#do I dare tag this spn related?
I saw the supernatural post you made and I couldn't help but think that Snape would hate the Winchesters. The way they hunt down anything that isn't like them in nature to kill it would remind him of Voldemort. Thoughts?
Anon, you just started me on my bullshit
Ok ok!
That’s a good comparison! I like where your heads at. I was thinking more along the lines of he’d notice how different they were
Right off the bat of meeting, think about first impressions: Dean is shoot first ask questions later. A wizard? Time to die mf. Sam on the other hand is like “Wait, he hasn’t done anything! Let’s just talk to him and figure out what’s going on”
Right off the bat, Dean is not in Snapes favor, but Snape isn’t up Sams ass either. It takes a lot more than patience to impress our bat bitch
When Dean finally does agree to talk, what do we all know comes next? A self righteous, snarky remark. Strike mf two. Meanwhile Sam looks annoyed or mildly uncomfortable with whatever Dean said because they are, in fact, standing in front of someone who could kill them in one word. Literally. Now he’s trying to change the subject and ask what’s going on and the standard “making sure you aren’t a threat” questions. Snape is a double spy, he can read body language. Sam does not approve of his brothers behavior…but he hasn’t said anything about it either
Give or take 30 minutes to an hour, what’s the next thing Snape is gonna notice? Deans attitude towards Sam
Do you see where I’m going with this?
He’s going to compare Dean to Sirius black (derogatory). I said what I said.
One would think “Sam is Regulus then?” Nope. He’s Remus.
Sam has demon blood in his veins and is outcasted and shamed for it, even by people who are close to him. Sam has been putting up with Deans sideways remarks and straight up abuse for how long? He makes excuses for Dean and when he DOES stand up for himself, he always apologizes or feels guilty about it. Remus and his lycanthropy! We saw in the books how they made sideways jokes about it. Joking about the full moon and shit. Then we have to remember “The Prank”
Sam sees how overly violent Dean is about hunting, he also sees how unfair and cruel he is. He ALSO sees how that unfairness and cruelty extends to friends. And while Sam actually does say something, he never says enough, and usually makes at least one excuse for Dean…Remus “Bystander” Lupin!
Sam was told that he was someone’s weapon at least twice in the show (Yellow eyes and Lucifer). I mean that sounds a lot like how werewolf!Remus was used as a weapon to almost kill Severus in “The Prank”. Just saying.
Severus knows all too well that a person’s intentions don’t always match their actions, so I don’t think he’d judge them for hunting, but he will notice the INTENTIONS. Dean hunts for sport and Sam hunts to save people. Difference.
Dean Winchester would trigger the fuck out of Severus Snape
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
I just have to agree with that anon who responded to the rude ask you got who was clearly an AA. I wanted to share my own AA experience with you and that anon because that anon is one hundred percent correct, and that anon, you, and I are not alone in these types of AA experiences. It is the AA's that drive real fans away.
I have been a fan of Jensen for years, I saw him in other projects he did before and then outside of SPN. I never got into the SPN fandom though. Not until recently when I started coming on here more. I also thought I was surrounded by pretty easygoing normal Jensen fans until I made the mistake one day of saying respectfully that I didn't like how he told the story about Jessica Alba in the IOY podcast. It just didn't sit right with me. It had a very frat boy type of vibe to it to me (and I have known guys like that who turned out to be real dicks and it just sounded way too familiar) and it left a bad taste in my mouth. I said it on my blog, thinking it was my blog and I could share my thoughts that most likely people were going to ignore and I even thought I could tag his name on it on here because that's how I was organizing my blog at the time. As you can imagine, big mistake. Huge.
It was like I got a running start and punted a coked out hornet's nest. I couldn't even keep up with the asks I was getting. I got a few civil ones explaining to me why they didn't agree with me or maybe I could look at it another way which is fine, but the rest. The rest were just awful. I got called all kinds of names, and when I say names I'm not talking elementary school 'you're a moron'. I'm talking really nasty names, and almost targeted attacks. I was told how dare I side with a bully and abuser like Jessica Alba and Michael Weatherly, that I must be a bully and abuser myself, that I must be a misandrist, that I was a fake Jensen fan who was only pretending to be a fan of his to bait people in when really I must be a Jared fan (which is a hilarious thing to say because I've been equally critical of Jared in the past as well and ended up just being uninvolved in anything with him and Misha and the cast, Jensen was really the only one I followed since I had followed his pre-SPN career), how dare I tell Jensen how to feel and how he can share his stories of abuse (I was then called an abuser again), that I better take down the post or else (I didn't), that I should change my blog name since Jensen's heavily featured on my blog (I also didn't; fuck them), that I should be ashamed to be saying such things, there must be something wrong with me, and on and on and on. Some asks I responded to, some I just outright deleted because they were so awful.
I debated deleting my blog after that because I just didn't want to deal with that type of toxic and vile behavior. But I chose not to because I actually do know what it's like to be bullied, even before this incident, and I refuse to give those assholes what they want. So I kept the post up, kept it tagged under Jensen's name, kept my blog, and refused to back down to these Jensen groupie wannabes. I am allowed to say what I think. Just like everyone else. When I tell you that when I made that post, I was the most polite and respectful of Jensen that I could be while saying what he said and the way he told it didn't sit right with me. I never once was negative towards him and some of those asks claimed I said things that I didn't, which showed that they hadn't read the full thing, they only saw "Jensen" and "I don't agree with what he said" and they flipped their shit and just went into immediate attack mode. It got to such a point that I turned my asks off and I didn't want to see anything Jensen-related show up on my dashboard, I didn't want to go into his tag to see any new content related to him, I didn't want to see his face in anything or hear or see his name, nada. That was nothing against the man himself, it was all of his "truly dedicated fans" aka the deranged AA's who have taken their parasocial relationships way too far. (and they think they know the real him; newsflash people, no one knows the real him outside of those closest to him, everything else is a public persona)
When I didn't delete my blog and slowly started to come back on here, I started checking out the Jensen critical tag and even the anti tag more and more. Not because I hate the guy or want to be negative about him but blogs like yours actually allow safe spaces for people to civilly talk about if he says or does something that they don't agree with or even if they just want to ask your opinion and maybe have a discussion about it or get a second opinion. Jensen's actual tag on here is so full of the blind worship and objectification of him, it's sickening. It might be a decent fan making a decent post about how Jensen looks good at a con that weekend, but I end up automatically sneering at it or rolling my eyes which is obviously not his fault or that one fan's, but it's the Jensen is a god crowd that I can't stand.
I'm telling you all of this because ever since that incident I have been keeping up with your blog as one of the few I keep up with regularly as well as the tags (especially during this prequel business) just to see some differing perspectives that sometimes closely echo my own, and I can absolutely say that while you might share your opinion no matter what (which you have every right to do, this is your blog), you have been very fair and you have made it obvious that you do hope for his wellbeing and success if they come through healthy routes. So this accusation from this AA is ridiculous. Because anyone who follows your blog with some regularity knows that's a bullshit claim they made.
And a little food for thought, I've encountered some extreme Jared stans before when I was critical of Jared in the past, and while they were not nice messages I received and there was some namecalling (more of the elementary kind), I never once felt so attacked to the point that I felt I might need to delete my blog and get off this site. If anything, I laughed it off but also stood my ground, stated my opinion, and told them if they didn't like it to block me. Not justifying their behavior at all, but now having dealt with extreme Jared stans vs AA's, I can tell you that the AA experience was absolutely worse, and I find myself gravitating towards the pro-Jared minded people (not the stans, I stay away from all self-proclaimed stans now as much as I can, no celebrities should have stans in my opinion) and trying to get away from the pro-Jensen minded people. Especially now that the scales have been removed from my eyes let's say and the AA's really do make it all about how Jensen needs to conquer everyone in Hollywood and how hot he is, and how badly some of them want to be Danneel that they'll overlook her own bad behavior and stan her too. Standom of real people is a slippery slope, I really do believe that especially now.
I'm still a fan of Jensen's, just like you, but I don't look the other way when he says something problematic or does something that has me questioning what is going on behind the scenes. It also doesn't make me want to attack anyone for having those very same valid questions and thought processes. So regardless of whether Jensen continues on this current path he's on or not, it absolutely is the AA's that drive the real Jensen fans away, if not into the shadows like myself. I wish the best for Jensen (even if say he stopped acting altogether or got out of the limelight for a while or decided he just wants to run the brewery for his life or whatever) and the guy is human, but so are we and if we have to take accountability for our mistakes, learn from them, and grow, then so does he, no matter his name or his looks or his career. I don't think it's a hateful statement to say that. Isn't that where we've been moving as a society these days? Holding people in power accountable for their words and actions? I don't know, I'm just rambling now I guess. But regardless, your opinion is not wrong and it's legitimate. That's my whole point. And AA's can sincerely fuck off into their hateful mad little corner where Danneel will never thank them for drooling over her husband while pretending to support her or be in love with her or whatever and Jensen will never thank them for fighting imaginary battles on the internet and attacking others in his name.
Keep being amazing, doll.
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It's heartbreaking that AAs are so extreme that they end up mobbing people like you who genuinely love Jensen. I don't think you can truly love anyone without also being in touch with their not so perfect traits, AAs run on mania about Jensen instead of grounding themselves with balanced views so it's no surprise they become so irrational, their amygdala is hijacked by infatuation so they get super triggered whenever someone contradicts the perfect (and fake) image they created in their heads. What's worse is their expectations reach Jensen who might suffer greatly because he has to live up to unreachable standards. We've seen him make so many self-aggrandizing comment about himself because he's buying into his own hype but living up to that image people created isn't easy. I don't even care what those fans wanted they had no right to bully you like that, your blog is under no obligation to live up to their model of reality. They need to mind their own business and stay in their own lane, all they are doing is creating toxicity. AAs and hellers keep trying to demonize Jared fans by making up all sorts of lies, in my experience, Jared fans are very open to discussion and love Jared's flaws but also call him out when needed. They defend him due to death threats and stuff like that but even if they get into misunderstandings with you, they know how to discuss things in intelligent ways. Perhaps I am lucky, I know some amazing Jared fans who genuinely love him and do so in balanced ways. I am very grateful for that. I don't care what group people belong to as long as they can treat others with humanity so I hope one day to be able to interact with Jensen fans the same way I can interact with Jared fans. For now, I keep my distance from Jensen groups for the very same reasons you mentioned. "I wish the best for Jensen (even if say he stopped acting altogether or got out of the limelight for a while or decided he just wants to run the brewery for his life or whatever) and the guy is human, but so are we and if we have to take accountability for our mistakes, learn from them, and grow, then so does he, no matter his name or his looks or his career. I don't think it's a hateful statement to say that. Isn't that where we've been moving as a society these days? Holding people in power accountable for their words and actions?" The above paragraph is so far from rambling, Anon, it's pure brilliance, we're shifting as people and evolving, I hope AAs get in line with that someday instead of holding others back. I hope Jensen listens to the voice of reason within him and not to their empty praise which is full of objectification because that will lead him away from his inner wisdom and into ego which is extremely off-putting in any setting, let alone in HW. I loved reading this and thank you so much for your moving words. Sending you so much love.
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hey, call me ernie 👍
this'll be reblogs w/ jaunty tags
and the occasional original post if i dare? (is my humour for you? find out next on--)
(99% of posts are fandom-oriented--if not, it's tagged #ernie-general)
(heads up that i try not to reblog long posts--my scroll wheel is dying, as is my hand)
anyway, here're my main special interests if someone wants to froth at the mouth together over favourite characters, read heavily into scenes or commiserate over investing too much into fictional people:
currently spinning in my mind microwave (chronological order as accumulated, ed. 15-Feb-24): - aubreyad (books, 2003 film; oh uhuh okay, *jackles voice* sTePhEN?!) - botes in general? (also see ship media inc. aubreyad, the terror, ofmd, hornblower, star trek arguably) - star trek (tos, data; wacky adventures in space based around scientific exploration?, it's been another bbc sherlock interest situation with aos i feel)
my most consistent spins: spn (regrettably) sherlock holmes (primarily acd, elementary, granada, jonk, lenfilm, and nrh) clue
(tag index + total spins below cut (ed. 16-Jan-24))
(note: i am a young adult, hi, i don't know what i'm doing)
complete(?) list of spins:
my tv show spins: a kind of spark (a+ autistic rep) bbc ghosts community daredevil dirk gently's holistic detective agency good omens julie and the phantoms merlin our flag means death sherlock holmes sleepy hollow spn star trek the terror what we do in the shadows the witcher (for jaskier and the setting) zoey's extraordinary playlist
my video game spins: la noire the last of us life is strange (1 and bts) the walking dead
my musical spins: be more chill beetlejuice dear evan hansen newsies
my film spins: bill bright young things clue master and commander
blog-specific tags index:
(i go by this post for writing text and image IDs)
(my spoiler tags are the media tag then 'spoilers' e.g. '#bbc ghosts spoilers')
(my trigger warning tags start with 'tw')
(in my intro current spins: no symbol means it's sticking around, ~ means i'll prob go off it soon)
#ernie-speaks posts by me
#ernie-spin-cycle posts for changing between spins, or talking specifically about spins
#ernie-autistic-things posts to do with me being autistic
#ernie-general posts outside of fandom entirely
#ernie-mutuals posts that are asks by mutuals or commented on by mutuals
#fandom nonspecific posts fandom-related but not tied to one specific fandom (even if my tags are fandom-related)
#multifandom posts that involve multiple fandoms (not inc. '#fandom nonspecific' or tags that cause multifandom)
#[would pin] posts that i would pin if i didn't fundamentally require this organising post to explain myself
#ernie-pause posts involved with taking breaks from tumblr
#ernie-wait that's me my peer-reviewed posts (not public prob)
cool, that's, yeah, okay, bye o/
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morhath · 2 years
SPN S1E10 liveblog for Some Goddamn Reason
oh look it's a haunted asylum episode. groundbreaking.
idk how to break it to you but no ghosts are required for a police officer to shoot his wife. it is in fact a very common and non-haunted occurrence.
while in most ways I do not want to compare my father to John, I will say I deeply relate to the bit where they're like "how do you know he texted us he's terrible with technology" b/c my father learned to text maybe 2-3 years ago. he still uses a flip phone. he texts on the flip phone with perfect grammar, capitalization, sentences, etc.
once again ACAB but I looove the setup of the boys pretending they don't know each other, Dean asking the cop probing questions, and Sam pretending to defend the cop to gain his trust. v good, we love cons and scams. that being said I am once again saying that a cop shooting his wife and then himself really shouldn't ping any supernatural radars lol
okay so the Spanish version seems to be doing a thing where a narrator reads out English text on the screen (the little location tag, signs, etc.) which totally makes sense but it does mean I keep getting jumpscared by a random dude translating signs and stuff
ty Spanish SPN now I know how to say "weird vibes" in Spanish. augh this scene where Sam is doing therapy to try and uncover information is giving me SO MUCH secondhand embarrassment
YES the scared girlfriend character (Kat) knows how to use a shotgun, love this for her. btw when I started this post I was gonna rant about how I hate haunted asylum stuff but I had a vague memory from before that the patients' ghosts were relatively calm and it was the head doctor's ghost that was doing the murders so I decided not to rant. I think that memory is correct! which is nice, if you're gonna do a haunted asylum I think that's the way to go
this series really loves to electrocute these guys huh. YES Kat girl break up with your shitty boyfriend
ykw I never get it when characters are like "yeah if I dare you to kill me it'll snap you out of mind control because we are family/friends/partners/whatever and I know you don't want to" like. I would NOT trust someone with that. sure they probably don't want to kill me but what if the mind control is so good that it doesn't matter??? huh??? don't risk it. oh good Dean and I agree on this actually lol the gun wasn't loaded.
oh hey I think this might be the first actual salt and burn to get rid of a ghost? I know they talked about it a bunch, but I think this is the first time we've seen it onscreen. anyway yeah SPN said disability rights. you too can riot and kill your shitty doctor who's been experimenting on you.
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tearsofgrace · 3 years
endings are hard... but they aren’t impossible
tldr; the good place fucking nailed the finale, supernatural completely and utterly bombed it.
tags: wc--4.5k, gif heavy, spn meta, the good place, supernatural finale, spn wank, all gifs are mine, if you read til the end there’s a pretty gif
so i recently finished the good place (i was watching w my family and we finally had time to sit down and watch the last season) and god fucking dammit that ending is FLAWLESS. literally flawless. 
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and because i’m, well, me… i spent most of the time during that hour long finale thinking about how supernatural could have had even a fraction of that and avoided so much heartbreak. 
anyways. i decided to compare them. to REALLY compare them. to get into the nitty gritty of why the fuck the good place ending left me feeling, as the finale is all about, sated and complete. and why the spn ending left me confused, lost, broken, betrayed, unable to even enjoy my comfort show at all until a dear friend finally just watched an episode (8.08) start to finish with me. 
so without further ado (always wanted to say that) here’s the good place/supernatural finale meta that no one asked for
we’ll start small. both these shows have excellent comedy. in extremely different ways… but still
in the good place finale, the comedy was perfect. whether it was jason reappearing in the forest, michael trying to get through The Door, tahani reversing the “hot bod” bit on eleanor, every comedic moment was actually pretty emotional and added something to the show. they deepened characters’ meanings, added to their relationships, and made the audience think as much as they made the audience laugh.
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in the spn finale… the comedy was the pie gag. the whole sam shoving pie into dean’s face. beyond this being… like meta as hell (the whole prank thing) it doesn’t have any depth to it.
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and to add salt to the wound, this “hilarious” thing happens RIGHT AFTER salmondean have a conversation about missing jack and cas that is equal parts flat and infuriating. the brothers, in particular sam about jack and dean about cas, should care more. this is their family. and family is everything to them. but, no, by all means pie dean in the face.
last lines
this one IRKS me. okay. 
the last line of the good place  "I'll say this to you, my friend, with all the love in my heart and all the wisdom of the universe: Take it sleazy.” “All right.”  is ICONIC. okay?
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it’s a reference to season 1 that doesn’t feel fan-servicey. it’s kinda honestly emotional cuz it’s like a message to us, the audience. it perfectly completes michael’s arc. it captures the light-hearted vibe of the show while also somehow managing to be poignant. you can see it coming like the second before it happens but it’s also not the obvious choice. it’s just. goddamn it’s good.
the last line of supernatural…. is… “and cut.” not even said by one of j2. i mean i know it’s a meta show but COME ON ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??????????
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now i hear you shouting wait but that’s just the end of the thank you message. okay fine whatever. in that case the last lines are “Hey, Sammy.” “Dean.” (i couldn’t bring myself to gif that moment)
i’m sorry but. that’s predictable. that’s obvious. that’s boring. that’s flat. sure, it celebrates the bond between the brothers. but like… that’s not what this show is about anymore. it’s not just about sam and dean winchester it’s about what they’ve created. it’s about the world they’ve saved, the family they’ve made, about how they always keep fighting but nope we get bland, boring, coulda seen ‘em coming from miles away lines for the very end. that’s fine.
the spn finale is like 50% montages that don’t make sense and are poorly done and not emotional
the good place has a montage of michael being human that brought me to tears
here’s another short section. the good place finale was 53 minutes long as opposed to the usual 20 minute long runtime of every episode. granted, the fandom of the good place is very different, but STILL there was no documentary telling the fans things they ALREADY knew (there was a short special after the ep, but the episode itself was still far longer than normal). it was 53 minutes of plot. of really fucking good not rushed plot. 
the supernatural finale was… what 36 minutes long?? as opposed to the normal 40 minute runtime?? granted, we did get an hour long documentary of things we’ve all heard in cons and interviews a billion times so hey. take what you can get i guess.
character arcs
this is most of the meat of this meta. one thing we’ve all been harping on a TON is how they RUINED character arcs. soooo let’s go through and juxtapose some character arcs shall we
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eleanor shellstrop starts the show completely self-obsessed. she died getting hit by shopping carts while picking up margarita mix and let’s be real she’s a total icon. love her to death. she grows a ton, becomes one of the most selfless characters on the show, and starts to actually (jack forbid) CARE about things. it’s one of the most satisfying and relatable character arcs i’ve ever seen. 
it’s not just her selfishness either, her character is super multi-faceted and complex, and i feel like even in the end we’re getting to know her better. she’s afraid of commitment, always worried about what others’ actions will do to her, loves the trivial side of life, is queer as fuck (as acknowledged by the show in a way that’s not harmful at all but also isn’t explicitly bi/pan/unlabeled/omni etc, allowing queer fans to see their own identity in her), and is all around a HUMAN BEING. her ending at the beginning of the show was her death. her stupid, trivial, meaningless death where she was, as she puts it, all alone. and her final ending ISNT that. yes, everyone goes before her. and i think that’s purposeful. to show that she’s grown enough that being alone in some sense is okay.
but she’s never TRULY alone. and in the end. the REAL end. janet is there. the whole time. because eleanor asked her to be!! she got over her crazy need for independence and simply asked for help. and eleanor dies an amazing person that has become selfless, has found joy in philosophy while still enjoying trashy content, has fixed her relationship with her mother, and has found a sense of completion. eleanor’s life ends on her terms, and it’s beautiful.
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alright. now just as you’re feeling all warm and fuzzy let’s look at dean winchester’s ending. you’ve heard it a million times, so i’ll be brief. dean was raised to be a hunter, a soldier, a killing machine with no feelings and no purpose. he was raised to die scared on a hunt, his life over because of some mistake he made because he will NEVER measure up. at least that’s what john and everyone else told him with the exceptions of some of his family (and family don’t end in blood). he started to accept that he didn’t have to have this. he started to realize that he could CHOOSE what his ending was. 
the beautiful thing is, we never truly got to see what that was. i personally like to think it’s similar to the roadhouse michael locked him in while he was trapped in his own mind. a safe place for hunters, somewhere he (and cas in my opinion, but that’s not important) could settle down and still be in the life. it would be an amazing tribute to jo and ellen, and just all around a great ending. he wouldn’t have to be scared, but he wouldn’t have to conform to some apple pie facade of normalcy. and ya know what?? say that he died so he could have peace i dare you. because dean doesn’t find peace until sam is there anyway so i beg of you WHAT WAS THE FUCKING POINT. 
dean winchester died scared. dean winchester died on a hunt. dean winchester died on one of john’s old hunts. dean winchester died not directly at the hands of a monster, but at the hands of a mistake. his mistake. dean winchester died without ever working through the trauma of his best friend in the entire world confessing his love in a final act of self-sacrifice. dean winchester died in a way that leaves a sour taste in my mouth and does not at all show the audience what he’s been through and how much he’s grown. dean winchester did not die on his terms, and he deserved better.
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okay back to happy. chidi anagonye. by far my personal favorite good place character (don’t tell anyone i always say jason cuz he and i are very similar). chidi in the last few episodes is SO DRASTICALLY different than the chidi we meet at the beginning. he’s decisive, confident, self-assured, and it’s amazing to see. he’s not afraid of life anymore. he’s not afraid to make the wrong decision and forever alter his reality, because he’s okay with failure. 
at the beginning, chidi was so petrified of life that… it killed him. and in the end, he’s completely at peace with every decision he makes, even the final one. yes, he considered staying for eleanor, but that just shows how his moral code and his compassion for others is still very much still intact. it shows the audience that you can be confident and decisive without being a selfish asshole. 
chidi leaves the good place knowing that it’s the right thing to do. knowing without a doubt that his time has come. the old chidi never would have been able to fathom being that sure about something. it’s beautiful. it’s a development that can give the audience peace, can show them that this drastic of change is possible, and that chidi became a better person for all of it. chidi went on his own terms, and it was beautiful.
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… this one might be controversial… but sam winchester. god i hated sam’s ending. at first i was kinda okay with it. like, okay fine he got his normal life. but, really, in the end that’s not what sam wanted. he started to realize that he didn’t need that apple pie, white picket fence life. he didn’t need the wife and the kids and the backyard and the barbecues because that is NOT sam’s personality and i will throw hands on that. 
that’s not to say he doesn’t want some sort of romance, maybe even kids, but not in that way. he lets himself see that he doesn’t need to be defined by his rebellion to john. doesn’t need to be defined by going to college or any of those “normal” smart kid things because it doesn’t fit him. and that’s okay! but how does sam’s story end? it ends with a wife (that isn’t even important enough to show her face). with kids. with a goddamn white picket fence. we think he’s still hunting to some extent… but it’s not the arc we were led to believe would happen. it’s not this amazing leader sam that we see in season 12-14, uniting hunters and organizing them. 
he had SO MUCH potential and they throw it away on a vanilla ending that shows only surface level pain at losing his brother. he doesn’t even invite the rest of their family to the wake for fuck’s sake. jared did an incredible job. pls don’t think i’m saying he didn’t. but that script…. sam winchester’s arc was cut short. he didn’t go on his terms, and he deserved better.
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jason mandoza. the only character that has ever embodied my complete dumbass energy to the insane extent that it exists. he went to hell for his impulsivity. he never thought before a decision. i aspire to be as reckless as jason while on earth. but he LEARNED. he got better, just like they all did. and by the end of the show, jason doesn’t need to be impulsive anymore. much like eleanor being left “alone,” the show does a masterful job with making him be the first one to go, capturing his old impulsiveness. but he chooses to leave. he takes his time in deliberation, waiting until a feeling of peace, of completion, of well, ‘true happiness’ (sorry cas stans, i’m right there with you) has settled over him. 
the ending of his story is one of growth, just like all these characters have been. and the best part? the show makes it comedic in the most poignant and beautiful way, because it’s jason, it had to be funny. we learn that jason has been in the woods for like, eons, just waiting to go through the door because he wants to give janet a necklace. he’s learned to simply wait. to be at peace with… nothing. his torture was being a monk, but in the end, jason embodies those ideals. his arc comes to fruition in an extremely satisfying way. jason goes on his own terms, and it’s beautiful.
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this one is gonna hurt like a bitch. castiel is my comfort character. he’s my role model. he’s me in a lot of ways. i love him. so fucking much. so excuse me if this is slightly incoherent. i’m actually okay with cas’ ending… in a way. because his actual ending as an on-screen character? perfect. self-sacrifice while coming out and professing his love to dean winchester. a little bit bury the gays, but let’s be real, it’s supernatural. and “happiness is in just saying it” has to be the most powerful way to think of coming out. it takes away the fear, it takes away so much of the pain that can follow. because the joy is in just saying the words.
it’s how this was treated on the show that makes cas’ character arc terrible (and we haven’t even gotten to 15.20). YOU CANNOT JUST IGNORE A LOVE CONFESSION. that is god awful writing and i will never change my mind on that. cas deserved his family to care about him. to at least address and be sad about the fact he was gone. jesus fucking christ after everything castiel deserved at least that. and then we go to 15.20. cas is in heaven. cas is serving god. cas is right back where he started. now, i’m coming off a little strong. 
if the show had decided to show us cas and jack in heaven makin’ the world a better place… i woulda come around to it. i woulda realized that that’s not REALLY erasing 12 years of character development and cas realizing that his whole identity isn’t just him serving heaven and isn’t just him being an angel and that he’s so much more than all of that and he could still be happy as a human… because really he’s with his son. but they didn’t show us that. they barely even mentioned him. and to me. that counts as a bad character arc. and i’m sorry if you disagree. castiel may have gone on his own terms, but they treated that beautiful sacrifice with disrespect and disdain, plus resolved his arc by putting him back where he started. he deserved better.
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*deep breaths guys this is a long post i’m sorry* anywayyyy tahani!!! we love tahani obviously. let’s talk about her arc, because it always kinda bothered me. throughout the show, we see all the other character’s growing and expanding their knowledge of right and wrong. and, don’t get me wrong. we see tahani grow a lot. but she makes a lot of the same types of comments and shit like that. but it’s how she treats the reactions to those comments. by the end of the show, she laughs at the caricature of herself that the others see. she isn’t looking for vindication in name-dropping, she just does it. she is far less self-absorbed, and is genuinely interested in those around her. she fixes her relationships with her sister and her parents in a way that doesn’t feel forced and actually feels like a beautiful, healthy family reunion. 
she has a list and she does everything on it. it’s worth noting, that the things on her list are not at all what they would have been at the beginning of the show. most of them are humble “labor” type tasks, and all of them are in self improvement. tahani’s end on the show is not the same as everyone else’s. she realizes that she doesn’t need to be done. that there doesn’t have to be an end to self-improvement. and she becomes an architect. the writers perfectly embody her transformation from a self-obsessed rich girl who has never done a thing for herself and laughs at the lower-class to a down-to-earth worker that simply doesn’t want the journey to end. 
it’s incredible how perfectly the writers were able to close off these character arc’s without it feeling forced, and without ignoring their character development. imagine that. tahani chooses her own way, and it’s beautiful.
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jack’s ending may be the only one that i’ve actually somewhat come to terms with. it’s not terrible. it’s not great. but it’s not nearly as bad. because ignoring that awful monologue about every drop of rain and shit, jack really does end up helping people. he ends up doing something that he loves and that makes the world a better place. and he doesn’t lose his personality in it. but. i dunno, that’s still his destiny, right? to create paradise. and this is a show about ripping up the rule book, about choosing free will above all else… so to have every single character just fulfill their destiny is cheap. 
still… i’ll try to be unbiased. because really at the beginning of jack’s time on the show, he’s unsure what he wants. and at least, in the end, he’s sure. he has a wisdom that he’s always had but he’s now using. and i’m good with that. but what’s NOT okay about jack’s ending is the lack of on-screen family. jack learns that family is important. sam, cas, dean those are the people he cares about. and you’re telling me he would just NEVER see them again? and be okay with that? i know he rebuilds heaven with cas, but we don’t even get a story about him rescuing cas from the empty. and he seems in 15.19 to not be that concerned about it (after the amazing emotional scene at the beginning). jack should have cared about his family. he did. but they ruined that for him. so jack kline deserved better.
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oh man where do i start. michael’s growth is the biggest on the show. i mean. he starts as a literal demon and ends a human. he gets better, he falls in love with humanity (*castiel fan in me sobbing again*) and he chooses over and over to be good instead of bad. his whole arc is a classic redemption arc, and every single beat just gets better. he chooses selfishly to side with humans but in the end it turns out to be the best decision he could have made. because he develops emotions, he develops compassion, he develops a moral compass. 
and his end reflects that. because to complete this arc of a demon becoming more human… he literally becomes human!!!! it fits so well. and he’s allowed to make mistakes and be happy and gain all that humanity has to offer. this just shows that human!endgame for cosmic beings that become more human WORKS SO WELL (and it shoulda happened for cas and jack that’s all i’m saying). michael went on his own terms, and it was beautiful.
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oh boy… this one stings. because they brought her back, used her up, and we never saw her again. eileen was one of the best side characters on the show, and they rarely addressed her arc. she comes onto the show as a hunter seeking revenge, and gets that revenge in the same episode. her s15 arc is focused on what’s real and what’s not, with her relationship to sam admittedly being a central part of her character because… it’s supernatural and women can’t exist without that. but still! eileen grows throughout the show and in the end… we don’t even know what happens to her. it’s as if her arc wasn’t important enough to even glance at. 
it’s as if the connections the boys make outside of each other mean nothing when in reality they mean everything. they prove that the co-dependency is behind them and that family doesn’t end with blood and that real connections can be formed between people that last a lifetime. eileen was a disabled hunter that was shown to still be one of the best in the business, and they didn’t even give her the courtesy of a goodbye. eileen didn’t go on her own terms, and she deserved better.
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this is gonna unbalance my list but goddammit janet’s ending was perfect. she was a not-robot, not-girl that should have been incapable of feelings. but throughout the series we get to watch as she learns first-hand about human emotions and processes them. she cares about the humans in her charge and fights for them on multiple counts. 
in the end, we see janet come to terms with both her cosmic being side, and her human side. she never stops being with the “cockroaches.” she sees them all leave, she’s there for them while they’re there, and she also continues to speak her mind and live autonomously. janet was a non-human character done right. she lived on her own terms, and it was beautiful.
some honorable mentions
spn ignored (in the finale) chuck, amara, stevie, charlie, jody, donna, garth, bess, the other angels, claire, kaia, patience, alex, and the list goes ON in favor of focusing on JUST sam and dean. did none of those characters at least deserve a quick goodbye??????
the good place wrapped up multiple arcs i had completely forgotten about in a totally natural and not forced way. mindy, doug forester, (the mushroom guy, i know, it took me a second), pillboy, donkey doug, kamilah, tahani’s parents, eleanor’s mother, eleanor’s friends, chidi’s best friend, vicki, shawn, glenn, simone and so many that i’m forgetting all got satisfying ends that they totally deserved. 
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they even fucking resolved FROG GUY’S arc and gave him a real frog. that’s right. frog guy (jeff) had a better character arc resolution than dean motherfucking winchester. 
heaven and hell
obviously in very different vehicles, both shows explore in depth the realities of the afterlife. and lemme tell ya, at the end of the day, one sits a whole lot better than the other. 
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the good place finale ends this quest for the perfect afterlife by saying that everyone can improve and that an eternal paradise shouldn’t keep you from eternal rest. they pretty much make me wish that this is what our afterlife looked like. they handle everything with care so it’s balanced precariously in a way that doesn’t give you anxiety looking at it but instead fills you with peace and faith in humanity. 
supernatural addresses this series long battle between heaven and hell by creating a heaven where you drive for forty years without seeing the people (cough cough cas and jack not his parents) that matter to you and drink beer that tastes like shit. a place you can’t be happy or find any sense of peace until your brother has died and he’s there too.
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and hell… well they barely even address it. there’s a new queen of hell i guess? but so what. it’s still very much heaven and hell in a way that’s the worst and hey plus to them… makes me wanna stay alive thank you very much. oh and purgatory is in shambles and not functioning properly cuz all that eve bullshit.
loose ends
whenever something is ending, you gotta tie up the loose ends. not in a “oh, we must wrap everything up and leave no stone unturned” kinda way but in a “wow, we should probably try to make this unambiguous because this is the last time we will ever see these characters” kinda way. 
the good place does that. so fucking masterfully. all these side plots with all these different characters were taken care of all while focusing on the main six characters. we get to see how their intervention has changed everyone else. for example, mindy’s arc is wrapped up perfectly, with eleanor going to save her.
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plus different running jokes like “take it sleazy” are wrapped up, we revisit really old callbacks like the original neighborhood, and all of it feels natural and in the moment. it feels like full circle in a way that doesn’t erase growth. 
supernatural, on the other hand, left a million loose ends open. what happened to the boys they saved? where the fuck are jody, donna, etc.? did eileen make it back? cuz sam was pretty upset about that. what happened to it “being loud” in the empty? hell, what happened to the empty? what happened to hell? what about chuck? it woulda been nice to see just for a second what became of him. did charlie and stevie make it (i’m very invested in that relationship)? if we’re taking the original ending… why the fuck is jimmy there? did kansas just all,,, die? 
i’m not saying they needed to address everything… but god a few wrapped up storylines besides the brothers wouldn’t have hurt
can i just… real quick… as a giffer lodge a complaint
the good place has beautiful vibrant coloring in the finale
spn has like bland washed out whatever the fuck that is coloring. it’s not even the dark early aesthetic cuz they dropped that it’s just… ew. so. do with that what you will. 
first… while writing this i realized just HOW MUCH it’s not about destiel… like believe me. i knew i wasn’t just pissed about destiel. but holy shit it’s not destiel at all like did i even mention destiel that much???? this was never about a ship. this was just a trash finale. 
in the end. the good place writers knew what they were doing. they knew their fans, they knew their characters, they knew their world, and they knew how to wrap it up in a way that was satisfying and sad and perfectly fit the tone of the whole show. it wasn’t out of character or rushed, basically every loose end was tied up without the audience even realizing that’s what they were doing, and i feel happy and complete having watched it. 
the supernatural ending was a betrayal. flat out. to the audience that has stuck by it in a way bigger way than the good place fandom. to the characters that have helped so many people. to the actors that have given so much of their lives. to the other members of the crew, to certain writers… all of it was just a slap in the face.
we deserved better guys. there are better endings possible. so i’m sorry. i really am. but i guess… that’s what fanfic is for, right?
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anyreiart · 2 years
Can I ask why you don't want to be on any spn-related newsletters? Asking bc I recently found myself on one and I'm not sure how I feel about it, and you're the first one I see mentioning it (I don't mean to overstep, I just really would like some input)
Sure. So what happened was that I got one of those comments on a fic and I wasn’t sure what this was about, so I looked them up. I’ve noticed that this newsletter and I don’t have the same target group as my fics so I asked to not be included. I think they are aiming for a general spn audience but my fics are mostly destiel, and knowing how much drama is in this fandom I chose to stay on my tags and my specific target audience without wanting to be visible to the rest of the fandom. 
Of course it’s on the internet and everyone can find it, but it’s different when you put an arrow on them, you know? Anyway, they said they blacklisted me and I was happy. 
The next thing that happened was that my destiel art on twitter was added to this newsletter. And a few hours later I got very disturbing misha hate in my tumblr inbox that referred to my art post. Which was exactly what I was afraid of happening when my destiel art/fics landed on tags where it just shouldn’t appear.
I was angry that I was added again and they promised it was a mistake cuz it was two different mods on ao3 and twitter and blacklisted me again for art. 
And then it happened a third time, that they added a fic of mine. I asked how this kept happening and they didn’t reply to me and ignored me and another person who also asked not to be included. Instead we got wank for daring to say, that we don’t want to have the “free promotion”. 
There was no respect for my no and basically the mentality of “you put it out on the internet so we can do with it what we want”.  Which technically of course it’s not forbidden to share a link, but the way they do it, especially in our extremely toxic fandom, it’s just rude not to ask prior if we want to get exposed to a broader audience. So this is why my disclaimer is up there to hopefully prevent this a fourth time cuz I’m sick and tired of reading hate. On twitter I can protect my account from specific people seeing my content but sadly ao3 doesn’t have a block function.
I seriously think that they had a nice idea when they started this newsletter and if people want to use it, why not? I just think that the way they are handling it isn’t very considerate, so yeah I totally feel you on your mixed feelings towards the comment. It was the same for me.
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nbrook29 · 3 years
So you watch Supernatural,right?
What did you think about Dastiel being canon? What was your reaction when you saw it?
This is a long post, I’m sorry, I had to let it all out 😤
So I’ve been in the SPN fandom since 2013, being very active between 2014 and 2019 on tumblr. I kinda spoiled myself that episode because I went on twitter first thing in the morning to see if Georgia is trending (that would mean they finally finished counting votes) but the very first thing trending was “Destiel”. Well.
My heart did kinda stopped for a second because if that tag was trending and we were 2 episodes before the finale, I knew it had to mean something. Destiel did trend before multiple times but it was because of things like “Dean and Cas hugged”. Then I went on tumblr and my dash was just full of blocked posts (I have destiel tag blocked) and mind you, I only follow one SPN blog nowadays - the rest are about wtFOCK. So if people who don’t watch the show were reblogging that shit I had very little hope left it’s just another overinterpretation by the hellers. That meant something happened for real. Funnily enough I still somehow knew that there was no way Dean was an active participant in any of this. 
So I watched the episode and like I wrote on my dash that day: I’m glad I don’t really care about SPN and everything related to that fandom anymore. Because if I had, I would have been so.fucking.mad. The show has become a shitshow in s12 with the beginning of the lovely Dabb era but I really didn’t think they were gonna do this. I thought they had at least a little common sense. I was wrong. The only saving grace was Dean not reciprocating. If you had asked me a year ago if it’s possible they make destiel canon (with D and C being together) I would have asked you what you’re smoking. But now, I’m actually afraid they’re gonna bring that angel back for a 28984323 time and make them a couple. Seriously. This is what we came to. A fucking circus 🤡
It does hurt me a little that the show with such fucking legacy was brought to this. To the worst kind of fan service, that makes no sense and validates people who have been the worst part of the fandom (most of them).
As it was to be expected, tumblr and twitter was flooded with people who never watched an episode of the show calling Jensen homophobic, blaming him for Dean’s reaction etc, etc. at the same time having no idea that not even once Dean was hinted to be anything but straight. 
You know why I hate destiel? Because of everything it stands for. It stands for batshit crazy stans who have been harrassing the actors and their wives. It stands for stunt after stunt after stunt pulled on conventions. It stands for harrassing other fans on twitter. It stands for the biggest drama queens and drama makers in the fandom. It stands for turning a show that have always been about brothers into a show about a ship that makes no sense. If you dare not to ship destiel you’re called homophobic (whether you’re a fan or a fucking actor who plays one part of that ship) because apparently a definition of a not homophobic person is somebody who ships every male character with another male character JUST BECAUSE THEY’RE HOT. Oh, and apparently it’s not alright to insist that a gay character is straight but it’s totally okay the other way around. Because reasons.
Also, you know what’s the difference between destiehellers and wincest shippers? Wincest shippers leave that shit on their blogs and ao3. I have yet to see a wincest shipper who wanted their ship to become canon and whine about it for 12 years.
Rant’s over. 
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holylulusworld · 4 years
The queen of Lebanon - Part 10 – The queen of Lebanon
Summary: Your father died years ago, all men in the business believed you are too weak to take over his Empire – they were wrong. Anyone trying to get into your hair will feel your wrath. What happens when a cocky mobster tries not only to steal your empire but your heart too?
Pairing: Mobster!Dean x Mobster!Reader, Mobster!Sam, Arthur Ketch, Cole Trenton
Warnings: angst, ‘the family business’, torture, violence, blood, betrayal, love-hate relationship, smut, unprotected sex, comforting, fluff
The queen of Lebanon Masterlist
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“First things first.” Clearing his throat Dean smirks. “I finally made her see I am the man for her, so Y/N agreed to become my wife. This means she will be not only my queen; she will become the queen of Lebanon.”
While Sam and Jimmy eye you warily, waiting for the shoe to drop the others congratulate you and Dean. Your face is stoic, not what anyone would expect from a soon to be bride.
“You sure about this?” Sam is the one to ask you the question swirling in your mind since you made the deal with Dean. “We will fight back together, either way, Y/N. There is no need to agree to an arranged marriage.”
“Sam.” Giving your friend a cracked smile you hold back the tears. “We need to show anyone that Dean Winchester rules Lebanon and that I am his queen. No one will dare to set a foot into our town again.”
“True but…” Leaning closer Sam searches your face. “At what cost?”
“Sammy, I love you like a brother but don’t talk low about my soon to be husband. Dean is…” Laughing you watch Dean exclaim you are his Sweetheart. “An annoying son of a bitch but…”
“I know, Y/N. Just don’t get your heart broken again.” Smiling up at Sam you can’t see his brother's features darken or the way he clenches his jaw.
“Let me tame your brother before he tells anyone I will carry his heir soon or shit like that.” Smirking you walk toward Dean, grasping for his hand to lead him toward the back of the room.
“Dean, it’s time…”
“Sweetheart, you don’t have to watch. Let Ketch and me do this.” Glancing at your ringless finger Dean swallows his pride and kneels in front of you. “I know this is not the time or place to do it, but I always loved you and the thought of becoming your husband fills me with pride and joy.”
“Dude, are you going to cry.” Chuckling you glance at the ring Dean gets out of his jacket and your breath hitches in your throat. “That’s the ring I liked…”
“I…I bought it back then. I swear I wanted to run away with you and forget about the business and dad. Sammy was at Stanford, wanted a new life and I…I wanted you.” Dean’s fingers shake as he puts the ring on your finger.
“Dad, he threatened you and your family, told me he will rather kill all of you then watching me marry you…”
“Dean…” For the first time in ages, you see the young and loving boy in Dean. “We…we lost so many years…”
“Baby Girl, please let me show you I am still the man you fell in love with.” Nodding you wipe away a few tears. “I will come with you, Dean. I need answers and only Cole can give them to me.”
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You got used to blood, death and the smell of gunpowder but seeing your ‘brother’ restrained to a chair while Ketch cuts into his flesh make your stomach churn.
If not for your father and Jody, you would run out of the room and let Ketch do his job, but you need to make sure everyone knows it was you making Cole pays for his crime against your family.
“I will ask you this one last time. Where is Dick Roman? What is his endgame and is Crowley still alive?” Dean circles Cole while you try to focus on asking questions. “You can make this easier for you…”
“Easier…” Spitting blood into your face Cole laughs at your words. “You will make sure I suffer for killing your parents. I know you can be unforgiving; Y/N. Killing John Winchester is one of the best examples. You hunted him like a deer…”
“You could’ve stopped me anytime, Cole. You knew it wasn’t John killing dad and Jody. He killed my mother and Michael still…” Wiping the blood away you look at Dean. “Maybe I wouldn’t have killed John if only I knew he didn’t kill my whole family.”
“Lies! Only knowing it was him killing your beloved blood-related brother made you forget about morals and living a normal life, Y/N. I was right about you and me not being able to live the apple-pie life.” Cole scoffs, not seeing his fault.
“I was ready to live a normal life, Cole. Only my parent’s death made me come back. Without you letting Dick Roman ruining my life, I could have a husband, a family and maybe even children…”
“Just lie to yourself, sister…” Backhanding Cole your features harden. “Never call me like that again, worthless scum. Bobby Singer, my father took you in, loved you like a son and you killed him!”
Dean needs to hold you back, needs all your strength to keep you under control. “Sweetheart let Ketch handle this. You know he will get all the answers we will need to bring Roman down. Just come with me…”
“I need to…he killed my parents, Dean.” Furious you fight Dean’s hold on you, ready to kill Cole with your hands. “Cole will pay for betraying the queen of Lebanon…”
While Dean uses force to drag you out of the room he nods at Ketch who smirks. “Well, Cole. You are all mine now, I guess.”
The door closes behind you and Cole knows the last moments of his life will be painful and full of regret…
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“It’s done…” While Ketch places a little box onto Dean’s desk he waits for your orders. “I let him suffer, boss. I swear, no other man ever suffered like Cole Trenton. Your father was a good friend of mine, always treated me with respect.”
“Ketch…” Clearing your throat you shake the thought away you let someone kill the last remnant of family you had left. “Thank you for your determination, Arthur. My father always appreciated your help.”
“Did you make him talk?” Arthur scoffs, tossing his phone onto Dean’s desk. “I recorded every word he said. Between groaning, screaming and begging me to stop he told me everything we need to know, Dean.”
“Is Crowley alive?”
“According to Cole, and believe me, he wasn’t able to lie to me any longer, Crowley is alive but held by one of his man, Azazel in his favorite house,” Ketch explains Dick Roman wants to force Crowley to agree to a bond between their clans as you glance at the phone.
“Means we need to strike and get Crowley out before that short bastard agrees to save his ass,” Dean grumbles glancing at the box on his desk. “What’s that?”
“A finger…” Smirking Ketch leans closer. “I thought we could send it to Dick Roman after we freed Crowley. We should make sure that bastard knows we won’t hold back either.”
“Do it…” Choking out the words you nod at Dean before you leave the room to take deep breaths.
Days ago, you trusted Cole with your life, believed he is on your side no matter what and now he’s a traitor...
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“You okay…?” Watching you step out of the bathroom, only wearing one of his button-ups Dean searches your face. “Stupid question,” Dean mumbles, glancing at you walking toward him.
Your hand slides over his chest up to his neck to bring him down for a messy kiss. “Y/N…”
Ignoring Dean’s question, your screaming mind or your aching heart you slip your tongue into his mouth. “Fuck me, Dean…”
“We should talk…” Biting his lip, trapping it between your teeth you fist his hair. “Baby Girl.”
“Fuck me, Dean and make me forget everything else than you inside of me…”
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Pressed into his mattress, your legs slung around his waist you cling to Dean’s body. He’s relentless thrusting into you, making your body jolt with every snap of his hips.
Your mind clouded with lust, you lock eyes with Dean, make sure he can’t look away as you cry out his name every time he hits the sweet spot he got to know so well.
“Baby Girl…” Voice hoarse, lower than ever he hisses when you scratch your nails down his back.
There will be angry red lines, but Dean doesn’t mind, instead, he bites your neck hard enough to leave another mark and you clench harder around him.
“Harder…make me forget…” Desperate to cut out the memories of Cole’s betrayal you get lost in Dean, in his scent and the way he fills you with every thrust.
When you buck against him, cry out in pleasure Dean buries his face into your neck, kissing it softly this time as his cum fills you. “I am sorry, Sweetheart. I know this is…”
“Dean…” Meeting your eyes Dean smiles as you caress his cheek. “Thank you for making me forget everything else and…” Laughing you lick your lips. “The hot sex…”
“Winchester at your service, my queen.” Pecking your lips Dean moans as you slide your fingers through his hair. “I’ll do anything for you, Y/N.”
Humming you move your hands over his back, let him hide his face in your neck, still not able to part from you. “I love you, Y/N. Always have…”
Tensing Dean forgets how to breathe for a moment when you whisper something in his ear. “I love you too, Dean…”
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The queen of Lebanon
@alyssaforever2671, @xcastielbabyangelface​​, @bitchwhytho​​, @rosiehayes​​
SPN Forever Tags
@donnaintx, @screechingartisancashbailiff, @fallen-wolf22, @sister-winchesters99, @mogaruke, @the-is13, @helloitsmeamie203, @sandlee44, @strayrosesbloom, @notyourtypicalrose, @thewinchesterco, @marvelfansworld @hobby27, @gh0stgurl, @flamencodiva, @jay-and-dean, @voltage-my2dlove, @spnhollis, @chonisberonica, @wittysunflower, @supernaturalenchanted, @shikshinkwon, @yolobloggers, @hhiggs, @laxe-from-outer-space, @ilovefanfic86, @linki-locks11, @eggingamazinglove, @trumpettay, @fandom-imagines1, @thenamelesschibi, @waywardbaby, @straycuties9, @drakelover78, @stuckys-whore, @zxph-yr, @i-love-superhero, @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt, @deepmuffinspymaker, @katsav17, @heyitscam99, @fandom-princess-forevermore, @neii3n, @exo-nova, @cocklesbelli, @echoesofpassion, @lauravic, @shatteredabby, @deanmonandnegansbitch, @sea040561, @lemondropirwin, @lonewolf471, @wronglanemendes, @juniorhuntersam, @helpmeluci, @goodgodimaweirdperson, @shadowkat-83, @alltimesamantha, @officialmarvelwhore, @meganywinchester, @miraclesoflove, @maniacproffesor, @hollymac79, @kayla-2000, @gracefultrenchcoat494, @babygirls-fav, @spnwoman, @amiquette, @alexoloughlinlover32, @geekofmanyforms, @jessica-marsh09, @spnficgirl, @shut-themoonscone, @thequeenreaders, @countrygal17a, @atomicfandombomb, @kteelou, @soryuwifeyxx, @kricketc28, @defenderrosetyler, @shortwinchester, @maybesomedaygayyyy, @tmiships4life, @sabascio, @that-place-called-middle-earth, @the-broken-angel-13, @bunnybaby89, @pandabiiissh, @maddiedott, @lilulo-12, @theoneandonlymelol, @mblaqgi, @clawsandshotguns, @justsomedreaming, @cassiopeia-barrow, @its-the-timey-wimey-winchesters, @mscarter213, @jo-like-josette, @mep6811, @prettydeaneyes, @rvgrsbrns, @deanwanddamons, @tearsforhan, @skittlebittz @certaindeanwinchesterforcastiel
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags   
@spnfamily-j2, @supernatural-bellawinchester, @negans-lucille-tblr, @deans-baby-momma, @thefaithfulwriter, @squirrelnotsam, @roonyxx, @neerness, @deansgirl-1968, @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester, @butifulsoul125, @lyinginthegingerlocks, @20gayneen, @janicho88, @woodworthti666, @thevelvetseries, @dreaminemz, @akshi8278, @midnightsilver16830, @mrspeacem1nusone, @ria132love, @caligraphee, @the-witch-in-silence, @justanotherwinchester, @multisuperfandom, @jason-todd-squad, @jadesupernatural, @psychicforest, @luciathewinchestergirl, @magssteenkamp, @palefiregiver, @tranquility-or-chaos, @jxackles, @michellemxndes, @addictedtofictionalcharacters, @gabifernandessn​
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jae-sch-writes · 5 years
Punchin’ Bag
Characters: Dean Winchester x Reader, Sam Winchester, unnamed demon
 Word Count: 1414 (w/ lyrics), 1268 (w/o lyrics)
Request: @dumb-bitch-juice-69  what about dean winchester x reader based on the song Punching Bag by Cage the Elephant where the reader is totally badass
Genre: fluffy, with a bit of angst in the beginning
Warnings: abuse, stabbing, general SPN violence
Lyrics are italicized
A/N: This piece is based on Punchin’ Bag by Cage the Elephants. Edited by Grammarly but any and all mistakes are my own and no one is to blame for them but me, myself, and I.
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She’s a stone cold straight-faced killer and a lover
And she won’t put up with another
Brute who only wants to bruise her
Take her love and then abuse her
She won’t take no more
Y/N L/N: possibly one of the strongest hunters there could possibly be. After being abused by her ex for a year, she had enough.
She tried to leave, but he wouldn’t let it happen. Y/N persisted, but her ex only got angry and even more violent whenever she brought it up. When he got angry and blew up at her, his eyes would turn a pure black. Y/N was so terrified that she stayed and stopped trying to run away, but it did push her to figure out what exactly was wrong with her boyfriend.
Y/N dug around on the Internet and spent countless hours in the library trying to find anything relating to black eyes and her boyfriend’s behavior. She was more than shocked to find out the cause of the black eyes: demons.
She found an exorcism and learned the proper pronunciation of the Latin from a professor at the local university. That night at dinner, she said the words and the demon was gone for a while, but her boyfriend was gone forever.
There were no tears and she left without a trace, but her life was changed forever. Her eyes had been opened to the world of the supernatural.
Oh no, ain’t it a drag
If you take a swing, she swing back
She say I’m not your punching bag
From that point on, Y/N became more and more aware of the things lurking in the shadows adn she didn’t become anything but better at hunting them.
The demon from her past kept coming for her, but that never stopped Y/N. She just always fought back. If the demon took one punch, Y/N threw two more back at it.
After two years of hunting, she finally was able to get rid of the demon who started it all. Y/N found him and she wasn’t intending on leaving until it was dead.
“Well, well, well. Did you miss being my little toy? I must say I’ve missed by boxing lessons, but it seems my sparring partner went away for a while. But you’re back now, so that doesn’t matter. Oh, how I did enjoy leaving you a mess on the floor, bloody, bruised, crying, and begging for mercy. It was so much fun!”
Throughout the demons monologue, Y/N’s blood began to boil, but that last statement made something in her snap.
She lunged forward and plunged the angel blade she had acquired a year ago into the demon’s chest. She had enough of this monster torturing and taunting her. She was tired of letting this thing walk over her.
Once the demon was nothing but a bloody mess on the ground, she finally stopped fighting.
“I’m not your punchin’ bag,” Y/N said over the dead body and walked away, never having to worry about that demon ever again.
Heaven help you, I’m telling the truth
Heaven help you, she’s coming for you
Heaven help you, the girl likes to fight
Afraid of nothing and she carries a knife
She said
I’m not your punching bag
“Dude, I’m telling you, whoever this hunter is, they’re good,” Dean said when he and Sam sat at a booth in some diner in New Mexico. “I mean, a whole nest of vamps just wiped out? A coven of witches burned? Hell, they even took care of a town of demons. This person is badass. I think whoever this is, they should join us. We could use their help.
“Yeah, but what happens when the next “Big Bad” comes for them too. We’d be pulling them in farther than they want.”
“Then I’m sure they’d be more than happy to help us take care of it. This hunter seems to enjoy the job. I mean, you don’t go this far and hard without liking what you’re doing. I’d like to meet this person.”
“Well boys, it appears to be that today is your lucky day,” Y/N said as she turned in her chair to face the Winchesters. “I believe it’s me your looking for. Y/N L/N. Pleased to meet you.”
“Dean Winchester, this is my little brother Sam,” Dean said as he held out his hand and Sam did the same. “You, my dear, are amazing. Did you have any help with your cases?”
“Nope, I run on pure spite. It’s probably from the way I got into the business that makes me so ‘badass’ as you put it. And no, I don’t give up, and yes, you’re right, I do kinda like the job. I get a rush from it.”
Y/N and the Winchesters sat in the diner continuing to talk about their lives well into the night. When the diner was closing, Sam and Dean both invited Y/N to stay with them in Kansas, to which she gladly accepted the offer.
What kind of man are you?
Instead of kisses you give bruises
No more time for cheap excuses
If I were you, I would be leaving
Best you go while you’re still breathing
“Hey, Y/N,” Dean whispered as he waled into the room he shared with her. They had been together for almost two years, and it had been close to eight years since Y/N’s ex had first hit her. “You’ve seemed off for the past week. Everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. Everything’s fine, Dean,” Y/N said and she turned her head away.
“No, it’s not. I know it’s not. I literally just asked that to see if you would lie to me, and you did.” Dean walked over and sat on the bed next to his girl. “Every year since you’ve started hunting with us, you always get upset around this time. I want to know why. Please, baby, just talk to me.”
Y/N sat in silence before she spoke. “Around eight years ago, a demon possessed my boyfriend and it made abuse me. Hitting, screaming, there was even one time it cut me. I spent a whole year with him, terrified that every day could be my last. I finally figured out it was a demon and I found an exorcism, but it just kept coming back. I killed it about a year before I met you and Sam. I was finally free of that monster.”
“What? What thing, human or otherwise, thinks it’s okay to hit a woman? Who the hell would have the audacity to do that? Whoever dares to touch you again better run. I don’t care who it is, they better leave before they lose their chance.”
“Dean, please. It’s okay. It’s done and over with. The demon’s dead, gone forever.”
“I don’t care. You’re too badass and kind and sweet to deserve anything like that. I swear, even though I know you’re more than capable of taking care of yourself, I won’t let anyone touch you ever again.”
Last time, last time you’re ever gonna
Everywhere ya go, better watch your back
‘Cause I’m not your punchin’ bag
It was a group of demons terrorizing a small town in Vermont. Both Dean and Sam had somehow been captured, but Y/N was still going strong.
She had her fill with dealing with demons. To say she hated them with a burning passion would be an understatement.
All but one demon had been accounted for so far, but the coast was clear to untie the boys safely. It was nowhere in sight. Sam had left to go make sure there were no more hostages, and Dean stayed with Y/N.
“God, I love you so much,” Dean said as he pulled Y/N into a hug as soon as he was untied.
“I love you, too, Dean.”
The pair was working on cleaning up the mess that had been made when the final demon came out of it’s hiding place and snuck up on them.
It was able to get one punch on Y/N before she pulled out her angel blade and drove it into the demon’s throat, making it crumble to the floor and giving Dean and Y/N one more body to clean up.
“If I said it once, I’ve said it a million times: I’m not your punchin’ bag.”
@re-fordoremi @the-sporty-musical-nerd @katymacsupernatural
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heytheredeann · 5 years
I was tagged by @mysteryandnonstopfun, thank you! 
Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions (don’t cheat!).
Black Sails
Once Upon A Time
Lost in space (2019)
Prison Break
1. who is your favorite character in 2? Neal Cassidy (insert collective gasp of surprise), followed closely by Regina Mills.
2. who is your favorite in 1? FLINT IS MY LOVE. SO PRECIOUS. MUST PROTECT.
3. what’s your favorite episode of 4? 1x08 Trajectory, because I am a sucker for some good angst, sue me. Discussing seding the dad to space to his likely death because it’s the only way to save everyone and he’s the Only One Who Has A Chance To Make It? Good. Asking the kids for permission because He Doesn’t Want To Just Leave Again? Good. Don reluctantly letting himself be convinced to join because deep down he’s an A+ Guy? Good. GOODBYES AND HUGS AND FAKE KILL SCARE? G O O D.
4. what’s your favorite season of 5? I’m gonna go with s1. It was the best out of all of them imo.
5. who’s your favorite couple in 3? LUCY AND FLYNN. They should have been endgame, dammit.   
6. who’s your favorite couple in 2? Neal and Emma. THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN ENDGAME TOO.
7. least favorite episode of 1? How dare you assume that there is anything wrong with Black Sails. the nerve. the n e r v e. (I mean, if I were on the first watch I’d probably go with something from s1, when it cheated me and everyone else into thinking that it was just a random pirate show for dudebros, but rewatching while Knowing is a whole other thing, so... I LOVE ALL OF IT.)
8. favorite episode of 5? Maybe 1x16, My Brother’s Keeper. LOVE ME SOME BACKSTORY.
9. favorite season of 2? S3A. THE NEVERLAND ARC. I loved it so much.
10. how long have you watched 1? Recently. I’m rewatching. a lot.
11. how did you become interested in 3? Abigail Spencer is in it! I knew her from Suits and so I checked it out. 
12. favorite actor in 4? Toby Stephens, I watched it because of him. And his interviews are so relatable it’s hilarious.
13. which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5? Ugh. Okay, I’m gonna take out Prison Break, because as much as I love it it’s not a Big Favourite. Between OUAT and Black Sails... Black Sails. Because OUAT broke me and Black Sails REPAIRED MY SOUL PIECE BY PIECE. BEST SHOW. I’m a broken record.
14. which have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3? I think Black Sails has more episodes, but also I have already rewatched from start to finish s1, s2 and s1 again, not to mention all the individual episodes that I’ve rewatched here and there... I never did a full rewatch of Timeless, so yeah, I guess Black Sails however you look at it.
15. if you could be anyone from 4 who would you be? Maureen Robinson is goals. Like, the genius. That woman is amazing. (Bonus points for the wonderful family she has)
16. would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? Maybe? Lost in Space is about... well, getting lost in space, whereas Timeless is about time travel, they could accidentally travel to the future or something? Or the people from Lost In Space get sent in the past, given that it’s sci-fi too. Basically they are both sci-fi so I don’t think it’d be that difficult to work something out.
17. pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely ok couple. Flint and Vane. I stand behind my unlikely brotp.
18. overall which show has a better storyline, 1 or 3? BLACK SAILS. ALWAYS. (I answered without checking what 3 was, but yeah, I stand by my answer now that I have)
19. which has better theme music, 2 or 4? I don’t know, maybe Lost in Space? I don’t have a strong preference here.
I tag: @natasha-rxmanova @to-hell-with-oblivion @misscrazyfangirl321 @frivoloussuits @samspurpletoothbrush @spn-idjits-guide-to-hunting @rainbow-motors (if you feel like it and haven’t done it already, obviously)
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
I just have to vent this out for a minute. Can I tell you how freaking tired I am of AA's? I like Jensen and I support him but they are a pack of feral and rabid dogs almost if you say one tiny thing if you disagree with Jensen at all.
Like, if you don't agree with how he parted his hair one day, suddenly you're a Jensen hater and should be destroyed on the spot. If you don't want to watch the prequel for your own reasons, then you're committing the ultimate sin against Jensen, and by extension, his wife. If you didn't agree with his take on the finale, either one, how dare you? If you don't want Jensen to win an Emmy for his role on The Boys, then there's something seriously wrong with you. Oh, and if you say one thing and have a picture of Jensen on your blog or have him mentioned in your header, God help you. You're not a real fan of Jensen and how dare you parade yourself as a Jensen blog when you're really a secret Jared supporter? The list goes on and on and on. These people are a freaking cult!
They attack in packs and are the most toxic and hateful portion of this fandom. They're narcissistic and full-on bullies. And what gets me is that you wouldn't expect that type of negative and harassing behavior from self-professed fans of his. These same people that treat Danneel like a goddess of perfection simply for being married to the man. These same people that have no issue sharing pictures of their kids. I know J/D share them publicly but these Ackles' Army aka Nutty Nancy's take it to an extreme. If I knew Jensen personally or his family, I would seriously be concerned for his safety and theirs because these people are not well. What happens when their flawless god Heaven forbid makes a mistake? Sure, they'll attack whoever calls him out or makes excuses for him but what happens when they can't deny it or they finally wake up from their ongoing fantasies and realize the guy is human? Or if he gets divorced, would they turn on Danneel and attack her, too? What if his aunt says something less than complimentary about him publicly or his kids when they get older? Are they going to launch an attack on them as well?
It's because of their nasty behavior that I even started checking out anti blogs in the first place. Just to find a safe place to be able to question the troubling things that my fave may say or do. Not to hate on him or rip him apart, but to say 'Am I imagining things? Oh, you saw that, too, right?' The few good ones like yours actually care about Jensen but have your (valid) reasons as to why you don't like Danneel or don't support Jenneel or critique some things about what Jensen has been doing and saying lately. And not all personal, sometimes they're industry related, like the prequel or Jensen's brand issues. There's nothing wrong with expressing your opinion respectfully. You can question why Jensen looks so miserably tired lately or why the prequel seems to be a mess or what prank Jensen pulled on the Walker set. You can disagree with what he said on the podcast or critique his talk show appearances. You can cringe at the FBBC interviews or the AD tour video. There is NOTHING wrong with any of it. But AA's act as if you should be sent to the 7th level of Hell if you do this.
Almost every day recently I see your blog or one of the others getting hate from this group. They literally stalk your blogs to see what "hateful" thing you'll say about Jensen and Danneel next. So they not only police the Jensen tag on this site but also the anti tags and posts. That's lunatic behavior. And what drama queens.
I don't care for Jared but even I'm tired of hearing their bs when it comes to him. Why is he always the go to when defending their idol? What does Jared have to do with anything other than the prequel drama, SPN, and the episode of Walker that Jensen just directed? Other than the cons they do? I'm so tired of them throwing Jared and Genevieve into it when it has nothing to do with any of it and I am not a fan of these people at all lol.
And this is no shade on Jensen at all. I genuinely feel bad for the guy, to have a lunatic stanbase doing these atrocious things in his name. He deserves better.
I'm just over their bullshit and I despise seeing you and other blogs get this hate from this cult, no matter what type of blog it is. I just had to vent this out. Thank you for giving us a safe space to express our thoughts and feelings, no matter how "sinful" they might be. 😜
You managed to put into words what most of us are feeling, Anon. Thank you for that. Fully agree with you, cult-like 'factions' of fandom need to chill. I too feel bad for Jensen, it must be psychologically draining to have awareness of such "fans". I despise seeing people get hate too, especially when people don't even take the time to find out where they are coming from. Most Hellers and AAs twist things in sick ways and they propagate toxic ways of thinking it seems, so it's very important to draw healthy boundaries. I'm so happy there are people like you who understand that freedom of thought and expression is critical. Fandom should be fun and freeing not draining and stressful. Thank you for bravely sharing your perspective and for your heartwarming kindness. 🥰🥰🥰
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go-diane-winchester · 5 years
Destiel shippers make me laugh.
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So doll face found this knee slapper of a blog.  I don't know how my doll faced spies always find these obscure crusader blogs.  My crew is so smart and observant.  As opposed to the destiehellers, who are in terribly short supply of both.  Sometimes, they try to flag my posts, accuse me of defamation and bigotry or petition to shut me down and when all that pathetically fails, they come together to form this laugh-a-minute riot of a blog called @why-diane-why​.  Look at those tags.  Anti-wincest?  Since when am I anti wincest?  I am not even anti destiel. 
I was approached by destiel fans who didn't have any issue with me calling out bad behavior from the hellers.  I don't hate ships.  I cant stand the shippers, but ships are alright.  Anti J2?  Those are my babies.  Their abuse is the whole point of my blog.  Anti Misha?  How am I anti-Mi....ok, that tag is correct.  I cant stand that fucker.  But that is only because he has no virtue that I can detect.  Plus he seems pervy in a creepy old man sort of way.  I wonder why she excluded anti Sam stans.  Ah! yes, typical heller forgets that Sam even exists.  Too bad they cant erase Sam with their minds.   
Now, just recently, I got a message from a heller called @1birdsetfree​ [a dummy account] who was trying to convince me that there was no point in tagging my posts with destiel-related tags, even though one of my goals is for them to see what their kind is capable of.  Her reasoning is that hellers will block me and not see the posts anyway.  I don't care about all of them seeing it.  I care about TPTB typing destiel into the search engine and seeing it.  That will make me happy. 
Besides, I see the opposite of blocking.  They are so triggered that they are congregating in one blog just to bitch about me.  Because that is soooo effective.  Like @waywardstardustaf​, who have Misha's ugly face as a profile picture. 
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To @waywardstardustaf​, I would like to say that if you are sending a message directly to me, please use the @ sign, or I will not get your message, Einstein.  That omission might be stupidity or cowardice, but with hellers both are true.  Uh, and you misspelled attention.  You must have done that out of anger though.  I have seen many badly written harsh word from hellers.  When they get caught they claim to only use English as a second language and how dare I be so intolerant to foreigners.  I am South African.  I am a foreigner.   
And look!  I have my own hashtag and everything.  I feel so important.  @why-diane-why​ asked the pivotal question:  why is she so angry [without a question mark] and answered like a garden variety inadequate heller: We may never know.  Well, if you just asked me I would told you, that there are many pairings on SPN, and I despise only two: destiel and cockles.  Why don't I hate all the other pairings?  Well because they are not shipped by assholes, that's why?  They don't threaten death, poisoning, arson, vandalism etc.  They don't cause defamation of an actor who is standing in the way of their shipping fulfillment.  They don't tag like jerks. 
And I tag in their tags, so that people will see what they do and be wary of them.  So don't bitch about my tagging, when your own behavior is putrid. 
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thethingwewrite · 5 years
Choose Your Side
Part 1:  Witch?
Summary: (Y/N) didn't know what she was getting into when she found the book in her locker. Would using it be just all the fun she thought she could have or something darker than she except?
Pairing: Dean x Reader (in the future)
Word Counts:  2817
Warning: Bullying, little angst
A/N: Hey guys, here is the new fic and series, I was working on. As you know its a charmed crossover but they aren't in the first part but in the next one, the same is for Dean. There is only Bobby in this part so bar with me, I like her to discover the whole new world first then bring anyone yet. Like I said it was supposed to be a co-writer fic with @secretlyfurrydragon . She inspired me a lot and I really believed she is a great writer. Thanks to @mrswhozeewhatsis for betaing this as always she is just doing a great job with me :). I hope you will enjoy this and let me know what you think about it.
Tag: @dr-dean , @helvonasche, @wevegotworktodo, @thorne93, @aprofoundbondwithdean, @faith-in-dean, @roxy-davenport,  @fangirl1802, @percywinchester27,  , @girl-next-door-writes, @kittenofdoomage, @supernatural-jackles, @mysupernaturalfics, @izawrites,  @jelly-beans-and-gstrings , @ariannnawinchester, @thing-you-do-with-that-thing, @jensen-jarpad, @secretlyfurrydragon, @thisismexxo,  @wonderfulworldofwinchester, @just-another-busy-fangirl, @mrswhozeewhatsis
Spn Tag Sheet: @thinkwritexpress-official , @itsemmyb , @ezauraemmaline, @charliesbackbitches, @deandoesthingstome, @deerlululucy, @walkingencyclopediaoffandom , @gryffindorable713 , @manawhaat, @growleytria, @thegleegeneration, @samtomydeanwinchester , @supermoonpanda , @sis-tafics , @amaranthinecastiel , @becs-bunker  , @meganwinchester1999 , @samanddeanwinchester67 , @ferferelli, @iridianuniverse , @the-morning-star-falls , @ackleslaugh , @fangirling-instead-of-working , @hellbentcrowley, @eyes-of-a-disney-princess , @kayteonline ,  @spnsimpleman,  @mamaimpala@for-the-love-of-dean , @winchesterfiesta ,  @salvachester, @sleep-silent-angel,  @gadreelsforbiddenfruit , @trenchcoats-and-bees  , @curliesallovertheplace, @jencharlan ,  @skybinx-blog,
March 1998
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It was a dark, raining night filled with thunder every now and again. From the window of your room, you observed the scenery and wondered if you had been the reason the rain started in the first place. You bit your lips and glanced at the night table you converted into a ritual table surrounded by candles. You did not know whether you could be happy about it or worried, so you slowly decided to walk to it and read the page you used to cast a spell. You took a deep breath as you reread it for the third time.
You had been practicing witchcraft for a whole week now. So far it's only been fun. Any little trick here and there, but you never dared to try the bigger one until now. Being 14 year old, (y/h/c) and plus-size was never easy. So when you found the book in your locker a week ago, you thought someone was pranking you, especially with the weird note, you discovered with it
“(Y/N). You had been chosen to use and protect this book. Make sure it never falls into the wrong hand. Also, This book is a gift and can also be a curse too. If you have good intentions, you will only face minor consequence in your life, if not, get ready for a lifetime of nightmare and losing your loved one.”
That note worried you, mainly because no one knew your locker code but you. You made sure of it. So you quickly put the heavy book in your backpack and went to the library. Stupidly thinking the book belonged there and the look the librarian gave you, it was something you never want to do again. So you left quickly without the book and did everything to avoid the odd look you received on the way to your class.
The whole day, you had received comments from your classmate calling you a witch or fat witch, particularly because the book pop up at any particular moment, even though some of your teachers confiscate it from you and you also throw it in the trash bin on the way home but found it on your bed. You had stopped freaking out after the third time and after receiving from one of your teacher a note to be in detention. You were just bothered and annoyed by everything, so you just gave in and opened the book.
A rumble of thunder startled you and brought you back into the problem. You slightly smiled as you noticed that this spell would only last 12 hours.
“Good,” you said to yourself then closed the book.
You smiled and promised yourself that you wouldn’t use the book anymore, while cleaned and put everything that was on the night table in your closet before going to sleep.
The next day like you predicted, the storm stopped around 9 am and you were pleased to know that the weather came back as it's expected to be. After that, nothing major happened other than two of the four kids that bothered you didn't come into class that day, you did not mind. You figured that they were sick or something, but while you had your lunch break, the two left came to your table.
“Where are they, fat ass!?” Joyce queried
You raised an eyebrow “Who are they? ” You asked back
Joyce grabbed your arms and put pressure on it, you wanted to react, but her boyfriend pressed a knife against your side under the table “Don’t even try anything. Or Jamie will deflate you before you even have the chance to say a word” She threatened you, “Again. Where are they?”
Your heart thundered in her chest while you grimaced slightly in pain while the blade of the knife pressing against your side. “I...I swear I don't know who you are talking about Joyce” You implored her.
“Babe, is she that dumb?” Jamie grumbled “Jack and Jerry.”
“What about them?” you quavered
Joyce didn't have the time to say anything that the janitor came in the way. “Is everything ok kiddo?” He questioned
Jamie narrowed his eyes “She is fine! Now move grandpa” he spat
The harsh look the janitor gave Jamie made the three of you widen your eyes. Joyce let go of your arms and Jamie slide away from you. Both of them left the table without looking back at you.
The janitor’s face smoothed slightly and changed into a concerned look. “You ok kiddo?” he asked one more time
You nodded “Yes, thank you Mr…" you trailed off
“Singer. Bobby Singer,” he introduced himself “Don’t let those idjits…” He started, but he was interrupted by a black male came into the conversation
“Bobby. We need to go” He said not even paying attention to you
Bobby nodded before turning back to you, but once again he didn’t have a chance to speak anything that the man grabbed his shoulder and took him away from you. You observed them leave, linking Bobby already even with the little talk you had. He had saved you today.
Two days later
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After the incident and Bobby’s help, nothing significant happened, aside from breaking your promise not to use magic again, but this was an emergency some of your classmates had been slowly disappearing. That’s when you understood what Joyce accused you of being behind those events. She was wrong, at least you hoped even indirectly related to the disappearance you didn’t want to be the one to blame for it. Now here you were with your book open on a tracking spell. All of the incantations were in Latin, and you weren't sure that you pronounced them correctly. Because let's be honest here Latin was the only class you had been failing this year and the fact that those spells even if they were fun to try were in Latin, didn't help you at all. Not to mention you barely understand any of it, you only hope it wasn't something wicked.
You took a deep breath before, chanted the last word of the spell as you dropped the powder inside the cauldron. A small explosion could be heard, and some smoke moved up, you waved off, then grabbed the white stone inside the container before putting it on the map. The second the rock touched the map. It melted like it was burning from the inside and turned into a silver liquid which moved around the map to form a circle around a group of houses. You frowned, it wasn’t specific, but at least you knew where those houses were.
You arrived at the house's neighborhood a few 25 minutes later. Your bike stopped near one of the houses, this area was new construction, and nobody would come here for any reason because some of them still needed to be built. You glanced at them one by one not sure which one you should check first; luckily you took the map with you, you pulled out of your backpack and opened it. You noticed the big circle slowly started to get smaller, as you walked and pushed your bike.
Night had come quickly, by the time you arrived in front of the right house. A big old house, you raised an eyebrow and tilted your head to the side ‘What the hell?’ You thought, wondering why this house was still there in the middle of all those new houses. You stared at it for a few minutes as you walked toward the manor, nervously because it was giving you the creep and you couldn’t shake a strange feeling. You walked into the house after a few moments of wrestling with the door.
Now that you were inside the house, the creepy feeling you had earlier was getting stronger. The door slamming shut itself, startling you. You placed your hand on your chest and tried to calm yourself. Your eyes traveled around the dim hallway, too dark for you to be able to see anything or your eyes to adjust to it. You took your backpack and searched for a lamp, but you didn’t seem to have anything else but the book when you realized the book was there one more time.
You sighed and shook your head ‘Shity book’ you thought.
Even though it was starting to get on your never, you pulled the book when you noticed the book was shining a little. Maybe you could use to walk around or just to find a spell to use, so you have lights in there? You ran the thought in your mind for a few seconds before kneeling down on the floor and putting the book down then flipped the pages until you found the right one.
You smiled “ ego indigeō lucis” (I need light) you repeated three times
You looked around for several minutes as nothing happened, you frowned and closed the book thinking you would just have to carry it around. You closed the book, but it wasn’t shining anymore. Magic was so complicated that you weren’t sure if you still like it. You put the book back in your backpack.
“How Am I going to see anything?” You wondered out loud.
Like someone turned the light on, your hands started to shine the same the book had a few moments ago, you widened your eyes and looked at your hands impress with everything. A smirk appeared on your face; you grabbed your backpack before starting to walk with a hand extended in front of you. As you walked into the vast and dark hallway with the only company the light shining from you had, you got startled by some rats running past you. You watched them go like there was something off about that. Well, rats running away has usually been a sign of danger.
“Hey You!?” someone called out
You turned to face a man, you weren't sure where you saw him before, but you didn't care because the look on his face when he saw your hand shining wasn't good at all, especially because he pulled his gun out “No don't! I am not here to hurt you" you quickly said, holding your hand up, but it wasn't a good idea because your hands started to shine more and slightly blind him making him groan
“Like hell you are!” He barked
Call it intuition or weird feeling, but you didn't feel like staying there and feel the consequences of this, so you turned around and ran away from him, and you were right. You heard the sound of the wind when a bullet came near you. You knew you made the right decision; you ran as fast as you could, not caring where you are going before falling your face first as someone jumped on you to pin you down on the floor.
“Please don't “ You begged as the person gripped at your shoulder to hold you on the floor
“Well, I’ll be damned”  The voice you recognized cursed
“Bobby?” You asked, surprise
“Watch her hand!" Another voice
“Get up" Bobby ignored the man and stood up. You obeyed putting your hand down not wanting to show them, but Bobby grabbed them, and the shining light was on again, “How can you do that?” He asked as the other male came next to you.
You barely had the time to say anything that the other man beat you “She is a witch! Bobby! I told you a witch was behind this” He grumbled showing Bobby the book he found in your back
You shook your head“No! I am not behind this! I am here to help them,” You protested
“Right! We are dumb and Dumber” the other man sneered
“Andrew. Let her answer” Bobby said then turned to face you “Listen (Y/N), we are not going to hurt you…” He began before being interrupted by Andrew  again
“Like hell we aren’t!” He hissed
You shrank back; Bobby let you have a small space between the two of you. However, he was still holding your hand “We are not going to kill you…Yet” Bobby corrected
You palled and tears formed in your eyes. You weren't sure if you were supposed to be happy or not with the fact that the place was dark “What!?” You fretted
“Just tell us where the other kids are and we might consider if you live or not” Andrew  maintained
Your breath quickened, and you pulled one of your hands away from Bobby’s grip “I.. I swear I didn't do anything to them. I… I just want to save them…. I used magic so that I could see in this hallway. Please don't kill me” You begged while your tears fell down your face
Bobby took the book from Andrew  “You know those books are dangerous. There is always a prize behind every spell this book does” He tried to calmly explain it to you.
“That’s not what the note says. I am not allowed to use this for personal gain otherwise I would lose people I care” You confess
“(Y/N) How can you not think about this being weird when you receive that kind of message” He scowled
Before you even had the chance to open your mouth, an invisible force thrown the 3 of you apart from each other. You gasped, and your heartbeat quickened, with a long bang your head hit furniture. All dizzy and barely able to stand with your arms falling along your side, a loud high sound in your ears as you tried to focus on your surroundings, yet failed as you passed out. Occasionally coming in and out, every time you did, you had to concentrate which take her almost all her strength each time. Only some images remained in your mind, with Bobby and Andrew fighting the best they could something, you weren't sure what exactly before you fainted for good not able to hold the pain in your head anymore.
You woke up after a few hours with the sound of the two voices bickering over something you barely or didn't care due to a huge headache you had. You tried to listen. However, your head didn't allow you to sneak on them. It needed too much concentration, and you didn't have the strength to do that. You just gave up and sat up in what looked like a bed “Could you keep down so my brain could rest a little” You said not caring whoever it was
“See Bobby Cinderella is awake now,” Andrew  said sarcastically
You massage your temples, trying to make the pain more bearable, of course, it failed as you watched Bobby come to you and sat next to you. “You look like I did something bad,” You told him
“More like several bad things. Princess” Andrew  said
“What my partners mean is, even though you saved our lives. You did put everyone's life in danger” Bobby said
You widened your eyes and shook your head “No. No, I didn’t hurt anyone. I promise” You blurted as tears came down your cheek.
“The spell you use of that book where market each time you used them. Do you even understand what they mean?” He asked
“Some I did,” You said as more tears fell down
“Oh please,” Andrew grumbled, “Listen, those were dangerous. You were sending each of your friends to a demon!” He fumed
“I...I am sorry” You sobbed “I...I didn’t know. I won’t do it again.”
Bobby nodded “Alright, as long as you stop that I am ok with that” He sent a glare to Andrew
Andrew shrugged “Yeah, don’t, or else we will have to kill you.”
You gasped “I promise I won’t,” You said
Andrew grabbed the book “We are taking this with us as insurance” He said putting the book in his bag before walking out of the room
You nodded, barely able to say anything as you only sob. Bobby shook his head at him, then helped you up. They brought you back to your house, luckily your parents weren't home, nobody to ask you any question. When you got to your room, the book was there again.
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21 SPN Themed Questions:
I was tagged by @waywardbaby​, one of the sweetest people ever!! Thank you!! I love you Zeta!! xx
GAAAWDD.. these were kind of hard to answer... lol.
Curious about my answers, check it out below.
1. when did you start watching supernatural?
Oohh.. um... some time in 2010, but I wasn’t as invested in the show as I am now due to the busy life of school and work. But now I’m out of school and all I have is work, so I’ve got time to really put my heart into Supernatural. But I have loved Dean from the first moment I laid my eyes on the man. As I got to know him better, he had officially ruined any man for me.
2. who is your favourite in tfw?
I like to think, when someone says TFW, then they mean the package deal. All or nothing. But if this questions is really asking who between, Dean, Sam, and Castiel is my fave, then I will say Dean. It’s always been Dean. I am a Dean!Girl after all. 
3. who is your least favourite in tfw?
I don’t have a least favorite. 
4. tag your top 5 supernatural blogs.
Wow. I’ve got my faves, but I cannot list them without betraying my heart because I love so many. So many friends, so many loves, and too many talents.
5. what is your favourite character (not including tfw)?
Not including TFW? Charlie. She’s just... idk. The guys needed her. She was their little sister after all. Or Jack. Jack is their baby, therefore he is my baby. lol.
6. who is your favourite woman in supernatural?
Since I’ve already mentioned Charlie, I’m gonna have to say Jody. She just loves the boys so much.
7. John or Mary?
John. Man did his best to raise those boys. His story is heartbreaking in general and thinking about it is giving me goosebumps. Literally. 
8. what were your first opinions of sam, dean, cas and jack?
I love them. That’s really all I can say. Jack just completed the family because he’s THEIR kid! Sam even said so himself. So did Dean and Cass. 
9. whats your favourite season?
I feel the all had their episodes... but...  idk. I can’t choose. Season 10 was definitely a good one tho. 
10. whats your least favourite season?
I want to say season 1, because it was scary. When I rewatched the series, I had to skip all the scary episodes. LOL.
11. opinions on destiel?
Not my thing, but I don’t hate it. But in the bromance sense, I love everything about it!!
12. do you believe supernatural queerbaits?
Okay, to be honest, I had to look up what that meant, and I still don’t get it. So I have no idea.
13. seasons 1-7 or 8-14?
Why are these questions so hard? 8-14, but with some season from 1-7... lol.
14. favourite villain (plot wise)?
Crowley. Hands down.
15. do you think they should end the Lucifer plot line?
I feel that Lucifer has definitely played a huge roll in the story, and has made many amazing story plots, but it’s time to let him go. Unless the writer’s got something good up their sleeves. 
16. who do you think has gone through more trauma (sam, dean or cas)?
I think they’ve all had their share, but let’s be real. Dean inflicts self-trauma because he can’t let go. 
17. whats your favourite supernatural episode?
Regarding Dean will always have a place in my heart. Also, About a Boy, and I love all the funny episodes and Ghostfacers. The dynamics of those guys and Sam and Dean are hilarious.
18. do you like case episodes?
Most of them. Yeah... most of them.
19. who do you relate most to in tfw?
More of Dean and some of Sam. 
20. why do you like supernatural?
Other than the loves of my life?? Have you watched the show?? How intricate it is, how heart-wrenching and hilarious it is. It’s just an overall, great piece of work. It get’s me feeling all sorts of ways and the characters are so relatable. The show is just amazing. 
21. if you could bring back one character and kill off another who would they be?
Once again, why are the questions so hard? I don’t know. Kill alternate universe Bobby and bring back regular bobby... LOL. I don’t know. Or kill alternate charlie and bring back regular charlie...
tagging: @amanda-teaches @dolphincliffs @bamby0304 ( i know you don’t like this stuff, but in the off chance you want to do it, I’d like to read your answers out of curiosity just cuz you’re one of my faves), @supernatural-jackles @super-not-naturall @claitynroberts @grace-for-sale @oneshoeshort @atc74 @maddiepants ...
and who ever else. I’m gonna be blunt, I got lazy to tag people. LOL. Those were hard questions.
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saywhatjessie · 5 years
I’m gonna pretend like Charlotte tagged me in this thing so Explore all of 
21 spn questions
1. When did you start watching Supernatural? Summer of 2012 right before I started college. I was still playing catch-up when season 8 started but Hunter Heroci was my first live episode! And, wow, what a way to kick off.
2. Who is your favorite in TFW? First of all, how dare you. Second of all, Cas. My dad, just now: “You like to think it’s Dean, but it’s Cas.” Fuckin #roasted
3. Who is your least favorite in TFW? ... Sam :( I love him! I love him so much! He’s just so big?
4. Tag your top 5 Supernatural blogs. I will not.
5. Who is your favorite character (not including TFW)? My heart’s telling me Charlie but my body is telling me Jody
6. Who is your favorite woman in Supernatural? How fucked up is it that this is a separate question? Because we just assume the favorite character is going to be male. To counter this, I will answer with my favorite non-TFW male character. And, if we’re counting Jack as part of TFW (WHICH WE SHOULD BE) then I’ll say Benny.
7. John or Mary? To echo Charlotte: Who the FUCK would pick John?!
8. What were your first opinions of Sam, Dean, Cas, and Jack?
Sam: “This smol child looks like every other white boy I’ve ever seen in shows like this. Wasn’t he in a Mary-Kate and Ashley movie?”
Dean: “hothothohtohothothothot oh no and he’s a smartass fuck me”
Cas: “Oh hey, it’s that gay angel I’ve seen on tumblr. He’s kind of intense. I don’t know if I see what everyone’s talking about...”
pre-birth Jack: “Jesus fuck why all the writers are fired I could write better shit than this.”
Jack’s first episode: “If anything happens to this antichrist I’ll kill everyone in this room and then myself.” 9. What’s your favorite season? I’ll always have a soft spot for season 8. Season gr8! Both because it was my first live season and because Dean was hot as fuck that year. 10. What’s your least favorite season? Season 7, closely followed by season 11. Season 11 redeemed itself at the finale, I liked how they closed that plot up, but the whole Amara deal was just.... no. Why? Season 7 is garbage fuck you Sera Gamble for thinking you could get rid of Cas.
11. Opinions on Destiel? Strongly in favor
12. Do you believe Supernatural queerbaits? Abso-fucking-lutely. I have committed not one, not two, but three college presentations to this.
13. Seasons 1-7 or 8-14? 8-14. I love the classics but I love their character development too much to sacrifice it, you know?
14. Favorite villain (plot wise)? Oooh, Ruby.
15. Do you think they should end the Lucifer plot line? Please I’m fucking begging
16. Who do you think has gone through more trauma (Sam, Dean, or Cas)? It’s not a competition, fuck you very much.
17. What’s your favorite Supernatural episode? This is hard because we don’t see Cas’s face at all but probably Baby 18. Do you like case episodes? Only if Cas is involved. I’m selfish.
19. Who do you relate most to in TFW? Cas, probably. I’m vain.
20. Why do you like Supernatural? *drags hands down my face* When how long you have?
21. If you could bring back one character and kill off another who would they be? Bring back Eileen for sure, The way she was killed is bullshit and she deserved better. To have them set her up like that only to kill her? Bad.
Kill Lucifer/Nick/however else they can think to bring in Mark Pellegrino for the love of God just yeet him away pls
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incarnateirony · 6 years
Ratings for Dummies
An explanation kit to those having to deal with people who spew mindless garbage about higher or lower viewers on a given week.
I'm going to begin this with a challenge: if you've been copy-pasted this as a default retort for doing the above, I dare you to read all of it. If you're 100% confident in your opinion, and educated on your reasoning beyond a random corner of the internet number set pulled out of your butt and recited ad nauseum, you should be able to postulate a reply instead of "UR STUPID." - Anything else, you either have to internalize a debate about how often you've made yourself look like a complete jackoff to the fandom and TPTB, or just knowing and willfully spread disinformation. You are encouraged to cross-search ratings talk when I start busting out techie terms - because contrary to how the fandom likes to fling ratings around, there is in fact a science to this.
Let's start with
What are raw viewers worth?
Jack shit.
I mean if one ep had 80,000 more people watching it-
It still doesn't mean jack shit.
That doesn't make sense.
Okay so here's where we get into some real-world talk.
If you think for a second, for a moment's glance, that the entirety of any TV show's following are like us, in the deep end of the fandom, humping press releases and tracking character appearances, tuning in for any time someone breathes a character's name, you have an incredibly distorted version of reality to begin with.
But you said some characters have base loyalty...
Character loyalty does have impact, to some measure. For example, between seasons 11-12-13 Castiel maintained a 72,000-74,000 character exclusive draw per episodes that featured him (which IS a base allure of roughly 0.028 to 0.035 depending on the viewership night). And no, that doesn't mean only 70K~ people are fans of his. That means there's 70K~ people that are humping promos with dedication enough to know and tune in only for his presence. Now, you don't have to be a math wizard to know that this is about 4% of routine audience being dedicated explicitly and only to Castiel (1.7-8 million base viewership / 74k = 23~; 100/23 - you get the point.) 
So yes. Character loyalty impacts numbers. We can't really give J2 exclusive numbers, because, well, J2 are in every episode - ergo we can't really determine their independent draw, especially minding that for example Castiel is himself expected in half episodes, other recurring characters in quarters of episodes and so on ad infinitum, and we have very little measure of how well the show will handle with only them.
Oh, wait, we do. It was season 7. Keep that in mind. We'll get back to this point.
But this is where that ends. Because a lot of the viewers are just that: interested in the full dynamic of a show. Many are what you'd call casual viewers, but many casual viewers are also dedicated in their own standards. Swathes of people who have watched the show since the dawn of time have never poked into social media. They never looked into show or fandom politics. They simply tune in and enjoy the complete picture.
This is what your real core demographic is. I've seen fans talk about "We're the core dem-" STFU. Really. Get over yourselves. At the peak that movement had 400 heads to it and since then most have utterly quit the show or idled out. There's roughly 200 active at this point. So I want you to realize what a piss in the bucket that is. We can get into the absolutely failed Tombstone boycott as a perfect example later on. But for now, we need to get to how ratings /actually/ work.
Well then, is it demos that matter?
To some extent, yes, but that's a microcosm in a much more complex macrocosm, and to get to that, first you need to understand the values of the "True" and "Plus" systems, what they are, and why they exist. To do this, you need to understand
The death of network television
When Supernatural first started in 2005, we had an entirely different entertainment landscape. Cell phones were bricks without internet (as even reflected in early show), most people were on dialup and if lucky, lowgrade DSL we'd laugh at modernly; there was no streaming, DVR was a pricy alternate feature on top of already pricy cable less than half of american homes had. Rabbit ears were still a very real thing until 2009 when the Digital Television Relay transition took effect. 2005-2009 was a transition point into cable being considered common and, even after this period, a large portion of the population still didn't have it and it was basically mandated at a certain point and stations everywhere had to flip across. This may be shocking to anyone under the age of 30, but /not everybody had cable when SPN started./ In fact, only a minority did.
Why is this important? Because the death of network television is important before I even get to explaining the "Plus" system and why it /exists./
Cable and Sat TV's been around for a while. Back in the old days, people got these giant assed antennas installed on top of their house that looked like you were trying to catch alien transmissions. But this was by no means a standard. Even still, even long before SPN was a thing, Nielsen and other interested parties took interest in tracking the decline of television, but it /really/ started ramping up around 2009 because of the transition.
But if you didn't have cable? If you weren't a lucky sod or early converter? You had six, maybe eight local stations. WB/CW (2006) was one of them. You generally got Fox, NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, WB, CW... and maybe one other rando and a few locals. Welcome to television. So, lo and behold, when people turned on their TV, they only had... 6, 8 choices? Goooo figure. These stations - ALL of them - had MUCH HIGHER RATINGS.
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Notice the “today” is a chart that ended in 2011. Now have fun wading through the rest.
Does anyone remember Kripke talking about being in the Bubble and being unsure the show was going to make it until Misha Collins tanked in? This isn't about stanning Misha (I am not nor have I ever been a Misha stan, I am a TPTB stan and ALL related individuals) - this is about explaining just where Kripke's head was at. That's because as the show progressed, it started losing value. We're gonna get to ratings later, but know that CW was not going to syndicate until it reached 88 episodes, and by late season 3... it didn't look like they were going to get there. At a glance, looking at numbers and demos both, it looked like the show... marginally recovered, tada, happy day. But there is a picture far, far deeper than this.
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Okay so that’s just news but...
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Do you see these charts? These are just... several I whipped up off a quick google search regarding network television. Notice the one showing network shares drops off dead at 2012; and if any of you, whatsoever, realize anything it's that in these last five years, we've had a truly digital boom. Everyone has a cell phone with internet. Everyone has cable, DVR, high speed internet. In the US, at least. It's a very, very, VERY small population that doesn't anymore. As a result And just in case for some reason you're unaware of that, here have a CHART and another CHART. And take notice that Amazon, Hulu, and other major streaming services do NOT report ratings. They make the studio money, yes, and they're very happy and aware of that, but you'll never see it reflect in viewers or demos. But despite this, at least until the 2012 cutoff, seems like CW’s share stayed pretty level, didn’t it? But... where is it going?
Oh, IDK.
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Now if for any reason you think this has zero impact or ramifications in ratings across the board on major networks, let's try this: Simpsons. Totally different genres, viewership types, right? Here's a bundle of charts. I even overlapped them within the year brackets for the visually impaired.
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You can try it with the time period for anything. Check out WWE. Check out anything out in the US this long. Overlay. Start feeling embarassed. 
QED: Ratings literally everywhere have gone down. And that's what the "Plus" factor in ratings is for.
Okay you keep talking about "Plus" so WTF IS PLUS
Plus isn't exactly what the industry calls it, but it's become a widely acknowledged tag for the general public. "Plus" is a factor that people-that-aren't-dumb-and-work-in-TV are fully aware of and, I promise, with all of those charts in mind, completely expect. It's a lot simpler to just call it Plus.
A18-49+ (or "Plus" for short) is a stab at a "fair" measurement of historical TV ratings in a world where Live + Same Day broadcast ratings and renewal standards are constantly on the decline. To create a fair measurement for entertainment programming, a 30 year ratings buff came up with the rating for the average moment of primetime entertainment programming on the big four broadcasters in each season starting with 2001-02, as "league average."
A18-49+ takes a show's average rating for a season, divides it by the "league average" for that season, and multiplies by 100. That means a show with a 100 A18-49+ did exactly the "league average" for entertainment programming. The bigger, the better.
You can read more from the creator here: http://www.spottedratings.com/p/a18-49-index.html
Keep in mind this individual has no affiliation with SPN or the CW, doesn't give two flying FUCKS about your fandom drama or ships, and has been studying ratings since before most of the squawkers here popped out of their mother. The others, you may have been in school at the time. That said, before you start screaming any of the trivializing "bias" horse shit you can feel free to go argue with that sysop and look like a righteous jackass to them too, or you can deal with the fact that someone, somewhere, is far, far more aware of what they're talking about than you are.
Now that we have that handled,
So... demos don't mean anything?
No, they do. They're an important microcosm in a very vast macrocosm that's eternally expanding. Demos show us our "percent share" of people watching actual television on any given day and time. Even on shitty days where SPN is panning a flat 0.50, that means one in two hundred people with their TVs on in america are watching, basically. It's a little more complicated than that, but this is gonna be long enough.
However, demos can be impacted by just... high TV viewing nights. Let's say a TV show has a highly dedicated cult fandom and then, I dunno, the Olympics click on. Even if that show retains every base line fan, unless it has something like a ratings draw character that rakes in more than their average viewers, the demo is going to faceplant even if they happen to get MORE viewers. Why? Because 5 bazillion new people just tuned into the Olympics that usually wouldn't even watch TV and now our percentiles are fucked up. 
To some extent, those of us that are versed in the mechanics of the TV world can kind of speculate what's going to slag viewership on a given night. 
Holidays, olympics, etc. If you air a TV episode on Christmas when a million people around the US all decide to tune into the fucking hallmark channel to watch a fake fireplace with fake puppies running around, suddenly everything goes to hell. And so on. There's other more detailed nuances than this, of course, but these are the ones that make sense without pages of extra exposition. 
That said, a demo can flux up and down even on the exact same number of viewers. Sometimes, a demo can be below an episode even though it had more viewers. Demo matters more than raw viewers because it shows the general retention better than raw heavy traffic does, since there can just be a lazy damn day in America by some fluke and boom, heavy general click-on. Viewership, in the end, means about as much as a fart in the wind. Demos give us localized views within the structure of a few seasonal periods. Demos of surrounding years can be relatively contiguous, but while hundreds of station options expand, streaming becomes more prevalent and more, the core networks, as seen on the above charts, seem to be dying demographically.
I promise it's not that the Simpsons or WWE have become 1/3 as entertaining as before, and neither has SPN. The simple fact of it is: people have diversified options in what, and how to view. 
So back to base: The Plus factor is a simple algorithm to determine that. Networks take it into account too, that's why they're still making money, and still airing things that, in theory, have 1/2 or 1/3 the ratings they had a handful of years ago. Because in reality: that's simply not true. And anyone that continues to recite this shows they have no idea what they're talking about. Then there's "True," which is ratings adjusted for timeslot and station, as CW has its own formula if you look up "Plus,"
Okay fine but SPN started at a 2.5 demo in season 1 and has a 0.6 demo now and you can't even-
Okay first of all, hold the phone, S1-3 stan, because we've got some enlightenment here.
Literally any new show in that era (due to the limited options thing) got a wealth of attention. Did you know that by midseason demo had already dropped to 1.7 and share had dropped from 6 to 4? It only broke 2.0 one other time that season, dropping as low as 1.3 in the penultimate episode, with the finale marking in at 1.6. Supernatural lost an entire viewership percentile over the course of only its first season, and the average was a 1.9. (Source: http://www.spottedratings.com/2011/12/spotvault-supernatural-cw-2005-06.html )
Season 2 fared no better, starting at 1.7 and never returning to it, declining to 1.2 by the finale with a 29% loss on year to year. However, later on, I'm going to break out the "Plus" metric and show why... this was actually okay. For now, it looks rough on S1-3 stans, but hang in there! Plus will shine for you on this. Just wait until we do raw demo breakdown. Just hang onto the average being 1.38. (Source: http://www.spottedratings.com/2011/12/spotvault-supernatural-cw-2006-07.html )
Supernatural returned in season 3 at 1.2, where it left off, bouncing between and staying... just about stable there. Even on season average (1.2) (Source: http://www.spottedratings.com/2011/12/spotvault-supernatural-cw-2007-08.html )
As I recently went through the skull busting agony of finding "the first episode of March" for all seasons to show a thematic trend, I'm going to give you "first episode of March" (not withstanding S3 which was off until end of April) with Plus values as pulled from this same site. All the way through the end of "Kripke's vision." S1: 3/30/06 37 S2: 3/15/07 37 (+0%) S3: 4/24/08* 30 (-19%) S4: 3/12/09 33 (+10%) S5: 3/25/10 39 (+19%) Literally, arbitrary date/episode number you can go back and cross reference for air times. Go ahead, prove I'm wrong. And if you want, and are willing to give a few days for me to pull up the independent Plus values on all of these seasons (or do so yourself) - go and check. Try to /not/ be so transparent as to lurch for the initial surge wave of S1 that we've already covered the horrific slashing of. This is clearly where we equalized.
So what's up with S2 having the same "Plus" value as S1, when S2 had a drop? Well, check the seasons, the S1 March ep and S2 ep basically got the same viewership on that specific episode, and no major changes happened. Tada! Cool. So what happened in S3? We flatlined.
What was the bottom of S2's barrel on ratings became our average point. Simple enough. Be it demos, audience, or "Plus," S3 kinda waffled - while still in the grey area of syndication that Kripke was worrying about (88 episodes.) So moving into S4, you see the +10 value. Things were /starting/ to update but not wildly at this point. Season started at 1.7, which we hadn't seen in a while, then danced around and landed at an average of 1.3; still a higher demo than S3, but I mean, not staggeringly so.
But here's where those plusses get fun.
As above, in 2009, digital conversion became mandated. You could either buy an expensive converter box to keep watching regular TV, have NO TV, or go to cable. By then, portions of friends had gotten basic cable, most people cracked and went to table, but not all yet. Some still scrabbled for rabbit ears. Even still, on all above graphs and charts, you'll notice the decline setting forward. S5 hit with a starter demo of 1.4, balancing routinely to 1.22, lending it between S 4 and S 2  - so what gives on it being ranked ABOVE both of them? (+19% over S4, +29% over S3, +10% over S1-2)  - BECAUSE EVERYBODY HAD CABLE OR NO TV.
That's right, diversity was almost thrust upon the general audience, but at that point, cable was still a fairly small universe compared to now. Streaming still wasn't a thing. Lo and behold, even though S5's season average was on par between 3 and 5, the value was ranked above - as the true death of broadcast television began... and miraculously, SPN pretty much kept its viewerbase while other stations started dropping like flies in 2009.
Still reading? Probably not the people this needs to reach, but it'll educate those that do truly WANT to know.
Ah... season 6. I have so many things to say about season 6-7. First of all I do feel like Sera Gamble was kind of thrown under a bus; S3 had the writer's strike, S4 Manners was pulling out due to DYING, then S5 Kripke and head author Carver both bounced like DEUCES and left Gamble scrambling with a tied off storyline and a now-syndicated show demanding more.
Despite S4-5 pulling out and bearing through the decline of network TV, season 6, in pure demos, didn't do that well. Started at 1.3, ended at 0.8, and on top of that got boned over onto Fridays too. TLDR season average was 0.99. There's a lot of factors in this drop - from some original audience being appeased by Swan Song, the schedule change, and other people just not liking the new production and direction, but the thing is? It still held. It was S7 that fell through the goddamn floor. S1: 3/30/06 37 S2: 3/15/07 37 (+0%) S3: 4/24/08* 30 (-19%) S4: 3/12/09 33 (+10%) S5: 3/25/10 39 (+19%) S6: 3/04/11 39 (+0%) [Moved to Friday] S7: 3/16/12 30 (-24%) So before anybody starts crying about Born Again Identity being the lowest rated as DA PROOF that Cas wasn't wanted back, you need to look at that. LOOK AT IT. That was the episode before he came back, with no warning nor ad at that point indicating he would. S7 fell to an average of 0.73, or in demo talk, about a 26.5% demo loss. Plus rounds off 2.5 of that as standard network losses over that period. But the fact of it, by every demographic, at this point, the last two seasons had lost us HALF of the season 4-5 stable demographic that resisted the digital conversion period. 
There's a reason Gamble doesn't work there anymore.
So let's talk more about demos, and how they're often flagrantly abused in the name of hate. 
Let's look at season 8. Season 8's recovery may have seemed meager. It rode low on the aftermath of S7 and started at only 0.8, but routinely stabilized at 1.0, including the back end of the season, leaving us a 0.92. Here's the Plus value share, S6: 3/04/11 39 (+0%) [Moved to Friday] S7: 3/16/12 30 (-24%) S8: 3/20/13 47 (+58%) S9: 3/04/14 48 (+2%)
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You notice anything here? Mainly that they projected a 50% annual incline of data usage back then? You know, people who worked in it? Or how about the one that showed the projections were spot on when the chart was made afterward? How about a report on how many TV networks branched on cable around then? Or defaulting back to those cripplingly flatlining charts? Broadcast TV is dead, Jim. But somehow, despite only recovering to just-under the ratings of S6 (roughly 28%~ recovery demo-wise), it counted as a +58% increase. Again, it's not me, it's them. [points at the 30 year ratings experts] Network TV declined, but SPN bounced back.
As you can see, S9 held the sharing line, but that's also because SPN had updated.
Updated how? Oh, let's see... Supernatural had been loaded for binge watch on Netflix. DVR and SD started popularizing and becoming mainstream. S9 stabilized us back at a 1.0 raw demographic despite these tumultuous changes in television. Back to Plus, S8: 3/20/13 47 (+58%) S9: 3/04/14 48 (+2%) S10: 3/18/15 36 (-33%) S11: 3/23/16 44 (+22%) So here's where it looks like it gets dicey. Season 10 started at a 1.1 share, which we really hadn't seen since... well, Kripke era. It hovered around the 1.0 line until midseason. I also have my feelings about the back-end of S10's handling, and by the sounds of interviews and panels, so did the cast and crew, but someone pitched a direction, we meandered, ratings drifted.  0.1>0.9>0.8>0.7>0.6. Even the finale didn't bank better than 0.7, and our average dropped at 0.8. Fun fact though, that -33% on the first episode of March? One of the lowest rated episodes on the season, notwithstanding the horrible choice of killing off Charlie. But by then, viewership had floundered. Even still, at our LOWEST episodes on the season, we're holding the network share ABOVE the S9 gains... as once again digital around us booms.
Don't believe me? Check. You can forward and backtrack everything I'm saying on these seasons. (Source: http://www.spottedratings.com/2014/10/spotvault-supernatural-cw-2014-15.html )
Curiously after midseason, on the bottom chart, you can literally SEE the perpetual decline on every metric. You can LITERALLY look at it as it started dropping viewers to competition.
Ultimately, S11 led in about where you'd expect, a small tick above S10's ending, because... premieres. Duh. 0.9. TLDR ratings at a glance teeter tottered around 0.71 on demographic. Our demo went down 0.1 ... but our Plus went up 22%? And better, our Plus went up 22% on one of the LOWEST RATED episodes OF season 11? And the better part of the extended charts (http://www.spottedratings.com/2015/10/spotvault-supernatural-cw-2015-16.html) are green instead of red?!?! What black magic is this?
The black magic is called being in the year 2016. How many of your US friends didn't have highspeed internet? How accessible was CW app which wasn't connecting in yet? How many people buy from Amazon, Hulu, or other streaming sources that don't report ratings but just feed in direct profits?
DING DING DING, EUREKA. Maybe this has clicked on a light in a few skulls. We'll touch briefly on S12-13. 
Look, I'm not a S12 fan. I fucking hated S12. But I have the brains enough to know that this 0.6 it has? The population doesn't. There's a reason TPTB is holding on and it's not ThE DeStIEL aGENdaaaaa. It's not SaMEraSUre. So let's talk. S12. Led in at 0.8 from S11, hit .6 pretty immediately spare for like 12x12 and a few other flukes, rode the perfect 0.6 average line. But where is our Plus? S11: 3/23/16 44 (+22%) S12: 3/02/17 49 (+11%)
That's right. Despite our average going down 0.1 at a glance to people who don't understand how The Internet works, our Plus values increased 11%. Because guess what? IT WAS 2017 AND EVERYTHING IS FREAKING DIGITAL. So how about we do the time warp to the current, and realize we're in 2018, and not back in 2005-land where cell phones were mythic ideas that you were excited if you could play 2-tone space invaders on.
Those were first eps of March, right? Enjoy the first week of March, this year (13x14) (http://www.spottedratings.com/2018/03/spotted-ratings-thursday-3118.html#more)
See the buttons for Raw and Plus? 
First of all let me disclaimer this. At the point I'm writing this piece, true-true finals haven't been tallied in and the main page for it hasn't been made in archive yet with true finals. These are prelims. I'm writing this before TVSF or any of the big websites people like to bounce to as casuals thinking they're ITK about ratings go to look at, release anything. Both this page and TVSF say 0.6 at this point. I can promise the final is going to be (or be close to, such as within a 0.01~) 0.56; Why? Because this same site also releases unrounded prelims, and both this page, TVSF, and almost any page does a round-up. Unrounded prelims were 0.558. We got 0.56.(Adjustments can and do happen but, at the point of this post, we’re not getting railed by a lot of pre-emptions and prelims have generally been within 0.01; the specific accuracy of fast track national unrounded prelims can vary such as with a large pre-empt.)
But do yourself a favor. Check the Plus. Season 13: 3/1/2018 - episode 13x14 - 56. A 14% increase in network share at current and, even if this drops a few points with a 0.56 adjustment, no doubt at least a 10% increase. So let's do some math: S1: 3/30/06 37 S2: 3/15/07 37 (+0%) S3: 4/24/08* 30 (-19%) S4: 3/12/09 33 (+10%) S5: 3/25/10 39 (+19%) S6: 3/04/11 39 (+0%) [Moved to Friday] S7: 3/16/12 30 (-24%) S8: 3/20/13 47 (+58%) S9: 3/04/14 48 (+2%) S10: 3/18/15 36 (-33%) (earlier episodes would give us nearer to -20% but we're being nice to antis.) S11: 3/23/16 44 (+22%) S12: 3/02/17 49 (+11%) S13: 3/01/18 56 (+14%) You... you do realize that in terms of broadcast television, this means that S13 is performing, functionally, 51% better than S1-2 did at origin and as much as 86% better than season 3?
You... you do realize that, right?
So while someone sits here, screaming, "WHY HAVEN'T TPTB LISTENED TO US?" maybe stop and realize that it is because you are WRONG to the point of being utterly incoherent to anyone that knows how this works. The seasons railed for are the lowest performance, the attempt to go back TOWARDS those demands in early S7 threw the show BACK into that early trashcan, and all steps made by the eras that a certain very small, noisy sect of haters screech about have in fact redeemed the show, first in regaining MASSIVELY exodused demo, then stabilizing it across other mediums and still climbing compared to all competition.
Now I will rub SOME salt in the wound. Tombstone. You know that one that all the haters rioted, hashtagged a #mysupernatural boycott during to prove they weren't watching, ended up having a GIANT ratings jack?
Yeah. Its Plus value was 69. Or, summarily, sizably above two times the network value of early seasons. And had a 20% increase over Year to Year in the same slot. And a 40% increase on "true year to year" from even S12.(http://www.spottedratings.com/2017/11/spotted-ratings-thursday-111617.html) Don't believe me? Ask the dishes. Click plus.
The simple fact of it is: the people that scream the show is "dying" are wrong in every field imaginable. The show is, and will continue to be, one of CW's forever strong horses as long as J2 WANT. But the fact of it is - they don't want it as much anymore.
Not because of "Jared mistreatment" by the crew; but because this is now 13 years in which the world around them has changed - quite literally - right down to the evolution of cellphones as we've spoken - while they've started families. And maybe, just maybe, some of them are tired of their friends and family being harangued in the name of tinhatting or hating certain characters. And maybe, just maybe, they're heading on 40 and want to try other things in life. And maybe, just maybe, we should respect that instead of turning it into other reasons to shriek at people and just prove the point. Cuz the entire ratings screaming? That's gone. It's done.
Now this is already a titanic post. I'm not going to cover my own ratings projections mechanics in the same thing. I've talked it in bits and pieces over social media, but really mapping out the entire image of it, and its reliance on a mix of outter-world issues, episodical formats, calendar scheduling, hiatuses, and of course fan favorites and ratings characters yes - that's it's own thing. So to those who have been worried - CW will literally continue it, "as long as ratings hold out." One thing that hasn't occured to the shriekers is that this has been the verse since the dawn of time. Even with demos seeming to fraction on themselves until you run this kind of analysis. Why is that? Because ratings have been holding out. They always have. CW will never have another horse in the race like Supernatural. Flash is close - it tries, but it's not as age and time worn and we have no proof, beyond it surviving another decade, that it will hold out like SPN has. If it does, Good On It. But CW really only has two considerations: J2(and to some extent M)'s desires, and any well-beyond-SPN fiscal issues (such as the TW/ATT fiasco that could bone a lot of their projects). That's it. SPN is fine. SPN is fantastic. SPN is more than 50% better off than when it started.
Again, at some point I'll break down the mechanics I use to generate my demo projections at another point. Those that pay attention know I'm eerily accurate; and these things go beyond simply "who is in the episode," though that be part of it - there's so many complicated things that I'd have to explain piece by piece. So, some day, I'll get to that. Until then, you see I know what I'm talking about and see that I'm right week in-and-out, so...
TLDR to people yelling about ratings to bash people: Shut the fuck up about ratings until you understand it. Or quietly squii over when something looks good. But don't sit here trying to use it to bludgeon other wings down or worse, harass TPTB or try to agenda push on them when one specific bracket of ratings seem to look good to your cause, because odds are, you look like a giant freaking asshat.
TLDR2 for people who love the show in its current state: S13 is doing 51% better than S1-2 and Tombstone did 2times+ better respectively and you should be really happy about that. (Edit: Brainfried, it was a late post I was finishing. S13 is doing 86% better than S3, Tombstone did  2x better than all of them. Crossed my wires at 2 AM.)
This has been a public service announcement AND The More You Know.
(Edit: For those still finding this fresh, an addendum post has been created:
https://intelligentshipper.tumblr.com/post/171566934275/ratings-for-dummies-vol-2 )
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