#farmer pippin
staries · 6 months
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i wonder if you'll leave me behind someday and all the wildflowers and the lilies sleeping by the way but it's okay because i would do anything for you
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frodo-with-glasses · 7 months
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Shortcut to what?
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thefabelmans2022 · 9 months
i hate that the movies frame merry and pippin for frodo's mushroom stealing crimes. i am suing peter jackson for defamation and slander on their behalf.
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swordplease · 1 year
Merry Pippin and Sam from the books are actually the most hobbits ever. like. frodo having them help him in this elaborate scheme to have him move away to a house in Buckland, trying SO hard to pretend that it’s bc he’s losing money and he just feels like moving and he’s like agonizing over it to himself the whole way. They get there and merry is like go take baths you stinky shits and they’re like oh well who’s gonna go first and he’s like actually I personally arranged it so there’s THREE bathtubs because I KNEW you fucking gay assholes would fight over this. Frodo working up the courage to tell them that he can’t stay there and has to go further away and they’re straight up like “LOL dude we know, youre a shit liar also you literally kept talking to yourself about for months. Plus merry saw bilbo put the ring on and disappear so he could avoid a social interaction like YEARS ago dude. so yeah danger is whatever. Btw we’re coming with you.” like. truly epic bro moments
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oh-dear-so-queer · 1 year
'It's been a queer day, and make no mistake. But all's well as ends well; though perhaps we should not say that until we reach our own doors. I'll not deny that I'll be glad now when I do.'
"The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" - J.R.R. Tolkien
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tenth-sentence · 1 year
After a mile or two the lane came to an end, crossing a deep dike, and climbing a short slope up on to the high-banked causeway.
"The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" - J.R.R. Tolkien
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emyn-arnens · 1 year
Based on this.
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rohirric-hunter · 1 year
I will forever hate Peter Jackson for choosing to introduce Pippin by having him stealing food from Farmer Maggot, and then reveal during this scene that he has done this on a weekly basis for at least months.
Yes, hate.
Let's establish some things: Pippin never stole food, especially not from Farmer Maggot. In fact, Farmer Maggot considered Pippin to be the most trustworthy and responsible of the hobbits -- because Pippin was raised right and was properly living up to the responsibilities he would eventually have. Almost all of Pippin's "immaturity" in the book was a basic inability to read the room and avoid making tasteless comments, and one instance of an inability to resist a compulsion from Sauron himself to look into the Palantir. It was Frodo who had a history of stealing food from Farmer Maggot, and before you transfer your shitty spoiled rich kid projections over to him understand that his parents died when he was a little kid and he was then neglected for years until Bilbo adopted him; of course he was going to act up and behave badly, but you can't blame him before you've thoroughly gone after the adults who failed him.
So. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
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winterpinetrees · 5 months
The way that Tolkien uses height in his legendarium is, on some level, silly, but I also think that it does a great job of what it’s trying to do.
The way I understand it is that Tolkien uses height as a one syllable way to describe the “nobility” of a character. The more connection they have to the world’s beautiful, terrible past, the taller they are.
The elves of Lothlorien are very tall, even the women. Aragorn is the tallest man anyone meets, but the princes of Gondor are pretty tall too. Maedhros, firstborn son of Feanor, is tall enough that it’s his epithet. When Merry and Pippin spend time with the ancient, glorious ents, they get taller. You get it.
So it makes sense that the hobbits are so short. They’re simple farmers who aren’t even in the Silmarillion. They have no connection at all to the two trees and all of that bloodsoaked history. They are literally and figuratively the little guys.
It’s objectively funny that nearly everyone in the Silmarillion is two meters tall, but it’s a shorthand that works. I like it.
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klapollo · 1 year
frodo: I'm ngl that big guy on the horse has me sweating a lil bit
pippin: relax dude I know a cover we'll just go see farmer maggot
frodo: you can't reclaim that peregrin
pippin: first of all I said maggot
pippin: secondly I'm heteroflexible and you know it so stop policing me
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mushroomates · 11 months
some boromir headcanons
he likes to eat spicy food. he cannot handle the spice, but keeps eating it anyways.
he stays up during merry and pippin’s watches during the night. half because he wants to keep them awake and give them company, half because he’s pretty sure they wont be paying attention.
best hugs. he will kind of pick u up while he hugs u.
would wear a fanny pack.
his favorite food is chicken. he likes any kind of chicken. also likes apples.
decent story teller. can recall gondor’s history easy. when he starts talking about it, he becomes very passionate and has been known to yell or cry while retelling events.
carries around a packet of dirt from gondor around with him for good luck.
tried to make his own brew. went blind for a little bit after trying it. gimli fuckin loves it tho, tried it at gondor and brought a batch with him.
has dogs. took in a stray while patrolling the city, named him Minas. Minas lived a long and happy life, and afterwards Faramir brought him a puppy who he named Ithil.
he is also allergic to dogs. insists otherwise.
his men call him “big brother boromir” behind his back. he pretends not to know.
once pippin called him dad and he coasted on that high for weeks
afraid of heights. will not admit it.
great with babies. would carry faramir around. his dad let him even though boromir was only five at the time, and faramir would try and wiggle out of his arms.
he whittles!!! or carves. works with wood. he made little trinkets for the hobbits in his spare time during the journey. he made pippin a little wooden dog and merry a rabbit because merrys kinda afraid of dogs. he made a bill the pony for sam after moria and was working on a cat for frodo before he passed away. it was in his pocket, half made. the didn’t spot it before he sailed away.
made faramir toys when they were younger- whole barnyard full of animals and some important gondor land marks. also a mini version of their family. faramir passed this down to pippin, who passed it down to his kids. it’s now a family heirloom.
dyslexic. faramir would read to him while he carved trinkets and such.
the fellowship goes out of their way to visit this shrine. he also has one in gondor, rivendell, and just outside of lorien.
boromir tried to teach merry and pippin wood carving once. pippins carving tools were quickly confiscated but merry learned how to make a boat.
merry officially took up wood carving after his death. he makes little boats for the hobbitlings and they have a race every summer down stream.
he also taught the hobbits how to make said boats, so when they’re older they hold the race themself. afterwards, they take the winning boat down to the graveyard.
boromir has a grave in the shire that the hobbits put gifts on, including said boats. it’s on the edge of the forest by the river. the fellowship all come to visit. some things left include: flowers, hot sauce, wooden toys, notes, homemade jam, pretty rocks, and some of farmer maggot’s produce. farmer maggot does not know of this.
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staries · 6 months
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changing and growing as a person
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frodo-with-glasses · 5 months
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Dogs? What dogs?
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thefabelmans2022 · 8 months
along the lines of the "has frodo ever mown the lawn" poll: remember that time in return of the king when pippin tells bergil that his father "farms the land around whitwell"?
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sillylotrpolls · 4 months
More than one person yesterday noted that they were unsure just what ship "Buckleberry Ferry" might refer to. That's an excellent question. Let's find out!
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overthinkinglotr · 1 year
“The dwarf breathes so loud we could’ve shot him in the dark 😤” — Haldir
“You’ll go faster with just two.” “But papa says Eothain cannot ride Garulf! He is too big for him!” — Morwen and Freda
“You are our king, sire.”— Gamling when the king asks him “who am I, Gamling”
“AHHHHH”- Háma being eaten by a warg
“The men say we will not live out the night…they say that it is hopeless :(“— Haleth
“You know the laws of this country, the laws of your father! If you let them go your life will be forfeit.” - Madril
*horse sounds* — Brego
“We have some nice cozy hobbit sized rooms available! Always proud to cater to little folk…” — Butterbur
“Get out of my field!” — Farmer Maggot
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