#daddy!sam x pregnant!reader
fluloa · 1 year
A TINY TUBE | sam drake x reader [chapter fic]
“Oh, shit.”
Two lines. Two red, thin lines. You blinked one time. Two times. Yep, they were still there, redder than the lipstick sitting in your makeup bag and plastered on a white tiny tube.
What the fuck? Whatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuck?
You had to be hallucinating shit. It’s just really late, that’s all. You’re beginning to see things from exhaustion. Yeah, that’s it.
You stood up, feeling shaky in the legs as you splashed cold water on your face. You looked to the pregnancy test once again.
“Okay,” you sighed. “We’re just gonna take a shower, and head straight to bed. It’s a dodgy test! I did get it from the dollar store.”
Wait— Sam. Fuck. Sam. Your heart picked up a pace. Wait! No, he’s on a fishing trip with Nate. He’ll be back in a night and two days. Fuck. Relax, girl.
Why are you worrying, anyway? It’s a dodgy test.
You strip yourself of your clothes, naked and lightly shivering from the cool wind flowing in from your tiny window. You shut it, accidentally a little too hard and you flinch. Your eyes catch in the mirror in front of you.
You are exhausted, that’s for sure. Bad stomach cramps lately. Your period hasn’t come for a week. You vomited twice in three days. You’ve caught barely any sleep. Your body’s sweaty consistently.
Your hands skim slowly to the lower curve of your belly, the warm flesh feathering at your fingertips. Maybe it wasn’t a dodgy test.
You woke up the next morning feeling almost dead, your hair tangled and eyelids puffed. A part of you was absolutely thrilled about having a small little bean growing inside of you, and the other was drop-dead afraid.
You began to think. The last time you and Sam had sex was about two weeks ago, just before he left on the fishing trip. You both had just finished locating and collecting the patiala necklace and stumbled into a dark, wet cave. Banged it out like no tomorrow. Popped a morning after pill you bought from a Mexican cheap store into your mouth and called it a day.
Okay, you were definitely pregnant.
“I think I’m gonna stop buying medical things from cheap stores.” You said to yourself, reaching down and patting your belly softly.
Your mind drifted to Sam once again. How’d he react? Would he be upset, happy, mad? The baby would affect your jobs, and Sam had told you many times before that he didn’t want to stop nor take a break any time soon. You’ve been together for a year, but hadn’t even bothered to talk about babies. Marriage, yeah. But babies?
Guess you had two days to prepare. You picked up your phone, opening up messages and tapping into Elena’s contact. Sliding the phone to your cheek, you were taken aback when she picked up immediately.
”Hey. Can I come o—“
”Yes.” Elena groaned, piercing your right ear with her loud voice. “I’m bored. Cassie’s bored. Get your ass over here right now.”
“Okay,” you laughed. “I’ll be there in five.”
As you go to end the call, Elena yells out three. You laugh again. Of course you would go to her first, especially since baby Cassie is turning one soon and god knows Elena’s information and experience on pregnancy. She’s also your closest and only female friend you have. Then again, you don’t know what her reaction will be.
You’re in her driveway in a flash, with one of Sam’s shirts and some sport shorts. You knock at her door, gasping when it flings open and wind gushes at your face.
“Hey. Love the outfit,” Elena grins. Her warm eyes flicker to your hair, which is effortlessly pinned up into a messy bun as it tilts to a side.
“Thanks.” You mumble, walking into her home and immediately being greeted to a little baby girl crawling her way to you. She gurgles, her shining blonde hair curling out and bouncing as she claps her hands.
“Hey there, honey…” you reach down, ignoring the stinging pinch in your back as you pick Cassie up and bounce her on your hip.
“We’ve missed you,” Elena smirks, as Cassie grabs your hair and yanks it, loosening the bun.
You wince, “I can tell. Missed you too.”
”So, a coffee?” she asks, making her way into the kitchen. You follow her, sitting down on one of the stools and placing Cassie on your thigh. “Or two coffees?”
Shit. Are you allowed coffee while pregnant? You don’t know, and you won’t take any chances.
“Uh— None, thanks.”
Elena frowns, flicking on the kettle while she stares you down. “Okay…”
“Possibly some water. I just brushed my teeth, that’s all.”
You let out a mental sigh when she brushes you off. Nice improv, you think.
“You can go into the loungeroom. Put on some Netflix or something. And no cocomelon.”
You roll your eyes, letting out an exasperated groan. You trudge over to the nearby loungeroom, pinching at the top of Cassie’s shirt and wiping around her mouth. “Mom’s just being a party pooper. Cocomelon is the bomb.”
“Mom heard that.”
“Huh? What? I said nothing,” you say. You decided to put on a kid’s movie, and it wasn’t long until Elena was on the couch next to you with a water bottle and coffee.
“So,” Elena said.
Cassie was playing with your left hand, trying to bend and twist the fingers. “So,” you replied. Elena hands you the water bottle, and you take it with gratitude.
“You gonna tell me something?”
“Right.” You breathed in, something Elena didn’t fail to notice. Your hand tenses around the water bottle, plastic crinkling as you mentally prepare yourself for the outcome. “Um, when did you first begin to realise you were pregnant?”
You avoid her gaze, focusing on the way Cassie’s chubby fingers clutched around your larger ones. When you notice that Elena hadn’t responded for a weird amount of time, you turned to look at her.
Her eyes were wide, a small frown and her mouth open like the letter O. She flicked her eyes to your stomach, then back up to your face. “You’re not…”
”Holy fucking shit, you’re pregnant!” Elena squeaks, and you jump at her loud tone.
“Jesus, Elena. Yeah, I guess so? I think so. I tested positive,” you ramble. Elena’s arms whip out, gripping you firm on the shoulders and shaking you hard. “Hey— hey, Cassie’s on my lap—“
”Hooooly shit! You’re gonna have a baby!” Elena shakes you, and you’re sure you’re going to get a concussion. She finally lets you go, letting you catch your breath. “Was it planned?”
“No, it wasn’t.” Still out of breath, you tuck some hair behind your ear.
“… Does he know?”
Elena blinks a few times. “I just… wow. You’re pregnant. And Sam doesn’t know.”
You groan, chugging some water as the coldness strikes your throat, “Yeah.”
“Wait, so, it wasn’t planned.” Elena adds, before dropping her tone down to a playful one, “How did that happen?”
Putting the water bottle down on the couch, you cover Cassie’s tiny ears. “After we found the patiala necklace. In a, um, cave. No condom, and I took a morning after pill.”
You mumble the last part under your breath.
“Oh my god.” Elena sighs, shaking her head as gentle chuckles slip from her lips. Your face flushes warm.
“It was like, intense too. My ass still hurts from when he was pushi—“
”Okay! No more details,” the blonde cries. You smirk, finally uncovering Cassie’s ears and squishing at her soft cheeks.
You breathe out, a sadness dropping into your voice. “But I just don’t know how he’ll react. Don’t know how to tell him.”
“Honestly, me neither.” Elena admits, rolling up the long sleeves of her black cotton shirt. “Sam as a dad… that’s a weird thought.”
“Maybe he won’t have to be,” you say. It’s the truth. You don’t know whether or not you’re going to keep it. The thought of the choice sends a chill down your spine.
“Just see how it goes. Talk to him about it. At the end of the day, it’s your choice.” Elena places her hand onto your arm, her peachy lips out-stretched into a genuine smile. You weakly smile back.
About two hours later, you’re back at your house, munching away at some noodles you spotted in the fridge. The show you’re watching is quite interesting, and coincidentally, a female character just found out she was pregnant.
The female character screams and runs around the house while knocking over a bunch of things.
Suddenly, there’s a knock at the door. You pause mid-eating, noodles dangling from your lips. A rather rough knock. It’s weird, because you weren’t expecting anyone today. You can’t help but feel goosebumps arise on your skin, a sense of fear creeping into you.
You walk over to the door, gliding it open slowly. Your heart then skips about ten beats.
“Hey there, beautiful girl.” Sam grins, fishing equipment dangling from his arm.
You splat out a hey as he scoops his arm around your back, pulling you in swift and kissing you firm on the lips. You’re greeted with the familiar taste of tobacco and pine, a taste you’ve grown to love and adore. But one you weren’t expecting until tomorrow. The warmth of his tongue dips into your mouth, taking you aback and you let a gasp flow from your throat.
He walks you back into the house, fishing equipment dropping onto the tiles with a loud clatter. He breathes against your lips, “Miss me?”
He pushes you against the side of the kitchen bench, his hands roaming along your stomach and legs before gripping at your hips. He picks you up, dunking you on the surface and tongue plunging into your mouth all at once. It’s too much.
Your hands find his shoulders, digging your fingertips into the fluffiness of his black jumper. You gently push him back, to which he surprisingly obliges to and leans back, staring up at you with those all too familiar dark golden eyes.
”You’re early,” you say, huffing as his thumbs massage circles into your hips.
“Sure am. Thought I’d surprise you and come home a day early.” He reaches into his back pocket, fishing around for something. “I got you something.”
You nod as he takes something from his pocket, his hand closed into a fist. Your eyes widen when his hand stretches out, revealing a black beaded necklace that shone a little underneath the kitchen yellow light.
“It was in one of the markets. It’s simple, but I think it’s cute,” Sam explains. He unclips the metal clip, lifting his arms and wrapping it around your neck. You hear a click, your fingers moving to play with the beaded necklace.
“It’s pretty. Thanks, baby.”
He’s already leaning closer as you say those words, his eyes landing on the plumpness of your lips. “You’re welcome.”
His mouth is back on yours again, more aggressive, more hungry. His fingers slip underneath your shirt, the warmness of his tips dancing along the skin of your belly before grabbing at your sides. You let him pick you up (again), leading you to the couch and plonking you there.
He presses at the button of your jeans, skilfully flicking it undone and swiftly gripping onto your metal zipper. He’s moving too fast, and you can’t catch up. You hum an uncomfortable grunt, placing your hands on his chest and pushing him. His face is written in confusion as he jumps off of you, his mouth glistened with saliva and his pupils dilated. Fuck, he looked good. But you needed to talk. As much as you didn’t want to.
“What did I do?” he asks, and god, the look on his face makes you want to just jump back onto him.
“You didn’t do anything, it’s just— we need to talk.”
His gaze averts to the ground for a second, his chest sinking and he wipes his mouth with the sleeve of his jacket. “Alright.”
He looks worried, and you can tell that he is because of the way his tongue pokes from the bottom of his mouth. He does that when he’s worried. Fuck, there’s that feeling, the yucky swirly shit that thrushes in the pit of your tummy.
“I tested positive.”
You said the words in a big blurred rush, not connecting his burning gaze on you, instead playing with your fingers.
“You… tested positive?” he repeated, his voice wavering and quiet.
“On a pregnancy test.”
His jaw dropped, his eyes now unfocused and not on you and now on your abdomen. “You have a baby. In there.”
“Mhm,” you murmur.
“Oh, shit.”
“That’s what I said.” You dryly chuckle, your eyes settled in a wince and he flicks his attention back up to you. There’s something in his eyes that you can’t pin point.
“You’re pregnant.” He said, sounding as if the words were to himself. “Holy fuck.”
You couldn’t ignore the pain rumbling in your chest, your lips twitching into a miniature pout. He didn’t want it. “Yeah… I know. I can organise an appoi—“
”I’m gonna be a fucking daddy,” he laughed, his teeth poking out as his mouth stretches into a grin.
”What? You aren’t upset?” you question. That wasn’t the sentence you were expecting.
“Are you kidding me? We’re gonna have a frickin’ kid and you think I’m upset?”
“Well, yeah, I mean, I thought it would be a burden. We’re busy all the time, and you’ve told me many times that you don’t want to take a break any time soon.”
“We just found a necklace that gave us about a million each. I’m pretty sure we’ll be fine for now,” Sam grins.
You frown. “But… so… you wanna keep it?”
“Yes. Fuck, more than anything.” He lets out a breathy laugh, leaning over and cupping your cheek. You could just melt. You seriously could absolutely just melt into his hands like a hot puddle of runny goop. He wanted the baby, he wanted it.
He kisses you, a kiss so sweet and sensual that you can barely believe it’s his lips giving it to you. You can’t help but let a groan out, your hands sliding up his back and into his messy brown hair.
“Can’t fuckin’ believe it,” he sighs against your hot lips, gushing sounds forming as he slips his tongue in to catch your own. “My baby’s gonna have a baby.”
You giggle, and it turns into a low gasp when his hand snakes, down to the liner of your jeans and skimming underneath to touch the rim of your underwear.
“This is the only action I’ll be getting for a while, right?” Sam asks, his breath hot and wet against your mouth.
“You know it, cowboy.” You take your own hand and scoop underneath his jacket, slipping it off his shoulder. “So make it worth its while.”
A devilish smirk paints across his lips, grabbing you tight and laying you out on the couch. He hikes his arm up your thigh and wraps it around his large hip, dropping his voice an octave lower. “Yes ma’am.”
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strawbeerossi · 6 months
Stuffing Stockings
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Pairing: Wife!Reader x Husband!Spencer
Description: Spencer and you have been married for ten years with a beautiful six year old daughter. Whenever she gives you her Christmas list, you notice something new on the list and bring it up to your husband.
Content/Warnings: Dad!Spencer, discussions of expanding family, interest in being pregnant/wanting another baby, breeding kink, oral sex (f rec), penetrative sex, mention of failed test and disappointment, happy ending.
Word Count: 3.5K
Merry Christmas, my sweeties! Santa T is giving you a present because of how much I love you all!
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“Mama, I have my Christmas list ready!” Matilda announced, a bright smile on her face revealing the front tooth that the tooth fairy had recently come to take. She was a spitting image of Spencer, beautiful honey colored irises and soft brunette curls that framed her face, not to mention her intellect and her determination that no doubt her father had an influence on. 
“Your Christmas list? You’re early,” You smiled fondly as you looked over at the flower filled calendar on the wall closest to the stove, your coffee cup held comfortably between your hands. “Let me hear it, come on!” You urge on, an excited grin on your face. 
You always loved Christmas, however having Matilda just made the holidays so much better. Nothing compared to seeing her excitement whenever you’d place wrapped gifts under your Christmas tree, or when you’d ask her to help you make Christmas treats that her and Spencer would end up eating just days after they were made. 
You wouldn’t trade it for anything. 
“Well. I would like an American Girl doll, Rebecca Rubin to be exact.” Not a surprise. She loved dolls, her father spoiling her with any accessory or set she asked for. “And then I would like some light up sneakers, please. Sam has some at school and I think they are so cool!” She continued. The rest of the things she lifted were usual for a little girl. Until she got to the last thing on that list. 
“And then I want a little brother or sister.” She concluded, a wide grin on your face. The mere suggestion had you nearly choking on the mouthful of coffee, your eyes widening some. “Uncle Luke and aunt Penny said that I have to write it in my list so it happens!” 
Penelope and Luke. Classic. 
“A baby brother or sister?” You repeated, watching those beautiful curls bounce as the kindergartner nodded her head. “You do know that they won’t be here in time for Christmas if that happens, right?” You asked, wanting to break it gently to her that even if she got what she wanted, it would be well past Christmas before she got a sibling. 
“Oh. I know. Babies grow in mommy’s bellies for nine whole months. Which seems like a long time but I think it’ll go by fast! Oh please, mama?! A baby would be cute and cuddly, even whenever they are cranky!” 
The begging was tugging at your heart. She really wanted this, didn’t she? You and Spencer were financially stable enough for you to stay home while he worked with the BAU, not to mention that you both could definitely handle Matilda and a new baby. “You know I have to talk to daddy about this before we make a decision.”
After that, the idea of another baby was stuck in your mind. Your first pregnancy was rough, however you still really did enjoy the process of growing a future scholar who would change the world. Just thinking about it had you reminiscing, especially when it came to being pregnant. You could remember every appointment, the announcement to your friends and families, all the excitement that you and Spencer felt with every heartbeat and every little kick. 
Your husband had gotten home relatively early on a Saturday evening after a long case in Tampa, Florida. He was toeing his shoes off by the front door in an effort to surprise you and Matilda, the two of you unaware he was even coming home today. You were in the kitchen making dinner while your shared daughter was at the table, happily coloring in her new coloring book. 
 It was a blissful sight, the domesticity of it all bringing normalcy to Spencer’s busy and sometimes abnormal feeling life. “You two look peaceful,” He decided to speak up, Matilda quickly turning in her chair to look at her father. With a wide smile and teary eyes, she was quickly leaping from the chair to run into your husband’s expecting arms. “Hi!” He chuckled fondly while kissing her cheek sweetly. 
“I missed you!” She whined out, keeping a tight hold on her father. “I thought you weren’t gonna home until after Christmas!” She added on, making Spencer’s heart drop. He loved his job but he hated being away for what could’ve been weeks at a time. That was the hardest part. 
“Hey, I’m home now and I’m gonna be here for Christmas. I promise. In fact,” He was picking up Matilda while resting her on his hip. “I need to see your Christmas list!” He grinned while bouncing his daughter. “Mama, where’s the list?” Spencer then asked as he turned his attention to you. 
“Oh, mama needs to talk to you about that!” The six year old in his arms perked up, making Spencer look at you with an amused, yet questionable look. 
“Talk to me? About what? Don’t tell me that Tilly wants to get a car or something already.” Spencer teased. A car might’ve been easier convincing depending on how he felt about expanding the family. 
“Not exactly a car,” You laughed a bit while grabbing the list that had been neatly folded and stuck to the fridge with a magnet. “She wants a new American girl doll, a new accessory set to go with said doll, light up sneakers, a dollhouse,” You paused while reading over the last item. “And a baby brother or sister.” 
Spencer felt like the items on the list were easy enough. A doll, some accessories, a dollhouse and sneakers. He could knock that out with just one shopping trip. However whenever he heard the last item, his eyes nearly bulged out of his head. “A new brother or sister, huh?” He asked slowly, glancing at the little girl who smiled widely. 
“I know the baby won’t be here for Christmas, daddy.” Matilda just knew by the look in his eyes that he didn’t wanna break the news she’d have to wait for that. Her reassurance had him taking in a breath of relief though. That little girl was too smart for her own good. 
“Well. That’s a big decision. You think you’re ready to be a big sister? Cause babies are a lot of work.” Spencer asked, a smile on his face at her sheer excitement he was entertaining the idea. “They cry a lot. Plus, they always need a lot of attention. That’ll mean that sometimes mama and daddy will be busy with the baby.” He said softly while rubbing her back. 
“I know and it’s okay! Babies need more help because they can’t really eat on their own or go potty in the bathroom, so that’s why you and mommy will need to pay extra attention sometimes. But babies are small and cute! And they always want cuddles!” Now that sounded like something Penelope Garcia would say of course she’d gotten to Matilda about the idea. She was just saying at the office that she was wanting another baby around. 
You offered a smile. “Well, it sounds like you’ve put a lot of thought into it, Tilly! You know that me and dad have to talk about it though, as grownups.” You added, although judging by your husband’s wide smile and the twinkle in his eye, he was already sold on the entire Christmas list. Well, maybe this was easier to convince than a new car. 
After dinner and baths were in order, it  wasn’t long before you and Spencer were tucking Matilda into bed for the night. Gently closing the door behind you both, Spencer finally turned his attention to you. “A new baby. Wow..” He brought up the idea immediately, his arms gently wrapping around your waist. “How do you feel about the idea?” 
You smiled, body leaning back against his as you let out a soft hum of content. “Well, at first I was wary. Then the more I thought about it.. The more I really wanted it.” You said softly, head tilting up to face him more. “I mean, I think we’ve got this parenting thing down. Plus, I miss being pregnant and having a baby around. I feel like it’s going to be a positive change for us. Parents of two.”
That was all Spencer needed to hear to have him sold completely. “I agree. We are pretty good at this.” He chuckled a bit while moving to press a kiss to the top of your head. “It’s always fun trying too, huh? Maybe All our practicing will pay off.” He teased, making you laugh as you were playfully hitting his arm. “Hey! I’m just saying what we are both thinking!” He laughed in return. 
The both of you had retired to your bedroom for the night, gently closing the door behind you both. “It’s so good to have you home. I’ve missed you.” You sighed, offering a smile as you were heading over to sit on the edge of your shared bed. “It’s just not the same without you home but I know you have to save the world.” You smiled fondly, watching as your husband was shedding from his clothes. 
“I know, honey. I miss being home with you and Tilly more than anything when I have to be gone.” Spencer expressed his own feelings before heading over to you, kneeling in front of you with a soft smile. “But I’m glad to be home now,” He began, pressing kisses to your legs while getting settled between them. His hands were working on the button of your shorts before tugging them down your legs. “Besides, I’m gonna be here for the holidays and I even took the time off to make sure of it.” He hummed, his kisses moving to your inner thighs. 
“Working on the list early, I see.” You teased, brushing the mop of brunette curls from your husband’s face as he was playfully nipping on your plush inner thigh, lifting his head. 
“Guilty. I feel like this is the most expensive present Tilly is getting.” He teased, the both of you sharing a little giggle before he was going right back to where he started. 
Those kisses ended with your hips being tugged close to the end of the bed, his tongue lapping over your clothed clit. “God, I’ve missed you.” He murmured, hands working to tug your panties down your legs. Spencer was absolutely pleased with the sight of your glistening pussy, mouth salivating at the sight. It had been far too long for his liking. 
“Pretty girl. You look like you’ve missed me too.” He purred, tongue moving to flick over your throbbing bud, only chuckling as you were already clutching his hair. He didn’t make an effort to tease you long, tongue already delving into the warmth of your cunt as he was so focused on drinking every ounce of your essence, taking whatever you had to give him. 
“Spencer, fuck.” You squeaked, legs practically locking around his head to keep him in place as he was too drunk on lapping and sucking at your desperate pussy. The thought of a new baby excited him in more ways than one. 
There was the calm and innocent way that just had him thrilled to have a new baby and expand your beautiful family. Then there was the dirty and not so innocent side of him that knew there would be a lot of nights where he was stuffing your pussy just in an effort to get that positive test. Just the thought of his cum dripping down your trembling thighs was enough to have him hard as a rock, his cock begging for attention while he was so focused on giving you all of his. 
While his tongue feverishly lapped at your wetness, his hands were gripping your hips just a little tighter. Truth be told, Spencer could get off merely from cunnilingus alone. He fed off of your pleasure, the way you would shove his head more into your weeping cunt for more was enough to make his cock twitch in his boxers right now. 
Although even through all the excitement, he was soon pulling away from your pussy much to both of your dissatisfaction. “I feel like I’m gonna cum in my boxers and I’m not wasting what I could be giving you,” He added on, breathing labored as he was quickly getting up to shed his boxers while you were quick to do away with your clothes on your torso, shirt and bra thrown somewhere out of sight and out of mind. 
With one hand tugging at his cock, the other was quickly helping you scoot back on your bed, knowing you’d end up flying off if he dared pull you even just an inch closer from your current spot. 
“Comfortable?” He asked, watching you simply grab his arm to pull him on top of you. You didn’t even mind the feeling of his body crushing you for a split second, you knew that you needed him, now. Spencer was adjusting himself into a more comfortable position on top of you, his hand sliding between your thighs. He collected some of your arousal on his fingers before holding them up to show them off to you. 
You knew what was coming next, your mouth now open as you were waiting for the intrusion of his fingers. He learned it was the easiest way to keep you quiet when you needed to be. As you took the digits in your mouth, you were sucking on his fingers. “There we go.” Spencer praised as he was shifting, now pushing his leaking cock into your pussy with a soft groan. 
“I love you.” He breathed, letting his hips slowly snap against yours just to build you up for what was to come. Your face was contorted in pleasure as you muffled an ‘I love you’ around his fingers in return. 
The thought of you being pregnant was bringing out an animalistic side of your normal gentle husband. He loved seeing you pregnant with your first, it made him feel like he was finally contributing to society in the aspect of bringing another potential genius into the world who would do amazing things. The way you looked swollen with his child filled him with pride. 
It was also a bragging right. Yes, he had your hand in marriage but he also cemented the fact you were his. You were getting filled with his cum, begging him to ravage you the way you deserved. He was the only one who could make you feel good. 
The thought of you being pregnant with his second child was enough to make his thrusts get harder and faster. It was the ultimate act of love to carry his child, to raise a family with him. The ultimate act of intimacy of allowing him to know the pleasures of a family and a successful marriage. 
You were squirming underneath him, eyes rolling to the back of your head as Spencer was all too focused on the images flooding his mind. “I’m gonna cum.” He panted. “You want me to fill you up? Give you a baby? Fuck.” Cursing was pretty rare for Spencer but just the mere slip of a curse word had your pussy clenching around his cock, signaling you were ready as well. 
With a few more sloppy snaps of his thrusts, you could feel the warmth of his spent flooding your cunt, your legs trembling as the sensation was enough to have you reaching your climax. “Fuck.” You panted, your husband’s fingers now being pulled out of your mouth. 
His face was flushed, brunette curls plastered to his sweaty forehead as he looked down at you. “You know, I wish we had this idea before. Christmas is coming up so soon, we won’t even be able to get a positive test for her in time for the holiday if we get lucky after this time.” 
“I think that Tilly is gonna be happy either way, to be fairly honest. You should’ve seen the way she looked at me when she was asking for a new sibling. She was so excited.” You recalled, smiling in content as you were slowly, but surely, catching your breath.
With soft eyes, Spencer leaned down to press a sweet kiss against your lips. “I’m really happy she brought it up first. I’ve been wanting another baby for a while but I didn’t want you to feel obligated.” The confession had your hand lightly swatting at your husband’s chest.
“Why didn’t you talk to me before?! I never would’ve felt obligated. I’ve always wanted a big family, you know that.” 
The reassurance had your husband chuckling fondly. “I know, I know. I promise that for the next little Reid, I’ll get to you before our daughter.” He teased, nose nuzzling into your cheek before he was pushing himself out of bed. “Let’s go get you cleaned up, mama.”
It was currently the third week of January, Matilda freshly back in school for the second semester. It was after you dropped Tilly off at school that you were feeling off. You’d been sick the past week or so, mostly just chalking it up to be a bug Matilda seemingly brought home. The more awful you felt, the more you were worrying. Being pregnant wasn’t a problem at all, however the way you would get your hopes up would be.
You’d pushed the idea back for a while, it wasn’t until you were sick for the fifth time that you figured that the test would be better than nothing. You’d only gotten one negative, however with the brain of your husband and his facts about conception, he still gave you some hope.
The sound of the timer going off in the bathroom snapped you out of your thoughts. It was now or never. As you approached the bathroom, you could feel your heart begin to race. If you were pregnant, that would be the best little surprise for your little family. If not, well, you’d at least get to be heartbroken in peace.
Taking in a deep breath and mustering up all of your courage, you were lifting the test from the sink. You felt like you were going to be sick from a mixture of your ailment as well as the nerves. You exhaled the breath you took in seconds before, eyes fixed on the test.
You nearly fainted, free hand covering your mouth from the surprise. Pregnant, you’re pregnant. Pregnant!!!!
You were thrilled, the test being tucked away in its box before you were hiding it away. You were going to have to show Spencer and Matilda when they got home. You didn’t have the strength to keep it a huge secret and put a surprise together, they needed to know as soon as possible. 
Spencer had gotten to go home early in order to pick up Matilda, something rare that Emily gave him the chance to do considering he was away so much as is. If only those two knew what they were coming home to. 
You were just getting finished with a snack for your daughter whenever you heard the sound of keys jingling in the door. It’s now or never!
“We are home!” The little voice called from the living room, the child taking off her coat and backpack before making sure to hang them up.
“Hi you two.” You offered a smile, pressing a kiss to your daughter’s cheek, followed by a quick peck on your husband’s lips. “Tilly, I have you a snack.” She hummed fondly, watching the little brunette hurry to the table. “You might wanna sit down as well,” You informed your husband, who raised an eyebrow. 
Without question, he’d approached the table before sitting himself down. “Are we in trouble?” He teased, making you roll your eyes fondly.
“No. I just have something I need to tell you both.” You hummed, grabbing the wrapped box from the counter before placing it on the table. “I found this in the closet. It was addressed to you two, I think we forgot it around Christmas.”
“Forgot it? Mama, we never forget presents.” Matilda spoke around a mouthful of apple slices, although her curiosity was piqued as she leaned against the table. “Open it, daddy!” She urged.
As the colorful wrapping paper was peeled away, the male was opening the box. He knew what it was, however he wanted Matilda to have the first big reaction. The minute that the stick was on the table, you could practically see Matilda’s eyes pop out of their sockets from surprise. “Does that say pregnant?!” She asked, looking at her mother with a wide smile. “There’s a baby?!” 
Her excitement made you want to cry your eyes out. “There’s a baby!” You gushed happily. “Now, I still have to go to the doctor because I don’t have specifics just yet,” You began, although your daughter was all too happy to quickly run into your body, arms wrapped around your torso. 
“We are gonna have a baby!!!!”
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holylulusworld · 4 months
Traders of love (lust) masterlist
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Summary: Our dear readers are in trouble. They sell the only thing they have left. Their body and dignity.
Pairing: Different (multi-fandom) characters x fem!Reader (different reader in every story)
Warnings: angst, kinda prostitution in some chapters, dub-con, extortion, voyeurism, roleplay, smut, virginity kink, pregnancy kink, daddy kink, sir kink, size kink, all the kinks, a/b/o kink, roleplay, loss of virginity, sex for money, blindfolding, a lil bit of feelings, pregnant reader, single mom reader, age gap, DBF trope
A/N: This is not a regularly updated series. It’s a collection of smutty one-shots, with a different character and a different reader in every story.
You can read only single chapters (except for the sequels) they are all connected/in the same universe but can be read as a standalone story. Some (side-)characters will reappear in different chapters.
A/N2: Please head the warnings for all chapters. Some kinks are not for everyone.
A/N3: We will see Lloyd and his reader throughout the whole series. They are the center of the story.
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I’m your daddy now (1) (Lloyd Hansen x Singlemom!Reader)
I’m your daddy now (2) (Lloyd Hansen x Singlemom!Reader)
I’m your daddy now (3) (Lloyd Hansen x Singlemom!Reader)
Swaying (Mobster!Ari Levinson x Dance instructor!Reader)
Like a virgin (DBF!Bucky Barnes x Virgin!Reader)
Like a virgin (2) (DBF!Bucky Barnes x Virgin!Reader)
Chocolate and roses (Mobster!Sam Wilson x Chocolatier!Reader)
Lawbreaker (Lee Bodecker x Sassy!Reader)
French Kiss (CEO!Nick Fowler x Interpreter!Reader)
Best trade ever (Boss!Steve Rogers x Assistant!Reader)
Wallflower (Rich(Mean)!Loki Laufeyson x Florist!Reader)
Lightning and Thunder (Rich!Thor Odinson x Librarian!Reader)
Every move you make (Jake Jensen x WebCamGirl!Reader)
I’m your daddy now (4) (Lloyd Hansen x Singlemom!Reader)
Two for one (August Walker x Pregnant!Reader)
Damage done (Mobster!Dean Winchester x fem!Reader)
Follow the law (Andy Barber x Criminal!Reader)
I’m your daddy now (5) (Lloyd Hansen x Singlemom!Reader)
Under protection (Reacher x Witness!Reader)
Instinct (Walter Marshall x Prostitute!Reader)
Skyscraper (Sam Winchester x fem!Reader)
Make you sweat (Lance Tucker x Gymnast!Reader)
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Undecided addition
Untitled so far (Tony Stark x ???!Reader)
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wolfpackss · 11 months
Can I request a paul x reader who’s pregnant and he gets realll handsy….
Thank youuuu!
Thank you so much for this request. I’ve been imagining Paul as a father and umf yes, get me pregnant daddy. Here you go, hope you enjoy it!
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“Baby, please! I need to finish the dishes” you push your boyfriend’s hands away from your stomach as you continue washing the plate you’ve been busy with for the past five minutes. Ever since you told Paul you were having his baby, he can’t seem to get enough of you. His hands will be everywhere, anywhere at anytime. And so are his lips as your neck and shoulders were marked with many hickeys and lovebites. “You can finish them later, just want to look at you” he mumbles into your hair, his hands wrapping around your waist to pull you closer to his chest. You giggle and turn around in his arms, stepping on your toes to peck his lips. “You’re always looking at me, Lahote.” “Don’t blame me, you just look so beautiful carrying my pup” he mumbles into your hair as he kisses your hair.
“Paul!” You giggle as he keeps on assaulting your neck with kisses, licks and bites. “Give up y/n, when i was pregnant with Asher, Sam was exactly the same.” You look over to see Emily standing in the opening of the door with an amused expression on her face. She walks over to the two of you and smiles at Paul. “I’ll take over from here” she takes the plates out of your hand and gives you a wiggle of her eyebrows. “Have fun kids” she waves you away and turns on the water to finish washing.
As you and your boyfriend head up to the guest room, Paul can’t help himself and smacks your ass. “Let’s go baby mama, gonna make you feel real good” he smirks as he opens the door for you. Before you have a chance to walk inside, Paul’s hands are all over your body. His one hand fists your hair, bringing your face closer to his and claiming your mouth in a passionate kiss while the other takes a hold of your ass and squeezes it as if his life depended on it.
“Paul, shit” you whimper as he sucks and bites your neck, you tilt your head slightly to give him a better angle and he takes it hungrily. “Fuck baby, you look so fucking beautiful, just can’t stop looking, fuck” he growls as you palm his cock and run your fingers over his entire length. “Just need to look at you baby,” he grabs your chin and forces you to look up at him. His eyes darkened by lust and desire make you feel something you’ve never felt before, you feel wanted, even when looking like this. You glance at yourself in the mirror that’s standing in the corner of the room.
“See how beautiful you look, carrying my pup, our pup” his hands drift of to your bump, caressing it with both hands. His fingers rubbing smooth circles on the sides of your stomach. You reach your arms up and wrap them around his neck. You lean up and let your lips brush his.
“We love you, Paul Lahote”
“And i love you both so fucking much”
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st4rrth0ughts · 7 months
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➳ oh, your here, come on in! just be wary of the rules (•◡•) !
➳ this blog will contain 18+ topics touching on a range of dark and sexual subjects, reader discretion is HIGHLY advised.
☾ - possible dark content! (tws are included)
✶- part of a series! (link to the series will be included in individual posts)
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mating press with your faves.
fucking in public with your faves
alleyway sex with Dr. ratio as a ghost -☾
appreciation post for my lovely fans
jingyuan and bladie pregnant with your kid
fucking stripper blade
cum filled jingyuan yummy
blade would love being degraded ngl
sunday and his wings
sunday is so bbg its unreal
aventurine with petnames
thinking abt fucking sunday so hard he breaks
luocha and his childbearing hips
overstimulating aventurine
breeding gallangher
demolishing vs kissing, which hsr men deserves which?
big breast gallagher
sam with a robot pussy
aven x s/o who's wary of risks
stellaron hunter reader x aven
ratio and his stupid biceps
caressing ratio in his bathtub
crossdressing with aven!!
stellaron hunter reader with self aware and very stressed aven
bodyguard reader except its ratio x r and not aven x r
stellaron hunter reader staring at aven's cat cakes
aven and the cake cats
simple drabble from anon!
kafka's former partner! stellaron hunter turned bodyguard reader x aven
aven x reader angst :((
boothill with reattachable cock and pussy
boothill and rearranging his guts
sunday thought
giving ratio a bj and then fucking him
corrupting virgin Sunday (not really)
gentle sex with Dan heng
gallagher x mixologist reader
soft yan! sunday
nobu being horny for blade
headlock with aven
wannabe brat aven
𝖒𝖎𝖘𝖈𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖊𝖔𝖚𝖘 ✧
Blood stains your hands.-☾ 𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯 𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘢𝘤𝘵 ✧
➳ ᴿᵉˡᵃˣ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠᵒʳᵐᵃˡⁱᵗⁱᵉˢ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵐᵃᵏᵉ ʸᵒᵘʳˢᵉˡᶠ ᵃᵗ ʰᵒᵐᵉ‧
Kaveh with puppet reader ✶ ✉ ⓗⓞⓝⓚⓐⓘ ⓢⓣⓐⓡ ⓡⓐⓘⓛ ✧
➳ ᵀʰᵉ ᵐᵒˢᵗ ᵃⁿⁿᵒʸⁱⁿᵍ ᵗʰⁱⁿᵍ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ⁱᵈⁱᵒᶜʸ ⁱˢ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ᶜᵃⁿ'ᵗ ᵉˣᵖˡᵃⁱⁿ ⁱᵗ ᵗᵒ ᵃⁿ ⁱᵈⁱᵒᵗ‧
Dr ratio with quantum tentacles ☾
Bathtub sex with Dr. ratio
vibrator with dr ratio ☾
dr ratio being fucked silly while reading
using the entanglement reaction to your advantage on veritas [unknown anon]
➳ ᵀᵒ ʷʰⁱᵗᵗˡᵉ ᵒⁿᵉˢᵉˡᶠ ᵃʷᵃʸ⸴ ᵗᵒ ᵗᵉᵃʳ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵉⁿᵉᵐⁱᵉˢ ᵃᵖᵃʳᵗ — ᵗʰᵃᵗ ⁱˢ ᵗʰᵉ ᵖᵒʷᵉʳ ᵒᶠ ᵃ ᵇˡᵃᵈᵉ‧
Breaking blade till he can’t think
blade with immortal reader♡ ☾
➳ ᴬˡˡ ˢᵒʳᵗˢ ᵒᶠ ᵇᵘˢⁱⁿᵉˢˢ ᵃʳᵉ ʷᵉˡᶜᵒᵐᵉ — ᵃˢ ˡᵒⁿᵍ ᵃˢ ʸᵒᵘ'ᵛᵉ ᵍᵒᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ᶜᵃˢʰ‧
being gepard's twin and sampo's sweetheart sampo with his lovely sugar daddy
➳ ᴹᵃʸ ᵗʰⁱˢ ʳᵒˢᵉ ᶜᵒⁿᵛᵉʸ ᵐʸ ʰᵉᵃʳᵗᶠᵉˡᵗ ˢᵃˡᵘᵗᵃᵗⁱᵒⁿˢ‧
argenti with a half monster reader ☾
➳ᵍᵒ ᵃʰᵉᵃᵈ⸴ ᵘˢᵉ ᵐᵉ ᵃˢ ʸᵒᵘ ʷⁱˢʰ⸴ ᵉᵛᵉⁿ ˢᵗᵃᵇ ᵐᵉ ⁱⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ᵇᵃᶜᵏ ʷʰᵉⁿ ʸᵒᵘ ˢᵉᵉ ᶠⁱᵗ‧
hate? sex with aventurine fucking the jealousy out of aventurine fingering aventurine till he begs instead of sending flowers come back to me. pet names during sex with him size diff with afab! Aven unrealistic sex with aven
a little gamblin' is fun when you're with me. pt.1✶ dont know if you love me or want me dead. pt.2✶ when you call my name through them there will be no answer. bad ending.✶ and he looks perfect, I don't deserve this. good ending.✶
➳ Which god should you turn to for solace?
sunday allowing you fuck him during your mating season ☾
➳ ᵀʰᵉ ᵍᵃˡᵃˣʸ ⁱˢ ᵛᵃˢᵗ ᵇᵉʸᵒⁿᵈ ᶜᵒᵐᵖᵃʳᵉ‧
welt with taller reader
Wonka (2023) ✧
➳ ᴴᵒʷ ᵈᵒ ʸᵒᵘ ˡⁱᵏᵉ ⁱᵗ? ᴰᵃʳᵏ? ᵂʰⁱᵗᵉ? ᴺᵘᵗᵗʸ? ᴬᵇˢᵒˡᵘᵗᵉˡʸ ⁱⁿˢᵃⁿᵉ‧
Willy's first time Willy and chocolate cartel reader ♡
Other fandoms coming soon…
Rants aventurine character study kavetham/haikaveh/al haitham + kaveh study
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missjadesfics · 2 months
“Looking for Trouble”
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Austin!Elvis x Reader dividers: @cafekitsune @rookthornesartistry gif credits: @austinbutlermischief Request: Yes Summary: After Elvis is arrested for his rebellious defiance during 'Trouble,' his girlfriend, the reader, bails him out of jail. Warnings: smut 18+ MDNI, praise kink, unprotected p in v sex, wrap it before you tap it, thoughts of being parents, slight breeding kink, oral sex (f receiving), daddy kink Word Count: 2.4k Disclaimer: All rights for the Elvis film and Elvis's music belong to him and Presley Enterprises. Comments likes, and reblogs are always adored and appreciated xx
edited: 10th june
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Being the girlfriend of the new rock and roll sensation had its ups and downs. The Colonel would have preferred Elvis break up with Y/n and focus on his singing. But Elvis made it clear; he would date her no matter what anyone says. Y/n grew up with Elvis; his mother and hers were both pregnant at the same time. Y/n and Elvis were born a month apart, Elvis being older. When Vernon went to jail, Y/n’s mother spent every day comforting Gladys while Y/n kept little Elvis company while they played together. Elvis always told her he would become a superhero and save his father, taking him to the Rock of Eternity. When Y/n’s mother passed away, Y/n was only eight years old when Gladys and Vernon were given guardianship and custody of Y/n. Her mother had requested it; she knew the Presleys would care for and love Y/n like she was their own. As time passed, Y/n often indulged Elvis and his dreams, saying she would always be beside him. 
As they grew up, Elvis developed a love for singing and African-American music; he and Y/n listened to the music whenever they could. His southern voice turned into something charming and melodic in his teenage years, making Y/n swoon. So one day, Elvis recorded Arthur ‘Big Boy’ Crudrup’s “That’s All Right” at Sun Records; the owner, Sam Phillps, had his voice playing everywhere on radios and records. That is how the Colonel discovered him; he mistook Elvis for a black man, but when he learnt he wasn’t, Elvis would be a Louisana Hayride. The Colonel had successfully convinced Elvis to leave Sun Records and have the Colonel manage his music and his career. And that’s how Elvis ended up where he is today. He had a decision to make: be the new Elvis and make everyone happy. He had to give up the ‘vulgar and lewd music and dance movements’ or break the rules and deal with the consequences later.
“You know what? I think I’m gonna sing a song the Colonel ain’t expecting. I’m gonna show em’ the real Elvis.” Elvis adjusted his black jacket Y/n smiled, looking at her boyfriend in the mirror. “Well, honey, I’m looking forward to it.” She grabbed his red tie, making her way over to him. “You look very handsome, Mr. Presley,” she giggled. Elvis turned around, his blue eyes roaming her figure in her new dress as she put on and fixed his tie. “Satnin, you look as beautiful as ever. My pretty girl,” he smiled, holding her face and kissing her sweetly. Y/n moaned lightly into the kiss; her eyes fluttered closed. Elvis pulled away, brushing his nose on hers gently. Elvis chuckled, seeing her eyes still closed. “Am I that good, sweetheart?” he purred, his southern accent sending shivers through her body. Y/n bit her lip, nodding. “Perfect, as always, baby," she replied softly. Elvis breathed in before turning to look at himself again in the mirror. He smirked, wrapping an arm around Y/n’s waist and pulling her before him. “Okay, baby girl, time for me to cause some Trouble.” Elvis licked his lips, kissing her cheek Y/n gave him a knowing look. “What have you got planned, Mr Presley?” she raised a brow at his tone. Elvis laughed lightly, whispering, “You’ll see.” 
Y/n climbed out of the car as she helped Gladys and walked with her arm looped with hers as Veron walked with them to their seats behind the stage. Elvis stood in the centre, his guitar strapped around his shoulder, listening to the crowd of young men and women cheering for him. Y/n noticed they separated the black people with a rope, keeping them on one side. Y/n felt disgusted as she felt Gladys’s hand grip hers, a sad smile on her face. “I know, baby, they don’t understand. It’s all right, we know, you and Elvis. You both accept everyone for who they are and what they are. You are both different, my special babies. I wish your mama were here to see that, but she will be watching” She kissed Y/n’s head softly as Y/n nodded, smiling at Gladys as Elvis’ voice rang through the microphone. “There’s been a lot of talk about the new Elvis”, the crowd jeered in response. Elvis looked into the crowd and raised his hand. 
“And, of course, that other guy”, putting all his fingers down except his pinky finger and bending it jokingly. “You ain’t nothin’ but a hound dog, cryin’ all the ti-” Elvis chuckled into the microphone; he looked up at the speakers, hearing a voice. “There’s a lot of people saying a lot of things. Of course, you gotta listen to the people you love” He turned quickly, glancing at the Colonel, who nodded. Elvis glanced over at Y/n, his smile boarding Y/n mouthed, “Listen to yourself” She blew him a kiss. Elvis’s blue eyes shined at her words; nodding, he held the microphone. “But someone special always reminds me that in the end, you gotta listen to yourself. So I want you to know those New York people ain’t gonna change me none! I’m gonna show you what the real Elvis is like tonight!” Elvis removed his guitar. The Colonel looked confused, and he glanced at Y/n. He knew something was changing, but he just didn’t know what. Elvis walked back to the centre of the stage; he turned to his band. “Trouble”, he said, winking at Y/n; she realised ‘Okay, baby girl, time for me to cause some Trouble’ his earlier words played in her head. “I’m gonna show you what the real Elvis is like tonight!” He shouted, and the crowd cheered.
Elvis raised his hand as the band played the first cord. Elvis looked behind his arm, swinging down. “If you’re looking for Trouble”, the band played the song. Vernon shook his head. “No, no”, he moved in his seat. “You came to the right place. If you’re looking for trouble just look right in my face.” His hips and legs began to move slightly to the rhythm of the music. “I was born standing up and talking back. My daddy was a green-eyed mountain jack” He raised his hands to his hair, his body swinging back and forth as the music gained momentum. Y/n felt her heart race, watching her man dance and sing, “Because I’m evil, my middle name is misery. Well, I’m evil, so don’t you mess around with me.” Elvis looked at the Colonel, tilting his head and signalling his words as a warning. 
As the song continued, the crowd grew crazier as Elvis, too, became entranced by his music and dancing on the stage. The Colonel ordered the police to remove Elvis from the stage. The danger grew as the crowd climbed over one another towards the stage. Elvis fought the police as the Colonel came over to the Presleys and Y/n as the fans began to riot against the police. “Uh, now would be a good time to return to the car” He chuckled nervously. Gladys gripped Y/n’s hand, pulling her to the car and seeing Elvis being pushed into a police car. “ELVIS!” Y/n shouted to her boyfriend, looking in alarm. “Y/n baby, go with mumma, okay, I’ll be alright!” he told her Y/n nodded in understanding. Climbing into the car, the driver drove away as Y/n looked back, seeing the chaos erupt rapidly and red fireworks appearing in the sky. 
Elvis was kept in jail overnight for his lewd concert; sitting in the cold cell, his knee bounced anxiously. He heard Y/n’s sweet voice ring through the hall. “I have bail money for Mr Presley”, she said to the officers, who reluctantly allowed Elvis to bail as he waited at the door. Tapping the bars, he ran through the open door, running to Y/n and embracing her tightly. “Oh baby, thank you!” He exclaimed, running out of the station to Elvis’s car and quickly driving back to Graceland. When the car engine turned off, Elvis took Y/n in his arms, carrying her inside the house. Closing the door shut quietly, the young lovebirds ran up the stairs into their bedroom. 
Elvis locked his door and pulled Y/n in a passionate kiss. Elvis removed his black jacket and red tie. Y/n unzipped her dress, hurriedly throwing it over the chair. Elvis moaned, his Adam’s apple bobbing, seeing Y/n in her pretty black lace underwear. His favourite. Elvis admired his girl, his feet carrying him over slowly. Y/n tilted her head slightly upwards to look into his eyes. There wasn’t much height difference, but they both loved that Elvis still had to lean slightly to kiss her. “So beautiful” His husky voice came out like a purr. Elvis swiped his thumb along her bottom lip. His palm cupped her face, and his face lit up at her doe eyes, watching him intently. Elvis kissed Y/n softly, his hand dropping from her cheek; he leaned down and picked her up. Carrying her to his large bed and laying her down, her hands tugged at his black dress shirt. Elvis unbuttoned it slowly. Teasing Y/n, he smirked, seeing her thighs rubbing together, a helpless moan falling from her lips. Her eyes glittered with desire, and her finger reached around her back to unclasp her bra, the straps falling down her shoulders. Throwing the garment away, Elvis’s chest rose and fell heavily, his hands unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants. Y/n bit her lip, her eyes following Elvis’s fall to his stomach on the bed, nudging her legs apart.
Y/n dragged her hand down her body and raked them through Elvis’s hair; he grinned at the sensation. His eyes fell closed, kissing her inner thighs; he groaned, feeling her tug on his hair. His hands gripped her last piece of clothing Y/n giggled at his enthusiasm, helping him. “One of these days, baby, Imma just gonna rip em’ right up”, he growled, his voice dropping an octave Y/n sighed. “Baby, don’t go rippin’ anything”, she whined before moaning loudly, feeling Elvis’s tongue on her pussy. Her arousal dripped down onto the bed; Elvis lapped eagerly, his hands intertwined with Y/n’s on either side of her body. “Elvis!” Y/n gasped, her body tensing at the feeling of his tongue delving between her wet folds and sucking her swollen pearl. Elvis Presley was very talented with his tongue, not just gifted in to help his singing, but pussy eating too. Y/n would give him a crown and title for his expertise in providing her waves of pleasure. He could live in between her legs; if he could, he often said it; he’d be so busy he would mumble in her pussy. “I’d die a happy man buried between your legs, little mama. A real happy man.” Y/n would always shudder at his words. Y/n was brought back to reality by hearing Elvis growl “Good girl, lettin daddy take care of you”, Y/n moaned, arching her hips. “Always for you, Daddy” Elvis’s blue eyes darted up, seeing Y/n’s face twisted in pleasure, her mouth open, strings of his favourite sounds leaving her lips. 
Elvis continued his ministrations. Y/n’s high-pitched whines were a sign that she was close. Elvis knew her like the back of his hand; he could feel her legs begin to shake. Elvis removed one of his hands from hers, entering two fingers inside her, feeling her inner walls clench around his fingers immediately. Y/n’s free hand combed through his ink-black hair, tugging on the roots. “Elvis, honey, please, I’m close”, she cried out Y/n gasped sharply, her body jolting. Elvis curled his fingers, his fingers increasing pace, working Y/n through her climax. Elvis moaned, not letting a drop go to waste, ensuring he was savouring her. 
Crawling up her body, Elvis removed his boxer briefs, kissing her chest tenderly, working his way up her neck along her jaw, finally landing on her lips. Elvis breathed heavily, staring into her eyes. “You want me to use protection, baby?” His soft voice made her heart flutter Y/n smiled as she shook her head. “No, I want to feel all of you. I need to feel all of you,” She whispered. Elvis smiled gently; he kissed her cheek delicately before hissing lightly, feeling her walls around him. Y/n moaned and let out a sigh as her arms and legs wrapped around Elvis’s body, pulling him closer to her. “That’s it, little mama, take me so well.” He praised, rocking his hips slowly; the raw feeling of her velvety walls around his cock left him breathless. Normally, they would use protection, but he silently thanked Y/n for changing it this time and not wanting to use protection. He has always loved the idea of being a father; he wants little ones to run around Graceland and play in the grass on sunny days. Sitting inside watching TV on rainy days. The thought of Y/n being a mother. He internally groaned at the image. 
Elvis didn’t realise his thrusts grew harder in pace with his desire fueling him. Y/n writhed underneath him, a smile playing on his lips. “I’ve been thinkin’. Thinkin’ bout’ you and me with a lil one,” he grunted Y/n’s eyes open, studying Elvis’s face contorted in pleasure. She blinked softly, feeling her walls flutter around his cock at the thought of being a mother. “Mhmm” She nodded in response. Elvis held her face. “You like that idea, have ourselves a baby?” He moaned, kissing her throat Y/n whimpered. “Want a baby, Elvis, please,” she begged. Her boyfriend breathed heavily, his head resting against hers. “I love you so much, Y/n. My special girl,” Elvis smiled, his blue eyes filled with love and lust. Y/n’s eyes mirrored his, and both smiled, "I love you too, Elvis." Elvis’s thrusts became uneven. Holding Y/n’s hand beside her head, both felt their peaks crash together. Elvis kissed Y/n; their loud moans muffled, his hips slowing down. Pulling away from the kiss, the young couple giggled lightly. Elvis slowly climbed off Y/n and pulled her to his chest. Kissing her head, he wrapped his arms around her body. Elvis pulled the silk covers over their bodies, and both quietly basked in the afterglow together. 
“Thanks for bailing me out of jail, baby. I didn’t really think that through, to be honest.” He let out a hearty laugh. Y/n kissed his chest and leaned on her arm; Y/n gave him a mischievous glint in her eye accompanied by a smirk, whispering against his mouth.
“Oh honey, it was really no Trouble”
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miserable-sarah · 1 year
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What? 18+
Pairings: Sam x Reader Requested: just absolutely pounding the shit out of the reader, and then just the daddy shock as he learns she's pregnant, and the stages through the pregnancy, Sam from Supernatural. Warning: 18+ NSFW, unprotected sex, rough sex, pregnancy, sweet sam, rough sam. MDNI * Story goes straight into smut *
"Sam!" You scream out in pleasure, Sam has you spread out on the bed. He's hovering over you while his fingers pump inside you fast. Your whole body is twitching, he's been at this for what feels like hours. He's been fingering you, eating you out, biting at you, choking you, anything he could do to make you feel good except fuck you.
"Please" You whine. He ignores you and curves his fingers hitting your g-spot. You groan with frustration.
"No, no. Only good girls get what they want." He coos in your ear, kissing you softly on the cheek.
"P-please, I've been good" Sam pulls his fingers out of you. You whimper as he does. Sam helps you sit up, he pulls you on his lap. He helps you sit up because he knows if he lets go you'd fall. Sam looks up at you hungrily, his eyes are completely dark. He kisses and sucks on your neck, you try to hold back all your moans and whimpers but it's no use, he has you falling apart.
Sam holds your hands behind your back with one of his large hands. You can feel is other hand taking off his pants, your insides flutter with excitement, you throw your head back just thinking of how he feels.
"Up baby" he says in a low whisper. You do as he says and lift your hips, he teases his cock on your clit then around your entrance. It feels like he's been doing this for minutes.
"Please." You say basically in tears.
"Shh, baby" He coos. He grunts as he slowly enters his tip, you sigh in relief. He lets go of your hands and moves his around your waist helping you move down onto him deeper. He throws his head backk with his mouth open, as soon as you sit all the way down, he looks at where you two connect and he sucks in air through his teeth.
The way he looks right now could get you off, his jaw clenched, his eyebrows furrowed, little beads of sweat forming on his forehead, and his breathing picking up. Sam gives you a couple of seconds before guiding you up and down. You're still shaking from earlier and he can feel that.
"Mmm, you feel so good." He says looking at you, is lips curling into a smile. You lean down and kiss him, your tongues dance around. He leaves a sloppy kiss on the corner of your mouth before kissing on your neck again. You throw your head back and let little moans escape your lips. Sams thrusts pick up in pace, you know he's going to go hard today. You're trying to prepare yourself but you never could. Sam wraps his arms around your waist holding you against his chest, before you could even think he starts pounding into you. You close your eyes tight and clench your body. You're over taken with bliss, your head is fuzzy, all you can think about is how good he feels.
"Breathe" He says slowing down, you take a deep breath and look at him. He chuckles at you, he was fucking you so good you forgot to breathe. Sam stands up not letting you go, he places you on the bed softly. "Are you ready? I'm not taking it easy on you."
You bite your lip as butterflies explode in your stomach. You nod your head yes. "i'm ready." Sam lifts your legs placing them on his shoulders. He positions himself and slams right into you. You whine in pain but it quickly turns into pleasure. Your moans and his groans fill the room along with all the sex sounds. Sam leans down placing his hands on either side of your head, his hair is falling in his face, and sweat is dripping down his face.
"Fuck" Sam grunts his pace picking up, you swear you can feel him in your stomach. You're in too much pleasure to form any words. Your head is fuzzy, again. You know you're moaning loud because it's all you can hear but you can't stop.
"Sam, Sam" You start but can't even finish your sentence. "Fuck, I-"
"Go ahead, baby" Sam says to you, you keep your eyes on him as you cum, you can feel your body shaking with pleasure, your eye sight goes blurry, your whole body heats up, you swear you can see stars. "Good girl" Sam praises. He continues pounding into you with ease.
"Feel so good" you whimper, your body is still shaking it won't stop. Sam brings his hand down to your clit, he rubs it and you scream. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." You squeeze your eyes tight, your body shaking worse than before, you feel a gush and you lay on the bed unable to think.
"Very good girl!" Sam says happily. He still doesn't slow down. At this point you are in too much pleasure, you don't know if it hurts or feels too good. Your brain isn't working. You let out a few whimpers and whines you can't stop them from spilling.
Sam leans down and kisses you, he rests his forehead against yours. He must be close because his breathing is hitched and his pace is uneven. "I love how you fall apart for me, how you look when I'm making you feel good, how you feel around me, I love you." He kisses you again quickly. "I'm gonna cum in you okay? Fill my girl up." He says in between breaths. You just nod your head. "Good girl" He praises you again.
Sam soon fills you up, you moan at the warm substance filling your insides. He lets out a loud moan followed by small grunts as he rocks his hips back and forth slowly. Sam stays in you for a few seconds not able to move.
Sam pulls out and lays next to you. He wraps his arms around you bringing you closer to him. You sigh with content and curl up with him, he always makes you feel so safe and warm. After a few minutes of laying there you feel Sam getting up, you must've dozed off. He came back into the room with clean clothes and a cloth to clean you up.
"Thank you, Sammy" You smile at him, he smiles back at you. After getting cleaned up and dressed, Sam lays back down with you and puts on a movie. He knew you weren't going to stay up and he was right as soon as the movie started you fell right to sleep.
~ Couple months later "Hey y/n, I'm home" Sam whispers to you careful not to scare you.
"Baby!" You immediately wake up and wrap your arms around him. "I've missed you!"
"I missed you too" He kisses you softly. "I'm going to get a shower then come to bed." You smile and nod excitedly waiting for him to come back. Sam went on a hunting trip with Dean and he was gone for a couple days it was only supposed to be 2 days but ended up being 5. You were upset about it but you know it's part of his job, you're just happy he's home safe.
Soon Sam comes crawling into bed with you, you're too excited to go to bed now. He wraps his arms around you, you rest your head on his chest.
"How was it?" You ask
"It was okay, no one got hurt thank god." He answers with his eyes closed, he's definitely so tired. "I missed my baby the whole time though." He opens one eye and finds you beaming at him. He laughs at you and kisses your head. You let him go to bed.
The next day Sam was standing with a gift bag in front of him, it was from you.
"Okay open it!" You smile holding the camera steady.
"Why do you have to record me?" He whines, jokingly.
"Just open it" You shake your head. He reaches down and pulls out an infant outfit "Read it out loud."
"Best daddy?" He read confused. "Is, did Dean get someone pregnant?" you can't believe he asked that, you give him a 'are you serious' look. "Oh, are you?"
"Yes!" You beam at him happily.
"What?" He places the onsie down nicely and pulls out a pregnancy test from the bag "How?"
you put your camera down "Are you not happy?"
"What? No of course I am!" He comes up to you and gives you a big hug "I just wasn't expecting that." He kisses you sweetly "We're going to be parents" He says giddy.
"I love you so much, you're going to be the best daddy." You smile at him. He kisses you again.
~ Everything is going great with the baby and the pregnancy. You're almost due so Sam isn't going on hunts anymore, plus Dean is here all the time just in case, he's so excited about becoming an uncle. Sam won't let you do anything on your own, no cooking, no getting up without super vision. It's sweet but also annoying. Honestly you're really lucky to have someone who cares so much.
At 5 months you found out the baby was going to be a boy! Sam was excited he almost squeezed you too hard. You both were truly excited and so happy to have a healthy baby boy. The next day Sam decorated the baby's room, all 'boy' stuff top to bottom he wanted it to be perfect. He seriously is going to be the best dad. Sam and Dean also protected the entire room from just about anything, life of a hunter never changes sadly.
Sam cuddles up to you while you're on the couch watching tv, your back is killing you today so you did almost nothing. You just want time to relax before the baby comes, only a few days!
"Ow!" You scream out and hold your stomach. You feel wet and your heart starts pounding. "Oh no" you whisper.
"Is it time!?" Sam springs up and grabs your bags.
"It's time!?" Dean comes running out of the guest bedroom, he grabs the bags from Sams hands and runs outside.
"Help me up." You say to Sam, he does of course. He helps you outside carefully. He gets you into the car, Dean of course is already in the drivers seat ready to take off. Sam sits in the bag with you trying to coach you through your breathing.
~ 23 hours later ~
"He's perfect." Sam smiles holding your baby. "You did a great job, sweetheart." Sam kisses you sweetly. Dean is finally allowed in the room now that you're in a regular hospital room.
"Oh my" Dean says quietly "He's so small" He smiles at the baby.
"Do you want to hold him?" Sam asks, you smile at the two big boys completely crumbling down for this tiny human. Dean sits down in one of the seats gently rocking the baby.
"What's his name?" Dean asks, you and Sam smile at each other.
"John." You both say, Dean smiles even wider.
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vanteguccir · 4 months
Daddy's favorite girl | Matt Sturniolo
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Matt Sturniolo x reader | Dad!Matt Sturniolo x Daughter!Eloise
Summary: Where Matt realizes that his daughter, Eloise, has him tied up in her pinkie.
Warning: None.
Requested?: No.
Author's note: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
PS.: Just a little thing that I wrote today after I went to the market and saw a cute little scene between a father and daughter! (I've posted this earlier, but I deleted it accidentally and just realized it)
PS. 2: I'm already working on a Matt x reader based on today's video of Sam and Colby ft Sturniolo Triplets, so stay tuned!! I'm probably going to post it tomorrow 🩷
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"Matt!" Y/N called from the kitchen, lifting her chin so that her voice echoed better throughout the house, turning her attention back to the items in front of her as she began preparations for lunch.
"Daddy!" Eloise's thin, excited voice echoed through the kitchen, catching Y/N's attention, who momentarily turned back, her eyes finding her daughter.
Eloise sat cross-legged on her fluffy pink carpet, scattered around her were barbies while her little fingers held a mini pink pan and a mini purple spoon. In front of her, almost on top of her white sock-clad feet, she had a mini board with fake vegetables of all colors. The little girl had asked that her mother give her her kitchen toys, wanting to imitate her.
Eloise had an area with toys in each room of the house, and in the kitchen it was between the refrigerator and the counter, with a child-sized stove and refrigerator in neutral colors, full of plastic kitchen items in all colors, and a pink carpet on the front.
"Hi, my little dove." Matt replied, having entered the kitchen seconds after his wife called him.
The man went to his daughter, bending down momentarily and kissing her head covered in curly brown hair - exactly like his -, tied with a pink bow. The smell of children's shampoo and neutral perfume filled Matt's nostrils, making his heart warm from the scent he loved so much.
Matt stood up seconds later, walking over to his wife - who had returned her attention to the vegetables in front of her. His arms wrapped around her baby blue apron covered waist, resting his large hands on her very much pregnant belly while his head rested on Y/N's covered shoulder, kissing the area gently.
"Hi, mama. You look so beautiful today." Matt's voice was low and husky. Y/N felt her face heat up, as if this wasn't the tenth time he'd said that to her that day alone.
The effects that his pregnant wife had on Matt were enormous, he felt his legs getting weak and his heart racing every time he looked at her, besides the arousal, which had increased at least twice as much. Y/N joked that he was worse than her when it came to hormones, and she was the one carrying his second baby.
"I need you to go to the market for me, please. We're out of tomatoes and peppers, and I'm going to use them in the vegetable gratin I'm making." Y/N asked, smiling sideways with Matt's hot breath so close to her as kisses were planted on her shoulder.
"Okay, I'm going to the grocery store around the corner." He informed, earning a nod from Y/N.
Matt and Y/N lived in a house situated in a very homely neighborhood, which had everything nearby: grocery store, butcher's shop, school, pharmacy, etc., which made the couple's day-to-day life easier, reducing the need for use as much car as they needed when they lived in downtown LA.
"Daddy, where are you going?" Eloise asked, raising her big blue eyes, which were now looking intently at her father who was about to walk through the kitchen door with their house keys and his wallet in hand, which he took from the counter.
"Daddy's going to the market, baby." Matt turned around, giving his daughter his full attention as he answered her.
"I want to come along! Mommy, can I go with daddy, please?" The little girl asked, getting up carefully so as not to fall - as had happened several times before because of her haste -, standing on top of her carpet and looking at her mother, her little hands holding the skirt of her pink dress with white ruffles.
Y/N turned to her daughter, pressing her lips in a thin line when she saw the girl's expression, eyes wide and lips in a pout, holding herself back from laughing at the similarity between her and her husband.
"Okay, you can go. But promise me you will be a good girl and listen and obey your father, remember what mommy taught you." Y/N spoke with a soft expression on her face, but serious voice. "And when you come back, be prepared to put away your toys, missy."
Eloise nodded her head repeatedly, smiling big and taking careful steps off the carpet, afraid of steping on her toys. Seeing that she was out of reach of the barbies and pans, she quickly walked towards her father, raising her arms and waiting to be picked up.
Matt, who observed the interaction between his wife and daughter, smiled a smile identical to Eloise's, bending down and picking her up with ease, arranging his arms so that the skirt of his daughter's dress was straight and wouldn't ride up with her movements.
"Her shoes are next to the door. Go carefully, I love you." Y/N spoke from the kitchen, turning her attention to the sink in front of her with a soft smile on her face after hearing her husband and daughter shouting "I love you" back.
"Come on honey, give your hand to daddy." Matt asked after passing the market entrance, placing Eloise on the floor and taking her small hand, which seemed even smaller when compared to his own. "Let's see what your mom needs."
Matt fished his phone out of his jeans pocket and opened the messaging app, clicking straight to chat with his wife and reading the small list she sent.
The man decided that a basket would be enough, opting not to take a cart. Two of his hands were busy with his daughter and the basket, something he had already gotten used to after repeating this same routine since Eloise learned to walk.
Eloise loved accompanying her father in everything he did, seeing him as her inspiration.
Matt still worked on YouTube with his brothers - of course with fewer videos, since each one had their own family and personal life; but Eloise always made a point of accompanying her father on filming, even though she never appeared in the videos, her baby voice and loud laughs always sounded in the background of each of them.
When Matt was playing video games, Eloise would sit on his lap and watch her father type quickly, often falling asleep even with the loud sounds coming from his headphones.
Even when her father went out with his friends and brothers to play lacrosse or hockey, Eloise begged to accompany him, always being spoiled by the adults and cheering loudly for her father.
Eloise was a true daddy's girl.
"Daddy, can I get some ice cream?" The little girl asked as they passed the ice cream fridge. A big smile graced her face, showing her gums with some missing teeth.
Matt paused for a few seconds, knowing that if Y/N found out that Eloise ate something sweet before lunch, she would fight him. But who said he would be able to resist his daughter's smile and her big blue eyes?
"Alright, dove, but you have to promise to keep it a secret between the two of us." The man asked, crouching down to Eloise's height, raising his pinkie.
And that brings us to the current moment, with Matt already in the checkout line, the basket in his left hand, and Eloise at his right side, holding the ice cream with both hands and a smile still on her face, waiting patiently to being able to eat her treat.
After paying for all the items, Matt thanked the cashier and balanced the bags in his arms, taking his daughter's hand and leaving the store.
On the way home, Eloise squeezed Matt's index finger hard - with her little strength -, getting his attention. The man stopped his steps, looking at Eloise, who was already looking at him with pleading eyes.
"Yes, honey?" He asked, waiting for his daughter to verbalize what she wanted, just like he and Y/N taught her.
"Daddy, I want my ice cream. Please." The little girl asked, remembering to add the magic word at the end.
Matt smiled softly, bending down again and opening one of the bags, keeping Eloise close to him. His right hand reached through the vegetables, pulling out the ice cream covered in pink plastic.
Eloise raised her hands, waiting for her father to give her the treat, but the man lowered her little hands with his left one.
"Let daddy open it first." He spoke, using his two hands to open the plastic, being careful not to tear it, arranging it so that the ice cream melted only inside the packaging, avoiding a bigger mess.
"Here, baby. Hold it with both hands and eat it carefully." Matt asked, handing her the wrapped ice cream and arranging her smaller hands so she could hold it properly.
The man straightened up, arranging all the bags in his right hand and placing his left hand on his daughter's shoulder, keeping her close to him, guiding her carefully so she didn't trip over something or hit somewhere, her eyes too entertained by the pink treat in front of her.
Unfortunately, the promise made between father and daughter did not prevail, Y/N having discovered the treat due to Eloise's hands and mouth being covered in a sticky pink substance and a larger than normal smile adorning her face.
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My asks are always open. Feel free to send requests or anything at all! 🩷💋
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mamaestapa · 7 months
I Wish You Would
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•pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
•series summary: Y/n Hubbard, the younger sister of Cincinnati Bengals Defensive End Sam Hubbard, finds herself in a difficult situation after a steamy hookup with her brothers best friend, who just so happens to be the quarterback for the Bengals. In just nine months their lives will be changed forever. How will Y/n and Joe manage to to go through parenthood together? more so, how will Sam take the news he is going to be the uncle of his best friends baby?
•chapter summary: Sam pours his heart out to you and Joe, hoping you two will forgive him and his behavior from the past six months...
•word count: TBD…it’s a very long chapter though (i was too lazy to put it on a google doc lol. i’ll fix it later today)
•warnings: pregnancy, pregnancy hormones, reader is extremely turned on by Joe (whos not? LOL), slight smut/more like allusions to sex, mentions of pregnancy loss, SAM, some confrontation, some angst, fluff, basically the basic daddy issues warnings lol
series masterlist
May 21, 2023
6 months pregnant
You took a deep breath as you leaned against the counter, arms crossed over your chest and resting on your growing baby bump as you watched Joe prepare a protein shake after his workout. You huffed out a sigh as you watched the muscles in his biceps and forearms flex with each shake of the bottle. It was almost like they were teasing you, wanting you to grip them tightly as you and Joe...
"Y/n," Joe's voice snapped you out of your wandering thoughts, "You OK?"
You felt your cheeks flush as you looked into Joe's blue eyes, his gaze making butterflies swarm in your belly. You gulped slightly, hoping he didn't pick up on your body language. I'm OK, you thought, I'm more than just OK, actually..
I'm extremely turned on right now by your black compression shirt...
Your bulging and drenched in sweat arm muscles...
and don't even get me started on that ass...
"I'm great." You said with a small smile as you uncrossed your arms and adjusted the shirt that tightly hugged your body. Joe's gaze never once left you, making your body's excitement grow more and more.
Stupid pregnancy hormones. They've been raging recently, wanting you to pounce on your boyfriend at any moment and climb him like a tree. Joe could just glance at you and your body made you need him, all of him.
Joe furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at you. It seemed like he wasn't believing your response. He set his shaker bottle down on the counter and made his way over to where you stood on the other side of the counter. Joe stood in front of you, crossing his arms over his chest which of course made your eyes wander. Your eyes widened slightly as you took in the way his chest looked hugged by his compression shirt. Joe noticed your gaze fall to his chest. Oh. The lustful look in your eyes made him chuckle. Lovely pregnancy hormones.
Joe smirked as he uncrossed his arms and walked up to you, holding them out for you. "C'mere mamas."
The name had you practically melting into Joe's arms. You fell into his embrace, bringing your baby blue manicured hands up to his hard chest. You slowly ran your hands down Joe's chest and abdomen, your arousal growing as you felt each ab on your fingertips. You bit your lip slightly as your hands came back up settled on his sternum. Joe stood there as you felt his body, his arousal growing as you got up on your tip toes to kiss his neck. You started delicately sucking at the skin of his neck, making Joe groan softly. You kissed along his jaw line before going back to his neck, making sure to mark him up. Before you could leave a deep purple mark on his neck, Joe pulled away from you, making you whine.
Joe narrowed his eyes at you. Already knowing the answer, he still decided to ask, "Why are you so..."
"Horny?" You finished for him. Joe chuckled at your bluntness, "Yeah."
You pulled yourself completely away from Joe and leaned against the countertop, "Well," you sighed, "I went to my doctors appointment a couple days ago." Joe nodded along as you spoke, interested to see where you were going with this.
"And not only are my hormones raging right now, but Doctor Montgomery said it might be a good idea to stop having sex once I reach the sixth month mark."
Joe's eyes widened slightly as his mouth formed an O. You sighed once again, bringing yourself close to your boyfriends chest again. "So Joe, please," you practically begged, "all I want is for your to slam me against this countertop and screw me like there's no-."
You got cut off by Joe's lips slamming onto yours. You instantly kissed back just as harshly. He pulled away, a small smirk on his face as he looked down at you. "Say no more..." he said, huskily under his breath. You let out a breath of anticipation as your smirk matched his.
Joe pushed you against the counter, wrapping his arms around your waist.
"Jump." He instructed.
You did as he said, jumping just enough so you could sit on the countertop. You straddled his waist, your fingers digging into his toned back. You threw your head back, moaning as Joe put his lips against your neck, sucking at the skin just enough to get a reaction out of you, but not enough to leave deep marks. You brought your hands up to his hair, pulling on strands of his dark blonde hair, "Joe, don't stop..."
He pulled your tight fitting white t-shirt off of your body, throwing it across the room. Joe bit his lip, observing your chest which has gotten significantly bigger since you've gotten pregnant. You grabbed his hand, placing it on your right breast. His palm instantly kneaded at the swollen skin. Joe's other hand traveled down to your waist band, his skilled fingers hooking under and slowly pulling them down your thighs. Both of your breathing was quickening as he traced the lace of your panties...however, as Joe's fingers pulled at the material of your panties, a sudden wave of guilt came flooding over you. 
"Wait," you suddenly pulled away from Joe, making him remove his hands from your waist. "stop." you said, removing his other hand from your chest. Joe pulled away from you completely with a puzzled look on his face. "What's wrong?"
"I feel..." you trailed off, pulling your pants back up and gulping slightly as you made eye contact with a concerned and confused Joe, "dirty." 
Joe's eyes widened slightly as he was taken aback by your confession, "D-dirty?" he chuckled, "Why d'you feel dirty, babe?"
You put your hands on your belly, "Because we have the little guy in here listening to everything, and it just feels wrong." You shuddered at the thought of the baby boy in your womb hearing everything.
"Babe, we've done it before with the little guy in there," Joe said, gesturing to your bump as he reassured you, "It's fine, really."
You shook your head, your hormones suddenly changing their minds. "I was only what, three months pregnant? I was barely showing, and he couldn't hear things. Now, I am really showing, and he can hear us, Joe. Do you really want our son to hear us having sex while he's in here?" You finished, pointing to your baby bump.
Joe laughed, "You- seriously?" You giggled, "Yes, seriously!"
"Y/n, baby, he's going to hear us when he's out of there, so he might as well get used to it now."
You gasped at Joe's words, lightly hitting his chest as both of you chuckled at his joke. He did have a point...but that didn't stop you from feeling guilty, nor did it change your mind at all.
"Maybe we should just wait to do this until after I give birth. I feel guilty if we finish..." You trailed off with a sigh. You looked up at Joe, smiling sadly as you looked into his eyes. He was just as turned on as you were...what a bummer. "I'm sorry, Joey."
Joe chuckled as he picked up your shirt and tossed it to you. "Stop. Don't be sorry." He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a warm embrace. He placed a gentle kiss on your forehead before he spoke, " It's fine with me, sweetheart. Whatever makes you the most comfortable."
"Thank you, Joe." You said quietly as a smile tugged at your lips. He was so patient with you and your pregnancy hormones. It meant a lot to you that he was so patient despite the raging hormones and mood swings you were experiencing. You pulled away from Joe, placing a gentle kiss to his lips which he gladly returned. You let out a soft sigh before you spoke, "It's probably a good thing we didn't participate in any...activities."
Joe chuckled at your use of the word "activities".
"Because," you continued, glancing at the clock, "we're supposed to meet Sam for lunch in forty minutes."
Joe's mouth formed a straight line as his shoulders dropped at the mention of your older brothers name. The brother you haven't spoken to since the day of your sister in-laws baby shower. The day that was supposed to be a happy and exciting day, turned into one of the worst day of yours and Joe's lives. Joe didn't want to see Sam, not after all the drama and hurt he caused you both emotionally and physically. Maybe he was being overdramatic, but Joe doesn't think he'll ever forgive Sam for being the reason you could have lost your unborn son.
"Joe," you said his name softly, pulling him out of his thoughts. Joe hummed in response. You noticed how he tensed up and how his jaw clenched at the mention of meeting up with Sam.
"I know you don't want to see him, but I think it would be good for us, all of us to hear what he has to say."
Joe just nodded at your words. You frowned softly as you said the next part, "And as much as I want to stay mad at him for everything he has done to us and our relationship. I really miss my brother."
Joe sighed softly as he snaked an arm around your waist, gently pulling you into him. He didn't want to admit it, but deep down he did miss Sam, too.
"I know," Joe said, "I miss him too."
You smiled sadly and pulled away from Joe, grabbing his hand and slowly leading him out of the kitchen, "Then let's go get ready." Joe nodded and followed you out of the kitchen and upstairs to get ready for lunch with Sam.
It was a day you were both dreading, but you knew it needed to happen sooner rather than later. After hearing how guilty and genuinely sorry he seemed, you realized you needed to let Sam talk and have the opportunity to apologize. You and Joe needed to hear where he was coming from. You may not always agree or get along, but he is your brother. What he did wasn't right, but you can't ignore him forever. While it may take some time and effort from all three of you, Sam does deserve a chance to make things right.
time skip
You and Joe walked into the restaurant you agreed to meet Sam at, both of you simultaneously taking a deep breath as you stepped through the entrance. It wasn't too fancy, just a local sandwich shop in Cincinnati, a place you and the other wags met up at often during the off-season. Sam made sure to have you all meet up when it wasn't super busy since you didn't want to be bombarded by fans. You also didn't want any speculation to start swirling around the league after you were seen sporting a baby bump while out with the star QB...
You knew you wouldn't be able to hide your unborn baby and his fathers identity forever, but you liked what privacy you and Joe had for now. You would tell the world about everything when you were ready, and right now is not that time.
As you walked further into the shop, you saw Sam sitting in a booth, staring intently at his phone. You took another deep breath as you looked at your brother. You could feel your heart race and your palms grow clammy as you realized it was finally time to have that conversation or should you say conversations you've been dreading. You and Joe agreed to go into this day with an open mind, wanting to stay as civil as possible. You’d only get confrontational with Sam he if he got confrontational with the two of you.
Joe could sense you tense up beside him, so he placed a hand on the small of your back, giving your hip a gentle reassuring squeeze. You looked up at him and smiled softly, giving him a small nod before the two of you made your way over to Sam.
As you grew closer to the booth he was sat in, Sam snapped his head up from his phone. His eyes lit up as he saw you and Joe standing in front of him. He didn't think you were going to show up.
Sam stood up, wiping his hands on his shorts and taking a deep breath before he spoke.
"Y/n, Joe," he said, sounding almost relieved to see both of you, "hi."
"Hi Sam," you said softly, giving your older brother a small smile, "it's good to see you." Sam smiled sadly at you, his blue eyes apologetic as he replied sincerely, "It's good to see you too, Y/n/n. I've missed you."
"We've missed you too." Joe answered, making your older brothers eyebrows raise slightly. He wasn't expecting that answer to come from Joe, and neither were you. You briefly looked up at Joe before turning your attention back to Sam, giving him a closed lip smile.
"You want to order some food and maybe get a table outside? It’s pretty nice out, plus it gives us some privacy." You said, voice growing quieter by the end of your suggestion. Your brother and boyfriend nodded, agreeing with what you said. The three of you proceeded to the counter to order your sandwiches before heading outside. After getting your food, Joe chose a table for you to sit at a few feet away from the entrance. Once you were all seated and settled, Sam spoke up.
"So how have you two been?"
"Really good," Joe said, glancing at you with a small smile on his face. You nodded, adding on, "I had an appointment last week, passed my glucose test and baby boy looks great." Sam smiled at that, "Good," he said , "I'm glad to hear that."
You smiled, "Thank you. He had us worried there for a while, but doctor says he's happy and healthy."
Sam's smile faltered slightly at the mention of how your baby's health had you and Joe worried for a bit. It took a lot of reassurance from Emma and the others that it wasn't his fault and scares like that can just happen, but Sam still couldn't help but feel guilty about the whole situation. He put so much stress on you and Joe during those early months, he knew it had to be his fault.
Sam gulped slightly, "Well I’m happy to hear that. You look great by the way, Y/n/n."
Sam's nickname for you made you smile slightly. While he's made you extremely upset and been quite a douche lately, you canto deny that you've missed him so much.
"Thanks Sammy," you replied, your nickname for Sam making him smile this time, “How’s Emma doing?”
“Good, her and baby girl are healthy. Em’s a bit uncomfortable though. Just ready to have the baby,” Sam chuckled, “but I constantly have to remind her she’s still got about eight more weeks left to grow.”
“It’s because she’s growing your big ass baby, Sam. How much more growing could she have left?” Joe said, joking with his best friend, “is she measuring ahead at all?”
Sam chuckled lightly at Joe’s teasing before answering, “Yeah she’s actually measuring two weeks ahead. We’re going in for an ultrasound in two weeks to confirm, but doctor thinks the due date will get moved up.”
“That’s great if it does,” you smiled, “Not only does it save her weeks of discomfort, but your daughter will be here before training camp.” Sam nodded at your words, “Oh yeah,” he agreed, “we’re hoping that’s the case.”
You and Joe nodded in agreement. You’re not at that point in your pregnancy yet where you’re extremely uncomfortable, but you know you’ll be feeling exactly how Emma feels in just a few weeks. For now though, you’re just thankful for how good you feel during the end of your second trimester.
For the next fifteen minutes or so, you, Joe and Sam ate your lunch in a mix of tense, yet comfortable silence while making the occasional small talk. It was obvious the three of you wanted to get into the reason why you’re meeting up today, but nobody seemed to be the one that wanted to bring it up.
You knew Joe wouldn’t bring it up. At all. And you didn’t necessarily want to be the one to start the conversation, but you also didn’t want to avoid the discussion anymore than the three of you already were. Someone just had to “rip off the bandaid” and finally start that conversation…
You wiped the corners of your mouth before folding your napkin in your hand and setting it down on the table. You adjusted your position in the chair you sat in, uncrossing your legs and sitting straight up. You cupped your bump and cleared your throat before speaking up, “I hate to be the one to bring it up…” you trailed off, eyeing the two men sitting with you, “but we do need to talk.”
“Yeah.” Joe sighed, leaning back in his chair and rubbing his fingers through his grown out hair. Sam nodded as he too adjusted his position, “We do.” He confirmed, sighing softly after he spoke. Sam wore an apologetic expression as his eyes darted between you and Joe. He took a deep breath before taking a moment to spill his heart out to both of you. Months of pent up emotions would be spewing out in just a matter of seconds.
“I don’t even know where to begin. I just, I feel terrible. Terrible about how I’ve been treating you two and how I reacted to the baby—your baby. Terrible about what happened the day of Emma’s baby shower. If it wasn’t for me and my outbursts, you guys wouldn’t have almost lost your baby boy that day.” Sam’s voice cracked with emotion as he said the word “baby”.
You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth as you listened to Sam’s voice break. Joe brought his hand under the table and placed it on your protruding belly. He started to stroke the bump with his thumb, comforting both himself and you with the reassurance that your son was still safe and sound in your womb.
Sam continued speaking, “And don’t even get me started on the Ohio State situation. I had no right getting in-between the two of you like I did, even if it was for the best.” he sighed softly, as tears began to well in his eyes, “I, god, I feel terrible about everything I’ve done.”
You frowned as you saw how emotional Sam was getting. He did seem like he genuinely felt bad. You wanted to speak, but Sam wasn’t done.
“I understand if you never want to see me again—either of you. I wouldn’t want to see me ever again either if I were you.” Sam wasn’t one to usually show his emotions, but right now he was showing all of his emotions. His chin quivered as he spoke, “I am so, so sorry for all of the shit I’ve done and said to both of you. Not just with the pregnancy, but with your relationship. Neither of you deserve the shit I’ve put you through, and I am so sorry for that. I wish things could go back to how they were before between us. I wish I wasn’t selfish. I wish I wasn’t such an asshole. I wish you two would come back into my life again because…”
You and Joe stayed silent as Sam spewed out his jumbled apology. You were trying to process all the things he was saying to you, while also allowing him to have the chance to get everything off of his chest.
“I love you both so much,” Sam continued, his tone somber, “Y/n/n you’re my baby sister and Joey, we’ve been friends for so long that you’re not just my best friend, you’re my brother. I should’ve never treated you guys the way I did because as long as you’re happy, I should be happy, right?” He sighed once again, taking a moment to think of the right words to say next, “I’m genuinely sorry for the last few months. I’ve been overreacting like crazy, and if you’ll let me, I’d like another chance. I want to make things right.”
You took a deep breath as you took in all of Sam’s words, which was a lot to take in. Joe removed his hand from your bump, bringing it up to his hair. He wet his lips as he ran his fingers through his grown out hair. The air between the three of you was tense as Sam waited anxiously for either you or Joe to respond to him pouring his heart out.
“Sam,” Joe spoke, his voice quiet. Both you and Sam turned your attention to the blonde sitting next to you. “I understand why you reacted the way you did when we told you about the baby. I do, and I forgive you for that. But,” he sighed before continuing, “Why did you do it? If you love us as much as you say you do, if you want us to be happy as much as you say you do, why did you do it?” His voice was full of confusion and pain. You could feel the tears well in your eyes at the sound of Joe’s voice. You knew exactly what he was referring to…and so did Sam.
“I was trying to protect both of you.” Was all Sam said. Joe furrowed his brows and cocked his head to the side, “From what?”
“A lot. Protect Y/n getting her heart broken and losing the one boy she ever truly loved. Protect you from getting stuck at Ohio State and throwing away your whole career for my sister. Joe, I love you man but you and I both know things would’ve ended worse between you two if I hadn’t stepped in.”
“You were protecting us from eachother?” you asked, voice laced with so much confusion and emotion. It didn’t make any sense to you.
“Yes,” Sam confirmed, “I was protecting both of you from eachother.”
“But Why?” You and Joe asked at the same time.
“Because I knew it wasn’t going to work between you two at the time.”
You and Joe both furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. “Why?” You asked, genuinely confused. Sam scoffed lightly, “If you’d let me explain, maybe it’ll answer your question.” You and Joe closed your mouths, your silence urging Sam to continue.
“Joe, you were in love with my sister since the day you met her, and Y/n, you couldn’t stop drooling over Joe after I let you spend the night at our apartment for the first time.”
You and Joe both blushed lightly at Sam’s words. Neither of you had realized he knew all along about the infatuation you and Joe had for each other as young adults.
Sam continued, “And as much as you loved each other, I knew it wasn’t going to work out at the time. Joe, if you stayed at Ohio State I doubt you would’ve gotten any playing time until it was too late. I knew for you to achieve your dreams, you had to go to LSU—even if it meant breaking my baby sister’s heart. And Y/n,” Sam turned to you as he spoke, “if Joe would’ve stayed in Ohio he would’ve held you back from getting that internship in Los Angeles that gave you your job for the Bengals. You needed that time away from him and he needed that time away from you.”
You hated to admit it, but Sam did have a point. If Joe would’ve stayed at Ohio State…would you even have your job with the Bengals right now? Better yet, would Joe even have his job with the Bengals? It all started to make sense now…
Sam didn’t make Joe break up with you in college because he didn’t want you two together…
He did it because he wanted you two to find yourselves before finding each other.
“I felt like an ass having that conversation with Joe, acting like I hated the idea of you two dating. I knew it had to be done though for both of you to have the futures you wanted. But, I knew it would all work out for you,” He looked at both you and Joe with a genuine glint in his eyes, “Because you two were so in love that I knew someday you’d find your way back to each other,” Sam smiled softly as he looked between you and Joe, “and look at you now. You’ve got your dream jobs, you’re in a happy relationship, and you’re having a baby. Now you can say I’m wrong all you want, but, it looks like you found your way back to each other after all.”
You glanced over at Joe. The corner of his mouth was pulled up into a slight smirk as he shook his head at Sam.
“Wow,” he said, a light laugh escaping his lips, “You, I don’t even know what to say.”
“You really were looking out for us.” You said, looking back at Sam. He nodded, “Could I have executed it better? Oh yeah. But did it work? I’d say it did.”
You smiled slightly at your brother as tears welled in your eyes. You were overwhelmed by everything Sam had just told you. He knew all along that you and Joe were sneaking around behind his back. He knew how much you and Joe have always loved each other. His actions in college weren’t out of spite against you two, really, he was just looking out for both of you all along. It was hard to stay mad him now, now that you found out the truth behind everything.
You stood up from the you were sitting in, walking over to the other side of the table where Sam sat. He stood up from his chair, and as soon as he was standing you wrapped your arms around him. The two of you hugged tightly in silence for a few moments before you spoke.
“I forgive you Sammy.”
Sam smiled and squeezed you gently. He pulled away from you, turning his attention from you to Joe, who was now standing. You stepped to the side, letting the two have their moment. Joe pulled Sam into a “bro hug”, the two not saying a word, just nodding and slapping the others back the way men do when they hug. After pulling away from each other, the three of you sat back down.
The air amongst you wasn’t as tense as before Things were finally starting to feel normal between the three of you again. You spent the next teeny minutes talking some more, all three of your sharing some more of your feelings. You and Joe both agreed to give Sam a second chance. Your son deserves to have great relationship with his Uncle Sammy.
"Do you guys want to meet Emma and I for dinner next week?" Sam asked before the three of you went your separate ways. You smiled at your brother, your smile only widening as you glanced up at Joe. A content smile was on his face as he nodded at Sam. He didn’t have to say anything. You and Joe both knew that this was his way of beginning to forgive Sam for everything.
"We'd love to."
"Okay, great," Sam replied with a smile, "Jeff Ruby's or Boca at eight?"
"We've never been to Boca." Joe replied for the both of you with a shrug.
"Boca it is then."
After months of you and Joe both not speaking to Sam and being on not-so great terms, after today, it's safe to say things might finally be starting to look the way they did before this mess. While it's still a work in process, you finally had your big brother back in your life and Joe finally had his best friend back in his life.
You both couldn't be happier.
hi loves!!!
omg long time no see, lol. i feel like haven’t updated this in such a long time! (it’s because i actually haven’t😂)
i’ve been dealing with college, writers block, a football funk, and having ZERO motivation to write for this series. it was tough for a while because i loved working on this series over the summer, but something happened (i don’t even know what) and i lost all motivation for this series. maybe it was because football season wasn’t feeling like football season or because i started watching hockey. i don’t really know why, but the good news is, i finally have ALL my motivation back!!🤍
and with joe being out for the rest of the season now, i’ll be keeping up with updates for this series because i know that’ll keep our “joe community” happy while our joey recovers from his injury :)
i apologize if this chapter is all over the place and if the conversation with sam makes absolutely ZERO SENSE. i wrote that at like 4am, plus, i had no clue how to write this chapter. i just knew i needed to get it done and published! the next couple chapters im so excited to write, they’re going to be so sweet🤍
thank you so much for all the love and support you all continue to show me. it means the world to me. thank you for your patience too, i know it’s not always easy waiting months for updates lol. you are all the BEST!😚🫂🤍
tags: @dandelionwrites8 @joeburreauxsworld @theflawedwriter @mrsshiesty @ann288 @ijustcrypretty @theoneandonlyfanz @wickedfun9 @venus-b @hummusxx @stainednailpolishremover @a-moment-captured @alternativemadchen @erinmartin1987 @sirlewisworld @kkrenae @unhingedfangirl @sublimemusic-rebel @meameagirl @ilovejoeburroww @hallecarey1 @j-worlds-blog @blinkloverx3 @jordyn14 @kristencochefski1125 @ryiamarie @unsaidjaelinrose @sinners-98-world @ozwriterchick @evernova @fangirl-madz @jackharloww @emherb10
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marvelobsessed134 · 1 year
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This is my first masterlist. Second masterlist is on the pinned post in my profile
How to request, guidelines etc.
Marvel Women
Kate Bishop
Rizz You Up
Kinktober day two: Ghostface!Kate
Kinktober day eight: overstimulation
Natasha Romanoff
Little skirt
Package delivered
Watching you
Young, and dumb
Need help
GP!Beefy!Nat wakes up to you riding her abs (Drabble)
Captivity (My pretty little mermaid)
Dirty thoughts
Sundresses and breeding kinks
Wanda Maximoff
Best friends sister
Julia Cornwall
In her web
Marvel Men
Bucky Barnes
Honeymoon Suite
Meet Cute
“Want me to suck your cock while driving?”
The one with the slutty maid and the sexually frustrated super soldier
Love me tender series
Steve Rogers
Sam Wilson
Peter Parker
Tony Stark
Mötley Crüe
Nikki Sixx
I’m only me when I’m with you
Don’t be shy, honey
Streamer!Reader headcannons
Behind closed doors
Good girl
Small town romance
Who do you belong to?
You shouldn’t be doing that…
Sneaking around
Kinktober day eleven: public sex
BDSM head cannons
Somebody’s watching me
Better? Better.
Save a horse, ride a cowboy
Tommy Lee
Midnight Comfort
Teenagers In Love
Runaway bride
Can we keep him!?
Friends help each other
Go team
Little drummer girl
Sparks Fly series
Pretty When You Sleep
Plus One
Kinktober day nine: manhandling/tights ripping
Halloween party shenanigans
Attention you deserve
Delicate flower series
First time
BDSM head cannons
It’s gonna be okay
Vince Neil
Sweet dreams
It’s the little moments
Shades Of Cool
Our honeymoon (part one) part two
Kinktober day one: daddy kink
She’s a riot grrrl
Mick Mars
Mermaid Motel
Streamer!reader headcannons
You know you want it
Kinktober day four: pet play
Two is better than one
Halloween/fall headcannons
Groupie Love (Gang Bang)
Cinderella (only writing for Tom and Eric)
Tom Keifer
Did you do that to her?
Up behind her with a pool stick
BDSM headcannons
“What is it, honey?”
Tom finding out you’re pregnant
Eric Brittingham
A pleasant surprise
Kiss (only writing for Paul, Tommy, and Gene)
Paul Stanley
I can see you
Underneath the surface
I fall to pieces when I’m with you
Prank call gone wrong
Teach you how
Tommy Thayer
You’re enough
One bed?!
Gene Simmons
Kinktober day 6: possessiveness
Guns N Roses
Izzy Stradlin
Kinktober day 5: handcuffs
Kinktober day 7: crying kink
Kinktober day 10: vouyerism
Barbie The Movie
Starting to really like the real world
You can be the boss (STRLTRW part two, series masterlist coming soon)
CEO!Barbie AU masterlist
Marvel Cast/other celebrities
Sebastian Stan
Put me in a movie
W.A.S.P. (Only writing for Blackie)
Kinktober day 3: humiliation
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
Daisy Jones and The Six
Daisy Jones
Her good slut
G!P Daisy x Stripper!Reader
LA Guns (Only Kelly atm)
Cindy Crawford
Joan Jett
Our secret moments
279 notes · View notes
buckrecs · 2 years
2022 Bucky Barnes Fic Rec 1
masterlist | req masterlist
All of them are COMPLETE Series.
✨ - fav fics
Status - Completed
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✨sunrise from @wkemeup
Veteran!Bucky x Librarian!Reader
After an explosion takes his arm and his only sense of belonging, Bucky is discharged from active duty and sent back to civilian life. Left with a storm of unchecked guilt, Bucky is content to live out the rest of his days in the hollow comfort of the dark. This is, until Sam drags him down to the local VA and he meets you. (Modern AU)
parent-teacher conference by @coffeecatsandcandles
Single Dad!Bucky x Teacher!Reader
James Barnes, a widowed single dad, had forgotten what love felt like and let it crush him, taking his daughter, Rebecca, with him. He was cold, rude, and arrogant, being one of the few teachers at Westview High School the students seemed to absolutely despise. But when you show up, a hopeful math teacher who’d previously taught Rebecca’s kindergarten class, and are adored by your students and colleagues- James’s attitude starts to change.
whatever it takes by @wienerbarnes
Bucky x Doctor!Reader Doctor AU
The Avengers recruit you, a medical genius of sorts, to help solve the case of an agent who is dying from an unknown illness. You seem to catch Bucky Barnes’ attention.
seven thirty by @nacho-bucky
Single Dad!Bucky x Reader
You were planning on a productive — if lonely — weekend, but the little girl across the hall has different ideas about how you and Bucky Barnes should be spending your time.
call me when you want by @bonky-n-steeb
Bucky x Reader
When you call a sex hotline with a need to be dominated you don’t expect to meet (or hear) someone as wonderful as James. but your life becomes a complicated mess as you already love your coworker, Bucky Barnes. however, you are unaware that they are actually the same person.
steel blue by @youlightmeupfinn
Professor!Bucky Barnes x Reader
When you experience the most intense night of the summer alongside Bucky, who you nickname Steel Blue, you weren't expecting to fall pregnant. When a positive pregnancy test meets your eyes a few days before school starts, you know it belongs to the man who you'd never see again. Until you walk into your Romanian Linguistics class and he's your professor.
✨heart and soul by @all1e23
Alpha!Bucky x Omega!Reader
Alphas only brought trouble. The only thing they are good for is bringing their Omega’s pain and forced submission. They were dangerous, reckless and cruel. There wasn’t an ounce of kindness in any of them.  She didn’t need an Alpha, and she certainly didn’t believe in that True Mates fairytale. That was just some fabricated fable Alphas made up to trick innocent doe-eyed Omegas. She wasn’t going to fall for that.  Not again.No Alpha would ever get her to believe that love truly exists. And then, James Buchanan Barnes walked into her life.
✨astrophile by @all1e23
Firefighter!Bucky x Reader Single Dad AU
Orion Rebecca Barnes's favorite thing in the whole world (besides her daddy of course) is spending hours after school in the bookstore by her house and the owner GIVES her any book she wants; she’s the coolest girl Orion has ever met.
✨swallow by @all1e23
Biker!Bucky x Reader
Since he was fifteen years old, Bucky Barnes has only been sure of two things; the club should be the most essential thing in his life, and he’d burn it all down for you.  
between the star by @all1e23
Bucky x Reader Past Steve x Reader Military AU
Struggling with the death of your husband, you find comfort in someone unexpected
the slip up by @justkending
Bucky x Single Mom!Reader
After a last hurrah to graduating college with a future to be a family practitioner, a little slip up happens… Seven years down the road, just when things just now seem to be going smoothly, Y/N approaches that slip up from all those years ago. She’s not looking for anything right now. She is just where she wants to be in life. It seems the universe has a different idea though. One called James Barnes.
✨the love club by @slyyywriting
Bucky x Mob!Reader
Bucky gets initiated into the mob life by accident. He wants out but only the owner can revoke his club membership.
the number one rule by @justkending
Bucky x Rogers!Reader
Y/N has always been seen as “Steve’s rambunctious sister.” However, she grew up, graduated, and moved to London to study abroad for 4 years and get her bachelor's degree. The girl that returns looks nothing like the teenager that left. But don’t worry, the attitude is still there and stronger than ever. What’s to come of the two grown adults that used to push each other's buttons, but now have a lot more in common than they’ve ever realized?
✨delicate edges by @wkemeup
Biker!Bucky x Florist!Reader
Your family’s beloved flower shop was not the only thing you inherited when your parents passed. Trapped under a mountain of debt to the Hydra club, you bear the cost of your father’s desperate bargain. It’s only in moments when the charming Bucky Barnes walks into your shop that you can forget the cruelty of the biker clubs of this town. But a war is brewing. The border is crumbling. You're trapped in the middle. And Bucky will stop at nothing to keep you safe.
not me by @simsadventures
CEO!Bucky x Wife!Reader
Billionaire/entrepreneur Bucky is married to seemingly timid and meek wife, the reader. While he hates her with all he has, she tried to act her part as the wife of the big CEO. And while their relationship falls apart more and more, they both realised there might be more to the story than they previously believed. Will they be able to repair the damage that’s been done, or will they find happiness in somebody else’s arms?
✨the perfect fit by @mypoisonedvine
Bucky x Tailor!Reader
bucky needs a new suit (or two) and gets a recommendation from his best frenemy, tony stark.  of course it would turn out that you were his tailor, and further, that bucky would be an awkward stumbling mess as soon as he’s anywhere near you.
seeing red by @mypoisonedvine
Bodyguard!Bucky x Celebrity!Reader
bucky used to brag that he didn’t have a celebrity crush, or really care about famous people at all, which is what made him the perfect person to start working for a celebrity like yourself.  except, of course, it’s just his luck that he’d fall for you.
the new recruit by @angstysebfan
Bucky x Reader
You and Bucky have a best friends with benefits relationship, since he is not the “relationship” type. Things go crazy when the new recruit shows up.
✨one last job by @sunriserose1023
Bodyguard!Bucky x Celebrity!Reader
Bucky Barnes is retired. He did a stint in the Army, did a stint as a Secret Service agent, even dabbled in the private sector, but that’s over. Now, he just wants to rest in the solitude he’s found in a cabin in the Adirondacks, with only his memories to get him through the sleepless nights.
✨pride and privacy by @adrinktostopyourthirst
Roommate!Bucky x Reader
Bucky works on himself as he gets used to a roommate. Turns out, she has a much better room than him and he crossed the line.
the right for you by @real-jane
Bucky x Reader Past Steve x Reader
steve leaves you to pursue a life with peggy. bucky is there to pick up the pieces, and build a life you never could've imagined in order to dream of it.
✨for the love of the game by @pellucid-constellations
College Athlete!Bucky x Reader
Bucky Barnes was a menace. NYU’s top baseball player, he was used to girls falling at his feet and could smooth talk his way out of just about anything. You hated him. He couldn’t figure out why. So when the novelty of weekend parties and quick hookups finally wore off—and his feelings for you began to grow—he made it his mission to fix it.
✨undisclosed by @pellucid-constellations
Lumberjack!Bucky x Reader
Desperate to outrun a secret that could cost you your life, you seek refuge in a small mountain town. Its deep forests and small cabins make it the perfect place to hide, but the travel website hadn’t mentioned anything about the quiet, burly lumberjack that wouldn’t leave your thoughts. No one had warned Bucky about you either.
fragments by @subwaysurf45
Bucky x Reader
You always had a soft spot for innocent people who were viewed as monsters, must have been something in your blood. Nothing changed when you were assigned as the new handler for the Winter Soldier, he had just killed his previous one and you happened to be there at the right time to fill in. But what happens when you meet him years later?
wrong choice right places by @mvtthewmurdvck
Mob!Bodyguard!Bucky x Reader
never wanting to work for him or protect his fiancé, falling for you was the last thing he should do—especially when his boss was zemo, who now ran most of the city.
✨mess is mine by @scrumptious-delusion
Boxer!Bucky x Reader
as a date night surprise, your boyfriend takes you to a boxing match. little does he know, one of the competitors is responsible for breaking your heart five years ago and an accidental encounter is about to send your whole world spinning.
no day but today by @buckysfaveplum
Bucky x Reader
He’s more than content to lock himself away from everyone in the cold emptiness of his apartment. However, the girl in the apartment above him seems to have other plans. The girl who paints on the fire escape and climbs down through his window. The girl who he can’t seem to get enough of.
✨southpaw by @gogolucky13
Boxer!Bucky x Reader
Tied up in the criminal world your godfather has built, you have no reason to leave, until you find one in the man they call Southpaw.
✨ghost of you by @gogolucky13
Bucky x Reader
Bucky has worked hard to come to terms with his past and enjoy the new life he’s been given. But his mind is still plagued by nightmares of what he’s done and by the face of an unknown woman. What happens when the team is tasked with recovering another Winter Solider, causing Bucky’s past and present to collide in the form of the woman from his dreams?
nostalgia for the new by @real-jane
Bucky x Agent!Reader
bucky meets you because of your exquisite taste in music, and he finds in you a solace he didn't realize was possible. you create for bucky something he's never found before: nostalgia for a time that hasn't happened yet, and hope for a future where he might be loved.
✨to have & to hold by @slyyywriting
Single Dad!Bucky x Mob!Reader
Bucky is trying his best to provide and care for his daughter who just entered first grade. Everything was alright until she asks why everyone else seems to have a mom except for her. You’re just a plain mob boss who wants to turn a new leaf. Challenges arise when the world refuses to let you take a softer, non-violent route. A little girl helps you navigate a compromise.(Single Dad!Bucky)
safe with me by @bitsandbobsandstuff
Bodyguard!Bucky x Reader
When an unknown threat enters your life, protection is offered at the highest level. As Bucky Barnes comes into your life, the game changes, and you realise falling for the man tasked with keeping you safe is the last thing you expected.  
teacher’s favorite by @suitk0via
Single Dad!Bucky x Teacher!Reader
You are first grade teacher and Bucky is a single dad who wants to be involved with everything his little girl - Elaine - does. He’s the dad all the parent’s and faculty drool over. You quickly become Elaine's favorite teacher and Bucky's just gotta meet you.
✨stuck wit u by @slyyywriting
Bucky x Avenger!Reader
You and Bucky don’t get along. Your fights have become too destructive so Tony and Steve decide that enough is enough.
touch of ink by @deamstellarus
Tattoo Artist!Bucky x Reader
After a breakup with your ex, you decided to move to the small town where your long-time friend Sam lives, hoping for a change of pace and starting a new chapter in your life. You were prepared for a slower paced lifestyle, quaint diners, and a change of scenery. However, you didn't expect to be swept off your feet by two stunning pairs of blue-grey eyes.  
✨paper walls by @writingcroissant
Neighbor!Bucky x Reader
Your apartment happens to be right next to Bucky's, heads only separated by a paper-thin wall, leading to you witnessing every second of his nightmares. Although, bonding over your late night conversations, you seem to forget that you never even saw him before.    
✨leave this town by @avengerofyourheart
Mechanic!Bucky x Reader
Your dreams of kissing your small town life goodbye are about to come true when an unexpected detour leaves you stranded. Meeting the handsome local mechanic has you rethinking your plans. Perhaps happiness is less about where you’re headed and more about the people you meet along the way.
✨the world of our own by @shreddedparchment
Bucky x Reader Castaway AU
You and a man named Bucky crash land on a deserted island. Can the two of you come together and make it until rescue comes? After you begin to fall for the mysterious Bucky Barnes, will you even want to be rescued?
yours, mine, ours by @coffeecatsandcandles
Single Dad!Bucky x Single Mom!Reader
Bucky Barnes has been raising his girls, Rebecca and Winnie, for the last two years. He'd lost all hope of falling in love again until he met you, a pediatrician with two children of your own- Elliot and Willow. He falls in love and he falls hard, but the challenges of being single parents still weigh on you both at times. Luckily, you'll always have each other.
we’ll meet again by @coffeecatsandcandles
Bucky x Reader
You fell in love with Bucky Barnes in 1940. He was your everything, until he was taken from you. You’ll meet him again, just not in the way either of you expected…
✨run to me by @sgtjbuccky
Mob!Bucky x Reader
In where you’ve always had a habit of ending up in situations you shouldn’t, and when you caught the eye of the man who ran New York, Bucky Barnes, your life changed. They warned you about him, but the one thing they never warned you about was how you’d always want to run to him.
trick question by @nacho-bucky
Bucky x Reader Modern AU
It’s a weekly battle of wills for Bucky and the Reader, as they navigate the stunning pressure that is pub trivia. Can these obdurate opponents find any middle-ground?
the diner by @bolontiku
Bucky x Reader Modern AU
Working at a diner as a waitress, struggling to make bills and take care of the kid your sister left you, one night you meet James.
relax by @kinanabinks
Bucky x Reader
Things with Bucky are easy, and he's the sweetest guy you've been with. But when you throw in a bitter roommate and untold secrets, things get real hard, real fast.
old souls @thedevilwearsvibranium
Bucky x Reader
Your aunt runs an antique shop in the lower parts of Manhattan, and asks you to work in her shop once a week. You happily take the job, but then on your first day you have a strange encounter with an unusual customer - Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier. Things ensue as the two of you end up becoming friends - and maybe even more - as you reminisce about the old things that you love as well as your mysterious pasts.
breaking the rules by @redgillan
Bucky x Reader Modern AU
You hate James Barnes with a burning passion and the feeling is entirely mutual. Just when you think things can’t get any worse, you are tricked into attending his sister’s wedding as his girlfriend. Stuck with a bunch of strangers, you come up with a set of rules that are not going to last long.
time after time by @justsomebucky
Neighbor!Bucky x Reader
AU. When the reader’s parents divorce, her mother moves her to a new  town, right next door to Bucky Barnes. This is their love story.
just a touch by @buckychrist
Bucky x Enhanced!Reader
Your powers? Controlling any feeling a human can have, from emotions to pain, with a simple brush of your fingertips. Your mission? The traumatized soldier with sad stricken eyes and scream filled nightmares.  
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holylulusworld · 10 months
Alpha daddy
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Summary: Dean is overprotective.
Pairing: Alpha!Dean Winchester x Omega!Reader
Warnings: a/b/o dynamics, a/b/o, pregnancy, overprotective alpha, scenting, Dean panics, mentions of pregnancy symptoms, fluff
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“Uh-“ Dean immediately jumps up to look you all over as you make an odd noise. You clutch your belly and slowly rub it. “Fuck, that feels odd.”
“Odd? What kind of odd? Does it hurt? Describe the feeling,” your alpha worriedly looks you up and down. “Sweetheart, tell me what’s wrong.”
You don’t want to worry Dean. He’s like an overprotective mother hen since you are pregnant. He barely sleeps, afraid someone or rather something that bumps in the night sneaks into the bunker to attack you.
“I’m—” you pant. “Good. It’s just a stomach bug or something.”
“Stomach bug?” He cocks his head. “This doesn’t look like a stomach bug, Y/N. What’s wrong? I need to know if you need help.”
“It feels…odd,” you choke out. “Something is…I don’t know. It feels wrong. I’m scared.” You finally say as it feels like the muscles across your belly are tightening. It’s not painful, but uncomfortable and you’re afraid, something is wrong with your baby.
“That’s it. I’m going to bring you to the hospital,” Dean looks at your belly one last time before he walks toward the bag he placed next to his side of the bed. The one he prepared for the labor. “Give me a minute.”
Dean grabs his shoes, phone, and keys while barking his brother’s name. “SAMMY! We need to go to the hospital!”
“What? I??” Sam pokes his head into your bedroom. “What’s wrong?” He frowns and switches to worried Uncle Sammy modus. “Is she in pain? It’s too early for contractions, right?”
“I-I don’t know,” Dean throws his hands up. "Take the keys and bag. Start the engine. I’ll help Y/N.”
The brothers make quick work. Sam grabs the bag and snatches the keys out of his brother’s hands. Dean turns his attention toward you. 
He grabs a blanket, your favorite pillow before he slings one arm around your middle to help you get up from the bed. 
Being eight months pregnant isn’t easy. Your belly is huge, and you can barely see your feet. Well, Winchesters are huge. It figures that you look like a whale.
“I’ve got you, sweetheart. We are going to the hospital, and everything is going to be alright,” he softly says to calm you. You nod and smile at him while breathing through the next contraction.
If only you could look inside his head right now. He’s scared to hell and back but can’t show it. Dean needs to be strong. For you.
“Thank you,” you sniff as Dean walks you along the hallways toward the garage. “You think everything is going to be alright?”
“I know it will,” he confidentially says. ‘It must, he thinks to himself…
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“Doctor!” How is she? Is it labor? It’s too soon, right?” Dean almost tackles the doctor to the ground to get an answer when he leaves the exam room. “Doc?”
“It’s nothing,” the doctor says, earning a huff from you. “Braxton Hicks contractions are normal during pregnancy. Some women feel it, some don’t. Your omega is a little more sensitive.”
Now you roll your eyes. “Dean, let’s go,” you grab your alpha’s hand. “What a dick.” You grunt. “That asshole told me the whole time I shouldn’t make such a fuss.”
“What?” Dean stops in his tracks. “Lemme break his face.” He grunts when you shake your head. “I’ll do it. No one makes my omega feel bad. You were scared and needed advice. Not a douche telling you shit about something he doesn’t understand. That sonofabitch doesn’t even have a uterus.”
You snicker at Dean’s pissed expression. He squares his jaw and dips his head to glance at the doctor. “Dean, I just want to go home.” 
“Can I not punch him a little for talking like that to my omega?” He quirks a brow. “Please.”
“He’s just overworked and it’s late. Maybe he had a long day. Let’s go home. I feel much better knowing it’s nothing to worry about.”
“Hmmm…” Dean still looks at the doctor. He bares his teeth when you turn your attention toward Sam and the snacks he got for you. “I see you, bastard.” Your alpha gives the doctor the evil eye. “Wait for it.”
“Alpha, come on. I wanna go home to my nest,” you hide your face in Dean’s chest to inhale his scent deeply. You’re immediately calmer and feel safe. “Thank you for bringing me here.”
“That’s my job.” He puffs his chest. “I’m your alpha. I care about my omega and our baby.” Dean kisses your temple. “I’ll bring you home now…”
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Dean/Jensen Forever Tags  
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sammysmaddy · 7 months
Normal (Winchesters x Reader) - Part Two
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Summary: Growing up as the baby of the Winchester family led you to be constantly guarded. Soon enough, you start to learn what's normal between families and what's not.
Pairing(s): John x Daughter!Innocent!Reader, Sam x Sister!Reader
Warnings: Incest, naive!reader, manipulation, graphic descriptions of porn, fluff, virgin!reader, oral (female receiving), daddy kink *I guess*, praise kink, soft n fluffy, angst (?), light thigh riding, smut implied 
W/C: 5.7k+
A/N: I forgot I was supposed to be posting this story! Happy almost Thanksgiving to my American followers!
Normal Masterlist
Some time ago...
Things started off innocently. Sam and Dean were at school and you were at the motel doing what you usually did- you read, and read, and read, and read until John walked through the doors. 
You were ecstatic to see him. John had been away for a few weeks too wrapped up in the case to even call home. The look of relief in your father's eyes when he saw you was like no other, he loved you more than anything in the world. 
John took you to lunch, saying it was to make up for all the time he missed with you- not bothering to pull Sam and Dean out of school like he usually did. Things seemed normal all throughout lunch, you chose of course, but things changed drastically when he asked you a certain question during the car ride home. 
"Do you know what sex is?" John asked, looking over to you as he kept a firm grip on the steering wheel. 
Your brows furrowed at the question. It sounded familiar, it really did, but you had no idea what it actually meant. 
"I don't think so," You told him calmly and he let out a low chuckle. 
Judging his reaction, it definitely seemed like something you should know about, so you began to feel a little embarrassed at your lack of knowledge. 
"You mean, your brothers never taught you what it was?" He asked, raising an eyebrow and keeping a small smile on his face. 
You shook your head and he didn't seem particularly pleased or displeased. 
"Normally, by your age, you know what it is. You're already legally an adult." John mentioned.
"So then... does Sammy know about this?" You asked, tilting your head, and wondering why your twin had never said anything about sex.
"I'm sure he does, sweetheart. Caught him with one of Dean's not-so-private skin mags," John chuckled and you scrunched your nose. 
"What's a skin mag?" You asked him and he continued to chuckle at your question. 
"It's pictures of sex. We call it porn," John answered and you frowned, still not knowing what the hell he was talking about. 
"Daddy, I don't know what that is," You reminded him and instead of the instant explanation you wanted, he looked over smiling and shaking his head. 
"God, I wish you could stay little forever," He sighed and you continued to frown, wishing that you knew why this conversation was occurring or why it was so important for you to know about. "When you and Sammy shower together, does he ever touch you?" He asked and his face shifted to concern.
"Yeah, he helps me wash my hair sometimes, but mostly he just uses all of the hot water," You huffed out, crossing your arms, and John shook his head. 
"I meant, does he put his hands on your body?" He reiterated and you shrugged your shoulders, not knowing what he was gaining with these questions. 
"Sometimes he helps me wash my back," You answered and John nodded his head. 
"Do you ever wonder why you have different body parts than him?" He asked and you slumped your face, of course, you wondered why, but you knew that it was just because you were of different sexes. 
"I guess, but Sammy says it's just because I'm a girl and he's a boy," You told him all the information you knew and he nodded his head. 
"So, you know that boys can't get pregnant right?" He asked and you nodded your head. "And you know that boys don't get periods?" He asked again. 
"Yeah, because Sam doesn't get them and neither does Dean. Only I do," You crossed your arms, thinking about how unfair it was that they didn't bleed once a month.
"Okay, well at least you know the basics," John sighed, rubbing at his temples with his fingertips. 
"Is this the part where you tell me what and why we're talking about this? You said you didn't want to talk about when I get my periods," You turned your head to look for his reaction, and he just shrugged his shoulders in return. 
"I don't. It's just- It's just important if we're going to talk about sex," He muttered and you rolled your eyes.
"I don't know what that is," You reiterated, growing more and more impatient by the second. 
"I, uh, I never had this conversation with your brothers. They kinda figured it out on their own," He chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his neck with the hand that wasn't holding on tightly to the steering wheel. 
It wasn't even worth responding to, so you decided to stay silent until he said something else. You could tell that he was feeling awkward, but you weren't- you were just impatiently waiting. 
John looked over and gave you a small smile to which you just raised your eyebrow, then his face straightened and he knew you were waiting for something more. 
"You know what, sweetheart? I think it just be better if I showed you."
He dragged himself in and out of her at an excruciatingly slow pace. His eyes were locked into hers as his forehead began to form sweat beads, panting like he was running a marathon. 
Their lips connected and their tongues ran against each other as he continued to move above her. When he pulled his lips back, she had her mouth parted slightly, close to tears falling out as she cried out profanities. 
But she wasn't actually upset and he wasn't actually hurting her, they were enjoying it- John made sure you knew that.
You stared at Sam's computer in awe, they were so in love with one another- so happy to be together like this. You didn't understand what was so awkward about it, you were confused as to why you had never seen anything like this before- confused as to why you had never done it. 
They both looked so pretty like this, so close together and in complete and utter bliss. She was gorgeous, her breasts were perfectly symmetrical- almost like she was handcrafted. Her lips were stained with red and her body was glistening in the bright lighting that infected the room. 
He had the perfect body too, big strong arms that held onto her like she was a breath of fresh air. His chest was chiseled flawlessly and he reminded you of John and your brothers, they were all just as handsome as he was. 
"Remember: You only do this with people you love," John reminded from behind you, watching you closely as you reluctantly peeled your eyes away. 
"I can do this with Sam?" You asked as your eyes reached his. 
John frowned at your question and you grew impatient as your excitement only grew.
"I love him. How come we don't have sex?" You questioned again and John's face fell into the palm of his hand, his fingertips rubbing harshly against his temples.
"Sweetheart, you don't do that kind of stuff with your brothers," John answered with a sigh, picking his head up to look back at your confused stare. 
"Oh, right. That's her Daddy. I almost forgot." You said and his eyes widened.
"I think you've had enough for today," John cleared his throat and his hand reached over you to stop the video playing in the background, but your hand reached his first. 
"Daddy, don't turn it off. I like it," You told him with a small smile, his wide eyes staring at you as you watched his Adam's apple move up and down as he gulped. 
John nodded his head slowly, bringing his hand back to rest at his side, and you turned your head to watch the screen again. 
You stared intently as you began to focus on all of the sex happening right in front of your eyes. She sounded so pretty every time he shoved himself fully inside of her. He was grunting and telling her how much of a slut she was and at first it confused you- it was a bad word and Dean used it negatively when he didn't like someone. So why did she seem so happy to hear the mean name? 
After watching the first few minutes, you discovered she actually liked being called slut. She kept saying yes yes yes, and it only made him go faster, which in return made her cries louder. Her begging was like music to your ears, and for a second you began to imagine yourself in her position. 
What if someone made you feel that good? What if they made you so happy that you were screaming in pleasure? 
Thinking about being her brought out a feeling that you had never felt before. First it gave you the chills and you had goosebumps prickling on your skin. Then you started to feel it in your stomach- almost like period cramps, but in a good way. 
After that, having pants on almost seemed uncomfortable, especially after feeling a new type of wetness in your panties. You watched as he dipped his head down to kiss her again, so passionate and raw, and it made you jealous. 
"Why don't you kiss me like that?" You snapped your head around to look at John. 
His face became flushed and it took a few seconds for him to respond back- which were mostly incoherent mumbles. 
"Don't you love me, Daddy?" You asked and he instantaneously jerked his arm away as you absentmindedly placed a hand on it. 
"I do love you, baby, I do. I just- they're not real. I didn't mean to- uh, they're not related." John managed to muster out, obviously flustered by your comments. 
"She kept calling him Daddy," You frowned, once again thinking about how much you wanted to be in her position. 
"I know, sweetheart. It was just the first video I clicked on. I wanted to get this over with." He sighed and it hurt your heart that he didn't want to do it with you. 
What if he didn't love you enough to do those things? What if Sam or Dean didn't love you enough? 
"Don't be sad, Y/N. It's just a video." John said, picking up on the sudden mood change, and reaching over to cup your cheek. 
Usually, it would make you feel better- it's something that he always did when you were upset- but it was different this time. 
"You don't love me enough for sex," You said, pushing his hand away and looking down. 
John had put you through all of this trouble of telling you about it- even showing it to you, and now he was going to deny the pit you felt in your stomach? 
"Y/N, you didn't even know what it was thirty minutes ago. You're not ready to have sex," John said in a quiet tone and you continued to frown.
Why was he being like this? Why would he show it to you if that's not what he wanted?
"I'm ready. I want to be like her, Daddy. The video made me feel things." You told him honestly, gaining the courage to look back up at him. 
Just as your courage regained, you could tell that his was suddenly gone. He looked as pale as a ghost as he swallowed down whatever liquid was in his throat. 
"What kinds of things, princess?" John asked nervously, almost sounding like he was guilty of something. 
His eyes were locked on yours and you couldn't help but feel like you might be able to break him. A perk of being Daddy's little girl was getting whatever you wanted. 
"I don't know how to explain it," You bit down on your bottom lip, trying to explain the way your core was aching for something. 
"It's called being horny. It's natural," He chuckled nervously, a light sweat breaking out on his forehead. 
"Do you feel it too?" You asked, seeing the way that his pants were tightening around his lower region like a tent. 
"Fuck, sweetheart," He sighed aloud, and your eyes watched as his hand pressed against the crotch of his pants.
"I want to be like her, Daddy," You confessed as your eyes began flickering up and down between his face and his legs, not sure which was a prettier sight.
The sweat and the bulge were both good indicators that he was ready to do things that were in the video, you just knew it. With a sudden whiff of confidence, your hand reached back and landed on his thigh, rubbing circles with your fingers. 
John didn't say anything. He didn't move either. You watched closely as his pants became more restrictive and it was evident that your hand on his thigh was doing something for him. Smiling at the reaction, you looked back up to him and saw an unusual darkness in his eyes. 
It came as a surprise when his hand came to meet yours and you expected him to move it away, but instead, he trailed it higher. Your fingers traced the rough denim material until they landed in between his legs. A small groan left his lips and you grinned at the sound because of how much it resonated with the guy in the video. 
After your hand sat there for a few seconds and you admired how hard he felt underneath you, he stood up without warning. You frowned, wishing that he never moved. 
Sighing aloud, John looked down at you as you looked up at him through your lashes. His hand came up to rest on your cheek as his thumb lightly brushed your bottom lip. 
You held onto his hand, relishing any touch that came to your body, and just as soon as it began, it ended. He pulled his hand back and you watched as he walked towards the opposite side of the room. 
"Come here," John commanded in a low and gruff voice, sitting on the edge of the unmade motel bed. 
You weren't sure whether to be eager or concerned as you stood up from your chair and made your way to him. His arms opened up as an invitation and you straddled his hips, lazily hanging your arms on his shoulders as you began to realize how intimately close the two of you were. 
You looked down, feeling instant relief as you pushed the weight of your core on him. It wasn't much, but even through your jeans and his, you could feel how good he felt pressed against you. His fingers came to the bottom of your chin and motioned your head up so that he could look at you. 
"Are you sure you want to do this?" John asked, his eyes begging for you to say yes as his arms wrapped around your waist. 
"Yes, Daddy. I love you," You confirmed, breathlessly waiting for him to do something to relieve the rapidly burning coil in your stomach. 
John's lips connected with yours as soon as he got his answer and you tried your best to copy his movements. It was effortless when your mouth began to move in sync with his. Each time his tongue reached into your mouth you felt like you knew exactly what to do. 
His lips felt like soft pillows every time they ran against yours- he was so perfect, you wanted to make him happy just like the guy was in the video. You chased his mouth as it pulled away, but didn't complain when you felt the wet kisses on your neck. 
John was sure to be careful as he took his time, giving you soft and warm kisses all along the crook of your neck, occasionally stopping to nip at your ear. 
Your fingers raked their way through John's hair and you heard him groan when you shifted your hips in an effort to get more comfortable. His fingers reached down, pulling the fabric on your torso over your head. 
You felt the goosebumps on your skin in reaction to the colder air and you traveled his gaze to your breasts. John brought his hands up, cupping through your bra and marveling at the sight in front of him. You took the initiative to reach around and unclasp your simple cloth covering, letting it slide down your arms and shoulders as your nipples hardened. 
"You are so beautiful, sweetheart," John said breathlessly, his eyes completely focused on the stiff peaks in front of him. 
Your cheeks swelled with his approval and you moaned when he brought his mouth to one of your breasts, tweaking the nipple with his tongue and running small circles around its entirety. Something about the way he was sucking made your core itch for attention, so your hips pressed up as close to him as possible. 
John moaned against your breast, his lips ghosting the skin on your chest and latching around the other nipple, treating it just as well as its predecessor. 
His hands trailed down the sides of your body, reaching the middle, and undoing the button on your jeans before encouraging you to stand up. As you raised, he slowly pulled your jeans down and let his fingertips touch your skin as they moved south. 
When the denim was pooled around your ankles, you held onto his shoulder for support as you kicked them off lightly. 
"Sit back down, Y/N," John told you and you followed directions. 
Straddling his hips once again, feeling much less constricted, he gripped tightly onto your sides. He shifted you slightly so that you rested completely on his thigh, instead of in between, and began to move your body back and forth. 
Small whimpers fled your mouth as you felt the friction rubbing against your aching core, it felt so unfamiliar and foreign to your body- but it felt so good. 
"Feel good, princess?" You heard John chuckle lightly, as his hands continued to move you. 
The wetness from your panties was sure to have made its way out, but you didn't care. Being like this with him like this felt so good. 
"Daddy, I want to make you feel good too," You told him, looking back into his eyes. 
John's hand reached up and brushed a stray hair away from your face, smiling at you. 
"Let Daddy make you feel good first," He answered in return and you nodded your head. 
His lips collided with yours as his grip on your hips tightened, picking you up and laying you flat on your back. He continued to kiss you passionately as he hovered above you, his hand reaching down and dipping into your soaked panties. 
You felt him smile into the kiss as his fingers easily glided through your slick and you moaned every time they would ghost against your clit. 
"You're so wet for me, baby."
"Is that a good thing?" You asked him and he chuckled at the question. 
"A very good thing," He told you and you smiled with the praise. 
Placing a quick peck on your lips, he adjusted himself so that his knees were on the ground. His fingers hooked into the waistband of your soft cotton underwear, pulling them down, and encouraged your thighs to open more. 
John brought his calloused thumb up to work small circles on your bundle of nerves and you moaned at the feeling. Everything that he did made you feel more and more relieved, you could practically feel how much he loved you. When you situated yourself on your elbows so you could see what he was doing, he looked up at you. 
"Can Daddy taste you?" He asked, licking his lips, as he looked directly into your eyes. 
"Please," You squeaked out, feeling hot and bothered and needing as much of him as you could get. 
Watching as his head disappeared in between your legs, you bit your lip as his tongue trailed once up your slit and collected as much wetness in his mouth as possible. You could hear his groaning in approval just before he began to delve into your core again. 
Not bothering to suppress your satisfaction, you moaned as his tongue flicked itself over and over on your clit, bringing out a type of burn that you'd never felt before. 
You could feel your core heat up as he relentlessly attacked you with his tongue, alternating between circling and flicking, perfectly timing when one or the other became too much or dull. He began to suck down lightly, pulling more moans out of your throat, and you felt the uneasiness in your stomach waiting to spill itself. 
Your fingers locked themselves in his short hair, gaining a grunt from him as he began to go faster with his motions. His tongue was hammering your sensitive bud at a furious pace, leaving you a moaning mess as something suddenly snapped inside of you. 
"Daddy," You whined when he didn't stop. 
Your hips buckled and your thighs tried to shut themselves as John's hands wrapped around and held you down. He kept the pace as he helped you get through whatever it was that just happened. Once he was satisfied, he came to the surface, leaving your legs shaking. 
"What was that?" You asked him, panting as you tried to stop your legs from moving on their own. He continued to hover above you.
"That was an orgasm, sweetheart," John told you before placing a tender kiss on your lips. You could taste yourself when his tongue reached into your mouth, moaning at how satisfied and happy he seemed to be. 
Things were never the same after that day. John insisted on not taking your virginity until he was sure it was going to be special. He wanted the whole candle-lit dinner and the rose petals on the bed, but mostly- he wanted it not to occur in a shitty motel. 
John wanted the whole nine yards just for you and as much as you wanted that too, you didn't really care about the fine details. You wanted him as soon as you could get him and you didn't care what the circumstances were, even if that meant losing your virginity in a crappy motel where the beds creaked.
Plans were whisked away from the two of you, a hunt would come up or Sam and Dean would stick around for too long. It almost seemed impossible to find the 'right' time. 
In between, John helped you learn different things that surrounded sex. You could only assume that those acts were just as satisfying as the real thing, but it only made you crave him more. 
You were so eager to please John and he seemed to feel the same way about you, making you feel more special than Sam or Dean ever felt. Everything just made so much sense, everything seemed so perfect. 
It was hard to contain yourself around your brothers, but John wanted to keep your relationship a secret. You didn't understand why. Why wouldn't he want to show Sam and Dean how happy he made you? Was he embarrassed? Were you not good enough to boast about?
Those questions didn't matter in the middle of the night when he would steal you away to his truck. Every bliss-filled night brought a euphoric feeling that lingered for the following days... but then he would leave. Again. 
It became a routine. Things would seem so hopeful that maybe in a few days, he would be able to steal you away for the night- make it special, but those plans seemed almost hopeless as the weeks went on. 
The hunts became more frequent, especially after Sam came home from school, and John wanted both of his boys as strong as possible- so he chose to hunt by himself most of the time. 
John also became a bit hunt-hungry, losing days of sleep and trying his best to find the monster that killed your mother. It was consuming him and John only really ever seemed to be at peace when he was with you- when you helped suck out every ounce of worry from his soul. 
But a strange guilt was burning slowly in your core. Sam was the one person you trusted in your entire life. The one person you could trust with your secrets, the one person you could trust to be on time, the one person you could trust to be there for you. 
When Sam would come home from school and tell you about his day, or come back from a small day hunt with Dean, you would have nothing to say to him. 
You weren't reading like usual, you were too busy with John or learning new things from porn. You weren't supposed to tell Sam and it ate at you every day. 
It hurt to keep something so special and important away from him. You've told him everything since the moment you could talk- the only saving grace was that he was keeping things from you too. 
First, it started off with him not telling you about sex or what it was. Then, it turned into getting girlfriends that he wouldn't tell anybody about. He was hiding things from you for the first time in your life and you didn't understand why. 
Was he upset with you? Did John say anything to him? Or was he just growing apart from you? 
Showers seemed to be less fun for the past three months. Sam barely talked to you. He barely cracked a joke, he didn't even turn the water cold on purpose to make you squeal. It was just a shower now. You got in, you washed your hair, he washed his hair, you washed your body, he washed his body, and then you both got out. 
Sam wasn't the same Sam that you knew and loved, but you tried your best not to notice.
It was another day. Another boring and quiet shower. Sam hogged all of the water while you focused on trying your best to be normal. 
To be honest, you were upset. All of these months, waiting for him to say something. You were waiting for Sam to explain why he was acting so strangely, but he didn't. 
Sam closed himself off from everybody and every shower that remained silent, other than the casual 'pass the shampoo' that seared into your heart. Maybe Sam didn't love you as much as he used to. Maybe he found someone else. 
You couldn't hold it in anymore- you couldn't live without knowing what was going on in Sam's head. 
"Are you okay?" You asked Sam quietly. He just shrugged his shoulders in return. 
Sam muttered 'I'm fine' and nodded his head, turning back to finish washing his hair. You frowned, knowing that he was probably not fine, and continued to pry. 
"Sammy, please. Just talk to me." You frowned, watching the soapy water fall down his back.
"Talk to you about what?" Sam asked in return, bitterness in his voice that shocked you to your core. 
His tone definitely showed you that he was upset about something, and it hurt to know that he was bottling it in himself. You trembled when he snapped, shivers running down your spine that brought you to cross your arms, and you watched the way he glared at you when he turned around. 
It hurt especially because it was the same glare he often gave your father. It was the same hatred in his eyes and you didn't know what you did to deserve it. 
"Y/N, I'm not angry. I promise. I'm sorry for scaring you." Sam must have picked up on your hurt as his face slumped into concern, placing his hand on your arm. 
You immediately pulled away as Sam continued to look at you sympathetically. 
"I just wished you talked to me, that's all," You replied quietly.
"Yeah, well, I wished you talked to me too," Sam muttered in a voice so close to a whisper you almost couldn't hear. You decided to look back up at him. 
"That's what I'm trying to do, Sam," You told him just as softly as before, looking into his soft eyes. 
Sam gave you a small smile out of courtesy, and you could tell it was hurting him just as much as it was hurting you. 
"I just feel like you are avoiding me. Like you don't want to tell me what's going on in your life anymore." You admitted.
"What about you?" Sam scoffed and you raised an eyebrow at him. "I mean, you don't talk to me about your life. Why should I?" He asked, crossing his arms. 
"I don't go to school anymore and I barely leave the motel. There's not much to say," You sighed, frowning at how his aggressive switch was flipping on and off with each comment. 
Sam didn't get upset with you often, but most of the time he was irrational and tended to say things that he didn't mean. 
"Just- just tell me about a book you've read recently," Sam struggled to get out and you shrugged your shoulders. 
"Um, okay. I read The Little Prince recently. The guy in the story crashed in the Sahara desert and-" You were quick to explain. 
"You told me about that book months ago, Y/N," Sam cut you off with hints of a low growl. You furrowed your eyebrows and tried to reach his eyes as they ran away from yours. 
You hadn't read it in a while, but, it was the most recent book you had read- that part was true. The truth about what had been preoccupying your past few months was a secret, a secret that John didn't want anybody to know about. 
For a second, you thought about telling the truth- maybe Sam would be happy to hear about it. Happy that John loved you so much. Happy that you weren't sitting at home miserable every day. 
Ultimately, you decided that you didn't want to upset your father. What if he stopped whatever it was that was going on between the two of you? That, in addition to Sam and Dean, was the only thing that ever made you truly happy around here, and you didn't want to take it for granted. 
"I, uh, I reread it. It's a great book," You lied, this time trying to look away without being too conspicuous. 
It hurt every part of you to lie to Sam like this, especially because you were lying about one of the most important things in your life.
You never lied to Sam, ever. When he didn't say anything back, it ate you completely. The guilt you felt was pounding in the back of your throat. It only took you a few moments of silence to realize that you couldn't take it anymore.
"Sammy, I'm- I'm lying to you." You told him, feeling a rush of relief flood your body as you looked down to the ground.
"I know, Y/N," Sam told you quietly and you nodded your head, the guilt vacuuming back into your body. 
This is why you shouldn't have lied to him in the first place. He knew you so well, too well to let anything slip by. 
"Do you want to tell me the truth?" He asked softly, bringing his fingertips to your chin so that you could look back up at him. 
You nodded your head, tears threatening to spill out of your eyes as he looked at you with so much care- something you missed dearly from him. 
"I- I can't." You told him, jerking your head to look anywhere but at him. 
You loved Sam more than any person in the world, but this was something that you needed to keep from him.
"Because Dad said you can't?" Sam asked you and your eyes shot up to look at him, widened at full capacity. 
He knew. That's why he was so upset. That's why he didn't talk to you, why he closed himself off from everybody. But, why? Why did he seem so upset about it? If Sam knew, why hadn't he brought it up sooner?
"It's okay, Y/N, really. It's okay, you can tell me the truth." Sam told you, pulling you close as you frowned into his chest and began to let your mind run. 
What if John found out you told him? Would he not want anything to do with you anymore? Even though the shower was still running against the both of you, the only wetness you could feel were your tears. 
"He's going to hate me, Sammy," You told him, sniffling as you pulled back to look at him. His arms were lazily hung around your torso as he stared down at you with soft eyes. 
"Y/N, did he hurt you?" Sam asked softly, gripping your waist tightly and gently forcing you to keep focused on him. 
"What?" You asked, furrowing your brows as you noticed that Sam seemed to look sad. "No- no, he didn't hurt me. Why would he hurt me?" You questioned again and his grip loosened around you, looking just as confused as you did. "Are you upset?"
Sam took a few seconds to answer, head shaking a confused expression formed on his face. 
"I, uh, no- I'm not upset. I just thought-" He trailed, seeming to be at a loss for words. "I just thought he was hurting you."
"Daddy would never hurt me," You gave him a small grin, shaking your head at the silly comment. "Sammy, he's made me very happy." You purred, feeling his body tense as your fingers glided up and down his sides. 
It was a small chance that you took- if he wasn't upset... then maybe he was happy. Maybe he was just jealous this entire time.
Next Part
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moonlightspencie · 1 year
a house up on a hill
Part 2 of ‘a life where we work out’
Pairing: Dean Winchester x fem!Reader/Dean Winchester x past!Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
(i forgot!! tw: non-graphic mentions of suicide)
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—————————-> DEAN’S POV <- ——————————
I woke to the sound of a muffled voice calling my name.
The ground was much comfier than I remembered. It almost felt… Soft? I pushed my head back slowly, realizing that it was soft.
The voice called again, though this time it was much clearer.
I opened my eyes, slowly blinking until it all came into view. My heart stopped when I saw her looking at me. She sat next to me on the bed, a hand on my arm, smiling. She looked happy. Healthy.
“Hey, sleepyhead,” she said with a grin before she leaned down to kiss me.
Although, she came up confused when I didn’t react in time. She furrowed her brow, looking down at me.
“Too tired to even kiss your wife?”
My eyes widened, and suddenly I looked down at the hand against my bicep. She had a pretty little diamond ring on her finger.
“How much did you drink last night?” she asked with a laugh. “I know you and Sam can get a little out of hand, but geez. How’s breakfast sound?”
“Yeah, okay,” I nodded, still in a haze.
I watched as she left the room, giving me one last confused smile before she did. I took in a deep breath. This had to be a dream. That was it.
I stumbled out of the unfamiliar bed that I somehow knew very well. I looked around the house. It was a little small, but so clearly a happy place to live that it practically slapped me in the face. I looked around the living room, quickly spotting a photo that was meant to be our wedding day. I set it back where I found it when she called my name.
I turned to see her leaving the kitchen with two bowls of some kind of scramble.
“Come on,” she said, tilting her head towards the front door.
I followed after her blindly, unable to keep my eyes off of her. She was so happy. She was practically glowing. I sat down on the front porch swing, accepting the bowl and another kiss. The porch wrapped around the house, and flowers lined all the windowsills. My attention was captured soon after by two cute kids on playing in the field down the hill. They couldn’t be more than three and four.
My brow furrowed as I glanced around at the open spaces around the house. Where were their parents?
“Jamie! Violet!” she called out to the boy and girl. “Come say ‘good morning’ to daddy!”
I sat in shock watching these two little people come running for me. They looked like us.
“Mornin’, daddy,” the little girl— Violet, said to me. “Lookit!”
She held up a bundle of wildflowers in her soft little fist. Her face lit up. My eyes, and her smile on one sweet, tiny face.
“Real pretty, baby,” Y/N said, looking at me funny when I didn’t reply to the little girl.
Meanwhile, I accepted a hug from a little boy who could’ve been my double at that age. Just without the scary parts. They all had a danger-free life. We did.
She told them to go clean up, but I could place her motives quickly.
“Did you do hard drugs last night, or something? What’s up with you?” she questioned, incredulous.
Her face dropped a little when she looked at me, quickly wiping tears from my face that I hadn’t realized were there in the first place.
I cleared my throat. “I— I’m sorry. I just…”
I looked at her, not sure how to explain. Last I remember is that we had been broken up for several months. Seeing here now, mothering our children…
“Maybe my hormones are transferring,” she said with a little laugh, wiping the remaining tears.
I tilted my head in question.
She merely smiled. “I was gonna wait until my parents had the kiddos, but…”
She trailed off, the hand with the ring on it resting on her stomach suddenly.
“How’s baby number three sound?”
My eyes widened. “What? You’re pregnant?”
She nodded. “Yeah.”
“Oh—“ I started, kissing her on instinct before my words could get the better of me.
She laughed, pulling away a moment later.
“I know we said we weren’t sure about having another, but…”
“No!” I exclaimed. “No, this is— this is amazing. You’re amazing.”
“There’s my Dean,” she said softly, caressing my face. “I was worried about you this morning. You’re not being your usual self.”
“I just…” I sighed. “It’s hard to explain. Not important right now.”
She sighed. “It’s always important, babe. We talked about this: if you’re feeling bad, I’m here to talk it through with you.”
I watched her a moment, then nodded.
“We’ll talk later. Promise,” I said, still needing to figure out what kind of dream I was in.
“Okay,” she agreed with a nod, taking my hand and kissing my knuckles. “You know I love you?”
“I know. I— I love you more.”
She smiled again, leaning into me to finally eat her breakfast. I followed suit, at least letting myself enjoy this while I could. We were soon joined by two minis who insisted on cuddling, and I wasn’t going to deprive them of that.
Hours passed, and eventually her parents came. Her living parents just walked right in and took our kids for a night. And if felt good and safe to let them out of our sight. We didn’t have to worry.
I walked around our house as she took a shower, seeing that I’d missed several photos in our living room. Our kids as they grew up. Me, holding them as babies looking happier than I’d ever seen myself. Us. Her parents. My parents. Sam and Jess.
Wait. That felt eerily familiar. Why did that feel so familiar to see?
Well, that question left my brain temporarily when she walked in.
“Hey,” she called, dressed in nothing by my t-shirt.
I stared openly, unable to do anything but stare. She smirked.
“Don’t look at me like that,” she said, warning me. “It’s bedtime.”
I swallowed, still not quitting. “Right.”
She wet her lips, holding out a hand for me. I walked towards her like we were magnetic, immediately leaning in to kiss her. It’s like I couldn’t help myself. She was there. She was still in love with me. She was my wife and the mother of our kids. How could I stay away?
She must’ve shared parts of that sentiment by the way she dragged me into our bedroom, not even bothering to shut the door behind us.
I woke up the next morning to her curled into my side. Even in this perfect world, her hair still covered half her face in a mess when she slept. It was still the prettiest thing I’d ever see.
Unfortunately for me, memories started flooding back as I’d been asleep.
We had seen each other after the breakup. We even started on a hunt together. Going after a djinn.
I let myself watch her a while longer, knowing what I had to do to wake up in the real world.
My heart ached as I thought about it. I needed to wake up. I just didn’t want to. I wanted to see our kids grow up. I wanted to see our baby be born. I wanted to grow old with her. We were doing so well for ourselves here, in this life.
She woke up a few minutes later, giving me a soft smile, and brushing her fingers against the frown lines on my face.
“Always so grumpy when you wake up.”
I shook my head. “Not grumpy. Just thinking.”
“About what?”
“You. How much I love you and this life and our babies,” I said, not allowing the tears I felt to fall. “How much I missed you.”
She furrowed her brow. “Baby, we were only asleep for like seven hours.”
“Not what I mean. I just—“ I sighed. “None of this is…”
I stopped myself, realizing it was no use to try and convince her this wasn’t real. Why ruin the magic that was already slowly running dry?
“I just love you. So much,” I settled.
She kissed me. “Love you more.”
I smiled softly, kissing her one more time.
“I’ll be back soon, alright?” I lied, reluctantly climbing out of bed.
She nodded, watching me with adoring eyes as I left the room. I finally let those tears fall, finding the gun safe and pulling out my handgun. I walked out to the front porch, sitting on the swing again as I watched the blue sky come alive. It was peaceful. It was someplace I was determined to see again in my dreams when I left.
I took a deep breath, preparing myself for what came next.
And I pulled the trigger.
part 3 here ->
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star-quill · 1 year
₊‧.°.⋆˚₊‧⋆. sam's masterlist post !!
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peter mowing your lawn
peter mowing your lawn part 2
nsfw headcanons part 1
nsfw headcanons part 2
sfw peter headcanons
pillow talk with peter
enemies to lovers with peter
peter sneaking sex songs into another playlist
aftercare with peter
nascar racer peter
peter x nurse!reader
riding peter
domestic peter
corruption kink with peter
more corruption kink with peter
age gap + jealous!peter
age gap with peter
more age gap with peter
more age gap with peter part 2
breeding kink with peter
flirting with neighbour peter
oral fixation + peter's dog tags
more oral fixation with peter
peter + sleeve tattoos
hatefucking with peter
more hatefucking with peter
hatefucking + age gap
dad's best friend!peter
peter fucking you outside a dive bar
peter's in a cover band
kids soccer coach!peter
tw drug use peter snorting cocaine off you
rockstar!peter x groupie!reader
pr relationship with rockstar!peter
rockstar!peter + brooklyn baby
making a sextape with rockstar!peter
rockstar!peter + pregnant groupie
being needy for rockstar!peter
neighbour!peter meeting your parents after fucking you
rockstar!peter + daddy
falling for rockstar!peter after starring in a mv with him
peter getting a tattoo of your name on his chest
protective rockstar!peter
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being inexperienced with owen
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© star-quill. do not copy, repost or translate
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kkrillo · 1 month
Sam Uley X Pregnant Reader
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A/n: This is my first ever imagine so please don't be too hard on me. I've been dying for someone to write more Sam Uley imagines so I thought I would just take it upon myself to write some. I know it's pretty short but I'm still getting a feel for writing fanfiction. Requests are open so if you have any ideas, please send them in! I hope y'all enjoy :)
Sam was so excited to be a dad. You on the other hand were absolutely freaking out. Sam reassured you many times that you would be an amazing mom. But tonight, all of your negative thoughts starting take over your mind as you laid in bed trying to fall asleep. Sam could feel you slighting tossing and turning, and this worried him. He turned to look at you and you looked up at him seeing the concern in his eyes.
"What's wrong? Why aren't you asleep yet?" he says. His eyebrows are slightly knitted together. You don't say anything for a moment. Deciding if you should tell him what is keeping you up. Sam hated when you doubted yourself. "What if I can't do this? What if the baby doesn't connect with me?" you finally blurt out. Sam sighs heavily opening his arms for you to scoot closer. "Baby you will be the best mom. I've told you this a hundred times before. The baby will love you. I'm sure of it." he says placing a kiss on the top of your head. You sigh knowing you won't win this argument.
7 months later
You look over at Sam and your newborn baby girl. She's absolutely beautiful and she looks just like Sam. You can already tell she is wrapped around her daddy's finger. You smile at this thought and slightly giggle to yourself. "What's so funny?" Sam says without taking his eyes off his little princess. "Nothing, that little girl is going to be well loved is all." you say giggling. "Now give me my baby Uley." He looks up at you and frowns but reluctantly he hands her over. You look down at your beautiful girl, every doubt you ever had completely slipped your mind. All you could think about was how happy you were to finally be holding your baby and having Sam by your side.
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