#brooklyn idiots
damnyoucully · 30 days
Friendly reminder that Steve and Bucky probably have absolutely wild Brooklyn accents. Maybe it’s mellowed out over the years but sometimes, woild, goil, woist, poifume. Cwafee. Wourder. Fugeddaboutit.
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denebolablack · 8 months
Tony: *To Bucky* You cannot shoot every single person I've dated that you don't like!
Bucky: *Raises an eyebrow*
Tony: Okay, you technically can, but you shouldn't. Come on, Steve! Help me out here!
Steve: *Amused* Idk babe, you always tell him to use his free will, and that's exactly what he is doing.
Tony: *Frustrated* I'm so done with both of you, absolutely done.
Bucky: Don't say that doll *Pushes the genius into his lap* I'll behave if you spend some quality time with us, ¿hm?
Tony: *Squints* I feel like I'm being blackmailed but I'll allow it just because you're hot.
Steve: *Hugs the pair of brunettes* Oh so you are with us just because we're hot?
Tony: Right now? Yes. Now shut up and kiss me cuz I'm still mad at you.
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leonsgotit · 9 months
you can’t convince me this has never happened because EYE know that crowley is chaotic enough to do this
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[image ID: brooklyn 99 cold open—jake (crowley image overlaying him) saying “i know these guys. i know everything about them. and if i run and leap at aziraphale, he will most certainly catch me in his arms.” he turns and runs at terry (aziraphale) and he yells “coming in!” whilst terry (aziraphale) tells “NO! I’M HOLDING TEA!” aziraphale drops the mug, shattering on the ground as he catches crowley. end image ID]
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summerfrwrks · 1 year
guess who dipped back real quick in lore olympus:
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amarriageoftrueminds · 2 months
thinking about how before catfa was released there was some scepticism about if Captain America would work for modern audiences.
a lot of people not really familiar with the comics thought his character was too old-fashioned and outdated and would not be relatable in the 21st century.
fast forward and after making several movies showing Steve does in fact belong in modern times they end his arc by sending him back to the 40s, proving those ppl right who thought he was too outdated for our times.
what was even the point of all his movies?? i know the answer it to make money.
but even from a business point of view it's mind boggling that Disney was so careless and put so little thought into how they ended the story of one of their most popular characters of the first 3 phases that now a good chunk of the audience believes Steve is some racist and sexist guy.
i'm sure they'll bring him back one day, either for some avengers multiverse nostalgia fest or when they reboot the MCU, and it won't have the same effect because Steve just isn't as beloved as he used to be. not that i care about the success of this soulless megacorp but i'm still baffled after all these years about how stupid his ending was.
The entire point of Steve is that he was a main out of time in his own time. He was ahead of his time. Which is why he does work, (and why he is needed!) in the future. Whenever that future may be.
I'll tell you what it is... the people in charge of Steve in the MCU are exactly as ignorant of the character as people who don't know anything about who Steve is in the comics. (I.E. the 'well he's wearing the stars and stripes so I assume he's some kind of jingoistic pro-imperialism figure and therefore I don't like him on sight' crowd, closely related to the 'well he's polite and neatly-dressed and not a dick for attention, so he must be a boring goody-two shoes boy scout type' crowd.) Wrong on every count!
Markus & McFeely think the way to 'do' Steve is to make sure we know he's straight, while love of Bucky, relationship with his other men, and his passion for fighting fascism, are all reduced to the status of footnotes in a story whose only question is 🙄 '...yeah yeah, fighting Nazis is fine or w/e but when is he gunna get a girlfriend??'
So they don't see anything amiss in an ending where Steve goes (back in time) to get a girlfriend. Because they think that was the only relatable or important thing about him. Making sure the handsome hero is just like them!
And why they also don't see anything amiss in him being a walk-on part in a Mary Sue/Captain Brexit story. Because it's just more of the 'Steve's only important trait is heterosexuality' narrative. 🤷‍♀️
(As far as they're concerned, stucky was an embarrassing and completely unintended side effect, something they want stifled by any means necessary, and when it comes to Steve being as full blown antifa as he is in the comics- oh, well, we musn't alienate the Republican shareholders/CEOs/customers. Walt Disney himself would be completely on board.)
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sonch · 1 year
i'm not sure if this is gonna reach its target audience but still: zach kornfeld is a real life jake peralta
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cupiidzbow · 4 months
my headphones are at my dads house so I can’t enjoy a two headphone experience but I’m listening to funky voice clips ( yknow like a normal person ) and there’s a bunch of them that’s sooo silly he does like a lil humming thing from mkwii that I’ve never heard and there’s a “BABY!” clip i can’t take his ass seriously I love him so bad
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hyperfocusthusly · 9 months
Aziraphale: Maggie, can I talk to you for a second?
Maggie: sure, let me guess, you and Crowley are having problems again and you want me to teach you how to kiss?
Aziraphale: what? No, stop that I know how to kiss I’ve read books
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orangesand-lemons-234 · 2 months
In my brain, all of the Brooklyn Newsies I've ever seen are canon to my brain, and now I just have, like, a whole universe mapped out in my brain.
Spot is the head, while Mack and Hotshot are her second and third in command. The three run the Borough with an iron fist. Well, the iron fist is probably hollow as they let their newsies away with just about everything.
Pips and Graves are extremely close, always being selling partners and usually selling by the Brooklyn Bridge. They always sell the most papers, mostly because they win over the adults with puppy dog eyes.
Splint, Joey, and Bart can't stand each other. Nobody knows why, but they won't even speak with one another. Ritz thinks it's incredibly funny to put them in situations together and watching as they try to do it without even looking at each other.
Speaking of Ritz, her and Snaps are siblings, Snaps being older by 2 years. Despite the short age gap, Snaps does tend to baby her sometimes, but she has put him in his place on numerous occasions.
Scope, Rafaela, and HoHo escaped the refuge together when they were each 14, 9, and 11. Lucky found them trying to steal apples from a stand and brought them straight to Spot, who made them Newsies the very next day.
Specs used to be a Brooklyn Newsie with his sister, Stray, but was far too scared of Spot to stay any longer and joined Manhattan instead. Stray still picks on him for this.
Hildy and Myron both help out at Medda's theatre when they aren't selling papers for some extra money. Hildy sells the food outside the stage, and Myron works as an usher. The Bowery Beauties have a soft spot for them and allow them to hang out backstage with them from time to time.
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makeyouminemp3 · 5 months
kendrix: you could've died, leo. 
leo: the doctor said all my bleeding was internal. that's where the blood's supposed to be.
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svampira · 5 months
elias in 🏨 oppure brooklyn in 💀
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they're going to the 🦇club
ask game
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denebolablack · 7 months
*Bucky and Steve relaxing in Tony's lab couch while they wait for him to come home*
Steve: Tony inherited his looks from Howard.
Bucky: Yup.
Steve: What do you think he inherited from his mom?
Bucky: *Shrugs and takes a long sip of soda*
Tony: *Out of nowhere* My mental disorders.
Steve: *Screams*
Bucky: *Spits out his drink*
Tony: *Chuckles* Oh, and also my love for playing the piano and cooking italian food.
Bucky: Doll, I love you, but next time you give me a heart attack like that I can't promise I won't shoot you.
Tony: *Smiles smugly* I really wanna see you try.
Steve: *Moaning* Boys, stop.
Tony: Sorry oh captain my captain *Kisses his Brooklyn's boys noses and walks away* If you both hurry, maybe you can join me on the shower.
Bucky: Move that America's ass punk! Our love has spoken.
Steve: Don't get all bossy, Bucks. That's Tony's work.
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spn-lesbian · 2 years
Dean: Cas
Cas: Dean
Sam: Sam
Dean: you just said your own name
Sam: it was the only one left
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robyn-118 · 8 months
Just thinking about Eddie laying in the hospital bed having just woken up and Steve is telling him about all the injuries he recieved and things the doctors had to do to fix him after Steve dragged him out of the upside down.
"The internal bleeding was what really scared... "
"Wait... internal blee- but isn't that where my blood is supposed to be?"
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menace-behaviour · 2 years
*Eddie has to testify for an arson case*
Athena: Eddie, you're testifying for that arson case again tomorrow, and the D.A. is worried about how you'll present yourself on the stand. It's a pivotal point in the trial.
Eddie: Why? I'm fine on the stand!
*Flashback to Testimony #1*
Eddie: Look, I'll make this real simple so even these dumdums can understand.
Eddie: *To the jury* MAN LIT HOUSE ON FIRE.
*Flashback to Testimony #2*
Eddie: I'm sorry, could you make him stop doing that weird thing with his face?
Defense Attorney: *Standing next to the crying defendant* ...Crying?
*Flashback to Testimony #3*
Eddie: And when this is over, I'm gonna find you and I'm gonna break those little fingers.
Judge: Could the witness please stop threatening the court stenographer?
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