#cant help but build little mirrors all around me I suppose
deoidesign · 1 year
I'm glad you enjoy both my illustration about my religious trauma and also my webcomic about my religious trauma
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madagaskarka · 1 month
If I met a genie who would fulfill my one single wish regarding video games, I would wish for The Sims 2 still living and updating. Because, and I cannot hold it in me any longer, The Sims 4 is the most soulless, the most boring, the most joyless, the most uninteresting sims game ever. The sims 4 doesn't even feel like a life simulator, it's a freaking building simulator at best. And no matter how many packs you buy or mods you install it's still so. unbelievably. boring. The Sims 2, with all its subjects limitations, has this difficult-to-describe atmosphere, this aesthetic, that no other sims game has. TS2 is a life simulator and it FEELS like it. TS2 life is unpredictable and wacky and sometimes has a bit of cynical humor, but its never ever boring. The life regime in TS2 is the most fun one, I could not care less about other aspects of the game. In TS2 life happens around you and to you. In TS4 you try to make "life" happen. TS2 is fun to play without any mods. In TS4 you have to install like 83965974 of them to make gameplay a little more exciting and it still doesn't help much. (Also romance in TS4 is just so bad it hurts, lol.) TS2 writing is witty, TS4 writing is like reading refrigerator instructions. TS2 is full of mysteries, TS2 doesn't reveal all its features and secrets, you have to play for a pretty long time to discover many of them and it still manages to surprise you with something every new replay. TS4 treats its players like toddlers, they spoon-fed you all the details and warn you about everything. Nothing is ever surprising or shocking in TS4, you must feel "safe" all the time. Speaking of safe, other sims games have burglars, the horrifying reaper music, fire that is really dangerous, your sims can die or be abducted by aliens and you cant always have 100% control over that. TS4?? - nothing of that. TS2 cutscenes and memories system?? TS4 could never, lol. TS4 is too easy even without any cheatcods, you want to change your outfit? - Just use a wardrobe. You don't have to buy new cloth. You want to change your sim's face features? - Sure, just use a mirror. You don't need putting any effort in getting Cosmetic Surgeon machine like in TS2 (and mind you, that machine doesn't change your original gene pool.) Cheating in TS2 is a REALLY big deal, and if your sim get caught doing it - oooooh man, they are in a huge trouble. After that your sim needs all the damn time trying to fix their previous relationship or you can just kick the cheating sim outta their house lol. In TS4 cheating is barely noticing by the sim's legal partner, no one cares and it barely has any consequences. In TS2 even random townies are fun to be friends with and pre-made families are interesting. In TS4...nah. No charisma at all. Empty of lore, empty of stories. I honestly can go on and on, but the point is clear already. I don't need one billion clothing, building and furniture choices, The Sims games were never about that. The Sims games are suppose to be a fun life simulator, that is the most important aspect of the franchise, the life!!! Not building houses, dammit! If I'd like building I'd play Minecraft or something like that.
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pixicunt · 3 years
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There will be 8 chapters all up, read this chapter and then read the chapter of the member you choose or you can read all chapters for alternative endings!
These are the aftermath characters if you want some back story
wordcount: 11K
college au ?
Warnings: dubcon/noncon touching, violence, alchol and drugs used and mentioned, degrading names (slut), blood, mention of paid sex, drug dealing, implied mxm (vmin and slight yoonmin), internal monolog of wanting to fuck reader while shes asleep (somnophillia), heartbreak and hurt, comming out, reader cant catch a break (members chapters will have individual tags)
Summery:Its strange isn't it, how every decision you make leads you here in the very end. pressed up against him as he is pushing inside of you. has every touch and graze of deep brown eyes led you to this very moment, you cant help but wonder about the what ifs, what if you had never met, had never gone to the stupid party, had never taken that final leap off the deep end, would anything have changed or was it destined to happen at one point in your life. you don't know, all you know is that you have to deal with the aftermath of it all 
you go to a party, you have no way home and you must make a choice on who is going to take you home, if they end up taking you home... what happens after is up to them.
( I got the idea for this when i saw the butter cream version concept pictures)
You study your outfit in the floor length mirror, the soft glow in your room doing nothing to ease your nerves. Fingers patting down your jeans to fix any noticeable flaws. Jimin’s burning gaze making you shiver internally when you catch his eyes through the mirror. A  patronizing scoff that makes doubt and red hot anger swell inside. He really got on your nerves, that look of distaste as he eyed your body from behind, his eyes were strangely compelling and you feel like you could fall into a state of madness just looking at them, until he spoke.
"please don't tell me you are wearing that"
You let out a short cold chuckle, why was he even in your room in the first place. You try to act like you don't care about his opinion but you cant help but do another once over of your own outfit, nothing special or eye catching, a pair of pants and a sweater... still cute nonetheless. your eyes sway to the teasing quip of his lip though the mirror. Black heeled boots, way too tight jeans and lidded eyes that sparkle from the gems he stuck under his water line.
You turn to face him now, smokey eyes staring right back. annoyance already building on your tongue "well what am I supposed to wear? your not exactly helping me out".  You hated the smug smirk that filled his cheeks. you hated him even more when his eyes linger on the outfit he had laid out for you on your bed
Seemingly used to the way you yell at him he doesn't mention it instead fiddles with the outfit. "if you were listening and not being so bratty then you would wear this, the cold air wont matter once you get a little tipsy so why don't you be a good girl and put it on" to drive his point to you his lifted up the half empty bottle of liquor, the clear bubbly liquid sloshing around as he takes a sip, his body relaxing further onto the bed as he falls onto his back with pleasured grunt,  you eye the pieces of clothing, a matching set of shear underwear and bra, matching his own black attire along with a mini skirt and shirt
it was very reminiscent of your step brothers own fashion, when you moved into his house he did end up buying half the clothes you now currently own. you try not to think to much of it, his father insisted he take you shopping anyway.
You reluctantly grab the outfit from your bed. "im not wearing that" you fling the revealing bra and underwear that hides nothing , so sheer you might as well not be wearing anything. Jimin just rolls his eyes as he gets up collects the bra from the floor. tongue poking out to wet the corners of his lips from were he smudged the clear gloss he had applied not long ago, giving you no time to gather yourself.
"no one is going to want to fuck you if you look like that" the crude words have you shriveling up inside, hating how he always got under your skin so easily.  it really wasn't any of his business, you just wanted to spend time with your friends.
 "fuck off Jimin, bet your tiny cock cant satisfy anyone, all you have is your looks and shitty music" you know its a lie but you keep eye contact with him, boldly staring into his own eyes that darken by the second, small smile curling at the ends of his lips, you look away. it was definitely a lie. If the whorish moans or broken whimpers that come from his bedroom door was anything to go by , you know from the pool party he hosted last summer at your house, swimming trunks clinging to him revealing just how much he had to offer, that and how he loved those grey sweatpants and tight jeans.
"oh you should watch that mouth of yours before it causes some problems that you wont know how to deal with" you watch him rise swiftly in the mirror, thighs bulging at  the tight strain of fabric as he inches closer behind you. A warm hand skirts up the length of your upper back before he makes way to tuck your hair to the side, finger tips ghosting down your neck.
You swallow thickly, holding your breath, honeyed voice braced against your ear . "you wouldn't want to say something you cant take back hmm" the drawn out sticky sweet voice begging you to say it again, one more time and hell prove you wrong. you could basically feel his heat, his breath leaves goosbumps along your neck.
“Do I make you nervous?”
He brings something to your neck, a pretty sheer choker to fit the outfit. he lets it slip around your neck, eyes never once breaking as he tightens it in his hands, your throat constricts with the pressure and you suck in a sharp breath as he pulls it tight . practiced hands working to clasp it into place.
Then that's it, he walks away from you like nothing had happened and nothing did happen but you cant explain that to your increased heartrate that felt so loud in his silence. He moves to the bed to collect his things that he hastily had thrown there beforehand, your eyes stay on him the entire time through the mirror.
"well my ride is here" his phone rings breaking the fragile bubble of tension he created in your quiet room, you hear the car pull up outside from your bedroom window, Jimin gives you one last smirk before exiting your room.
 You let out a breath you had been holding the entire time as your fingers grip the outfit. You look out the window to in curiosity, watching as Jimin walks towards the car, Taehyung meeting him halfway
Even the mention of the name had your throat dry. Having had the displeasure to have met him a couple times, him being your brothers best friend and all. He didn't sit well with you, call it a gut feeling but maybe the permanent vexing smirk that pulled at his lips when he was around, the intimidating aura, whatever it was you made sure to keep yourself far away from him as possible. whenever he was over you took extra precaution to keep yourself locked away in your room but you could almost always feel his eyes through the wall.
  Accept for that one time he had caught you off guard.
The cold water hitting your skin as Jimin pushed you into the pool, brazen laugh so loud you could hear it under the water, he jumps in right after. with so many people around you couldn't fathom why we was being so touchy, hands on your waist as he pushed you against the pool wall. "what the fuck do you think your doing" 
You punch his shoulder as you try to swim away from him but Jimin always had the last laugh, pulling at the string of your bikini top. that fucker. you were quick to get out of the pool. clutching the now loose material to your chest as you rush to the bathroom to fix it, not noticing Taehyungs eyes on you as you enter the empty house, a quick glips at his friend to see he was now preocupied with someone else, a quick exchange of the tiny package, counting the money with satisfaction as he gets out of the water
Taehyung looks away when Jimin catches his eyes with a wink, wet hair pushed back and dripping with water as he works on another client.
Stepping into the house, following the wet footprints to the bathroom door and with a final look around him to make sure no one else was around he opened the door, your shocked face met his in the mirror. coming up with some bullshit excuse that he needed to use the bathroom, your body freezing as you tried to apologies with an anxious strain of your voice, trying to  leave the bathroom but he didn't budge from the doorway, blocking your exit.
instead pushing himself in, your feet taking steps back subconsciously, his eyes darting down your body.
"let me help with that" his fingers cold on your bare back as he gripped the strings, moving you further into the bathroom and turning you to face the mirror. the thought of bending you over the sink and having his way with you. wanting nothing more then to rip the bikini from your body instead of securing back in place
His fingers causing goosebumps across your skin as he pushes his body into yours from behind causing you to gasp. "your such a tease you know that right" his words dripped off into a chuckle, speaking low into your ear. his lips brushing the skin just under your ear as you shake under his fingertips. Slowly inching his fingers  under the side straps of your bikini bottoms, one pull and they would pool at your feet
"s-stop" you try to move but he had you trapped against the counter. the porcelain biting at your skin, his hands moving up your sides and over your covered breasts. fear mounting with the shake in your voice with every press of fingers, watching your body gives you away when you lean into his touch.
"you want me to stop your not very convincing moaning like that" his lips back on your neck, the smell of chlorine and something sweet as he kisses under your ear, his fingers going to slip under the material of your bikini but the tension was broken with Jimin calling your name from downstairs and you scrambling out of his hold. your frantic footsteps down the carpeted steps.
Seeing him again had you heart racing, an unsatisfied ache you don't like to acknowledge, an ache only his fingers would mend but also a strange fear that sat right on your chest. stay away.
The memory shatters and you jump when the driver impatiently beeps the horn to get a move on. Taehyungs driver not impressed with having to wait. 
The two break their hug and you watch as Jimin pushes Taehyung up against the door of the sleek black car, a flirty gaze in his eyes as he captures Taehyung in a heated kiss, Jimin's tongue slipping inside his mouth playfully, Taehyung fully resipicating with hands on Jimins waist. Taehyungs eyes open to lock with yours through the window.
 You quickly dip your head away, not really believing what you saw and not getting back up until you heard the screech of tires driving down the road. the room now being so silent you jolt, hand over your heart to calm yourself as your phone rings, your friends would be there in 5 minutes.
  You waste no time getting dressed. Eyeing the sheer underwear Jimin had placed back on your bed before hesitantly slipping them on. No one would know and you didn't have time to find anything else. You slip on a pair of fishnets as if that was going to do anything to keep your legs a little warm before slipping on the leather skirt.
  The  bra was nowhere to be found, you had looked everywhere. your head scrambles in irritation as you couldn't find any of your bras, items of your draw keep going missing and you conclude you must have just put them out to be washed but you could have sworn you had put it right next your bed.
You didn't have time for this right now, you slip on the shirt and make sure it wasn't noticeable that you were going braless. after a few touch ups you make your way outside, checking twice to make sure the door was locked, looking up at the huge house already regretting not being in your bed. making your way to sit on the curb of your street as you wait for your ride
The air was far to cold for your outfit as you wrap your arms around yourself, nipples hardening under the thin material of your shirt, you knew this was a bad idea. you stand to your feet, already making up your mind that you needed to change. fuck Jimin and his influen- “y/n”
your thoughts are cut off by the sound of a familiar deep voice.
you wip your head around to meet eyes with the kind one of your neighbors. "oh Namjoon- ah msorry- i mean sir, you scared me" his cheeks heat under your smile.
“i told you that you can call me Namjoon y/n”  his smile had you temporary forgetting the biting spring wind. Namjoon couldn't help but eye your figure up close, you looked so different like this and he didn't hide the way his eyes traveled down your body, stopping on your breasts, your perky nipples standing against the biting air just begging to be gropped. He would fuck you right here on the pavement if it wasn't so cold. No he wouldn't do that, you deserve to fucked in the comfort of his home and he was a very patient man. 
His eyes lock back on yours, noticing you had been talking to him, arms wrapped around your body unconsciously pushing up your breast even more and swaying from left to right, a habit he noticed you do often when you were nervous, did he make you nervous?. fuck, he couldn't help the strain against his pants.
Were you doing this on purpose? did you want him to fuck you right here. your words were nothing but white noise, annoying, he didn't hear a word you said but managed to catch a few key words here and there. something along the line of a party and waiting for a ride. Namjoon was so considerate and kind of course he should offer you a ride and you will except because he wont give you much of an option to decline.
He shrugs his jack from his shoulders, moving it over your body with warm hands, having been in his pocket to keep from the harsh air. your words jumble with surprise at the romantic gesture.
  "its cold outside you should know better, please wear this" our cheeks heat feeling like you are being scolded, his hands stay on your waist a little longer then whats acceptable but its Namjoon, your kind neighbor who takes care of plants and reads the newspaper. Namjoon who commutes to work every morning on his bike, shiny car sitting untouched with collected dust in the expensive look driveway.
"i can give you a ride if you would like ? " watching your face with a bit of hope but he saw your brows dip in hesitation. he cursed in his head as headlights cast their lights over your body, the car beeping annoying in the otherwise quiet night. he could see the cold air from your open mouth, hesitating and looking at him with an apology.
your friends scream, a rowdy mess of intoxicated singing as they call out to you, whistling as you blush next to Namjoon. his hands move up to the back on his head, scratching the hair there and watching as you move towards your friends car. "just call me if you need ok ?, and let me know your safe and so i wont have to report a missing person" he joked with a dimpled smile and your friends basically melt. Namjoon was only half joking about you being a missing person but you didn't know that slapping his arm in a flirty manner.
 "thanks Joon" you hop in the backseat of the car and Namjoon shuts it safely behind you. 
“don't drink to much, you to girls please be responsible”, you wave goodbye with a shy nod not before your friends could drunkenly slur how hot he is, Namjoon blushing at all the attention which only seemed to make them melt further.
“Not a girl” 
Yoongi knew he was prettier then most, doll like features and soft lips but come on, Namjoons eyes narrow “oh my bad” Yoongi tucked himself away against the window with closed eyes.
 Namjoon hated the idea of you leaving to a party where other guys could stare at you and he hopes for his sake you keep the jacket on so he can take it off you later. You even left the curtains of your bedroom open and you really should be more careful, anyone could be watching you but he was grateful for the show you gave him, body stripped bare with a hand on his cock watching you change although slightly mad another male had been in your presence. your step brother was a little to handy for his liking and he would have to do something about that. hed known Jimin for a long time, hes grown up a lot over the years enough to know exactly what trouble he was.
Did you want to fuck Jimin?, your own step brother?. his cock strained at the thought of something so filthy, were you that desperate, he could give you everything you could even want and more, much more then some pretty boy. but if it was what you really wanted then Namjoon didn't mind some foreplay, wouldn't be hard to swipe the boy right under his feet and make you all one big happy family, he’s always wanted two kids.
He was ready to be a dad, the sting still hollow from his ex wife with the miscarriage, leaving him shortly after to be alone to wallow in his own self pity and wealth. It was truly lonely but he didn't feel alone when he was with you.
The car drives away , waving goodbye until you couldn't see him anymore, just a dot in the background as you settle in the back seat. Arin shooting you a flirtatious smile as she giggles into your side. "so, have you banged your hot neighbor yet, he’s so cute!" you cant help but roll your eyes at her, typical Arin.
Yoongi sat leaning his head back with his eyes closed lets out a scoff but you don't pay him much mind "no, hes life double my age and.. you know Im not ready for something like that" and just like that the sour taste of past memories burn your throat threating to rise up. Suzy turning around in the passenger seat with a long grone
"when are you going to move on from Hoseok, seriously y/n you need to be dicked down if not from your hot neighbor then someone tonight, its the perfect night for it"
 you fight internally not to let your tongue slip. Yes of course, pills, being blackout drunk with vomit soaked clothes and sucking any dick (mostly her boyfriends, Taehyungs) is the perfect setting. It had been a while since you broke up with Hoseok but you new you were still damaged.
 Yoongi knew this too as he spoke for the first time since you got in the car. "I think you just need to focus on yourself and not other peoples dicks" the passive aggressive monotonous buzz in Yoongis voice was felt as the tension thickened. Memories of suzy and Hoseok together in your own house invading your memories.
You had forgiven Suzy, it wasn't her fault after all, she wasn't the one in a relationship after all, all the commitment fell on Hoseok at the end of the day and he was weak enough to lust over her body, giving him things you could never.
 Yoongi broke the silence that had swallowed your mind. 
"don't think about him anymore ok, he’s an piece of shit and i really should kill him" 
You knew he hated Hoseok for breaking your heart. Yoongi was your best friend after all, always has been and always will be which is why is was easy for him to quit the basketball team, not being able to play with Hoseok without punching him in the face. its sad really you feel immense guilt at the fact that they used to be good friends and his fond love for the sport.
But Yoongi had loved you far longer then he had been friends with Hoseok and it was an easy sacrifice on his part, you needed him and he was there for you. Making dirty money in underground rap, feet swaying under the red L.E.D lights high out of his mind really didn't leave much time for basketball anyway. too busy trying to scrape money together for a cup of ramen noodels before his gig.
"its not that easy you know, what we had was special" you could hear the smug chuckle in Suzys voice, knowing she wanted to say more but deciding against it, Yoongi squirming, the discomfort in his heart a bit too much for him as he stared at the wizzing street lights.
 Arin digged  her hand into her bra, having no pockets to hide the stash of pills, her silky pink skirt rubbing up against your own thigh. "here, just try some, it will get Hoseok of your mind, he’s really not worth it" 
She moves her finger around the pouch, pulling  a pink pill from its content with her pink bottom lip pulled between her teeth. rubbing her side into you, puppy eyes as she holds the pill between perfects manicured fingers 
 Although tempting, forgetting about hoseok and jumping a random guys dick, but you turn away from her sparkly eyes, "I don't do those things Rin, you know that" she pulls back like shes been slapped. Yoongi too as all he could think about was his next fix, clawing at his insides on his brain like a parasite but Arin didn't have what he needed, he needed to talk to Taehyung about something a little stronger.
You failed to notice the look of adoration in her eyes that drain with hurt. "fine be boring" she slips the pill between her lips and swallows with the bottle of some cherry flavored vodka. nails clinking against the glass and flowing down her throat. 
Suzy snickers from the front seat. "prude" you ignore her words and look to Jane who hasn't said a word the whole drive, driving with her eyes on the road. "how long until we get there?" she meets your eyes in the rear view mirror. "I think we are here actually"
 The house was huge, even bigger then Jimins and you had been awe struck when you moved into the fancy house but this was huge...and crowded, a girl you recognize from your class already throwing up in the grass in the front yard as her friends hold her hair up for her, smudged makeup as she crys over 'that asshole fuckbag’. Arin pulls you out of the car, locking your arm with her own as she pulls you up to the door.
Yoongi at your other side, his hand on your lower back as he guides you into the house and you thank him mentally, the creep and his cracked out friends being blocked by Yoongis frame
The stench of alcohol was rich, burning your nose as you enter. If you thought the front yard was packed then the inside was 100 times worse. Loud music and and red cups or various bottles in everyone hand, mouths attached to necks and wondering hands. 
Arin is quick to hand you a cup and you look at her hesitantly. you don't indulge in alcohol normally, havnt in a long time ever since you had seen the destructive path it could bring  but you take the cup in your hand anyway, letting the cool plastic rest in your palm as you allow her to pull you through the house.
 You feel uneasy, feel the burning of prying eyes on your body, gripping your jacket to bring it close. Drink untouched as your eyes gaze around the room, not sure what your looking for but it isn't long before eyes meet the familiar ones of your brother, his eyes on you as soon as you entered the room.
 A pretty girl attached to his side as she slides her hand across his chest. he cocks an eyebrow at you at your obvious staring, his eyes dropping down your body with a pleasant smile, you had wore the outfit he picked for you. he doesn't break the contact, taking a sip from the red cup, mouth moving to replay to the taller tattooed male to his left. he looked familiar.
Your vison on Jimin is cut however when a body blocks your view , eyes peering up at none other then Taehyungs. his eyes cold as he looks down at you, not used to being so close to the male you cower away from his gaze, shrinking into Arins body next to you.
  He always made you feel a suffocating feeling in your stomach, an uneasy aura. He grabs onto Suzys waist, pushing her into his side as he whispers something into her ear that has her squeeling, slapping him playfully across the chest.
Arin gags at the sight of the two of them. "ok love birds we get it, some of us are single here" she pulls you to her side, even closer if that was possible and Jane just looks around the room in search for something or someone.
 "whos house even is this" you question
Arin gasps as if you just told her you hate puppies. her touchy hands closing around your upper arm in a tight grip. "don't you know Kim Seokjin, like theeee best looking guy in our school, hot body, our schools prestigious basketball player, really hot" your skin pales at the name.
Panic surges inside of you. that was Hoseok’s bestfriend, of course you knew him, you knew his dick too but if Seokjin was here that had to mean.... you turn  Arin to you, half in conversation about how dreamy the star was. "i- i have to go, i cant-" its like fate had other plans as just in that moment you spot the warm smile of your ex and he was heading right for you.
 You freeze, not ready for all these feeling that come to the surface, his face filled with nostalgic memories of how happy and painful your relationship was. you down the drink in your hand as he reaches you, gripping into your elbow to pull the drink away from your lips.
 "woah slow down there pretty"
The nickname stings more then the contents of the cup as it burns your throat. you yank your arm out of his hold "I need another drink" you walk off leaving your group of friends and heading towards the kitchen in hopes that he wouldn't follow behind. he did
You yank a random bottle from the bench, pouring its contents into the plastic cup, trying to keep your breathing stable as you feel his presence behind you. you don't wait for him to talk as you down another cup .
 "jesus fuck y/n what's got into you, you don't even like to drink" he tries to pull your attention to him, spinning your body around to face him, caging your body against the cool edge of the counter as he snatches the cup from your hand.
  "since when do you care Hoseok, since when did you ever give a shit about me" your voice wavered in a desperate attempt to keep from letting the tears spill from your eyes, keeping your head high.
 His eyes were solemn as he he gripped onto your arms through the jacket. "i do care y/n, you broke up with ME and then stopped talking to ME when all I wanted was to fix things with you". yea its your fault, always your fault when it came to him
"suzy came onto me, she’s the one you should get rid of, not me, I never did anything to hurt you"
the sharp laugh you let out had him flinching. A classic, blaming other people for his wrongs. never did anything wrong ? you were blind to see the way he always manipulated you, molded you in to what he wanted you to be and you ate it right up for some simple love and affection.
"you know I care about you" he reached his hand out to cup your cheek. you grab the half empty cup from his hand before throwing it in his face. "fuck you Hoseok, fuck you" you leave him in the kitchen, soaked in the sticky beverage and a look of rage in his eyes. cursing at you as he rubs the substance from his eyes, he was quick on your tail although it was hard to see, his vision blurry as the sting in his eyes worsen.
 "you fucking bitch" your name leaving his lips as you maneuvered through the sea of bodies, eyes scanning the room for any of your friends who had now disappeared
Arin grabs your arm, seeing how lost you were in the room full of people, leading you out to the back doors for a breathe of much needed air. "hey are you ok? you look a little red babe" her smalls hands enclose over your cheeks that were red from anger.
"y-yea Rin, im ok just need a drink" her smile reaches her eyes as she wiggles the same cherry vodka in front of your face. "uh you got to love me for always having your back" 
she takes a sip of the bottle, a faint lipstick stain coating the head of the bottle.  her voice turns soft, rolled out syllables of words already starting to slur. 
"i know you didn't expect Hoseok to be here but maybe this will do you some good, closure and all" her hand moves to cover yours, her sweet smile you know any man could fall for, her smile as dazzling as her earrings that flow like water down her neck.
 You don't expect what happens next, her moving in closer, eyes scanning your lips as she learns in, mouth closing on yours as a perfectly manicured hand caresses' your cheek. feeling her silky red stained lips pull in desperation at your own, You pull away slowly, pulling her wrist away from your face, refusing to look her in the eye. 
"im sorry Arin, im just not-... your drunk and i don't li-"you didn't even know what to say, lips still tingling not have seen this coming. the taste of sour cherry on your lips as you keep your yes glued to the floor. she was awfully quiet but you were to scarred to turn and see her broken eyes, her eyes watering as she pulls her lip between her teeth. 
"no, im sorry, im such an idiot" she hits her head with her palms as panic and rejection swell in her face, she dusts the invisible particles from her silky skirt as she stands, her body warmth leaving your side.
 "Arin wait" you grip her skirt in your hands to keep her from walking away "i really need a friend right now, there are plenty guys that will love you, its just not me" you heard the scoff in her voice, the gentle break from unshed tears ripping you apart. 
"i don't like boys" 
You were shocked at her confession. "and you know what, you don't ever let anything good happen to you, you are your own downfall, it wouldn't be so hard to let people love you if you weren't so in love with your own suffering"
Feeling attacked you cant help but attack back. "I never asked you to fall in love with me". you watch her eyes widen, tears falling from her face. "fuck you y/n, all you do is hurt everyone you get close to”
You watch her walk back into the crowd of people slaming the glass door on her way leaving you there to sit in your own missery, just like she had suggested.
You couldn't help but let the tears fall, overwhelming emotions filling you to the brim. you didn't mean to lash out, she was right. you didn't know how to take a good thing if it was handed to you right on a silver platter.
fuck you really just needed a drink. wiping your tears from your eyes, not even realizing how cold it was outside. moving back inside, the party in full swing, people basically fucking with clothes on , grinding on willing bodies or whatever surface they could, their blood laced with a mix of some form of LSD and whatever intoxicating beverages were in the kitchen.
Taehyungs eyes were on you as you move through the crowd. moving suzy off his lap with a whine of protest from her, he had spent the last 20 minutes hearing her bitch behind your back, he knew you two were on bad terms, knew you could spill his little secret that you saw earlier and could ruin everything he had which is why he was quick on his feet.
Your thighs peeking out from your short skirt laced with the stockings that just begged to be ripped from you with no remorse. For the longest time he wanted nothing more then to bend you over, weekend nights at Jimins writing music amongst other things and all he could think about was sneaking into your room and sinking into your sleeping body, maybe even having Jimin join him on his fantasies, keeping your mouth full if you do happen to wake up. but all thoughts like that dissipate when Jimins mouth was sinking down his length.
He was so close, hand reaching out to grab you and push you into the nearest bathroom, he needed to make sure your mouth stayed shut but he was quickly pulled away from you. He grit his teeth ready to punch the lights out of whoever had put their hands on him and away from his goal tonight.
The frown melted from Taehyungs face as he came to face Yoongi, a desperate look in his eyes and Taehyung knew what he needed, pulling him into the bathroom that he had planned to push you into.
  Sitting his friend down on the closed toilet seat. watching as his fingers twitch and shake, leg bouncing as the anxiety rose and filled his lungs. "I need it Tae, I need it" Yoongi was unhinged and Taehyung had promised that last time was the last time, he needed real help not a temporary fix, a temporary high to fix whatever was taking over his mind.
You didn't know about Yoongi’s little habit and he wanted to keep it that way, you still thought he was busy with his degree, had no idea he dropped out. he wanted to be the person you need when you call on him not some weak pathetic human who cant keep his anger inside, nothing but a broken mess without the drugs in his system.
Needs the drugs so he doesn't feel, feel the wandering hands of people he gets paid to fuck. like his mother use to say if your good at something then never do it for free and Yoongi happened to be skilled with his mouth. 
He hated the judmental eyes of hs friend, its not like this is the life he aspired for
The only thing that takes his pain away is the thought of you, holding you in his arms even it was platonically. Taehyung cant give him what he wants this time, a hand oh his friends shoulder to let him down easy.
 "you know I cant Yoongi" and he flinches like he was touched by fire. a dry laugh falling from his lips. Yoongi could only think about how selfish people were. "fine, fuck you" he pushed up from the toilet seat, his hands still twitching as he pushes past him. Taehyung tried to catch up with his friend but yoongi was faster.
His eyes catch Jimin's as he makes his way over, the boys flirty smile as he dances against a random body. "yoongi hyung dance with me" he pulled him by the collar but Yoongi was in no mood. he already knew Jimin wouldn't give him what he needed but asked anyway
"maybe if you get down on your knees and use that pretty mouth I might give it to you” of course he wouldn't give him what he wanted and he had to grit his teeth, typical park Jimin.
 "where is y/n" He needed to get out, the people around him starting  to overwhelm him. the drink in Jimins hand looking inviting, calling his name to numb his feelings out but he had promised you long ago he wouldn't.
 "went up stairs with Seokjin i think" 
Jimins eyes sparkle and his tongue flicks to the side of his cheek, shrugging his shoulders and  trying to twirl him in a dance. the sting isn't unfelt for Yoongi, grabbing the cup that Jimin was already lifting to his mouth and gulping the foul yet familiar liquid for himself.it warms him like a hug from an old friend. fuck it.
Jimind holds up clear package. “so what do you say”
----- Seokjin notices you straight away, your breathing rapid as you push through the crowd, Jungkook talking his ear off about how easy it was to join the force, his younger brother really was something else taking over their fathers career in the law.  Seokjin was going into the law career too but as a lawyer. late nights and little sleep on his part but he allowed himself this night to sped time with his friends and his brother, and you of course.
Jungkook followed the line of sight, watching you take a drink from some poor soul and tip it back down your throat, bumping into a girl as her drink spilt all over herself, sitting up with a squeal.
Your eyes wide, mouth ready in apology as she screams about the soiled dress. Seokjin and Jungkook move at the same time, dread as the girl picks up a stray cup of red liquid, throwing it at your unsuspecting frame.
  "you stupid bitch" the girl storms away, purse clutched to her side as the click of her lepordprint highheels click across the marble floor towards the fireplace that was lit and warming the room. you laugh at the irony, it all comes full circle. you could already see Hoseoks satisfied smile.
Jin reaches you first, warm hand on your shoulder to bring your attention to him. your teary eyes breaking his heart as you stare down at your jacket, fingers trying to dry the fabric in a haste. "s-seokjin" you were freezing, your skin cold , your watery eyes looking into his deep brown ones. you couldn't count the amount of times you had been in this situation with him. your teary eyes soaking his shirt many times.
 You would have been his if not for Hoseok, reminiscing the way he would take you out on cute dates after taking an interest in you at his basketball games. your beautiful smile spreading so much light wherever you go and cant help the deep hate he had for his bestfriend for killing your light. Hoseok had broken you when all he ever wanted to do was lift you up.
The days he would hopelessly pin after you and have you reciprocate for your own selfish desires, leading him on with cute dinner dates and secret smiles only for him. loved the cute way you would dress in your oversized sweaters, taking his sweaters whenever you would come over to his house.
You were never together so he doesn't know why it hurt so bad when you referred to him as a good friend, rejected him, telling him you had someone else that you liked and that you never meant to lead him on.
 Its was all bullshit though when you came crying to him in the middle of the night, not being able to go to Yoongi as you didn't want to be lectured. you were so cruel, stealing kissing from him in the middle of the night, taking your pleasure and leaving him empty and alone in the morning, already rekindling with Hoseok and leaving him with wounds you rip open and let him bleed. he could never be mad at you though because it was you and he would do anything to make you happy.
  He eyes Jungkook to follow him upstairs, gripping your shaky hand and leading you upstairs that he had blocked off from the common party goers. unlocking his bedroom door and ushering you inside, your faint sniffles and stray tears leaking onto his jacket as he moves you into his private bathroom, Jungkook close behind you.
 While Seokjin looks in the draws for things to clean the jacket Jungkook turns you to him with a comforting hand. "hey you, its been a while" ....a while since you broke his hyungs heart is what he really wants to say. you had stopped talking to Jungkook when you stopped talking to Jin, the two came as a pair and so couldn't catch up with Jungkook without running into his brother.
"yea, I'm sorry you have to see me like this" you wipe at your eyes and laugh at the situation. having not seen Jungkook in so long he was almost unrecognizable, the tattooed sleeve and piercings taking you by surprise. "oh congrats for completing law school offi-" your cut of by Seokjin cursing and shutting the cupboards
 "can you go get the wipes from the kitchen kook? " 
Jungkook left without a word, exiting the bathroom with a tilt of his head and flick of his wrist in goodbye to you before the click of the bathroom door. A suffocating silence in the echoing tile walls. nothing was said as he moves your body closer to his, hands on your waist and gasping when he hoists you onto the cool counter top, the cold surface almost painful on your thighs and you cant help the shiver that spreads through your body.
With the boost in height you are now level with Seokjins eyes and you wanted to look anywhere else, not wanting to face the person of the heart you had taken advantage of. In hindsight you would have accepted his love confession but you cant go back in time, that's not how the words works.
Despite that, you felt safe in his arms. his fingers peeling the jacket from your body, leaving you to shudder, nipples hardening. if he did notice he doesn't say anything as he takes the jacket and runs the hem under the warm water. nothing said between you as he works quietly in trying to get the stain out.
  "im sorry Jinnie" your voice strains barely auddaible over the running faucet, he leaves the sleeve to soak under the warm water as he turns his attention back to you noticing the goosebumps on your arms he turns on the heat light. 
You don't know what really warms the blood in your cheeks, the alcohol, the florescent lights or Seokjins hands on your knees, fingers mindlessly moving under the string of your fishnets. drawing patterns on your skin as he speaks to you.
He simply watches you with melencholic eyes. "are you y/n?, you don't sound very sorry" you don't really know how to answer his question, words laying heavy on your tongue and sprinkling over you like a heavy wet blanket. 
His eyes fall as he gathers what he wants to say. "all i ever wanted was for you to be happy you know?" you know. he was always so caring and sometimes you wish he wasn't then you wouldn't feel so guity, avoided his eyes, he always knew what to say and never complained but it was hard to face him now.
  "so are you happy?"
His hands were still on your leg, warm fingers pressing into you skin. his hands traveled higher up your thigh over the flexable material on your legs. He couldn't escape you , couldn't resist you and the way you whimper just from the feel of his fingers.
He couldn't help himself as he leaned in closer to you, eyes on your lips as he let his fingers dance along your thigh, lips connecting to your own. loving to way you gasp as he deepens the kiss, your back hitting the cold mirror, his hand coming up to the side of your face to lick into your mouth.
You felt safe trapped between him, the familiar tongue slipping into your mouth as his hands move, fingers moving over your underwear , thumb pressing down on your clit and Jin biting your lip hard.
 You let out a pained yelp from deep inside you chest, trying to push at his chest to break the kiss. your hand coming up to your lip as it starts to bleed.metalic filling your mouth "what the fuck!" , you push him hard making him scowl, thumb pressing harder into your clit. you hiss in the pain and pleasure that follows, allowing your head to hit the mirror as the continuous stimulation of pleasure reaches all your nerves, arm grabing for his wrist to pull him away.
 "why do you always do this to me" your eyes shake, not used to seeing anything but a kind smile on his face.
The door of the bathroom opens, Jungkook stopping in his tracks, eyes honeing in on the hand underneath your skirt before trailing up to your bloody lip and his Hyung's look of anger. he clears his throat as Seokjin removes his hand from underneath you, grabbing for the wipes in his hand and shooting him a look to leave. Taking the hint and leaving the room, hopes that seokjin would teach you a lesson for your whoring around but also knew Seokjin loved yo to much, you didn't deserve him. moving downstairs to find something to busy himself with, this was his party afterall. -----------------------------------------------
Jin turns back to you. rubbing at his eyes like even being in your presence exhausted him. taking the wipes and rubbing out the stains left in your jacket. "what did you mean why do i do this to you, you kissed me Seokjin"
  He discards the jacket on the counter leaving it to dry. moving back between your legs, hands on your knees pulling them wide to make room between them. "you always do this to me, jumping from one man to another. what from Hoseok to Taehyung and back to me just so you can use me and leave again?" you blink speechless not knowing how he knew about Taehyung. remembering the way he had you pined against the bathroom sink.
  "how did you know about that" 
All he could do was scoff, of course that's all you worried about, not the fact that you continue to break his heart. his thumb reaching to dig into the slit of your lip, bursting pain leaving you to whimper "whatever y/n" with that he took off, leaving you alone in the quiet bathroom. -------------------- You make your way down the stairs with wobbly legs, securing your still damp jacket over your frame. you heard it before you could see it. the sound of Suzys voice in a fit of rage over the loud music. A small group of people surrounding the couple as she slaps Taehyung across the face, shoving her phone into his face....a picture taken at the pool party , Taehyung having you trapped as he kisses at your neck.
You get he a notification to your phone sent by Arin. The picture burning your eyes in a panic. the small text underneath the photo,
I told you that you'd be sorry. 
Was this supposed to some sort of payback. thinking back to the day Taehyung had forced you up against the hard surface while Jimin had been out in the pool with all your friends, well all except Arin it seems.
 You squeal as you feel a pair of hands on your from behind but a hand is quicker to capture your scream into his palm.
"shhh follow me"
It was Jimin and he was pulling you away from the scene just as you see Hoseok push through the crowd and up to Taehyung with nothing but rage. Jimin leads you to a secluded room, cursing as he stumbles a little before creaking the door open, surprised to find no one fucking on the bed and he ushers you inside and shuts the door and locks it from any intruders.
You sit yourself on the end of the bed in deep though as Jimin groans about the pain in his calfs from standing so much tonight, flopping himself on the bed with giggle that didn't really fit how you felt right now but that was his specialty, not being able to read the room.  
Thoughts about how this picture would be spun out of context, he had put his hands on you without your ok and he would have dont alot more if not for Jimin’s drunken voice booming for your very need aperience. The memory sill haunting you, hands caging you to the wall and the never ending smirk on his face. Thoughts about Arin, the betrayal and deep level of hurt at your friend for doing this to you, suzy calling you a slut as she shouts at taehung so loud even you wanted to believe it the way her voice cracked.
 "thought you might not want to be apart of whatever that was, what a shit show" you could only hum in response, not really knowing what to say , you had caused all this.
 "there is enough room for two you know?, why don't you join me my lady" It was hard not to laugh at Jimin's humor even if it was annoying at times and usually made you want to push him of a cliff.
 He pats the space next to him and and you eye the spot carefully, his eyes were not so careful, so inviting, a sparkle that only he had.  sensing your hesitation he reached into his side pocket, not being able to find what he wanted he planted his feet on the bed and lifted himself to reach into his very back pockets. thinking he was taking his pants off your eyes go wide as you look away.
"Jimin what the fuck", the snicker in his voice made your cheeks red. "my pants are on, I'm not that easy y/n" his cheeky tone always dripped with something more. looking back just in time to see him pull out an array of things from his pocket and you have to wonder ho he fits it all in there.
 "iv got a bag of skittles and some makeup to fix up all this" he vaguely refers to your smudged makeup and tear stained cheeks.
  "if you will let me" his voice a whisper as he pats the spot next to him again, propped up on his elbow. this would be ok if not for the way he said it, eyes already dark like an unspoken promise that once you lay down beside him then you are done for.
 You do as he say with a reluctant sigh. Taking the spot next to him and you lay on a bed you diddnt know belonged to. The satisfaction on Jimins face as he passed you the bag of skittles. "good girl"
 You try to control the way your stomach leaps, opting to hit him against his chest instead. Jimin gasping in mock hurt at the non existent pain you caused.
 "just keep your hands to yourself" your tone serious as you give him a pointed stare.
You should have known, when you say walk Jimin says runs, it was always the dynamic you had and that's why you Shouldnt be surprised when hecompletelyy ignores your request, grabing your jaw with his hand to bring yourattentionn to him.
 "well as a makeup artist I will have to touch your face so no promises" there was no hiding the blush now, distracting yourself but opening the half eaten packet of skittles and shoving a red one in your mouth.
 "what else do you have in your pocket, why not just buy a bag" you eye the other things that he had discarded on the bed a little pouch of power, car keys, wallet, condoms, lipgloss and ? what was that. you go to pick up the small object but Jimin pushes you back down. "ah ah ah don't be so nosy" he had gotten incredibly close to your face , swalowing thickly.
 "now stay still"
You wish the sweetness of the candy would distract you, staring up at the ceiling instead of Jimins face as he prepares the makeup essentials. bringing his thumb to his mouth before reaching under your eye to rub the stray mascara off making you flinch. He shoots you an annoyed glance
 "be still for ill have to start over". It was a torturous time, feeling his body heat so close warming your body , his hands working over you face, resting against your temple as he worked on the eyeliner.
“how did you get into makup?” 
His eyes flick to your your own before continuing the wing of thick black liner.”you know im a preformer, the hired makeup artist never could quite get it so I taught myself, you should come one night”
you had never seen him so focused and you humm in completion.  
You knew he could see how humiliated you felt under his constant evaluation, how vulnerable you felt when he came at your face with the wand of the mascara. His hand on your chin as he lifts your head to get a better angle of his work.
The silence was a nice change of mood but it was also suffocating you, Jimin so focused in his craft that he didn't even notice you haven't spoken, his own smokey eyes staring so intently at your own.
He dabbed his brush into the glittery eyeshadow, blowing at the ends of it before bringing it to you eye, apparently the hard part was done as he started to talk again "so you really fucking Tae now?, you seem to causing so many problems tonight baby" 
Baby ?there he goes again. the arogent smirk that made you so mad, this is not what you needed right now, a shoulder to cry on maybe but not a asshole that is your brother.
 "No I'm not fucking your friend, are you?" you know the jab may have been uncalled for but you don't find any satisfaction when he gives you nothing but a firm pinch. "don't scrunch your face, you'll ruin my work" The silence runs thick, the bass of music through the door as he now works on your lips. "and what problem have i caused you ? all i did was show up in the outfit you picked... I haven't even spoken to you tonight" eyes moving from the work he was doing on your lips to lock eyes with you, a look you didn't really know how to digest.
 "oh you have caused me many problems, and your making it very hard for me to not solve them". Eyeing your outfit that he was so proud of putting together. The skirt running a little shorter then he expected "you wore the outfit, but" he sucks in a breath through his teeth as he if he was contemplating something
 "what is this"
He moved closer to your body, hovering over you as he pulls the jacket from your chest, letting it lay open. you hated your body for reacting. You hated him for his constant teasing. He pushes the jacket that was thrown over your shoulders, leaving you only in your thin shirt. you felt a rush of insecurity to your exposure 
"no bra ?"
 His eyebrows lift in your direction as if asking for an explanation but nothing could come out from your mouth other then covering up with crossed arms he moved closer to you, a hand on your thigh as he leaned into your ear. his breath was warm on your neck. "what a little slut" .
Your hands were pushing at his chest, sitting up on the end of the bed, wiping around to face him. Your stomach dipping and whirling as the words settle, leaving him there on the bed "i said keep your hands to yourself" 
You stand to your feet and straighten your skirt, his eyes still on your body. you heard the sheets of the bed move as he got to his feet, cleaning his voice. "well you know were not related y/n,"
 You could hear the sound of his heels making its way closer to you, his eyes inviting you in "yet you hold yourself so much higher then everyone else with  a stupid set of morals and rules but your no better then me, princess"
 His hands were at your waist, pushing you up against the door, the exit of the room you had been heading to. You could smell the alcohol on his breath as he leaned in, your breath hitching as you prepar yourself to feel his lips, closing your eyes.
 You felt the breath of his chuckle in your ear, eyes snapping open when he moves your jaw to the side. your eyes coming into contact with your own reflection. A mirror hanging on the wall of the bedroom showing showing just how close he was. burning up with embarrassment at the thought of you anticipating a kiss and anger for how he had played you.
 Fingers running from the base of your ear down your neck to the hem of your shirt "not so nice to be teased hmm" airy chuckel as he pushed off your body, shooting you one last look before pushing you to the side to leave the suffocating room.
 You felt heat surge throughout your body, anger that Jimin always having the last words, the last laugh. You collect yourself, admiring yourself and Jimin work in the mirror, still feeling the tingel of his fingers on your neck, your jaw clenching at the memory.
 A buzz in your jacket pocket from your phone had your attention, you exit the room checking the message on your phone, surprised at how much time had passed, the party still going strong as sweaty bodies grind up against eachother as you read the message. 
It was Namjoon asking if you were ok. you cant help the smile, pushing Jimin from your mind as you scramble to unlock your phone. texting out a reply, pausing to think about the cute dimpled man that was so quick to give you his jacket and checking on you. you wish everyone could be a bit more like Namjoon. Thoughts turning not so innocent when you think about his body, the times you had seen him working out in his living room through your window. Maybe it was an age thing but Namjoon sounded so much better then whatever this party was.
Thoughts shattering when your phone is knocked out of your hand, falling to the ground with a crack. "oh shit my bad" a voice slurs in your direction. You crouch down to pick up your now cracked phone, looking up still in shock and anger at the culprit. Ready to cuss out whoever had been so careless, anger fading when you end up looking into the blood shot eyes of Min Yoongi.
 "yoongi?" your eyes travel to the glass of alchol in his hand and with wide eyes now full of anger you try to snatch it from him but he pulls it away from your reach at the last second. He smiles as you with hazed out eyes, "Y/n baby i-fuck" He pulls you into his embrace as he stumbles on his feet, keeping the drink out of your reach, you ignore the warmth in your cheeks from the pet name, choosing to chalk it up to drunk talk as he settles his face into your neck 
"Min Yoongi what do you think your doing" you try to reach for his red cup again he flinches as if he had been burnt.
 "Jesus y/n, get of your fucking high horse, its one drink" you frown, not used to this side of your friend, always had nothing but love and patience for you. "you know your not supposed to drink, you promised "
"yea an an-d I thought you were done with Hoseok but apparently you still fuck him, you really are just a slut" your mouth gapes open as Yoongi downs the rest of his cup, the pain of tears behind his eyes wanting to gush down like a faucet but instead he gives you a lazy smile as he wipes his mouth with his sleeve , shoving the empty cup into your hands. 
"i know you didn't mean that, your drunk" 
He tips his head back as he laughs, his cheeks red with the amount of poison coursing through his veins, he really needed a cigarette, or another drink if he had to deal with you or rather his feelings for you. He might just take what he wants if hes not carefull.
"you just don't get it, you never get it" he stepped closer to you, his face coming closer to your own, you could feel the edge of his breath on your face.   "your selfish y/n, so fucking selfish" he backs you up against the wall, the backs of your shoes hitting the edge as you shrink into yourself, much to shocked to say anything. His mouth acends against your ear, body caging you in. 
"and im the fucking idiot because you don't even know it" He leaned back to look you in the eye, his eyes unreadable as he stared down at you, his eyes fliciking down to your lips before he stood back to his full height. you breathe, not knowing you had held your breath all this time but it doesn't last long as your breath hitches when Hoseok comes out of nowhere, his hands balled into fists as he grabs Yoongis shirt with two hands and pins his against the wall you had been leaning on
Yoongi lands against the wall with a hard thump, his eyes lazily staring back into the rage that colours Hoseoks eyes. "oh Hoseok, we were just talking about you" Yoongi gives him a small smirk, his tougue licking at the corner of his mouth teasingly as he slurred the words, Hoseok pushes him further up the wall making yoongi bang his head with a hiss, the intensity in his eyes maximizes as he slams him again.
  "HOSEOK, what the fuck are you doing" you rush over in a state of panic to grip his arm from where he had your bestfriend by the throat, Yoongi smiling at the fuming man. "yea Hobi lighten up" Yoongi licked his lips to wet them before laughing.
You pull at Hoseoks arm and try to squeeze yourself between them only to get pushed back by Hoseok, no one else paying you three much mind. Hoseok seethed, his vein pulsing in neck as he dug is arm harshly into Yoongis throat "shut the fuck up" Yoongi laughs again but this time it comes out choked and manic. Yoongi grabs his shirt and brings him close to whisper something into his ear, Yoongis eyes flicking over to you as he speaks into his ear. almost like he had been electrocuted Hoseok shoves him hard against the wall, his fist coming up before colliding with Yoongis cheek.
 You scream, running up to pull Hoseok away to winch you were met with the back of his hand as you fall to the dirty stained carpeted floor, the wind being knocked out of your lung as you clutch your face in the throbbing pain.
Hoseok was wide eyed as he stared at you. "y/n it was an accident" Yoongi chuckles, wiping the blood from his mouth as he gets up from where he had stumbled. wiping down his pants from the spilt drink. "you seem to be good at hitting people, no wonder y/n left you" Hoseok snapped his head back to Yoongi, jaw clenched as he lunges again. his fist comming against the dry wall as Yoongi dodges the fist, stumbling into some random girl as they both fall. The girl screamed as Yoongi tumbles down, ripping the girls skirt in the action to try and hold onto something , Hoseok not sparing him any time as he gets on top of him, his fist coming up to lunge at Yoongis face.
"HOSEOK FUCKING STOP IT" you get up off the floor to rip at his jacket but Jungkook was faster. rushing to pull the angered male off your bestfriend ."fucking chill " Jungkook pulled Hoseok to his feet and pushed him away from the crowd.
 Taehyung comes to help Yoongi from the floor as you rush over to him. Blood gushing from his lip and over his shirt. you couldn't help but let tears well in your eyes " what the fuck just happened" He didn't answer, Seokjin came down to see all the commotion and pulled you away outside, you protest the whole way insisting that you need to make sure Yoongi was ok.
 You pulled at his arm and dug your feet in the dirt, eventully he had enough of your tantrum and lifts you over his shoulder like you were nothing. "stop being such a brat"
You give up begging him and let him carry you walking over to the campfire that he had by the back of the house, plopping you gently on the tree log before letting out a sigh.
 "Are you ok? did you get hurt"
He sits down beside you as you stare at the orange flames crackling under the night sky. "you seem to keep saving me tonight huh?" 
He smiles at you as you two share the comfortable silence, tension still lingering in the air but Seokjin was a weak man. you let the warmth from the fire settle the exhaustion in your body
"I'm going to go check on Yoongi, go home y/n" and with that he left you there, any warmth from the fire vanishing as something ugly settles in your gut. you let the tears overwhelm you, you hated to admit it but you were terrified, you didn't want to be alone but you watch as his sillouete walks back into the house The night air reeking of alcohol and smoke. This whole night was a mistake, feeling every emotion you could feel all in the spam of a couple hours knowing it couldn't be healthy for you body, your muscles already aching with the ups and downs.
 You had no way home, the fear daunting on you the more you sit in the silence, only having the cackle and the warmth of the fire to keep you company. Arin had already left and even if she was still here you knew she was much to hurt to talk to you and after what she did you don't even think you are friends anymore. Suzy hated your guts and you haven't seen Jane since you first arrived. who are you going to ask to take you home ?
i really hope this is decent and that you like it.
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oliverthesquid · 3 years
okay anyway here are some of my new ideas! also help gimme advice i wanna write about it but i dont know h o w and also don’t know how to tie them all together but anyway, please tell me what you think!! :)
P.S. sorry for the long wait i just started school so im doing a lot atm but ill try to update the au/fic often
Teru is also really popular in this AU! He’s pretty well known for solving a bunch of high profile cases and everybody just swoons over him basically. Anyway, Akane and Teru are coming out of the police building after gathering some information for the case and they’re stopped by a huge crowd of people wanting to see Teru. Teru handles it as best he can but there are a LOT of people there and of course, Akane gets impatient with so many people crowding around Teru (and maybe a little jealous but he won’t admit that). Fed up with all the people around them, Akane grabs Teru’s hand and pulls them away from the crowd to find a secluded spot. Once they stop, Teru notices that Akane is still holding his hand and obviously has to tease him about it saying, “Y’know, if you wanted to hold my hand you could’ve just asked.” This gets Akane super flustered and he drops his hand immediately saying something like, “I DID NOT WANT TO HOLD YOUR HAND. PEOPLE ARE JUST REALLY ANNOYING AND IT WAS LOUD THERE OKAY.” The teasing does not relent. Akane is suffering in embarrassment while Teru laughs. They are both losers who are in love.
adding onto the last idea; during the teasing bit Akane says something like “I don’t even get why you’re so popular. I mean you aren’t even that-” and he looks up at Teru, pauses for a moment and then continues his thought “handsome.. no not at all very ugly in fact.” The teasing continues.
Okay so maybe the reason Akane gets caught at the beginning of the story is because of Kako and Mirai. They’re all out stealing something or other when the police (and Teru) arrive. Kako and Mirai make a quick escape but forget to tell Akane to leave which causes him to be left behind and he gets caught. Later when they all meet up again during the case he complains to them about it and complains about Teru (and they’re both like “uhhhuuh you hate him and are totally not crushing on him at all, nope”)
Teru is actually really impressed by how swift and agile Akane is! (Also he can do parkour because i said so)
Kou is a junior detective in this AU, who is working under Teru as his apprentice of sorts
Teru and Akane are arguing about something stupid and Teru’s just like, “You’re being petty and I love it.”
more school mystery criminal ideas!
(idea) Shijima Mei of the art room is instead a master of all types of forgery. She mostly conducts her business in a small art shop that she owns in the middle of town. While running the shop (normally) she uses the name Shijima and with people she trusts or underground business partners she uses her real name, Mei. (This is a reference to how in the manga she uses the name Shijima but her real/true self uses the name Mei.) She is impeccable at her job and it’s almost impossible to tell her forgeries from the real thing. Shijima specializes in Art forgery but can do any type of forgery possible.
(idea) The God of Death in this AU is a legendary hitman who gained the title “God of Death” because of yknow, being very good at killing people.
not an idea but wtf am i supposed to do with the hell of mirrors and mitsuba??? like literally help what do i do with that i wanna include him but i cant figure out how
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ghost-party · 3 years
Hey! Congrats on your 200 followers, im so happy for you and cant wait to see your blog grow even more! I was wondering if I could please make a request for the 200 follower event? Id love to see something with Vampire Gojo. He kinda just has that ethereal delicate beauty of a thousand year old Vamp ya know? I dont have anything else specific, so let your imagination run wild. I love everything you write anyway! <3
Thank you! 😀💕 This was such a fun request to work on. I tried to make it a meet cute with flirty vampire Gojo — lots of banter and humor. I wouldn’t mind writing a follow-up at some point.
Warnings: references to blood and vampire erotica
• • •
Gojo + Vampire
“Have you heard about the new tenant in 2B?”
At the sound of your building manager’s voice, you hesitate, having just retrieved your mail. Glancing over your shoulder, you see her chatting with an older gentleman who’s shaking his head.
“I’ve lost track of everyone who comes and goes around here,” he says.
“But this one is different.” The woman’s eyes are wide, and more than anything, she looks excited. “He’s a vampire.”
You’re so startled by her words that you miss the rest of their conversation, standing there, staring down at the envelopes clutched in your hand. A vampire...? Sure, everyone knows they exist, and there are plenty who live among humans without incident.
But you’ve never met one yourself. You suspect that will change soon enough, though, seeing as one just moved into the apartment next door.
A few weeks pass before it happens. And when it does, it’s not exactly the dramatic meet cute you’ve been taught to expect by vampire-centric books and films.
You’re carrying groceries down the hall when one of the plastic bag handles snaps, sending produce and several cans rolling away from you. With a grumble, you bend down, struggling to balance the rest of your load, when an amused voice asks, “Need some help?”
You look up to find a tall, handsome man leaning in the doorway of 2B. He’s wearing an oversized sweater and jeans, a pair of expensive-looking sunglasses perched on his nose. His white hair falls across his forehead, and when he smiles, you notice two sharp fangs among his otherwise perfect teeth.
“Uh... I —” But before you can form any coherent words, he’s suddenly crouched in front of you, holding an armful of fruit and canned goods. You didn’t even see him move. 
“Oh, the bag broke?” he asks, standing up. “I’ll just carry these. Where do you live?”
His smile widens. “So you’re my neighbor! I’ve been hoping to run into you.”
“It probably doesn’t help that we keep different hours,” you joke as he follows you to your door.
The man tsks at you as you turn the key in the lock. “Not as true as you might think.” He grins lasciviously. “Perhaps someone’s been reading too much vampire erotica...”
“W-what?!” you splutter, nearly dropping the rest of your groceries as you enter your apartment. “I don’t — You —” You huff indignantly, stomping off toward the small kitchenette. “Okay then. Enlighten me. What is true?”
“Needing to be invited in, for one thing.” You turn around and notice him standing just beyond the threshold, looking somewhat uncomfortable.
You smirk, taking a moment to place your bags on the counter before walking back and leaning against the doorframe. “Maybe I should just keep you out there...”
“Where’s the fun in that? Think of the bananas!” When you simply cross your arms, he sighs. “If you let me in, I’ll tell you. And also apologize for the erotica thing.”
You shrug. “I suppose that’s fair. You may now enter my humble abode, good sir.”
He laughs and steps inside, visibly relaxing. When you point, he places your dropped items on a nearby side table and then sidles into your living room. He talks as he looks around, examining your bookshelves and the photographs on your wall. Nosy, you think, but you’re amused by his open curiosity, looking like a child wandering through a museum.
“The older we are, the more resistance we have to daylight,” he explains. “We can see ourselves in mirrors and eat garlic, we can’t turn into bats — well, at least I can’t — and we don’t sparkle in the sun.”
“Are you sure?” you tease. “You look like the sparkling type. Very pretty.”
He smiles at you. “I’ll take that as a compliment, pumpkin.”
Already flustered by the pet name, you also find yourself transfixed by his eyes. They’re a bright, pure shade of blue, almost unnatural in their intensity.
“And what about enthralling people?” you ask, mentally shaking yourself and ducking into the kitchen to begin restocking your fridge. As you fill the shelves, you call out, “Do you make a habit of seducing people with your special powers?”
“I don’t need special powers to do that.” His voice is right beside you, and you jump, looking up to find him peering over your fridge door. “I always forget how much food humans eat.”
“You say that like you haven’t spent much time around them — us,” you correct yourself.
“Most of my friends are vampires. I’ve lived around humans for a long time, but it can be hard to connect.” He rests his chin on his hands. “Maybe it’s my ethereal beauty, or my charming demeanor. Or possibly my subscription to Red Apron.”
It doesn’t take long for your brain to connect the dots on that one. “What, do they send you different varieties? ‘A rare vintage from picturesque Lyon, France’? ‘Vegan Type O blend from Sydney, Australia’? All from willing donors, of course.”
“Of course. You could always come over and find out... I have wine, too. I’m not a heathen.” He grins at you, but when he sees the surprise on your face, he laughs awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. “Whoops. Was that too forward? I just haven’t talked to anyone like this in a while...”
“To be honest, it wouldn’t be my weirdest date.” You close the fridge door and stand, looking up at him. “When I was in college, I went out with a guy who pretended to be a vampire. Plastic fangs and all.”
Your neighbor snickers. “Ah, one of those... He couldn’t even spring for those resin ones, or dental acrylic?” He shakes his head. “Let me guess. He slept like this.” He crosses his arms over his chest in a dramatic Dracula-esque pose.
You wrinkle your nose. “That implies I stuck around long enough to find out.”
His smile softens as he looks down at you, and he offers a large, pale hand. “Gojo Satoru.”
“Y/N.” His skin isn’t as cold as you thought it would be — surprisingly warm, actually. “I’m still waiting for that apology, you know.”
“See, I was thinking inviting you over for some wine and conversation would be a nice please-forgive-me gesture.” He shoves his hands in his pockets. “And now that you know my name, you can’t even say we’re strangers!”
You quirk an eyebrow. “Slow your roll, pretty boy. I still have some questions.”
“Say no more.” Gojo eagerly sits in the nearest chair, crossing one long leg over the other. “I lived through the Spanish Inquisition. This can’t be any worse than that.”
You try (and fail) to do the necessary mental math. “How old are you?”
“Rough start, but I can appreciate directness. I’ve been a card-carrying vampire for a little over 900 years.”
“Wow. You don’t look a day over 400. Do you actually carry a card?”
“These days, yes. It’s like an even less attractive driver’s license.”
“Any history of illegal feeding?”
“None, officer.” He mock salutes. “Although I do appreciate a good chase, it’s always best when it’s consensual — at least for me.”
His words stir something inside you that you do your best to push away. “Seems pretty sudden to be asking me out, don’t you think?”
Gojo taps a finger against his perfect lips. “Your banter is exemplary. You haven’t run away screaming or begged me to ravish you. We seem to have compatible tastes in books and movies —” he gestures to your living room shelves “— if not food.” With another gleaming grin, he adds, “And you’re very, very cute.”
Much to your dismay, your cheeks warm, and you know that he knows, judging by the way his grin widens ever so slightly. “I suppose a glass of wine would be nice,” you say. “But I’m not interested in seeing your coffin on the first date.”
He waves a hand dismissively. “Completely understandable. That’s third date territory, at least.”
You can’t help but laugh. “In that case... Are you free tomorrow?”
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ellitx · 3 years
!! Long one inc with modern au college Himmel, will be hurt/comfort (might be cringe i dunno i went ham) TW: mentions of mental illnesses and self harm, mentions of injuries, and smut ye
Was a quiet rainy day as you slept, back pressed into your boyfriend's chest, you had decided to come over to watch movies and spend some time relaxing together after finals but about an hour in you let a lull like state wash over you.
"This is the only time you look so peaceful y/n.." Himmel thought, "if only you'd let your walls down a bit.. just enough to let me in.." he brushed your cheek with the back of his hand with a feather light touch on your cheek "Im so sorry that you have to carry so much weight.. I'd do anything to help wash it away or at least help lift it"
Drinking in your form as you slept softly into him, he wishes to stay like this for hours, but he knows that as soon as consciousness comes over you again, the walls will be re-built, and your shoulders will re-tense with the weight they bear. He leans in to kiss your temple and stroke your hair softly praying not to wake you
Recalling all the stories you told him, the shitty ex that was so selfish of his own desires that it implanted the idea that all intimacy was, was to please the man. Now leaving scars that you cant even take for yourself in those times even though all he wants is to please, and pour the love you desperately need into you, over and over but even a year or so into the relationship, you had only given to him.. bearly even allowing him to sheath himself in you, and thats just the tip of the iceberg " you dont even let anyone help you, but all you do is give, how much longer until you cup is empty.." He thought kissing you softly once more
"Hmm..?" You sir and turn to face him "I-i'm so sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep.." he strokes your hair again to hush you "Its okay, Im glad you were able to get some rest" he whispered kisses on the lips proper pulling you in a bit closer and letting his hands run up and down your sides. "Himmel I hope youre not upset at me.." you gripped onto his shirt a bit and buried your head in his chest "we were supposed to hangout today and I feel awful for falling asleep.." you mumbled
"Stop that now.. you were exhausted.. its really okay" he softly pulls your face up to kiss you again licking your bottom lip praying you let him in, turning you head slightly and parting your lips you let him in "Thank god at least this.." he thought as he let his toungue rub against yours while sliding his hands down your sides and slipping his finger tips under the hem of your tights.
A small flinch came from you as he did this as a bit of panic started to set in.. you were so self conscious of yourself, you didnt feel ever adequate enough even to call your self his lover or even to indulge yourself in things like this. He can feel you starting to tense up.. "Mmm.. y/n just relax love.. please.." he start trailing kisses down your neckline "H-Himmel.. I really don't know I.." tears start to well up in your eyes. He knew what was about to happen you were going to push him away and it made his heart squeeze in agony all he wanted was to give and show you love, but he didn't want to force it too much to scare you but it had been going on so long, so he tried shifting his weight to straddle you but you managed to squeeze out from underneath him.
"I-i'm sorry.. I think I should go.." you choke out, your voice shaky whilst trying to stay composed you head for the door. "Y/n Wait please!" You heaved a heavy sigh as you felt his hand catch your wrist, you try to twist out of it but he pulls you in firm but gentle.. " God y/n.. just let me in..please let me tear down those walls and let me love you.." he swallowed, his throat bobbing and icy blue eyes staring straight into yours "You can't keep pushing me out.., you won't even let me help you with anything and it hurts.. even when your sick and dead tired all you do is push me and anyone out.. saying that its alright but it's really not.." He chocked out between sobs "please y/n.. I love you.. and if you love me like you say you do then please just let me.. anyone, help you.. I cant stand to see you like this.. Ive known you for our whole lives almost and I finally have you.. and seeing you in pain from the hand you've been delt hurts more than you'd ever imagine..!
You stood frozen wet face and shaking, silently letting all the words sink in, you felt awful for doing this to him, you thought, he had been there with you through almost every step of your life, even giving you up to a man who he wasn't good to you because you said at the time because you said it was what would make you happy at the time and even now.. he'd be willing to throw everything at the wall to sew you back together, to see the smile, the true smile that he hasent seen in years.
And again all you could do is "I'm sorry Himmel you deserve someone better.. you've done so much for someone whos worth nothing.." so you get up and pull away from him once again and run out of the door into the rain but not soon after did you feel your soaked self being almost held with unwavering force "NO..! Not again.. not ever.. and plus I am not letting you leave this house in this weather I couldn't bear to see you sick from something I could prevent..!" He yells as he slung you over his shoulder carrying you back inside and into the bathroom
"Strip.. youre soaking wet.. and shaking.." he said calm but sternly ,you flushed at his command, hes usually not like this.. you thought through your tears and nervously removed your clothing as did he. You curled up to cover your naked form as he bent down placing a towel over your shoulders and held you, slowly rubbing to dry and warm you, and as soon as you were dry and coming down from your clouded tears, he helps you up off the floor draping the towel over the both of you leading to the mirror.
"Y/n.. I know when you look into this mirror you dont like what you see.. and think you dont deserve the I want to give you.. but please.." He pauses to hold your hands at your sides , to let all your beauty and all your scars, visible and unseen reflect back at you "see yourself through my eyes for just a bit my songbird.. you're not what you see.." you again begin to let tears fall and with a quiet sob "I-Im so sorry.. I do love you.. im just scared.."
"Then let me fix whats right here.." he snakes his arm around to gently rest a hand on your heart "and right here.." and his other over your womb space then lays his head on your shoulder with a kiss to the crook of your neck "Let me pull the sorrow from between your legs like silk.. knot after knot after knot.." he whispered almost pleadingly
"O-okay.." you lean into him a bit wiping your tears with the back of your hand kissing his temple. With that he gently picks you up with your legs wrapping around his waist he grips you firm and gentle untill he enters his bedroom, locking the door behind him, then setting you down on the bed not once letting go.
"Himmel.. are you sure you still..? "Shh.. please.." he kisses to hush you, then slowly trails soft sensual kisses down your body worshipping each and every inch, pouring all the love you gave him back into you trying to ignore his own arousal. Trying your best to keep still your face burned as he did this, not wanting to move and let any moans escape, you put your hand over your mouth to stifle them "no one will hear you its okay.." He said as he continues downward towards your heat "Nng.. my love I-" he felt you begin to tense up again he rubs his hands down your thighs and kisses them softly sucking and licking them "Just relax y/n.."
You breathed a shaky sigh as he spread your legs and began to slow rub at your core admiring your slick that adorned his finger tips. "Ahh..~ its a shame you've been keeping yourself from me.. your essence is divine" his hot breath so close to you it sent electricity you've never even felt before, were you even worthy of such extacy? you though stifling another moan, internally fighting the want to pull away again, if its what he wants then you shall deliver.
"Oh how Ive longed for this.. to please you, to drink in every once of you.. and to replace the pain with pleasure.." He began to lick a stripe up your slit and gently pressed his two fingers on your clit, swirling them in unison to bring you to a higher bliss "H-Himmel.. Ahh.. its so good.. Nng..!"
The heat building in you, you couldn't help but grind against him "Dont be ashamed love..~ do what mm..~ feels best for you.. dont hide your moans.. I wanna hear my pretty little song bird sing~! He saids darting this tongue deeper into you whilst grinding against the bed, he couldn't help it, its all ever dreamed of ashamedly, consuming you whole so his arousal was unmatched
Panting with heavy and louder moans you wrapped your legs around his head, letting gain more access, with him gripping onto your thighs and moaning into you, the vibrations coming from him wond you so tightly threatening to spill all over him.. so you grip his head and try to push him away "Ahh..! Im.. so close.. Himme-- Ahh!" He only grips you tighter and grinds himself harder against the sheets chasing his own release "Dont..! Aaah!! Im right there..dont push me off of you..! I love you so.. dont deny me..! Nnnng..!" And with him losing himself in you, lapping at you so desperately you come down onto him, covering him in you, with him coming in tandem..
Panting he wipes his face with the sheets "Thank you for finally letting me love you right.."
(im so sorry if this is omega long and kinda intense?? Kinda just rolling with it i have full himmel disease -💚)
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ahhhh another himmel food <333 you’re feeding me so much with these sweet sweet himmel contents and i really really love it 🥺💕💕
I shall also feed you with a himmel content of my own as a thank you 😋 still working on it hehe
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tigerkirby215 · 3 years
5e Samira, the Desert Rose build (League of Legends)
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(Artwork by Jessica 'OwleyCat' Oyhenart. Made for Riot Games.)
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Still fucking hate this champ but her theme still slaps.
The eternal joke of me putting off making a build for Samira is finally over, though ironically enough my distain for this champ has only grown overtime. Jesus fucking Christ Rito can you nerf this champ’s goddamn damage? Like nerfing her lifesteal is nice and all but it doesn’t mean shit when my dumbfuck teammates picked 4 assassins into her and I’m the only one who can CC her as a Lulu.
Ah well: Samira still definitely fills a fantasy everyone wants, being a badass with sword and gun styling on the competition. Devil May Cry? Yeah I suppose Samira would be pretty good in a campaign against Fiends.
You want style? You've found her - Smile, Sweet, Sister, Sadistic; we’ll need to Surprise the Service with Style to Spare. Sssssssssssssssssamira.
Eyes up! - We’ll need to be everywhere at once, dashing and dancing around the battlefield so no one can lock us down.
Showtime! - When push comes to shove it’s time to speeeeeeeeeen~
Samira is human no matter what the meta might dictate, and for once in my life I actually want something particular from Variant Human. But firstly: you can increase two Ability Scores of your choice by 1: increase both Dexterity and Wisdom for sharp sight and sharper shots. You also get a skill of your choice and a language of your pleasing. For your skill take Slight of Hand for flips and other gun tricks, and for your language Infernal will be good for your Inferno Trigger.
Again: we came to Variant Human land for a Feat because two guns are better than one. The Crossbow Expert Feat will give you a variety of benefits: no need to reload (or at least the ability to ignore the Loading property), no disadvantage in melee range... But most importantly if you fire a Hand Crossbow (which will be working as our handgun in this build) you can fire it again as a Bonus Action! "Well! Look at you."
15; DEXTERITY - Dexterity is tied to both shooting and backflips.
14; CHARISMA - Who needs a military license when you’ve got style?
13; WISDOM - Wisdom measures how in-tune you are with the world around you, and you need heightened senses not to die doing stupid shit.
12; CONSTITUTION - Most of Samira’s sustain comes from Lifesteal but we won’t really be able to get lifesteal, so just focus on not dying really.
10; STRENGTH - It takes a lot of upper body strength to do the stuff that Samira does but Riot isn’t about to make another Illaoi.
8; INTELLIGENCE - Your primary goal is to do things as recklessly and dangerously as possible... “for the Vine” as the kids say. Vine shut down ages ago!
Samira is a mercenary. I wonder if there’s a background for that... hey look at that Mercenary Veteran in the Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide! You get proficiency in Athletics and Persuasion as well as Ground Vehicles and a gaming set of your choice. But of course the main benefit of being a mercenary is the Mercenary Life. You can easily identify other mercenaries and know bits and pieces of their lives. You can also easily find work by hanging around taverns and such until Captain Indari passes on some info to you.
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(Artwork made for Riot Games)
Starting off as a Rogue because I like skill proficiencies! Skills like Acrobatics, Perception, Insight, and Performance; you were a street performer once! You also get Expertise in two of those skills: Acrobatics and Athletics are necessary to be everywhere at once.
You can chat in Noxian military code thanks to Thieves’ Cant, but c’mon that’s not what we’re here for. We’re here for Sneak Attack! If an enemy is distracted or you have advantage you can stick a d6 where the sun don’t shine!
Second level Rogues get Cunning Action, letting them Dash, Disengage, or Hide as a Bonus Action. Dance around the battlefield like an Olympic gymnast... does Runeterra have the Olympics?
Third level Rogues get to choose their Roguish Archetype: to be the queen of style and also make people think you’re from Bilgewater (yeah I get it; it’s because of the eyepatch) look no further than the Swashbuckler subclass. Swashbucklers get two abilities at level 1 but honestly it’s more like three abilities: Rakish Audacity will let you add your Charisma modifier to initiative rolls so you can get into fights fast, and will also let you Sneak Attack anyone who’s beside you. I’d consider it less like you sneak attacking them and more like you slashing them with your sword. Oh and speaking of Sneak Attack? That increases to 2d6 now.
Speaking of sword slashing: Fancy Footwork is the mobile feat! Well, it makes it so that after you try to make a melee attack against an enemy you can move away without provoking opportunity attacks. It’s a little weird to run around with a sword in one hand and a gun in the other but you can easily slash at someone before backflipping away and running off to shoot them next turn!
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(Artwork by @Aruneeko on Twitter)
You didn’t think we’d be settling for just one class, did you? It’s time to go Bard; the masters of style! Bards get another skill proficiency at level 1 because why not be good at everything? Grab Medicine proficiency because it’s good to know how to bandage yourself up when living a dangerous lifestyle. “On my worst behavior." You also get a musical instrument and you know that I’ll always opt for good ol’ Noxian War Drums.
Bards get Bardic Inspiration, letting them show off their awesomeness so that awesomeness radiates onto their allies to give them a d6 to attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws. You’ve got a number of these equal to your Charisma modifier, and regain them at the end of a Long Rest. For now, at least.
And of course while you may be all guns your style makes it look like Spellcasting... because it is. Bards get 2 cantrips and 4 spells at level 1:
Prestidigitation will let you put all the visual flair you could want on your moves, and more!
If you wanna walk the walk you’ve gotta talk the talk, and Vicious Mockery will let you talk smack so hard they can’t hit back! "Keep the change; you're gonna need it."
Magic is usually dangerous, and danger is usually fun! Take Detect Magic to see where that danger may be!
If you need some space in a pinch Thunderwave will give yourself some peel.
Steel yourself to do something crazy with Heroism, which will also give you a bit of a shield to do so!
You are still technically working for Noxus so it would be good to Identify anything important... or valuable... For safe keeping of course!
Second level Bards truly are good at everything thanks to Jack of All Trades, letting you add half your proficiency bonus to any skill you don’t have proficiency in. You probably noticed that we already have proficiency in a silly amount of skills but I’m not going to say no to MORE!
After dangerous stunts it’s good to cool off with a Song of Rest, letting you help your crew with a d6 of healing during short rests to bandage up those wounds.
And of course: more spells! Faerie Fire will let you light ‘em up to get advantage, which will make it easier to sneak attack!
Third level Bards get Expertise in two more skills: Perception will help you spot danger and Medicine will help you after dealing with danger.
But of course what we’re mainly here for is your Bardic College and in order to be too cool for school go for the College of Swords. You get some Bonus Proficiencies that don’t really matter but what does matter is you can use your sword to cast spells instead of a drum! Additionally you get a choice of Fighting Style and Dueling will make your sword swings do more damage if you swing it with one hand. I guess it’s worth mentioning that while a rapier would do the most damage a scimitar is the only finesse weapon that does slashing? (Excluding whips.)
But the main feature we’re here for is Blade Flourish which despite the name does also work with your hand crossbows. When you attack your movement speed increases by 10 feet as you charge up that Daredevil Impulse. If you hit with your shot however you can make a Blade Flourish (which again works with your hand crossbows?) of your choice from the following list:
Defensive Flourish does extra damage and also increases your AC as you dodge incoming projectiles.
Slashing Flourish will let you cleave with your sword (and just your sword because it only works on nearby enemies.)
Mobile Flourish will let you chase after a fleeing foe... after pushing them. But after shoving them into danger you can use your reaction to dive right in!
You can only use one Blade Flourish per turn which will matter later. As for what will matter now? Second level spells! Enhance Ability will help you give 110%!
Heeey it’s about time we got an Ability Score Improvement! Our Dexterity has been lacking and you need that to fire straight!
Word of advice: if you know you aren’t going to level 20 feel free to get 4 levels in Rogue for the sake of the ASI.
You also get another spell, and another cantrip! For your cantrip Message is always good for keeping in team chat. For leveled spells Warding Wind does let you deflect nearby projectiles so... 
5th level Bards get Font of Inspiration so their Bardic Inspiration die come back on a Short Rest, which is good because said Bardic Inspiration die also increases to a d8! Oh and when I say “Bardic Inspiration” I actually mean your Blade Flourish die. "If you can't keep up don't step up. I don't have time for fools."
And now third level spells are up on the table, but they all suck so take Mirror Image from the second level instead, which was added to the Bard spell list thanks to Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything!
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(Artwork by GaMu-ChAn on DeviantArt)
Three way multiclass? Don’t mind if I do! You get an extra skill proficiency by multiclassing into Ranger, because why not. Take Survival because you’re clearly damn good at it since you’re still alive.
Rangers get Deft Explorer at level 1 because Natural Explorer sucks and Tasha’s made Ranger a good class! Canny lets you learn two languages (honestly just pick your poison) and get Expertise in another skill, because lord knows we don’t have enough of those. I know we just got Survival proficiency, but it’s good to be good at not dying! (As well as finding food.)
You also get Favored Foe at first level, because Favored Enemy smells. If you shoot someone you can legally-not-Hunter’s Mark them so they take a d4 of extra damage once per turn when you shoot them. You concentrate on it like a spell and it works a lot like the Hunter’s Mark spell but you have a limited number of uses equal to your proficiency bonus, instead of using your spell slots.
Heeey more Fighting Styles! You already improved your sword swings so take Archery for +2 to ranged attack rolls to ensure that you hit your shots.
Rangers also get Spellcasting, only this spellcasting works with your Wisdom instead of your Charisma! You learn two spells from the Ranger list: Jump will let you do some hardcore parkour because the Ranger spell list sucks and I’ve got nothing else to give you, and Cure Wounds will allow Samira to have some healing... as a treat.
Third level Rangers can choose their archetype and Hunters are masters at taking down their foes. You can choose a way to take down your Hunter’s Prey. Colossus Slayer is a fairly simple affair: if you shoot (or stab) someone who’s already hurt they take an extra d8 of damage. Though you can only apply that extra d8 once per turn.
You also learn another spell: Longstrider will help you move thanks to that Daredevil Impulse. 10 feet may not seem like much but remember that you get an extra 10 feet thanks to Blade Flourish and can dash to turn 50 feet into 100 feet of movement!
Oh and I also completely forgot about Primal Awareness, which replaces Primeval Awareness. You can Speak with Animals once per day! Maybe not in character, but it helps if you have a Yuumi!
4th level Rangers get an Ability Score Improvement: time to finally cap that Dexterity score for the most precise shots and deadly cuts possible!
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(Artwork by Jennifer Wuestling. Made for Riot Games.)
Total level 13 isn’t too late to get an Extra Attack, right? Well you can shoot twice now and mix some more Flair into your combos.
You can also learn second level spells now like Aid (ty Tasha’s) to let that adrenaline kick in so you feel no pain. Primal Awareness also gives you Beast Sense for a bit of covert Psy Ops.
6th level Rangers get Roving from Deft Explorer for 5 extra feet of movement along with a climbing speed and a swimming speed! Reminder that in combination with both Longstrider and Blade Flourish that increases to a whopping 55 movement speed, which means that you can Dash as a Bonus Action to move 110 feet in a turn! "Danger runs from me." Your Favored Foe mark also increases to a d6 of damage.
7th level Hunters learn some Defensive Tactics: while perhaps not the most useful since you have Heroism and all you’ve certainly got a Steel Will, giving you advantage against being frightened. “Death isn't the scariest thing; it's a mother's rage."
You can also learn another spell: Lesser Restoration can be helpful in a pinch if someone’s trying to slow you down. Or at least if they’re trying to blind, deafen, poison, or paralyze you.
8th level of Ranger means another Ability Score Improvement: Charisma means higher initiative rolls as well as more Blade Flourishes. Simply put Wisdom can’t beat style!
Oh yeah and you also get Land’s Stride to move through non-magical difficult terrain and plants without slowing down, and for advantage against magic plants. I legit forgot this was even a thing before seeing it on the character sheet.
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(Artwork by dominaART on DeviantArt)
9th level Rangers get 3rd level spells like Conjure Barrage for some bullet rain; "My kind of rain!" Basically you shoot a bunch of bullets in a big cone, because Rangers get this instead of Fireball. Honestly something like Elemental Weapon (ty Tasha’s) would probably be better but we’re still sticking to flavor.
Oh and you can Speak with Plants thanks to Primal Awareness? Honestly these extra spells don’t fit at all but Primeval Awareness sucks. I’m literally adding these extra spells to the build last second.
10th level Rangers get Tireless from Deft Explorer. As an action, you can give yourself a Shieldbow shield for 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier in Temporary Hitpoints. You can do this a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Additionally: whenever you finish a short rest, your exhaustion level is decreased by 1. Because danger doesn’t wait!
You also get Nature’s Veil because even if Vanish fits Samira better it still freaking sucks. Basically you can play around with Duskblade to turn invisible as a Bonus Action until the end of your next turn. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
11th level Hunters can finally spin around and hit everyone around them. Whirlwind Attack will let you make a melee attack against any enemy within 5 feet of you (with a separate attack roll for each target.) This is best used when surrounded (obviously) because unlike Samira’s ultimate in League it doesn’t do much extra damage, and you’re better off just stabbing them twice if you want DPS in a 1v1.
You also get your final spell known: take Wind Wall because you have an AoE Wind Wall and I thought it would be funny to steal directly from mister 0/10 powerspike himself. But really get whatever spell you think will be useful.
Full disclosure: feel free to go for 4 levels in Rogue if you know you aren’t going to hit level 20. I only went for Ranger level 12 because the hit die is bigger.
One last ability score improvement to top the build off: Charisma is still used for a lot of abilities, so increase that because who needs common sense when you’ve got blade flourishes!
Came all this way to die? - You have many a way to bump up the damage. With 2d6 on a sneak attack, an extra d6 from Favored Foe, a d8 from Blade Flourishes, and a d8 from Colossus Slayer that means that on average you can do about 20 extra damage every turn. That’s definitely nothing to sneeze at!
Finally some action! - Have you ever had +12 to initiative? Would you like to? You are incredibly mobile for a girl who didn’t bring Flash (IE Misty Step) with tons of ways to increase your movement speed and the ability to Dash every turn as a Bonus Action.
This took years of practice... for everyone else - It was not my intention but wow you’re quite the little skill monkey. Two expertise skills from Rogue, another 2 from Bard, and one more from Deft Explorer. Not to mention Jack of All Trades in what few skills you aren’t proficient in to make sure you can do just about anything.
Oh... I really gotta check these more often - Your spellcasting really isn’t fantastic. We invested almost everything into Charisma but we have very few Bard spells. While I did my best to avoid Ranger spells that forced saving throws there are still some that suffer due to your relatively low Wisdom score... Oh yeah you also have 6th level spell slots but your known spells don’t go past level 3. At least that means you can buff the party with Aid!
I feel most alive when I'm walking the line - As great as your skill checks are your saving throws are quite lacking. Your Dexterity is nice but that’s about it; all your other saves range from average (+5) to bad (+0) Notably your Constitution saves are a mere +1, which means you won’t keep concentration up for long if you play recklessly.
Well-behaved women don't make it - There are a lot of features I took more for flavor then actual utility. For a start Hunter is a rather meh multiclass. This might be one of the times “just play a Fighter with a bow” applies as a subclass like Battlemaster would’ve likely been a better choice, and honestly going down full Swords Bard would’ve given you far more utility overall. There were benefits from Ranger levels but they were lost in the multiclassing MADness.
But you prove that modern-day killers really must hate fun; more often people can’t get style rockin' knives and guns. You don’t need no fancy magic or divine ascension to be a badass: gun ‘em down and cut through whatever remains to show that S stands for Samira and Samira alone... As long as she isn’t permabanned.
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(Artwork by @Yangyexin on Twitter)
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lstories · 3 years
Noah's perspective: Life Under The Sea
4 story's in the works and 2 more I'm still drafting and I decided I'll make a new story and complete it first. I love mer story's and mer vore story's so I wanted to try one were the mer is the tiny. I Read a story a while back that I heavily baced this one off of but couldn't find it again, if anyone knows it could you tell me so I could link it.
(Safe, soft, vore, willing prey, semi willing pred, cursing, tw blood, tw alcohol, tw panic attacks. Sounds worse than it is)
Word Count: 4,589
"This is going to sting a little"
"GAAH! That was more than a sting and you know it"
"There is only four more shots to go, your doing great"
Noah was freaking out, one of his biggest fears was the ocean and he was being sent down to the depths on an exploratory mission to see what was taking out all the drones and to set the first colony underwater. He was a military jet pilot, this was the last thing he should be doing, even for disciplinary actions. They call it a joy ride for a reason and he wasn't the only person involved so why was he the only one being punished this harshly. He looked out the window and saw the waves, no land in sight. Noah felt like he was going to vomit.
"Why do I need shots anyway, I'm going to the depth of the corAL FOREST! GAH! Give me a warning! FUCK THAT HURTS!
"It only hurts beacuse you're tense, just relax"
"Relax! I-I can't just... it's not that simple!"
"Here, just breathe, listen to the waves"
He did as the nurse said, he listened to the waves crash against the ship. Could he feel the ship rocking faster? Were the waves getting louder? A sharp pain in his back brought him back to reality.
"JESUS! That doesn't help at all"
"Just find something that makes you calm cause I'm getting tired of trying to be a good nurse"
"Just tell me about the shots, what are they supposed to do while I'm down there. J- AAHH! FUCK"
"God your a wimp. (sigh) The extreme pressure underneath will be extremely pressing and will collapse your body without proper training. As a pilot your training should help you stay underwater for an extended period of time, even if your outside your suit for whatever reason. There will still be things we or you cant control without these injections though. The extreme pressure will aid in the genesis process we are subjecting you to and will allow you to stay underwater for an extended period of time without injury and could potentially increase life expectancy, muscle and tissue generation, mussels and tissue durability and flexibility, sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell and a decrease in hunger and digestive abilities allowing you to go days with a full stomach from food you ate last week. If you decide to continue past your one year stay the effects would only continue to be enhanced without further genetic engineering. If and most likely when you come back up, you would have muscle and bone density strong enough to move a car and barely break a sweat. Please look over to the cat poster"
"What caAA-... helped a bit, your talking helped a bit"
"You're all set, please leave and put on the wet suit then go to the drop pod."
"Ya, thanks for the-"
Noah walked down the corridors of the ship, passing closed doors and soldiers in military uniforms. Eventually he came by his room and walked in. He didn't have much in his room but then again he was only staying on the ship for one night before he would be sent down into the ocean. He looked out the window and it finally dawned on him that this was the last time he was going to be above water for possibly over a year. His mind started to race as his breath quickened, he wasn't ready for this. He walked further into his room and steadied himself on the table, his breathing started to get shakey as he vividly thought about every tiny thing that could go horribly wrong. The windows in the ship could shatter, or they might land unevenly and get stuck in the drop pod. He glanced to the mini fridge and stumbled over to it, catching himself and forcing himself not to curl up on the ground. He opened the small fridge, he felt the wave of cool air wash over him, he realized how much sweat was pouring off him before he reached into the back, pulling out a beer from a six pack, it was the last one. He idly flicked the cap with the nail of his thumb as sat down on his bed and closed his eyes, he hasn't had a drink in over a decade but the minor actions calmed him anyway. His nail was already going white with scratch marks and the tip of his thumb started bleading as the cap started to tear away at the scab that formed from the past few days of him doing this. He slowly opened his eyes, his hands were shaking and blood was spilling down his wrist and the neck of the bottle. He got up and threw the whole bottle away, he walked into the bathroom and bent over the sink, just trying to hold himself up.
Noah held the hand that was bleading to steady it and washed it off, he fumbled around the cabinet above the sink for something. Noah had no idea what he was looking for, there was this awful noise in his ears and he couldn't focus. He shook his head to clear the voice before auctly paying attention to what he was looking for. He grabbed the gauze and small tube of neosporin and stared applying it to his thumb. After a few seconds of calming himself down he looked in the mirror, right over his shoulder and to the garbage can. They weren't allowing anyone with anything above a 0.0 BAC underwater so that was a good thing, or a horrible thing depending on how you looked at it. Noah wished he could break his promise and grab that beer out of the trash, but he couldn't, he wouldn't break his promise, no matter how much he didn't want to go. Noah sat there for a few minutes, he didn't think, he didn't talk, he just stared at himself. His golden blond hair was a scraggly, matted mess from all his sweat and he was starting to grow a thin stubble of a beard that was just as golden as his hair. Unfortunately for him they didn't allow razors or any sort of non military accepted knife on the ship either. His eyes didn't help his look, a deep and uncanny looking brown was where his iris should be. Not a normal or pretty brown, not even ugly brown but something that looked like every color mixed together improperly somehow. He took one last look over himself before speaking. "What would she think of you now" he shallowly laughed at himself before returning to his bed.
On the pillow was a small case about the size of his palm. He opened it and pulled put a small black roll that he looked over for a few seconds. They said it would be on his bed when he returned but this couldn't be it, could it? He ran his non bleading thumb over it until his nail caught something. He pinched the small little clip and let it unfurl, it just kept rolling and rolling, eventually it split off into three different rolls and the middle one split again into two more. Eventually it stoped, it was deffenetly a suit but it was way to thin, he gently rubbed part of it between his fingers and it gave way much more easily than he thought it would. It started to fill with air and expand horizontally as it stretched to his proportions. It was a thin black suit with orange around the wrists and face. He slipped into it, taking much longer than it should of before he took of. He ran down the hallway, he was deffenetly late as he passed more and more empty room's. He wanted to hide, he wanted to run back to his room and sleep it away but it was either this or he was fired.
He turned a corner and almost ran into the general, immediately turning and running into the small line of people and found a spot. A scientist walked over and handed him a glass plate and some gloves. Noah immediately put the gloves on and held the glass plate under his arm like everyone else. The colonel stated to talk and Noah immediately started to drift off, he didn't care what he was saying and he'd let his subconscious remember everything for him. Somthing about new technologies, making a new world under the old, and unknown life forms. Eventually everyone put on there masks and Noah followed suit, putting it on. The orange--- whatever the suit was made out of extended and gripped the small glass plate and stuck it to his face. After a while and more nonsense talking a few people were taken away by the scientists. After a bit of silence everyone was guided onto the drop pod, luckily it didn't have any windows and Noah felt a bit happier about that.
There was about eight people left overall, some crying, some talking to others and some sleeping like Noah. After a bit (and a quick nap) a bunch of metal clanks were heard above them as everything became a little lighter. It took over four hours to finally hit the bottem, small bumps of flesh on metal and loud echoing scratches were occasionally heard on the way down. Almost everyone was silent for the entire trip, everyone was on high alert the entire way down. When everyone got up and started to bustle around to grab supplies, Noah still sat in some form of shock. He eventually got up, and walked to the wall, a small black pack with his name and the word scavenger printed underneath. "Great, just great" he said as he walked to the pressure chamber and let the water start flowing in around him. His mind immediately betrayed him, his suit could be flawed and he'd drown, his training might not come in handy and he would be crushed, or there could be a monster outside that was already killing the rest of his team. He could feel a dribble of sweat rundown his face as the door opened.
He slightly walked/stumbled outside once the door was open. It was a sight to behold, people were already setting up futuristic buildings with a small handheld printers, others were already picking up scrap metal and other things then scanning them with some type of other small gun and they disappeared into nothingness. Noah took a step forward, he wasn't ready for a small bounce when he set his foot back down. He slightly swayed his arms and swam a bit. He slowly fell back to the ground and laughed a bit, maybe this wouldn't be so bad. He looked over to someone on top of the drop pod attaching lights to the top, as one turned on he saw a group of three people holding futuristic rifles and shoulder mounted plasma cannons. Past them was the coral forest, deep blue coral taller than some trees on the surface were growing strait from the ground and if Noah wasn't mistaken, the glowing rainbow swirling up the coral was algae. He took his focus off them and reached into his pack, it almost seamed like it fused with his suit. He grabbed a small device from the pack and studied it for a while. It looked like half of a gun, something he should combine with something else. Looking back the saw the people talking the scrap also had the same gun, he put two and two together and started looking for something to use it on. Eventually he found a small piece of a ship wreck and scanned it, the light shining over the piece of orange metal was intriguing to Noah and he watched the small piece of metal disappear into a small stream of bubbles. He watched the bubbles rise and rise... and rise. His breath started to quicken as he remembered he was underwater. He fell to a knee and clutched his sides, he could feel his heart beating against his ribs. This was going to be a long year.
Time skip: 1 Month Later
Noah was starting to get used to the ocean. His panic attacks had almost come to a complete halt as he stopped thinking about where he was. If he didn't move his limbs to fast he could almost picture it as a different planet, say for the lack of stars in the pitch black sky. Everyone started to make there own houses and buildings, the infrastructure of a city was already starting to appear. There has only been one known casualty, a man was on a scavenging run and fell into a magma chamber. The suits were designed to be able to take the heat of magma and it did, the suit was undamaged. Unfortunately that guy didn't like to wear gloves and the heat spread threw his hands to the rest of his body like a conductor. The exploration team that went into the corral forest also never came back and were presumed MIA and no more manned explorations were allowed into the forest. Noah was now the only scavenger left as his team all started to do what they were higherd to do, and his team needed supply's. Luckily their radars found an old German U boat that he could scavenge, unluckily it was on the edge of the corral forest and a two day's trip to get there.
Noah set out, his pack still had some rations and regular food after all this time. He didn't think that this food would last him a month let alone a year but he barely had to eat anything. He was running on an empty stomach for the past few days and he wasn't hungry at all. He walked along the edge of the coral forest, the higher ups didn't want anyone going in or over the forest, and Noah didn't want to go threw it either. He had to admit though that it was beautiful, large deep blue trees with a rainbow algae spiraling up the trees and over the branches. He kept walking, a few sharks and other aquatic species that he he didn't recognize tried to bite at him. The suit was a perfect defense against what seemed to be everything in the ocean as nothing could penetrate it. Soon Noah was getting tired, he tried to think of a place to sleep, the algae on the trees was soft and he could pull some sand over him to keep the currents from blowing him away. He walked a little bit further along the edge of the forest while trying to find an overly fluffy tree to sleep on. He's been seeing a commotion every so often in the distance, but he wasn't expecting to have something long and blue to come flying out of the forest and under his arm with a shark following suit.
The shark bit at Noah's arm, the small blue fish pressing itself tighter against his Noah's side. Noah tried to fight off the shark, eventually pushing it away and punching it in the nose. The shark swam off into the black of the ocean, the small blue creature still trembling under his arm. He reached under his arm to shoo away whatever was there, the small creature darted under his other arm. He finally got a look at the size, it had to be at least half his arm span. He raised both of his arms and the small creature darted around his body, eventually curling itself around his neck. For a second Noah thought he was going insane, were those tiny hands on the back of his neck? He tried gently shooing the thing away from his neck, it wasn't pressing down hard enough to choke him but it wasn't something he was too comfortable with having. Eventually it got the memo and started unfurling itself from his neck and gently swam up to his face. It couldn't be, a tiny peron was floating in front of him. Light blue almost glowing hair and a slightly blue tinted body, it looked like it had scales at its waist. He followed it down and saw what looked like an eel tail, slowly retreating from Noah's neck.
The little person approached his face plate and pressed his hands on it, Noah only gave a confused look in response. He had to be dreaming, this couldn't be real, could it? The eel slowly backed away from him and full force rammed the face plate with its shoulder. Noah slightly jumped at what it was doing and gently grabbed the eel. It slightly wriggled in his grasp as before Noah tried to speak to it "what do you think your doing, your going to break your arm" the small eel looked up at him dumbfounded. After a bit of silence the eel finally responded with a few clicks and chirps while rubbing its arm. Noah was confused to say the least, he let the tiny go and held out his palm for it to sit in, instead it wrapped itself around his wrist and squished its hands into the orange fabric next to the gloves. Noah lightly chuckled to himself "all right, you can sleep there for the night" he walked over to the nearest tree and laid down on it. He silently scooped some sand onto himself with his free hand, the tiny looked up at him confused. Noah gently ran a finger down the tinyes back "your freezing" he whispered as he held the tiny eel person to stomach. After a bit the Noah started to drift off, the eel was not having that, it got up and started pulling on Noah's finger.
Noah opened his eyes back up to see the tiny struggling with all it's might to bring Noah somewhere. Noah reluctantly got up and followed the tiny, the glowing hair keeping it in sight at all times. It darted around the darkness of the ocean and back to Noah to make sure he was following. Noah kept at a steady pace to keep up with the tiny. He almost wanted to lay on the ground and sleep there. Eventually they reached a cliff face, the tiny followed along the edge of the wall. Noah looked back, the forest wasn't very far away and he never knew this cliff face was here. The small eel zig zaged across the bottem of the cliff face, Noah kept up with the tiny, confused and tired the entire time. Soon the glowing hair disappeared under the ground, Noah freaked out and ran over to where the tiny disappeared and bent down ready to start digging at the ground. He reached his hands down too fast and his whole body fallowed into a hole. It didn't take him long for his back to hit the side of a slope and for him to see a bit of orange light illuminating a tunnel in front of him. The tiny eel swam up to him and pressed itself against his faceplate, Noah immediately grabbed the tiny by its waist. It pushed against his fingers and chirped at him angrily but he wasn't going to let it go, not if it was going to scare him like that again. He shuffled forward threw the tunnel, he had to hunch his back to get threw it.
Soon the tunnel opened up into a cave, it went down a bit but it was almost a perfect sphere. There were small metal bolts and bottle caps on the walls and other miscellaneous items strewn about. He finally let the tiny go and it shoved itself threw a long PVC pipe with an angel connector at the top. A bit of its tail was hanging out the bottom as it rested its head on its arms. There was a slight suction near his foot and a light feeling of flowing water over his back. Noah looked up to see the source of the light, there was a hole with an edge to the water above him. He stood up and looked around for a bit, the cave extended out even further, it was huge. He lifted his arms out of the water and pulled himself up out of the hole with more ease than he should have been able to. The top of the ceiling had a glowing orange moss and neer the hole he came out of was a small water fall that had some warm water flowing into the small underwater cave. The walls had a green moss that was fluffy to the touch and the ground was smoothed over and barely damp. A small splash and some angry chirping grabbed his attention. The tiny was trying to reach for his heel and chirping the entire time. Noah reached his hand into the water, slightly swishing his fingers next to the tiny. The tiny immediately coiled itself around his wrist and rested it's back on his palm.
Noah scooted over over to one of the walls, he saw the tiny breathing, its chest was moving quickly as it just stared up at him. Noah took his mask off and took in a deep breath, before pulling the small hood off his head. It almost smelled like mint in the cave, what was this stuff. The tiny on his hand started chirping instantly, Noah looked down as it made grabby hands at his face. Noah brought the tiny closer to his face and it immediately pressed its hands into his cheeks. It ran it's hands over his lips before trying to part them. Noah took the tiny away from his mouth once it put a hand on his teeth, it looked confused before it started chirping again. It looked sad that it wasn't able to look into Noah's mouth. He moved it back into the water, it tried climbing back up his arm before slipping. Noah immediately reached under the tiny to catch it. The tiny layed down for a few seconds before scrambling over and hugging Noah's thumb. Noah brought it higher into the air, the tinyes tail was dangling from between his pointer and middle finger. It looked down at the ground a little frightened before looking back up to Noah with the same waiting look.
Noah slowly dipped the eel part back into the water, the tiny quickly wrapped itself around his fingers in response. Noah held it back in the air, he was staring to get tired of its antics. He staired at the tiny in his hands with a disappointed look on his face, as he got a better look at the small person he realized it looked younger than he'd orginally thought, almost like a young teenager. Looking closer at its facial structure he could almost be certain it was male. As he looked over it, he saw it's small eyes were almost as blue as its hair and he realized it was crying. Why would it be crying, he hadn't hurt it had he? Noah looked it over, there were no bruises or scratches he could see so why was it crying. It started making the grabby hands back at Noah's face, he reluctantly brought it closer to his eyes. It started him in the eyes for a few seconds before it scooted closer to the edge of his hand. It tried reaching for his lips again, Noah thought about it. It really wanted to be eaten, the doctor said that it takes longer to digest food so maybe it would be safe. Noah's eyes were getting heavy, he needed to sleep. As he thought harder on it he realized it was either this or probably more angry chirping for the rest of the night. He saw the tears on the tiny practically disappear when he brought it closer to his mouth.
He thought he could hear a choked sob when he opened his mouth, the tiny practically jumped for it. He extended his tounge over his teath so it wouldn't get hurt. Tiny hands tried to grip the edges of his toung and pull it forward. Noah thought it almost tasted like berries, sure there was the salt of the ocean but he didn't expect to taste berries. The tiny tried to force itself down his throat, Noah almost gagged at the feeling and slightly dragged the tiny back over his tounge. The tiny started to tremble in his hands and on his tongue, the salty flavor was getting more prevalent. The tiny wrapped its arms around his tounge, quite chirping came from it. He could tell it was starting to cry again, this is what it really wanted wasn't it. He pressed the tiny up against the roof of his mouth and slightly tasted it, he hadn't had anything sweet in a month and this was probably going to be the best he would get for a while. The tiny dragged itself forward a bit more. Noah could feel the movement in his hands as the eel tail moved, he wasn't too excited about that part. The tiny moved closer to the back of this throat, Noah wanted to get that last bit of the sweet flavor before he gulped it down. The tiny was too far back in Noah's throat now, he instinctively swallowed when it pressed a hand into the back of his neck.
The berry taste was gone, it was just the salty sea water, luckily it didn't taste like fish. He lightly pressed a finger to his neck, the small wriggling bump slowly glided down his neck and past his collarbone. He gulped again and again before lifting the edge of the tail to his eye level. The torso entered his stomach and it almost immediately started rubbing at his stomach walls. It felt nicer than he thought it would, was his stomach always this sensitive? More of the eel part slipped into his stomach and the tip of the tail entered his mouth. He gently scooped it up with his tongue before closing his mouth. He swallowed one last time and tilted his head back to let gravity do the rest of his work. He rested his head back into the moss and his hands protectively over his gut. He could still fell the cold of the tail slowly moving along the rest of his throat. His stomach was comfortably cold and he gently rubbed his hands over it. He looked down and- jeez his stomach was huge. Noah didn't know his stomach could fit this much of anything. It started to move as rubbed a little harder, the small coils pressing every nerve in his stomach as it slid around. Noah made a small groan, it didn't feel bad but he just wasn't ready for this much of stimulation. He could feel the tinyes form gently press itself into his hand and rub back. He could hear a few gentle clicks as he rested his head back into the moss and closed his eyes. The amount off stimulation in his stomach along with the feeling of being over full quickly drifted him back to drowsiness. One final thought left his mind as he fell asleep 'mabye it wouldn't be so bad to stay more than a year'.
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pynkhues · 3 years
I feel bad sending you prompts bc I am a relentless bully every time you mention an idea BUT IF YOU INSIST for the intimacy prompts: 36 and/or 21 please and thank you 💖😘
Hahaha, you should never feel bad! I come bearing not one, but two fills.
21. listening to someone’s heartbeat 
Angsty Allison-centric TUA fic posted here!
36. being pushed against a wall
Beth x Rio bathroom break missing scene! Behind a cut because it is 1.5k words of pure smut, you have been WARNED.
His hands are clammy.
It’s the first – only – thing she thinks when he slides them across her thighs, her breath shuddering out of her suddenly-too-tight throat, head dropping forwards to try and catch herself when he pulls her back against him. Saliva thickens beneath her tongue, and she blinks rapidly, eyes suddenly dry and god, she hopes he can’t feel how wet her panties are, but there’s no way he can’t because he’s pressed so close now she has to be leaving a  damp spot on his jeans only - -
Only he’s hard.
Of course he’s hard.
Beth swallows, tries to swallow, the music from the bar dulled through the thin walls, the doof doof doof of some heavy bass pulsing through the floor, and she tries to focus on that as he rolls his hips against her ass, and she can feel the outline of him, feel the - - girth of him, and a sound escapes her mouth, and she clenches and he can’t possibly know that, but then a sound escapes his and then it’s just - -
His hand.
Cupping her breast.
Not grabbing or pinching or tearing at her dress, just holding it. Holding her.
His big hand fit for it somehow, his fingers long enough to curve up, brush her nipple through her dress, enough the lace of her bra presses into her skin, and she lifts her head. Blinks her eyes open just enough that she can see her wet mouth and her pink cheeks and him.
Behind her.
Pupils so blown his eyes look entirely black, the lines of his face like a perfect carving, his hands on her somehow more when she catches them, when she sees him move them just enough to pinch lightly at her breast, and her eyes close again as a shiver wracks through her, only to gasp, soft, when she feels the tip of his nose slip down her neck.
He’s nowhere and he’s everywhere, his presence so felt, so consuming, Beth can barely breathe, can barely think, can barely feel a thing beyond the weight of him, beyond the way he drags like a match down the striker of her flesh. Like she is glass and sand to his phosphorous touch, and together they ignite.
Then - -
A yank at her hip.
Fabric seizing like a tourniquet and she gasps again as she feels it snap, doesn’t even realise it’s her panties until the cool air finds her cunt, and she starts to kick them off, clenching, dripping, and his hand is off her breast to her back, pushing her down, over, and it’s all Beth can do to scramble for the sink, to hold, to feel his gaze drop.
“Fuck,” he says, voice lower than she’s ever heard it, a guttural sound that curls somewhere deep inside her, burrows in her gut, and suddenly she wants to hear it again so badly that she cants her hips back, chances a glance back up to the mirror, just to see him.
She regrets it instantly.
Regrets it because she knows she won’t forget it, can’t, won’t be able to close her eyes again without seeing him over her, mouth open, his face split apart and too young and too old and too him. Like his rawest nerves are on display for her, something yearning and close and too gentle.
Too gentle, as his fingers find her slit, stroke up her, coating themselves in her, and her eyes close, and her mouth holds and she keens because - - because when was the last time someone touched her like this?
When did she ever think it would be him?
But all thoughts are gone when he sinks a finger into her, groaning like it’s his cock, like it’s more, and she gasps, squirms, clenching, her own fingers grappling for purchase, her body starting to throb, then it’s a second finger, and he’s fucking her with them, getting deeper with each push, and Beth’s gasping, head dropping lower, so low she can feel the cool radiating off the counter against her forehead, can feel the saliva thicken in her mouth, her throat bob, and she needs some release.
She moves a hand, starts towards her clit, when suddenly Rio’s fingers are out of her and he’s batting her hand away. The sound that tears from her throat isn’t something Beth can even begin to explain (but god, she feels the loss of him already), and she’s about to say something, anything, when he’s grabbing her arm, pulling her up and turning her around.
Her ass hits the corner of the sink when she jerks back.
It’s just - -
He’s so close.
He wets his lips.
Eyes dropping to hers.
Is he - -
Outside, someone drops a drink, glass shattering across the floor, a woman yells, a man argues, the music is turned up.
She can almost make out the lyrics.
Could, if Rio didn’t look like he was about to kiss her.
Her second first kiss, Beth thinks blindly, and - - oh.
She drops her head, heart stuttering in her chest, because no, because that isn’t what this is supposed to be, and her husband’s sitting alone outside and probably checking out the waitress, and Rio’s her - -
Her boss? No, not anymore. Her - -
He’s just - -
Suddenly, there’s a breath at her cheek, warm and smelling faintly of vodka, a nose at her temple, then fingers at her other one, gently tucking her hair behind her ear.
“’s okay,” he whispers, and Beth can’t blink and then all she can do is blink – rapid and over and over again, and she nods as curtly as she can manage and she means to say thank you, she does, only then Rio’s pulling her sideways, and his big, clammy hands are at the back of her thighs and the floor is gone from beneath her feet, and her back’s at the wall, and Beth gasps.
Rio’s laugh is a little breathless, strained with her weight, his hips pushing beneath hers to hold her up as he works his belt, and Beth grabs his shoulders and then let’s go of them because god, is she - - how does she touch him? But Rio doesn’t seem to mind, not as he frees his cock from his pants and she can only feel the head of it against her inner thigh and it’s - - a lot. Beth looks up at the ceiling, shaking, breathless herself as he sucks gently at her neck, adjusts his grip on her thighs as she squirms, and slowly - - so fucking slowly - - slides her down onto his cock.
And it’s been - -
A while.
She knows it’s been a while, but her mouth is open and she’s not sure she knows how to close it, and Rio’s big inside of her and in front of her and strong as he holds her up, and when he starts to roll his hips, starts to fuck up into her, she clenches, scrambles, tries to remember how to breathe, but he hasn’t let her do that since she met him, so she’s not sure why he’d do it now.
With a hiccup, she shifts, hands at the wall, trying to find purchase as his hands move beneath her thighs again, starting to build a rhythm, and the drag and the push of him inside her is almost more than she can bear. Her pulse sounds in her ears, and he hums into her neck and Beth’s shuddering, trying to contain the throbbing of her cunt around him, when - -
A sharp nip at her cleft chin.
Beth blinks, drops her head from where it was tilted up still to the ceiling, and all she can see is Rio’s face, straight in front of hers. He just - - smiles, small, lopsided, and she can’t help the way her lips do the same, and he hums again, pulls her off the wall just enough she gasps, grabs at his neck (and oh, god, she can feel the nooks of his vertebrae, the bristle of his hair, the sweat building at the collar of his shirt, all these things that make him, this, real) and when he fucks up into her this time she sinks her hips down and they both groan.
“’s good,” he murmurs into her neck, words warm, and Beth shivers, fingers still on his neck when one of his free hands comes up to cup hers, and she thinks of the image of them, holding onto each other, not an inch between them, him buried so deep inside her she can feel his hip bones poking into her lower ass (upper thighs?) and she still can’t string a thought together, doesn’t know if she’ll ever be able to again, but still - -
She thinks she hears herself say yeah.
Send me intimacy prompts!
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sainadazai · 3 years
When your crush is angry all the time
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"A red haired bitch that glows"
2nd person pov
You weren't sure how things could even possibly move so quick, but as fire burned and terrifying creatures tormented citizens, all You could do was stand. Nomus, is what endeavour called them. Some gross being that seemed to have multiple quirks, you'd never seen anything like them. 
Even with all of the times you'd been beaten and interrogated and harassed by villains, nothing like this ever happened. It could have been the fact that you spent most of your young life hiding away in a castel in the middle of nowhere, but seeing all this destruction froze you in place. 
"Kid, help get the citizens out of here! Do not engage in combat, understand? Hey! L/n!"
You broke the terrified stare that was burning into the ruined city streets to meet eyes with your boss. He seemed so calm, even though everything was going wrong. The world was quite literally burning. Those monsters were hurting people. There were screams of horror, and still his calm demeanor was all you could focus on. How was he so calm? 
His yell broke You from your trance and you scrambled around, eyes searching for someone, anyone to get the hell out of here. However there wasn't just one, there were hundreds. Some under building scraps, trapped behind fire burning the streets. Too many people, too much noise, it was never this loud back home. Why could you just focus?! 
One of those boys from earlier today let our scream. You only recognized it because it was the same as how he'd screamed at bakugou earlier. You whipped your head around looking for his sound, body, anything. Spinning in circles until you caught that little red shirt cowering beneath one of those things. 
"Hold on, i'm coming!" You didn't know if he could hear you, the statement was more a confirmation to yourself. You wouldn't stand there cowering. You didnt wanna be the helpless princess waiting to be saved. You were going to save others, it was like an instinct, like you had to. 
Being unsure of your abilities with vines and plants, you opted to use a power long ago mastered. Twirling your pointer finger in a circle to slowly collect wind into a tiny ciclone and build it up bigger and bigger. This action disrupted the wind in the area, some of the bystanders' hair began flowing with the force of it, getting shivers from the chill. 
Then with all the focus you could muster you let your eyes bored right into the head of that nomu aiming with your mind and following the action with your finger. Then, with a snap, the ciclone flew off towards it, lifting it into the air and growing larger the more he struggled. 
You felt the pressure of all that wind, and its body on your back. Hundreds of pounds of pressure on your spine, but adrenaline forced you forward. Sprinting to the boy in the red shirt, crouching down under all that weight to wipe away his tears. You completely ignored how underdressed you were and brought his small form into a tight embrace, whispering sweet nothings to which you didn't know you could say. 
It all felt so wrong, so opposite to what you wanted, but you couldn't help it. Grazing the lasso on your thigh an idea sprouted in your mind as to how you could get this crushing weight off of your back. You let the boy down telling him to stay behind you. 
Don't engage in combat. 
Do not engage. 
Get them out of here. 
Ignoring your mentors words, you snatched the lasso off of your thigh, doing as you were taught and lighting it ablaze, if your mother was thinking straight, she'd have it made of mineral wool- fire retardant and easily manipulated. The flames would not be actually catching on anything but the air, therefore saving her from an uncontrollably fire. 
As it lit up your hair not only changed, but shined a bright red. It was so brilliant that it lit up the area around you, the boy behind you shocked and the people in the vicinity scared. 
However, you had a hero suit on. That meant to them, that you were trustworthy. 
You swing the lasso all but twice above your head before releasing the ciclone, and the pressure on your back, and whipping it towards the monster. 
It had activated some sort of electricity quirk once free from the wind and as the lasso made contact, rather than burning and bringing the nomu to the ground, it sent a high-powered electrical current through your already spent body. 
You should have stopped there, tossed the kid out of the way and called for help. Yet, for some reason you couldn't. Being shocked only numbed the pain on your spine more, and upped your adrenaline. Bad news for mr.nomu, huh? 
"Whew, that's one way to boost your energy huh, kid?"
 You smirked back at the worried boy behind you, hoping a joke would lighting the mood now. Similar to how you would joke in class yo avoid any real emotions or connections. 
Only, now, it held the benefit of an adorable smirk appearing on his face and a little giggle exciting his mouth. 
"Watch this!" 
Despite being electrocuted your lasso was still intact, so you took to attacking it around the monster's leg and pulling back towards you. Once it was too close for your liking, you shot a roundhouse kick into the empty space in front of you. It seemed like a fruitless action, until the surrounding citizens noticed how the wind around them mirrored your actions with equal force. 
The nomu went flying out of the city, likely landing somewhere around hosu (😏Yes, hosu) and you released the pressure on your leg. 
As soon as you took the time to inhale, your back gave out, and you fell to the ground. 
However you hadn't given up, using the little burst you could make with your fingers, you shot several people away from the mess with winds. Then, after what you counted to be person number 34, you gave out and the world went black. 
The heroes in the area who were not distracted by nomus had been paying close attention to your actions, surprised they haven't seen you in the sports festival, or anywhere for that matter. 
Mr. Woods was disappointed at the initiative you took, knowing how injured you must be from being out of practice with most parts of your quirk. However when endeavour informed the other pros of some sort of incident in hosu, he was forced to leave you there. Limp body cold against the concrete. 
When doctors and healers arrived, you were one of the first in an ambulance and on the road to the hospital, and the news reports of your body being wheeled off were matched with that of your battle with the nomu. Streaming across all platforms and displaying on one particular tv screen, in the hotel room of one fire quirked boy. 
A boy who truly was noticing he had no idea what you were capable of. A boy who was angry you'd been holding it back in class. One who had been thinking of the way you spoke of fire to that little boy all day, and above all a boy who was entranced by the glow of your hair when it turned red. 
Bakugou wasn't sure how to process these overwhelming feelings towards you, the stalker girl who said dumb shit about his eyes. Still, after seeing that video, the feeling your own eyes held, staring up at that devilish creature. He could no longer say he didn't know what you meant by being obsessed with the look in his eyes. He was now too. 
A six year old girl struggled against her restraints tirelessly. She has a power that she doesn't know how to use, and yet these men want to take it from her. There is one door exit, it's blocked by tall men in black suits. The whole room echoes with screams from children. It crashes against the walls and her little ears, and she cant get it to stop. 
Why was this happening to her? Why couldn't she do anything to stop it? 
"Please, just let my brother go! Please I'll do anything. Im sorry. Im sorry. Plea-"
Her words are stopped by a suffocating hand, larger than her whole face, it reeks of bleach. Her little eyes can only release so many tears before they are running over the hands knuckles, wetting his skin with her despair. The man doesn't care, though. The men never seem to care. 
Her brother, only two years old, cries in a stranger's arms. The stranger showed her how he could completely disassemble any object, or put it back together. What a horrible powerful quirk. With something like that, she really couldn't tell why he needed hers too. Still, he did. 
So the tiny boy whined in his firm hold, terrified, but not sure why. They both just wanted their Mommy. Mommy always comes to save them, she and her friends will take them home. To the castle, with the comfy beds, the pillowy blankets that their small bodies float on like clouds. 
Not this rough metal wall, with arms chained, and bruises forming from their so-called interrogation. Why didn't they understand? 
She doesn't know how to give her quirk away. She is only six, after all. 
Mommy told her that men are greedy. Men like these have all they want and still need more. They take things, without asking. They took her and her brother without asking, so where was Mommy? To tell these men that you aren't supposed to take things, or hit people. 
Where are their mommies? Did no one tell them hitting people is bad? Especially smaller people. Is that why the men are bad? Because they didn't have a Mommy or daddy to tell them how to be good? The little girl is lost in a pit of sympathy. Sympathy that she does not owe these horrible men, yet she can't help it. 
"I don't give a shit princess, your brother can go home when you give us the quirk."
"Mommy never told me how! I'm sorry míster that you don't have a mo-mommy!" She sobre through the rough palm over her mouth. At the response he removed his grip, though. Opting to allow the girl her voice. 
"P-please. I'm sorry, I'm sorry no one told you not to be mean. It's okay though! My Mommy will come, she'll tell you, okay! Please j-just-" though her words held great meaning to those men in suits-bad men- she couldn't finish. Her sobs were too loud and violent. Her little arms shook, because though she was such a sweet little girl,she was terrified. 
Her cheeks hurt from screaming and tensing to release tears.  Her arms hurt from being suspended at her sides. Her little legs had lost all feeling, gone numb under the pressure of standing for so long. She just wanted to go home, to keep her brother safe. 
Even being only six, she felt so stupid for being so helpless. It was her job to protect their family quirk, but she wanted to give it up. More so, even though she wanted to give it away, she didn't even know how. 
A small, weak girl, helpless really. She never wanted to be helpless like that again. 
"Now!" His hand collided with her cheek. Hard, swinging, jaw snapping pressure. It rang through her ears, like her baby brothers sobs, til she shot up from her bed. 
Sweat covered by/ns face as she jolted awake in her bed. Around her were some unrecognizable faces, or that's what she thought at first. Except, in truth, they were simply blurred in her eyes. 
As she was taught when she was little, she began recounting things to herself that might make her come back to reality. Might help ease the fear of her dream. 
- I am not 6 years old 
-my brother is at home in the castle 
-im not in a warehouse 
-those men are in prison 
-i am alive 
As she was repeating each of those truths in her head, her eyesight began to come back so that she could recognize the faces of those around her. Three boys: todoroki, midoriya, and iida. 
Midoriya was furthest from her, as she now noticed she was on a bed. Then iida, and closest was todoroki. The familiarity of his stone face gave y/n great comfort. However, he looked troubled.
The three boys in the hospital room with her were truthfully at a loss. This girl who had been at their school for one week, had proved more honest and heroic than them. After being scolded by the chief of police, they were each confronting their own feelings about the events.
However, each came to the conclusion that y/n was the only participating hero-in-training that followed the rules and fought earnestly. Little did they know, she had been breaking rules too, except her wouldn't be hid so easily. 
What were the police meant to do, a teenage girl-princess no less- save countless lives, that heroes were neglecting, and its broadcast all over japan. Unlike in the boys' case, where the media didn't even have to know, everyone had already seen her heroism, but they had no idea where she came from. 
Some viewers pointed out her position as a princess, but no one expected to see her in a hero outfit anytime soon. They knew what happened was illegal, but what backlash would they face for arresting her. Could they even arrest her? 
Still, all y/n knew was that she was scared, and she needed to hide it as deep within her as it could reach. No one likes a cry baby, anyway. 
"Oh..uh, hey guys?"
The first to look up was the green haired, face widening in surprise and worry. 
"Y/n! Y-you're up!? Wait, don't sit up yet..um they said your bac-"
"You left damage on all your thoracic vertebrae. You could have killed yourself with that amount of pressure!" 
Todoroki interrupted. Face still void of emotion, but his voice held anger. 
Making sure to agnowledged how touched she was that he cared at all, y/n then quickly brushed it off. In the mood for jokes, not fights. She just finished fighting, why would she wanna argue some more about it? 
"Aww~todoroki, were you worried about me?"
"Yes. It was stupid of you to use your quirk like that, out of practice and such." 
"There's no um. he is right y/n, i didn't know your quirk could do that, but you obviously haven't been keeping it in practice during class, that was really risky..." midoriya added on in a ramble. 
Feeling a bit cornered she settled for sighing and staring up at the ceiling. 
"Can I walk?"
"Why not?"
"Did you not here the whole vertebrae thing, i-"
"No, I did, but I don't feel any pain...is it not healed?"
"I'm not really sure, we can ask.."
So slowly but surely, the boys helped her sit up, and yes, she did feel an immense pain shoot through her. Additionally, she was compensated with shoto conspiracizing about his negativo afecta on peoples hands, getting to know these classmates better. They even let her in on why they were in the hospital to begin with. 
She would have to admit, though these boys being around made her happy, she was still thinking about bakugou. Was he in the area during the fight? Is he okay? Why do I give a shit about that mean old fact face anyway? Oh, right. His eyes. 
The rest of her time was spent ignoring the extreme trauma these events reminded her of, and fantasizing about those angry eyes. 
Bakugou pov 😡
There the bitch was, right on my hotel tv screen, fighting the same fight on replay. Those media bastards hasn't stopped talking about her all day. How even when she was barely alive on the ground, she kept saving people. 
I know it wasn't about me, hell, I wasn't even there, but it feels like a taunt. Some karma cause I called her an entitled princess, or her purposefully saying "Look what I can do." 
Well I fucking am. Looked like some sort of wind quirk, but I saw her use fire with those kids, and in class she makes that plant shit. So what the hell is she? She thinks having multiple quirks makes her better than me? Good enough she doesn't have to use them all just to beat me? Thats bullshit. 
I'm just so fucking angry at her for it, but I have to be. Or else, the next time they show her shitty face on that shitty screen, looking
...shitty, i'll start to worry. 
That maybe she has only been here for a week, but she is already gone. That the whole time at school she spent avoiding me, to make me happy. Worrying I'll never hear her say what she looks at in my eyes. 
In her eyes, that night, I saw pure rage. It almost looked as if she couldn't control it. An impending anger that loomed over her, and controlled her; made her strong. Not stronger than me, but strong. 
Still, I can't go "falling for'' every girl that I see with strength. If a dunce 's face hadn't told me that feeling I had at the festival was a crush, I could have spared myself a week worth of it, I don't even know what. 
Stupid dunce face. 
Now, though, that shitty princess, even if she is shitty. Well, she has at least my respect. 
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kyber-crystal · 4 years
department of matchmaking || s.r
summary: in which you’re asked by aunt may to babysit peter while she’s away at a business conference & steve tags along. peter, being the innocent smol bean he is, tries to get you and the Captain together.
words: ~3.1k
warnings: none, just fluff & a little matchmaking spider-man :) and OH steve’s blue jacket heheh. tony’s your dad in this oop cant resist a stark child. shhh CW never happened bc i’m still in denial 
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Peter: Aunt May says she has a couple errands to run so she won't be back until later this afternoon. Can you pick me up? School just ended.
You: Of course!
Peter: Ned and I are planning on building the Lego Death Star tonight. I know you're a sucker for building stuff :)
You: You know me so well, kiddo. I'm definitely in. How could I miss out on our weekly date nights?
Peter: You're the best! See you soon
You: See you!
"Where are you going?"
"May's busy, so I gotta go pick Peter up from school," you explained to Steve as you slung your purse over your shoulder and grabbed the keys to your (Tony's) Audi, sliding your sunglasses on. "We're having one of our weekly Friday movie nights, and he and Ned just got a new Lego set that they want me to help construct. You wanna come along?"
"Sure, I don't mind."
You headed outside to the car together, sticking the keys into the ignition as Steve slid in next to you in the passenger's seat. "I hope you don't have anything else planned for the rest of tonight. We might be there for a while...I know we were gonna see that new action movie in theaters tomorrow. I'm sorry."
"Nope, no plans," he smiled, "I'm free for the rest of this weekend. As long as I get to spend time with you, it's okay."
You couldn't help but feel your heart flutter a bit at his words. 
But you quickly brushed the thought off, knowing the last thing you were supposed to do was fall for someone after you'd just gotten over a nasty breakup.
Soon enough, you pulled up in front of Midtown High School and saw Peter standing with Ned by the curb. You rolled the window down and called out to them. "Hey, boys. Need a ride?"
"My favorite Avenger! Hi!" Ned greeted as he and Peter got into the backseat, strapping their seatbelts on.
"Ouch, I'm offended," Steve placed a hand over his chest and pretended to look hurt. "I thought I was your favorite?"
"Captain America! It's an honor!" he exclaimed. "I've heard so much about you from Peter!"
"Oh, really? I hope he only told you good things?" the super-soldier chuckled.
"So, how was school?" you glanced back at the two teenagers from the rearview mirror. "Anything interesting happen?"
"No, except they actually served something edible in the cafeteria for lunch today," Peter rolled his eyes. "Which is a first."
You sighed, placing your hand back on the wheel, "School food isn't the best thing ever."
"So uh, I have a question," Ned spoke up as you headed down the street, "are you and Y/N a...thing? ‘Cause I hear a lot of fans are speculating that the kickass agent and America’s golden boy are dating."
"What? No," you and Steve replied in unison, exchanging a knowing look before bursting into laughter. "No."
It was mostly quiet for the rest of the car ride back to the apartment. Peter pulled out the keys from his jacket pocket and slid it in the lock, pushing the door open and gesturing for the rest of you to come inside.
"So," he breathed out, setting his backpack down by the front door and dusting his hands off. You sat around the sofa together, glancing at the massive Lego set on the coffee table. "Here it is, in all its glory."
"How many pieces is this?" Steve questioned, looking at it in shock.
"Almost 4000."
A buzzing sound from his phone made Peter look down, swiping a few times before unlocking it and scanning over the new notification.
"May has an overnight business conference and she won't be back until tomorrow evening. She wants you to babysit," he explained as he looked up at you.
"Fine by me," you shrugged. "Cap?"
"Sure, why not."
"But I'm 15 and 8 months! I'm not a baby."
"Well, kiddo, I'm 28 and Tony treats me like a baby even though I’m not a baby anymore. Steve's going on 32, and acts like he's 12."
"I do not!"
"Yes, you do."
"I do not!"
"Yes, you do."
"Arguing like a married couple," Peter coughed, and Ned wiggled his eyebrows up and down. "Cute."
"For the last time, we're not a thing," you let out an exasperated sigh, but felt a blush creep up your cheeks as you spoke.
Two hours later you were a little over halfway done with building the Death Star, and fatigue was beginning to catch up with you after you neglected your sleep schedule and pulled three all-nighters in a row bingeing Netflix with Sam.
You let out a yawn as you flipped through the instructions pamphlet, stretching your arms up in the air.
"You tired?" Steve asked. You were too tired to respond, simply leaning into him and closing your eyes.
"You can take her to the guest room. Straight down the hall, then turn right," Peter said as he noticed you'd now fallen asleep on him. "We can continue this after dinner."
Steve scooped you up into his strong arms and carried you down the hall, pushing the door to the guest room open with one hand before carefully setting you down on the bed, tucking you in.
"Sleep tight," he whispered, a ghost of a smile on his face as he leaned down to kiss your forehead and left.
"Ahem. Now that she's gone," Ned cleared his throat, "time to plan on how we're supposed to get our OTP together!"
"Ned, really-"
"You should ask her out, Cap. I see the way you look at her," Peter raised an eyebrow at him, "I mean, it's clear to everyone how you feel about her, and the way she feels about you. Sam sees it, Mr. Stark sees it, heck, I think May has her suspicions as well because she wouldn't stop talking about how great of a couple you two would be over dinner last night-"
"Look, Peter, I don't think she's ready for a relationship."
"Why not?"
"She just broke up with her boyfriend two months ago. I doubt she'd be willing to date again."
"But you're her best friend! You're literally the perfect man for her!"
"It doesn't matter. I'm not taking advantage of someone when they're vulnerable. That isn't right."
He scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest and kicking his feet up against the coffee table, tossing a spare Lego piece up and down in one hand. "Yeah, I totally believe the great Captain America isn't in love with the great Y/N."
"She's my friend. A teammate."
"Friends with benefits!" Ned chimed in. Steve made a face at this. "No, not like that. I mean that as in, you guys do all the things that regular couples do, except you're not officially a couple. And I think that's big enough of an indication that you should get together for real."
"I'm just waiting for the right time."
"AHA!" both boys shouted. "So you are in love with her!"
"Keep it down!" he scolded. "She's asleep!"
"You didn't deny it this time..."
"Fine, whatever. What do you guys want for dinner? I'll go pick it up."
"If Y/N asks where I am, just tell her I went to go get the food."
As soon as the door shut behind Steve, Peter and Ned's heads immediately whipped over and they faced each other, exchanging evil grins.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Ned practically squealed.
"Yeah, I'm thinking what you're thinking!"
"Romantic dinner and movie night setup!" both boys whooped and hollered.
"I'll light the candles and get the napkins. May always keeps a stock of scented ones when Y/N comes over because she loves the smell of cherry blossoms."
"...I'll grab the rose petals and tablecloth."
"Rose petals?"
"Mind if I tear apart the flower on your desk?"
"Yeah, yeah, go ahead. Also, the regular tall candles are in the cabinet below the sink in the bathroom."
Twenty minutes later, Steve came back with the pizza in hand, setting the keys on the counter and closing the door, stopping dead in his tracks as he observed the scene before him.
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"What is going on?"
"We set up a date night for you two because we know you've been working hard this past week and deserved to relax," Peter explained happily. "So, here you go!"
"Peter," Steve sighed, rubbing his forehead, "I appreciate your effort, but Y/N isn't ready for a relationship and neither one of us has feelings for the other."
"But you guys deserve a break! After working nonstop you should at least rest or something."
"Alright, alright. I'll go get Y/N. You guys set the pizza on the plates for everyone, okay?"
"Got it."
You yawned and rubbed your eyes, then stretched your arms up into the air, skidding to a halt as you observed the sight before you.
“Wh...what’s going on?”
Peter and Ned grinned from where they sat on the couch, paper plates on their laps. “We thought you deserved a nice break, so we set up a little something for you guys!”
“A romantic dinner? Why...”
"It looks pretty and gives off a relaxing mood. Why else?” Peter laughed nervously. “Now eat!”
“Okay...” you started growing suspicious, but didn’t question it, “alright, then.”
You fell into an awkward silence after that, aside from the occasional sound of silverware clinking against plates and drink glasses being set back down on the table. The atmosphere felt heavier than before and you couldn’t help but wonder what it was. 
“So, uh...how have you been holding up?” Steve asked you tentatively. He knew the topic of your ex-boyfriend was still that of a rather sensitive one - you’d come storming through the elevator doors and gulped down half a bottle of vodka (you never drank, so this had everyone genuinely worried), before heading upstairs and taking a forty-five minute shower, then afterwards, proceeded to lock yourself in your room for the rest of the afternoon. 
When you wouldn’t come down for dinner, he had to carry up your food to you and when you refused to eat, he was the one to force-feed you. When you suddenly broke down sobbing when he asked you if you were alright, he was the one who held you in your arms. He was the one who got you out of bed to bring you downstairs for some fresh air and to interact with the others, and not once during the time he was having to take care of you for, did he question any of your behavior. You were hurting and that was all that mattered. If you were hurting, he was hurting, too.
“It’s been a rough eight weeks...” you sighed, rubbing your forehead with one hand as you took a sip of wine. “Could be better, but...I’m alright. I just wish I could’ve seen that coming from the moment I went on that blind date with him.”
“What do you mean?” Steve was confused - you’d never mentioned any details of your relationship, you were a very private person, for that matter. You rarely ever opened up to anyone. “I thought you were...”
“Happy? Hell no, I don’t even know why I stayed,” you scoffed as you took another swing of your drink. “It was so easy to fall into a routine. There was this gaping hole in my heart, and...I needed it to be filled somehow. Then Agent Williams comes along, a seemingly perfect new SHIELD recruit, almost everything a girl could possibly want in a man standing right in front of me...how could I not fall for his façade? I didn’t realize it was doomed from the start until about a week into the relationship...but I held my tongue. I knew if I dared to speak up against him, he’d somehow manage to use my words against me, twist everything I said into a whole new lie...he manipulated me, day after day...yet I still didn’t leave because I genuinely believed he’d change. 
“But I was wrong. I was naïve, I stayed because I was so desperate to experience true happiness that I went as far as to stay with someone I knew would do a number on my mental health in the long run. I shouldn’t have been surprised when I walked into HQs one day to drop stuff of for Coulson, to see Williams on top of someone else...in the gym. In the gym...of all places. I only didn’t blast him because I didn’t want to destroy Fury’s property. So I slapped him and left. That’s it. This whole...fling, or whatever the hell you want to call this shitty relationship, lasted only twenty-six days before everything fell apart. God, I’m so stupid - I should’ve known. I was so stupid, I’m such a horrible person for doing what-”
Steve felt his blood boil with anger. Williams had cheated on you - that’s why you’d broken up. All this time he’d been thinking that you simply fell out of love, or maybe ended it on friendlier terms - when in fact, it was anything but.
Nobody deserved to be treated this way, especially you. I could treat you much better, he thought to himself.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he said softly, reaching a hand up to wipe the stray tears that fell from your eyes. Instead of letting his hand fall back at his side right away, he let it linger there for a moment, gently stroking your cheekbone with his thumb. The feeling sent electricity up his fingers. “It’s not your fault. You’re not a bad person...he is.”
“Shit, I think our plan’s backfiring,” Peter hissed into Ned’s ear as they watched the scene unfold from the couch. “What the fuck, Ned!”
“Shh! Hold on, they’re having a really deep conversation. Let them be for a second.”
“I was stupid enough to stay, when he was giving off all the wrong signs...I should’ve listened to Tony and Nat. They knew. They knew from the moment we first got together, but I didn’t listen...”
“It’s okay. You didn’t know any better,” he reassured you, absentmindedly taking your hand in his and rubbing circles across your palm, “you just wanted to be happy. To experience that feeling that came along with being in a relationship. Frankly, I think I would’ve done the same thing.”
“And what makes me feel even worse,” your voice caught in your throat as you spoke, “...were my true intentions of staying. I wanted to be happy, I really did. But I realized I’d never achieve that with someone like him...in a way, I was using him too, I guess. Not for my personal gain or anything, not to boost my social status, like he did...he always made a point of walking around and declaring that he had an Avenger girlfriend. But...”
“But what?”
“I knew if I was in a relationship with someone, that’d prevent me from thinking about being with anyone else. Well...that plan failed...horribly.”
“...What are you saying?”
“Of course, I didn’t figure that out until not long ago...but yeah. The heart wants what it wants...and it didn’t want him.”
“Then who was it?”
Your gaze flickered down to your now-intertwined fingers. You hesitated for a moment before speaking again. “...I think you know who it is, Steve.”
“See!” Ned kicked Peter in the shin as he was in the middle of finishing off his second slice, and he winced. “It’s getting saucy!”
“I think we both know,” Steve murmured. 
You let out a sound that was a cross between a laugh and a sob. “I don’t know why I tried pursuing a relationship that wouldn’t fulfill me in the long run. I should’ve known it was you all along, huh? You know me like the back of your hand. For Odin’s sake, you remembered every detail of my SHIELD file, my favorite color, my exact birth date, everything there is to know about me. It’s always been you-”
“...It broke my heart to see you with someone who wasn’t me,” he said quietly.
“Then why didn’t you say anything?”
“I didn’t want you to feel like I was meddling in your love life. I know you hate it when people do that.”
“I knew you weren’t as happy as you let on. I shouldn’t have stayed silent...I should’ve at least said something. I was terrified to speak up, thinking that you wouldn’t reciprocate my feelings-”
“You...you what?”
“Yeah,” he chuckled lightly, “I’m in love with you.”
Peter let out a squeak. Ned chucked a pillow at him, a giddy look on his face.
“Good news,” you laughed, “because I’m in love with you too.”
“FINALLY!” Ned whooped, unable to contain his excitement for any longer. He and Peter exchanged a fist-bump. “FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY! I can’t believe our ship finally sailed! Though I gotta be honest, I had no idea pizza could bring out people’s true feelings like that.”
“We’re geniuses!” Peter squealed, pulling out his phone.. “Oh, wait until Mr. Stark hears about this!”
Your eyes widened in realization. “Peter, don’t you dare c-”
Too late. A buzzing sound came from your phone, alerting you of a new notification, and you unlocked it to see a text from your father. 
Mr. Stank😡: Took you long enough, honey. I expect a grandchild soon.
Mr. Stank😡: But I’m gonna be honest, I wouldn’t want any other man for you than Capsicle himself.
You let out a loud groan, shoving your phone back into your purse. “Oh, come on.”
A buzzing sound came from Steve’s phone as well, and he took it out of his pocket to take a look. 
Stark: You better not knock her up until after you get married and then leave. I learned that lesson too late. I’m being serious when I’m telling you to treat her right - she hasn’t been the same since her mother walked out all those years ago. You make her happy, though, so I won’t try to intervene.
Stark: But if you hurt her in any way, I’ll break your face. Capiche?
Steve: ...Capiche.
“Ooh! I just got a promotion for telling him about you guys!” Peter clasped his hands together. “I’m joining you on your next group mission!”
“That’s great, Peter!” you congratulated, “but...why would he give you a promotion for...this?”
“Because he’s been waiting for this to happen for the longest time! Oh and also, your food’s getting cold.”
“We could just reheat it. Or...if you guys are still hungry, do you want to go to Olive Garden?” Steve looked over at the two teenage boys. 
“Y/N, what about you?”
“It’s a date,” you winked. You let out a small laugh upon seeing his cheeks flush red.
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Little Prince (Pt.2)
"The mafia? Roman are you kidding me? Do you know how dangerous they are!" Remus was pacing the living room, his husband Virgil sitting on the couch with his arms wrapped around his stomach.
"They saved my life Rem! It's not like I'm hurt!" Roman pouted, he knew Remus wasnt going to take the fact that the lounge had been attacked well, but he'd at least thought he'd be happy Roman was safe.
"Roman they're the mafia! You cant trust a word they say or anything they do! They're just going to manipulate you and drag you into their messes!" Remus said, almost pleadingly.
"Just because you're a year older than me doesnt mean you know everything!" Roman said.
"I know that you cant keep putting yourself in danger for the sake of your reputation!" Remus said, there were tears in his eyes, Roman felt a twinge of guilt.
"Just. . . Stay away from them, for your own good," Remus said before walking back over to the couch and sitting next to Virgil. He held his arms out, seemingly to pull the smaller man into a hug, but Virgil seemed adamant about not changing positions. Roman sighed and walked back into his room, collapsing onto the bed and turning over to look at the ceiling. Logan's voice echoing in his head, he felt his cheeks heat up as the phrase Little Prince found it's way to the front of his thoughts. He'd never felt that way about being addressed as royalty before. It had always felt like a charade, a costume, like he wasnt really a monarch, but when Logan said it. . .
"Oh cut it out! Hes probably just like ever other man you've met, big sleazy and flirtatious, you're no prince. You're a fool." Roman glared at himself in the mirror and snarled the words, quietly enough that he hoped Remus wouldnt hear him.
He had more nightmares than ever that night, yet somehow they were never able to finish. At the last second a knight on a horse would charge at whatever Roman seemed to be afraid of, and the nightmare would end. He never saw the knight's face, but he remembered the crest on his horse's armor, a dove, with blue and red cloth in its mouth. Roman snatched his journal off of his nightstand, quickly sketching it down to save for later. He wasnt about to let a knight in shining armor slip out of his grasp, especially not now.
The real problem was waiting for him in the morning, The Butterfly Lounge had been shut down by who ever had attacked, which meant Roman had to find a new contract. He decided to meet up with his former boss to discuss the terms of his last, only to receive news that made his skin crawl.
"It says it right here in the fine print, in the event something happens to the lounge or you need to find new work, I chose your new place of employment," the grin on his ex-employer's face was akin to that of a crocodile about to take a bite out of an unsuspecting deer.
"But- that cant be legal! I mean- if I dont work for you anymore then that contract should no longer be valid!" Roman's hands were shaking, he grabbed onto the bottom of his chair in an attempt to steady them.
"Oh relax Roman, The Andromeda Quarter isnt that bad of a club, they'd love you there," the smile widened, Roman felt sick to his stomach.
"Y-yes sir," Roman said, he felt like throwing up as he walked out of the building.
The Andromeda Quarter was one of the most elite sections of the town, men in suites with women trailing behind them like lost dogs, prices so high it was a surprise that they didnt fly at this point. This was his parents favorite place before they moved, everyone there knew him, knew his talents and his family and had more expectations for him than the rest of the city. He had promised himself as a kid that he'd never live or work there as long as he could help it, but he supposed he'd have to add that to the long list of broken promise's hanging over his head like a cloud of acid rain.
Roman didnt talk to anyone when he got home, he merely changed into a pale red shirt with a crown on the top corner and a long white skirt, throwing a white jacket over the top of it before slipping on some heels. His feet ached with each move, but he tolerated it, he had to make a good impression.
As soon as he entered the building his nose was hit with the scent of all manner of alcoholic beverages, the aura of drunkenness carried throughout the whole bar.
It didnt get any better when he walked backstage. The man that greeted him had two barely dressed girls sitting on each side of his chair, his face was dressed with the same self-entitled smile ever member of the quarter wore.
"Roman, lovely to finally see you," he said, his voice dripping with feigned sweetness.
"Good afternoon," Roman said, setting himself down into a chair.
"Now, I suppose you already know who I am," said the man.
"Doyle Andromeda, great great grandson of the founder of the Andromeda Quarter," Roman said quietly.
"Good, and I of course know who you are, your voice is recognized throughout the country," Mr. Andromeda said, brushing back a lock of brown hair.
"Now, there is of course, the contract," he continued, pushing a piece of paper toward him. Roman scanned the paper, looking through every line for some chance of escape, finding nothing but paragraphs of descriptions on just how little of his voice mind and body was really going to be his. He bit back tears as he signed the paper, and swallowed the sobs rising in his throat as he left the meeting. His life was going to be over the next day, he just knew it.
A few blocks closer to home he ran into someone, instinctively throwing his hands up to block his face.
"Roman?. . ." Roman froze at the sound of Logan's voice. He felt his hands shaking as Logan took them in his own and lowered them, letting go to brush Roman's hair back and hold his face.
"I-I-" Roman was trying to will himself to run, to listen to his brother and get away before he got hurt again, but his heart was telling him to let Logan hold him, to melt into his touch until the rest of the world disappeared in a cloud of smoke.
"Oh my poor little prince, you look so distressed, what went wrong? Do you need something to drink perhaps?" Roman let himself go numb in Logan's arms, tears spilling out of his eyes.
"I promised I wouldnt go back, I promised and a broke it and now I'm stuck and I dont know what they're going to do to me now that they have me," Logan's jacket smelled like lavender and fresh grass, Roman committed that to memory, he was going to buy air freshener with it later if he had to.
"Go back where? Dont cry dont cry, I'll protect you, I'll keep you safe little prince I promise you," Logan ran his fingers through Roman's hair as he cried, his voice full of worry.
"Th-the Andromeda Quarter, to many people know me there, to many people that dont care, that think I'm just a pretty voice and a pretty face with not a brain or a heart in my body," Roman said with a choked cry.
"Shshshsh- it's alright, it'll be alright, I'll fix this, I'll fix it," said Logan. He held Roman in his arms all the way back to Roman's house, knocking on the door twice.
Remus' face fell almost as soon as he opened it.
"Roman!" Roman let out a slight whine as he was pulled away from Logan, grasping at his hands in a desperate attempt to stay close.
"What did you do to him!" Remus said, there was a slight hint of fear in his eyes as he looked at Roman's small form curled up in the corner of the room.
"Please I didnt mean to intrude- i found him walking home- he looked upset," Logan said, all to calmly for someone facing a man who could make an axe murderer look sane.
"Why is he upset then?" Remus said, digging his nails into the doorframe.
"Hes been transferred to the Andromeda Quarter, and I'm going to fix it for him," Logan said, still unnaturally calm.
"He what." Remus rushed over to Roman's side, allowing Logan to slip into the house and stand next to them. Within seconds Roman was latched to his side, head buried in the crook of his neck.
"Roman how did this happen?" Logan held one hand up, wrapping the other around Roman's waist.
"Let's let him adjust to it, he's clearly distressed, if you'd like I can go out and get something to help him," Logan said. Remus looked at him for a few seconds before finally nodding.
"Anything that helps my brother,"
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hitsuackerman · 4 years
Unpredictable (Overhaul x Reader) pt.20
a/n: i... smell... drama...
warnings: this cannot be read solo
Links: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15, part 16, part 17, part 18, part 19, part 21
Masterlist to my other fics: here :)
Overhaul’s waiting list: @jjk-biased @infinite-universe-love @dirtypride @blackymomo03 @azzie @purple-rabanito​ @meximorrita @awesomeee19​​ @celestial-kanzakii​ @laure-lo​ @team-wang-puppy​ @aydience-world​ @choros-main-hoe​ @colorseeingchick​  @but-kairis-not-that-smart(i cant seem to tag again :( hope this lands in your timelines!)
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Keeping both your palms rested on your thighs, it took a lot of energy to regulate your steadily increasing blood pressure. Not seeing Overhaul for almost a week made you realize just how gorgeous his face was, despite it being partially covered by the beak. From time to time, you would send a death glare to Tsukauchi.
It also took a considerable amount of dedication not to look at him. Thankful that peripheral views exist, you were sure how his golden eyes would linger on your silently panicking figure. Tapping your foot was definitely not helping.
“So that’s the rerun for later.” Tsukauchi ended the presentation and closed the projector. He, too, could feel the increasing tension in the room. Yet, this had been a part of his plan. Seeing how you were down made him move and decide that it was time for him to intervene. He also took note on how Overhaul made zero effort in concealing his stares. “Any questions?”
“The back route seems a bit faulty.” One of the officers commenced making Tsukauchi reach for the printed copy. “Is there an alternate route?”
“We can opt to use the fire exit but it would be too obvious on our part. I specifically chose this route since there are less hindrances along the way and it would be easy to be lost in the crowd.”
“I’m pretty sure the Fukuo Kai will be heavily guarding the back route.”
“On the contrary,” Overhaul spoke up. Each person jumping at the sudden intrusion of his muffled voice. “The back route will make things easier. If your lot wants to narrowly escape then being cornered will be a good thing. Those bastards aren’t the best when they get separated from their mother hen.”
Hearing him speak sent shivers down your spine. Gritting your teeth, you pushed your quirk a bit more to relax yourself. Personal emotions aside, he had a point.
“He just sided with Tsuka-kun.” Shinezu leaned in and whispered. “Is this a fever dream?”
“No. Take the sociopath away, he’s relatively stable.” You praised him. “One of the best villains to work with, in all honesty.”
“Oh right, you were paired up with him before the… holy smokes this guy’s got balls. Entering a precinct despite having the heroes planning to capture him? What I’d give to have his confidence.”
“You’ll get there, Shinez. Just get out of the office more.” You squeezed his shoulders and earned an enthusiastic huff.
With the briefing now finished, Overhaul excused himself and left the room. The way he turned around without a care in the world, or at least the people in the room, made the butterflies in your stomach tingle with a certain longing that only he could fill. Chewing on your inner cheek, it was getting difficult to stop yourself from standing up and drag him to that one secluded area to pour your pent up emotions.
Shaking your head, you shifted your attention back to the meeting. It had not registered that there were still a few small talks happening. Luckily, no one took it to themselves to converse with you. Listening to their conversations, one of them addressed his concerns about having to work with a villain.
“It goes beyond our belief.” He commented. Forehead wrinkling at the thought of having Overhaul as a team mate.
“He does the job rather well.” Tsukauchi defended him. His words bore no ill-will. “His quirk will be of help later. Also take into consideration that your group will not be in the same area as him. (l/n) and I will be with him guarding the premises.”
“Still. I bet right now, he’s listening in on our conversation. Doesn’t that bother you?” His eyes slid to your silent mouth. Almost as if asking for validation. One that he would not be getting anytime sooner.
“I digress. I’ve worked with him a bit longer than Nao.” You caught his stare and shrugged. “As long as you don’t question his motives, he’ll cooperate. He does what he wants and what we want as long as boundaries are present.”
“Suit yourselves.” Standing up, the 4th division officer commanded the others to follow him into the garage.
Once it was only Tsukauchi, Shinezu, and you inside the room, one more small conversation ensued.
“Do you want him to ride in your car or mine?” Tsukauchi asked.
“Am I missing something?” Shinezu asked with eyes wide open. Head going back and forth from his coworkers.
“You’re the head of the case.” Smiling at your partner, you would respect whatever decision he would make. “Surprise me. I’ll wait by the lobby.”
Leaving the room, you immediately proceeded to your desk and grabbed the necessities. Knowing you would gear up at the site, the trip was short and you were now seated in the driver’s seat. Key inside the ignition hole, the engine warming up to be put to good use. Getting a message that you were to wait by the entrance, you followed suit and squinted when sunlight hit your eyes.
Turning your hazard lights on, you stared at the entrance of the building. Who would be seated beside you in the minutes to come? Hearing your ringtone, you tore your gaze away and grabbed your phone.
“Gei?” This was the last person you’d expect to call you at this time. Gripping your phone a little harder, you waited for him to speak up.
“Yes yes yes, I know! And relax, I’m fine!” He assured you. “I just called to inform you that next week, my schedule will be cleared due to some conference that got rescheduled. I was thinkin we could head out and have some quality time together?”
“What do you have in mind?” Reaching for your planner, you checked your own schedule next week and found you could squeeze in a few hours for him. Looking into your rearview mirror, your eyes widened at the sight of the reflection. “Holy smokes. I gotta go. I’ll call you later, Gei.”
“Is your mission starting? Oh shit! I’m so sorry for disturbing you! Take care and stay safe, (n/n).” He managed to spit out some words before he could hear the door opening through the line.
“I apologize for making you wait.” Overhaul said as he seated himself in the backseat. Closing the seat, his sight remained glued to the outside world. His fingers now playing with the hems of his white gloves.
“GIRL?! IS THA-” Before you would let Overhaul hear what your friend had to say, you ended the call and closed your planner.
Half expecting that Tsukauchi would let him ride your car, you felt your chest tighten at the fact he was in the backseat and not beside you. Perhaps things were really different after that Ackerman name drop. Remembering he had apologized for making you wait, you placed the planner back into your bag and thanked the seat for covering your flushed face.
“It really wasn’t that long.” Seated properly again, you caught his intense golden eyes staring at your mirror. Not one to back out from a staring game, it shocked yourself when you tore your gaze first. A mission was at hand and personal feelings should now be set aside. “You ready?”
With no response, you began the trip to the rendezvous point.
What usually was filled with small talks and easy flowing conversations, the car ride proved to be longer than you wanted. Whatever comfortable silence shared before was now replaced with thick tension. All it takes would be one word to break the ice and perhaps mend the splitting relationship, but intuition told you otherwise. Giving him what he wants would only make things worse.
If it wasn’t for Tsukauchi’s car appearing into view, you would have caved and threw your pride. Parking the car, you watched as he opened the door and immediately closed it. Memories of 6 nights ago flooding your brain. Shaking the thoughts away, you grabbed your phone and made sure to hide the burner phone in the glove compartment.
Once you were met with Tsukauchi and Shinezu, you were bombarded with questions.
“How was the car ride? You’re alive! Did he share any of his ideas and ways of life?” Shinezu asked away.
“It was a silent ride.” You gave your partner a shrug. “He sat in the backseat so I was his chauffeur for the entire duration.”
“Oi, you three! Get in here!” One of the officers from the 4th division called your attention. Gesturing you three to approach the small tent, Tsukauchi nodded and led the group. Inside the small tent were a bunch of monitors displaying the camera footage of the targeted building. “Birdman has entered the building and is heading to his position. So far, the targets are where they’re supposed to be.”
“Keep us updated. It won’t be long before their meeting will start.” Tsukauchi reached for an earpiece and handed each one of you as well. Giving Shinezu final instructions, both of you watched as the shy man exited the tent and appeared on one of the monitors. “He may be shy but he does undercover well.”
“Couldn’t agree more~” You smirked at how Shinez rolled his shoulders and took much more confident strides.
“Ah, (y/n), a word…” Tsukauchi opened the tent doors and led you to his car. “First off, I’m sorry for the sudden intrusion of Overhaul. I just hate seeing you so down these days. I thought that if he were to see you, whatever you see in him might come out and things might turn out for the better.”
“Don’t mind, don’t mind~” Scratching your neck, it was honestly the thought that counted. “I got to see him so I guess it ain’t all that bad. Plus, spoiling him wouldn’t do us any good so…”
“Just talk to him later. Truth be told, he didn’t want to come.” Staring at the building, Tsukauchi couldn’t help but wonder, what would happen once the earpiece would finally establish connection. “When I told him you’d be there, he changed his mind before ending the call.”
The rest of the hours flew by and the meeting finally began. Tsukauchi was listening carefully through the earpiece while you monitored Shinezu. Every now and then, you would glance at the monitor which focused on Overhaul. If things were still the way before, you would bet your money that Overhaul would be texting you on how the meeting was a waste of his time.
Feeling your chest tightening and your shoulders getting heavier by the minute, you focused back on Shinezu’s camera. It was only for a second but you caught how the man flinched. Furrowing your brows, you asked the person in charge to zoom in on Shinezu. Pointing towards the communication device, the officer quickly grabbed it and handed it over. With your thumb grazing the small  button, you waited till you were sure the man was in distress. Seeing how he put his hand in his pocket, you clicked on the button.
“Calm down.” Heartbeat slowly picking up its pace. “Scratch your cheek if you’re in need of back up, touch your chin if it’s urgent.”
Hearing what you stated, the officer stood up and ordered the back up team to prepare..
The moment Shinezu touched his chin, you put the device down and gave them the go signal. Jogging to Tsukauchi’s station, you updated him of the current events to which he relayed to Overhaul. Continuing the task, you went back to your seat and pushed the button.
“Backup is on it’s way, Shinez. Leave now.” You watched as the conversation between him and the other man continued. With your finger tapping on the jagged edge of the device, your focus was now on another monitor. Letting out your held breath, relief flooded you when the other man turned his back and made his way back to whatever business he had. Once Shinezu was in a clear spot, the button was pushed once more. “What the heck happened?”
“I heard a gunshot. Presumably on the floor above.” He was now running towards the elevator while loosening his tie.
Looking at the other monitors, the mentioned floors looked fine.
“Shit. Nao!”
“On it.”
Leaving your posts to the other officers, Tsukauchi and you geared up before jogging towards the entrance. Careful of your surroundings.
“How long did you think they rigged the footage?” You asked as you entered the building. It was oddly and unsettling. Focusing on whatever noise would suffice, all you could hear were each of your footsteps on the floors. Clicking your earpiece, you tried to communicate with whoever could be reached. “Anyone from 4. Do you copy?”
“One injured. 5th floor.” One officer managed to reply.
Giving you a signal, Tsukauchi went towards the stairs while you were left to further inspect the ground floor for any possible civilians or members in hiding. Sighing at the turn of events, you took out your handgun and cocked it. Cautiously taking one step after another, you began to check each room and corner till you were sure the vicinity was clear.
Heading to the fire exit, you made your way to the 4th floor. Just as you were about to open the door, the ground shook. Staring at the ceiling, you took note of the looming cracks. Not wanting to remain in the cramped area, you entered the hallway. Not expecting the floor to be somewhat of a wreck, you covered your nose and squint at all the dust.
It took a while to adjust, but the floor was now clearer to your eyes. Coughing a bit, you took more steps forward. Before turning the corner, you stopped in your tracks when you heard a familiar voice.
“Where is he?” The way it was muffled only gave him away. “Tsk. You made such a mess.”
Peaking, you saw his tall figure. Hands void of any gloves.
Hearing a crunching sound behind you, your eyes searched the premises only to be met with emptiness. With your finger resting on the trigger, you were more than ready to defend yourself. Even if it meant shooting a person, the only thing you hated about the job.
“Answer me, you rat. The meeting was going well till that little gesture you did with your hands.” Bending his body down, the tip of his mask touched the trembling person’s cheek. “Don’t make me ask again.”
“H-he went to the rooftop.” The man answered.
“Did you get that?” Overhaul touched his earpiece. It was quiet again. “Hmm? No one’s on the rooftop? Well then, that’s not my problem anymore now is it?”
Taking the small device from his ear, he stared at it before overhauling. Adjusting his jacket, you watched as he knelt and stretched out a hand towards the other person’s neck. Not wanting a mess of things, it was time you intervene.
“I wouldn’t kill him if I were you…” Stepping out of your little corner, you felt your throat parching when he peered at you over his shoulder. Putting the handgun away, you showed him your palms and walked closer to the two men. “We can bring him in and question him in the precinct.”
“This has nothing to do with the Fukuo Kai case.” His gaze now back at the man. “Stay out of it.”
“As much as I want to stay out of it, this man is still a part of the Fukuo Kai. We need him in one piece.”
“I thought you swore not to, I quote, snoop around.” His hand now wrapped around the other person’s neck. Standing to his feet, you watched as the helpless man struggled for oxygen. “Leave.”
“I’d rather not.” You stood your ground. “The others already think negatively of you, despite you lending a helping hand. Just give him to us and I’ll even give you the privilege of asking a few questions.”
“Do you think I actually care about what you people think? All of you are mere pawns in my game.” Tightening his grip, his golden eyes bore holes into the choking man. Not for long though, a second after, the deafening scream was replaced with the sounds of blood splattering on the walls. Turning around to face you, Overhaul wiped the blood off his hands onto his jacket. “Listen, I may have agreed to work with your lot, but there was no agreement regarding my actions and its consequences.”
“I’m well aware.” Lifting your chin up, you continued. “But this doesn’t revolve around you. You’re my pawn in this case. Remember, if you want out, go ahead. I can pull a few strings and solve this case without you.”
“Then so be it.”
- - - - -
a/n: oops. did yall like this chapter? this was pretty difficult to write since ive never really written this kind of scene (save for BLEACH because i may or may not have a Hitsugaya x Reader couchcough) but i hope yall like the increasing drama! :*
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stardancerluv · 3 years
Early Days with Roman
Part 5
Summary: Roman, has to take care of business but who takes care of him?
Warning: shooting, swearing
Roman, pressed a kiss onto your shoulder as he slid out from under you. “Keep sleeping princess,” he whispered.
It had been a wild night at the club. Thankfully, not because of Harley Quinn or the Joker but because of a group of bachelorettes and bachelors group. They had kept the place hopping.
What had he liked most of all? Was sharing a drink with you. You always looked so flawless. You had worn, a simple but elegant dress with your hair gently resting on your shoulders.
Every time something went good he knew he was strengthening his power, enlarging his kingdom. Knowing, you were there as his queen was an idea he enjoyed more and more. He wanted to keep you happy. Something about it was very pleasing to him. He wasn’t terribly sure why. Before you all he had ever wanted to satisfy was himself. To prove to himself, what he was capable of. Yet, the twinkle in your eyes when you looked up at him or smiled just for him was intoxicating.
Zsasz, had told him to tell you. But why should he. You knew he cared. He made sure you were taken care of, he shared his space with you. So you should know, that was enough.
As he dressed, he couldn’t stop himself from watching as you rolled over in your sleep. He was certain that you were dreaming. It brought a small smile to his lips.
He slipped his custom, monogrammed gun into his holster. Pulling, open the drawer he settled on a pair of gloves and pulled them on.
Going, to your side of the bed he knelt there. He just watched you. Reaching over he let his fingers caress you cheek.
“Roman.” You whispered, your eyes were closed and if he had not been right in front of you, he probably would not have heard you.
“Sleep baby, I have to go to work.”
You made a sleepy sound and your breathing deepened once again.
Gotham was awake and alive for those like him. It buzzed with from the underworld that kept it’s heart beating.
His Rolls tore down the city streets smoothly. He watched as the buildings, filed by the windows.
Glancing, over his shoulder he saw the car of his men following close behind.
The city began to thin as they turned into the factory portion. It was a filthy and smell bad, not as bad as his place at the docks but had enough. As much as the rolls vents were closed, sealed even the foulness of the factories managed creep in. He pulled his handkerchief out which now that you entered his life would have a spritz of your perfume. Holding it to his nose helped.
“George, why are you stretching this out for. You know damn well what you fucking owe me.” Roman, hollered he was growing tired of this.
“Because I fucking can Sionis.” Just then behind him swooped down the caper wonder.
“Are you fucking serious? You sold us all out the man dressed up as the bat?” He looked at his man, he took a few steps back. “Careful, he may not want to kill but he is not beyond kidnapping.” Roman chuckled.
“Black Mask, we don’t have to do this.” Batman said, once he landed.
Roman threw his head back and laughed.
“What am I supposed to pencil you and we can do this some other day?”
Still laughing, he reached into and took out his gun. Before, Batman could move aiming, he got George lined up and shot him in the leg.
The man crumpled to the floor like a bag of bricks. He’d never have use of that leg again, it would useless. His scream rang out. Batman immediately went to him.
“You don’t fuck with me George.” Their eyes met and before Batman’s cape obscured his vision, Roman aimed and pulled off another shot. The man was dead before his back hit the pavement behind him.
Batman, turning on his heel shot his grappling hook, towards him. Trying to knock him down. Moving, it only managed to slice open the sleeve of his upper arm and him with but he managed to dodge it. Despite that Roman, got another round off and managed to hit where Batman would at the very least get a huge bruise from his bullet. It knocked him down
His men opened fire then. George’s men began going down as if they were nothing. Seeing an opening in the shooting as his men, George’s men and Batman fought it out, he ran to the Rolls and practically tore open the door.
He holstered his gun. “Not fucking tonight Batman!” He got in and slammed the door. “Go!” He hollered and soon, they were off.
“Zsasz, no I don’t need the fucking doctor.” He handed his mask and his holster to the scared man. “The fucking bat only grazed me.” He barked. “Meet me at noon in the club and make sure the gun is well oiled. Burn the jacket, I’ll bring the rest of it down tomorrow.”
“Sure boss.”
The elevator closed then. Groaning, he unbuttoned his shirt, some of his blood and dripped down and under his glove. He’d make that fucking bat pay. He raged in his mind.
Going to the other bathroom, he pulled and tugged at his shirt, with only little success. His breath came harshly out between his gritted teeth. “Fuck.” He groaned.
“Roman.” Suddenly, hearing your voice he stiffened forgetting his pain but then he relaxed.
He turned to you. “What are you doing up?” He growled. “Why aren’t you sleeping?” He added not as rough.
“Victor, texted me.”
He pressed his lips together. “Well, he should not have done that.” You looked rumbled and warm from sleep. He wished at that moment, he was too.
“Yes, but he did. Let me help you.”
“You don’t have to.”
“But I want to.” Stepping closer, he inhaled but didn’t fight you.
“Let’s take these off first.” You took one hand and pulled off a glove then the other one. Seeing that one had been blood stained the pair was ruined, you dropped them to the floor.
You quickly managed to free his shirt from his slacks, before gently sliding it down the one arm and then even slower over the wounded one.
“What happened?” Looked up at him.
You shook your head.“Can’t believe he still manages to get around.”
“Me too.”
You let the shirt drop to the floor. “What did this?”
“His fucking grappling hook.”
You just shook your head. Opening, the medicine cabinet you saw all that you needed and more. You met Roman’s eyes in the mirror. “You patch yourself up in here?”
“Especially, when I don’t want to wake you.”
You grimaced and took out what you needed.
“Don’t hide this from me.” You said simply. There was no judging in your tone. It pulled on him.
He grabbed you with his good side. “I never wanted you to see this side.”
Your eyes burned as they looked back at him. “You are not some damn alien like Metropolis has. You are a man of flesh and blood, and I’m here for all of it.”
He didn’t know what to say, he pressed his lips together. “Y/N...” Your name came out as a snarl but then his body just slumped, when you walked into his club he never expected any of this but right now, he wouldn’t want anyone else patching him up. “Thank you.” He whispered.
“I love you. I’ll always be here.” You wet a cotton ball with the disinfectant. “This will sting.” You began to clean the wound.
He trembled. “Fuck.” He gritted his teeth again.
You looked at it. “Not bad, did more damage to your clothes.”
With an efficiency he would have never guessed you had, he was wrapped and cleaned up.
“All set.”
He turned at looked at it in the mirror. “How?”
“I rough housed with my cousins. I’d patch myself up.” He nodded.
He lifted his good arm and you cuddled up to him. He let you pull the blanket up. He smiled as he felt you press a kiss on his chest.
“Y/N?” Damn, his head was swimming. Maybe it was because you patched him up so well, maybe it was because you were so observant; there was so much he wanted to say. Your eyes twinkled as you looked up at him. The light from the dawn, creeped around his drapes. The words couldn’t form sentences.
“Good night.” And you rested your head back onto his chest.
“Good night, Y/N.”
One day the sentences would form, just not now and he closed his eyes.
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powerosewaterpuff · 4 years
yo ,i remember a post about sort of reverse batfam , between jason and dick , can you do the headcanons about under the red hood please
yes yes yes yes yes and another yes to top it all off. i really really love the idea, and i love under the red hood in general so thank u so much for suggesting this :) like i spent all day brainstorming (probs shoulda been studying but shhhhh) diff headcanons so i’m pretty excited to write it out. also so the timeline with this is a little tight ig?? i really wanted to include tim as bruce’s new sidekick with dick in the middle of his fallout with bruce but again a lil too tight so we’re just gonna have rebellious dick for now and i also haven’t watched death in the family so i’m basing this purely off of under the red hood :) (oh and fuck dick’s hair in the movie oh my god i’m ignoring that it even exists i’m so sorry)
dick is 17 on the cusp of hitting 18 and he’s so fucking sick of batman. every conversation of theirs was leading to a screaming match where each one tries to push their opinion as fact. it was getting messy and soul crushing at this point, and dick hated it. the rising action of it all was dick getting fired from robin, a role he hadn’t even been formally granted by batman yet he felt it in his power to strip him of it. he felt like a pawn in a chess game that gambled his identity and being off of the mind numbing mantra of be better. do better. faster. punch harder. follow orders. be better be better better. and dick was sick of it, so he shed the robin uniform. swallowing it like a bitter pill because he was forced to do so. but nightwing was giving him clarity as of late. the sheer rush, brilliance and exuberance of it all reminded him of when flying was a much simpler task.
however, dick had an annoyingly unwavering loyalty to protecting bruce’s (less batman then bruce. bruce was his father. batman was not. yet nowadays the man himself was forgetting who exactly was the secret identity and who the real person was.) safety and well-being, even if it meant risking another shouting round. so, once dick catches wind of batman’s whereabouts for the night, he decides to help him with Amazo etc., and dick cant help but realize how well they still mesh together when it comes to fighting. the talking part however, did not come naturally anymore. (it used to. it used to be so much easier)
now bruce, is attempting his best to keep dick out of the loop. he knows dick will furious. and dick’s temper is something not many can tame, but bruce would take the risk. he’d rather dick spit on his memory then be dead in his arms (just like jason was, blown to bits when he should’ve been in his room. safe. sleeping after studying for some test not fighting crime with him in the underbelly of Gotham city, or getting dragged along bruce’s self induced fight with the world.)
dick, of course, does not appreciate this and can very easily tell the bruce is trying to get him off the case. dick doesn’t appreciate that in the slightest, and it only makes him want to push more. to fight bruce on every detail and demand he be apart of this because that’s the only way he can get anywhere with him. it was fair to say, that the interrogation with the joker he had to force bruce into taking him too, wasn’t exactly pleasant. he watches, leaning back against the wall as batman has joker by the neck. some part of him hates himself for not being upset about this, like he’s failing his moral code in some way. but he ignores that half, and tries not to feel angry as bruce doesn’t choke joker out like the rat he is. dick wished, in the darkest parts of his mind, that he could burn joker alive, just to watch in vengeful satisfaction that the man who stole his brothers breath wither in pain. ( and watch that fucking laugh die out)
now, the confrontation goes quite similar. except dick is noticing these little things that resemble jason too much it be a coincidence. too much. he knows how jason fights, he’s sparred with him for years and used to spend countless nights in his room trying to emulate his older brothers swift and hard hitting movements in front of his mirror. he always wished he could hit as hard as jason, as dicks strength at the time was his inhuman flexiblity and professional acrobatic skills. now, when he and batman are against the red hood, fuck it doesn’t feel right to dick. it’s all too similar. it wasn’t even the bigger moves that caught his attention but the little moves in stance that screamed at him that it was his brother. he kept shutting the idea down, because if it was possible dick would have made it happen. he would’ve.
dick gets hurt in the aftermath, but bruce must be a fucking comedian if he thinks it’s going to stop him. they get into another argument, bruce talking him down to nothing and dick frustrated that bruce couldn’t see that he’s been doing this for too long to be lectured on it, and that bruce wasn’t atlas. he wasn’t responsible for the world being held up between his two hands. it simmers down to loud silence, like it always does and dick hobbles out. leaning slightly on alfred.
bruce’s hunch is eating him alive. devouring his soul and heart with a satisfying crunch, not sparing crumb. with the revelation that his son could be alive, and the Red Hood of all people, one of the first thoughts that run through his mind is that he could not tell dick. dick could never know, and will never know. it was a hushed promise, one kept inside his chest, locked like all of his unspoken words. it would crush dick, just like it was crushing bruce now. (or maybe it was because if bruce was on the fence about breaking his moral agenda, he knows that dick would hurdle over that fence. he hates that he knows this but he does. dick wears a bleeding heart on his sleeve for his family, especially for jason. this is the same boy that was set on killing zucco all those years ago before jason and him had stopped it.)
(jason’s tasting bitter green as he mulls over why the fuck dick was there. that little idiot was supposed to be at home. safe. not carrying out bruce’s destructive agenda of self proclaimed justice. he didn’t know whether to be mad at bruce or dick. because of course bruce encouraged this shit, eager to force another child soldier into the suit and send him out to die. but God, did it hurt that dick had taken bruce’s side over his even if he didn’t know it was jason. and that stung like a motherfucker. his little brother, whose fond memories were becoming hazed in a cloud of viridecent smoke, had picked bruce’s side. a little part of himself though, shy and hesitant, whispered that he had hurt dick. he had hurt his little brother and he couldn’t justify it no matter how vengeful he was. but he shoved that part aside, trying to ignore its desperate murmurs as they told him that every time he looked at nightwing or whatever the fuck his new name was, he saw his eight year old little brother smiling up at him).
dick knows that bruce thinks he’s covering his tracks well. he is but dick knows bruce, better then bruce thinks he does. so dick is slowly beginning to formulate a hunch of his own, as he spends countless nights rubbing his formerly injured leg and wondering if he really did everything he could’ve to save jason. if there was something he missed. it’s starting to gnaw away at him, until realization settles into his chest after snooping through bruce’s files. then, he’s dashing to get into uniform, giving a breathless and hasty apology to alfred. itsjasonitsjasonitsjasongogogorunrunrun
batman. red hood. bruce. jason. father. son. bruce cannot stomach the vigor in jason’s words and jason’s heart is giving out at the fact that his father won’t do this for him. to end that pathetic excuse of a fucking life, one that’s stolen from so many people, but it still wasn’t up to his moral standards limit. was jason not enough to warrant a sacrifice for the greater good. (was jason’s desperate need to feel safe of that walking nightmare not worthy to overtake any mission)
it happens in a rush. dick is swinging up to the building, the blood pumping through his ears drowning out the screams of his chest. the joker tackles batman as the timer tick tick tick’s away numbingly. suddenly, dick has kicked the joker off and has one hand over his neck while the other smothers itself over his mouth and nose. why didn’t he do this before? why didn’t he kill the thing before? it didn’t even deserve to be called human, so why would any moral standards apply to a human based code. if batman wanted to be the whole representer of pure justice, fine. he could do that. dick wasn’t though. he was going this kill piece of shit then never let go of jason as long as he lived.
suddenly, there’s a pull at the back of dick’s uniform and at the corner of his eye he catches sight of jason being pulled by bruce as well and he’s just about to call out for him when the next thing he knows a blast rockets through his ears and the world goes black.
jason was no where to be found. and bruce ends up having to shove dick into the batmobile before he lunged after the joker, after realizing jason was missing and that the joker was still alive and kicking. the argument that insues? isn’t pretty. in fact it’s their worst. dick had spun around and asked bruce, ‘who are you? batman or bruce? because im not talking to batman, i want to hear why bruce couldn’t do the one thing his son needed! i want to know why bruce thought it was going to be beneficial not to fucking tell me that my brother-Bruce, he’s my brother! that he was alive, because you thought I was gonna pull shit like this? look at that! the exact thing you tried to avoid happened, you know why? because you cannot trust me, and it blew up in your face!’
it goes on. and on. and on. there’s no resolution, or admittance to what happened. bruce simply shuts himself down, stating this wasn’t changing anything. there was a then and a now, one in which bruce harbours enough guilt to crush his shoulders.
there’s a stony resolution in dick’s voice after bruce tells him to get out with more finality to it then he’s ever said it before, when he says, “fine. batman.”
(jason replays it over and over again in his head. the batarang. bruce turning his back to him. the jokers screechy laugh eating at his mind. eruptions of pain from the crowbar. again. again. again. and dick. smothering the joker. a steely resolve in his brothers eyes he never wanted to see but was secretly glad for. it replays like a broken film in his head, cutting and chopping but creaking out the same tune.)
AHHH OK SO i def wanted to do so much more with this ugh but i really wanted it done td so excuse just how unpolished it is, i might go back with some new ideas in it, but i like where i ended it off. this is more or less the ‘detachment’ phase in dick’s relationship with bruce, as hes nearing the end of high school and cannot do this with bruce anymore (oh college is a whooole other ordeal hehe) but i think dick would be better to tim then what he canonically was to jason. (also because dick is totally not on a mission to get his brother back at all costs and fix this family, nope. not at all.), and i think dick just has a lot more anger in this too? and bitterness here ig? just because he had lost his parents, then his brother essentially, and had to deal with being the emotional support to bruce who was falling apart. it’s a heavy load, and dick is absolutely still himself, just when it comes to jason and the joker as well as his family in general, i think he has a lot more anger as well as less control yk? (oh also i have him less in blüdhaven in this lil thing just bc like he’s still in highschool and is in this weird phase with bruce that hes fired etc., but is now yk fully going into the, ‘i’m not speaking to you anymore’ part. SOO THATS IT FOR THAT THANK YALL SO SOOOO MUCH FOR READING UR KINDA ALL THE BEST TBH AND TYSM FOR THE SUGGESTION AGAIN THIS WAS HELLA FUN :)!!
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trikxx · 3 years
Song for this chapter
•just might - summer walker
• rehab winter in paris - brent faiyaz
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"𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄 shows canceled in a row what am I supposed to do Ceaira?!" Y/n said through the phone.
"Idk bubs i'd help you if I could but I can't this time we made a promise." "I just need ideas on another way of income Cee thats it." Y/n responded
"What about OnlyFans."
"OnlyFans. You can use your old skills and do only fans."
"Bitch the only old skill I have is stripping-" y/n stopped to think. "Boom. There you have it. And you have everything you need already so whats the issue?" Cearia said.
"What if my manager finds out?" Y/n asked. "Well lets ask him." Cearia says.
My manager. Carlos Cre. Cearia's boyfriend. Im mean yea he probably wouldn't give two fucks about me having a OnlyFans. Its mostly my rep thats on the line.
"Yoo!" Carlos said. "So Y/n wants to know if she can have a OnlyFans since ya know the income is getting low." Cearia says. " i mean yea its her life."
"Really?" "Yea, do you just don't ya know get hurt."
"Ok, wait thats it? That was quick." I say to my self. I walk to my room I used to practice in but now use to relieve stress. "What should I put on for my first post?" I ended up putting on a bunny outfit.
And some clear heels. I set my camera up, started recording and started my music.
Y/n slow walked to the pole grabbing it and walking around it. Then she jumped a little putting one leg the pole and leaning back while turning one leg and one arm holding onto the pole.
Y/n ended in a split at the bottom of the pole. She the paused the music and stopped the recording.
*Incoming call from Taleé*
Heyyy Y/n!
Hey Tal
Im good what about you?
Good just a little stressed about work.
We all are right now. With no shows there's not really a lot of income for us.
Yea. Cee told me about that one site called OnlyFans.
Are you gonna do it?
I might im still debating tho and Carlos said it was ok.
Hey Tal im gonna call you back.
Ok talk to you later babe.
*call ended*
I threw on some sweats and a white tee and walked to my door slightly opening it to a red haired male standing outside heavily breath. "Dud- oh shit im sorry i think have the wrong apartment." He said. I noticed that he was bleeding from his side. "Its o- hey are you ok?" I yelled as the male fell to the ground.
Not having enough time to pull him into the apartment. I quickly knelt down next to him and hovered my hands over his wound.
White speckles formed around us forming a shield. Making us invisible to the human eye.
The male's eye fluttered open realizing he was in a unknown room. He was laying in a soft bed under a weighted cover. "Wait my clothes." He whispered.
The boy got from under the cover noticing he had on some black sweat pants that fit perfectly. He walked out the dark room with his guard up not knowing where he was. He heard music coming from a room which had colorful lights beaming out of it.
As he got closer to the door he could clearly hear what the song was saying "yea, I just might be a hoe." He heard a voice sing along with the music.
"Oh Hey, your woke." The girl said before he could get close to the door. "I know that your a hero red riot but can I get your actual name since ya know...I saved your life."
"You did? And is this your house?" He said. "Yes now name?" "Ok it's Ejirou Kirishima. Just call me Kirishima though." Kirishima says. Y/n nodded her head "My name is y/n." She continued and walked past him to the kitchen. "Hungry?"
"Uh yes kinda." Kirishima continued to look around the apartment. "Want a tour?" "Huh?" "I said do you want a tour of the apartment." Y/n repeated.
"Uh sure but did you happen to see my phone in my hero suit?" Kirishima asked "Yes its in the room you were in."
"Thanks." Kirishima said walking to go get his phone.
*10 missed calls*
5 unread messages
Kirishima: Sorry Bakubro I went to the wrong place and passed out from blood loss but when I woke up I was healed and in someone's house.
Bakubro: Its about time you answered. Send me your location im coming to you.
Kirishima: ok *location*
*Two unread messages*
Karma.: Kiri are you ok. Bakugo told me you weren't answering.
Karma.: Kirishima. This is serious just answer me this one time. for bakugo.
Kirishima❤️: im ok and i already texted Bakugo
Karma.: ok thank you babe💗.
Kirishima scoffs. "was she really his last resort or did she just know because of her quirk." He said to himself before coming out of the room. "Ok you can start." " ok this is the kitchen..obviously."
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"This is nice." Kirishima said. "Thank you. Now heres the living room."
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"Mmm." "Ok, so of course the room you were in."
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"Mhm." "Guest bathroom."
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"When we are done you can shower and have not there is clothes the will probably fit you in the closet in the room. Follow me up the stairs."
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Kirishima makes a "o" with his mouth as we go up the stairs to my room and bathroom. "My room."
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"And you live by yourself?" Kirishima asked. "Kinda. My friend stays over a lot so the guest room is kind of her room." "Mhm." "My bathroom."
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"You must really love marble walls." Kirishima said with a small chuckle. "Yea."
"What about the room you were in earlier?" He asked. "Oh that, its nothing just chill room." "Can i see it?" "He Uhh.."
Y/n looked a Kirishima with an irritated look. "Do you know who that is?" Y/n said walking down the stairs. "Uh yea thats my best friend he's also a hero."
"He seems like a fucking hothead. He got issues?" Y/n said. Kirishima nodded "ok" y/n says swinging the front door open. "Would you keep it the fuck down other people live in this fucking building." Y/n said. The man looked in amusement. "W-WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU TALKING TO!" He yelled again. Y/n look him in his eyes and shut the door.
She turn to a surprised Kirishima. "I'll show the room if you tell your guard dog to back down." Y/n said. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY EXTRA!" The male yelled through the door.
Kirishima opens the door. "Bakugo calm down. She saved my life." Bakugo rolled his eyes and walked in taking his shoes off. "Need some water or tea after all that yelling?" The girl said. "I'll take some water." Bakugo said. "There's some room temp waters in the counter and cold ones in the fridge. I recommend the warm ones to ease the pain."
Y/n motioned for Kirishima to follow her. "Ok. I don't really care if you judge me it's just a at home hobbie.
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(I depth about the room. Its like this but smaller and it has more lights and a pole i front of a mirror. There are silks and the hoops but its only one of each. Also theres a curtain in between that side and a side with a small couch and a desk with a computer and etc.)
"don't apologize. just leave. Kirishima you hero outfit is in the closet in the guest room." Y/n said in a calm voice.
"Hey y/n can i get you number before I-" Kirishima was cut off by a piece of paper being shoved at his chest. "Here."
"Thank you." Kirishima said walking to the door. "Thank you for saving me."
1437 words
Yooo. Next chapter date is TBD.
•Y/n doesn't want many people to know her past. Only Cearia, Carlos, and Santana know.
•When Bakugo saw y/n his heart kinda fluttered but he didn't know what to do so he kept yelling.
•y/n has a second quirk that almost lost control after what Bakugo did.
Fav emoji? Heres mine 😗.
✰L O V E Y A B E B E S✰
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