”
“Oh yeah,” she said. “You found out that your omniscience tells you whenever anyone farts.”
“No!” he squeaked. “Although, you are right, it does do that and it's annoying, especially because now I can smell it from like a mile away.”
He wrinkled his nose, staring off into space for a minute before shaking his head. “But that's not what I mean. I'm talking about… how I'm never going to die.”
It had been about a week since Mabel had walked into the living room to find Dipper writhing and sobbing on the floor. She remembered the way he’d looked right through her, how he hadn’t seemed to even notice her presence when she sat him upright, how he kept muttering “still alive, still alive” over and over again, and it hadn’t made any sense to her then, but when he finally snapped out of it and was able to vocalize what he’d seen…
She shuddered at the memory of it.
“Since then,” Dipper continued, “I’ve been thinking about how I’m going to deal with it. And I had this idea that I could come up with things to do to fill the time.”
“What, so you’re going to plan out your whole life?” Mabel asked, incredulous. “Let me guess -- you’re making a checklist? Hah! Can you imagine?”
She giggled, and then he reached into his vest and pulled out oh sweet Moses.
“I’ve already got some good stuff on here,” Dipper said, ignoring or not noticing his sister’s flabbergasted expression. “I’m gonna learn how to make a sword by hand. I’m gonna watch all of Tiger Fist backwards to see if there are any hidden messages. And there’s this spa getaway weekend that the Multibear invited me on -- shoot, wait, he’s gonna be dead by then, umm…”
Mabel raised an eyebrow as her brother started scribbling on the checklist. “Dipper. This is obsessive even for you.”
“What would you know?” he shot back. “You’re not the one who’s immortal.”
“I know how to have this thing called ‘fun’,” she replied. “Maybe you’ve heard of it?”
He grumbled at her, eyes locked on his checklist. He couldn’t believe he forgot that the Multibear spa trip thing was a limited time offer. That kind of stuff was slipping his mind more and more these days, like the time Mabel asked him to play cards with her and he was so busy alphabetizing his Sibling Brothers books that he neglected to respond to her for three days.
Although, now that he thought about it, that might’ve been before he became a demon.
Something damp and cold hit Dipper in the face, and he spluttered in surprise. “What was that?” he shouted. One of his flailing hands happened to close on the object as it fell, and he held it up to the light.
“It’s a popsicle, doofus!” Mabel said. She’d fetched two from the minifridge in their room while he was distracted, and was busy licking away at her own, which was chocolate. “Remember those?”
He wrinkled his nose. “I don’t have ti-”
“I’ll throw another one at you,” Mabel interrupted.
“- I guess I could have some ice cream,” Dipper finished.
He floated over and sat on the floor next to his sister. He removed the paper from the popsicle and gave the object a sniff. The aroma of orange and vanilla caressed his sensitive nose, and he realized how long it’d been since he had any sugar. Without a second moment’s thought, he threw his head back, stretching both his neck and jaw further than they were supposed to go, and placed the entire popsicle -- stick and all -- into his gaping maw.
“See, what’d I tell you?” Mabel said, smirking at the satisfaction on her brother’s face. She reached up with her popsicle to scratch an itch on her nose, and then went right back to eating it. “I always know what to do with my time. I wonder what it’d be like if I lived forever…”
Dipper eyed the glob of chocolate ice cream on the bridge of her nose. “The world would probably be a much more chaotic place.”
“You mean a much BETTER place!” she declared. “Everyone would have fun and ice cream all the time!”
He grinned. “You’re right. It would be a much better place. Because my best friend would be there.” Mabel looked at him, a twinkle in her eye and ice cream all over her face, and his grin fell away. “I guess this is what you felt like when I said I was going to be Grunkle Ford’s apprentice, huh. I’m such a shitty bro-”
Mabel at once had her hands on his face, squishing his cheeks together so he’d stop talking. “Nuh-uh. Bro-bro you’re gonna stop hating on yourself Right. Now.” She was still smiling, but her tone had twisted into something harsh. “Okay, sure, I’m gonna die someday and then you’re gonna have to figure out what to do on your own. But I’m not ready to think about that and neither are you! We’re hecking 13 years old! We should act like it, while we’ve still got the chance. Please don’t make me think about dying yet.”
Dipper winced, and she let go of him. “I’m sorry,” he murmured.
“S’okay.” She patted him on the back, harder than he’d been expecting, and he was so surprised that he coughed up the popsicle stick he’d eaten earlier.
For a minute, neither of them said a word. Dipper lifted a hand to his face, where he felt something sticky.
“You got chocolate on my face.”
“Yeah. On your vest, too.” She stuck her tongue out at him. “What are you going to do about it?”
He looked at his hands, still small and smooth like a child. With a thought, he bathed both hands in a blue flame, searing away the chocolate and leaving them clean, just the way he liked them. Then he cleared his throat.
“I’m gonna chase you around the house,” he stated matter-of-factly.
Smiling ear-to-ear, Mabel jumped up and ran to the wall. “You’re nuts if you think you can catch me, even with demon powers!” Cackling, she threw the door open, which bathed her in a blinding white light.
Dipper thought about his infodump from the other day, thought about the part he hadn’t told Mabel, the tiny glimpse he’d gotten of his sister when she’d been old, pale, and still -- too horribly, horribly still. It was just a glimpse, but it haunted him -- the thought that one day there wouldn’t be a single trace left of Mabel Pines anywhere in the world. She was right -- as always -- that he was obsessing, that he was letting a thought hurt him when it didn’t have to.
He wasn’t ready to think about growing up yet, either. No matter how strong the pull to obsess was, he had to find a way to fight it.
“You can’t get away from me!” Dipper roared, and flew after his sister into the future.
"Wahoo! That was a great idea -- getting ice cream -- Dipper! I feel so much better! You always know how to cheer me up."
Dipper, clad in his usual human disguise, collapsed onto the bench with a grunt. "I dunno, this stuff tastes off. You’d think with all the technological advancements since the Transcendence that they’d have found a way to perfect ice cream."
His friend Arin, who was somehow managing to carry five popsicles in two hands, nodded with a serious look on her face. "Yeah. Oh sure a lot of old timey diseases were eradicated and we've got flying cars and stuff. But not one of these ice pops actually tastes like orange!"
She stared at him for a beat longer, then finally broke into snickers. One of the popsicles fell out of her hand, and a stubby arm immediately shot out from under the bench to catch it.
His face twisting in confusion, Dipper bent over to look under the bench. There were two gnomes right beneath him -- one of them hissed when they saw him, making him jump and making Arin laugh even harder.
"Ha-ha, okay," Dipper said, hand on his chest like his heart was racing. Despite this, he couldn't keep a small smile from creeping onto his face.
So much had changed in the last five hundred years, and yet so much else had stayed the same. Wars were fought, societies had formed and collapsed, but people were still people, and Dipper was still Dipper. Even though he’d had more than a few incidents where his demonic nature overcame his humanity, he always seemed to land back on his feet again eventually. Sometimes all it took was a friend.
Right now, his friend was a girl named Arin who he’d saved when someone else had tried to sacrifice her to him. He remembered how grateful she’d been, how she gave him a hug despite him being a void black monster splattered with blood, and how she then spent 20 minutes chatting with him about dragons even though she’d just had a very traumatic experience. She seemed, in other words, cool. So he later presented himself to her as fellow undergraduate student Dipper, without revealing that it was him who’d saved her that night, and they’d been good friends ever since.
Arin sat next to him and started taking bites out of her ice pops. "Yknow, the Transcendence-era wasn't that great," she said, although with her mouth busy it sounded like she was drowning.
Dipper's brow creased. "What do you mean?"
She gulped down the hunk of ice in her mouth. "No offense -- I know you're totally obsessed with Transcendence history stuff -- but that was soooo long ago. There's no one left who was alive back then, except like vampires I guess. But vampires don't eat ice cream so it doesn't matter."
Dipper bit back the urge to say "I know a vampire who loves ice cream as long as there's blood in it". What came out instead was "So?"
"So!" Arin shoved an entire popsicle into her mouth, and then had to take a minute to cough up the stick. "S-so," she continued amid gasps, "no one knows for sure what ice cream tasted like in the year 2012. And that includes you, Mr. Argues-With-The-Teacher! For all we know, old timey ice cream tasted like sawdust!"
Dipper considered his chocolate popsicle, which he's barely looked at since the first taste. "I guess you're right." He gave it another wary lick.
It didn't taste like chocolate the way he remembered it, but it was close enough.
"Do you ever think," he asked, unable to meet his friend's eyes, "about all the stuff that used to exist but doesn't anymore? All the ideas and food and... people?"
Arin groaned. "Is that what this is about? My best friend of the past 2 years -- secretly one of those 'I was born in the wrong century' people?"
"No!" he shot back, before taking another lick of the popsicle. "I just think it's sad that stuff goes away and no one's there to remember it."
"Well, maybe no one remembers that stuff, but that doesn't mean it's forgotten."
Dipper looked up. "Huh?"
Arin scarfed down her remaining two popsicles, which had begun melting onto her hand. "People die and ideas change and the world moves on. It happens constantly! But those people influenced their friends and their family and their coworkers. Who in turn influenced other people. Those people might be dead, but they live forever in the words and actions of everyone who came after."
Dipper just stared at her, jaw dropped. "Where did that come from?" he managed to get out. "Five seconds ago you were gagging on frozen sugar! You're not allowed to be this insightful!"
"Sugar rushes always make me super thoughtful," Arin said, patting him on the back. "It's 'cause I'm a genius. I'm probably gonna crash hard later though. Also by the way your ice cream is totally melting."
"Ah, shoot." Dipper hurriedly tried to catch the melting ice cream with his tongue, and Arin giggled again.
"The point is," she said, "if you've always got your head stuck in a history textbook, you're gonna miss out on the present. If you're always thinking about the dead guy who invented ice cream, you won't be around to eat any with me."
"Yeah, I guess you're right," he said. He felt an itch on his nose, so he wiggled it. "Thanks, Arin. I feel better- why are you looking at me like that?"
Arin was indeed staring at him with a perplexed look on her face as if she was not the one who'd just swallowed a metric ton of ice cream. "Why do you do that?"
Dipper frowned. "Do what? AGH-"
He yelped as Arin whipped out her phone and snapped a photo of him, blinding him with the flash even though it was a bright, sunny day out. "What was that for?"
She didn't say anything, simply handed him her phone. It certainly was not the best photo ever taken of him. It was blurry, his hair was a mess, and his mouth was contorted in shock.
On the bridge of his nose was a dollop of chocolate ice cream.
"You do it every time we get ice cream," Arin said, taking her phone back. "I mean, you call me weird, but I'm not the one always itching my nose with an ice pop."
"Oh," Dipper said. He paused and looked at his fingers, which were all chocolate-y too now. "I didn't even notice I was doing it."
"Suuure, weirdo," Arin chuckled. She stood up, wobbling a bit as she did so, and steadied herself on the back of the bench. "Listen dude, this was fun but I think the sugar's starting to hit me. I'm gonna head back to the dorm before I collapse. Wanna hang out later?"
"Definitely!" Dipper replied. "You should get some rest! Try not to give psychological counseling to anyone on the way -- you're gonna burn out your brain!"
He waved at his friend as she staggered away, and watched her until she turned a corner around a building. Then he sighed, and wiped his nose with his finger.
"Hey Mabel," he whispered, looking at the chocolate he'd collected. "It’s me, Dipper.”
A passing jogger sent a pointed look at the young man who was talking to his finger, but Dipper ignored them.
“I seem to remember you saying something to me about living forever. You said that one day you’d be gone, and I’d have to find a way to carry on alone.” He thought about Arin’s words, and felt something swell in his chest. “But I guess you’re still alive after all.”
He sniffed, and looked up at the sun as it started to bathe the sky in the pinks and purples of evening. He saw people in flying cars, people rushing through pneumatic tubes, people high fiving on jetpack because it was a wonderful day to be out. And he thought about what Arin said; thought about all of the sicknesses he'd seen friends and family afflicted by that no one ever had to suffer from again. He thought about all the preters he saw walking freely and happily on the campus, without worrying that they'd be attacked.
"And you were right," he said. "The world is a better place."
Dipper licked the remaining chocolate off his fingers, and got up. As he headed back toward his dorm room, he wondered what other legacies his loved ones had left in him.
(AO3 link)
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Can’t Breathe
AO3 link
Bill still haunts the twins’ dreams.
TW: panic attack
It was completely dark. No. Not completely. Thin slits of light filtered in, as though through someone’s fingers.
“Mabel,” Dipper groaned. “Stop doing that.” He reached up to pull her arms down, but found them stiff and unyielding.
“Wowee, you really do have noodle arms, Pine Tree.”
Dipper’s stomach fell to the floor. Not again. Not another dream. Why did they always seem so real?
“G-g-get away from me, B-Bill,” he demanded through chattering teeth. “You’re not real. You’re just-just another dream.”
“You think I don’t know that!? Stupid kid. And here I thought you were smart. I’m a dream demon, Pine Tree. Dreams are where I’m the most real.”
“Go away! You can’t do anything to me! You’re not here! You’re dead!”
Dipper’s feet were pulled out from underneath him. He was staring down at a black abyss, suspending by blue chains. “Look at you up there! Like a little piñata!”
“Leave me alone!” Dipper demanded, flinging his head back and forth searching for the demon. “Where are you!?”
“What kind of question is that, kiddo? You know exactly where I am.”
Hesitantly, Dipper let his gaze wander up... or down... to the abyss. He realized how it reflected like darkened glass. Two yellow eyes stared back, red-rimmed and psychotic.
His own eyes.
“You can’t have him!”
Mabel dug her feet into the ground, pushing back her brother’s body. Their whole life, they’d been equally matched. Why was he so much stronger now?
“This was his choice, Shooting Star! You think he’s so smart, dontcha? He should’ve known better than to trust me!”
Bipper flung Mabel back against the ground. “Face it, Shooting Star, your brother is mine. Just like you’re about to be.” He grinned maliciously. “Stanley will never be able to hurt his sweet little pumpkin pie.”
“Wha-what do you mean?”
“It’s like this, sweet’ums,” Bipper bent over and flicked Mabel’s chin. “You and your brother are my slaves now. Either you do exactly what I say when I say it or you’re dead. Worse than dead. Oh-ho, so much worse. Now shake my hand if you ever want to see your brother alive again, honeybun.”
“N-no!” Mabel put her hands to her ears. “This isn’t real, it’s all pretend! It’s just a dream!”
“Funny, your bro-bro said the same thing.” Her hands did nothing to drown out Bill’s maniacal voice. “Why do you fleshbags think a dream makes anything less real? You can’t escape me, babycakes. Even if you.... WAKE UP.”
Mabel screamed and flew up right. A dream. It was just a dream. She was here, in the Shack, in her bed with her purple nightgown and Sev’ral Timez pillowcase and stuffed pony and Waddles sleeping on the rug beside her. No evil laughter. Nothing to hear but her pig’s soft snoring and the buzz of the air conditioner and Dipper’s frantic panting.
“Dipper? Are-are you okay?” She whispered.
Nothing but pained wheezes in response.
“Dipper?” She hopped from the bed, socked feet padding across the floor to her brother’s side. “Dipper, what’s wrong?”
Her twin was sitting up, one hand clutching his heart and the other steadying himself on the nightstand. “I-I-I can’t-I can’t-I can’t breathe...” he gasped. “I can’t breathe. Mabel. I can’t-I can’t!”
“Just-just try to slow it down,” she pleaded. “You’re hypervent-hypervent... that word! You’re breathing too fast!”
“Mabel, I’m gonna die,” Dipper choked. “Oh, I’m gonna die, I’m gonna die...”
“Don’t say that!” Mabel wailed, tears springing to her eyes. “You’re not! Why are you saying that?”
Dipper fumbled for her hand. He was shaking so much. It terrified her.
“Grunkle Stan!!!” she bawled. “Grunkle Ford!!! Help, please help!!!”
Only a few moments later, footsteps thundered up the stairs in response. The door was kicked open and her grunkles burst into the room in their sleepwear, Stan wielding his brass knuckles and Ford pointing his gun at an invisible threat.
“What is it, Mabel, where’d he go?!” Stan exclaimed, furiously surveying the room.
“It’s Dipper!” She wailed, running to her grunkle and throwing her arms around him. “He can’t breathe and he’s dying!”
Ford quickly holstered his gun and knelt at Dipper’s side. “Mason, look at me. Look me in the eyes.”
“I-I can’t breathe, Gr-Grunkle Ford,” Dipper grabbed his hand in terror. “I’m d-dying.”
“Listen to me, Mason. You’re not dying. You’re having a panic attack. Look at me. I know it’s frightening, but you’re safe. I’m right here with you. You’re not going to die.”
“I-I can’t.... I can’t...”
“What’s 2 times 3?”
“2 times 3, my boy.”
“Very good. What about 28 divided by 7?”
Mabel glanced back at her brother from Stan’s hug. “Why is he making him do math?”
“I think he’s trying to calm him down, sweetie. Must be a nerd thing.”
“Very good job,” Ford gently rubbed Dipper’s back. “See? Your breathing is already slowing down. Can you breathe in through your nose?”
“Excellent. Breathe in deeply and hold it if you can. Out through the mouth.”
Dipper obeyed, although his breath wobbled. Stan flipped on the light, and Mabel could see her brother’s sleep shirt was completely soaked through with sweat.
“I couldn’t breathe,” he mumbled, clutching his uncle’s fingers like a lifeline.
“Shhh, boy. Just focus on breathing. We need to bring your heart rate down.”
“See, pumpkin?” Stan kneeled to eye level with his niece and gave her a hug. “Your brother’s just fine. He’s not goin anywhere.”
“It was Bill,” Dipper whimpered. “He was in my dream. He stole my body again, but-but it was like I was still in it too.” He looked at Ford, brown eyes wide and afraid. “Was it just a dream, Grunkle Ford? What if he’s really there?”
“Bill’s astral form was destroyed, my boy,” Ford assured. “But even if he were able to piece himself back together enough to enter your dreams, you have to remember he can’t hurt you there.”
“It-it felt like he could...” Tears started to roll down Dipper’s cheeks. He buried his face in his knees, unable to keep his shoulders from shuddering. “I could feel everything and-and I couldn’t make it stop. Not like when we were in Stan’s head.”
“He said we were his slaves.”
“What?” Ford turned to Mabel, surprised by her statement.
“He-he was in my dream, too,” Mabel ducked her head under Stan’s arm, feeling as though Bipper could pounce her again if she didn’t stay hidden. “He was in Dipper’s body like he was at the puppet show. And-and he said me and Dipper were his and-and if we didn’t do what he said he’d hurt us really bad. And before I woke up he said that dreams were just as real as being awake.”
Ford was silent for a moment. “Come over here, Mabel.” She shuffled to him and let him lift her onto Dipper’s bed. “I promise you two are completely safe here. Stan and I will never let any harm come to you, understand?”
The twins nodded. “Mm-hmm.”
“I wish I could tell you for sure that it wasn’t actually Bill you encountered. I wish I could tell you it was nothing more than a dream. But the truth is, I don’t know. It was foolish of me to be so certain he was gone for good. I promise you, I’ll find out for sure if he’s back, and if he is, together we will find a way to destroy him once and for all. But in the meantime, I’ll teach you how to combat him in your dreams.”
“What about tonight?” Mabel asked quietly, leaning against her brother’s shoulder. “I always sleep with Mom and Dad when I have a nightmare.”
“You-you can sleep with me,” Dipper offered.
“Why don’t both of you sleep in our room tonight?” Stan interjected. “Sixer and I will get started in the lab.”
“Your room?” Dipper wrinkled his nose. “Can we change the sheets first?”
“You wanna sleep outside, kid?”
“Maybe we could make a fort,” Mabel suggested. “I taped some extra unicorn hair in my scrapbook. We could use it to protect the fort.”
“That sounds like a fantastic idea,” Ford smiled. “You feel up to it, Dipper?”
“Yeah.” He slid down from the bed. “I’ll definitely sleep better.”
Stan watched the kids disappear down the stairs. “You really think you’ll be able to do something, Poindexter?”
Ford sighed. “I honestly don’t know. I’m still hoping these really are only just dreams. But you can never tell for sure when it comes to Bill.”
“Ah, if he shows up, I’ll just whallop him again. Didn’t hold up well against it last time.”
Ford shook his head. “Let’s make sure the kids are getting along all right.”
In their room, the grunkles found a lean-to of couch cushions covered with a sheet, unicorn hair pasted at the base. A crayon-colored sign stating “UNDER CONSTRUCTION” was taped at the top. Inside, the twins were collapsed in a heap, exhausted from the ordeal.
“They’re safe, Stanley.”
His brother smiled at him. “And we’ll keep it that way.”
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