#fanfiction year in review 2022
icouldntfindquiet · 1 year
Fanfiction Year in Review - 2022
I found this and wanted to do it for fun. Feel free to use this template to reflect on your writing for the year. ☺️
1) List of fics completed this year in the order they were finished:
REM (completed in November)
Only one but in my defense, it was a long story!
2) Number of words written:
I aim for about 2,000 words per part so roughly 198,000 words total which includes REM and the bits I wrote for Black Magic and Dream.
3) Your most popular fic:
REM because that was the fic I was working on all year.
4) Your personal fav:
REM in terms of the storyline, complexity, and the fact that it was the longest story I’ve ever written, and I managed to finish it. 😁
5) Your fav scene:
When Florence kissed the frog. 💋🐸 That entire chapter was fun to write. I was worried people would find it strange but people seemed to like it.
6) A fic or scene that challenged you:
The scene where Van reads her suicide note and sits there until the sun goes down. I wanted to capture the emotions and heaviness of the subject.
7) A line of writing you’re proud of:
Oh gosh…there’s probably a lot that I can’t think of at the moment but for right now, probably the ending for REM which is two lines. It’s a simple line but I love it because we tend to tell people we’re okay but not actually mean it. And to mean it for once is a really nice feeling!
"Yeah...everything's okay," I replied. For the first time in a long time, I actually meant it.
Also this (also two lines):
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8) A comment that touched you:
This wasn’t a comment on Wattpad but an ask I got sent and it totally made my day year. 🥰 It’s mainly women who read my stuff so to have a man read my story and love it was mind boggling! It definitely boosted my very small ego. 😂 They have the cutest relationship ever and got married. ❤️
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9) Something that inspired your writing:
I get inspiration from everywhere! Interpol’s new album The Other Side of Make-Believe helped me channel sadness, darkness, and introspection into the story. I read this line in The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett and got inspiration for the frog scenes. 😆
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And a fellow CATB fan told me about a dream she had and I incorporated it in the story. Even talking to you guys inspired the trajectory of REM (Florence going to Portugal with Van and the ending).
10) Your proudest accomplishment (that one scene; finally finishing that one fic; posting your first fic; etc):
My proudest accomplishment was finishing REM. I spent 10 months of my life writing it and I was really happy with how it turned out. I just love how everything comes together in the end. 🥰
11) Do you have any writing goals for the next year?
To finish Black Magic and to continue chipping away at Dream (sequel to REM). My hope is that I’m still writing and that I continue to get better as a writer.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading! ❤️
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i’d suck the soul out of Michael’s dick even though his cum probably tastes like a dried out turkey on thanksgiving and stale barbecue chips that were drenched in water beforehand
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safeplacesnupin · 1 year
Snupin Fanfic Year in Review
Hey friends! So I really want to start promoting more amazing Snupin fanfics and I thought this might be a good way to start. I'm going to go through my bookmarks and select one (or two, or three) Snupin fics I read for each month and bookmarked and recc it in this thread :D Sorry if I don't tag every author but if you know their tumblr PLEASE tag them! *disclaimer* I didn't get an AO3 to bookmark until July so the first few months are just ones I had favorited in my browser until I got an AO3 LONG post ahead! A bunch of Snupiny goodness!
🦔 January - Triquetra by Contrarian_Hedgehog 🦔
Summary on AO3: With the war fast approaching, Snape is forced to rely on Lupin and Black in order to secure his place in Voldemort's circle. Can they get past two decades of hostility? After a month of cohabiting, being around each other gets easier yet so much more difficult. Notes: This is actually a Snackin fic! A poly relationship between Remus, Severus, and Sirius. It has such a fantastic 'I don't want to do this but I have to' into a full blown relationship and it comes with such spicy art and scenes. 16 chapters total. Read: Triquetra
⚔️ February - Lily's Boy by SomewheresSword ⚔️
Summary on AO3: Before his third year of Hogwarts has even begun, Harry faces three whole weeks of unsupervised time in Diagon Alley. In that time he takes a trip to Gringotts - and that changes everything.
Burdened with the knowledge that Dumbledore has been blocking his family magic, and manipulating far more than he ever thought possible, Harry doesn't know who he can trust; but he knows he can't keep going that way. There's a whole world of lore and politics and history to catch up on, and the more he learns, the more Harry realises his true place in the world, and how much is being kept hidden from him. All the while, Dumbledore's twinkling eyes are constantly watching, and Harry can't let on how much he knows.
With help from unexpected places, Harry starts on a journey to end the war, and reshape the wizarding world. With how much he looks like James Potter, people have forgotten one important thing about him - he is Lily Evans' son, and she was one hell of a witch.
Notes: Buckle up for a long, fantastic fic my friends! Lily's Boy is 109 chapters! This focuses a lot on Harry as I'm sure you could guess (Drarry specifically), but Snupin is a huge focal point in this fic and I would not call it background. It's brilliant worldbuilding earn it this February spot!
Read: Lily's Boy
🧁 March - Have Your Cake and Eat It by Cunegonde 🧁
Summary on AO3: Lying in hospital after the Battle of Hogwarts, Remus Lupin has a lovely lucid dream that he's gone back to his school days at Hogwarts. Only the day passes, then another, and another, and soon he must face the terrifying possibility that it isn't a dream — that he has irreparably altered the events of the past.
Please be advised, this one contains Adult Themes. Just, not so much in the fun flirty way, more in the midlife existential crisis way.
Notes: Primarily following Remus around as he gets transported back in time to his school days?! And how he falls for our lovely Severus Snape while trying not to mess up reality. YOU WILL CRY. Bittersweet ending warning on this one but so worth the read. 33 chapters
Read: Have Your Cake and Eat It
🦡 April - For Once Seen by diandrastrikesback 🦡
Summary on AO3: “Get the shutters,” he said stiffly. 
“Want to see you,” Lupin whispered into his hair. 
Snape’s panic rose. He fumbled with his words as his heart beat up his throat. “No. Erm…oily hair…you know, bad skin,” he stammered quietly. 
Notes: A short drabble and first ever time something of mine inspired anything. ToT <3 Set in the summer, Remus sneaks over to Sev's house to have some fun. Sev isn't confident in his appearance though.
Read: For Once Seen
🐍 May - The Heir to the House of Prince by A_LoveUnlaced and elphi13 🐍
Summary on AO3: Summer of 4th year and Harry's all alone, dealing with his grief and the sudden revelation that James Potter is not his father. Support comes in a strange form. The form of Theo Nott, son of a death Eater. A strange friend who says he'll help him find his true father, whoever this Lord Prince might be.
Notes: Back to the long fics; 87 chapters AND this is a part of a currently ongoing series. Sev is actually Harry's father and wow is that a shock to Harry! This fic features Snupin and a Theo/Harry pairing and does a brilliant job focusing on both. Extremely compelling read. Severitius.
Read: The Heir to the House of Prince
🩺 June - Not Quite What the Doctor Ordered by Arionrhod and McKay 🩺
Summary on AO3: Severus Snape is a brilliant diagnostician, but it turns out that Remus Lupin is a very difficult case, in more ways than one.
Notes: I'm not usually one for super AU fics but this one takes the cake. Severus is charactarized fantastically and the story is so very good! This is completely non-magic and the relationship between these two is just chefs kiss! 4 chapters.
Read: Not Quite What the Doctor Ordered
🥇 July - With Every Step I Rise and Fall by @miffmiff 🥇
Summary on AO3: After the war, Remus thinks that all hope is lost of ever reconnecting with Severus. He may be in for a surprise though.
Notes: So I have this secret extra ranking I call 'The Golden Shelf.' It's the best of the best, and while many of these fics in this list hold that rank, THIS is the fic that inspired me to make that ranking at all. The very first fic on my golden shelf! This takes a look at how Severus and Remus grapple with the past and embrace each other. Charactarization feels real and so spot on. 1 chapter.
Read: With Every Step I Rise and Fall
Honorable Mention for another fic I read in July: Because He Really Knows Me by flyfreewithme776 is an AU fic where Remus is a cute barista and Severus is pining even if he keeps making his drinks wrong!
🎁 August - The Great Hogwarts Christmas Gift Exchange Debacle of 1996 by Snegurochka 🎁
Summary on AO3: Ron wants Luna, but Luna wants Ginny, and Ginny wants Harry, and Harry wants Hermione, but Hermione wants Lupin, and Lupin wants… Snape? Oh, what tangled webs we weave, when Dumbledore sets up a little seasonal fun for a group of hormonal teenagers spending their Christmas at Grimmauld Place – with two angsty thirty-somethings who have quite enough of their own problems to be getting on with.
Notes: This was a very long 1 chapter fic that was such a delight to read! The summary doesn't do it justice and I'm not sure that my little notes can either, but please give this a shot! In August like me, or right now; perfect for the holidays! Hilarious misunderstandings and a wonderful ending await you.
Read: The Great Hogwarts Christmas Gift Exchange Debacle of 1996
Honorable mentions for a few other fics I read in August:
Batten Down the Hatches by @diandrastrikesbackk is a heartbreaking, fantastic little fic that pays homage to many other Snupin fics. A look at the life of the Snupin fandom as seen by the duo themselves <3
Drifting Satellite by the_throwaway_account is a slight AU with an angsty Remus trying to cope with his lycanthropy with no supportive family or friends. Enter: Sev
🛶 September - I Lie In Your Charms by KALA @kalainthecanoe 🛶
Summary on AO3: When Severus Snape banked on being dead at the end of a war, it was as much of a shock as a burden to find out he was very much alive. He'd rather welcome oblivion and be known as a hero, than watch himself become a listless ghost of his former self. He never expected his Life After Death would contain much but living an isolated, quiet, life. Instead he somehow ended up returning to Hogwarts to teach, becoming involved in student affairs he'd rather stay far removed from, and most importantly, having copious amounts of sex with his old childhood enemy- Remus Lupin.
Recovery is a fickle and long road, and he certainly didn't expect his would involve accepting Remus as part of it.
Notes: KALA is an incredible writer in every fic they craft, but this is one of my favorites. As the summary suggests, spice fest! But this is no plotless hotness by any means. Who doesn't love using sex as a distraction from trauma? Wonderfully written 12 chapters.
Read: I Lie In Your Charms
🎂 October - October 1984 by @bluesundaycake 🎂
Summary on AO3: Severus knows something is wrong at Hogwarts, but he can't quite figure out what.
A story built from the daily prompts for Snapetober 2022. Accidentally snupin.
Notes: So I loved this one so much I had to draw art for it. Seriously I can't say enough good things about this fic! Snape has an adorable crow friend and has to figure out what the heck is going on at Hogwarts while also pining for Remus. Rumored by BlueSundayCake to be a part of a series! :o 32 chapters.
Read: October 1984
Honorable Mentions for fics I read in October:
A Door Left Ajar by Hera_Invictus takes a great look at Sev and Rem's past when Remus comes to Hogwarts to teach during POA. I don't know if they invented the word sexpilogue but uh, yeah...
Fuel the Pyre of Your Enemies by DivinityInMotion took the 'paired for school project' hook and sunk me in a fantastic story with slow burn Snupin.
🐺 November - Artemisia Absinthium: The Wolf and the Moth by Gertrude_Crow @princeandcrow 🐺
Summary on AO3: When Severus Snape uncovered Peter Pettigrew as a traitor before Voldemort attacked the Potters, it changed the course of many lives - his own included.
Relationships are forged and broken, as those that survived the war now have to learn to live, find new paths, and build new futures. And though their leader is gone, not all of the Death Eaters are willing to accept defeat.
Notes: Part 2 of Gertrude_Crow's Artemisia Absinthium series; READ THEM ALL! This is an AU during the first wizarding war focusing on Snupin with intriguing other relationships. Drama, intrigue, and a few dark spots make this series an incredible read. Part 2 is my favorite, coming in at 30 chapters.
Read: Artemisia Absinthium Series
💰 December - The Inheritance by Shadowycat 💰
Summary on AO3: Things hadn’t gone well for Remus Lupin since the end of the war, so he didn’t think he could afford to pass up an unexpected inheritance from someone he’d never met. Of course it turned out there were a few strings attached, including having to share his surprise windfall with Severus Snape. Not that Snape was particularly happy about that...
Notes: It's a 'we have to live together and go on a treasure hunt and now we love each other' fic! Not going to lie, the writing reminds me of a modern day Jane Austin and the story line is so compelling. A little mystery and some great reading! 24 chapters.
Read: The Inheritance
Horoable Mention for another fic I read in December:
Ne'er-Blue-Well by @diandrastrikesbackck was written for a prompt I gave, but it took my usually serious, not a fan of comedy self and had me laughing out loud with a truely genius string of puns said by Severus Snape himself after a potion accident.
WHEW! Hope you find a new fic to enjoy! This was just whenever I read the fic, but did you have any you read this year that should be on next years list? -or- are you a writer working on one?! Leave them in the comments please! Here's to many more in the new year!
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geeky-politics-46 · 1 year
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I posted 317 times in 2022
That's 166 more posts than 2021!
217 posts created (68%)
100 posts reblogged (32%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 301 of my posts in 2022
Only 5% of my posts had no tags
#doctor strange - 171 posts
#stephen strange - 167 posts
#stephen strange x reader - 128 posts
#doctor strange x reader - 128 posts
#doctor strange smut - 124 posts
#stephen strange smut - 119 posts
#stephen strange x you - 114 posts
#doctor strange x you - 113 posts
#dr. stephen strange - 101 posts
#doctor strange fanfiction - 94 posts
Longest Tag: 64 characters
#the fact it makes you uncomfortable doesnt make lt any less true
My Top Posts in 2022:
Friends, Just Friends
Friends, Just Friends: Part 2 - The Confession
Friends, Just Friends: Part 3 - The Confrontation
Pairing: Stephen Strange x Reader, Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Why was he jealous you were dating Bucky? You were just friends. Granted you were friends who had woken up in each others beds, but you were just friends. So why does he feel sick thinking about you in Bucky's bed?
Warnings: Smut (NSFW) - 18+ ONLY - oral sex, fingering, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, dirty talk, pet names, jealousy, language, alcohol use, mention of scars & previous injuries, Strange being pouty & sad, complicated feelings
I saw Spider-Man: No Way Home yesterday & couldn't stop thinking about Strange while trying to work on my Bucky story, thus this was born. Also this is my 1st time posting anything with detailed smut, so... yeah. Enjoy! Ps. Borrowed gif
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He didn't have anything against Bucky Barnes, he really didn't. Other than when Bucky would get into it with Sam, which always ended in them screaming at each other. At that point he wanted to push them both out the window, but that was it. In a weird way they had somewhat bonded over the whole damaged hands & missing arm thing. Sharing in each other's frustrations & daily struggles. Learning how to cope with together. But now he had to share you with him, & that quickly changed his feelings towards the super soldier. Not for the better.
Strange had met you years ago at a hospital gala. You had a morbid sense of humour, lived to piss off the higher ups, & you were gorgeous. He was immediately taken by you. However after a couple semi-casual dates you both realized you were both far to headstrong to be more than friends. So that's what you were. Despite a few heated nights of passion in each other's arms, nights so steamy Stephen still dreamed of them occasionally. When you found solace or an emotional outlet in the other. Friends is all that you were by the end of the next morning, you both agreed on that.
He trusted you more than any other friend. He could talk to you about things he couldn't talk to anyone else about. You knew everything about him. You had even helped him get out of the doghouse a few times back when he was with Christine. You never steered him wrong & you were always there when he needed you.
Even though you eventually left the medical field & then the accident happened, you both stayed close. Partially because of your stubbornness after his accident when he tried to push everyone away. You refused to go. You were like gum on his shoe. He could never quite get rid of you. He was always happy that he couldn't.
So when you wanted to learn more about magic & quickly showed your own potential. Stephen immediately took you under his wing. Despite the original side eye of disapproval from Wong, you had proven yourself truly gifted. God he swore you were good at anything you tried. Stephen was sure Wong even now liked you better than he liked him.
That's ultimately how he ended up here. Sitting alone in the corner of one of Tony's over the top parties that Wong made him attend. Watching you on what was technically your third date with Bucky. He was the one who introduced you, so why was he so jealous all of a sudden? You were just friends. He wanted to be happy that your were happy, but it all just felt so wrong.
You looked stunning, you always did. The dark navy silk cocktail dress clinging to every curve on your body. It ended just below your knees, but the small slit up the back of the dress allowed a hint of your inner thighs to show when you moved just right. Not that many people would have caught it, but he had & so had Bucky. The thin straps showing off your delicate collarbones & shoulders, even though the right strap kept falling. Everytime Bucky ran his vibranium fingers up your arm to replace the strap Stephen could feel his teeth grinding together slightly.
When he had arrived you were already in the soldier's arms, having come over early to get ready with the rest of the girls. As soon as you saw Stephen you smiled & ran over to hug him. Your smile made him go a little fuzzy inside, it always had. It was somehow comforting & invigorating at the same time.
What really took Stephen's breath away was when he saw your necklace. A marquise cut sapphire that hung from a delicate glittering silver chain was perched right at the apex of your breasts. Stephen had given you that necklace. Now you were wearing the necklace he gave you, pendant nestled in your cleavage, as you danced with another man.
Thinking about it, he realized that's when his jealousy had peaked. Seeing you wearing a gift from him when you belonged to someone else. He wanted you all to himself. He wanted to be the one with his hand on your waist. He wanted to be the one making you giggle in his ear, watching your chest rise & fall. The sapphire paling in comparison to the beauty of your surrounding flesh. He wanted you, & he didn’t want anyone else to have you.
Had he always felt this way? At some level he's sure he had, he was just too headstrong to admit the effect you had always had on him. Could things be different now? Now that he was no longer an arrogant surgeon, & was carving a new path for himself as Sorcerer Supreme. Could he have you by his side? As more than his friend? As his partner, as his lover?
No, now he couldn't have you. He just had to watch you with someone else. He couldn't stop himself from thinking about the typical connotations of the 'third date'.
Things may have been different in Bucky's time, but now in today's day & age the third date meant the likelihood of sex. Judging by the way Bucky kept placing soft teasing kisses on your neck he was up to date on that meaning too.
So now here he sat. Watching as you kept running your hand up & down Bucky's chest with a heavy lidded sultry look on your face. Whispering sweet nothings into his ear. Knowing the night would inevitably end with you naked in another man's bed, & in another man's arms.
As he stared down into his whiskey glass he exhaled deeply & let his mind wander to the last time you had looked at him that way.
He still felt broken. That's why he hadn't argreed to let you visit the Sanctum until now, keeping your conversations limited to phone or video call. Even after everything that had transpired since leaving the Kamar-Taj he was still worried you would look at him differently. Ultimately deciding you didn’t like this new incarnation of him.
As soon as you walked through the door he knew he had had no reason to worry after all. Your eyes still showed the same compassion & playfulness when they met his. Your eyes felt like home.
Towards the end of dinner that night after you had spent hours talking & laughing like no time passed, you told him that he definitely wasn't the same man you had met years ago. He had become a better version of that man. Then, gazing softly into his eyes, you reached out to cup his face in your hand & brushed your thumb over his cheekbone.
He turned into your palm placing a soft kiss there wanting to nuzzle further into your warmth. He started to bring his hand up placing it over yours, hesitating when he felt it tremoring. Pulling his hand back down he recoiled slightly into himself Leave it to you to notice that his hands still made him so uncomfortable.
You took his other shaky hand in your's & started placing small loving kisses onto each scar. Moving up the knuckles of each finger before moving to the back of his hand then his palm. You lavished your attention on the feature he disliked the most. Hoping your affection would bring him comfort. In that moment he didn't see himself as damaged goods & he didn't feel pain. He felt loved.
Suddenly his lips were on yours. What had been intended as a soft sweet kiss between friends quickly turned deep & heated. He can't remember who's tongue initiated it, but soon you both were exploring each other's mouths. Your hands moved up through his hair to the back of his neck as he snaked his around your back pressing your body firmly to his. Stephen nipped at your lower lip eliciting a breathy moan.
You both pulled back slightly & gazed at each other. With your eyes have closed you exhaled his name, "Stephen...", & he knew what you were asking for. You needed more of him & god did he need more of you.
See the full post
957 notes - Posted January 8, 2022
You Belong To Me
Smut - Explicit content - NSFW - 18+ only!
Click here for Part 2
Pairing: Sinister Stephen Strange x Reader, Stephen Strange x Reader
Summary: Awoken from sleep by the teasing kisses of your sorcerer, but one look in his eyes tells you something is off. Is he really your Stephen Strange? Or is he something more sinister?
Warnings: Smut (NSFW) - 18+ ONLY - fingering, dubious consent, deception, breeding kink, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, dirty talk, pet names, jealousy, language, kinda cheating?
Spoiler free as I haven't seen MoM yet. I was waiting until I finished this. Spelling & grammar errors will be fixed as I find them.
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Stephen was supposed to have the day off. That was the plan anyway, but when your boyfriend was a Master of the Mystic Arts things never really seem to go as planned. 
He had been working around the clock on learning as much as he could about the multiverse. Not that there was much that was known. So he kept reading & re-reading, studying & re-studying, the same things over & over. Almost as if he expected new information to magically reveal itself on the pages. Which to be fair, in this case is something that could maybe actually happen with the texts at the Sanctum & Kamar-Taj.  
So after several threats, from both Wong & yourself, that you would slip him a sleeping pill if he didn't relent & take a day off to catch up on sleep, with maybe some extra-curricular activities with you, you finally managed to pry him away from his books. 
It's not that he has been neglecting your relationship or anything. If anything he'd been a little more clingy. Sneaking up behind you for hugs & little reassuring kisses on your neck. Bringing his books to wherever you were sitting just to be in the same room as you. Leaving a hand touching you at night. It didn't matter where, so long as he could feel your warm skin under his palm. It was like he was scared you were gonna disappear if he wasn't right there. 
However your sex life had suffered a bit. He wasn't as playful or spontaneous, which he was never that spontaneous to begin with, nor as adventurous as he used to be in the bedroom. You were still having sex on a regular basis, & he still made sure you were both satisfied. 
You would usually get down & dirty at least a few times a week, but lately he seemed to be forcing himself to make love to you. It wasn't that he was saying no or anything like that, of course if that was the case you would stop, but it was like his head was somewhere else completely. Like his body was just going through the motions. The heat & hunger was missing.
So you would be lying if you said you weren't a bit disappointed when Stephen & Wong got called away to deal with something mystical somewhere. Truth be told you weren't really listening when they told you. You were busy hoping your new lingerie you bought to tempt Stephen into spending the day in bed with you wouldn't go to complete waste. Hopefully they could handle this quickly. 
You sent the two of them off with a slightly frisky kiss & a promise to take care of Stephen when he got back. Whispering in his ear that you meant that in more ways than one. 
Wong just gestured at Strange, politely pretending that he didn't hear what you had just said, & mouthed a silent 'sorry' to you. 
You smiled at Wong & waved your hand nonchalantly at him. You knew it wasn't his fault. If anything he had been trying even harder than you to get Stephen to take some time off. Saying it was to get Stephen out of his way, but you knew he was secretly worried about him too. He was worried about the both of you.
He was a great friend, even if he did enjoy driving Stephen up a wall from time to time. His intentions were always good.
Soon the portal closed down & you found yourself alone in the giant old building. After turning in a circle for a moment trying to figure out what to do now, you eventually decided to retire to the bedroom you & Stephen shared. You figured laying down with a book seemed like a good way to pass the time. You had a ton of books that you had every intention to read when you bought them, but just never did. 
Once you had finally settled on something to read you pulled back the covers on the large stupidly comfortable bed & decided to strip down to your new underwear. Both for comfort & so that when Stephen returned you could give him a sexy little surprise. 
Facing the long mirror in the corner of the room you discarded your shirt & jeans. Leaving you standing in just the sheer dark blue lace accented with metallic silver. You let your fingertips slip down the sides of your ribcage down your body & over your hips to the swell of your thighs. Gazing at your own reflection as you did.
You were rather pleased with how the scalloped edge of the bra made your breasts look fuller & the cheeky cut of the panties made your ass look rounder. You hoped that Stephen would feel the same when he got to see you in them. You missed the feel of his hands on your skin. The way he used to touch you. Like the feel of your skin under his fingers, & under his lips, was his reason for waking.
Before you could recede farther into your thoughts you quickly pushed them aside. All relationships had their ups & downs. You were sure that was all this was. You loved him, & he loved you. You were his, & he was yours.
You grabbed the book you had chosen & began to snuggle in under the covers. The blankets & sheets smelled like the both of you, & it immediately soothed any fear or doubt in your mind. 
Until you suddenly heard a small noise from somewhere in the corner of the room & you froze. You scanned the room thoroughly. There was not even a breeze to drift the curtains. It had to be your imagination. Deciding your brain was already getting the best of you for picking a Stephen King novel to read. That seemed about right.
Once you had cocooned yourself in the sheets you grabbed the book & opened it to the first page. Once you started you knew you would settle in & the time would pass quickly.
You have no idea how far you made it into the book or why you were suddenly racked with exhaustion, but you soon felt your eyelids grow unbearably heavy & your grip on the pages loosening. Before long you succumbed to the feeling & fell into a deep sleep. 
Completely unaware of the man who was watching from afar. Who had been watching you & waiting. Planning for this moment.
You were slowly pulled from your sleep by the sensation of a warm body laying down behind yours. Nerve endings firing & pulling you back to your surroundings as you felt his fingertips dance over your skin & through your hair. Feeling the chill of the room around you as the blanket was pulled back from you & your body now exposed to the figure behind you.
See the full post
1,583 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
If your requests are open. Could we see a Dr. Strange tracking your fertility cycle? Maybe some breeding kink? If not that’s okay. Thank you!
Man On A Mission
Smut - Explicit content - NSFW - 18+ only!
Pairing: Stephen Strange x Reader
Summary: Once Stephen Strange set his mind to something he was going to get it done. Why should getting you pregnant be any different?
Warnings: Smut (NSFW) - 18+ ONLY - heavy breeding kink, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, dirty talk, pet names, language, very romantic cheesy mushy Strange too
I felt odd finishing this after SCOTUS dismantled Roe. I want to make it very clear in this story pregnancy was a choice they both made together. Neither the government, nor a partner, should regulate a woman's body & force her to carry a pregnancy she does not want.
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You had discussed it, after everything that had happened, you both decided that you wanted a family. You wanted a child together if you could have one. You didn't want to get obsessed though, so you had decided to leave it to chance. If it happened it happened.  If not, you two always had America.
Well you had decided to leave it to chance. Stephen had different plans. He was going to make sure it happened. He was going to make sure he got you pregnant as soon as he possible could. The idea of you carrying his baby triggered an irrational need in him. He needed to breed you. The thought of it alone could get him hard. 
There was something so erotic about everyone seeing your swollen belly & knowing he had fucked you full as many times as it took to get you that way. That he had filled you with his cum until you were leaking. That you craved to feel him cum inside you. No, that your body had begged for his cum, & your pussy had milked his cock dry over & over.
So he started tracking your cycle to figure out when you were most fertile, when you were ovulating. It took a couple months to pin it down. To get the dates just right. Between using an app on his phone & the marking you always put in your day planner when you started your period he was able to pinpoint the dates before long. 
He had studied up on what positions would aid in conception too. Both missionary & doggy style could let him cum in you as deep as possible, the deeper he came in you the closer his sperm was to your cervix. He also knew that if you came around the same time he did your body would naturally pull his cum in deeper. 
So when he got the little notification on his phone that you would start your ovulation cycle the next day he got straight to work. He wanted everything to be perfect. He planned to spend as much time balls deep in you filling you up as many times as he physically could. 
First thing was to get everyone else out of the Sanctum. Wong was easy enough. He knew that look on Strange's face & he had no desire to walk in on you 2 mid-romp again. He confirmed he would stay at Kamar-Taj until he was told it was safe. 
America he just downright bribed. Peter he threatened. Both of them could occupy themselves doing teenager stuff or bothering the other Avengers. He knew for a fact that Sam "New Cap" Wilson was in town, & Peter had taken a shine to Bucky. Unfortunately Bucky didn't have the same shine but he appreciated the attempts by the spiderling to get him up to date on pop culture. 
With the Sanctum cleared out he needed to prep your bedroom next. He wanted to turn it into a virtual oasis. He found the softest sheets & fluffiest blankets. Candles & soft lights, your favorite flowers. He went the whole 9 yards. Massage oils & flavoured treats to rub on & lick off each other. Lots of pillows all over the room. He knew if your hips were elevated with a pillow it was supposed to help conception too.  
Even the dinner he prepared, well he ordered & someone else prepared, was full of aphrodisiac foods. The evening would be completed with chocolate covered strawberries, whipped cream, almonds, & of course a little bubbly. 
He was sure of it. Tonight was the night he was gonna get you knocked up. So he wanted it to be special. He wanted to make sure he wooed you & bred you in one suave date night. That would hopefully turn into a date weekend of him pumping load after load into you. Just to be sure.
Needless to say you were shocked when you got home. You knew something was up, he never went this over the top even when you first started dating & he was trying to impress you. He tried his best to stay coy about his motive. Saying he just wanted to treat the woman he loved to a special night. 
It wasn't until you had made it to the bedroom that you figured out the real reason for all the romance. You went to the bathroom to slip into the new lingerie he had picked out, it was a sheer red babydoll that feel just below your ass & matched the color of his cloak. He did have good taste & knew your body so well the fit was perfect. 
As you were changing you remembered the ovulation test kit you had bought together on a whim after you first discussed having a baby. Sure enough it said you were in your fertile window. You couldn't help but chuckle at how slick Stephen thought he was. 
You emerged from the bathroom trying to look as innocent as possible hiding the test behind your back. You bit your bottom lip as you walked towards him with any extra sway in your hips, his pupils now blown wide in lust. He had already stripped down to his underwear & you could tell by the way the fabric was starting to strain that he was already half hard. 
Just by the sight of your breasts through the sheer cups he could tell he had nailed the timing. Your breasts were slightly swollen & your nipples flushed slightly darker, both signs you were ovulating. He groaned as you got closer, already imagining how you would look swollen with his child. 
As he laid him down on the bed & crawled up to straddle him you managed to keep the test concealed in your hand. He was too busy focusing on other things. You gave him one more chance to tell you on his own why he really did all this.
"Seriously Stephen, why did you do all this? You know I was already gonna fuck you anyway." You both laughed as you exchanged kisses. You loved teasing each other & you both had the same sarcastic sense of humor. 
"Is it so wrong I just wanted to spoil you a bit? Show you how special you are." 
It was a very sweet sentiment, & you did love when Stephen bared the sensitive side of his personality, but you also knew it was partly bullshit. Time to call him on it. 
You started pressing his down his neck, mixing in little licks & bites as you moved to his ear. His hands were massaging your ass & slowly grinding your hips against his hardening cock. You sucked on his earlobe for a moment, then pulled your lips away just enough to whisper in his ear. 
"Are you sure it doesn't have anything to do with me being fertile? With you wanting me to make you a daddy?"
As you finished your question you blew on his ear & ellicted a loud moan. His hips thrusting up of their own volition, pretty much answering for him. You sat up straight & kept rolling your hips against his. The friction of him hard against your clit was too good to stop.
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1,621 notes - Posted June 25, 2022
Doctor's Orders
Smut - Explicit content - NSFW - 18+ only!
Pairing: Doctor Stephen Strange x Reader
Summary: The Doctor will see you now. A fantasy request from your boyfriend leaves you with an ache only he can fix.
Warnings: Smut (NSFW) - 18+ ONLY - doctor kink, praise kink, roleplay, slight dom/sub, oral sex, fingering, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, dirty talk, slight degradation, pet names, language, creampie, porn with minimal plot
Yeah this is just complete filth. I was gonna write Sinister Strange first, but this happened... As usual, I'm sure there are spelling & grammar errors. I'll fix them as I find them.
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As much of a perfectionist as Stephen was, you were surprised when he suggested the two of you play doctor. You knew full well you would probably get any sort of medical jargon wrong. Despite re-watching M*A*S*H multiple times over the years you weren't exactly up to snuff of your surgical speak. 
So you agreed, you would never say no to anything that ended with the two of you fucking, but on the condition that he wasn't allowed to go off on any tangents & had to stay in charector. 
"That's why I want to play doctor & patient sweetheart. You don't have to know anything except that the doctor always knows best... If we decide to play slutty nurse I'll just write you a script." He raised an eyebrow & gave you a cheeky smile reaching to grab a hold of your waist.
You chuckled & moved into his arms. Letting Your hands slide up his chest & around his neck. Yep, there's that perfectionist you knew.
"Well as much of a turn on as that is, because every girl loves to be wooed by having to memorize a script for sex, I do think I need the doctor give me a once over first. When is your next appointment Doctor? I have an ache I think only you can fix."
Stephen closed his eyes & growled, his head dropping forward & pulling you in for a heated kiss. "Well I am very busy, but I  think I can make an exception & slide you in tomorrow night say around 7. It could take a few hours, & of course there will be an extra fee. I'm sure we can work out a special arrangement, another form of compensation perhaps."
You put on your best doe eyes & pout, playing into his fantasy. Trying to get him extra riled up. "Oh thank you doctor. I'll do anything for you to fit in me." You played shy & dropped your gaze, staring up at him through your lashes as you let out an innocent giggle & bit your lip. "Oops, I mean fit me in. I need you, Doctor." 
He reached down & lightly slapped your ass. "Naughty girl. I want you in that short black nightie, no panties, upstairs in our bed by your appointment time. I don't like to be kept waiting & I know you know how to follow Doctor's orders."
It was your turn to growl. Moaning against his lips as you melted into his passionate kiss. This man could turn you on just by looking at you, & you were currently soaked at his display of dominance. You two hadn't done much roleplay, but you had a feeling after tomorrow night it would become much more common. 
By the time the clock turned to 7 you were exactly where he told you to be. Already starting to feel aroused by the feel of the silk nightie that barely covered your ass soft against your skin. You squeezed your thighs together & squirmed on the bed. Trying to keep your hands to yourself.
Sure enough, at 7:01 Stephen entered the room. He had gone the whole 9 yards. Instead of his blue robes or his casual clothes he now wore dark blue scrubs & his white lab coat, with a stethoscope draped around his neck. He topped everything off by holding a notepad like it was your chart. 
You had to hold back a small giggle at how seriously he was taking this. He did look incredibly sexy though. Striding towards the bed confidently, quickly sliding back into the role of hot shot doctor. He could give McDreamy a run for his money. 
"Well hello Ms. Y/L/N, what brings you to see me today? I know you said you needed to see me quite urgently." 
"Yes Doctor. I don't know what's wrong with me. I've been feeling so hot, & I can barely stand to have any clothes on. I feel so sensitive, tingly. Especially my pussy Doctor. It's aching so bad & I don't know why. Please tell me you can help me." You let your hands run up & down your body. Spreading your legs wide on the bed, laying back & looking up at him with needy eyes. 
"Hmm well, the first thing I want to do check is your heart & your lungs. I need you to sit up & take your top down for me." He pulled his stethoscope down & put it around his neck. His eyes roving over you hungrily as he sat down on the edge of the bed.
You slowly pulled the shoulder straps of your nightie down your arms & let the fabric slide down to expose your breasts. Stephen licked his lips when he saw your nipples already standing at attention for him. His hand moved to rub over the now prominent bulge in his scrubs before he picked up the chest piece of the stethoscope & moved the earpieces into place.
"That’s my good girl. Now this may be a little cold." 
He put the chest piece between your breasts sliding it up your sternum into place over your heart. You bit your lip to stifle a moan at the feel of the cool metal.  He stayed there for a moment. Before sliding it over your breasts. Making sure to 'accidentally' brush over your nipples as he moved it. 
"Your heart is racing. I can see your breasts are very sensitive too. Especially your pretty little pink nipples.” He reached out to flick the pad of his index finger over on of your stiff buds, a lopsided smirk appeared as you gasped & jolted at his touch.
“Think I need to do some more tests before I can reach a proper diagnosis. Tell me, are you feeling that ache you mentioned right now?" He removed the stethoscope & placed it on the nightstand.
"I wasn't until you came in Doctor. Ever since you started your exam on me, my pussy has started to ache. I'm really wet now too. Here, doctor. Feel. My pussy is almost dripping.”
You grabbed his hand & placed it on your cunt. Stephen started rubbing your entire pussy with his long fingers, pressing his palm against your pubic mound adding pressure to your clit. Feeling him spread your slick over your pussy lips, occasionally dipping one through your slit to collect your arousal you gasped & arched your back. 
You wanted to reach out & stroke his hard cock through his scrubs, but he would scold you if you did. You knew he wasn't done playing with you. So instead you stretched your arms out over your head causing you nightie to bunch up around your waist & expose yourself completely to him.
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1,933 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Deserve Better
Smut - Explicit content - NSFW - 18+ only!
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Another blow to your confidence tips you over the edge when a guy ditches you. Bucky is determined to show you that you derserve so much better.
Warnings: Smut (NSFW) - 18+ ONLY - oral sex, fingering, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, dirty talk, pet names, language, alcohol use, negative self image, general filth
More of this story than I would like to admit is based on real experience, at least all the crappy stuff. Alcohol was involved while writing. I suck at spelling & grammar but correct things as I find them. Hope you enjoy the results of my shitty evening.
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Well this felt really pathetic. If you started crying could this count as a temper tantrum not a breakdown? You didn't really get stood up or dumped. Your friends with benefits bailed on you... Again.
You weren't mad. He had given you good reasons. Granted you had no idea if they were true or not, but if they were they were reasons you would have cited too.
You were diaappointed though. You had pretty much given up on dating, it seemed the only guys who were ever interested were nut jobs or people you would have to be paid to touch, & you didn't do one night stands. They just didn't feel safe. So this had been your last chance to get laid for a few months. You had also passed up the chance to go to a Rangers game to meet up with your FWB.
You sat waiting for your to-go order running through the options in your head, quickly realizing your best option was once again your vibrator. You inwardly sighed as you threw down the rest of your gin & tonic way too fast. You realized you were actually sick of fucking yourself, the thought of another night with your own hand & even your favorite toy made you groan, & not in a good way.
The waiter dropped your bag next to you & you paid for your drink. You tipped an extra dollar since he was nice enough to ignore that you probably looked like you were about to cry when you had ordered it.
As you were pulling a couple ones out of your wallet a cute-ish seeming guy came in by himself. Clearly from out of town with a slight European accent. You figured what the hell? & said hi pulling out your flirty yet coy smile. He totally ignored you.
Well that was close enough to 3 strikes you're out. You tilted your glass as far back as you could, hoping for even the tiniest amount of gin, & grabbed you bag of food. You headed back to the tower with your tail tucked between your legs, pity tears pickling at your eyes, & your new lingerie you had bought just because feeling like it was an irritant on your skin.
At least it was windy. You could play off the stray tear as being caused by that or picking at your mascara. Your only stop was a drugstore where you grabbed a bottle of wine.
As you stepped into the elevator you opened the twist top on the glass bottle & let the first couple real tears fall. All your life you had never felt good enough, pretty enough. You were never anyone's first choice. Now you weren't even good enough to just screw & leave.
You didn't think you were asking a lot, you really didn't care if this ever became anything beyond sex. But for the first time in your life, at nearly 32, you were finally having good sex. The thought of going another 4 years, your longest dry spell, untouched made you want to throw yourself off the roof.
Thank God the elevator doors opened & pulled you from your own destructive thoughts. There was no one in the living room or the kitchen & it was basically silent, because of course it was. It was a Friday night & everyone had their own things to do. So you wandered into the kitchen grabbed a fork from the utensil drawer & the new pack of AA batteries from the junk drawer.
Sinking into the couch you displayed your sad little picnic on the coffee table in front of you. Burger & fries, screw top wine bottle already part way empty, & batteries that were now your date for the night. You collapsed forward onto your own thighs letting your arms wirelessly drape over so your knuckles brushed the floor & sighed in complete defeat before muttering a "just kill me" into your leggings.
Sure you wanted a relationship, not necessarily with your FWB, but you were also very aware that beggers can't be choosers. You were a begger & you always had been, which is why you were where you were now. Horny, a little drunk, & on the verge of tears.
"But what if I kinda like having you around?" A deep but light hearted voice answered you softly from the hallway. Clearly trying not to startle you. Ending his statement with a chuckle, seemingly to apologize for eavesdropping.
With a groan you lifted your upper body back up to a seated position before flopping back into back of the couch. Looking up at the man who had spoke you felt your heart lift slightly. You should have guessed Bucky would be there. He wssn't a big fan of going out on the weekends, there were too many people out.
He cautiously moved forward, not 100% sure if he was welcome or not. You noticed his hesitancy & moved a few inches to your right signalling it was fine to join you. To reinforce your comfort with him joining you you told him "sorry Buck, if I knew you were here I would have gotten you food, but you can have mine if you want. I'm not that hungry anymore. Just don't touch my wine."
You forced a small laugh past your lips & tried not to come off too sad. As he sat down next to you, Bucky wasn't buying it. He could see the pain in your eyes. He wanted you to tell him what was wrong. He wanted you to tell him everything.
He knew you had plans tonight with that guy, the one that he really didn't like, but now you were here with tears in your eyes. He wanted to punch him for putting that look on your face. You had told Bucky you had no intention of getting serious with this guy, that you were friends from forever ago, that it just made you feel good someone was actually interested in you that way. You said you were so sick of dating & heartbreak, you just wanted to have fun. Well you didn't look like you were having much fun, & it didn't look like you felt particularly good. That tore him up inside.
You curled your legs up underneath you & pulled the blanket off the back of the couch onto your shoulders. You tried to ignore the way Bucky kept glancing at you as he picked at the fries. Every couple minutes he would hold one out to you & you would accept it. Eventually you softened enough that you finally said with a little bit of a shaky breath "he bailed on me at the last minute, again."
All Bucky could do was nod in understanding & turn to look at you. You were still staring at your hands, tears sparkling at the corners of your eyes. Finally letting them fall as you spoke again.
"I'm now consistently getting blown off by my friend with benefits. I can't even keep a guy interested when the only thing I'm asking him for is sex. How pathetic is that? I'm not even good enough to just be a regular fuck buddy for someone I guess."
You choked back a small sob. It wasn't about that particular guy, it was about all of them. How they had all beaten you down & made you feel worthless.
You had confided in Bucky one night after a particularly terrible date how you hadn't even gone on a date until college. That you had spent so much time watching all the other girls in high school get asked on dates, go to dances, & fall in love. While you were left to wonder what was so wrong with you. It's a wonder you had managed to lose your virginity at 19. Especially considering only one other guy had even so much as kissed you before that.
You had spent all your life being the girl who felt passed over, so when the opportunity of having a friend with benefits opened up you jumped at it. Not that you were overly attracted to the guy, which in a sex only relationship was a good thing, but you felt desired & that felt great. It was also the best sex, & really the only good sex, you'd ever had. So you put up with all the little inequalities & things.
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4,452 notes - Posted April 4, 2022
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tomhollandfics · 1 year
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I posted 335 times in 2022
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194 posts reblogged (58%)
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I tagged 240 of my posts in 2022
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#tom holland x reader - 221 posts
#tom holland - 209 posts
#tom holland fanfiction - 181 posts
#tom holland fluff - 163 posts
#tom holland x you - 153 posts
#tom holland fic - 145 posts
#tom holland x y/n - 138 posts
#tom holland imagine - 133 posts
#tom holland smut - 132 posts
#tom holland fanfic - 116 posts
Longest Tag: 35 characters
#tom holland x gender neutral reader
My Top Posts in 2022:
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560 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
Period Fics
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704 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
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1,573 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
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2,021 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Sex Pollen Fics (Peter Parker)
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2,853 notes - Posted October 29, 2022
It’s been an incredible year! Thank you all!
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sunnylands-world · 1 year
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145 posts created (74%)
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#draco malfoy - 78 posts
#draco malfoy fanfiction - 77 posts
#draco fanfiction - 72 posts
#draco x you - 72 posts
#draco malfoy imagine - 71 posts
#draco malfoy x reader - 71 posts
#draco malfoy fluff - 70 posts
#draco x reader - 70 posts
#malfoy - 69 posts
#draco imagine - 67 posts
Longest Tag: 46 characters
#ynandyourdreamsnaughtythoughts ynandyourdreams
My Top Posts in 2022:
And after - draco smut 
A/n: it's long 😔 i tried to shorten if anyone has tips to help shorten these let me know 👍😁 AS REQUEST: @namuhdasyrev hope like it
warning 😈
Soft dom draco, p in v, oral, pet names breeding kink, small daddy kink [he says it once] choking unprotected sex [stay safe out there 🧐], after Hogwarts draco, after care
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Draco let out huff As both his parents finally moved back making space for the two of you and your luggage. "so what's planned now that you both are done with your books" narcissa said, walking you to the living room as the house elf grabbed your bag's. "Oh, I plan to open a store in Diagon alley for kids with toys but magical ones and other activities for them" you said passionately. 
"Aww you'd make a great mother already so into kids. Draco as a father is a whole other thing" she said with a chuckle. "oh uh mi-" you were interrupted as mr.malfoy came into the conversation. "Yeah I think you guys should try for a girl. We need more beauty in our family" he said. The conversation continued with more talk about children. You could see Draco shift his mind elsewhere as he didn't respond much. "Well children, we must run to the store for dinner products," mrs.Malfoy said. "oh i could-" you began but your eyes met Draco's and he gave you a look.
"Well goodbye mother and father" Draco said Before his eyes met yours again. "y/n go upstairs" he said and you made your way quickly up the stairs with him on your tail. you made it to the top stopping awaiting further instructions. "Good girl, now go to the room on the left and wait" he said and you went to the room meeting the dark green and black room and it smelled like old wood and expensive cologne. Draco entered the room, his fingers wrapped your neck from behind causing a gasp to escape your lips.
"i wanted us to celebrate our graduation but you kept chatting it up with my parents" he said against your neck. you opened your mouth to deny but his grip tightened. "But it's okay princess, because your little chat put a thought in my head" he said as his hand released your neck working with his other to pull away your dress and you heard a ripping sound. you whined and Draco chuckled. "Little mommy," he said, sliding his hand over your skin into your panties.
his fingers grazed your clit and you moved your hips to find them again but he pulled his hand away sucking his fingers, groaning at the taste. "get on the bed for me princess and spread those pretty legs, let me have a taste" he said. you made your way over pulling away your cotton panties and Draco grinned as you got in position. he made his way to the foot of the bed lowering to his knees so his face was right in front of your core.
he looks at your arousal dripping and wets his lips like he's about to eat his favorite meal before diving in and running his tongue through your folds searching for the small bud then sucking and licking your sensitive clit causing you to lock your fingers in his platinum blonde hair. you cry out into the dark empty space. draco works his two fingers to your opening pushing them into the tight space working them in and out causing your cries to grow louder.
"pretty little princess, all worked up for me yeah" draco says muffled by your wetness. "good girl gonna be such a pretty mommy" he said into you before lifting his head. "my little mommy all round full of my baby's" he says curling his fingers to hit your spot. "yess" you cry out and Draco makes quick work to get you hitting your climax. then pulls his fingers out as soon as he feels you start to tightening and you whimper at the loss.
draco stands removing his clothes and boxers climbing on top of you grabbing his cock putting and brushing it at your entrance before pushing in with a sigh holding in place just to edge you. "draco" you cry "so needy" he says before moving thrusting slow, quickening his pace causing the headboard to hit the wall. "gotta get you all full" he says and you moan arching your back hard into him.
"you like that princess" he ask rocking hard into your g-spot groaning when you clench around him in responds. "my little mommy" he says, leaning down kissing your lips hard and you start to feel the knot coming back in your stomach. "draco i-" you start "shh let go princess, let go for daddy" he says against your ear and you wrap your legs around him, hands find his back, nails in his skin as you cum around him triggering his release. he moans kissing you slowing his pace with hard thrust as he cums inside you.
he falls against your chest catching his breath. He pulls out and kisses your forehead. He stands to grab you, taking you in his bathroom turning to start the shower. the both of you get in and he washes you up. washing your hair, his fingers running over your scalp causing you to sigh as your eyes get heavy. He washes you up gently cleaning the sweat from your skin then helps you out. you dry off and get dressed before you both go back to the room where the new sheets are waiting and you run over tucking yourself in as draco follows chuckling.
He kisses you as he lays down and snuggles next to you. "draco?" "Yeah" he answers. "I think you'll be a great dad one day" you say lazily as you doze off. draco smiles 
"Soon" he whispers 
Request open 💙
571 notes - Posted July 28, 2022
𝙋𝙚𝙩 𝙣𝙖𝙢𝙚𝙨
𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨𝙚 𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙪𝙖𝙜𝙚
As requested @grandnerdsheep @pheonix243
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Breakfast continued. I was dreading the ending. Draco kept a firm grip on my thigh "I hope you guys enjoyed breakfast, sorry Lucius couldn't join us dear" ms. Malfoy said with a warm smile. I nodded. she stood going to the kitchen. "I'll help" I said but Draco gave me a look. "Mother, I'll help darling you go and wait upstairs and get ready," he said, looking into my eyes reading between the lines. I nodded with a swallow. He smiled in an almost scary way.
I ran for the steps entering the room and stripped to my underclothes and waited on the bed patiently. about ten minutes later he entered the room locking it and put the silent Charm on the room. his back was to me as he got undressed. He turned around and looked me over. His finger came up motioning for me to come to him. I walked over slowly "what did I say before my little screamer" he asked in a calm voice "t-to stay quiet" I stammered. he hummed "go back to the bed on your knees and hands I nodded running back "take off your clothes" I stopped pulling away my bra strap trying to tease him.
I pulled away my bra going to my panties Draco walked forward grabbing my breasts in one hand the other going to my ass squeezing it. "fuck" he said as I crawled on the bed and got into the position. I pushed my butt out a little more knowing he was behind me. "putting on a little show" he said with his voice a little high. his hand went up and came back down on my ass and I yelped jerking forward. He grabbed my waist and moved so he was lowered under me and I felt his breath on my opening. "It's so pretty" he said with his head Under my pussy. He moved his fingers through my folds gathering my juices on his fingers and I whined.
"sit" he says my eyes go wide "Draco i-" he doesn't let me finish and pulls me down on his face by my thighs and I gasp. his mouth connects with my pussy and his tongue begins to work at my clit circling and I moan starting to grind on his face and roll my hips while his hands stay on my thighs and I feel him smirk. his tongue slips into my opening working its way around the inside then moving in and out. "Draco" I cry. He hums in response and I feel it send a vibration through me.
my hands go to grip his blonde hair. his tongue keeps its pace and I start to feel the knot form in my stomach. "Draco, I'm close" I warned to which he stopped pulling himself from under me. "I wish I could have eaten you out till you came in my mouth Princess because I love tasting you my sweet girl but I really wanna fuck you till you grip me tight and cum all over my cock" he said positioning himself Behind me.
His hand wrapped around his cock he stroked himself till he started to drip pre-cum "oh fuck" he groaned. "scream for me okay Princess" He said as he stretched me and I cried out in pleasure. "you're always so tight for me" He groaned he started to pound into me and the sound of skin clapping filled his room along with his groaning and my whines and whimpers. he thrust in and out at a brutal pace massaging my insides with each thrust into my pussy. "fuck" he yelled his cock went deeper hitting my G-spot. my mouth came open as I felt myself drooling from the pressure of his cock teasing my spot. "That feels so good draco" I mumbled as he rocked back and forth into me.
"yeah you're all drunk off my cock" he asked. I nodded and my body started to get weak and I fell into his bed.
"Come on Princess, you're not done yet," he said and I whined in response. "oh shit draco," I said as I tightened around him which encouraged him to move faster. "That's it Princess cum all over my cock" he said his fingernails digging into my skin and I started to shake and came as it dripped down my thighs. his hand came up and down on my ass. "look what you did you made a fucking mess on my sheets whore" he groaned. "fuck I'm gonna cum" I pulled away from him and he glared at me as i got on my knees in front of him.
"I just wanted to return the favor draco" I said, wrapping my hands around his cock moving my hand up and down. his head fell back and I moved my mouth forward "Merry Christmas draco" I said. "Fuck yes" he said as he came in my mouth and I licked his tip collecting the rest and swallowing. "best Christmas ever now let's clean you so we can go out".
Request open 💙
580 notes - Posted May 1, 2022
Kisses for a sick princess - draco fluff 
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Summary: y/n on her period and draco taking care of her 
A/n: as request a draco fluff @goddessmortica hope you like this love it's a bit long 
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You laid curled into a ball feeling the pain in your abdomen. you tossed and turned eventually waking draco who looked at you in fear you had fallen or left but calmed down when he saw you next to him and sighed in relief before checking the clock for the time. 
Three in the morning. you felt bad and turned to him. "I'm sorry I woke you, I can go lay in my room instead" you said getting up but he grabbed your arm. "You haven't told me what's wrong and I'd never ask you to be away from me even if it means being up with you at three" He whispered to you, turning the light on and you nodded. "i'm i'm-" you stutter trying to say it but hadn't had your period around him yet. he raised his eyebrow awaiting your answer.
  "I'm on my period" you tried to say quickly. Draco's eyes open wide as he realizes what's bothering you. He smiles and kisses your forehead. "Does my baby's tummy hurt?" he asked in a soft voice like you were a child and you giggled. "your chessy" you say giggling more. "Actually I wanted you to smile and you did," he said before moving to your stomach, blowing into it causing a vibration and you laughed.
"ah there you go all happy" he said. "Now I'll be back darling" he said, getting up and putting his shirt on you nodded but started feeling a little sad as he walked out somewhere. you started crying which made you mad you didn't want to cry but now you were. where was he going at three in the morning without you, you thought which made the tears worse. but draco left running to make a potion for your cramps and asked his house elf to get you some things that he hadn't even heard of because it was muggle stuff most of it but heard it help's so he wrote a list sending his house elf off with a thank you.
About 10 mins later he came into you sleeping with your face scrunched in pain and dried tears on your face and his heart broke. He left you and didn't think about telling you where but he hoped he could make it better now. He lightly tapped your shoulder. "darling wake up" he said and his accent rang clear in your ears and you got up seeing bags and things in his hand. "Come on, let's put you in the bath and I made you something" he said, carrying you into the bathroom and sitting you on the toilet and handing you the purple water like liquid and you tilt your head confused.
"It's for cramps'' he said and you smiled as tears left your eyes. He only left so he could get you things. Draco laughed at you, balling your eyes out and repeatedly saying thank you. "don't laugh," you said as he placed you in the tub full of hot water. He came in with tea he made and chocolate. you smiled at his attempts to make you feel better. After a few minutes he got you out and you got dressed. He handed you a heating pad and you giggled.
"I'm not in pain, the potion worked" you said and he smirked. "Well I was gonna say I could fu-"  he started. "no you can not draco Lucius Malfoy" you said knowing what he was going to say. "hey it said an orgasm helps" he said shrugging and cuddling into you and you shook your head no. "I am gonna need to know how to make that potion though," you said to him. "Why, when I'll always be here to make it for you" he whispered, kissing you and you nodded in agreement before falling asleep.
A/N: ugh i could actually picture draco making the potion with his brows frowned in concentration and his tongue pressed to his upper lip as he mixes the ingredients and stirs the mixture 😩💞💭 also if you haven't heard tom felton say darling your missing out 🤭
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712 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
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I and Draco were staying at his parent's house. Of course, I agreed to come since my parents were off on a business trip for Christmas break. I was in his bed reading some book I pulled from his library downstairs. I was laying in my black lace set from a trip with Hermione. It was around nine-ten o'clock When he came from the bathroom with his towel hanging low on his v line, his blonde hair messy and wet and water still running down his skin. My eyes ran over his pale skin until I caught up with his grayish-blue eyes. A smirk on his face that brought wetness between my thighs. 
"Giving out early Christmas presents I see" he said walking slowly towards me. his fingers ran up my ankle to my knee pushing my legs apart. a gasp left my lips "I must say this little cunt of yours will top all my gifts" he said crawling closer "but I think my cock driving into while you have to stay quiet will eat you alive since I know you can't stop screaming when I fuck you". he smirked seeing the worried look on my face. "there's a catch my beautiful
Little screamer if you should make any sound and my parents hear you from the next room
 and mention it to us tomorrow I'll make you lose your voice after that" he said in my ear. 
"but I thou-" he interrupted putting his finger on my lips "shh quiet" he said. "open" he demanded and my lips parted allowing his fingers to slip in and my tongue went around his fingers. 
He closed his eyes and groaned "I don't know how you'll be quiet because I think I'm gonna fuck you till you pass out". he pulled his fingers from my lips and kissed my neck "quiet" he said 
as he moved down in between my legs taking my panties away. He looked down at my dripping cunt and back to me. "Do I make you this wet just from talking?" He asked his head tilted to the side. I hide my face in embarrassment. "aww don't hide your face I like that" he said pulling my hands away "that you get wet from my voice". he moved his face down in between my thighs "so pretty" he said looking at my wet center. "I'm almost too amazed to touch your wet little pussy," he said.
Then in a quick motion his tongue was licking up my core. "but you taste so fucking good" he groaned and went back his tongue licking circles on by bud. my head fell back into his green satin sheets as the small but powerful wave winded my skin. his tongue went to my opening, licking around it then entering. his tongue moved in and out going in and discovering the inside and pulling out. I covered my mouth in attempts to stay silent. He repeatedly did this motion till my hand seemed to move away, disobeying my will to cover sounds. "Draco" I cried. He pulled back, shaking his head. "oh y/n you're so disobedient not listening and calling me like that" he chuckled. "my little screamer". 
He came up and pulled the tuck from the towel and aligned his cock with my entrance.
"I'm gonna have you in tears", he said pushing forward and he slipped right into me and he placed his hands on my sides and looked into my eyes. "being inside of you feeling you this way is going to kill me" he said and started to thrust forward hard keeping his promise to bring me to tears. he hit my g spot then pulled back pushing forward brushing the spot with his tip. my toes curled and my eyes shut "Draco please I can't" I moaned out. his eyes darkened and his cold strong fingers wrapped my neck comfortably. "Shut up y/n or I'll pull out of you and use your mouth instead". I shook my head violently. He smirked. "You are my toy" he thrusted into my g spot. the headboard hit the wall and he pulled all the way out and hit it again. "Draco that feels so good" I cried. My hands came to his back, fingernails in his skin. 
He kissed my lips moved to my ear "I told you to stay quiet but you just don't listen" he started to move at a crazed pace pulling out and thrusting in hard and fast and soon my 
Walls wrapped him tight. "y/n you're not Cumming until I feel like I'm done" he whispered. tears filled my eyes and I felt him going at a fast pace while I tightened and the tears ran down my cheeks. he smirked "that's what I like to see" he said. his pace was getting sloppy and his head went back and I felt him fill me. I was grateful for my birth control.
That's all it took for me to let go and I wrapped my legs around him pulling him deeper as the feeling of bliss went over my skin. He got up, cleaned me and we fell asleep. The next morning a knock came on the door waking us for Breakfast. we went down and sat I was drinking my orange juice when Mrs. Malfoy said "I'm glad you guys enjoyed your night. It sounded very eventful,'' she said with a cringe to her voice. I nearly choked. "I'm so sorry" I said to her but more to Draco who sat Draco grinning and his hand rested on my thigh and squeezed. 
I know I'm in for it.
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748 notes - Posted April 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
What my girl wants, my girl gets - Draco smut
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Draco knew you loved having him barred inside you. you were the type to get drunk off him and he loved it. It fueled his ego. so you often came to him, desperate for him and how could you not. His hair is perfectly ready to be pulled. smirking like he did when you would cum for him but that wasn't to say Draco wasn't desperate for you to. he smirked on purpose because as much as he liked that you begged if you didn't he'd go mad.
you were fucking gorgeous and he would get hard in class seeing you perfect thighs as you stood or your breast when you bent forward so yes you both were addicted and it was almost unhealth how much you wanted to fuck or touch each other and you knew one of your classroom sessions would get you suspended but you didn't care. which is how you ended up fucking in blaise's room on his bed on all fours as draco went balls deep in you groaning when he hit your hips and pulling back and slamming in and you swore he was shaking.
"Draco-i-please" you whined out but not sure what you wanted your were babbling and cock drunk. "yeah you like that" he asked, smirking as you rocked your hips back against his. "so desperate i can't even fuck you, your fucking yourself" he says meeting your thrust and you shudder. "yes Draco, your slut all yours" you cry as you began to feel yourself go completely dumb and desperate for release.
"did i call you a slut, no i didn't cockdumb baby" he groans. the door comes open blaise holding snacks that hit the floor and his mouth agape. Draco comes to a stop. "no Draco, please please don't fucking stop" you beg rocking back and Draco hissed before moving again. Blaise made a disgusted face and ran out. "so desperate for me good fucking girl" 
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1,630 notes - Posted August 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
And that's a wrap see you all next year!
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2022 Art and Fic Round-up
Oh! Belated but this a good time to reflect on 2022, now that most end-of-the-year stuff is mostly wrapped up. Thanks for the tag, @danpuff-ao3! Rules:
Post the top 5 works you're most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular)
Your top 4 current WIPs that you're excited to release in the new year
Your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year
Your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year
And your number 1 favorite line you've written this year!
Tagging: If you’re reading this, haven’t done this yet but want to, considered yourself tagged! Since I'm an illustrator AND a writer, I’ll be covering both art and fic, because apparently, that’s what my life is these days (and I’m okay with that!). In 2022, I created just shy of 47 works (a few that have yet to be revealed rn!).
24 of those were art only
18 of those were either microfics, drabbles and/or fics
5 of those were drabbles/fic AND art combined
3 of those were collaborations
I also dived into the Teen Wolf fandom in the autumn, which had me contributing 6 Sterek pieces. The amount of WIPs I have rn...is kind of ridiculous, but since they spread across HP, TW as well as Merlin and Good Omens, we’ll see if any of those get finished for 2023. For now, let’s dive into 2022 details and rambling, shall we?
5 Works I’m Most Proud Of:
1. There’s a guiding light (HP- Perciver, T, 2.5k)
This was the story that started the Where do we from here? series. I wrote this back in 2020 just before lock-down, and kind of put it on the back-burner for a bit because I wanted to do justice when it came to describing and showing Patronus magic. When I picked it up again, I chipped away at what I had to make this story as genuine as possible when it came to growing up, feeling insecure, and of course, romantic friendship. It’s totally possibly to have the latter, and I’m glad I was able touch on that topic for these boys.
2. Things I Never Knew (HP- Flintwood, M, 1.5k)
First time writing Flintwood! Trying to write something mature with a set word count was really hard, but I’m glad I accepted that challenge! I had a lot of fun exploring the dynamic between Oliver and Marcus after they’re a little more grown up, still trying to figure out what they want, and then somehow finding that from each other. Also, mixing in hooking up, lingerie, feelings gave me a lot to play with.
3. It’s Enough for Now (TW- Sterek, G, 300 with art)
This was my very first Sterek piece I made for an official fest/event. How could I not be proud of this one? I’ll admit, I was kind of intimidated making art for a new-to-me fandom and a ship, but I’m glad I took that chance. The overall support and reception from folks...OMG. I’m still blown away by all the love this has gotten and how welcoming people have been (thank you so much <3)! When I think of Sterek, my mind always wanders back on this piece, which carries that hurt/comfort I associate with them. They’re two people who have been through a lot of crap, feelings are difficult, and the future always seems a bit grey and bittersweet. Also, being able to add some mixed media flair and playing with patterns was definitely my favorite thing about making this piece. And writing Derek and Stiles?! Super fun. Am I planning to write more of them in the future? Yes! See more below when it comes to my current WIPs. :D
4. A Sudden Change (HP- Cho/Ginny, T, 200) and So Little Time (HP- Pansy/Hermione, E, 200)
Okay, so I know I chose 2 drabbles here, but overall, writing for the HP Saffics Summer Exchange, was really fun! I ended up pinch hitting and also writing a treat, and if you know how I am with word counts, I wanted to see how much I could squeeze in 200 words or less. I love both of these ships, so writing two completely different things from my norm was a breath of fresh air. I would definitely be up to write more in the future!
5. Put My Mind at Ease (TW- Sterek, T, art)
I absolutely loved drawing this one for Sterek Secret Santa. Honestly, this whole thing came together so beautifully, and during the time I was making this, I was reminded of why I draw and why I like making art. All I have to say is the more I draw Sterek, the more I love the process and ideas that come along with each piece. And well, it’s a 1000% given it makes me love these two even more. I have no idea what it is, but Derek and Stiles are really awesome to draw. Once I nail down an idea, drawing them seems to flow naturally (that’s probably my sign to keep going!). You’re probs going to hear me keep saying this over and over, but it’s true!
4 Current WIPs for 2023
1. Snapshots in Time (TW- Portraits for the McCall and Hale packs, G, WIP 2/? posted)
My first go at drawing Teen Wolf characters was when I started this series. I wanted to see what I could do with portraits, and I started with Stiles and Derek (because duh, reasons). Turns out mixing in random colour palettes was a great way to get the creative juices flowing, and each one only took a few hours (that’s actually pretty quick for me). I’ve got a queue of other characters I’d love to add to this series, so I’ll just need to find the right palettes and the right time to continue these as I go. Hoping to see if I can get either Scott, Lydia and/or Kira drawn up this year!
2. Thoughts That Count (HP- Perciver, T, WIP 5/6 posted, 2.8k so far)
Okay, so technically I was this is soclose to being done since I have one more letter I need to illustrate and write. I wanted to finish this up for 2022, but RL didn’t let that happen so I am going to aim to finish this up between now through March. I just need the muse and time to coordinate so I make it work! P.S. Writing letters that depend on art being made definitely shakes things up! I’m pretty sure the letters were actually easier to write vs. making the art (bc drawing and painting flowers...yeah, that was new for me).
3. Bringing Out A Different Kind of Me (TW- Sterek, M or E, WIP multi- chaptered- this should start posting up in mid-Feb, hopefully)
Okie dokie...title revealed! I actually just came up with that today (and I’m using the old title for one of the chapters). I posted a little excerpt from this fic not too long ago, and it feels real now? This was supposed to be light, cracky and fun when I came up with this idea back in October, but it transformed into this gigantic beast with crack taken seriously, angst, plot, and lots of music thrown in one. I even have a playlist all ready to go (hint: the purpose of a playlist will become important later on in this fic).
I’m currently writing this as fast as I can and whenever I have time, since this fic is going to be the longest thing I’ve written in a while (my estimate is 20-25k rn, but that could change). It’s a multi-media fic where texts and Instagram messages drive the story, but there will be narratives in between that tie everything together. Trying something new and different can be super scary, but also pretty exciting! I’m also taking things up a notch by using multiple AO3 skins. So far, I’m really surprised how much coding has helped me with writing this (I guess I’m glad I code for fun/partially for my RL job). If this fic actually gets done on time, I will be super amazed. And if not, be on the look out for new updates if you’d like to join my crazy journey! P.S. I also have a sequel in the works that follows up. ;D
4. Where do we go from here? (HP- Perciver, WIP 3/13 posted + 1 bonus fic, 9k so far)
This series is always going to be my passion project and baby. It’s the reason why I started writing again, and the number of ideas I’ve come up for this universe is insane! But I love the idea of trying to fill in these missing moments and scenes we haven’t seen yet between Percy and Oliver, trying to figure out the what-could-have-happens and how things might have progressed between them from Hogwarts all the way to adulthood and after the war. I know the writing is slow-going (and yeahhh, each one shot has a word count limit, since this is part of a rare pairs challenge prompt table), but I’ve found having this kind of structure has helped me figure out how to show and tell better, and how to be clear and concise. I’ve got at least two parts I’d like to write up and post, so we’ll see what traction I make there.
3 Biggest Improvements (for writing and art)
1. Writing more in general
2021 was when I first started writing and publishing fic again after taking a damn long hiatus. 2022 actually had me writing so much more! So, I’m hoping 2023 will let me get back into the flow of making stories in general, no matter how big or small they are.  Scrivener was such a blessing to my writing game in 2022 since it helped me keep my thoughts organized, and my gods, did that help with writing microfics and drabbles! I’d love to see what I can come up with a writer to not only improve this craft, but also to just explore different character journeys and ways of writing. And if I can come up with more microfics or drabbles, maybe that will help me explore some different ships!
2. Making things for multiple fandoms
So, I’m a multi-shipper and I love soooo many fandoms. HP has been with me the longest and I will happily still create for the many ships I love. In 2022, I’ve found I was in a headspace where I wanted to play in other sandboxes again. I’ve already started doing that (hello, Teen Wolf!), and that got the gears turning for creativity when I felt like that spark was drying up. Also, poking new characters and a new universe let me explore so much! I got in touch with spooky lore, mythology and supernatural geekiness I find fascinating and that ignited a lot of inspiration. I’m hoping to make a dent in making things for Merlin (which I once did a decade ago) and Good Omens (I'm working on a WIP art piece rn). The more I’ve broaden my horizons, the more I can see how my skills have improved over the years, no matter what I’m drawing or what I’m writing. I suppose that’s what creating is all about, right?
3. Using generated colour palettes in art
Okay, so this is not going to be obvious in my art, but when I first started using colour for my lineart instead of good ole black, I would pick my colours with the eye dropper in Photoshop and run with it. I’m finding that I’m using more colors not just in my lineart and shading, but also for highlights, filters, flats, backgrounds and a bunch of other things. And that also means me adding more layers to my work. Being able to use a generated palette either pulled from stock photos or a generator has helped me work with colours I usually wouldn’t choose on my own, so pieces can be either really bold or cohesively muted. I’ve really liked working with set palettes now, and having the chosen in advance gives me once less thing to worry about when I do draw a thing.
2 Resolutions
1. Writing fics and making art more for myself instead of fests/events
I know many of us always say we’ll cut back in signing up for all the fests and such (because no one wants the FOMO), but I actually want to stick with this resolution. I’m anticipating a lot of change is going to happen in 2023 for fandom and RL, so I really don’t want to feel forced in making something that I’m not 100% enthusiatic about, and I don’t want fests to feel like a burden. Also, it’s more important that I write what I want to write or draw what I want to draw instead of trying to check some boxes. I want fandom to still be a creative outlet for me that I can enjoy. Which means it’s super crucial that I can enjoy the process of writing or drawing AND also the result of each thing I finish. I’m super proud of how much I created in 2022, but damn, it was a lot! I just need to remind myself that quality always tops quantity, and that what I make should make me happy.
2. Quality, not quantity
Given what I mentioned above, I really don’t want to burn out (again). At the end of the day, there isn’t enough time to do that. And I’m going to have to prioritise what I do for fandom since there are also a bunch of non-fandom things I want to delve into (ie. learning how to crochet, get my art shop up and running again, watch more TV shows, etc.). Life is short, and I also want to make things I’m proud of and love. But most importantly, I’d love to have more time to see what others or making/working on and have a chance to squee! Sometimes, it’s nice to take that break to be comment on a fic or piece of art and just appreciate something nice.
1 Favourite line I’ll go with this Percy one from There’s a guiding light: But when he saw Oliver’s face light up brighter than a thousand suns, he felt a faint smile tug at his lips.   
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domestikhighway58 · 1 year
✨ 2022 Writing Year In Review ✨
Thanks to @spencer-reids-adventures for tagging me! Woo!
1. Number of stories posted to AO3: 58 (LOL UNINTENTIONAL)
2. Word count posted for the year: 1,099,815
3. Fandoms I wrote for: Criminal Minds, Harry Potter, Parks & Rec (but yo, I don't really count those last two)
4. Pairings: Luke Alvez/Spencer Reid, Aaron Hotchner/Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid, Spencer Reid/The BAU Team, couple random outliers in there somewhere. Feel blessed I didn't drop any of my 4 Jeid fics in public.
5. Story with the most:
Kudos: Casimir Pulaski Day with 536
Bookmarks: Casimir Pulaski Day with 262
Comments: And again! Casimir Pulaski Day with 151 comment threads (why is sadness so popular?)
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why):
Honestly? My first ever fic and the thing that got me back into writing. The Eyes Have It literally opened my own eyes to writing again after a decade of not touching a keyboard. I did not think I would make it past 1000 words, let alone the 100,000 words that fic inspired. I had never written dialogue seriously before, never come up with any kind of extended plot, never explored character arcs, or even written creatively past a few lines of poetry. I posted that first chapter assuming I would lose interest or my depression would get the best of me yet again but neither of those things happened. I finished the three-part series three months later and made so many amazing fandom friends through that one fic. Even if it's not my most popular or even best-written work so far, it will always be my favorite.
7. Work I’m least proud of (and why):
OOF. Well, quite a few fit that category but one I'm quite sad about is also just a symptom of my itchy fingers when it comes to writing whatever pops in my head. I deleted it (so sorry) but I plan to return to it one day and make it what I wanted it to be. If you're dying for shitty Highway58 drunkfics, here are these two terrible gems: The Wolf (terrible half-assed attempt at werewolf Spencer, update coming the next time I have whiskey) and my one and only Harry Potter fic, Sequi Mi, where I decided no matter how hard I fangirled on HP in my youth I can't do it anymore now. Maybe one day.
8. Share or describe a favorite review you received:
My very first few comments on my first-ever fic bolstered my confidence like nothing else could. Some were short, some were so long and detailed that they made me cry. I recall two specific commenters who stuck by that crazy story with inspiration and encouragement and they are now in my circle of online friends I never would have found if I didn't keep writing. <3 Every comment I get is an amazing compliment and every single person who decides to take the time to read my bullshit is a goddamned gift.
9. A time when writing was really, really hard:
Several stories I've completed this year spanned a time of my life that I thought was my lowest point. While writing it out through fic was helpful, it was also an outlet that exposed my issues and forced me to face them. The hardest time for me to write was also the time I probably wrote the most, when I was in that lowest space around this time last year. I felt guilty about it when everything else was going to hell but I kept doing it. Ultimately, exploring this side of my creativity allowed me to overcome some of those massive problems I thought were insurmountable.
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: 
So many. I think I was somewhat surprised to find how much I enjoy writing the OC protagonist from their warped perspectives. I wrote a sadistically evil Doctor, a psychopathic billionaire heiress, and a Wild West warlord this year all within the context of CM and they were SO MUCH fun, I'm sad I killed them all. I also just think it's interesting to explore the potential depths of OCs within the fanfiction genre. So, that was a pleasant surprise when all I anticipated starting on this journey was a new way to explore the characters I already love.
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
Ugh. I dunno. Too many words, but here's this from my first OC I still love and miss: Cheers, Caro, you might be in my first OG novel one day:
"Time to make an offering. 
The clothes and the phone bundled in her hands, she turned to the door. Walked down the narrow stairs, across the empty hall. Pushed the creaking screen door open against a violent night, the storm which had gathered earlier finally unleashing its fury. 
She cradled the phone with the image of those hands frozen, locked against her. Against her. On her. In her. Choking life back into her. 
Edging the rusted gate open she entered the garden. The wildness couldn’t compare with home, but it was something. " The Eyes Have It, Chapter 19
12. How did you grow as a writer this year: 
I think I've expressed this already elsewhere but... I wasn't a writer at all before this year. I dabbled for years in poetry and songwriting before landing at a point where I assumed my creativity was dead beneath the yoke of daily life and responsibility. When I started reading fanfiction, I was more depressed than I have ever been in my life. I buried myself in the words of others and wished I could even come close to that kind of creative expression. So when I finally sat down to write a story, I outlined something that came nowhere close to the story I ultimately wrote--and that's when I learned it's not about planning or hoping to do it, it's just about doing it. So, if anything, I grew comfortable with the idea that I can write and that I should--for myself. Because it helps.
13. How do you hope to grow next year:
I hope to start finishing my WIPs more succinctly and with a bit more regularity. I do think I need to spend less time writing fanfic and more time honing my other skills. It is difficult to find the delicate balance between doing something for fun and doing it because you feel you need to please others. That's the double-edged sword of writing and posting fics--sometimes you feel the guilt weigh heavy when you let. a story lie there for months without relief. So, I want to probably slow down with my writing and be a little more intentional with it going forward. (Though honestly, that pains me to imagine--I love following the faintest whiff of fresh plot wherever it might lead). I do know I have no plans on stopping now that I've started.
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc): 
This is so hard. I've met so many new people this year who have endlessly encouraged and inspired me. Way too many to list here. I will shout out to @foggyblues-ralvez for being the first person to say Hi to me from the fandom (seriously, my dear Mandy, thank you <3). @masterwords, I love you and writing with you has been a fucking honor (also just hi, you should do this if you haven't yet, ily). @spencer-reids-adventures--endless love for your support and comments and the sprints, literally every step of the way. And then I'll shout out @brillianthijinx because darlin' you bring out a side in me I love and am terrified by lol, in the best way. But again, if I were to personally shout out every single person who has made an impact on me and my writing this year this silly thing would be longer than my ao3 wordcount. No one wants that.
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
I won't go into detail here, but, yes. I write Spencer as my comfort character. While I sensationalize his issues to suit the story, the emotions are written from repressed experiences I have never explored. Writing is therapy as much as it is an obsession for me.
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
Just start writing. Don't think. Write. Share it or don't. Edit or don't. Just write. Every damn day, if you can.
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
Good lord, ALL of them. I hope to finish Casimir Pulaski Day by the end of January. I will be bringing back Signed, Sealed, Delivered in January as well. I want to finish up a few short fics soon and then continue my sequel to Silk Road quite soon. I have several A/B/O fics in the works, including the sequel to Old Town Road. @masterwords and I will of course be continuing our soft Hotchreid saga in Missing Pieces of Sleep. And then, you know, in my spare time I plan to start up part 2 of Finding it Out to explore some complicated Moreid/Hotchreid love triangle stuff within the canon. So, I've got a few things going on, ya.
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read.
@masterwords @eldrai @goobzoop @tobias-hankel @pandorasdreamings @fortheloveofwonderland
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0shewrites0 · 1 year
2022 Fic Year In Review
Thanks for the tag @queen-of-boops
This year in 2022 I...
Started and completed the following chaptered fics:
I’m Yours (Lucas x MC, in villa fic, slow burn)
crossroads (Lucas x MC, post Casa Amor rewrite centered around the Blake drama, very angsty and dramatic)
Started the following chaptered WIPs:
Seamless (Kassam x MC, in villa fic, angsty, slow burn, currently posting)
if not today, maybe tomorrow (Eddie x MC, non-canonical villa rewrite, currently posting)
in the land of gods and monsters (Will x MC, AU fantasy, not yet published)
Wrote/completed the following oneshots:
A Fine Line Between Love And Hate (Lucas x MC, angsty, angry, passionate)
A Bite Of Your Love (Youcef x MC, vampire AU)
One More Chance (Lucas x MC, mutual pining, second chances)
The Heart Wants What It Wants (Gary x MC, rewriting Operation Nope, light angst, fluffy)
Of moss irises and monochrome worlds (Ciaran x MC, Christmas fluff/romance)
Too Many Maybe’s (Eddie x MC, angsty, no happy ending - now prologue I of “if not today, maybe tomorrow”)
All Your Lies (Kassam x MC, lie detector test, angsty, no happy ending - will be a chapter in “Seamless”)
Reached the following milestones:
My first ever posted fic still has the most hits (2,185)
Seamless became my most kudosed fic (111) 🥹
My word count on ao3 is over 284k and that's minus all the chapters I've already finished to post later. I'm stunned, honestly 🥲
I challenged myself and wrote for LI's I didn't feel comfortable writing for at first (basically everyone except Lucas LMAO)
Made myself a hardcore Kassam stan after falling down a rabbit hole one afternoon, which led to me writing an entire fic with chapters. To this day, it's my favorite fic I've ever written.
Participated in 2 gift exchanges, 1 reddit prompt and 2 tumblr prompts
I only joined the fandom in June '22 and have already made so many friends and grown so much as a writer, for which I am immensely grateful 🤍
Tagging: @perfectlysunny02 @lithopsy @ellegreenwxy @crimswnred and anyone else who wants to join in! (No pressure 🫶🏼)
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crqstalite · 1 year
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I posted 421 times in 2022
74 posts created (18%)
347 posts reblogged (82%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 226 of my posts in 2022
Only 46% of my posts had no tags
#mass effect - 21 posts
#original character - 9 posts
#oc - 9 posts
#kim's art &lt;3 - 6 posts
#swtor - 6 posts
#dragon age - 5 posts
#my art - 5 posts
#citlali velasquez - 5 posts
#brione petrakis - 4 posts
#marvel - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#edit bc i kept thinking: i understand that its *probably* a loose examination of what the adultification of children (especially teen girls
My Top Posts in 2022:
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and the finished product. a redraw of this piece from three years ago.
"It seems introductions are in order." Lana states, stepping out of the metaphorical and literal shadows with their red-jacketed savior a few steps behind. Zanya shifts her weight back to her uninjured foot, taking stock of her surroundings. Beniko had lead her into a trap, whether knowingly or unknowingly and now there's a Republic spy with her. Considering the rest of her company, she wonders how long she had her working in tandem with the opposite faction. She catches the gaze of the cerulean eyed Jedi to her right, long enough to get a sense of her Force Signature.
Closed off, yet hiding something that simmers just below the surface. Pulsating, as if daring for her to seek it out. Reaching out does little, but Zanya can't help but feel like she's felt her somewhere before. Somewhere deep in the recesses of her mind she recognizes the feeling, just barely.
The Jedi knows she's staring. Feels her, maybe. She averts her eyes, just as she turns her head to look at her.
"Master Qelu, glad you're back in one piece."
13 notes - Posted December 3, 2022
Shards of Glass
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Intended to post this when I eventually finished and published the Citadel arc of Redamancy, but wrote it instead of actually working on aforementioned arc.
The Citadel Coup's aftermath from the perspective of one Priana T'Lara, and how she spends the night with a certain Mason Shepard.
General warnings for mentions of injury, blood, and a minor panic attack at the end from the protagonist.
Priana glances up over her shoulder from where she sits on the balcony, surprised to see her partner with two cups in hand emerging from the dim light of his apartment, along with a medical kit in the other. Unlike her, he'd dressed out of his uniform, hair tied back from his face and donning a t-shirt and sweats. He's barefoot, unafraid of the possible glass spray on his floor -- or maybe too tired to care. She nods wordlessly, taking one of them from him while rolling her sleeves up.
There's still smoke billowing out from levels beneath them, hours after the invasion had ended. Fires probably, still burning. The Presidium's a wreck. The Wards are a wreck. People are dead. Co-workers are dead. Her friends are dead. Her apartment is shot to hell, and nothing is working right. Nothing quite feels real, and she sips down the glass of water faster than she should. She has sixty billion questions fumbling around in her mind, but she can't muster up the strength to rationalize it all. Likely they'll get the botched report within the next few days, with as many redactions as she has years on her.
She wonders who the hell got paid off to make all this happen.
Her eyes are drawn to her partner as he sits down next to her, Mason's got a nasty gash down the length of his exposed arm, and she winces when she sees the bloodied bandage around his forearm. It's carefully wrapped up in gauze by now, but it'd still been ugly when one of the C-Sec meds had to do it for him before rushing off to the next officer who'd been hurt during the invasion.
One of the many mistakes she'd made today, and the one she regrets the most.
"How're you holding up?" He asks, unlatching the clips on the kit. She shrugs. As well as she could be doing. She feels like an elcor is sitting on her chest and she may as well be drowning in the Presidium pools with how heavy her head feels.
The painkillers the apologetic asari had given to her earlier hadn't worked nearly as well as she thought they would.
Still, she gives a half sarcastic smile to the human beside her. He has bigger problems right now, and one of them shouldn't be her passive aggressive nature. Shouldn't be her guilt weighing on his conscience.
Asari were presumably naturally unemotional once they got older. So many years meant they saw people die. Meant they understood that life was fleeting for other races. Meant they grew desensitized over the years that events like this rarely affected them unless it directly hurt their own.
Her's hadn't gotten the memo, because no matter how much she tries to distance herself from the incident, she can't help but get angry all over again. With herself, with citadel security, with Cerberus...it feels like she's about to burst. It didn't matter that there were humans who weren't going home tonight, it didn't matter more that there were turians who were unlikely to check in alongside her tomorrow. All of it felt like death, tearing away at her and leaving her raw.
She'd never been through something like this. Never seen all this destruction and death up close.
It hurts.
It's not supposed to hurt.
"We don't have to be back on duty until later afternoon tomorrow. Injuries and all." He pulls out the rubbing alcohol, tentatively reaching over to her own knuckles. At first she wants to pull away, she's not a child, she can clean her own wounds, but she figures it's equally childish not to let the man do his own job. She gestures for him to take it, and he does, "Bailey's scrambling to get enough officers on duty to flush any remaining Cerberus agents out, but he's brought in outside help where he can. The worst of it's over for now."
She bites her lip, the alcohol burning at her half healed skin. It fuzzes up, turning white as Mason gently dabs at each tear. From stray gunshots, torn right through her gloves before she could toss the offending enemies away. They weren't deep enough to scar for too many years, likely they wouldn't even be there by her tricentennial.
At least her blood had stopped oozing out of it. It'd stained her uniform in multiple places, and made her dizzy with how much she's pretty sure she lost in the fights down in the Wards. Her worse injuries were wrapped at the remains of Huerta, and she'd been sent off with antibiotics and enough painkillers to probably kill a Quarian.
Mason looks worse for wear. Humans always did, so injury prone, so delicate and fleshy. Most were a map of scars in her line of work, and he was no exception. A cut above his eye, one underneath the other. Likely her shields had protected him from anything potentially fatal, but her heart still seizes up at the gauze.
His gaze follows her's, and he sighs, pulling out his own roll to wrap around her hand, "You know T'Lara, humans are sturdier than you think."
"I know." She answers quietly. Scarily so. Almost every organ in their body could be replaced, and they bounced back extremely fast. Broken bones were no problem for them, skin could grow back faster than she thought possible and they did it all within a handful of years.
Usually she wouldn't fret. She'd had human companions before, but Mason is the anomaly.
She feels like she failed him, and it's eating at her.
She hates feeling weak. Exposed. Vulnerable. Hates feeling like this.
"That wasn't your fault." He says, uncapping the ointment and carefully applying it before rolling the fabric out, almost as if he's read her mind, "It'll heal."
Two minutes too long. She'd been stripped of her shields, her own blood dribbling down her chin from her nose and a rolled ankle making it difficult to gain any ground.
See the full post
14 notes - Posted January 23, 2022
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Starting off the year right with Citlali again! This time likely catching her breath after a night in the Wards with a friend, or two.
15 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
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Happy Year In Review 2021!!
I've certainly lived in interesting times and here's my eventual result of that. (Can't believe it's already been a year -- 2020)
This year I wrote a total of 127,820 words (92,789 published, 35,031 unpublished). Honestly I'm a little disappointed, I thought I did more than that. Given, it's 2021, the year of crises left and right, but...yeesh. That's less than I did back in 2019. In like, two or three months.
Most of the year was out of my control though, and I'm still standing. I count it as a win.
The Breakdown:
My Mass Effect works took up about 3/4s of the actual word count, at 112,020 words written (and 22,934 unpublished, along with most of what I haven't released for Redamancy yet). My goal this year was to finish Redamancy but it had other ideas, so I'm maybe halfway through actually finishing it? That could be another year.
My Arcane works (what a surprise), are all still unpublished with posting dates being sometime in early 2021. However, they're 12,097 words by themselves so far, so it's okay. I didn't expect to end up writing for League anytime soon, but here we are.
My singular Dragon Age work this year was Bones, which was 1,879 words. Not surprised I didn't have more, it's Dragon Age. That and I lost all of the games when my account was hacked earlier in the year. Not a lot of motivation to write for this fandom.
My singular Mind Blind work this year was "Do It For Them", which was 1,824 words. It's been a while since I've really interacted with the IF fandom, so that's pretty unsurprising.
New Things I Tried:
Not much I don't think? Redamancy has actually been beta'd, every single chapter currently published has had a second pair of eyes over it (which is such a big help, you'd never notice how many misspellings you miss yourself), but beyond that I didn't really have the time or mental energy to do much else. EXCEPT for starting to write for Arcane. Never thought I'd do anything relating to League.
(God I hate the culture around League so much.)
Favorite Thing I Wrote This Year:
Probably Letters Home? Not super sure why but it is one of the few times I've genuinely liked something I wrote mainly in a non-OC's perspective. It's a working point for Joker and Citlali, which are two characters I hesitate to write together for whatever reason.
(That and it's criminal how Tiptree and Joker's feelings related to it are just swept under the rug -- it's criminal!)
Favorite Fic I Read This Year:
@ljandersen's Sideways. Easily one of my favorites (even if I'm still behind a handful of chapters -- and mentioned it last year), just for the characterization alone. I absolutely love how their Kaidan(s) and Shepard(s) interact with each other, and the little details that turn out to be bigger than anyone would've guessed. I absolutely adore the ever-growing future that they've weaved into the story, as well as how they expanded the Mass Effect universe into something all their own. I'm really looking forward to seeing where the rest of the story goes.
@shockdowndefiance's A Momentary Lapse In Judgement. Though I really loved just about every work in their library (Allison Shepard my beloved) this one really stuck with me because it really examined the coup for what it was logically and what Bioware couldn't quite do, especially for a Kaidanmancing Shepard. Allison's universe extends Mass Effect something emotionally compelling, and this fic is probably one of the best examples of that. I still absolutely love how they resolved it, as well as how Allison's character really shines through here, both as Commander Shepard as well as -- well, a regular human being. It's painful at times, but also terribly comforting.
@swaps55's Sonata. I'm such a sucker for in-between moment Mass Effect stories, especially Shenko centered ones. Sam Shepard is such a compelling character, and his relationship with Kaidan is certainly one that makes you so very mushy on the inside. Swaps' writing style is something that'll suck you in and never quite let you go, and their attention to detail is something to be admired. (Which is why I was up until the middle of the night finishing it -- definitely worth the read!)
& (last but definitely not least)
@lyrishadow's Between Times. I still read it time to time just because it makes me happy and amuses me greatly. It was a birthday gift from them to me and it still makes me really happy. I really love how they weaved both of our Shepards together to write something so nice, and how they took the time out of their life to do it.
Writing Goals For 2022
Be less on myself about writing. I was genuinely feeling so guilty and completely paralyzed out of having any fun the entire months of October, November and December just because I hadn't gotten any substantial writing done. Which shouldn't be how I feel, writing is a hobby of mine. Just because I was more likely to reach for my stylus or even one of my games than I was my bookmark for my longfic doesn't mean I'm a failure, even if I would've liked to see more progress. I mean, hell I'm a high school student who's about to graduate in a couple months -- you'd think I'd be able to afford myself the same grace I give my peers.
(It's the validation. I live off of it. I shouldn't, but I do.)
Word Of Thanks
Thanking the lovely Lock + Key writers because you guys are lovely people, (@delinquest , @glyndwrwrites , @lnewmanwrites , @tayareum , @thesupremepuff + @colonelpknight [can't tag you]) thank you for going on such a wild ride with me this year, its been so freaking fun working with you all!
The lovely @mallaidhsomo for their contributions to Redamancy and all of the useful advice they've provided me with. Along with the rest of the Bioware Fanfiction server, I might not interact much but its a very comforting place to be. <3
@that-wasnt-so-bad + @kaidans-alenkos + @mariaalenkoshepard + @actualanxiousswampwitch + @oakstar519 for being the people I always love seeing in my notifs and inbox, and the people who always have the best headcanons for the canon characters and their own.
@sheyshen + @greencrusader13 + @anchanted-one + @naaklasolus for always being there to listen to my rambly nonsense in our development channel. And responding with your own OCs because I love them very much.
See the full post
27 notes - Posted December 31, 2021
My #1 post of 2022
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"There is nothing stronger than a woman who rebuilt herself." - Hannah Gadsby.
Surprise! I'm your secret santa!! 🥳
My gift to @findingblissinignorance of their Ardelia Shepard!! I loved working on her because of her unique character and look, as well as the many tattoos you included on her pinterest board. Thank you for allowing me to draw her this year!
Happy Holidays! <3
45 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ladyaj-13 · 1 year
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LadyAJ's 2022 Fics
This year I wrote 28 new stories across four fandoms - One Direction, Kingsman, Endeavour and Eagle of the Ninth. Details below, I hope you’ll check some out - a mix of short tea break fics and longer ones, and a good scattering of rare pairs amongst the fandom standards.
One Direction
Follow Your Arrow - T, 36k, Louis/Harry
Canon compliant omegaverse band era pack-fic with touch-starved luna Louis, dropping, and other good stuff. Written for the One Direction Big Bang.
They said Louis playing alpha wouldn’t affect anything. It was the best thing for the band, so he doesn’t really regret it except deep in the dead of night, when he bites down on his knuckles to swap the echoing ache of depri for a sting of pain. But if he’d known it meant stepping back from Harry?
He’d have thought twice.
Bit by Bit and All at Once - M, 23k, Louis/Liam
Canon compliant, present day friends to lovers story, with long overdue love confessions and a very oblivious Liam.
“It’s not a joke,” Louis says, so quietly it almost gets lost in the humming of the fridge and the TV still playing out to itself in the other room. “I’ve been meaning to say for a long time… always told myself I would before I turned thirty... I love you,” he repeats, slightly choked, awful. “I’m in love with you.”
Or the one where Louis is in love with Liam, but Liam doesn't love him back. Or does he?
Eight Days - T, 22k, Louis/Liam
My attempt at a true romantic comedy, this is a canon compliant, near future fic. Written for the Lilo fest.
“Eight days,” Louis says decisively. “If the paperwork takes three weeks that means you have eight days before you have to file it. Give me those eight days.”
“Wait, what?”
“To show you what you’re missing, being married to me,” Louis says with a ghost of his old cheekiness. “You want to end this marriage, well. I want to experience it first.”
Or: Louis and Liam got hitched in Vegas, completely forgot about it for more than a decade, and it comes back to bite them. Sort of.
Blind Date - G, 14k, OT5
Bantery, fluffy poly AU fic where all five of them meet through the reality TV show Blind Date. Podfic available, linked from fic.
Louis Tomlinson, model and aspiring actor, has been chosen to appear on Blind Date. The only problem is, all the contestants are wonderful. And so is the host. It's making things difficult.
You and Me (Got a Whole Lot of History) - T, 7k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw
A Walls-tour era canon compliant Tomlinshaw with exes to lovers - a bit of misunderstanding for flavour and maturity in the finish.
Nick loves the crush and fever of being right in the thick of things, but just the thought of Louis looking down and spotting him makes him feel a little queasy.
It hadn’t been a proper thing. It wasn’t a relationship.
With This Wing, I Thee Wed - T, 4k, Louis/Niall
I flirted with calling this either the Cheeky Nandos one or the Gay Chicken one. AU capers with fake dating! Written for the Louis rare pair fest.
Niall crosses his arms and pouts, a little line appearing between his eyebrows. “I want Nandos. I like Nandos.”
“And I like my dignity,” Louis mutters.
Make Your Mark - T, 3k, Louis/Liam
A friends to lovers speed-run with university students Louis and Liam, a tube of lipstick, and some realisations.
When one of Liam's classmates isn't getting the hint that he's not interested, Louis suggests they make him look unavailable.
Choo-Choose Me - G, 3k, Louis/Liam
AU meet-cute - read it on your next commute!
Liam is a commuter with a crush. Louis is the chirpy ticket inspector who occasionally mans the drinks trolley and sometimes makes announcements, his broad Yorkshire accent fighting the outdated train speakers. The train ships it.
Common Interest - T, 3k, Niall/Greg James
After reading the commuter fic above, maybe read this one on your lunch break. An office AU with background Larry, Nouis friendship and Tomlinshaw frenemyship. Written for Wordplay “Swing”.
Louis hums, swirling his potato to form a gravy puddle in the middle. He dunks a sausage in it. “Not that I don’t love our little daily ritual, but when are you going to go get your boy, you big hunky slab of man meat, you?”
Niall looks at Louis in horror.
Tall, Dark and… wait, what? - G, 3k, Louis/Harry/Nick Grimshaw
A canon compliant, Liam-POV, tour-shenanigans take on Stylinshaw. Written for Wordplay “Describe”.
Liam just wants Louis and Harry to admit they're seeing each other. To feel comfortable being themselves within the band and know that they're supported. So, he sets up a little game.
Roses - T, 2k, Louis/Niall
Beware the tags. Heed the tags. I take a fluffy pairing and make it less fluffy…
He’s going to go for it. He’s going to ask to be - boyfriends, or partners, or whatever you call it when you’re in your thirties and already know each other inside out. It feels like jumping off a cliff, but at the same time - it’s Niall. He can’t be afraid with Niall.
The Elf who Saved Christmas - G, 2k, Louis/Harry
An alternate universe meet-cute, with shopping mall Elf!Harry (and Niall) to the rescue. Written for the 1D Christmas fest.
Ernie and Doris are tired, grouchy, and no one told Louis you had to book an appointment to see Santa.
Particular - M, 2k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw
Edging into smut, as I described it in the tags, read for useless cleaner!Louis and uptight!(sometimes)Nick. Written for Wordplay “Particular”.
Nick is very particular about the upkeep of his hallway's Brazilian hardwood floor. He is very particular about the cleaning of his kitchen's fine Wedgewood china.
He is less particular in his bedroom.
The Superstar Scavenger Scramble - G, 2k, Louis/Greg James
The whole point of this fic was the smooching - canon compliant and height difference, because of course. Written for Wordplay “Scramble”.
He wants to win. And not just because he’s competitive as fuck, likes to best the other boys and put them in their place whatever they’re doing, never mind that this is a silly Radio 1 scavenger hunt around London, but because of what - who - is waiting at the other end.
Food Fight - G, 1k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw
A little canon compliant snippet that encompasses Louis’ love for tomato pasta.
It’s Louis’ famed cooking skills against Nick’s more cultured palate. Fight.
Moths and Butterflies - G, 1k, Louis/Harry
A fic that is close to my heart and seems to have resonated with people - pride parades, insecurity and finding a friend (maybe more).
It seemed like such a good plan a week ago. It had seemed like fate, for the town’s Pride parade to fall at the very same time when work sent him there to charm some clients. Who was Louis, to sniff at a higher power?
It was exciting, a week ago. Now he’s here though, in the thick of it, and he thought it would feel freeing but it doesn't. It just rams home how he doesn’t belong.
Damn it, Let me Cuddle You! - T, 920 words, Louis/Niall
Part of my sleepy Nouis series, this is just cuddling, arguing and fluff. And a bit more bickering.
Louis and Niall are both the big spoon. This causes issues.
Check the Body - G, 869 words, Zayn & Nick Grimshaw
A little canon compliant fic about finding commonalities and making friends. Written for Wordplay “Check”.
“Check the body!” Zayn yelps, and Nick nearly jumps out of his skin.
Trading Players - T, 7k - Eggsy/Harry
An alternative first meeting if Harry wasn’t available to spring Eggsy from the police station - with lots of protective Eggsy and Eggsy&Daisy. Complete as is, but I may continue it next year…
With Harry away on a mission, Merlin answers Eggsy's call and inducts Harry's Lancelot candidate, a Thomas Mayfield, for him. But the story doesn't end there, just because the pieces aren't yet on the board.
There’s a faint whimper, too distant from the bug to be Eggsy, but it sharpens Harry’s ears. He hits run on the location tracking software.
Quiet, breathed. Hopeless.
“S’alright Dais. We’re alright, yeah? Just - just ona adventure.”
Electric - M, 2k, Eggsy/Harry
A bit of an experiment, with Harry doting and Eggsy learning to like it - mainly fluff, but with a little angst as the salt in the caramel.
Harry’s touch is gentle, but electric. His fingertips massage light circles across Eggsy’s scalp that raise goosebumps over his entire body, broad palms tilting his head this way and that, putting Eggsy where he wants him, and Eggsy lets himself be put.
Family Realisations - G, 1k, Eggsy/Harry but maybe more Harry&Daisy
99% of Hartwin includes an age difference relationship, but this leans into Harry having a (hopefully humorous!) realisation of that, thanks to Daisy. 
Harry cuts up apple slices for his sister in law. Then he sits his sister in law in front of Peppa Pig for her designated half an hour of screen time, changes from his full suit into something more appropriate for an afternoon spent with a three year - with his sister in law, and when the episode finishes he takes his sister in law outside so she can check on her bug hotel.
Cascade - G, 1k, Eggsy/Harry and Tilde/Eggsy
Because everyone in this universe is clearly traumatised and making bad decisions.
This was a mistake.
And not just one mistake, no. This has been a whole series of them - a cascade of wrong turns and bad decisions, snowballing away until the momentum ran out.
Following in His Footsteps - T, 397 words, Eggsy & Merlin
Everything kept getting so long, I purposely wrote something tiny. But I still kind of love it. More Merlin & Eggsy friendship, please.
“In my defence,” Eggsy says shakily, because the whole point of the mission was capture only, Eggsy, we need information, “he was already dead when I got here.”
Uncommon People - T, 25k, Morse/Jakes
Merlin-esque alternate universe with prince!Morse, pining and shenanigans.
Prince Endeavour of Lincolnia is trapped by his status, and even worse - now he's expected to marry a woman he barely knows! But the Oxfordon cohort aren't all bad…
Snowy Morning - G, 1k, Morse/Max
An instalment in my domestic, established relationship Morse/Max series. 
There’s an ominous silence, and he wonders if he’s about to be treated to an overly detailed description of what happens to feet when left cold and soggy in inadequate boots.
A Battle of Wills - G, 1k, Morse/Jakes
We all want to see out-of-his-element Morse on Jakes’ farm, right?
Peter eyes the two staring contest participants, wondering who will win. Morse has determination on his side. He'll never back down from anything or anyone, Morse – he's got grit, as some out here would call it. Not to mention those wide blue eyes, narrowed now, that miss nothing, no sign of weakness.
Sunny Morning - T, 860 words, Morse/Max
Another instalment in my morning series, so more domestic established relationship fic, featuring Max’s garden.
Oxford is swathed in a heavy, unbroken blanket of heat.
The Eagle of the Ninth
Old-fashioned Sensibilities - G, 2k, Marcus/Esca
A modern AU… my flirtation with this fandom was brief but very satisfying.
Marcus must marry before he turns thirty, or his inheritance goes to Placidus.
12 notes · View notes
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I posted 14,394 times in 2022
That's 13,379 more posts than 2021!
290 posts created (2%)
14,104 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 14,331 of my posts in 2022
#queer - 4,750 posts
#queer art - 3,177 posts
#tmnt - 1,897 posts
#transgender - 1,883 posts
#dc - 1,768 posts
#trans - 1,766 posts
#queer artist - 1,663 posts
#trans pride - 1,562 posts
#transgender pride - 1,540 posts
#queer pride - 1,417 posts
Longest Tag: 117 characters
#for when someone like barbara kay tries to gaslight you into believing residential schools weren't an act of genocide
My Top Posts in 2022:
I was texting my relatives about the Disability Day of Mourning and my aunt mentioned that she hoped there was going to be a Disability Day of Celebration. Is that a thing? Because...I think maybe that should be a thing, at some point.
200 notes - Posted March 1, 2022
There’s something quietly depressing about being online, seeing a gorgeous-looking blog with wlw art or writing, and immediately having to think “please don’t be transphobic please don’t be transphobic pleeease.”
Because the terfs are so damn determined to poison wlw spaces with their hate that you don’t know what they haven’t fucked-up anymore. (Same with interesting-looking posts about feminism and equality)
Shout out to some blogs with queer and wlw content that aren’t (I hope) hateful shitfests, like:
Edit: Thank you so, so much to everyone who’s been reblogging and spreading this. I was a little worried about getting hate from terfs, so this kind of support is really inspiring.
220 notes - Posted January 14, 2022
I feel like people aren’t talking enough about this lady.
Lucy E. Parsons was a leading figure in American anarchism and the radical labor movement. Born a slave near Waco, Texas, she married Albert R. Parsons who had become a white radical Republican after serving first as a Confederate soldier. In 1873 Albert and Lucy to move to Chicago in 1873 where they became involved in radical labor organizing. Thirteen years later she rose to national fame when she embarked on a speaking tour to raise money for her husband who was one of nine men tried and sentenced to be executed for “speaking in such a way as to inspire the bomber to violence” following the Haymarket Square Bombing which killed a Chicago policeman.
Lucy Parsons remained an activist after the execution of Albert and in 1892 founded the newspaper Freedom which addressed such issues as labor organizing, lynching and black peonage in the South. In 1905 Parsons became the only woman to address the founding convention of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). In the early 1930s Parsons joined in the defense of the Scottsboro Boys and Angelo Herndon. Parsons died accidentally in a house fire in 1942. The text of one of her speeches appeared in the Kansas City Journal, December 21, 1886.
We were discussing her in my college class, and more specifically how frequently she’s been left out of left-wing and anarchist history. This is a link to a a transcription of the speech mentioned above
You can find more links about her below:
Who Was Lucy Parsons? | WBEZ Chicago
Lucy Parsons: Woman of Will | Industrial Workers of the World
Lucy Gonzales Parsons - Zinn Education Project
The Radical Existence Of Lucy Parsons, The "Goddess of ...
Biography Of Lucy Parsons
266 notes - Posted February 24, 2022
crossover recs
 You can also find this list here (where the links actually work, unlike this mess).
The Donatello Complex by guide_to_the_galaxy - Donnie's attempts to bring his family back together leads him on a universe-spanning journey of that brings the 2012, IDW, 2003, and 2018 realities together (tw grief, trauma, violence, PTSD, identity issues)
crossover! ;) by cxlesstial - A multi-part series where the 2012 turtles wind up in the 2018 world and experience a barrage of love and therapy (tw grief, trauma, guilt, family dysfunction, violence, mental health issues, whitewashing mention)
Turtles by unorthodoxx - The 2003 turtles reckon with the differences and similarities--both painful in their own right--between themselves and the 2018 crew (tw grief, trauma, implied speciesm, fighting, isolation)
Other by VenusTheMarvelTurtle - Leo has an experience that bends possibility and reality in the worst way (tw underage rape/noncon, explicit, turtlecest, selfcest, sexual coercion, violence, trauma, past csa, implied torture, imprisonment, unreality)
The Collector by leospigtails (Almost every incarnation, warnings for tcest, selfcest, violence, manipulation, and major character death)
Filters by Anonymous - The 2012 and 2018 versions of Leonardo discover they have an odd habit of swapping bodies (tw trauma, violence, medical issues, health issues, identity issues)
reflective by Werepirechick - 2018 Leo and April get a glimpse of what could have been in the 2012 universe (tw trauma, injury)
Connecting the Lines by itsnotmyfault - Donnie creates an interdimensional chatroom with higher stakes than he knows (tw PTSD, depression, implied violence, abduction)
Close Encounters of the Same Kind by Captain_Jade - Mikey's mind sometimes wanders down unusual paths (tw medical issues, health issues, experimentation, surreality)
Reduxi by taizi - The 2012 turtles wind up in the 2003 universe on a search for their Sensei (tw violence, family separation)
Dream by Lyra_Dhani - The psychological walls between the 2012 and 2018 universe begin to blur (tw trauma, grief/mourning, unreality, identity issues, apocalypse)
Blue by @pachkko - 2012 Leo offers 2018 Leo some timely advice about leadership
This Legion of Leos au by @undercoverwizardninjaturtle - 2003 Leo tries to deal with training his counterparts from the 2012, IDW, and 2018 universes (tw grief mention, pranks)
This art by @lyse-474 - 2012 and 2018 Leo each seek their own kind of reunions in opposite dimensions (tw grief/mourning)
This comic by @ikemengoessbrrrrr - 2012 and 2018 Leo learn about what they have in common (tbh they've got a lot of amazing crossover art between 2012 and 2018)
Baron Draxum and 2k12 Turtle Tots :) by @1axton1 - AU slash canon-blending where Draxum finds himself the Hot Dad in charge of four rambunctious little tots
(He’s no Chompy, but he’s soft.) by @t-ggs96 - 2003 and 2012 Raph find it much easier to bond with Mayhem than 2018 Raph ever could
This art by @reosexuals - 2007 Leo and 2007 Raph have fun with 2012 Leo (tw explicit, tcest, selfcest)
RRR/L by Navia - Leo has an unusual encounter with 2003, BTTS, and 2007 versions of Raph (tw explicit, tcest)
mend the skin, mind the gap by Anonymous - The 2012 and 2018 kids try to figure out some very sticky questions (tw ableism, past torture, unhealthy relationships, denial, family dysfunction)
Also, my own shit:
"Counterparts" from ABC TMNT by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - The 2012 turtles meet their IDW counterparts and Raph runs into a crisis (tw violence, family dysfunction, trauma, identity issues)
"Little" from ABC TMNT by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - The 2014 turtles don't know what to make of their smaller 2012 counterparts (tw family dysfunction, past abuse, violence, trauma)
Conversations Between The Folds Of Time And Space/In A Warehouse by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - A completely random crackfic including every TMNT version I could think of (tw past trauma, family dysfunction, alcohol)
cracked windows, falling by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Leo's return from the Kraang dimension gives him unexpected insights-and painful-insight into his role in the multiverse (tw trauma, nightmares, unreality, self-sacrificial/suicidal behavior)
washing off your happy face by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - A series that builds on mend the skin, mind the gap to explore the one universe’s turtles attempts to get their counterparts on track (tw ableism, past mind control, panic attacks, trauma, unhealthy relationships, denial, family dysfunction, past torture, further tags to be added)
426 notes - Posted September 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
No version of tmnt has ever been a truly, deeply, “accurate” version of teenage behavior because no version of tmnt has ever had the guts to acknowledged the teenage/young adult propensity to drop a ridiculous amount of f-bombs at every fucking opportunity.
772 notes - Posted April 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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northerngoshawk · 1 year
2022 Writing Year in Review
thank you @flameohotwife and @chocomd for the tag! great way to start a new year of writing is to look back 
1. Number of stories posted to Ao3: 15! most oneshots and drabbles, 1 that is a multichap still in the works
2. Word count this year: 75,791
3. Fandoms I wrote for: Avatar: The Last Airbender
4. Pairings: Aang/Katara
5. Stories with the most:
Kudos: i lost it all again (can you help me find it once more?), the second fic in my Katara-centric series
Bookmarks: dreamless dreams
Comment threads:  see the sky and sea (and remember me)
Word count: see the sky and sea (and remember me)
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why): there’s a lot, but i guess i will have to say dreamless dreams, my platonic zukaang fic, since i really don’t like Zuko that much lol. he’s definitely not my fav, esp because of fandom, so it was a surprise to write this, and i’ll admit i was a tad worried i would write him ooc because of my own bias. but surprisingly enough, i’ve been told the way i portrayed Zuko in this fic is very very in-character for him and serves as exploration that most fandom would avoid, and the platonic zukaang was also something i never thought i would write but seemed to execute well haha. overall, i guess i’m proud of this fic because it’s a concept that’s out of my comfort zone that i think i’ve executed pretty well, haha
7.   Work I’m least proud of (and why): protecting you, which is a prequel to  where we're meant to be. i had a kind of hard time writing this, and if i look back on it now, it just seems... cheesy, almost? idk it’s just Aang whump so maybe i just feel it’s a little senseless lol.
8.   Share or describe a favorite review you received: i think my favorite review this year was actually from @chocomd and pertained to dreamless dreams! choco managed to understand all the underlying parallels i wrote into the fic and gushed how much she loved the way i wrote the platonic zukaang 🥺 before her review, almost no one was kudos’ing the fic, so i was wracked with so much doubt that i wrote it well, and with her review, it really helped ease my worries of oocness for Zuko & Aang.
9.   A time when writing was really, really hard: while i was in school as a STEM major lol. that should be self-explanatory.
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: i already mentioned Zuko, but there’s actually two more characters i was surprised to write. one of them was Iroh from my Iroh & Lu Ten fic leaves let go (to fall from the vine). i never ever ever thought i would ever write Iroh, and he kind of intimidated me because he’s such a wise, complex character--there was no fathomable way i could write him well, or so i thought. i seemed to manage okay for this fic tho haha
the other character is Hakoda from my Hakoda Adopts Aang fic these sleepless nights we spend (waiting to come home). also a surprise because in canon, we don’t really see much of him on-screen, not to mention there’s a lack of interaction between him and Aang. again, never really thought i would ever write him, but here we are.
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
i have quite a few (and i’ve used them for other asks), so i’ll choose something a little different this time!
this excerpt is the ending section of going back, moving forward:
When Gyatso releases him and Aang finds himself at the doorstep of shadows, he only glances back one final time to see Gyatso nodding with approval, pride shining in his gray eyes.
(i will always wait for you)
When he finds himself walking down the dark hallway, he hears his friends, his family, all calling his name, all pleading with him to come back, come back, and he picks up the pace, rushing towards them.
(i'm coming, i'm coming)
When he sees the differently colored threads (green red navy cerulean) weaving their way towards him as the world falls away into darkness and shadows, he reaches for them, knowing that they're reaching out for him.
(i'm coming back for you)
When he wakes up in his friends' embrace, he lets himself melt into their love and worry and berating because they care, they care, and he almost can't believe he ever doubted it was the right thing to do.
(i'm here)
And when he grows and makes mistakes and matures and builds his own family and learns to live and laugh and love again, Aang finally understands what Gyatso meant all those years ago.
And it feels like coming home.
12. How did you grow as a writer this year: i definitely stepped out of my comfort zone a bit and wrote for characters i never thought i would write for haha. i’m also improving on describing scenery, especially as needed for my multichap lol
13. How do you hope to grow next year: to keep improving on describing scenery. i’m improving right now, but i still have ways to go. also to keep writing characters i never thought i’d write, step out of my comfort zone even more.
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc): @chocomd. we found out we have very similar tastes in the kind of stories we want to read & write, and so she’s been a huge encouragement, especially in a fandom where our specfic tastes aren’t exactly common. her comments especially on see the sky and sea (and remember me) and her eagerness to see its conclusion is really the only reason why i’m still writing this fic.
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year: not really? i mean i lost it all again (can you help me find it once more?) stems from my own feelings of assimilation and not knowing my own culture. other than that, there aren’t any i can think that are truly from my core self; every other fic is just my exploration of canon content or mirroring of things i never have personally experienced. all of my fics have some form of myself in them anyways tho, so
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers: don’t be afraid to experiment and break rules of syntax, so long as it makes sense for the themes of the fic. i find the fics i love reading/writing the most are the ones that experiment to reflect the themes of the fic, the state of the character’s mind, etc. (also you can use that as an excuse in case someone gets mad at you 😉)
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year: definitely hoping to finish see the sky and sea (and remember me) this new year, but with the way the climax is playing out and the limited time i have, it could take a while lol. depending on if i get that done, i’m also looking into my 5+1 Aang fic about loneliness, a Katara MCD fic, a Sokka-centric fic that deals with masculinity, and a 5+1 Zuko-centric fic that deals with Zuko beginning to understand the effects of imperialism on the little people.
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read: @itsmoonpeaches @thinkingisadangerouspastime @justoceanmyth @shameaboutthedilettantism @kataangisforlovers and anyone else!
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queridaz · 1 year
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I posted 2,463 times in 2022
101 posts created (4%)
2,362 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
ily guys! <3
I tagged 1,058 of my posts in 2022
#tea talks - 88 posts
#q - 78 posts
#mcr - 54 posts
#ml - 42 posts
#gerard way - 39 posts
#toh - 35 posts
#favorites - 23 posts
#art - 21 posts
#toh spoilers - 21 posts
#music - 20 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#talented‚ brilliant‚ incredible‚ amazing‚ show stopping‚ spectacular‚ never the same‚ totally unique‚ completely not ever been done before
My Top Posts in 2022:
The Assignment | Ch. 3
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Read on AO3
Summary: Keith, still on assignment in Altea, continues knight training. His impressive displays of strength catch the eye of a certain Prince.
A/N: guess who's back! after over a year of not writing anything, i'm dipping my toes back into the game with chapter three of this 2020 secret santa gift. @fomalhaut89, happy national knife day i guess, absjdjks
49 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
i actually think they should've done the cocaine, idk
57 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
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[ID: Dan and Phil playing Heartthrob. 1: Phil says a character with the attribute “fast food freak” might have his heart. At the same time, Dan says he’s a fast food freak. 2: Dan accurately guesses which Heartthrob Phil chose, prompting Phil to ask how he knew. Dan says it’s because that’s just what Phil is like. END ID]
DnP Being Soulmates While Playing Heartthrob
124 notes - Posted June 30, 2022
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See the full post
143 notes - Posted June 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
524 notes - Posted October 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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My 2022 Year Review!
This year was far more productive for me as far as creative projects go! I co-hosted 2 events, dabbled in art, wrote some fics, and started a longfic! Most importantly, I made some new friends and strengthened my older friendships in the fandom :)
12, January 2022
Rating: G
Chapters: 1
Word Count: 2,722
Hit/Kudo/Review Count: 535/55/14
Summary: Mamoru wrestles with his identity in the days following that final battle against the Makai Tree.
7, February 2022
Rating: E
Chapters: 5
Word Count: 14,773
Hit/Kudo/Review Count: 3,360/131/65
Summary: Mamoru is experiencing some very strange effects after being hit with a youma attack and doesn't know what is real anymore.
28, March 2022
Rating: G
Chapters: 1
Word Count: 1,557
Hit/Kudo/Review Count: 73/10/10
Summary: Written for RarePair Week. Seiya and Setsuna lament about love and loss.
Ego Te Provoco
11, April 2022
Rating: E
Chapters: 2
Word Count: 2,656
Hit/Kudo/Review Count: 897/29/13
Summary: Written for @dendyweek. A look into the psyche of a brainwashed Endymion.
14, April 2022
Rating: G
Chapters: 1
Word Count: 209
Hit/Kudo/Review Count: 51/10/3
Summary: A short poem written for @dendyweek.
24, June 2022
Rating: E
Chapters: 3
Word Count: 2,986
Hit/Kudo/Review Count: 925/38/17
Summary: A series of smutty stories less than 1,000 words each written for the @smquickies2022 challenge.
24, July 2022
Rating: G
Chapters: 1
Word Count: 936
Hit/Kudo/Review Count: 274/23/33
Summary: Written for @usamamoweek2022 Sometimes it takes great tragedy to find out how strong you really are.
27, July 2022
Rating: E
Chapters: 1
Word Count: 1,813
Hit/Kudo/Review Count: 484/26/7
Summary: Of all the senses, Mamoru firmly believed that touch was the most important. Touch ensures reassurance. To touch and feel is proof of life. Touch allowed him the ability to feel. Written for @usamamoweek2022
Let's Try This Again
27, July 2022
Rating: E
Chapters: 1
Word Count: 2,097
Hit/Kudo/Review Count: 496/24/5
Summary: If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Written for @usamamoweek2022
Happy Birthday Mamoru!
4, August 2022
Rating: E
Chapters: 1
Word Count: 1,400
Hit/Kudo/Review Count: 860/60/8 (huh... cool numbers)
Summary: Mamoru laments on birthdays past and gets a surprise from the one he loves the most.
Set Fire to the Rain
3, September 2022
Rating: E
Chapters: 1
Word Count: 1,311
Hit/Kudo/Review Count: 471/21/13
Summary: This story takes place within the universe of my SilMil AU titled “A Waltz of Silver and Gold”. Please stay tuned as I work up the courage to finish and post it! It is truly a labor of love.
One Night in the Dojo
28, September 2022
Rating: E
Chapters: 1
Word Count: 3,439
Hit/Kudo/Review Count: 794/56/10
Summary: Usagi hadn’t confessed her attraction to her karate instructor to anyone; not even her closest friends. Loathed to admit it, the allure had been there since her very first lesson six months ago. Written as a gift for @linlamont
All the Things I Never Said
31, December 2022
Rating: E
Chapters: 1
Word Count: 2,365
Hit/Kudo/Review Count: 0/0/0 (literally just posted it)
Summary: Written as a gift for Serendipity_Kat.
Mamoru was supposed to be home for the Christmas holiday. Instead, Usagi is spending it by herself since circumstances of the weather variety are preventing a romantic Christmas with the one she loves most. Good thing Mamoru has it all under control!
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littlecoffeekitty · 1 year
Little Coffee Kitty's 2022 Fandoms Review ♡
After so many years of doubting myself if I could write a fanfic, I finally let my inhibitions go and did it as a gift to myself on Christmas! I wrote six fanfics in a week, starting from the 25th, and I couldn't be prouder! Here's to plenty more stories this 2023! I'm so excited. ٩(๑òωó๑)۶(。>﹏<。)(ノ´∀`*)(。ŏ﹏ŏ)(*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡
Muted Sparks (2 chapters)
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: Deidara x Sakura
Summary: Deidara's drunk, and someone's on his lap. He just wants to finish his drink in silence, damn it.
LCK's thoughts on writing it: I love, looooove this so much. This is the very first fanfic I ever wrote on AO3, and it'll always have a very special place in my heart. Yeah, I was very drunk while I wrote it, but it was worth it. I was so tired of always having second thoughts on writing fanfic, and I broke through it! I did it!
Baon sa Pagtulog (Rough translation from Tagalog: "Carried into Sleep")
Fandom: Mad Max: Fury Road
Pairing: The Dag x Slit
Summary: Slit's cold medicine turns him into a sappy man.
LCK's thoughts on writing it: This fic is one of my personal favorites. It has a different flavour from all the rest, and I like it because of that. Also, I absolutely adore this pairing.
White Flower
Fandom: Naruto
Characters: The Uchiha Siblings
Summary: Itachi gets woken up in the middle of the night by his little brother.
LCK's thoughts on writing it: Oh man, my own pain was my inspiration here. I just woke up in the middle of the night with my stomach hurting, and so to distract myself from it, I wrote this fic. After I applied White Flower on myself, of course. I also liked the particular way it turned out.
Fandom: Undertale
Characters: Sans and Frisk
Summary: Frisk had a very frightening dream. Sans tries to soothe them.
LCK's thoughts on writing it: This was just a small idea I had, and I wanted to try it. I wanted to see where it goes. I want to write more Undertale fics in the future.
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: Obito x Rin
Summary: Obito holds Rin in his arms.
LCK's thoughts on writing it: Oh boy, pain, pain was my inspiration as well. Pain on the inside. I was in a very bad headspace when I wrote this. My tears didn't go to waste.
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: Deidara x Sakura
Summary: Sakura and Deidara sneak out of the party and go somewhere quieter.
LCK's thoughts on writing it: AHHHHH, I loved writing this so much talaga! I really, really enjoyed it! I went on a roller-coaster ride of emotions throughout. I got so frustrated so many times, and there were moments where I just wanted to quit writing it. But I got through it! I finished it, and I'm so proud.
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