#carry on quotes
letraspal · 1 year
“Baz’s eyes are usually the kind of grey that happen when you mix dark blue and dark green together. Deep-water grey.”
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“There’s nothing remarkable about Snow’s eyes. They’re a standard size and shape. A little pouchy. And his eyelashes are stubby and dark brown. His eyes aren’t even a remarkable colour. Just blue.”
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steelcitypunk · 7 months
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beybuniki · 5 months
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incorrectbatfam · 2 months
Batfam's favorite weird food combinations
Dick: *pours orange juice in cereal*
Bette: *cooks oatmeal with egg whites*
Cass: *puts whipped cream in soda*
Jason: *melts chocolate onto bacon*
Steph: *dusts fries with powdered sugar*
Cullen: *eats pickles with peanut butter*
Harper: *spreads the same peanut butter on a burger*
Helena: *wraps melon slices in prosciutto*
Tim: *slathers pizza in ranch*
Luke: *makes tuna salad with fruits*
Damian: *drizzles olive oil on ice cream*
Carrie: *adds chips to a PB&J*
Kate: *sprinkles sugar on tomatoes*
Duke: *buys chili with a cinnamon roll*
Barbara: *dips strawberries in balsamic vinegar*
Selina: *stirs butter into her coffee*
Bruce: *grates cheese on top of apple pie*
Alfred, offended: Who raised you all?
Alfred: *opens a can of beans with his toast*
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based Doctor who
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lemongogo · 8 months
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thank you, meryl
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justaz · 12 days
merlin (immortal) giving arthur (pendragon) the only blade that could kill him
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letraspal · 1 year
Simon Snow journey to queerness
A compilation of quotes of Simon Snow thinking/talking about his queerness through books.
Book 1: Carry On
He’s not a villain. He’s just a boy. I’m kissing a boy. I’m kissing Baz.
And then I think about whether this, what’s happening right now, means that I’m gay. But Baz and I are hidden in the trees, and no one can see us, and I decide I don’t have to answer that last question right now.
I wonder how long he’s wanted this. I wonder how long I’ve wanted it.
I’m not sure why I’m so happy. Nothing’s changed. Has anything changed? The kissing. That’s new. The waiting to kiss.
I want to kiss a bloke. That is a change, but no one I’m prepared to think about right now. …Again. I want to kiss him again.
“Why, then” he asks. / “Why did I kiss you?”/ “Yeah.” / “I guess I wanted to,” I say, shrugging. / “Since when?” / I shrug again, and it pisses him off.
“I didn’t think you were gay,” I say. Quietly. He shrugs. Half of Snow’s sentences are shrugs.“What does that mean?” / “I don’t know,” he says, closing his eyes. “I guess I’ve never thought much about what I am. I’ve got a lot on my plate.” That makes me laugh.
“Are you gay?” he asks, looking over at me, still laughing. / “Yeah,” I say, “completely.” / “So you do this all the time?” / I roll my eyes. “No.” / “Then how do you know you’re gay?” / “I just do. How do you not know?” / “Dunno,” he says.
But apparently, I can also solve things with my mouth—because, so far, every time I lean into Baz, he shuts up and closes his eyes. If Penelope were here, she’d make me explain myself. Thank magic she isn’t here yet.
What would Agatha say if she knew about the kissing? “You’re not even gay, Simon.” […] “you’re not even gay,” she’d say, “and he’s not even alive.”
“You’re not even gay, and he’s not even alive, and that isn’t even the worst part of this idea—what will the Mage say?”
“And I don’t think I’m gay,” I say. “I mean, maybe I am, at least partly, the part that seems to be demanding the most attention right now…”
He leans in like he’s going to bite me, then he kisses me instead. It’s so good. It’s been very good every time.
“We don’t have to do this” […] “No one has to know.” / “Know what?” Snow asked softly. “That I’m obsessed with you? That horse left the barn a long time ago”
“They’ll know,” I (Baz) say. “They’ll talk about it.” / “What?” He’s a million miles away. He’s always a million miles away lately. / “They’ll know that we’re gay.” / “There go my job prospects,” Simon says flatly. “What will my family say?” I’m not sure where the joke is.
“Baz, you’re actually, literally the only thing I have to lose. So as long as doing gay stuff in public doesn’t make you hate me, I don’t really care.” / “We’re just dancing,” I say. “That’s hardly gay stuff.” / “Dancing’s well gay,” he says. “Even when it isn’t two blokes.”
He will call me Simon now, occasionally, but only when we’re being soft with each other. (All that’s still happening, too. I suppose I am gay; my therapist says it’s not even the top five things I have to sort out right now.)
And sometimes I feel like someone else died, like someone else sacrificed everything, so that I can have a normal life. With wings. And a tail. And vampires. And magicians. And a boy in my arms, instead of a girl. And a happy ending—even if isn’t the ending I ever would have dreamt for myself, or hoped for. A chance.
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steelcitypunk · 7 months
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wordscanbeenough · 2 years
And I saw it didn't matter / who had loved me or who I loved. I was alone.
Dorianne Laux, from “After Twelve Days of Rain”, What We Carry
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deserthusbands · 23 days
quinlan: why're you on the ground? :/
obi-wan, sighing: i'm depressed.
obi-wan: also, i've been stabbed, can you go get cody please?
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thoughtkick · 2 months
It’s hard to find people who will love you no matter what.
Carrie Bradshaw, Sex and the City
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fanaticalthings · 2 years
I can't stop thinking about Bruce coming to the realization that his children are grown up.
Like this man is huge, he used to absolutely dwarf his little Robins, and could carry each of them in one arm at some point.
This man will hug one of his kids and realize they no longer fit under his arm anymore, that some of them are, and will become taller than him.
He'll probably reminisce how his children used to hide under his cape whenever they felt scared or just wanted to have fun, and Bruce realizes that they're all so grown that they can't really do that anymore and that they don't really need to rely on their dad to protect them now, and I bet he just tears up at that.
He'll just be sitting in his office, looking at all his children's photos from when they were younger and he'll feel so proud at how far they've come, but also a little devastated at how he can't just scoop his kids up and shield them from everything the world throws at them.
I bet when Bruce is especially in his feels, he'll just think about when he first got each of them and how small and cute they all were, how they all slowly began to see him as their father, how they used to crawl into his bed when they wanted his comfort :')
Bruce will just think about how they each brought joy back into his life and how he'd literally do anything to keep them safe cuz those are his babies.
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incorrectbatfam · 23 hours
Carrie: Sure I may have been "assigned female" at birth or whatever, but at school I was often "assigned homework" and I was bad at that too.
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pleucas · 11 months
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whose heartbeat is it, then? mine?
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carebeardean · 1 year
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you don’t get to choose who lives and dies.
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