#fanfic writer notion template
tarlosmalec · 5 months
ImagiNexus — a fanfic writer Notion template.
Hi there!
I have been watching some of us writers and beta readers struggle with organizing our works and keeping up with the timelines. So, I decided to make a template of my workspace on Notion and share it with y'all here. You can find the template 'ImagiNexus' here and duplicate it in your own workspace.
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Assets — your constant resource bank that has writing tips, blogs, inspo, your notes on your own writing/beta reading. Capture — your got-to page to dump all the ideas before they flee to the winds.
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Beta — your beta reading gigs database, both reader and author-friendly comes with a generic questionnaire template. Your Works — your works, whether it's a prompt or a published one go into this database, with various filtered views to facilitate your focus. Your Events — your events with deadlines and check-ins go here to keep you up-to date on your works.
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Inside view
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And, feel free to reach me out with any queries!
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sugar-plum-senpai · 5 months
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Fanfic Writer Notion Template | Notion Template for Fanfiction Writers | Writing Notion Template | WIP Organizer Template
Hello! I'm very excited to finally share the Notion template I've created for fanfic writers!
Admittedly, I am more of a fanfiction reader than a fanfiction writer, but I wanted to try my hand at creating this Notion template. That being said, I'm not sure if I've organized the template in a way that is super helpful or makes sense for a writer, so any advice/suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated! I am definitely planning on revising the template - this is a very early iteration.
Feel free to contact me if you have any suggestions! :)
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maayaainsworth · 1 year
Notion template simples / template para escritores.
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wellwrittennotions · 4 days
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pedrostories · 9 months
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🎃 PedroStories HallowReads Celebration 🎃
A Spooky Salute to Writers! 
Fanfic readers rejoice! For this Halloween we would like to celebrate the fandom’s writers with you!  If you want to showcase your love for your favourite fanfictions and writers, we invite you to submit a little treat for them – you have plenty of options if you’re feeling creative, but general fic recommendations are welcomed, too; we prepared a few questions to help you!
What content can you create?
Graphics (Canva has great templates)
Fanart (drawings, paintings, collages, anything handmade)
Spotify playlists (Canva has an album cover template section as well)
Moodboards (Canva has templates and designs, Pinterest can help with the aesthetics, and you can find free stock photos on Pexels)
Fic rec questionnaire (more about this below)
Anything else that comes to your mind! 
If you don’t feel so creative, don’t worry, we prepared a few questions for you so you can still show your love for the fandom’s writers! 
The name of the celebration comes from the date and from the notion that you’re sharing treats, but your creations and recommendations don’t need to be Halloween themed!
Please post all your treats and recs between 28-31 October!
Please use the hashtag #pedrostorieshallowreads23, as we’re going to create a masterlist of all the treats, so we would like to track all of them! 
You can post as many treats as you want to, but please post them separately! 
If you post a fic rec with our questionnaire, you can answer as many questions as you want (and if you’re undecided, you can recommend more fics for one question!). Please make sure you follow the template - don’t forget to link the fic in the title and tag the writer, and we would be happy if you could add your personal thoughts about the story, but of course it’s not mandatory! The fic recs can all be in one post.
If something is unclear, you can always send us an ask, we will tag it as #hallowreads23 questions! 
Have fun! 🍂☕
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2soulscollide · 1 year
hello hello, it's me again!
i've been a fanfic writer for a long time! i started writing on wattpad when i was about 12 years old and continued writing there for a few years, switching from one fandom to another. but deep down, i really wanted to start writing my own novel, with everything created by me. at first, it was quite challenging, and i had to do lots of research, like everyone else. but eventually, i figured it out, and now i love writing original fiction!
if you're a long-time fanfic writer who's ready to dip their toes into the world of original fiction, you're in the right place. while it can be quite intimidating to move away from the familiar worlds and characters you love, writing original fiction can be an incredibly rewarding experience. here are a few tips to get you started:
start with what you know just because you're writing original fiction doesn't mean you have to start from scratch. draw inspiration from your favorite genres, characters, and settings to create something new and unique.
create your own characters this is your chance to explore new personalities and relationships that won't ever come to life unless you decide to! take the time to really develop your characters and give them distinct voices and motivations. [check this out: build a character (masterpost)]
focus on world-building unlike fanfic, where the world and its rules are already established, in original fiction, you have to build everything from the ground up. take the time to create a rich, detailed world that your readers can get lost in.
embrace the freedom fanfic can be restrictive, as you're bound by the expectations of the fandom. with original fiction, you have the freedom to tell any story you want. take advantage of that freedom and let your imagination run wild. [check this out: free Notion template for writers]
don't be afraid to make mistakes writing original fiction is a learning process, and you're bound to make mistakes along the way. embrace those mistakes as learning opportunities and keep pushing forward. [check this out: useful resources & tips for writers]
i hope this was useful! if you have any questions, feel free to dm me or send an anon message! <3 have a nice day
related posts:
how to start writing original fiction
character development : a collection of resources
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sincerely-sofie · 4 months
Hi! This may come across as a dumb question, but I wanted to write my own PMD:EoS fic, but I’m kind of lost on how I want to organize my thoughts and the plot. Additionally, I get new ideas and then I end up struggling with what I want to do. How did you organize things for your story?
This isn't a dumb question at all! It's something I've struggled with for a long time as a writer, and I'd be happy to share what I've come up with to solve my fight with story organization! I’ll try to speak coherently, but this is something I’m really passionate about, so I might ramble a bit, haha. Keep in mind that this is what works for me, and what will work for you may be very different. Take from this post what serves you well and ditch the rest :> 
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Organizational Tools
You can use pretty much anything to organize your story— I’ve used everything from loose printer paper in storage clipboards to expansive Google Docs that are hundreds of pages long in the past. But what I’ve found that really works for me is an app called Notion. You may have heard of it— it’s really popular with productivity enthusiasts and small business owners, but it works like a dream for organizing creative projects! There’s a bit of a learning curve, but you can find a lot of templates out there for free that work really well if you don’t want to set things up yourself.
This is how my Notion page for TPiaG was set up:
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The “Cheat Sheets” dropdown list was full of character sheets, links to Bulbapedia articles I’d refer to while outlining or writing, and also my completed outline. “Fun Stuff” was full of memes and jokes about the characters, an empty page that I’d start filling once I received kind comments on my fic, as well as ideas for additional stories relating to the AU— stuff like oneshots and possible sequels or diverging AUs. Fun fact: this is where I first wrote down my idea for The Present is a Gift: Paradox Edition AU!
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“Chapters to Write” and “Chapters I’ve Written” were dropdown lists where I divided my outline into little sub-dropdown lists in “Chapters to Write”, and everytime I wrote a chapter, I would move it over to “Chapters I’ve Written”. Nothing is as reassuring when you’re stuck in the middle of writing a nearly 60k word fanfic as seeing the chapters slowly migrate to the right.
Organizing the Story
Outlining is a big part of my organization process, so I’ll be talking a fair bit about it. The first part of any story is your premise / core idea (it sounds like you’ve already got some of your own, so I won’t discuss coming up with those). The next step is brainstorming what you want to revolve around that premise. I already knew the characters fairly well, so what I did for TPiaG is write out a bunch of ideas for scenes on scraps of notebook paper and start arranging them on a table in different ways. I eventually settled on an order of events (many of which ended up cut for clarity in the actual fic), and then I started structuring them into chapters. 
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How I structure chapters is inspired by the Kishotenketsu structure that is used fairly often in Asian storytelling. I divide each chapter into 5 parts: an Introduction that provides a starting point for the chapter, Development that builds on and adds context or tension to the introduction, a Twist that causes a new perspective on either the situation, characters, or something else in the story, a Resolution that helps wrap things up in a satisfying way, and then a Hook that leads the reader to want to read the next chapter. This is a structuring method that works way better for me than the Three Acts or the Hero’s Journey— I prefer the stronger focus on character vs. plot— and so I try to use it as often as possible. Here’s an example from my outline (if you’ve read TPiaG, you may notice some differences between it and the actual published chapters of the fic! It’s chapter 4 instead of chapter 3, for one thing!)
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Organizing Characters
I’ll be honest— I didn’t fill out character sheets like I should have for this project. I kind of just went with the flow as I wrote them. Twig and Grovyle are the only characters who got sheets at all, and Grovyle still only got a half of one. However, I do have a blank copy of a character sheet I can share as reference!
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I think most of this is pretty self-explanatory— but if anyone wants clarification on anything or what goes into the individual note sections, let me know! This is what the topmost part of Twig’s character sheet bio looks like: 
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The Torment of the Human Mind, or: How to Deal with Idea Overload
This is an ongoing struggle for me. I’ve mentioned having ADHD in the past, but it really turns idea generation and shiny object syndrome into a purgatory of unspeakable proportions. Before TPiaG, I had never finished a creative project because I would constantly ping-pong back and forth between newer and funner ideas, inevitably abandoning WIPs, come back to them for a few weeks at a time, and then dart off to the next thing. This feels awful because you never finish anything when you’re stuck in this cycle, and having all those ideas as open tabs in your brain is exhausting. 
My greatest advice for figuring out what you want to do and then doing it? Figure out a fun idea— maybe not the funnest idea, but an idea you enjoy and can create with your current skills and a good helping of hard work— and then commit to it with a story priority hierarchy. Every time you want to work on another idea, you have to work on the idea you committed to first for 30 minutes (or a different block of time, whatever works for you!). After that allotted time is up, you’re free to work on whatever other projects you like— but you have to start at the top of the priority hierarchy. That way, you still get work done on your #1 project, but you’re not restricted to it. 
Alternatively: Write until that priority project is done. You can make notes on ideas, you can make Pinterest boards for them, and you can make playlists— but you can only write for your priority project. I’d recommend doing this with a deadline in mind. Something like Camp NaNoWriMo or a similar month-long challenge. Novelty is an important part of my workflow! I get it. But for some people, bouncing back and forth between ideas is detrimental to their ability to focus / write, and committing to a single project at a time is extremely beneficial. I thought that I was someone who needed total freedom to work on any of my projects, but it turns out that being handcuffed to a project and a word count goal for a month was exactly what I needed to finish my first ever complete manuscript.
Yikes, this was a lot. I hope I answered your question well enough. If not, ask again and give me another shot! I love talking about creativity, and I would be overjoyed to help you create however I can.
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linwelinwrites · 29 days
How I use Google Docs for writing fiction
There are so many different options when it comes to how and where you write your fiction. There's ye olde MS Word, there's Scrivener, and Manuskript, and Evernote, and Notion, and... you get the gist. But out of all the options I've ever considered or tried out, GDocs is the one I keep choosing. It's what works best for me. I'll say that again, just in case: it's my personal choice because it's what I, personally, find most intuitive, it has everything I need and I'm comfortable with it.
Which is why I want to tell you how I find it useful, so that you can evaluate what works best for you.
My favourite things about GDocs are:
Sync with the Docs & Sheets mobile app, to write wherever, even if I don't have my laptop on me. And the mobile app has a dark theme!
It's 100% free to use, no ads or limited features.
How easy it is to get used to, because of its many similarities with MS Word (which is what I used for school and extracurriculars when I was young).
Availability offline. You can mark any document you want to be available even without internet, both in web and in the mobile app.
How many shortcuts I can use to avoid even touching my mouse (I'm a shortcut gremlin)
Amazing customisation possibilities to make your writing space exactly what you want it to be.
The advanced linking features to turn your folders into an interconnected wiki of sorts (yes, you could technically do a literal wiki, but this requires no bothersome setup)
Sharing. You can share your documents (or spreadsheets, or files, or even whole folders) with your beta readers, your co-writers, your editor if you have one (go you, fancy!), and decide how much control they have over it. You can even be on a call and edit or look at it at the same time, because it syncs by the second.
The main drawback of using GDocs is that if you're working on a long project (+30-50k), having it all in one file can slow down the site's performance, and the mobile app tends to crash on files that big. It sucks, but I honestly dislike big ass files anyway, so it doesn't bother me. I prefer shorter files that are easier to navigate.
There's more, but those are the reasons why even when I try other software, I still end up choosing GDocs.
Tips and Tricks
I've compiled a Guide to Google Docs and Sheets' best features when it comes to writing fiction. It covers all my fave features of both Docs and Sheets (web version). If you plan on using Gdocs and Sheets for writing, I think you should take a look. There's a lot of useful stuff in there!
If you like it, feel free to share it wherever you want. I humbly ask that you please credit me and link the original file.
Organising my documents
I have one big Writing folder, which contains the following:
Documents that keep all my ideas, thoughts and trackers in order: my "Writing Desk" (I'll get to that in minute), the recycle bin (a document with bits and bobs I had to cut but I want to reuse at some point because they're good), my NaNo word count tracker, and my Commint Archive, a compilation of the nicest comments I've gotten on my fics, to keep me going when I'm stuck and unmotivated.
'Resources' folder
This is where I keep my workskins, my templates, the files I've come across while researching, and the writing advice I've taken notes of.
'Fiction' folder
Since I mostly write fanfic, here is where I have my fics organised by fandom. My main fandoms each have their own folders, and there's another to stash all the fics for fandoms I don't usually write about.
Inside these folders, I have a simple system:
For every short work (drabbles, ficlets, one-shots, or multichapters that add up to less than 20k), I create one doc. Everything related to that fic will be in there: outline, research, draft, ideas, etc. I keep it tidy using headings (check the guide if you're unfamiliar with them), and I file that doc within its corresponding fandom folder.
How I keep all these files handy
For any longer work that adds up to 20k or more including outline, or has more than 10 chapters, I create a new folder inside the corresponding fandom folder, titled like the fic. Inside this fic folder, I keep:
• Outline, research, setting info, character profiles. If all of this combined is shorter than 50k, it'll all be in one single file. Otherwise, I separate it into individual files.
• Chapter drafts. If I have less than 15 chapters, they'll all be together in one doc. If I have 15 or more, I create a subfolder titled 'chapters' and keep them all in there, each chapter in a different doc.
• An outline spreadsheet to unite aaaaall these docs into one cohesive unit for easy navigation.
There's nothing I hate more than having to search for a file I don't remember the name of or where I put it. So I devised a digital Writing Desk to keep everything writing related in one place.
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If you want to know how it works and check it out for yourself, you can take a look at it here:
Template for my Writing Desk
A guide on how to use and tweak it to your liking
This keeps every link to all the dusty corners of my writing folder in one single spreadsheet, which makes the whole thing so much easier to navigate. I can find anything in seconds; from the fics I'm currently working on, to abandoned drafts I haven't touched in months, prompts I've come across, wild plot bunnies I came up with at 3 am, to every rarepair I want to write about, to every one of my notes with writing advice and resources I've found and hoarded over time.
Again, feel free to share all this (I'm excited to share it with whomever might need it), but please credit me and link the original files, not copies. It took me a long time to come up with this and documenting it was also a lengthy process.
I have more templates that I'll be posting about very soon, for different writing-related purposes. So...
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digital-chance · 10 months
Writer Q&A Tag Game
thank you for the tag @clairelsonao3!! you're lovely.
1. What motivates you to write?
The stories themselves. If I get inspired and like the premise, I'll write it down. From there, my passion for stories will take over and tell the story and expand upon the characters.
2. A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
From the first chapter of my fanfic ysbwm; This place he’s in is a different world than the one he knows. There are so many flashing lights popping out of the building, constantly moving. The cars are shaped differently and drive on a painted street at amazing speeds. These buildings, like the one Steve just ran out of, are so much taller and sleeker than what he’s used to seeing. He gapes and haltingly spins around, letting his eyes flit around him and be momentarily captivated by the movement.
3. Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
At the moment, Theodore, from Scars of Duty. Writing a villain character is so interesting to me, especially since their character is going to change throughout the novel and series. I'm not the greatest at making ocs and I haven't purposely written a character like this before so this is a challenge that im excited to take on!
4. What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
Brainstorming. It's a love-hate relationship though lol. I love gathering all the stuff that inspired me and organizing it though so it's both worth it in the end and satisfying. Lately I found a template/organizer for the Notion app for my writing and I'm so excited about my projects now!!
5. What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
Honestly I'm not sure. I would say research and potentially preparation.
6. What is something in the writeblr community is most enjoyable?
I love the tag games!! I love seeing what people wrote and learning about them and then being able pay it forwards for others!
7. A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
Tumblr, with it's endless quantities of prompts and the short stories that people write on here. I love it. I also starting using both Grammarly and ProWritingAid to correct my grammar after me being in denial for ages about needing them. Very useful for the editing process.
8. A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
Oooh my favorite piece of worldbuilding i like is from Scars of Duty but it's a huge spoiler so I better not say it haha. My second favorite is from Nova Futurum and it's the underground community's culture. One thing I've noticed when I was living in a lower-income neighborhood is the sense of community and how that can influence not only social interactions but also things like crime. People look out for each other and care about each other and will help each other get to better places, to the best of their abilities. And in my new neighborhood, in a different part of the city, it's entirely different. More money = more socially/emotionally distant. I barely know anyone and the weight of others' opinions matter more. It's interesting to me and I definitely will add this to Nova Futurum.
9. What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
Read other people's writings in a genre that you are NOT trying to write in. It doesn't have to be any particular style of literature, but something different enough from what you're working on. This way you can get inspired or even just have a break from the genre and get refreshed. It can get exhausting reading for research or inspiration.
10. Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters
@tea-and-mercury, @leisoree, @ruinmegently, and @janec23 are my biggest supporters and i adore their work. to name a few more people with amazing work: @scribbling-stardust, @halfbit, @hallwriteblr, @repressed-and-depressed, & @fire-but-ashes-too
tagging those people above and no pressure tagging: @ntzsche9, @writingmargo, @mthollowell-writes, @wingedcatastrophe, & @lostpasswordreturning.
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kyokosasagawa · 1 year
Obsidian.md - A software recommendation for Fanfic Writers
Hi everyone! So I know a lot of people like Notion and google docs and all that jazz, but I'd like to recommend new-ish software that would work really good for fanfiction writers and world-builders.
It's called Obsidian and it is great!
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(ID: a screenshot depicting Obsidian.md's functionality on both mobile and desktop. It looks like a writing software that has multiple folders and note taking functions, along with a graph.)
Reasons why I recommend it:
It's entirely file-based, meaning that all your content stays on your computer, or even in your cloud storage if you choose to put it in that dropbox folder. This also means that you do not have to rely on the internet for accessing your fanfics. It's also super duper fast!
There are multiple community themes and plugins to make it more accessible, aesthetically pleasing, and overall easier to use. If markdown intimidates you, why not just right click and choose the bold button? There's a plugin for that. If you're coming from Notion---there's a plugin to make it more akin to Notion, too. Want it to look like a word processor? Surprise, there's a plugin for a toolbar that will appear at the top of your screen, akin to Word or Google Ddocs.
There's a very intricate mindmapping function that lets you incorporate notes. For example, if you want to put an entire note into a mindmap that upon clicking would let you open up a new page, that's a thing it does. It's called "Canvas!" and it comes with Obsidian.
There's a Daily Note function that you can use to make whatever template you want appear upon opening the software, or upon clicking a button. For example, if you want to get into a daily morning journal habit, it'll work great.
All of this is free!!!!!
I really recommend giving it a shot!! It's my favorite software I use on a daily basis for things that involve writing. I'm currently using it for art notes, fanfiction, journals, goal setting, so forth. It's very easy to use despite how it looks at first!
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sugar-plum-senpai · 2 months
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The green version of my Fanfic Writer Notion Template!
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wellwrittennotions · 5 days
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wellwrittennotions · 5 days
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wellwrittennotions · 6 days
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When I began putting my thoughts and ideas together to begin writing a story, I noticed how scattered my notes felt. I would start with an idea, backtrack due to being struck with a new idea, and then lose my place and my progress. I decided to make a Notion template to help me finish some of my stories and bring life to my ideas.
This Notion writing template was created to provide a structured step-by-step approach to the writing process equipped with Activity Schedulers, Progress Trackers, comprehensive Character Profiles, in-depth Worldbuilding Profiles, and databases for the Outline, Drafts, and Scene Cards. Going step-by-step is not imperative for experienced writers. The procedural layout has been implemented to help new writers make a start beginning with creating a writing prompt to starting their first draft. It's optimized for new writers, experienced writers, fanfic writers, and hobbyists.
Click the link below for more information:
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sugar-plum-senpai · 4 months
hey i've been using two of your notion templates (fanfic writer + fanfic tracker) and i just want to say i really love them!! super cute and easy to use :D
Awww thank you so much!! <3 I'm so glad to hear that you're enjoying using them :)
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