#everyone was so intimidated they didnt want to fight me but then because of that i got more figures and just blocked them
stargazingpsychotic · 10 months
So I'm not good at winning party games or smaller ones as much. But the big board games I win? Without a strategy. I can't really plan beyond one move, if that, and can't figure out what will benefit me, but sure, I'll keep this up.
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wolfcamellias · 2 years
how do you picture qpr shadowpeach? your ideas about them fascinate me
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@blood-king asked: *cough* So uh, completely unprompted totally didnt see a post or anything; How would QPR shadowpeach work? (Also /gen question cause ur thoughts on them are always interesting lol)
WELL! I’m so glad you asked! Bare with me that I’m working with canon material and even then I have to take into consideration that S4 might erase all of this and produce something different for ShadowPeach  ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ 
[insert “no fear” / “one fear” meme redraw here]
BUT! Anyways! Let’s look deeper into these freaks now shall we 
First let’s dissect everything we got thus far on Sun Wukong and Macaque’s canon dynamic before diving into the QPR aspect of it all 
Season One 
I want everyone to remember that besides the iconic line of “You are such a gem” has more meaning behind it than we realize. We don’t have much to work with in terms of Season One material and at this base level we can consider the fact that it was.. Just a crackship by this point, they only have one brief interaction and Macaque was never seen again. During that moment we can see that Sun Wukong and Macaque are treated to be “equals” in this instance solely because Macaque was able to absorb Xiaotian’s powers and render him immobile for a while. In this instance we can see that Macaque was copying Sun Wukong’s moves aside from the shadow clone-summonings and the Shadow Puppet creation. 
This implies Macaque was well adept into mimicking Sun Wukong that he was capable of copying all of his moves without pause and heart beat but also managed to “outwit” Sun Wukong by using the fact that he cares about Xiaotian as a stepping stone and tries to get the upper hand constantly on him during the fight. 
“Wukong! How ya doin’ bud? [Scoffs]” “Aren’t you ever going to get sick of living in my shadow?”
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“Oh god is Rhy going to psychoanalyz—” yes now sit down. 
Macaque’s tone is mocking all the way during this small exchange, even mocking Wukong’s “bud” that he uses to address Xiaotian, attempting to edge him on and get him to engage with him. Right from the start he’s trying to instigate him, he wants Wukong to react in a way that’ll lead to a fight, that will cause some wreckage, he wants Sun Wukong to see him and think “I want to engage with this person for the rest of my life, I can’t stop thinking about him” when in truth Macaque is the one chasing Wukong’s attention constantly.
Sun Wukong’s tone is something I’ve analyzed once, twice, several times before. Wukong’s tone here is stressed and non-intimidating—he’s more disappointed than you realize. Sun Wukong witnessed Xiaotian’s personality change to someone who snaps back at him, tells him he’s been training with someone who’s actually teaching him when Sun Wukong knows Xiaotian’s mortal and has his limits. Had Xiaotian gotten incredibly hurt, his reaction to Macaque’s mocking would have been worse. Because Wukong does not instigate fights. He doesn’t try to play into the bait that Macaque leaves him, he asks him if he’s tired of repeating this cycle. It’s true, it is a cycle and we see it throughout most of their relationship: Sun Wukong takes a step back and Macaque takes two steps forward. He’s the one keeping Macaque at a distance.
And something that’s very interesting when it comes to Wukong’s word choice: he says, ‘living in my shadow’. Which is interesting! It implies that Sun Wukong does not want Macaque to be in his shadow. He does not want Macaque around let alone being his shadow—he wants him to step out of it. It’s interesting to see that Sun Wukong does not seem to think he was the one who put Macaque in his shadow — it’s interesting to see.
“It’s time to give back what you stole.”
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Again, Wukong gets straight to the point: “You hurt my successor, a mortal, and I can tell you’re not going to talk through this so I’ll resort to your level.”
But he also does not engage Macaque immediately. Only does so when Macaque continues and says this:
“You are such a gem. It's going to be so satisfying, killing you with your own powers.”
Did you know that in JTTW Macaque was mirroring all of Sun Wukong’s powers? He was basically an exact replica in that moment and thus it resulted in a stalemate for a long time?
Macaque is A) admitting here that he’s using Sun Wukong’s own strength against him thus making him his equal in that instant, more so with the fact Sun Wukong is canonically holding back at this point, meaning Macaque’s frustration with him later makes sense because he knows Sun Wukong is holding back—he just doesn’t know by how much and B) he’s once again instigating Wukong by calling him a gem, something he only does once throughout the show before he switches to other forms of taunting. 
Sun Wukong is a stone monkey, he was born from a rock. He was treated as more of a piece of coal throughout the entirety of the Journey by both Heaven and his pilgrim brothers and even his master at times (not to say that’s the exact way the Pilgrims and Tripitaka act in the show but I digress) and to call him a gem.. Is purely amusing considering how he then proceeds to say Sun Wukong was gifted with all of his abilities and powers in the following season. He’s not complimenting him—and even if he was, it probably lost its value in the moment, considering the situation they were in.
“Seriously? You fell for that?”
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Macaque instigating Sun Wukong and further trying to get him to get angry and stoop down to his level? More likely than you think.
“Come on. Show me the real Sun Wukong. The old you would have leveled this whole mountain range to stop me, but you're scared of hurting some kid? Pathetic.”
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Macaque proceeds to try and urge Wukong to go back to being his old self, he wants Wukong to be that reckless, capricious, overpowered guy whom he (for lack of better platonic based term) fell in love with in terms of admiration and, amusingly, it’s also something he clings on to because that’s a recurring theme with Macaque: being stuck in the past.
Sun Wukong is not reacting how he wants him to and that’s what irritates him the most. He wants them to go back to their past and that’s the unhealthy aspect of him: he doesn’t realize people can change for better or worse—or, at the very least, he doesn’t want to acknowledge it with the way he witnesses Sun Wukong protect Xiaotian and worry over him more than he pays attention to Macaque himself. He doesn’t want to believe Sun Wukong’s changed as a person and that he  needs to change before they can make anything work.
Season Two
Sun Wukong is absent throughout most of this Season due to his quest to find a weapon to fight against LBD and then the subtle timeskip of Heaven’s days and Earth’s years working a little funky. 
Of course then we dip our feet into the very shallow pool that is Macaque’s view of how Sun Wukong’s character works despite not having had a proper conversation with him over the past five hundred years or so. 
“The hero and the warrior were like the Sun and the Moon. Their light, a protective glow, shining upon the world. Together, there was nothing that could stop the two of them. Either in the Celestial Realms or on Earth. As time went on, the hero attained power beyond comprehension. As the hero's light grew, so too did his shadow. And soon, the warrior was cast in that shadow. In the darkness, the warrior was forgotten by the hero.”
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Shoutout to Lego Monkie Kid for being able to write biased narratives throughout the show. 
Macaque’s word choices are interesting: he’s glorifying the past (again) and putting the Hero (Wukong) on a high pedestal and repeating he was abandoned and forgotten and cast in the shadows. The interesting point is noting that Macaque is a strongly biased narrator, he views Sun Wukong as lesser than him and wants him to come down to his level of petty words and constant fighting when Sun Wukong does not react nor chase him around. And something to note about Sun Wukong is that he values and cares genuinely and strongly for his friends; to say that Sun Wukong purposefully put Macaque in his shadow is a stretch.
The theory that Sun Wukong told Macaque to stay behind while he went to the war against Heaven (thus fighting with Nezha, Muzha and Erlang) led to Macaque taking it as ‘you are weak and can’t follow me’, twisting Wukong’s words and his perception of him is the most likely theory taking into consideration how LBD was confirmed to have messed with Macaque’s memories and that Macaque later states that Sun Wukong didn’t work hard for his powers.
Unless Lego Monkie Kid rewrote the starting chapters of Journey To The West where Sun Wukong spends years training for his immortality, several more reigning over his kingdom and then the inevitable trauma and imprisonment? Sun Wukong worked very hard for his position, regardless of whether or not he was cocky or gained a high ego over it, and Macaque just turns away from the truth and only sees what he wants to see.
We don’t talk about the fact that he proceeded to project onto Xiaotian and said he did not have abandonment issues and that he forgot about the friends that Macaque himself kidnapped. 
And of course we get the moment where Macaque gets a flashback of Sun Wukong punching him, correlating to the somewhat confirmed theory that Sun Wukong murdered Macaque during a certain point in the JTTW arc of the show.
And then it’s not addressed again until Season Three.
Season Three
(I’ve typed Macaque 37 times and Wukong 48 times and idk how to feel about that)
Sun Wukong is emotionally and mentally and physically drained the moment we see him back at the start of the Season. He’s focused on securing the map and gaining the Samadhi Fire for the chance of defeating Lady Bone Demon and Macaque on the other hand, as we can see in the flashback that occurs later in the season, was leashed and held with a dagger to his neck when moving closer to Wukong.
Macaque and Sun Wukong’s banter is.. a singular moment where he allows himself to fall into Macaque’s cycle. “Always the comedian,” implies Macaque is well aware that Wukong is masking his tone and overall stability to show he’s holding himself together when in truth he very much isn’t. Wukong continues to taunt Macaque because this is what he wanted, he wanted a true reaction out of him — to which I mean, he wants Wukong to react in a negative sense, he wants them to fight, he wants to instigate fights with him because that in itself is a distraction from talking about their past. 
Wukong avoids Macaque and even warns everyone about him, tries to keep Macaque away from Xiaotian and the others as much as possible to the point of making himself bait for the sake of them getting away during the train station scene. 
Genuinely, Sun Wukong saw Macaque as someone dangerous to Xiaotian due to the trauma that Macaque gave him during his introduction episode where he threatened to kill Xiaotian for the sake of getting to Wukong.
And that’s not without discussing the fact that Wukong was able to make Macaque freeze at the change of tone. During the ice scene with Nezha, Wukong tries to instigate a sort of scuffle with Macaque this time, repeating the same tone and mask he used back during the airship fight. Because he wants him to fall back into that little cycle of theirs that Macaque was constantly chasing.
What he didn’t account for was Macaque not following the same path he usually does. The reason behind Wukong’s anger when he reaches to choke Macaque isn’t just because he started the ritual: he didn’t listen to Wukong (again), he tried to shift his blame onto Wukong, he hurt Xiaotian, he threatened Xiaojiao, and pushed Tang into starting the ritual. And, yes, Wukong was watching all of it despite not knowing what it is they were saying, but he is very much aware of Macaque’s actions when he went after them clawing for survival.
It’s also important to remember that it’s heavily implied both Sun Wukong and Macaque must have done something to cause their relationship to become so estranged. Because Macaque is the one who leaves this time, Macaque is the one who tried to get away from this situation, Macaque is the one who tries to escape and that’s what ticks Wukong off further. 
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Because Macaque is a coward and that’s something he needs to work on excessively. 
Yes, there is the looking back scene, there is the moment where Macaque and Wukong look at each other in the Samadhi Fire episode but just because they took one step does not mean they’ve finished climbing up the ladder to mending their relationship. 
Sun Wukong was still holding back during his fight with Macaque.
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Because despite this intense power imbalance, despite the fact Sun Wukong was possessed, he was still conscious, he was still aware of his actions. Knowing how roughed up he managed to get Macaque it's only safe to assume he was choosing to hold back in an attempt to delay the end result of the fight.
And afterwards we get a cleaner conclusion: they put their differences aside to help Xiaotian and end their last interaction with Macaque falling back into edging Wukong on and ignoring his actions throughout the Season and calling him selfish—as harsh as it may sound, he’s not yet accepting the fact Sun Wukong has changed and thus Sun Wukong will not consider him as someone he can be comfortable around or someone worth having an actual conversation with. 
See: When talking to Xiaotian he drops the masks (slightly) and admits he has never had a proper successor before nor has he ever been a mentor. Even when Xiaotian reveals he plays dumb to lighten the mood, Sun Wukong just laughs and brings him closer rather than pushing him away. He does not do that with Macaque because he doesn’t even consider him someone worth trying for.
“Break Up” Stage
“But how would they work?”
They need to separate first.
Sun Wukong and Macaque require a lengthy break from each other, both without mentioning or seeing the other let alone engaging them because the chances of them actually communicating is slim to none. They need to work on themselves and separate to work on their individual trauma before they can even begin to discuss their own issues.
Sun Wukong is closed off and Macaque is self-centered in the way that, Wukong does not address his trauma and even then plays it off as a joke while Macaque makes his own personal issues seem more important or drastic than others (whether intentionally or not).
Macaque is also heavily focused on Wukong while Wukong can easily look away from Macaque lest the latter mocks or taunts him.  They need to be away from each other for a while before even beginning to take those steps towards friendship.
Things they need to work on first
Sun Wukong needs to work on his communication skills, emotional and mental stability, learn how to make healthy coping habits for his trauma and actually talk to someone about his trauma. He bottles everything up and then often uses himself as bait/a shield for everyone (especially Xiaotian) and that’s taking a toll on him. He even openly declares he’s going to sacrifice himself when asked what his plan was about the fire and then immediately joked about it to numb it down. 
He constantly lets others snap at him without defending himself not because he can’t but because of trauma when speaking out towards others if they stick by JTTW lore (when contradicting Tripitaka’s actions, he would be punished with the tightening spell, etc.). He needs to get better at this before even beginning the idea of rekindling a friendship that must have heavily hurt him enough for him to not want to engage with the other party again. 
Macaque needs to work on his emotional and mental stability, learn not to trauma dump onto others, learn to let go and learn that his actions heavily affect others. He berates Wukong for seemingly “making things worse for Xiaotian” and then proceeds to hurt, manipulate and traumatize him and his friends. 
He gets away with it and that’s something that.. should not have happened? His actions throughout the series have consisted of kidnapping and borderline traumatizing a stranger to him who looked up to him and then proceeded to ask if he missed him. He’s mocking him, he’s mocking everyone and Wukong is not exempt from this.
Macaque needs to work on learning how to engage without seeing things through his own bias-tinted lenses and realize there are other people around him who are suffering from his actions and that being traumatized is not an excuse to be a shitty person to others.
Otherwise, the entire relationship could be toxic.
Things that could work with them
Sun Wukong opening up to Macaque about why he doesn’t engage with him 
Macaque calling out Wukong on his past actions in a way that isn’t meant to be seen as an attack
Sun Wukong and Macaque (after being separated) finding each other when they’re in healthier environments and talking/discussing their past and how they can move forward together
Macaque apologizing to Wukong first
Macaque realizing Sun Wukong is traumatized from the Journey
Wukong realizing why Macaque chases after him so much and setting aside boundaries so they can engage without it becoming overwhelming
Sun Wukong and Macaque addressing the fact they’ve both hurt each other and realizing it can’t work unless they both put an effort into it
Macaque being Wukong’s shoulder to lean on; Wukong being the one to call Macaque out when he pushes things too far
A normal non-romantic involved QPR or friendship
Things to consider
The reason why a QPR works so well with Sun Wukong and Macaque is a bit simple but also complicated: 
Sun Wukong throughout the course of Journey to the West and all its past and future iterations have always had him be uninterested in both men and women. There are multiple instances where he’s capable of courting women and he instead backs away or does not pay it any mind; aside from this he’s heavily implied to only care about familial love and friendships. He does not see his pilgrim brothers as anything more than family and he views Tripitaka as a mentor rather than someone whom he was chained to (coughs). 
Sun Wukong is always been heavily coded to be on the aro or ace spectrum in media and Lego Monkie Kid focuses more on the platonic aspect of relationships and Sun Wukong being in a Queer-Platonic Relationship would be more impacting than a regular romantic one. He does not understand normal human customs being a monkey and all and creating a type of relationship that’s unique to him and Macaque alone would be far more comfortable to him than to have a relationship that follows rules.
Macaque also has shown no signs of romantic attraction towards any of the cast and, considering the idea that they continue this fact, him being on the aro or ace spectrum would also be an incredible move on their part. Not only because he’s meant to represent the other side of Wukong’s metaphorical coin but because it’d be the first canon aro or ace villain character thus far in a kids’ show.
This and the fact that— both Sun Wukong and Macaque are over a thousand years old. Why on earth would they have a normal type of relationship? Giving them a checklist of what passes on as romantic and platonic when to them the line is so blurred it’s barely existent to them is amusing. 
Sun Wukong and Macaque having their own weird relationship where it changes from frustrated best friends to partners to angry middle aged demons to the tired traumatized immortals who sometimes cuddle while marathoning weird stupid comedies or tragedies on netflix is much more appealing than the average type of relationship media often portrays. Having Sun Wukong and Macaque see each other as equals on all known terms is interesting and good.
Differences in giving and receiving affection (HC on Macaque’s part)
This one is a tad short considering how little we have on the matter but both monkeys resort to verbal praise — however there is a big difference in this.
Sun Wukong’s love language is acts of service (Journey), verbal reassurance, touch and familiarity with one’s actions and quirks. 
Macaque’s… are genuinely unknown seeing as his verbal praise is just a manipulation tactic but it’s somewhat twistable into something more.. Genuine if you take into account how he could just as easily turn Wukong’s words against himself when he spares Macaque a compliment.
Final Message
This took me way longer than it should have.
Buy My Silence.
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enden-k · 2 months
Can I ask what makes Arlecchino evil? I'm v much a villain enjoyer and like some morally greyness, but I genuinely didn't pick up on a lot of bad stuff with Arlecchino. She was super helpful during Fontaine and seemed to be the only powerful person who cared about helping the common folk when the water levels were rising.
I'm not here to start an argument, just wanna expand my view 🙏
dw didnt think u want to argue! i will also use this to say i wont tolerate arguments, this goes for everyone here
i will talk about sensitive themes under the cut (mentions of when i was groomed/emotionally abused by my adoptive father/mentions of abuse/grooming in general) so if someones not good with this, be warned please and dont click for your emotional comfort.
i really love arlecchino (theres also difficult, personal reasons ig) and id rather wait for her to arrive to get more information than we have so far through other characters/side quests/main quest but well.
her goals aligned with ours in the fontaine quest which is why we have the impression shes a good/nice person, especially considering our other meetings with the harbingers we met so far (signora, childe, scara, dottore) and the situations. shes very calm and diplomatic (lets see how it changes in the next update when we fight her)
but we shouldnt forget how the travellers on their toes the entire time/everytime they come in contact with arle. its because shes a harbinger after all. shes a danger. her graceful politeness and calmness is supposed to have you on guard, make your hairs rise. shes mentioned to be manipulative and shes manipulating others to achieve what she wants by being nice and calm. she has ulterior motives. we should be careful. this is my impression based on my own gaming experience and idk if it was the same w others, but bc of us being on guard around her i was always prepared for her to turn on us until the end of the main quest.
anw, arle is supposed to be intimidating and have you wary. even tho she comes off as nice and polite, having done good and helped in the main story. its bc thats what she wanted and you happened to have the same goal. also lets not forget scaras and childes thoughts about her which already tells a lot
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she has two sides. the one we saw in the quest, the graceful, calm, polite face to get what she wants. and the other, the one scara and childe talk about here, the one they call "crazy"
not to mention her codename, "the knave". what does it mean? servant. what else does it mean? "dishonest/deceitful man". basically, swindler. isnt it perfect?
shes manipulative and whatever her "true" nature is, we dont know (yet). she may have "good intentions" here or there but will achieve them no matter what it takes.
as for the thing you can consider as bad; the house of the hearth is an orphanage that raises children into fatui agents. only those who have potential join the ranks while the others are kept close (its not known whats done with them afaik). theyre basically grooming/raising child soldiers/spies.
before the sensitive stuff comes up, for the ppl who dont want to proceed, arlecchino fools/manipulates you into thinking shes a nice person/good parent. its amazing and so in character for her. its also scary how some ppl cant see the abuse/manipulation unless you went through this too or well. just actually read and realize it.
arlecchino is an emotionally manipulative parental figure. now, this is coming from someone who went through heavy abuse/was groomed by their adoptive father who was extremely manipulative and i spot so many things very well known to me. others who went through the same get this feeling. these signs you immediately recognize.
you get punished for the tiniest mistakes and when you get loved, it makes you forget all that was done to you, just for that tiny bit of affection you crave. you try to do your best, to do everything asked and expected of you, not to disappoint the only parent you have and youre dependent on, to be a good kid deserving of love and when you slip up youre in shambles. there was a time i did a tiny mistake by accident and my father said to me in the coldest voice "you broke my trust" and i remember so vividly how it broke me, how i cried until i got sick. i was physically abused before and none of it hurt me more than this. it still gets to me after all those years. emotional manipulation is cruel
what im trying to say is, she came in a time of need. taken as a savior while it just is one abuser swapped out with another. like my adoptive father having me dependent, giving me love i never received and being everything i wanted, making me believe hes everything i need, a common thing abusers do. wanting to do everything youre asked of and do it good, the fear of disappointing and being punished, believing you deserved it bc its your fault and treating your abuser like a savior, being conditioned. this is whats happening.
now, arle genuinely loves and protects her children; its very clear that the life of the children matter to her the most (look at childes line and freminet/lynette etc) - she was one of them too after all. so, its possible to love and still do these. moral greyness etcetc
anyway idk if its understandable or if i can explain it in proper words while maintaining a good distance so ill add the voicelines of the siblings heavily implying this, and also a tweet adressing this that brings it to proper words, better than i can say
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tweet here bc tmblr doesnt insert the link properly
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wormbloggign · 4 months
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taylor stop lifting techniques and tactics from others challenge (impossible)
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yeah.. you're a cloud of various insects, people arent looking to get in your way
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taylor its not innate cmon you need to notice the swarm covering you isnt a comforting prescence for anyone but you
(also, if someone fights grue and wins, his darkness would dissipate. if they fight skitter and win, they have to deal with the many insects who are VERY pissed, and VERY unpredictable. it's simply a more extreme implicit threat than what grue has)
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is she.. emulating coils convo tactics?
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to taylor the bugs are just her little guys, doing their best with what they got
to everyone else the bugs are spiders, flies, and wasps; vectors for poison, infection, and pain all organised by their thousands under a single cunning mind
its a very funny bit of dramatic irony (not the right term)
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honestly surprised it took her this long to tell that to the PRT, taylors favourite pasttime is outing bad actors in their system
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the funniest way to get immediately excecuted, ballsy move taylor
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notably in those records she was telling the truth consistently, miss military seems to buy a little too much into armsmustards narratives
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(miss minutia seems very dogmatic in her beliefs of justice and criminality, kinda cringe ngl)
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skitter im sorry to say but im pretty sure theyve known for a while now
they havent gone after your civillian identity yet because you havent really been findable as taylor herbert and in the rare cases you've gone out as taylor, they've had much bigger fish to fry
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that mustve taken a lot miss militia, i can respect that
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2 ways to take this, either tattletales doing some mind games with how skitter is perceived or she wanted to get a better look at taylors butt
knowing lisa, probably both
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oh yeah that too maybe
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the bug pass over she does on people is very funny bc people almost definitely read it as a weapons check or an intimidation tactic but no, she just wants to know what the person she's talking to looks like
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her face and eyes were covered in blood no wonder were more tense than normal "ooh why are people so unnerved around me" you look like a monster from a horror movie, you're walking around like you dont even need sight to know everything around you (she couldnt see regardless but they didnt know that)
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oh theres no way they don't know her identity now
it takes one person with probably low to medium security access to hear that and go "gee, let me run a check to see if anyone with Skitters brown hair and skin colour (they wouldve seen at least that on the skitter clones, even outside how disfigured they were) matches with anyone who is blind or has been recently blinded" and then bam you find taylor with her school's recorded connection with Sophia/Shadow Stalker, her locker incident (possibly a trigger event?) her absences from school which start a couple days after skitters first appearance, line up with skitters activity AND escalate to 0% attendance once Skitter starts doing things like participating in the Endbringer event and soon after claims territory (a full time occupation seemingly), if you keep digging it seems she has moved out of her dad's house around the same time to an undisclosed house on the edge of town (no actual address given, possibly a misdirection), her father and all of his work friends survived (with minimal injuries) the Shatterbird announcement at the begining of the Slaughterhouse 9's occupation and they stayed alive for its entirety, And as a cherry on top, Taylors last 2 documented interactions with the public is Asssaulting a minor which was handled and doccumented by Shadow Stalker and COILS BOMBING where she was one of the survivors but was BLINDED, shortly after MYSTERIOUSLY DISSAPEARED with no release or transfer papers signed (or if they were, it'd be signed by Lisa W or an unknown third party)
they could just ask dragon
that was kind of long sorry
back to the livebloggign!
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(insert funny masking joke here)
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sometimes i wonder if taylor has a death wish (hint: yes)
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i sincerely doubt that. our girls tolerance for abuse is ridiculously high by now
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the writer is fucking with me. the day we get a proper breakdown of anyones costume is the day hell freezes over
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are we just gonna pretend that isnt deeply disturbing and violating?
eh, alright
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taylor may know the kind of thing he saw but its very clear from how he's behaving, whatever he experienced has a lot harsher of a grasp on his psyche, probably because his trigger event and the context around it happened at such a vulnerable and young age
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anyway hows that search for a villains therapist going? i really think they should invest in one
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lisa either never fucks around or never stops fucking around and i cant tell anymore
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bridgyrose · 2 years
During a visit to Menagerie, Ruby and Ghira end up talking about the burdens of leadership and their relationships with Blake and Kali; they may or may not end up finding other interests in common.
Ruby smiled nervously as she picked up her tea and gently blew on it to cool it off. She could hear Blake and Kali talk in the other room, though her eyes stayed on Blake’s father, Ghira, as she quietly sat in front of him. She took a quiet sip and slowly lowered the teacup to the tray. “You uh… wouldnt happen to have any sugar, would you?” 
Ghira nodded and slowly pushed the sugar bowl to Ruby. “So… you and my daughter are… dating…” 
“Y-yeah, we are.” Ruby carefully spooned a couple spoonfuls of sugar into her tea and slowly stirred it. “We… got to know each other while at Beacon and uh… sorta hit it off.” 
“Right, right..”
Ruby took another sip of her tea and let the minutes pass by in silence, still unsure of what to say to Ghira. It had taken her years to convince Blake to make the trip to Menagerie to talk to her parents and another year after to get everything set up for her to come along. In all that time, she had heard much about Blake’s parents, but now that she was sitting right in front of her dad, she finally started to feel intimidated. 
Ghira finally spoke after a few minutes, his voice still calm. “So, you’re the leader of your team, right?” 
“I'm supposed to be, though it feels more like I’m just a guide to my team.” Ruby sat her empty teacup down and poured herself some more to drink. “Which is better because I’m not sure I was ever ready to lead a team. But after a few years of being able to work with everyone and getting to know them, it became easier to help guide than lead.” 
“If it makes you feel better, that feeling never really goes away. When I led the White Fang, I never really felt ready even when I could make the tough choices. Though, I guess you could say I failed as a leader since I stepped down.” 
“Thats not what Blake told me.”
Ghira cocked a brow. “Isnt it?” 
“From what she told me was that you did what you could to lead the White Fang in the direction you felt was needed. That the vision of the White Fang changed in its members as others started to speak up. And ultimately, when you stepped down, it showed that you knew you couldnt force the White Fang back to the path that you wanted.” 
“And the same could be said about you.” 
Ruby paused. “I… what?” 
“Blake started to write letters back here once you managed to convince her to talk to us again.” Ghira put his tea down and slowly moved a box of letters from behind the couch to the table and smiled. “From the sounds of it, there’s plenty that never went the way you wanted either. Between the White Fang, training missions with other teams, and fighting other criminals, she always described you as someone who could turn to others when your ideas and plans didnt work out. And that’s a sign of a good leader.” 
Ruby blushed a bit and stirred some sugar into her tea. “Y-yeah, but… I always had Blake to back me up.” 
“Just like I have Kali. Afterall, leadership isnt a burden that has to be held alone. You are allowed to let others help you.” 
Ruby nodded and sipped her tea. She started to relax as she spoke to Ghira, her nerves finally calmed. “I’m glad you think so.” 
Ghira nodded and put the box back behind his couch. “Oh, and Blake tells me you’re a fan of fairytales.” 
“I-I wouldnt say I’m a fan, but I-” Ruby went quiet as Ghira pulled a large book off the shelf and placed it in front of her. “What’s this?” 
“Stories that faunus tell to our kids.” Ghira opened the book and started to flip through the pages as he went. “Normally these stories are told orally, so many of them have hundreds if not thousands of different tellings. And unlike most human fairytales, they dont always have happy endings and are usually used as a way to give caution.” 
“If these stories are an oral tradition, then why do you have a book for them?” 
“I… maybe have spent many years collecting and writing them down. And now, I dont think there’s better than you to-” 
The door swung open and Kali and Blake fell to the ground on top of each other from trying to listen in through the door. The two nervously picked themselves up and Kali gave a smile as she started to back out of the room. 
“S-sorry about that, I uh… tripped! That’s right, I tripped while walking past to let you both know dinner is ready.” 
Blake nodded and darted out with her mom. “I-I’ll go help you set the table!” 
Ghira sighed and shook his head. “We should make our way to them so they dont feel the need to listen in to us again.” 
Ruby put on a smile. “At least I know where she gets it now.” 
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Dally winston and those brown eyes
disclaimer i have never written before ignore all punctuation mistakes pls
there will be a part 2 so check my account
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I had always been apart of the gang and was like a younger sister to all of them, well ponyboy did have a crush on me but i dont see him that way. Dally on the other hand was my unrequited crush, it was those brown eyes of his. ive always been close to them but since i got into a fight with them about how im not there younger sister and they cant tell me how to live my life which especially pissed off darry who told me that if i wasnt going to respect him then to not come back, since then ive avoided them like the plague, two bit and steve have tried to talk to me but i think i just need some space from all of them. which is how i got into this situation usually the socs wouldnt mess with me all that much because i was all ways surrounded by intimidating looking guys but now that i was alone i was free game. I could hold my own in a fight and i carried a blade but against 3 socs i didnt stand a chance. I was on the monkey bars at the park when they pulled up in a blue mustang whistling and hollering “HEY this is greaser territory” i said loudly while hopping off the bars. they just looked at me while i clutched my blade and contemplated running “so, what are you gonna do about it? Nothing because your just a little grease girl all by her lonesome” they all laughed and hopped out of the car and made a grab at me. I backed up and started to run when one of them grabbed me by the hair and yanked me back. I turned around so fast and whipped the blade infront of me “back off white trash” i said they just laughed “get her” one grabbed me from behind so i swung my head up and knocked him hard in the teeth and twisted out of his grasp the second one retaliated and punched me hard in the jaw i fell back hard on the ground. Before i could pull my self up they were on me, one hovered over me “DALLY” i tried to scream but his hand covered my mouth so i bit down on his grimy hand i tasted blood. He screamed and slapped me so hard i saw stars he jumked up and all of them started kicking me i couldent even scream i was in do much pain. They stopped kicking and holled me up and one grabbed my cheeks a harshly “this greaser is looking kindy greasy why dont we give her a bath boys” then they started pulling me towards the fountain “ DARRY, TWO BIT ANYONE!! They shoved my head under the water laughing i kicked and screamed slapping at there arms, i must have hit one hard because they hit my head on the edge of fountain, blood clouded the water. I went limp in pain and i think they panicked thinking they killed me so they let go and piled into the car and drove off fast. I spluttered harshly blood streaming into my eyes. Flopping onto the ground jarring my bruised ribs, my head hurt so bad. I was groaning in pain. I would have probably stayed there all night but it was cold and i didnt want to die so i slowly crawled into a sitting position spitting blood and crying. I grabbed the wet edge of the fountain and tryed to get up, i doubled over in pain. I slowly stood up straight and started hobbling my way to the curtis house. I couldn't go home or i would get beaten worse. I was standing outside the house breathing hard, i was still bleeding from my head but it had slowed, i braced my self for a lecture and walked up the steps. I pushed open the screen door seeing the whole gang chilling in the living room, all of them looked at me, eyes widened before they rushed to me two bit saying “what the hell happened to you! Socs was all i responded with pony boy looked at me scared well darry and dally were barrating me with “WHY WERE U WALKING ALONE, WHO WAS IT. Dally grabbed my shoulder gently while darry still going off looked at me with eyes filled with a mix of worry and anger not aimed at me though. Steve went and got the first aid kit, dally took it without question and told everyone to back off he wiped the blood around my face looking intently at the wound “head wound always look worse then they are” i said trying to make them all feel better. I got cleaned up and put on a shirt i had left here And fell asleep on the couch.
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onlyswan · 11 months
hii hi art!! i just finished reading the newest drabble bc i tried really hard to save it until i’m back in my own bedroom after yoongi’s singapore concert!! 🥰
and yes, of course it’s everything and more than i hoped for it to be :( it was so sad but also so beautiful at the same time. i loved that you showcased how real the emotions from the event that transpired was & that old wounds that havent been tended properly tends to resurface. a couple of things that really stuck with me:
1. both in this and the prev drabble (of the breakup), oc has a lot of inner monologue about how she didnt feel like she is enough and jk’s ability to throw her & their relationship away so easily. but i really liked how in this new story, even though she still thinks about it, she doesnt bring it up anymore bc they’ve talked about it. oftentimes in relationships we tend to overcomplicate and keep bringing up past mistakes that hinders us from moving forward. i love that this is a whole new concern that she has & jk beautifully manages to calm and reassure her.
2. oc is an angel truly bc when i read this all i want is to scream at jk’s face: “PUT YOURSELF IN MY SHOES!!!” i really dont think he can handle: 1. being broken up with after he went home from a TOUR 2. oc giving up on him 3. oc going on a date with someone else 4. everyone else basically being happy that oc is finally not with him
homeboy wouldve lost his mind truly!! oc is a gem i aspire to be her
3. it is so interesting to look at prev drabbles where oc is so careful about not asking anything from jk and never letting him over spoil her (and we’ve seen more cases where she is the one spoiling him!) and to see where it actually stems from. i predicted that the power imbalance of jk’s black card can be intimidating but i didnt think that it’s this deep 🥺🥺 poor oc…. i hope in future drabbles we can see her getting more comfortable in taking what is hers (jk!! so jealous💀) but also, his money. bc that boy has too much of it and i bet he would’ve LOVED to spend it all on her….. jk spoiling oc rotten drabble!!!! 🛍️🛍️🛍️
thank u for ur constant supply of the in which couple, you manage to always make me so happy with them, including the angsty ones! (especially the angsty ones🥰🤭)
hellohello my love 💗🥹 omggg so happy for you i hope you had lots of fun at the show !!! i’m another person closer to yoongi LOL
ihhh you are so kind thank you so much !!! i’m so relieved i was able to execute what i was trying to convey 😭🫶🏼
omg yes yes i love this this is such a good observation !! 🥺 oc wants to move forward but also deals with a lot of internal battle because despite understanding the reasoning behind his actions, he still hurt them deeply >:(
OH PLEASEHDJDHFHF the poor guy literally threw up when oc returned his things he will definitely lose his mind !!! but we won’t even be able to move past #1 😭 his stubborn ass is going to put up a fight
“4. everyone else basically being happy that oc is finally not with him” oh. this really stings though 🥲 oc must be loved and protected at all times :( they went through so much :(
it’s really heartbreaking when you put the pieces together 💔🥲 the thing is oc wasn’t even conscious about that at the beginning at all but then became concerned about other people thinking bad about him :( in the valentine’s drabble though oc offered to pay also as a form of valentine’s gift but i promise they’re definitely plenty comfortable now hehe they’re basically married and oc is living their best life :P AND PLS I HAVE TO WRITE THAT DRABBLE!!! jk fucking loves spoiling oc in every way possible 😭😭😭 oh i feel emotionally unstable already i’m so jealous 🚶
and yayyy thank you for always reading !! 💜 i’m happy to be of service i have too many jungkook thoughts to keep them to myself 🫣
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attourney-at-lycan · 1 year
okay, lets start off with pdh (im ignoring the aarmau in pdh because i refuse to accept that shit happened. that was a collective fandom fever dream).
What did he do other then throw guy out window that one time in episode 1? Yeah, he was kinda rude (especially to Aphmau), he got detention a lot, basic delinquent kid stuff.. but so did Gene, Zenix, and Sasha? Meanwhile, Laurence and Garroth quite clearly stalked Aphmau (discussion for another day), Gene did so much mean shit (literally discord mod. called aphmau kitty or smth istg), Katleyn was just a dick, and Kawaii~Chan threw potions at people who disagreed with her in any way.
I’d say him and Zane are on similar playing fields of “we’re treated like villains here even though we aren’t”. AND YES, I SAY ZANE IS IN THE SAME BOAT. He’s a discussion for another day, but I will just say this: pdh Zane was literally just a dick. Katelyn and him were both just dicks, but in different ways. Katelyn feels different because she’s violent, she was mean to Travis, and she felt more like a bully. Zane felt like he was just sort of. Rude. Like a coworker who ignores you or writes passive aggressive sticky-notes. Again, topic for another day.
Now, fcu. First off, who the actual fuck remembers what happens here?? I remember briefly that like. Aaron had a bunch of simps, there was some goth werewolf, and Aphmau got harassed but like. Literally what was this series.
Anyways, from what I do remember: Aaron was basically going through emotional abuse at home, he was isolated from his peers, he had people stalking him, and the person he actually was friends with was stalked and harassed, leading him to be anxious talking to her.
I can’t go into as much detail for fcu, but it sounds like Aaron went through a really rough time during this. I feel really, really bad for him. He didn’t even do much wrong here.
Since mys is Long, I’ll do short summaries for each.
Season 1: Actually a really chill guy. He respected boundaries the most out of everyone I’d say, and his biggest “fault” was that he looked sort of intimidating.
Season 2: He was certainly teetering the line of intimidating and threatening, but he was still pretty chill. He was able to put up with the shit-show that is the rest of the cast, but I do think some moments he had were a bit more.. overly rude. Still, he’s better then pdh Gene.
Season 3: imma be totally honest i dont remember half the shit that went on here. I feel like he was pretty solid here. He had a good reason for wanting to progress his relationship the way he did (i dont wanna spoil anything for anyone), and I honestly give him props for not being a total dick to Zane, even though Zane so deserved it.
Season 4: Ougghhhhhdfsgsgs….. Season 4… While saying this in the least, absolute least spoiler way I can: Aaron took the situation, and acted appropriately to a broad extent. Authorities exist in this universe. So I’m cautious as to why authorities weren’t contacted. Magic is reversible. Getting the authorities involved could leave plenty of room for Lucinda, or any other witch to find the cure or something. I feel like he reacted good until he uh. Fight scene with the one in the blue dress (WHAT WAS THAT OUTFIT BTW?). He did a bit too much iffy things for me to put him at the top of the moral scale though.
Season 5: Pure fluff. Man was just pure fluff here. Pretty chill, I feel like he was treated more of a “frequently recurring side character” then a main character. His personality was boiled down to “generic good boyfriend!”. He had his cute moments, yeah. He seemed to be a little bit hot-headed, quick-tempered, whatever you wanna call it. I’d say the worst thing he did was uh. Garroth. (i swear he doesnt fuck garroth you guys)
Season 6: Okay folks listen here!! DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU WANT TO NOT SEE SPOILERS FOR THIS SEASON. I LITERALLY CAN’T NOT SPOIL SOMETHING. Okay so anyways. Aaron murdered. A lot of people. He murdered one of his friends. Who was in his support group! Yes, he doesn’t remember it and yes, it wasn’t fully in his will. But he still MURDERED PEOPLE!!! THOSE GUYS ARE DEAD! NOT ALIVE, NO MORE AIR!! I don’t remember a lot of season 6 either, but sTILL!! HE KILLED PEOPLE!!!!!!!
Anyways, in conclusion: If I were making a tier-list of these characters from morally best to morally worst, Aaron would be right above the middle. I can’t put him at second or first best, and I can’t confidently say that he’s in the middle because he’s too good for that (middle is most of the forgotten PDH guys and also Travis).
im so glad we agree aarmau in pdh never happened. denial <33
i will probably come back to this post when i finish all of mys first though since i gotta make sure what i reply w/ is my full on opinion
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(( georgette and how she treats sekido)) part 1
She treats him with nurture and care always willing to sit and listen to his outburst vents to figure out how shes going go distract him from them.
Words of assurance is one its important to make him feel that he's important and that hes no burden to be around because hes constantly yelling at everyone or the fact that his demeanor can be intimidating to georgie
Even so she never wanted to give up on him " sekido...you cant help how you act because your the embodiment of anger its ok...sometimes its ok to feel this rage and thats normal!" She tells him then holds his hand moving them to cup her face nuzzling onto them this made sekido eyes wide and blush he immideatly took it away but didnt scoff at her this time around. He was barely getting used to this gentle nature sometimes it felt scary yet it was warming...
The other time she treated him with eanderment was when he layed on her lap as she played with his hair combing his scalp with her fingertips humming him a lullaby from her village this would cause him to sigh of relaxation fighting the urge to not close his eyes " you can close them my rose your petal lids are practically begging for you to do so.'" he rolled his eyes in annoyance but eventually from all the hair teasing and humming he was long gone to dream world
Sometimes to distract him of his temperment she asks sekido to accompany her to her daily spell sessions for the full moon shell even educate him on certain spells that witches would use and there benefits that comes from them sekido does have a soft spot for knowledge so he obledged and he was certainly intrigued althou in one instance he was accidentally turned into a rat because he mistakened a potion of hers for some blood he definitely learned his lesson to never touch any of georgettes utensils.
Georgette loves to do his eyeliner whenever he struggles to get it into the perfect shape though her anxiety occurs and worries shell blind him by accident though luckily this hasnt accured yet. Sekido watching georgette carefully add the ink onto his lid is something he enjoys because he gets watch her attempts at trying not to blush when making eye contact with him and when her eyes do look the other way with his strong voice " look at me woman!" And she immideatly does so and immideatly turns red.
Dividers by @/elryisia
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kimmkitsuragi · 3 months
a looooooong dump post with a lot of screenshots and commentary :) mainly doing this to myself but well if anyone wants to read my silly ramblings ~
starting from right after the gortash fight- i already posted about karlach's incredible :((( cutscene there. but also this:
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inconsolable.......... the similarities between their backstories was my first reason for being so invested in starlach from early on- but the sadness in his voice here. god. dont worry my love, i will have an origin run w u where you can go to avernus with her and wyll :((( wyllachstarion will win yet again (YES i am seriously already planning for this- but not immediately because i think i focused on them too much in my first run lmaoooo. but i will do this!!!! they are my babiessss)
alright now the ELDER BRAIN FIGHTS UGHHHHHHHHHHHH i enjoyed all of the endgame sequences sooooo muchhhhhhhhhh
as i already said in other posts, i made laezel a little mad. just a little. i didnt free orpheus 😭😭 i am so curious to see how it plays out in my next runs!! but in this one, i felt like this was the choice Lou would make. and now, let's break down wyllachstarion's reactions to the alternative decisions ~
firstly, we already knew astarion says no to becoming an illithid himself, and his reaction to u possibly becoming one is so sad too... he really keeps urging you to reconsider. and i loved how he prefers freeing orpheus, but he's also fine with the emperor route as long as you dont end up as an illithid. his voice and face in these scenes made me so !!!! it was very well done, i loved it
wyll just being okay with whatever u choose... he stands with you and trusts u in all options. wylllllllllllllllll :( it is such a wyll thing, but i also wish he had a longer dialogue here
and karlach........ god of courseee she sees it as her only way out. i hate this i hate it hereeeeeeeee it's very good writing and acting but karlach!!! i dont want u to be an illithid :((( i ofc picked those options, and she was still supportive- i kinda wished to see her a little more hurt/mad at this but :(((( that would've been a lot harder for me to say no to her lmao. i just want karlach to be happy, is that too much to ask?????
but anyway, in the end i chose to trust the emperor and let him handle the stones. it was fun to have him around in fights ngl :) i never used illithid powers in this run on purpose for rp reasons, so im looking forward to exploring them later. lou's relationship with the emperor have been very umm.... shaky? lmao 😭 lou tried to kill him once, but also otherwise he was a professional ally i think. the emperor didnt even asked to fuck lou :( (lou wouldve said no but sdfbdhbfsd) he never trusted the guy, but also most of the game, he didnt trust many people anyway so it wasnt personal for the emperor lol. he was honestly planning to help laezel and free orpheus until the moment he had to make a decision, but the choices presented at that moment......... man. siding with the emperor felt the safest option at that time, so that's what we went with. it was definitely an interesting allyship!! it was a fun one to experience tho (sidenote, since im talking about the emperor umm. he and ansur definitely had a thing right? yes? alright moving on)
THEN everyone i helped just coming togetherrrrrrrrr awwww 😭😭 even the ox came!! sdnmdshfs i ended up summoning the harpers, the gur, nine fingers' guys, rolan's spell, and dame aylin before i made it to the brain itself lol it was a fun fight too!! it came in phases and i enjoyed all phases tbh. courtyard was v crowded but fun, then trying to climb up to the brain was STRESSFULL honestly but also fun!! the last part seemed intimidating but it was fine in the end. fuck you huge brain. also, i remember fighting the mind flayers at the end of act 2 in moonrise, and they gave me such a hard time i was scared of them lmaoooo and now my lvl12 ass is like huh. astarion can take u out in one turn with his 4 attacks in a row. bitch. sdfhjsfdgs (as always astarion carries the combat so hard for me- whatever will i do without relying on him all the time in my next runs???
and now THE CUTSCENES!!!!!!
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astarion on copium.......... he was so happy too. ON GOD WE WILL FIX YOUR SUN ALLERGY (in my mind) - and then having him run off towards the end of this scene :((((((((( alright not to make everything about the same trio jsfdhfdsf but! wonder how that plays out in astarion origin spawn ending?? because i NEED him in the next cutscene with karlach 😤 guess we will find out in some months lol
but for now! wyll and karlach are off to avernus :<<<< and im off with astarion to hopefully find a cure lol. and laezel got mad at me a little (seriously. just a little compared to what i was expecting sdhfhd) and left to go to space and stuff. which is very fair honestly, good luck and sorry girl :( (i wish there was an option to apologize to her for that decision because i really did want to help her, but.......... the choices that i have to make......... so hard)
i ofc said let it gooooo about the crown to gale lol (does this mean i got the "happy" ending for everyone except laezel? :<<<<)
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also im obsessed how there are 4 good answers and then just "let's break up" 😭😭 no in between here
alsoooo im very happy to have an epilogue party, but i wish there was a celebration right after the victory party as well!!
nowwww the party!!! my guys arriving to the party <3
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(another thing that i realized, i got so attached to playing a "big drow man" character LMAO so i will really need to push myself in character creation the next time. big drow man so lovely and so welcoming to me im sorry. i mean LOOK at my guy here 👇 isnt he so babygirl???)
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and i hugged astarion and all i got was this shitty screenshot :<< i am so bad at taking these sometimes dfhdhfd i tried so hard so many times to get the good kissing ones lmao... good thing i have a hard save at the epilogue so i can go hug him again
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and his dialogue ending with "i'll always be here, love"................... stop this nonsense why did this make me genuinely emotional............... promise??? promise??????????????? 😭😭😭
laezel is learning about friendship :ooooo im so obsessed with her honestly im so sorry i did you dirty girl 😭😭 i will romance you hopefully soon!!! and we will free orpheus this time!! (as i said, her showing up after not doing that is seriously so big for me lmao. i was worried she'd ditch us!! i love u bestie)
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also!!!! really really cute how there were letters from our friends at the chest!!! i really liked reading them. BUT. look who else is here 🙄 miss araj u are not my friend 😒 you CANNOT reclaim darling. do not ever call me darling. goodbye. dont write again.
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okay WHY does every line other than hugging him is kinda mean to gale 😭😭 it's true he is my least used companion in this run along with halsin but like.... i dont hate gale at all lmao im planning on using him more in my next run (the same with the other less used companions) (although so far i really do not care for halsin sorry bro) but yeah so i hugged gale...
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tara is judging me (another thing is, i literally saw tara once in this run, im guessing she would show up more if i focused on gale more??? please say it happens because i wanna see tara more too lol)
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also chose this option just for the chaos of it. can you even imagine. do we want astarion near impressionable young pupils. (gale was pretty okay with it but sir, reconsider please)
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i also hugged karlach!!!!!!! well of course!!!! she's glowing blue 🥺🥺🥺 i LOVE how karlach is optimistic about fixing her engine. girl pleaseeeeee dont die the world need you :((((( i loved her epilogue scene so much oughhhhhhh how she's playful but also so emotional!!!! mama k i need youuuuu
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and wyllllllllllll i wish i could hug him too ://////// but i love how he's going after mizora KILL HERRRRR let's kill her ughhh let wyll do things for himself!! i love it here!! and he became a ranger 🥺🥺 ranger buddies!!!! lou and wyll and minsc and honorary member astarion (he multiclassed into gloom stalker lol)
speaking of minsc, i want to use him more in my next run too!! this run i recruited him a little too late, and im already a ranger so... i find him genuinely amusing honestly, i dont know the general opinion on his silliness but i feel like i will really enjoy his character!! i especially want him and jaheira in the same party to have more fun lol
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seriously the most important character in the game btw ☝
scratch playing with the prism was also soooo 🥺 my little friends... the cub calls scratch big brother 😭😭
and hugged shart too :)
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press x to doubt tho 💀
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lmaooo can't believe this is a real line:
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i like how they look like they're having a conversation here. badass women i need u (also i know i said it already but, more jaheira pls?????? more jaheira im begging??????? she needs voicelines and idle animation at the party pleaseeeeeeee)
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weird bug with astarion and his knife tricks made me laugh here:
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also, volo literally inviting himself to the party 💀 withers dialogues and ending cutscene was fun too lmao
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thank you for listening to my ted talk fr if anyone read all this, you're my friend too let's go to fae-run and take tadpoles together 🤝
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journalsandshit · 7 months
01/15/2023 - a list of reasons that jack and carolinas relationship absolutely does not work
-they arent friends.
-they never just sit and have a conversation. its always either sex or silence with them. theyre either laying on each other asleep or fucking, they dont bond and they never have
-they dont know each other (she has a list of everything about him that she should know after just spending a little bit of time with him, and she has to ask me for help picking out his gifts bc i (by her own admittance) know him better than her)
-the gifts that they get each other are so telling of how little they know/care about each other. he gets her stuffed animals and jewelry that he has to be told she would like by her "friends". she gets him copies of stuff ive already bought him/us so its already been test ran (chains, rings, shoes). they clearly dont know each others likes and dislikes which is like relationship 101
-they never solve their issues, they either ignore them until they go away or they fuck it out and then ignore them until they go away, and they both fully acknowledge that this is something that they do but they dont ever try to fix it
-shes an idiot, and hes very much not an idiot, so they cant relate to each other on anything. she literally almost didnt graduate bc she failed math so many times and hes going to school to study theoretical physics. and he refuses to acknowledge how dumb she is past a joke so they can never have a real conversation about anything of interest, especially anything hes interested in, and its all superficial nonsense
-her family refuses to include him properly (they wont speak english around him), and she refuses to speak up about this so he never wants to do anything involving her family. he complains about it endlessly but doesnt have enough self respect to tell her to straighten them out
-shes delusional and clearly thinks that theyre gonna get married even though theyre a shit couple and literally everyone thinks so, but he clearly thinks that shes just having fun when she says that shit so theyre not at all on the same page relationship wise
-shes a fucking bitch and thinks its cute. (eg. telling maddie how much prom tickets cost after i said over and over again not to and when i told her that that wasnt cute she just smiled and pretended that she hadnt heard me (and when i looked at jack and said "i hate your girlfriend" he said "me too" so.. that seems not great for them)) -
-she does those stupid fucking "death glare" eyes that she thinks are intimidating-even though she just looks like a moron when she does it-towards any girl woman that looks in the general direction of jack despite the fact that they very much do not want him. like.. she clearly does not do well with the fucking "oPeN reLaTiONsHiP" and just lies to him about liking it bc she wants to keep him but hes too stupid to realize that hes being lied to and hes too stupid to realize that hes too stupid to realize that hes being lied to so he wont listen to people that tell him whats actually going on.
-i have never, not even one time, seen him have some sort of relationship with someone other than carolina that didnt end in a fight between the two of them. she always throws a fit about how hes leaving her and shes not enough for him and hes forced to feel guilty about something that is fundamentally okay within the bounds of their relationship and has to comfort her about it even though he did nothing wrong. thats classic psychological abuse but he doesnt care bc he refuses to even consider that carolinas not happy because that would mean that hes doing something wrong and god knows thats just impossible
-they dont acknowledge or respect each others boundaries. he doesnt acknowledge her dislike of the relationship dynamic and therefore cannot respect it. she kept roping people (meghan and company) into his life again and continued to do so after he explicitly told her that he was uncomfortable with it and that he didnt want to be around her. they keep forcing each other into horrible situations because they cannot grasp that their boundaries are not compatible with each other
0 notes
aidenwaites · 2 years
Oh my god I JUST remembered the batshit dream I had last night
#get ready for a doozy:#i had a dream that i was arrested and being put on trial because id gotten into a fight with some guy and I don't remember about what#but I remember the fight was mostly me just shoving the dude against a wall and then leaving#and ANYWAY this court was like...#i had a meeting with my lawyer and we walked into this huge building and had to pass through those turnstile subway station things#and the court itself was this HUGE like.. collesium almost#with auditorium seating around and below these giant walkways and balconies where members of the court sat#and there was this Thing where as an intimidation tactic??? everyone dressed and acted like this was an execution trial in ancient Greece??#and i was brought to a balcony that sits just outside where the actual court happens because they don't want the defendent interrupting or#something#so i sat there for a WHILE listening to court preceedings#and they were charging me with murder even though i didnt murder the guy#and things werent looking good#and then at one point the court adjourned and as this detective was walking over to me he stopped to fix a broken stage light#and found two laminated pieces of paper (the judge could not pronounce Laminated)#and he went to pocket them and i Phoenix Wright style demanded that new evidence be added to the court record#and THEN i had to wait through the break and then get called to take the stand#and the Stand was this little podium on the ground way way below the rest of the court's balconies#and when i got on it it starting rising at mach fuck speeds and i had to hang on for dear life#and then a jury/council member guy started dying or something so i did chest compressions and this won me favor with the court#and at some point after this i woke up court session still ongoing lmao
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delicrieux · 3 years
☆ミ 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚊𝚢 “𝚘𝚑”
PART 13: ...O-OH?
it’s the night of the big stream. y/n uncovers a strange, albeit deep, bond with charlie. corpse interrupts her garden date with sykkuno quite unceremoniously. tensions are high as ever; proximity chat reveals internal monologues and stray thoughts. y/n’s “batshit insane” energy affects everyone. this is, quite literally, the best game of among us bretman has ever played.
─── corpse husband x reader, sykkuno x reader (if you squint, it’s very one sided)  ─── soc. media + written fiction! ─── word count: 6.1k oops ─── ❥ reqs: sum people requested some interaction w bretman + jealous corpse + flirty sykkuno
author’s note: guys....GUYS WE’RE ON THE 3RD “OH” hope ur excited cus i am!!! this was rly fun to write, but then again, everything is better than writing an essay lmao! this is extremely chaotic and a bit seggsy but like a minuscule bit u wont even notice it i swear xx there’s not much social media in this one, mostly written lol. as always lmk wat u think n thank u for all ur kind words n sooo manyyyy ideassss!!! love u lots
ultimate masterlist.  ҉  myso masterlist   ҉   previous. ҉   next.
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It’s happening, you think, picking the discreet, angelic white color for your astronaut - with a halo and all, truly, you are a seraph that stepped through the gates of heaven and descended onto earth to grace these morals with your presence...quite literally, you’re not only donning white in game, but also in real life, cute as a button or more like as a bunny. Cat girls are overrated - cat boys, on the other hand, you’ll ardently defend till your last breath - but bunny girls...Safe to say, your chat had been going feral. Your endless ego is fed well. You even swore on your heart that no devilish trickery would follow in this game - you had left your snake ways behind you.
No one believed you. The Roaches know you too fucking well.
The influx of new subs, however, do not. Look at this cute girl! She wouldn’t hurt a fly! You chuckle at the compliments. At the exact same moment, Rae pipes up on the discord call, “Y/n is leering and cackling evilly. No one trust her.”
Demon woman herself must be watching your stream before starting her own. You pout, all adorable and innocent, but your eyes gleam slyly. Truly, a mastermind of manipulation! Look at you go! The chat is swooning. The viewer number steadily climbs past 16K and you hum happily, welcoming all that decided to join your little clan, “Don’t listen to Rae. Wifey is mad because I said I’m not bringing her back a souvenir. Well guess what, bitch, I’m the gift.”
Your perfect image does not quite align with your tone, nor the affectionate nickname you call your roommate (bitch, not wifey). The new viewers are none the wiser though, just like your new stream mates.
There is laughter from people you don’t quite know. The lobby is almost full, but not everyone has trickled in yet.
“Filing divorce papers right now.” Rae mumbles, but you hear the smile in her voice. It makes you crack a grin, too. 
More hello’s and shy introductions to the people in the lobby. Sykkuno’s green astronaut pops in with a upbeat, “Hey, everyone! Hi, Y/n!” as his character circles around yours. A collective awww echoes in your stream chat as you, quite breathless at the wholesomeness, reply with a “Hi! Hi hi!” as well.
Corpse is next to join, mysteriously ominous. The discord call is pure chaos, everyone screaming over the other variations of his name while stressing different syllables. Silent as a grave, he just stands there, his black astronaut seemingly eyeing everyone in the lobby. 
Alas, when the noise dies down, he utters, “Whaddup, baby.” and it’s pandemonium all over again. You are screeching/laughing along with the rest. His astronaut swiftly glides to Sykkuno, still circling around you, “Hey, Sykkuno.” He says. The latter abruptly stops. The game hasn’t even started, and already - betrayal! Sykkuno starts circling around Corpse now, leaving you in the dust.
“Hey, dude!”
“Yo,” You interrupt, “I’m like here too, yeah?”
“Fight, fight, fight!” Pokimane jeers. You can’t see her, but you’re certain she’s pumping her fists in the air. 
“Let’s leave the bloodshed for the game, yeah?” Dream offers past her laugh ridden urging.
“No, fuck that, let’s start this shit right now,” Charlie declares - his monotone is strangely pleasant to the ear, and you lean back in your chair with a thoughtful hum. Something about his energy just clicks with yours instantly, but perhaps you’re judging too quickly- “Got my fucking knife ready to slit some throats. You can all pretend you aren’t ready to kill on sight, but that’s not me. I’ll teabag your dead fucking body.”
-yeah, no, your initial estimate had been correct! What a pleasant surprise, you feel like you and he will get along beautifully. 
“Way to be subtle, Charles.” Rae snorts.
“Subtle doesn’t make an interesting game, Rae,” He’s quick to bite back, “and if I’m Impostor, you bet your fucking ass I’m going after you first.”
“Noooooo!” She shrieks, rushing to your astronaut, which is still just standing there, abandoned, like the equivalent of that one emoji, “Y/n, protect me.”
“Of course, baby.” You purr. 
There’s mumbling in the discord call, though it’s barely audible. Corpse seems to be repeating the word to himself: Baby...Baby?...Baby...
“You’re gonna stab me in the back the first chance you get, won’t you?” She questions, already painfully aware of the answer.
“You know it!”
“Finally, someone that’s not fucking cowering in their boots and flaunting their real nature.” Charlie says, “Y/n, form a Big Dick Alliance with me.”
“Oh for sure, man.” You agree immediately, trailing to his in game figure, “Let’s show these virgins how it’s done.”
“This is going to be a mess, isn’t it?” Sean’s voice rings with a cheerful laugh, making you flustered. Yes, you’re actually playing with THE JacksepticeyeTM. You still haven’t fully wrapped your head around that part, “I’m very excited to see where this will go.”
“Nowhere good.” You say with unparalleled sincerity - every word you speak to him, the icon, the legend, the one of the few youtubers you actually actively follow, must be genuine. You doubt you can lie to him. He’s too good of a person. You admire him too much. Stuck between wanting to be a shady bitch and an absolute saint, you refrain from addressing him more - you are simply not worthy.
its the y/n trying to act like a normal person in front of jack for me
ikr she looks ready to join the monastery
each day we stray closer to gods light???
Your viewers are snide as always. Gosh, you love them.
The last player pops in, fashionably late, “Hey, y’all.”
“Hey, Bretman!” The call choruses somewhat harmoniously.
“Hi, daddy.” He’s speaking to Corpse now, a smile in his voice - you can hear it even past the static of his atrocious mic. Your eyes widen, eyebrows shooting up. Your friends are cackling, but confusion refrains you from doing the same - were you not the only one Corpse offered, seemingly so long ago!, to be his sugar baby? 
One betrayal after the other. You’re glad for the Big Dick Alliance. The name has a nice right to it, too. 
Corpse laughs, “...Hey, Bretman. How are you today?”
Damn, two sentences for him, but not even a word spoken to you!? You’re already scripting a very melodramatic paragraph you will text him after the stream. With poorly masked discontent, you mutter, “Wow, thanks for such a warm welcome, Corpse, my day’s going great, yeah, loving the company.”
“Now now miss girl,” Bretman chimes, “we can’t be all daddy’s favorite.”
“Careful,” Charlie drones, “I think you just got yourself onto Y/n’s shit list.”
“Right next to Corpse Husband and Valkyrae.” You agree, “Sykkuno!” You suddenly call him.
“Uhm-Uh-Yes?” Is his nervous reply.
“You’re safe.” You state coldly, “For now.”
“You are not going after Sykkuno on my watch.” It must be a belated holiday miracle because Corpse finally decides to address you. His words seem to awake something in him, “Hey-Hey-Hey-” He swiftly glides to you, standing right next to your minute virtuous angel, “When are you coming back to Cali?”
corpse stop acting weird challenge
literally omg lmao
he does bring up a good point y/n y u not in cali yet?!
^pack it up corpse simp he disrespected the queen when he didnt say hi
“Back off, buddy,” Charlie interjects, “this spot is for Big Dick Alliance members only.”
“I’m never returning.” You inform him, your voice cold like the Arctic snow, and the look in your eyes is no kinder. You feel like you’re having a stare down through screen. 
Silence stretches. Is this an intimidation tactic? Because if it is, it’s a paltry one. Your conviction to be petty is stronger than any vulnerability you might feel.
“Then I have nothing to say to you.” He admits and fucks right off with that. Fine, go join Sykkuno and Rae in their little corner of betrayal! Friendship ended with Corpse, now Charlie is your best friend.
“Okay, guys, guys, guys-” Toast, noting this is going to spiral any minute now, tries to catch their attention, “Let’s start?!”
You look into your camera, and the roaches know what you’re thinking. You’re twins like that, communicating telepathically. You are taking back your tender promise of not being a conniving bastard. It’s fucking on. You will destroy everyone in your path, starting with the guy you have a stupid crush on - maybe?! Feelings are confusing, you’d rather just not think point blank period.
With no objections from the cast, the counter ticks away seconds and, for the first round, you’re stuck as CREW MATE.
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Charlie is a gift. Truly, you had not expected such a sudden, wonderful relationship to bloom. How have you not known of him sooner?! It’s a crime that you hadn’t spoken to him earlier. You are a 100% certain if you had found him before you started streaming, he would’ve been a big inspiration. 
The two of you do your silly little tasks and curse like sailors, commenting about this and that thanks to proximity chat. You wouldn’t have been able to stand the claustrophobic silence if it was just a normal Among Us game - to think, missing out on all his foully worded quips! It almost springs a tear into your eye. He’s just as unhinged as you.
worried about this dynamic 
its a trainwreck lol i love it plz collab more plz
Caught in a headed discussion in Electrical - TikTok trends, or audios specifically - you defend the app the best you can. Charlie thinks it’s super cringe, and you insist it’s part of the charm as you connect wires.
“I mean, have...-do you know that one audio, the one that goes, like,” You’re spilling your words, heated, frustrated that he’s so dismissive of the app that literally saved 2020, “it goes like, uhm,” You clear your throat, prep your voice - even take a sip of your favorite drink. Drawing the syllables, you try your best to make it drop an octave - it must sound like you’re doing an atrociously bad and nauseatingly scratchy Corpse impression with an extra dramatic flair, “My assssssss, your cockkk, you do the mathhh.”
“Did-Did I just-” You freeze hearing Corpse’s voice, finally done with your task. Charlie is muffling his laughter behind his palm; Corpse’s astronaut stands in the doorway, “What the fuck did I just walk into?” He seems genuinely confused, though a strangely winded. You’re mortified. Your shoulders are shaking. You look at the stream chat but it’s going too fast for you to follow. Manic laughter bubbles in your chest and you squeeze your eyes shut, mouth split into a toothy grin, lowering your head and trying to hide the blush dusting your cheeks.
“Hey? Guys? What the fuck are you talking about?” He questions again.
“Honestly?” Charlie chimes, “No fucking clue. TikTok, I think. Ask Y/n.”
You can’t reply. You’re crying. You cover your face with your palms, muttering a soft oh my god before bursting into a full blow laugh, throwing your head back, the motion accidentally knocking your headphones off.
“Y/n.” Corpse calls you, “Fuck was that?”
You’re howling. Your stomach hurts. There are literal tears in your eyes. You think Charlie might be laughing too, but you can’t really tell over your loud screeching. Hastily fixing your headphones, you wipe away the tears stuck to your lower lashes, heaving, “S-Sorry, I-” You stutter, breaking into another fit of giggles. Corpse patiently waits you to calm down. Catching your breath, you start again with a sniffle, “TikTok, yeah.” You idly fix your hair, trying to bite down a smile, “It’s an audio.”
“What- What kind of videos are you watching?”
“The good kind.” Your reply is instant, merciless, “Also, why are you here? We’re having a BDA meeting, you know.”
“I-I...” He trails off, “I...I heard people talking and...I just came here to check it out, but...I’m regretting it.” There’s a lilt in his voice, and you know he doesn’t regret jack shit. You bet he’s smiling. You wish you could see it.
“Bitch, then leave!” You huff. You aren’t sure what is with him today, and you don’t want to stick around and find out - his playfulness makes your stomach flip at the most inappropriate times! Like when you’re trying to sound threatening. You must retreat posthaste, “No, wait, I’ll do it for you.” You say, brushing past his character. Charlie follows after you.
“Dude, you’re so fucking lucky neither of us are the Impostor because you’d be deader than I’ve been feeling since I was 10.” Your favorite companion comments. Charlie is truly a modern wordsmith. You’re pretty sure you adore him, because you’re nodding your head, so quick to agree with him that even you’re surprised. 
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A meeting is called. You spare a glance at your fallen crew mates. They will be missed. Sean most of all, God, why does heaven always take the good ones?! The game feels emptier without him, even if you really only passed him once on your trek to Cafeteria with Charlie.
You may or may not have been avoiding him, afraid you’d accidentally say something horrible and he would hate you. It’s a silly fear, though a deep one. And with Charlie keeping you company, you had not uttered a single objectively  good, or even coherent, sentence. Your parents can’t watch this stream once it’s uploaded onto your Youtube channel. They know you’re barely keeping it together in most of your videos, but here, now? Yeah, no. Charlie is already hard to listen to on his own for sensitive viewers, and hearing you agree with literally everything he says with your own chaotic ideas? Your dad would stumble into an early grave.
Mom probably wouldn’t mind too much, but you’d have to explain your relationship status again. She is under the assumption that everyone you collab with is your significant other. You’d say it began with Sykkuno, though the exclamation of “Finally! My daughter isn’t pathetically single! We need to celebrate.” had started with Rae. Truly, a scandal.
Speaking of which, Sykkuno is gone, too, but you had time to mourn him already. You found his body roughly ten minutes ago; so torn with the fresh agony of heartbreak, you could not do anything else but cry. It was Charlie, bless his heart, that reported it.
“Someone killed Jack,” You say, voice dripping with venom, “court is now in session. I’m ready to vote the fucker out.”
People speak all at once. Toast roars over them, “ORDER! ODER IN COURT!” as he slams his hand onto his desk repeatedly. That seems to work, though briefly.
“I think it’s Y/n.” Corpse says. You stare at him, hand gripping your heart, mouth falling open in surprise.
flame him
corpse boutta be a corpse fr
beat his ass queen!!!!!
“Pardon my french,” You grumble, “but nani the fuck?!”
“It’s definitely Y/n, I found her and Charlie conspiring in Electrical. Surrealist experience of my fucking life, but it’s definitely her.”
“Dude, we’ve been over this,” Charlie sighs, shushing Rae who was about to comment something - knowing your luck, it was probably in favor of the man throwing you under the bus, “we would’ve snapped your fucking neck the moment you walked in. But we didn’t.”
“Yeah, we didn’t.” Corpse notes, “I said nothing about you, I’m just saying it’s definitely her. She probably didn’t kill in front of you because of your stupid alliance-”
“Someone sounds salty because he wasn’t invited.” Pokimane snickers.
“-or possibly she did tell you and you won’t betray her for the exact same reason.”
“That’s some big brain logic you pulled there, genius,” Charlie says, absolutely unimpressed, “sure you didn’t have an aneurysm trying to connect all of that together?”
“Well,” Rae pipes up, “Y/n and Charlie did say they will kill right before the game started. If you ask me, it’s not unbelievable. And Sykkuno was sorta on the shit list.”
“I’m writing down your name twice, Rachell.” You spit.
“Not helping your case at all, Y/n...” Dream worries, “And Rae makes a good point. Charlie and you have professed desire for murder. I’m just saying! It’s a bit suspicious, you know?”
The next words to leave Corpse’s lips sound incredibly smug, “See?” He drawls.  The pressure is getting to you - you don’t understand where this beguiling talent of his to convince literally everyone comes from, but it doesn’t inspire any confidence. Your fist suddenly feels incredibly lonely, so useless - oh, how you long to swing at him, “It’s definitely Y/n.”
“I dunno...” Toast mumbles.
“It’s Y/n.”
“Corpse-” You try, but he's ignoring you - shocker, as if he hadn’t been doing that from the very start of this stupid game - and chanting your name like it’s a fucking mantra or something, a smile in his voice, knowing, relishing in the fact that he’s grating on your nerves, “FIRST OF ALL,” You scream into the mic, successfully cutting him off; catching your breath, you exhale, and continue, calmly, lowly,  “get my pretty name out of your mouth.” 
There’s a pause full of tense silence. 
Then, there’s a sound, seemingly stuck in the back of his throat, “...O-Oh...?”
“Second of all,” You continue, words like honey dipped in arsenic, “This is the clearest smear campaign I have ever witnessed. By how hard you’re trying to frame me for fuck knows what reason, I’m led to believe it’s you that killed them. You’re the Impostor.”
“Corpse wouldn’t kill Sykkuno, though.” Rae comments, skeptical.
“Then the other Impostor did it.” You counter.
“Maybe you’re both Impostors.” Pokimane chirps.
“Y/n would never betray the Big Dick Alliance like that.” Charlie states.
You grin, “Charlie, I literally love you.” 
“Wait hold up now,” Corpse seems to get his bearings together, “what’s this about love I’m hearing?”
“I have none for you, dick.” You snap, flipping him off. Your chat cheers. While he can’t see it, you hope he senses it through the screen, “I officially hate you.”
“No, wait-”
“Boo, Corpse, you suck.” Toast laughs.
“Y/n, please-”
“Let’s all vote for Corpse Husband, okay?” You say it like it’s his full official name with an encouraging smile and multiple soft nods. Sykkuno can’t be here to nod, so you’ll do it for him. You eye the rapidly decreasing timer before clicking on Corpse’s figure and voting for him. The VOTED icon instantly pops up beside your adorable astronaut.
“Baby, I-” It slips past his lips so easily, as if he’s not even thinking about it, like it’s only natural to call you that and a spike of anxiety shoots up, making you glare. It’s only halfhearted. You try your best to ignore the rapid and uncoordinated pulses of your heart. Replace unwanted feelings with anger and hate - works like a charm, every time.
“You are not allowed to call me that.” You hiss. The chat spams snake emojis. 
“Wait-” Bretman chimes, “Hold up, y’all, slow down a minute. Why does Corpse never call me baby?”
“Yeah!” Pokimane agrees, “I want to be baby, too!”
Pokimane may not have been called baby, but you just single-handedly decided her nickname for her - Target 4. Welcome to the shit list, she is officially your public enemy number 1. You aren’t sure why the thought of Corpse ever referring to anyone else as baby makes you sick to your stomach (you actually do know why, but brain no think at the moment), but you wish this whole conversation never happened. You don’t like it.
20 seconds left. More VOTED icons appear by your friends. Corpse is the last one to cast his ballot at, you assume, you, as the rest wait for his quick explanation before everyone (or not) returns to the game, “...Because she’s my baby.”
Goodbye. Life had been sweet, and there was sorrow, though the amount of embarrassment you feel now is worse than when the internet found your cringe worthy high school pictures on your mom’s Facebook. It’s a mixture of dread and excitement - the pleasure of being noticed, cherished even, though anxious from vulnerability. Someone is screaming a very prolonged “WHAAAAT?!”, or maybe multiple people are, you aren’t sure, your ears start to hurt from the loud, conflicting cacophony of voices as you stare blankly at the screen. You received two votes, just like Corpse, Charlie got one, the rest skipped. With no one flung out, you all find yourself back in Cafeteria again.
Baby. My baby? My baby. My baby. The sentence is playing ping-pong in your mind, reverberating louder each time. You’re actually speechless for the first time in your life; your chest hurts, your heart beating so fast your hands start shaking. Had he meant it? Or was this a some joke? Was he trying to get a rise out of you again? You might just go insane from so many questions. My baby. Holy shit, this is a heart attack, this is what a heart attack feels like, dear God, you figured you at least had ten years before you get one!
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First round ends with IMPOSTORS raining victorious. Your sixth sense had been working wonders since, true to you previous estimate, it had been Corpse. His companion was Pokimane. For absolutely no reason what’s so ever, you change her name once more from Target 4 to Target 1. Normally, you’re all for girls supporting girls. Men don’t deserve anything, really, but now you’re so flustered and still reeling from what you are 80% sure was cardiac arrest that you genuinely don’t care about your established morals.
Round two starts without much deliberation. You get CREW MATE again; the game must sense your growing bloodlust, making sure that once you do get IMPOSTOR, you will not hold back. True power is granted to those who are ready and strong enough to wield it. You wait for your moment with bated breath.
Charlie is taken from you too early. The two of you were once again caught in a discussion - God knows about what, Minecraft, hentai, oh! your server! - as you tried to card swipe for the umpteenth time. The lights blew out and you just knew one of you was getting murdered there and then. Charlie’s voice abruptly cut off, and you think a part of you died with him.
It’s a cold meeting; with your new best friend being the first to go, everyone decides to skip. You proclaim you seek vengeance. When the meeting comes to an end, Sykkuno is the first to offer his condolences.
“I’m sorry, Y/n.” He says, and while he’s not in Brooklyn, you somehow feel him patting your back. You feign a sniffle.
“There’s nothing to apologize for...” You murmur sadly, “Unless...” Your voice turns sharp as the knife that was surely twisted into Charlie’s back, “It was you?”
“NO!” He exclaims, “I would never-you gotta believe me! I would never kill him. I know he’s important to you. I wouldn’t do that, I swear.”
“He was like a brother to me.” You admit, solemn, “Charlie, if you’re haunting me right now, know I will avenge you. I will not let this go.”
Sykkuno hums, circling around you, “Hey, I have a task in Greenhouse. Would you, uh--Would like to, uhm, join me?” Despite the shaky start, he finishes on a firm, pleasant note. He’s trying to cheer you up. Having lost your closest friend, he’s offering you his company. You accept with a soft smile and a cute “Yes, please!” and he releases an airy little laugh. The two of you make your way to your favorite place in map MIRA.
It’s difficult to stay sad for long when Sykkuno’s so sweet; the atmosphere of the Greenhouse is strangely calming; your problems seem to be left behind the shut doors. If you tried hard enough, you could imagine being in an actual Greenhouse - the warm, damp air clinging to your skin, the unmistakable smell of earth and vegetation, the pleasant silence broken only by yours and his hushed voices and clumsy footsteps.
The two of you are talking. Mainly about your choice of attire. Cat first, Sykkuno ponders aloud, doing his task as you watch the plants grow, now bunny, what’s next? You affirm that you will most likely dress up in cow-print next, or as an adorable sheep. He laughs, admitting you’ll look good in anything before he trails off. His awkwardness is really endearing. 
“Or!” You chirp happily, content with being locked away with him for the whole game. The idea must be playing in his mind, too, because he seems in no rush to leave, “I could, like, dress as someone from My Hero Academia. I watched the stream you did with Stella, the one where she made you look like Todoroki. It was really cute. You were really cute.”
“Oh, uhm-well, uh, thank you, thanks, I, uhm-” He clears his throat, and despite his stutter, you hear the smile in his voice, “I-I think you’d look better, though. Not as Todoroki. Or, probably as Todoroki, too. But, uhm, what character are you thinking about?”
“Maybe Momo?”
“Momo!” He yeps, “Momo is good. Yeah, she’s great. You’ll-uhm-you’ll look amazing. Really. Momo is awesome. Very pretty. Just like you.”
You are blushing. A stupid, toothy grin makes your cheeks hurt. Your eyes flicker to the chat, but again, it’s going wild. Giggling, you thank him for his sweet words, so giddy it’s honestly embarrassing. Why can’t you stop smiling? This is incriminating. You hide your lips behind your palm.
“...What’s this?” Corpse question. You had failed to note his sudden appearance, too busy gushing. “Am I interrupting?”
“Hey, Corpse!” Sykkuno greets. For someone so awkward and shy, he sure is good at hiding it when he wants to. Perhaps it’s all an act and you had been deviously tricked! Probably not, but you can’t help but narrow your eyes suspiciously, finally able to calm down. You definitely underestimated him, you just haven’t figured out how yet, “Not really! Y/n was sad Charlie died so I took her here.”
“You interrupted our date, dipshit.” You deadpan. 
“...Fuck you say?” Corpse dares, his voice low and somewhat menacing - for someone who exclusively portrays his emotions through only his voice, he’s incredibly hard to read. This is payback. Your love for wreaking havoc resurfaces suddenly. Serves him right for pulling all this ignoring shit at the start. Maybe you’ll make him say oh again.
Your sly smirk is promptly wiped. Fuck. He said oh, he literally said oh out loud. The Teruhashi fangirl in you is screaming. You had been so caught up in defending yourself you didn’t even register it at first. Alarmed, you look at the camera, then at the chat. First oh, then my baby. There’s no way he had been teasing you, and this proves it. Holy shit. You mouth the words “HE SAID OH!” for your audience only.
now she notices
snail pace baby we’ve been loosing our shit for the past hour 
corpse x y/n saikik au enemies to lovers 500k words slow burn im here for it
opening wattpad rn^
Your heart races in your chest - it might be considered an Olympic medalist at this point; flustered yet again, you wish you could cave into yourself. You should’ve brought your bright blue wig with you to Brooklyn. Turns out it would have been perfect for this stream. Yes, yes thinking about unnecessary details always works in distracting you from the butterflies throwing a fucking rave in your stomach. 
“I guess it is a date!” Sykkuno admits, “Kinda after a funeral, but still.”
Corpse hums. You’re still too stunned to say anything. The black astronaut with adorable cat ears approaches Sykkuno. 
“It’s not.” He states. Your mouth falls open in shock as your date, your companion, the Shoto to your Momo is murdered in cold blood right in front of you. His lifeless body, cut in half, lays on the tiles by the growing flowers, right beside you, “You didn’t see shit.”
“...I didn’t see shit.” Is all you can utter, breathless and terrified.
“Thaaaat’s fucking right, baby.” Corpse coos, “Now I’m gonna report it, and I’ll say we found Sykkuno together. Better stick close to me after the meeting, got it?”
If Sykkuno is Shoto, then Corpse is definitely Dabi. 
why is that kinda hot tho omg
didn’t know i needed dom corpse since now but i do
y/n looks like shes boutta throw up lmao 
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You follow him around like a lost puppy - because what else is left for you to do!? You’re helpless in this situation. He’s got you in the palm of his hand, successfully eliminating everyone you had previously interacted with. First it was Charlie, then Sykkuno, even Sean, who said hello in passing, was shot instantly. Real Sangwoo behavior. You almost want to scream warnings at everyone to not approach you. You cannot mourn another lost crew mate, you don’t think your conscience can take it. But words fail to form. You’re too weak. You fake cry to your audience. They’re quick to remind you to stop acting like a little bitch.
“Mean.” Is all you say, eyeing the comments.
“Was talking to the roaches.”
“What are they saying?”
“That I should betray you.”
“...Better not.”
A shiver shoots up your spine and you half believe he will bust down your door and drag you into his basement for real. A nervous laugh slips past your lips, “I won’t, I won’t.” You reassure him, “Don’t worry, I’m sticking with you. I haven’t seen shit.”
“I like that you listen to me. You always this agreeable?”
“You’re kinda not giving me a choice right now.” You grumble, vending yourself a drink while he looms behind you, protecting you. From who?! Himself?!
“Oh my fucking God, finally,” Bretman exclaims, “girl, I’ve been running around the whole map trynna find someone, is everyone like, dead?”
You’re scared to reply. Corpse does it for you, “Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, maybe? Not sure. Where have you been?”
“Oh you know,” Bretman grins, “doing tasks, talking shit, the usual. You two are not, like, Impostors right?”
You shoot a look at Corpse, but he obviously can’t see it. Biting your lip, you murmur, “Nope.”
“Just your regular crew mates doing regular crew mate things.” Corpse says, no, purrs. Because that’s not suspicious at all. You’d recommend Bretman to run, and not only because that sounded shady as fuck. But he seems to enjoy danger, or he just doesn’t care.
“Hmmmm, crew mates, sure. Miss girl Y/n,” He’s addressing you now; you smile anxiously, “How come every time I see you, you’re with a different man?! Like damn, leave some for the rest of us, for real!”
You like Bretman. You like his high-pitched whine and drawl. You would like him even more if not for the complex situation at hand. You fear for his life. Chewing at your bottom lip, you snicker, “Sorry, Bret. I can leave you Corpse if you want?”
He laughs, “Girl, I’d say yes so fucking quick, but I know he wouldn’t want that. Normally I wouldn’t care, but y’all are such a cute couple it’s making me not want to be a shady motherfucking bitch. Changing my ways, embracing the lord. Love it.”
 Corpse doesn’t correct him that you are, in fact, not dating. His lack of reaction unnerves you slightly. Does he...? No! No think! Only exist! You catch that train of thought and steer it away from forbidden territory. Looks like it’s up to you to clear the air, and that is exactly what you do after trying to swallow down the lump in your throat, “Uh, we’re not together, actually. We’re just really good friends.”
“Bitch, then move over,” Bretman says snappily,”go like, back to your other boyfriends. Or find another one. I think I saw Dream near Navigation.”
“Near Navigation, huh?” Corpse hums thoughtfully. It’s a subtle warning, but you catch it. Yeah, even if you try running, Dream’s going to join your other ‘boyfriends’ in the afterlife. Granted, killing someone by just talking with them is kind of cool. Or maybe Stockholm Syndrome is finally kicking in, “Bret, the thing is, Y/n’s scared of dying, so she asked me to stay with her.”
It’s disturbing how good at lying he is. It is also really really attractive, as bizarre as that is.
y/n stop being in a toxic relationship with corpse challenge
making fanart of this omg her face
its the blushing for me girl get your head outta the gutter!
^she cant, it lives there
“Baby, you’re gonna fucking die if you stick with her,” Bretman points out, “have you noticed the mortality rate of her partners? Rest in peace, daddy.”
“He’s right, you know.” You mutter, dramatically looking to the side, “I’m no good, Corpse.”
“Not leaving you, end of discussion. Bretman, join us?” Corpse offers, catching you by surprise. He might still be lying, though. Creating a false sense of security before eliminating Bretman. Probably would laugh while doing it, too. Wow, he truly is evil.
Turns out he doesn’t have to do any of that, because when Dream strolls into Cafeteria, he kills Bretman instead. The two Impostors are finally revealed. You promised not to snitch on Corpse, but you didn’t say shit about not exposing Dream. You press the REPORT button and say just that: “Dream just murdered Bret right in front of me and Corpse.”
✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼
The last meeting is called. Dream had been voted out with the help of Corpse, and now only you, he, and Rae remain.
“Baby, you know what to do.”
The VOTED icon pops up beside Corpse’s astronaut. Rae wheezes, “No! Y/n, it’s not me, you gotta believe me, I swear it’s not me!”
“...I really don’t know,” You murmur, “I’ve been with Corpse a lot, and...Rae, I’m not sure...”
“Please! I swear it on my Kagayama cardboard cut out, I’m not the Impostor, please! You know me, I’d never lie to you like this.”
“She’s definitely lying.” Corpse says, sounding pleased.
“Don’t listen to him! Remember, during the first round, when he tried to convince us that you were the Impostor? He’s doing the same shit to me!”
“I also remember you agreeing with him.” You remind her.
“I was stupid! Small dumb brain moment! He was using us to win! He’s using you right now!” She votes, “Please, Y/n, make the right choice.”
You’re silent for a moment.
“I’m gonna...I’m gonna vote for who I think it is.” You lastly say.
A slow, lazy grin makes it’s way onto your lips, eyes gleaming mischievously. You had not forgotten your promise to your brother from another mother, you had not forgotten the pride of the BDA, you had not forgotten your beautiful friendship. Two miniature astronauts pop up by Corpse’s at the exact moment Rae screeches “YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!”
“Fuck.” Is all Corpse says with a laugh.
The screen changes, informing of the first CREW MATE victory.
Your ears are assaulted with different voices as you appear in the lobby.
“Now that’s what I’m fucking talking about.” Charlie raves, “I swear to fucking God, Y/n, you even got me going for a second. Pulled some 1000 IQ shit right there. It was fucking amazing. Best back stabbing I’ve seen in a while, and I’ve seen a lot.”
“That was absolutely fantastic, Y/n.” Sean applauds, “I really thought you joined Corpse like some crew mate accomplice or something. Can’t believe you switched on him at the last second.”
“That’s my wifey!” Rae cheers, strolling to you, “Love you, mwah.”
“Hey, Corpse,” Charlie calls him, “How does it feel to be a fucking loser?”
“I’m surprisingly fine with it.”
yeah he would be lmao
mom is the best snake ever i love you sm y/n
rae and y/n’s friendship....the feeeeeels
As the rest sing your praises for another solid minute or two, the third round begins. CREW MATE again. Though, just because you’re stuck as an underpaid worker in a dying spaceship, it doesn’t mean you’re innocent. Your last round proved that quite well. You can’t help but silently snicker.
✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼
tags (in italics is those i couldn’t tag! make sure all’s ok w your settings!) : @littlebabysandboxburritos - @fairywriter-oracle - @tsukishimawh0re - @ofstarsanddreams - @bbecc-a - @annshit - @leahh19 - @letsloveimagines - @bellomi-clarke - @wineandionysus - @guiltydols - @onephootinfrontoftheother - @liamakorn - @thirstyfangirl - @lilysdaydreams - @pan-ini - @mxqicshxp - @tanchosanke - @yoshinorecommends - @flightsandfantasy - @liljennyx3 - @bingusmode - @unknown-and-invisible - @sinister-sleep - @fivedicksinatrenchcoat - @mercury--moon - @peterparkerspjsuit - @unstableye - @simonsbluee - @shinyshimaagain - @ppopty - @siriuslystupid - @crapimahuman - @ofthedewthesunlight - @mythicalamphitrite - @artsyally - @corpsesimpp - @corpsewhitetee - @corpse-husbandsimp - @hyp-oh-critical - @roses-and-grasses - @rhyrhy462 - @sparklylandflaplawyer - @charbkgo - @airwaveee - @creativedogs - @kaitlyn2907 - @loxbbg - @afuckingunicornn - @fleurmoon - @yeolliedokai
more tags are in the comments bcs tumblr only allows me to tag 50 people max 💙
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moonlit-imagines · 3 years
Headcanons for being an Avenger with the power of persuasion
Avengers x reader
a/n: towards the end this branches off into the fatws timeline but there’s no explicit spoilers
prompt: anonymous: “Can you do hcs for the avengers with a reader who has powers like Allison Hargreeves from The Umbrella Academy?”
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the avengers were a little iffy about you because......someone with your power was hard to trust at first
“mind control isn’t as fun as it sounds, you guys. i really don’t wanna keep my guard up at all times when i’m at home base” -clint
“yeah, i’m not sure if i trust this one yet. i mean, i’m totally immune to mind control, but what if they mind control someone to come after me? and they have easy access to the place?” -tony
“excuse me, did you just say you were immune to mind control?” -nat
“he most certainly is not” -wanda
i mean, you get it and all. you heard stories of the avengers’ past encounters. it couldve messed them up
and they had no character references for you
you were new and mysterious
and your powers could be dangerous if you used them the wrong way
“well, i say we take a chance on them. they might surprise us” -cap
“i knew you would say some crap like that” -tony
“i thought a surprise was the opposite of what we wanted?” -bruce
you were put on the team soon after, but you had to have a buddy on missions
*pretending that we have deaf/hoh!clint like in the comics* you were buddied up with clint since your powers were auditory
“you can’t sign me an involuntary command, can you?” -clint
“no, sir” -you
“cool, cool, cool” -clint
stealth looked good on you, ngl
you were able to get behind heavy gunmen and whisper commands to them
“simon says you are an avenger now, shoot the enemy” -you
“simon says i am your new boss, take out your ex-coworkers” -you
“simon says give me your keycard” -you
“simon says i’m not the enemy, you are” -you
“not bad down there, y/n!” -sam
“thanks! now can somebody give me a lift to that one all the way up there?” -you
you proved yourself that day, so everyone got a lot more comfortable with you
and you made a promise that day that you’d never use your powers on them
but occasionally someone would ask you a simple favor, like putting them to sleep or making them focus on a project
“i think the focus one could be a fire hazard” -you
“so just come and get me! or let me die, that’d be fine, too” -tony
“whatever...simon says focus on the new tech” -you
time went by and things got tough, especially when the sokovia accords rolled in
“i wasn’t even there for that, mr. secretary” -you
“and i’m aware of that, mx. l/n, but you still pose a threat to people around the world. you have the means to walk into any place you want and do anything you want. you can see how that makes people uneasy, don’t you?” -ross
“i’ve never used my abilities for anything but good” -you
“what y/n is trying to say is—” -steve
“he knows what i’m trying to say, but apparently that’s the issue” -you
you were “grounded” with wanda
and pretty pissed about it
“i can understand why i’m here, y/n, but you? what did you do?” -wanda
“i intimidate men in charge, i guess” -you
sounds about right, huh?
but clint broke you out
“finallyyyyy! vision is such a drag” -you
and when you got to germany, you were conflicted with yourself
should you use your powers on the teammates who wanted you locked away?
if you got into their comms, you could stop it in an instant
but that’d take some time
“hi, simon(e)! i’m, uh, scott! i think you’re pretty neat!” -scott (p.s. y/n’s hero name is simon/simone. whatever you prefer idrc)
“thanks...and what do you do?” -you
“he shrinks!” -sam
you snuck out to the pavement and tried to hack their comms, but could only do it one at a time
so you got the spider kid
“simon says stick the cat man to the side of the plane” -you
but that cat had claws
alright, it might be harder than you think
“oh god, simon(e)?” -scott
“what is it?” -you
“i’m a little nervous for my next trick...would it be too much to ask if you did your little command thing for me?” -scott
“ughhhhh...simon says, go on with your ‘trick’” -you
and all the sudden he shot up into the air
“oh, nice” -you
you really hated fighting with these guys, but you were out of options and now cap wanted you to come with him, he wouldn’t leave without you
“steve, i’m sorry. simon says leave without us” -you
and that he did, which left you to be caught by a hair
“so close, weren’t you?” -tony
“simon says go to hell” -you
“very funny, guess i’m immune to mind control, after all” -tony
having a mouth restraint place on you that tony had been saving ever since you joined the team
one that “team cap” heavily protested the second they saw it
“tony, that’s wrong! don’t you trust them enough not to do that? they’re going to hate you after all of this” -wanda
“it’s either me or them. at least mine is comfortable” -tony
kinda fucked lol but understandable ig
having to testify without a voice, only able to type or write
but eventually you made your case and were able to make a deal, but part of that deal was to keep your mouth sealed when in the presence of authority since your voice was deemed a weapon ;)
kinda a dick move if you ask me
so you said fuck that and became a fugitive with steve + friends
but used your powers less and less
again, only for favors because it was hard to get peace in these crappy motels
“simon says kill that roach, oh god” -you @ steve
“you were an avenger and you can’t kill a roach?” -sam
“don’t start with me, sam, or you’re sleeping on the floor” -you
“you wouldn’t” -sam
“don’t test me” -you
waiting and waiting for some kind of turning point that didnt come until alien invasion 2.0
and you tried so hard to stop thanos from snapping, but the stones got the best of you as you were frozen in time
but fortunately you didn’t dust
leaving you to get a rematch against thanos when the time would come
and reuniting with tony just for him to lecture you with the rest of the team
“go fuck yourself, tony” -you
“oh, thank god they didn’t say ‘simon says’” -that raccoon you’ve known for like 3 weeks
“do you ever shut up?” -you
“no, he does not” -nebula
anyways your time did not come and you waited five years for another chance
and although you did not redeem yourself on your own, you were just glad that your side, humanity, had won
but just before thanos had ceased to exist, you told him
“simon says to feel the pain of loss for all of eternity” -you
it may have been cruel, but it’s what he deserved
the next step was for you and sam to be pardoned of your crimes
but you didn’t exactly part ways just because...what else was there for you to do? the two of you were close after your time on the run
and all was well until he decided to give the shield up
“oh, bucky’s gonna be pissed” -you
“he’ll be fine” -sam
now, bucky had mixed feelings about you
he was nervous about your powers, but you did save him
and he knew what it felt like not to be trusted
so he gave you a chance and partnered with you after the “new captain america” and the “flag smashers” fiasco
legally, if you used your powers on a government official/soldier you’d go back in the slammer, but it was quite tempting, even if it were just a “simon says punch yourself in the face”
and off to madripoor you went with...zemo
“are you going to persuade me into something petty, mx. l/n?” -zemo
“i’ve gotta make it worth it, honestly, but there’s no rule against me doing so, so at least i won’t feel bad” -you
and who knows what’s next?
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedficrecs // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisqueer // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck // @randomawesomeperson102 // @ghost-bich // @wonderful-writer // @of-a-chaotic-mind // @groovyfluxie // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @lxncelot // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @agentshortstacc // @rosadiaz-sarayvargas-harleyquinn // @werewolf-himbo // @comiocudequemtalendo1 // @mochamoff // @the-marvel-meme-emporium // @summersimmerus //
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anne-i-write · 3 years
moriarty the patriot headcannons pt. 1
| requested by anon: Can you write about all male characters in moriarty has a same look of their  children and hpw many children they want? |
william x reader; louis x reader; albert x reader; sebastian x reader; fred x reader
word count: 2397
pt. 2: 221b boys
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william: 487 words
with his whole plan to clean the world of the filthy nobles, william never really stopped to think about having children
well, until he met you
you both were in town one day and he saw you fondly watching a child speak with her mother
“i think two children would be nice”
“i didn’t even ask”
“i know, but the look you gave that mother was telling enough”
n e ways he is a simp and he did eventually give you what you wanted
fast forward a few years, you have two children: a boy and a girl
and they look exactly like their father
like,, it lowkey pains you how much they physically take after their father
you wanted to be like “oh they have your personality, but they look just like me!”
granted, your son took after you in an emotional sense but your daughter was a daddy’s girl through and through
like she looks like him, she acts like him, speaks like him, she even EATS like him
ok but the men w your children
fred is a freaking sweetheart ok
like he’ll watch over the kids when no one has the time and they love him too so they’ll help out in the garden which you are SO thankful for
tbh they only like uncle albert bc he brings them lil trinkets from when he gets back from london LMAO
louis doesn’t show it, but he absolutely adores your children and makes extra snacks for them at tea time
you caught onto this at one point bc for some REASON your kids would not stop bouncing off of the walls before bed and they told you uncle louis gave them chocolate
and sebastian loves messing w your kids bc,,, sebastian
but he accidentally made your son cry ONCE and he was at the mercy of every adult in the moriarty estate including the boy’s younger sister
needless to say, he watched his actions and words around your children after that
now, william
i’m just gonna say this straight out: most of the men never really thought about having kids (save john and albert)
but when you finally had kids, william had a different outlook on life
like fr,, this man works overtime now trying to get rid of the filth that is called nobles
he doesn’t want his kids to be raised in a world where just because you have more money than another means you get to look down on them
you still instill in them those good morals ofc
he also tries to be very present in their lives since he and his brother were raised as orphans
when he was younger, he didn’t mind it all much
but now that he had this small family and a brighter future, he did everything in his power to make sure they’re happy and grow up in a cleaner and kinder world
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louis: 320 words
it took you a week to get him to at LEAST humor you
“if you could, how many kids do you want?”
like, this guy is so dedicated to his brother and his cause it is a WONDER you somehow wormed your way into his heart
but you did and honestly, the brothers are actually very happy that you’re with them
william especially
louis rarely emotes but when you came into their lives, you got louis pissed at one point and everyone was like,,,, wtf?? he has emotions???
anyways, his answer is one kid LMAO
and when you get that one kid, he looks just like louis
yall already KNOW that he’s ready to die for that child as soon as louis holds him in his arms
the only kid sebastian wouldnt even try to mess with
he can deal with william’s albert’s or fred’s kids but louis lowkey intimidates him so he’s as nice as he can be
that being said, louis teaches his kid how to properly handle stuff around the house
you want to cry bc ur son is just so??? the little kid just loves helping out no matter how small the task and he’s just so cute it hurts
even sebastian’s kinda like,, “aight he’s the only kid i will tolerate”
louis grew up with only his brothers so he also wants to give his son a shot at a normal family
is actually aware at how he thinks he’s indispensable for william’s cause and he doesn’t want his son to end up like him
he also teaches his son some badass fighting moves
oh and louis smiles a lot more too
cried bc his son saw the scar he got on his cheek, rubbed some dirt on his lil face and said “i have daddy’s cool scar now”
all in all his son is the best thing to happen to all of you
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albert: 505 words
same as louis in the fact that it takes him a week to answer
“you know you haven’t even answered my question”
“i’m sorry, what did you say?”
“how many kids do you want?”
genuinely takes time to ponder that question
he hadn’t thought of that since his family adopted william and louis
but with you?
“i think two darling girls who take after their mother is enough for me”
pls he’d be so sweet 🥺🥺🥺
you two end up having a girl and a boy, who look just like their father
and tbh, you’re not even mad
you love them so much so when albert comes back north, the three of you are ecstatic
the happiness was short lived for albert tho
he found his son spending time with william and there’s nothing bad right????
“where’s your sister?”
“she’s with mr. moran”
his heart DROPPED
out of all the people in the manor
he sees the two running around the garden
it all happened as soon as albert’s daughter went up to sebastian and said “you’re very pretty! you’re my knight now!”
he decided to “adopt” the little girl and now he’s lowkey whipped
you found albert staring at sebastian playing with his daughter and updated him about everything going on
“but him??”
“he’s just a big softie for her let it go”
isn’t really surprised when he finds out they can fight a little
actually glad that they can hold their own, God forbid anything happens to them
otherwise mi6 has to deal w family matters lmao
“albert, she only tripped”
“you shouldve seen the fear in her eyes as she fell”
would raise hell if anyone even THOUGHT ill of his kids
william and louis are the doting uncles
william more so than louis bc your kids have never seen louis smile
now they’re on a mission to make uncle louis smile
louis was on child duty one day and they managed to slip away
omyGOD he was stressed but also,, extremely worried
so when he found them he had the most genuine smile on his face
your daughter was like (・∀・)
she loves uncle louis
ofc your son adores his dad like,,, who else wouldn't feel awesome at the age of 10 if you found out your dad was a high ranking general
feels superior to sebastian bc of his dad
lmao this 4’5 kid thinks he can rule sebastian for some odd reason
the house is always dirty bc him and sebastian always prank each other
your daughter is trying to catch a butterfly but she can’t so fred helps
instantly loves fred
“is that what heartbreak is”
“i guess that’s what happens when you try to get close to my kids colonel”
albert is kind of afraid of turning into his dad but he has you and everyone else to remind him that: no you are not your father, you are so much better than him
loves your family with his entire being
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sebastian: 844 words
“i see you looking at those kids and the answer is none”
lmao you’ll get so pouty around him bc you want kids dammit
that and he spoils you to no end so that's why you’re pouty lol
“fine we’ll only do one kid and bc one kid is all i can tolerate”
this man gives you three in four years LMFAO
two boys a year apart and a girl in the fourth year
you wanted to smack sebastian
when the two boys grew up, it was obvious they were already taking after their father in the physical sense
it was terrifying
they genuinely look like mini sebastians and you know everyone in the manor is afraid that you two birthed satan
and the satan was your eldest one
he’s just a feral sebastian moran in a tiny body
your second son, god bless him, looked just like his father but with fred’s temperament
and see, you were fine with your sons looking like their father
it was FINE right
you prayed to God that your third child would have at least some physical resemblance to you
your daughter was birthed, she grew up
and you cried
“i’ve got some strong genetics, baby”
you sulk for a lil bit
but you accept it anyway because you love your goddamn kids
thankfully, your second and youngest child are both soft spoken and it's only your husband and his tiny clone bringing hell to earth
smacking sebastian bc all of your children suddenly started swearing up a storm at each other
finally sitting down and trying to convince them to stop swearing
“father does it!”
“your father’s stupid”
speaking of your daughter
she’s his little princess and no he will not take criticism
spoils her more than he spoils you
did she glance at a toy at a passing store?
he buys more toys than he should from said store
you have to physically hide some of his money bc there is only so much you can buy
and her older brothers are so caring you want to sob
if a person accidentally shoved her over bc she was tiny and they couldn’t see her
oh boy
get ready to restrain them like chihuahuas
“little sister will be protected at all costs”
since his second son is so different from him, sebastian actively makes time to talk about what the little boy is doing and what he’s getting from it
doesn’t want to be pushy and suffocating like his dad was so when his younger kid does want to be left alone to his devices, sebastian does so
but honestly loves that your second son is so literate
lddhsajdsfk what yall dont know is that they’re all in cahoots
kinda funny to see them all together bc they all take after their father so much it's like having three tiny sebastians go around town
anyways,,,, yall know the promised neverland right
you got ray, norman, and emma
granted one of them wasn’t as smart as ray but he definitely knew what stealth was
regular sibling rivalry was still a thing but if they could smell the pudding from the kitchen, they know they have to work together
sebastian caught his eldest smuggling biscuits into a small bag
he had half a mind to scold him
but then he ended up giving tips TO ALL HIS CHILDREN on how not to get caught next time—
bc of this they beg him to tell them some stories from afghanistan bc “there’s no way a man as old as dad knows this many stealth tactics”
louis is so fed up lmao
albert is in london most of the time so he just thanks the lord that he doesn’t have to deal w the propaganda that sebastian feeds his children about how “mr. albert is a bad man”
william is fine w it as long as they don’t trash the library
your younger ones love the library so they would cry at the thought of one of the books losing any of the pages
your second and your daughter are definitely the moriartys’ favorites
they don’t show it, but you just KNOW
your eldest could care less about that though
as long as you and his father still love him
and of course you both do
and fred is definitely your youngers favorite
they like to hang out in the garden
ok they still fight all the time though
just because your second child is soft spoken doesn't mean he’s afraid to throw hands
their sister likes to join in for the hell of it
but if someone wrongs any of the children
just because the younger ones are the moriartys’ favorite, doesn’t mean that they’re not gonna hunt someone down if they even think about trying to hurt the eldest too
yeah,,, good luck to them and their families
they got the entire moriarty estate coming after them
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fred: 241 words
cmon yall are like,, young
but you did ask him bc you were curious if he thought about it
he wants one
and when yall do have the kid, you guys actually do have one kid and its a girl
since you both are young, you can immediately see a resemblance between her and her father
everyone who meets her would die for her
especially when she walks around the garden w her hand in her dad’s and he’s showing her all the plants and telling her how to take care of them
needless to say she grows up loving plants
any type of plant
the boys love giving her flowers or anything from bc she has the biggest smile every single time
no matter if it’s just a single rose or a rock
this was found out one time when sebastian gave her a rock bc everyone else had given her like,, two roses each
was afraid she was gonna cry
“thank you so much mr. moran! i will treasure this until i get old!”
she was like 4 at the time
and had the widest smile you’ve ever seen on her
guys u don’t understand she smiles a lot but this was like,, genuine happiness
but everyone was just,, i will destroy the world and myself if anything happens to her
fr it’s just sunshines and rainbows every single time she’s around
everyone just loves her ok
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moriarty the patriot general taglist: @zoehanji
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bonefries · 3 years
I rate Sigma Overwatch’s sprays from 0-10
alright lets go, just going in the order that these files come in this folder
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1000/10: Because I get to see him sitting and even though he’s thinking hard about something he’s throwing a bouncy ball to help him focus. Also his hair is particularly white here and I think thats very sexy old man of him.
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50/10: Catbox, Catboy, its all the same theory. Sigma likes catboys, not up for debate. We know why. 
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3/10: Just not fond of it. I know the sprays and their rendering gets super obscured but this one just got absolutely decimated I guess. Just being real with yall. 
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10/10: Like the shading colors, he’s smirking. Rock vaguely looks like a heart. Love that for him. 
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6/10: I just don’t like how the hat was drawn. I don’t think it needed to be there or could’ve been shaped better. Other than that decent spray. Wish he was happier looking though. 
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9/10: I have this spray as a sticker and its just very cute fsr. Its simple and the color is exquisite and nice on the eyes. 
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100000000000/10: There is something mysteriously and eerily sexy about this spray and it’s one of my favorites.  
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2/10: Just because he is my husband doesn’t mean I’m not going to be an honest man. I Highly Dislike this spray because I think the art style is unappealing af. It’s just a personal preference, I hate all of the sprays that come in this style.  i didnt realize how long this post was going to be so im doing the rest under the cut to spare everyone else’s life: 
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9/10: Solid rating with no goofing. While I take up some issues with some of the expressions in his other sprays showing pain, there is something about the composition of this one that I absolutely love. Its very aesthetic for me, speaks to his character, and the colors are beautiful. Wish his eyes were his usual periwinkle though which is why this isn’t receiving a perfect score. 
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5/10: Not really sure what it is about this one that I’m not so fond of. I can appreciate the colors and his profile. But other than that theres something visually here that I don’t find appealing. Not sure what it is.
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8/10: Decent rating, its nothing crazy. Since reference and has nice colors but thats about all my critique for this one.
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11/10: Lovely hand, lovely gesture. Wanna squish the bean pads. Nice colors. 
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6/10: This one is actually one of my favorites despite the rating not being solid. Only because while I love the colors and the concept, the idea of it makes me sad. The idea that it reflects Sieb’s trauma makes me sad, despite it being a rational depiction of such. 
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50000000/10: love little christmas charm sieb, hope he gets a skin of this outfit some day. Hes so cute. Happy smiles thats all I want. I could kiss him.
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3/10: CONTRARY TO POPULAR BELIEF I’M NOT ACTUALLY SUPER ABOUT THIS SPRAY. WHY? Because I’m being nitpicky and I want him receptors on the sides to be THE TEAL THAT THEY ARE. Not GREEN. 
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5/10: I feel like halfway rating with this one is fair. I like to imagine that thats Sieb’s hand writing and that makes me happy. But this spray is hard to look at for long periods of time because this kind of text squish is hurtful on my eyes. 
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9/10: I actually hate this skin but fsr the spray makes it incredibly sexy. It actually got sexier the second time (this time) that I looked at it. Good for him.
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6/10: Reasons for this rating, while I love the pose and intimidation this spray is posing, I also get sad to see Sieb’s strained expressions. I think his powers do have limits and they do effect him depending. And seeing all this big ass heavy equipment on him gives me conflicted feelings. He has a lot to carry, and he’s just lucky he has gravity powers to help. (I mean this metaphorically and literally.)
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7/10: I love the art and concept on this one. He’s just so grumpy looking is all. My poor boy. 
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9/10: He’s 7 ft tall and it shows and I am here for it. 
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9/10: Remember when I said I was conflicted about seeing all that equiptment on him? Well its true, but I’m just going full thirst on this spray to say look at how fucking massive this man is. I want him to grab me with those hands and pitch me like a baseball. 
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4/10: The pained expression in this along with the concept of it (as well as connection once again to his trauma) unsettles me and makes me feel the brain hurting juice. Nothing further.
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1000000000000000000/10: This is one of my favorite sprays because its just casual work setting and gives me more insight on his lab uniform. His hair here also gets me barking like a rabid chihuahua. 
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10/10: This gets a solid rating for A) Lab Coat Outfit and B) Seeing him again with the help of an object to stim while he thinks. (The squeeze ball) 
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10/10: I cant not give halloween Sieb a solid score. I think this is adorable, but I don’t believe it’s Sieb as a kid. I think it’s just a child dressed up like him with no attachment to lore or anything. But its still very cute. 
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100/10: I love the pixel sprays so much, simple and cute. 
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6/10: I’m really not too crazy about the pose for the dragon spray. I feel like they could’ve done something a little more dynamic especially given he has gravity powers. But alas. 
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9/10: This spray is on the same level as the apple head spray from earlier on in the post. Congrats if you’ve made it this far btw. But I love the soft expression on the left being challenged with the frightened/frustrated one on the right. 
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0/10: I am not fond of this spray because of how much pain he appears to be in along with the implications all the junk flying around him has. Upsets me. 
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50/10: I don’t care about the fish onions I just care about looking at my husbands huge ass arms and seeing him enjoy a smelly fish treat. Its what he deserves. Also what that mouth do. 
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10/10: Solid perfect score because I have strong emotions about Van Gogh. And I think the interest between Siebren and Van Gogh, especially as two men who were/are fighting with mental illness speaks volumes about Sieb’s character. This spray makes me feel something in my chest that I can’t whole heartedly explain, but it isn’t a bad thing. 
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10/10: Another perfect score, because I think this spray is a good mixture of Sieb’s character between the musical elements and his scientific work. He’s also smiling which is rare to find in his sprays.  
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544386238043723507435742634387236804307403857435748035474803548744307384385740385748037408357438570480bark bark barK BARK /10: sexiest image in the entire game of overwatch nobody @ me i dont take constructive criticism 
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