#and the court itself was this HUGE like.. collesium almost
aidenwaites · 2 years
Oh my god I JUST remembered the batshit dream I had last night
#get ready for a doozy:#i had a dream that i was arrested and being put on trial because id gotten into a fight with some guy and I don't remember about what#but I remember the fight was mostly me just shoving the dude against a wall and then leaving#and ANYWAY this court was like...#i had a meeting with my lawyer and we walked into this huge building and had to pass through those turnstile subway station things#and the court itself was this HUGE like.. collesium almost#with auditorium seating around and below these giant walkways and balconies where members of the court sat#and there was this Thing where as an intimidation tactic??? everyone dressed and acted like this was an execution trial in ancient Greece??#and i was brought to a balcony that sits just outside where the actual court happens because they don't want the defendent interrupting or#something#so i sat there for a WHILE listening to court preceedings#and they were charging me with murder even though i didnt murder the guy#and things werent looking good#and then at one point the court adjourned and as this detective was walking over to me he stopped to fix a broken stage light#and found two laminated pieces of paper (the judge could not pronounce Laminated)#and he went to pocket them and i Phoenix Wright style demanded that new evidence be added to the court record#and THEN i had to wait through the break and then get called to take the stand#and the Stand was this little podium on the ground way way below the rest of the court's balconies#and when i got on it it starting rising at mach fuck speeds and i had to hang on for dear life#and then a jury/council member guy started dying or something so i did chest compressions and this won me favor with the court#and at some point after this i woke up court session still ongoing lmao
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