#but also cross calling out hunter as the leader
letshareapapou · 4 months
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Pages 1-5/?
(I added two more pages so I don't think I'll get it done for v-day but here's one new page that's themed)
Happy Valentine's Day! 💌
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bowandbrush · 3 months
ok, rottmnt AU idea that has been rotating in my brain (post movie)
(that I may or may not develop into something
Tigerclaw, a bounty hunter, is sent to capture Leo; the Ninja groups’ leader, to weaken the turtles and slowly eradicate them one by one after. While they cross paths, Tigerclaw isolates Leo, and it’s tense- Leo is still healing and tigerclaw is an expert at finding weak points. But Leo still expertly portals him to and fro until he slips and portal chops Tigerclaw’s tail. Now furious and out for revenge, He forgets his deal with the dealer (probably big mama) to not seriously harm Leo and slices Leo’s left arm off for the sake of avenging his tail.
also I need a line where Leo calls him Tony the Tiger or mentions warrior cats lol
edit: I ended up drawing it
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Let me ask for a crossover fic Nikke and GFL
Squad counters and Anti-Rain getting into a cat fight over a commander S/O
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(GFL/GoV: NIKKE) Anti-Rain and Squad Counters fighting over their Commanders
Also, the Commander won't be S/O since that'd be kinda hard to implement in this kind of scenario. Unless it was a harem, which I absolutely refuse. We have the serious ones, the catty ones, and the glue eaters for this team matchup.
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Squad Counters entered the room, noticing the squad from Griffin looking far more serious than them.
M4A1 examined the newcomers and nodded.
(M4A1) "So, you're the T-Dolls joining us for this operation?"
(Anis) "The hell is a T-Doll? We're Nikkes."
(ST AR-15) "Hm. It doesn't really matter in the end. Just don't fall behind."
On the other hand, SOPMOD excitedly jumped in front of her two sisters-in-arms, extending her hands.
(M4 SOPMOD II) "New friends! Let's shake hands!~"
Rapi leaned back in slight surprise, unused to SOPMOD's straightforwardness.
Neon however extended her own hand and shook SOPMOD's excitedly.
(Neon) "Hi, I'm Neon! Do you like big guns?"
(M4 SOPMOD II) "What kind of question is that, of course I do!"
(Rapi) ahem. "Rapi, Leader of Squad Counters. This is Anis and Neon."
Anis simply shrugged while Neon waved a friendly hand towards the team.
M4A1 crossed her arms.
(M4A1) "M4A1, leader of the Anti-Rain Team. ST AR-15, and M4 SOPMOD II."
(Anis) "Wow, you guys just name yourselves after the guns? Talk about lifeless-"
STAR frowned at Anis.
(ST AR-15) "They're code names. And who are you calling lifeless?"
(Anis) "I don't know, you were just calling us Dolls a second ago-"
A loud throat clearing from the center of the room caught both team's attention, everyone directing their sights towards the two humans in the room.
(Griffin Commander) "We're being sent to take care of some Sangvis Dolls that are reportedly running around the area with some unidentified at their side. Which, I presume to be yours."
(Counters Commander) "Yeah, the fact that the Raptures haven't taken over your forces or anyone else's is a miracle, honestly..."
(Rapi) "Commander-"
Both of the humans turned to Rapi, before looking at each other in slight confusion.
(Griffin Commander) "Oh, right."
(Counters Commander) ahem "Yes, Rapi?"
Rapi seemed slightly flustered before that expression vanished.
(Rapi) "If we take care of the Raptures, is it possible for us to return home?"
(Counters Commander) "That's the hope, but I have no idea if anything we did was the cause of it...Kind of reminds me of those devil hunters-"
(M4 SOPMOD II) "What, you guys hunted devils?!"
(Neon) "Yeah, we had some super cool people help us out too! One of them could turn into a chainsaw and-"
(M4 SOPMOD II) "WHAAAAAT?! Commander, I wanna go to their place-"
(Griffin Commander) "Absolutely not."
(Anis) "Psh yeah, you softies wouldn't last a day in there."
(Rapi) "Anis."
(ST AR-15) "That is quite the boast, coming from someone who'd get eviscerated by the most basic doll in our world due to lack of armor."
(Anis) "Hey, I'm just stating the obvious. Our commander could beat the crap outta yours."
(M4A1) "Do NOT talk about our Commander that way."
(Griffin Commander) "M4, STAR. Knock it off, both of you."
(Counters Commander) "You too, Anis. We all need to work together."
(Neon) "Well, I mean, Nikkes do sound cooler than T-Doll."
(M4 SOPMOD II) "Nuh uh! We sound cooler!"
Both commanders sighed loudly as the girls of their squad started arguing.
(Griffins Commander) "Sorry, my teams are not usually like this."
(Counters Commander) "I...wish I could say the same. Well, except for Rapi."
Both Neon and SOPMOD turned to the Commander expectantly.
(Griffin Commander) "...Well, I'm glad to see in whatever world, our squads will always be the same it seems."
(Counters Commander) "Is...that a good thing?"
(ST AR-15) "Our Commander has led several echelons to victory against improbable odds."
(Anis) "Our Commander is the improbable odds!"
M4A1 and Rapi looked at their commanders before glaring at each other silently.
(Griffin Commander) "I'm so glad M16 and RO aren't here today..."
(Counters Commander) "They would've made it worse, I assume?"
(Griffin Commander) "I'd say you'd have no idea, but I think you're the only one who could..."
Both Commanders stared at each other with a mixture of respect, and pity.
Only they knew the struggles of their daily lives, trying to herd an entire army of robotic cats around.
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Crosshair and Omega's dynamic
Spoilers for episode 4
Out of all of Omega's relationships with the Batch, I have to say my favorite is the one with Crosshair (and it's not because I'm biased towards him). Even though they only had like two full episodes to work off each other, they do it so well. It's peak sibling relationship. But why I think it works so well is because of how they work off each other. In my eyes, Omega and Cross see each other as equals or at least on similar levels. This is evident with how they guide each other when fleeing from the Empire. There's no clear leader between them, the pair listen to each other depending on the situation.
Crosshair's skills are basically fighting and playing lookout. Both are very handy to have. Whenever a fight breaks out, Omega lets Crosshair take the lead and he works to protect her and himself. That's not to say Omega can't hold her own, but when the going gets tough, the tough get going (credit Lion King 2 for that cheesy line). Cross also takes a natural protective stance around her. While she does the technical stuff, he keeps watch. He might say it isn't part of his skill set, but believe me, it is.
Then, we have Omega. She's much better at hustling and seeking alternative ways to get things done. It's true that blaster fire will draw more attention to one's self. Thus, Crosshair lets her guide him in situations where they need to be more low-profile. Omega is also better with social situations imo. She's a smart kid who learned a lot from her other brothers and Cid. I love that the show gives both characters to exercise their unique skill set while not undermining the other.
The other reason why I love their relationship so much is because of how it's changed Crosshair. In the months that he and Omega have been imprisoned, he's truly grown to care for and respect her. First off, he uses her name. The only other people he does that with is Hunter and Wrecker. Secondly, he follows her lead with almost no question. He does complain and make comments. BUT, he still follows her. Crosshair in season 1 mocked Hunter for listening to Omega. Little did he know that he would follow her over 6 months later (yes, I did the math).
And then there's the emotional piece of it. Crosshair is so open with Omega in his body language, facial expressions, and words. She brings out the best side of him and I am here for it. Compare that to when we first meet him in Clone Wars. He's quiet, hangs back, and usually wears a stern look on his face. Now look at him with Omega. He's much more talkative. His face emits so much emotion from being fed up to genuine concern. There is no doubt in my mind that he loves Omega. He encourages her and openly voices his concerns. I myself struggle with opening up to others about certain except for a few people. Seeing Crosshair opening to someone who he feels comfortable with is truly beautiful and heartwarming. Between Mayday and Omega, you can see just how much Crosshair has changed.
Finally, the imperial officer casually calling Crosshair Omega's dad and her not saying anything proves that Crossdad is real. It's so on the nose, but it's so obvious that Crosshair cares for her and is good at keeping her safe.
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lightwise · 7 months
Hunter’s Lies and Leadership in Aftermath
(Plus some misc thoughts)
Decided to do a quick little rewatch of Aftermath yesterday morning, and noticed something I haven’t paid attention to before.
(First, I have to say that one of my favorite moments out of the entire series is the first exchange between Hunter and Crosshair when Cross is still in his right mind—“Crosshair, let’s get these tanks moving!” “Sir, yes sir.” Just brings a smile to my face at their lighthearted snarkiness every time. These are their real, unburdened personalities. Ones we haven’t gotten to see since.)
As for what I noticed, I realized how much Hunter lies throughout the episode, and easily. His wartime leadership skills are at their strongest here, the easy, confident, calling-the-shots tone that designates his position as squad leader. He knows his men, he knows what they’re capable of, and he knows what needs to be done in order to accomplish a goal. He’s tactical, perceptive, quick thinking and responsive to what is happening around him even as he is also internally processing things that don’t make sense to him. (This is in stark contrast to his reserve and indecisiveness in season 2, which I’ll save for another post).
However, as close knit as the group is, and as honest as we know the Batch is and that Hunter is not intentionally manipulative, he immediately, easily, and without hesitation lies multiple times. The first time is to protect Caleb as he leaps over the waterfall and Crosshair then comes up asking where he went.
“Where’s the Jedi?”
“I stunned him when he jumped. He didn’t make it.”
Hunter knows something is up with Crosshair, though he doesn’t know what. And he wants Caleb to be safe. But his instant response is a straight up lie and he doesn’t even waver in delivering it. He furthers the lie on their return home when Crosshair questions him about it. He knows Crosshair doesn’t believe him but he’s not ready to open that can of worms mid flight.
He lies again when they land back on Kamino and a shock trooper asks him if they have a problem with what’s going on. This time though he stutters and is much less convincing in his delivery, I think both because he’s becoming more and more confused at what is going on, and also because he’s now lying to authority and could actually face consequences if he doesn’t give the “right” answer. Regardless, it’s interesting that his nerves shine through here but not when he’s talking to his squad, who would know much more quickly his tells and attitudes than a random trooper would.
His next lie is to Tech during the briefing by Palpatine to all of the clone troopers. This is the first time for this show that we see how Tech pays attention to Hunter’s reactions, and when Hunter sees Omega for the first time, Tech asks him what he sees, and Hunter says “nothing” when he realizes that Omega has disappeared.
He also sort of half lies to Omega when they leave for Onderon, telling her that a mission is a mission and that it’s nothing to worry about. He’s churning inside though. He knows none of this make sense. But of course he’s not going to tell a kid that, he wants to comfort her and make her feel at ease.
All of this makes me wonder—is this something Hunter was used to doing? Is he so used to being the leader who holds everyone together, with no one for him to really turn to, that he’ll do whatever needs to be done to keep the peace or complete their mission objective, even if it means lying to his brothers in the moment? Or is this newer for him and he’s using it as a way to cope with the sudden shift in the situations they are dealing with?
And then Saw Gerrera says something interesting when they’re trying to apprehend him on Onderon. He says to Hunter as the leader of the group specifically:
“Take a look at the group of insurgents you were sent to destroy. Makes you wonder what else they’re lying about.”
Now, I’m not saying that Hunter took this to mean “oh man I gotta stop lying to my crew because that’s what the empire is doing to us and that’s no way to lead.” But, he doesn’t lie anymore through the rest of this episode, nor in the next one. I’d have to watch through the series again to remember if there are any other occasions of him directly lying to the Batch (vs to a stranger to keep them safe). There does seem to be a shift in his demeanor after this though. And Saw’s words seem to help him coalesce his thoughts because he quickly comes to the decision that they are going to get Omega and then desert, and he doesn’t hide this from any of the Batch members, not even Crosshair.
Side note 1: This episode also has some really beautiful indications of how much Hunter cares too: him saying “nice work” to Crosshair after their training session, him yelling “no!” when Caleb and Crosshair are fighting because he’s worried about either of them harming the other, and him telling Omega to stay away from them because their squad is nothing but trouble.
Side note 2: Omega tells Crosshair that she knows what he’s going to do before he’s taken away. Then when they are all gearing up in the hanger and about to go look for Crosshair, she hears footsteps coming and tells them they won’t have to look far. She knows that not only are they about to be found by troopers in general, but that Crosshair specifically will be with them. I wonder if as Nala Se’s assistant she knew what the procedure would be to try and enhance Crosshair’s chip and turn him against them.
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ekat-fandom-blog · 1 year
Bounty Hunter AU but DCxDP
OK, so I really enjoyed my bounty hunter au, but I feel like I could make it more entertaining. This is a human au btw.
Some info: Bounty hunter is an actual job and are mostly called bail enforcement agents or fugitive recovery agents. They can legally pursue fugitives across state lines and break and enter their house without a warrant if they know the fugitive is there. They primarily pursue and apprehend fugitives who have skipped bail or failed to appear for court proceedings. Only 4 states ban bounty hunting; Oregon, Kentucky, Illinois, and Wisconsin. (I do not know if this would be mirrored in DC because of how many super villains there are.) The laws regarding bounty hunters vary state to state. Only the USA and the Philippines have legalized bounty hunters.
Danny becomes a bounty hunter out of spite towards the GIW. His goal is to show up the GIW bounty hunter group and rub it in their face. And to catch Vlad and turn in the bounty on his head.
Danny's gotten pretty good at being a bounty hunter. He's caught quite a few criminals and is on the case of another one that happens to have crossed over into one of the hero's territory.
Here's a few ideas of how this could go:
Danny goes to Gotham to catch Johnny and Kitty. Given that their aesthetic matches Gotham pretty well, they're able to blend in well enough that even though Danny's tracked them to Gotham and is loosely working with the commissioner, he has to resort to asking for help from the Bats. Neither side trusts the other. Danny nearly gives up when Johnny and Kitty go through another dramatic break-up that has nearly the entirety of Gotham gossiping about it. He finds them, handcuffs them, and leaves for Amity. Both the bats and himself are relieved to not be dealing with the other.
Danny goes to Gotham to catch Spectra. Her and her butler are slippery and wonderful at disappearing, but given the amount of poverty they stick out. This tips off the Bats' that something's wrong. Danny gets to town and while the bats do not trust him, he's working(sorta) with Commissioner Gordon. As a last ditch effort to avoid getting caught, Spectra and Bertrand join Joker and Harley. Despite the four getting along, Harley gets jealous which causes them to have an explosive falling out, catching everyone's eyes. The situation becomes Spectra & Bertrand v Joker & Harley v Danny & the Bats.
Danny goes to Metropolis to catch Aragon. He chose the place because he thought it would be easy to lay low and then start a new cult. He wasn't wrong. Danny teams up with investigative reporter, Clark Kent, to find the slimy ex-cult leader.
Skulker goes to Jump City to hunt Beast Boy. He, unlike most of Danny's other bounties, is wanted in several states. He's also one of the few to seek out Danny specifically. So when Danny shows up to prevent him from doing his job, Skulker sees it as an opportunity to use BB as bait. A 'two birds, one stone' sorta thing. Danny teams up with the rest of the Teen Titans to take down Skulker and save BB.
The GIW ends up chasing down the same fugitive as Danny (for different bounties) in Star City. Green Arrow has to keep the two from destroying his city.
Desiree goes to hide in Faucet City. She's laying low by working as a fortune teller(cliche I know) but the ambient magic is causing her reading to be rather accurate. Especially the readings about misfortune. This gains her the attention of the news and Wiz Radio Show host, Billy Batson. The news is how Danny learns where she is. Billy thinks that Desiree is a new villain, while Danny's just trying to figure out how Desiree became such a popular fortune teller while trying not to make a huge scene. The two meet and immediately clock the other as a potential ally in taking down Desiree quietly. Between how many secrets Billy keeps and Danny's constant off-the-wall split second decision making, it's like working with the Bats again but they actually get along.
and here's two crack-ish ideas for you:
Danny is standing just outside of Wisconsin while Vlad taunts him. Saying stuff about how sad it is that bounty hunting isn't legal in Wisconsin. Danny just calls the fricken cops on him instead.
Or instead of Danny calling the cops, he just starts leaving. Vlad is not done taunting him though and starts to follow him, when he realizes he's fallen into a trap and left the relative safety of Wisconsin.
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witchofthesouls · 9 months
I've had prime predacons on the brain, do they have mating habits? Do they lay eggs? Since predaking is the leader of the last 3 predacons does that mean he gets first dibs if a lady dragon/predacon shows up or would it be a battle of suitors? Do predacons make good parents even with the fact they're technically clones and only have vague genetic memories of their culture to pass on?
I got sooooooo many thoughts about Predacons and their influence on Cybertron's modern-day frame-schematics, especially with that throw-away line about Seekers. Like I'm running away with it~!! 🏃‍♀️
Seekerkin can trace their frame and coding quirks back to the Predacon species that delved into the Rust Sea. Unlike their exclusive land and air kith, the sea hunters were able to escape the catastrophic radiation by diving down into the depths.
These particular subspecies of Predacon passed many traits to their descendants, including but not limited to: the sexual dimorphism of larger, powerful femmes to agile, brightly-colored mechs, the trine-protocols and flocking mechanisms, multiples in carriage, prey-drives, and superior senses akin to beastformers and mechanimals.
The Wilder tribes still use vocalizations and have behaviors that can be traced back to their ancient kin and kith via oral traditions from Keepers. This leads to a lot of tension with the Seekerkin city-states that try to erase and rewrite the history of their frames.
While Vos is framed for their trine-protocols and being a strange breed of aerials onto itself, Praxus refined the hunting tactics and flocking behavior, and Polyhex's wetlands and underground labyrinths kept polished the traits that made them formidable sea predators.
The Predacons eschewed Prima's Call and his Guiding Hand for the established city-states to remain in the Wilds. Capable of speech and sharp intelligence, Predaking's kith were the apex predators of the sky, hunting down others for food, and were terrors to the young mecha prior to T-cogs.
This is due to claims of superiority. Unlike the other frames, they didn't require the immediate protection of the Primes. On top of their massive size and strength, flight and fire capabilities, advanced nanite colonies, thick armor, and heightened senses, the Predacons have a very unique quirk: collective unconscious.
Predacons are proud of their closeness to nature and beastly frames. In their opinion, they are the second closest to Primus, outside of the Thirteen, because of it. "A gift," they decree, by the Creator to give them such wild frames suited to the planet with the capabilities to shape it.
In the oral traditions of the Wilders, it's said some of their ancient kith could bend "cold fire" aka lightning. And that's why certain landmarks in the Wastelands still stand in defiance of Time and Prima's "Forceful" Hand. It was also said that they often crossed with "the Shadow of the Light" and the "Lord of Beasts."
Out of all the Primes, they respect the inescapable strength and spirit of Megatronus, Solus' forging and might, and Onyx for his understanding of their kind as he, too, ventured to the edges of extremes. "Lord of Beasts," indeed. They are creatures suited to an untamed Cybertron.
The social structures of the land hunters are very loose and minimal. Adults are mainly solitary creatures with exceptions to mating season, child-rearing, and seasonal gatherings to collectively mine volcanoes for minerals and guide massive storms to ignite new Energon nodes- preparations for the lean portion of the vorn.
The sea hunters are smaller and slimmer than their land-counterparts, so they have strong social ties of multiple generations to maximize the survival of their young, resource efficiency, and hunting tactics.
The mating behaviors of Predacons differ by their type, but there are similarities. Do they do not feel shame over cycles; heats and ruts are simply a fact of life. Much like beastformers, Predacons have reproductive heats.
There's courting gifts of fresh kills, raw ores, and chunks of minerals as well as showing off skills.
If there's an uncourted or unclaimed female in heat, then a Dance or a Mating Hunt will occur after competition has been bullied to back down. Females in heat are highly temperamental and incredibly aggressive, so those who wish to remain single and unmated would either cripple or kill persistent hunters.
Among the sea hunters, males show off their bright colors and hues to demonstrate health and virility as well as attempt to groom or nuzzle a female of a different pod/flock. It's common for a binary or triad of males to mate-nap a female from elsewhere: proving their tactics against her and her extended kin.
Whereas the males of the land hunters will show off strength by battling other males in the vicinity to prove their worthiness among his nearby neighbors before battling her for breeding rights.
If a female Predacon (or Seekerkin) was discovered, then Predaking would bully the other males to establish dominance before stepping up to plate to fight her.
Child-rearing is a shared responsibility. Nest building and bulking it with supplies. Keeping out intruders since baby Predacons cannot properly fly until they reach near mechling stage (adolescence).
Males can't produce sparkling-grade, so females are stuck in the nest until the newsparks gain their sight and actually climb out.
Mechs do help with a special tank in their frames that reguitates a melted slag of nutrients that helps boost the newsparks' systems.
Once the sparklings can eat more solid, the sire and carrier will take turns hunting and caring the nest.
Sea hunters have an easier time as child-rearing is more communal. Newsparks and sparklings are defended and supported by well-established adults guarding the shallow nursery reef, while hunters support the pod with an influx of food.
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In the vein of my previous prompt - Alec realizing early on that he can’t have Jace or Izzy under his command. They aren’t able to separate being his sibling versus being his subordinate and it’s a problem. I just want to see Alec realize that they are absolutely the type to use him and his power to do what they want. Self entitled favoritism in the worst way and that’s not okay and what kind of example would he be setting if he allowed such a thing? He could never be called a fair leader in that environment and he can’t allow it.
this is in walls of adoration, claws of desperation verse where alec is older.
i hope you enjoy!
Alec stares at his younger siblings and wonders what his parents and the clave were thinking.
Both of them have mulish, stubborn expressions on their faces and Alec can recognize pride and arrogance when he sees it.
“Both of you clean up, then report for ichor duty.” Alec tells them with a sigh. He’s not even disappointed, more annoyed that it’s really going to come to this barely a week after his arrival. For their own sake, he’d hoped his siblings what have a little more discipline.
“What?” Izzy yells and she and Jace actually look alarmed, like they didn’t expect any repercussions. “Alec ichor duty is for trainees.”
Jace nods, arms crossed as he scowls and they’re both so young, so green and so unaware of the dangers they’ll someday actually face. Maybe if he’d been raised with them, he’d feel inclined to protect them as they learned at their own rate, but Alec knows the kind of stubbornness these two have.
It would be a losing battle and unless Alec ended up sacrificing himself, they’d both end up in the same place but with worse consequences.
“The two of you are trainees.” Alec reminds them both, “insubordinate trainees. Trainees who broke the rules, their leaders’ orders and also caused significant amount of damage to mundane infrastructures. Damage that could have been avoided if you’d obeyed.”
Jace grumbles something and Alec knows Jace, he doesn’t respond well to public call outs, so Alec ignores him and focuses on the both of them.
“You’re both on ichor duty until a commander from Idris comes to pick you up.”
“A commander from Idris?” Jace asks, voice small and Alec wonders just how little stability these two have in the world, with parents like Maryse and Robert.
“You’re both going to Idris, to be evaluated. You’re overdue for it, both of you and after they’ll send you to Institutes to train.”
“Why won’t they just send us back here? With you?” Izzy asks and Alec is surprised by the fact that they think he’d want them back.
“Because it’s a conflict of interest now that you’re official trainees. Technically speaking, you’re both overdue for transfers.”
Izzy looks like she’s about to cry and Alec almost tells her that the conflict of interest is just a loophole Alec is using to get rid of them, when he reminds himself to be nice. These are his little siblings, there is no need to use psychological warfare against them… yet.
“There’s every possibility that you can transfer back, when you’re both fully fledged hunters and actually completed your training.” Alec tells them, voice low like when he’s around the horses and elk of Lake Lynn. If Alec is still in charge there is no way he’ll accept the transfers — unless the reports on them are very good and they pass his personal evaluation — but once again, it’s not something he needs to explain to them.
“But we’re already the best!” Jace protests, “Maryse says I’m her top shadowhunter.”
Izzy doesn’t look so convinced, her gaze darting over to Jace with the barest hint of envy and shame and Alec sighs, not about to try and figured out what that’s about.  That’s for their trainers to beat out of them and their medics to work through.
“You are her best trainee, perhaps.” Alec allows but then he shakes his head, “but Jace, there are a lot of trainees, all over the world. You deserves to be able to meet them and teach them and learn from them in turn. It’ll be good for you.”
Jace looks like the last thing he agrees with is the idea that it will be good for him and Alec chuckles and very gently, ruffles his hair. Jace looks both pleased and displeased, like a dog who loves playing in water but hates baths.
“I’ll help you both pack, alright? We don’t know when you’re coming back here. That means you learn to live on the go.”
“But Alec, my clothes!” Izzy protests and Alec shrugs, because this is something she’s going to have to learn to live with.
“You figure out your favorite styles and then you commission fighting gear in as close to that style as you can get, Izzy. You need proper outfitting, not the costume clothes you’re getting from mundane stores.”
Izzy flushes, but Alec knows for a fact that not a single artisan in Idris would ever make something so flashy for hunting demons, shiny white leather defeated the purposes of lingering in the shadows and no distraction was worth the element of surprise when they hunted.
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┊fluff🧸┊angst🥀┊smut❤️‍🔥┊alludes to smut👀┊
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When Your Music is On Shuffle 👀 (reader x Eddie; x Steve; x Hopper)
Just little blurbs of my daydreams on how these men would react to your music being on shuffle!
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Popsicles and Water Hoses ❤️‍🔥 (reader x PreVietnam!Hopper)
Being friends for so long, reader had been keeping her feelings from Hopper. That is until one day when he was dousing her with water in her backyard.
Slow Hands Part 1 & Part 2 ❤️‍🔥 (reader x Hopper)
Reader goes out to the bar tonight to get some attention from men, hoping that she could get some free drinks at most. She meets a handsome man who not only almost beats Jason up in front of everyone, but also later promises her that he can give her everything she wants in bed.
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Vampire Dominam Suam ❤️‍🔥 (Vampire!reader x Hunter!Eddie)
For eight years, Eddie has been hunting you down — a strong desire for vengeance in the name of his uncle, who died at the hands of your vampire leader. Tonight, after crossing the Tennessee border into Louisiana, finds a lead to a brothel hidden within the city of Baton Rouge. Your only request before he slays you? To feel the touch and love of a man one last time.
The Indescribable Moments of Your Life 🧸🥀❤️‍🔥 (OC x Eddie
Vignettes about Eddie and my OC to work through my life experiences as well as made up scenarios just so that I could give Eddie a y'alternative gf <3
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These Four Walls and Me ❤️‍🔥 (reader x SlightlyPervy!Steve)
All month long, Steve held back from self pleasure — No Nut November was what Eddie called it. The minutes couldn’t go by any slower as he waits to get off to the thought of you to mark the end of the tiring month.
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Billy Wants a Woman ❤️‍🔥 (PlusSize!reader x Billy)
Billy and reader are besties. One thing leads to another on a drunken night and Billy sees reader in a whole new light. Using the new found confidence that Billy’s admission gives her, reader decides to tease and see how far she can push Billy before he snaps.
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Robots and Risotto 🧸 (Reader & Murray)
Needing to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life, reader goes to Murray’s place to distract themselves with some much needed bff shenanigans and risotto.
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ophii · 4 months
Yes, you
Tell me about your faerie OC- /nf
OKOKOKOKOSOOO their name is nova :3 they're a silly little faerie:
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them^^ i have a whole backstory written out for them but im gonna tldr it rq!! they were a prince of a fictional city-state called alesdrya but there was a war that happened which caused them to flee to other citystates, specifically one called latyia, where they joined a small team-rocket-esque trio which doesnt have a name quite yet but im gonna make one soon!!! they arent really evil but its nicknamed the evil trio cause the leader ..eats people. so thats why its called the evil trio.. i made the whole over-arching story with my friends btw! but their backstory is made by me!!
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silly art of them and their sister figure, stella, who is also part of the evil trio... but theyre wearing their respective adult figures outfits!!!
stella belongs to my sister, @sunny8011 , btw
and the whole written out backstory for nova (+ their actual sister!) is below the cut :3
Nova and Astra were born in Alesdrya to the royal fae family. They lived a pretty average royal life until 2020, when a war broke out between humans and the fae. It was because there were rumors and legends that depicted the fae as evil pranksters, so Mythosonia (the human part, mostly) created a reason to go to war. I should mention that faerie hunters have existed in the other Estarian city-states for a long time, but have been considered illegal in Alesdrya (since the population is 99% fae.) Nova was 6 and Astra was 16 when the war started. Their parents were hanged in the town square as Nova was attempting to be escorted out by some maids. Unfortunately, the maids were assassinated, and Nova fled out of the city-state on foot. Astra was no where to be seen, though, as she was sent into hiding in the castle, being the heir to the throne. Once the war ended in 2022 after both parties decided to call it quits, Astra reemerged and claimed the throne, rebuilding Alesdrya. She has tried to look for Nova, but to no avail. Nova was pretty much a nomad/refugee until they ran into Stella at some point along the way, probably when crossing through Fey'in, the witch-populated city-state, and then they met Aster. Aster convinced (manipulated) them to help him with his evil plans and ideas, and they agreed, having no where to go themselves. Eventually, the two mostly quit being evil, instead just focusing on their magic studies and only periodically helping Aster terrorize humans and such. also nova has no idea astra is alive
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saranootnoot · 4 months
I'm gonna be nice to y'all and just now post it.. ladies and gentlemen and non binaries... I present you! Chris Jackson Versus The Vampires...
Chapter 1: snow.
The sound of crunching snow as someone walks on it quietly and quickly, liking running. The air was cold and freezing as he breathed heavily. Soon he fell down as he quickly looked towards someone. He glanced down at him as he grinned. They boy started yelling pleas. which was shut up by a snowball in the face. “What the hell Isaac?!” The gray and red-eyed boy said as he shivered as he wiped the snow off of his face, Isaac the smaller blonde boy, chuckled “it wasn't that bad Chris-Cross.” Isaac grinned at his friend as he then shoved snow in his cloak, Chris yelped as he got up and started chasing Isaac. He screamed, and soon they heard their leader call for a meeting. Isaac stook out his tongue, “Really? It's our day off!” Isaac grumbled as he then crossed his arms, soon Chris and him started walking.
When walking they noticed their Village healer standing by the vampire hunter leader, he looked.. Really tired. There were bags underneath his eyes. He also looked sad..
“As you know, Drew’s brother has been missing for a few months and he requested some of us to go out looking for him, but only the most skilled can go” Chris hand Immetatily shot up. “I’ll go look for him” . He had been friends with Drew since kids, but he never really got to know Nevin, but since Drew was a great friend to him, he thought he could return the favor for him.
Later that night, Chris was packing his things for the night, he’ll be back by sunrise. As Chris was about to leave to go out to the woods he was met by Drew, “Here.. I thought you might need these..” Drew handed Chris a bag that was filled with healing supplies, “Please find him..” Chris nodded as he hugged Drew tightly.
Chris held a lantern as he walked through the cold, he had a big fluffy jacket on as he heard the crunch of the snow underneath him. He also had to be careful of werewolf territory, luckily their group made markings of the territories, so he just avoided the marks.
Chris felt himself getting tired, but he couldn't sleep, he was in the middle of the woods, that's when he saw bright cyan eyes staring right at him.
Who would be out at this time? It was pitch black.. Expect the lantern that glowed. Chris quickly pulled out a silver knife as whoever that was, started walking towards him. “Hey, Chill out dude..” he said as he frowned. Chris blinked as he stared at him as he raised a brow. “Why are you up this late?” Chris asked as the other guy crossed his arms. “Just out for a walk, it's nice” the smaller boy sighed as he felt the air. Chris just shrugged it off, nothing really that suspicious about him anyways.. He just looked like a normal being.
“What’s your name?” Chris finally asked, “Nevin” Chris smiled a bit, “I’m Chris” Nevin smiled a little, “Nice to meet you Chris” Chris could've sworn Nevins eyes were Cyan, but they were just this purplish brown..
For awhile, Nevin and Chris hung out for awhile while walking around, they made jokes and talked about themselves.. But something was odd.. About Nevin..
Other than that he was a great guy, he was sweet.. He laughed at Chris’s jokes, like a normal person.
But why did he cover his mouth when he laughed..?
It didn’t matter.
Drew was wide awake, waiting for sunrise to come up.. He usually did that, barely even slept.. Waiting.. Waiting for his twin to come home.. He knew he wouldn’t come home. All he had to do was hope. Hope he comes home. He couldn’t leave the village. He had duties to take care of, healing anyone who got injured, healing the sick. At times, he hated that power, yet he loved it because it was the last thing he had of Nevin.
Chris realized. “Hey your name is Nevin, right?” Nevin looked at Chris a bit confused, “Yeah, why?” Chris blinked, “does it happen to Nevin Jovel?..” Nevin went quiet as he stopped walking as he glanced at Chris. “Let's talk about something else, hm?” Chris nodded slowly, “Alright?..” Weird.
Nevin was sitting in a tree on a branch with Chris, Chris held onto Nevin so he wouldn’t fall off, basically keeping him in place. Nevin looked at the sky as he hummed softly. While Chris was wondering where Nevin came from, since he had never really seen Nevin in the Village. Nevins' clothing reminded him of what vampires would wear, yet he doubted that nevin was a vampire since he didn’t do anything that a vampire would do.
“You’re cold..” Chris mumbled to Nevin.
Nevin chuckled a little bit, “Maybe it's because of the snow and air”
“Oh yeah, I forgot about that..” Chris felt a bit embarrassed as his cheeks turned warm. Nevin just chuckled again.
“So Chris, you never told me why you’re out here” Nevin glanced up at him. “Oh! I’m a vampire hunter who’s looking for our village healers brother.. I don’t think I’m doing a great job at it though..” He nervously laughed.
Nevin just looked at Chris, “Ah.. Alright” Nevin looked away as he noticed the sun was coming up, he perked up as he stood up on the branch as Chris began to panic who also got up and held onto the tree while also holding onto Nevin. Nevin watched the sunrise as he went quiet, honestly Chris found it quite relaxing as he watched the sunrise with Nevin. The oranges, red, and yellow began beaming onto them. Nevin slowly closed his eyes as he breathed in and then sighed, as he then jumped down. Chris soon followed after.
“I guess I should get going then..” Chris looked at Nevin. Nevin smiled softly, “Wanna meet up again tonight?” Chris nodded as he replied, “Of course” Soon they both waved bye to each other as Chris headed back.
When Chris reached the Village, Isaacs parents were crying as Chris quickly went over to them, “What happened?”
Isaac’s mom looked at Chris as she told Chris..
Chris’s eyes widened..
“Isaac is gone…”
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kittiwittebane · 10 months
My guys, I am so sorry it took this long.
Willow walked down the hallway, Hunter tagging behind in confusion. He didn’t want to talk, but he didn’t want to leave this odd behaviour unspoken about.
“Willow?” he asked shyly. She stopped and turned around.
“Yes, Hunter?” Willow asked sweetly. He scratched his cheek nervously.
“I just noticed you were acting… different.” he murmured to her, trying to keep the conversation quiet. He leant in close to her, and she made an inaudible gasp. She stared at Hunter, the space between them very small, air stolen from her lungs.
“I- uh.” she began to stutter.
“Well, well, well.. What is this? Romantic tension between a weak troublemaker and the high school council member, Mr. Wittebane?” A snobby voice broke the tension and Willow didn’t even need to face them to know who it was.
“Boscha, don’t be ridiculous.” Willow snorted. Boscha ignored her, continuing her teasing.
“Doesn’t seem like the council has chosen the right leader. Engaging conversation with the stupidest and most rebellious to the council rules?” Boscha made a ‘tch’ sound, before flicking her hair. “Disgraceful.” Hunter’s blood boiled having heard Boscha calling Willow dumb.
“She isn’t stupid.” Hunter snapped sternly. Boscha’s lip curled with sass radiating visibly off her. She rolled her eyes.
“By defending her you are just proving my point.” the pink-haired girl snickered. Willow just ignored her, but Hunter didn’t feel like letting it slide.
“Boscha, leave us alone. I can be friends with anyone I want to be.” Hunter growled. His fists tightened, as his face would gradually fade into a light red. Willow tugged on his arm, shaking her head. It wasn’t worth it. He backed down before he even threw the first punch, as Boscha had predicted.
“Loser.” Boscha whispered. Hunter snapped. He turned around swiftly and threw a left hook punch to her jaw. Willow gasped and so did the rest of the hall as Boscha toppled over backwards in surprise, she hit the lockers with a loud ‘bang’ and Hunter stood above her.
“SAY THAT AGAIN!” he snarled. The hall went quiet. “DAY IT AGAIN I DARE YOU TO!” Nobody spoke. For the first time, fear sparkled in Boscha’s cold eyes. She stared up at Hunter without saying a word. She coughed a bit and she spat out a bit of blood. Her cheek had turned purple from bruising. A teacher came running up to them.
“Oh my, what happened here?!” the teacher asked.
“Hunter punched Boscha!” a bystanding kid yelled out.
“Boscha provoked him!” Willow defended. Most of the students agreed with Willow. Except Boscha’s group, obviously.
Hunter sat in detention, contemplating on how he wasn’t stripped of his title after that. Boscha also sat in detention, after the students and school cameras ratted her out.
“I was serious, Hunter.” Boscha hissed. “I should have been council president, not you.”
Hunter’s gaze turned to the girl. She was holding an ice pack to her face,
“If I wasn’t meant to be the leader, I wouldn’t be the leader.” He said, saying nothing else before turning back to the front of the room. Boscha huffed in annoyance, giving up. She muttered curses to herself and crossed her arms. Hunter thought of Willow, and as if on cue, the girl walked through the doors of detention once more. Not that he was surprised. She sat at the table next to him, and started to talk.
“I’m so sorry, this is all my fault!” She apologised. Hunter shook his head.
“You tried to stop me, I threw the punch.” He put his hand on her shoulder. She smiled, blushing a bit.
“It was a good one too.” She giggled. Hunter felt his face heat up.
“Uh, thanks..” he mumbled awkwardly, as Willow continued to stare at him.
“Why don’t you join the boxing team??” Willow asked. Hunter looked at her in confusion.
“I’m not that strong. I wouldn’t be able to-“
“Did you see the look in Boscha’s eyes?? Fear. You brought fear to Boscha! A left hook like that and you’ll be the best in no time!” Willow smiled encouragingly.
“HEY! I’m right here you know!!” Boscha asked, slamming her hands on the table.
“Yeah, it’s pretty hard not to notice the giant bruise.” Willow snorted. Boschas look hardened.
“For you information, little b*tch, he dislocated my jaw. If there wasn’t a bruise I would be concerned.” She sneered quietly. The two just sat there, watching Boscha ramble about Hunters left hook.
PART 4???
Part 4 will be longer I just had so much work to do this week I’m sorry 😭
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theresattrpgforthat · 11 months
Heyo, i've got a game rec request for you! In a couple weeks i'm going to be a summer camp counselor for a cabin of teen boys (around 14-15 years old), and i'm on the hunt for some ttrpgs that i could bring to camp and try out with them! ideally something good for hour long pick-up-and-play sessions, more focused on getting into silly shenanigans than deep introspection. so far i've picked out Honey Heist, Galaxy Goons, and To Serve, but i'll take any other suggestions you can offer! tysm!
THEME: Quick Funny Camp Games
Hello friend, I’ve got a few silly games for you but I also included some games that are quick to run that have a little more focus to them in case your campers want to get their teeth into some plot.
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Cryptid TV, by yanahn.
A plague of Reality TV stars has descended upon the sleepy town of Mountain Lake ready to hunt down (and capture on camera) anything that looks even remotely like a cryptid - your crew is among them to cause drama, fake hoaxes, and enact sabotage beyond all reckoning.
If the game uses the same rules as Honey Heist, then picking up and playing will be even easier! And Cryptid TV is one of those games. As a reality tv crew invades your hometown, your job is to infiltrate the film crew and sabotage the show - while trying to hide the fact that you’re one of the cryptids they’d want to get on camera! This game is set up for exactly the wacky hi-jinx that you might expect, and I feel like the vibe really goes well with a bunch of campers playing in a cabin somewhere. You should definitely check it out!
1400 Planes, by Unknown Dungeon.
The multiverse roils with boundless existence. For many, the infinite planes of creation drift past at an immeasurable distance, their alien secrets perpetually out of reach. However those who break their mortal shackles and cross that liminal space, wander such exotic spheres on an eternal pilgrimage.
If the group wants to jump into something a little less silly or just wants a chance to feel powerful, the character options in 1400 Planes included Clockforged, Birdfolk, Jotuun, and Merfolk (to name a few). You are hopping through a multiverse, and while the different planes are dangerous, your characters have gear and skills at their behest to help them face danger head-on.
The biggest obstacle that might stand in the way of this and the other 1400 games released by this designer is the dice requirement - 1400 Planes requires at least one d6, one d4, one d8, one d10 and possibly also one d12. If you want a great tactile experience though, the different dice shapes certainly deliver.
Bro Hunters, by The Other Tracy.
Bro. Ghosts, Bro. The stories are true. We've got our gear and we're gonna get famous, Bro.  Bro? Bro.
Ghost stories feel like a great match for camp, so pulling out a quick game of ghost-wrangling or other supernatural tomfoolery just feels right. Bro Hunters has a built-in goofy element in that all of the characters will probably refer to each-other as “bro” - and the game also comes with structured scenes to bring you from point A to point B. This game also gives the players a chance to contribute to the narrative - if their character dies, they will narrate the creepy stuff going on in the house.
What I enjoy about this game is the number of tactile elements. You’ll need something to act as a speaking totem - or Brotem - as well as some tokens to help you change the narrative (also called Bro-kens!). This game is much more free-form and allows the players a greater amount of narrative control than the other items on this list - it's a great introduction to roleplaying if your group is familiar with telling ghost stories together.
Crime Wizards, by pewter bee.
You are the Fox Club, a magical crew of thieves and criminals. Your mission is to take what you want, work with clients to fulfill their needs, and uphold your crew’s reputation. Your leader, Juliet Thrice, is in hiding due to heat from a recent job she conducted, leaving you to act on your own until her return.
Lasers & Feelings is another system with quick character creation and only 2 stats to worry about, although it can be decidedly more serious than Honey Heist. In these kinds of games, you are typically skilled individuals with a job to do, with the challenge of operating without a key figure or resource. You’ll choose a single number and roll a d6 to attempt to roll over or under that number, with an exact roll giving you something special! In Crime Wizards, you’ll be on a fantasy heist - perfect for cool scenes while also providing moments for some fun along the way.
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So, per post nr. 2, let's talk about the dorito-shaped squad member (I am hungry).
Now, I will admit that the idea for this series of posts came from the fact that I felt like we didn't get enough Hunter&Tech moments. Tech had so much development during this season and they really fleshed out his relationships, but almost any time they spoke with each other it was about the matters at hand, like the battle, or the plan, or something else entirely. Outside of dialogue, we also didn't get them bonding in any other way. Despite their differences, Echo and Hunter shared so many quiet moments, tired glances, they spoke to each other a lot about actual important stuff, but there was almost nothing with Tech in that regard.
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For this one, it was mostly just them sort of looking at each other and the only time they spoke about something deeper was in ep.9, where Hunter had to explain to Tech the intricacies of preteen angst. Also, I loved this interaction in ep.8 when Tech launches the escape pod with the group + Rex in it and lands pretty far without any boosters and Hunter compliments him ("Not bad.").
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And now, let me put on those rabid Hunter attorney glasses and say: This man is fucking clearly grieving.
I know he got some flack for dismissing Crosshair's message (which like, if you don't know how POV in fiction works, you need some theory of mind lessons) and somehow he is getting flack for not reacting as emotionally as people would have wanted.
But he is their leader. Not only in the military sense of the word, but he is also the head of their little family. They look to him for guidance, for direction, for orders, and while they are free to do what they want now that that military structure is gone, their dynamic carried over to their non-military relationship either way.
He feels responsible for them. Which is why he wanted to hide and was not enthusiastic about this mission or even wanted to consider that Cross really turned against the empire, because that's such a huge risk. This man has an actual child under his care and going to a highly secure location with top imperial officers to maybe get a shot at freeing their brother who tried to kill them multiple times? Hunter knew it was a bad idea, but he greenlit the mission anyway.
And you know what? Hunter was right.
Literally all of his fears came true in a span of 24 hours and his cautiousness and withdrawal were not unwarranted.
His brother is dead. His daughter was taken by the Empire. His other brother and he himself was badly injured. And worse of all, it was for nothing, since they didn't get any information on where Crosshair is being held.
But, he is the leader. He needs to call the shots, even in the face of the greatest failure he ever experienced, life does not stop and he needs to steer the ship. He can't allow himself to fall apart, because other people depend on him too.
(well, this one turned into an essay with me defending Hunter, the next one will be better, I promise lol)
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zoeykallus · 2 years
Hunter – Enemy Mine 7 - Not So Welcome
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Warnings: Angst/Tension/Fluff
Not every batcher welcomes you on board.
What happened Before:
Enemy Mine
Part 2 - No Way Out
Part 3 - Turning Tables
Part 4 - Beneath The Surface
Part 5 - Priorities
Part 6 - Choices
Part 7 - Not So Welcome
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You were incredibly nervous. Soon you were not only alone with one of the Republican soldiers, but with several. You didn't really like the idea, but staying here wasn't an option either. You had to trust that Hunter would keep his word and that you would be safe with him.
The men were surprised when Hunter brought you aboard their shuttle, but most of them accepted Hunter's explanation of who you were. Except for one. A slender, tall guy with a tattoo around his eye that also reflected his name. Crosshair. He chewed on his toothpick and kept a suspicious eye on you.
His eyes followed your every move, and you soon felt, unsettled, almost harassed.
"Why are you staring at me like that all the time?" you asked gruffly after a while.
Crosshair showed you a grim little smirk.
"We hunted you down not long ago for stealing sensitive data, and now we're supposed to treat you like a guest and not a prisoner, that pisses me off a little bit."
The giant they call Wrecker said, "Crosshair, behave yourself, she poses no threat"
Crosshair murmured, "How do you know? Just because Hunter said so? I think our great leader is biased".
You sighed and said mockingly, "I'm a civilian on a small shuttle with five trained soldiers. What kind of danger do you think I pose? Are you perhaps afraid of me?"
Crosshair stood up and came menacingly close to you. Your heart automatically beat faster and your muscles tensed, you weren't sure what to expect. You backed away from him until you felt a wall at your back. He tilted his face way too close to yours.
"You better not be so cocky, I'm not as pliable and gullible as my brothers," he growled softly but clearly.
Wrecker growled, "Cross, stop it, you're scaring her".
"That's the whole idea," the Sniper returned coolly.
You clenched your hands into fists and pushed him away from you a bit. Surprised by your reaction, he let it happen for the first moment, but when he got over the surprise a heartbeat later, he grabbed your wrist and twisted it on your back, and not exactly gently. He pressed your face to the wall and painfully twisted the arm on your back higher and higher, you felt he was going to dislocate your arm at any moment.
You let out a surprised cry of pain. Shortly after, he was pulled away from you, it was Wrecker who stood between the two of you now.
"Hunter said she was our guest, we don't hurt our guests, Crosshair".
The Sniper clenched his hands into fists angrily while you rubbed your aching arm in safe cover behind the giant.
Hunter came out of the cockpit, followed by Tech and Echo.
"What's going on?"
"Nothing major, Crosshair just scared our guest a little and I stepped in," Wrecker explained.
Hunter came over, Wrecker let him pass. He gently reached for the arm you were still rubbing and patted it down.
"Are you okay?" he asked gently.
From the background, you heard Crosshair say, "Oh no you didn't..... Tell me you didn't fall for that girl, you di'kut!"
The boys all looked at each other questioningly.
Crosshair snorted, "look at the way he talks to her, the way he touches her, and then tell me you don't see it too!"
Wrecker scratched the back of his head.
"Even if I did, what's the big deal?" he asked, shrugging his shoulders.
Tech said matter-of-factly, "In theory, she's an enemy. She's with the separatists and has stolen classified data. If someone finds out, Hunter is in big trouble. He could be decommissioned."
Crosshair threw his long arms in the air, "Thanks Tech! Finally, someone who understands what I mean!"
Tech shifted his goggles, "We still don't agree. I don't think she's a real danger, as long as none of us tell anyone who she really is, there's no danger to Hunter either. She herself I consider harmless. I'm much more concerned about you betraying Hunter to our superiors."
Crosshair growled, "Maybe I should! This is unreasonable and violates several regulations at once!"
You felt uncomfortable in your skin, you were the center of this conversation, this tense situation.
Hunter said, "She's not our enemy. She is a civilian who was unfortunate enough to get into this situation. We don't kill civilians, and we don't capture them."
Crosshair growled, "She stole data, very important, tactical, military data, theoretically that is an act of war. Civilian or not, she really shouldn't be treated as such anymore"
Tech said, "In theory, Crosshair is right. But we've always rightly relied on Hunter's judgment so far, I don't plan on changing that now"
Echo nodded, "I agree, Wrecker obviously does too. So we have to worry about you, Crosshair?"
Crosshair snorted, "Because of me?!" he made a throwing away hand gesture and said, "Do what you want, I'm staying out of it"
"I don't want to cause trouble for anyone," you said quietly, "Home is out of my hands. But maybe a neutral port would be appropriate"
Hunter turned back to you.
"Are you sure? You could stay with friends"
Echo asked, "You're thinking about Cut and Suu aren't you?"
Hunter nodded.
"I don't know," you said uncertainly.
Tech came closer and said kindly, "Cut and Suu are civilians, good people. I'm sure they'd be happy to help, and they're both decent people, you'd be safe there."
Echo nodded in agreement, "They live on a farm, simple people, away from city hustle and bustle and the like"
Hunter looked at you and said, "I'll make you a deal, you try it out for a while and if you don't like it we can always take you somewhere else"
With a sigh, you finally gave in.
"Okay, as long as Crosshair stays away from me".
Hunter nodded, "Deal. Crosshair you go in the cockpit"
With a growl, the Sniper turned away and headed for the cockpit.
"Great," Tech said dryly, "Now I get to listen to him whine for the rest of the trip."
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@ttzamara @thebahdbitch
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saturn-sends-hugs · 1 year
Ok had a long car ride so guess what EP11 THOUGHTS LETS GOOOO:
(plus a good amount of ep12 predictions cause uh i am very excited bkshsjjkssk)
Couple little things first, starting with WHY DID I HAVE TO SEE NALA SE AGAIN. I mean I knew logically we would see her again but that doesn’t mean I was ready for it >:( i do not forgive u for fives u cruel cruel long lady
Then the batch telling Cid off!!! Slay!! Absolutely slay get it that is so important, especially that Omega was directly calling her out for leaving them stranded. I’m really interested to see where that storyline goes and if they either end up leaving Cid (and probably adding to Omegas trust issues in the process cause WOW everyone is letting her down these days (echo i love u but ur girl is not ok)), or if they stay with her and she gets some sort of redemption arc? Idk, can’t decide which seems more likely, but all I can say is I hope next episode has absolutely nothing to do with it. Like it’s an interesting storyline but… yeahh…
And oh god, the boys walking around the ship, why was Wrecker the only one being smart??? Like Tech just ran off on his own, knowing full well the creature was most likely still on the ship, Hunter had his just mwah chefs kiss line of “Whatever did this wasn’t human,” like… HMMM HUNTER I HADNT NOTICED (“And where there’s a farm, there’s usually a farmer!”) But Wrecker was actually paying attention!! He picked up the volt-staff (which like yeah he was gonna anyways but it was still smart) and he made note of the walls being reinforced meaning whatever they were holding must be something strong. And later in the episode he sees the Empire snag the zillo beast and he takes note of how “They’re not killing it. They’re taking it.” Like I love those little moments where Wrecker just passively shows off how smart he is?? He plays the big goofy guy since it’s just kinda his personality, but he still knows his stuff. Hell, he made a rocket launcher out of parts from a separatist tank in less than a minute while under fire from the enemy?? And it worked perfectly? And repeatedly??? Anyway Wrecker spiel over but the man is a genius and I love him.
Tech and Omega’s moments in this episode, oh i lOVE THEM. Him messing up and scaring her then kinda not knowing how to fix it, Omega unplugging his datapad to make him get going, Tech immediately covering her while they ran from explosion omG I LOVE THEM. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH they are so wonderful and sweet and perfect and Filoni I swEAR YOU BETTER NOT TOUCH THEM (I feel like they’re safe for the most part but still, I do not trust. (like of all of them I think Hunter, Omega and Wrecker are the safest? They kinda can’t be taken out; you need the leader, you can’t lose the kid, and Wrecker is pretty much the majority of the comic relief. And Tech is safe-ish too cause he’s just such a character type that I feel like you can’t get rid of him. But uh… Echo and Cross are not safe. They are very much so in danger, maybe Echo most of all and oh god I am scared for him. And also Cody if he ever comes back. …where is cody..?))
OK and now for bigger things like oMG ECHO AND REX HOLY SHIBSJSBSJBSKZNZKDNOEBEKSNSKLSMSNSJXLDNSKNSKS YES YES ABSOLUTELY CALL ECHO AND REX I NEED TO SEE THEMMMMMM!!! The way Hunter did his little main character moment slow zoom when he said that? There’s absolutely no way that’s not important to this weeks episode or at least the one after that so AAAAAA I AM SO EXCITEDDDDD. The batch has needed Echo so much in every single episode since he left; Tech going off on his own in this one felt so wrong because Echo should’ve been right there with himmm!! (i mean he should 100% be with rex but like you get what i mean)
And at the end when Lama Su mentions kidnapping Omega again? That feels equally important. Not only is the Empire going to have to admit that Clone Force 99 isn’t dead, but they’re going to have to start hunting them down again to get Omega. And to me, I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw Crosshair being ordered to hunt Omega down in particular, since he knows the batch so well and would know best how to snatch Omega from them. (Also like story-wise… who else would it be? …Boba?) Now would that be so incredibly painful and awful to see? Yes, yes it would. Am I still incredibly excited to see it? ALSO YES.
And with both of these things, the Echo and Rex mention and a target on Omega, as well as the fact that this next episode is (i’m pretty sure?) confirmed to have Crosshair in it, I’m really really hoping the episode follows either of them (Cross or Rex and Echo) and their paths end up crossing?? Like maybe Crosshair gets his orders to hunt down Omega, and in trying to track the batch he ends up finding a lead on just Echo? Or maybe it follows Rex and Echo looking into the zillo beast and in trying to find out more they run into Crosshair? And maybe they find out abt Cody??? And anD AND OOO maybe Echo has a moment where he finally decides, fuck it, I can’t leave my brother with the empire any longer and he like tries to reason with Cross? Idk but either way I am REALLY hoping they cross paths somehow plEASE ITS BEEN SO LONG SINCE IVE SEEN EITHER OF THEMMM 😭😭😭
like it is in fact womens history month and also my birthday on thursday so mr filoni is actually legally obligated to not emotionally destroy me thank you very much :D
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