#cheeseball... my son... :(
motheline · 25 days
Guess who finished Monk's campaign and is emotionally unwell ☹️
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ghastlytofu · 7 months
HEY ive seen talk here & there about how EA!wyll is way different from how he is now. can you tell me what the rewrite changed about his character, im so so curious
AAAHHHHH YES. So okay. I tried to break this down into more digestible pieces and I'm working almost entirely off my memory so please forgive (and for anyone who's reading and knows better, feel free to correct) any errors.
Wyll's story - originally Wyll was a son of house Eltan (relatively minor noble house compared to Ravengard but still very well-known, they founded the Flaming Fists). He was sent to the Fists as punishment for stealing (this was seemingly where his strained relationship with his father began, rather than the pact with Mizora - which came later rather than him defending Baldur's Gate at seventeen). Apparently he didn't excel there because in addition to the disastrous goblin attack that led him to treating with Mizora in the first place, one of the Flaming Fists talks shit about him when you meet her, the gobbos call him Captain Failure, etc.
Wyll's personality - he was quicker to anger, especially as it concerned goblins. His whole vendetta was against goblins: they killed people, stole his eye (and were HOLDING ONTO IT IN THE CAMP) rather than him losing it during the battle with the Cult of the Dragon. He was ready and willing to torture the goblins at the windmill on the off chance that they had intel on the one that took his eye, and when you met Spike Wyll would tadpole into your brain with an eager LET'S KILL THEM. His Blade of Frontiers persona was just a little more obviously put-on, like he was clinging to it out of insecurity.
EA Wyll was more prone to puns and saying weird shit than even his final release self (which is saying something bc Wyll as he is now loves puns & whimsy & being a huge cheeseball).
Wyll's romance - EA Wyll was willing to get physical sooner, even though Mizora's presence cast a dark cloud on the romance. She'd interrupt your moment of intimacy using Wyll's sending stone (though it's a bit ambiguous whether it's actually her or Wyll's conflicted feelings toward her that makes him hesitate). You can tell he's sort of playing the suave hero during the scene - "may I kiss you?", "where were we?", leaning in and smirking, the whole bit. You basically had the choice to 1) fuck him so good he forgot all about Mizora or 2) hold him through the night and just make him feel safe and protected, which surprises and pleases him - "I'm used to being the hero. Not so used to needing one."
Mizora - she was kidnapped by goblins in EA and that was her whole rescue mission, rather than being spirited away to Moonrise. Wyll in final release explicitly states that he's never slept with Mizora - "I'm really not that kind of man" - but in EA there was some indication that their relationship was physical, that he wanted her despite himself.
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presidenthades · 5 months
Once again, I am doing a series of my behind-the-scenes thoughts for The Golds while I do light edits for formatting, typos, and continuity. Here’s Chapter 10!
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For this chapter’s title, I chose the final lyric of “The Song of the Seven”: they see you, little children. The lyric is supposed to mean that the gods are always watching over you. In this fic, Jace and Aegon (and all the Targkids) are constantly being watched by their family, the court, and the realm because they are royal heirs. Although Jace and Aegon are adults by Westerosi standards, they’re still quite young—and now they have a child of their own to protect and watch over.
Aegon mentions in Chapter 6 that Jace hasn’t ugly-cried since she was 7, and now here’s the story! I discussed in previous commentaries how Rhaenyra and Laenor were trying for a son but after Joff was born, they called it quits. Since Joff was born sickly, Rhaenyra was distracted with that for several months. Once Joff was healthy, Rhaenyra decided to tell Jace on her seventh nameday—since seven is a special number in Westeros—about officially being her heir.
Prior to that, Jace is a normal, girly-girl child who’s only worried about games and such. She’s still well-behaved and responsible, but just in the “I need to make sure Luce brushes her teeth” sense rather than the “I have the weight of the realm on my shoulders” sense.
Laenor was like a Disney dad to Jace and Luce. He loved them but was often away living his own life, and when he came back he lavished them with presents to try to make up for it. Jace is careful with the dolls he gives her not only because she’s naturally a careful person, but also because they remind her of her father while he’s away. And to Laenor’s credit, he knows his daughters well enough that he can pick good presents for them. He notices that the dolls never last long in Luce’s hands so he gets less fragile stuff, while for Jace he buys delicate and expensive dolls because he knows she’ll appreciate them. I imagine he picks dolls wearing the clothes and hairstyles of whatever place he’s visiting, so Jace can use the dolls to learn what gowns are fashionable in Lorath or wherever.
Aegon is the eldest Targkid and he’s very important to Jace, so she gives a lot of weight to what he says. And Aegon has said a lot about how it sucks to be the heir and he’s glad he doesn’t have to do it. Now he’s regretting his big mouth 🥲.
Aegon was bad about carrying around handkerchiefs when he was younger, but he was always willing to sacrifice his sleeve if Jace needed it.
Aegon did indeed steal back Jace’s dolls from a 5-year-old, and I’m sure Luce bit him at least once (and yelled for Aemond to come hit Aegon). But once Luce realized how distraught Jace was about the dolls, she was willing to give them up. And Jace is very good about sharing, so Luce knows she can play with them whenever she wants.
Aegon doesn’t understand magic but he fully appreciates Joff’s help during the birth. If she hadn’t gone berserk in the middle of the night, she would have become his new favorite person after Jace and Cheeseball.
Is there symbolism in Aegon undoing his son’s swaddling and telling him “be free”?? Yeah probably.
Aegon was so worried about his influence being bad on the baby, but now he’s so proud and daydreaming about Cheeseball being a troublemaker like himself!
“I won’t be like my father. I’ll be better than him.” Foreshadowing for the rest of the chapter and Aegon’s arc in future fics? Yes it is! Also me pulling in some themes from Greek mythology, where sons becoming more powerful than their fathers is a common trope (Kronos vs his father Ouranos, Zeus vs his father Kronos, Zeus taking great pains to thwart his hypothetical son by his first wife Metis from being born so that son can never overthrow him).
Aegon’s little speech to Cheeseball is basically what Aegon wishes somebody had told him growing up. People called Aegon the future king and had high expectations for him. Aegon can’t stop other people from thinking and saying what they want to think and say, but he can make sure his son knows he has more value than his status as heir.
I’m not 100% sure but I think Aemond was voluntold to transport the egg, and Aemond is secretly pleased by the responsibility. Even though Aemond is awkward around his nephew, he does care about Elenar and he doesn’t want his nephew to grow up dragonless like himself. Aemond is concerned by the seeming imperfection of the egg (just as how he thinks his missing eye is an imperfection), but in the end, that “flaw” is a unique feature that makes the hatchling very special.
I enjoyed writing the juxtaposition of a serious conversation about politics and battle while Aegon is trying to help a baby pass gas 😂. Babies operate on their own timeline, they’re not waiting for the adults to finish speaking. If they need to fart, they need to fart.
Aegon would have been bloodthirsty toward the Tyroshi and Tyrosh in general, but he’s been busy taking care of Jace and then the baby. He prioritized giving attention to his family, and now that he has bandwidth to think about other things, a lot of that initial bloodthirst has died down because…well, Aegon is pretty happy with life right now. Jace is safe and happy, Elenar is safe and happy, so Aegon is content (and it helps that he’s seen what Daemon is doing in the Black Cells). But when Viserys disrupts that happiness, it kickstarts Aegon into action.
Aemond has been thinking a lot about how to avoid marrying Cassandra. His preference would be eloping with Luce, but she has hesitations because she knows his pride will likely lead to the marriage souring. Since he can’t talk her into that right now, he has to think of alternatives. If he remains in Westeros, Viserys could order lords and knights to send Aemond back to KL, which means Aemond would basically have to go rogue with Vhagar. Aemond could go traveling around Essos like many second sons, but that would make him look irresponsible. So he lands on the Stepstones option, which takes him physically far from Viserys’s reach and still allows him to fulfill his duties as a prince and dragonrider. Also, Aegon and Aemond left the Stepstones rather hastily so they could attend Jace and Aegon’s wedding. They arranged a deal with Racallio to make peace, but it ended up being a bandaid solution because Racallio is having trouble now. Aemond likes finishing what he started, so he also has that incentive to return to the Stepstones.
Aegon and Aemond aren’t the kind of guys to have a lot of heart-to-hearts, but Aegon still knows him really well. They aren’t friends, but they’re definitely brothers.
Luce fending off suitors from her island palace while Aemond is away = Penelope and Odysseus vibes, except our Penelope is NOT waiting for 20 years and she has a dragon that can take her places.
In Episode 9, Aemond stopped Aegon from running away from his duty. Here, Aegon is helping Aemond run away from his. Who would’ve thought Aemond would be the one shunning his duty? 🤪
Aegon has learned from his past mistakes. In Chapters 3 and 4, he forgot to communicate with Jace what he was doing, but now he makes sure to keep her apprised of his shenanigans.
Cheeseball being happiest while naked is another trait he shares with his father 😂. Both times when we’re introduced to Aegon (Ep 6 and Ep 8), he’s butt naked. He just seems really chill about casual nudity.
Aegon has been projecting dialogue and thoughts unto Cheeseball ever since he was in the womb, but honestly Aegon is probably accurate 99% of the time what his son is thinking and feeling.
Several months ago I saw a guy waiting in line at a fast-casual restaurant with a newborn, and he just started doing squats to soothe the baby. Hence, Aegon doing squats with Cheeseball and totally not caring that the entire court is watching him.
The Baratheons might be power-hungry, but they are genuinely mourning Floris. Most of them, at least. Cassandra is kinda heartless in F&B, so I could see her excitement about marrying a prince outweighing her grief. She’s done her homework about what (or whom) Aemond likes in the hopes that’ll make him like her better. Unfortunately, her efforts to evoke Luce spur him to flee the country instead 🥲.
Cregan is like twice Aegon’s size, but Aegon is still willing to fight him for hurting Jace’s feelings.
Deep down Viserys knew Jace and Aegon would NOT be happy about the fostering arrangement, and that’s why he didn’t say anything about it until they were at a public event where they can’t make a scene. But Aegon did make a scene, and that’ll be a cue for a lot of courtiers that there might be a schism among the Targs.
Viserys’s dragon dream is different than his show canon one (seeing his son wear the Conqueror’s crown), and what he sees gives him a greater sense of urgency re: the prophecy of the PTWP. He thinks it’s really important that the Targs forge a stronger bond with the Starks ASAP, so he’s speeding up the timeline for a fostering. Ironically, if Viserys set the fostering for age 7 like most, Jace and Aegon probably would’ve been unhappy but more accepting since it’s a normal arrangement. But yeah, this was really bad news for two new parents who just experienced a harrowing birth, and Jace’s emotions especially are still all over the place.
Viserys invoking being Aegon’s father when he’s done a shitty job of it 🫠.
To be fair to Cregan, he doesn’t really want to take Elenar as a ward at all, but like he said, it’s hard to say no to the king. And fostering a future king is supposed to be a huge honor.
In F&B, Baela gets dealt a crappy hand after the Dance. She marries Alyn Velaryon to avoid a worse marriage, but Alyn ends up being a serial cheater 😑. In this verse, with so many other Targ girls ahead of her in the succession for the throne and Driftmark, Baela has the option to not marry at all, especially if she goes the Queensguard route (Daemon would let her, and everyone is still thinking about Jace’s abduction so a sworn shield seems like an excellent idea to most people). But Jace knows Baela is reacting very emotionally right now and she didn’t want to entrap Baela in a lifelong oath she might regret later. For now though, it’s a good path for Baela so she can maintain her independence and stay near her family. Girl just needs to make sure not to enter any rebound relationships…
BTW if Daemon had an enemies list, he probably took the Targbros off but put Cregan on it instead because of the Baela situation.
Now we have a mirror scene of Aegon’s convo with Otto in Chapter 2! In Chapter 2, Aegon leaves the convo determined not to be involved in anything political because he wants to just focus on Jace. Now, Aegon realizes he has to be involved in politics if he wants to achieve what he and Jace want.
Otto truly isn’t happy with the fostering arrangement. The Starks aren’t happy with the Targs right now, and someone cynical might worry how Elenar is treated while he’s far away (he probably can’t even write a letter at age 4 to tell anyone what’s happening). As a prince and heir, Elenar would be accompanied by a household full of trusted servants and caretakers, but it isn’t the same as his own family keeping an eye on him. The North also isn’t a bastion of learning and diplomacy, so Otto is probably worried about what Elenar’s education will be like.
Since there’s so much genderbending in this verse, Targ princes are a hot commodity because there are only three of them in the current generation. Otto likes the Baratheon arrangement, but because Viserys offered Aemond as reparations, it affected how much the Crown could negotiate from the betrothal contract. And like Otto said, bad precedent: “Did the Targs wrong you? That’s ok, you’ll get a royal marriage or ward in exchange.”
I originally wanted another scene with Bethany in this fic but there wasn’t room for it. Her face is scarred very badly, and this hampers her marriage prospects (which is a lot of the value of a highborn girl in Westeros). Remaining as Jace’s LIW sends a message that Bethany is being honored rather than sent away where nobody can see her scars, and if Bethany is unable to marry, she still has a position of status and privilege at court. Bethany’s family isn’t happy about the attack at the Sept, but they’re grateful she at least survived. And since they have close ties to Alicent and Otto, they’re willing to be less grumbly than the Baratheons and Starks.
Otto gives zero credence to things like prophecy, so he is worried Viserys might be suffering a mental decline/break. This especially concerns him after Viserys has publicly declared that as king, his word is law (re: the fostering, but Otto is also thinking about Viserys keeping Rhaenyra as heir).
Otto might not care personally about the smallfolk, but he definitely appreciates the power of popular appeal, which Jace and Aegon have in spades. Otto sees that Aegon has a natural instinct for certain aspects of politics, and he’s frustrated that Aegon refuses to engage unless it’s by accident or at Jace’s behest. Otto knows what Aegon is like, so he pushes all the right buttons to trigger Aegon and motivate him to act.
A lot of Jace’s hangups about food are because of her fear of moon tea. But she wants to overcome that mental roadblock so she can continue with her life, and now moon tea is beneficial rather than harmful. She’ll probably still have some trouble with drinking it, but Aegon will be there to help her, and they’ll probably learn about/invent other contraceptive methods to double up on protection.
Aegon is willing to commit war crimes for Jace and she knows it, but she’s too lawful good to take advantage.
So many commenters were rooting for future Alyssa x Elenar! And at least one person suggested Elenar having a polygamous marriage with both Alyssa and Viserra (Daemon would love that lol). We shall see what happens! The kids are still developing their personalities.
Daemon resigned himself to Jace/Aegon a while ago, and now he’s spying a new opportunity to potentially get his blood on the throne one day 👀. Which means it behooves him to play nice with Aegon, who is understandably suspicious of Daemon being nice to him. I also think Daemon, after his growth arc in the Handbook, would like for his daughters/stepdaughters to have some semblance of happiness. And now that he’s begrudgingly admitted to himself that the Targbros aren’t so bad, he’s kind of insulted that Viserys is just handing out royal princes to any house willy-nilly.
“Much sorrow, many tears.” I haven’t seen Queen Charlotte but I have seen the memes of Charlotte going “sorrows, prayers” constantly. If you’re wondering whether there’s a connection…yes.
Viserys was 100% a snitch when he was growing up.
Joff didn’t have a real first meeting with Elenar. She passed out in the birthing room, and then she had her Exorcist moment that night. She just wants to meet her nephew without any drama 🥺.
Aegon isn’t particularly interested in magic in the first place, and he knows that way lies madness, so he decides the possible benefits of digging for more info aren’t worth the trouble. He’s had two months to let his anger settle and mull over the events. If the candle is the reason for Joff’s behavior, and if Joff is willing to put the candle aside, then he’s willing to move forward and carefully allow her interaction with Elenar as she regains his trust that she won’t act like that again.
Joff can be really sneaky about her words and actions, but she has a pretty strong personal code of conduct. If she did something wrong, she’ll own it, and if she makes a promise, she’s keeping it—which is why she’s so sneaky about it in the first place.
Viserys is not a good father, but generally it IS a father’s duty to arrange a good marriage for his daughter, which is arguably what he did for Helaena. But anyone who knows Helaena’s preferences (so definitely not Viserys) knows that she would hate a marriage taking her away from her family (and Rhaena) and forcing her to have a bunch of children.
It could be argued that it’s unwise for Viserys to wed a female dragonrider outside of the house, and this is true. But options for Helaena’s husband are limited. There are very few Targ princes in this universe. As for the other Valyrian families, the Celtigars are still kinda in disgrace from the Clement incident, and the only Velaryon men are from cadet branches like Vaemond’s sons, who have no inheritance worthy of a king’s daughter. The other option is for Helaena to remain unwed, which is her preference, but Viserys is trying to play politics 😒. At least he could address the dragon issue by declaring that none of Helaena’s children are permitted to have eggs or claim dragons—if he thinks of doing so.
Joff and Daeron are the little siblings trying desperately to keep up with their older siblings, and Aegon is NOT having it.
Before Joff and Daeron were born, Luce was the baby of the royal nursery, so she spent a lot of her early years running after the others. Then after the Driftmark funerals, Aemond and his siblings left with their parents for KL while Rhaenyra and her daughters stayed longer—only for Luce and her sisters to realize they weren’t returning home to KL but moving to Dragonstone. Then of course there was Aemond’s first trip to the Stepstones (I don’t think Luce even had a chance to say goodbye that time). Then when she was fostering at Driftmark, Aemond visited often but had to leave at the end of every visit. So Luce has developed a bit of a complex where she feels like Aemond is always going somewhere and she can’t go with him.
I realized that Aemond ended up being a very important secondary relationship for Aegon in this fic, so I wanted to make sure they got one last scene together. Daeron is also Aegon’s brother but he’s much younger, whereas Aemond has been his partner in crime for most of his life 🥲.
Aegon is actually pretty decent at planning logistics for his schemes. There’s this scene with the council, and earlier in the fic there was the raid on the warehouse, and in the Handbook I feel like he had a strong role in plotting the elopement.
“I am, as ever, your obedient son.” Aegon is so damn sassy in that moment 😭.
Viserys had put all of his children where he thought they belonged in his masterplan (kinda like how he puts all the pieces in his model of Valyria exactly where he thinks they belong), but Aegon (whom Viserys is quick to blame) has upended the board. Now Viserys is wondering if he needs to be worried about what Aegon will be up to in the future…
Is the white raven announcing the end of summer a symbol? 👀👀👀 Honestly this day is probably one for the history books. End of summer, Prince Aemond departs for the Stepstones, Aegon’s nameday, and a new dragon hatches.
The hatchling mostly resembles Sunfyre (like how Elenar mostly resembles Aegon), but with some sunrise coloring as the culmination of all the sun/morning symbolism throughout the fic. The blue eye is like a sign from the universe that even though Aemond is away, he’s still with his family in spirit 🥲.
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muhita · 2 years
hiya :D !! omg we definitely need more dustin content, can you say "love of my life"??😚💘 could you do headcanons of what petnames he'd call his s/o? it's already canon that he's a cheeseball<3
ugh yes!! i love dustybun, he doesn't get any love in this fandom.
so yes as anon says, it is canon that he's a cheeseball
i feel like he would use sarcastic nicknames around your friends
like sugarplum, or cutie patootie.
idk it's just very in character for him i think?
but when it's just you two, he uses serious ones
honey, babe, sweetheart, etc.
heavy on the babe though
"hey babe, how's your day been?" "babe come look at this!" "i'm trying to talk to steve, babe!"
it's just
so dustin
steve definitelyyy makes fun of him for his overuse of nicknames
"you know she has a name right?"
but in all honesty, steves just a proud mom happy to see his son in love. even if it comes at the cost of the annoying nicknames
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elise-51-blog · 1 year
So Kite Man and Batman walk into a bar...
This one's kind of a long time coming. Originally meant to be written for 2022 DC Rare Character Weekend @rarecharacterweekend, life got in the way, and I've never been a quick writer. This Kite Man is that from Tom King's book, not the cheeseball Harley Quinn character (whom I also love).
Fathers and sons, grief, loss. But I try for the jokes too.
There's a Jason Todd & Bruce chapter, here's a snippet for the Jason lovers:
And at some point in there, this scared, angry little kid had looked at Bruce like he’d been glad Bruce had come into his life; like as long as Bruce’d been there to scoop this outrageous little tire-thief up and give him a home, give him pride, purpose, dignity. Been there to show him a little kindness, a little decency, a little love–well, even the mantle of Batman couldn’t compare to something like that. 
God, he’d been so funny too. 
See, you just ain’t punched enough assholes tonight, B, that’s why you’re so fuckin’ bitchy.
Focus, Robin.
Only if you focus on not being a little bitch–
Swear jar’s getting awfully full at home–
It don’t count on patrol.
Yes it does. And it’s twice the charge with poor grammar.
Agent A said it don’t count if you provoke me–
If I provoke you?!
Yeah, if you’re on your period for the night and you go triggering my trauma and shit, I don’t owe nothin’, Old Man. Alf says–
NAMES, Robin.
Whatever, man, Agent A says to let him know if you traumatize me–
YOU asked ME to go on patrol tonight, you wouldn’t shut up about it–
Yeah, but ain’t nothin’ goin’ on, I’m bored.
And that’s traumatizing you, being bored.
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Imagine Omi and Chase having a matching set of Halloween costumes that's a vampire and his little bat
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Bat!Omi and Count Young!
No way. It is so cute I might draw that someday~
I would never consider such a Halloween combo because the implication Jack would dress as the vampire occupied my mind for a while. But thanks to you anon I can picture Jack and Chase as vampires and Omi as their adorable bat sibling/son!
Jack: And remember cheeseball. Tell them you'll drink their blood! Assert dominance as the king of this night! Be today's Halloween god!
Chase: Show no mercy, little one!
Omi: Ok! (goes to the nearest trick-or-treater group) Can I drink your blood, please?
Chase, hitting Jack's back: You have no right to reprimand him.
Omi, disappointingly: Chaase you promised NOT to hurt Jack today.
Chase: I'm sorry. He's testing my patience the whole evening.
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sofaeatspaint · 1 year
i love joining the neighborhood mom talk circle at new years. tell me about cheeseball night when my mom walked home drunk with an orange solo cup and a jug of cheeseballs! tell me about the bitchass landscaping guy who tried to gaslight you! tell me about the baseball coach who asked your son if he shits!
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huggybug · 2 years
laps around the sun - matty beniers
word count: 0.9k words
short and sweet fic because that picture matty posted yesterday really spoke to me hehe. ALSO it’s been so long since i posted something for this series but i’m determined to finish it so expect more to come very soon!
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series masterlist
The sun was setting on the horizon as you and Matty laid sprawled out on his parents’ patio furniture. Their house in Nantucket was your little sanctuary this summer, somewhere that you and Matty could live without a care in the world.
“We should get a place like this one day” You said carelessly. Your summer in Massachusetts was hands down the happiest you’ve been in a long time and whether it was because of the location or simple because Matty was here with you, it didn’t matter.
“Sure” He answered quickly.
You giggled, “You didn’t even think about it”
“Don’t have to. I’m down with anything you’re down for” Matty shrugged when you looked up at him curiously, “You should know, you don’t ever have to doubt it, you already know I’m all about it babe”
“Hm? What if I want to move to Mexico but you want to live in Switzerland?” Matty laughed at your question, leave it up to you to come up with the weirdest scenarios.
“I’m never going anywhere without you lady, don’t be crazy” Matty winked and you laughed, “You already got my lovin’ baby, I’m not stopping for nothing”
“You’re a cheeseball, Matthew Beniers” You scrunched up your face at him, laughing at the silly remark but Matty didn’t care how dumb it was, he was serious.
“Do you remember our first date?” Matty asks.
“Of course, you took me to the state fair and bam, Bob” Bob was the teddy bear that Matty won for you at a little booth that night. He was also known as your first son by the boys who also named him, Bob or Robert Bo Bobert, his full name crafted by none other than Mr. Brendan Brisson.
“I knew that night” He says simply and your eyebrows knit together in confusion.
You twisted around so that you were lying on your stomach and facing him, “Knew what?”
“That I love you liked crazy” He grinned and it made your heart flutter. No matter how many times he’s told you, it never got old.
“I love you too Matty”
“No like seriously, I’m gonna get you a ring one day, it’s us babe, forever” Matty was serious and he had never done anything to make you question him before so you believed him.
“Forever and ever” You agreed, “I’m gonna love you until the sun goes down and comes back up again”
“It’s a metaphor Matthew Samuel, it means I’ll never stop… duh”
“We’ll just be going around in circles then” Matty laughed.
“I’ll happily go in circles with you as long as I get to keep you for as long as possible” You we’re still young, it was a little crazy to be talking about your future like this but nothing felt too crazy when it came to Matty. He was a very logical person, he never said anything he didn’t mean and he always saw things through.
You on the other hand, were a dreamer, you longed for the fairytale ending and you were sure that Matty was it for you. The mixture of your two personalities seemed to mesh perfectly and it made your relationship have a perfect balance.
“You’ve got me for as long as you’d like” Matty kissed your forehead gently.
“We’ll never be done taking laps around the sun” You promised, keeping the words light to relieve some of the tension and Matty nodded, reaching to hold onto your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
“You make loving you so easy, so fun” Matty mumbled. “I never want the summer to end” The end of summer meant your return to Michigan while Matty went back to Seattle for his rookie season. It wasn’t something you were particularly looking forward to and it was definitely something you had both been avoiding.
“While we're up here, it’s like our own little world” You sighed happily. You didn’t want to pop the bubble. It was something you two built up over the past couple months, staying away from everything and everyone to just soak up the time with each other.
“I know but we’ll make it through, right?” You could hear the slight wavering in his voice and you knew it was because of the stress of hockey and the distance, not your relationship itself.
If you were being honest, the distance terrified you. He was all the way on the west coast and going through such a drastic life change, you were a little nervous to find out how you’d fit into his life.
“Yeah… we’ll be okay” You weren’t planning on breaking up but stuff happens, you knew it would be ridiculous to assume you’d be together forever with no worries.
Matty’s fingers started playing with the ends of your hair as you two sat in silence. “I don’t want anything to happen to us”
You took a deep breath, trying to bring the energy back to how it was before, desperate for your happy little bubble again. “Laps around the sun babe, I’m telling you”
“You make me crazy” Matty grinned lazily.
“You love it” You chirped back.
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thebonnielass · 2 years
back to normal
a fem! reader x jesse rodriguez drabble.
word count: 1,605
just some pointless fluff beyond this point.
You woke up to a pair of warm lips pressed against your cool forehead. You groaned, snuggling even more into his embrace.
"Babe, I really need to go..."
Whining, you buried your face in his chest, your ear just above his heart. "No." He laughed, his chest rumbling with the vibration of his voice.
"I need to go see my Mom, remember?" You could hear the smile on his lips as he gently carded his fingers through your bedhead. "I'm sure she wants to see me as soon as possible."
"Fine." You pouted before removing yourself from his warmth. Taking a hold of a pillow, you turned away from him and snuggled into the pillow's comfort, muttering, "Can't argue with that. Good night."
You felt a hand snake around your waist. He chuckled. "I knew you liked your sleep, but I didn't know you're such a grump in the mornings." His thumb rubbed at the sliver of skin of your waist after your top rode up your torso in your sleep.
You turned back around to him. Opening one eye, you frowned, "Only when I'm losing my cuddle buddy."
His grin widened. Jesse's arms pulled you closer, pressing his body flush against yours. With a sigh, he settled his chin atop your head. "I'm sorry, babe. I really need to go and see Mom. I've been gone for a week. She must be worried sick about her only dazzlingly handsome son."
Even in the mornings he liked to joke. You playfully swatted his arm and giggled, all vestiges of sleep lost to this lovable cheeseball.
"Didn't you text her last night before we went to bed?"
"Mhm," he smiled wryly. "And she only scolded me for an entire hour on the phone."
You laughed. "Serves you right." Pinching his cheeks, you added, "You should never worry your Mom."
“I won’t,” he held a hand over his heart. “This is the last time. Promise.”
“Good.” You yawned.
Comfortable silence fell in the room, the only sound you could hear is the birds chirping outside your window and the rustling of the tree on your front porch.
"Actually..." He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, smiling softly. "You want to come with?"
"Come with?"
"Yeah, to see Mom," Jesse said. "You already know she loves you. I'm sure she'd love to see you. You’ve been gone for so long, after all."
"I don't know, Jesse..." You bit your lip. "I don't want to interrupt your family time. It was only just last night that you were literally dead and we were trying to sus out your murderer who turned out to be one of our bestfriends—"
"Okay, okay! Enough of that–we’ve had enough of that last night! Anyway, you’re not interrupting anything," he pressed a small kiss on the tip of your nose. "Don't worry your pretty little head about that because you're already part of the family." He winked. "I’m sure Mom's prepared for it all these years."
Your cheeks flushed. "Jesse!"
"I mean, I've never really shut up about you since I was fourteen—"
"I can't believe you."
"My mom's probably resigned to the fact that you're going to end up marrying into our family—"
A smile played on your lips. "What makes you so sure of that?"
Jesse ignored your comment and continued, "You know what, she may have already put your name in the family register after she met you—"
"Jesse!" You hid your face in your palms.
Jesse laughed, prying your hands from your face. "Aw, is future Mrs. Rodriguez embarrassed?"
"I am literally going to ban kissing if you don't stop."
He zipped his lips shut. You peeked behind your hands and was pleasantly surprised to see him patiently waiting for you, lips pursed shut.
"Good boy," you giggled, reaching over to tousle his bedhead, his usual carefully put-together hairstyle ruined by sleep.
You swung your leg off the bed, about to head into the bathroom when an arm suddenly wrapped around your waist, pulling you back to bed. Trying to wriggle free, you glared weakly at Jesse. "Jesse, what the hell?"
Jesse shot you an innocent look, gesturing to his tightly shut lips. You rolled your eyes fondly and nodded reluctantly. "Okay, okay. You can talk now."
He pretended to be lacking breath and gasped hard. You scoffed playfully. “You’re such a dork.”
Then, you tried to leave again. “I’m going now, okay? You should get a move on if you don’t want to get scolded more.”
Jesse pulled you back again, pouting. “Wait, aren’t you forgetting something?”
“Hm? What?”
He clutched his chest and whimpered.
“Jesse, you’re ridiculous,” you giggled. “Just tell me!”
“You promised me a good morning kiss last night!” Jesse pouted. “I wanted another kiss last night, and you told me I could claim it in the morning!”
“I…” You paused, before laughing. “I cannot believe you!”
“Best believe it, baby,” he puckered his lips. “Now plant one on these here lips.”
“Stop talking like that.”
“I will, if you give me what you owe me.”
Rolling your eyes, you returned and crawled back into bed where Jesse stared at you with eager anticipation. Cupping his cheek, you coaxed his face closer to yours, his breath brushing your lips.
“Mm, good morning,” you said before pulling him into a soft, tender kiss. Jesse’s arms immediately went to wrap around your waist, guiding you onto his lap. The kiss gradually shifted from soft and tender to hot and heavy, your gasps and little moans swallowed by Jesse’s lips.
You pulled away before it could get any further and glared weakly at your boyfriend. “Jesse Rodriguez! That was not our agreement!”
“You liked it,” he shrugged with a boyish grin.
You didn’t want to admit it, but yes. Yes, you did like it. Very much.
Thankfully, Jesse was never the type to push for verbal confirmation. He reluctantly let you go and ushered you to the bathroom. “I’m going to brew us some coffee, you get ready, okay?”
“Hey, Jesse?”
His voice was distant, but clear enough to comprehend. “Yeah, babe?”
“Can you come here and help me?”
He entered the room and found you inside the bathroom, struggling to zip up your dress from behind, your hair draped over your shoulder, exposing your nape.
Jesse leaned against the doorframe and watched you from behind. You noticed him watching through the mirror and shot him a pleading look. “Please help?”
He could never deny you anything.
Jesse came up behind you and held the zipper in between his fingers. He pulled it up slowly, as if he was savoring the moment. Before he fully zipped it up, he leaned over to press a soft kiss on your nape. You flushed red at the shiver that shot through your body. And without much struggle, your zipper closed, the dress fitting your form like a glove.
“Mhm, this looks like a new dress,” he observed as you did a little twirl.
You winked. “I got it last week! Isn’t it nice?”
“It’s more than that,” he pulled you by the waist. “It’s absolutely perfect on you, babe.”
You cupped his cheek. “Good answer.” Holding his chin, you pull him down to meet your lips. Jesse obliged immediately, his arms wrapping around you and forcing you even closer to his body.
You stayed there, in your little bubble of warmth and intimacy when your phone suddenly beeped. Pulling away from his lips, you reached out for your phone, only to see a message from your mother.
“They’re coming home early,” you mused. “That’s new.”
Jesse blinked, still dazed from the kiss. “Who?”
“My parents. Remember, they were out of town for that “conference”…Though I’m pretty sure it was a date of sorts for them. Not sure why they would hide it from me, though. They deserve it.”
He rubbed his chin. “Oh, then shouldn’t we invite them to dinner tonight at my place?”
“Jesse!” You squawked, smacking his arm lightly.
“What?” He pouted. “It’s not like they don’t already know me! And what’s two more people?”
“Meeting the parents already? Really?”
“I’ve met your parents and you’ve met my Mom! So what?”
“You’re really not bothered by how fast this is going, huh?” You asked, amused, with your arms crossed over your chest.
Jesse only grinned. “Why would I be? I know we’re forever, baby.”
“God, you’re such a cheese ball.”
“And how is this going fast?” Jesse sighed. “Have you forgotten the ‘I pined for you since I was fourteen’ part?”
“Oh. Right.”
“We’re just picking up from where we left off.” He took hold of your hands and squeezed. “So..?” He wiggled his eyebrows at you. “Are you asking them to come?”
You stared at him blankly for a few moments before heaving out a sigh. “You sure your Mom won’t mind two more people coming?”
“Oh, you know she’s always so excited to have people to feed,” he waved her off. “She’s used to feeding a village, babe.”
“True,” you giggled. “I think I still feel full from that one lunch I had over at yours.” You took your phone and typed in a message to your parents before shoving it in your bag. “Alright. I messaged them.”
“Are you really fine with not showering?” You asked, looking Jesse from head to toe. “I can lend you one of my Dad’s shirts.”
“Nah, it’s fine,” he shook his head. “I can just freshen up when I get home. Besides…” Jesse shot you a cheeky grin. “I like smelling you on me.”
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Hi! I saw prompt #196 and damn, I couldn't stop thinking about Andy 🥴
I hope this isn't too out there hahaha.
Work It Out
Warnings: implied noncon, cheating, two faced Andy
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You hate everything. It feels like no matter what you do, you can't win. You're starving, you're sore, and exhausted. And the scale hasn't ticked a single number down. You were trying everything those fad diets and fitness guides told you. You just couldn't seem to shed the extra pounds.
Your days at the gym grew no less uncomfortable as you look around and see enviable bodies, younger, older, all of the above. Every body that wasn't yours.
You turn up the belt until you're jogging, almost too fast until you're sure you'll fall on your face. You try to meter your pants and keep from hanging your mouth open, instead puffing through your nose. 
You wipe your forehead and feel a trickle of sweat on your lip as you brace the metal handbars and keep your feet moving. You bat away droplets with your lashes and flick away that on your lip with your tongue. You shakily pull on your shirt to air out the dampness and nearly stumble.
“Did you just look me up and down and bite your lip?" The deep voice startles you and you clasp tightly to the machines as your soles crash down clumsily, "Cause if you did, we’re having sex right now.”
You saw the man every day as you went to the same treadmill. You would guess he's 40, maybe older, and in peak shape for one half his age. He leans an elbow on your machine as you gape at him and stammer at how he arches a brow. Your grip slips and you go hurtling back as you fall to your knees and fly off the back of the machine.
"Oh shit," you hear him as you catch yourself on your hands and gasp for air, muscles shaking, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to break your concentration."
You hear a beep and the belt stills before he nears you. He kneels down and touches your shoulder as you lift your head.
"I think… um, I misread the situation, I thought you were looking at me," he chuckles nervously, "are you okay?"
"I'm fine," you sit back on your heels and rub your hip, "just mortified."
"I really didn't…" he pauses and drops his hand from your shoulder, "wow, I should be embarrassed. These last two weeks I thought… well I thought you were looking at me and, geez, that guy on the lift machine must have thought I was winking at him."
"I don't know--" you touch your chest as you catch your breath, "what?"
"Can't blame a guy for trying," he shrugs and stands up, offering his hand, "get a bit carried away watching you… that sounds weird, I'm sorry."
You take his hand and let him pull you up. You nod and smile awkwardly. "I'm flattered," you say thinly, "but… what would your wife think?"
You let go of his hand and look pointedly at his ring. He gives a tight-lipped smile and sucks his teeth, "separated… I just, uh, feel naked without it."
"Oh, sorry," you cringe, "that sounds, uh, complicated."
"Not really, just had to go to a new gym so I didn't see her with the other man," he scoffs, "that's too much information, huh?"
"You know, you just watched me land on my ass, I wouldn't worry about it," you wave him off, "but uh…" you try not to let your eyes drift but they do. He's fit and fine and you can't imagine any woman cheating on him but that ring was a problem, "look, I do mean it, it's flattering but I'd rather wait until you can take the ring off. It's… not something I wanna step in, you know?"
"Makes sense," his smile fell, "so…" he wiggles the ring off and tucks it into his pocket.
"Um," you look around but no one else seems to notice you or the man.
"Oh uh that was just an awful line," he shakes his head, "we can start with drinks."
You squint at him and bite your lip. His eyes follow and you make yourself stop.
"That's so hot," he says, "you sure you weren't looking at me?"
"You sure you were looking at me?" You counter, "uh, a drink sounds… fine but I might stick to water, as you saw I'm not great on my feet."
"Sure, I gotta finish my cool down but do you know The Frog?"
"Yeah, just down the block," you fill in.
"I'll be there at…" he checks his apple watch, "seven? Can I expect you?"
"Mhmmm," you nod nervously, half disbelieving and half humiliated.
"Andy," he offers his name and his hand. You shake it and give your own. 
He winks and you try to hold a smile. You watch him go back to the weight bench before you retrieve your water bottle and retreat. You could hit the shower before the bsr and at least save a little face.
You walk into the bar before you can lose your nerve. You look around in the dim light, certain this is a cruel trick. That man could not be interested in you. Even if he was halfway a divorce, it was too good to be true. You won't be surprised if you're stood up.
"Hey," you see the wave of the hand and hear the half shout. 
You let out your breath and cross to the tall table in the corner. You smile and climb up on the stool across from Andy. He returns the gesture and looks over as a server approaches.
"Are we finally ready?" She asks sweetly.
"Stella," he orders and nods at you. You order a diet coke and the server smiles at Andy before she walks away. 
"I hope you weren't waiting long," you say. 
"Nope," he says coolly, "you know, one drink couldn't hurt. It might ease the sting a little from earlier too."
"Hmm," you grin sheepishly, "there's not enough gin in the world for that."
"Oh, a gin girl, I'll keep that in mind," he smirks, "so how was the rest of your work out?"
"A work out," you scoff, "I thought exercise was supposed to be relaxing."
"Certain kinds are more effective," he lifts a brow and you roll your eyes at the flirty remark.
"Wow, you're such a cheeseball," you giggle.
"I'll take it," he says, "I usually get meatball, all brawn no brain."
"That's yet to be determined," you jibe and sit back as the server returns with your drinks and you thank her. 
"No pressure," he says dryly, "none at all."
You laugh again. This Is easier than you expect. You've never been the smoothest and he was probably the best looking guy you ever talked to. No guy with his eyes and his jawline saw you past the skinny blondes and stunning insta models.
You lose track of time and finish your drink. You excuse yourself to the bathroom and only then realise how Andy's progressively shifted his stool around so he's right beside you. You need to take a breath. 
You feel lighter when you come out from the bathroom and pass another woman on her way in. You slow as you get to the bar as you find Andy with his phone to his ear. You near quietly, hoping not to disturb his call.
"No, I'm still at the office," he says, "yeah… no I forgot to grab the dry cleaning, Laurie. Tomorrow, okay? Right, bye, hon."
He hangs up and you realise he's lying to the woman on the phone and you. You brush by his seat and grab your purse from the back of the chair where you slung it.  He flinches as you pull out your wallet.
"So Laurie, that your wife?" You pick through your bills, "doesn't sound like you're separated."
"Woah, come on, let me explain," he tries to push your wallet away and you toss a five on the table, the tip would be as much as the drink itself.
"Explain what?" You rolls your eyes and scowl, "I'm so stupid."
You storm away and hear him shuffle before his stool wobbles and his steps follow you out into the night. He catches your arm and pulls you back before you can hail a cab.
"Look, I…" he drops his head, "we may as well be separated okay? She hasn't touched me in over a year, I sleep on the couch in my office… all we do is fight."
"So? Either get counselling or cut ties, but I'm not fucking with a married man--"
"I… I'm waiting until my son goes to college," he says desperately as you shrug him off.
"And in the meantime what? You pick up fat girls at the gym to fill the void--"
"You're the only girl--"
"Besides your wife," you spit, "wow, I feel special."
You turn and try to raise your hand. It's caught in mid air and you're pulled back by the back of your shirt. You look around but you're too far down for the bouncer to see you and there's no one else passing by. 
Andy's thick arm snakes around your neck and his bicep pushes your chin up. He drags you around the corner and forces you toward an SUV. You bring your feet up and hit the side with your soles.
"The fuck?"
"Please, don't act like I'm not doing you a favour, honey," he gropes your ass as you struggle with him.
"Get off," you grunt as his hand slips over your hip and he turns you as he rips the door open. 
"Shhh," he pushes you up into the back seat and you slip down on the floor.
You push yourself up and huff on your stomach. You reach to the other door as he climbs in behind you and the doors click as you grab the handle. He straddles your ass as his hand covers your mouth and he bends over you. 
He presses his cheek to your temple and hushes you again. You see the shadows of pedestrians and their voices as they pass just outside. You murmur into his palm and claw at the door helplessly. Their steps fade into the distance as Andy grinds his crotch against your ass.
"Honey," he growls through his teeth, "I know you were looking at me…"
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kiirokero · 3 years
Outro: Love is Not Over (14)
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Pairing: Daycare Teacher! Hoseok x Single Mom! Reader.
Genre: Single Parent! AU, Teacher! AU, Hybrid! AU, Fluff, Angst, Adorable Kids,
Warnings: Swearing, if that needs a warning
Word Count: 2.8K
Note: AFK :’) Oh my god please don’t let this suck in the morning 
Summary: Years after a relationship goes south. You are the single mother of a beautiful 6-year-old golden retriever hybrid who you named Yunho. He is the light of your life. Yunho is everything to you, and you’d do anything for him. But you’re a human. Yunho doesn’t care, he will tell you he doesn’t. “You’re still my Eomma. No matter what.” He says. But you can’t help but feel like you will never be enough for him. You can’t be the mother he deserves. You can’t show him the ropes of being a hybrid, and you can’t teach him things the other moms can. But you try. You try your damn hardest. So, when a handsome German Shepard hybrid comes into your life, helping you and guiding Yunho in a way you can’t, you can’t help the cozy home he sets up in your heart.
Chapter Guide:
Previous / Next
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It had rained the previous night.
    Nothing drastic, but it was enough to make the forest around me and Hoseok dewy. Occasionally, a spare raindrop would fall from the leaves above onto Hoseok's head and he’d squeak in surprise, looking up at the culprit tree with a pout and lowered ears. Every time. It was endearing. The way his eyes lit up at any pretty flower we would pass, how he smiled so widely when he put one of them behind my ear, how he vowed to protect me from any scary creatures that lurked in the forest. (If I was being honest, Hoseok was the only one worried about that)
    I came here because I sorted out my feelings and was ready to let them spill, but now I’m second guessing myself. If perfect didn’t exist, then why is Jung Hoseok here? Why is he by my side, rambling about the “macaroni art disaster” that happened last Tuesday, and why am I listening with a smile on my face? Why is he here with me? I spent years chasing after a “perfect life” with a man who didn’t give two shits about me, just to have perfection on legs waltz into my life and wiggle into the heart of not only me, but my son too.
   I was a broken mirror. Still functional, aesthetic, and usable, but compared to the crystal chandelier that was Hoseok, I was nothing but that annoying piece of glitter that’s follows people around since their arts and crafts day at Kindergarten. Why would the crystal want the glass when the crystal is pure perfection?
    Jung Hoseok shattered the image of perfect I had in my head and replaced it with a prettier one. Perfection used to be having a nice house, a nice family, living a debt free life. Perfection was the expectations forced upon me by my family at a young age, and I rolled with it out of fear of disappointment. Then Jung Hoseok showed up with his pretty brown eyes and lovable personality and rocked the boat saying,
“Perfection isn’t perfect. Perfection is what makes you happy.”
   Perfection is what makes you happy, and god did Jung Hoseok make me the happiest I’ve been in years. I wanted to bottle that happiness up and cuddle it to sleep. Every single second he was with me I was happy, and I used to hate it. Now I can’t imagine my life without it...
  “Hoseok, when I asked if you could watch Yunho, I wasn’t expecting to come home to this.” I chuckled. Both Hoseok and Yunho looked like deer caught in headlights, but I could see the small itch of a smile on Hoseok’s face. “But Eomma! I had a sore throat,” Yunho whined, his lips stained blue and his face was slowly turning red.
   “And popsicles cure sore throats?” I asked playfully. I wasn’t mad, no, because I knew that even if Yunho ate popsicles now, he’d still scarf down his dinner. No problem. “...Mr. Hoseok said it would,” Yuhno snitched.
   Hoseok gasped in faux offense, getting a giggle out of the younger hybrid. “I feel betrayed!” He said in an overly dramatic voice, causing Yunho to laugh harder. I couldn’t help but laugh along with them
Perfection isn’t perfect. Perfection is what makes you happy.
   “Did he fall asleep?” Hoseok asked, looking down at Yunho who was currently lost in dreamland, drooling on my shoulder. “Mhm, I guess all that playing at the park tired him out,” I chuckled, kissing Yunho on the cheek, making sure not to jostle him too much. 
  Hoseok looked at us fondly, the slightest of smiles on his face. “What?” I asked with a smile of my own. Hoseok merely shrugged, “The two of you are cute, that’s all,” He said, looking down to kick a rock that was on the sidewalk. I blushed, holding Yunho just a tad bit tighter. “Thank you,” I said. Hoseok looked back at me. 
“You’re a wonderful mom,”
“I like to think so,”
It’s what makes you happy...
   “I can go. You don’t have to feel like you need to keep me here,” Hoseok offered gently. The moonlight that shone through the drawn curtains of the living room illuminated his warm features perfectly. The slope of his nose, the curve of his eyes, the upturn of his smile. I wonder what Michelangelo was thinking when he sculpted Hoseok. Probably something in Italian. 
   I grabbed his hand, dragging him back to the couch. “No, you can stay. If you want to, of course... I’d like to chill with you,” I said with somewhat trembling hands and an erratic heart. “You would?” He asked, stars painted in his eyes. I nodded, sitting down on the couch. Hoseok immediately took the space beside me, one of his arms on the back of the couch behind me and the other on his lap. 
  Hoseok sighed, “Adult time,” He joked. “I’m a single mother. My ‘adult time’ is my nap time,” I chuckled, sinking down into the cushions. “Hmm, well, if that’s the case, should we put on a movie until you fall asleep?” He suggested, one of his brows raised. “What about you, though? Leaving you to explore my own dreamland is a bit rude, don’t you think?” I asked, raising my brow as well. 
   “Then let me ask a followup question. Is it okay if I crash on your couch for the night?” He asked cheekily, as if he knew that I couldn’t refuse him. “Hm, I guess,” I sighed sarcastically. I was unable to hide my smile though. “Great!” Hoseok exclaimed, taking the blanket that laid next to him and draping it over us, snuggling up to me. “Is this okay?” He asked. 
“Y-yeah... This is okay,”
The pancakes I made in the morning with a giggly Yunho and a smiling Hoseok tasted sweeter than normal. 
Perfection isn’t perfect. Perfection is what makes you happy. 
And I hoped I could be selfish just for today to secure my happiness for tomorrow. 
   “Y/n, are you okay? Earth to Y/n~” Hoseok called in a singsong voice, poking one of my arms, dragging me out of my flashbacks. Startled, I nodded with a hum, nervously twiddling with my fingers. “Mhm,” Hoseok chuckled, “We’re here.” I looked at our surroundings, realizing that I left Hoseok in awkward silence all the way through the trail. (It wasn’t awkward, Hoseok thought it was comfortable)
   I gasped, “O-Oh! Oh... we are,” Hoseok smiled, grabbing my hand and leading me off the trail into a small clearing of vibrant green grass and small white daisies. He put down the basket he had in his hand and pulled out a cliche red checkered picnic blanket. “Cheeseball,” I giggled. Hoseok stuck his tongue out at me playfully, obviously proud of his blanket choices. He laid it out on the grass, making sure it was prim and proper before turning to me with a beaming smile, encouraging me to sit down. 
   I did as he silently asked and sat down on the blanket, thankful to give my legs a break. It was soft, I noticed, perfect for taking a nap in the afternoon sun. Hoseok plopped down next to me, his tail furiously wagging back and forth as he pulled out various different food containers from the basket. “So, I may have gone a bit... Overboard... But I just wanted to make you at least one thing that you’d liked.” He smiled, unashamed of his actions and more satisfied, like he was overachieving on a school project. “Hoseok, I’m sure I’d call your PB&J’s gourmet,” I chuckled, taking a hold of the chopsticks he was offering me. 
  Hoseok laughed along, opening the first container and placing it in between us. It looked like Kkakdugi. “What if we taste test each dish and decide on our favorites? Then we can eat those,” He suggested, and I nodded along. I’d honestly go along with anything he’d say. Hoseok picked up a piece of radish, holding it up to my lips. I leaned away for a second, cocking a brow. “Here,” He said, pressing the food to my lips again. I relented and let him feed me the radish. 
  I sighed, closing my eyes and basking in the sweet and slightly spicy taste. “If everything is this good, I’m going to have to hibernate for a year after this,” I said, somewhat seriously, somewhat jokingly. Hoseok laughed, falling back onto the blanket in a fit of giggles. “We’d better get on it then,” He said. 
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“Not to be mean, but how do you burn kimchi?”
   Hoseok covered his face in embarrassment, rolling on his side so he didn’t have to look at my teasing smile. “I don’t know! I mean, maybe the burnt taste was something else,” He argued back with a pout. We were currently full and happy, laid on our back and looking up at the orange sky, pointing out oddly shaped clouds. And talking about how Hoseok managed to burn Baechu-Kimchi.
Also, avoiding the entire reason I asked Hoseok to hang out with me today...
   It was hard! No matter how many times I practiced in the mirror the previous or hyped myself up in my head, he would smile or laugh or say something in that sultry voice of his, and my mind would blank. I was fighting with the mini Hyejin on my shoulder that was acting like a furious grandmother, constantly pulling at my ear and saying, “Dumb dumb, just spill it,” 
   “Hey, are you okay?” Hoseok spoke up suddenly. I turned my head towards him, catching his pretty brown eyes immediately. His soft brunette was falling over his face gently, occasionally moving whenever the breeze blew through. “W-What?” I asked, shaking myself out of whatever trance he manages to put me in whenever we lock eyes. 
   Hoseok chuckled, his dark brown ears twitching slightly when a leaf landed on one of them. “You’ve been out of it a lot today. Also, I can tell you're anxious,” He said, “What’s bothering you, buttercup?” He asked, and I felt my ears heat up at the pet name. Stupid Y/n just speak words, you’re literally a journalist. “Um, I just have some things on my mind,” If this were a drama, and I happened to be the main character, fans of the show would probably be screaming at their tv screens right now. 
    “Do you want to talk about it?” Hoseok asked. “I should, I really should,” I sighed. I could tell my words confused Hoseok, but he left a space for me to speak nonetheless, giving me a smile of encouragement. Just say something, anything. Alright, okay. 1... 2... 3... Go! “I wish I met you 6 years ago,” I blurted out, backtracking once I realized what I said. “No... 5 years ago, cause then I’d still have Yunho,” 
Hoseok giggled slightly. “And why’s that?” 
“Because then life wouldn’t have been as hard...” I answered honestly
   Hoseok had a baffled look on his face. I looked back up at the sky, distracting myself with the pretty formations of clouds and let my subconscience do the work and talk, finally letting it all out. Hoseok’s ears stood at attention when I opened my mouth again. “It's always been Yunho and I... Him and I against the world.” I started.
“Like his cartoon?” Hoseok asked. 
“Like his cartoon,” I smiled. 
   I took a deep breath. “It’s obvious that my last relationship didn’t end well, and that it still effects me to this day... I remember even swearing to myself that I would never fall in love again, but then... This Jung Hoseok dude came along,” I snickered, pretending I was alone and this was another practice run. It made things easier. Hoseok stayed silent. “He came along with his handsome face, warm smile and amazing personality. God, he even made me jealous sometimes...” 
“I’m sure there’s no reason to be jealous.”
   “Oh, but there is. He’s amazing, absolutely amazing. Not just because he memorizes all my favorites or makes it his mission to make me smile, but because he’s amazing with my kid. He’s amazing with my kid in a way that I can’t be.” I stressed. 
“What do you-” 
   “Human mom and hybrid son, I mean, those are total opposites,” I joked, cutting Hoseok off. “Often times I would second guess myself as a mother and worry if I was teaching Yunho the right things but then Jung Hoseok came in and eased my worries. He took Yunho under his wing and the both of us couldn’t be happier,” I rambled, unaware of the blinding smile Hoseok was shooting at me. “We both don’t know what we would do if he drifted away one day,”
“He won’t”
   I finally gathered the courage to look at him. If the stars were in his eyes before, then andromeda was in them now. His dimpled smile and wrinkled eyes melted my heart. “Yeah, that’s why I’m saying all this in hopes that he’s picking up what I’m putting down,” I mumbled. “What are you putting down?” He asked. “That Jung Hoseok stole my heart and I’m not mad about it.”
   Hoseok suddenly stood up, reaching his hand down to offer me help up. I quirked a brow. But Hoseok eased my worries with a simple “Trust me,” I put my hand in his, and he enthusiastically pulled me up, causing me to fall into his chest. He steadied me with his hands on my waist, and I looked up at him, still confused. “I wasn’t done, ya know,” I pouted. “Well then, continue,” He chuckled. 
“I was saying that Jung Hoseok should know about my insecurities and emotional baggage that he would have to deal with if he wanted to be with me,”
“It’s not ‘dealing with it’ It’s accepting your flaws as a part of you, and I love every part of you,” Hoseok said, leaning closer into me. 
“Mhm, that’s what I said.”
   Hoseok leaned in even closer until we pressed our foreheads together. Neither of us said anything, we just looked into each other's eyes, comfortably this time, with nothing but the forest ambiance to break the silence. “I’m telling you, Jung, there is a lot of baggage,” I sighed somberly. “And I’m willing to help you cope with it,” He said. “I have a kid, Jung,” I pointed out, subconsciously trying to find any deal breaker now rather than later.
   “I know, and he’s adorable.” He smiled. “That doesn’t make you feel weird?” I asked. Hoseok shook his head. “Not at all. When I said every part of you, I meant it Y/n,” He stressed, bring up one of his hands to cup my face. “You’re so nice it’s annoying sometime,” I joked, leaning into his touch. Hoseok merely laughed. 
I don’t know how it happened.
Or why I didn’t realize it. 
    Slowly but surely, we leaned in, looking each other in the eye until mine closed. I felt Hoseok’s soft lips on my own only moments after. It was like breathing for the first time. The feeling that erupted in my chest was addictive. I could already tell that much. If I was freezing, this kiss would warm me up. If I was hurt, this kiss was like ice on a wound. This kiss was pure relief. Relief that I finally spoke up, relief that I didn’t chicken out. 
Relief that I could finally be happy.
   Hoseok’s lips were like saccharine marshmallows created by the gentlest of deities. The heart shape of them fit perfectly against my own, like our lips were lost puzzle pieces needed to create the perfect picture of happiness. His earthy forest scent filled my nose. It used to be calming. Now it was downright hypnotic. His hands felt like warm embers against my skin, surrounding me in a shroud of warmth and comfort.
   I gripped my hands in his coat, pulling him even closer than he already was. I wanted to feel nothing but his warm embrace. I felt his lips curve into a smile as he kissed me deeper, bringing me farther into his trance. My knees were on the verge of buckling, but I willed them to stay still so I could savor this moment just a bit longer. Just a bit more. 
   Hoseok pulls away slightly to let out a sigh that hit my red lips. We were still pressed close. The slightest of breezes could blow me over and his soft lips would be on mine again. “Look at what you do to me,” Hoseok whispered, looking me in my eyes with his lidded ones that were filled with adoration. I was confused for a minute before I felt something soft hit my leg. I looked down, holding back a giggle when I saw Hoseok’s tail swinging madly, faster than I’ve seen it go before. 
“I’m happy too,”
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“You knew I had a crush on you, didn’t you?”
“I mean, I'm a hybrid so I can smell it...”
“Embarrassment can’t begin to describe how I feel,”
“Aww but it was cute.”
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Tag List: @kurochan3 @mrcleanheichou @anonymous-armys-blog @bella-raina @purelyecstacy @lindsayjoy444  @unicornbabylover @xicanacorpse @creatorspalace @thesweetest-peas​ @fangirl125reader​ 
© KiiroKero
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135 notes · View notes
presidenthades · 1 month
that comic is so cute and sweet! Cheeseball is truly his father's son in every aspect and look at those beautiful wings that auntie Hel made for him 🥺 he's undoubtedly the most spoiled baby in westeros *sighs* I miss my golden family... is there a lavander fic update in the near future?
First in the update queue is Chapter 6 of Compromised, which I hope can go out this weekend.🤞
I was originally going to keep focusing on Compromised, but seeing the finished comic has killed me in the best way 💘. So I might work on Lavender after this weekend! It just depends on my inspiration, and the comic was very inspiring 🥰.
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detective4blog · 3 years
An absolute clusterfuck of Sebastian headcanons:
Bisexual himbo??? Doesn't conform to gender but also doesn't care enough to actually say what gender identity is????
Absolutely hates the cold, makes his scars all achy and just overall he hates the cold, absolutely a miserable bastard in it.
Speaking of scars moving onto location and origin BECAUSE I FINALLY FIGURED THAT SHIT OUT
Scar across his nose from a fight, faded but still visible
Scar that runs over his lip, another fight. His nickname is Basher for a reason folks!
Tiger scars, starts just below his collar bone and ends at his hips, lost a nipple because of this. This isn't really a headcanon it's canon in Hounds of the D'Ubervilles, I just make 'em long
Scar across his back, starts at shoulder blade, ends like in the middle of his back. Got it from an accident while hiking.
Stab wound scar on his lower back, also not a headcanon, another one from HOTD. He didn't go into why he was stabbed in the lower back with a dagger so yeehaw folks. And thus concludes the section of his scars.
Only really drinks whiskey, kinda hates all other kinds of alcohol.
Certain fabrics irritate his scars so he's very picky when it comes to clothes.
Hates wearing suits, only wears one when Jim convinces him (or orders him enough)
Doesn't know how the fuck he became right hand man, half the time he just was brutally honest when Jim asked for feedback on whatever the fuck he was doing
Listening to Jim ramble is one of the many things Sebastian loves doing. Unless the ramble is about Sherlock. Then he's grumpy as shit.
Younger brother! By five years. Don't ask why it's so specific.
Speaking of age he's also younger than Jim. Only by like a couple years? Idk.
Dog person!! He fuckin loves dogs. Not too fond of cats but give him a while and he'll tolerate a cat's existance.
Copes with humor.
Horrible sleep schedule no matter what, he kinda hates that
Kinda sorta adopts like any kids on the street who like would accept his help. Also gets kids out of abusive households.
Cannot cook for the fucking life of him.
An absolute flirt, will flirt at any time, a legend at it despite my shit writing
Dramatic asshole. Possibly more dramatic than Jim
Kinda has a high pain tolerance whoops.
Tries to take care of his mental health but also doesn't know what the fuck he's doing so...
Was a gun for hire before being hired by Jim, absolutely hated being a gun for hire, bitches about it all the time.
He only knows how to waltz and he's rusty as shit at that.
Finds it funny that jealous coworkers assume that he got to the position he's in because of sleeping with the boss. At first it bothered him but he mentioned it to Jim who finds it fucking hilarious.
However he hates the phrase "glorified attack dog" being used to describe him.
Loves to show off. Absolutely fucking adores it. Cocky son of a bitch.
Sunny weather is best weather
Secretly a romantic cheeseball
Falls in love really fast and hard whoops
Cannot resist making jokes whenever someone asks about his body count. Because both are high.
Not ashamed for being a slutty sniper! Nobody can shame this bastard he had FUN damnit
Has a lip ring piercing, kinda forgot to mention it, first time Jim saw it he was absolutely shocked and then flustered because metal kink I mean what.
Sucks at shooter games and that pisses him off
Anyway that's it for now I'm sorry half of these are crack.
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wastelandcth · 3 years
costco kisses - cth
summary: calum takes his family to costco. part two of conversations and costco 
anon requested:  I think we deserve part2 in Costco with dovey(specifically pregnant dovey.) imagine little Charlie explaining to her about all the things papa told him the first time as if she doesn't know what hot cheetos are🥺 and how to not ride the chickens ride🥺 and Charlie standing in front of a cheeseball box that's about his size!🥺 and she's crying because she can't decide about the roomba! and she's hormonal!🥺 and then more crying because they buy a bulk of diapers for baby🥺hormones! tiny human!🥺
author’s notes: i hope you guys enjoy the doves and a very pregnant and hormonal dovey! 
warnings: mentions of pregnancy
masterlist || request || more doves
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The chilly February morning made Calum move throughout the house a little slower, the steaming cup of tea in his hands bringing him warmth. He'd been up for an hour now, trying to convince himself to get ready for the day ahead when all he really wanted to do was stay in bed with his lovely wife. But when Dovey, who was almost seven months pregnant and whose belly kept her up almost all night tossing and turning, had woken up with the sun Calum had no choice but to get out of bed too. By the time Calum had made it out of bed and into the kitchen, Dovey had looked up to show him what she had been working on. The  decorations for the nursery were cut out of pink and purple glitter cardstock, little fairies with wings that sparkled whenever the sunlight hit them. Ever since Dovey had found out they'd be having a girl, she claimed that handmade decorations would mean more to their little girl who was due in a few weeks time. 
"I need to go to Costco today," Calum said as he took a seat next to his wife, glancing over at the baby monitor that showed Charlie was still very much asleep. "Did you want me to take Charlie and give you some time alone?" 
The idea of Dovey being home alone this far into her pregnancy left Calum anxious. Last time, when Charlie was still in the womb and Calum had thought that labor and delivery would be no big deal, he'd ended up leaving a meeting without saying goodbye to anyone and rushing to Dovey at home so he could drive them to the hospital. But Calum also knew that the farther along Dovey got in the pregnancy, the more tired she was. She'd go run errands at the grocery store and then lay down for hours afterwards, with swollen feet and tired eyes to try and entertain Charlie. 
"It's fine, I can go with you, I want to pick up some things too." Dovey mumbled, struggling to get up from the couch, "I want to check out their baby stuff too, see if we can find one of those baby food blenders." 
Charlie, who had loved Costco more than any other place on Earth, had been excited to finally show his mom all the cool things he had found every time he and his papa would go on trips to Costco. He was excited to show his mama the giant bag of Hot Cheetos, secretly hoping she'd get them because she always wanted spicy food now that the little bean was on the way. He couldn't wait to show her the spinning chickens and tell her all about how he tried to convince his papa to let him ride it. 
"Oh! Mama don't go that way, that's where the robot is!" Charlie called out from the shopping cart, trying to grab Dovey's bag as she strayed off from him and Calum down the appliance aisle. 
"What robot?" Dovey asked and chuckled, looking at the toddler with confusion, "They don't have robots at Costco, do they?" she mumbled, the sudden realization making her look at Calum with wide eyes. 
"No, no robots," Calum laughed, rolling his eyes as he followed Dovey, pushing the cart that Charlie was sitting in looking at his parents, "He just saw the Roomba and I told him that robots freak you out." 
"Oh, yeah. Roombas are freaky." Dovey mumbled, pressing a soft kiss onto Charlie's curls, "But I think it would help us now with the new baby coming soon, huh stinky?"
Dovey had been to Costco a million times, her dad would always take her to the warehouses whenever he picked her up from school and they'd share a hot dog in the parking lot and talk about Dovey's day at school or the latest band she'd been obsessed with. But pretending that she'd never been in the store just to see how excited Charlie got when he was explaining how the rotisserie chicken worked was worth it. As they walked through the aisles of bulk goods, Charlie would explain what something was, telling her how Calum had showed it to him on their latest trip, and Dovey couldn't stop the tears from falling down her cheeks as she saw her son standing next to a giant box of cheeseballs. 
"Buddy! That box is bigger than you! I don't think we could ever eat that many cheeseballs even if we tried our hardest." Dovey managed to get out through her tears, the pregnancy hormones once again making her seem like a crazy person. 
"But mama," Charlie had whined quietly, the same pouty face Calum would use whenever he wanted something from her, "You love cheeseballs!"
If Dovey wasn't heavily pregnant and in love with her child, she probably would've stood her ground and told Charlie they didn't need a bulk pack of cheeseballs big enough to feed an entire classroom, but when Calum walked up with a box of newborn size diapers she had no choice. The tears that had dried a few minutes ago flowed once again as she realized how tiny the diapers would be and how tiny Charlie still was. 
"Oh my god," she sniffed out, using the back of her hand to wipe away her tears, "Just get the cheeseballs and let’s go before I keep crying!" 
Maybe it was the fact that Charlie was preoccupied in his car seat, snacking away on a churro, or the fact that Calum looked very strong while putting the boxes of bulk goods they'd bought but Dovey really wanted to make out with her husband. What Dovey wanted, she usually got, so it was no surprise that Calum had his arms on her waist and his lips on hers the second she had uttered out her request. 
Calum liked his trips to Costco with Charlie but he had to admit, trips with Dovey and Charlie were a lot of fun. He got to see his wife and son both freak out over a Roomba and then try and convince Calum that they needed said "evil robot." He also liked the fact that Dovey had wanted to make out with him in the Costco parking lot because if there was anything Calum loved more than his family, it was making out with his wife. And those Costco kisses were magical. 
taglist:  @hoodhoran​ @finelliine​ @moonlightcriess​ @dinosaursandsocks @mxgyver​ @calpops​ @karajaynetoday​ @notlukehemmo​ @calumrose​ @devilatmydoor​ @lyss-xo​ @lowkeyflop​ @hemmo1996-5sosvevo​
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justcallmefox89 · 3 years
The Demon Prince’s Wedding - Part II
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Art by @greedylilshit
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Art by @daddydemus​
I sit on the edge of the bed, anxiously twisting my engagement ring around on my finger as I wait for Mammon and Diavolo to finish getting ready for our wedding ceremony.
At least I was able to talk Dia down to a small celebration in the gardens.....
He had wanted to throw a ball and invite the entire Devildom.  I was currently trying to talk him out of declaring his future heir’s birthday as an official Devildom holiday.  
The man has no restraint. 
“Arianthi?  Beloved?”  Diavolo’s low voice eventually draws me out of my reverie.  
“Mmmm?  What’s up Dia?”
“Could you light the candles and the fire and then come help me?”  Diavolo asks absentmindedly as he adjusts his clothing.  
Small globules of flames burst forth from my fingertips, delicately touching the candle wicks and consuming the firewood in the fireplace grate.  Soft, golden light caresses Diavolo’s silhouette as he grumbles to himself and starts selecting his jewelry for the evening.
I cross the room to stand on my tiptoes behind him, smoothing the black fur of the shawl that covers his broad shoulders. 
“I don’t suppose you’ve seen my father today, have you princess?”  Diavolo asks hesitantly.
Arawn.  That must be what has Diavolo so fidgety.
I try to rearrange my face into placid expression of neutrality.
“No, my prince.  Should I ask some of the servants to start looking for him?”  I offer as I run my hands over his wings in the soothing motions I know he loves.
Diavolo shakes his head.  “I was just curious.  I’m sure he’ll be here tonight, I just wonder where he’s got off to.”
“He’s cutting it awful close, the ceremony will be starting soon,” I murmur.  “Not a good time to be going missing.”
“Princess........”  Diavolo sounds exhausted.  
“He should be there.  For you, if nothing else.”
Diavolo tenses beneath my touch. “This can’t be easy for him either.”
For the duration of our engagement Arawn had been an obstinate roadblock, and his refusal to take part in the festivities had been a constant source of hurt and disappointment for Diavolo, even if it wasn’t entirely surprising.  
So many problems could be solved if they would just let me set him on fire.....
An annoyed growl breaks low in my throat and I walk away from him.  “I’m going to go see what’s taking Mammon so long; he should have been out of the shower twenty minutes ago.”
“Princess.”  Diavolo’s tone is soft and cajoling.   He eases down into one of the large armchairs that sits in front of the fireplace.  “Come to me.  That’s an order from you future husband and king.”
I roll my eyes and huff out a low laugh, crossing the room to settle into his lap. Diavolo gathers me in his arms and holds me tightly to his chest.  I snuggle deeper into his embrace and nuzzle my face into his neck, tracing the tattoos on his chest with a fingertip. 
Diavolo twitches slightly.  “That tickles,” he laughs quietly, trying to grab my hand.
I raise my eyebrows in surprises and snatch my back back quickly, before diving down to gently tickle his ribs.
“Not fair Arianthi!”  Diavolo squirms and giggles, trying to get free.  He finally settles for wrapping both arms around me, pinning me to his chest and effectively stopping my wandering hands.
“Mmmmm,” he murmurs softly in my ear.  “Such a pretty little demon in my lap and for once I have her all to myself.”
Diavolo’s lips brush against my ear, then my neck as he drops a series of warm, soft kisses across my jaw and to my lips.  He captures my mouth in a deep kiss, his tongue teasing mine as his hands drop down to my hips, delicately stroking the smooth silk of my dress.
“You two gettin’ started without me?”  A husky voice behind us asks.
Diavolo gives me one last lingering kiss before allowing me to adjust in his lap so I can see our fiancé.
Mammon’s hair is still damp from his shower, and all he’s wearing is an unzipped pair of low slung leather pants.  Behind me I can feel Diavolo’s breath hitch for a moment before he gives a deep grumble of appreciation.  
Mammon holds up his leather jacket and harness and gives me a wicked smile.  “Come help me get dressed baby?”
“Always, my love.”  I push myself out of Diavolo’s lap and slowly walk towards Mammon, allowing him to take in my appearance for the evening.
“Mmmm.......I love it when you have your wings out,” he murmurs before giving me a deep kiss.  “And wearin’ red tonight too?  Am I back in the Celestial Realm and nobody’s told me yet?”
"You are such a cheeseball,” I tease, dropping a smattering of kisses across his muscular shoulders before helping him shrug into his harness and jacket.  “But it’s adorable.”
“Oi!  A demon ain’t allowed to compliment his girl?”  Mammon teases me back, placing his hands on my hips.
“By all means feel free to keep going and never stop,” I murmur against his lips, lightly stroking his leather clad thighs before slowly zipping his pants.
“Ok, new idea,” Mammon says, kissing me softly.  “I vote we ditch the reception  and lock ourselves in this room and don’t come out for at least a month.” 
I cuddle close to his chest.  “I like this plan.”
Diavolo groans behind us.  “You two are entirely too tempting.”
He stands and wraps his arms around us, pulling both of us close.  I relax into their arms, savoring the warmth of their bare skin as the tension slowly leaves my body.
“The guests are arriving my loves.”  Diavolo sighs as he releases us from his embrace.  “We need to make our entrance.”
Mammon smiles as he smooths a few stray feathers on my wings and tucks them back into place.  “Ready for this baby?”
I offer him a shaky grin.  “Not even a little.”
“You’re both going to be amazing.”  Diavolo gives us each a soft kiss and ushers us out of the room.  “Let’s go get married.”
Thirty minutes later the three of us stand in the gardens in front of our closest friends and family.  Simeon, Luke, Solomon, Barbatos, and Mammon’s brothers beam at us, while Arawn lounges in a chair and looks bored.  Rather than have an officiant, we had decided to incorporate the six demon lords into our ceremony.  Arawn had also been invited to contribute, but had never confirmed if he will or not.
The three of us stand in a loose triangle, our right hands joined together.  Lucifer steps forward and wrap a red silk ribbon around our hands.  
“Do the three of you promise to always work through you problems together, and never let your pride get in the way?”  
Mammon, Diavolo, and I glance at each other with shy smiles.  “We do,” we say as one.
Lucifer gives Mammon a proud smile.  “So it shall be done.”
Levi stands next, shakily draping a purple ribbons over our hands.  “D-do you all promise to support each other, and encourage each other, without becoming envious of each other’s successes?”
“We do.”
“S-so it shall b-be d-done.”  Levi quickly sits back down and lets out a deep sigh of relief.
“Congratulations you three,” Satan whispers, as he places a green ribbon over our joined hands.  He continues on in a louder voice, “Do you three promise to always be kind and loving to each other, and never turn on each other in anger?”
“We do.”
“So it shall be done.”  Satan inclines his head in small gesture of respect before returning to his seat.
Asmo bounds up next with a squeal of delight, grinning and giving us each a kiss on the cheek before winding his deep pink ribbon with his brothers’.  “Do you three promise to build a beautiful life together, and to try to find wonder in your everyday life?” 
“We do.”
“So it shall be done.”
Beel shuffles up next, a shy smile on his face as he softly wraps an orange ribbons around our hands.  “Do you three promise to always nurture your bond and never let it grow weak?”
“We do.”
“So it shall be done.”
Belphie follows his twin, for once looking only marginally sleepy.  He weaves the bright blue ribbon with other.  “Do you three promise to always sleep next to each other, and attempt to make each sweet dream you have a reality?”
“We do.”
“So it shall be done.”
Belphie glances over his shoulder at Arawn, who pointedly remains seated, but briefly locks eyes with Diavolo and holds up his own black ribbon before releasing it and allowing it to flutter to the ground.
Mammon and I both growl, infuriated by the shattered look on Diavolo’s face.  Belphie quickly grasps our joined hands as Diavolo wrests control over his features.  
“The promises have been sworn and witnessed, so they shall be done.  In the eyes of the Devildom the three of you are now married.  I pronounce you husband, wife, and husband.”  
He turns to our small audience.  “I present to you for the first time King Diavolo, Queen Arianthi, and Lord Mammon.  Long may they reign, in health and happiness.”
The three of us exchange soft kisses and stand silently for a moment, beaming at each other.  Diavolo softly squeezes my hand before whispering, “Shall we move on to the reception my loves?”
“Yeah, let’s go check out all the wedding gifts!”
“Mammon!”  Diavolo and I scold him in unison.
Mammon is saved as Barbatos and Luke join us.
“My lord, the rest of your guests who weren’t invited to the ceremony have gathered in the ballroom for the reception.  They may begin to get restless if you don’t join them shortly,” Barbatos says softly.
“Plus, you need to see the cake!”  Luke is fairly vibrating with excitement as he grabs my hand.  “Barbatos let me help him make it!”
“I’m sure it’s perfect Luke.”  I smile down at him.  “You go on ahead, I’ll be right behind you.”  
Luke scurries away, following Mammon, Diavolo, and Barbatos as the wind their way through the gardens and back to the castle.  I stay still, breathing in the heavy perfume of the night blooming flowers and taking a moment just for myself.
“Hiding from your husbands already?”
I cringe at the sultry voice coming from behind me.  He really does ruin everything.
I inhale sharply before turning to face Arawn.  “Skipping the reception?  I assumed you’d jump at a chance to ruin that too.”
Arawn snorts in derision.  “If my son was hurt by my refusal to participate in his nauseating wedding ceremony then I’ve well and truly failed him as a parent.  Such weakness will never be tolerated from the King of the Devildom.”
“Diavolo has been an excellent ruler since you defaulted on your responsibilities,” I snap, each word soaked in scorn.  “He is the man he is, the leader he is, in spite of having you as a father; not because of it.”
Arawn brings his fingers to his lips, frowning and staring at me thoughtfully before he finally asks,  “Why did you choose them?”
My nose wrinkles in confusion.  “What?”
“My son and Mammon.  What about them enticed you?  Why them?  Why do all the things you’ve done, just to be with them?”
I eye him warily.  “Why do you care?”
“It’s a question I’ve never been able to get a clear answer on.”  Arawn’s amber eyes spark with curiosity.  “I’ve never understood this odd little trio you’re a part off, not really.”
I just frown at him, remaining silent.
“It’s quite the puzzle really.  You’re so different from them,” he continues.  “You’re a -”
“A human?” I interrupt.
“Not anymore though, hm?”  Arawn shoots me a coy grin.  “But even before that. I looked into you, your past, when I first learned of my son’s intentions towards you.  You’ve always been fierce; a fighter, unwilling to back down.  Stubborn to the point of stupidity.”
I open my mouth to retort, but he quickly continues.
“I’ll admit I was surprised to find out just how scrappy you are.  And just how fiercely you fight for my son.”  He shakes his head in surprise, a faint note of pride tinging the words.
“But you’re so different from him, from them both.  You seem soft and gentle.  Kind.  And you are, to those you love and trust.  But everyone else?  We know how you really are.  Hard, decisive. Rough around the edges.  Willing to do whatever it takes to get what you want.  A fighter first and foremost.  How does a girl like this fall in love with my soft hearted son?”
“Why do you constantly act like there’s something wrong with Dia?”  I counter, narrowing my eyes at Arawn.
He gives a laconic shrug.  “He’s a bit of a disappointment if we’re going to be completely honest with each other.”
Fire bursts from my fingertips before I can form a coherent thought.  “You -” I grit my teeth, unable to come up with words that encompass how thoroughly and absolutely I loathe Arawn.
“I can only hope my grandchild will be more impressive,” Arawn continues, smirking at my impotent rage.  “With you as a mother I have faith they will be.”
“You really are just angry, petty little man, aren’t you?”  I ask, glancing at him in disgust.
The corners of his mouth twitch, in irritation or amusement I can’t tell.  “I’m going to miss your particular brand of entertainment when I leave, little demon.”
“The feeling is decidedly not mutual,” I snap as I begin to make my way back to the castle.
Arawn tags along behind me silently, until we both pause as we reach the doors of the ballroom.  I reach out to push the doors open, but he grabs my wrist at the last second.
“One last moment of your time, little demon,” he says looking down at me, eyes glinting with something very close to affection.
I tilt my head back to meet his gaze, silently waiting.
“You’ve done well here.  And despite my initial thoughts, my son could do no better than you.  Even that fallen angel is a good fit for him, shockingly.”  Arawn shakes his head as if he’s surprised to admit that.  
He touches my shoulder softly.  “Tell Diavolo something for me?”
“Depends,” I answer, glaring at him.
“Tell him that he will be far better at this,” Arawn waves a hand lazily at me.  “Far better than I ever was.”
I quirk an eyebrow, half in confusion, half in offense.
“Family.  Fatherhood.”  He furrows his brow in consternation.  “Despite how completely he disappointments me, whatever his failings in other areas, I have no doubt that my son will be an excellent husband and father.”
"It is truly amazing how you can wrap a compliment in insults,” I reply, keeping my tone sharp even as I glow with pride.  “But you’re right, Dia will be wonderful father.”
Arawn’s mouth twitches in a half-hearted smile as he quickly steps toward me, the leans down to brush a soft kiss against my forehead.  
“Good luck, little demon,” he whispers as he straightens up.  “Give Mammon and Diavolo my regards.”
With that he turns and leisurely walks down the hallway, tossing me a wave over his shoulder as he goes.
The ballroom is a riot of energy and laughter as I enter and make my way through the crowd of well wishers.  I scan the crowd for Mammon and Diavolo, only to find them sharing a dance, gazing at each other as if they’re the only people in the world.
I spot Lucifer on the edge of the crowd gathered to watch them and move to his side, gently nudging him with my shoulder.
“Hello, little sister,” he greets me, flashing me a sardonic grin.
I shudder.  “Ugh.  You’re creepy.  Never call me that again.”  
I shake my wings out to smooth down the ruffled feathers as Lucifer chuckles darkly.  His focus shifts back to the dance floor, eyes softening as he watches his little brother dance with Diavolo.
“He’s so happy,” Lucifer murmurs.  “I haven’t seen him smile like that since before the fall.”
I smile and lean against Lucifer, resting one hand on the slightly visible bump of my lower abdomen.  “I know you’ve had your reservations about us......”
“Not you,” he interrupts.  “Never you.”
“I know you’ve had your reservations about Dia,” I begin again.  “But please trust me when I say that we both love Mammon.  So, so much.”
Lucifer sighs and glances down at me.  “I know you do.  I’ve been by his side for so long, kept him safe, taught him so much........ It’s hard to let him embark on this new adventure without me there to watch over him.”
“And from a purely selfish angle, I feel in some strange way that I’m losing my little brother,” his breath hitches and his chest heaves in a shuddering breath.  “That I’m losing my best friend.”
I reach out to gently squeeze his forearm.  “You’re not losing him.  Things will be different, but how much he loves his older brother will never change.”  I pause.  “And in about eight months I have a feeling he’ll be relying on you more that ever.”
Lucifer barks out a startled laugh.  “I have no doubt you’re right.”  He turns his gaze back to the dance floor, eyes shining.  “Mammon married, a father soon.  Me, an uncle.  It’s all a bit too wonderous to image, that our little family could be so......”  He shakes his head, blinking rapidly.
My throat tightens with emotion as I watch a few tears slip down Lucifer’s cheeks.
A bright light flashes from our right, follow by an excited voice shouting, “Got it!”  Lucifer and I whip around to see Satan and Belphie standing a few feet away, Belphie holding Satan’s D.D.D., pointed directly at us.
I feel Lucifer tense beside me as the air crackles around us with his growing fury.
“Satan!  Belphegor!”  He roars, moving towards them.
“Run!”  Belphie tosses the D.D.D. to Satan, and the two dart off in opposite directions, weaving between wedding guests as Lucifer gives chase.
I grin fondly at the trio and hear twin chuckles behind me.  Mammon wraps an arm around my waist and gently rests one hand on my abdomen while Diavolo drapes one arm around my shoulders.
“What did those two do now?”  Diavolo asks, pressing a kiss to the crown of my head.
“Got a picture of Lucifer crying,” I respond, laying my head against Mammon’s shoulder.  
The two demons give a violent start,
“I swear.  He had a rare soft moment, watching his little brother dance with his new husband.”  I gently kiss Mammon’s shoulder.
“I’ll be damned,” Mammon whispers.  Diavolo and I have the good grace to ignore his quiet sniffles, but grin at each other when he wipes his eyes with the back of his hand.  
He roughly clears his throat.  “Oi!  This is a party, yeah?  Let’s get to it then!”
They reach out and take my hands, Mammon on my left and Diavolo on my right, and we step forward as one, into our new life together.
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buck-nialled · 3 years
Undertow - S. Mendes (III)
CH III: A Cheeseball Connection
Chapter I, Chapter II
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Shawn maintained a relaxed demeanor as he entered the mall behind Y/N. Truthfully, he felt incredibly out of his element. The only shopping he participates in takes place at the local food markets or surf shops lining the way to the beaches. Since his younger sister obtained her driver’s license the only motive for driving to the shopping center diminished without objection from Shawn or Aaliyah.
“Any idea where to go?” Brian leans over and whispers to Shawn as the door swings closed behind them. Y/N stood in front of them, still attempting to disguise herself in one of Shawn’s many shirts and jeans with a belt secured to its tightest notch.
“No clue.” He sighs, gazing at the building’s interior alongside Y/N. “I guess we could start with...undergarments,” Shawn suggested awkwardly through his teeth. Brian quirked an eyebrow skeptically in his friend’s direction.
“Yeah...this was a bad idea. Call her.” Connor instructs, now earning a look of confusion from Shawn.
The boy obeys anyway, digging his phone from the pocket of his shorts. “Who?”
“You know who.” Heaving a breath, Shawn hesitantly enters the digits he had memorized by heart and brings the phone to his ear.
“Hey, Liyah. Are you busy today? I need your help with something.” Shawn bites his lip, pausing momentarily. “It’s a...shopping emergency.” He grimaces.
His sister arrived quickly considering the drive she would have to make from his family’s house. Shawn wonders if she drove the speed limit but wouldn’t be surprised if she surpassed it a few miles, or ten. The mall could be considered Aaliyah’s haven, after all. When she met her brother’s eyes, she nearly sprinted over to the table the three had occupied at the food court.
“I’m so glad you called! What is it this time? Ditching plaid, closet restocks-” she takes a deep inhale, staring up at her older brother in awe. “Are you finally getting a haircut?”
Shawn does not try to shield the offense taking over his face. He grumbled a quick, “no” and motioned toward Y/N who was sitting beside him.
“This is Y/N, she--”
“Oh my gosh! You’re the girl from the news. The one who washed up.” Aaliyah interrupted, aiming a stern finger in Y/N’s direction. “I’m so sorry you had to deal with that…”
“That’s okay...amnesia is rough but I'm getting through."
"Oh no," the girl shakes her head, now aiming a finger at Shawn. "I meant dealing with my brother. I don't know how you do it." She whispers the last bit to Y/N, whose lips quirk up afterward.
"Anyways..." Shawn cuts in, glaring at his sibling. "We called because Y/N needs some new clothes."
"Shawn and Connor tell me you’re an expert,” Y/N adds. A grin stretches upon Aaliyah's face at the high praise.
“Anybody can be a fashion expert next to these two.” She jutted a thumb towards the two boys, who were not any less insulted than before. “But yes, I do have quite the taste. Come on, I know just where to go!” Before anybody could object, Aaliyah was beckoning Y/N from her seat and pulling her into one of the nearby stores. The two boys try keeping up with their violent pace of steps. Right as they reached the entrance, Aaliyah held up a hand to stop them.
“Uh-uh. You guys can’t come.” Folding her arms, Aaliyah stands in the doorway to the store.
“Why not? If I’m paying I should--”
“Uh...dude.” Connor elbows him, eyes flickering to something behind his sister and Y/N. Shawn follows Connor’s gaze, finding a mannequin donning close to nothing but a thin, lacy pair of underwear and brassiere with similar color and fabric. Gulping, Shawn nods in understanding and steps backward.
“Fine,” he mutters, digging his card from his wallet and stretching it out for Aaliyah to grab excitedly. “Don’t go crazy, and keep checking your phone if I text you--”
“Yeah, yeah.” His sister only waves him off, pocketing the plastic and giggling with anticipation as she dragged Y/N further into the store. The two boys wander off to the food court to satisfy their growing hunger and impatience, leaving Y/N beneath Aaliyah’s watch.
“Alright, what’s your color?” The younger asks, looking towards Y/N expectantly.
“My...my what?”
“Your color. You know, the color of clothes that compliments you best? You have to own something in your color.”
“I-I’m not sure if I know...my color.” Aaliyah hums, perusing all of the hues and tones strung around them on display.
“Well, I think blue would suit you well…” She pokes through the different sets and items of clothing, before retrieving something worth trying on. “Here, what do you think of this?” Her grin and motioning hand told Y/N she should be smiling and nodding along with her. But she could not help but be confused by the fabric.
“It looks a little...lacking.” She pinches the underwear between her fingers, studying how the front patch dwindles into a piece of string. “Where’d the rest of it go?”
“The-the rest of what?” Aaliyah perches her eyebrows. “This is all of it.”
“Oh…” Y/N responds in a hushed tone. “Is there something a little more…” She eyes the lace, thinking how effortlessly it could be ripped.
“I get what you mean.” Aaliyah doesn’t let her finish and shoves the thong back into its rightful place. While walking to a different section of the store, she calls to Y/N, “Come on, grandma, there’s some boyshorts right over here.”
After successfully compiling a few pairs of undergarments (and allowing Aaliyah to slide one slightly promiscuous set into her hand) the two girls made their way to the register. After scanning each item and informing them of their total, Y/N tilted her head at the familiar term. Dollars, she thought to herself, I have some of those.
“You take dollars?” she quips, in shock that land-walkers use the same currency.
“Yes ma’am, we do,” the associate replies warily.
“Oh, great!” Y/N cheers, reaching up to her ears and unclipping the jewelry. After successfully removing both of the tiny sand dollars occupying her earlobes, she sets them down onto the counter, ignoring Aaliyah’s bemused expression. “Will this cover it?” Appalled, the woman behind the register lets out a snort a few moments later.
“Oh, sure. In Atlantis!” Her tone morphed into something sour, making Y/N frown. “Sorry, ladies. Not gonna work.”
“She’s just kidding around,” Aaliyah chuckles, cheeks turning red. “I have a card--”
“Please, allow me.” A gentleman steps between the two girls with a black card in his grip. His smile was charming, voice smooth. And Aaliyah was not one to object to free clothes. “Thank you.” Aaliyah sends a polite smile his way, before turning to Y/N and nodding her head at him. She got the clue and thanked him similarly as he swiped his card in the machine.
“Of course, every girl should feel like a princess.” The sentence sounded innocent to the average pedestrian’s ears, but Y/N caught a sinister hiss beneath it. No more words were exchanged between the group and soon, the two girls ventured out of the store with bags in hand. Aaliyah retrieved her phone to message Shawn, alerting him that he and Connor could join them somewhere.
“Okay, I just told them to meet us at--” She looked up and paused, eyeing Y/N carefully.
“You’re earrings. You left them on the counter.” She realizes, turning back to the shop they had just left.
“Oh,” Y/N spoke, bringing her hand to one of her empty ears. The absence of the sand dollars in both was further proof of her forgotten treasures. “That’s alright. They weren’t that important.” She shrugs. At the very least, the lack of the sea creatures on her ears would make tracing her down more difficult. Leaving behind a pair of earrings she could easily craft again was the least of her worries.
“I still can’t believe you tried paying with sand dollars.” Aaliyah’s giggles ricocheted off of the tiled floors of the mall as the two continued walking to their next destination. Y/N only shrugged, joining Aaliyah in her laughter.
“They didn’t specify.”
The two girls eventually faded from the man’s sight, caught up in laughter, and enthusiastic for the next shop, which Aaliyah promised held much less revealing options.
“Sir? Sir,” the associate repeated. Finally, the man’s head snapped back to face her, ice-cold eyes and pale skin staring her down in question. “Huh?”
“Your receipt,” she spoke gently, tearing the strip of paper from the machine and proffering it to him. He takes it without uttering a word of thanks, eyes darting down to the minuscule sand dollars abandoned on the counter. Prior to turning and exiting the establishment, he swipes the earrings too. As he continues his stroll through the building, he finds himself chuckling much like Y/N and Aaliyah did moments before. His pale hand, clenched in a fist unravels before his eyes while he studies the two sand dollars. The same kind Tertis’s daughter always adorned.
“How is this for a trace?” He mutters to himself, a proud feeling of vengeance swirling in his chest. His moment of gratification is interrupted once his phone begins chiming. He buries the jewelry back into his pockets with a sigh and exchanges them for the call.
“Hello, son!” He answers begrudgingly, not wanting to lose track of Y/N and her new friend, whom he assumes is her new host on land.
“Hey, dad. Hope I didn’t catch you at a bad time.” the boy greets, afraid his father would reprimand him again. Oftentimes his dad never picked up the phone. Whenever he did get an answer, a scolding was always waiting for him on the other line. Ripley was always private about his business trips, to his wife and son who awaited him on shore, every detail of his occupation was confidential. Ripley was surprised himself to not be caught and charged for treason and reprimanded himself in the beginning for starting an affair with the land-walker he now dubbed the love of his life. But he was charmed by her otherworldly aura the moment he met her. It was a force unstoppable to both of them.
“No, Wes. You’re alright,” he sighs. “But I must go soon for a meeting. Was there something you needed to tell me?” Wesley knew the real question: is what you have to say important? Judging past calls between the father and son, anything Wesley had to say was never of utmost importance or urgency to his father. And though he desperately wanted to spill the news to his father of a girl he had met on the beach just the other day and the miraculous story of how she washed ashore with amnesia, his hopes to gain his father’s interest through this modern meet-cute story were little to none.
“No, that’s alright. Just...call me when you’re free?” Wesley questions.
“I will,” Ripley confirms, despite never even living up to that promise. “Tell your mother I said hello and to stay safe. I’ll be home before you know it.”
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“Ooh, this is pretty,” Shawn commented as he pulled a shirt out of one of the many shopping bags placed around his room. Aaliyah went overboard in his opinion, buying more than the basic necessities for Y/N, but at least Y/N had more than his old hoodies to wear.
Y/N hummed as she looked up from where she was folding a few pairs of jeans. “Yeah, Aaliyah has good taste.”
Shawn chuckled, obviously very aware of his sister’s shopping obsession. “She would live at the mall if she could.”
“I think she snagged some clothes for herself while we were there.”
“That wouldn’t surprise me.” They both laughed and returned to taking out and folding the numerous garments.
I could never get tired of that laugh, Shawn thought to himself as he stole another glance at the girl across the room. It was nice to hear someone laughing that wasn’t Brian or Connor (or Wesley whenever he beat Shawn in a competition).
It took them about an hour to take the tags off of everything and set up the little cubby contraption Shawn found in his closet for Y/N to put her stuff in. Neither of them were very good at putting things together, especially considering that Y/N had never seen a screwdriver in her life and wasted five minutes trying to figure out what it was used for before Shawn helped her.
“You land walkers are weird,” she commented at one point, doing her best to get the tiny screw in the right spot so she could twist it in.  
“Says the mermaid with legs,” Shawn shot back, earning a playful punch from Y/N.
“You say to the girl who saved your life.”
“I could’ve saved myself,” he claimed, dropping the screw he picked up a second ago to cross his arms in an attempt to look intimidating.
“Sure didn’t seem like that,” Y/N said, looking at Shawn with the utmost confidence. “You saved my life. Oh, strange girl, you’re my hero. It’s too bad I can’t use my surfing skills to woo you now.” She pretended to faint, opening one eye and grinning at the unamused look on the face of the boy beside her.
“You’re just asking for this,” was all he said before attacking her sides with wiggling fingers. Y/N screeched with laughter.
“Shawn! S-stop!” She rolled around violently on the floor, trying her best to get away from the torturous sensation. “Please!” His slender fingers dancing across her hips made her breath hitch and filled her stomach with a tumbling, foreign feeling. Her organs were tying themselves in knots but wanted to unravel at the same time, and this blissful rush of adrenaline--she has never experienced something like it--coursed through her veins like a race track.
“Never!” Her giggles were once again music to his ears. He leaned down closer to her face and Y/N could see the mischievous glint in his eyes. His fingers slowed so she could catch her breath, face so close that if he leaned in just a little more, their lips would touch. His hands grabbed hold of her arms, pinning them to the ground with little effort.  
“Your eyes are pretty,” he muttered, eyes locked on the swirl of color in her irises. The aqua rings surrounding her pupils glinted, resembling that of dawn’s rays shining across the seas.
“Your hair is curly.”
“I thought we were stating facts.” She smiled and he couldn’t help but chuckle. His head dropped to her neck, curls tickling her chin.
“You just ruined it.”
“Ruined what?”
“The moment.”
“Moment?” she asked. “You mercilessly attacked me--”
“--tickled me, then said ‘you have pretty eyes.’” The dopiness of her voice made Shawn roll his eyes.
“Well at least I have a romantic bone-”
The door whipped open and both their heads snapped over to see Connor standing in the doorway, a look of utter confusion present on his face.
“What in the world is happening here?” He stepped over the various tools in his path to the two. “I heard screaming and then silence so I assumed Shawn tried to murder you but now I’m finding him sitting on top of you like he’s about to either kiss or choke you.”
Both their cheeks went red at his comment, Shawn scrambling off Y/N and onto his feet. Y/N sat up, pulling her hoodie down to cover her stomach.
“It’s nothing, Connor. We’re just playing around like friends, which you wouldn’t know about since you don’t have any of those.”
“Ooh, burn,” Y/N said, high-fiving the hand Shawn held out towards her. “He taught me that today.” She smiles gleefully at Connor.
“Yeah, yeah. Just try to not sound like you’re dying, alright? I’m not going to care enough to check and make sure you’re alive next time.” He left without another word, pulling the door shut behind him.
“I’m tired of trying to put this together. Snack break?” Shawn suggested, holding out a hand for Y/N to pull herself up with.
“I’m in,” she replied, taking his hand and standing up.
They were almost to the kitchen when Shawn stopped abruptly, causing Y/N to bump into him.
“Don’t you want to wear some of your new clothes?” He turned around to face her.
“Do you want me to?”
“No, I just figured you wouldn’t want to stay in an old and kinda nasty hoodie all day.”
“It’s comfortable so it’s not bothering me. I’ll give it back later” She shrugged nonchalantly and walked around him, opening a few cabinets in search of some food. Shawn melted at her words. A girl wearing his clothes? What kind of dream was this? “Where do you guys keep the snacks?”
“Here.” He opened a cabinet on the other side, leaving Y/N in awe of the sheer amount of food piled in it. “And...you can keep the hoodie. It looks good on you.”
“What even is this?” She pulled out a transparent cylinder of cheeseballs, slightly disgusted yet amazed at how orange the little balls were.
“You’ve never had cheeseballs before?” His mouth dropped open, surprised anyone could be deprived of what he considered to be the best snack on the planet. Granted, she had spent the majority of her life below the surface, but Shawn wouldn’t even let that be a valid excuse for never experiencing such a delicious snack.
“It’s so orange.” She opened the top and sniffed. “And it smells weird. Is it good?”
“I have so much to teach you,” Shawn said as he took the jug from her hands, guiding her to the table to give her what he would consider the experience of a lifetime.
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One hour and one half-eaten plastic bucket of cheese balls later, Y/N and Shawn sat across from one another at the small table, fingertips, and tongues coated in orange, cheese-flavored dust.
Shawn’s phone began ringing erratically with a shrill tone, causing Y/N to flinch. After retrieving it from his pocket, he sighed and announced, “Shoot! I forgot I had work today.” Many human words were still unfamiliar to Y/N, but work must be a universal term people loathe everywhere. Even in Atlantis, she grew up learning to hate the term. Especially these last few months while preparing for the wedding was when hearing it became intolerable.
Work on your smile!
You better work on that posture young lady! No queen of Atlantis swims down the aisle with a slouch.
How about working more on that attitude instead of those silly little daydreams of yours. Your future is down here, not up in the clouds!
Oh, how things change. “You should come with me,” Shawn offers with a smile. “I could show you around the market, introduce you to some friends. We also need some more groceries." He knew he was growing too attached to this new friend of his. What is the point of having her build acquaintances if she will disappear in a few days? This coping mechanism--and slight manipulation--of getting her accustomed to the human world was wrong in so many ways, he knew. Especially now that she was deemed a criminal by her people in Atlantis, it is only a matter of time that she would be swept away from him. The forces pulling the two apart were undeniable.
But so was Shawn’s attraction to her gleaming eyes and salty tendrils. The laughter he wanted to make his new alarm belonged solely to her and he was damn selfish to keep it beside him all of the time. But as far as he could tell, Y/N nodding her head eagerly with a beaming set of teeth showed no objection on her part.
“I’ll go put clothes on! I mean...different clothes.” Her airy giggles and the light pattering of her footsteps imbibed Shawn’s senses once more, and suddenly it was like he was underwater with her himself.
“Dude, hey.” Connor’s fingers snapped incessantly before Shawn’s face until the boy shook his head, blinking up at his friend.
“You alright?” Shawn brought a hand up to rest his cheek in, setting his elbow on the table as his eyes wandered back over to Y/N’s--their--no, his bedroom door.
“Yeah…” It was the least convincing response Connor witnessed to date, resulting in a long sigh and a comforting grip against Shawn’s shoulder.
“I know she’s a great girl and all, but she told us she’s not planning--”
Shawn refused to let him finish. “I know…” The real irony was that Connor barely knew the whole truth himself, compared to the intel Y/N gave Shawn days prior. So far, the point she made of people “hunting her down” had proven useless. But Shawn wasn’t complaining. He hopes things will stay that way.
“I’m ready! Oh, are you coming with us?” Y/N reapproaches the table excitedly seeing Connor standing beside Shawn. Connor glanced back to Shawn, who was already enraptured by the sight of her, yet again. It is a look so much brighter than he had ever seen take over his best friend’s face, and he is beginning to believe the girl who rescued Shawn from the water might have taken first place over surfing.
“No, I think I’m gonna stay in. You two have fun, though,” Connor says, before returning to his bedroom and closing the door. Shawn saw right through his friend’s scheming and made a mental note to thank him later on. Y/N, however, stood oblivious, and studied the bucket of orange orbs still on the table before asking:
“Shawn, does the market have cheeseballs?” A wide grin breaks out on the boy’s face.
“I’m sure we can find some.”
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Look out for the next part of Undertow coming 2/12/2021!
join the taglist so you can be the first to read what happens next!
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