#but i also do like them as friends/platonic life pals
groundcontrol21 · 2 years
Sicktember #25
Prompt #25 Acid Refux/Heartburn Alternate #2: Vapor Rub
Fandom: Musketeers
Title: A Helping Hand
Summary: Aramis has a bad cough, and needs to apply the 17th century version of VapoRub. The problem is, he doesn’t have an uninjured hand with which to do so. But he does have a Porthos.
Notes: Back to what I do best 😈🤧
Porthos eased the door to his and Aramis’s shared room shut behind him and hung his cloak on its peg. “What did the good doctor say?”
Aramis was seated on his bed, legs dangling to the floor. He looked up at Porthos as he entered. “The fingers on this hand are all broken, save my thumb for all the good that will do me.” He held up his left hand to display the splinted and bandaged fingers to Porthos. True to his word, only his thumb was free of wrapping. 
“And this shoulder was dislocated,” he said, gesturing with his broken fingers to his right shoulder, which was in a sling. “And the collarbone is broken, just as we suspected.”
Porthos nodded as he dragged a chair across the floor to sit closer to Aramis’s bedside. “Of course.” Aramis’s horse had spooked at the sight of a snake just outside Paris and thrown him; it would have been a miracle if his arms hadn’t been injured given the awkward way he had landed. “Pay him money to tell us what we already know.”
“Porthos,” Aramis chided. “He did an expert job binding my fingers.” His breath hitched and he turned at his shoulder. “Hihh’TSHH!”
“And that? Flu?”
Aramis shook his head, even as his cheeks were flushed feverish pink. “Bad cold, he thinks.”
“Mmm, now why don’t I believe that?”
“Heh’TCHH’uhh! Ahh… Snf!” He shook his head slightly, a bit like a dog trying to clear off fleas. “There’s not much to be done for it either way. Just needs to run its course.” Porthos tried to read the set of his jaw to see whether Aramis agreed with Porthos or the doctor, but his face, save for markers of illness, was inscrutable. “He left me herbs to steep for my fever and a balm to put on my chest for my cough.” 
Porthos followed Aramis’s gaze to the bedside table upon which had been left the aforementioned supplies. “Yeah, don’t need to be adding broken ribs to the mix.” As if on cue, Aramis hunched forward with the same bone-crunching coughs that had convinced them to send for a physician upon arrival to Paris long before any horses were spooked. “Christ, Aramis, that sounds bad.”
The moment he had caught enough breath to do so, Aramis fixed him with one of his terrible little smiles, the slight quirk of the lips that was meant to allay concern in the face of all evidence to the contrary. While it did work to banish Porthos’s concern, he was sure Aramis’s intention was not to replace it with abject irritation and the desire to put a fist in Aramis’s face. Which was, incidentally, precisely what it did. 
“The one thing he did fail to consider,” Aramis said, oblivious, “is that I have little way to apply it.”
Porthos had never made a reply quickly in his life. “I’ll do it.”
“Would you, Porthos?” Aramis asked, and there it was, perhaps the only expression on Aramis’s face Porthos hated to see more than that infernal little smile. It was the expression Aramis wore whenever someone offered to go the smallest bit out of their way for him, as if Porthos had offered to pilot his own armada in Aramis’s name instead of just rubbing a bit of cream on his chest while he was sick and his bloody arms were out of commission. It made Porthos want to punch him equally as much as hold him tight to his chest. “He said to apply it frequently. Every two hours.”
“Is the sky blue, Aramis? ‘Course I’ll do it.”
“Thank you, mon ami.”
“Idiot,” Porthos said, and perhaps it came out too fondly, for Aramis laughed all the while Porthos really, really meant it. He had wanted to smack the sincerity from Aramis’s thanks, were it possible. “You don’t even have to ask.” The man was an idiot if he thought all those years meant nothing, that he could not ask Porthos for help with something so simple, that he could not expect Porthos’s help without even having to voice that something was amiss. 
Porthos helped Aramis adjust so that he was reclined comfortably on his pillows, and undid the tie on his linen nightshirt, splaying open the fabric to expose the largest surface of his chest in order to apply the balm. Aramis watched him intently, dark eyes alight with gratitude and trust. Porthos looked away, busied himself with the jar of balm, twisting and twisting the cap and feeling it slip around in his hands. 
He had barely cracked open the lid when he was hit with a burning scent so strong his eyes instantly began to tear. “God, Aramis, what is in this stuff?”
“Rosemary, mint… A whole mix,” Aramis said absently, and the feverish shine in his eyes was all too apparent. “Sorry, my mind was wandering a bit while he was explaining.”
“Whatever it is, I think the whole of Paris might be able to smell you coming for the next week.” Porthos chanced raising the jar a bit closer to his nose, and he instantly regretted it. “God, it’s making my eyes water.”
“Really? I’ll have to take your word for it.” Aramis gestured to his nose with his bandaged fingers and gave two demonstrative sniffles, the sound completely waterlogged. “Can’t smell a thing.”
Porthos winced at his friend’s heavy congestion, but even so shook his head incredulously. “Consider yourself lucky.” Grimacing, Porthos plunged his fingers into the jar to retrieve a glob of the stuff, half expecting it to burn a hole through his flesh given the scent. When it felt no different to any other salve, he held his fingers up to Aramis, intending to ask the man if he thought Porthos had taken enough, but found Aramis had closed his eyes. Porthos shrugged to himself, figuring that he had taken as good a beginning amount of the balm as any.
As soon as Porthos made contact with Aramis’s chest, however, the man’s eyes flew open and he nearly jumped to the ceiling, his breath coming in rapid puffs. 
Porthos withdrew his hand immediately. “What is it?” Was the mixture burning after all?
“Nothing, ‘s just…” After a few minutes of quick, tight breaths, Aramis relaxed back into the bedclothes once more and reached for Porthos’s wrist. “Just a bit colder than I was expecting, is all.” Gingerly, he patted Porthos’s knuckles. “Continue.”
Porthos did, feeling the balm glide over the fevered sheen that clung to Aramis’s skin. He frowned. “Not so much that it’s cold, it’s that you’re hot.” With his non-greasy hand, Porthos palmed Aramis’s cheek, then his forehead, his frown deepening. 
“Tea isn’t taking effect yet, then,” Aramis said tiredly. He swallowed awkwardly around a cough, then tried to keep doing so in an attempt to stifle the mounting fit that grew in response. His throat pulsed painfully with the effort. 
When it became obvious that sheer stubbornness was not going to quell the urge, Porthos stroked a damp curl back from Aramis’s forehead. “Just cough if you need to, Aramis,” he said softly. “It’s all right.”
He leaned back, knowing at least part of the man’s reticence in not choking himself was borne of a desire not to cough on him. Finally, Aramis turned his head toward the wall and coughed, a wet and aching volley that left him a breathless heap upon finishing. Completely spent, he sucked in two weary breaths that culminated in the most exhausted sneeze Porthos had ever heard.
Aramis sniffled once in the aftermath, seemingly not having the energy to do much else. Porthos helped him sit up and sip some more water from his waterskin, the only vessel that Aramis, with his broken fingers, could come close to holding even with assistance. Afterward, he lay back against the pillows and motioned for Porthos to continue applying the balm.
Porthos sighed. “I wish you weren’t feeling so rotten.”
“It’s alright,” Aramis said in a hoarse little voice, and Porthos’s heart turned. Couldn’t Aramis see that it wasn’t? Couldn’t he see how Porthos would sit here rubbing medicine into his chest until Porthos’s own arms gave out, if there was a chance it made Aramis feel just the tiniest bit better? 
Porthos did his best to ignore the hot flush of emotion that accompanied these thoughts, tried to get lost in the rhythm of little circles, take more balm, little circles. He moved slowly, in all reality far more slowly than he needed to, but Porthos knew Aramis relished physical touch, most of all when he wasn’t well, and Porthos couldn’t deny himself the comfort in the intimacy either.
Suddenly, a bandaged hand came to rest upon his wrist. He looked up at Aramis, who was watching him with a flushed and frantic expression. “P–P-oohh-rthos! Snf!”
“What’s wrong?”
From the angle, Porthos could glimpse a glistening wetness beginning to slide from Aramis’s reddening nostrils. “I still can’t–snf!--smell it–snf!--but i-hihh–it’s making–snf!--m-my n-nose–Snf! Snf! Eh’HESHH!”
Both the sneeze and the realization had hit Porthos in equal measure, but Porthos had been doused in a great many worse things in service of far worse ends. He made to continue applying the balm, but Aramis flapped his injured hand at him so carelessly that, had Porthos’s reflexes not been so quick, the man might have done even more damage to his poor fingers. 
“M-move! Ehhh’KSHHHOOO!” Aramis collapsed toward his chest, no doubt trying to contain the spray from the eruption therein. “Heh’TSHOOO! Ehh’KSHHH! Hehh…Ihhh..HIHHKSHHH! Snf! Hhh’SHHH’uhh!”
Porthos moved as he had been commanded, and retrieved two fresh handkerchiefs from Aramis’s store. He stood at the man’s bedside a moment while Aramis snuffled miserably, hesitating out of a fear of being too forward, but altogether willing to be the hands his friend needed in this as well. 
But Aramis gave him no such opportunity. He blinked up at Porthos with bleary eyes and held out his wounded fingers, voice raw. “Give me that.”
“It’ll hurt your hand,” Porthos said, even as he laid the cloth carefully across the bandages, unwilling to cause any more harm. 
“Doesn’t matter.” Unable to bend his fingers to grasp it, he all but slammed the handkerchief to his face, and the strangled little noise he made suggested he had done just as Porthos predicted. “Heh’ESHHHH! Heh’ESHH’uhh! Snf!” He lowered the handkerchief to his chin to let Porthos see his smile, but it was a tired and watery echo that lacked any of its usual charm.
 “I let you rub balm on my chest, but I draw the line at letting you blow my nose for me.” Clumsily, he emptied his nose in the handkerchief, hardly finishing before dipping violently forward once more. “Ehh’SHHOO! Snf! Oh…Snf! A man must have some pride,” he said stuffily as he lowered it.
“You’ve cleaned worse fluids off the rest of us,” Porthos pointed out resolutely. The sight of blood and infected wounds turned his stomach a million times more severely, and Aramis had dealt with those on Porthos’s (and Athos’s and D’Artagnan’s) behalf countless times without complaint.
“That’s different,” Aramis said hazily, his eyes drifting shut.
This was another variant of the conversation they had had a thousand times before, and this time, because Aramis was spent, his shoulder aching, his voice coarse as gravel, Porthos would bow out and let them not have it again. He placed the cover back on the jar and patted the uninjured side of Aramis’s neck, relieved to find at least that even after all that had transpired the skin felt marginally cooler. 
“Well,” Porthos asked, “how do you feel after all that?”
“Emptier,” Aramis said, huffing a sore laugh, “that much is certain.” He cracked open his eyes once more. “If we keep applying it to schedule, I think you may even be spared any snoring from me tonight.”
“If that’s the case, I take back whatever bad things I said about the doctor. Man’s a miracle worker.”
Aramis smiled, his eyes closing once more, and in minutes he was asleep, comfortable enough indeed not to snore. And Porthos was left behind wanting to shake him, because couldn’t he see that was what he was most concerned about? Aramis only snored when he was sick, and Porthos just wanted him to be well, to be comfortable, to be whole and happy. That was what kept him up at night, the care he felt for this man and the intensity with which he felt it. Not just a bit of noise from the next bed over; they were soldiers who slept on campgrounds after all.
Porthos would leave him now to rest, but in two hours precisely, he would be back to repeat the process all over again. 
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bitterkarella · 2 months
Midnight Pals: Dogs
Clive Barker: now everyone i want you all to welcome a real scary story by dodie smith Poe: um clive Poe: is this really appropriate Barker: oh yeah trust me this is gonna be REAL scary Barker: for dean Poe: are you doing this to torment dean Barker: whaaaat Barker: i would never
Dodie Smith: submitted for the approval of the midnight society, i call this the tale of the woman who kidnaps dogs Dean Koontz: what?! Koontz: you guys Koontz: you know I like scary stories Koontz: but you didn't tell me it was gonna be THIS scary
Barker: ahh poor dean, is this too much for you? Barker: i guess you could just go to bed and leave this one for the big kids Koontz: n-no Koontz: no i can take it King: that's the spirit dean King: you can do it
Dodie Smith: so there's this woman who kidnaps dogs Koontz: that's fine, i can handle this Smith: because she wants to skin them for a coat Koontz: guysssss Koontz: guyssss i hate thisss Barker: ah ha ha Poe: oh really clive this is too much
Smith: so the important thing is there's this guy mr dearly Smith: now the government lets him live tax free for life cuz he solved a really hard math problem King: King: uh King: i don't think that's the way that works
Smith: no no that's legit i checked Smith: that's how we do it in the UK King: King: clive? Barker: That doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about math to dispute it
Smith: so anyway mr dearly marries this woman Smith: and his dog marries her dog Smith: also they both have nannies Koontz: do the nannies also get married? Smith: haha of course not dean they're both ladies Smith: nanny butch and nanny femme are just really good platonic friends
Smith: but there's a problem Smith: the dearlys adopt ANOTHER dalmatian, perdita Smith: and this dog Smith: is NOT married Barker: and that's a problem huh? Smith: OF COURSE IT'S A PROBLEM Smith: you can't just have this dog slutting it up around town!
Smith: so the married dogs, pongo and missus, go on a merry adventure to save their puppies from the insane woman who wants to skin them for a coat Smith: and when the adventure is over Smith: they need to buy a bigger house to home all their 97 puppies
Smith: luckily mr dearly solved another problem to help the government pay its taxes Poe: wait why does the government have to pay taxes Smith: oh we do things differently in the UK Poe: yeah, evidently
Smith: perdita's original owners come back Smith: and the dearlys are afraid that they'll want perdita back Smith: but they're all "oh we didn't actually like her all that much, you can keep her" Koontz: wait someone doesn't like a dog? Koontz: this is breaking my immersion
Smith: but then some other people come by and they have a dog too Smith: and it turns out that this is perdita's dog husband! Smith: and these people are all "oh, i guess you can have this dog" Smith: "you know, since they're already dog married"
Smith: oh also the dearlys get a cat Smith: the cat also gets married Barker: christ why are all these animals getting married Smith: what, you want them living in sin? Koontz: yeah clive you want them living in sin?? Barker: i just Koontz: that would be immoral clive!!! Barker:
Smith: anyway then everyone is matched up in a nice monogamous, hetero-sex pair Smith: just the way it should be! Piers Anthony: yeah yeah now THAT'S the way you end a story!
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greensagephase · 3 months
Valentine's Day (Nonviolent Communication One-Shot)
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Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x SpiderFemaleReader (colleagues to friends to lovers; they're currently in their friendship era, so no romance but we still have soft Miguel!) Summary: Just a rainy Valentine's Day surprising your friends with baked sweets because Valentine's doesn't have to be only about romance. Word Count: 4,311 Short A/N: This is a one-shot for my Nonviolent Communication fanfic but can be read as a standalone. As I mentioned above, they're in their friendship era, so there's no romance, but Miguel lowkey got me blushing anyway soo! Warnings: None. Just reader and Miguel being their usual sweet and caring selves to each other. Masterlist Songs inspo: "Just the Two of Us" - Grover Washington, Jr., Bill Withers (I don't know why but this song just came to mind while writing this, so just look at it as a platonic song for now :) ) Fanfic's official music playlist:
Spider webs shaped like hearts decorate corners. Holographic hearts are displayed at the cafeteria. Even some of the tables have little decorations, more than likely set up by a small group of Spider members that usually take time of their day to do things like holiday decorating within the Spider Society to make the workplace “fun.” As to the holographic hearts out and about, you imagine those have to do with Lyla, who has been all too excited about Valentine's because of her heart-shaped glasses.
You walk through the cafeteria, past occupied tables where fellow Spider members sit. A reusable bag hangs from your shoulder in which you carry baked treats. You've successfully handed out containers filled with them to the majority of your friends, with the exception of Peter B. and MJ, and Miguel. You continue to search for Peter B., certain that you’ll find him here. As you walk, your gaze turns to the windows. It’s a cold and rainy day in Nueva York, and it’s also Valentine’s Day, which prompts a memory to flash through your mind, one that you put away for now. You focus on your goal: find Peter B. and then Miguel.
You slow down as you hear Peter's voice from somewhere, so you look around until you spot him talking with another member, carrying Mayday like always.
“Alright, pal, I'll see you around,” he says with his signature smile, giving the other member a pat on the back before they part ways.
Mayday sees you first and immediately begins to wiggle around, making Peter notice you. He grins and the two of you meet halfway, Mayday already reaching for you. You smile and upon meeting them, you accept one of her hands and play with it.
“Good morning, Mayday,” you say, greeting her. She squeals in delight before repeating “morning” now that she’s speaking two-word sentences. It’s amazing how much time has passed, how much she has grown, which you don’t let yourself think too much about. Instead, you focus on her attire for the day. She's wearing pants and tiny boots, and best of all, a cute pink sweater with red hearts printed all over it, showcasing Peter's spider symbol in the center of them.
It's no longer surprising. Mayday's closet is filled with spider-theme clothes, which has made you wonder if Peter has his own merchandise creator. You feel like it would be a thing Peter B. would definitely have.
“Hey, you heard that? She said ‘morning’ - that’s another word!” Peter says happily. “Daddy is so proud of you, honey! Wait till MJ hears about this!”
You chuckle. “It’s amazing. Before we know it she’ll be speaking full sentences.”
“Okay, that just made me, like, really sad. She’s growing up too fast,” Peter says quietly, holding his daughter close to his chest. His gaze is gentle as he stares at her. “It’s part of life, I know, but…”
“I’m sorry to have brought it up,” you say gently as you give him a gentle pat on his arm. “Would some baked treats make it better?”
That seems to get Peter and Mayday’s attention. “Baked treats?”
“Brownies. For Valentine’s,” you say, pulling out a container and offering it to him. “I baked some brownies for everyone.”
“Totally feel better now,” Peter says with a grin, accepting the box.
”For you and MJ, and maybe Mayday if she can eat them,” you say. “Happy Valentine’s Day!”
“Happy Valentine’s! Hey, they’re even heart-shaped! MJ is gonna be so happy. You know we all love your baking,” Peter says as he gets one out and eats it. Once he finishes eating, he says, “So amazing!”
“Glad you like them! Make sure to save some for MJ, though,” you reply with a smile. “Have you seen Miguel?”
Peter looks around, closing the box of treats. “I saw him earlier. He was going to the Go Home Machine room to check something but he might be back at his lab already,” he responds. His gaze flickers to your bag, taking notice of at least two boxes left in there, though he doesn’t ask anything.
“Alright, I’ll go check if he’s there. I’ll see you in a bit,” you say, saying goodbye to Peter and Mayday for now.
“See ya!”
You walk out of the cafeteria and head to Miguel’s lab, reaching it in no time. You stop at the entrance and as always, you call for Lyla to have her ask Miguel if you can enter. You never walk in unannounced out of respect, even though Lyla has told you that you should stop. Even Miguel has hinted at it, at the fact that you can just walk in, yet, you do it anyway out of respect.
“Y/N! Miguel isn’t here. He’s at the Go Home Machine room. Something’s up with the machine but he should be done in a few minutes. He said you can go in,” Lyla says, appearing suddenly and floating in midair.
“You asked him already?” you ask, amused.
“Yep. I think he’s even going to send you a message because he thinks you might not believe me when I tell you he says to go in.”
And of course, right after she says that you receive a notification from your gizmo, alerting you of a new message. A message from Miguel.
“I’ll be back in a few minutes. Please wait for me * inside *** the lab.”
You smile softly at his emphasis to wait inside. He knows you too well.
“See?” Lyla says with a soft smirk. “So, come on in! I see you have the goods.”
You laugh softly as you enter the lab, carrying your bag with the last two heart-shaped containers you bought a few days ago to package the baked treats. The containers were easy to hide in Gabriel’s old bedroom, the same one that’s your current temporary room since your building caught on fire a few weeks ago. Luckily, your floor was spared but lower floors did not have the same luck. Now, the building is under cleaning and reconstruction, a process that will take at least two months to finish. Or at least that’s what your landlord said. You’ve been staying in Nueva York with Miguel in his penthouse after he offered his place countless times. He assured you that you were welcomed to stay for however long you needed to, whether that was days, weeks, or months. There was even a moment you swear he almost said years, before he stopped himself.
So, you’ve been staying at Miguel’s penthouse in Gabriel’s, a man that you never met and unfortunately will never have the opportunity to due to his passing, old bedroom. You’ve made his room yours for the time being, even encouraged by Miguel to decorate it as you wish to make it feel like home because as he said, “my home is your home.”
And so, currently living with Miguel meant that you needed to find a way to hide your little Valentine’s surprise. You thought about baking treats for your group of friends, including Miguel, last week, but you knew that you’d need to come up with a way to have Miguel out of his own penthouse in order to truly surprise him as well. You quickly came up with a plan and even got a little help from a certain AI assistant, who was all too happy keeping Miguel busy here at HQ last night while you baked. You thought about your plan well, so much that you even baked a cake and cookies as an excuse, so that whenever Miguel got home, he wouldn’t wonder why it smelled like baked treats when there were none in sight, since you planned on hiding the Valentine’s treats in your room, packaged and ready to go for today. And, it has been a success. You’ve surprised all your friends with a little something, as a gesture of how much you care about them. The only one left now is Miguel. You briefly wonder why you didn’t just give them to him at the penthouse this morning when the two of you were having breakfast. For some reason it felt right to leave his delivery for last.
You walk through Miguel’s lab, heading straight to his platform, deciding that you’ll wait for him there until he comes back. You take a seat on it and gaze around. Even from here you can hear the sound of rain, which sounds very peaceful. The silence and the pockets of darkness brings you comfort. You can’t help but find it amusing that over time, you’ve spent more and more time in Miguel’s lab. You recall the days when you hardly came in here. Those were days when Jess and Miguel called you in, usually whenever Jess was delivering a report to Miguel about a mission you and others had been on with her, asking you to go since you were her pupil. Now, you’re here every day, and not just once but multiple times throughout. You can easily spend two or three hours here while Miguel and you work on your own thing.
You smile to yourself. Life can really change.
The rain continues to go strong outside. You let it distract your thoughts for a few seconds, which reminds you yet again of a memory. Of a Valentine’s Day with your Peter.
It was the second before last Valentine’s Day you spent with him. It was also a rainy day in your universe. As always, you baked something for Peter since he loved your baking and cooking. You knew you could never go wrong with baked treats since they were his weakness. He, on the other hand, had a few plans up his sleeve. He always did.
You smile at the memory. He had planned a whole evening that included a restaurant reservation, but the day was cold and a rainy one, being February. It started raining at some point in the night and the rain didn’t stop throughout the day. There was so much rain that the restaurant had to cancel dinners due to flooding two hours before your scheduled reservation. It didn’t matter to Peter though. He asked you to get ready regardless, to take your time.
An hour and a half later, there was a knock on your bedroom door from Peter. As if he didn’t live there, or as if you didn’t share that bedroom, but you opened the door regardless with a smile.
And there was Peter, dashing as always. His eyes lit up at the sight of you, as if he hadn’t seen you a million times before, as if he was falling in love with you for the first time all over again.
“So, we had a little change of plans,” he said with a sweet smile. “But rain or no rain, we’re having a romantic dinner.”
“Don’t we always have a romantic dinner?” you asked softly.
“An extra romantic dinner, darling,” he replied, taking your hand and kissing the back of it with one of his hands.
You smile softly now as you remember that evening.
He held your hand and instead of leading you to the dining area, he led you to the small living room section of your apartment. The overhead lights were off. The only light in the area came from lamps and lit candles spread around the space. The scent of food filled the air, a sign that Peter had cooked. Soft music played in the background from Peter’s record player and of course, his choice was a vinyl of romantic songs. You had a feeling that the night would end with a dance in the living room. Your suspicions only grew as you both stepped onto a picnic blanket and found couch pillows placed around so that the two of you could sit comfortably. There was a vase in the middle with flowers and around it were things like linen napkins and utensils, two glasses for drinks, and everything else needed for a dinner.
Then, there was Peter, serving you a drink and dinner with flickering candles all around, soft music in the back as you talked. You remember telling him that his idea was lovely and sweet, that it would be unforgettable. The night did end with a dance, with your arms wrapped around his neck and his around your waist. You even remember the pit pat of rain against your apartment’s windows and how you could see the flash of lightning even through the curtains. You recall what it was like to dance with Peter. It wasn’t the first nor last time. There were times before and times after that night, all in your small apartment, the one that was supposed to be temporary after graduating from college. The two of you talked about moving to a bigger apartment, one that would be comfortable for a family, for children. Neither of you minded your apartment in the moment though.
You still don’t. Even if you’re alone now. Even if Peter has been gone for so many years.
“Happy Valentine’s,” Peter whispered that night as he held you close to his chest. His arms were warm and protectively wrapped around you, your back to his chest.
“Happy Valentine’s,” you say now.
“Happy… Valentine’s.”
You look up as you hear the voice, finding Miguel standing a few feet away from you at last. His gaze meets yours and you notice his head is tilted to the side slightly, watching you curiously. You blink, pulling yourself out of your memory and offer Miguel a small grin, one he returns instantly.
“You keep asking for permission to come into the lab. You don’t have to ask,” Miguel says as he steps closer, breaking the short silence.
“It’s out of respect. Besides, I see the way you get annoyed when members just walk in,” you reply, amused.
Miguel looks down at you with a soft frown, his lips in a small pout as if silently asking, ‘Really?’
“Yes, but -” Miguel pauses and sighs. It’s different. You’re different. You’re not just any member. You’re his friend. His close friend. His… Miguel clears his throat. “You… Are different. You know why.”
Yes, you know why. You’re friends. Close friends. He’s your… “Right, but I still like to ask. Just to make sure.”
Miguel’s frown deepens, he raises an eyebrow almost in annoyance, yet he can never be annoyed with you. Ever. “Right, just to make sure,” he repeats, raising his hands in surrender, giving up and realizing there’s no changing your mind about this. At least not now, Miguel thinks to himself.
“Anyway, I brought you something,” you say, standing up at last from his platform. His crimson eyes immediately fall upon your bag. He’s been too busy thinking about how you always ask for permission to walk into the lab that he failed to see the reusable bag near you. You close the distance between the two of you, stopping just a few feet.
Miguel wonders what exactly you’ve brought him but he doesn’t have to wonder for long when you pull out two small containers, pink and heart-shaped. You hand them to him with a warm smile.
“I baked a few treats for everyone. Happy Valentine’s Day!”
Looking at the small containers, Miguel accepts them. He can’t help but feel a little awestruck for a few seconds. When was the last time someone gave him anything on this day? He hasn’t celebrated in years. It was so long ago.
“I hope you like them. I baked a little special thing for you. It was my first time baking them but I think they turned out well,” you say, bringing Miguel back to the present. “Go on,” you tell him gently, excited to see his reaction to the second box’s contents specifically.
He nods and opens the first one. Heart-shaped brownies in the size of your palm greet his eyes. He can’t help but admire how you arranged them with cute baking parchment paper, going the extra mile to make him and your other friends feel special today. His lips curl into a soft smile and he feels a wave of heat rush to his cheeks. You baked brownies for everyone and you included him. A warmth spreads through his chest at the thought, the realization.
You stare at Miguel, his smile and blush not going unnoticed. The sight makes you smile.
“Thank you,” Miguel says as he keeps looking at them, the amazing smell reaching his nose. He already knows everything you baked will be amazing. It always is. His mouth waters just at the sight.
“Check the other box!”
Miguel grins at you and nods, closing the first book even though he wishes he could go ahead and eat one of the brownies, but your excitement over the other box deters him. He wants to see what has you so happy and anxious for him to see, so he opens the next box. His lips part and eyebrows raise in surprise for a few seconds when he sees the contents before he happily smiles at you.
“You made conchas! Heart-shaped conchas! You… I’ve never seen conchas shaped like this before, not even at the panaderia. When did you even bake them?” Miguel asks, staring at you with amazement before he lifts the box to his face, inhaling the sweet scent of fresh conchas. His mouth waters even more, thinking about how good these will go with a mug of café de olla.
You chuckle softly, pleased with Miguel’s reaction. “Last night. Before you arrived from HQ. The cake and cookies were just a distraction so you wouldn’t see them and the brownies. I wanted to surprise everyone, including you. So, I recruited someone’s help,” you say with a soft shrug of your shoulders, prompting Lyla to appear.
“That would be me,” Lyla says with a soft grin, arms crossed over her chest. “I had to keep you busy, Miguel.”
Miguel scoffs playfully as he realizes and remembers the previous night. “That’s why you kept messing up the anomaly datasheet.”
“And why I kept moving your tabs around,” she replies, which makes Miguel frown for a few seconds.
“That, too. Not appreciated,” he mumbles.
“I had to do what I had to do, to ensure Y/N’s mission was a success, which it was,” Lyla says smiling.
Miguel shakes his head at her but he’s not even slightly upset. Instead, he’s highly amused that you recruited Lyla’s help to keep him occupied at HQ, all to surprise him with these lovely and delicious baked treats. His cheeks feel even more hot now.
“They smell amazing. I’m not even going to lie, my mouth is watering,” Miguel admits quietly as he nods to the conchas. “Thank you.”
“Always,” you reply softly. “I bet… They’d be really good with café de olla.”
Miguel grins. “Is this your subtle way of saying you’d like café de olla?”
You shrug. “I’m just saying, heart-shaped conchas and café de olla sound like a good combination to me. I think, it would be quite an experience. I mean, you’re saying you’ve never seen heart-shaped conchas before so… I was just thinking, you know?”
“Oh, yeah, right.” Miguel gives you a soft smirk before he grabs one of the conchas. You can’t help but notice how small it looks in his hand as he holds it up, as if showing it to you. “You were just thinking,” he says, still smirking, raising his eyebrow as he looks at you.
“It’s just a thought,” you reply, smiling softly. “Something to think about.”
“Definitely something to think about… which means you have more at home, yes?”
“There might be more conchas at the penthouse, yes.”
“I see,” he replies. “I guess cafeteria coffee will do for now.”
You tilt your head to the side in curiosity. “For now?”
“There might be café de olla in the evening.”
“I see,” you reply with a smile.
“I hear it might be quite an experience.”
“I have to agree with whoever said that,” you say.
“You know, I do, too,” Miguel responds, still smirking softly at you.
Lyla hovers between the two of you, glancing from you to Miguel. “Great, so there’s gonna be conchas and café de olla,” she says.
You both turn to look at her. Right, Lyla is there.
“I’ll go get some coffee,” Miguel says as he places the concha back in the box, making sure to close it correctly.
“Alright. I’m going to go ahead and start on the report. There’s still so much to do,” you reply heading to the desk you always work on, the one that Miguel set up for you many months ago once you started helping him with the weekly reports.
“Sounds good. I’ll be back,” Miguel responds, placing his baked treats on his platform.
“Don’t worry Miguel, I’ll look after them,” Lyla jokes seeing how careful he has been with the boxes, as if they are precious to him. The teasing tone makes Miguel frown but he doesn’t respond as he heads out of the lab to grab coffee for the two of you.
You sit in Miguel’s living room many hours later. The time on your tablet reads 7:16pm. Lamps lit up his space and the fireplace is on, warming the entire penthouse. Soft music coming from Miguel’s record player, the one you gifted him for Christmas several weeks ago, plays in the background.
You sit on one of the couches, a blanket over your legs as you work on the report from your tablet, the same one that Miguel gifted you for Christmas. You sit alone now since Miguel excused himself about twenty-five minutes ago, saying he needed to get something done. You didn’t ask what he had to do, not wanting to intrude on his privacy. You told him that you’d be in the living room. You only realized he was in the kitchen because you heard the opening and closing of drawers, but other than that, you have no idea what Miguel has been up to. Besides, you’ve been caught up working on the report, trying to finish it so it’s ready for scheduled meetings later this week.
You move your pen around your tablet’s screen, fixing something with a frown. Your concentration comes to a halt as a shadow covers the lighting. You look up, only to find Miguel carrying a tray that he sets on the console table that’s placed between the two long couches. It doesn’t take long before the lovely scent reaches you. Café de olla.
You glance at Miguel as soon as you recognize the scent, his crimson eyes meet yours and there’s a soft smile on his face.
“How about a break from the report?” he asks, taking a seat on the floor, clad in his lounge clothes.
You smile softly and nod, quickly placing the tablet away and joining him on the floor. It’s then that you see everything that’s on the tray.
He sets out the mugs with the hot and rich liquid, careful not to burn himself or you. He places three dessert plates out. One with brownies, another with conchas, and finally one with bimbuñuelos, a sugary pastry similar to the buñuelos you’ve had before, his personal addition to the sweets. You realize he bought them earlier when he arrived with a pastry box an hour later after you. You smile softly as you look at the sweets, finding it cute that everything is heart-shaped.
“So, there was café de olla,” you say, looking at him, still smiling.
“And there were more conchas,” Miguel replies as he hands you a clean plate to eat, smiling.
You chuckle softly before the two of you dig in, savoring the freshly made coffee and baked sweets in his dimly lit living room. Outside, Nueva York continues to have rain. Flashes of white lit up the sky every now and then due to lightning.
The two of you engage in conversation as you eat, enjoying each other’s company. And while you reply to something he said, a brief thought crosses his mind. This has turned out to be “quite an experience” as you said, but it isn’t because of café de olla or even the delicious heart-shaped conchas you baked that make him want to sigh in delight with each bite he takes. No, this evening has been “quite an experience” because of you alone. His close friend. His best…
Miguel grins at you as he focuses on your response, always wishing to give you his full attention, before he replies, continuing the conversation.
You take a drink from your mug, noticing a gentle but sudden flush on Miguel’s cheeks. Your gaze flickers to the fireplace for a second, unbeknownst to you that a certain realization of Miguel’s is the true culprit for the rosiness that now cover his cheeks.
♡-♡-♡-♡-♡-♡-♡-♡-♡-♡-♡ Translation for Spanish words: Conchas - Mexican pan dulce, pastry; word translates to "seashell" because the pastry is kind of shaped like one Panaderia - bakery Café de olla - coffee made in a pot Bimbuñuelos - fried dough sprinkled with sugar; similar to buñuelos Buñuelos - fried dough fritter: typically a Christmas dessert _____ A/N: Happy Valentine's Day! Miguel got me giggling and kicking my feet here! Why is he not real? Anyway, I had this little idea earlier in January and then @heyohalie asked me a while back how reader and Miguel from "Nonviolent Communication" would celebrate Valentine's (if they even did celebrate, since they're currently just friends), and I decided I needed to write it! So, here it is :) Thank you for reading this far and I hope you enjoyed it!!
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bernraccnt · 2 years
give in (wolf x gn! reader)
before u read: LOTS of flirting, 2nd person pov, wolf is thirsty and reader is dying from embarrassment, swearing (mostly from the reader), diane and snake are the best wingmen, slightly longer than i expected for this to me, steamy kissing sesh further in the fic
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“gooood morning, beautiful.” you had to hold in your groan as you stepped out of your bedroom, being instantly greeted by wolf walking down the hallway towards the kitchen. “looking especially adorable this morning, i must say.”
you cringed (out of embarrassment? or just at how corny it was? who knows) as soon as he turned away. “does that mean i look ugly every other day?” trying your hardest to play it cool, you followed behind him as you walked through your apartment that you shared with four others.
wolf glanced back with a smile far too wide for it being ten in the morning. “not necessarily, you look adorable every day.”
this time, you groaned openly and shoulder checked him as you stormed into the kitchen. “god, shut up.” was all you said, wanting to die the longer he kept spewing these flirtatious things.
this, unfortunately, was a normal routine between you for the last few months. having been an old and trusty friend of diane, you had offered your roommate-less apartment for the now good guys to live at since their old one wasn’t in the best shape after a year in prison. and over the time the group of five had stayed with you, they had warmed up to your presence and for the most part, had considered you one of them.
you and webs were the best of pals when it came to video games and oftentimes, piranha joined you both when he had nothing better to do. you three were the minecraft hardcore mode trio. and shark had leeched onto your music taste and now has tickets to almost every single concert he thinks you both would enjoy. hell, even snake found you a peach to be around, enjoying when you would practice drink making and makes “friendly” insults with you when you both were piss faced. of course, the appeal here was that neither of you took it to heart, it was just your way of bonding.
and it just so happens that their leader considered you more than just one of them.
at first, wolf was just another guy in your life. just an overall slick and charismatic guy who made a good joke every movie night and always had something to say to you while you and him were running errands together. you and him grew closer than the rest and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel a little more than a friendship with him. every smile of his felt like a stab to your heart (but in a simp way) and when he would toss an arm around your shoulder or grab your wrist to pull you along you swore you could ascend to the heavens.
of course, you weren’t an idiot when it came to your feelings. you just didn’t want anyone else to know that, so for the most part, you played oblivious. acted like it was nothing, treated him as you would anyone else, and buried away anything that could hint at you liking him romantically.
and because you weren’t an idiot, you could also tell that he liked you in return. his hands would linger near yours when you guys sat together and every shared look was prolonged on his end. hell, you even heard him talk about you to snake and diane, singing your praises in a not-so-platonically way.
but this certainty is what drove you to not let him know about your feelings. i mean, it was terrifying to know that you both felt the same. you never had a successful relationship romantically and that’s what forced you further away from even attempting a date or a kiss or even a cuddle session. but fuck, it was getting harder now that he was trying to flirt with you every moment he got.
“has anyone ever told you you look like a deity? i almost mistook you for one earlier.” still laying it on thick, wolf wiggled his eyebrows as you began to mess with your coffee machine.
you shot him another glare. “wolf, i just rolled out of bed after getting only a few hours of sleep. the only thing i resemble right now is prince phillip.”
thankfully, rather than shoot you another flirt, he laughed at your comparison, giving you a few seconds of peace. you took that time to load in the coffee grinds and place the carafe under the drip and start up the caffeinated goodness.
you sucked in a long sigh, stretching your arms above your head and going over the day’s tasks. you would need to go out and pick up some alcoholic drinks for diane’s super high-end party tonight and buy something nice to dress yourself up in. god, that’s gonna be so annoying, fitting rooms and shopping sprees were your worst nightmare. especially when it came to semi-formal wear.
“y’know, i’d say your lips are looking a little lonely.” recovering from his fit of laughter, wolf leaned up against the counter to your right with a huge, shiteating grin. “you think they want a visit from another pair?” he then puckered his lips, eyes going half lidded.
you stared at him blankly. “don’t you have to get to work soon? you have a shift at ten thirty today.”
wolf’s grin widened. “the only thing i want to shift into is your pants.” oh fuck, that one was kinda smooth.
it took every bone in your body not to smile or let your face flash into a hot blush, averting eye contact and finding a new interest in the coffee that was currently dripping. “dude.” was all you muttered.
as if he knew the dilemma you were facing, wolf leaned in closer. despite him being the one in the corner of the counter and you having all the space on your other side, with the way he was closing the distance between you two, you felt like you were the trapped one.
“when are you going to give in, sweetness?” you could basically feel the rumbling of every word as he purred them out. “you know you’re only delaying the inevitable between us.” his nose was inches away from your throat, causing you to grip the counter so hard it made your hand hurt.
your saving grace was piranha walking into the kitchen, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
your head snapped over at the speed of light and you plastered on your biggest smile. “piranha! how was your speedrun attempt last night?” knowing if you brought up minecraft, piranha would dissolve any semblance of a tense mood by rambling.
and thankfully, he perked right up when you mentioned the block game, ignoring the lack of space between yourself and his “boss”. “oh, it went terribly! i spawned in a jungle biome and it all went downhill from there.” he hopped up onto the barstool at the kitchen counter’s island, prompting you to ditch wolf and go lean against the island instead. you nodded at every word that came out of the fish’s mouth and listened intensely as he ranted passionately about his poor luck. you missed wolf huffing in frustration behind you.
see, it wasn’t always wolf laying it on thick with you, at least, this outwardly. a few months ago, you had woken up and something seemed to have changed. the day before, he was being mostly friendly and would flirt through small and innocent gestures.
but that first morning had thrown you so far off, it was burned into your memory.
“y’know there’s a mirror in your pants right?” he had whispered to you while you were frying eggs for breakfast. the others were talking loudly at the island, arguing over which marvel hero was the most useless, nearly drowning out his voice had he not had been a foot away from your ear.
you looked over, both in confusion and concern. you weren’t sure what he meant but it made you worry anyways. “what? where?” searching all over your jeans, you tried to figure out what he meant.
before you could go spiraling in your mind for what the hell he could mean, wolf’s nose brushed against your ear as he spoke in a hushed tone. “because i can see myself in them.” as he spoke, one of his fingers hooked around a belt loop on your jeans, tugging them teasingly.
and then as quick as he got close, he pulled back to watch your reaction.
you froze, face burning instantly as you gaped at the taller man. the sudden sizzle of the eggs you were cooking snapped you out of your shock and you avoided any eye contact, trying to compose yourself. “i-- eugh-- uh-- wow, okay.” is what you settled on saying.
but sadly, that was all wolf had wanted to see, and as the months progressed, you swore to yourself to not have such an obvious reaction to his words, no matter how badly you wanted to.
as piranha had just started on his venture into the nether, the coffee drip beeped once at you. you ignored it, knowing that you had a few more minutes before the coffee cooled down anyways and could waste it listening to his tale of fighting off two wither skeletons.
“oh my god, is he complaining about his speedrun again?” ever the grumpy morning person, webs crawled into the room with an eye roll. “dude, did you even tell them how you died yet?”
piranha wasn’t affected by webs’ annoyance, turning his head to her. “not yet!” he spoke in a confident, matter of fact tone. “i just got to the nether, chica.”
webs looked at you with a deadpan. “he fell off of the platform as soon as he spawned in the end.” she explained.
“ay, you just spoiled the ending!”
“it’s not spoiling if they knew what was going to happen!” while you were preoccupied with the two shortest animals getting into a small argument, you forgot that wolf was still in the kitchen with you guys. it wasn’t until you felt him stand behind you and watch him slide a coffee mug into your hand that you remembered his existence.
“just how you like it, sweets.” he murmured, far too close to you as you could literally feel the heat of him on your back. from the others’ point of view, it might look like a friendly gesture that a friend would do for another friend because there’s nothing there but friendship.
but, the claws trailing up your arm and then against your waist as he pulled away screamed nothing akin to a platonic friendship.
you grit your teeth and brought the coffee mug to your lips, giving yourself an excuse not to say anything as he left the room, presumably to actually go get ready for work. and when you tasted the bitter substance, you cursed. 
fuck, he’s even got your coffee to creamer ratio down. slick bastard.
the rest of the day without a mention nor a glimpse of the former criminal was a blessing for your mental state. you had a semi-enjoyable time picking out the best tasing champagne and calling up diane about your choices and a significantly less fun time sitting in a formal wear store, choosing something that didn’t make you feel like an idiot. you had settled on a dark vest and slacks, deciding simplicity was better and comfier than anything else.
by the time you had stopped to drop off your alcohol supply at diane’s apartment, it was an hour before sundown and two hours before the aforementioned party. she greeted you with a big hug and helped you cart the boxes of champagne into the elevator.
on the slow ride up to her floor, you saw her smirk from the corner of your eye and mentally steeled yourself for whatever shit she was going to drop on you.
“sooo...” she started, tail flicking behind her lazily. “what’s been going on in your life?”
you looked at her suspiciously. “dee, we called last week for three hours, the fuck do you mean what’s going on in my life?”
she laughed at your words, shaking her head. “yeah, yeah, you got me there.” her eyes looked away as a grin began to form on her features. “i’m just curious about how your love life’s been going.”
... “what the fuck did wolf tell you?”
diane let out loud laughter, nearly toppling over from how bluntly their friend asked the question. leave it to her friend to sniff out her intentions, she supposed. “okay, he didn’t say anything, but--”
“i swear to god if that motherfucker told you we’re dating, i’m going to shave him and use his hair to make myself a new welcome mat.” you threatened, a new fire in your eyes.
diane let out a pathetic wheeze. “no, no! i swear, he didn’t say anything!” she defended their mutual friend. “i was just-- i just heard from the others that you guys had gotten closer than normal.”
that made panic flash in your body. “oh fuck, what did they say?” you didn’t even consider the others picking up on wolf’s simping habits, you were hoping that they would just be oblivious to his actions.
“snake’s been pretty smug about it, says that you shoot down wolf every chance you get.” diane elaborated as the elevator reached her floor. using the trolleys they had borrowed from the apartment lobby, the duo began to cart in the bottles. “he said the way you two interacted was like a gross, mushy dance of sexual tension. shark agreed and piranha and webs said that they didn’t care if you guys were dating now.”
yeah, that sounded like something they all would say. you groaned, frowning as you walked down diane’s foyer. “none of that’s true at all. wolf’s been dead set on flirting with me, i’m just rolling with the punches.” you shot a glance at all the glittery decor hung around the living space. pretty tasteful, you had to admit.
“see, i’d be inclined to believe that if i didn’t know you as well as i do.” diane’s smile became a twinge more smug when she noticed you were actively avoiding any chances of eye contact. “you like him.”
you decided to take the stupid route, hoping that the dumber you act, the quicker she’ll drop the conversation. “of course i like him, i live with him.” you pulled the trolley to a stop right in front of diane’s fridge and began pulling boxes onto her counter.
diane put both of her hands on yours when you set down the first box, successfully halting you. “no, my friend, you like like him.”
to say you were not impressed would be an understatement. “did we get transported back to middle school? or did you regress in age while we were speaking? c’mon, dee, ‘like like’?”
“you’re not denying it!” diane felt like she won the lottery, helping you as you pull another box off of the trolley. “you like wolf romantically!”
“pfft, says who?” despite you playing it off coolly and denying everything she was saying, deep down inside, you were panicking so badly. fuck, no one was supposed to catch onto this elongated game of cat and mouse.
“no one has to say anything.” after they had set down the second box, diane stepped right in front of you, stopping you again. “i can tell it in your face.”
your easygoing facade fell and you gave her another blank stare. “wow, what a mind reader you are.” your sarcasm was coming off of you in waves.
however, diane wasn’t known to be a person who let topics drop without laying all her cards on the table. she placed both hands on her hips, giving you a smug look. “i’ll let this drop if you look me in the eyes right now and tell me that you don’t want to makeout with wolf.”
immediately, you choked on your spit. “diane, what is WRONG with you?!” growing flustered, you barreled past her and plucked up the last box on your trolley. “i can’t even tell you what time of day it is with a straight face, the fuck makes you think i can say that?”
“hmm, that’s fair.” she conceded, watching you set down the third box next to the first two. “but, we’ve been friends for years now. if anyone can tell if you’re serious, its me. so, even if you laugh or giggle, i’ll know whether or not you’re telling me the truth.”
you turned back to facing her, sucking in a deep breath. “diane, i don’t like wolf, nor do i want to kiss or makeout or do whatever the hell else with him.” you spoke evenly, impressing yourself with how serious you could be.
you and diane stared into each other’s eyes for an uncomfortable amount of time. you were nearly about to break but she did it for you, leaning in and whispering, “god, you are so in love.”
“I AM NOT!” unable to help yourself, you basically shouted it at her. she let out an evil cackle, pointing a finger in your face.
“denial! first stage of grief!”
“anger, second stage!” seeing as diane was now fully taking the piss out of you, you decided to reel yourself back. the last thing you wanted was to choke her out out of anger.
you took in a deep breath, forcing your expression to melt back into something calmer. “diane, i swear to you, i have no romantic feelings for that little shit--”
“and you’re still lying to me! why?” growing fed up with your denial, diane threw her hands in the air. “are you scared that he might pop around the corner and overhear this? or is it something else? he’s clearly in love with you, his tail wags every single time he sees you!”
“i. don’t. like. him.” you walked past her, clutching your fists.
“oh, give me a break, you guys are eyefucking each other at every given opportunity.” at her words, you stopped in your tracks and turned around. “yeah, you can thank snake for that tidbit of information.”
“why can’t you just drop this?” seeing as denial wasn’t getting you anywhere, you had just decided to try and get an easy ending to this conversation by “giving in”. “this hasn’t been a problem the first few months he started trying to get with me, why is it one now?”
“because i didn’t think much of it until the others told me how you’ve been acting. i mean, come on!” diane spoke to your back as you began to unload the boxes on her trolley. “if a guy you didn’t like flirted with you, you would’ve kicked his shins and threatened his life! and yet, look at you. wolf’s been frothing on his knees for you and you haven’t said an outright no!”
“okay, don’t say he’s frothing on his knees.” you cringed, giving her the side eye as you passed her. “he just doesn’t have a skirt to chase, so he’s determined to get under mine. it’ll pass once he realizes--”
“oh no, we’re not doing this.” diane cut you off, snatching the champagne box away from you so you wouldn’t be distracted. “you are not going to keep running away from something you want! why is it so hard for you to admit that you like him?”
finally fed up, you shouted, “because i’m scared, dee!” the explosive yell made diane snap her mouth shut and stare at you wide eyed. seeing her reaction, you rubbed your face and looked away again. “you... you can’t expect me to jump in headfirst into a relationship like this after all the fumbles i made in high school. none of the partners i had stuck around for even one year, what makes you think wolf will be any different?”
“why do you think wolf will be the same as a fleeting relationship in high school?” diane countered, slamming down the champagne. “i don’t know what the fuck is wrong with you, but you’re actively making this worse for yourself the longer you try and run away.” she spluttered, growing frustrated. “what are you even trying to save here? your relationship? his feelings?”
“i don’t know!” you cried, nearly tugging your hair out. “i’m-- it’s just scary. to look him in the eyes and to know that he trusts me and likes me! i’ve never been that vulnerable with anyone, not in such a long time.” you don’t know how you got here, typically having a good grasp on where a conversation would be heading to and controlling it.
well, that was thrown out the window.
diane came over and embraced you, trying to soothe you by rubbing your back. “you can’t keep running, babe.” she whispered. “because running only hurts you both.” she paused and looked up. “and he’s pretty stubborn, so you’ll be running for a long time before he considers giving up.”
you sniffed audibly. “persistent little shit.”
the both of you giggled at the insult, bodies rumbling against one another.
diane kept rubbing your back, now finding a solid rhythm. “i’m not saying confess tonight or even right now, but you have to let him know that he’s not an idiot for assuming that you’re into him too.”
you sniffed again, this one becoming watery. “but that’s scary.”
“isn’t everything scary when it comes to relationships?” she countered. “just please, please promise me that you’ll do something about it.” diane pulled back, holding you at arms length. “even if its telling him no flat out, i’ll support you if its what you want. you need to put an end of this, for his sake and yours.”
diane’s words stuck with you the entire drive back to your apartment complex. you had sat inside the parking garage once you reached your home, thinking hard about what she told you.
fuck, this was impossible. you had no excuse you could come up with, you had no reasoning to tell wolf if you told him that you knew. shutting off your car, you let your head fall onto the steering wheel and bashed it a few good times.
“fuck!” your shout was muffled, nails digging into the fabric. god, why was romance so fucking daunting? why couldn’t you just wake up one day and have wolf be back to the way he was, before the flirting? before you knew how he felt--
no. that was too unfair, even for your standards. you couldn’t wish for that, it’s too late to consider things going back the way they were without a good conversation. fuck.
“okay, okay.” you spoke outloud to yourself, head still against your wheel. “i am going to go inside. get dressed for the party, go to the party, come back. i am going to talk to wolf before he goes to bed, hopefully, we won’t be drunk, and we move on with our lives starting tomorrow morning.”
you repeated that to yourself a few times, the game plan solidifying in your mind. worst case scenario, wolf hates your guts because you led him on for so long and he doesn’t talk to you anymore. best case?
god, you were too worried to consider a good outcome to this.
sitting up, you slid off your seatbelt and moved to get out of your car, but froze when you saw a familiar person standing outside the driver’s window, getting ready to knock and grab your attention.
why now of all times is wolf right outside your car?
you made a motion for him to step to the side and he did so, watching as you got out of the car. instead of greeting you with a smirk or a flirty remark, wolf only gave you a concerned glance. “hey, are you alright? i saw your head was against the wheel while i was passing and...”
“yeah, yeah, i’m fine.” you waved off, shutting the door behind yourself and moving to the door on the backseat. “just tired. diane had me carrying boxes around.” you mumbled the half truth as you pulled your newly purchased formal clothes out of the backrow, the plastic covering crinkling as you held it.
wolf didn’t seem convinced but let it go, a smile washing over the concerned expression he was making. “ah, right. diane’s party! i forgot all about that.” he chuckled, allowing you to pass first before following behind you as you walked to the elevator. “i take it that’s why you’re lugging around these?” he picked up one end of the plastic covering you were holding.
you glanced over your shoulder. “yeah, i had to cough up my money for this thing. not my best purchase.” you tried to joke, but it came out more sad than you intended it to.
now wolf was genuinely concerned. “are you sure you’re alright? you can tell me if anything is wrong.”
you could’ve evaporated right then and there but held it in. “yes. i’m fine.” with your tone of finality, all wolf could do was accept your answer and let you press the button for the elevator.
standing there side by side in the dark car park really did a number on your already declining mental state. you could feel every glance of his on the left side of your face, could hear him thinking about asking you for a third time if you were okay.
you knew that if you said anything yet, you would run. so, you waited patiently until the elevator came down and stepped inside, watching wolf press the button for your floor.
as soon as the doors closed on you both, you knew it was time to face your fears. prolonging the conversation would only make things worse, like diane said.
so, you started with a question. “why do you flirt with me all the time?” something to confirm his emotions towards you, easy enough.
wolf looked down at you, eyebrows raising slightly. “after months of me hitting on you, you finally decide to ask this?”
“okay, look--!” you cut yourself off, hearing your voice rise to a defensive yell. quieter, you spoke, “i-- i’m just asking right now to confirm something.”
“that i like you?” he pressed, jutting his head forward slightly. you both were staring one another in the eyes, your gaze nervous, his being oddly emotionless. “what? you think i just hit on anybody and call it a day?”
you looked away. “well, i-- look, you were hitting on diane when you first met her and when she settled with that guy from hollywood, i just assumed that i was another person--”
“what i felt for diane was a passing crush. she was just another hot and badass i liked.” wolf cut you off with a shrug, putting his hands in his pockets. “what i feel for you is entirely different.”
okay, confirmation that he does still have something for you. good to know, good to know. “oh.” you said. “okay, um--”
“did you think i was hitting on you this entire time because i saw you as an easy fuck?” wolf looked offended at this conclusion, glaring down at you. the tension raised higher in the elevator and you suddenly found it hard to speak. “you think i memorize fast food orders, favorite things, coffee to creamer ratios for just anybody?” his whole body turned and he slowly begun to approach you.
instinctively, you walked backwards. “whoa, okay-- hang on a second, i didn’t say that--”
you shut up immediately when your back hit the wall, allowing wolf to loom over you. “good, i’m glad we’re on the same page then.” his volume had dropped, barely audible over the elevator’s hum. his hand hesitantly reached out and rested itself against your hip, looking into your eyes for any signs of discomfort.
you didn’t know where to look, having an iron grip on your expensive clothing. “yeah.” came out shakily, your heart pounding a mile per minute. “glad we-- uh-- we are. wolf--” you cut yourself off with a sharp intake of air as his other hand moved to mirror the first hand’s position.
“that’s me.” he hummed, maintaining a mostly respectable distance between you both, allowing you to know that you’re not actually trapped in this position.
“wolf, i knew you liked me.” you came clean, breaking eye contact and looking down. “i-- i knew about you telling snake and i kept seeing the signs, and fuck, i like you too, but i didn’t know-- i couldn’t--” it was getting harder for you to form a coherent thought when he was inches away and staring at you expectantly.
pulling up the vest and slacks, you hid your face behind them and spoke, “i was scared of committing to it-- to you.” thankfully your voice came out clearly still. “you’re terrifying to me, i’ve never wanted-- no, i never thought someone like you, someone so sure of themself and their emotions, would actually like someone like me.”
“...like you?” you couldn’t see his face from where you hid, but you heard him come closer.
“uncertain. unemotional, apathetic almost.” you elaborated.
wolf didn’t respond at first, worsening the path your mind decided to take. oh fuck, he hates you now, there’s no doubt about it. maybe you should run as soon as the doors open or hide out in your room for the rest of the night--
“well, thanks for telling me.” wolf said like he was having a completely normal conversation. “now i know your motivations, at least.” he chuckled, a smile coming back to his features. “but i knew you liked me back, sweetheart.”
your head whipped up from its spot and you looked at wolf like he was crazy. “what?” your jaw dropped even harder when he laughed at your expression. “wait--”
“why do you think i started hitting on you in the first place?” he spoke in between giggles. “at first, i thought you didn’t know, but after the first few reactions, it kinda clicked. you knew but were in denial.”
“wh--” if you couldn’t form a sentence then, you definitely couldn’t right now. “and you didn’t say a thing?!”
wolf’s smile fell and he gave you a blank look, causing you to backtrack. “okay, yeah, that’s more on me.” you sighed, loosening your hold on the plastic wrapped clothes. “sorry, wolf--”
“don’t apologize now.” he laughed, cutting you off before you could spiral again. “it’s water under the bridge to me.” his hands squeezed your hips, and you were aware of the lack of space in between you two once again. “but if you want to make it up to me, i might have a few things in mind.” he moved slowly, deliberately almost, and pressed his face into your neck, smiling against you when he felt your pulse racing.
your mouth went dry and for a moment, your brain had stopped working. here you were, cornered by your crush after he just admitted to knowing you liked him for months now. it was all starting to become too much all at once--
the elevator’s doors opened on your floor and you didn’t think twice about ripping yourself from his arms and bolting it down the hallway to your door. you heard him laugh from afar but ignored it, pulling your keys out and busting your way inside your apartment.
“where’s the fire?” you heard snake call from the living room, but you ignored him in favor of sprinting straight to your room and shutting the door behind you, panting all the while.
it took you a few minutes to gather yourself, resting your dress clothes on your bed and thanking whatever god above that there weren’t any lasting wrinkles you couldn’t smooth out with your hands. great, at least you won’t look like the car wreck you certainly felt like.
you heard a knock and then wolf calling you name. “hey, i forgot to tell you something.” he spoke from the other side of the door. your back went straight and you struggled to keep it together.
“come in!” your voice was steady, thankfully.
the wolf slipped into the room and closed the door behind him with an easygoing expression. “sorry, sweetheart, i almost forgot something in that elevator.” the way he wasn’t even fazed by your little... whatever the hell that was in the elevator irritated a part of you, but you didn’t say anything about it.
“oh? what’d you--” and suddenly, you found yourself being pulled in by the front of your shirt into a kiss. wolf’s lips pressed against yours slowly but passionately, making you feel lightheaded at first.
his hands found their purchase quickly, one against your lower back and the other back on your hip, tugging you closer. it was then that you snapped back into it and started kissing him back, following his lead and tossing your arms around his neck.
wolf walked with you in his arms, backing you against your dress and placing you on it, leaving his hands on your thighs as you kept kissing one another. he stopped suddenly and pulled back a few inches. “sorry, i should’ve asked--”
“shut up and fucking kiss me right now.” you grunted, tugging at the hair on the back of his head.
he let out a loud groan and smiled against your lips. “so pushy. who would’ve guessed--” before he could say anything else smart, you pulled him back for a second kiss, this time being the one in control of the pace.
eventually, you both broke apart to get some air inside of your lungs. wolf was still smirking and even you had a smile like you won the lottery.
“what time do you think you need to start getting ready by?” he asked, moving his head down to your neck and beginning to press kisses along the length of it.
“seven thirty-- fuck.” you cursed and shivered under all the affection, entire body growing warm. “but we can push it back to seven forty five if you want.”
“whatever works for you, baby.” was all he mumbled before digging his teeth into you, trying his hardest not to be super rough. “i can make this quick, just for you. all you gotta do is say the words.”
fuck, he was good at this. too good for you to even be snarky at him. “please.” you whispered, once again pulling at the back of his head.
wolf snickered, pulling away to admire his hickey that was beginning to bruise. “well, since you asked so nicely...”
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sprite-writes-fanfic · 2 months
Hi!! Could I get some hcs of The 03 turtle boys with a gender neutral friend reader who’s a news reporter like older versions of April is, where the reader vaguely hints at oh I think Casey’s kinda cute so the turtles decide they gotta play wingman to their friends….!!
Thank you so dearly if you do end up writing some hcs for this scenario 💜
Okay I’m just gonna say, I love this and also I love that there are other people who like Casey LMAO (I love that giant ass himbo.)
Your Faithful Wingmen!
🖤🏒2003 Casey x Reader🥅💀
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Word Count: 895
CW: gender-neutral reader, platonic relationship w/ the turtles, more fluffy and silly. Also BOOM, instead of headcanons, I figured why not do a whole fanfic of it, maybe sometime in the future I could make a part 2 to this, but I’ll save that for when proper motivation returns to me 😭
Being a News Reporter with big dreams, you were always looking for something new, something BIG that could rocket you into public recognition; and it was hard. You were just a local News Reporter doing smaller jobs, and it frustrated the hell out of you, understandably enough. Though it was a terrible idea to start looking into some serious stuff that not many covered, such as these break-ins and fights going on with mutants and these weird ninjas…
Going to investigate one night led you to being captured by the Foot Clan, and you certainly thought you weren’t gonna make it out. Luckily, you were proven wrong when four mutant turtles and a guy in a hockey mask saved you. Once everything cleared, your life changed forever, for the better of course.
Meeting the turtles, Casey, April and Splinter was probably the best thing that ever happened to you, not only that, doing a small News Report on ‘Mysterious Heroes’ definitely got you recognized, though some people thought you were crazy, most were definitely intrigued. 5 mysterious men in the night fighting ninjas? In New York? Things had gotten interesting.
After finally being skyrocketed, your private life has gotten more entertaining. Four mutant turtles as your friends? That’s sick! They were all fun to hang out with and they all had their own thing going for them, like Leo, the leader in blue trying to keep his brothers out of trouble, Raph, a turtle with major anger issues but has a soft heart, Donnie being a literal tech genius and a mechanic, and then there’s Mikey who was just the definition of chaotic good, the dude was crazy! April, she was a smart woman, and she was also easy to talk to, and you always felt comfortable with her. Splinter was like a father to you, and he had definitely helped you when you had some mental struggles… And then there was Casey. Oh, Casey was stupid and stubborn, but he had a good heart, and for some reason, this HIMBO, he ended up making your heart flutter and your face red. Somehow, this man, the man you sometimes bumped heads with and drove you up the wall, was the one that made you feel this way.
To say that nobody noticed was a lie, and guess who the first one was to notice? Yup, Raph. He was the one to notice that you were crushing on his good ole pal, Casey Jones, and was he gonna keep it to himself? Well, actually yeah, he was planning on it, until Mikey himself realized and went and told just about everyone, he’s a bit of a blabber mouth. Luckily, the turtles stopped him before he could go and tell Casey, and instead, Donnie suggested an idea…
Why not set up a blind date? Leo at first wanted to stay out of it, but with the continuous pestering, he finally gave in. Donnie was the one to devise the plan, Mikey and Raph would be the ones to bring you and Casey on this blind date, while Donnie and Leo worked on getting some hockey game tickets… Was a hockey game really the most romantic date? No. But would it bring Casey in? Absolutely.
And so they got to work, Leo and Donnie got the tickets, and Mikey got you, informing you that you were going on a blind date, and Raph dragging Casey, telling him he had a hot date at the hockey game. When you finally met up with your blind date, you were certainly shell-shocked when you realized it was Casey, and Casey, surprised you were his date.
Being given the tickets, the turtles wished you off as you and Casey would head off together to this game, albeit, you were an awkward and nervous mess while Casey was cheering for this game…
The turtles were certainly hoping for the best, and they were excited when Casey slung an arm around your shoulders and led you into the place to watch the game.
Internally, you were flustered, but happy, and Casey was the one to start up the conversation. “So… The turtles set us up on a date.” He starts, “Do you think they were just matchmaking or?” He glanced down at you, curiously, and you thought to yourself, ‘Well, I never told them that I liked Casey, but maybe they noticed? Or maybe Casey’s right…’ you looked back up at him, “Maybe? Either way, I’m not complaining.” Casey looked a little surprised, but smirked soon after, “You saying you like me, sweetheart?” Your face went red, but you took a deep breath and hit him back with the, “Well… Maybe I do? That a problem?”
Casey’s face softened as his cheeks reddened, his smirk turning into a smile as he stared down at you, “Not at all, maybe I do too.” As he led you to your seats and sat down with you. You were both quiet for a moment, but the silence wasn’t uncomfortable at all, you were just both kind of thinking, ‘Wow he/they like me!’ And to say that you were both cuddling before the game started would be the truth. That didn’t last long though, since well, once the game started, Casey was getting excited and jumpy, and all you could do was laugh and cheer with him.
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itsscromp · 9 months
Miguel O'Hara x reader platonic
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Hey again everyone, as of time when I post this it'll officially be my birthday in 1 weeks time, so what better to celebrate than by giving you all a birthday fic with 2099 himself, let's dive right into it. word count:1.1K
Since joining the society, you have accomplished many things, some of which you thought you weren't even capable of, All thanks to help from Miguel. He was the one person you could always count on.
The day before your birthday as he was looking through the universes to find potential anomalies, Lylla spoke up.
"You do know it's y/n's birthday tomorrow miggy"
"Lylla I told you not to call me that"
"Sorry chief, but I am right about the birthday part"
"Are you sure ??"
Lylla then pulls up your file and read through.
"Yep Y/B/D is just as correct"
Miguel was slowly now starting to freak out, he wanted to do something special for you, but since it was tomorrow how could he find the time.
"Qué debo hacer, Qué debo hacer" (What do I do, What do I do)
"Maybe take them to a movie ??"
No no, he couldn't do that, he wanted to show how much you meant to him. how much he loved you. After laying in bed staring at the ceiling, he had an idea.
"Lylla !!"
*yawns* Lylla's hologram popped up, she looked like she was sleeping too. "This better be good"
"I have an idea"
The next day.
Today was your birthday, another lap around the sun. well, now another lap around the multiverse. You didn't feel much older other than knowing it was your birthday, It was exciting as you got to spend it with your bestest friends in the multiverse. As soon as you woke up, Ben barged into your room with a party horn.
*party horn noises* "Happy birthday pal !!!"
"Hey ben thank you" you smiled at him
He then wraps an arm around your neck and gets you in a gentle and playful chock hold
"This is called a chocker hold, I'm using my bicep to constrict you so i can noogie your head" He did so, stuffing up your hair
"Ben !!" You laughed, managing to get out of the hold and hugged him tightly. "Thank you"
Ben happily hugged you back just as tight "Anything for my best friend"
"Who has completed another 365 days around the sun, They have been such a bright light in my life.."
You didn't care if he was narrating again, He was there.
"Come on, some of the other spider people have a surprise for you."
the two then swung to were some of the other spider-society members had a little party for you.
"Surprise !!" Gwen was there, Hobie was there, pavitar was there, Peter B and mayday too.
"You guys..." You looked around finding the decorations and the cake.
"Happy birthday y/n" Gwen ran up to you and hugged you tightly.
"Oh my gosh, this is amazing !!!, Y/n is also amazing !!" pavitar spoke up.
"This day is yours mate, You do you and don't let anyone tell ya how. Hobie spoke up and ruffled your hair.
You then heard babbling as a certain spider baby crawled up behind your back and placed a gentle kiss on your cheek.
"Y/n !!!"
"Mayday also says happy birthday kiddo"
You smiled as you then held mayday and kissed her forehead.
"Thank you guys so much"
"Alright, who's ready for cake !!!" Pavitar was super excited as he spent all day baking it, infusing an array of sweets and spices into it.
As you gathered and chatted and laughed, you noticed one person missing, Miguel.
You knew he wasn't the gathering type but you were sure he would make today an exception.
"I wonder where Miguel is."
"Oh bro ain't the birthday type" Hobie immediately
"Come to think of it, He hasn't really celebrated any birthdays" Gwen spoke up.
"No No, he did celebrate this little one's birthday when she turned 1" Peter B gently bounced Mayday as she giggled "Isn't that right my sweet cheeks ??" He gently kisses her head.
"I'll go and find him."
You then ventured to Miguel's base.
"I wish you luck y/n !!!" pavitar shouted
Entering the base and ignoring the creepy nearly completed suit-looking thing, you looked up to see Miguel not on his platform.
"Miguel ??!! You here ??"
Miguel was hiding, Lylla alerted him of your imminent arrival having prepared his idea, he set it into motion.
The room suddenly went dark.
'Miguel ??..." You then saw the familiar digital droplet falling down and blooming into the tree you saw when you first met the society.
"What's going on ??"
But when the webs were forming, something was different. Instead of the canon events of every single Spider-Man, it was just you and Miguel, all the moments where smiles and laughs were shared.
You smiled looking through all of these events, Looking back at your favorite ones.
"Miguel did you see that !!!!" You saw one event where you caught your first anomaly. Miguel was so so proud of you that day.
"I did y/n, Great job." he patted your shoulder before the two of you brought it back to the society.
"Ok... so if x equals that then the web shooters would be able to extend further than they normally would" In one event you were making modifications to your web shooters to make them extend further as they were having some trouble shooting.
"That should be correct. Give it a go Niño" (Kiddo)
You then aimed your web shooters at the test dummy which was further than usual. shooting at it, the webs stuck to the dummy.
"Miguel we did it !!!!" You smiled widely at him
"Look at you go little genius" He ruffled your hair A proud dad moment.
"Come on Miguel just one game please." You managed to bring your games console back from your universe and convinced Miguel to play just one round with you.
"Ok Ok just one round"
But one round turned to multiple, he was having so much fun with you.
"Your going down y/n."
"Oh no your not !!"
But at the last minute surprisingly Miguel pulled a combo move on you, eventually making the game his for the taking.
"Guess I can say I'm the ultimate Spider-Man and gamer" He even did somewhat of a victory dance which got you laughing.
Seeing all of this made you smile wide, You've shared a lot of fond memories with Miguel.
The webs disappeared and the room lit up again.
"Happy birthday y/n" Miguel came out of his hiding spot, smiling widely.
"Miguel..." Your happy tears brew as you rush to him and hug him tightly. He wrapped his strong arms around you, hugging you just as tight.
"I loved it... thank you so much"
"I love you Niño, so so much, happy birthday"
Lylla appeared blowing her party horn and popping digital party streamers. "Happy birthday to the one and only Y/N !!!"
The smile not leaving your face all day. you just witnessed the greatest birthday gift of all time. Miguel spent all night organizing each event into one web. You couldn't have asked for a greater birthday gift than that.
taglist: @callofdudes
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rowanwithaz · 8 months
"Can't People (of the same gender) Just Be Friends Anymore? "
This is gonna be a fun one.
I kinda never went over this in my, "Deku Is Straight" post,and I guess it is a little different; but it's still a very popular argument against just queer ships in general. So,I will bring up how queer shippers get treated in most fandoms and just some problems in the media when it comes to representation; but it will mostly be about GreeNade and BNHA.
(⚠This post is not supposed to be hating on any one! It's absolutely fine if people view certain relationships as platonic,but what's not okay is having double standards and being a godamned hypocrite about it. This is just addressing issues that seem to pop up mainly against the queer shipping communities; not some kind of hate post. I encourage everyone to try and have an open mind and to try and be respectful of everyone's opinions.And as usual: as long as something is legal,ship away!⚠)
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If you could not tell the ones on the top are taking about this scene:
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And,from what I'm reading,they didn't get it. Bakugo didn't do it for "humanity" he didn't do it because Izuku is just a good friend of his. His.Body.Moved.On.Its.Own. He wanted to protect Izuku so badly that his body made him do it. He also copied Izuku,like when Izuku's body moved in its own...? Y'know,like,the scientifically proven thing you do when you love someone in a romantic way?
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(*Also,when Izuku does this for Ochaco he second guesses himself and forces himself to do it unlike with Kacchan. Just found that interesting; and Izuku even says "it wasn't like last time" because he had to force himself to move. His thoughts also get cut off before he can come to a conclusion...hmmm,interesting.*)
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Which Izuku has done this about a million times and even admits to it,
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but chapter 285 is where Bakugo mirrors Izuku(he has,I believe in some other moments in the manga,I can't remember for sure; but this is the chapter it's most apparent in.) ,he also does the analyzing thing Izuku does.
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Okay,now that is the significance (there is so much more that makes it so beautiful but that was just some of the quick stuff) So,can we really call this "friendship" ? Honestly,I guess,if you don't know anything about the relationship prior to this scene...actually no that's wrong. My Aunt saw this scene and asked if they were canon,she had not known anything about bnha/mha at the time. And when I gave context she was like, "so they're gay,?"
So, yeah. That scene even with no context; looks like someone dying for the person they love. But,perspective.
Here's the thing I'm addressing in this post. It isn't, "Guys,they don't do this for their other friends and they mirror each other on accident and the author himself doesn't refer to them as friends,ect,ect." There is too much that supports them being romantically interested in each other,but that's not the point. The whole "Friendship is dead,isn't it?" because people can see two dudes/girls liking each other romantically is.
And that moves us to the next section of this post.
Double Standards
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The only time when someone says something like this Is when it's between people of the same gender. They aren't mad at people for shipping Momo with Izuku because they're just friends,that's okay because...don't tell anyone this is a secret antis have...they don't care as long as it's straight.
If it's queer it's "Friendship dead :(" but if it's someone like Melissa it's okay. It's honestly so...pathetic.
"Boy and boy have to be friend or my life is over 😠" or "Gal Pals or my life is RUINED 😨" Like, I have never seen someone get mad about straight ships like this. Honey,if someone said, "WHY can't a guy and girl just be friends for once?" Everyone would laugh in their face. Which is actually something I wish was normalized more. Once I had a dude friend and my whole family made fun of us and I literally cried because I had just figured out I liked girls a lot more than boys and I was having this thing pushed on me. That does not happen with gay people,actually get this,being called gay is still used as an insult.
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(*That first one though...Like do they not know there are several canon trans characters and bisexual characters in bnha? And the Izuchako drawing 💀 I cried I was laughing so hard the first time I saw it.*)
If you know about the sonic idw comics,there are these two characters Whisper and Tangle. People instantly started shipping them because they were so cute with each other,but other people were mad because "two girls just can't be friends anymore" and it pretty much happens in every show that isn't LGBTQ+ centric.
Because people aren't going to read/watch Heartstopper and go, "Uh,these guys are straight why do you keep shipping them?" And as much as I love that we are getting stories and shows all about the queer experience, it does still piss me off that if it isn't something like a queer romance drama and or comedy people get mad at queer people for being in other things. People will be like, "You have shows that are centered around being queer,stop bringing it into our stuff," and it's exhausting. Like,there are billions of T.V shows,moves,books,comics,ect,that have nothing to do with a romance centered plot but they throw in this random hetro relationship that doesn't add to the characters or plot.
And that's one of the reasons I love BloodBubbles and GreNade,they add to the characters and parallel the story into their dynamics. I think all romance in stories should be like that. If a romantic relationship doesn't add anything but a little *smooch* *smooch* then it is ultimately useless. I understand if people like the *smooch* *smooches* but don't act like the relationship is well developed and needed. With a romance centered plot the romance is obviously needed. But does it mean it's good? Hell no. Most romantic movies have the characters fall in love in a week. That's just my opinion though.
Stop using the "can't two people of the same sex/gender be friends anymore" argument,it just shows how much you do not know about queer people/relationships or just relationships in general. Queer people should be able to be represented in (God forbid) a Shonen and just media in general that isn't just a romance show. Everyone has different thoughts,opinions,and experiences,that shapes them into having a different perspective on things; but just because they have a different perspective doesn't mean it can disprove a plantain fact: Straight people have representation. Straight people do not need to fight for it either. So,stop fighting to be oppressed so badly.
Sorry to get so serious in the end...here this might lighten the mood!
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This is the angle number for 285! The chapter Bakugo's body moved on its own. I find the angle number being about kindness very interesting. :)
That worked right? Also,I like doing the conclusion in a bigger font,so I'll probably be doing that from now on when I'm wrapping my posts up.
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ct-multifandom · 2 years
Assorted ML Headcanons pt. 2
Once again, adding a read more early in because this thing is like five times longer than pt. 1
Juleka has Dyslexia
The long-sleeved shirt Alix wears with the snakes on the sleeves has some sort of inappropriate band name or slogan on the front, so she wears that weird tank top thing over it to avoid getting dress-coded.
Alya keeps trying to find an “our show” to watch with Marinette, but Marinette keeps caving into temptation and watching ahead on her own. So Alya starts choosing only new shows that are currently airing, but if they don’t hang out the day the episodes come out, Marinette will still watch them. They mostly do movies now.
Kagami is great at drawing realism, and can gorgeously render her real life references, but she’s unsatisfied with her work because what she’s really interested in is stylized art. She wants to develop a beautiful manga-like style, but whenever she tries to draw fictional characters, it ends up looking more like anime George Washington than the picture in her head. She’s further discouraged by people praising her realistic art, feeling pressure to keep doing what she’s good at over what she actually likes
Adrien was an Animal Jam kid
Chloe is inflicted with We Can’t Let People Know We Have Interests. She hears Alix and Mylene chatting about some popular sitcom she also likes in class, but as many times as she could’ve butted into the conversation, she can’t make it happen. On her way to lunch, Sabrina got stuck talking to Max and Rose about their Animal Crossing islands. Well Chloe’s is super cute if she can say so herself,,, no, she couldn’t say anything at all. Hurry up, Sabrina. Chloe knows that classic anime is the fastest way to Adrien’s heart, but she can’t bring herself to strike up a conversation about it. Isn’t being a weeb cringe? Not that Adrikins could ever be cringe- I mean- uh-
Sometimes Luka gets stuck in customer service mode after work and uses The Voice around his friends. At band practice, he introduces the next song into the mic, and Nino’s like, “are we about to hear rock music or phone line hold music?”
Astruc implied that Nath wasn’t in the Christmas special because he’s Jewish, but Mylene and Ivan weren’t there either, and ofc nobody asked about them, so headcanons! Ivan is Eastern Orthodox, so his Christmas isn’t on Dec 25th, and Mylene believes in certain spiritual stuff, but doesn’t participate in any organized religion or specific denomination.
Rose used to do ballet, but she stopped because her time in the hospital made her fall too far behind. She still likes dancing, and has a good feel for it because of ballet, but she prefers modern styles now.
Alix was named after her dad. If she was born a boy, she’d be Alim Jr., but since she’s a girl he changed one letter.
Marc forces Nath to get out of the house, get vitamin D, interact with other people, and exercise, but Nath returns the favor by bugging Question Marc about his posture, especially while they’re working.
Zoe’s “one and only good friend” from New York who wrote I ♥️ U on her shoe wasn’t a platonic gal pal at all.
Kim is colorblind, but he doesn’t know it
Mylene has that “not now, sweety. Mommy’s cyberbullying the mayor” t shirt
Alya learns that Hawkmoth reads the Ladyblog, and since he knows her identity but the public doesn’t, she hides passive aggressive “fuck you” jabs in her posts.
Alya putting the greater good over journalistic integrity by intentionally spreading misinformation on the blog if the team needs it. She’s staged a “candid” photo of LB with Marinette in the background after a close call. She “mistakenly” misreported the powers of a couple new villains as being brainwashing when they actually did things like grant wishes or were literally made of money so that people wouldn’t go after them and make them harder to defeat. She and Marinette set up “exclusive” semi-scripted interviews with the zodiac heroes where they told made-up origin stories so that Hawkmoth wouldn’t trace the compromised heroes back to their whole class or friend group. Alya is prohibited from typing the word “kwami”.
Luka has synesthesia and actually hears music when he sees people
Markov pretends to not have certain functions out of laziness. “Can you look this up?” I’m not a search engine (he’s not, but he has instant access to one). “Can you scan this document for me?” No. “Can you send my paper to the printer?” No.
He also pretends to be more advanced than he actually is. “Hey Markov, can you-” I am downloading your private browsing history as we speak. “Wh- you can’t do that!” I already did. Now I’m hacking into your Twitter account.
Markov likes to plays dumb and take everything literally. He understands jokes and sarcasm just fine, but enjoys a bit of trolling. He responds to idioms like Amelia Bedelia. If someone makes a joke with a euphemism, he pretends to be totally innocent. He says that Max put parental controls on him, but that’s a lie.
Everyone thinks Alix is an extrovert, but she’s actually an introvert. She’s very sociable, but hanging out too much wears her out, and she needs a lot of quiet or alone time to recharge.
Everyone thinks Marc is an introvert, but he’s actually an extrovert. He spends a lot of time in private, but that’s mostly because he’s shy, anxious, and afraid to leave his comfort zone. When he does, though, he gets that extrovert buzz.
The Sandboy kid, the Risk froggy kid, and the Kuro Neko cat girl based on Rhythm are all besties. Writing this reminded me of that kids’ book series called The Familiars about a blue jay, black cat, and frog.
Until he finally shows up again in the show, hc that the Sandboy kid is named Jay
Adrien is jealous of his friends’ ability to express themselves. He thinks about how he’d dress if not for his father and the brand. Would he dress alternatively or go for some aesthetic? Would he want to look rebellious or preppy (but not in a default Sims kind of way)? He doesn’t actually know, but wishes he could try stuff out.
Jalil is a cataphile (someone who explores the forbidden parts of the Paris catacombs, which is basically all of them except for the tiny tourist stretch, as a hobby). He goes with his friends, and brings Alix with him frequently. She’s practiced her spray painting skills down there.
Kagami and Juleka bonding over their affects and how their tone of voice doesn’t reflect how they actually feel, but from an outside perspective it just sounds like the most monotone conversation ever
Each of the doodles on Zoe’s shoes in canon corresponds to one of her friends and has a deeper meaning, even if it’s just a little inside joke. Okay real talk I need this lore in canon. We haven’t seen them super zoomed in and from all angles, but there are clearly individual, unique drawings on them.
Alya and Nino low-key had feelings for each other before Animan, but they were in denial and didn’t really take them seriously until then.
It started when Nino left school one day with sort of fluffy hair and a bit of bang, but came back the next morning with a buzz cut, and Alya was like huh he still looks cute somehow
Rose makes good tea and Nath makes good coffee
Mylene has a vegetable/herb garden on her balcony and rooftop. Her bedroom is also packed with potted plants. The air is so crisp.
The whole group has one big shared Minecraft server where they live in the same ever-expanding village together
Chloe likes those resource management mobile games where you run a cafe or build a kingdom or something
Nathalie plays video games in private, especially after she got sick. Gabriel doesn’t know. She usually buys whatever’s most popular lately, and prefers adventure games.
Ladybug explains the plan to her team and asks if they have any questions. Every time, they makes a point to ask the most off-topic questions possible. “What’s your favorite color?” Take a wild guess, buddy. (Saying pink might compromise her identity) “if you put a miraculous holder under a hydraulic press, would they die?” What the fuck? I don’t know, we’ve never encountered that problem and hopefully never will. Like, probably? “Who was your top artist on Spotify Wrapped?” That’s a secret (obviously Jagged). “If doing it would lead to instant world peace, would you rather kiss Hawkmoth or Gabriel Agreste?” Everyone shut up. Shut up. The villain is getting away.
Rose collects everything for her scrapbooks. Receipts, ticket stubs, stickers, brochures, you name it, tucked between photos of her hanging out with friends. “Hey, what was that cafe called that we went to last fall-” she has it all documented.
Adrien reads Marc and Nath’s ladynoir-centric comics laying on his stomach on his bed with his hands under his chin kicking his feet in the air and giggling
Once they made a comic with Carapace as the main character, and Nino was like omg THANK YOU :’-) and they’re like huh didn’t know he was such a big fan
Marc and Nath scrap the majority of their original concepts because they don’t want to give Hawkmoth any ideas. The angst stories and dangerous villains don’t make it to publishing so that Hawkmoth won’t copy them if he sees them. A lot of their villains are either real ones or original ones whose powers are fun but useless to Hawkmoth’s goals.
At the same time, sometimes Hawkmoth coincidentally makes villains similar to something the boys have already done, except Worse, like the trashiest bootleg equivalent.
LB: Rena Rouge texted me that someone just got akumatized over losing a chess tournament. CN: I wonder what their power is. Hey, this reminds me of that one comic issue with the chess villain. LB: oh yeah, The Grandmaster. She had that tall crown based off the white queen piece with the flowing robes, and she turned the whole city into a giant chessboard! We and the other heroes could only take turns moving across city blocks based on the piece role she assigned us. We had to let some of our friends get captured, but we managed to pull off a checkmate and break her akumatized crown. What if that story is about to become reality? The actual villain Gabe made: my name is The Bongcloud Opener. Everyone I touch turns into a giant lifeless pawn piece, and I look like a sentient checkered Van.
Kim has been blocked and unblocked from the group chat maybe five separate times for spamming memes
The “y’all watch bob l’éponge?” Tweet except it’s Zoe in New York
Chloe once had and maybe even still has a crush on Alix, but she doesn’t even really realize it because she has a severe case of comp het. Alix sees it, though. Of course, Alix is aro, so Chloe didn’t stand a chance regardless of her bullying. Alix uses this immoral opportunity to mess with Chloe as much as possible.
Everyone makes jokes about how Chloe is both gay and homophobic, but Adrien’s like oh sweetie you have to deal with those internalized problems
Rose got into embroidery, and she got Ivan into it too so that they could make punky battle jacket-like patches for themselves and their friends. They aren’t very good yet, but the shaky needlework is kind of charming.
Nino tells Adrien that his dad has such objectively horrible taste, anything he actually likes must be terrible. His designs? Ugly. His decor? Depression-inflicting. His “friends”? Assholes. The food he orders his private chef to cook? Unseasoned. Another time, Gabriel approaches Nino who came to his house to pick up Adrien, and tells him that he was genuinely impressed by Nino’s DJ work at his last fashion event. Nino shrivels up inside.
Anarka lets the kids try alcohol at home. Juleka thinks everything she’s tried is nasty unless it was drowned in fruit and sugar, but Luka thinks it’s okay. When Anarka gets wine, they try it together, and Luka tries to do the pretentious wine critic thing, but he can’t actually tell the difference between the types the way his mom can.
Y’know that hoodie Marc was wearing in his early concept art with the logo that’s a clear parody of Nirvana? Nath totally stole it from him and sleeps in it.
Marinette is Not Okay during exams week. She stresses tf out and gets like no sleep yet somehow still does exceptionally well
Everyone is suddenly ride or die during exams week. Tom and Sabine supply the kids with snacks while Max is compiling all the algebra formulas they might need to memorize into a Quizlet, Sabrina is trying to come up with mnemonic devices to help with physchem, and Adrien is doing a review lecture of the French readings like he’s on a podcast.
Marc folds cranes when he’s anxious
In the last post I wrote that Alix and Nath dyed their hair and did the messed up cuts together. Alix re-dyes hers more often to make sure it stays neon hot pink, which involves bleaching it the second her roots start showing, or else she hates it. Nath only re-dyes his when it starts looking really bad in that awkward phase with the faded color and long roots. Because of this, Nath maintains sooomewhat healthy hair, but Alix’s is fried. She doesn’t have to use as much hair gel or extra-fry it with a straightener now because it pretty much stands up on its own. It feels like straw. Juleka wants to scream every time she sees Alix has made it worse.
Rose makes cute contact names with a billion emojis for everyone in her phone
She has Juleka as “Juleka🦇🎸💜💘” [bat, electric guitar, purple heart, pink heart with an arrow], so she was offended when she found out that Juleka has her as “Rose”.
Turns out that Juleka doesn’t even make contacts for most people at all. The home screen of her text app is full of conversations with people who are just their phone number or “maybe: [name]”. The Kitty Section group chat is her, “Rose”, “Smurf”, and *Ivan’s phone number*
Speech and debate club Mylene
Marinette made all sorts of cute things for the kwamis under the guise of the dollhouse project. It started with the “dollhouse” being a temporary hiding place for the miracle box, but then she started making tiny clothes and furniture for the kwamis to play with, and wherever anyone asked she’d say she’s just gotten into making miniatures as a hobby. Fancy, decorative dollhouses used to be a big flex in Western Europe, after all, but this one is more like the one from the Borrowers.
Kagami has a traditionally Japanese bedroom arrangement with a futon that she puts away in the morning. The first time Adrien was in her room, it was during the day, and he’s like where the fuck is your bed
The girls play the wholesome fuck, marry, kills about the guys at their sleepovers like the "get them randomly assigned as your lab partner for a whole semester, get trapped with them on a broken elevator for ten hours, they’re your employee trainer for your new job at McDonalds” one from that one tumblr post
Kim tries to get the guys to play Truth or Dare at sleepovers, but they don’t really want to, reminding Kim that he legally can’t be involved in dares since Timebreaker. He makes them “play” anyways, but they can only do Truth, and the guys respond to each question with some smartass answer. They find loopholes in Kim’s wording like genies until they bully him into quitting/until it’s his turn.
Max and Alix got that 5D Chess game on Steam as a joke, but after messing around with it, they started really getting into it and taking it seriously
Adrien’s friends seeing his dad as cartoonishly villainous is already canon. They start a tabletop RPG campaign, and the major antagonists are suspiciously one-to-one with Gabriel, Nathalie, and the Gorilla.
Everyone jokes about dressing up as Gabriel, the scariest monster, for Halloween. Nobody actually does, but on a separate occasion, Kim tries to get Ivan to dress up as Gorilla and Nath to dress up as Nathalie and video call Kim from his tablet. Kim, dressed as Gabriel, takes the call from a remote room. Then, they break into Adrien’s house because that’s just what his friends do for fun, and they’re pretty much experts at this point. Nath tells Adrien his father needs to have a word with him, turning on the tablet to reveal Kim, who tells him, “Son. I need to have a word with you”.
Zoe and Marc are best friends, and Ivan and Luka are best friends. I think (?) this may be canon, but they’ve never actually said it.
Ivan is The Realest to Luka, like in Crocoduel when everyone was planning to manipulate him, Ivan stuck up for him. Also Luka explicitly hates liars and Ivan is physically unable to tell a lie. They make each other playlists and write lyrics together. The two of them have one of those Spotify Blends separate from the four-person Kitty Section one.
I feel like Zoe and Marc are a year below Marinette’s class, like they just give off younger sibling energy. As classmates, they spend more time with each other than with the rest of the group. In Gabriel Agreste, when Zoe manipulates Jean-Biblespoilers, she calls Marc afterwards instead of Marinette or Mylene or anyone else. They are wlw mlm solidarity. Ms. Mendeleev brings up a partner project and they look at each other like that Nicki Minaj Only meme with the Veggietales characters. They talk shit in really fast and informal English so that their classmates don’t understand them.
Rose’s sandals have a pink circle on the sole that isn’t positioned in a way for it to be the anchor between the sole and the rest of the sandal. It reminds me of this old Sketcher’s line called Bella Ballerina where the shoes had a round, spinning piece that you could balance and twirl on. Since Pigella’s design is inspired by ballet, I hc that Rose’s shoes also have that spinning piece.
Alix spreads historical misinformation to Jalil, who eats it right up, because it’s hilarious. Just trust me bro, I’m Bunnyx.
On the other hand, Jalil being like Ronaldo from Steven Universe by making absolutely insane conspiracy theories that happen to be 100% correct, and Alix is like shitshitshit how does he know??? Do I need to cover this up???
Kim is a great ally, and maybe even questioning, but he’s so confused all the time
Juleka tells him she’s a lesbian. Now she’s obviously French, but he’s pretty sure her mom is Scottish, and Jagged is a native English speaker. Is there some secret little island nation in the UK called Lesbia that he’s never heard of before?
Max: whoa, Nath, you’re ambidextrous? I didn’t know that! Kim: uh, dude? What rock have you been living under? He’s been with Marc for like five months
Zoe: don’t you think that girl over there looks a little, y’know, *limp wrist* Kim: you’re stereotyping someone based on their appearance and judging them? Wtf, I didn’t expect this from you. Zoe: uh, what? I’m wondering if I should ask for her number.
While Alix is gone, the kids fill in her place by putting her hat on and pretending to be her. What would Alix say if she were here? They try to copy her mannerisms while wearing it.
Y’know that one post I made about the true power of the rooster miraculous being that the holder can do anything they and the people around them believe they can do? Hence the concept of “pretension” as in pretending to be something you’re not, and the power of “sublimation” as in impressing people as well as turning something solid into vapor, like how the power is solid as long as people believe it but turns to vapor if they don’t. Yeah, that.
I feel like all the kids were Warrior Cats role players or the like at some point in their lives, even the “cool” ones, and some of them probably still are
I also feel like all of them would be good at grilling. I think every single one of them would be capable of making a great steak if they put their mind to it
All the Ace Attorney-like full name puns among the major cast are intentional in-universe:
“Anarka Couffaine” isn’t her given name; it’s a rock star stage name she came up with (Anarka=anarchy, acouphènes=tinnitus), but she changed it legally. When she had the twins, she gave them names that end with A to keep the acouphènes pun.
The Lavillants have that last name by coincidence, but when they had Rose, they intentionally chose the name Lavillant, Rose (la vie en rose, life in pink) to wish her a happy, ideal life
Mr. Anciel is an immigrant, and changed his name to be more westernized and easy to pronounce by French speakers similarly to Sabine. I’m thinking his given name had “Sun” in it and he was like, y’know what’d be so funny… which is how Marc Anciel (arc en ciel=rainbow) and any potential sibling(s) ended up being named after things “in the sky”.
I’m not applying this to Kim Ature ‘cause that’s not his canon name even though apparently one of his dads is Mr. Ature
Subcategory for family headcanons, but some of them are sad :(
Mylene has a mom who is black. She and Fred are happily married, but she’s usually pretty busy with work, so they mostly see her at home.
Rose has a bio mom and dad who love her very much, but they can be a little overbearing due to her illness and have trouble seeing her as not a little kid anymore. They don’t really get all that punk rock stuff she likes, but huh as long as she’s happy.
Alix had a mom, but she died a couple years before Origins. Jalil took after her while Alix took after their dad. Alix didn’t take it very well for a long time, but she’s better by the time this school year started.
Max’s dad died when he was very young, so he was pretty much raised by Claudie
Nino and Chris’s parents are divorced. It happened after Nino’s older brother died. (How much of this is canon? The Lahiffe lore is such a middle-of-the-iceberg thing, but apparently they’ve been putting off writing it into the show since season 2? Like can they please just explain it?)
The Cesaires have basically adopted Nino anyway
Nino used to bully tf out of Chris, but now he has to take on a more responsible role as an older brother, so he acts more mature.
If Kim’s last name is Le Chien, but he has two dads, Mr. Le Chien and Mr. Ature, does that imply that they’re divorced and Mr. Le Chien has custody? Maybe Kim is Mr. Le Chien’s biological kid from a previous relationship, perhaps with someone named Nguyen, and Mr. Ature is a stepdad? Sure, hc that they’re fiancés, and Kim accepts his soon-to-be stepfather as a dad.
In which case, hc that Kim is fully Vietnamese, but the stepdad is French
Nath’s family isn’t very cash money :(
Ivan has a pretty large family compared to everyone else. Lots of siblings and close extended family.
Sabrina’s family is Irish. Tbh this isn’t inspired by her being ginger so much as her miraculous being based off a piece of Celtic jewelry which I only learned after the official website made me Google what a torc is.
Is Marc the only major POC character who doesn’t have a canon ethnicity? I think he is… someone with a Twitter ask Astruc about this for me. I saw people hc him as Latino which is very valid, but I always assumed he was Asian. Hc that his mom is Chinese and his dad is Korean. Until canon proves or disproves me, I hc that the Sandboy kid is his brother.
I love the semi-popular hc that Marc and Marinette are cousins. I will hold on to it until canon proves it right or wrong, although if it’s true then I feel like they would’ve said so already. In this case, Shu Yin would be Marc’s mom. Since she lives in London and he lives in Paris, she and the dad would be divorced. Considering how the DPCs talk about her,,, it’d be no wonder. It happened recently, and Marc only moved to Paris from London in late season 2, which is why Marinette was already friends with him and checking in on him despite him appearing out of nowhere.
Marinette growing up hearing “you should be more like Marc. He’s so organized and dedicated” while Marc’s hearing “you should be more like Marinette. She’s so outgoing and ambitious” and they’re both like shut uppp
When they played pretend as little kids, the plot lines were always so complex. And each time they saw each other, they picked up from where they left off
The same way Roland is shown to be bigoted by having him be uncomfortable with everything that’s not super outdated, Shu Yin is shown to be bigoted by simply hating everything that inspires love and sparks joy
I need to meet canon Shu Yin at some point
Subcategory for the kids interacting with their kwamis after they become permanent holders. The pronouns I used for the kwamis aren’t my headcanons so much as me dealing with the “canon” ones being different across every dub.
Sometimes Kim forgets that Xuppu exists which allows him to get up to trouble on his own. Kim uses only the worst lies and most incomprehensible bs to explain the mischief Xuppu caused, but his dads are like eh, just Kim being Kim *shrug*. Kim is proud of himself for being so smooth about it but nobody has any clue what he just said.
Kim gets Xuppu going about something and then uses his rambling as background noise to help him concentrate better
Roarr annoys Sass for sport
Roarr is a big fan of the music Anarka tends to blast at an unhealthy volume on the Liberty. Juleka makes him playlists of songs she thinks he’d like, partially because sitting down and listening to them through an earbud prevents him from bouncing off the walls 24/7.
Sass low-key hates it here, but he has saintly patience and loves Luka, so he acts like he’s having a great time around him. Anarka’s immature behavior ticks him off sometimes, but he’d never tell him that.
Sass getting Luka to focus on things that benefit him instead of putting other people first all the time
Max builds Markov an update that allows him to actually see and talk to Kaalki. Maybe with the help of some magic alien technology sent over by Olympia and Aeon as a favor between superheroes.
Kaalki has a hard time believing that researchers and inventors can be glorious and famous until Max catches her up on the exponential growth of technology during the last ~200 years she spent inactive. Sure, Kaalki’s seen phones and computers, appliances, cars and planes, all that since becoming active again, but she never stopped to think about the humans who made all this stuff possible.
Kaalki having a “yassify Max” agenda vs Max trying to explain what light/dark academia is and that the vintage look is very much on purpose. Also Kaalki being the devil on Max’s shoulder trying to convince him to make more bad decisions, and he’s like that’s okay, Kaalki.
He gets on her case for backseat gaming too much, so she tries to only cheer him on when he plays, but with her prim and proper way of speaking it sounds absolutely hilarious. “Desecrate him, love! Yes! Absolutely fantastic execution!” It gets worse when she starts picking up on gamer lingo.
Daizzi tells Rose that they miss the little hats Ladybug would make them and Rose is like don’t worry I got you and pulls out her craft supplies
They have little tea parties together
Mullo bugs Mylene because they think it’s hilarious, and at first they get to her, but then she grows a tolerance to the pranks and jokes, and eventually starts to get revenge. Mullo will change Mylene’s phone alarm to horror monster heavy breathing audio and Mylene will just pull an air horn out from under her pillow and set it off in Mullo’s face.
She sprays water at them with a spray bottle like a naughty cat when they’re up to no good.
Orikko has very sophisticated tastes. When Marc asks what to feed him, he asks for caviar toast followed by truffle bouillon with a main course of wagyu steak and a gold leaf-covered pastry for dessert. Marc’s like yeah no give me something I can buy with the comic book money. Popcorn? Sunflower seeds? He’ll get a boxed sandwich from Carrefour, plate a tiny piece of it like it’s from a Michelin rated restaurant, and lie.
If Orikko could’ve chosen any holder he’d have gone with Adrien
On day one, Nath gives Ziggy some kiddy paints and construction paper while he’s working on the comic, and she dips her little hooves in it and starts finger-painting a picture that looks like something a little kid would make. When she’s done she’s like, “hey, look! I made a picture of you!” :) And Nath’s like aww that’s so cute :) Later, she tells him she’s been trying to catch up with all the contemporary and modern art movements she missed. She’s more comfortable with renaissance art. Anyways, here’s an indistinguishable study of a Rembrandt painting she made.
Nath regrets teaching Ziggy how to use his computer. She learns quickly and somehow gets into every piece of media with a reputation of being cringe. Nath is jumpscared awake by Ziggy playing FNAF in the middle of the night, and when he tells her to turn that off, she shows him her Michael Afton fan art where she made him way more attractive than he likely is in canon. He opens Spotify Daily Mix 1 expecting the usual ten-minute-long songs that are at least 30 years old, but his algorithm has been invaded by hyperpop. He opens his art program to find that Ziggy made a whole Baroque style painting on a single layer. He notices his Minecraft playtime has risen an inhuman amount, and after spending forever loading the server, finds a ridiculously detailed replica of Versailles. He opens his notebook and finds doodles of Among Us crewmates. She sleeps on an amoung pequeño plushie.
Sabrina and Barrk watch corny reality TV together and Discuss. They sit on the couch with a bag of peanut butter chips and comment on everything that happens. “I can’t believe that arrogant jerk got the last rose instead of that really sweet guy. Did you hear what he was saying behind The Bachelorette’s back?” “Why did they send home the only drag queen who actually did something super original while some of the other ones barely even followed the prompt? The judges are so biased.” They talk back and forth really fast, too.
Ivan gets Stompp to critique his poetry. They don’t know much about this stuff, but when they have an opinion, they tell it how it is.
Sometimes Stompp suggest taking a bit of a Machiavellian approach to Ivan’s problems and Ivan’s like, dude it is NOT that serious.
Nino and Wayzz have opposite tastes in everything. Wayzz likes green tea while Nino thinks it’s too earthy and prefers energy drinks that practically turn your piss into acid, to Wayzz’s horror. Wayzz likes minimalist decoration, neutral colors, and natural sunlight, but Nino’s room is full of neon colors, a million posters, and LED strip lights. Nino likes EDM, but Wayzz can’t see the appeal and prefers relaxing instrumental music, which bores Nino. They don’t look down on each other for liking different stuff, but it’s hard to live so close together and be so different.
They discover that they both like lo-fi and chillhop music. Nino empties out one of his larger desk drawers and converts it into a personal space for Wayzz, who is independent and values privacy. He decorates it the way Wayzz likes and threads some lantern string lights in there.
Here’s a pound it for reading the whole thing! You deserve it, whew!
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void-writing · 2 months
Okay I’m back on my Mummies nonsense and I’m thinking about the untapped potential of Amanda Carnovan and wanting to bite something.
Like, I get that this is a late 90s Y7 show so of course the normal adults aren’t necessarily going to be involved very much given who the target audience is but we could have had SUCH FUN DYNAMICS between Amanda—technically mother of the pharaoh and also a certified Egypt nerd—and the Mummies. The Mummies, who would be an ancient civilization researcher’s WET DREAM because they’d be the ULTIMATE primary sources to their era of ancient Egyptian history. I may be projecting a bit, but having people who LIVED IN a civilization three thousand years ago AND who would be able to verbally talk about their experiences (biases and all) would be so cool.
Plus, I think Amanda and the Mummies would have gotten along so well. Like, they canonically respect her despite never really interacting with her purely on account of what Presley says about her.
I can see Amanda talking parenting and leadership with Ja-Kal and them confiding their doubts and hardships to each other that they wouldn’t talk about with anyone else. Like, for example, Amanda is a single mother working a full time job, and Ja-Kal struggled with balancing his responsibilities as the prince's guard with his duties as a father and husband. I think both of them would have a lot to talk about regarding work-life balance. Plus, Ja-Kal in the show was edging very close to "dad who stepped up" territory. I'm not saying that Ja-Kal and Amanda would get a romantic subplot (Amanda doesn't seem to be interested in looking for a boyfriend and Ja-Kal isn't either) but I feel like they'd become platonic co-parents in the right circumstances.
I can see Amanda just absorbing every historical and arcane lesson Rath gives and chiming in with her own knowledge. They’d butt heads and argue over specific facts for hours, both being entirely too stubborn at times to give the other an inch, but at the end of it all they’d do it again because they’re both nerds and love the pain of their research.
I can see Amanda and Nefer-Tina becoming gal pals, maybe at first being friends solely because they’re the only women in the group but ultimately enjoying each other’s company; Amanda affirming that Nefer-Tina isn’t wrong for being fascinated by modern advances while Nefer-Tina gets Amanda to break out of her shell a bit by dragging her along to experience the modern world with her (I can see circumstances conspiring to get them stealing a car together and I think I’m right about it).
I can see Amanda and Armon bonding over cooking and exchanging recipes from their respective cultures, even if they may have to substitute a few key ingredients for Armon’s recipes (I doubt Amanda would be able to get her hands on hippo steak, sadly).
Plus! I also want to see Amanda’s reaction to hearing that 1) her baby boy is the reincarnation of a murdered Egyptian prince from three thousand years ago (and one she made a full exhibit about and probably rambled to Presley about for months), and 2) the man who killed him the first time is still around in present day trying to not only do that AGAIN, but use her son’s soul to attain immortality for generally nefarious purposes.
What I’m saying is I wish we could have seen Amanda’s reaction to the Mummy Nonsense because she would have been a WELL of interesting character interactions and also likely caused Scarab headaches personally by beating him up for trying to repeatedly murder her son.
And don’t even get me STARTED on Walter! He was presented to the audience as Presley’s best friend but we hardly see him at all! We could have had Walter as the best friend sidekick! The non-chosen character stuck in the chosen’s orbit! He could have been a Toby Domzalsky or a Connie Maheswaran before those characters even EXISTED! We could have had Walter struggling with pressure from the Mummies to be as dogged and dedicated in his defense of Presley as they are because they see Walter as Presley’s last line of defense, someone who can protect Presley where they can't. After all, the Mummies can’t follow Presley into school and have to be careful about going out in public on account of their whole undead situation. It could be really interesting to see Walter get continuously pressured by these adults who literally died in the line of duty to follow in their footsteps, even if it meant meeting the same fate as them. It would have been interesting to see the Mummies be struck with the realization that they made themselves forget that Walter is a kid too and someone very dear to Presley, and that they were wrong to try and pressure him into becoming a warrior like them. It would have been interesting to see them try to atone for the way they treated Walter as another soldier for their cause. It would have been interesting to see how Walter buckled under the pressure the Mummies heaped on him and even more so if Scarab tried to exploit it because in his darkest moment, Walter would have just wanted all of this Mummy Nonsense to STOP and for everything to go back to how it was before (even though that’s impossible) and almost costing Presley his life because of it.
And Elaine! How cool would it have been if she didn’t have her memories conveniently wiped and she just elbowed her way into the Mummies’ and Presley’s crazy world of gods and monsters out of rabid interest in getting the truth, even if she has to learn a lesson about how not all truths are created equal and sometimes lies and secrets are made and kept to protect the innocent! We could have had an episode where Elaine gathered proof of the Mummies and Presley’s involvement with them and was SECONDS away from publishing before she’s confronted with the reality that Presley keeps his involvement with the Mummies under wraps (ba dum tss) because the anonymity surrounding his modern identity is the only thing keeping an immortality obsessed madman from turning up on his doorstep or in his class to LITERALLY KILL HIM AND EAT HIS SOUL. We could have had her be the reason Scarab learns Presley’s modern identity and her having to atone for putting him in MORE danger.
Ugh. There's just so much wasted potential and it makes me sad.
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growling · 3 months
you know i do not think about whether i may or may not be somewhere on the aro spectrum or whatever that often, partially because it's significantly harder to look for something that isn't there as opposed to "would you fuck the male human specimen (yes/no/depends)" do you get what I mean did I say something. But also can somebody explain what the fuck does "romantic attraction" entail. I swear everybody has a different definition. It's like. Where do I even start like I think I would want a relationship or something that'd be poggers can you give me like 2 girlfriends I can keep in my house and let them run around freely and do stuff but like the only requirements would be that you're a close friend beforehand. Like where does the line between friend and partner start aside from like just what I call you. Growing up I always thought romance is just the Advanced Friendship + Fornication permit ig but obviously that's wrong since people frequently marry people they fucking hate and would never hang out willingly unless they were sucking and fucking or discussing who owes eachother more money. Actually hold on how is friendship different from romance exactly can you explain like I'm 5. Describe romantic feeling and how exactly is it different from platonic. How the fuck is a crush/infatuation different from just really liking somebody/their attention and being fixated on them in a pal kinda way like I don't think I'm "in love" with anyone I've ever . Nevermind actually. People say "friends cannot have sex that's immoral and perverse ONLY touch your current one (1) true love or else you're blurring the line between friendship and romance thus leading them or whatever the fuck" and I do NOT get it <3 I would in fact prefer to ONLY fuck my friends (because I actually would know them. lmao) if they're also cool with it as a beloved and cherished bestie bonding activity, for fun, or perhaps even competitively. Recently I fucking realized (took literal ages) that when people say they have a "crush"/are "in love" with a celebrity they never met in their entire life they don't mean they admire them, think they're beautiful or engaging in a bit, they mean they are literally straight up romantically attracted in-love with them what the hell. The information you don't even need to KNOW somebody to want a romantic relationship with them (and I'm not talking sexual I mean just purely romantic. I could mayybe get the sexual one but personally I'd never do that with a tv man. or is that hypocritical of me) fucking changes everything because then that means it's entirely separate from friendship in that you don't have to get to know the guy even I grrrhgghgrrrhhh. I'm literally shaking, Jesse what the fuck are you talking about what do you MEAN what does ANY of this mean. Are you lying to me is everyone just doing this for shits and giggles what the fuck. I wasn't so ffucking feeling strongly about this subject when I started typing this out but now I DEMAND an explanation maybe perhaps a powerpoint presentation up until I deduce what does it mean to be romantically attracted to something I won't be able to debate on whether or not I'm capable of it. Anybody want to count every instance of "romantic" I typed out in this wall of text sorry there is not another word . Damn
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Abigail falling in love headcanons?
Abgail Falling in Love with the Farmer Headcanons
Thank you for the request! I've never been as close to Abigail (I usually only get two years into my saves before giving up lol), so sorry if she's a little OOC. I tried my best, though.
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Abigail always had an interest in you. Having lives in Pelican Town her whole life, it's no surprise she was super excited to hear a new person moving into that old farm. She spends a lot of time speculating about you and has made it her goal to be your new best friend (also it was a bet she made between her and Sam).
Of course, she is a little upset. She loved exploring the old farm alone (or occasionally with Sebastian) looking for fun critters and creatures. She's of course worried you're going to turn the place into a big corporate sellout, too. She's seen her fair share of Joja employees, and all of them (except Sam) really suck.
When you arrive though, she's relieved. Seeing you in those old overalls (or clothing completely unsuited to farming) has her knowing you can't be like the rest of them. She really wants to talk to you, but since she's Abigail she kind of stands awkwardly to the side and waits for you to approach her.
But once you do approach her, she's all over you. She takes you around town and introduces you to anyone you haven't met yet. To be honest, she's trying to get some information out of you about who you are. She trusts you, but she's Abigail, alright?
She finds herself hanging out with you more. And more. And more. And eventually she's barely even with her friends anymore. She, being pretty dense, has zero clue she's doing that. Sebastian is the first to get really annoyed about it, but he forces Sam to do the talking. Her reaction is a little like the clueless stare of the TBH creature.
However, it's after that talk that she has that 'oh no' moment. She never planned on having a crush on you. What she was looking forward to was a fun, friendly, platonic-filled buddy-buddy relationship that involved playing games and graffitiing the passing trains. Not THIS!
I imagine her to be just a tiny bit possessive. And by that, I mean I couldn't think of a better word for 'tries to hang out with you as much as possible to the point that all her friends are pissed.' That, while still trying to keep her cool girl look. Spoiler: she's not all too good at it.
It's pretty obvious she has a thing for you, but since everyone in that town is so damn dense the only person outside of the ASS Squad to notice is Gus. Gus - my buddy, my pal - is the only person to put two and two together and know that something's up. He doesn't do much about it, but once did ask Abigail to come to the saloon before opening (under the excuse of doing a few odd jobs) and gave her some advice. That advice was to
Calm down
Back off
Talk to you!
Abigail tried to follow this advice, and it went as follows:
"Hey, Y/N! I was wondering if you wanted to hang out later today - or tomorrow! Anything's good. It's embarrassing, but I still need help with that level [of the game]."
To summarise, nothing really changes! Of course, she's still trying to hang out with you as much as she can, but it was really like that from the start. Well, okay, maybe it is a bit obvious, but to the townspeople it's not. All they can assume is that Abigail's just going wild over a new friend.
Once again, I don't know how to write Abigail. On my list of characters I am good at writing for she's right down on the bottom. That's not to say I hate writing for her (practice is good!), I'm just rusty. I hope these HCs represent her well enough. If you'd like me to write her differently in a request, just let me know! Remember to eat well, get sleep, and stay hydrated.
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cosmichoneibeee · 2 years
jayme x reader with golden retriever personality plss
A/N: Hey anon, hope you like it. I was not sure if you wanted platonic or romantic, so I made quite neutral. Hope you like it ♡
Masterlist [I’m still taking requests]
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-✩;; How your relationship exists is a mystery, it's quite possible that none of you know either -✩;; At first she found you extremely annoying for always being happy and being so naive and maybe…she used her powers to push you away -✩;; It didn't work tho. -✩;; You kept following her like a puppy following its mother -✩;; What she remembers well, however, is that her life became happier after your arrival. You are the sunshine in her dark, miserable life -✩;; She may call you dumb, complain about how clumsy and inobservant and insistent you are, but you both know that she does it for love. If anyone besides her thinks they have the right to say those things to you, their fate is sealed. -✩;; You know the meme “sunshine and sunshine protector”? it's you two -✩;; She will fight the person who upset you until they ask for mercy -✩;; You're the only good thing Jayme had in a long time, she wants to keep you well away from all Sparrow-related problems, including her stupid brothers. -✩;; Alphonso is the only one who knows about you because he is her best friend, and he adores you -✩;; He is also your "sunshine protector" now -✩;; Seeing you two getting along warms her heart. It's her two favorite people being pals, it's like a dream! -✩;; It's already a routine for the three of you to get together and spend all night watching movies, eating pizza and drinking beer - which was totally not stolen -✩;; Speaking of robberies, you'll never know about them because Jayme doesn't want you to get upset about it, or try to participate in one, because she won't let you. -✩;; She's very observant, noticing the little things that catch your eye in the stores you visit together - they're usually pretty random, but cute -, she usually steals for you, as it's not too hard to hide and seeing your happy face with the gifts is well worth it. -✩;; She will often call you 'pup' and 'miss sunshine' -✩;; She'll pretend she doesn't like your hugs and kisses, claiming you're too clingy…but she melts inside every time she gets any affection from you -✩;; Jayme will never admit it, but she does care about your well being. You are a little clumsy, quite inattentive, accidental injuries are more frequent than she would like and seeing you sad makes her sad too -✩;; And there's still the paranoia and pessimism of some enemy of the sparrows finding about you and doing things to you to fragilize the superheroes -✩;; But every time she feels this anguish in her chest, she looks to her side, watching you sleeping and cuddling peacefully and all worries disappear, leaving only the two of you living a peaceful life side by side
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Thespian's Masterpost!
hi! Thought I should make this since it's pretty essential to most blogs.
I'm Thespian, although I go by Mirika on other parts of the internet. I'm an Ao3 author, writing for Genshin Impact, and occasionally dabbles in crossovers with other fandoms with my friend Zhelday there. I live in Australia, so if I take a few hours longer than usual to respond, that'll be why. If I complain about the god-awful heat in December, that's also why.
On here I post about three things: Fandoms, Writing, and occasionally Personal. Okay I used to try and mark my posts with specialised tags but uh I've realised that I cannot remember for the life of me to do that so... sorry. A note, some of my writing posts will include mentions of whump, therefore including subjects of torture, manipulation, and overall pain. If I do talk about my original story, there will also be mentions of dysphoria.
I'm an aspiring Voice Actor and also have a YouTube channel where I make edits! It's quite dry now but I'll have MVs and other things on there later- I'm currently working on a few different videos.
posts I'm pinning for both you guys and my personal reference:
My ongoing conversation with an Ao3 author
Alternate ideas to catboy AUs
Albedo AU I don't have the time for but would love to see if someone else would like to
Side dialogue from my life
My fandoms:
Genshin Impact (my main and what I talk about most!)
Sanders Sides
Splatoon, its manga included
The Amazing Digital Circus (although you won't see much of this until closer to release.)
Symbiosis/Silver Thread (thanks to my good friend @monards)
Hazbin Hotel
Death Palette (if anyone ever wants to hear me)
Cookie Run Kingdom (though I haven't played in a while)
Ghost and Pals/Qualia Automata
Monster High
Ever After High
The first three Skylanders games
I dabble in Tintin and Star Wars thanks to Zhelday so if I mention Zhel I'll be mentioning them too
My Romantic Ships
Albaether- Albedo/Aether, Genshin Impact
Rhinealice- Rhinedottir/Alice, Genshin Impact
Sucredo- Sucrose/Nigredo (Subject Two), Genshin Impact
Albeula- Albedo/Eula, Genshin Impact (not as much as Albaether but I like the dynamic)
Albemona- Albedo/Mona, Genshin Impact (same as above, I just don't mind the dynamic)
Agent 96- Captain 3/Agent 4/Agent 8, Splatoon
Dove/Magnolia, Symbiosis
Alice/White Lily, Silver Thread
Luminoelle- Lumine/Noelle, Genshin Impact
Lumiya- Lumine/Yoimiya, Genshin Impact
Lumina- Lumine/Furina, Genshin Impact
Kazutomozou- Kazuha/Tomo/Heizou, Genshin Impact
Esclair- Espresso/Eclair, Cookie Run Kingdom (sue me it's cute and has the same dynamic as Albether)
Loceit- Logan/Janus, Sanders Sides
Tintin/Chang, Tintin
Gloves/Half-Rim, Splatoon (I genuinely don't know if this is a thing but the concept draws me)
Charon & Norman, Ghost and Pals
Chris. P/Maika (whatever the girl from Happy Days' name is.), Ghost and Pals
I do ship more, but these are the main ones that I'll write and talk about!!
My Platonic Ships (Family Dynamics mostly)
Alicia & Beaford- Silver Thread
Magnolia & Mint- Symbiosis
Aether & Lumine- Genshin Impact
Matsuro and the Painter- Death Palette
Albedo & Klee- Genshin Impact
Agents 3, 4, 8 & New 3- Splatoon
JENA & Moony- ENA
Jax & Gangle & Kinger- TADC
Callie & Marie- Splatoon
Tamari & Mariyam- Qualia Automata
Arc & Say- Ghost and Pals
there are probably more but I can't remember them rn (æ)
Things you Don't Talk About Around Me
Disney (I have no respect after they ripped off Ever After High and killed it)
Politics (sue me but its boring and I'm not here for reality)
AI (just. No. I'm a writer.)
Not really sure what else to add- I am a minor, so please be careful how you treat me. I will not tolerate disrespect or just general bad treatment. That also means you can't commission me for stories or oneshots just yet, but if you do put in an ask that gives me inspiration you will get yourself a oneshot. I just can't be paid yet.
I do sometimes write fanfics on this site, but not often as I'm not good at tagging them and I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable.
The ask box is open, please come in and talk if you like!
Thank you for getting this far, sorry for the lack of graphics, and have fun!
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lettherebemonsters · 9 months
Your love and dedication to make both canon characters and original characters with so many details, love and lots of stories and extras is such an amazing experience. You're really inspiring! Also to know that every interaction with you as a writer is very pleasant and not pressured at all, just here to have fun and write. I just feel grateful to be a mutual of yours!
I love your dedication to your slasher muses :) you do so good with bringing them to life..
I AM NOT ONLY SLIDING IN, BUT I AM WIPING OUT FURNITURE IN THE PROCESS. Spooky, my clown sibling in crime, I ADORE seeing you on the Dash and all of the conversations we've had together! Your approach to Ken as a character takes a previous one note, and frankly pretty underdeveloped idea of a character (I'm sorry the devs haven't given him enough exploration, I wish the tomes covered more than they did!) AND MADE HIM INTO THIS WHOLE PERSON WHO IS UNDERSTANDABLE-
But not forgivable! You've made Ken into this character who I can really understand the cause and effect for, who I can feel empathy and pity and shame for! ISTG you've main me a clown main fr /lh. ALSO LIKE, the plotting we've done and the relationship we've built up between him and Sally just goes to further show how far and how much you can write and adapt and make so engaging! I live for it! AND THAT'S NOT TALKING ABOUT YOUR ORIGINAL STUFF
I will just come out and say it! Ringmaster is one of the best, most compelling and frankly awesome original monster characters I have seen in far, far too long! Someone here explained it better but they harken to the best parts of classic Universal monsters and I could listen to you info dump about them for hours without getting bored!! You're just such an engaging story teller and such a sweet mun and I'm so glad I get to call you my pal!
Best friend! My darling! My platonic soulmate! You’re amazing. You’re so creative, both with your OCs and the headcanons you write for your canon muses. You’re so talented. Both in writing and drawing. You’re amazing and fun to talk to. I adore you! I’m so glad we found each other here.
I love your monster designs! I love all the little details that tie back into their story. Your idea are always super interesting to read and I love how they always feel classic universal monster at times. It's really fun.
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(*aggressive excited clown honks*)
I've been holding onto this post JUST so I can react to all the feedback and I just????? Love you guys so much.
And I love how everyone caught the influence of the Universal Monsters on my muses. I'm a huge fan of the classics and many of my characters are straight up based on Mr. Hyde (yes I know he's Paramount but shush he still counts meh), Frankenstein (don't even start with me on the bullshit about Frankenstein being just the doctor) and the Wolfman (doggo!)
So obviously the influence is DEEP and I love using them along with literary monsters, games, etc. Like sometimes I love mixing slashers with universal monsters lol.
Honestly y'all rock and here's me sending you interact XO's!
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phosphorus-noodles · 4 months
a shipping ask game u say. well i say jizzie and joli
i DO ship both of these i basically invented one of them /hj
What made you ship it?
ok so funny story-
my first interaction with knowing joel was 3rd life, but it was only bc my friend and i were obsessed with flower husbands at the time and when it switched over to empires we put him in the role of couples therapist solely for the reason that he was the only other person that was on both servers and would know them. but we also made him romance-repulsed aroace bc hehe funny aroace couples therapist
... and then i realized that his Real Life Wife was also in the server and i didn't have the heart to make her crush unrequited so i went "... guess he has feelings for people then :( ... but also he's so bisexual-"
What are your favorite things about the ship?
gosh,,, they're just so married, innit? bi4bi, t4t, they really do it all <3
also they're both just. absolutely insane. like they're both so bloodthirsty but they're also so goofy and in love together and joel gets so flustered around his wife sometimes and it's so funny ?? truly girlboss x cringefail and i love that for them
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
hmm... they're better than gem/pearl /j (but also GO VOTE JIZZIE!!!)
What made you ship it?
... you REALLY don't wanna know /lh
(it was a crack-ship-turned-serious situation and goodness it really is serious now huh,)
What are your favorite things about the ship?
for one thing- i ship them both platonically and romantically! they're soulmates /r but they're also soulmates in the sense that they're british pals connected by strings of fate yk
they're so silly to watch together on streams and whatnot bc their banter is so funny but they also say deranged things like THIS (???!?) but you can also tell that man,,,, they're such buddies :] you can just tell how close they are yk
and then there's the au i write my fics/usually post about and MAN... GOSH I LOVE THEM I'M INSANE ABOUT THEM,
they're the embodiment of strangers/enemies -> friends -> BEST friends -> lovers (alternatively: soulbounds (political allies) to soulmates (platonic/romantic lovers)) and it's like my favorite trope now. they're also so bi4pan and i love that. they love each other so so much and they're goofy and they're magical and i can't even. like. put my thoughts into words because i just care about them too much to even express it,,,,
(but they're such a niche thing that i can say that about other ships and people will be like "I GET YOU !!" but i say it about them and people are like "?? lol what who?" /silly)
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
they should REALLY be more popular in my humble opinion... i've encountered maybe like... two? three?? people in the wild that also ship it that i didn't already know when i "came up" with it-
also like... i wanna read fics about them but the ao3 tag is atrocious right now tbh- as i'm writing this AO3 WON'T COME UP but last i checked i think there were maaaybe 7?? fics in the (romantic) joel/oli tag and one was mine, one was written to me lol, at least one was nsfw, and one had it tagged but it wasn't really mentioned in any way, so- gosh it just makes me sad. i can't read about my boys :(
(Edit: there are six fics. One is mine, one was written to me, one was tagged for reach ??, and the other three are nsfw. I am the ruler of a desolate kingdom 😔)
like c'mon. look me in the eye and tell me that oliver "that's really passionate, king" sound and joel "lizzie has left the room now, the sexual tension has appeared" smallishbeans wouldn't kiss ?? 🤨
man... i love these fellas. i will talk about them anytime. ty aerie <3
(Ask game here!)
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corvicarum · 6 months
@paramythas asked: gimme the ship bias for La Creatura (wuya), kayn and che'nya-
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technically already answered here. but. some others id like to explore:
ortho ( besties,, lil pranking pals )
jade ( platonic )
malleus ( platonic )
rook ( buggs bunny & elmer fudd fr )
jamil ( one sided crush lets go )
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not a ton. im rlly... rlly picky with kayn actually.
gwen/kayn: oh... oh mythe you already know. you've got me rlly in deep on these two okay. i love the aesthetic, i love the dynamic. especially what we have going right now for hearsteel. i definitely wanna dive into main canon at some point too, because i do think kayn would enjoy her personality a lot? idk, people tend to overlook gwen a lot or misunderstand her as a goody feelsy doll. girl legit runs around with a pair of giant scissors and jokes about cutting people into bits. like?
yone/kayn: this isn't even related to heartsteel tbh. i havent dove a TON into yone's lore but i do like the feeling of the pairing. i think kayn just pairs best with characters who are as ruthless as he is. i like them in their heartsteel au too though...
zoe/kayn: if i see anyone shipping these two romantically im going to strangle someone seriously. but these two as friends? oh my GOD fuck me UP! zoe is just a goofy, cosmic little kid- she's deeply terrifying sure, but! i think she could take the edge off for kayn a bit. plus her being the new aspect of twilight? hello?? theres way more chemistry with them as besties- and even found family. you know, instead of shipping kayn romantically with a fucking child. LOL.
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chenya is kinda hard to ship with ngl. he's too carefree, too loosy goosy, and really is just out here doin whatever he wants.
idia/chenya: listen. come on. this is... this is a no brainer. seriously though i do love the potential here, and not just because he's a cat. chenya, at least how i write him anyway- is so whimsical and quirky. he isn't necessarily extroverted, but he isn't a big introvert either. like, he is genuinely a cat through and through. not a beast man, not a fae-- something else. i love the idea of idia having sb who doesn't push him to go way outside his comfort zone-- but wont let him just shut himself off from the rest of the world for too long. dunno. at least with my take on him, this one is a fave.
riddle/chenya: so i could really see these two going p much any direction. i love the two of them just... interacting, regardless of the relationship. chenya has known riddle since they were kids. and a bit like trey, i like to think he knows how to push riddle without him blowing up. there is also the added factor that chenya definitely knows at least in some way, what riddle's home life is like. it's the sort of thing that would make their potential bond that much better. i could rlly go in depth on it but then i'd be here making an entire meta on it lmao.
jade/chenya: funny enough. i think jade and chenya might click really well in long term, more than you'd expect. and yeah, i could see this developing from friends, to more given the appropriate amount of time. chenya would be sooo fascinated by how weird and how deeply fucked up jade actually is. and jade likewise would be really intrigued by chenya's strange and uncanny nature... good stuff.
others i've considered but not given a ton of thought to yet:
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