jannecapelleart · 6 months
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listen guys i have my criticism of season 2 but the ed&izzy aspect does appeal to the part of my brain that likes angst
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pudgybun · 6 months
Dare I order food after going to an all u can eat buffet... yes I do dare.
Dare I doubledash a burger on top of the food I'm ordering after eating like 4 plates at a buffet... idk ... hmmmm
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musingmedia · 11 months
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You got a girlfriend? That was not a proposition, trust me. I do. I feel sorry for her.
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rebouks · 1 year
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?: Figured it’d be a while yet. Wyatt: Whatever you think this is, you’re wrong. ?: Uh-huh.
Wyatt: Is she okay? ?: She’ll be fine, a little strung out is all. Wyatt: She looks kinda.. young.
?: She’s eighteen-.. too old? Wyatt: No, no! That’s not why I’m here. ?: If you’re gonna rob the place, you’re in the wrong room.
Wyatt: Not interested. ?: So, what’s the deal? Wyatt: I don’t know, I didn’t really think this through-.. you know the door was open, right? You could’ve left by now.
?: [scoffs] Y’think it’s that simple? Wyatt: Yeah? ?: I’d rather have a roof over my head for the night.
Wyatt: Oh. ?: [laughs dryly] Naïve, ain’tcha? Wyatt: It appears so.
?: You’re too nervous t’be a cop, or a john.. why’re you here? Wyatt: I think I feel.. responsible. ?: That sounds like a you problem.
Wyatt: I suppose it is. Still, we need to get out of here before they come back. ?: I doubt that’s a wise choice. Wyatt: I can’t help you if-…
?: If you actually want t’help, whatever the hell that means-.. leave us here; otherwise, they’ll know something’s up. Wyatt: Right, that’s true. ?: If anything, you oughta get yourself outta here.
Wyatt: Are you sure you don’t-… ?: [scoffs] Ain’t nothin’ new under the sun t’me here, hun; just go. Wyatt: I’ll be back-.. or I’ll figure something out, okay?
[Wyatt gasps upon setting foot outside, an unpleasant lump lingering at the back of his throat]
Brynn: That’s him.. beep! Randy: It’s the middle of the feckin’ night, Bry-… [BEEEEEEEP]
Wyatt: You waited for me? Randy: Apparently. Brynn: Don’t just stand like statue, get in!
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rainbowstarmew · 3 months
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I’m so happy to see that tallulah has a new model. But now I have a dumb internal conflict of how I should change my design for her bc the Im worried the black hair ruins the cohesion of the color pallet. (If that makes any sense) Her design has always been my favorite so it’s really hard for me to change it drastically 😅
Do I overhaul the design? Or just put the black hair and call it a day.
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im-dirtydan · 1 year
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pandaimitator · 8 days
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I mean YES! But NO! And like, absolutely not without Stephen Sommers (who so far says no one has reached out to him.)
So conflicted.
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screaming--agony · 2 years
Dear Diary,
I can’t stand how I look. I really can’t. No matter what I do, I don’t feel comfortable in my own body. I hate what I see when I look in the mirror. I feel disgusting.
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melonchalymads · 4 months
My thoughts tumble out under cloud cover.
They squelch under my stumbled steps, crying to be deciphered- pleading not to be forgotten in the crevices of cement.
I never did learn how to read ruined ink,
and perhaps that’s what’s wrong with me-
I can’t even understand the thoughts oozing right out from under my feet.
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kidfur · 24 days
Still debating if i should make my blog chrono adult to follow.. i dont rember if any of my mutuals are chrono minors but considering itd be more for a comfort thing rather than a content rule thing (mostly? but i mean i still reblog mildly suggestive stuff sometimes regardless) so i could just say current mutuals are ok
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xbalayage · 7 months
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Y'all just attacked the Emperor as he tried to protect me; it's illegal to be this hot and tell me this
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sunnyhummingbee · 5 months
Do you ever just get a little bit mad at Steve Rogers for going back in time and changing history and then in the interest of still loving him as a character you convince yourself that he and Bucky know some thing about Peggy’s life that never got revealed because you just really need him to have been the secret Husband? 
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Cause I get mad at this man and I think it’s why I flipped to loving Bucky more than Steve.
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This guy now has my Marvel fandom heart
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sluttery-withoutshame · 3 months
I am SO conflicted with this photo. Coz he’s hanging with kiddies and that’s always so cute,
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Jesus Eric, do you need to give me those slutty, come fuck me eyes??
I wanna feel those soft lips on my own.
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family-trauma · 2 years
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I still am conflicted about my family member being a covert narcissist or not. But when I read things like this, it tips the scale to say that they truly are regardless of how much good they try to do.
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queermentaldisaster · 4 months
Hm. I dunno if I wanna do the Recon By Fire and Violence and Timing missions in my fanfic for a few reasons.
One, they're perfect as is, I don't really need to add any of the shifter aspects to it. Yes, it'd be nice to see Farah shifting to catch up with the convoy, but there's not really much of a practical use for the other shifted forms there.
Two, I kinda wanna fill in what happened between Hardpoint and El Sin Nombre. Because there's that downtime there, that we just have no clue what happened! It is headcanon central and I wanna take full advantage of that.
Three, both of the missions are lengthy, and I am not trying to completely rewrite MWII. I just wanna expand off the base I was given with my au, but the only way I can do that is by cutting out some missions, just like I did with everything up to Hardpoint. Timeskips are your best friends sometimes.
But on the other hand, I feel like I'm excluding Gaz and Price if I do that (especially Gaz) when I'm not, I'm just not trying to have people experience the game in a different format (fanfiction and AU in this case) but Gaz is still gonna have plenty of time to shine...even though he's not the main-main characters in the fic. I dunno, I'm conflicted.
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lynnbutlertron · 2 months
oouuugfhh i might update my commission prices…… i am putting in far too much work for how much i am getting…
i am trying to think of it as if i was being paid by the hour, it takes me around 3 hours to get a simple shaded piece done and i get like £22 for it. minimum wage is like £8.60 so im being paid less than minimum wage by that logic.
BUT I DONT WANNA SCAM PEOPLE OR MAKE THEM PAY TOO MUCH CUZ I LOVE MAKING ART FOR PEOPLE. ohhh it’s so over . what is a boy to do in this world
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