#did not really fit the scene but it sounded cool so I'll let it pass
felice-jaganshi · 3 months
His Pet
Alastor X OC
Chapter 9
They started to walk home, her hand in the crook of his arm, looking like a proper old timey couple. Zariah started zoning out again though, having too many thoughts running through her head from all the sights and sounds and everything that just happened. So many new story ideas! New dark romances she could write!
Alastor noticed her eyes glaze over and chuckled, “ah darling~ you're lucky I have a hold on you. Who knows where you'd wander without my arm to guide you home.”
They passed by the Vee's tower, and Vox rushed out, blocking their path. “Alastor! Out and about after such a humiliating defeat to Adam?! And with a little paid whore on your arm too?! Hah! I would have thought you were above something like that, but I guess not.” He was grinning like mad, excited to slander Alastor publicly at every turn.
Zariah spoke up for him next, “Hey, Alastor is a true gentleman and doesn't need to pay anyone to want to be around him!” She smirked, “Even you ran to come see him, didn't you?”  Vox cracked with electric fury, and Alastor patted her head,
Alastor laughed as well, however, “Ahahaha.. Voxy boy, you should know by now that I do not go out with just anyone. They must be quite special for me to show interest, and my dear pet here definitely fits the bill.” 
“Now dear, let me handle this. Box is just jealous that I'd rather spend time with you than him.”
Suddenly a blast of electricity shot towards Zariah's face, only to be blocked by Alastor's cane. “We'll see if you still want her on your arm after I rip her stupid tails off!” She squeaked and moved to stand behind Alastor, freeing his arm to do as he needed to fight vox.
(I can't actually write fight scenes to save my life~~ so we'll skip that~~)
Vox's screen was cracked and he took several steps back towards his tower. “Fortunately for you, I have an important meeting, so I'll have to kick your ass another day!” He turned into electricity and jumped into a security camera. Alastor chuckled softly and turned to Zariah, offering her his arm again. She gladly accepted, and though he didn't look injured at all, she used some subtle healing magic on him just in case. 
“It seems our little Voxie can only handle so much before he has to bow down and retreat. You did quite well today my dear. I'm proud of you.” 
She purred at his words, “really? I'm glad!” 
He smiled fondly at her, “Remember when I said I'd take our bond seriously? Well, I realize I haven't been keeping good on that promise lately. I've been questioning your intentions and brought shame upon myself. I am… not the best at trusting others. But I will make more of an effort with you. Because you've earned it.”
She blushed and looked at him, her heart fluttering and butterflies in her gut. This was the most romantic thing he'd ever said!
Alastor felt a little weird about the way she looked at him, but decided not to comment on it as they made their way back to the hotel. They entered and Angel Dust was immediately pulling her off of Alastor's arm.
“Z! Hey, you okay?!” He held her shoulders and looked her over. Charlie had told him about Alastor yelling at her when he got back from work.
“Yeah, I'm fine Dusty. Why wouldn't I be? Oh, did you hear about the Vox fight already?” She asked with a head tilt, that was fast if so…
“What? No, I heard about…” He looked over at Alastor, then threw an arm casually around her shoulders and acted casual, “Listen, tomorrow night I'm going out clubbing with some friends, I want ya to come with me okay? I just know you're gonna love it!” He was trying to play it cool. If her situation was like his and Valentino's… he wanted to help you, but knew he'd have to be careful about it or he might make it worse…
She smiled and hugged Angel, “Sure! I've never been to a club!” She turned to Alastor, “Al, I'm gonna go out with Dusty tomorrow, okay?” She wasn't asking permission, just stating a fact.
His eyes half closed, considering telling her no… then thought better of it, “hm, alright. But I'm sending Husker with you.” He then left them alone.
Angel's face lit up, and he called out to Husker, “alright! Yo Whiskers! You're getting tomorrow off!”
Zariah smiled, “oh, you had work today right? Want me to massage out any sore spots while ya bitch about it?” 
Angel sighed and leaned his weight into her, “yes, puh-lease! Your hands are magic! Literally!” He laughed at his own joke.
Lucifer watched them from a doorway, speaking to Charlie in the other room. “She seems alright… you said she sometimes goes hazy eyed and spaces out? That I think might just be trauma from getting kicked out of heaven… that kinda thing really messes you up. I would know.”
Charlie sighed, “she also locks herself in her room for hours on end some days and won't tell any of us what she's doing in there. I'm trying to respect her right to privacy and hoping she'll tell me when she's ready, but I'm still worried.”
He nodded, “hm, I think I can get in. If we can get her to open up to everyone, rather than shutting herself away, we'll be able to see easier if he does try anything with her.”
“You're right… but, maybe she'll unlock his softer side. If she can touch his heart, she may be the key to his redemption.”
“Heh, you're an even bigger dreamer than me. I don't know if I can be that optimistic.” 
Content warning: there be Valentino shenanigans from next chapter onwards. It will all be less than what's in episode 4. But, proceed with caution anyways if you are sensitive like me.
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qrevo · 11 months
Milgram Prisioner Covers Prediction List
So. I've been listening to some of DECO's older songs these past few days, some of which I hadn't heard before, and I wanted to try and take a shot on future Milgram Covers! (this list will be so wrong i'll be ashamed of this 2 yrs from now) (Also like. Don't think this had a 10 month research period. I'm not a professional lyricist or literary analyst guy or anything. I literally did this during the weekend while procrastinating for uni assignments.) There is a TLDR at the end for the lazy kings (you guys are so real for that tbh)
01 - Undead Alice
I don't really have a reason for it, I really just feel like it makes a good fit. Yeah, the lyrics are about a toxic relationship, but the way the song is written reminds me a lot about Haruka and his negative view about himself (which may become worse after a Guilty vote).
02 - Rabbit Hole
This song is fits so well with Yuno. It really feels like it's mocking love and romance, especially the superficial ones where it's all just "corny" and "cliché", which is really in-line with Yuno's character. Also it would be so good. Just imagine Rabbit Hole with the Vampire cover's yoinky sploinky cartoony sounds.
03 - 118
This one I'm not that certain of, I guess it fits with Futa becoming more aware and remorseful of what he did and ending up spiting who he associated with. Also, I really think it would fit his songs' style of a more rock-punk vibe. Futa's covers are actually kind of hard to predict to be honest, even today I woudn't think about him covering Mozaik Role, but here we are.
04 - Ghost Rule
I'm pretty sure Ghost Rule will be covered by one of the prisioners, since it's kind of a Vocaloid classic (and also really good it will be such a win for Muu-stans if this becomes real). I felt like it goes well with Muu's character, with her acting superior and snobby in school and later becoming a bullying victim, a "ghost", as a consequence. If she covers this, then maybe in T3 she regrets what she did and how she acted?
05 - Cosmic Rendesvouz
Yeah this one came out a few days ago, and is what inspired me to make this list. It's just. Made for Shidou. The mourning? The wanting to reunite with his wife on the after-life? THE HOLOGRAPHIC GHOST-MEMORY-THINGS? So Shidou-core. I know a lot of people pointed this out, but some scenes felt so much like Triage. Anyways, this song screams "I'm Shidou and I'm very sad" in the best way possible. Next.
06 - Zombies
This one is less like a guess and more like a PLEASE I NEED THIS SO BAD. This fits SO WELL with the toxic girlfriend and abusive relationship. Her wanting to be with the lover forever, leading to him passing away, fits so well. Also, Okasaki Miho would simply SLAY SO MUCH.
07 - We The Hostages
Kazui is difficult. A lot of DECO's songs are about bad/distasteful relationships, so I felt like there were a lot of options. I chose this one mostly because the lyrics can be interpreted as a person who doesn't love their partner anymore, and wants to let it all go, as the relationship was bad for both. Also the wife is gone apparently.
08 - Winter Cleaning(????)
Amane is actually the main boss of this prediction list because like. She will cover ANIMAL. I still think it'll be good, actually so happy for the Amane-stans out there, but it was just. One of the most jaw-dropping cover choices from the entire project for me. ANYTHING is possible from now on. I guess Winter Cleaning makes sense if she goes to therapy and recovers from Her Current Behaviour™, as in like, cleaning her mindspace and taking out the bad memories and such, but this is really a shot in the dark.
09 - (Not) A Devil
Another one that's more of a wish than a prediction (and also kind of fanservice-y?). The lyrics are like an angel and a devil on an argument, so it would be cool if we had both Ore-Mikoto and Boku-Mikoto singing as the angel and the devil. Also the song kind of fits his heavy-metal song style.
09 - Theory of Negativity
Aha, two songs for Mikoto! That's because his T2 cover was not revealed yet! Anyway, it's a song about breakups I think (as are a lot of them actually), but the lyrics talk about hating the partner, wanting to change one's self, a lot of self-doubt, and it kind of fits with Mikoto's struggles on having DID.
10 - Reversible Campaing
This is one I'm really hoping for. The style of the song fits her themes and styles so much. I don't think the lyrics fit 100% for her, as they are about (guess it) a toxic relationship (!?!), but so was Anti-Beat and that cover was great so who cares.
10 - Dilemma
Kotoko will also have two predictions! This one is more on the aesthetics of the song and the MV, and also because it can kind of being interpreted as her saying how much justice she did ("Don't play arround, how much I've done for you, you probably don't even want to know").
-I could very easily switch Reversible Campaign and 118, these songs are good for both Futa and Kotoko -I also thought about Cinderella for Muu, but it came as a song about being insecure, while currently Muu is like. The opposite. -Love Doll would also fit with Mahiru, and her wanting to spend every second with her partner -I was so close to chosing A Bird's Song for Kazui, but We The Hostages made more sense. -Addiction can fit with Mikoto because of the beat, but the lyrics didn't make that much sense in character. -Also I can kind of see Pseudo-Hope Syndrome fitting well for Mikoto
I like Milgram a normal amount thank you. Etc etc. Here's the list: 01 - Undead Alice 02 - Rabbit Hole 03 - 118 04 - Ghost Rule 05 - Cosmic Rendezvous 06 - Zombie 07 - We The Hostages 08 - Winter Cleaning 09 - (Not) A Devil / Theory of Negativity 10 - Reversible Campaign / Dilemma
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Definitely one of my favourites: Midnight Runners
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I actually first watched this a while ago but it was so so good that I've been thinking of rewatching it recently and yeah. Here I am.
What happens in the movie basically is: we have the main two guys, Park Ki Joon (Park Seo Joon) and Kang Hee Yeol (Kang Ha Neul), training to be cops. Their beautifully funny friendship starts there when they are drawn together during the initial program. Two years into their time at Korean National Police University, they witness the kidnapping of a girl one night. Banding together, the adventure takes them from a quest to save a girl, to a mission to put a stop to something a lot bigger than they expected to stumble on when no one else will step in. Along the way, attempted heroing and general dumb-assery ensue as these two idiots learn what it is to be a cop outside of the university.
Straight up, don't hesitate to watch this. Seriously.
I think one of the reasons I found this movie so good is the underneath all the adventure and comedy, it was pretty much about two teenagers discovering what they loved and what they really wanted to do in life after basically just following the system with no clear goal. Which is pretty relatable to me right now and it was so nice to see protagnists with genuinely no clue about what they were doing and just trying their best, no matter what hitches they encountered or how many people told them to stop. The character growth was *chef's kiss*.
The plot was straightforward and interesting but what stood out the most for me was, of course, the characters and I seriously loved their dynamics so much, and that's not even taking into account the hella good acting. From the moment the main two were silently insulting each other on sight you could tell their friendship was going to be chaotically hilarious and I loved it. One is the typical 'brawns' of the duo, while the other fills in as the 'brains' and while this works well for them, they're never limited to these labels and both manage to hold their own in fights and trade ideas. Their years of friendship comes through in their ease with each other and their chemistry as friends translates into their ability to work together under pressure towards a common goal. And the two just get along really well. It feels like a real friendship, with the way they trade insults, share a sense of humour and dork moments, sticking together the entire time. They are also both socially awkward which makes it both painfully relatable and hilarious as they explore the world outside of the university.
The two actors behind the characters were of course brilliant and it was kind of hilarious to see the two handsome actors become these two lovable dorks and act so ackwardly. They killed it though and I'd love to see them act together again in something else.
The conflict of the story itself surprised me in how intense it was but it really got me invested in the story. I found it all terrifyingly real, especially with the frustration towards the inefficiently slow police system and the kidnapping of girls who it almost seemed too late for. It was also very realistic in terms of the actions scenes and when Park Ki Joon and Kang Hi Yeol got into a fight, it was clear that despite their strengths, they were still students facing experienced adults in an adult world. It's not an easy fight for them and when they win, it's just barely and something they really have to fight tooth and nail for. Of course, that makes it all the more satisfying afterwards.
In the end though, it left me smiling hard and I really loved the ending. It was a ride and I loved all of it, especially with a friendship at the forefront and the fact that it didn’t really feel the need to have romance, apart from vague implications at the end. It was just so nice, especially so because the main friendship didn’t feel lacking in any way so I didn’t need anything else, despite my weirdly romance-craving brain that usually makes me wish for stuff like that. It was also just so genuinely hilarious despite the more serious parts. So yeah. I can’t recommend this enough. I will warn that it can get a little dark at times. Especially if you’re not a fan of blood.
Except for their seemingly endless taxi funds that allowed them to travel quickly wherever they needed to go.
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boliv-jenta · 2 years
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Dieter Bravo x female reader
Smut 🔞
Part of this masterlist.
The ringing of your alarm dragged you into consciousness. It made a change from the word that had been ringing in your ears for the past two weeks 'No'.
When you said it, you had meant it but not in the way it sounded. Dieter has visibly deflated when it left your mouth. Just for a moment, before he was back to his nonchalant self.
"Sorry, I didn't mean...."
"No, it's cool. This is just..."
"Dieter, am not saying no to you. I mean I am but...."
Huffing at you own incompetence you stood, shaking it off before trying again.
"I am saying no to you but I would say no to anyone that asked me on a date."
Relief, sadness, confusion all coloured his face. "Okay?"
"I thought about what you said, about my ex and why I stayed with him. Truth be told I don't even know why I married him. I loved him, sure, but we didn't have much in common. Looking back he did me a favour by cheating. I don't think I would have left him otherwise. I would have been stuck in limbo, not knowing what I was missing out on. Then I dated Adam because he was nice and sweet..."
"...and I thought that's what I should be doing. My whole life that's what I've done. I've never fit in or felt secure enough to go against the grain. I've done what is expected of me."
"I can relate to that."
"I thought you might. You know I don't believe that you're the asshole that you come off as. My guess is it's just easier for you to lean into it."
"There you go, not being smart again."
"Really? Like you didn't ask for them to keep decaf green tea on set, when you never drink it? When it's Carol's favourite and it too far for her to walk to catering all the time?"
He suddenly looked boyish as he shrugged off your accusation.
"When that actress you had a few scenes with was worried about missing her daughter's recital and you suddenly had a migraine? Like you told me that Adam liked me and kept your distance?"
"That was different. I just felt you needed the sleep and he could aid you with that."
"I think you have a lot more layers to you than you're comfortable letting people see. Don't get me wrong there's a layer of asshole, a thick one, but there's some nice ones too."
"So go out with me."
"There's the asshole one. This isn't about you. This is about me finding myself."
"I'll help you look."
"Di, please. Just give me some time."
Standing up he kissed you gently on the head before leaving. A few minutes later your phone beeped
Another minute.
"I will block you."
"No, you won't."
"Yes, I will."
Another few minutes.
A half hour passed.
"New phone, who dis?"
"Funny. Now?"
"No. I am blocking you."
All was quiet, for about fifteen minutes, until you got a message from an unknown number.
"Who's phone are you on?"
"Mine. I bought a new one."
"I'll block this one too."
"That's fine. I bought like twenty."
(Eighteen to be exact. It made headlines in the gossip columns the next day.)
When you got home you switched off your phone. If anyone needed you in an emergency, they had your home number. Thankfully, Dieter didn't. Your home phone rang ten minutes later.
"Hi! Am calling about our great deals..."
"No, thank you."
Laying in the bath you replayed everything, thought about Dieter. He was smart, sweet underneath it all, way underneath at times it seemed. He made you laugh. You truly didn't believe he was all that bad, he was honest in a way that people didn't get. It just came off the wrong way some times. He was upfront about what he wanted. He'd only played games to keep you at a distance. The sex was...let's not go there. You couldn't base a relationship just off sex and banter. Right? Getting out you toweled off, pulled on a dressing gown and grabbed your phone.
"You wanna come over?"
Dieter was at your door within twenty minutes. "Now?" He asked.
"Still no to the date. I wanted to ask why you want to go on a date? Why now after everything?"
"I like you."
"I like you too."
"I wouldn't have slept with you if I didn't."
"That's not usually a problem for me."
"I am not surprised. So you like me, I like you. We have a great time together. Why can't that be enough? Why do we have to date or put labels on it? Can't we just keep doing, whatever this is, while I figure myself out?"
"So we would just do what we usually do."
"Pretty much. Maybe with some minor changes."
"Like what?"
"Like using a bed for once. Am developing a lower back thing from the chairs, tables, walls, floors, stuffed unicorns..."
"Fine. Did you change the sheets since Adam?"
"Just go ahead and take a dig, am not setting you up for one."
"But it's more fun that way."
"Am just surprised you remember his name."
"Of course I did. Adam like in the bible."
"Just get it out."
"What? It's just that I feel like I age 2000 years just listening to him for 2 seconds. If he were THAT Adam, I wouldn't blame Eve for getting herself thrown out of paradise."
"A little. Seriously, I only remembered it because the first two letters are his job."
"So are you ok with this?"
"Yeah. To be honest I don't do well with the whole dating thing. It takes so much energy. I'd just screw it up."
"I don't think you would, you should give yourself more credit but let's just do what we normally do."
You both sat there awkwardly. How does this normally start?
"What are we...?"
"I don't know."
"Should we kiss?"
"Isn't that too 'datey'?"
"Am just following your rules. No date stuff."
"Since when is kissing 'date stuff'?"
"I only really kissed you when I wanted to date you..."
"So that's what that night was about."
"...or when you wanted to shut me up."
"That is such a good idea."
Practically throwing yourself at him, you closed the space between you, kiss the air from his lungs. Now that you were over the fear of it being too intimate, you had to admit he was a phenomenal kisser. Just the right amount of pressure and tongue. No wonder his sex scenes were always so hot. His co-stars probably loved working with him. Deciding the new bed rule was the way to go you pulled him to your room, shedding your clothes on the way.
Flicking the lamp on, you pushed him back on your bed, now able to see all the freckles that dotted his torso, taking some time to connect them all with your tongue. Him shivering beneath you went straight to your core.
"So what is off the table? Don't want to get too datey."
"If you say datey one more time, sex is off that table."
"Fine. Now that we have a bed and some privacy so we can maybe try some new stuff. Is there anything that is off the table?"
You thought for a moment, the only three things you were against were anything dangerous, anything public and anything that could hurt someone else. You'd already pushed the boundaries of two of them.
"Not that I can think of."
The smile that crossed his face was nothing short of wicked.
"Do I need my safe word?"
"You have a safe word?!"
"I...yeah...not that I've had a chance to use it. I just watched a show were they joked about having one so I chose one. Do you have..."
"Piña colada."
"What?! Why?"
"Why they hell would someone shout Piña colada during sex?!"
"Good point but that's true of a lot of words. Zucchini, tarmac, monkey wrench, potpourri..."
"Can you stop judging my safe word. Yours?"
"Kipling. It's the prompt from..."
"Mission Impossible. One of your favourites."
An honest to goodness dreamy sigh left your mouth at the fact that he remembered. It was a brief comment made the one time he'd tried to get you to stay a little longer. It was the also the first time he told you he thought you were beautiful.
"You want to go another round?"
"I can't, big date. With Jeremy Renner, Simon Pegg, Paula Patton, Josh Holloway."
"Why didn't you say Tom Cruise?"
"I was going with the whole date thing. I don't find him attractive."
"But you find Paula Patton attractive."
"That's hot."
"What? A beautiful woman tells me she's attracted to other women and am not supposed to react?"
The comment, the nicer part anyway, hung in the air. A blush crept over your face as he looked at you like with soft eyes. Fearing something could grow from it you snapped out of it.
"It's one of my favourite movies."
"People say I look like Jeremy Renner."
"They do?"
"Poor guy."
"Yeah, it must be tough, living in my shadow."
Just like that the moment was gone and balance was restored.
You hadn't needed your safe word but it came pretty close. Taking advantage of the space Dieter had spread your legs wide and settled between them. Your muscles ached from coming so many times in a row as his fingers and tongue brought you to ecstacy. When he eventually filled you, he practically folded you in half. He had one large hand wrapped around you ankle, the other bracing himself on your headboard, the curve of him stomach pressed into the back of your thighs. The whole frame rattled, you rebounded off the mattress, from the force of him pounding into you. Your body was too overstimulated to come again, you just enjoyed the fullness and the drag of his cock inside of you. After he came with a moan of your name, he rolled like back onto the bed next to you before pulling you close. Feeling your hesitation he asked "Too datey..erm..date-like?"
"I suppose it's okay. Just for a few minutes." Relaxing fully back into him, he wrapped his arms around you, peppering kisses across your shoulders and neck. Pulling a blanket over the two of you, he pressed himself tightly into you. Now this you could go for. Sweet moments like this woven into your life. You didn't have to marry him or revolved your life around him. He could be in your life to compliment it. Like a double stitch, parallel but stronger together.
Your alarm ringing dragged you out of sleep again. No, wait, not your alarm. A ring tone. Not yours. Dieter moved underneath you to grab his phone. As he answered it, you wrapped the blanket around yourself suddenly feeling shy about him seeing you naked, as if he hadn't had you completely exposed for him hours ago. Running your fingers through your hair, you tried to make it as presentable as possible. So caught up in your own nerves, you didn't even hear him end his call.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep."
"It's okay. There must be some second hand Adam floating around. I hear it's almost as bad as first hand."
Fuck, he looked so pretty as he laughed. The morning sun illuminating his softly tousled hair. His eyes sparkling with warmth.
"I'll just grab my stuff and get going."
"You don't have to rush. I could make us coffee?"
He paused with his t-shirt around his neck. "I'd like that but that was my manager. He wants to meet with me. They want to move shooting of the next film to England."
"Yeah, still with your studio but they want to expand to a lot in the UK."
"I've always wanted to see England."
"I could put in a good word? See if you can go with me."
"Yeah. I'd like that."
"Yeah. What's the worse that could happened?"
Tags @babydarkstar @prolix-yuy @thegreenkid @hquinzelle @fangirl-316
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korissideblog · 3 years
ohhh i'm lowkey very proud of this one <333
sillie little characters: Hiroharu [@compoundhero ] Michiko [@residentquirksupport ] and Ikuto [@the-heartbeat-hero ] <3
i didn't finish all the sketches i wanted for this fic, but i also wanted to get it out today, so maybe i'll reblog it or edit it later with the drawings <3 there are like two that i finished on time, but ahugghieisdifs whatever. it's officially midnight and i have work tomorrow <3
(also, if heartbeat-hero is reading this, thxs for reading over it for me, and i changed the ending a tiny bit so you could have something new to read <3)
“And then he’s going to put the ring on you-”
“But the ring is poisoned.” “Yes, we’re not gonna let it touch you. We’ll be there before anything happens.”
“Alright and- you can go tighter than that Mich.” Aito said, looking over his shoulder to Michiko, who was busy tying Aito’s corset.
“Any tighter and you won’t be able to breathe. You’re gonna be wearing this for longer than you think.” Michiko warned, tying the knot as flatly as she could. “Plus the dress is already fitted, if your waist gets smaller the fabric would look baggy.” Aito fought the urge to roll his eyes and turned back to Hiroharu.
“You know Jeje, I thought you would have brought me a gift.” She said, crossing her arms. “New silverware or something.”
Hiroharu closed the file in his hands as he looked at Aito in confusion. “Why would we have done that?”
“Because!” Aito said, walking to the other side of the dressing room, passing Ikuto- who’s been nervously rearranging Aito’s bouquet for the last 20 minutes- and unzipping a huge dress bag. A short but fluffy white dress spilled from it, and Aito unhooked it from the hanger.
“I’m getting married!”
Aito was kinda spacing out a bit.
In his defense! He’d already done the walking-down-the-aisle-over-pretty-rose-petals bit, and that’s all he was really looking forward to at his wedding.
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He knew Haru and Michi and Iku would be here any moment to break up the arrangement, but he had to play it cool, smiling and giggling at her groom as he read his vows.
Haruto Suzuki, better known as the White Phantom, was Aito’s target. He was cunning and malicious and a hopeless romantic to anyone who could get ahold of his list of ebooks. Aito spent almost half a year in this role-Ichika Yokoyama, for the time being- and worked a bit harder than necessary to get close to Suzuki. She just liked her cases ending with a bang, and what was more exciting than a wedding?
Hiroharu listened intently to the wiretap under Aito’s dress, trying to time the ambush while the support team rounded the back, ready to catch any of the villains in attendance. The support team was being led by Michiko over radio as Haru focused on Suzuki.
“-I promise to always remember that you are indeed human. That you may sometimes make questionable decisions, decisions I don't agree with, like when you got a red velvet wedding cake when I asked for vanilla”
The reception laughed and Haru could hear Aito smack Suzuki’s hand playfully. At least she was staying in character.
“But that’s just it, isn’t it? You’ve always been like that, headstrong and sure of yourself in ways I could never be. You’re always right in the end- red velvet is my favorite flavor, I was just worried about other people’s opinions.- and… and I think that’s why I love you, Ichika.”
“I don’t think I would poison someone if I loved them.” Ikuto huffed, trying his best to stay in his chair in case pacing would alert anyone to the ambush.
Hiroharu remembered the call well. The one where Aito told him that he found messages between Suzuki and another villain, messages describing how Suzuki knew that Aito was speaking to someone behind his back. Secret calls to Michiko and Ikuto about the mission turned into hidden calls from a lover in Suzuki’s eyes, and he was going to take his revenge. Hiroharu was ready to pull Aito out of the mission then and there but… Aito wanted to continue.
“He didn’t tell me that he knew.” she reasoned. “If the wedding goes as planned, there’ll be at least 3 villains in attendance, as well as a few people who might have information that we need! He’s not gonna kill me before the wedding, so let’s keep going!” Hiroharu hated this plan, but Aito was stubborn enough to get her way.
Hiruharu noticed a slight change in Suzuki’s voice, silently getting Michiko’s attention with a wave of his hand. The vows were about to end.
“And that’s what today is all about… it’s not about arguments over cakes or venues or honeymoons… it’s about getting past all those arguments and realizing that… that I would go through a thousand more if it means I get to wake up next to you tomorrow.”
And Aito laughs, tears threatening her makeup as she gives the signal that the ring is in his hand- it’s time to go.
The small reception turned to face the doors of the building as the heroes crashed through it, but the entire room stood still as the scene settled.
There he was, Aito Takao, Ichika Yokoyama, the blushing bride… with a golden band on her finger.
Aito’s eyes drooped a bit, as if she couldn’t figure out what she was looking at. Her hands clutched weakly at Suzuki’s lapels as she tried to regain her balance, his breathing getting heavy as he tried to stand up straight. “H-Haru…?” she asked just above a whisper, nobody sure of which one she was talking to as her body leaned back and she fell to the floor, limp as a corpse.
… a corpse…
Hiroharu could… he could feel Michiko’s hand clutching his wrist, but it was like he was remembering it, not like it was happening currently. Like he was asked to describe what happened as he watched his friend collapse into a pile of lace and satin, white and cold like a dead dove. Asked to describe the feeling of loss as he felt Ikuto slump onto his shoulder, holding onto his sleeve as if he couldn’t stay upright, like his body told him to meet Aito on the floor. Asked to describe Aito, her breath shaky and pained, the last one leaving her chest like a deadly flower wilting.
Something wicked… but also delicate in it’s own way.
What Hiroharu couldn’t describe was the sound. He knew there was silence, the telltale ringing of the room as no one dared inhale, as if Aito’s death would proceed all of their own, but there was also something else.
There was laughter.
Laughter Hiroharu recognized well. Notes and melody that he could recall from his high school years, a finger pointed at him as his friend laughed at whatever trick she had just pulled.
And oh what a trick he had pulled.
Aito sat up lazily, looking up at her groom- the villain shocked and nearly shaking as he looked down at his corpse bride- laughter spilling from her lips like blood as he gazed at the man in black through her eyelashes, batting them playfully as he finally calmed down enough to speak.
“Oh, you think I’m stupid, right?” He asked, one hand sneaking under her skirt. “Thought you could just kill me- didn’t wanna talk out our issues, baby?” He spat, his teeth pearly white and dangerously sharp as she smiled. From under her garter she produced a short poll, which when swung extended into his iconic golden colored staff. Aito took the ring off his finger as he stood, holding it up to Suzuki like a prize.
“I switched the rings~”
“I can’t believe you did that.” Ikuto sighed with exhaustion, the fight was finally over, looking over the party as Michiko and the support team made quick work of arresting everyone involved. “I was so scared- I thought you died.”
Aito shrugged and continued eating the small slice of red velvet cake he somehow managed to salvage after Haru threw a guy into it. “That happens sometimes. Who’s feeding Jiji while I’m away?” He asked, as Ikuto realized that Aito really didn’t know what he did wrong, and also realized that he didn’t have the energy to explain.
“One of your neighbors. She’s like 2 doors down-“
“You got Hasegawa to feed Jiji!?” And now it was Ikuto’s turn to roll his eyes at something he saw as minuscule. “I hate her! You know that!”
“You don’t have to like her for her to feed Jiji.” Ikuto responded, his dismissal similar to Aito’s. Aito responded with her usual dramatics, shoving his plate into Ikuto’s hands as he turned to the gift table, sorting through the things that could be evidence (all of it) and the things he wanted to keep (also all of it). He held up a little envelope, and read the words on the front aloud. “Suzuki, for you and your new wife- and two bodyguards.” He tore it open with curiosity and four tickets fell into his hand. “Oh they‘re for-“ Aito gasped quietly as he read the name on the ticket, immediately holding it out to Ikuto. Before Ikuto could actually read the tickets, Aito stepped away and jogged over to Michiko.
“Mich~” Aito sang, holding up the tickets, but failing to catch Michiko’s eyes as she watched through the open doors, Suzuki in handcuffs being escorted into a large black SUV. “guess what?”
“Do you… Aito?” Michiko started, as if she was unsure about whether she wanted the answer to her question or not. “He… I know he’s a villain and he’s done terrible things but…” she leaned her head so she could see the SUV drive away. “He thought… I mean… he really thought he was going to kill the love of his life today.” she held herself, as if just the thought of it brought a coldness that would make her shiver. “I mean could you even imagine-” and then… she looked at Aito. Aito, with his droopy yellow eyes, completely unfazed by what Michiko was describing.
She knew Aito could love. She knew that Aito loved his mama, and Ikuto like a brother, and she knew that Aito loved her and Haru like best friends but… given the blank stare… she wasn’t sure if Aito…
“You dated him for half a year- Aito, he even asked you to marry him.” Michiko said, trying her best to describe her ideas in a way that Aito could understand. “That whole entire time did you ever… you know…?” Aito seemed as though he was about to respond, but paused, as if he really wanted to think about his answer.
“He… he really had a thing for poker.” she started, watching as the last of the SUV slipped behind the horizon line. “He’d play with his friends and… if he won big he’d…” Aito raised her hands gently, as if holding something delicate. “He’d buy me a dozen roses… and he’d tell me I was on his mind. That I was his good luck charm.” he laughed, recalling how silly it all sounded. “And… for just a moment… I’d forget it was all a job.”
“Hope I’m not interrupting.” Both of the women jumped a bit as Haru came up from behind them, quickly turning to face him and forget their prior conversation. “Ikuto said Aito found something and she wanted to show us.”
“Ohh Boss!” Aito chirped, immediately snapping out of whatever mournful spell him and Michi were under. “You’d never guess!” she then held out the four tickets for them to examine. “Pack your bags! I know where we’re going next!!!”
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katsukikitten · 4 years
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Part 1!  Part 2
Bakugou slumps angrily on the couch in the common space of his shared apartment.
Although if it were up to him he would have had his own apartment.
Especially with the way Kirishima brought his girlfriend over to sit on the love seat in the small living room being all...touchy feely. It was enough to make him gag.
Kirishima had begged him to sign the lease with him and so Bakugou begrudgingly agreed.
But he didn't expect a third party to be living here.
And no it was the cute pink haired woman who sat giggling beneath his sculpted arm.
It was you.  
You who bursts through the doors, practically running into the living room as you slip off your shoes.
"I need someone's help during the undergrad agency summer break." You pant as you look around the room. Eyes first flying to Kirishima before landing on the growling Ash blonde, "It'd be half work half vacation for a couple of weeks. Please."
You sound desperate causing Bakugou's stomach to churn. While it caused Kirishima to panic. In the year or so the three of you had shared an apartment you had never asked for help.
Not even with the dishes after your turn to cook. Glittering rubies dance across your form while scarlet burn holes into your skin.
"When? Which month?" Kirishima asks, pulling Mina closer to his muscular form.
"This upcoming month. So next week." Desperation is in your face again, "It's just a simple job I would pay…"
"I wish I could but Ashido and I are going abroad for our final summer internship before we are stand alone pros." Kirishima watches your face become crestfallen. You look to Bakugou desperately who avoids your puppy eyed gaze purposefully.
"Could you get Denki to do it?" Kirishima prompts. You chew your lip as you try to picture it.
"He isn't a good fit for the job. I need...someone a little more serious." Pacing as you think, going down the list of your classmates that might be free. Each step becoming more anxiety fueled, Kirishima's eyebrows knit upwards before his gaze lands on his friend.
"Bakugou, you got the summer off as a reward didn't you?" The ash blonde cuts his "friend" a harsh glare.
"Oi so what if I did?" All venom as he makes eye contact, instantly regretting it as he watches hope bloom on your face. His heart pangs as his stomach twists. He let's out an angry growl, "I'm not helping any fucking extras."
He stands, headed to barricade himself in his room for the rest of the evening. Between you and the fucking love birds he was more than ready to tear out his soft locks.
Your heart pounded in your chest now that Kirishima had mentioned it, Bakugou could potentially be perfect for the job. And you didn't have much time. The two of you would need to leave this weekend.
Desperate times called for desperate measures.
"Please Bakugou! I'll make that super spicy ramen you love!" Your voice is higher than normal and whiny. Something the two men are unused to. Sinking your knees into the soft carpet in front of him. Your hands raised above your head as you speak.
"Please please please. I'll make the ramen anytime you want it for the next YEAR! 330 in the morning. 4 in the afternoon. 8pm! Please Bakugou Katsuki please!" You clap your hands, clasping them tightly together trying to hold onto what little dignity you had left. Groveling to a man you hardly knew and tolerated because Kirishima asked you to. Broken pride lodges like a lump in your throat, burning your eyes with unshed tears.
Katsuki blinks slowly, It was the first time you had used his first name.
And to be honest he hadn't ever imagined you to beg for anything.
He grabs onto your wrists yanking you to your feet.
"No one wants to see you on your knees, Brat." He snarls, yanking you hard enough you lose your footing as you're pulled into his godly chest. He watches you look up at him through long lashes. Your voice carrying in his head long after you've stopped speaking. Plush lips pointed in a forever pout.
"Please Katsuki."
He suppresses a shudder, grip tightening as he holds your forearms.
"I'll do it. Now shut up." He snarls, giving you a small shove.
Most people would feel embarrassed or hell even a little shameful. But you were not most people.
Bakugou hears you jumping for joy as he slams his door shut. Wondering what the hell he agreed too.
He finds himself still wondering what he's said yes to as he stands in the train station staring at the map of the stops.
The town you named as your stop was in the middle of fucking no where. Where the hell were you two going?
Was this where you murdered him like you always promised?
"Katsuki! There you are!" Of course it's you who's shouting across the damn station, and if you didn't already attract enough attention with your easy on the eyes looks.
His own eyes watch your thick frame, powerful legs pushing you forward to him while your backpack among other things jiggle as you run, "You didn't get your ticket yet did you?"
He produces the slip as his eyes are finally drown downward towards the large duffle bag overstuffed with what looks like toys and souvenirs.
"Fucking Bakugou!" You snarl, "I was gonna buy your ticket."
He slides his digits against the smooth grey paper to reveal another ticket.
"Had I waited for your dumbass we wouldn't have made it there." You follow his eyes to the board to see your stop was SOLD OUT.
"What's with all that shit?" Again you mirror his gaze to your giant bag.
"Presents." You snarl, pushing him toward the platform as the grainy voice overhead announces boarding.
Bakugou shoves his small black bag into an overhead compartment, motioning with his broad hands for yours. You pass him your obnoxiously large bag that he growls over as he shoves it in, slamming the door shut.
He takes your book bag from your shoulders roughly before carefully placing it between his foot and the metal wall. You offer him a small smile before anxiety and anger begins to dance beneath your skin. The train becoming more and more crowded as people board. The last thing you wanted was your ass accidentally pressed against some perverts hardon each time the train jerked this way or that. You really should have asked Bakugou to help you get here early. If you had maybe you could have at least grabbed a seat. You just keep reminding yourself that after three stops the train would practically be empty.
But it was becoming a difficult mantra as more men pressed themselves against you as they piled onto the train. One or two ghosting their hands over your defined denim clad cheek.  You bite your tongue counting down from ten knowing full well that causing a scene would only make things more difficult for you.  
A suck of teeth is heard before you're being harshly pulled off balance just for your back to be pressed into the cool metal wall of the train. You're about to throw a punch when you realize it is Bakugou who has you pinned in the corner of the car. One strong hand pressed above your shoulder to keep from crashing into you as the train moves while the other holds tight to the bar overhead, shielding you from wander eyes but most importantly wandering hands.
Your heart thumps in your chest as you're caged in, all the while harsh scarlet eyes look down at you in a sneer.
"You should have left earlier Baka." He growls as his eyes cut to the corner of the window to stare at anything but you.  
A blush creeps into your cheeks as silence washes over the car. You take deep breaths to calm yourself only to be smothered in a heavy and almost charred sugary scent. A smile ghosts your lips as it reminds you of late summer nights and fireworks at festivals.
Over the next hour you steal glances up at the hot head who looks more than displeased as his scarlet eyes bore holes into the passing cityscape that slowly turns into a suburb just outside of the city limits. As you said the bodies on the train have thinned significantly as Bakugou pulls away, pointing to the first open seat he can see.
You gladly take it, nestling beside a kind old man who gives you a knowing look. Somehow it makes you blush more.
Bakugou wasn't going to take the news well as to why you really begged him on this adventure.
But what he didn't know didn't hurt him. He was already fitting the job description although he had his own way of doing it. His eyes cut to your bag by his foot to make sure it is still there before they cut to you.  
They linger over the old man questioning with his gaze if you're being bothered. You give a small shake of your head no before he sighs out. Taking with it some of the tension in his body as he pulls his phone from his pocket, his other arm still holding onto the bar. His muscles and bare skin peeking out from beneath the sleeve of his skull tee. Flexing with each pull of the train.
Heat floods your cheeks when you realize you are staring, you fish for your own phone to distract yourself as time seems to creep by.
Before long the older gentleman's stop has come, he ruffles the paper as if to fold it but uses the sound and ink as cover.
"You should just tell him." He gives you a wink before he folds the news neatly, tucking it beneath his arm as he slowly steps out of the training. Stopping just to give you a wink.
"Uuuugghh." Your heart sinks into your stomach before Bakugou finally takes a seat beside you.
"You sure that geezer didn't give you any trouble?" You nod as he scoots further away as the train empties until it is just the two of you.  
"What exactly am I fucking doing anyway?"
Fuckity fuck.
He wasn't supposed to ask yet.
You had hoped he wouldn't ask at all! That he would have kept his gaze sharp, arms crossed and mouth shut.
But here he sat, close enough you could smell his sugary scent once more.
"Don't get mad."
"Oh here we fucking go." His forearms threaten to pop as he holds your gaze head on.
"It's not really a job. I'm still going to pay you but…we're going to my hometown to see my family. So many people are going to be there I just didn't want to go alone. I haven't been in well over a year or so due to hero training and schooling. It's my grandmother's 95th birthday and well I…"
He watches sadness creep over your features, pulling your lips southward. He sighs out, letting go of the popping sensation that pricks at his skin.
"Oi, just means you owe me more than a years worth of ramen." His voice is gruff but it doesn't match his scarlet eyes. The train stops as two woman and the six kids between them get ready to board.
Thankfully you spot them before they spot you.
You lean close to Bakugou whispering almost too quickly for him to hear.
"From this point on. Just follow my lead."
You stand, a smile wide across your face as the kids yell, "Jushi-saaaan!!!"
Bakugou holds his breath and counts for a moment, realizing much too late that there's no turning back now.  
Conversation is light between the two of you as the kids play on their switches. Laughing loudly before more and more people pile on.
But this time they aren't strangers, no each time they are a new relative. Scarlet eyes narrow as the begin to wonder just HOW big your family was.
The train stops but the adventure doesn't as the large family loads onto a small bus ride that last another hour.
The sun begins to set as bus finally stops just outside a large estate and much older estate.
"No fucking way." He mutters to himself as he grabs for your bags, keeping his grumbling to himself as he climbs towards the estate.
"I can take one of those Katsuki. I don't mind."
"Dumbass I need it since you took away a month of training from me." He growls, pushing past you as he rises to the top.
Once there an elderly woman greets the two of you, he eyes roaming over Bakugou with a dull but interested look before passing back to you.  
"Separate rooms of course. Set your things down, Mei will take them. For now Sobo wants to see the two of you."
You bow, stomping on Bakugou's foot until he follows suit. Glaring at you the entire time.
Still he follows you around the large estate until you come across an open tatami door. Before you can sink down to your knees your grandmother calls for you.
"Come in dear! Don't be shy." She smiles delightfully watching the ash blonde with deft eyes.  Bakugou wouldn't have guess your grandmother was 95 if you hadn't told him. She sits stick straight in an old. iromuji kimono with bright eyes.
You sink to your knees and he mirrors your actions. Curiosity softening his burning ember eyes.
"How have you been my sweet mago?" She smiles wide enough that even her eyes seem to smile, reminding Bakugou if you.
Guess the apple never really does fall far from the tree.
"I'm well. I'm almost done with my pro hero internship. Then I can freelance and do work as I please." You smile, going on about your life as you catch up with your grandmother.
"Well I've got something for you as promised." She leans forward passing you a black kimono with cranes stitched in silver and golden thread. A small shrill shriek leaves your body as you hug onto her tightly pulling the fabric away from you to see.
"It's gorgeous grams!"
"A gorgeous piece for a gorgeous woman." Her smile is directed towards the ashen blonde "So Bakugou was it?"
He gives a nod, his body fully relaxed as he tries his hardest to be respectful desire his wanting to scream what the hell he needed to waste a full day's journey to the middle of no where for.
"We've heard so much about you! A pro hero with a powerful quirk." Bakugou smirks over the compliment, "You look strong. Good my mago needs it. She and this family do not do well with pushovers. She needs someone with a strong will. Since you are her fiance I have a few questions."
"Fian…" He shoots a glare towards you to which you return tenfold, he glances towards your grandmother. He grinds his teeth in temporary defeat.
"I need to know you can take care of her. My granddaughter is independent, almost to a fault. She comes from a long line of stubbornness and strong willed women. She needs to be supported without being overshadowed. She will need to be offered help because she will never ask and you will need to watch her closely as she will show two emotions. Determined and composed anger to get the task done and happiness should you be lucky. But the real question is." Grandmother leans in close holding Bakugou's darkening gaze, "Would you die for my granddaughter?"
His brows furrow from such an old fashioned question, your grandmother's eyes begin to narrow, gaze unwavering as she stares into crimson pools for the answer.
"I'll ask a final time. Would you die for my granddaughter?" Bakugou holds her gaze and answers without thought or hesitation.
Speaking an unspoken truth he hadn't realized was there.
"Yes." His voice is gruff and serious, even causing you to be taken aback.
All the while your grandmother's eyes cloud with what you think is suspicion before a giant smile plasters onto her face.
"He's going to fit right in." The old rotary phone in her study begins to ring, "I'll see you two tonight for dinner."
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moshymosh · 3 years
Remember me: A Night To Remember (2)
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When the love of your life suffers from a disease that affects their memory of their life with you, what do you do? Will you spend your last days with them, trying to get them to remember you? The life you had, or would you give up and let them forget you?
Summary- Dr. Spencer Reid felt his whole life change when Agent Y/n L/n joined the BAU. She came in like a cool summer breeze changing everything Spencer knew about love and his capacity to care for someone so much. Y/n came to the BAU with a tragic past, her only goal was to save lives and make the world a safer place for everyone. She meets a skinny shaggy haired doctor, which causes her whole life to change, much like Spencer, will she fall in love or will her tragic past or even her job prevent her?
Pairings- Dr. Spencer Reid x f!reader.
A/N- This is a notebook inspired story, this story will be told and wrote like a chapter book. So some of the endings will not always make sense. Also I don't claim go own Criminal Minds or the Notebook, this is solely for entertainment purposes and for enjoyment. Some of the lines are from the notebook movie, again I don't claim to own either fandom/tv show/ movie. I try to make Y/n as vague as possible so shes more inclusive so if there is any descriptive things that don’t apply to you feel free to ignore them. Also just putting this out there as the story progresses Maeve is still alive and well, she is a good friend of Spencer and Y/n’s. There will be graphic content and sexual scenes in later chapters, warnings will be added as they go. Also if you want to be tagged send me an as or comment here, also send requests I'm down for making little fics.
Here is the board I've been using for inspo here
PS- Please don't post my fics anywhere without my documented consent, thanks -Karma (MoshyMosh)
Previous part | Next part | Masterlist
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Spencer looked at his reflection in the mirror of the fitting room as he adjusted the sleeves of the suit jacket he was trying on, he sighed and stepped out of the small room into the sight of his coworkers.
“Do I look ok?” he asked his friends nervously
“Lose the gray shirt, go for white.” Derek said, looking up from his phone to Spencer. “Garcia just sent me a picture of the tie they got you that matches Y/n’s dress.” Derek said as he passed his phone to Rossi, sitting beside him.
“Yeah, white will look best.” The Italian agent said, looking up from the picture on Derek’s phone. “JJ has your tie, Spencer. She said she will bring it by later today, or in the morning it seems.” he said with a chuckle as he handed Derek his phone back.
“Looks like they're breaking out the wine.” Derek said, chucking at the picture of Penelope holding up two bottles of wine in Y/n’s living room.
“Good Italian wine they're having too.” Rossi remarked, smirking.
Derek looked back up at Spencer, “get the tux but with a white shirt.” he told him.
Spencer turned around to look at his reflection again and nodded his head in acceptance of the suit before he turned and told the employee nearby what he wanted. When the employee went to look for his shirt, Spencer went back inside the fitting room to change back.
Spencer handed the suit he neatly hung back on the hanger to the employee and followed his friends up to the registers to pay for his items. As he let Derek drive him back to his apartment he began to think about Y/n and if she really liked him or only saw him as a friend and coworker. Spencer then wondered if she was having fun with the girls.
“Why are you so quiet pretty boy?” Derek asked as he glanced from the road to Spencer then back to the road.
“Just thinking.” Spencer said looking from the window to Derek.
“About Y/n?” Derek asked softly, looking over to see Spencer nodding his head as he looked out the window again. Derek looked back to the road before he spoke. “Don't overthink your feelings or hers, it won't end well if you do.”
Spencer and Derek sat in silence the rest of the way to Spencer's apartment, once Spencer began to climb out of the car Derek spoke again.
“Keep giving her those gifts, let it come naturally.” Derek said as he watched Spencer grab his tux from the back of the car. Spencer walking into his apartment building, heading for his home as he kept repeating what Derek told him in his mind.
Y/n giggled as she sipped on her wine before she grabbed the box Emily was holding out to her. “What’s this?” she asked in confusion.
“Just open it.” Penelope said as she applied a face mask, looking into Y/n’s makeup mirror she set in Y/n’s coffee table.
Y/n shook her head with a laugh before she set her wine glass down and began to open the lid to the box. She let out a small gasp when she saw the necklace Emily showed her in the shop. “Emily... You didn’t have to do this.”
“Consider it my welcome to the team gift, that is several months overdue.” Emily said as best she could with the drying face mask on her face.
“Thank you, so much.” Y/n said before their laughter was interrupted by Y/n’s buzzer going off. “That must be the food.” Y/n said as she got up to buzz the delivery guy in. Y/n paid and brought their food back to be passed out to the girls. The rest of the night the girls laughed and cried together, just spending some time being friends.
Y/n walked into the bullpen with a groan as she felt the bright lights of the room hit her eyes. She walked over to her desk and plopped down on her chair, dropping her bag from her shoulder to the floor beside the chair.
Y/n spotted the coffee cup in her desk and grinned, looking over to Spencer. “Spencie, you are truly a Godsend.” she said as she saw him walk over to her desk, she stood and gave him a hug causing him to stand stiff.
“Uh, thank you.” Spencer said once she let him go and grabbed the coffee he got for her. She took a sip and sighed happily after.
"What are you guys doing here?" Hotch asked, walking into the bullpen in plain clothes as he looked around at the team that was in the room.
"What do you mean Hotch?" Derek asked him in confusion.
"We have the day off, I'm only here because security called me." Hotch said with a chuckle.
Y/n scoffed and shook her head, her hand reaching up to hold her head. "You're telling me I could've been at home sleeping off the wine headache?" She asked sarcastically as she reached down to pick up her bag. "Though if I did know I wouldn't have gotten my daily dose of Spencer coffee." She said as she grinned at JJ after seeing Spencer scratch the back of his neck in nervousness.
"Guys go home we have a ball tomorrow." Hotch said with a laugh, walking with everyone to the elevator. When they all began to load up in the elevator Y/n and Spencer slid to the back, standing behind everyone Y/n quietly switched the hand she was holding her coffee cup in and hooked her pinkie finger with Spencer's once she freed up her hand.
Y/n looked up at Spencer to see him smile before she leaned her head on his shoulder as they rode like the rest of the way down, only separating when the doors open to the elevator and everyone began to step out.
"Guys, let's have lunch at my place." Rossi said looking at his team. "I'll cook and from my profile of SSA L/n you seem like quite the cook."
Y/n chuckled nervously and shrugged bashfully. "I dabble but I'm down for some famous David Rossi cooking."
"Dabble? Bish please I've seen your kitchen." Penelope said, her arm hooked with Derek's as they stood around in the garage. "You're like a regular old Rachel Ray."
"That settles it. We're doing it. Everyone go home, change into more comfortable clothes and meet at my house after." Rossi called out as he walked to his car, his finger raised as he gestured to the team behind him.
Y/n watched everyone walk to their cars and begin to leave, she watched Spencer begin to walk to the exit of the garage to take public transportation back to his apartment. "Spencer!" Y/n called out to him causing him to stop and turn back around to look at her. "Let me give you a ride?" She asked him, holding her keys up.
"Uh-uh- yeah sure." Spencer said walking back over to him. "You don't have to stop at my apartment, all my clothes are like this."
Y/n smiled and nodded her head in thought. "Ok, it won't take me long to change." Y/n said as she unlocked her car and began to walk around to the driver's side door. "Come on, join me in my trusty steed." Y/n joked with a chuckle as she slid into her seat. Spencer laughed at her joke and slid into her passenger seat.
Y/n started her car and began to pull out of her parking spot then out of the fluorescent-lit garage. She started driving to her apartment, Spencer would steal glances at her as they drove, the soft sounds of Y/n singing to whatever song was on the radio, every time he looked at her a small smile would grace his lips.
"We're almost there, take a picture when you can." Y/n said with a smile, as she turned into her assigned parking space in the parking lot of her apartment complex.
"I have an eidetic memory, I physically can not forget things." Spencer said as he watched as she climbed out of her car.
Y/n laughed and leaned down to look at the man who was still sitting in the passenger seat of her car. "You coming smarty pants?" She stood up straight as she shut her door, moving to lean her hip again the hood as she waited for Spencer to get out. Y/n pressed the lock button on her key fob after he climbed out and began to walk up to her building complex.
Spencer looked around at the complex. "This is a very secure place." He noted when he looked back to watch her scan her keycard to enter into the gate that surrounded the living complexes and courtyard.
Y/n held the gate open for him and nodded as they began to walk to the building her apartment was in. "Yeah, safest one I could find when I moved here." She said softly as unlocked her door and stepped in letting him in behind.
"Why this place?" Spencer asked as he looked around at the organized chaos in her apartment. The chaos he knew from his own living space. Y/n sighed as she set her keys and bag down on the kitchen counter, Spencer looked into the kitchen and noted in his mind what Penelope was saying was true about Y/n's culinary expertise.
"I'll tell you someday." She said gesturing to her living room. "Please make yourself comfortable, I'll just be a minute." Spencer walked further into the living room as he heard her footsteps receding down the hallway to what he assumed was her bedroom.
After she changed and gather her things they were back on the road. heading to Rossi's house for the lunch he offered. The whole team had a great time at the Italian agent's house. Rossi true to his word roped Y/n into cooking with him. The time spent at his house was spent in laughter and fun. Lunch turned into dinner with Y/n being the sole cook this time and soon they were all heading home.
Spencer laid in his bed thinking about what Y/n might look like at the ball. No matter what she wore she would still look beautiful in his eyes. The night faded into the early morning dawn of the day of the ball.
The girls decided to all go to Emily's apartment to get ready for the ball. They did each other's hair and helped with their makeup. Y/n smiled at the girls as they fussed with their dresses. She looked out the window and smiled again at the soled of the setting sun. she looked back down at the mirror in front of the window and continued applying her light red lip stain.
Y/n finished her lipstick and stood, walking over her dressed that was hanging on the back of the door. "JJ help me get into this?" She asked the girl in question who was the first one dressed. She stepped into the dress and pulled it up where it belonged before she turned to let the blonde zip her up. "Girls the guys will be here any minute." She stated as she gathered her stuff.
Right as Y/n said that the doorbell to Emily's apartment buzzed signaling the rest of the team's arrival, causing Penelope and Emily to squeal in surprise. She rolled her eyes and laughed at the pair before she followed her female coworkers to the door to meet the guys downstairs to ride to the venue together.
Spencer stood outside one of the SUVs they were using for the night, watching each one of his coworkers exit the building. Spencer let out a quiet gasp when he saw Y/n, her being the last one to walk out. His eyes raked over her frame taking in every detail, knowing that it will be in his memory forever.
Y/n smiled as she stood in front of him. "Oh, I almost forgot." She said softly before she pulled out a yellow red-tipped rose that she had made into a boutonniere. "I uh- I got this for you." she said shyly as she gestured to the item in her hands.
"Thank you." Spencer said as he stepped closer to her.
"May I?" She asked as she looked up at the agent through her mascara-coated lashes.
"Uh, Yes please." Spencer said, feeling her skirt brush again his legs as she stepped closer to him. His hands instantly went to her hips, not knowing it was to keep her steady or for him to hide the shakiness of his hands. He committed the way the silky tule felt under his fingertips to his memory. Y/n focused on putting the flower in the buttonhole of his suit jacket and pinning it in place.
Spencer looked down at her hands as she straightened the accessory on his jacket. He had to suppress the whine when she stepped away, looking back to her face as it held a small smile directed at him, a blush coating her cheeks.
"Let's go love birds." Derek said with a chuckled as he and their teammates watched them. Soon everyone was loaded into the two SUVs and began driving to the location of the FBI ball.
Y/n and Spencer sat in the back seat of one of the vehicles, Spencer looked over at Y/n and watched the lights of the city flash across her face. Spencer's eyes looked down to his hand that was resting on the seat between them, her pinky finger was hooked onto his pinky and ring fingers. He smiled at the gesture and almost pouted when she pulled away as they arrived at the location.
"Let me get the door." Spencer told her as he got out of the car and rushed around to open her door. He helped her out of the car and smiled at her after he shut the door behind her. Y/n looked around before she linked her arm with his, as they began to walk up the walkway to the entrance.
The evening was spent in fun, dancing, and laughing after the awards were passed out and announcements of changes being made in the bureau were made. Soon the music slowed and Spencer asked Y/n to dance. She looked up and smiled, taking the hand he offered. He lead her to the dance floor and began to dance to the slow tune playing.
"Spencie?" Y/n asked softly, looking up from his shoulder that she was resting her head upon.
"Hmm?" He hummed out as he rested his head against hers.
"Those roses? The ones you gifted me, the coloring means friendships and or falling in love. You obviously knew that you know everything, mister four PhDs." She joked causing Spencer to chuckle and sigh in contentment. "What is your meaning behind them?" She asked softly.
"Well, we're already friends..." Spencer said softly. "Is it bad I meant them to be I am falling in love with you?"
Y/n smiled into his neck before she began to whisper. 'The poems of the privacy of the night, and of men like me. This poem dropping shy and unseen that I always carry. And that all men carry.' Y/n took a breath and pulled back to look at him.
'Love thoughts, love juice, love-odor, love yielding, love-climbers, and the climbing sap.' She continued only stopping when he started speaking.
'Arms and hands of love, lips of love, phallic thumb of love, breasts of love, bellies pressed and glued together with love.' Spencer recited from memory.
'Earth of chase love, life that is only life after love.' She recited along with him. She stopped speaking thinking that they were going to stop, she let out a soft gasp when he continued.
'The body of my love, the body of the woman I love, the body of the man, the body of the earth.' Spencer finished, as he looked into her eyes deeply. "Spontaneous me. Walt Whitman." Spencer said as he smiled softly at her.
He began to lead Y/n to the open doors that lead out to a garden, as the song finished, the garden only held a handful of people that were talking and laughing softly amongst themselves. Y/n leaned against the railing of a small gazebo he brought her to.
"You read the book of poems I gave you." She stated softly with a smile.
"I've read it and re-read it several times." He said shyly, as he rubbed the back of his neck. "And that poem I've deduced is your favorite."
"Why do you think that?" She asked, tilting her head as she looked at him, her arms coming up to rub her bare shoulders.
Spencer watched her before he took off his jacket and put it around her shoulders. "It was the fact the spine was worn and the edges of the pages were worn." He stated as he reached up to rub her arms in an effort to warm her up.
"Hey, love birds." Emily sing-songed, coming up to the pair, slightly tipsy. "Time to go or you'll be riding in a yellow chariot."
Spencer laughed and gestured for Y/n to lead the way, she smiled and began to follow the tipsy Emily to the SUVs. Y/n silently reached back for his hand, he saw this and reached for hers as well, smiling as she used one of her fingers to grip his. Spencer made a mental note to as her why she does this.
Spencer rode with her till she was dropped off at her apartment, even though it was in the opposite direction of his own. He walked her up to her door, making sure that she got home and inside safely before he let the driver take him back to his apartment. He saved the rose she gave him, much like she did with the ones he got her.
They both fell asleep in their beds, each of their thoughts thinking of the other as they drifted off.
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alri-xo · 4 years
Ship of Dreams (Titanic 1997 AU) | Chapter 1
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A/N: Hello everrrrybodyyyy so after about twelve hours, chapter 1 is here 🎉 and like... Yeah... I hope you enjoy reading this part bc it's gonna be pretty long. (Italics are short flash backs). Made a few tweaks in how the scenes flow but still, it gets there. Don't worry bout it. And I added links below for you to easily navigate between the current parts of the story, and I'll be doing that for all the other chapters for easier access. Channelling this Bucky (thanks babe @witchymegg ) and post serum Steve in this fic, but in whatever Jack and Fabrizio wore.
Pairing: Alexander Pierce x Reader
Warnings: Age gap?, rich people being rich people, social discrimination, gambling. Swearing... I am on the app so this has no page break
The whirring of the large helicopter was heard through out a far radius, Y/N and Meg seated inside and Diamond on the old woman's lap.
As one of the submarines were being swung over to begin another mission, Jared and Baron walked over, talking. Baron was rather aggressive in his perspective on meeting lil old lady Y/N, calling her an old liar. Saying that her claims that she is Y/F/N is false as she 'died' in the Titanic.
However, Jared was too set in finding the precious jewel to listen to Baron's claims. He'd care less of his friend now that he finally has a walking diary willing to tell the tale.
Jared's Point of View
"She's dead, McKinley... Look it up. She might be another person for vanity... She's an old goddamn liar..." Baron says harshly as the loud propellers of the heli fill the ears of everyone on deck.
"Y'know what, do something you fancy right now, Martins... This is what I fancy, and if you don't want in, go some place else..." I say sternly as I walked over to help the old nutshell out the Sea Stallion.
Claiming that she's dead is rather harsh, now that she's here. In a wheelchair, frail, basically looking like time wasn't too good to her, no... She's no fine wine.
But she is definitely a fine piece of the puzzle, for my reputation and for this shipwreck. Thousands of dollars will go to nothing and will prove Baron right.
I'm his boss. I should be right...
"Good day, Mrs. Treville... Welcome to the Dal'nomer... I'm Jared McKinley..." I greeted as she was carried down the heli in her wheel chair, a young woman following her as she descended from the small door.
"Hello, Mr. McKinley... This is my granddaughter, Meg..." She greets me as Meg reaches out to shake my hand for a brief moment, following her grandmother soon after, a fish bowl with a few small fishes inside being handed to me.
Who the hell brings their entire house in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean?
"How's the stateroom, Mrs. Treville?"
"Lovely, Mr. McKinley... Very lovely..." she says happily as she looked around the room, "Have you met my granddaughter, Meg? She takes care of me..."
"Yes, we met a moment ago, grandma..." She smiles as I caught Baron roll his eyes and chuckle... I looked at him, making him stop.
"Oh yes..." she says remembering me meeting her granddaughter. A short pause filled the air for a moment, as I looked at the mass of picture frames on top of the bedside table.
I mean, it's pretty inconvenient and her actions are pretty different than any old lady I ever met.
"That's nice... I like to bring my pictures with me... And Diamond of course..." she says pertaining to her white Pomeranian, seated on the foot of ther bed.
Old ladies... Quite peculiar specimens.
But that's not the thing I'm after. I'm after that big juicy jewel, and the story behind it. The safe combination, how did Pierce grab hold of it, of such a controversial piece of pressurized carbon.
"Anything else you need?"
"I would like to see my drawing."
Reader's Point of View
We entered the lab. The white paint prominent all around. Technicians in their white garments as they fiddled with the tech around them, like children playing with their dolls.
They lead me to a place in the lab, a rectangular dish on top of the cold, busy table. A drawing of a woman submerged in the clear water.
"Lay there... Just like that for me..." his steel blue eyes focused as he directed my form, bare flesh but a large gem on my chest, dark as the rim around his irises.
His large hands held his pad of paper as he sketched in dark grey strokes.
His dark brown locks loose on his face as he glanced at me.
His muse.
It puts a smile on my face, as I remember how I was too innocent and certain to love someone for the grade of good, not knowing any better.
Jared nears to me, holding a black and white picture in his hands, the 'Heart of the Ocean.'
"Louis the Sixteenth, wore a fabulous stone called the Blue Diamond of the Crown, it disappeared in 1792. About the same time Louis lost everything from the neck up..." Jared said as he sat beside me, showing me the picture... I just listened to him and the gem's origins.
I always knew it cost a fortune, but now I just realized a thing that I felt back then... A diamond fit for royalty on a girl like me, marrying for what good reason?
It's a gorgeous piece, truly. However, by what Jared is saying, it is one for that of the Olympic Dieties.
"... Today, it would be more expensive than a Hope Diamond," his friend Baron nodded, agreeing that such is worth a fortune.
All I could think was I was both lucky but undeserving of having to wear it. A thing worth more than my whole existence is wanted by these people for whatever reason. I wouldn't want to jump into conclusions.
"Oh, I remember how heavy this was..." I said touching the picture of the necklace and looking ay the drawing, "I only wore it this once..."
Meg looks at me reluctantly, raising an eyebrow, "Do you really believe that's you, Grandma?"
I smiled at her and chuckled, "Why yes, dear... I was quite the looker..."
Jared smiles as my granddaughter giggles behind me. All is well on my part.
However, I can sense that one of the men, Baron, is skeptical of me. I wouldn't want to think so paranoid but, a man like him looks at someone like me differently.
Jared goes on with his story, and I listen, any rational human should do the same, "We tracked in down through insurance records but it was deemed confidential... Do you know who the claimant was, Y/N?"
"I believe it may be someone with Pierce..." I say in a lively tone. But that surname irks me.
"Ding ding ding! The father, New York personality, worked for the Navy as one of it's top asset and next part of his story, became one of the most known socialites of his time in the US. For his son, Alexander Pierce, heir of all that cash, splurged on the necklace during his trip to France..."
He paused a little, "For his fiancee, you... One week before the Titanic set sailed from England. Claim was made after the ship sank... Meaning, it went down with the ship."
Meg looked at the date, dictating it to Jared as he snapped his fingers.
"So if your grandma is who she says she is, it means that she wore the necklace when the Titanic sank..." Baron butted in like an omniscient being, but I don't really mind. What is there to mind anyway?
I can't force someone into believing who I say I am. I have gone through enough in my 100 years of existence and that's a thing I learned along the way, before I rode that ship. I couldn't force even my mother who I think I am... When she was alive of course.
Jared smiles at me like the Cheshire cat, eyes gleaming with anticipation, "And that makes you my new bestfriend."
We went forth to another part of the lab. In front of me stood a table, antiques submerged in the Atlantic laid out in front of me.
It felt as if I was travelling through time, in my younger years. My glory days. The mirror looked in shape, though faded a little and cracked, it's still the mirror I once held.
"My reflection is a little different..." I smiled as I set it down. I took another antique from the table, a hair piece this time and inspected it. It still dawns its jewel toned colors, except it has faded through the test of time.
All these items still vivid in my memory. How new they were and the materials that made up every piece on this table, were so rare and priceless. It's extraordinary how they are still in mint condition, after such a long time.
The people connected to these items however, didn't stand the test of time very well. They come and go.
"Are you ready to go back to Titanic?"
Third Person Point of View
"Live from 12,000 feet," Baron begins with his lecture, a simulation of what happened to the Titanic, the video running the events that lead to the sunken disaster, now at rest in the Atlantic.
Jared thought she doesn't need to know this, but Y/N insisted. She said she was curious, despite her thoughts on this skeptic, Mr. Martins, it would be rude to decline. Men can share.
Y/N, seemed facinated with the tech around her, showing the bottom of the ocean but seemed interested at a certain part of the sunken ship, which made Jared pay attention to her expressions, to unlock memories that may lead him to a successful mission.
He simply can't let every bit of this pass. Not a damn chance.
Baron went on and on... making sounds along the visuals on screen...
"Morse code, DIT DIT DIT..."
"Sank on the bottom like junk, BOOOM..."
"Pretty cool, huh?" Baron says happily, smiling at her, ancient eyes stoic as it ended.
"Thank you for that fine forensic analysis, Mr. Martins. Of course the experience of it was far less... Scientific..." she says, her voice frail, but willing to tell what it's like. Willing to be a primary source of information, a walking book... Diary rather.
"Will you share it with us?" Jared asks, preparing the tape recorder.
Y/N stands from her chair, looking around the monitors, the sad ruins of the ship below. Algae and sea garbage on its once metal hand rails and deck.
Reader's Point of View
I looked at the ruins of the ship from the monitors. Every part of it, every set of stairs, every surface of the ship, I see people, from all walks of life. The door, now rusted and covered in debris and underwater plants.
"Good day, Ms. Y/L/N..." a man says, who works in the Titanic opens the door for me, metal tinted in gold as its windows, the varnished wood engraved with expertly made carvings.
Futher past the door, the ivory staircase on full display. Passengers of first-class in their fine garments and black suits, up and down its grand halls.
It all flashes in my head, before my eyes. All the opulence, the lush life... And how lives clinged to the metal rails for dear life.
I felt my face get hot and my eyes burn as tears ran down my face, my mouth slightly agape as I covered it and gasp in air, as it drowning in my memories and in my emotions.
Meg's face paints to worry, as she takes my wheelchair, "I'm taking her to rest."
My voice strong and in authority. I called Mr. McKinley, and I am here to give it to him. Not for him to aid in my old age.
I sat down with the monitors behind me as the people in the room settled down, Jared holding a tape recorder in his hands.
"It's been 84 years-"
"Just tell us what you can... Anything at all..." Jared interrupts as I began to tell of my experience. Took aback, I thought to myself...
Does he really want me to say what I have to say or he just wants something else out of me?
"Do you want to hear it or not, Mr. McKinley?" I ask sternly, he falls quiet signalling me to continue.
"It's been 84 years, and I can still smell the fresh paint. The china has never been used. The sheets have never been slept in... Titanic was called, the 'Ship of Dreams,' and it was... It really was..."
Third Person Point of View
Everyone was smiling ear to ear, hugging each other as they boarded the large ship. People segregated, the first-class passengers need no such inspection, just by the looks of them.
Third-class however, needs to go through inspection. Health, appearance... Certain things were contagious back in the day.
In the sea of people, old fashioned automobiles honked loudly, the aristocrats. Easily distinguished as gold curls surrounded the edges of the vehicle's doors and windows, one after the other. It's contents may be people or their stack of belongings.
To these aristocrats and socialites, there is no in between when it comes to needs and wants. Every want is a need.
Reader's Point of View
So this is a ship, they say? It's but a big boat to me... Looks like any other ship. So much for taking me here when I could've lived my life on land like a normal girl.
I reached out my gloved hand to the chauffer, helping me off the vehicle. I looked through my wide brimmed hat, the Titanic in front of all the people bidding goodbye.
To these people, this is the grandest ship in their eyes and hearts. For me, who had a fair share of being on different ships, this just looks like a joke to me.
So much for bringing me here, Pierce.
"I don't see what all the fuss is about... It doesn't look bigger than the Mauretania..." I say to Alexander as he stepped down the vehicle.
"You can belittle all other things, Y/N but not the Titanic..." he pressed as if he himself already entered the ship, "It's over a hundred feet longer than Mauretania and far more luxurious... You're gonna love it..."
I walked forth a little to give space to my mother, Katherine, Karen for short. I call her that, but without her knowledge as she likes to make herself be heard and she wants it exactly how she wants it.
"Your daughter's far too hard to please, Katherine..." Alexander says as she helps her off the vehicle.
May I add, she's a feisty one.
"So this is the ship they say is unsinkable, huh?" She says looking at the ship, raising her thin eyebrow. Her hands tucked inside her hand warmers.
"Yes, it is unsinkable. God himself can't sink this ship." He beams as my mother looks at him impressed.
A small man approached Alexander, telling him that the luggage should go to the main entrance around the ship somewhere. He hands him a good tip, a more than good tip. His eyes grow large as Alexander tells him to look for Brock Rumlow, his right hand.
It's funny because his right hand man is nearer to my age than he is.
We head off to the ship, my mother's arm linked to Alexander's, looking more like a couple than how we are meant to look the part as I walked passed the third-class passengers being inspected.
We walked on the ramp, the water under it and the people below us.
Upon entrance, Alexander made me link my arm with his. Thanks, mother for finally thinking that you set me up with this person and not you setting yourself up with him.
Although that last part sounds better to me. He's as old as someone like him should be.
It was the ship of dreams... to everyone else. To me it was a slave ship. Taking me to the the United States in chains.
Outwardly I was everything a well brought up girl should be. Inside, I was screaming.
Third Person Point of View
Forget the ship for now, the focus should be inside the pub. A pub full of people from the working class, drinking liquor, good enough that their money can afford, as cheap prostitutes flirted with the men for a quick buck for a bite to eat.
Four men, playing a serious game of poker. Every last bit of coin they had, were on the table. One takes a drink of his brown liquor as he speaks in Swedish.
"Du dumma, satsar du på våra biljetter! (You dumbass, you bet our tickets!)" He says to his companion who snaps his attention to him.
"Du förlorade alla våra pengar och jag försöker få tillbaka dem. Välj nu ett jävla kort! (You lost all our money and I'm trying to get them back. Now pick a damn card!)," One of them says gritting his teeth at his friend, who was playing all he got.
One of them puffs a cigarette, his grey blue eyes focused on his cards and the man across the table. Caring less of his brunette locks getting in the way of his vision.
"Hit me again, Ivan..." he asks as one of the Swedish men slip him a card and he takes it.
His blonde companion, begins to worry a little. Thinking they bet everything and are about to lose everything and stay in Southampton for another long time before they get lucky.
He notices, his voice in a low, raspy whisper, "Don't worry buddy, we've got nothing to lose..."
"We have nothing to lose because we literally have nothing, Bucky..." he says worried, as his friend bet everything they had, except for their clothes...
The ship horn toots its mighty note, alerting the gamblers, Bucky looks around, his competition sweating seeds off his forehead.
"Moment of truth..." he begins looking up at the four other men, anticipation and worry painted their faces, "Steve..."
The blonde lays out his deck, "Nothing..."
He continues, "Ludvig..."
The man lays out his deck, "Oh, squat..." he continues to the other one, "Ivan, two pair... Hmm... Sorry, Steve..."
Steve's face pales, he begins to sweat buckets... Fear rushing over him as he feels cold, palms sweaty.
"W-we lost? I won't be able to see ma another while... Darn it, Bucky..." he begins to stammer and curse... Thinking luck was not on his side...
"Sorry, Steve... You lost and I WON! FULL HOUSE, BUDDY!" Bucky cheers as Steve stands up happily hugging him, kissing the two tickets, "We're going home!"
Profanities streamed from the lips of the two other men who bet their tickets. The poker gods not on their side.
The taller man stood up, over 6 feet tall, maybe 6 foot 7, and grabbed Bucky by the collar. Bucky closed his eyes to take the impact of the large hand balled up in a fist. Instead, he punches his companion, knocked out like a light.
"We're going home, Steve!!"
"America, here we come!!"
Their celebration came to a halt, the pub owner cutting in looking at the two men.
"You're not going to America... Titanic is, in five minutes..." he says pointing to the clock, every second wasting away.
The two men exchanged looks and rushed out the pub, all their belongings they stuffed in their bags like sacks.
They ran in the crowd chasing time, as Steve cheered excitedly as they were coming home.
They ran and ran, cutting between the crowd of people and the honking automobiles. They skipped the line for inspection and went straight to the third-class passenger entrance, Bucky waving the tickets at the guard.
"Passed through inspection?" The guard asks, like he does for every passenger.
"Don't have lice, don't worry... We're both Americans..." He says flushed and panting, waiting to get on the ship to their quarters.
The guard was testy, but there was a sliver of trust shining through, "Alright, come aboard..."
They entered the ship, but it came to a halt. The guard passed the ticket on to another guard to inspect them, to see if they are not posers.
He begins saying the names, "Eklund and... Norberg..."
He says, raising a brow... he thought, 'these don't look like Eklunds and Norbergs...'
He hands them the tickets, granting them entrance to the RMS Titanic.
"Come on, Ivan!!" They ran in the corridor, whooping in victory...
"We are the luckiest sons of bitches alive!"
They quickly run up the metal stair case, excitedly throught the crowd of people finding their way in the ship. They busted out the door as they stood along the people on the poop deck.
"BYEEEE" Bucky yells out to the crowd, as if someone important to him is in the crowd.
Steve looks at him puzzled, "You hung out with some skank?" He asks, knowing that Bucky's a smooth wolf where ever he went.
Bucky shakes his head, chuckling then looking at him in disbelief, "NO, Steve... It's a thing!!!"
Steve shrugged and started waving at the crowd as the ship moved away from the dock.
"Bye, everybodyyy!!! I may or may not forget youuuu!!" Steve yells to the crowd as the ship set sail to New York, back to their country and to their homes.
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A/N: CUUUUT so this is chapter 1 of Ship of dreams... You finally reached the bottom of this chapter... Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed it 💕 keep saaafe
@witchymegg @underworldqueen13 @amisutcliff @luna4501 @likeit-or-leaveit @vhsbarnes @uglipotata72829
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Lux & Dash
Lux: Hey 😊 Lux: wanna hang out today? Dash: Bummer! There's no way Dash: I promised Sapphire we'd hang Lux: Can't I come with? What are you doing? Dash: she wouldn't be down Dash: you get the picture, yeah? Lux: I don't think I know Sapphire...? Dash: she has a groovy Cleopatra vibe Lux: 🐍🐍🐍 love that Lux: you gonna be Marc or Julius? Dash: Who did she dig more? Lux: You're more of the Antony type Lux: they had their own drinking club called inimitable livers Lux: and they played pranks on people in disguise Dash: Right on! Lux: I hope your love affair doesn't end in such dire circumstances Dash: it'll be outta sight, don't sweat it Dash: she's made loads of her own promises back Lux: She's not the sister of anyone is she? Dash: Onyx but he's cool Lux: Hmm, actually, my point is moot regardless, if she's Cleopatra, it's Octavia's brother you need to worry about Lux: Cleo could 💀 her own Lux: never mind then, you should be fine 😁 Dash: you know how to lay a real trip, huh? Dash: I almost forgot Lux: forgot about Marcus Antonius?! Lux: don't wanna be doomed to repeat it, Dashiel, think on Dash: no doom in my 🔮 babe Lux: 🌈✨ good times Dash: that's more the shit to 🗨 into being Lux: I don't think you can blame the eventual fall of Rome on me being in your inbox when you'd rather I weren't 😄 Dash: No blame, I just gotta do my own thing Lux: do you think any of us can ever be unique Dash: Beats me, that's heavy 💭 Lux: I thought that's what you were getting at Lux: Bummer Lux: I'll ask around Dash: I'm not trying to get into anything with you Dash: later, maybe Lux: You aren't going to have an answer for me later Lux: Don't sweat it, Dash Dash: if you wanna go ahead & cut me some slack I'll have magic for you Dash: just not now Lux: It doesn't matter Lux: I want conversation and someone to hang with, you want neither, that's chill Dash: what you want isn't a bad scene but it's not mine Dash: I can turn you onto someone whose it is, you'll have a blast Lux: that's okay ✌ Lux: I'll make my own friends, continue to Dash: Cool Lux: godspeed 🚀 I will let you know my findings 🗳📋 Dash: you know where to find me to lay whatever you want on me Dash: 🍎🍏🌳 Lux: what do you like most about 🍎🍏🌳 there Dash: 👀 Lux: good answer Lux: the ☀ looks best through 🍃🌳🍂 Dash: & the sky looks 🍒 from that high Lux: 🍒🥧 sounds good Dash: I'm hip to that Lux: does that mean you're going to make one? Lux: I'll get the 🍨 a la mode or nothing baby Dash: you're the girl, why aren't you making it? Lux: ha, I wasn't raised one though, so that kind of nonsense does not work on me 😅 Lux: I like brown sugar and cinnamon on the top please Dash: I'll find a 🐤 who's not wise to it & pass that on Dash: but they won't be fitting an apron how you would ✨ Lux: I don't want deception pie Lux: it will taste all the bitter for it 😖😖😖 yuck yuck yuck Dash: I'll pick the 🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍌🍉🍇🍓🍈🍒🍑 for it Dash: keep it sweet & honest Lux: make me a basket Lux: that way you get to be sweet and I don't have to participate in any misogyny for baked goods Dash: What's with the goddess demands when you know I've got demands on my time? Lux: you're so busy, right? Dash: 🚀🪐💫 Dash: I can't be weaving you a basket like it's no biggie Lux: well that is not what I meant 😏 Lux: but if you can't handle it then I'm sure I'll manage just fine Dash: weave a 🐤 a basket and she's 💖 for a day, teach her to basket weave... Lux: how very like a man to claim mastery over a skill women for centuries just did because they had to Lux: you had your chance to be 👏 over your pastry making expertise but you declined Dash: how righteous of you to keep the faith on that belief but yo, can you do it? I can Dash: declining everything I can teach you is a bad trip to be on Dash: you said you weren't down to feast on bitter fruit, that's gotta include sour 🍇 baby Lux: It's a very wholesome past life you've painted for me if I somehow acquired that skill Lux: certainly a prettier picture than the truth alas Lux: I haven't declined any invitation Lux: that's you Dash: I haven't either Dash: There's a time & a place for us to reconnect Dash: after Sapphire's Dash: & Lotus' Lux: your schedule isn't going to dictate mine Lux: we'll see when that time is Lux: 🌍🌌💫 willing Dash: come & 👀 me then Dash: it'll be unreal again Lux: you want me to watch you from the nearest 🍎🍏🌳? Dash: or 🌌 til the 7th day of the 7th month if you still vibe with that story Lux: That's an interesting way to inquire about my faith Lux: you'd make an excellent youth pastor Lux: 🤭 Dash: you've heard me play 🎸 Lux: and your cool lingo Lux: yep, it is indeed your calling Lux: we'll start your bible study as soon as the 🌍 is ready Dash: sounds like a drag Dash: how are we gonna make it fun? Lux: 🍪🍪🥛 and fellow youths, duh Dash: if you're gonna teach me it needs to be visual Dash: that's my way Lux: really? Lux: well, I'm going to need all my creativity and crafting skills to recreate Noah's Ark Dash: Moses'll be easy, I'll weave a basket for real Dash: he's the one, yeah? 👶 Lux: that's him Lux: have a whole cast of 👶 to choose from Dash: & animals Lux: I'll just try to avoid being like Sarah and 👊 all the mothers in envy Lux: not a good look Dash: I can get you a baby 🐈 if it'll keep the peace Lux: 😄 it'd be a whole other story if that's what Abraham had done Dash: he coulda taken 5 & let me 🛹⚡️ to my nan's place Lux: a man who marries his sister and needs to populate the 🌍 ain't got no time to chill, Dashiel Dash: the more you tell me, the more he fits into my family 🌳 Lux: 🤨 🧐 Lux: you're holy too? Dash: last time we got together you seemed to 💭👀🗨 so Lux: false prophets hold a certain amount of appeal, of course Dash: what was false? Lux: well, it's not for me to say you weren't speaking the word of God, I suppose Lux: but it's also a big no-no to worship false idols, it's in the big 10, so Lux: very tricky, actually Dash: Do you want me to try & make amends or what's left of the other 9? Lux: How many of do you think you've broken today? Dash: tell me what they are Lux Thou shalt have no other gods before me Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy Honour thy father and thy mother Thou shalt not murder Thou shalt not commit adultery Thou shalt not steal Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour Thou shalt not covet Lux: score out of 10 please Dash: what's a graven image? Lux: that's the idol part Dash: right on, I don't have time to like carve a statue of you & worship it but the intent is there Dash: no adultery or murder either, but the rest Lux: well Lux: consider me appalled not shocked 😳 Dash: what's your score? Lux: 3, I think Dash: you covet the fruit for a pie & Lux: Yes 😘 Lux: and I am not honouring my father or mother and I've put myself before god so Lux: I think those are the only ones, though arguably referring to myself like that is taking it in vain but I wasn't the first one to say it Dash: that's the shit you should ask around about 🗳📋 /10 Lux: maybe I'll do weekly questionnaires Lux: no one else is as mad as you were to be compared to Mark Antony but A LOT of people think we're all ❄️ Dash: beauty enough for ❄ & false idols Lux: Sculpture isn't my forte but I'll do my best Lux: you'll have to stand still long enough for me to 👀 Dash: I don't think I can Dash: we're poetry in motion, I know you felt it Lux: I'm not in the business of denying what I feel Dash: you haven't grown a totally different head since I last 👀 you Lux: now that WOULD be impressive Lux: stuck with this one only Dash: stuck makes it sound like that's a bummer Dash: looking how you do could NEVER be a drag Lux: you've not lost your charm either Dash: every compliment I've given you before, I would give you today Lux: damn timing Dash: Meet me under the 🌙? Lux: I shan't turn into a 🎃 Dash: I won't turn into a 🐀 Lux: then I don't see why not Dash: Then I'll be waiting for you Lux: Patiently? Dash: you already know that's not one of my virtues Lux: 😇 takes a lot of hard work Dash: you're the 👼 Lux: I do like hearing it Dash: I'll write you another song Lux: you keep writing songs for everyone, no wonder you've got no time Dash: school's that much of a hassle, it's that or crash 💤 Lux: what don't you like about it? Dash: I don't like anything about it Dash: nothing radical ever happens Dash: & there's way more commandments than 10 Dash: I could be spending my time here on the farm, helping things run smooth Lux: Hmm Lux: Interesting Dash: I read, I know shit Dash: I can write and do maths Dash: understand people Lux: and you feel like that's all school has to offer you? Dash: I don't see why I have to do x or y number of years more in an institution Dash: there's nothing I can get there that I can't get in the 🌍 Lux: I'll add it to my survey ideas Dash: 🤯💭 Lux: 🐝🧠 or 🎨🧠 Lux: only time will tell Dash: I'm hip to it being about getting out of just being around the same 🐈 & 🐤 Dash: meeting people with different vibes who you probably won't dig Dash: but I've got my bro for that Lux: the footballer Lux: I remember Dash: my dad & his piece too, they're drags in the same way Lux: what do you bond with your dad over? Dash: I don't Lux: is it like school and you're not bothered though Lux: or is it a shame Dash: Do I 🌠 he 👀 me? Used to Dash: not a rush I need to chase now Lux: I get it Dash: He's got the ⚽🏆 son he wants & I've got a family here Lux: it's not a good enough replacement though, is it Lux: no matter how nice people are here, or wherever I end up next and after that Lux: I'm never going to hear the people I grew up with, who loved and raised me, call me by the right name Lux: or daughter, or sister Dash: You're not gonna stay? Lux: this place was made for moving out, right? Lux: it's transient Dash: they can love you, raise you, you don't have to split Lux: I've been raised but Lux: I get what you're saying Lux: when I put roots down again Lux: it needs to be for keeps Dash: this can be for keeps Dash: it is for me Lux: we had some travellers at my daddy's church for a while Lux: 'til they got moved on Lux: places like this Lux: it's never forever Dash: What's forever? Not my parents marriage or my dad's football career Dash: if we have to go we go together, all of us Dash: new buildings maybe but the same family Lux: I'm glad that you have that Dash: you can Dash: you're welcome & wanted Dash: nobody here is related to me by blood but we're still connected Lux: I know, everyone has been very welcoming Lux: on the whole Dash: you can get comfortable, this place has been here years Lux: alright Lux: anyway, didn't Cleopatra show yet? Dash: She'll be waiting for a mirror Lux: huh? Dash: she's not cool with coming to me before checking what she looks like Dash: as if I've never 👀 her Lux: doesn't it feel Lux: Abraham and Sarah vibes Dash: what do you mean? Lux: incestuous Lux: because you say they're your family Lux: but you sleep with them Dash: she won't stay Dash: a tourist Lux: and you only sleep with the ones that won't stay Dash: they sleep with me, it's part of the tour Dash: you remember Lux: Cool speech there then Dash: I don't always get it right, like Dash: I thought that was your vibe, it's not Lux: no, you were exactly right Dash: Lux, come on Lux: it's family to you Lux: you don't care about the endless stream of fucked up girls who can cross here off their nowhere left to go list Lux: what they might be searching for Lux: never mind you actually have a home, somewhere you could be Lux: I was beyond wrong about you Dash: Don't fucking frame it like that Lux: 'cos you did a brilliant job with your narrative Lux: part of the tour, give me a fucking break Lux: you know, you aren't superior because you choose to be here, it's the opposite Lux: what kind of person lords that over people who have no choice, nowhere else they can be Lux: what the fuck Dash: that's not what I'm doing, chill out Lux: just don't Lux: you have no justification, you have no reason Lux: and clearly whatever you are doing here is going unchecked so whatever Lux: I'll be gone soon, but just know, I fucking see you Dash: I told you before we started, you set the pace, everything we did we both wanted to do Dash: nothing I do needs to be checked Lux: so you're that guy Lux: it isn't only bad if it's some serial killer down an alley and the girl is screaming and crying no Dash: You're making this way heavier than it is Lux: You don't get to tell me what I'm making it Dash: I don't get why you're twisting everything Lux: I haven't twisted anything Dash: we had fun, you said you liked me Lux: this isn't a straight issue of consent Lux: it's the fact that I know you knew I was vulnerable, I told you things, why I was here Lux: and you think it's acceptable to fuck people who are in that position, and you can't deny it because you literally did it to me, because, you know, they won't be here long Lux: and to have the nerve to advertise this place, these people, yourself, as a fucking safe space Lux: family Lux: that is insanely fucked up, I don't know how no one has ever told you that Dash: you can back off this witch hunt, yeah? Dash: you're not the same as Sapphire or Amber or Lotus or whoever Dash: they don't tell me things, it's not the fucking same Lux: Well I'm definitely sorry I did Dash: that's all been shallow, this got deep, you know Lux: I don't think I know anything about you Lux: not really Dash: You're just flipping out, I flipped you out Dash: but I didn't mean to & you don't mean that Lux: I just need to not be here right now Dash: Lux Lux: It's fine Lux: I mean, it's not Lux: but I'm leaving the main house to go for a walk, so just don't let me see you, okay Dash: You're not gonna tell anyone, are you? Lux: excuse me? Dash: all that shit you said about how it's not a safe space Lux: who the hell do I have to tell? Lux: and that's the worst part Dash: There's loads of people you could, but it's not true Lux: for a second there, you almost sounded like you gave a shit Lux: places like this will always exist, I'm not under any illusion I can stamp them all out Dash: I do! Dash: maybe I fucked up but that's not the farm's fault Lux: I'm not going to the cops, I have nothing to tell Dash: my head didn't go there, there's loads of good people here, doing beautiful things Dash: if I'm not one of them, that'll be my karma Dash: you don't have to leave Lux: I'm not Lux: that's your karma Lux: someone needs to stick around so there's some sense of consequence for your actions Dash: you don't have to go full avenging 👼 on me Dash: I won't be going heavy on you Lux: It's not a joke, Dash Dash: I'm not 🤡ing Dash: nothing uncool needs to happen between us, I'll give you space or whatever Lux: You're afraid Lux: aren't you Lux: that if I tell what you're like, girls like Cleopatra won't go near you anymore Lux: Jesus Christ Dash: I don't need to be afraid of that, I told you, we're all having fun Dash: there's no big soap opera vibe Lux: Fuck off now Dash: Ask Amber, she was mad at me before you but not like that, you've got this wrong Lux: I haven't got anything wrong Lux: this is what you did, to me, that's the end of Lux: you can tell yourself what you like about the rest, that's no concern of mine Dash: Nah, we talked about it, how I've done shit before that's 💔 & you said you didn't care Dash: that I couldn't hurt you Dash: & that you could tell I wasn't a bad person Dash: Why are you just taking it all back like none of that fucking happened? Lux: Why did you prove me wrong in such spectacular fashion? Lux: there's a reason you prefer keeping things shallow, and this is it Lux: if the answer isn't a yes or it's cool, you don't want to know, you don't want to be checked Dash: The reason I keep things shallow is they're on a fly by, they don't want to stay & I don't wanna be connected to someone else that'll split on me Lux: you aren't the gatekeeper of this place Lux: and nothing's forever, by your own admission Dash: I am of myself & I do my own fucking checks, yeah? Maybe you don't have a heart left to break by your own admission but I'm protecting the one you don't believe I've got, like Lux: There's no world in which I'm feeling sorry for you right now, okay Lux: you do not vet every girl you fuck for her tragic backstory, cut the crap Dash: Gimme a break, I said talking isn't usually part of it, going both ways, wouldn't be very chill or shallow if it was Lux: Yeah, like I said, you don't care Lux: and that's your lookout Lux: but to give it that faux hippie bullshit about family and welcoming, when you mean only for yourself, fucking sucks Lux: don't bother pretending, just be honest Dash: it happened different with you, that's the honest truth Dash: search me why Lux: right Lux: I wasn't born yesterday Dash: I do care Lux: you should be a better friend Lux: to these people, the ones you care about Dash: yeah Lux: that's all I have to say Dash: I'll cool it too then Lux: I don't think you're evil Lux: but I don't think you're a good person now Dash: I can't change your mind? Lux: Of course you can Dash: by doing what? Lux: by being a good person or a bad Dash: Beats me how that's getting judged when everyone else already thinks I'm being a good person except you & my bro Lux: don't confuse people not caring either way for approval of your actions Dash: you want me to care more for people who don't, nothing confusing about that Lux: I said being good wasn't easy Dash: & responsibility isn't my bag, he takes all that on Lux: there we go then Lux: I'm not expecting anything Dash: like I said, I'm not giving you anything but space Lux: Whatever Lux: Goodbye Dash: I'm sorry we read each other wrong Dash: it hasn't happened before Lux: It's happened plenty before Lux: they leave Lux: your behaviour and attitude is bullshit and I won't be apologising to you Dash: chill, you've made your point Lux: it's not about making it, it's about you understanding Lux: but why the fuck should I care, actually Lux: you're right, way too confusing, way too hard, no point Dash: get out of here then Dash: I don't understand & you don't care Lux: I'm not leaving, remember Lux: and that's the fucking point, you'll have to get used to feeling uncomfortable with it Dash: you can split conversationally, was more the vibe Lux: no, Dash Lux: you don't control the conversation, the narrative, any of it, that's the 'vibe' Lux: if you're feeling some type of way, you should go, take some responsibility for yourself Dash: You're responsible for hassling me now Lux: Then leave Lux: you control you, I control me Lux: I'm not doing what you don't want to do for some notion of being the fucking 'chill' cool one here Dash: I don't understand this, that's why I don't want to Lux: I don't think you want to Lux: it's fun and it's easy to do fucked up things Lux: and if everyone else is doing them, or not calling you out for it, why not Dash: I didn't do a fucked up thing to you Lux: I've said you did Dash: but that's not the way it was Dash: I opened up to you to, I still am Lux: You tell me about the tour and then you tell me I'm different though Lux: How do you expect me to take you at your word when what you've described there is exactly what went down Dash: I showed you around & I've showed some of them around, that doesn't mean everything else that happened was the same Lux: you said it like you thought I'd think it was funny Dash: I don't know why I did that Lux: Be honest Lux: was it just to see how cool I was and how I could hang Lux: or was it because you forgot, and thought I was one of the boys Dash: that couldn't be further from how I see you Lux: okay Lux: that's something then Dash: I meant what I said when I told you you're like a song I can't get out of my head, how I wanted to live in all those moments cos of what they felt like Dash: it's only got worse since then Dash: I didn't wanna hurt you, I don't Lux: you didn't hurt me by what you did Lux: at least, not at the time Lux: it's what you said Lux: to have to put bad intentions to those moments, you must get how shitty that is, you at least feel that too Dash: I was trying to show you this is different Lux: my head hurts Dash: Yeah 🌪 Lux: make sure you have some water Dash: that's your magic 🔮✨💖 Lux: I don't think I have any right now Dash: You haven't lost it Lux: I just need to replenish Dash: Me too Lux: I'll wish you good luck on that then Dash: Later? Lux: Yeah Dash: 🚀🪐💫
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ticklikeabomb · 5 years
The Language of Limbo - Part 1
Pairing : Chris Evans x Plus Size Reader ; Marvel Cast x Plus Size Reader
Warnings : Language ; Masturbation 18+
Word Count : 3.9k
A/N : For the ones that don’t know my writing style -> sorry for the grammar mistakes and typos, English is not my first language. Hope you still like it 😊
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"Thank you Y/N. That would be enough. We will discuss it among us and eventually let you know about our decision in a couple of days", told you the casting director. You nodded with a smile, "Of course and thank you for receiving me." You grabbed your purse and jacket that were resting at the chair in the corner of the room and said goodbye before exiting it. Feeling the warmth of the sun, once you got out, caress your skin made you smile in contentment. You took your phone out, turned it on and immediately texted your best friend Aaron-Taylor Johnson, telling him you found that the audition went well and told him to greet the girls and send your regards to his wife, Sam.
You and Aaron met when you were both teenagers and started acting at the same time. Contrary to you, he got immediate calls for big productions such as Kick Ass and began his carrier, while you acted in different independent movies and as an extra.  You got a call once to star in a movie alongside your best friend and there's where you met Sam. She not only became one of your friends but also Aaron's wife. Before he met Sam, speculations about you two dating became recurrent but it was all false. Sure he was an amazing and good looking guy but your relationship was purely platonic. He knew you more than anyone and you could trust him with everything, always having each others backs.
Three days later, you got a call from your agent telling you that you had a meeting with the casting director regarding the audition and you scribbled the adress of the meeting point down. "But did he say anything?", you asked intrigued. Your agent's voice replied, "No, just that you had to be there at 2pm." You scratched your neck and continued, "But did he sound happy or was his voice inclining more to the no side? Like can you just tell me if you think that it was enough to get the part?" She sighed and tried to calm you down. "He sounded normal, calm. No indication of yes or no. Don't worry I'm sure you nailed it."
"For what is it anyway? The only description of the character was : Looking female in her mid-twenties. What kind of description is that?", you laughed. You heard her laugh on the other side and could clearly imagine her shaking her head. "I can't tell any further details, only that it's for a big company who likes to keep things secret." "Yeah clearly. Anyway, I'll be there on time. Thank you for everything", you replied and said goodbye.
Today was the day you had the famous meeting. Being one of the hottest days in Los Angeles you decided to wear a fluid black trousers along with a simple white shirt. Completing your look, you wore a little amount of makeup and your hair in your favorite hairstyle. You could qualify your look as casual but you still looked professional enough for the meeting. You still had an hour before the meeting and instead of staying at home, pacing back and forth, you decided to leave early and walk to the nearest Starbucks. You ordered yourself a well deserved ice tea in order to cool down and checked for what felt like the millionth time your emails and social media. Seeing that you had approximatively 40 minutes left, you took the nearest cab and drove to the address given to you by your agent.  
With wide eyes you asked the driver if you were at the right place and he affirmed you that you were. After paying the cab, you walked in awe to the big mansion in front of you and nervously rang the bell. One of what seemed to be the house butler opened up and you introduced yourself, "Hello, my name is Y/N Y/L/N. I'm supposed to meet Mr.Stewart at 2pm." The man smiled and let you inside. "Of course, Miss Y/L/N. You're early, can I serve you something to drink?" You shook your head declining it, telling him you already had something earlier before thanking him. "Follow me please", he continued. You did so and ended up in the backyard, if you could call that a backyard. The balcon was twice as big as your small apartment. "Wow", you breathed out,mesmerized by the beauty in front of you. The deep blue color of the pool adding to the breathtaking scenery in front of you. You turned around and noticed you stood there by yourself. You didn't mind because you were so enthralled by the view, it bringing somehow a sense of peace in you.
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Your awestruck state was cut short when you heard noise behind you. The buttler entered the backyard followed by a woman around your age. She looked like the fantasy provided by cinema and magazines : Blonde, blue eyes, long legs with a toned fit body, dressed in a tight fitting white dress. You couldn't deny that you felt a little self-conscious at the presence of such a beautiful person but you decided to shrug that thought off, focusing on you and what you had to offer. You greeted her, not without missing her little look going over you, alongside her tight smile. "Hello", she replied back. You both decided to take a seat at the couches displayed in front of the pool and sat in silence. After a couple of minutes she engaged conversation. "What's your name?" You told her and asked hers. "I'm Rebecca." "Nice to meet you Rebecca", you replied with a small smile. You didn't know why but your gut told you to keep your answers shorts. Something about her made you tense. "So what are you here for? You're here for a job interview as a maid or something?"
"Actually, I was called to meet Mr.Stewart to talk about the audition I passed a few days ago." She scoffed, "Hmm interesting." You frowned a little not really knowing what she meant by that and it was your turn to ask her why she was there. "Oh I auditioned for that big part and am waiting for the confirmation. I'm sure I will get it. I mean, look at me. Anyway, what was the character you auditioned for?", she replied confidently. "There wasn't much information. Just that they were looking for a female in her mid-twenties." Out of nowhere she laughed loudly, tears brimming her eyes. "What?", you asked, feeling suddenly uncomfortable. "It's a joke right?", she said. Seeing your confused look, her laughter stopped and with piercing eyes she declared, "You can forget about that part." Taken aback by her hostile tone you told her, "Excuse me?"
"You heard me. That part is mine ! You have absolutely no chance against me. Look at you and look at me, there is no second thought about it. If I were you, I would leave now before it gets embarrassing for you", she finally showed her true face. A couple of years ago, comments like that would leave you down for days, weeks even but today you weren't the same. You accepted yourself entirely and if the others didn't then it was to bad for them. You swallowed hard before replying with a firm tone, "We'll see." Your confidence caught her off-guard and when she was about to respond to you with another sneaky comment, footsteps were heard. "Hello ladies. Thank you for meeting me here in this beautiful environment."
"I figure that you got some time to get to know each other and figured out that you both auditioned for the same part." You both nodded. "After visioning your parts with the person behind the project, we decided to choose the one that sold it the best and caught our attention by her amazing performance." You heart was beating frantically, nervous at the outcome and even more, after Rebecca's behavior. "We decided to keep Y/N", he finally cut short to the suspense. Rebecca next to you gasped and gave you a look full of hatred, while you were trying to comprehend what was happening. "For real?", you stuttered in shock. Mr. Stewart chuckled and confirmed that they chose you. He turned to Rebecca, "I'm sorry Rebecca. Your audition was good but it wasn't enough. Still keep up and I'm sure we'll see each other sometime in the future." She fake smiled and thanked him before walking up to you and "congratulating you" with a hug. "Don't celebrate too soon. You will not see the last of me", she spat in your ear, a cold shiver running through your whole body. She smirked before leaving the place. You tried to collect yourself in front of the casting director while her voice filled with hatred resonated in your ears.  
You grabbed Mr Stewart's hand and shook it enthusiastically. "Thank you so much." He shook his head with a wide smile and replied, "You don't need to thank me. You did amazingly." You couldn't stop smiling, finally moving a little more forward with your carrier. You looked back at the landscape in front of you and couldn't stop your curiosity. "I don't want to overstep but do you live here? It's beautiful." You heard him chuckle and step beside you, his gaze also focused on the scenery. "No but I wish. It is indeed mesmerizing. It's funny that you ask though because we're going to shot a scene for the movie here." Your eyes lit up and you turned towards him. "Really?", to which he nodded. "That's amazing. I can't wait."
"Hmm, I have a feeling that what I'm about to reveal you next will leave you ecstatic." You heart began to beat faster at his announcement, the tension rising at each passing second. "Do you want to know?", he teased. "Yes of course." "Well, you're about to star in Marvel's next Avengers movie." You froze on the spot, eyes wide and mouth agape. "Oh God I think I lost her", he laughed. You cleared your throat and let out a nervous chuckle. "I'm sorry but did you just said Marvel, like in MARVEL??" He laughed even more at your question and confirmed. "Yes, Marvel like in Captain America, Iron Man and all the others. Let me tell you that Kevin and I believe that you will fit perfectly in the Universe and for the character you will portray. I'm really excited to see it."
"Wow, this is crazy. I…I don't know what to say. Thank you so much for this huge opportunity and I'm so excited, you have no idea. I love the Marvel Universe and this is like a dream come true." His bright smile matched yours and he patted your shoulder, congratulating you. "We know you're close with Aaron-Taylor Johnson and even if he was part of Marvel, we would appreciate if you wouldn't tell anyone about it. It's not official yet and I'm sure you can understand that confidentiality is the Studios priority number one." You nodded in understanding, "Of course, my lips will be sealed." "Perfect. Here let's talk further details while enjoying a fresh cocktail, what do you say?" You agreed and followed him inside. You both were served and began discussing about what your character was like, your schedule (beginning and end of the shooting) and everything regarding the production. " Am I really going to meet all of these great actors?", you mumbled more to yourself but the casting director heard it and chuckled slowly. "Yes you are", he commented. You bit your lip in order to stop the goofy grin that was about to escape and felt anticipation and excitement fill your bones. You were not only be part of an amazing journey but will meet a lot of actors that inspired you in pursuing an acting career. But what was really messing up with you was the fact that you would meet your all time celebrity crush, the one and only Chris Evans. From the moment you saw him in the movie 'Cellular' a couple of years ago, the man had your heart. Your face heat up and heart beat faster thinking about having him standing in front of you.
"Finally but not least, here's the script. Again secrecy at all costs." You nodded again, putting on your best professional face and replied, " Nothing will leak from me, you have my word." "Great…well I think that was all for me and I'll see you with the others at the first table read in 3 months. In the meantime, get over the script, embody the character's personality and follow the scheduled workout plan and everything will be fine." He stood up and you did the same. "I will and thank you again. As soon as I'm home I'll start right away." You shook his hand again and left the mansion, cheeks hurting from smiling the whole time. "Wow", you breathed out, your eyes tearing a little because of the overwhelming feeling that you were feeling. That was exactly why you choose acting, to embody a variety of characters, to change the game and being in Marvel as one of the first plus size female superheros, was a game changing in the industry. The pressure was high and you were willing to give everything you got to achieve and create something unique and refreshing.
The first thing you did as soon you arrived home was to take a shower and remove your makeup. After that, you went through your closet in order to see if you had something fitting for the fighting and rehearsal workouts. "Hmm, shit I have to hit the stores tomorrow", you spoke out loud.  Once you've got your things settled and a small meal ready, you grabbed a plate and sat on the couch with the script. You took a deep breath. Still not believing you auditioned for Marvel and actually got the part, you opened the first page. "Here we go".
Your heart was pumping like crazy once seeing all the names of your future co-workers. When your eyes landed on Elizabeth Olson you couldn't help the smile appear on your face, happy to know at least one person privately. You and Elizabeth had worked together alongside Aaron in the movie Godzilla. You had a small part but being best friend with Aaron, you got to hang out more often with Elizabeth than the others and became acquaintances. You put yourself into work and started by underlining all of your character's dialogue. After a good two hour, you realized that your character had a big part in the movie and felt excitement along fear creep up inside you. "Holy shit", you whispered shocked.  
Your character was supposed to be a new inhuman found by Sam Wilson. You were happy about it because in your opinion Anthony Mackie was underrated and needed more recognition as the Falcon. Thanks to your abilities, you could duplicate/triple your persona and it would come in handy during fights. "Awesome", you said. When you read that the character you would play had Steve Rogers as love interest, you almost chocked on your saliva. You giggled nervously and mumbled to yourself, "Ha how convenient. I have a crush on Evans and she on Rogers. Great." "Oh shit that means I will have scenes only with him", you continued once realizing what it meant. You face-palmed yourself and felt how your cheeks were burning. "Well this is going to be fun", you thought after finishing reading the entire script and deciding that it was time to go to bed.
2 Days Later
Today was your first day of the fighting rehearsals. Dressed with black sweatpants and a large t-shirt you looked around for the room indicated in your schedule. "Can I help you?", you heard a masculine voice speak up next to you. You lifted your head up and were struck by the man's handsome face. "Yes, I'm looking for Room 9, I'm supposed to meet the stunt coordinator in charge", you told him. "I was on my way there, follow me", he said with a smile. You walked next to him to the room. "I'm Mason by the way", he commented while presenting his hand to you. You took it and shook it a little to greet him, "Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N." "Pleasure's all mine", he replied back. You were surprised by his kindness but didn't question any further. You finally arrived and joined the small group that was already gathered around. "You must be Y/N Y/LN/?", spoke up another man. You confirmed and he began, "Great, I'm John and the production's stunt coordinator. I will assign you your coach for the duration of your fighting program." You nodded and your body shivered lightly with excitement. He went through his list and finally called out, "Mason !"
You slowly gasped. 'Shit how am I suppose to focus', you thought once realizing that the hot and cute guy you met earlier would be your coach. He came up at you with a wide smile, "It seems that we'll see each other frequently." You chuckled and looked around you and saw that the coordinator had left you already. "Well I guess you're stuck with the big girl hein…sorry", you told him. You really had no idea why you were apologizing and immediately felt bad at yourself for being that stupid. 'Ok gotta step up your confidence game', you mentally mumbled and bit your lip in frustration. "It's absolutely no problem and you shouldn't apologize, you know. I'm happy they paired me with you, it's gonna be fun."
You smiled at him, mentally thanking him for being so cute and he motioned you to sit at the mattress at the corner of the room, isolating yourselves from the rest of the group. "Before we start, I just need to know a few things about you." You nodded and replied, "Yes of course, no problem." "Do you have any physical struggle or did you had a surgery that could impact the workout?" You shook your head and told him you didn't. "Are you comfortable with doing gymnastics or with highs?", he continued. He noticed your body tense. "I'll have to admit that I'm kinda afraid of highs", you chuckled and he joined you. "Alright, we'll have to work on that", he commented politely. "Concerning gymnastics, I'm also not a fan. But I understand that with a movie such as 'Avengers' there will be gym stunts/moves involved, so I will try to give my best."
"Can I ask you why you don't like it, if it's not too straightforward?", he asked more focused. You swallowed hardly and revealed, "When I was in high school, there was a moment where the teacher decided to do gymnastics and…god, it's so embarrassing. One of the basic moves was to do the forward roll but somehow I couldn't do it. I was petrified to do it. I was afraid to hurt myself and he kept pushing me but I just couldn't until the moment where I tried it and heard my neck crack and it scared the hell out of me. I began to cry but he wouldn't care and called me to join the rest of the class to do another move. So…yeah, I don't really appreciate gymnastics that much. It's stupid but when you're young and something like that happens it kinda stays with you."
He nodded and reached your hand, squeezing it a little. "Hey don't worry I won't force you into doing something that you're not comfortable with. I will create other cool moves for you. What I'm interested about, is that you mentioned you were 'afraid to hurt yourself'. Is that still the case?" You looked at him deeply in the eyes and clenched your teeth in order to not let your emotions take over. He didn't need to hear you say it out loud, he knew you still were. He stood up and you did the same. "Alright, let's start with some warm-up exercises." You nodded and the training began. An hour later, both of you decided to take a small break and you instantly launched on your bottle of water. "You should wear more fitting clothes", he exclaimed. "Excuse me?", you asked not really understanding why. He chuckled and took a gulp of his own bottle. "Your workout clothes. They're too large, it will bother you once we start rehearsing on the fighting choreography. You should invest in more tight fitting clothes and besides, it will help you to get comfortable for your suit later." "Oh…ok", was the only thing you managed to reply. He gave you that small smile again and declared, "Let's start with the funny business", before indicating you the stance you had to take in order to block out a potential enemy.
After a 4 hour training session, John the Marvel coordinator called it a day and you sighed in relief. You saw Mason quickly get his things. "Sorry that I'm in a rush like this but I have an important meeting", he defended himself while packing. You chuckled and replied, "Oh don't worry. You don't own me any explanation. It was nice meeting you and to have you as my coach. I'll see you tomorrow right?", you told him. "I'm glad too and yes, we'll see each other tomorrow." You nodded and wished him goodnight before exiting the room and walk back to your car. You rode home completely wrecked. You opened your apartment's door and passed your living room, the couch tempting you but decided to not succumb and immediately take a shower before falling asleep on it. You stood outside your shower, waiting for the temperature to get to your liking before stepping inside and let the water splash your sore and sweaty body. You hummed in contentment at the first wave on you and sat on the shower's floor, enjoying the peaceful moment. You reached out to the shampoo and squirted a fair amount of it on your hair, your nails massaging your skull perfectly. A smile popped on your face when you remembered the scene of the movie Easy A, in which Emma Stone was singing a song she initially hated in the shower. You washed off the shampoo and your body was next. You were washing the water off below your waist and felt your breath shorten once the pressured water hit your womanhood.
Not thinking more into it, you directed the shower head above your clit and let the pressure do the rest. You were slowly building up the tension by rolling your hips, immediately enjoying the relaxing feeling it provided you. Closing your eyes to focus on the pleasurable sensation, you moaned and spread your legs further. "Ahh fuck", your moans becoming louder with each of your thrusts. It took you a few more minutes before you were reaching your high, your head thrown back in ecstasy. You were a panting mess and breathed out a small 'Fuck' before laughing, still in the bliss of your orgasm. You got out of the shower, not bothering in drying your hair and put on a pair of panties before crashing down on your bed and falling asleep instantly, thrilled of the journey ahead of you.
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*montage made by me but images -> credit to owners*
PERMANENT TAG LIST : @arrowswithwifi @poetic-pixie @theshortegg @kyber-hearts-and-stardust-souls @prettybubblesintheair @yafriendlyfangirl @marshmallow-witch @ms-cellanies @the-feckless-wonder @cfisher290 @thefangirltheycallviolet @river-fics @lilulo-12 @fanfictionrecommendations-com @spetzerfehn @angieptt @wayward-timetravel-collecter @ashley17jacobs @lokithedancingqueen @wildsoul1221 @introvertedsin @robertconradjr @francezka10 @titty-teetee
SERIES TAG LIST : @halee-bear @sanellv @alwaysenjoythelifeyoulive @teatimewithhiddles @mooniessuniverse
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redvsvblue · 7 years
im too jittery to give a super eloquent prompt but new-to-this-particular-scene Demon Ryan having his first encounter with the much rumored Jeremy "i dont have a soul to sell ya, but i'll suck your dick" Dooley and, well, who could pass up that deal, really? You know the good stuff, man. please my crops are dying
Okay so this…this got away from me DAMN quick but I bring you demon dick porn! Ft. nsfw Jeremwood with demon!Ryan. 
Thanks for prompting (and chatting)! And I hope you like it! 
“You’renot the usual one,” Jeremy says, narrowing his eyes at theunfamiliar demon in his summoning circle. “Where is he?”
“Mm,Azazel?He got a little…tied up,” the demon says, too many teeth in itssharp grin. “Looks like you’re stuck with me now.”
Jeremysighs and crosses his arms, straightens up and puffs himself out alittle. The demon leans against the wall, hands lazily tucked in itspockets as its eyes flick up and down Jeremy.
“Whatcan I call you?” Jeremy asks, jerking his chin to the demon.
Jeremynods and the demon’s – Ryan’smouth drags up in a smirk.
“So,what’s a handsome human like you selling your soul for?” He asks.“Height?”
Jeremyignores the jab and shiftshis weight.
“Look,pal, I don’t know if – Azazelor whoever told you anything, but that’s not exactly how it workswith me,” he says. Ryan arches a cool eyebrow.
“Idon’t, uh – I already soldmy soul,” Jeremy admits. “Ikind of – trade something else for favours.”
Ryansmirks and crosses his own arms, forearms flexing with the movement.
“I’veheard,” he says. “I always thought they were just stories.”
“Well,uh, they’re not,” Jeremy says.
“Wellthen, Jeremy,” Ryan drawls, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. “Whatcan I do ya for?”
Jeremyscoffs at the tease and glances over at his car keys, lying sadly inthe wooden bowl.
“Canyou fix my car?” He asks. Ryan’s eyebrowsrise into his hairline and Jeremy huffs out a breath, shifting againon his feet. “Look, I just – I promised a friend I’d help himmove tomorrow and I really can’t afford to get it looked at and someasshole backed into me in the car park and the entire rear axle isshot. Just – help me out here, okay?”
Ryangrins and between one blinkand the next he teleports forward, suddenly crowding Jeremy upagainst the wall and bracing one hand beside his head.
“Ithink we can work out something for that,” he says, tippingup Jeremy’s chin with one finger. His eyes linger on Jeremy’s lips.
“Nicetry, I don’t kiss demons,” Jeremy says, pressing his hands firmlyto the wall.
“Hm.Smart enough for that but not smart enough to keep your soul?” Ryanmurmurs, dragging a finger down Jeremy’s chest. Goosebumps break outall over him.
“Thatsounds like none of your business,” Jeremy snaps, and Ryan chucklesdarkly.
“I’ma demon,” he purrs, lifting up the hem of Jeremy’s shirt with afingertip. “I think you’llfind soul-selling ismy business.”
“Arewe doing this trade or not?”
“Helpyourself,” Ryan says, and to Jeremy’s surprise, backs up a step.Jeremy sinks to his knees and lifts his hands to cup Ryan’s hips –to be fair, Ryan does have quite an attractive glamour, and Jeremysupposes that, at least, makes this a little more worthwhile.
Ryanbraces a hand on the wall again and settles his other on Jeremy’shead – oddly gentle for a creature from literal hell, but Jeremy’lltake it. He looks down and Jeremy ignores his piercing stare while herubs a palm over Ryan’s crotch, suckingin a breath at how quickly Ryan gets hard for him, shuffling his legsopen a touch wider while Jeremy pops the button and unzips him. God,he’s even wearing briefs,what a fucking demon.
Jeremyflips the elastic down and snaps it under Ryan’s balls, grinning tohimself at Ryan’s quiet, sharp inhale. Ryan’s glamour has a nicecock, too, Jeremy notes with a twinge of satisfaction, not pornstarhugelike most demons like to give themselves but an actual, reasonablelength Jeremy can be expected to work with. Even if it is a touch onthe longer side.
Ryan’sthumb strokes circles just behind his ear as Jeremy kisses theleaking head and opens hislips around it, tilting soRyan’s dickdeliberately pushes out his cheek. Hecloses his eyes at Ryan’s pleased grunt and works on relaxing his jawto let more of Ryan in – he’s practicallya fucking pro at this now. Afterall, it is his mainform of payment.
Hetakes a moment to suck on what he has, glancing up to find Ryanbiting his lip, his gaze heated and dark and so jarringly intenseJeremy has to close his eyes again. Ryan’s dick bumps against histhroat and Jeremy pauses, stroking what he hasn’t fit in his mouthyet and sucking wetly, letting spit drool out of the corners of hismouth while Ryan’s hips twitch. But he hasn’t done anythingunpleasant or entirely forceful –yet – and for thatJeremy rewards him with a low hum, watching Ryan’s eyelids flutter atthe sensation.
Agroan rumbles in Ryan’s chest when Jeremy starts slowly bobbing,flattening his tongue to the underside and dragging the narrowed tipof it over the slit when he pulls almost all the way off. Ryan’sfingers tighten minutely on his head and Jeremy starts letting himfuck in shallowly, consciously loosening up his throat while Ryansets an easy pace.
WhenJeremy angles and finally sinks down far enough to let the head popinto his throat, Ryan shudders and moans, and the more Jeremydeepthroats him the more control Ryan seems to lose, his glamourslipping with every noisy suck.
Jeremybobs faster, pushes the head into his throat and swallows beforesliding back up, matching his pattern with his hand and humming whenhe remembers, and when he glances up again Ryan’s eyes are glowingblue. Ryanshudders again and something rougher, harsheredges into his groans, demonspeak slipping through to make themguttural and strange.
Thenext thing Jeremy notices, on his next pull up,arethe horns peeking out from Ryan’s head, a deep purpley-red thatmatches the trail wrapping around one thigh – the tail,when did that comeout? - the end of it occasionally flicking against Jeremy’s hip.
Somethingcrumbles above himand Jeremy manages to glance up and see Ryan’s fingers digging intohis wall, the plaster brokenaround them and drifting to the floor in sad pieces. But for allthat, he seems to be very careful with Jeremy, the hand on his headdeliberately gentle and Jeremy rewards him with more choked moans –he finds he likes the power he can feel in Ryan’s trembling thighs,the clear restraint in the snaps of his hips as he fucks shallowlyinto Jeremy’s throat.
Ryan’snoises drop completely into demonspeak growls, more plaster crumblingto dust and his tail twitching erratically before he stills and comesdown Jeremy’s throat, thick and hot and oddly metallic tasting.Jeremy swallows as neatly as he can and spends a few more momentssucking gently before popping off, wiping his mouth with the back ofhis hand as he sits back on his heels.
Ryan’shand slips from Jeremy’s head to tuck himself back in one-handed, andhe shifts back into glamour-form while he catches his breath, hornsand tail shimmering invisible and the unnatural glow in his eyesfading to nothing. Jeremy ignores the tightness in his jeans andstands up as Ryan pulls his hand out of the wall, fixing the holewith nothing more than a gesture.
“Wasthat satisfactory?” Jeremy asks breathlessly, crossing his armsover his chest. Ryan grinsand leans in again, raking an appreciative gaze over Jeremy’s chest –his eyes fall briefly to Jeremy’s crotch and Jeremy refuses toacknowledge it. Ryan simply smirks and meets his eyes.
“Notquite a sold soul,” he says. “But good enough.”
“Mycar?” Jeremy asks. Ryan waves a dismissive hand and Jeremy hears acat yelp outside.
“Fixed,”he says.
Again,Jeremy blinks and Ryan teleports back to the middle of the summoningcircle, arms crossed and a devilish grin cutting into his cheeks. Hecoolly lifts an arm, his elbow resting on his other hand.
“Ihope we meet again, Jeremy,” he says, and snaps his fingers. Hedisappears in a plume of purple smoke and Jeremy slumps against thewall, briefly reaching out withhis toe to breaka line drawn on the floor andsighing as he stares up at the ceiling. Hecloses his eyes and gives into himself, unbucklinghis belt and shovingthe fly open.
Andalthough the circle’s brokenand he’s alone, somehow he can still hear Ryan’s laugh echoing in hisear.
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School Project | Janis & Jimmy
Asia: I literally can't find any songs from 1916 wtf 😟😞 what are we going to do??! Daniel: Did they even have radio then? Asia: idk let me google it 🤔 Daniel: pretty sure they didn't, some kind of teacher joke, like Asia: omg it's really old though look! Asia: [sends him a link about when radio was invented] Janis: yeah the songs don't have to be from the time Asia: ?? that sounds so fake are you sure? Janis: 'Create a soundtrack for a movie version of the 1916 Easter Rising. Use songs from any era and genre but they must describe the mood and/or details of the event. Explain why you feel that each song matches the event.' Jimmy: 👍 Asia: oh 👌 Janis: feel free to go 'round the pubs and ask if any of the old fellas remember decent rebel songs from the time Asia: OR there's literally been like TV about it we can just 👀 what they used Asia: like get Liam Neeson chatting away and put a 🎵 over it 🙄 Janis: I doubt RTE could afford decent royalties Janis: not at all offensive to put it to elevator music, like Daniel: yeah, me mam watched that, it was crap Jimmy: Let's face it, weren't gonna be a patch on Taken 3 Daniel: [sends the 'I will find you-' gif] Daniel: Classic Asia: [sends the Taken 3 soundtrack whatever that is] Jimmy: properly sets the scene that Janis: Wow, it's like they stole the plot verbatim Janis: Wonder if you're the first person to 👀 that, Asia Asia: I like haven't even seen the movie though Asia: I'll take your word for it, babes Asia: cos of course YOU have Janis: 🤯 your mind, babes Janis: ask Dan here, it's a classic Daniel: Truuuuu Asia: 💙 Liam but like I'm so adhd I can't even Jimmy: and here I thought we had something special, girl 💔 Asia: ??! Jimmy: don't trouble your beautiful 🧠 Daniel: 😏 we'll leave, yeah? Janis: Reckon they've got it covered Asia: OMG! 🤫🤫🤫 I've got a boyfriend, new boy, can you NOT Jimmy: 💔 obvs Jimmy: he is that you 👀 more of me than you do of him, but alright Janis: long as you channel that 💔 into your song choices, we'll all survive Janis: just Jimmy: 👍 Daniel: 🥧 Asia: 🙄🙄 Asia: wall to wall Taylor 💔😢🎵 any era of hers tbh Janis: yeah, London Boy would be well fitting Janis: what Taylor song is your favourite, Dan? Daniel: errm, I dunno Daniel: don't really rate her Asia: 😱😱😱😱 Janis: 😱😱😱😱😱 Janis: this is the level of dramatic we're aspiring to, lads Jimmy: if any lass would marry someone right before they get 💀💀💀 Janis: new take on the break-up song Jimmy: bad blood was obvs written with all this bollocks firmly in mind Jimmy: Katy Perry who Janis: she has a boyfriend, mate Janis: you've been told Asia: !!! Janis: v you belong with me, am I right Asia: don't encourage him ugh Jimmy: 💧🎸 Janis: 😏 Janis: babes, he's incorrigible Asia: is that a 1916 word? wow Janis: I'm method Jimmy: 💔 for you we ain't gotta do a 🎭 Janis: my lack of exposure is a tragedy for another day Daniel: what do we actually have to do though? Daniel: still don't get it Jimmy: 'Create a soundtrack for a movie version of the 1916 Easter Rising. Use songs from any era and genre but they must describe the mood and/or details of the event. Explain why you feel that each song matches the event.' Daniel: yeah thanks mate Daniel: Janis, you seem to get it, you come explain it to me so I can catch up with these 2 Asia: she's NEVER had a boyfriend, Dan 😉 Daniel: What's that got to do with anything, like Asia: 🤭🤭 okay boy we all 👀 you Daniel: Shut up, Asia Asia: RUDE Daniel: I'm just trying to get this done, but you've just made me more confused Asia: aw babes Asia: just pick some songs from your gym playlist Janis: I'll do it, send you copies, don't worry Jimmy: you're alright, I need to pass this Janis: Yeah, so do I Janis: and I don't need this Jimmy: I'll do it Jimmy: the rest of you piss off Janis: What do you even know about it Jimmy: You're a expert, are you? Janis: I've been here longer than 5 minutes Jimmy: dumb and dumber have an' all, they don't have a clue Asia: UM excuse you! be more bitter that I won't go out with you, new boy! Janis: Christ Janis: we can't have multiple versions or we'll fail for not working together Asia: duh so let's work together Janis: OR let the one person who actually gets it do it and you get to crayon your name on at the end, alright Jimmy: Now that's agreed, I'll crack on Janis: Yeah, 64 is a LOT of colours to pick from Janis: have fun Jimmy: so funny, you Jimmy: get a smaller pack, rich girl Jimmy: not everything needs to be a flex Janis: 12? Janis: Gutted for you Asia: Size matters though, babes Jimmy: that's why your boyfriend keeps chatting about your bra size, I get it now Jimmy: Tah babes Asia: what? Jimmy: you heard Janis: as you're all busy here Janis: I'm off to do this project Daniel: I'm not Daniel: you going library, I'll help Jimmy: you heard 'an all, girl Jimmy: you ain't doing nowt Janis: Not to repeat Asia, but you what Janis: And why not, Dan Janis: majority rules Asia: this is SO not cool I have 🔥💡 Janis: And I'm sure Jimmy wants to hear 'em all Janis: see who's playlist ends up better Asia: UGH Janis: no doubt you wanna be on my team so bad Asia: you're being so anti-feminist rn Janis: I don't wanna be on that team either, you're alright Asia: !!! JANIS Asia: you like have to Janis: you can report me to Gloria and co Asia: I'll report you to sir Janis: 😱😱😱😱 Asia: mhmmm that'll be your face when you fail Janis: you've got the most experience there Janis: and I've got valid reason not to work with you Asia: no you don't Asia: pms isn't a valid reason Janis: don't let the feminists hear you Asia: 😑 Janis: yeah, that's what I thought Janis: never mind the lads don't wanna work with you either, you ain't said shit to them, have you Janis: 👌 fake solidarity Asia: I don't need to pass anything this badly EVER 👋 Janis: Toodles Jimmy: Can we focus now you've had your domestic or what? Janis: 💔 sorry I finished what you started, loverboy Jimmy: wrong 🌳 weren't it? Janis: Oh, you like the tall one? Janis: Cool, let's focus Jimmy: 👍 Daniel: 🌁🦍 Jimmy: stop flirting with me, lad Jimmy: I get that I'm 💪 but we said we were gonna focus Daniel: Didn't know your taste in hench lasses went that far, but I'm good thanks 😬 Janis: this chat has been nothing but rejection, sad face Jimmy: I'm method an' all Jimmy: Getting the british to fuck off out of it was top, Dan if you need a hand with the whys and wherefores Janis: Imagine that Jimmy: Yeah, gutted you're just a rebel with no cause, sweetheart Janis: Truly, how much tragedy can I withstand Janis: tah for your concern Jimmy: don't keep us in suspense, Dan's got a proper head for figures Janis: so's Asia's lad, let's add him to the chat then Jimmy: Alright Jimmy: go on Janis: Dan, you keep up with what this one is called? Daniel: 🤷😂 Jimmy: throw a 📌 at the map Daniel: Dylann went out with her before but he dumped her 'cos she's psycho Daniel: pity the poor cunt Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 Janis: RIP our unknown and fallen brother Janis: we should do 16 songs, for the 16 executions Jimmy: And split it into days Jimmy: somehow Janis: That works Janis: Dan, you do the maths Jimmy: could be first two, middle two and last two, sir is obvs all about the vibe Janis: 👍 Janis: just avoid actual songs about it, 'cos all anyone is going to do is a google and throw them on, like Sir ain't heard the national anthem Jimmy: duh Janis: alright, Asia Janis: nice of you to join us, again Jimmy: 😘 Janis: 🤮 Jimmy: protesting a bit hard there, mate Jimmy: we get it, you're method Janis: you might but Dan asked for help Janis: just that nice Jimmy: 👌 Daniel: Now you've stopped talking about old popstars, I get it Janis: See? He gets it Janis: maybe throw in a couple Yankee rebel songs, some fucking Les Mis, yeah, show we do without being #basic Jimmy: A+ Janis: I told you Jimmy: I weren't listening Jimmy: soz Janis: saved yourself some 'work' if you had Janis: your loss, not mine Jimmy: I'll live Janis: 💔 it's not a play again Janis: it'd be great craic to kill you for extra credit Jimmy: have a word with sir, I reckon he'd be about it Janis: I will Janis: all teachers are sadists Jimmy: nowt I can't handle Janis: 🦍💘 Janis: we remember Jimmy: Dan ain't been able to stop thinking about it Janis: 🤤 or 🤮 Dan, what's the truth Daniel: Piss off, I've told new boy I don't fancy lads, or lasses that look like 'em Janis: He can't take a hint, babes Jimmy: I can barely read any of this, there's the truth for you Janis: Heard it does that Jimmy: you catholics Janis: You don't know we're Catholic Janis: RUDE! Jimmy: if it were me all along #plottwist Janis: save it for the play, kid Jimmy: 🤞 Jimmy: love that spotlight, me Janis: that's not a #plottwist Jimmy: if everything I said were, you wouldn't be shocked, girl Janis: know your audience, I guess Janis: know it's Sir, not me, like Jimmy: nah, he's got the rotten 🍅 already out Jimmy: it's the accent Janis: he's method as well Jimmy: lot of that going about Janis: yeah, everyone is well 🤮 over your accent Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: everyone's well 🎭 is what I meant Jimmy: but tah for that head's up Janis: you're telling me Jimmy: I just did do, yeah Janis: 👏 Jimmy: save that for opening night Janis: Not that nice Janis: maybe if you were as helpful as Dan here Jimmy: I get it, you've got your hands full giving him one Janis: 💔 show must go on Jimmy: 👍 Daniel: 'least we can get Asia to present to the class now Jimmy: 🥇 she'll do an' all Jimmy: *job Daniel: 😍😍 Jimmy: she's got a BOYFRIEND, Dan Jimmy: sort yourself out Daniel: 😒 Daniel: tell your face Jimmy: no need, you've done it for me Jimmy: Tah, my dear Daniel: you're so weird, new kid Jimmy: 💕 Daniel: I'll message you with any songs I find, okay Janis? Janis: 👍 Jimmy: [sends her some songs he's already thought of 'cause we know he's that bitch about music] Janis: [a long enough time to actually listen so you probably think she's not replying] Janis: Yeah, those are alright Janis: [sends own list of a few songs] Jimmy: [again actually listening to them] Jimmy: nowt wrong with them either Janis: so that's 7 down, 9 to go Janis: easy Jimmy: [sends one that he's not sure of so maybe she could find a cover version that sounds better or something cos teamwork baby] Jimmy: ? it's a bit Janis: know what you mean Janis: this [cover] is less ? Jimmy: yeah Jimmy: That's alright Janis: we could do some kaiser chiefs or Franz Ferdinand for the WWI refs Jimmy: [songs by them that would work which I'm not googling] Jimmy: We need more lasses on here though Janis: 🥇 feminist, you Jimmy: piss off Janis: alright, I won't put in a good word for you with Asia, calm down Janis: [some punk ladies] Jimmy: she's got a tongue in her head and she never stops using it so you're alright Janis: So I hear Jimmy: and me Janis: Gutted, serious Jimmy: 💔🎻 Jimmy: [some different lady bops he likes better than whatever she suggested, bit rude] Janis: Those works too Jimmy: they work better Janis: How Janis: explain your whys and wherefores, tah Jimmy: lyrically Jimmy: in tone Jimmy: and with what else has made the list Janis: Way to be as vague as that prompt, boy Janis: you can have [this] and [that] but I want [this] from my list Jimmy: [a more specific rant about exactly why then because he's that bitch] Jimmy: you can have [song] and [song] from yours Jimmy: we should take out [song from earlier] Janis: Fine Janis: actually write some of that down though, you know Janis: not in this groupchat but where you can get your ⭐ Jimmy: ✔ Jimmy: [quick sketch he's done for like cover art number 1] or [2] ? Janis: I prefer the 2nd one Janis: looks more like an album cover to me Janis: though I like [an element of] in the first one so do that too Jimmy: [enough time to have passed that he can do a finished rough sketch of that] Jimmy: I'll chuck you the finished one to colour in, in a bit Jimmy: as you've got more crayons Janis: BCE Janis: don't reckon you'll want your masterpiece ruined Jimmy: if you don't wanna put the work in, I'll do it Janis: I'm just saying, I'm no artist Janis: I'll fake up an ad for a benefit concert, happy? Jimmy: Alright, calm down Janis: 🙄 Janis: whatever, take the compliment Jimmy: Why? Janis: 'cos why not? Jimmy: 1. you ain't my art teacher Jimmy: 2. who the fuck are you? Jimmy: 3. I don't want it Janis: 1. I didn't call you the next Lichtenstein, I just didn't say it was shit Janis: 2. literally irrelevant to working on this project and I'm not trying to tell you or ask who the fuck you are Janis: 3. Ignore it like a normal person then Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: Jesus, confirm stereotypes much Jimmy: Confirming or denying owt is irrelevant to this project an' all Janis: tell your face Jimmy: your boyfriend already tried that line Jimmy: didn't do nowt for him either Janis: That's it, that's the joke Jimmy: Nah, joke's that you paddys reckon you've got decent craic Janis: some of us prefer subverting stereotypes Jimmy: 👏🏆 Janis: [the poster ting and some more songs] Janis: that make 16 yet? Jimmy: [sends a few more himself] Jimmy: that does Janis: Hallelujah Janis: x4 that shit and give her a pronunciation guide Jimmy: 👍
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